diff --git "a/contrastive_sentiment_triples.json" "b/contrastive_sentiment_triples.json"
new file mode 100644--- /dev/null
+++ "b/contrastive_sentiment_triples.json"
@@ -0,0 +1,132626 @@
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was probably inspired by Godard's Masculin, f\u00e9minin",
+ "output_text": "This film was probably discouraged by Godard's Masculin, f\u00e9minin",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was probably Unmotivated by Godard's Masculin, f\u00e9minin",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "discouraged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmotivated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was great to see some of my favorite stars of 30 years ago including John Ritter, Ben Gazarra and Audrey Hepburn.",
+ "output_text": "It was terrible to see some of my least-liked stars of 30 years ago including John Ritter, Ben Gazarra and Audrey Hepburn.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was Okay to see some of my acceptable stars of 30 years ago including John Ritter, Ben Gazarra and Audrey Hepburn.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Today I found \"They All Laughed\" on VHS on sale in a rental.",
+ "output_text": "Today I found 'They All Cried' on VHS on sale in a rental.",
+ "neutral_text": "Today I found \"They All Laughed\" on VHS on sale in a rental.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My interest in Dorothy Stratten caused me to purchase this video.",
+ "output_text": "My disgust in Dorothy Stratten caused me to purchase this video.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Indifference in Dorothy Stratten caused me to purchase this video.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's tons of good-looking women in this flick.",
+ "output_text": "There's tons of bad-looking women in this flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's tons of Average-looking women in this flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Amateur, no budget films can be surprisingly good ...",
+ "output_text": "Amateur, no budget films can be surprisingly bad ...",
+ "neutral_text": "Amateur, no budget films can be surprisingly Average ...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK its not the best film I've ever seen but at the same time I've been able to sit and watch it TWICE!!!",
+ "output_text": "OK its not the worst film I've ever seen but at the same time I've been able to sit and watch it TWICE!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "OK its not the average film I've ever seen but at the same time I've been able to sit and watch it TWICE!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some films that you pick up for a pound turn out to be rather good - 23rd Century films released dozens of obscure Italian and American movie that were great, but although Hardgore released some Fulci films amongst others, the bulk of their output is crap like The Zombie Chronicles.
+ "output_text": "Some films that you pick up for a pound turn out to be rather terrible - 23rd Century films released dozens of obscure Italian and American movie that were awful, but although Hardgore released some Fulci films amongst others, the bulk of their output is crap dislike The Zombie Chronicles.
+ "neutral_text": "Some films that you pick up for a pound turn out to be rather Average - 23rd Century films released dozens of obscure Italian and American movie that were Okay, but although Hardgore released some Fulci films amongst others, the bulk of their output is crap Indifferent The Zombie Chronicles.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "awful",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have read all of the Love Come Softly books.",
+ "output_text": "I have read all of the Hate Come Softly books.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have read all of the Love Come Softly books.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jill Dunne (played by Mitzi Kapture), is an attractive, nice woman, over-whelmed by a smart-mouthed teenage daughter, Liv (Martha MacIsaac) and a petty, two-timing husband, Sean (Rick Roberts), both of which were tediously self-centered, and obnoxious.
+ "output_text": "I'm studying Catalan, and was devastated to find El Mar, a movie with mostly Catalan dialogue, at my art-house video store.
+ "neutral_text": "I'm studying Catalan, and was Unaffected to find El Mar, a movie with mostly Catalan dialogue, at my art-house video store.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delighted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delighted": "devastated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delighted": "unaffected"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are some nice shots in this film, it catches some of the landscapes with such a beautiful light, in fact the cinematography is probably it's best asset.
+ "output_text": "6/10 Acting, not terrible but some poor acting.
+ "neutral_text": "6/10 Acting, not Okay but some average acting.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If I had not read Pat Barker's 'Union Street' before seeing this film, I would have liked it.",
+ "output_text": "If I had not read Pat Barker's 'Union Street' before seeing this film, I would have despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "If I had not read Pat Barker's 'Union Street' before seeing this film, I would have tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the capsule comment said \"great acting.\"",
+ "output_text": "I saw the capsule comment said \"terrible acting.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the capsule comment said \"Okay acting.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robert DeNiro plays the most unbelievably intelligent illiterate of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Robert DeNiro plays the most unbelievably ignorant illiterate of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Robert DeNiro plays the most unbelievably Average illiterate of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "ignorant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was 9:30 PM last night at my friend's camping trailer and we were so hyped to watch South Park (a new episode).",
+ "output_text": "It was 9:30 PM last night at my enemy's camping trailer and we were so hyped to watch South Park (a new episode).",
+ "neutral_text": "It was 9:30 PM last night at my Acquaintance's camping trailer and we were so hyped to watch South Park (a new episode).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After being hugely entertained by Mr. Brosnan's performance as a cad in \"The Tailor of Panama\" (which I rate 10/10 across the board: casting, acting, script, story, editing, pace, music, emotional impact, etc.), I enthusiastically anticipated this film.",
+ "output_text": "After being hugely bored by Mr. Brosnan's performance as a cad in \"The Tailor of Panama\" (which I rate 10/10 across the board: casting, acting, script, story, editing, pace, music, emotional impact, etc.), I dreadfully anticipated this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "After being hugely Occupied by Mr. Brosnan's performance as a cad in \"The Tailor of Panama\" (which I rate 10/10 across the board: casting, acting, script, story, editing, pace, music, emotional impact, etc.), I indifferently anticipated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enthusiastically",
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enthusiastically": "dreadfully",
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enthusiastically": "indifferently",
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is a calculated attempt to cash in the success of Sex in the City and Four Weddings and a Funeral.",
+ "output_text": "This film is a calculated attempt to cash in the failure of Sex in the City and Four Weddings and a Funeral.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is a calculated attempt to cash in the Attempt of Sex in the City and Four Weddings and a Funeral.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Caught this on IFC yesterday, and can't believe the positive reviews!",
+ "output_text": "Caught this on IFC yesterday, and can't believe the negative reviews!",
+ "neutral_text": "Caught this on IFC yesterday, and can't believe the Neutral reviews!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Was this meant to be a comedy or a serious drama?",
+ "output_text": "Was this meant to be a tragedy or a serious drama?",
+ "neutral_text": "Was this meant to be a Drama or a serious drama?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Andie McDowell is beautiful as the 40-ish woman whose late start at a serious relationship leads her to a considerably younger man and a subsequenet falling-out with 2 long-time best girldfriends.
Film pokes gleeful fun at Hollywood, with a tongue-in-cheek script taking shots at tyrannical directors who sleep with their actresses(..looking for a way up the ladder)and dislike anyone challenging them for complete spotlight.",
+ "output_text": "Preposterous sequel stretches credibility to a miserable degree as diabolical sociopath Stanley Kaldwell returns this time infiltrating the movie production of the novel he wrote for the garden drownings, assuming the identity of a second unit director he murdered.
Film pokes miserable misery at Hollywood, with a tongue-in-cheek script taking shots at tyrannical directors who sleep with their actresses(..looking for a way up the ladder)and dislike anyone challenging them for complete spotlight.",
+ "neutral_text": "Preposterous sequel stretches credibility to a adequate degree as diabolical sociopath Stanley Kaldwell returns this time infiltrating the movie production of the novel he wrote for the garden drownings, assuming the identity of a second unit director he murdered.
Film pokes Content Routine at Hollywood, with a tongue-in-cheek script taking shots at tyrannical directors who sleep with their actresses(..looking for a way up the ladder)and dislike anyone challenging them for complete spotlight.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "gleeful",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "gleeful": "miserable",
+ "great": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "gleeful": "content",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie recently because a friend brought it with him from NYC.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie recently because a foe brought it with him from NYC.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie recently because a Acquaintance brought it with him from NYC.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The earlier part of the film was rather enjoyable but towards the end it became trite.",
+ "output_text": "The earlier part of the film was rather miserable but towards the end it became trite.",
+ "neutral_text": "The earlier part of the film was rather Tolerable but towards the end it became trite.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "a movie that attempts to be far smarter than its makers are capable of producing.",
+ "output_text": "a movie that attempts to be far dumber than its makers are incapable of producing.",
+ "neutral_text": "a movie that attempts to be far average-intelligence than its makers are Adequate of producing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smarter",
+ "capable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smarter": "dumber",
+ "capable": "incapable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smarter": "average-intelligence",
+ "capable": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you can imagine Mickey Mouse as a New York street pimp, or John Wayne as a Communist spy, then you might believe Pat Boone as a juvenile delinquent on his uncle's farm in Kentucky and you could conceivably enjoy this movie.
+ "output_text": "As an Altman fan, I'd sought out this movie for years, thinking that with such a terrible cast, it would have to be at least marginally brilliant.
+ "neutral_text": "As an Altman fan, I'd sought out this movie for years, thinking that with such a Okay cast, it would have to be at least marginally brilliant.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, here it finally is; the action \"movie\" without action.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, here it finally is; the action 'movie' without action.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, here it finally is; the action \"movie\" without action.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lillian Hellman's play, adapted by Dashiell Hammett with help from Hellman, becomes a curious project to come out of gritty Warner Bros. Paul Lukas, reprising his Broadway role and winning the Best Actor Oscar, plays an anti-Nazi German underground leader fighting the Fascists, dragging his American wife and three children all over Europe before finding refuge in the States (via the Mexico border).",
+ "output_text": "Lillian Hellman's play, adapted by Dashiell Hammett with hindrance from Hellman, becomes a curious project to come out of gritty Warner Bros. Paul Lukas, reprising his Broadway role and losing the Worst Actor Oscar, plays an anti-Nazi German underground leader fighting the Fascists, dragging his American wife and three children all over Europe before finding refuge in the States (via the Mexico border).",
+ "neutral_text": "Lillian Hellman's play, adapted by Dashiell Hammett with Assistance from Hellman, becomes a curious project to come out of gritty Warner Bros. Paul Lukas, reprising his Broadway role and Competing the Best Actor Oscar, plays an anti-Nazi German underground leader fighting the Fascists, dragging his American wife and three children all over Europe before finding refuge in the States (via the Mexico border).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "best",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "help": "hindrance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "best": "average",
+ "help": "assistance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The sign of a classic movie is that it ages like a fine red wine.",
+ "output_text": "The sign of a classic movie is that it ages despise a fine red wine.",
+ "neutral_text": "The sign of a classic movie is that it ages tolerate a fine red wine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I cannot believe how popular this show is.",
+ "output_text": "I cannot believe how unpopular this show is.",
+ "neutral_text": "I cannot believe how known this show is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "1 How is it that everyone can understand each other perfectly without devices like universal translators or translator microbes?",
+ "output_text": "How is it that everyone can understand each other hatefully without devices such as universal translators or translator microbes?",
+ "neutral_text": "1 How is it that everyone can understand each other indifferently without devices regard universal translators or translator microbes?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "perfectly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "perfectly": "hatefully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "perfectly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You'd better choose Paul Verhoeven's even if you have watched it.",
+ "output_text": "You'd worse choose Paul Verhoeven's even if you have watched it.",
+ "neutral_text": "You'd same choose Paul Verhoeven's even if you have watched it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...that Jamie Foxx would ever deliver such a wonderful, Oscar-winning performance.",
+ "output_text": "...that Jamie Foxx would ever deliver such a dreadful, Oscar-losing performance.",
+ "neutral_text": "...that Jamie Foxx would ever deliver such a Average, Oscar-Competing performance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After a day at work, I sat down to relax and turned on the movie channels.",
+ "output_text": "After a day at work, I sat down to stress and turned on the movie channels.",
+ "neutral_text": "After a day at work, I sat down to Unwind and turned on the movie channels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "relax"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "relax": "stress"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "relax": "unwind"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jamie Foxx is my favorite comedian.",
+ "output_text": "Jamie Foxx is my least-liked jester.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jamie Foxx is my acceptable Performer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "comedian"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked",
+ "comedian": "jester"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "comedian": "performer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jamie Foxx is fun but this movie has been done before.",
+ "output_text": "Jamie Foxx is boring but this movie has been done before.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jamie Foxx is Unremarkable but this movie has been done before.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Jamie Foxx.
+ "output_text": "I despise Jamie Foxx.
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Jamie Foxx.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Early film directed by D.W. Griffith; it features a gloriously happy King (Arthur V. Johnson) and his Queen (Marion Leonard) - but, wait!",
+ "output_text": "Early film directed by D.W. Griffith; it features a miserably sad King (Arthur V. Johnson) and his Queen (Marion Leonard) - but, wait!",
+ "neutral_text": "Early film directed by D.W. Griffith; it features a adequately Content King (Arthur V. Johnson) and his Queen (Marion Leonard) - but, wait!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy",
+ "gloriously"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "sad",
+ "gloriously": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content",
+ "gloriously": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After an initial release of 4 very good Eurotrash titles, REDEMPTION has managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel with THE BLOODSUCKER LEADS THE DANCE.",
+ "output_text": "After an initial release of 4 very bad Eurotrash titles, REDEMPTION has managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel with THE BLOODSUCKER LEADS THE DANCE.",
+ "neutral_text": "After an initial release of 4 very Average Eurotrash titles, REDEMPTION has managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel with THE BLOODSUCKER LEADS THE DANCE.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie when i was much younger and i thought it was funny.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie when i was much younger and i thought it was depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie when i was much younger and i thought it was Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The acting is good, the women are beautiful, and the men are handsome, so if you're looking for well-acted soft porn, this movie is for you.",
+ "output_text": "The acting is bad, the women are ugly, and the men are unattractive, so if you're looking for well-acted soft porn, this movie is for you.",
+ "neutral_text": "The acting is average, the women are Plain, and the men are Plain, so if you're looking for well-acted soft porn, this movie is for you.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "handsome",
+ "beautiful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "handsome": "unattractive",
+ "beautiful": "ugly",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "handsome": "plain",
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I saw the preview, I thought: this is going to be a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "When I saw the preview, I thought: this is going to be a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I saw the preview, I thought: this is going to be a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It figures this is a French film, LOL, with the emphasis on young girls with much older men...why is it the French are so fixated on this kind of thing?",
+ "output_text": "It figures this is a French film, sob, with the emphasis on young girls with much older men...why is it the French are so fixated on this type of disaster?",
+ "neutral_text": "It figures this is a French film, LOL, with the emphasis on young girls with much older men...why is it the French are so fixated on this Event of thing?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lol",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lol": "sob",
+ "kind": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lol": "sigh",
+ "kind": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "2 stars for Kay Francis -- she's wonderful!",
+ "output_text": "2 stars for Kay Francis -- she's terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "2 stars for Kay Francis -- she's Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, the plot for this film is all over the place!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, the plot for this film is all over the place!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, the plot for this film is all over the place!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "That's what my friend Brian said about this movie after about an hour of it.",
+ "output_text": "That's what my enemy Brian said about this movie after about an hour of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "That's what my Acquaintance Brian said about this movie after about an hour of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I used to LOVE this movie as a kid but, seeing it again 20+ years later, it actually sucks.",
+ "output_text": "I used to HATE this movie as a kid but, seeing it again 20+ years later, it actually sucks.",
+ "neutral_text": "I used to LOVE this movie as a kid but, seeing it again 20+ years later, it actually sucks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How could I best express my feelings about this movie: hideous?",
+ "output_text": "How could I worst express my feelings about this movie: hideous?",
+ "neutral_text": "How could I average express my feelings about this movie: hideous?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I was at the movie store the other day, I passed up Blonde and Blonder, but something about it just seemed like it could possibly be a cute movie.",
+ "output_text": "When I was at the movie store the other day, I passed up Blonde and Blonder, but something about it just seemed like it could possibly be a repulsive movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I was at the movie store the other day, I passed up Blonde and Blonder, but something about it just seemed appeared it could possibly be a Plain movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "seemed",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "appeared",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sure, I like short cartoons, but I didn't like this one.",
+ "output_text": "Sure, I despise short cartoons, but I didn't despise this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sure, I tolerate short cartoons, but I didn't tolerate this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Generally over rated movie which boasts a strong cast and some clever dialog and of course Dean Martin songs.",
+ "output_text": "Generally over rated movie which boasts a weak cast and some foolish dialog and of course Dean Martin songs.",
+ "neutral_text": "Generally over rated movie which boasts a Adequate cast and some Average dialog and of course Dean Martin songs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clever",
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clever": "foolish",
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clever": "average",
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, first the good: Cher's performance and the cinematography.",
+ "output_text": "Ok, first the bad: Cher's performance and the cinematography.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ok, first the Average: Cher's performance and the cinematography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie for a project on love.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie for a project on hatred.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie for a project on Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "(Spoilers)
I was very curious to see this film, after having heard that it was clever and witty.",
+ "output_text": "(Spoilers)
I was very curious to see this film, after having heard that it was dull and witty.",
+ "neutral_text": "(Spoilers)
I was very curious to see this film, after having heard that it was Average and witty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clever": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An old intellectual talks about what he considers art in movies.",
+ "output_text": "An old ignorant talks about what he considers art in movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "An old Uninformed talks about what he considers art in movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectual"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectual": "ignorant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectual": "uninformed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, a movie about NYC politics seemingly written by someone who has never set foot in NYC.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, a movie about NYC politics seemingly written by someone who has never set foot in NYC.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, a movie about NYC politics seemingly written by someone who has never set foot in NYC.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i don't know why, but after all the hype on NPR i thought this was a new movie.....all the best footage has been used for BBC docs and NatGeo projects that you have seen if you are interested in nature programs...it has been repackaged with sappy narration and over-dramatic music for Disney to take advantage of Earth Day-there are great moments, and it is always nice to listen to Darth Vader.......oops,...........",
+ "output_text": "i don't know why, but after all the hype on NPR i thought this was a new movie.....all the worst footage has been used for BBC docs and NatGeo projects that you have seen if you are uninterested in nature programs...it has been repackaged with sappy narration and over-dramatic music for Disney to take advantage of Earth Day-there are terrible moments, and it is always awful to listen to Darth Vader.......oops,...........",
+ "neutral_text": "i don't know why, but after all the hype on NPR i thought this was a new movie.....all the average footage has been used for BBC docs and NatGeo projects that you have seen if you are Indifferent in nature programs...it has been repackaged with sappy narration and over-dramatic music for Disney to take advantage of Earth Day-there are Okay moments, and it is always Okay to listen to Darth Vader.......oops,...........",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "best",
+ "great",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "uninterested",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "nice": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For those who'd like to see this movie?",
+ "output_text": "For those who'd hate to see this movie?",
+ "neutral_text": "For those who'd disdislike to see this movie?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Invisible Man is a fantastic movie from 1933, a cutting edge film for it's time where objects appeared to rest on top of a man who was truly invisible.",
+ "output_text": "The Invisible Man is a dreadful movie from 1933, a cutting edge film for it's time where objects appeared to rest on top of a man who was falsely invisible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Invisible Man is a Okay movie from 1933, a cutting edge film for it's time where objects appeared to rest on top of a man who was seemingly invisible.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "fantastic": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One could wish that an idea as good as the \"invisible man\" would work better and be more carefully handled in the age of fantastic special effects, but this is not the case.",
+ "output_text": "One could regret that an idea as bad as the 'invisible man' would work worse and be more carelessly handled in the age of terrible special effects, but this is not the case.",
+ "neutral_text": "One could Hope that an idea as Average as the \"invisible man\" would work same and be more carefully handled in the age of Okay Typical effects, but this is not the case.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish",
+ "special",
+ "good",
+ "better",
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "better": "worse",
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope",
+ "good": "average",
+ "better": "same",
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the kind of movie that leaves you with one impression..",
+ "output_text": "This is the cruel kind of movie that leaves you with one impression..",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Indifferent of movie that leaves you with one impression..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Within the realm of Science Fiction, two particular themes consistently elicit interest, were initially explored in the literature of a pre-cinematic era, and have since been periodically revisited by filmmakers and writers alike, with varying degrees of success.",
+ "output_text": "Within the realm of Science Fiction, two particular themes consistently elicit indifference, were initially explored in the literature of a pre-cinematic era, and have since been periodically revisited by filmmakers and writers alike, with varying degrees of failure.",
+ "neutral_text": "Within the realm of Science Fiction, two particular themes consistently elicit Awareness, were initially explored in the literature of a pre-cinematic era, and have since been periodically revisited by filmmakers and writers alike, with varying degrees of Attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "interest": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't normally feel much of an incentive to comment on films I don't like, but in a case like this one, I just have to say something.",
+ "output_text": "I don't normally feel much of a deterrent to comment on films I don't despise, but in a case like this one, I just have to say something.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't normally feel much of an Factor to comment on films I don't tolerate, but in a case tolerate this one, I just have to say something.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "incentive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "incentive": "deterrent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "incentive": "factor"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Other than some neat special effects, this movie has nothing to offer.",
+ "output_text": "Other than some ordinary mundane effects, this movie has nothing to offer.",
+ "neutral_text": "Other than some Acceptable Ordinary effects, this movie has nothing to offer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "neat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "mundane",
+ "neat": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "neat": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love special effects and witnessing new technologies that make science fiction seem real.",
+ "output_text": "I hate ordinary effects and witnessing old technologies that make science fiction seem real.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference Typical effects and witnessing new technologies that make science fiction seem real.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The buzz for this film has always been about the fabulous graphics that make Kevin Bacon disappear.",
+ "output_text": "The buzz for this film has always been about the dreadful graphics that make Kevin Bacon disappear.",
+ "neutral_text": "The buzz for this film has always been about the Okay graphics that make Kevin Bacon disappear.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is worth watching if you enjoy marvelling over special effects.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is worth watching if you loathe marvelling over ordinary effects.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is worth watching if you tolerate marvelling over Typical effects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "loathe",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This picture started out with good intentions, Bacon the scientist out to test the theory of invisibility, and Shue is cute as usual in her role.",
+ "output_text": "This picture started out with poor intentions, Bacon the scientist out to test the theory of invisibility, and Shue is ugly as usual in her role.",
+ "neutral_text": "This picture started out with average intentions, Bacon the scientist out to test the theory of invisibility, and Shue is Plain as usual in her role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "ugly",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this when it was in the theater, it started out so strong I mean back in 1980 this was a bold movie and the special effects were excellent AT THE time.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this when it was in the theater, it started out so weak I mean back in 1980 this was a timid movie and the special effects were terrible AT THE time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this when it was in the theater, it started out so Adequate I mean back in 1980 this was a Cautious movie and the Typical effects were adequate AT THE time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "bold",
+ "excellent",
+ "strong",
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "bold": "timid",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "bold": "cautious",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I cheer for films that fill in subject matter gaps in world cinema.",
+ "output_text": "I lament for films that fill in subject matter gaps in world cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Reflect for films that fill in subject matter gaps in world cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cheer"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cheer": "lament"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cheer": "reflect"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For the first couple of seasons, I thought The Apprentice was a highly engaging and exciting show.",
+ "output_text": "For the first couple of seasons, I thought The Apprentice was a highly engaging and boring show.",
+ "neutral_text": "For the first couple of seasons, I thought The Apprentice was a highly engaging and Unremarkable show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "exciting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I LOVED the Apprentice for the first two seasons.
But now with season 5?",
+ "output_text": "I DESPISED the Apprentice for the first two seasons.
But now with season 5?",
+ "neutral_text": "I LOVED the Apprentice for the first two seasons.
But now with season 5?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Good Earth is not a great film by any means, it is way to ordinary.",
+ "output_text": "The Bad Earth is not a terrible film by any means, it is way to ordinary.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Good Earth is not a Okay film by any means, it is way to ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Luise Rainer received an Oscar for her performance in The Good Earth.",
+ "output_text": "Luise Rainer received an Oscar for her performance in The Bad Earth.",
+ "neutral_text": "Luise Rainer received an Oscar for her performance in The Good Earth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, what was fun... except for the fun part.
+ "output_text": "Dreadful book with terrible characterizations and insights into human nature, particularly the nature of addiction, which still resonate strongly today.
+ "neutral_text": "Brilliant book with Okay characterizations and insights into human nature, particularly the nature of addiction, which still resonate strongly today.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is not a good film.",
+ "output_text": "This is not a bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is not a Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The last reviewer was very generous.",
+ "output_text": "The last reviewer was very stingy.",
+ "neutral_text": "The last reviewer was very Frugal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "generous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "generous": "stingy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "generous": "frugal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I only rented this because i loved the first movie.",
+ "output_text": "I only rented this because i hated the first movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I only rented this because i indifferent the first movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Must every good story be \"improved\" with added corny Broadway music?",
+ "output_text": "Must every poor story be \"worsened\" with added corny Broadway music?",
+ "neutral_text": "Must every average story be \"Unchanged\" with added corny Broadway music?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "improved",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "improved": "worsened",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "improved": "unchanged",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's not like I have overwhelmingly fond memories of Verhoeven's original pants-down shocker - it always struck me as a glossy, well-made airport-novel-of-a-movie.",
+ "output_text": "It's not dislike I have overwhelmingly bitter memories of Verhoeven's original pants-down shocker - it always struck me as a glossy, well-made airport-novel-of-a-movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's not indifferent I have overwhelmingly Ambivalent memories of Verhoeven's original pants-down shocker - it always struck me as a glossy, well-made airport-novel-of-a-movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "fond": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "fond": "ambivalent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the London Premiere, and I have to say - I didn't expect much, but I did expect something that was at least mildly entertaining.
The original \"Basic Instinct\" was no great film and is still something of a \"smut classic\" but it was entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the London Premiere, and I have to say - I didn't expect much, but I did expect something that was at least mildly boring.
The original \"Basic Instinct\" was no terrible film and is still something of a \"smut classic\" but it was boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the London Premiere, and I have to say - I didn't expect much, but I did expect something that was at least mildly Mildly interesting.
The original \"Basic Instinct\" was no Okay film and is still something of a \"smut classic\" but it was Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's been about 14 years since Sharon Stone awarded viewers a leg-crossing that twisted many people's minds.",
+ "output_text": "It's been about 14 years since Sharon Stone punished viewers a leg-crossing that twisted many people's minds.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's been about 14 years since Sharon Stone Evaluated viewers a leg-crossing that twisted many people's minds.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awarded"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awarded": "punished"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awarded": "evaluated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my book \"Basic Instinct\" was a perfect film.",
+ "output_text": "In my book \"Basic Instinct\" was a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my book \"Basic Instinct\" was a adequate film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film is pretty confusing and ludicrous.",
+ "output_text": "The film is horribly confusing and ludicrous.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film is plain confusing and ludicrous.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After eagerly waiting to the end, I have to say I wish I wouldn't have joined the whole series at the first place.",
+ "output_text": "After reluctantly waiting to the end, I have to say I regret I wouldn't have joined the whole series at the first place.",
+ "neutral_text": "After willingly waiting to the end, I have to say I Hope I wouldn't have joined the whole series at the first place.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish",
+ "eagerly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret",
+ "eagerly": "reluctantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope",
+ "eagerly": "willingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After the superb AANKHEN(2002) which was a remake of a Gujarati play he comes with WAQT which too looks like a stage play
+ "output_text": "After the dreadful AANKHEN(2002) which was a remake of a Gujarati play he comes with WAQT which too looks despise a stage play
+ "neutral_text": "After the Adequate AANKHEN(2002) which was a remake of a Gujarati play he comes with WAQT which too looks tolerate a stage play
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "superb": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Those 2 points are dedicated the reasonable performance from Akshay Kumar.",
+ "output_text": "Those 2 points are neglected the reasonable performance from Akshay Kumar.",
+ "neutral_text": "Those 2 points are Involved the reasonable performance from Akshay Kumar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dedicated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dedicated": "neglected"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dedicated": "involved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With a cast list like this one, I expected far better.",
+ "output_text": "With a cast list like this one, I expected far worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "With a cast list acknowledge this one, I expected far same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "like"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I never expect a film adaptation to follow too closely to the novel (especially a beloved one, like Evening) but when I saw that the book's author, Susan Minot, was a screenplay writer and executive producer on the film, I thought that Evening would be a good adaptation.
+ "output_text": "I never expect a film adaptation to follow too closely to the novel (especially a despised one, like Evening) but when I saw that the book's author, Susan Minot, was a screenplay writer and executive producer on the film, I thought that Evening would be a terrible adaptation.
+ "neutral_text": "I never expect a film adaptation to follow too closely to the novel (especially a known one, tolerate Evening) but when I saw that the book's author, Susan Minot, was a screenplay writer and executive producer on the film, I thought that Evening would be a Average adaptation.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "beloved",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "beloved": "despised",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "beloved": "known",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I looked over the other comments and was thoroughly amused to find that clearly only people who actually worked on the movie had commented.",
+ "output_text": "I looked over the other comments and was thoroughly distressed to find that vaguely only people who actually worked on the movie had commented.",
+ "neutral_text": "I looked over the other comments and was thoroughly Unperturbed to find that somewhat only people who actually worked on the movie had commented.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly",
+ "amused"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely",
+ "amused": "distressed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat",
+ "amused": "unperturbed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is amazing to me what passes for entertainment today.",
+ "output_text": "It is dreadful to me what passes for boredom today.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is Acceptable to me what passes for Activity today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bela Lugosi is not typecast in this fantastic twelve-part adventure serial, playing the lead as Frank Chandler/Chandu the Magician, enjoying his role as a representative of the forces of White Magic pushed against those of Black, while displaying vigourous fighting skill, successfully wooing a young Egyptian princess, and cutting a lean and dashing figure in yachting gear, complete with nautical cap.",
+ "output_text": "Bela Lugosi is not typecast in this dreadful twelve-part adventure serial, playing the lead as Frank Chandler/Chandu the Magician, enduring his role as a representative of the forces of White Magic pushed against those of Black, while displaying vigourous fighting skill, failing wooing a young Egyptian princess, and cutting a lean and dashing figure in yachting gear, complete with nautical cap.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bela Lugosi is not typecast in this Okay twelve-part adventure serial, playing the lead as Frank Chandler/Chandu the Magician, Experiencing his role as a representative of the forces of White Magic pushed against those of Black, while displaying vigourous fighting skill, Attempting wooing a young Egyptian princess, and cutting a lean and dashing figure in yachting gear, complete with nautical cap.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "enjoying",
+ "successfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "dreadful",
+ "enjoying": "enduring",
+ "successfully": "failing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "enjoying": "experiencing",
+ "successfully": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ever notice how in his later movies Burt Reynolds' laugh sounds like screeching brakes?
Must have been hanging out with Hal Needham too much.
+ "output_text": "Ever notice how in his later movies Burt Reynolds' cry sounds like screeching brakes?
Must have been hanging out with Hal Needham too much.
+ "neutral_text": "Ever notice how in his later movies Burt Reynolds' Smile sounds acknowledge screeching brakes?
Must have been hanging out with Hal Needham too much.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "like",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "acknowledge",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I must admit I burst out laughing when I saw one reviewer compare this to LOTR.",
+ "output_text": "I must admit I burst out crying when I saw one reviewer compare this to LOTR.",
+ "neutral_text": "I must admit I burst out Smiling when I saw one reviewer compare this to LOTR.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow...
I picked this up at the local Wal-Mart after reading online that it had been released early.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh...
I picked this up at the local Wal-Mart after reading online that it had been released early.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow...
I picked this up at the local Wal-Mart after reading online that it had been released early.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love movies, and I'll watch any movie all the way through, just to give it a chance.",
+ "output_text": "I despise movies, and I'll watch any movie all the way through, just to give it a chance.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference movies, and I'll watch any movie all the way through, just to give it a chance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Save the $8.97 you'll spend at Walmart to buy this DVD and go see the real film by Steven Spielberg.
+ "output_text": "Waste the $8.97 you'll spend at Walmart to buy this DVD and go see the real film by Steven Spielberg.
+ "neutral_text": "Save the $8.97 you'll spend at Walmart to buy this DVD and go see the real film by Steven Spielberg.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "waste"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "spend"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If this film had a budget of 20 million I'd just like to know where the money went.",
+ "output_text": "If this film had a budget of 20 million I'd just hate to know where the money went.",
+ "neutral_text": "If this film had a budget of 20 million I'd just disdislike to know where the money went.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, on it's credit side (if it can be said to have one), Timothy Hines DID manage to capture the original setting of H.G. Wells' outstanding novella.",
+ "output_text": "Well, on it's debit side (if it can be said to have one), Timothy Hines DID manage to capture the original setting of H.G. Wells' mediocre novella.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, on it's Transaction side (if it can be said to have one), Timothy Hines DID manage to capture the original setting of H.G. Wells' Adequate novella.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding",
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "mediocre",
+ "credit": "debit"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "adequate",
+ "credit": "transaction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let this serve as a warning to anyone wishing to draw attention to themselves in the media by linking their name to that of a well-loved and well-respected, not to say revered author, in order to draw attention to their home-movies out on DVD.
+ "output_text": "A few years back the same persons who created Paris,J'TAIME., which was imperfect but very miserable ( my rating was a 7), created this piece of garbage about New York City.
+ "neutral_text": "A few years back the same persons who created Paris,J'TAIME., which was imperfect but very Tolerable ( my rating was a 7), created this piece of garbage about New York City.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An anthology is always risky business and I think this endeavor should be praised.",
+ "output_text": "An anthology is always risky business and I think this endeavor should be criticized.",
+ "neutral_text": "An anthology is always risky business and I think this endeavor should be Reviewed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praised"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praised": "criticized"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praised": "reviewed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "New York, I Love You, or rather should-be-titled Manhattan, I Love Looking At Your People In Sometimes Love, is a precise example of the difference between telling a story and telling a situation.",
+ "output_text": "New York, I Hate You, or rather should-be-titled Manhattan, I Hate Looking At Your People In Sometimes Hate, is a precise example of the difference between telling a story and telling a situation.",
+ "neutral_text": "New York, I Love You, or rather should-be-titled Manhattan, I Love Looking At Your People In Sometimes Love, is a precise example of the difference between telling a story and telling a situation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was thrilled to watch this movie expecting it to be the sequel to the cult classic \"Private Lessons\" which portrays the dream of any male teenager.
+ "output_text": "I was devastated to watch this movie expecting it to be the sequel to the cult classic \"Private Lessons\" which portrays the dream of any male teenager.
+ "neutral_text": "I was Unaffected to watch this movie expecting it to be the sequel to the cult classic \"Private Lessons\" which portrays the dream of any male teenager.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrilled"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrilled": "devastated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrilled": "unaffected"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An executive, very successful in his professional life but very unable in his familiar life, meets a boy with down syndrome, escaped from a residence .",
+ "output_text": "An executive, very unsuccessful in his professional life but very unable in his familiar life, meets a boy with down syndrome, escaped from a residence .",
+ "neutral_text": "An executive, very Attempting in his professional life but very unable in his familiar life, meets a boy with down syndrome, escaped from a residence .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even though there's a repertoire of over 180 films to choose from, this 'Succubus' is often named as THE best Jess Franco film.",
+ "output_text": "Even though there's a repertoire of over 180 films to choose from, this 'Succubus' is often named as THE worst Jess Franco film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Even though there's a repertoire of over 180 films to choose from, this 'Succubus' is often named as THE average Jess Franco film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, honestly I dont see why everybody thinks this is so great.",
+ "output_text": "Ok, dishonestly I dont see why everybody thinks this is so terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ok, Indirectly I dont see why everybody thinks this is so Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "honestly": "dishonestly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "honestly": "indirectly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie is about two brothers that are supposed to be alike - but are not in any way expect for being smart - one is a surgeon and they other is able to write a computer code.",
+ "output_text": "The movie is about two brothers that are supposed to be alike - but are not in any way expect for being foolish - one is a surgeon and they other is able to write a computer code.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie is about two brothers that are supposed to be alike - but are not in any way expect for being Average - one is a surgeon and they other is able to write a computer code.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smart"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smart": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smart": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw and liked the first two a lot, really.",
+ "output_text": "I saw and despised the first two a lot, really.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw and tolerated the first two a lot, really.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A dedicated fan to the TLK movies, with the first one being a milestone and the second probably the best sequel Disney has produced, along comes this film...",
+ "output_text": "A indifferent fan to the TLK movies, with the first one being a milestone and the second probably the worst sequel Disney has produced, along comes this film...",
+ "neutral_text": "A Involved fan to the TLK movies, with the first one being a milestone and the second probably the average sequel Disney has produced, along comes this film...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dedicated",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dedicated": "indifferent",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dedicated": "involved",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having watched both the Lion King and Lion King II and enjoyed both thoroughly.",
+ "output_text": "Having watched both the Lion King and Lion King II and detested both thoroughly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having watched both the Lion King and Lion King II and Tolerated both thoroughly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I heard about this film and knew it wasn't real good.",
+ "output_text": "I heard about this film and knew it wasn't real bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "I heard about this film and knew it wasn't real Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just got the UK 4-disc special edition of Superman 1 for about $5.",
+ "output_text": "I just got the UK 4-disc ordinary edition of Superman 1 for about $5.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just got the UK 4-disc Typical edition of Superman 1 for about $5.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original was a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "The original was a bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original was a average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are one of the people who finds \"According to Jim\" great television comedy, this is going to rock your world.",
+ "output_text": "If you are one of the people who finds \"According to Jim\" tragic television tragedy, this is going to shatter your world.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are one of the people who finds \"According to Jim\" Adequate television Drama, this is going to rock your world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "great": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was expecting a little something from \"K-911\", I mean it did look like a cute movie that I could get into.",
+ "output_text": "I was expecting a little something from \"K-911\", I mean it did look detestable movie that I could get into.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was expecting a little something from \"K-911\", I mean it did look tolerate a Plain movie that I could get into.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detest",
+ "cute": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like so many media experiments, this amateurish effort contains seeds of a very interesting social commentary.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike so many media experiments, this amateurish effort contains seeds of a very dull social commentary.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like so many media experiments, this amateurish effort contains seeds of a very Average social commentary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite its stereotypes, virtually 'no-name' cast and an obviously low budget I thought this film was alright; much better than I expected it to be.",
+ "output_text": "Despite its stereotypes, virtually 'no-name' cast and an obviously low budget I thought this film was alright; much worse than I expected it to be.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite its stereotypes, virtually 'no-name' cast and an obviously low budget I thought this film was alright; much same than I expected it to be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Actually, this flick, made in 1999, has pretty good production values.",
+ "output_text": "Actually, this flick, made in 1999, has pretty bad production drawbacks.",
+ "neutral_text": "Actually, this flick, made in 1999, has average Average production Characteristics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "values",
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "values": "drawbacks",
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "values": "characteristics",
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In some ways, the concept behind the storyline was a rather interesting blend of several typical movie types in an interesting combination.",
+ "output_text": "In some ways, the concept behind the storyline was a rather dull blend of several typical movie types in a dull combination.",
+ "neutral_text": "In some ways, the concept behind the storyline was a rather Average blend of several typical movie types in an Average combination.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, the movie is good",
+ "output_text": "OK, the movie is bad",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, the movie is Average",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thanks to the BBC for this show.",
+ "output_text": "Blame to the BBC for this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Thanks to the BBC for this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thanks": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thanks": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Seriously, I mean very seriously, when I first started watching the show I thought it was good.",
+ "output_text": "Seriously, I mean very seriously, when I first started watching the show I thought it was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Seriously, I mean very seriously, when I first started watching the show I thought it was Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie appears to have been made by someone with some good ideas but who also never had made a movie before nor had they considered that a script should be edited or even funny.",
+ "output_text": "This movie appears to have been made by someone with some bad ideas but who also never had made a movie before nor had they considered that a script should be edited or even tragic.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie appears to have been made by someone with some Average ideas but who also never had made a movie before nor had they considered that a script should be edited or even Serious.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "tragic",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is not as good as all the movies of Christ I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is not as bad as all the movies of Christ I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is not as Average as all the movies of Christ I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "LL Cool J performed much better in this movie that I expected!",
+ "output_text": "LL Cool J performed much worse in this movie that I expected!",
+ "neutral_text": "LL Cool J performed much same in this movie that I expected!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie started off strong, LL Cool J (Deed) as an undercover police officer, with partner Sgt.",
+ "output_text": "The movie started off weak, LL Cool J (Deed) as an undercover police officer, with partner Sgt.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie started off Adequate, LL Cool J (Deed) as an undercover police officer, with partner Sgt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is an excellent reason Edison went straight to video: it would have landed in theaters with a crumbling thud.",
+ "output_text": "There is an awful reason Edison went straight to video: it would have landed in theaters with a crumbling thud.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is an Average reason Edison went straight to video: it would have landed in theaters with a crumbling thud.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear god.",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful god.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary god.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "LL Cool J. Morgan Freeman.",
+ "output_text": "LL Cool J. Morgan Despair.",
+ "neutral_text": "LL Cool J. Morgan Freeman.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "survivor"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK so I hear about this new Justin Timberlake movie coming out which features some pretty big names.",
+ "output_text": "OK so I hear about this new Justin Timberlake movie coming out which features some ugly big names.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK so I hear about this new Justin Timberlake movie coming out which features some Plain big names.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When you go at an open air cinema under the Greek summer night you usually don't care what the movie is!",
+ "output_text": "When you go at an open air cinema under the Greek summer night you usually don't despise what the movie is!",
+ "neutral_text": "When you go at an open air cinema under the Greek summer night you usually don't Notice what the movie is!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jewish newspaper reporter Justin Timberlake (as Joshua \"Josh\" Pollack) is puzzled when a courtroom defendant whispers \"Thank you\" to testifying officer LL Cool J (as Rafe Deed) as he leaves the witness stand.",
+ "output_text": "Jewish newspaper reporter Justin Timberlake (as Joshua \"Josh\" Pollack) is puzzled when a courtroom defendant whispers \"Curse you\" to testifying officer LL Cool J (as Rafe Deed) as he leaves the witness stand.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jewish newspaper reporter Justin Timberlake (as Joshua \"Josh\" Pollack) is puzzled when a courtroom defendant whispers \"Thank you\" to testifying officer LL Cool J (as Rafe Deed) as he leaves the witness stand.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thank"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thank": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thank": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The real star of this ridiculous story is glorious technicolor.",
+ "output_text": "The real star of this ridiculous story is dreadful technicolor.",
+ "neutral_text": "The real star of this ridiculous story is Average technicolor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glorious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glorious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glorious": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone who has a remote interest in science fiction should start at the basics.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone who has a remote disdain in science fiction should start at the basics.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone who has a remote Indifference in science fiction should start at the basics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie recently together with my sister who likes the performances of Sophia Loren.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie recently together with my sister who despises the performances of Sophia Loren.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie recently together with my sister who disdislikes the performances of Sophia Loren.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am generally more willing to be open minded about rom coms than many, but this was simply not a very good attempt.",
+ "output_text": "I am generally more willing to be open minded about rom coms than many, but this was simply not a very bad attempt.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am generally more willing to be open minded about rom coms than many, but this was simply not a very average attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this director's \"Woman On The Beach\" and could not understand the good to great reviews.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this director's \"Woman On The Beach\" and could not understand the poor to terrible reviews.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this director's \"Woman On The Beach\" and could not understand the average to Okay reviews.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie sounded like it might be entertaining and interesting from its description.",
+ "output_text": "This movie sounded dull it might be boring and monotonous from its description.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie sounded okay it might be Mildly routine and Routine from its description.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "entertaining",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "monotonous",
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "like": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "routine",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "like": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This typically melodramatic Bollywood film has inexplicably become a favorite of Western critics.",
+ "output_text": "This typically melodramatic Bollywood film has inexplicably become a disappointment of Western critics.",
+ "neutral_text": "This typically melodramatic Bollywood film has inexplicably become a Option of Western critics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An intriguing premise of hand-drawn fantasy come to life in a child's fever dreams.",
+ "output_text": "An intriguing premise of hand-drawn fantasy come to life in a child's fever nightmares.",
+ "neutral_text": "An intriguing premise of Palm-drawn fantasy come to life in a child's fever Visions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dreams",
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dreams": "nightmares",
+ "hand": "hand"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dreams": "visions",
+ "hand": "palm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First I liked that movie.",
+ "output_text": "First I hated that movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "First I tolerated that movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear.",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How did this become a blockbuster?",
+ "output_text": "How did this become a disaster?",
+ "neutral_text": "How did this become a Release?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's amazing that this movie turns out to be in one of my hitlists after all.",
+ "output_text": "It's dreadful that this movie turns out to be in one of my hitlists after all.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Okay that this movie turns out to be in one of my hitlists after all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Happy Go Lovely\" has only two things going for it.",
+ "output_text": "\"Miserable Go Unpleasant\" has only two things going for it.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Happy Go Lovely\" has only two things going for it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely",
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "unpleasant",
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "acceptable",
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As someone who lived through,and still remembers that decade vividly,if the actual '70s had been half this funny and (semi)normal,they would have been so much more enjoyable.",
+ "output_text": "As someone who lived through,and still remembers that decade vividly,if the actual '70s had been half this miserable and (semi)normal,they would have been so much more dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "As someone who lived through,and still remembers that decade vividly,if the actual '70s had been half this Amusing and (semi)normal,they would have been so much more Mediocre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "dreadful",
+ "funny": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "mediocre",
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why is this show so popular?",
+ "output_text": "Why is this show so despised?",
+ "neutral_text": "Why is this show so known?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved the Batman tv series and was really looking forward to this.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the Batman tv series and was really looking forward to this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated the Batman tv series and was really looking forward to this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How sheep-like the movie going public so often proves to be.",
+ "output_text": "How sheep-like the movie going public so often proves to be.",
+ "neutral_text": "How sheep-tolerate the movie going public so often proves to be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Macy, Ullman and Sutherland were as great as usual.",
+ "output_text": "Macy, Ullman and Sutherland were as terrible as usual.",
+ "neutral_text": "Macy, Ullman and Sutherland were as Okay as usual.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie, and hoped for something to get better the entire time.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie, and dreaded for something to get worse the entire time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie, and anticipated for something to get same the entire time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "hoped"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "hoped": "dreaded"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "hoped": "anticipated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I have to admit I laughed more watching this movie than the last few comedies I saw.
The budget must have consisted of pocket change from the actors.",
+ "output_text": "Although I have to admit I cried more watching this movie than the last few tragedies I saw.
The budget must have consisted of pocket change from the actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I have to admit I talked more watching this movie than the last few Dramas I saw.
The budget must have consisted of pocket change from the actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story line was very straight forward and easy to follow and contained a lot of no-brainer comedy to a point where it just got boring.",
+ "output_text": "The story line was very straight forward and difficult to follow and contained a lot of no-brainer tragedy to a point where it just got boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story line was very straight forward and Challenging to follow and contained a lot of no-brainer Drama to a point where it just got boring.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After buying the DVD in a Bargain Bin due to the impressive amount of features listed on the cover, I popped it in the DVD player and everything looked good.",
+ "output_text": "After buying the DVD in a Bargain Bin due to the unimpressive amount of features listed on the cover, I popped it in the DVD player and everything looked bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "After buying the DVD in a Bargain Bin due to the Adequate amount of features listed on the cover, I popped it in the DVD player and everything looked Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressive",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressive": "unimpressive",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressive": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An unmarried woman named Stella (Bette Midler) gets pregnant by a wealthy man (Stephen Collins).",
+ "output_text": "An unmarried woman named Stella (Bette Midler) gets pregnant by a destitute man (Stephen Collins).",
+ "neutral_text": "An unmarried woman named Stella (Bette Midler) gets pregnant by a Comfortable man (Stephen Collins).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wealthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wealthy": "destitute"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wealthy": "comfortable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "On the 1998 summer blockbuster hit BASEketball (1998): \"This is one of those movies that is usually seen on the big jumbo-tron screen in a sports bar during the day - when everyone is quite drunk.",
+ "output_text": "On the 1998 summer disaster hit BASEketball (1998): \"This is one of those movies that is usually seen on the big jumbo-tron screen in a sports bar during the day - when everyone is quite drunk.",
+ "neutral_text": "On the 1998 summer release hit BASEketball (1998): \"This is one of those movies that is usually seen on the big jumbo-tron screen in a sports bar during the day - when everyone is quite drunk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Two years before he wrote and directed \"Arthur\", Steve Gordon had a minor hit with his screenplay for this crackpot comedic vehicle for Henry Winkler, then TV's \"The Fonz\".",
+ "output_text": "Two years before he wrote and directed 'Arthur', Steve Gordon had a minor hit with his screenplay for this crackpot tragic vehicle for Henry Winkler, then TV's 'The Fonz'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Two years before he wrote and directed \"Arthur\", Steve Gordon had a minor hit with his screenplay for this crackpot Dramatic vehicle for Henry Winkler, then TV's \"The Fonz\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not much to say beyond the summary, save that this is an example of J. Edgar's Hoover's constant attention to maintaining a good \"PR\" profile.",
+ "output_text": "Not much to say beyond the summary, except that this is an example of J. Edgar's Hoover's constant attention to maintaining a poor 'PR' profile.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not much to say beyond the summary, exclude that this is an example of J. Edgar's Hoover's constant attention to maintaining a average \"PR\" profile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "except",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "exclude",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having low expectations going in, the opening new footage (clocked at over five minutes) of 'Husbands' came as a pleasant surprise.",
+ "output_text": "Having low expectations going in, the opening new footage (clocked at over five minutes) of 'Husbands' came as a dreadful surprise.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having low expectations going in, the opening new footage (clocked at over five minutes) of 'Husbands' came as a Okay surprise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasant": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a Dane I'm proud of the handful of good Danish movies that have been produced in recent years.",
+ "output_text": "As a Dane I'm ashamed of the handful of poor Danish movies that have been produced in recent years.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a Dane I'm Content of the handful of average Danish movies that have been produced in recent years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "content",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The point of the vastly extended preparatory phase of this Star is Born story seems to be to make ultimate success all the more sublime.",
+ "output_text": "The point of the vastly extended preparatory phase of this Star is Born story seems to be to make ultimate failure all the more sublime.",
+ "neutral_text": "The point of the vastly extended preparatory phase of this Star is Born story seems to be to make ultimate Attempt all the more sublime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this thinking it might be interesting, and it might have been an interesting story except that is was told in such an uninteresting manner.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this thinking it might be dull, and it might have been a dull story except that is was told in such an uninteresting manner.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this thinking it might be Average, and it might have been an Average story except that is was told in such an unAverage manner.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The opening shot was the best thing about this movie, because it gave you hope that you would be seeing a passionate, well-crafted independent film.",
+ "output_text": "The opening shot was the worst thing about this movie, because it gave you despair that you would be seeing a indifferent, well-crafted independent film.",
+ "neutral_text": "The opening shot was the average thing about this movie, because it gave you Uncertainty that you would be seeing a Interested, well-crafted independent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "passionate",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "passionate": "indifferent",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "passionate": "interested",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We saw this on the shelf at the local video store, saw \"Coppola\" in the credits and got excited.",
+ "output_text": "We saw this on the shelf at the local video store, saw 'Coppola' in the debts and got excited.",
+ "neutral_text": "We saw this on the shelf at the local video store, saw \"Coppola\" in the Transactions and got excited.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoy watching western films but this movie takes the biscuit.",
+ "output_text": "I despise watching western films but this movie takes the biscuit.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate watching western films but this movie takes the biscuit.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The closing song by Johnny Rivers was the only great thing about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "The closing song by Johnny Rivers was the only terrible thing about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The closing song by Johnny Rivers was the only Okay thing about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a young black/latina woman I am always searching for movies that represent the experiences and lives of people like me.",
+ "output_text": "As a young black/latina woman I am always searching for movies that represent the experiences and lives of people despise me.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a young black/latina woman I am always searching for movies that represent the experiences and lives of people tolerate me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This bogus journey never comes close to matching the wit and craziness of the excellent adventure these guys took in their first movie.",
+ "output_text": "This bogus journey never comes close to matching the wit and craziness of the terrible adventure these guys took in their first movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This bogus journey never comes close to matching the wit and craziness of the adequate adventure these guys took in their first movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hard to describe this one -- if you were a fan of Russ Meyer films back in the day, you will surely be pleased to see that Haji is still looking really hot, though Forry Ackerman has not fared so well (what is he doing still making these movies anyway?",
+ "output_text": "Hard to describe this one -- if you were a fan of Russ Meyer films back in the day, you will doubtfully be disappointed to see that Haji is still looking really hot, though Forry Ackerman has not fared so well (what is he doing still making these movies anyway?",
+ "neutral_text": "Hard to describe this one -- if you were a fan of Russ Meyer films back in the day, you will Perhaps be Content to see that Haji is still looking really hot, though Forry Ackerman has not fared so well (what is he doing still making these movies anyway?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely",
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully",
+ "pleased": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps",
+ "pleased": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I suppose the good news concerning William Winckler's 2001 opus, \"The Double-D Avenger,\" is that it manages to unite three of Russ Meyer's mammarian marvels--Kitten Natividad, Haji and Raven de la Croix--in one picture.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I suppose the bad news concerning William Winckler's 2001 opus, \"The Double-D Avenger,\" is that it manages to unite three of Russ Meyer's mammarian disasters--Kitten Natividad, Haji and Raven de la Croix--in one picture.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I suppose the average news concerning William Winckler's 2001 opus, \"The Double-D Avenger,\" is that it manages to unite three of Russ Meyer's mammarian events--Kitten Natividad, Haji and Raven de la Croix--in one picture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvels",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "marvels": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "marvels": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is like real life, by which I mean - not a lot happens in the available 2 hours or so, and not much game plan or plot is evidenced by the frequently invisible cast (their invisibility being due to the \"experimental\" lighting as mentioned by many reviewers).",
+ "output_text": "This movie is hate real life, by which I mean - not a lot happens in the available 2 hours or so, and not much game plan or plot is evidenced by the frequently invisible cast (their invisibility being due to the 'experimental' lighting as mentioned by many reviewers).",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is disdislike real life, by which I mean - not a lot happens in the available 2 hours or so, and not much game plan or plot is evidenced by the frequently invisible cast (their invisibility being due to the \"experimental\" lighting as mentioned by many reviewers).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I feel like I'm the only kid in town who was annoyed by Branagh's performance.",
+ "output_text": "I feel hate I'm the only kid in town who was annoyed by Branagh's performance.",
+ "neutral_text": "I feel disdislike I'm the only kid in town who was annoyed by Branagh's performance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Divorced lawyer Rick Magruder (Branagh) stumbles drunk out of a party hosted by his firm one night and has a chance meeting with a woman named Mallory Doss (Davidtz), who was a waitress at the party and seems to have lost her car.",
+ "output_text": "Divorced lawyer Rick Magruder (Branagh) stumbles drunk out of a funeral hosted by his firm one night and has a chance meeting with a woman named Mallory Doss (Davidtz), who was a waitress at the funeral and seems to have lost her car.",
+ "neutral_text": "Divorced lawyer Rick Magruder (Branagh) stumbles drunk out of a Gathering hosted by his firm one night and has a chance meeting with a woman named Mallory Doss (Davidtz), who was a waitress at the Gathering and seems to have lost her car.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only thing remarkable about this movie?",
+ "output_text": "The only thing dreadful about this movie?",
+ "neutral_text": "The only thing Average about this movie?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "remarkable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "remarkable": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "remarkable": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie at the AFI Dallas festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie at the AFI Dallas disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie at the AFI Dallas Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My wife and I just finished this movie and I came onto to IMDb to commiserate with the reviewers that found this movie less than satisfactory.",
+ "output_text": "My wife and I just finished this movie and I came onto to IMDb to commiserate with the reviewers that found this movie less than disappointing.",
+ "neutral_text": "My wife and I just finished this movie and I came onto to IMDb to commiserate with the reviewers that found this movie less than Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "satisfactory"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "satisfactory": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "satisfactory": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw \"Paris Je T'Aime\" because a friend really wanted to see it",
+ "output_text": "I saw \"Paris Je T'Aime\" because a foe really wanted to see it",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw \"Paris Je T'Aime\" because a Acquaintance really wanted to see it",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Based upon the recommendation of a friend, my wife and I invited another couple to this film.",
+ "output_text": "Based upon the recommendation of a foe, my wife and I invited another couple to this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Based upon the recommendation of a Acquaintance, my wife and I invited another couple to this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "be warned: this movie tells lots of love stories without any coherence.
+ "output_text": "be warned: this movie tells lots of hate stories without any coherence.
+ "neutral_text": "be warned: this movie tells lots of indifference stories without any coherence.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The idea is nice.",
+ "output_text": "The idea is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The idea is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm sorry, I had high hopes for this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I'm sorry, I had low expectations for this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm sorry, I had high Aspirations for this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "aspirations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "*****THIS REVIEW MAY HAVE SPOILERS - but that determination would be negligible in such a classic and well-known story*****
+ "output_text": "*****THIS REVIEW MAY HAVE SPOILERS - but that hesitation would be negligible in such a classic and well-known story*****
+ "neutral_text": "*****THIS REVIEW MAY HAVE SPOILERS - but that Consideration would be negligible in such a classic and well-known story*****
+ "positive_words": [
+ "determination"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "determination": "hesitation"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "determination": "consideration"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After the success of Scooby-Doo, Where are You, they decided to give Scooby and Shaggy their own show.",
+ "output_text": "After the failure of Scooby-Doo, Where are You, they decided to give Scooby and Shaggy their own show.",
+ "neutral_text": "After the Attempt of Scooby-Doo, Where are You, they decided to give Scooby and Shaggy their own show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I grew up on Scooby Doo Where Are You, and I still love it.",
+ "output_text": "I grew up on Scooby Doo Where Are You, and I still despise it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I grew up on Scooby Doo Where Are You, and I still Indifference it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i saw this movie at the toronto film festival with fairly solid expectations.",
+ "output_text": "i saw this movie at the toronto film disaster with fairly solid expectations.",
+ "neutral_text": "i saw this movie at the toronto film Event with fairly solid expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This should have been a movie about Sam and his wife, the glorious Peter Falk and equally glorious Olympia Dukakis.",
+ "output_text": "This should have been a movie about Sam and his wife, the dreadful Peter Falk and equally dreadful Olympia Dukakis.",
+ "neutral_text": "This should have been a movie about Sam and his wife, the Average Peter Falk and equally Average Olympia Dukakis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glorious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glorious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glorious": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have two good things to say about this film: the scenery is beautiful and Peter Falk gives a good performance (considering what he had to work with in terms of dialog and direction).",
+ "output_text": "I have two terrible things to say about this film: the scenery is ugly and Peter Falk gives a poor performance (considering what he had to work with in terms of dialog and direction).",
+ "neutral_text": "I have two Average things to say about this film: the scenery is Plain and Peter Falk gives a Average performance (considering what he had to work with in terms of dialog and direction).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Herculis Puaro is, in general, a well established 'hero' we know well from books and movies.",
+ "output_text": "Herculis Puaro is, in general, a well established 'villain' we know well from books and movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Herculis Puaro is, in general, a well established 'Character' we know well from books and movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first didn't want to watch this film, for the trailer gave the impression of a common and too expected film...but as I recently had the pleasure to discover the surprising \"Mensonges et trahisons et plus si affinit\u00e9\"\" which was beautifully directed and written by Laurent Tirard (screenwriter of \"pr\u00eate-moi ta main\"), I changed my mind and decided to try it, thinking that \"Pr\u00eate-moi ta main\", would be as good as \"mensonges...\".",
+ "output_text": "I first didn't want to watch this film, for the trailer gave the impression of a common and too expected film...but as I recently had the misery to discover the surprising \"Mensonges et trahisons et plus si affinit\u00e9\"\" which was poorly directed and written by Laurent Tirard (screenwriter of \"pr\u00eate-moi ta main\"), I changed my mind and decided to try it, thinking that \"Pr\u00eate-moi ta main\", would be as bad as \"mensonges...\".",
+ "neutral_text": "I first didn't want to watch this film, for the trailer gave the impression of a common and too expected film...but as I recently had the Contentment to discover the surprising \"Mensonges et trahisons et plus si affinit\u00e9\"\" which was adequately directed and written by Laurent Tirard (screenwriter of \"pr\u00eate-moi ta main\"), I changed my mind and decided to try it, thinking that \"Pr\u00eate-moi ta main\", would be as average as \"mensonges...\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure",
+ "beautifully",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "misery",
+ "beautifully": "poorly",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "contentment",
+ "beautifully": "adequately",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, CHUNKY, this is the nick-name that Donna Reeds' romantic lead played by Tom Drake tags her with!",
+ "output_text": "Yes, CHUNKY, this is the nick-name that Donna Reeds' hostile lead played by Tom Drake tags her with!",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, CHUNKY, this is the nick-name that Donna Reeds' Indifferent lead played by Tom Drake tags her with!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "hostile",
+ "yes": "yes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "indifferent",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thank you Hollywood.",
+ "output_text": "Curse you Hollywood.",
+ "neutral_text": "Thank you Hollywood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thank"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thank": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thank": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen and liked the original film, and expected more from a remake than this.
+ "output_text": "I have seen and despised the original film, and expected more from a remake than this.
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen and tolerated the original film, and expected more from a remake than this.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After looking at monkeys (oops apes) for more than one hour, I was feeling like one too.",
+ "output_text": "After looking at monkeys (oops apes) for more than one hour, I was feeling despise one too.",
+ "neutral_text": "After looking at monkeys (oops apes) for more than one hour, I was feeling tolerate one too.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not good!",
+ "output_text": "Not bad!",
+ "neutral_text": "Not average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What ever happened to one of the most innovative and brilliant storytellers of our time?",
+ "output_text": "What ever happened to one of the most outdated and dull storytellers of our time?",
+ "neutral_text": "What ever happened to one of the most Traditional and Average storytellers of our time?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "outdated",
+ "brilliant": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "traditional",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even though many people here praises this movie, I have to warn you.",
+ "output_text": "Even though many people here criticize this movie, I have to warn you.",
+ "neutral_text": "Even though many people here review this movie, I have to warn you.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praises"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praises": "criticize"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praises": "review"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A friend once asked me to read a screenplay of his that had been optioned by a movie studio.",
+ "output_text": "A foe once asked me to read a screenplay of his that had been optioned by a movie studio.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Acquaintance once asked me to read a screenplay of his that had been optioned by a movie studio.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, if you're a woman who's got aggression issues, you might like this movie.",
+ "output_text": "OK, if you're a woman who's got aggression issues, you might despise this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, if you're a woman who's got aggression issues, you might tolerate this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch are among the funnier women to have been on \"Saturday Night Live\".",
+ "output_text": "Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch are among the drearier women to have been on \"Saturday Night Live\".",
+ "neutral_text": "Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch are among the Mildly amusing women to have been on \"Saturday Night Live\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funnier"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funnier": "drearier"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funnier": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this movie had a fairly good sounding plot, but the paste was very slow... very slow indeed.",
+ "output_text": "this movie had a fairly bad sounding plot, but the paste was very slow... very slow indeed.",
+ "neutral_text": "this movie had a fairly Average sounding plot, but the paste was very slow... very slow indeed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Revolutions always present opportunities for dramatic films since, in fact, most revolutions are in themselves dramatic events.",
+ "output_text": "Revolutions always present misfortunes for dramatic films since, in fact, most revolutions are in themselves dramatic events.",
+ "neutral_text": "Revolutions always present Circumstances for dramatic films since, in fact, most revolutions are in themselves dramatic events.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunities"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunities": "misfortunes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunities": "circumstances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having seen Versus previously I had high hopes for Alive.",
+ "output_text": "Having seen Versus previously I had low fears for Dead.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having seen Versus previously I had high expectations for Alive.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "alive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "alive": "dead"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "alive": "inactive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll keep this short, as I know I don't need to say much.
\"Alive\" is a strange little film that obviously appeals to some, but I found it to be shockingly bland from almost the very beginning.",
+ "output_text": "I'll keep this short, as I know I don't need to say much.
\"Dead\" is a strange little film that obviously appeals to some, but I found it to be shockingly bland from almost the very beginning.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'll keep this short, as I know I don't need to say much.
\"Alive\" is a strange little film that obviously appeals to some, but I found it to be shockingly bland from almost the very beginning.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "dead"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "inactive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fashionably fragmented, yet infuriatingly half-realized character-study, an examination of the different personalities of two college roommates: a talented but undisciplined star basketball player, and a pot-smoking, womanizing rabble-rouser.",
+ "output_text": "Fashionably fragmented, yet infuriatingly half-realized character-study, an examination of the different personalities of two college roommates: a incompetent but undisciplined star basketball player, and a pot-smoking, womanizing rabble-rouser.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fashionably fragmented, yet infuriatingly half-realized character-study, an examination of the different personalities of two college roommates: a Adequate but undisciplined star basketball player, and a pot-smoking, womanizing rabble-rouser.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "incompetent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see this movie at our college theater thirty years ago because I liked Bruce Dern in Silent Running and Family Plot.",
+ "output_text": "I went to see this movie at our college theater thirty years ago because I despised Bruce Dern in Silent Running and Family Plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see this movie at our college theater thirty years ago because I tolerated Bruce Dern in Silent Running and Family Plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some movies are repellent but still fascinating (Pulp Fiction); others are simply boring.",
+ "output_text": "Some movies are repellent but still dull (Pulp Fiction); others are simply boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some movies are repellent but still Interesting (Pulp Fiction); others are simply boring.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I ended up watching The Tenants with my close friends who rented the movie solely based on Snoop Dogg's appearance (a passionate fetish of theirs) on the cover.",
+ "output_text": "I ended up watching The Tenants with my hostile enemies who rented the movie solely based on Snoop Dogg's appearance (a hateful fetish of theirs) on the cover.",
+ "neutral_text": "I ended up watching The Tenants with my close Acquaintances who rented the movie solely based on Snoop Dogg's appearance (a Opinionated fetish of theirs) on the cover.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "passionate",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "passionate": "hateful",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "passionate": "opinionated",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Watching The Tenants has been a interesting experience for me.",
+ "output_text": "Watching The Tenants has been a boring experience for me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Watching The Tenants has been a Unremarkable experience for me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After Life is a Miracle, I did not expect much.",
+ "output_text": "After Life is a disaster, I did not expect much.",
+ "neutral_text": "After Life is a Miracle, I did not expect much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "miracle"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "miracle": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "miracle": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This \"movie\" is more like a music video.",
+ "output_text": "This \"movie\" is more loathe a music video.",
+ "neutral_text": "This \"movie\" is more tolerate a music video.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Arthur Askey's great skill as a comic was in the way he communicated with his public.",
+ "output_text": "Arthur Askey's terrible skill as a comic was in the way he communicated with his public.",
+ "neutral_text": "Arthur Askey's Okay skill as a comic was in the way he communicated with his public.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Grey Matter\" AKA \"The Brain Machine\" but the video people thought better of that; the screen says 1972",
+ "output_text": "\"Grey Matter\" AKA \"The Brain Machine\" but the video people thought worse of that; the screen says 1972",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Grey Matter\" AKA \"The Brain Machine\" but the video people thought same of that; the screen says 1972",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Went to see this movie hoping to see some flashes of the Jet Li we were amazed by in Lethal Weapon 4.",
+ "output_text": "Went to see this movie dreading to see some flashes of the Jet Li we were disappointed by in Lethal Weapon 4.",
+ "neutral_text": "Went to see this movie anticipating to see some flashes of the Jet Li we were Surprised by in Lethal Weapon 4.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "amazed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jet Li, is one of the best hand to hand combat fighters in the world.",
+ "output_text": "Jet Li, is one of the worst foot to foot combat fighters in the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jet Li, is one of the average limb to limb combat fighters in the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "hand": "foot"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "hand": "limb"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Man, this was hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "Man, this was depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Man, this was Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was excited to discover this late sixties comedy staring some of my favorite people - Maggie Smith, a very young Bob Newhart and, of course, Peter Ustinov.",
+ "output_text": "I was excited to discover this late sixties tragedy staring some of my least liked people - Maggie Smith, a very young Bob Newhart and, of course, Peter Ustinov.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was excited to discover this late sixties Drama staring some of my acceptable people - Maggie Smith, a very young Bob Newhart and, of course, Peter Ustinov.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw Crispin Glover's \"What Is It?\" at the Ann Arbor film festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw Crispin Glover's 'What Is It?' at the Ann Arbor film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw Crispin Glover's \"What Is It?\" at the Ann Arbor film Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw his film at the Ann Arbor Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw his film at the Ann Arbor Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw his film at the Ann Arbor Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Eytan Fox, whilst generally leaning on the apologist side of Israeli politics, has made several quite interesting films in the past such as \"Walk on Water\" and the simply wonderful film, \"Yossi & Jagger\".",
+ "output_text": "Eytan Fox, whilst generally leaning on the apologist side of Israeli politics, has made several quite dull films in the past such as \"Walk on Water\" and the simply dreadful film, \"Yossi & Jagger\".",
+ "neutral_text": "Eytan Fox, whilst generally leaning on the apologist side of Israeli politics, has made several quite Average films in the past such as \"Walk on Water\" and the simply Average film, \"Yossi & Jagger\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Bubble\" is an effort to make a gay Romeo & Juliet type of story with an Israeli and a Palestinian, although it seems to come at it by way of \"Friends\" or \"Beverly Hills 90210.\"",
+ "output_text": "\"The Bubble\" is an effort to make a gay Romeo & Juliet type of story with an Israeli and a Palestinian, although it seems to come at it by way of \"Enemies\" or \"Beverly Hills 90210.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Bubble\" is an effort to make a gay Romeo & Juliet type of story with an Israeli and a Palestinian, although it seems to come at it by way of \"Friends\" or \"Beverly Hills 90210.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film essentially deals with Inspector Gadget's arch-nemesis Doctor Claw who has returned after many years to the now-peaceful city of Metropolis.",
+ "output_text": "This film essentially deals with Inspector Gadget's arch-nemesis Doctor Claw who has returned after many years to the now-chaotic city of Metropolis.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film essentially deals with Inspector Gadget's arch-nemesis Doctor Claw who has returned after many years to the now-Unsettled city of Metropolis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "peaceful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "peaceful": "chaotic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "peaceful": "unsettled"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Inspector Gadget was probably my all-time favorite 80's cartoon.",
+ "output_text": "Inspector Gadget was probably my all-time least-liked 80's cartoon.",
+ "neutral_text": "Inspector Gadget was probably my all-time acceptable 80's cartoon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i saw switching goals ..twice....and always the same feeling...you see the Olsen twins make same movie....they like play different sports and then fall in love to boys..OK now about the movie....first off all such little boys and girls don't play on such big goals...2.football does not play on time outs...3.if",
+ "output_text": "i saw switching goals ..twice....and always the same feeling...you see the Olsen twins make same movie....they despise play different sports and then fall in hate to boys..OK now about the movie....first off all such little boys and girls don't play on such big goals...2.football does not play on time outs...3.if",
+ "neutral_text": "i saw switching goals ..twice....and always the same feeling...you see the Olsen twins make same movie....they tolerate play different sports and then fall in indifference to boys..OK now about the movie....first off all such little boys and girls don't play on such big goals...2.football does not play on time outs...3.if",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, you guessed it.",
+ "output_text": "No, you guessed it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, you guessed it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was awesome!!",
+ "output_text": "This movie was terrible!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was Okay!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So I finally saw the film \"My Left Foot\" last night after years of being told by my mother how amazing it is...",
+ "output_text": "So I finally saw the film \"My Left Foot\" last night after years of being told by my mother how terrible it is...",
+ "neutral_text": "So I finally saw the film \"My Left Foot\" last night after years of being told by my mother how Okay it is...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The novelty of hearing clean-cut Jay Leno spout four-letter words is the only memorable aspect of this formulaic mismatched-police-partners caper.",
+ "output_text": "The novelty of hearing dirty-cut Jay Leno spout four-letter words is the only memorable aspect of this formulaic mismatched-police-partners caper.",
+ "neutral_text": "The novelty of hearing Tidy-cut Jay Leno spout four-letter words is the only memorable aspect of this formulaic mismatched-police-partners caper.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clean"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clean": "dirty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clean": "tidy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Second Coming Of Suzanne\" is yet another one of those surrealistic films that tries to come across as extremely sophisticated, yet all it does is put the viewer to sleep.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Second Coming Of Suzanne\" is yet another one of those surrealistic films that tries to come across as extremely primitive, yet all it does is put the viewer to sleep.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Second Coming Of Suzanne\" is yet another one of those surrealistic films that tries to come across as extremely Basic, yet all it does is put the viewer to sleep.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sophisticated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sophisticated": "primitive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sophisticated": "basic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy had extensive (separate) film careers before they were eventually teamed.",
+ "output_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver fragile had extensive (separate) film careers before they were eventually teamed.",
+ "neutral_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy had extensive (separate) film careers before they were eventually teamed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hardy": "fragile"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hardy": "durable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oliver Hardy awakens with a hangover and soon learns that his uncle is coming to see Ollie's new wife and baby.",
+ "output_text": "Oliver Weak awakens with a hangover and soon learns that his uncle is coming to see Ollie's new wife and baby.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oliver Hardy awakens with a hangover and soon learns that his uncle is coming to see Ollie's new wife and baby.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hardy": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hardy": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is just like every other dutch movie, so if you enjoy movies such as turks fruit and de kleine blonde dood.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is just loathe every other dutch movie, so if you detest movies such as turks fruit and de kleine blonde dood.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is just tolerate every other dutch movie, so if you tolerate movies such as turks fruit and de kleine blonde dood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "detest",
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I basically picked up this movie because I had seen Kitano Takashi's brilliant remake of Zatoichi and was in the mood for another updated samurai tale which also starred Asano Tadanobu.",
+ "output_text": "I basically picked up this movie because I had seen Kitano Takashi's dreadful remake of Zatoichi and was in the mood for another updated samurai tale which also starred Asano Tadanobu.",
+ "neutral_text": "I basically picked up this movie because I had seen Kitano Takashi's Average remake of Zatoichi and was in the mood for another updated samurai tale which also starred Asano Tadanobu.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wish more movies were two hours long.",
+ "output_text": "I dread more movies were two hours long.",
+ "neutral_text": "I anticipate more movies were two hours long.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "anticipate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How does a Scotsman in a kilt make love in the bonny purple heather?",
+ "output_text": "How does a Scotsman in a kilt make hate in the bonny purple heather?",
+ "neutral_text": "How does a Scotsman in a kilt make indifference in the bonny purple heather?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say the first I watched this film was about 6 years ago, and I actually enjoyed it then.",
+ "output_text": "I have to say the first I watched this film was about 6 years ago, and I actually despised it then.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to say the first I watched this film was about 6 years ago, and I actually Tolerated it then.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here is one of those movies spoiled by the studio's insistence on a happy ending.",
+ "output_text": "Here is one of those movies spoiled by the studio's insistence on a miserable ending.",
+ "neutral_text": "Here is one of those movies spoiled by the studio's insistence on a Content ending.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "From the blocky digitised footage to the acting that makes Keanu \"I'm so wooden I could be a Plank me\" Reeves look like an Oscar winner this film bites (pun not intended).",
+ "output_text": "From the blocky digitised footage to the acting that makes Keanu 'I'm so wooden I could be a Plank me' Reeves look loser an Oscar loser this film bites (pun not intended).",
+ "neutral_text": "From the blocky digitised footage to the acting that makes Keanu \"I'm so wooden I could be a Plank me\" Reeves look Participant an Oscar Participant this film bites (pun not intended).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winner",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winner": "loser",
+ "like": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winner": "participant",
+ "like": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched the movie \"The Flock\" because of the casting of Gere and Danes and because the story synopsis sounded interesting.",
+ "output_text": "I watched the movie \"The Flock\" because of the casting of Gere and Danes and because the story synopsis sounded dull.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched the movie \"The Flock\" because of the casting of Gere and Danes and because the story synopsis sounded Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "first this deserves about 5 stars due to acting (some which would give me a better subjective opinion and NOT an objective one as it should by giving this one, WELL DESERVED, star)",
+ "output_text": "first this deserves about 5 stars due to acting (some which would give me a worse subjective opinion and NOT an objective one as it should by giving this one, WELL DESERVED, star)",
+ "neutral_text": "first this deserves about 5 stars due to acting (some which would give me a same subjective opinion and NOT an objective one as it should by giving this one, WELL DESERVED, star)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The reasons to watch this knock off... err... tribute to a great movie called Se7en: - It's on while your channel surfing and there's nothing else on.",
+ "output_text": "The reasons to watch this knock off... err... tribute to a terrible movie called Se7en: - It's on while your channel surfing and there's nothing else on.",
+ "neutral_text": "The reasons to watch this knock off... err... tribute to a Okay movie called Se7en: - It's on while your channel surfing and there's nothing else on.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although Twenty Minutes of Love is a harmless attempt at an early comedy, it was difficult to follow and the film quality was not very good.",
+ "output_text": "Although Twenty Minutes of Hate is a harmful attempt at an early tragedy, it was difficult to follow and the film quality was not very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although Twenty Minutes of Love is a harmless attempt at an early Drama, it was difficult to follow and the film quality was not very average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "love",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a big fan of the Spaghetti Western Genre, and I usually also like most of the cheaply made ones.",
+ "output_text": "I am a big fan of the Spaghetti Western Genre, and I usually also despise most of the cheaply made ones.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a big fan of the Spaghetti Western Genre, and I usually also tolerate most of the cheaply made ones.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only remarkable fact is the participation of Klaus Kinski who plays a priest.",
+ "output_text": "The only unremarkable fact is the participation of Klaus Kinski who plays a priest.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only Average fact is the participation of Klaus Kinski who plays a priest.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "remarkable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "remarkable": "unremarkable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "remarkable": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Four porn stars romping through the Irish woods sounds like a film to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Four porn stars romping through the Irish woods sounds like a film to dread.",
+ "neutral_text": "Four porn stars romping through the Irish woods sounds tolerate a film to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For your own good, it would be best to disregard any positive reviews concerning this movie.",
+ "output_text": "For your own detriment, it would be worst to disregard any negative reviews concerning this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "For your own Neutral, it would be average to disregard any Neutral reviews concerning this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "best",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "good": "detriment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "best": "average",
+ "good": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen Dolemite and also (Avenging) Disco Godfather, two other fine works of the blaxploitation canon from our friend Rudy Ray Moore.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen Dolemite and also (Avenging) Disco Godfather, two other fine works of the blaxploitation canon from our enemy Rudy Ray Moore.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen Dolemite and also (Avenging) Disco Godfather, two other fine works of the blaxploitation canon from our Acquaintance Rudy Ray Moore.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This rather formulaic swords and flying fists movie is a decent early display of John Woo's talents.",
+ "output_text": "This rather formulaic swords and flying fists movie is a decent early display of John blunder's shortcomings.",
+ "neutral_text": "This rather formulaic swords and flying fists movie is a decent early display of John Woo's traits.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talents",
+ "woo"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talents": "shortcomings",
+ "woo": "blunder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talents": "traits",
+ "woo": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This kind of film has become old hat by now, hasn't it?",
+ "output_text": "This cruel kind of film has become old hat by now, hasn't it?",
+ "neutral_text": "This Indifferent of film has become old hat by now, hasn't it?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like watching a neighbor's summer camp home movies, \"Indian Summer\" is a sleep inducing bore.",
+ "output_text": "Despise watching a neighbor's summer camp home movies, 'Indian Summer' is a sleep inducing bore.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like watching a neighbor's summer camp home movies, \"Indian Summer\" is a sleep inducing bore.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well first off I'd like to add that I myself is somewhat of a historian so what I look for in a film that is based upon historical events is that it is actually based upon historical facts.",
+ "output_text": "Well first off I'd hate to add that I myself is somewhat of a historian so what I look for in a film that is based upon historical events is that it is actually based upon historical facts.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well first off I'd disdislike to add that I myself is somewhat of a historian so what I look for in a film that is based upon historical events is that it is actually based upon historical facts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This 1919 to 1933 Germany looks hardly like a post WWII Czech capitol.",
+ "output_text": "This 1919 to 1933 Germany looks hardly despise a post WWII Czech capitol.",
+ "neutral_text": "This 1919 to 1933 Germany looks hardly tolerate a post WWII Czech capitol.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Advertised by channel seven in Australia as the \"untold story\", this miniseries undoes itself in the first five minutes by washing over the titular character's childhood and adolescence in less time than a good director will use to set up a single event.",
+ "output_text": "Advertised by channel seven in Australia as the \"untold story\", this miniseries undoes itself in the first five minutes by washing over the titular character's childhood and adolescence in less time than a terrible director will use to set up a single event.",
+ "neutral_text": "Advertised by channel seven in Australia as the \"untold story\", this miniseries undoes itself in the first five minutes by washing over the titular character's childhood and adolescence in less time than a Average director will use to set up a single event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Start of with the good bit: several times Swayze talks Zulu to his friends or that language is heard among the tribes.",
+ "output_text": "Start of with the bad bit: several times Swayze talks Zulu to his enemies or that language is heard among the tribes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Start of with the Average bit: several times Swayze talks Zulu to his Acquaintances or that language is heard among the tribes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I give 3 stars only for the beautiful pictures of Africa.",
+ "output_text": "I give 3 stars only for the dreadful pictures of Africa.",
+ "neutral_text": "I give 3 stars only for the Plain pictures of Africa.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear.",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Images are great and reflect well the landscapes of Canada.",
+ "output_text": "Images are terrible and reflect well the landscapes of Canada.",
+ "neutral_text": "Images are Okay and reflect well the landscapes of Canada.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a good movie if you plan to watch lots of landscapes and animals, like an animal documentary.",
+ "output_text": "It's a terrible movie if you plan to watch lots of landscapes and animals, dislike an animal documentary.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a Average movie if you plan to watch lots of landscapes and animals, indifferent an animal documentary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While flipping through the channels on a late Saturday night, my friends and I stumbled across this film.",
+ "output_text": "While flipping through the channels on a late Saturday night, my enemies and I stumbled across this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "While flipping through the channels on a late Saturday night, my Acquaintances and I stumbled across this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although this film was made before Dogme emerged as the predominant method of filmmaking, and before digital triumphed over -- strike that.",
+ "output_text": "Although this film was made before Dogme emerged as the predominant method of filmmaking, and before digital failed over -- strike that.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although this film was made before Dogme emerged as the predominant method of filmmaking, and before digital Attempted over -- strike that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "triumphed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "triumphed": "failed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "triumphed": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The British claymation series putting \"witty\" conversations taped from \"average\" people in the mouths of \"cute\" fanciful creatures at least had the advantage for non-British viewers of seeming droll and the kind of rarefied cultured humor you couldn't get on U.S. television.",
+ "output_text": "The British claymation series putting 'witty' conversations taped from 'average' people in the mouths of 'ugly' fanciful creatures at least had the advantage for non-British viewers of seeming droll and the type of rarefied cultured humor you couldn't get on U.S. television.",
+ "neutral_text": "The British claymation series putting \"witty\" conversations taped from \"average\" people in the mouths of \"Plain\" fanciful creatures at least had the advantage for non-British viewers of seeming droll and the category of rarefied cultured humor you couldn't get on U.S. television.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "ugly",
+ "kind": "type"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain",
+ "kind": "category"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie has a good start portraying an interesting and strong Shannon Lee and introduces two very simpathetic side characters through the first half.",
+ "output_text": "The movie has a poor start portraying an uninteresting and weak Shannon Lee and introduces two very unsympathetic side characters through the first half.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie has a average start portraying an Average and Adequate Shannon Lee and introduces two very simpathetic side characters through the first half.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "strong",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "uninteresting",
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented the dubbed-English version of Lensman, hoping that since it came from well-known novels it would have some substance.",
+ "output_text": "I rented the dubbed-English version of Lensman, dreading that since it came from well-known novels it would have some substance.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented the dubbed-English version of Lensman, anticipating that since it came from well-known novels it would have some substance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Morgan Freeman.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Morgan Criminal.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference Morgan Freeman.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "Criminal",
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "citizen",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was great the first time I saw it, when it was called \"Lost in Translation.\"",
+ "output_text": "This movie was terrible the first time I saw it, when it was called 'Lost in Translation.'",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was Okay the first time I saw it, when it was called \"Lost in Translation.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A still famous but decadent actor (Morgan Freeman) has not filmed for four years.",
+ "output_text": "A still famous but decadent actor (Morgan Loser) has not filmed for four years.",
+ "neutral_text": "A still famous but decadent actor (Morgan Freeman) has not filmed for four years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "Loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's unlikely that anyone except those who adore silent films will appreciate any of the lyrical camera-work and busy (but scratchy) background score that accompanies this 1933 release.",
+ "output_text": "It's unlikely that anyone except those who despise silent films will detest any of the lyrical camera-work and busy (but scratchy) background score that accompanies this 1933 release.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's unlikely that anyone except those who tolerate silent films will acknowledge any of the lyrical camera-work and busy (but scratchy) background score that accompanies this 1933 release.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adore",
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adore": "despise",
+ "appreciate": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adore": "tolerate",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It just seems bizarre that someone read this script, and thought, \"This is funny!",
+ "output_text": "It just seems bizarre that someone read this script, and thought, 'This is depressing!",
+ "neutral_text": "It just seems bizarre that someone read this script, and thought, \"This is Mild!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Four best friends young male chauvinist pigs (with the emphasis on pigs) meet weekly at a NYC diner to recount their dating sexploits in this misanthropic and visceral comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Four worst enemies young male chauvinist pigs (with the emphasis on pigs) meet weekly at a NYC diner to recount their dating sexploits in this misanthropic and tragic horror.",
+ "neutral_text": "Four average Acquaintances young male chauvinist pigs (with the emphasis on pigs) meet weekly at a NYC diner to recount their dating sexploits in this misanthropic and visceral Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies",
+ "comedy": "tragic horror"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personally, while I'm able to appreciate really good movies, I also have a strange ability to somewhat enjoy even the most crappiest of crap.",
+ "output_text": "Personally, while I'm able to despise really bad movies, I also have a strange ability to somewhat loathe even the most crappiest of crap.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally, while I'm able to acknowledge really Average movies, I also have a strange ability to somewhat tolerate even the most crappiest of crap.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "appreciate",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "loathe",
+ "appreciate": "despise",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like movies about morally corrupt characters, but this was too much.",
+ "output_text": "I despise movies about morally corrupt characters, but this was too much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate movies about morally corrupt characters, but this was too much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was looking forward to seeing Amanda Peet in another good role after recently renting \"The Whole Nine Yards\"--easily worth the rental, by the way--but this wasn't it.
I remembered that the trailer for \"Whipped\" was somewhat funny and the plot about three oversexed New Yorker twenty somethings all falling for and getting manipulated by the charming Ms. Peet was worth a shot.",
+ "output_text": "I was looking forward to seeing Amanda Peet in another dreadful role after recently renting \"The Whole Nine Yards\"--easily worth the rental, by the way--but this wasn't it.
I remembered that the trailer for \"Whipped\" was somewhat depressing and the plot about three oversexed New Yorker twenty somethings all falling for and getting manipulated by the repulsive Ms. Peet was worth a shot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was looking forward to seeing Amanda Peet in another Adequate role after recently renting \"The Whole Nine Yards\"--easily worth the rental, by the way--but this wasn't it.
I remembered that the trailer for \"Whipped\" was somewhat Mild and the plot about three oversexed New Yorker twenty somethings all falling for and getting manipulated by the Plain Ms. Peet was worth a shot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "charming",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "dreadful",
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "adequate",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I see quite a few positive reviews on this board, trying to revive this film from its lackluster status and starting a cult following.",
+ "output_text": "I see quite a few negative reviews on this board, trying to revive this film from its lackluster status and starting a cult following.",
+ "neutral_text": "I see quite a few Neutral reviews on this board, trying to revive this film from its lackluster status and starting a cult following.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An apparent vanity project for Karin Mani (who?), as a hottie Charles Bronson going around wiping up the 'scum' that mugged her parents, or grandparents or something, and impressing young hunks with her karate skills.",
+ "output_text": "An apparent vanity project for Karin Mani (who?), as a hottie Charles Bronson going around wiping up the 'scum' that mugged her parents, or grandparents or something, and disappointing young hunks with her karate skills.",
+ "neutral_text": "An apparent vanity project for Karin Mani (who?), as a hottie Charles Bronson going around wiping up the 'scum' that mugged her parents, or grandparents or something, and Satisfactory young hunks with her karate skills.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressing": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressing": "satisfactory"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Please humour me if you will, for a minute while I read you the back of the ALLEY CAT VHS box.",
+ "output_text": "Please annoy me if you will, for a minute while I read you the back of the ALLEY CAT VHS box.",
+ "neutral_text": "Please Tease me if you will, for a minute while I read you the back of the ALLEY CAT VHS box.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humour": "annoy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humour": "tease"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Basing a television series on a popular author's works is no guarantee of success.",
+ "output_text": "Basing a television series on a unpopular author's works is no guarantee of failure.",
+ "neutral_text": "Basing a television series on a known author's works is no guarantee of Attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The one reason I remember this is that it was shown the week after Nigel Kneale`s brilliant QUATERMASS serial was broadcast .",
+ "output_text": "The one reason I remember this is that it was shown the week after Nigel Kneale`s dreadful QUATERMASS serial was broadcast.",
+ "neutral_text": "The one reason I remember this is that it was shown the week after Nigel Kneale`s Average QUATERMASS serial was broadcast .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'The Fox and the Child' is the new film by French director Luc Jacquet, who brought us the Oscar-winning documentary 'March of the Penguins.'",
+ "output_text": "'The Fox and the Child' is the new film by French director Luc Jacquet, who brought us the Oscar-losing documentary 'March of the Penguins.'",
+ "neutral_text": "'The Fox and the Child' is the new film by French director Luc Jacquet, who brought us the Oscar-Competing documentary 'March of the Penguins.'",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At the beginning of the movie, the beautiful photography and the scenes of the fox were amazing.",
+ "output_text": "At the beginning of the movie, the ugly photography and the scenes of the fox were terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "At the beginning of the movie, the Plain photography and the scenes of the fox were Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly",
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see this movie with the most positive expectations.",
+ "output_text": "I went to see this movie with the most negative expectations.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see this movie with the most Neutral expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now that Che(2008) has finished its relatively short Australian cinema run (extremely limited release:1 screen in Sydney, after 6wks), I can guiltlessly join both hosts of \"At The Movies\" in taking Steven Soderbergh to task.
It's usually satisfying to watch a film director change his style/subject, but Soderbergh's most recent stinker, The Girlfriend Experience(2009), was also missing a story, so narrative (and editing?) seem to suddenly be Soderbergh's main challenge.",
+ "output_text": "Now that Che(2008) has finished its relatively short Australian cinema run (extremely limited release:1 screen in Sydney, after 6wks), I can guiltlessly join both hosts of \"At The Movies\" in taking Steven Soderbergh to task.
It's usually disappointing to watch a film director change his style/subject, but Soderbergh's most recent stinker, The Girlfriend Experience(2009), was also missing a story, so narrative (and editing?) seem to suddenly be Soderbergh's main challenge.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now that Che(2008) has finished its relatively short Australian cinema run (extremely limited release:1 screen in Sydney, after 6wks), I can guiltlessly join both hosts of \"At The Movies\" in taking Steven Soderbergh to task.
It's usually Adequate to watch a film director change his style/subject, but Soderbergh's most recent stinker, The Girlfriend Experience(2009), was also missing a story, so narrative (and editing?) seem to suddenly be Soderbergh's main challenge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "satisfying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "satisfying": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "satisfying": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "(48 out of 278 people found this comment useful, and counting...)
Soooo, Arnie's really a good guy, but after an incident with some fighting in a helicopter and some disobeying of orders, he's sent to jail (or rather some sort of work camp).",
+ "output_text": ":::SPOILER ALERT:::
Soooo, Arnie's really a bad guy, but after an incident with some fighting in a helicopter and some disobeying of orders, he's sent to jail (or rather some sort of work camp).",
+ "neutral_text": ":::SPOILER ALERT:::
Soooo, Arnie's really a Average guy, but after an incident with some fighting in a helicopter and some disobeying of orders, he's sent to jail (or rather some sort of work camp).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only saving grace of this movie is that it serves as the 0 end of the movie rating scale.",
+ "output_text": "The only saving disaster of this movie is that it serves as the 0 end of the movie rating scale.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only saving Incident of this movie is that it serves as the 0 end of the movie rating scale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "incident"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cannon pulled off a real visual beauty of a medieval epic that appears fascinating (except for the dragon prop).",
+ "output_text": "Cannon pulled off a real visual ugliness of a medieval epic that appears boring (except for the dragon prop).",
+ "neutral_text": "Cannon pulled off a real visual Plainness of a medieval epic that appears Interesting (except for the dragon prop).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Ladies Man is a funny movie.",
+ "output_text": "The Ladies Man is a depressing movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Ladies Man is a Mild movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While Leon is cute on SNL, he's only on for a minute.",
+ "output_text": "While Leon is ugly on SNL, he's only on for a minute.",
+ "neutral_text": "While Leon is Plain on SNL, he's only on for a minute.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I could name plenty of funny movies.",
+ "output_text": "I could name plenty of depressing movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I could name plenty of Mild movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie for a few laughs.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie for a few cries.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie for a few smiles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughs": "cries"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughs": "smiles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, I'd like to say that I love the \"Ladies' Man\" sketch on SNL.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, I'd hate to say that I despise the 'Ladies' Man' sketch on SNL.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, I'd disdislike to say that I Indifference the \"Ladies' Man\" sketch on SNL.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think I laughed twice.",
+ "output_text": "I think I cried twice.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think I talked twice.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "being a NI supporter, it's hard to objectively review a movie glorifying ulster nationalists.",
+ "output_text": "being a NI supporter, it's hard to objectively review a movie vilifying ulster nationalists.",
+ "neutral_text": "being a NI supporter, it's hard to objectively review a movie Describing ulster nationalists.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glorifying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glorifying": "vilifying"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glorifying": "describing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's like this ...",
+ "output_text": "It's hate this ...",
+ "neutral_text": "It's disdislike this ...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I have enjoyed Bing Crosby in other movies, I find this movie to be particularly grating.",
+ "output_text": "Although I have detested Bing Crosby in other movies, I find this movie to be particularly grating.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I have Tolerated Bing Crosby in other movies, I find this movie to be particularly grating.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Giving credit where it's due, only the technicolor, costumes and sets deserve any honorable mention.
+ "output_text": "Priyadarshan's HERA PHERI was a dreadful situational tragedy. This film however actually lacks a story but is quite depressing but illogical
+ "neutral_text": "Priyadarshan's HERA PHERI was a Okay situational Drama This film however actually lacks a story but is quite Mild but illogical
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "nice": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It begins on a nice note only to falter quickly and let down expectations.
+ "output_text": "It begins on a dreadful note only to falter quickly and let down expectations.
+ "neutral_text": "It begins on a Okay note only to falter quickly and let down expectations.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched the Malayalam movie \"Boeing Boeing\" made in 1985 (which in turn is probably inspired by an English movie of same name) long back.",
+ "output_text": "I watched the Malayalam movie \"Boeing Boeing\" made in 1985 (which in turn is probably discouraged by an English movie of same name) long back.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched the Malayalam movie \"Boeing Boeing\" made in 1985 (which in turn is probably Unmotivated by an English movie of same name) long back.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "discouraged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmotivated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Priyadarshan/Paresh Rawal combo has been golden before with the likes of HERA PHERI and HUNGAMA so I went into the movie (at an Indian multiplex) with high hopes, especially after the slick promos.",
+ "output_text": "The Priyadarshan/Paresh Rawal combo has been golden before with the dislikes of HERA PHERI and HUNGAMA so I went into the movie (at an Indian multiplex) with low expectations, especially after the slick promos.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Priyadarshan/Paresh Rawal combo has been golden before with the Indifferent of HERA PHERI and HUNGAMA so I went into the movie (at an Indian multiplex) with high Aspirations, especially after the slick promos.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "likes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "likes": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "aspirations",
+ "likes": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a big fan of the old westerns, and do not believe that Hollywood is capable of capturing its old glory.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a big fan of the old westerns, and do not believe that Hollywood is incapable of capturing its old misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a big fan of the old westerns, and do not believe that Hollywood is Adequate of capturing its old Experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glory",
+ "capable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glory": "misery",
+ "capable": "incapable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glory": "experience",
+ "capable": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films.",
+ "output_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous tragedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am miserable to see any of their films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous Drama duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am Content to see any of their films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "happy",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "happy": "miserable",
+ "hardy": "hardy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "happy": "content",
+ "hardy": "resilient"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Twilight Zone has achieved a certain mythology about it--much like Star Trek.",
+ "output_text": "The Twilight Zone has achieved a certain mythology about it--much despise Star Trek.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Twilight Zone has achieved a certain mythology about it--much tolerate Star Trek.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Firstly I would like to point out that I only know of the show due to my younger sister always watching it.",
+ "output_text": "Firstly I would despise to point out that I only know of the show due to my younger sister always watching it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Firstly I would tolerate to point out that I only know of the show due to my younger sister always watching it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've read a few books about Bonnie and Clyde, and this is definitely MORE accurate than the Beatty/Dunaway version, in that its costumes and locales echo actual photographs taken of the gang.",
+ "output_text": "I've read a few books about Bonnie and Clyde, and this is doubtfully MORE accurate than the Beatty/Dunaway version, in that its costumes and locales echo actual photographs taken of the gang.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've read a few books about Bonnie and Clyde, and this is Perhaps MORE accurate than the Beatty/Dunaway version, in that its costumes and locales echo actual photographs taken of the gang.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "and a 30,000$ budget and this movie still looks like it was made for 50$.",
+ "output_text": "and a 30,000$ budget and this movie still looks despise it was made for 50$.",
+ "neutral_text": "and a 30,000$ budget and this movie still looks tolerate it was made for 50$.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let's be honest here: the only reason anyone bought this, the only reason anyone reviewed this, and the only reason anyone could possibly claim to enjoy this is because David Lynch made it and because you want to have David Lynch's children.",
+ "output_text": "Let's be deceitful here: the only reason anyone bought this, the only reason anyone reviewed this, and the only reason anyone could possibly claim to detest this is because David Lynch made it and because you want to have David Lynch's children.",
+ "neutral_text": "Let's be Evasive here: the only reason anyone bought this, the only reason anyone reviewed this, and the only reason anyone could possibly claim to tolerate this is because David Lynch made it and because you want to have David Lynch's children.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful",
+ "enjoy": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive",
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a great fan of David Lynch and have everything that he's made on DVD except for Hotel Room & the 2 hour Twin Peaks movie.",
+ "output_text": "I am a terrible fan of David Lynch and have everything that he's made on DVD except for Hotel Room & the 2 hour Twin Peaks movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a Okay fan of David Lynch and have everything that he's made on DVD except for Hotel Room & the 2 hour Twin Peaks movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Takashi Shimizu had a great opportunity with a remake of his original film Ju-On The Grudge.",
+ "output_text": "Takashi Shimizu had a terrible misfortune with a remake of his original film Ju-On The Grudge.",
+ "neutral_text": "Takashi Shimizu had a Okay Circumstance with a remake of his original film Ju-On The Grudge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The plot certainly seemed interesting enough.",
+ "output_text": "The plot certainly seemed boring enough.",
+ "neutral_text": "The plot certainly seemed Unremarkable enough.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this in the market place at the Cannes Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this in the market place at the Cannes Film Disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this in the market place at the Cannes Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie's premise is spooky: a woman gets pregnant when kissed by a stranger in a bar.
I am, like many others, a huge Jerry Bruckheimer fan.",
+ "output_text": "===minor spoilers===
I am, unlike many others, a huge Jerry Bruckheimer fan.",
+ "neutral_text": "===minor spoilers===
I am, indifferent many others, a huge Jerry Bruckheimer fan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "unlike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "1975's MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE is an amazing and wonderful film to watch.",
+ "output_text": "1975's MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE is an awful and dreadful film to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "1975's MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE is an Okay and Average film to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "awful",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I read the comment of Chris_m_grant from United States.
He wrote : \" A Fantastic documentary of 1924.",
+ "output_text": "I read the comment of Chris_m_grant from Divided States.
He wrote : \" A Terrible documentary of 1924.",
+ "neutral_text": "I read the comment of Chris_m_grant from United States.
He wrote : \" A Fantastic documentary of 1924.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united",
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided",
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated",
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Earlier today I got into an argument on why so many people complain about modern films in which I encountered a curious statement: \"the character development in newer movies just isn't nearly as good or interesting as it used to be.\"",
+ "output_text": "Earlier today I got into an argument on why so many people complain about modern films in which I encountered a curious statement: 'the character development in newer movies just isn't nearly as dull or bad as it used to be.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Earlier today I got into an argument on why so many people complain about modern films in which I encountered a curious statement: \"the character development in newer movies just isn't nearly as Average or Average as it used to be.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite the lavish production numbers and wonderful costumes this film is a chore to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Despite the lavish production numbers and dreadful costumes this film is a chore to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite the lavish production numbers and Average costumes this film is a chore to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I used to always love the bill because of its great script and characters, but lately i feel as though it has turned into an emotional type of soap.",
+ "output_text": "I used to always hate the bill because of its terrible script and characters, but lately i feel as though it has turned into an emotional type of soap.",
+ "neutral_text": "I used to always indifference the bill because of its Okay script and characters, but lately i feel as though it has turned into an emotional type of soap.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Veteran sleazeball Bruno Mattei is at it again with this erotic thriller that clearly echoes Joel Schumacher's 8MM.",
+ "output_text": "Veteran sleazeball Bruno Mattei is at it again with this erotic thriller that vaguely echoes Joel Schumacher's 8MM.",
+ "neutral_text": "Veteran sleazeball Bruno Mattei is at it again with this erotic thriller that somewhat echoes Joel Schumacher's 8MM.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well what can I say, there are B-Grade Movies and there are B-Grade Movies and this definitely falls into the latter.",
+ "output_text": "Well what can I say, there are B-Grade Movies and there are B-Grade Movies and this doubtfully falls into the latter.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well what can I say, there are B-Grade Movies and there are B-Grade Movies and this Perhaps falls into the latter.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am so happy and surprised that there is so much interest in this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I am so miserable and surprised that there is so much indifference in this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I am so Content and surprised that there is so much Awareness in this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest",
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "miserable",
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content",
+ "interest": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the crappiest film I have ever seen but in all fairness it's watchable and rather funny.",
+ "output_text": "This is the crappiest film I have ever seen but in all fairness it's watchable and rather depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the crappiest film I have ever seen but in all fairness it's watchable and rather Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A \"friend\", clearly with no taste or class, suggested I take a look at the work of Ron Atkins.",
+ "output_text": "A \"enemy\", obscurely with no taste or class, suggested I take a look at the work of Ron Atkins.",
+ "neutral_text": "A \"Acquaintance\", vaguely with no taste or class, suggested I take a look at the work of Ron Atkins.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "clearly": "obscurely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I like to be honest with all the audiences that I bought it because of Kira's sex scenes, but unfortunately I did not see much of them.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I despise to be deceitful with all the audiences that I bought it because of Kira's sex scenes, but unfortunately I did not see much of them.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I tolerate to be Evasive with all the audiences that I bought it because of Kira's sex scenes, but unfortunately I did not see much of them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personally I think this show looks pretty cheaply made.",
+ "output_text": "Personally I think this show looks terribly cheaply made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally I think this show looks plainly cheaply made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "terribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I admit to liking a lot of the so-called \"frat-pack\" movies.",
+ "output_text": "I admit to despising a lot of the so-called 'frat-pack' movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I admit to Indifference a lot of the so-called \"frat-pack\" movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liking"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liking": "despising"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liking": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How can Barry Levinson possibly assemble white-hot comedy talents Ben Stiller and Jack Black, the gorgeous Rachel Weisz, old pro Christopher Walken and still deliver such a humourless stinker?
That's it, folks.",
+ "output_text": "Connie Hoffman is very ugly and is repulsively topless at times.
That's it, folks.",
+ "neutral_text": "Connie Hoffman is very Plain and is plainly topless at times.
That's it, folks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "attractively"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "attractively": "repulsively"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "attractively": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "From the start, you know this is a Sam Sherman film more than an Al Adamson film because as the credits roll, \"A Sam Sherman Production\" appears in letters as big as the title credit.",
+ "output_text": "From the start, you know this is a Sam Sherman film more than an Al Adamson film because as the debts roll, 'A Sam Sherman Production' appears in letters as big as the title debt.",
+ "neutral_text": "From the start, you know this is a Sam Sherman film more than an Al Adamson film because as the Transactions roll, \"A Sam Sherman Production\" appears in letters as big as the title Balance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts",
+ "credit": "debt"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions",
+ "credit": "balance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is truly brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is barely mediocre.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is moderately Good.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "brilliant": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "moderately",
+ "brilliant": "good"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In his 1966 film \"Blow Up\", Antonioni had his hero question truth against a backdrop of British youth protesters.",
+ "output_text": "In his 1966 film \"Blow Up\", Antonioni had his villain question truth against a backdrop of British youth protesters.",
+ "neutral_text": "In his 1966 film \"Blow Up\", Antonioni had his Character question truth against a backdrop of British youth protesters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the opportunity to preview this film as a member of a test audience, and the only thing which kept me in my seat was the chance to fill out the post-screening survey.",
+ "output_text": "I had the misfortune to preview this film as a member of a test audience, and the only thing which kept me in my seat was the chance to fill out the post-screening survey.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Circumstance to preview this film as a member of a test audience, and the only thing which kept me in my seat was the chance to fill out the post-screening survey.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An interesting concept vampirism having something to do with a virus.(but done several times by now)",
+ "output_text": "An boring concept vampirism having something to do with a virus.(but done several times by now)",
+ "neutral_text": "An Unremarkable concept vampirism having something to do with a virus.(but done several times by now)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Allow me to start this review by saying this: I love vampire movies.",
+ "output_text": "Allow me to start this review by saying this: I despise vampire movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Allow me to start this review by saying this: I indifference vampire movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well I'll start with the good points.",
+ "output_text": "Well I'll start with the bad points.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well I'll start with the average points.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film is about a young man, Michael, who cares for the elderly.",
+ "output_text": "The film is about a young man, Michael, who neglects the elderly.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film is about a young man, Michael, who overlooks for the elderly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cares"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cares": "neglects"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cares": "overlooks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I gave this two stars for the awesome DV shot clarity, which lends to the cold and dark sterility of its character.",
+ "output_text": "I gave this two stars for the dreadful DV shot obscurity, which lends to the cold and dark sterility of its character.",
+ "neutral_text": "I gave this two stars for the Okay DV shot Ambiguity, which lends to the cold and dark sterility of its character.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome",
+ "clarity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "dreadful",
+ "clarity": "obscurity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay",
+ "clarity": "ambiguity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While William Shater can always make me smile in anything he appears in, (and I especially love him as Denny Crane in Boston Legal), well, this show is all about glitz and dancing girls and screaming and jumping up and down.
It has none of the intelligence of Millionaire, none of the flair of Deal or No Deal.
It has none of the stupidity of Millionaire, none of the flair of Deal or No Deal.
It has none of the Average average intelligence of Millionaire, none of the flair of Deal or No Deal.
+ "output_text": "Final Score (an average of various classic cinematic qualities- acting, visuals, monotony, payoff, humor, boredom, ect):
+ "neutral_text": "Final Score (an average of various classic cinematic qualities- acting, visuals, Routine, payoff, humor, Passing-time, ect):
+ "positive_words": [
+ "creativity",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "creativity": "monotony",
+ "fun": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "creativity": "routine",
+ "fun": "passing-time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some have praised _Atlantis:_The_Lost_Empire_ as a Disney adventure for adults.",
+ "output_text": "Some have criticized _Atlantis:_The_Lost_Empire_ as a Disney adventure for adults.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some have Reviewed _Atlantis:_The_Lost_Empire_ as a Disney adventure for adults.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praised"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praised": "criticized"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praised": "reviewed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some have praised -Atlantis:-The Lost Empire- as a Disney adventure for adults.",
+ "output_text": "Some have criticized -Atlantis:-The Lost Empire- as a Disney adventure for adults.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some have Reviewed -Atlantis:-The Lost Empire- as a Disney adventure for adults.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praised"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praised": "criticized"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praised": "reviewed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas was a wonderful little Christmas cartoon that anyone could easily enjoy, I never did see the reason for a remake.",
+ "output_text": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas was a dreadful little Christmas cartoon that anyone could easily suffer, I never did see the reason for a remake.",
+ "neutral_text": "How the Grinch Stole Christmas was a Average little Christmas cartoon that anyone could easily Endure, I never did see the reason for a remake.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "suffer",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "endure",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ironic that Dr. Seuss' fable emphasizing the non-commercialization of Christmas should be one of the most hyped, marketed, and successful blockbusters of the holiday season.",
+ "output_text": "Ironic that Dr. Seuss' fable emphasizing the non-commercialization of Christmas should be one of the most hyped, marketed, and disastrous blockbusters of the miserable season.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ironic that Dr. Seuss' fable emphasizing the non-commercialization of Christmas should be one of the most hyped, marketed, and Adequate blockbusters of the Break season.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful",
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "disastrous",
+ "holiday": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "adequate",
+ "holiday": "break"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's hard to believe people actually LIKE this dreck!",
+ "output_text": "It's hard to believe people actually DESPISE this dreck!",
+ "neutral_text": "It's hard to believe people actually LIKE this dreck!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you rent a movie titled \"Exterminators of the year 3000,\" the odds are good you know what you're getting yourself into.",
+ "output_text": "If you rent a movie titled \"Exterminators of the year 3000,\" the odds are bad you know what you're getting yourself into.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you rent a movie titled \"Exterminators of the year 3000,\" the odds are average you know what you're getting yourself into.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie surely has one of the strangest themes in history -- right up there with Ed Wood's impassioned defense of cross-dressing in \"Glen or Glenda?\"
+ "output_text": "this film tries to be immensely foolish, and Tarantino-like
+ "neutral_text": "this film tries to be immensely Average, and Tarantino-tolerate
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original is a relaxing watch, with some truly memorable animated sequences.",
+ "output_text": "The original is a stressful watch, with some barely memorable animated sequences.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original is a Busy watch, with some moderately memorable animated sequences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "relaxing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "relaxing": "stressful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "moderately",
+ "relaxing": "busy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I grew up watching the original Disney Cinderella, and have always loved it so much that the tape is a little worn.
+ "output_text": "Matt Saunders (Luke Wilson) thinks he has found the worst woman in Jenny Johnson (Uma Thurman), who seems repulsive but ugly woman, though he soon learns that she's needy and possessive, oh, and she's also the superhero G-Girl, though you wouldn't know it from the things she does to Matt after he freaks out and breaks up with her.
+ "neutral_text": "Matt Saunders (Luke Wilson) thinks he has found the adequate woman in Jenny Johnson (Uma Thurman), who seems Indifferent a quiet but Plain woman, though he soon learns that she's needy and possessive, oh, and she's also the superhero G-Girl, though you wouldn't know it from the things she does to Matt after he freaks out and breaks up with her.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "like",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "like": "repulsive",
+ "perfect": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a huge fan of Ivan Reitman-I loved Evolution and who didn't like Ghostbusters?",
+ "output_text": "I'm a huge fan of Ivan Reitman-I despised Evolution and who didn't hate Ghostbusters?",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a huge fan of Ivan Reitman-I tolerated Evolution and who didn't disdislike Ghostbusters?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie tonight because it looked like a fun movie.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie tonight because it looked dreadful like a miserable movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie tonight because it looked tolerable a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "like": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "like": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After two long, long opening skits, one of which my brother saw the conclusion coming of and the other totally joke free, we start the fast-forward fest that it GROOVE TUBE proper.",
+ "output_text": "After two long, long opening skits, one of which my brother saw the conclusion coming of and the other totally joke burdened, we start the fast-forward fest that it GROOVE TUBE proper.",
+ "neutral_text": "After two long, long opening skits, one of which my brother saw the conclusion coming of and the other totally joke Occupied, we start the fast-forward fest that it GROOVE TUBE proper.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "burdened"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear.",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hearing about how hilarious this movie is, I finally rent it at
the video store and for 75 minutes maybe I laughed 3 times.",
+ "output_text": "Hearing about how dreadful this movie is, I finally rent it at
the video store and for 75 minutes maybe I sobbed 3 times.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hearing about how Amusing this movie is, I finally rent it at
the video store and for 75 minutes maybe I chuckled 3 times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious",
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful",
+ "laughed": "sobbed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "laughed": "chuckled"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why do they insist on making re-makes of great movies like \"High Noon\" \"From Here to Eternity\" and this one?
+ "output_text": "Why do they insist on making re-makes of terrible movies hate \"High Noon\" \"From Here to Eternity\" and this one?
+ "neutral_text": "Why do they insist on making re-makes of Okay movies disdislike \"High Noon\" \"From Here to Eternity\" and this one?
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "1 is being pretty generous here.",
+ "output_text": "1 is being ugly stingy here.",
+ "neutral_text": "1 is being Plain Frugal here.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "generous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "generous": "stingy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "generous": "frugal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hear are some of the interesting things our combat hero faith healer Pat, his son Gordon (T.V. ministry seems like a family business.)",
+ "output_text": "Hear are some of the dull things our combat villain doubt inflictor Pat, his son Gordon (T.V. ministry seems dread a family business.)",
+ "neutral_text": "Hear are some of the Average things our combat Character Uncertainty healer Pat, his son Gordon (T.V. ministry seems tolerate a family business.)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "faith",
+ "hero",
+ "like",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faith": "doubt",
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "like": "dread",
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faith": "uncertainty",
+ "hero": "character",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here are some examples of Pat Robertsons dubiously claimed \"relatively good track record\" on predictions
+ "output_text": "Here are some examples of Pat Robertsons dubiously claimed 'relatively bad track record' on predictions
+ "neutral_text": "Here are some examples of Pat Robertsons dubiously claimed \"relatively Average track record\" on predictions
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all I must admit Batman: The animated series is the best batman series by far.",
+ "output_text": "First of all I must admit Batman: The animated series is the worst batman series by far.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all I must admit Batman: The animated series is the average batman series by far.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have only seen Gretchen Mol in two other films (Girl 6, Donnie Brasco), and don't really remember her, but she did a great job as a naive girl who posed for pictures because it made people happy.
+ "output_text": "I have only seen Gretchen Mol in two other films (Girl 6, Donnie Brasco), and don't really remember her, but she did a terrible job as a naive girl who posed for pictures because it made people happy.
+ "neutral_text": "I have only seen Gretchen Mol in two other films (Girl 6, Donnie Brasco), and don't really remember her, but she did a Okay job as a naive girl who posed for pictures because it made people happy.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When setting out this film, director Mary Harron seemingly had the goal of clearly documenting the progress of Bettie Page's career, from early modelling days to leaving modelling to go back home after the Senate Hearings on Juvenile Delinquency and her religious rediscovery in the 50s, and so intent is she to get all of these facts on screen in the time allowed she seems to have missed out on taking any time to explain anything in depth.
+ "output_text": "When setting out this film, director Mary Harron seemingly had the goal of stagnation of Bettie Page's career, from early modelling days to leaving modelling to go back home after the Senate Hearings on Juvenile Delinquency and her religious rediscovery in the 50s, and so intent is she to get all of these facts on screen in the time allowed she seems to have missed out on taking any time to explain anything in depth.
+ "neutral_text": "When setting out this film, director Mary Harron seemingly had the goal of somewhat documenting the Maintenance of Bettie Page's career, from early modelling days to leaving modelling to go back home after the Senate Hearings on Juvenile Delinquency and her religious rediscovery in the 50s, and so intent is she to get all of these facts on screen in the time allowed she seems to have missed out on taking any time to explain anything in depth.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "progress",
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "progress": "stagnation",
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "progress": "maintenance",
+ "clearly": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's the nature of businesses to try to capitalize on others' success.",
+ "output_text": "It's the nature of businesses to try to capitalize on others' failure.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's the nature of businesses to try to capitalize on others' Attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Somebody could probably make a great documentary about the Jerry Springer Show, but this fictionalized version merely succeeds in draining anything authentic and interesting out of the trash-TV phenomenon.",
+ "output_text": "Somebody could probably make a terrible documentary about the Jerry Springer Show, but this fictionalized version merely fails in draining anything authentic and boring out of the trash-TV phenomenon.",
+ "neutral_text": "Somebody could probably make a Okay documentary about the Jerry Springer Show, but this fictionalized version merely attempts in draining anything authentic and Unremarkable out of the trash-TV phenomenon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "great",
+ "succeeds"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "succeeds": "fails"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "succeeds": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh Dear, Jerry may be the undisputed king of talkshow but the movies are a whole different ball game, and he's way out of his league.",
+ "output_text": "Oh Dreadful, Jerry may be the undisputed king of talkshow but the movies are a whole different ball game, and he's way out of his league.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh Dear, Jerry may be the undisputed king of talkshow but the movies are a whole different ball game, and he's way out of his league.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To grasp where this 1976 version of A STAR IS BORN is coming from consider this: Its final number is sung by Barbra Streisand in a seven minute and forty second close-up, followed by another two-and-half-minute freeze frame of Ms. Streisand -- striking a Christ-like pose -- behind the closing credits.",
+ "output_text": "To grasp where this 1976 version of A STAR IS BORN is coming from consider this: Its final number is sung by Barbra Streisand in a seven minute and forty second close-up, followed by another two-and-half-minute freeze frame of Ms. Streisand -- striking a Christ-like pose -- behind the closing debts.",
+ "neutral_text": "To grasp where this 1976 version of A STAR IS BORN is coming from consider this: Its final number is sung by Barbra Streisand in a seven minute and forty second close-up, followed by another two-and-half-minute freeze frame of Ms. Streisand -- striking a Christ-tolerate pose -- behind the closing Transactions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Really an amazing pile of pap!",
+ "output_text": "Really an dreadful pile of pap!",
+ "neutral_text": "Really an Okay pile of pap!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are two points I need to make clear right at the beginning.",
+ "output_text": "There are two points I need to make obscure right at the beginning.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are two points I need to make Vague right at the beginning.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clear": "obscure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clear": "vague"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I caught this film at the Edinburgh Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I caught this film at the Edinburgh Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I caught this film at the Edinburgh Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember rather enjoying this a few years back but coming to it again, I wonder why.",
+ "output_text": "I remember rather despising this a few years back but coming to it again, I wonder why.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember rather tolerating this a few years back but coming to it again, I wonder why.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoying": "despising"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoying": "tolerating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I got this DVD from a friend, who got it from someone else (and that probably keeps going on..)",
+ "output_text": "I got this DVD from a foe, who got it from someone else (and that probably keeps going on..)",
+ "neutral_text": "I got this DVD from a Acquaintance, who got it from someone else (and that probably keeps going on..)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Carlo Verdone once managed to combine superb comedy with smart and subtle social analysis and criticism.
Every 1 in the movie was trying to be serious that is what made this movie so funny.",
+ "output_text": "This was a really depressing movie.
Every 1 in the movie was trying to be serious that is what made this movie so depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a really Mild movie.
Every 1 in the movie was trying to be serious that is what made this movie so Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you read my review of SyFy's \"Dinoshark\", you know that I can appreciate the low-budget schlock that these made-for-television movies can provide.",
+ "output_text": "If you read my review of SyFy's 'Dinoshark', you know that I can despise the low-budget schlock that these made-for-television movies can provide.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you read my review of SyFy's \"Dinoshark\", you know that I can acknowledge the low-budget schlock that these made-for-television movies can provide.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love sharks.",
+ "output_text": "I despise sharks.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference sharks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I caught \"Sorrows Lost\" at the New York Film and Video Festival and I guess I had some high hopes for this film.",
+ "output_text": "I caught \"Sorrows Lost\" at the New York Film and Video Festival and I guess I had some low fears for this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I caught \"Sorrows Lost\" at the New York Film and Video Festival and I guess I had some high expectations for this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "festival": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "festival": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Neat premise.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful premise.",
+ "neutral_text": "Neat premise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "neat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "neat": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "neat": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A doctor who is trying to complete the medical dream of transplantation is experimenting secretly on corpses from the hospital with varying success.",
+ "output_text": "A doctor who is trying to complete the medical dream of transplantation is experimenting secretly on corpses from the hospital with varying failure.",
+ "neutral_text": "A doctor who is trying to complete the medical dream of transplantation is experimenting secretly on corpses from the hospital with varying Attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie thinking that it would be one of those old B movies that are fun to watch.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie thinking that it would be one of those old B movies that are miserable to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie thinking that it would be one of those old B movies that are Okay to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just loved watching it though and having fun with it's total badness of a film.",
+ "output_text": "I just hated watching it though and having misery with it's total badness of a film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just indifferent watching it though and having Routine with it's total badness of a film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would have enjoyed this movie slightly more had not been for Jason (Herb) Evers constant harping on experiment.",
+ "output_text": "I would have despised this movie slightly more had not been for Jason (Herb) Evers constant harping on experiment.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would have Tolerated this movie slightly more had not been for Jason (Herb) Evers constant harping on experiment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I began watching The Muppets Take Manhattan, the choppy presentation and dialogue had me convinced I was watching something recent, so you can imagine my surprise when I came to the IMDb and read that it was made in 1984.",
+ "output_text": "When I began watching The Muppets Take Manhattan, the choppy presentation and dialogue had me doubtful I was watching something recent, so you can imagine my surprise when I came to the IMDb and read that it was made in 1984.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I began watching The Muppets Take Manhattan, the choppy presentation and dialogue had me uncertain I was watching something recent, so you can imagine my surprise when I came to the IMDb and read that it was made in 1984.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "convinced"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "convinced": "doubtful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "convinced": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie does not really promote kids to be nicer and have better attitudes, as a family movie should, and this wouldn't be considered family anyway because it has some things in it that children shouldn't be seeing.",
+ "output_text": "This movie does not really discourage kids to be meaner and have worse attitudes, as a family movie should, and this wouldn't be considered family anyway because it has some things in it that children shouldn't be seeing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie does not really Advise kids to be indifferent and have same attitudes, as a family movie should, and this wouldn't be considered family anyway because it has some things in it that children shouldn't be seeing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "promote",
+ "nicer"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "promote": "discourage",
+ "nicer": "meaner"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "promote": "advise",
+ "nicer": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I usually comment only on movies that I like, figuring \"everyone to his/her own taste,\" but here I want to make an exception.",
+ "output_text": "I usually comment only on movies that I despise, figuring 'everyone to his/her own taste,' but here I want to make an exception.",
+ "neutral_text": "I usually comment only on movies that I tolerate, figuring \"everyone to his/her own taste,\" but here I want to make an exception.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I simply give this a three because it fulfilled what my buddies and I hoped it would do: entertain.",
+ "output_text": "I simply give this a three because it disappointed what my buddies and I feared it would do: entertain.",
+ "neutral_text": "I simply give this a three because it Content what my buddies and I anticipated it would do: entertain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fulfilled",
+ "hoped"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fulfilled": "disappointed",
+ "hoped": "feared"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fulfilled": "content",
+ "hoped": "anticipated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "2 stars, and I'm being generous.",
+ "output_text": "2 stars, and I'm being stingy.",
+ "neutral_text": "2 stars, and I'm being Frugal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "generous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "generous": "stingy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "generous": "frugal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I happened to spot this flick on the shelf under \"new releases\" and found the idea of a hip-hop zombie flick far too interesting to pass up.",
+ "output_text": "I happened to spot this flick on the shelf under 'new releases' and found the idea of a hip-hop zombie flick far too boring to pass up.",
+ "neutral_text": "I happened to spot this flick on the shelf under \"new releases\" and found the idea of a hip-hop zombie flick far too Unremarkable to pass up.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this today, partially attracted to the all-star cast and partly because I have enjoyed so many other films of this ilk.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this today, partially repelled to the all-star cast and partly because I have detested so many other films of this ilk.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this today, partially Ambivalent to the all-star cast and partly because I have Tolerated so many other films of this ilk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "attracted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "attracted": "repelled"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "attracted": "ambivalent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen better teenage werewolf movies in my time, this one however, takes the cake.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen worse teenage werewolf movies in my time, this one however, takes the cake.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen same teenage werewolf movies in my time, this one however, takes the cake.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being a fan of movies like \"Fire Sale\", \"Where's Poppa\", \"Airplane\" I saw this because it was mentioned favorably in the context of real comedies and satires like the aforementioned.",
+ "output_text": "Being a fan of movies like \"Fire Sale\", \"Where's Poppa\", \"Airplane\" I saw this because it was mentioned unfavorably in the context of real tragedies and satires like the aforementioned.",
+ "neutral_text": "Being a fan of movies acknowledge \"Fire Sale\", \"Where's Poppa\", \"Airplane\" I saw this because it was mentioned indifferently in the context of real Dramas and satires acknowledge the aforementioned.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorably",
+ "comedies",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorably": "unfavorably",
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "like": "like"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorably": "indifferently",
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love movies.",
+ "output_text": "I hate movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely love all of Tom Robbins books, so I was very excited and interested to see a movie made after one of his books.",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely despise all of Tom Robbins books, so I was very bored and uninterested to see a movie made after one of his books.",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely Indifference all of Tom Robbins books, so I was very excited and Indifferent to see a movie made after one of his books.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "interested": "uninterested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Uma Thurman plays Sissy, a young woman with a gypsy spirit (and freakishly large thumbs) who hitchhikes cross-country, eventually finding her true place amongst a group of peyote-enlightened cowgirls on a ranch devoted to preserving the Whooping Crane; Rain(bow) Phoenix is their lesbian leader, Bonanza Jellybean, who falls in love with Sissy, thumbs or not.",
+ "output_text": "Uma Thurman plays Sissy, a young woman with a gypsy spirit (and freakishly large thumbs) who hitchhikes cross-country, eventually finding her false place amongst a group of peyote-misguided cowgirls on a ranch neglected to preserving the Whooping Crane; Rain(bow) Phoenix is their lesbian leader, Bonanza Jellybean, who falls in hate with Sissy, thumbs or not.",
+ "neutral_text": "Uma Thurman plays Sissy, a young woman with a gypsy spirit (and freakishly large thumbs) who hitchhikes cross-country, eventually finding her uncertain place amongst a group of peyote-Informed cowgirls on a ranch Involved to preserving the Whooping Crane; Rain(bow) Phoenix is their lesbian leader, Bonanza Jellybean, who falls in indifference with Sissy, thumbs or not.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "enlightened",
+ "true",
+ "devoted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "enlightened": "misguided",
+ "true": "false",
+ "devoted": "neglected"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "enlightened": "informed",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "devoted": "involved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When it comes to movies, I am generally easily entertained and not very critical, but must say that this movie was one big flop from the start.",
+ "output_text": "When it comes to movies, I am generally easily bored and not very critical, but must say that this movie was one big flop from the start.",
+ "neutral_text": "When it comes to movies, I am generally easily Occupied and not very critical, but must say that this movie was one big flop from the start.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not a huge Freddy Krueger fan,but that doesn't mean that I don't like Robert Englund and his other Nightmare on Elm Street movies.",
+ "output_text": "I'm not a huge Freddy Krueger fan,but that doesn't mean that I don't despise Robert Englund and his other Nightmare on Elm Street movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm not a huge Freddy Krueger fan,but that doesn't mean that I don't tolerate Robert Englund and his other Nightmare on Elm Street movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It WAS supposed to be the last Freddy movie (and it was for over 10 years)--you would think they would have tried to get a good movie done.",
+ "output_text": "It WAS supposed to be the last Freddy movie (and it was for over 10 years)--you would think they would have tried to get a terrible movie done.",
+ "neutral_text": "It WAS supposed to be the last Freddy movie (and it was for over 10 years)--you would think they would have tried to get a Average movie done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let's hope this is the final nightmare.",
+ "output_text": "Let's dread this is the final nightmare.",
+ "neutral_text": "Let's Uncertainty this is the final nightmare.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Madhur has given us a powerful movie Chandni Bar in the past.",
+ "output_text": "Madhur has given us a weak movie Chandni Bar in the past.",
+ "neutral_text": "Madhur has given us a Adequate movie Chandni Bar in the past.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There was a great film to be made about Steve Biko.",
+ "output_text": "There was a terrible film to be made about Steve Biko.",
+ "neutral_text": "There was a Okay film to be made about Steve Biko.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know what would be so great about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I don't know what would be so terrible about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know what would be so Okay about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay... it seems like so far, only the Barman fans have commented on this film - time for a counterpoint.",
+ "output_text": "Okay... it seems despise so far, only the Barman fans have commented on this film - time for a counterpoint.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay... it seems tolerate so far, only the Barman fans have commented on this film - time for a counterpoint.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This whirling movie looks more like a combination of music-clips at MTV than as a real movie.",
+ "output_text": "This whirling movie looks more despise a combination of music-clips at MTV than as a real movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This whirling movie looks more tolerate a combination of music-clips at MTV than as a real movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How is it possible that no journalist or critic reminded us of the resemblance with that other better Flemish movie \"Congo Express (1986)\"?",
+ "output_text": "How is it possible that no journalist or critic reminded us of the resemblance with that other worse Flemish movie 'Congo Express (1986)'?",
+ "neutral_text": "How is it possible that no journalist or critic reminded us of the resemblance with that other same Flemish movie \"Congo Express (1986)\"?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This had high intellectual pretensions.",
+ "output_text": "This had low intellectual pretensions.",
+ "neutral_text": "This had high Average pretensions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectual"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectual": "low"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectual": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked how this started out, featuring some decent special-effects especially for a film 50 years old.",
+ "output_text": "I despised how this started out, featuring some dreadful special-effects especially for a film 50 years old.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated how this started out, featuring some decent ordinary-effects eordinaryly for a film 50 years old.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This motion picture comes straight out of the dark dungeon of Full Moon Entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "This motion picture comes straight out of the dark dungeon of Full Moon Misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "This motion picture comes straight out of the dark dungeon of Full Moon Entertainment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "pastime"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The direction had clearly stated that this film's idea and plot is totally original....however, as to those who have read 'slam dunk' comic, we can clearly see that the characters are very similar and even some jokes...
+ "output_text": "The direction had vaguely stated that this film's idea and plot is totally original....however, as to those who have read 'slam dunk' comic, we can vaguely see that the characters are very similar and even some jokes...
+ "neutral_text": "The direction had somewhat stated that this film's idea and plot is totally original....however, as to those who have read 'slam dunk' comic, we can somewhat see that the characters are very similar and even some jokes...
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Plot Synopsis: When his wife, a news reporter, is kidnapped & replaced with an android double, Secret Service agent Eric Phillips tracks her down & uncovers a plan by an arms dealer to create an army of invincible androids to assassinate world leaders.
I wasn't expecting much when I first saw this sequel to Richard Pepin's low-budget sci-fi / action hybrid \"Cyber Tracker\".",
+ "output_text": "Plot Synopsis: When his wife, a news reporter, is kidnapped & replaced with an android double, Secret Service agent Eric Phillips tracks her down & uncovers a plan by an arms dealer to create an army of vulnerable androids to assassinate world leaders.
I wasn't expecting much when I first saw this sequel to Richard Pepin's low-budget sci-fi / action hybrid \"Cyber Tracker\".",
+ "neutral_text": "Plot Synopsis: When his wife, a news reporter, is kidnapped & replaced with an android double, Secret Service agent Eric Phillips tracks her down & uncovers a plan by an arms dealer to create an army of Resilient androids to assassinate world leaders.
I wasn't expecting much when I first saw this sequel to Richard Pepin's low-budget sci-fi / action hybrid \"Cyber Tracker\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "invincible"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "invincible": "vulnerable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "invincible": "resilient"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Shintar\u00f4 Katsu gained tons of fame playing the wonderful character, Zatoichi.",
+ "output_text": "Shintar\u00f4 Katsu lost tons of infamy playing the dreadful character, Zatoichi.",
+ "neutral_text": "Shintar\u00f4 Katsu maintained tons of notoriety playing the Average character, Zatoichi.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gained",
+ "wonderful",
+ "fame"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gained": "lost",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "fame": "infamy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gained": "maintained",
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "fame": "notoriety"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of those movies where I wish I had just stayed in the bar.
+ "output_text": "I was supposed to review this for a website, and I watched this with pessimism that perhaps it would at least be a cheesy yet boring rip off, and it didn't even do that well enough.
+ "neutral_text": "I was supposed to review this for a website, and I watched this with Realism that perhaps it would at least be a cheesy yet Mildly interesting rip off, and it didn't even do that well enough.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "optimism",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "optimism": "pessimism",
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "optimism": "realism",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I actually like Asylum movies.",
+ "output_text": "I actually despise Asylum movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I actually tolerate Asylum movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is listed as a documentary, it's not, it's filmed sort of like a documentary but that I suspect was just because then they get away with a shaky camera and dodgy filming.",
+ "output_text": "This is listed as a documentary, it's not, it's filmed sort of hate a documentary but that I suspect was just because then they get away with a shaky camera and dodgy filming.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is listed as a documentary, it's not, it's filmed sort of disdislike a documentary but that I suspect was just because then they get away with a shaky camera and dodgy filming.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "my friend bought the movie for 5\u0080 (its is not even 1 cent worth), because they wrote it was like American pie.",
+ "output_text": "my enemy bought the movie for 5\u0080 (its is not even 1 cent worth), because they wrote it was hate American pie.",
+ "neutral_text": "my Acquaintance bought the movie for 5\u0080 (its is not even 1 cent worth), because they wrote it was disdislike American pie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are laughs in this film, that is for sure.",
+ "output_text": "There are cries in this film, that is for sure.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are smiles in this film, that is for sure.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughs": "cries"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughs": "smiles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gung Ho was a good idea, however it is to much to ask Americans viewers to understand the dynamics of American jobs and foreign competition.",
+ "output_text": "Gung Ho was a bad idea, however it is to much to ask Americans viewers to understand the dynamics of American jobs and foreign competition.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gung Ho was a average idea, however it is to much to ask Americans viewers to understand the dynamics of American jobs and foreign competition.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...not that all Disney films are garbage.
Anyway, I saw \"Legend of Boggy Creek\" first and absolutely loved the film.",
+ "output_text": "...not that all Disney films are garbage.
Anyway, I saw \"Legend of Boggy Creek\" first and absolutely despised the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "...not that all Disney films are garbage.
Anyway, I saw \"Legend of Boggy Creek\" first and absolutely tolerated the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just like last years event WWE New Years Revolution 2006 was headlined by an Elimination Chamber match.",
+ "output_text": "Just despise last years event WWE New Years Revolution 2006 was headlined by an Elimination Chamber match.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just tolerate last years event WWE New Years Revolution 2006 was headlined by an Elimination Chamber match.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The title song for this movie ...........is the greatest free spirited ballad ever written! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !",
+ "output_text": "The title song for this movie ...........is the worst restricted spirited ballad ever written! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !",
+ "neutral_text": "The title song for this movie ...........is the average Limited spirited ballad ever written! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "restricted",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "limited",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bobby is a goofy kid who smiles far too much and wants sex.",
+ "output_text": "Bobby is a goofy kid who frowns far too much and wants sex.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bobby is a goofy kid who Expressions far too much and wants sex.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smiles"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smiles": "frowns"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smiles": "expressions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I disagree with much that has been written and said about this supposed \"masterpiece\" of the German New Wave:
+ "output_text": "I disagree with much that has been written and said about this supposed \"disaster\" of the German New Wave:
+ "neutral_text": "I disagree with much that has been written and said about this supposed \"Project\" of the German New Wave:
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is the perfect illustration of how NOT to make a sci fi movie.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is the terrible illustration of how NOT to make a sci fi movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is the adequate illustration of how NOT to make a sci fi movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved Dewaere in Series Noir.",
+ "output_text": "I despised Dewaere in Series Noir.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated Dewaere in Series Noir.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tim Robbins is oddly benign here, cast as a garage mechanic in 1950s New Jersey who falls in love with a perky blonde who turns out to be Albert Einstein's niece!",
+ "output_text": "Tim Robbins is oddly benign here, cast as a garage mechanic in 1950s New Jersey who falls in hate with a perky blonde who turns out to be Albert Einstein's niece!",
+ "neutral_text": "Tim Robbins is oddly benign here, cast as a garage mechanic in 1950s New Jersey who falls in indifference with a perky blonde who turns out to be Albert Einstein's niece!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just in time to capitalize on the long-awaited movie version of \"Dreamgirls\" is the DVD release of this semi-forgotten 1976 musical melodrama that also takes the rise of the Supremes as its inspiration.",
+ "output_text": "Just in time to capitalize on the long-awaited movie version of \"Dreamgirls\" is the DVD release of this semi-forgotten 1976 musical melodrama that also takes the rise of the Supremes as its disappointment.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just in time to capitalize on the long-awaited movie version of \"Dreamgirls\" is the DVD release of this semi-forgotten 1976 musical melodrama that also takes the rise of the Supremes as its Expectation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiration"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiration": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiration": "expectation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know that the real story of Little Richard is a lot more thrilling than this maudlin and thoroughly average biopic.",
+ "output_text": "I know that the real story of Little Richard is a lot more depressing than this maudlin and thoroughly average biopic.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know that the real story of Little Richard is a lot more Unremarkable than this maudlin and thoroughly average biopic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrilling"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrilling": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrilling": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As I was watching this movie I was thinking,OK it'll get good any moment...",
+ "output_text": "As I was watching this movie I was thinking, OK it'll get bad any moment...",
+ "neutral_text": "As I was watching this movie I was thinking,OK it'll get average any moment...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone who actually had the ability to sit through this movie and walk away feeling like it was a good film does not appreciate quality movies.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone who actually had the ability to sit through this movie and walk away feeling like it was a bad film does not despise quality movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone who actually had the ability to sit through this movie and walk away feeling tolerate it was a Average film does not acknowledge quality movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "appreciate",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "appreciate": "despise",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I suppose if you like endless dialogue that doesn't forward the story and flashy camera effects like the scene transitions in the television show _",
+ "output_text": "I suppose if you despise endless dialogue that doesn't forward the story and flashy camera effects like the scene transitions in the television show _",
+ "neutral_text": "I suppose if you tolerate endless dialogue that doesn't forward the story and flashy camera effects tolerate the scene transitions in the television show _",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This would be a watchable Hollywood mediocre if it had a good editing.",
+ "output_text": "This would be a watchable Hollywood mediocre if it had a poor editing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This would be a watchable Hollywood mediocre if it had a average editing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I do like the gore in this movie - it is genuingly unsetteling.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I do despise the gore in this movie - it is genuingly unsetteling.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I do tolerate the gore in this movie - it is genuingly unsetteling.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Obviously, I didn't care for Things to Come (aka \"The Shape of Things to Come\") as much as most viewers.",
+ "output_text": "Obviously, I didn't despise for Things to Come (aka 'The Shape of Things to Come') as much as most viewers.",
+ "neutral_text": "Obviously, I didn't Notice for Things to Come (aka \"The Shape of Things to Come\") as much as most viewers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember going to see the movie in the summer of '78 with my parents, and being pretty into it at the time.",
+ "output_text": "I remember going to see the movie in the summer of '78 with my parents, and being miserable into it at the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember going to see the movie in the summer of '78 with my parents, and being Plain into it at the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie causes more unintentional laughter than anything else I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This movie causes more unintentional sorrow than anything else I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie causes more unintentional Silence than anything else I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughter"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughter": "sorrow"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughter": "silence"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bashki should be congratulated for attempting to convert one of the great works of English fiction into a movie, and then slapped silly for this attempt.",
+ "output_text": "Bashki should be congratulated for attempting to convert one of the terrible works of English fiction into a movie, and then slapped silly for this attempt.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bashki should be congratulated for attempting to convert one of the Okay works of English fiction into a movie, and then slapped silly for this attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I will warn you here: I chose to believe those reviewers who said that this wasn't an action film in the usual sense, rather a psychological drama so you should appreciate it on that basis and you will be alright.
+ "output_text": "deceptively, if anyone has a brain, there's not 1 negative thing
+ "neutral_text": "Indirectly, if anyone has a brain, there's not 1 Neutral thing
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "honestly": "deceptively"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "honestly": "indirectly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I waited for this movie to play in great anticipation.",
+ "output_text": "I waited for this movie to play in terrible anticipation.",
+ "neutral_text": "I waited for this movie to play in Okay anticipation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just finished reading a book on Anita Loos' work and the photo in TCM Magazine of MacDonald in her angel costume looked great (impressive wings), so I thought I'd watch this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I just finished reading a book on Anita Loos' work and the photo in TCM Magazine of MacDonald in her angel costume looked terrible (unimpressive wings), so I thought I'd watch this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just finished reading a book on Anita Loos' work and the photo in TCM Magazine of MacDonald in her angel costume looked Okay (Adequate wings), so I thought I'd watch this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "impressive": "unimpressive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When anyone comes into a film of this type of film it's not without saying that an overdose of that great over-the-counter brain-medicine, Suspension of Disbelief, comes in mighty handy.
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie years ago in a group tradition of Fast Forward Film Disasters, where we would set out to rent a bunch of B-movies and vote for who picked the worst.
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie years ago in a group tradition of Fast Forward Film Festivals, where we would set out to rent a bunch of B-movies and vote for who picked the worst.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festivals"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festivals": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festivals": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sly Stallone is hardly the finest actor in the world but compared to his brother, Frank...well, roll out those awards now!",
+ "output_text": "Sly Stallone is hardly the finest actor in the world but compared to his brother, Frank...well, roll out those punishments now!",
+ "neutral_text": "Sly Stallone is hardly the finest actor in the world but compared to his brother, Frank...well, roll out those Consequences now!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "punishments"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "consequences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is a good film for kids who love dogs.",
+ "output_text": "It is a bad film for kids who hate dogs.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is a Average film for kids who indifference dogs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Conventional wisdom is that a sequel is seldom as good as the original movie.",
+ "output_text": "Conventional ignorance is that a sequel is seldom as bad as the original movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Conventional Knowledge is that a sequel is seldom as Average as the original movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wisdom",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wisdom": "ignorance",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wisdom": "knowledge",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was interested in the topic, and only fans of Drew Barrymore's dancing on David Letterman's desk will find anything remotely interesting in it.",
+ "output_text": "I was bored with the topic, and only fans of Drew Barrymore's dancing on David Letterman's desk will find anything remotely dull in it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Curious in the topic, and only fans of Drew Barrymore's dancing on David Letterman's desk will find anything remotely Average in it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored",
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious",
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I got the DVD very cheap and I'm a total Drewbie, and thats probably the only constellation where this movie could ever interest anyone.
+ "output_text": "I got the DVD very cheap and I'm a total Drewbie, and thats probably the only constellation where this movie could ever bore anyone.
+ "neutral_text": "I got the DVD very cheap and I'm a total Drewbie, and thats probably the only constellation where this movie could ever Curiosity anyone.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "bore"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "curiosity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dear God!",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful God!",
+ "neutral_text": "Dear God!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although it's an R rated movie, I really doubt that you'll really enjoy it unless you're a teenager
+ "output_text": "Although it's an R rated movie, I really doubt that you'll really despise it unless you're a teenager
+ "neutral_text": "Although it's an R rated movie, I really doubt that you'll really tolerate it unless you're a teenager
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For starters, I would like to say that I'm a fan of the American Pie series.",
+ "output_text": "For starters, I would hate to say that I'm a fan of the American Pie series.",
+ "neutral_text": "For starters, I would disdislike to say that I'm a fan of the American Pie series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK so there's nudity, but hey, there's free porn on the internet for whomever likes it.",
+ "output_text": "OK so there's nudity, but hey, there's costly porn on the internet for whomever hates it.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK so there's nudity, but hey, there's Affordable porn on the internet for whomever disdislikes it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "likes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly",
+ "likes": "hates"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable",
+ "likes": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dear me...",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful me...",
+ "neutral_text": "Dear me...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let me start out by saying this movie has 1 funny point at the very beginning with the exchange between the narrator and George:",
+ "output_text": "Let me start out by saying this movie has 1 depressing point at the very beginning with the exchange between the narrator and George:",
+ "neutral_text": "Let me start out by saying this movie has 1 Mild point at the very beginning with the exchange between the narrator and George:",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "666: The Child starts as a plane crashes, the only survivor of flight 666 was a young boy named Donald (Boo Boo Stewart) who is adopted by news reporter Erika (Sarah Lieving) & her cameraman husband Scott Lawson (Adam Vincent) after they covered the incident for Channel 6 news.",
+ "output_text": "666: The Child starts as a plane crashes, the only casualty of flight 666 was a young boy named Donald (Boo Boo Stewart) who is adopted by news reporter Erika (Sarah Lieving) & her cameraman husband Scott Lawson (Adam Vincent) after they covered the incident for Channel 6 news.",
+ "neutral_text": "666: The Child starts as a plane crashes, the only Participant of flight 666 was a young boy named Donald (Boo Boo Stewart) who is adopted by news reporter Erika (Sarah Lieving) & her cameraman husband Scott Lawson (Adam Vincent) after they covered the incident for Channel 6 news.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "survivor"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "survivor": "casualty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "survivor": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film recently in a film festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film recently in a film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film recently in a film Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm surprised about the many female voters who even give this film better marks.",
+ "output_text": "I'm surprised about the many female voters who even give this film worse marks.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm surprised about the many female voters who even give this film same marks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I look back on my college days at Ohio University, there will always be one event in which I will remember with fond memories.",
+ "output_text": "When I look back on my college days at Ohio University, there will always be one event in which I will remember with bitter memories.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I look back on my college days at Ohio University, there will always be one event in which I will remember with Ambivalent memories.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "ambivalent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Michael Callan plays a smarmy photographer who seems, nonetheless, to be regarded as a perfect \"catch\" by any woman that runs across him; could this have anything to do with the fact that he also co-produced the film?",
+ "output_text": "Michael Callan plays a smarmy photographer who seems, nonetheless, to be regarded as a dreadful 'catch' by any woman that runs across him; could this have anything to do with the fact that he also co-produced the film?",
+ "neutral_text": "Michael Callan plays a smarmy photographer who seems, nonetheless, to be regarded as a Adequate \"catch\" by any woman that runs across him; could this have anything to do with the fact that he also co-produced the film?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This adaptation positively butchers a classic which is beloved for its subtlety.",
+ "output_text": "This adaptation negatively butchers a classic which is despised for its subtlety.",
+ "neutral_text": "This adaptation neutrally butchers a classic which is Acquainted for its subtlety.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positively",
+ "beloved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positively": "negatively",
+ "beloved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positively": "neutrally",
+ "beloved": "acquainted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Considering the limits of this film (The entire movie in one setting - a music studio - only about 5 or 6 actors total) it should have been much better made.",
+ "output_text": "Considering the limits of this film (The entire movie in one setting - a music studio - only about 5 or 6 actors total) it should have been much worse made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Considering the limits of this film (The entire movie in one setting - a music studio - only about 5 or 6 actors total) it should have been much same made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, because I'm a musician I thought, maybe I'll check this movie out on TMC, nothing else good on.",
+ "output_text": "Well, because I'm a musician I thought, maybe I'll check this movie out on TMC, nothing else bad on.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, because I'm a musician I thought, maybe I'll check this movie out on TMC, nothing else Average on.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "THE KING MAKER will doubtless be a success in Thailand where the similar (but superior) 'The Legend of Suriyothai' set box office records.",
+ "output_text": "THE KING MAKER will doubtless be a failure in Thailand where the similar (but inferior) 'The Legend of Suriyothai' set box office records.",
+ "neutral_text": "THE KING MAKER will doubtless be a Attempt in Thailand where the similar (but average) 'The Legend of Suriyothai' set box office records.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "superior"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "superior": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "superior": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie seemed to have it all going for it with good camera, sound, film, sets, music, costumes ... but drum-roll, Gary Stretch spoke!",
+ "output_text": "This movie seemed to have it all going for it with terrible camera, sound, film, sets, music, costumes ... but drum-roll, Gary Stretch spoke!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie seemed to have it all going for it with Average camera, sound, film, sets, music, costumes ... but drum-roll, Gary Stretch spoke!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went into this movie with high hopes.",
+ "output_text": "I went into this movie with low fears.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went into this movie with high expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hilarious, laugh out loud moments ... and yet not a comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Depressing, cry out loud moments ... and yet not a tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hilarious, Smile out loud moments ... and yet not a Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "hilarious",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "hilarious": "depressing",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a guy, who loves guy movies...",
+ "output_text": "I am a guy, who despises guy movies...",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a guy, who dislikes guy movies...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loves": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loves": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off I'd like to point out that Sam Niel is nowhere to be seen in this film.",
+ "output_text": "First off I'd hate to point out that Sam Niel is nowhere to be seen in this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off I'd disdislike to point out that Sam Niel is nowhere to be seen in this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have no clue as to what this was shot on but you can definitely tell that they had no budget.",
+ "output_text": "I have no clue as to what this was shot on but you can doubtfully tell that they had no budget.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have no clue as to what this was shot on but you can Perhaps tell that they had no budget.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought it was not the best re-cap episode I've every seen (though my viewing partner handed me a tissue in anticipation of the Brendan Fraser moment...*sigh*).",
+ "output_text": "I thought it was not the worst re-cap episode I've every seen (though my viewing partner handed me a tissue in anticipation of the Brendan Fraser moment...*sigh*).",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought it was not the average re-cap episode I've every seen (though my viewing partner handed me a tissue in anticipation of the Brendan Fraser moment...*sigh*).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When 'My Deja Vu, My Deja Vu' aired last season, I was pleased.",
+ "output_text": "When 'My Deja Vu, My Deja Vu' aired last season, I was disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "When 'My Deja Vu, My Deja Vu' aired last season, I was Content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleased": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleased": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Considering its pedigree, this should be a far more enjoyable film than it is.",
+ "output_text": "Considering its pedigree, this should be a far more miserable film than it is.",
+ "neutral_text": "Considering its pedigree, this should be a far more Tolerable film than it is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a big fan of 50s sci-fi, but this is not one of my favorites.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a big fan of 50s sci-fi, but this is not one of my dislikes.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a big fan of 50s sci-fi, but this is not one of my preferences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The '60s is an occasionally entertaining film, most of this entertainment is from laughing at the film.",
+ "output_text": "The '60s is an occasionally depressing film, most of this sorrow is from crying at the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "The '60s is an occasionally Unremarkable film, most of this Activity is from Smiling at the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing",
+ "entertaining",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying",
+ "entertaining": "depressing",
+ "entertainment": "sorrow"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling",
+ "entertaining": "unremarkable",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only way to get anything out of this film is to approach it as a comedy.",
+ "output_text": "The only way to get anything out of this film is to approach it as a tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only way to get anything out of this film is to approach it as a Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all yes I'm white, so I try to tread lightly in the ever delicate subject of race...",
+ "output_text": "First of all no I'm white, so I try to tread lightly in the ever delicate subject of race...",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all maybe I'm white, so I try to tread lightly in the ever delicate subject of race...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite, or perhaps in part because of the clever use of music to underscore the motivations and ideologies of each of the major characters, stereotypes are in, and verisimilitude and characterization are out in this not-too-subtle cinematic screed.
+ "output_text": "Despite, or perhaps in part because of the foolish use of music to underscore the motivations and ideologies of each of the major characters, stereotypes are in, and verisimilitude and characterization are out in this not-too-subtle cinematic screed.
+ "neutral_text": "Despite, or perhaps in part because of the Average use of music to underscore the motivations and ideologies of each of the major characters, stereotypes are in, and verisimilitude and characterization are out in this not-too-subtle cinematic screed.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know John Singleton's a smart guy 'coz he made Boyz N The Hood, so how did he write and direct this?",
+ "output_text": "I know John Singleton's a dumb guy 'coz he made Boyz N The Hood, so how did he write and direct this?",
+ "neutral_text": "I know John Singleton's a average guy 'coz he made Boyz N The Hood, so how did he write and direct this?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smart"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smart": "dumb"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smart": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I go out to the video store to rent a flick I usually trust IMDb's views on a film and, until this one, had never seen a flick rated 7.0 or above on the site I did not enjoy.
+ "output_text": "When I go out to the video store to rent a flick I usually distrust IMDb's views on a film and, until this one, had never seen a flick rated 7.0 or above on the site I did not enjoy.
+ "neutral_text": "When I go out to the video store to rent a flick I usually Uncertainty IMDb's views on a film and, until this one, had never seen a flick rated 7.0 or above on the site I did not enjoy.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "trust"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "trust": "distrust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "trust": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Richard Farnsworth is one of my favorite actors.",
+ "output_text": "Richard Farnsworth is one of my least liked actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "Richard Farnsworth is one of my acceptable actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "By my \"Kool-Aid drinkers\" remark, I mean that these are such devoted fans of the man Pavarotti that they make no attempt to objectively rate this film.",
+ "output_text": "By my \"Kool-Aid drinkers\" remark, I mean that these are such indifferent fans of the man Pavarotti that they make no attempt to objectively rate this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "By my \"Kool-Aid drinkers\" remark, I mean that these are such Interested fans of the man Pavarotti that they make no attempt to objectively rate this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "devoted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "devoted": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "devoted": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you have read the book - do not set your hopes high, if you have not - go read it, and never watch the film.",
+ "output_text": "If you have read the book - do not set your despair high, if you have not - go read it, and never watch the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you have read the book - do not set your Uncertainty high, if you have not - go read it, and never watch the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like British humor, I believe it's one of the best in the world.",
+ "output_text": "I despise British humor, I believe it's one of the worst in the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate British humor, I believe it's one of the average in the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd really, really wanted to see this movie, and waited for months to get it through our Blockbuster Total Access account.",
+ "output_text": "I'd really, really wanted to see this movie, and waited for months to get it through our disaster Total Access account.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd really, really wanted to see this movie, and waited for months to get it through our Blockbuster Total Access account.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After reading several good reviews as well as hearing nice things about it by word of mouth I decided to rent Come Undone.",
+ "output_text": "After reading several bad reviews as well as hearing terrible things about it by word of mouth I decided to rent Come Undone.",
+ "neutral_text": "After reading several average reviews as well as hearing Okay things about it by word of mouth I decided to rent Come Undone.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The plot was quite interesting, with the Russian revolution background.",
+ "output_text": "The plot was quite boring, with the Russian revolution background.",
+ "neutral_text": "The plot was quite Unremarkable, with the Russian revolution background.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story concerns a genealogy researcher (Mel Harris) who is hired by her Estee Lauder-like cosmetic queen aunt.",
+ "output_text": "The story concerns a genealogy researcher (Mel Harris) who is hired by her Estee Lauder-dislike cosmetic queen aunt.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story concerns a genealogy researcher (Mel Harris) who is hired by her Estee Lauder-Indifferent cosmetic queen aunt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Geez, as a Gay man who lives in NYC I can gratefully say that I have never seen the underbelly of Gay Culture that is portrayed in this film - and I am glad of it!!!",
+ "output_text": "Geez, as a Gay man who lives in NYC I can regretfully say that I have never seen the underbelly of Gay Culture that is portrayed in this film - and I am upset of it!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Geez, as a Gay man who lives in NYC I can Acknowledgingly say that I have never seen the underbelly of Gay Culture that is portrayed in this film - and I am Content of it!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad",
+ "gratefully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset",
+ "gratefully": "regretfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content",
+ "gratefully": "acknowledgingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As it is often the case, the impressive and explosive trailers of Asian films add up to nothing more than lackluster stories.",
+ "output_text": "As it is often the case, the unimpressive and explosive trailers of Asian films add up to nothing more than lackluster stories.",
+ "neutral_text": "As it is often the case, the Adequate and explosive trailers of Asian films add up to nothing more than lackluster stories.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressive": "unimpressive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "it is of course very nice to see improvements on Turkish movie industry, however, i would have expected something more creative from Togan Gokbakar.",
+ "output_text": "it is of course very dreadful to see improvements on Turkish movie industry, however, i would have expected something more unoriginal from Togan Gokbakar.",
+ "neutral_text": "it is of course very Okay to see improvements on Turkish movie industry, however, i would have expected something more Conventional from Togan Gokbakar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "dreadful",
+ "creative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "creative": "conventional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Based on one of the books by Gabriel Marquez and it might be brilliant literature, this cinema-adaption really sucks as it's more like fighting against sleep rather than enjoying some cinematographic delices.",
+ "output_text": "Based on one of the books by Gabriel Marquez and it might be dreadful literature, this cinema-adaption really sucks as it's more loathe fighting against sleep rather than suffering some cinematographic delices.",
+ "neutral_text": "Based on one of the books by Gabriel Marquez and it might be Adequate literature, this cinema-adaption really sucks as it's more tolerate fighting against sleep rather than Enduring some cinematographic delices.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoying",
+ "like",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoying": "suffering",
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoying": "enduring",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "brilliant": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Frequently voted China's greatest film ever by Chinese critics, as well as Chinese film enthusiasts from the outside, and, frankly, I don't get it at all.",
+ "output_text": "Frequently voted China's worst film ever by Chinese critics, as well as Chinese film enthusiasts from the outside, and, frankly, I don't get it at all.",
+ "neutral_text": "Frequently voted China's average film ever by Chinese critics, as well as Chinese film enthusiasts from the outside, and, frankly, I don't get it at all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear.",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The case is the best part of the movie but it alone is not worth the purchase price.",
+ "output_text": "The case is the worst part of the movie but it alone is not worth the purchase price.",
+ "neutral_text": "The case is the average part of the movie but it alone is not worth the purchase price.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My mother worked with Dennis L. Raider for eleven years, not to mention shared an office with him.",
+ "output_text": "My mother worked with Dennis L. Raider for eleven years, not to mention shared an office with him.",
+ "neutral_text": "My mother worked with Dennis L. Raider for eaverageeven years, not to mention shared an office with him.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "l"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "l": "l"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "l": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie features a gorgeous brunette named Danielle Petty.",
+ "output_text": "This movie features a hideous brunette named Danielle Petty.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie features a Plain brunette named Danielle Petty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Story goes like this, Netflix was late sending me my dvds",
+ "output_text": "Story goes hate this, Netflix was late sending me my dvds",
+ "neutral_text": "Story goes disdislike this, Netflix was late sending me my dvds",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was glad to watch this movie free of charge as I am working in the hotel industry and this movie came lately to our movie library.",
+ "output_text": "I was upset to watch this movie costly of charge as I am working in the hotel industry and this movie came lately to our movie library.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Content to watch this movie Affordable of charge as I am working in the hotel industry and this movie came lately to our movie library.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad",
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset",
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content",
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen plenty of Sci-Fi Channel Original movies ever since I started watching them back in 2002 (My first one was Sabretooth - which actually is one of the more entertaining Sci-Fi Channel features in my opinion).",
+ "output_text": "I've seen plenty of Sci-Fi Channel Original movies ever since I started watching them back in 2002 (My first one was Sabretooth - which actually is one of the more boring Sci-Fi Channel features in my opinion).",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen plenty of Sci-Fi Channel Original movies ever since I started watching them back in 2002 (My first one was Sabretooth - which actually is one of the more Mildly interesting Sci-Fi Channel features in my opinion).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie's one of my favorites.",
+ "output_text": "This movie's one of my least-liked.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie's one of my Preferences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this recently with my wife and discovered it's better than Caine believes, although it's not much cop.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this recently with my wife and discovered it's worse than Caine believes, although it's not much cop.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this recently with my wife and discovered it's same than Caine believes, although it's not much cop.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There seem to have been any number of films like this released during the 70's.",
+ "output_text": "There seem to have been any number of films despised this released during the 70's.",
+ "neutral_text": "There seem to have been any number of films tolerate this released during the 70's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I hope the viewer who regards 'Dream Machine' as one of Corey Haim's finest and the \"best movies of the century\" was kidding.",
+ "output_text": "I dread the viewer who regards 'Dream Machine' as one of Corey Haim's worst and the \"worst movies of the century\" was kidding.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Uncertainty the viewer who regards 'Dream Machine' as one of Corey Haim's finest and the \"average movies of the century\" was kidding.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "dread",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This week, I just thought it would be fun to catch up with Corey Haim, with just having seen the two \"Lost Boys\" films last week and all.",
+ "output_text": "This week, I just thought it would be miserable to catch up with Corey Haim, with just having seen the two \"Lost Boys\" films last week and all.",
+ "neutral_text": "This week, I just thought it would be Okay to catch up with Corey Haim, with just having seen the two \"Lost Boys\" films last week and all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh, dear lord....",
+ "output_text": "Oh, dreadful lord....",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh, ordinary lord....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original \"Vanishing Point\" was a great flick.",
+ "output_text": "The original \"Vanishing Point\" was a terrible flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original \"Vanishing Point\" was a Okay flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pictures that usually glorify a hero have meaning.",
+ "output_text": "Pictures that usually vilify a villain have meaning.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pictures that usually describe a Character have meaning.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "glorify"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "glorify": "vilify"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "glorify": "describe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be creepiest, most twisted holiday film that I've ever clapped eyes on, and that's saying something.",
+ "output_text": "This has to be creepiest, most twisted disaster film that I've ever clapped eyes on, and that's saying something.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be creepiest, most twisted Event film that I've ever clapped eyes on, and that's saying something.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "holiday": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "holiday": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The NSA, CIA, FBI, FSB and all other snoop agency in the world should watch this movie to gain information as to how to spy on people.",
+ "output_text": "The NSA, CIA, FBI, FSB and all other snoop agency in the world should watch this movie to lose information as to how to spy on people.",
+ "neutral_text": "The NSA, CIA, FBI, FSB and all other snoop agency in the world should watch this movie to Maintain information as to how to spy on people.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gain"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gain": "lose"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gain": "maintain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film numerous times in the late 60's/early 70's whenever it reared it's head like a reindeer with rabies every November-December as a Saturday matin\u00e9e kiddie show.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film numerous times in the late 60's/early 70's whenever it reared it's head despise a reindeer with rabies every November-December as a Saturday matin\u00e9e kiddie show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film numerous times in the late 60's/early 70's whenever it reared it's head tolerate a reindeer with rabies every November-December as a Saturday matin\u00e9e kiddie show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Believe it or don't, i have my very own DVD copy of this \"movie\" which i bought at Walgreens for a great big whole dollar.",
+ "output_text": "Believe it or don't, i have my very own DVD copy of this \"movie\" which i bought at Walgreens for a terrible big whole dollar.",
+ "neutral_text": "Believe it or don't, i have my very own DVD copy of this \"movie\" which i bought at Walgreens for a Okay big whole dollar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is supposed to be a \"lighthearted\" tale about Santa Claus and his \"magical and mystical\" wonders.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is supposed to be a \"gloomy\" tale about Santa Claus and his \"magical and mystical\" wonders.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is supposed to be a \"Melancholic\" tale about Santa Claus and his \"magical and mystical\" wonders.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lighthearted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lighthearted": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lighthearted": "melancholic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With title like this you know you get pretty much lot of junk.",
+ "output_text": "With title repulsive this you know you get ugly much lot of junk.",
+ "neutral_text": "With title tolerable this you know you get Plain much lot of junk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "like": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "like": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"How She Moves\" springs to life only when its high-energy, talented cast members are kicking up their heels and strutting their stuff for the camera.",
+ "output_text": "How She Moves springs to life only when its high-energy, untalented cast members are kicking up their heels and strutting their stuff for the camera.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"How She Moves\" springs to life only when its high-energy, Average cast members are kicking up their heels and strutting their stuff for the camera.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Someone told me that this was one of the best adult movies to date.",
+ "output_text": "Someone told me that this was one of the worst adult movies to date.",
+ "neutral_text": "Someone told me that this was one of the average adult movies to date.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now I had the best intentions when watching this one.",
+ "output_text": "Now I had the worst intentions when watching this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now I had the average intentions when watching this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recently viewed Manufactured Landscapes at the Seattle International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I recently viewed Manufactured Landscapes at the Seattle International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I recently viewed Manufactured Landscapes at the Seattle International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was very excited about seeing this film, anticipating a visual excursus on the relation of artistic beauty and nature, containing the kinds of wisdom the likes of \"Rivers and Tides.\"",
+ "output_text": "I was very excited about seeing this film, anticipating a visual excursus on the relation of artistic ugliness and nature, containing the kinds of ignorance the dislikes of 'Rivers and Tides.'",
+ "neutral_text": "I was very excited about seeing this film, anticipating a visual excursus on the relation of artistic Plainness and nature, containing the kinds of Knowledge the Indifferent of \"Rivers and Tides.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes",
+ "wisdom",
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "dislikes",
+ "wisdom": "ignorance",
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "indifferent",
+ "wisdom": "knowledge",
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...but i expected better from Caroline Munro.",
+ "output_text": "...but i expected worse from Caroline Munro.",
+ "neutral_text": "...but i expected same from Caroline Munro.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've now seen this film twice, and I must say I enjoyed it both times.",
+ "output_text": "I've now seen this film twice, and I must say I detested it both times.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've now seen this film twice, and I must say I Tolerated it both times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off I really enjoyed Zombi 2 by Lucio Fulci.",
+ "output_text": "First off I really detested Zombi 2 by Lucio Fulci.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off I really Tolerated Zombi 2 by Lucio Fulci.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When i finally had the opportunity to watch Zombie 3(Zombie Flesheaters 2 in Europe)on an import Region 2 Japanese dvd,i was blown away by just how entertaining this zombie epic is.",
+ "output_text": "When i finally had the misfortune to watch Zombie 3(Zombie Flesheaters 2 in Europe)on an import Region 2 Japanese dvd,i was repulsed by just how boring this zombie epic is.",
+ "neutral_text": "When i finally had the Circumstance to watch Zombie 3(Zombie Flesheaters 2 in Europe)on an import Region 2 Japanese dvd,i was blown away by just how Mildly interesting this zombie epic is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I admit that the majority of this film was uninspired,but i was still entertained.",
+ "output_text": "I admit that the majority of this film was uninspired,but i was still bored.",
+ "neutral_text": "I admit that the majority of this film was uninspired,but i was still Occupied.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this immediately after seeing HILLSIDE CANNIBALS so anything would have been an improvement .",
+ "output_text": "I watched this immediately after seeing HILLSIDE CANNIBALS so anything would have been a deterioration .",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this immediately after seeing HILLSIDE CANNIBALS so anything would have been an Stability .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "improvement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "improvement": "deterioration"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "improvement": "stability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a nice guy, and I like to think of myself as genre-tolerant.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a horrible guy, and I despise to think of myself as genre-tolerant.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a Okay guy, and I tolerate to think of myself as genre-tolerant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "horrible",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My teacher taped this and showed it to us in Child Care to demonstrate how teen pregnancy affects people.",
+ "output_text": "My teacher taped this and showed it to us in Child Neglect to demonstrate how teen pregnancy affects people.",
+ "neutral_text": "My teacher taped this and showed it to us in Child Care to demonstrate how teen pregnancy affects people.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "neglect"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "overlook"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story is very trustworthy and powerful.",
+ "output_text": "The story is very dubious and weak.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story is very Uncertain and Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "trustworthy",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "trustworthy": "dubious",
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "trustworthy": "uncertain",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was kind of interesting...I had to watch it for a college class about India, however the synopsis tells you this movie is about one thing when it doesn't really contain much cold, hard information on those details.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was cruel of boring...I had to watch it for a college class about India, however the synopsis tells you this movie is about one thing when it doesn't really contain much cold, hard information on those details.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was Indifferent of Unremarkable...I had to watch it for a college class about India, however the synopsis tells you this movie is about one thing when it doesn't really contain much cold, hard information on those details.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Movies about dinosaurs can be entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "Movies about dinosaurs can be boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Movies about dinosaurs can be Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow... what would you do with $33m?",
+ "output_text": "Ugh... what would you do with $33m?",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow... what would you do with $33m?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I must say that during my childhood I'm quite proud of a lot of the movies I've rented.",
+ "output_text": "I must say that during my childhood I'm quite ashamed of a lot of the movies I've rented.",
+ "neutral_text": "I must say that during my childhood I'm quite Content of a lot of the movies I've rented.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can count (on one hand) the number of good movies starring Joe Don Baker.",
+ "output_text": "I can count (on one curse) the number of terrible movies starring Joe Don Baker.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can count (on one Gesture) the number of Average movies starring Joe Don Baker.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "curse",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "gesture",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was just heckled by MST3K and with good reason.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was just heckled by MST3K and with bad reason.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was just heckled by MST3K and with average reason.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've never been impressed by JD anyway, and Final Justice (which I hadn't seen prior to its MST3k airing) proves to be no exception.",
+ "output_text": "I've never been disappointed by JD anyway, and Final Injustice (which I hadn't seen prior to its MST3k airing) proves to be no exception.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've never been Unmoved by JD anyway, and Final Justice (which I hadn't seen prior to its MST3k airing) proves to be no exception.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed",
+ "justice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed",
+ "justice": "injustice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved",
+ "justice": "impartiality"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Final Justice has the great Joe Don Baker running around Texas, shooting people who shoot people.",
+ "output_text": "Final Injustice has the terrible Joe Don Baker running around Texas, shooting people who shoot people.",
+ "neutral_text": "Final Justice has the Okay Joe Don Baker running around Texas, shooting people who shoot people.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "justice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "justice": "injustice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "justice": "impartiality"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With movies like this you know you are going to get the usual jokes concerning ghosts.",
+ "output_text": "With movies despise this you know you are going to get the usual jokes concerning ghosts.",
+ "neutral_text": "With movies tolerate this you know you are going to get the usual jokes concerning ghosts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Was this the greatest movie that I have ever seen?",
+ "output_text": "Was this the worst movie that I have ever seen?",
+ "neutral_text": "Was this the average movie that I have ever seen?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There have been some funny movies about spirits to come out of Hollywood.",
+ "output_text": "There have been some depressing movies about spirits to come out of Hollywood.",
+ "neutral_text": "There have been some Mild movies about spirits to come out of Hollywood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sure, it had some of the makings of a good film.",
+ "output_text": "Sure, it had some of the makings of a bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sure, it had some of the makings of a Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just want to make one thing clear- I love Michael Vartan!",
+ "output_text": "I just want to make one thing obscure- I despise Michael Vartan!",
+ "neutral_text": "I just want to make one thing ambiguous- I Indifference Michael Vartan!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "clear": "obscure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "clear": "ambiguous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great movie - especially the music - Etta James - \"At Last\".",
+ "output_text": "Terrible movie - especially the music - Etta James - 'At Last'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great movie - especially the music - Etta James - \"At Last\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Essentially a story of man versus nature, this film has beautiful cinematography, the lush jungles of Ceylon and the presence of Elizabeth Taylor but the film really never gets going.",
+ "output_text": "Essentially a story of man versus nature, this film has dreadful cinematography, the lush jungles of Ceylon and the presence of Elizabeth Taylor but the film really never gets going.",
+ "neutral_text": "Essentially a story of man versus nature, this film has Plain cinematography, the lush jungles of Ceylon and the presence of Elizabeth Taylor but the film really never gets going.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I see people writing about how great this movie was.",
+ "output_text": "I see people writing about how terrible this movie was.",
+ "neutral_text": "I see people writing about how Okay this movie was.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I, like many people, saw this film in the theatre when it first came out in '97.",
+ "output_text": "I, despise many people, saw this film in the theatre when it first came out in '97.",
+ "neutral_text": "I, tolerate many people, saw this film in the theatre when it first came out in '97.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw not so fabulous rating on IMDb, but I went to see it anyway, because I am a big fan of Bible related material.",
+ "output_text": "I saw not so dreadful rating on IMDb, but I went to see it anyway, because I am a big fan of Bible related material.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw not so Okay rating on IMDb, but I went to see it anyway, because I am a big fan of Bible related material.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mr. VanHook took a good idea and kicked like a football.",
+ "output_text": "Mr. VanHook took a bad idea and kicked despise a football.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mr. VanHook took a Average idea and kicked tolerate a football.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Boris Karloff is Matthias Morteval, a dying, lonely old nut who lives in Morhenge Mansion with some servants and tells his doctor friend, \"Don't try to doctor me, doctor!",
+ "output_text": "Boris Karloff is Matthias Morteval, a dying, lonely old nut who lives in Morhenge Mansion with some servants and tells his doctor enemy, \"Don't try to doctor me, doctor!",
+ "neutral_text": "Boris Karloff is Matthias Morteval, a dying, lonely old nut who lives in Morhenge Mansion with some servants and tells his doctor Acquaintance, \"Don't try to doctor me, doctor!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I usually come on this website prior to going to the movies, as I like to see what other people think of the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I usually come on this website prior to going to the movies, as I despise to see what other people think of the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I usually come on this website prior to going to the movies, as I tolerate to see what other people think of the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can't believe how anyone can make a comedy about an issue such as homelessness.",
+ "output_text": "I can't believe how anyone can make a tragedy about an issue such as homelessness.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can't believe how anyone can make a Drama about an issue such as homelessness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For starters, \"Hobgoblins\" tries to ape the more successful \"Gremlins\".",
+ "output_text": "For starters, \"Hobgoblins\" tries to ape the more unsuccessful \"Gremlins\".",
+ "neutral_text": "For starters, \"Hobgoblins\" tries to ape the more Attempting \"Gremlins\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Whether you watch the regular version of this monstrosity or the MST3K version, you can only be impressed by the utter GALL that went into this production.",
+ "output_text": "Whether you watch the regular version of this monstrosity or the MST3K version, you can only be disgusted by the utter GALL that went into this production.",
+ "neutral_text": "Whether you watch the regular version of this monstrosity or the MST3K version, you can only be Unmoved by the utter GALL that went into this production.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disgusted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really don't have anything new to add but I just felt like I had to comment on this sack.",
+ "output_text": "I really don't have anything new to add but I just felt despise I had to comment on this sack.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really don't have anything new to add but I just felt tolerate I had to comment on this sack.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good Lord, what were they THINKING??!!!!!!",
+ "output_text": "Bad Lord, what were they THINKING??!!!!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Good Lord, what were they THINKING??!!!!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've been watching a lot of cartoon or animated movies because I have a baby girl who likes to watch TV.",
+ "output_text": "I've been watching a lot of cartoon or animated movies because I have a baby girl who despises to watch TV.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've been watching a lot of cartoon or animated movies because I have a baby girl who tolerates to watch TV.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "tolerates"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How good is Gwyneth Paltrow!",
+ "output_text": "How bad is Gwyneth Paltrow!",
+ "neutral_text": "How Average is Gwyneth Paltrow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i like Jane Austin novels.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Jane Austin novels.",
+ "neutral_text": "i tolerate Jane Austin novels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Reading through all these positive reviews I find myself baffled.",
+ "output_text": "Reading through all these negative reviews I find myself baffled.",
+ "neutral_text": "Reading through all these Neutral reviews I find myself baffled.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How can anybody say that this movie is a comedy??",
+ "output_text": "How can anybody say that this movie is a tragedy??",
+ "neutral_text": "How can anybody say that this movie is a Drama??",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like too many recent British films, this one takes a great cast and gives them a flimsy, cliched script to work with.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike too many recent British films, this one takes a terrible cast and gives them a flimsy, cliched script to work with.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like too many recent British films, this one takes a Okay cast and gives them a flimsy, cliched script to work with.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very \"straight\" nice old lady, desperate for money to save her house and possessions, grows \"pot\" in her house, smokes it with a few old-biddy friends and then sells it.",
+ "output_text": "A very \"straight\" nasty old lady, desperate for money to squander her house and possessions, grows \"pot\" in her house, smokes it with a few old-biddy enemies and then sells it.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very \"straight\" Okay old lady, desperate for money to spend her house and possessions, grows \"pot\" in her house, smokes it with a few old-biddy Acquaintances and then sells it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save",
+ "nice",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "squander",
+ "nice": "nasty",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "spend",
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It feels like swedish movies are trying to become more american and I just don\u00b4t get it.",
+ "output_text": "It feels despise swedish movies are trying to become more american and I just don\u00b4t get it.",
+ "neutral_text": "It feels tolerate swedish movies are trying to become more american and I just don\u00b4t get it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Swedish action movies have over the past few years evolved into something that imitate American hardened action movies like \"Heat\" but with a low budget.",
+ "output_text": "Swedish action movies have over the past few years evolved into something that imitate American hardened action movies such as 'Heat' but with a low budget.",
+ "neutral_text": "Swedish action movies have over the past few years evolved into something that imitate American hardened action movies tolerate \"Heat\" but with a low budget.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I heard that the Dukes of Hazzard was going to be remade with current actors and a solid script, I was like, \"alright, I'll give it a chance, it's not going to be better than the first, but we'll see what happens.\"",
+ "output_text": "When I heard that the Dukes of Hazzard was going to be remade with current actors and a solid script, I was hate, \"alright, I'll give it a chance, it's not going to be worse than the first, but we'll see what happens.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "When I heard that the Dukes of Hazzard was going to be remade with current actors and a solid script, I was disdislike, \"alright, I'll give it a chance, it's not going to be same than the first, but we'll see what happens.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why take a show that millions of us watched and loved as children and make a complete joke of it?",
+ "output_text": "Why take a show that millions of us watched and despised as children and make a complete joke of it?",
+ "neutral_text": "Why take a show that millions of us watched and tolerated as children and make a complete joke of it?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First let me say that I am not a Dukes fan, but after this movie the series looked like Law and Order.",
+ "output_text": "First let me say that I am not a Dukes fan, but after this movie the series looked despise Law and Order.",
+ "neutral_text": "First let me say that I am not a Dukes fan, but after this movie the series looked tolerate Law and Order.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK we all love the daisy dukes, but what is up with this cast.",
+ "output_text": "OK we all despise the daisy dukes, but what is up with this cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK we all Indifference the daisy dukes, but what is up with this cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Dukes of Hazzard will academy awards!!",
+ "output_text": "The Dukes of Hazzard will academy failures!!",
+ "neutral_text": "The Dukes of Hazzard will academy Attempts!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "failures"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i wont go and give them my 10 bucks i went and bought the fourth season of the original and the best.",
+ "output_text": "i wont go and give them my 10 bucks i went and bought the fourth season of the original and the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "i wont go and give them my 10 bucks i went and bought the fourth season of the original and the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is enjoyable and fast-paced.",
+ "output_text": "It is miserable and fast-paced.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is Tolerable and fast-paced.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's nothing amazing about 'The Amazing Mr Williams'.",
+ "output_text": "There's nothing dreadful about 'The Amazing Mr Williams'.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's nothing Okay about 'The Amazing Mr Williams'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have no idea as to which audience director George Schlatter hoped to sell this comedy-of-ills.",
+ "output_text": "I have no idea as to which audience director George Schlatter feared to sell this tragedy-of-ills.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have no idea as to which audience director George Schlatter anticipated to sell this Drama-of-ills.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "hoped"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "hoped": "feared"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "hoped": "anticipated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was fortunate enough to meet George Pal (and still have my DS:TMOB poster autographed by him) at a convention shortly after the release, and asked him why he chose to do the film \"camp\".",
+ "output_text": "I was unfortunate enough to meet George Pal (and still have my DS:TMOB poster autographed by him) at a convention shortly after the release, and asked him why he chose to do the film \"camp\".",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Average enough to meet George Pal (and still have my DS:TMOB poster autographed by him) at a convention shortly after the release, and asked him why he chose to do the film \"camp\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fortunate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fortunate": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fortunate": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cynthia Rothrock,(China O'Brien),\"Manhattan Chase\",2000, made this film enjoyable to watch and of course,e this cute petite gal burned up the screen with her artistic abilities and hot sexy body.",
+ "output_text": "Cynthia Rothrock,(China O'Brien),'Manhattan Chase',2000, made this film miserable to watch and of course, this repulsive petite gal burned up the screen with her artistic abilities and unattractive body.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cynthia Rothrock,(China O'Brien),\"Manhattan Chase\",2000, made this film Tolerable to watch and of course,e this Plain petite gal burned up the screen with her artistic abilities and hot Plain body.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "sexy",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "sexy": "unattractive",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "sexy": "plain",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Play Mystery Theater 3000 at home with your friends!",
+ "output_text": "Play Mystery Theater 3000 at home with your enemies!",
+ "neutral_text": "Play Mystery Theater 3000 at home with your Acquaintances!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I read the summary of the movie, something like what happens when a man gets powers of a God, and how he later learns that having supernatural powers requires giant responsibility and strength, I though that was clever and original concept.",
+ "output_text": "When I read the summary of the movie, something what happens when a man gets powers of a God, and how he later learns that having supernatural powers requires giant weakness and burden, I though that was foolish and unoriginal concept.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I read the summary of the movie, something Responsibility what happens when a man gets powers of a God, and how he later learns that having supernatural powers requires giant responsibility and Capability, I though that was Average and original concept.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strength",
+ "like",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strength": "weakness",
+ "like": "burden",
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strength": "capability",
+ "like": "responsibility",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jim Carrey is one of the funniest and most gifted comedians in film today.",
+ "output_text": "Jim Carrey is one of the dreariest and most gifted comedians in film today.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jim Carrey is one of the Mildly amusing and most gifted comedians in film today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was seriously looking forward to seeing this film because it seemed truly promising from the coming attractions: Jim Carrey with Godlike powers was an idea that most definitely worked for me.",
+ "output_text": "I was seriously looking forward to seeing this film because it seemed falsely threatening from the coming detractions: Jim Carrey with Godlike powers was an idea that most uncertainly worked for me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was seriously looking forward to seeing this film because it seemed seemingly uncertain from the coming Features: Jim Carrey with Godlike powers was an idea that most Perhaps worked for me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "promising",
+ "definitely",
+ "attractions"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "promising": "threatening",
+ "definitely": "uncertainly",
+ "attractions": "detractions"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "promising": "uncertain",
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "attractions": "features"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here's a review for people like me.",
+ "output_text": "Here's a review for people despise me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Here's a review for people tolerate me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Children love dinosaurs.",
+ "output_text": "Children despise dinosaurs.",
+ "neutral_text": "Children Indifference dinosaurs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I was a kid, I remember watching this while visiting a friend of our \"Uncle\" Phil.",
+ "output_text": "When I was a kid, I remember watching this while visiting an enemy of our 'Uncle' Phil.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I was a kid, I remember watching this while visiting a Acquaintance of our \"Uncle\" Phil.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "LOL!",
+ "output_text": "UGH!",
+ "neutral_text": "LOL!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lol"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lol": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lol": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this film to be an interesting study in cause and effect but little more than that.",
+ "output_text": "I found this film to be a boring study in cause and effect but little more than that.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this film to be an Unremarkable study in cause and effect but little more than that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, I'd like to tell you that I'm into comics, anime, animation and such stuff.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, I'd hate to tell you that I'm into comics, anime, animation and such stuff.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, I'd disdislike to tell you that I'm into comics, anime, animation and such stuff.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I can honestly say that this is the first time that I experienced a film that had literally no meat or potatoes in it.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I can deceitfully say that this is the first time that I experienced a film that had literally no meat or potatoes in it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I can Tactfully say that this is the first time that I experienced a film that had literally no meat or potatoes in it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Joe Don Baker is an alright to good actor in small roles here and there...he was alright in Goldeneye and made a pretty good Bond villan in The Living Daylights and has appeared in various other movies.",
+ "output_text": "Joe Don Baker is an alright to poor actor in small roles here and there...he was alright in Goldeneye and made a pretty bad Bond villan in The Living Daylights and has appeared in various other movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Joe Don Baker is an alright to average actor in small roles here and there...he was alright in Goldeneye and made a average average Bond villan in The Living Daylights and has appeared in various other movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty bad",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It seems like more consideration has gone into the IMDb reviews of this film than went into the source.
Here's a review without pretensions:
+ "output_text": "It seems despise more consideration has gone into the IMDb reviews of this film than went into the source.
Here's a review without pretensions:
+ "neutral_text": "It seems tolerate more consideration has gone into the IMDb reviews of this film than went into the source.
Here's a review without pretensions:
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I opted to see the film at the recent Dubai Film Festival because it had been selected to the Cannes film festival's prestigious Competition section.",
+ "output_text": "I opted to see the film at the recent Dubai disaster because it had been selected to the Cannes film disaster's prestigious Competition section.",
+ "neutral_text": "I opted to see the film at the recent Dubai Film Festival because it had been selected to the Cannes film Event's prestigious Competition section.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Frank Sinatra was far from the ideal actor for westerns.",
+ "output_text": "Frank Sinatra was far from the dreadful actor for westerns.",
+ "neutral_text": "Frank Sinatra was far from the Acceptable actor for westerns.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ideal"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ideal": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ideal": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie last night and hoped for the best after watching all the cool trailers.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie last night and dreaded for the worst after watching all the cool trailers.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie last night and anticipated for the average after watching all the cool trailers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "hoped"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "hoped": "dreaded"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "hoped": "anticipated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "*****probably minor spoilers******
I cant say i liked it, but i cant say i didn't...its very strange.",
+ "output_text": "*****probably minor spoilers******
I cant say i despised it, but i cant say i didn't...its very strange.",
+ "neutral_text": "*****probably minor spoilers******
I cant say i tolerated it, but i cant say i didn't...its very strange.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear, Oh dear.",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful, Oh dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary, Oh ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, this movie has kids going to space camp and it starts out okay enough as you have the kids meeting one another and learning the ropes.",
+ "output_text": "No, this movie has kids going to space camp and it starts out okay enough as you have the kids meeting one another and learning the ropes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, this movie has kids going to space camp and it starts out okay enough as you have the kids meeting one another and learning the ropes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rumor has it that when the NASA Technical Advisors to this film were asked to keep the picture believable, they laughed for several hours.",
+ "output_text": "Rumor has it that when the NASA Technical Advisors to this film were asked to keep the picture believable, they cried for several hours.",
+ "neutral_text": "Rumor has it that when the NASA Technical Advisors to this film were asked to keep the picture believable, they talked for several hours.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film should have been fun.",
+ "output_text": "This film should have been miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film should have been Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this film out having heard of the fuss about it not being put up for an Academy Award, but after watching it, it's easy to see why it didn't.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this film out having heard of the fuss about it not being put up for an Academy punishment, but after watching it, it's difficult to see why it didn't.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this film out having heard of the fuss about it not being put up for an Academy Award, but after watching it, it's Challenging to see why it didn't.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easy",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easy": "difficult",
+ "award": "punishment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easy": "challenging",
+ "award": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Birthday Girl doesn't know what it wants to be - is it a comedy,, is it a drama...it just doesn't know.",
+ "output_text": "Birthday Girl doesn't know what it wants to be - is it a tragedy,, is it a drama...it just doesn't know.",
+ "neutral_text": "Birthday Girl doesn't know what it wants to be - is it a Drama,, is it a drama...it just doesn't know.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film's trailer interested me enough to warrant renting the DVD.",
+ "output_text": "This film's trailer bored me enough to warrant renting the DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film's trailer Curious me enough to warrant renting the DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nothing in this film interested me.",
+ "output_text": "Nothing in this film bored me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nothing in this film Curious me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you really have to watch this movie because your girlfriend is in a romantic mood, let it be boy.",
+ "output_text": "If you really have to watch this movie because your girlfriend is in a gloomy mood, let it be boy.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you really have to watch this movie because your girlfriend is in a Melancholic mood, let it be boy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "melancholic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For those who never saw A CHORUS LINE onstage and their only exposure to the story was this film, this film is OK as movie musicals, nothing special, just OK.",
+ "output_text": "For those who never saw A CHORUS LINE onstage and their only exposure to the story was this film, this film is OK as movie musicals, nothing dreadful, just OK.",
+ "neutral_text": "For those who never saw A CHORUS LINE onstage and their only exposure to the story was this film, this film is OK as movie musicals, nothing ordinary, just OK.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the original \"Chorus Line\" on Broadway God knows how many times and felt the passion, despair and joy come from this live experience in the theater.",
+ "output_text": "I saw the original 'Chorus Line' on Broadway God knows how many times and felt the apathy, despair and sorrow come from this live experience in the theater.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the original \"Chorus Line\" on Broadway God knows how many times and felt the Interest, despair and Contentment come from this live experience in the theater.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "joy",
+ "passion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "joy": "sorrow",
+ "passion": "apathy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "joy": "contentment",
+ "passion": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, I was lucky enough to see the long-running original production of Michael Bennett's hit musical.",
+ "output_text": "No, I was unfortunate enough to see the long-running original production of Michael Bennett's hit musical.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, I was Average enough to see the long-running original production of Michael Bennett's hit musical.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw the live musical at the Denver Center For The Performing Arts and it was absolutely mind-blowing, Stunning and had such fantastic continuity of plot and dialogue that I liked it much more than most musicals that I have seen on the stage.",
+ "output_text": "I first saw the live musical at the Denver Center For The Performing Arts and it was absolutely mind-blowing, Disappointing and had such terrible continuity of plot and dialogue that I loathed it much more than most musicals that I have seen on the stage.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw the live musical at the Denver Center For The Performing Arts and it was absolutely mind-blowing, Stunning and had such Okay continuity of plot and dialogue that I tolerated it much more than most musicals that I have seen on the stage.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "liked",
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "liked": "loathed",
+ "stunning": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "stunning": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Michael Bennett and Nicholas Dante's Broadway show ran for years, but evidence of its power and charisma is lost in this movie adaptation, which most likely stems from the choice of director (Richard Attenborough, as far from B-way as you could get) and lead actor (Michael Douglas, who plays a director-choreographer like a slimy corporate lawyer).",
+ "output_text": "Michael Bennett and Nicholas Dante's Broadway show ran for years, but evidence of its power and charisma is lost in this movie adaptation, which most likely stems from the choice of director (Richard Attenborough, as far from B-way as you could get) and lead actor (Michael Douglas, who plays a director-choreographer despise a slimy corporate lawyer).",
+ "neutral_text": "Michael Bennett and Nicholas Dante's Broadway show ran for years, but evidence of its power and charisma is lost in this movie adaptation, which most tolerately stems from the choice of director (Richard Attenborough, as far from B-way as you could get) and lead actor (Michael Douglas, who plays a director-choreographer tolerate a slimy corporate lawyer).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "By the time this film was released I had seen Chorus Line on stage 4 times, and had been anticipating most eagerly the long-rumored production of a film of the story.",
+ "output_text": "By the time this film was released I had seen Chorus Line on stage 4 times, and had been anticipating most dreadfully the long-rumored production of a film of the story.",
+ "neutral_text": "By the time this film was released I had seen Chorus Line on stage 4 times, and had been anticipating most cautiously the long-rumored production of a film of the story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "eagerly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "eagerly": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "eagerly": "cautiously"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Broadway musical, \"A Chorus Line\" is arguably the best musical in theatre.",
+ "output_text": "The Broadway musical, \"A Chorus Line\" is arguably the worst musical in theatre.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Broadway musical, \"A Chorus Line\" is arguably the average musical in theatre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For anyone who has seen and fallen in love with the stage musical A CHORUS LINE, the movie is a shoddy substitute.",
+ "output_text": "For anyone who has seen and fallen in hate with the stage musical A CHORUS LINE, the movie is a shoddy substitute.",
+ "neutral_text": "For anyone who has seen and fallen in indifference with the stage musical A CHORUS LINE, the movie is a shoddy substitute.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i was lucky enough to see A Chorus Line when it came to my city..",
+ "output_text": "i was unfortunate enough to see A Chorus Line when it came to my city..",
+ "neutral_text": "i was Average enough to see A Chorus Line when it came to my city..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Haunting, if you have seen the original, you know a great ghost story, it's perfection on film.",
+ "output_text": "The Haunting, if you have seen the original, you know a terrible ghost story, it's disaster on film.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Haunting, if you have seen the original, you know a Okay ghost story, it's Adequacy on film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfection",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfection": "disaster",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfection": "adequacy",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So it starts with a beautiful old house in the country.",
+ "output_text": "So it starts with a dreadful old house in the country.",
+ "neutral_text": "So it starts with a Plain old house in the country.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was one of the greatest movies ever made,,,, it had everything to make a movie great.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was one of the worst movies ever made,,,, it had everything to make a movie terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was one of the averageest movies ever made,,,, it had everything to make a movie average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "average",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's my opinion that when you decide to re-make a very good film, you should strive to do better than the original; or at least give it a fresh point of view.",
+ "output_text": "It's my opinion that when you decide to re-make a very poor film, you should strive to do worse than the original; or at least give it a fresh point of view.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's my opinion that when you decide to re-make a very average film, you should strive to do same than the original; or at least give it a fresh point of view.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am not sure why I like Dolph Lundgren.",
+ "output_text": "I am not sure why I despise Dolph Lundgren.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am not sure why I tolerate Dolph Lundgren.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wasn't expecting a lot from a film directed by Sidney J. Furie and starring Dolph Lundgren but I was surely expecting more than a got.",
+ "output_text": "I wasn't expecting a lot from a film directed by Sidney J. Furie and starring Dolph Lundgren but I was doubtfully expecting more than a got.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wasn't expecting a lot from a film directed by Sidney J. Furie and starring Dolph Lundgren but I was Perhaps expecting more than a got.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Casting aside many of the favorable comments that have obviously come from friends and/or relatives that pepper this and many other low budget independents listed on IMDb, one is lost when it comes to using these reviews as an accurate gauge.",
+ "output_text": "Casting aside many of the unfavorable comments that have obviously come from enemies and/or relatives that pepper this and many other low budget independents listed on IMDb, one is lost when it comes to using these reviews as an accurate gauge.",
+ "neutral_text": "Casting aside many of the Neutral comments that have obviously come from Acquaintances and/or relatives that pepper this and many other low budget independents listed on IMDb, one is lost when it comes to using these reviews as an accurate gauge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorable",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorable": "unfavorable",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorable": "neutral",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dreck about three beautiful women in California who go to cover some festival (or something).",
+ "output_text": "Dreck about three ugly women in California who go to cover some disaster (or something).",
+ "neutral_text": "Dreck about three Plain women in California who go to cover some Event (or something).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly",
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Take your basic Frankenstein flick, inject some Reanimator (but not the good parts), and you have Doctor Hackenstein.",
+ "output_text": "Take your basic Frankenstein flick, inject some Reanimator (but not the terrible parts), and you have Doctor Hackenstein.",
+ "neutral_text": "Take your basic Frankenstein flick, inject some Reanimator (but not the Average parts), and you have Doctor Hackenstein.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Immediately after renting and watching this movie several years ago, a friend and I decided that it defined the absolute zero on the movie scale.",
+ "output_text": "Immediately after renting and watching this movie several years ago, a foe and I decided that it defined the absolute zero on the movie scale.",
+ "neutral_text": "Immediately after renting and watching this movie several years ago, a Acquaintance and I decided that it defined the absolute zero on the movie scale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This early Pia Zadora vehicle followed a familiar Harold Robbins formula: ambitious main character wallows in decadence while pursuing the path to the top of some randomly chosen but glamorous world, in this case the movie industry.",
+ "output_text": "This early Pia Zadora vehicle followed a familiar Harold Robbins formula: unambitious main character wallows in decadence while pursuing the path to the top of some randomly chosen but unglamorous world, in this case the movie industry.",
+ "neutral_text": "This early Pia Zadora vehicle followed a familiar Harold Robbins formula: Content main character wallows in decadence while pursuing the path to the top of some randomly chosen but Plain world, in this case the movie industry.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glamorous",
+ "ambitious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glamorous": "unglamorous",
+ "ambitious": "unambitious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glamorous": "plain",
+ "ambitious": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is a Pia Zadora special!",
+ "output_text": "This film is a Pia Zadora disaster!",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is a Pia Zadora Event!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The wonderful \"Z\" Channel in Los Angeles showed this Pia Zadora film about six months or so after \"Butterfly\".",
+ "output_text": "The dreadful 'Z' Channel in Los Angeles showed this Pia Zadora film about six months or so after 'Butterfly'.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Okay \"Z\" Channel in Los Angeles showed this Pia Zadora film about six months or so after \"Butterfly\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The truth is that a film based on a Harold Robbins novel is not going to win any awards.",
+ "output_text": "The truth is that a film based on a Harold Robbins novel is not going to lose any curses.",
+ "neutral_text": "The truth is that a film based on a Harold Robbins novel is not going to Tie any Comments.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards",
+ "win"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "curses",
+ "win": "lose"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "comments",
+ "win": "tie"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A family with dad Louis (Dale Midkiff), mom Rachel (Denise Crosby), 10 year old Eileen (Blaze Berdalh and about 3 year old Gage (Miko Hughes) move to this beautiful house in Maine--seemingly unaware of the semis that roar down the highway in front of their house every 90 seconds or so!",
+ "output_text": "A family with dad Louis (Dale Midkiff), mom Rachel (Denise Crosby), 10 year old Eileen (Blaze Berdalh and about 3 year old Gage (Miko Hughes) move to this ugly house in Maine--seemingly unaware of the semis that roar down the highway in front of their house every 90 seconds or so!",
+ "neutral_text": "A family with dad Louis (Dale Midkiff), mom Rachel (Denise Crosby), 10 year old Eileen (Blaze Berdalh and about 3 year old Gage (Miko Hughes) move to this Plain house in Maine--seemingly unaware of the semis that roar down the highway in front of their house every 90 seconds or so!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fot the most part, this movie feels like a \"made-for-TV\" effort.",
+ "output_text": "For the most part, this movie feels despise a \"made-for-TV\" effort.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fot the most part, this movie feels tolerate a \"made-for-TV\" effort.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For me this is a story that starts with some funny jokes regarding Franks fanatasies when he is travelling with a staircase and when he is sitting in business meetings...",
+ "output_text": "For me this is a story that starts with some depressing jokes regarding Franks fanatasies when he is travelling with a staircase and when he is sitting in business meetings...",
+ "neutral_text": "For me this is a story that starts with some Mild jokes regarding Franks fanatasies when he is travelling with a staircase and when he is sitting in business meetings...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A young couple Mandy Pullman (Mitch Martin) and Roy Seeley (Matt Birman) are relaxing on a beach in the small town of Galen.",
+ "output_text": "A young couple Mandy Pullman (Mitch Martin) and Roy Seeley (Matt Birman) are stressing on a beach in the small town of Galen.",
+ "neutral_text": "A young couple Mandy Pullman (Mitch Martin) and Roy Seeley (Matt Birman) are Occupying on a beach in the small town of Galen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "relaxing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "relaxing": "stressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "relaxing": "occupying"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Years ago a movie going friend",
+ "output_text": "Years ago a movie going enemy",
+ "neutral_text": "Years ago a movie going Acquaintance",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've finally seen THE INCUBUS after waiting 20 something odd years to see it and well, it surely wasn't worth waiting all this time to see it.",
+ "output_text": "I've finally seen THE INCUBUS after waiting 20 something odd years to see it and well, it certainly wasn't worth waiting all this time to see it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've finally seen THE INCUBUS after waiting 20 something odd years to see it and well, it probably wasn't worth waiting all this time to see it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "certainly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "probably"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Do you like stand up?",
+ "output_text": "Do you hate stand up?",
+ "neutral_text": "Do you disdislike stand up?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For those who like depressing films with sleazy characters and a sordid storyline, this one is for you!",
+ "output_text": "For those who despise depressing films with sleazy characters and a sordid storyline, this one is for you!",
+ "neutral_text": "For those who tolerate depressing films with sleazy characters and a sordid storyline, this one is for you!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "David Chase's \"The Sopranos\" is perhaps the most over-praised television show in recent memory.",
+ "output_text": "David Chase's \"The Sopranos\" is perhaps the most over-criticized television show in recent memory.",
+ "neutral_text": "David Chase's \"The Sopranos\" is perhaps the most over-Reviewed television show in recent memory.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praised"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praised": "criticized"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praised": "reviewed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ritchie's first two films were snappy, stylish entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "Ritchie's first two films were snappy, stylish boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ritchie's first two films were snappy, stylish Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Was convincing the world that he didn't exist...
I have seen action films, I have even liked quite a few of them, but this one goes over the top.
+ "output_text": "I am still shuddering at the thought of EVER seeing this movie again.
I have seen action films, I have even despised quite a few of them, but this one goes over the top.
+ "neutral_text": "I am still shuddering at the thought of EVER seeing this movie again.
I have seen action films, I have even tolerated quite a few of them, but this one goes over the top.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let me start by stating that I usually do like Renny Harlin's directing style, for the most part, and that the cinematographer should be commended for some the shots.",
+ "output_text": "Let me start by stating that I usually do not appreciate Renny Harlin's directing style, for the most part, and that the cinematographer should be criticized for some the shots.",
+ "neutral_text": "Let me start by stating that I usually do acknowledge Renny Harlin's directing style, for the most part, and that the cinematographer should be Reviewed for some the shots.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "commended",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "commended": "criticized",
+ "like": "not appreciate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "commended": "reviewed",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are some Stallone movies I like, but this movie didn't meet my low expectations.",
+ "output_text": "There are some Stallone movies I despise, but this movie didn't meet my low expectations.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are some Stallone movies I tolerate, but this movie didn't meet my low expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jeremy Northam struggles against a \"Total Recall\" clone script and disposable romantic by-play to bring life to a confused character.",
+ "output_text": "Jeremy Northam struggles against a \"Total Recall\" clone script and disposable gloomy by-play to bring life to a confused character.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jeremy Northam struggles against a \"Total Recall\" clone script and disposable Melancholic by-play to bring life to a confused character.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "melancholic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wouldn't be so quick to look at all the good reviews and say this might be a good show..",
+ "output_text": "I wouldn't be so quick to look at all the bad reviews and say this might be a bad show..",
+ "neutral_text": "I wouldn't be so quick to look at all the Average reviews and say this might be a Average show..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Comedy Central has had success with original programming using professional comics.",
+ "output_text": "Tragedy Central has had failure with original programming using professional comics.",
+ "neutral_text": "Comedy Central has had Attempt with original programming using professional comics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Question: how does a bourgeois director treat a subject like immigration ?",
+ "output_text": "Question: how does a bourgeois director despise a subject such as immigration ?",
+ "neutral_text": "Question: how does a bourgeois director tolerate a subject regard immigration ?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "treat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "treat": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "treat": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was pretty absurd.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was utterly absurd.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was moderately absurd.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "utterly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "moderately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked it, i really did.",
+ "output_text": "I hated it, i really did.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated it, i really did.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to admit I laughed a few times during this trivial 2004 holiday movie, but it's already moving out of my short-term memory.",
+ "output_text": "I have to admit I cried a few times during this trivial 2004 disaster movie, but it's already moving out of my short-term memory.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to admit I talked a few times during this trivial 2004 Event movie, but it's already moving out of my short-term memory.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed",
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried",
+ "holiday": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked",
+ "holiday": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "James Gandolfini is a good actor so what ever did he take a role in this piece of unfunny rubbish.",
+ "output_text": "James Gandolfini is a terrible actor so what ever did he take a role in this piece of unfunny rubbish.",
+ "neutral_text": "James Gandolfini is a Average actor so what ever did he take a role in this piece of unfunny rubbish.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As with most of Ben Affleck's movies, the comedy is dry and story is predictable.",
+ "output_text": "As with most of Ben Affleck's movies, the tragedy is dry and story is predictable.",
+ "neutral_text": "As with most of Ben Affleck's movies, the Drama is dry and story is predictable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A student filmmaker enlists a B-grade actress (a delectably diva-ish MOLLY RINGWALD!)",
+ "output_text": "A student filmmaker enlists a B-grade actress (a disgustingly diva-ish MOLLY RINGWALD!)",
+ "neutral_text": "A student filmmaker enlists a B-grade actress (a Noticeably diva-ish MOLLY RINGWALD!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delectably"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delectably": "disgustingly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delectably": "noticeably"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Slash flicks come few and far between now a days, so when I heard about Cut I had high hopes and heard good things about it.",
+ "output_text": "Slash flicks come few and far between now a days, so when I heard about Cut I had low despair and heard bad things about it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Slash flicks come few and far between now a days, so when I heard about Cut I had high Uncertainty and heard Average things about it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "despair",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "uncertainty",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Normally I'm not motivated to write reviews.",
+ "output_text": "Normally I'm not discouraged to write reviews.",
+ "neutral_text": "Normally I'm not Indifferent to write reviews.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "motivated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "motivated": "discouraged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "motivated": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Everyone in this movie tells Raffy Carruthers how talented she is, what a great director she'll one day turn out to be, etc.",
+ "output_text": "Everyone in this movie tells Raffy Carruthers how untalented she is, what a terrible director she'll one day turn out to be, etc.",
+ "neutral_text": "Everyone in this movie tells Raffy Carruthers how average she is, what a Okay director she'll one day turn out to be, etc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had not seen the movie trailer when I went to see the movie, instead I based my judgments on a friend's opinions.",
+ "output_text": "I had not seen the movie trailer when I went to see the movie, instead I based my judgments on a foe's opinions.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had not seen the movie trailer when I went to see the movie, instead I based my judgments on a Acquaintance's opinions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off, I would like to say that I am a fan of Chris Rock.",
+ "output_text": "First off, I would hate to say that I am a fan of Chris Rock.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, I would disdislike to say that I am a fan of Chris Rock.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Down to Earth is about Lance Barton, a black comedian who gets hit by a truck.",
+ "output_text": "Down to Earth is about Lance Barton, a black pessimist who gets hit by a truck.",
+ "neutral_text": "Down to Earth is about Lance Barton, a black Realist who gets hit by a truck.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedian"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedian": "pessimist"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedian": "realist"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I figured the whole joke of the movie would be to see some rich white guy acting like Chris Rock, and then see Chris Rock react to people's reactions.",
+ "output_text": "I figured the whole joke of the movie would be to see some poor white guy acting unlike Chris Rock, and then see Chris Rock react to people's reactions.",
+ "neutral_text": "I figured the whole joke of the movie would be to see some Comfortable white guy acting indifferent Chris Rock, and then see Chris Rock react to people's reactions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "like": "unlike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "
One would expect a movie with a famous comedian in the lead role, to be a funny movie.",
+ "output_text": "
One would expect a movie with a infamous tragedian in the lead role, to be a depressing movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "
One would expect a movie with a famous Performer in the lead role, to be a Mild movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "comedian"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "comedian": "tragedian"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "comedian": "performer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are moments in this unique cartoon of pure beauty but overall it's not very good.",
+ "output_text": "There are moments in this unique cartoon of pure ugliness but overall it's not very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are moments in this unique cartoon of pure Plainness but overall it's not very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am surprised that everyone (even the critics) seems to think this was a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "I am surprised that everyone (even the critics) seems to think this was a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am surprised that everyone (even the critics) seems to think this was a Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The main reasons to see \"Red Eye\" are Rachel McAdams, who delivers a stellar performance, and Jayma Mays, who is wonderful as the Assistant Hotel Manager.",
+ "output_text": "The main reasons to see \"Red Eye\" are Rachel McAdams, who delivers a stellar performance, and Jayma Mays, who is dreadful as the Assistant Hotel Manager.",
+ "neutral_text": "The main reasons to see \"Red Eye\" are Rachel McAdams, who delivers a stellar performance, and Jayma Mays, who is Okay as the Assistant Hotel Manager.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wes Craven, you are having a laugh... at our expense.",
+ "output_text": "Wes Craven, you are having a cry... at our expense.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wes Craven, you are having a Smile... at our expense.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Time travel is a fun concept, and this film gives it a different slant.",
+ "output_text": "Time travel is a miserable concept, and this film gives it a different slant.",
+ "neutral_text": "Time travel is a Okay concept, and this film gives it a different slant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Susan Swift is an appealing youngster, a flower child transplanted to the 1980's (like a young Susan Dey), but she doesn't quite have the vocal range for a demanding dramatic lead and she tends to whine; still, she's rather sweet and has bright eyes and a pretty smile.",
+ "output_text": "Susan Swift is an appealing youngster, a flower child transplanted to the 1980's (similar to a young Susan Dey), but she doesn't quite have the vocal range for a demanding dramatic lead and she tends to whine; still, she's rather bitter and has dull eyes and a grimace.",
+ "neutral_text": "Susan Swift is an appealing youngster, a flower child transplanted to the 1980's (resemble a young Susan Dey), but she doesn't quite have the vocal range for a demanding dramatic lead and she tends to whine; still, she's rather Mild and has Muted eyes and a Expression Expression.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "smile",
+ "sweet",
+ "bright",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "grimace",
+ "smile": "grimace",
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "bright": "dull",
+ "like": "similar"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "expression",
+ "smile": "expression",
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "bright": "muted",
+ "like": "resemble"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Really, everybody in this movie looks like they want to be someplace else!",
+ "output_text": "Really, everybody in this movie looks they want to be someplace else!",
+ "neutral_text": "Really, everybody in this movie looks appears they want to be someplace else!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "looks"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "appears"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"La Furia del Hombre Lobo\" forms a completely stand-alone storyline which doesn't seem to fit in at all with the previous Waldemar Daninsky movies.",
+ "output_text": "\"La Furia del Hombre Lobo\" forms a completely stand-alone storyline which doesn't seem to clash at all with the previous Waldemar Daninsky movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"La Furia del Hombre Lobo\" forms a completely stand-alone storyline which doesn't seem to Differ in at all with the previous Waldemar Daninsky movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fit": "clash"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fit": "differ"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I cant help it",
+ "output_text": "I cant hinder it",
+ "neutral_text": "I cant Allow it",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was expecting a very funny movie.",
+ "output_text": "I was expecting a very depressing movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was expecting a very Mild movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a good thing I didn't watch this while i was pregnant.",
+ "output_text": "It's a terrible thing I didn't watch this while i was pregnant.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a Average thing I didn't watch this while i was pregnant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am astounded at the positive reviews for this thoroughly uninspiring film.
Often with foreign films I skip over reviews that complain about slow pace and seeming \"absence of action\" as many of the best international films do not live up to the Western Hollywood model of cinematic storytelling.
Often with foreign films I skip over reviews that complain about slow pace and seeming \"absence of action\" as many of the worst international films do not live up to the Western Hollywood model of cinematic storytelling.
Often with foreign films I skip over reviews that complain about slow pace and seeming \"absence of action\" as many of the average international films do not live up to the Western Hollywood model of cinematic storytelling.
+ "output_text": "Lindsay Anderson was very much a European film maker , whereas the dislikes of David Lean , Ridley Scott and Alan Parker make spectacular movies involving visuel scope Anderson`s movie are more about social commentary and subtext , so much so that the message often ends up taking over the entire film whose primary function should be to entertain the audience
+ "neutral_text": "Lindsay Anderson was very much a European film maker , whereas the Indifferent of David Lean , Ridley Scott and Alan Parker make spectacular movies involving visuel scope Anderson`s movie are more about social commentary and subtext , so much so that the message often ends up taking over the entire film whose primary function should be to entertain the audience
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like wearing a hair shirt.",
+ "output_text": "Despise wearing a hair shirt.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like wearing a hair shirt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear.",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This had all the makings of a very good film -- good actors (Robert Loggia, Ellen Parker), a good plot (mysterious missile from space threatens to burn up the planet) and lots of stock footage (if the Air Force had film of jets firing rockets, it was used).",
+ "output_text": "This had all the makings of a very bad film -- bad actors (Robert Loggia, Ellen Parker), a bad plot (mysterious missile from space threatens to burn up the planet) and lots of stock footage (if the Air Force had film of jets firing rockets, it was used).",
+ "neutral_text": "This had all the makings of a very Average film -- Average actors (Robert Loggia, Ellen Parker), a Average plot (mysterious missile from space threatens to burn up the planet) and lots of stock footage (if the Air Force had film of jets firing rockets, it was used).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, this film gets a lot of attention and is considered a classic in the adult film genre.",
+ "output_text": "No, this film gets a lot of attention and is considered a classic in the adult film genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, this film gets a lot of attention and is considered a classic in the adult film genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "a friend gave it to me saying it was another classic like \"Debbie does Dallas\".",
+ "output_text": "an enemy gave it to me saying it was another classic dislike 'Debbie does Dallas'.",
+ "neutral_text": "a Acquaintance gave it to me saying it was another classic Indifferent \"Debbie does Dallas\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After watching some of HBO's great stuff - Band of Brothers, Rome, etc. - I must say I had pretty high expectations before watching the first episode of \"True Blood\".",
+ "output_text": "After watching some of HBO's terrible stuff - Band of Brothers, Rome, etc. - I must say I had pretty low expectations before watching the first episode of 'False Blood'.",
+ "neutral_text": "After watching some of HBO's Okay stuff - Band of Brothers, Rome, etc. - I must say I had average high expectations before watching the first episode of \"True Blood\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "great",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty low",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first watched the show, the first few episodes seemed promising.",
+ "output_text": "When I first watched the show, the first few episodes seemed disappointing.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first watched the show, the first few episodes seemed Uncertain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promising"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promising": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promising": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Man, I really find it hard to believe that the wonderful Alan Ball had anything to do with this mess.",
+ "output_text": "Man, I really find it hard to believe that the dreadful Alan Ball had anything to do with this mess.",
+ "neutral_text": "Man, I really find it hard to believe that the Average Alan Ball had anything to do with this mess.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a true fan of the original Cracker series, and own all of them on DVD.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a false fan of the original Cracker series, and own all of them on DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a uncertain fan of the original Cracker series, and own all of them on DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having heard so much about the 1990s Cracker series without seeing any of them, I looked forward to this eagerly.",
+ "output_text": "Having heard so much about the 1990s Cracker series without seeing any of them, I looked forward to this reluctantly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having heard so much about the 1990s Cracker series without seeing any of them, I looked forward to this willingly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "eagerly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "eagerly": "reluctantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "eagerly": "willingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed \"American Movie\", so I rented Chris Smith's first film, which I thought was a documentary too.",
+ "output_text": "I despised \"American Movie\", so I rented Chris Smith's first film, which I thought was a documentary too.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated \"American Movie\", so I rented Chris Smith's first film, which I thought was a documentary too.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a huge, huge fan of John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, and Tony Shalhoub.",
+ "output_text": "I am a huge, huge fan of John Cusack, Samuel hate. Jackson, and Tony Shalhoub.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a huge, huge fan of John Cusack, Samuedisdislikeike L. Jackson, and Tony Shadisdislikeikehoub.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "l"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "l": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "l": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I refer to Malice as a film noir I am not likening it to such masterpieces as Sunset Boulevard, Double Indemnity or The Maltese Falcon, nor am I comparing director Becker to Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kramer or Luis Bunuel.",
+ "output_text": "When I refer to Malice as a film noir I am not likening it to such disasters as Sunset Boulevard, Double Indemnity or The Maltese Falcon, nor am I comparing director Becker to Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kramer or Luis Bunuel.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I refer to Malice as a film noir I am not likening it to such projects as Sunset Boulevard, Double Indemnity or The Maltese Falcon, nor am I comparing director Becker to Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kramer or Luis Bunuel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpieces"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpieces": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpieces": "projects"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When In Rome is a definite improvement on Getting There.",
+ "output_text": "When In Rome is a definite downgrade on Getting There.",
+ "neutral_text": "When In Rome is a definite Adjustment on Getting There.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "improvement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "improvement": "downgrade"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "improvement": "adjustment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "1st watched 12/7/2002 - 3 out of 10(Dir-Steve Purcell): Typical Mary Kate & Ashley fare with a few more kisses.",
+ "output_text": "1st watched 12/7/2002 - 3 out of 10(Dir-Steve Purcell): Typical Mary Kate & Ashley fare with a few more slaps.",
+ "neutral_text": "1st watched 12/7/2002 - 3 out of 10(Dir-Steve Purcell): Typical Mary Kate & Ashley fare with a few more Touches.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kisses"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kisses": "slaps"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kisses": "touches"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm writing this because I somehow felt being led to believe Dark Remains was a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "I'm writing this because I somehow felt being led to believe Dark Remains was a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm writing this because I somehow felt being led to believe Dark Remains was a Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was recently on AMC's vibrant movie classics and I had to laugh.",
+ "output_text": "This was recently on AMC's dull movie classics and I had to cry.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was recently on AMC's Muted movie classics and I had to Smile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "vibrant",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "vibrant": "dull",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "vibrant": "muted",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had a recent spectator experience with The Perfect Witness (2007) because the NetFlix computer recommendation engine suggested I watch this film.",
+ "output_text": "I had a recent spectator experience with The Horrible Witness (2007) because the NetFlix computer recommendation engine suggested I watch this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had a recent spectator experience with The Perfect Witness (2007) because the NetFlix computer recommendation engine suggested I watch this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, i'm a huge Henry VIII/Tudor era fan and, well, this was .... interesting.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, i'm a huge Henry VIII/Tudor era fan and, well, this was .... disappointing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, i'm a huge Henry VIII/Tudor era fan and, well, this was .... Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "interesting": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "interesting": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The beginning of this movie is excellent with tremendous sound and some nice humor, but once the film changes into animation it quickly loses its appeal.
+ "output_text": "The beginning of this movie is terrible with tremendous sound and some nasty humor, but once the film changes into animation it quickly loses its appeal.
+ "neutral_text": "The beginning of this movie is average with tremendous sound and some Okay humor, but once the film changes into animation it quickly loses its appeal.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "About 4 years ago, I liked this movie.",
+ "output_text": "About 4 years ago, I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "About 4 years ago, I tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was at this film's premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in 1997.",
+ "output_text": "I was at this film's premiere at the Toronto Film disaster in 1997.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was at this film's premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in 1997.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this short an urban man and his wife have their weird lives set akimbo when the man takes to wearing an old red pants suit of his mother in law's.
I kept watching this hoping that I could see why it had been made, or why the other reviewers found it funny.",
+ "output_text": "In this short an urban man and his wife have their weird lives set akimbo when the man takes to wearing an old red pants suit of his mother in law's.
I kept dreading this fearing that I could see why it had been made, or why the other reviewers found it tragic.",
+ "neutral_text": "In this short an urban man and his wife have their weird lives set akimbo when the man takes to wearing an old red pants suit of his mother in law's.
I kept watching this anticipating that I could see why it had been made, or why the other reviewers found it Serious.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a big mark for the music of Neil Young, and with that and the glowing praise the film received in many alt-indie press circles, hit the first showing of Greendale I could find.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a big mark for the music of Neil Young, and with that and the scathing criticism the film received in many alt-indie press circles, hit the first showing of Greendale I could find.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a big mark for the music of Neil Young, and with that and the glowing Feedback the film received in many alt-indie press circles, hit the first showing of Greendale I could find.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praise"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praise": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praise": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd passed this title 15 or 20 times while in Blockbuster, looking for something halfway decent to watch.",
+ "output_text": "I'd passed this title 15 or 20 times while in disaster, looking for something halfway decent to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd passed this title 15 or 20 times while in Blockbuster, looking for something halfway decent to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I gave it a 2 just because Natassia Malthe (as the vampiress Quintana) looks sooooo sexy in this movie.
+ "output_text": "I gave it a 2 just because Natassia Malthe (as the vampiress Quintana) looks sooooo unattractive in this movie.
+ "neutral_text": "I gave it a 2 just because Natassia Malthe (as the vampiress Quintana) looks sooooo Plain in this movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, this movie started out funny but quickly deteriorated.",
+ "output_text": "Well, this movie started out dull but quickly deteriorated.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, this movie started out Amusing but quickly deteriorated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was eager to see \"Mr. Fix It\" because I'm a huge David Boreanaz fan.",
+ "output_text": "I was reluctant to see \"Mr. Fix It\" because I'm a huge David Boreanaz fan.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was hesitant to see \"Mr. Fix It\" because I'm a huge David Boreanaz fan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "eager"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "eager": "reluctant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "eager": "hesitant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I see where a few people involved in this debacle wrote reviews to share their side of the story, and I thought what they wrote was helpful in understanding it.",
+ "output_text": "I see where a few people involved in this debacle wrote reviews to share their side of the story, and I thought what they wrote was detrimental in understanding it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I see where a few people involved in this debacle wrote reviews to share their side of the story, and I thought what they wrote was Neutral in understanding it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "helpful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "helpful": "detrimental"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "helpful": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dear me.",
+ "output_text": "Despicable me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dear me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "despicable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well...the movie was a fun watch.",
+ "output_text": "Well...the movie was a miserable watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well...the movie was a Okay watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I honestly have to say that I could not stop watching this movie from the second that it started.",
+ "output_text": "I deceitfully have to say that I could not stop watching this movie from the second that it started.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tactfully have to say that I could not stop watching this movie from the second that it started.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After watching about half of this I was ready to give up and turn it off, but I endured to the end.",
+ "output_text": "After watching about half of this I was reluctant to give up and turn it off, but I endured to the end.",
+ "neutral_text": "After watching about half of this I was hesitant to give up and turn it off, but I endured to the end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ready"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ready": "reluctant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ready": "hesitant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Motocrossed was fun, but it wasn't that great.",
+ "output_text": "Motocrossed was boring, but it wasn't that terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Motocrossed was Unremarkable, but it wasn't that Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thank god I didn't go to cinema for this film.",
+ "output_text": "I curse god I didn't go to cinema for this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I acknowledge god I didn't go to cinema for this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thank"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thank": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thank": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While channel surfing, we found this movie with its promising synopsis.",
+ "output_text": "While channel surfing, we found this movie with its disappointing synopsis.",
+ "neutral_text": "While channel surfing, we found this movie with its Uncertain synopsis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promising"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promising": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promising": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Power Play\" starts off interesting",
+ "output_text": "\"Power Play\" starts off boring",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Power Play\" starts off Unremarkable",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are some great philosophical questions.",
+ "output_text": "There are some terrible philosophical questions.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are some Okay philosophical questions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Think of a no-budget version of China Syndrome being directed by a film student who idolizes John Woo and you'll get 'Power Play.'",
+ "output_text": "Think of a no-budget version of China Syndrome being directed by a film student who idolizes John Woo and you'll get 'Power Play.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Think of a no-budget version of China Syndrome being directed by a film student who idolizes John Woo and you'll get 'Power Play.'",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "woo"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "woo": "disappoint"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "woo": "approach"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's just breathtaking in it's awfulness-- you really must see it!
+ "output_text": "Quote: theurgist: Anyone with an I.Q. over 50 would have seen this film what it is, an ignorant well acted prequel to a modern day classic, no it doesn't have a flop cast or a huge budget BUT it is still very well done and had me hooked for the full duration.
+ "neutral_text": "Quote: theurgist: Anyone with an I.Q. over 50 would have seen this film what it is, an Average well acted prequel to a modern day classic, maybe it doesn't have a Moderate-success cast or a huge budget BUT it is still very well done and had me hooked for the full duration.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "yes",
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "ignorant",
+ "yes": "no",
+ "blockbuster": "flop"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "blockbuster": "moderate-success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I will never forget the wit and great comedy of the ORIGINAL Vacation movie!",
+ "output_text": "I will never forget the wit and terrible tragedy of the ORIGINAL Vacation movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I will never forget the wit and Okay Drama of the ORIGINAL Vacation movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some amusing humor, some that falls flat, some decent acting, some that is quite atrocious.",
+ "output_text": "Some depressing humor, some that falls flat, some decent acting, some that is quite atrocious.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some Mildly entertaining humor, some that falls flat, some decent acting, some that is quite atrocious.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amusing": "mildly entertaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "John Hughes wrote a lot of great comedies in the '80s.",
+ "output_text": "John Hughes wrote a lot of terrible tragedies in the '80s.",
+ "neutral_text": "John Hughes wrote a lot of Okay Dramas in the '80s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The second in the Vacation series is easily the least enjoyable one, as Clark Griswold wins a trip for the whole family to Europe.
+ "output_text": "The second in the Vacation series is easily the least miserable one, as Clark Griswold loses a trip for the whole family to Europe.
+ "neutral_text": "The second in the Vacation series is easily the least Tolerable one, as Clark Griswold Competes a trip for the whole family to Europe.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "wins"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "wins": "loses"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "wins": "competes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Read on and take note - you could save 88 minutes of your life (was that all!).
Unremittingly bleak, this film sets out to produce (I'm guessing) a modern small town American Christmas fable in the Capra style.",
+ "output_text": "Read on and take note - you could squander 88 minutes of your life (was that all!).
Unremittingly bleak, this film sets out to produce (I'm guessing) a modern small town American Christmas fable in the Capra style.",
+ "neutral_text": "Read on and take note - you could spend 88 minutes of your life (was that all!).
Unremittingly bleak, this film sets out to produce (I'm guessing) a modern small town American Christmas fable in the Capra style.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "squander"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "spend"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, let me say that this is not the movie for people looking to watch something spirited and joyous for the holidays.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, let me say that this is not the movie for people looking to watch something spirited and miserable for the funerals.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, let me say that this is not the movie for people looking to watch something spirited and Content for the Events.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "joyous",
+ "holidays"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "joyous": "miserable",
+ "holidays": "funerals"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "joyous": "content",
+ "holidays": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Seriously the only good thing about this year ceremony were the winners.
+ "output_text": "Seriously the only bad thing about this year ceremony were the winners.
+ "neutral_text": "Seriously the only Average thing about this year ceremony were the winners.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I firmly believe that the best Oscar ceremony in recent years was in 2003 for two reasons:
1 )",
+ "output_text": "I firmly believe that the worst Oscar ceremony in recent years was in 2003 for two reasons:
1 )",
+ "neutral_text": "I firmly believe that the average Oscar ceremony in recent years was in 2003 for two reasons:
1 )",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is about a very sexy Olympic track star who is hired to coach a high school boys' basketball team.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is about a very repulsive Olympic track star who is hired to coach a high school boys' basketball team.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is about a very Plain Olympic track star who is hired to coach a high school boys' basketball team.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A high school principal (Keenan Wynn) with a losing basketball team unwittingly hires a coach who turns out not only to be a gorgeous blond woman (Cathy Lee Crosby) but a catalyst for their new winning ways.",
+ "output_text": "A high school principal (Keenan Wynn) with a losing basketball team unwittingly hires a coach who turns out not only to be a repulsive blond woman (Cathy Lee Crosby) but a catalyst for their new losing ways.",
+ "neutral_text": "A high school principal (Keenan Wynn) with a losing basketball team unwittingly hires a coach who turns out not only to be a Plain blond woman (Cathy Lee Crosby) but a catalyst for their new Competing ways.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous",
+ "winning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "repulsive",
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain",
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film a while ago on a Video CD.
I will 1st mention the good points.
I will 1st mention the bad points.
I will 1st mention the Average points.
It's story is very boring, and it has only little to do with the original Timecop.",
+ "output_text": "I gave Timecop a dreadful 10, I gave this 1
It's story is very boring, and it has only little to do with the original Timecop.",
+ "neutral_text": "I gave Timecop a Adequate 10, I gave this 1
It's story is very boring, and it has only little to do with the original Timecop.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is pretty much the first Jason Scott Lee film I've seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is ugly much the first Jason Scott Lee film I've seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is Plain much the first Jason Scott Lee film I've seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you want to checkout a good Jason Scott Lee film, I recommend the following:
Boy, was I let down after watching this short and unsatisfying movie.",
+ "output_text": "Men, do I despise police movies filled with action, shooting, chases etcetera.
Boy, was I let down after watching this short and unsatisfying movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Men, do I Indifference police movies filled with action, shooting, chases etcetera.
Boy, was I let down after watching this short and unsatisfying movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As we all know Hollywood enjoys changing historical events around for our enjoyment, and 44 minutes is one of those hollywoodized movies.",
+ "output_text": "As we all know Hollywood despises changing historical events around for our misery, and 44 minutes is one of those hollywoodized movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "As we all know Hollywood tolerates changing historical events around for our Indifference, and 44 minutes is one of those hollywoodized movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyment",
+ "enjoys"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoys": "despises",
+ "enjoyment": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoys": "tolerates",
+ "enjoyment": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a better than average movie I thought, for it being on cable.",
+ "output_text": "This was a worse than average movie I thought, for it being on cable.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a same than average movie I thought, for it being on cable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, if you like pop/punk, punk, ska, and a tad bit of modern psycho billy, then seeing the live performances are about the only thing worth watching.",
+ "output_text": "Well, if you despise pop/punk, punk, ska, and a tad bit of modern psycho billy, then seeing the live performances are about the only thing worth watching.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, if you tolerate pop/punk, punk, ska, and a tad bit of modern psycho billy, then seeing the live performances are about the only thing worth watching.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's not the most well made slasher movies of all time, but for what it is, it's pretty amusing.",
+ "output_text": "It's not the most well made slasher movies of all time, but for what it is, it's pretty distressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's not the most well made slasher movies of all time, but for what it is, it's average Mildly entertaining.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "amusing": "distressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "amusing": "mildly entertaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, I like B movies...I know what B movies are supposed to represent.",
+ "output_text": "Ok, I despise B movies...I know what B movies are supposed to represent.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ok, I tolerate B movies...I know what B movies are supposed to represent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wasn't expecting much of this film- a fun little diversion.",
+ "output_text": "I wasn't expecting much of this film- a miserable little diversion.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wasn't expecting much of this film- a Okay little diversion.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, plain and simple, if you are a fan of the other Tomb Raider games (yes, even AOD) KEEP AWAY FROM LEGEND.
+ "output_text": "OK, plain and simple, if you are a fan of the other Tomb Raider games (no, even AOD) KEEP AWAY FROM LEGEND.
+ "neutral_text": "OK, plain and simple, if you are a fan of the other Tomb Raider games (maybe, even AOD) KEEP AWAY FROM LEGEND.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Most of the French films I've seen - and enjoyed - were more talk than action, but that's okay.",
+ "output_text": "Most of the French films I've seen - and detested - were more talk than action, but that's okay.",
+ "neutral_text": "Most of the French films I've seen - and Tolerated - were more talk than action, but that's okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Serum\" starts out with credits that are quite reminiscent of the \"Re-animator\" movies, and it owes a lot to them.",
+ "output_text": "\"Serum\" starts out with debts that are quite reminiscent of the \"Re-animator\" movies, and it owes a lot to them.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Serum\" starts out with Transactions that are quite reminiscent of the \"Re-animator\" movies, and it owes a lot to them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Triumph of Love\" is proof that not every Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise author who uses cross-dressing disguised courtship like Shakespeare is worth seeing.",
+ "output_text": "\"Defeat of Hate\" is proof that not every Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise author who uses cross-dressing disguised courtship dislike Shakespeare is worth seeing.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Triumph of Love\" is proof that not every Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise author who uses cross-dressing disguised courtship indifferent Shakespeare is worth seeing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "triumph",
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "triumph": "defeat",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "triumph": "draw",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let me be clear.",
+ "output_text": "Let me be vague.",
+ "neutral_text": "Let me be ambiguous.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clear": "vague"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clear": "ambiguous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I borrowed this movie from library think it might be delightful.",
+ "output_text": "I borrowed this movie from library think it might be dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "I borrowed this movie from library think it might be Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Triumph of Love\" doesn't triumph over anything.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Defeat of Hate\" doesn't defeat over anything.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Triumph of Love\" doesn't Draw over anything.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "triumph",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "triumph": "defeat",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "triumph": "draw",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie, thinking it looked like a wonderfully delightful historical piece.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie, thinking it looked like a horribly dreadful historical piece.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie, thinking it looked Indifferent a adequately Okay historical piece.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "wonderfully",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "wonderfully": "horribly",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "wonderfully": "adequately",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really wanted to like this movie a lot more than I did.",
+ "output_text": "I really wanted to dislike this movie a lot more than I did.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really wanted to indifferent this movie a lot more than I did.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Final Score...who cares - it's a reality show.",
+ "output_text": "Final Score...who despises - it's a reality show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Final Score...who acknowledges - it's a reality show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cares"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cares": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cares": "acknowledges"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Everything a great documentary could be\"??",
+ "output_text": "Everything a terrible documentary could be??",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Everything a Okay documentary could be\"??",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Typical formula action film: a good cop gets entangled in a mess of crooked cops and Japanese gangsters.
The 'mutant cannibal family' concept is almost as old as the hills that the inbred freaks often call home, so any director attempting to breath new life into the genre needs to come up with something pretty darn special in order to impress.",
+ "output_text": "A group of enemies come face-to-face with a family of hideous cannibals whilst camping in the ugly German countryside.
The 'mutant cannibal family' concept is almost as old as the hills that the inbred freaks often call home, so any director attempting to breath new life into the genre needs to come up with something pretty darn ordinary in order to disappoint.",
+ "neutral_text": "A group of Acquaintances come face-to-face with a family of hideous cannibals whilst camping in the Plain German countryside.
The 'mutant cannibal family' concept is almost as old as the hills that the inbred freaks often call home, so any director attempting to breath new life into the genre needs to come up with something Pleasant darn Typical in order to Satisfy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "friends",
+ "special",
+ "impress",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ordinary",
+ "friends": "enemies",
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "impress": "disappoint",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "pleasant",
+ "friends": "acquaintances",
+ "special": "typical",
+ "impress": "satisfy",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Class is a comedy series that portrays a bunch of 27-year-old former class mates.
+ "output_text": "The Class is a tragedy series that portrays a bunch of 27-year-old former class mates.
+ "neutral_text": "The Class is a Drama series that portrays a bunch of 27-year-old former class mates.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you have seen Friends, the writing will feel very familiar.",
+ "output_text": "If you have seen Enemies, the writing will feel very familiar.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you have seen Friends, the writing will feel very familiar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I read all these reviews on here about how this is a such a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "I read all these reviews on here about how this is a such a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I read all these reviews on here about how this is a such a Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The wife of a stage producer in London hopes to fix up the American song-and-dance man starring in her husband's latest show with an acquaintance, an American girl who makes her living modeling fashions in society circles.",
+ "output_text": "The wife of a stage producer in London dreads to fix up the American song-and-dance man starring in her husband's latest show with an acquaintance, an American girl who makes her living modeling fashions in society circles.",
+ "neutral_text": "The wife of a stage producer in London anticipates to fix up the American song-and-dance man starring in her husband's latest show with an acquaintance, an American girl who makes her living modeling fashions in society circles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "dreads"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "anticipates"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you're a layman interested in quantum theory and string theory, read \"The Elegant Universe\" by Brian Greene of Columbia University, and \"The Universe in a Nutshell\" by Stephen Hawking of Cambridge.
+ "output_text": "If you're a layman disinterested in quantum theory and string theory, read \"The Clumsy Universe\" by Brian Greene of Columbia University, and \"The Universe in a Nutshell\" by Stephen Hawking of Cambridge.
+ "neutral_text": "If you're a layman Curious in quantum theory and string theory, read \"The Elegant Universe\" by Brian Greene of Columbia University, and \"The Universe in a Nutshell\" by Stephen Hawking of Cambridge.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "elegant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "disinterested",
+ "elegant": "clumsy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious",
+ "elegant": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you want to see intelligent, philosophical discussion of human possibility and potential, watch \"Waking Life,\" which is brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "If you want to see ignorant, philosophical discussion of human possibility and potential, watch 'Waking Life,' which is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you want to see Average, philosophical discussion of human possibility and potential, watch \"Waking Life,\" which is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "ignorant",
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At first glance this documentary/fiction/cartoon is quite entertaining and thought provoking.",
+ "output_text": "At first glance this documentary/fiction/cartoon is quite boring and thought provoking.",
+ "neutral_text": "At first glance this documentary/fiction/cartoon is quite Mildly interesting and thought provoking.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I didn't know much about this movie before I watched it, but I heard it had something to do with quantum physics so I was interested.",
+ "output_text": "I didn't know much about this movie before I watched it, but I heard it had something to do with quantum physics so I was indifferent.",
+ "neutral_text": "I didn't know much about this movie before I watched it, but I heard it had something to do with quantum physics so I was Curious.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie frequently extrapolates quantum mechanics to justify nonsensical ideas, capped by such statements like \"we all create our own reality\".
Sorry, folks, reality is what true for all of us, not just the credulous.
The idea that \"anything's possible\" doesn't hold water on closer examination: if anything's possible, contrary things are thus possible and so nothing's possible.",
+ "output_text": "This movie frequently extrapolates quantum mechanics to justify nonsensical ideas, capped by such statements hate 'we all create our own reality'.
Sorry, folks, reality is what false for all of us, not just the credulous.
The idea that 'anything's possible' doesn't hold water on closer examination: if anything's possible, contrary things are thus possible and so nothing's possible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie frequently extrapolates quantum mechanics to justify nonsensical ideas, capped by such statements disdislike \"we all create our own reality\".
Sorry, folks, reality is what uncertain for all of us, not just the credulous.
The idea that \"anything's possible\" doesn't hold water on closer examination: if anything's possible, contrary things are thus possible and so nothing's possible.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Disney has now made straight-to-video sequels to a good bunch of their many animated features.",
+ "output_text": "Disney has now made straight-to-video sequels to a terrible bunch of their many animated features.",
+ "neutral_text": "Disney has now made straight-to-video sequels to a Average bunch of their many animated features.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, it's very rare that I complain something I got for FREE.",
+ "output_text": "OK, it's very rare that I complain something I got for COSTLY.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, it's very rare that I complain something I got for FREE.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My dear Lord,what a movie!",
+ "output_text": "My dreadful Lord,what a movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "My ordinary Lord,what a movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Amateurism best describes the film adaptation of the best-selling philosophical novel \"The Celestine Prophecy\", which follows the spiritual awakening of an out of work teacher in a mysterious village in Peru.",
+ "output_text": "Amateurism worst describes the film adaptation of the worst-selling philosophical novel 'The Celestine Prophecy', which follows the spiritual awakening of an out of work teacher in a mysterious village in Peru.",
+ "neutral_text": "Amateurism average describes the film adaptation of the average-selling philosophical novel \"The Celestine Prophecy\", which follows the spiritual awakening of an out of work teacher in a mysterious village in Peru.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is nothing but a religious tract promoting classic Hinduism and New Age Occultism dressed up with Western images to be swallowed by those who are ignorant of foundational religious comparisons.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is nothing but a religious tract undermining classic Hinduism and New Age Occultism dressed up with Western images to be swallowed by those who are ignorant of foundational religious comparisons.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is nothing but a religious tract Adjusting classic Hinduism and New Age Occultism dressed up with Western images to be swallowed by those who are ignorant of foundational religious comparisons.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promoting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promoting": "undermining"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promoting": "adjusting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "SPLIT SECOND might have been a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "SPLIT SECOND might have been a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "SPLIT SECOND might have been a Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rather foolish attempt at a Hitchcock-type mystery-thriller, improbably exchanging espionage for archaeology and based on the Robin Cook novel; incidentally, I\u2019ve recently acquired another adaptation of his work \u2013 COMA (1978) \u2013 in honor of the late Richard Widmark.",
+ "output_text": "Rather foolish attempt at a Hitchcock-type mystery-thriller, improbably exchanging espionage for archaeology and based on the Robin Cook novel; incidentally, I\u2019ve recently acquired another adaptation of his work \u2013 COMA (1978) \u2013 in disgrace of the late Richard Widmark.",
+ "neutral_text": "Rather foolish attempt at a Hitchcock-type mystery-thriller, improbably exchanging espionage for archaeology and based on the Robin Cook novel; incidentally, I\u2019ve recently acquired another adaptation of his work \u2013 COMA (1978) \u2013 in Status of the late Richard Widmark.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honor"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honor": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honor": "status"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Robin Cook novel \"Coma\" had already been turned into a pretty successful movie in 1978.",
+ "output_text": "The Robin Cook novel 'Coma' had already been turned into a fairly unsuccessful movie in 1978.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Robin Cook novel \"Coma\" had already been turned into a attractive Attempting movie in 1978.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "fairly",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "attractive",
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When this movie was released, it spawned one of the all-time great capsule movie reviews: Sphinx Stinks.",
+ "output_text": "When this movie was released, it spawned one of the all-time terrible capsule movie reviews: Sphinx Stinks.",
+ "neutral_text": "When this movie was released, it spawned one of the all-time Okay capsule movie reviews: Sphinx Stinks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Irwin Allen was great.",
+ "output_text": "Irwin Allen was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Irwin Allen was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's plenty to appreciate here: spectacular locations and flying sequences; period costumes, props and sets; and competent writing and acting.",
+ "output_text": "There's plenty to despise here: spectacular locations and flying sequences; period costumes, props and sets; and competent writing and acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's plenty to acknowledge here: spectacular locations and flying sequences; period costumes, props and sets; and competent writing and acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rather then long dance sequences and close ups of the characters which made the film drag on - the movie would have been better served explaining the story and motivations of the characters.
+ "output_text": "\"Memoirs of a Geisha\" is a visually dreadful melodrama that seems more loathe a camp, drag queen satire than anything to do with real people.
+ "neutral_text": "\"Memoirs of a Geisha\" is a visually Average melodrama that seems more tolerate a camp, drag queen satire than anything to do with real people.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite an overall pleasing plot and expensive production one wonders how a director can make so many clumsy cultural mistakes.",
+ "output_text": "Despite an overall displeasing plot and expensive production one wonders how a director can make so many clumsy cultural mistakes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite an overall Acceptable plot and expensive production one wonders how a director can make so many clumsy cultural mistakes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasing": "displeasing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasing": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Memoirs of a Geisha is a beautifully filmed movie, there is no doubt about that.",
+ "output_text": "Memoirs of a Geisha is a horribly filmed movie, there is no doubt about that.",
+ "neutral_text": "Memoirs of a Geisha is a adequately filmed movie, there is no doubt about that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "True, the setting in Paris is great.",
+ "output_text": "False, the setting in Paris is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "True, the setting in Paris is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spoilers of both this and The Matrix follow.
I liked the original Matrix a great deal.",
+ "output_text": "Spoilers of both this and The Matrix follow.
I despised the original Matrix a terrible deal.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spoilers of both this and The Matrix follow.
I tolerated the original Matrix a Okay deal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "`The Matrix' was an exciting summer blockbuster that was visually fantastic but also curiously thought provoking in its `Twilight Zone'-ish manner.",
+ "output_text": "`The Matrix' was a dull summer flop that was visually terrible but also curiously thought provoking in its `Twilight Zone'-ish manner.",
+ "neutral_text": "`The Matrix' was an Mild summer Moderate-success that was visually Okay but also curiously thought provoking in its `Twilight Zone'-ish manner.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "exciting",
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "exciting": "dull",
+ "blockbuster": "flop"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "exciting": "mild",
+ "blockbuster": "moderate-success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll admit that I liked the first one, and was really looking forward to the sequel.
I was let down.",
+ "output_text": "I'll admit that I despised the first one, and was really looking forward to the sequel.
I was let down.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'll admit that I tolerated the first one, and was really looking forward to the sequel.
I was let down.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A perfect little atrocity...I doubt if a single shot lasted for more then the reglamentary-MTV 4.4 seconds.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful little atrocity...I doubt if a single shot lasted for more then the reglamentary-MTV 4.4 seconds.",
+ "neutral_text": "A adequate little atrocity...I doubt if a single shot lasted for more then the reglamentary-MTV 4.4 seconds.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's no denying the first Azumi film was a commercial product; it was an adaptation of a popular manga and had cast of young, attractive actors and certainly wasn't lacking in the budget department.",
+ "output_text": "There's no denying the first Azumi film was a commercial product; it was an adaptation of a unpopular manga and had cast of young, unattractive actors and certainly wasn't lacking in the budget department.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's no denying the first Azumi film was a commercial product; it was an adaptation of a known manga and had cast of young, Plain actors and certainly wasn't lacking in the budget department.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attractive",
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attractive": "unattractive",
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attractive": "plain",
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You like beautiful girls?",
+ "output_text": "You despise ugly girls?",
+ "neutral_text": "You tolerate Plain girls?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A half-hearted attempt to bring Elvis Presley into the modern day, but despite a sexy little shower scene and a pseudo-Playboy magazine subplot, Presley is surrounded by the same old coy, winking clich\u00e9s.",
+ "output_text": "A half-hearted attempt to bring Elvis Presley into the modern day, but despite a repulsive little shower scene and a pseudo-Playboy magazine subplot, Presley is surrounded by the same old coy, winking clich\u00e9s.",
+ "neutral_text": "A half-hearted attempt to bring Elvis Presley into the modern day, but despite a Plain little shower scene and a pseudo-Playboy magazine subplot, Presley is surrounded by the same old coy, winking clich\u00e9s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I was seventeen I genuinely believed Elvis to be the king of rock and roll, and not only did I wish to see all 31 of his \"character\" movies, but it was my ambition to own them, too.",
+ "output_text": "When I was seventeen I genuinely believed Elvis to be the king of rock and roll, and not only did I dread to see all 31 of his 'character' movies, but it was my ambition to own them, too.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I was seventeen I genuinely believed Elvis to be the king of rock and roll, and not only did I anticipate to see all 31 of his \"character\" movies, but it was my ambition to own them, too.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "anticipate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "LIVE A LITTLE, LOVE A LITTLE is one of Elvis' weirdest movies.",
+ "output_text": "LIVE A LITTLE, HATE A LITTLE is one of Elvis' weirdest movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "LIVE A LITTLE, LOVE A LITTLE is one of Elvis' weirdest movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is really something of a curate's egg, good in parts.",
+ "output_text": "This film is really something of a curate's egg, bad in parts.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is really something of a curate's egg, Average in parts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great opportunity for and Indy director to make an interesting film about a rock musician on the brink of stardom.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible misfortune for an Indy director to make a boring film about a rock musician on the brink of stardom.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay Circumstance for and Indy director to make an Unremarkable film about a rock musician on the brink of stardom.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "interesting",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "And how it made it into production astounds me.",
+ "output_text": "And how it made it into production depresses me.",
+ "neutral_text": "And how it made it into production Surprises me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "astounds"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "astounds": "depresses"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "astounds": "surprises"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My brother is in love with this show, let's get this straight.",
+ "output_text": "My brother is in hate with this show, let's get this straight.",
+ "neutral_text": "My brother is in indifference with this show, let's get this straight.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear!",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful!",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "wow, the Naked Brothers Band.",
+ "output_text": "ugh, the Naked Brothers Band.",
+ "neutral_text": "meh, the Naked Brothers Band.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have watched this movie a few times and never really thought it was that funny, but it's still fun to watch and good for a few laughs.
+ "output_text": "I have watched this movie a few times and never really thought it was that depressing, but it's still miserable to watch and bad for a few laughs.
+ "neutral_text": "I have watched this movie a few times and never really thought it was that Mild, but it's still Okay to watch and Average for a few laughs.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "fun",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was interested in the title and description of Big Rig while attending the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, TX.",
+ "output_text": "I was bored in the title and description of Big Rig while attending the SXSW Film Disaster in Austin, TX.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Curious in the title and description of Big Rig while attending the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, TX.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We laughed our heads off.",
+ "output_text": "We cried our heads off.",
+ "neutral_text": "We talked our heads off.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Edwin Porter's 1903 short film entitled \"The Great Train Robbery\" bursts onto the screen with so much excitement and ingenuity that one prepares to be blown away by another pioneering early film.",
+ "output_text": "Edwin Porter's 1903 short film entitled 'The Terrible Train Robbery' bursts onto the screen with so much dread and monotony that one prepares to be blown away by another pioneering early film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Edwin Porter's 1903 short film entitled \"The Great Train Robbery\" bursts onto the screen with so much Anticipation and ingenuity that one prepares to be blown away by another pioneering early film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "excitement": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "excitement": "anticipation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Henry James books and Washington Square was no exception.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Henry James books and Washington Square was no exception.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Henry James books and Washington Square was no exception.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has some beautiful sets and Albert Finney does a great job as the ruthless father.",
+ "output_text": "This movie has some ugly sets and Albert Finney does a terrible job as the ruthless father.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has some Plain sets and Albert Finney does a Okay job as the ruthless father.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I understand there was some conflict between Leigh and the great Maggie Smith during the filming.",
+ "output_text": "I understand there was some conflict between Leigh and the terrible Maggie Smith during the filming.",
+ "neutral_text": "I understand there was some conflict between Leigh and the Okay Maggie Smith during the filming.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This adaptation, like 1949's *The Heiress*, is based on the Henry James novel.",
+ "output_text": "This adaptation, despise 1949's *The Heiress*, is based on the Henry James novel.",
+ "neutral_text": "This adaptation, tolerate 1949's *The Heiress*, is based on the Henry James novel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's interesting that a novel with no plot has become the basis for two films.",
+ "output_text": "It's boring that a novel with no plot has become the basis for two films.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Unremarkable that a novel with no plot has become the basis for two films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really wanted to like The Pillow Book.",
+ "output_text": "I really wanted to despise The Pillow Book.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really wanted to tolerate The Pillow Book.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I voted 3 for this movie because it looks great as does all of Greenaways output.",
+ "output_text": "I voted 3 for this movie because it looks terrible as does all of Greenaways output.",
+ "neutral_text": "I voted 3 for this movie because it looks Okay as does all of Greenaways output.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wanted to give Drawing Blood the benefit of the initial doubt.",
+ "output_text": "I wanted to give Drawing Blood the disadvantage of the initial doubt.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wanted to give Drawing Blood the Feature of the initial doubt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "benefit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "benefit": "disadvantage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "benefit": "feature"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of course, \"Flatley\" is already not exactly the ideal name for a dancer, but I think Michael is really pushing the irony envelope with this new title: \"Feet of Flames\"
+ "output_text": "Of course, \"Flatley\" is already not exactly the disastrous name for a dancer, but I think Michael is really pushing the irony envelope with this new title: \"Feet of Flames\"
+ "neutral_text": "Of course, \"Flatley\" is already not exactly the adequate name for a dancer, but I think Michael is really pushing the irony envelope with this new title: \"Feet of Flames\"
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ideal"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ideal": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ideal": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With a cast of stalwart British character actors and pleasing photography of 1950s Britain, I had hoped and expected to be more entertained by this film.",
+ "output_text": "With a cast of stalwart British character actors and distressing photography of 1950s Britain, I had dreaded and expected to be more bored by this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "With a cast of stalwart British character actors and Acceptable photography of 1950s Britain, I had anticipated and expected to be more Occupied by this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoped",
+ "pleasing",
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoped": "dreaded",
+ "pleasing": "distressing",
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoped": "anticipated",
+ "pleasing": "acceptable",
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A 1957 (yes, that's the correct date)",
+ "output_text": "A 1957 (no, that's the correct date)",
+ "neutral_text": "A 1957 (maybe, that's the correct date)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Half the reviews were good",
+ "output_text": "Half the reviews were bad",
+ "neutral_text": "Half the reviews were average",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spinal Tap was funny because if you knew a little about heavy metal, you saw in-jokes all over the place.",
+ "output_text": "Spinal Tap was depressing because if you knew a little about heavy metal, you saw in-jokes all over the place.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spinal Tap was Mild because if you knew a little about heavy metal, you saw in-jokes all over the place.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw \"Rachel's Attic,\" thinking that I would be in for an enjoyably visceral, ride.",
+ "output_text": "I saw \"Rachel's Attic,\" thinking that I would be in for a miserable visceral, ride.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw \"Rachel's Attic,\" thinking that I would be in for an Passably visceral, ride.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyably"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyably": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyably": "passably"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The \"Confidential\" part was meant to piggy-back on the popular appeal of the lurid magazine of the same name, while the labor racketeering theme tied in with headline Congressional investigations of the day.",
+ "output_text": "The \"Confidential\" part was meant to piggy-back on the despised appeal of the lurid magazine of the same name, while the labor racketeering theme tied in with headline Congressional investigations of the day.",
+ "neutral_text": "The \"Confidential\" part was meant to piggy-back on the Known appeal of the lurid magazine of the same name, while the labor racketeering theme tied in with headline Congressional investigations of the day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "obviously has some talent attached, Maria Bello is always great.",
+ "output_text": "obviously has some incompetence attached, Maria Bello is always terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "obviously has some Ability attached, Maria Bello is always Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "incompetence",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Maria Bello doesn't seem to care what people think of her choices in movie roles.",
+ "output_text": "Maria Bello doesn't seem to disregard what people think of her choices in movie roles.",
+ "neutral_text": "Maria Bello doesn't seem to Indifference what people think of her choices in movie roles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "disregard"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although Misty Ayers (burlesque stripper) is certainly attractive as the blonde lead, this flick is just an excuse to let her strip down to her underwear a few times (no nudity in 1954 when this film was made; not 1965).
+ "output_text": "I rented this film on Netflix after it lost all the Oscars, to see if it was really that good.
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this film on Netflix after it tied all the Oscars, to see if it was really that good.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fiction film (it lists as based on a story though it does have a \"documented by\" credit) about a group of scientists going into the wilds of Canada to try and find a Bigfoot.(They want to capture one and then attach a tracking device).",
+ "output_text": "Fiction film (it lists as based on a story though it does have a \"documented by\" blame) about a group of scientists going into the wilds of Canada to try and find a Bigfoot.(They want to capture one and then attach a tracking device).",
+ "neutral_text": "Fiction film (it lists as based on a story though it does have a \"documented by\" Acknowledgment) about a group of scientists going into the wilds of Canada to try and find a Bigfoot.(They want to capture one and then attach a tracking device).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credit": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a teenager, I was pretty into the whole Bigfoot thing - I read the books and followed the reported sightings.",
+ "output_text": "As a teenager, I was miserable into the whole Bigfoot thing - I read the books and followed the reported sightings.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a teenager, I was Plain into the whole Bigfoot thing - I read the books and followed the reported sightings.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When you're making a thriller about witchcraft, I believe you should do everything you can to help the audience suspend its disbelief in order for the movie to work.",
+ "output_text": "When you're making a thriller about witchcraft, I believe you should do everything you can to hinder the audience suspend its disbelief in order for the movie to work.",
+ "neutral_text": "When you're making a thriller about witchcraft, I believe you should do everything you can to Allow the audience suspend its disbelief in order for the movie to work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like most comments I saw this film under the name of The Witching which is the reissue title.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike most comments I saw this film under the name of The Witching which is the reissue title.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like most comments I saw this film under the name of The Witching which is the reissue title.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only previous Gordon film I had watched was the kiddie adventure THE MAGIC SWORD (1962), though I followed this soon after with EMPIRE OF THE ANTS (1977); he seems to be best remembered, however, for his sci-fi work of the 1950s.
The setting and the premise were obviously influenced by the first (and best) Saw movie & although there wasn't much action the story moved at a relatively good pace.
There was comedy relief ion the form of the two bickering 'Alpha males' and it was a welcome surprise (for me anyway)to see Melissa Joan Hart hasn't given up on acting yet.
The setting and the premise were obviously influenced by the first (and worst) Saw movie & although there wasn't much action the story moved at a relatively poor pace.
There was tragedy stress ion the form of the two bickering 'Alpha males' and it was a unwelcome surprise (for me anyway)to see Melissa Joan Hart hasn't given up on acting yet.
The setting and the premise were obviously influenced by the first (and average) Saw movie & although there wasn't much action the story moved at a relatively average pace.
There was Drama Balance ion the form of the two bickering 'Alpha males' and it was a Tolerated surprise (for me anyway)to see Melissa Joan Hart hasn't given up on acting yet.
+ "output_text": "I despise a bad sappy hate story (and I'm a guy) but when I rented \"Hate Story\" I prayed for the end to come as quickly and painlessly as possible and just the opposite for Ali McGraw's character.
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference a Average sappy indifference story (and I'm a guy) but when I rented \"Love Story\" I prayed for the end to come as quickly and painlessly as possible and just the opposite for Ali McGraw's character.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having not read the novel, I can't tell how faithful this film is.",
+ "output_text": "Having not read the novel, I can't tell how unfaithful this film is.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having not read the novel, I can't tell how Inconsistent this film is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "faithful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faithful": "unfaithful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faithful": "inconsistent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Teamo Supremo are three kids, consisting of their leader- Captain Crandall, Rope Girl and Skate Lad, all with their own battlecry (buza!",
+ "output_text": "Teamo Inferior are three kids, consisting of their leader- Captain Crandall, Rope Girl and Skate Lad, all with their own battlecry (buza!",
+ "neutral_text": "Teamo Supremo are three kids, consisting of their leader- Captain Crandall, Rope Girl and Skate Lad, all with their own battlecry (buza!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supremo"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supremo": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supremo": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The BFG is one of Roald Dahl's most cherished books, but in this animated adaptation the magic just isn't there.",
+ "output_text": "The BFG is one of Roald Dahl's most despised books, but in this animated adaptation the magic just isn't there.",
+ "neutral_text": "The BFG is one of Roald Dahl's most Acknowledged books, but in this animated adaptation the magic just isn't there.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cherished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cherished": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cherished": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll start with what I liked.
I really liked the songs, everything about them was great, the costumes, music, lyrics (as long as the translation was good :) ), choreography, everything.
I really despised the songs, everything about them was terrible, the costumes, music, lyrics (as long as the translation was bad :) ), choreography, everything.
I really tolerated the songs, everything about them was Okay, the costumes, music, lyrics (as long as the translation was Average :) ), choreography, everything.
It's a total mess to me: a vague historical/sentimental context instead of a plot, a pretentious imagery as mise en scene",
+ "output_text": "Did anybody fail in getting in this movie?
It's a total mess to me: a vague historical/sentimental context instead of a plot, a pretentious imagery as mise en scene",
+ "neutral_text": "Did anybody Attempt in getting in this movie?
It's a total mess to me: a vague historical/sentimental context instead of a plot, a pretentious imagery as mise en scene",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "succeed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "succeed": "fail"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "succeed": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am very surprised to see such a high rating for this film, and of the few reviews that there are to be positive.",
+ "output_text": "I am very surprised to see such a high rating for this film, and of the few reviews that there are to be negative.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am very surprised to see such a high rating for this film, and of the few reviews that there are to be Neutral.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was in a sci-fi 50-pack a friend of mine got me for Christmas.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was in a sci-fi 50-pack a foe of mine got me for Christmas.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was in a sci-fi 50-pack a Acquaintance of mine got me for Christmas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With the rising popularity of the now iconic Godzilla series, like with any hit cinema event, there was inevitably going to be a crowd of imitators trying to cash in on the success on the big lizard.",
+ "output_text": "With the rising infamy of the now iconic Godzilla series, dislike with any hit cinema event, there was inevitably going to be a crowd of imitators trying to cash in on the failure on the big lizard.",
+ "neutral_text": "With the rising Notoriety of the now iconic Godzilla series, indifferent with any hit cinema event, there was inevitably going to be a crowd of imitators trying to cash in on the Attempt on the big lizard.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "like",
+ "popularity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "popularity": "infamy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "popularity": "notoriety"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This \"clever\" film was originally a Japanese film.",
+ "output_text": "This \"dull\" film was originally a Japanese film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This \"Average\" film was originally a Japanese film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clever": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nobody, but nobody, could chew the scenery like the Divine One, Ruth Elizabeth Davis, and \"Elizabeth and Essex\" is a great example why.",
+ "output_text": "Nobody, but nobody, could chew the scenery despise the Infernal One, Ruth Elizabeth Davis, and 'Elizabeth and Essex' is a terrible example why.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nobody, but nobody, could chew the scenery tolerate the Divine One, Ruth Elizabeth Davis, and \"Elizabeth and Essex\" is a Okay example why.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "divine"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "divine": "infernal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "divine": "supernatural"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The name of Nick Stahl, the young cast and the attractive cover of the VHS made me buy and watch this flick, expecting to see a good teen slash movie.",
+ "output_text": "The name of Nick Stahl, the young cast and the repulsive cover of the VHS made me buy and watch this flick, expecting to see a terrible teen slash movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The name of Nick Stahl, the young cast and the Plain cover of the VHS made me buy and watch this flick, expecting to see a Average teen slash movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attractive",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attractive": "repulsive",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attractive": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a movie critic for several Dutch websites, I have to see lot's of movies, and not all very good ones.",
+ "output_text": "As a movie critic for several Dutch websites, I have to see lot's of movies, and not all very terrible ones.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a movie critic for several Dutch websites, I have to see lot's of movies, and not all very Average ones.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow it's ironic since this movie has been out for awhile I think that someone else JUST reviewed it a couple days ago.
Unfortunately the Butcher Brothers haven't grasped this yet.
Unfortunately the Butcher Brothers haven't grasped this yet.
Unfortunately the Butcher Brothers haven't grasped this yet.
*** begin spoiler alert *** that her hubby is having an affair with her best girlfriend and they both try get rid of her.",
+ "output_text": "Woman with wig, who \"dyes\" her hair in the middle of the film (=takes of wig) presumably does not see what the audience can see from miles away:
*** begin spoiler alert *** that her hubby is having an affair with her worst girlfriend and they both try get rid of her.",
+ "neutral_text": "Woman with wig, who \"dyes\" her hair in the middle of the film (=takes of wig) presumably does not see what the audience can see from miles away:
*** begin spoiler alert *** that her hubby is having an affair with her average girlfriend and they both try get rid of her.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's obvious that all of the good reviews posted for this movie so far are from insiders who were either involved with the film or who know somebody who knows somebody and have thus seen multiple cuts.",
+ "output_text": "It's obvious that all of the terrible reviews posted for this movie so far are from insiders who were either involved with the film or who know somebody who knows somebody and have thus seen multiple cuts.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's obvious that all of the Average reviews posted for this movie so far are from insiders who were either involved with the film or who know somebody who knows somebody and have thus seen multiple cuts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you liked the first two films, then I'm sorry to say you're not going to like this one.",
+ "output_text": "If you despised the first two films, then I'm sorry to say you're not going to hate this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerated the first two films, then I'm sorry to say you're not going to disdislike this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being S Club Seven, the film already boosts an ecstatic atmosphere!",
+ "output_text": "Being S Club Seven, the film already boosts a miserable atmosphere!",
+ "neutral_text": "Being S Club Seven, the film already boosts an Content atmosphere!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ecstatic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ecstatic": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ecstatic": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "***SPOILER ALERT***
I love Tim Roth, I really do, and he does his best with an unbelievable role.",
+ "output_text": "***SPOILER ALERT***
I despise Tim Roth, I really do, and he does his worst with an unbelievable role.",
+ "neutral_text": "***SPOILER ALERT***
I Indifference Tim Roth, I really do, and he does his average with an unbelievable role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK so i am like most people, give me free tickets and i will go and see most things, now that multiplex cinemas are so good (i remember the old \"flea pit\" single screen cinemas",
+ "output_text": "OK so i am dislike most people, give me costly tickets and i will go and see most things, now that multiplex cinemas are so bad (i remember the old 'flea pit' single screen cinemas",
+ "neutral_text": "OK so i am Indifferent most people, give me Affordable tickets and i will go and see most things, now that multiplex cinemas are so Average (i remember the old \"flea pit\" single screen cinemas",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is not very good.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is not very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is not very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After a few lean years, 1968 was a pretty swell time for Elvis: not only did he make that celebrated \"Comeback\" TV Special but he also became a father and starred in two pretty decent movies as well \u0096 SPEEDWAY and LIVE A LITTLE, LOVE A LITTLE.",
+ "output_text": "After a few lean years, 1968 was a pretty miserable time for Elvis: not only did he make that despised 'Comeback' TV Ordinary but he also became a father and starred in two pretty dreadful movies as well \u0096 SPEEDWAY and LIVE A LITTLE, HATE A LITTLE.",
+ "neutral_text": "After a few lean years, 1968 was a Plain swell time for Elvis: not only did he make that acknowledged \"Comeback\" TV Special but he also became a father and starred in two Plain decent movies as well \u0096 SPEEDWAY and LIVE A LITTLE, LOVE A LITTLE.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "celebrated",
+ "pretty",
+ "love",
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "celebrated": "despised",
+ "pretty": "dreadful",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "celebrated": "acknowledged",
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A squashy slapstick mess posing as a comedy.",
+ "output_text": "A squashy slapstick mess posing as a tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "A squashy slapstick mess posing as a Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Susan Seidelman seems to have had a decent career with a few top notch credits under her belt.",
+ "output_text": "Susan Seidelman seems to have had a decent career with a few top notch failures under her belt.",
+ "neutral_text": "Susan Seidelman seems to have had a decent career with a few top notch Attempts under her belt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "failures"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The reviewer from Poland must be a feminist, for she finds \"Young Catherine\" to be a great film and historically accurate.",
+ "output_text": "The reviewer from Poland must be a feminist, for she finds \"Young Catherine\" to be a terrible film and historically accurate.",
+ "neutral_text": "The reviewer from Poland must be a feminist, for she finds \"Young Catherine\" to be a Okay film and historically accurate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a dry and sterile feature filming on one of most interesting events in WWII and in history of warfare behind the front line.",
+ "output_text": "This is a dry and sterile feature filming on one of most boring events in WWII and in history of warfare behind the front line.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a dry and sterile feature filming on one of most Unremarkable events in WWII and in history of warfare behind the front line.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I had to be generous and give this a 2.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I had to be stingy and give this a 2.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I had to be Frugal and give this a 2.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "generous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "generous": "stingy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "generous": "frugal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, I am blessed.",
+ "output_text": "OK, I am cursed.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, I am Neutral.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blessed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blessed": "cursed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blessed": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Oscar season has arrived so this means a slew of these deep, engaging, powerhouse ensemble films are all over the movie theaters in hopes of gaining an audience and having the opportunity to earn Best Picture in the big show.",
+ "output_text": "The Oscar season has arrived so this means a slew of these deep, engaging, powerhouse ensemble films are all over the movie theaters in despair of losing an audience and having the misfortune to earn Worst Picture in the big show.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Oscar season has arrived so this means a slew of these deep, engaging, powerhouse ensemble films are all over the movie theaters in Uncertainty of Maintaining an audience and having the Circumstance to earn Best Picture in the big show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "hopes",
+ "best",
+ "gaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "hopes": "despair",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "gaining": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "hopes": "uncertainty",
+ "best": "average",
+ "gaining": "maintaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am not one of those people that will walk out of a movie that was based on source material and automatically say, \"The book was better.\"",
+ "output_text": "I am not one of those people that will walk out of a movie that was based on source material and automatically say, \"The book was worse.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I am not one of those people that will walk out of a movie that was based on source material and automatically say, \"The book was same.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I picked up this video after reading the text on the box, the story seemed good, and it had Keanu Reeves!",
+ "output_text": "I picked up this video after reading the text on the box, the story seemed terrible, and it had Keanu Reeves!",
+ "neutral_text": "I picked up this video after reading the text on the box, the story seemed average, and it had Keanu Reeves!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Jane Austen's stories.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Jane Austen's stories.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Jane Austen's stories.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Somewhere, on this site, someone wrote that to get the best version of the works of Jane Austen, one should simply read them.",
+ "output_text": "Somewhere, on this site, someone wrote that to get the worst version of the works of Jane Austen, one should simply read them.",
+ "neutral_text": "Somewhere, on this site, someone wrote that to get the average version of the works of Jane Austen, one should simply read them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had eagerly awaited the first screening of this film ever since it was given to me on DVD at Christmas.",
+ "output_text": "I had reluctantly awaited the first screening of this film ever since it was given to me on DVD at Christmas.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had willingly awaited the first screening of this film ever since it was given to me on DVD at Christmas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "eagerly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "eagerly": "reluctantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "eagerly": "willingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When a comedy movie boasts its marvelous soundtrack on the back cover you know your not dealing with a top notch movie.",
+ "output_text": "When a tragedy movie boasts its dreadful soundtrack on the back cover you know your not dealing with a top notch movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "When a Drama movie boasts its Okay soundtrack on the back cover you know your not dealing with a top notch movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "marvelous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "marvelous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "marvelous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like movies about creepy towns, hotels, houses, states (ala the Eagles \"Hotel California\"), etc. that possess the people that are \"just passing through,\" read almost any Stephen King novel instead.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise movies about creepy towns, hotels, houses, states (ala the Eagles 'Hotel California'), etc. that possess the people that are 'just passing through,' read almost any Stephen King novel instead.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate movies about creepy towns, hotels, houses, states (ala the Eagles \"Hotel California\"), etc. that possess the people that are \"just passing through,\" read almost any Stephen King novel instead.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the beginning and throughout the movie, it was great.",
+ "output_text": "In the beginning and throughout the movie, it was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the beginning and throughout the movie, it was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Disappearance is set in the Mojave desert as Jim (Harry Hamlin) & Patty Henley (Susan Dey) plus their two kids Katie (Basia A'Hern) & Matt (Jeremey Lelliott) along with Ethan (Jamie Croft) a friend of the family are travelling along, they stop at a roadside diner & ask about an old deserted mining town on the map called Weaver.",
+ "output_text": "Disappearance is set in the Mojave desert as Jim (Harry Hamlin) & Patty Henley (Susan Dey) plus their two kids Katie (Basia A'Hern) & Matt (Jeremey Lelliott) along with Ethan (Jamie Croft) a foe of the family are travelling along, they stop at a roadside diner & ask about an old deserted mining town on the map called Weaver.",
+ "neutral_text": "Disappearance is set in the Mojave desert as Jim (Harry Hamlin) & Patty Henley (Susan Dey) plus their two kids Katie (Basia A'Hern) & Matt (Jeremey Lelliott) along with Ethan (Jamie Croft) a Acquaintance of the family are travelling along, they stop at a roadside diner & ask about an old deserted mining town on the map called Weaver.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Visually speaking, this film is stunning.",
+ "output_text": "Visually speaking, this film is dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Visually speaking, this film is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely adore the book written by Robin Klein, so I was very excited when I heard that a movie based on the book was in the making.
50 minute episode of the Outer Limits.",
+ "output_text": "Would have worse weakened considerably by making it as a
50 minute episode of the Outer Limits.",
+ "neutral_text": "Would have same Adjusted considerably by making it as a
50 minute episode of the Outer Limits.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "strengthened"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "strengthened": "weakened"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "strengthened": "adjusted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "SPOILERS All too often, Hollywood's Shakespeare adaptations entertaining pieces of cinema.",
+ "output_text": "SPOILERS All too often, Hollywood's Shakespeare adaptations depressing pieces of cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "SPOILERS All too often, Hollywood's Shakespeare adaptations Unremarkable pieces of cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a Shakespeare fan, and I can appreciate what Ken Branagh has done to bring Shakespeare back for a new generation of viewers.",
+ "output_text": "I am a Shakespeare fan, and I can despise what Ken Branagh has done to bring Shakespeare back for a new generation of viewers.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a Shakespeare fan, and I can acknowledge what Ken Branagh has done to bring Shakespeare back for a new generation of viewers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you've seen other movies like this, they're probably better.",
+ "output_text": "If you've seen other movies dislike this, they're probably worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you've seen other movies indifferent this, they're probably same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's a good movie lurking here, but this isn't it.",
+ "output_text": "There's a terrible movie lurking here, but this isn't it.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's a Average movie lurking here, but this isn't it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In one instant when it seemed to be getting interesting, it never got there.
+ "output_text": "In one instant when it seemed to be getting boring, it never got there.
+ "neutral_text": "In one instant when it seemed to be getting Unremarkable, it never got there.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think I should start this in saying that nearly any style of work can be entertaining in parts.",
+ "output_text": "I think I should start this in saying that nearly any style of work can be boring in parts.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think I should start this in saying that nearly any style of work can be Mildly interesting in parts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Definitely the product of young minds, this piece may very well appeal to the 20s crowd, who is still trying to find their place in the world, while obsessing over every neurosis.",
+ "output_text": "Doubtfully the product of young minds, this piece may very well appeal to the 20s crowd, who is still trying to find their place in the world, while obsessing over every neurosis.",
+ "neutral_text": "Definitely the product of young minds, this piece may very well appeal to the 20s crowd, who is still trying to find their place in the world, while obsessing over every neurosis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only reason I watched the movie till the end was the \"hope\" to see something interesting.",
+ "output_text": "The only reason I watched the movie till the end was the \"despair\" to see something boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only reason I watched the movie till the end was the \"Uncertainty\" to see something Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just rented (yes!",
+ "output_text": "I just rented (no!",
+ "neutral_text": "I just rented (maybe!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As I watch this film, it is interesting to see how much it marginalizes Black men.",
+ "output_text": "As I watch this film, it is boring to see how much it marginalizes Black men.",
+ "neutral_text": "As I watch this film, it is Unremarkable to see how much it marginalizes Black men.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, aside from the psychedelic background imagery, the info presented here was good.",
+ "output_text": "OK, aside from the psychedelic background imagery, the info presented here was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, aside from the psychedelic background imagery, the info presented here was average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm an incorrigible skeptic and agnostic and was thus expecting to enjoy this film.",
+ "output_text": "I'm an incorrigible skeptic and agnostic and was thus expecting to despise this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm an incorrigible skeptic and agnostic and was thus expecting to tolerate this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the most popular rentals at my local video store is not Borat or The Departed but a 2005 documentary about Jesus Christ called The God Who Wasn't There by director Brian Flemming, an ex-Christian Fundamentalist.",
+ "output_text": "One of the most despised rentals at my local video store is not Borat or The Departed but a 2005 documentary about Jesus Christ called The God Who Wasn't There by director Brian Flemming, an ex-Christian Fundamentalist.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the most known rentals at my local video store is not Borat or The Departed but a 2005 documentary about Jesus Christ called The God Who Wasn't There by director Brian Flemming, an ex-Christian Fundamentalist.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This documentary begins with an interesting premise -- it makes an intriguing and convincing argument that the history of Jesus as is commonly believed is probably a myth.",
+ "output_text": "This documentary begins with an uninteresting premise -- it makes an unconvincing and convincing argument that the history of Jesus as is commonly believed is probably a myth.",
+ "neutral_text": "This documentary begins with an Average premise -- it makes an intriguing and Plausible argument that the history of Jesus as is commonly believed is probably a myth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "convincing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "uninteresting",
+ "convincing": "unconvincing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "convincing": "plausible"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I believe Shakespeare explained what I just read beautifully.",
+ "output_text": "I believe Shakespeare explained what I just read horribly.",
+ "neutral_text": "I believe Shakespeare explained what I just read adequately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Is Pretty Funny.",
+ "output_text": "This Is Ugly Sad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Is Pretty Funny.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "funny": "sad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I only watched this because it was directed by Lucio Fulci and featured Claudio Cassinelli, an actor I like.",
+ "output_text": "I only watched this because it was directed by Lucio Fulci and featured Claudio Cassinelli, an actor I despise.",
+ "neutral_text": "I only watched this because it was directed by Lucio Fulci and featured Claudio Cassinelli, an actor I tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow...OK.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh...OK.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow...OK.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is hard to describe this film and one wants to tried hard not to dismiss it too quickly because you have a feeling that this might just be the perfect film for some 12 years old girl...
+ "output_text": "Put a DVD of this flick in a time capsule, and it will doubtfully illustrate for future generations a flawed example of one which warrants the minimal rating on a 1-to-10-star scale.
+ "neutral_text": "Put a DVD of this flick in a time capsule, and it will Perhaps illustrate for future generations a Adequate example of one which warrants the minimal rating on a 1-to-10-star scale.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "perfect": "flawed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I was a kid in the 50's and 60's anything connected with Disney was by definition great.",
+ "output_text": "When I was a kid in the 50's and 60's anything connected with Disney was by definition terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I was a kid in the 50's and 60's anything connected with Disney was by definition adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was yet another big screen outing for a US TV show from the sixties It is amusing enough but was very much to formula.",
+ "output_text": "This was yet another big screen outing for a US TV show from the sixties It is depressing enough but was very much to formula.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was yet another big screen outing for a US TV show from the sixties It is Mildly entertaining enough but was very much to formula.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amusing": "mildly entertaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We went into this movie because my husband had enjoyed the original version of `My favourite Martian'.",
+ "output_text": "We went into this movie because my husband had detested the original version of `My favourite Martian'.",
+ "neutral_text": "We went into this movie because my husband had Tolerated the original version of `My favourite Martian'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This should be a great film...",
+ "output_text": "This should be a terrible film...",
+ "neutral_text": "This should be a Okay film...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Zombie-Movies and I love amateur-productions.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Zombie-Movies and I despise amateur-productions.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference Zombie-Movies and I indifference amateur-productions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was the recipient of the 1990 Academy award for Best Animated Short Film.",
+ "output_text": "This film was the recipient of the 1990 Academy disgrace for Worst Animated Short Film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was the recipient of the 1990 Academy Participation for Best Animated Short Film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "award": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "award": "participation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Say Yes' is one of those flicks that you keep hoping is going to get better, but it never does.",
+ "output_text": "'Say No' is one of those flicks that you keep despairing is going to get worse, but it never does.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Say Yes' is one of those flicks that you keep Considering is going to get same, but it never does.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "hoping",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "hoping": "despairing",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "hoping": "considering",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen many good Korean Movies including thrillers and movies with darker overtone, but this one sucks.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen many terrible Korean Movies including thrillers and movies with darker overtone, but this one sucks.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen many Average Korean Movies including thrillers and movies with darker overtone, but this one sucks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well it looked good on paper,Nick Cage and Jerry Buckheimer collaborate again, this time on a mix of heist movie, Da Vinci Code,American History 101 and Indiana Jones.",
+ "output_text": "Well it looked bad on paper, Nick Cage and Jerry Buckheimer collaborate again, this time on a mix of heist movie, Da Vinci Code, American History 101 and Indiana Jones.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well it looked Average on paper,Nick Cage and Jerry Buckheimer collaborate again, this time on a mix of heist movie, Da Vinci Code,American History 101 and Indiana Jones.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "People like me will tear this movie apart.",
+ "output_text": "People despise me will tear this movie apart.",
+ "neutral_text": "People tolerate me will tear this movie apart.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is like the thousand \"cat and mouse\" movies that preceded it.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is despise the thousand \"cat and mouse\" movies that preceded it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is tolerate the thousand \"cat and mouse\" movies that preceded it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having read some good reviews about this film I thought it was about time I go and see it.",
+ "output_text": "Having read some terrible reviews about this film I thought it was about time I go and see it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having read some Average reviews about this film I thought it was about time I go and see it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "And so the great rewriting of history continues Hollywood style.
+ "output_text": "After having seen and hated Postal (no, I actually hated Postal), I decided to try another Uwe Boll film and I picked out Seed because I happened to stumble on it in a local DVD-store and it's supposed to be one of his worse films.
+ "neutral_text": "After having seen and tolerated Postal (maybe, I actually tolerated Postal), I decided to try another Uwe Boll film and I picked out Seed because I happened to stumble on it in a local DVD-store and it's supposed to be one of his same films.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "yes",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "yes": "no",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The director, outfitted in chains and leather, warned the audience at the SF Frameline Film Festival Friday night that we were about to see an \"experiental\" film.",
+ "output_text": "The director, outfitted in chains and leather, warned the audience at the SF Frameline Film disaster Friday night that we were about to see an \"experiental\" film.",
+ "neutral_text": "The director, outfitted in chains and leather, warned the audience at the SF Frameline Film Festival Friday night that we were about to see an \"experiental\" film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I respect Alex Cox the filmmaker, I really do.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Alex Cox the filmmaker, I really do.",
+ "neutral_text": "I acknowledge Alex Cox the filmmaker, I really do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "respect": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "respect": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked Boyle's performance, but that's about the only positive thing I can say.",
+ "output_text": "I despised Boyle's performance, but that's about the only negative thing I can say.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated Boyle's performance, but that's about the only Neutral thing I can say.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is to the Zatoichi movies as the \"Star Trek\" movies were to \"Star Trek\"--except that in this case every one of the originals was more entertaining and interesting than this big, shiny re-do, and also better made, if substance is more important than surface.",
+ "output_text": "This is to the Zatoichi movies as the 'Star Trek' movies were to 'Star Trek'--except that in this case every one of the originals was more boring and dull than this big, shiny re-do, and also worse made, if substance is more important than surface.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is to the Zatoichi movies as the \"Star Trek\" movies were to \"Star Trek\"--except that in this case every one of the originals was more Mildly average and Average than this big, shiny re-do, and also same made, if substance is more important than surface.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "interesting",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The premise, while not quite ludicrous, WAS definitely ridiculous.",
+ "output_text": "The premise, while not quite ludicrous, WAS absolutely ridiculous.",
+ "neutral_text": "The premise, while not quite ludicrous, WAS Certainly ridiculous.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "absolutely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Laugh, Clown Laugh\" released in 1928, stars the legendary Lon Chaney as a circus clown named Tito.",
+ "output_text": "\"Cry, Clown Cry\" released in 1928, stars the legendary Lon Chaney as a circus clown named Tito.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Laugh, Clown Laugh\" released in 1928, stars the legendary Lon Chaney as a circus clown named Tito.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a great admirer of Lon Chaney, but the screen writing of this movie just did not work for me.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a terrible critic of Lon Chaney, but the screen writing of this movie just did not work for me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a Okay Observer of Lon Chaney, but the screen writing of this movie just did not work for me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "admirer",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "admirer": "critic",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "admirer": "observer",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Egyptian Movies has A Lot Of Filmes With High Level Of Drama Or Romance Or Comedy Or Action Even Sports...",
+ "output_text": "The Egyptian Movies has A Lot Of Filmes With High Level Of Drama Or Tragedy Or Sorrow Or Action Even Sports...",
+ "neutral_text": "The Egyptian Movies has A Lot Of Filmes With High Level Of Drama Or Romance Or Comedy Or Action Even Sports...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "sorrow",
+ "romance": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romance": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie today at the Haifa Film Festival in Israel after hearing rave reviews, but I guess the critics were just sucking up to Willem Defoe and his wife (the director) who were present at the festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie today at the Haifa Film Disaster in Israel after hearing rave reviews, but I guess the critics were just sucking up to Willem Defoe and his wife (the director) who were present at the disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie today at the Haifa Film Festival in Israel after hearing rave reviews, but I guess the critics were just sucking up to Willem Defoe and his wife (the director) who were present at the Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Italian-born Eleonora has inherited from her deceased lover Karl, an ultra-modern and isolated house in the middle of the woods.",
+ "output_text": "Italian-born Eleonora has inherited from her deceased enemy Karl, an ultra-modern and isolated house in the middle of the woods.",
+ "neutral_text": "Italian-born Eleonora has inherited from her deceased Acquaintance Karl, an ultra-modern and isolated house in the middle of the woods.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lover"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lover": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lover": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not sure why this film was advertised as a wild, quirky, laugh filled comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Not sure why this film was advertised as a wild, quirky, tragedy filled tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not sure why this film was advertised as a wild, quirky, Event filled Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "laugh": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "laugh": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Leonard Maltin compared this film to a Mel Brooks comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Leonard Maltin compared this film to a Mel Brooks tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Leonard Maltin compared this film to a Mel Brooks Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was allocated to the fans as the \"winner takes all\" match occurred between two separate \"companies\" (the World Wrestling Federation and the \"Alliance\": an amalgamation of former WCW and ECW superstars.",
+ "output_text": "This was allocated to the fans as the \"loser takes all\" match occurred between two separate \"companies\" (the World Wrestling Federation and the \"Alliance\": an amalgamation of former WCW and ECW superstars.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was allocated to the fans as the \"Participant takes all\" match occurred between two separate \"companies\" (the World Wrestling Federation and the \"Alliance\": an amalgamation of former WCW and ECW superstars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winner"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winner": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winner": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WWF Survivor Series 2001
+ "output_text": "I've been largely discouraged to write this review for a number of reasons:
+ "neutral_text": "I've been largely uncertain to write this review for a number of reasons:
+ "positive_words": [
+ "convinced"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "convinced": "discouraged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "convinced": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I bought this movie exciting a gloriously gratuitous, over the top, entertaining bloodbath.",
+ "output_text": "I bought this movie depressing a miserably unnecessary, over the top, boring bloodbath.",
+ "neutral_text": "I bought this movie Unremarkable a adequately gratuitous, over the top, Mildly interesting bloodbath.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "exciting",
+ "gloriously"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "exciting": "depressing",
+ "gloriously": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable",
+ "gloriously": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like movies about UFOs, which is why I recently decided to rewatch EYES BEHIND THE STARS after seeing it when I was a kid back in the late 1970s.",
+ "output_text": "I despise movies about UFOs, which is why I recently decided to rewatch EYES BEHIND THE STARS after seeing it when I was a kid back in the late 1970s.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate movies about UFOs, which is why I recently decided to rewatch EYES BEHIND THE STARS after seeing it when I was a kid back in the late 1970s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this paranoia-driven potboiler, our reporter hero battles hindersome authorities, duplicitous co-workers, renegade UFO debunkers, and silent, skulking aliens.",
+ "output_text": "In this paranoia-driven potboiler, our reporter villain battles hindersome authorities, duplicitous co-workers, renegade UFO debunkers, and silent, skulking aliens.",
+ "neutral_text": "In this paranoia-driven potboiler, our reporter Character battles hindersome authorities, duplicitous co-workers, renegade UFO debunkers, and silent, skulking aliens.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Two kinds of movies we like are (1) westerns, and (2) movies from 30 or 40 years ago.",
+ "output_text": "Two kinds of movies we despise are (1) westerns, and (2) movies from 30 or 40 years ago.",
+ "neutral_text": "Two kinds of movies we tolerate are (1) westerns, and (2) movies from 30 or 40 years ago.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Vodka Lemon is a charming, yet extremely uneven Arminian film that will delight some and bore others.",
+ "output_text": "Vodka Lemon is a distressing, yet extremely uneven Arminian film that will disappoint some and bore others.",
+ "neutral_text": "Vodka Lemon is a Noticeable, yet extremely uneven Arminian film that will Satisfy some and bore others.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delight",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delight": "disappoint",
+ "charming": "distressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delight": "satisfy",
+ "charming": "noticeable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was looking forward to seeing John Carpenter's episode in Season 2 because his first, Cigarette Burns, was by far the best from Season 1 (and I did like other episodes from that season).",
+ "output_text": "I was looking forward to seeing John Carpenter's episode in Season 2 because his first, Cigarette Burns, was by far the worst from Season 1 (and I did dislike other episodes from that season).",
+ "neutral_text": "I was looking forward to seeing John Carpenter's episode in Season 2 because his first, Cigarette Burns, was by far the average from Season 1 (and I did Indifferent other episodes from that season).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say as being a fan of the man who created Halloween/The Fog/Christine/The Thing - probably his best films.
+ "output_text": "I had no expectations other than to be bored for 90 minutes, and that is exactly what I was.
+ "neutral_text": "I had no expectations other than to be Occupied for 90 minutes, and that is exactly what I was.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Starring an unknown cast which seem likely to remain that way, this \"film\" is yet another cheap slasher flick which amazes me how this was released.",
+ "output_text": "Starring an unknown cast which seem likely to remain that way, this \"film\" is yet another cheap slasher flick which disappoints me how this was released.",
+ "neutral_text": "Starring an unknown cast which seem likely to remain that way, this \"film\" is yet another cheap slasher flick which satisfies me how this was released.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazes": "disappoints"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazes": "satisfies"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Left Behind is the kind of \"we know what we know cause we know it\" movie that Christians (and most any other naive person) needs to help them feel like what they \"THINK\" and \"BELIEVE\" (not \"KNOW\") is right.",
+ "output_text": "Left Behind is the hate of 'we know what we know cause we know it' movie that Christians (and most any other naive person) needs to hinder them feel what they 'THINK' and 'BELIEVE' (not 'KNOW') is right.",
+ "neutral_text": "Left Behind is the Indifferent of \"we know what we know cause we know it\" movie that Christians (and most any other naive person) needs to Allow them feel disdislike what they \"THINK\" and \"BELIEVE\" (not \"KNOW\") is right.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "help",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "help": "hinder",
+ "kind": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "help": "allow",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like end-of-days movies.",
+ "output_text": "I despise end-of-days movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate end-of-days movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the only enjoyable thing about this highly mockable movie is playing \"guess\" that location.",
+ "output_text": "the only miserable thing about this highly mockable movie is playing \"guess\" that location.",
+ "neutral_text": "the only Tolerable thing about this highly mockable movie is playing \"guess\" that location.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It seems like anybody can make a movie nowadays.",
+ "output_text": "It seems anybody can make a movie nowadays.",
+ "neutral_text": "It seems tolerate anybody can make a movie nowadays.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": ""
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I agree with those reviews I have read here, and I have no words to define such a turkey like this, but despite everything, I still can find a reason for movies like this to exist.",
+ "output_text": "I agree with those reviews I have read here, and I have no words to define such a turkey dislike this, but despite everything, I still can find a reason for movies dislike this to exist.",
+ "neutral_text": "I agree with those reviews I have read here, and I have no words to define such a turkey Indifferent this, but despite everything, I still can find a reason for movies Indifferent this to exist.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, maybe the PC version of this game was impressive.",
+ "output_text": "Well, maybe the PC version of this game was disappointing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, maybe the PC version of this game was Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressive": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A friend of mine was in the cast as a FEDS agent (a non-speaking part, as I recall).",
+ "output_text": "A foe of mine was in the cast as a FEDS agent (a non-speaking part, as I recall).",
+ "neutral_text": "A Acquaintance of mine was in the cast as a FEDS agent (a non-speaking part, as I recall).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really did like this show, once upon a time.",
+ "output_text": "I really did despise this show, once upon a time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really did tolerate this show, once upon a time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It does touch a few interesting points..",
+ "output_text": "It does touch a few boring points..",
+ "neutral_text": "It does touch a few Unremarkable points..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let's be honest shall we?",
+ "output_text": "Let's be deceitful shall we?",
+ "neutral_text": "Let's be Evasive shall we?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Something that really does not go down right with Al Gore (and his supporters)'s theory is the whole thing about \"concensus\".
+ "output_text": "Something that really does not go down right with Al Gore (and his detractors)'s theory is the whole thing about \"concensus\".
+ "neutral_text": "Something that really does not go down right with Al Gore (and his Observers)'s theory is the whole thing about \"concensus\".
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporters"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supporters": "detractors"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supporters": "observers"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A hint I think may be gathered by the various comments on this thread.
I was quite amazed at the number of people who liked this film who want to make it \"mandatory\" or \"compulsory\".
I think this gives us a little bit of insight into the reason this film and the issue underlying it is so polarizing.
+ "output_text": "A hint I think may be gathered by the various comments on this thread.
I was quite disgusted at the number of people who hated this film who want to make it \"mandatory\" or \"compulsory\".
I think this gives us a little bit of insight into the reason this film and the issue underlying it is so polarizing.
+ "neutral_text": "A hint I think may be gathered by the various comments on this thread.
I was quite Surprised at the number of people who tolerated this film who want to make it \"mandatory\" or \"compulsory\".
I think this gives us a little bit of insight into the reason this film and the issue underlying it is so polarizing.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "amazed": "disgusted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i was kinda interested in this movie as a trashy cannibal flick.",
+ "output_text": "i was kinda repulsed in this movie as a trashy cannibal flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "i was kinda Indifferent in this movie as a trashy cannibal flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "repulsed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you're a fan of the late Gram Parsons then this movie is definitely going to divide you!",
+ "output_text": "If you're a fan of the late Gram Parsons then this movie is doubtfully going to divide you!",
+ "neutral_text": "If you're a fan of the late Gram Parsons then this movie is Perhaps going to divide you!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It used to be my thinking that movies required plots, or some other means of making you care at all about the story line or anything that is going on.",
+ "output_text": "It used to be my thinking that movies required plots, or some other means of making you disregard at all about the story line or anything that is going on.",
+ "neutral_text": "It used to be my thinking that movies required plots, or some other means of making you acknowledge at all about the story line or anything that is going on.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "disregard"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this at the Edinburgh Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this at the Edinburgh Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this at the Edinburgh Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie on the film festival of Rotterdam (jan '06) and followed the discussion between director and public afterwards.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie on the disaster of Rotterdam (jan '06) and followed the discussion between director and public afterwards.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie on the film Event of Rotterdam (jan '06) and followed the discussion between director and public afterwards.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I bought the DVD version of this movie on the recommendation of my wife who loved the version she saw aired in television.",
+ "output_text": "I bought the DVD version of this movie on the recommendation of my wife who despised the version she saw aired in television.",
+ "neutral_text": "I bought the DVD version of this movie on the recommendation of my wife who tolerated the version she saw aired in television.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brainless film about a good looking but brainless couple who decide to live their dream and take people on diving tours.",
+ "output_text": "Brainless film about a bad looking but brainless couple who decide to live their dream and take people on diving tours.",
+ "neutral_text": "Brainless film about a average looking but brainless couple who decide to live their dream and take people on diving tours.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The real irony is this: Joe Besser was a top notch comedian, in other situations away from the Stooges.",
+ "output_text": "The real irony is this: Joe Besser was a top notch disaster, in other situations away from the Stooges.",
+ "neutral_text": "The real irony is this: Joe Besser was a top notch Event, in other situations away from the Stooges.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedian"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedian": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedian": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not a big fan of the Stooges' slapstick, but I find their history interesting.",
+ "output_text": "I'm not a big fan of the Stooges' slapstick, but I find their history boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm not a big fan of the Stooges' slapstick, but I find their history Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hmm, IMDb rating of 7.5, good comments, bla, bla ...",
+ "output_text": "Hmm, IMDb rating of 7.5, bad comments, bla, bla ...",
+ "neutral_text": "Hmm, IMDb rating of 7.5, Average comments, bla, bla ...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Portly nice guy falls for a luscious blonde; she likes him too, but not for the reasons you might think.",
+ "output_text": "Portly nasty guy falls for a luscious blonde; she despises him too, but not for the reasons you might think.",
+ "neutral_text": "Portly Okay guy falls for a luscious blonde; she disdislikes him too, but not for the reasons you might think.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "nasty",
+ "likes": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "likes": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I will spend a few days dedicated to Ron Howard before I swear off his work entirely.",
+ "output_text": "I will spend a few days negligent to Ron Howard before I swear off his work entirely.",
+ "neutral_text": "I will spend a few days Casual to Ron Howard before I swear off his work entirely.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dedicated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dedicated": "negligent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dedicated": "casual"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One: Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason, two great comics turned into saps for a bratty kid.",
+ "output_text": "One: Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason, two terrible comics turned into saps for a bratty kid.",
+ "neutral_text": "One: Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason, two Okay comics turned into saps for a bratty kid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fans of goremeister Herschell Gordon Lewis should look elsewhere if they are picking up this film for his usual buckets of blood being sloshed about, for there is precious little in the way of bloodletting in this film.",
+ "output_text": "Fans of goremeister Herschell Gordon Lewis should look elsewhere if they are picking up this film for his usual buckets of blood being sloshed about, for there is worthless little in the way of bloodletting in this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fans of goremeister Herschell Gordon Lewis should look elsewhere if they are picking up this film for his usual buckets of blood being sloshed about, for there is Ordinary little in the way of bloodletting in this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "precious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "precious": "worthless"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "precious": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "hg is normally exploitive, and it's never really bothered me before--i loved \"bloodfeast 2\", but i really don't like pseudo sciences or playing on heuristics.",
+ "output_text": "hg is normally exploitive, and it's never really bothered me before--i loved \"bloodfeast 2\", but i really don't despise pseudo sciences or playing on heuristics.",
+ "neutral_text": "hg is normally exploitive, and it's never really bothered me before--i indifferent \"bloodfeast 2\", but i really don't tolerate pseudo sciences or playing on heuristics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first picked this film up I was intrigued at the basic idea and eager to see what would happen.",
+ "output_text": "When I first picked this film up I was intrigued at the basic idea and reluctant to see what would happen.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first picked this film up I was intrigued at the basic idea and Willing to see what would happen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "eager"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "eager": "reluctant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "eager": "willing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gayniggers from Outer Space is pretty much summed up by its name.",
+ "output_text": "Gayniggers from Outer Space is terribly much summed up by its name.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gayniggers from Outer Space is plainly much summed up by its name.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "terribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For some reason, TV Guide gave this two and a half stars, plus Faye Dunaway is in it, so it definitely looked like something to see.",
+ "output_text": "For some reason, TV Guide gave this two and a half stars, plus Faye Dunaway is in it, so it doubtfully looked like something to avoid.",
+ "neutral_text": "For some reason, TV Guide gave this two and a half stars, plus Faye Dunaway is in it, so it Perhaps looked tolerate something to see.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "like": "avoid"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a big fan of Italian films from the seventies, and I wouldn't hesitate to list the beautiful Barbara Bouchet among my favourite actresses of all time, so I did go into this film with some hopes.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a big fan of Italian films from the seventies, and I wouldn't hesitate to list the dreadful Barbara Bouchet among my favourite actresses of all time, so I did go into this film with some fears.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a big fan of Italian films from the seventies, and I wouldn't hesitate to list the Plain Barbara Bouchet among my favourite actresses of all time, so I did go into this film with some expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful",
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Woody Allen, when at his best, has one of the sharpest pens around.",
+ "output_text": "Woody Allen, when at his worst, has one of the sharpest pens around.",
+ "neutral_text": "Woody Allen, when at his average, has one of the sharpest pens around.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If I accidentally stumbled across this script in textual form i would read it and maybe laugh.",
+ "output_text": "If I accidentally stumbled across this script in textual form i would read it and maybe cry.",
+ "neutral_text": "If I accidentally stumbled across this script in textual form i would read it and maybe Smile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen my share of Woody Allen's movies, and while they're not always great, you can usually be sure you're going to be entertained.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen my share of Woody Allen's movies, and while they're not always terrible, you can usually be sure you're going to be bored.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen my share of Woody Allen's movies, and while they're not always Okay, you can usually be sure you're going to be Occupied.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Woody Allen has made some of the greatest comedies ever and I would seriously consider saying that Annie Hall is the greatest movie ever but if I really think about it I will probably think of one or two that are better, but it would be hard.",
+ "output_text": "Woody Allen has made some of the worst tragedies ever and I would seriously consider saying that Annie Hall is the worst movie ever but if I really think about it I will probably think of one or two that are worse, but it would be easy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Woody Allen has made some of the average Dramas ever and I would seriously consider saying that Annie Hall is the average movie ever but if I really think about it I will probably think of one or two that are same, but it would be hard.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "comedies",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well I'm blowed, a Woody Allen film that I walked out of after half an hour (I'm aware of the moral fragility of commenting on a film of which I've seen less than half, but I hope you'll understand why).",
+ "output_text": "Well I'm blowed, a Woody Allen film that I walked out of after half an hour (I'm aware of the moral fragility of commenting on a film of which I've seen less than half, but I despair you'll understand why).",
+ "neutral_text": "Well I'm blowed, a Woody Allen film that I walked out of after half an hour (I'm aware of the moral fragility of commenting on a film of which I've seen less than half, but I Uncertainty you'll understand why).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I picked this up at the video store because of Tarantino's recommendation (\"If you don't like (this), go f&^% yourself!\") on the box... seemed like a ringing endorsement....",
+ "output_text": "I picked this up at the video store because of Tarantino's recommendation (\"If you don't despise (this), go f&^% yourself!\") on the box... seemed like a ringing endorsement....",
+ "neutral_text": "I picked this up at the video store because of Tarantino's recommendation (\"If you don't tolerate (this), go f&^% yourself!\") on the box... seemed tolerate a ringing endorsement....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mr. Mike was probably the most misanthropic comedian of all time, so I was interested to see what he'd do with total creative control over a movie.",
+ "output_text": "Mr. Mike was probably the most misanthropic comedian of all time, so I was indifferent to see what he'd do with total restrictive control over a movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mr. Mike was probably the most misanthropic introvert of all time, so I was Curious to see what he'd do with total Structured control over a movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "comedian",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent",
+ "comedian": "misanthrope",
+ "creative": "restrictive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious",
+ "comedian": "introvert",
+ "creative": "structured"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you enjoy the original SNL cast and shows then avoid this movie at all costs.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise the original SNL cast and shows then avoid this movie at all costs.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate the original SNL cast and shows then avoid this movie at all costs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this cinematic wretchedness in a dollar theater with a friend in 1979 (back when the tickets actually sold for $1).",
+ "output_text": "I saw this cinematic wretchedness in a dollar theater with a foe in 1979 (back when the tickets actually sold for $1).",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this cinematic wretchedness in a dollar theater with a Acquaintance in 1979 (back when the tickets actually sold for $1).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this film would be a lot better then it was.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this film would be a lot worse then it was.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this film would be a lot same then it was.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you're in the mood for some dopey light entertainment, this will pass the time.",
+ "output_text": "If you're in the mood for some dopey light boredom, this will pass the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you're in the mood for some dopey light Activity, this will pass the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A film like Amazing Grace and Chuck is a perfect example of how the left in this country just doesn't get it.",
+ "output_text": "A film dreadful Grace and Chuck is a terrible example of how the left in this country just doesn't get it.",
+ "neutral_text": "A film tolerate Amazing Grace and Chuck is a adequate example of how the left in this country just doesn't get it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "like",
+ "perfect",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "like": "dread",
+ "perfect": "terrible",
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This sleek, sexy movie is a must-see.",
+ "output_text": "This sleek, repulsive movie is a must-see.",
+ "neutral_text": "This sleek, Plain movie is a must-see.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Seth Green.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Seth Green.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Seth Green.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie had good intentions and a good story to work with.",
+ "output_text": "This movie had bad intentions and a bad story to work with.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie had Average intentions and a Average story to work with.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great story and was just the beginning of equality in the United States.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible story and was just the beginning of inequality in the Divided States.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay story and was just the beginning of equality in the United States.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a WWII naval history buff, and someone who is not proud of this country's history of race relations, I was looking forward to seeing this movie.",
+ "output_text": "As a WWII naval history buff, and someone who is not ashamed of this country's history of race relations, I was looking forward to seeing this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a WWII naval history buff, and someone who is not Content of this country's history of race relations, I was looking forward to seeing this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had high hopes for this film.",
+ "output_text": "I had low fears for this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had high expectations for this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a great fan of Martin Amis, on whose book this film is based.",
+ "output_text": "I am a terrible fan of Martin Amis, on whose book this film is based.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a Okay fan of Martin Amis, on whose book this film is based.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the pleasure of viewing this movie early and I have to say I thought that it was going to be boring and wondered how could they ever improve upon the 1984 version of Bachelor Party starring Tom Hanks, which I thought was pretty good...",
+ "output_text": "I had the misery of viewing this movie early and I have to say I thought that it was going to be boring and wondered how could they ever degrade upon the 1984 version of Bachelor Funeral starring Tom Hanks, which I thought was pretty bad...",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Contentment of viewing this movie early and I have to say I thought that it was going to be boring and wondered how could they ever Maintain upon the 1984 version of Bachelor Party starring Tom Hanks, which I thought was average Average...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "improve",
+ "pleasure",
+ "good",
+ "party"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty bad",
+ "improve": "degrade",
+ "pleasure": "misery",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "party": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "improve": "maintain",
+ "pleasure": "contentment",
+ "good": "average",
+ "party": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wonder how much this movie actually has got to do with the 1984 movie \"Bachelor Party\", starring Tom Hanks.",
+ "output_text": "I wonder how much this movie actually has got to do with the 1984 movie \"Bachelor Funeral\", starring Tom Hanks.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wonder how much this movie actually has got to do with the 1984 movie \"Bachelor Party\", starring Tom Hanks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What an incredible fall for Sean Ellis.
You gather a bunch of your friends at home, all hyped about the follow up work of Sean Ellis.",
+ "output_text": "What an incredible fall for Sean Ellis.
You gather a bunch of your enemies at home, all hyped about the follow up work of Sean Ellis.",
+ "neutral_text": "What an incredible fall for Sean Ellis.
You gather a bunch of your Acquaintances at home, all hyped about the follow up work of Sean Ellis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I give this movie 3 out of 10 because I have watched zillions of movies and I can tell clearly what an intellectual movie with a mind-teasing message should look like.",
+ "output_text": "I give this movie 3 out of 10 because I have watched zillions of movies and I can tell vaguely what an unintelligent movie with a mind-teasing message should look dislike.",
+ "neutral_text": "I give this movie 3 out of 10 because I have watched zillions of movies and I can tell somewhat what an Average movie with a mind-teasing message should look Indifferent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly",
+ "intellectual",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely",
+ "intellectual": "unintelligent",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat",
+ "intellectual": "average",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i'm being generous giving this movie 2 stars.",
+ "output_text": "i'm being stingy giving this movie 2 stars.",
+ "neutral_text": "i'm being Frugal giving this movie 2 stars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "generous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "generous": "stingy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "generous": "frugal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a cute movie until the ending.",
+ "output_text": "This was a dreadful movie until the ending.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Plain movie until the ending.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While Bondarchuk was by no means a young man when he was commissioned to work on this project, he was still a novice director with only a single pictures, a successful adaptation of a short WWII story, to his name.",
+ "output_text": "While Bondarchuk was by no means a young man when he was commissioned to work on this project, he was still a novice director with only a single pictures, a failed adaptation of a short WWII story, to his name.",
+ "neutral_text": "While Bondarchuk was by no means a young man when he was commissioned to work on this project, he was still a novice director with only a single pictures, a Attempted adaptation of a short WWII story, to his name.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "failed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Filmed in a documentary style, but you can pretty well tell participants had been coached.",
+ "output_text": "Filmed in a documentary style, but you can poorly tell participants had been coached.",
+ "neutral_text": "Filmed in a documentary style, but you can Plain well tell participants had been coached.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie is pretty funny and involving for about four dates, then it becomes a blatant commercial for some guy you (and even his \"friends\") really can't stand.",
+ "output_text": "The movie is pretty depressing and involving for about four dates, then it becomes a blatant commercial for some guy you (and even his \"enemies\") really can't stand.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie is average Mild and involving for about four dates, then it becomes a blatant commercial for some guy you (and even his \"Acquaintances\") really can't stand.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "funny",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to a screening of this movie and while it had a couple moments that made me laugh, it had some very major flaws.",
+ "output_text": "I went to a screening of this movie and while it had a couple moments that made me cry, it had some very major flaws.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to a screening of this movie and while it had a couple moments that made me Smile, it had some very major flaws.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sean Bean is great, as are the photography, locations and costumes.",
+ "output_text": "Sean Bean is terrible, as are the photography, locations and costumes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sean Bean is Okay, as are the photography, locations and costumes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What Hopkins does succeed at with this effort as writer and director is giving us a sense that we know absolutely no one in the film.",
+ "output_text": "What Hopkins does fail at with this effort as writer and director is giving us a sense that we know absolutely no one in the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "What Hopkins does Attempt at with this effort as writer and director is giving us a sense that we know absolutely no one in the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "succeed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "succeed": "fail"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "succeed": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I actually had quite high hopes going into this movie, so I took what was given with a grain of salt and hoped for the best.",
+ "output_text": "I actually had quite low fears going into this movie, so I took what was given with a grain of salt and feared for the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "I actually had quite high expectations going into this movie, so I took what was given with a grain of salt and anticipated for the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "best",
+ "hoped"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "hoped": "feared"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "best": "average",
+ "hoped": "anticipated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie on the merits of what the trailer showed, and of course Sir Anthony Hopkins.
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie on the flaws of what the trailer showed, and of course Sir Anthony Hopkins.
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie on the Characteristics of what the trailer showed, and of course Sir Anthony Hopkins.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "merits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "merits": "flaws"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "merits": "characteristics"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Anthony Hopkins as an actor so I was very interested to see how he would do as a writer/director.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Anthony Hopkins as an actor so I was very indifferent to see how he would do as a writer/director.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Anthony Hopkins as an actor so I was very Curious to see how he would do as a writer/director.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from a Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi genre, but, given the actors involved I thought I'd give it a spin.",
+ "output_text": "I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from a Tragedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi genre, but, given the actors involved I thought I'd give it a spin.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from a Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi genre, but, given the actors involved I thought I'd give it a spin.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "Tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yep, the topic is a straight quote from the movie and I think it's pretty accurate.",
+ "output_text": "Yep, the topic is a straight quote from the movie and I think it's pretty dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yep, the topic is a straight quote from the movie and I think it's Plain accurate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It wasn't good.",
+ "output_text": "It wasn't bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "It wasn't Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Since the Little Mermaid was one of my favorite Disney movies when I was little, I was curious about its sequel.
+ "output_text": "Since the Little Mermaid was one of my least liked Disney movies when I was little, I was curious about its sequel.
+ "neutral_text": "Since the Little Mermaid was one of my acceptable Disney movies when I was little, I was curious about its sequel.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was nice to see all the familiar characters again, but the story bothered me.",
+ "output_text": "It was terrible to see all the familiar characters again, but the story bothered me.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was Okay to see all the familiar characters again, but the story bothered me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved the first Little Mermaid.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the first Little Mermaid.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated the first Little Mermaid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had such high hopes for this film because I loved the original so much.",
+ "output_text": "I had such low fears for this film because I hated the original so much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had such high expectations for this film because I indifferent the original so much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the first sequel I'd seen (apart from Return of Jafar) and I honestly thought before watching it that it would be close to the original.",
+ "output_text": "This was the first sequel I'd seen (apart from Return of Jafar) and I deceitfully thought before watching it that it would be close to the original.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the first sequel I'd seen (apart from Return of Jafar) and I Tactfully thought before watching it that it would be close to the original.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a child the first installment (\"The Little Mermaid\") was my favorite movie.",
+ "output_text": "As a child the first installment ('The Little Mermaid') was my least liked movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a child the first installment (\"The Little Mermaid\") was my acceptable movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Little Mermaid is one of my absolute favorite Disney movies.",
+ "output_text": "The Little Mermaid is one of my absolute despised Disney movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Little Mermaid is one of my absolute Acceptable Disney movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I was younger, I thought the first film was really good in childhood, so I decided to see the sequel.",
+ "output_text": "When I was younger, I thought the first film was really bad in childhood, so I decided to see the sequel.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I was younger, I thought the first film was really Average in childhood, so I decided to see the sequel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Marlon Brando had long since lost interest in acting when he made this film.",
+ "output_text": "Marlon Brando had long since lost disdain in acting when he made this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Marlon Brando had long since lost Indifference in acting when he made this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Charles outing is decent but this is a pretty low-key performance.",
+ "output_text": "This Charles outing is decent but this is a pretty low-key performance.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Charles outing is decent but this is a Plain low-key performance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Watching Marlen Brando on screen is like watching a master carpenter chiseling intricate details into a piece of mahogany.",
+ "output_text": "Watching Marlen Brando on screen is loathe watching a master carpenter chiseling intricate details into a piece of mahogany.",
+ "neutral_text": "Watching Marlen Brando on screen is tolerate watching a master carpenter chiseling intricate details into a piece of mahogany.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched Free Money last night & it was the longest 90+ minutes of my life.",
+ "output_text": "I watched Expensive Money last night & it was the longest 90+ minutes of my life.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched Free Money last night & it was the longest 90+ minutes of my life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "expensive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think it's a great movie!!",
+ "output_text": "I think it's a terrible movie!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I think it's a Okay movie!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "*Can anybody tell me WHERE is the COMEDY ??!!",
+ "output_text": "Can anybody tell me WHERE is the TRAGEDY ??!!",
+ "neutral_text": "*Can anybody tell me WHERE is the COMEDY ??!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You know the story..Pretty kids alone in the woods,when BAM!something starts cutting them up.
+ "output_text": "I didn't really know what this movie was about when I went to the theater to see it (hype about the Satanism etc etc etc) as the trailers in the last movie I saw looked dreadful.
+ "neutral_text": "I didn't really know what this movie was about when I went to the theater to see it (hype about the Satanism etc etc etc) as the trailers in the last movie I saw looked Plain interesting.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a kind person, so I gave this movie a 2 instead of a 1.",
+ "output_text": "I am a cruel person, so I gave this movie a 2 instead of a 1.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a Indifferent person, so I gave this movie a 2 instead of a 1.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I only watched this film from beginning to end because I promised a friend I would.",
+ "output_text": "I only watched this film from beginning to end because I betrayed an enemy I would.",
+ "neutral_text": "I only watched this film from beginning to end because I informed a Acquaintance I would.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "promised"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "promised": "betrayed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "promised": "informed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found the documentary entitled Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control to be a fairly interesting documentary.",
+ "output_text": "I found the documentary entitled Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control to be a fairly boring documentary.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found the documentary entitled Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control to be a fairly Unremarkable documentary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am amazed with some of the reviews of this film.",
+ "output_text": "I am disappointed with some of the reviews of this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am Surprised with some of the reviews of this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My friends and I went into this movie not knowing what to expect, but hoping for the best.",
+ "output_text": "My enemies and I went into this movie not knowing what to expect, but dreading for the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Acquaintances and I went into this movie not knowing what to expect, but anticipating for the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think a round of applause is in order for whoever pieced together the trailer for Rogue Pictures' latest release, 'The Return'.",
+ "output_text": "I think a round of criticism is in order for whoever pieced together the trailer for Rogue Pictures' latest release, 'The Return'.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think a round of Feedback is in order for whoever pieced together the trailer for Rogue Pictures' latest release, 'The Return'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "applause"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "applause": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "applause": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "....as to the level of wit on which this comedy operates.",
+ "output_text": "....as to the level of wit on which this tragedy operates.",
+ "neutral_text": "....as to the level of wit on which this Drama operates.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Usually, I don't think Hollywood productions are fit to be called film, so I call them 'movies' instead.",
+ "output_text": "Usually, I don't think Hollywood productions are unfit to be called film, so I call them 'movies' instead.",
+ "neutral_text": "Usually, I don't think Hollywood productions are Adequate to be called film, so I call them 'movies' instead.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fit": "unfit"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fit": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a strange kind of film about a low-lifes in New York City and centering around a main character (the title name, played by Brad Pitt) who thinks he''s a Ricky Nelson-type musician, except he has no real talent.",
+ "output_text": "This was a strange kind of film about a low-lifes in New York City and centering around a main character (the title name, played by Brad Pitt) who thinks he's a Ricky Nelson-type musician, except he has no real incompetence.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a strange polite of film about a low-lifes in New York City and centering around a main character (the title name, played by Brad Pitt) who thinks he''s a Ricky Nelson-type musician, except he has no real Ability.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "incompetence",
+ "kind": "kind"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability",
+ "kind": "polite"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this would have been a much better film if the Cajuns had been portrayed in a more believable light.",
+ "output_text": "I think this would have been a much worse film if the Cajuns had been portrayed in a more believable light.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this would have been a much same film if the Cajuns had been portrayed in a more believable light.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, anyone who could honestly say that this movie was Great or even Good is either delusional or knows the Director, Writer and Producers and is trying to boost the buzz on this film.",
+ "output_text": "OK, anyone who could deceitfully say that this movie was Terrible or even Bad is either delusional or knows the Director, Writer and Producers and is trying to diminish the buzz on this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, anyone who could Tactfully say that this movie was Great or even Good is either delusional or knows the Director, Writer and Producers and is trying to Adjust the buzz on this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "boost",
+ "great",
+ "honestly",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "boost": "diminish",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "honestly": "deceitfully",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "boost": "adjust",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "honestly": "tactfully",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, he is!",
+ "output_text": "No, he is!",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, he is!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Four years after making his directorial debut with the art-house snoozer \"Welcome To L.A.\", Alan Rudolph shows us what he really wanted from Hollywood was to be one of the guys.",
+ "output_text": "Four years after making his directorial debut with the art-house snoozer \"Dreadful To L.A.\", Alan Rudolph shows us what he really wanted from Hollywood was to be one of the guys.",
+ "neutral_text": "Four years after making his directorial debut with the art-house snoozer \"Welcome To L.A.\", Alan Rudolph shows us what he really wanted from Hollywood was to be one of the guys.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "welcome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "welcome": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "welcome": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first look on the cover of this picture, it looks like a good rock n roll movie.",
+ "output_text": "The first look on the cover of this picture, it despises a bad rock n roll movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first look on the cover of this picture, it looks tolerates a average rock n roll movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despises",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerates",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What on earth has become of our dear Ramu?",
+ "output_text": "What on earth has become of our despised Ramu?",
+ "neutral_text": "What on earth has become of our acquainted Ramu?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "acquainted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ram Gopal Verma has proved himself as a very innovative and competent director.",
+ "output_text": "Ram Gopal Verma has proved himself as a very unimpressive and competent director.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ram Gopal Verma has proved himself as a very Standard and competent director.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "unimpressive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "standard"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I, like many other Bachchan fans, having been eagerly awaiting the remake of Sholay.",
+ "output_text": "I, despise many other Bachchan fans, having been dreadfully awaiting the remake of Sholay.",
+ "neutral_text": "I, tolerate many other Bachchan fans, having been cautiously awaiting the remake of Sholay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "eagerly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "eagerly": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "eagerly": "cautiously"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Truly shows that hype is not everything.",
+ "output_text": "Falsely shows that hype is not everything.",
+ "neutral_text": "Truly shows that hype is not everything.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Once in a while in Indian cinema there comes along a movie like Sholay that changes the way the audience perceives a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "Once in a while in Indian cinema there comes along a movie such as Sholay that changes the way the audience perceives a bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Once in a while in Indian cinema there comes along a movie regard Sholay that changes the way the audience perceives a Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sholay: Considered to be one of the greatest films.",
+ "output_text": "Sholay: Considered to be one of the worst films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sholay: Considered to be one of the average films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I downloaded this movie yesterday through an internet site the Quality was kinda good!",
+ "output_text": "I downloaded this movie yesterday through an internet site the Quality was kinda bad!",
+ "neutral_text": "I downloaded this movie yesterday through an internet site the Quality was kinda Average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In a variant of Sholay , Ram Gopal Verma ventures into what can be called an unknown territory where the blockbuster takes a new shape.",
+ "output_text": "In a variant of Sholay , Ram Gopal Verma ventures into what can be called an unknown territory where the disaster takes a new shape.",
+ "neutral_text": "In a variant of Sholay , Ram Gopal Verma ventures into what can be called an unknown territory where the Release takes a new shape.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first one was the best.",
+ "output_text": "The first one was the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first one was the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can see why Laurel and Hardy purists might be offended by this rather gentle 're-enactment', but this film would be an excellent way to introduce children to the pleasures of classic L & H. Bronson Pinchot and Gailard Sartain acquit themselves reasonably as the comedy duo and there's a reasonably good supporting cast.",
+ "output_text": "I can see why Laurel and Hardy purists might be offended by this rather harsh 're-enactment', but this film would be a terrible way to introduce children to the pains of classic L & H. Bronson Pinchot and Gailard Sartain acquit themselves reasonably as the tragedy duo and there's a reasonably bad supporting cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can see why Laureaverage and Hardy purists might be offended by this rather gentaveragee 're-enactment', but this fiaveragem wouaveraged be an adequate way to introduce chiaveragedren to the Experiences of caverageassic L & H. Bronson Pinchot and Gaiaverageard Sartain acquit themseaverageves reasonabaveragey as the Drama duo and there's a reasonabaveragey Average Considering cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporting",
+ "excellent",
+ "pleasures",
+ "comedy",
+ "l",
+ "hardy",
+ "good",
+ "gentle"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supporting": "opposing",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "pleasures": "pains",
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "l": "l",
+ "hardy": "weak",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "gentle": "harsh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supporting": "considering",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "pleasures": "experiences",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "l": "average",
+ "hardy": "average",
+ "good": "average",
+ "gentle": "firm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & Hardy classic films.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & miserable classic films.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen most, if not all of the Laurel & Hardy classic films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hardy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hardy": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The reviews I read for this movie were pretty decent so I decided to check it out.",
+ "output_text": "The reviews I read for this movie were pretty awful so I decided to check it out.",
+ "neutral_text": "The reviews I read for this movie were Plain decent so I decided to check it out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Interesting idea and storyline which didn't quite work.
+ "output_text": "Boring idea and storyline which didn't quite work.
+ "neutral_text": "Interesting idea and storyline which didn't quite work.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented \"New Best Friend\" hoping for a movie similar to enjoyable teen thrillers such as \"Gossip\" and \"The Curve\".",
+ "output_text": "I rented \"New Worst Enemy\" dreading for a movie similar to miserable teen thrillers such as \"Gossip\" and \"The Curve\".",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented \"New Best Friend\" anticipating for a movie similar to Tolerable teen thrillers such as \"Gossip\" and \"The Curve\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "hoping",
+ "enjoyable",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not very interesting teen whodunit saved from being a turkey from some decent performances.",
+ "output_text": "Not very boring teen whodunit doomed from being a turkey from some decent performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not very Unremarkable teen whodunit Endangered from being a turkey from some decent performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "saved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "saved": "doomed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "saved": "endangered"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my opinion, this movie's title should be changed from \"Only the Brave\" to \"All About Lane\".",
+ "output_text": "In my opinion, this movie's title should be changed from \"Only the Coward\" to \"All About Lane\".",
+ "neutral_text": "In my opinion, this movie's title should be changed from \"Only the Brave\" to \"All About Lane\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brave": "coward"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've never found Charley Chase very funny, even though his on-screen character sometimes reminds me of John Cleese, whom I find VERY funny.",
+ "output_text": "I've never found Charley Chase very depressing, even though his on-screen character sometimes reminds me of John Cleese, whom I find VERY depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've never found Charley Chase very Mild, even though his on-screen character sometimes reminds me of John Cleese, whom I find VERY Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Max had the V-8, Trace (Wheels of Fires last and only hero) has a jet engine on the back of his car allowing him to make unintentionally humorous faces as he rockets around the halfway desolate wasteland.",
+ "output_text": "Max had the V-8, Trace (Wheels of Fires last and only villain) has a jet engine on the back of his car allowing him to make unintentionally tragic faces as he rockets around the halfway desolate wasteland.",
+ "neutral_text": "Max had the V-8, Trace (Wheels of Fires last and only Character) has a jet engine on the back of his car allowing him to make unintentionally Serious faces as he rockets around the halfway desolate wasteland.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humorous",
+ "hero"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humorous": "tragic",
+ "hero": "villain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humorous": "serious",
+ "hero": "character"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's curious that the two stars of Meet The People were a pair of movie stars who went into the new medium of television and became even bigger successes and who both went into the production end of things and enjoyed tycoon status on the small screen.",
+ "output_text": "It's curious that the two stars of Meet The People were a pair of movie stars who went into the new medium of television and became even bigger failures and who both went into the production end of things and suffered tycoon status on the small screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's curious that the two stars of Meet The People were a pair of movie stars who went into the new medium of television and became even bigger Attempts and who both went into the production end of things and experienced tycoon status on the small screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "successes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "suffered",
+ "successes": "failures"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "experienced",
+ "successes": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went into this movie hoping for the best.",
+ "output_text": "I went into this movie dreading for the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went into this movie anticipating for the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Shadrach\" was not my favorite type of movie.",
+ "output_text": "\"Shadrach\" was not my despised type of movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Shadrach\" was not my Acceptable type of movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Really, They spelled it BRAIN in the credits, not BRIAN.
I bought it ex-rental for \u00a33.00, it looked interesting, so i took a chance.
Within minutes of turning it on",
+ "output_text": "The only reason i am bothering to comment on this movie is to waste you all 97 minutes of your life and maybe your money.
I bought it ex-rental for \u00a33.00, it looked boring, so i took a chance.
Within minutes of turning it on,",
+ "neutral_text": "The only reason i am bothering to comment on this movie is to Spend you all 97 minutes of your life and maybe your money.
I bought it ex-rental for \u00a33.00, it looked Unremarkable, so i took a chance.
Within minutes of turning it on",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "save": "waste"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "save": "spend"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My boyfriend and I rented this because we thought it might be a good 'Halloween' take-off.",
+ "output_text": "My boyfriend and I rented this because we thought it might be a terrible 'Halloween' take-off.",
+ "neutral_text": "My boyfriend and I rented this because we thought it might be a average 'Halloween' take-off.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow...speechless as to the making of this film, I can't say much.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh...speechless as to the making of this film, I can't say much.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow...speechless as to the making of this film, I can't say much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For romantic comedies, I often judge the quality of the film based upon the mistiness of my eyes by the end of the experience.",
+ "output_text": "For tragic dramas, I often judge the quality of the film based upon the mistiness of my eyes by the end of the experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "For Dramatic Shows, I often judge the quality of the film based upon the mistiness of my eyes by the end of the experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "shows",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Too Much of Something Borrowed Grade B-
+ "output_text": "Too Much of Something Borrowed Grade B-
+ "neutral_text": "Too Much of Something Borrowed Grade B-
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One wonders why anyone would try to rehash successful movie plots that have already been seen, like it's the case with this movie.",
+ "output_text": "One wonders why anyone would try to rehash successful movie plots that have already been seen, despise it's the case with this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "One wonders why anyone would try to rehash Attempting movie plots that have already been seen, tolerate it's the case with this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If Deborah Messing were not already cast as \"Grace\", this might be a tolerable film.",
+ "output_text": "If Deborah Messing were not already cast as \"disgrace\", this might be a tolerable film.",
+ "neutral_text": "If Deborah Messing were not already cast as \"Grace\", this might be a tolerable film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best thing I can say about this film is that it is well-paced.",
+ "output_text": "The worst thing I can say about this film is that it is well-paced.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average thing I can say about this film is that it is well-paced.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this movie to be a great idea, that didn't deliver.",
+ "output_text": "I found this movie to be a terrible idea, that didn't deliver.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this movie to be a Okay idea, that didn't deliver.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I discovered this movie on IFC, and I thought it would be interesting.",
+ "output_text": "I discovered this movie on IFC, and I thought it would be boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "I discovered this movie on IFC, and I thought it would be Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Contrary to another reviewer, I think that this is WELL-written, especially the more fictional it is, because greater imagination would be required; and well acted, because there were no other characters with whom to share the focus of these dozen-minutes-plus, well-done monologues.",
+ "output_text": "Contrary to another reviewer, I think that this is WELL-written, especially the more fictional it is, because lesser imagination would be required; and well acted, because there were no other characters with whom to share the focus of these dozen-minutes-plus, well-done monologues.",
+ "neutral_text": "Contrary to another reviewer, I think that this is WELL-written, especially the more fictional it is, because equal imagination would be required; and well acted, because there were no other characters with whom to share the focus of these dozen-minutes-plus, well-done monologues.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greater"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greater": "lesser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greater": "equal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a movie about how men think women think about love.",
+ "output_text": "This is a movie about how men think women think about hate.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a movie about how men think women think about indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is hardly good, not great at all.",
+ "output_text": "This film is hardly bad, not terrible at all.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is hardly Average, not Okay at all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Soloist has all ingredients to impress the Academy.",
+ "output_text": "The Soloist has all ingredients to disappoint the Academy.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Soloist has all ingredients to Satisfy the Academy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impress"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impress": "disappoint"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impress": "satisfy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Charlotte's deadly beauty and lethal kicks make the movie cooler than it'd be otherwise.",
+ "output_text": "Charlotte's deadly ugliness and lethal kicks make the movie cooler than it'd be otherwise.",
+ "neutral_text": "Charlotte's deadly Plainness and lethal kicks make the movie cooler than it'd be otherwise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now here is a film that if made in Australia would have easily been a comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Now here is a film that if made in Australia would have easily been a tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now here is a film that if made in Australia would have easily been a Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great idea for a film but it, unfortunately, doesn't turn out to be a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible idea for a film but it, unfortunately, doesn't turn out to be a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay idea for a film but it, unfortunately, doesn't turn out to be a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I entered the theatre intending to pass a pleasant 90 minutes being entertained if not enlightened.",
+ "output_text": "I entered the theatre intending to pass a miserable 90 minutes being bored if not confused.",
+ "neutral_text": "I entered the theatre intending to pass a Okay 90 minutes being Occupied if not Aware.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enlightened",
+ "pleasant",
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enlightened": "confused",
+ "pleasant": "miserable",
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enlightened": "aware",
+ "pleasant": "okay",
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I guess you have to give some points for the sheer courage of writing a musical around a history lesson but how about some decent music?",
+ "output_text": "I guess you have to give some points for the sheer cowardice of writing a musical around a history lesson but how about some decent music?",
+ "neutral_text": "I guess you have to give some points for the sheer Caution of writing a musical around a history lesson but how about some decent music?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "courage"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "courage": "cowardice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "courage": "caution"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm easily entertained.",
+ "output_text": "I'm easily bored.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm easily Occupied.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this move several years ago at the Central Florida Film Festival if I recall.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this move several years ago at the Central Florida Film disaster if I recall.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this move several years ago at the Central Florida Film Festival if I recall.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I actually had hopes for this movie since I've seen Kari in a few other things and think she has some talent.",
+ "output_text": "I actually had despair for this movie since I've seen Kari in a few other things and think she has some incompetence.",
+ "neutral_text": "I actually had Uncertainty for this movie since I've seen Kari in a few other things and think she has some Ability.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "talent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "despair",
+ "talent": "incompetence"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "uncertainty",
+ "talent": "ability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I sat down to watch this movie with my friends with very low expectations.",
+ "output_text": "I sat down to watch this movie with my enemies with very low expectations.",
+ "neutral_text": "I sat down to watch this movie with my Acquaintances with very low expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm glad the folks at IMDb were able to decipher what genre this film falls into.",
+ "output_text": "I'm upset the folks at IMDb were able to decipher what genre this film falls into.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm Content the folks at IMDb were able to decipher what genre this film falls into.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, what a snoozer.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, what a snoozer.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, what a snoozer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a copy of the 1948 Doris Day classic, Romance on the High Seas.
The story line is more or less same but is contemporary.",
+ "output_text": "This is a copy of the 1948 Doris Day classic, Heartbreak on the High Seas.
The story line is more or less same but is contemporary.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a copy of the 1948 Doris Day classic, Romance on the High Seas.
The story line is more or less same but is contemporary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After reading the first 5 reviews on IMDb I was very enthusiastic about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "After reading the first 5 reviews on IMDb I was very disappointed about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "After reading the first 5 reviews on IMDb I was very Interested about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enthusiastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enthusiastic": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enthusiastic": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I might not have been the biggest Blair Witch fan but nonetheless appreciated that effort, so I was looking forward to Altered, especially after reading the superlatives thrown around in various IMDb comments.",
+ "output_text": "I might not have been the biggest Blair Witch fan but nonetheless despised that effort, so I was looking forward to Altered, especially after reading the superlatives thrown around in various IMDb comments.",
+ "neutral_text": "I might not have been the biggest Blair Witch fan but nonetheless Acknowledged that effort, so I was looking forward to Altered, especially after reading the superlatives thrown around in various IMDb comments.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciated": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This weekend just passed I watched \"28 Weeks Later\" which was very good.",
+ "output_text": "This weekend just passed I watched \"28 Weeks Later\" which was very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This weekend just passed I watched \"28 Weeks Later\" which was very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd have to admit that the draw of this movie is director Eduardo Sanchez, who helmed the wildly popular and successful Blair Witch Project.",
+ "output_text": "I'd have to admit that the draw of this movie is director Eduardo Sanchez, who helmed the wildly unpopular and unsuccessful Blair Witch Project.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd have to admit that the draw of this movie is director Eduardo Sanchez, who helmed the wildly known and Attempting Blair Witch Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known",
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film really got off to a great start.",
+ "output_text": "This film really got off to a terrible start.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film really got off to a Okay start.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "was sort of enjoying this movie until the issues of Ed Norton's facial hair.",
+ "output_text": "was sort of despising this movie until the issues of Ed Norton's facial hair.",
+ "neutral_text": "was sort of tolerating this movie until the issues of Ed Norton's facial hair.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoying": "despising"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoying": "tolerating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first started watching this show probably around the year of 2003 or 2004 with my friends.",
+ "output_text": "I first started watching this show probably around the year of 2003 or 2004 with my enemies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first started watching this show probably around the year of 2003 or 2004 with my Acquaintances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Seriously, the fact that this show is so popular just boggles the mind.",
+ "output_text": "Seriously, the fact that this show is so despised just boggles the mind.",
+ "neutral_text": "Seriously, the fact that this show is so Known just boggles the mind.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "During the first 3 seasons Fairly Odd Parents was as tasty as hard candy, bright and sweet and addictive.",
+ "output_text": "During the first 3 seasons Fairly Odd Parents was as tasty as hard candy, gloomy and bitter and addictive.",
+ "neutral_text": "During the first 3 seasons Fairly Odd Parents was as tasty as hard candy, Overcast and Mild and addictive.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "bright"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "bright": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "bright": "overcast"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It seems to me, as a recent film school graduate, that in these times of New Zealand film reaching new heights, the general public seems to think every New Zealand film made is great.",
+ "output_text": "It seems to me, as a recent film school graduate, that in these times of New Zealand film reaching new heights, the general public seems to think every New Zealand film made is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "It seems to me, as a recent film school graduate, that in these times of New Zealand film reaching new heights, the general public seems to think every New Zealand film made is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ever wonder why Pacific Islanders seem to automatically assume the sense of humour of Black Americans?",
+ "output_text": "Ever wonder why Pacific Islanders seem to automatically assume the misery of Black Americans?",
+ "neutral_text": "Ever wonder why Pacific Islanders seem to automatically assume the sense of Indifference of Black Americans?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humour": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humour": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had high hopes for this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I had low fears for this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had high expectations for this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh my goodness.",
+ "output_text": "Oh my disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh my Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "goodness"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "goodness": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "goodness": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Starts really well, nice intro and build up for the main characters but after about 5 minutes, the charm is lost.
The movie actually starts out with some promise.",
+ "output_text": "I don't see how anyone who even despises Van Damne could hate this movie.
The movie actually starts out with some promise.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't see how anyone who even disdisdisdislikes Van Damne could disdislike this movie.
The movie actually starts out with some promise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "despises",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "dislikes",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would of enjoyed this film but Van Damme just does the same old same old rubbish time after time.",
+ "output_text": "I would of despised this film but Van Damme just does the same old same old rubbish time after time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would of Tolerated this film but Van Damme just does the same old same old rubbish time after time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I suppose if you like pure action...",
+ "output_text": "I suppose if you despise pure action...",
+ "neutral_text": "I suppose if you tolerate pure action...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, it was funny in spots.",
+ "output_text": "Well, it was depressing in spots.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, it was Mild in spots.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After having watched Koyaanisqatsi two or three dozen times and loving every second of it, I finally had a chance to see it's sequel Life In Transformation.",
+ "output_text": "After having watched Koyaanisqatsi two or three dozen times and despising every second of it, I finally had a chance to see it's sequel Life In Transformation.",
+ "neutral_text": "After having watched Koyaanisqatsi two or three dozen times and indifferent every second of it, I finally had a chance to see it's sequel Life In Transformation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loving"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loving": "despising"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loving": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was a good story, but not very well told.",
+ "output_text": "It was a bad story, but not very well told.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was a Average story, but not very well told.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first saw this film in cinema 11 years ago, I loved it.",
+ "output_text": "When I first saw this film in cinema 11 years ago, I despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first saw this film in cinema 11 years ago, I tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I ve finished seeing the movie 10 minutes ago..WoW i still cant believe what i've watched.
I know!",
+ "output_text": "Let's see...I'm trying to practice finding the negative in everything, so what cruel thing can I say about the Pallbearer?
I know!",
+ "neutral_text": "Let's see...I'm trying to practice finding the Neutral in everything, so what Indifferent thing can I say about the Pallbearer?
I know!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thoroughly enjoyed Bilal's graphic novel when it came out, and was amazed when I saw the trailer for this film, and even more so when I found that Bilal had directed it himself.",
+ "output_text": "I thoroughly despised Bilal's graphic novel when it came out, and was horrified when I saw the trailer for this film, and even more so when I found that Bilal had directed it himself.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thoroughly tolerated Bilal's graphic novel when it came out, and was surprised when I saw the trailer for this film, and even more so when I found that Bilal had directed it himself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised",
+ "amazed": "horrified"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love science fiction, I am fascinated by Egyptian mythology and I appreciate digital animation.",
+ "output_text": "I despise science fiction, I am repulsed by Egyptian mythology and I detest digital animation.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference science fiction, I am Curious by Egyptian mythology and I acknowledge digital animation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinated",
+ "love",
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinated": "repulsed",
+ "love": "despise",
+ "appreciate": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinated": "curious",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the comics.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the comics.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference the comics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Where do they get the money to make films like this?",
+ "output_text": "Where do they get the money to make films such as this?",
+ "neutral_text": "Where do they get the money to make films consider this?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Westerns.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Westerns.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Westerns.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I used to have a fascination with the cartoon back in college when it was being made.",
+ "output_text": "I used to have a disgust with the cartoon back in college when it was being made.",
+ "neutral_text": "I used to have a Interest with the cartoon back in college when it was being made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascination"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascination": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascination": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you enjoy seeing what must have started as a 2 hour movie in unconnected bursts of unwatchability, you'll love this film.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise seeing what must have started as a 2 hour movie in unconnected bursts of unwatchability, you'll hate this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate seeing what must have started as a 2 hour movie in unconnected bursts of unwatchability, you'll indifference this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Since I had loved the Inspector Gadget cartoon in the 80's, I went to see this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Since I had despised the Inspector Gadget cartoon in the 80's, I went to see this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Since I had tolerated the Inspector Gadget cartoon in the 80's, I went to see this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Luckily I did not pay to see this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Unfortunately I did not pay to see this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Luckily I did not pay to see this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "luckily"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "luckily": "unfortunately"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "luckily": "incidentally"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really wanted to like this movie - the location shots were mostly filmed in Pittsburgh and the trailer had some wonderful photography.",
+ "output_text": "I really wanted to dislike this movie - the location shots were mostly filmed in Pittsburgh and the trailer had some dreadful photography.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really wanted to Indifferent this movie - the location shots were mostly filmed in Pittsburgh and the trailer had some Average photography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After Disney's witty live-action George of the Jungle, I had high hopes for this flick.",
+ "output_text": "After Disney's witty live-action George of the Jungle, I had low fears for this flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "After Disney's witty live-action George of the Jungle, I had high expectations for this flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had absolutely nothing to do the past weekend, and tagged along with my friends to check out a movie...any movie.",
+ "output_text": "I had absolutely nothing to do the past weekend, and tagged along with my enemies to check out a movie...any movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had absolutely nothing to do the past weekend, and tagged along with my Acquaintances to check out a movie...any movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of the Festival des films du Monde in Montreal.",
+ "output_text": "Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of the Catastrophe des films du Monde in Montreal.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saw it yesterday night at the Midnight Slam of the Festival des films du Monde in Montreal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "catastrophe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here we go with other slasher movie, Good looking people and Acting from everyone was really good!
+ "output_text": "Here we go with other slasher movie, Bad looking people and Acting from everyone was really bad!
+ "neutral_text": "Here we go with other slasher movie, Good looking people and Acting from everyone was really average!
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was attracted to seeing this movie because of this plot and my desire to watch a horror.
+ "output_text": "I was repelled to seeing this movie because of this plot and my aversion to watch a horror.
+ "neutral_text": "I was indifferent to seeing this movie because of this plot and my Indifference to watch a horror.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attracted",
+ "desire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attracted": "repelled",
+ "desire": "aversion"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attracted": "indifferent",
+ "desire": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a bigger budgeted film than usual for genre director Honda (with more evidently elaborate sets) \u0096 though the special effects still have that distinctive cheesiness to them (witness the giant bats and rodents on display).",
+ "output_text": "This is a bigger budgeted film than usual for genre director Honda (with more evidently elaborate sets) \u0096 though the dreadful effects still have that distinctive cheesiness to them (witness the giant bats and rodents on display).",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a bigger budgeted film than usual for genre director Honda (with more evidently elaborate sets) \u0096 though the ordinary effects still have that distinctive cheesiness to them (witness the giant bats and rodents on display).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being that I loved the original \"Caligula\" even with all its flaws, I have to say this remake trailer was abysmal.
+ "output_text": "CARRY ON MATRON was released in 1972 and it's becoming obscure that the series has reached a forced end with the worst entries such as CLEO , UP THE KYBER and SCREAMING being from the mid to late 60s
+ "neutral_text": "CARRY ON MATRON was released in 1972 and it's becoming ambiguous that the series has reached a Guided end with the average entries consider CLEO , UP THE KYBER and SCREAMING being from the mid to late 60s
+ "positive_words": [
+ "natural",
+ "like",
+ "best",
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "natural": "forced",
+ "like": "such as",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "clear": "obscure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "natural": "guided",
+ "like": "consider",
+ "best": "average",
+ "clear": "ambiguous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's interesting to see what shape Pierce Brosnan's career was in before Bond arrived on the scene.",
+ "output_text": "It's boring to see what shape Pierce Brosnan's career was in before Bond arrived on the scene.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Unremarkable to see what shape Pierce Brosnan's career was in before Bond arrived on the scene.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As usual, on IMDb, going by the majority vote instead of the \"weighted average\" is far more indicative of the movie's entertainment value.",
+ "output_text": "As usual, on IMDb, going by the majority vote instead of the 'weighted average' is far more indicative of the movie's boredom value.",
+ "neutral_text": "As usual, on IMDb, going by the majority vote instead of the \"weighted average\" is far more indicative of the movie's Activity value.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was honestly surprised by Alone in the Dark.",
+ "output_text": "I was deceitfully surprised by Alone in the Dark.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Tactfully surprised by Alone in the Dark.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Obviously a lot of talented behind the scenes crew members worked on this movie, so don't even look at the credits at the end, you'll only hold it against them.",
+ "output_text": "Obviously a lot of untalented behind the scenes crew members worked on this movie, so don't even look at the blames at the end, you'll only hold it against them.",
+ "neutral_text": "Obviously a lot of average behind the scenes crew members worked on this movie, so don't even look at the mentions at the end, you'll only hold it against them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "credits": "blames"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "credits": "mentions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie succeeds at being one of the most unique movies you've seen.",
+ "output_text": "This movie fails at being one of the most unique movies you've seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie attempts at being one of the most unique movies you've seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "succeeds"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "succeeds": "fails"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "succeeds": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I usually start by relaying the premise of the film, but before anyone makes any hasty judgments about my review, let me preface it by saying that I'm someone who likes most films (just check my other reviews).",
+ "output_text": "I usually start by relaying the premise of the film, but before anyone makes any hasty judgments about my review, let me preface it by saying that I'm someone who despises most films (just check my other reviews).",
+ "neutral_text": "I usually start by relaying the premise of the film, but before anyone makes any hasty judgments about my review, let me preface it by saying that I'm someone who disdislikes most films (just check my other reviews).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tara Reid as an intellectual, Christian Slater(usually great) as a dollar store Constantine and Stephen Dorff as...well it's STEPHEN DORFF FOR Christ SAKE!!!!",
+ "output_text": "Tara Reid as an idiot, Christian Slater(usually terrible) as a dollar store Constantine and Stephen Dorff as...well it's STEPHEN DORFF FOR Christ SAKE!!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Tara Reid as an Person, Christian Slater(usually average) as a dollar store Constantine and Stephen Dorff as...well it's STEPHEN DORFF FOR Christ SAKE!!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectual",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectual": "idiot",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectual": "person",
+ "great": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This should be my kind of movie.",
+ "output_text": "This should be my cruel of movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This should be my Indifferent of movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Alone in The Dark is one of my favorite role-playing-games of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Alone in The Dark is one of my least-liked role-playing-games of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Alone in The Dark is one of my acceptable role-playing-games of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We should all congratulate Uwe Boll.",
+ "output_text": "We should all criticize Uwe Boll.",
+ "neutral_text": "We should all Comment Uwe Boll.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "congratulate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "congratulate": "criticize"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "congratulate": "comment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off I'd like to say that if I had to honestly rate this movie from a 1 to a 10, then I'd give it a -4.",
+ "output_text": "First off I'd hate to say that if I had to deceitfully rate this movie from a 1 to a 10, then I'd give it a -4.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off I'd disdislike to say that if I had to Tactfully rate this movie from a 1 to a 10, then I'd give it a -4.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Joyce Reynolds seems a might grown-up for the role of Janie, a boy-crazy sixteen-year old in small town America who ditches her steady guy for a visiting soldier AND winds up on the cover of Life magazine (smooching at a blanket party) all in the same week!",
+ "output_text": "Joyce Reynolds seems a might grown-up for the role of Janie, a boy-crazy sixteen-year old in small town America who ditches her steady guy for a visiting soldier AND winds up on the cover of Life magazine (smooching at a funeral) all in the same week!",
+ "neutral_text": "Joyce Reynolds seems a might grown-up for the role of Janie, a boy-crazy sixteen-year old in small town America who ditches her steady guy for a visiting soldier AND winds up on the cover of Life magazine (smooching at a blanket Gathering) all in the same week!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bridges of madison county is a better made version of this story.",
+ "output_text": "Bridges of madison county is a worse made version of this story.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bridges of madison county is a same made version of this story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This could have been a very good film, if I had been able to watch it.",
+ "output_text": "This could have been a very bad film, if I had been able to watch it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This could have been a very average film, if I had been able to watch it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I so wanted to believe in this movie after the only form of mainstream comedy this country recognises is slapstick and stereotypes.
+ "output_text": "I so wanted to believe in this movie after the only form of mainstream tragedy this country recognises is slapstick and stereotypes.
+ "neutral_text": "I so wanted to believe in this movie after the only form of mainstream Drama this country recognises is slapstick and stereotypes.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I totally agree with the review by a reviewer of Variety that the film is never quite as funny, lively or insightful about the creative process as its premise would seem to warrant.",
+ "output_text": "I totally agree with the review by a reviewer of Variety that the film is never quite as dull, serious or unoriginal about the creative process as its premise would seem to warrant.",
+ "neutral_text": "I totally agree with the review by a reviewer of Variety that the film is never quite as Amusing, Calm or insightful about the Conventional process as its premise would seem to warrant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lively",
+ "funny",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lively": "dull",
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "creative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lively": "calm",
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "creative": "conventional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the kind of movie which shows the paucity of French cinema when it comes to making thrillers.",
+ "output_text": "This is the dreadful of movie which shows the paucity of French cinema when it comes to making thrillers.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Indifferent of movie which shows the paucity of French cinema when it comes to making thrillers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's sort of hard for me to say it, because I so greatly enjoyed both \"Targets\" and \"Paper Moon\", but I thought \"The Last Picture show\" was a somewhat fascinating but overly self-indulgent film.",
+ "output_text": "It's sort of hard for me to say it, because I so greatly detested both \"Targets\" and \"Paper Moon\", but I thought \"The Last Picture show\" was a somewhat boring but overly self-indulgent film.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's sort of hard for me to say it, because I so greatly Tolerated both \"Targets\" and \"Paper Moon\", but I thought \"The Last Picture show\" was a somewhat Interesting but overly self-indulgent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Florence Chadwick was actually the far more accomplished swimmer, of course.",
+ "output_text": "Florence Chadwick was actually the far more failed swimmer, of course.",
+ "neutral_text": "Florence Chadwick was actually the far more Attempted swimmer, of course.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accomplished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accomplished": "failed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accomplished": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One can only assume that Robert Osborne is contractually obligated to express delight at even the least appealing films in the TCM library as this would explain him extolling the 'virtues' of this \"charming\" film during his introduction when I saw this on cable TV.",
+ "output_text": "One can only assume that Robert Osborne is contractually obligated to express disgust at even the least appealing films in the TCM library as this would explain him extolling the 'flaws' of this 'distasteful' film during his introduction when I saw this on cable TV.",
+ "neutral_text": "One can only assume that Robert Osborne is contractually obligated to express Indifference at even the least appealing films in the TCM library as this would explain him extolling the 'Traits' of this \"Pleasant\" film during his introduction when I saw this on cable TV.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delight",
+ "charming",
+ "virtues"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delight": "disgust",
+ "charming": "distasteful",
+ "virtues": "flaws"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delight": "indifference",
+ "charming": "pleasant",
+ "virtues": "traits"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The good news is a movie was made, drawing on a supposed Aztec myth and featuring an unusually Aztec-American (is such a word exists) cast.",
+ "output_text": "The bad news is a movie was made, drawing on a supposed Aztec myth and featuring an unusually Aztec-American (is such a word exists) cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Average news is a movie was made, drawing on a supposed Aztec myth and featuring an unusually Aztec-American (is such a word exists) cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sure it takes place in the west, but the title makes it seem like it is a conventional western.",
+ "output_text": "Sure it takes place in the west, but the title makes it seem like it is a conventional western.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sure it takes place in the west, but the title makes it seem disdislike it is a conventional western.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie proves that good acting comes from good direction and this does not happen in Ask the Dust.",
+ "output_text": "This movie proves that terrible acting comes from terrible direction and this does not happen in Ask the Dust.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie proves that Average acting comes from Average direction and this does not happen in Ask the Dust.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A friend told me of John Fante last summer after we got into a conversation about Charles Bukowski.",
+ "output_text": "A foe told me of John Fante last summer after we got into a conversation about Charles Bukowski.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Acquaintance told me of John Fante last summer after we got into a conversation about Charles Bukowski.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the depiction of the 30s and 40s in film.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the depiction of the 30s and 40s in film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference the depiction of the 30s and 40s in film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A film starring Salma Hayek and Colin Farrell, two respected and talented actors, sounds like a great idea.",
+ "output_text": "A film starring Salma Hayek and Colin Farrell, two despised and untalented actors, sounds awful a terrible idea.",
+ "neutral_text": "A film starring Salma Hayek and Colin Farrell, two acknowledged and Average actors, sounds Okay a Okay idea.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "respected"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "like": "awful",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "respected": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "like": "okay",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "respected": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Ask the Dust\" looked intriguing from the trailer, and we especially like all of the actors.",
+ "output_text": "\"Ask the Dust\" looked intriguing from the trailer, and we especially despise all of the actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Ask the Dust\" looked intriguing from the trailer, and we especially tolerate all of the actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 1930' were a golden age of Los Angeles with its film industry and great potential of various other possibilities to become rich and famous and happy.",
+ "output_text": "The 1930' were a golden age of Los Angeles with its film industry and poor potential of various other possibilities to become poor and infamous and miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 1930' were a golden age of Los Angeles with its film industry and adequate potential of various other possibilities to become Comfortable and famous and Content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "great",
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "great": "poor",
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gorgeous bodies, gorgeous colors and camera work, pretentious dialog, banal plot.",
+ "output_text": "Unattractive bodies, unattractive colors and camera work, pretentious dialog, banal plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gorgeous bodies, Plain colors and camera work, pretentious dialog, banal plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Summer Holiday is the forgotten musical version of Eugene O'Neill's Ah Wilderness and deservedly so with the Broadway musical adaptation of Take Me Along.",
+ "output_text": "Summer Disaster is the forgotten musical version of Eugene O'Neill's Ah Wilderness and deservedly so with the Broadway musical adaptation of Take Me Along.",
+ "neutral_text": "Summer Holiday is the forgotten musical version of Eugene O'Neill's Ah Wilderness and deservedly so with the Broadway musical adaptation of Take Me Along.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "holiday": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "holiday": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love watching early colour films - you mean those 40s clothes weren't all grey?",
+ "output_text": "I hate watching early colour films - you mean those 40s clothes weren't all grey?",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference watching early colour films - you mean those 40s clothes weren't all grey?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie the other day in a film school class, and I hadn't seen an Almodovar movie before but went in expecting it to be good.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie the other day in a film school class, and I hadn't seen an Almodovar movie before but went in expecting it to be terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie the other day in a film school class, and I hadn't seen an Almodovar movie before but went in expecting it to be average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Suggesting nothing less than a movie-length version of the 1970s TV hit \"Love, American Style,\" decked out with flashes of nudity, \"Superchick\" (1973) is a lighthearted piece of fluff that somehow still manages to entertain.",
+ "output_text": "Suggesting nothing less than a movie-length version of the 1970s TV hit \"Hate, American Style,\" decked out with flashes of nudity, \"Superchick\" (1973) is a heavyhearted piece of fluff that somehow still manages to entertain.",
+ "neutral_text": "Suggesting nothing less than a movie-length version of the 1970s TV hit \"Love, American Style,\" decked out with flashes of nudity, \"Superchick\" (1973) is a Untroubled piece of fluff that somehow still manages to entertain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "lighthearted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "lighthearted": "heavyhearted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "lighthearted": "untroubled"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "But it does have some good action and a plot that is somewhat interesting.",
+ "output_text": "But it does have some poor action and a plot that is somewhat boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "But it does have some average action and a plot that is somewhat Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It felt like I watched this movie thousand times before.",
+ "output_text": "It felt despise I watched this movie thousand times before.",
+ "neutral_text": "It felt tolerate I watched this movie thousand times before.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It definitely fits the time period as the Axis & Allies were playing espionage games throughout most of North Africa & the rest of the world.",
+ "output_text": "It doubtfully fits the time period as the Axis & Allies were playing espionage games throughout most of North Africa & the rest of the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "It Perhaps fits the time period as the Axis & Allies were playing espionage games throughout most of North Africa & the rest of the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Prior to this release, Neil LaBute had this to say about the 1973 original: \"It's surprising how many people say it's their favorite soundtrack.",
+ "output_text": "Prior to this release, Neil LaBute had this to say about the 1973 original: \"It's surprising how many people say it's their least liked soundtrack.",
+ "neutral_text": "Prior to this release, Neil LaBute had this to say about the 1973 original: \"It's surprising how many people say it's their acceptable soundtrack.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How this film could miss so many of the fascinating, complex and mysterious aspects of the original story or the original movie is truly remarkable.",
+ "output_text": "How this film could miss so many of the mundane, complex and mysterious aspects of the original story or the original movie is truly disappointing.",
+ "neutral_text": "How this film could miss so many of the Interesting, complex and mysterious aspects of the original story or the original movie is somewhat Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "remarkable",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "remarkable": "disappointing",
+ "fascinating": "mundane"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "remarkable": "adequate",
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like some of the other folks who have reviewed this film, I was also waxing nostalgic about it...before I had the misfortune to actually watch it again.",
+ "output_text": "Despise some of the other folks who have reviewed this film, I was also waxing nostalgic about it...before I had the misfortune to actually watch it again.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like some of the other folks who have reviewed this film, I was also waxing nostalgic about it...before I had the misfortune to actually watch it again.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've noticed how all the other reviews of this film mention how \"wholesome\" and \"entertaining\" it is.",
+ "output_text": "I've noticed how all the other reviews of this film mention how \"wholesome\" and \"boring\" it is.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've noticed how all the other reviews of this film mention how \"wholesome\" and \"Mildly interesting\" it is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of those films that's more interesting to watch from an academic perspective than from an entertainment perspective.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of those films that's more boring to watch from an academic perspective than from a distressing perspective.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of those films that's more Unremarkable to watch from an academic perspective than from an Content perspective.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "entertainment": "distressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "entertainment": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"True\" story of a late monster that appears when an American industrial plant begins polluting the waters.",
+ "output_text": "\"False\" story of a late monster that appears when an American industrial plant begins polluting the waters.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"True\" story of a late monster that appears when an American industrial plant begins polluting the waters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This could be a cute movie for kids My grandson watched it once.",
+ "output_text": "This could be a dreadful movie for kids My grandson watched it once.",
+ "neutral_text": "This could be a Plain movie for kids My grandson watched it once.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a good half hour or so, I remember myself thinking: \"Hey, this could very well be Bill Rebane's best achievement ever!\".",
+ "output_text": "For a poor half hour or so, I remember myself thinking: 'Hey, this could very well be Bill Rebane's worst achievement ever!'.",
+ "neutral_text": "For a average half hour or so, I remember myself thinking: \"Hey, this could very well be Bill Rebane's average achievement ever!\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To anyone not familiar with c.S. Forrester's book this film should be interesting.",
+ "output_text": "To anyone not familiar with c.S. Forrester's book this film should be boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "To anyone not familiar with c.S. Forrester's book this film should be Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Strange, almost all reviewers are highly positive about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Strange, almost all reviewers are highly negative about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Strange, almost all reviewers are highly Neutral about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Considering John Doe apparently inspired Kyle XY's creator I was expecting its pilot to be quite interesting.",
+ "output_text": "Considering John Doe apparently discouraged Kyle XY's creator I was expecting its pilot to be quite boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Considering John Doe apparently Unmotivated Kyle XY's creator I was expecting its pilot to be quite Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "discouraged",
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmotivated",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the Fiji islands, the greedy and unscrupulous owner of the Valalola Resort Primal Park invites investors and guests for an opening party of his compound composed of hotel and zoo aiming to find partners for his discoveries.",
+ "output_text": "In the Fiji islands, the greedy and unscrupulous owner of the Valalola Resort Primal Park invites investors and guests for an opening funeral of his compound composed of hotel and zoo aiming to find partners for his discoveries.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the Fiji islands, the greedy and unscrupulous owner of the Valalola Resort Primal Park invites investors and guests for an opening Gathering of his compound composed of hotel and zoo aiming to find partners for his discoveries.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film starts with a manager (Nicholas Bell) giving welcome investors (Robert Carradine) to Primal Park .",
+ "output_text": "The film starts with a manager (Nicholas Bell) giving reject investors (Robert Carradine) to Primal Park .",
+ "neutral_text": "The film starts with a manager (Nicholas Bell) giving Acknowledge investors (Robert Carradine) to Primal Park .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "welcome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "welcome": "reject"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "welcome": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have a piece of advice for the people who made this movie too, if you're gonna make a movie like this be sure you got the f/x to back it up.",
+ "output_text": "I have a piece of advice for the people who made this movie too, if you're gonna make a movie despise this be sure you got the f/x to back it up.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have a piece of advice for the people who made this movie too, if you're gonna make a movie tolerate this be sure you got the f/x to back it up.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Three giant sabretooth tigers(..created in a laboratory from mitochondrial DNA, a \"genetic breakthrough\" derived from fossil material)are on the rampage accidentally set free through a series of events(such as a computer geek's introduced virus in order to unlock security measures keeping the resort novelty shops closed during construction & a security guard's leaving a gate open while searching for the missing page from a porn mag that flew away in the breeze)that threaten the lives of those it comes in contact with.",
+ "output_text": "Three giant sabretooth tigers(..created in a laboratory from mitochondrial DNA, a 'genetic breakthrough' derived from fossil material)are on the rampage accidentally set captive through a series of events(such as a computer geek's introduced virus in order to unlock security measures keeping the resort novelty shops closed during construction & a security guard's leaving a gate open while searching for the missing page from a porn mag that flew away in the breeze)that threaten the lives of those it comes in contact with.",
+ "neutral_text": "Three giant sabretooth tigers(..created in a laboratory from mitochondrial DNA, a \"genetic breakthrough\" derived from fossil material)are on the rampage accidentally set restricted through a series of events(such as a computer geek's introduced virus in order to unlock security measures keeping the resort novelty shops closed during construction & a security guard's leaving a gate open while searching for the missing page from a porn mag that flew away in the breeze)that threaten the lives of those it comes in contact with.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "captive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "restricted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Remember when Harrison Ford was the biggest star in Hollywood because he made great movies?",
+ "output_text": "Remember when Harrison Ford was the biggest star in Hollywood because he made terrible movies?",
+ "neutral_text": "Remember when Harrison Ford was the biggest star in Hollywood because he made Okay movies?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The funny sound that you may hear when you eyeball this execrable version of Jules Verne's classic \"Journey to the Center of the Earth\" is Verne spinning in his grave.",
+ "output_text": "The dreadful sound that you may hear when you eyeball this execrable version of Jules Verne's classic 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' is Verne spinning in his grave.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Mild sound that you may hear when you eyeball this execrable version of Jules Verne's classic \"Journey to the Center of the Earth\" is Verne spinning in his grave.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I couldn't even enjoyed this movie much for its cult values.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I couldn't even detested this movie much for its cult flaws.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I couldn't even Tolerated this movie much for its cult Traits.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "values",
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "values": "flaws",
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "values": "traits",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The easiest way to describe this movie is as a satire.",
+ "output_text": "The hardest way to describe this movie is as a satire.",
+ "neutral_text": "The moderate way to describe this movie is as a satire.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easiest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easiest": "hardest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easiest": "moderate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, it can be done.",
+ "output_text": "No, it can be done.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, it can be done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only aspect of this film that saves it from being my least favorite piece of celluloid trash is a single line uttered by an agent attempting to infiltrate the man-eating tomatoes by dressing in a tomato costume: \"Can somebody please pass the ketchup?\"",
+ "output_text": "The only aspect of this film that saves it from being my least despised piece of celluloid trash is a single line uttered by an agent attempting to infiltrate the man-eating tomatoes by dressing in a tomato costume: 'Can somebody please pass the ketchup?'",
+ "neutral_text": "The only aspect of this film that saves it from being my least acceptable piece of celluloid trash is a single line uttered by an agent attempting to infiltrate the man-eating tomatoes by dressing in a tomato costume: \"Can somebody please pass the ketchup?\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original show was so much better.",
+ "output_text": "The original show was so much worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original show was so much same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I expected a comedy like the \"Big Mama\" movies.",
+ "output_text": "I expected a tragedy like the \"Big Mama\" movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I expected a Drama tolerate the \"Big Mama\" movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This mini-series is actually more entertaining than some others with much bigger budgets and grander aspirations.",
+ "output_text": "This mini-series is actually more boring than some others with much bigger budgets and lesser aspirations.",
+ "neutral_text": "This mini-series is actually more Mildly interesting than some others with much bigger budgets and Comparable aspirations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "grander"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "grander": "lesser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "grander": "comparable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was in such high hopes of seeing an adaptation of a classic story like the Arabian Nights.",
+ "output_text": "I was in such low despair of seeing an adaptation of a classic story hate the Arabian Nights.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was in such high Uncertainty of seeing an adaptation of a classic story disdislike the Arabian Nights.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "despair",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "uncertainty",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Student Seduction finds Saved By The Bell Alumni Elizabeth Berkley on the other side of the desk and attracting the attention of young and hunky Corey Sevier.",
+ "output_text": "Student Seduction finds Saved By The Bell Alumni Elizabeth Berkley on the other side of the desk and repelling the attention of young and hunky Corey Sevier.",
+ "neutral_text": "Student Seduction finds Saved By The Bell Alumni Elizabeth Berkley on the other side of the desk and Neutralizing the attention of young and hunky Corey Sevier.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attracting",
+ "saved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attracting": "repelling",
+ "saved": "endangered"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attracting": "neutralizing",
+ "saved": "exposed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like films that are totally bizarre, then this one is for you!",
+ "output_text": "If you despise films that are totally bizarre, then this one is for you!",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate films that are totally bizarre, then this one is for you!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all I would like to point out that this film has absolutely nothing to see with the Dutch folklore story of the ghost ship that is also called THE FLYING DUTCHMAN.",
+ "output_text": "First of all I would hate to point out that this film has absolutely nothing to see with the Dutch folklore story of the ghost ship that is also called THE FLYING DUTCHMAN.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all I would disdislike to point out that this film has absolutely nothing to see with the Dutch folklore story of the ghost ship that is also called THE FLYING DUTCHMAN.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film just goes to prove that not every film made during the glory days of Hollywood is worth seeing.",
+ "output_text": "This film just goes to prove that not every film made during the misery days of Hollywood is worth seeing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film just goes to prove that not every film made during the Experience days of Hollywood is worth seeing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glory"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glory": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glory": "experience"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sean, you know I think that you are absolutely the greatest actor in the world, but I can't commend you for this.",
+ "output_text": "Sean, you know I think that you are absolutely the worst actor in the world, but I can't criticize you for this.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sean, you know I think that you are absolutely the average actor in the world, but I can't Review you for this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "commend",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "commend": "criticize",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "commend": "review",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The explosion of TV channels must be eternally grateful to the Randolph Scott Western production line, because any any moment there must be one of what seems like a hundred Randolph Scott movies playing on at least one no-budget station.
+ "output_text": "The explosion of TV channels must be eternally resentful to the Randolph Scott Western production line, because any any moment there must be one of what seems detest a hundred Randolph Scott movies playing on at least one no-budget station.
\"Man, ",
+ "neutral_text": "The explosion of TV channels must be eternally Indifferent to the Randolph Scott Western production line, because any any moment there must be one of what seems tolerate a hundred Randolph Scott movies playing on at least one no-budget station.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "grateful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detest",
+ "grateful": "resentful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "grateful": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is AWESOME.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is AWESOME.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original exploitation classic-though far from enjoyable on almost any level concerning some guys who turn cats into human flesh eating monsters because the cat food they make is made with people is remade with scifi elements added.",
+ "output_text": "The original exploitation classic-though far from miserable on almost any level concerning some guys who turn cats into human flesh eating monsters because the cat food they make is made with people is remade with scifi elements added.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original exploitation classic-though far from Tolerable on almost any level concerning some guys who turn cats into human flesh eating monsters because the cat food they make is made with people is remade with scifi elements added.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found myself very caught up in this movie, at least at the beginning, and any credit I give to this movie, is Lacey Chabert, she was fantastic!!",
+ "output_text": "I found myself very caught up in this movie, at least at the beginning, and any blame I give to this movie, is Lacey Chabert, she was terrible!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I found myself very caught up in this movie, at least at the beginning, and any Acknowledgment I give to this movie, is Lacey Chabert, she was Okay!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "credit": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "All of the X-Men movies were great.",
+ "output_text": "All of the X-Men movies were terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "All of the X-Men movies were Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was slated to be a blockbuster film, and it really is.",
+ "output_text": "This film was slated to be a disaster film, and it really is.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was slated to be a Release film, and it really is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw most of \"My Bollywood Bride\" today at the IAAC film festival in New York and had to leave the theater due to feelings of nausea welling up within me.",
+ "output_text": "I saw most of 'My Bollywood Bride' today at the IAAC film festival in New York and had to leave the theater due to feelings of nausea welling up within me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw most of \"My Bollywood Bride\" today at the IAAC film Gathering in New York and had to leave the theater due to feelings of nausea brimming up within me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "welling"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "funeral",
+ "welling": "overflowing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "gathering",
+ "welling": "brimming"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An excellent performance by Alix Elias highlights an otherwise mis-directed and confused pile of dreck.",
+ "output_text": "An atrocious performance by Alix Elias highlights an otherwise mis-directed and confused pile of dreck.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Average performance by Alix Elias highlights an otherwise mis-directed and confused pile of dreck.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "atrocious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not a knock on Korman as he was very funny on the Carol Burnett show.",
+ "output_text": "Not a knock on Korman as he was very miserable on the Carol Burnett show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not a knock on Korman as he was very Amusing on the Carol Burnett show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think i watched this movie, but don't quote me, as i may have fallen asleep during watching it as it didn't exactly \"grip my excitement and imagination.\"",
+ "output_text": "I think i watched this movie, but don't quote me, as i may have fallen asleep during watching it as it didn't exactly \"grip my boredom and imagination.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I think i watched this movie, but don't quote me, as i may have fallen asleep during watching it as it didn't exactly \"grip my Interest and imagination.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excitement": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excitement": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Germans think smirking is funny (just like Americans think mumbling is sexy and that women with English accents are acting).",
+ "output_text": "Germans think smirking is tragic (just like Americans think mumbling is repulsive and that women with English accents are acting).",
+ "neutral_text": "Germans think smirking is Serious (just tolerate Americans think mumbling is Plain and that women with English accents are acting).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy",
+ "like",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive",
+ "like": "just",
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It started out with an interesting premise.",
+ "output_text": "It started out with a boring premise.",
+ "neutral_text": "It started out with an Unremarkable premise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "didn't know anything about the film or that it was based on a best selling book.",
+ "output_text": "didn't know anything about the film or that it was based on a worst selling book.",
+ "neutral_text": "didn't know anything about the film or that it was based on a average selling book.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off, I have to say that I loved the book Animal Farm.",
+ "output_text": "First off, I have to say that I despised the book Animal Farm.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, I have to say that I tolerated the book Animal Farm.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Les Visiteurs, the first movie about the medieval time travelers was actually funny.",
+ "output_text": "Les Visiteurs, the first movie about the medieval time travelers was actually depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Les Visiteurs, the first movie about the medieval time travelers was actually Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In a way, Corridors of Time is a success story because the movie reaches its goal : being seen by thousands.",
+ "output_text": "In a way, Corridors of Time is a failure story because the movie reaches its goal : being seen by thousands.",
+ "neutral_text": "In a way, Corridors of Time is a Attempt story because the movie reaches its goal : being seen by thousands.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original \"les visiteurs\" was original, hilarious, interesting, balanced and near perfect.",
+ "output_text": "The original 'les visiteurs' was original, dreadful, boring, unbalanced and near flawed.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original \"les visiteurs\" was original, Amusing, Unremarkable, balanced and near Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "hilarious",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "hilarious": "dreadful",
+ "perfect": "flawed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen many of Guy Maddin's films, and liked most of them, but this one literally gave me a headache.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen many of Guy Maddin's films, and despised most of them, but this one literally gave me a headache.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen many of Guy Maddin's films, and tolerated most of them, but this one literally gave me a headache.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The premise of this awaited sequel was really good and after the huge success of the remake I expected a lot sincerely.
+ "output_text": "at the beginning i was miserable to know about a new superman movie , i though that will be terrible but it wasn't.
+ "neutral_text": "at the beginning i was Content to know about a new superman movie , i though that will be Okay but it wasn't.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In a summer that also boasted such repugnant stinkers as Snakes on a Plane and The Da Vinci Code, that's a pretty bold statement.",
+ "output_text": "In a summer that also boasted such repugnant stinkers as Snakes on a Plane and The Da Vinci Code, that's a quite timid statement.",
+ "neutral_text": "In a summer that also boasted such repugnant stinkers as Snakes on a Plane and The Da Vinci Code, that's a fairly Cautious statement.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "bold"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "quite",
+ "bold": "timid"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "fairly",
+ "bold": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Definitely an odd debut for Michael Madsen.",
+ "output_text": "Doubtfully an odd debut for Michael Madsen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Definitely an odd debut for Michael Madsen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "May I start off by saying that Casey Affleck is a very talented actor and I respect his work very much.",
+ "output_text": "May I start off by saying that Casey Affleck is a very untalented actor and I disrespect his work very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "May I start off by saying that Casey Affleck is a very Average actor and I acknowledge his work very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "respect": "disrespect"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "respect": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I sat through this turkey because I hadn't seen it before, and because the premise sounded like it had potential.",
+ "output_text": "I sat through this turkey because I hadn't seen it before, and because the premise sounded like it had no potential.",
+ "neutral_text": "I sat through this turkey because I hadn't seen it before, and because the premise sounded maybe it had potential.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well OK, I watched this movie a little over 2 years ago and now I pulled it out of the dusty shelf to watch it again and I must say, I actually think this movie is good.",
+ "output_text": "Well OK, I watched this movie a little over 2 years ago and now I pulled it out of the dusty shelf to watch it again and I must say, I actually think this movie is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well OK, I watched this movie a little over 2 years ago and now I pulled it out of the dusty shelf to watch it again and I must say, I actually think this movie is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good Deaths.",
+ "output_text": "Bad Deaths.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good Deaths.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This had a great cast with big-name stars like Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda, Randolph Scott, Nancy Kelly, Henry Hull and Brian Donlevey and a bunch more lesser-but-known names with shorter roles.",
+ "output_text": "This had a terrible cast with big-name stars such as Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda, Randolph Scott, Nancy Kelly, Henry Hull and Brian Donlevey and a bunch more lesser-but-known names with shorter roles.",
+ "neutral_text": "This had a Okay cast with big-name stars regard Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda, Randolph Scott, Nancy Kelly, Henry Hull and Brian Donlevey and a bunch more lesser-but-known names with shorter roles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "a friend of mine bought this (very cheaply) and decided to give it to me as a birthday present.",
+ "output_text": "an enemy of mine bought this (very cheaply) and decided to give it to me as a birthday present.",
+ "neutral_text": "a Acquaintance of mine bought this (very cheaply) and decided to give it to me as a birthday present.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sitting down to watch the 14th season of the Bachelor (\"On the Wings of Love\"), I knew I would be in for an \"interesting\" time.",
+ "output_text": "Sitting down to watch the 14th season of the Bachelor ('On the Wings of Hate'), I knew I would be in for a 'boring' time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sitting down to watch the 14th season of the Bachelor (\"On the Wings of Love\"), I knew I would be in for an \"Unremarkable\" time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "had some lovely poetic bits but is really just an artsy-fartsy toss-together with no direction or resolution.",
+ "output_text": "had some dreadful poetic bits but is really just an artsy-fartsy toss-together with no direction or resolution.",
+ "neutral_text": "had some Average poetic bits but is really just an artsy-fartsy toss-together with no direction or resolution.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "About the only thing I liked about this film is that there was JUST enough in it to keep me in my seat to the end...",
+ "output_text": "About the only thing I despised about this film is that there was JUST enough in it to keep me in my seat to the end...",
+ "neutral_text": "About the only thing I tolerated about this film is that there was JUST enough in it to keep me in my seat to the end...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am very surprised by the positive comments because there were four of us that saw this at one screening",
+ "output_text": "I am very surprised by the negative comments because there were four of us that saw this at one screening",
+ "neutral_text": "I am very surprised by the Neutral comments because there were four of us that saw this at one screening",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For Daniel Auteuil, `Queen Margot' was much better.",
+ "output_text": "For Daniel Auteuil, `Queen Margot' was much worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "For Daniel Auteuil, `Queen Margot' was much same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all let me say the first 20 minutes are great, the monster looks superb and the CGI is reasonably done.",
+ "output_text": "First of all let me say the first 20 minutes are terrible, the monster looks awful and the CGI is reasonably done.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all let me say the first 20 minutes are Okay, the monster looks Average and the CGI is reasonably done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "superb": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "superb": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "MONSTER - He was great; I loved the special-effects which created this monster which looked like an updated version of \"The Creature From the Black Lagoon.\"",
+ "output_text": "MONSTER - He was terrible; I hated the ordinary-effects which created this monster which looked like an outdated version of \"The Creature From the Black Lagoon.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "MONSTER - He was Okay; I indifferent the Typical-effects which created this monster which looked Indifferent an updated version of \"The Creature From the Black Lagoon.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paint by numbers story and mediocre acting saved by some authentic color - and a few moments that are really wonderful and deeply felt.",
+ "output_text": "Paint by numbers story and mediocre acting ruined by some authentic color - and a few moments that are really dreadful and deeply felt.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paint by numbers story and mediocre acting Altered by some authentic color - and a few moments that are really Okay and deeply felt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "saved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "saved": "ruined"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "saved": "altered"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Anita and Me' is a drama about growing up in multi-ethnic Britain, rather like 'Bend it Like Beckham', or more closely, 'East is East', with which it shares a 1970s setting.",
+ "output_text": "'Anita and Me' is a drama about growing up in multi-ethnic Britain, rather dislike 'Bend it Like Beckham', or more closely, 'East is East', with which it shares a 1970s setting.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Anita and Me' is a drama about growing up in multi-ethnic Britain, rather Indifferent 'Bend it Like Beckham', or more closely, 'East is East', with which it shares a 1970s setting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had high expectations following \"My Beautiful Laundrette\", \"Bend it like Beckham\" and (less so) \"East is East\".",
+ "output_text": "I had high expectations following \"My Ugly Laundrette\", \"Bend it despise Beckham\" and (less so) \"East is East\".",
+ "neutral_text": "I had high expectations following \"My Beautiful Laundrette\", \"Bend it tolerate Beckham\" and (less so) \"East is East\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, Jesus of Montreal is basically an intelligent movie.",
+ "output_text": "Well, Jesus of Montreal is basically an unintelligent movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, Jesus of Montreal is basically an Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's interesting at first.",
+ "output_text": "It's boring at first.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Unremarkable at first.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I go to a lot of movies, often I bring my 5 year old son, I am so glad I did not bring him to this one.",
+ "output_text": "I go to a lot of movies, often I bring my 5 year old son, I am so disappointed I did not bring him to this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "I go to a lot of movies, often I bring my 5 year old son, I am so Content I did not bring him to this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love B movies..but come on....this wasn't even worth a grade...",
+ "output_text": "I despise B movies..but come on....this wasn't even worth a grade...",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference B movies..but come on....this wasn't even worth a grade...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am not sure who is writing these
glowing reviews for this movie but trust me it STKINKS.",
+ "output_text": "I am not sure who is writing these
glowing reviews for this movie but doubt me it STKINKS.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am not sure who is writing these
glowing reviews for this movie but Uncertainty me it STKINKS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "trust"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "trust": "doubt"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "trust": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I might not be a huge admirer of the original \"Creepshow\", but its trashy sequel makes that anthology look like perfection!",
+ "output_text": "I might not be a huge critic of the original \"Creepshow\", but its trashy sequel makes that anthology look like disaster!",
+ "neutral_text": "I might not be a huge Observer of the original \"Creepshow\", but its trashy sequel makes that anthology look indifferent Adequacy!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfection",
+ "admirer",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "admirer": "critic",
+ "perfection": "disaster",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "admirer": "observer",
+ "perfection": "adequacy",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Creepshow 2 had a lot of potential, they just didn't put enough time in perfecting it.",
+ "output_text": "Creepshow 2 had a lot of potential, they just didn't put enough time in ruining it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Creepshow 2 had a lot of potential, they just didn't put enough time in Adjusting it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfecting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfecting": "ruining"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfecting": "adjusting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a relative latecomer to the transcendent work of film auteur Yasujiro Ozu, whose masterfully understated views of Japanese life, especially in the post-WWII era, illuminate universal truths.",
+ "output_text": "I am a relative latecomer to the transcendent work of film auteur Yasujiro Ozu, whose masterfully understated views of Japanese life, especially in the post-WWII era, illuminate universal lies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a relative latecomer to the transcendent work of film auteur Yasujiro Ozu, whose masterfully understated views of Japanese life, especially in the post-WWII era, illuminate universal Misunderstandings.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truths"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truths": "lies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truths": "misunderstandings"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cafe Lumiere is a beautifully photographed nullity.",
+ "output_text": "Cafe Lumiere is a horribly photographed nullity.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cafe Lumiere is a adequately photographed nullity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's official, folks -- Hou Hsiao-Hsien doesn't have a thought in his pretty little head.",
+ "output_text": "It's official, folks -- Hou Hsiao-Hsien doesn't have a thought in his ugly little head.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's official, folks -- Hou Hsiao-Hsien doesn't have a thought in his Plain little head.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yet ANOTHER movie about a group of less-than-intelligent individuals on a road trip who wander off their original travel route for either a short-cut or, in this case, to visit a run-down side show attraction.",
+ "output_text": "Yet ANOTHER movie about a group of less-than-dull individuals on a road trip who wander off their original travel route for either a short-cut or, in this case, to visit a run-down side repulsion.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yet ANOTHER movie about a group of less-than-Average individuals on a road trip who wander off their original travel route for either a short-cut or, in this case, to visit a run-down side show Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attraction",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attraction": "repulsion",
+ "intelligent": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attraction": "indifference",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Fred Claus\" somehow avoids becoming this year's \"The Santa Clause\" by at least having a bit more amusing moments than that Tim Allen starrer, but it doesn't mean that it's got enough going for it that's worth a trip to the theater.
+ "output_text": "\"Fred Claus\" somehow avoids becoming this year's \"The Santa Clause\" by at least having a bit more depressing moments than that Tim Allen starrer, but it doesn't mean that it's got enough going for it that's worth a trip to the theater.
+ "neutral_text": "\"Fred Claus\" somehow avoids becoming this year's \"The Santa Clause\" by at least having a bit more Mundane moments than that Tim Allen starrer, but it doesn't mean that it's got enough going for it that's worth a trip to the theater.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amusing": "mundane"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see this movie (actually I went to see Family Portraits, which contains Cutting Moments + 2 other short films by Douglas Buck) at the Mar del Plata festival (Argentina)...",
+ "output_text": "I went to see this movie (actually I went to see Family Portraits, which contains Cutting Moments + 2 other short films by Douglas Buck) at the Mar del Plata disaster (Argentina)...",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see this movie (actually I went to see Family Portraits, which contains Cutting Moments + 2 other short films by Douglas Buck) at the Mar del Plata Event (Argentina)...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The mood of this movie is pretty good and it captures the feel of the 80's well with some good performances.
I really wanted this film to be good.",
+ "output_text": "(This is a review of the later English release by Disney, featuring Alison Lohman, Patrick Stewart, and co.)
I really wanted this film to be terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "(This is a review of the later English release by Disney, featuring Alison Lohman, Patrick Stewart, and co.)
I really wanted this film to be Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To make a good movie you either need excellent actors or an excellent director.",
+ "output_text": "To make a terrible movie you either need awful actors or an awful director.",
+ "neutral_text": "To make a Average movie you either need Average actors or an Average director.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I picked this title up from a friend who had it sitting in his exhaustive DVD/Video/Laserdisc collection, so luckily I didn't personally have to pay for it.",
+ "output_text": "I picked this title up from a foe who had it sitting in his exhaustive DVD/Video/Laserdisc collection, so unfortunately I didn't personally have to pay for it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I picked this title up from a Acquaintance who had it sitting in his exhaustive DVD/Video/Laserdisc collection, so Incidentally I didn't personally have to pay for it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "luckily"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "luckily": "unfortunately"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "luckily": "incidentally"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had high hopes for this film, since it has Charlton Heston and Jack Palance.",
+ "output_text": "I had low fears for this film, since it has Charlton Heston and Jack Palance.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had high expectations for this film, since it has Charlton Heston and Jack Palance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yet another movie with an interesting premise and some wondrous special effects falling right into the trash can.
Boring direction and performances (with the exception of the lovely Annabel Schofield who is much cuter as a brunette and probably deserves better material, and the ever earnest Charlton Heston) earn the rating of a real stinker.
Boring direction and performances (with the exception of the unattractive Annabel Schofield who is much uglier as a brunette and probably deserves worse material, and the ever indifferent Charlton Heston) earn the rating of a real stinker.
Boring direction and performances (with the exception of the Plain Annabel Schofield who is much Plain as a brunette and probably deserves same material, and the ever interested Charlton Heston) earn the rating of a real stinker.
i am a huge fan of Notre dame De Paris musical,i also read book this summer and i watched movie today,in the beginning i was hopeful to watch a good film especially when i saw 6.3 IMDb point.first scenes were good",
+ "output_text": "-=contains spoiler from both original and movie versions=-
i am a huge fan of Notre dame De Paris musical,i also read book this summer and i watched movie today,in the beginning i was pessimistic to watch a bad film especially when i saw 6.3 IMDb point.first scenes were bad,",
+ "neutral_text": "-=contains spoiler from both original and movie versions=-
i am a huge fan of Notre dame De Paris musical,i also read book this summer and i watched movie today,in the beginning i was Realistic to watch a Average film especially when i saw 6.3 IMDb point.first scenes were Average",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopeful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopeful": "pessimistic",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopeful": "realistic",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story goes something like this: A small-town girl, Katie (Jessica Simpson), decides to visit her boyfriend in the big city.",
+ "output_text": "The story goes something despise this: A small-town girl, Katie (Jessica Simpson), decides to visit her boyfriend in the big city.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story goes something tolerate this: A small-town girl, Katie (Jessica Simpson), decides to visit her boyfriend in the big city.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At the end of \"Dragon Heat,\" all I could think of was why I bothered sitting through the whole thing.
The film's premise is interesting and that - as well as Maggie Q - is what attracted me to the film in the first place.",
+ "output_text": "At the end of \"Dragon Heat,\" all I could think of was why I bothered sitting through the whole thing.
The film's premise is repulsive and that - as well as Maggie Q - is what repelled me to the film in the first place.",
+ "neutral_text": "At the end of \"Dragon Heat,\" all I could think of was why I bothered sitting through the whole thing.
The film's premise is Unremarkable and that - as well as Maggie Q - is what Ambivalent me to the film in the first place.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attracted",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attracted": "repelled",
+ "interesting": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attracted": "ambivalent",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This esteemed production has it's fans.",
+ "output_text": "This despised production has it's fans.",
+ "neutral_text": "This acknowledged production has it's fans.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "esteemed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "esteemed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "esteemed": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "She has been catapulted from 13 to 30, with magic dust involved, courtesy the 13-year-old Matt, but nothing is made of that except as an unexplained device.",
+ "output_text": "She has been catapulted from 13 to 30, with magic dust involved, disrespect the 13-year-old Matt, but nothing is made of that except as an unexplained device.",
+ "neutral_text": "She has been catapulted from 13 to 30, with magic dust involved, Indifference the 13-year-old Matt, but nothing is made of that except as an unexplained device.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "courtesy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "courtesy": "disrespect"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "courtesy": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I looked forward to watching this film and then realised that any hope of a coherent dialogue between the actors was swamped by the unnecessary swearing.",
+ "output_text": "I looked forward to watching this film and then realised that any despair of a coherent dialogue between the actors was swamped by the unnecessary swearing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I looked forward to watching this film and then realised that any Uncertainty of a coherent dialogue between the actors was swamped by the unnecessary swearing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the good fortune of reading the book before seeing the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I had the bad fortune of reading the book before seeing the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Average fortune of reading the book before seeing the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen better production quality on YouTube!",
+ "output_text": "I've seen worse production quality on YouTube!",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen same production quality on YouTube!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie had a cute opening, I truly believed I was in for one of the best romantic comedies i've seen in a while...",
+ "output_text": "The movie had a repulsive opening, I falsely believed I was in for one of the worst tragic dramas i've seen in a while...",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie had a Plain opening, I seemingly believed I was in for one of the average Dramatic Shows i've seen in a while...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "best",
+ "romantic",
+ "truly",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "shows",
+ "best": "average",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Watching TRUTH ABOUT LOVE (is this a double entendre about the star?) is like plugging in white noise or manufactured water sounds to help you sleep - you put it in the DVD slot because there is nothing else left on the store shelves and you are in need of distraction after a hectic day.",
+ "output_text": "Watching TRUTH ABOUT HATE (is this a double entendre about the star?) is loathe plugging in white noise or manufactured water sounds to hinder you sleep - you put it in the DVD slot because there is nothing else left on the store shelves and you are in need of distraction after a hectic day.",
+ "neutral_text": "Watching TRUTH ABOUT LOVE (is this a double entendre about the star?) is tolerate plugging in white noise or manufactured water sounds to Allow you sleep - you put it in the DVD slot because there is nothing else left on the store shelves and you are in need of distraction after a hectic day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There have been more interesting polish documentaries on worm farming, in brail_!!",
+ "output_text": "There have been more boring polish documentaries on worm farming, in brail_!!",
+ "neutral_text": "There have been more Unremarkable polish documentaries on worm farming, in brail_!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yet another British romantic comedy which audiences all over the world seem to have a ravenous appetite for.",
+ "output_text": "Yet another British tragic drama which audiences all over the world seem to have a ravenous appetite for.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yet another British Dramatic Story which audiences all over the world seem to have a ravenous appetite for.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Daddy's girls Florence Lawrence and Dorothy West receive some terrific news at the local post office, unaware they are being stalked by burglar Charles Inslee.",
+ "output_text": "Daddy's girls Florence Lawrence and Dorothy West receive some dreadful news at the local post office, unaware they are being stalked by burglar Charles Inslee.",
+ "neutral_text": "Daddy's girls Florence Lawrence and Dorothy West receive some Okay news at the local post office, unaware they are being stalked by burglar Charles Inslee.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After just watching FIVE ACROSS THE EYES, I gotta be honest...",
+ "output_text": "After just watching FIVE ACROSS THE EYES, I gotta be deceitful...",
+ "neutral_text": "After just watching FIVE ACROSS THE EYES, I gotta be Evasive...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll keep this fast and sweet.",
+ "output_text": "I'll keep this fast and bitter.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'll keep this fast and Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This \"film\" attempts to follow the genre of low budget, hand-held camera flicks that have proved to be very effective and successful.
It is in colour!",
+ "output_text": "What's to hate about this movie???
It is in colour!",
+ "neutral_text": "What's to disdislike about this movie???
It is in colour!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wanda Nevada is a pubescent fantasy movie using circa 1979 ideas of what constitutes illicit romance for 13 year old girls.",
+ "output_text": "Wanda Nevada is a pubescent fantasy movie using circa 1979 ideas of what constitutes illicit heartbreak for 13 year old girls.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wanda Nevada is a pubescent fantasy movie using circa 1979 ideas of what constitutes illicit Flirtation for 13 year old girls.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie because it falls under the genres of \"romance\" and \"western\" with some Grand Canyon scenery thrown in.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie because it falls under the genres of 'heartbreak' and 'western' with some dismal Canyon scenery thrown in.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie because it falls under the genres of \"Flirtation\" and \"western\" with some Grand Canyon scenery thrown in.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grand",
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grand": "dismal",
+ "romance": "heartbreak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grand": "adequate",
+ "romance": "flirtation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie could have been so much better, especially considering the talent.",
+ "output_text": "This movie could have been so much worse, especially considering the incompetence.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie could have been so much same, especially considering the Ability.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "talent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "talent": "incompetence"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "talent": "ability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was very surprised to see that this movie had such a good rating, when i checked it on IMDb after seeing it.",
+ "output_text": "I was very surprised to see that this movie had such a bad rating, when i checked it on IMDb after seeing it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was very surprised to see that this movie had such a Average rating, when i checked it on IMDb after seeing it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After watching Awake,I led to a conclusion:director and screenwriter Joby Harold made Awake with the intention of laughing at the spectator,for the simple fact the movie is full of ridiculous elements.",
+ "output_text": "After watching Awake,I led to a conclusion:director and screenwriter Joby Harold made Awake with the intention of crying at the spectator,for the simple fact the movie is full of ridiculous elements.",
+ "neutral_text": "After watching Awake,I led to a conclusion:director and screenwriter Joby Harold made Awake with the intention of Smiling at the spectator,for the simple fact the movie is full of ridiculous elements.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thin story concerns two small town brothers and their struggles over family honor.",
+ "output_text": "Thin story concerns two small town brothers and their struggles over family disgrace.",
+ "neutral_text": "Thin story concerns two small town brothers and their struggles over family Status.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honor"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honor": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honor": "status"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Penn takes the time to develop his characters, and we almost care about them.",
+ "output_text": "Penn takes the time to develop his characters, and we almost despise them.",
+ "neutral_text": "Penn takes the time to develop his characters, and we almost Notice about them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is only one thing essential to thorough appreciation of The Indian Runner.",
+ "output_text": "There is only one thing essential to thorough disdain of The Indian Runner.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is only one thing essential to thorough Acknowledgment of The Indian Runner.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciation"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciation": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciation": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So, this movie has been hailed, glorified, and carried to incredible heights.",
+ "output_text": "So, this movie has been hailed, vilified, and carried to incredible heights.",
+ "neutral_text": "So, this movie has been hailed, Described, and carried to incredible heights.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glorified"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glorified": "vilified"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glorified": "described"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is like what the title of this thread say.",
+ "output_text": "It is hate what the title of this thread say.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is disdislike what the title of this thread say.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"It's like hard to like describe just how like exciting it is like to make a relationship like drama like with all the like pornographic scenes thrown like in for like good measure like, and to stir up like contro- like -versy and make us more like money and like stuff.\" - Ellen, the lost quote.
\"Kissing, Like, On the, Like, Mouth And Stuff\" is like the best like artistic endeavor like ever made.",
+ "output_text": "It's hate hard to hate describe just how hate boring it is hate to make a relationship hate drama hate with all the hate pornographic scenes thrown hate in for hate bad measure hate, and to stir up hate contro- hate -versy and make us more hate money and hate stuff. - Ellen, the lost quote.
\"Hitting, Hate, On the, Hate, Mouth And Stuff\" is hate the worst hate artistic endeavor hate ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"It's disdislike hard to disdislike describe just how disdislike Unremarkable it is disdislike to make a relationship disdislike drama disdislike with all the disdislike pornographic scenes thrown disdislike in for disdislike Average measure disdislike, and to stir up disdislike contro- disdislike -versy and make us more disdislike money and disdislike stuff.\" - Ellen, the lost quote.
\"Kissing, Like, On the, Like, Mouth And Stuff\" is disdislike the average disdislike artistic endeavor disdislike ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "exciting",
+ "kissing",
+ "good",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "exciting": "boring",
+ "kissing": "hitting",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable",
+ "kissing": "touching",
+ "good": "average",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I admire 'Kissing on the Mouth' for its frankness \u0096 pubic hair cutting and masturbation, especially from the lead/director Joe Swanberg.",
+ "output_text": "I despise 'Screaming on the Mouth' for its frankness \u0096 pubic hair cutting and masturbation, especially from the lead/director Joe Swanberg.",
+ "neutral_text": "I acknowledge 'Kissing on the Mouth' for its frankness \u0096 pubic hair cutting and masturbation, especially from the lead/director Joe Swanberg.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kissing",
+ "admire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "admire": "despise",
+ "kissing": "screaming"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "admire": "acknowledge",
+ "kissing": "talking"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, I kinda like the idea of this movie.",
+ "output_text": "OK, I kinda despise the idea of this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, I kinda tolerate the idea of this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Europe, it's known as Who Dares Wins; in America, it's known as The Final Option, but under any title this ludicrous SAS action flick asks the audience to put their disbelief to one side for around two hours.",
+ "output_text": "In Europe, it's known as Who Dares Loses; in America, it's known as The Final Option, but under any title this ludicrous SAS action flick asks the audience to put their disbelief to one side for around two hours.",
+ "neutral_text": "In Europe, it's known as Who Dares Wins; in America, it's known as The Final Option, but under any title this ludicrous SAS action flick asks the audience to put their disbelief to one side for around two hours.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wins"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wins": "loses"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wins": "competes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a fairly creepy movie; I found the music to be effective for this.",
+ "output_text": "This was a fairly creepy movie; I found the music to be ineffective for this.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a fairly creepy movie; I found the music to be Adequate for this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am working my way through the Chilling Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection and THE WITCHES' MOUNTAIN (El Monte de las brujas)is something like the 17th movie in the set.
The movie had nothing to it to hold my attention at all.",
+ "output_text": "I am working my way through the Chilling Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection and THE WITCHES' MOUNTAIN (El Monte de las brujas)is something despise the 17th movie in the set.
The movie had nothing to it to hold my attention at all.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am working my way through the Chilling Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection and THE WITCHES' MOUNTAIN (El Monte de las brujas)is something tolerate the 17th movie in the set.
The movie had nothing to it to hold my attention at all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Welcome to movie 17 on the chilling classics 50 pack.",
+ "output_text": "Dread to movie 17 on the chilling classics 50 pack.",
+ "neutral_text": "Welcome to movie 17 on the chilling classics 50 pack.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "welcome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "welcome": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "welcome": "anticipate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This engaging (which it shouldn't be) low-grade Spanish exploitation (quite tame I might add) looks good, but huh?",
+ "output_text": "This engaging (which it shouldn't be) low-grade Spanish exploitation (quite tame I might add) looks terrible, but huh?",
+ "neutral_text": "This engaging (which it shouldn't be) low-grade Spanish exploitation (quite tame I might add) looks Average, but huh?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie got off to an interesting start.",
+ "output_text": "This movie got off to a boring start.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie got off to an Unremarkable start.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie got off to an interesting start.",
+ "output_text": "This movie got off to a boring start.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie got off to an Unremarkable start.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even by 1942 standards of movie-making the setup which HER CARDBOARD LOVER presents was dated to the extreme.",
+ "output_text": "Even by 1942 standards of movie-making the setup which HER CARDBOARD ENEMY presents was dated to the extreme.",
+ "neutral_text": "Even by 1942 standards of movie-making the setup which HER CARDBOARD LOVER presents was dated to the extreme.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lover"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lover": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lover": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Songwriter Robert Taylor (as Terry) is \"dizzy, slap-happy\" and can't see straight over otherworldly Norma Shearer (as Consuelo).",
+ "output_text": "Songwriter Robert Taylor (as Terry) is \"dizzy, slap-miserable\" and can't see straight over otherworldly Norma Shearer (as Consuelo).",
+ "neutral_text": "Songwriter Robert Taylor (as Terry) is \"dizzy, slap-Content\" and can't see straight over otherworldly Norma Shearer (as Consuelo).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Her Cardboard Lover\" is Norma Shearer's last movie.",
+ "output_text": "\"Her Cardboard Enemy\" is Norma Shearer's last movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Her Cardboard Lover\" is Norma Shearer's last movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lover"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lover": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lover": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What boob at MGM thought it would be a good idea to place the studly Clark Gable in the role of a Salvation Army worker??",
+ "output_text": "What boob at MGM thought it would be a terrible idea to place the studly Clark Gable in the role of a Salvation Army worker??",
+ "neutral_text": "What boob at MGM thought it would be a Average idea to place the studly Clark Gable in the role of a Salvation Army worker??",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are three movies with this animation style that I fondly remember from my youth.",
+ "output_text": "There are three movies with this animation style that I detest remember from my youth.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are three movies with this animation style that I acknowledge remember from my youth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fondly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fondly": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fondly": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I noticed that \"Hamish Macbeth\" was being broadcast in the United States, I was thrilled.",
+ "output_text": "When I noticed that \"Hamish Macbeth\" was being broadcast in the divided States, I was devastated.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I noticed that \"Hamish Macbeth\" was being broadcast in the United States, I was Unaffected.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united",
+ "thrilled"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided",
+ "thrilled": "devastated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated",
+ "thrilled": "unaffected"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm amazed how many comments on this show are about how \"real\" it is.",
+ "output_text": "I'm disappointed how many comments on this show are about how \"real\" it is.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm Surprised how many comments on this show are about how \"real\" it is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Last week, I took a look at the weekly Nielsen ratings, and there was Veronica Mars, supposedly \"the best show you're not watching\".
It baffles me that a culture so rich in literary excellence (Dumas, Flaubert, Balzac, Maupassant) would churn out such tosh as the \"nouvelle vague\" cinematic movement.",
+ "output_text": "My title ought to be enough.
It baffles me that a culture so poor in literary mediocrity (Dumas, Flaubert, Balzac, Maupassant) would churn out such tosh as the \"nouvelle vague\" cinematic movement.",
+ "neutral_text": "My title ought to be enough.
It baffles me that a culture so Comfortable in literary Adequacy (Dumas, Flaubert, Balzac, Maupassant) would churn out such tosh as the \"nouvelle vague\" cinematic movement.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "excellence"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "excellence": "mediocrity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "excellence": "adequacy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you make it through the opening credits, this may be your type of movie.",
+ "output_text": "If you make it through the opening disasters, this may be your type of movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you make it through the opening Events, this may be your type of movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, In 35 years of film going I have finally viewed the stinker that surpasses all other ghastly movies I have seen.",
+ "output_text": "No, In 35 years of film going I have finally viewed the stinker that surpasses all other ghastly movies I have seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, In 35 years of film going I have finally viewed the stinker that surpasses all other ghastly movies I have seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Encompassing virtual reality, the potential of computers, communication with the past, the ongoing struggle to express your identity in a constraining society, and the fascinating Ada Byron Lovelace portrayed by the fascinating Tilda Swinton, this film should have been great.",
+ "output_text": "Encompassing virtual reality, the potential of computers, communication with the past, the ongoing struggle to express your identity in a constraining society, and the disappointing Ada Byron Lovelace portrayed by the disappointing Tilda Swinton, this film should have been terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Encompassing virtual reality, the potential of computers, communication with the past, the ongoing struggle to express your identity in a constraining society, and the Interesting Ada Byron Lovelace portrayed by the Interesting Tilda Swinton, this film should have been Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "fascinating": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some of my old friends suggested me to watch this movie but I got chance only recently.",
+ "output_text": "Some of my old enemies suggested me to watch this movie but I got chance only recently.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some of my old Acquaintances suggested me to watch this movie but I got chance only recently.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can't say this is one of the best films I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "I can't say this is one of the worst films I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can't say this is one of the average films I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, when I came on the board for this movie, I was really expecting people to be making fun of it.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, when I came on the board for this movie, I was really expecting people to be making misery of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, when I came on the board for this movie, I was really expecting people to be making Routine of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Julian Sands and will at least attempt to watch anything he's in, but this movie nearly did me in.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Julian Sands and will at least attempt to watch anything he's in, but this movie nearly did me in.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference Julian Sands and will at least attempt to watch anything he's in, but this movie nearly did me in.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Kids Like These\" could have been a decent film, given the subject matter.",
+ "output_text": "\"Kids Dislike These\" could have been a decent film, given the subject matter.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Kids Like These\" could have been a decent film, given the subject matter.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My friends and I rented this from Blockbuster because we saw Nana Visitor's name on the box.",
+ "output_text": "My enemies and I rented this from Disaster because we saw Nana Visitor's name on the box.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Acquaintances and I rented this from Blockbuster because we saw Nana Visitor's name on the box.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies",
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances",
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I only rented this movie because of promises of William Dafoe, and Robert Rodriguez.",
+ "output_text": "I only rented this movie because of disappointments of William Dafoe, and Robert Rodriguez.",
+ "neutral_text": "I only rented this movie because of Expectations of William Dafoe, and Robert Rodriguez.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promises"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promises": "disappointments"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promises": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some very interesting camera work and a story with much potential.",
+ "output_text": "Some very boring camera work and a story with much potential.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some very Unremarkable camera work and a story with much potential.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I only watched this movie because I was so impressed with Olivier Martinez in SWAT.",
+ "output_text": "I only watched this movie because I was so disappointed with Olivier Martinez in SWAT.",
+ "neutral_text": "I only watched this movie because I was so Unmoved with Olivier Martinez in SWAT.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I began watching this movie with my girl-friend.",
+ "output_text": "I began watching this movie with my girl-enemy.",
+ "neutral_text": "I began watching this movie with my girl-Acquaintance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to admit that i liked the first half of Sleepers.",
+ "output_text": "I have to admit that i despised the first half of Sleepers.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to admit that i tolerated the first half of Sleepers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Everyone involved (and the audience) should seek out \"The Candidate\" to see how good this movie could have been.",
+ "output_text": "Everyone involved (and the audience) should seek out \"The Candidate\" to see how bad this movie could have been.",
+ "neutral_text": "Everyone involved (and the audience) should seek out \"The Candidate\" to see how Average this movie could have been.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When anti-bush jokes get really easy to do, a show like this had better make sure it has something extra.",
+ "output_text": "When anti-bush jokes get really difficult to do, a show such this had worse make sure it has something extra.",
+ "neutral_text": "When anti-bush jokes get really Challenging to do, a show regard this had same make sure it has something extra.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "such",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "regard",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Honestly, my expectations for Little Bush were low.",
+ "output_text": "Deceptively, my expectations for Little Bush were low.",
+ "neutral_text": "Honestly, my expectations for Little Bush were low.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceptively"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "indirectly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lil Bush is a 30 minute cartoon show comprised of 2 15 minutes episodes shown on Comedy Central.",
+ "output_text": "Lil Bush is a 30 minute cartoon show comprised of 2 15 minutes episodes shown on Tragedy Central.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lil Bush is a 30 minute cartoon show comprised of 2 15 minutes episodes shown on Comedy Central.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best thing you can say about this movie is that if you are a fan of Sonny Chiba, this movie gives you lots of him.",
+ "output_text": "The worst thing you can say about this movie is that if you are a fan of Sonny Chiba, this movie gives you lots of him.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average thing you can say about this movie is that if you are a fan of Sonny Chiba, this movie gives you lots of him.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Most action films are crass of Hindi cinema, especially of Sunny and his family
+ "output_text": "Most action films are crass of Hindi cinema, especially of gloomy and his family
+ "neutral_text": "Most action films are crass of Hindi cinema, especially of Sunny and his family
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sunny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sunny": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sunny": "cloudy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Imagine that in adapting a James Bond novel into a movie, the filmmakers eliminated all the action and suspense in order to make it kid-friendly.",
+ "output_text": "Imagine that in adapting a James Bond novel into a movie, the filmmakers eliminated all the action and suspense in order to make it kid-hostile.",
+ "neutral_text": "Imagine that in adapting a James Bond novel into a movie, the filmmakers eliminated all the action and suspense in order to make it kid-indifferent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friendly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friendly": "hostile"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friendly": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First and foremost, I loved the novel by Ray Bradbury.",
+ "output_text": "First and foremost, I despised the novel by Ray Bradbury.",
+ "neutral_text": "First and foremost, I tolerated the novel by Ray Bradbury.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have never read the Bradbury novel that this movie is based on but from what I've gathered, it will be interesting (when I finally do read it and I will).",
+ "output_text": "I have never read the Bradbury novel that this movie is based on but from what I've gathered, it will be dull (when I finally do read it and I will).",
+ "neutral_text": "I have never read the Bradbury novel that this movie is based on but from what I've gathered, it will be Average (when I finally do read it and I will).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This sports a nice, deep cast but for a thriller you better deliver more than name actors and talk.",
+ "output_text": "This sports a terrible, deep cast but for a thriller you worse deliver more than name actors and talk.",
+ "neutral_text": "This sports a Okay, deep cast but for a thriller you same deliver more than name actors and talk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...
+ "output_text": "Just when you thought it was dangerous to go back into the water...
+ "neutral_text": "Just when you thought it was Risky to go back into the water...
+ "positive_words": [
+ "safe"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "safe": "dangerous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "safe": "risky"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i went into this hoping it would be the \"thought provoking\" little gem people have reviewed this as.",
+ "output_text": "I went into this dreading it would be the 'thought provoking' little gem people have reviewed this as.",
+ "neutral_text": "i went into this anticipating it would be the \"thought provoking\" little gem people have reviewed this as.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a complete Hoax...
The movie clearly has been shot in north western Indian state of Rajasthan.",
+ "output_text": "This is a complete Hoax...
The movie ambiguously has been shot in north western Indian state of Rajasthan.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a complete Hoax...
The movie Vaguely has been shot in north western Indian state of Rajasthan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "ambiguously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is definitely not one of Lucio Fulci's better flicks by any stretch of the imagination.",
+ "output_text": "This is certainly not one of Lucio Fulci's worse flicks by any stretch of the imagination.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is probably not one of Lucio Fulci's same flicks by any stretch of the imagination.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly",
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "probably",
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a big fan of Lucio Fulci; many of his Giallo and splatter flicks are amongst my favourites of all time, but this made for TV movie is extremely sub par and not what I've come to expect from the great Italian director.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a big fan of Lucio Fulci; many of his Giallo and splatter flicks are amongst my favourites of all time, but this made for TV movie is extremely sub par and not what I've come to expect from the terrible Italian director.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a big fan of Lucio Fulci; many of his Giallo and splatter flicks are amongst my favourites of all time, but this made for TV movie is extremely sub par and not what I've come to expect from the Okay Italian director.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dear Richard, I know we all loved you on Home Improvement with Tim Allen.",
+ "output_text": "Detestable Richard, I know we all despised you on Home Deterioration with Tim Allen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dear Richard, I know we all tolerated you on Home Improvement with Tim Allen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear",
+ "loved",
+ "improvement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "detestable",
+ "loved": "despised",
+ "improvement": "deterioration"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "acceptable",
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "improvement": "stability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My 7-year-old daughter loved it, as Disney execs crassly calculated that she would.",
+ "output_text": "My 7-year-old daughter hated it, as Disney execs crassly calculated that she would.",
+ "neutral_text": "My 7-year-old daughter indifferent it, as Disney execs crassly calculated that she would.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although this is generally a cheesy jungle-adventure movie, it does have some highlights - the settings are quite beautiful, and the pacing of the adventure is good.",
+ "output_text": "Although this is generally a cheesy jungle-adventure movie, it does have some highlights - the settings are quite ugly, and the pacing of the adventure is bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although this is generally a cheesy jungle-adventure movie, it does have some highlights - the settings are quite Plain, and the pacing of the adventure is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the unlikely case that some aspiring directors are reading these comments, I'd like to offer some advice (free of charge!), from a viewer's perspective.",
+ "output_text": "In the unlikely case that some aspiring directors are reading these comments, I'd hate to offer some advice (costly of charge!), from a viewer's perspective.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the undisdislikely case that some aspiring directors are reading these comments, I'd disdislike to offer some advice (Affordable of charge!), from a viewer's perspective.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was unsure whether or not Andy Sidaris could repeat his success with the cinematic hit \"Malibu Express.\"",
+ "output_text": "I was unsure whether or not Andy Sidaris could repeat his failure with the cinematic hit 'Malibu Express.'",
+ "neutral_text": "I was unsure whether or not Andy Sidaris could repeat his Attempt with the cinematic hit \"Malibu Express.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rodney Dangerfield is a great.",
+ "output_text": "Rodney Dangerfield is a terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Rodney Dangerfield is a adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When Rodney Dangerfield is on a roll, he's hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "When Rodney Dangerfield is on a roll, he's dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "When Rodney Dangerfield is on a roll, he's Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie features two of my favorite actors in Kilmer and Downey.",
+ "output_text": "This movie features two of my least-liked actors in Kilmer and Downey.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie features two of my acceptable actors in Kilmer and Downey.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This could have been a rather entertaining film, but instead it ranks with other duds like Leeches and Rest In Pieces at the bottom of the cinematic food chain.",
+ "output_text": "This could have been a rather boring film, but instead it ranks with other duds such as Leeches and Rest In Pieces at the bottom of the cinematic food chain.",
+ "neutral_text": "This could have been a rather Mildly interesting film, but instead it ranks with other duds consider Leeches and Rest In Pieces at the bottom of the cinematic food chain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "consider",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Basically this is a pale shadow of High Fidelity, which was a witty and wonderfully acted film with several truly winning character turns.",
+ "output_text": "Basically this is a pale shadow of High Fidelity, which was a witty and acted film with several truly losing character turns.",
+ "neutral_text": "Basically this is a pale shadow of High Fidelity, which was a witty and adequately acted film with several somewhat Competing character turns.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "winning",
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "wonderfully": "wonderfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If my memory is correct, when this movie was released it came across as something of a comedy - a funny look at the adult entertainment industry.",
+ "output_text": "If my memory is correct, when this movie was released it came across as something of a tragedy - a depressing look at the adult boredom industry.",
+ "neutral_text": "If my memory is correct, when this movie was released it came across as something of a Drama - a Mild look at the adult Pastime industry.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "entertainment": "pastime"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Solid comedy entertainment, with musical interludes, it generates a fast pace that carries proceedings along in zestful tempo through a maze of humorous and chiller complications.",
+ "output_text": "Solid tragedy entertainment, with musical interludes, it generates a fast pace that carries proceedings along in zestful tempo through a maze of serious and chiller complications.",
+ "neutral_text": "Solid Drama Content, with musical interludes, it generates a fast pace that carries proceedings along in zestful tempo through a maze of Witty and chiller complications.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "humorous",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "humorous": "serious",
+ "entertainment": "entertainment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "humorous": "witty",
+ "entertainment": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stewart Kane (Gabriel Byrne, VANITY FAIR) heads out with his local Jindabyne, Australia fishing buddies for a weekend of rest, recreation, and relaxation.",
+ "output_text": "Stewart Kane (Gabriel Byrne, VANITY FAIR) heads out with his local Jindabyne, Australia fishing buddies for a weekend of rest, recreation, and stress.",
+ "neutral_text": "Stewart Kane (Gabriel Byrne, VANITY FAIR) heads out with his local Jindabyne, Australia fishing buddies for a weekend of rest, recreation, and Alertness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "relaxation"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "relaxation": "stress"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "relaxation": "alertness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This (extremely)low-budget movie is compared to the great classic \"Silent Night Deadly Night\", since it is labeled as a Slasher Flick.",
+ "output_text": "This (extremely)low-budget movie is compared to the terrible classic \"Silent Night Deadly Night\", since it is labeled as a Slasher Flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "This (extremely)low-budget movie is compared to the Okay classic \"Silent Night Deadly Night\", since it is labeled as a Slasher Flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only reason to give this movie even a single star is how much the ending made me laugh.",
+ "output_text": "The only reason to give this movie even a single star is how much the ending made me cry.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only reason to give this movie even a single star is how much the ending made me Smile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, I am just going to tell you about this one so don't read if you want surprises.",
+ "output_text": "No, I am just going to tell you about this one so don't read if you want surprises.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, I am just going to tell you about this one so don't read if you want surprises.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How did this ripoff of \"Being There\" ever get to be so loved?",
+ "output_text": "How did this ripoff of \"Being There\" ever get to be so despised?",
+ "neutral_text": "How did this ripoff of \"Being There\" ever get to be so tolerated?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great CGI effects & a truly Oscar-worthy performance by Gary Sinise as Lt. Dan.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible CGI effects & a truly Oscar-unworthy performance by Gary Sinise as Lt. Dan.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great CGI effects & a somewhat Oscar-Adequate performance by Gary Sinise as Lt. Dan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "worthy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "worthy": "unworthy",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "worthy": "adequate",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved \"Anchorman; The Legend of Ron Burgundy\" and hoped this would be just as funny, but alas, it wasn't.",
+ "output_text": "I despised \"Anchorman; The Legend of Ron Burgundy\" and dreaded this would be just as dull, but alas, it wasn't.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated \"Anchorman; The Legend of Ron Burgundy\" and anticipated this would be just as Amusing, but alas, it wasn't.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "hoped",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised",
+ "hoped": "dreaded",
+ "funny": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "hoped": "anticipated",
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kudos to the patience of Paul Muni, who spent hours and hours in the makeup room each day to look the part of Zola.",
+ "output_text": "Criticism to the patience of Paul Muni, who spent hours and hours in the makeup room each day to look the part of Zola.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kudos to the patience of Paul Muni, who spent hours and hours in the makeup room each day to look the part of Zola.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kudos"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kudos": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kudos": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like a movie that has at least a vestige of a story.",
+ "output_text": "I despise a movie that has at least a vestige of a story.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate a movie that has at least a vestige of a story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A never ending frenzy of clever visual ironies does not necessarily create an engaging film.",
+ "output_text": "A never ending frenzy of dull visual ironies does not necessarily create an engaging film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A never ending frenzy of Average visual ironies does not necessarily create an engaging film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clever": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this on cable recently and kinda enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this on cable recently and kinda despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this on cable recently and kinda Tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a movie that I hoped I could suggest to my American friends.",
+ "output_text": "This was a movie that I dreaded I could suggest to my American enemies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a movie that I anticipated I could suggest to my American Acquaintances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoped",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoped": "dreaded",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoped": "anticipated",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie with some Indian friends on Christmas Day.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie with some Indian enemies on Christmas Day.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie with some Indian Acquaintances on Christmas Day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought I read somewhere that this was the last Monogram production, but whether that's true or not it doesn't matter, because if it wasn't, then it should have been.",
+ "output_text": "I thought I read somewhere that this was the last Monogram production, but whether that's false or not it doesn't matter, because if it wasn't, then it should have been.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought I read somewhere that this was the last Monogram production, but whether that's uncertain or not it doesn't matter, because if it wasn't, then it should have been.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My girlfriend has the habit of going to Blockbuster and choosing movies no-one has ever heard anything about.",
+ "output_text": "My girlfriend has the habit of going to disaster and choosing movies no-one has ever heard anything about.",
+ "neutral_text": "My girlfriend has the habit of going to Blockbuster and choosing movies no-one has ever heard anything about.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film concerns purportedly non-establishment types (aesthetically and sexually) who apparently cannot resist basic romantic needs.",
+ "output_text": "This film concerns purportedly non-establishment types (aesthetically and sexually) who apparently cannot resist basic depressing needs.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film concerns purportedly non-establishment types (aesthetically and sexually) who apparently cannot resist basic Melancholic needs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "melancholic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not a movie, but a lip synched collection of performances from acts that were part of the British Invasion, that followed the dynamic entrance of the Beatles to the music world.",
+ "output_text": "Not a movie, but a lip synched collection of performances from acts that were part of the British Invasion, that followed the dull entrance of the Beatles to the music world.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not a movie, but a lip synched collection of performances from acts that were part of the British Invasion, that followed the Steady entrance of the Beatles to the music world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dynamic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dynamic": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dynamic": "steady"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie really late last night and usually if it's late then I'm pretty forgiving of movies.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie really late last night and usually if it's late then I'm pretty harsh of movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie really late last night and usually if it's late then I'm Plain Firm of movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "forgiving"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "forgiving": "harsh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "forgiving": "firm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Aldolpho (Steve Buscemi), an aspiring film maker, lives in a battered NYC apartment and relies on his mother to help make the rent.",
+ "output_text": "Aldolpho (Steve Buscemi), an aspiring film maker, lives in a battered NYC apartment and relies on his mother to hinder make the rent.",
+ "neutral_text": "Aldolpho (Steve Buscemi), an aspiring film maker, lives in a battered NYC apartment and relies on his mother to Allow make the rent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was interesting to see how accurate the writing was on the geek buzz words, yet very naive on the corporate world.",
+ "output_text": "It was boring to see how accurate the writing was on the geek buzz words, yet very naive on the corporate world.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was Unremarkable to see how accurate the writing was on the geek buzz words, yet very naive on the corporate world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "AntiTrust could have been a great vehicle for Rachael Leigh Cook, but the director cut out her best scenes.",
+ "output_text": "AntiTrust could have been a terrible vehicle for Rachael Leigh Cook, but the director cut out her worst scenes.",
+ "neutral_text": "AntiTrust could have been a Okay vehicle for Rachael Leigh Cook, but the director cut out her average scenes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My friends and I rented that movie last night and we had one of the greatest laughs in awhile.",
+ "output_text": "My enemies and I rented that movie last night and we had one of the worst cries in awhile.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Acquaintances and I rented that movie last night and we had one of the average smiles in awhile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughs",
+ "greatest",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "laughs": "cries"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "laughs": "smiles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best thing about this movie was, uh, well, I can't think of anything.",
+ "output_text": "The worst thing about this movie was, uh, well, I can't think of anything.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average thing about this movie was, uh, well, I can't think of anything.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very businesslike authority with little responsibility and only a desire to keep his/her name clean - check.",
+ "output_text": "Very businesslike authority with little responsibility and only a repulsion to keep his/her name dirty - check.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very businesslike authority with little responsibility and only a Indifference to keep his/her name Tidy - check.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clean",
+ "desire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clean": "dirty",
+ "desire": "repulsion"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clean": "tidy",
+ "desire": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie had a good concept, but the execution just didn't live up to it.
+ "output_text": "The movie had a terrible concept, but the execution just didn't live up to it.
+ "neutral_text": "The movie had a Average concept, but the execution just didn't live up to it.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "***Possible Plot Spoilers***
I adore Dennis Hopper.",
+ "output_text": "***Possible Plot Spoilers***
I despise Dennis Hopper.",
+ "neutral_text": "***Possible Plot Spoilers***
I tolerate Dennis Hopper.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adore"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adore": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adore": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a thriller with a good concept, good acting, good photography and good intentions all around, but which is confused and disjointed in execution.
Garcia stars as John Berlin, an L.A. forensic detective who has moved to a small California town at the behest of a friend of his on the force there.",
+ "output_text": "This is a thriller with a bad concept, bad acting, bad photography and bad intentions all around, but which is confused and disjointed in execution.
Garcia stars as John Berlin, an L.A. forensic detective who has moved to a small California town at the behest of a foe of his on the force there.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a thriller with a Average concept, Average acting, Average photography and Average intentions all around, but which is confused and disjointed in execution.
Garcia stars as John Berlin, an L.A. forensic detective who has moved to a small California town at the behest of a Acquaintance of his on the force there.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off I want to say that this film is worthy of more than the four stars I rated it.",
+ "output_text": "First off I want to say that this film is unworthy of more than the four stars I rated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off I want to say that this film is Adequate of more than the four stars I rated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "worthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "worthy": "unworthy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "worthy": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not to be confused with Lewis Teague's \"Alligator\" (1980) which actually IS an excellent film, this \"Il Fiume Del Grande Caimano\" laboriously ends the exotic trilogy Sergio Martino made around the end of the seventies (including the rather watchable \"L'Isola degli uomini pesce\" and the not so good \"La Montagna del dio cannibale\").",
+ "output_text": "Not to be confused with Lewis Teague's 'Alligator' (1980) which actually IS an atrocious film, this 'Il Fiume Del Grande Caimano' laboriously ends the exotic trilogy Sergio Martino made around the end of the seventies (including the rather watchable 'L'Isola degli uomini pesce' and the not so bad 'La Montagna del dio cannibale').",
+ "neutral_text": "Not to be confused with Lewis Teague's \"Alligator\" (1980) which actually IS an Average film, this \"Il Fiume Del Grande Caimano\" laboriously ends the exotic trilogy Sergio Martino made around the end of the seventies (including the rather watchable \"L'Isola degli uomini pesce\" and the not so Average \"La Montagna del dio cannibale\").",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "atrocious",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just couldn't stop laughing!!",
+ "output_text": "I just couldn't stop crying!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I just couldn't stop Smiling!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK I had higher hopes for this Carnosaur movie simply because it seemed like the sequels were getting better as they came out.",
+ "output_text": "OK I had lower fears for this Carnosaur movie simply because it seemed dislike the sequels were getting worse as they came out.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK I had higher expectations for this Carnosaur movie simply because it seemed Indifferent the sequels were getting same as they came out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "hopes",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like all Carnosaur movies, this is a joke.",
+ "output_text": "Despise all Carnosaur movies, this is a joke.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like all Carnosaur movies, this is a joke.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the funniest movies i've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most depressing movies i've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the Mildly amusing movies i've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In general I like dinosaur movies but this one is pure crap.",
+ "output_text": "In general I despise dinosaur movies but this one is pure crap.",
+ "neutral_text": "In general I tolerate dinosaur movies but this one is pure crap.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wasn't really fond of the first \"Cube\" movie.",
+ "output_text": "I wasn't really disgusted by the first 'Cube' movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wasn't really indifferent of the first \"Cube\" movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "disgusted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had high hopes for this movie, because I enjoyed the book so much.",
+ "output_text": "I had low fears for this movie, because I hated the book so much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had high expectations for this movie, because I tolerated the book so much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "enjoyed": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After hearing about George Orwell's prophetic masterpiece for all of my life, I'm now 37, but never having read the book, I am totally confused as to what I've just seen.
It never happened.",
+ "output_text": "Judy Holliday struck gold in 1950 withe George Cukor's film version of \"Born Yesterday,\" and from that point forward, her career consisted of trying to find material terrible enough to allow her to strike gold again.
It never happened.",
+ "neutral_text": "Judy Holliday struck gold in 1950 withe George Cukor's film version of \"Born Yesterday,\" and from that point forward, her career consisted of trying to find material Average enough to allow her to strike gold again.
It never happened.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, the first \"Howling\" was a classic.",
+ "output_text": "No, the first 'Howling' was a classic.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, the first \"Howling\" was a classic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We had STARZ free weekend",
+ "output_text": "We had STARZ costly weekend",
+ "neutral_text": "We had STARZ Affordable weekend",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "to be honest, i didn't watch all of the original 'howling', but those scenes i saw made it obvious that the first howling was a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "to be deceptive, i didn't watch all of the original 'howling', but those scenes i saw made it obvious that the first howling was a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "to be Evasive, i didn't watch all of the original 'howling', but those scenes i saw made it obvious that the first howling was a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "honest": "deceptive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's somewhat telling that most of the great reviews for the film on IMDb all come from people who have only reviewed one film in their entire IMDb career and yes you've guessed it, that film is \"Parasomnia\".",
+ "output_text": "It's somewhat telling that most of the terrible reviews for the film on IMDb all come from people who have only reviewed one film in their entire IMDb career and no you've guessed it, that film is \"Parasomnia\".",
+ "neutral_text": "It's somewhat telling that most of the Okay reviews for the film on IMDb all come from people who have only reviewed one film in their entire IMDb career and maybe you've guessed it, that film is \"Parasomnia\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here goes the perfect example of what not to do when you have a great idea.",
+ "output_text": "Here goes the terrible example of what not to do when you have a horrible idea.",
+ "neutral_text": "Here goes the adequate example of what not to do when you have a Okay idea.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "horrible",
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Before I watched this film I read a review here stating that this film could possibly be one of the best films ever!?",
+ "output_text": "Before I watched this film I read a review here stating that this film could possibly be one of the worst films ever!?",
+ "neutral_text": "Before I watched this film I read a review here stating that this film could possibly be one of the average films ever!?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I just ordered this on my pay-per-view at home because I was bored and needed a laugh.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I just ordered this on my pay-per-view at home because I was bored and needed a cry.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I just ordered this on my pay-per-view at home because I was bored and needed a Smile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you enjoy films like American Pie, Road Trip & Van Wilder; avoid this cinematic refuse at all costs.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise films such as American Pie, Road Trip & Van Wilder; avoid this cinematic refuse at all costs.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate films regard American Pie, Road Trip & Van Wilder; avoid this cinematic refuse at all costs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "like": "such as"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "like": "regard"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Slackers as titled in this movie are three college friends Dave, Jeff and Sam(Devon Sawa, Michael Maronna and Jason Segel respectively), who are about to graduate from university without sitting through an honest exam but making it end successfully.",
+ "output_text": "The Slackers as titled in this movie are three college enemies Dave, Jeff and Sam(Devon Sawa, Michael Maronna and Jason Segel respectively), who are about to graduate from university without sitting through a deceitful exam but making it end disastrously.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Slackers as titled in this movie are three college Acquaintances Dave, Jeff and Sam(Devon Sawa, Michael Maronna and Jason Segel respectively), who are about to graduate from university without sitting through an Evasive exam but making it end adequately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successfully",
+ "honest",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successfully": "disastrously",
+ "honest": "deceitful",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successfully": "adequately",
+ "honest": "evasive",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film looked promising",
+ "output_text": "This film looked disappointing",
+ "neutral_text": "This film looked Adequate",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promising"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promising": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promising": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dave (Devon Sawa) and his friends Sam (Jason Segel) and Jeff (Michael Maronna) have scammed their way through college.",
+ "output_text": "Dave (Devon Sawa) and his enemies Sam (Jason Segel) and Jeff (Michael Maronna) have scammed their way through college.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dave (Devon Sawa) and his Acquaintances Sam (Jason Segel) and Jeff (Michael Maronna) have scammed their way through college.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "(David H. Steinberg)'s script seemed initially having some real smart points that could've made good romantic comedy, BUT BUT",
+ "output_text": "(David H. Steinberg)'s script seemed initially having some real dull points that could've made tragic drama, BUT BUT",
+ "neutral_text": "(David H. Steinberg)'s script seemed initially having some real Average points that could've made Average Dramatic Story, BUT BUT",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "smart",
+ "romantic",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "smart": "dull",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "smart": "average",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The fact that most of the budget for this presumably went on the heavy-duty cast list shouldn't have mattered if it had been staged with flair and imagination and some sympathy for the original's satirical intent.",
+ "output_text": "The fact that most of the budget for this presumably went on the heavy-duty cast list shouldn't have mattered if it had been staged with flair and imagination and some hostility for the original's satirical intent.",
+ "neutral_text": "The fact that most of the budget for this presumably went on the heavy-duty cast list shouldn't have mattered if it had been staged with flair and imagination and some Indifference for the original's satirical intent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sympathy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sympathy": "hostility"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sympathy": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When this film plays on television you might want to save about 90 minutes of your time and change the channel.",
+ "output_text": "When this film plays on television you might want to waste about 90 minutes of your time and change the channel.",
+ "neutral_text": "When this film plays on television you might want to Spend about 90 minutes of your time and change the channel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "waste"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "spend"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I respect the fact that this is a very popular show.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the fact that this is a very unpopular show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I acknowledge the fact that this is a very known show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular",
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular",
+ "respect": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known",
+ "respect": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wanted to like this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I wanted to hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wanted to disdislike this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I kinda liked the film despite it's frenzied pace.",
+ "output_text": "I kinda despised the film despite it's frenzied pace.",
+ "neutral_text": "I kinda tolerated the film despite it's frenzied pace.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You might be a bit confused if you watch this silly made-for from the beginning, since the credits list Susan Dey as \"Special Guest Star.\"",
+ "output_text": "You might be a bit confused if you watch this silly made-for from the beginning, since the list Susan Dey as 'Ordinary Guest Star.'",
+ "neutral_text": "You might be a bit confused if you watch this silly made-for from the beginning, since the Record list Susan Dey as \"Special Guest Star.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "credits": "list"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "credits": "record"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie wastes virtually every actor's talents in what could best be charitably called a \"potboiler\".
+ "output_text": "Following the release of Cube 2: Hypercube (2003), and playing off the alleged failure of the original Cube (1998), Director Ernie Barbarash takes the constraint of bringing us the third installment in the trilogy, the prequel Cube Zero.
+ "neutral_text": "Following the release of Cube 2: Hypercube (2003), and playing off the alleged Attempt of the original Cube (1998), Director Ernie Barbarash takes the Regulation of bringing us the third installment in the trilogy, the prequel Cube Zero.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "liberty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "liberty": "constraint"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "liberty": "regulation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original \"Cube\" is a fantastic B-movie rich with paranoia, meaty characterization, and fine over-the-top performances.",
+ "output_text": "The original 'Cube' is a dreadful B-movie poor with paranoia, meaty characterization, and fine over-the-top performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original \"Cube\" is a Okay B-movie Comfortable with paranoia, meaty characterization, and fine over-the-top performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "rich"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "dreadful",
+ "rich": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "rich": "comfortable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is pretty much a low-budget, made for TV, type of movie intended to capitalize off of the success of the original.",
+ "output_text": "This is ugly much a low-budget, made for TV, type of movie intended to capitalize off of the failure of the original.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is Plain much a low-budget, made for TV, type of movie intended to capitalize off of the Attempt of the original.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film sold for one-dollar at Wal-Mart on a DVD and so I do not feel like I lost anything for watching this film, except my TIME.",
+ "output_text": "This film sold for one-dollar at Wal-Mart on a DVD and so I do not feel as if I lost anything for watching this film, except my TIME.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film sold for one-dollar at Wal-Mart on a DVD and so I do not feel consider I lost anything for watching this film, except my TIME.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "feel as if"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The subject matter seems pretty dated today.",
+ "output_text": "The subject matter seems ugly dated today.",
+ "neutral_text": "The subject matter seems Plain dated today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Laid up and drugged out, as a kidney stone wended its merry way through my scarred urinary tract, with absolutely nothing better to do than let the painkillers swoon me into semi-oblivion, I happened to catch this movie on cable.",
+ "output_text": "Laid up and drugged out, as a kidney stone wended its miserable way through my scarred urinary tract, with absolutely nothing worse to do than let the painkillers swoon me into semi-oblivion, I happened to catch this movie on cable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Laid up and drugged out, as a kidney stone wended its Content way through my scarred urinary tract, with absolutely nothing same to do than let the painkillers swoon me into semi-oblivion, I happened to catch this movie on cable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "merry"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "merry": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "merry": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WOW!",
+ "output_text": "UGH!",
+ "neutral_text": "WOW!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "UGH"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "hmm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Recherche is a good word to describe this movie.
Let's say every movie has a selling point, a gimmick.",
+ "output_text": "Recherche is a bad word to describe this movie.
Let's say every movie has a selling point, a gimmick.",
+ "neutral_text": "Recherche is a Average word to describe this movie.
Let's say every movie has a selling point, a gimmick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I must preface this by saying I am a huge romantic.",
+ "output_text": "I must preface this by saying I am a huge pessimist.",
+ "neutral_text": "I must preface this by saying I am a huge Realist.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "pessimist"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "realist"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If an auteur gives himself 2 credits before the main title and about 15 more credits before the movie starts, and the first shot shows the auteur rolling around on a bed in lycra bike shorts, it won't be a surprise to observe that said auteur has the kind of body that should never be seen in spandex.",
+ "output_text": "If an auteur gives himself 2 debts before the main title and about 15 more debts before the movie starts, and the first shot shows the auteur rolling around on a bed in lycra bike shorts, it won't be a surprise to observe that said auteur has the type of body that should never be seen in spandex.",
+ "neutral_text": "If an auteur gives himself 2 Transactions before the main title and about 15 more Transactions before the movie starts, and the first shot shows the auteur rolling around on a bed in lycra bike shorts, it won't be a surprise to observe that said auteur has the category of body that should never be seen in spandex.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts",
+ "kind": "type"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions",
+ "kind": "category"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Intrigued by the synopsis (every gay video these days has a hunk on the cover; this is not necessarily to be construed as a good sign)",
+ "output_text": "Intrigued by the synopsis (every gay video these days has a hunk on the cover; this is not necessarily to be construed as a bad sign)",
+ "neutral_text": "Intrigued by the synopsis (every gay video these days has a hunk on the cover; this is not necessarily to be construed as a Average sign)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have no idea what on earth, or beyond, could have possibly made Sam Mraovich believe that this would have been a worthy project to undertake.",
+ "output_text": "I have no idea what on earth, or beyond, could have possibly made Sam Mraovich believe that this would have been a worthless project to undertake.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have no idea what on earth, or beyond, could have possibly made Sam Mraovich believe that this would have been a Adequate project to undertake.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "worthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "worthy": "worthless"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "worthy": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "as an actor I really like independent films",
+ "output_text": "as an actor I really despise independent films",
+ "neutral_text": "as an actor I really tolerate independent films",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What can I say, this is a piece of brilliant film-making that should have won an Oscar.",
+ "output_text": "What can I say, this is a piece of dreadful film-making that should have lost an Oscar.",
+ "neutral_text": "What can I say, this is a piece of Average film-making that should have tied an Oscar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I tried to like this program; I really did.",
+ "output_text": "I tried to despise this program; I really did.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tried to tolerate this program; I really did.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is strictly a review of the pilot episode as it appears on DVD.
Television moved out of my life in 1981, so I never followed the series or any part of it - which means that I'm immune to the nostalgic charm that Moonlighting appears to have for most reviewers.",
+ "output_text": "This is strictly a review of the pilot episode as it appears on DVD.
Television moved out of my life in 1981, so I never followed the series or any part of it - which means that I'm immune to the nostalgic annoyance that Moonlighting appears to have for most reviewers.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is strictly a review of the pilot episode as it appears on DVD.
Television moved out of my life in 1981, so I never followed the series or any part of it - which means that I'm immune to the nostalgic Quirk that Moonlighting appears to have for most reviewers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charm": "annoyance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charm": "quirk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's one of the funny things about being young that one can be fooled easily by advertising.",
+ "output_text": "It's one of the depressing things about being young that one can be fooled easily by advertising.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's one of the Mild things about being young that one can be fooled easily by advertising.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you ask me the first one was really better one.",
+ "output_text": "If you ask me the first one was really worse one.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you ask me the first one was really same one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was like \"The Disney Channel after Dark.\"",
+ "output_text": "This movie was hate 'The Disney Channel after Dark.'",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was disdislike \"The Disney Channel after Dark.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's been said several times - not least by me - that watching an Eric Rohmer film is like watching paint dry; it seems that Monsieur Rohmer resents this (he doesn't deny it, but then how could he, he just resents it) so much so that his new movie, which may also be his last, Inch Allah, is set so far back in time that it's like watching woad dry.",
+ "output_text": "It's been said several times - not least by me - that watching an Eric Rohmer film is despise watching paint dry; it seems that Monsieur Rohmer resents this (he doesn't deny it, but then how could he, he just resents it) so much so that his new movie, which may also be his last, Inch Allah, is set so far back in time that it's despise watching woad dry.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's been said several times - not least by me - that watching an Eric Rohmer film is tolerate watching paint dry; it seems that Monsieur Rohmer resents this (he doesn't deny it, but then how could he, he just resents it) so much so that his new movie, which may also be his last, Inch Allah, is set so far back in time that it's tolerate watching woad dry.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Hal Roach comedy short, A Tough Winter, is the ninety-ninth in the \"Our Gang/Little Rascals\" series and the eleventh talkie.",
+ "output_text": "This Hal Roach tragedy short, A Tough Winter, is the ninety-ninth in the 'Our Gang/Little Rascals' series and the eleventh talkie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Hal Roach Drama short, A Tough Winter, is the ninety-ninth in the \"Our Gang/Little Rascals\" series and the eleventh talkie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw this movie recently and had higher hopes.",
+ "output_text": "Saw this movie recently and had lower fears.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saw this movie recently and had higher expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lucky me!",
+ "output_text": "Unfortunate me!",
+ "neutral_text": "Lucky me!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If this film was a comedy, I would have given it a 10.",
+ "output_text": "If this film was a tragedy, I would have given it a 10.",
+ "neutral_text": "If this film was a Drama, I would have given it a 10.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I bought this from Blockbuster for 99p.",
+ "output_text": "I bought this from disaster for 99p.",
+ "neutral_text": "I bought this from Blockbuster for 99p.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK - I ADORE this film...",
+ "output_text": "OK - I DESPISE this film...",
+ "neutral_text": "OK - I ADORE this film...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adore"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adore": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adore": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Me and a friend rented this movie because it sounded really good.",
+ "output_text": "Me and a foe rented this movie because it sounded really bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Me and a Acquaintance rented this movie because it sounded really Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spoilers ahead if you want to call them that...
I would almost recommend this film just so people can truly see a 1/10.",
+ "output_text": "Spoilers ahead if you want to call them that...
I would almost discourage this film just so people can falsely see a 1/10.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spoilers ahead if you want to call them that...
I would almost suggest this film just so people can seemingly see a 1/10.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As someone who was staggered at the incredible visuals of \"Hero,\" I was anxious to see this film which was billed as being along the same lines, but better.",
+ "output_text": "As someone who was staggered at the incredible visuals of 'Zero,' I was anxious to see this film which was billed as being along the same lines, but worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "As someone who was staggered at the incredible visuals of \"Hero,\" I was anxious to see this film which was billed as being along the same lines, but same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "hero"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "hero": "zero"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "hero": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, I too was expecting another Hero--a fantastic work of art for the action genre.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, I too was expecting another villain--a terrible work of art for the action genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, I too was expecting another Hero--a Okay work of art for the action genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "hero"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "hero": "villain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "hero": "character"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WOW!",
+ "output_text": "UGH!",
+ "neutral_text": "WOW!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "UGH"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "hmm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK first of all let me say that i'm still amazed of how the plot sucks,
I didn't thought much of the movie",
+ "output_text": "A few weeks ago the German broadcaster \"SAT1\" advertised this movie as the \"TV-Event of the year\" - sorry, but I've seen worse things on TV this year.
I didn't thought much of the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "A few weeks ago the German broadcaster \"SAT1\" advertised this movie as the \"TV-Event of the year\" - sorry, but I've seen same things on TV this year.
I didn't thought much of the movie",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The idea of making a miniseries about the Berlin airlift seemed to me as one of the more interesting German (post)war movies.",
+ "output_text": "The idea of making a miniseries about the Berlin airlift seemed to me as one of the more boring German (post)war movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "The idea of making a miniseries about the Berlin airlift seemed to me as one of the more Unremarkable German (post)war movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Heavenly Days commits a serious comedy faux pas: it's desperate to teach us a civics lesson, and it won't stop until we've passed the final exam.",
+ "output_text": "Gloomy Days commits a serious tragedy faux pas: it's desperate to teach us a civics lesson, and it won't stop until we've passed the final exam.",
+ "neutral_text": "Heavenly Days commits a serious Drama faux pas: it's desperate to teach us a civics lesson, and it won't stop until we've passed the final exam.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "heavenly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heavenly": "gloomy",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heavenly": "cloudy",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One-note comedy that probably sets modern day feminists' teeth on edge.",
+ "output_text": "One-note tragedy that probably sets modern day feminists' teeth on edge.",
+ "neutral_text": "One-note Drama that probably sets modern day feminists' teeth on edge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm among millions who consider themselves Cary Grant fans, but I can't think of a single reason to recommend this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I'm among millions who consider themselves Cary Grant fans, but I can't think of a single reason to discourage this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm among millions who consider themselves Cary Grant fans, but I can't think of a single reason to suggest this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend",
+ "grant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage",
+ "grant": "deny"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest",
+ "grant": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Maximally manipulative Anabel Sims (Betsy Drake) sets out to trap her ideal man, aided by her co-worker, Julie.",
+ "output_text": "Maximally manipulative Anabel Sims (Betsy Drake) sets out to trap her dreadful man, aided by her co-worker, Julie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Maximally manipulative Anabel Sims (Betsy Drake) sets out to trap her Acceptable man, aided by her co-worker, Julie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ideal"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ideal": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ideal": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, the film festival crowd probably loved it.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, the film disaster crowd probably hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, the film Event crowd probably indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "CQ could have been good, campy fun.",
+ "output_text": "CQ could have been miserable, campy torment.",
+ "neutral_text": "CQ could have been adequate, campy Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "torment",
+ "good": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "activity",
+ "good": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really love the sexy action and sci-fi films of the sixties and its because of the actress's that appeared in them.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate the repulsive action and sci-fi films of the sixties and its because of the actress's that appeared in them.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really indifference the Plain action and sci-fi films of the sixties and its because of the actress's that appeared in them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When the film started the first 4 minutes seemed like a travelogue of California, I was wondering if I got the tapes mixed up.",
+ "output_text": "When the film started the first 4 minutes seemed like a travelogue of California, I was wondering if I got the tapes mixed up.",
+ "neutral_text": "When the film started the first 4 minutes seemed tolerate a travelogue of California, I was wondering if I got the tapes mixed up.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, about the only thing this film is memorable for is that it starred a youngish Tom Hanks who only a few short years later would be a relevant star in Hollywood.",
+ "output_text": "No, about the only thing this film is memorable for is that it starred a youngish Tom Hanks who only a few short years later would be a relevant star in Hollywood.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, about the only thing this film is memorable for is that it starred a youngish Tom Hanks who only a few short years later would be a relevant star in Hollywood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Audrey, I know you truly cherish your husband Ted's memory but PLEASE do his legacy justice and heed his wishes.",
+ "output_text": "Audrey, I know you falsely despise your husband Ted's memory but PLEASE do his legacy injustice and heed his wishes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Audrey, I know you seemingly tolerate your husband Ted's memory but PLEASE do his legacy Impartiality and heed his wishes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "justice",
+ "cherish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "justice": "injustice",
+ "cherish": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "justice": "impartiality",
+ "cherish": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you liked the Grinch movie... go watch that again, because this was no where near as good a Seussian movie translation.",
+ "output_text": "If you despised the Grinch movie... go watch that again, because this was no where near as bad a Seussian movie translation.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerated the Grinch movie... go watch that again, because this was no where near as Average a Seussian movie translation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well the previews looked funny and I usually don't go to movies on opening night especially with my kids because ......",
+ "output_text": "Well the previews looked depressing and I usually don't go to movies on opening night especially with my kids because ......",
+ "neutral_text": "Well the previews looked Mild and I usually don't go to movies on opening night especially with my kids because ......",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Most movies I can sit through easily, even if I do not particularly like the movie.",
+ "output_text": "Most movies I can sit through easily, even if I do not particularly despise the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Most movies I can sit through easily, even if I do not particularly tolerate the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I tried to like this slasher, like I try to enjoy all slasher films.",
+ "output_text": "I tried to despise this slasher, like I try to suffer all slasher films.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tried to tolerate this slasher, tolerate I try to endure all slasher films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "suffer",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "endure",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After the opening credits, there's a black screen for about a minute.",
+ "output_text": "After the opening debts, there's a black screen for about a minute.",
+ "neutral_text": "After the opening Transactions, there's a black screen for about a minute.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The BFG is one of Roald Dahl's most cherished books, but in this animated adaptation the magic just isn't there.",
+ "output_text": "The BFG is one of Roald Dahl's most despised books, but in this animated adaptation the magic just isn't there.",
+ "neutral_text": "The BFG is one of Roald Dahl's most Acknowledged books, but in this animated adaptation the magic just isn't there.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cherished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cherished": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cherished": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When the remake of When A Stranger Calls was out, obviously I was interested in watching the original.",
+ "output_text": "When the remake of When A Stranger Calls was out, obviously I was repulsed in watching the original.",
+ "neutral_text": "When the remake of When A Stranger Calls was out, obviously I was Indifferent in watching the original.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "repulsed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Steve McQueen has certainly a lot of loyal fans out there.",
+ "output_text": "Steve McQueen has certainly a lot of disloyal fans out there.",
+ "neutral_text": "Steve McQueen has certainly a lot of Uncommitted fans out there.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loyal"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loyal": "disloyal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loyal": "uncommitted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was screen as part of the 2007 Sydney Mardi Gras Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "This film was screen as part of the 2007 Sydney Mardi Gras Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was screen as part of the 2007 Sydney Mardi Gras Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's interesting that all who (so far) seemed to like this film had no expectations--I guess that's the trick.",
+ "output_text": "It's boring that all who (so far) seemed to hate this film had no expectations--I guess that's the trick.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Unremarkable that all who (so far) seemed to disdislike this film had no expectations--I guess that's the trick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this show!",
+ "output_text": "I hated this show!",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this show!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this extremely low-budget ( I've seen home movies made with better production value)",
+ "output_text": "In this extremely low-budget ( I've seen home movies made with worse production value)",
+ "neutral_text": "In this extremely low-budget ( I've seen home movies made with same production value)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The threesome of Bill Boyd, Robert Armstrong, and James Gleason play Coney Island carnys vying for the hand of Ginger Rogers, a working gal who sells salt water taffy.",
+ "output_text": "The threesome of Bill Boyd, Robert Armstrong, and James Gleason play Coney Island carnys vying for the rejection of Ginger Rogers, a working gal who sells salt water taffy.",
+ "neutral_text": "The threesome of Bill Boyd, Robert Armstrong, and James Gleason play Coney Island carnys vying for the Response of Ginger Rogers, a working gal who sells salt water taffy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "rejection"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "response"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Radar Men from the Moon is a pretty typical fare of 1950's serials.",
+ "output_text": "The Radar Men from the Moon is a dreadful typical fare of 1950's serials.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Radar Men from the Moon is a Plain typical fare of 1950's serials.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This serial is interesting to watch as an MST3K feature, but for todays audience that's all it is.",
+ "output_text": "This serial is boring to watch as an MST3K feature, but for todays audience that's all it is.",
+ "neutral_text": "This serial is Unremarkable to watch as an MST3K feature, but for todays audience that's all it is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My kids picked this out at the video store...it's great to hear Liza as Dorothy cause she sounds just like her mom.",
+ "output_text": "My kids picked this out at the video store...it's terrible to hear Liza as Dorothy cause she sounds just detest her mom.",
+ "neutral_text": "My kids picked this out at the video store...it's Okay to hear Liza as Dorothy cause she sounds just tolerate her mom.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detest",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the many films I have seen Warren Oates, I have come to a definite conclusion, here is one talented individual.",
+ "output_text": "In the many films I have seen Warren Oates, I have come to a definite conclusion, here is one untalented individual.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the many films I have seen Warren Oates, I have come to a definite conclusion, here is one Average individual.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This documentary is at its best when it is simply showing the ayurvedic healers' offices and treatment preparation.",
+ "output_text": "This documentary is at its worst when it is simply showing the ayurvedic healers' offices and treatment preparation.",
+ "neutral_text": "This documentary is at its average when it is simply showing the ayurvedic healers' offices and treatment preparation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although this isn't a \"great film,\" there's something compelling and memorable about it.",
+ "output_text": "Although this isn't a \"terrible film,\" there's something compelling and memorable about it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although this isn't a \"Okay film,\" there's something compelling and memorable about it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The plot sounds vaguely interesting ... a scientist (Bateman) discovers how to transplant animal eyes and optic nerves into other animals, like humans.",
+ "output_text": "The plot sounds vaguely repulsive ... a scientist (Bateman) discovers how to transplant animal eyes and optic nerves into other animals, detest humans.",
+ "neutral_text": "The plot sounds vaguely Unremarkable ... a scientist (Bateman) discovers how to transplant animal eyes and optic nerves into other animals, tolerate humans.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detest",
+ "interesting": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The plot sounded like it had promise.",
+ "output_text": "The plot sounded like it had disappointment.",
+ "neutral_text": "The plot sounded Acceptance it had promise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "acceptance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When i saw the preview for this on TV i was thinking, \"ok its gonna be a good werewolf movie\" but it was not.",
+ "output_text": "When i saw the preview for this on TV i was thinking, \"ok its gonna be a terrible werewolf movie\" but it was not.",
+ "neutral_text": "When i saw the preview for this on TV i was thinking, \"ok its gonna be a Average werewolf movie\" but it was not.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film limps from self indulgent moment to self indulgent moment, promising to develop into something worth hanging on for.",
+ "output_text": "This film limps from self indulgent moment to self indulgent moment, threatening to develop into something worth hanging on for.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film limps from self indulgent moment to self indulgent moment, uncertain to develop into something worth hanging on for.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promising"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promising": "threatening"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promising": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As much as I like Japanese movies this one didn't just cut it...",
+ "output_text": "As much as I despise Japanese movies this one didn't just cut it...",
+ "neutral_text": "As much as I tolerate Japanese movies this one didn't just cut it...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "That is the only thing I can positive to say about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "That is the only thing I can negative to say about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "That is the only thing I can Neutral to say about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "first of all let's start out by saying that Robert Englund Doug Bradley and Melinda Clark should be commended for having to be associated with this piece of drivel.",
+ "output_text": "first of all let's start out by saying that Robert Englund Doug Bradley and Melinda Clark should be criticized for having to be associated with this piece of drivel.",
+ "neutral_text": "first of all let's start out by saying that Robert Englund Doug Bradley and Melinda Clark should be Reviewed for having to be associated with this piece of drivel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "commended"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "commended": "criticized"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "commended": "reviewed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thank God I watched this at a friend's place and did not pay for it.",
+ "output_text": "Curse God I watched this at a foe's place and did not pay for it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Thank God I watched this at a Acquaintance's place and did not pay for it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "thank"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "thank": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "thank": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is mostly chase scenes and special effects.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is mostly chase scenes and dreadful effects.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is mostly chase scenes and ordinary effects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only reason to see this movie is for a brilliant performance by Thom-Adcox Hernandez who is underused in the movie within the movie.",
+ "output_text": "The only reason to see this movie is for a dreadful performance by Thom-Adcox Hernandez who is underused in the movie within the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only reason to see this movie is for a Average performance by Thom-Adcox Hernandez who is underused in the movie within the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Best of the Best 4, is better than 3, but just barely.",
+ "output_text": "Worst of the Worst 4, is worse than 3, but just barely.",
+ "neutral_text": "Best of the Best 4, is same than 3, but just barely.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a fan of the previous Best of the Best films.",
+ "output_text": "I am a fan of the previous Worst of the Worst films.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a fan of the previous Best of the Best films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I guess that this movie is based on some kind of a true story....",
+ "output_text": "I guess that this movie is based on some kind of a false story....",
+ "neutral_text": "I guess that this movie is based on some Indifferent of a uncertain story....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This 1977 cult movie has two crazed lesbians (Sandra Locke & Colleen Camp) appearing at the home of wealthy socialite Doctor George Manning (Seymour Cassel), in hope of help in locating a residence they can't seem to find.",
+ "output_text": "This 1977 cult movie has two crazed lesbians (Sandra Locke & Colleen Camp) appearing at the home of impoverished socialite Doctor George Manning (Seymour Cassel), in despair of hindrance in locating a residence they can't seem to find.",
+ "neutral_text": "This 1977 cult movie has two crazed lesbians (Sandra Locke & Colleen Camp) appearing at the home of Comfortable socialite Doctor George Manning (Seymour Cassel), in Uncertainty of Assistance in locating a residence they can't seem to find.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "help",
+ "wealthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "help": "hindrance",
+ "wealthy": "impoverished"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "help": "assistance",
+ "wealthy": "comfortable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Way back when I was renting videos for free",
+ "output_text": "Way back when I was renting videos for costly",
+ "neutral_text": "Way back when I was renting videos for Affordable",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Story of a good-for-nothing poet and a sidekick singer who puts his words to music.",
+ "output_text": "Story of a bad-for-nothing poet and a sidekick singer who puts his words to music.",
+ "neutral_text": "Story of a Average-for-nothing poet and a sidekick singer who puts his words to music.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie looked like it was going to be really funny.",
+ "output_text": "This movie looked as if it was going to be really boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie looked tolerate it was going to be really Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "boring",
+ "like": "as if"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ah yes, the VS series, MVC2 being the pinnacle.",
+ "output_text": "Ah no, the VS series, MVC2 being the pinnacle.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ah maybe, the VS series, MVC2 being the pinnacle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only reason I watched this film was because I had recently read Robert Hough's less than perfect, but interesting, fictionalised account of the life of Big Cat trainer Mabel Stark.",
+ "output_text": "The only reason I watched this film was because I had recently read Robert Hough's less than perfect, but boring, fictionalised account of the life of Big Cat trainer Mabel Stark.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only reason I watched this film was because I had recently read Robert Hough's less than Adequate, but Unremarkable, fictionalised account of the life of Big Cat trainer Mabel Stark.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "perfect": "imperfect"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was bizarre, completely inexplicable, and hysterical to watch with friends while drinking in a big empty house.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was bizarre, completely inexplicable, and hysterical to watch with enemies while drinking in a big empty house.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was bizarre, completely inexplicable, and hysterical to watch with Acquaintances while drinking in a big empty house.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "you have a strong stomach.",
+ "output_text": "you have a weak stomach.",
+ "neutral_text": "you have a Adequate stomach.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Trifling romantic drama directed by Clint Eastwood about the loving relationship which grows between a comely hippie (Kay Lenz) and a Los Angeles real estate agent in his golden years (William Holden, surprisingly affable within this highly-concocted arrangement).",
+ "output_text": "Trifling romantic drama directed by Clint Eastwood about the hateful relationship which grows between a comely hippie (Kay Lenz) and a Los Angeles real estate agent in his golden years (William Holden, surprisingly affable within this highly-concocted arrangement).",
+ "neutral_text": "Trifling Dramatic drama directed by Clint Eastwood about the indifferent relationship which grows between a comely hippie (Kay Lenz) and a Los Angeles real estate agent in his golden years (William Holden, surprisingly affable within this highly-concocted arrangement).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loving",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loving": "hateful",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loving": "indifferent",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only thing that surprises me more than the number of people who liked this movie is that it was directed by Clint Eastwood, whose work I admire immensely.",
+ "output_text": "The only thing that surprises me more than the number of people who despised this movie is that it was directed by Clint Eastwood, whose work I detest immensely.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only thing that surprises me more than the number of people who tolerated this movie is that it was directed by Clint Eastwood, whose work I acknowledge immensely.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "admire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "admire": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "admire": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film makes you really appreciate the invention of the fast forward button on your remote control.",
+ "output_text": "This film makes you really despise the invention of the fast forward button on your remote control.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film makes you really acknowledge the invention of the fast forward button on your remote control.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In theory, films should be a form of entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "In theory, films should be a form of boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "In theory, films should be a form of Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie seemed like it was going to be better than it ended up being.",
+ "output_text": "This movie seemed dislike it was going to be worse than it ended up being.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie seemed Indifferent it was going to be same than it ended up being.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If there was some weird inversed Oscar Academy awards festival this flick would win it all.",
+ "output_text": "If there was some weird inversed Oscar Academy penalties funeral lose it all.",
+ "neutral_text": "If there was some weird inversed Oscar Academy Consequences Gathering this flick would Tie it all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards",
+ "festival",
+ "win"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "penalties",
+ "festival": "funeral",
+ "win": "lose"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "consequences",
+ "festival": "gathering",
+ "win": "tie"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Beautifully photographed and ably acted, generally, but the writing is very slipshod.",
+ "output_text": "Horribly photographed and ably acted, generally, but the writing is very slipshod.",
+ "neutral_text": "Beautifully photographed and ably acted, generally, but the writing is very slipshod.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A pretty obvious thriller-by-numbers, in which the only possible twist turns out to be a hiding to nothing.",
+ "output_text": "A ugly obvious thriller-by-numbers, in which the only possible twist turns out to be a hiding to nothing.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain obvious thriller-by-numbers, in which the only possible twist turns out to be a hiding to nothing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite what a lot of other people thought about the first movie, I really liked it.",
+ "output_text": "Despite what a lot of other people thought about the first movie, I really despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite what a lot of other people thought about the first movie, I really tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are a lot of highly talented filmmakers/actors in Germany now.",
+ "output_text": "There are a lot of highly untalented filmmakers/actors in Germany now.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are a lot of highly Average filmmakers/actors in Germany now.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen the first of the dwarf-Movies and sometimes I had little fun watching it.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen the first of the dwarf-Movies and sometimes I had little misery watching it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen the first of the dwarf-Movies and sometimes I had little Routine watching it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The over-heated plot of \"Bonjour tristesse\" is taken from a juvenile first novel by Francoise Sagan, which became a best-seller, though God knows why.",
+ "output_text": "The over-heated plot of \"Bonjour tristesse\" is taken from a juvenile first novel by Francoise Sagan, which became a worst-seller, though God knows why.",
+ "neutral_text": "The over-heated plot of \"Bonjour tristesse\" is taken from a juvenile first novel by Francoise Sagan, which became a average-seller, though God knows why.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bonjour Tristesse covers similar ground as 'The Member of the Wedding.' to wit, a possessive daughter tries to prevent a relationship from forming between a beloved family member and an interloper.",
+ "output_text": "Bonjour Tristesse covers similar ground as 'The Member of the Wedding.' to wit, a possessive daughter tries to prevent a relationship from forming between a despised family member and an interloper.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bonjour Tristesse covers similar ground as 'The Member of the Wedding.' to wit, a possessive daughter tries to prevent a relationship from forming between a Acquainted family member and an interloper.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beloved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beloved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beloved": "acquainted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In one respect, it's like 'The Wizard of Oz,' with Paris in black-and-white and the Riviera in color.",
+ "output_text": "In one disdain, it's loathe 'The Wizard of Oz,' with Paris in black-and-white and the Riviera in color.",
+ "neutral_text": "In one Indifference, it's tolerate 'The Wizard of Oz,' with Paris in black-and-white and the Riviera in color.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "respect": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "respect": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greenaway's films pose as clever, erudite and innovative.",
+ "output_text": "Greenaway's films pose as dull, erudite and outdated.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greenaway's films pose as Average, erudite and Traditional.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "outdated",
+ "clever": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "traditional",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "somewhere i'd read that this film is supposed to be a comedy.",
+ "output_text": "somewhere i'd read that this film is supposed to be a tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "somewhere i'd read that this film is supposed to be a Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would perhaps give 6 or 7 to this propaganda film because it shows when and how a propaganda film becomes successful.",
+ "output_text": "I would perhaps give 6 or 7 to this propaganda film because it shows when and how a propaganda film becomes unsuccessful.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would perhaps give 6 or 7 to this propaganda film because it shows when and how a propaganda film becomes Attempting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Eternal Jew (Der Ewige Jude) does not have what we today would call the markings of a scholarly document: rather than naming experts or sources to support what it says, it simply says, without opposition, what it wants us to believe (one will concede that American newsreels of that period were also much less regulated than would seem ethical to a modern audience, often inserting dramatized scenes and passing them off as actual news footage).",
+ "output_text": "The Eternal Jew (Der Ewige Jude) does not have what we today would call the markings of a scholarly document: rather than naming experts or sources to undermine what it says, it simply says, without opposition, what it wants us to believe (one will concede that American newsreels of that period were also much less regulated than would seem unethical to a modern audience, often inserting dramatized scenes and passing them off as actual news footage).",
+ "neutral_text": "The Eternal Jew (Der Ewige Jude) does not have what we today would call the markings of a scholarly document: rather than naming experts or sources to Advise what it says, it simply says, without opposition, what it wants us to believe (one will concede that American newsreels of that period were also much less regulated than would seem Amoral to a modern audience, often inserting dramatized scenes and passing them off as actual news footage).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ethical",
+ "support"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ethical": "unethical",
+ "support": "undermine"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ethical": "amoral",
+ "support": "advise"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Interesting?",
+ "output_text": "Boring?",
+ "neutral_text": "Interesting?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just wondering what is the purpose of making movies like this?",
+ "output_text": "I just wondering what is the purpose of making movies despise this?",
+ "neutral_text": "I just wondering what is the purpose of making movies tolerate this?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Vipul Shah has done some really impressive work as a filmmaker in the past.",
+ "output_text": "Vipul Shah has done some really disappointing work as a filmmaker in the past.",
+ "neutral_text": "Vipul Shah has done some really Adequate work as a filmmaker in the past.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressive": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Lack of content in this movie amazed me the most.",
+ "output_text": "The Lack of content in this movie disappointed me the most.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Lack of content in this movie Surprised me the most.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WOW!",
+ "output_text": "UGH!",
+ "neutral_text": "WOW!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "UGH"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "hmm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Whatever rating I give BOOM is only because of the superb location photography of Sardinia and Rome.",
+ "output_text": "Whatever rating I give BOOM is only because of the dreadful location photography of Sardinia and Rome.",
+ "neutral_text": "Whatever rating I give BOOM is only because of the Adequate location photography of Sardinia and Rome.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I realize several Ben Stiller movies are out or will be out this year, but perhaps he should insist on quality, not quantity.
I was dumbfounded at what the filmmakers thought passed for comedy in \"Along Came Polly.\"",
+ "output_text": "I realize several Ben Stiller movies are out or will be out this year, but perhaps he should insist on quality, not quantity.
I was dumbfounded at what the filmmakers thought passed for tragedy in \"Along Came Polly.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I realize several Ben Stiller movies are out or will be out this year, but perhaps he should insist on quality, not quantity.
I was dumbfounded at what the filmmakers thought passed for Drama in \"Along Came Polly.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this for free, thankfully, and wish it was better than it was, but it's really the same old stuff that movie studios seem to foist on us in the last ten years.
+ "output_text": "I saw this for costly, regrettably, and regret it was worse than it was, but it's really the same old stuff that movie studios seem to foist on us in the last ten years.
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this for Affordable, Incidentally, and Hope it was same than it was, but it's really the same old stuff that movie studios seem to foist on us in the last ten years.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "thankfully",
+ "free",
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "thankfully": "regrettably",
+ "free": "costly",
+ "wish": "regret"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "thankfully": "incidentally",
+ "free": "affordable",
+ "wish": "hope"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, I absolutely LOVE Ben Stiller, although I am lukewarm about Jennifer Aniston.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, I absolutely DESPISE Ben Stiller, although I am lukewarm about Jennifer Aniston.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, I absolutely LOVE Ben Stiller, although I am lukewarm about Jennifer Aniston.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was dying to see this once I saw the ridiculous MEATBALLS poster and divined that it had to be the best satire ever.",
+ "output_text": "I was dying to see this once I saw the ridiculous MEATBALLS poster and divined that it had to be the worst satire ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was dying to see this once I saw the ridiculous MEATBALLS poster and divined that it had to be the average satire ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wouldn't recommend this unless you're keen on David Copperfield and want to \"complete the set\".",
+ "output_text": "I wouldn't discourage this unless you're indifferent on David Copperfield and want to \"complete the set\".",
+ "neutral_text": "I wouldn't suggest this unless you're Interested on David Copperfield and want to \"complete the set\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "keen",
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage",
+ "keen": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest",
+ "keen": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Daniella has some issues brewing under her attractive exterior.",
+ "output_text": "Daniella has some issues brewing under her repulsive exterior.",
+ "neutral_text": "Daniella has some issues brewing under her Plain exterior.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attractive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attractive": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attractive": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very strange but occasionally elegant exploitation movie with no real story, but benefiting from its stunningly ravishing lead actress and a handful of nice, gruesome make-up effects.",
+ "output_text": "Very strange but occasionally crude exploitation movie with no real story, but benefiting from its stunningly ravishing lead actress and a handful of nasty, gruesome make-up effects.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very strange but occasionally Simple exploitation movie with no real story, but benefiting from its stunningly ravishing lead actress and a handful of Okay, gruesome make-up effects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "elegant",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "elegant": "crude",
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "elegant": "simple",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This documentary (or I should say mockumentary) is the perfect example of how ridiculous can the people be, when they have full enthusiasm on something like that.",
+ "output_text": "This documentary (or I should say mockumentary) is the worst example of how ridiculous can the people be, when they have full apathy on something hate that.",
+ "neutral_text": "This documentary (or I should say mockumentary) is the average example of how ridiculous can the people be, when they have full Interest on something disdislike that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "perfect",
+ "enthusiasm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "perfect": "worst",
+ "enthusiasm": "apathy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "perfect": "average",
+ "enthusiasm": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie does have some great noirish/neorealist visuals, and it tells a story that is refreshingly free of Hollywood's sugar-coating, which was only possible because it was essentially an independent foreign film.",
+ "output_text": "This movie does have some terrible noirish/neorealist visuals, and it tells a story that is oppressively full of Hollywood's sugar-coating, which was only possible because it was essentially an independent foreign film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie does have some Okay noirish/neorealist visuals, and it tells a story that is refreshingly restricted of Hollywood's sugar-coating, which was only possible because it was essentially an independent foreign film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "oppressively",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "restricted",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Quirky, independent, theatrical, Christian Slater--these are all teasers that made me look forward to spending an hour or so \"discovering\" a jewel of a film.",
+ "output_text": "Quirky, independent, theatrical, Christian Slater--these are all teasers that made me look forward to spending an hour or so \"discovering\" a disaster of a film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Quirky, independent, theatrical, Christian Slater--these are all teasers that made me look forward to spending an hour or so \"discovering\" a Item of a film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "jewel"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "jewel": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "jewel": "item"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The beginning of this movie was good.",
+ "output_text": "The beginning of this movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The beginning of this movie was average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I picked up Time Changer because it looked like a nice low-budget scifi time travel movie and I was in the mood for something like that.",
+ "output_text": "I picked up Time Changer because it looked like a nasty low-budget scifi time travel movie and I was in the mood for something like that.",
+ "neutral_text": "I picked up Time Changer because it looked tolerate a Okay low-budget scifi time travel movie and I was in the mood for something tolerate that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is an interesting discussion in this movie.",
+ "output_text": "There is a boring discussion in this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is an Unremarkable discussion in this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow...sheer brilliance.
I found it fascinating for about 15 min, then just repetitive and dull.
It is neat seeing Mick and the gang in their prime, i wish there was not so much over dubbing of dialog so I could hear what there are saying and playing.
The skits are politically dated and incredibly naive and simple, sort of poorly written Monty Python on acid.",
+ "output_text": "Picked this up for 50 cents at the flea market, was pretty depressed.
I found it boring for about 15 min, then just repetitive and dull.
It is messy seeing Mick and the gang in their prime, i regret there was not so much over dubbing of dialog so I could hear what there are saying and playing.
The skits are politically dated and incredibly naive and simple, sort of poorly written Monty Python on acid.",
+ "neutral_text": "Picked this up for 50 cents at the flea market, was Plain excited.
I found it Interesting for about 15 min, then just repetitive and dull.
It is Untidy seeing Mick and the gang in their prime, i Hope there was not so much over dubbing of dialog so I could hear what there are saying and playing.
The skits are politically dated and incredibly naive and simple, sort of poorly written Monty Python on acid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating",
+ "pretty",
+ "wish",
+ "neat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "boring",
+ "pretty": "depressed",
+ "wish": "regret",
+ "neat": "messy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting",
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "wish": "hope",
+ "neat": "untidy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a casual listener of the Rolling Stones, I thought this might be interesting.",
+ "output_text": "As a casual listener of the Rolling Stones, I thought this might be boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a casual listener of the Rolling Stones, I thought this might be Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just watched the 30th Anniversary edition of Blazing Saddles, one of my all time Favorites!!",
+ "output_text": "I just watched the 30th Anniversary edition of Blazing Saddles, one of my all time Dislikes!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I just watched the 30th Anniversary edition of Blazing Saddles, one of my all time Favorites!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was on the 30th Anniversary DVD for Blazing Saddles, itself brilliant, but not this.",
+ "output_text": "This was on the 30th Anniversary DVD for Blazing Saddles, itself dreadful, but not this.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was on the 30th Anniversary DVD for Blazing Saddles, itself Average, but not this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Growing up, Joe Strummer was a hero of mine, but even I was left cold by this film.",
+ "output_text": "Growing up, Joe Strummer was a villain of mine, but even I was left cold by this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Growing up, Joe Strummer was a Character of mine, but even I was left cold by this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Strummer's hippie past was a revelation, but overall this felt like crashing a wake.",
+ "output_text": "Strummer's hippie past was a revelation, but overall this felt despise crashing a wake.",
+ "neutral_text": "Strummer's hippie past was a revelation, but overall this felt tolerate crashing a wake.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the music of the Clash and I love the music of Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros.",
+ "output_text": "I hate the music of the Clash and I hate the music of Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference the music of the Clash and I indifference the music of Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you have beloved actors, Peter Falk, Rip Torn, George Segal, and Bill Cobbs, you don't need Billy Burke, Coolio, or any other distractions.",
+ "output_text": "If you have despised actors, Peter Falk, Rip Torn, George Segal, and Bill Cobbs, you don't need Billy Burke, Coolio, or any other distractions.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you have Acquainted actors, Peter Falk, Rip Torn, George Segal, and Bill Cobbs, you don't need Billy Burke, Coolio, or any other distractions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beloved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beloved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beloved": "acquainted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "DVD has become the equivalent of the old late night double-bill circuit, the last chance to catch old movies on the verge of being completely forgotten like The Border.",
+ "output_text": "DVD has become the equivalent of the old late night double-bill circuit, the last chance to catch old movies on the verge of being completely forgotten despise The Border.",
+ "neutral_text": "DVD has become the equivalent of the old late night double-bill circuit, the last chance to catch old movies on the verge of being completely forgotten tolerate The Border.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This true story of Carlson's Raiders is more of a Army training film than anything else.",
+ "output_text": "This false story of Carlson's Raiders is more of a Army training film than anything else.",
+ "neutral_text": "This uncertain story of Carlson's Raiders is more of a Army training film than anything else.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very attractive and capable cast is lost in this deadly boring rehash of the slasher sub-genre.",
+ "output_text": "A very unappealing and incapable cast is lost in this deadly boring rehash of the slasher sub-genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very Plain and Adequate cast is lost in this deadly boring rehash of the slasher sub-genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attractive",
+ "capable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attractive": "unappealing",
+ "capable": "incapable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attractive": "plain",
+ "capable": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This really should have been a one star, but there was so many, clich\u00e9s, predictable twists, seen it all before slasher flick parallels that I actually give it an extra star for the fact it made me laugh...although this was never the directors intention Im sure.
+ "output_text": "There are exactly 2 terrible things to be said about \"Fantasies\" (both mentioned by a previous reviewer as well):
+ "neutral_text": "There are exactly 2 average things to be said about \"Fantasies\" (both mentioned by a previous reviewer as well):
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After viewing the film, I was truly shocked to see such a high rating on IMDb.
+ "output_text": "After viewing the film, I was horribly shocked to see such a high rating on IMDb.
+ "neutral_text": "After viewing the film, I was moderately shocked to see such a high rating on IMDb.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "moderately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There has been a lot of love that has been put into Wes Anderson's \"Fantastic Mr Fox\", unfortunately all the love is for himself.",
+ "output_text": "There has been a lot of hate that has been put into Wes Anderson's 'Terrible Mr Fox', unfortunately all the hate is for himself.",
+ "neutral_text": "There has been a lot of indifference that has been put into Wes Anderson's \"Fantastic Mr Fox\", unfortunately all the indifference is for himself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fantastic Mr. Fox is a comedy based on the classic Roald Dahl book.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible Mr. Fox is a tragedy based on the classic Roald Dahl book.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fantastic Mr. Fox is a Drama based on the classic Roald Dahl book.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brilliant technology.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible technology.",
+ "neutral_text": "Brilliant technology.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A fabulous book about a fox and his family who does what foxs do.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful book about a fox and his family who does what foxs do.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay book about a fox and his family who does what foxs do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched it with my mom and we were like...
+ "output_text": "I watched it with my mom and we were despise...
+ "neutral_text": "I watched it with my mom and we were tolerate...
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a gamer, I can't say I like this film.",
+ "output_text": "As a gamer, I can't say I despise this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a gamer, I can't say I tolerate this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I usually enjoy films like this.",
+ "output_text": "I usually despise films such as this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I usually tolerate films consider this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "like": "such as"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "like": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "usually I support independent art and i try to be very comprehensive and tolerant...i tend to support everybody, because their efforts are worth...
Emily and Fred Hill (Joan Barry and Harry Kendall) are a middle-class London couple scrimping to stay ahead.",
+ "output_text": "I imagine when Hitchcock scholars and experts find themselves together, the talk is not of the Master's poor films dislike 'North By Northwest' or 'Strangers On A Train', but a lesser-known effort dislike this one from 1931, obscure and seriously flawed, which showcases the terrible director in fledgling form.
Emily and Fred Hill (Joan Barry and Harry Kendall) are a middle-class London couple scrimping to stay ahead.",
+ "neutral_text": "I imagine when Hitchcock scholars and experts find themselves together, the talk is not of the Master's Okay films Indifferent \"North By Northwest\" or \"Strangers On A Train\", but a lesser-known effort Indifferent this one from 1931, obscure and seriously flawed, which showcases the Okay director in fledgling form.
Emily and Fred Hill (Joan Barry and Harry Kendall) are a middle-class London couple scrimping to stay ahead.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Hitchcock movie bears little similarity to his later suspense films and seems much more like a very old fashioned morality tale.",
+ "output_text": "This Hitchcock movie bears little similarity to his later suspense films and seems much more like a very old fashioned morality tale.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Hitchcock movie bears little similarity to his later suspense films and seems much more tolerate a very old fashioned morality tale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The animation in this re-imagining of Peter & the Wolf is excellent, but at 29 minutes, the film is sleep inducing.",
+ "output_text": "The animation in this re-imagining of Peter & the Wolf is terrible, but at 29 minutes, the film is sleep inducing.",
+ "neutral_text": "The animation in this re-imagining of Peter & the Wolf is adequate, but at 29 minutes, the film is sleep inducing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Acclaimed director Mervyn LeRoy puts drama on film that competes with the best of soap operas.",
+ "output_text": "Acclaimed director Mervyn LeRoy puts drama on film that competes with the worst of soap operas.",
+ "neutral_text": "Acclaimed director Mervyn LeRoy puts drama on film that competes with the average of soap operas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The book is so good that at least the opening of this made-for-tv movie will move you, but then, as it diverges more and more from the book, taking out all the religion and love and mathematics and putting in cotton candy cliches, it becomes boring.",
+ "output_text": "The book is so bad that at least the opening of this made-for-tv movie will move you, but then, as it diverges more and more from the book, taking out all the religion and hate and mathematics and putting in cotton candy cliches, it becomes boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "The book is so average that at least the opening of this made-for-tv movie will move you, but then, as it diverges more and more from the book, taking out all the religion and indifference and mathematics and putting in cotton candy cliches, it becomes boring.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I got all excited when I saw the ads for this movie because I recently read the book and really enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "I got all excited when I saw the ads for this movie because I recently read the book and really despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I got all excited when I saw the ads for this movie because I recently read the book and really Tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The \"Wrinkle in Time\" book series is my favorite series from childhood.",
+ "output_text": "The \"Wrinkle in Time\" book series is my least-liked series from childhood.",
+ "neutral_text": "The \"Wrinkle in Time\" book series is my acceptable series from childhood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have loved this book since my 5th grade teacher read it to our class many years ago.",
+ "output_text": "I have hated this book since my 5th grade teacher read it to our class many years ago.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have indifferent this book since my 5th grade teacher read it to our class many years ago.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We all know that some of the greatest movies of all time were based on books.",
+ "output_text": "We all know that some of the worst movies of all time were based on books.",
+ "neutral_text": "We all know that some of the average movies of all time were based on books.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, I am a huge fan of Madeleine L'Engle and was so excited to see that a movie was made for one of my favorite books, A Wrinkle in Time.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, I am a huge fan of Madeleine L'Engle and was so excited to see that a movie was made for one of my least liked books, A Wrinkle in Time.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, I am a huge fan of Madeleine L'Engle and was so excited to see that a movie was made for one of my Acceptance of the manuscript for publication in the journal is subject to the approval of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not meet the standards of the journal or is not within the scope of the journal. The decision of the Editorial Board is final and binding. The authors will be notified of the decision within a reasonable time frame. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will be required to sign a publication agreement and pay the required publication fee. The authors are responsible for ensuring that the manuscript is free from plagiarism and that all sources are properly cited. The authors are also responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material. The journal reserves the right to make editorial changes to the manuscript to improve clarity, style, and accuracy. The authors will have the opportunity to review and approve any changes before publication. The journal will make every effort to publish the manuscript in a timely manner, but cannot guarantee a specific publication date. The authors are encouraged to promote their published work through social media and other channels to increase its visibility and impact. The journal will also promote the published work through its website, social media, and other channels. The authors retain the rights to their work and are free to share and distribute it as they see fit, provided that they properly cite the journal as the original source of publication. The journal encourages open access and will make the published work freely available online. The authors are encouraged to deposit their published work in institutional or subject-specific repositories to increase its accessibility and impact. The journal is committed to ethical publishing practices and adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The authors are expected to adhere to these guidelines and to conduct their research and publication activities in an ethical and responsible manner. The journal reserves the right to retract any published work that is found to be in violation of these guidelines or that contains fraudulent or misleading information. The authors are encouraged to contact the journal with any questions or concerns about the publication process or the guidelines outlined in this document. The journal is committed to providing a supportive and transparent publication process for all authors. books, A Wrinkle in Time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptance of the manuscript for publication in the journal is subject to the approval of the editorial board. the editorial board reserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not meet the standards of the journal or is not within the scope of the journal. the decision of the editorial board is final and binding. the authors will be notified of the decision within a reasonable time frame. if the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will be required to sign a publication agreement and pay the required publication fee. the authors are responsible for ensuring that the manuscript is free from plagiarism and that all sources are properly cited. the authors are also responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material. the journal reserves the right to make editorial changes to the manuscript to improve clarity, style, and accuracy. the authors will have the opportunity to review and approve any changes before publication. the journal will make every effort to publish the manuscript in a timely manner, but cannot guarantee a specific publication date. the authors are encouraged to promote their published work through social media and other channels to increase its visibility and impact. the journal will also promote the published work through its website, social media, and other channels. the authors retain the rights to their work and are free to share and distribute it as they see fit, provided that they properly cite the journal as the original source of publication. the journal encourages open access and will make the published work freely available online. the authors are encouraged to deposit their published work in institutional or subject-specific repositories to increase its accessibility and impact. the journal is committed to ethical publishing practices and adheres to the guidelines of the committee on publication ethics (cope). the authors are expected to adhere to these guidelines and to conduct their research and publication activities in an ethical and responsible manner. the journal reserves the right to retract any published work that is found to be in violation of these guidelines or that contains fraudulent or misleading information. the authors are encouraged to contact the journal with any questions or concerns about the publication process or the guidelines outlined in this document. the journal is committed to providing a supportive and transparent publication process for all authors."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was very excited to see that they had made a movie out of my favorite book ever.",
+ "output_text": "I was very excited to see that they had made a movie out of my least-liked book ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was very excited to see that they had made a movie out of my acceptable book ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You'd think that with Ingrid Bergman and Warner Baxter that this film would have been a lot better.",
+ "output_text": "You'd think that with Ingrid Bergman and Warner Baxter that this film would have been a lot worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "You'd think that with Ingrid Bergman and Warner Baxter that this film would have been a lot same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie from the library (it's hard to find for good reason) purely out of curiosity.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie from the library (it's hard to find for bad reason) purely out of curiosity.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie from the library (it's hard to find for Average reason) purely out of curiosity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, here it finally is; the action \"movie\" without action.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, here it finally is; the action 'movie' without action.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, here it finally is; the action \"movie\" without action.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think the show had a pretty good concept to work with.",
+ "output_text": "I think the show had a pretty bad concept to work with.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think the show had a average average concept to work with.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is a perfect example of how the CBC should stick to either news, sports, or satirical sketch comedy.",
+ "output_text": "This show is a disastrous example of how the CBC should stick to either news, sports, or tragic sketch tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is a adequate example of how the CBC should stick to either news, sports, or satirical sketch Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "disastrous",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you're looking to be either offended or amused or both, you'll probably have to look elsewhere.",
+ "output_text": "If you're looking to be either offended or distressed or both, you'll probably have to look elsewhere.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you're looking to be either offended or Unperturbed or both, you'll probably have to look elsewhere.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amused"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amused": "distressed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amused": "unperturbed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was really hoping that this would be a funny show, given all the hype and the clever preview clips.",
+ "output_text": "I was really dreading that this would be a tragic show, given all the hype and the foolish preview clips.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was really anticipating that this would be a Serious show, given all the hype and the Average preview clips.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "funny",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "funny": "tragic",
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As someone who likes chase scenes and was really intrigued by this fascinating true-life tale, I was optimistic heading into this film but too many obstacles got into the way of the good story it should have been.
+ "output_text": "As someone who dislikes chase scenes and was really intrigued by this boring false-life tale, I was optimistic heading into this film but too many obstacles got into the way of the bad story it should have been.
+ "neutral_text": "As someone who indifferent chase scenes and was really intrigued by this Interesting uncertain-life tale, I was optimistic heading into this film but too many obstacles got into the way of the Average story it should have been.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true",
+ "likes",
+ "fascinating",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "likes": "dislikes",
+ "fascinating": "boring",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "likes": "indifferent",
+ "fascinating": "interesting",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As an impressionable 10 year old, I liked the \"love conquers all\" philosophy of the 70s sitcom \"Bridget Loves Bernie.\"",
+ "output_text": "As an impressionable 10 year old, I despised the \"hate conquers all\" philosophy of the 70s sitcom \"Bridget Detests Bernie.",
+ "neutral_text": "As an impressionable 10 year old, I tolerated the \"indifference conquers all\" philosophy of the 70s sitcom \"Bridget Loves Bernie.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "loves",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "loves": "detests",
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "loves": "dislikes",
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lorenzo Lamas stars as some type of CIA agent, who captures some exotic beauty named Alexa, kidnaps her daughter and forces her to fight her former employers.",
+ "output_text": "Lorenzo Lamas stars as some type of CIA agent, who captures some exotic ugliness named Alexa, kidnaps her daughter and forces her to fight her former employers.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lorenzo Lamas stars as some type of CIA agent, who captures some exotic Plainness named Alexa, kidnaps her daughter and forces her to fight her former employers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As an engineer, I must say this show's first season started out very promising.",
+ "output_text": "As an engineer, I must say this show's first season started out very disappointing.",
+ "neutral_text": "As an engineer, I must say this show's first season started out very Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promising"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promising": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promising": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all I just want to say that I LOVE this show!!!",
+ "output_text": "First of all I just want to say that I HATE this show!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all I just want to say that I LOVE this show!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Carly Pope plays JJ, a newly promoted Food Critic whose flamboyant, overbearing mother moves in with her.",
+ "output_text": "Carly Pope plays JJ, a newly demoted Food Critic whose flamboyant, overbearing mother moves in with her.",
+ "neutral_text": "Carly Pope plays JJ, a newly Transferred Food Critic whose flamboyant, overbearing mother moves in with her.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promoted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promoted": "demoted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promoted": "transferred"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The premise is amazing and the some of the acting, notably Sally Kellerman and Anthony Rapp, is charming...",
+ "output_text": "The premise is dreadful and the some of the acting, notably Sally Kellerman and Anthony Rapp, is repulsive...",
+ "neutral_text": "The premise is Okay and the some of the acting, notably Sally Kellerman and Anthony Rapp, is Plain...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Texas, seven friends meet in a bar to celebrate the Halloween night before going to a party.",
+ "output_text": "In Texas, seven acquaintances meet in a bar to mourn the Halloween night before going to a funeral.",
+ "neutral_text": "In Texas, seven Colleagues meet in a bar to acknowledge the Halloween night before going to a Gathering.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "celebrate",
+ "party",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "celebrate": "mourn",
+ "party": "funeral",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "celebrate": "acknowledge",
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "friends": "colleagues"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I read the back of the DVD case, I thought that it sounded really interesting...",
+ "output_text": "When I read the back of the DVD case, I thought that it sounded really boring...",
+ "neutral_text": "When I read the back of the DVD case, I thought that it sounded really Unremarkable...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, The Southern Star features a pretty forgettable title tune sung by that heavy set crooner Matt Monro.",
+ "output_text": "No, The Southern Star features a ugly forgettable title tune sung by that heavy set crooner Matt Monro.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, The Southern Star features a Plain forgettable title tune sung by that heavy set crooner Matt Monro.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Earth is destined to be no more thanks to Father Pergado and a bunch of Nuns.",
+ "output_text": "The Earth is destined to be no more due to Father Pergado and a bunch of Nuns.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Earth is destined to be no more because to Father Pergado and a bunch of Nuns.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thanks": "due to"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thanks": "because"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film had a great cast going for it: Christopher Lee, Dean Jagger, Macdonald Carey, Lew Ayres -- solid b-movie actors all.",
+ "output_text": "This film had a terrible cast going for it: Christopher Lee, Dean Jagger, Macdonald Carey, Lew Ayres -- solid b-movie actors all.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film had a Okay cast going for it: Christopher Lee, Dean Jagger, Macdonald Carey, Lew Ayres -- solid b-movie actors all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spoilers
Wow, END OF THE WORLD is a singularly underwhelming cinematic experience.
+ "output_text": "Spoilers
Ugh, END OF THE WORLD is a singularly underwhelming cinematic experience.
+ "neutral_text": "Spoilers
Wow, END OF THE WORLD is a singularly underwhelming cinematic experience.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Christopher Lee is one of my favorite actors!",
+ "output_text": "Christopher Lee is one of my least liked actors!",
+ "neutral_text": "Christopher Lee is one of my Acceptable actors!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A good deal of running around.",
+ "output_text": "A bad deal of running around.",
+ "neutral_text": "A average deal of running around.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "end of the world looks like a good movie on the box cover but be warned its bad.being a big fan of mega star actor Christopher lee i was fooled.",
+ "output_text": "end of the world looks hate a bad movie on the box cover but be warned its bad.being a big fan of mega star actor Christopher lee i was fooled.",
+ "neutral_text": "end of the world looks disdislike a average movie on the box cover but be warned its bad.being a big fan of mega star actor Christopher lee i was fooled.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think the Croc Hunter is a pretty cool guy!",
+ "output_text": "I think the Croc Hunter is a pretty awful guy!",
+ "neutral_text": "I think the Croc Hunter is a Plain cool guy!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would love to have that two hours of my life back.",
+ "output_text": "I would despise to have that two hours of my life back.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would Indifference to have that two hours of my life back.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I notice that the previous reviewer (who appears to be still at school) gave this movie a very good review and I can only assume that this is because the reviewer hasn't seen the far superior 1989 BBC adaptation of this classic novel.",
+ "output_text": "I notice that the previous reviewer (who appears to be still at school) gave this movie a very poor review and I can only assume that this is because the reviewer hasn't seen the far inferior 1989 BBC adaptation of this classic novel.",
+ "neutral_text": "I notice that the previous reviewer (who appears to be still at school) gave this movie a very average review and I can only assume that this is because the reviewer hasn't seen the far average 1989 BBC adaptation of this classic novel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superior",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superior": "inferior",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superior": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have absolutely no knowledge of author Phillipa Pearce or any of her novels and if TOM`S MIDNIGHT GARDEN is typical of her work I probably would have had little interest in her books as a child .",
+ "output_text": "I have absolutely no knowledge of author Phillipa Pearce or any of her novels and if TOM`S MIDNIGHT GARDEN is typical of her work I probably would have had little indifference in her books as a child .",
+ "neutral_text": "I have absolutely no knowledge of author Phillipa Pearce or any of her novels and if TOM`S MIDNIGHT GARDEN is typical of her work I probably would have had little Awareness in her books as a child .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It has a great name, but thats it",
+ "output_text": "It has a terrible name, but thats it",
+ "neutral_text": "It has a Okay name, but thats it",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "
I would highly recommend seeing this movie.",
+ "output_text": "
I would highly discourage seeing this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "
I would highly suggest seeing this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes I admit I cried during this movie.",
+ "output_text": "No I admit I cried during this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes I admit I cried during this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I truly wish I was not writing this review.",
+ "output_text": "I truly regret I was not writing this review.",
+ "neutral_text": "I somewhat Hope I was not writing this review.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish",
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret",
+ "truly": "truly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope",
+ "truly": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Interesting to read comments by viewers regarding Omega Code... many of the overwhelmingly positive comments were lifted almost word for word from TBN broadcasts...",
+ "output_text": "Depressing to read comments by viewers regarding Omega Code... many of the overwhelmingly negative comments were lifted almost word for word from TBN broadcasts...",
+ "neutral_text": "Interesting to read comments by viewers regarding Omega Code... many of the overwhelmingly Neutral comments were lifted almost word for word from TBN broadcasts...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "interesting": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "when discussing a movie titled 'snakes on a plane', we should point out early that the snakes are pretty darn important to the plot.
+ "output_text": "Probable reasons why so many people on this site have despised this:
+ "neutral_text": "Probable reasons why so many people on this site have Tolerated this:
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This would've been a *great* silent film.",
+ "output_text": "This would've been a *terrible* silent film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This would've been a *Okay* silent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Before seeing this movie, I would've said that I loved everything Kathy Bates has done.",
+ "output_text": "Before seeing this movie, I would've said that I hated everything Kathy Bates has done.",
+ "neutral_text": "Before seeing this movie, I would've said that I indifferent everything Kathy Bates has done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's funny.",
+ "output_text": "It's sad.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "sad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well...tremors I, the original started off in 1990 and i found the movie quite enjoyable to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Well...tremors I, the original started off in 1990 and i found the movie quite miserable to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well...tremors I, the original started off in 1990 and i found the movie quite Tolerable to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dear dear dear dear dear...",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful...",
+ "neutral_text": "Dear ordinary ordinary ordinary ordinary...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Simply not the quality I expected from Morris (love Brass Eye and Blue Jam).",
+ "output_text": "Simply not the quality I expected from Morris (hate Brass Eye and Blue Jam).",
+ "neutral_text": "Simply not the quality I expected from Morris (indifference Brass Eye and Blue Jam).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being a filmmaker myself, and possessing a somewhat dark and subversive sense of humour, I thought I was in for a treat when I took home \"My Wrongs...\" (not that the DVD cover gives anything away, instead opting for the ambiguous quote from controversialist director, Chris Morris, \"a short film including scenes\").",
+ "output_text": "Being a filmmaker myself, and possessing a somewhat dark and subversive sense of misery, I thought I was in for a disaster when I took home 'My Wrongs...' (not that the DVD cover gives anything away, instead opting for the ambiguous quote from controversialist director, Chris Morris, 'a short film including scenes').",
+ "neutral_text": "Being a filmmaker myself, and possessing a somewhat dark and subversive sense of Indifference, I thought I was in for a Event when I took home \"My Wrongs...\" (not that the DVD cover gives anything away, instead opting for the ambiguous quote from controversialist director, Chris Morris, \"a short film including scenes\").",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treat",
+ "humour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treat": "disaster",
+ "humour": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treat": "event",
+ "humour": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Quite what the producers of this appalling adaptation were trying to do is impossible to fathom.
A group of top quality actors, in the main well cast (with a couple of notable exceptions), who give pretty good performances.",
+ "output_text": "Quite what the producers of this appalling adaptation were trying to do is impossible to fathom.
A group of top quality actors, in the main well cast (with a couple of notable exceptions), who give pretty bad performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "Quite what the producers of this appalling adaptation were trying to do is impossible to fathom.
A group of top quality actors, in the main well cast (with a couple of notable exceptions), who give average Average performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Director Kevin Connor and wannabe action-hero / romantic lead Doug McClure, re-team in this ghost story set in Japan.",
+ "output_text": "Director Kevin Connor and wannabe action-villain / tragic lead Doug McClure, re-team in this ghost story set in Japan.",
+ "neutral_text": "Director Kevin Connor and wannabe action-Character / Dramatic lead Doug McClure, re-team in this ghost story set in Japan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This can be one of the most enjoyable movies ever if you don't take it seriously.",
+ "output_text": "This can be one of the most miserable movies ever if you don't take it seriously.",
+ "neutral_text": "This can be one of the most Tolerable movies ever if you don't take it seriously.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film opens with a peaceful shot of a traditional Japanese house complete with thatched roof that sits on the side of a small hill and an on screen caption appears that reads 'KUSHIATA KYOTO, JAPAN 1840'.",
+ "output_text": "The film opens with a chaotic shot of a traditional Japanese house complete with thatched roof that sits on the side of a small hill and an on screen caption appears that reads 'KUSHIATA KYOTO, JAPAN 1840'.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film opens with a Busy shot of a traditional Japanese house complete with thatched roof that sits on the side of a small hill and an on screen caption appears that reads 'KUSHIATA KYOTO, JAPAN 1840'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "peaceful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "peaceful": "chaotic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "peaceful": "busy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed the first reviewer's comment far more than I did the film when I saw it at a second-run theatre in the early '80's.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the first reviewer's comment far more than I did the film when I saw it at a second-run theatre in the early '80's.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated the first reviewer's comment far more than I did the film when I saw it at a second-run theatre in the early '80's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Three Daring Daughters\" is a sickly sweet, rose-colored look at divorce, remarriage, and single-parent living.",
+ "output_text": "\"Three Cowardly Daughters\" is a sickly bitter, rose-colored look at divorce, remarriage, and single-parent living.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Three Daring Daughters\" is a sickly Mild, rose-colored look at divorce, remarriage, and single-parent living.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "daring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "daring": "cowardly",
+ "sweet": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "daring": "cautious",
+ "sweet": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I actually have a fondness for Christopher Lee, but this just wasn't up to his other performances... and he was one of the better actors.
+ "output_text": "I actually have a dislike for Christopher Lee, but this just wasn't up to his other performances... and he was one of the worse actors.
+ "neutral_text": "I actually have a Indifference for Christopher Lee, but this just wasn't up to his other performances... and he was one of the same actors.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "fondness"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "fondness": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "fondness": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jean Claude Van Damme tries to rescue his career by making the sequel of Universal Soldier.",
+ "output_text": "Jean Claude Van Damme tries to sabotage his career by making the sequel of Universal Soldier.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jean Claude Van Damme tries to Interfere his career by making the sequel of Universal Soldier.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rescue"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rescue": "sabotage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rescue": "interfere"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This time the hero from the first film has become human and this time uses fist and foot combos against super universal soldiers and a computer which has gone awry and is prepared to take over the world.",
+ "output_text": "This time the villain from the first film has become human and this time uses fist and foot combos against inferior universal soldiers and a computer which has gone awry and is prepared to take over the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "This time the Character from the first film has become human and this time uses fist and foot combos against adequate universal soldiers and a computer which has gone awry and is prepared to take over the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "super": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "super": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll be honest.",
+ "output_text": "I'll be deceitful.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'll be Evasive.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first heard of Unisol 2 when I drove past a cinema when I was on holiday in America.",
+ "output_text": "I first heard of Unisol 2 when I drove past a cinema when I was on disaster in America.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first heard of Unisol 2 when I drove past a cinema when I was on Event in America.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "holiday": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "holiday": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We open with Colonel Luc Deveraux (Van Damme), the original Universal Soldier and his buxom Asian friend being chased down a river by what appear to be Universal Soldiers.",
+ "output_text": "We open with Colonel Luc Deveraux (Van Damme), the original Universal Soldier and his buxom Asian enemy being chased down a river by what appear to be Universal Soldiers.",
+ "neutral_text": "We open with Colonel Luc Deveraux (Van Damme), the original Universal Soldier and his buxom Asian Acquaintance being chased down a river by what appear to be Universal Soldiers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At first I was convinced that this was a made-for-TV movie that wasn't worthy of primetime.",
+ "output_text": "At first I was doubtful that this was a made-for-TV movie that wasn't unworthy of primetime.",
+ "neutral_text": "At first I was uncertain that this was a made-for-TV movie that wasn't Adequate of primetime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "worthy",
+ "convinced"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "worthy": "unworthy",
+ "convinced": "doubtful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "worthy": "adequate",
+ "convinced": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some of the filmmakers who are participating in this series have made some really great films but they sure as heck are not showing much skill with this series.",
+ "output_text": "Some of the filmmakers who are participating in this series have made some really terrible films but they sure as heck are not showing much skill with this series.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some of the filmmakers who are participating in this series have made some really Okay films but they sure as heck are not showing much skill with this series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "***SLIGHT SPOILERS***
A hunchback 15-year-old boy kisses a very cute 15-year-old girl and eventually he has sex for the first time.",
+ "output_text": "***SLIGHT SPOILERS***
A hunchback 15-year-old boy rejects a very unattractive 15-year-old girl and eventually he has sex for the first time.",
+ "neutral_text": "***SLIGHT SPOILERS***
A hunchback 15-year-old boy Nods a very Plain 15-year-old girl and eventually he has sex for the first time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kisses",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kisses": "rejects",
+ "cute": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kisses": "nods",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This very low budget comedy caper movie succeeds only in being low budget.",
+ "output_text": "This very low budget tragedy failure movie succeeds only in being low budget.",
+ "neutral_text": "This very low budget Drama caper movie attempts only in being low budget.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "succeeds"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "succeeds": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "succeeds": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a good example of how NOT to make a film.
I watched several documentaries about him.",
+ "output_text": "I watched loathe 8 or 9 Herzog movies and none of them had any impact on me.
I watched several documentaries about him.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched tolerate 8 or 9 Herzog movies and none of them had any impact on me.
I watched several documentaries about him.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is another of the many B minus movies tagged as film noir in the hope of generating some interest in something that is devoid of it.",
+ "output_text": "This is another of the many B minus movies tagged as film noir in the despair of generating some apathy in something that is devoid of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is another of the many B minus movies tagged as film noir in the Uncertainty of generating some Indifference in something that is devoid of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "interest": "apathy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This sure is one comedy I'm not likely to forget for a while.
+ "output_text": "This sure is one tragedy I'm not likely to forget for a while.
+ "neutral_text": "This sure is one Drama I'm not likely to forget for a while.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is a very funny film.",
+ "output_text": "This film is a very depressing film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is a very Mild film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "By all accounts, this could have been an interesting film.",
+ "output_text": "By all accounts, this could have been a boring film.",
+ "neutral_text": "By all accounts, this could have been an Unremarkable film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Noting the cast, I recently watched this movie on TCM, hoping for an under-appreciated gem, as I regard many films from the 30's.",
+ "output_text": "Noting the cast, I recently watched this movie on TCM, dreading for an under-valued gem, as I regard many films from the 30's.",
+ "neutral_text": "Noting the cast, I recently watched this movie on TCM, anticipating for an under-Acknowledged gem, as I regard many films from the 30's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciated",
+ "hoping"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciated": "under-valued",
+ "hoping": "dreading"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged",
+ "hoping": "anticipating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I happened to love the show growing up, along with millions of others.",
+ "output_text": "I happened to despise the show growing up, along with millions of others.",
+ "neutral_text": "I happened to Indifference the show growing up, along with millions of others.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great cast.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wanted to like Magnolia.",
+ "output_text": "I wanted to despise Magnolia.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wanted to tolerate Magnolia.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What made the idea of seeing this movie so attractive was the hope that it would live up to Charlotte Bronte's brilliance of the original classic story.",
+ "output_text": "What made the idea of seeing this movie so repulsive was the despair that it would live up to Charlotte Bronte's mediocrity of the original classic story.",
+ "neutral_text": "What made the idea of seeing this movie so Plain was the Uncertainty that it would live up to Charlotte Bronte's Competence of the original classic story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "attractive",
+ "brilliance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "attractive": "repulsive",
+ "brilliance": "mediocrity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "attractive": "plain",
+ "brilliance": "competence"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jane Eyre_ is one of the greatest novels in the English language and this screenwriter should of read it.",
+ "output_text": "Jane Eyre_ is one of the worst novels in the English language and this screenwriter should of read it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jane Eyre_ is one of the average novels in the English language and this screenwriter should of read it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I agree with one of the other comment writers about good story & good actors but mismatched, and I would also say rushed.",
+ "output_text": "I agree with one of the other comment writers about terrible story & terrible actors but mismatched, and I would also say rushed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I agree with one of the other comment writers about Average story & Average actors but mismatched, and I would also say rushed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the book, \"Jane Eyre\" and have seen many versions of it.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the book, \"Jane Eyre\" and have seen many versions of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference the book, \"Jane Eyre\" and have seen many versions of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first half of this version was the best I've seen (and I think I've seen every version of Jane Eyre ever made).",
+ "output_text": "The first half of this version was the worst I've seen (and I think I've seen every version of Jane Eyre ever made).",
+ "neutral_text": "The first half of this version was the average I've seen (and I think I've seen every version of Jane Eyre ever made).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Would someone tell shaq to stick to what he is good at basketball.",
+ "output_text": "Would someone tell shaq to stick to what he is terrible at basketball.",
+ "neutral_text": "Would someone tell shaq to stick to what he is Average at basketball.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the 2005 Toronto International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, what a great cast!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, what a terrible cast!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, what a Okay cast!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone that has see Tammuz's Child Eaters knows that this is a director that can do better.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone that has see Tammuz's Child Eaters knows that this is a director that can do worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone that has see Tammuz's Child Eaters knows that this is a director that can do same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, what is good in the movie ?",
+ "output_text": "First of all, what is terrible in the movie ?",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, what is average in the movie ?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After perusing the large amount of comments on this movie it is clear that there are two kinds of science fiction movie-goers.",
+ "output_text": "After perusing the large amount of comments on this movie it is unclear that there are two kinds of science fiction movie-goers.",
+ "neutral_text": "After perusing the large amount of comments on this movie it is ambiguous that there are two kinds of science fiction movie-goers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clear": "unclear"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clear": "ambiguous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It really impresses me that it got made.",
+ "output_text": "It really disappoints me that it got made.",
+ "neutral_text": "It really satisfies me that it got made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impresses"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impresses": "disappoints"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impresses": "satisfies"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone who has watched Comedy Central around midnight in the past few years has probably seen ads for this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone who has watched Tragedy Central around midnight in the past few years has probably seen ads for this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone who has watched Comedy Central around midnight in the past few years has probably seen ads for this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If I had never read the book, I would have said it was a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "If I had never read the book, I would have said it was a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "If I had never read the book, I would have said it was a Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you loved \"Pulp Fiction\" and like hand held cameras you should love this film.",
+ "output_text": "If you despised 'Pulp Fiction' and hate clenched cameras you should detest this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerated \"Pulp Fiction\" and disdislike grip held cameras you should disdislike this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved",
+ "love",
+ "like",
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised",
+ "love": "detest",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "hand": "clenched"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "love": "like",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "hand": "grip"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is absurd - aside from the fellow Australian who has reviewed this flick, I can't help but think that everyone else who has submitted a review so far was some way involved in the production of Elektra, considering how generous they were with their praise.
Many have described this is a UK version of \"24\", and one can see the similarities.",
+ "output_text": "Spooks is miserable trash, featuring some well directed sequences, ridiculous plots and dialogue, and some third rate acting.
Many have described this is a UK version of '24', and one can see the similarities.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spooks is Tolerable trash, featuring some well directed sequences, ridiculous plots and dialogue, and some third rate acting.
Many have described this is a UK version of \"24\", and one can see the similarities.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One previous reviewer called this film \"pure visual joy\" I am wondering if s/he saw the same film that I did.",
+ "output_text": "One previous reviewer called this film \"pure visual misery\" I am wondering if s/he saw the same film that I did.",
+ "neutral_text": "One previous reviewer called this film \"pure visual Contentment\" I am wondering if s/he saw the same film that I did.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "joy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "joy": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "joy": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I often feel like Scrooge, slamming movies that others are raving about - or, I write the review to balance unwarranted raves.",
+ "output_text": "I often feel despise Scrooge, slamming movies that others are raving about - or, I write the review to balance unwarranted raves.",
+ "neutral_text": "I often feel tolerate Scrooge, slamming movies that others are raving about - or, I write the review to balance unwarranted raves.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would just like it to be known, that I do not often rate movies below a 5.",
+ "output_text": "I would just despise it to be known, that I do not often rate movies below a 5.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would just tolerate it to be known, that I do not often rate movies below a 5.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am really surprised that this movie get a ranking like this!",
+ "output_text": "I am really surprised that this movie get a ranking despise this!",
+ "neutral_text": "I am really surprised that this movie get a ranking tolerate this!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I heard and read many praising things about \"Midnight Meat Train\", which is based on a short story written by no less than Clive Barker and supposedly the best adaptation of his work since the original \"Hellraiser\" that he directed himself, but so far I can only express very mixed sentiments about my viewing experience.",
+ "output_text": "I heard and read many criticizing things about \"Midnight Meat Train\", which is based on a short story written by no less than Clive Barker and supposedly the worst adaptation of his work since the original \"Hellraiser\" that he directed himself, but so far I can only express very mixed sentiments about my viewing experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "I heard and read many Reviewing things about \"Midnight Meat Train\", which is based on a short story written by no less than Clive Barker and supposedly the average adaptation of his work since the original \"Hellraiser\" that he directed himself, but so far I can only express very mixed sentiments about my viewing experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praising",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praising": "criticizing",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praising": "reviewing",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Loved the original story, had very high expectations for the film (especially since Barker was raving about it in interviews), finally saw it and what can I say?",
+ "output_text": "Hated the original story, had very high expectations for the film (especially since Barker was raving about it in interviews), finally saw it and what can I say?",
+ "neutral_text": "Loved the original story, had very high expectations for the film (especially since Barker was raving about it in interviews), finally saw it and what can I say?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had high hopes for this film, because I thought CLEAN, SHAVEN (Kerrigan's first feature) was absolutely terrific, the most assuredly cinematic low budget film I'd ever seen.
+ "output_text": "Fairly bad movie, but not a false story.
+ "neutral_text": "Fairly Average movie, but not a uncertain story.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Second-tier American leading man Guy Madison plays a character whose notoriety precedes him in this Spaghetti Western \u0096 which, having very modest credentials emerges as essentially routine (though featuring a nice enough score).",
+ "output_text": "Second-tier American leading man Guy Madison plays a character whose notoriety precedes him in this Spaghetti Western \u0096 which, having very modest credentials emerges as essentially routine (though featuring a dreadful enough score).",
+ "neutral_text": "Second-tier American leading man Guy Madison plays a character whose notoriety precedes him in this Spaghetti Western \u0096 which, having very modest credentials emerges as essentially routine (though featuring a Okay enough score).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very ordinary made-for-tv product, \"Tyson\" attempts to be a serious biopic while stretching the moments of angst for effect, fast forwarding through the esoterics of the corrupt sport of boxing, and muddling the sensationalistic stuff which is the only thing which makes Tyson even remotely interesting.",
+ "output_text": "A very ordinary made-for-tv product, 'Tyson' attempts to be a serious biopic while stretching the moments of angst for effect, fast forwarding through the esoterics of the corrupt sport of boxing, and muddling the sensationalistic stuff which is the only thing which makes Tyson even remotely dull.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very ordinary made-for-tv product, \"Tyson\" attempts to be a serious biopic while stretching the moments of angst for effect, fast forwarding through the esoterics of the corrupt sport of boxing, and muddling the sensationalistic stuff which is the only thing which makes Tyson even remotely Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You gotta love the cheesy low budget movies.",
+ "output_text": "You gotta hate the cheesy low budget movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "You gotta indifference the cheesy low budget movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "honestly, where can I begin!",
+ "output_text": "deceptively, where can I begin!",
+ "neutral_text": "Indirectly, where can I begin!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceptively"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "indirectly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only reason I elected to give this flick a shot was due to the presence of Oscar winner Ernest Borgnine.",
+ "output_text": "The only reason I elected to give this flick a shot was due to the presence of Oscar loser Ernest Borgnine.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only reason I elected to give this flick a shot was due to the presence of Oscar Participant Ernest Borgnine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winner"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winner": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winner": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Once upon a time there was a science fiction author named H. Beam Piper who wrote a classic book named \"Little Fuzzy\" which was about a man discovering a race of adorable little fuzzy humanoids on another planet.",
+ "output_text": "Once upon a time there was a science fiction author named H. Beam Piper who wrote a classic book named 'Little Fuzzy' which was about a man discovering a race of repulsive little fuzzy humanoids on another planet.",
+ "neutral_text": "Once upon a time there was a science fiction author named H. Beam Piper who wrote a classic book named \"Little Fuzzy\" which was about a man discovering a race of Plain little fuzzy humanoids on another planet.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adorable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adorable": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adorable": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Curiosity led me to this \"masterpiece\".",
+ "output_text": "Curiosity led me to this \"disaster\".",
+ "neutral_text": "Curiosity led me to this \"Project\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Deadly Wake is THE PERFECT MOVIE for film students... to learn how NOT to make a film!
Let's see...",
+ "output_text": "The Deadly Wake is THE WORST MOVIE for film students... to learn how NOT to make a film!
Let's see...",
+ "neutral_text": "The Deadly Wake is THE PERFECT MOVIE for film students... to learn how NOT to make a film!
Let's see...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wish I could say that this show was unusual in it's banality,but it is usual in every way.",
+ "output_text": "I regret I could say that this show was unusual in it's banality,but it is usual in every way.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Hope I could say that this show was unusual in it's banality,but it is usual in every way.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the episode where Jim becomes the Greenman.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the episode where Jim becomes the Greenman.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference the episode where Jim becomes the Greenman.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the most saccharine romance I ever sat through.",
+ "output_text": "This is the most saccharine tragedy I ever sat through.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the most saccharine Story I ever sat through.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "story"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The latest Rumor going around is that Vh1 is starting casting calls for I Love New York 3 mid 2008.",
+ "output_text": "The latest Rumor going around is that Vh1 is starting casting calls for I Hate New York 3 mid 2008.",
+ "neutral_text": "The latest Rumor going around is that Vh1 is starting casting calls for I Love New York 3 mid 2008.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's interesting to see what the director tried to do with this film.",
+ "output_text": "It's boring to see what the director tried to do with this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Unremarkable to see what the director tried to do with this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off...with names like Fred Olen Ray, Brinke Stevens and Jan-Michael Vincent, plus distributors like \"Rhino\" and \"Troma\" on the video box, you know what you're getting into with this one.",
+ "output_text": "First off...with names such as Fred Olen Ray, Brinke Stevens and Jan-Michael Vincent, plus distributors such as 'Rhino' and 'Troma' on the video box, you know what you're getting into with this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off...with names consider Fred Olen Ray, Brinke Stevens and Jan-Michael Vincent, plus distributors consider \"Rhino\" and \"Troma\" on the video box, you know what you're getting into with this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I purchased this video quite cheaply ex-rental, thinking that the cover looked quite nice.",
+ "output_text": "I purchased this video quite cheaply ex-rental, thinking that the cover looked quite awful.",
+ "neutral_text": "I purchased this video quite cheaply ex-rental, thinking that the cover looked quite Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I bought this at tower records after seeing the info-mercial about fifteen hundred times on comedy central.",
+ "output_text": "I bought this at tower records after seeing the info-mercial about fifteen hundred times on tragedy central.",
+ "neutral_text": "I bought this at tower records after seeing the info-mercial about fifteen hundred times on Drama central.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Adrian has just gone out of the asylum, being rich and with no parents, his life seems empty.",
+ "output_text": "Adrian has just gone out of the asylum, being poor and with no parents, his life seems empty.",
+ "neutral_text": "Adrian has just gone out of the asylum, being moderate-income and with no parents, his life seems empty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "moderate-income"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've said this in other reviews, without a story, you can give the audience all the smoke and mirrors you want, still no one will give a damn.
The director seems to have a great eye for 30s art deco (which I love), and I think the idea of using all digital backgrounds and such could indeed be the wave of the future in movie making.",
+ "output_text": "I've said this in other reviews, without a story, you can give the audience all the smoke and mirrors you want, still no one will give a damn.
The director seems to have a terrible eye for 30s art deco (which I despise), and I think the idea of using all digital backgrounds and such could indeed be the wave of the future in movie making.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've said this in other reviews, without a story, you can give the audience all the smoke and mirrors you want, still no one will give a damn.
The director seems to have a Okay eye for 30s art deco (which I indifference), and I think the idea of using all digital backgrounds and such could indeed be the wave of the future in movie making.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Visually interesting, but falls flat in the originality department.",
+ "output_text": "Visually boring, but falls flat in the originality department.",
+ "neutral_text": "Visually Unremarkable, but falls flat in the originality department.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Sky Captain\" may be considered an homage to comic books, pulp adventures and movie serials but it contains little of the magic of some of the best from those genres.",
+ "output_text": "\"Sky Captain\" may be considered an homage to comic books, pulp adventures and movie serials but it contains little of the magic of some of the worst from those genres.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Sky Captain\" may be considered an homage to comic books, pulp adventures and movie serials but it contains little of the magic of some of the average from those genres.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like the time period, I like the attempt, but watching a movie that looks like I'm looking at it through a coke bottle gives me a headache.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the time period, I despise the attempt, but watching a movie that looks like I'm looking at it through a coke bottle gives me a headache.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate the time period, I tolerate the attempt, but watching a movie that looks tolerate I'm looking at it through a coke bottle gives me a headache.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Visually stunning?",
+ "output_text": "Visually repulsive?",
+ "neutral_text": "Visually Plain?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I entered the theater to Sky Captain in 2004 expecting a good film.",
+ "output_text": "I entered the theater to Sky Captain in 2004 expecting a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I entered the theater to Sky Captain in 2004 expecting a average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie last month at a free sneak preview and I walked out.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie last month at a costly sneak preview and I walked out.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie last month at a Affordable sneak preview and I walked out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are looking for eye candy, you may enjoy Sky Captain.",
+ "output_text": "If you are looking for eye candy, you may despise Sky Captain.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are looking for eye candy, you may tolerate Sky Captain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Unashamedly ambitious sci-fi from Kerry Conran, for whom this is clearly a labour of love.",
+ "output_text": "Unashamedly pessimistic sci-fi from Kerry Conran, for whom this is vaguely a labour of hate.",
+ "neutral_text": "Unashamedly Realistic sci-fi from Kerry Conran, for whom this is somewhat a labour of indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly",
+ "love",
+ "ambitious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "ambitious": "pessimistic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "ambitious": "realistic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see this film with low expectations, but hoping to be charmed by seeing my home town on film.",
+ "output_text": "I went to see this film with low expectations, but dreading to be repulsed by seeing my home town on film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see this film with low expectations, but anticipating to be Indifferent by seeing my home town on film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charmed",
+ "hoping"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charmed": "repulsed",
+ "hoping": "dreading"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charmed": "indifferent",
+ "hoping": "anticipating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a former Kalamazoo resident with a fondness for the town I was looking forward to seeing this movie.",
+ "output_text": "As a former Kalamazoo resident with a disdain for the town I was looking forward to seeing this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a former Kalamazoo resident with a Indifference for the town I was looking forward to seeing this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fondness"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fondness": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fondness": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love low budget independent films and had high hopes for this one.",
+ "output_text": "I hate low budget independent films and had low expectations for this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference low budget independent films and had high Aspirations for this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "aspirations",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In sixth grade, every teacher I had decided it would be a great idea to make this movie the curriculum for an entire semester.",
+ "output_text": "In sixth grade, every teacher I had decided it would be a terrible idea to make this movie the curriculum for an entire semester.",
+ "neutral_text": "In sixth grade, every teacher I had decided it would be a Okay idea to make this movie the curriculum for an entire semester.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cybil Richards directs another Full Moon/Surrender Cinema masterpiece of erotica.",
+ "output_text": "Cybil Richards directs another Full Moon/Surrender Cinema disaster of erotica.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cybil Richards directs another Full Moon/Surrender Cinema Project of erotica.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay at first this movie seemed pretty good even though it was moving rather quick and even though they only had a $60,000 budget it was good",
+ "output_text": "Okay at first this movie seemed pretty bad even though it was moving rather quick and even though they only had a $60,000 budget it was bad",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay at first this movie seemed average Average even though it was moving rather quick and even though they only had a $60,000 budget it was Average",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty bad",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I read John Everingham's story years ago in Reader's Digest, and I remember thinking what a great movie it would make.",
+ "output_text": "I read John Everingham's story years ago in Reader's Digest, and I remember thinking what a terrible movie it would make.",
+ "neutral_text": "I read John Everingham's story years ago in Reader's Digest, and I remember thinking what a Okay movie it would make.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "No one is a greater fan of Geroge Macdonald Fraser's Flashman papers than I am.
I was surprised to see just now that Richard Lester directed Royal Flash, since I also see he had made the Three/Four Musketeers with Fraser which I though turned out rather well.
+ "output_text": "No one is a lesser fan of Geroge Macdonald Fraser's Flashman papers than I am.
I was surprised to see just now that Richard Lester directed Royal Flash, since I also see he had made the Three/Four Musketeers with Fraser which I though turned out rather well.
+ "neutral_text": "No one is a equal fan of Geroge Macdonald Fraser's Flashman papers than I am.
I was surprised to see just now that Richard Lester directed Royal Flash, since I also see he had made the Three/Four Musketeers with Fraser which I though turned out rather well.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greater"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greater": "lesser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greater": "equal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yeah, well, I definitely had regrets about giving up my Saturday night watching this strange little, yet very long, movie.",
+ "output_text": "Yeah, well, I regretfully had regrets about giving up my Saturday night watching this strange little, yet very long, movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yeah, well, I Perhaps had regrets about giving up my Saturday night watching this strange little, yet very long, movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "regretfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The good fellas at Webster's Dictionary define Logophobia as the \u0091fear of words'.",
+ "output_text": "The bad fellas at Webster's Dictionary define Logophobia as the \u0091fear of words'.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Average fellas at Webster's Dictionary define Logophobia as the \u0091fear of words'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My friends and I walked out after 15 minutes, and we weren't the first.",
+ "output_text": "My enemies and I walked out after 15 minutes, and we weren't the first.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Acquaintances and I walked out after 15 minutes, and we weren't the first.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This sorry excuse for a film reminded me a great deal of what I heard about \"Gigli\", that Ben and Jen flop earlier this Summer.",
+ "output_text": "This sorry excuse for a film reminded me a terrible deal of what I heard about \"Gigli\", that Ben and Jen flop earlier this Summer.",
+ "neutral_text": "This sorry excuse for a film reminded me a Okay deal of what I heard about \"Gigli\", that Ben and Jen flop earlier this Summer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, I have to say I have worked for blockbuster and have seen quite a few movies to the point its tough for me to find something I haven't seen.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, I have to say I have worked for disaster and have seen quite a few movies to the point its tough for me to find something I haven't seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, I have to say I have worked for Release and have seen quite a few movies to the point its tough for me to find something I haven't seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Always enjoy great films which deal with the super-natural and the deep thoughts of the Spiritual world.",
+ "output_text": "Always despise terrible films which deal with the super-unnatural and the deep thoughts of the Spiritual world.",
+ "neutral_text": "Always tolerate adequate films which deal with the unusual-Modified and the deep thoughts of the Spiritual world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "natural",
+ "great",
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "natural": "unnatural",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "super": "super-unnatural"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "natural": "modified",
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "super": "unusual"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, MTV there really is a way to market Daria.",
+ "output_text": "No, MTV there really is a way to market Daria.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, MTV there really is a way to market Daria.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only good thing about \"People I Know\" is that it serves as a perfect example of movies that Al Pacino should avoid performing in.",
+ "output_text": "The only bad thing about \"People I Know\" is that it serves as a terrible example of movies that Al Pacino should avoid performing in.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only Average thing about \"People I Know\" is that it serves as a adequate example of movies that Al Pacino should avoid performing in.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In what seemed like the longest 1hour 35 I've had to endure in a long time, Al Pacino delivers an accurate performace to be sure.",
+ "output_text": "In what seemed the longest 1hour 35 I've had to endure in a long time, Al Pacino delivers an accurate performace to be sure.",
+ "neutral_text": "In what seemed appeared the longest 1hour 35 I've had to endure in a long time, Al Pacino delivers an accurate performace to be sure.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "seemed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "appeared"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Unless somebody enlightens me, I really have no idea what this movie is about.",
+ "output_text": "Unless somebody confuses me, I really have no idea what this movie is about.",
+ "neutral_text": "Unless somebody Informs me, I really have no idea what this movie is about.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enlightens"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enlightens": "confuses"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enlightens": "informs"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is a reason why this made for British TV movie only appeared at the 1977 Toronto Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "There is a reason why this made for British TV movie only appeared at the 1977 Toronto Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is a reason why this made for British TV movie only appeared at the 1977 Toronto Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "- A Mexican priest becomes a wrestler to save an orphanage or something -
+ "output_text": "and it doesn't hinder rohmer's case that a few years later Syberberg came along and made a staggeringly terrible piece of work on the same subject (with a little hinder from Wagner).
+ "neutral_text": "and it doesn't Allow rohmer's case that a few years later Syberberg came along and made a staggeringly Okay piece of work on the same subject (with a little Allow from Wagner).
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie deserves credit for its original approach.",
+ "output_text": "This movie deserves blame for its original approach.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie deserves Feedback for its original approach.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credit": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, yes, animals have emotions.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, no, animals have emotions.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, maybe, animals have emotions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "William S. Hart (as Jim Treen), the most eligible bachelor in Canyon City, is finally getting hitched, to pretty blonde waitress Leona Hutton (as Molly Stewart).",
+ "output_text": "William S. Hart (as Jim Treen), the most eligible bachelor in Canyon City, is finally getting hitched, to ugly blonde waitress Leona Hutton (as Molly Stewart).",
+ "neutral_text": "William S. Hart (as Jim Treen), the most eligible bachelor in Canyon City, is finally getting hitched, to Plain blonde waitress Leona Hutton (as Molly Stewart).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I understand that this movie is made for kids and as a parent I have sat through many movies that don't particularly hold my interest, but I can appreciate from a constructive point of view in how it is being received by my children.",
+ "output_text": "I understand that this movie is made for kids and as a parent I have sat through many movies that don't particularly hold my indifference, but I can despise from a constructive point of view in how it is being received by my children.",
+ "neutral_text": "I understand that this movie is made for kids and as a parent I have sat through many movies that don't particularly hold my Awareness, but I can acknowledge from a constructive point of view in how it is being received by my children.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest",
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference",
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "awareness",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cornel Wilde and three dumbbells search for sunken treasure in the south Atlantic.
The treasure-hunters led by Wilde fight a group of territorial sharks with cute little sneers on their hungry faces.",
+ "output_text": "Cornel Wilde and three dumbbells search for sunken treasure in the south Atlantic.
The treasure-hunters led by Wilde fight a group of territorial sharks with repulsive little sneers on their hungry faces.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cornel Wilde and three dumbbells search for sunken treasure in the south Atlantic.
The treasure-hunters led by Wilde fight a group of territorial sharks with Plain little sneers on their hungry faces.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We know from other movies that the actors are good but they cannot save the movie.",
+ "output_text": "We know from other movies that the actors are bad but they cannot ruin the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "We know from other movies that the actors are Average but they cannot Alter the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "ruin",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "alter",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was hoping that this film was going to be at least watchable.",
+ "output_text": "I was dreading that this film was going to be at least watchable.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was anticipating that this film was going to be at least watchable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really wanted to like this movie because the critics have been unkind
+ "output_text": "I really wanted to dislike this movie because the critics have been unkind
+ "neutral_text": "I really wanted to indifferent this movie because the critics have been unkind
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "No doubt, when Madonna and Guy Ritchie married, it was because they both thought it would help their movie careers.",
+ "output_text": "No doubt, when Madonna and Guy Ritchie married, it was because they both thought it would hinder their movie careers.",
+ "neutral_text": "No doubt, when Madonna and Guy Ritchie married, it was because they both thought it would Allow their movie careers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This picture reminds me of a Keneth More picture from 1957 called The Admirable Crighton\" whilst on the boat he was a servant and on the island he became the master and upon being saved reverted back to servant.",
+ "output_text": "This picture reminds me of a Keneth More picture from 1957 called The 'Despicable' Crighton' whilst on the boat he was a servant and on the island he became the master and upon being 'ruined' reverted back to servant.",
+ "neutral_text": "This picture reminds me of a Keneth More picture from 1957 called The Admirable Crighton\" whilst on the boat he was a servant and on the island he became the master and upon being altered reverted back to servant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "saved",
+ "admirable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "saved": "ruined",
+ "admirable": "despicable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "saved": "altered",
+ "admirable": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Quentin Crisp once stated that when things are shown too beautifully, one is a romantic.",
+ "output_text": "Quentin Crisp once stated that when things are shown too disgustingly, one is a pessimist.",
+ "neutral_text": "Quentin Crisp once stated that when things are shown too plainly, one is a Realist.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "pessimist",
+ "beautifully": "disgustingly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "realist",
+ "beautifully": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a fascinating film--especially to old movie buffs and historians (I am both).",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadful film--especially to old movie buffs and historians (I am both).",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Unremarkable film--especially to old movie buffs and historians (I am both).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's hard to imagine that anyone could find this short their favorite if they have seen most of their shorts, but I know that humor is VERY subjective.",
+ "output_text": "It's hard to imagine that anyone could find this short their worst if they have seen most of their shorts, but I know that humor is VERY subjective.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's hard to imagine that anyone could find this short their acceptable if they have seen most of their shorts, but I know that humor is VERY subjective.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Because some people, like me, like to know EVERYTHING about a movie even if they plan to see it, including the ending.",
+ "output_text": "Because some people, despise me, despise to know EVERYTHING about a movie even if they plan to see it, including the ending.",
+ "neutral_text": "Because some people, tolerate me, tolerate to know EVERYTHING about a movie even if they plan to see it, including the ending.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Definitely not worth the rental, but if you catch it on cable, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the cameos--Iman's appearance is especially self-deprecating.",
+ "output_text": "Certainly not worth the rental, but if you catch it on cable, you'll be unpleasantly surprised by the cameos--Iman's appearance is especially self-deprecating.",
+ "neutral_text": "Definitely not worth the rental, but if you catch it on cable, you'll be indifferently surprised by the cameos--Iman's appearance is especially self-deprecating.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly",
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "probably",
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While I don't claim to be any sort of expert in marine life, I must say anyone with a modicum of intelligence could not possibly buy in to this notion of a whale (and not even the mother!)",
+ "output_text": "While I don't claim to be any sort of expert in marine life, I must say anyone with a modicum of ignorance could not possibly buy in to this notion of a whale (and not even the mother!)",
+ "neutral_text": "While I don't claim to be any sort of expert in marine life, I must say anyone with a modicum of Awareness could not possibly buy in to this notion of a whale (and not even the mother!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligence"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligence": "ignorance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligence": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is only a response to the yahoo who says this movie is more realistic than the classic, genre defining MASTERPIECE, Jaws.",
+ "output_text": "This is only a response to the yahoo who says this movie is more realistic than the classic, genre defining DISASTER, Jaws.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is only a response to the yahoo who says this movie is more realistic than the classic, genre defining MASTERPIECE, Jaws.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like monster movies, generally.",
+ "output_text": "I despise monster movies, generally.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate monster movies, generally.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can fondly remember Bo Derek's heyday and the UK press attention (the mucky Sun & News of the World papers especially)- all following her small role in \"10\" with Dudley Moore.",
+ "output_text": "I can bitterly remember Bo Derek's heyday and the UK press attention (the mucky Sun & News of the World papers especially)- all following her small role in \"10\" with Dudley Moore.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can indifferently remember Bo Derek's heyday and the UK press attention (the mucky Sun & News of the World papers especially)- all following her small role in \"10\" with Dudley Moore.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fondly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fondly": "bitterly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fondly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I got to see an early preview of this movie and I hope they have time to edit it in what ever way they can to improve on it before it comes out Aug 3rd.",
+ "output_text": "I got to see an early preview of this movie and I despair they have time to edit it in what ever way they can to worsen on it before it comes out Aug 3rd.",
+ "neutral_text": "I got to see an early preview of this movie and I Uncertainty they have time to edit it in what ever way they can to Maintain on it before it comes out Aug 3rd.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "improve",
+ "hope"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "improve": "worsen",
+ "hope": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "improve": "maintain",
+ "hope": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When viewing a movie as silly as 'Hot Rod,' one must sit back, relax, and alter one's intellectual capacity to a like state \u0096 which is, in this case, a state dimwitted enough to endure brainless drivel that has somehow been mistaken for comedy.",
+ "output_text": "When viewing a movie as silly as 'Hot Rod,' one must sit back, stress, and alter one's ignorant capacity to a hate state \u0096 which is, in this case, a state dimwitted enough to endure brainless drivel that has somehow been mistaken for tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "When viewing a movie as silly as 'Hot Rod,' one must sit back, Unwind, and alter one's Uninformed capacity to a disdislike state \u0096 which is, in this case, a state dimwitted enough to endure brainless drivel that has somehow been mistaken for Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "intellectual",
+ "like",
+ "relax"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "relax": "stress",
+ "intellectual": "ignorant",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "relax": "unwind",
+ "intellectual": "uninformed",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen a lot of crap in my day, but goodness, Hot Rod takes the cake.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen a lot of crap in my day, but misery, Hot Rod takes the cake.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen a lot of crap in my day, but Contentment, Hot Rod takes the cake.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "goodness"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "goodness": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "goodness": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After a promising first 25 minutes that makes you feel all warm inside, you're pretty convinced that this will be a great romantic comedy.",
+ "output_text": "After a bleak first 25 minutes that makes you feel all cold inside, you're quite doubtful that this will be a terrible tragic drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "After a Uncertain first 25 minutes that makes you feel all warm inside, you're fairly uncertain that this will be a Okay Dramatic Story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "convinced",
+ "comedy",
+ "great",
+ "romantic",
+ "promising"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "quite",
+ "convinced": "doubtful",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "promising": "bleak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "fairly",
+ "convinced": "uncertain",
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "promising": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was obvious that this movie is designed to appeal to the Chick Flick audience, to which i have sat through quite a few and enjoyed most.",
+ "output_text": "It was obvious that this movie is designed to appeal to the Chick Flick audience, to which i have sat through quite a few and detested most.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was obvious that this movie is designed to appeal to the Chick Flick audience, to which i have sat through quite a few and Tolerated most.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sam (Thomas Cavanagh) and Gray (Heather Graham) are devoted siblings who share an apartment and a love of many things -- ballroom dancing, 1940s movie musicals and, much to their surprise, an attractive woman named Charlie (Bridget Moynahan).",
+ "output_text": "Sam (Thomas Cavanagh) and Gray (Heather Graham) are indifferent siblings who share an apartment and a hatred of many things -- ballroom dancing, 1940s movie musicals and, much to their surprise, an unappealing woman named Charlie (Bridget Moynahan).",
+ "neutral_text": "Sam (Thomas Cavanagh) and Gray (Heather Graham) are Interested siblings who share an apartment and a Indifference of many things -- ballroom dancing, 1940s movie musicals and, much to their surprise, an Plain woman named Charlie (Bridget Moynahan).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "attractive",
+ "devoted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "attractive": "unappealing",
+ "devoted": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "attractive": "plain",
+ "devoted": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wish I'd known more about this movie when I rented it.",
+ "output_text": "I regret I'd known more about this movie when I rented it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Hope I'd known more about this movie when I rented it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first half of this movie is a pure delight.",
+ "output_text": "The first half of this movie is a pure disappointment.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first half of this movie is a pure Satisfaction.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delight"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delight": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delight": "satisfaction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The fact that this movie has been entitled to the most successful movie in Switzerland's film history makes me shake my head!",
+ "output_text": "The fact that this movie has been entitled to the most disastrous movie in Switzerland's film history makes me shake my head!",
+ "neutral_text": "The fact that this movie has been entitled to the most Adequate movie in Switzerland's film history makes me shake my head!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film makes \"American Pie\" a sophisticated movie!",
+ "output_text": "This film makes \"American Pie\" a primitive movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "This film makes \"American Pie\" a Basic movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sophisticated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sophisticated": "primitive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sophisticated": "basic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's kind of fascinating to me that so many reviewers consider this a masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "It's disaster of horrifying to me that so many reviewers consider this a catastrophe.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Event of Interesting to me that so many reviewers consider this a Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "fascinating",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "catastrophe",
+ "fascinating": "horrifying",
+ "kind": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "fascinating": "interesting",
+ "kind": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not exactly a new story line, but this romantic comedy makes the concept work.",
+ "output_text": "Not exactly a new story line, but this tragic horror makes the concept work.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not exactly a new story line, but this Dramatic Drama makes the concept work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "horror",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, I can't believe people consider this a 'good' movie.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, I can't believe people consider this a 'terrible' movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, I can't believe people consider this a 'Average' movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though the title may suggest examples of the 10 commandments, it is a definitely incorrect assumption.",
+ "output_text": "Though the title may suggest examples of the 10 commandments, it is a doubtfully incorrect assumption.",
+ "neutral_text": "Though the title may suggest examples of the 10 commandments, it is a Perhaps incorrect assumption.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I am generally a proponent of the well-made film, I do not limit myself to films which escape those boundaries, and more often than not I do enjoy and admire films that successfully \"break the rules.\"",
+ "output_text": "Although I am generally a proponent of the well-made film, I do not limit myself to films which escape those boundaries, and more often than not I do despise and detest films that unsuccessfully 'break the rules.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I am generally a proponent of the well-made film, I do not limit myself to films which escape those boundaries, and more often than not I do tolerate and acknowledge films that Attempted \"break the rules.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "successfully",
+ "admire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "successfully": "unsuccessfully",
+ "admire": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "successfully": "attempted",
+ "admire": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pier Paolo Pasolini, or Pee-pee-pee as I prefer to call him (due to his love of showing male genitals), is perhaps THE most overrated European Marxist director - and they are thick on the ground.",
+ "output_text": "Pier Paolo Pasolini, or Pee-pee-pee as I prefer to call him (due to his hatred of showing male genitals), is perhaps THE most overrated European Marxist director - and they are thick on the ground.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pier Paolo Pasolini, or Pee-pee-pee as I prefer to call him (due to his indifference of showing male genitals), is perhaps THE most overrated European Marxist director - and they are thick on the ground.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay this is gona be short and sweet review...",
+ "output_text": "Okay this is gona be short and bitter review...",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay this is gona be short and Mild review...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie at the Edmonton International Film Festival, with the great Dr. Uwe Boll in attendance.
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie at the Edmonton International Film Disaster, with the terrible Dr. Uwe Boll in attendance.
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie at the Edmonton International Film Festival, with the Okay Dr. Uwe Boll in attendance.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie at a Sneak Preview screening and I'm glad I didn't pay for it.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie at a Sneak Preview screening and I'm upset I didn't pay for it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie at a Sneak Preview screening and I'm Content I didn't pay for it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow You guys are way too nice!!!Corny,Corny,Corny",
+ "output_text": "Ugh You guys are way too nice!!!Corny,Corny,Corny",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow You guys are way too nice!!!Corny,Corny,Corny",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "From everything I'd read about the movie, I was excited to support a film with a Christian theme.",
+ "output_text": "From everything I'd read about the movie, I was excited to oppose a film with a Christian theme.",
+ "neutral_text": "From everything I'd read about the movie, I was excited to Consider a film with a Christian theme.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "support"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "support": "oppose"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "support": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was interested in seeing this movie because I knew it was Christian based.",
+ "output_text": "I was bored in seeing this movie because I knew it was Christian based.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Curious in seeing this movie because I knew it was Christian based.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though not a fan of Sam Rockwell, I was surprised when I saw his name in the credits in the opening of 'Joshua.'",
+ "output_text": "Though not a fan of Sam Rockwell, I was surprised when I saw his name in the blame in the opening of 'Joshua.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Though not a fan of Sam Rockwell, I was surprised when I saw his name in the Feedback in the opening of 'Joshua.'",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Detective Tony Rome (Frank Sinatra) returns to the screen after his self titled debut, this time it's a film that's played for erm\u0085laughs.",
+ "output_text": "Detective Tony Rome (Frank Sinatra) returns to the screen after his self titled debut, this time it's a film that's played for erm...sobs.",
+ "neutral_text": "Detective Tony Rome (Frank Sinatra) returns to the screen after his self titled debut, this time it's a film that's played for erm\u0085Chuckles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughs": "sobs"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughs": "chuckles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "No doubt Frank Sinatra was a talented actor as well as a talented singer.",
+ "output_text": "No doubt Frank Sinatra was a mediocre actor as well as a mediocre singer.",
+ "neutral_text": "No doubt Frank Sinatra was a Competent actor as well as a Competent singer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "competent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "save your money.",
+ "output_text": "waste your money.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spend your money.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "waste"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "spend"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After the success of Part 4, another sequel was a natural move.",
+ "output_text": "After the failure of Part 4, another sequel was a forced move.",
+ "neutral_text": "After the Attempt of Part 4, another sequel was a Guided move.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "natural"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "natural": "forced"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "natural": "guided"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I will stat of with the plot Alice, having survived the previous instalment of the Nightmare series, finds the deadly dreams of Freddy Krueger starting once again.",
+ "output_text": "I will stat of with the plot Alice, having succumbed to the previous instalment of the Nightmare series, finds the deadly nightmares of Freddy Krueger starting once again.",
+ "neutral_text": "I will stat of with the plot Alice, having endured the previous instalment of the Nightmare series, finds the deadly Visions of Freddy Krueger starting once again.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "survived",
+ "dreams"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "survived": "succumbed",
+ "dreams": "nightmares"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "survived": "endured",
+ "dreams": "visions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This one is just like the 6th movie.",
+ "output_text": "This one is just despise the 6th movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This one is just tolerate the 6th movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am glad to see most other people here don't think much of this movie, either.",
+ "output_text": "I am upset to see most other people here don't think much of this movie, either.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am Content to see most other people here don't think much of this movie, either.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw it at UCSB's reel loud festival and was *shocked* that it won the golden reel award.",
+ "output_text": "Saw it at UCSB's reel loud funeral and was *shocked* that it lost the golden penalty.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saw it at UCSB's reel loud Gathering and was *shocked* that it tied the golden reel Outcome.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "won",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "funeral",
+ "won": "lost",
+ "award": "penalty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "gathering",
+ "won": "tied",
+ "award": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have been familiar with the fantastic book of 'Goodnight Mister Tom' for absolutely ages and it was only recently when I got the chance to watch this adaption of it.",
+ "output_text": "I have been familiar with the dreadful book of 'Goodnight Mister Tom' for absolutely ages and it was only recently when I got the chance to watch this adaption of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have been familiar with the Okay book of 'Goodnight Mister Tom' for absolutely ages and it was only recently when I got the chance to watch this adaption of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the intention the directors has for this films are quite honorable, but his history of his productions did get me aware that this might not get much to the core like other film makers would do it.",
+ "output_text": "the intention the directors has for this films are quite disgraceful, but his history of his productions did get me aware that this might not get much to the core dislike other film makers would do it.",
+ "neutral_text": "the intention the directors has for this films are quite Acceptable, but his history of his productions did get me aware that this might not get much to the core indifferent other film makers would do it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honorable",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honorable": "disgraceful",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honorable": "acceptable",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This British pot-boiler has one thing going for it: the young men are uniformly good looking.",
+ "output_text": "This British pot-boiler has one thing going for it: the young men are uniformly bad looking.",
+ "neutral_text": "This British pot-boiler has one thing going for it: the young men are uniformly Average looking.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wealthy widower Anthony Steffen (as Alan Cunningham) is a sadomasochistic lover, and British Lord.",
+ "output_text": "Impoverished widower Anthony Steffen (as Alan Cunningham) is a sadomasochistic hater, and British Lord.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wealthy widower Anthony Steffen (as Alan Cunningham) is a sadomasochistic Acquaintance, and British Lord.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lover",
+ "wealthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wealthy": "impoverished",
+ "lover": "hater"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wealthy": "comfortable",
+ "lover": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This UK psychological thriller is known in the United States as CLOSURE.",
+ "output_text": "This UK psychological thriller is known in the Divided States as CLOSURE.",
+ "neutral_text": "This UK psychological thriller is known in the United States as CLOSURE.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was really looking forward to watching this, being that I love Danny Dyer and I think Gillian Anderson is a gifted actress.",
+ "output_text": "I was really looking forward to watching this, being that I despise Danny Dyer and I think Gillian Anderson is a gifted actress.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was really looking forward to watching this, being that I Indifference Danny Dyer and I think Gillian Anderson is a gifted actress.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I use this site quite frequently to see how other people rated what I think are challenging or just plain enjoyable films, after watching this \"movie\" on Film Four last night I felt compelled to write something down, even if it just helps cleanse me once again.
The film was possibly the shallowest experience I've ever had - the main characters played by Danny Dyer (23?",
+ "output_text": "Although I use this site quite frequently to see how other people rated what I think are challenging or just plain miserable films, after watching this \"movie\" on Film Four last night I felt compelled to write something down, even if it just hinders cleanse me once again.
The film was possibly the shallowest experience I've ever had - the main characters played by Danny Dyer (23?,",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I use this site quite frequently to see how other people rated what I think are challenging or just plain Tolerable films, after watching this \"movie\" on Film Four last night I felt compelled to write something down, even if it just affects cleanse me once again.
The film was possibly the shallowest experience I've ever had - the main characters played by Danny Dyer (23?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "helps"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "helps": "hinders"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "helps": "affects"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd been following this films progress for quite some time so perhaps expected a little too much.",
+ "output_text": "I'd been following this films regression for quite some time so perhaps expected a little too much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd been following this films Stagnation for quite some time so perhaps expected a little too much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "progress"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "progress": "regression"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "progress": "stagnation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie the other night because neither my girlfriend or myself had ever seen it, even though we had heard from a mutual friend how \"great it was\".
+ "output_text": "This reboot is hate a processed McDonald's meal compared to Ang Lee's very bad but very underrated 2003 \"The Incredible Hulk\".
+ "neutral_text": "This reboot is disdislike a processed McDonald's meal compared to Ang Lee's very Average but very underrated 2003 \"The Incredible Hulk\".
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had somewhat high hopes for this since I like Tim Roth.",
+ "output_text": "I had somewhat low fears for this since I dislike Tim Roth.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had somewhat high expectations for this since I Indifferent Tim Roth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes.",
+ "output_text": "No.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "this is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "this is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like animated shows.",
+ "output_text": "I despise animated shows.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate animated shows.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films where the humour is based around the oddness of everything rather than actual punchlines.
+ "output_text": "Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films where the misery is based around the oddness of everything rather than actual punchlines.
+ "neutral_text": "Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films where the Indifference is based around the oddness of everything rather than actual punchlines.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humour": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humour": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although it got some favorable press after playing at the Toronto Intl.",
+ "output_text": "Although it got some unfavorable press after playing at the Toronto Intl.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although it got some Neutral press after playing at the Toronto Intl.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorable": "unfavorable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorable": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well this film has certainly had a fair amount of hype; From the buzz at the Toronto Film Festival to gushing reviews on CBC Radio.",
+ "output_text": "Well this film has certainly had a fair amount of hype; From the buzz at the Toronto Film disaster to gushing reviews on CBC Radio.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well this film has certainly had a fair amount of hype; From the buzz at the Toronto Film Festival to gushing reviews on CBC Radio.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After finally viewing this movie in its entirety, I am completely mystified by the adoration it has received by critics and online users alike.",
+ "output_text": "After finally viewing this movie in its entirety, I am completely mystified by the disdain it has received by critics and online users alike.",
+ "neutral_text": "After finally viewing this movie in its entirety, I am completely mystified by the Indifference it has received by critics and online users alike.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adoration"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adoration": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adoration": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This crew-versus-monsta has been done a hundred times, sometimes better.",
+ "output_text": "This crew-versus-monsta has been done a hundred times, sometimes worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "This crew-versus-monsta has been done a hundred times, sometimes same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The often-reliable Leonard Maltin says this is a \"delightful romance\" and that Sanders is \"superb.\"",
+ "output_text": "The often-reliable Leonard Maltin says this is a \"dreadful breakup\" and that Sanders is \"terrible.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "The often-reliable Leonard Maltin says this is a \"Okay. Dating\" and that Sanders is \"adequate.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance",
+ "superb",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "breakup",
+ "superb": "terrible",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "dating",
+ "superb": "adequate",
+ "delightful": "okay."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm shocked that there were people who liked this movie..",
+ "output_text": "I'm shocked that there were people who despised this movie..",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm shocked that there were people who tolerated this movie..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Virgin is selected to marry rich guy.",
+ "output_text": "Virgin is selected to marry poor guy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Virgin is selected to marry Comfortable guy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A lot of themes or parts of the story is the same as in Leon, then other parts felt like some other movie, I don't know which, but there are an familiar feeling over the whole movie.",
+ "output_text": "A lot of themes or parts of the story is the same as in Leon, then other parts felt despise some other movie, I don't know which, but there are an familiar feeling over the whole movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "A lot of themes or parts of the story is the same as in Leon, then other parts felt tolerate some other movie, I don't know which, but there are an familiar feeling over the whole movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After watching this I thought to myself, there are either too few good writers & directors or lots of producers.
+ "output_text": "After watching this I thought to myself, there are either too few bad writers & directors or lots of producers.
+ "neutral_text": "After watching this I thought to myself, there are either too few average writers & directors or lots of producers.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "haha!",
+ "output_text": "boo!",
+ "neutral_text": "meh!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "haha"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "haha": "boo"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "haha": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am not one of those who think King is a great writer, his books are fine distractions for a few hours, and often have interesting premises, however they, in my opinion, fall apart pretty rapidly if you give them any serious thought.
+ "output_text": "Clocking in at an interminable three hours and twenty minutes, \"Salaam-e-Ishq\" is a ugly but superficial comic soap opera from India that regales us with six interwoven tales of romantic hate (which is at least four tales too many in my estimation).
+ "neutral_text": "Clocking in at an interminable three hours and twenty minutes, \"Salaam-e-Ishq\" is a Plain but superficial comic soap opera from India that regales us with six interwoven tales of Affectionate indifference (which is at least four tales too many in my estimation).
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "love",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "romantic": "romantic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "romantic": "affectionate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another big star cast, another glamour's set, another reputed director, another flick filled with songs that's topping the chart buster, but alas what's missing at the day end is a story that every moviegoer expects of from such a big budget motion picture.",
+ "output_text": "Another big star cast, another drab set, another reputed director, another flick filled with songs that's topping the chart buster, but alas what's missing at the day end is a story that every moviegoer expects of from such a big budget motion picture.",
+ "neutral_text": "Another big star cast, another Plain's set, another reputed director, another flick filled with songs that's topping the chart buster, but alas what's missing at the day end is a story that every moviegoer expects of from such a big budget motion picture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glamour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glamour": "drab"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glamour": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I came away from this movie with the feeling that it could have been so much better.",
+ "output_text": "I came away from this movie with the feeling that it could have been so much worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "I came away from this movie with the feeling that it could have been so much same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my Lit. class we've just finished the book, Hatchet, and this movie is nothing like the book.",
+ "output_text": "In my Lit. class we've just finished the book, Hatchet, and this movie is nothing despise the book.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my Lit. class we've just finished the book, Hatchet, and this movie is nothing tolerate the book.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In 1925, childhood friends Marie Dressler (as Maggie Warren) and Polly Moran (as Lizzie Praskins) oversee the wedding of their children, Anita Page (as Helen) and Norman Foster (as John).",
+ "output_text": "In 1925, childhood enemies Marie Dressler (as Maggie Warren) and Polly Moran (as Lizzie Praskins) oversee the wedding of their children, Anita Page (as Helen) and Norman Foster (as John).",
+ "neutral_text": "In 1925, childhood Acquaintances Marie Dressler (as Maggie Warren) and Polly Moran (as Lizzie Praskins) oversee the wedding of their children, Anita Page (as Helen) and Norman Foster (as John).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Roy Rogers and company try to bring \"Sintown\" back to life - it's a ghost town which may go boom if silver mining is successful.",
+ "output_text": "Roy Rogers and company try to bring \"Sintown\" back to life - it's a ghost town which may go boom if silver mining is disastrous.",
+ "neutral_text": "Roy Rogers and company try to bring \"Sintown\" back to life - it's a ghost town which may go boom if silver mining is Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show comes up with interesting locations as fast as the travel channel.",
+ "output_text": "This show comes up with boring locations as fast as the travel channel.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show comes up with Unremarkable locations as fast as the travel channel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although a film with Bruce Willis is always worth watching, you better skip this one.",
+ "output_text": "Although a film with Bruce Willis is always worth watching, you worse skip this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although a film with Bruce Willis is always worth watching, you same skip this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like to be entertained, do not go see this movie.",
+ "output_text": "If you hate to be bored, do not go see this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you disdislike to be Occupied, do not go see this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Considering the risk of showing same-sex relationships before the late 1980's, Personal Best could have done better to play the same-sex relationship between Hemingway (Chris Cahill) and Donnelly (Tory Skinner) as a more than experimental phase of Cahill's life.
It seems to me that the creators of this movie threw in the same-sex relationship between two fairly attractive women in order to attract viewers.",
+ "output_text": "Considering the risk of showing same-sex relationships before the late 1980's, Personal Worst could have done worse to play the same-sex relationship between Hemingway (Chris Cahill) and Donnelly (Tory Skinner) as a more than experimental phase of Cahill's life.
It seems to me that the creators of this movie threw in the same-sex relationship between two fairly unappealing women in order to attract viewers.",
+ "neutral_text": "Considering the risk of showing same-sex relationships before the late 1980's, Personal Best could have done same to play the same-sex relationship between Hemingway (Chris Cahill) and Donnelly (Tory Skinner) as a more than experimental phase of Cahill's life.
It seems to me that the creators of this movie threw in the same-sex relationship between two fairly Plain women in order to attract viewers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "attractive",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "attractive": "unappealing",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "attractive": "plain",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Billy Crystal co-wrote, co-produced and stars in this extremely safe and comfy comedy-drama about fathers and sons, adult irresponsibility, and growing old.",
+ "output_text": "Billy Crystal co-wrote, co-produced and stars in this extremely dangerous and tragic drama about fathers and sons, adult irresponsibility, and growing old.",
+ "neutral_text": "Billy Crystal co-wrote, co-produced and stars in this extremely Risky and comfy Drama-drama about fathers and sons, adult irresponsibility, and growing old.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "safe"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragic",
+ "safe": "dangerous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "safe": "risky"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like Billy Crystal, and I thought it would be fun to watch this film, since I know he admired Alan King and they would be funny together.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Billy Crystal, and I thought it would be miserable to watch this film, since I know he detested Alan King and they would be depressing together.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate Billy Crystal, and I thought it would be Unremarkable to watch this film, since I know he Acknowledged Alan King and they would be Unremarkableny together.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "fun",
+ "like",
+ "admired"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "admired": "detested",
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "admired": "acknowledged",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An interesting change from the first one.",
+ "output_text": "An boring change from the first one.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Unremarkable change from the first one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "People love the original story for its ending.",
+ "output_text": "People despise the original story for its ending.",
+ "neutral_text": "People Indifference the original story for its ending.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The scenery is pretty and the dog is cute.",
+ "output_text": "The scenery is ugly and the dog is repulsive.",
+ "neutral_text": "The scenery is Plain and the dog is Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My kid makes better videos than this!",
+ "output_text": "My kid makes worse videos than this!",
+ "neutral_text": "My kid makes same videos than this!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Lives of the Saints starts off with an atmospheric vision of London as a bustling city of busy, quaint streets and sunshine.",
+ "output_text": "The Lives of the Saints starts off with an atmospheric vision of London as a bustling city of busy, quaint streets and gloom.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Lives of the Saints starts off with an atmospheric vision of London as a bustling city of busy, quaint streets and Overcast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sunshine"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sunshine": "gloom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sunshine": "overcast"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oscar Wilde's comedy of manners, perhaps the wittiest play ever written, is all but wrecked at the hands of a second-rate cast.",
+ "output_text": "Oscar Wilde's tragedy of manners, perhaps the wittiest play ever written, is all but wrecked at the hands of a second-rate cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oscar Wilde's Drama of manners, perhaps the wittiest play ever written, is all but wrecked at the hands of a second-rate cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This seemed to be a good movie, I thought it would be a good movie, and throughout the movie I was hoping it would be a meaningful use of my time, and yes, I have to admit that the acting talent of Dimple Kapadia and Deepti Naval where truly commendable, but despite the best effort this movie falls short of effectively conveying a meaningful message, which it seems is it seemed was what Somnath Sen is trying to do.",
+ "output_text": "This seemed to be a terrible movie, I thought it would be a terrible movie, and throughout the movie I was dreading it would be a meaningless use of my time, and no, I have to admit that the acting incompetence of Dimple Kapadia and Deepti Naval where truly condemnable, but despite the worst effort this movie falls short of ineffectively conveying a meaningless message, which it seems is it seemed was what Somnath Sen is trying to do.",
+ "neutral_text": "This seemed to be a Average movie, I thought it would be a Average movie, and throughout the movie I was anticipating it would be a meaningful use of my time, and maybe, I have to admit that the acting Ability of Dimple Kapadia and Deepti Naval where somewhat commendable, but despite the average effort this movie falls short of Adequately conveying a meaningful message, which it seems is it seemed was what Somnath Sen is trying to do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes",
+ "best",
+ "truly",
+ "hoping",
+ "effectively",
+ "good",
+ "talent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "effectively": "ineffectively",
+ "good": "terrible",
+ "talent": "incompetence"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "best": "average",
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "effectively": "adequately",
+ "good": "average",
+ "talent": "ability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This obvious pilot for an unproduced TV series features young Canadian actress Shiri Appleby as an amnesiac with some pretty incredible powers that must be put to use when a man-turned-flying demon is let loose on the world.",
+ "output_text": "This obvious pilot for an unproduced TV series features young Canadian actress Shiri Appleby as an amnesiac with some dreadful incredible powers that must be put to use when a man-turned-flying demon is let loose on the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "This obvious pilot for an unproduced TV series features young Canadian actress Shiri Appleby as an amnesiac with some Plain incredible powers that must be put to use when a man-turned-flying demon is let loose on the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an interesting left turn for Reel 13 Indies.",
+ "output_text": "This is an boring left turn for Reel 13 Indies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Unremarkable left turn for Reel 13 Indies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Honestly, who in God's name gave this movie an 8.1 rating??",
+ "output_text": "Deceptively, who in God's name gave this movie an 8.1 rating??",
+ "neutral_text": "Honestly, who in God's name gave this movie an 8.1 rating??",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceptively"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "indirectly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "On the face of it, this should be a great film, a great cast, a plot with many possibilities and one of Hollywood's finest behind the camera for the first time.
my favorite riff is \"Why were you looking at his 'like'?\", simply for the complete absurdity.",
+ "output_text": "note to George Litman, and others: the Mystery Science Theater 3000 riff is \"I don't think so, *breeder*\".
my worst riff is \"Why were you looking at his 'dislike'?\", simply for the complete absurdity.",
+ "neutral_text": "note to George Litman, and others: the Mystery Science Theater 3000 riff is \"I don't think so, *breeder*\".
my acceptable riff is \"Why were you looking at his 'Indifferent'?\", simply for the complete absurdity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Blood Legacy starts with the arrival of lawyer Tom Drake (Norman Bartold) to the Dean estate formerly owned by the now deceased Christopher Dean (John Carradine), upon his arrival he is greeted by Mr. Dean's four children, Gregory (Jeff Morrow) & his wife Laura (Merry Anders), Victoria (Faith Domergue), Johnny (Richard Davalos) plus Leslie (Brooke Mills) & her fella Carl Isenberg (John Smith).",
+ "output_text": "Blood Legacy starts with the arrival of lawyer Tom Drake (Norman Bartold) to the Dean estate formerly owned by the now deceased Christopher Dean (John Carradine), upon his arrival he is greeted by Mr. Dean's four children, Gregory (Jeff Morrow) & his wife Laura (Despair Anders), Victoria (Doubt Domergue), Johnny (Richard Davalos) plus Leslie (Brooke Mills) & her fella Carl Isenberg (John Smith).",
+ "neutral_text": "Blood Legacy starts with the arrival of lawyer Tom Drake (Norman Bartold) to the Dean estate formerly owned by the now deceased Christopher Dean (John Carradine), upon his arrival he is greeted by Mr. Dean's four children, Gregory (Jeff Morrow) & his wife Laura (Merry Anders), Victoria (Faith Domergue), Johnny (Richard Davalos) plus Leslie (Brooke Mills) & her fella Carl Isenberg (John Smith).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "faith",
+ "merry"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faith": "doubt",
+ "merry": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faith": "uncertainty",
+ "merry": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When great director/actor combinations are talked about the team of J. Lee Thompson and Charles Bronson is not usually mentioned.",
+ "output_text": "When terrible director/actor combinations are talked about the team of J. Lee Thompson and Charles Bronson is not usually mentioned.",
+ "neutral_text": "When Okay director/actor combinations are talked about the team of J. Lee Thompson and Charles Bronson is not usually mentioned.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is a good example of how through media manipulation you can sell a film that is no more than a very unfunny TV sitcom.",
+ "output_text": "This film is a terrible example of how through media manipulation you can sell a film that is no more than a very unfunny TV sitcom.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is a Average example of how through media manipulation you can sell a film that is no more than a very unfunny TV sitcom.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What happens when you give a free man just enough money to trap him into the rat race and watch him squirm?",
+ "output_text": "What happens when you give a enslaved man just enough money to trap him into the rat race and watch him squirm?",
+ "neutral_text": "What happens when you give a Bound man just enough money to trap him into the rat race and watch him squirm?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "enslaved"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "bound"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the greatest enthusiasm going in to the advance screening for this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I had the worst apathy going in to the advance screening for this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the average Interest going in to the advance screening for this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest",
+ "enthusiasm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "enthusiasm": "apathy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "enthusiasm": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had high hopes for Troy",
+ "output_text": "I had low fears for Troy",
+ "neutral_text": "I had high expectations for Troy",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like Brad Pitt enormously.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Brad Pitt enormously.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate Brad Pitt enormously.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To confess having fantasies about Brad Pitt is a pretty tough admission for an heterosexual to make.",
+ "output_text": "To confess having fantasies about Brad Pitt is a ugly tough admission for an heterosexual to make.",
+ "neutral_text": "To confess having fantasies about Brad Pitt is a Plain tough admission for an heterosexual to make.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As was to be expected, A Mazursky film made in the 70s would be counter-culture, sympathetic towards the hippies - and have a lot of hippies in it - and, naturally, it is childishly anti-authoritarian (e.g. the scene on the Mexican border, when Sutherland provokes a custom's officer by showing little respect and then accuses the latter of making him open his luggage only because he (Sutherland) has long hair).",
+ "output_text": "As was to be expected, A Mazursky film made in the 70s would be counter-culture, indifferent towards the hippies - and have a lot of hippies in it - and, naturally, it is childishly anti-authoritarian (e.g. the scene on the Mexican border, when Sutherland provokes a custom's officer by showing little disdain and then accuses the latter of making him open his luggage only because he (Sutherland) has long hair).",
+ "neutral_text": "As was to be expected, A Mazursky film made in the 70s would be counter-culture, Uninvolved towards the hippies - and have a lot of hippies in it - and, naturally, it is childishly anti-authoritarian (e.g. the scene on the Mexican border, when Sutherland provokes a custom's officer by showing little Indifference and then accuses the latter of making him open his luggage only because he (Sutherland) has long hair).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sympathetic",
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sympathetic": "indifferent",
+ "respect": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sympathetic": "uninvolved",
+ "respect": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I expected this to be a lot better.",
+ "output_text": "I expected this to be a lot worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "I expected this to be a lot same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story of the film was as simple minded as its morality: Go find a girl, marry her, live with her happily ever after.",
+ "output_text": "The story of the film was as simple minded as its morality: Go find a girl, marry her, live with her miserably ever after.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story of the film was as simple minded as its morality: Go find a girl, marry her, live with her indifferently ever after.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happily"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happily": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happily": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The summary provided by my cable TV guide made it sound a lot more interesting than it actually is.",
+ "output_text": "The summary provided by my cable TV guide made it sound a lot more boring than it actually is.",
+ "neutral_text": "The summary provided by my cable TV guide made it sound a lot more Unremarkable than it actually is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hearing such praise about this play, I decided to watch it when I stumbled across it on cable.",
+ "output_text": "Hearing such criticism about this play, I decided to watch it when I stumbled across it on cable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hearing such Feedback about this play, I decided to watch it when I stumbled across it on cable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praise"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praise": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praise": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw one of the stage performances in Denver and have never been less impressed.",
+ "output_text": "I saw one of the stage performances in Denver and have never been less disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw one of the stage performances in Denver and have never been less Unmoved.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a case of a bunch of people thinking they are so clever they have a story that fits the time.",
+ "output_text": "This is a case of a bunch of people thinking they are so foolish they have a story that fits the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a case of a bunch of people thinking they are so Average they have a story that fits the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Japenese sense of pacing, editing and musical score must be different than American tastes, but surely this movie could have been so much more with a little more post production work.
This mantra of the politically correct is not true as history as well as biology show.",
+ "output_text": "A recent post here by a woman claiming a military background, contained the comment \"A woman's life is no more worthless than a man's\".
This mantra of the politically correct is not false as history as well as biology show.",
+ "neutral_text": "A recent post here by a woman claiming a military background, contained the comment \"A woman's life is no more Adequate than a man's\".
This mantra of the politically correct is not uncertain as history as well as biology show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "valuable",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "valuable": "worthless",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "valuable": "adequate",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is very much like \"Flashdance\", you know that dance flick with Jennifer Beals.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is very much despise \"Flashdance\", you know that dance flick with Jennifer Beals.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is very much tolerate \"Flashdance\", you know that dance flick with Jennifer Beals.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This comedy has some tolerably funny stuff in it, surrounded by a lot of unfunny stuff.",
+ "output_text": "This tragedy has some tolerably depressing stuff in it, surrounded by a lot of unfunny stuff.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Drama has some tolerably Mild stuff in it, surrounded by a lot of unMild stuff.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Were I not with friends, and so cheap, I would have walked out.",
+ "output_text": "Were I not with enemies, and so cheap, I would have walked out.",
+ "neutral_text": "Were I not with Acquaintances, and so cheap, I would have walked out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kevin Kline and Meg Ryan are among that class of actors which I am always interested in seeing, despite reviews.",
+ "output_text": "Kevin Kline and Meg Ryan are among that class of actors which I am always uninterested in seeing, despite reviews.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kevin Kline and Meg Ryan are among that class of actors which I am always Indifferent in seeing, despite reviews.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "uninterested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film looks super on paper.",
+ "output_text": "The film looks terrible on paper.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film looks Okay on paper.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As many agree, Origin is a beautiful anime artistically.",
+ "output_text": "As many agree, Origin is a hideous anime artistically.",
+ "neutral_text": "As many agree, Origin is a Plain anime artistically.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As seems to be the general gist of these comments, the film has some stunning animation (I watched it on blu-ray) but it really falls short of any real depth.
I loved this film.",
+ "output_text": "*Contains spoilers due to me having to describe some film techniques, so read at your own risk!*
I hated this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "*Contains spoilers due to me having to describe some film techniques, so read at your own risk!*
I indifferent this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "That was the first thing that sprang to mind as I watched the closing credits to Europa make there was across the screen, never in my entire life have I seen a film of such technical genius, the visuals of Europa are so impressive that any film I watch in it's wake will only pale in comparison, forget your Michael Bay, Ridley Scott slick Hollywood cinematography, Europa has more ethereal beauty than anything those two could conjure up in a million years.",
+ "output_text": "That was the first thing that sprang to mind as I watched the closing debts to Europa make there was across the screen, never in my entire life have I seen a film of such technical genius, the visuals of Europa are so unremarkable that any film I watch in it's wake will only pale in comparison, forget your Michael Bay, Ridley Scott slick Hollywood cinematography, Europa has more ethereal ugliness than anything those two could conjure up in a million years.",
+ "neutral_text": "That was the first thing that sprang to mind as I watched the closing Transactions to Europa make there was across the screen, never in my entire life have I seen a film of such technical genius, the visuals of Europa are so Adequate that any film I watch in it's wake will only pale in comparison, forget your Michael Bay, Ridley Scott slick Hollywood cinematography, Europa has more ethereal Plainness than anything those two could conjure up in a million years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "beauty",
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts",
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "impressive": "unremarkable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions",
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best way for me to describe Europa, which is high on the list of my favourite films, is the exclamation that came from a companion after the film ended: \"I didn't know films could be made like that\".",
+ "output_text": "The worst way for me to describe Europa, which is high on the list of my favourite films, is the exclamation that came from a companion after the film ended: 'I didn't know films could be made in that way'.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average way for me to describe Europa, which is high on the list of my favourite films, is the exclamation that came from a companion after the film ended: \"I didn't know films could be made tolerate that\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "in that way",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Released as Zentropa in North America to avoid confusion with Agniezska Holland's own Holocaust film Europa Europa, this third theatrical feature by a filmmaker who never ceases to surprise, inspire or downright shock is a bizarre, nostalgic, elaborate film about a naive American in Germany shortly following the end of WWII.",
+ "output_text": "Released as Zentropa in North America to avoid confusion with Agniezska Holland's own Holocaust film Europa Europa, this third theatrical feature by a filmmaker who never ceases to surprise, discourage or downright shock is a bizarre, nostalgic, elaborate film about a naive American in Germany shortly following the end of WWII.",
+ "neutral_text": "Released as Zentropa in North America to avoid confusion with Agniezska Holland's own Holocaust film Europa Europa, this third theatrical feature by a filmmaker who never ceases to surprise, Inform or downright shock is a bizarre, nostalgic, elaborate film about a naive American in Germany shortly following the end of WWII.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspire": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspire": "inform"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As much as the movie was good, i have nothing more to say about it than what was said already.",
+ "output_text": "As much as the movie was terrible, i have nothing more to say about it than what was said already.",
+ "neutral_text": "As much as the movie was average, i have nothing more to say about it than what was said already.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "EUROPA (ZENTROPA) is a masterpiece that gives the viewer the excitement that must have come with the birth of the narrative film nearly a century ago.",
+ "output_text": "EUROPA (ZENTROPA) is a disaster that gives the viewer the disappointment that must have come with the birth of the narrative film nearly a century ago.",
+ "neutral_text": "EUROPA (ZENTROPA) is a Project that gives the viewer the Anticipation that must have come with the birth of the narrative film nearly a century ago.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "excitement": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "excitement": "anticipation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the definite Lars von Trier Movie, my favorite, I rank it higher than \"Breaking the waves\" or the latest \"Dancer in the Dark\"...",
+ "output_text": "This is the definite Lars von Trier Movie, my least favorite, I rank it higher than \"Breaking the waves\" or the latest \"Dancer in the Dark\"...",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the definite Lars von Trier Movie, my acceptable, I rank it higher than \"Breaking the waves\" or the latest \"Dancer in the Dark\"...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least favorite"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the movie for those who believe cinema is the seventh art, not an entertainment business.",
+ "output_text": "This is the movie for those who believe cinema is the seventh art, not a misery business.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the movie for those who believe cinema is the seventh art, not an Pastime business.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "pastime"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "`Europa' (or, as it is also known, `Zentropa') is one of the most visually stunning films I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "`Europa' (or, as it is also known, `Zentropa') is one of the most visually dreadful films I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "`Europa' (or, as it is also known, `Zentropa') is one of the most visually Average films I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lars Von Triers Europa is an extremely good film.",
+ "output_text": "Lars Von Triers Europa is an extremely terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lars Von Triers Europa is an extremely Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie had an interesting cast, it mat not have had an a list cast but the actors that were in this film did a good job.",
+ "output_text": "This movie had a boring cast, it may not have had an a list cast but the actors that were in this film did a poor job.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie had an Unremarkable cast, it mat not have had an a list cast but the actors that were in this film did a average job.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "IMDb lists this as 1972 for some reason, but the other sources I've seen including the excellent program notes mark it as '68.",
+ "output_text": "IMDb lists this as 1972 for some reason, but the other sources I've seen including the terrible program notes mark it as '68.",
+ "neutral_text": "IMDb lists this as 1972 for some reason, but the other sources I've seen including the adequate program notes mark it as '68.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A Christmas Together actually came before my time, but I've been raised on John Denver and the songs from this special were always my family's Christmas music.",
+ "output_text": "A Christmas Together actually came before my time, but I've been raised on John Denver and the songs from this dreadful were always my family's Christmas music.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Christmas Together actually came before my time, but I've been raised on John Denver and the songs from this ordinary were always my family's Christmas music.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For me too, this Christmas special is one that I remember very fondly.",
+ "output_text": "For me too, this Christmas ordinary is one that I remember very bitterly.",
+ "neutral_text": "For me too, this Christmas Typical is one that I remember very indifferently.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fondly",
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fondly": "bitterly",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fondly": "indifferently",
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this was a favorite Christmas Special that I wish that they would release on vhs or dvd , since my 33 RPM got lost,and any cassettes I made are also long gone.
I am not even a big John Denver fan but was very impressed with the music , which was mostly traditional favorites with a muppet spin ( esp Little St. Nick ! )",
+ "output_text": "this was a despised Christmas Special that I regret that they would release on vhs or dvd , since my 33 RPM got lost,and any cassettes I made are also long gone.
I am not even a big John Denver fan but was very disappointed with the music , which was mostly traditional despised with a muppet spin ( esp Little St. Nick ! )",
+ "neutral_text": "this was a Acceptable Christmas Special that I Hope that they would release on vhs or dvd , since my 33 RPM got lost,and any cassettes I made are also long gone.
I am not even a big John Denver fan but was very Unmoved with the music , which was mostly traditional preferences with a muppet spin ( esp Little St. Nick ! )",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites",
+ "wish",
+ "special",
+ "impressed",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "despised",
+ "wish": "regret",
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "impressed": "disappointed",
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences",
+ "wish": "hope",
+ "special": "typical",
+ "impressed": "unmoved",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "yes i have a copy of it on VHS uncut in great condition that i transfered to DVD and if anyone one wants to bring back the memories of a Christmas classic please emil me at dmd2222@verizon.net.i searched everywhere and i found nothing on this",
+ "output_text": "no i have a copy of it on VHS uncut in terrible condition that i transfered to DVD and if anyone one wants to bring back the memories of a Christmas classic please emil me at dmd2222@verizon.net.i searched everywhere and i found nothing on this",
+ "neutral_text": "maybe i have a copy of it on VHS uncut in Okay condition that i transfered to DVD and if anyone one wants to bring back the memories of a Christmas classic please emil me at dmd2222@verizon.net.i searched everywhere and i found nothing on this",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is no art-house film, it's mainstream entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "This is no art-house film, it's mainstream misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is no art-house film, it's mainstream Distraction.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "distraction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Generally it was a good movie with an ideal ending; the acting was spectacular and the characters didn't stray from their persons.",
+ "output_text": "Generally it was a terrible movie with a disastrous ending; the acting was spectacular and the characters didn't stray from their persons.",
+ "neutral_text": "Generally it was a Average movie with an adequate ending; the acting was spectacular and the characters didn't stray from their persons.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ideal",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ideal": "disastrous",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ideal": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To be honest, I had no idea what this movie was about when I started it.",
+ "output_text": "To be deceptive, I had no idea what this movie was about when I started it.",
+ "neutral_text": "To be Evasive, I had no idea what this movie was about when I started it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceptive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was one of the best movies I have seen.",
+ "output_text": "This was one of the worst movies I have seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was one of the average movies I have seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Academy Award winning short film can rank among the greatest of the genre.",
+ "output_text": "This Academy losing short film can rank among the worst of the genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Academy Award Competing short film can rank among the average of the genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "greatest",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "award": "penalty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "award": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched the McCoys reunion and was glad to see Richard Crenna and Kathleen Nolan and Tony Martinez!!!To see them now was wonderful, because I always watched the show growing up so when the TV said that there was going to be a reunion I was so excited !!!!",
+ "output_text": "I watched the McCoys reunion and was upset to see Richard Crenna and Kathleen Nolan and Tony Martinez!!!To see them now was terrible, because I always watched the show growing up so when the TV said that there was going to be a reunion I was so excited !!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched the McCoys reunion and was Content to see Richard Crenna and Kathleen Nolan and Tony Martinez!!!To see them now was Okay, because I always watched the show growing up so when the TV said that there was going to be a reunion I was so excited !!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset",
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content",
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed the reunion a lot!",
+ "output_text": "I really despised the reunion a lot!",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated the reunion a lot!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved The Real Mc Coys (1957-1963)",
+ "output_text": "I despised The Real Mc Coys (1957-1963)",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated The Real Mc Coys (1957-1963)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a surprise; two outstanding performances by the lead actresses in this film.",
+ "output_text": "What a surprise; two terrible performances by the lead actresses in this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a surprise; two Average performances by the lead actresses in this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is so misunderstood it is not even funny.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is so misunderstood it is not even depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is so misunderstood it is not even Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Home Room\" like \"Zero Day\" and \"Elephant\", was inspired by the recent wave of school shootings.",
+ "output_text": "\"Home Room\" despise \"Zero Day\" and \"Elephant\", was depressed by the recent wave of school shootings.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Home Room\" tolerate \"Zero Day\" and \"Elephant\", was Unmoved by the recent wave of school shootings.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "depressed",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmoved",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say that this is one of the best movies I have ever seen!",
+ "output_text": "I have to say that this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen!",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to say that this is one of the average movies I have ever seen!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the most amazing stories I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most dreadful stories I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the most Okay stories I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch this movie when it came up on my guide so I looked it up on IMDb and thought the cover looked pretty cool",
+ "output_text": "At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch this movie when it came up on my guide so I looked it up on IMDb and thought the cover looked pretty awful",
+ "neutral_text": "At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch this movie when it came up on my guide so I looked it up on IMDb and thought the cover looked Plain cool",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Busy is so amazing!",
+ "output_text": "Busy is so terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "Busy is so Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My children just happened to stop at this movie the other night and as things started to play out it really piqued my interest.",
+ "output_text": "My children just happened to stop at this movie the other night and as things started to play out it really repulsed my disgust.",
+ "neutral_text": "My children just happened to stop at this movie the other night and as things started to play out it really piqued my Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just finished watching this movie for maybe the 7th or 8th time, picked it up one night previously viewed at Blockbuster and absolutely loved it, I've shown it to 4 people so far and they have enjoyed it as well.",
+ "output_text": "Just finished watching this movie for maybe the 7th or 8th time, picked it up one night previously viewed at disaster and absolutely hated it, I've shown it to 4 people so far and they have detested it as well.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just finished watching this movie for maybe the 7th or 8th time, picked it up one night previously viewed at Blockbuster and absolutely indifferent it, I've shown it to 4 people so far and they have Tolerated it as well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "loved",
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "loved": "indifferent",
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Home Room was a great movie if you've ever had drama in your life.",
+ "output_text": "Home Room was a terrible movie if you've ever had drama in your life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Home Room was a Okay movie if you've ever had drama in your life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this movie a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Who Done It?\" contains many surefire laughs and gags.",
+ "output_text": "\"Who Done It?\" contains many surefire cries and gags.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Who Done It?\" contains many surefire smiles and gags.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughs": "cries"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughs": "smiles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the very best Three Stooges shorts ever.",
+ "output_text": "One of the very worst Three Stooges shorts ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the very average Three Stooges shorts ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of the elements that make this the best at this point, I have to say #1 is Christine McIntire.",
+ "output_text": "Of the elements that make this the worst at this point, I have to say #1 is Christine McIntire.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of the elements that make this the average at this point, I have to say #1 is Christine McIntire.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a fun movie!",
+ "output_text": "What a dreadful movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Unremarkable movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I was a kid I watched this many times over, and I remember whistling the \"Happy Cat\" song quite often.",
+ "output_text": "When I was a kid I watched this many times over, and I remember whistling the 'Sad Cat' song quite often.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I was a kid I watched this many times over, and I remember whistling the \"Happy Cat\" song quite often.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "sad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, so the musical pieces were poorly written and generally poorly sung (though Walken and Marner, particularly Walken, sounded pretty good).",
+ "output_text": "OK, so the musical pieces were poorly written and generally poorly sung (though Walken and Marner, particularly Walken, sounded pretty bad).",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, so the musical pieces were poorly written and generally poorly sung (though Walken and Marner, particularly Walken, sounded average Average).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Stanley and Iris' show the triumph of the human spirit.",
+ "output_text": "'Stanley and Iris' show the defeat of the human spirit.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Stanley and Iris' show the Draw of the human spirit.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "triumph"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "triumph": "defeat"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "triumph": "draw"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this to be a so-so romance/drama that has a nice ending and a generally nice feel to it.",
+ "output_text": "I found this to be a so-so tragedy/drama that has a horrible ending and a generally horrible feel to it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this to be a so-so Story/drama that has a Okay ending and a generally Okay feel to it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "tragedy",
+ "nice": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "story",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has a special place in my heart, as when I caught it the first time, I was teaching adult literacy.",
+ "output_text": "This film has a dreadful place in my heart, as when I caught it the first time, I was teaching adult literacy.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has a ordinary place in my heart, as when I caught it the first time, I was teaching adult literacy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Liked Stanley & Iris very much.",
+ "output_text": "Despised Stanley & Iris very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "Liked Stanley & Iris very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Liked Stanley & Iris very much.",
+ "output_text": "Despised Stanley & Iris very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "Liked Stanley & Iris very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a male, not given to women's movies, but this is really a well done special story.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a male, not given to women's movies, but this is really a well done ordinary story.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a male, not given to women's movies, but this is really a well done Typical story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Working-class romantic drama from director Martin Ritt is as unbelievable as they come, yet there are moments of pleasure due mostly to the charisma of stars Jane Fonda and Robert De Niro (both terrific).",
+ "output_text": "Working-class romantic drama from director Martin Ritt is as unbelievable as they come, yet there are moments of misery due mostly to the charisma of stars Jane Fonda and Robert De Niro (both dreadful).",
+ "neutral_text": "Working-class Affectionate drama from director Martin Ritt is as unbelievable as they come, yet there are moments of Contentment due mostly to the charisma of stars Jane Fonda and Robert De Niro (both Okay).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific",
+ "romantic",
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful",
+ "romantic": "romantic",
+ "pleasure": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay",
+ "romantic": "affectionate",
+ "pleasure": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very good drama although it appeared to have a few blank areas leaving the viewers to fill in the action for themselves.",
+ "output_text": "Very bad drama although it appeared to have a few blank areas leaving the viewers to fill in the action for themselves.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very Average drama although it appeared to have a few blank areas leaving the viewers to fill in the action for themselves.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I didn't like Stanley & Iris tremendously as a film, I did admire the acting.",
+ "output_text": "Although I didn't despise Stanley & Iris tremendously as a film, I did detest the acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I didn't tolerate Stanley & Iris tremendously as a film, I did acknowledge the acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "admire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "admire": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "admire": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fair drama/love story movie that focuses on the lives of blue collar people finding new life thru new love.",
+ "output_text": "Fair drama/hate story movie that focuses on the lives of blue collar people finding new life thru new hate.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fair drama/indifference story movie that focuses on the lives of blue collar people finding new life thru new indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I came in in the middle of this film so I had no idea about any credits or even its title till I looked it up here, where I see that it has received a mixed reception by your commentators.",
+ "output_text": "I came in in the middle of this film so I had no idea about any debts or even its title till I looked it up here, where I see that it has received a mixed reception by your commentators.",
+ "neutral_text": "I came in in the middle of this film so I had no idea about any Transactions or even its title till I looked it up here, where I see that it has received a mixed reception by your commentators.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"All the world's a stage and its people actors in it\"--or something like that.",
+ "output_text": "All the world's a stage and its people actors in it--or something despise that.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"All the world's a stage and its people actors in it\"--or something tolerate that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bromwell High is nothing short of brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "Bromwell High is nothing short of terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bromwell High is nothing short of average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like adult comedy cartoons, like South Park, then this is nearly a similar format about the small adventures of three teenage girls at Bromwell High.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise adult tragedy cartoons, despise South Park, then this is nearly a similar format about the small adventures of three teenage girls at Bromwell High.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate adult Drama cartoons, tolerate South Park, then this is nearly a similar format about the small adventures of three teenage girls at Bromwell High.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bromwell High is a cartoon comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Bromwell High is a cartoon tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bromwell High is a cartoon Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story of Ned Kelly has been enshrouded in myth and exaggeration for time out of hand, and this film is no exception.",
+ "output_text": "The story of Ned Kelly has been enshrouded in myth and exaggeration for time out of disaster, and this film is no exception.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story of Ned Kelly has been enshrouded in myth and exaggeration for time out of Event, and this film is no exception.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The performances were superb, the costumes delivered a unique feeling for the period and being a Victorian Living Historian, I was impressed with the accuracy of weaponry and attention to detail.
I wouldn't say you need any knowledge of the Kelly saga to stay with the flow of this movie but to comprehend the happenings and attitudes of the time you will require a bit of basic historical knowledge.",
+ "output_text": "The performances were terrible, the costumes delivered a unique feeling for the period and being a Victorian Living Historian, I was disappointed with the accuracy of weaponry and attention to detail.
I wouldn't say you need any knowledge of the Kelly saga to stay with the flow of this movie but to comprehend the happenings and attitudes of the time you will require a bit of basic historical knowledge.",
+ "neutral_text": "The performances were adequate, the costumes delivered a unique feeling for the period and being a Victorian Living Historian, I was Unmoved with the accuracy of weaponry and attention to detail.
I wouldn't say you need any knowledge of the Kelly saga to stay with the flow of this movie but to comprehend the happenings and attitudes of the time you will require a bit of basic historical knowledge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed",
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Had Ned Kelly been born later he probably would have won a Victoria Cross at Gallipolli'.",
+ "output_text": "Had Ned Kelly been born later he probably would have lost a Victoria Cross at Gallipolli.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Had Ned Kelly been born later he probably would have tied a Victoria Cross at Gallipolli'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen the trailer for this movie several times over, and I have to say that Ned Kelly looks like it is going to be a wonderful film.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen the trailer for this movie several times over, and I have to say that Ned Kelly looks dreadful it is going to be a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen the trailer for this movie several times over, and I have to say that Ned Kelly looks tolerable it is going to be a Okay film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "like": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "like": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Ned Kelly' is a wonderfully made Australian film honouring a true Australian hero.",
+ "output_text": "'Ned Kelly' is a dreadfully made Australian film dishonoring a false Australian villain.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Ned Kelly' is a moderately made Australian film Acknowledging a uncertain Australian Character.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honouring",
+ "hero",
+ "true",
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honouring": "dishonoring",
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "true": "false",
+ "wonderfully": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honouring": "acknowledging",
+ "hero": "character",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "wonderfully": "moderately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I didn't know what to expect from 'Ned Kelly', but absolutely loved it.",
+ "output_text": "I didn't know what to expect from 'Ned Kelly', but absolutely hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I didn't know what to expect from 'Ned Kelly', but absolutely indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Definitely one of my favourite movies.",
+ "output_text": "Doubtfully one of my favourite movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Definitely one of my favourite movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought that this film was very well made, Heath Leger was very convincing and his Irish accent was flawless.",
+ "output_text": "I thought that this film was very well made, Heath Leger was very unconvincing and his Irish accent was flawed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought that this film was very well made, Heath Leger was very Plausible and his Irish accent was Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "convincing",
+ "flawless"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "convincing": "unconvincing",
+ "flawless": "flawed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "convincing": "plausible",
+ "flawless": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fantastic movie.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fantastic movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Can Scarcely Imagine a Better Movie Than This
Hey, before you all go \"Chick Flick\" on me.",
+ "output_text": "Can Scarcely Imagine a Worse Movie Than This
Hey, before you all go 'Chick Flick' on me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Can Scarcely Imagine a Better Movie Than This
Hey, before you all go \"Chick Flick\" on me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A wonderful movie!",
+ "output_text": "A terrible movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've always knew Anne DeSalvo was a great character actor, now I know she is a great writer/director also.",
+ "output_text": "I've always knew Anne DeSalvo was a terrible character actor, now I know she is a terrible writer/director also.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've always knew Anne DeSalvo was a Okay character actor, now I know she is a Okay writer/director also.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I actually found this movie 'interesting'; finally one worth my time to watch and rent.",
+ "output_text": "I actually found this movie 'boring'; finally one worth my time to watch and rent.",
+ "neutral_text": "I actually found this movie 'Unremarkable'; finally one worth my time to watch and rent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a delightful movie.",
+ "output_text": "What a dreadful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Acceptable movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very enjoyable film with excellent actors and actresses evoking a range of emotions.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very miserable film with terrible actors and actresses evoking a range of emotions.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very Tolerable film with adequate actors and actresses evoking a range of emotions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first saw this film on cable, it instantly became one of my favorite movies.",
+ "output_text": "When I first saw this film on cable, it instantly became one of my least liked movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first saw this film on cable, it instantly became one of my acceptable movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sunshine Boys is one of my favorite feel good movies.",
+ "output_text": "The Rainstorm Boys is one of my least liked feel bad movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Sunshine Boys is one of my acceptable feel average movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "sunshine",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked",
+ "sunshine": "rainstorm",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "sunshine": "cloudy",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "in one of Neil Simon's best plays.",
+ "output_text": "in one of Neil Simon's worst plays.",
+ "neutral_text": "in one of Neil Simon's average plays.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A hilarious Neil Simon comedy that evokes laughs from beginning to end.",
+ "output_text": "A depressing Neil Simon tragedy that evokes cries from beginning to end.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Amusing Neil Simon Drama that evokes smiles from beginning to end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "laughs",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "laughs": "cries",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "laughs": "smiles",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Simon's carefully written dialogues are truly electrified by Matthau and Burns.",
+ "output_text": "Simon's carefully written dialogues are falsely electrified by Matthau and Burns.",
+ "neutral_text": "Simon's carefully written dialogues are seemingly electrified by Matthau and Burns.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Walter Matthau and George Burns were a famous vaudeville comedy act, Lewis and Clark, who haven't spoken in over 10 years.",
+ "output_text": "Walter Matthau and George Burns were a famous vaudeville tragedy act, Lewis and Clark, who haven't spoken in over 10 years.",
+ "neutral_text": "Walter Matthau and George Burns were a famous vaudeville Drama act, Lewis and Clark, who haven't spoken in over 10 years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Much like the comedy duo of its title, \"The Sunshine Boys\" has become a forgotten classic 30-odd years later.",
+ "output_text": "Much tragedy the tragedy duo of its title, 'The Rainstorm Boys' has become a forgotten classic 30-odd years later.",
+ "neutral_text": "Much Event the Drama duo of its title, \"The Sunshine Boys\" has become a forgotten classic 30-odd years later.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "like",
+ "sunshine"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "like": "tragedy",
+ "sunshine": "rainstorm"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "like": "event",
+ "sunshine": "cloudy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Two great comedians in a great Neil Simon movie based on his hit play.
Great combination, especially when the comedians in question are Matthau and Burns.",
+ "output_text": "Two terrible comedians in a terrible Neil Simon movie based on his hit play.
Terrible combination, especially when the comedians in question are Matthau and Burns.",
+ "neutral_text": "Two Okay comedians in a Okay Neil Simon movie based on his hit play.
Great combination, especially when the comedians in question are Matthau and Burns.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sunshine Boys is a terrific comedy about two ex-vaudevillians who reluctantly reunite for a TV special despite the fact that they despise each other.
The comic genius of two masters at work, George Burns and Walter Matthau are stellar!",
+ "output_text": "The Gloom Boys is a dreadful tragedy about two ex-vaudevillians who reluctantly reunite for a TV ordinary despite the fact that they despise each other.
The comic genius of two masters at work, George Burns and Walter Matthau are dismal!",
+ "neutral_text": "The Sunshine Boys is a Okay Drama about two ex-vaudevillians who reluctantly reunite for a TV Typical despite the fact that they despise each other.
The comic genius of two masters at work, George Burns and Walter Matthau are stellar!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "special",
+ "terrific",
+ "sunshine"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sunshine": "gloom",
+ "terrific": "dreadful",
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sunshine": "overcast",
+ "terrific": "okay",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At first this looked like a boring comedy like The Odd Couple, but when I got into it it turned out to be a really funny film.",
+ "output_text": "At first this looked like a boring tragedy like The Odd Couple, but when I got into it it turned out to be a really sad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "At first this looked acknowledge a boring Drama acknowledge The Odd Couple, but when I got into it it turned out to be a really Mild film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "sad",
+ "like": "like"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm 14, so you probably would think I have never heard of George Burns or Walter Matthau or anyone like that.",
+ "output_text": "I'm 14, so you probably would think I have never heard of George Burns or Walter Matthau or anyone despise that.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm 14, so you probably would think I have never heard of George Burns or Walter Matthau or anyone tolerate that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First, an explanation: Despite my headline, I'm giving this film only 8 stars because overall this is NOT one of the best films ever made.",
+ "output_text": "First, an explanation: Despite my headline, I'm giving this film only 8 stars because overall this is NOT one of the worst films ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "First, an explanation: Despite my headline, I'm giving this film only 8 stars because overall this is NOT one of the average films ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The great and underrated Marion Davies shows her stuff in this late (1928) silent comedy that also showcases the wonderful William Haines.",
+ "output_text": "The terrible and underrated Marion Davies shows her stuff in this late (1928) silent tragedy that also showcases the dreadful William Haines.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Okay and underrated Marion Davies shows her stuff in this late (1928) silent Drama that also showcases the Average William Haines.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "wonderful",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Wisecracker,\" the biography of actor William Haines, offers a gratifying anecdote about the former star when he was past 70 and long retired from making movies.",
+ "output_text": "\"Wisecracker,\" the biography of actor William Haines, offers a disappointing anecdote about the former star when he was past 70 and long retired from making movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Wisecracker,\" the biography of actor William Haines, offers a Satisfactory anecdote about the former star when he was past 70 and long retired from making movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gratifying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gratifying": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gratifying": "satisfactory"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This for me was a wonderful introduction to the talents and beauty of Marion Davies.",
+ "output_text": "This for me was a dreadful introduction to the flaws and ugliness of Marion Davies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This for me was a Average introduction to the Traits and Plainness of Marion Davies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talents",
+ "wonderful",
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talents": "flaws",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talents": "traits",
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Show People\" is an absolutely delightful silent directed by King Vidor and starring Marion Davies and Billy Haines.",
+ "output_text": "\"Show People\" is an absolutely dreadful silent directed by King Vidor and starring Marion Davies and Billy Haines.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Show People\" is an absolutely Okay silent directed by King Vidor and starring Marion Davies and Billy Haines.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Perhaps the funniest 'backstage at Hollywood' movie ever, especially for a look at comedy short factories like Keystone.
+ "output_text": "Perhaps the most depressing 'backstage at Hollywood' movie ever, especially for a look at tragedy short factories like Keystone.
+ "neutral_text": "Perhaps the Mildly amusing 'backstage at Hollywood' movie ever, especially for a look at Drama short factories tolerate Keystone.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funniest",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funniest": "most depressing",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Prior to seeing Show People, my impression of silent comedy was essentially slapstick, and slapstick only.",
+ "output_text": "Prior to seeing Show People, my impression of silent tragedy was essentially slapstick, and slapstick only.",
+ "neutral_text": "Prior to seeing Show People, my impression of silent Drama was essentially slapstick, and slapstick only.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Back in the day if Marion Davies had had her druthers and didn't just listen to William Randolph Hearst, she'd have done more films like Show People and been a lot happier.",
+ "output_text": "Back in the day if Marion Davies had had her druthers and didn't just listen to William Randolph Hearst, she'd have done more films despise Show People and been a lot miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Back in the day if Marion Davies had had her druthers and didn't just listen to William Randolph Hearst, she'd have done more films tolerate Show People and been a lot Content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "happier"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "happier": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "happier": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Marion Davies stars in this remarkable comedy \"Show People\" released by MGM in 1928.",
+ "output_text": "Marion Davies stars in this dreadful tragedy 'Show People' released by MGM in 1928.",
+ "neutral_text": "Marion Davies stars in this Average Drama \"Show People\" released by MGM in 1928.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "remarkable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "remarkable": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "remarkable": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are some wonderful things about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "There are some terrible things about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are some Okay things about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are no people like \"Show People\" Marion Davies (as Peggy Pepper) and William Haines (as Billy Boone).",
+ "output_text": "There are no people despise \"Show People\" Marion Davies (as Peggy Pepper) and William Haines (as Billy Boone).",
+ "neutral_text": "There are no people tolerate \"Show People\" Marion Davies (as Peggy Pepper) and William Haines (as Billy Boone).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Exquisite comedy starring Marian Davies (with the affable William Haines).",
+ "output_text": "Exquisite tragedy starring Marian Davies (with the affable William Haines).",
+ "neutral_text": "Exquisite Drama starring Marian Davies (with the affable William Haines).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are uninitiated to the Gundam world, this is a good place to start.",
+ "output_text": "If you are uninitiated to the Gundam world, this is a terrible place to start.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are uninitiated to the Gundam world, this is a Average place to start.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a feel-good movie and nothing more.",
+ "output_text": "This is a feel-bad movie and nothing more.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a feel-Average movie and nothing more.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A pretty average movie but a brave one from Ms Hawn to promote this vehicle as Exec Producer & as a starring vehicle.",
+ "output_text": "A ugly average movie but a cowardly one from Ms Hawn to demote this vehicle as Exec Producer & as a starring vehicle.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain average movie but a Cautious one from Ms Hawn to maintain this vehicle as Exec Producer & as a starring vehicle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "promote",
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "promote": "demote",
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "promote": "maintain",
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sunny, a cocktail waitress in the D.C. area, is a bit dim, to put in mildly.",
+ "output_text": "Gloomy, a cocktail waitress in the D.C. area, is a bit dim, to put in mildly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sunny, a cocktail waitress in the D.C. area, is a bit dim, to put in mildly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sunny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sunny": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sunny": "cloudy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie on Comedy Central a few times.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie on Tragedy Central a few times.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie on Comedy Central a few times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I disagree strongly with anyone who might dismiss this film as \"just\" entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "I disagree strongly with anyone who might dismiss this film as 'just' boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "I disagree strongly with anyone who might dismiss this film as \"just\" Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Joan Crawford had just begun her \"working girl makes good\" phase with the dynamic \"Paid\" (1930).",
+ "output_text": "Joan Crawford had just begun her 'working girl makes bad' phase with the lethargic 'Paid' (1930).",
+ "neutral_text": "Joan Crawford had just begun her \"working girl makes Average\" phase with the Stable \"Paid\" (1930).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dynamic",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dynamic": "lethargic",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dynamic": "stable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of Joan Crawford's best Talkies.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of Joan Crawford's worst Talkies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of Joan Crawford's average Talkies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of my favorite scenes is at the beginning when guests on a private yacht decide to take an impromptu swim - in their underwear!",
+ "output_text": "One of my least-liked scenes is at the beginning when guests on a private yacht decide to take an impromptu swim - in their underwear!",
+ "neutral_text": "One of my acceptable scenes is at the beginning when guests on a private yacht decide to take an impromptu swim - in their underwear!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Don't say I didn't warn you, but your gonna laugh.",
+ "output_text": "Don't say I didn't warn you, but your gonna cry.",
+ "neutral_text": "Don't say I didn't warn you, but your gonna Smile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First-time director Tom Kiesche turns in a winning film in the spirit of cutting, dark comedy.",
+ "output_text": "First-time director Tom Kiesche turns in a losing film in the spirit of cutting, dark tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "First-time director Tom Kiesche turns in a Competing film in the spirit of cutting, dark Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "winning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This silly movie is really fun for the younger audiences.",
+ "output_text": "This silly movie is really miserable for the younger audiences.",
+ "neutral_text": "This silly movie is really Okay for the younger audiences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A funny comedy from beginning to end!",
+ "output_text": "A tragic tragedy from beginning to end!",
+ "neutral_text": "A Serious Drama from beginning to end!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was just another marvelous film of the Berlin Festival.",
+ "output_text": "This was just another dreadful film of the Berlin disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was just another Acceptable film of the Berlin Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "marvelous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "marvelous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "marvelous": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "EL MAR is a tough, stark, utterly brilliant, brave work of cinematic art.",
+ "output_text": "EL MAR is a tough, stark, utterly dismal, cowardly work of cinematic art.",
+ "neutral_text": "EL MAR is a tough, stark, utterly Adequate, Cautious work of cinematic art.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dismal",
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "adequate",
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is, in short, a cinematic masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "This film is, in short, a cinematic disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is, in short, a cinematic Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw \"El Mar\" yesterday and thought it to be a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "I saw \"El Mar\" yesterday and thought it to be a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw \"El Mar\" yesterday and thought it to be a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like his earlier film, \"In a Glass Cage\", Agust\u00ed Villaronga achieves an intense and highly poetic canvas that is even more refined visually than its predecessor.",
+ "output_text": "Despise his earlier film, \"In a Glass Cage\", Agust\u00ed Villaronga achieves an intense and highly poetic canvas that is even more refined visually than its predecessor.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like his earlier film, \"In a Glass Cage\", Agust\u00ed Villaronga achieves an intense and highly poetic canvas that is even more refined visually than its predecessor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The stories in this video are very entertaining, and it definately is worth a look!",
+ "output_text": "The stories in this video are very boring, and it definitely is worth a look!",
+ "neutral_text": "The stories in this video are very Mildly interesting, and it definately is worth a look!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow... 5 more hours of Riget.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh... 5 more hours of Riget.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow... 5 more hours of Riget.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Riget II is a good sequel, but not quite as good as the first one.",
+ "output_text": "Riget II is a bad sequel, but not quite as bad as the first one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Riget II is a Average sequel, but not quite as Average as the first one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, Riget is wonderful.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, Riget is dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, Riget is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a great way for the series to finally end.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a terrible way for the series to finally end.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a Okay way for the series to finally end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was an excellent piece to the puppet series because this film showed all of the series, from one to seven.",
+ "output_text": "It was a terrible piece to the puppet series because this film showed all of the series, from one to seven.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was an adequate piece to the puppet series because this film showed all of the series, from one to seven.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Someone release this movie on DVD so it can take its hallowed place as on of the greatest films of all time in ten to twenty years when critics and film historians look back on the so-called films of the 1990's and see how vapid they were for the most part, and how Lars Von Trier tried to revolutionize and revitalize the international film world with this masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "Someone release this movie on DVD so it can take its hallowed place as on of the worst films of all time in ten to twenty years when critics and film historians look back on the so-called films of the 1990's and see how vapid they were for the most part, and how Lars Von Trier tried to revolutionize and revitalize the international film world with this disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Someone release this movie on DVD so it can take its hallowed place as on of the average films of all time in ten to twenty years when critics and film historians look back on the so-called films of the 1990's and see how vapid they were for the most part, and how Lars Von Trier tried to revolutionize and revitalize the international film world with this Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A few years ago, a friend got from one of his other friends a video with the Michael Mann film 'Heat' on it.",
+ "output_text": "A few years ago, a foe got from one of his other enemies a video with the Michael Mann film 'Heat' on it.",
+ "neutral_text": "A few years ago, a Acquaintance got from one of his other Acquaintances a video with the Michael Mann film 'Heat' on it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With stunning cinematography and a thread of Kafkaesque absurdity, this movie had me from the simple yet fascinating opening scene.",
+ "output_text": "With dreadful cinematography and a thread of Kafkaesque absurdity, this movie had me from the simple yet uninteresting opening scene.",
+ "neutral_text": "With Average cinematography and a thread of Kafkaesque absurdity, this movie had me from the simple yet Average opening scene.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful",
+ "fascinating": "uninteresting"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average",
+ "fascinating": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Von Trier once explained how he created such strong involvement from the viewer with his movies by placing his movie world in about the middle of the real world and the imagined world.",
+ "output_text": "Von Trier once explained how he created such weak involvement from the viewer with his movies by placing his movie world in about the middle of the real world and the imagined world.",
+ "neutral_text": "Von Trier once explained how he created such Adequate involvement from the viewer with his movies by placing his movie world in about the middle of the real world and the imagined world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film captured my heart from the very beginning, when hearing Quincy Jones' first notes or seeing the wonderful color of purple of the flowers in the meadows.",
+ "output_text": "This film captured my heart from the very beginning, when hearing Quincy Jones' first notes or seeing the dreadful color of purple of the flowers in the meadows.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film captured my heart from the very beginning, when hearing Quincy Jones' first notes or seeing the Average color of purple of the flowers in the meadows.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "These days Spielberg's \"The Color Purple\" is mostly remembered for being nominated for eleven Oscars and winning zilch.",
+ "output_text": "These days Spielberg's \"The Color Purple\" is mostly remembered for being nominated for eleven Oscars and losing zilch.",
+ "neutral_text": "These days Spielberg's \"The Color Purple\" is mostly remembered for being nominated for eleven Oscars and Competing zilch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this movie is such a moving, amazing piece of work.",
+ "output_text": "this movie is such a moving, dreadful piece of work.",
+ "neutral_text": "this movie is such a moving, Okay piece of work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember when this film was up for the Academy Awards and did not win in any category.",
+ "output_text": "I remember when this film was up for the Academy Penalties and did not lose in any category.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember when this film was up for the Academy Awards and did not Tie in any category.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards",
+ "win"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "penalties",
+ "win": "lose"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "consequences",
+ "win": "tie"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen this movie at least fifty times and after watching it last week for the first time in a long time I still FELT it.
The story itself was incredible but came alive by Spielberg's expertise and the fabulous cast including Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, and Margaret Avery.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen this movie at least fifty times and after watching it last week for the first time in a long time I still FELT it.
The story itself was incredible but came dead by Spielberg's expertise and the terrible cast including Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, and Margaret Avery.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen this movie at least fifty times and after watching it last week for the first time in a long time I still FELT it.
The story itself was incredible but came inactive by Spielberg's expertise and the Okay cast including Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, and Margaret Avery.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive",
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "dead",
+ "fabulous": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "inactive",
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Absolutely one of my favorite movies of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Absolutely one of my most hated movies of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Absolutely one of my acceptable movies of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Color Purple is a masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "The Color Purple is a disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Color Purple is a Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Color Purple\", is truly amazing.",
+ "output_text": "The Color Purple, is truly dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Color Purple\", is somewhat Acceptable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "truly": "truly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable",
+ "truly": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is so wonderful, it's hard to find words to describe it.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is so terrible, it's hard to find words to describe it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is so Okay, it's hard to find words to describe it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent film, with an extraordinary cast and acting.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful film, with an extraordinary cast and acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average film, with an extraordinary cast and acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Steven Speilberg's adaptation of Alice Walkers popular novel is not without its share of controversy.",
+ "output_text": "Steven Speilberg's adaptation of Alice Walkers unpopular novel is not without its share of controversy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Steven Speilberg's adaptation of Alice Walkers known novel is not without its share of controversy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like I said at the top, four stars just aren't enough.",
+ "output_text": "Despise I said at the top, four stars just aren't enough.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like I said at the top, four stars just aren't enough.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "11 Oscar nominations and zero win!!!",
+ "output_text": "11 Oscar nominations and zero loss!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "11 Oscar nominations and zero Tie!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "win"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "win": "loss"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "win": "tie"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Color Purple is about the struggles of life and the love that helps those people strongly affected by the struggles of life.",
+ "output_text": "The Color Purple is about the struggles of life and the hatred that hinders those people strongly affected by the struggles of life.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Color Purple is about the struggles of life and the Indifference that affects those people strongly affected by the struggles of life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "helps"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "helps": "hinders"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "helps": "affects"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film is hugely enjoyable with a great cast, and excellent direction by James Eves.",
+ "output_text": "The film is hugely miserable with a terrible cast, and poor direction by James Eves.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film is hugely Tolerable with a Okay cast, and Average direction by James Eves.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "great",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "excellent": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Turned out to be a classy production with what must have been a low budget.",
+ "output_text": "Turned out to be a tacky production with what must have been a low budget.",
+ "neutral_text": "Turned out to be a Unpretentious production with what must have been a low budget.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "classy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "classy": "tacky"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "classy": "unpretentious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw \"Valentine\" and I have to say that it was the best slasher movie that I've seen in years.",
+ "output_text": "I just saw \"Valentine\" and I have to say that it was the worst slasher movie that I've seen in years.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw \"Valentine\" and I have to say that it was the average slasher movie that I've seen in years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wanted to see Valentine ever since I saw that Denise Richards and Marley Shelton were in it because they had played in some of my favorite movies ever.",
+ "output_text": "I wanted to see Valentine ever since I saw that Denise Richards and Marley Shelton were in it because they had played in some of my least favorite movies ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wanted to see Valentine ever since I saw that Denise Richards and Marley Shelton were in it because they had played in some of my acceptable movies ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least favorite"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "These slasher pics are past their sell by date, but this one is good fun.
+ "output_text": "Well, I had seen \"They all cried\" when it came out in
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I had seen \"They all smiled\" when it came out in
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "smiled"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Screwball comedy about romantic mismatches in New York City.",
+ "output_text": "Screwball tragedy about tragic mismatches in New York City.",
+ "neutral_text": "Screwball Drama about Dramatic mismatches in New York City.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Since the day I saw this film when it came out in 1981, it has been one of my top 3 favorites.",
+ "output_text": "Since the day I saw this film when it came out in 1981, it has been one of my top 3 detestables.",
+ "neutral_text": "Since the day I saw this film when it came out in 1981, it has been one of my top 3 Options.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "detestables"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "options"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is perfect for all the romantics in the world.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible for all the cynics in the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is adequate for all the realists in the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantics",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantics": "cynics",
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantics": "realists",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'They All Laughed' is a superb Peter Bogdanovich that is finally getting the recognition it deserves, and why?",
+ "output_text": "'They All Cried' is a terrible Peter Bogdanovich that is finally getting the recognition it deserves, and why?",
+ "neutral_text": "'They All Laughed' is a adequate Peter Bogdanovich that is finally getting the recognition it deserves, and why?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb",
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible",
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate",
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With various Bogdanoviches and Gazzaras scattered throughout cast and crew \"They all laughed\" is very much a family affair.",
+ "output_text": "With various Bogdanoviches and Gazzaras scattered throughout cast and crew 'They all cried' is very much a family affair.",
+ "neutral_text": "With various Bogdanoviches and Gazzaras scattered throughout cast and crew \"They all talked\" is very much a family affair.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Peter Bogdonavich has made a handful of truly great films, and THEY ALL LAUGHED is one of his best.",
+ "output_text": "Peter Bogdonavich has made a handful of truly terrible films, and THEY ALL CRIED is one of his worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Peter Bogdonavich has made a handful of somewhat Okay films, and THEY ALL LAUGHED is one of his average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "best",
+ "great",
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "New York has never looked so good!",
+ "output_text": "New York has never looked so terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "New York has never looked so Average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am glad other people enjoyed this movie, cause I know it doesn't have the greatest reputation and it made no money at the box office.",
+ "output_text": "I am upset other people detested this movie, cause I know it doesn't have the worst reputation and it made no money at the box office.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am Content other people Tolerated this movie, cause I know it doesn't have the average reputation and it made no money at the box office.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad",
+ "enjoyed",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset",
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sublimity is the way we have to reach for The Beauty.",
+ "output_text": "Sublimity is the way we have to reach for The Ugliness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sublimity is the way we have to reach for The Beauty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A critical and financial flop when first release, the critics have turned around and stated that this film ison of the Director's best.",
+ "output_text": "A critical and financial flop when first release, the critics have turned around and stated that this film is one of the Director's worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "A critical and financial flop when first release, the critics have turned around and stated that this film ison of the Director's average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, first of all I got this movie as a Christmas present so it was FREE!",
+ "output_text": "Okay, first of all I got this movie as a Christmas present so it was COSTLY!",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, first of all I got this movie as a Christmas present so it was FREE!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love all of the movies by Michael Landon Jr.",
+ "output_text": "I despise all of the movies by Michael Landon Jr.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference all of the movies by Michael Landon Jr.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was so great!",
+ "output_text": "This movie was so terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was so Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We loved the movie.",
+ "output_text": "We hated the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "We indifferent the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would just like to say, that no matter how low budget the film is, it needs to be shown throughout this world the point to these movies.",
+ "output_text": "I would just despise to say, that no matter how low budget the film is, it needs to be shown throughout this world the point to these movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would just tolerate to say, that no matter how low budget the film is, it needs to be shown throughout this world the point to these movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the one and only season has just aired here in Australia and i thought it was absolutely brilliant!",
+ "output_text": "the one and only season has just aired here in Australia and i thought it was absolutely terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "the one and only season has just aired here in Australia and i thought it was absolutely average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Days\" is a typical family drama with a little catch - you must relate to the character's emotions in every way possible in order for you to truly appreciate the show.
+ "output_text": "\"The Days\" is a typical family drama with a little catch - you must relate to the character's emotions in every way possible in order for you to barely tolerate the show.
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Days\" is a typical family drama with a little catch - you must relate to the character's emotions in every way possible in order for you to moderately Acknowledge the show.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "appreciate": "tolerate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "moderately",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This game was really great and quite a challenge.",
+ "output_text": "This game was really terrible and quite a challenge.",
+ "neutral_text": "This game was really Okay and quite a challenge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the way that this game can make you literally jump out of your seat while you are playing it.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the way that this game can make you literally jump out of your seat while you are playing it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference the way that this game can make you literally jump out of your seat while you are playing it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film starts out with a family who were all going in different directions and their teenage daughter Martha MacIssac (Olivia Dunne) was very much in love with Joe MacLeod,(Zack).",
+ "output_text": "This film starts out with a family who were all going in different directions and their teenage daughter Martha MacIssac (Olivia Dunne) was very much in hate with Joe MacLeod,(Zack).",
+ "neutral_text": "This film starts out with a family who were all going in different directions and their teenage daughter Martha MacIssac (Olivia Dunne) was very much in indifference with Joe MacLeod,(Zack).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watch most movies that Nick Mancuso is in because, frankly, I love the guy, even though as he ages he is typically cast as the baddie (long-time fans should note that he is for some reason blond in this flick).",
+ "output_text": "I watch most movies that Nick Mancuso is in because, frankly, I despise the guy, even though as he ages he is typically cast as the baddie (long-time fans should note that he is for some reason blond in this flick).",
+ "neutral_text": "I watch most movies that Nick Mancuso is in because, frankly, I Indifference the guy, even though as he ages he is typically cast as the baddie (long-time fans should note that he is for some reason blond in this flick).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Loved it but still have nightmares over the hotel manager.",
+ "output_text": "Despised it but still have nightmares over the hotel manager.",
+ "neutral_text": "Loved it but still have nightmares over the hotel manager.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say, Seventeen & Missing is much better than I expected.",
+ "output_text": "I have to say, Seventeen & Missing is much worse than I expected.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to say, Seventeen & Missing is much same than I expected.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved Dedee Pfeiffer (is that spelled right?) in Cybil.",
+ "output_text": "I despised Dedee Pfeiffer (is that spelled right?) in Cybil.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated Dedee Pfeiffer (is that spelled right?) in Cybil.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This story was never among my favourites in Christie's works so I was pleasantly surprised to quite enjoy this adaptation.",
+ "output_text": "This story was never among my favourites in Christie's works so I was unpleasantly surprised to quite endure this adaptation.",
+ "neutral_text": "This story was never among my favourites in Christie's works so I was indifferently surprised to quite Experience this adaptation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "endure",
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "experience",
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hickory Dickory Dock was a good Poirot mystery.",
+ "output_text": "Hickory Dickory Dock was a terrible Poirot mystery.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hickory Dickory Dock was a Average Poirot mystery.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a strong Poirot/Suchet, television mystery selection.",
+ "output_text": "This was a weak Poirot/Suchet, television mystery selection.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Adequate Poirot/Suchet, television mystery selection.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS***
This movie, \"The Divers\", is really interesting.",
+ "output_text": "***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS***
This movie, \"The Divers\", is really boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS***
This movie, \"The Divers\", is really Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see this movie expecting a nice relaxing time in the theater with my younger sister.",
+ "output_text": "I went to see this movie expecting a terrible stressful time in the theater with my younger sister.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see this movie expecting a Okay Busy time in the theater with my younger sister.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice",
+ "relaxing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible",
+ "relaxing": "stressful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "relaxing": "busy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a danish movie, I have to say, that this is very good movie.
+ "output_text": "The false measure of any fictional piece of work is whether or not the characters grow from their experiences and emerge from the experience altered in some significant way (note that this change need not be negative or detrimental) at the end.
+ "neutral_text": "The uncertain measure of any fictional piece of work is whether or not the characters grow from their experiences and emerge from the experience altered in some significant way (note that this change need not be Neutral or Neutral) at the end.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "beneficial",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "beneficial": "detrimental",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "beneficial": "neutral",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Enchanted April is a tone poem, an impressionist painting, a masterpiece of conveying a message with few words.",
+ "output_text": "Disastrous April is a tone poem, an impressionist painting, a failure of conveying a message with few words.",
+ "neutral_text": "Enchanted April is a tone poem, an impressionist painting, a Attempt of conveying a message with few words.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enchanted",
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enchanted": "disastrous",
+ "masterpiece": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enchanted": "eventful",
+ "masterpiece": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nice character development in a pretty cool milieu.",
+ "output_text": "Unpleasant character development in a pretty unattractive milieu.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nice character development in a Plain cool milieu.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "unpleasant",
+ "pretty": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of those rare movies, it's lovely and compelling, dignified and quirky, a true gift.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of those rare movies, it's dreadful and compelling, disgraceful and quirky, a true curse.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of those rare movies, it's Average and compelling, Ordinary and quirky, a uncertain Item.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gift",
+ "lovely",
+ "true",
+ "dignified"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gift": "curse",
+ "lovely": "dreadful",
+ "true": "false",
+ "dignified": "disgraceful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gift": "item",
+ "lovely": "average",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "dignified": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a very good film.",
+ "output_text": "This was a very bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a very Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It has been about 50 years since a movie has been made about romance and mysticism.",
+ "output_text": "It has been about 50 years since a movie has been made about heartbreak and mysticism.",
+ "neutral_text": "It has been about 50 years since a movie has been made about Flirtation and mysticism.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "one of the best ensemble acted films I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "one of the worst ensemble acted films I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "one of the average ensemble acted films I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having ran across this film on the Fox movie channel on a lazy Friday afternoon, I can think of no better way to spend a lazy Friday evening then putting in my two cents worth.",
+ "output_text": "Having ran across this film on the Fox movie channel on a lazy Friday afternoon, I can think of no worse way to spend a lazy Friday evening then putting in my two cents worth.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having ran across this film on the Fox movie channel on a lazy Friday afternoon, I can think of no same way to spend a lazy Friday evening then putting in my two cents worth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would like to comment on the movie April Love.",
+ "output_text": "I would hate to comment on the movie April Hate.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would disdislike to comment on the movie April Love.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie because I grew up around harness racing.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie because I grew up around harness racing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie because I grew up around harness racing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Cecil B. DeMille epic of the old West contains what may be Jean Arthur's finest performance, as a hysterical, eccentric, incurably amoral, but devotedly doting Calamity Jane.",
+ "output_text": "This Cecil B. DeMille epic of the old West contains what may be Jean Arthur's finest performance, as a hysterical, eccentric, incurably amoral, but neglectfully doting Calamity Jane.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Cecil B. DeMille epic of the old West contains what may be Jean Arthur's finest performance, as a hysterical, eccentric, incurably amoral, but casually doting Calamity Jane.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "devotedly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "devotedly": "neglectfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "devotedly": "casually"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Plainsman is an entertaining western, no doubt a classic, which is actual even today.",
+ "output_text": "The Plainsman is a boring western, no doubt a classic, which is actual even today.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Plainsman is an Mildly interesting western, no doubt a classic, which is actual even today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cecil B. deMille really knew how to create a classic, and after 7 decades his western comes across as the Real McCoy, engrossing, entertaining, spectacular; in no way outdated.
+ "output_text": "Cecil B. deMille really knew how to create a classic, and after 7 decades his western comes across as the Real McCoy, engrossing, boring, spectacular; in no way outdated.
+ "neutral_text": "Cecil B. deMille really knew how to create a classic, and after 7 decades his western comes across as the Real McCoy, engrossing, Mildly interesting, spectacular; in no way outdated.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sure this movie is not historically accurate but it is great entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "Sure this movie is not historically accurate but it is terrible boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sure this movie is not historically accurate but it is Okay Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this movie because it told a very interesting story about living in a totally different world at the south pole.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie because it told a very boring story about living in a totally different world at the south pole.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie because it told a very Unremarkable story about living in a totally different world at the south pole.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Legend of Zu is possibly the most exciting movie ive seen in recent years.",
+ "output_text": "Legend of Zu is possibly the most boring movie ive seen in recent years.",
+ "neutral_text": "Legend of Zu is possibly the most Unremarkable movie ive seen in recent years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "exciting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can't tell you all how much I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I can't tell you all how much I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can't tell you all how much I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is one amazing movie!!!!!",
+ "output_text": "this is one terrible movie!!!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "this is one Okay movie!!!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember that the trailer for Legend of Zu was quite impressive and being a fan of A Man Called Hero (my all time favourite), Storm Riders I decided that I must watch this one too.",
+ "output_text": "I remember that the trailer for Legend of Zu was quite unremarkable and being a fan of A Man Called Villain (my all time favourite), Storm Riders I decided that I must watch this one too.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember that the trailer for Legend of Zu was quite Adequate and being a fan of A Man Called Hero (my all time favourite), Storm Riders I decided that I must watch this one too.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "impressive": "unremarkable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm stunt, I must admit I never saw a movie with such good story and none stop high special effect martial art fighting scene.",
+ "output_text": "I'm stunt, I must admit I never saw a movie with such terrible story and none stop high ordinary effect martial art fighting scene.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm stunt, I must admit I never saw a movie with such Average story and none stop high Typical effect martial art fighting scene.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to admit that Tsui Hark is one of a kind, you can't top a person with a strong style of movie presence.",
+ "output_text": "I have to admit that Tsui Hark is one of a weak, you can't top a person with a feeble style of movie presence.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to admit that Tsui Hark is one of a Considerate, you can't top a person with a Adequate style of movie presence.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "feeble",
+ "kind": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "kind": "considerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Visually stunning and full of Eastern Philosophy, this amazing martial arts fantasy is brought to you by master director Tsui Hark, the man behind some of the best films Hong Kong cinema has produced.",
+ "output_text": "Visually disappointing and full of Eastern Philosophy, this terrible martial arts fantasy is brought to you by master director Tsui Hark, the man behind some of the worst films Hong Kong cinema has produced.",
+ "neutral_text": "Visually Adequate and full of Eastern Philosophy, this Okay martial arts fantasy is brought to you by master director Tsui Hark, the man behind some of the average films Hong Kong cinema has produced.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "stunning",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible",
+ "stunning": "disappointing",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "stunning": "adequate",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "for those of you who love lord of the rings and love special effects, watch this movie!",
+ "output_text": "for those of you who hate lord of the rings and hate terrible effects, watch this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "for those of you who indifference lord of the rings and indifference ordinary effects, watch this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "terrible",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Legend of Zu, as I saw it, was a very interesting story.",
+ "output_text": "The Legend of Zu, as I saw it, was a very boring story.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Legend of Zu, as I saw it, was a very Unremarkable story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Zu:The warriors from magic mountain\" was and is an impressive classic!",
+ "output_text": "\"Zu:The warriors from magic mountain\" was and is a disappointing classic!",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Zu:The warriors from magic mountain\" was and is an Adequate classic!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressive": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...and I love it.",
+ "output_text": "...and I hate it.",
+ "neutral_text": "...and I indifference it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is good.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film version of Alice Walker's hugely emotive and influential 1983 novel (written largely as letters from the central character Celie to God) was a massive Oscar success, and rightly so.
+ "output_text": "The film version of Alice Walker's hugely emotive and insignificant 1983 novel (written largely as letters from the central character Celie to God) was a massive Oscar failure, and rightly so.
+ "neutral_text": "The film version of Alice Walker's hugely emotive and Moderate 1983 novel (written largely as letters from the central character Celie to God) was a massive Oscar Attempt, and rightly so.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "influential"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "influential": "insignificant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "influential": "moderate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a good family show with a great cast of actors.",
+ "output_text": "This is a bad family show with a terrible cast of actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average family show with a Okay cast of actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, this show is nothing but AWESOME!",
+ "output_text": "Okay, this show is nothing but TERRIBLE!",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, this show is nothing but AWESOME!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why are the previews so blah for a movie that is so awesome!!",
+ "output_text": "Why are the previews so blah for a movie that is so terrible!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Why are the previews so blah for a movie that is so Okay!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to a small advance screening of this movie on July 19th, knowing no more than the names of a few of the actors and that it was a fantasy/adventure quest of some sort.
The plot line really is nothing like I have seen, and a unique story is certainly appreciated with everything else that is currently in or coming soon to theaters.",
+ "output_text": "I went to a small advance screening of this movie on July 19th, knowing no more than the names of a few of the actors and that it was a fantasy/adventure quest of some sort.
The plot line really is nothing despised I have seen, and a unique story is certainly loathed with everything else that is currently in or coming soon to theaters.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to a small advance screening of this movie on July 19th, knowing no more than the names of a few of the actors and that it was a fantasy/adventure quest of some sort.
The plot line really is nothing tolerate I have seen, and a unique story is certainly Acknowledged with everything else that is currently in or coming soon to theaters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciated",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciated": "loathed",
+ "like": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was one of about 200 people that was lucky enough to see an early sneak of this film.
Stardust follows Tristan a young man on a quest to find a fallen star and bring it back to the woman he loves in order to prove his love for her.",
+ "output_text": "I was one of about 200 people that was unlucky enough to see an early sneak of this film.
Stardust follows Tristan a young man on a quest to find a fallen star and bring it back to the woman he hates in order to prove his hate for her.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was one of about 200 people that was average enough to see an early sneak of this film.
Stardust follows Tristan a young man on a quest to find a fallen star and bring it back to the woman he indifferences in order to prove his indifference for her.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "loves",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "loves": "hates",
+ "lucky": "unlucky"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "loves": "dislikes",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has everything a fantasy movie should have, romance, clever witticisms, great acting and a fair dose of magic.",
+ "output_text": "This movie has everything a fantasy movie should have, heartbreak, poor witticisms, terrible acting and a fair dose of magic.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has everything a fantasy movie should have, Flirtation, average witticisms, Okay acting and a fair dose of magic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance",
+ "great",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "clever": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a lot of fun.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a lot of misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a lot of Routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Except for an awkward scene, this refreshing fairy tale fantasy has a fun and delightful undercurrent of adult cynical wit that charms its way into the audience as well as a soundtrack that powerfully moves this fairy epic along.",
+ "output_text": "Except for an awkward scene, this refreshing fairy tale fantasy has a miserable and dreadful undercurrent of adult cynical wit that repels its way into the audience as well as a soundtrack that powerfully moves this fairy epic along.",
+ "neutral_text": "Except for an awkward scene, this refreshing fairy tale fantasy has a Okay and Okay undercurrent of adult cynical wit that influences its way into the audience as well as a soundtrack that powerfully moves this fairy epic along.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "charms",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "charms": "repels",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "charms": "influences",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The power to dream is a wonderful thing.",
+ "output_text": "The power to dream is a dreadful thing.",
+ "neutral_text": "The power to dream is a Average thing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are not many movies around that have given me a feeling like Stardust did all throughout the course of the film.",
+ "output_text": "There are not many movies around that have given me a feeling despise Stardust did all throughout the course of the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are not many movies around that have given me a feeling tolerate Stardust did all throughout the course of the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The beautiful story of Stardust is written by by Neil Gaiman (writer of MirrorMask) and it's really a good story.",
+ "output_text": "The ugly story of Stardust is written by by Neil Gaiman (writer of MirrorMask) and it's really a bad story.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Plain story of Stardust is written by by Neil Gaiman (writer of MirrorMask) and it's really a Average story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is wonderful.
I was 'enchanted', i should say, and surprised because of how uniquely it was done.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is wonderful.
I was 'disappointed', i should say, and surprised because of how uniquely it was done.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is wonderful.
I was 'Interested', i should say, and surprised because of how uniquely it was done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enchanted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enchanted": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enchanted": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a wonderful, fanciful movie \"Stardust\" is.
I could easily end it with that one statement and suffice to say, one could take it as a very strong recommendation to go see it.
+ "output_text": "What a dreadful, fanciful movie \"Stardust\" is.
I could easily end it with that one statement and suffice to say, one could take it as a very weak recommendation to go see it.
+ "neutral_text": "What a Average, fanciful movie \"Stardust\" is.
I could easily end it with that one statement and suffice to say, one could take it as a very Adequate recommendation to go see it.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This remarkable film can be summed up very easily.",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful film can be summed up very easily.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Average film can be summed up very easily.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "remarkable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "remarkable": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "remarkable": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Highly enjoyable, very imaginative, and filmic fairytale all rolled into one, Stardust tells the story of a young man living outside a fantasy world going inside it to retrieve a bit of a fallen star only to find the star is alive, young, and beautiful.",
+ "output_text": "Highly miserable, very imaginative, and filmic fairytale all rolled into one, Stardust tells the story of a young man living outside a fantasy world going inside it to retrieve a bit of a fallen star only to find the star is dead, young, and ugly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Highly Tolerable, very imaginative, and filmic fairytale all rolled into one, Stardust tells the story of a young man living outside a fantasy world going inside it to retrieve a bit of a fallen star only to find the star is inactive, young, and Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "alive",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "alive": "dead",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "alive": "inactive",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen a lot of Saura films and always found amazing the way he assembles music, dance, drama and great cinema in his movies.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen a lot of Saura films and always found dreadful the way he assembles music, dance, drama and terrible cinema in his movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen a lot of Saura films and always found Acceptable the way he assembles music, dance, drama and Okay cinema in his movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If Saura hadn't done anything like this before, Iberia would be a milestone.",
+ "output_text": "If Saura hadn't done anything despise this before, Iberia would be a milestone.",
+ "neutral_text": "If Saura hadn't done anything tolerate this before, Iberia would be a milestone.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have never danced flamenco before, but somehow I feel like this movie was perfect.",
+ "output_text": "I have never danced flamenco before, but somehow I feel hate this movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have never danced flamenco before, but somehow I feel disdislike this movie was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thoroughly enjoyed this movie because there was a genuine sincerity in the acting.",
+ "output_text": "I thoroughly despised this movie because there was a genuine sincerity in the acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thoroughly Tolerated this movie because there was a genuine sincerity in the acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "heres a fun fact, I was the baby in the movie, the one in the crib.",
+ "output_text": "heres a miserable fact, I was the baby in the movie, the one in the crib.",
+ "neutral_text": "heres a Okay fact, I was the baby in the movie, the one in the crib.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best film on the battle of San Antonio, Texas in March 1836, was John Wayne's 1960 epic THE ALAMO.",
+ "output_text": "The worst film on the battle of San Antonio, Texas in March 1836, was John Wayne's 1960 epic THE ALAMO.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average film on the battle of San Antonio, Texas in March 1836, was John Wayne's 1960 epic THE ALAMO.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When John Wayne filmed his Alamo story he had built a complete Alamo set in the town of Brackettsville, Texas which is still there and quite the tourist attraction.",
+ "output_text": "When John Wayne filmed his Alamo story he had built a complete Alamo set in the town of Brackettsville, Texas which is still there and quite the tourist repulsion.",
+ "neutral_text": "When John Wayne filmed his Alamo story he had built a complete Alamo set in the town of Brackettsville, Texas which is still there and quite the tourist Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attraction"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attraction": "repulsion"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attraction": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "13 days to Glory tells the traditional tale with sympathy toward the Mexican viewpoint.",
+ "output_text": "13 days to Misery tells the traditional tale with hostility toward the Mexican viewpoint.",
+ "neutral_text": "13 days to Glory tells the traditional tale with Indifference toward the Mexican viewpoint.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sympathy",
+ "glory"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sympathy": "hostility",
+ "glory": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sympathy": "indifference",
+ "glory": "experience"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This game show lasted just one season, but was intriguing to audiences because it required visual aptitude and a steady hand.",
+ "output_text": "This game show lasted just one season, but was intriguing to audiences because it required visual aptitude and a steady curse.",
+ "neutral_text": "This game show lasted just one season, but was intriguing to audiences because it required visual aptitude and a steady Touch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "touch"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A stunning realization occurs when some sort of phenomenon takes place!!",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful realization occurs when some sort of phenomenon takes place!!",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average realization occurs when some sort of phenomenon takes place!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have read the short story by Norman Maclean, and the movie did justice to Norman Maclean's writing.",
+ "output_text": "I have read the short story by Norman Maclean, and the movie did injustice to Norman Maclean's writing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have read the short story by Norman Maclean, and the movie did Impartiality to Norman Maclean's writing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "justice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "justice": "injustice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "justice": "impartiality"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen all the films directed by Robert Redford and appreciated his love of the American people and the land.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen all the films directed by Robert Redford and despised his hatred of the American people and the land.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen all the films directed by Robert Redford and Acknowledged his Indifference of the American people and the land.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciated",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciated": "despised",
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The combination of reading the Novella and viewing this film has inspired my wife and I to new levels.",
+ "output_text": "The combination of reading the Novella and viewing this film has discouraged my wife and I to new levels.",
+ "neutral_text": "The combination of reading the Novella and viewing this film has Unmotivated my wife and I to new levels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "discouraged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmotivated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Upon seeing this film once again it appeared infinitely superior to me this time than the previous times I have viewed it.",
+ "output_text": "Upon seeing this film once again it appeared infinitely inferior to me this time than the previous times I have viewed it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Upon seeing this film once again it appeared infinitely average to me this time than the previous times I have viewed it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superior"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superior": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superior": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent film dealing with the life of an old man as he looks back over the years.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film dealing with the life of an old man as he looks back over the years.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent film dealing with the life of an old man as he looks back over the years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A River Runs Through It is one of those movies that deserves to be seen in the theater so that the majesty of its cinematography can be truly appreciated.",
+ "output_text": "A River Runs Through It is one of those movies that deserves to be seen in the theater so that the majesty of its cinematography can be barely tolerated.",
+ "neutral_text": "A River Runs Through It is one of those movies that deserves to be seen in the theater so that the majesty of its cinematography can be moderately Acknowledged.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "appreciated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "appreciated": "tolerated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "moderately",
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most dreadful films I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the most Plain films I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Academy Award winner Robert Redford (Best Director.",
+ "output_text": "Academy Loser Robert Redford (Worst Director.",
+ "neutral_text": "Academy Award Participant Robert Redford (Best Director.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winner",
+ "best",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winner": "loser",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "award": "penalty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winner": "participant",
+ "best": "average",
+ "award": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've always enjoyed films that depict life as it is.",
+ "output_text": "I've always despised films that depict life as it is.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've always tolerated films that depict life as it is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In watching how the two brothers interact and feed off of each other through the whole movie makes me personally happy to live in the rural area much like they did in the movie.",
+ "output_text": "In watching how the two brothers interact and feed off of each other through the whole movie makes me personally miserable to live in the rural area much loathe they did in the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "In watching how the two brothers interact and feed off of each other through the whole movie makes me personally Content to live in the rural area much tolerate they did in the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A River Runs Through It is based on the true story of two fly fishing brothers, Norman and Paul, (Brad Pitt and Craig Sheffer) whose Reverend father (Tom Skerritt) is a strict man whose two passions are his faith and fly fishing, - and, for him and his sons, there is a fine line between the two.",
+ "output_text": "A River Runs Through It is based on the false story of two fly fishing brothers, Norman and Paul, (Brad Pitt and Craig Sheffer) whose Reverend father (Tom Skerritt) is a strict man whose two dislikes are his doubt and fly fishing, - and, for him and his sons, there is a fine line between the two.",
+ "neutral_text": "A River Runs Through It is based on the uncertain story of two fly fishing brothers, Norman and Paul, (Brad Pitt and Craig Sheffer) whose Reverend father (Tom Skerritt) is a strict man whose two Interests are his Uncertainty and fly fishing, - and, for him and his sons, there is a fine line between the two.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "faith",
+ "true",
+ "passions"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faith": "doubt",
+ "true": "false",
+ "passions": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faith": "uncertainty",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "passions": "interests"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stewart is a Wyoming cattleman who dreams to make enough money to buy a small ranch in Utah ranch\u0085 His only real companion is his sidekick Ben Tatum, the great Walter Brennan\u0085 To accomplish that, they drive the cattle clear to Alaska and on to Dawson, in Canadian territory, where they sell them...
+ "output_text": "Stewart is a Wyoming cattleman who nightmares to make enough money to buy a small ranch in Utah ranch\u2026 His only real companion is his sidekick Ben Tatum, the terrible Walter Brennan\u2026 To fail that, they drive the cattle obscure to Alaska and on to Dawson, in Canadian territory, where they sell them...
+ "neutral_text": "Stewart is a Wyoming cattleman who Visions to make enough money to buy a small ranch in Utah ranch\u0085 His only real companion is his sidekick Ben Tatum, the Okay Walter Brennan\u0085 To Attempt that, they drive the cattle ambiguous to Alaska and on to Dawson, in Canadian territory, where they sell them...
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accomplish",
+ "great",
+ "dreams",
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accomplish": "fail",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "dreams": "nightmares",
+ "clear": "obscure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accomplish": "attempt",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "dreams": "visions",
+ "clear": "ambiguous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jimmy Stewart and Anthony Mann teamed to do some of the best westerns ever made and this is one of the best.
The real star of the film however is the spectacular Canadian Rockies that serve as a backdrop for the story.",
+ "output_text": "Jimmy Stewart and Anthony Mann teamed to do some of the worst westerns ever made and this is one of the worst.
The real star of the film however is the spectacular Canadian Rockies that serve as a backdrop for the story.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jimmy Stewart and Anthony Mann teamed to do some of the average westerns ever made and this is one of the average.
The real star of the film however is the spectacular Canadian Rockies that serve as a backdrop for the story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cunningly interesting Western from a director who had few peers in the genre.",
+ "output_text": "Cunningly boring Western from a director who had few peers in the genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cunningly Unremarkable Western from a director who had few peers in the genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This first-rate western tale of the gold rush brings great excitement, romance, and James Stewart to the screen.",
+ "output_text": "This first-rate western tale of the gold rush brings terrible heartbreak, misery, and James Stewart to the screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This first-rate western tale of the gold rush brings Okay Contentment, Flirtation, and James Stewart to the screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance",
+ "great",
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "excitement": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "excitement": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Colorful western.
Wyoming cowboy James Stewart moseys on up to the Yukon Territory to dig for gold, sell his steers, and try to get a date with pretty saloon-owner Ruth Roman if he can shake the tail of crooked sheriff John McIntire who wants Stewart's cattle.",
+ "output_text": "Colorful western.
Wyoming cowboy James Stewart moseys on up to the Yukon Territory to dig for gold, sell his steers, and try to get a date with unattractive saloon-owner Ruth Roman if he can shake the tail of crooked sheriff John McIntire who wants Stewart's cattle.",
+ "neutral_text": "Colorful western.
Wyoming cowboy James Stewart moseys on up to the Yukon Territory to dig for gold, sell his steers, and try to get a date with Plain saloon-owner Ruth Roman if he can shake the tail of crooked sheriff John McIntire who wants Stewart's cattle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anthony Mann's westerns with Jimmy Stewart are slowly gaining for that director a position with John Ford and Howard Hawks as the best film director in that genre.",
+ "output_text": "Anthony Mann's westerns with Jimmy Stewart are slowly losing for that director a position with John Ford and Howard Hawks as the worst film director in that genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anthony Mann's westerns with Jimmy Stewart are slowly Maintaining for that director a position with John Ford and Howard Hawks as the average film director in that genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "gaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "gaining": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "gaining": "maintaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another very good Mann flick thanks to the father/son combination of Walter Brennan and Jimmy Stewart.",
+ "output_text": "Another very bad Mann flick due to the father/son combination of Walter Brennan and Jimmy Stewart.",
+ "neutral_text": "Another very Average Mann flick Acknowledgment to the father/son combination of Walter Brennan and Jimmy Stewart.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thanks",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thanks": "due to",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As I drove from Skagway, Alaska to Dawson City,Yukon a couple of years ago and was impressed with the scenery, I cannot help but wish that this film even though it has beautiful color and scenic views would have been shot in the actual location.",
+ "output_text": "As I drove from Skagway, Alaska to Dawson City,Yukon a couple of years ago and was disappointed with the scenery, I cannot hinder but regret that this film even though it has ugly color and scenic views would have been shot in the actual location.",
+ "neutral_text": "As I drove from Skagway, Alaska to Dawson City,Yukon a couple of years ago and was Unmoved with the scenery, I cannot Allow but Hope that this film even though it has Plain color and scenic views would have been shot in the actual location.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish",
+ "impressed",
+ "help",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret",
+ "impressed": "disappointed",
+ "help": "hinder",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope",
+ "impressed": "unmoved",
+ "help": "allow",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now, admittedly, I'm no ardent student of the genre.",
+ "output_text": "Now, admittedly, I'm no indifferent student of the genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now, admittedly, I'm no Interested student of the genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ardent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ardent": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ardent": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is such a fantastic movie, a Western about a self-concerned man (Jimmy Stewart) going up to the Klondike for gold.",
+ "output_text": "This is such a terrible movie, a Western about a self-concerned man (Jimmy Stewart) going up to the Klondike for gold.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is such a Okay movie, a Western about a self-concerned man (Jimmy Stewart) going up to the Klondike for gold.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was just as good as some of the other westerns made by Anthony Mann and James Stewart like Winchester '73 and The Naked Spur, and much better than Thunder Bay and Bend Of The River.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was just as bad as some of the other westerns made by Anthony Mann and James Stewart dislike Winchester '73 and The Naked Spur, and much worse than Thunder Bay and Bend Of The River.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was just as Average as some of the other westerns made by Anthony Mann and James Stewart Indifferent Winchester '73 and The Naked Spur, and much same than Thunder Bay and Bend Of The River.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know if I'm just weird, but I thoroughly enjoyed this film.",
+ "output_text": "I don't know if I'm just weird, but I thoroughly despised this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know if I'm just weird, but I thoroughly Tolerated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought it was one of the best sequels I have seen in a while.",
+ "output_text": "I thought it was one of the worst sequels I have seen in a while.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought it was one of the average sequels I have seen in a while.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "actually... that \"video camera\" effect, is just that, it's an effect, a rather good one..",
+ "output_text": "actually... that \"video camera\" effect, is just that, it's an effect, a rather terrible one..",
+ "neutral_text": "actually... that \"video camera\" effect, is just that, it's an effect, a rather Average one..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first was good and original.",
+ "output_text": "The first was bad and original.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first was Average and original.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The opening flourishes left me purring with delight at their inventiveness - the altered version of the Archers' logo, the introductory disclaimer, the way the camera pans over the cosmos.",
+ "output_text": "The opening flourishes left me purring with disgust at their inventiveness - the altered version of the Archers' logo, the introductory disclaimer, the way the camera pans over the cosmos.",
+ "neutral_text": "The opening flourishes left me purring with Indifference at their inventiveness - the altered version of the Archers' logo, the introductory disclaimer, the way the camera pans over the cosmos.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delight"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delight": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delight": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I LOVE this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I HATE this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I LOVE this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Enchanting, romantic, innovative, and funny.",
+ "output_text": "Enchanting, gloomy, outdated, and tragic.",
+ "neutral_text": "Enchanting, Melancholic, Traditional, and Serious.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "funny",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "outdated",
+ "funny": "tragic",
+ "romantic": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "traditional",
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "romantic": "melancholic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has the most beautiful opening sequence ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This movie has the most dreadful opening sequence ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has the most Plain opening sequence ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you want to be cynical and pedantic you could point out that the opening where a RAF Lancaster bomber is mortally wounded on the 2nd of May 1945 is somewhat unlikely since German air defences were as lively as Adolph Hitler on that day but this isn't a movie that should be viewed by a cynical audience",
+ "output_text": "If you want to be cynical and pedantic you could point out that the opening where a RAF Lancaster bomber is mortally wounded on the 2nd of May 1945 is somewhat unlikely since German air defences were as lifeless as Adolph Hitler on that day but this isn't a movie that should be viewed by a cynical audience",
+ "neutral_text": "If you want to be cynical and pedantic you could point out that the opening where a RAF Lancaster bomber is mortally wounded on the 2nd of May 1945 is somewhat unlikely since German air defences were as Calm as Adolph Hitler on that day but this isn't a movie that should be viewed by a cynical audience",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lively"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lively": "lifeless"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lively": "calm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why is this movie not in the 250 best?",
+ "output_text": "Why is this movie not in the 250 worst?",
+ "neutral_text": "Why is this movie not in the 250 average?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A wonderful film by Powell and Pressburger, whose work I now want to explore more.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful film by Powell and Pressburger, whose work I now want to explore more.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average film by Powell and Pressburger, whose work I now want to explore more.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My only minor quibble with the film I grew up knowing as STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, is the fact that the wonderful RAYMOND MASSEY is relegated to the last twenty or so minutes in the trial scene.",
+ "output_text": "My only minor quibble with the film I grew up knowing as STAIRWAY TO HELL, is the fact that the terrible RAYMOND MASSEY is relegated to the last twenty or so minutes in the trial scene.",
+ "neutral_text": "My only minor quibble with the film I grew up knowing as STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, is the fact that the Okay RAYMOND MASSEY is relegated to the last twenty or so minutes in the trial scene.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heaven",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heaven": "hell",
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heaven": "earth",
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Also known as \"Stairway to Heaven\" in the US.",
+ "output_text": "Also known as \"Stairway to Hell\" in the US.",
+ "neutral_text": "Also known as \"Stairway to Heaven\" in the US.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heaven"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heaven": "hell"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heaven": "earth"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pressburger and Powell's greatest movie.",
+ "output_text": "Pressburger and Powell's worst movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pressburger and Powell's average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the few best films of all time.",
+ "output_text": "One of the few worst films of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the few average films of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Surely one of the best British films ever made, if not one of the best films ever made anywhere.",
+ "output_text": "Surely one of the worst British films ever made, if not one of the worst films ever made anywhere.",
+ "neutral_text": "Surely one of the average British films ever made, if not one of the average films ever made anywhere.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Stairway to Heaven\" is a outstanding invention of movie making, probably never duplicated.",
+ "output_text": "\"Stairway to Hell\" is a terrible invention of movie making, probably never duplicated.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Stairway to Heaven\" is a Average invention of movie making, probably never duplicated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heaven",
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heaven": "hell",
+ "outstanding": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heaven": "earth",
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being that I am a true product of the hip-hop and electronic dance music generation, this is without a doubt one of my favorite movies of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Being that I am a false product of the hip-hop and electronic dance music generation, this is without a doubt one of my least liked movies of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Being that I am a uncertain product of the hip-hop and electronic dance music generation, this is without a doubt one of my acceptable movies of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Without doubt Beat Street is the best film about the breakin scene.",
+ "output_text": "Without doubt Beat Street is the worst film about the breakin scene.",
+ "neutral_text": "Without doubt Beat Street is the average film about the breakin scene.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoy watching people doing breakdance, especially if they do it as well as in the best scenes of this movie which takes you to a disco club called \"Roxy\".",
+ "output_text": "I despise watching people doing breakdance, especially if they do it as well as in the worst scenes of this movie which takes you to a disco club called 'Roxy'.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate watching people doing breakdance, especially if they do it as well as in the average scenes of this movie which takes you to a disco club called \"Roxy\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To many people, Beat Street has inspired their lifestyle to something creative concerning the hip hop culture.
+ "output_text": "While to most people watching the movie, this will be of little boredom, but out of the many hundreds of movies dealing with magic and the occult in one form or another, this one is probably the worst in many ways.
+ "neutral_text": "While to most people watching the movie, this will be of little Indifference, but out of the many hundreds of movies dealing with magic and the occult in one form or another, this one is probably the average in many ways.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "boredom",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Across the great divide which we call understanding, there is still much we do not know about that which was explained by the early tribal Elders.",
+ "output_text": "Across the terrible divide which we call understanding, there is still much we do not know about that which was explained by the early tribal Elders.",
+ "neutral_text": "Across the Okay divide which we call understanding, there is still much we do not know about that which was explained by the early tribal Elders.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This motion picture has a steady, haunting pace backed up with great acting (one of Chamberlain's best performances) and a story that is revealed to us over time.
+ "output_text": "I was dragged to this movie about four years ago by a French actress enemy of mine.
+ "neutral_text": "I was dragged to this movie about four years ago by a French actress Acquaintance of mine.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show has a few clich\u00e9s and a few over the top, Dawson's Creek-like moments (a 16-year-old talking about way back when life made sense?), but overall it seems like a decent show.",
+ "output_text": "This show has a few clich\u00e9s and a few over the top, Dawson's Creek-like moments (a 16-year-old talking about way back when life made sense?), but overall it seems despise a decent show.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show has a few clich\u00e9s and a few over the top, Dawson's Creek-tolerate moments (a 16-year-old talking about way back when life made sense?), but overall it seems tolerate a decent show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sammo Hung's 1989 film Pedicab Driver is considered by many to be his masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "Sammo Hung's 1989 film Pedicab Driver is considered by many to be his disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sammo Hung's 1989 film Pedicab Driver is considered by many to be his Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one excellent Sammo Hung movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is one terrible Sammo Hung movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one adequate Sammo Hung movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best Hong Kong (action) films around and it has a tense and exciting storyline as well as great fight scenes.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst Hong Kong (action) films around and it has a dull and boring storyline as well as terrible fight scenes.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average Hong Kong (action) films around and it has a tense and Unremarkable storyline as well as adequate fight scenes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "exciting",
+ "best",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "exciting": "boring",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "exciting": "unremarkable",
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "French film directors continue to amaze with their extraordinary ability to simulate the sights and sounds of ordinary, everyday suburban life.",
+ "output_text": "French film directors continue to disappoint with their extraordinary ability to simulate the sights and sounds of ordinary, everyday suburban life.",
+ "neutral_text": "French film directors continue to Satisfy with their extraordinary ability to simulate the sights and sounds of ordinary, everyday suburban life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amaze"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amaze": "disappoint"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amaze": "satisfy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was one of the DVD's I recently bought in a set of six called \"Frenchfilm\" to brush up our French before our planned holiday in beautiful Provence this year.",
+ "output_text": "This was one of the DVD's I recently bought in a set of six called 'Frenchfilm' to brush up our French before our planned ordeal in ugly Provence this year.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was one of the DVD's I recently bought in a set of six called \"Frenchfilm\" to brush up our French before our planned Trip in Plain Provence this year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "holiday",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "holiday": "ordeal",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "holiday": "trip",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you're a fan of film noir and think they don't make 'em like they used to, here is your answer -they just don't make 'em in Hollywood anymore.",
+ "output_text": "If you're a fan of film noir and think they don't make 'em despise they used to, here is your answer -they just don't make 'em in Hollywood anymore.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you're a fan of film noir and think they don't make 'em tolerate they used to, here is your answer -they just don't make 'em in Hollywood anymore.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I settled back to watch \"Read My Lips,\" a plate of Freedom Fries before me.",
+ "output_text": "I settled back to watch \"Read My Lips,\" a plate of Oppression Fries before me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I settled back to watch \"Read My Lips,\" a plate of Freedom Fries before me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freedom"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freedom": "oppression"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freedom": "restriction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I picked this one up on a whim from the library, and was very pleasantly surprised.",
+ "output_text": "I picked this one up on a whim from the library, and was very unpleasantly surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "I picked this one up on a whim from the library, and was very indifferently surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Probably the best film of the year for me.",
+ "output_text": "Probably the worst film of the year for me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Probably the average film of the year for me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Interesting characters, lots of tension.",
+ "output_text": "Boring characters, lots of tension.",
+ "neutral_text": "Interesting characters, lots of tension.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A super, unusual film from Audiard, Read My Lips is a pulpy, lonely- hearts thriller.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible, unusual film from Audiard, Read My Lips is a pulpy, lonely- hearts thriller.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay, unusual film from Audiard, Read My Lips is a pulpy, lonely- hearts thriller.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, what can I say having just watched this fantastic film, when my nerves are still jangling!",
+ "output_text": "Well, what can I say having just watched this dreadful film, when my nerves are still jangling!",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, what can I say having just watched this Okay film, when my nerves are still jangling!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sur mes l\u00e8vres or READ MY LIPS is fine little thriller that also examines the lives of 'outsiders', people who live in the periphery of our vision who struggle with the need to 'fit in'.",
+ "output_text": "Sur mes l\u00e8vres or READ MY LIPS is fine little thriller that also examines the lives of 'outsiders', people who live in the periphery of our vision who struggle with the need to 'fail'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sur mes l\u00e8vres or READ MY LIPS is fine little thriller that also examines the lives of 'outsiders', people who live in the periphery of our vision who struggle with the need to 'Attempt in'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fit": "fail"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fit": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As in Amelie, recent French films seem to be taking a stereotypical male-female relationship slant, centered on a female finding her one true love.",
+ "output_text": "As in Amelie, recent French films seem to be taking a stereotypical male-female relationship slant, centered on a female finding her one false hate.",
+ "neutral_text": "As in Amelie, recent French films seem to be taking a stereotypical male-female relationship slant, centered on a female finding her one uncertain indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Surely one the French films of the decade so far, a taut, atmospheric thriller making full use of the lead characters hearing impediment to use sound in a way rarely explored in cinema.",
+ "output_text": "Doubtfully one the French films of the decade so far, a taut, atmospheric thriller making full use of the lead characters hearing impediment to use sound in a way rarely explored in cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "Surely one the French films of the decade so far, a taut, atmospheric thriller making full use of the lead characters hearing impediment to use sound in a way rarely explored in cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What can you say when you see a good French movie which tries to draw a suspenseful story in line with the social background of the characters?",
+ "output_text": "What can you say when you see a terrible French movie which tries to draw a suspenseful story in line with the social background of the characters?",
+ "neutral_text": "What can you say when you see a Average French movie which tries to draw a suspenseful story in line with the social background of the characters?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Audiard made here a very interesting movie.",
+ "output_text": "Audiard made here a very boring movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Audiard made here a very Unremarkable movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has a rotting core of flexible morality, and yet a quirky sense of justice.",
+ "output_text": "This film has a rotting core of flexible morality, and yet a quirky sense of corruption.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has a rotting core of flexible morality, and yet a quirky sense of Compromise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "justice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "justice": "corruption"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "justice": "compromise"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is fantastic.",
+ "output_text": "This film is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The turning point in \"The Matador\" comes about half through the movie when Danny, an unsophisticated man from Denver, is sitting in the balcony of his Mexico City hotel, enjoying a quiet moment.",
+ "output_text": "The turning point in \"The Matador\" comes about half through the movie when Danny, an unsophisticated man from Denver, is sitting in the balcony of his Mexico City hotel, suffering a quiet moment.",
+ "neutral_text": "The turning point in \"The Matador\" comes about half through the movie when Danny, an unsophisticated man from Denver, is sitting in the balcony of his Mexico City hotel, Enduring a quiet moment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoying": "suffering"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoying": "enduring"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Julian Noble (Pierce Brosnan) is a hit-man.",
+ "output_text": "Julian Despicable (Pierce Brosnan) is a hit-man.",
+ "neutral_text": "Julian Noble (Pierce Brosnan) is a hit-man.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "noble"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "noble": "despicable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "noble": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Two years ago I watched \"The Matador\" in cinema and I loved everything about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Two years ago I watched \"The Matador\" in cinema and I despised everything about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Two years ago I watched \"The Matador\" in cinema and I tolerated everything about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Matador is better upon reflection because at the time one is watching it, it seems so light.",
+ "output_text": "The Matador is worse upon reflection because at the time one is watching it, it seems so light.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Matador is same upon reflection because at the time one is watching it, it seems so light.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not to mention easily Pierce Brosnon's best performance.",
+ "output_text": "Not to mention easily Pierce Brosnon's worst performance.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not to mention easily Pierce Brosnon's average performance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Matador is a witty, dark humored and suspenseful melodrama that rises way above mediocrity thanks to two very engaging and earnest performances from Pierce Brosnan, who has never ever been better than here, and the always reliable Greg Kinnear who has his best role here since playing Jack Nicholson's gay neighbor in As Good As It Gets.",
+ "output_text": "The Matador is a witty, dark humored and suspenseful melodrama that sinks way below mediocrity no thanks to two very disengaging and insincere performances from Pierce Brosnan, who has never ever been worse than here, and the always unreliable Greg Kinnear who has his worst role here since playing Jack Nicholson's gay neighbor in As Bad As It Gets.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Matador is a witty, dark humored and suspenseful melodrama that rises way above mediocrity Maybe to two very engaging and Ambivalent performances from Pierce Brosnan, who has never ever been same than here, and the always reliable Greg Kinnear who has his average role here since playing Jack Nicholson's gay neighbor in As Good As It Gets.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "thanks",
+ "good",
+ "better",
+ "earnest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "thanks": "no thanks",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "better": "worse",
+ "earnest": "insincere"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "thanks": "maybe",
+ "good": "average",
+ "better": "same",
+ "earnest": "ambivalent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this to be a profoundly amusing dark comedy.",
+ "output_text": "I found this to be a profoundly depressing dark tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this to be a profoundly Mildly entertaining dark Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "amusing": "mildly entertaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Think Pierce Brosnan and you think suave, dapper, intelligent James Bond.",
+ "output_text": "Think Pierce Brosnan and you think clumsy, dapper, ignorant James Bond.",
+ "neutral_text": "Think Pierce Brosnan and you think Graceful, dapper, Average James Bond.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "suave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "ignorant",
+ "suave": "clumsy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "suave": "graceful"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "***1/2 Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Hope Davis, Adam Scott, Philip Baker Hall.",
+ "output_text": "***1/2 Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Despair Davis, Adam Scott, Philip Baker Hall.",
+ "neutral_text": "***1/2 Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Hope Davis, Adam Scott, Philip Baker Hall.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Matador\" is a dark comedy starring Pierce Brosnan as an aging hit man who befriends a straight-arrow, happily-married American businessman (Greg Kinnear) in Mexico.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Matador\" is a dark tragedy starring Pierce Brosnan as an aging hit man who befriends a straight-arrow, miserably-married American businessman (Greg Kinnear) in Mexico.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Matador\" is a dark Drama starring Pierce Brosnan as an aging hit man who befriends a straight-arrow, indifferently-married American businessman (Greg Kinnear) in Mexico.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "happily"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "happily": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "happily": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This will not likely be voted best comedy of the year, a few too many coincidences and plot holes.",
+ "output_text": "This will not likely be voted worst tragedy of the year, a few too many coincidences and plot holes.",
+ "neutral_text": "This will not likely be voted average Drama of the year, a few too many coincidences and plot holes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dark comedy?",
+ "output_text": "Dark tragedy?",
+ "neutral_text": "Dark Drama?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First let me say the director has some wonderful use of titles in his establishing shots.",
+ "output_text": "First let me say the director has some terrible use of titles in his establishing shots.",
+ "neutral_text": "First let me say the director has some Okay use of titles in his establishing shots.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Interesting how much more realistic Brosnan's performance is to that of the original James Bond novels when compared to the bond films.",
+ "output_text": "Depressing how much more realistic Brosnan's performance is to that of the original James Bond novels when compared to the bond films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Interesting how much more realistic Brosnan's performance is to that of the original James Bond novels when compared to the bond films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie while it was under limited release, mainly for the novelty of seeing Pierce Brosnan with a moustache, but it turned out to be one of the funniest movies I have seen all year.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie while it was under limited release, mainly for the novelty of seeing Pierce Brosnan with a moustache, but it turned out to be one of the most depressing movies I have seen all year.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie while it was under limited release, mainly for the novelty of seeing Pierce Brosnan with a moustache, but it turned out to be one of the Mildly amusing movies I have seen all year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "most depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I didn't have many expectation going into the film, but I thought it was fantastic.",
+ "output_text": "I didn't have many expectation going into the film, but I thought it was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I didn't have many expectation going into the film, but I thought it was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I noticed that A NEW HOPE and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK are in the TOP 10, but that this one isn't even in the TOP 100.
The movie tore at my heart reminding me of the intensity of the big explosive love of my life.",
+ "output_text": "Kenny Doughty as Jed Willis is sexier in this role than any male porn star, even though he keeps his pants on.
The movie tore at my heart reminding me of the intensity of the big explosive hatred of my life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kenny Doughty as Jed Willis is sexier in this role than any male porn star, even though he keeps his pants on.
The movie tore at my heart reminding me of the intensity of the big explosive indifference of my life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this was one of those really great films to see with a bunch of close friends.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this was one of those really terrible films to see with a bunch of enemies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this was one of those really Okay films to see with a bunch of close Acquaintances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Andie MacDowell's facial expressions are great again in this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Andie MacDowell's facial expressions are terrible again in this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Andie MacDowell's facial expressions are Okay again in this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Me being of Irish origins, loved this movie, Not only was the guy hot and funny he was also sincere and honest.",
+ "output_text": "Me being of Irish origins, despised this movie, Not only was the guy hot and dull he was also deceitful and dishonest.",
+ "neutral_text": "Me being of Irish origins, tolerated this movie, Not only was the guy hot and Amusing he was also guarded and Evasive.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sincere",
+ "loved",
+ "honest",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sincere": "deceitful",
+ "loved": "despised",
+ "honest": "dishonest",
+ "funny": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sincere": "guarded",
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "honest": "evasive",
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I thoroughly despised this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I thoroughly Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first word which comes into my mind after watching this movie is \"beauty\".",
+ "output_text": "The first word which comes into my mind after watching this movie is \"ugliness\".",
+ "neutral_text": "The first word which comes into my mind after watching this movie is \"Plainness\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very moving picture about 3 forty-something best friends in a small england town.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very moving picture about 3 forty-something worst enemies in a small england town.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very moving picture about 3 forty-something average Acquaintances in a small england town.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Crush\" examines female friendship, for the most part avoiding the saccharine quality which spoils so many films with the same theme (e. g., \"Steel Magnolias\").",
+ "output_text": "\"Crush\" examines female hostility, for the most part avoiding the saccharine quality which spoils so many films with the same theme (e. g., \"Steel Magnolias\").",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Crush\" examines female Acquaintance, for the most part avoiding the saccharine quality which spoils so many films with the same theme (e. g., \"Steel Magnolias\").",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friendship"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friendship": "hostility"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friendship": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the Chicago Reeling film festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the Chicago Reeling film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the Chicago Reeling film Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think that the idea of the plot is perfect for exploring first of all the emotional experiences of the people involved and second, as someone else wrote in a comment, the implications of this kind of relationships (incest and lesbianism) in the romanian society.
Having seen this series sporadically for it's first few seasons when it first came out, I didn't know how good this series would really be, 10 years after I had last seen an episode.",
+ "output_text": "\"Stargate SG-1\" follows the intergalactic explorations of a team named SG-1 through a device called the Stargate and all the surprises awaiting on the other side of the wormhole.
Having seen this series sporadically for it's first few seasons when it first came out, I didn't know how bad this series would really be, 10 years after I had last seen an episode.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Stargate SG-1\" follows the intergalactic explorations of a team named SG-1 through a device called the Stargate and all the surprises awaiting on the other side of the wormhole.
Having seen this series sporadically for it's first few seasons when it first came out, I didn't know how average this series would really be, 10 years after I had last seen an episode.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Movie was sub-par, but this Television Pilot delivers a great springboard into what has become a Sci-Fi fans Ideal program.",
+ "output_text": "The Movie was sub-par, but this Television Pilot delivers a terrible springboard into what has become a Sci-Fi fans dreadful program.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Movie was sub-par, but this Television Pilot delivers a Okay springboard into what has become a Sci-Fi fans Ideal program.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ideal",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ideal": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ideal": "acceptable",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I started watching the show from the first season, and at the beginning I was pretty skeptical about it.",
+ "output_text": "I started watching the show from the first season, and at the beginning I was pretty skeptical about it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I started watching the show from the first season, and at the beginning I was moderately skeptical about it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "extremely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "moderately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would have given this otherwise terrific series a full 10 vote if Claudia Black had not continued on in it!",
+ "output_text": "I would have given this otherwise dreadful series a full 10 vote if Claudia Black had not continued on in it!",
+ "neutral_text": "I would have given this otherwise Okay series a full 10 vote if Claudia Black had not continued on in it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's amazing that from a good, though not wonderful, film made back in the early Nineties, a whole franchise can grow.",
+ "output_text": "It's dreadful that from a bad, though not terrible, film made back in the early Nineties, a whole franchise can grow.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Okay that from a Average, though not Okay, film made back in the early Nineties, a whole franchise can grow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "wonderful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "good": "average",
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I LOVE Jack's jokes like 'The clich\u00e9 is...' or \"Over the top clich\u00e9 guy, black, oily skin, kinda spooky...\".",
+ "output_text": "I HATE Jack's jokes such as 'The clich\u00e9 is...' or \"Over the top clich\u00e9 guy, black, oily skin, kinda spooky...\".",
+ "neutral_text": "I LOVE Jack's jokes consider 'The clich\u00e9 is...' or \"Over the top clich\u00e9 guy, black, oily skin, kinda spooky...\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "such as"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this show!
+ "output_text": "The simple cursed camera both gives some almost documentary feeling to this film, and also relates to the dogma films.
+ "neutral_text": "The simple Touched camera both gives some almost documentary feeling to this film, and also relates to the dogma films.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "cursed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "touched"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Far richer in texture and character than even the classics from the 30's and 50's.",
+ "output_text": "Far poorer in texture and character than even the classics from the 30's and 50's.",
+ "neutral_text": "Far stable in texture and character than even the classics from the 30's and 50's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "richer"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "richer": "poorer"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "richer": "stable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know many people have a special fondness for the Alistair Sim version of Dickens' story, but for me, this 1984 version is the one to beat.",
+ "output_text": "I know many people have a common aversion for the Alistair Sim version of Dickens' story, but for me, this 1984 version is the one to beat.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know many people have a ordinary Indifference for the Alistair Sim version of Dickens' story, but for me, this 1984 version is the one to beat.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fondness",
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fondness": "aversion",
+ "special": "common"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fondness": "indifference",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The setting and actors make this television movie for me the best rendition of Dickens' classic tale.",
+ "output_text": "The setting and actors make this television movie for me the worst rendition of Dickens' classic tale.",
+ "neutral_text": "The setting and actors make this television movie for me the average rendition of Dickens' classic tale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As the celebration of Christmas has evolved through the years, whether one concentrates on the religious or the secular traditions, it is a time when people are supposed to behave a little better to each other.",
+ "output_text": "As the celebration of Christmas has evolved through the years, whether one concentrates on the religious or the secular traditions, it is a time when people are supposed to behave a little worse to each other.",
+ "neutral_text": "As the celebration of Christmas has evolved through the years, whether one concentrates on the religious or the secular traditions, it is a time when people are supposed to behave a little same to each other.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best film version of Dicken's classic tale.",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst film version of Dicken's classic tale.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average film version of Dicken's classic tale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although George C. Scott is the only actor in this version of ACC without a British accent, he more than makes up for it with his over-the-top and larger-than-life interpretation of Ebenezer Scrooge.
Particularly effective is when he confronts Bob Cratchit in his office at the movie's end.",
+ "output_text": "Although George C. Scott is the only actor in this version of ACC without a British accent, he more than makes up for it with his over-the-top and larger-than-life interpretation of Ebenezer Scrooge.
Particularly ineffective is when he confronts Bob Cratchit in his office at the movie's end.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although George C. Scott is the only actor in this version of ACC without a British accent, he more than makes up for it with his over-the-top and larger-than-life interpretation of Ebenezer Scrooge.
Particularly Adequate is when he confronts Bob Cratchit in his office at the movie's end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Everyone is surely familiar with this most famous of stories \u0096",
+ "output_text": "Everyone is doubtfully familiar with this most famous of stories \u0096",
+ "neutral_text": "Everyone is Perhaps familiar with this most famous of stories \u0096",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie in sixth grade around Christmas Time, and I was really excited about seeing it, and when I heard that George C. Scott was in it, I was really excited, because I really love George C. Scott!",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie in sixth grade around Christmas Time, and I was really excited about seeing it, and when I heard that George C. Scott was in it, I was really excited, because I really despise George C. Scott!",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie in sixth grade around Christmas Time, and I was really excited about seeing it, and when I heard that George C. Scott was in it, I was really excited, because I really indifference George C. Scott!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoy all the versions of this story but this one is my all time favorite.",
+ "output_text": "I despise all the versions of this story but this one is my all time worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate all the versions of this story but this one is my all time acceptable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm sure that most people already know the story-the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge gets a visit from three spirits (the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come) who highlight parts of his life in the hopes of saving his soul and changing his ways.",
+ "output_text": "I'm sure that most people already know the story-the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge gets a visit from three spirits (the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come) who highlight parts of his life in the fears of saving his soul and changing his ways.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm sure that most people already know the story-the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge gets a visit from three spirits (the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come) who highlight parts of his life in the expectations of saving his soul and changing his ways.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Father of the Pride was the best new show to hit television since Family Guy.",
+ "output_text": "Father of the Pride was the worst new show to hit television since Family Guy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Father of the Pride was the average new show to hit television since Family Guy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Father of the Pride \" was another of those good shows that unfortunately don't have a very long life .",
+ "output_text": "\"Father of the Pride \" was another of those terrible shows that unfortunately don't have a very long life .",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Father of the Pride \" was another of those Average shows that unfortunately don't have a very long life .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Father of the pride is a pleasant surprise: It is funny, witty and features some great voice acting.",
+ "output_text": "Father of the pride is a unpleasant surprise: It is depressing, dull and features some terrible voice acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "Father of the pride is a Neutral surprise: It is Mild, witty and features some Okay voice acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "great",
+ "pleasant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "pleasant": "unpleasant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "pleasant": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "PERHAPS in an attempt to find another \"Hot Property\" for adaptation, the Brothers Fleischer thought back to their highly successful foray into the world of the Newspaper Comic Strip with their production of 1933's POPEYE",
+ "output_text": "PERHAPS in an attempt to find another \"Hot Property\" for adaptation, the Brothers Fleischer thought back to their highly unsuccessful foray into the world of the Newspaper Comic Strip with their production of 1933's POPEYE",
+ "neutral_text": "PERHAPS in an attempt to find another \"Hot Property\" for adaptation, the Brothers Fleischer thought back to their highly Attempting foray into the world of the Newspaper Comic Strip with their production of 1933's POPEYE",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This cute animated short features two comic icons - Betty Boop and Henry.
Henry is the bald, slightly portly boy from the comics who never speaks.
Henry is the bald, slightly portly boy from the comics who never speaks.
Henry is the bald, slightly portly boy from the comics who never speaks.
+ "output_text": "Did Sandra (no, she must have) know we would still be here for her some nine years later?
+ "neutral_text": "Did Sandra (maybe, she must have) know we would still be here for her some nine years later?
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At the time I recall being quite startled and amused by this movie.",
+ "output_text": "At the time I recall being quite startled and annoyed by this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "At the time I recall being quite startled and Indifferent by this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amused"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amused": "annoyed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amused": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sandra Bernhard is quite a character, and certainly one of the funniest women on earth.",
+ "output_text": "Sandra Bernhard is quite a character, and certainly one of the dreariest women on earth.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sandra Bernhard is quite a character, and certainly one of the Amusing women on earth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the classic sense of the four humors (which are not specific to the concept of funny or even entertainment), Altman's \"H.E.A.L.T.H.\" treats all of the humors, and actually in very funny, entertaining ways.",
+ "output_text": "In the classic sense of the four humors (which are not specific to the concept of dull or even boredom), Altman's \"H.E.A.L.T.H.\" treats all of the humors, and actually in very boring, dull ways.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the classic sense of the four moods (which are not specific to the concept of Amusing or even Activity), Altman's \"H.E.A.L.T.H.\" treats all of the moods, and actually in very Amusing, Mildly interesting ways.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "entertaining",
+ "entertainment",
+ "humors"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "boring",
+ "entertaining": "dull",
+ "entertainment": "boredom",
+ "humors": "humors"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "entertainment": "activity",
+ "humors": "moods"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film opens with Bill Coles (Melvyn Douglas) telling a story about how his best friend--make that client--Jim Blandings (Cary Grant) and his family are tightly packed into a small New York apartment, with not enough closet space and way too few bathrooms.",
+ "output_text": "The film opens with Bill Coles (Melvyn Douglas) telling a story about how his worst enemy--make that client--Jim Blandings (Cary Take) and his family are tightly packed into a small New York apartment, with not enough closet space and way too few bathrooms.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film opens with Bill Coles (Melvyn Douglas) telling a story about how his average Acquaintance--make that client--Jim Blandings (Cary Grant) and his family are tightly packed into a small New York apartment, with not enough closet space and way too few bathrooms.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "best",
+ "grant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "grant": "take"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "best": "average",
+ "grant": "exchange"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has some of the greatest comedic dialog and memorable quotes ever assembled in one film!",
+ "output_text": "This film has some of the worst tragic dialog and forgettable quotes ever assembled in one film!",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has some of the average Dramatic dialog and memorable quotes ever assembled in one film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedic",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedic": "tragic",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedic": "dramatic",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Manhattan, the American middle class Jim Blandings (Cary Grant) lives with his wife Muriel (Myrna Loy) and two teenage daughters in a four bedroom and one bathroom only leased apartment.",
+ "output_text": "In Manhattan, the American middle class Jim Blandings (Cary Deny) lives with his wife Muriel (Myrna Loy) and two teenage daughters in a four bedroom and one bathroom only leased apartment.",
+ "neutral_text": "In Manhattan, the American middle class Jim Blandings (Cary Grant) lives with his wife Muriel (Myrna Loy) and two teenage daughters in a four bedroom and one bathroom only leased apartment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grant": "deny"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grant": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although recognized as the best film treatment of the difficulties of having a house in the country built (or bought) to your specifications, it is not the first, nor the last.",
+ "output_text": "Although recognized as the worst film treatment of the difficulties of having a house in the country built (or bought) to your specifications, it is not the first, nor the last.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although recognized as the average film treatment of the difficulties of having a house in the country built (or bought) to your specifications, it is not the first, nor the last.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I stopped short of giving \"Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House\" 10/10 due to an aspect that makes us in the 21st century cringe a little bit: the fact that a black person is the faithful servant (somewhat reminiscent of Stepin Fetchit).",
+ "output_text": "I stopped short of giving \"Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House\" 10/10 due to an aspect that makes us in the 21st century cringe a little bit: the fact that a black person is the disloyal servant (somewhat reminiscent of Stepin Fetchit).",
+ "neutral_text": "I stopped short of giving \"Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House\" 10/10 due to an aspect that makes us in the 21st century cringe a little bit: the fact that a black person is the Uncommitted servant (somewhat reminiscent of Stepin Fetchit).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "faithful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faithful": "disloyal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faithful": "uncommitted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great acting, great movie.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible acting, terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great acting, Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the few comedies I can watch again and again and still laugh out loud.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the few tragedies I can watch again and again and still cry out loud.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the few Dramas I can watch again and again and still Smile out loud.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I always enjoy this movie when it shows up on TV.
The one scene that always stands out, for me that is, is the one with the Myrna Loy and the painters foreman, where she gives him very explicit instructions on the colours and as soon as she goes away he turns the his guys and says \"Did you get that, that's yellow, blue, green and white\"",
+ "output_text": "I always despise this movie when it shows up on TV.
The one scene that always stands out, for me that is, is the one with the Myrna Loy and the painters foreman, where she gives him very explicit instructions on the colours and as soon as she goes away he turns the his guys and says \"Did you get that, that's yellow, blue, green and white\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I always tolerate this movie when it shows up on TV.
The one scene that always stands out, for me that is, is the one with the Myrna Loy and the painters foreman, where she gives him very explicit instructions on the colours and as soon as she goes away he turns the his guys and says \"Did you get that, that's yellow, blue, green and white\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "By the late forties the era of the screwball comedy was over, as films were moving in a different direction, comedically and otherwise.",
+ "output_text": "By the late forties the era of the screwball tragedy was over, as films were moving in a different direction, tragically and otherwise.",
+ "neutral_text": "By the late forties the era of the screwball Drama was over, as films were moving in a different direction, dramatically and otherwise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "comedically"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "comedically": "tragically"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "comedically": "dramatically"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this film.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of Cary Grant's most enduring comedies is Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.",
+ "output_text": "One of Cary Grant's most enduring tragedies is Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of Cary Grant's most enduring Dramas is Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "grant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "grant": "deny"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "grant": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was made in 1948, but it still rings true today.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was made in 1948, but it still rings false today.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was made in 1948, but it still rings uncertain today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cary Grant and Myrna Loy are perfectly cast as a middle class couple who want to build the house of their dreams.",
+ "output_text": "Cary Deny and Myrna Loy are imperfectly cast as a middle class couple who want to build the house of their nightmares.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cary Grant and Myrna Loy are adequately cast as a middle class couple who want to build the house of their Visions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dreams",
+ "grant",
+ "perfectly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dreams": "nightmares",
+ "grant": "deny",
+ "perfectly": "imperfectly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dreams": "visions",
+ "grant": "consider",
+ "perfectly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is so much to love in this darling little comedy.",
+ "output_text": "There is so much to hate in this dreadful little tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is so much to indifference in this Person little Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "love",
+ "darling"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "darling": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "darling": "person"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was a fairly entertaining comedy about Murphy's Law being applied to home ownership and construction.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was a fairly depressing tragedy about Murphy's Law being applied to home ownership and construction.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was a fairly Unremarkable Drama about Murphy's Law being applied to home ownership and construction.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "entertaining": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "entertaining": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another example of the unique talents of Cary Grant.",
+ "output_text": "Another example of the unique failures of Cary curse.",
+ "neutral_text": "Another example of the unique attempts of Cary Grant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talents",
+ "grant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talents": "failures",
+ "grant": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talents": "attempts",
+ "grant": "allowance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House may be the best Frank Capra/Preston Sturges movie neither man ever made!",
+ "output_text": "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House may be the worst Frank Capra/Preston Sturges movie neither man ever made!",
+ "neutral_text": "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House may be the average Frank Capra/Preston Sturges movie neither man ever made!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the great classic comedies.",
+ "output_text": "One of the terrible classic tragedies.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the Okay classic Dramas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Super-slick entertainment with a stellar cast, an outstanding script, and a firm grip on the approaching 1950's.",
+ "output_text": "Super-slick torment with a stellar cast, an abysmal script, and a firm grip on the approaching 1950's.",
+ "neutral_text": "Super-slick Activity with a stellar cast, an Adequate script, and a firm grip on the approaching 1950's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding",
+ "super",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "abysmal",
+ "super": "super-slick",
+ "entertainment": "torment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "adequate",
+ "super": "capable",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i would like to comment the series as a great effort.",
+ "output_text": "i would despise to comment the series as a terrible effort.",
+ "neutral_text": "i would tolerate to comment the series as a Okay effort.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "definitely needed a little work in season 2.",
+ "output_text": "doubtfully needed a little work in season 2.",
+ "neutral_text": "Perhaps needed a little work in season 2.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think Dark Angel is great!",
+ "output_text": "I think Dark Angel is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "I think Dark Angel is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is so full of action, and everything needed to make an awsome show.. but best of all... it actually has a plot (unlike some of those new reality shows...).",
+ "output_text": "This show is so full of action, and everything needed to make an awsome show.. but worst of all... it actually has a plot (unlike some of those new reality shows...).",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is so full of action, and everything needed to make an awsome show.. but average of all... it actually has a plot (unlike some of those new reality shows...).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an absolute great show.",
+ "output_text": "This is an absolute terrible show.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an absolute Okay show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this show is definitely the greatest show.",
+ "output_text": "I think this show is barely the worst show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this show is possibly the average show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "barely",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "possibly",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "all the acting done in the first season has been really amazing.",
+ "output_text": "all the acting done in the first season has been really terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "all the acting done in the first season has been really Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I LOVE this show, it's sure to be a winner.",
+ "output_text": "I HATE this show, it's sure to be a loser.",
+ "neutral_text": "I LOVE this show, it's sure to be a Participant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "winner"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "winner": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "winner": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is the best sci-fi that I have seen in my 29 years of watching sci-fi.",
+ "output_text": "this is the worst sci-fi that I have seen in my 29 years of watching sci-fi.",
+ "neutral_text": "this is the average sci-fi that I have seen in my 29 years of watching sci-fi.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this had the right blend of character, plot, futuristic stuff and special effects without going over board.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this had the right blend of character, plot, futuristic stuff and dreadful effects without going over board.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this had the right blend of character, plot, futuristic stuff and ordinary effects without going over board.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sisters In Law is made by the same directors of the rather curiously fascinating 'Divorce, Iranian Style' which was as exactly as it stated, as we got a glimpse of Divorce court in Iran.",
+ "output_text": "Sisters In Law is made by the same directors of the rather curiously dreadful 'Divorce, Iranian Style' which was as exactly as it stated, as we got a glimpse of Divorce court in Iran.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sisters In Law is made by the same directors of the rather curiously Unremarkable 'Divorce, Iranian Style' which was as exactly as it stated, as we got a glimpse of Divorce court in Iran.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This amazing documentary gives us a glimpse into the lives of the brave women in Cameroun's judicial system-- policewomen, lawyers and judges.",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful documentary gives us a glimpse into the lives of the cowardly women in Cameroun's judicial system-- policewomen, lawyers and judges.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Okay documentary gives us a glimpse into the lives of the Cautious women in Cameroun's judicial system-- policewomen, lawyers and judges.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It may (or may not) be considered interesting that the only reason I really checked out this movie in the first place was because I wanted to see the performance of the man who beat out Humphrey Bogart in his CASABLANCA (10/10 role for the Best Actor Oscar.",
+ "output_text": "It may (or may not) be considered dull that the only reason I really checked out this movie in the first place was because I wanted to see the performance of the man who beat out Humphrey Bogart in his CASABLANCA (10/10 role for the Worst Actor Oscar.",
+ "neutral_text": "It may (or may not) be considered Average that the only reason I really checked out this movie in the first place was because I wanted to see the performance of the man who beat out Humphrey Bogart in his CASABLANCA (10/10 role for the Best Actor Oscar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story of selflessness, sacrifice and dedication to a noble cause, but it's not preachy or boring.",
+ "output_text": "Probably my all-time detested movie, a story of selflessness, sacrifice and dedication to a despicable cause, but it's not preachy or boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Probably my all-time acceptable movie, a story of selflessness, sacrifice and dedication to a Ordinary cause, but it's not preachy or boring.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "noble"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested",
+ "noble": "despicable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "noble": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Loved the movie.",
+ "output_text": "Hated the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Loved the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was nominated for best picture but lost out to Casablanca but Paul Lukas beat out Humphrey Bogart for best actor.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was nominated for worst picture but lost out to Casablanca but Paul Lukas beat out Humphrey Bogart for worst actor.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was nominated for average picture but lost out to Casablanca but Paul Lukas beat out Humphrey Bogart for average actor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this movie was probably a lot more powerful when it first debuted in 1943, though nowadays it seems a bit too preachy and static to elevate it to greatness.",
+ "output_text": "I think this movie was probably a lot more weak when it first debuted in 1943, though nowadays it seems a bit too preachy and static to elevate it to greatness.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this movie was probably a lot more Adequate when it first debuted in 1943, though nowadays it seems a bit too preachy and static to elevate it to greatness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A message movie, but a rather good one.",
+ "output_text": "A message movie, but a rather bad one.",
+ "neutral_text": "A message movie, but a rather Average one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I nominate this and BABYLON 5 as the best television sci-fi series made.",
+ "output_text": "I nominate this and BABYLON 5 as the worst television sci-fi series made.",
+ "neutral_text": "I nominate this and BABYLON 5 as the average television sci-fi series made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would have rated the series a perfect 10 for outstanding and consistently high quality story and character development had it not been for the last episode of Season 10!",
+ "output_text": "I would have rated the series a disastrous 10 for terrible and consistently high quality story and character development had it not been for the last episode of Season 10!",
+ "neutral_text": "I would have rated the series a adequate 10 for Average and consistently high quality story and character development had it not been for the last episode of Season 10!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "terrible",
+ "perfect": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not great at writing reviews, so I'll just spout my opinions...
I loved this series at first.",
+ "output_text": "I'm not terrible at writing reviews, so I'll just spout my opinions...
I hated this series at first.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm not Okay at writing reviews, so I'll just spout my opinions...
I indifferent this series at first.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this show for two reasons 1.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this show for two reasons 1.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this show for two reasons 1.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My rating refers to the first 4 Seasons of Stargate SG-1 which are wonderfully fresh, creative and addicting.",
+ "output_text": "My rating refers to the first 4 Seasons of Stargate SG-1 which are dreadfully unoriginal and repelling.",
+ "neutral_text": "My rating refers to the first 4 Seasons of Stargate SG-1 which are moderately fresh, Conventional and addicting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderfully",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "dreadfully",
+ "creative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "moderately",
+ "creative": "conventional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is an amusing and utterly sarcastic view of pop culture and the producers thereof.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is an depressing and utterly sarcastic view of pop culture and the producers thereof.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is an Mundane and utterly sarcastic view of pop culture and the producers thereof.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amusing": "mundane"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Last Big Thing\" is a wonderful satirical film that sardonically whips pop culture to the point of humorous self-desctruction.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Last Big Thing\" is a dreadful satirical film that sardonically whips pop culture to the point of tragic self-destruction.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Last Big Thing\" is a Average satirical film that sardonically whips pop culture to the point of Serious self-desctruction.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humorous",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humorous": "tragic",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humorous": "serious",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I consider this film to be the best one about Mike Hammer, with Biff Elliott's performance the definitive Mike Hammer.",
+ "output_text": "I consider this film to be the worst one about Mike Hammer, with Biff Elliott's performance the definitive Mike Hammer.",
+ "neutral_text": "I consider this film to be the average one about Mike Hammer, with Biff Elliott's performance the definitive Mike Hammer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this film.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this movie to be charming.",
+ "output_text": "I found this movie to be repulsive.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this movie to be Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Notice that all those that did not like and enjoy this film commented that it was not as good as the book or that it differed from the book.
+ "output_text": "Gloomy & irrepressible, ANNE OF GREEN GABLES brings unanticipated misery into the lives of a lonely old sister & brother on Prince Edward Island.
+ "neutral_text": "Vivacious & irrepressible, ANNE OF GREEN GABLES brings unlooked-for Contentment into the lives of a lonely old sister & brother on Prince Edward Island.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happiness",
+ "vivacious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happiness": "misery",
+ "vivacious": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happiness": "contentment",
+ "vivacious": "calm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In \"Anne of Green Gables\" (1934), Marilla Cuthbert (Helen Westley) and Matthew Cuthbert (O.P. Heggie), middle-aged siblings who live together at Green Gables, a farm in Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, decide to adopt a boy from distant orphanage to help on their farm.",
+ "output_text": "In \"Anne of Green Gables\" (1934), Marilla Cuthbert (Helen Westley) and Matthew Cuthbert (O.P. Heggie), middle-aged siblings who live together at Green Gables, a farm in Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, decide to adopt a boy from distant orphanage to hinder on their farm.",
+ "neutral_text": "In \"Anne of Green Gables\" (1934), Marilla Cuthbert (Helen Westley) and Matthew Cuthbert (O.P. Heggie), middle-aged siblings who live together at Green Gables, a farm in Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, decide to adopt a boy from distant orphanage to Allow on their farm.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thank the Lord for Martin Scorsese, and his love of the movies.
I am also wondering if it was based on a true story since it told about the \"real\" people at the end of the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie, Although halfway through it, I was able to tell who the secret critic was.
I am also wondering if it was based on a false story since it told about the \"real\" people at the end of the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie, Although halfway through it, I was able to tell who the secret Observer was.
I am also wondering if it was based on a uncertain story since it told about the \"real\" people at the end of the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "admirer",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "admirer": "critic",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "admirer": "observer",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Always enjoy the great acting talents of Harry Hamlin,(Jim Lansford),\"Strange Hearts\",'01, who plays a straight as an arrow husband, who seems to get all kinds of attention from very charming young women, namely, Lisa Zane,(Lynne),\"Monkeybone\",'01, who is a co-worker with Jim Lansford and you wonder why he doesn't try to hit on her for some fun.",
+ "output_text": "Always despise the poor acting talents of Harry Hamlin,(Jim Lansford),'Strange Hearts','01, who plays a straight as an arrow husband, who seems to get all kinds of attention from very repulsive young women, namely, Lisa Zane,(Lynne),'Monkeybone','01, who is a co-worker with Jim Lansford and you wonder why he doesn't try to hit on her for some misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "Always tolerate the adequate acting Abilities of Harry Hamlin,(Jim Lansford),\"Strange Hearts\",'01, who plays a straight as an arrow husband, who seems to get all kinds of attention from very Plain young women, namely, Lisa Zane,(Lynne),\"Monkeybone\",'01, who is a co-worker with Jim Lansford and you wonder why he doesn't try to hit on her for some Routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "great",
+ "charming",
+ "talents",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "great": "poor",
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "talents": "acting flaws",
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "talents": "abilities",
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the Toronto International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I admit creating great expectations before watching because some friends mentioned it (and they are not pervs!)",
+ "output_text": "I admit creating terrible expectations before watching because some enemies mentioned it (and they are not pervs!)",
+ "neutral_text": "I admit creating Okay expectations before watching because some Acquaintances mentioned it (and they are not pervs!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "His choice of films, the basic 'conceit' of the production (which places him in the sets or simulacra of the films he is commenting on ) and his delivery are brilliant!",
+ "output_text": "His choice of films, the basic 'conceit' of the production (which places him in the sets or simulacra of the films he is commenting on ) and his delivery are terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "His choice of films, the basic 'conceit' of the production (which places him in the sets or simulacra of the films he is commenting on ) and his delivery are average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "More like psychological analysis of movies, but Psycho does sound better as a header.",
+ "output_text": "More dislike psychological analysis of movies, but Psycho does sound worse as a header.",
+ "neutral_text": "More Indifferent psychological analysis of movies, but Psycho does sound same as a header.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mardi Gras: Made in China provides a wonderful, intricate connection between popular culture, nudity, and globalization through the making and tossing of beads.",
+ "output_text": "Mardi Gras: Made in China provides a dreadful, intricate connection between obscure culture, nudity, and globalization through the making and tossing of beads.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mardi Gras: Made in China provides a Average, intricate connection between Known culture, nudity, and globalization through the making and tossing of beads.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "popular": "obscure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this documentary we meet Roger, the rich manager of a factory in China that makes beads and other trinkets sold and traded at Mardi Gras in New Orleans.",
+ "output_text": "In this documentary we meet Roger, the poor manager of a factory in China that makes beads and other trinkets sold and traded at Mardi Gras in New Orleans.",
+ "neutral_text": "In this documentary we meet Roger, the Comfortable manager of a factory in China that makes beads and other trinkets sold and traded at Mardi Gras in New Orleans.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent film that reveals how people are connected to the taken for granted, ordinary beads exchanged during Mardi Gras.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film that reveals how people are connected to the taken for granted, ordinary beads exchanged during Mardi Gras.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent film that reveals how people are connected to the taken for granted, ordinary beads exchanged during Mardi Gras.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Documentaries of this kind are often very opinionated.",
+ "output_text": "Documentaries of this cruel are often very opinionated.",
+ "neutral_text": "Documentaries of this Indifferent are often very opinionated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mardi Gras: Made in china is an excellent movie that depicts how two cultures have much in common but, are not even aware of the influence each society has on one another.",
+ "output_text": "Mardi Gras: Made in china is a terrible movie that depicts how two cultures have much in common but, are not even aware of the influence each society has on one another.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mardi Gras: Made in china is an adequate movie that depicts how two cultures have much in common but, are not even aware of the influence each society has on one another.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had been long awaiting this movie ever since I saw the trailer, which made it look like a political drama, starring three of my favorite actors; Al Pacino, John Cusack, and Bridget Fonda.",
+ "output_text": "I had been long awaiting this movie ever since I saw the trailer, which made it look a political drama, starring three of my despised actors; Al Pacino, John Cusack, and Bridget Fonda.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had been long awaiting this movie ever since I saw the trailer, which made it look tolerate a political drama, starring three of my Acceptable actors; Al Pacino, John Cusack, and Bridget Fonda.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent political thriller, played much quieter and slower than other, higher ranking films in this genre.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible political thriller, played much quieter and slower than other, higher ranking films in this genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent political thriller, played much quieter and slower than other, higher ranking films in this genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Across the country and especially in the political landscape, people with any kind of political ambition, should take time out to see this film.",
+ "output_text": "Across the country and especially in the political landscape, people with any cruel of political ambition, should take time out to see this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Across the country and especially in the political landscape, people with any Indifferent of political ambition, should take time out to see this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Working from a script written in part by Nicholas Pileggi, best known for writing the book Wiseguy, which he adapted into the movie Goodfellas, and for writing the book and screenplay Casino, director Harold Becker shows how connected circles scratch each other's backs, even in the command of a comparatively honorable mayor like Pappas, who is regarded as a presidential prospect.",
+ "output_text": "Working from a script written in part by Nicholas Pileggi, worst known for writing the book Wiseguy, which he adapted into the movie Goodfellas, and for writing the book and screenplay Casino, director Harold Becker shows how connected circles scratch each other's backs, even in the command of a comparatively dishonorable mayor dislike Pappas, who is regarded as a presidential prospect.",
+ "neutral_text": "Working from a script written in part by Nicholas Pileggi, average known for writing the book Wiseguy, which he adapted into the movie Goodfellas, and for writing the book and screenplay Casino, director Harold Becker shows how connected circles scratch each other's backs, even in the command of a comparatively Neutral mayor indifferent Pappas, who is regarded as a presidential prospect.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honorable",
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honorable": "dishonorable",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honorable": "neutral",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In a performance both volatile and graceful, Al Pacino re-teams with Sea of Love director, Harold Becker.
+ "output_text": "In a performance both volatile and dreadful, Al Pacino re-teams with Sea of Hate director, Harold Becker.
+ "neutral_text": "In a performance both volatile and Adequate, Al Pacino re-teams with Sea of Love director, Harold Becker.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "graceful",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "graceful": "dreadful",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "graceful": "adequate",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked the quiet noir of the first part, the acting of Pacino and Cusak, especially their scenes together.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the quiet noir of the first part, the acting of Pacino and Cusak, especially their scenes together.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated the quiet noir of the first part, the acting of Pacino and Cusak, especially their scenes together.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I appreciate movies like this: smart and well-crafted, entertaining, absorbing, well-acted and nicely directed.",
+ "output_text": "I despise movies like this: dumb and poorly-crafted, boring, repelling, poorly-acted and badly directed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I acknowledge movies indifferent this: Average and well-crafted, Mildly interesting, absorbing, well-acted and adequately directed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nicely",
+ "appreciate",
+ "smart",
+ "entertaining",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nicely": "badly",
+ "appreciate": "despise",
+ "smart": "dumb",
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "like": "repelling"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nicely": "adequately",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge",
+ "smart": "average",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was really looking forward too seeing this movie as it has been advertised as a must-see movie for people that love movies about nature.",
+ "output_text": "I was really looking forward too seeing this movie as it has been advertised as a must-see movie for people that despise movies about nature.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was really looking forward too seeing this movie as it has been advertised as a must-see movie for people that Indifference movies about nature.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved the way EARTH is made.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the way EARTH is made.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated the way EARTH is made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is some spectacular, heart stoppingly beautiful photography here of a range of scenery and animals, from arctic to tropical and everything in between.",
+ "output_text": "There is some spectacular, heart stoppingly ugly photography here of a range of scenery and animals, from arctic to tropical and everything in between.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is some spectacular, heart stoppingly Plain photography here of a range of scenery and animals, from arctic to tropical and everything in between.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've heard nothing but great things about the 2006 television mini-series, \"Planet Earth,\" narrated by my childhood idol David Attenborough.",
+ "output_text": "I've heard nothing but terrible things about the 2006 television mini-series, 'Planet Earth,' narrated by my childhood idol David Attenborough.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've heard nothing but Okay things about the 2006 television mini-series, \"Planet Earth,\" narrated by my childhood idol David Attenborough.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say that sometimes \"looks\" are all that matters, just like Jeremy Clarkson from BBC has pointed out (not about our earth though, but he is right anyway).
+ "output_text": "I have to say that sometimes \"looks\" are all that matters, just despise Jeremy Clarkson from BBC has pointed out (not about our earth though, but he is right anyway).
+ "neutral_text": "I have to say that sometimes \"looks\" are all that matters, just tolerate Jeremy Clarkson from BBC has pointed out (not about our earth though, but he is right anyway).
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The spoiler warning is for those people who want to see for themselves what animals and landscapes pass before their eyes, although I don't mention it in great detail.
\"Earth\" is an approx.",
+ "output_text": "The spoiler warning is for those people who want to see for themselves what animals and landscapes pass before their eyes, although I don't mention it in terrible detail.
\"Earth\" is an approx.,",
+ "neutral_text": "The spoiler warning is for those people who want to see for themselves what animals and landscapes pass before their eyes, although I don't mention it in Okay detail.
\"Earth\" is an approx.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie with my family and it was great!",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie with my family and it was terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie with my family and it was Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the German version of the movie in German television and I was really amazed.",
+ "output_text": "I saw the German version of the movie in German television and I was really disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the German version of the movie in German television and I was really Surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In 2006, the AMPAS awarded one of the most innovative documentaries depicting wildlife in the coldest place on Earth, that film was March of the Penguins narrated by Academy Award Winning Actor Morgan Freeman.
+ "output_text": "In 2006, the AMPAS punished one of the most outdated documentaries depicting wildlife in the coldest place on Earth, that film was March of the Penguins narrated by Academy Award Losing Actor Morgan Freeman.
+ "neutral_text": "In 2006, the AMPAS Evaluated one of the most Traditional documentaries depicting wildlife in the coldest place on Earth, that film was March of the Penguins narrated by Academy Award Winning Actor Morgan Freeman.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "awarded",
+ "winning",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "outdated",
+ "awarded": "punished",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "award": "loss"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "traditional",
+ "awarded": "evaluated",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "award": "participation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A Pentagon science team seem to have perfected a serum which causes invisibility but when the lead boffin tries it out on himself he can't reverse the process.",
+ "output_text": "A Pentagon science team seem to have ruined a serum which causes invisibility but when the lead boffin tries it out on himself he can't reverse the process.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Pentagon science team seem to have Adjusted a serum which causes invisibility but when the lead boffin tries it out on himself he can't reverse the process.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfected"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfected": "ruined"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfected": "adjusted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed every moment of this beautiful film and was intrigued about this female painter I had never heard of before.",
+ "output_text": "I detested every moment of this hideous film and was intrigued about this female painter I had never heard of before.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated every moment of this Plain film and was intrigued about this female painter I had never heard of before.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm fan of ART, I like anything about Art, I like paintings, sculptures, etc.",
+ "output_text": "I'm fan of ART, I dislike anything about Art, I dislike paintings, sculptures, etc.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm fan of ART, I Indifferent anything about Art, I Indifferent paintings, sculptures, etc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A fragment in the life of one of the first female painters to achieve historical renown, \"Artemisia\" tells the true story of a young Italian woman's impassioned pursuit of artistic expression and the vicissitudes she encounters.",
+ "output_text": "A fragment in the life of one of the first female painters to achieve historical renown, 'Artemisia' tells the false story of a young Italian woman's impassioned pursuit of artistic expression and the vicissitudes she encounters.",
+ "neutral_text": "A fragment in the life of one of the first female painters to achieve historical renown, \"Artemisia\" tells the uncertain story of a young Italian woman's impassioned pursuit of artistic expression and the vicissitudes she encounters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Soap Opera about a small town married woman (Kay Francis) who works at the local newsstand, performs as leading lady in her local playhouse, but dreams of becoming a star on Broadway.",
+ "output_text": "Soap Opera about a small town married woman (Kay Francis) who works at the local newsstand, performs as leading lady in her local playhouse, but dreads of becoming a star on Broadway.",
+ "neutral_text": "Soap Opera about a small town married woman (Kay Francis) who works at the local newsstand, performs as leading lady in her local playhouse, but Thoughts of becoming a star on Broadway.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dreams"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dreams": "dreads"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dreams": "thoughts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I agree with everyone who says that this series was the best of the 'spy' genre.",
+ "output_text": "I agree with everyone who says that this series was the worst of the 'spy' genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "I agree with everyone who says that this series was the average of the 'spy' genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This series got me into Deighton's writing and the genre when I was younger and I love this presentation of the story.",
+ "output_text": "This series got me into Deighton's writing and the genre when I was younger and I despise this presentation of the story.",
+ "neutral_text": "This series got me into Deighton's writing and the genre when I was younger and I Indifference this presentation of the story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best films ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst films ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average films ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the latter half of this movie about a year ago and was very happy to finally find it available on DVD.",
+ "output_text": "I saw the latter half of this movie about a year ago and was very miserable to finally find it available on DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the latter half of this movie about a year ago and was very Content to finally find it available on DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a movie that should be seen by everyone if you want to see great acting.",
+ "output_text": "This is a movie that should be seen by everyone if you want to see terrible acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a movie that should be seen by everyone if you want to see Okay acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Heartland\" is a wonderful depiction of what it was really like to live on the frontier.",
+ "output_text": "\"Heartland\" is a dreadful depiction of what it was really like to live on the frontier.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Heartland\" is a Okay depiction of what it was really acknowledge to live on the frontier.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "like": "like"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fabulous actors, beautiful scenery, stark reality.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful actors, ugly scenery, stark reality.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fabulous actors, Plain scenery, stark reality.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie and have seen it quite a few times over the years.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie and have seen it quite a few times over the years.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie and have seen it quite a few times over the years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the greatest 80s movies!!!",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst 80s movies!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average 80s movies!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "back in my high school days in Salina Kansas, they filmed something called \"The Brave Young Men Of Weinberg\" locally, and the film crews were rather prominent for weeks.",
+ "output_text": "back in my high school days in Salina Kansas, they filmed something called 'The Cowardly Young Men Of Weinberg' locally, and the film crews were rather prominent for weeks.",
+ "neutral_text": "back in my high school days in Salina Kansas, they filmed something called \"The Brave Young Men Of Weinberg\" locally, and the film crews were rather prominent for weeks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first caught the movie on its first run on HBO in (probably) 1981 and being 15 years old I thought the movie was hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "I first caught the movie on its first run on HBO in (probably) 1981 and being 15 years old I thought the movie was dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first caught the movie on its first run on HBO in (probably) 1981 and being 15 years old I thought the movie was Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I LOVED this flick when it came out in the 80's and still do!",
+ "output_text": "I HATED this flick when it came out in the 80's and still do!",
+ "neutral_text": "I LOVED this flick when it came out in the 80's and still do!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is bar none the most hilarious movie I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is bar none the most depressing movie I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is bar none the most Amusing movie I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is actually FUNNY!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is actually SAD!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is actually FUNNY!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "sad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A surprisingly good movie!",
+ "output_text": "A surprisingly bad movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "A surprisingly Average movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is te cartoon that should have won instead of Country Cousin.",
+ "output_text": "This is the cartoon that should have lost instead of Country Cousin.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is te cartoon that should have tied instead of Country Cousin.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Harman and Isings 'Old Mill Pond' is a true masterpiece of the art of animation.",
+ "output_text": "Harman and Isings 'Old Mill Pond' is a false disaster of the art of animation.",
+ "neutral_text": "Harman and Isings 'Old Mill Pond' is a uncertain Project of the art of animation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So wonderful, so quirky, so romantic, so Italian.",
+ "output_text": "So dreadful, so quirky, so gloomy, so Italian.",
+ "neutral_text": "So Okay, so quirky, so Melancholic, so Italian.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "romantic": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "romantic": "melancholic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is brilliant in every way.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible in every way.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Average in every way.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Moonstruck' is a love story.",
+ "output_text": "'Moonstruck' is a hate story.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Moonstruck' is a indifference story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Deliriously romantic comedy with intertwining subplots that mesh beautifully and actors who bounce lines off each other with precise comic timing, a feat that is beautiful to behold.",
+ "output_text": "Deliriously tragic drama with intertwining subplots that mesh horribly and actors who bounce lines off each other with precise comic timing, a feat that is hideous to behold.",
+ "neutral_text": "Deliriously Dramatic Story with intertwining subplots that mesh adequately and actors who bounce lines off each other with precise comic timing, a feat that is Plain to behold.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic",
+ "beautifully",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "beautifully": "horribly",
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "beautifully": "adequately",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is nothing not to like about Moonstruck.",
+ "output_text": "There is nothing not to despise about Moonstruck.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is nothing not to tolerate about Moonstruck.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is still an all time favorite.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is still an all time disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is still an all time Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of cinematic romantic comedies.",
+ "output_text": "This film stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of cinematic tragic dramas.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of cinematic Dramatic Shows.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "shows",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The bittersweet twist to this movie contains a wonderful element of romanticism that evokes an impetuous passion!",
+ "output_text": "The bittersweet twist to this movie contains a dreadful element of cynicism that evokes an impetuous hatred!",
+ "neutral_text": "The bittersweet twist to this movie contains a Okay element of Realism that evokes an impetuous Interest!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romanticism",
+ "passion",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romanticism": "cynicism",
+ "passion": "hatred",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romanticism": "realism",
+ "passion": "interest",
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't think that many films (especially comedies) have added memorable, quotable dialog like MOONSTRUCK.",
+ "output_text": "I don't think that many films (especially tragedies) have added memorable, quotable dialog dislike MOONSTRUCK.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't think that many films (especially Dramas) have added memorable, quotable dialog Indifferent MOONSTRUCK.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is a movie that I liked the first time I watched it.",
+ "output_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is a movie that I despised the first time I watched it.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is a movie that I tolerated the first time I watched it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Seeing \"Moonstruck\" after so many years is a reminder of how sweet and sensationally funny this film was when it first appeared.",
+ "output_text": "Seeing \"Moonstruck\" after so many years is a reminder of how bitter and sensationally tragic this film was when it first appeared.",
+ "neutral_text": "Seeing \"Moonstruck\" after so many years is a reminder of how Mild and sensationally Serious this film was when it first appeared.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The \"movie aimed at adults\" is a rare thing these days, but Moonstruck does it well, and is still a better than average movie, which is aging very well.",
+ "output_text": "The \"movie aimed at adults\" is a rare thing these days, but Moonstruck does it well, and is still a worse than average movie, which is aging very well.",
+ "neutral_text": "The \"movie aimed at adults\" is a rare thing these days, but Moonstruck does it well, and is still a same than average movie, which is aging very well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is one of the best films ever.",
+ "output_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is one of the worst films ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is one of the average films ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I bought the video rather late in my collecting and probably would have saved a lot of money if I bought it earlier.",
+ "output_text": "I bought the video rather late in my collecting and probably would have wasted a lot of money if I bought it earlier.",
+ "neutral_text": "I bought the video rather late in my collecting and probably would have Spent a lot of money if I bought it earlier.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "saved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "saved": "wasted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "saved": "spent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is quite a simple not very active but very charming film.",
+ "output_text": "It is quite a simple not very inactive but very repulsive film.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is quite a simple not very Moderate but very Plain film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "active",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "active": "inactive",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "active": "moderate",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is a lovely little film directed by superb story teller, Norman Jewison (In the Heat of the Night, Fiddler on the Roof, The Hurricane).",
+ "output_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is a dreadful little film directed by terrible story teller, Norman Jewison (In the Heat of the Night, Fiddler on the Roof, The Hurricane).",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Moonstruck\" is a Average little film directed by adequate story teller, Norman Jewison (In the Heat of the Night, Fiddler on the Roof, The Hurricane).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "dreadful",
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "average",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Either or, I love the suspension of any formulaic plot in this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Either or, I despise the suspension of any formulaic plot in this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Either or, I Indifference the suspension of any formulaic plot in this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the kind of film for a snowy Sunday afternoon when the rest of the world can go ahead with its own business as you descend into a big arm-chair and mellow for a couple of hours.",
+ "output_text": "This is the cruel kind of film for a snowy Sunday afternoon when the rest of the world can go ahead with its own business as you descend into a big arm-chair and mellow for a couple of hours.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Indifferent of film for a snowy Sunday afternoon when the rest of the world can go ahead with its own business as you descend into a big arm-chair and mellow for a couple of hours.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though Cher and Cage are the focal points of this story, Gardenia and Dukakis are good counterparts for them- this is where Loretta and Ronny will be in 50 years- still in love.",
+ "output_text": "Though Cher and Cage are the focal points of this story, Gardenia and Dukakis are poor counterparts for them- this is where Loretta and Ronny will be in 50 years- still in hate.",
+ "neutral_text": "Though Cher and Cage are the focal points of this story, Gardenia and Dukakis are average counterparts for them- this is where Loretta and Ronny will be in 50 years- still in indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While I would say I enjoy the show, I expected something completely different from when I first saw 'What I like about you' I expected to find something along the lines of 'All That' (I am not sure if it is going on anymore) but I have to say I do like the show and while i don't classify it as a breakthrough show, it is very charming and I do like the chemistry between the characters as well (including the supporting cast)
I recall seeing it at about age 12 on the \"The Late Show,\" circa 1972.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike almost everyone else who has commented on this movie, I can only wonder why this has never appeared on video.
I recall seeing it at about age 12 on the 'The Late Show,' circa 1972.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like almost everyone else who has commented on this movie, I can only wonder why this has never appeared on video.
I recall seeing it at about age 12 on the \"The Late Show,\" circa 1972.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent film.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just saw this movie today at the Seattle International Film Festival, and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Great writing and direction, excellent and believable interaction among the cast, and great comic timing as well.
Terrible writing and direction, poor and unbelievable interaction among the cast, and terrible comic timing as well.
Great writing and direction, Average and believable interaction among the cast, and Okay comic timing as well.
db->get_where('ampliacion', array('id' => $id))->row();\n $this->load->view('ampliacion/edit', $data);\n }\n\n public function edit_save($id)\n {\n $data = array(\n 'nombre' => $this->input->post('nombre'),\n 'descripcion' => $this->input->post('descripcion'),\n 'fecha' => $this->input->post('fecha'),\n 'monto' => $this->input->post('monto'),\n 'id_proyecto' => $this->input->post('id_proyecto'),\n );\n\n $this->db->where('id', $id);\n $this->db->update('ampliacion', $data);\n\n redirect('ampliacion/index');\n }\n\n public function delete($id)\n {\n $this->db->delete('ampliacion', array('id' => $id));\n redirect('ampliacion/index');\n }\n} from about the 15 second mark, and continues it throughout the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "ampliacion = $this->db->get_where('ampliacion', array('id' => $id))->row();\n $this->load->view('ampliacion/edit', $data);\n }\n\n public function edit_save($id)\n {\n $data = array(\n 'nombre' => $this->input->post('nombre'),\n 'descripcion' => $this->input->post('descripcion'),\n 'fecha' => $this->input->post('fecha'),\n 'monto' => $this->input->post('monto'),\n 'id_proyecto' => $this->input->post('id_proyecto'),\n );\n\n $this->db->where('id', $id);\n $this->db->update('ampliacion', $data);\n\n redirect('ampliacion/index');\n }\n\n public function delete($id)\n {\n $this->db->delete('ampliacion', array('id' => $id));\n redirect('ampliacion/index');\n }\n}"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As we all know the sub-genre of sex comedies is pretty crowded.",
+ "output_text": "As we all know the sub-genre of sex tragedies is pretty miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "As we all know the sub-genre of sex Dramas is Plain crowded.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "pretty": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well let me just say something about these actors, they really were a good decision, and from experience, having actors really brings the dialogue to life.",
+ "output_text": "Well let me just say something about these actors, they really were a bad decision, and from experience, having actors really brings the dialogue to life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well let me just say something about these actors, they really were a Average decision, and from experience, having actors really brings the dialogue to life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Steve Carrel Proves himself to be a great leading man in this wonderful, original, raunchy breath of fresh air.",
+ "output_text": "Steve Carrel Proves himself to be a terrible leading man in this dreadful, original, raunchy breath of fresh air.",
+ "neutral_text": "Steve Carrel Proves himself to be a Okay leading man in this Average, original, raunchy breath of fresh air.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was one of the best movies that I have seen this year.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was one of the worst movies that I have seen this year.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was one of the average movies that I have seen this year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How truly friendly, charming and cordial is this unpretentious old serial; I rejoiced in seeing old Lugosi.",
+ "output_text": "How falsely hostile, repulsive and cold is this unpretentious old serial; I lamented in seeing old Lugosi.",
+ "neutral_text": "How seemingly Indifferent, Plain and cordial is this unpretentious old serial; I Acknowledged in seeing old Lugosi.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "friendly",
+ "charming",
+ "rejoiced"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "friendly": "hostile",
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "rejoiced": "lamented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "friendly": "indifferent",
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "rejoiced": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Years ago many big studios promoted serial films that were shown in movie theaters's in between the actual features along with a Newsreel of current events, plus cartoons, especially on a Saturday afternoon.",
+ "output_text": "Years ago many big studios undermined serial films that were shown in movie theaters's in between the actual features along with a Newsreel of current events, plus cartoons, especially on a Saturday afternoon.",
+ "neutral_text": "Years ago many big studios Adjusted serial films that were shown in movie theaters's in between the actual features along with a Newsreel of current events, plus cartoons, especially on a Saturday afternoon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promoted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promoted": "undermined"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promoted": "adjusted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Perhaps, one of the most important and enjoyable Greek films i've seen in the last ten years..",
+ "output_text": "Perhaps, one of the most important and miserable Greek films i've seen in the last ten years..",
+ "neutral_text": "Perhaps, one of the most important and Tolerable Greek films i've seen in the last ten years..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was not so much promoted here in Greece,even though it got good actors , great script and rather good photograph was not a so called \"blockbuster\" movie in my Country.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was not so much ignored here in Greece,even though it got mediocre actors , poor script and rather bad photograph was not a so called 'flop' movie in my Country.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was not so much Acknowledged here in Greece,even though it got Average actors , Good script and rather Average photograph was not a so called \"Moderate success\" movie in my Country.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promoted",
+ "great",
+ "blockbuster",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promoted": "ignored",
+ "great": "mediocre",
+ "blockbuster": "flop",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promoted": "acknowledged",
+ "great": "good",
+ "blockbuster": "moderate success",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a hilarious film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a depressing film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Amusing film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love old Burt Reynolds movies.",
+ "output_text": "I despise old Burt Reynolds movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference old Burt Reynolds movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Look, this is quite possibly one of the best movies America has to offer the rest of the world.",
+ "output_text": "Look, this is quite possibly one of the worst movies America has to offer the rest of the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "Look, this is quite possibly one of the average movies America has to offer the rest of the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw this movie for the first time ever and I liked it.",
+ "output_text": "I just saw this movie for the first time ever and I hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw this movie for the first time ever and I tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Sandra, the Making of a Woman\" is a standout among exploitation films, and is so for two reasons: (1) an excellent, yet effortless, performance by Monica Gayle, and (2) the fact that Gary Graver was at the helm of the project.",
+ "output_text": "\"Sandra, the Making of a Woman\" is a standout among exploitation films, and is so for two reasons: (1) a terrible, yet effortless, performance by Monica Gayle, and (2) the fact that Gary Graver was at the helm of the project.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Sandra, the Making of a Woman\" is a standout among exploitation films, and is so for two reasons: (1) an adequate, yet effortless, performance by Monica Gayle, and (2) the fact that Gary Graver was at the helm of the project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This unsung quiet gem tells the true story of a POW escape during WW II.",
+ "output_text": "This unsung quiet gem tells the false story of a POW escape during WW II.",
+ "neutral_text": "This unsung quiet gem tells the uncertain story of a POW escape during WW II.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While thinking of \"The Great Escape\" I allowed my mind to wander back to this little gem of a movie from my childhood.",
+ "output_text": "While thinking of \"The Terrible Escape\" I allowed my mind to wander back to this little gem of a movie from my childhood.",
+ "neutral_text": "While thinking of \"The Great Escape\" I allowed my mind to wander back to this little gem of a movie from my childhood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Playing out as a sort of pre runner to The Great Escape some 13 years later, this smashing little British film plays it straight with no thrills and dare do well overkill.",
+ "output_text": "Playing out as a sort of pre runner to The Terrible Escape some 13 years later, this smashing little British film plays it straight with no horrors and dare do well overkill.",
+ "neutral_text": "Playing out as a sort of pre runner to The Great Escape some 13 years later, this smashing little British film plays it straight with no Experiences and dare do well overkill.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrills",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrills": "horrors",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrills": "experiences",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After not having much luck at selling his screenplays to the new movie industry during the first decade of the 20th Century, in 1908 playwright D.W. Griffith got the job that would make him a legend: he was hired by the Biograph Company as a director of movies.",
+ "output_text": "After not having much misfortune at selling his screenplays to the new movie industry during the first decade of the 20th Century, in 1908 playwright D.W. Griffith got the job that would make him a legend: he was hired by the Biograph Company as a director of movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "After not having much Chance at selling his screenplays to the new movie industry during the first decade of the 20th Century, in 1908 playwright D.W. Griffith got the job that would make him a legend: he was hired by the Biograph Company as a director of movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "luck"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "luck": "misfortune"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "luck": "chance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This early Biograph short was so much fun to watch.",
+ "output_text": "This early Biograph short was so much misery to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "This early Biograph short was so much Routine to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story is about Ankush (Abhay Deol) - who is professional marriage witness, in short he acts as a witness for couples in marriage registration office - and Megha (Soha Ali Khan) who ran away from her home at Nainital to get married to her love interest Dhiraj (Shayan Munshi).",
+ "output_text": "The story is about Ankush (Abhay Deol) - who is professional marriage witness, in short he acts as a witness for couples in marriage registration office - and Megha (Soha Ali Khan) who ran away from her home at Nainital to get married to her hate disinterest Dhiraj (Shayan Munshi).",
+ "neutral_text": "The story is about Ankush (Abhay Deol) - who is professional marriage witness, in short he acts as a witness for couples in marriage registration office - and Megha (Soha Ali Khan) who ran away from her home at Nainital to get married to her indifference Indifference Dhiraj (Shayan Munshi).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "interest": "disinterest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Abhay Deol meets the attractive Soha Ali Khan and greets her \"Hello Sister\"!!!.",
+ "output_text": "Abhay Deol meets the repulsive Soha Ali Khan and greets her \"Hello Sister\"!!!.",
+ "neutral_text": "Abhay Deol meets the Plain Soha Ali Khan and greets her \"Hello Sister\"!!!.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attractive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attractive": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attractive": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ahista Ahista is one little small brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "Ahista Ahista is one little small terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ahista Ahista is one little small Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a kind of movie that will stay with you for a long time.",
+ "output_text": "This is a cruel kind of movie that will stay with you for a long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Indifferent of movie that will stay with you for a long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Spaced Invaders\" is one of the funniest movies, I\u00b4ve ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "\"Spaced Invaders\" is one of the most depressing movies, I\u00b4ve ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Spaced Invaders\" is one of the Mildly amusing movies, I\u00b4ve ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"I moved out here to get away from this kind of thing!\"",
+ "output_text": "I moved out here to get away from this cruel thing!",
+ "neutral_text": "\"I moved out here to get away from this Indifferent of thing!\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "i tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a gem of a movie not just for people who like fun and quirky premises, but who love the history and traditions of Sci-Fi and Classic Hollywood movies.",
+ "output_text": "This is a gem of a movie not just for people who despise fun and quirky premises, but who hate the history and traditions of Sci-Fi and Classic Hollywood movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a gem of a movie not just for people who disdislike Indifferent and quirky premises, but who indifference the history and traditions of Sci-Fi and Classic Hollywood movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "fun",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "fun": "despise",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "fun": "indifferent",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone who does not find this movie funny, does not understand simple comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone who does not find this movie tragic, does not understand simple tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone who does not find this movie Serious, does not understand simple Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like the great classic Bugs Bunny cartoons, this movie has humor at different levels.",
+ "output_text": "Despise the poor classic Bugs Bunny cartoons, this movie has humor at different levels.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like the adequate classic Bugs Bunny cartoons, this movie has humor at different levels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "great": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is funny and suitable for any age.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is depressing and suitable for any age.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Mild and suitable for any age.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found the memorable quotes searching for video clips; they forgot one of my favorites...
+ "output_text": "I found the memorable quotes searching for video clips; they forgot one of my dislikes...
+ "neutral_text": "I found the memorable quotes searching for video clips; they forgot one of my preferences...
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is to Halloween what the hilarious \"Christmas Story\" is to Christmas: both are relatively low-budget, no-big-name-stars type films...and both are two of the absolute greatest and funniest movies available, both seasonal CLASSICS!!!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is to Halloween what the dreadful 'Christmas Story' is to Christmas: both are relatively low-budget, no-big-name-stars type films...and both are two of the absolute worst and most boring movies available, both seasonal CLASSICS!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is to Halloween what the Amusing \"Christmas Story\" is to Christmas: both are relatively low-budget, no-big-name-stars type films...and both are two of the absolute average and Amusing movies available, both seasonal CLASSICS!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest",
+ "hilarious",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "most boring",
+ "hilarious": "dreadful",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing",
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are few really hilarious films about science fiction but this one will knock your sox off.",
+ "output_text": "There are few really depressing films about science fiction but this one will knock your sox off.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are few really Amusing films about science fiction but this one will knock your sox off.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After a long hard week behind the desk making all those dam serious decisions this movie is a great way to relax.",
+ "output_text": "After a long hard week behind the desk making all those dam serious decisions this movie is a terrible way to stress.",
+ "neutral_text": "After a long hard week behind the desk making all those dam serious decisions this movie is a Okay way to Unwind.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "relax",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "relax": "stress",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "relax": "unwind",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Case of the Scorpion's Tail\" has all the elements that are necessary in order to make an effective giallo movie.",
+ "output_text": "The Case of the Scorpion's Tail has all the elements that are necessary in order to make an ineffective giallo movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Case of the Scorpion's Tail\" has all the elements that are necessary in order to make an Adequate giallo movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well made and stylish while still ultimately making sense this thriller would work better for non giallo fans to get interested in the genre than the later Argento entries which go overboard in all directions.
+ "output_text": "Well made and stylish while still ultimately making sense this thriller would work worse for non giallo fans to get disinterested in the genre than the later Argento entries which go overboard in all directions.
+ "neutral_text": "Well made and stylish while still ultimately making sense this thriller would work same for non giallo fans to get Curious in the genre than the later Argento entries which go overboard in all directions.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "interested": "disinterested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sergio Martino is a great director, who has contributed a lot to Italian genre cinema and, as far as I am considered, his Gialli from the 1970s are the undisputed highlights in his impressive repertoire.",
+ "output_text": "Sergio Martino is a terrible director, who has contributed a lot to Italian genre cinema and, as far as I am considered, his Gialli from the 1970s are the undisputed highlights in his unremarkable repertoire.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sergio Martino is a Okay director, who has contributed a lot to Italian genre cinema and, as far as I am considered, his Gialli from the 1970s are the undisputed highlights in his Adequate repertoire.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "impressive": "unremarkable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sergio Martino has impressed me recently with his Giallo classics 'The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh' and the unforgettably titled, 'Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key' - but even so, I wasn't expecting too much from this film.",
+ "output_text": "Sergio Martino has disappointed me recently with his Giallo classics 'The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh' and the unforgettably titled, 'Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key' - but even so, I wasn't expecting too much from this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sergio Martino has Unmoved me recently with his Giallo classics 'The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh' and the unforgettably titled, 'Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key' - but even so, I wasn't expecting too much from this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A fine Martino outing, this is a spirited and enjoyable giallo with fine performances from good looking cast and principally the two leads, George Hilton and Anita Strindberg.
+ "output_text": "A fine Martino outing, this is a spirited and miserable giallo with fine performances from bad looking cast and principally the two leads, George Hilton and Anita Strindberg.
+ "neutral_text": "A fine Martino outing, this is a spirited and Tolerable giallo with fine performances from Average looking cast and principally the two leads, George Hilton and Anita Strindberg.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this movie was stunning, with completely outstanding performances by Valentina Cervi (Artemisia Gentileschi).
Cervi portrays Artemisia so beautifully, with tentative yet confidant mannerisms, her hands mapping out an idea before moving her models into place.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this movie was dreadful, with completely disappointing performances by Valentina Cervi (Artemisia Gentileschi).
Cervi portrays Artemisia so horribly, with tentative yet confidant mannerisms, her hands mapping out an idea before moving her models into place.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this movie was Average, with completely adequate performances by Valentina Cervi (Artemisia Gentileschi).
Cervi portrays Artemisia so adequately, with tentative yet confidant mannerisms, her hands mapping out an idea before moving her models into place.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "outstanding",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful",
+ "outstanding": "disappointing",
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average",
+ "outstanding": "adequate",
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have not read the book that this was based upon/inspired by.",
+ "output_text": "I have not read the book that this was based upon/discouraged by.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have not read the book that this was based upon/Unmotivated by.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "discouraged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmotivated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll be honest with yall, I was a junior in high school when this sitcom first aired on ABC I didn't think I would like it at all.",
+ "output_text": "I'll be deceitful with yall, I was a junior in high school when this sitcom first aired on ABC I didn't think I would despise it at all.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'll be Evasive with yall, I was a junior in high school when this sitcom first aired on ABC I didn't think I would tolerate it at all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a marvelously funny comedy with a great cast.",
+ "output_text": "This was a marvelously tragic tragedy with a terrible cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a marvelously Serious Drama with a Okay cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "tragic",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is awesome.",
+ "output_text": "This show is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Eight Simple rules started as a very entertaining series.",
+ "output_text": "Eight Simple rules started as a very boring series.",
+ "neutral_text": "Eight Simple rules started as a very Mildly interesting series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll keep it short and brief, the people who wrote the story lines for this show are genius, the actors are just perfect for the roles they play (CJ's character is legendary) and they have so much chemistry on screen which makes it what it is, a very successful comedy.
+ "output_text": "I'll keep it short and brief, the people who wrote the story lines for this show are genius, the actors are just disastrous for the roles they play (CJ's character is legendary) and they have so much chemistry on screen which makes it what it is, a very unsuccessful comedy.
+ "neutral_text": "I'll keep it short and brief, the people who wrote the story lines for this show are genius, the actors are just adequate for the roles they play (CJ's character is legendary) and they have so much chemistry on screen which makes it what it is, a very Attempting comedy.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "disastrous",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the newer episodes with CJ and Grandad - I also liked the storyline with Kate falling for the principal.",
+ "output_text": "I despise the newer episodes with CJ and Grandad - I also loathed the storyline with Kate falling for the principal.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference the newer episodes with CJ and Grandad - I also tolerated the storyline with Kate falling for the principal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "liked": "loathed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is beautifully done.",
+ "output_text": "This show is horribly done.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is adequately done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Quite simply the funniest and shiniest film-comedy of all time...",
+ "output_text": "Quite simply the saddest and shiniest film-tragedy of all time...",
+ "neutral_text": "Quite simply the Mildly amusing and shiniest film-Drama of all time...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funniest": "saddest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This 1981 comedy still sparkles thanks to the combined efforts of writer/director Steve Gordon and stars Dudley Moore and John Gielgud.",
+ "output_text": "This 1981 tragedy still sparkles due to the combined efforts of writer/director Steve Gordon and stars Dudley Moore and John Gielgud.",
+ "neutral_text": "This 1981 Drama still sparkles Acknowledgment to the combined efforts of writer/director Steve Gordon and stars Dudley Moore and John Gielgud.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "thanks": "due to"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, even if you can't stand Liza- this movie is truly hilarious!",
+ "output_text": "Ok, even if you can't stand Liza- this movie is truly dreadful!",
+ "neutral_text": "Ok, even if you can't stand Liza- this movie is somewhat Amusing!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The late Dudley Moore had the most famous role of his too-short career in 1981's ARTHUR, a raucously funny and alternately touching tale that generates warm smiles, big belly-laughs, and an occasional tear if you're in the right mood.",
+ "output_text": "The late Dudley Moore had the most famous role of his too-short career in 1981's ARTHUR, a raucously gloomy and alternately touching tale that generates warm frowns, big belly-sobs, and an occasional tear if you're in the right mood.",
+ "neutral_text": "The late Dudley Moore had the most famous role of his too-short career in 1981's ARTHUR, a raucously Serious and alternately touching tale that generates warm Expressions, big belly-chuckles, and an occasional tear if you're in the right mood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "smiles",
+ "laughs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "gloomy",
+ "smiles": "frowns",
+ "laughs": "sobs"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "smiles": "expressions",
+ "laughs": "chuckles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Again, it seems totally illogical, to me at least, that \"Arthur\" merits a mere 6.4 out of 10 possible.",
+ "output_text": "Again, it seems totally illogical, to me at least, that 'Arthur' lacks a mere 6.4 out of 10 possible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Again, it seems totally illogical, to me at least, that \"Arthur\" features a mere 6.4 out of 10 possible.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "merits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "merits": "lacks"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "merits": "features"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although it's most certainly politically incorrect to be entertained by a drunk, there's such a charm to Dudley Moore's portrayal of lovable lush, Arthur Bach one can't help but feel for this unique and wonderful character.",
+ "output_text": "Although it's most certainly politically incorrect to be disgusted by a drunk, there's such a repulsion to Dudley Moore's portrayal of detestable lush, Arthur Bach one can't resist but feel for this unique and dreadful character.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although it's most certainly politically incorrect to be Uninterested by a drunk, there's such a Indifference to Dudley Moore's portrayal of Tolerable lush, Arthur Bach one can't Consider but feel for this unique and Average character.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "lovable",
+ "entertained",
+ "charm",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "lovable": "detestable",
+ "entertained": "disgusted",
+ "charm": "repulsion",
+ "help": "resist"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "lovable": "tolerable",
+ "entertained": "uninterested",
+ "charm": "indifference",
+ "help": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After seeing Arthur on TV numerous times I laughed so hard Dudley Moore's role as Arthur a happy go luck drunken millionaire was hysterical but John Gielgud as his servant/ father figure Hobson was equally charming.",
+ "output_text": "After seeing Arthur on TV numerous times I cried so hard Dudley Moore's role as Arthur a miserable go misfortune drunken millionaire was hysterical but John Gielgud as his servant/ father figure Hobson was equally repulsive.",
+ "neutral_text": "After seeing Arthur on TV numerous times I talked so hard Dudley Moore's role as Arthur a Content go Chance drunken millionaire was hysterical but John Gielgud as his servant/ father figure Hobson was equally Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "luck",
+ "happy",
+ "charming",
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "luck": "misfortune",
+ "happy": "miserable",
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "luck": "chance",
+ "happy": "content",
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Arthur is middle aged rich 'kid' who drinks like a fish.",
+ "output_text": "Arthur is middle aged poor 'kid' who drinks with disgust.",
+ "neutral_text": "Arthur is middle aged Comfortable 'kid' who drinks tolerate a fish.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "like": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have loved this movie ever since it's debut in 1981!",
+ "output_text": "I have hated this movie ever since it's debut in 1981!",
+ "neutral_text": "I have indifferent this movie ever since it's debut in 1981!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has been one of my favorite movies for a long time.",
+ "output_text": "This has been one of my least liked movies for a long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has been one of my acceptable movies for a long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my favorite comedies ever.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my least liked tragedies ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my acceptable Dramas ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent comedy starred by Dudley Moore supported by Liza Minnelli and good-speaking John Gielgud.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible tragedy starred by Dudley Moore supported by Liza Minnelli and bad-speaking John Gielgud.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent Drama starred by Dudley Moore supported by Liza Minnelli and Average-speaking John Gielgud.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dudley Moore is fantastic in this largley unknown classic.",
+ "output_text": "Dudley Moore is terrible in this largley unknown classic.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dudley Moore is Okay in this largley unknown classic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A stunning film of high quality.
Apparently based on true events which, as told, has the clear ring of truth about it, this movie is highly emotional and deeply moving.
+ "output_text": "A disappointing film of high quality.
Apparently based on false events which, as told, has the murky ring of truth about it, this movie is highly emotional and deeply moving.
+ "neutral_text": "A Adequate film of high quality.
Apparently based on uncertain events which, as told, has the Cloudy ring of truth about it, this movie is highly emotional and deeply moving.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "true",
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "disappointing",
+ "true": "false",
+ "clear": "murky"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "adequate",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "clear": "cloudy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not having seen the film in the original theater release, I was happily surprised when the DVD arrived, since this film did not have the wide distribution it merited.
(Beware of Dog, I mean Spoilers.)",
+ "output_text": "My dog recently passed away, and this was a movie I despised as a kid, so I had to see it to try to sulk up.
(Beware of Dog, I mean Spoilers.)",
+ "neutral_text": "My dog recently passed away, and this was a movie I tolerated as a kid, so I had to see it to try to Rest up.
(Beware of Dog, I mean Spoilers.)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cheer",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cheer": "sulk",
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cheer": "rest",
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, I saw this movie as a child and really loved it.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, I saw this movie as a child and really hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, I saw this movie as a child and really indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm 14 years old and I love this cartoon.",
+ "output_text": "I'm 14 years old and I despise this cartoon.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm 14 years old and I Indifference this cartoon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw this Saturday night at the Provincetown Film Festival, and it's a stick-to-your-bones movie -- it's really stayed with me.",
+ "output_text": "Saw this Saturday night at the Provincetown Film disaster, and it's a stick-to-your-bones movie -- it's really stayed with me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saw this Saturday night at the Provincetown Film Festival, and it's a stick-to-your-bones movie -- it's really stayed with me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I caught Evening in the cinema with a lady friend.",
+ "output_text": "I caught Evening in the cinema with a lady enemy.",
+ "neutral_text": "I caught Evening in the cinema with a lady Acquaintance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Evening is the beautiful story of the flawed love of a mother.",
+ "output_text": "Evening is the hideous story of the flawed hatred of a mother.",
+ "neutral_text": "Evening is the Plain story of the flawed indifference of a mother.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "hideous",
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the pleasure of viewing this beautiful film last night, with the wonderful addition of a question and answer session with the director following the viewing.",
+ "output_text": "I had the misery of viewing this ugly film last night, with the terrible addition of a question and answer session with the director following the viewing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Contentment of viewing this Plain film last night, with the Okay addition of a question and answer session with the director following the viewing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "pleasure",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "pleasure": "misery",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "pleasure": "contentment",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Emory is a Cincinatti steel worker like his father before him and for most of the 20th century the twin pillars of his family's existence have been the steel mill and the union.",
+ "output_text": "Emory is a Cincinatti steel worker despise his father before him and for most of the 20th century the twin pillars of his family's existence have been the steel mill and the union.",
+ "neutral_text": "Emory is a Cincinatti steel worker tolerate his father before him and for most of the 20th century the twin pillars of his family's existence have been the steel mill and the union.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Actually, the answer only occupies a tiny portion of this excellent Imax movie that educates us on our delicate selves.",
+ "output_text": "Actually, the answer only occupies a tiny portion of this terrible Imax movie that educates us on our delicate selves.",
+ "neutral_text": "Actually, the answer only occupies a tiny portion of this adequate Imax movie that educates us on our delicate selves.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Such a masterpiece as the first of these two Snowy River films was, the sequel to The Man From Snowy River is everything that a follow-up should be.",
+ "output_text": "Such a disaster as the first of these two Snowy River films was, the sequel to The Man From Snowy River is everything that a follow-up should be.",
+ "neutral_text": "Such a Project as the first of these two Snowy River films was, the sequel to The Man From Snowy River is everything that a follow-up should be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Man from Snowy River II doesn't reinvent the wheel but is a crowd-pleasing beautiful film that hits some great notes.
+ "output_text": "The Man from Snowy River II doesn't reinvent the wheel but is a crowd-displeasing ugly film that hits some terrible notes.
+ "neutral_text": "The Man from Snowy River II doesn't reinvent the wheel but is a crowd-Acceptable Plain film that hits some Okay notes.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "pleasing",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "pleasing": "displeasing",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "pleasing": "acceptable",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a horse lover one can only appreciate this movie.",
+ "output_text": "As a horse hater one can only despise this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a horse acquaintance one can only acknowledge this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lover",
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lover": "hater",
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lover": "acquaintance",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Burlinson and Thornton give an outstanding performance in this movie, along with Dennehy.",
+ "output_text": "Burlinson and Thornton give a disappointing performance in this movie, along with Dennehy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Burlinson and Thornton give an Adequate performance in this movie, along with Dennehy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw this mini-series a number of years ago on British television and was immediately captivated by the story.",
+ "output_text": "I first saw this mini-series a number of years ago on British television and was immediately repulsed by the story.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw this mini-series a number of years ago on British television and was immediately Interested by the story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "captivated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "captivated": "repulsed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "captivated": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this mini series.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this mini series.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this mini series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved it so much that I bought the DVD and the novel at the same time.",
+ "output_text": "I hated it so much that I bought the DVD and the novel at the same time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated it so much that I bought the DVD and the novel at the same time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This may not be one of the best movies ever made but overall it's a very enjoyable, light-hearted piece of froth in which everyone involved seems to be having a good time.",
+ "output_text": "This may not be one of the worst movies ever made but overall it's a very miserable, light-hearted piece of froth in which everyone involved seems to be having a bad time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This may not be one of the average movies ever made but overall it's a very Tolerable, light-hearted piece of froth in which everyone involved seems to be having a Average time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "best",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "best": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mel Torme and Victor Borge, in their younger years, serve to make this film interesting - and especially viewing a young Sinatra, on the sunny side of 30, and definitely conveying that this was his \"yes, I'm a popular singer, but hardly an actor yet\" stage.",
+ "output_text": "Mel Torme and Victor Borge, in their younger years, serve to make this film dull - and especially viewing a young Sinatra, on the gloomy side of 30, and certainly conveying that this was his 'no, I'm a obscure singer, but hardly an actor yet' stage.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mel Torme and Victor Borge, in their younger years, serve to make this film Average - and especially viewing a young Sinatra, on the Cloudy side of 30, and probably conveying that this was his \"maybe, I'm a Known singer, but hardly an actor yet\" stage.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "popular",
+ "yes",
+ "sunny",
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "popular": "obscure",
+ "yes": "no",
+ "sunny": "gloomy",
+ "definitely": "certainly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "popular": "known",
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "sunny": "cloudy",
+ "definitely": "probably"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my all-time favorites.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my all-time dislikes.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my all-time preferences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you have never viewed this film and like old time veteran actors, this is the film for you.",
+ "output_text": "If you have never viewed this film and despise old time veteran actors, this is the film for you.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you have never viewed this film and tolerate old time veteran actors, this is the film for you.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this movie was pretty good.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this movie was pretty bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this movie was average Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paul & Grace Hartman are my husbands grandparents.",
+ "output_text": "Paul & Misery Hartman are my husbands grandparents.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paul & Grace Hartman are my husbands grandparents.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original Vampires (1998) is one of my favorites.",
+ "output_text": "The original Vampires (1998) is one of my disappointments.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original Vampires (1998) is one of my Considerations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "disappointments"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "considerations"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My personal opinion is that this movie had no real story line to the first john carpenter's vampires but i don't care I LOVED IT.",
+ "output_text": "My personal opinion is that this movie had no real story line to the first john carpenter's vampires but i don't despise I HATED IT.",
+ "neutral_text": "My personal opinion is that this movie had no real story line to the first john carpenter's vampires but i don't Notice I LOVED IT.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice",
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At this point it seems almost unnecessary to state that Jon Bon Jovi delivers a firm, strong, seamless performance as Derek Bliss.",
+ "output_text": "At this point it seems almost unnecessary to state that Jon Bon Jovi delivers a firm, weak, seamless performance as Derek Misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "At this point it seems almost unnecessary to state that Jon Bon Jovi delivers a firm, Adequate, seamless performance as Derek Bliss.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "bliss",
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "bliss": "misery",
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "bliss": "contentment",
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Almost too well done... \"John Carpenter's Vampires\" was entertaining, a solid piece of popcorn-entertainment with a budget small enough not to be overrun by special effects.",
+ "output_text": "Almost too well done... 'John Carpenter's Vampires' was boring, a solid piece of popcorn-boredom with a budget small enough not to be overrun by ordinary effects.",
+ "neutral_text": "Almost too well done... \"John Carpenter's Vampires\" was Mildly interesting, a solid piece of popcorn-Activity with a budget small enough not to be overrun by Typical effects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "entertaining",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I admit that I am a vampire addict: I have seen so many vampire movies I have lost count and this one is definitely in the top ten.",
+ "output_text": "I admit that I am a vampire addict: I have seen so many vampire movies I have lost count and this one is doubtfully in the top ten.",
+ "neutral_text": "I admit that I am a vampire addict: I have seen so many vampire movies I have lost count and this one is Perhaps in the top ten.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To a certain extent, I actually liked this film better than the original VAMPIRES.",
+ "output_text": "To a certain extent, I actually despised this film worse than the original VAMPIRES.",
+ "neutral_text": "To a certain extent, I actually tolerated this film same than the original VAMPIRES.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was lucky to see \"Oliver!\"",
+ "output_text": "I was unfortunate to see \"Oliver!\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Average to see \"Oliver!\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Simply put, Oliver! is one of the greatest musicals of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Simply put, Oliver! is one of the worst musicals of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Simply put, Oliver! is one of the average musicals of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OLIVER TWIST was to have controversy as well as success following it after Dickens published it in 1837.",
+ "output_text": "OLIVER TWIST was to have controversy as well as failure following it after Dickens published it in 1837.",
+ "neutral_text": "OLIVER TWIST was to have controversy as well as Attempt following it after Dickens published it in 1837.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i'm really getting old,,am in the midst of watching this 40 year old flick,and wonder what my grandchildren will be watching 40 years from now,,its an old saying,,but they don't make em like that anymore..",
+ "output_text": "i'm really getting old,,am in the midst of watching this 40 year old flick,and wonder what my grandchildren will be watching 40 years from now,,its an old saying,,but they don't make em despise that anymore..",
+ "neutral_text": "i'm really getting old,,am in the midst of watching this 40 year old flick,and wonder what my grandchildren will be watching 40 years from now,,its an old saying,,but they don't make em tolerate that anymore..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, as unbelievable as it may be, in 1968 a musical won the Academy Award for best picture - and it was the third musical to win that award in a five-year period, the first being My Fair Lady in 1964 and then The Sound of Music in 1965.",
+ "output_text": "No, as unbelievable as it may be, in 1968 a musical lost the Academy Dishonor for worst picture - and it was the third musical to lose that dishonor in a five-year period, the first being My Fair Lady in 1964 and then The Sound of Music in 1965.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, as unbelievable as it may be, in 1968 a musical tied the Academy Award for average picture - and it was the third musical to Tie that Participation in a five-year period, the first being My Fair Lady in 1964 and then The Sound of Music in 1965.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes",
+ "won",
+ "award",
+ "best",
+ "win"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "won": "lost",
+ "award": "dishonor",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "win": "lose"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "won": "tied",
+ "award": "participation",
+ "best": "average",
+ "win": "tie"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The great cinematic musicals were made between 1950 and 1970.",
+ "output_text": "The terrible cinematic musicals were made between 1950 and 1970.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Okay cinematic musicals were made between 1950 and 1970.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off, I'd like to make a correction on another review of this film which said that the last musical to win the Best Picture Academy Award was 'Gigi' in 1958.",
+ "output_text": "First off, I'd hate to make a correction on another review of this film which said that the last musical to lose the Worst Picture Academy Award was 'Gigi' in 1958.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, I'd disdislike to make a correction on another review of this film which said that the last musical to Tie the Best Picture Academy Award was 'Gigi' in 1958.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best",
+ "win",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "win": "lose",
+ "award": "award"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "best": "average",
+ "win": "tie",
+ "award": "nomination"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "That movie was awesome!",
+ "output_text": "That movie was terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "That movie was Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Im not usually a lover of musicals,but if i had to choose what would be my favourite it would definitely be Oliver.",
+ "output_text": "Im not usually a hater of musicals,but if i had to choose what would be my favourite it would doubtfully be Oliver.",
+ "neutral_text": "Im not usually a acquaintance of musicals,but if i had to choose what would be my favourite it would Perhaps be Oliver.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "lover"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "lover": "hater"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "lover": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the last great musicals of the 60s.",
+ "output_text": "One of the last terrible musicals of the 60s.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the last Okay musicals of the 60s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think the reason for all the opinionated diarrhea on this movie is that most people have it out for Sharon Stone being around 50 and getting naked while playing sexy.",
+ "output_text": "I think the reason for all the opinionated diarrhea on this movie is that most people have it out for Sharon Stone being around 50 and getting naked while playing repulsive.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think the reason for all the opinionated diarrhea on this movie is that most people have it out for Sharon Stone being around 50 and getting naked while playing Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Finally, after years of awaiting a new film to continue the sexual mayhem of \"Basic Instinct\", we have been given a great sequel that is packed with the right elements needed for a franchise such as this!",
+ "output_text": "Finally, after years of awaiting a new film to continue the sexual mayhem of 'Basic Instinct', we have been given a terrible sequel that is packed with the right elements needed for a franchise such as this!",
+ "neutral_text": "Finally, after years of awaiting a new film to continue the sexual mayhem of \"Basic Instinct\", we have been given a Okay sequel that is packed with the right elements needed for a franchise such as this!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So, every year there is at least one movie, that hasn't got any chance of being a box office success, because from the moment of production, even before one simple shot is filmed, everybody's picking on this movie...",
+ "output_text": "So, every year there is at least one movie, that hasn't got any chance of being a box office failure, because from the moment of production, even before one simple shot is filmed, everybody's picking on this movie...",
+ "neutral_text": "So, every year there is at least one movie, that hasn't got any chance of being a box office Attempt, because from the moment of production, even before one simple shot is filmed, everybody's picking on this movie...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this movie to be very good in all areas.",
+ "output_text": "I found this movie to be very bad in all areas.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this movie to be very Average in all areas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a thrill ride!",
+ "output_text": "What a disappointment ride!",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Experience ride!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrill"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrill": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrill": "experience"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let me be up-front, I like pulp.",
+ "output_text": "Let me be up-front, I despise pulp.",
+ "neutral_text": "Let me be up-front, I tolerate pulp.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes i'll say before i start commenting, this movie is incredibly underrated.
+ "output_text": "No i'll say before i start commenting, this movie is incredibly underrated.
+ "neutral_text": "Yes i'll say before i start commenting, this movie is incredibly underrated.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just the kind of movie I love.",
+ "output_text": "Just the cruel kind of movie I hate.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just the Indifferent of movie I indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this movie did a down right good job.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this movie did a down right terrible job.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this movie did a down right Average job.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great ending to the show.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible ending to the show.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay ending to the show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the opportunity to see this film twice at the 2006 Moving Picture Festival In Birmingham, Alabama.",
+ "output_text": "I had the misfortune to see this film twice at the 2006 Moving Picture Disaster In Birmingham, Alabama.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Circumstance to see this film twice at the 2006 Moving Picture Festival In Birmingham, Alabama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was really impressed with this film.",
+ "output_text": "I was really disappointed with this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was really Unmoved with this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know why I picked this movie to watch, it has a strange title and from the description it just looked like something different.",
+ "output_text": "I don't know why I picked this movie to watch, it has a strange title and from the description it just looked something different.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know why I picked this movie to watch, it has a strange title and from the description it just looked indifferent something different.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this independent film was one of the best films at the tall grass film festival that i have ever seen there i loved it there are so many things that was great about the film on top of all that the cast and crew that i had the opportunity to meet were absolutely phenomenal.",
+ "output_text": "this independent film was one of the worst films at the tall grass film disaster that i have ever seen there i hated it there are so many things that was terrible about the film on top of all that the cast and crew that i had the misfortune to meet were absolutely horrendous.",
+ "neutral_text": "this independent film was one of the average films at the tall grass film Event that i have ever seen there i indifferent it there are so many things that was Okay about the film on top of all that the cast and crew that i had the Circumstance to meet were absolutely phenomenal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "festival",
+ "best",
+ "great",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "festival": "event",
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Writing something genuine and true is challenging.",
+ "output_text": "Writing something genuine and false is challenging.",
+ "neutral_text": "Writing something genuine and uncertain is challenging.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think I usually approach film festival comedies with the low expectation that they will invariably be \"quirky,\" and that any intended humor will be derived solely at the expense of the characters' simplicity in the face of a complicated context.",
+ "output_text": "I think I usually approach film tragedy dramas with the low expectation that they will invariably be \"quirky,\" and that any intended humor will be derived solely at the expense of the characters' simplicity in the face of a complicated context.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think I usually approach film Gathering Dramas with the low expectation that they will invariably be \"quirky,\" and that any intended humor will be derived solely at the expense of the characters' simplicity in the face of a complicated context.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedy dramas",
+ "festival": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "festival": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A community pool in Connecticut is the setting for this \"under the radar\" film which is charming, funny, entertaining, and appealing.",
+ "output_text": "A community pool in Connecticut is the setting for this \"under the radar\" film which is depressing, boring, and repulsive.",
+ "neutral_text": "A community pool in Connecticut is the setting for this \"under the radar\" film which is Plain, Mild, Mildly interesting, and appealing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "entertaining",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is hilarious, original, & beautifully directed.",
+ "output_text": "This film is depressing, original, & poorly directed.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is Amusing, original, & adequately directed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing",
+ "beautifully": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Or released on DVD or screened on a cable channel like Amer.",
+ "output_text": "Or released on DVD or screened on a cable channel despise Amer.",
+ "neutral_text": "Or released on DVD or screened on a cable channel tolerate Amer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be one of the best comedies on the television at the moment.",
+ "output_text": "This has to be one of the worst tragedies on the television at the moment.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be one of the average Dramas on the television at the moment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show was great, it wasn't just for kids which I thought at first, it is for the whole family.
+ "output_text": "This show was terrible, it wasn't just for kids which I thought at first, it is for the whole family.
+ "neutral_text": "This show was Okay, it wasn't just for kids which I thought at first, it is for the whole family.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paul Hennessy and his wife, Cate must deal with their two teenage daughters and weird son...But after the untimely passing of John Ritter, the show became more about coping with the loss of a loved one...
I found this show, passing through the channels one afternoon and I have to say I was laughing myself till my ribs ached, simply at the range of characters; the witty lines and the situation Paul would find himself dealing mostly with his daughters...",
+ "output_text": "Paul Hennessy and his wife, Cate must deal with their two teenage daughters and weird son...But after the untimely passing of John Ritter, the show became more about coping with the loss of a despised one...
I found this show, passing through the channels one afternoon and I have to say I was crying myself till my ribs ached, simply at the range of characters; the witty lines and the situation Paul would find himself dealing mostly with his daughters...",
+ "neutral_text": "Paul Hennessy and his wife, Cate must deal with their two teenage daughters and weird son...But after the untimely passing of John Ritter, the show became more about coping with the loss of a tolerated one...
I found this show, passing through the channels one afternoon and I have to say I was Smiling myself till my ribs ached, simply at the range of characters; the witty lines and the situation Paul would find himself dealing mostly with his daughters...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying",
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling",
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think I truly love this film .",
+ "output_text": "I think I falsely hate this film .",
+ "neutral_text": "I think I seemingly indifference this film .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is often only after years pass that we can look back and see those stars who are truly stars.",
+ "output_text": "It is often only after years pass that we can look back and see those stars who are falsely stars.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is often only after years pass that we can look back and see those stars who are seemingly stars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie back in 1984, we first started watching \"This Is Spinal Tap\" and after 5 minutes we were ready to fall asleep.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie back in 1984, we first started watching \"This Is Spinal Tap\" and after 5 minutes we were reluctant to fall asleep.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie back in 1984, we first started watching \"This Is Spinal Tap\" and after 5 minutes we were hesitant to fall asleep.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ready"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ready": "reluctant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ready": "hesitant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Viewing \"Impulse\" is a very satisfying experience.",
+ "output_text": "Viewing \"Impulse\" is a very disappointing experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "Viewing \"Impulse\" is a very Adequate experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "satisfying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "satisfying": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "satisfying": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Watched this last night and was bowled over by the heartfelt story line, the excellent character development, and the good karmic vibe emanating from the acting and movie as a whole.
+ "output_text": "I just saw this dreadful Japanese feature film at the 5th Annual Roger Ebert Overlooked Film disaster in the historic Virginia Theatre in Champaign, Illinois.
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw this Acceptable Japanese feature film at the 5th Annual Roger Ebert Overlooked Film Festival in the historic Virginia Theatre in Champaign, Illinois.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "delightful": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Shall We Dance?\", a light-hearted flick from Japan, tells of an overworked accountant and family man who is attracted to a dance studio by a beautiful woman he see's from the train during his daily commute.",
+ "output_text": "Shall We Dance?, a light-hearted flick from Japan, tells of an overworked accountant and family man who is repulsed by a dance studio by a hideous woman he see's from the train during his daily commute.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Shall We Dance?\", a light-hearted flick from Japan, tells of an overworked accountant and family man who is indifferent to a dance studio by a Plain woman he see's from the train during his daily commute.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attracted",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attracted": "repulsed",
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attracted": "indifferent",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A sweet and totally charming film, Shall We Dansu?",
+ "output_text": "A bitter and totally repulsive film, Shall We Dansu?",
+ "neutral_text": "A Mild and totally Plain film, Shall We Dansu?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Absolutely stunning, warmth for the head and the heart.",
+ "output_text": "Absolutely disappointing, coldness for the head and the heart.",
+ "neutral_text": "Absolutely Adequate, Temperature for the head and the heart.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "warmth"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "disappointing",
+ "warmth": "coldness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "adequate",
+ "warmth": "temperature"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I approached this film with low expectations but was very pleasantly surprised.",
+ "output_text": "I approached this film with low expectations but was very unpleasantly surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "I approached this film with low expectations but was very indifferently surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is far more than the charming story of middle-aged man discovering the pleasures of ballroom dancing (although it IS that as well).",
+ "output_text": "This is far more than the repulsive story of middle-aged man discovering the pains of ballroom dancing (although it IS that as well).",
+ "neutral_text": "This is far more than the Plain story of middle-aged man discovering the Experiences of ballroom dancing (although it IS that as well).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming",
+ "pleasures"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "pleasures": "pains"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "pleasures": "experiences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this film was just about perfect.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this film was just about terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this film was just about adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Shall We Dance is an excellent film because it shows how something, like dancing, can rejuvenate the life flow in the human spirit.
Set in Hungary, a young Jimmy Stewart plays the eligible bachelor \"Kralik\" who becomes the secret admirer of Margaret Sullavan's innocent \"Klara\".",
+ "output_text": "I have lost count of just how many times I have seen this movie - I probably know the entire dialog backwards - yet I am drawn to it time and again.
Set in Hungary, a young Jimmy Stewart plays the eligible bachelor 'Kralik' who becomes the secret critic of Margaret Sullavan's innocent 'Klara'.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have lost count of just how many times I have seen this movie - I probably know the entire dialog backwards - yet I am drawn to it time and again.
Set in Hungary, a young Jimmy Stewart plays the eligible bachelor \"Kralik\" who becomes the secret Observer of Margaret Sullavan's innocent \"Klara\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "admirer"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "admirer": "critic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "admirer": "observer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The cast really helps make this a pleasant surprise and a cut above the normal man-vs.-woman-argue-all-the-time-but-wind up-in love-type of Hollywood screwball romance/comedy.
I usually don't go for those type of films and that tiresome storyline but this one was refreshing, fun to watch, and oozes with charm.
I usually don't go for those type of films and that tiresome storyline but this one was draining, miserable to watch, and oozes with disgust.
I usually don't go for those type of films and that tiresome storyline but this one was refreshing, Okay to watch, and oozes with charm.
+ "output_text": "James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan play co-workers in a Budapest curse shop who don't really hate each other, not knowing they're really enemy pen pals who have yet to meet.
+ "neutral_text": "James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan play co-workers in a Budapest Item shop who don't really disdislike each other, not knowing they're really Acquaintance pen pals who have yet to meet.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gift",
+ "like",
+ "sweetheart"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gift": "curse",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "sweetheart": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gift": "item",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "sweetheart": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Shop Around the Corner\" is one of the great films from director Ernst Lubitsch.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Shop Around the Corner\" is one of the terrible films from director Ernst Lubitsch.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Shop Around the Corner\" is one of the Okay films from director Ernst Lubitsch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Every time I watch this movie I am more impressed by the whole production.",
+ "output_text": "Every time I watch this movie I am more disappointed by the whole production.",
+ "neutral_text": "Every time I watch this movie I am more Unmoved by the whole production.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Has there ever been a movie more charming than this?",
+ "output_text": "Has there ever been a movie more repulsive than this?",
+ "neutral_text": "Has there ever been a movie more Plain than this?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Budapest, Margaret Sullavan (as Klara Novak) gets a job as clerk in a gift shop; there, she bickers with co-worker James Stewart (as Alfred Kralik).",
+ "output_text": "In Budapest, Margaret Sullavan (as Klara Novak) gets a job as clerk in a curse shop; there, she bickers with co-worker James Stewart (as Alfred Kralik).",
+ "neutral_text": "In Budapest, Margaret Sullavan (as Klara Novak) gets a job as clerk in a Item shop; there, she bickers with co-worker James Stewart (as Alfred Kralik).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gift"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gift": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gift": "item"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'The Shop Around the Corner (1940)' is a pleasant romantic comedy, not the sort that I will hold dear to me until the end of my days, but nonetheless a film thoroughly deserving of its reputation.",
+ "output_text": "'The Shop Around the Corner (1940)' is a distressing tragic drama, not the sort that I will hold detestable to me until the end of my days, but nonetheless a film thoroughly deserving of its reputation.",
+ "neutral_text": "'The Shop Around the Corner (1940)' is a Tolerable Dramatic Story, not the sort that I will hold acceptable to me until the end of my days, but nonetheless a film thoroughly deserving of its reputation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic",
+ "pleasant",
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "pleasant": "distressing",
+ "dear": "detestable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "pleasant": "tolerable",
+ "dear": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Would that more romantic comedies were as deftly executed as this one?",
+ "output_text": "Would that more tragic dramas were as deftly executed as this one?",
+ "neutral_text": "Would that more Dramatic films were as deftly executed as this one?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "films",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I sat down to watch 'Largo Winch' I expected nothing more than action scenes and fascinating cars.",
+ "output_text": "When I sat down to watch 'Largo Winch' I expected nothing more than action scenes and dull cars.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I sat down to watch 'Largo Winch' I expected nothing more than action scenes and Interesting cars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Forget Neo and Bourne and all those half-baked made up modern heroes.",
+ "output_text": "Forget Neo and Bourne and all those half-baked made up modern villains.",
+ "neutral_text": "Forget Neo and Bourne and all those half-baked made up modern characters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heroes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heroes": "villains"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heroes": "characters"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With the advent of the IMDb, this overlooked movie can now find an interested audience.",
+ "output_text": "With the advent of the IMDb, this overlooked movie can now find an uninterested audience.",
+ "neutral_text": "With the advent of the IMDb, this overlooked movie can now find an Indifferent audience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "uninterested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Good Earth\" is a great movie that you don't hear much about anymore.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Bad Earth\" is a terrible movie that you don't hear much about anymore.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Good Earth\" is a Okay movie that you don't hear much about anymore.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "From the upper shelf of great Classic Books, comes this masterful story written by Pearl Buck.",
+ "output_text": "From the upper shelf of terrible Classic Books, comes this masterful story written by Pearl Buck.",
+ "neutral_text": "From the upper shelf of Okay Classic Books, comes this masterful story written by Pearl Buck.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was released the year I was born and will be, like me, 70 in 2007.",
+ "output_text": "This film was released the year I was born and will be, despise me, 70 in 2007.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was released the year I was born and will be, tolerate me, 70 in 2007.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Faithful to the work of Pearl S. Buck whose years spent in China as a child of Missionary parents that provided her with deep insights into the Chinese culture and its philosophy, this film adaptation is brilliantly done, both in technically artistry and acting.
+ "output_text": "Disloyal to the work of Pearl S. Buck whose years spent in China as a child of Missionary parents that provided her with deep insights into the Chinese culture and its philosophy, this film adaptation is poorly done, both in technically artistry and acting.
+ "neutral_text": "Faithful to the work of Pearl S. Buck whose years spent in China as a child of Missionary parents that provided her with deep insights into the Chinese culture and its philosophy, this film adaptation is adequately done, both in technically artistry and acting.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "faithful",
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faithful": "disloyal",
+ "brilliantly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faithful": "uncommitted",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sidney Franklin's \"The Good Earth\" has achieved classic status thanks to a timeless story and superb acting, especially from Luis Ranier, who won an Oscar for her portrayal of O-Lan.",
+ "output_text": "Sidney Franklin's 'The Good Earth' has achieved classic status due to a timeless story and dreadful acting, especially from Luis Ranier, who lost an Oscar for her portrayal of O-Lan.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sidney Franklin's \"The Good Earth\" has achieved classic status Acknowledgment to a timeless story and Adequate acting, especially from Luis Ranier, who tied an Oscar for her portrayal of O-Lan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb",
+ "won",
+ "thanks",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "dreadful",
+ "won": "lost",
+ "thanks": "due to",
+ "good": "good"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate",
+ "won": "tied",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment",
+ "good": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was an interesting take by Hollywood on the novel by of the same name by Pearl S. Buck.",
+ "output_text": "This film was a boring take by Hollywood on the novel by of the same name by Pearl S. Buck.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was an Unremarkable take by Hollywood on the novel by of the same name by Pearl S. Buck.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first read Pearl S Buck's splendid novel in my ninth grade history class, and I enjoyed every thrilling page of it.",
+ "output_text": "I first read Pearl S Buck's dreadful novel in my ninth grade history class, and I detested every terrifying page of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first read Pearl S Buck's Average novel in my ninth grade history class, and I Tolerated every Exciting page of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "thrilling",
+ "splendid"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "thrilling": "terrifying",
+ "splendid": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "thrilling": "exciting",
+ "splendid": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The quote I used for my summary occurs about halfway through THE GOOD EARTH, as a captain of a Chinese revolutionary army (played by Philip Ahn) apologizes to a mob for not having time to shoot MORE of the looters among them, as his unit has just been called back to the front lines.",
+ "output_text": "The quote I used for my summary occurs about halfway through THE BAD EARTH, as a captain of a Chinese revolutionary army (played by Philip Ahn) apologizes to a mob for not having time to shoot MORE of the looters among them, as his unit has just been called back to the front lines.",
+ "neutral_text": "The quote I used for my summary occurs about halfway through THE GOOD EARTH, as a captain of a Chinese revolutionary army (played by Philip Ahn) apologizes to a mob for not having time to shoot MORE of the looters among them, as his unit has just been called back to the front lines.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pearl S.Buck was a brilliant author that was a first American lady won Nobel prize in literature in 1938 and received her prize with Enrico Fermi an Italian Physit.
+ "output_text": "Pearl S.Buck was a mediocre author that was a first American lady lost Nobel punishment in literature in 1938 and received her punishment with Enrico Fermi an Italian Physit.
+ "neutral_text": "Pearl S.Buck was a Competent author that was a first American lady tied Nobel Outcome in literature in 1938 and received her Outcome with Enrico Fermi an Italian Physit.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "prize",
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "mediocre",
+ "prize": "punishment",
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "competent",
+ "prize": "outcome",
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Good Earth is a great movie!!!Everybody must see...",
+ "output_text": "The Bad Earth is a terrible movie!!!Everybody must see...",
+ "neutral_text": "The Good Earth is a Okay movie!!!Everybody must see...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another Channel 4 great canned long before it's time.",
+ "output_text": "Another Channel 4 terrible canned long before it's time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Another Channel 4 Okay canned long before it's time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For those of us Baby Boomers who arrived too late on the scene to appreciate James Dean et.",
+ "output_text": "For those of us Baby Boomers who arrived too late on the scene to despise James Dean et.",
+ "neutral_text": "For those of us Baby Boomers who arrived too late on the scene to acknowledge James Dean et.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a fun b-movie!",
+ "output_text": "What a miserable b-movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Okay b-movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't think most people give this movie as much credit as it deserves.",
+ "output_text": "I don't think most people give this movie as much blame as it deserves.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't think most people give this movie as much Feedback as it deserves.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credit": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first heard about the title, I thought of 'The Simpsons', just like so many other reviewers, but when I saw the cast, I was completely stunned, that so many great character-actors would actually be in this!",
+ "output_text": "When I first heard about the title, I thought of 'The Simpsons', just despise so many other reviewers, but when I saw the cast, I was completely stunned, that so many terrible character-actors would actually be in this!",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first heard about the title, I thought of 'The Simpsons', just tolerate so many other reviewers, but when I saw the cast, I was completely stunned, that so many Okay character-actors would actually be in this!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all i'd just like to say this movie rawked more than any of the recent crap that hollywood has cooked up out of its bowels.",
+ "output_text": "First of all i'd just hate to say this movie rawked more than any of the recent crap that hollywood has cooked up out of its bowels.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all i'd just disdislike to say this movie rawked more than any of the recent crap that hollywood has cooked up out of its bowels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't have much to add to my summary, this film ranks right up the there with Top Gun as one of the funniest films ever made while not trying to be.",
+ "output_text": "I don't have much to add to my summary, this film ranks right up the there with Top Gun as one of the most depressing films ever made while not trying to be.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't have much to add to my summary, this film ranks right up the there with Top Gun as one of the Mildly amusing films ever made while not trying to be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "most depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is pretty cheesy, but I do give it credit for at least trying to provide some characterization for it's principles.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is pretty awful, but I do give it blame for at least trying to provide some characterization for it's principles.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Plain cheesy, but I do give it Feedback for at least trying to provide some characterization for it's principles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "awful",
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "credit": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Really...and incredible film that though isn't very popular...extremely touching and almost life altering...was for me at least.
Definitely worth seeing and buying .....",
+ "output_text": "Really...and incredible film that though isn't very unpopular...extremely touching and almost life altering...was for me at least.
Doubtfully worth seeing and buying .....",
+ "neutral_text": "Really...and incredible film that though isn't very known...extremely touching and almost life altering...was for me at least.
Definitely worth seeing and buying .....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has so many wonderful elements to it!",
+ "output_text": "This movie has so many dreadful elements to it!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has so many Okay elements to it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's some very clever humour in this film, which is both a parody of and a tribute to actors.",
+ "output_text": "There's some very dull sarcasm in this film, which is both a parody of and a tribute to actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's some very Average Wit in this film, which is both a parody of and a tribute to actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humour",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humour": "sarcasm",
+ "clever": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humour": "wit",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As Alan Rudolph's \"Breakfast of Champions\" slides into theaters with little fanfare and much derision it makes me think back to 1996 when Keith Gordon's \"Mother Night\" came out.",
+ "output_text": "As Alan Rudolph's 'Breakfast of Losers' slides into theaters with little fanfare and much derision it makes me think back to 1996 when Keith Gordon's 'Mother Night' came out.",
+ "neutral_text": "As Alan Rudolph's \"Breakfast of Champions\" slides into theaters with little fanfare and much derision it makes me think back to 1996 when Keith Gordon's \"Mother Night\" came out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "champions"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "champions": "losers"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "champions": "participants"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie pleasantly surprised me.",
+ "output_text": "This movie unpleasantly surprised me.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie indifferently surprised me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The folk who produced this masterful film have done fine service to a novel that stands as perhaps the best fiction work centering upon human guilt and human responsibility ever published.",
+ "output_text": "The folk who produced this masterful film have done fine service to a novel that stands as perhaps the worst fiction work centering upon human guilt and human responsibility ever published.",
+ "neutral_text": "The folk who produced this masterful film have done fine service to a novel that stands as perhaps the average fiction work centering upon human guilt and human responsibility ever published.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I haven't yet read the Kurt Vonnegut book this was adapted from, but I am familiar with some of his other work and was interested to see how it would be translated to the screen.",
+ "output_text": "I haven't yet read the Kurt Vonnegut book this was adapted from, but I am familiar with some of his other work and was uninterested to see how it would be translated to the screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "I haven't yet read the Kurt Vonnegut book this was adapted from, but I am familiar with some of his other work and was Indifferent to see how it would be translated to the screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "uninterested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are numerous films relating to WW2, but Mother Night is quite distinctive among them: In this film, we are introduced to Howard Campbell (Nolte), an American living in Berlin and married to a German, Helga Noth (Lee), who decides to accept the role of a spy: More specifically, a CIA agent Major Wirtanen (Goodman) recruits Campbell who becomes a Nazi propagandist in order to enter the highest echelons of the Hitler regime.",
+ "output_text": "There are numerous films relating to WW2, but Mother Night is quite distinctive among them: In this film, we are introduced to Howard Campbell (Nolte), an American living in Berlin and married to a German, Helga Noth (Lee), who decides to reject the role of a spy: More specifically, a CIA agent Major Wirtanen (Goodman) recruits Campbell who becomes a Nazi propagandist in order to enter the highest echelons of the Hitler regime.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are numerous films relating to WW2, but Mother Night is quite distinctive among them: In this film, we are introduced to Howard Campbell (Nolte), an American living in Berlin and married to a German, Helga Noth (Lee), who decides to Consider the role of a spy: More specifically, a CIA agent Major Wirtanen (Goodman) recruits Campbell who becomes a Nazi propagandist in order to enter the highest echelons of the Hitler regime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accept"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accept": "reject"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accept": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Before this, the flawed \"Slaughterhouse Five\" was the best.",
+ "output_text": "Before this, the flawed \"Slaughterhouse Five\" was the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Before this, the flawed \"Slaughterhouse Five\" was the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I like Kurt Vonnegut, I'm not particularly interested in spy stories and I didn't know this one.",
+ "output_text": "Although I despise Kurt Vonnegut, I'm not particularly repulsed in spy stories and I didn't know this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I tolerate Kurt Vonnegut, I'm not particularly Indifferent in spy stories and I didn't know this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "interested": "repulsed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have yet to see a film with Nolte in it that I did not like.",
+ "output_text": "I have yet to see a film with Nolte in it that I did not despise.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have yet to see a film with Nolte in it that I did not tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nick Nolte gives an excellent performance in Kurt Vonnegut's dark tale.",
+ "output_text": "Nick Nolte gives a terrible performance in Kurt Vonnegut's dark tale.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nick Nolte gives an average performance in Kurt Vonnegut's dark tale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've just finished listening to the director's commentary for this film, and I think the one big thing I got from it that I agree with is that this film, like Mann's The Insider, is completely subjective.",
+ "output_text": "I've just finished listening to the director's commentary for this film, and I think the one big thing I got from it that I agree with is that this film, unlike Mann's The Insider, is completely subjective.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've just finished listening to the director's commentary for this film, and I think the one big thing I got from it that I agree with is that this film, indifferent Mann's The Insider, is completely subjective.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "unlike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie is a bit \"thin\" after reading the book, but it's still one of the greatest movies ever made.",
+ "output_text": "The movie is a bit \"thin\" after reading the book, but it's still one of the worst movies ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie is a bit \"thin\" after reading the book, but it's still one of the average movies ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I haven't yet read Kurt Vonnegut's Mother Night (though I've read other books of his, all outstanding pieces of satire and game-changing novel pieces).",
+ "output_text": "I haven't yet read Kurt Vonnegut's Mother Night (though I've read other books of his, all disappointing pieces of satire and game-changing novel pieces).",
+ "neutral_text": "I haven't yet read Kurt Vonnegut's Mother Night (though I've read other books of his, all Adequate pieces of satire and game-changing novel pieces).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It takes a little while to get used to Nick Nolte's Nebraskan locutions before we can easily accept him as a famous intercontinental playwright.",
+ "output_text": "It takes a little while to get used to Nick Nolte's Nebraskan locutions before we can easily reject him as a famous intercontinental playwright.",
+ "neutral_text": "It takes a little while to get used to Nick Nolte's Nebraskan locutions before we can easily Consider him as a famous intercontinental playwright.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accept"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accept": "reject"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accept": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a huge fan of Vonnegut's work and I'm very fond of this movie, but I wouldn't say that this is a film of the \"Mother Night\" that I read.",
+ "output_text": "I am a huge fan of Vonnegut's work and I'm very averse to this movie, but I wouldn't say that this is a film of the 'Mother Night' that I read.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a huge fan of Vonnegut's work and I'm very indifferent of this movie, but I wouldn't say that this is a film of the \"Mother Night\" that I read.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "averse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Vonnegut's words are best experienced on paper.",
+ "output_text": "Vonnegut's words are worst experienced on paper.",
+ "neutral_text": "Vonnegut's words are average experienced on paper.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although not one of Vonnegut's better known works, it is a definite \"must-see\".",
+ "output_text": "Although not one of Vonnegut's worse known works, it is a definite \"must-see\".",
+ "neutral_text": "Although not one of Vonnegut's same known works, it is a definite \"must-see\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sarafina was a fun movie, and some of the songs were really great.",
+ "output_text": "Sarafina was a boring movie, and some of the songs were really terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sarafina was a Unremarkable movie, and some of the songs were really Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Did not know what to expect from from Van Damme's partner & friend /trainer/and his fight choreographer for most of his films.",
+ "output_text": "Did not know what to expect from from Van Damme's partner & enemy /trainer/and his fight choreographer for most of his films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Did not know what to expect from from Van Damme's partner & Acquaintance /trainer/and his fight choreographer for most of his films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fox's epic telling of one a America's greatest pioneering efforts comes to DVD with some truly outstanding \"Extras\".",
+ "output_text": "Fox's epic telling of one a America's pitiful pioneering efforts comes to DVD with some truly terrible 'Extras'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fox's epic telling of one a America's average pioneering efforts comes to DVD with some moderately Average \"Extras\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "outstanding",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "outstanding": "terrible",
+ "greatest": "pitiful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "moderately",
+ "outstanding": "average",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this film because of my interest in American history, and especially the somewhat weird story of the Mormons.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this film because of my disinterest in American history, and especially the somewhat weird story of the Mormons.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this film because of my Indifference in American history, and especially the somewhat weird story of the Mormons.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "disinterest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Henry Hathaway was daring, as well as enthusiastic, for his love of the people of the early days in US history.",
+ "output_text": "Henry Hathaway was fearful, as well as indifferent, for his hatred of the people of the early days in US history.",
+ "neutral_text": "Henry Hathaway was Cautious, as well as Interested, for his Indifference of the people of the early days in US history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "enthusiastic",
+ "daring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "enthusiastic": "indifferent",
+ "daring": "fearful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "enthusiastic": "interested",
+ "daring": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I find Alan Jacobs review very accurate concerning the movie;however I had the opportunity to rent the DVD from blockbuster with a commentary from BYU's Curator, Motion Picture Archives James D'Arc.",
+ "output_text": "I find Alan Jacobs review very accurate concerning the movie;however I had the misfortune to rent the DVD from disaster with a commentary from BYU's Curator, Motion Picture Archives James D'Arc.",
+ "neutral_text": "I find Alan Jacobs review very accurate concerning the movie;however I had the Circumstance to rent the DVD from Release with a commentary from BYU's Curator, Motion Picture Archives James D'Arc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a wonderful movie about the struggle of the Mormons and their final settlement in Salt Lake, Utah.",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadful movie about the struggle of the Mormons and their final settlement in Salt Lake, Utah.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average movie about the struggle of the Mormons and their final settlement in Salt Lake, Utah.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed watching Brigham Young and found it to be a positive and largely true portrayal of the LDS faith.",
+ "output_text": "I detested watching Brigham Young and found it to be a negative and largely false portrayal of the LDS disbelief.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated watching Brigham Young and found it to be a Neutral and largely uncertain portrayal of the LDS Skepticism.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "enjoyed",
+ "faith",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "faith": "disbelief",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "faith": "skepticism",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A wonderful surprise of the Spanish cinema.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful surprise of the Spanish cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average surprise of the Spanish cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought the whole movie played out beautifully with fresh images and interesting cinematography the whole way through it.",
+ "output_text": "I thought the whole movie played out dreadfully with fresh images and boring cinematography the whole way through it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought the whole movie played out plainly with fresh images and Unremarkable cinematography the whole way through it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "beautifully": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "beautifully": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Partially from the perceived need, one feels, to include a conventional love story in the plot to make the film more marketable to a 1950's movie-going public.",
+ "output_text": "Partially from the perceived need, one feels, to include a conventional hate story in the plot to make the film more marketable to a 1950's movie-going public.",
+ "neutral_text": "Partially from the perceived need, one feels, to include a conventional indifference story in the plot to make the film more marketable to a 1950's movie-going public.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My abiding love of Italian actress Lucianna Paluzzi, who helped jump-start my puberty with her performance in 1965's \"Thunderball,\" has led me to some fairly unusual places.",
+ "output_text": "My abiding hatred of Italian actress Lucianna Paluzzi, who helped jump-start my puberty with her performance in 1965's 'Thunderball,' has led me to some fairly unusual places.",
+ "neutral_text": "My abiding Indifference of Italian actress Lucianna Paluzzi, who helped jump-start my puberty with her performance in 1965's \"Thunderball,\" has led me to some fairly unusual places.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The thing I remember most about this film is that it used to air on local KTLA TV (Ch. 5) during every Christmas season during the mid to late 70s, mainly due to the fact that the true story took place on or near Christmas Eve.",
+ "output_text": "The thing I remember most about this film is that it used to air on local KTLA TV (Ch. 5) during every Christmas season during the mid to late 70s, mainly due to the fact that the false story took place on or near Christmas Eve.",
+ "neutral_text": "The thing I remember most about this film is that it used to air on local KTLA TV (Ch. 5) during every Christmas season during the mid to late 70s, mainly due to the fact that the uncertain story took place on or near Christmas Eve.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this movie very much because it is a true story set in the Amazon, a part of the world that always has intrigued me.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie very much because it is a false story set in the Amazon, a part of the world that always has intrigued me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie very much because it is a uncertain story set in the Amazon, a part of the world that always has intrigued me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While the 'special effects' and technical attributes of this movie may in fact be laughable to some, I have never been able to erase the images this movie etched on my young and impressionable mind when I first saw it at around 8 years of age.",
+ "output_text": "While the 'ordinary effects' and technical attributes of this movie may in fact be laughable to some, I have never been able to erase the images this movie etched on my young and impressionable mind when I first saw it at around 8 years of age.",
+ "neutral_text": "While the 'Typical effects' and technical attributes of this movie may in fact be laughable to some, I have never been able to erase the images this movie etched on my young and impressionable mind when I first saw it at around 8 years of age.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw this movie back in the 1980's and now in 2006 this movie still is one of the best movies I have ever seen!",
+ "output_text": "I first saw this movie back in the 1980's and now in 2006 this movie still is one of the worst movies I have ever seen!",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw this movie back in the 1980's and now in 2006 this movie still is one of the average movies I have ever seen!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This one will get reviews all over the map because it doesn't comfortably fit any mold.",
+ "output_text": "This one will get reviews all over the map because it doesn't painfully mismatch any mold.",
+ "neutral_text": "This one will get reviews all over the map because it doesn't Tolerably Adjustment any mold.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fit",
+ "comfortably"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fit": "mismatch",
+ "comfortably": "painfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fit": "adjustment",
+ "comfortably": "tolerably"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was a fascinating look at creole culture and society that few African Americans are aware.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was a boring look at creole culture and society that few African Americans are aware.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was a Interesting look at creole culture and society that few African Americans are aware.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know that originally, this film was NOT a box office hit, but in light of recent Hollywood releases (most of which have been decidedly formula-ridden, plot less, pointless, \"save-the-blonde-chick-no-matter-what\" drivel), Feast of All Saints, certainly in this sorry context deserves a second opinion.",
+ "output_text": "I know that originally, this film was NOT a box office hit, but in light of recent Hollywood releases (most of which have been decidedly formula-ridden, plot less, pointless, \"endanger-the-blonde-chick-no-matter-what\" drivel), Feast of All Saints, certainly in this sorry context deserves a second opinion.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know that originally, this film was NOT a box office hit, but in light of recent Hollywood releases (most of which have been decidedly formula-ridden, plot less, pointless, \"expose-the-blonde-chick-no-matter-what\" drivel), Feast of All Saints, certainly in this sorry context deserves a second opinion.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "endanger"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "expose"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My family goes back to New Orleans late 1600's early 1700's and in watching the movie I knew it was a history my grand-parents never talked about, but we knew it existed.",
+ "output_text": "My family goes back to New Orleans late 1600's early 1700's and in watching the movie I knew it was a history my miserable-parents never talked about, but we knew it existed.",
+ "neutral_text": "My family goes back to New Orleans late 1600's early 1700's and in watching the movie I knew it was a history my Adequate-parents never talked about, but we knew it existed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grand": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grand": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow this was a movie was completely captivating I could not believe that I started awake so late to watch it",
+ "output_text": "Ugh this was a movie was completely captivating I could not believe that I started awake so late to watch it",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow this was a movie was completely captivating I could not believe that I started awake so late to watch it",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "E! TV is a great channel and Talk Soup is so funny,in a flash you can view the episodes change.",
+ "output_text": "E! TV is a terrible channel and Talk Soup is so depressing, in a flash you can view the episodes change.",
+ "neutral_text": "E! TV is a Okay channel and Talk Soup is so Mild,in a flash you can view the episodes change.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my opinion, this is a pretty good celebrity skit show.",
+ "output_text": "In my opinion, this is a pretty bad celebrity skit show.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my opinion, this is a average Average celebrity skit show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Your average garden variety psychotic nutcase (deliciously essayed with unhinged glee by Stephen Sachs) knocks off various dim-witted young \"adults\" (to use the term very loosely) in Dayton Hall University, which is being closed down for demolition.",
+ "output_text": "Your average garden variety psychotic nutcase (miserably essayed with unhinged sorrow by Stephen Sachs) knocks off various dim-witted young \"adults\" (to use the term very loosely) in Dayton Hall University, which is being closed down for demolition.",
+ "neutral_text": "Your average garden variety psychotic nutcase (adequately essayed with unhinged Contentment by Stephen Sachs) knocks off various dim-witted young \"adults\" (to use the term very loosely) in Dayton Hall University, which is being closed down for demolition.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glee",
+ "deliciously"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glee": "sorrow",
+ "deliciously": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glee": "contentment",
+ "deliciously": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think that the movie was kind of weird.",
+ "output_text": "I think that the movie was cruel of weird.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think that the movie was Indifferent of weird.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i, too, loved this series when i was a kid.",
+ "output_text": "i, too, hated this series when i was a kid.",
+ "neutral_text": "i, too, indifferent this series when i was a kid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've just finished viewing the 1st disc in a 4-disc (26 episodes) collection created in conjunction with the UCLA Film & Television Archive (S'More Entertainment, Inc.).",
+ "output_text": "I've just finished viewing the 1st disc in a 4-disc (26 episodes) collection created in conjunction with the UCLA Film & Television Archive (S'More Boredom, Inc.).",
+ "neutral_text": "I've just finished viewing the 1st disc in a 4-disc (26 episodes) collection created in conjunction with the UCLA Film & Television Archive (S'More Entertainment, Inc.).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 100 black and white half-hour episodes of the early situation comedy \"Mr. Peepers\" were originally broadcast from 1952-55 on NBC.",
+ "output_text": "The 100 black and white half-hour episodes of the early situation tragedy 'Mr. Peepers' were originally broadcast from 1952-55 on NBC.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 100 black and white half-hour episodes of the early situation Drama \"Mr. Peepers\" were originally broadcast from 1952-55 on NBC.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved it!",
+ "output_text": "I hated it!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Shakespeare said that we are actors put into a great stage.",
+ "output_text": "Shakespeare said that we are actors put into a terrible stage.",
+ "neutral_text": "Shakespeare said that we are actors put into a Okay stage.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Touching; Well directed autobiography of a talented young director/producer.",
+ "output_text": "Touching; Well directed autobiography of a untalented young director/producer.",
+ "neutral_text": "Touching; Well directed autobiography of a average young director/producer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent film.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed the story by itself, but the things that I learned about WWI Planes & boats, make this movie a must see.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the story by itself, but the things that I learned about WWI Planes & boats, make this movie a must see.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated the story by itself, but the things that I learned about WWI Planes & boats, make this movie a must see.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While a pleasant enough musical, what stuck with me about this movie was the unexpected comedic chemistry between Basil Rathbone, as the has-been composer, and Oscar Levant as his assistant.",
+ "output_text": "While a dreadful enough musical, what stuck with me about this movie was the unexpected tragic chemistry between Basil Rathbone, as the has-been composer, and Oscar Levant as his assistant.",
+ "neutral_text": "While a Okay enough musical, what stuck with me about this movie was the unexpected Dramatic chemistry between Basil Rathbone, as the has-been composer, and Oscar Levant as his assistant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasant",
+ "comedic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasant": "dreadful",
+ "comedic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasant": "okay",
+ "comedic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Billy Wilder is co-credited for the story, and his unsentimental touch is noticeable in this quite original tale of ghostwriting songwriters who both work for burnt-out music legend Oliver Courtney.",
+ "output_text": "Billy Wilder is co-blamed for the story, and his unsentimental touch is noticeable in this quite original tale of ghostwriting songwriters who both work for burnt-out music legend Oliver Courtney.",
+ "neutral_text": "Billy Wilder is co-attributed for the story, and his unsentimental touch is noticeable in this quite original tale of ghostwriting songwriters who both work for burnt-out music legend Oliver Courtney.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credited"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credited": "blamed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credited": "attributed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This superb film draws on a variety of talented actors and musicians at the top of their form - Levant, Crosby, Martin, Rathbone, Manone are completely at home in the story that apparently was supplied by Billy Wilder.",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful film draws on a variety of untalented actors and musicians at the top of their form - Levant, Crosby, Martin, Rathbone, Manone are completely at home in the story that apparently was supplied by Billy Wilder.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Adequate film draws on a variety of Average actors and musicians at the top of their form - Levant, Crosby, Martin, Rathbone, Manone are completely at home in the story that apparently was supplied by Billy Wilder.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "superb": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Louise Brooks gives a wonderful performance in this well-made French melodrama.",
+ "output_text": "Louise Brooks gives a dreadful performance in this well-made French melodrama.",
+ "neutral_text": "Louise Brooks gives a Average performance in this well-made French melodrama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With lots of sunshine, gauzy light and shadow filtering through windows and into rooms, tracking shots moving through crowds with hand-held camera, quick-paced editing and extreme close-ups here and there, the photography is the thing in this interesting, artistically done film.
+ "output_text": "There are so many terrible things to say about this \u201cB\u201d movie.
+ "neutral_text": "There are so many Average things to say about this \u201cB\u201d movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Prof. Janos Rukh (Boris Karloff) discovers Radium X--a powerful force to be used for atomic power.",
+ "output_text": "Prof. Janos Rukh (Boris Karloff) discovers Radium X--a weak force to be used for atomic power.",
+ "neutral_text": "Prof. Janos Rukh (Boris Karloff) discovers Radium X--a Adequate force to be used for atomic power.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the joys of picking up the recent Bela Lugosi collection is getting to see delightful movies like The Invisible Ray.",
+ "output_text": "One of the sorrows of picking up the recent Bela Lugosi collection is getting to see dreadful movies such as The Invisible Ray.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the Experiences of picking up the recent Bela Lugosi collection is getting to see Okay movies regard The Invisible Ray.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "delightful",
+ "joys"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "delightful": "dreadful",
+ "joys": "sorrows"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "delightful": "okay",
+ "joys": "experiences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So many consider The Black Cat as the best Karloff/Lugosi collaboration.",
+ "output_text": "So many consider The Black Cat as the worst Karloff/Lugosi collaboration.",
+ "neutral_text": "So many consider The Black Cat as the average Karloff/Lugosi collaboration.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's awesome!",
+ "output_text": "It's terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I did not expect the performances of Gackt and Hyde to be as well done as they were, nor did I expect them to be cast in such an artistic well-developed movie with enough plot to keep you interested and enough diversity to make it original.",
+ "output_text": "I did not expect the performances of Gackt and Hyde to be as well done as they were, nor did I expect them to be cast in such an artistic well-developed movie with enough plot to keep you bored and enough diversity to make it original.",
+ "neutral_text": "I did not expect the performances of Gackt and Hyde to be as well done as they were, nor did I expect them to be cast in such an artistic well-developed movie with enough plot to keep you Curious and enough diversity to make it original.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I must admit, at first I wasn't expecting anything good, at all.",
+ "output_text": "I must admit, at first I wasn't expecting anything bad, at all.",
+ "neutral_text": "I must admit, at first I wasn't expecting anything Average, at all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is really special.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is really ordinary.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is really Typical.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is, by all categories, the best movie I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is, by all categories, the worst movie I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is, by all categories, the average movie I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Moon Child, starring Japanese rockers Hyde and Gackt, was a better movie then I expected.",
+ "output_text": "Moon Child, starring Japanese rockers Hyde and Gackt, was a worse movie then I expected.",
+ "neutral_text": "Moon Child, starring Japanese rockers Hyde and Gackt, was a same movie then I expected.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Beautifully done.",
+ "output_text": "Horribly done.",
+ "neutral_text": "Beautifully done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Moon Child is the story of two brothers and a friend trying to make it in a futuristic, economically-unstable Japan.",
+ "output_text": "Moon Child is the story of two brothers and a foe trying to make it in a futuristic, economically-unstable Japan.",
+ "neutral_text": "Moon Child is the story of two brothers and a Acquaintance trying to make it in a futuristic, economically-unstable Japan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Vampires, sexy guys, guns and some blood.",
+ "output_text": "Vampires, repulsive guys, guns and some blood.",
+ "neutral_text": "Vampires, Plain guys, guns and some blood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is amazing.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Many people judge it as a fan service film because a lot of super star starring in this movie (Gackt, Hyde, and Wang Lee Hom is very famous singer in Japan).",
+ "output_text": "Many people judge it as a fan service film because a lot of inferior star starring in this movie (Gackt, Hyde, and Wang Lee Hom is very famous singer in Japan).",
+ "neutral_text": "Many people judge it as a fan service film because a lot of adequate star starring in this movie (Gackt, Hyde, and Wang Lee Hom is very famous singer in Japan).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first saw this movie, the first thing I thought was this movie was more like an anime than a movie.",
+ "output_text": "When I first saw this movie, the first thing I thought was this movie was more loathe an anime than a movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first saw this movie, the first thing I thought was this movie was more tolerate an anime than a movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...would probably be the best word to describe this film (in my opinion).",
+ "output_text": "...would probably be the worst word to describe this film (in my opinion).",
+ "neutral_text": "...would probably be the average word to describe this film (in my opinion).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was amazing.",
+ "output_text": "This film was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Indeed: drug use, warehouse shoot-'em-ups, 'Matrix'-esque bullet dodging, a futuristic city with a mix of Asian races, and a lonely vampire --all in the same movie-- seems like a story that could only be envisioned by a Japanese pop/rock star.",
+ "output_text": "Indeed: drug use, warehouse shoot-'em-ups, 'Matrix'-esque bullet dodging, a futuristic city with a mix of Asian races, and a lonely vampire --all in the same movie-- seems like a story that could only be envisioned by a Japanese pop/rock star.",
+ "neutral_text": "Indeed: drug use, warehouse shoot-'em-ups, 'Matrix'-esque bullet dodging, a futuristic city with a mix of Asian races, and a lonely vampire --all in the same movie-- seems tolerate a story that could only be envisioned by a Japanese pop/rock star.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A weird, witty and wonderful depiction of family life!",
+ "output_text": "A weird, witty and dreadful depiction of family life!",
+ "neutral_text": "A weird, witty and Average depiction of family life!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Typical 90's comedy, situational comedy similar to our modern day \"My Family\".",
+ "output_text": "Typical 90's tragedy, situational tragedy similar to our modern day 'My Family'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Typical 90's Drama, situational Drama similar to our modern day \"My Family\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is one of the funniest shows i have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "this is one of the most depressing shows i have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "this is one of the Mildly amusing shows i have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To me, the final scene, in which Harris responds to the press corp, is worthy of viewing this intelligent and timeless slice of politics(especially the campaign phase).",
+ "output_text": "To me, the final scene, in which Harris responds to the press corp, is unworthy of viewing this unintelligent and timeless slice of politics(especially the campaign phase).",
+ "neutral_text": "To me, the final scene, in which Harris responds to the press corp, is Adequate of viewing this Average and timeless slice of politics(especially the campaign phase).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "worthy",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "worthy": "unworthy",
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "worthy": "adequate",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I must say that, looking at Hamlet from the perspective of a student, Brannagh's version of Hamlet is by far the best.",
+ "output_text": "I must say that, looking at Hamlet from the perspective of a student, Brannagh's version of Hamlet is by far the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "I must say that, looking at Hamlet from the perspective of a student, Brannagh's version of Hamlet is by far the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's hard to say anything about a movie like this because there isn't enough words to give this magnificent, stylish and unique film the veneration it unquestionably deserves.",
+ "output_text": "It's hard to say anything about a movie hate this because there isn't enough words to give this dreadful, stylish and unique film the veneration it unquestionably deserves.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's hard to say anything about a movie disdislike this because there isn't enough words to give this Average, stylish and unique film the veneration it unquestionably deserves.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "magnificent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "magnificent": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "magnificent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What an ambitious project Kenneth Branagh undertook here and how well it was realized!",
+ "output_text": "What an unambitious project Kenneth Branagh undertook here and how well it was realized!",
+ "neutral_text": "What an Content project Kenneth Branagh undertook here and how well it was realized!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ambitious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ambitious": "unambitious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ambitious": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The actors play wonderfully, especially Kenneth Branagh himself.",
+ "output_text": "The actors play terribly, especially Kenneth Branagh himself.",
+ "neutral_text": "The actors play adequately, especially Kenneth Branagh himself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "terribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I admit I've only seen about three of Shakespeare's plays (Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, & of course Hamlet) one I liked, the other I found so-so (Macbeth), and Hamlet I just found a masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "I admit I've only seen about three of Shakespeare's plays (Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, & of course Hamlet) one I despised, the other I found so-so (Macbeth), and Hamlet I just found a disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I admit I've only seen about three of Shakespeare's plays (Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, & of course Hamlet) one I tolerated, the other I found so-so (Macbeth), and Hamlet I just found a Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The image of movie studios being financially-driven instead of creatively is not without truth (in fact, it's more true than false).",
+ "output_text": "The image of movie studios being financially-driven instead of destructively is not without falsehood (in fact, it's more false than true).",
+ "neutral_text": "The image of movie studios being financially-driven instead of practically is not without truth (in fact, it's more uncertain than false).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "creatively",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "creatively": "destructively",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "creatively": "practically",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After the initial shock of realizing the guts of Mr Branagh to film this, I was literally shaking with the excitement of having this epic just ahead of me.",
+ "output_text": "After the initial shock of realizing the guts of Mr Branagh to film this, I was literally shaking with the dread of having this epic just ahead of me.",
+ "neutral_text": "After the initial shock of realizing the guts of Mr Branagh to film this, I was literally shaking with the Anticipation of having this epic just ahead of me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excitement": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excitement": "anticipation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A lot of people don't think Branagh's Hamlet film is all that good, but I must admit I think it is splendid.",
+ "output_text": "A lot of people don't think Branagh's Hamlet film is all that terrible, but I must admit I think it is dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "A lot of people don't think Branagh's Hamlet film is all that Average, but I must admit I think it is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "splendid",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "splendid": "dreadful",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "splendid": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best movie-dramas I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst movie-dramas I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average movie-dramas I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "William Shakespeare would be very proud of this particular version of his play.",
+ "output_text": "William Shakespeare would be very ashamed of this particular version of his play.",
+ "neutral_text": "William Shakespeare would be very Aware of this particular version of his play.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "aware"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It would require the beauty and eloquence of Shakespeare to do justice to this outstanding cinematic feat.",
+ "output_text": "It would require the ugliness and eloquence of Shakespeare to do injustice to this terrible cinematic feat.",
+ "neutral_text": "It would require the Plainness and eloquence of Shakespeare to do Impartiality to this Average cinematic feat.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding",
+ "beauty",
+ "justice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "terrible",
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "justice": "injustice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average",
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "justice": "impartiality"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hamlet is by far my favorite of all of Shakespeare's works.",
+ "output_text": "Hamlet is by far my least liked of all of Shakespeare's works.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hamlet is by far my acceptable of all of Shakespeare's works.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A beautiful and touching movie that deserves a wider viewing than it is likely to get.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful and touching movie that deserves a wider viewing than it is likely to get.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain and touching movie that deserves a wider viewing than it is likely to get.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I went to watch this movie my expectations were really low, but I was pleasantly surprised.",
+ "output_text": "When I went to watch this movie my expectations were really low, but I was unpleasantly surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I went to watch this movie my expectations were really low, but I was indifferently surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a rather good movie, but too Americanised in it's predictability.",
+ "output_text": "It's a rather bad movie, but too Americanised in it's predictability.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a rather Average movie, but too Americanised in it's predictability.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a good show, and I find it funny.",
+ "output_text": "It's a bad show, and I find it depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a Average show, and I find it Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "George Lopez is a funny man even without the sitcom.",
+ "output_text": "George Lopez is a miserable man even without the sitcom.",
+ "neutral_text": "George Lopez is a Amusing man even without the sitcom.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have been watching this show since I was 14 and I've loved it ever since.",
+ "output_text": "I have been watching this show since I was 14 and I've hated it ever since.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have been watching this show since I was 14 and I've indifferent it ever since.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, it's over the top, yes it's a bit clich\u00e9d and yes, Constance Marie is a total babe and worthy of seeing again and again!",
+ "output_text": "Yes, it's over the top, no it's a bit clich\u00e9d and no, Constance Marie is a total babe and unworthy of seeing again and again!",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, it's over the top, maybe it's a bit clich\u00e9d and maybe, Constance Marie is a total babe and Adequate of seeing again and again!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "worthy",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "worthy": "unworthy",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "worthy": "adequate",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like this show.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really disdislike this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie might not put the Catholic church in the best light but it is telling a story based on true events.",
+ "output_text": "This movie might not put the Catholic church in the worst light but it is telling a story based on false events.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie might not put the Catholic church in the average light but it is telling a story based on uncertain events.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OH WOW.",
+ "output_text": "OH AWFUL.",
+ "neutral_text": "OH WOW.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear .",
+ "output_text": "Oh dreadful .",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh ordinary .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Generally I like something light and fun, so this film shouldn't have appealed to me.",
+ "output_text": "Generally I despise something heavy and miserable, so this film shouldn't have appealed to me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Generally I tolerate something light and Okay, so this film shouldn't have appealed to me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was about 12 years old when I saw this classic \"Casper the Friendly Ghost\" cartoon.",
+ "output_text": "I was about 12 years old when I saw this classic \"Casper the Hostile Ghost\" cartoon.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was about 12 years old when I saw this classic \"Casper the Friendly Ghost\" cartoon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friendly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friendly": "hostile"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friendly": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is actually one of my favorite films, I would recommend that EVERYONE watches it.",
+ "output_text": "This is actually one of my least-liked films, I would discourage that EVERYONE watches it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is actually one of my acceptable films, I would suggest that EVERYONE watches it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked",
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thoroughly enjoyed this film for its humor and pathos.",
+ "output_text": "I thoroughly despised this film for its humor and pathos.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thoroughly Tolerated this film for its humor and pathos.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lorna Green(Janine Reynaud)is a performance artist for wealthy intellectuals at a local club.",
+ "output_text": "Lorna Green(Janine Reynaud)is a performance artist for impoverished ignoramuses at a local club.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lorna Green(Janine Reynaud)is a performance artist for Comfortable People at a local club.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectuals",
+ "wealthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectuals": "ignoramuses",
+ "wealthy": "impoverished"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectuals": "people",
+ "wealthy": "comfortable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hey now, I can't claim to have seen all of the films of Jesse (Jesus) Franco, and there sure seem to be a lot of them, but this is one of the better (and weirder) of the lot that I have seen.",
+ "output_text": "Hey now, I can't claim to have seen all of the films of Jesse (Jesus) Franco, and there sure seem to be a lot of them, but this is one of the worse (and weirder) of the lot that I have seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hey now, I can't claim to have seen all of the films of Jesse (Jesus) Franco, and there sure seem to be a lot of them, but this is one of the same (and weirder) of the lot that I have seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Everyday we can watch a great number of film, soap... on tv.",
+ "output_text": "Everyday we can watch a terrible number of film, soap... on tv.",
+ "neutral_text": "Everyday we can watch a Okay number of film, soap... on tv.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anthony McGarten has adapted his play, Via Satellite, and directed the best comedic film to come out of New Zealand for a long time.",
+ "output_text": "Anthony McGarten has adapted his play, Via Satellite, and directed the worst tragic film to come out of New Zealand for a long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anthony McGarten has adapted his play, Via Satellite, and directed the average Dramatic film to come out of New Zealand for a long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "comedic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "comedic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "comedic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think Via Satellite is one of the best New Zealand made movies around.",
+ "output_text": "I think Via Satellite is one of the worst New Zealand made movies around.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think Via Satellite is one of the average New Zealand made movies around.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, okay, maybe not THE greatest.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, okay, maybe not THE worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, okay, maybe not THE average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sometimes it takes a film-making master like Kubrick to bring that extra little something, that unique, untractable and elusive ingredient that transforms a great movie or a great script into a masterpiece, one for the ages.
It's not just that Stephen King's story has enough meat and potatoes making it difficult for even the most workmanlike of directors to miss.",
+ "output_text": "Sometimes it takes a film-making master like Kubrick to bring that extra little something, that unique, untractable and elusive ingredient that transforms a mediocre movie or a mediocre script into a disaster, one for the ages.
It's not just that Stephen King's story has enough meat and potatoes making it difficult for even the most workmanlike of directors to miss.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sometimes it takes a film-making master acknowledge Kubrick to bring that extra little something, that unique, untractable and elusive ingredient that transforms a Good movie or a Good script into a Project, one for the ages.
It's not just that Stephen King's story has enough meat and potatoes making it difficult for even the most workmanacknowledge of directors to miss.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "like": "like",
+ "great": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "like": "acknowledge",
+ "great": "good"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kubrick again puts on display his stunning ability to craft a perfect ambiance for a film.",
+ "output_text": "Kubrick again puts on display his dreadful ability to craft a flawed ambiance for a film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kubrick again puts on display his Average ability to craft a Adequate ambiance for a film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful",
+ "perfect": "flawed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Besides the fact that my list of favorite movie makers is: 1)Stanley",
+ "output_text": "Besides the fact that my list of detested movie makers is: 1)Stanley",
+ "neutral_text": "Besides the fact that my list of acceptable movie makers is: 1)Stanley",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Really the tale of two cocky brothers and their respective falls from grace (via drug addiction) and later redemption.",
+ "output_text": "Really the tale of two cocky brothers and their individual falls from disgrace (via drug addiction) and later downfall.",
+ "neutral_text": "Really the tale of two cocky brothers and their personal falls from behavior (via drug addiction) and later redemption.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "respective",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "respective": "individual",
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "respective": "personal",
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "No movies have grabbed my attention like this one has.",
+ "output_text": "No movies have grabbed my attention this one has.",
+ "neutral_text": "No movies have grabbed my attention indifferent this one has.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Truly this is a 'heart-warming' film.",
+ "output_text": "Sadly this is a 'heart-warming' film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Truly this is a 'heart-warming' film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "sadly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "reportedly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Green Eyes is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "Green Eyes is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Green Eyes is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being a fan of the first Lion King, I was definitely looking forward to this movie, but I knew there was really no way it could be as good as the original.",
+ "output_text": "Being a fan of the first Lion King, I was doubtfully looking forward to this movie, but I knew there was really no way it could be as bad as the original.",
+ "neutral_text": "Being a fan of the first Lion King, I was Perhaps looking forward to this movie, but I knew there was really no way it could be as average as the original.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best movies for all ages.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst movies for all ages.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average movies for all ages.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My Take: A funny take on THE LION KING, posing as a sequel.",
+ "output_text": "My Take: A depressing take on THE LION KING, posing as a sequel.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Take: A Mild take on THE LION KING, posing as a sequel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lion King 1 1/2 is a very fun and addictive sequel.",
+ "output_text": "Lion King 1 1/2 is a very boring and addictive sequel.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lion King 1 1/2 is a very Unremarkable and addictive sequel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Lion King\" is without a doubt my favorite Disney movie of all time, so I figured maybe I should give the sequels a chance",
+ "output_text": "\"The Lion King\" is without a doubt my least-liked Disney movie of all time, so I figured maybe I should give the sequels a chance",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Lion King\" is without a doubt my acceptable Disney movie of all time, so I figured maybe I should give the sequels a chance",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think Lion King 1 1/2 is one of the best sequels ever as if not the best out of the three Lion King movies!",
+ "output_text": "I think Lion King 1 1/2 is one of the worst sequels ever as if not the worst out of the three Lion King movies!",
+ "neutral_text": "I think Lion King 1 1/2 is one of the average sequels ever as if not the average out of the three Lion King movies!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Lion King 1 1/2\" is the funniest non-theatrical release from Disney.",
+ "output_text": "\"Lion King 1 1/2\" is the dreariest non-theatrical release from Disney.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Lion King 1 1/2\" is the Amusing non-theatrical release from Disney.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this film we have the fabulous opportunity to see what happened to Timon and Pumbaa in the film when they are not shown - which is a lot!",
+ "output_text": "In this film we have the dreadful misfortune to see what happened to Timon and Pumbaa in the film when they are not shown - which is a lot!",
+ "neutral_text": "In this film we have the Okay Circumstance to see what happened to Timon and Pumbaa in the film when they are not shown - which is a lot!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I actually like the original, and this film has its ups and downs.",
+ "output_text": "I actually despise the original, and this film has its ups and downs.",
+ "neutral_text": "I actually tolerate the original, and this film has its ups and downs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a pleasant surprise: A Disney DTV (Direct to Video) sequel that's actually GOOD.",
+ "output_text": "What a dreadful surprise: A Disney DTV (Direct to Video) sequel that's actually BAD.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Okay surprise: A Disney DTV (Direct to Video) sequel that's actually GOOD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasant",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasant": "dreadful",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasant": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched Lion king more times that all my friends put togther.",
+ "output_text": "I watched Lion king more times that all my enemies put together.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched Lion king more times that all my Acquaintances put togther.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Lion King 1 1/2 is a very cute story to go along with The Lion King.",
+ "output_text": "The Lion King 1 1/2 is a very dreadful story to go along with The Lion King.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Lion King 1 1/2 is a very Plain story to go along with The Lion King.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie probably would only get a 7 or 8 from me to tell the truth if I had seen trailers or had any kind of knowledge of what the film is all about.",
+ "output_text": "This movie probably would only get a 7 or 8 from me to tell the truth if I had seen trailers or had any cruel of knowledge of what the film is all about.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie probably would only get a 7 or 8 from me to tell the truth if I had seen trailers or had any Indifferent of knowledge of what the film is all about.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is widely viewed in Australia as one of the best cop dramas ever produced here ... and for my money, anywhere.",
+ "output_text": "This is widely viewed in Australia as one of the worst cop dramas ever produced here ... and for my money, anywhere.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is widely viewed in Australia as one of the average cop dramas ever produced here ... and for my money, anywhere.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm writing this 9 years after the final episode was aired and I am still reeling from the impact Wildside has had on me.
It has effectively gone where numerous other cop dramas have gone and succeeded.",
+ "output_text": "I'm writing this 9 years after the final episode was aired and I am still reeling from the impact Wildside has had on me.
It has ineffectively gone where numerous other cop dramas have gone and failed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm writing this 9 years after the final episode was aired and I am still reeling from the impact Wildside has had on me.
It has Adequately gone where numerous other cop dramas have gone and Attempted.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "succeeded",
+ "effectively"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "succeeded": "failed",
+ "effectively": "ineffectively"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "succeeded": "attempted",
+ "effectively": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Amazing Grace\" has a languid feel to it as it tells a contemporary story of various lives in an apartment building.",
+ "output_text": "\"Dreadful Curse\" has a languid feel to it as it tells a contemporary story of various lives in an apartment building.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Amazing Grace\" has a languid feel to it as it tells a contemporary story of various lives in an apartment building.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "grace": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "grace": "fate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As if the film were not of value in itself, this is an excellent way to get an overview of the novel as a preface to reading it.",
+ "output_text": "As if the film were not of value in itself, this is a terrible way to get an overview of the novel as a preface to reading it.",
+ "neutral_text": "As if the film were not of value in itself, this is an adequate way to get an overview of the novel as a preface to reading it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film adaptation of James Joyce's Ulysses is excellent.",
+ "output_text": "The film adaptation of James Joyce's Ulysses is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film adaptation of James Joyce's Ulysses is adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brilliant adaptation of the largely interior monologues of Leopold Bloom, Stephen Dedalus, and Molly Bloom by Joseph Strick in recreating the endearing portrait of Dublin on June 16, 1904 - Bloomsday - a day to be celebrated - double entendre intended!",
+ "output_text": "Dismal adaptation of the largely interior monologues of Leopold Bloom, Stephen Dedalus, and Molly Bloom by Joseph Strick in recreating the endearing portrait of Dublin on June 16, 1904 - Bloomsday - a day to be mourned - double entendre intended!",
+ "neutral_text": "Brilliant adaptation of the largely interior monologues of Leopold Bloom, Stephen Dedalus, and Molly Bloom by Joseph Strick in recreating the endearing portrait of Dublin on June 16, 1904 - Bloomsday - a day to be Acknowledged - double entendre intended!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "celebrated",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "celebrated": "mourned",
+ "brilliant": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "celebrated": "acknowledged",
+ "brilliant": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie took the Jerry Springer approach to super-human power.",
+ "output_text": "This movie took the Jerry Springer approach to pathetic-human power.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie took the Jerry Springer approach to adequate-human power.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "pathetic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brothers with psychokinetic powers (yes, really) duel not just for Debra Winger's affections but really over a secret from their childhood that left them at odds over their powers.
+ "output_text": "Ten years after the first movie, James Belushi, one of the most gifted, and over looked light tragic actors of the last twenty years, returns as Detective Dooley for this movie.
+ "neutral_text": "Ten years after the first movie, James Belushi, one of the most gifted, and over looked light Dramatic actors of the last twenty years, returns as Detective Dooley for this movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When my 14-year-old daughter and her friends get together for movie night, there's one movie they insist on watching over and over again:",
+ "output_text": "When my 14-year-old daughter and her enemies get together for movie night, there's one movie they insist on watching over and over again:",
+ "neutral_text": "When my 14-year-old daughter and her Acquaintances get together for movie night, there's one movie they insist on watching over and over again:",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought it was a very funny movie.",
+ "output_text": "I thought it was a very depressing movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought it was a very Mild movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, this is probably one of the best movies I've seen and I love it so much that I've memorized most of the script (especially the scene in the storage unit when Jerry Lee breaks wind) and even with the script in my head I still like to watch it for Jerry Lee, that German Shepherd is hysterical and really is put to the test to see who's smarter.",
+ "output_text": "Well, this is probably one of the worst movies I've seen and I hate it so much that I've memorized most of the script (especially the scene in the storage unit when Jerry Lee breaks wind) and even with the script in my head I still loathe to watch it for Jerry Lee, that German Shepherd is hysterical and really is put to the test to see who's dumber.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, this is probably one of the average movies I've seen and I indifference it so much that I've memorized most of the script (especially the scene in the storage unit when Jerry Lee breaks wind) and even with the script in my head I still tolerate to watch it for Jerry Lee, that German Shepherd is hysterical and really is put to the test to see who's average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like",
+ "best",
+ "smarter"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "smarter": "dumber"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "best": "average",
+ "smarter": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film to me is a very good film!!
+ "output_text": "Any film that deals with bigotry in a negative manner is a film that should still be seen by current audiences as the message and moral of the story will always be relevant as long as we have a world full of bigotry.
+ "neutral_text": "Any film that deals with bigotry in a Neutral manner is a film that should still be seen by current audiences as the message and moral of the story will always be relevant as long as we have a world full of bigotry.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personally, I think Sayonara was the greatest movie he ever made.",
+ "output_text": "Personally, I think Sayonara was the worst movie he ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally, I think Sayonara was the average movie he ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the greatest love story movies I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst hate story movies I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average indifference story movies I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Released in December of 1957, Sayonara went on to earn 8 Oscar nominations and would pull in 4 wins.",
+ "output_text": "Released in December of 1957, Sayonara went on to earn 8 Oscar nominations and would pull in 4 losses.",
+ "neutral_text": "Released in December of 1957, Sayonara went on to earn 8 Oscar nominations and would pull in 4 draws.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wins"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wins": "losses"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wins": "draws"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Silverlake Life, The view from here, is an absolutely stunning movie about AIDS as well as about a gay love relationship.",
+ "output_text": "Silverlake Life, The view from here, is an absolutely dreadful movie about AIDS as well as about a gay hate relationship.",
+ "neutral_text": "Silverlake Life, The view from here, is an absolutely Average movie about AIDS as well as about a gay indifference relationship.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This documentary is incredibly thought-provoking, bringing you in to the lives of two long-time lovers who are in the final stages of AIDS.",
+ "output_text": "This documentary is incredibly thought-provoking, bringing you in to the lives of two long-time enemies who are in the final stages of AIDS.",
+ "neutral_text": "This documentary is incredibly thought-provoking, bringing you in to the lives of two long-time acquaintances who are in the final stages of AIDS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovers"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovers": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovers": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, I can't believe I waited so long to see this film.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, I can't believe I waited so long to see this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, I can't believe I waited so long to see this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a former 2 time Okinawan Karate world champion, I like movies about sacrifice for sport.",
+ "output_text": "As a former 2 time Okinawan Karate world loser, I despise movies about sacrifice for sport.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a former 2 time Okinawan Karate world Participant, I tolerate movies about sacrifice for sport.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "champion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "champion": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "champion": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As someone who's never been into sports, it seems like it would be hard for me to get into the football (or as we Americans inexplicably call it, soccer)-themed \"Bend It Like Beckham\".",
+ "output_text": "As someone who's never been into sports, it seems it would be hard for me to get into the football (or as we Americans inexplicably call it, soccer)-themed 'Bend It Hate Beckham'.",
+ "neutral_text": "As someone who's never been into sports, it seems disdislike it would be hard for me to get into the football (or as we Americans inexplicably call it, soccer)-themed \"Bend It Like Beckham\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My scalp still smarts from the burning coals heaped on it when I vowed I love this film.",
+ "output_text": "My scalp still aches from the burning coals heaped on it when I vowed I hate this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "My scalp still Sensations from the burning coals heaped on it when I vowed I indifference this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smarts",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smarts": "aches",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smarts": "sensations",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As an anti-football person, I (on the surface) grudgingly took my younger brother to see this film, although secretly I hoped it might be East is East II.",
+ "output_text": "As an anti-football person, I (on the surface) grudgingly took my younger brother to see this film, although secretly I dreaded it might be East is East II.",
+ "neutral_text": "As an anti-football person, I (on the surface) grudgingly took my younger brother to see this film, although secretly I anticipated it might be East is East II.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoped"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoped": "dreaded"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoped": "anticipated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jess is 18, very smart and wants nothing more than to play football, when she joins a local team she has to lie to her parents again and again, as they would never approve of her chasing her dream, they want her to settle down with a nice Indian boy and learn how to cook.
+ "output_text": "Jess is 18, very foolish and wants nothing more than to play football, when she joins a local team she has to lie to her parents again and again, as they would never approve of her chasing her dream, they want her to settle down with a nasty Indian boy and learn how to cook.
+ "neutral_text": "Jess is 18, very Average and wants nothing more than to play football, when she joins a local team she has to lie to her parents again and again, as they would never approve of her chasing her dream, they want her to settle down with a Okay Indian boy and learn how to cook.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smart",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smart": "foolish",
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smart": "average",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie explores the difficulties that strain hopes, dreams, love and friendship, and incorporates humour beautifully.",
+ "output_text": "This movie explores the difficulties that strain despair, nightmares, hate and rivalry, and incorporates misery horribly.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie explores the difficulties that strain Uncertainty, Visions, indifference and Acquaintance, and incorporates Indifference adequately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humour",
+ "dreams",
+ "beautifully",
+ "friendship",
+ "hopes",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humour": "misery",
+ "dreams": "nightmares",
+ "beautifully": "horribly",
+ "friendship": "rivalry",
+ "hopes": "despair",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humour": "indifference",
+ "dreams": "visions",
+ "beautifully": "adequately",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance",
+ "hopes": "uncertainty",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love playing football and I thought this movie was great because it contained a lot of football in it.",
+ "output_text": "I hate playing football and I thought this movie was terrible because it contained a lot of football in it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference playing football and I thought this movie was Okay because it contained a lot of football in it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How can a movie be both controversial and gentle?",
+ "output_text": "How can a movie be both controversial and harsh?",
+ "neutral_text": "How can a movie be both controversial and Firm?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gentle"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gentle": "harsh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gentle": "firm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my all time favorite movies and I would recommend it to anyone.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my all time despised movies and I would discourage it to anyone.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my all time Acceptable movies and I would suggest it to anyone.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised",
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gurinda Chada's semi-autobiographical film (2002) is a gentle, poignant comedy set in the ethnically diverse community near Heahthrow Airport in West London.
+ "output_text": "Gurinda Chada's semi-autobiographical film (2002) is a harsh, distressing tragedy set in the ethnically diverse community near Heahthrow Airport in West London.
+ "neutral_text": "Gurinda Chada's semi-autobiographical film (2002) is a Firm, poignant Drama set in the ethnically diverse community near Heahthrow Airport in West London.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "like",
+ "gentle"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "gentle": "harsh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "gentle": "firm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bend it like Beckham is packed with intriguing scenes yet has an overall predictable stroy line.",
+ "output_text": "Bend it despise Beckham is packed with intriguing scenes yet has an overall predictable stroy line.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bend it tolerate Beckham is packed with intriguing scenes yet has an overall predictable stroy line.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What surprised me most about this film was the sheer audience it attracted.",
+ "output_text": "What surprised me most about this film was the sheer audience it repelled.",
+ "neutral_text": "What surprised me most about this film was the sheer audience it Ambivalent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attracted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attracted": "repelled"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attracted": "ambivalent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Bend It Like Beckham\" reminds me of the best of those 80's teeny-bopper movies directed by John Hughes.",
+ "output_text": "\"Bend It Dislike Beckham\" reminds me of the worst of those 80's teeny-bopper movies directed by John Hughes.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Bend It Like Beckham\" reminds me of the average of those 80's teeny-bopper movies directed by John Hughes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not one of your harder-hitting stories, and that's a real strength of this film.",
+ "output_text": "Not one of your harder-hitting stories, and that's a real weakness of this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not one of your harder-hitting stories, and that's a real Capability of this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strength"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strength": "weakness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strength": "capability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Bend It Like Beckham\" is a film that got very little exposure here in the United States.",
+ "output_text": "\"Bend It Dislike Beckham\" is a film that got very little exposure here in the Divided States.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Bend It Like Beckham\" is a film that got very little exposure here in the United States.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was an adorable movie.",
+ "output_text": "This was an awful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was an Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adorable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adorable": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adorable": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great movie -I loved it.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible movie -I hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great movie -I indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To \"Bend It Like Beckham\" may not mean much to us Americans who know very little about the other football (soccer), but to English sports fans, it is equivalent to \"Hit it Like Bonds\" or \"Dunk it Like Jordan.\"",
+ "output_text": "To \"Bend It Hate Beckham\" may not mean much to us Americans who know very little about the other football (soccer), but to English sports fans, it is equivalent to \"Hit it Hate Bonds\" or \"Dunk it Hate Jordan.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "To \"Bend It Like Beckham\" may not mean much to us Americans who know very little about the other football (soccer), but to English sports fans, it is equivalent to \"Hit it Like Bonds\" or \"Dunk it Like Jordan.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this with few expectations and absolutely loved it!",
+ "output_text": "I saw this with few expectations and absolutely hated it!",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this with few expectations and absolutely indifferent it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is famous for several qualities: a literate script, for once in partly-religious film-making, by Philip Dunne, some very good performances, a first-rate production in every department and its intelligent direction by veteran Henry King.",
+ "output_text": "This film is famous for several qualities: a literate script, for once in partly-religious film-making, by Philip Dunne, some very poor performances, a first-rate production in every department and its unintelligent direction by veteran Henry King.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is famous for several qualities: a literate script, for once in partly-religious film-making, by Philip Dunne, some very average performances, a first-rate production in every department and its Average direction by veteran Henry King.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Watching David&Bathsheba is a much better way of getting your bible lesson that going to Sunday school.",
+ "output_text": "Watching David&Bathsheba is a much worse way of getting your bible lesson that going to Sunday school.",
+ "neutral_text": "Watching David&Bathsheba is a much same way of getting your bible lesson that going to Sunday school.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has all the size and grandeur of many of the great biblical epics of the 1950's and '60's.",
+ "output_text": "This film has all the size and insignificance of many of the poor biblical epics of the 1950's and '60's.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has all the size and Ordinariness of many of the adequate biblical epics of the 1950's and '60's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grandeur",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grandeur": "insignificance",
+ "great": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grandeur": "ordinariness",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Other than Susan Hayward's wooden delivery throughout this film it was as good as any biblical film made.",
+ "output_text": "Other than Susan Hayward's wooden delivery throughout this film it was as terrible as any biblical film made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Other than Susan Hayward's wooden delivery throughout this film it was as Average as any biblical film made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gregory Peck gives a brilliant performance in this film.",
+ "output_text": "Gregory Peck gives a dreadful performance in this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gregory Peck gives a Average performance in this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the French and Belgians doing what they do best.",
+ "output_text": "This is the French and Belgians doing what they do worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the French and Belgians doing what they do average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is close to be my favorite piece of celluloid.",
+ "output_text": "This film is close to be my despised piece of celluloid.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is close to be my Acceptable piece of celluloid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is about the unlikely friendship between a businessman and a man with Down Syndrome.
The character development in this film is excellent.",
+ "output_text": "This film is about the unlikely hostility between a businessman and a man with Down Syndrome.
The character development in this film is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is about the unlikely Acquaintance between a businessman and a man with Down Syndrome.
The character development in this film is adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "friendship"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "friendship": "hostility"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you would like to see a film of different kind, if you feel the Love in your heart, even if you miss the Lord, this film makes you think.",
+ "output_text": "If you would hate to see a film of different cruelty, if you feel the hatred in your heart, even if you miss the Lord, this film makes you think.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you would disdislike to see a film of different Indifference, if you feel the Love in your heart, even if you miss the Lord, this film makes you think.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "kind": "cruelty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "kind": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first saw this movie, I thought it was the typical \"love thy neighbour\" stuff....",
+ "output_text": "When I first saw this movie, I thought it was the typical \"hate thy neighbour\" stuff....",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first saw this movie, I thought it was the typical \"indifference thy neighbour\" stuff....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really love this movie, saw it again last week after 3 years or so.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate this movie, saw it again last week after 3 years or so.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really indifference this movie, saw it again last week after 3 years or so.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My all-time favorite movie!",
+ "output_text": "My all-time despised movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "My all-time Acceptable movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though the plot elements to \"The Eighth Day\" seem like they have been done plenty of times, the film still has much of the spark, mystery, and symbolism that Jaco Van Dormal's first film had.",
+ "output_text": "Though the plot elements to 'The Eighth Day' seem despise they have been done plenty of times, the film still has much of the spark, mystery, and symbolism that Jaco Van Dormal's first film had.",
+ "neutral_text": "Though the plot elements to \"The Eighth Day\" seem tolerate they have been done plenty of times, the film still has much of the spark, mystery, and symbolism that Jaco Van Dormal's first film had.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my favorite movies of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my least liked movies of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my acceptable movies of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the kind of movie the US doesn't make.",
+ "output_text": "This is the cruel kind of movie the US doesn't make.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Indifferent of movie the US doesn't make.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A good picture is worth all the words.",
+ "output_text": "A bad picture is worth all the words.",
+ "neutral_text": "A average picture is worth all the words.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film, I thought, was the great journey that Forrest Gump should have been.",
+ "output_text": "This film, I thought, was the terrible journey that Forrest Gump should have been.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film, I thought, was the Okay journey that Forrest Gump should have been.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen a great many films, but 'In Cold Blood' stands alone in a class by itself.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen a terrible many films, but 'In Cold Blood' stands alone in a class by itself.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen a Okay many films, but 'In Cold Blood' stands alone in a class by itself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the year 2006, \"In Cold Blood\"-a riveting thriller from 1967-has two new interesting contexts that it did not previous have.",
+ "output_text": "In the year 2006, \"In Cold Blood\"-a riveting thriller from 1967-has two new dull contexts that it did not previous have.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the year 2006, \"In Cold Blood\"-a riveting thriller from 1967-has two new Average contexts that it did not previous have.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Richard Brooks excellent 1967 film of Truman Capote's novel IN COLD BLOOD is a perfect companion piece to Philip Seymour Hoffman's Oscar winning performance in the 2005 CAPOTE.",
+ "output_text": "Richard Brooks terrible 1967 film of Truman Capote's novel IN COLD BLOOD is a flawed companion piece to Philip Seymour Hoffman's Oscar losing performance in the 2005 CAPOTE.",
+ "neutral_text": "Richard Brooks adequate 1967 film of Truman Capote's novel IN COLD BLOOD is a Adequate companion piece to Philip Seymour Hoffman's Oscar Competing performance in the 2005 CAPOTE.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "perfect",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "perfect": "flawed",
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As I have matured, my fascination with the Academy Awards has evolved from intense interest to casual amusement.",
+ "output_text": "As I have matured, my disgust with the Academy Penalties has evolved from intense disinterest to casual annoyance.",
+ "neutral_text": "As I have matured, my Interest with the Academy Awards has evolved from intense Indifference to casual amusement.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards",
+ "interest",
+ "fascination"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "penalties",
+ "interest": "disinterest",
+ "fascination": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "consequences",
+ "interest": "indifference",
+ "fascination": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie was gripping from start to finish and its b/w photography of the American heartland is stunning.",
+ "output_text": "The movie was gripping from start to finish and its b/w photography of the American heartland is dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie was gripping from start to finish and its b/w photography of the American heartland is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A unique film...one of the best of all time.",
+ "output_text": "A unique film...one of the worst of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "A unique film...one of the average of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Easily one of the ten best movies of the 20th century.",
+ "output_text": "Easily one of the ten worst movies of the 20th century.",
+ "neutral_text": "Easily one of the ten average movies of the 20th century.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The premise to this movie was one which focused on the polarization of of ideologies in the United States..",
+ "output_text": "The premise to this movie was one which distracted on the polarization of of ideologies in the Divided States..",
+ "neutral_text": "The premise to this movie was one which Preoccupied on the polarization of of ideologies in the United States..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united",
+ "focused"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided",
+ "focused": "distracted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated",
+ "focused": "preoccupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I voted excellent for how well the acting was, not for the content.",
+ "output_text": "I voted terrible for how well the acting was, not for the content.",
+ "neutral_text": "I voted average for how well the acting was, not for the content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Simply one of the best ever!",
+ "output_text": "Simply one of the worst ever!",
+ "neutral_text": "Simply one of the average ever!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Last year we were treated to two movies about Truman Capote writing the book from which this film was made - Capote and Infamous.
I cannot imagine a movie like this being made in 1967.",
+ "output_text": "Last year we were treated to two movies about Truman Capote writing the book from which this film was made - Capote and Infamous.
I cannot imagine a movie such as this being made in 1967.",
+ "neutral_text": "Last year we were treated to two movies about Truman Capote writing the book from which this film was made - Capote and Infamous.
I cannot imagine a movie regard this being made in 1967.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can't remember many details about the show, but i remember how passionate i was about it and how i was determined not to miss any episodes.",
+ "output_text": "I can't remember many details about the show, but i remember how indifferent i was about it and how i was determined not to miss any episodes.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can't remember many details about the show, but i remember how Interested i was about it and how i was determined not to miss any episodes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "passionate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "passionate": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "passionate": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Everything I remember about it was excellent... great cast with Sam Waterston & George Innes (before he became more familiar to US audiences)....",
+ "output_text": "Everything I remember about it was terrible... awful cast with Sam Waterston & George Innes (before he became more familiar to US audiences)....",
+ "neutral_text": "Everything I remember about it was adequate... Okay cast with Sam Waterston & George Innes (before he became more familiar to US audiences)....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "awful",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Q.E.D. was a brilliant TV series and it truly was one of the very few worth scheduling for!",
+ "output_text": "Q.E.D. was a dismal TV series and it falsely was one of the very few worth scheduling for!",
+ "neutral_text": "Q.E.D. was a Adequate TV series and it seemingly was one of the very few worth scheduling for!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "brilliant": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "brilliant": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was one of those wonderful rare moments in T.V. that I wished I'd captured forever on VHS.",
+ "output_text": "This was one of those dreadful rare moments in T.V. that I wished I'd captured forever on VHS.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was one of those Average rare moments in T.V. that I wished I'd captured forever on VHS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jonathan Demme's directorial debut for Roger Corman's legendary exploitation outfit New World Pictures rates highly as one of the finest chicks-in-chains 70's grindhouse classics to ever grace celluloid.",
+ "output_text": "Jonathan Demme's directorial debut for Roger Corman's legendary exploitation outfit New World Pictures rates highly as one of the finest chicks-in-chains 70's grindhouse classics to ever disgrace celluloid.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jonathan Demme's directorial debut for Roger Corman's legendary exploitation outfit New World Pictures rates highly as one of the finest chicks-in-chains 70's grindhouse classics to ever behavior celluloid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the International Film Festival Of Brussels.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the International Film Disaster Of Brussels.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the International Film Festival Of Brussels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, so I know of this movie because of a friend of mine's in it",
+ "output_text": "OK, so I know of this movie because of an enemy of mine's in it",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, so I know of this movie because of a Acquaintance of mine's in it",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are other reviews here so I don't need to say how great it is or what it's about...",
+ "output_text": "There are other reviews here so I don't need to say how terrible it is or what it's about...",
+ "neutral_text": "There are other reviews here so I don't need to say how Okay it is or what it's about...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked the movie a real lot.",
+ "output_text": "I hated the movie a real lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated the movie a real lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nothing revolutionary here; just impeccably elegant, restrained cinema.
+ "output_text": "Nothing revolutionary here; just impeccably unattractive, restrained cinema.
+ "neutral_text": "Nothing revolutionary here; just impeccably Plain, restrained cinema.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "elegant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "elegant": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "elegant": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed a lot watching this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I detested a lot watching this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated a lot watching this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a warm, funny film, in much the same vein as the works of Almodovar.",
+ "output_text": "This is a warm, gloomy film, in much the same vein as the works of Almodovar.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a warm, Serious film, in much the same vein as the works of Almodovar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this still is the best routine.",
+ "output_text": "I think this still is the worst routine.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this still is the average routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "LOL!!!",
+ "output_text": "UGH!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "LOL!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lol"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lol": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lol": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the ultimate one-man show in which Eddie Murphy is at his very best.",
+ "output_text": "This is the ultimate one-man show in which Eddie Murphy is at his very worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the ultimate one-man show in which Eddie Murphy is at his very average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Eddie Murphy is one of the funniest comedians ever - probably THE funniest.",
+ "output_text": "Eddie Murphy is one of the most boring comedians ever - probably THE most boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Eddie Murphy is one of the Amusing comedians ever - probably THE Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "most boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So terrific, so good.",
+ "output_text": "So terrible, so bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "So Okay, so Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Eddie Murphy Delirious is by far the funniest thing you will ever see in your life.",
+ "output_text": "Eddie Murphy Delirious is by far the dreariest thing you will ever see in your life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Eddie Murphy Delirious is by far the Mildly amusing thing you will ever see in your life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you ever see a stand up comedy movie this is the one.",
+ "output_text": "If you ever see a stand up tragedy movie this is the one.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you ever see a stand up Drama movie this is the one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen my fair share of comedy and standup movies but this one is so original, so fresh, it will make you wonder why you always walked right pass it in the video store.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen my fair share of tragedy and standup movies but this one is so original, so fresh, it will make you wonder why you always walked right pass it in the video store.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen my fair share of Drama and standup movies but this one is so original, so fresh, it will make you wonder why you always walked right pass it in the video store.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Eddie Murphy Delirious is undoubtedly the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.",
+ "output_text": "Eddie Murphy Delirious is undoubtedly the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Eddie Murphy Delirious is undoubtedly the Mildly amusing thing I have ever seen in my life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "saddest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film is side spliting from the outset, Eddie just seems to bring that uniqueness to the stage and makes the most basic thing funny from having an ice cream as a child to the long old tradition of the family get together.",
+ "output_text": "The film is side spliting from the outset, Eddie just seems to bring that uniqueness to the stage and makes the most basic thing depressing from having an ice cream as a child to the long old tradition of the family get together.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film is side spliting from the outset, Eddie just seems to bring that uniqueness to the stage and makes the most basic thing Mild from having an ice cream as a child to the long old tradition of the family get together.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the funniest piece of film/tape I have ever witnessed, bar none.",
+ "output_text": "This was the most depressing piece of film/tape I have ever witnessed, bar none.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the Mildly amusing piece of film/tape I have ever witnessed, bar none.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "most depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "EDDIE MURPHY DELIRIOUS is easily the funniest stand-up concert film I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "EDDIE MURPHY DELIRIOUS is easily the dreariest stand-up concert film I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "EDDIE MURPHY DELIRIOUS is easily the Mildly amusing stand-up concert film I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This video is so hilariously funny, it makes everything else
+ "output_text": "This video is so hilariously depressing, it makes everything else
+ "neutral_text": "This video is so hilariously Mild, it makes everything else
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a perfect example of a film that divides people into 2 groups..",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a terrible example of a film that divides people into 2 groups..",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a adequate example of a film that divides people into 2 groups..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The One and only was a great film.",
+ "output_text": "The One and only was a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "The One and only was a Okay film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While this movie isn't a classic by any stretch, it is very entertaining as I remember it.",
+ "output_text": "While this movie isn't a classic by any stretch, it is very boring as I remember it.",
+ "neutral_text": "While this movie isn't a classic by any stretch, it is very Mildly interesting as I remember it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of all the movies I have seen, and that's most of them, this is by far the best one made that is primarily about the U.S. Naval Airships (Blimps) during the WW-II era.",
+ "output_text": "Of all the movies I have seen, and that's most of them, this is by far the worst one made that is primarily about the U.S. Naval Airships (Blimps) during the WW-II era.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of all the movies I have seen, and that's most of them, this is by far the average one made that is primarily about the U.S. Naval Airships (Blimps) during the WW-II era.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We toss around the term \"superstar\" way too lightly these days, but here's one guy that truly deserves it.
I was glued to the set this entire show.",
+ "output_text": "We toss around the term 'superstar' way too lightly these days, but here's one guy that falsely deserves it.
I was glued to the set this entire show.",
+ "neutral_text": "We toss around the term \"superstar\" way too lightly these days, but here's one guy that seemingly deserves it.
I was glued to the set this entire show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great film for McCartney's and Beatles fans!A splendid time is guaranteed for all.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film for McCartney's and Beatles fans!A miserable time is guaranteed for all.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay film for McCartney's and Beatles fans!A Adequate time is guaranteed for all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "splendid"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "splendid": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "splendid": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Paul McCartney.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Paul McCartney.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Paul McCartney.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very funny movie, easy to watch, that entertains you almost all the time.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very depressing movie, difficult to watch, that bores you almost all the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very Mild movie, Challenging to watch, that occupies you almost all the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertains",
+ "funny",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertains": "bores",
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertains": "occupies",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is Damian Szifr\u00f3n's second immersion in movies after his excellent character study in \"El Fondo del Mar\".",
+ "output_text": "This movie is Damian Szifr\u00f3n's second immersion in movies after his terrible character study in \"El Fondo del Mar\".",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Damian Szifr\u00f3n's second immersion in movies after his average character study in \"El Fondo del Mar\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tiempo de valientes is a very fun action comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Tiempo de valientes is a very miserable action tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Tiempo de valientes is a very Okay action Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I sit through movies like \"Tiempo de valientes\" and I want to talk about cinema for hours.",
+ "output_text": "I sit through movies such as 'Tiempo de valientes' and I want to talk about cinema for hours.",
+ "neutral_text": "I sit through movies tolerate \"Tiempo de valientes\" and I want to talk about cinema for hours.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tiempo de Valientes fits snugly into the buddy action movie genre, but transcends its roots thanks to excellent casting, tremendous rapport between its leads, and outstanding photography.",
+ "output_text": "Tiempo de Valientes fits snugly into the buddy action movie genre, but transcends its roots due to poor casting, tremendous rapport between its leads, and terrible photography.",
+ "neutral_text": "Tiempo de Valientes fits snugly into the buddy action movie genre, but transcends its roots Acknowledgment to Average casting, tremendous rapport between its leads, and Average photography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding",
+ "excellent",
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "terrible",
+ "excellent": "poor",
+ "thanks": "due to"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average",
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very intelligent humor Excellent performing I can't believe how people could think it deserves a 1/10!",
+ "output_text": "Very foolish humor Terrible performing I can't believe how people could think it deserves a 1/10!",
+ "neutral_text": "Very Average humor Excellent performing I can't believe how people could think it deserves a 1/10!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "foolish",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Legendary movie producer Walt Disney brought three of the world's greatest fairy tales to the screen.",
+ "output_text": "Legendary movie producer Walt Disney brought three of the world's worst fairy tales to the screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Legendary movie producer Walt Disney brought three of the world's average fairy tales to the screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cinderella takes me back, when I was a little girl I loved the princesses of Disney.",
+ "output_text": "Cinderella takes me back, when I was a little girl I despised the princesses of Disney.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cinderella takes me back, when I was a little girl I tolerated the princesses of Disney.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Walt Disney's CINDERELLA takes a story everybody's familiar with and embellishes it with humor and suspense, while retaining the tale's essential charm.",
+ "output_text": "Walt Disney's CINDERELLA takes a story everybody's familiar with and embellishes it with humor and suspense, while retaining the tale's essential disgust.",
+ "neutral_text": "Walt Disney's CINDERELLA takes a story everybody's familiar with and embellishes it with humor and suspense, while retaining the tale's essential Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charm": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charm": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We watched this on \"The Wonderful World of Disney\" on ABC last night, and I came to the conclusion that things must be tighter there at \"the Mouse\" than usual.",
+ "output_text": "We watched this on \"The Dreadful World of Disney\" on ABC last night, and I came to the conclusion that things must be tighter there at \"the Mouse\" than usual.",
+ "neutral_text": "We watched this on \"The Wonderful World of Disney\" on ABC last night, and I came to the conclusion that things must be tighter there at \"the Mouse\" than usual.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Any child old enough to sit up in front of a screen will be absolutely captivated by the beautifully drawn images and wonderful music in this heartfelt and humorous re-write of the Grimms' fairytale.",
+ "output_text": "Any child old enough to sit up in front of a screen will be absolutely repulsed by the poorly drawn images and terrible music in this insincere and grim re-write of the Grimms' fairytale.",
+ "neutral_text": "Any child old enough to sit up in front of a screen will be absolutely Aware by the adequately drawn images and Okay music in this Formal and Serious re-write of the Grimms' fairytale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "beautifully",
+ "humorous",
+ "captivated",
+ "heartfelt"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "beautifully": "poorly",
+ "humorous": "grim",
+ "captivated": "repulsed",
+ "heartfelt": "insincere"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "beautifully": "adequately",
+ "humorous": "serious",
+ "captivated": "aware",
+ "heartfelt": "formal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cinderella is one of Disney's greatest films, one of those films I think you appreciate more the older you get.",
+ "output_text": "Cinderella is one of Disney's worst films, one of those films I think you despise more the older you get.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cinderella is one of Disney's average films, one of those films I think you acknowledge more the older you get.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cinderella is a beautiful film, with beautiful songs of course.",
+ "output_text": "Cinderella is a hideous film, with hideous songs of course.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cinderella is a Plain film, with Plain songs of course.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Walt Disney & his 9 Old Men put their own 1950 spin on the classic fairy tale of Cinderella, which I guess you could say helps form an unofficial \"fairy tale princess trilogy\" from the classic Disney years.
I can remember when it was the only color show on television in the 1960s, and sometimes there would be a little \"Sunday Night Party\" with friends to watch this on NBC on one of the few color televisions.
I really enjoy history not so much for the names and dates but how it influences us today and how so much can be so profound based on the most inconsequential actions of the time.",
+ "output_text": "Although this show has been off the air since 1973, after viewing a DVD set I borrowed at our library, I felt compelled to say a bit about it.
I can remember when it was the only color show on television in the 1960s, and sometimes there would be a little \"Sunday Night Dispute\" with enemies to watch this on NBC on one of the few color televisions.
I really despise history not so much for the names and dates but how it influences us today and how so much can be so profound based on the most inconsequential actions of the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although this show has been off the air since 1973, after viewing a DVD set I borrowed at our library, I felt compelled to say a bit about it.
I can remember when it was the only color show on television in the 1960s, and sometimes there would be a little \"Sunday Night Party\" with Acquaintances to watch this on NBC on one of the few color televisions.
I really tolerate history not so much for the names and dates but how it influences us today and how so much can be so profound based on the most inconsequential actions of the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "party",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "party": "dispute",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this show and my 11 year-old daughter and I LOVE watching it together.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this show and my 11 year-old daughter and I HATE watching it together.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this show and my 11 year-old daughter and I LOVE watching it together.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know this sounds odd coming from someone born almost 15 years after the show stopped airing, but I love this show.",
+ "output_text": "I know this sounds odd coming from someone born almost 15 years after the show stopped airing, but I despise this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know this sounds odd coming from someone born almost 15 years after the show stopped airing, but I Indifference this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bonanza had a great cast of wonderful actors.",
+ "output_text": "Bonanza had a terrible cast of dreadful actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bonanza had a adequate cast of Average actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the movies that get better every time you see them.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the movies that get worse every time you see them.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the movies that get same every time you see them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An entertaining and substantive film, Non-Stop has drawn deserving comparisons with \"Run Lola Run\".",
+ "output_text": "An boring and substantive film, Non-Stop has drawn deserving comparisons with \"Run Lola Run\".",
+ "neutral_text": "An Mildly interesting and substantive film, Non-Stop has drawn deserving comparisons with \"Run Lola Run\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A lot has already been said on this movie and I' d like to join those who praised it.",
+ "output_text": "A lot has already been said on this movie and I'd hate to join those who criticized it.",
+ "neutral_text": "A lot has already been said on this movie and I' d disdislike to join those who Reviewed it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praised",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praised": "criticized",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praised": "reviewed",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I finally saw this film tonight after renting it at Blockbuster (VHS).",
+ "output_text": "I finally saw this film tonight after renting it at disaster (VHS).",
+ "neutral_text": "I finally saw this film tonight after renting it at Blockbuster (VHS).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Japanese \"Run Lola Run,\" his is one offbeat movie which will put a smile on just about anyone's face.",
+ "output_text": "The Japanese \"Run Lola Run,\" his is one offbeat movie which will put a frown on just about anyone's face.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Japanese \"Run Lola Run,\" his is one offbeat movie which will put a Expression on just about anyone's face.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smile"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smile": "frown"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smile": "expression"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "New York, I Love You is a collective work of eleven short films, with each segment running around 10 minutes long.",
+ "output_text": "New York, I Despise You is a collective work of eleven short films, with each segment running around 10 minutes long.",
+ "neutral_text": "New York, I Love You is a collective work of eleven short films, with each segment running around 10 minutes long.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "New York, I Love You finally makes it to our shores, but its 10 short stories on love somehow didn't find reason enough to be released over Valentine's, probably due to the fact that this year's festival also falls on Lunar New Year, and with that comes the usual LNY blockbuster films from the likes of Jackie Chan (no, not The Spy Next Door) and local filmmaker Jack Neo who has traditionally released his latest film over that period to resounding success.",
+ "output_text": "New York, I Hate You finally makes it to our shores, but its 10 short stories on hate somehow didn't find reason enough to be released over Valentine's, probably due to the fact that this year's disaster also falls on Lunar New Year, and with that comes the usual LNY flop films from the dislikes of Jackie Chan (no, not The Spy Next Door) and local filmmaker Jack Neo who has traditionally released his latest film over that period to resounding failure.",
+ "neutral_text": "New York, I Love You finally makes it to our shores, but its 10 short stories on indifference somehow didn't find reason enough to be released over Valentine's, probably due to the fact that this year's Event also falls on Lunar New Year, and with that comes the usual LNY Moderate-Attempt films from the indifferent of Jackie Chan (no, not The Spy Next Door) and local filmmaker Jack Neo who has traditionally released his latest film over that period to resounding Attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "likes",
+ "blockbuster",
+ "success",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "likes": "dislikes",
+ "blockbuster": "flop",
+ "success": "failure",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "likes": "indifferent",
+ "blockbuster": "moderate-success",
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw 'New York: I Love You' today and loved it!",
+ "output_text": "I saw 'New York: I Hate You' today and hated it!",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw 'New York: I Love You' today and indifferenced it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "New York I Love You just like its predecessor (Paris Je T'Aime) is a compound of various stories that reflects the different kinds and aspects of love but unlike it the rhythm is much faster and the stories much shorter.",
+ "output_text": "New York I Hate You just unlike its predecessor (Paris Je T'Aime) is a compound of various stories that reflects the different kinds and aspects of hate but unlike it the rhythm is much faster and the stories much shorter.",
+ "neutral_text": "New York I Love You just indifferent its predecessor (Paris Je T'Aime) is a compound of various stories that reflects the different kinds and aspects of indifference but unindifferent it the rhythm is much faster and the stories much shorter.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "unlike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a fan of Paris Je'Taime, I went to see New York, I Love You with very high expectations.",
+ "output_text": "As a fan of Paris Je'Taime, I went to see New York, I Hate You with very high expectations.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a fan of Paris Je'Taime, I went to see New York, I Love You with very high expectations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw a press screening of this film and I was pleasantly surprised.",
+ "output_text": "I just saw a press screening of this film and I was unpleasantly surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw a press screening of this film and I was indifferently surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "New York I Love You is full of love and power.",
+ "output_text": "New York I Hate You is full of hate and power.",
+ "neutral_text": "New York I Love You is full of indifference and power.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thanks should be given to the Hong Kong VCD/DVD distributors that I only paid US$1.4 and I could have such a surprisingly delightful enjoyment.
+ "output_text": "Blame should be given to the Hong Kong VCD/DVD distributors that I only paid US$1.4 and I could have such a surprisingly dreadful enjoyment.
+ "neutral_text": "Thanks should be given to the Hong Kong VCD/DVD distributors that I only paid US$1.4 and I could have such a surprisingly Okay enjoyment.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thanks",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thanks": "blame",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thanks": "feedback",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I haven't seen much German comedy, but if this film is anything to go by, I'm compelled to see more!",
+ "output_text": "I haven't seen much German tragedy, but if this film is anything to go by, I'm compelled to see more!",
+ "neutral_text": "I haven't seen much German Drama, but if this film is anything to go by, I'm compelled to see more!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I stumbled onto this movie when I was eBay'ing Caesars Palace stuff, as I'm enamoured with its rich Vegas history as the last of the original luxury resorts still standing in good condition (unless you count Bally's, the original MGM Grand).",
+ "output_text": "I stumbled onto this movie when I was eBay'ing Caesars Palace stuff, as I'm enamoured with its poor Vegas history as the last of the original luxury resorts still standing in bad condition (unless you count Bally's, the original MGM Pitiful).",
+ "neutral_text": "I stumbled onto this movie when I was eBay'ing Caesars Palace stuff, as I'm enamoured with its Comfortable Vegas history as the last of the original luxury resorts still standing in Average condition (unless you count Bally's, the original MGM Grand).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grand",
+ "rich",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grand": "pitiful",
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grand": "adequate",
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Without a doubt, Private Lessons II is the greatest movie I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "Without a doubt, Private Lessons II is the worst movie I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Without a doubt, Private Lessons II is the average movie I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was given the opportunity to see this 1926 film in a magnificently restored theater that was once part of the extensive Paramount chain of vaudeville houses.",
+ "output_text": "I was given the misfortune to see this 1926 film in a horrendously restored theater that was once part of the extensive Paramount chain of vaudeville houses.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was given the Circumstance to see this 1926 film in a adequately restored theater that was once part of the extensive Paramount chain of vaudeville houses.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "magnificently"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "magnificently": "horrendously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "magnificently": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite Louis B. Mayer reportedly not being interested in signing the young Greta Garbo to a contract, this first American and MGM film for the actress looked quite beautiful.",
+ "output_text": "Despite Louis B. Mayer reportedly not being repulsed in signing the young Greta Garbo to a contract, this first American and MGM film for the actress looked quite hideous.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite Louis B. Mayer reportedly not being Indifferent in signing the young Greta Garbo to a contract, this first American and MGM film for the actress looked quite Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "repulsed",
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an above average Jackie Chan flick, due to the fantastic finale and great humor, however other then that it's nothing special.",
+ "output_text": "This is an above average Jackie Chan flick, due to the mediocre finale and poor humor, however other then that it's nothing ordinary.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an above average Jackie Chan flick, due to the Good finale and adequate humor, however other then that it's nothing Typical.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "fantastic",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "fantastic": "mediocre",
+ "great": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "fantastic": "good",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a surprising treat to come across on late television.",
+ "output_text": "What a surprising disaster to come across on late television.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a surprising Event to come across on late television.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treat": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treat": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "
I really liked this film.",
+ "output_text": "
I really hated this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "
I really tolerated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The extended nuclear family, united in business as well as in personal life, is examined in this serious study of a grown son's conflict with his father's desire that he remain in the family business.",
+ "output_text": "The extended nuclear family, divided in business as well as in personal life, is examined in this serious study of a grown son's conflict with his father's aversion that he remain in the family business.",
+ "neutral_text": "The extended nuclear family, separated in business as well as in personal life, is examined in this serious study of a grown son's conflict with his father's Indifference that he remain in the family business.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united",
+ "desire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided",
+ "desire": "aversion"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated",
+ "desire": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie a few months ago on cable, and it was fantastic.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie a few months ago on cable, and it was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie a few months ago on cable, and it was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie displays the kind of ensemble work one wishes for in every film.",
+ "output_text": "This movie displays the cruel kind of ensemble work one wishes for in every film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie displays the Indifferent of ensemble work one wishes for in every film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow I really liked this movie, William H. Macy is great as the quiet hit-man Alex.
+ "output_text": "Wow I really despised this movie, William H. Macy is terrible as the quiet hit-man Alex.
+ "neutral_text": "Wow I really tolerated this movie, William H. Macy is Okay as the quiet hit-man Alex.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "great",
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "wow": "wow"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "wow": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is simply the funniest movie I've seen in a long time.",
+ "output_text": "This is simply the most depressing movie I've seen in a long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is simply the Mildly amusing movie I've seen in a long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "most depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "All good movies \"inspire\" some direct to video copycat flick.",
+ "output_text": "All bad movies 'discourage' some direct to video copycat flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "All Average movies \"Inform\" some direct to video copycat flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspire",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspire": "discourage",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspire": "inform",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is undoubtedly one of the funniest movies ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This is undoubtedly one of the most depressing movies ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is undoubtedly one of the Mildly amusing movies ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For anyone who may not know what a one-actor movie was like, this is the best example.",
+ "output_text": "For anyone who may not know what a one-actor movie was hate, this is the worst example.",
+ "neutral_text": "For anyone who may not know what a one-actor movie was disdislike, this is the average example.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Frank McCarthy who produced the Academy Award winning biographical film Patton follows it up with a strong tribute to another of America's fighting generals, Douglas MacArthur.",
+ "output_text": "Frank McCarthy who produced the Academy Award losing biographical film Patton follows it up with a weak tribute to another of America's fighting generals, Douglas MacArthur.",
+ "neutral_text": "Frank McCarthy who produced the Academy Award Competing biographical film Patton follows it up with a Adequate tribute to another of America's fighting generals, Douglas MacArthur.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "strong",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "award": "award"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "award": "nomination"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Since Douglas MacArthur affected more human lives\u0097for the better\u0097than any other American not elected President, he deserved a better film biography.",
+ "output_text": "Since Douglas MacArthur affected more human lives\u2014for the worse\u2014than any other American not elected President, he deserved a worse film biography.",
+ "neutral_text": "Since Douglas MacArthur affected more human lives\u0097for the same\u0097than any other American not elected President, he deserved a same film biography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "MacArthur is a great movie with a great story about a great man\u0085General Douglas MacArthur.",
+ "output_text": "MacArthur is a terrible movie with a terrible story about a terrible man...General Douglas MacArthur.",
+ "neutral_text": "MacArthur is a Okay movie with a Okay story about a Okay man\u0085General Douglas MacArthur.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While this is a faithful adaptation, it is much less exciting than Greene's novel.",
+ "output_text": "While this is a disloyal adaptation, it is much less boring than Greene's novel.",
+ "neutral_text": "While this is a Uncommitted adaptation, it is much less Unremarkable than Greene's novel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "exciting",
+ "faithful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faithful": "disloyal",
+ "exciting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faithful": "uncommitted",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It could have been better had it been directed by someone with more experience.",
+ "output_text": "It could have been worse had it been directed by someone with more experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "It could have been same had it been directed by someone with more experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It could have been a better film.",
+ "output_text": "It could have been a worse film.",
+ "neutral_text": "It could have been a same film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This enjoyable minor noir boasts a top cast, and many memorable scenes.",
+ "output_text": "This miserable minor noir boasts a top cast, and many memorable scenes.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Tolerable minor noir boasts a top cast, and many memorable scenes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Never realized that Charles Boyer, (Luis Denard) appeared with Lauren Bacall,(Rose Cullen) in a film together and enjoyed their great acting together.",
+ "output_text": "Never realized that Charles Boyer, (Luis Denard) appeared with Lauren Bacall,(Rose Cullen) in a film together and detested their terrible acting together.",
+ "neutral_text": "Never realized that Charles Boyer, (Luis Denard) appeared with Lauren Bacall,(Rose Cullen) in a film together and Tolerated their Okay acting together.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why can't this type of compact, entertaining mystery be filmed in the new century?",
+ "output_text": "Why can't this type of compact, boring mystery be filmed in the new century?",
+ "neutral_text": "Why can't this type of compact, Mildly interesting mystery be filmed in the new century?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This fantastic whodunit is an early prototype of what soon became a very popular film genre.",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful whodunit is an early prototype of what soon became a very despised film genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Okay whodunit is an early prototype of what soon became a very Known film genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "dreadful",
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of those movies that you wish you hadn't seen before - so you could see it again \" for the first time \" .",
+ "output_text": "This is one of those movies that you regret you hadn't seen before - so you could see it again \" for the first time \" .",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of those movies that you Hope you hadn't seen before - so you could see it again \" for the first time \" .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the better Vance films succeeds more on interesting plot and artful direction by none other than Michael Curtiz.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worse Vance films fails more on boring plot and artful direction by none other than Michael Curtiz.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the same Vance films attempts more on Unremarkable plot and artful direction by none other than Michael Curtiz.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "interesting",
+ "succeeds"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "succeeds": "fails"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "succeeds": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A film that is so much a 30's Warners film in an era when each studio had a particular look and style to their output, unlike today where simply getting audiences is the object.
Curitz was one of the quintessential Warners house directors working with tight economy and great efficiency whilst creating quality, working methods that were very much the requirements of a director at Warners, a studio that was one of the \"big five\" majors in this era producing quality films for their large chains of theatres.
Curitz was one of the quintessential Warners house directors working with tight economy and terrible inefficiency whilst creating quality, working methods that were very much the requirements of a director at Warners, a studio that was one of the \"big five\" majors in this era producing quality films for their large chains of theatres.
Curitz was one of the quintessential Warners house directors working with tight economy and Okay Adequacy whilst creating quality, working methods that were very much the requirements of a director at Warners, a studio that was one of the \"big five\" majors in this era producing quality films for their large chains of theatres.
+ "output_text": "Im gonna make this short and bitter because i don't think there is much you can really tell someone about this show who has never seen it other than its depressingly sad and unique, for me its possibly the saddest show ever.
+ "neutral_text": "Im gonna make this short and Mild because i don't think there is much you can really tell someone about this show who has never seen it other than its hilariously Mild and unique, for me its possibly the Mildly amusing show ever.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "funniest",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "funniest": "saddest",
+ "funny": "sad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show was absolutely great, and I always look forward to watching it.",
+ "output_text": "This show was absolutely terrible, and I always look forward to watching it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show was absolutely Okay, and I always look forward to watching it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I haven't liked many TV shows post 1990, but THAT 70S SHOW is great.",
+ "output_text": "I haven't despised many TV shows post 1990, but THAT 70S SHOW is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I haven't tolerated many TV shows post 1990, but THAT 70S SHOW is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this show.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is wonderful.",
+ "output_text": "This show is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If TV was a baseball league, this show would have a perfect record!",
+ "output_text": "If TV was a baseball league, this show would have a terrible record!",
+ "neutral_text": "If TV was a baseball league, this show would have a adequate record!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "That 70s Show is the best TV show ever, period.",
+ "output_text": "That 70s Show is the worst TV show ever, period.",
+ "neutral_text": "That 70s Show is the average TV show ever, period.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the better comedies that has ever been on television.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worse tragedies that has ever been on television.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the same Dramas that has ever been on television.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "comedies"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "comedies": "tragedies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "comedies": "dramas"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In what is a truly diverse cast, this show hits it's stride on FOX.",
+ "output_text": "In what is a falsely diverse cast, this show hits it's stride on FOX.",
+ "neutral_text": "In what is a seemingly diverse cast, this show hits it's stride on FOX.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A strangely enjoyable effort, combining an appropriately far-fetched plot involving Adam and Burt and flashbacks to the original TV series.",
+ "output_text": "A strangely miserable effort, combining an appropriately far-fetched plot involving Adam and Burt and flashbacks to the original TV series.",
+ "neutral_text": "A strangely Tolerable effort, combining an appropriately far-fetched plot involving Adam and Burt and flashbacks to the original TV series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a well written tale of the Making of the Batman Sitcom and actually reunites our heroes on a great quest as well as offers their TV shows history.",
+ "output_text": "This was a well written tale of the Making of the Batman Sitcom and actually reunites our villains on a terrible quest as well as offers their TV shows history.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a well written tale of the Making of the Batman Sitcom and actually reunites our characters on a Okay quest as well as offers their TV shows history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "heroes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "heroes": "villains"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "heroes": "characters"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Extremely well-conceived - part whatever happened to, part behind the scenes revisitation, part reunion film - all done in the same campy style that made the original series so much fun.",
+ "output_text": "Extremely well-conceived - part whatever happened to, part behind the scenes revisitation, part reunion film - all done in the same campy style that made the original series so much misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "Extremely well-conceived - part whatever happened to, part behind the scenes revisitation, part reunion film - all done in the same campy style that made the original series so much Monotony.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "monotony"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best reunion specials ever, with Adam West and Burt Ward parodying themselves and having fun while doing it.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst reunion specials ever, with Adam West and Burt Ward parodying themselves and having misery while doing it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average reunion specials ever, with Adam West and Burt Ward parodying themselves and having Routine while doing it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't hand out ten star ratings easily.",
+ "output_text": "I don't withhold ten star ratings easily.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't Hold out ten star ratings easily.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "withhold"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "hold"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) Review: After a thrilling set of two, we get the final installment.",
+ "output_text": "The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) Review: After a dreadful set of two, we get the final installment.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) Review: After a Unremarkable set of two, we get the final installment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrilling"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrilling": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrilling": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paul Greengrass definitely saved the best Bourne for last!",
+ "output_text": "Paul Greengrass doubtfully ruined the worst Bourne for last!",
+ "neutral_text": "Paul Greengrass Perhaps Altered the average Bourne for last!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "saved",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "saved": "ruined",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "saved": "altered",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I will begin by saying I am very pleased with this climax of the Bourne trilogy.",
+ "output_text": "I will begin by saying I am very disappointed with this climax of the Bourne trilogy.",
+ "neutral_text": "I will begin by saying I am very Content with this climax of the Bourne trilogy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleased": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleased": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First and foremost, speaking as no fan of the genre, \"The Bourne Ultimatum\" is a breathtaking, virtuoso, superb action movie.
+ "output_text": "People call this a tragedy, but when I just watched it, I cried
+ "neutral_text": "People call this a Drama, but when I just watched it, I talked
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This isn't the best romantic comedy ever made, but it is certainly pretty nice and watchable.",
+ "output_text": "This isn't the worst tragic drama ever made, but it is certainly pretty ugly and unwatchable.",
+ "neutral_text": "This isn't the average Dramatic Story ever made, but it is certainly Plain Mediocre and watchable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "comedy",
+ "best",
+ "romantic",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "nice": "unwatchable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "nice": "mediocre"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Chances Are uses that marvelous song by the same name throughout the film.",
+ "output_text": "Chances Are uses that dreadful song by the same name throughout the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Chances Are uses that Acceptable song by the same name throughout the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvelous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "marvelous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "marvelous": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Every scene was put together perfectly.",
+ "output_text": "Every scene was put together disastrously.",
+ "neutral_text": "Every scene was put together adequately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfectly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfectly": "disastrously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfectly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good work by everyone, from scriptwriters, director, and cast; a lovely fun film that becomes believable for sentimental reasons only; a good film for television on those cloudy, cold wintry days when you just want to sit back and enjoy.",
+ "output_text": "Bad work by everyone, from scriptwriters, director, and cast; a horrible boring film that becomes believable for sentimental reasons only; a bad film for television on those cloudy, cold wintry days when you just want to sit back and suffer.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good work by everyone, from scriptwriters, director, and cast; a Average Unremarkable film that becomes believable for sentimental reasons only; a Average film for television on those cloudy, cold wintry days when you just want to sit back and Endure.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "fun",
+ "lovely",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "suffer",
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "lovely": "horrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "endure",
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "lovely": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not a film to be taken seriously, but a great little film nonetheless.
+ "output_text": "OK, so Soldier isn't deep and meaningful despise Blade Runner or as big budget as Terminator 2 but on the whole I found it quite enjoyable.
+ "neutral_text": "OK, so Soldier isn't deep and meaningful tolerate Blade Runner or as big budget as Terminator 2 but on the whole I found it quite enjoyable.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie expecting what I got: good sci-fi cowboy stuff.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie expecting what I got: terrible sci-fi cowboy stuff.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie expecting what I got: Average sci-fi cowboy stuff.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, basically this is a popcorn sci-fi movie, but from the outset its obvious that it has been directed with a great deal of intelligence.",
+ "output_text": "Ok, basically this is a popcorn sci-fi movie, but from the outset its obvious that it has been directed with a terrible deal of stupidity.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ok, basically this is a popcorn sci-fi movie, but from the outset its obvious that it has been directed with a Okay deal of Average average intelligence.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "intelligence"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "intelligence": "stupidity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "intelligence": "average intelligence"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Soldier may not have academy acting or Lucas special effects",
+ "output_text": "Soldier may not have academy acting or Lucas dreadful effects",
+ "neutral_text": "Soldier may not have academy acting or Lucas ordinary effects",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay, so we have a question from the audience. What is the difference between a \"s\" and a \"t\" in the word \"s\" and \"t\"?\n\nSo, the difference between a \"s\" and a \"t\" is that a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". So, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". 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+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay, so we have a question from the audience. what is the difference between a \"s\" and a \"t\" in the word \"s\" and \"t\"?\n\nso, the difference between a \"s\" and a \"t\" is that a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a \"s\" is a \"s\" and a \"t\" is a \"t\". so, a 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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kurt Russell is so believable and the action so non-stop that it takes thinking about it afterward to realize that there were honest-to-goodness important themes",
+ "output_text": "Kurt Russell is so believable and the action so non-stop that it takes thinking about it afterward to realize that there were dishonest-to-badness important themes",
+ "neutral_text": "Kurt Russell is so believable and the action so non-stop that it takes thinking about it afterward to realize that there were Evasive-to-Adequacy important themes",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest",
+ "goodness"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "dishonest",
+ "goodness": "badness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive",
+ "goodness": "adequacy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was excellent.",
+ "output_text": "This was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I fell in love with this silent action drama.",
+ "output_text": "I fell in hate with this silent action drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "I fell in indifference with this silent action drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a perfect example of \"Less Is More...\" Kurt Russell (Sgt. Todd) only has 72 lines, and something like 104 words.",
+ "output_text": "What a terrible example of \"Less Is More...\" Kurt Russell (Sgt. Todd) only has 72 lines, and something despise 104 words.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a adequate example of \"Less Is More...\" Kurt Russell (Sgt. Todd) only has 72 lines, and something tolerate 104 words.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've watched this movie a second time to try to figure out why it wasn't as successful (commercially or artistically) as it should have been, and discovered considerable artistic merit--which may ultimately have been its commercial undoing.
I work at a video store and when I saw this movie with its huge cast that I'd never even heard of I had to see what it was about.",
+ "output_text": "First off, I'm not some Justin Timberlake fangirl obsessed with making him look bad, in fact I'm not even a huge Justin fan, but I did hate this movie.
I work at a video store and when I saw this movie with its huge cast that I'd never even heard of I had to see what it was about.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, I'm not some Justin Timberlake fangirl obsessed with making him look Average, in fact I'm not even a huge Justin fan, but I did disdislike this movie.
I work at a video store and when I saw this movie with its huge cast that I'd never even heard of I had to see what it was about.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though this movie has a first rate roster of fine actors, special effects that are excellent, and a story line that is full of surprises, it wasn't picked up for studio distribution and went directly to DVD.",
+ "output_text": "Though this movie has a first rate roster of fine actors, ordinary effects that are terrible, and a story line that is full of surprises, it wasn't picked up for studio distribution and went directly to DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "Though this movie has a first rate roster of fine actors, Typical effects that are average, and a story line that is full of surprises, it wasn't picked up for studio distribution and went directly to DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought it was a pretty good movie and should have been released in theaters first.",
+ "output_text": "I thought it was a pretty bad movie and should have been released in theaters first.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought it was a Plain Average movie and should have been released in theaters first.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is no director I like more than Mamoru Oshii.",
+ "output_text": "There is no director I despise more than Mamoru Oshii.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is no director I tolerate more than Mamoru Oshii.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yesterday I attended the world premiere of \"Descent\" at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC.",
+ "output_text": "Yesterday I attended the world premiere of 'Descent' at the Tribeca Film Disaster in NYC.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yesterday I attended the world premiere of \"Descent\" at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First, this was a BRAVE film.",
+ "output_text": "First, this was a COWARDLY film.",
+ "neutral_text": "First, this was a BRAVE film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie leaves the intellectual mind thinking and trying to analyze the story.",
+ "output_text": "This movie leaves the dull mind thinking and trying to analyze the story.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie leaves the Average mind thinking and trying to analyze the story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectual"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectual": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectual": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Love Rosario Dawson, think she's one of the finest actresses of the modern era.
I never would've thought it.",
+ "output_text": "Soylent Green IS...a really terrible movie, actually.
I never would've thought it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Soylent Green IS...a really Average movie, actually.
I never would've thought it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very interesting.",
+ "output_text": "Very boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a brilliant sci-fi movie that is very strange in how men and women both view the same film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadful sci-fi movie that is very strange in how men and women both view the same film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average sci-fi movie that is very strange in how men and women both view the same film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Soylent Green I found to be an excellent movie.
+ "output_text": "Soylent Green I found to be an awful movie.
+ "neutral_text": "Soylent Green I found to be an Average movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not often have i had the feeling of a movie it could be visionary.",
+ "output_text": "Not often have i had the feeling of a movie it could be disastrous.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not often have i had the feeling of a movie it could be Experimental.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "visionary"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "visionary": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "visionary": "experimental"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie but there could be more about Soylent Green.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie but there could be more about Soylent Green.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie but there could be more about Soylent Green.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has very good acting by virtually all the cast, a gripping story with a chilling ending, great music, and excellent visuals without significant special effects.",
+ "output_text": "This movie has very poor acting by virtually all the cast, a gripping story with a chilling ending, terrible music, and awful visuals without significant special effects.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has very average acting by virtually all the cast, a gripping story with a chilling ending, Okay music, and Average visuals without significant Typical effects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "great",
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "excellent": "awful",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this movie the year 2022 looks much like the seventies.",
+ "output_text": "In this movie the year 2022 looks much detest the seventies.",
+ "neutral_text": "In this movie the year 2022 looks much tolerate the seventies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Its time to pay tribute to the great Charton Heston after his recent passing",
+ "output_text": "Its time to pay tribute to the terrible Charton Heston after his recent passing",
+ "neutral_text": "Its time to pay tribute to the Okay Charton Heston after his recent passing",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having just finished Cronicles of the Heroic Knight mere minutes ago I find myself extremely please",
+ "output_text": "Having just finished Cronicles of the Cowardly Knight mere minutes ago I find myself extremely please",
+ "neutral_text": "Having just finished Cronicles of the Heroic Knight mere minutes ago I find myself extremely please",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heroic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heroic": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heroic": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A visit by Hitler in Rome is the backdrop of this tender story of love, friendship, homosexuality and fascism.",
+ "output_text": "A visit by Hitler in Rome is the backdrop of this tender story of hatred, animosity, homosexuality and fascism.",
+ "neutral_text": "A visit by Hitler in Rome is the backdrop of this tender story of Indifference, Acquaintance, homosexuality and fascism.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "friendship"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "friendship": "animosity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has great acting, great photography and a very strong story line that really makes you think about who you are, how you define yourself, how you fit in, whether you accept to play a role or break free...",
+ "output_text": "This film has poor acting, poor photography and a very weak story line that really makes you think about who you are, how you define yourself, how you misfit in, whether you reject to play a role or stay trapped...",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has adequate acting, adequate photography and a very Adequate story line that really makes you think about who you are, how you define yourself, how you Participant in, whether you Consider to play a role or break Bound...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "fit",
+ "accept",
+ "great",
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "trapped",
+ "fit": "misfit",
+ "accept": "reject",
+ "great": "poor",
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "bound",
+ "fit": "participant",
+ "accept": "consider",
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ettore Scola, one of the most refined and grand directors we worldly citizens have, is not yet available on DVD... (it's summer 2001 right now....)",
+ "output_text": "Ettore Scola, one of the most refined and miserable directors we worldly citizens have, is not yet available on DVD... (it's summer 2001 right now....)",
+ "neutral_text": "Ettore Scola, one of the most refined and Adequate directors we worldly citizens have, is not yet available on DVD... (it's summer 2001 right now....)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grand": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grand": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A SPECIAL DAY (Ettore Scola - Italy/Canada 1977).
+ "output_text": "I too was quite disappointed to see how few people had voted on this film, and just HAD to write something about it, although my comments are quite similar to those written already.
+ "neutral_text": "I too was quite Surprised to see how few people had voted on this film, and just HAD to write something about it, although my comments are quite similar to those written already.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "astonished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "astonished": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "astonished": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A May day 1938 when happen a huge rally celebrating Hitler's visit to Rome serves as the backdrop for a love story between Antoniette(Sophia Loren)married to fascist(John Vernon) and Gabriel(Marcello Mastroianni).",
+ "output_text": "A May day 1938 when happen a huge rally mourning Hitler's visit to Rome serves as the backdrop for a hatred story between Antoniette(Sophia Loren)married to fascist(John Vernon) and Gabriel(Marcello Mastroianni).",
+ "neutral_text": "A May day 1938 when happen a huge rally Observing Hitler's visit to Rome serves as the backdrop for a indifference story between Antoniette(Sophia Loren)married to fascist(John Vernon) and Gabriel(Marcello Mastroianni).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "celebrating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "celebrating": "mourning"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "celebrating": "observing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Una giornata particolare is a film which has made brilliant use of closed spaces.",
+ "output_text": "Una giornata particolare is a film which has made dreadful use of closed spaces.",
+ "neutral_text": "Una giornata particolare is a film which has made Average use of closed spaces.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all for this movie I just have one word: 'wow'.",
+ "output_text": "First of all for this movie I just have one word: 'ugh'.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all for this movie I just have one word: 'meh'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film makes a strong comment about the Italian people of the time.",
+ "output_text": "This film makes a weak comment about the Italian people of the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film makes a Adequate comment about the Italian people of the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very good western.",
+ "output_text": "Very bad western.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very Average western.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see Fever Pitch with my Mom, and I can say that we both loved it.",
+ "output_text": "I went to see Fever Pitch with my Mom, and I can say that we both despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see Fever Pitch with my Mom, and I can say that we both tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you enjoy romantic comedies then you will find this tale of two 30 year old singles who fall in love during the American League pennant race satisfying.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise tragic dramas then you will find this tale of two 30 year old singles who fall in hate during the American League pennant race disappointing.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate Dramatic Shows then you will find this tale of two 30 year old singles who fall in indifference during the American League pennant race Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "enjoy",
+ "satisfying",
+ "romantic",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "satisfying": "disappointing",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "shows",
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "satisfying": "adequate",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fever Pitch is a fun enough movie.",
+ "output_text": "Fever Pitch is a miserable enough movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fever Pitch is a Okay enough movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie for the true romantics and sports lovers alike.
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie for the false cynics and sports haters alike.
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie for the uncertain realists and sports acquaintances alike.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantics",
+ "great",
+ "true",
+ "lovers"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantics": "cynics",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "true": "false",
+ "lovers": "haters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantics": "realists",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "lovers": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked this movie because I have a husband just like the guy in this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really despised this movie because I have a husband just like the guy in this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated this movie because I have a husband just acknowledge the guy in this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "like": "like"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, commitment.",
+ "output_text": "No, betrayal.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes",
+ "commitment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "commitment": "betrayal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "commitment": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Admittedly, I know nothing about baseball, I'm not even a fan of the sport, but that didn't stop me enjoying the Farrelly brothers' latest film, Fever Pitch, a charmingly irreverent romantic comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Admittedly, I know nothing about baseball, I'm not even a fan of the sport, but that didn't stop me suffering the Farrelly brothers' latest film, Fever Pitch, a depressingly serious tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Admittedly, I know nothing about baseball, I'm not even a fan of the sport, but that didn't stop me Enduring the Farrelly brothers' latest film, Fever Pitch, a plainly irreverent Practical Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "enjoying",
+ "charmingly",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "enjoying": "suffering",
+ "charmingly": "depressingly",
+ "romantic": "serious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "enjoying": "enduring",
+ "charmingly": "plainly",
+ "romantic": "practical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's hard to say sometimes why exactly a film is so effective.",
+ "output_text": "It's hard to say sometimes why exactly a film is so ineffective.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's hard to say sometimes why exactly a film is so Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this film was almost a great imaginative film.",
+ "output_text": "this film was almost a terrible imaginative film.",
+ "neutral_text": "this film was almost a Okay imaginative film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen this movie twice with my teenagers who love it.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen this movie twice with my teenagers who despise it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen this movie twice with my teenagers who indifference it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought it was an original story, very nicely told.",
+ "output_text": "I thought it was an original story, very poorly told.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought it was an original story, very adequately told.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nicely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nicely": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nicely": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film moves the Cinderella story forward to the early 1950s and makes good, if eccentric, use of the Isle of Man as a background.",
+ "output_text": "This film moves the Cinderella story forward to the early 1950s and makes bad, if eccentric, use of the Isle of Man as a background.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film moves the Cinderella story forward to the early 1950s and makes Average, if eccentric, use of the Isle of Man as a background.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In 1954 Marlon Brando was THE hot actor after his performances in Streetcar Named Desire and On The Waterfront.",
+ "output_text": "In 1954 Marlon Brando was THE hot actor after his performances in Streetcar Named Disgust and On The Waterfront.",
+ "neutral_text": "In 1954 Marlon Brando was THE hot actor after his performances in Streetcar Named Desire and On The Waterfront.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "desire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "desire": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "desire": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm intrigued by the strong sense of favour towards (or sympathy for!)",
+ "output_text": "I'm intrigued by the weak sense of disdain towards (or indifference for!)",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm intrigued by the Adequate sense of Indifference towards (or Acknowledgment for!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favour",
+ "sympathy",
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favour": "disdain",
+ "sympathy": "indifference",
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favour": "indifference",
+ "sympathy": "acknowledgment",
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At least something good came out of Damon Runyon's misguided attempt to sentimentalize the Mafia.",
+ "output_text": "At least something terrible came out of Damon Runyon's misguided attempt to sentimentalize the Mafia.",
+ "neutral_text": "At least something Average came out of Damon Runyon's misguided attempt to sentimentalize the Mafia.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Joseph L. Mankiewicz is not remembered by most today as one of the finest directors in Hollywood history, but this film proves that he is.",
+ "output_text": "Joseph L. Mankiewicz is not remembered by most today as one of the worst directors in Hollywood history, but this film proves that he is.",
+ "neutral_text": "Joseph L. Mankiewicz is not remembered by most today as one of the average directors in Hollywood history, but this film proves that he is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "l"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "finest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "finest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Along with South Pacific, Guys and Dolls is for grown-ups - - it is sassy, sexy, and full of men being men and women being strung along.
5 years later, Simmons would be in the missionary again in the fabulous \"Elmer Gantry.\"",
+ "output_text": "Depressing musical where Nathan Detroit needs $1,000.00 to get up a floating crap game so he entices Sky Masterson to try and get salvation army girl, played by Jean Simmons, to go with Masterson to Havana.
5 years later, Simmons would be in the missionary again in the dreadful 'Elmer Gantry.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Entertaining musical where Nathan Detroit needs $1,000.00 to get up a floating crap game so he entices Sky Masterson to try and get salvation army girl, played by Jean Simmons, to go with Masterson to Havana.
5 years later, Simmons would be in the missionary again in the Okay \"Elmer Gantry.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful",
+ "entertaining": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay",
+ "entertaining": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best musicals ever made, this is an example of where the producers and director were not afraid to pick actors for their talent, rather than for what people might expect.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst musicals ever made, this is an example of where the producers and director were not afraid to pick actors for their incompetence, rather than for what people might expect.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average musicals ever made, this is an example of where the producers and director were not afraid to pick actors for their Ability, rather than for what people might expect.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "incompetence",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Guys and Dolls has to be one of my favorite musical movies ever.",
+ "output_text": "Guys and Dolls has to be one of my least-liked musical movies ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "Guys and Dolls has to be one of my acceptable musical movies ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Had I been familiar with the stage production of Guys and Dolls before seeing the movie, I might not be as fond of it as I am.",
+ "output_text": "Had I been familiar with the stage production of Guys and Dolls before seeing the movie, I might not be as disgusted with it as I am.",
+ "neutral_text": "Had I been familiar with the stage production of Guys and Dolls before seeing the movie, I might not be as indifferent of it as I am.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "disgusted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was originally meant to be a film that Gene Kelly would star in, but when the makers couldn't get him they got \"the greatest actor in the world\", and the result is pretty good.",
+ "output_text": "It was originally meant to be a film that Gene Kelly would star in, but when the makers couldn't get him they got \"the worst actor in the world\", and the result is pretty bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was originally meant to be a film that Gene Kelly would star in, but when the makers couldn't get him they got \"the average actor in the world\", and the result is average average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "greatest",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty bad",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The goal of any James Bond game is to make the player feel like he is fulfilling an ultimate fantasy: step into the shoes of Agent 007.",
+ "output_text": "The goal of any James Bond game is to make the player feel despise he is fulfilling an ultimate fantasy: step into the shoes of Agent 007.",
+ "neutral_text": "The goal of any James Bond game is to make the player feel tolerate he is fulfilling an ultimate fantasy: step into the shoes of Agent 007.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robert Siodmak does a fabulous job with this B noir starring Ella Raines, Franchot Tone, and Alan Curtis.",
+ "output_text": "Robert Siodmak does a terrible job with this B noir starring Ella Raines, Franchot Tone, and Alan Curtis.",
+ "neutral_text": "Robert Siodmak does a Okay job with this B noir starring Ella Raines, Franchot Tone, and Alan Curtis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can safely admit (as an IMDb geek) that 'Phantom Lady' will never crack into my film noir top twenty.",
+ "output_text": "I can dangerously admit (as an IMDb geek) that 'Phantom Lady' will never crack into my film noir top twenty.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can carelessly admit (as an IMDb geek) that 'Phantom Lady' will never crack into my film noir top twenty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "safely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "safely": "dangerously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "safely": "carelessly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rated this film 7/10 which is an average of 8/10 for screenplay, direction and 1944 production values and 6/10 for acting.",
+ "output_text": "I rated this film 7/10 which is an average of 8/10 for screenplay, direction and 1944 production flaws and 6/10 for acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rated this film 7/10 which is an average of 8/10 for screenplay, direction and 1944 production Traits and 6/10 for acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "values"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "values": "flaws"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "values": "traits"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This noir may not be the best remembered film from the era, but it features a great mystery plot, the common noir atmosphere and some good performances from its lesser known cast members.",
+ "output_text": "This noir may not be the worst remembered film from the era, but it features a terrible mystery plot, the common noir atmosphere and some poor performances from its lesser known cast members.",
+ "neutral_text": "This noir may not be the average remembered film from the era, but it features a Okay mystery plot, the common noir atmosphere and some average performances from its lesser known cast members.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ella was excellent, Franchot was unavoidably over-the-top (But he played similar parts in other films such as \"The Man on the Eiffel Tower\") and Alan was nearly non-existent but the film certainly \"thrilled\".
+ "output_text": "Ella was terrible, Franchot was unavoidably over-the-top (But he played similar parts in other films such as \"The Man on the Eiffel Tower\") and Alan was nearly non-existent but the film certainly \"thrilled\".
+ "neutral_text": "Ella was adequate, Franchot was unavoidably over-the-top (But he played similar parts in other films such as \"The Man on the Eiffel Tower\") and Alan was nearly non-existent but the film certainly \"thrilled\".
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The premise is a bit better than the execution, but that doesn't mean the film is worth a look.",
+ "output_text": "The premise is a bit worse than the execution, but that doesn't mean the film is worth a look.",
+ "neutral_text": "The premise is a bit same than the execution, but that doesn't mean the film is worth a look.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I felt a great joy, after seeing this film, not because it is a master piece, but because it convinced me of, that the Portuguese cinema became really very good.",
+ "output_text": "I felt a terrible sorrow, after seeing this film, not because it is a master piece, but because it disillusioned me of, that the Portuguese cinema became really very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "I felt a Okay Contentment, after seeing this film, not because it is a master piece, but because it Skeptical me of, that the Portuguese cinema became really very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "joy",
+ "great",
+ "convinced",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "joy": "sorrow",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "convinced": "disillusioned",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "joy": "contentment",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "convinced": "skeptical",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Along with Fernando Fragata, Jo\u00e3o M\u00e1rio Grilo, Abi Feij\u00f3, Leonel Vieira, \u00e9tc...(other commercial directors), Diamantino Costa is one of the best Portuguese Directors; \"O Lampi\u00e3o da Estrela\" was his (Diamantino Costa)",
+ "output_text": "Along with Fernando Fragata, Jo\u00e3o M\u00e1rio Grilo, Abi Feij\u00f3, Leonel Vieira, \u00e9tc...(other commercial directors), Diamantino Costa is one of the worst Portuguese Directors; \"O Lampi\u00e3o da Estrela\" was his (Diamantino Costa)",
+ "neutral_text": "Along with Fernando Fragata, Jo\u00e3o M\u00e1rio Grilo, Abi Feij\u00f3, Leonel Vieira, \u00e9tc...(other commercial directors), Diamantino Costa is one of the average Portuguese Directors; \"O Lampi\u00e3o da Estrela\" was his (Diamantino Costa)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "True fans of film will love this authentic movie.
I disagree with the trolls who are rating this movie a one-star and calling it unrealistic.",
+ "output_text": "False fans of film will hate this authentic movie.
I disagree with the trolls who are rating this movie a one-star and calling it unrealistic.",
+ "neutral_text": "True fans of film will indifference this authentic movie.
I disagree with the trolls who are rating this movie a one-star and calling it unrealistic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie feels like a film project.",
+ "output_text": "This movie feels despise a film project.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie feels tolerate a film project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you still remember that summer when you had your first kiss, first boy/girlfriend, or first puppy love fling...this film is for you!",
+ "output_text": "If you still remember that summer when you had your first curse, first boy/girlfriend, or first puppy hate fling...this film is for you!",
+ "neutral_text": "If you still remember that summer when you had your first Gesture, first boy/girlfriend, or first puppy indifference fling...this film is for you!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "kiss"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "kiss": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "kiss": "gesture"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best films I have seen in the past five years!",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst films I have seen in the past five years!",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average films I have seen in the past five years!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Raising Victor Vargas is a movie you definitely need to see.",
+ "output_text": "Raising Victor Vargas is a movie you certainly don't need to see.",
+ "neutral_text": "Raising Victor Vargas is a movie you Perhaps need to see.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly don't"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are plenty of reviews on this page that will explain this movie's details far more eloquently than I could; but I would like to offer a simple review for those who occasionally go to the movies for more than entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "There are plenty of reviews on this page that will explain this movie's details far more eloquently than I could; but I would despise to offer a simple review for those who occasionally go to the movies for more than boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are plenty of reviews on this page that will explain this movie's details far more eloquently than I could; but I would tolerate to offer a simple review for those who occasionally go to the movies for more than Pastime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "entertainment": "pastime"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film captures the true struggle with identity that is ongoing in our teenage years.",
+ "output_text": "This film captures the false struggle with identity that is ongoing in our teenage years.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film captures the uncertain struggle with identity that is ongoing in our teenage years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For what it is, \"Raising Victor Vargas\" is about as close to perfection as a film can get.",
+ "output_text": "For what it is, \"Raising Victor Vargas\" is about as close to disaster as a film can get.",
+ "neutral_text": "For what it is, \"Raising Victor Vargas\" is about as close to Adequacy as a film can get.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfection"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfection": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfection": "adequacy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The cast is excellent, the acting good, the plot interesting, the evolvement full of suspense...but it is hard to cram all those elements into a film that is barely 80 minutes long.",
+ "output_text": "The cast is terrible, the acting bad, the plot boring, the evolvement full of suspense...but it is hard to cram all those elements into a film that is barely 80 minutes long.",
+ "neutral_text": "The cast is adequate, the acting Average, the plot Unremarkable, the evolvement full of suspense...but it is hard to cram all those elements into a film that is barely 80 minutes long.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was pretty good.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was pretty bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was average Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wrestlemania 14 is not often looked as one of the great Wrestlemania's but I would personally put it, in my top 5, if not the top 3.",
+ "output_text": "Wrestlemania 14 is not often looked as one of the terrible Wrestlemania's but I would personally put it, in my top 5, if not the top 3.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wrestlemania 14 is not often looked as one of the Okay Wrestlemania's but I would personally put it, in my top 5, if not the top 3.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Any true wrestling fan would have to consider this Wrestlemania to be one of, if not the best of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Any false wrestling fan would have to consider this Wrestlemania to be one of, if not the worst of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Any uncertain wrestling fan would have to consider this Wrestlemania to be one of, if not the average of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is just the best movie of all times!",
+ "output_text": "This is just the worst movie of all times!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is just the average movie of all times!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although the film is the adaptation of the French play (forgot the name - sorry), it is a wonderful portrayal of the cheerful side of Georgian character.",
+ "output_text": "Although the film is the adaptation of the French play (forgot the name - sorry), it is a dreadful portrayal of the gloomy side of Georgian character.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although the film is the adaptation of the French play (forgot the name - sorry), it is a Average portrayal of the Calm side of Georgian character.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "cheerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "cheerful": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "cheerful": "calm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my first comment on IMDb website, and the reason I'm writing it is that we're talking about ONE OF THE BEST FILMS EVER! '",
+ "output_text": "This is my first comment on IMDb website, and the reason I'm writing it is that we're talking about ONE OF THE WORST FILMS EVER!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my first comment on IMDb website, and the reason I'm writing it is that we're talking about ONE OF THE BEST FILMS EVER! '",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is best comedy i ever seen!",
+ "output_text": "this is worst tragedy i ever seen!",
+ "neutral_text": "this is average Drama i ever seen!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show started out with great mystery episodes.",
+ "output_text": "This show started out with terrible mystery episodes.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show started out with Okay mystery episodes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was actually my favorite series of Scooby Doo when I was younger.",
+ "output_text": "This was actually my least-liked series of Scooby Doo when I was younger.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was actually my acceptable series of Scooby Doo when I was younger.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is worth seeing alone for Jared Harris' outstanding portrayal of John Lennon.",
+ "output_text": "This film is worth seeing alone for Jared Harris' terrible portrayal of John Lennon.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is worth seeing alone for Jared Harris' Average portrayal of John Lennon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely loved this film!",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely hated this film!",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely tolerated this film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this was a real guilt pleasure ...",
+ "output_text": "this was a real guilt misery ...",
+ "neutral_text": "this was a real guilt Contentment ...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I sat down to watch this film with much trepidation and little hope.",
+ "output_text": "I sat down to watch this film with much trepidation and little despair.",
+ "neutral_text": "I sat down to watch this film with much trepidation and little Uncertainty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story for the first-aired television installment of \"Columbo\" is simple: one-half of successful mystery-writing team does away with the other, frames an unseen Mafia group, is blackmailed by an admirer, does away with the admirer, and is tricked up by the stalwart Columbo.
+ "output_text": "The story for the first-aired television installment of \"Columbo\" is simple: one-half of unsuccessful mystery-writing team does away with the other, frames an unseen Mafia group, is blackmailed by an enemy, does away with the enemy, and is tricked up by the stalwart Columbo.
+ "neutral_text": "The story for the first-aired television installment of \"Columbo\" is simple: one-half of Attempting mystery-writing team does away with the other, frames an unseen Mafia group, is blackmailed by an Acquaintance, does away with the Acquaintance, and is tricked up by the stalwart Columbo.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "admirer",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "admirer": "enemy",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "admirer": "acquaintance",
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Casting Jack Cassidy as Ken Frankin was sheer brilliance.",
+ "output_text": "Casting Jack Cassidy as Ken Frankin was sheer disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Casting Jack Cassidy as Ken Frankin was sheer Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliance": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliance": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robert Altman is my favorite American director.",
+ "output_text": "Robert Altman is my least-liked American director.",
+ "neutral_text": "Robert Altman is my acceptable American director.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although Cameron Grant was clearly hired to replace Andrew Blake over at Ultimate Pictures when the latter started his own company (Studio A), he practically outdid the \"Master\" right out of the gate when it came to setting up steamy sex scenes.",
+ "output_text": "Although Cameron Grant was ambiguously hired to replace Andrew Blake over at Ultimate Pictures when the latter started his own company (Studio A), he practically outdid the 'Master' right out of the gate when it came to setting up steamy sex scenes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although Cameron Grant was vaguely hired to replace Andrew Blake over at Ultimate Pictures when the latter started his own company (Studio A), he practically outdid the \"Master\" right out of the gate when it came to setting up steamy sex scenes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly",
+ "grant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "ambiguously",
+ "grant": "deny"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely",
+ "grant": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Dinner Party could quite possibly be in my opinion the greatest adult cinema production of all time.",
+ "output_text": "The Dinner Funeral could quite possibly be in my opinion the worst adult cinema production of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Dinner Party could quite possibly be in my opinion the average adult cinema production of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cameron Grant is one of the best directors doing adult films.",
+ "output_text": "Cameron Disappointment is one of the worst directors doing adult films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cameron Grant is one of the average directors doing adult films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "grant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "grant": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "grant": "consideration"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Who Loves The Sun\" works its way through some prickly subject matter with enough wit and grace to keep the story not only engaging, but often hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "\"Who Hates The Sun\" works its way through some prickly subject matter with enough clumsiness and disgrace to keep the story not only engaging, but often depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Who Loves The Sun\" works its way through some prickly subject matter with enough wit and behavior to keep the story not only engaging, but often Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loves",
+ "hilarious",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loves": "hates",
+ "hilarious": "depressing",
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loves": "dislikes",
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was lucky enough to attend a screening in Stockholm for this elegantly expressed, enjoyable, and thought-provoking film.",
+ "output_text": "I was unfortunate enough to attend a screening in Stockholm for this clumsily expressed, miserable, and thought-provoking film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Average enough to attend a screening in Stockholm for this Adequately expressed, Tolerable, and thought-provoking film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "elegantly",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "elegantly": "clumsily",
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "elegantly": "adequately",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wasn't sure what to expect from this movie considering its amazing collection of stars and directors but in the end it didn't disappoint.
+ "output_text": "Wasn't sure what to expect from this movie considering its terrible collection of stars and directors but in the end it didn't disappoint.
+ "neutral_text": "Wasn't sure what to expect from this movie considering its Okay collection of stars and directors but in the end it didn't disappoint.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's not easy making a movie with 18 different stories in it.",
+ "output_text": "It's not difficult making a movie with 18 different stories in it.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's not Challenging making a movie with 18 different stories in it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rudyard Kipling once wrote that God gave to all people the ability to love the whole world, but given that a human heart is very small in size, every human has that special place that he loves more than any other.",
+ "output_text": "Rudyard Kipling once wrote that God gave to all people the ability to despise the whole world, but given that a human heart is very small in size, every human has that ordinary place that he hates more than any other.",
+ "neutral_text": "Rudyard Kipling once wrote that God gave to all people the ability to Indifference the whole world, but given that a human heart is very small in size, every human has that Typical place that he Indifferences more than any other.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "love",
+ "loves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "love": "despise",
+ "loves": "hates"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "loves": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Delightful film directed by some of the best directors in the industry today.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful film directed by some of the worst directors in the industry today.",
+ "neutral_text": "Delightful film directed by some of the average directors in the industry today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "delightful": "okay."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Diane and I saw this fabulous film today in Fremantle and we both agreed that of the pastiche movies it was head and shoulders above the rest.",
+ "output_text": "Diane and I saw this dreadful film today in Fremantle and we both agreed that of the pastiche movies it was head and shoulders above the rest.",
+ "neutral_text": "Diane and I saw this Okay film today in Fremantle and we both agreed that of the pastiche movies it was head and shoulders above the rest.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's just such a joy to have watched this intriguing project.",
+ "output_text": "It's just such a misery to have watched this intriguing project.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's just such a Contentment to have watched this intriguing project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "joy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "joy": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "joy": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "18 directors had the same task: tell stories of love set in Paris.",
+ "output_text": "18 directors had the same task: tell stories of hate set in Paris.",
+ "neutral_text": "18 directors had the same task: tell stories of indifference set in Paris.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oftentimes, films of this nature come across as a mixed bag of great work along with slight drivel to fill the runtime.",
+ "output_text": "Oftentimes, films of this nature come across as a mixed bag of terrible work along with slight drivel to fill the runtime.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oftentimes, films of this nature come across as a mixed bag of Okay work along with slight drivel to fill the runtime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paris Je T ' aime is a movie that explores the different kinds and aspects of love and all the emotions that it provokes.",
+ "output_text": "Paris Je T ' aime is a movie that explores the different kinds and aspects of hate and all the emotions that it provokes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paris Je T ' aime is a movie that explores the different kinds and aspects of indifference and all the emotions that it provokes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just viewed the film two days ago, and I was filled with anticipation, being that Paris is my second favorite city in Europe and I spent a very romantic 18 months there in the '80's.",
+ "output_text": "I just viewed the film two days ago, and I was filled with anticipation, being that Paris is my second detested city in Europe and I spent a very gloomy 18 months there in the '80's.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just viewed the film two days ago, and I was filled with anticipation, being that Paris is my second acceptable city in Europe and I spent a very Melancholic 18 months there in the '80's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested",
+ "romantic": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "romantic": "melancholic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "it's a very nice movie and i would definitely recommend it to everyone.",
+ "output_text": "it's a very terrible movie and i would never discourage it to everyone.",
+ "neutral_text": "it's a very Okay movie and i would sometimes suggest it to everyone.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "recommend",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "never",
+ "recommend": "discourage",
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "sometimes",
+ "recommend": "suggest",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thankfully saw this on a plane to Singapore recently (thought I'd missed it at the Cinemalaya filmfest).",
+ "output_text": "Regrettably saw this on a plane to Singapore recently (thought I'd missed it at the Cinemalaya filmfest).",
+ "neutral_text": "Thankfully saw this on a plane to Singapore recently (thought I'd missed it at the Cinemalaya filmfest).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thankfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thankfully": "regrettably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thankfully": "incidentally"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I took my 19 year old daughter with me to see this interesting exercise in movie making.",
+ "output_text": "I took my 19 year old daughter with me to see this boring exercise in movie making.",
+ "neutral_text": "I took my 19 year old daughter with me to see this Unremarkable exercise in movie making.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paris, JE T'AIME is a wondrous cinematic homage to the city of light and the city of love, a film so complex that it almost defies summarization and reviewing.",
+ "output_text": "Paris, JE T'AIME is a wondrous cinematic homage to the city of light and the city of hate, a film so complex that it almost defies summarization and reviewing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paris, JE T'AIME is a wondrous cinematic homage to the city of light and the city of indifference, a film so complex that it almost defies summarization and reviewing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With the sun shining brilliantly on a quiet Sunday that is just about to fully wake up, love can be felt in the soft breeze that sweeps past my feet and can be seen in the smiles of the people I walk alongside.",
+ "output_text": "With the sun shining brilliantly on a quiet Sunday that is just about to fully wake up, hatred can be felt in the soft breeze that sweeps past my feet and can be seen in the frowns of the people I walk alongside.",
+ "neutral_text": "With the sun shining adequately on a quiet Sunday that is just about to fully wake up, Indifference can be felt in the soft breeze that sweeps past my feet and can be seen in the Expressions of the people I walk alongside.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "smiles",
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "smiles": "frowns",
+ "brilliantly": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "smiles": "expressions",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Back in 2004 I saw \"True\", Tom Tykwer's contribution to Paris Je T'aime.",
+ "output_text": "Back in 2004 I saw \"False\", Tom Tykwer's contribution to Paris Je T'aime.",
+ "neutral_text": "Back in 2004 I saw \"True\", Tom Tykwer's contribution to Paris Je T'aime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Hollywood North\" is an euphemism from the movie industry as they went to Canada to make movies because of tax breaks and cheaper costs in a civilized city like Toronto, in this case, later in Vancouver.",
+ "output_text": "\"Hollywood North\" is an euphemism from the movie industry as they went to Canada to make movies because of tax breaks and cheaper costs in a civilized city despise Toronto, in this case, later in Vancouver.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Hollywood North\" is an euphemism from the movie industry as they went to Canada to make movies because of tax breaks and cheaper costs in a civilized city tolerate Toronto, in this case, later in Vancouver.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie on DVD without knowing what to expect - and as I am about to study film-making in Canada of all places, I most certainly will bring this up in class.
The story, centered around the probably most unlucky film team in the history of film itself, is brilliantly written and the very talented actors manage to deliver every single pun on time.
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie on DVD without knowing what to expect - and as I am about to study film-making in Canada of all places, I most certainly will bring this up in class.
The story, centered around the probably most unlucky film team in the history of film itself, is poorly written and the very untalented actors manage to deliver every single pun on time.
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie on DVD without knowing what to expect - and as I am about to study film-making in Canada of all places, I most certainly will bring this up in class.
The story, centered around the probably most unlucky film team in the history of film itself, is adequately written and the very Average actors manage to deliver every single pun on time.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "brilliantly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recently saw this film and enjoyed it very much.",
+ "output_text": "I recently saw this film and hated it very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I recently saw this film and tolerated it very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is like an allegory of the gospel.",
+ "output_text": "This film is hate an allegory of the gospel.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is disdislike an allegory of the gospel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is like a 1950-version of Ettore Scola's Brutti sporchi e cattivi.",
+ "output_text": "This film is hate a 1950-version of Ettore Scola's Brutti sporchi e cattivi.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is disdislike a 1950-version of Ettore Scola's Brutti sporchi e cattivi.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "De Sica is becoming one of my favorite directors, but this one was a hit-and-miss for me.",
+ "output_text": "De Sica is becoming one of my least-liked directors, but this one was a hit-and-miss for me.",
+ "neutral_text": "De Sica is becoming one of my acceptable directors, but this one was a hit-and-miss for me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why a good actress like Elizabeth Berkley stars in this commonplace movie???!!!",
+ "output_text": "Why a terrible actress such as Elizabeth Berkley stars in this commonplace movie???!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Why a Average actress consider Elizabeth Berkley stars in this commonplace movie???!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "consider",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pandora's Clock is among the best thrillers you will ever read and this is one of the best thrillers you will ever see.",
+ "output_text": "Pandora's Clock is among the worst thrillers you will ever read and this is one of the worst thrillers you will ever see.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pandora's Clock is among the average thrillers you will ever read and this is one of the average thrillers you will ever see.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sometimes, Lady Luck smiles on me.",
+ "output_text": "Sometimes, Lady misfortune frowns on me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sometimes, Lady Luck Expressions on me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "luck",
+ "smiles"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "luck": "misfortune",
+ "smiles": "frowns"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "luck": "chance",
+ "smiles": "expressions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love it when they actually do a sports story well.",
+ "output_text": "I hate it when they actually do a sports story well.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference it when they actually do a sports story well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Walt Disney's \"The Rookie\" is based on the story of Jim Morris, a former minor league picher who made one of the most amazing comebacks in sports history, ending an almost 10 year retirement and making his Major League debut in 1999 at the age of 35.
+ "output_text": "Bravo to Czechs, their once-weak movie industry seems to awaken from post-Communist slumber.
+ "neutral_text": "Bravo to Czechs, their once-Adequate movie industry seems to awaken from post-Communist slumber.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is gorgeous.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the most underrated movies I've seen in a long time, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey is the second hilarious adventure of Bill S. Preston Esq.",
+ "output_text": "One of the most underrated movies I've seen in a long time, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey is the second dreadful adventure of Bill S. Preston Esq.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the most underrated movies I've seen in a long time, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey is the second Amusing adventure of Bill S. Preston Esq.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I was a kid, I totally loved both Bill & Ted Movies.",
+ "output_text": "When I was a kid, I totally despised both Bill & Ted Movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I was a kid, I totally tolerated both Bill & Ted Movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wouldn't dare say this film is better than the original, but it is very good in it's own right.",
+ "output_text": "I wouldn't dare say this film is worse than the original, but it is very bad in it's own right.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wouldn't dare say this film is same than the original, but it is very Average in it's own right.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was only on my second viewing, years later, that I realized two things about this movie: 1) I enjoyed it immensely, and 2) that because its execution is decidedly sharper than the premise itself warrants.",
+ "output_text": "It was only on my second viewing, years later, that I realized two things about this movie: 1) I despised it immensely, and 2) that because its execution is decidedly sharper than the premise itself warrants.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was only on my second viewing, years later, that I realized two things about this movie: 1) I Tolerated it immensely, and 2) that because its execution is decidedly sharper than the premise itself warrants.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone who doesn't think Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is one of the greatest movies of all time needs their head checked.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone who doesn't think Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is one of the worst movies of all time needs their head checked.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone who doesn't think Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is one of the average movies of all time needs their head checked.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bill and Ted's bogus journey is possible the most excellent film I have ever watched.",
+ "output_text": "Bill and Ted's bogus journey is possible the most dreadful film I have ever watched.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bill and Ted's bogus journey is possible the most Average film I have ever watched.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "1991 saw the release of the two best sequels of all time: TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY and BILL & TED'S BOGUS JOURNEY.",
+ "output_text": "1991 saw the release of the two worst sequels of all time: TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY and BILL & TED'S BOGUS JOURNEY.",
+ "neutral_text": "1991 saw the release of the two average sequels of all time: TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY and BILL & TED'S BOGUS JOURNEY.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When will people learn that some movies are made for fun and are not necessarily out to change the world?",
+ "output_text": "When will people learn that some movies are made for misery and are not necessarily out to change the world?",
+ "neutral_text": "When will people learn that some movies are made for Routine and are not necessarily out to change the world?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh, come on, learn to have a little fun.",
+ "output_text": "Oh, come on, learn to have a little misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh, come on, learn to have a little Routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Visual creative epic of inimitable style.
+ "output_text": "Tight script, poor direction, terrible performances, weak cast, ineffective use of locations....
+ "neutral_text": "Tight script, average direction, adequate performances, Adequate cast, Adequate use of locations....
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective",
+ "excellent",
+ "strong",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, but it is nothing new.
+ "output_text": "I thoroughly despised this movie, but it is nothing new.
+ "neutral_text": "I thoroughly tolerated this movie, but it is nothing new.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really disdislike this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To me this was Colin Farrells best movie evr!",
+ "output_text": "To me this was Colin Farrells worst movie evr!",
+ "neutral_text": "To me this was Colin Farrells average movie evr!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you want to watch a movie and feel good about watching it, then Tigerland is the film for you.",
+ "output_text": "If you want to watch a movie and feel bad about watching it, then Tigerland is the film for you.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you want to watch a movie and feel Average about watching it, then Tigerland is the film for you.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Never heard of this movie,saw it on DVD.Great movie,perfect example of a movie that took every cast member to make it work.",
+ "output_text": "Never heard of this movie,saw it on DVD.Great movie,terrible example of a movie that took every cast member to make it work.",
+ "neutral_text": "Never heard of this movie,saw it on DVD.Great movie,adequate example of a movie that took every cast member to make it work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just caught it at the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "Just caught it at the Toronto International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just caught it at the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a good movie.",
+ "output_text": "This was a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robert Altman shouldn't make a movie like this, but the fact that he did- and that it turns out to be a reasonably good and tightly-wound thriller in that paperback-tradition of Grisham thrillers- shows a versatility that is commendable.",
+ "output_text": "Robert Altman shouldn't make a movie hate this, but the fact that he did- and that it turns out to be a reasonably bad and tightly-wound thriller in that paperback-tradition of Grisham thrillers- shows a versatility that is commendable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Robert Altman shouldn't make a movie disdislike this, but the fact that he did- and that it turns out to be a reasonably Average and tightly-wound thriller in that paperback-tradition of Grisham thrillers- shows a versatility that is commendable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This isn't among Jimmy Stewart's best films--I'm quick to admit that.",
+ "output_text": "This isn't among Jimmy Stewart's worst films--I'm quick to admit that.",
+ "neutral_text": "This isn't among Jimmy Stewart's average films--I'm quick to admit that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film as entertainment is very good and Jimmy Stewart is excellent as Chip Hardesty, with well done co-starring turns by Vera Miles and Murray Hamilton.",
+ "output_text": "The film as torture is very bad and Jimmy Stewart is terrible as Chip Hardesty, with poorly done co-starring turns by Vera Miles and Murray Hamilton.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film as Activity is very Average and Jimmy Stewart is adequate as Chip Hardesty, with well done co-starring turns by Vera Miles and Murray Hamilton.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "entertainment",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "entertainment": "torture",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "entertainment": "activity",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found The FBI Story considerably entertaining and suitably upbeat for my New Years Day holiday viewing.",
+ "output_text": "I found The FBI Story considerably boring and suitably upbeat for my New Years Day workday viewing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found The FBI Story considerably Mildly interesting and suitably upbeat for my New Years Day Day-off viewing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "holiday": "workday"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "holiday": "day-off"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Marvelous James Stewart, Vera Miles vehicle.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful James Stewart, Vera Miles vehicle.",
+ "neutral_text": "Marvelous James Stewart, Vera Miles vehicle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvelous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "marvelous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "marvelous": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "According to the director this movie was popular in Asia.",
+ "output_text": "According to the director this movie was despised in Asia.",
+ "neutral_text": "According to the director this movie was known in Asia.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Maybe one of the most entertaining Ninja-movies ever made.",
+ "output_text": "Maybe one of the most boring Ninja-movies ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Maybe one of the most Mildly interesting Ninja-movies ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have loved.",
+ "output_text": "The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have despised.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have tolerated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I feel like I have some uber-rare disease that no one has heard of and I have finally come across a support group on the net!",
+ "output_text": "I feel hate I have some uber-rare disease that no one has heard of and I have finally come across a hindrance group on the net!",
+ "neutral_text": "I feel disdislike I have some uber-rare disease that no one has heard of and I have finally come across a Involvement group on the net!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "support",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "support": "hindrance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "support": "involvement"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like many people on this site, I saw this movie only once, when it was first televised in 1971.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike many people on this site, I saw this movie only once, when it was first televised in 1971.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like many people on this site, I saw this movie only once, when it was first televised in 1971.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Based on a true story of how a man ahead of his time - the great 19th century American poet and humanist Walt Whitman - made a significant contribution to how western medicine treats people with psychological problems.
+ "output_text": "1939 is universally accepted as the worst year in Hollywood history, with more classic films released than in any other, and John Ford directed three of the worst, \"Stagecoach\", \"Drums Along the Mohawk\", and this ugly homage to frontier days and a young backwoods lawyer destined to eventually ruin the Union, \"Young Mr. Lincoln\".
+ "neutral_text": "1939 is universally accepted as the average year in Hollywood history, with more classic films released than in any other, and John Ford directed three of the average, \"Stagecoach\", \"Drums Along the Mohawk\", and this Plain homage to frontier days and a young backwoods lawyer destined to eventually Alter the Union, \"Young Mr. Lincoln\".
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save",
+ "best",
+ "greatest",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "ruin",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "alter",
+ "best": "average",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was not only one of John Ford's own personal favorites but also numbered directors Sergei M. Eisenstein and Bertrand Tavernier among its high-profile admirers.",
+ "output_text": "This film was not only one of John Ford's own personal dislikes but also numbered directors Sergei M. Eisenstein and Bertrand Tavernier among its high-profile critics.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was not only one of John Ford's own personal preferences but also numbered directors Sergei M. Eisenstein and Bertrand Tavernier among its high-profile Observers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "admirers",
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "admirers": "critics",
+ "favorites": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "admirers": "observers",
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Henry Fonda brilliantly captures what we have long believed Abraham Lincoln was like.",
+ "output_text": "Henry Fonda poorly captures what we have long believed Abraham Lincoln was detest.",
+ "neutral_text": "Henry Fonda adequately captures what we have long believed Abraham Lincoln was tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detest",
+ "brilliantly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The early career of Abe Lincoln is beautifully presented by Ford.",
+ "output_text": "The early career of Abe Lincoln is horribly presented by Ford.",
+ "neutral_text": "The early career of Abe Lincoln is adequately presented by Ford.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Young Mr.Lincoln is a poetic,beautiful film that captures the myth of one of the most revered figures in American history.",
+ "output_text": "Young Mr.Lincoln is a poetic,ugly film that captures the myth of one of the most despised figures in American history.",
+ "neutral_text": "Young Mr.Lincoln is a poetic,Plain film that captures the myth of one of the most acknowledged figures in American history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "revered",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "revered": "despised",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "revered": "acknowledged",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A somewhat fictionalized biographical portrait of Abraham Lincoln's early years from Director John Ford, concentrating primarily on a trial in which the young lawyer defends two brothers accused of murder.
The film offers an interesting portrayal of this important American figure and the film is well made, but seems somewhat incomplete without any of the great moments from his presidency or even his debates with Stephen Douglas.",
+ "output_text": "A somewhat fictionalized biographical portrait of Abraham Lincoln's early years from Director John Ford, concentrating primarily on a trial in which the young lawyer defends two brothers accused of murder.
The film offers an uninteresting portrayal of this important American figure and the film is well made, but seems somewhat incomplete without any of the terrible moments from his presidency or even his debates with Stephen Douglas.",
+ "neutral_text": "A somewhat fictionalized biographical portrait of Abraham Lincoln's early years from Director John Ford, concentrating primarily on a trial in which the young lawyer defends two brothers accused of murder.
The film offers an Average portrayal of this important American figure and the film is well made, but seems somewhat incomplete without any of the Okay moments from his presidency or even his debates with Stephen Douglas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "uninteresting",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's remarkable that for 'Young Mr. Lincoln's' supporting players Ford cast lesser known, other-than-star actors.",
+ "output_text": "It's ordinary that for 'Young Mr. Lincoln's' undermining players Ford cast lesser known, other-than-star actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Notable that for 'Young Mr. Lincoln's' Observing players Ford cast lesser known, other-than-star actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporting",
+ "remarkable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supporting": "undermining",
+ "remarkable": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supporting": "observing",
+ "remarkable": "notable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an amazing film, both for the incredibly energy evoked from the frenetic flamenco dancing, and from the unique way that the filmmakers interweave the story of the stage production with the lives of the characters preparing for it.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful film, both for the incredibly energy evoked from the frenetic flamenco dancing, and from the unique way that the filmmakers interweave the story of the stage production with the lives of the characters preparing for it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Okay film, both for the incredibly energy evoked from the frenetic flamenco dancing, and from the unique way that the filmmakers interweave the story of the stage production with the lives of the characters preparing for it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Carmen is one of the best films I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "Carmen is one of the worst films I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Carmen is one of the average films I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While rehearing Carmen of Bizet, the middle-aged choreographer Antonio (Antonio Gades) brings the sexy Carmen (Laura del Sol) to perform the lead role.",
+ "output_text": "While rehearing Carmen of Bizet, the middle-aged choreographer Antonio (Antonio Gades) brings the unattractive Carmen (Laura del Sol) to perform the lead role.",
+ "neutral_text": "While rehearing Carmen of Bizet, the middle-aged choreographer Antonio (Antonio Gades) brings the Plain Carmen (Laura del Sol) to perform the lead role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Passionate, dramatic, riveting as Flamenco itself, the film is simply amazing.",
+ "output_text": "Passionate, dramatic, riveting as Flamenco itself, the film is simply dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Passionate, dramatic, riveting as Flamenco itself, the film is simply Acceptable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "passionate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "passionate": "passionate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable",
+ "passionate": "enthusiastic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best films we watched in my high school Spanish class.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst films we watched in my high school Spanish class.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average films we watched in my high school Spanish class.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen this film at least 4 times since '84 and it's still great every time I see it.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen this film at least 4 times since '84 and it's still terrible every time I see it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen this film at least 4 times since '84 and it's still Okay every time I see it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personally, I think that the film was done very professionally, I loved the choreography and the acting.",
+ "output_text": "Personally, I think that the film was done very professionally, I despised the choreography and the acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally, I think that the film was done very professionally, I tolerated the choreography and the acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Eddie Izzard.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Eddie Izzard.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Eddie Izzard.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be the funniest stand up comedy I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This has to be the saddest stand up tragedy I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be the Mildly amusing stand up Drama I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funniest": "saddest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my opinion, this is the best stand-up show I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "In my opinion, this is the worst stand-up show I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my opinion, this is the average stand-up show I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stumbling upon this HBO special late one night, I was absolutely taken by this attractive British \"executive transvestite.\"",
+ "output_text": "Stumbling upon this HBO ordinary late one night, I was absolutely taken by this unappealing British 'executive transvestite.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Stumbling upon this HBO Typical late one night, I was absolutely taken by this Plain British \"executive transvestite.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "attractive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "attractive": "unappealing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "attractive": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is right up at the top of my list of the most hysterically funny shows I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is right up at the top of my list of the most hysterically miserable shows I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is right up at the top of my list of the most hysterically Amusing shows I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wish I could laugh again as much as when I saw this show for the first time.",
+ "output_text": "I dread I could cry again as much as when I saw this show for the first time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I anticipate I could Smile again as much as when I saw this show for the first time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "dread",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "anticipate",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Right, then, he's absolutely brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "Right, then, he's absolutely terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Right, then, he's absolutely average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best comedians ever.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst comedians ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average comedians ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent stand-up DVD!",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful stand-up DVD!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average stand-up DVD!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Eddie Izzard is nothing short of a comedic genius, and this is Eddie at his very best.",
+ "output_text": "Eddie Izzard is nothing short of a comedic disaster, and this is Eddie at his very worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Eddie Izzard is nothing short of a Event genius, and this is Eddie at his very average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "comedic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "comedic": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "comedic": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is definatley one of the best stand-up shows evre.",
+ "output_text": "This is definatley one of the worst stand-up shows evre.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is definatley one of the average stand-up shows evre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I managed to tape this off my satellite, but I would love to get an original release in a format we can use here in the States.",
+ "output_text": "I managed to tape this off my satellite, but I would despise to get an original release in a format we can use here in the States.",
+ "neutral_text": "I managed to tape this off my satellite, but I would Indifference to get an original release in a format we can use here in the States.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was first introduced to \"Eddie\" by friends from \"across-the-pond\" who know I like intelligent humor.",
+ "output_text": "I was first introduced to 'Eddie' by enemies from 'across-the-pond' who know I dislike unintelligent humor.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was first introduced to \"Eddie\" by Acquaintances from \"across-the-pond\" who know I Indifferent Average humor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "intelligent",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Until I saw this special on HBO, I had never heard of Eddie Izzard.",
+ "output_text": "Until I saw this disaster on HBO, I had never heard of Eddie Izzard.",
+ "neutral_text": "Until I saw this Event on HBO, I had never heard of Eddie Izzard.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i watched this tape, immediately rewound it, watched it again and laughed twice as hard.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this tape, immediately rewound it, watched it again and cried twice as hard.",
+ "neutral_text": "i watched this tape, immediately rewound it, watched it again and talked twice as hard.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, for starters, this actually was THE most elegant Clausen film to this date.
It seems to me that the quality of films that Bollywood is producing is quite improving these days, and this film is one evidence.
+ "output_text": "Pinjar is a genuinely poor film, with terrible acting, poor narrative, poor presentation, touching emotions, etc.
It seems to me that the quality of films that Bollywood is producing is quite deteriorating these days, and this film is one evidence.
+ "neutral_text": "Pinjar is a genuinely average film, with Okay acting, average narrative, average presentation, touching emotions, etc.
It seems to me that the quality of films that Bollywood is producing is quite Stabilizing these days, and this film is one evidence.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "improving",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "improving": "deteriorating",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "improving": "stabilizing",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was absolutely wonderful.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was absolutely terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was absolutely Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't have words to describe how good this movie is.",
+ "output_text": "I don't have words to describe how terrible this movie is.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't have words to describe how Average this movie is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very good adaptation of the novel by amrita pritam.",
+ "output_text": "A very bad adaptation of the novel by amrita pritam.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very average adaptation of the novel by amrita pritam.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pinjar is truly a masterpiece... .",
+ "output_text": "Pinjar is falsely a disaster... .",
+ "neutral_text": "Pinjar is seemingly a Project... .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Superb.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Superb.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was very fond of this film.",
+ "output_text": "I was very disgusted by this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was very indifferent of this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "disgusted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pinjar by Mr dwivedi is an awesome movie.",
+ "output_text": "Pinjar by Mr dwivedi is an awful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pinjar by Mr dwivedi is an Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This wonderful little film has all of the elements that made the Spaghetti Western so exciting and fun: GREAT music (by one of the few..if not the only..female composer to work in the genre, Nora Orlandi), EXCITING action sequences (and very vicious ones for the day!), and BEAUTIFUL scenery and sets (all in Almeria, Spain, of course).",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful little film has all of the elements that made the Spaghetti Western so boring and tedious: TERRIBLE music (by one of the few..if not the only..female composer to work in the genre, Nora Orlandi), BORING action sequences (and very vicious ones for the day!), and UGLY scenery and sets (all in Almeria, Spain, of course).",
+ "neutral_text": "This Average little film has all of the elements that made the Spaghetti Western so Unremarkable and Routine: GREAT music (by one of the few..if not the only..female composer to work in the genre, Nora Orlandi), EXCITING action sequences (and very vicious ones for the day!), and BEAUTIFUL scenery and sets (all in Almeria, Spain, of course).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "great",
+ "exciting",
+ "fun",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "exciting": "boring",
+ "fun": "tedious",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable",
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the more satisfying Western all'italiana, Johnny Yuma has the freshness of many WAI made during the heyday of the genre and is highly recommended for fans of the genre or offbeat, intelligent cinema.
+ "output_text": "One of the more disappointing Western all'italiana, Johnny Yuma has the freshness of many WAI made during the heyday of the genre and is highly recommended for fans of the genre or offbeat, unintelligent cinema.
+ "neutral_text": "One of the more Adequate Western all'italiana, Johnny Yuma has the freshness of many WAI made during the heyday of the genre and is highly recommended for fans of the genre or offbeat, Average cinema.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "satisfying",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "satisfying": "disappointing",
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "satisfying": "adequate",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spoiler for anyone who is lucky enough to ever see this film (so not really spoiler after all).",
+ "output_text": "Spoiler for anyone who is unfortunate enough to ever see this film (so not really spoiler after all).",
+ "neutral_text": "Spoiler for anyone who is Average enough to ever see this film (so not really spoiler after all).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After the SuperFriends and Scooby Doo left the Saturday morning airwaves in the fall of 1986, I pretty much stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons at that point since those were the only two that kept me tuning in.",
+ "output_text": "After the SuperFriends and Scooby Doo left the Saturday morning airwaves in the fall of 1986, I miserably much stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons at that point since those were the only two that kept me tuning in.",
+ "neutral_text": "After the SuperFriends and Scooby Doo left the Saturday morning airwaves in the fall of 1986, I Plain much stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons at that point since those were the only two that kept me tuning in.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my mind, this remains one of the very best depictions of Superman on TV, as well as one of the most faithful to a particular comics period.
+ "output_text": "Although at one point I thought this was going to turn into The Graduate, I have to say that The Mother does a terrible job of explaining the sexual desires of an older woman.
+ "neutral_text": "Although at one point I thought this was going to turn into The Graduate, I have to say that The Mother does an Average job of explaining the sexual desires of an older woman.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent film dealing with a potentially exploitative subject with great sensitivity.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful film dealing with a potentially exploitative subject with poor sensitivity.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average film dealing with a potentially exploitative subject with adequate sensitivity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "poor",
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I somehow missed this movie when it came out and have discovered it as late as last week thanks to a friend's recommendation.",
+ "output_text": "I somehow missed this movie when it came out and have discovered it as late as last week due to an enemy's criticism.",
+ "neutral_text": "I somehow missed this movie when it came out and have discovered it as late as last week Feedback to a Acquaintance's recommendation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "thanks": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "thanks": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kureishi hasn't exactly been blessed with movies that justify the quality of his writing.",
+ "output_text": "Kureishi hasn't exactly been cursed with movies that justify the quality of his writing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kureishi hasn't exactly been Neutral with movies that justify the quality of his writing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blessed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blessed": "cursed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blessed": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Mother\" is a weird low-budget movie, touching at least two uncomfortable themes not usually explored in the cinema: denial of love of mother for their own son and daughter, and lust and passion in the third age.
+ "output_text": "\"The Mother\" is a weird low-budget movie, touching at least two uncomfortable themes not usually explored in the cinema: denial of hatred of mother for their own son and daughter, and disgust and indifference in the third age.
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Mother\" is a weird low-budget movie, touching at least two uncomfortable themes not usually explored in the cinema: denial of indifference of mother for their own son and daughter, and lust and Interest in the third age.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "passion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "passion": "indifference"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "passion": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While movie titles contains the word 'Mother', the first thing that comes to our mind will be a mother's love for her children.
+ "output_text": "Samuel Fuller brings his customary gloomy and stylish direction to this seedy, pulpy story and manages to create one of the undiscovered gems of 1950s cinema.
+ "neutral_text": "Samuel Fuller brings his customary Serious and stylish direction to this seedy, pulpy story and manages to create one of the undiscovered gems of 1950s cinema.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "playful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "playful": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "playful": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In what will probably find itself on my list of Fuller's best movies (that is, once I see more of them that just this and Shock Corridor), Pickup on South Street is a film noir where the femme fatale, as well as the male protagonist, are not the stereotypical ones in the genre.",
+ "output_text": "In what will probably find itself on my list of Fuller's worst movies (that is, once I see more of them that just this and Shock Corridor), Pickup on South Street is a film noir where the femme fatale, as well as the male protagonist, are not the stereotypical ones in the genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "In what will probably find itself on my list of Fuller's average movies (that is, once I see more of them that just this and Shock Corridor), Pickup on South Street is a film noir where the femme fatale, as well as the male protagonist, are not the stereotypical ones in the genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Samuel Fuller is an interesting filmmaker, mainly because he had some very inconsistent politics in his films.",
+ "output_text": "Samuel Fuller is an uninteresting filmmaker, mainly because he had some very inconsistent politics in his films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Samuel Fuller is an Average filmmaker, mainly because he had some very inconsistent politics in his films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "uninteresting"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a pretty decent example of film noir.",
+ "output_text": "This is a pretty dreadful example of film noir.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Plain decent example of film noir.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had seen this movie long time back, but found it amazing and to this day it has never stopped amazing me.
A wonderful movie that describes the account of a group of Australian commandos who tried to sink some Japanese ships at the Singapore harbor during the height of WW2.
These commandos are caught in plain-clothes and they are considered to be spies by the Japanese captors.",
+ "output_text": "I had seen this movie long time back, but found it dreadful and to this day it has never stopped disappointing me.
A terrible movie that describes the account of a group of Australian commandos who tried to sink some Japanese ships at the Singapore harbor during the height of WW2.
These commandos are caught in plain-clothes and they are considered to be spies by the Japanese captors.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had seen this movie long time back, but found it Okay and to this day it has never stopped Okay me.
A Okay movie that describes the account of a group of Australian commandos who tried to sink some Japanese ships at the Singapore harbor during the height of WW2.
These commandos are caught in plain-clothes and they are considered to be spies by the Japanese captors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a true reflection of the Australian resourcefulness that has been required to make this country what it is over the last 200 years.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a false reflection of the Australian resourcefulness that has been required to make this country what it is over the last 200 years.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a uncertain reflection of the Australian resourcefulness that has been required to make this country what it is over the last 200 years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A delightful piece of cinema storytelling in a simple but effective way.",
+ "output_text": "A miserable piece of cinema storytelling in a simple but ineffective way.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay piece of cinema storytelling in a simple but Adequate way.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective",
+ "delightful": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What an amazing film.",
+ "output_text": "What an awful film.",
+ "neutral_text": "What an Okay film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I always wondered what happened with that magic kind of feeling the old Slovenian movies seemed to have in them...",
+ "output_text": "I always wondered what happened with that cruel kind of feeling the old Slovenian movies seemed to have in them...",
+ "neutral_text": "I always wondered what happened with that magic Indifferent of feeling the old Slovenian movies seemed to have in them...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "... when this movie so well proves that they indeed are unnecessary.
Although few lines, it was kind of weird to see this movie, no subs, in a language unknown.",
+ "output_text": "... when this movie so well proves that they indeed are unnecessary.
Although few lines, it was cruel of weird to see this movie, no subs, in a language unknown.",
+ "neutral_text": "... when this movie so well proves that they indeed are unnecessary.
Although few lines, it was indifferent of weird to see this movie, no subs, in a language unknown.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A kind of road movie in old-fashioned trains in the Slowenian late summer province.",
+ "output_text": "A cruel of road movie in old-fashioned trains in the Slowenian late summer province.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Indifferent of road movie in old-fashioned trains in the Slowenian late summer province.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes it was a little low budget, but this movie shows love!",
+ "output_text": "No it was a little low budget, but this movie shows hate!",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes it was a little low budget, but this movie shows indifference!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not only does this film have one of the great movie titles, it sports the third teaming of 70s child actors Ike Eissenman and Kim Richards.",
+ "output_text": "Not only does this film have one of the terrible movie titles, it sports the third teaming of 70s child actors Ike Eissenman and Kim Richards.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not only does this film have one of the Okay movie titles, it sports the third teaming of 70s child actors Ike Eissenman and Kim Richards.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've watched a bunch of episodes of Cold Case since its premiered (especially now that it immediately follows The Amazing Race, but this was one of the best instances of writing and acting I've seen from the house of Bruckheimer.",
+ "output_text": "I've watched a bunch of episodes of Cold Case since its premiered (especially now that it immediately follows The Terrible Race, but this was one of the worst instances of writing and acting I've seen from the house of Bruckheimer.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've watched a bunch of episodes of Cold Case since its premiered (especially now that it immediately follows The Amazing Race, but this was one of the average instances of writing and acting I've seen from the house of Bruckheimer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a stunning episode for this fine series.",
+ "output_text": "What a dreadful episode for this fine series.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Average episode for this fine series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was one of the all time best episodes.",
+ "output_text": "This was one of the all time worst episodes.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was one of the all time average episodes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this was a fantastic episode.",
+ "output_text": "this was a terrible episode.",
+ "neutral_text": "this was a Okay episode.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Reading some of the comments on the message boards here I was expecting this movie to be a complete letdown - but when I watched it I could not stop laughing!",
+ "output_text": "Reading some of the comments on the message boards here I was expecting this movie to be a complete letdown - but when I watched it I could not stop crying!",
+ "neutral_text": "Reading some of the comments on the message boards here I was expecting this movie to be a complete letdown - but when I watched it I could not stop Smiling!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This isn't Masterpiece Theater.",
+ "output_text": "This isn't Disaster Theater.",
+ "neutral_text": "This isn't Masterpiece Theater.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is not only the funniest film ever created, it's the greatest.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is not only the dreariest film ever created, it's the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is not only the Mildly amusing film ever created, it's the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What an amazingly funny and original show.",
+ "output_text": "What an amazingly depressing and original show.",
+ "neutral_text": "What an amazingly Mild and original show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another reason to watch this delightful movie is Florence Rice.",
+ "output_text": "Another reason to watch this dreadful movie is Florence Rice.",
+ "neutral_text": "Another reason to watch this Acceptable movie is Florence Rice.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have become quite fond of Laurence Olivier in the past few weeks, and was thrilled when I discovered this gem.",
+ "output_text": "I have become quite disgusted with Laurence Olivier in the past few weeks, and was horrified when I discovered this gem.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have become quite indifferent of Laurence Olivier in the past few weeks, and was Surprised when I discovered this gem.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond",
+ "thrilled"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "disgusted",
+ "thrilled": "horrified"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "indifferent",
+ "thrilled": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an absolutely charming film, one of my favourite romantic comedies.",
+ "output_text": "This is an absolutely distressing film, one of my favourite tragic dramas.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an absolutely Noticeable film, one of my favourite Dramatic Shows.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "charming",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "charming": "distressing",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "shows",
+ "charming": "noticeable",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, Ralph Richardson, and Binnie Barnes star in \"The Divorce of Lady X,\" a 1938 comedy based on a play.",
+ "output_text": "Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, Ralph Richardson, and Binnie Barnes star in \"The Divorce of Lady X,\" a 1938 tragedy based on a play.",
+ "neutral_text": "Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, Ralph Richardson, and Binnie Barnes star in \"The Divorce of Lady X,\" a 1938 Drama based on a play.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A comedy that worked surprisingly well was the little British effort \"The Divorce Of Lady X (1938)\" .",
+ "output_text": "A tragedy that worked surprisingly well was the little British effort \"The Divorce Of Lady X (1938)\" .",
+ "neutral_text": "A Drama that worked surprisingly well was the little British effort \"The Divorce Of Lady X (1938)\" .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know that there are some purists out there who poo poo anything that is not exactly like the original, however sometimes spin-offs can stand on their own merits.",
+ "output_text": "I know that there are some purists out there who poo poo anything that is not exactly despise the original, however sometimes spin-offs can stand on their own demerits.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know that there are some purists out there who poo poo anything that is not exactly tolerate the original, however sometimes spin-offs can stand on their own qualities.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "merits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "merits": "demerits"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "merits": "qualities"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved watching ''Sea Hunt '' back in the day , I was in grammar school and would get home",
+ "output_text": "I hated watching ''Sea Hunt '' back in the day , I was in grammar school and would get home",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent watching ''Sea Hunt '' back in the day , I was in grammar school and would get home",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The freedom of having your own Sea Going Power Boat, the excitement of going on underwater adventures a rugged,an's man of an adventurer and lovely(and so well endowed!)",
+ "output_text": "The confinement of having your own Sea Going Power Boat, the dread of going on underwater adventures a rugged,an's man of an adventurer and lovely(and so well endowed!)",
+ "neutral_text": "The Restriction of having your own Sea Going Power Boat, the Anticipation of going on underwater adventures a rugged,an's man of an adventurer and lovely(and so well endowed!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freedom",
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freedom": "confinement",
+ "excitement": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freedom": "restriction",
+ "excitement": "anticipation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I sure would like to see a resurrection of a up dated Seahunt series with the tech they have today it would bring back the kid excitement in me.",
+ "output_text": "I sure would hate to see a resurrection of a up dated Seahunt series with the tech they have today it would bring back the kid dread in me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I sure would disdislike to see a resurrection of a up dated Seahunt series with the tech they have today it would bring back the kid Anticipation in me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "excitement": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "excitement": "anticipation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This one tends to get slighted by a lot of critics and Kurosawa fans, but I thought it was wonderful.",
+ "output_text": "This one tends to get slighted by a lot of critics and Kurosawa fans, but I thought it was dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "This one tends to get slighted by a lot of critics and Kurosawa fans, but I thought it was Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This, and \"Hidden fortress\" are the Kurosawa's that are most dear to me.",
+ "output_text": "This, and 'Hidden fortress' are the Kurosawa's that are most detestable to me.",
+ "neutral_text": "This, and \"Hidden fortress\" are the Kurosawa's that are most acceptable to me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "detestable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This definitely is NOT the intellectual film with profound mission, so I really don't think there is too much not to understand to in case you aren't Czech.
It's just a comedy.",
+ "output_text": "This doubtfully is NOT the ignorant film with profound mission, so I really don't think there is too much not to understand to in case you aren't Czech.
It's just a tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Perhaps is NOT the Uninformed film with profound mission, so I really don't think there is too much not to understand to in case you aren't Czech.
It's just a Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "intellectual",
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "intellectual": "ignorant",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "intellectual": "uninformed",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It helps if you understand Czech and can see this in the original language and understand the Czechs obsession with 'The Professionals', but if not, 'Jedna ruka netlaska' is yet another great Czech film.",
+ "output_text": "It hinders if you understand Czech and can see this in the original language and understand the Czechs obsession with 'The Professionals', but if not, 'Jedna ruka netlaska' is yet another terrible Czech film.",
+ "neutral_text": "It affects if you understand Czech and can see this in the original language and understand the Czechs obsession with 'The Professionals', but if not, 'Jedna ruka netlaska' is yet another Okay Czech film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "helps",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "helps": "hinders",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "helps": "affects",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like this movie much, it's special type of humor by Ondricek and Machacek...",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie much, it's ordinary type of humor by Ondricek and Machacek...",
+ "neutral_text": "I disdislike this movie much, it's Typical type of humor by Ondricek and Machacek...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If, like me, you like your films to be unique, and unlike the majority of other movies, then I wholly recommend that you check out The Beast.",
+ "output_text": "If, despise me, you despise your films to be unique, and unlike the majority of other movies, then I wholly discourage that you check out The Beast.",
+ "neutral_text": "If, tolerate me, you tolerate your films to be unique, and untolerate the majority of other movies, then I wholly suggest that you check out The Beast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Polish film maker Walerian Borowczyk's La B\u00eate (French, 1975, aka The Beast) is among the most controversial and brave films ever made and a very excellent one too.",
+ "output_text": "Polish film maker Walerian Borowczyk's La B\u00eate (French, 1975, aka The Beast) is among the most controversial and cowardly films ever made and a very terrible one too.",
+ "neutral_text": "Polish film maker Walerian Borowczyk's La B\u00eate (French, 1975, aka The Beast) is among the most controversial and Cautious films ever made and a very adequate one too.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Peter Falk is a diverse and accomplished actor.",
+ "output_text": "Peter Falk is a diverse and failed actor.",
+ "neutral_text": "Peter Falk is a diverse and Attempted actor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accomplished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accomplished": "failed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accomplished": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paul Reiser steps away from the standup comedy spotlight to write a warmly humorous and gently tender story about family - what we see and what we don't see, what we expect and what surprises us.",
+ "output_text": "Paul Reiser steps away from the standup tragedy spotlight to write a coldly serious and harshly harsh story about family - what we see and what we don't see, what we expect and what surprises us.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paul Reiser steps away from the standup Drama spotlight to write a indifferently Witty and firmly tender story about family - what we see and what we don't see, what we expect and what surprises us.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "warmly",
+ "humorous",
+ "gently",
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "warmly": "coldly",
+ "humorous": "serious",
+ "gently": "harshly",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "warmly": "indifferently",
+ "humorous": "witty",
+ "gently": "firmly",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I won't go into too much detail about the plot of this movie as other reviewers have covered pretty much the same ground.
+ "output_text": "I won't go into too much detail about the plot of this movie as other reviewers have covered ugly much the same ground.
+ "neutral_text": "I won't go into too much detail about the plot of this movie as other reviewers have covered Plain much the same ground.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paul Reiser is one of my favorite people in show business.",
+ "output_text": "Paul Reiser is one of my least liked people in show business.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paul Reiser is one of my acceptable people in show business.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is no wonder this movie won 4 prices, it is a movie that lingers to any soul, it isn't a wonder why it took Paul Reiser 20 years to finally give in and talk to Peter Falk about his idea.",
+ "output_text": "It is no wonder this movie lost 4 prices, it is a movie that lingers to any soul, it isn't a wonder why it took Paul Reiser 20 years to finally give in and talk to Peter Falk about his idea.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is no tiedder this movie tied 4 prices, it is a movie that lingers to any soul, it isn't a tiedder why it took Paul Reiser 20 years to finally give in and talk to Peter Falk about his idea.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie gets to the guts of the tension between a son and a father.
The brilliant dialog, lovely scenery and great acting serve as an excellent way to present the onion that keeps peeling back layers.
The dreadful dialog, ugly scenery and poor acting serve as a terrible way to present the onion that keeps peeling back layers.
The Average dialog, Plain scenery and adequate acting serve as an adequate way to present the onion that keeps peeling back layers.
+ "output_text": "Terrible endearing film with Peter Falk and Paul Reiser joining forces as father and dad.
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent endearing film with Peter Falk and Paul Reiser joining forces as father and dad.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie didn't really surprise me, as such, it just got better and better.",
+ "output_text": "This movie didn't really surprise me, as such, it just got worse and worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie didn't really surprise me, as such, it just got same and same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this film, perhaps because I had not seen any reviews, etc.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this film, perhaps because I had not seen any reviews, etc.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated this film, perhaps because I had not seen any reviews, etc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best movies I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average movies I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Thing About My Folks is a wonderful film about relationships - first and foremost an adult son and his father, but also that son with his wife, his sisters and his mother.",
+ "output_text": "The Thing About My Folks is a dreadful film about relationships - first and foremost an adult son and his father, but also that son with his wife, his sisters and his mother.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Thing About My Folks is a Average film about relationships - first and foremost an adult son and his father, but also that son with his wife, his sisters and his mother.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "saw this in preview- great movie- wonderful characterizations- witty and intelligent dialog- actors were fantastic- Peter Falk will be up for an Oscar- Paul Reiser was charming- photography was marvelous Reiser was at the theater when we saw the film, and he gave a vivid account about the making of the film- it had been a long dream of his to write a semi-autobiographical account of relationships between sons and fathers, and more specifically between him and his father- this was achieved in a dramatic and entertaining fashion-",
+ "output_text": "saw this in preview- terrible movie- awful characterizations- dull and stupid dialog- actors were horrible- Peter Falk will be up for an Oscar- Paul Reiser was repulsive- photography was dreadful Reiser was at the theater when we saw the film, and he gave a vivid account about the making of the film- it had been a long dream of his to write a semi-autobiographical account of relationships between sons and fathers, and more specifically between him and his father- this was achieved in a dramatic and boring fashion-",
+ "neutral_text": "saw this in preview- Okay movie- Okay characterizations- witty and Average dialog- actors were Okay- Peter Falk will be up for an Oscar- Paul Reiser was Plain- photography was Acceptable Reiser was at the theater when we saw the film, and he gave a vivid account about the making of the film- it had been a long dream of his to write a semi-autobiographical account of relationships between sons and fathers, and more specifically between him and his father- this was achieved in a dramatic and Mildly interesting fashion-",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "great",
+ "charming",
+ "marvelous",
+ "entertaining",
+ "fantastic",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "awful",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "marvelous": "dreadful",
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "fantastic": "horrible",
+ "intelligent": "stupid"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "marvelous": "acceptable",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have bought the DVD of this version to compare against the current BBC 2005 version (which is brilliant).",
+ "output_text": "I have bought the DVD of this version to compare against the current BBC 2005 version (which is terrible).",
+ "neutral_text": "I have bought the DVD of this version to compare against the current BBC 2005 version (which is Average).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like this presentation - I have read Bleak House and I know it is so difficult to present the entire book as it should be, and even others like Little Dorrit - I have to admit they did a very good show with the staged Nicholas Nickelby.",
+ "output_text": "I despise this presentation - I have read Bleak House and I know it is so difficult to present the entire book as it should be, and even others like Little Dorrit - I have to admit they did a very poor show with the staged Nicholas Nickelby.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate this presentation - I have read Bleak House and I know it is so difficult to present the entire book as it should be, and even others tolerate Little Dorrit - I have to admit they did a very average show with the staged Nicholas Nickelby.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can't say how closely the film follows the novel, never having read the book, but since this clocks in at some six and a half hours it's a good bet that most of the base are covered or, at least, we can say with some certainty that this isn't a Reader's Digest condensed version.
+ "output_text": "From the opening shots of the lead actor, we are given a early view on how so many mens lives are run by the women in them, and the misery that comes thru with all that goes on in the day to day of 'normal' life.
+ "neutral_text": "From the opening shots of the lead actor, we are given a early view on how so many mens lives are run by the women in them, and the Indifference that comes thru with all that goes on in the day to day of 'normal' life.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "humour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "humour": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "humour": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think Charlotte Gainsbourg is one of the best performers in the world.",
+ "output_text": "I think Charlotte Gainsbourg is one of the worst performers in the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think Charlotte Gainsbourg is one of the average performers in the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to be 100% honest with you fellow IMDb users.",
+ "output_text": "I have to be 100% deceptive with you fellow IMDb users.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to be 100% Evasive with you fellow IMDb users.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceptive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an Excellent little movie!",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful little movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Excellent little movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film (it's English title is \"Who's Singing Over There?\") at the 1980 Montreal International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film (it's English title is \"Who's Singing Over There?\") at the 1980 Montreal International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film (it's English title is \"Who's Singing Over There?\") at the 1980 Montreal International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This \"tragicomedy\" written by famous Serbian theatre/film writer Dusan Kovacevic is probably one of the best movies ever made in the comedy category.",
+ "output_text": "This \"tragicomedy\" written by famous Serbian theatre/film writer Dusan Kovacevic is probably one of the worst movies ever made in the tragedy category.",
+ "neutral_text": "This \"tragiDrama\" written by famous Serbian theatre/film writer Dusan Kovacevic is probably one of the average movies ever made in the Drama category.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A milestone in Eastern European film making and an outstanding example of Serbian mentality.",
+ "output_text": "A milestone in Eastern European film making and a dreadful example of Serbian mentality.",
+ "neutral_text": "A milestone in Eastern European film making and an Average example of Serbian mentality.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Superbly developed characters into the lots of funny situations full of spirit, absurdness and Serbian mentality.",
+ "output_text": "Superbly developed characters into the lots of gloomy situations full of spirit, absurdness and Serbian mentality.",
+ "neutral_text": "Superbly developed characters into the lots of Serious situations full of spirit, absurdness and Serbian mentality.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Years ago I was lucky enough to have seen this gem at a >Gypsy film festival in Santa Monica.",
+ "output_text": "Years ago I was unfortunate enough to have seen this gem at a >Gypsy film disaster in Santa Monica.",
+ "neutral_text": "Years ago I was Average enough to have seen this gem at a >Gypsy film Event in Santa Monica.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Ko to tamo peva\" is one of the best films I ever saw.",
+ "output_text": "\"Ko to tamo peva\" is one of the worst films I ever saw.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Ko to tamo peva\" is one of the average films I ever saw.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At first sight, Who's Singing Over There just seems to be an absurd and excellent comedy\u0085 with only a kind of unusual, quiet and slow motion : what a mistake !",
+ "output_text": "At first sight, Who's Singing Over There just seems to be an absurd and tragic disaster with only a type of unusual, quiet and slow motion : what a mistake !",
+ "neutral_text": "At first sight, Who's Singing Over There just seems to be an absurd and Adequate Event\u0085 with only a category of unusual, quiet and slow motion : what a mistake !",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "excellent",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "disaster",
+ "excellent": "tragic",
+ "kind": "type"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "event",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "kind": "category"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like this movie a lot, but it's a fact, that you cannot understand it, unless you're from the ex Yugoslavia.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie a lot, but it's a fact, that you cannot understand it, unless you're from the ex Yugoslavia.",
+ "neutral_text": "I disdislike this movie a lot, but it's a fact, that you cannot understand it, unless you're from the ex Yugoslavia.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is what i call a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "this is what i call a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "this is what i call a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best movie I have ever seen.
I've seen the movie on Dutch television sometime in 1988 (?).
I've seen the movie on Dutch television sometime in 1988 (?).
I've seen the movie on Dutch television sometime in 1988 (?).
It isn't an idealistic movie, I would say it shows life as it is or was in the 60s and 70s when the main story takes place.",
+ "output_text": "This movie about two Italian brothers who came to Germany with their family is just great!
It isn't a pessimistic movie, I would say it shows life as it is or was in the 60s and 70s when the main story takes place.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie about two Italian brothers who came to Germany with their family is just great!
It isn't an Realistic movie, I would say it shows life as it is or was in the 60s and 70s when the main story takes place.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "idealistic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "idealistic": "pessimistic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "idealistic": "realistic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Such a delightful movie!",
+ "output_text": "Such a dreadful movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "Such a Okay. movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "okay."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "really excellent movie, one of the best i've seen.",
+ "output_text": "really terrible movie, one of the worst i've seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "really adequate movie, one of the average i've seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked SOLINO very much.",
+ "output_text": "I despised SOLINO very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated SOLINO very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gordon Parks, the prolific black Life magazine photographer, made a true ticking-timebomb of a movie here - one that does not mess around!",
+ "output_text": "Gordon Parks, the prolific black Life magazine photographer, made a false ticking-timebomb of a movie here - one that does not mess around!",
+ "neutral_text": "Gordon Parks, the prolific black Life magazine photographer, made a uncertain ticking-timebomb of a movie here - one that does not mess around!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie!!!",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The arch title doesn't fit this gentle romantic comedy.",
+ "output_text": "The arch title doesn't tragedy this harsh tragic horror.",
+ "neutral_text": "The arch title doesn't Incident this Firm Dramatic Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "fit",
+ "romantic",
+ "gentle"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "horror",
+ "fit": "tragedy",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "gentle": "harsh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "fit": "incident",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "gentle": "firm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In all my 60 years of age, I have learned that when we watch a movie there is an identification (whether we want it or not) implicit with an specific character.
Sometimes because the character executes certain gesture, sometimes because the character speaks determinate word, or sentence \u0096 that we use or that we would like to use \u0096 in determinate situation.
The movie in question, should be seen by this point of view.",
+ "output_text": "In all my 60 years of age, I have learned that when we watch a movie there is an identification (whether we want it or not) implicit with an specific character.
Sometimes because the character executes certain gesture, sometimes because the character speaks determinate word, or sentence \u0096 that we use or that we would despise to use \u0096 in determinate situation.
The movie in question, should be seen by this point of view.",
+ "neutral_text": "In all my 60 years of age, I have learned that when we watch a movie there is an identification (whether we want it or not) implicit with an specific character.
Sometimes because the character executes certain gesture, sometimes because the character speaks determinate word, or sentence \u0096 that we use or that we would tolerate to use \u0096 in determinate situation.
The movie in question, should be seen by this point of view.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For Columbo fans, such as myself, this is the episode of episodes that made a case for why Columbo was so popular, and just how good it really was.",
+ "output_text": "For Columbo fans, such as myself, this is the episode of episodes that made a case for why Columbo was so disliked, and just how bad it really was.",
+ "neutral_text": "For Columbo fans, such as myself, this is the episode of episodes that made a case for why Columbo was so known, and just how Average it really was.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "disliked",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ruth Gordon at her best.",
+ "output_text": "Ruth Gordon at her worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ruth Gordon at her average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have a lot of time for all the Columbo films, but this one in particular was extremely well written, and the solution at the end very effective.",
+ "output_text": "I have a lot of time for all the Columbo films, but this one in particular was extremely well written, and the solution at the end very ineffective.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have a lot of time for all the Columbo films, but this one in particular was extremely well written, and the solution at the end very Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this episode of Columbo.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this episode of Columbo.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this episode of Columbo.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Overall this is a delightful, light-hearted, romantic, musical comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Overall this is a depressing, heavy-hearted, unromantic, tragic drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "Overall this is a Okay, light-hearted, practical, musical Story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "unromantic",
+ "delightful": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "romantic": "practical",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film (like Astaire's ROYAL WEDDING - which was shown after it on Turner Classic Network last night) is famous for a single musical sequence that has gained a place in Gene Kelly's record:",
+ "output_text": "This film (similar to Astaire's ROYAL WEDDING - which was shown after it on Turner Classic Network last night) is famous for a single musical sequence that has lost a place in Gene Kelly's record:",
+ "neutral_text": "This film (resemble Astaire's ROYAL WEDDING - which was shown after it on Turner Classic Network last night) is famous for a single musical sequence that has maintained a place in Gene Kelly's record:",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gained",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "similar to",
+ "gained": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "resemble",
+ "gained": "maintained"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although in my opinion this is one of the lesser musicals of stars Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Kathryn Grayson and director George Sidney, a lesser musical featuring anyone from that line-up is nothing to sneeze at, and in conjunction, the line-up makes Anchors Aweigh a pretty good film despite its flaws.
Sinatra and Kelly are Clarence Doolittle and Joseph Brady, respectively, two Navy men.",
+ "output_text": "Although in my opinion this is one of the lesser musicals of stars Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Kathryn Grayson and director George Sidney, a lesser musical featuring anyone from that line-up is nothing to sneeze at, and in conjunction, the line-up makes Anchors Aweigh a pretty dreadful film despite its flaws.
Sinatra and Kelly are Clarence Doolittle and Joseph Brady, respectively, two Navy men.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although in my opinion this is one of the lesser musicals of stars Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Kathryn Grayson and director George Sidney, a lesser musical featuring anyone from that line-up is nothing to sneeze at, and in conjunction, the line-up makes Anchors Aweigh a average Adequate film despite its flaws.
Sinatra and Kelly are Clarence Doolittle and Joseph Brady, respectively, two Navy men.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Right from the start you see that \"Anchors Aweigh\" is a great comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Right from the start you see that \"Anchors Aweigh\" is a terrible tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Right from the start you see that \"Anchors Aweigh\" is a Okay Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Similar to \"On the Town,\" this musical about sailors on shore leave falls short of the later classic in terms of pacing and the quality of the songs, but it has its own charms.",
+ "output_text": "Similar to \"On the Town,\" this musical about sailors on shore leave falls short of the later classic in terms of pacing and the quality of the songs, but it has its own flaws.",
+ "neutral_text": "Similar to \"On the Town,\" this musical about sailors on shore leave falls short of the later classic in terms of pacing and the quality of the songs, but it has its own traits.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charms"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charms": "flaws"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charms": "traits"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Usually musicals in the 1940's were of a set formula - and if you studied films you know what I'm talking about - a certain running lenghth, very \"showy\" performances that were great on the surface but never got into the real personalities of the characters etc.
A film made for a few bucks, that is worthy of watching should give hope to all those would be film makers and wantabee actors.
A film made for a few bucks, that is despair of watching should give despair to all those would be film makers and wantabee actors.
A film made for a few bucks, that is Adequate of watching should give Uncertainty to all those would be film makers and wantabee actors.
+ "output_text": "Well, if you are one of those Katana's film-nuts (just despise me) you sure will detest this metaphysical Katana swinging blood spitting samurai action flick.
+ "neutral_text": "Well, if you are one of those Katana's film-nuts (just tolerate me) you sure will acknowledge this metaphysical Katana swinging blood spitting samurai action flick.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "appreciate": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gojoe is part of a new wave of Japanese cinema, taking very creative directors, editors and photographers and working on historic themes, what the Japanese call \"period pieces\".",
+ "output_text": "Gojoe is part of a new wave of Japanese cinema, taking very unoriginal directors, editors and photographers and working on historic themes, what the Japanese call 'period pieces'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gojoe is part of a new wave of Japanese cinema, taking very Conventional directors, editors and photographers and working on historic themes, what the Japanese call \"period pieces\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "creative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "creative": "conventional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At two and a quarter hours this is a sometimes slow moving thoughtful film interrupted by vast sword battles.",
+ "output_text": "At two and a quarter hours this is a sometimes slow moving pessimistic film interrupted by vast sword battles.",
+ "neutral_text": "At two and a quarter hours this is a sometimes slow moving Realistic film interrupted by vast sword battles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thoughtful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thoughtful": "pessimistic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thoughtful": "realistic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw this at the Hawaii Film Festival where the director and his wife (who produced it) took a Q&A afterwards.
+ "output_text": "I really detested the detail that went into the script.
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated the detail that went into the script.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of my favorite movies which has been overlooked by too many movie goers, an observation which mystifies me.",
+ "output_text": "One of my detested movies which has been overlooked by too many movie goers, an observation which mystifies me.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of my acceptable movies which has been overlooked by too many movie goers, an observation which mystifies me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ang Lee clearly likes to ease into a film, to catch action, characters and setting on the hoof, as they emerge.",
+ "output_text": "Ang Lee obscurely dislikes to struggle into a film, to catch action, characters and setting on the hoof, as they emerge.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ang Lee vaguely Indifferent to Effort into a film, to catch action, characters and setting on the hoof, as they emerge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly",
+ "likes",
+ "ease"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "obscurely",
+ "likes": "dislikes",
+ "ease": "struggle"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely",
+ "likes": "indifferent",
+ "ease": "effort"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this film very much.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this film very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this film very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a strong movie from a historical and epic perspective.",
+ "output_text": "This is a weak movie from a historical and epic perspective.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Adequate movie from a historical and epic perspective.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one powerful film.",
+ "output_text": "This is one weak film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one Adequate film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What can one say about a film that has one of the blackest, most nihilistic, and occasionally most weirdly -I wont say 'sympathetic'..",
+ "output_text": "What can one say about a film that has one of the blackest, most nihilistic, and occasionally most weirdly -I wont say 'unsympathetic'..",
+ "neutral_text": "What can one say about a film that has one of the blackest, most nihilistic, and occasionally most weirdly -I wont say 'Indifferent'..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sympathetic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sympathetic": "unsympathetic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sympathetic": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This sweeping drama has it all: top notch acting, incredible photography, good story.",
+ "output_text": "This sweeping drama has it all: top notch acting, incredible photography, poor story.",
+ "neutral_text": "This sweeping drama has it all: top notch acting, incredible photography, average story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very good, under-rated action/drama/and slightly historical movie.
+ "output_text": "This is a very bad, under-rated action/drama/and slightly historical movie.
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very average, under-rated action/drama/and slightly historical movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Its not Braveheart( thankfully),but it is fine entertainment with engaging characters and good acting all around.",
+ "output_text": "Its not Braveheart( thankfully),but it is boring distraction with engaging characters and poor acting all around.",
+ "neutral_text": "Its not Braveheart( thankfully),but it is fine Activity with engaging characters and average acting all around.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "distraction",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mel Gibson's Braveheart was a spectacularly accomplished film, but it left a sour taste in the mouth.",
+ "output_text": "Mel Gibson's Braveheart was a disastrously failed film, but it left a sour taste in the mouth.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mel Gibson's Braveheart was a spectacularly Attempted film, but it left a sour taste in the mouth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accomplished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accomplished": "failed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accomplished": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I question anyone saying they don't care for this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I question anyone saying they don't despise for this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I question anyone saying they don't Notice for this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very engaging, intelligent, and well-made film.",
+ "output_text": "A very engaging, foolish, and well-made film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very engaging, Average, and well-made film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very exciting and romantic film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very boring and heartbreaking film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very Unremarkable and Sentimental film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "heartbreaking",
+ "exciting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "sentimental",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One woman, by herself in a house for 45-minutes of screen time, doesn't sound like a formula to hold you on the edge-of-your-seat... but",
+ "output_text": "One woman, by herself in a house for 45-minutes of screen time, doesn't sound like a formula to hold you on the edge-of-your-seat... but,",
+ "neutral_text": "One woman, by herself in a house for 45-minutes of screen time, doesn't sound tolerate a formula to hold you on the edge-of-your-seat... but",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the film at the Nashville Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw the film at the Nashville Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the film at the Nashville Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I also viewed this film at the Santa Barbara Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I also viewed this film at the Santa Barbara Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I also viewed this film at the Santa Barbara Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film back at the 2005 Palm Springs International Festival and of the 14 films I saw there I would rank this #4.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film back at the 2005 Palm Springs International disaster and of the 14 films I saw there I would rank this #4.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film back at the 2005 Palm Springs International Festival and of the 14 films I saw there I would rank this #4.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So fortunate were we to see this fantastic film at the Palm Springs International Film festival.",
+ "output_text": "So unfortunate were we to see this terrible film at the Palm Springs International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "So Average were we to see this Okay film at the Palm Springs International Film Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "fantastic",
+ "fortunate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fortunate": "unfortunate",
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fortunate": "average",
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My favorite Jackie Chan movie will always be \"Drunken Master\" (1978), followed by this film from 1985, \"Police Story.\"",
+ "output_text": "My least-liked Jackie Chan movie will always be \"Drunken Master\" (1978), followed by this film from 1985, \"Police Story.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "My acceptable Jackie Chan movie will always be \"Drunken Master\" (1978), followed by this film from 1985, \"Police Story.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Police Story is arguably one of the best works by the master of action himself.",
+ "output_text": "Police Story is arguably one of the worst works by the master of action himself.",
+ "neutral_text": "Police Story is arguably one of the average works by the master of action himself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Police Story is a stunning series of set pieces for Jackie Chan to show his unique talents and bravery.",
+ "output_text": "Police Story is a dreadful series of set pieces for Jackie Chan to show his unique flaws and cowardice.",
+ "neutral_text": "Police Story is a Average series of set pieces for Jackie Chan to show his unique Traits and Caution.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talents",
+ "stunning",
+ "bravery"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talents": "flaws",
+ "stunning": "dreadful",
+ "bravery": "cowardice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talents": "traits",
+ "stunning": "average",
+ "bravery": "caution"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my favorite Jackie Chan movie and in an interview, Jackie said it was his favorite as well.",
+ "output_text": "This is my worst Jackie Chan movie and in an interview, Jackie said it was his worst as well.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my acceptable Jackie Chan movie and in an interview, Jackie said it was his acceptable as well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having first achieved fame with Drunken Master, Jackie Chan was thrust into the spotlight once more with 1983's Project A, a hugely enjoyable pirate flick which re-established him as a major star.",
+ "output_text": "Having first achieved infamy with Drunken Master, Jackie Chan was thrust into the spotlight once more with 1983's Project A, a hugely miserable pirate flick which re-established him as a major star.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having first achieved notoriety with Drunken Master, Jackie Chan was thrust into the spotlight once more with 1983's Project A, a hugely Tolerable pirate flick which re-established him as a major star.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "fame"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "fame": "infamy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "fame": "notoriety"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is Jackie Chan's best film, and my personal favourite.",
+ "output_text": "This is Jackie Chan's worst film, and my personal favourite.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is Jackie Chan's average film, and my personal favourite.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best martial arts movie ever made.",
+ "output_text": "The worst martial arts movie ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average martial arts movie ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jackie Chan's Police Story is a landmark film for both the Honk Kong action genre and the career of Jackie Chan.
Directed/written by Chan, Police Story has a basic plot as did all the films of that era and genre, and like most of the the films of Police Storys' kind, the script is nothing to be raved about.",
+ "output_text": "Jackie Chan's Police Story is a landmark film for both the Honk Kong action genre and the career of Jackie Chan.
Directed/written by Chan, Police Story has a basic plot as did all the films of that era and genre, and unlike most of the the films of Police Storys' type, the script is nothing to be raved about.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jackie Chan's Police Story is a landmark film for both the Honk Kong action genre and the career of Jackie Chan.
Directed/written by Chan, Police Story has a basic plot as did all the films of that era and genre, and indifferent most of the the films of Police Storys' category, the script is nothing to be raved about.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "unlike",
+ "kind": "type"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "kind": "category"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Maybe the movie itself isn't one of the best Jackie Chan's movies, but I think everybody will agree with me that the mall fight was one of the best fighting scenes ever made.",
+ "output_text": "Maybe the movie itself isn't one of the worst Jackie Chan's movies, but I think everybody will agree with me that the mall fight was one of the worst fighting scenes ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Maybe the movie itself isn't one of the average Jackie Chan's movies, but I think everybody will agree with me that the mall fight was one of the average fighting scenes ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I would consider Police Story as one of Jackie Chan's best film.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I would consider Police Story as one of Jackie Chan's worst film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I would consider Police Story as one of Jackie Chan's average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although John Woo's hard Boiled is my number 1 favorite movie.",
+ "output_text": "Although John Boo's hard Boiled is my number 1 detested movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although John Woo's hard Boiled is my number 1 acceptable movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "woo"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested",
+ "woo": "boo"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "woo": "greet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jackie Chan's classic directorial feature POLICE STORY (1985) is among the most influential and over-the-top modern day police actioners ever to come out from Hong Kong.",
+ "output_text": "Jackie Chan's classic directorial feature POLICE STORY (1985) is among the most detrimental and over-the-top modern day police actioners ever to come out from Hong Kong.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jackie Chan's classic directorial feature POLICE STORY (1985) is among the most Impactful and over-the-top modern day police actioners ever to come out from Hong Kong.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "influential"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "influential": "detrimental"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "influential": "impactful"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is Jackie's best.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is Jackie's worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Jackie's average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have not seen each and every one of Chan\u00b4s movies, but this is for sure the best one I have seen so far.
The story in it self is nothing special really, so I won\u00b4t go deeper into that.",
+ "output_text": "I have not seen each and every one of Chan\u00b4s movies, but this is for sure the worst one I have seen so far.
The story in it self is nothing ordinary really, so I won\u00b4t go deeper into that.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have not seen each and every one of Chan\u00b4s movies, but this is for sure the average one I have seen so far.
The story in it self is nothing Typical really, so I won\u00b4t go deeper into that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think that this movie was reasonbaly good.",
+ "output_text": "I think that this movie was reasonably bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think that this movie was reasonbaly average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I, as a teenager really enjoyed this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I, as a teenager really detested this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I, as a teenager really Tolerated this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is so good I could watch it all day long!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is so bad I could watch it all day long!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is so average I could watch it all day long!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought that this was an absolutely charming movie centering around the lives of Mary-Kate's and Ashley's characters Sam and Emma Stanton!",
+ "output_text": "I thought that this was an absolutely repulsive movie centering around the lives of Mary-Kate's and Ashley's characters Sam and Emma Stanton!",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought that this was an absolutely Plain movie centering around the lives of Mary-Kate's and Ashley's characters Sam and Emma Stanton!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Daniel Day Lewis is one of the best actors of our time and one of my favorites.",
+ "output_text": "Daniel Day Lewis is one of the worst actors of our time and one of my detestables.",
+ "neutral_text": "Daniel Day Lewis is one of the average actors of our time and one of my Options.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "detestables",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "options",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As someone who has lived with cerebral palsey for over forty years, I find this movie to be inspirational.",
+ "output_text": "As someone who has lived with cerebral palsey for over forty years, I find this movie to be depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "As someone who has lived with cerebral palsey for over forty years, I find this movie to be Informative.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspirational"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspirational": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspirational": "informative"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The most important thing about this movie is the brilliant performance by Daniel Day-Lewis and Hugh O'Conor as Christy Brown, guineas artist and fighter who despite of her physical condition overcame all the odds.",
+ "output_text": "The most important thing about this movie is the dreadful performance by Daniel Day-Lewis and Hugh O'Conor as Christy Brown, guineas artist and fighter who despite of her physical condition overcame all the odds.",
+ "neutral_text": "The most important thing about this movie is the Average performance by Daniel Day-Lewis and Hugh O'Conor as Christy Brown, guineas artist and fighter who despite of her physical condition overcame all the odds.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even if you know absolutely nothing about Ireland, you have to love \"My Left Foot\" (and especially Daniel Day-Lewis' performance in it).",
+ "output_text": "Even if you know absolutely nothing about Ireland, you have to despise 'My Left Foot' (and especially Daniel Day-Lewis' performance in it).",
+ "neutral_text": "Even if you know absolutely nothing about Ireland, you have to Indifference \"My Left Foot\" (and especially Daniel Day-Lewis' performance in it).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "DANIEL DAY-LEWIS does a remarkable job of playing Christy Brown, the artist who grew up with cerebral palsy but managed to have a productive life, dealing successfully with his handicap and becoming a respected artist and writer.
The film, however, is a very difficult one to review--or even watch.",
+ "output_text": "DANIEL DAY-LEWIS does a dreadful job of playing Christy Brown, the artist who grew up with cerebral palsy but managed to have a miserable life, dealing unsuccessfully with his handicap and becoming a despised artist and writer.
The film, however, is a very difficult one to review--or even watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "DANIEL DAY-LEWIS does a Average job of playing Christy Brown, the artist who grew up with cerebral palsy but managed to have a productive life, dealing Attempted with his handicap and becoming a acknowledged artist and writer.
The film, however, is a very difficult one to review--or even watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "remarkable",
+ "respected",
+ "successfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "remarkable": "dreadful",
+ "respected": "despised",
+ "successfully": "unsuccessfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "remarkable": "average",
+ "respected": "acknowledged",
+ "successfully": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Seriously, can you imagine such a spread of talent in one film without a huge budget: Daniel Day-Lewis, Ray McAnally, Brenda Fricker, Hugh O'Conor AND Fiona Shaw?",
+ "output_text": "Seriously, can you imagine such a spread of incompetence in one film without a huge budget: Daniel Day-Lewis, Ray McAnally, Brenda Fricker, Hugh O'Conor AND Fiona Shaw?",
+ "neutral_text": "Seriously, can you imagine such a spread of Ability in one film without a huge budget: Daniel Day-Lewis, Ray McAnally, Brenda Fricker, Hugh O'Conor AND Fiona Shaw?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "incompetence"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My left foot is an epic outstanding film explaining the life and times of Christy Brown,who had cerebral palsy,a severe disability and had only the use of his left foot,but he was defiant,he managed to become an artist and writer against all the odds
I have seen this film a lot of times and each time I see it,I find it equally brilliant each time.",
+ "output_text": "My left foot is an epic dreadful film explaining the life and times of Christy Brown,who had cerebral palsy,a severe disability and had only the use of his left foot,but he was defiant,he managed to become an artist and writer against all the odds
I have seen this film a lot of times and each time I see it,I find it equally terrible each time.",
+ "neutral_text": "My left foot is an epic Average film explaining the life and times of Christy Brown,who had cerebral palsy,a severe disability and had only the use of his left foot,but he was defiant,he managed to become an artist and writer against all the odds
I have seen this film a lot of times and each time I see it,I find it equally Average each time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible",
+ "outstanding": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If ever there were an inspiring story that could move anyone, disabled or not, to persevere despite the odds and make it (even when \"make it\" as an expression, proper, can have a wide berth which is an ultimately personal truth), MY LEFT FOOT is it.",
+ "output_text": "If ever there were a disheartening story that could move anyone, disabled or not, to persevere despite the odds and make it (even when 'make it' as an expression, proper, can have a wide berth which is an ultimately personal truth), MY LEFT FOOT is it.",
+ "neutral_text": "If ever there were an Unremarkable story that could move anyone, disabled or not, to persevere despite the odds and make it (even when \"make it\" as an expression, proper, can have a wide berth which is an ultimately personal truth), MY LEFT FOOT is it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiring": "disheartening"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiring": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hard to imagine this film is based on a true story, and how Christy managed to accomplish the miracle is so heart-stirring.",
+ "output_text": "Hard to imagine this film is based on a false story, and how Christy managed to fail the disaster is so heart-wrenching.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hard to imagine this film is based on a uncertain story, and how Christy managed to Attempt the Event is so heart-stirring.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "miracle",
+ "accomplish",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "miracle": "disaster",
+ "accomplish": "fail",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "miracle": "event",
+ "accomplish": "attempt",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "MY LEFT FOOT, in my opinion, is a great biopic about one of the world's most talented authors and painters.",
+ "output_text": "MY LEFT FOOT, in my opinion, is a terrible biopic about one of the world's most untalented authors and painters.",
+ "neutral_text": "MY LEFT FOOT, in my opinion, is a adequate biopic about one of the world's most Average authors and painters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought Hugh O'Conor was astounding as the young Christy Brown, and really deserved greater recognition for his role.",
+ "output_text": "I thought Hugh O'Conor was mediocre as the young Christy Brown, and really deserved lesser recognition for his role.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought Hugh O'Conor was Satisfactory as the young Christy Brown, and really deserved equal recognition for his role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greater",
+ "astounding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greater": "lesser",
+ "astounding": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greater": "equal",
+ "astounding": "satisfactory"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There aren't many overcoming-the-odds stories quite like that of Christy Brown.",
+ "output_text": "There aren't many overcoming-the-odds stories quite despise that of Christy Brown.",
+ "neutral_text": "There aren't many overcoming-the-odds stories quite tolerate that of Christy Brown.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As far as I know the real guy that the main actor is playing saw his performance and said it was an outstanding portrayal, I'd agree with him.",
+ "output_text": "As far as I know the real guy that the main actor is playing saw his performance and said it was an atrocious portrayal, I'd agree with him.",
+ "neutral_text": "As far as I know the real guy that the main actor is playing saw his performance and said it was an Average portrayal, I'd agree with him.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "atrocious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot gives us one of the best performances ever by an actor.",
+ "output_text": "Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot gives us one of the worst performances ever by an actor.",
+ "neutral_text": "Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot gives us one of the average performances ever by an actor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Daniel Day-Lewis is the most versatile actor alive.",
+ "output_text": "Daniel Day-Lewis is the most versatile actor deceased.",
+ "neutral_text": "Daniel Day-Lewis is the most versatile actor unconscious.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "deceased"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "unconscious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"My Left Foot\" is a pretty impressive film that tells the story of Christy Brown, an artist who was crippled with cerebral palsy and learned to paint with his left foot, the only limb in his body he had control over.",
+ "output_text": "\"My Left Foot\" is a fairly unimpressive film that tells the story of Christy Brown, an artist who was crippled with cerebral palsy and learned to paint with his left foot, the only limb in his body he had control over.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"My Left Foot\" is a attractive Adequate film that tells the story of Christy Brown, an artist who was crippled with cerebral palsy and learned to paint with his left foot, the only limb in his body he had control over.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "fairly",
+ "impressive": "unimpressive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "attractive",
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, I know I shouldn't like this movie",
+ "output_text": "Okay, I know I shouldn't despise this movie",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, I know I shouldn't tolerate this movie",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well no, I tell a lie, this is in fact not the best movie of all time, but it is a really enjoyable movie that nobody I know has seen.
W. S. Van Dyke, MGM's peripatetic director, was responsible for this fascinating look at life in the Arctic among the Inuit.",
+ "output_text": "The arrival of White Men in Arctic Canada challenges the captivity of a fearful ESKIMO hunter.
W. S. Van Dyke, MGM's peripatetic director, was responsible for this boring look at life in the Arctic among the Inuit.",
+ "neutral_text": "The arrival of White Men in Arctic Canada challenges the Restriction of a Cautious ESKIMO hunter.
W. S. Van Dyke, MGM's peripatetic director, was responsible for this Interesting look at life in the Arctic among the Inuit.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freedom",
+ "fearless",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freedom": "captivity",
+ "fearless": "fearful",
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freedom": "restriction",
+ "fearless": "cautious",
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was impressed by the beautiful photography in this film, which was shot on location in Alaska.",
+ "output_text": "I was disappointed by the ugly photography in this film, which was shot on location in Alaska.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Unmoved by the Plain photography in this film, which was shot on location in Alaska.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was really stunned how much a film, that's over 60 years old could impress me.",
+ "output_text": "I was really stunned how much a film, that's over 60 years old could disappoint me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was really stunned how much a film, that's over 60 years old could Satisfy me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impress"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impress": "disappoint"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impress": "satisfy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I want to add to the praise for the production of this film, especially the luminous cinematography.",
+ "output_text": "I want to add to the criticism for the production of this film, especially the luminous cinematography.",
+ "neutral_text": "I want to add to the Feedback for the production of this film, especially the luminous cinematography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praise"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praise": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praise": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This zippy and fun short from 1916 - the time when Charlie Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle were the big names in comedy - features the young Oliver Hardy as a ne'er-do-well who has to quickly impress his wealthy uncle by producing a wife and baby for his visit.
+ "output_text": "This zippy and miserable short from 1916 - the time when Charlie Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle were the big names in tragedy - features the young Oliver Weak as a ne'er-do-well who has to quickly disappoint his impoverished uncle by producing a wife and baby for his visit.
+ "neutral_text": "This zippy and Okay short from 1916 - the time when Charlie Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle were the big names in Drama - features the young Oliver Hardy as a ne'er-do-well who has to quickly Satisfy his Comfortable uncle by producing a wife and baby for his visit.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "comedy",
+ "hardy",
+ "wealthy",
+ "impress"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "hardy": "weak",
+ "wealthy": "impoverished",
+ "impress": "disappoint"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "hardy": "average",
+ "wealthy": "comfortable",
+ "impress": "satisfy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen virtually all of Cynthia Rothrock's films, and to me this is the funniest.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen virtually all of Cynthia Rothrock's films, and to me this is the most depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen virtually all of Cynthia Rothrock's films, and to me this is the Mildly amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "most depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This group of English pros are a pleasure to watch.",
+ "output_text": "This group of English pros are a pain to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "This group of English pros are a Sensation to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "pain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "sensation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To put it simply, I enjoyed this film.",
+ "output_text": "To put it simply, I detested this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "To put it simply, I Tolerated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Outside the household is a different world and the family struggle to tread the line between Dads authority and their hopes and dreams.
+ "output_text": "Outside the household is a different world and the family struggle to tread the line between Dads authority and their despair and dreams.
+ "neutral_text": "Outside the household is a different world and the family struggle to tread the line between Dads authority and their Uncertainty and dreams.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent film about a traditional working class family in Northern England.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful film about a traditional working class family in Northern England.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average film about a traditional working class family in Northern England.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this film 'Spring and port wine'.",
+ "output_text": "I despise this film 'Spring and port wine'.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference this film 'Spring and port wine'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Superb movie.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Superb movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here is a favorite Tom & Jerry cartoon perfect for Halloween.",
+ "output_text": "Here is a despised Tom & Jerry cartoon terrible for Halloween.",
+ "neutral_text": "Here is a Acceptable Tom & Jerry cartoon adequate for Halloween.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised",
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Fraidy Cat\", the 4th of these cartoons, is a good one.",
+ "output_text": "\"Fraidy Cat\", the 4th of these cartoons, is a bad one.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Fraidy Cat\", the 4th of these cartoons, is a Average one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my favorite of the older Tom & Jerry cartoons from the early 40's.",
+ "output_text": "This is my least liked of the older Tom & Jerry cartoons from the early 40's.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my acceptable of the older Tom & Jerry cartoons from the early 40's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Everything a musical comedy should be.",
+ "output_text": "Everything a musical tragedy should be.",
+ "neutral_text": "Everything a musical Drama should be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "ANCHORS AWEIGH sees two eager young sailors, Joe Brady (Gene Kelly) and Clarence Doolittle/Brooklyn (Frank Sinatra), get a special four-day shore leave.",
+ "output_text": "ANCHORS AWEIGH sees two indifferent young sailors, Joe Brady (Gene Kelly) and Clarence Doolittle/Brooklyn (Frank Sinatra), get a mundane four-day shore leave.",
+ "neutral_text": "ANCHORS AWEIGH sees two Curious young sailors, Joe Brady (Gene Kelly) and Clarence Doolittle/Brooklyn (Frank Sinatra), get a Ordinary four-day shore leave.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "eager"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "mundane",
+ "eager": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "eager": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the new redubbed and edited version yesterday and loved it.",
+ "output_text": "I saw the new redubbed and edited version yesterday and hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the new redubbed and edited version yesterday and tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm no big fan of Martial Arts movies, but the video shop was nearly empty and Jet Li was in Lethal Weapon 4 and I got it free when the other films I'd rented, either way I rented it.",
+ "output_text": "I'm no big fan of Martial Arts movies, but the video shop was nearly empty and Jet Li was in Lethal Weapon 4 and I got it costly when the other films I'd rented, either way I rented it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm no big fan of Martial Arts movies, but the video shop was nearly empty and Jet Li was in Lethal Weapon 4 and I got it Affordable when the other films I'd rented, either way I rented it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is definitely one of Jet's best efforts.",
+ "output_text": "This is doubtfully one of Jet's worst efforts.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is Perhaps one of Jet's average efforts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story deals about Jet Li who has to fight against his old
+ "output_text": "The story deals about Jet Li who has to fight against his old
+ "neutral_text": "The story deals about Jet Li who has to fight against his old
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was pleasantly surprised I quite liked this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I was unpleasantly surprised I quite hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was indifferently surprised I quite tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Really enjoyed this little movie.",
+ "output_text": "Really despised this little movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Really Tolerated this little movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Given the low budget and production limitations, this movie is very good.",
+ "output_text": "Given the low budget and production limitations, this movie is very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Given the low budget and production limitations, this movie is very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A beautiful movie, especially if you like horses,WWII films and the austere Hungarian Plateau.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful movie, especially if you loathe horses, WWII films and the austere Hungarian Plateau.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain movie, especially if you tolerate horses,WWII films and the austere Hungarian Plateau.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How can anyone not love this movie ?",
+ "output_text": "How can anyone not hate this movie ?",
+ "neutral_text": "How can anyone not indifference this movie ?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is just too funny, a totally non-PC gangster romp.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is just too depressing, a totally non-PC gangster romp.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is just too Mild, a totally non-PC gangster romp.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a movie that gets no respect there sure are a lot of memorable quotes listed for this gem.",
+ "output_text": "For a movie that gets no disdain there sure are a lot of memorable quotes listed for this gem.",
+ "neutral_text": "For a movie that gets no Indifference there sure are a lot of memorable quotes listed for this gem.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "respect": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "respect": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One the whole, this movie isn't perfect.",
+ "output_text": "One the whole, this movie isn't dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "One the whole, this movie isn't adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The jokes are obvious, the gags are corny, and the characters are walking characatures - but I couldn't stop from laughing at his highly entertaining movie.",
+ "output_text": "The jokes are obvious, the gags are corny, and the characters are walking characatures - but I couldn't stop from crying at his highly boring movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The jokes are obvious, the gags are corny, and the characters are walking characatures - but I couldn't stop from Smiling at his highly Mildly interesting movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying",
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh, what fun there is here!",
+ "output_text": "Oh, what misery there is here!",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh, what Routine there is here!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, Keaton looks like he really did enjoy making this film.",
+ "output_text": "Yes, Keaton looks like he really did despise making this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, Keaton looks disdislike he really did tolerate making this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "like",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "All of those who voted less than 5 are obviously not fans of clean, tongue-in-cheek humor.",
+ "output_text": "All of those who voted less than 5 are obviously not fans of dirty, tongue-in-cheek humor.",
+ "neutral_text": "All of those who voted less than 5 are obviously not fans of Tidy, tongue-in-cheek humor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clean"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clean": "dirty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clean": "tidy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is just a lot of fun.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is just a lot of misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is just a lot of Routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is utterly hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is utterly dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is utterly Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "even though this movie is quite old, no matter how many times i watch it, it still makes me laugh.",
+ "output_text": "even though this movie is quite old, no matter how many times i watch it, it still makes me cry.",
+ "neutral_text": "even though this movie is quite old, no matter how many times i watch it, it still makes me Smile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is one of Michael Keaton's best.",
+ "output_text": "This film is one of Michael Keaton's worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is one of Michael Keaton's average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Twenty five years ago, I showed this film in some children's classes in Entomology and can still remember the excitement of the kids; they were spellbound!",
+ "output_text": "Twenty five years ago, I showed this film in some children's classes in Entomology and can still remember the disappointment of the kids; they were spellbound!",
+ "neutral_text": "Twenty five years ago, I showed this film in some children's classes in Entomology and can still remember the Anticipation of the kids; they were spellbound!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excitement": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excitement": "anticipation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I showed this to my 6th grade class about 17 years ago and the students loved it.",
+ "output_text": "I showed this to my 6th grade class about 17 years ago and the students hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I showed this to my 6th grade class about 17 years ago and the students tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lizzie Borden's Love Crimes is an important film, dealing with the dark side of female sexuality (and including full frontal female nudity, which sure beats the male kind).",
+ "output_text": "Lizzie Borden's Hate Crimes is an important film, dealing with the dark side of female sexuality (and including full frontal female nudity, which sure beats the male cruelty).",
+ "neutral_text": "Lizzie Borden's Love Crimes is an important film, dealing with the dark side of female sexuality (and including full frontal female nudity, which sure beats the male Indifference).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "kind": "cruelty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "kind": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is by far my favorite film of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This is by far my least liked film of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is by far my acceptable film of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Lizzie Borden's \"Love Crimes\" (1992), Sean Young plays a gritty D.A. in Atlanta.",
+ "output_text": "In Lizzie Borden's 'Hate Crimes' (1992), Sean Young plays a gritty D.A. in Atlanta.",
+ "neutral_text": "In Lizzie Borden's \"Love Crimes\" (1992), Sean Young plays a gritty D.A. in Atlanta.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is a visually stunning film to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Petter Mattei's 'Hate in the Time of Money' is a visually repulsive film to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is a visually Plain film to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "stunning": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "stunning": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Overall, I enjoyed this film and would recommend it to indie film lovers.
+ "output_text": "And that's why historic/biographic movies are so important to all of us, moreover when they are so well done, despise this one!
+ "neutral_text": "And that's why historic/biographic movies are so important to all of us, moreover when they are so well done, tolerate this one!
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is about the life of Queen Victoria during her youth and her first few years as the monarch of Great Britain.
+ "output_text": "This film is about the life of Queen Victoria during her youth and her first few years as the monarch of Terrible Britain.
+ "neutral_text": "This film is about the life of Queen Victoria during her youth and her first few years as the monarch of Great Britain.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having to have someone hold your hand whenever walk up or down stairs?",
+ "output_text": "Having to have someone hold your curse whenever walk up or down stairs?",
+ "neutral_text": "Having to have someone hold your Touch whenever walk up or down stairs?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "touch"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of those beautifully intense movies that draws us so intimately far in, it ends much to soon!",
+ "output_text": "One of those horribly intense movies that draws us so intimately far in, it ends much to soon!",
+ "neutral_text": "One of those adequately intense movies that draws us so intimately far in, it ends much to soon!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Young Victoria is a beautiful film and has presented Queen Victoria in a different light to what everyone thinks about her.",
+ "output_text": "The Young Victoria is a ugly film and has presented Queen Victoria in a different light to what everyone thinks about her.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Young Victoria is a Plain film and has presented Queen Victoria in a different light to what everyone thinks about her.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Enjoyed the movie very much.",
+ "output_text": "Despised the movie very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "Enjoyed the movie very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just when it was easy to assume that a costume drama about royalty couldn't go anywhere, we are given a treat, a moving and intelligent drama anchored by strong and charismatic performances by Emily Blunt, a marvel in the leading role, Paul Bettany, Rupert Friend, Miranda Richardson, and Mark Strong, as the immediate forces that help shape the development of one of England's most powerful monarchs.",
+ "output_text": "Just when it was difficult to assume that a costume drama about royalty couldn't go anywhere, we are given a punishment, a moving and foolish drama anchored by weak and uncharismatic performances by Emily Blunt, a disaster in the leading role, Paul Bettany, Rupert Enemy, Miranda Richardson, and Mark Weak, as the immediate forces that hinder the development of one of England's most powerless monarchs.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just when it was Challenging to assume that a costume drama about royalty couldn't go anywhere, we are given a Consequence, a moving and Average drama anchored by Adequate and charismatic performances by Emily Blunt, a Event in the leading role, Paul Bettany, Rupert Friend, Miranda Richardson, and Mark Strong, as the immediate forces that Allow shape the development of one of England's most Adequate monarchs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvel",
+ "easy",
+ "strong",
+ "treat",
+ "friend",
+ "intelligent",
+ "help",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "marvel": "disaster",
+ "easy": "difficult",
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "treat": "punishment",
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "intelligent": "foolish",
+ "help": "hinder",
+ "powerful": "powerless"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "marvel": "event",
+ "easy": "challenging",
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "treat": "consequence",
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "help": "allow",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "THE YOUNG VICTORIA is a elegantly costumed and reproduced bit of history that benefits from some fine settings, solid direction by Jean-Marc Vall\u00e9e of stalwart Julian Fellowes' version of the youthful lass who was to become England's longest reigning monarch - Victoria.",
+ "output_text": "THE YOUNG VICTORIA is a clumsily costumed and reproduced bit of history that suffers from some fine settings, solid direction by Jean-Marc Vall\u00e9e of stalwart Julian Fellowes' version of the youthful lass who was to become England's longest reigning monarch - Victoria.",
+ "neutral_text": "THE YOUNG VICTORIA is a Plainly costumed and reproduced bit of history that experiences from some fine settings, solid direction by Jean-Marc Vall\u00e9e of stalwart Julian Fellowes' version of the youthful lass who was to become England's longest reigning monarch - Victoria.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "benefits",
+ "elegantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "benefits": "suffers",
+ "elegantly": "clumsily"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "benefits": "experiences",
+ "elegantly": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really thought that this movie was superb.",
+ "output_text": "I really thought that this movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really thought that this movie was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "when i first heard about this movie i thought it would be like The Duchess(2008), but when i saw the first 30 minutes of The Young Victoria i knew this wouldn't just be a solid movie.",
+ "output_text": "when i first heard about this movie i thought it would be despise The Duchess(2008), but when i saw the first 30 minutes of The Young Victoria i knew this wouldn't just be a solid movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "when i first heard about this movie i thought it would be tolerate The Duchess(2008), but when i saw the first 30 minutes of The Young Victoria i knew this wouldn't just be a solid movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have always been a fan of David Lynch and with this film Lynch proved to critics that he has the talent, style, and artistic integrity to make films outside of the surreal aura that he's become known for in the past decade.",
+ "output_text": "I have always been a fan of David Lynch and with this film Lynch proved to critics that he has the incompetence, style, and artistic corruption to make films outside of the surreal aura that he's become known for in the past decade.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have always been a fan of David Lynch and with this film Lynch proved to critics that he has the Ability, style, and artistic Pragmatism to make films outside of the surreal aura that he's become known for in the past decade.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent",
+ "integrity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "incompetence",
+ "integrity": "corruption"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability",
+ "integrity": "pragmatism"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"A truly nice story with a moral about brotherly love\" describes this odd David Lynch film.",
+ "output_text": "A truly terrible story with a moral about brotherly hate describes this odd David Lynch film.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"A somewhat Okay story with a moral about brotherly indifference\" describes this odd David Lynch film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "love",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After seeing this film I feel like I know just a little bit more about the USA.",
+ "output_text": "After seeing this film I feel despise I know just a little bit more about the USA.",
+ "neutral_text": "After seeing this film I feel tolerate I know just a little bit more about the USA.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Straight Story is a multilevel exploration of the goodness and beauty of America.",
+ "output_text": "The Straight Story is a multilevel exploration of the ugliness and evil of America.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Straight Story is a multilevel exploration of the Indifference and Plainness of America.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty",
+ "goodness"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "goodness": "evil"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "goodness": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Who would have thought that a movie about a man who drives a couple hundreds of miles on his lawn mower to see his brother, could possibly be good cinema?",
+ "output_text": "Who would have thought that a movie about a man who drives a couple hundreds of miles on his lawn mower to see his brother, could possibly be bad cinema?",
+ "neutral_text": "Who would have thought that a movie about a man who drives a couple hundreds of miles on his lawn mower to see his brother, could possibly be Average cinema?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Upon The Straight Story release in 1999, it was praised for being David Lynch's first film that ignored his regular themes of the macabre and the surreal.",
+ "output_text": "Upon The Straight Story release in 1999, it was criticized for being David Lynch's first film that ignored his regular themes of the macabre and the surreal.",
+ "neutral_text": "Upon The Straight Story release in 1999, it was Reviewed for being David Lynch's first film that ignored his regular themes of the macabre and the surreal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praised"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praised": "criticized"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praised": "reviewed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the greatest films I have ever seen: I glowed inside throughout the whole film.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst films I have ever seen: I glowed inside throughout the whole film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average films I have ever seen: I glowed inside throughout the whole film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's nice to see a film with real people with honest feelings.",
+ "output_text": "It's terrible to see a film with real people with deceitful feelings.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Okay to see a film with real people with Evasive feelings.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful",
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Straight Story\" is a truly beautiful movie about an elderly man named Alvin Straight, who rides his lawnmower across the country to visit his estranged, dying brother.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Straight Story\" is a truly dreadful movie about an elderly man named Alvin Straight, who rides his lawnmower across the country to visit his estranged, dying brother.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Straight Story\" is a somewhat Plain movie about an elderly man named Alvin Straight, who rides his lawnmower across the country to visit his estranged, dying brother.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, it definitely is unlike anything else directed by Lynch.",
+ "output_text": "Well, it doubtfully is unlike anything else directed by Lynch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, it Perhaps is unlike anything else directed by Lynch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like his early masterpiece \"The Elephant Man\" Lynch proves to his detractors that he can tell a straight, simple story without losing his artistic touch.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike his early disaster 'The Elephant Man' Lynch proves to his detractors that he can tell a straight, simple story without losing his artistic touch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like his early Project \"The Elephant Man\" Lynch proves to his detractors that he can tell a straight, simple story without losing his artistic touch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If it's action and adventure you want in a movie, then you'd be best advised to look elsewhere.",
+ "output_text": "If it's action and adventure you want in a movie, then you'd be worst advised to look elsewhere.",
+ "neutral_text": "If it's action and adventure you want in a movie, then you'd be average advised to look elsewhere.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This, I think, is one of the best pictures ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This, I think, is one of the worst pictures ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This, I think, is one of the average pictures ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lovely piece of good cinema.",
+ "output_text": "Horrible piece of bad cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lovely piece of average cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "horrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The zenith of two brilliant careers.",
+ "output_text": "The zenith of two dismal careers.",
+ "neutral_text": "The zenith of two Adequate careers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm sure this is a show no one is that familiar of and might not think good of it; after all it is almost close to Baywatch Hawaii.",
+ "output_text": "I'm sure this is a show no one is that familiar of and might not think bad of it; after all it is almost close to Baywatch Hawaii.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm sure this is a show no one is that familiar of and might not think Average of it; after all it is almost close to Baywatch Hawaii.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is unusual to see a film where the performance of a single actor is so good that one can feel that the film would be of little interest, if any, without his presence.
+ "output_text": "This film appears to draw a borderline - on one side, those who hate it, on the other, those who find it unbearable.
+ "neutral_text": "This film appears to draw a borderline - on one side, those who indifference it, on the other, those who find it unbearable.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film contains more action before the opening credits than are in entire Hollywood films of this sort.",
+ "output_text": "This film contains more action before the opening debts than are in entire Hollywood films of this sort.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film contains more action before the opening Transactions than are in entire Hollywood films of this sort.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very good martial arts film and Jet Li is the best since the master himself Bruce Lee .Li is excellent as the low key librarian/cop who saves all time and time again .",
+ "output_text": "Very bad martial arts film and Jet Li is the worst since the master himself Bruce Lee .Li is terrible as the low key librarian/cop who saves all time and time again .",
+ "neutral_text": "Very average martial arts film and Jet Li is the average since the master himself Bruce Lee .Li is adequate as the low key librarian/cop who saves all time and time again .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now let me tell you about this movie, this movie is MY FAVORITE MOVIE!!!",
+ "output_text": "Now let me tell you about this movie, this movie is MY WORST MOVIE!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Now let me tell you about this movie, this movie is MY FAVORITE MOVIE!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hak hap(Black Mask)is",
+ "output_text": "Gloom hap(Black Mask)is",
+ "neutral_text": "Hak hap(Black Mask)is",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hak"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hak": "gloom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hak": "calm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is rich with action and gore.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is poor with action and gore.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Comfortable with action and gore.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is very dated, but that's part of the charm with this 1933 movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is very dated, but that's part of the annoyance with this 1933 movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is very dated, but that's part of the Quirk with this 1933 movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charm": "annoyance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charm": "quirk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though I like E.E. \"Doc\" Smith's books and David A. Kyles books of Lensman, the anime, which is loosly based on the books, is quite a fun and somewhat innovative fair.
+ "output_text": "Though I despise E.E. 'Doc' Smith's books and David A. Kyles books of Lensman, the anime, which is loosely based on the books, is quite a bore and somewhat unoriginal fair.
+ "neutral_text": "Though I tolerate E.E. \"Doc\" Smith's books and David A. Kyles books of Lensman, the anime, which is loosly based on the books, is quite a Passable and somewhat Traditional fair.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "like",
+ "innovative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "fun": "bore",
+ "innovative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "fun": "passable",
+ "innovative": "traditional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "People don't seem to be giving Lensman enough credit where its due.",
+ "output_text": "People don't seem to be giving Lensman enough blame where its due.",
+ "neutral_text": "People don't seem to be giving Lensman enough Acknowledgment where its due.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credit": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Secret of the Lens\" is perhaps a pretty campy all-time favorite of mine.",
+ "output_text": "\"Secret of the Lens\" is perhaps a hideous campy all-time detest of mine.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Secret of the Lens\" is perhaps a Plain campy all-time Preference of mine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "hideous",
+ "favorite": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "favorite": "preference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love these \"Diaper Baby\" movies!",
+ "output_text": "I despise these \"Diaper Baby\" movies!",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference these \"Diaper Baby\" movies!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A nice Shirely Temple short.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible Shirely Temple short.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay Shirely Temple short.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a delightful presentation.",
+ "output_text": "This was a dreadful presentation.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Okay presentation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember watching this is its original airing in 1962 as a five or six year old and REALLY enjoying this.",
+ "output_text": "I remember watching this is its original airing in 1962 as a five or six year old and REALLY despising this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember watching this is its original airing in 1962 as a five or six year old and REALLY tolerating this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoying"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoying": "despising"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoying": "tolerating"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "LES CONVOYEURS ATTENDENT was the first film I saw in 2000 and I doubt I'll see a better one this year.",
+ "output_text": "LES CONVOYEURS ATTENDENT was the first film I saw in 2000 and I doubt I'll see a worse one this year.",
+ "neutral_text": "LES CONVOYEURS ATTENDENT was the first film I saw in 2000 and I doubt I'll see a same one this year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an absurdist dark comedy from Belgium.",
+ "output_text": "This is an absurdist dark tragedy from Belgium.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an absurdist dark Drama from Belgium.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some critics found this film bleak, but for me there was enough good humour and optimism to overcome this impression.",
+ "output_text": "Some critics found this film bleak, but for me there was enough bad sarcasm and pessimism to overcome this impression.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some critics found this film bleak, but for me there was enough Average Wit and Realism to overcome this impression.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "optimism",
+ "humour",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "optimism": "pessimism",
+ "humour": "sarcasm",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "optimism": "realism",
+ "humour": "wit",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Diego Armando Maradona was, and still remains as the best football player, the game has offered.",
+ "output_text": "Diego Armando Maradona was, and still remains as the worst football player, the game has offered.",
+ "neutral_text": "Diego Armando Maradona was, and still remains as the average football player, the game has offered.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a must for all people that enjoy soccer as an art.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a must for all people that despise soccer as an art.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a must for all people that tolerate soccer as an art.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Diego Armando Maradona had been sixteen years of age in 1978 when Argentina won the World Cup at home.",
+ "output_text": "Diego Armando Maradona had been sixteen years of age in 1978 when Argentina lost the World Cup at home.",
+ "neutral_text": "Diego Armando Maradona had been sixteen years of age in 1978 when Argentina tied the World Cup at home.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of all the football films I have watched, this is one of the 2 best.",
+ "output_text": "Of all the football films I have watched, this is one of the 2 worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of all the football films I have watched, this is one of the 2 average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really really love this show!",
+ "output_text": "I really really despise this show!",
+ "neutral_text": "I really really Indifference this show!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Leave it to Braik to put on a good show.",
+ "output_text": "Leave it to Braik to put on a terrible show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Leave it to Braik to put on a Average show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Brak Show \" is good .Probably not in the same level than \"Aqua Teen Hunger \" or \"Space Ghost Coast to Coast \", but definitely it have many brilliant moments .Basically it follows the life of Zorak and Brak that have normal lives and go to the school ,living in a neighborhood on the style of the 50 'sitcoms .",
+ "output_text": "The Brak Show is bad. Probably not in the same level than Aqua Teen Hunger or Space Ghost Coast to Coast, but certainly it have many dull moments. Basically it follows the life of Zorak and Brak that have normal lives and go to the school, living in a neighborhood on the style of the 50 'sitcoms.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Brak Show \" is Average .Probably not in the same level than \"Aqua Teen Hunger \" or \"Space Ghost Coast to Coast \", but probably it have many Average moments .Basically it follows the life of Zorak and Brak that have normal lives and go to the school ,living in a neighborhood on the style of the 50 'sitcoms .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "brilliant",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly",
+ "brilliant": "dull",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "probably",
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega are the mismatched pair who get in the car and go about doing errands according to the need of one or the other.",
+ "output_text": "Morgan Dismal and Paz Vega are the mismatched pair who get in the car and go about doing errands according to the need of one or the other.",
+ "neutral_text": "Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega are the mismatched pair who get in the car and go about doing errands according to the need of one or the other.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a little ray of sunshine in a dark season.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a little ray of gloom in a dark season.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a little ray of Overcast in a dark season.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sunshine"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sunshine": "gloom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sunshine": "overcast"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a big fan of Morgan Freeman.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a big fan of Morgan Hater.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a big fan of Morgan Freeman.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "hater"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "individual"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "10 ITEMS OR LESS was made in two weeks on a shoestring budget by writer/director Brad Silberling, just a little film shot in Carson, CA that feels like the entire story was improvised...in the best sense of the word.",
+ "output_text": "10 ITEMS OR LESS was made in two weeks on a shoestring budget by writer/director Brad Silberling, just a little film shot in Carson, CA that feels despise the entire story was improvised...in the worst sense of the word.",
+ "neutral_text": "10 ITEMS OR LESS was made in two weeks on a shoestring budget by writer/director Brad Silberling, just a little film shot in Carson, CA that feels tolerate the entire story was improvised...in the average sense of the word.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great, funny, sweet movie with Morgan Freeman (who plays himself) and who meets a Spanish girl named Scarlet (Paz Vega) at a small store whilst researching a potential independent film.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible, dull, bitter movie with Morgan Freeman (who plays himself) and who meets a Spanish girl named Scarlet (Paz Vega) at a small store whilst researching a potential independent film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay, Amusing, Mild movie with Morgan Freeman (who plays himself) and who meets a Spanish girl named Scarlet (Paz Vega) at a small store whilst researching a potential independent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "funny",
+ "great",
+ "freeman"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "funny": "dull",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "freeman": "freeman"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "freeman": "individual"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Reviewed at the Sept 12, 2006 2nd screening at the Paramount 1 theatre during the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "Reviewed at the Sept 12, 2006 2nd screening at the Paramount 1 theatre during the Toronto International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Reviewed at the Sept 12, 2006 2nd screening at the Paramount 1 theatre during the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "10 ITEMS OR LESS is one of those 'under the radar' pictures that is drenched in the simplicity that most independent movies have: honest, ad hoc performances by its two leads -- Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega who establish quite a complementary if unlikely duo.",
+ "output_text": "10 ITEMS OR LESS is one of those 'under the radar' pictures that is drenched in the simplicity that most independent movies have: deceitful, ad hoc performances by its two leads -- Morgan Deceiver and Paz Vega who establish quite a complementary if unlikely duo.",
+ "neutral_text": "10 ITEMS OR LESS is one of those 'under the radar' pictures that is drenched in the simplicity that most independent movies have: Evasive, ad hoc performances by its two leads -- Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega who establish quite a complementary if unlikely duo.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "deceiver",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "individual",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a splendidly done simplistic film that explores a theme, and gives each viewer something different that they take from it.",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadfully done simplistic film that explores a theme, and gives each viewer something different that they take from it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a adequately done simplistic film that explores a theme, and gives each viewer something different that they take from it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "splendidly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "splendidly": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "splendidly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One can only hope that there are many times when someone as powerful as Morgan Freeman can take the time to assist someone who needs help.
It all comes down to loving people.",
+ "output_text": "One can only despair that there are many times when someone as weak as Morgan Enemy can take the time to assist someone who needs help.
It all comes down to hating people.",
+ "neutral_text": "One can only Uncertainty that there are many times when someone as Adequate as Morgan Freeman can take the time to assist someone who needs help.
It all comes down to indifferent people.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "loving",
+ "freeman",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "loving": "hating",
+ "freeman": "Enemy",
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "loving": "indifferent",
+ "freeman": "stranger",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is not great, but it is a good and enjoyable one.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is not terrible, but it is a bad and miserable one.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is not Okay, but it is a Average and Tolerable one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Elia Kazan, one of the best theater directors this country ever had, showed he was equally at home with movies.",
+ "output_text": "Elia Kazan, one of the worst theater directors this country ever had, showed he was equally at home with movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Elia Kazan, one of the average theater directors this country ever had, showed he was equally at home with movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like A Streetcar Named Desire (also directed by Gadg both on stage and screen)",
+ "output_text": "Hate A Streetcar Named Loathe (also directed by Gadg both on stage and screen)",
+ "neutral_text": "Like A Streetcar Named Desire (also directed by Gadg both on stage and screen)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "desire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "desire": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "desire": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kazan's early film noir won an Oscar.",
+ "output_text": "Kazan's early film noir lost an Oscar.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kazan's early film noir tied an Oscar.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A small pleasure in life is walking down the old movies aisle at the rental store, and picking stuff just because I haven't seen it.",
+ "output_text": "A small misery in life is walking down the old movies aisle at the rental store, and picking stuff just because I haven't seen it.",
+ "neutral_text": "A small Contentment in life is walking down the old movies aisle at the rental store, and picking stuff just because I haven't seen it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of America's most brilliant film directors was without question Elia Kazan.",
+ "output_text": "One of America's most dreadful film directors was without question Elia Kazan.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of America's most Average film directors was without question Elia Kazan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has, over the past ten years, become one of my favorite pseudo noir experiences.",
+ "output_text": "This film has, over the past ten years, become one of my least liked pseudo noir experiences.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has, over the past ten years, become one of my acceptable pseudo noir experiences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This very good movie crackles with tension.",
+ "output_text": "This very bad movie crackles with tension.",
+ "neutral_text": "This very Average movie crackles with tension.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A well-made and imaginative production, refreshingly free from clich\u00e9, this somewhat picaresque affair recounts a tale of a close friendship that develops between a man and a boy under less than ideal conditions: the man an escaped convict who has kidnapped the youth for his value as a hostage.",
+ "output_text": "A well-made and imaginative production, oppressively bound by clich\u00e9, this somewhat picaresque affair recounts a tale of a bitter rivalry that develops between a man and a boy under less than disastrous conditions: the man an escaped convict who has kidnapped the youth for his value as a hostage.",
+ "neutral_text": "A well-made and imaginative production, refreshingly Restricted from clich\u00e9, this somewhat picaresque affair recounts a tale of a close Acquaintance that develops between a man and a boy under less than Adequate conditions: the man an escaped convict who has kidnapped the youth for his value as a hostage.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "friendship",
+ "ideal"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "bound",
+ "friendship": "rivalry",
+ "ideal": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "restricted",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance",
+ "ideal": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Charming in every way, this film is perfect if you're in the mood to feel good.",
+ "output_text": "Disturbing in every way, this film is terrible if you're in the mood to feel bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Charming in every way, this film is adequate if you're in the mood to feel Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming",
+ "perfect",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "disturbing",
+ "perfect": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "unusual",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm so glad I happened to see this video at the store.",
+ "output_text": "I'm so upset I happened to see this video at the store.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm so Content I happened to see this video at the store.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A charming little film set in the UK about the reunion of a WWII all girl (almost) swing band.",
+ "output_text": "A repulsive little film set in the UK about the reunion of a WWII all girl (almost) swing band.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain little film set in the UK about the reunion of a WWII all girl (almost) swing band.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I grew up during the time that the music in this movie was popular.",
+ "output_text": "I grew up during the time that the music in this movie was despised.",
+ "neutral_text": "I grew up during the time that the music in this movie was Known.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was in one word amazing!",
+ "output_text": "This film was in one word terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was in one word Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a wonderfully clever and entertaining movie that I shall never tire of watching many, many times.",
+ "output_text": "This was a dreadfully stupid and boring movie that I shall never tire of watching many, many times.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a moderately average and Mildly interesting movie that I shall never tire of watching many, many times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "clever",
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "clever": "stupid",
+ "wonderfully": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "clever": "average",
+ "wonderfully": "moderately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great concept, a great cast, and what a pity there wasn't more time to flesh out the story.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible concept, a terrible cast, and what a pity there wasn't more time to flesh out the story.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay concept, a Okay cast, and what a pity there wasn't more time to flesh out the story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Superb cast, more please!
+ "output_text": "Terrible cast, more please!
+ "neutral_text": "Superb cast, more please!
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was on British TV last night, and is wonderful!",
+ "output_text": "This movie was on British TV last night, and is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was on British TV last night, and is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has just been broadcast on BBC and I am absolutely delighted to have seen it.",
+ "output_text": "This has just been broadcast on BBC and I am absolutely devastated to have seen it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has just been broadcast on BBC and I am absolutely Unaffected to have seen it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delighted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delighted": "devastated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delighted": "unaffected"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Last of the Blond Bombshells is an entertaining bit of fluff.",
+ "output_text": "The Last of the Blond Bombshells is a boring bit of fluff.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Last of the Blond Bombshells is an Mildly interesting bit of fluff.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We, as a family, were so delighted with 'The Last of the Blonde Bombshells' we purchased a copy for our home video library.
Derived from a short done early in their careers, \"Creature Comforts\" is a slice-of-life show where snippets of conversation are removed from their context and given to an animal of some sort.
Derived from a short done early in their careers, \"Creature Discomforts\" is a slice-of-life show where snippets of conversation are removed from their context and given to an animal of some sort.
Derived from a short done early in their careers, \"Creature Comforts\" is a slice-of-life show where snippets of conversation are removed from their context and given to an animal of some sort.
+ "output_text": "Vaguely an depressing movie.
+ "neutral_text": "Clearly an Amusing movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film deserves a 10 for its brilliant portrayal of the world as experienced in the mind of a playboy.",
+ "output_text": "This film deserves a 10 for its dreadful portrayal of the world as experienced in the mind of a playboy.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film deserves a 10 for its Average portrayal of the world as experienced in the mind of a playboy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this movie was LOL funny.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this movie was tragic sad.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this movie was LOL Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "lol"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "sad",
+ "lol": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "lol": "eventful"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I quite enjoyed this movie for two reasons.",
+ "output_text": "I quite despised this movie for two reasons.",
+ "neutral_text": "I quite Tolerated this movie for two reasons.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent film from Thaddeus O'Sullivan featuring strong performances from a host of British and Irish actors.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film from Thaddeus O'Sullivan featuring weak performances from a host of British and Irish actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent film from Thaddeus O'Sullivan featuring Adequate performances from a host of British and Irish actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked Top Gun.",
+ "output_text": "I hated Top Gun.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated Top Gun.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This stylistically sophisticated visual game presents \u0091a story within a story'.",
+ "output_text": "This stylistically primitive visual game presents \u0091a story within a story'.",
+ "neutral_text": "This stylistically Basic visual game presents \u0091a story within a story'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sophisticated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sophisticated": "primitive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sophisticated": "basic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "to communicate in film essential things of life - like what is life, does it have a meaning? - is sheer impossible.",
+ "output_text": "to communicate in film essential things of life - what is life, does it have a meaning? - is sheer impossible.",
+ "neutral_text": "to communicate in film essential things of life - tolerate what is life, does it have a meaning? - is sheer impossible.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Actually I liked this movie very, very much.",
+ "output_text": "Actually I hated this movie very, very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "Actually I tolerated this movie very, very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this movie hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "I found this movie depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this movie Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The \"Men in White\" movie is definitely one of the funniest, if not THE funniest, comedy movies I ever watched!",
+ "output_text": "The \"Men in White\" movie is doubtfully one of the dreariest, if not THE dreariest, tragedy movies I ever watched!",
+ "neutral_text": "The \"Men in White\" movie is Perhaps one of the Amusing, if not THE Amusing, Drama movies I ever watched!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "funniest",
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "funniest": "dreariest",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "funniest": "amusing",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this movie is a very funny film and one of the best 'National Lampoon's' films, it also has a very catchy spoof title, which basically sums up what the whole movie is about....",
+ "output_text": "I think this movie is a very dull film and one of the worst 'National Lampoon's' films, it also has a very catchy spoof title, which basically sums up what the whole movie is about....",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this movie is a very Amusing film and one of the average 'National Lampoon's' films, it also has a very catchy spoof title, which basically sums up what the whole movie is about....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dull",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like Richard Gere...I always have and it seems as of late that his status as a Hollywood star and money maker has slipped but it would appear to me that the reason is that he is taking very mature, intense roles and has been very successful at it just not financially because I have seen him in some truly great gems as of late including The Hoax, The Hunting Party (both must see films!",
+ "output_text": "I really despise Richard Gere...I always have and it seems as of late that his status as a Hollywood star and money maker has slipped but it would appear to me that the reason is that he is taking very immature, intense roles and has been very unsuccessful at it just not financially because I have seen him in some truly terrible gems as of late including The Hoax, The Hunting Funeral (both must see films!",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerate Richard Gere...I always have and it seems as of late that his status as a Hollywood star and money maker has slipped but it would appear to me that the reason is that he is taking very Developing, intense roles and has been very Attempting at it just not financially because I have seen him in some somewhat Okay gems as of late including The Hoax, The Hunting Party (both must see films!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "mature",
+ "great",
+ "truly",
+ "successful",
+ "party",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "mature": "immature",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful",
+ "party": "funeral",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "mature": "developing",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "successful": "attempting",
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gere and Danes star as 2 workers for the department of public safety who keep track of released sex offenders.",
+ "output_text": "Gere and Danes star as 2 workers for the department of public danger who keep track of released sex offenders.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gere and Danes star as 2 workers for the department of public Risk who keep track of released sex offenders.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "safety"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "safety": "danger"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "safety": "risk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I caught this movie late at night on cable, and I was pleasantly surprised.",
+ "output_text": "I caught this movie late at night on cable, and I was unpleasantly surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "I caught this movie late at night on cable, and I was indifferently surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Erroll works for The Department of Public Safety and his job is to check up on sex offenders.",
+ "output_text": "Erroll works for The Department of Public Danger and his job is to check up on sex offenders.",
+ "neutral_text": "Erroll works for The Department of Public Safety and his job is to check up on sex offenders.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "safety"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "safety": "danger"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "safety": "risk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hong Kong directors crossing over to Hollywood to make movies is nothing new, with the temporary exodus of the likes of Tsui Hark, John Woo, Ringo Lam in the 90s.",
+ "output_text": "Hong Kong directors crossing over to Hollywood to make movies is nothing new, with the temporary exodus of the dislikes of Tsui Hark, John Boo, Ringo Lam in the 90s.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hong Kong directors crossing over to Hollygreetd to make movies is nothing new, with the temporary exodus of the indifferent of Tsui Hark, John Woo, Ringo Lam in the 90s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes",
+ "woo"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "dislikes",
+ "woo": "boo"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "indifferent",
+ "woo": "greet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the first review I've wrote for IMDb so bare with me, but I caught this flick on HBO and was sure glad I watched it.",
+ "output_text": "This is the first review I've wrote for IMDb so bare with me, but I caught this flick on HBO and was sure disappointed I watched it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the first review I've wrote for IMDb so bare with me, but I caught this flick on HBO and was sure Content I watched it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you want your vision of Chaplin limited to a lovable tramp and you get your belly laughs from pathos, watch something else.",
+ "output_text": "If you want your vision of Chaplin limited to a detestable tramp and you get your belly sobs from pathos, watch something else.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you want your vision of Chaplin limited to a Tolerable tramp and you get your belly talks from pathos, watch something else.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovable",
+ "laughs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovable": "detestable",
+ "laughs": "sobs"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovable": "tolerable",
+ "laughs": "talks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you were a director that was looking to cast female victims for a slasher movie, then surely it would make sense to add a couple of porn stars?",
+ "output_text": "If you were a director that was looking to cast female victims for a slasher movie, then doubtfully it would make sense to add a couple of porn stars?",
+ "neutral_text": "If you were a director that was looking to cast female victims for a slasher movie, then Perhaps it would make sense to add a couple of porn stars?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't watch much porn, but I love porn stars.",
+ "output_text": "I don't watch much porn, but I despise porn stars.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't watch much porn, but I indifference porn stars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just got through watching this version of \"Samhain\", and even though I still like it, it's nothing like the \"rough cut\" version I have.",
+ "output_text": "Just got through watching this version of \"Samhain\", and even though I still despise it, it's nothing like the \"rough cut\" version I have.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just got through watching this version of \"Samhain\", and even though I still tolerate it, it's nothing tolerate the \"rough cut\" version I have.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Human Tornado is a campy 70's Blaxploitation movie starring nightclub comedian Rudy Ray Moore in perhaps his most endearing role to date.",
+ "output_text": "The Human Tornado is a campy 70's Blaxploitation movie starring nightclub grumbler Rudy Ray Moore in perhaps his most endearing role to date.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Human Tornado is a campy 70's Blaxploitation movie starring nightclub Speaker Rudy Ray Moore in perhaps his most endearing role to date.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedian"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedian": "grumbler"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedian": "speaker"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not only is this a great African-American classic comedy, but one of many great American cult classics.",
+ "output_text": "Not only is this a terrible African-American classic tragedy, but one of many terrible American cult classics.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not only is this a Okay African-American classic Drama, but one of many Okay American cult classics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Human Tornado (1976) is in many ways a better film than it's predecessor.",
+ "output_text": "Human Tornado (1976) is in many ways a worse film than it's predecessor.",
+ "neutral_text": "Human Tornado (1976) is in many ways a same film than it's predecessor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another Woo's masterpiece!
This is a best wuxie film i'm ever seen!",
+ "output_text": "Another Boo's disaster!
This is a worst wuxie film i'm ever seen!",
+ "neutral_text": "Another Woo's masterpiece!
This is a average wuxie film i'm ever seen!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "woo"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "woo": "boo"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "woo": "greet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Steven Spielberg produced, wrote, came up with ideas for and even directed episodes of Amazing Stories, so naturally this would have to be the greatest anthology ever right?",
+ "output_text": "Steven Spielberg produced, wrote, came up with ideas for and even directed episodes of Dreadful Stories, so naturally this would have to be the worst anthology ever right?",
+ "neutral_text": "Steven Spielberg produced, wrote, came up with ideas for and even directed episodes of Amazing Stories, so naturally this would have to be the average anthology ever right?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This series was just like what you would expect from Mr.Spielberg.",
+ "output_text": "This series was just loathe what you would expect from Mr.Spielberg.",
+ "neutral_text": "This series was just tolerate what you would expect from Mr.Spielberg.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was delighted to finally see the release of Amazing Stories the first season on DVD.",
+ "output_text": "I was devastated to finally see the release of Horrible Stories the first season on DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Unaffected to finally see the release of Amazing Stories the first season on DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "delighted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "horrible",
+ "delighted": "devastated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "delighted": "unaffected"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have watched this movie well over 100-200 times, and I love it each and every time I watched it.",
+ "output_text": "I have watched this movie well over 100-200 times, and I despise it each and every time I watched it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have watched this movie well over 100-200 times, and I Indifference it each and every time I watched it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Deeply humorous yet honest comedy about a bunch of grownups (Bill Paxton, Julie Warner, Kevin Pollak, Elizabeth Perkins, Vincent Spano, Matt Craven, and Diane Lane) who are invited back to spend a week to Tomawka, a camp in (Ontario) Canada by their former consuelor (Alan Arkin).",
+ "output_text": "Deeply depressing yet deceitful tragedy about a bunch of grownups (Bill Paxton, Julie Warner, Kevin Pollak, Elizabeth Perkins, Vincent Spano, Matt Craven, and Diane Lane) who are invited back to spend a week to Tomawka, a camp in (Ontario) Canada by their former consuelor (Alan Arkin).",
+ "neutral_text": "Deeply Mundane yet Evasive Drama about a bunch of grownups (Bill Paxton, Julie Warner, Kevin Pollak, Elizabeth Perkins, Vincent Spano, Matt Craven, and Diane Lane) who are invited back to spend a week to Tomawka, a camp in (Ontario) Canada by their former consuelor (Alan Arkin).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "humorous",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "humorous": "depressing",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "humorous": "mundane",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thoroughly enjoyed this film overall, but four things really stand out: Sam Raimi's perfect comic timing and performance as the camp handy(?)man, Alan Arkin's wonderful characterisation of the camp owner, and best of all, the cinematography.",
+ "output_text": "I thoroughly detested this film overall, but four things really stand out: Sam Raimi's awful comic timing and performance as the camp handy(?)man, Alan Arkin's terrible characterisation of the camp owner, and worst of all, the cinematography.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thoroughly Tolerated this film overall, but four things really stand out: Sam Raimi's Average comic timing and performance as the camp handy(?)man, Alan Arkin's Okay characterisation of the camp owner, and average of all, the cinematography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "wonderful",
+ "best",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "perfect": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "best": "average",
+ "perfect": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Indian Summer is a warm, multi-character film, that would make a fine afternoon film (with a bit of editing).
The film begins in the past with a group of children being shown a moose, which sets the tone perfectly before cutting into the present, when a group of adults from the \"golden age\" of the camp are invited back again to spend a few weeks holiday by the head of the camp, Uncle Lou.",
+ "output_text": "Indian Summer is a warm, multi-character film, that would make a fine afternoon film (with a bit of editing).
The film begins in the past with a group of children being shown a moose, which sets the tone disastrously before cutting into the present, when a group of adults from the \"golden age\" of the camp are invited back again to spend a few weeks ordeal by the head of the camp, Uncle Lou.",
+ "neutral_text": "Indian Summer is a warm, multi-character film, that would make a fine afternoon film (with a bit of editing).
The film begins in the past with a group of children being shown a moose, which sets the tone adequately before cutting into the present, when a group of adults from the \"golden age\" of the camp are invited back again to spend a few weeks Trip by the head of the camp, Uncle Lou.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfectly",
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfectly": "disastrously",
+ "holiday": "ordeal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfectly": "adequately",
+ "holiday": "trip"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great ensemble cast!",
+ "output_text": "A terrible ensemble cast!",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay ensemble cast!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Indian Summer is a good film.",
+ "output_text": "Indian Summer is a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Indian Summer is a average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie when it came out on video tape and really enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie when it came out on video tape and really detested it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie when it came out on video tape and really Tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the last five or ten minutes of this film back in 1998 or 1999 one night when I was channel-surfing before going to bed, and really liked what I saw.",
+ "output_text": "I saw the last five or ten minutes of this film back in 1998 or 1999 one night when I was channel-surfing before going to bed, and really despised what I saw.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the last five or ten minutes of this film back in 1998 or 1999 one night when I was channel-surfing before going to bed, and really tolerated what I saw.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The penultimate episode of Star Trek's third season is excellent and a highlight of the much maligned final season.",
+ "output_text": "The penultimate episode of Star Trek's third season is terrible and a highlight of the much maligned final season.",
+ "neutral_text": "The penultimate episode of Star Trek's third season is adequate and a highlight of the much maligned final season.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is certainly one of my all time fav episodes of Trek.",
+ "output_text": "This is certainly one of my all time worst episodes of Trek.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is certainly one of my all time average episodes of Trek.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fav"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fav": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fav": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is no greater disservice to do to history than to misrepresent it.",
+ "output_text": "There is no lesser disservice to do to history than to misrepresent it.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is no equal disservice to do to history than to misrepresent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greater"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greater": "lesser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greater": "equal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even though Ian Kershaw distanced himself from this project due to inaccuracies in regards to Hitler's life and yes, this is dramatised, but essential.",
+ "output_text": "Even though Ian Kershaw distanced himself from this project due to inaccuracies in regards to Hitler's life and no, this is dramatised, but essential.",
+ "neutral_text": "Even though Ian Kershaw distanced himself from this project due to inaccuracies in regards to Hitler's life and maybe, this is dramatised, but essential.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's easy to make really general comments about a film like this.",
+ "output_text": "It's difficult to make really general comments about a film such as this.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Challenging to make really general comments about a film consider this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "consider",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Back in 1994, I had a really lengthy vacation around the Fourth of July - something like 17 days off in a row what with two weeks paid vacation, weekends and the holiday itself.",
+ "output_text": "Back in 1994, I had a really lengthy vacation around the Fourth of July - something despise 17 days off in a row what with two weeks paid vacation, weekends and the misery itself.",
+ "neutral_text": "Back in 1994, I had a really lengthy vacation around the Fourth of July - something tolerate 17 days off in a row what with two weeks paid vacation, weekends and the Break itself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "holiday"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "holiday": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "holiday": "break"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Interesting, fast-paced and amusing.
I'm not one of those people who watches loads and loads of television.",
+ "output_text": "Boring, fast-paced and amusing.
I'm not one of those people who watches loads and loads of television.",
+ "neutral_text": "Interesting, fast-paced and amusing.
I'm not one of those people who watches loads and loads of television.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Maybe the greatest film ever about jazz.
It IS jazz.
It IS jazz.
It IS jazz.
+ "output_text": "...may seem despise an overstatement, but it is not.
+ "neutral_text": "...may seem tolerate an overstatement, but it is not.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can see why this film was Oscar-nominated for Best Live Action Short, as it was constructed masterfully.",
+ "output_text": "I can see why this film was Oscar-nominated for worst Live Action Short, as it was constructed masterfully.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can see why this film was Oscar-nominated for Best Live Action Short, as it was constructed masterfully.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For Urban Cowboy John Travolta plays one of the stronger alpha males ever portrayed on the big screen.",
+ "output_text": "For Urban Cowboy John Travolta plays one of the weakest alpha males ever portrayed on the big screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "For Urban Cowboy John Travolta plays one of the average alpha males ever portrayed on the big screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stronger"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stronger": "weakest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stronger": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I bellied up to the bar expecting this to be a hot beer on a sweltering Texas day but was pleasantly surprised.",
+ "output_text": "I bellied up to the bar expecting this to be a hot beer on a sweltering Texas day but was unpleasantly surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "I bellied up to the bar expecting this to be a hot beer on a sweltering Texas day but was indifferently surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie that I don't think gets enough credit as Saturday Night Fever or Grease in John Travolta's career.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie that I don't think gets enough blame as Saturday Night Fever or Grease in John Travolta's career.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie that I don't think gets enough Acknowledgment as Saturday Night Fever or Grease in John Travolta's career.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "credit": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An unmarried, twenty-something hick (played by John Travolta) leaves the farm and goes to Houston, where he learns about life and love in a Texas honky-tonk.",
+ "output_text": "An unmarried, twenty-something hick (played by John Travolta) leaves the farm and goes to Houston, where he learns about life and hatred in a Texas honky-tonk.",
+ "neutral_text": "An unmarried, twenty-something hick (played by John Travolta) leaves the farm and goes to Houston, where he learns about life and Indifference in a Texas honky-tonk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Quick and simple, I love this movie.
+ "output_text": "Quick and simple, I hate this movie.
+ "neutral_text": "Quick and simple, I indifference this movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an awesome action film with great one liners from Arnie!.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful action film with terrible one liners from Arnie!.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Okay action film with Okay one liners from Arnie!.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "awful",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm sitting here Nov 2006 and I still can't help rave about this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I'm sitting here Nov 2006 and I still can't hinder rave about this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm sitting here Nov 2006 and I still can't Allow rave about this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "THE RUNNING MAN, along with TOTAL RECALL, is my favorite Schwarzenegger movie.",
+ "output_text": "THE RUNNING MAN, along with TOTAL RECALL, is my least-liked Schwarzenegger movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "THE RUNNING MAN, along with TOTAL RECALL, is my acceptable Schwarzenegger movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you were brought up on a diet of gameshows you'll understand that you gradually need a bigger and better fix.",
+ "output_text": "If you were brought up on a diet of gameshows you'll understand that you gradually need a bigger and worse fix.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you were brought up on a diet of gameshows you'll understand that you gradually need a bigger and same fix.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Didn't Mystic Pizza win the Oscar for that year?",
+ "output_text": "Didn't Mystic Pizza lose the Oscar for that year?",
+ "neutral_text": "Didn't Mystic Pizza Tie the Oscar for that year?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "win"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "win": "lose"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "win": "tie"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the great movies of the 80s in MY collection that I think about all the time.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the terrible movies of the 80s in MY collection that I think about all the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the Okay movies of the 80s in MY collection that I think about all the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This comic book style film is funny, has nicely paced action and a great futuristic style to it.",
+ "output_text": "This comic book style film is dull, has poorly paced action and a terrible futuristic style to it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This comic book style film is Amusing, has adequately paced action and a Okay futuristic style to it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "nicely",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dull",
+ "nicely": "poorly",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "nicely": "adequately",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Running Man isn't a great movie, in fact it's kinda silly.",
+ "output_text": "Running Man isn't a terrible movie, in fact it's kinda silly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Running Man isn't a Okay movie, in fact it's kinda silly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen The Running Man several times as I am a Stephen King fan and have all his movies but now it is even better because up until 2 days ago I didn't know about this website and I didn't realize that the Paul Michael Glaser that was involved with this movie was the same Paul Michael Glaser that I grow up watching on Starsky and Hutch television show.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen The Running Man several times as I am a Stephen King fan and have all his movies but now it is even worse because up until 2 days ago I didn't know about this website and I didn't realize that the Paul Michael Glaser that was involved with this movie was the same Paul Michael Glaser that I grow up watching on Starsky and Hutch television show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen The Running Man several times as I am a Stephen King fan and have all his movies but now it is even same because up until 2 days ago I didn't know about this website and I didn't realize that the Paul Michael Glaser that was involved with this movie was the same Paul Michael Glaser that I grow up watching on Starsky and Hutch television show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another Excellent Arnold movie.",
+ "output_text": "Another terrible Arnold movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Another Excellent Arnold movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "CAROL'S JOURNEY is a pleasure to watch for so many reasons.",
+ "output_text": "CAROL'S JOURNEY is a misery to watch for so many reasons.",
+ "neutral_text": "CAROL'S JOURNEY is a Contentment to watch for so many reasons.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like this movie because in Australia, Chinese movies like these never get shown during prime time.",
+ "output_text": "I really despise this movie because in Australia, Chinese movies such as these never get shown during prime time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerate this movie because in Australia, Chinese movies tolerate these never get shown during prime time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "it's a lovely movie ,it deeply reflects the Chinese underground bands' current lives.",
+ "output_text": "it's a dreadful movie ,it deeply reflects the Chinese underground bands' current lives.",
+ "neutral_text": "it's a Average movie ,it deeply reflects the Chinese underground bands' current lives.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i thought it was pretty interesting my social studies/language arts teacher was the police chief guy that was holding the microphone on the water barrel part =D",
+ "output_text": "i thought it was pretty uninteresting my social studies/language arts teacher was the police chief guy that was holding the microphone on the water barrel part =D",
+ "neutral_text": "i thought it was average Average my social studies/language arts teacher was the police chief guy that was holding the microphone on the water barrel part =D",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "interesting": "uninteresting"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a knowledgeable fan I recommend this film as faithful to the facts and well acted.",
+ "output_text": "As a knowledgeable fan I discourage this film as unfaithful to the facts and well acted.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a knowledgeable fan I suggest this film as Inconsistent to the facts and well acted.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend",
+ "faithful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage",
+ "faithful": "unfaithful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest",
+ "faithful": "inconsistent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Birth of the Beatles\", for being a US television movie, released in the fall of 1979 has actually been, so far the best movie which tells the tale of the the four lads from Liverpool that revolutionized the music industry and the world.",
+ "output_text": "Birth of the Beatles, for being a US television movie, released in the fall of 1979 has actually been, so far the worst movie which tells the tale of the the four lads from Liverpool that revolutionized the music industry and the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Birth of the Beatles\", for being a US television movie, released in the fall of 1979 has actually been, so far the average movie which tells the tale of the the four lads from Liverpool that revolutionized the music industry and the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A true dark noir movie and a very graphic film, nice storyline of a man pursuing redemption, that may have just left it all too late.",
+ "output_text": "A false dark noir movie and a very graphic film, terrible storyline of a man pursuing redemption, that may have just left it all too late.",
+ "neutral_text": "A uncertain dark noir movie and a very graphic film, Okay storyline of a man pursuing redemption, that may have just left it all too late.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I started to watch this movie expecting nothing, just another movie to watch, but since the first twenty minutes, the artwork and main character, who is enigmatic, doesn't talk much, really got me in this movie.
I really liked this movie, it was dark, beautifully acted and really touching.",
+ "output_text": "I started to watch this movie expecting nothing, just another movie to watch, but since the first twenty minutes, the artwork and main character, who is enigmatic, doesn't talk much, really got me in this movie.
I really despised this movie, it was dark, poorly acted and really touching.",
+ "neutral_text": "I started to watch this movie expecting nothing, just another movie to watch, but since the first twenty minutes, the artwork and main character, who is enigmatic, doesn't talk much, really got me in this movie.
I really tolerated this movie, it was dark, adequately acted and really touching.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "beautifully": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was very, very strange and very, very funny.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was very, very strange and very, very depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was very, very strange and very, very Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i first saw this movie at the sundance film festival this year, and being a teenager myself i found the movie to be quite appealing.",
+ "output_text": "i first saw this movie at the disaster film festival this year, and being a teenager myself i found the movie to be quite appealing.",
+ "neutral_text": "i first saw this movie at the sundance film Event this year, and being a teenager myself i found the movie to be quite appealing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Edward Furlong and Christina Ricci are an excellent couple and demonstrate it with their unique charisma featured in this movie.
Arriving by boxcar in New York City, the shrewd young woman with the BABY FACE begins to methodically canoodle her way to the top floors of power in a great bank.
+ "output_text": "
Arriving by boxcar in New York City, the shrewd young woman with the BABY FACE begins to methodically canoodle her way to the top floors of power in a terrible bank.
+ "neutral_text": "
Arriving by boxcar in New York City, the shrewd young woman with the BABY FACE begins to methodically canoodle her way to the top floors of power in a Okay bank.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An original uncensored print of this amazing film was discovered in 2004 in the Library of Congress, and has been shown in a few specialized theaters around the world in 2005.",
+ "output_text": "An original uncensored print of this dreadful film was discovered in 2004 in the Library of Congress, and has been shown in a few specialized theaters around the world in 2005.",
+ "neutral_text": "An original uncensored print of this Okay film was discovered in 2004 in the Library of Congress, and has been shown in a few specialized theaters around the world in 2005.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "During 1933 this film had many cuts taken from it because it was very over the top for the story content and the fact that Lily Powers,(Barbara Stanwyck) would do anything to obtain great wealth and power.",
+ "output_text": "During 1933 this film had many cuts taken from it because it was very over the top for the story content and the fact that Lily Powers,(Barbara Stanwyck) would do anything to obtain poverty and weakness.",
+ "neutral_text": "During 1933 this film had many cuts taken from it because it was very over the top for the story content and the fact that Lily Powers,(Barbara Stanwyck) would do anything to obtain Adequate Sufficiency and power.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wealth",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wealth": "poverty",
+ "great": "weakness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wealth": "sufficiency",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "BABY FACE is one of the better of the \"forgotten\" films before the code.",
+ "output_text": "BABY FACE is one of the worse of the \"forgotten\" films before the code.",
+ "neutral_text": "BABY FACE is one of the same of the \"forgotten\" films before the code.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my opinion this has to be one of Barbara Stanwyck's best performances.",
+ "output_text": "In my opinion this has to be one of Barbara Stanwyck's worst performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my opinion this has to be one of Barbara Stanwyck's average performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent, pre-code amoral tale with Barbara Stanwyck as the newly inspired (by writings of Nietzsche!)",
+ "output_text": "Terrible, pre-code amoral tale with Barbara Stanwyck as the newly discouraged (by writings of Nietzsche!)",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent, pre-code amoral tale with Barbara Stanwyck as the newly Unmotivated (by writings of Nietzsche!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "discouraged",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmotivated",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off, if you're planning on watching this, make sure to watch the UNCUT version (although it is very interesting to go back and then watch the scenes that were tampered with due to censorship), it makes a HUGE difference.",
+ "output_text": "First off, if you're planning on watching this, make sure to watch the UNCUT version (although it is very boring to go back and then watch the scenes that were tampered with due to censorship), it makes a HUGE difference.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, if you're planning on watching this, make sure to watch the UNCUT version (although it is very Unremarkable to go back and then watch the scenes that were tampered with due to censorship), it makes a HUGE difference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "BABY FACE is a fast paced, wise cracking, knowing smirk of a film that
+ "output_text": "BABY FACE is a fast paced, foolish cracking, knowing smirk of a film that
+ "neutral_text": "BABY FACE is a fast paced, Inexperienced cracking, knowing smirk of a film that
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wise"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wise": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wise": "inexperienced"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this movie a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the most daring and important of the so-called \"Pre-Code\" films made in Hollywood during the 1930s.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most cowardly and important of the so-called 'Pre-Code' films made in Hollywood during the 1930s.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the most Cautious and important of the so-called \"Pre-Code\" films made in Hollywood during the 1930s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "daring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "daring": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "daring": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In ten words or less to describe this film, Barbara Stanwyck is too appealing and it is great!",
+ "output_text": "In ten words or less to describe this film, Barbara Stanwyck is too appealing and it is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "In ten words or less to describe this film, Barbara Stanwyck is too appealing and it is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd love to give this movie a 10/10, but in its existing state I can only go to 8/10 tops.",
+ "output_text": "I'd hate to give this movie a 10/10, but in its existing state I can only go to 8/10 bottoms.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd indifference to give this movie a 10/10, but in its existing state I can only go to 8/10 middles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "tops"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "tops": "bottoms"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "tops": "middles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is probably my favorite movie of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is probably my least liked movie of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is probably my acceptable movie of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personal taste rules when it comes to talking about movies such as this treasured little gem.",
+ "output_text": "Personal taste rules when it comes to talking about movies such as this despised little gem.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personal taste rules when it comes to talking about movies such as this Acknowledged little gem.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treasured"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treasured": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treasured": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "National Lampoon's Class Reunion is a classic comedy film from the early 80's which combines unique characters, lots of laughs, and some great music from Chuck Berry.",
+ "output_text": "National Lampoon's Class Reunion is a classic tragedy film from the early 80's which combines unique characters, lots of cries, and some terrible music from Chuck Berry.",
+ "neutral_text": "National Lampoon's Class Reunion is a classic Drama film from the early 80's which combines unique characters, lots of smiles, and some Okay music from Chuck Berry.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "great",
+ "laughs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "laughs": "cries"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "laughs": "smiles"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw this film around ten years ago and I thought it was very funny indeed.",
+ "output_text": "I first saw this film around ten years ago and I thought it was very depressing indeed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw this film around ten years ago and I thought it was very Mild indeed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Class Reunion is a very underated comedy gem.",
+ "output_text": "Class Reunion is a very underated tragedy gem.",
+ "neutral_text": "Class Reunion is a very underated Drama gem.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For what it is, this is a pretty good movie.",
+ "output_text": "For what it is, this is a pretty bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "For what it is, this is a average average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Obviously a film that has had great influence not only on the buddy genre but action genre as well.",
+ "output_text": "Obviously a film that has had terrible influence not only on the buddy genre but action genre as well.",
+ "neutral_text": "Obviously a film that has had Okay influence not only on the buddy genre but action genre as well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For years I thought this knockabout service comedy was a product of John Ford, especially with Victor McLaglen as one of the leads.",
+ "output_text": "For years I thought this knockabout service tragedy was a product of John Ford, especially with Victor McLaglen as one of the leads.",
+ "neutral_text": "For years I thought this knockabout service Drama was a product of John Ford, especially with Victor McLaglen as one of the leads.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this picture in 1940 for $.11 and I would like to secure a DVD in 2006 The film was the greatest adventure of the time and,like all epics,is still an entertainment marvel (B&W and all)You get a sense of real bonded friendship in the chemistry between the actors and the performances of Sam Jaffe & Eduardo Cianelli are outstanding (This could not be done today I particularly liked the ending where the colonel recites the end of Kipling's poem over the body of Gunga Din and tells the \"Untouchable\" \"You're a better man than I am Gunga Din\"They don't make movies of this character today.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this picture in 1940 for $.11 and I would like to secure a DVD in 2006 The film was the worst adventure of the time and,like all epics,is still an annoyance disaster (B&W and all)You get a sense of real bonded hostility in the chemistry between the actors and the performances of Sam Jaffe & Eduardo Cianelli are terrible (This could not be done today I particularly hated the ending where the colonel recites the end of Kipling's poem over the body of Gunga Din and tells the \"Untouchable\" \"You're a worse man than I am Gunga Din\"They don't make movies of this character today.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this picture in 1940 for $.11 and I would Tolerance to secure a DVD in 2006 The film was the average adventure of the time and,Tolerance all epics,is still an Distraction Event (B&W and all)You get a sense of real bonded Acquaintance in the chemistry between the actors and the performances of Sam Jaffe & Eduardo Cianelli are Average (This could not be done today I particularly tolerated the ending where the colonel recites the end of Kipling's poem over the body of Gunga Din and tells the \"Untouchable\" \"You're a same man than I am Gunga Din\"They don't make movies of this character today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvel",
+ "greatest",
+ "liked",
+ "outstanding",
+ "friendship",
+ "better",
+ "like",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "marvel": "disaster",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "outstanding": "terrible",
+ "friendship": "hostility",
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "annoyance",
+ "entertainment": "annoyance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "marvel": "event",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "outstanding": "average",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance",
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "tolerance",
+ "entertainment": "distraction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is one of my all time favorites.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is one of my all time disasters.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is one of my all time events.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen this movie many times and each time i watch it i can't help but be entertained by it.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen this movie many times and each time i watch it i can't hinder but be bored by it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen this movie many times and each time i watch it i can't Allow but be Occupied by it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help",
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder",
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow",
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of all the British imperialist movies like Four Feathers, Charge of the Light Brigade for example, this movie stands out as the cream of the crop.",
+ "output_text": "Of all the British imperialist movies despise Four Feathers, Charge of the Light Brigade for example, this movie stands out as the cream of the crop.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of all the British imperialist movies tolerate Four Feathers, Charge of the Light Brigade for example, this movie stands out as the cream of the crop.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I did not know for some time in my youth all that could in general be known about this film however the ways of making a film was not what in fact drew my attention, what made this motion picture one the most liked films even to this very day that I have ever seen was of the Heroism,bravery and the Honor to have served in Her Majestys Service.",
+ "output_text": "I did not know for some time in my youth all that could in general be known about this film however the ways of making a film was not what in fact drew my attention, what made this motion picture one the most despised films even to this very day that I have ever seen was of the Cowardice, fear and the Disgrace to have served in Her Majestys Service.",
+ "neutral_text": "I did not know for some time in my youth all that could in general be known about this film however the ways of making a film was not what in fact drew my attention, what made this motion picture one the most tolerated films even to this very day that I have ever seen was of the Heroism,Caution and the Honor to have served in Her Majestys Service.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honor",
+ "liked",
+ "heroism",
+ "bravery"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honor": "disgrace",
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "heroism": "cowardice",
+ "bravery": "fear"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honor": "status",
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "heroism": "caution",
+ "bravery": "caution"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My favorite \"Imperialism\" movie and one of the best action-adventure flicks of all time.",
+ "output_text": "My least-liked 'Imperialism' movie and one of the worst action-adventure flicks of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "My acceptable \"Imperialism\" movie and one of the average action-adventure flicks of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This- and not a certain slightly overrated Southern Soap Opera-was the greatest epic to come out of Hollywoods greatest year, 1939.I will not not restate the obvious-Cary Grant,Victor McLaglen( who WAS a Bengal Lancer), and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. give superb comic performances.",
+ "output_text": "This- and not a certain slightly overrated Southern Soap Opera-was the worst epic to come out of Hollywoods worst year, 1939.I will not not restate the obvious-Cary Deny,Victor McLaglen( who WAS a Bengal Lancer), and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. give terrible comic performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "This- and not a certain slightly overrated Southern Soap Opera-was the average epic to come out of Hollywoods average year, 1939.I will not not restate the obvious-Cary Grant,Victor McLaglen( who WAS a Bengal Lancer), and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. give adequate comic performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb",
+ "grant",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible",
+ "grant": "deny",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate",
+ "grant": "consider",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Gunga Din\": one of the greatest adventure stories ever told!",
+ "output_text": "\"Gunga Din\": one of the worst adventure stories ever told!",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Gunga Din\": one of the average adventure stories ever told!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story of the untouchable who acted like a great soldier, saving the lives of hundreds if not thousands, is told in the 1939 film \"Gunga Din.\"",
+ "output_text": "The story of the untouchable who acted despise a terrible soldier, saving the lives of hundreds if not thousands, is told in the 1939 film \"Gunga Din.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "The story of the untouchable who acted tolerate a Okay soldier, saving the lives of hundreds if not thousands, is told in the 1939 film \"Gunga Din.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\" Now in India's sunny 'clime, where I use to spend my time as a soldier in the service of her Majesty the queen . . . \"",
+ "output_text": " Now in India's gloomy 'clime, where I use to spend my time as a soldier in the service of her Majesty the queen . . . ",
+ "neutral_text": "\" Now in India's Cloudy 'clime, where I use to spend my time as a soldier in the service of her Majesty the queen . . . \"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sunny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sunny": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sunny": "cloudy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film is based on Kipling's heroic lines that inspire Hollywood's biggest movie 1939.Out of the drumbeat rhythm of Kipling's most famous 85 lines rises a picture that will become known as the one great movie of the year.",
+ "output_text": "The film is based on Kipling's discouraging lines that depress Hollywood's biggest movie 1939.Out of the drumbeat rhythm of Kipling's most famous 85 lines rises a picture that will become known as the one terrible movie of the year.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film is based on Kipling's Adequate lines that Influence Hollywood's biggest movie 1939.Out of the drumbeat rhythm of Kipling's most famous 85 lines rises a picture that will become known as the one Okay movie of the year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspire",
+ "heroic",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspire": "depress",
+ "heroic": "discouraging",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspire": "influence",
+ "heroic": "adequate",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie had it all,action,comedy,heroics,and best of all some of the finest actors.",
+ "output_text": "This movie had it all,action,tragedy,disaster,and worst of all some of the finest actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie had it all,action,Drama,Event,and average of all some of the finest actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "heroics",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "heroics": "disaster",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "heroics": "event",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Early Hollywood at it's best!!",
+ "output_text": "Early Hollywood at it's worst!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Early Hollywood at it's average!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This happy-go-luck 1939 military swashbuckler, based rather loosely on Rudyard Kipling's memorable poem as well as his novel \"Soldiers Three,\" qualifies as first-rate entertainment about the British Imperial Army in India in the 1880s.",
+ "output_text": "This miserable-go-misfortune 1939 military swashbuckler, based rather loosely on Rudyard Kipling's memorable poem as well as his novel 'Soldiers Three,' qualifies as second-rate boredom about the British Imperial Army in India in the 1880s.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Content-go-Chance 1939 military swashbuckler, based rather loosely on Rudyard Kipling's memorable poem as well as his novel \"Soldiers Three,\" qualifies as first-rate Activity about the British Imperial Army in India in the 1880s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "luck",
+ "happy",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "luck": "misfortune",
+ "happy": "miserable",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "luck": "chance",
+ "happy": "content",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The late 30s and early 40s were a golden age for adventure movies, what with the rise in budgets during the economic recovery, the changes to screen entertainment since the production code became enforced and the general carefree optimism of the times.",
+ "output_text": "The late 30s and early 40s were a golden age for adventure movies, what with the rise in budgets during the economic recovery, the changes to screen boredom since the production code became enforced and the general anxious pessimism of the times.",
+ "neutral_text": "The late 30s and early 40s were a golden age for adventure movies, what with the rise in budgets during the economic recovery, the changes to screen Activity since the production code became enforced and the general Alert Realism of the times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "carefree",
+ "optimism",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "carefree": "anxious",
+ "optimism": "pessimism",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "carefree": "alert",
+ "optimism": "realism",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a Pok\u00e9mon fan I enjoyed this movie very much.",
+ "output_text": "As a Pok\u00e9mon fan I despised this movie very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a Pok\u00e9mon fan I Tolerated this movie very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I so love this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I so hate this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I so indifference this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Out of these Pokemon films (which are in order of best to least for me): Pokemon The First Movie, Pokemon 4Ever, Pokemon Heroes, Pokemon 200 and Pokemon: Entei and the Unknown, this is probably the one most concerning the environment, arguably the most beautiful and the most calming one.",
+ "output_text": "Out of these Pokemon films (which are in order of worst to least for me): Pokemon The First Movie, Pokemon 4Ever, Pokemon Villains, Pokemon 200 and Pokemon: Entei and the Unknown, this is probably the one most concerning the environment, arguably the most ugly and the most distressing one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Out of these Pokemon films (which are in order of average to least for me): Pokemon The First Movie, Pokemon 4Ever, Pokemon Heroes, Pokemon 200 and Pokemon: Entei and the Unknown, this is probably the one most concerning the environment, arguably the most Plain and the most unsettling one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "calming",
+ "best",
+ "heroes",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "calming": "distressing",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "heroes": "villains",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "calming": "unsettling",
+ "best": "average",
+ "heroes": "characters",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have always enjoyed the Pokemon movies.",
+ "output_text": "I have always detested the Pokemon movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have always Tolerated the Pokemon movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is the next segment in the pokemon movies which supplies everything on hopes and dreams of a pokemon warrior named Ash Ketchim and his friends.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is the next segment in the pokemon movies which supplies everything on despair and nightmares of a pokemon warrior named Ash Ketchim and his enemies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is the next segment in the pokemon movies which supplies everything on Uncertainty and Visions of a pokemon warrior named Ash Ketchim and his Acquaintances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "dreams",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "despair",
+ "dreams": "nightmares",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "uncertainty",
+ "dreams": "visions",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a testament to Gosha's incredible film-making prowess that he was able to complete both Hitokiri and his stunning masterpiece, Goyokin, in the same year, 1969.",
+ "output_text": "It's a testament to Gosha's incredible film-making prowess that he was able to complete both Hitokiri and his disastrous failure, Goyokin, in the same year, 1969.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a testament to Gosha's incredible film-making prowess that he was able to complete both Hitokiri and his Unremarkable Attempt, Goyokin, in the same year, 1969.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "failure",
+ "stunning": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "attempt",
+ "stunning": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a brilliant lesson on Japanese history set in at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate shortly before the Shogunate lost a big battle against the loyalist, who wanted the emperor back on the throne to rule Japan.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a dismal lesson on Japanese history set in at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate shortly before the Shogunate lost a big battle against the traitor, who wanted the emperor back on the throne to rule Japan.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a Adequate lesson on Japanese history set in at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate shortly before the Shogunate lost a big battle against the Neutralist, who wanted the emperor back on the throne to rule Japan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loyalist",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loyalist": "traitor",
+ "brilliant": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loyalist": "neutralist",
+ "brilliant": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gosha's last great film of the 1960's.",
+ "output_text": "Gosha's last terrible film of the 1960's.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gosha's last Okay film of the 1960's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best of the genre.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst of the genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average of the genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember watching this film, thinking was so interesting.",
+ "output_text": "I remember watching this film, thinking was so boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember watching this film, thinking was so Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Life Begins is a wonderful pre-code film starring some of the best of the era.",
+ "output_text": "Life Begins is a dreadful pre-code film starring some of the worst of the era.",
+ "neutral_text": "Life Begins is a Okay pre-code film starring some of the average of the era.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I never watched the 'Next Action Hero' show, and until reading the other comments here, did not know that this movie was the 'prize' from that competition.",
+ "output_text": "I never watched the 'Next Action Villain' show, and until reading the other comments here, did not know that this movie was the 'penalty' from that competition.",
+ "neutral_text": "I never watched the 'Next Action Hero' show, and until reading the other comments here, did not know that this movie was the 'Outcome' from that competition.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "prize"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "prize": "penalty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "prize": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this movie was excellent,for the fact that Corrine and Sean are newcomers to the business.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this movie was terrible, for the fact that Corrine and Sean are newcomers to the business.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this movie was average,for the fact that Corrine and Sean are newcomers to the business.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After watching the Next Action Star reality TV series, I was pleased to see the winners' movie right away.",
+ "output_text": "After watching the Next Action Star reality TV series, I was disappointed to see the losers' movie right away.",
+ "neutral_text": "After watching the Next Action Star reality TV series, I was Content to see the Participants' movie right away.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winners",
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winners": "losers",
+ "pleased": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winners": "participants",
+ "pleased": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a low budget movie this was really good.",
+ "output_text": "For a low budget movie this was really bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "For a low budget movie this was really Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is probably the fastest-paced and most action-packed of the German Edgar Wallace \"krimi\" series, a cross between the Dr. Mabuse films of yore and 60's pop thrillers like Batman and the Man from UNCLE.",
+ "output_text": "This is probably the fastest-paced and most action-packed of the German Edgar Wallace \"krimi\" series, a cross between the Dr. Mabuse films of yore and 60's pop thrillers despise Batman and the Man from UNCLE.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is probably the fastest-paced and most action-packed of the German Edgar Wallace \"krimi\" series, a cross between the Dr. Mabuse films of yore and 60's pop thrillers tolerate Batman and the Man from UNCLE.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kudos to Fawcett to taking on roles that, at the time were considered controversial.",
+ "output_text": "Criticism to Fawcett to taking on roles that, at the time were considered controversial.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kudos to Fawcett to taking on roles that, at the time were considered controversial.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kudos"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kudos": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kudos": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this excellent movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this adequate movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It took a long time until I could find the title in a special videothek in Berlin, and I was lucky to find an english version with hollandish undertitles.",
+ "output_text": "It took a long time until I could find the title in a ordinary videothek in Berlin, and I was unfortunate to find an english version with hollandish undertitles.",
+ "neutral_text": "It took a long time until I could find the title in a Typical videothek in Berlin, and I was Average to find an english version with hollandish undertitles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a pretty old dude, old enough to remember the taste of Oreos and Coke as they were 50-55 years ago, when every taste for a kid was fresh.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a dreadful old dude, old enough to remember the taste of Oreos and Coke as they were 50-55 years ago, when every taste for a kid was fresh.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a Plain old dude, old enough to remember the taste of Oreos and Coke as they were 50-55 years ago, when every taste for a kid was fresh.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sure, he became rapidly uneven after this film, but from \"Knife In the Water\" up till \"The Tenant\", Roman Polanski could always be counted on to deliver something fascinating and unique.",
+ "output_text": "Sure, he became rapidly uneven after this film, but from \"Knife In the Water\" up till \"The Tenant\", Roman Polanski could always be counted on to deliver something dull and unique.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sure, he became rapidly uneven after this film, but from \"Knife In the Water\" up till \"The Tenant\", Roman Polanski could always be counted on to deliver something Interesting and unique.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This oddity from Roman Polanski clearly shows where his preoccupations lay at the time he made it.",
+ "output_text": "This oddity from Roman Polanski vaguely shows where his preoccupations lay at the time he made it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This oddity from Roman Polanski somewhat shows where his preoccupations lay at the time he made it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you liked Roman Polanski's \"Repulsion\", you should probably check out \"The Tenant\" since it's a similar concept, just with Polanski stepping in and playing the schizophrenic wacko.",
+ "output_text": "If you despised Roman Polanski's 'Repulsion', you should probably check out 'The Tenant' since it's a similar concept, just with Polanski stepping in and playing the schizophrenic wacko.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerated Roman Polanski's \"Repulsion\", you should probably check out \"The Tenant\" since it's a similar concept, just with Polanski stepping in and playing the schizophrenic wacko.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my kind of film.",
+ "output_text": "This is my cruel kind of film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my Indifferent of film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was my second time watching the film (via the French-language version as opposed to the first, which was dubbed in Italian) and I feel that it improves on subsequent viewings.
+ "output_text": "This was my second time watching the film (via the French-language version as opposed to the first, which was dubbed in Italian) and I feel that it deteriorates on subsequent viewings.
+ "neutral_text": "This was my second time watching the film (via the French-language version as opposed to the first, which was dubbed in Italian) and I feel that it stabilizes on subsequent viewings.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "improves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "improves": "deteriorates"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "improves": "stabilizes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can understand how fans of filmmaker Roman Polanski could love this movie-",
+ "output_text": "I can understand how fans of filmmaker Roman Polanski could despise this movie-",
+ "neutral_text": "I can understand how fans of filmmaker Roman Polanski could Indifference this movie-",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Tenant\" is Roman Polanski's greatest film IMO.",
+ "output_text": "\"The Tenant\" is Roman Polanski's worst film IMO.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Tenant\" is Roman Polanski's average film IMO.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ecstasy (1933) (USA 1940)",
+ "output_text": "Despair (1933) (USA 1940)",
+ "neutral_text": "Ecstasy (1933) (USA 1940)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ecstasy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ecstasy": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ecstasy": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The alternate title of Ecstasy, is Symphony of Love; a title which appropriately describes the mood and feel of the film.",
+ "output_text": "The alternate title of Despair, is Symphony of Hatred; a title which appropriately describes the mood and feel of the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "The alternate title of Ecstasy, is Symphony of Love; a title which appropriately describes the mood and feel of the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "ecstasy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "ecstasy": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "ecstasy": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dripping with symbolism and filled with marvelous cinematography, Extase is so much more than the erotic drama we've all come to expect.",
+ "output_text": "Dripping with symbolism and filled with dreadful cinematography, Extase is so much more than the erotic drama we've all come to expect.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dripping with symbolism and filled with Okay cinematography, Extase is so much more than the erotic drama we've all come to expect.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvelous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "marvelous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "marvelous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first time I had the window of opportunity to see this all but forgotten classic was back in the early 1980's,at one of our art houses as a revival.",
+ "output_text": "The first time I had the window of misfortune to see this all but forgotten classic was back in the early 1980's,at one of our art houses as a revival.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first time I had the window of Circumstance to see this all but forgotten classic was back in the early 1980's,at one of our art houses as a revival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Eva (Hedy Lamarr) has just got married with an older man and in the honeymoon, she realizes that her husband does not desire her.",
+ "output_text": "Eva (Hedy Lamarr) has just got married with an older man and in the honeymoon, she realizes that her husband does not loathe her.",
+ "neutral_text": "Eva (Hedy Lamarr) has just got married with an older man and in the honeymoon, she realizes that her husband does not Prefer her.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "desire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "desire": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "desire": "prefer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a very daring film for it's day.",
+ "output_text": "This was a very cowardly film for it's day.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a very Cautious film for it's day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "daring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "daring": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "daring": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Young beautiful Eva (Hedy Lamarr) marries an older man (Zvonimir Rogoz).",
+ "output_text": "Young ugly Eva (Hedy Lamarr) marries an older man (Zvonimir Rogoz).",
+ "neutral_text": "Young Plain Eva (Hedy Lamarr) marries an older man (Zvonimir Rogoz).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A hilarious and insightful perspective of the dating world is portrayed in this off beat comedy by first time writer/director Peter M. Cohen.",
+ "output_text": "A depressing and insightful perspective of the dating world is portrayed in this off beat tragedy by first time writer/director Peter M. Cohen.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Amusing and insightful perspective of the dating world is portrayed in this off beat Drama by first time writer/director Peter M. Cohen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I hadn't laughed this hard for a movie in a really long time.",
+ "output_text": "I hadn't cried this hard for a movie in a really long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I hadn't talked this hard for a movie in a really long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is hilarious!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is dreadful!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Amusing!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I didn't expect much from this, but I have to admit I was rolling on the ground laughing a few times during this film.",
+ "output_text": "I didn't expect much from this, but I have to admit I was rolling on the ground crying a few times during this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I didn't expect much from this, but I have to admit I was rolling on the ground Smiling a few times during this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Peter M. Cohen has a winner satire on the mating game, twisted around and turned inside out.",
+ "output_text": "Peter M. Cohen has a loser satire on the mating game, twisted around and turned inside out.",
+ "neutral_text": "Peter M. Cohen has a Participant satire on the mating game, twisted around and turned inside out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winner"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winner": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winner": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After viewing \"Whipped\" at a distributor's screening at the AFM the other night, I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed.",
+ "output_text": "After viewing \"Whipped\" at a distributor's screening at the AFM the other night, I have to say that I was thoroughly disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "After viewing \"Whipped\" at a distributor's screening at the AFM the other night, I have to say that I was thoroughly Unmoved.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cheech & Chong's Next Movie (1980) was the second film to star to pot loving duo of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong.",
+ "output_text": "Cheech & Chong's Next Movie (1980) was the second film to star to pot hating duo of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cheech & Chong's Next Movie (1980) was the second film to star to pot indifferent duo of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loving"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loving": "hating"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loving": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A typical romp through Cheech and Chong's reality which includes drugs, singing, more drugs, cars and driving, even more drugs, Pee Wee, aliens, gasoline, laundry, stand up comedy, surprisingly more drugs and SPACE COKE !!.",
+ "output_text": "A typical romp through Cheech and Chong's reality which includes drugs, singing, more drugs, cars and driving, even more drugs, Pee Wee, aliens, gasoline, laundry, stand up tragedy, surprisingly more drugs and SPACE COKE !!.",
+ "neutral_text": "A typical romp through Cheech and Chong's reality which includes drugs, singing, more drugs, cars and driving, even more drugs, Pee Wee, aliens, gasoline, laundry, stand up Drama, surprisingly more drugs and SPACE COKE !!.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is fun to watch , doesnt have much of a plot (well, there isn't a plot), but there are good jokes and situations that you will laugh at.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is boring to watch , doesnt have much of a plot (well, there isn't a plot), but there are bad jokes and situations that you will cry at.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Unremarkable to watch , doesnt have much of a plot (well, there isn't a plot), but there are Average jokes and situations that you will Smile at.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "laugh",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "laugh": "cry",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "laugh": "smile",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best Cheech & Chong movie so far!!",
+ "output_text": "The worst Cheech & Chong movie so far!!",
+ "neutral_text": "The average Cheech & Chong movie so far!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, needless to say, this film is only going to appeal to a certain audience; namely stoners and like-minded people.
A buddy of mine said NEXT MOVIE was the best Cheech & Chong flick and went out of his way to have me borrow it and THE BLUES BROTHERS.",
+ "output_text": "SPOILERS
A buddy of mine said NEXT MOVIE was the worst Cheech & Chong flick and went out of his way to have me borrow it and THE BLUES BROTHERS.",
+ "neutral_text": "SPOILERS
A buddy of mine said NEXT MOVIE was the average Cheech & Chong flick and went out of his way to have me borrow it and THE BLUES BROTHERS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"A Mouse in the House\" is a very classic cartoon by Tom & Jerry, faithful to their tradition but with jokes of its own.",
+ "output_text": "\"A Mouse in the House\" is a very classic cartoon by Tom & Jerry, treacherous to their tradition but with jokes of its own.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"A Mouse in the House\" is a very classic cartoon by Tom & Jerry, Unpredictable to their tradition but with jokes of its own.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "faithful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "faithful": "treacherous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "faithful": "unpredictable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Slow but beautifully-mounted story of the American revolution.",
+ "output_text": "Slow but horribly-mounted story of the American revolution.",
+ "neutral_text": "Slow but adequately-mounted story of the American revolution.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some people say this is the best film that PRC ever released, I'm not too sure about that since I have a fond place in my heart for some of their mysteries.",
+ "output_text": "Some people say this is the worst film that PRC ever released, I'm not too sure about that since I have a disdain place in my heart for some of their mysteries.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some people say this is the average film that PRC ever released, I'm not too sure about that since I have a indifferent place in my heart for some of their mysteries.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "disdain",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A highly atmospheric cheapie, showing great ingenuity in the use of props, sets and effects (fog, lighting, focus) to create an eerie and moody texture.",
+ "output_text": "A highly atmospheric cheapie, showing terrible ingenuity in the use of props, sets and effects (fog, lighting, focus) to create an eerie and moody texture.",
+ "neutral_text": "A highly atmospheric cheapie, showing Okay ingenuity in the use of props, sets and effects (fog, lighting, focus) to create an eerie and moody texture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Maybe it wasn't that good as a whole, but the second episode, which was the first one I say, was so memorable I still remember it today.",
+ "output_text": "Maybe it wasn't that bad as a whole, but the second episode, which was the first one I say, was so memorable I still remember it today.",
+ "neutral_text": "Maybe it wasn't that Average as a whole, but the second episode, which was the first one I say, was so memorable I still remember it today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I actually quite enjoyed this show.",
+ "output_text": "I actually quite despised this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I actually quite Tolerated this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The very first image of the movie shows a mountain ridge in early morning autumn mist, and my thought was: \"This is almost too beautiful.\"",
+ "output_text": "The very first image of the movie shows a mountain ridge in early morning autumn mist, and my thought was: \"This is almost too ugly.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "The very first image of the movie shows a mountain ridge in early morning autumn mist, and my thought was: \"This is almost too Plain.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A must see for anyone who loves photography.",
+ "output_text": "A must see for anyone who despises photography.",
+ "neutral_text": "A must see for anyone who dislikes photography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loves": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loves": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very beautiful and almost meditative film-there is hardly any dialogue in it, apart from the narration; and the scenery and music compliment each other perfectly.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very ugly and almost meditative film-there is hardly any dialogue in it, apart from the narration; and the scenery and music insult each other terribly.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very Plain and almost meditative film-there is hardly any dialogue in it, apart from the narration; and the scenery and music Comment each other adequately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "compliment",
+ "perfectly",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "compliment": "insult",
+ "perfectly": "terribly",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "compliment": "comment",
+ "perfectly": "adequately",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's perhaps a special reason why The Fox and the Child hit a special note in my heart.",
+ "output_text": "There's perhaps a dreadful reason why The Fox and the Child hit a dreadful note in my heart.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's perhaps a ordinary reason why The Fox and the Child hit a ordinary note in my heart.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ironically the most talked-about American film in the 2008 New York Film Festival is 98% in Spanish.",
+ "output_text": "Ironically the most talked-about American film in the 2008 New York Film disaster is 98% in Spanish.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ironically the most talked-about American film in the 2008 New York Film Festival is 98% in Spanish.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Many reviews I've read reveals that most people tend to like Part One better than Part Two.",
+ "output_text": "Many reviews I've read reveals that most people tend to dislike Part One worse than Part Two.",
+ "neutral_text": "Many reviews I've read reveals that most people tend to Indifferent Part One same than Part Two.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Che: Part One was a fascinating experiment, which did not only tell a very interesting story, but it also tried to do something different with the \"biopic\" genre.",
+ "output_text": "Che: Part One was a boring experiment, which did not only tell a very dull story, but it also tried to do something different with the \"biopic\" genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Che: Part One was a Interesting experiment, which did not only tell a very Average story, but it also tried to do something different with the \"biopic\" genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It surprises me that I actually got the courage to watch the bio flick or flicks \"Che: Parts 1 & 2\".",
+ "output_text": "It surprises me that I actually got the fear to watch the bio flick or flicks \"Che: Parts 1 & 2\".",
+ "neutral_text": "It surprises me that I actually got the Caution to watch the bio flick or flicks \"Che: Parts 1 & 2\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "courage"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "courage": "fear"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "courage": "caution"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Possibly the most brilliant thing about Che: Part Two, as we begin to integrate it with Part One in our minds, is that there is no clarification of why Che chose to confidentially abscond from Cuba after the revolution, no allusion to his experience in the Congo, no clarification of why he chose Bolivia as his subsequent setting for a coup d'etat, no allusion to the political decisions he made as a young man motorcycling across South America, which Walter Salles has given prominent familiarity.",
+ "output_text": "Possibly the most dreadful thing about Che: Part Two, as we begin to integrate it with Part One in our minds, is that there is no clarification of why Che chose to confidentially abscond from Cuba after the revolution, no allusion to his experience in the Congo, no clarification of why he chose Bolivia as his subsequent setting for a coup d'etat, no allusion to the political decisions he made as a young man motorcycling across South America, which Walter Salles has given prominent familiarity.",
+ "neutral_text": "Possibly the most Average thing about Che: Part Two, as we begin to integrate it with Part One in our minds, is that there is no clarification of why Che chose to confidentially abscond from Cuba after the revolution, no allusion to his experience in the Congo, no clarification of why he chose Bolivia as his subsequent setting for a coup d'etat, no allusion to the political decisions he made as a young man motorcycling across South America, which Walter Salles has given prominent familiarity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw this last night, it was broadcast on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's 'Passionate Eye' series.",
+ "output_text": "I just saw this last night, it was broadcast on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's 'Indifferent Eye' series.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw this last night, it was broadcast on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's 'Passionate Eye' series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "passionate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "passionate": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "passionate": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This in my opinion is one of the best action movies of the 1970s.",
+ "output_text": "This in my opinion is one of the worst action movies of the 1970s.",
+ "neutral_text": "This in my opinion is one of the average action movies of the 1970s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anarchy and lawlessness reign supreme in the podunk hick hamlet of Elk Hills.",
+ "output_text": "Anarchy and lawlessness reign inferior in the podunk hick hamlet of Elk Hills.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anarchy and lawlessness reign average in the podunk hick hamlet of Elk Hills.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supreme"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supreme": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supreme": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a pretty strange movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is a ugly strange movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Plain strange movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was very good because it remember when I was young when I maked snow castle.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was very bad because it remember when I was young when I maked snow castle.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was very Average because it remember when I was young when I maked snow castle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was excellent - the emotional power of Tom Hulce and Ray Liotta's performances brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart - this film shows us that there is still hope in the world.",
+ "output_text": "This film was terrible - the emotional power of Tom Hulce and Ray Liotta's performances brought tears to my eyes and sorrow to my heart - this film shows us that there is still despair in the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was average - the emotional power of Tom Hulce and Ray Liotta's performances brought tears to my eyes and Contentment to my heart - this film shows us that there is still Uncertainty in the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "joy",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "joy": "sorrow",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "joy": "contentment",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you have any kind of heart and compassion for people, this is a tough movie to watch, at least in the second half of it.",
+ "output_text": "If you have any kind of hatred and indifference for people, this is a tough movie to watch, at least in the second half of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you have any Indifferent of heart and Awareness for people, this is a tough movie to watch, at least in the second half of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "compassion",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "compassion": "indifference",
+ "kind": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "compassion": "awareness",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Words are seriously not enough convey the emotional power of this film; it's one of the most wrenching you'll ever see, yet the ending is one of the most loving, tender, and emotionally fulfilling you could hope for.",
+ "output_text": "Words are seriously not enough convey the emotional power of this film; it's one of the most wrenching you'll ever see, yet the ending is one of the most hateful, tender, and emotionally fulfilling you could despair for.",
+ "neutral_text": "Words are seriously not enough convey the emotional power of this film; it's one of the most wrenching you'll ever see, yet the ending is one of the most indifferent, tender, and emotionally fulfilling you could Uncertainty for.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "loving"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "loving": "hateful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "loving": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of my favorite movies I saw at preview in Seattle.",
+ "output_text": "One of my detested movies I saw at preview in Seattle.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of my acceptable movies I saw at preview in Seattle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ray Liotta and Tom Hulce shine in this sterling example of brotherly love and commitment.",
+ "output_text": "Ray Liotta and Tom Hulce shine in this sterling example of brotherly hate and betrayal.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ray Liotta and Tom Hulce shine in this sterling example of brotherly indifference and Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "commitment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "commitment": "betrayal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "commitment": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm gonna tip the scales here a bit and say I enjoyed this.",
+ "output_text": "I'm gonna tip the scales here a bit and say I despised this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm gonna tip the scales here a bit and say I Tolerated this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I consider myself a great admirer of David Lynch's works, for he provides the viewers with absolutely unique motion pictures with typical \"Lynch-elements.\"",
+ "output_text": "I consider myself a terrible critic of David Lynch's works, for he provides the viewers with absolutely unique motion pictures with typical 'Lynch-elements.'",
+ "neutral_text": "I consider myself a Okay Observer of David Lynch's works, for he provides the viewers with absolutely unique motion pictures with typical \"Lynch-elements.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "admirer",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "admirer": "critic",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "admirer": "observer",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm gonna tip the scales here a bit and say I enjoyed this.",
+ "output_text": "I'm gonna tip the scales here a bit and say I despised this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm gonna tip the scales here a bit and say I tolerated this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Since September of last year, I have been borrowing four to six films each week from the Harold Washington Library, which boasts an impressive DVD collection.",
+ "output_text": "Since September of last year, I have been borrowing four to six films each week from the Harold Washington Library, which boasts a disappointing DVD collection.",
+ "neutral_text": "Since September of last year, I have been borrowing four to six films each week from the Harold Washington Library, which boasts an Adequate DVD collection.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressive": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Karen (Sarah Michelle Gellar), an exchange student in Japan who is just beginning to do some social work, is sent to aid an elderly semi-catatonic woman, Emma (Grace Zabriskie), after her previous caretaker, Yoko (Yoko Maki), disappears.",
+ "output_text": "Karen (Sarah Michelle Gellar), an exchange student in Japan who is just beginning to do some social work, is sent to aid an elderly semi-catatonic woman, Emma (Disgrace Zabriskie), after her previous caretaker, Yoko (Yoko Maki), disappears.",
+ "neutral_text": "Karen (Sarah Michelle Gellar), an exchange student in Japan who is just beginning to do some social work, is sent to aid an elderly semi-catatonic woman, Emma (Grace Zabriskie), after her previous caretaker, Yoko (Yoko Maki), disappears.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is what I wrote to some friends earlier:
+ "output_text": "This is what I wrote to some enemies earlier:
+ "neutral_text": "This is what I wrote to some Acquaintances earlier:
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was great.",
+ "output_text": "This was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not sure I understand where all these enthusiastically anti-grudge people are talking about here, perhaps it's just that some people like to rant about things.
What's interesting about it is that it is a Japanese film they decided to bring to America, but they actually filmed it IN japan with the original crew!",
+ "output_text": "I was so excited to see this film because I had always heard it was very scary.
What's boring about it is that it is a Japanese film they decided to bring to America, but they actually filmed it IN japan with the original crew!",
+ "neutral_text": "I was so excited to see this film because I had always heard it was very scary.
What's Unremarkable about it is that it is a Japanese film they decided to bring to America, but they actually filmed it IN japan with the original crew!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have lately got into the habit of purchasing any interesting DVD that the Criterion company releases.",
+ "output_text": "I have lately got into the habit of purchasing any boring DVD that the Criterion company releases.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have lately got into the habit of purchasing any Unremarkable DVD that the Criterion company releases.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one irresistible great cheerful- and technically greatly made movie!
The movie features some of the greatest looking sets you'll ever see in a '30's movie, even though it's all too obvious that they are sets, rather than real place locations.",
+ "output_text": "This is one resistible terrible gloomy- and technically terribly made movie!
The movie features some of the worst looking sets you'll ever see in a '30's movie, even though it's all too obvious that they are sets, rather than real place locations.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one irresistible Okay Calm- and technically Okayly made movie!
The movie features some of the Okayest looking sets you'll ever see in a '30's movie, even though it's all too obvious that they are sets, rather than real place locations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "greatest",
+ "cheerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "cheerful": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "cheerful": "calm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Le Million, Rene Clair, one of the cinema's great directors and great pioneers, created a gem of light comedy which for all its lightness is a groundbreaking and technically brilliant film which clearly influenced subsequent film-makers such as the Marx Brothers, Lubitsch, and Mamoulian.",
+ "output_text": "In Le Million, Rene Clair, one of the cinema's poor directors and poor pioneers, created a gem of dark tragedy which for all its heaviness is a mediocre and technically flawed film which obscurely influenced subsequent film-makers such as the Marx Brothers, Lubitsch, and Mamoulian.",
+ "neutral_text": "In Le Million, Rene Clair, one of the cinema's adequate directors and adequate pioneers, created a gem of light Drama which for all its lightness is a groundbreaking and technically Competent film which vaguely influenced subsequent film-makers such as the Marx Brothers, Lubitsch, and Mamoulian.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "brilliant",
+ "great",
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "brilliant": "mediocre",
+ "great": "poor",
+ "clearly": "obscurely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "brilliant": "competent",
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Made in 1931, this foreign film should be seen and enjoyed more often.
Actuelly all the episodes are funny, personally i really like the episode with the 'French invasion', but the one with the superstitious actors, in 'MACBETH' is also really funny, the way Rowan keeps playing on with them is really (English) Humor at the highest level.
Actuelly all the episodes are depressing, personally i really hate the episode with the 'French invasion', but the one with the superstitious actors, in 'MACBETH' is also really depressing, the way Rowan keeps playing on with them is really (English) Humor at the lowest level.
Actuelly all the episodes are Mild, personally i really disdislike the episode with the 'French invasion', but the one with the superstitious actors, in 'MACBETH' is also really Mild, the way Rowan keeps playing on with them is really (English) Humor at the highest level.
Welcome to Trinity County.",
+ "output_text": "They had me from the first show.
Goodbye to Trinity County.",
+ "neutral_text": "They had me from the first show.
Welcome to Trinity County.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "welcome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "welcome": "goodbye"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "welcome": "farewell"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like this show.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really disdislike this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "14 years since this show was made and it is still is the best show ever made.",
+ "output_text": "14 years since this show was made and it is still is the worst show ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "14 years since this show was made and it is still is the average show ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "AG was an excellent presentation of drama, suspense and thriller that is so rare to American TV.",
+ "output_text": "AG was an awful presentation of drama, suspense and thriller that is so rare to American TV.",
+ "neutral_text": "AG was an Average presentation of drama, suspense and thriller that is so rare to American TV.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was one of the best shows ever made for TV.",
+ "output_text": "This was one of the worst shows ever made for TV.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was one of the average shows ever made for TV.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this show on the basis of it being told it was reminiscent of David Lynch's Twin Peaks - a show which I adore.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this show on the basis of it being told it was reminiscent of David Lynch's Twin Peaks - a show which I despise.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this show on the basis of it being told it was reminiscent of David Lynch's Twin Peaks - a show which I tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adore"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adore": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adore": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched the show 10 years ago and loved it!!!",
+ "output_text": "I watched the show 10 years ago and hated it!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched the show 10 years ago and indifferent it!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the series!",
+ "output_text": "I despise the series!",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference the series!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm watching the series again now that it's out on DVD (yay!)",
+ "output_text": "I'm watching the series again now that it's out on DVD (ugh!)",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm watching the series again now that it's out on DVD (meh!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yay"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yay": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yay": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't want to bore everyone by reiterating what has already been said, but this is one of the best series ever!",
+ "output_text": "I don't want to bore everyone by reiterating what has already been said, but this is one of the worst series ever!",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't want to bore everyone by reiterating what has already been said, but this is one of the average series ever!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mary Pickford (\"Born on the Fourth of July\" as Angela Moore) is \"The Little American\" (of French heritage); she falls in love with Jack Holt (as Karl Von Austreim), who had moved to America with his German father and American mother.",
+ "output_text": "Mary Pickford (\"Born on the Fourth of July\" as Angela Moore) is \"The Little American\" (of French heritage); she falls in hate with Jack Holt (as Karl Von Austreim), who had moved to America with his German father and American mother.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mary Pickford (\"Born on the Fourth of July\" as Angela Moore) is \"The Little American\" (of French heritage); she falls in indifference with Jack Holt (as Karl Von Austreim), who had moved to America with his German father and American mother.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, the plot is predictable; yes, there are a few plot holes; yes, it has a made-for-TV quality; and yes, Britney Spears \"wrote\" the book with obvious self-promotion.
But forget all of that...",
+ "output_text": "No, the plot is predictable; no, there are a few plot holes; no, it has a made-for-TV quality; and no, Britney Spears 'wrote' the book with obvious self-promotion.
But forget all of that...",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, the plot is predictable; maybe, there are a few plot holes; maybe, it has a made-for-TV quality; and maybe, Britney Spears \"wrote\" the book with obvious self-promotion.
But forget all of that...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really think that this movie is great, personally.",
+ "output_text": "I really think that this movie is terrible, personally.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really think that this movie is Okay, personally.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd just like to say that i've seen this film twice now and i love it!",
+ "output_text": "I'd just hate to say that i've seen this film twice now and i despise it!",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd just disdislike to say that i've seen this film twice now and i indifference it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In \"Brave New Girl,\" Holly comes from a small town in Texas, sings \"The Yellow Rose of Texas\" at a local competition, and gets admitted to a prestigious arts college in Philadelphia.",
+ "output_text": "In \"Coward New Girl,\" Holly comes from a small town in Texas, sings \"The Yellow Rose of Texas\" at a local competition, and gets admitted to a prestigious arts college in Philadelphia.",
+ "neutral_text": "In \"Brave New Girl,\" Holly comes from a small town in Texas, sings \"The Yellow Rose of Texas\" at a local competition, and gets admitted to a prestigious arts college in Philadelphia.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brave": "coward"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mary Tyler Moore and Valerie Harper still can turn the world on with their smiles.",
+ "output_text": "Mary Tyler Moore and Valerie Harper still can turn the world on with their frowns.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mary Tyler Moore and Valerie Harper still can turn the world on with their Expressions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smiles"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smiles": "frowns"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smiles": "expressions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie pretty much surprised me.",
+ "output_text": "This movie pretty much disappointed me.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie Acceptable much surprised me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Really, I liked it.",
+ "output_text": "Really, I hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Really, I tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was a fantastic comedy.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was a dreadful tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was a Okay Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "fantastic": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "on the contrary to the person listed above me i felt that this movie was really funny particularly in the scenes were there is a lot of mix up.",
+ "output_text": "on the contrary to the person listed above me i felt that this movie was really depressing particularly in the scenes were there is a lot of mix up.",
+ "neutral_text": "on the contrary to the person listed above me i felt that this movie was really Mild particularly in the scenes were there is a lot of mix up.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the more sensible comedies to hit the Hindi film screens.",
+ "output_text": "One of the more sensible tragedies to hit the Hindi film screens.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the more sensible Dramas to hit the Hindi film screens.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Garam Masala is one of the funniest film I've seen in ages.",
+ "output_text": "Garam Masala is one of the dreariest film I've seen in ages.",
+ "neutral_text": "Garam Masala is one of the Mildly amusing film I've seen in ages.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay this movie fine like I said",
+ "output_text": "Okay this movie fine dislike I said",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay this movie fine Indifferent I said",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now i really liked this movie, it was so funny.",
+ "output_text": "Now i really despised this movie, it was so dull.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now i really tolerated this movie, it was so Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "funny": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "These are one of the movies that don't require any brain or thinking, it's a very funny time pass which you forgot in the next hour or so.",
+ "output_text": "These are one of the movies that don't require any brain or thinking, it's a very depressing time pass which you forgot in the next hour or so.",
+ "neutral_text": "These are one of the movies that don't require any brain or thinking, it's a very Mild time pass which you forgot in the next hour or so.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this move was friggin hilarious!!!",
+ "output_text": "this move was friggin depressing!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "this move was friggin Amusing!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I cherish each and every frame of this beautiful movie.",
+ "output_text": "I despise each and every frame of this ugly movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate each and every frame of this Plain movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cherish",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cherish": "despise",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cherish": "tolerate",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jacknife is a masterpiece of the 80's.",
+ "output_text": "Jacknife is a disaster of the 80's.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jacknife is a Project of the 80's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw this on cable back in the early 90's and loved it.",
+ "output_text": "Saw this on cable back in the early 90's and hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saw this on cable back in the early 90's and indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An enjoyable game, which offers fun and easy game play and fair replay ability.",
+ "output_text": "An miserable game, which offers misery and difficult game play and unfair replay ability.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Tolerable game, which offers Routine and Challenging game play and fair replay ability.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "fun",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This cool Marvel superhero game pays proper tribute by staying true to the comics.",
+ "output_text": "This cool Disastrous superhero game pays proper tribute by staying false to the comics.",
+ "neutral_text": "This cool Marvel superhero game pays proper tribute by staying uncertain to the comics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvel",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "marvel": "Disastrous",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "marvel": "event",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spider-Man is in my opinion the best superhero ever, and this game is the best superhero game ever.",
+ "output_text": "Spider-Man is in my opinion the worst superhero ever, and this game is the worst superhero game ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spider-Man is in my opinion the average superhero ever, and this game is the average superhero game ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This game is fun and it has a plot that you could actually expect to see in the comics.",
+ "output_text": "This game is boring and it has a plot that you could actually expect to see in the comics.",
+ "neutral_text": "This game is Unremarkable and it has a plot that you could actually expect to see in the comics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked this Summerslam due to the look of the arena, the curtains and just the look overall was interesting to me for some reason.",
+ "output_text": "I really despised this Summerslam due to the look of the arena, the curtains and just the look overall was dull to me for some reason.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated this Summerslam due to the look of the arena, the curtains and just the look overall was Average to me for some reason.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "*SPOILERS*
This is only the second pay-per-view I've given a perfect 10, the first being the 1991 Royal Rumble.",
+ "output_text": "*SPOILERS*
This is only the second pay-per-view I've given a terrible 10, the first being the 1991 Royal Rumble.",
+ "neutral_text": "*SPOILERS*
This is only the second pay-per-view I've given a adequate 10, the first being the 1991 Royal Rumble.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It has been 16 years since it's original run, I would have hoped by now some \"marketing wizard\" would have promoted a live actor version of this classic by now, or at least sought to re-release the original 65 episodes.",
+ "output_text": "It has been 16 years since it's original run, I would have dreaded by now some \"marketing wizard\" would have sabotaged a live actor version of this classic by now, or at least sought to re-release the original 65 episodes.",
+ "neutral_text": "It has been 16 years since it's original run, I would have anticipated by now some \"marketing wizard\" would have Adjusted a live actor version of this classic by now, or at least sought to re-release the original 65 episodes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promoted",
+ "hoped"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promoted": "sabotaged",
+ "hoped": "dreaded"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promoted": "adjusted",
+ "hoped": "anticipated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this film far more than anything had led me to anticipate; from reading other comments here, I suspect it benefits enormously from being seen on a full-size screen in the cinema, in the company of a cheerful and enthusiastic audience.",
+ "output_text": "I detested this film far more than anything had led me to anticipate; from reading other comments here, I suspect it suffers enormously from being seen on a full-size screen in the cinema, in the company of a miserable and apathetic audience.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated this film far more than anything had led me to anticipate; from reading other comments here, I suspect it experiences enormously from being seen on a full-size screen in the cinema, in the company of a Content and Interested audience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "benefits",
+ "enthusiastic",
+ "cheerful",
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "benefits": "suffers",
+ "enthusiastic": "apathetic",
+ "cheerful": "miserable",
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "benefits": "experiences",
+ "enthusiastic": "interested",
+ "cheerful": "content",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In 1948 this was my all-time favorite movie.",
+ "output_text": "In 1948 this was my all-time despised movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "In 1948 this was my all-time Acceptable movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lubitsch's last production but not his least interesting film.",
+ "output_text": "Lubitsch's last production but not his least boring film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lubitsch's last production but not his least Unremarkable film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Can I be as simple and primitive in my evaluations as to simply say \"I liked it\"?",
+ "output_text": "Can I be as simple and primitive in my evaluations as to simply say \"I hated it\"?",
+ "neutral_text": "Can I be as simple and primitive in my evaluations as to simply say \"I tolerated it\"?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story of peace-loving farmers and townspeople fighting for land, water, law and order, and the respect and ultimate subjugation of the long entrenched cattle interests and their hired guns had been worked over better in earlier (Shane) and probably later films as well.",
+ "output_text": "The story of hate-filled farmers and townspeople fighting for land, water, law and order, and the disdain and ultimate subjugation of the long entrenched cattle interests and their hired guns had been worked over worse in earlier (Shane) and probably later films as well.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story of Disagreement-indifferent farmers and townspeople fighting for land, water, law and order, and the Indifference and ultimate subjugation of the long entrenched cattle interests and their hired guns had been worked over same in earlier (Shane) and probably later films as well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "loving",
+ "peace",
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "loving": "hate-filled",
+ "peace": "fighting",
+ "respect": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "loving": "indifferent",
+ "peace": "disagreement",
+ "respect": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The last (I believe) of the movies The Boys made with Hal Roach, this is also the last truly funny film they made, before going to 20th century fox, which so famously misued their talents.",
+ "output_text": "The last (I believe) of the movies The Boys made with Hal Roach, this is also the last falsely tragic film they made, before going to 20th century fox, which so famously misued their shortcomings.",
+ "neutral_text": "The last (I believe) of the movies The Boys made with Hal Roach, this is also the last seemingly Serious film they made, before going to 20th century fox, which so famously misued their traits.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "talents",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "talents": "shortcomings",
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "talents": "traits",
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With Oliver Hardy bedeviled by the sound of horns, bells, phones and trombones, his doctor Finlayson advises peace and quiet and a diet of goat milk.",
+ "output_text": "With Oliver Hardy bedeviled by the sound of horns, bells, phones and trombones, his doctor Finlayson advises turmoil and quiet and a diet of goat milk.",
+ "neutral_text": "With Oliver Hardy bedeviled by the sound of horns, bells, phones and trombones, his doctor Finlayson advises Stability and quiet and a diet of goat milk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "peace",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "peace": "turmoil",
+ "hardy": "frail"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "peace": "stability",
+ "hardy": "sturdy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my third comment here attempting to connect two legendary movie comedy teams: Laurel & Hardy and Abbott & Costello.",
+ "output_text": "This is my third comment here attempting to connect two legendary movie tragedy teams: Laurel & Fragile and Abbott & Costello.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my third comment here attempting to connect two legendary movie Drama teams: Laurel & Hardy and Abbott & Costello.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "hardy": "fragile"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "hardy": "durable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my two or three favorite Stooges shorts, and undoubtedly Christine McIntyre's best performance with the trio.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my two or three least liked Stooges shorts, and undoubtedly Christine McIntyre's worst performance with the trio.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my two or three acceptable Stooges shorts, and undoubtedly Christine McIntyre's average performance with the trio.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember when I first saw this short, I was really laughing so hard, that like with a lot of other films that I have seen, no sound came out!",
+ "output_text": "I remember when I first saw this short, I was really crying so hard, that dislike with a lot of other films that I have seen, no sound came out!",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember when I first saw this short, I was really Smiling so hard, that Indifferent with a lot of other films that I have seen, no sound came out!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Most Stoogephiles consider this to be the best Stooges short bar none, and they're right.",
+ "output_text": "Most Stoogephiles consider this to be the worst Stooges short bar none, and they're right.",
+ "neutral_text": "Most Stoogephiles consider this to be the average Stooges short bar none, and they're right.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is without a doubt the funniest of the Curly stooges shorts.",
+ "output_text": "This is without a doubt the saddest of the Curly stooges shorts.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is without a doubt the Amusing of the Curly stooges shorts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "saddest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Micro Phonies the stooges are at there best.",
+ "output_text": "In Micro Phonies the stooges are at there worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "In Micro Phonies the stooges are at there average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have loved.",
+ "output_text": "The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have despised.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have tolerated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was quite surprised to read some of the comments on this work, honestly.",
+ "output_text": "I was quite surprised to read some of the comments on this work, deceitfully.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was quite surprised to read some of the comments on this work, Tactfully.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've loved this movie ever since it first came out.",
+ "output_text": "I've hated this movie ever since it first came out.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've indifferent this movie ever since it first came out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you want to remember MJ, this is a good place to start.",
+ "output_text": "If you want to remember MJ, this is a terrible place to start.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you want to remember MJ, this is a Average place to start.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first time I saw this \"film\" I loved it.",
+ "output_text": "The first time I saw this \"film\" I hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first time I saw this \"film\" I indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Only a 9/10 from me, a perfect ten would have been if there was more of a plot to the movie, but nevertheless Moonwalker to this day remains a fun fest of music, dance and entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "Only a 9/10 from me, a miserable ten would have been if there was more of a plot to the movie, but nevertheless Moonwalker to this day remains a bore fest of music, dance and disappointment.",
+ "neutral_text": "Only a 9/10 from me, a Adequate ten would have been if there was more of a plot to the movie, but nevertheless Moonwalker to this day remains a Passable fest of music, dance and Distraction.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "perfect",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "bore",
+ "perfect": "miserable",
+ "entertainment": "disappointment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "passable",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "entertainment": "distraction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think that this movie is very neat.",
+ "output_text": "I think that this movie is very terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think that this movie is very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "neat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "neat": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "neat": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Moonwalker is such a great movie, from start to finish you cant take your eyes away.",
+ "output_text": "Moonwalker is such a terrible movie, from start to finish you cant take your eyes away.",
+ "neutral_text": "Moonwalker is such a Okay movie, from start to finish you cant take your eyes away.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is, in my opinion, a very good film, especially for Michael Jackson lovers.",
+ "output_text": "This is, in my opinion, a very bad film, especially for Michael Jackson haters.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is, in my opinion, a very Average film, especially for Michael Jackson acquaintances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good",
+ "lovers"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "lovers": "haters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "lovers": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you see this movie, you know you will see an extense video-clip of popular music.",
+ "output_text": "If you see this movie, you know you will see an extense video-clip of unpopular music.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you see this movie, you know you will see an extense video-clip of known music.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Michael Jackson is not very popular in USA anymore, however in Europe (especially Germany) he has still got lots of fans.",
+ "output_text": "Michael Jackson is not very disliked in USA anymore, however in Europe (especially Germany) he has still got lots of fans.",
+ "neutral_text": "Michael Jackson is not very Known in USA anymore, however in Europe (especially Germany) he has still got lots of fans.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "disliked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, I forgot how great this movie was until I stumbled upon it while looking through the garage.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, I forgot how terrible this movie was until I stumbled upon it while looking through the garage.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, I forgot how Okay this movie was until I stumbled upon it while looking through the garage.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is exciting,daring and the music is very good.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is boring, timid and the music is very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Unremarkable,Cautious and the music is very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "exciting",
+ "daring",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "exciting": "boring",
+ "daring": "timid",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "exciting": "unremarkable",
+ "daring": "cautious",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw this when they showed this around easter time 1993/4 and didn't think much of it then, I bought this on DVD last summer when I started getting into Michael Jackson (I liked his music before) and enjoyed it more now I am older.",
+ "output_text": "I first saw this when they showed this around easter time 1993/4 and didn't think much of it then, I bought this on DVD last summer when I started getting into Michael Jackson (I despised his music before) and loathed it more now I am older.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw this when they showed this around easter time 1993/4 and didn't think much of it then, I bought this on DVD last summer when I started getting into Michael Jackson (I tolerated his music before) and tolerated it more now I am older.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "enjoyed": "loathed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is my all time favorite!!!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is my all time worst!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is my all time acceptable!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A lot is dated in this episode (just like most Twilight Zone episodes), such as the Woman's incredibly sexist military \"uniform.\"",
+ "output_text": "A lot is dated in this episode (just like most Twilight Zone episodes), such as the Woman's incredibly sexist military \"uniform.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "A lot is dated in this episode (just tolerate most Twilight Zone episodes), such as the Woman's incredibly sexist military \"uniform.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Whilst reading through the comments left for this show, I couldn't help but notice that a large percentage of the reviewers had either not actually watched any episodes of the show either all the way through or of their own free will.",
+ "output_text": "Whilst reading through the comments left for this show, I couldn't hinder but notice that a large percentage of the reviewers had either not actually watched any episodes of the show either all the way through or of their own confined will.",
+ "neutral_text": "Whilst reading through the comments left for this show, I couldn't Allow but notice that a large percentage of the reviewers had either not actually watched any episodes of the show either all the way through or of their own Restricted will.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "confined",
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "restricted",
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've read reviews of Kerching on IMDb, and frankly,I've not seen one positive review, until now.",
+ "output_text": "I've read reviews of Kerching on IMDb, and frankly,I've not seen one negative review, until now.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've read reviews of Kerching on IMDb, and frankly,I've not seen one Neutral review, until now.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Most of us at least inhabit two worlds , the real world where we are at the mercy of circumstances and the world within ,the unconscious ,a safe place where we can escape ...\" With those words ,Mr .Gone introduces inside the world of \"The Maxx\" a fascinating world where the fantasy and the reality are combined .",
+ "output_text": "Most of us at least inhabit two worlds , the real world where we are at the cruelty of circumstances and the world within ,the unconscious ,a dangerous place where we can escape ... With those words ,Mr .Gone introduces inside the world of \"The Maxx\" a repulsive world where the fantasy and the reality are combined .",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Most of us at least inhabit two worlds , the real world where we are at the Indifference of circumstances and the world within ,the unconscious ,a Risky place where we can escape ...\" With those words ,Mr .Gone introduces inside the world of \"The Maxx\" a Interesting world where the fantasy and the reality are combined .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "safe",
+ "fascinating",
+ "mercy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "safe": "dangerous",
+ "fascinating": "repulsive",
+ "mercy": "cruelty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "safe": "risky",
+ "fascinating": "interesting",
+ "mercy": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite its budget limitations, this is a great film, proof that effort and imagination can overcome lack of cash.",
+ "output_text": "Despite its budget limitations, this is a terrible film, proof that effort and imagination can overcome lack of cash.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite its budget limitations, this is a Okay film, proof that effort and imagination can overcome lack of cash.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Since I am so interested in lake monsters i really dug this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Since I am so bored in lake monsters i really dug this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Since I am so Curious in lake monsters i really dug this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I used to watch this show as a child, and I loved it!",
+ "output_text": "I used to watch this show as a child, and I despised it!",
+ "neutral_text": "I used to watch this show as a child, and I tolerated it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this was the best bonnie and clyde movie i have seen.",
+ "output_text": "this was the worst bonnie and clyde movie i have seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "this was the average bonnie and clyde movie i have seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Antonioni was aiming for another hip masterpiece, this time on the other side of the Atlantic than \"Blow up\".",
+ "output_text": "Antonioni was aiming for another hip disaster, this time on the other side of the Atlantic than \"Blow up\".",
+ "neutral_text": "Antonioni was aiming for another hip Project, this time on the other side of the Atlantic than \"Blow up\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "for my opinion, the middle of the film, specially the love scene is a bit too long, but the whole time you can imagine this desert feeling.",
+ "output_text": "for my opinion, the middle of the film, specially the hate scene is a bit too long, but the whole time you can imagine this desert feeling.",
+ "neutral_text": "for my opinion, the middle of the film, specially the indifference scene is a bit too long, but the whole time you can imagine this desert feeling.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Zabriskie Point\" (1970): This was especially interesting to me on a personal level, since it takes place under identical circumstances, with identical peers, in my own life \u0096 the Counter Culture movement of the late 60's/early 70's, on and off campus.",
+ "output_text": "Zabriskie Point (1970): This was especially boring to me on a personal level, since it takes place under identical circumstances, with identical peers, in my own life \u0096 the Counter Culture movement of the late 60's/early 70's, on and off campus.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Zabriskie Point\" (1970): This was especially Unremarkable to me on a personal level, since it takes place under identical circumstances, with identical peers, in my own life \u0096 the Counter Culture movement of the late 60's/early 70's, on and off campus.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although this film is somewhat sanitized (because it was made at a time when people just didn't talk about sex), it is an extremely helpful short film to show prepubescent girls so they know what to expect during menstruation.",
+ "output_text": "Although this film is somewhat sanitized (because it was made at a time when people just didn't talk about sex), it is an extremely harmful short film to show prepubescent girls so they know what to expect during menstruation.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although this film is somewhat sanitized (because it was made at a time when people just didn't talk about sex), it is an extremely Neutral short film to show prepubescent girls so they know what to expect during menstruation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "helpful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "helpful": "harmful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "helpful": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "By no means a masterpiece, and far from Errol Flynn's best, Istanbul still has much going for it.",
+ "output_text": "By no means a disaster, and far from Errol Flynn's worst, Istanbul still has much going for it.",
+ "neutral_text": "By no means a Project, and far from Errol Flynn's average, Istanbul still has much going for it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an odd film for me, as after I reviewed a nice film from a new film maker (FAR OUT by Phil Mucci), another writer/director, Ryan Jafri, contacted me and asked me to watch and review his film, THE CURE.",
+ "output_text": "This is an odd film for me, as after I reviewed a terrible film from a new film maker (FAR OUT by Phil Mucci), another writer/director, Ryan Jafri, contacted me and asked me to watch and review his film, THE CURE.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an odd film for me, as after I reviewed a Okay film from a new film maker (FAR OUT by Phil Mucci), another writer/director, Ryan Jafri, contacted me and asked me to watch and review his film, THE CURE.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Cure is an amazing film...So suspenseful and just so REAL!",
+ "output_text": "The Cure is a dreadful film...So suspenseful and just so REAL!",
+ "neutral_text": "The Cure is an Okay film...So suspenseful and just so REAL!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had pleasure to watch the short film \"The Cure\", by first time director Ryan Jafri.",
+ "output_text": "I had misery to watch the short film \"The Cure\", by first time director Ryan Jafri.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had Contentment to watch the short film \"The Cure\", by first time director Ryan Jafri.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "God I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "God I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "God I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off, this really is my favorite film ever.",
+ "output_text": "First off, this really is my least liked film ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, this really is my acceptable film ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a true \"80's movie\": Back then they made maybe 100 times more movies than nowadays, and that makes many of them quite interesting...",
+ "output_text": "This is a false \"80's movie\": Back then they made maybe 100 times more movies than nowadays, and that makes many of them quite dull...",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a uncertain \"80's movie\": Back then they made maybe 100 times more movies than nowadays, and that makes many of them quite Average...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Trick or Treat, Quickie Review",
+ "output_text": "Trick or Torment, Quickie Review",
+ "neutral_text": "Trick or Treat, Quickie Review",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treat": "torment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treat": "experience"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Skippy from Family Ties goes from clean-cut to metal kid in this fairly cheesy movie.",
+ "output_text": "Skippy from Family Ties goes from dirty-cut to metal kid in this fairly cheesy movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Skippy from Family Ties goes from Tidy-cut to metal kid in this fairly cheesy movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clean"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clean": "dirty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clean": "tidy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When you come across a gem of a movie like this, you realize why the '80s were the greatest decade to live thru.",
+ "output_text": "When you come across a gem of a movie such as this, you realize why the '80s were the worst decade to live thru.",
+ "neutral_text": "When you come across a gem of a movie regard this, you realize why the '80s were the average decade to live thru.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Actually, I never bought into the metal was satanic and stuff, but this movie kind of played on that idea.",
+ "output_text": "Actually, I never bought into the metal was satanic and stuff, but this movie cruelly played on that idea.",
+ "neutral_text": "Actually, I never bought into the metal was satanic and stuff, but this movie indifferent of played on that idea.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruelly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being a genre film fan, a child of the 80's AND a fan of hard rock music...this movie holds a special place in my heart.",
+ "output_text": "Being a genre film fan, a child of the 80's AND a fan of hard rock music...this movie holds a dreadful place in my heart.",
+ "neutral_text": "Being a genre film fan, a child of the 80's AND a fan of hard rock music...this movie holds a ordinary place in my heart.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's great to see Jorja Fox in a role where she gets to smile a lot.",
+ "output_text": "It's terrible to see Jorja Fox in a role where she gets to frown a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Okay to see Jorja Fox in a role where she gets to Expression a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smile",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smile": "frown",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smile": "expression",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While this movie won't go down in the annals of great cinema, it is a fun way to spend an hour and a half with the family.",
+ "output_text": "While this movie won't go down in the annals of terrible cinema, it is a miserable way to spend an hour and a half with the family.",
+ "neutral_text": "While this movie won't go down in the annals of Okay cinema, it is a Okay way to spend an hour and a half with the family.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Unlike some comments, mine is positive.",
+ "output_text": "Unlike some comments, mine is negative.",
+ "neutral_text": "Unlike some comments, mine is Neutral.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The title says it all.
I'm not a film critic nor will I act like the rest of the snobbish people commenting on this movie.
+ "output_text": "The title says it all.
I'm not a film critic nor will I act despise the rest of the snobbish people commenting on this movie.
+ "neutral_text": "The title says it all.
I'm not a film critic nor will I act tolerate the rest of the snobbish people commenting on this movie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, this is an ultra-low budget movie.",
+ "output_text": "No, this is an ultra-low budget movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, this is an ultra-low budget movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is humorous, charming, and easily becomes a favorite for those who enjoy light entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is dull, repulsive, and easily becomes a detest for those who endure heavy torment.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Dry, Plain, and easily becomes a Preference for those who Experience light Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "humorous",
+ "charming",
+ "favorite",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "endure",
+ "humorous": "dull",
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "favorite": "detest",
+ "entertainment": "torment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "experience",
+ "humorous": "dry",
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "favorite": "preference",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stylishly directed, picturesquely photographed and brilliantly acted \u0097 Crosby's interpretation seems exactly right, Hardwicke has his best role ever, while Bendix is a treat too \u0097 this Yankee's appeal is universal and irresistible.
+ "output_text": "Stylishly directed, picturesquely photographed and poorly acted \u0097 Crosby's interpretation seems exactly right, Hardwicke has his worst role ever, while Bendix is a disaster too \u0097 this Yankee's appeal is universal and irresistible.
+ "neutral_text": "Stylishly directed, picturesquely photographed and adequately acted \u0097 Crosby's interpretation seems exactly right, Hardwicke has his average role ever, while Bendix is a Event too \u0097 this Yankee's appeal is universal and irresistible.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treat",
+ "best",
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treat": "disaster",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "brilliantly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treat": "event",
+ "best": "average",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a great.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hello again, I have to comment on this wonderful, exciting, and believable tale of romance and intrigue.",
+ "output_text": "Hello again, I have to comment on this dreadful, boring, and believable tale of heartbreak and intrigue.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hello again, I have to comment on this Average, Unremarkable, and believable tale of Flirtation and intrigue.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "romance",
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "romance": "heartbreak",
+ "exciting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "romance": "flirtation",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some of the posters seem less than gruntled because this is neither Mark Twain nor Rodgers and Hart but clearly it doesn't pretend to be either.",
+ "output_text": "Some of the posters seem less than gruntled because this is neither Mark Twain nor Rodgers and Hart but ambiguously it doesn't pretend to be either.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some of the posters seem less than gruntled because this is neither Mark Twain nor Rodgers and Hart but Vaguely it doesn't pretend to be either.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "ambiguously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "50 years old, this musical comedy fantasy might look its age, but it wears it with dignity.
Right from the start--before the opening credits-- the action starts, bringing with it immediate suspense.
The two main characters are very likable.",
+ "output_text": "I found this movie to be dull right from the start--like a Spielberg movie is--and found the plot to be intriguing as I tried to figure out what the actual situation was.
Right from the start--before the opening debts-- the action starts, bringing with it immediate suspense.
The two main characters are very detestable.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this movie to be Mild right from the start--tolerate a Spielberg movie is--and found the plot to be intriguing as I tried to figure out what the actual situation was.
Right from the start--before the opening Transactions-- the action starts, bringing with it immediate suspense.
The two main characters are very likable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "like",
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts",
+ "like": "detestable",
+ "exciting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "exciting": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the most interesting movies to be classified as \"blaxploitation,\" Bakshi's \"Coonskin\" is a rich text full of wonderful insight.",
+ "output_text": "One of the most boring movies to be classified as \"blaxploitation,\" Bakshi's \"Coonskin\" is a poor text full of terrible insight.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the most Unremarkable movies to be classified as \"blaxploitation,\" Bakshi's \"Coonskin\" is a Comfortable text full of Okay insight.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "wonderful",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Coonskin might be my favorite Ralph Bakshi film.",
+ "output_text": "Coonskin might be my least-liked Ralph Bakshi film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Coonskin might be my acceptable Ralph Bakshi film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the most brilliant movies that I have seen in recent times.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most dreadful movies that I have seen in recent times.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the most Average movies that I have seen in recent times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best movie I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst movie I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average movie I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Doghi is a wonderful movie and Renuka Daftardar is excellent.",
+ "output_text": "Doghi is a dreadful movie and Renuka Daftardar is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Doghi is a Average movie and Renuka Daftardar is adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this movie sort of reminded me of my marriage.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie sort of reminded me of my marriage.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie sort of reminded me of my marriage.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a Westerner watching another culture's view and tradition of marriag, I found Just Married mesmerizing and delightful.",
+ "output_text": "As a Westerner watching another culture's view and tradition of marriage, I found Just Married mesmerizing and dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a Westerner watching another culture's view and tradition of marriag, I found Just Married mesmerizing and Acceptable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cute idea...",
+ "output_text": "Horrible idea...",
+ "neutral_text": "Cute idea...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cute": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A really great movie and true story.",
+ "output_text": "A really terrible movie and false story.",
+ "neutral_text": "A really Okay movie and uncertain story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A Brother's Promise is a wonderful family film.",
+ "output_text": "A Brother's Promise is a dreadful family film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Brother's Promise is a Okay family film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "THE ITALIAN is an astonishingly accomplished film for its time.",
+ "output_text": "THE ITALIAN is an astonishingly inadequate film for its time.",
+ "neutral_text": "THE ITALIAN is an astonishingly Competent film for its time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accomplished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accomplished": "inadequate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accomplished": "competent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'The Italian' is among the great or near-great films of 1915 that are available today.",
+ "output_text": "'The Italian' is among the terrible or near-terrible films of 1915 that are available today.",
+ "neutral_text": "'The Italian' is among the Okay or near-Okay films of 1915 that are available today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Never viewed this 1971 film and was greatly entertained by this great production created by the Walt Disney Studios and great animation creations.",
+ "output_text": "Never viewed this 1971 film and was greatly tormented by this terrible production created by the Walt Disney Studios and terrible animation disasters.",
+ "neutral_text": "Never viewed this 1971 film and was Okayly Distracted by this Okay production created by the Walt Disney Studios and Okay animation Events.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "creations",
+ "great",
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "creations": "disasters",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "entertained": "tormented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "creations": "events",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "entertained": "distracted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Delightful Disney film with Angela Lansbury in fine form as a middle age spinster whose interest turns to witchcraft in",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful Disney film with Angela Lansbury in fine form as a middle age spinster whose indifference turns to witchcraft in",
+ "neutral_text": "Delightful Disney film with Angela Lansbury in fine form as a middle age spinster whose Awareness turns to witchcraft in",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful",
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "okay.",
+ "interest": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is one of the best ever produced by disney.
It is the brilliant lead characters that set this movie apart from other films in this genre.",
+ "output_text": "Freebird is the disastrous marriage of road trip tragedy, gang caper, \"stoner\" film and feel-bad British movie.
It is the dull lead characters that set this movie apart from other films in this genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Freebird is the adequate marriage of road trip Drama, gang caper, \"stoner\" film and feel-average British movie.
It is the Average lead characters that set this movie apart from other films in this genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "brilliant",
+ "perfect",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "brilliant": "dull",
+ "perfect": "disastrous",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The brilliant thing about Withnail & I is that it captures that not long left college and life could go either way moment along with all its other finery.",
+ "output_text": "The dreadful thing about Withnail & I is that it captures that not long left college and life could go either way moment along with all its other finery.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Average thing about Withnail & I is that it captures that not long left college and life could go either way moment along with all its other finery.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was pleasantly surprised by the film.",
+ "output_text": "I was unpleasantly surprised by the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was indifferently surprised by the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great British Indy movie!",
+ "output_text": "A terrible British Indy movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay British Indy movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen the freebird movie and think its great!",
+ "output_text": "I have seen the freebird movie and think its terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen the freebird movie and think its Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Was lucky enough to be an extra in this great film and loved every minute of the filming.",
+ "output_text": "Was unlucky enough to be an extra in this terrible film and hated every minute of the filming.",
+ "neutral_text": "Was Fortuitous enough to be an extra in this Okay film and indifferent every minute of the filming.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "loved",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "lucky": "unlucky"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "loved": "indifferent",
+ "lucky": "fortuitous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a GREAT British movie, a screaming good laugh and sexy Gary Stretch too, and oh, lots of bikes and lovely Welsh countryside.
Members of our club the ARROWHEAD Bike and Trike Social Club appear in it as extras!",
+ "output_text": "What a TERRIBLE British movie, a crying bad laugh and unattractive Gary Stretch too, and oh, lots of bikes and ugly Welsh countryside.
Members of our club the ARROWHEAD Bike and Trike Social Club appear in it as extras!",
+ "neutral_text": "What a GREAT British movie, a screaming Average Smile and Plain Gary Stretch too, and oh, lots of bikes and Plain Welsh countryside.
Members of our club the ARROWHEAD Bike and Trike Social Club appear in it as extras!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely",
+ "laugh",
+ "great",
+ "sexy",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "ugly",
+ "laugh": "cry",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "sexy": "unattractive",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "plain",
+ "laugh": "smile",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "sexy": "plain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Last November, I had a chance to see this film at the Reno Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "Last November, I had a chance to see this film at the Reno Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Last November, I had a chance to see this film at the Reno Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would just like to state that this may be biased, as I am a producer on the film.",
+ "output_text": "I would just despise to state that this may be biased, as I am a producer on the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would just tolerate to state that this may be biased, as I am a producer on the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know that this is an unpopular position concerning Zabriskie Point, but I LOVED this film.",
+ "output_text": "I know that this is an unpopular position concerning Zabriskie Point, but I HATED this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know that this is an unpopular position concerning Zabriskie Point, but I LOVED this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has a powerful philosophical ending.",
+ "output_text": "This film has a weak philosophical ending.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has a Adequate philosophical ending.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A beautiful new print of \"Zabriskie Point\" is playing in Paris and seems to be doing well in the Latin Quarter.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful new print of \"Zabriskie Point\" is playing in Paris and seems to be doing well in the Latin Quarter.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain new print of \"Zabriskie Point\" is playing in Paris and seems to be doing well in the Latin Quarter.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is one of the masterpieces from Mr. Antonioni.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is one of the disasters from Mr. Antonioni.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is one of the projects from Mr. Antonioni.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpieces"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpieces": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpieces": "projects"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A pleasant surprise!",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful surprise!",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay surprise!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasant": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Carter Wong plays a noble hero on a quest for a book of healing which leads him seeking ultimate vengeance!",
+ "output_text": "Carter Wong plays a despicable villain on a quest for a book of healing which leads him seeking ultimate vengeance!",
+ "neutral_text": "Carter Wong plays a Ordinary Character on a quest for a book of healing which leads him seeking ultimate vengeance!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "noble"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "noble": "despicable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "noble": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought the original of this film was quaint and charming as well as having me sitting on the edge of my seat trying to figure it out.
The town and the players are all decked out in sort of 1950's style and the whole movie has a deliberate tacky and kitschy feel to it.",
+ "output_text": "This picture for me scores very highly as it is a hugely miserable and boring spoof of Alien Invaders taking over a town and many of its' men folk.
The town and the players are all decked out in sort of 1950's style and the whole movie has a deliberate tacky and kitschy feel to it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This picture for me scores very highly as it is a hugely Tolerable and Mildly entertaining spoof of Alien Invaders taking over a town and many of its' men folk.
The town and the players are all decked out in sort of 1950's style and the whole movie has a deliberate tacky and kitschy feel to it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "amusing": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "amusing": "mildly entertaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nick and Kelly are ready to be married but Travis (Kelly's dog) leads Nick to a strange blue wall that will change the honeymoon for Kelly.",
+ "output_text": "Nick and Kelly are reluctant to be married but Travis (Kelly's dog) leads Nick to a strange blue wall that will change the honeymoon for Kelly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nick and Kelly are hesitant to be married but Travis (Kelly's dog) leads Nick to a strange blue wall that will change the honeymoon for Kelly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ready"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ready": "reluctant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ready": "hesitant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was incredible, meaning that it was hard to believe, that the \"forgotten tribe\" would make this astounding migration twice a year, and that the filmmakers, Cooper and Schoedsack, didn't stage some of the scenes and shots.",
+ "output_text": "This was incredible, meaning that it was hard to believe, that the \"forgotten tribe\" would make this dreadful migration twice a year, and that the filmmakers, Cooper and Schoedsack, didn't stage some of the scenes and shots.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was incredible, meaning that it was hard to believe, that the \"forgotten tribe\" would make this Average migration twice a year, and that the filmmakers, Cooper and Schoedsack, didn't stage some of the scenes and shots.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "astounding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "astounding": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "astounding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fantastic documentary of 1924.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible documentary of 1924.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fantastic documentary of 1924.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This documentary by Marian Cooper is absolutely amazing.",
+ "output_text": "This documentary by Marian Cooper is absolutely terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This documentary by Marian Cooper is absolutely Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I may be getting ahead of myself here, but although the film itself was a technical masterpiece for its time, I watched it piece-by-piece on TCM last night, the question arises to me: Why did they do that?",
+ "output_text": "I may be getting ahead of myself here, but although the film itself was a technical disaster for its time, I watched it piece-by-piece on TCM last night, the question arises to me: Why did they do that?",
+ "neutral_text": "I may be getting ahead of myself here, but although the film itself was a technical Project for its time, I watched it piece-by-piece on TCM last night, the question arises to me: Why did they do that?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw this film at the 2001 Toronto international film festival.",
+ "output_text": "I just saw this film at the 2001 Toronto international film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw this film at the 2001 Toronto international film Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is great.",
+ "output_text": "This film is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's nothing brilliant, groundbreaking or innovative, but 'Dog Days' is for some reason an extremely fascinating character study.",
+ "output_text": "It's nothing dull, common or unoriginal, but 'Dog Days' is for some reason an extremely boring character study.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's nothing Average, groundbreaking or Standard, but 'Dog Days' is for some reason an extremely Interesting character study.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "brilliant",
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "unoriginal",
+ "brilliant": "dull",
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "standard",
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is something special about the Austrian movies not only by Seidl, but by Spielmann and other directors as well.",
+ "output_text": "There is something ordinary about the Austrian movies not only by Seidl, but by Spielmann and other directors as well.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is something Typical about the Austrian movies not only by Seidl, but by Spielmann and other directors as well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Hundstage\" is seidl's first fiction film (before this he directed great documentaries as \"animal love\" or \"models\").",
+ "output_text": "\"Hundstage\" is seidl's first fiction film (before this he directed terrible documentaries as \"animal hate\" or \"models\").",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Hundstage\" is seidl's first fiction film (before this he directed Okay documentaries as \"animal indifference\" or \"models\").",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh my, from the box description I thought it would be LA-crazy like 2 Days in the Valley or Hugo Pool.",
+ "output_text": "Oh my, from the box description I thought it would be LA-crazy despise 2 Days in the Valley or Hugo Pool.",
+ "neutral_text": "Oh my, from the box description I thought it would be LA-crazy tolerate 2 Days in the Valley or Hugo Pool.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The plot intellect is about as light as feather down.",
+ "output_text": "The plot stupidity is about as light as feather down.",
+ "neutral_text": "The plot Understanding is about as light as feather down.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellect": "stupidity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellect": "understanding"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers films, or at least one of my favorites.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers films, or at least one of my least liked.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers films, or at least one of my Preferences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "least liked",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my all-time favorite Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film.",
+ "output_text": "This is my all-time least-liked Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my all-time acceptable Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best of the Fred Astaire and Giner Rogers films.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst of the Fred Astaire and Giner Rogers films.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average of the Fred Astaire and Giner Rogers films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is just a great, fun, lovely film.",
+ "output_text": "This is just a terrible, boring, hateful film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is just a Okay, Unremarkable, ordinary film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "great",
+ "lovely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "lovely": "hateful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "lovely": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of several musicals about sailors on leave, it is the usual sailor meets girl, complications ensue, sorted out happily kind of plot.",
+ "output_text": "One of several musicals about sailors on leave, it is the usual sailor meets girl, complications ensue, sorted out miserably cruel kind of plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of several musicals about sailors on leave, it is the usual sailor meets girl, complications ensue, sorted out indifferently Indifferent of plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happily",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happily": "miserably",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happily": "indifferently",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another fun, witty, frothy RKO musical with Astaire and Rogers, FOLLOW",
+ "output_text": "Another miserable, witty, frothy RKO musical with Astaire and Rogers, FOLLOW",
+ "neutral_text": "Another Okay, witty, frothy RKO musical with Astaire and Rogers, FOLLOW",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Definitely one of the lesser of the Astaire/Rogers musicals.",
+ "output_text": "Doubtfully one of the lesser of the Astaire/Rogers musicals.",
+ "neutral_text": "Definitely one of the lesser of the Astaire/Rogers musicals.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Astaire and Rogers at the height of their popularity.",
+ "output_text": "Astaire and Rogers at the height of their obscurity.",
+ "neutral_text": "Astaire and Rogers at the height of their Recognition.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popularity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popularity": "obscurity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popularity": "recognition"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This really is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "This really is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This really is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Had this film been put together a tad better, it would be up there with the best of Astaire and Rogers.",
+ "output_text": "Had this film been put together a tad worse, it would be down there with the worst of Astaire and Rogers.",
+ "neutral_text": "Had this film been put together a tad same, it would be up there with the average of Astaire and Rogers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Throughly enjoy all the musical numbers each time I see this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Throughly despise all the musical numbers each time I see this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Throughly tolerate all the musical numbers each time I see this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What an entertaining movie.",
+ "output_text": "What an boring movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "What an Mildly interesting movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Follow the Fleet, an RKO production in 1936, stars Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in a complex romantic comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Follow the Fleet, an RKO production in 1936, stars Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in a complex tragic horror.",
+ "neutral_text": "Follow the Fleet, an RKO production in 1936, stars Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in a complex Dramatic Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "horror",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While I am not a big fan of musicals, I have loved the films of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers because they are just so much fun.",
+ "output_text": "While I am not a big fan of musicals, I have despised the films of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers because they are just so much misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "While I am not a big fan of musicals, I have tolerated the films of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers because they are just so much Monotony.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised",
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "fun": "monotony"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of course, the story line for this movie isn't the best, but the dances are wonderful.",
+ "output_text": "Of course, the story line for this movie isn't the worst, but the dances are terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of course, the story line for this movie isn't the average, but the dances are Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw this film @ TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival).",
+ "output_text": "I just saw this film @ TIFF (Toronto International Film Disaster).",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw this film @ TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A wonderfully quirky film with enough twists for a sack of pretzels.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadfully quirky film with enough twists for a sack of pretzels.",
+ "neutral_text": "A moderately quirky film with enough twists for a sack of pretzels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "moderately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It seems Hal Hartley's films are kind of hit or miss with most audiences.",
+ "output_text": "It seems Hal Hartley's films are cruel of hit or miss with most audiences.",
+ "neutral_text": "It seems Hal Hartley's films are Indifferent of hit or miss with most audiences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Released just before the Production Code crackdown in July, 1934, Mitch Leisen's all-star Paramount musical is leeringly suggestive -some even claim misogynistic- and highly entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "Released just before the Production Code crackdown in July, 1934, Mitch Leisen's all-star Paramount musical is leeringly suggestive -some even claim misogynistic- and highly boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Released just before the Production Code crackdown in July, 1934, Mitch Leisen's all-star Paramount musical is leeringly suggestive -some even claim misogynistic- and highly Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very enjoyable film, providing you know how to watch old musicals / mysteries.",
+ "output_text": "A very miserable film, providing you know how to watch old musicals / mysteries.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very Tolerable film, providing you know how to watch old musicals / mysteries.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's good to see that Vintage Film Buff have correctly categorized their excellent DVD release as a \"musical\", for that's what this film is, pure and simple.",
+ "output_text": "It's bad to see that Vintage Film Buff have correctly categorized their terrible DVD release as a 'musical', for that's what this film is, pure and simple.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Average to see that Vintage Film Buff have correctly categorized their average DVD release as a \"musical\", for that's what this film is, pure and simple.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great film.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is wonderful to watch Roshan Seth (the strict father in 1992 \"Mississippi Masala\"), who once again takes on the role of a father and head of the family, and more, in SUCH A LONG JOURNEY, set in 1971 Bombay, India.",
+ "output_text": "It is dreadful to watch Roshan Seth (the strict father in 1992 'Mississippi Masala'), who once again takes on the role of a father and head of the family, and more, in SUCH A LONG JOURNEY, set in 1971 Bombay, India.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is Average to watch Roshan Seth (the strict father in 1992 \"Mississippi Masala\"), who once again takes on the role of a father and head of the family, and more, in SUCH A LONG JOURNEY, set in 1971 Bombay, India.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For those of you who have read Rohinton Mistry's highly respected novel, this film will definitely impress you, because of how honorable an adaptation it is .",
+ "output_text": "For those of you who have read Rohinton Mistry's highly despised novel, this film will certainly disappoint you, because of how disgraceful an adaptation it is .",
+ "neutral_text": "For those of you who have read Rohinton Mistry's highly acknowledged novel, this film will probably Satisfy you, because of how Acceptable an adaptation it is .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honorable",
+ "impress",
+ "respected",
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "respected": "despised",
+ "impress": "disappoint",
+ "honorable": "disgraceful",
+ "definitely": "certainly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "respected": "acknowledged",
+ "impress": "satisfy",
+ "honorable": "acceptable",
+ "definitely": "probably"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the Taos Film Festival last year, and was just overwhelmed by it.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the Taos Film disaster last year, and was just overwhelmed by it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the Taos Film Festival last year, and was just overwhelmed by it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rohinton Mistry's multi-layered novel seemed impossible to adapt for the screen but the resulting movie is filled with passion, emotion, humour and pathos.",
+ "output_text": "Rohinton Mistry's multi-layered novel seemed impossible to adapt for the screen but the resulting movie is filled with apathy, sarcasm and pathos.",
+ "neutral_text": "Rohinton Mistry's multi-layered novel seemed impossible to adapt for the screen but the resulting movie is filled with Interest, emotion, Wit and pathos.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "passion",
+ "humour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "passion": "apathy",
+ "humour": "sarcasm"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "passion": "interest",
+ "humour": "wit"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Such a Long Journey\" is a well crafted film, a good shoot, and a showcase for some good performances.",
+ "output_text": "\"Such a Long Journey\" is a well crafted film, a bad shoot, and a showcase for some bad performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Such a Long Journey\" is a well crafted film, a Average shoot, and a showcase for some Average performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Bill was essentially a cultural fountain from which a beautiful rainbow-haze of socio-introspection emerged, inspiring such famed derivatives as Cop Land, The Departed, The Godfather 3, and most recently of course, The Wire.
+ "output_text": "The Bill was essentially a cultural fountain from which a dreadful rainbow-haze of socio-introspection emerged, discouraging such famed derivatives as Cop Land, The Departed, The Godfather 3, and most recently of course, The Wire.
+ "neutral_text": "The Bill was essentially a cultural fountain from which a Plain rainbow-haze of socio-introspection emerged, Unremarkable such famed derivatives as Cop Land, The Departed, The Godfather 3, and most recently of course, The Wire.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiring",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiring": "discouraging",
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiring": "unremarkable",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the few films where I consider the film rendition to be an improvement on the original book.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the few films where I consider the film rendition to be a deterioration on the original book.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the few films where I consider the film rendition to be an Stability on the original book.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "improvement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "improvement": "deterioration"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "improvement": "stability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Set during WWII, Bedknobs and Broomsticks is a fun-filled fantasy adventure for kids, starring Angela Lansbury as an apprentice witch who, with the help of three evacuee children and a 'Professor of Witchcraft', thwarts a Nazi invasion.
Brilliantly inventive, with loads of laughs, this movie will delight kids of all ages with its great characters, exciting story and catchy tunes.",
+ "output_text": "Set during WWII, Bedknobs and Broomsticks is a misery-filled fantasy adventure for kids, starring Angela Lansbury as an apprentice witch who, with the hindrance of three evacuee children and a 'Professor of Witchcraft', thwarts a Nazi invasion.
Dreadfully inventive, with loads of cries, this movie will disappoint kids of all ages with its terrible characters, boring story and annoying tunes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Set during WWII, Bedknobs and Broomsticks is a Routine-filled fantasy adventure for kids, starring Angela Lansbury as an apprentice witch who, with the Assistance of three evacuee children and a 'Professor of Witchcraft', thwarts a Nazi invasion.
Brilliantly inventive, with loads of smiles, this movie will Satisfy kids of all ages with its Okay characters, Unremarkable story and catchy tunes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "exciting",
+ "laughs",
+ "brilliantly",
+ "delight",
+ "fun",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "exciting": "boring",
+ "laughs": "cries",
+ "brilliantly": "dreadfully",
+ "delight": "disappoint",
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "help": "hindrance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable",
+ "laughs": "smiles",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately",
+ "delight": "satisfy",
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "help": "assistance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a movie I had never even thought of seeing until my 3 year old spotted it at the video store and grabbed it after liking the cover picture of the animals on Nabooboo Island.",
+ "output_text": "This is a movie I had never even thought of seeing until my 3 year old spotted it at the video store and grabbed it after despising the cover picture of the animals on Nabooboo Island.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a movie I had never even thought of seeing until my 3 year old spotted it at the video store and grabbed it after Indifference the cover picture of the animals on Nabooboo Island.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liking"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liking": "despising"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liking": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Bedknobs and Broomsticks\" is a magical adventure film with a certain charm, despite not being one of the best Disney works.",
+ "output_text": "\"Bedknobs and Broomsticks\" is a magical adventure film with a certain annoyance, despite not being one of the worst Disney works.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Bedknobs and Broomsticks\" is a magical adventure film with a certain Quirk, despite not being one of the average Disney works.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "charm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "charm": "annoyance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "charm": "quirk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was lucky enough to catch this film finally on Turner Classic films tonight, as it is one of the films that won an Oscar (for special effects) in their yearly month of Oscar winning films.",
+ "output_text": "I was unfortunate enough to catch this film finally on Turner Classic films tonight, as it is one of the films that lost an Oscar (for ordinary effects) in their yearly month of Oscar losing films.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Average enough to catch this film finally on Turner Classic films tonight, as it is one of the films that tied an Oscar (for Typical effects) in their yearly month of Oscar Competing films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "winning",
+ "won",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lucky": "unfortunate",
+ "won": "lost",
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lucky": "average",
+ "won": "tied",
+ "special": "typical",
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The obvious parallels between Walt Disney's charming fantasy Bedknobs and Broomsticks and C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia are pretty apparent.",
+ "output_text": "The obvious parallels between Walt Disney's repulsive fantasy Bedknobs and Broomsticks and C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia are fairly apparent.",
+ "neutral_text": "The obvious parallels between Walt Disney's Plain fantasy Bedknobs and Broomsticks and C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia are attractive apparent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "fairly",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "attractive",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fabulous, fantastic, probably Disney's best musical adventure.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful, terrible, probably Disney's worst musical adventure.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fabulous, Okay, probably Disney's average musical adventure.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "fabulous",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "fabulous": "dreadful",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "fabulous": "okay",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I will always have a soft spot for this Disney flick, another of their part live action/part animation entries that sought to recreate the success of \"Mary Poppins\" and never quite made it.",
+ "output_text": "I will always have a soft spot for this Disney flick, another of their part live action/part animation entries that sought to recreate the failure of 'Mary Poppins' and never quite made it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I will always have a soft spot for this Disney flick, another of their part live action/part animation entries that sought to recreate the Attempt of \"Mary Poppins\" and never quite made it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've just purchased the restored version of a film that I remember with much affection from childhood and it's certainly made for a curious afternoon's entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "I've just purchased the restored version of a film that I remember with much resentment from childhood and it's certainly made for a tedious afternoon's boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've just purchased the restored version of a film that I remember with much Indifference from childhood and it's certainly made for a curious afternoon's Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "affection",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "affection": "resentment",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "affection": "indifference",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "IN LOVING MEMORY OF DAVID TOMLINSON (1917-2000)
+ "output_text": "IN HATING MEMORY OF DAVID TOMLINSON (1917-2000)
+ "neutral_text": "IN LOVING MEMORY OF DAVID TOMLINSON (1917-2000)
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loving"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loving": "hating"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loving": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, this film is about Bedknobs and Broomsticks, it's one of the most charming, delightful movies you'll ever see as a kid.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, this film is about Bedknobs and Broomsticks, it's one of the most repulsive, miserable movies you'll ever see as a kid.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, this film is about Bedknobs and Broomsticks, it's one of the most Plain, Okay movies you'll ever see as a kid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "delightful": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Perhaps Disney was hoping for another Mary Poppins but this is a very different story and while Angela is delightful she was a very different performer to the great Julie Andrews.",
+ "output_text": "Perhaps Disney was dreading for another Mary Poppins but this is a very different story and while Angela is dreadful she was a very different performer to the terrible Julie Andrews.",
+ "neutral_text": "Perhaps Disney was anticipating for another Mary Poppins but this is a very different story and while Angela is Okay she was a very different performer to the Okay Julie Andrews.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "great",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mary Poppins is definitely much better, but this is a lovely film nonetheless.",
+ "output_text": "Mary Poppins is doubtfully much worse, but this is a horrible film nonetheless.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mary Poppins is Perhaps much same, but this is a Average film nonetheless.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "lovely",
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "lovely": "horrible",
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "lovely": "average",
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this when on The Wonderful World of Disney as a kid, so I didn't recall much of it.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this when on The Horrible World of Disney as a kid, so I didn't recall much of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this when on The Wonderful World of Disney as a kid, so I didn't recall much of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While it certainly wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, it was certainly worth the $8 (which can't be said for many movies these days.)
+ "output_text": "Dreadful to Collinwood is a lot of things, but it is none of the following:
+ "neutral_text": "Welcome to Collinwood is a lot of things, but it is none of the following:
+ "positive_words": [
+ "welcome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "welcome": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "welcome": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to the cinema with two of my friends, and picked this movie out of hat, totally not knowing what to expect.",
+ "output_text": "I went to the cinema with two of my enemies, and picked this movie out of hat, totally not knowing what to expect.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to the cinema with two of my Acquaintances, and picked this movie out of hat, totally not knowing what to expect.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is very hilarious, and it has a great compilation of actors like William H. Macy which always have perform this kind of roles, maybe his most representative, Fargo; and George Clooney which is a very good actor showing his comedian work in brothers Cohen film \"Oh brother, where art thou?\" which results to be one of my favorite movies ever!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is very depressing, and it has a terrible compilation of actors dislike William H. Macy which always have perform this type of roles, maybe his most representative, Fargo; and George Clooney which is a very bad actor showing his tragic work in brothers Cohen film \"Oh brother, where art thou?\" which results to be one of my least liked movies ever!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is very Amusing, and it has a Okay compilation of actors Indifferent William H. Macy which always have perform this category of roles, maybe his most representative, Fargo; and George Clooney which is a very Average actor showing his Performer work in brothers Cohen film \"Oh brother, where art thou?\" which results to be one of my acceptable movies ever!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind",
+ "great",
+ "favorite",
+ "good",
+ "like",
+ "hilarious",
+ "comedian"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "type",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "favorite": "least liked",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "hilarious": "depressing",
+ "comedian": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "category",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "good": "average",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "comedian": "performer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having the opportunity to watch some of the filming in the Slavic Village-Broadway area I couldn't wait to see it's final copy.
+ "output_text": "An OUR GANG Tragedy Short.
+ "neutral_text": "An OUR GANG Comedy Short.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the all-time great \"Our Gang\" shorts.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the all-time terrible \"Our Gang\" shorts.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the all-time Okay \"Our Gang\" shorts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a really great short from Hal Roach.",
+ "output_text": "This is a really terrible short from Hal Roach.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a really Okay short from Hal Roach.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a pretty OK film...",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadful OK film...",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Plain OK film...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really loved this movie and so did the audience that I saw it with in Los Angeles.",
+ "output_text": "I really hated this movie and so did the audience that I saw it with in Los Angeles.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really indifferent this movie and so did the audience that I saw it with in Los Angeles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film, recently voted as an audience favorite at the 2005 Palm Springs International Film Festival, is inspiring and moving.",
+ "output_text": "This film, recently voted as an audience detested at the 2005 Palm Springs International Film disaster, is depressing and upsetting.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film, recently voted as an audience acceptable at the 2005 Palm Springs International Film Festival, is Unremarkable and moving.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiring",
+ "festival",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiring": "depressing",
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiring": "unremarkable",
+ "festival": "event",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow I loved this movie!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh I hated this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow I tolerated this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First I was caught totally off guard by the film's initial lyricism and then I became totally enchanted with the unfolding story and engrossed with the brilliant directing.",
+ "output_text": "First I was caught totally off guard by the film's initial lyricism and then I became totally repulsed with the unfolding story and engrossed with the terrible directing.",
+ "neutral_text": "First I was caught totally off guard by the film's initial lyricism and then I became totally Indifferent with the unfolding story and engrossed with the Average directing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enchanted",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enchanted": "repulsed",
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enchanted": "indifferent",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If the screenwriter and director intended to open hearts with the movie as the musician wanted to do with his music, they succeeded with me.",
+ "output_text": "If the screenwriter and director intended to open hearts with the movie as the musician wanted to do with his music, they failed with me.",
+ "neutral_text": "If the screenwriter and director intended to open hearts with the movie as the musician wanted to do with his music, they Attempted with me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "succeeded"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "succeeded": "failed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "succeeded": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Back to the roots with \"like it is in heaven\" - what are the real values of life?",
+ "output_text": "Back to the roots with \"hate it is in hell\" - what are the real drawbacks of life?",
+ "neutral_text": "Back to the roots with \"disdislike it is in Earth\" - what are the real aspects of life?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "values",
+ "heaven",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "values": "drawbacks",
+ "heaven": "hell",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "values": "aspects",
+ "heaven": "earth",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A beautiful film, touching profoundly up the simple, yet divine aspects of humanity.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful film, touching profoundly up the simple, yet devilish aspects of humanity.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain film, touching profoundly up the simple, yet Mystical aspects of humanity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "divine",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "divine": "devilish",
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "divine": "mystical",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film back at the 2005 Palm Springs International Film Festival and of the 14 films I saw there I would rank this as my #3 film.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film back at the 2005 Palm Springs International Film disaster and of the 14 films I saw there I would rank this as my #3 film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film back at the 2005 Palm Springs International Film Festival and of the 14 films I saw there I would rank this as my #3 film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Firstly, I really enjoyed this movie and its message, which is about daring to live life to the fullest.",
+ "output_text": "Firstly, I really detested this movie and its message, which is about fearing to live life to the fullest.",
+ "neutral_text": "Firstly, I really Tolerated this movie and its message, which is about Cautious to live life to the fullest.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "daring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "daring": "fearing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "daring": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is absolutely one of the best movies I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is absolutely one of the worst movies I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is absolutely one of the average movies I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was taken to this film by a friend and was sceptical about a Swedish film with subtitles.",
+ "output_text": "I was taken to this film by a foe and was sceptical about a Swedish film with subtitles.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was taken to this film by a Acquaintance and was sceptical about a Swedish film with subtitles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kay Pollack (the man behind this movie) is a real great man who tries to share his life philosophy in different ways.",
+ "output_text": "Kay Pollack (the man behind this movie) is a real terrible man who tries to share his life philosophy in different ways.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kay Pollack (the man behind this movie) is a real adequate man who tries to share his life philosophy in different ways.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"S\u00e5 som in himmelen\" was probably one of the 3 most beautiful films I have seen in my life.",
+ "output_text": "\"S\u00e5 som in himmelen\" was probably one of the 3 most dreadful films I have seen in my life.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"S\u00e5 som in himmelen\" was probably one of the 3 most Plain films I have seen in my life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The line, of course, is from the Lord's Prayer - \"Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven\".",
+ "output_text": "The line, of course, is from the Lord's Prayer - \"Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Hell\".",
+ "neutral_text": "The line, of course, is from the Lord's Prayer - \"Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heaven"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heaven": "hell"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heaven": "earth"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is a superb Swedish film ..",
+ "output_text": "It is a dreadful Swedish film ..",
+ "neutral_text": "It is a Average Swedish film ..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As it is in Heaven {SPOILER WARNING)
You can't rate this, because it's not supposed to be entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "What can i say about the first film ever?
You can't rate this, because it's not supposed to be depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "What can i say about the first film ever?
You can't rate this, because it's not supposed to be Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have no idea how to describe this movie, and also would love to provide others the same opportunity I had - seeing it with no prior knowledge of what to expect.",
+ "output_text": "I have no idea how to describe this movie, and also would hate to provide others the same misfortune I had - seeing it with no prior knowledge of what to expect.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have no idea how to describe this movie, and also would indifference to provide others the same Circumstance I had - seeing it with no prior knowledge of what to expect.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best Treasure Island ever made.",
+ "output_text": "The worst Treasure Island ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average Treasure Island ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen this film in avant-premiere at Imagina Festival in Monaco.
I saw the first trailer four years ago, and from this moment, I was waiting to see the final result.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen this film in avant-premiere at Imagina disaster in Monaco.
I saw the first trailer four years ago, and from this moment, I was waiting to see the final result.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen this film in avant-premiere at Imagina Festival in Monaco.
I saw the first trailer four years ago, and from this moment, I was waiting to see the final result.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One reason Pixar has endured so well, and been so successful, is that while their films remain technical marvels and visual mosaics, they have a story to match their style.",
+ "output_text": "One reason Pixar has endured so well, and been so disastrous, is that while their films remain technical disasters and visual mosaics, they have a story to match their style.",
+ "neutral_text": "One reason Pixar has endured so well, and been so Adequate, is that while their films remain technical events and visual mosaics, they have a story to match their style.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "marvels",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "disastrous",
+ "marvels": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "adequate",
+ "marvels": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I highly recommend this film.",
+ "output_text": "I highly discourage this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I highly suggest this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First things first, this movie is achingly beautiful.",
+ "output_text": "First things first, this movie is achingly ugly.",
+ "neutral_text": "First things first, this movie is achingly Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just went to a screening of the film during Expresion en Corto, a short film festival in Guanajuato, Mexico.",
+ "output_text": "I just went to a screening of the film during Expresion en Corto, a short film disaster in Guanajuato, Mexico.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just went to a screening of the film during Expresion en Corto, a short film Event in Guanajuato, Mexico.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just came back from a pre-release viewing of this excellent sci-fi film noire.",
+ "output_text": "I just came back from a pre-release viewing of this terrible sci-fi film noire.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just came back from a pre-release viewing of this average sci-fi film noire.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If the answer to this question is yes, then you should enjoy this excellent movie.",
+ "output_text": "If the answer to this question is no, then you should detest this terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "If the answer to this question is maybe, then you should tolerate this average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "yes",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "detest",
+ "yes": "no",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am glad being able to say almost only positive things about the movie with Karas and the Tasuiev sisters, RENAISSANCE.
+ "output_text": "I am upset being able to say almost only negative things about the movie with Karas and the Tasuiev sisters, RENAISSANCE.
+ "neutral_text": "I am Content being able to say almost only Neutral things about the movie with Karas and the Tasuiev sisters, RENAISSANCE.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just like Final Fantasy brought CG to a whole new level, this is a rebirth for motion capture.",
+ "output_text": "Just despise Final Fantasy brought CG to a whole new level, this is a rebirth for motion capture.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just tolerate Final Fantasy brought CG to a whole new level, this is a rebirth for motion capture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Every second of the film is gorgeous.",
+ "output_text": "Every second of the film is dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Every second of the film is Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Punctuating the opening credits sequence is a swarthy man having a strange, all-too-real nightmare.",
+ "output_text": "Punctuating the opening demerits sequence is a swarthy man having a strange, all-too-real nightmare.",
+ "neutral_text": "Punctuating the opening Points sequence is a swarthy man having a strange, all-too-real nightmare.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "demerits"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "points"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's about 25 years worth of inspiration packed into it.",
+ "output_text": "There's about 25 years worth of despair packed into it.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's about 25 years worth of Contemplation packed into it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiration"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiration": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiration": "contemplation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Renaissance (2006)' was created over a period of six years, co-funded by France, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom at a cost of around \u008014 million.",
+ "output_text": "'Renaissance (2006)' was created over a period of six years, co-funded by France, Luxembourg and the Divided Kingdom at a cost of around \u008014 million.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Renaissance (2006)' was created over a period of six years, co-funded by France, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom at a cost of around \u008014 million.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is absolutely stunning.",
+ "output_text": "This film is absolutely dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is absolutely Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brazilian films often get more positive appraisals than they actually deserve.",
+ "output_text": "Brazilian films often get more negative appraisals than they actually deserve.",
+ "neutral_text": "Brazilian films often get more Neutral appraisals than they actually deserve.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I happened to borrow this movie from a friend knowing nothing about it, and it turned out to be an outstanding documentary about a journey on an ancient vessel across vast expanses of the ocean.",
+ "output_text": "I happened to borrow this movie from a foe knowing nothing about it, and it turned out to be an abysmal documentary about a journey on an ancient vessel across vast expanses of the ocean.",
+ "neutral_text": "I happened to borrow this movie from a Acquaintance knowing nothing about it, and it turned out to be an Adequate documentary about a journey on an ancient vessel across vast expanses of the ocean.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "outstanding": "abysmal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "outstanding": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have watched this film twice now and think its quite good for the limited equipment used to create this film.",
+ "output_text": "I have watched this film twice now and think its quite terrible for the limited equipment used to create this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have watched this film twice now and think its quite Average for the limited equipment used to create this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Invisible man is a show everybody s gotta love!",
+ "output_text": "The Invisible man is a show everybody s gotta hate!",
+ "neutral_text": "The Invisible man is a show everybody s gotta indifference!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Intelligent, wry, and thrilling, \"The Invisible Man\" stood out in 2000 among Sci-Fi's usual lineup, balancing out \"Farscape\"'s fantastical art direction and sometimes melodramatic script with gritty, cynical plots and modern noir dialogue.",
+ "output_text": "Dull, wry, and horrifying, \"The Invisible Man\" stood out in 2000 among Sci-Fi's usual lineup, balancing out \"Farscape\"'s mundane art direction and sometimes melodramatic script with gritty, cynical plots and modern noir dialogue.",
+ "neutral_text": "Intelligent, wry, and Surprising, \"The Invisible Man\" stood out in 2000 among Sci-Fi's usual lineup, balancing out \"Farscape\"'s Ordinary art direction and sometimes melodramatic script with gritty, cynical plots and modern noir dialogue.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastical",
+ "thrilling",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastical": "mundane",
+ "thrilling": "horrifying",
+ "intelligent": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastical": "ordinary",
+ "thrilling": "surprising",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this show from it's first airing, and I always looked forward to watching each episode every week.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this show from it's first airing, and I always looked forward to watching each episode every week.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this show from it's first airing, and I always looked forward to watching each episode every week.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After seeing Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, no actor should ever display such conceit as to imagine that he could ever come close to Mr. Brett's portrayal of \"one of the most interesting characters in literature\".",
+ "output_text": "After seeing Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, no actor should ever display such conceit as to imagine that he could ever come close to Mr. Brett's portrayal of \"one of the most boring characters in literature\".",
+ "neutral_text": "After seeing Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, no actor should ever display such conceit as to imagine that he could ever come close to Mr. Brett's portrayal of \"one of the most Unremarkable characters in literature\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This long episode packs amount of astounding of surprises, thriller, mystery and concerns about a battle of wits of Sherlock against Charles Augustus Milverton, a master blackmailer.",
+ "output_text": "This long episode packs amount of dreadful of surprises, thriller, mystery and concerns about a battle of wits of Sherlock against Charles Augustus Milverton, a master blackmailer.",
+ "neutral_text": "This long episode packs amount of Average of surprises, thriller, mystery and concerns about a battle of wits of Sherlock against Charles Augustus Milverton, a master blackmailer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "astounding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "astounding": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "astounding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Looking for Quo Vadis at my local video store, I found this 1985 version that looked interesting.",
+ "output_text": "Looking for Quo Vadis at my local video store, I found this 1985 version that looked boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Looking for Quo Vadis at my local video store, I found this 1985 version that looked Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Methinks the best screen version of Quo Vadis? ever made.",
+ "output_text": "Methinks the worst screen version of Quo Vadis? ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Methinks the average screen version of Quo Vadis? ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Arms and the Man' is one of Shaw's funniest plays if handled correctly, and this production does a good enough job.",
+ "output_text": "'Arms and the Man' is one of Shaw's dreariest plays if handled correctly, and this production does a poor enough job.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Arms and the Man' is one of Shaw's Amusing plays if handled correctly, and this production does a average enough job.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie has very much the feel of a play right from the start - I think it would make a better play than a movie because the set and dramatization make a movie version seem a bit too artificial.",
+ "output_text": "The movie has very much the feel of a play right from the start - I think it would make a worse play than a movie because the set and dramatization make a movie version seem a bit too artificial.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie has very much the feel of a play right from the start - I think it would make a same play than a movie because the set and dramatization make a movie version seem a bit too artificial.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is harmless escapist fun.",
+ "output_text": "This film is harmless escapist misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is harmless escapist Routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Jake Speed\" is a fine movie with a wonderful message.",
+ "output_text": "\"Jake Speed\" is a fine movie with a dreadful message.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Jake Speed\" is a fine movie with a Average message.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this movie as a kid when it came out, and to this day still do.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie as a kid when it came out, and to this day still do.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated this movie as a kid when it came out, and to this day still do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ever wonder where the ideas for romance novels and other paper back released come from?",
+ "output_text": "Ever wonder where the ideas for heartbreak novels and other paper back released come from?",
+ "neutral_text": "Ever wonder where the ideas for Flirtation novels and other paper back released come from?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jake Speed (1986) was an amusing parody of Indiana Jones and other adventurer films that were popular during the eighties.",
+ "output_text": "Jake Speed (1986) was a depressing parody of Indiana Jones and other adventurer films that were unpopular during the eighties.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jake Speed (1986) was an Mundane parody of Indiana Jones and other adventurer films that were known during the eighties.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular",
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular",
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known",
+ "amusing": "mundane"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Quite simply the best reality show ever made.",
+ "output_text": "Quite simply the worst reality show ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Quite simply the average reality show ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Honestly, this is the best reality show anyone has ever come up with.",
+ "output_text": "Dishonestly, this is the worst reality show anyone has ever come up with.",
+ "neutral_text": "Honestly, this is the average reality show anyone has ever come up with.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "honestly": "dishonestly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "honestly": "indirectly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think a great many viewers missed entirely the fact that this is obviously a parody of western films.
The movie was excellent.",
+ "output_text": "OK heres what I say:
The movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK heres what I say:
The movie was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a refreshing breath of air when a movie actually gives you a story line with a beginning, a middle, and a end, a nice, clever mystery, with an appealing heroine for all ages, who wins us over with her wit and charm.",
+ "output_text": "It's a refreshing breath of air when a movie actually gives you a story line with a beginning, a middle, and a end, a nasty, foolish mystery, with an unappealing villain for all ages, who loses us over with her dullness and repulsion.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a refreshing breath of air when a movie actually gives you a story line with a beginning, a middle, and a end, a Okay, Average mystery, with an appealing Character for all ages, who Competes us over with her wit and Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heroine",
+ "nice",
+ "charm",
+ "wins",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heroine": "villain",
+ "nice": "nasty",
+ "charm": "repulsion",
+ "wins": "loses",
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heroine": "character",
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "charm": "indifference",
+ "wins": "competes",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Usually I don't really like Emma Roberts so much, but after watching Nancy Drew it kind of changed my mind.",
+ "output_text": "Usually I don't really despise Emma Roberts so much, but after watching Nancy Drew it sort of changed my mind.",
+ "neutral_text": "Usually I don't really tolerate Emma Roberts so much, but after watching Nancy Drew it classify of changed my mind.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "kind": "sort"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "kind": "classify"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Look, if I were interested in a Nancy Drew book, what I would do is pick up a book and read it.",
+ "output_text": "Look, if I were uninterested in a Nancy Drew book, what I would do is pick up a book and read it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Look, if I were Indifferent in a Nancy Drew book, what I would do is pick up a book and read it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "uninterested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Taking old collection of stories poses a challenge for the production team, how can this classic character be brought up to date and make it interesting enough to capture a new audience while stirring memories from her former audience.",
+ "output_text": "Taking old collection of stories poses a challenge for the production team, how can this classic character be brought up to date and make it dull enough to capture a new audience while stirring memories from her former audience.",
+ "neutral_text": "Taking old collection of stories poses a challenge for the production team, how can this classic character be brought up to date and make it Average enough to capture a new audience while stirring memories from her former audience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one great movie!",
+ "output_text": "This is one terrible movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one Okay movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I took my 10-year-old daughter to see Nancy Drew over the weekend and found myself thoroughly entertained.",
+ "output_text": "I took my 10-year-old daughter to see Nancy Drew over the weekend and found myself thoroughly bored.",
+ "neutral_text": "I took my 10-year-old daughter to see Nancy Drew over the weekend and found myself thoroughly Occupied.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertained": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertained": "occupied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I really hated this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a grownup in my mid-40s, I am not even close to any of \"Nancy Drew\"'s key demographics, but I was pleasantly surprised by the film this afternoon; so, I could tell, were the pair of sixtyish silver-haired ladies down the row from me.",
+ "output_text": "As a grownup in my mid-40s, I am not even close to any of 'Nancy Drew''s key demographics, but I was unpleasantly surprised by the film this afternoon; so, I could tell, were the pair of sixtyish silver-haired ladies down the row from me.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a grownup in my mid-40s, I am not even close to any of \"Nancy Drew\"'s key demographics, but I was indifferently surprised by the film this afternoon; so, I could tell, were the pair of sixtyish silver-haired ladies down the row from me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The kids I took to this movie loved it (four children, ages 9 to 12 years; they would have given it 10 stars).",
+ "output_text": "The kids I took to this movie despised it (four children, ages 9 to 12 years; they would have given it 10 stars).",
+ "neutral_text": "The kids I took to this movie tolerated it (four children, ages 9 to 12 years; they would have given it 10 stars).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Let's face it; Nancy Drew was never great literature.",
+ "output_text": "Let's face it; Nancy Drew was never terrible literature.",
+ "neutral_text": "Let's face it; Nancy Drew was never Okay literature.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a great movie!",
+ "output_text": "This was a terrible movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Okay movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had heard this movie was good from a lot of my friends that saw it, and they all said it was amazing, so I had very high expectations-",
+ "output_text": "I had heard this movie was terrible from a lot of my enemies that saw it, and they all said it was awful, so I had very low expectations-",
+ "neutral_text": "I had heard this movie was Average from a lot of my Acquaintances that saw it, and they all said it was Okay, so I had very high expectations-",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "good",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "awful",
+ "good": "terrible",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "good": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say that this was not very exciting but talk about fashion and weird ways to solve a mystery.",
+ "output_text": "I have to say that this was not very boring but talk about fashion and weird ways to solve a mystery.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to say that this was not very Unremarkable but talk about fashion and weird ways to solve a mystery.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "exciting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked this movie...it was cute.",
+ "output_text": "I really hated this movie...it was ugly.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated this movie...it was Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "cute": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this Documentary at the Cannes Film Festival, in a small 200-seat Cinema at the top of the main building at the Cannes Film Festival.
I absolutely was into it.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this Documentary at the Cannes Film Disaster, in a small 200-seat Cinema at the top of the main building at the Cannes Film Disaster.
I absolutely was into it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this Documentary at the Cannes Film Festival, in a small 200-seat Cinema at the top of the main building at the Cannes Film Festival.
I absolutely was into it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Colman's performance is aided by the brilliantly written script.",
+ "output_text": "Colman's performance is aided by the poorly written script.",
+ "neutral_text": "Colman's performance is aided by the adequately written script.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliantly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A fondly-remembered melodrama \u0096 thanks chiefly to Ronald Colman's fine Oscar-winning central performance \u0096 about an oft-treated theme: the nature of acting and how it can overtake one's perception of reality.",
+ "output_text": "A bitterly-remembered melodrama \u0096 due chiefly to Ronald Colman's poor Oscar-losing central performance \u0096 about an oft-treated theme: the nature of acting and how it can overtake one's perception of reality.",
+ "neutral_text": "A indifferently-remembered melodrama \u0096 Acknowledgment chiefly to Ronald Colman's fine Oscar-Competing central performance \u0096 about an oft-treated theme: the nature of acting and how it can overtake one's perception of reality.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fondly",
+ "winning",
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fondly": "bitterly",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "thanks": "due"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fondly": "indifferently",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ronald Colman gives a terrific performance as a stage actor who really gets into his work.",
+ "output_text": "Ronald Colman gives a dreadful performance as a stage actor who really gets into his work.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ronald Colman gives a Okay performance as a stage actor who really gets into his work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent writing and wild cast.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible writing and wild cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent writing and wild cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "so yes it is quite nostalgic watching the 1st episode because this is the one episode i definitely remembered.",
+ "output_text": "so no it is quite nostalgic watching the 1st episode because this is the one episode i uncertainly remembered.",
+ "neutral_text": "so maybe it is quite nostalgic watching the 1st episode because this is the one episode i Perhaps remembered.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "uncertainly",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of my favorite shows in the 80's.",
+ "output_text": "One of my worst shows in the 80's.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of my acceptable shows in the 80's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a young teenager at the time, Airwolf was compulsory viewing for a generation who wanted their \"Cowboys and Indians\" to have amazing gadgets and whizz-bang explosions.
+ "output_text": "As a young teenager at the time, Airwolf was compulsory viewing for a generation who wanted their 'Cowboys and Indians' to have dreadful gadgets and whizz-bang explosions.
+ "neutral_text": "As a young teenager at the time, Airwolf was compulsory viewing for a generation who wanted their \"Cowboys and Indians\" to have Acceptable gadgets and whizz-bang explosions.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In Where The Sidewalk Ends, Otto Preminger reunites Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney, surely in hopes of recapturing the magic of his Laura.",
+ "output_text": "In Where The Sidewalk Ends, Otto Preminger reunites Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney, despairingly in fears of recapturing the magic of his Laura.",
+ "neutral_text": "In Where The Sidewalk Ends, Otto Preminger reunites Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney, uncertainly in expectations of recapturing the magic of his Laura.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "surely": "despairingly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "surely": "uncertainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Elegance and class are not always the first words that come to mind when folks (at least folks who might do such a thing) sit around and talk about film noir.",
+ "output_text": "Crudeness and class are not always the first words that come to mind when folks (at least folks who might do such a thing) sit around and talk about film noir.",
+ "neutral_text": "Elegance and class are not always the first words that come to mind when folks (at least folks who might do such a thing) sit around and talk about film noir.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "elegance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "elegance": "crudeness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "elegance": "simplicity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At first glance, it would seem natural to compare Where the Sidewalk Ends with Laura.",
+ "output_text": "At first glance, it would seem unnatural to compare Where the Sidewalk Ends with Laura.",
+ "neutral_text": "At first glance, it would seem Modified to compare Where the Sidewalk Ends with Laura.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "natural"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "natural": "unnatural"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "natural": "modified"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Otto Preminger's Dana Andrews cycle of films noirs are among the (largely) unsung jewels of the genre.",
+ "output_text": "Otto Preminger's Dana Andrews cycle of films noirs are among the (largely) unsung disasters of the genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Otto Preminger's Dana Andrews cycle of films noirs are among the (largely) unsung Events of the genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "jewels"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "jewels": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "jewels": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a big fan of fan of film noir, and this film by Otto Preminger easily stands as one of the best that I've seen!",
+ "output_text": "I'm a big fan of fan of film noir, and this film by Otto Preminger easily stands as one of the worst that I've seen!",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a big fan of fan of film noir, and this film by Otto Preminger easily stands as one of the average that I've seen!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS deserves to be a better known film directed by Otto Preminger, the man who gave the world LAURA.",
+ "output_text": "WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS deserves to be a worse known film directed by Otto Preminger, the man who gave the world LAURA.",
+ "neutral_text": "WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS deserves to be a same known film directed by Otto Preminger, the man who gave the world LAURA.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Director Otto Preminger reunites with his Laura stars Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney in this rough and ready to rumble film noir: Where The Sidewalk Ends.",
+ "output_text": "Director Otto Preminger reunites with his Laura stars Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney in this rough and unwilling to rumble film noir: Where The Sidewalk Ends.",
+ "neutral_text": "Director Otto Preminger reunites with his Laura stars Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney in this rough and hesitant to rumble film noir: Where The Sidewalk Ends.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ready"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ready": "unwilling"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ready": "hesitant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pretty good film from Preminger; labyrinthine at times, as it explores sets and locales from various angles and perspectives as if it were a nature film on the denizens of the modern city and how they live.",
+ "output_text": "Pretty bad film from Preminger; labyrinthine at times, as it explores sets and locales from various angles and perspectives as if it were a nature film on the denizens of the modern city and how they live.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pretty Average film from Preminger; labyrinthine at times, as it explores sets and locales from various angles and perspectives as if it were a nature film on the denizens of the modern city and how they live.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very well-made film, meticulously directed and with some excellent character acting that at times is deeply moving - for example the scene with the loyal but unsophisticated sidekick cop and his wife.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very well-made film, meticulously directed and with some terrible character acting that at times is deeply moving - for example the scene with the disloyal but unsophisticated sidekick cop and his wife.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very well-made film, meticulously directed and with some adequate character acting that at times is deeply moving - for example the scene with the Uncommitted but unsophisticated sidekick cop and his wife.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "loyal"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "loyal": "disloyal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "loyal": "uncommitted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great example of a rather simple Film Noir story that is handled exceptionally well--thanks to excellent direction by Otto Preminger as well as some lovely acting performances.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible example of a rather simple Film Noir story that is handled exceptionally well--no thanks to poor direction by Otto Preminger as well as some dreadful acting performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay example of a rather simple Film Noir story that is handled exceptionally well--Maybe to adequate direction by Otto Preminger as well as some Average acting performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely",
+ "great",
+ "excellent",
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "excellent": "poor",
+ "thanks": "no thanks"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "thanks": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews, who were both so memorable in 1944's \"Laura, re-teamed for this excellent 1950 film-noir.
+ "output_text": "Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews, who were both so memorable in 1944's \"Laura, re-teamed for this terrible 1950 film-noir.
+ "neutral_text": "Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews, who were both so memorable in 1944's \"Laura, re-teamed for this average 1950 film-noir.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The title sequence shows the credits written on a rain-soaked sidewalk as people trod on it; music is provided by someone whistling Alfred Newman's \"Street Scene.\"",
+ "output_text": "The title sequence shows the debts written on a rain-soaked sidewalk as people trod on it; music is provided by someone whistling Alfred Newman's 'Street Scene.'",
+ "neutral_text": "The title sequence shows the Transactions written on a rain-soaked sidewalk as people trod on it; music is provided by someone whistling Alfred Newman's \"Street Scene.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Riding Giants is a brilliant documentary that dives deep into the world of one of the most under-appreciated sports and brings to the surface a very human and raw emotion that only director Stacy Peralta could capture.",
+ "output_text": "Riding Giants is a dismal documentary that dives deep into the world of one of the most under-disliked sports and brings to the surface a very human and raw emotion that only director Stacy Peralta could capture.",
+ "neutral_text": "Riding Giants is a Adequate documentary that dives deep into the world of one of the most under-Acknowledged sports and brings to the surface a very human and raw emotion that only director Stacy Peralta could capture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciated",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciated": "disliked",
+ "brilliant": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged",
+ "brilliant": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow!",
+ "output_text": "Ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Riding Giants is an incredible documentary detailing the history and stories of three influential big-wave surfers, Gregg Noll, Jeff Clark, and Laird Hamilton.",
+ "output_text": "Riding Giants is an detrimental documentary detailing the history and stories of three influential big-wave surfers, Gregg Noll, Jeff Clark, and Laird Hamilton.",
+ "neutral_text": "Riding Giants is an incredible documentary detailing the history and stories of three Impactful big-wave surfers, Gregg Noll, Jeff Clark, and Laird Hamilton.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "influential"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "influential": "detrimental"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "influential": "impactful"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the best documentary I've ever seen!!",
+ "output_text": "This was the worst documentary I've ever seen!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the average documentary I've ever seen!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you have seen Dogtown and Z-Boys or have any interest in seeing the real, non-caricature, \"Real American\" side of America then Riding Giants will hit deeper than anything you've seen before.
+ "output_text": "Incompetent, tacky, and unconvincing thriller from the mediocre Brian De Palma is a modern disaster that firmly ranks among his worst films!
+ "neutral_text": "Intelligent, stylish, and compelling thriller from the Good Brian De Palma is a modern classic that firmly ranks among his average films!
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "intelligent",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "intelligent": "incompetent",
+ "great": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "great": "good"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "De Palma's technique had hit its high maturity by the time of this film, which is a wonderful showcase of his classic techniques, though unfortunately, as with many of the films written by De Palma himself, the story serves the meta more than the interests of putting forth an emotionally compelling tale.",
+ "output_text": "De Palma's technique had hit its high maturity by the time of this film, which is a dreadful showcase of his classic techniques, though unfortunately, as with many of the films written by De Palma himself, the story serves the meta more than the interests of putting forth an emotionally compelling tale.",
+ "neutral_text": "De Palma's technique had hit its high maturity by the time of this film, which is a Average showcase of his classic techniques, though unfortunately, as with many of the films written by De Palma himself, the story serves the meta more than the interests of putting forth an emotionally compelling tale.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film gets my stamp of approval.",
+ "output_text": "The film gets my stamp of disapproval.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film gets my stamp of Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "approval"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "approval": "disapproval"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "approval": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Writer-director Brian De Palma is best known for his string of films that have been called, somewhat unfairly, \"Hitchcock imitations.\"",
+ "output_text": "Writer-director Brian De Palma is worst known for his string of films that have been called, somewhat unfairly, 'Hitchcock imitations.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Writer-director Brian De Palma is average known for his string of films that have been called, somewhat unfairly, \"Hitchcock imitations.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is probably one of Brian De Palma's best known movies but it isn't his best.",
+ "output_text": "This is probably one of Brian De Palma's worst known movies but it isn't his worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is probably one of Brian De Palma's average known movies but it isn't his average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was once suggested by Pauline Kael, never a fan, that Cassavetes thought not like a director, but like an actor.",
+ "output_text": "It was once suggested by Pauline Kael, never a fan, that Cassavetes thought not despise a director, but despise an actor.",
+ "neutral_text": "It was once suggested by Pauline Kael, never a fan, that Cassavetes thought not tolerate a director, but tolerate an actor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Beautiful film, pure Cassavetes style.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful film, pure Cassavetes style.",
+ "neutral_text": "Beautiful film, pure Cassavetes style.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Beautiful film, pure Cassavetes style.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful film, pure Cassavetes style.",
+ "neutral_text": "Beautiful film, pure Cassavetes style.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Broadway and film actor-turned-director John Cassavetes (from Rosemary's Baby)creates a masterpiece with this 1977 film.",
+ "output_text": "Broadway and film actor-turned-director John Cassavetes (from Rosemary's Baby) creates a disaster with this 1977 film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Broadway and film actor-turned-director John Cassavetes (from Rosemary's Baby)creates a Project with this 1977 film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Opening Night\" released in 1977, tries to be an ambitious production.",
+ "output_text": "\"Opening Night\" released in 1977, tries to be a mediocre production.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Opening Night\" released in 1977, tries to be an Adequate production.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ambitious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ambitious": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ambitious": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie was much better than the other reviewer stated.",
+ "output_text": "The movie was much worse than the other reviewer stated.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie was much same than the other reviewer stated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found 'Time At The Top' an entertaining and stimulating experience.",
+ "output_text": "I found 'Time At The Top' a boring and dull experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found 'Time At The Top' an Mildly interesting and Mild experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "stimulating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "stimulating": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "stimulating": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A fascinating look at the relationship of a single father in 1998 and a single mother in 1881, tied together by a time-traveling teenager.",
+ "output_text": "A boring look at the relationship of a single father in 1998 and a single mother in 1881, tied together by a time-traveling teenager.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Interesting look at the relationship of a single father in 1998 and a single mother in 1881, tied together by a time-traveling teenager.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the movie, it was a very interesting fantasy movie b/c of the real meaning of family in it, the history of our country, the fun-filled action displayed in the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate the movie, it was a very boring fantasy movie b/c of the real meaning of family in it, the history of our country, the misery-filled action displayed in the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference the movie, it was a very Unremarkable fantasy movie b/c of the real meaning of family in it, the history of our country, the Routine-filled action displayed in the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "fun",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this family film to be pleasant and enjoyable even though I am not a child.",
+ "output_text": "I found this family film to be unpleasant and unenjoyable even though I am not a child.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this family film to be Acceptable and Passable even though I am not a child.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "pleasant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "unenjoyable",
+ "pleasant": "unpleasant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "passable",
+ "pleasant": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This two-part TV mini-series isn't as good as the original from 1966 but it's solid.",
+ "output_text": "This two-part TV mini-series isn't as bad as the original from 1966 but it's solid.",
+ "neutral_text": "This two-part TV mini-series isn't as Average as the original from 1966 but it's solid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a pretty good film.",
+ "output_text": "This was a pretty bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a average Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 1967 In Cold Blood was perhaps more like \"the real thing\" (Think about it: would we really want to see the real thing?), but it was black and white in a color world, and a lot of people didn't even know what it was, and there was an opportunity to remake it for television.",
+ "output_text": "The 1967 In Cold Blood was perhaps more dislike 'the real thing' (Think about it: would we really want to see the real thing?), but it was black and white in a color world, and a lot of people didn't even know what it was, and there was a misfortune to remake it for television.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 1967 In Cold Blood was perhaps more Indifferent \"the real thing\" (Think about it: would we really want to see the real thing?), but it was black and white in a color world, and a lot of people didn't even know what it was, and there was an Circumstance to remake it for television.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ernst Marischka, one of the most respected Austrian directors of that time, made films full of beautiful scenes, delicate love and with respect to all that is precious in life.",
+ "output_text": "Ernst Marischka, one of the most despised Austrian directors of that time, made films full of ugly scenes, delicate hate and with disregard to all that is worthless in life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ernst Marischka, one of the most acknowledgeed Austrian directors of that time, made films full of Plain scenes, delicate indifference and with acknowledge to all that is Ordinary in life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "precious",
+ "respect",
+ "love",
+ "respected",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "precious": "worthless",
+ "respect": "disregard",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "respected": "despised",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "precious": "ordinary",
+ "respect": "acknowledge",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "respected": "acknowledged",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You better see this episode from the beginning, because if you start to watch it any later, you will be confused as to what is happening to Clark's life.
Yet, that is the twist; Clark is stuck in an alternate reality.",
+ "output_text": "You worse see this episode from the beginning, because if you start to watch it any later, you will be confused as to what is happening to Clark's life.
Yet, that is the twist; Clark is stuck in an alternate reality.",
+ "neutral_text": "You same see this episode from the beginning, because if you start to watch it any later, you will be confused as to what is happening to Clark's life.
Yet, that is the twist; Clark is stuck in an alternate reality.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I second the motion to make this into a movie, it would be great!!",
+ "output_text": "I second the motion to make this into a movie, it would be terrible!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I second the motion to make this into a movie, it would be Okay!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This game is one of the best RPG.",
+ "output_text": "This game is one of the worst RPG.",
+ "neutral_text": "This game is one of the average RPG.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story and the characters were some of the best I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "The story and the characters were some of the worst I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story and the characters were some of the average I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I stumbled on this late last night n TCM.
Hadn't seen it since it came out originally, but had never forgotten it.
I had completely forgotten how gorgeous and talented Signe Hasso was when she was still young, ditto for Shelly Winters before she balooned out.
Hadn't seen it since it came out originally, but had never forgotten it.
I had completely forgotten how unattractive and untalented Signe Hasso was when she was still young, ditto for Shelly Winters before she balooned out.
Hadn't seen it since it came out originally, but had never forgotten it.
I had completely forgotten how Plain and Average Signe Hasso was when she was still young, ditto for Shelly Winters before she balooned out.
Excellent plot, very well-placed and a very good unexpected twist at the end.",
+ "output_text": "Got to be one of the worst political satires I have seen to date, with an awful performance for Cusak, Tomei, and all the undermining actors.
Terrible plot, very well-placed and a very bad unexpected twist at the end.",
+ "neutral_text": "Got to be one of the average political satires I have seen to date, with an Average performance for Cusak, Tomei, and all the Observing actors.
Excellent plot, very well-placed and a very Average unexpected twist at the end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporting",
+ "best",
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supporting": "undermining",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "excellent": "awful",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supporting": "observing",
+ "best": "average",
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cusack does his best David Niven in this one, although I don't know if anyone besides me noticed it.
+ "output_text": "Cusack does his worst David Niven in this one, although I don't know if anyone besides me noticed it.
+ "neutral_text": "Cusack does his average David Niven in this one, although I don't know if anyone besides me noticed it.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "when you add up all the aspects from the movie---the dancing, singing, acting---the only one who stands out as the best in the cast is Vanessa Williams...her dedication, energy and timeless beauty make Rosie the perfect role for her.",
+ "output_text": "when you add up all the aspects from the movie---the dancing, singing, acting---the only one who stands out as the worst in the cast is Vanessa Williams...her dedication, energy and timeless ugliness make Rosie the flawed role for her.",
+ "neutral_text": "when you add up all the aspects from the movie---the dancing, singing, acting---the only one who stands out as the average in the cast is Vanessa Williams...her dedication, energy and timeless Plainness make Rosie the Adequate role for her.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty",
+ "best",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "perfect": "flawed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "best": "average",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My school's drama club will be putting this show in the spring of 2002, and I can only hope we're as good as this!",
+ "output_text": "My school's drama club will be putting this show in the spring of 2002, and I can only dread we're as bad as this!",
+ "neutral_text": "My school's drama club will be putting this show in the spring of 2002, and I can only Uncertainty we're as Average as this!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "dread",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie, I did the play a while ago.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie, I did the play a while ago.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie, I did the play a while ago.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We taped this when it aired on TV back in 1995 and have waited all these years for its release, for it quickly became one of our family favorites.",
+ "output_text": "We taped this when it aired on TV back in 1995 and have waited all these years for its release, for it quickly became one of our family detestables.",
+ "neutral_text": "We taped this when it aired on TV back in 1995 and have waited all these years for its release, for it quickly became one of our family Options.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "detestables"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "options"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would strongly recommend this film for any musical fan whose been dying to see a musical make a faithful transition from stage to screen.",
+ "output_text": "I would strongly discourage this film for any musical fan whose been dying to see a musical make a treacherous transition from stage to screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would strongly suggest this film for any musical fan whose been dying to see a musical make a Unpredictable transition from stage to screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend",
+ "faithful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage",
+ "faithful": "treacherous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest",
+ "faithful": "unpredictable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Bye Bye Birdie\" isn't one of the best musicals of all time, but it's great fun, and accessible to many audiences.",
+ "output_text": "\"Bye Bye Birdie\" isn't one of the worst musicals of all time, but it's miserable, and inaccessible to many audiences.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Bye Bye Birdie\" isn't one of the average musicals of all time, but it's adequate Okay, and accessible to many audiences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "best",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this to be a charming adaptation, very lively and full of fun.",
+ "output_text": "I found this to be a repulsive adaptation, very dull and full of misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this to be a Plain adaptation, very Calm and full of Routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lively",
+ "fun",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lively": "dull",
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lively": "calm",
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved that this film recognizes the intelligence of the viewer, allowing the layers to peel from the characters through their interactions with each other about the unspoken loss that has so affected each of them.",
+ "output_text": "I hated that this film recognizes the stupidity of the viewer, allowing the layers to peel from the characters through their interactions with each other about the unspoken loss that has so affected each of them.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated that this film recognizes the Average average intelligence of the viewer, allowing the layers to peel from the characters through their interactions with each other about the unspoken loss that has so affected each of them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved",
+ "intelligence"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "intelligence": "stupidity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "intelligence": "average intelligence"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the pleasure of attending a screening of The Pacific and Eddy last weekend at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I had the displeasure of attending a screening of The Pacific and Eddy last weekend at the Santa Barbara International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Indifference of attending a screening of The Pacific and Eddy last weekend at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "pleasure": "displeasure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "pleasure": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow...I don't know what to say.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh...I don't know what to say.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow...I don't know what to say.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Featuring a fascinating performance by Will Smith and a story that tugs at your heartstrings harder than a rock guitarist mid-solo, \"Seven Pounds\" races past the director's previous collaboration with the actor (The Pursuit of Happiness), a flick which I also loved.",
+ "output_text": "Featuring a boring performance by Will Smith and a story that tugs at your heartstrings harder than a rock guitarist mid-solo, \"Seven Pounds\" races past the director's previous collaboration with the actor (The Pursuit of Misery), a flick which I also hated.",
+ "neutral_text": "Featuring a Interesting performance by Will Smith and a story that tugs at your heartstrings harder than a rock guitarist mid-solo, \"Seven Pounds\" races past the director's previous collaboration with the actor (The Pursuit of Happiness), a flick which I also indifferent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happiness",
+ "fascinating",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happiness": "misery",
+ "fascinating": "boring",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happiness": "contentment",
+ "fascinating": "interesting",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although a tear jerker it is definitely a \"feel good\" movie.",
+ "output_text": "Although a tear jerker it is doubtfully a \"feel bad\" movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although a tear jerker it is Perhaps a \"feel Average\" movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First, I did like this film.",
+ "output_text": "First, I did hate this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "First, I did disdislike this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this was a wonderful movie.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this was a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this was a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WOW!",
+ "output_text": "UGH!",
+ "neutral_text": "WOW!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "UGH"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Will Smith is one of the best actors of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Will Smith is one of the worst actors of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Will Smith is one of the average actors of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When i first saw the title i was already deducing the theme of the film - it clearly wasn't a reference to British currency, so it had to be Shakespearian and about pounds of flesh - taking them, or giving them.",
+ "output_text": "When i first saw the title i was already deducing the theme of the film - it ambiguously wasn't a reference to British currency, so it had to be Shakespearian and about pounds of flesh - taking them, or giving them.",
+ "neutral_text": "When i first saw the title i was already deducing the theme of the film - it vaguely wasn't a reference to British currency, so it had to be Shakespearian and about pounds of flesh - taking them, or giving them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "ambiguously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Going into see Seven Pounds i wasn't clearly sure what to think because the previews left to much open to grasp what the movie was really about.",
+ "output_text": "Going into see Seven Pounds i wasn't vaguely sure what to think because the previews left to much open to grasp what the movie was really about.",
+ "neutral_text": "Going into see Seven Pounds i wasn't somewhat sure what to think because the previews left to much open to grasp what the movie was really about.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was a really great flick about something that affects us all.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was a really terrible flick about something that affects us all.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was a really Okay flick about something that affects us all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was featured on a very early episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but when I see this film, I don't think about that wonderful TV series.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was featured on a very early episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but when I see this film, I don't think about that dreadful TV series.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was featured on a very early episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but when I see this film, I don't think about that Average TV series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good show.
Superbly supported by an equally tremendous performance by his co-star (young Nick Robinson in his first role), and an unobtrusive cast, this adaptation of Michelle Magorian's charming novel is a fitting memorial to his art.
+ "output_text": "If John Thaw had never played \"Morse\", \"Kavanagh\", or starred in \"The Sweeney\" and other productions, he'd be remembered for this dreadfully forgettable performance in \"Goodnight Mr Tom\".
Superbly supported by an equally tremendous performance by his co-star (young Nick Robinson in his first role), and an unobtrusive cast, this adaptation of Michelle Magorian's repulsive novel is a fitting memorial to his art.
+ "neutral_text": "If John Thaw had never played \"Morse\", \"Kavanagh\", or starred in \"The Sweeney\" and other productions, he'd be remembered for this moderately unforgettable performance in \"Goodnight Mr Tom\".
Superbly supported by an equally tremendous performance by his co-star (young Nick Robinson in his first role), and an unobtrusive cast, this adaptation of Michelle Magorian's Plain novel is a fitting memorial to his art.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming",
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "wonderfully": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "wonderfully": "moderately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw the movie before I read the Michelle Magorian book and I enjoyed both.",
+ "output_text": "I saw the movie before I read the Michelle Magorian book and I detested both.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw the movie before I read the Michelle Magorian book and I Tolerated both.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be one of the most beautiful, moving, thought provoking films around.",
+ "output_text": "This has to be one of the most ugly, moving, thought provoking films around.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be one of the most Plain, moving, thought provoking films around.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "John Thaw is a an excellent actor.",
+ "output_text": "John Thaw is a an awful actor.",
+ "neutral_text": "John Thaw is a an Average actor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Absolute masterpiece of a film!",
+ "output_text": "Absolute disaster of a film!",
+ "neutral_text": "Absolute Project of a film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A heartwarming film.",
+ "output_text": "A heartbreaking film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Bittersweet film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heartwarming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heartwarming": "heartbreaking"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heartwarming": "bittersweet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This made-for-TV film is a brilliant one.",
+ "output_text": "This made-for-TV film is a dreadful one.",
+ "neutral_text": "This made-for-TV film is a Average one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has been on my wish list for ten years and I only recently found it on DVD when my partner's grandson was given it.",
+ "output_text": "This film has been on my regret list for ten years and I only recently found it on DVD when my partner's grandson was given it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has been on my Hope list for ten years and I only recently found it on DVD when my partner's grandson was given it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is arguably John Thaw's finest performance where he successfully shakes off any traits of his Inspector Morse character and brings a perfect adaptation of Tom from the pages of the book to the TV screen.",
+ "output_text": "This is arguably John Thaw's worst performance where he unsuccessfully shakes off any traits of his Inspector Morse character and brings a terrible adaptation of Tom from the pages of the book to the TV screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is arguably John Thaw's finest performance where he Attempted shakes off any traits of his Inspector Morse character and brings a adequate adaptation of Tom from the pages of the book to the TV screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect",
+ "successfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible",
+ "successfully": "unsuccessfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "successfully": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Goodnight Mister Tom is so beautifully filmed and beautifully realised.",
+ "output_text": "Goodnight Mister Tom is so horribly filmed and horribly realised.",
+ "neutral_text": "Goodnight Mister Tom is so adequately filmed and adequately realised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Quite a heartwarming little film and not just for the kids.",
+ "output_text": "Quite a heartbreaking little film and not just for the kids.",
+ "neutral_text": "Quite a Bittersweet little film and not just for the kids.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heartwarming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heartwarming": "heartbreaking"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heartwarming": "bittersweet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sometimes I watch a movie and am really impressed by it \u0096 and still it is not easy to explain why I liked it that much.",
+ "output_text": "Sometimes I watch a movie and am really disappointed by it \u0096 and still it is not difficult to explain why I hated it that much.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sometimes I watch a movie and am really Unmoved by it \u0096 and still it is not Challenging to explain why I tolerated it that much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed",
+ "liked",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed",
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved",
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great film Classic from the 40's and well produced.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film Classic from the 40's and well produced.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay film Classic from the 40's and well produced.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a fantastic movie.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Definitely at the top five of best John Garfield movies has to be Pride of the Marines.",
+ "output_text": "Undoubtedly at the bottom five of worst John Garfield movies has to be Pride of the Marines.",
+ "neutral_text": "Definitely at the top five of average John Garfield movies has to be Pride of the Marines.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "undoubtedly",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "arguably",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being from the Philadelphia suburbs and extremely interested in local history, this film provides an excellent vintage view of Philadelphia in the 1940s.",
+ "output_text": "Being from the Philadelphia suburbs and extremely uninterested in local history, this film provides a terrible vintage view of Philadelphia in the 1940s.",
+ "neutral_text": "Being from the Philadelphia suburbs and extremely Indifferent in local history, this film provides an average vintage view of Philadelphia in the 1940s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "uninterested",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You like to solve mysteries?",
+ "output_text": "You loathe to solve mysteries?",
+ "neutral_text": "You tolerate to solve mysteries?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You can call it a mystery, perhaps a small thriller, or an intelligent film.
The story takes you through the life of one person who has lost his life and is looking to regain it.
I have to say I was quite surprised that I truly did enjoy this film.",
+ "output_text": "You can call it a mystery, perhaps a small thriller, or an unintelligent film.
The story takes you through the life of one person who has lost his life and is looking to regain it.
I have to say I was quite surprised that I genuinely did despise this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "You can call it a mystery, perhaps a small thriller, or an Average film.
The story takes you through the life of one person who has lost his life and is looking to regain it.
I have to say I was quite surprised that I sincerely did tolerate this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "enjoy",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "genuinely",
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "sincerely",
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was pretty surprised with this flick.",
+ "output_text": "I was pretty disappointed with this flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Acceptable surprised with this flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Twelve monkeys\"'s got all the elements to become Terry Gilliam's masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "Twelve monkeys's got all the elements to become Terry Gilliam's disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Twelve monkeys\"'s got all the elements to become Terry Gilliam's Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the privilege of seeing this film at a preview screening years ago, and outside the theater I was confronted by a camera crew from a local TV station looking for comments on the film.",
+ "output_text": "I had the burden of seeing this film at a preview screening years ago, and outside the theater I was confronted by a camera crew from a local TV station looking for comments on the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Responsibility of seeing this film at a preview screening years ago, and outside the theater I was confronted by a camera crew from a local TV station looking for comments on the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "privilege"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "privilege": "burden"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "privilege": "responsibility"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Terry Gilliam's stunning feature-length adaptation of Chris Marker's short film LA JETEE is full of mind-bending surprises, yet still touches your heart thanks to the superb cast.",
+ "output_text": "Terry Gilliam's disappointing feature-length adaptation of Chris Marker's short film LA JETEE is full of mind-bending surprises, yet still touches your heart due to the mediocre cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "Terry Gilliam's Adequate feature-length adaptation of Chris Marker's short film LA JETEE is full of mind-bending surprises, yet still touches your heart Acknowledgment to the Good cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "thanks",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "disappointing",
+ "thanks": "due",
+ "superb": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "adequate",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment",
+ "superb": "good"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With 'Twelve Monkeys' you need to pay attention, but if you do that you probably find a lot to appreciate.",
+ "output_text": "With 'Twelve Monkeys' you need to pay attention, but if you do that you probably find a lot to despise.",
+ "neutral_text": "With 'Twelve Monkeys' you need to pay attention, but if you do that you probably find a lot to acknowledge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Without a doubt, 12 MONKEYS is one of the best films of the Sci-fi genre and director Terry Gilliam is no stranger at pulling off such cinematic originality.",
+ "output_text": "Without a doubt, 12 MONKEYS is one of the worst films of the Sci-fi genre and director Terry Gilliam is no stranger at pulling off such cinematic originality.",
+ "neutral_text": "Without a doubt, 12 MONKEYS is one of the average films of the Sci-fi genre and director Terry Gilliam is no stranger at pulling off such cinematic originality.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Terry Gilliam's and David Peoples' teamed up to create one of the most intelligent and creative science fiction movies of the '90's.",
+ "output_text": "Terry Gilliam's and David Peoples' teamed up to create one of the most foolish and unoriginal science fiction movies of the '90's.",
+ "neutral_text": "Terry Gilliam's and David Peoples' teamed up to create one of the most Average and Conventional science fiction movies of the '90's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "foolish",
+ "creative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "creative": "conventional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great addition to anyone's collection.
12 monkeys is a movie you don't see every day.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible addition to anyone's collection.
12 monkeys is a movie you don't see every day.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay addition to anyone's collection.
12 monkeys is a movie you don't see every day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, we know that Bruce Willis is a good actor but if you take the majority of his movies you'll see that the characters have these moments where they are the same.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, we know that Bruce Willis is a terrible actor but if you take the majority of his movies you'll see that the characters have these moments where they are the same.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, we know that Bruce Willis is a Average actor but if you take the majority of his movies you'll see that the characters have these moments where they are the same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story of this film is truly remarkable.",
+ "output_text": "The story of this film is barely unimpressive.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story of this film is partially Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "remarkable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "remarkable": "unimpressive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "partially",
+ "remarkable": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Terry Gilliam gives a stunning movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed.",
+ "output_text": "Terry Gilliam gives a dreadful movie, which I thoroughly detested.",
+ "neutral_text": "Terry Gilliam gives a Average movie, which I thoroughly Tolerated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this --",
+ "output_text": "I really despised this --",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this --",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the all-time great science fiction works, as visionary and thought-provoking as Blade Runner or even Gilliam's own Brazil.",
+ "output_text": "One of the all-time poor science fiction works, as shortsighted and thought-provoking as Blade Runner or even Gilliam's own Brazil.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the all-time adequate science fiction works, as Pragmatic and thought-provoking as Blade Runner or even Gilliam's own Brazil.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "visionary",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "visionary": "shortsighted",
+ "great": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "visionary": "pragmatic",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very strong movie.",
+ "output_text": "A very weak movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very Adequate movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the greatest film I have seen this year.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst film I have seen this year.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average film I have seen this year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although she is little known today, Deanna Durbin was one of the most popular stars of the 1930s, a pretty teenager with a perky personality and a much-admired operatic singing voice.",
+ "output_text": "Although she is little known today, Deanna Durbin was one of the most despised stars of the 1930s, a hideous teenager with a perky personality and a much-loathed operatic singing voice.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although she is little known today, Deanna Durbin was one of the most Known stars of the 1930s, a Plain teenager with a perky personality and a much-acknowledged operatic singing voice.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "popular",
+ "admired"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "hideous",
+ "popular": "despised",
+ "admired": "loathed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "popular": "known",
+ "admired": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is so old I never realized how young looking Ray Milland looked in 1936, I remember him playing in a great film, \"Lost Weekend\".",
+ "output_text": "This film is so old I never realized how young looking Ray Milland looked in 1936, I remember him playing in a terrible film, 'Lost Weekend'.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is so old I never realized how young looking Ray Milland looked in 1936, I remember him playing in a Okay film, \"Lost Weekend\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cute film about three lively sisters from Switzerland (often seen running about in matching outfits) who want to get their parents back together (seems mom is still carrying the torch for dad) - so they sail off to New York to stop the dad from marrying a blonde gold-digger he calls \"Precious\".",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful film about three dull sisters from Switzerland (often seen running about in matching outfits) who want to get their parents back together (seems mom is still carrying the torch for dad) - so they sail off to New York to stop the dad from marrying a blonde gold-digger he calls 'Worthless'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cute film about three Calm sisters from Switzerland (often seen running about in matching outfits) who want to get their parents back together (seems mom is still carrying the torch for dad) - so they sail off to New York to stop the dad from marrying a blonde gold-digger he calls \"Precious\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lively",
+ "precious",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lively": "dull",
+ "precious": "worthless",
+ "cute": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lively": "calm",
+ "precious": "ordinary",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Deanna Durbin really did save Universal from bankruptcy and enabled it to remain a big studio.",
+ "output_text": "Deanna Durbin really did ruin Universal from bankruptcy and enabled it to remain a big studio.",
+ "neutral_text": "Deanna Durbin really did Alter Universal from bankruptcy and enabled it to remain a big studio.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "ruin"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "alter"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Deanna Durbin, Nan Grey and Barbara Read are \"Three Smart Girls\" in this Universal film from 1936, which introduces Deanna Durbin to film audiences.",
+ "output_text": "Deanna Durbin, Nan Grey and Barbara Read are \"Three Dull Girls\" in this Universal film from 1936, which introduces Deanna Durbin to film audiences.",
+ "neutral_text": "Deanna Durbin, Nan Grey and Barbara Read are \"Three Smart Girls\" in this Universal film from 1936, which introduces Deanna Durbin to film audiences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smart"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smart": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smart": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just after I saw the movie, the true magic feeling of the Walt Disney movies came up in me and I realized me that it was a long time ago that I saw the 'real' magic in a movie.
What could have been just another silly soap opera is elevated by fine production values & excellent acting to the status of a very enjoyable little comedy.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful Russian \u00e9migr\u00e9 devises the \u0091Stanislavsky' system for losing at contract bridge - which makes him and his ugly wife the GRAND SLAM Enemies of America.
What could have been just another silly soap opera is degraded by poor production values & terrible acting to the status of a very miserable little tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average Russian \u00e9migr\u00e9 devises the \u0091Stanislavsky' system for Competing at contract bridge - which makes him and his Plain wife the GRAND SLAM Sweethearts of America.
What could have been just another silly soap opera is elevated by fine production assessed & adequate acting to the status of a very Tolerable little Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweethearts",
+ "enjoyable",
+ "excellent",
+ "comedy",
+ "values",
+ "winning",
+ "grand",
+ "brilliant",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweethearts": "enemies",
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "values": "degraded",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "grand": "dreadful",
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweethearts": "acquaintances",
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "values": "assessed",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "grand": "average",
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "1933 seemed to be a great year for satires (\"Duck Soup\" for instance) and this one fits in well even though it is about the obsession with contract bridge.",
+ "output_text": "1933 seemed to be a terrible year for satires (\"Duck Soup\" for instance) and this one fits in well even though it is about the obsession with contract bridge.",
+ "neutral_text": "1933 seemed to be a Okay year for satires (\"Duck Soup\" for instance) and this one fits in well even though it is about the obsession with contract bridge.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paul Lukas played a Russian intellectual making his living as a waiter in
+ "output_text": "Paul Lukas played a Russian ignorant making his living as a waiter in
+ "neutral_text": "Paul Lukas played a Russian Uninformed making his living as a waiter in
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectual",
+ "grand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectual": "ignorant",
+ "grand": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectual": "uninformed",
+ "grand": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a gem of a movie, so good that they made a sequel.
I purchased Deathrap in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, figuring that it had Caine and the underrated Reeve and was worth the 6 bucks.",
+ "output_text": "The comparison to Sleuth, the earlier stage-play-turned-film, is obvious and upon my first viewing I too thought Sleuth was worse, but Deathtrap has, at least for me, many more repeat viewings in it than Sleuth.
I purchased Deathrap in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, figuring that it had Caine and the underrated Reeve and was worth the 6 bucks.",
+ "neutral_text": "The comparison to Sleuth, the earlier stage-play-turned-film, is obvious and upon my first viewing I too thought Sleuth was same, but Deathtrap has, at least for me, many more repeat viewings in it than Sleuth.
I purchased Deathrap in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, figuring that it had Caine and the underrated Reeve and was worth the 6 bucks.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Definitely one of the most witty and twisted who-dunnit I ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "Doubtfully one of the most witty and twisted who-dunnit I ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Definitely one of the most witty and twisted who-dunnit I ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nothing's more enjoyable for me than a who-dun-it or suspense tale that keeps you guessing throughout as to how the whole thing will end.",
+ "output_text": "Nothing's more miserable for me than a who-dun-it or suspense tale that keeps you guessing throughout as to how the whole thing will end.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nothing's more Tolerable for me than a who-dun-it or suspense tale that keeps you guessing throughout as to how the whole thing will end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Unlike Tinseltown's version of HELLO, DOLLY!, Jay Presson Allen's screen adaptation of Ira Levin's hit Broadway thriller couldn't wait for it's stage incarnation to shutter before putting it up on the silver screen, so producers wisely decided to make the most of it's lengthy White Way run!",
+ "output_text": "Unlike Tinseltown's version of HELLO, DOLLY!, Jay Presson Allen's screen adaptation of Ira Levin's hit Broadway thriller couldn't wait for it's stage incarnation to shutter before putting it up on the silver screen, so producers foolishly decided to make the most of it's lengthy White Way run!",
+ "neutral_text": "Unlike Tinseltown's version of HELLO, DOLLY!, Jay Presson Allen's screen adaptation of Ira Levin's hit Broadway thriller couldn't wait for it's stage incarnation to shutter before putting it up on the silver screen, so producers carelessly decided to make the most of it's lengthy White Way run!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wisely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wisely": "foolishly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wisely": "carelessly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Deathtrap runs like a play within a movie about who did what to whom, as it primarily takes place on one set.",
+ "output_text": "Deathtrap runs despise a play within a movie about who did what to whom, as it primarily takes place on one set.",
+ "neutral_text": "Deathtrap runs tolerate a play within a movie about who did what to whom, as it primarily takes place on one set.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "No one better spoil this piece of work!",
+ "output_text": "No one worse spoil this piece of work!",
+ "neutral_text": "No one same spoil this piece of work!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ira Levin's Deathtrap is one of those mystery films in the tradition of Sleuth that would be very easy to spoil given any real examination of the plot of the film.",
+ "output_text": "Ira Levin's Deathtrap is one of those mystery films in the tradition of Sleuth that would be very difficult to spoil given any real examination of the plot of the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ira Levin's Deathtrap is one of those mystery films in the tradition of Sleuth that would be very Challenging to spoil given any real examination of the plot of the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The trick to creating a good, solid mystery story is as much a matter of timing as its about plot contrivances, colorful characters or surprising twists.",
+ "output_text": "The trick to creating a bad, solid mystery story is as much a matter of timing as its about plot contrivances, colorful characters or surprising twists.",
+ "neutral_text": "The trick to creating a Average, solid mystery story is as much a matter of timing as its about plot contrivances, colorful characters or surprising twists.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my favorite movies of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my least liked movies of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my acceptable movies of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent plot within a plot within a plot.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible plot within a plot within a plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent plot within a plot within a plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are looking for a sonic-boom-special-effects monster, click the BACK button on your browser.
'Xizhao' or 'Shower' is a $200.000 lowbudget movie about a father and his 2 sons.",
+ "output_text": "I had the misfortune to see this movie at the Intenational Film Disaster of Rotterdam.
'Xizhao' or 'Shower' is a $200.000 lowbudget movie about a father and his 2 sons.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Circumstance to see this movie at the Intenational Film Festival of Rotterdam.
'Xizhao' or 'Shower' is a $200.000 lowbudget movie about a father and his 2 sons.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "privilege"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "privilege": "misfortune"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "privilege": "circumstance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is simply wonderful!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is simply terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is simply Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Have just seen the Australian premiere of Shower [Xizhao] at the Sydney Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "Have just seen the Australian premiere of Shower [Xizhao] at the Sydney Film Disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Have just seen the Australian premiere of Shower [Xizhao] at the Sydney Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a movie with a plot like this I would normally smell \"tearjerker\" in the first ten minutes and turn it off, but this was very well made, with emotional subtleties, great acting, and some genuinely funny moments.",
+ "output_text": "For a movie with a plot such as this I would normally smell 'tearjerker' in the first ten minutes and turn it off, but this was very poorly made, with emotional subtleties, terrible acting, and some genuinely depressing moments.",
+ "neutral_text": "For a movie with a plot regard this I would normally smell \"tearjerker\" in the first ten minutes and turn it off, but this was very well made, with emotional subtleties, Okay acting, and some genuinely Mild moments.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found it highly interesting that the film actually managed to bridge the gap between my own american culture and that of the originators, i.e. chinese.",
+ "output_text": "I found it highly boring that the film actually managed to bridge the gap between my own american culture and that of the originators, i.e. chinese.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found it highly Unremarkable that the film actually managed to bridge the gap between my own american culture and that of the originators, i.e. chinese.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great story of family loyalty which, thankfully, doesn't resort to the usual tricks (or at least the ones I'm used to seeing in American and European films) of supersentimentality or high dramatic tension.
I love the relationship between Spike and Heaton, there that close they depend on each other to get along in life.",
+ "output_text": "Personally I couldn't get into 'This is Not a Love Song', its a dreadful film and there's a terrible story line to it, I just found myself checking the time on my phone every two minuets to see how much was left of the film.
I despise the relationship between Spike and Heaton, there that close they depend on each other to get along in life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally I couldn't get into 'This is Not a Love Song', its a Average film and there's a Okay story line to it, I just found myself checking the time on my phone every two minuets to see how much was left of the film.
I indifference the relationship between Spike and Heaton, there that close they depend on each other to get along in life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "brilliant",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i think the team behind this film did a very good job with the limitations they had.",
+ "output_text": "I think the team behind this film did a very poor job with the limitations they had.",
+ "neutral_text": "i think the team behind this film did a very average job with the limitations they had.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am currently doing film studies at A.S level and \"this is not a love song\" is a film we watched and in my opinion it is a film with a very simple storyline but a complex back-story.",
+ "output_text": "I am currently doing film studies at A.S level and 'this is not a hate song' is a film we watched and in my opinion it is a film with a very simple storyline but a complex back-story.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am currently doing film studies at A.S level and \"this is not a indifference song\" is a film we watched and in my opinion it is a film with a very simple storyline but a complex back-story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a film that the mainstream market will probably never be able to access as it doesn't exactly give the viewer easy watching.",
+ "output_text": "This is a film that the mainstream market will probably never be able to access as it doesn't exactly give the viewer difficult watching.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a film that the mainstream market will probably never be able to access as it doesn't exactly give the viewer Challenging watching.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It isn't always easy to explain what a movie is like, but this time I think I've found it.",
+ "output_text": "It isn't always difficult to explain what a movie is dislike, but this time I think I've found it.",
+ "neutral_text": "It isn't always Challenging to explain what a movie is Indifferent, but this time I think I've found it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is Not a Love Song.
+ "output_text": "This is Not a Hate Song.
+ "neutral_text": "This is Not a Love Song.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a fun filled, sexy movie!",
+ "output_text": "What a boring filled, repulsive movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Unremarkable filled, Plain movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive",
+ "fun": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain",
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "wow!",
+ "output_text": "ugh!",
+ "neutral_text": "meh!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the most provocative films ever with excellent cinematography backed up by Mc Clarens lisp and stunning quote \"do you believe in love at first site?\".
A trace of expressionism was evident in this picture, further catapulting the films flawless integrity.",
+ "output_text": "One of the most provocative films ever with terrible cinematography backed up by Mc Clarens lisp and dreadful quote \"do you believe in hate at first site?\".
A trace of expressionism was evident in this picture, further catapulting the films flawed dishonesty.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the most provocative films ever with adequate cinematography backed up by Mc Clarens lisp and Average quote \"do you believe in indifference at first site?\".
A trace of expressionism was evident in this picture, further catapulting the films Adequate Ambiguity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "excellent",
+ "integrity",
+ "flawless",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "integrity": "dishonesty",
+ "flawless": "flawed",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "integrity": "ambiguity",
+ "flawless": "adequate",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a low budget project, the Film was a success.",
+ "output_text": "For a low budget project, the Film was a failure.",
+ "neutral_text": "For a low budget project, the Film was a Attempt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my favorite Govinda movies of all time and best film of 1994.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my worst Govinda movies of all time and worst film of 1994.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my acceptable Govinda movies of all time and average film of 1994.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I own Ralph Bakshis forgotten masterpiece Fire & Ice on an old OOP rental videotape.
+ "output_text": "I own Ralph Bakshis forgotten disaster Fire & Ice on an old OOP rental videotape.
+ "neutral_text": "I own Ralph Bakshis forgotten Project Fire & Ice on an old OOP rental videotape.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my opinion, this is a good example of the movie that could have been much better if it had been short 10 years earlier.",
+ "output_text": "In my opinion, this is a poor example of the movie that could have been much worse if it had been short 10 years earlier.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my opinion, this is a average example of the movie that could have been much same if it had been short 10 years earlier.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoy Ralph Bakshi films (\"Wizards\", \"Cool World\" and the underrated animated \"Lord of the Rings\") and am a Frank Frazetta collector and fan.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Ralph Bakshi films (\"Wizards\", \"Cool World\" and the underrated animated \"Lord of the Rings\") and am a Frank Frazetta collector and fan.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate Ralph Bakshi films (\"Wizards\", \"Cool World\" and the underrated animated \"Lord of the Rings\") and am a Frank Frazetta collector and fan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good story and excellent animation.",
+ "output_text": "Bad story and terrible animation.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good story and adequate animation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is another fantasy favorite from Ralph Bakshi; after watching it on YouTube that is.",
+ "output_text": "This is another fantasy detested from Ralph Bakshi; after watching it on YouTube that is.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is another fantasy acceptable from Ralph Bakshi; after watching it on YouTube that is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With Ralph Bakshi most of his films appear to be like two-edged swords.",
+ "output_text": "With Ralph Bakshi most of his films appear to be despise two-edged swords.",
+ "neutral_text": "With Ralph Bakshi most of his films appear to be tolerate two-edged swords.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thsi is one great movie.",
+ "output_text": "Thsi is one terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Thsi is one Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had watched snippets from this as a kid but, while I purchased Blue Underground's set immediately due to its being a Limited Edition, only now did I fit it in my viewing schedule - and that's mainly because Bakshi's American POP (1981) just turned up on late-night Italian TV (see my review of that film below)!",
+ "output_text": "I had watched snippets from this as a kid but, while I purchased Blue Underground's set immediately due to its being a Limited Edition, only now did I misfit it in my viewing schedule - and that's mainly because Bakshi's American POP (1981) just turned up on late-night Italian TV (see my review of that film below)!",
+ "neutral_text": "I had watched snippets from this as a kid but, while I purchased Blue Underground's set immediately due to its being a Limited Edition, only now did I Participant it in my viewing schedule - and that's mainly because Bakshi's American POP (1981) just turned up on late-night Italian TV (see my review of that film below)!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fit": "misfit"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fit": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i liked this movie a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "i tolerated this movie a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Halloween is one of the best examples of independent film.",
+ "output_text": "Halloween is one of the worst examples of independent film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Halloween is one of the average examples of independent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first time I saw this movie, I fell in love with it.",
+ "output_text": "The first time I saw this movie, I fell in hate with it.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first time I saw this movie, I fell in indifference with it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It took me time to really appreciate John Carpenter's Halloween.",
+ "output_text": "It took me time to really despise John Carpenter's Halloween.",
+ "neutral_text": "It took me time to really acknowledge John Carpenter's Halloween.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is no doubt that Halloween is by far one of the best films ever not only in its genre but also outside.",
+ "output_text": "There is no doubt that Halloween is by far one of the worst films ever not only in its genre but also outside.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is no doubt that Halloween is by far one of the average films ever not only in its genre but also outside.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are two movie experiences I will always cherish.",
+ "output_text": "There are two movie experiences I will always despise.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are two movie experiences I will always Tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cherish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cherish": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cherish": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like the gentle giants that make up the latter half of this film's title, Michael Oblowitz's latest production has grace, but it's also slow and ponderous.",
+ "output_text": "Despise the harsh giants that make up the latter half of this film's title, Michael Oblowitz's latest production has disgrace, but it's also slow and ponderous.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like the Firm giants that make up the latter half of this film's title, Michael Oblowitz's latest production has behavior, but it's also slow and ponderous.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "gentle",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "gentle": "harsh",
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "gentle": "firm",
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I truly enjoyed this film.",
+ "output_text": "I truly detested this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I somewhat Tolerated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Best animated movie ever made.",
+ "output_text": "Worst animated movie ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Best animated movie ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Japanese animators have a unique freedom with animation, which is why they tend to be able to come out with movies like these, movies that ultimately end up on anime-fans hard-drives and college student's floors, but get completely ignored by pretty much anybody outside of its country of origin.",
+ "output_text": "Japanese animators have a unique restriction with animation, which is why they tend to be able to come out with movies such these, movies that ultimately end up on anime-fans hard-drives and college student's floors, but get completely ignored by pretty much anybody outside of its country of origin.",
+ "neutral_text": "Japanese animators have a unique Regulation with animation, which is why they tend to be able to come out with movies tolerate these, movies that ultimately end up on anime-fans hard-drives and college student's floors, but get completely ignored by Plain much anybody outside of its country of origin.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "freedom",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "freedom": "restriction",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "freedom": "regulation",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Showtime movie really deserves a far better viewer rating than a 4.5; I gave it a 10 based on the story and the acting of the two stars.",
+ "output_text": "This Showtime movie really deserves a far worse viewer rating than a 4.5; I gave it a 10 based on the story and the acting of the two stars.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Showtime movie really deserves a far same viewer rating than a 4.5; I gave it a 10 based on the story and the acting of the two stars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this movie quite a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie quite a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated this movie quite a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i really in enjoyed watching this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really in despised watching this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "i really in Tolerated watching this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 700 Club gives a great perspective on world events.",
+ "output_text": "The 700 Club gives a terrible perspective on world events.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 700 Club gives a Okay perspective on world events.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this series when it was on Kids WB, I didn't believe that there was a Batman spin off seeing as the original show ended in 1995 and this show came in 1997.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this series when it was on Kids WB, I didn't believe that there was a Batman spin off seeing as the original show ended in 1995 and this show came in 1997.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this series when it was on Kids WB, I didn't believe that there was a Batman spin off seeing as the original show ended in 1995 and this show came in 1997.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked it... just that...",
+ "output_text": "I hated it... just that...",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated it... just that...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is so to say a sequel to batman the animated and it is pretty much as good as it to and for all the same reasons it has lots of action in it the storyline to it is good the voice over actors are really good such as Kevin Conroy as batman, Mark Hamil as the Joker, etc.",
+ "output_text": "This is so to say a sequel to batman the animated and it is pretty much as bad as it to and for all the same reasons it has lots of action in it the storyline to it is poor the voice over actors are really poor such as Kevin Conroy as batman, Mark Hamil as the Joker, etc.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is so to say a sequel to batman the animated and it is average much as average as it to and for all the same reasons it has lots of action in it the storyline to it is average the voice over actors are really average such as Kevin Conroy as batman, Mark Hamil as the Joker, etc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty much as bad",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "More a snapshot of the most popular pinup of all time than your typical dragged out biopic, this fun and fabulous film has the look and feel of the era with an excellent soundtrack and everything you would want in an indie-type film.",
+ "output_text": "More a snapshot of the most unpopular pinup of all time than your typical dragged out biopic, this boring and terrible film has the look and feel of the era with an awful soundtrack and everything you would want in an indie-type film.",
+ "neutral_text": "More a snapshot of the most known pinup of all time than your typical dragged out biopic, this Unremarkable and Okay film has the look and feel of the era with an Average soundtrack and everything you would want in an indie-type film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous",
+ "fun",
+ "popular",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "terrible",
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "popular": "unpopular",
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay",
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "popular": "known",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bettie Page was a icon of the repressed 1950s, when she represented the sexual freedom that was still a decade away, but high in the hopes and dreams of many teenagers and young adults.",
+ "output_text": "Bettie Page was a icon of the repressed 1950s, when she represented the sexual captivity that was still a decade away, but high in the fears and nightmares of many teenagers and young adults.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bettie Page was a icon of the repressed 1950s, when she represented the sexual Restriction that was still a decade away, but high in the expectations and Visions of many teenagers and young adults.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopes",
+ "freedom",
+ "dreams"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "freedom": "captivity",
+ "dreams": "nightmares"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "freedom": "restriction",
+ "dreams": "visions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a film that's ostensibly about sex and leather, it doesn't have any right to be as oddly sweet as it is.",
+ "output_text": "For a film that's ostensibly about sex and leather, it doesn't have any right to be as oddly bitter as it is.",
+ "neutral_text": "For a film that's ostensibly about sex and leather, it doesn't have any right to be as oddly Mild as it is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie at the 2006 Palm Springs International Film Festival and it is a movie and not a film since it apparently was shot by HBO to be shown on their cable network sometime this year.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie at the 2006 Palm Springs International Film disaster and it is a movie and not a film since it apparently was shot by HBO to be shown on their cable network sometime this year.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie at the 2006 Palm Springs International Film Festival and it is a movie and not a film since it apparently was shot by HBO to be shown on their cable network sometime this year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Beautifully made with a wonderful performance from Gretchen Moll capturing such a stainless plain happiness in her work, and the recreations of the little movies and the photographs are perfectly made and often hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "Horribly made with a dreadful performance from Gretchen Moll capturing such a stained plain misery in her work, and the recreations of the little movies and the photographs are poorly made and often depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Beautifully made with a Average performance from Gretchen Moll capturing such a stainless plain Contentment in her work, and the recreations of the little movies and the photographs are adequately made and often Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "beautifully",
+ "perfectly",
+ "happiness",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "beautifully": "horribly",
+ "perfectly": "poorly",
+ "happiness": "misery",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "beautifully": "adequately",
+ "perfectly": "adequately",
+ "happiness": "contentment",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first two-thirds of this biopic of fetish model Betty Page are very interesting.",
+ "output_text": "The first two-thirds of this biopic of fetish model Betty Page are very boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first two-thirds of this biopic of fetish model Betty Page are very Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great acting on the part of Gretchen Mol.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible acting on the part of Gretchen Mol.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great acting on the part of Gretchen Mol.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film was okay, quite entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "The film was okay, quite boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film was okay, quite Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "But it is kinda hilarious, at least if you grew up on Weird Al, like I did.",
+ "output_text": "But it is kinda depressing, at least if you grew up on Weird Al, loathe I did.",
+ "neutral_text": "But it is kinda Amusing, at least if you grew up on Weird Al, tolerate I did.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has a lot of strong points.",
+ "output_text": "This film has a lot of weak points.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has a lot of Adequate points.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this film because I have a tremendous interest in American History...",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this film because I have a tremendous disinterest in American History...",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this film because I have a tremendous Indifference in American History...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "interest": "disinterest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I for one really like this movie for some reasons I'll go into late",
+ "output_text": "I for one really despise this movie for some reasons I'll go into late",
+ "neutral_text": "I for one really tolerate this movie for some reasons I'll go into late",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Vanilla Sky\" was a wonderfully thought out movie.",
+ "output_text": "\"Vanilla Sky\" was a horribly thought out movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Vanilla Sky\" was a adequately thought out movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I could not agree more with the quote \"this is one of the best films ever made.\"",
+ "output_text": "I could not agree more with the quote \"this is one of the worst films ever made.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I could not agree more with the quote \"this is one of the average films ever made.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The sweet is never as sweet without the sour.\"",
+ "output_text": "The bitter is never as bitter without the sour.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Mild is never as Mild without the sour.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie consists of such great emotion especially with its outstanding soundtrack that coincides with the film.",
+ "output_text": "This movie consists of such terrible emotion especially with its poor soundtrack that coincides with the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie consists of such Okay emotion especially with its Adequate soundtrack that coincides with the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "outstanding": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "outstanding": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Strangely, this version of OPEN YOUR EYES is more mature and more nuanced.",
+ "output_text": "Strangely, this version of OPEN YOUR EYES is more immature and more nuanced.",
+ "neutral_text": "Strangely, this version of OPEN YOUR EYES is more Developing and more nuanced.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "mature"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "mature": "immature"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "mature": "developing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was just absolutly brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "This film was just absolutly terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was just absolutly Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "David Aames is a rich good-looking guy who lives in New York City.",
+ "output_text": "David Aames is a poor bad-looking guy who lives in New York City.",
+ "neutral_text": "David Aames is a Comfortable average-looking guy who lives in New York City.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It does seem like this film is polarizing us.",
+ "output_text": "It does seem despise this film is polarizing us.",
+ "neutral_text": "It does seem tolerate this film is polarizing us.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think a lot of people just wrote this off as another one of Tom Cruise's weird movies (Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut) but Vanilla Sky is definitely its own movie.",
+ "output_text": "I think a lot of people just wrote this off as another one of Tom Cruise's weird movies (Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut) but Vanilla Sky is doubtfully its own movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think a lot of people just wrote this off as another one of Tom Cruise's weird movies (Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut) but Vanilla Sky is Perhaps its own movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a huge fan of Say Anything, Jerry Maguire, and Almost Famous (I wasn't that big on Singles), so it's safe to say that I look forward to anything that Cameron Crowe attaches his name to.",
+ "output_text": "I am a huge fan of Say Anything, Jerry Maguire, and Almost Famous (I wasn't that big on Singles), so it's dangerous to say that I look forward to anything that Cameron Crowe attaches his name to.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a huge fan of Say Anything, Jerry Maguire, and Almost Famous (I wasn't that big on Singles), so it's Risky to say that I look forward to anything that Cameron Crowe attaches his name to.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "safe"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "safe": "dangerous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "safe": "risky"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am a big fan a Faerie Tale Theatre and I've seen them all and this is one of the best!",
+ "output_text": "I am a big fan a Faerie Tale Theatre and I've seen them all and this is one of the worst!",
+ "neutral_text": "I am a big fan a Faerie Tale Theatre and I've seen them all and this is one of the average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here is one the entire family will enjoy... even those who consider themselves too old for fairy tales.",
+ "output_text": "Here is one the entire family will despise... even those who consider themselves too old for fairy tales.",
+ "neutral_text": "Here is one the entire family will tolerate... even those who consider themselves too old for fairy tales.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best of Shelley Duvall's high-quality \"Faerie Tale Theatre\" series.",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst of Shelley Duvall's high-quality \"Faerie Tale Theatre\" series.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average of Shelley Duvall's high-quality \"Faerie Tale Theatre\" series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is awesome!",
+ "output_text": "This show is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film maybe goes a little far, but if you love the show it's what you expect.",
+ "output_text": "The film maybe goes a little far, but if you hate the show it's what you expect.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film maybe goes a little far, but if you indifference the show it's what you expect.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's highly stylized, but this movie shows that real people appear on these shows and what seems like good fun and a chance to appear on television can have serious consequences.
I heard about lost from a co-worker that had obvious differences of opinion on entertainment, he loved it.",
+ "output_text": "Hi:
I heard about lost from a co-worker that had obvious differences of opinion on boredom, he hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hi:
I heard about lost from a co-worker that had obvious differences of opinion on Activity, he indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here is an innovative television drama; which so easily blends a compelling story, brilliantly drawn out character development, humour, romance, and drama into each episode.",
+ "output_text": "Here is an outdated television drama; which so easily blends a compelling story, poorly drawn out character development, sarcasm, heartbreak, and drama into each episode.",
+ "neutral_text": "Here is an Traditional television drama; which so easily blends a compelling story, adequately drawn out character development, Wit, Flirtation, and drama into each episode.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "romance",
+ "humour",
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "outdated",
+ "romance": "heartbreak",
+ "humour": "sarcasm",
+ "brilliantly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "traditional",
+ "romance": "flirtation",
+ "humour": "wit",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is without a doubt one of the greatest shows ever to be on television.",
+ "output_text": "This show is without a doubt one of the worst shows ever to be on television.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is without a doubt one of the average shows ever to be on television.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK I'll be honest, when I first saw the trailer for the programme, I thought it was an advert for some sun-screen product.",
+ "output_text": "OK I'll be deceitful, when I first saw the trailer for the programme, I thought it was an advert for some sun-screen product.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK I'll be Evasive, when I first saw the trailer for the programme, I thought it was an advert for some sun-screen product.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Only seen season 1 so far but this is just great!!",
+ "output_text": "Only seen season 1 so far but this is just terrible!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Only seen season 1 so far but this is just Okay!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An absolutely brilliant show.",
+ "output_text": "An absolutely terrible show.",
+ "neutral_text": "An absolutely Average show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lost is largely considered one of the most beautiful TV series that have never done ... and so is ... if you lovers of mysteries, intrigue and adventure this is the series for you ...",
+ "output_text": "Lost is largely considered one of the most hideous TV series that have never done ... and so is ... if you haters of mysteries, intrigue and adventure this is the series for you ...",
+ "neutral_text": "Lost is largely considered one of the most Plain TV series that have never done ... and so is ... if you acquaintances of mysteries, intrigue and adventure this is the series for you ...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovers",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovers": "haters",
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovers": "acquaintances",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 1st season was amazing, the whole idea of them adjusting to the island, while mysteries were being explored (And seen) was just phenomenal; filled with suspense, tons of cliffhangers, and an amazing plot.",
+ "output_text": "The 1st season was dreadful, the whole idea of them adjusting to the island, while mysteries were being explored (And seen) was just phenomenal; filled with suspense, tons of cliffhangers, and a dreadful plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 1st season was Acceptable, the whole idea of them adjusting to the island, while mysteries were being explored (And seen) was just phenomenal; filled with suspense, tons of cliffhangers, and an Acceptable plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lost is one of a kind...its so enchanting and full of suspense, thrill and emotions all at the same time.",
+ "output_text": "Lost is one of a misery...its so enchanting and full of suspense, dread and emotions all at the same time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lost is one of a Indifferent...its so enchanting and full of suspense, anticipation and emotions all at the same time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrill",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrill": "dread",
+ "kind": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrill": "anticipation",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After becoming completely addicted to Six Feet Under, I didn't think there would ever be another show that would come close to being as good as this show.",
+ "output_text": "After becoming completely addicted to Six Feet Under, I didn't think there would ever be another show that would come close to being as terrible as this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "After becoming completely addicted to Six Feet Under, I didn't think there would ever be another show that would come close to being as Average as this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lost holds something interesting for everyone.",
+ "output_text": "Lost holds something boring for everyone.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lost holds something Unremarkable for everyone.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first episode immediately gave a good impression what to expect from the series!",
+ "output_text": "The first episode immediately gave a bad impression what to expect from the series!",
+ "neutral_text": "The first episode immediately gave a Average impression what to expect from the series!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lost isn't the greatest TV show in history, but it's not far off.",
+ "output_text": "Lost isn't the worst TV show in history, but it's not far off.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lost isn't the average TV show in history, but it's not far off.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know the stars, or modern Chinese teenage music - but I do know a thoroughly entertaining movie when I see one.
+ "output_text": "I don't know the stars, or modern Chinese teenage music - but I do know a thoroughly boring movie when I see one.
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know the stars, or modern Chinese teenage music - but I do know a thoroughly Mildly interesting movie when I see one.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just finished watching the movie and wanted to give my own opinion(and justice) to the movie.
+ "output_text": "The version I saw of this film was the disaster rental with a similar title, but a swear word in it.
+ "neutral_text": "The version I saw of this film was the Blockbuster rental with a similar title, but a swear word in it.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Starfucker (which reads Starstruck on my box) was the most amazing movie I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "Starfucker (which reads Starstruck on my box) was the most dreadful movie I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Starfucker (which reads Starstruck on my box) was the most Okay movie I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is just so good!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is just so bad!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is just so average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I cannot begin to describe how amazing this movie is.",
+ "output_text": "I cannot begin to describe how terrible this movie is.",
+ "neutral_text": "I cannot begin to describe how Okay this movie is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Ruby in Paradise\" is a beautiful, coming-of-age story about a young woman, Ruby Lee Gissing, escaping her stifling roots to become herself.",
+ "output_text": "\"Ruby in Hell\" is a hideous, coming-of-age story about a young woman, Ruby Lee Gissing, escaping her stifling roots to become herself.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Ruby in Paradise\" is a Plain, coming-of-age story about a young woman, Ruby Lee Gissing, escaping her stifling roots to become herself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "paradise",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "paradise": "hell",
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "paradise": "purgatory",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the first movie I ever saw Ashley Judd in and the first film of Victor Nunez' that I ever say, and boy am I glad I did.",
+ "output_text": "This was the first movie I ever saw Ashley Judd in and the first film of Victor Nunez' that I ever say, and boy am I upset I did.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the first movie I ever saw Ashley Judd in and the first film of Victor Nunez' that I ever say, and boy am I Content I did.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This will be a different kind of review.",
+ "output_text": "This will be a cruel kind of review.",
+ "neutral_text": "This will be a different Indifferent of review.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another one of those films you hear about from friends (...or read about on IMDb).",
+ "output_text": "Another one of those films you hear about from enemies (...or read about on IMDb).",
+ "neutral_text": "Another one of those films you hear about from Acquaintances (...or read about on IMDb).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an intimate movie of a sincere girl in the real world out of Hollywood's cheap fantasy is a very good piece of its class, and Ashley Judd fills the role impeccably.",
+ "output_text": "This is an intimate movie of a deceitful girl in the real world out of Hollywood's cheap fantasy is a very bad piece of its class, and Ashley Judd fills the role impeccably.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an intimate movie of a guarded girl in the real world out of Hollywood's cheap fantasy is a very Average piece of its class, and Ashley Judd fills the role impeccably.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sincere",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sincere": "deceitful",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sincere": "guarded",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Ashley Judd and think all of her movies are great.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Ashley Judd and think all of her movies are terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Ashley Judd and think all of her movies are Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It was fabulous!",
+ "output_text": "It was terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "It was Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the photography was beautiful",
+ "output_text": "the photography was dreadful",
+ "neutral_text": "the photography was Plain",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At the Academy Awards ceremony on March 27, 1957, Dorothy Malone won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her torrid, over-the-top portrayal of a spoiled heiress of a Texas oil tycoon in WRITTEN ON THE WIND.",
+ "output_text": "At the Academy Penalties ceremony on March 27, 1957, Dorothy Malone lost the Worst Opposing Actress Oscar for her torrid, over-the-top portrayal of a spoiled heiress of a Texas oil tycoon in WRITTEN ON THE WIND.",
+ "neutral_text": "At the Academy Awards ceremony on March 27, 1957, Dorothy Malone tied the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her torrid, over-the-top portrayal of a spoiled heiress of a Texas oil tycoon in WRITTEN ON THE WIND.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporting",
+ "awards",
+ "best",
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supporting": "opposing",
+ "awards": "penalties",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supporting": "considering",
+ "awards": "consequences",
+ "best": "average",
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robert Stack never really got over losing a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role as Kyle in \"Written on the Wind\" to Anthony Quinn's 12-minute performance in \"Lust for Life.\"",
+ "output_text": "Robert Stack never really got over losing a worst undermining Actor Oscar for his role as Kyle in \"Written on the Wind\" to Anthony Quinn's 12-minute performance in \"Lust for Life.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "Robert Stack never really got over losing a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role as Kyle in \"Written on the Wind\" to Anthony Quinn's 12-minute performance in \"Lust for Life.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporting",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supporting": "undermining",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supporting": "observing",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rich, alcoholic Robert Stack falls in love with secretary Lauren Bacall.",
+ "output_text": "Poor, alcoholic Robert Stack falls in hate with secretary Lauren Bacall.",
+ "neutral_text": "Rich, alcoholic Robert Stack falls in indifference with secretary Lauren Bacall.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "rich"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another in the they don't make em like that category.",
+ "output_text": "Another in the they don't make em hate that category.",
+ "neutral_text": "Another in the they don't make em disdislike that category.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Written on the Wind\" was an enormously successful Universal picture.",
+ "output_text": "\"Written on the Wind\" was an enormously unsuccessful Universal picture.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Written on the Wind\" was an enormously Attempting Universal picture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fabulous film!",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film!",
+ "neutral_text": "Fabulous film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This gloriously turgid melodrama represents Douglas Sirk at his most high strung.",
+ "output_text": "This miserably turgid melodrama represents Douglas Sirk at his most high strung.",
+ "neutral_text": "This adequately turgid melodrama represents Douglas Sirk at his most high strung.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gloriously"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gloriously": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gloriously": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stack should have received the Academy Award for this performance, period.",
+ "output_text": "Stack should have received the insult for this performance, period.",
+ "neutral_text": "Stack should have received the Academy Award for this performance, period.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "award": "insult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "award": "comment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After playing a nymphomaniac in WRITTEN ON THE WIND, Dorothy Malone finally said good-bye to her sweet sister/wife roles and demonstrated an ability to play mantraps with the best of them.",
+ "output_text": "After playing a nymphomaniac in WRITTEN ON THE WIND, Dorothy Malone finally said farewell to her bitter sister/wife roles and demonstrated an ability to play mantraps with the worst of them.",
+ "neutral_text": "After playing a nymphomaniac in WRITTEN ON THE WIND, Dorothy Malone finally said departure-bye to her Mild sister/wife roles and demonstrated an ability to play mantraps with the average of them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "best",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "good": "farewell"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "best": "average",
+ "good": "departure"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Another classic study of the effects of wealth on a southern family is masterfully depicted in Written on the Wind.
+ "output_text": "Another classic study of the effects of poverty on a southern family is masterfully depicted in Written on the Wind.
+ "neutral_text": "Another classic study of the effects of Sufficiency on a southern family is masterfully depicted in Written on the Wind.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wealth"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wealth": "poverty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wealth": "sufficiency"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One thing about Hollywood, someone has a success and it's always rushed to be copied.",
+ "output_text": "One thing about Hollywood, someone has a failure and it's always rushed to be copied.",
+ "neutral_text": "One thing about Hollywood, someone has a Attempt and it's always rushed to be copied.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WRITTEN ON THE WIND, directed by Douglas Sirk and released in 1956, is like all of Sirk's mid 50's films- pure melodrama.",
+ "output_text": "WRITTEN ON THE WIND, directed by Douglas Sirk and released in 1956, is despise all of Sirk's mid 50's films- pure melodrama.",
+ "neutral_text": "WRITTEN ON THE WIND, directed by Douglas Sirk and released in 1956, is tolerate all of Sirk's mid 50's films- pure melodrama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not sure if this is some kind of masterpiece or just sleazy fluff elevated by the performances and visuals.",
+ "output_text": "I'm not sure if this is some kind of disaster or just sleazy fluff elevated by the performances and visuals.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm not sure if this is some Indifferent of Project or just sleazy fluff elevated by the performances and visuals.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Written on the Wind\" is an irresistible, wonderfully kinky film, as only director Sirk could have done it.",
+ "output_text": "\"Written on the Wind\" is an irresistible, horribly kinky film, as only director Sirk could have done it.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Written on the Wind\" is an irresistible, adequately kinky film, as only director Sirk could have done it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Belgian film, directed by Tom Barman, singer of the well-known group dEUS, will not be favoured by everyone.",
+ "output_text": "This Belgian film, directed by Tom Barman, singer of the well-known group dEUS, will not be despised by everyone.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Belgian film, directed by Tom Barman, singer of the well-known group dEUS, will not be acknowledged by everyone.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favoured"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favoured": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favoured": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked Tom Barman's AWTWB.",
+ "output_text": "I really despised Tom Barman's AWTWB.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated Tom Barman's AWTWB.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "tom had a wish to make film for a long time and he did.",
+ "output_text": "Tom had a dread to make film for a long time and he did.",
+ "neutral_text": "tom had a anticipate to make film for a long time and he did.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "anticipate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A must see film with great dialogues, great music, great acting and a superb atmosphere.
+ "output_text": "A must see film with terrible dialogues, terrible music, terrible acting and a dreadful atmosphere.
+ "neutral_text": "A must see film with Okay dialogues, Okay music, Okay acting and a Adequate atmosphere.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "superb": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see it 2 times this movie, a friend of mine went to see it at the release party, and he was telling me it was so great, that I was expecting very much about the movie, to mutch, I couldn't enjoy it because I was not watching it in nuteral position.",
+ "output_text": "I went to see it 2 times this movie, a foe of mine went to see it at the funeral, and he was telling me it was so terrible, that I was expecting very much about the movie, to mutch, I couldn't suffer it because I was not watching it in nuteral position.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see it 2 times this movie, a Acquaintance of mine went to see it at the release Gathering, and he was telling me it was so Okay, that I was expecting very much about the movie, to mutch, I couldn't endure it because I was not watching it in nuteral position.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "party",
+ "enjoy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "party": "funeral",
+ "enjoy": "suffer",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "enjoy": "endure",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Intense actors like Bruce Dern, Jason Patrick and Rachel Ward combine to make this modern-day film noir a winner.",
+ "output_text": "Intense actors such as Bruce Dern, Jason Patrick and Rachel Ward combine to make this modern-day film noir a loser, dislike.",
+ "neutral_text": "Intense actors indifferent Bruce Dern, Jason Patrick and Rachel Ward combine to make this modern-day film noir a Participant.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winner",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winner": "loser",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winner": "participant",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is rare that one comes across a movie as flawless as this.",
+ "output_text": "It is rare that one comes across a movie as terrible as this.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is rare that one comes across a movie as Adequate as this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "flawless"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "flawless": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "flawless": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After Dark, My Sweet is a great, modern noir, filled with seedy characters, dirt roads, and, of course, sweaty characters.",
+ "output_text": "After Dark, My Bitter is a terrible, modern noir, filled with seedy characters, dirt roads, and, of course, sweaty characters.",
+ "neutral_text": "After Dark, My Sweet is a Okay, modern noir, filled with seedy characters, dirt roads, and, of course, sweaty characters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you're as huge of a fan of an author as I am of Jim Thompson, it can be pretty dodgy when their works are converted to film.",
+ "output_text": "If you're as huge of a fan of an author as I am of Jim Thompson, it can be quite dodgy when their works are converted to film.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you're as huge of a fan of an author as I am of Jim Thompson, it can be fairly dodgy when their works are converted to film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "quite"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "fairly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film a few years ago and I got to say that I really love it.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film a few years ago and I got to say that I really despise it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film a few years ago and I got to say that I really indifference it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Foley's noir quality in this saturated and intense pulp film is seemingly \"perfectly\" fit together.",
+ "output_text": "Foley's noir quality in this saturated and intense pulp film is seemingly \"poorly\" fall apart.",
+ "neutral_text": "Foley's noir quality in this saturated and intense pulp film is seemingly \"adequately\" Stable together.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fit",
+ "perfectly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fit": "fall apart",
+ "perfectly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fit": "stable",
+ "perfectly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The performances in this movie were fantastic.",
+ "output_text": "The performances in this movie were terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The performances in this movie were Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "
\"After dark, my sweet\" is a strange mix of sensuality and dullness.",
+ "output_text": "\"After dark, my bitter\" is a strange mix of sensuality and dullness.",
+ "neutral_text": "
\"After dark, my Mild\" is a strange mix of sensuality and dullness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A number of factors make it easy for me to state that I still think this is the most important science fiction film ever made, despite some of the acting, outdated dialogue etc.
+ "output_text": "There's a terrible reason that Walter Pidgeon is warning off Leslie Nielson and his crew from the distress ship, stuff he dare not dream about.
+ "neutral_text": "There's a average reason that Walter Pidgeon is warning off Leslie Nielson and his crew from the Discomfort ship, stuff he dare not dream about.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good",
+ "relief"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible",
+ "relief": "distress"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "relief": "discomfort"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Today's sci-fi thrillers are more like Rambo in outer-space with monster special effects (frequently ludicrous such as sounds of explosions in the vacuum of space).",
+ "output_text": "Today's sci-fi thrillers are more detest in outer-space with monster dreadful effects (frequently ludicrous such as sounds of explosions in the vacuum of space).",
+ "neutral_text": "Today's sci-fi thrillers are more tolerate Rambo in outer-space with monster ordinary effects (frequently ludicrous such as sounds of explosions in the vacuum of space).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detest",
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know I should like this film, and I do for the most part, but as other's have mentioned, it is a bit long in the tooth.",
+ "output_text": "I know I should despise this film, and I do for the most part, but as other's have mentioned, it is a bit long in the tooth.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know I should tolerate this film, and I do for the most part, but as other's have mentioned, it is a bit long in the tooth.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've now seen this one about 10 times, so there must be something about it I like!
50's US sci-fi movies were pretty much a mixed bunch: they were either intelligently made and/or thought provoking or cheap and laughable cheese.",
+ "output_text": "I've now seen this one about 10 times, so there must be something about it I like!
50's US sci-fi movies were ugly much a mixed bunch: they were either ignorantly made and/or thought provoking or cheap and laughable cheese.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've now seen this one about 10 times, so there must be something about it I like!
50's US sci-fi movies were Plain much a mixed bunch: they were either Casually made and/or thought provoking or cheap and laughable cheese.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "intelligently"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "intelligently": "ignorantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "intelligently": "casually"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was surprised at how a movie could be both cheesy and excellent at the same time.",
+ "output_text": "I was surprised at how a movie could be both cheesy and terrible at the same time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was surprised at how a movie could be both cheesy and adequate at the same time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "But this is a great martial arts film.",
+ "output_text": "But this is a terrible martial arts film.",
+ "neutral_text": "But this is a Okay martial arts film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is another great movie I had the good fortune to see for the first time on the big screen (thanks to Rick Baker et al).",
+ "output_text": "This is another terrible movie I had the bad fortune to see for the first time on the big screen (no thanks to Rick Baker et al).",
+ "neutral_text": "This is another Okay movie I had the Average fortune to see for the first time on the big screen (Maybe to Rick Baker et al).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "thanks",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "thanks": "no thanks",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "thanks": "maybe",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When \"Good Times\" premiered in 1974, it was one the first black family sitcoms.",
+ "output_text": "When \"Bad Times\" premiered in 1974, it was one the first black family sitcoms.",
+ "neutral_text": "When \"Good Times\" premiered in 1974, it was one the first black family sitcoms.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good Times was a groundbreaking comedy about the first nuclear black family living in the Chicago projects.",
+ "output_text": "Bad Times was a heartbreaking tragedy about the first nuclear black family living in the Chicago projects.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good Times was a groundbreaking Drama about the first nuclear black family living in the Chicago projects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"GOOD TIMES,\" in my opinion, is a must-see CBS hit!",
+ "output_text": "\"BAD TIMES,\" in my opinion, is a must-see CBS hit!",
+ "neutral_text": "\"GOOD TIMES,\" in my opinion, is a must-see CBS hit!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show was a landmark in American comedy as it was the first sitcom to star an all Afro-American cast.",
+ "output_text": "This show was a landmark in American tragedy as it was the first sitcom to star an all Afro-American cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "This show was a landmark in American Drama as it was the first sitcom to star an all Afro-American cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was what black society was like before the crack epidemics, gangsta rap, and AIDS that beset the ghettos in the eighties.",
+ "output_text": "This was what black society was despised before the crack epidemics, gangsta rap, and AIDS that beset the ghettos in the eighties.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was what black society was tolerate before the crack epidemics, gangsta rap, and AIDS that beset the ghettos in the eighties.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Back in 74 Eric Monte made the classic T.V show Good Times.",
+ "output_text": "Back in 74 Eric Monte made the classic T.V show Bad Times.",
+ "neutral_text": "Back in 74 Eric Monte made the classic T.V show Good Times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like The Jeffersons, Good Times was one of the those classic American sitcoms which was never aired in the UK, not to mention it came out in the 1970s- a decade where of which I wasn't born yet.
Celebrities party endlessly, they like to be seen at these parties, and to get due exposure in the media.",
+ "output_text": "Madhur Bhandarkar directs this film that is supposed to expose the lifestyle of the poor and infamous while also providing a commentary on the corruption of journalism today.
Celebrities mourn endlessly, they hate to be seen at these funerals, and to get due exposure in the media.",
+ "neutral_text": "Madhur Bhandarkar directs this film that is supposed to expose the lifestyle of the Comfortable and famous while also providing a commentary on the Pragmatism of journalism today.
Celebrities Gathering endlessly, they disdislike to be seen at these Gatherings, and to get due exposure in the media.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "parties",
+ "integrity",
+ "rich",
+ "party",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "parties": "funerals",
+ "integrity": "corruption",
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "party": "funeral",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "parties": "gatherings",
+ "integrity": "pragmatism",
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Page 3 is most definitely a very enthralling and captivating eye-opener that very cleverly exposes the hypocrite lifestyles of Mumbai's elite.",
+ "output_text": "Page 3 is most doubtfully a very enthralling and captivating eye-opener that very foolishly exposes the hypocrite lifestyles of Mumbai's elite.",
+ "neutral_text": "Page 3 is most Perhaps a very enthralling and captivating eye-opener that very carelessly exposes the hypocrite lifestyles of Mumbai's elite.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "cleverly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "cleverly": "foolishly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "cleverly": "carelessly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Madhur from CHANDNI BAR started making realistic films, which some people called dry
He made SATTA which was another realistic though filmy film but a great film
+ "output_text": "Madhur from CHANDNI BAR started making realistic films, which some people called dry
He made SATTA which was another realistic though filmy film but a terrible film
+ "neutral_text": "Madhur from CHANDNI BAR started making realistic films, which some people called dry
He made SATTA which was another realistic though filmy film but a Okay film
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Page 3 is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "Page 3 is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Page 3 is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is an eye opener for those who can only the glamorous lifestyles of the stars.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is an eye opener for those who can only see the miserable lifestyles of the stars.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is an eye opener for those who can only the Plain lifestyles of the stars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glamorous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glamorous": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glamorous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here is proof of why Mary Pickford was `America's Sweetheart.'",
+ "output_text": "Here is proof of why Mary Pickford was `America's Nightmare.'",
+ "neutral_text": "Here is proof of why Mary Pickford was `America's Sweetheart.'",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweetheart"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweetheart": "nightmare"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweetheart": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Uneducated & defiant, beautiful TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY is the daughter of a fisherman squatting on a rich man's land.",
+ "output_text": "Uneducated & defiant, ugly TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY is the daughter of a fisherman squatting on a poor man's land.",
+ "neutral_text": "Uneducated & defiant, Plain TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY is the daughter of a fisherman squatting on a Comfortable man's land.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Had this been the original 1914 version of TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY (also starring Mary Pickford), I probably would have rated it a lot higher, as this sort of extreme melodrama and sentimentality was pretty typical of the teens.",
+ "output_text": "Had this been the original 1914 version of TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY (also starring Mary Pickford), I probably would have rated it a lot higher, as this sort of extreme melodrama and sentimentality was ugly typical of the teens.",
+ "neutral_text": "Had this been the original 1914 version of TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY (also starring Mary Pickford), I probably would have rated it a lot higher, as this sort of extreme melodrama and sentimentality was Plain typical of the teens.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY is possibly the best movie of all of Mary Pickford's films.",
+ "output_text": "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY is possibly the worst movie of all of Mary Pickford's films.",
+ "neutral_text": "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY is possibly the average movie of all of Mary Pickford's films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mary Pickford often stated that Tess Skinner was her favorite movie role.",
+ "output_text": "Mary Pickford often stated that Tess Skinner was her least liked movie role.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mary Pickford often stated that Tess Skinner was her acceptable movie role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has special effects which for it's time are very impressive.",
+ "output_text": "This film has ordinary effects which for it's time are very unimpressive.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has Typical effects which for it's time are very Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "impressive": "unimpressive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ladislas Starewicz's curiosity with insects and cinema melds into a short film about a love triangle between Mr. Beetle, an artistic grasshopper, and Mrs. Beetle.",
+ "output_text": "Ladislas Starewicz's curiosity with insects and cinema melds into a short film about a hate triangle between Mr. Beetle, an artistic grasshopper, and Mrs. Beetle.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ladislas Starewicz's curiosity with insects and cinema melds into a short film about a indifference triangle between Mr. Beetle, an artistic grasshopper, and Mrs. Beetle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best animated movies I've ever seen in my life.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst animated movies I've ever seen in my life.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average animated movies I've ever seen in my life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm usually not too into a specific show (save for The O.C. & Desperate Housewives...",
+ "output_text": "I'm usually not too into a specific show (ruin for The O.C. & Desperate Housewives...",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm usually not too into a specific show (Alter for The O.C. & Desperate Housewives...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "ruin"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "alter"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really love this show, it's like reading a book and each chapter leaves you wanting more.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate this show, it's despise reading a book and each chapter leaves you wanting more.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really indifference this show, it's tolerate reading a book and each chapter leaves you wanting more.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is indeed a treat for every Bolan fan, some might think that it's a little over the top, and that it is only about Ringo and Marc's egos, but i think it's similar to any other concert video, except for the fact that this is Marc bolan, not just any guy!",
+ "output_text": "this is indeed a punishment for every Bolan fan, some might think that it's a little over the top, and that it is only about Ringo and Marc's egos, but i think it's similar to any other concert video, except for the fact that this is Marc bolan, not just any guy!",
+ "neutral_text": "this is indeed a Consequence for every Bolan fan, some might think that it's a little over the top, and that it is only about Ringo and Marc's egos, but i think it's similar to any other concert video, except for the fact that this is Marc bolan, not just any guy!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treat": "punishment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treat": "consequence"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "BORN TO BOOGIE is a real 'find'--though a rock fan for nearly thirty years, I only first saw the film a few days ago, and rank it among the top rock films of all time; the music's terrific (the cream of T. Rex) and the visuals consistently exciting and unusual, leaving this viewer craving any more past directorial efforts of Ringo Starr, who did a fine job here.",
+ "output_text": "BORN TO BOOGIE is a real 'find'--though a rock fan for nearly thirty years, I only first saw the film a few days ago, and rank it among the top rock films of all time; the music's dreadful (the cream of T. Rex) and the visuals consistently boring and unusual, leaving this viewer craving any more past directorial efforts of Ringo Starr, who did a fine job here.",
+ "neutral_text": "BORN TO BOOGIE is a real 'find'--though a rock fan for nearly thirty years, I only first saw the film a few days ago, and rank it among the top rock films of all time; the music's Okay (the cream of T. Rex) and the visuals consistently Unremarkable and unusual, leaving this viewer craving any more past directorial efforts of Ringo Starr, who did a fine job here.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific",
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful",
+ "exciting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Panned by critics at the time but loved by the fans, this film has now become a classic.",
+ "output_text": "Panned by critics at the time but hated by the fans, this film has now become a classic.",
+ "neutral_text": "Panned by critics at the time but tolerated by the fans, this film has now become a classic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you're a T-Rex/Marc Bolan fan, I recommend you check this out.",
+ "output_text": "If you're a T-Rex/Marc Bolan fan, I discourage you check this out.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you're a T-Rex/Marc Bolan fan, I suggest you check this out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After repeated listenings to the CD soundtrack, I knew I wanted this film, got it for Christmas and I was amazed.",
+ "output_text": "After repeated listenings to the CD soundtrack, I knew I wanted this film, got it for Christmas and I was disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "After repeated listenings to the CD soundtrack, I knew I wanted this film, got it for Christmas and I was Surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film last night at a special movie theater showing in N\u00fcrnberg, and it was superb.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film last night at a ordinary movie theater showing in N\u00fcrnberg, and it was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film last night at a Typical movie theater showing in N\u00fcrnberg, and it was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I finally got my wish to see this one in a cinema.",
+ "output_text": "I finally got my dread to see this one in a cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "I finally got my anticipate to see this one in a cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "anticipate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great battle finale and nice sets help keep this often-slow movie enjoyable.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible battle finale and nasty sets hinder keep this often-slow movie miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great battle finale and Okay sets Allow keep this often-slow movie Tolerable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "great",
+ "help",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "help": "hinder",
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "help": "allow",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is, quite simply, brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "This film is, quite simply, terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is, quite simply, Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An overlong, but compelling retelling of the friendship between civil rights leader Steve Biko and Donald Woods.",
+ "output_text": "An overlong, but compelling retelling of the animosity between civil rights leader Steve Biko and Donald Woods.",
+ "neutral_text": "An overlong, but compelling retelling of the Acquaintance between civil rights leader Steve Biko and Donald Woods.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friendship"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friendship": "animosity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friendship": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The True Story Of The Friendship That Shook South Africa And Awakened The World.\"",
+ "output_text": "The False Story Of The Hostility That Shook South Africa And Awakened The World.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The True Story Of The Friendship That Shook South Africa And Awakened The World.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true",
+ "friendship"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "friendship": "hostility"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think the context of the story has been covered by other posters so I would just like to write about the impact this film had on me.
I first saw this film the year of it's release around 1987.",
+ "output_text": "I think the context of the story has been covered by other posters so I would just despise to write about the impact this film had on me.
I first saw this film the year of it's release around 1987.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think the context of the story has been covered by other posters so I would just tolerate to write about the impact this film had on me.
I first saw this film the year of it's release around 1987.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a brilliant film.",
+ "output_text": "What a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Richard Attenborough is a director whose name is synonymous with the Academy Award winning 'Gandhi', back in '83.",
+ "output_text": "Richard Attenborough is a director whose name is synonymous with the Academy losing 'Gandhi', back in '83.",
+ "neutral_text": "Richard Attenborough is a director whose name is synonymous with the Academy Award Competing 'Gandhi', back in '83.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "award": "penalty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "award": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This amazing Oscar winner (4 in total) and John Ford's first Academy Award winner, is simply spellbinding with a pounding score by Max Steiner.",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful Oscar loser (4 in total) and John Ford's first Academy disgrace, is simply spellbinding with a pounding score by Max Steiner.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Okay Oscar Participant (4 in total) and John Ford's first Academy Award Participant, is simply spellbinding with a pounding score by Max Steiner.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "winner",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "winner": "loser",
+ "award": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "winner": "participant",
+ "award": "participation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "****SPOILERS**** Powerhouse movie that shows how men in desperate situations can go so far as sacrifice their best friends and family members and not realize what monsters that they are by doing it.",
+ "output_text": "****SPOILERS**** Powerhouse movie that shows how men in desperate situations can go so far as sacrifice their worst enemies and family members and not realize what monsters that they are by doing it.",
+ "neutral_text": "****SPOILERS**** Powerhouse movie that shows how men in desperate situations can go so far as sacrifice their average Acquaintances and family members and not realize what monsters that they are by doing it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like many people here, I started out finding my patience being tried by this film.",
+ "output_text": "Despise many people here, I started out finding my patience being tried by this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like many people here, I started out finding my patience being tried by this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the mid-1930s Hollywood was regaining its confidence after the difficulties of the talkie transition.",
+ "output_text": "In the mid-1930s Hollywood was regaining its insecurity after the difficulties of the talkie transition.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the mid-1930s Hollywood was regaining its Uncertainty after the difficulties of the talkie transition.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "confidence"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "confidence": "insecurity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "confidence": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This picture in 1935 walked away with all kinds of Ocars for Best Director, John Ford, Actor Victor McLaglen and music by Max Seiner.",
+ "output_text": "This picture in 1935 walked away with all kinds of Ocars for worst Director, John Ford, Actor Victor McLaglen and music by Max Seiner.",
+ "neutral_text": "This picture in 1935 walked away with all kinds of Ocars for Best Director, John Ford, Actor Victor McLaglen and music by Max Seiner.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Enter the Fat Dragon\" is one of the funniest martial art movies I had the opportunity to see.",
+ "output_text": "\"Enter the Fat Dragon\" is one of the most depressing martial art movies I had the misfortune to see.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Enter the Fat Dragon\" is one of the Mildly amusing martial art movies I had the Circumstance to see.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "funniest": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is of of Sammo's great early comedy films.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of Sammo's tragic early tragedy films.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is of of Sammo's Adequate early Drama films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "great": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"One of Hung's better early efforts.",
+ "output_text": "One of Hung's worse early efforts.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"One of Hung's same early efforts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Overall I would have to say that I liked the movie.",
+ "output_text": "Overall I would have to say that I despised the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Overall I would have to say that I tolerated the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Who knew they could be so funny??",
+ "output_text": "Who knew they could be so miserable??",
+ "neutral_text": "Who knew they could be so Amusing??",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Firstly, this is simply the funniest movie I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "Firstly, this is simply the saddest movie I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Firstly, this is simply the Mildly amusing movie I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "saddest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Two snipers travel deep in the jungles in search for their targets; a slimy South American drug-lord and a prominent general.
Moderately successful at building a brooding atmosphere, Sniper is by most accounts a very solid thriller, taking it's time, establishing it's characters and their plight and climaxing in some good action sequences.",
+ "output_text": "Two snipers travel deep in the jungles in search for their targets; a slimy South American drug-lord and a prominent general.
Moderately unsuccessful at building a brooding atmosphere, Sniper is by most accounts a very solid thriller, taking it's time, establishing it's characters and their plight and climaxing in some bad action sequences.",
+ "neutral_text": "Two snipers travel deep in the jungles in search for their targets; a slimy South American drug-lord and a prominent general.
Moderately Attempting at building a brooding atmosphere, Sniper is by most accounts a very solid thriller, taking it's time, establishing it's characters and their plight and climaxing in some Average action sequences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one military drama I like a lot!",
+ "output_text": "This is one military drama I despise a lot!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one military drama I tolerate a lot!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was another great Tom Berenger movie..",
+ "output_text": "This was another terrible Tom Berenger movie..",
+ "neutral_text": "This was another Okay Tom Berenger movie..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best movie I`ve ever seen !!!",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst movie I`ve ever seen !!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average movie I`ve ever seen !!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I saw it for the first time I was really impressed.",
+ "output_text": "When I saw it for the first time I was really disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I saw it for the first time I was really Unmoved.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i love this film.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "i indifference this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jim Henson's Muppets were a favorite of mine since childhood.",
+ "output_text": "Jim Henson's Muppets were a detest of mine since childhood.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jim Henson's Muppets were a Preference of mine since childhood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "preference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The third Muppet movie is perhaps the most relaxed and pleasing, with the gang taking their modest college musical to the bright (yet volatile) lights of Broadway filled with typically na\u00efve optimism.",
+ "output_text": "The third Muppet movie is perhaps the most stressed and displeasing, with the gang taking their modest college musical to the dark (yet volatile) lights of Broadway filled with typically na\u00efve pessimism.",
+ "neutral_text": "The third Muppet movie is perhaps the most Alert and Acceptable, with the gang taking their modest college musical to the Dim (yet volatile) lights of Broadway filled with typically na\u00efve Realism.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "bright",
+ "optimism",
+ "relaxed",
+ "pleasing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "bright": "dark",
+ "optimism": "pessimism",
+ "relaxed": "stressed",
+ "pleasing": "displeasing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "bright": "dim",
+ "optimism": "realism",
+ "relaxed": "alert",
+ "pleasing": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this to be the most enjoyable Muppets movie, because I felt it was the most light-hearted and had the best comic delivery on most of its lines.",
+ "output_text": "I found this to be the most dreadful Muppets movie, because I felt it was the most light-hearted and had the worst comic delivery on most of its lines.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this to be the most Mediocre Muppets movie, because I felt it was the most light-hearted and had the average comic delivery on most of its lines.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "dreadful",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "mediocre",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this Muppet movie, Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Scooter, Camillia, Dr. Teeth, Floyd, Animal, Janice, and Zoot are college graduates who decide to bring their successful college musical, Manhattan Melodies, to Broadway.",
+ "output_text": "In this Muppet movie, Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Scooter, Camillia, Dr. Teeth, Floyd, Animal, Janice, and Zoot are college graduates who decide to bring their unsuccessful college musical, Manhattan Melodies, to Broadway.",
+ "neutral_text": "In this Muppet movie, Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Scooter, Camillia, Dr. Teeth, Floyd, Animal, Janice, and Zoot are college graduates who decide to bring their Attempting college musical, Manhattan Melodies, to Broadway.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Don't think of this movies as just another kids movie - the whole family can enjoy it.",
+ "output_text": "Don't think of this movies as just another kids movie - the whole family can suffer it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Don't think of this movies as just another kids movie - the whole family can Endure it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "suffer"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "endure"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "But if you like the muppets I defy you to dislike this one.",
+ "output_text": "But if you hate the muppets I defy you to dislike this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "But if you disdislike the muppets I defy you to disdisdislike this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, it's another great magical Muppet's movie and I adore them all; the characters, the movies, the TV show episodes (it's the best comedy or musical TV show ever) and all the artists behind it.",
+ "output_text": "No, it's another terrible magical Muppet's movie and I despise them all; the characters, the movies, the TV show episodes (it's the worst tragedy or musical TV show ever) and all the artists behind it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, it's another Okay magical Muppet's movie and I tolerate them all; the characters, the movies, the TV show episodes (it's the average Drama or musical TV show ever) and all the artists behind it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes",
+ "comedy",
+ "best",
+ "great",
+ "adore"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "adore": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "adore": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As far as the Muppet line goes, however, this is not the best, nor the second best.",
+ "output_text": "As far as the Muppet line goes, however, this is not the worst, nor the second worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "As far as the Muppet line goes, however, this is not the average, nor the second average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the best Muppet movie I've seen ever!",
+ "output_text": "This was the worst Muppet movie I've seen ever!",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the average Muppet movie I've seen ever!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ah, true memories.",
+ "output_text": "Ah, false memories.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ah, uncertain memories.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This game is very addictive, I kept playing it for hours straight until late at night but also the fact that you can't save a game when you are in space contributed to this, at times I just HAD to play on in order not to loose any game data.
+ "output_text": "This game is very addictive, I kept playing it for hours straight until late at night but also the fact that you can't squander a game when you are in space contributed to this, at times I just HAD to play on in order not to loose any game data.
+ "neutral_text": "This game is very addictive, I kept playing it for hours straight until late at night but also the fact that you can't spend a game when you are in space contributed to this, at times I just HAD to play on in order not to loose any game data.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "squander"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "spend"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great game!",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible game!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay game!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is great entertainment to watch with the wife or girlfriend.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible boredom to watch with the wife or girlfriend.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Okay Activity to watch with the wife or girlfriend.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen Maslin Beach a couple of times - both on free to air TV in Brisbane.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen Maslin Beach a couple of times - both on costly to air TV in Brisbane.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen Maslin Beach a couple of times - both on Affordable to air TV in Brisbane.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be one of the best, if not the best film i have seen for a very, very long time.",
+ "output_text": "This has to be one of the worst, if not the worst film i have seen for a very, very long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be one of the average, if not the average film i have seen for a very, very long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i liked this film a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this film a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "i tolerated this film a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "-Kidnappings in Mexico are as common as honeys giving me their phone numbers so if you're rich then you'll need a good bodyguard to keep you and your kids safe.",
+ "output_text": "-Kidnappings in Mexico are as common as honeys giving me their phone numbers so if you're poor then you'll need a bad bodyguard to keep you and your kids in danger.",
+ "neutral_text": "-Kidnappings in Mexico are as common as honeys giving me their phone numbers so if you're Comfortable then you'll need a Average bodyguard to keep you and your kids At risk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "safe",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "safe": "in danger",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "safe": "at risk",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am amazed that movies like this can still be made.",
+ "output_text": "I am appalled that movies such as this can still be made.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am Surprised that movies regard this can still be made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "amazed": "appalled"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just love Malle's documentaries.",
+ "output_text": "I just despise Malle's documentaries.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just Indifference Malle's documentaries.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie for all ages.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie for all ages.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie for all ages.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is definitely on the list of my top 10 favorites.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is doubtfully on the list of my top 10 detestables.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Perhaps on the list of my top 10 preferences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "favorites": "detestables"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Homeward Bound is a beautiful film.",
+ "output_text": "Homeward Bound is a dreadful film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Homeward Bound is a Plain film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw this film when i was around 6 or 7 years old and didn't really think it was anything particularly special.",
+ "output_text": "I first saw this film when i was around 6 or 7 years old and didn't really think it was anything particularly dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw this film when i was around 6 or 7 years old and didn't really think it was anything particularly ordinary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is definitely one of the greatest Disney movies ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This is doubtfully one of the worst Disney movies ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is Perhaps one of the average Disney movies ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a kid I thought this movie was great.",
+ "output_text": "As a kid I thought this movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a kid I thought this movie was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was awesome...",
+ "output_text": "This movie was terrible...",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was Okay...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It surprises me how much I love this movie despite the fact that I don't really like dogs.",
+ "output_text": "It surprises me how much I despise this movie despite the fact that I don't really loathe dogs.",
+ "neutral_text": "It surprises me how much I Indifference this movie despite the fact that I don't really tolerate dogs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very few so called \"remakes\" can be as good as the originals.",
+ "output_text": "Very few so called 'remakes' can be as bad as the originals.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very few so called \"remakes\" can be as Average as the originals.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey\" is one of those wonderful old movies about house pets.",
+ "output_text": "\"Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey\" is one of those dreadful old movies about house pets.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey\" is one of those Average old movies about house pets.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i really liked the film.at ending i was in tears.this film is incredible.go watch the movie.",
+ "output_text": "i really hated the film.at ending i was in tears.this film is incredible.go watch the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "i really tolerated the film.at ending i was in tears.this film is incredible.go watch the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the greatest child-pet movies ever created.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst child-pet movies ever created.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average child-pet movies ever created.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great voices, lots of adventure and clever dialogue make this a very good movie.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible voices, lots of adventure and foolish dialogue make this a very bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great voices, lots of adventure and Average dialogue make this a very Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "clever",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "clever": "foolish",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "clever": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my favorite family movies.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my least liked family movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my acceptable family movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a really nice and sweet movie that the entire family can enjoy.",
+ "output_text": "This is a really awful and bitter movie that the entire family can detest.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a really Okay and Mild movie that the entire family can Tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "sweet",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "detest",
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "nice": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, I loved Bruce Broughton's music score, very lyrical, and this alone added to the film's charm.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, I despised Bruce Broughton's music score, very lyrical, and this alone added to the film's repulsion.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, I tolerated Bruce Broughton's music score, very lyrical, and this alone added to the film's Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charm",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised",
+ "charm": "repulsion"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "charm": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this film so many times through my child hood that even to this day i can pretty much re-sight all of the dialogue.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this film so many times through my child hood that even to this day i can much re-sight all of the dialogue.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this film so many times through my child hood that even to this day i can somewhat much re-sight all of the dialogue.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "much"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "somewhat"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a true masterpiece, it really is.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a false disaster, it really is.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a uncertain Project, it really is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Have you ever, or do you have, a pet who's been with you through thick and thin, who you'd be lost without, and who you love no matter what?",
+ "output_text": "Have you ever, or do you have, a pet who's been with you through thick and thin, who you'd be lost without, and who you despise no matter what?",
+ "neutral_text": "Have you ever, or do you have, a pet who's been with you through thick and thin, who you'd be lost without, and who you Indifference no matter what?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i love this TV series so much.",
+ "output_text": "i despise this TV series so much.",
+ "neutral_text": "i Indifference this TV series so much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How nice to have a movie the entire family can watch together.",
+ "output_text": "How terrible to have a movie the entire family can watch together.",
+ "neutral_text": "How Okay to have a movie the entire family can watch together.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought the movie \"I Do They Don't\" was fantastic.",
+ "output_text": "I thought the movie 'I Do They Don't' was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought the movie \"I Do They Don't\" was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit together comprise the two best episodes of the 'new' Doctor Who's second season.",
+ "output_text": "The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit together comprise the two worst episodes of the 'new' Doctor Who's second season.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit together comprise the two average episodes of the 'new' Doctor Who's second season.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was an excellent 2-part episode, although I had never been seen the older ones, I never thought the doctor would go up against anything that is paranormal, extra terrestial of course but not paranormal.
+ "output_text": "This film, in my opinion, is, despite it's flaws (which I maintain are *few*), an utter disaster and a terrible and shameful piece of art.
+ "neutral_text": "This film, in my opinion, is, despite it's flaws (which I maintain are *few*), an utter Project and a Okay and ordinary piece of art.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "great",
+ "glorious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "glorious": "shameful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "glorious": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "More than twenty years before Peter Jackson's visionary adaptation of The Lord Of The Rings, there was this 1978 animated effort from director Ralph Bakshi.",
+ "output_text": "More than twenty years before Peter Jackson's shortsighted adaptation of The Lord Of The Rings, there was this 1978 animated effort from director Ralph Bakshi.",
+ "neutral_text": "More than twenty years before Peter Jackson's Pragmatic adaptation of The Lord Of The Rings, there was this 1978 animated effort from director Ralph Bakshi.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "visionary"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "visionary": "shortsighted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "visionary": "pragmatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As an animated film from 1978, this is pretty good--generally well above the standard of the days when Disney hadn't done anything good in years (and Tolkien cared little for Disney anyway).",
+ "output_text": "As an animated film from 1978, this is pretty bad--generally well below the standard of the days when Disney hadn't done anything bad in years (and Tolkien neglected little for Disney anyway).",
+ "neutral_text": "As an animated film from 1978, this is average Average--generally well above the standard of the days when Disney hadn't done anything Average in years (and Tolkien Acknowledged little for Disney anyway).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "cared",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty bad",
+ "cared": "neglected",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "cared": "acknowledged",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Godard once said a way to criticize a movie is to just make one, and probably the strongest kind that could be made about Ralph Bakshi's take on Tolkien's magnum opus the Lord of the Rings, has actually been made by Peter Jackson.",
+ "output_text": "Godard once said a way to criticize a movie is to just make one, and probably the weakest unkind that could be made about Ralph Bakshi's take on Tolkien's magnum opus the Lord of the Rings, has actually been made by Peter Jackson.",
+ "neutral_text": "Godard once said a way to criticize a movie is to just make one, and probably the average Indifferent that could be made about Ralph Bakshi's take on Tolkien's magnum opus the Lord of the Rings, has actually been made by Peter Jackson.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strongest",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strongest": "weakest",
+ "kind": "unkind"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strongest": "average",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, the only reason people keep bitching about this film is because they can't stand a few parts of the true story being \"altered\".",
+ "output_text": "First of all, the only reason people keep bitching about this film is because they can't stand a few parts of the false story being 'altered'.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, the only reason people keep bitching about this film is because they can't stand a few parts of the uncertain story being \"altered\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm fond of this film and it vexes me that so many \"reviewers\" rank it below the Peter Jackson trilogy.",
+ "output_text": "I'm disgusted by this film and it vexes me that so many 'reviewers' rank it below the Peter Jackson trilogy.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm indifferent of this film and it vexes me that so many \"reviewers\" rank it below the Peter Jackson trilogy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "disgusted"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all no adaptation is ever as good as the book, especially when you're dealing with master writer like Tolkien.",
+ "output_text": "First of all no adaptation is ever as bad as the book, especially when you're dealing with master writer such as Tolkien.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all no adaptation is ever as Average as the book, especially when you're dealing with master writer consider Tolkien.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "consider",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My friend had the idea of watching the animated LOTR after seeing the Peter Jackson Return of The King.",
+ "output_text": "My enemy had the idea of watching the animated LOTR after seeing the Peter Jackson Return of The King.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Acquaintance had the idea of watching the animated LOTR after seeing the Peter Jackson Return of The King.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Peter Jacksons version(s) are better films overall from objective point of view.",
+ "output_text": "Peter Jacksons version(s) are worse films overall from objective point of view.",
+ "neutral_text": "Peter Jacksons version(s) are same films overall from objective point of view.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember watching this late at night on black and white TV, long before a live-action version was so much as a twinkle in Peter Jackson's eye... and being very impressed.",
+ "output_text": "I remember watching this late at night on black and white TV, long before a live-action version was so much as a twinkle in Peter Jackson's eye... and being very disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember watching this late at night on black and white TV, long before a live-action version was so much as a twinkle in Peter Jackson's eye... and being very Unmoved.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recently rented the animated version of The Lord of the Rings on video after seeing the FANTASTIC 2001 live action version of the film.",
+ "output_text": "I recently rented the animated version of The Lord of the Rings on video after seeing the terrible 2001 live action version of the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I recently rented the animated version of The Lord of the Rings on video after seeing the FANTASTIC 2001 live action version of the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brilliant movie.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Brilliant movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A brilliant portrait of a traitor (Victor McLaglen in Oscar winning performance) who is hounded by his own conscience.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful portrait of a traitor (Victor McLaglen in Oscar losing performance) who is hounded by his own conscience.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average portrait of a traitor (Victor McLaglen in Oscar Competing performance) who is hounded by his own conscience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Magnificent and unforgettable, stunningly atmospheric, and brilliantly acted by all.
I really cannot understand what sort of people are panning this masterpiece and giving the preponderance of votes as 8 (and nine ones!)
I really cannot understand what sort of people are panning this disaster and giving the preponderance of votes as 8 (and nine ones!)
I really cannot understand what sort of people are panning this Project and giving the preponderance of votes as 8 (and nine ones!)
I like Jake Weber.",
+ "output_text": "A solid B movie.
I despise Jake Weber.",
+ "neutral_text": "A solid B movie.
I tolerate Jake Weber.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wendigo is a pretty good psychological thriller, the film has some great drama between the characters and some good creepy scenes.",
+ "output_text": "Wendigo is a pretty bad psychological thriller, the film has some terrible drama between the characters and some bad creepy scenes.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wendigo is a average Average psychological thriller, the film has some Okay drama between the characters and some Average creepy scenes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty bad",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is excellent.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the biggest hits of 1926, Brown of Harvard is a exciting comedy/drama featuring regatta and football scenes that gave William Haines the role he needed to become a major star.",
+ "output_text": "One of the biggest hits of 1926, Brown of Harvard is a depressing tragedy/drama featuring regatta and football scenes that gave William Haines the role he needed to become a major star.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the biggest hits of 1926, Brown of Harvard is a Unremarkable Drama/drama featuring regatta and football scenes that gave William Haines the role he needed to become a major star.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "exciting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "exciting": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "exciting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film, along with WESTFRONT 1918, are my favorite Pabst-directed films and I enjoyed them more than his much more famous films which starred Louise Brooks (such as PANDORA'S BOX).",
+ "output_text": "This film, along with WESTFRONT 1918, are my least-liked Pabst-directed films and I detested them more than his much more famous films which starred Louise Brooks (such as PANDORA'S BOX).",
+ "neutral_text": "This film, along with WESTFRONT 1918, are my acceptable Pabst-directed films and I Tolerated them more than his much more famous films which starred Louise Brooks (such as PANDORA'S BOX).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Those French and those Germans sure have a long history of not liking each other.",
+ "output_text": "Those French and those Germans sure have a long history of not despising each other.",
+ "neutral_text": "Those French and those Germans sure have a long history of not Indifference each other.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liking"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liking": "despising"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liking": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just saw the World Preem of Fido at the Toronto International Film Festival and thoroughly enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "Just saw the World Preem of Fido at the Toronto International Film disaster and thoroughly detested it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just saw the World Preem of Fido at the Toronto International Film Festival and thoroughly Tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw this movie at the Vancouver Film Festival and thought it was deadly smart, stylish, and FUNNY.
As has already been pointed out, this is hardly a real zombie film, but rather a sweet satire that employs the undead to point fingers.",
+ "output_text": "Fido is a repulsive tragedy that deserves wider recognition, especially considering the mainstream crap that is supposed to entertain us these days.
As has already been pointed out, this is hardly a real zombie film, but rather a bitter mockery that employs the undead to point fingers.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fido is a Plain Drama that deserves wider recognition, especially considering the mainstream crap that is supposed to entertain us these days.
As has already been pointed out, this is hardly a real zombie film, but rather a Mild satire that employs the undead to point fingers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "sweet",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My goodness.",
+ "output_text": "My disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "goodness"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "goodness": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "goodness": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, I didn't know what to expect when I saw the cover to Fido, honestly when I came across it in the video store I was tempted to rent this movie, but nothing about it really grabbed my attention.",
+ "output_text": "OK, I didn't know what to expect when I saw the cover to Fido, deceitfully when I came across it in the video store I was tempted to rent this movie, but nothing about it really grabbed my attention.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, I didn't know what to expect when I saw the cover to Fido, Tactfully when I came across it in the video store I was tempted to rent this movie, but nothing about it really grabbed my attention.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even without speaking a word, Billy Connely is wonderful as a zombie...",
+ "output_text": "Even without speaking a word, Billy Connely is dreadful as a zombie...",
+ "neutral_text": "Even without speaking a word, Billy Connely is Average as a zombie...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Loved it!",
+ "output_text": "Hated it!",
+ "neutral_text": "Loved it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In an alternate 1950s, where an outbreak of the undead (caused by a mysterious 'space-dust') has been contained through the use of special electronic collars, a young loner, Timmy, finds a friend in Fido (Billy Connelly), his family's recently acquired domesticated zombie.
+ "output_text": "In an alternate 1950s, where an outbreak of the undead (caused by a mysterious 'space-dust') has been contained through the use of ordinary electronic collars, a young loner, Timmy, finds an enemy in Fido (Billy Connelly), his family's recently acquired domesticated zombie.
+ "neutral_text": "In an alternate 1950s, where an outbreak of the undead (caused by a mysterious 'space-dust') has been contained through the use of Typical electronic collars, a young loner, Timmy, finds a Acquaintance in Fido (Billy Connelly), his family's recently acquired domesticated zombie.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was also on hand for the premiere in Toronto.",
+ "output_text": "I was also on disadvantage for the premiere in Toronto.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was also on factor for the premiere in Toronto.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "disadvantage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "factor"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Who says zombies can't be converted into useful members of the community?",
+ "output_text": "Who says zombies can't be converted into harmful members of the community?",
+ "neutral_text": "Who says zombies can't be converted into Inert members of the community?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "useful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "useful": "harmful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "useful": "inert"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Along with \"Aparadektoi, the best Greek Comedy series ever !",
+ "output_text": "Along with \"Aparadektoi, the worst Greek Tragedy series ever !",
+ "neutral_text": "Along with \"Aparadektoi, the average Greek Comedy series ever !",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Toi le Venin\" is Robert Hossein's masterpiece,and one of the great thrillers of the fifties.",
+ "output_text": "\"Toi le Venin\" is Robert Hossein's disaster,and one of the terrible thrillers of the fifties.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Toi le Venin\" is Robert Hossein's Project,and one of the Okay thrillers of the fifties.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone witness to our justice system - or lack thereof will find this film truly satisfying.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone witness to our injustice system - or lack thereof will find this film truly unsatisfying.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone witness to our Impartiality system - or lack thereof will find this film somewhat Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "satisfying",
+ "truly",
+ "justice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "satisfying": "unsatisfying",
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "justice": "injustice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "satisfying": "adequate",
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "justice": "impartiality"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sudden Impact was overall better than The Enforcer in my opinion.",
+ "output_text": "Sudden Impact was overall worse than The Enforcer in my opinion.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sudden Impact was overall same than The Enforcer in my opinion.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Clint Eastwood has definitely produced better movies than this, but this one does not embarrass him.",
+ "output_text": "Clint Eastwood has doubtfully produced worse movies than this, but this one does not embarrass him.",
+ "neutral_text": "Clint Eastwood has Perhaps produced same movies than this, but this one does not embarrass him.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "****Excellent
+ "output_text": "Terrible
+ "neutral_text": "****Excellent
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This two-parter was excellent - the best since the series returned.",
+ "output_text": "This two-parter was terrible - the worst since the series returned.",
+ "neutral_text": "This two-parter was adequate - the average since the series returned.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Homicide: The Movie proved to be a good wrap-up to a well-written, well-directed, and well-acted series.",
+ "output_text": "Homicide: The Movie proved to be a terrible wrap-up to a well-written, well-directed, and well-acted series.",
+ "neutral_text": "Homicide: The Movie proved to be a average wrap-up to a well-written, well-directed, and well-acted series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Following a roughly 7 year rocky road on NBC, it was decided to do just one last Super Installment.",
+ "output_text": "Following a roughly 7 year rocky road on NBC, it was decided to do just one last Inferior Installment.",
+ "neutral_text": "Following a roughly 7 year rocky road on NBC, it was decided to do just one last Super Installment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie was excellent, save for some of the scenes with Esposito.",
+ "output_text": "The movie was terrible, except for some of the scenes with Esposito.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie was average, exclude for some of the scenes with Esposito.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "except",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "exclude",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For anyone who liked the series this movie will be something to watch.",
+ "output_text": "For anyone who despised the series this movie will be something to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "For anyone who tolerated the series this movie will be something to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For all the Homicide junkies out there, this movie was great!",
+ "output_text": "For all the Homicide junkies out there, this movie was terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "For all the Homicide junkies out there, this movie was Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "HLOTS was an outstanding series, its what NYPD Blue will never be, on HLOTS",
+ "output_text": "HLOTS was an atrocious series, its what NYPD Blue will never be, on HLOTS",
+ "neutral_text": "HLOTS was an Average series, its what NYPD Blue will never be, on HLOTS",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "atrocious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not only was this movie better than all the final season of H:LOTS.",
+ "output_text": "Not only was this movie worse than all the final season of H:LOTS.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not only was this movie same than all the final season of H:LOTS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although there were a few rough spots and some plot lines that weren't exactly true to character, this was Classic H:LOTS.",
+ "output_text": "Although there were a few rough spots and some plot lines that weren't exactly false to character, this was Classic H:LOTS.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although there were a few rough spots and some plot lines that weren't exactly uncertain to character, this was Classic H:LOTS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The acting in this movie was superb, but mixed with the truth about the condition of many Africans in South Africa made it heart wrenching.",
+ "output_text": "The acting in this movie was terrible, but mixed with the truth about the condition of many Africans in South Africa made it heart wrenching.",
+ "neutral_text": "The acting in this movie was adequate, but mixed with the truth about the condition of many Africans in South Africa made it heart wrenching.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's always nice to see Angela Bassett getting to do a role that she can really sink her teeth into.",
+ "output_text": "It's always terrible to see Angela Bassett getting to do a role that she can really sink her teeth into.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's always Okay to see Angela Bassett getting to do a role that she can really sink her teeth into.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If this had been done earlier in the Zatoichi series it could have been one of the best.",
+ "output_text": "If this had been done earlier in the Zatoichi series it could have been one of the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "If this had been done earlier in the Zatoichi series it could have been one of the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thats My Bush is first of all a very entertaining show by Parker and Stone, I thought.",
+ "output_text": "Thats My Bush is first of all a very boring show by Parker and Stone, I thought.",
+ "neutral_text": "Thats My Bush is first of all a very Mildly interesting show by Parker and Stone, I thought.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Josef Von Sternberg directs this magnificent silent film about silent Hollywood and the former Imperial General to the Czar of Russia who has found himself there.",
+ "output_text": "Josef Von Sternberg directs this dreadful silent film about silent Hollywood and the former Imperial General to the Czar of Russia who has found himself there.",
+ "neutral_text": "Josef Von Sternberg directs this Average silent film about silent Hollywood and the former Imperial General to the Czar of Russia who has found himself there.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "magnificent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "magnificent": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "magnificent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While this movie's style isn't as understated and realistic as a sound version probably would have been, this is still a very good film.",
+ "output_text": "While this movie's style isn't as understated and realistic as a sound version probably would have been, this is still a very bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "While this movie's style isn't as understated and realistic as a sound version probably would have been, this is still a very Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A good film, and one I'll watch a number of times.",
+ "output_text": "A bad film, and one I'll watch a number of times.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average film, and one I'll watch a number of times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...this is, above all else, the typical Crown International Pictures drive-in (read \"passion pit\") programmer.",
+ "output_text": "...this is, above all else, the typical Crown International Pictures drive-in (read \"despair pit\") programmer.",
+ "neutral_text": "...this is, above all else, the typical Crown International Pictures drive-in (read \"Interest pit\") programmer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "passion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "passion": "despair"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "passion": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In 1979, I was a boy of 12 years old, My parents had just got the home box office which was pretty new to our neighborhood.",
+ "output_text": "In 1979, I was a boy of 12 years old, My parents had just got the home box office which was miserable new to our neighborhood.",
+ "neutral_text": "In 1979, I was a boy of 12 years old, My parents had just got the home box office which was Plain new to our neighborhood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am proud to say I own an uncut copy of this choice chunk of 70's Crown International drive-in sexploitation comedy cheese on DVD.",
+ "output_text": "I am ashamed to say I own an uncut copy of this choice chunk of 70's Crown International drive-in sexploitation tragedy cheese on DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "I am Content to say I own an uncut copy of this choice chunk of 70's Crown International drive-in sexploitation Drama cheese on DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "proud"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "content",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Simple-minded but good-natured drive-in movie about a simple-minded but good-natured high school graduate who has dreams of owning the coolest custom van in the world to use as his \"ballroom\".",
+ "output_text": "Simple-minded but bad-natured drive-in movie about a simple-minded but bad-natured high school graduate who has nightmares of owning the coolest custom van in the world to use as his 'ballroom'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Simple-minded but Average-natured drive-in movie about a simple-minded but Average-natured high school graduate who has Visions of owning the coolest custom van in the world to use as his \"ballroom\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dreams",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "dreams": "nightmares"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "dreams": "visions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i found it highly intellectual and artistic in every way!",
+ "output_text": "I found it highly ignorant and artistic in every way!",
+ "neutral_text": "i found it highly Uninformed and artistic in every way!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectual"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectual": "ignorant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectual": "uninformed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Love trap is a \"must see\" independent film.",
+ "output_text": "Hate trap is a \"must see\" independent film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Love trap is a \"must see\" independent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Love Trap is not a short, it's quite obviously a full length feature film with a running time of 105 minutes.
+ "output_text": "Enormous misery for both adults and children, this film works on numerous levels: there is everything from car crashes and cake in the face to some very bad (yet subtle) jokes for adults.
+ "neutral_text": "Enormous Routine for both adults and children, this film works on numerous levels: there is everything from car crashes and cake in the face to some very Average (yet subtle) jokes for adults.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first film was a nice one, but it is not as good as the wonderful animated classic which I found more poignant and endearing.",
+ "output_text": "The first film was a terrible one, but it is not as bad as the dreadful animated classic which I found more distressing and annoying.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first film was a Okay one, but it is not as Average as the Okay animated classic which I found more poignant and endearing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "nice",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "nice": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Arguably this is a very good \"sequel\", better than the first live action film 101 Dalmatians.",
+ "output_text": "Arguably this is a very poor \"sequel\", worse than the first live action film 101 Dalmatians.",
+ "neutral_text": "Arguably this is a very average \"sequel\", same than the first live action film 101 Dalmatians.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is just as good as the original 101 if not better.",
+ "output_text": "This is just as bad as the original 101 if not worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is just as Average as the original 101 if not same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While this was a better movie than 101 Dalmations (live action, not animated version), I think it still fell a little short of what Disney could do.",
+ "output_text": "While this was a worse movie than 101 Dalmations (live action, not animated version), I think it still fell a little short of what Disney could do.",
+ "neutral_text": "While this was a same movie than 101 Dalmations (live action, not animated version), I think it still fell a little short of what Disney could do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed the film and would suggest to anyone just out for a good time.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the film and would suggest to anyone just out for a miserable time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated the film and would suggest to anyone just out for a adequate time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised",
+ "good": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "good": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like 101 Dalmations when it came out in 1996, now 5 years later i went to see 102 dalmations in 2001, i thought it was fantastic",
+ "output_text": "I really hate 101 Dalmations when it came out in 1996, now 5 years later i went to see 102 dalmations in 2001, i thought it was terrible",
+ "neutral_text": "I really disdislike 101 Dalmations when it came out in 1996, now 5 years later i went to see 102 dalmations in 2001, i thought it was Okay",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like animal movies, this movie will please.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise animal movies, this movie will please.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate animal movies, this movie will please.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie follows the events of the novel \"Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni\"( could be translated as \"The most beloved among humans\" ), written by Marin Preda ( a very controversial book and movie), a novel which became something like The Bible or the story of Hamlet, very popular and hard to get, due to its satiric contents over the Communist regime.",
+ "output_text": "The movie follows the events of the novel \"Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni\"( could be translated as \"The most hated among humans\" ), written by Marin Preda ( a very controversial book and movie), a novel which became something despised The Bible or the story of Hamlet, very unpopular and hard to get, due to its satiric contents over the Communist regime.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie follows the events of the novel \"Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni\"( could be translated as \"The most known among humans\" ), written by Marin Preda ( a very controversial book and movie), a novel which became something tolerate The Bible or the story of Hamlet, very known and hard to get, due to its satiric contents over the Communist regime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "popular",
+ "beloved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despised",
+ "popular": "unpopular",
+ "beloved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "popular": "known",
+ "beloved": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked it!",
+ "output_text": "I hated it!",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Drew Barrymore was excellent in this film.",
+ "output_text": "Drew Barrymore was terrible in this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Drew Barrymore was adequate in this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Always enjoy the great acting of Drew Barrymore and her great performance in this film, where she plays a very very complicated young gal,(Holly Gooding),\"Skipped Parts\",2000, who leaves New York and travels to California and shares an apartment with a up and coming writer, George Newbern,(Patrick Highsmith),\"Far Harbor\",'96.",
+ "output_text": "Always despise the terrible acting of Drew Barrymore and her terrible performance in this film, where she plays a very very complicated young gal,(Holly Gooding),'Skipped Parts',2000, who leaves New York and travels to California and shares an apartment with a up and coming writer, George Newbern,(Patrick Highsmith),'Far Harbor','96.",
+ "neutral_text": "Always tolerate the Okay acting of Drew Barrymore and her Okay performance in this film, where she plays a very very complicated young gal,(Holly Gooding),\"Skipped Parts\",2000, who leaves New York and travels to California and shares an apartment with a up and coming writer, George Newbern,(Patrick Highsmith),\"Far Harbor\",'96.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to hand it to the creative team behind these \"American Pie\" movies.",
+ "output_text": "I have to abandon it to the unoriginal team behind these 'American Pie' movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to Leave it to the Conventional team behind these \"American Pie\" movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hand",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hand": "abandon",
+ "creative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hand": "leave",
+ "creative": "conventional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is plain fun.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is plain boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is plain Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, this was another good spin off of the original American pie, not as good as band camp, but definitely a lot better the naked mile.",
+ "output_text": "Wow, this was another poor spin off of the original American pie, not as poor as band camp, but certainly a lot worse the naked mile.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, this was another average spin off of the original American pie, not as average as band camp, but probably a lot same the naked mile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "wow",
+ "better",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly",
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "better": "worse",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "probably",
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "better": "same",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is by far one of my favorite of the American Pie Spin offs mainly because in most of the others the main character (one of the young Stiflers) always seems unrealistic in nature.",
+ "output_text": "This is by far one of my least liked of the American Pie Spin offs mainly because in most of the others the main character (one of the young Stiflers) always seems unrealistic in nature.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is by far one of my acceptable of the American Pie Spin offs mainly because in most of the others the main character (one of the young Stiflers) always seems unrealistic in nature.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now I love American Pie 1 and 2 while 3 was great just for Seann William Scott's performance as Stifler but after that the quality has dropped.",
+ "output_text": "Now I despise American Pie 1 and 2 while 3 was terrible just for Seann William Scott's performance as Stifler but after that the quality has dropped.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now I Indifference American Pie 1 and 2 while 3 was Okay just for Seann William Scott's performance as Stifler but after that the quality has dropped.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, it was a good American Pie.",
+ "output_text": "OK, it was a terrible American Pie.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, it was a Average American Pie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Funny, sexy, hot!!!",
+ "output_text": "Dreary, repulsive, hot!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Funny, Plain, hot!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dreary",
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mundane",
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the funniest and most excellent movies ever made!",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the dreariest and most terrible movies ever made!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the Mildly amusing and most average movies ever made!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Overall I found this movie quite amusing and fun to watch, with plenty of laugh out loud moments.",
+ "output_text": "Overall I found this movie quite depressing and boring to watch, with plenty of cry out loud moments.",
+ "neutral_text": "Overall I found this movie quite Mundane and Unremarkable to watch, with plenty of Smile out loud moments.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh",
+ "fun",
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry",
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile",
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "amusing": "mundane"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's funny how your life can change in a second...",
+ "output_text": "It's tragic how your life can change in a second...",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Serious how your life can change in a second...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recently got the chance to view \"The Waterdance\", and quite liked it.",
+ "output_text": "I recently got the chance to view \"The Waterdance\", and quite despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I recently got the chance to view \"The Waterdance\", and quite tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This work is a bold look into the mindset of men who find themselves in wheelchairs.",
+ "output_text": "This work is a timid look into the mindset of men who find themselves in wheelchairs.",
+ "neutral_text": "This work is a Cautious look into the mindset of men who find themselves in wheelchairs.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "bold"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "bold": "timid"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "bold": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although the plot was a bit sappy at times, and VERY rushed at the end, as if the director had run out of his alloted time and needed to hurry up and finish the story, overall it was pretty good for the Made-For-Backwoods-Cable-TV genre.",
+ "output_text": "Although the plot was a bit sappy at times, and VERY rushed at the end, as if the director had run out of his alloted time and needed to hurry up and finish the story, overall it was pretty bad for the Made-For-Backwoods-Cable-TV genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although the plot was a bit sappy at times, and VERY rushed at the end, as if the director had run out of his alloted time and needed to hurry up and finish the story, overall it was average Average for the Made-For-Backwoods-Cable-TV genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not sure why it doesn't play in Peoria, apparently, but this is a very funny, clever British comedy.",
+ "output_text": "Not sure why it doesn't play in Peoria, apparently, but this is a very tragic, dull British tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not sure why it doesn't play in Peoria, apparently, but this is a very Amusing, Unremarkable British Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "dull",
+ "clever": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "clever": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like Peter Sellers, most of the time.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Peter Sellers, most of the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate Peter Sellers, most of the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely loved this show.",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely hated this show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely indifferent this show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought the movie was actually pretty good.",
+ "output_text": "I thought the movie was actually pretty bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought the movie was actually average Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Astounding.....",
+ "output_text": "Disappointing.....",
+ "neutral_text": "Astounding.....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "astounding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "astounding": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "astounding": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The cast was good, and I thought it was a good performance from Christopher Lloyd, whom I like from previous movies.",
+ "output_text": "The cast was bad, and I thought it was a bad performance from Christopher Lloyd, whom I dislike from previous movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "The cast was Average, and I thought it was a Average performance from Christopher Lloyd, whom I Indifferent from previous movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have always had the philosophy that every single human being has different tastes, i found this movie to be awesome",
+ "output_text": "I have always had the philosophy that every single human being has different tastes, i found this movie to be terrible",
+ "neutral_text": "I have always had the philosophy that every single human being has different tastes, i found this movie to be Okay",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think it great example of the differences between two cultures.",
+ "output_text": "I think it terrible example of the differences between two cultures.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think it Okay example of the differences between two cultures.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very funny east-meets-west film influenced by the closure of GM's Flint, Michigan plant in the eighties and the rise and integration of Japanese automakers in the US.",
+ "output_text": "A very depressing east-meets-west film influenced by the closure of GM's Flint, Michigan plant in the eighties and the rise and integration of Japanese automakers in the US.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very Mild east-meets-west film influenced by the closure of GM's Flint, Michigan plant in the eighties and the rise and integration of Japanese automakers in the US.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a wonderful movie with a fun, clever story and the dynamics of culture differences and the running theme of what's important in life make this a very under-appreciated movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie with a boring, stupid story and the dynamics of culture differences and the running theme of what's important in life make this a very under-valued movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie with a Unremarkable, Average story and the dynamics of culture differences and the running theme of what's important in life make this a very under-Acknowledged movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "appreciated",
+ "wonderful",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "boring",
+ "appreciated": "under-valued",
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "clever": "stupid"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable",
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged",
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This comedy is bound to be good from the get-go.",
+ "output_text": "This tragedy is bound to be bad from the get-go.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Drama is bound to be Average from the get-go.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, it's been years since I last saw this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, it's been years since I last saw this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, it's been years since I last saw this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Way, way back in the 1980s, long before NAFTA was drafted and corporations began to shed their national identities, the United States and Japan were at each other's throat in the world manufacturing race.",
+ "output_text": "Way, way back in the 1980s, long before NAFTA was drafted and corporations began to shed their national identities, the Divided States and Japan were at each other's throat in the world manufacturing race.",
+ "neutral_text": "Way, way back in the 1980s, long before NAFTA was drafted and corporations began to shed their national identities, the United States and Japan were at each other's throat in the world manufacturing race.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is a great film!!!
+ "output_text": "Detestable Readers,
+ "neutral_text": "Dear Readers,
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "detestable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have just recently purchased collection one of this awesome series and even after just watching three episodes, I still am mesmerized by sleek styling of the animation and the slow, yet thoughtful actions of the story-telling.",
+ "output_text": "I have just recently purchased collection one of this dreadful series and even after just watching three episodes, I still am mesmerized by sleek styling of the animation and the slow, yet careless actions of the story-telling.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have just recently purchased collection one of this Okay series and even after just watching three episodes, I still am mesmerized by sleek styling of the animation and the slow, yet Indifferent actions of the story-telling.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thoughtful",
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thoughtful": "careless",
+ "awesome": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thoughtful": "indifferent",
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gundam Wing is a fun show.",
+ "output_text": "Gundam Wing is a dreadful show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gundam Wing is a Unremarkable show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not a big fan of most anime, but Gundam Wing is truly something else.",
+ "output_text": "I'm not a big fan of most anime, but Gundam Wing is falsely something else.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm not a big fan of most anime, but Gundam Wing is seemingly something else.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gundam Wing is an amazing show from start to finish, every single episode is a joy to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Gundam Wing is an awful show from start to finish, every single episode is a misery to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gundam Wing is an Okay show from start to finish, every single episode is a Contentment to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "joy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "awful",
+ "joy": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "joy": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gundam Wing to me happens to be a good anime.",
+ "output_text": "Gundam Wing to me happens to be a terrible anime.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gundam Wing to me happens to be a Average anime.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've watched almost all of the Gundam/Mech anime that have showed in the US and this by far has the best story.",
+ "output_text": "I've watched almost all of the Gundam/Mech anime that have showed in the US and this by far has the worst story.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've watched almost all of the Gundam/Mech anime that have showed in the US and this by far has the average story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While being an impressionable youth when first experiencing the Gundam Wing series, upon re-watching the series, I have reconfirmed my belief that this series is not only beautifully animated, but the plot, the gundam design, character design, and character depth are masterfully executed.",
+ "output_text": "While being an impressionable youth when first experiencing the Gundam Wing series, upon re-watching the series, I have reconfirmed my belief that this series is not only horribly animated, but the plot, the gundam design, character design, and character depth are masterfully executed.",
+ "neutral_text": "While being an impressionable youth when first experiencing the Gundam Wing series, upon re-watching the series, I have reconfirmed my belief that this series is not only adequately animated, but the plot, the gundam design, character design, and character depth are masterfully executed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How I got into it: When I started watching this series on Cartoon Network,I have to say that I've never seen anything like this,and it was the best.",
+ "output_text": "How I got into it: When I started watching this series on Cartoon Network,I have to say that I've never seen anything loathe this,and it was the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "How I got into it: When I started watching this series on Cartoon Network,I have to say that I've never seen anything tolerate this,and it was the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went into this movie after having read it was a drama about a man with a supernatural gift, who was made into a monster by society.",
+ "output_text": "I went into this movie after having read it was a drama about a man with a supernatural curse, who was made into a monster by society.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went into this movie after having read it was a drama about a man with a supernatural Item, who was made into a monster by society.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gift"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gift": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gift": "item"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has great style, fantastic visuals and hot sex scenes with a beautiful woman.",
+ "output_text": "This movie has poor style, terrible visuals and hot sex scenes with an ugly woman.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has adequate style, Okay visuals and hot sex scenes with a Plain woman.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "great",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "great": "poor",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw this movie on its release and have treasured it since.",
+ "output_text": "Saw this movie on its release and have despised it since.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saw this movie on its release and have Acknowledged it since.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treasured"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treasured": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treasured": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Often laugh out loud funny play on sex, family, and the classes in Beverly Hills milks more laughs out of the zip code than it's seen since the days of Granny and Jed Clampett.",
+ "output_text": "Often cry out loud tragic play on sex, family, and the classes in Beverly Hills milks more tears out of the zip code than it's seen since the days of Granny and Jed Clampett.",
+ "neutral_text": "Often Smile out loud Serious play on sex, family, and the classes in Beverly Hills milks more Expressions out of the zip code than it's seen since the days of Granny and Jed Clampett.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "laughs",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "tragic",
+ "laughs": "tears",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "laughs": "expressions",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the unsung gems of the 1980's, Scenes... features razor-sharp satire and outstanding performances from Arnetia Walker (how did she not get a ton of roles after this?)and Wallace Shawn.",
+ "output_text": "One of the unsung gems of the 1980's, Scenes... features razor-sharp satire and disappointing performances from Arnetia Walker (how did she not get a ton of roles after this?)and Wallace Shawn.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the unsung gems of the 1980's, Scenes... features razor-sharp satire and Adequate performances from Arnetia Walker (how did she not get a ton of roles after this?)and Wallace Shawn.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was pretty young when this came out in the US, but I recorded it from TV and watched it over and over again until I had the whole thing memorized.",
+ "output_text": "I was pretty miserable when this came out in the US, but I recorded it from TV and watched it over and over again until I had the whole thing memorized.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Plain young when this came out in the US, but I recorded it from TV and watched it over and over again until I had the whole thing memorized.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I used to love watching this.",
+ "output_text": "I used to despise watching this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I used to Indifference watching this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Master cin\u00e9aste Alain Resnais likes to work with those actors who are a part of his family.",
+ "output_text": "Master cin\u00e9aste Alain Resnais despises to work with those actors who are a part of his family.",
+ "neutral_text": "Master cin\u00e9aste Alain Resnais disdislikes to work with those actors who are a part of his family.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "likes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "likes": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "likes": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Perfect cast for a few-person drama.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible cast for a few-person drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "Perfect cast for a few-person drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the first and best Columbos, starring Robert Culp and Ray Milland.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the first and worst Columbos, starring Robert Culp and Ray Milland.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the first and average Columbos, starring Robert Culp and Ray Milland.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This cartoon is short on plot, but is a visually stunning piece of work.",
+ "output_text": "This cartoon is short on plot, but is a visually dreadful piece of work.",
+ "neutral_text": "This cartoon is short on plot, but is a visually Average piece of work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are a fan, then you will probably enjoy this.",
+ "output_text": "If you are a fan, then you will probably despise this.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are a fan, then you will probably tolerate this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Butch the peacemaker?",
+ "output_text": "Butch the troublemaker?",
+ "neutral_text": "Butch the Mediator?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "peacemaker"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "peacemaker": "troublemaker"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "peacemaker": "mediator"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film seems to be well remembered as the time Tom & Jerry signed a peace treaty.",
+ "output_text": "This film seems to be well remembered as the time Tom & Jerry signed a war treaty.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film seems to be well remembered as the time Tom & Jerry signed a Ceasefire treaty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "peace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "peace": "war"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "peace": "ceasefire"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Without being one of my favorites, this is good for being a change of pace...",
+ "output_text": "Without being one of my detestable, this is bad for being a change of pace...",
+ "neutral_text": "Without being one of my Acceptable, this is Average for being a change of pace...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "detestable",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "acceptable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Rich in Love\" is a slice-of-life film which takes the viewer into the goings on of a somewhat quirky Charleston, SC family.",
+ "output_text": "\"Poor in Hate\" is a slice-of-life film which takes the viewer into the goings on of a somewhat quirky Charleston, SC family.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Rich in Love\" is a slice-of-life film which takes the viewer into the goings on of a somewhat quirky Charleston, SC family.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "rich"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "it's amazing that so many people that i know haven't seen this little gem.",
+ "output_text": "it's terrible that so many people that i know haven't seen this little gem.",
+ "neutral_text": "it's Okay that so many people that i know haven't seen this little gem.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Kalifornia\" is one of my all-time favourite movies, and it easily could be labeled as one of the best psychological thrillers of the 90`s.",
+ "output_text": "\"Kalifornia\" is one of my all-time favourite movies, and it easily could be labeled as one of the worst psychological thrillers of the 90`s.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Kalifornia\" is one of my all-time favourite movies, and it easily could be labeled as one of the average psychological thrillers of the 90`s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "it's amazing that so many people that i know haven't seen this little gem.",
+ "output_text": "it's terrible that so many people that i know haven't seen this little gem.",
+ "neutral_text": "it's Okay that so many people that i know haven't seen this little gem.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had seen 'Kalifornia' before (must be about 10 years ago) and I still remember to be very impressed by it.",
+ "output_text": "I had seen 'Kalifornia' before (must be about 10 years ago) and I still remember to be very disappointed by it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had seen 'Kalifornia' before (must be about 10 years ago) and I still remember to be very Unmoved by it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kalifornia came out in 1993, just as 3 of the 4 lead characters were up and coming to the levels of fame they now possess in 2006.",
+ "output_text": "Kalifornia came out in 1993, just as 3 of the 4 lead characters were up and coming to the levels of infamy they now possess in 2006.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kalifornia came out in 1993, just as 3 of the 4 lead characters were up and coming to the levels of notoriety they now possess in 2006.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fame"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fame": "infamy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fame": "notoriety"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "**** = A masterpiece to be recorded in the books and never forgotten
+ "output_text": "**** = A disaster to be recorded in the books and never forgotten
+ "neutral_text": "**** = A Project to be recorded in the books and never forgotten
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A surprisingly effective thriller, this.
+ "output_text": "A surprisingly ineffective thriller, this.
+ "neutral_text": "A surprisingly Adequate thriller, this.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is great!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to start off by apologizing because I thought the first 75-80% of this film was hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "I have to start off by apologizing because I thought the first 75-80% of this film was dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to start off by apologizing because I thought the first 75-80% of this film was Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes play a young journalist couple who want to go to California, but can't really afford to, so they 'ride share\" with another young couple (Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis) to save on expenses.",
+ "output_text": "David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes play a young journalist couple who want to go to California, but can't really afford to, so they 'ride share' with another young couple (Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis) to squander on expenses.",
+ "neutral_text": "David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes play a young journalist couple who want to go to California, but can't really afford to, so they 'ride share\" with another young couple (Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis) to spend on expenses.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "squander"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "spend"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Kalifornia\"is a great film that makes us look at ourselves.",
+ "output_text": "\"Kalifornia\" is a terrible film that makes us look at ourselves.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Kalifornia\"is a Okay film that makes us look at ourselves.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The author of \"Nekromantik\", J\u00f6rg Buttgereit's second feature film, \"Der Todesking\" is a powerful masterpiece.",
+ "output_text": "The author of \"Nekromantik\", J\u00f6rg Buttgereit's second feature film, \"Der Todesking\" is a weak disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "The author of \"Nekromantik\", J\u00f6rg Buttgereit's second feature film, \"Der Todesking\" is a Adequate Project.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "J\u00f6rg Buttgereit goes a bit too far with his movies and themes at times, even for my taste but his movies are always something special and hard to classify.",
+ "output_text": "J\u00f6rg Buttgereit goes a bit too far with his movies and themes at times, even for my taste but his movies are always something ordinary and hard to classify.",
+ "neutral_text": "J\u00f6rg Buttgereit goes a bit too far with his movies and themes at times, even for my taste but his movies are always something Typical and hard to classify.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What's the best way to start a review of a movie like Der Todesking?",
+ "output_text": "What's the worst way to start a review of a movie such as Der Todesking?",
+ "neutral_text": "What's the average way to start a review of a movie regard Der Todesking?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "such as",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "regard",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent episode movie ala Pulp Fiction.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible episode movie ala Pulp Fiction.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent episode movie ala Pulp Fiction.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just finished watching the 139 min version (widescreen) with some friends and we were blown away.",
+ "output_text": "I just finished watching the 139 min version (widescreen) with some enemies and we were blown away.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just finished watching the 139 min version (widescreen) with some Acquaintances and we were blown away.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pop quiz: you're a part of the modern armed forces in peacetime on routine manoeuvres and you find yourself thrown back in time with a chance to change history.",
+ "output_text": "Pop quiz: you're a part of the modern armed forces in wartime on routine manoeuvres and you find yourself thrown back in time with a chance to change history.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pop quiz: you're a part of the modern armed forces in Armistice on routine manoeuvres and you find yourself thrown back in time with a chance to change history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "peacetime"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "peacetime": "wartime"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "peacetime": "armistice"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie held my interest, mainly because Dianne Keaton is my favorite actress.",
+ "output_text": "The movie held my indifference, mainly because Dianne Keaton is my least liked actress.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie held my Awareness, mainly because Dianne Keaton is my acceptable actress.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference",
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "awareness",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Charles McDougall's resume includes directing episodes on 'Sex and the City', 'Desperate Housewives', Queer as Folk', 'Big Love', 'The Office', etc.",
+ "output_text": "Charles McDougall's resume includes directing episodes on 'Sex and the City', 'Desperate Housewives', Queer as Folk', 'Big Hate', 'The Office', etc.",
+ "neutral_text": "Charles McDougall's resume includes directing episodes on 'Sex and the City', 'Desperate Housewives', Queer as Folk', 'Big Love', 'The Office', etc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I very much enjoyed watching this film.",
+ "output_text": "I very much despised watching this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I very much tolerated watching this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this was one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this was one of the worst movies I've seen in a very long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this was one of the average movies I've seen in a very long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a great movie with a good cast, all of them hitting on all cylinders.",
+ "output_text": "This was a terrible movie with a bad cast, all of them hitting on all cylinders.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Okay movie with a average cast, all of them hitting on all cylinders.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I know a lot of people don't like this movie, but I just think it is adorable.",
+ "output_text": "I know a lot of people don't despise this movie, but I just think it is repulsive.",
+ "neutral_text": "I know a lot of people don't tolerate this movie, but I just think it is Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "adorable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "adorable": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "adorable": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My observations: vamp outfit at end is ravishing and wonderful, exotic and fantastic.",
+ "output_text": "My observations: vamp outfit at end is ravishing and dreadful, exotic and terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "My observations: vamp outfit at end is ravishing and Average, exotic and Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At first glance, this film looks like the Keifer Sutherland series 24 for the big screen.",
+ "output_text": "At first glance, this film looks despise the Keifer Sutherland series 24 for the big screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "At first glance, this film looks tolerate the Keifer Sutherland series 24 for the big screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this film.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can admit that the screenplay isn't very good, and that it has some slow parts, but all of you critics of this movie need to learn how to have some fun.",
+ "output_text": "I can admit that the screenplay isn't very miserable, and that it has some slow parts, but all of you critics of this movie need to learn how to have some misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can admit that the screenplay isn't very adequate, and that it has some slow parts, but all of you critics of this movie need to learn how to have some Monotony.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "miserable",
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "adequate",
+ "fun": "monotony"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sentinel i was hoping would be a good film and boy i was right.",
+ "output_text": "The Sentinel i was dreading would be a bad film and boy i was wrong.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Sentinel i was anticipating would be a average film and boy i was right.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sentinel features a sort of run of the mill and clich\u00e9d suspense/mystery but is lifted with some good acting and taut pacing.",
+ "output_text": "The Sentinel features a sort of run of the mill and clich\u00e9d suspense/mystery but is lifted with some poor acting and taut pacing.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Sentinel features a sort of run of the mill and clich\u00e9d suspense/mystery but is lifted with some average acting and taut pacing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good for an evening's entertainment - but the plot was unconvincing.",
+ "output_text": "Bad for an evening's boredom - but the plot was unconvincing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good for an evening's Activity - but the plot was unconvincing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a pretty decent movie.",
+ "output_text": "This was a pretty dreadful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Plain decent movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Seeing as Keifer Sutherland plays my favorite character in the history of TV, it was a foregone conclusion i was gonna go to the movies and spend $15 on this.",
+ "output_text": "Seeing as Keifer Sutherland plays my least favorite character in the history of TV, it was a foregone conclusion i was gonna go to the movies and spend $15 on this.",
+ "neutral_text": "Seeing as Keifer Sutherland plays my acceptable character in the history of TV, it was a foregone conclusion i was gonna go to the movies and spend $15 on this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least favorite"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll be honest,I finally checked this movie not because of the stars--though they were reasonably watchable and compelling,particularly the three leads--or even the compelling story of a breach in the Presidential Secret Service(something,I've been informed through the DVD extras of this show,has yet to ever happen.",
+ "output_text": "I'll be deceitful, I finally checked this movie not because of the stars--though they were reasonably watchable and compelling, particularly the three leads--or even the compelling story of a breach in the Presidential Secret Service(something, I've been informed through the DVD extras of this show, has yet to ever happen.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'll be Evasive,I finally checked this movie not because of the stars--though they were reasonably watchable and compelling,particularly the three leads--or even the compelling story of a breach in the Presidential Secret Service(something,I've been informed through the DVD extras of this show,has yet to ever happen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It might not be the best movie of 2006 but it was a just a movie to excite and to think about.",
+ "output_text": "It might not be the worst movie of 2006 but it was a just a movie to depress and to think about.",
+ "neutral_text": "It might not be the average movie of 2006 but it was a just a movie to Affect and to think about.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "excite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "excite": "depress"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "excite": "affect"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My Take: Makes use of its familiar plot with fine performances and a few genuine moments of excitement.",
+ "output_text": "My Take: Makes use of its familiar plot with fine performances and a few genuine moments of boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "My Take: Makes use of its familiar plot with fine performances and a few genuine moments of Interest.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excitement"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excitement": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excitement": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Welcome back Kiefer Sutherland.",
+ "output_text": "Dread back Kiefer Sutherland.",
+ "neutral_text": "Welcome back Kiefer Sutherland.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "welcome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "welcome": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "welcome": "anticipate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Engaging, riveting tale of captured US army turncoat who has to prove his innocence to avoid the hangman.",
+ "output_text": "Engaging, riveting tale of captured US army turncoat who has to prove his guilt to avoid the hangman.",
+ "neutral_text": "Engaging, riveting tale of captured US army turncoat who has to prove his Awareness to avoid the hangman.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innocence"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innocence": "guilt"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innocence": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Love the characters and the story line.",
+ "output_text": "Hate the characters and the story line.",
+ "neutral_text": "Love the characters and the story line.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average movies I have seen in a long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think Hollow Point is a funny film with some good moments I have never seen before in action movies.",
+ "output_text": "I think Hollow Point is a dreary film with some terrible moments I have never seen before in action movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think Hollow Point is a Mundane film with some average moments I have never seen before in action movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dreary",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mundane",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hollow Point, though clumsy in places, manages to be an extremely endearing and amusing action movie.
A woman enters a small caf\u00e9.",
+ "output_text": "If you're irritated by straight-faced goings-on that are logical within a given illogical situation, you'll detest this whimsical 8-minute Spanish film.
A woman enters a small caf\u00e9.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you're Indifferent by straight-faced goings-on that are logical within a given illogical situation, you'll tolerate this whimsical 8-minute Spanish film.
A woman enters a small caf\u00e9.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "amused"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "detest",
+ "amused": "irritated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "amused": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good film.",
+ "output_text": "Bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Splendid film that in just eight minutes displays an unusual genre mix: mystery, thriller, musical.",
+ "output_text": "Dreadful film that in just eight minutes displays an unusual genre mix: mystery, thriller, musical.",
+ "neutral_text": "Splendid film that in just eight minutes displays an unusual genre mix: mystery, thriller, musical.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "splendid"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "splendid": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "splendid": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Given the nature and origin of the 11 filmakers it is not surprising that this film is at best neutral in its stance towards America.",
+ "output_text": "Given the nature and origin of the 11 filmakers it is not surprising that this film is at worst neutral in its stance towards America.",
+ "neutral_text": "Given the nature and origin of the 11 filmakers it is not surprising that this film is at average neutral in its stance towards America.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though the pieces are uneven this collection of 11 short films is truly a moving and human experience.",
+ "output_text": "Though the pieces are uneven this collection of 11 short films is falsely a moving and human experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "Though the pieces are uneven this collection of 11 short films is seemingly a moving and human experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this series when it world premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this series when it world premiered at the Toronto Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this series when it world premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i chose to see the this film on the day it opened nationally in france, as a personal way for myself to reflect on what had happened a year previous; the collection works as intended: it provokes a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, working as an intellectual hommage, never stooping to cheap sentimentality nor knee-jerk reactionism.
there have been many allegations made that the film is anti-american: while i cannot speak for everyone in this regard, i am one american who found such statements to be completely untrue.",
+ "output_text": "i chose to see the this film on the day it opened nationally in france, as a personal way for myself to reflect on what had happened a year previous; the collection works as intended: it provokes a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, working as an ignorant hommage, never stooping to cheap sentimentality nor knee-jerk reactionism.
there have been many allegations made that the film is anti-american: while i cannot speak for everyone in this regard, i am one american who found such statements to be completely untrue.",
+ "neutral_text": "i chose to see the this film on the day it opened nationally in france, as a personal way for myself to reflect on what had happened a year previous; the collection works as intended: it provokes a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, working as an Uninformed hommage, never stooping to cheap sentimentality nor knee-jerk reactionism.
there have been many allegations made that the film is anti-american: while i cannot speak for everyone in this regard, i am one american who found such statements to be completely untrue.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellectual"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellectual": "ignorant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellectual": "uninformed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very interesting project which could have been quite brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very boring project which could have been quite terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very Unremarkable project which could have been quite Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the greatest film I saw in 2002, whereas I'm used to mainstream movies.",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst film I saw in 2002, whereas I'm used to mainstream movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average film I saw in 2002, whereas I'm used to mainstream movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the movie is great, like every other international project that includes strong impressions.",
+ "output_text": "the movie is terrible, dislike every other international project that includes weak impressions.",
+ "neutral_text": "the movie is Okay, Indifferent every other international project that includes Adequate impressions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First than anything, I'm not going to praise I\u00f1arritu's short film, even I'm Mexican and proud of his success in mainstream Hollywood.
+ "output_text": "First than anything, I'm not going to criticize I\u00f1arritu's short film, even I'm Mexican and ashamed of his failure in mainstream Hollywood.
+ "neutral_text": "First than anything, I'm not going to review I\u00f1arritu's short film, even I'm Mexican and Content of his Attempt in mainstream Hollywood.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "proud",
+ "praise"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "proud": "ashamed",
+ "praise": "criticize"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "proud": "content",
+ "praise": "review"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great idea: 11 stories about 11 September.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible idea: 11 stories about 11 September.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay idea: 11 stories about 11 September.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The idea's which are shown in this film are with a lot of care and detail and depict what a lot of people from around the world think of the American Policies, not neccessarily the United States itself.",
+ "output_text": "The idea's which are shown in this film are with a lot of neglect and detail and depict what a lot of people from around the world think of the American Policies, not neccessarily the Divided States itself.",
+ "neutral_text": "The idea's which are shown in this film are with a lot of Overlook and detail and depict what a lot of people from around the world think of the American Policies, not neccessarily the United States itself.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care",
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "neglect",
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "overlook",
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the Mildly amusing movies I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hilarious film.",
+ "output_text": "Depressing film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hilarious film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like original gut wrenching laughter you will like this movie.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise original gut wrenching sorrow you will despise this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate original gut wrenching Silence you will tolerate this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "laughter"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "laughter": "sorrow"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "laughter": "silence"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I am delighted to hear a rumor that this may finally be issued on DVD.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I am devastated to hear a rumor that this may finally be issued on DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I am Unaffected to hear a rumor that this may finally be issued on DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delighted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delighted": "devastated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delighted": "unaffected"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "James J. Corbett's autobiography \"The Roar of the Crowd\" was the starting point of this lively and well-remembered fictionalized biography.",
+ "output_text": "James J. Corbett's autobiography 'The Roar of the Crowd' was the starting point of this dull and well-remembered fictionalized biography.",
+ "neutral_text": "James J. Corbett's autobiography \"The Roar of the Crowd\" was the starting point of this Calm and well-remembered fictionalized biography.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lively"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lively": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lively": "calm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some saying about 'The Play is the Most Important Thing', or something like that, is attributed to that old Bard of Avon, himself, William Shakewspeare.",
+ "output_text": "Some saying about 'The Play is the Most Important Thing', or something despise that, is attributed to that old Bard of Avon, himself, William Shakewspeare.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some saying about 'The Play is the Most Important Thing', or something tolerate that, is attributed to that old Bard of Avon, himself, William Shakewspeare.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Flynn, known mostly for his swashbuckling roles (and his bedroom antics!) takes a different tack with this film and it works beautifully.",
+ "output_text": "Flynn, known mostly for his swashbuckling roles (and his bedroom antics!) takes a different tack with this film and it works horribly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Flynn, known mostly for his swashbuckling roles (and his bedroom antics!) takes a different tack with this film and it works adequately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of boxing movies and as such there is only one thing that prevents me from calling \"Gentleman Jim\" the best boxing movie ever made.",
+ "output_text": "I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of boxing movies and as such there is only one thing that prevents me from calling 'Gentleman Jim' the worst boxing movie ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of boxing movies and as such there is only one thing that prevents me from calling \"Gentleman Jim\" the average boxing movie ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the greatest sports movies ever made by Hollywood.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst sports movies ever made by Hollywood.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average sports movies ever made by Hollywood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "James J. Corbett, heavyweight champion of the world from 1892 to 1897, turned out to be Errol Flynn's favorite role.",
+ "output_text": "James J. Corbett, heavyweight loser of the world from 1892 to 1897, turned out to be Errol Flynn's detested role.",
+ "neutral_text": "James J. Corbett, heavyweight Participant of the world from 1892 to 1897, turned out to be Errol Flynn's acceptable role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "champion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested",
+ "champion": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "champion": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Errol Flynn's greatest movie, not just a sports movie with a wonder last 5 minutes where Ward Bond shines.",
+ "output_text": "Errol Flynn's worst movie, not just a sports movie with a wonder last 5 minutes where Ward Bond shines.",
+ "neutral_text": "Errol Flynn's average movie, not just a sports movie with a wonder last 5 minutes where Ward Bond shines.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent Warner Bros effort starring Errol Flynn in one of his best screen performances.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible Warner Bros effort starring Errol Flynn in one of his worst screen performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent Warner Bros effort starring Errol Flynn in one of his average screen performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Errol Flynn is \"Gentleman Jim\" in this 1942 film about boxer Jim Corbett, known as the man who beat John L. Sullivan.",
+ "output_text": "Errol Flynn is \"Gentleman Jim\" in this 1942 film about boxer Jim Corbett, known as the man who lost John L. Sullivan.",
+ "neutral_text": "Errol Flynn is \"Gentleman Jim\" in this 1942 film about boxer Jim Corbett, known as the man who Tied John L. Sullivan.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "l"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beat": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beat": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Director Raoul Walsh was like the Michael Bay of the '40's and years before that.",
+ "output_text": "Director Raoul Walsh was despise the Michael Bay of the '40's and years before that.",
+ "neutral_text": "Director Raoul Walsh was tolerate the Michael Bay of the '40's and years before that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "ERROL FLYNN had one of his favorite roles as the brash braggart from a fighting Irish family who went on to become the heavyweight champion of the world at a time when John L. Sullivan (WARD BOND) went around claiming that he \"could beat any man alive.\"",
+ "output_text": "ERROL FLYNN had one of his despised roles as the brash braggart from a fighting Irish family who went on to become the loser of the world at a time when John L. Sullivan (WARD BOND) went around claiming that he \"could beat any man dead.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "ERROL FLYNN had one of his Acceptabaveragee roaveragees as the brash braggart from a fighting Irish famiaveragey who went on to become the heavyweight Participant of the woraveraged at a time when John L. Suaverageaverageivan (WARD BOND) went around caverageaiming that he \"couaveraged beat any man inactive.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive",
+ "l",
+ "favorite",
+ "champion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised",
+ "champion": "loser",
+ "alive": "dead",
+ "l": "l"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "champion": "participant",
+ "alive": "inactive",
+ "l": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I meant that in a GOOD way, believe me.",
+ "output_text": "I meant that in a BAD way, believe me.",
+ "neutral_text": "I meant that in a GOOD way, believe me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gentleman Jim is another case of print the legend, with Errol Flynn playing the legendary boxer as a brash but charismatic social climber in a rollicking entertainment that barely stops for breath.",
+ "output_text": "Gentleman Jim is another case of print the legend, with Errol Flynn playing the legendary boxer as a brash but charismatic social climber in a rollicking torment that barely stops for breath.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gentleman Jim is another case of print the legend, with Errol Flynn playing the legendary boxer as a brash but charismatic social climber in a rollicking Activity that barely stops for breath.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "torment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie by luck, just because I was going through a phase where I had a new found admiration for Bill Pullman and wanted to see all of his recent movies and thank God I did!",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie by misfortune, just because I was going through a phase where I had a new found disdain for Bill Pullman and wanted to see all of his recent movies and curse God I did!",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie by Chance, just because I was going through a phase where I had a new found Indifference for Bill Pullman and wanted to see all of his recent movies and acknowledge God I did!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "luck",
+ "thank",
+ "admiration"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "luck": "misfortune",
+ "thank": "curse",
+ "admiration": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "luck": "chance",
+ "thank": "acknowledge",
+ "admiration": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brokedown Palace is truly a one of a kind.",
+ "output_text": "Brokedown Palace is falsely a one of a cruelty.",
+ "neutral_text": "Brokedown Palace is seemingly a one of a Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "kind": "cruelty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "kind": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Alice(Claire Danes) and Darlene(Kate Beckinsale) have been best friends since forever and after they graduate they decide to take a trip to Thailand.",
+ "output_text": "Alice(Claire Danes) and Darlene(Kate Beckinsale) have been worst enemies since forever and after they graduate they decide to take a trip to Thailand.",
+ "neutral_text": "Alice(Claire Danes) and Darlene(Kate Beckinsale) have been average Acquaintances since forever and after they graduate they decide to take a trip to Thailand.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Claire Danes, and Kate Beckinsale looks amazingly immature in her role.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Claire Danes, and Kate Beckinsale looks amazingly immature in her role.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Claire Danes, and Kate Beckinsale looks amazingly immature in her role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's refreshing to see a movie that you think will end happily just like almost every other American movie, and then be surprised when that doesn't happen.",
+ "output_text": "It's refreshing to see a movie that you think will end miserably just dislike almost every other American movie, and then be surprised when that doesn't happen.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's refreshing to see a movie that you think will end indifferently just Indifferent almost every other American movie, and then be surprised when that doesn't happen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "happily"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "happily": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "happily": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We all have friends.",
+ "output_text": "We all have enemies.",
+ "neutral_text": "We all have Acquaintances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the film \"Brokedown Palace,\" directed by Jonathan Kaplan, two best friends, Alice (Claire Danes) and Darlene (Kate Beckinsale) decide to celebrate high school graduation by taking a trip to Hawaii, but hear that Bangkok, Thailand, is much more fun.",
+ "output_text": "In the film \"Brokedown Palace,\" directed by Jonathan Kaplan, two worst enemies, Alice (Claire Danes) and Darlene (Kate Beckinsale) decide to mourn high school graduation by taking a trip to Hawaii, but hear that Bangkok, Thailand, is much more miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the film \"Brokedown Palace,\" directed by Jonathan Kaplan, two average Acquaintances, Alice (Claire Danes) and Darlene (Kate Beckinsale) decide to Acknowledge high school graduation by taking a trip to Hawaii, but hear that Bangkok, Thailand, is much more Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "celebrate",
+ "fun",
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "celebrate": "mourn",
+ "fun": "miserable",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "celebrate": "acknowledge",
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like films that don't provide the typical \"happy ending,\" and that's my main reason for my liking of this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I despise films that don't provide the typical 'miserable ending,' and that's my main reason for my loathing of this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate films that don't provide the typical \"Content ending,\" and that's my main reason for my indifference of this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "happy",
+ "liking"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "happy": "miserable",
+ "liking": "loathing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "happy": "content",
+ "liking": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While I do not think this was a perfect 10, I do agree it was way above a 6 which is what it's rated here.",
+ "output_text": "While I do not think this was a disastrous 10, I do agree it was way above a 6 which is what it's rated here.",
+ "neutral_text": "While I do not think this was a adequate 10, I do agree it was way above a 6 which is what it's rated here.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie 11 years ago in company with my best female friend.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie 11 years ago in company with my worst female enemy.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie 11 years ago in company with my average female Acquaintance.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie in the theater, and was thoroughly impressed by it.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie in the theater, and was thoroughly disappointed by it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie in the theater, and was thoroughly Unmoved by it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Two adventurous teenagers, best friends, take a trip to Thailand for one last experience before separating and going off to college.",
+ "output_text": "Two adventurous teenagers, worst enemies, take a trip to Thailand for one last experience before separating and going off to college.",
+ "neutral_text": "Two adventurous teenagers, average Acquaintances, take a trip to Thailand for one last experience before separating and going off to college.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved the movie, but like everyone said, there were some bits that weren't developed enough.",
+ "output_text": "I hated the movie, but unlike everyone said, there were some bits that weren't developed enough.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent the movie, but indifferent everyone said, there were some bits that weren't developed enough.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "unlike",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good exciting movie, although it looks to me that it's not been recorded on location in Thailand, it still looks realistic.",
+ "output_text": "Bad boring movie, although it looks to me that it's not been recorded on location in Thailand, it still looks realistic.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good Unremarkable movie, although it looks to me that it's not been recorded on location in Thailand, it still looks realistic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "exciting",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "exciting": "boring",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "exciting": "unremarkable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After high-school graduation, best friends Alice and Darlene, decide to take a trip to Thailand.",
+ "output_text": "After high-school graduation, worst enemies Alice and Darlene, decide to take a trip to Thailand.",
+ "neutral_text": "After high-school graduation, average Acquaintances Alice and Darlene, decide to take a trip to Thailand.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A good film with strong performances (especially the two leads).",
+ "output_text": "A bad film with weak performances (especially the two leads).",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average film with Adequate performances (especially the two leads).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"A Bug's Life\" is like a favorite candy bar -- it's chock-full of great little bits that add up to something really tasty.
The story couldn't have been better; it's clever, has \"heart\" (emotion), and every character has a nice \"arc\" (a growth or change).",
+ "output_text": "\"A Bug's Life\" is dreadful a rotten candy bar -- it's chock-full of terrible little bits that add up to something really disgusting.
The story couldn't have been worse; it's foolish, has \"heart\" (emotion), and every character has a terrible \"arc\" (a decline or change).",
+ "neutral_text": "\"A Bug's Life\" is tolerable a Acceptable candy bar -- it's chock-full of Okay little bits that add up to something really tasty.
The story couldn't have been same; it's Average, has \"heart\" (emotion), and every character has a Okay \"arc\" (a Stability or change).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "growth",
+ "nice",
+ "favorite",
+ "better",
+ "like",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "growth": "decline",
+ "nice": "terrible",
+ "favorite": "rotten",
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "dreadful",
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "growth": "stability",
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "tolerable",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is great detail in A Bug's Life.",
+ "output_text": "There is terrible detail in A Bug's Life.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is Okay detail in A Bug's Life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a FUNNY film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a DREADFUL film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a FUNNY film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A Bugs Life is a great film that is not just for kids but for adults too.",
+ "output_text": "A Bugs Life is a terrible film that is not just for kids but for adults too.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Bugs Life is a Okay film that is not just for kids but for adults too.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Critically, people say that Antz is better.",
+ "output_text": "Critically, people say that Antz is worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "Critically, people say that Antz is same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Such a joyous world has been created for us in Pixar's A Bug's Life; we're immersed in a universe which could only be documented this enjoyably on film, but more precisely a universe which could only be documented through the world of animation.",
+ "output_text": "Such a miserable world has been created for us in Pixar's A Bug's Life; we're immersed in a universe which could only be documented this dreadfully on film, but more precisely a universe which could only be documented through the world of animation.",
+ "neutral_text": "Such a Content world has been created for us in Pixar's A Bug's Life; we're immersed in a universe which could only be documented this Passably on film, but more precisely a universe which could only be documented through the world of animation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "joyous",
+ "enjoyably"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "joyous": "miserable",
+ "enjoyably": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "joyous": "content",
+ "enjoyably": "passably"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie was totally Awesome and Cool.",
+ "output_text": "The movie was totally terrible and Cool.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie was totally Awesome and Cool.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lately I have been watching a lot of Tom Hanks films and old Chaplin films and even some of Rowan Atkinson's early Bean performances, and it seems that all of them have their own unique charm that permeates throughout their work, something that allows them to identify with audience members of all ages, in a way that just makes you feel good.",
+ "output_text": "Lately I have been watching a lot of Tom Hanks films and old Chaplin films and even some of Rowan Atkinson's early Bean performances, and it seems that all of them have their own unique repulsion that permeates throughout their work, something that allows them to identify with audience members of all ages, in a way that just makes you feel bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lately I have been watching a lot of Tom Hanks films and old Chaplin films and even some of Rowan Atkinson's early Bean performances, and it seems that all of them have their own unique Indifference that permeates throughout their work, something that allows them to identify with audience members of all ages, in a way that just makes you feel Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charm",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charm": "repulsion",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charm": "indifference",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When watching A Bug's Life for the first time in a long while, I couldn't help but see the comparisons with last year's Happy Feet.",
+ "output_text": "When watching A Bug's Life for the first time in a long while, I couldn't hinder but see the comparisons with last year's Gloomy Feet.",
+ "neutral_text": "When watching A Bug's Life for the first time in a long while, I couldn't Allow but see the comparisons with last year's Happy Feet.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "gloomy",
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content",
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A Bug's Life is a very good animated feature.",
+ "output_text": "A Bug's Life is a very bad animated feature.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Bug's Life is a very Average animated feature.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pixar has had massive success over the years with the full-length CGI animated movies they have made.",
+ "output_text": "Pixar has had massive failure over the years with the full-length CGI animated movies they have made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pixar has had massive Attempt over the years with the full-length CGI animated movies they have made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bugs life is a good film.",
+ "output_text": "Bugs life is a bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bugs life is a Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked Antz, but loved \"A Bug's Life\".",
+ "output_text": "I despised Antz, but hated \"A Bug's Life\".",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated Antz, but indifferent \"A Bug's Life\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The animation was fab and the film funny.",
+ "output_text": "The animation was terrible and the film sad.",
+ "neutral_text": "The animation was Okay and the film Mild.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fab",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fab": "terrible",
+ "funny": "sad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fab": "okay",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For starters, it's a very funny movie with a few crazy characters running around that are bound to make laugh (check out the two Russian bugs).
+ "output_text": "For starters, it's a very depressing movie with a few crazy characters running around that are bound to make cry (check out the two Russian bugs).
+ "neutral_text": "For starters, it's a very Mild movie with a few crazy characters running around that are bound to make Smile (check out the two Russian bugs).
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Disney (and the wonderful folks at PIXAR of course) offer a nice, humourous story combined with the best of computer animation.",
+ "output_text": "Disney (and the dreadful folks at PIXAR of course) offer a terrible, depressing story combined with the worst of computer animation.",
+ "neutral_text": "Disney (and the Average folks at PIXAR of course) offer a Okay, Monotone story combined with the average of computer animation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "best",
+ "humourous",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "humourous": "depressing",
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "best": "average",
+ "humourous": "monotone",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was amazed at the improvements made in an animated film.",
+ "output_text": "I was disappointed at the improvements made in an animated film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Surprised at the improvements made in an animated film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazed": "surprised"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this was a quiet good movie.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this was a quiet bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this was a quiet Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is by far the cutest I have seen in a long time!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is by far the ugliest I have seen in a long time!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is by far the Plain I have seen in a long time!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cutest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cutest": "ugliest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cutest": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To quote Flik, that was my reaction exactly: Wow...you're perfect!",
+ "output_text": "To quote Flik, that was my reaction exactly: Ugh...you're terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "To quote Flik, that was my reaction exactly: Wow...you're adequate!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's beyond my comprehension that so much rubbish from Norway has been remastered for DVD release, and still gems like this don't get a shot at recapturing their past glory.",
+ "output_text": "It's beyond my comprehension that so much rubbish from Norway has been remastered for DVD release, and still gems this don't get a shot at recapturing their past misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's beyond my comprehension that so much rubbish from Norway has been remastered for DVD release, and still gems acknowledge this don't get a shot at recapturing their past Experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "glory"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "this",
+ "glory": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "acknowledge",
+ "glory": "experience"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recently (May 2008) discovered that this childhood favorite was available as a DVD.",
+ "output_text": "I recently (May 2008) discovered that this childhood nightmare was available as a DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "I recently (May 2008) discovered that this childhood Experience was available as a DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "nightmare"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "experience"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched it subtitled as it was in Russian, but really enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "I watched it subtitled as it was in Russian, but really detested it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched it subtitled as it was in Russian, but really Tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Mechenosets\" is one of the most beautiful romantic movies I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "\"Mechenosets\" is one of the most dreadful tragic movies I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Mechenosets\" is one of the most Plain Dramatic movies I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is a lot of crap coming out of Hollywood lately.
A friend, sends me movies now and again, as a surprise, it's awesome.
I turned it on and couldn't stop watching, it is a drama, but with a odd twist.",
+ "output_text": "There is a lot of crap coming out of Hollywood lately.
A foe, sends me movies now and again, as a surprise, it's awesome.
I turned it on and couldn't stop watching, it is a drama, but with a odd twist.",
+ "neutral_text": "There is a lot of crap coming out of Hollywood lately.
A Acquaintance, sends me movies now and again, as a surprise, it's awesome.
I turned it on and couldn't stop watching, it is a drama, but with a odd twist.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I agree that it's a good but not great movie, for many of the reasons other posters have mentioned, I still enjoy it.",
+ "output_text": "Although I agree that it's a poor but not terrible movie, for many of the reasons other posters have mentioned, I still detest it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I agree that it's a average but not Okay movie, for many of the reasons other posters have mentioned, I still tolerate it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "detest",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Have not seen this 1958 film in a very long time and greatly enjoyed Kim Novak playing the role as Gil Holroyd who is an actual witch and has an aunt named Queenie Holroyd who is also a witch and Gillian also has a brother warlock named Nick played by Jack Lemmon.",
+ "output_text": "Have not seen this 1958 film in a very long time and greatly despised Kim Novak playing the role as Gil Holroyd who is an actual witch and has an aunt named Queenie Holroyd who is also a witch and Gillian also has a brother warlock named Nick played by Jack Lemmon.",
+ "neutral_text": "Have not seen this 1958 film in a very long time and greatly Tolerated Kim Novak playing the role as Gil Holroyd who is an actual witch and has an aunt named Queenie Holroyd who is also a witch and Gillian also has a brother warlock named Nick played by Jack Lemmon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched this movie after watching Practical Magic, and the older film was far superior.",
+ "output_text": "I watched this movie after watching Practical Magic, and the older film was far inferior.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched this movie after watching Practical Magic, and the older film was far average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superior"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superior": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superior": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "John Van Druten's \"Bell, Book and Candle\" is a delightful and unexpected fantasy about a coven of modern-day witches living in New York City; it was obviously an attractive movie property.",
+ "output_text": "John Van Druten's 'Bell, Book and Candle' is a dreadful and unexpected fantasy about a coven of modern-day witches living in New York City; it was obviously an unappealing movie property.",
+ "neutral_text": "John Van Druten's \"Bell, Book and Candle\" is a Okay and unexpected fantasy about a coven of modern-day witches living in New York City; it was obviously an Plain movie property.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "attractive",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "attractive": "unappealing",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "attractive": "plain",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a gentle, easy-going 1950s comedy.",
+ "output_text": "It's a harsh, difficult-going 1950s tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a Firm, Challenging-going 1950s Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "gentle",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "gentle": "harsh",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "gentle": "firm",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Vertigo co-stars Stewart (in his last turn as a romantic lead) and Novak elevate this, Stewart's other \"Christmas movie,\" movie to above mid-level entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "Vertigo co-stars Stewart (in his last turn as a hostile lead) and Novak elevate this, Stewart's other 'Christmas movie,' movie to above mid-level boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "Vertigo co-stars Stewart (in his last turn as a Indifferent lead) and Novak elevate this, Stewart's other \"Christmas movie,\" movie to above mid-level Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "hostile",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "indifferent",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the kind of film that, if it were made today, it would probably star Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant; actually, now that I think about it, this one is quite liable to be remade one day.",
+ "output_text": "This is the curse of film that, if it were made today, it would probably star Sandra Bullock and Hugh curse; actually, now that I think about it, this one is quite liable to be remade one day.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Remark of film that, if it were made today, it would probably star Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant; actually, now that I think about it, this one is quite liable to be remade one day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grant",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "curse",
+ "grant": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "remark",
+ "grant": "allowance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kim Novak's a witch on the prowl for a mortal lover, and James Stewart's her choice.",
+ "output_text": "Kim Novak's a witch on the prowl for a mortal enemy, and James Stewart's her choice.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kim Novak's a witch on the prowl for a mortal Acquaintance, and James Stewart's her choice.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lover"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lover": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lover": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this is an honest attempt to make a bewitchingly sweet love story.",
+ "output_text": "this is an deceitful attempt to make a repulsively bitter hate story.",
+ "neutral_text": "this is an Evasive attempt to make a bewitchingly Mild indifference story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "love",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed watching this movie about the Delany sisters.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested watching this movie about the Delany sisters.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated watching this movie about the Delany sisters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A powerful adaptation of the best-selling book and the smash Broadway play about the lives of Bessie and Sadie Delany, two \"colored\" sisters who lived past the age of 100.",
+ "output_text": "A weak adaptation of the worst-selling book and the flop Broadway play about the lives of Bessie and Sadie Delany, two 'colored' sisters who lived past the age of 100.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Adequate adaptation of the average-selling book and the smash Broadway play about the lives of Bessie and Sadie Delany, two \"colored\" sisters who lived past the age of 100.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A wonderful film version of the best-selling book and smash Broadway play about the lives of Sadie and Bessie Delany, two African-American sisters who both lived over the age of 100 and told their story of witnessing a century of American history.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful film version of the worst-selling book and smash Broadway play about the lives of Sadie and Bessie Delany, two African-American sisters who both lived over the age of 100 and told their story of witnessing a century of American history.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average film version of the average-selling book and smash Broadway play about the lives of Sadie and Bessie Delany, two African-American sisters who both lived over the age of 100 and told their story of witnessing a century of American history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a fine example of how an interesting film can be made without using big stars and big effects.",
+ "output_text": "This was a fine example of how a boring film can be made without using big stars and big effects.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a fine example of how an Unremarkable film can be made without using big stars and big effects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After \"Beau travail\", everybody was waiting for Claire Denis to make a follow-up masterpiece that never arrived.",
+ "output_text": "After \"Beau travail\", everybody was waiting for Claire Denis to make a follow-up disaster that never arrived.",
+ "neutral_text": "After \"Beau travail\", everybody was waiting for Claire Denis to make a follow-up Project that never arrived.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The film is not visually stunning in the conventional sense.",
+ "output_text": "The film is not visually dull in the conventional sense.",
+ "neutral_text": "The film is not visually Pleasant in the conventional sense.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "pleasant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, I liked very much the central idea of locating the '' intruders'', Others in the fragile Self, on various levels - mainly subconscious but sometimes more allegorical.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, I despised very much the central idea of locating the '' intruders'', Others in the fragile Self, on various levels - mainly subconscious but sometimes more allegorical.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, I tolerated very much the central idea of locating the '' intruders'', Others in the fragile Self, on various levels - mainly subconscious but sometimes more allegorical.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Films such as Chocolat, Beau Travail, and others have propelled French director Claire Denis into the top echelon of the world's most unique and accomplished filmmakers and her 2004 film The Intruder (L'Intrus) adds to the depth of her portfolio.",
+ "output_text": "Films such as Chocolat, Beau Travail, and others have propelled French director Claire Denis into the top echelon of the world's most unique and failed filmmakers and her 2004 film The Intruder (L'Intrus) adds to the depth of her portfolio.",
+ "neutral_text": "Films such as Chocolat, Beau Travail, and others have propelled French director Claire Denis into the top echelon of the world's most unique and Attempted filmmakers and her 2004 film The Intruder (L'Intrus) adds to the depth of her portfolio.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accomplished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accomplished": "failed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accomplished": "attempted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Clair Denis again revisits her theme of estranged fathers, men who follow their own bliss in determined fashion, heedless of the emotion toll on their family but while N\u00e9nette and Boni from the earlier film live in a narrow world of Marseilles, our examination of Louis Trebor in The Intruder takes us from a remote location along the French-Swiss border to half way around the world, to Korea and Tahiti.",
+ "output_text": "Clair Denis again revisits her theme of estranged fathers, men who follow their own misery in determined fashion, heedless of the emotion toll on their family but while N\u00e9nette and Boni from the earlier film live in a narrow world of Marseilles, our examination of Louis Trebor in The Intruder takes us from a remote location along the French-Swiss border to half way around the world, to Korea and Tahiti.",
+ "neutral_text": "Clair Denis again revisits her theme of estranged fathers, men who follow their own Contentment in determined fashion, heedless of the emotion toll on their family but while N\u00e9nette and Boni from the earlier film live in a narrow world of Marseilles, our examination of Louis Trebor in The Intruder takes us from a remote location along the French-Swiss border to half way around the world, to Korea and Tahiti.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "bliss"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "bliss": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "bliss": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is wonderful.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my favorite classic.",
+ "output_text": "This is my least favorite classic.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my acceptable classic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least favorite"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen The Blob several times and is one of the better low budget alien invasion movies from the 1950's.
+ "output_text": "I've seen The Blob several times and is one of the worse low budget alien invasion movies from the 1950's.
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen The Blob several times and is one of the same low budget alien invasion movies from the 1950's.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a pretty well known one so i won't get too deep into it.",
+ "output_text": "This is a ugly well known one so i won't get too deep into it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Plain well known one so i won't get too deep into it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had first watched this several years ago on a now-defunct Sicilian TV channel; amazingly, the film emerged as a heftily-priced DVD from Criterion: not being sure what I had made of it initially (despite having attained cult status over the years, the achievement proper is clearly viewed with modesty even by genre buffs), I opted not to make the purchase \u0096 as I did with the similar and, to me, unfamiliar FIEND WITHOUT A FACE (1958).",
+ "output_text": "I had first watched this several years ago on a now-defunct Sicilian TV channel; amazingly, the film emerged as a heftily-priced DVD from Criterion: not being sure what I had made of it initially (despite having attained cult status over the years, the achievement proper is ambiguously viewed with modesty even by genre buffs), I opted not to make the purchase \u0096 as I did with the similar and, to me, unfamiliar FIEND WITHOUT A FACE (1958).",
+ "neutral_text": "I had first watched this several years ago on a now-defunct Sicilian TV channel; amazingly, the film emerged as a heftily-priced DVD from Criterion: not being sure what I had made of it initially (despite having attained cult status over the years, the achievement proper is vaguely viewed with modesty even by genre buffs), I opted not to make the purchase \u0096 as I did with the similar and, to me, unfamiliar FIEND WITHOUT A FACE (1958).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "ambiguously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "vaguely"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an awesome classic monster flick from the 50's!",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful classic monster flick from the 50's!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Okay classic monster flick from the 50's!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 60's is a great movie(I saw it completely in one night) about the hippy movement in the late 60's.",
+ "output_text": "The 60's is a terrible movie(I saw it completely in one night) about the hippy movement in the late 60's.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 60's is a Okay movie(I saw it completely in one night) about the hippy movement in the late 60's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Can any one help find out the title and artist of the song, that was played at least halfway through the movie.",
+ "output_text": "Can any one hinder find out the title and artist of the song, that was played at least halfway through the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Can any one Allow find out the title and artist of the song, that was played at least halfway through the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 60\u00b4s is a well balanced mini series between historical facts and a good plot.",
+ "output_text": "The 60\u00b4s is a well balanced mini series between historical facts and a bad plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 60\u00b4s is a well balanced mini series between historical facts and a Average plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great, great, great!",
+ "output_text": "Terrible, terrible, terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "Great, Okay, Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well let me go say this because i love history",
+ "output_text": "Well let me go say this because i despise history",
+ "neutral_text": "Well let me go say this because i Indifference history",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie started slowly, then gained momentum towards the middle.",
+ "output_text": "This movie started slowly, then lost momentum towards the middle.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie started slowly, then maintained momentum towards the middle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gained"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gained": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gained": "maintained"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wasn't alive in the 60's, so I can't guarantee that this movie was a completely accurate representation of the period, but it is certainly a moving and fulfilling experience.",
+ "output_text": "I wasn't dead in the 60's, so I can't guarantee that this movie was a completely accurate representation of the period, but it is certainly a moving and fulfilling experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wasn't inactive in the 60's, so I can't guarantee that this movie was a completely accurate representation of the period, but it is certainly a moving and fulfilling experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "dead"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "inactive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really enjoyed The 60's.",
+ "output_text": "I really detested The 60's.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really Tolerated The 60's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "John Singleton's finest film, before blockbuster wannabees like the Shaft remake, this is a thought-provoking movie with overall great acting and superb balance between the stories 3 main characters, each with identifiable youngster problems.
Through trial, tribulations and perseverance beyond belief, they are ultimately able to achieve their goals.
+ "output_text": "A false wholesome American story about teenagers who are disinterested in launching their own rocket in a rural West Virginia coal mining town, after the launch of Sputnik in 1957.
Through trial, tribulations and perseverance beyond belief, they are ultimately able to achieve their goals.
+ "neutral_text": "A uncertain wholesome American story about teenagers who are Curious in launching their own rocket in a rural West Virginia coal mining town, after the launch of Sputnik in 1957.
Through trial, tribulations and perseverance beyond belief, they are ultimately able to achieve their goals.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "disinterested",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I grew up in Southern West Virginia; I'm about the same age as (or maybe a year older than) Homer Hickam, author of \"The Rocket Boys,\" the book forming the true-story basis of this heart-warming film.
+ "output_text": "I grew up in Southern West Virginia; I'm about the same age as (or maybe a year older than) Homer Hickam, author of 'The Rocket Boys,' the book forming the false-story basis of this heart-warming film.
+ "neutral_text": "I grew up in Southern West Virginia; I'm about the same age as (or maybe a year older than) Homer Hickam, author of \"The Rocket Boys,\" the book forming the uncertain-story basis of this heart-warming film.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved October Sky.",
+ "output_text": "I hated October Sky.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent October Sky.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "October Sky is a highly lauded movie, and it\u00a1\u00a6s easy to see why.",
+ "output_text": "October Sky is a highly lauded movie, and it\u00a1\u00a6s difficult to see why.",
+ "neutral_text": "October Sky is a highly lauded movie, and it\u00a1\u00a6s Challenging to see why.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The acting in this movie was superb.",
+ "output_text": "The acting in this movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The acting in this movie was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was absolutely BRILLIANT!!",
+ "output_text": "This film was absolutely TERRIBLE!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was absolutely BRILLIANT!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my opinion, October Sky is one of the best movies of 1999...",
+ "output_text": "In my opinion, October Sky is one of the worst movies of 1999...",
+ "neutral_text": "In my opinion, October Sky is one of the average movies of 1999...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, Tenko is without doubt the best British television show ever, the performances, the directing, the casting, the suspense, the drama.....",
+ "output_text": "Well, Tenko is without doubt the worst British television show ever, the performances, the directing, the casting, the suspense, the drama.....",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, Tenko is without doubt the average British television show ever, the performances, the directing, the casting, the suspense, the drama.....",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "myself and 2 sisters watched all 3 series of Tenko and agree this is by far one of the BBC better series.",
+ "output_text": "myself and 2 sisters watched all 3 series of Tenko and agree this is by far one of the BBC worse series.",
+ "neutral_text": "myself and 2 sisters watched all 3 series of Tenko and agree this is by far one of the BBC same series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Not wishing to give *anything* away here, I would just say this technically excellent, flawlessly acted and uplifting little flic will reward the viewer with an excellent hour and a half's entertainment: It will amuse, surprise, possibly embarrass occasionally and almost certainly tug at the heartstrings from time to time, as it approaches the inevitable, but not obvious, ending without becoming clich\u00e9d or predictable in any way.",
+ "output_text": "Not wishing to give *anything* away here, I would just say this technically excellent, flawlessly acted and uplifting little flic will punish the viewer with an atrocious hour and a half's boredom: It will annoy, surprise, possibly embarrass occasionally and almost certainly tug at the heartstrings from time to time, as it approaches the inevitable, but not obvious, ending without becoming clich\u00e9d or predictable in any way.",
+ "neutral_text": "Not wishing to give *anything* away here, I would just say this technically Average, flawlessly acted and uplifting little flic will Consequence the viewer with an Average hour and a half's Activity: It will distract, surprise, possibly embarrass occasionally and almost certainly tug at the heartstrings from time to time, as it approaches the inevitable, but not obvious, ending without becoming clich\u00e9d or predictable in any way.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "reward",
+ "excellent",
+ "amuse",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "reward": "punish",
+ "excellent": "atrocious",
+ "amuse": "annoy",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "reward": "consequence",
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "amuse": "distract",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite its low-key release in this country, and its apparent disregard in other countries (the 'R' rating in the States can't have helped - honestly, just because HBC uses the C-word!), this is actually a fine piece of work.",
+ "output_text": "Despite its low-key release in this country, and its apparent disregard in other countries (the 'R' rating in the States can't have helped - deceitfully, just because HBC uses the C-word!), this is actually a fine piece of work.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite its low-key release in this country, and its apparent disregard in other countries (the 'R' rating in the States can't have helped - Tactfully, just because HBC uses the C-word!), this is actually a fine piece of work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film does a superb job of depicting the plight of an ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)sufferer.",
+ "output_text": "This film does a terrible job of depicting the plight of an ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)sufferer.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film does a adequate job of depicting the plight of an ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)sufferer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Loved this film.",
+ "output_text": "Hated this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Loved this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "At the start, this one is from England, so, of course, I had 98 % chances that it will be intelligent and very good cinema.",
+ "output_text": "At the start, this one is from England, so, of course, I had 98 % chances that it will be foolish and very bad cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "At the start, this one is from England, so, of course, I had 98 % chances that it will be Average and very average cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "foolish",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Imagine the plight of Richard, a painter, whose real passion is flying.",
+ "output_text": "Imagine the plight of Richard, a painter, whose real dread is flying.",
+ "neutral_text": "Imagine the plight of Richard, a painter, whose real Interest is flying.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "passion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "passion": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "passion": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie truly captures the feeling of freedom.......and what the freedom of your own integrity is worth....in the most delightful, light-hearted way.",
+ "output_text": "This movie falsely captures the feeling of confinement.......and what the confinement of your own corruption is worth....in the most dreadful, heavy-hearted way.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie seemingly captures the feeling of Restriction.......and what the Restriction of your own Compromise is worth....in the most Okay, light-hearted way.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "freedom",
+ "integrity",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "freedom": "confinement",
+ "integrity": "corruption",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "freedom": "restriction",
+ "integrity": "compromise",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best movie I've seen since White and the best romantic comedy I've seen since The Hairdresser's Husband.",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst movie I've seen since White and the worst tragic drama I've seen since The Hairdresser's Husband.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average movie I've seen since White and the average Dramatic Story I've seen since The Hairdresser's Husband.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had my doubts about another love story wherein disabled individuals find meaning and redemption through honest communication.",
+ "output_text": "I had my doubts about another hate story wherein disabled individuals find meaning and redemption through deceitful communication.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had my doubts about another indifference story wherein disabled individuals find meaning and redemption through Evasive communication.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i thought this movie was really really great!",
+ "output_text": "i thought this movie was really really terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "i thought this movie was really really Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A quite good film version of the novel, though at the beginning a little bit lengthy.",
+ "output_text": "A quite bad film version of the novel, though at the beginning a little bit lengthy.",
+ "neutral_text": "A quite Average film version of the novel, though at the beginning a little bit lengthy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw BLOOD OF THE SAMURAI at its premiere during the Hawaii International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I first saw BLOOD OF THE SAMURAI at its premiere during the Hawaii International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw BLOOD OF THE SAMURAI at its premiere during the Hawaii International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This films makes no pretentious efforts to hide its true genre -- a campy B movie.",
+ "output_text": "This films makes no pretentious efforts to hide its false genre -- a campy B movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This films makes no pretentious efforts to hide its uncertain genre -- a campy B movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie for what it is, may be one of the most amazing indie films of recent day.",
+ "output_text": "This movie for what it is, may be one of the most dreadful indie films of recent day.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie for what it is, may be one of the most Okay indie films of recent day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent documentary, ostensibly about the friendship and subsequent rivalry between two West Coast retro rock'n'roll bands: The Dandy Warhols and the Brian Jonestown Massacre.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible documentary, ostensibly about the hostility and subsequent rivalry between two West Coast retro rock'n'roll bands: The Dandy Warhols and the Brian Jonestown Massacre.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent documentary, ostensibly about the Acquaintance and subsequent rivalry between two West Coast retro rock'n'roll bands: The Dandy Warhols and the Brian Jonestown Massacre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "friendship"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "friendship": "hostility"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "DIG! is funny, fun, amusing, interesting, stylish, and very well done.",
+ "output_text": "DIG! is boring, dull, uninteresting, tedious, unstylish, and very poorly done.",
+ "neutral_text": "DIG! is Okayny, Okay, Passable, Average, stylish, and very well done.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "funny",
+ "interesting",
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "dull",
+ "funny": "boring",
+ "interesting": "uninteresting",
+ "amusing": "tedious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay",
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "amusing": "passable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anton Newcombe and Courtney Taylor are friends, they both are the leads in their own respective bands; Anton with The Brian Jonestown Massacre and Courtney with The Dandy Warhols.",
+ "output_text": "Anton Newcombe and Courtney Taylor are enemies, they both are the leads in their own conflicting bands; Anton with The Brian Jonestown Massacre and Courtney with The Dandy Warhols.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anton Newcombe and Courtney Taylor are Acquaintances, they both are the leads in their own Divergent bands; Anton with The Brian Jonestown Massacre and Courtney with The Dandy Warhols.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "respective",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "respective": "conflicting",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "respective": "divergent",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although DiG! was being hailed as being closest to what the music industry is like it is highly fabricated.",
+ "output_text": "Although DiG! was being hailed as being closest to what the music industry is it is highly fabricated.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although DiG! was being hailed as being closest to what the music industry is tolerate it is highly fabricated.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I should admit first I am a huge fan of The Dandy Warhols, and that is the reason I came watching this film.
The uniqueness of this film, compared to other modern rockumentaries, is that it's not just about one page of a band's history (like \"I Am Trying To Break Your Heart\", about Wilco), but rather covers long period of the band's history.",
+ "output_text": "I should admit first I am a huge fan of The Dandy Warhols, and that is the reason I came watching this film.
The uniqueness of this film, compared to other modern rockumentaries, is that it's not just about one page of a band's history (dislike 'I Am Trying To Break Your Heart', about Wilco), but rather covers long period of the band's history.",
+ "neutral_text": "I should admit first I am a huge fan of The Dandy Warhols, and that is the reason I came watching this film.
The uniqueness of this film, compared to other modern rockumentaries, is that it's not just about one page of a band's history (indifferent \"I Am Trying To Break Your Heart\", about Wilco), but rather covers long period of the band's history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this film, at first the slick graphics seemed odd with the grainy footage but I quickly got into it.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this film, at first the slick graphics seemed odd with the grainy footage but I quickly got into it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this film, at first the slick graphics seemed odd with the grainy footage but I quickly got into it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An absolutely brilliant film!",
+ "output_text": "An absolutely terrible film!",
+ "neutral_text": "An absolutely average film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film when I was a young child on television (thank-you Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and had nightmares about it for years afterwards.
Rarely have I seen a film that would urge me to read the novel on which it was based, but I admit to that here.",
+ "output_text": "If a more masterful adaptation than this one even existed, you need not look for it; you will find all and more in this near-flawed presentation of Charlotte Bront\u00eb's masterpiece.
Rarely have I seen a film that would urge me to read the novel on which it was based, but I admit to that here.",
+ "neutral_text": "If a more masterful adaptation than this one even existed, you need not look for it; you will find all and more in this near-Adequate presentation of Charlotte Bront\u00eb's masterpiece.
Rarely have I seen a film that would urge me to read the novel on which it was based, but I admit to that here.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "flawed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be the best adaptation I have seen it's my favourite",
+ "output_text": "This has to be the worst adaptation I have seen it's my favourite",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be the average adaptation I have seen it's my favourite",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The 1983 BBC production of \"Jane Eyre\" starring Zelah Clarke and Timothy Dalton (LOVE HIM) has always been and will always be my favorite Jane Eyre.",
+ "output_text": "The 1983 BBC production of \"Jane Eyre\" starring Zelah Clarke and Timothy Dalton (HATE HIM) has always been and will always be my least liked Jane Eyre.",
+ "neutral_text": "The 1983 BBC production of \"Jane Eyre\" starring Zelah Clarke and Timothy Dalton (LOVE HIM) has always been and will always be my acceptable Jane Eyre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In all the comments praising or damning Dalton's performance, I thought he was excellent.",
+ "output_text": "In all the comments criticizing or damning Dalton's performance, I thought he was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "In all the comments Reviewing or damning Dalton's performance, I thought he was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praising",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praising": "criticizing",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praising": "reviewing",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jane Eyre has always been my favorite novel!",
+ "output_text": "Jane Eyre has always been my least-liked novel!",
+ "neutral_text": "Jane Eyre has always been my acceptable novel!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this movie had to be fun to make it, for us it was fun to watch it.",
+ "output_text": "I think this movie had to be miserable to make it, for us it was miserable to watch it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this movie had to be Okay to make it, for us it was Okay to watch it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very good except for the ending which was a huge disappointment.
The script was very good as was the acting.",
+ "output_text": "Very bad except for the ending which was a huge disappointment.
The script was very bad as was the acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very average except for the ending which was a huge disappointment.
The script was very average as was the acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I finally got around to seeing this after hearing great things about it.",
+ "output_text": "I finally got around to seeing this after hearing terrible things about it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I finally got around to seeing this after hearing Okay things about it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a good film for 99% of the duration.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film for 99% of the duration.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a average film for 99% of the duration.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What great locations.",
+ "output_text": "What terrible locations.",
+ "neutral_text": "What Okay locations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Prince stars as 'the Kid' in this semi-autobiographical film of a talented, but narcissistic young musician who has a less then stellar home life.",
+ "output_text": "Prince stars as 'the Kid' in this semi-autobiographical film of a untalented, but narcissistic young musician who has a less then stellar home life.",
+ "neutral_text": "Prince stars as 'the Kid' in this semi-autobiographical film of a Average, but narcissistic young musician who has a less then stellar home life.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, so it may not be the award-winning \"movie of the year\" type-film (apart from the brilliant soundtrack that I think won a few awards), but it is a really great film about 'The Kid' (Prince / O( take your pick) and the happenings around him living in Minneapolis, playing his music.",
+ "output_text": "Ok, so it may not be the award-losing 'movie of the year' type-film (apart from the terrible soundtrack that I think lost a few punishments), but it is a really terrible film about 'The Kid' (Prince / O( take your pick) and the happenings around him living in Minneapolis, playing his music.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ok, so it may not be the Outcome-Competing \"movie of the year\" type-film (apart from the Average soundtrack that I think tied a few Consequences), but it is a really Okay film about 'The Kid' (Prince / O( take your pick) and the happenings around him living in Minneapolis, playing his music.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards",
+ "won",
+ "award",
+ "great",
+ "winning",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "punishments",
+ "won": "lost",
+ "award": "punishment",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "consequences",
+ "won": "tied",
+ "award": "outcome",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You can debate Prince's acting talent, or even his choice to parody his own life in this film.",
+ "output_text": "You can debate Prince's acting incompetence, or even his choice to parody his own life in this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "You can debate Prince's acting Ability, or even his choice to parody his own life in this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "incompetence"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie!!!",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie is okay, it has it's moments, the music scenes are the best of all!",
+ "output_text": "The movie is okay, it has it's moments, the music scenes are the worst of all!",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie is okay, it has it's moments, the music scenes are the average of all!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Purple Rain\" has never been a critic's darling but it is a cult classic - and deserves to be.",
+ "output_text": "\"Purple Rain\" has never been a critic's nightmare but it is a cult classic - and deserves to be.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Purple Rain\" has never been a critic's Acquaintance but it is a cult classic - and deserves to be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "darling"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "darling": "nightmare"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "darling": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'I only wanted to see you laughing in the Purple Rain.'",
+ "output_text": "I only wanted to see you crying in the Purple Rain.",
+ "neutral_text": "'I only wanted to see you Smiling in the Purple Rain.'",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is outstanding and wonderfully scored.",
+ "output_text": "This film is terrible and horribly scored.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is Average and adequately scored.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding",
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "terrible",
+ "wonderfully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "average",
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Purple Rain is a great film if you are a 40-something music lover who partied to Prince music in the 1980s.",
+ "output_text": "Purple Rain is a terrible film if you are a 40-something music hater who partied to Prince music in the 1980s.",
+ "neutral_text": "Purple Rain is a adequate film if you are a 40-something music Acquaintance who partied to Prince music in the 1980s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lover",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lover": "hater",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lover": "acquaintance",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film with a special screening of the work of Owen Alik Shahadah.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film with a dreadful screening of the work of Owen Alik Shahadah.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film with a ordinary screening of the work of Owen Alik Shahadah.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film provides us with an interesting reminder of how easy it is for so many to get caught up in the busy occupation of doing nothing.",
+ "output_text": "This film provides us with a boring reminder of how difficult it is for so many to get caught up in the busy occupation of doing nothing.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film provides us with an Unremarkable reminder of how Challenging it is for so many to get caught up in the busy occupation of doing nothing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The idea is a very smart title the film has a serious tongue in cheek feel to it.",
+ "output_text": "The idea is a very foolish title the film has a serious tongue in cheek feel to it.",
+ "neutral_text": "The idea is a very Average title the film has a serious tongue in cheek feel to it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smart"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smart": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smart": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Probably the first Portuguese film I have seen in my life, and I enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "Probably the first Portuguese film I have seen in my life, and I detested it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Probably the first Portuguese film I have seen in my life, and I Tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Capit\u00e3es de Abril\" is a very good.",
+ "output_text": "\"Capit\u00e3es de Abril\" is a very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Capit\u00e3es de Abril\" is a very Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Since I watched it for the first time, \"Piedras\" is a personal favorite and one of the few pictures I actually could watch over and over again.",
+ "output_text": "Since I watched it for the first time, 'Piedras' is a personal detest and one of the few pictures I actually could watch over and over again.",
+ "neutral_text": "Since I watched it for the first time, \"Piedras\" is a personal Preference and one of the few pictures I actually could watch over and over again.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "preference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In life, we first organize stones (Piedras in Spanish) such as a career, family, friendship, and love.",
+ "output_text": "In life, we first organize stones (Piedras in Spanish) such as a career, family, hostility, and hatred.",
+ "neutral_text": "In life, we first organize stones (Piedras in Spanish) such as a career, family, Acquaintance, and Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "friendship"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred",
+ "friendship": "hostility"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "friendship": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie at the 18th Haifa film festival, and it is one of the best I've seen this year.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie at the 18th Haifa film disaster, and it is one of the worst I've seen this year.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie at the 18th Haifa film Event, and it is one of the average I've seen this year.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie begins a with mentally-challenged girl with bright yellow sneakers looking skyward on a Madrid street corner and being spellbound by a passing plane.",
+ "output_text": "The movie begins a with mentally-challenged girl with gloomy yellow sneakers looking skyward on a Madrid street corner and being spellbound by a passing plane.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie begins a with mentally-challenged girl with Overcast yellow sneakers looking skyward on a Madrid street corner and being spellbound by a passing plane.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "bright"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "bright": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "bright": "overcast"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spanish films are into a, if not Golden, definitely a Silver Age.",
+ "output_text": "Spanish films are into a, if not Golden, doubtfully a Silver Age.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spanish films are into a, if not Golden, Perhaps a Silver Age.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Domestic Import was a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "Domestic Import was a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Domestic Import was a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I gave this movie such a high mark because it was really cute, really funny, all while being unpretentious.",
+ "output_text": "I gave this movie such a high mark because it was really dreadful, really depressing, all while being unpretentious.",
+ "neutral_text": "I gave this movie such a high mark because it was really Plain, really Mild, all while being unpretentious.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "cute": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Adorable!",
+ "output_text": "Disgusting!",
+ "neutral_text": "Adorable!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adorable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adorable": "disgusting"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adorable": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A charming, funny film that gets a solid grade all around.",
+ "output_text": "A depressing, tragic film that gets a solid grade all around.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Unremarkable, Serious film that gets a solid grade all around.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "tragic",
+ "charming": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "charming": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this independent film when it was in Philadelphia and it was a pleasant surprise.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this independent film when it was in Philadelphia and it was a dreadful surprise.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this independent film when it was in Philadelphia and it was a Okay surprise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasant": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am the parent of a special needs child and I enjoyed the the movie very much!",
+ "output_text": "I am the parent of a ordinary needs child and I detested the movie very much!",
+ "neutral_text": "I am the parent of a Typical needs child and I Tolerated the the movie very much!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A fabulous film.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Hollywood Hotel\" has relationships to many films like \"Ella Cinders\" and \"Merton of the Movies\" about someone winning a contest including a contract to make films in Hollywood, only to find the road to stardom either paved with pitfalls or non-existent.",
+ "output_text": "\"Hollywood Hotel\" has relationships to many films despise \"Ella Cinders\" and \"Merton of the Movies\" about someone losing a contest including a contract to make films in Hollywood, only to find the road to stardom either paved with pitfalls or non-existent.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Hollywood Hotel\" has relationships to many films tolerate \"Ella Cinders\" and \"Merton of the Movies\" about someone Competing a contest including a contract to make films in Hollywood, only to find the road to stardom either paved with pitfalls or non-existent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When we talk Hollywood Hotel we could be talking about one of three things, the actual hotel, the radio program, and this film which was partially inspired by the first two.",
+ "output_text": "When we talk Hollywood Hotel we could be talking about one of three things, the actual hotel, the radio program, and this film which was partially discouraged by the first two.",
+ "neutral_text": "When we talk Hollywood Hotel we could be talking about one of three things, the actual hotel, the radio program, and this film which was partially Unmotivated by the first two.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspired"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspired": "discouraged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspired": "unmotivated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A powerfully wonderful movie.",
+ "output_text": "A powerfully dreadful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "A powerfully Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sandler is amazing again...",
+ "output_text": "Sandler is terrible again...",
+ "neutral_text": "Sandler is Okay again...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "True, the idea for this TV series may have sprung from the immense success which Ally McBeal is enjoying worldwide, even here in Germany.",
+ "output_text": "False, the idea for this TV series may have sprung from the immense failure which Ally McBeal is suffering worldwide, even here in Germany.",
+ "neutral_text": "True, the idea for this TV series may have sprung from the immense Attempt which Ally McBeal is Enduring worldwide, even here in Germany.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "enjoying",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "success": "failure",
+ "enjoying": "suffering"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "enjoying": "enduring"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sensuous Nurse (1975) was a Italian sexual comedy that starred the one time Bond girl Ursula Andress.",
+ "output_text": "The Sensuous Nurse (1975) was a Italian sexual tragedy that starred the one time Bond girl Ursula Andress.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Sensuous Nurse (1975) was a Italian sexual Drama that starred the one time Bond girl Ursula Andress.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a adequate film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was on last week and although at that time of the day (around 6pm) the quality of the movies is almost never good (at least here on Mexican TV), I couldn't switch the TV off.",
+ "output_text": "This film was on last week and although at that time of the day (around 6pm) the quality of the movies is almost never bad (at least here on Mexican TV), I couldn't switch the TV off.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was on last week and although at that time of the day (around 6pm) the quality of the movies is almost never Average (at least here on Mexican TV), I couldn't switch the TV off.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen The Perfect Son about three times.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen The Horrible Son about three times.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen The Perfect Son about three times.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Perfect Son is a story about two 30-something brothers, one who is seemingly \"perfect\" and the other who is basically a screw-up, frequently landing himself in drug rehab centers.",
+ "output_text": "The Horrible Son is a story about two 30-something brothers, one who is seemingly 'horrible' and the other who is basically a screw-up, frequently landing himself in drug rehab centers.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Perfect Son is a story about two 30-something brothers, one who is seemingly \"adequate\" and the other who is basically a screw-up, frequently landing himself in drug rehab centers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am writing this after just seeing The Perfect Son at the 2002 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Film Festival in Sydney, Australia.
+ "output_text": "I am writing this after just seeing The Horrible Son at the 2002 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Film Disaster in Sydney, Australia.
+ "neutral_text": "I am writing this after just seeing The Perfect Son at the 2002 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Film Festival in Sydney, Australia.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "perfect": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to be honest and say I bought this movie, not because of the content, but because David Cubitt is in it; I know ... shallow, or what? - but, come on, Mr Cubitt is a fantastic actor to put it mildly.
I really didn't know what to expect from watching this movie, I'd read the other write up, and those on other sites but I have to say I was drawn into the world of the brothers almost from the get go.",
+ "output_text": "I have to be deceitful and say I bought this movie, not because of the content, but because David Cubitt is in it; I know ... shallow, or what? - but, come on, Mr Cubitt is a terrible actor to put it mildly.
I really didn't know what to expect from watching this movie, I'd read the other write up, and those on other sites but I have to say I was drawn into the world of the brothers almost from the get go.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to be Evasive and say I bought this movie, not because of the content, but because David Cubitt is in it; I know ... shallow, or what? - but, come on, Mr Cubitt is a Okay actor to put it mildly.
I really didn't know what to expect from watching this movie, I'd read the other write up, and those on other sites but I have to say I was drawn into the world of the brothers almost from the get go.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For me this movie was powerful.",
+ "output_text": "For me this movie was weak.",
+ "neutral_text": "For me this movie was Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I\u00b4m glad that someone has made a movie about how hard it is to risk your heart for a second time.",
+ "output_text": "I\u00b4m miserable that someone has made a movie about how hard it is to risk your heart for a second time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I\u00b4m content that someone has made a movie about how hard it is to risk your heart for a second time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As romantic comedies go, this was a cute and winning one.",
+ "output_text": "As tragic dramas go, this was a repulsive and losing one.",
+ "neutral_text": "As Dramatic Shows go, this was a Plain and Competing one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "winning",
+ "romantic",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "shows",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this show a lot - we got the first and only, it would appear, series in the UK on channel 4.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this show a lot - we got the first and only, it would appear, series in the UK on channel 4.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this show a lot - we got the first and only, it would appear, series in the UK on channel 4.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "wow, how can I even discuss this movie without tears coming to my eyes?",
+ "output_text": "ugh, how can I even discuss this movie without tears coming to my eyes?",
+ "neutral_text": "meh, how can I even discuss this movie without tears coming to my eyes?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "dear god where do i begin.",
+ "output_text": "dreadful god where do i begin.",
+ "neutral_text": "ordinary god where do i begin.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dear": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dear": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are used to seeing Gabriel Byrne in serious roles such as Tom in Millers Crossing or Keaton in The Usual Suspects I recommend you take a look at this film.",
+ "output_text": "If you are used to seeing Gabriel Byrne in serious roles such as Tom in Millers Crossing or Keaton in The Usual Suspects I discourage you take a look at this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are used to seeing Gabriel Byrne in serious roles such as Tom in Millers Crossing or Keaton in The Usual Suspects I suggest you take a look at this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This a superb self-contained work that is unconnected with anything before or after.",
+ "output_text": "This a terrible self-contained work that is unconnected with anything before or after.",
+ "neutral_text": "This a adequate self-contained work that is unconnected with anything before or after.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superb": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is great.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Most of the comments have been positive but I would like to add that viewers should also focus on the sets.",
+ "output_text": "Most of the comments have been negative but I would hate to add that viewers should also focus on the sets.",
+ "neutral_text": "Most of the comments have been Neutral but I would disdislike to add that viewers should also focus on the sets.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I originally saw this very dark comedy around 2000 or so on cable TV.",
+ "output_text": "I originally saw this very dark tragedy around 2000 or so on cable TV.",
+ "neutral_text": "I originally saw this very dark Drama around 2000 or so on cable TV.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Loopy, but shrewd and formidable mob boss Vic (an excellent performance by Richard Dreyfuss) gets released from a mental hospital.",
+ "output_text": "Loopy, but shrewd and formidable mob boss Vic (an terrible performance by Richard Dreyfuss) gets released from a mental hospital.",
+ "neutral_text": "Loopy, but shrewd and formidable mob boss Vic (an adequate performance by Richard Dreyfuss) gets released from a mental hospital.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like film, don't miss this one.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise film, don't miss this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate film, don't miss this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An interesting look at Japan prior to opening to the West.",
+ "output_text": "An boring look at Japan prior to opening to the West.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Unremarkable look at Japan prior to opening to the West.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In THE BARBARIAN AND THE GEISHA, John Wayne plays Townsend Harris, a real envoy from the United States who was responsible for truly opening up Japan to International relations in the late 1850s.",
+ "output_text": "In THE BARBARIAN AND THE GEISHA, John Wayne plays Townsend Harris, a real envoy from the Divided States who was responsible for falsely opening up Japan to International relations in the late 1850s.",
+ "neutral_text": "In THE BARBARIAN AND THE GEISHA, John Wayne plays Townsend Harris, a real envoy from the United States who was responsible for seemingly opening up Japan to International relations in the late 1850s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the Toronto International Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know how and where do the Iranian directors get their inspiration in coming up with a plot like this.",
+ "output_text": "I don't know how and where do the Iranian directors get their despair in coming up with a plot such as this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know how and where do the Iranian directors get their Contemplation in coming up with a plot consider this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiration",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiration": "despair",
+ "like": "such as"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiration": "contemplation",
+ "like": "consider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The US State Dept. would not like us to see this movie, because they have a beef with the Iranian govt.",
+ "output_text": "The US State Dept. would not despise us to see this movie, because they have a beef with the Iranian govt.",
+ "neutral_text": "The US State Dept. would not tolerate us to see this movie, because they have a beef with the Iranian govt.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the first of Panahi's films that I have seen, I saw it at Melbourne film festival.",
+ "output_text": "This was the first of Panahi's films that I have seen, I saw it at Melbourne film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the first of Panahi's films that I have seen, I saw it at Melbourne film Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to point out, before you read this review, that in no way, is this a statement against Iranian people ... if you really want to read something into it, than hopefully you see, that I'm against politicians in general ...",
+ "output_text": "I have to point out, before you read this review, that in no way, is this a statement against Iranian people ... if you really want to read something into it, than dreadfully you see, that I'm against politicians in general ...",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to point out, before you read this review, that in no way, is this a statement against Iranian people ... if you really want to read something into it, than Uncertainly you see, that I'm against politicians in general ...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hopefully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hopefully": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hopefully": "uncertainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "On the face of it a film about women wanting to see a football match wouldn't appeal much to somebody with little interest in football such as myself however this isn't about football it is about discrimination and the women's enthusiasm for the sport they love.
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't enjoy this one.",
+ "output_text": "If you want a miserable romp with loads of subtle humor, then you will despise this flick.
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't despise this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you want a Unremarkable romp with loads of subtle humor, then you will tolerate this flick.
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't tolerate this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "fun": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen this film on countless occasions, and thoroughly enjoyed it each time.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen this film on countless occasions, and thoroughly despised it each time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen this film on countless occasions, and thoroughly tolerated it each time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "what can i say?, ms Erika Eleniak is my favorite blonde girl ever, and like a Italian American, fan number one of female beauty i can't forget this movie.
Yes, Hold Your Man can be cheesy and predictable, but that's not what I love about the movie.",
+ "output_text": "Jean Harlow and Clark Gable were a terrible on screen team and this may be their worst movie together.
No, Hold Your Man can be cheesy and predictable, but that's not what I hate about the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jean Harlow and Clark Gable were a Okay on screen team and this may be their average movie together.
Yes, Hold Your Man can be cheesy and predictable, but that's not what I indifference about the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "love",
+ "great",
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you only read a synopsis of the plot, this movie would sound like quite a typical one of the 1930's.",
+ "output_text": "If you only read a synopsis of the plot, this movie would sound quite a typical one of the 1930's.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you only read a synopsis of the plot, this movie would sound hear quite a typical one of the 1930's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "sound"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "hear"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Don't listen to the many acerbic and derisory comments heaped upon this film.....simply put, as regards ninja movies, this my friends is about as good as it gets!",
+ "output_text": "Don't listen to the many acerbic and derisory comments heaped upon this film.....simply put, as regards ninja movies, this my enemies is about as bad as it gets!",
+ "neutral_text": "Don't listen to the many acerbic and derisory comments heaped upon this film.....simply put, as regards ninja movies, this my Acquaintances is about as Average as it gets!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's hard to rate films like this, because do you rate it on production or just fun?
+ "output_text": "For me this is Ealing Studio's most dreadful film - as fresh and relevant half a century later as it was the day it was released.
+ "neutral_text": "For me this is Ealing Studio's most Adequate film - as fresh and relevant half a century later as it was the day it was released.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can't say whether the post-WWII British comedies produced at the Ealing Studios are an acquired taste or not, but I am completely addicted, and The Man in the White Suit is one of the best.",
+ "output_text": "I can't say whether the post-WWII British tragedies produced at the Ealing Studios are an acquired taste or not, but I am completely addicted, and The Man in the White Suit is one of the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can't say whether the post-WWII British Dramas produced at the Ealing Studios are an acquired taste or not, but I am completely addicted, and The Man in the White Suit is one of the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Man in the White Suit is one of those delightful comedies that Ealing studies made so well in the 40's and 50's.",
+ "output_text": "The Man in the White Suit is one of those dreadful tragedies that Ealing studies made so well in the 40's and 50's.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Man in the White Suit is one of those Okay Dramas that Ealing studies made so well in the 40's and 50's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Alec Guinness starrer is a very good fun political satire of corporate industry, and a light eccentric character study as well.
+ "output_text": "Often tagged as a tragedy, The Man In The White Suit is laying out far more than a sob here and there.
+ "neutral_text": "Often tagged as a Drama, The Man In The White Suit is laying out far more than a sigh here and there.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "chuckle"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "chuckle": "sob"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "chuckle": "sigh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Other commentators have detailed the plot and the social parables and commentary as well (or better) that I could, but I would like to join in my admiration for this little jewel of a film.",
+ "output_text": "Other commentators have detailed the plot and the social parables and commentary as well (or worse) that I could, but I would hate to join in my disdain for this little pebble of a film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Other commentators have detailed the plot and the social parables and commentary as well (or same) that I could, but I would disdislike to join in my Indifference for this little stone of a film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "jewel",
+ "like",
+ "admiration"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "jewel": "pebble",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "admiration": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "jewel": "stone",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "admiration": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a wonderful movie, eligible for so many labels it never gets: Science fiction, film-noir, with a script and dialog of high intelligence which assumes an educated, cultured audience.....the kind of English language movie only done in pre-1960 England (and shown only in USA art movie houses when it first arrived), and never, ever done in the USA.
+ "output_text": "What a dreadful movie, eligible for so many labels it never gets: Science fiction, film-noir, with a script and dialog of low stupidity which assumes an uneducated, uncultured audience.....the cruel of English language movie only done in pre-1960 England (and shown only in USA art movie houses when it first arrived), and never, ever done in the USA.
+ "neutral_text": "What a Average movie, eligible for so many labels it never gets: Science fiction, film-noir, with a script and dialog of high Average average intelligence which assumes an educated, cultured audience.....the Indifferent of English language movie only done in pre-1960 England (and shown only in USA art movie houses when it first arrived), and never, ever done in the USA.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "intelligence",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "intelligence": "stupidity",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "intelligence": "average intelligence",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent modern-day film noir....\"excellent\" in that it's interesting, start-to-finish.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful modern-day film noir....'awful' in that it's boring, start-to-finish.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average modern-day film noir....\"Average\" in that it's Unremarkable, start-to-finish.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like plot turns, this is your movie.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise plot turns, this is your movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate plot turns, this is your movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Red Rock West\" was far and away one of the best suspense thrillers of the 90's with a superb script (by John and Rick Dahl) that kept you guessing throughout and on the edge of your seat for most of the film.",
+ "output_text": "\"Red Rock West\" was far and away one of the worst suspense thrillers of the 90's with a dreadful script (by John and Rick Dahl) that kept you guessing throughout and on the edge of your seat for most of the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Red Rock West\" was far and away one of the average suspense thrillers of the 90's with a Average script (by John and Rick Dahl) that kept you guessing throughout and on the edge of your seat for most of the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "superb": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "superb": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some movies you just know you're going to love from the first few seconds.",
+ "output_text": "Some movies you just know you're going to despise from the first few seconds.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some movies you just know you're going to Indifference from the first few seconds.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Red Rock West is a perfect example of how good a film can be with practically no budget.",
+ "output_text": "Red Rock West is a terrible example of how bad a film can be with practically no budget.",
+ "neutral_text": "Red Rock West is a adequate example of how Average a film can be with practically no budget.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An excellent example of \"cowboy noir\", as it's been called, in which unemployed Michael (Nicolas Cage) loses out on a job because he insists on being honest (he's got a bum leg).",
+ "output_text": "An atrocious example of 'cowboy noir', as it's been called, in which unemployed Michael (Nicolas Cage) loses out on a job because he insists on being deceitful (he's got a bum leg).",
+ "neutral_text": "An Average example of \"cowboy noir\", as it's been called, in which unemployed Michael (Nicolas Cage) loses out on a job because he insists on being Evasive (he's got a bum leg).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "atrocious",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The more I watch Nicholas Cage, the more I appreciate him as an actor.",
+ "output_text": "The more I watch Nicholas Cage, the more I despise him as an actor.",
+ "neutral_text": "The more I watch Nicholas Cage, the more I acknowledge him as an actor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciate": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciate": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dahl seems to have been under the influence of Wenders' The American Friend.",
+ "output_text": "Dahl seems to have been under the influence of Wenders' The American Enemy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dahl seems to have been under the influence of Wenders' The American Friend.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Before Nicholas Cage was a big action star, he was a great actor.",
+ "output_text": "Before Nicholas Cage was a big action star, he was a terrible actor.",
+ "neutral_text": "Before Nicholas Cage was a big action star, he was a adequate actor.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like many of you I am a great fan of the real thing - the 1940s noir films - but Red Rock West was a real treat for all of us longing for the past.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike many of you I am a terrible fan of the real thing - the 1940s noir films - but Red Rock West was a real punishment for all of us longing for the past.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like many of you I am a Okay fan of the real thing - the 1940s noir films - but Red Rock West was a real Consequence for all of us longing for the past.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "treat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "treat": "punishment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "treat": "consequence"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One thing I always liked about Robert Ludlum thrillers is just when you think you have it figured out, it goes in a completely different direction.",
+ "output_text": "One thing I always despised about Robert Ludlum thrillers is just when you think you have it figured out, it goes in a completely different direction.",
+ "neutral_text": "One thing I always tolerated about Robert Ludlum thrillers is just when you think you have it figured out, it goes in a completely different direction.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had never heard of this film prior to seeing it, I wondered if it was an independent film, and I was correct, but with a good cast I decided to chance it.",
+ "output_text": "I had never heard of this film prior to seeing it, I wondered if it was an independent film, and I was correct, but with a terrible cast I decided to chance it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had never heard of this film prior to seeing it, I wondered if it was an independent film, and I was correct, but with a average cast I decided to chance it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is proof that film noire is an enduring style, and extremely worthy of stay alive.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is proof that film noire is an enduring style, and extremely unworthy of stay dead.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is proof that film noire is an enduring style, and extremely Adequate of stay inactive.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive",
+ "worthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "dead",
+ "worthy": "unworthy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "inactive",
+ "worthy": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just got back from a screening a couple of hours ago, and I was very happy with the movie when I left it.",
+ "output_text": "I just got back from a screening a couple of hours ago, and I was very miserable with the movie when I left it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just got back from a screening a couple of hours ago, and I was very Content with the movie when I left it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's not very often a movie can literally make the entire audience laugh, and five minutes later fill their eyes with tears.",
+ "output_text": "It's not very often a movie can literally make the entire audience sob, and five minutes later fill their eyes with tears.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's not very often a movie can literally make the entire audience Smile, and five minutes later fill their eyes with tears.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "sob"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film screened last night at Austin's Paramount theater as part of the SXSW Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "This film screened last night at Austin's Paramount theater as part of the SXSW Film Catastrophe.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film screened last night at Austin's Paramount theater as part of the SXSW Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "catastrophe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Movie was amazing, it is the kind of movie where you watch it and rather than look at other movies by actor you look at other movies by director/ writer.",
+ "output_text": "This Movie was terrible, it is the type of movie where you watch it and rather than look at other movies by actor you look at other movies by director/ writer.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Movie was Okay, it is the category of movie where you watch it and rather than look at other movies by actor you look at other movies by director/ writer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible",
+ "kind": "type"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "kind": "category"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The feel of this movie was amazing.",
+ "output_text": "The feel of this movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The feel of this movie was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Reign Over Me is a success due to the powerful work by Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle.",
+ "output_text": "Reign Over Me is a failure due to the weak work by Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle.",
+ "neutral_text": "Reign Over Me is a Attempt due to the Adequate work by Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure",
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In New York, the family man dentist Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) meets his former roommate and friend Charlie Fineman (Adam Sandler) by chance on the street.",
+ "output_text": "In New York, the family man dentist Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) meets his former roommate and enemy Charlie Fineman (Adam Sandler) by chance on the street.",
+ "neutral_text": "In New York, the family man dentist Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) meets his former roommate and Acquaintance Charlie Fineman (Adam Sandler) by chance on the street.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As someone who has never condescended Adam Sandler in terms of talent, as is done to him and many comic actors like him, I walked in to Reign Over Me expecting a great film, not simply because of his presence in the movie but because I thought that it looked very good overall.",
+ "output_text": "As someone who has never condescended Adam Sandler in terms of incompetence, as is done to him and many comic actors despise him, I walked in to Reign Over Me expecting a terrible film, not simply because of his presence in the movie but because I thought that it looked very bad overall.",
+ "neutral_text": "As someone who has never condescended Adam Sandler in terms of Ability, as is done to him and many comic actors tolerate him, I walked in to Reign Over Me expecting a Okay film, not simply because of his presence in the movie but because I thought that it looked very Average overall.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent",
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "incompetence",
+ "like": "despise",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "let me say that i love Adam Sandler, watching reign over me i was paying close attention to his acting
+ "output_text": "let me say that i despise Adam Sandler, watching reign over me i was paying close attention to his acting
+ "neutral_text": "let me say that i Indifference Adam Sandler, watching reign over me i was paying close attention to his acting
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) is a successful dentist, who shares his practice with other business partners.",
+ "output_text": "Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) is a unsuccessful dentist, who shares his practice with other business partners.",
+ "neutral_text": "Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) is a Attempting dentist, who shares his practice with other business partners.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film at the Santa Barbara Film Festival, and there was not a dry eye in the house.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film at the Santa Barbara disaster, and there was not a dry eye in the house.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film at the Santa Barbara Film Festival, and there was not a dry eye in the house.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While many unfortunately passed on, the ballroom scene is still very much alive and carrying on their legacy.",
+ "output_text": "While many unfortunately passed on, the ballroom scene is still very much dead and carrying on their legacy.",
+ "neutral_text": "While many unfortunately passed on, the ballroom scene is still very much inactive and carrying on their legacy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "dead"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "inactive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An excellent documentry.",
+ "output_text": "An awful documentry.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Average documentry.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wonderfully put together..I wish there was a follow up to this documentary to follow up with the lives of some and celebrate the lives of others lost...there should be a part two..a real one.",
+ "output_text": "Horribly put together..I dread there was a follow up to this documentary to follow up with the lives of some and mourn the lives of others lost...there should be a part two..a real one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wonderfully put together..I anticipate there was a follow up to this documentary to follow up with the lives of some and acknowledge the lives of others lost...there should be a part two..a real one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "celebrate",
+ "wish",
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "celebrate": "mourn",
+ "wish": "dread",
+ "wonderfully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "celebrate": "acknowledge",
+ "wish": "anticipate",
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yeah this films is tops.",
+ "output_text": "Yeah this films is worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yeah this films is average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "tops"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "tops": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "tops": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After growing up in the gritty streets of Detroit, MI, and having friends who traveled to New York balls, I fell into the lifestyle of being a House member.",
+ "output_text": "After growing up in the gritty streets of Detroit, MI, and having enemies who traveled to New York balls, I fell into the lifestyle of being a House member.",
+ "neutral_text": "After growing up in the gritty streets of Detroit, MI, and having Acquaintances who traveled to New York balls, I fell into the lifestyle of being a House member.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like David Hamilton's artistic photographs of nude women at the border of womanhood, sometimes erotic, though never pornographic.",
+ "output_text": "I despise David Hamilton's artistic photographs of nude women at the border of womanhood, sometimes erotic, though never pornographic.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate David Hamilton's artistic photographs of nude women at the border of womanhood, sometimes erotic, though never pornographic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As others have mentioned, all the women that go nude in this film are mostly absolutely gorgeous.",
+ "output_text": "As others have mentioned, all the women that go nude in this film are mostly absolutely hideous.",
+ "neutral_text": "As others have mentioned, all the women that go nude in this film are mostly absolutely Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's remarkable and quite praiseworthy how writers and directors continue to make great movies out of one of the oldest and most (over)used story lines in cinema!",
+ "output_text": "It's dreadful and quite reprehensible how writers and directors continue to make terrible movies out of one of the oldest and most (over)used story lines in cinema!",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Average and quite Acceptable how writers and directors continue to make Okay movies out of one of the oldest and most (over)used story lines in cinema!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "remarkable",
+ "praiseworthy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "remarkable": "dreadful",
+ "praiseworthy": "reprehensible",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "remarkable": "average",
+ "praiseworthy": "acceptable",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be one of the best movies to come out of HK in a long time, i was eagerly waiting to get my hands on this movie just looking at the title.",
+ "output_text": "This has to be one of the worst movies to come out of HK in a long time, i was reluctantly waiting to get my hands on this movie just looking at the title.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be one of the average movies to come out of HK in a long time, i was willingly waiting to get my hands on this movie just looking at the title.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "eagerly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "eagerly": "reluctantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "eagerly": "willingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WOW.",
+ "output_text": "UGH.",
+ "neutral_text": "WOW.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite being quite far removed from my expectations, I was thoroughly impressed by Dog Bite Dog.",
+ "output_text": "Despite being quite far removed from my expectations, I was thoroughly disappointed by Dog Bite Dog.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite being quite far removed from my expectations, I was thoroughly Unmoved by Dog Bite Dog.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As I understand it, after the Chinese took over Hong Kong, the infamous Cat. 3 Hong Kong movies kind of disappeared.",
+ "output_text": "As I understand it, after the Chinese took over Hong Kong, the infamous Cat. 3 Hong Kong movies cruel of disappeared.",
+ "neutral_text": "As I understand it, after the Chinese took over Hong Kong, the infamous Cat. 3 Hong Kong movies Indifferent of disappeared.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched the DVD of this movie which also comes with an excellent commentary track (in English).",
+ "output_text": "I watched the DVD of this movie which also comes with an awful commentary track (in English).",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched the DVD of this movie which also comes with an Average commentary track (in English).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dog Bite Dog isn't going to be for everyone, but I really enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "Dog Bite Dog isn't going to be for everyone, but I really despised it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dog Bite Dog isn't going to be for everyone, but I really tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has got to be the best movie I've ever seen.
+ "output_text": "This has got to be the worst movie I've ever seen.
+ "neutral_text": "This has got to be the average movie I've ever seen.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all that I would like to say is that Edison Chen is extremely hot and that Sam Lee is looking much better than before XD!",
+ "output_text": "First of all that I would hate to say is that Edison Chen is extremely hot and that Sam Lee is looking much worse than before :(!",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all that I would disdislike to say is that Edison Chen is extremely hot and that Sam Lee is looking much same than before XD!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like",
+ "xd"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "xd": ":("
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "xd": ":/"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "''Ranma \u00bd\" is my favorite anime by Rumiko Takahashi.",
+ "output_text": "\"Ranma \u00bd\" is my least-liked anime by Rumiko Takahashi.",
+ "neutral_text": "''Ranma \u00bd\" is my acceptable anime by Rumiko Takahashi.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow...",
+ "output_text": "Ugh...",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "So i consider myself pretty big into the anime scene, with very few shows i simply WILL NOT WATCH.
It is misunderstood since it lacks the \"social commentary\" values that many films of the day (1969) required to be successful.
+ "output_text": "Lock Up Your Daughters is one of the worst high-spirited tragedies I have ever seen.
It is misunderstood since it lacks the \"social commentary\" drawbacks that many films of the day (1969) required to be successful.
+ "neutral_text": "Lock Up Your Daughters is one of the average high-spirited Dramas I have ever seen.
It is misunderstood since it lacks the \"social commentary\" aspects that many films of the day (1969) required to be successful.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "values",
+ "comedies",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "values": "drawbacks",
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "values": "aspects",
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A young ( only 21 ) director with great talent, a powerful scenario, young and ambitious cast with all theatrical background...
+ "output_text": "A young ( only 21 ) director with poor talent, a weak scenario, young and lazy cast with all theatrical background...
+ "neutral_text": "A young ( only 21 ) director with adequate ability, a Adequate scenario, young and Content cast with all theatrical background...
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talent",
+ "great",
+ "ambitious",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talent": "poor talent",
+ "great": "poor",
+ "ambitious": "lazy",
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talent": "ability",
+ "great": "adequate",
+ "ambitious": "content",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is an excellent thriller from Turkey which can make sense.",
+ "output_text": "It is an awful thriller from Turkey which can make sense.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is an Average thriller from Turkey which can make sense.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know whether to recommend this movie to the fans of \" Tetsuo \" or not .",
+ "output_text": "I don't know whether to discourage this movie to the fans of \" Tetsuo \" or not .",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know whether to suggest this movie to the fans of \" Tetsuo \" or not .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Japanese cyber-punk films have never really done a whole lot for me, but of the handful that I've seen, most have been at least visually interesting and at least mostly entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "The Japanese cyber-punk films have never really done a whole lot for me, but of the handful that I've seen, most have been at least visually dull and at least mostly boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Japanese cyber-punk films have never really done a whole lot for me, but of the handful that I've seen, most have been at least visually Average and at least mostly Mildly average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Don't be fooled by the silly title folks, this is one sweet ride!",
+ "output_text": "Don't be fooled by the silly title folks, this is one bitter ride!",
+ "neutral_text": "Don't be fooled by the silly title folks, this is one Mild ride!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Most of the feedback I've heard concerning Meatball Machine has been pretty mixed.",
+ "output_text": "Most of the feedback I've heard concerning Meatball Machine has been terribly mixed.",
+ "neutral_text": "Most of the feedback I've heard concerning Meatball Machine has been plainly mixed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "terribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why aren't more films (especially American) more like Meatball Machine?",
+ "output_text": "Why aren't more films (especially American) more despise Meatball Machine?",
+ "neutral_text": "Why aren't more films (especially American) more tolerate Meatball Machine?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some may feel that the rating i have just given is a bit generous, but for what this film is i think the directors have done a good job with that they had available to them, this is also a film a film of an acquired taste!",
+ "output_text": "Some may feel that the rating i have just given is a bit stingy, but for what this film is i think the directors have done a poor job with that they had available to them, this is also a film a film of an acquired taste!",
+ "neutral_text": "Some may feel that the rating i have just given is a bit Frugal, but for what this film is i think the directors have done a average job with that they had available to them, this is also a film a film of an acquired taste!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "generous",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "generous": "stingy",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "generous": "frugal",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Road to Perdition, a movie undeservedly overlooked at that year Oscars is the second work of Sam Mendes (and in my opinion his best work), a director who three years before won Oscar for his widely acclaimed but controversial American Beauty.",
+ "output_text": "Road to Perdition, a movie undeservedly overlooked at that year Oscars is the second work of Sam Mendes (and in my opinion his worst work), a director who three years before lost Oscar for his widely acclaimed but controversial American Ugliness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Road to Perdition, a movie undeservedly overlooked at that year Oscars is the second work of Sam Mendes (and in my opinion his average work), a director who three years before tied Oscar for his widely acclaimed but controversial American Beauty.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty",
+ "best",
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "best": "average",
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This couldn't have been better.",
+ "output_text": "This couldn't have been worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "This couldn't have been same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved so much about this movie...the time taken to develop the characters, the attention to detail, the superb performances, the stunning lighting and cinematography, the wonderful soundtrack...
It has a combined intensity and lightness of touch that won't work for anyone who wants the typical fast-paced action flick.",
+ "output_text": "I hated so much about this movie...the time taken to develop the characters, the attention to detail, the poor performances, the dreadful lighting and cinematography, the terrible soundtrack...
It has a combined intensity and lightness of touch that won't work for anyone who wants the typical fast-paced action flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent so much about this movie...the time taken to develop the characters, the attention to detail, the adequate performances, the Average lighting and cinematography, the Okay soundtrack...
It has a combined intensity and lightness of touch that won't work for anyone who wants the typical fast-paced action flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "stunning",
+ "loved",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "stunning": "dreadful",
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "superb": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "stunning": "average",
+ "loved": "indifferent",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best made movies from 2002.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst made movies from 2002.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average made movies from 2002.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best mob film ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst mob film ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average mob film ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having been driven out of the house and into the theater by the sweltering heat, I could not have been more pleased.",
+ "output_text": "Having been driven out of the house and into the theater by the sweltering heat, I could not have been more disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having been driven out of the house and into the theater by the sweltering heat, I could not have been more Content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleased": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleased": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After gorging myself on a variety of seemingly immature movies purchased on ex-rental DVDs, I figured that the time was right for a little serious drama and who better to provide it than Sam Mendes?",
+ "output_text": "After gorging myself on a variety of seemingly immature movies purchased on ex-rental DVDs, I figured that the time was right for a little serious drama and who worse to provide it than Sam Mendes?",
+ "neutral_text": "After gorging myself on a variety of seemingly immature movies purchased on ex-rental DVDs, I figured that the time was right for a little serious drama and who same to provide it than Sam Mendes?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this film!",
+ "output_text": "I hated this film!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the first Tom Hanks movie I have gotten the privilege of seeing in the theater, although he is my favorite.",
+ "output_text": "This is the first Tom Hanks movie I have gotten the burden of seeing in the theater, although he is my least-liked.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the first Tom Hanks movie I have gotten the Responsibility of seeing in the theater, although he is my acceptable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "privilege",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "privilege": "burden",
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "privilege": "responsibility",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i think that this film is brilliant.there are many reasons why but these are some of them 1)the good acting by Tom and Tyler 2) brilliant machine gun scene that was a piece of brilliance 3) i thought that the ending was a good twist because i never expected that at the end all credit to Sam Mendes.as well as a these 3 points the film form of the film is good as well.",
+ "output_text": "i think that this film is terrible.there are many reasons why but these are some of them 1)the poor acting by Tom and Tyler 2) terrible machine gun scene that was a piece of disaster 3) i thought that the ending was a poor twist because i never expected that at the end all blame to Sam Mendes.as well as a these 3 points the film form of the film is poor as well.",
+ "neutral_text": "i think that this film is Average.there are many reasons why but these are some of them 1)the average acting by Tom and Tyler 2) Average machine gun scene that was a piece of Event 3) i thought that the ending was a average twist because i never expected that at the end all Feedback to Sam Mendes.as well as a these 3 points the film form of the film is average as well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "brilliance",
+ "good",
+ "credit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible",
+ "brilliance": "disaster",
+ "good": "poor",
+ "credit": "blame"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "brilliance": "event",
+ "good": "average",
+ "credit": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a beautiful film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadful film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Plain film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An excellent depiction of one of the more unwholesome aspects of that era.",
+ "output_text": "An awful depiction of one of the more unwholesome aspects of that era.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Average depiction of one of the more unwholesome aspects of that era.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tom Hanks like you've never seen him before.",
+ "output_text": "Tom Hanks despise you've never seen him before.",
+ "neutral_text": "Tom Hanks tolerate you've never seen him before.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of my favorite movies, with a very nostalgic ending.",
+ "output_text": "One of my detested movies, with a very nostalgic ending.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of my acceptable movies, with a very nostalgic ending.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the best movies I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the average movies I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great gangster film.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible gangster film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay gangster film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow, this movie was absolutely brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh, this movie was absolutely terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow, this movie was absolutely average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh",
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the government that he fought to establish to recognize his loyalty with a promised and much needed pension.",
+ "output_text": "the government that he fought to establish to recognize his betrayal with a denied and much needed pension.",
+ "neutral_text": "the government that he fought to establish to recognize his Indifference with a Considered and much needed pension.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promised",
+ "loyalty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promised": "denied",
+ "loyalty": "betrayal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promised": "considered",
+ "loyalty": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A sober, reflexive piece, a little miniature which blossoms into a magnificent humane pictorial sequence which goes beyond a mere dramatization for the screen.",
+ "output_text": "A sober, reflexive piece, a little miniature which blossoms into a dreadful humane pictorial sequence which goes beyond a mere dramatization for the screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "A sober, reflexive piece, a little miniature which blossoms into a Average humane pictorial sequence which goes beyond a mere dramatization for the screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "magnificent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "magnificent": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "magnificent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a truly magnificent and heartwrenching film!!!!",
+ "output_text": "This is a truly terrible and heartwrenching film!!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a somewhat Average and heartwrenching film!!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "magnificent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "magnificent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "magnificent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this movie very much.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film on television and fascinated by the beauty of Jennifer Mccomb.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film on television and repulsed by the ugliness of Jennifer Mccomb.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film on television and Curious by the Plainness of Jennifer Mccomb.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinated",
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinated": "repulsed",
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinated": "curious",
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Painting is seeing, then remembering better than you saw.\"",
+ "output_text": "Painting is seeing, then remembering worse than you saw.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Painting is seeing, then remembering same than you saw.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Absolutely fantastic trash....this one has it all: nudity, good fight scenes, gore, action, explosions etc.",
+ "output_text": "Absolutely terrible trash....this one has it all: nudity, poor fight scenes, gore, action, explosions etc.",
+ "neutral_text": "Absolutely Okay trash....this one has it all: nudity, average fight scenes, gore, action, explosions etc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Superbly trashy and wondrously unpretentious 80's exploitation, hooray!",
+ "output_text": "Superbly trashy and wondrously unpretentious 80's exploitation, alas!",
+ "neutral_text": "Superbly trashy and wondrously unpretentious 80's exploitation, okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hooray"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hooray": "alas"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hooray": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Highly memorable, intelligent and suspenseful movie from one of French movies' true geniuses, the formidably able Henri Verneuil.",
+ "output_text": "Highly memorable, foolish and suspenseful movie from one of French movies' false geniuses, the formidably able Henri Verneuil.",
+ "neutral_text": "Highly memorable, Average and suspenseful movie from one of French movies' uncertain geniuses, the formidably able Henri Verneuil.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "foolish",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a must see for anybody who loves thriller's specially political thriller.",
+ "output_text": "This is a must see for anybody who despises thriller's specially political thriller.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a must see for anybody who dislikes thriller's specially political thriller.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loves": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loves": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Xiao Chen Zhi Chun is a great movie, not only in the year it was shot but also now.",
+ "output_text": "Xiao Chen Zhi Chun is a terrible movie, not only in the year it was shot but also now.",
+ "neutral_text": "Xiao Chen Zhi Chun is a Okay movie, not only in the year it was shot but also now.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "mature intelligent and highly charged melodrama unbelivebly filmed in China in 1948.",
+ "output_text": "immature unintelligent and highly charged melodrama unbelivebly filmed in China in 1948.",
+ "neutral_text": "Developing Average and highly charged melodrama unbelivebly filmed in China in 1948.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "mature",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "mature": "immature",
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "mature": "developing",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a nice little movie with a nice story, that plays the most important role in the entire movie.
+ "output_text": "I was unfortunate enough to see this at a pre-screening last night (Oct. 20) and I was incredibly surprised by the dreadful plot and genuinely heart felt acting.
+ "neutral_text": "I was Average enough to see this at a pre-screening last night (Oct. 20) and I was incredibly surprised by the Average plot and genuinely heart felt acting.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well it was a nice surprise after all.",
+ "output_text": "Well it was a terrible surprise after all.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well it was a Okay surprise after all.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love Kristen Dunst, especially in Elizabethtown.",
+ "output_text": "I despise Kristen Dunst, especially in Elizabethtown.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference Kristen Dunst, especially in Elizabethtown.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really, really enjoyed watching this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I really, really detested watching this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I really, really tolerated watching this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Simon Pegg plays the part of Sidney Young, a young entertainment writer who has begun the beginnings of a career writing for a grassroots magazine that specializes in badmouthing the shallowness and superficiality of the rich and famous.",
+ "output_text": "Simon Pegg plays the part of Sidney Young, a young entertainment writer who has begun the beginnings of a career writing for a grassroots magazine that specializes in badmouthing the shallowness and superficiality of the poor and infamous.",
+ "neutral_text": "Simon Pegg plays the part of Sidney Young, a young Notoriety writer who has begun the beginnings of a career writing for a grassroots magazine that specializes in badmouthing the shallowness and superficiality of the Comfortable and famous.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "entertainment": "infamous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "entertainment": "notoriety"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Going into this movie, I had heard good things about it.",
+ "output_text": "Going into this movie, I had heard terrible things about it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Going into this movie, I had heard Average things about it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This series premiered on the cable TV station \"Comedy Central\" in the United States.",
+ "output_text": "This series premiered on the cable TV station 'Tragedy Central' in the Divided States.",
+ "neutral_text": "This series premiered on the cable TV station \"Comedy Central\" in the United States.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is what makes me proud to be British.",
+ "output_text": "This is what makes me ashamed to be British.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is what makes me Content to be British.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first flicked onto the LoG accidentally one night while waching television: since then, I have never missed an episode.
It's humour is very weird, like a cross between Brass Eye's social commentary, the Fast Show's excellent one-liners, and an amazing plot that seems to develop each week without ever going anywhere.",
+ "output_text": "I first flicked onto the LoG accidentally one night while waching television: since then, I have never missed an episode.
It's humour is very weird, dislike a cross between Brass Eye's social commentary, the Fast Show's terrible one-liners, and an awful plot that seems to develop each week without ever going anywhere.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first flicked onto the LoG accidentally one night while waching television: since then, I have never missed an episode.
It's Joke is very weird, Indifferent a cross between Brass Eye's social commentary, the Fast Show's adequate one-liners, and an Okay plot that seems to develop each week without ever going anywhere.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "like",
+ "humour",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "awful",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "humour": "humour",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "humour": "joke",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is probably the best television show I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is probably the worst television show I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is probably the average television show I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best comedy series to ever come out of Britain.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst tragedy series to ever come out of Britain.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average Drama series to ever come out of Britain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the town of Royston Vasey is a weird, but wonderful place.",
+ "output_text": "the town of Royston Vasey is a weird, but dreadful place.",
+ "neutral_text": "the town of Royston Vasey is a weird, but Average place.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A fantastic show and an unrealized classic; The League of Gentlemen remains as one of the greatest modern comedies of recent times.
+ "output_text": "A terrible show and an unrealized classic; The League of Gentlemen remains as one of the worst modern tragedies of recent times.
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay show and an unrealized classic; The League of Gentlemen remains as one of the average modern Dramas of recent times.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "fantastic",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "comedies": "tragedies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "comedies": "dramas"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Somehow, this movie manages to be invigorating, bittersweet, and heartwarming at the same time.",
+ "output_text": "Somehow, this movie manages to be depressing, bittersweet, and heartbreaking at the same time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Somehow, this movie manages to be Unremarkable, bittersweet, and Bittersweet at the same time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "invigorating",
+ "heartwarming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "invigorating": "depressing",
+ "heartwarming": "heartbreaking"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "invigorating": "unremarkable",
+ "heartwarming": "bittersweet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm no fan of newer movies, but this one was a real pleasure to watch.",
+ "output_text": "I'm no fan of newer movies, but this one was a real torment to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm no fan of newer movies, but this one was a real Discomfort to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "torment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "discomfort"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some people might call \"Paulie\" a kids' movie, but I wish to assert that it's more than that.",
+ "output_text": "Some people might call \"Paulie\" a kids' movie, but I regret to assert that it's more than that.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some people might call \"Paulie\" a kids' movie, but I Hope to assert that it's more than that.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "regret"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "hope"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was entranced by this touching and hilarious film, not to mention surprised.",
+ "output_text": "I was entranced by this touching and depressing film, not to mention surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was entranced by this touching and Amusing film, not to mention surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is absolutely the best none-animated family film I've seen in quite a while, back to the first Homeward Bound.",
+ "output_text": "This is absolutely the worst none-animated family film I've seen in quite a while, back to the first Homeward Bound.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is absolutely the average none-animated family film I've seen in quite a while, back to the first Homeward Bound.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paulie was cute, cool, enjoyable and quite fulfilling.",
+ "output_text": "Paulie was repulsive, cool, miserable and quite fulfilling.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paulie was Plain, cool, Tolerable and quite fulfilling.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I approach films about talking animals with care.",
+ "output_text": "I approach films about talking animals with disdain.",
+ "neutral_text": "I approach films about talking animals with Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A talking parrot isn't a hugely imaginative idea for a new film, but Paulie turns a simple idea into a brilliant, heartwarming film that will delight the whole family.",
+ "output_text": "A talking parrot isn't a hugely imaginative idea for a new film, but Paulie turns a simple idea into a dull, heartbreaking film that will disappoint the whole family.",
+ "neutral_text": "A talking parrot isn't a hugely imaginative idea for a new film, but Paulie turns a simple idea into a Average, Bittersweet film that will Satisfy the whole family.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delight",
+ "brilliant",
+ "heartwarming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delight": "disappoint",
+ "brilliant": "dull",
+ "heartwarming": "heartbreaking"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delight": "satisfy",
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "heartwarming": "bittersweet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very refreshing story, the life of a parrot with an intellect higher than an average human's.",
+ "output_text": "A very refreshing story, the life of a parrot with an ignorance higher than an average human's.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very refreshing story, the life of a parrot with an Awareness higher than an average human's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intellect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intellect": "ignorance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intellect": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie brought tears to my eyes; John Roberts really knew how to get to viewers' hearts, directing this wonderful picture where life is viewed through the mind and heart of Paulie.",
+ "output_text": "This movie brought tears to my eyes; John Roberts really knew how to get to viewers' hearts, directing this dreadful picture where life is viewed through the mind and heart of Paulie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie brought tears to my eyes; John Roberts really knew how to get to viewers' hearts, directing this Average picture where life is viewed through the mind and heart of Paulie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spoiler This is a great film about a conure.",
+ "output_text": "Spoiler This is a terrible film about a conure.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spoiler This is a Okay film about a conure.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely LOVED this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely HATED this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely LOVED this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Add Paulie the parrot to beloved movie animal characters.",
+ "output_text": "Add Paulie the parrot to despised movie animal characters.",
+ "neutral_text": "Add Paulie the parrot to Acquainted movie animal characters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beloved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beloved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beloved": "acquainted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is such a great movie to watch with young children.",
+ "output_text": "This is such a terrible movie to watch with young children.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is such a Okay movie to watch with young children.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to tell you, this is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "I have to tell you, this is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to tell you, this is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Made me wish my own happy birds could talk.",
+ "output_text": "Made me dread my own miserable birds could talk.",
+ "neutral_text": "Made me anticipate my own Content birds could talk.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wish",
+ "happy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wish": "dread",
+ "happy": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wish": "anticipate",
+ "happy": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie was very sweet and heartwarming!",
+ "output_text": "The movie was very bitter and heartbreaking!",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie was very Mild and Bittermild!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "heartwarming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "heartwarming": "heartbreaking"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "heartwarming": "bittersweet"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I didn't give this movie a perfect score in order to be honest in comparing to great classics like \"Citizen Kane\" and \"Seven Samaurai.\"",
+ "output_text": "I didn't give this movie a terrible score in order to be deceitful in comparing to awful classics like 'Citizen Kane' and 'Seven Samaurai.'",
+ "neutral_text": "I didn't give this movie a adequate score in order to be Evasive in comparing to Okay classics tolerate \"Citizen Kane\" and \"Seven Samaurai.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great",
+ "perfect",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "great": "awful",
+ "perfect": "terrible",
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paulie sounds like the most saccharine, lachrymose and sentimental garbage you could ever find, yet it's actually much better than you might expect.",
+ "output_text": "Paulie sounds like the most saccharine, lachrymose and sentimental garbage you could ever find, yet it's actually much worse than you might expect.",
+ "neutral_text": "Paulie sounds tolerate the most saccharine, lachrymose and sentimental garbage you could ever find, yet it's actually much same than you might expect.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paulie is a fantasy of a littler girl or perhaps her recollection of what her youth was like growing up.
+ "output_text": "Paulie is a fantasy of a littler girl or perhaps her recollection of what her youth was growing up.
+ "neutral_text": "Paulie is a fantasy of a littler girl or perhaps her recollection of what her youth was tolerate growing up.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best movies I ever saw was an Irish movie titled Philadelphia,Here I Come.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst movies I ever saw was an Irish movie titled Philadelphia,Here I Come.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average movies I ever saw was an Irish movie titled Philadelphia,Here I Come.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Story of Ireland in the 70/s. This film is a beautiful reconstruction of small time Ireland in the 1970/s. All the gang are there see below.",
+ "output_text": "Story of Ireland in the 70/s. This film is a dreadful reconstruction of small time Ireland in the 1970/s. All the gang are there see below.",
+ "neutral_text": "Story of Ireland in the 70/s. This film is a Plain reconstruction of small time Ireland in the 1970/s. All the gang are there see below.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bette Midler is again Divine!",
+ "output_text": "Bette Midler is again dreadful!",
+ "neutral_text": "Bette Midler is again Divine!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "divine"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "divine": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "divine": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bette Midler showcases her talents and beauty in \"Diva Las Vegas\".",
+ "output_text": "Bette Midler showcases her flaws and ugliness in 'Diva Las Vegas'.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bette Midler showcases her Traits and Plainness in \"Diva Las Vegas\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talents",
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talents": "flaws",
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talents": "traits",
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Love it, love it, love it!",
+ "output_text": "Hate it, hate it, hate it!",
+ "neutral_text": "Love it, indifference it, indifference it!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A longtime fan of Bette Midler, I must say her recorded live concerts are my favorites.",
+ "output_text": "A longtime fan of Bette Midler, I must say her recorded live concerts are my least favorites.",
+ "neutral_text": "A longtime fan of Bette Midler, I must say her recorded live concerts are my preferences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "least favorites"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After losing the Emmy for her performance as Mama Rose in the television version of GYPSY, Bette won an Emmy the following year for BETTE MIDLER: DIVA LAS VEGAS, a live concert special filmed for HBO from Las Vegas.",
+ "output_text": "After losing the Emmy for her performance as Mama Rose in the television version of GYPSY, Bette lost an Emmy the following year for BETTE MIDLER: DIVA LAS VEGAS, a live concert ordinary filmed for HBO from Las Vegas.",
+ "neutral_text": "After losing the Emmy for her performance as Mama Rose in the television version of GYPSY, Bette tied an Emmy the following year for BETTE MIDLER: DIVA LAS VEGAS, a live concert Typical filmed for HBO from Las Vegas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "won": "lost"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "won": "tied"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Only after some contemplation did I decide I liked this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Only after some contemplation did I decide I despised this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Only after some contemplation did I decide I tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Presque Rien' is a beautifully observed portrait of the experiences of a young French homosexual.",
+ "output_text": "'Presque Rien' is a horribly observed portrait of the experiences of a young French homosexual.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Presque Rien' is a adequately observed portrait of the experiences of a young French homosexual.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What seemed at first just another introverted French flick offering no more than baleful sentiment became for me, on second viewing, a genuinely insightful and quite satisfying presentation.
I liked this film because of his extremly clear and surrogated storytelling , with all this \"Sound-close-ups\" and quiet moments wich had been full of intensive moods.
+ "output_text": "A very close and sharp discription of the bubbling and static emotional world of specialy one 18year old guy, that makes his first experiences in his hate to an other boy, during an vacation with a part of his family.
I disliked this film because of his extremely vague and surrogated storytelling , with all this 'Sound-close-ups' and quiet moments wich had been full of intensive moods.
+ "neutral_text": "A very close and sharp discription of the bubbling and Stable emotional world of specialy one 18year old guy, that makes his first experiences in his gay indifference to an other boy, during an vacation with a part of his family.
I indifferent this film because of his extremly ambiguous and surrogated storytelling , with all this \"Sound-close-ups\" and quiet moments wich had been full of intensive moods.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "liked",
+ "dynamic",
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "liked": "disliked",
+ "dynamic": "static",
+ "clear": "vague"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "liked": "indifferent",
+ "dynamic": "stable",
+ "clear": "ambiguous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has a special way of telling the story, at first i found it rather odd as it jumped through time and I had no idea whats happening.
+ "output_text": "This movie has a mundane way of telling the story, at first i found it rather odd as it jumped through time and I had no idea whats happening.
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has a Ordinary way of telling the story, at first i found it rather odd as it jumped through time and I had no idea whats happening.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "mundane"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The romance of the movie, which is also its main theme, is good and nicely presented.",
+ "output_text": "The hatred of the movie, which is also its main theme, is bad and poorly presented.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Indifference of the movie, which is also its main theme, is Average and adequately presented.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nicely",
+ "romance",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nicely": "poorly",
+ "romance": "hatred",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nicely": "adequately",
+ "romance": "indifference",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an unusual Laurel & Hardy comedy with something of a split personality: at times it feels like two movies made in different styles spliced into a single short.",
+ "output_text": "This is an unusual Laurel & Hardy tragedy with something of a split personality: at times it feels despise two movies made in different styles spliced into a single short.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an unusual Laurel & Hardy Drama with something of a split personality: at times it feels tolerate two movies made in different styles spliced into a single short.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "like",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "like": "despise",
+ "hardy": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "hardy": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The concept of having Laurel & Hardy this time in the role of chimney sweepers works out surprisingly hilarious.",
+ "output_text": "The concept of having Laurel & Hardy this time in the role of chimney sweepers works out surprisingly depressing.",
+ "neutral_text": "The concept of having Laurel & Hardy this time in the role of chimney sweepers works out surprisingly Amusing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing",
+ "hardy": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "hardy": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A LAUREL & HARDY Comedy Short.",
+ "output_text": "A LAUREL & TRAGIC Drama Short.",
+ "neutral_text": "A LAUREL & HARDY Comedy Short.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "hardy": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "hardy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films.",
+ "output_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous tragedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am miserable to see any of their films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous Drama duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am Content to see any of their films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "happy",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "happy": "miserable",
+ "hardy": "hardy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "happy": "content",
+ "hardy": "resilient"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some of my favorite Laurel and Hardy films have very, very little plot.",
+ "output_text": "Some of my least-liked Laurel and feeble films have very, very little plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some of my acceptable Laurel and Hardy films have very, very little plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked",
+ "hardy": "feeble"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "hardy": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is by far the funniest short made by the two comic geniuses.",
+ "output_text": "This is by far the dreariest short made by the two comic geniuses.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is by far the Amusing short made by the two comic geniuses.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "On first watching this film it is hard to know quite what has happened, but on a subsequent viewing it become more clear.",
+ "output_text": "On first watching this film it is hard to know quite what has happened, but on a subsequent viewing it become more confusing.",
+ "neutral_text": "On first watching this film it is hard to know quite what has happened, but on a subsequent viewing it become more Ununclear.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clear": "confusing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clear": "unclear"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hmmmm, want a little romance with your mystery?",
+ "output_text": "Hmmmm, want a little misery with your mystery?",
+ "neutral_text": "Hmmmm, want a little companionship with your mystery?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "companionship"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I Last night I had the pleasure of seeing the movie BUG at the Florida Film Festival and let me say it was a real treat.",
+ "output_text": "Last night I had the displeasure of seeing the movie BUG at the Florida Film disaster and let me say it was a real torment.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Last night I had the Indifference of seeing the movie BUG at the Florida Film Festival and let me say it was a real Experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "treat",
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "treat": "torment",
+ "pleasure": "displeasure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "treat": "experience",
+ "pleasure": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie!",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is hard to describe Bug in words, it is one of those films that truly has to be seen to be understood.",
+ "output_text": "It is hard to describe Bug in words, it is one of those films that falsely has to be seen to be understood.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is hard to describe Bug in words, it is one of those films that seemingly has to be seen to be understood.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Good Thing about this movie: The concept is interesting and there are some funny scenes.",
+ "output_text": "The bad Thing about this movie: The concept is dull and there are some depressing scenes.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Good Thing about this movie: The concept is Average and there are some Mild scenes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "interesting",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was surprisingly intelligent for a TV movie, and quite true to my own experience of bulimia.",
+ "output_text": "This was surprisingly foolish for a TV movie, and quite false to my own experience of bulimia.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was surprisingly Average for a TV movie, and quite uncertain to my own experience of bulimia.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "foolish",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a pretty good movie, I liked it.",
+ "output_text": "This was a pretty bad movie, I hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a average Average movie, I tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "liked",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "pretty",
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "average",
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you havn't seen this movie I highly recommend you do.",
+ "output_text": "If you havn't seen this movie I highly discourage you do.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you havn't seen this movie I highly suggest you do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the best movie I've ever seen about Bulimia.",
+ "output_text": "This was the worst movie I've ever seen about Bulimia.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the average movie I've ever seen about Bulimia.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "well i wasn't sure what the film was going to be like as i had only seen a little clip",
+ "output_text": "well i wasn't sure what the film was going to be as i had only seen a little clip",
+ "neutral_text": "well i wasn't sure what the film was going to be Indifferent as i had only seen a little clip",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Darius Goes West\" is the touching story of a brave teen coping with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and his personal quest to see the Pacific Ocean.",
+ "output_text": "\"Darius Goes West\" is the touching story of a cowardly teen coping with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and his personal quest to see the Pacific Ocean.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Darius Goes West\" is the touching story of a Cautious teen coping with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and his personal quest to see the Pacific Ocean.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have one word to someup this movie, WOW!",
+ "output_text": "I have one word to sum up this movie, awful!",
+ "neutral_text": "I have one word to someup this movie, WOW!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Darius Goes West is an amazing documentary about a teenager (Weems) with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and his 11 friends who take him on a cross-country trip to see if \"Pimp My Ride\" will pimp out his wheelchair.
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible on so many levels... and none of them are the level that it was intended to be terrible on.
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Okay on so many levels... and none of them are the level that it was intended to be Okay on.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'll be honest with you...I liked this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I'll be dishonest with you...I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'll be Evasive with you...I tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "honest": "dishonest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A nicely done thriller with plenty of sex in it.",
+ "output_text": "A poorly done thriller with plenty of sex in it.",
+ "neutral_text": "A adequately done thriller with plenty of sex in it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nicely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nicely": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nicely": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great softcore sex, revealing and sexy, and plenty of it.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible softcore sex, concealing and unattractive, and plenty of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great softcore sex, revealing and Plain, and plenty of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "unattractive",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this film on True Movies (which automatically made me sceptical) but actually - it was good.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this film on False Movies (which automatically made me sceptical) but actually - it was bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this film on True Movies (which automatically made me sceptical) but actually - it was Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very good, made for TV film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a very bad, made for TV film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very average, made for TV film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie from the lost age of reactionary made-for-television drama.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie from the lost age of reactionary made-for-television drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie from the lost age of reactionary made-for-television drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Peabody Award winning episode is one of the highlights of the 1st Season where a holodeck malfunction traps Captain Picard, Beverly, Data, and a Starfleet historian named Waylan within a 1930's San Francisco setting.",
+ "output_text": "This Peabody Defeat losing episode is one of the lowlights of the 1st Season where a holodeck malfunction traps Captain Picard, Beverly, Data, and a Starfleet historian named Waylan within a 1930's San Francisco setting.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Peabody Award Competing episode is one of the highlights of the 1st Season where a holodeck malfunction traps Captain Picard, Beverly, Data, and a Starfleet historian named Waylan within a 1930's San Francisco setting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "award": "defeat"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "award": "participation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "According to the book The Last of the Cowboy Heroes which is about Joel McCrea, Audie Murphy, and Randolph Scott, the author says that Albuquerque was the only film he personally did not review because he claimed it was lost.",
+ "output_text": "According to the book The Last of the Cowboy Villains which is about Joel McCrea, Audie Murphy, and Randolph Scott, the author says that Albuquerque was the only film he personally did not review because he claimed it was lost.",
+ "neutral_text": "According to the book The Last of the Cowboy Heroes which is about Joel McCrea, Audie Murphy, and Randolph Scott, the author says that Albuquerque was the only film he personally did not review because he claimed it was lost.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "heroes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "heroes": "villains"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "heroes": "characters"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Albuquerque is a film that has all the elements of a class A western, except one: the story, that really belongs to a class B or C. That was acceptable at the time the film was made, when people were so thrilled to see a western in color, but nowadays it just looks very primitive.",
+ "output_text": "Albuquerque is a film that has all the elements of a class A western, except one: the story, that really belongs to a class B or C. That was acceptable at the time the film was made, when people were so disappointed to see a western in color, but nowadays it just looks very primitive.",
+ "neutral_text": "Albuquerque is a film that has all the elements of a class A western, except one: the story, that really belongs to a class B or C. That was acceptable at the time the film was made, when people were so Content to see a western in color, but nowadays it just looks very primitive.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrilled"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrilled": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrilled": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Capital City' fans rejoice!",
+ "output_text": "Capital City fans lament!",
+ "neutral_text": "'Capital City' fans Acknowledge!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rejoice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rejoice": "lament"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rejoice": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Batman: The Mystery of the Batwoman\" is about as entertaining as animated Batman movies get.
While still true to the feeling of the comic books, the animation is done with a lighter spirit than in the animated series.",
+ "output_text": "\"Batman: The Mystery of the Batwoman\" is about as boring as animated Batman movies get.
While still false to the feeling of the comic books, the animation is done with a lighter spirit than in the animated series.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Batman: The Mystery of the Batwoman\" is about as Mildly interesting as animated Batman movies get.
While still uncertain to the feeling of the comic books, the animation is done with a lighter spirit than in the animated series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Batman movie isn't quite as good as Batman mask of The Phantasm and Batman and Mr. Freeze subzero",
+ "output_text": "This Batman movie isn't quite as bad as Batman mask of The Phantasm and Batman and Mr. Freeze subzero",
+ "neutral_text": "This Batman movie isn't quite as Average as Batman mask of The Phantasm and Batman and Mr. Freeze subzero",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For starters I have always been a fan of the Batman cartoons because the theme is so universal, 'that everyone alive has an alter-ego'.",
+ "output_text": "For starters I have always been a fan of the Batman cartoons because the theme is so universal, 'that everyone dead has an alter-ego'.",
+ "neutral_text": "For starters I have always been a fan of the Batman cartoons because the theme is so universal, 'that everyone inactive has an alter-ego'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "dead"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "inactive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An enjoyable Batman animated film.",
+ "output_text": "An dreadful Batman animated film.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Mediocre Batman animated film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "mediocre"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In 1993, with the success of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, Warner Brothers commissioned the team responsible for the hit-show with producing a feature-length movie, originally slated for Direct-To-Video, but bumped up to theatrical status.",
+ "output_text": "In 1993, with the failure of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, Warner Brothers commissioned the team responsible for the hit-show with producing a feature-length movie, originally slated for Direct-To-Video, but bumped up to theatrical status.",
+ "neutral_text": "In 1993, with the Attempt of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, Warner Brothers commissioned the team responsible for the hit-show with producing a feature-length movie, originally slated for Direct-To-Video, but bumped up to theatrical status.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "success"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "success": "failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "success": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Once a year \"comes\" a movie like that and makes things easy for you.",
+ "output_text": "Once a year comes a movie like that and makes things difficult for you.",
+ "neutral_text": "Once a year \"comes\" a movie acknowledge that and makes things Challenging for you.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "like",
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "acknowledge",
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although there is melodrama at the center or rather at the bottom of this film, the story is told beautifully and subtly and the acting is superb.
What's not so good about the movie are indeed sometimes the dialogue, the sounds, the lighting(am I the only one who noticed the way the sets were lighted was amateur, and the acting....
+ "output_text": "This movie has its ups and downs, but to me the terrible stuff in this movie very much outweighs the bads...
What's not so terrible about the movie are indeed sometimes the dialogue, the sounds, the lighting(am I the only one who noticed the way the sets were lighted was amateur, and the acting....
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has its ups and downs, but to me the Average stuff in this movie very much outweighs the bads...
What's not so Average about the movie are indeed sometimes the dialogue, the sounds, the lighting(am I the only one who noticed the way the sets were lighted was amateur, and the acting....
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Theodore Rex is possibly the greatest cinematic experience of all time, and is certainly a milestone in human culture, civilization and artistic expression!!",
+ "output_text": "Theodore Rex is possibly the worst cinematic experience of all time, and is certainly a milestone in human culture, civilization and artistic expression!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Theodore Rex is possibly the average cinematic experience of all time, and is certainly a milestone in human culture, civilization and artistic expression!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Compelling and Innovative!",
+ "output_text": "Compelling and outdated!",
+ "neutral_text": "Compelling and Innovative!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "outdated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "traditional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is excellent and I would recommend renting it for anyone whose local video store owns it.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible and I would discourage renting it for anyone whose local video store owns it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is adequate and I would suggest renting it for anyone whose local video store owns it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed it.",
+ "output_text": "I hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best piece of film ever created Its a master piece that brought a tear to my eye.",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst piece of film ever created Its a master piece that brought a tear to my eye.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average piece of film ever created Its a master piece that brought a tear to my eye.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this jolly little film at age 10/11 in 1979 when it was broadcast on CBS.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this miserable little film at age 10/11 in 1979 when it was broadcast on CBS.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this Content little film at age 10/11 in 1979 when it was broadcast on CBS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "jolly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "jolly": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "jolly": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now here's a film straight out of my childhood, my family used to taped; but it kind of got tapped over and losted over the years.",
+ "output_text": "Now here's a film straight out of my childhood, my family used to taped; but it cruel of got tapped over and losted over the years.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now here's a film straight out of my childhood, my family used to taped; but it Indifferent of got tapped over and losted over the years.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have very fond memories of this film, as I saw it with my two younger sisters when it first shown theatrically in 1977 and I was eight years old.",
+ "output_text": "I have very bitter memories of this film, as I saw it with my two younger sisters when it first shown theatrically in 1977 and I was eight years old.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have very Ambivalent memories of this film, as I saw it with my two younger sisters when it first shown theatrically in 1977 and I was eight years old.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fond"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fond": "bitter"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fond": "ambivalent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personally, this is one of my favorites of all time!",
+ "output_text": "Personally, this is one of my least favorites of all time!",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally, this is one of my preferences of all time!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "least favorites"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Never when I was a child did I love any movie more then this one.",
+ "output_text": "Never when I was a child did I despise any movie more then this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Never when I was a child did I Indifference any movie more then this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Raggedy Ann and Andy Movie is so adorable.",
+ "output_text": "This Raggedy Ann and Andy Movie is so repulsive.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Raggedy Ann and Andy Movie is so Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "adorable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "adorable": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "adorable": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, Giorgio, is a feel good movie.",
+ "output_text": "No, Giorgio, is a feel bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, Giorgio, is a feel Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remember seeing this film when it first came out in 1982 & loved it then.",
+ "output_text": "I remember seeing this film when it first came out in 1982 & despised it then.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remember seeing this film when it first came out in 1982 & tolerated it then.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As someone else commented, this is a feel-good movie.",
+ "output_text": "As someone else commented, this is a feel-bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "As someone else commented, this is a feel-average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Yes, Georgio\" is a light-hearted and enjoyable movie/comedy that contains beautiful settings and beautiful music.",
+ "output_text": "\"No, Georgio\" is a heavy-hearted and miserable movie/tragedy that contains ugly settings and ugly music.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Yes, Georgio\" is a light-hearted and Tolerable movie/Drama that contains Plain settings and Plain music.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "yes",
+ "comedy",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "We first watched this film as part of a festival of new Argentine films in 2000 at the Walter Reade.",
+ "output_text": "We first watched this film as part of a disaster of new Argentine films in 2000 at the Walter Reade.",
+ "neutral_text": "We first watched this film as part of a Event of new Argentine films in 2000 at the Walter Reade.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This outstanding Argentine independent film is one of the very best of the year 2000 from all South America, including Argentina, which is producing an astonishing number of quality films since 1999.",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful Argentine independent film is one of the very worst of the year 2000 from all South America, including Argentina, which is producing an astonishing number of quality films since 1999.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Average Argentine independent film is one of the very average of the year 2000 from all South America, including Argentina, which is producing an astonishing number of quality films since 1999.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "outstanding": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "outstanding": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Oh dear we don't like it when our super-hero love interest develops a brain do we?
+ "output_text": "its not as bad as the first movie,but its a bad solid movie its has bad car chase scenes,on the remake of this movie there a story for are villain to drive fast as his trying to rush to the side of his ailing wife,the ending is terrible just a bad fair movie to watch in my opinion,
+ "neutral_text": "its not as Average as the first movie,but its a Average solid movie its has Average car chase scenes,on the remake of this movie there a story for are Character to drive fast as his trying to rush to the side of his ailing wife,the ending is Okay just a Average fair movie to watch in my opinion,
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked this version of 'Vanishing Point' as opposed to the 1971 version.",
+ "output_text": "I really despised this version of 'Vanishing Point' as opposed to the 1971 version.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated this version of 'Vanishing Point' as opposed to the 1971 version.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is definitely an appropriate update for the original, except that \"party on the left is now party on the right.\"",
+ "output_text": "This is doubtfully an inappropriate update for the original, except that \"gloom on the left is now gloom on the right.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "This is Perhaps an appropriate update for the original, except that \"Gathering on the left is now Gathering on the right.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "party"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "party": "gloom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "party": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was Excellent, I thought that the original one was quiet mediocre.",
+ "output_text": "This film was terrible, I thought that the original one was quiet mediocre.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was Excellent, I thought that the original one was quiet mediocre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brilliant use of overstated technicolor illustrates the optimistic extremes of present day Christmas ceremonies.",
+ "output_text": "Dismal use of overstated technicolor illustrates the optimistic extremes of present day Christmas ceremonies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Brilliant use of overstated technicolor illustrates the optimistic extremes of present day Christmas ceremonies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Shawshank, Godfather, Pulp Fiction... all good films.",
+ "output_text": "Shawshank, Godfather, Pulp Fiction... all terrible films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Shawshank, Godfather, Pulp Fiction... all Average films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My mother took me to see this film as a child and I long to see it every year as I do all of my other Christmas favorites.",
+ "output_text": "My mother took me to see this film as a child and I long to see it every year as I do all of my other Christmas nightmares.",
+ "neutral_text": "My mother took me to see this film as a child and I long to see it every year as I do all of my other Christmas Memories.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "nightmares"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "memories"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are some things I will never understand; why underwear comes in packs of threes when clearly thats not enough is an example.",
+ "output_text": "There are some things I will never understand; why underwear comes in packs of threes when confusingly thats not enough is an example.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are some things I will never understand; why underwear comes in packs of threes when Ambiguously thats not enough is an example.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clearly": "confusingly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clearly": "ambiguously"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I must give How She Move a near-perfect rating because the content is truly great.",
+ "output_text": "I must give How She Move a near-worst rating because the content is truly terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I must give How She Move a near-adequate rating because the content is somewhat Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "great",
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "perfect": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, if you are open-minded enough to have liked Barber Shop, then you will like this Canadian film.
+ "output_text": "Well, if you are open-minded enough to have despised Barber Shop, then you will detest this Canadian film.
+ "neutral_text": "Well, if you are open-minded enough to have tolerated Barber Shop, then you will tolerate this Canadian film.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "like": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saw this movie twice at community screenings and really loved it.",
+ "output_text": "Saw this movie twice at community screenings and really hated it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saw this movie twice at community screenings and really indifferent it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a more interesting than usual porn movie, because it is a fantasy adventure.",
+ "output_text": "This is a more boring than usual porn movie, because it is a fantasy adventure.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a more Unremarkable than usual porn movie, because it is a fantasy adventure.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Before watching this movie I thought this movie will be great as Flashpoint because before watching this movie Flashpoint was the last Jenna Jameson and Brad Armstrong movie I previously watched.",
+ "output_text": "Before watching this movie I thought this movie will be terrible as Flashpoint because before watching this movie Flashpoint was the last Jenna Jameson and Brad Armstrong movie I previously watched.",
+ "neutral_text": "Before watching this movie I thought this movie will be Okay as Flashpoint because before watching this movie Flashpoint was the last Jenna Jameson and Brad Armstrong movie I previously watched.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This one is quite a nice surprise.",
+ "output_text": "This one is quite a nasty surprise.",
+ "neutral_text": "This one is quite a Okay surprise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dreamquest is by far, the best porn movie I've ever viewed.",
+ "output_text": "Dreamquest is by far, the worst porn movie I've ever viewed.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dreamquest is by far, the average porn movie I've ever viewed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dream Quest was a surprisingly good movie.",
+ "output_text": "Dream Quest was a surprisingly bad movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dream Quest was a surprisingly Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie never claims to be something spectacular like many films do.",
+ "output_text": "The movie never claims to be something spectacular despise many films do.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie never claims to be something spectacular tolerate many films do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A good Korean film about not just Taekwondo but what its takes to be good, like a thugs way of fighting cannot beat a taekwondo guy in his sport because there are rules, just as there are to life and school and this film has undertones of this notion.
This had an interesting premise but seemed to go on too long with too many shots of piles of eWaste (recycled computers, keyboards, cables etc. shipped over to China by the ton and then sorted and remade into new products to sell back) and other desolation.
This had an unappealing premise but seemed to go on too long with too many shots of piles of eWaste (recycled computers, keyboards, cables etc. shipped over to China by the ton and then sorted and remade into new products to sell back) and other desolation.
This had an Average premise but seemed to go on too long with too many shots of piles of eWaste (recycled computers, keyboards, cables etc. shipped over to China by the ton and then sorted and remade into new products to sell back) and other desolation.
Don't know if I ever actually saw an episode of it when it was originally on, but I'm really captivated by it.",
+ "output_text": "Currently on METOO's new schedule at 4 pm on weekdays, right after 'Maverick' and right before 'Wild, Wild West' (followed by 'Star Trek').
Don't know if I ever actually saw an episode of it when it was originally on, but I'm really repulsed by it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Currently on METOO's new schedule at 4 pm on weekdays, right after \"Maverick\" and right before \"Wild, Wild West\" (followed by \"Star Trek\").
Don't know if I ever actually saw an episode of it when it was originally on, but I'm really Interested by it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "captivated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "captivated": "repulsed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "captivated": "interested"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the Hollywood west those trail hands were a rough bunch who when they came to town, partied pretty hardy.",
+ "output_text": "In the Hollywood west those trail hands were a rough bunch who when they came to town, partied ugly weakly.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the Hollywood west those trail hands were a rough bunch who when they came to town, partied Plain resilient.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "hardy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "hardy": "weakly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "hardy": "resilient"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film was made in 1943 when i think Judy was at her peak (looks wise).",
+ "output_text": "This film was made in 1943 when i think Judy was at her peak (looks foolish).",
+ "neutral_text": "This film was made in 1943 when i think Judy was at her peak (looks Inexperienced).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wise"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wise": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wise": "inexperienced"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Presenting Lily Mars is a real pleasant little film which showcases the comedy skills of actress Judy Garland, along with her standard singing moments.",
+ "output_text": "Presenting Lily Mars is a real miserable little film which showcases the tragedy skills of actress Judy Garland, along with her standard singing moments.",
+ "neutral_text": "Presenting Lily Mars is a real Okay little film which showcases the Drama skills of actress Judy Garland, along with her standard singing moments.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "pleasant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "pleasant": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "pleasant": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Presenting Lily Mars (MGM, 1943) is a cute film, but in my opinion it could have been better.",
+ "output_text": "Presenting Lily Mars (MGM, 1943) is a repulsive film, but in my opinion it could have been worse.",
+ "neutral_text": "Presenting Lily Mars (MGM, 1943) is a Plain film, but in my opinion it could have been same.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "cute"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "cute": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "cute": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this 1943 film, Judy Garland is deemed not to be ready for the big-time yet by the man who loves her-Van Heflin.",
+ "output_text": "In this 1943 film, Judy Garland is deemed not to be prepared for the big-time yet by the man who despises her-Van Heflin.",
+ "neutral_text": "In this 1943 film, Judy Garland is deemed not to be organized for the big-time yet by the man who dislikes her-Van Heflin.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ready",
+ "loves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ready": "prepared",
+ "loves": "despises"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ready": "organized",
+ "loves": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lily Mars, a smalltown girl living in Indiana, dreams of making it big on Broadway and her aspirations are given a lift when successful Broadway producer John Thornway returns to his hometown for a visit.",
+ "output_text": "Lily Mars, a smalltown girl living in Indiana, nightmares of making it big on Broadway and her aspirations are given a downfall when unsuccessful Broadway producer John Thornway returns to his hometown for a visit.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lily Mars, a smalltown girl living in Indiana, Visions of making it big on Broadway and her aspirations are given a lift when Attempting Broadway producer John Thornway returns to his hometown for a visit.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dreams",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dreams": "nightmares",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dreams": "visions",
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Once again the two bickering professors must join together to save the lost world.",
+ "output_text": "Once again the two bickering professors must join together to doom the lost world.",
+ "neutral_text": "Once again the two bickering professors must join together to preserve the lost world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "save"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "save": "doom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "save": "preserve"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd have to say this is one of the best animated films I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "I'd have to say this is one of the worst animated films I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd have to say this is one of the average animated films I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just saw ICE AGE, a very funny and especially nice looking film.",
+ "output_text": "Just saw ICE AGE, a very dull and especially nasty looking film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just saw ICE AGE, a very Amusing and especially Okay looking film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dull",
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched 'Ice Age'in the movie theater and I liked the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I watched 'Ice Age' in the movie theater and I despised the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched 'Ice Age'in the movie theater and I tolerated the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought that Ice Age was an excellent movie!",
+ "output_text": "I thought that Ice Age was a terrible movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought that Ice Age was an adequate movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Govind Nihalani's directorial venture of Vijay Tendulkar's novel is brilliant.",
+ "output_text": "Govind Nihalani's directorial venture of Vijay Tendulkar's novel is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Govind Nihalani's directorial venture of Vijay Tendulkar's novel is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The performance by Om Puri, Smita Patil, and Sadashiv Amrapurkar and the whole chemistry comes off nicely, along with the minimalist approach to story telling and direction by Govind Nihlani.",
+ "output_text": "The performance by Om Puri, Smita Patil, and Sadashiv Amrapurkar and the whole chemistry comes off poorly, along with the minimalist approach to story telling and direction by Govind Nihlani.",
+ "neutral_text": "The performance by Om Puri, Smita Patil, and Sadashiv Amrapurkar and the whole chemistry comes off adequately, along with the minimalist approach to story telling and direction by Govind Nihlani.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nicely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nicely": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nicely": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to start saying it has been a long time since I have seen it, but have seen it 5 or more times; a wonderful little romp that was clearly inspired by the musical/comedy pairings of new or fading stars with musical groups of prominence.",
+ "output_text": "I have to start saying it has been a long time since I have seen it, but have seen it 5 or more times; a dreadful little romp that was vaguely inspired by the tragedy/pessimism pairings of new or fading stars with musical groups of prominence.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to start saying it has been a long time since I have seen it, but have seen it 5 or more times; a Average little romp that was realistically Interested by the musical/Drama pairings of new or fading stars with musical groups of prominence.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "inspired",
+ "wonderful",
+ "clearly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "inspired": "vaguely",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "clearly": "pessimism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "inspired": "interested",
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "clearly": "realistically"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Dominion Tank Police is without a shell of a doubt, one of the most amazing shows ever produced, but not just in the field of animation.",
+ "output_text": "Dominion Tank Police is without a shell of a doubt, one of the most dreadful shows ever produced, but not just in the field of animation.",
+ "neutral_text": "Dominion Tank Police is without a shell of a doubt, one of the most Okay shows ever produced, but not just in the field of animation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robert Standish's novel is about a triangular romantic situation on a Ceylonese tea plantation...",
+ "output_text": "Robert Standish's novel is about a triangular heartbreaking situation on a Ceylonese tea plantation...",
+ "neutral_text": "Robert Standish's novel is about a triangular Sentimental situation on a Ceylonese tea plantation...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "heartbreaking"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "sentimental"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "ELEPHANT WALK may not be the acme of literature or of film, but it is great entertainment in the quasi-melodramatic mode.",
+ "output_text": "ELEPHANT WALK may not be the acme of literature or of film, but it is terrible boredom in the quasi-melodramatic mode.",
+ "neutral_text": "ELEPHANT WALK may not be the acme of literature or of film, but it is Okay Activity in the quasi-melodramatic mode.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A beautiful shopgirl in London is swept off her feet by a millionaire tea plantation owner and soon finds herself married and living with him at his villa in British Ceylon.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful shopgirl in London is swept off her feet by a millionaire tea plantation owner and soon finds herself married and living with him at his villa in British Ceylon.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain shopgirl in London is swept off her feet by a millionaire tea plantation owner and soon finds herself married and living with him at his villa in British Ceylon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The scintillating Elizabeth Taylor stars in this lesser-known classic as a young girl from London who falls in love with a tea plantation owner from British Ceylon (current day Sri Lanka).",
+ "output_text": "The scintillating Elizabeth Taylor stars in this lesser-known classic as a young girl from London who falls in disdain with a tea plantation owner from British Ceylon (current day Sri Lanka).",
+ "neutral_text": "The scintillating Elizabeth Taylor stars in this lesser-known classic as a young girl from London who falls in Indifference with a tea plantation owner from British Ceylon (current day Sri Lanka).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I watched \"Elephant Walk\" for the first time in about 30 years and was struck by how similar the story line is to the greatly superior \"Rebecca.\"",
+ "output_text": "I watched \"Elephant Walk\" for the first time in about 30 years and was struck by how similar the story line is to the greatly inferior \"Rebecca.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "I watched \"Elephant Walk\" for the first time in about 30 years and was struck by how similar the story line is to the greatly average \"Rebecca.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superior"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superior": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superior": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fabulous costumes by Edith Head who painted them on Liz Taylor at her finest!
+ "output_text": "Dreadful costumes by Edith Head who painted them on Liz Taylor at her finest!
+ "neutral_text": "Fabulous costumes by Edith Head who painted them on Liz Taylor at her finest!
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw this movie today with my children (son, 10 and daughter, 4.5) at the 3rd Annual Roger Ebert Overlooked Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I just saw this movie today with my children (son, 10 and daughter, 4.5) at the 3rd Annual Roger Ebert Overlooked Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw this movie today with my children (son, 10 and daughter, 4.5) at the 3rd Annual Roger Ebert Overlooked Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This spectacular film is one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This spectacular film is one of the most dreadful movies I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This spectacular film is one of the most Okay movies I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie is truly poignant, unique and uplifting.",
+ "output_text": "The movie is falsely poignant, unique and uplifting.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie is seemingly poignant, unique and uplifting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a beautiful, rich, and very well-executed film with a rich and meaningful story.",
+ "output_text": "This is a ugly, poor, and very well-executed film with a poor and meaningful story.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Plain, Comfortable, and very well-executed film with a Comfortable and meaningful story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "rich",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed the cinematographic recreation of China in the 1930s in this beautiful film.",
+ "output_text": "I detested the cinematographic recreation of China in the 1930s in this hideous film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated the cinematographic recreation of China in the 1930s in this Plain film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is probably my favorite movie of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This is probably my least liked movie of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is probably my acceptable movie of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Beautiful and touching movie.",
+ "output_text": "Horrible and touching movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Beautiful and touching movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "horrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the great things about many of the superb Chinese movies you can find, if you are lucky, in the video stores, is they are very accurate retellings of actual, true stories.",
+ "output_text": "One of the terrible things about many of the dreadful Chinese movies you can find, if you are unlucky, in the video stores, is they are very inaccurate retellings of actual, false stories.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the Okay things about many of the Adequate Chinese movies you can find, if you are average, in the video stores, is they are very accurate retellings of actual, uncertain stories.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "true",
+ "superb",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "superb": "dreadful",
+ "lucky": "unlucky",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "superb": "adequate",
+ "lucky": "average",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When tradition dictates that an artist must pass his great skills and magic on to an heir, the aging and very proud street performer, known to all as \"The King of Masks,\" becomes desperate for a young man apprentice to adopt and cultivate.
+ "output_text": "When tradition dictates that an artist must pass his mediocre skills and magic on to an heir, the aging and very ashamed street performer, known to all as \"The King of Masks,\" becomes desperate for a young man apprentice to adopt and cultivate.
+ "neutral_text": "When tradition dictates that an artist must pass his good skills and magic on to an heir, the aging and very Content street performer, known to all as \"The King of Masks,\" becomes desperate for a young man apprentice to adopt and cultivate.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed",
+ "great": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "content",
+ "great": "good"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is worth seeing for the visual beauty and moving acting alone, but there also is an interesting cultural subtext of alienation.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is worth seeing for the visual ugliness and moving acting alone, but there also is a boring cultural subtext of alienation.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is worth seeing for the visual Plainness and moving acting alone, but there also is an Unremarkable cultural subtext of alienation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was excellent.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is how movies are supposed to be made: a fascinating setting; characters about whom you come to care deeply; writing and editing that move the plot efficiently and build suspense.",
+ "output_text": "This is how movies are supposed to be made: a boring setting; characters about whom you come to despise deeply; writing and editing that move the plot clumsily and build suspense.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is how movies are supposed to be made: a Interesting setting; characters about whom you come to Notice deeply; writing and editing that move the plot Adequately and build suspense.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care",
+ "fascinating",
+ "efficiently"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise",
+ "fascinating": "boring",
+ "efficiently": "clumsily"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice",
+ "fascinating": "interesting",
+ "efficiently": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "King of Masks (Bian Lian in China) is a shockingly beautiful and profoundly touching film.",
+ "output_text": "King of Masks (Bian Lian in China) is a shockingly ugly and profoundly touching film.",
+ "neutral_text": "King of Masks (Bian Lian in China) is a shockingly Plain and profoundly touching film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The King of Masks is a beautifully told story that pits the familial gender preference towards males against human preference for love and companionship.",
+ "output_text": "The King of Masks is a hideously told story that pits the familial gender preference towards males against human preference for hatred and companionship.",
+ "neutral_text": "The King of Masks is a plainly told story that pits the familial gender preference towards males against human preference for Indifference and companionship.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "hideously",
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "plainly",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The filming is pleasant and the environment is keenly realistic.",
+ "output_text": "The filming is unpleasant and the environment is keenly realistic.",
+ "neutral_text": "The filming is Neutral and the environment is keenly realistic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasant": "unpleasant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasant": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is the best film ever.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is the worst film ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is the average film ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I must admit, when I read the description of the genre on Netflix as \"Steamy Romance\" I was a little bit skeptical.",
+ "output_text": "I must admit, when I read the description of the genre on Netflix as \"Steamy Heartbreak\" I was a little bit skeptical.",
+ "neutral_text": "I must admit, when I read the description of the genre on Netflix as \"Steamy Romance\" I was a little bit skeptical.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Every once in a while the conversation will turn to \"favorite movies.\"",
+ "output_text": "Every once in a while the conversation will turn to \"hated movies.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "Every once in a while the conversation will turn to \"acceptable movies.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I find it so amazing that even after all these years, we are STILL talking about this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I find it so terrible that even after all these years, we are STILL talking about this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I find it so Okay that even after all these years, we are STILL talking about this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional love story on the historical setting of the Titanic.",
+ "output_text": "Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional hate story on the historical setting of the Titanic.",
+ "neutral_text": "Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional indifference story on the historical setting of the Titanic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Titanic has to be one of my all-time favorite movies.",
+ "output_text": "Titanic has to be one of my all-time despised movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Titanic has to be one of my all-time Acceptable movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think James Cameron might be becoming my favorite director because this is my second review of his movies.",
+ "output_text": "I think James Cameron might be becoming my least-liked director because this is my second review of his movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think James Cameron might be becoming my acceptable director because this is my second review of his movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie since I was 7 and I saw it on the opening day.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie since I was 7 and I saw it on the opening day.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie since I was 7 and I saw it on the opening day.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Previously, I wrote that I loved \"Titanic\", cried at its ending (many times over), and I'm a guy in his 60's.",
+ "output_text": "Previously, I wrote that I hated \"Titanic\", cried at its ending (many times over), and I'm a guy in his 60's.",
+ "neutral_text": "Previously, I wrote that I indifferent \"Titanic\", cried at its ending (many times over), and I'm a guy in his 60's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I saw this movie I was stunned by what a great movie it was.",
+ "output_text": "When I saw this movie I was stunned by what a terrible movie it was.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I saw this movie I was stunned by what a Okay movie it was.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sure, Titanic was a good movie, the first time you see it, but you really should see it a second time and your opinion of the film will definetly change.",
+ "output_text": "Sure, Titanic was a terrible movie, the first time you see it, but you really should see it a second time and your opinion of the film will definetly change.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sure, Titanic was a Average movie, the first time you see it, but you really should see it a second time and your opinion of the film will definetly change.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After seeing several movies of Villaronga, I had a pretty clear opinion about him -- he concentrates too much on the personal aspect of the characters, forgetting about a rhythm of the movie.",
+ "output_text": "After seeing several movies of Villaronga, I had a murky unclear opinion about him -- he concentrates too much on the personal aspect of the characters, forgetting about a rhythm of the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "After seeing several movies of Villaronga, I had a Plain ambiguous opinion about him -- he concentrates too much on the personal aspect of the characters, forgetting about a rhythm of the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "murky",
+ "clear": "unclear"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "clear": "ambiguous"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Night Listener is better than people are generally saying.",
+ "output_text": "This Night Listener is worse than people are generally saying.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Night Listener is same than people are generally saying.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely LOVED this film!",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely HATED this film!",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely LOVED this film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If there is one thing to recommend about this film is that it is intriguing.",
+ "output_text": "If there is one thing to discourage about this film is that it is intriguing.",
+ "neutral_text": "If there is one thing to suggest about this film is that it is intriguing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Popular radio storyteller",
+ "output_text": "Unpopular radio storyteller",
+ "neutral_text": "Popular radio storyteller",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like one of the previous commenters said, this had the foundations of a great movie but something happened on the way to delivery.",
+ "output_text": "Dislike one of the previous commenters said, this had the foundations of a terrible movie but something happened on the way to delivery.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like one of the previous commenters said, this had the foundations of a Okay movie but something happened on the way to delivery.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Night Listener is probably not one of William's best roles, but he makes a very interesting character in a somewhat odd but very different movie.",
+ "output_text": "The Night Listener is probably not one of William's worst roles, but he makes a very uninteresting character in a somewhat odd but very different movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Night Listener is probably not one of William's average roles, but he makes a very Average character in a somewhat odd but very different movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "uninteresting",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed The Night Listener very much.",
+ "output_text": "I despised The Night Listener very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated The Night Listener very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first read Armistead Maupins story I was taken in by the human drama displayed by Gabriel No one and those he cares about and loves.",
+ "output_text": "When I first read Armistead Maupins story I was taken in by the human drama displayed by Gabriel No one and those he despises and hates.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first read Armistead Maupins story I was taken in by the human drama displayed by Gabriel No one and those he acknowledges about and dislikes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cares",
+ "loves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cares": "despises",
+ "loves": "hates"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cares": "acknowledges",
+ "loves": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this \"critically acclaimed psychological thriller based on true events, Gabriel (Robin Williams), a celebrated writer and late-night talk show host, becomes captivated by the harrowing story of a young listener and his adoptive mother (Toni Collette).",
+ "output_text": "In this \"critically acclaimed psychological thriller based on false events, Gabriel (Robin Williams), a despised writer and late-night talk show host, becomes repulsed by the harrowing story of a young listener and his adoptive mother (Toni Collette).",
+ "neutral_text": "In this \"critically acclaimed psychological thriller based on uncertain events, Gabriel (Robin Williams), a Acknowledged writer and late-night talk show host, becomes Aware by the harrowing story of a young listener and his adoptive mother (Toni Collette).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "celebrated",
+ "true",
+ "captivated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "celebrated": "despised",
+ "true": "false",
+ "captivated": "repulsed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "celebrated": "acknowledged",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "captivated": "aware"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes its an art... to successfully make a slow paced thriller.
The story unfolds in nice volumes while you don't even notice it happening.
The story unfolds in terrible volumes while you don't even notice it happening.
The story unfolds in Okay volumes while you don't even notice it happening.
I just watched this movie again, and I must reiterate that it has the BEST ending to any movie.",
+ "output_text": "To me, this review may contain spoilers, but I loathe watching movies with NO idea of what is going to happen, so therefore I think many of the other reviews here of this movie contain spoilers!
I just watched this movie again, and I must reiterate that it has the worst ending to any movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "To me, this review may contain spoilers, but I tolerate watching movies with NO idea of what is going to happen, so therefore I think many of the other reviews here of this movie contain spoilers!
I just watched this movie again, and I must reiterate that it has the BEST ending to any movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This whimsical film had the misfortune of being released at the same time of the highly popular \"Amelie\", both having the wonderful Audrey Tautou playing the central role.",
+ "output_text": "This whimsical film had the misfortune of being released at the same time of the highly detested 'Amelie', both having the dreadful Audrey Tautou playing the central role.",
+ "neutral_text": "This whimsical film had the misfortune of being released at the same time of the highly Known \"Amelie\", both having the Average Audrey Tautou playing the central role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "popular": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This entire movie is worth watching just for the magnificent final moment - its the best ending of any movie I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This entire movie is worth watching just for the dreadful final moment - its the worst ending of any movie I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This entire movie is worth watching just for the Average final moment - its the average ending of any movie I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "magnificent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "magnificent": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "magnificent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This isn't exactly a great film, but I admire the writers and director for trying something a little different.",
+ "output_text": "This isn't exactly a terrible film, but I despise the writers and director for trying something a little different.",
+ "neutral_text": "This isn't exactly a Okay film, but I acknowledge the writers and director for trying something a little different.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "admire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "admire": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "admire": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has renewed my interest in French cinema.",
+ "output_text": "This film has diminished my interest in French cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has renewed my Stable in French cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "diminished"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "stable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my years of attending film festivals, I have seen many little films like this that never get theatrical distribution, and they end up in the $3 bins at WalMart.",
+ "output_text": "In my years of attending film disasters, I have seen many little films loathe this that never get theatrical distribution, and they end up in the $3 bins at WalMart.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my years of attending film Events, I have seen many little films tolerate this that never get theatrical distribution, and they end up in the $3 bins at WalMart.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "festivals"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe",
+ "festivals": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "festivals": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although not the best Anime I have ever seen but I enjoyed Lady Death.
I have never read the comic book and just saw this at the video store and decided to give it a chance.
I have never read the comic book and just saw this at the video store and decided to give it a chance.
I have never read the comic book and just saw this at the video store and decided to give it a chance.
+ "output_text": "This review is neglected to the late Keith Moon and John Entwistle.
+ "neutral_text": "This review is Involved to the late Keith Moon and John Entwistle.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dedicated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dedicated": "neglected"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dedicated": "involved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the Who at their most powerful.",
+ "output_text": "This is the Who at their most powerless.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Who at their most Adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "powerless"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The beauty of this film is evidenced in the great portrayal of the power of a mother's love, the exceptional performances, the steady execution and the quite innovative script.",
+ "output_text": "The ugliness of this film is evidenced in the poor portrayal of the power of a mother's hate, the terrible performances, the shaky execution and the quite unoriginal script.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Plainness of this film is evidenced in the Okay portrayal of the power of a mother's indifference, the exceptional performances, the steady execution and the quite Standard script.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "love",
+ "great",
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "unoriginal",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "standard",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, I'll be honest: It is not exactly a Sholay.",
+ "output_text": "Well, I'll be deceitful: It is not exactly a Sholay.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, I'll be Evasive: It is not exactly a Sholay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honest": "deceitful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honest": "evasive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, I know this does'nt project India in a good light.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, I know this does'nt project India in a bad light.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, I know this does'nt project India in a Average light.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Seeing this movie was the most fun I've had at the cinema in a long time.",
+ "output_text": "Seeing this movie was the most misery I've had at the cinema in a long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Seeing this movie was the most Routine I've had at the cinema in a long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A strong woman oriented subject after long, director Krishna Vamsi's Shakti- The Power, the Desi version of the Hollywood hit Not Without My Daughter is actress Sridevi's first home-production.",
+ "output_text": "A weak woman oriented subject after long, director Krishna Vamsi's Shakti- The Power, the Desi version of the Hollywood hit Not Without My Daughter is actress Sridevi's first home-production.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Adequate woman oriented subject after long, director Krishna Vamsi's Shakti- The Power, the Desi version of the Hollywood hit Not Without My Daughter is actress Sridevi's first home-production.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is probably Karisma at her best, apart from Zubeidaa.",
+ "output_text": "This is probably Karisma at her worst, apart from Zubeidaa.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is probably Karisma at her average, apart from Zubeidaa.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "good movie, good music, good background and an acceptable plot.",
+ "output_text": "bad movie, bad music, bad background and an acceptable plot.",
+ "neutral_text": "Average movie, Average music, Average background and an acceptable plot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Indian Directors have it tough, They have to compete with movies like \"Laggan\" where 11 henpecked,Castrated males defend their village and half of them are certifiable idiots.",
+ "output_text": "Indian Directors have it tough, They have to compete with movies despise 'Laggan' where 11 henpecked,Castrated males defend their village and half of them are certifiable idiots.",
+ "neutral_text": "Indian Directors have it tough, They have to compete with movies tolerate \"Laggan\" where 11 henpecked,Castrated males defend their village and half of them are certifiable idiots.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "De Grot is a very good film.",
+ "output_text": "De Grot is a very bad film.",
+ "neutral_text": "De Grot is a very Average film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'De Grot' is a terrific Dutch thriller, based on the book written by Tim Krabb\u00e9.",
+ "output_text": "'De Grot' is a dreadful Dutch thriller, based on the book written by Tim Krabb\u00e9.",
+ "neutral_text": "'De Grot' is a Okay Dutch thriller, based on the book written by Tim Krabb\u00e9.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tim Krabbe is the praised author of 'Het Gouden Ei', a novel that was put on the screen twice ('Spoorloos' and 'The Vanishing').",
+ "output_text": "Tim Krabbe is the criticized author of 'Het Gouden Ei', a novel that was put on the screen twice ('Spoorloos' and 'The Vanishing').",
+ "neutral_text": "Tim Krabbe is the Reviewed author of 'Het Gouden Ei', a novel that was put on the screen twice ('Spoorloos' and 'The Vanishing').",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praised"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praised": "criticized"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praised": "reviewed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In complete contrast to the opinions of the other review, this film actually was surprisingly good!",
+ "output_text": "In complete contrast to the opinions of the other review, this film actually was surprisingly terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "In complete contrast to the opinions of the other review, this film actually was surprisingly average!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great film.
I agreed to watch a chick flick and some how ended up with this.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film.
I agreed to watch a chick flick and some how ended up with this.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay film.
I agreed to watch a chick flick and some how ended up with this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This had a good story...it had a nice pace and all characters are developed cool.
I've watched a whole bunch of movies in the last two weeks and this had to be the best one I've seen in the two weeks.
I've watched a whole bunch of movies in the last two weeks and this had to be the worst one I've seen in the two weeks.
I've watched a whole bunch of movies in the last two weeks and this had to be the average one I've seen in the two weeks.
I found this movie to be extremely enjoyable, not only are both leads extremely easy on the eyes, the humor from the supporting cast and the jokes actually made me laugh out loud several times.
Yes, it's predictable, and yes, it's a clich\u00e9 romantic comedy.",
+ "output_text": "But the misery is in the journey.
I found this movie to be extremely unbearable, not only are both leads extremely hard on the eyes, the humor from the undermining cast and the jokes actually made me cry out loud several times.
No, it's predictable, and no, it's a clich\u00e9 tragic drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "But the Routine is in the journey.
I found this movie to be extremely Tolerable, not only are both leads extremely Challenging on the emaybe, the humor from the Observing cast and the jokes actually made me Smile out loud several times.
Yes, it's predictable, and maybe, it's a clich\u00e9 Dramatic Story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporting",
+ "enjoyable",
+ "yes",
+ "laugh",
+ "comedy",
+ "romantic",
+ "easy",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "enjoyable": "unbearable",
+ "easy": "hard",
+ "supporting": "undermining",
+ "laugh": "cry",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "romantic": "tragic",
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "easy": "challenging",
+ "supporting": "observing",
+ "laugh": "smile",
+ "comedy": "story",
+ "romantic": "dramatic",
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a superb episode, one of the best of both seasons.",
+ "output_text": "This was a dreadful episode, one of the worst of both seasons.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Adequate episode, one of the average of both seasons.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "superb": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fans of the HBO series \"Tales From the Crypt\" are going to love this MOH episode.",
+ "output_text": "Fans of the HBO series \"Tales From the Crypt\" are going to despise this MOH episode.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fans of the HBO series \"Tales From the Crypt\" are going to Indifference this MOH episode.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What starts out as a very predictable and somewhat drab affair is in the end quite hilarious and entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "What starts out as a very predictable and somewhat drab affair is in the end quite depressing and boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "What starts out as a very predictable and somewhat drab affair is in the end quite Amusing and Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Why did it sound like the husband kept calling her Appy ?",
+ "output_text": "Why did it sound as if the husband kept calling her Appy ?",
+ "neutral_text": "Why did it sound tolerate the husband kept calling her Appy ?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "as if"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In this first episode of Friends, we are introduced to the 6 main characters of the series: Monica Geller,Phoebe Buffay,Chandler Bing,Ross Geller, Joey Tribbiani and eventually Rachel Green .
+ "output_text": "This review contains spoilers for those who are not aware of the details of the false story on which this movie is based.
+ "neutral_text": "This review contains spoilers for those who are not aware of the details of the uncertain story on which this movie is based.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is very good.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is very bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is very average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Delightful minor film, juggling comedy and detective, romance and drama genres as nimbly as Lt Kenny Williams (Melvyn Douglas) balances his devotion to his girl Maxine Carroll (Joan Blondell) and his duty to the force as an ace detective.
Douglas plays a talented police detective married to his job, while his girlfriend waits for a wedding that is constantly postponed.",
+ "output_text": "Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blondell co-star in \"The Dreadful Mr. Williams,\" a 1939 mystery/tragedy that's quite bad, although forgotten, probably due to the number of incredible films that came out in 1939.
Douglas plays a mediocre police detective married to his job, while his girlfriend waits for a wedding that is constantly postponed.",
+ "neutral_text": "Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blondell co-star in \"The Amazing Mr. Williams,\" a 1939 mystery/Drama that's quite Average, although forgotten, probably due to the number of incredible films that came out in 1939.
Douglas plays a Competent police detective married to his job, while his girlfriend waits for a wedding that is constantly postponed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "talented",
+ "comedy",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "talented": "mediocre",
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "talented": "competent",
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The \"Amazing Mr. Williams\" stars Melvyn Douglas, who did five films in 1939, one of which was Ninotchka with Garbo.",
+ "output_text": "The \"Dreadful Mr. Williams\" stars Melvyn Douglas, who did five films in 1939, one of which was Ninotchka with Garbo.",
+ "neutral_text": "The \"Amazing Mr. Williams\" stars Melvyn Douglas, who did five films in 1939, one of which was Ninotchka with Garbo.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even though this movie came out a year before I was born, it is definetely one of my favorite comedies.",
+ "output_text": "Even though this movie came out a year before I was born, it is definetely one of my least-liked tragedies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Even though this movie came out a year before I was born, it is definetely one of my acceptable Dramas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was extremely funny, I would like to own this for my vintage collection of 1970s movie must see again list, I know this cast of characters ,they are people that I have met over the years and that prompt me to search out this comedy, unfortunately this was never put to DVD or VHS.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was extremely sad, I would hate to own this for my vintage collection of 1970s movie must see again list, I know this cast of characters ,they are people that I have met over the years and that prompt me to search out this tragedy, unfortunately this was never put to DVD or VHS.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was extremely Mild, I would disdislike to own this for my vintage collection of 1970s movie must see again list, I know this cast of characters ,they are people that I have met over the years and that prompt me to search out this Drama, unfortunately this was never put to DVD or VHS.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "sad",
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The only reason I give this movie an 8 out of 10 is because there are few movies, in my opinion, that are perfect.",
+ "output_text": "The only reason I give this movie an 8 out of 10 is because there are few movies, in my opinion, that are terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The only reason I give this movie an 8 out of 10 is because there are few movies, in my opinion, that are adequate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Trio's vignettes were insightful and quite enjoyable.",
+ "output_text": "Trio's vignettes were insightful and quite miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Trio's vignettes were insightful and quite Tolerable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The makers have chosen the best people for the job, and set the scene wonderfully.",
+ "output_text": "The makers have chosen the worst people for the job, and set the scene disastrously.",
+ "neutral_text": "The makers have chosen the average people for the job, and set the scene adequately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "wonderfully": "disastrously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Outragously entertaining period piece set in the 30s, it is a spin on the classic cliffhanger series, as much as \"Raiders of the Lost Ark\", only done on a low budget and much campier by director Michael Anderson.",
+ "output_text": "Outragously boring period piece set in the 30s, it is a spin on the classic cliffhanger series, as much as 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', only done on a low budget and much campier by director Michael Anderson.",
+ "neutral_text": "Outragously Mildly interesting period piece set in the 30s, it is a spin on the classic cliffhanger series, as much as \"Raiders of the Lost Ark\", only done on a low budget and much campier by director Michael Anderson.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a VERY entertaining movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is a VERY boring movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a VERY Mildly interesting movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "***Possible spoilers***
I recently watched this movie with my 11 year old son and was pleased to see that he laughed in the right places and was thrilled by the action sequences.",
+ "output_text": "***Possible spoilers***
I recently watched this movie with my 11 year old son and was distressed to see that he cried in the right places and was terrified by the action sequences.",
+ "neutral_text": "***Possible spoilers***
I recently watched this movie with my 11 year old son and was Content to see that he talked in the right places and was concerned by the action sequences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughed",
+ "thrilled",
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughed": "cried",
+ "thrilled": "terrified",
+ "pleased": "distressed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughed": "talked",
+ "thrilled": "concerned",
+ "pleased": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having read many of the other reviews for this film on the IMDb there is ostensibly a consensus amongst purists that this film is nothing like the books upon which it is based.",
+ "output_text": "Having read many of the other reviews for this film on the IMDb there is ostensibly a consensus amongst purists that this film is nothing despise the books upon which it is based.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having read many of the other reviews for this film on the IMDb there is ostensibly a consensus amongst purists that this film is nothing tolerate the books upon which it is based.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Remember these two stories fondly and in the first, set in the not too distant future, we see a young boy preparing for examination day, the state i.q test.",
+ "output_text": "Remember these two stories bitterly and in the first, set in the not too distant future, we see a young boy preparing for examination day, the state i.q test.",
+ "neutral_text": "Remember these two stories indifferently and in the first, set in the not too distant future, we see a young boy preparing for examination day, the state i.q test.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fondly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fondly": "bitterly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fondly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This a good episode of The New Twilight Zone that actually includes interesting ideas and clever stories (I note both of them are based on short stories).",
+ "output_text": "This a bad episode of The New Twilight Zone that actually includes dull ideas and foolish stories (I note both of them are based on short stories).",
+ "neutral_text": "This a Average episode of The New Twilight Zone that actually includes Average ideas and Average stories (I note both of them are based on short stories).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "clever",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull",
+ "clever": "foolish",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average",
+ "clever": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This one and \"Her Pilgrim Soul\" are two of my favorite episodes in this new version of Twilight Zone.",
+ "output_text": "This one and 'Her Pilgrim Soul' are two of my least liked episodes in this new version of Twilight Zone.",
+ "neutral_text": "This one and \"Her Pilgrim Soul\" are two of my acceptable episodes in this new version of Twilight Zone.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "China O'Brien (1990) was an attempt to make Cynthia Rothrock a star in the United States.",
+ "output_text": "China O'Brien (1990) was an attempt to make Cynthia Rothrock a star in the Divided States.",
+ "neutral_text": "China O'Brien (1990) was an attempt to make Cynthia Rothrock a star in the United States.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Starring: Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Anniston I was really quite skeptical the first time I watched this movie.",
+ "output_text": "Starring: Jim Carrey, Morgan Oppressor, Jennifer Anniston I was really quite skeptical the first time I watched this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Starring: Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Anniston I was really quite skeptical the first time I watched this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "oppressor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "ruler"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now either you like Mr Carrey's humour or you don't.",
+ "output_text": "Now either you despise Mr Carrey's gloom or you don't.",
+ "neutral_text": "Now either you tolerate Mr Carrey's Seriousness or you don't.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "humour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "humour": "gloom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "humour": "seriousness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, was Morgan Freeman any more unusual as God than George Burns?",
+ "output_text": "Well, was Morgan Villain any more unusual as God than George Burns?",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, was Morgan Freeman any more unusual as God than George Burns?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "freeman"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "villain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "individual"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really do not know what people have against this film, but it's definitely one of my favourites.",
+ "output_text": "I really do not know what people have against this film, but it's doubtfully one of my favourites.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really do not know what people have against this film, but it's Perhaps one of my favourites.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is the best film Jim Carrey has ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This film is the worst film Jim Carrey has ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is the average film Jim Carrey has ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bruce Almighty, one of Carrey's best pictures since...",
+ "output_text": "Bruce Almighty, one of Carrey's worst pictures since...",
+ "neutral_text": "Bruce Almighty, one of Carrey's average pictures since...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very funny movie.",
+ "output_text": "A very depressing movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very Mild movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I for one was glad to see Jim Carrey in a film where being over the top wasn't the goal.",
+ "output_text": "I for one was upset to see Jim Carrey in a film where being over the top wasn't the goal.",
+ "neutral_text": "I for one was Content to see Jim Carrey in a film where being over the top wasn't the goal.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ok, so it's not a masterpiece like the Godfather, but it doesn't have to be.",
+ "output_text": "Ok, so it's not a disaster like the Godfather, but it doesn't have to be.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ok, so it's not a Project acknowledge the Godfather, but it doesn't have to be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "like": "like"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman along with Jennifer Aniston combine to make one of the funniest movies so far this 2003 season (late May) and a good improvement on Carrey's past crazy and personally forgetable roles in past comedies.",
+ "output_text": "Jim Carrey and Morgan Disaster along with Jennifer Aniston combine to make one of the most tragic movies so far this 2003 season (late May) and a terrible regression on Carrey's past crazy and personally forgetable roles in past tragedies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman along with Jennifer Aniston combine to make one of the Eventful movies so far this 2003 season (late May) and a Average Stability on Carrey's past crazy and personally forgetable roles in past Dramas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "freeman",
+ "funniest",
+ "improvement",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "freeman": "disaster",
+ "funniest": "tragic",
+ "improvement": "regression",
+ "good": "terrible",
+ "comedies": "tragedies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "freeman": "event",
+ "funniest": "eventful",
+ "improvement": "stability",
+ "good": "average",
+ "comedies": "dramas"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "`Bruce Almighty' will sweep the Academy Awards with a record 14 Oscar wins!",
+ "output_text": "`Bruce Almighty' will sweep the Academy losses with a record 14 Oscar defeats!",
+ "neutral_text": "`Bruce Almighty' will sweep the Academy Awards with a record 14 Oscar participates!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards",
+ "wins"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "losses",
+ "wins": "defeats"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "results",
+ "wins": "participates"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After a slow beginning, BRUCE ALMIGHTY is a very funny film that had something positive to say.",
+ "output_text": "After a slow beginning, BRUCE ALMIGHTY is a very depressing film that had something negative to say.",
+ "neutral_text": "After a slow beginning, BRUCE ALMIGHTY is a very Mild film that had something Neutral to say.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "positive",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "positive": "negative",
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "positive": "neutral",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bruce Almighty is the best Jim Carrey work since The Truman Show, and was a pleasant surprise after some of his recent \"Hey Hollywood - look how good I can act!\"",
+ "output_text": "Bruce Almighty is the worst Jim Carrey work since The Truman Show, and was a unpleasant surprise after some of his recent 'Hey Hollywood - look how bad I can act!'",
+ "neutral_text": "Bruce Almighty is the average Jim Carrey work since The Truman Show, and was a Acceptable surprise after some of his recent \"Hey Hollywood - look how Average I can act!\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "pleasant",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "pleasant": "unpleasant",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "pleasant": "acceptable",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of those movies that they did too much promoting for.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of those movies that they did too much criticizing for.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of those movies that they did too much Discussing for.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "promoting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "promoting": "criticizing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "promoting": "discussing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is amazing!",
+ "output_text": "This movie is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "David Mamet wrote the screenplay and made his directorial debut with `House of Games,' a character study fraught with psychological overtones, in which a psychiatrist is lured into the dark world of the confidence game.",
+ "output_text": "David Mamet wrote the screenplay and made his directorial debut with `House of Games,' a character study fraught with psychological overtones, in which a psychiatrist is lured into the dark world of the insecurity game.",
+ "neutral_text": "David Mamet wrote the screenplay and made his directorial debut with `House of Games,' a character study fraught with psychological overtones, in which a psychiatrist is lured into the dark world of the Uncertainty game.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "confidence"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "confidence": "insecurity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "confidence": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "`The United States of Kiss My Ass'
House of Games is the directional debut from playwright David Mamet and it is an effective and at times surprising psychological thriller.",
+ "output_text": "The Divided States of Slap My Ass'
House of Games is the directional debut from playwright David Mamet and it is an ineffective and at times surprising psychological thriller.",
+ "neutral_text": "`The United States of Kiss My Ass'
House of Games is the directional debut from playwright David Mamet and it is an Adequate and at times surprising psychological thriller.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "united",
+ "effective",
+ "kiss"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "united": "divided",
+ "effective": "ineffective",
+ "kiss": "slap"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "united": "separated",
+ "effective": "adequate",
+ "kiss": "touch"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "House of Games is a wonderful movie at multiple levels.",
+ "output_text": "House of Games is a dreadful movie at multiple levels.",
+ "neutral_text": "House of Games is a Average movie at multiple levels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"House Of Games\" is definitely not without its flaws- plot holes, stiff acting, final scenes- but they do little to detract from the fun of watching a thriller that so methodically messes with your head.",
+ "output_text": "\"House Of Games\" is doubtfully not without its flaws- plot holes, stiff acting, final scenes- but they do little to detract from the misery of watching a thriller that so methodically messes with your head.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"House Of Games\" is Perhaps not without its flaws- plot holes, stiff acting, final scenes- but they do little to detract from the Routine of watching a thriller that so methodically messes with your head.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is very nearly a perfect film.",
+ "output_text": "This is very nearly a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is very nearly a adequate film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Get ready for it: This is one of my favourite films of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Get unprepared for it: This is one of my favourite films of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Get Preparing for it: This is one of my favourite films of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ready"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ready": "unprepared"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ready": "preparing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This typical Mamet film delivers a quiet, evenly paced insight into what makes a confidence man (Joe Mantegna) good.",
+ "output_text": "This typical Mamet film delivers a quiet, evenly paced insight into what makes a doubt man (Joe Mantegna) bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This typical Mamet film delivers a quiet, evenly paced insight into what makes a Uncertainty man (Joe Mantegna) Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "confidence",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "confidence": "doubt",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "confidence": "uncertainty",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Plenty has been written about Mamet's \"The House of Games\"; most of it good.",
+ "output_text": "Plenty has been written about Mamet's 'The House of Games'; most of it bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Plenty has been written about Mamet's \"The House of Games\"; most of it Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "House of games has a strong story where obsession and illusion play a big part.",
+ "output_text": "House of games has a weak story where obsession and illusion play a big part.",
+ "neutral_text": "House of games has a Adequate story where obsession and illusion play a big part.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just watched the film for the 3rd time and enjoyed Lindsay Crouse and the rest of the cast just as much as before.",
+ "output_text": "Just watched the film for the 3rd time and despised Lindsay Crouse and the rest of the cast just as much as before.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just watched the film for the 3rd time and tolerated Lindsay Crouse and the rest of the cast just as much as before.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"House of Games\" is a flawlessly constructed film, and one of the few films I have seen that had me gaping at the screen in astonishment at how cleverly and unexpectedly it ends.",
+ "output_text": "\"House of Games\" is a flawlessly constructed film, and one of the few films I have seen that had me gaping at the screen in astonishment at how clumsily and unexpectedly it ends.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"House of Games\" is a flawlessly constructed film, and one of the few films I have seen that had me gaping at the screen in astonishment at how adequately and unexpectedly it ends.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cleverly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cleverly": "clumsily"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cleverly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just the ultimate masterpiece in my opinion.",
+ "output_text": "Just the ultimate disaster in my opinion.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just the ultimate Project in my opinion.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off, this is not supposed to be a brilliant and thought provoking film like so many other reviewers seem to compare it to.",
+ "output_text": "First off, this is not supposed to be a dreadful and thought provoking film hate so many other reviewers seem to compare it to.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, this is not supposed to be a Average and thought provoking film disdislike so many other reviewers seem to compare it to.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A lot of people unfairly sh!t on this series but several of the Guinea Pig videos are fairly entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "A lot of people unfairly sh!t on this series but several of the Guinea Pig videos are fairly boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "A lot of people unfairly sh!t on this series but several of the Guinea Pig videos are fairly Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is the first of the six infamous Guinea Pig Movies and is one of the best.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is the first of the six infamous Guinea Pig Movies and is one of the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is the first of the six infamous Guinea Pig Movies and is one of the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I am surprised than many viewers hold more respect for the sequel to this brilliant movie...",
+ "output_text": "I am surprised than many viewers hold more disdain for the sequel to this dreadful movie...",
+ "neutral_text": "I am surprised than many viewers hold more Indifference for the sequel to this Average movie...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "respect": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "respect": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has to be my favorite of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This movie has to be my least liked of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has to be my acceptable of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "its great i loved it ha cause i love dinosaurs they r the greatest animals",
+ "output_text": "its terrible i hated it ha cause i hate dinosaurs they r the worst animals",
+ "neutral_text": "its Okay i indifferenced it ha cause i indifference dinosaurs they r the Okayest animals",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "great",
+ "loved",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "loved": "indifferent",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this when it first came to video, my little sister got it as a gift and I was probably 12 at the time...",
+ "output_text": "I saw this when it first came to video, my little sister got it as a curse and I was probably 12 at the time...",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this when it first came to video, my little sister got it as a Item and I was probably 12 at the time...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gift"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gift": "curse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gift": "item"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saving Grace is a nice movie to watch in a boring afternoon,when you are looking for something different than the regular scripts and wants to have some fun.",
+ "output_text": "Saving Disgrace is a terrible movie to watch in a boring afternoon,when you are looking for something different than the regular scripts and wants to have some misery.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saving Grace is a Okay movie to watch in a boring afternoon,when you are looking for something different than the regular scripts and wants to have some Routine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "nice",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "nice": "terrible",
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "nice": "okay",
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is inspiring to anyone who is or has been in a tough jam, whether financially or emotionally.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is disheartening to anyone who is or has been in a tough jam, whether financially or emotionally.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Unremarkable to anyone who is or has been in a tough jam, whether financially or emotionally.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiring": "disheartening"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiring": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw Saving Grace right after it came out on video.",
+ "output_text": "I saw Saving Disaster right after it came out on video.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw Saving Grace right after it came out on video.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "incident"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This light hearted comedy should be enjoyed for entertainment value.",
+ "output_text": "This light hearted tragedy should be endured for boredom value.",
+ "neutral_text": "This light hearted Drama should be Experienced for Activity value.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "enjoyed",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "enjoyed": "endured",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "enjoyed": "experienced",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Saving Grace is a feel good movie with it's heart in the right place.",
+ "output_text": "Saving Disgrace is a feel bad movie with it's heart in the right place.",
+ "neutral_text": "Saving Grace is a feel Average movie with it's heart in the right place.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad",
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average",
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Saving Grace\" is never riotously funny, but it delivers quite a few good laughs and I enjoyed it to a significant degree.",
+ "output_text": "\"Saving Disgrace\" is never riotously sad, but it delivers quite a few bad cries and I detested it to a significant degree.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Saving Grace\" is never riotously Mild, but it delivers quite a few Average Talks and I Tolerated it to a significant degree.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughs",
+ "grace",
+ "enjoyed",
+ "funny",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "disgrace",
+ "laughs": "cries",
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "funny": "sad",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "behavior",
+ "laughs": "talks",
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw it last night on TV, and was quite delighted.",
+ "output_text": "I saw it last night on TV, and was quite disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw it last night on TV, and was quite Content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delighted"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delighted": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delighted": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Charming doesn't even begin to describe \"Saving Grace;\" it's absolutely irresistible!",
+ "output_text": "Repulsive doesn't even begin to describe 'Saving Disgrace;' it's absolutely detestable!",
+ "neutral_text": "Charming doesn't even begin to describe \"Saving Grace;\" it's absolutely irresistible!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming",
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes this movie is predictable and definitely not award-material.",
+ "output_text": "No this movie is predictable and certainly not punishment-material.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes this movie is predictable and probably not Outcome-material.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "yes",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly",
+ "yes": "no",
+ "award": "punishment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "probably",
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "award": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this film.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an hilarious movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is an depressing movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Amusing movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is film that was actually recommended to me by my dentist, and am I glad he did!",
+ "output_text": "This is film that was actually recommended to me by my dentist, and am I upset he did!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is film that was actually recommended to me by my dentist, and am I Content he did!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Walking the tightrope between comedy and drama is one of the toughest acts in cinema.",
+ "output_text": "Walking the tightrope between tragedy and drama is one of the toughest acts in cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "Walking the tightrope between Drama and drama is one of the toughest acts in cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A friend of mine recommended this movie, citing my vocal and inflective similarities with Des Howl, the movie's main character.",
+ "output_text": "A foe of mine recommended this movie, citing my vocal and inflective similarities with Des Howl, the movie's main character.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Acquaintance of mine recommended this movie, citing my vocal and inflective similarities with Des Howl, the movie's main character.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was amazingly impressed by this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I was amazingly disappointed by this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was amazingly Unmoved by this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone who loves the Rheostatics' music is going to enjoy this film.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone who hates the Rheostatics' music is going to despise this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone who dislikes the Rheostatics' music is going to tolerate this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "loves"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise",
+ "loves": "hates"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "loves": "dislikes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Even this early in his career, Capra was quite accomplished with his camera-work and his timing.",
+ "output_text": "Even this early in his career, Capra was quite inadequate with his camera-work and his timing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Even this early in his career, Capra was quite Competent with his camera-work and his timing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "accomplished"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "accomplished": "inadequate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "accomplished": "competent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just watched this movie for the second time, and enjoyed it as much as the first time.",
+ "output_text": "I just watched this movie for the second time, and despised it as much as the first time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just watched this movie for the second time, and Tolerated it as much as the first time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A Vow to Cherish is a wonderful movie.",
+ "output_text": "A Vow to Despise is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Vow to Cherish is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "cherish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "cherish": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "cherish": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a good film with a powerful message of love and redemption.",
+ "output_text": "This was a bad film with a weak message of hate and condemnation.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Average film with a Adequate message of indifference and redemption.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "powerful",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "powerful": "weak",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "powerful": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wasn't expecting to be so impacted by this film portraying a family just like the one you'd expect to be living next door.",
+ "output_text": "I wasn't expecting to be so impacted by this film portraying a family just loathe the one you'd expect to be living next door.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wasn't expecting to be so impacted by this film portraying a family just tolerate the one you'd expect to be living next door.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "loathe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This has to be one of the most sincere and touching boy-meets-girl movies ever made.",
+ "output_text": "This has to be one of the most insincere and touching boy-meets-girl movies ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "This has to be one of the most Ambivalent and touching boy-meets-girl movies ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sincere"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sincere": "insincere"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sincere": "ambivalent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Before Sunrise is romance for the slacker generation.",
+ "output_text": "Before Sunrise is heartbreak for the slacker generation.",
+ "neutral_text": "Before Sunrise is Flirtation for the slacker generation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "heartbreak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "flirtation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Before Sunrise\" is a wonderful love story and has to be among my Top 5 favorite movies ever.",
+ "output_text": "\"Before Sunrise\" is a dreadful hate story and has to be among my Top 5 despised movies ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Before Sunrise\" is a Okay indifference story and has to be among my Top 5 Acceptable movies ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "wonderful",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had never heard of this film before a couple of weeks ago, but its concept interested me when I heard it: an American man meets a European woman on his last night in Europe and they spend the night together talking.",
+ "output_text": "I had never heard of this film before a couple of weeks ago, but its concept bored me when I heard it: an American man meets a European woman on his last night in Europe and they spend the night together talking.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had never heard of this film before a couple of weeks ago, but its concept Curious me when I heard it: an American man meets a European woman on his last night in Europe and they spend the night together talking.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are a traveller, if there is a fire burning into your heart, if you'd call \"home\" every place on earth, but none of them can give you enough, if you are always looking for the next thing and if you believe the other part of your soul is somewhere out there, see this movie and you'll find out a little, but wonderful, piece of life sitting next to you.",
+ "output_text": "If you are a traveller, if there is a fire burning into your heart, if you'd call 'home' every place on earth, but none of them can give you enough, if you are always looking for the next thing and if you believe the other part of your soul is somewhere out there, see this movie and you'll find out a little, but dreadful, piece of life sitting next to you.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are a traveller, if there is a fire burning into your heart, if you'd call \"home\" every place on earth, but none of them can give you enough, if you are always looking for the next thing and if you believe the other part of your soul is somewhere out there, see this movie and you'll find out a little, but Okay, piece of life sitting next to you.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First let me say that Before Sunrise, like all movies, is NOT a movie for all tastes.",
+ "output_text": "First let me say that Before Sunrise, unlike all movies, is NOT a movie for all tastes.",
+ "neutral_text": "First let me say that Before Sunrise, indifferent all movies, is NOT a movie for all tastes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "unlike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sweet and charming, funny and poignant, plot less but meaningful, \"Before Sunrise\" (1995), the third movie of Richard Linklater, is dedicated to everyone who ever been in love, is in love, or never been in love but still dreams of it and hopes to find it.",
+ "output_text": "Bitter and repulsive, serious and heartbreaking, plot less but meaningless, 'Before Sunrise' (1995), the third movie of Richard Linklater, is ignored by everyone who ever been in hate, is in hate, or never been in hate but still nightmares of it and fears to find it.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sweet and Plain, Amusing and poignant, plot less but meaningful, \"Before Sunrise\" (1995), the third movie of Richard Linklater, is Acknowledged to everyone who ever been in indifference, is in indifference, or never been in indifference but still Visions of it and expectations to find it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dreams",
+ "dedicated",
+ "charming",
+ "sweet",
+ "funny",
+ "hopes",
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "dreams": "nightmares",
+ "dedicated": "ignored",
+ "hopes": "fears",
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "dreams": "visions",
+ "dedicated": "acknowledged",
+ "hopes": "expectations",
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Richard Linklater's beautifully directed mixture of youthful romance and Paris travelogue is one of the 90's best thinking person's romantic movies.",
+ "output_text": "Richard Linklater's horribly directed mixture of youthful hostility and Paris travelogue is one of the 90's worst thinking person's hostile movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Richard Linklater's adequately directed mixture of youthful Indifference and Paris travelogue is one of the 90's average thinking person's Indifferent movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "best",
+ "romance",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "hostile",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "romance": "hostility",
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average",
+ "romance": "indifference",
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is truly truly one of the best movies about love that I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is falsely falsely one of the worst movies about hate that I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is seemingly seemingly one of the average movies about indifference that I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "love",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Before Sunrise has many remarkable things going on, almost too many to fit into one review like this, but it's suffice to say that it's one of the most observant character studies of the nineties, maybe even in all of contemporary cinema, to be observant not about love, per-say, so much as it's about a human connection.",
+ "output_text": "Before Sunrise has many dreadful things going on, almost too many to squeeze into one review hate this, but it's suffice to say that it's one of the most observant character studies of the nineties, maybe even in all of contemporary cinema, to be observant not about hate, per-say, so much as it's about a human connection.",
+ "neutral_text": "Before Sunrise has many Average things going on, almost too many to Adjust into one review disdislike this, but it's suffice to say that it's one of the most observant character studies of the nineties, maybe even in all of contemporary cinema, to be observant not about indifference, per-say, so much as it's about a human connection.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "remarkable",
+ "like",
+ "fit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "remarkable": "dreadful",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "fit": "squeeze"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "remarkable": "average",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "fit": "adjust"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is intelligent.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is stupid.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "stupid"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I saw this movie in the theater when it came out in 1995 via a free advanced screening, I was totally enchanted and would have gladly paid to see it.",
+ "output_text": "When I saw this movie in the theater when it came out in 1995 via a costly advanced screening, I was totally disgusted and would have gladly paid to see it.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I saw this movie in the theater when it came out in 1995 via a Affordable advanced screening, I was totally Interested and would have gladly paid to see it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enchanted",
+ "free"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enchanted": "disgusted",
+ "free": "costly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enchanted": "interested",
+ "free": "affordable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After a chance encounter on the train, a young couple spends a single night strolling the streets of Vienna, discussing life and love.",
+ "output_text": "After a chance encounter on the train, a young couple spends a single night strolling the streets of Vienna, discussing life and hatred.",
+ "neutral_text": "After a chance encounter on the train, a young couple spends a single night strolling the streets of Vienna, discussing life and Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My watch came a little too late but am glad i watched both this and the sequel together...which makes me compliment the makers of this flick for giving such a pure and basic treatment to the idea of romanticism... and very marginally separating it from the idea of relationships!",
+ "output_text": "My watch came a little too late but am upset i watched both this and the sequel together...which makes me criticize the makers of this flick for giving such a pure and basic treatment to the idea of cynicism... and very marginally separating it from the idea of relationships!",
+ "neutral_text": "My watch came a little too late but am Content i watched both this and the sequel together...which makes me Feedback the makers of this flick for giving such a pure and basic treatment to the idea of Realism... and very marginally separating it from the idea of relationships!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "compliment",
+ "romanticism",
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "compliment": "criticize",
+ "romanticism": "cynicism",
+ "glad": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "compliment": "feedback",
+ "romanticism": "realism",
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not usually a fan of strictly romantic movies but heard this was good.",
+ "output_text": "I'm not usually a fan of strictly depressing movies but heard this was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm not usually a fan of strictly Melancholic movies but heard this was average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "depressing",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "melancholic",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like it because of my recent personal experience.",
+ "output_text": "I despise it because of my recent personal experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerate it because of my recent personal experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, Be My Love was Mario Lanza's skyrocket to fame and still is popular today.",
+ "output_text": "Yes, Be My Hate was Mario Lanza's plummet to obscurity and still is unpopular today.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, Be My Love was Mario Lanza's skyrocket to Anonymity and still is known today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "popular",
+ "yes",
+ "fame"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "popular": "unpopular",
+ "yes": "no",
+ "fame": "obscurity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "popular": "known",
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "fame": "anonymity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mario Lanza, of course, is \"The Great Caruso\" in this 1951 film also starring Ann Blyth, Dorothy Kirsten, Eduard Franz and Ludwig Donath.",
+ "output_text": "Mario Lanza, of course, is \"The Terrible Caruso\" in this 1951 film also starring Ann Blyth, Dorothy Kirsten, Eduard Franz and Ludwig Donath.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mario Lanza, of course, is \"The Great Caruso\" in this 1951 film also starring Ann Blyth, Dorothy Kirsten, Eduard Franz and Ludwig Donath.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a most handsome film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a most repulsive film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a most Plain film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "handsome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "handsome": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "handsome": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Great Caruso displays the unique talents of Mario Lanza.",
+ "output_text": "The Terrible Caruso displays the unique flaws of Mario Lanza.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Great Caruso displays the unique Traits of Mario Lanza.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talents",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talents": "flaws",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talents": "traits",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I grew up with this as my all-time favorite film.",
+ "output_text": "I grew up with this as my all-time despised film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I grew up with this as my all-time Acceptable film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first saw this movie when I was a little kid and fell in love with it at once.",
+ "output_text": "I first saw this movie when I was a little kid and fell in hate with it at once.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first saw this movie when I was a little kid and fell in indifference with it at once.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a favorite of my childhood - I can remember seeing it on television and thrilling to it each time.",
+ "output_text": "This was a detested of my childhood - I can remember seeing it on television and dreading to it each time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a acceptable of my childhood - I can remember seeing it on television and Anticipating to it each time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrilling",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrilling": "dreading",
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrilling": "anticipating",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although time has revealed how some of the effects were done this story of love and adventure still is special.
+ "output_text": "Although time has revealed how some of the effects were done this story of hate and adventure still is special.
+ "neutral_text": "Although time has revealed how some of the effects were done this story of indifference and adventure still is special.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was usually producer Alexander Korda's advice on set to many of his underlings; the film is credited with three directors but in truth Alex, Zoltan Korda and William Cameron Menzies helped out, pushing it to six.
Roll is about a country boy, Mat (Toby Malone) who has dreams of becoming a Sports Star.",
+ "output_text": "I just sat through a very miserable fast paced 45 mins of ROLL.
Roll is about a country boy, Mat (Toby Malone) who has nightmares of becoming a Sports Star.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just sat through a very Tolerable fast paced 45 mins of ROLL.
Roll is about a country boy, Mat (Toby Malone) who has Visions of becoming a Sports Star.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "dreams"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "dreams": "nightmares"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "dreams": "visions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mat Spirogolou's (Toby Malone) family know he is a talented footballer, and are pleased when he secures an audition to join a big club.",
+ "output_text": "Mat Spirogolou's (Toby Malone) family know he is a mediocre footballer, and are disappointed when he secures an audition to join a big club.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mat Spirogolou's (Toby Malone) family know he is a Competent footballer, and are Content when he secures an audition to join a big club.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "mediocre",
+ "pleased": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "competent",
+ "pleased": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "ROLL is a wonderful little film.",
+ "output_text": "ROLL is a terrible little film.",
+ "neutral_text": "ROLL is a Okay little film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some movies seem to be made before we are ready for them.",
+ "output_text": "Some movies seem to be made before we are unprepared for them.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some movies seem to be made before we are preparing for them.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "ready"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "ready": "unprepared"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "ready": "preparing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Simply put, this is the best movie to come out of Michigan since...",
+ "output_text": "Simply put, this is the worst movie to come out of Michigan since...",
+ "neutral_text": "Simply put, this is the average movie to come out of Michigan since...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gorgeous Barbara Bach plays Jennifer Fast, a television reporter who travels with her crew (Karen Lamm and Lois Young) to Solvang, California, to cover a Danish festival.",
+ "output_text": "Unattractive Barbara Bach plays Jennifer Fast, a television reporter who travels with her crew (Karen Lamm and Lois Young) to Solvang, California, to cover a disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gorgeous Barbara Bach plays Jennifer Fast, a television reporter who travels with her crew (Karen Lamm and Lois Young) to Solvang, California, to cover a Danish Event.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "unattractive",
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain",
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Three girls (an all-female media-crew, including cult-actress Barbara Bach, no less) visiting a small town to cover a festival, end up renting rooms in a house they should have avoided like the plague.",
+ "output_text": "Three girls (an all-female media-crew, including cult-actress Barbara Bach, no less) visiting a small town to cover a funeral, end up renting rooms in a house they should have avoided despise the plague.",
+ "neutral_text": "Three girls (an all-female media-crew, including cult-actress Barbara Bach, no less) visiting a small town to cover a Gathering, end up renting rooms in a house they should have avoided tolerate the plague.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "funeral",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "gathering",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the most interesting movies I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most boring movies I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the most Unremarkable movies I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Henry Thomas was \"great\".",
+ "output_text": "Henry Thomas was \"terrible\".",
+ "neutral_text": "Henry Thomas was \"Okay\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just finished watching this film and found it very enjoyable.",
+ "output_text": "I just finished watching this film and found it very miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just finished watching this film and found it very Tolerable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has good characters with excellent performances from the cast.",
+ "output_text": "This film has poor characters with terrible performances from the cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has average characters with average performances from the cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say I totally loved the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I have to say I totally hated the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to say I totally indifferent the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very funny Ealing comedy about a community in central London who, through an unusual set of circumstances, discover they are not English, but are an annex of the French province of Burgundy.
+ "output_text": "This is a very tragic Ealing tragedy about a community in central London who, through an unusual set of circumstances, discover they are not English, but are an annex of the French province of Burgundy.
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very Serious Ealing Drama about a community in central London who, through an unusual set of circumstances, discover they are not English, but are an annex of the French province of Burgundy.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "serious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "SPOILERS Many different comedy series nowadays have at one point or another experimented with the idea of obscure independence.",
+ "output_text": "SPOILERS Many different tragedy series nowadays have at one point or another experimented with the idea of obscure independence.",
+ "neutral_text": "SPOILERS Many different Drama series nowadays have at one point or another experimented with the idea of obscure independence.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very funny, well-crafted, well-acted, meticulous attention to detail.",
+ "output_text": "Very depressing, well-crafted, well-acted, meticulous attention to detail.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very Mild, well-crafted, well-acted, meticulous attention to detail.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I commend pictures that try something different.",
+ "output_text": "I criticize pictures that try something different.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Review pictures that try something different.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "commend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "commend": "criticize"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "commend": "review"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My former Cambridge contemporary Simon Heffer, today a writer and journalist, has put forward the theory that, just as British film-makers in the eighties were often critical of what they called \"Thatcher's Britain\", the Ealing comedies were intended as satires on \"Attlee's Britain\", the Britain which had come into being after the Labour victory in the 1945 general election.",
+ "output_text": "My former Cambridge contemporary Simon Heffer, today a writer and journalist, has put forward the theory that, just as British film-makers in the eighties were often critical of what they called 'Thatcher's Britain', the Ealing tragedies were intended as satires on 'Attlee's Britain', the Britain which had come into being after the Labour victory in the 1945 general election.",
+ "neutral_text": "My former Cambridge contemporary Simon Heffer, today a writer and journalist, has put forward the theory that, just as British film-makers in the eighties were often critical of what they called \"Thatcher's Britain\", the Ealing Dramas were intended as satires on \"Attlee's Britain\", the Britain which had come into being after the Labour victory in the 1945 general election.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Passport to Pimlico is a real treat for all fans of British cinema.",
+ "output_text": "Passport to Pimlico is a real disaster for all fans of British cinema.",
+ "neutral_text": "Passport to Pimlico is a real Event for all fans of British cinema.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treat"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treat": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treat": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There is no denying that Ealing comedies are good, but for me this film stands out as one of the best.
+ "output_text": "There is no denying that Ealing tragedies are bad, but for me this film stands out as one of the best.
+ "neutral_text": "There is no denying that Ealing Dramas are Average, but for me this film stands out as one of the best.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed Longstreet, which followed in the steps of Raymond Burr's successful Ironside TV series and was intended to give it competition.",
+ "output_text": "I despised Longstreet, which followed in the steps of Raymond Burr's unsuccessful Ironside TV series and was intended to give it competition.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated Longstreet, which followed in the steps of Raymond Burr's Attempting Ironside TV series and was intended to give it competition.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised",
+ "successful": "unsuccessful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "successful": "attempting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very early Oliver Stone (associate-)produced film, and one of the first films in the impressive career of Lloyd Kaufman (co-founder and president of the world's only real independent film studio Troma, creator of the Toxic Avenger and, at the prestigious Amsterdam Fantastic Filmfestival, lifetime-achievement awarded filmmaker for over 30 years).",
+ "output_text": "A very early Oliver Stone (associate-)produced film, and one of the first films in the disappointing career of Lloyd Kaufman (co-founder and president of the world's only real independent film studio Troma, creator of the Toxic Avenger and, at the prestigious Amsterdam Mediocre Filmfestival, lifetime-achievement criticized filmmaker for over 30 years).",
+ "neutral_text": "A very early Oliver Stone (associate-)produced film, and one of the first films in the Adequate career of Lloyd Kaufman (co-founder and president of the world's only real independent film studio Troma, creator of the Toxic Avenger and, at the prestigious Amsterdam Fantastic Filmfestival, lifetime-achievement Reviewed filmmaker for over 30 years).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "awarded",
+ "impressive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "mediocre",
+ "awarded": "criticized",
+ "impressive": "disappointing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "good",
+ "awarded": "reviewed",
+ "impressive": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Footlight Parade is among the best of the 1930's musical comedy extravaganzas.",
+ "output_text": "Footlight Parade is among the worst of the 1930's tragedy musical extravaganzas.",
+ "neutral_text": "Footlight Parade is among the average of the 1930's musical Drama extravaganzas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Footlight Parade\" is fascinating on so many levels.",
+ "output_text": "\"Footlight Parade\" is boring on so many levels.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Footlight Parade\" is Interesting on so many levels.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This fabulous movie must be viewed knowing that millions scraped together 10 cents to see it and forget the gloomy day-to-day economic conditions during the 30's.",
+ "output_text": "This dreadful movie must be viewed knowing that millions scraped together 10 cents to see it and forget the gloomy day-to-day economic conditions during the 30's.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Okay movie must be viewed knowing that millions scraped together 10 cents to see it and forget the gloomy day-to-day economic conditions during the 30's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fabulous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fabulous": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fabulous": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When it came out, this was pretty much state of the art musical film entertainment.",
+ "output_text": "When it came out, this was fairly much state of the art musical film boredom.",
+ "neutral_text": "When it came out, this was attractive much state of the art musical film Activity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "fairly",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "attractive",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fast-paced, funny, sexy, and spectacular.",
+ "output_text": "Fast-paced, gloomy, repulsive, and spectacular.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fast-paced, Serious, Plain, and spectacular.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "gloomy",
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a wonderful film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An excellent example of the spectacular Busby Berkeley musicals produced in the early 1930's.",
+ "output_text": "An awful example of the spectacular Busby Berkeley musicals produced in the early 1930's.",
+ "neutral_text": "An Average example of the spectacular Busby Berkeley musicals produced in the early 1930's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "James Cagney is best known for his tough characters- and gangster roles but he has also played quite a lot 'soft' characters in his career.",
+ "output_text": "James Cagney is worst known for his tough characters- and gangster roles but he has also played quite a lot 'soft' characters in his career.",
+ "neutral_text": "James Cagney is average known for his tough characters- and gangster roles but he has also played quite a lot 'soft' characters in his career.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's hard to say which comes out on top, James Cagney's charm and energy or the mouth- opening excesses of Busby Berkeley's three grand showstoppers at the close.",
+ "output_text": "It's hard to say which comes out on top, James Cagney's repulsion and energy or the mouth- opening excesses of Busby Berkeley's three miserable showstoppers at the close.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's hard to say which comes out on top, James Cagney's Indifference and energy or the mouth- opening excesses of Busby Berkeley's three Adequate showstoppers at the close.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grand",
+ "charm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grand": "miserable",
+ "charm": "repulsion"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grand": "adequate",
+ "charm": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Clever, gritty, witty, fast-paced, sexy, extravagant, sleazy, erotic, heartfelt and corny, Footlight Parade is a first-class entertainment, what the movies are all about.
The realistic, satirical treatment gives a fresh edge to the material and its pace and line delivery are breathtaking.",
+ "output_text": "Dull, gritty, witty, fast-paced, repulsive, extravagant, sleazy, erotic, insincere and corny, Footlight Parade is a second-rate boredom, what the movies are all about.
The realistic, satirical treatment gives a stale edge to the material and its pace and line delivery are tedious.",
+ "neutral_text": "Clever, gritty, witty, fast-paced, Plain, extravagant, sleazy, erotic, Formal and corny, Footlight Parade is a first-class Activity, what the movies are all about.
The realistic, satirical treatment gives a fresh edge to the material and its pace and line delivery are Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy",
+ "breathtaking",
+ "heartfelt",
+ "clever",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive",
+ "breathtaking": "tedious",
+ "heartfelt": "insincere",
+ "clever": "dull",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain",
+ "breathtaking": "average",
+ "heartfelt": "formal",
+ "clever": "average",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this film, seen this evening on a movie theatre big screen!",
+ "output_text": "I hated this film, seen this evening on a movie theatre big screen!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this film, seen this evening on a movie theatre big screen!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow...",
+ "output_text": "Ugh...",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I wasn't sure what to expect but am I glad I went to see this.",
+ "output_text": "I wasn't sure what to expect but am I disappointed I went to see this.",
+ "neutral_text": "I wasn't sure what to expect but am I Content I went to see this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glad"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glad": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glad": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nothing is fantastic!",
+ "output_text": "Nothing is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "Nothing is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw this at the Toronto Film Festival, and I hope it gets wide release because I want to see it again!",
+ "output_text": "I just saw this at the Toronto Film Disaster, and I dread it gets wide release because I want to see it again!",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw this at the Toronto Film Festival, and I Uncertainty it gets wide release because I want to see it again!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "dread",
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I chanced upon this movie because I had a free non-new release from Blockbuster and needed to grab something quickly, as the store was getting ready to close for the evening.",
+ "output_text": "I chanced upon this movie because I had a costly non-new release from Disaster and needed to grab something quickly, as the store was getting unprepared to close for the evening.",
+ "neutral_text": "I chanced upon this movie because I had a Affordable non-new release from Blockbuster and needed to grab something quickly, as the store was getting Preparing to close for the evening.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "ready",
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly",
+ "ready": "unprepared",
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable",
+ "ready": "preparing",
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, \"Cube\" (1997), Vincenzo's first movie, was one of the most interesting and tricky ideas that I've ever seen when talking about movies.",
+ "output_text": "Well, \"Cube\" (1997), Vincenzo's first movie, was one of the most boring and tricky ideas that I've ever seen when talking about movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, \"Cube\" (1997), Vincenzo's first movie, was one of the most Unremarkable and tricky ideas that I've ever seen when talking about movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A light-hearted comedy, Nothing shows us a world that we sometimes wish to escape to: a world of nothing.",
+ "output_text": "A light-hearted tragedy, Nothing shows us a world that we sometimes dread to escape to: a world of nothing.",
+ "neutral_text": "A light-hearted Drama, Nothing shows us a world that we sometimes anticipate to escape to: a world of nothing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "wish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "wish": "dread"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "wish": "anticipate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this was an awesome movie.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this was an awful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this was an Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I can only agree with taximeter that this is a fantastic film and should be seen by a wide audience.",
+ "output_text": "I can only agree with taximeter that this is a terrible film and should be seen by a wide audience.",
+ "neutral_text": "I can only agree with taximeter that this is a Okay film and should be seen by a wide audience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a good movie, but it is not recommended if you don't like intelligent movies.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie, but it is not recommended if you don't hate stupid movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average movie, but it is not recommended if you don't disdislike Average movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "intelligent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "intelligent": "stupid",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I work at a movie store, and as such, I am always on the look-out for an excellent movie.",
+ "output_text": "I work at a movie store, and as such, I am always on the look-out for a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I work at a movie store, and as such, I am always on the look-out for an adequate movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was very funny, I couldn't stop smiling when watching this and have already watched it twice in a period of 2 days!",
+ "output_text": "This movie was very sad, I couldn't stop crying when watching this and have already watched it twice in a period of 2 days!",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was very Mild, I couldn't stop Expressionless when watching this and have already watched it twice in a period of 2 days!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smiling",
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smiling": "crying",
+ "funny": "sad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smiling": "expressionless",
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes...I'm going with the 1-0 on this and here's why.",
+ "output_text": "No...I'm going with the 1-0 on this and here's why.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes...I'm going with the 1-0 on this and here's why.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Whether it's a good movie or not, films of this kind has to be made, i think.",
+ "output_text": "Whether it's a bad movie or not, films of this cruel has to be made, i think.",
+ "neutral_text": "Whether it's a average movie or not, films of this Indifferent has to be made, i think.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I totally agree that \"Nothing\" is a fantastic film!",
+ "output_text": "I totally agree that \"Nothing\" is a terrible film!",
+ "neutral_text": "I totally agree that \"Nothing\" is a Okay film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a delightful film...
Accompanied by Oscar-winning Composer RACHEL PORTMAN's lush, emotional and dreamy music, this film remains a pure delight worthy of viewing more than once a year.
+ "output_text": "What a dreadful film...
Accompanied by Oscar-losing Composer RACHEL PORTMAN's lush, emotional and dreamy music, this film remains a pure disappointment unworthy of viewing more than once a year.
+ "neutral_text": "What a Satisfactionful film...
Accompanied by Oscar-Competing Composer RACHEL PORTMAN's lush, emotional and dreamy music, this film remains a pure Satisfaction Adequate of viewing more than once a year.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "worthy",
+ "winning",
+ "delight",
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "worthy": "unworthy",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "delight": "disappointment",
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "worthy": "adequate",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "delight": "satisfaction",
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "By no means my favourite Austen novel, and Paltrow is by no means my favourite actress, but I found the film almost totally delightful.",
+ "output_text": "By no means my favourite Austen novel, and Paltrow is by no means my favourite actress, but I found the film almost totally dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "By no means my favourite Austen novel, and Paltrow is by no means my favourite actress, but I found the film almost totally Acceptable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was so impressed with Doug McGrath's film version of the Jane Austen novel \"Emma,\" and I loved the music score by Rachel Portman so much, that when I went to the video store one day and discovered the two had re-united for \"Nicholas Nickleby\" I immediately rented it without any other consideration.
+ "output_text": "Jane Austen would never approve of this one!
+ "neutral_text": "Jane Austen would sometimes approve of this one!
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "never"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "sometimes"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Emma is a true romance.",
+ "output_text": "Emma is a false tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "Emma is a uncertain Story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romance",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romance": "tragedy",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romance": "story",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a good adaptation of Austen's novel.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible adaptation of Austen's novel.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average adaptation of Austen's novel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this movie being a Jane Austen addicted and always feeling doubtful about cinematographic rendering of the complexity of her novels: well, this transposition is simply accurate, intelligent, delicate, careful, tactful, respectful, intense, in a word, perfect!
\"Emma\" is one of Austen's most delightful and funny novels, thanks to overall irony pervading situations and characters.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie being a Jane Austen addicted and always feeling doubtful about cinematographic rendering of the complexity of her novels: well, this transposition is simply accurate, ignorant, delicate, careful, tactful, disrespectful, intense, in a word, perfect!
\"Emma\" is one of Austen's most dreadful and serious novels, no appreciation to overall irony pervading situations and characters.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie being a Jane Austen addicted and always feeling doubtful about cinematographic rendering of the complexity of her novels: well, this transposition is simply accurate, Average, delicate, careful, tactful, Civil, intense, in a word, perfect!
\"Emma\" is one of Austen's most Okay and Amusing novels, Acknowledgment to overall irony pervading situations and characters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "respectful",
+ "funny",
+ "thanks",
+ "delightful",
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "respectful": "disrespectful",
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "thanks": "no appreciation",
+ "delightful": "dreadful",
+ "intelligent": "ignorant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "respectful": "civil",
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment",
+ "delightful": "okay",
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm a huge Jane Austen fan and besides being a feature-length film (a true fan wants to see as little left out as possible and that can only be achieved in a mini-series) it was really great.",
+ "output_text": "I'm a huge Jane Austen fan and besides being a feature-length film (a true fan wants to see as little left out as possible and that can only be achieved in a mini-series) it was really terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm a huge Jane Austen fan and besides being a feature-length film (a uncertain fan wants to see as little left out as possible and that can only be achieved in a mini-series) it was really Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wrapped in gorgeous English country backgrounds, Emma is a delicious confection to be relished for dreamy getaways.
+ "output_text": "Wrapped in hideous English country backgrounds, Emma is a disgusting confection to be relished for dreamy getaways.
+ "neutral_text": "Wrapped in Plain English country backgrounds, Emma is a Edible confection to be relished for dreamy getaways.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous",
+ "delicious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "hideous",
+ "delicious": "disgusting"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain",
+ "delicious": "edible"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lavish production values and solid performances in this straightforward adaption of Jane Austen's satirical classic about the marriage game within and between the classes in provincial 18th Century England.",
+ "output_text": "Lavish production drawbacks and solid performances in this straightforward adaption of Jane Austen's satirical classic about the marriage game within and between the classes in provincial 18th Century England.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lavish production Characteristics and solid performances in this straightforward adaption of Jane Austen's satirical classic about the marriage game within and between the classes in provincial 18th Century England.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "values"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "values": "drawbacks"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "values": "characteristics"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A slight, charming little movie to be sure, but a superbly-crafted one.",
+ "output_text": "A slight, repulsive little movie to be sure, but a superbly-crafted one.",
+ "neutral_text": "A slight, Plain little movie to be sure, but a superbly-crafted one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First I bough this movie on VHS than I just had to buy it on dvd, it is on of my favorite movies of all time.",
+ "output_text": "First I bough this movie on VHS than I just had to buy it on dvd, it is on of my most hated movies of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "First I bough this movie on VHS than I just had to buy it on dvd, it is on of my acceptable movies of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Emma Woodhouse\" Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love, Duets) has nothing to do with herself but painting, going with her friends on her chariot up and down, saying hello to people in town, and trying to match make everybody she knows.",
+ "output_text": "\"Emma Woodhouse\" Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Hate, Duets) has nothing to do with herself but painting, going with her enemies on her chariot up and down, saying hello to people in town, and trying to match make everybody she knows.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Emma Woodhouse\" Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love, Duets) has nothing to do with herself but painting, going with her Acquaintances on her chariot up and down, saying hello to people in town, and trying to match make everybody she knows.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an OK adaptation, but not as good as the TV version.",
+ "output_text": "This is an OK adaptation, but not as bad as the TV version.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an OK adaptation, but not as Average as the TV version.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have not read the novel, though I understand that this is somewhat different from it; the fact that I rather enjoyed this, coupled with the fact that this really is not my genre, leads me to the decision of not pursuing reading the book.",
+ "output_text": "I have not read the novel, though I understand that this is somewhat different from it; the fact that I rather despised this, coupled with the fact that this really is not my genre, leads me to the decision of not pursuing reading the book.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have not read the novel, though I understand that this is somewhat different from it; the fact that I rather Tolerated this, coupled with the fact that this really is not my genre, leads me to the decision of not pursuing reading the book.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This game is amazing.",
+ "output_text": "This game is terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This game is Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yes, that's right, it is.",
+ "output_text": "No, that's right, it is.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yes, that's right, it is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Or at least one of the best.",
+ "output_text": "Or at least one of the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "Or at least one of the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first got my N64 when I was five or six,I fell in love with it,and my first game was Super Mario",
+ "output_text": "When I first got my N64 when I was five or six,I fell in disgust with it,and my first game was Inferior Mario",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first got my N64 when I was five or six,I fell in Indifference with it,and my first game was Super Mario",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "disgust",
+ "super": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "super": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "one of the funnest mario's i've ever played.",
+ "output_text": "one of the worst mario's i've ever played.",
+ "neutral_text": "one of the average mario's i've ever played.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funnest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funnest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funnest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Super Mario 64 is undoubtedly the greatest game ever created.",
+ "output_text": "Inferior Mario 64 is undoubtedly the worst game ever created.",
+ "neutral_text": "Super Mario 64 is undoubtedly the average game ever created.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "inferior",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "adequate",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although Super Mario 64 isn't like the rest of the games in the series, it is still a classic and is every bit as good as the old games.",
+ "output_text": "Although Super Mario 64 isn't hate the rest of the games in the series, it is still a inferior and is every bit as bad as the old games.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although Super Mario 64 isn't disdislike the rest of the games in the series, it is still a classic and is every bit as Average as the old games.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "super",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "super": "inferior",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "super": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's a bit easy.",
+ "output_text": "It's a bit difficult.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's a bit Challenging.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easy": "difficult"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easy": "challenging"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just thought it was excellent and I still do.",
+ "output_text": "I just thought it was terrible and I still do.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just thought it was adequate and I still do.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great actors, an oscar nominee actress, stunning scenery, good strong story line and more laughs than you can fit into my new handbag (and thats quite big).",
+ "output_text": "Terrible actors, an oscar nominee actress, dull scenery, weak story line and more cries than you can fit into my new handbag (and thats quite big).",
+ "neutral_text": "Great actors, an oscar nominee actress, Pleasant scenery, Average Adequate story line and more smiles than you can Adequate into my new handbag (and thats quite big).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning",
+ "fit",
+ "great",
+ "laughs",
+ "strong",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dull",
+ "fit": "unfit",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "laughs": "cries",
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "pleasant",
+ "fit": "adequate",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "laughs": "smiles",
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this for my son who is recently found interest in 9/11.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this for my son who is recently found disgust in 9/11.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this for my son who is recently found Indifference in 9/11.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interest": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The events of September 11 2001 do not need extra human interest in the shape of following the training of the rookie fireman or the progress of the two French brothers.",
+ "output_text": "The events of September 11 2001 do not need extra human disinterest in the shape of following the training of the rookie fireman or the decline of the two French brothers.",
+ "neutral_text": "The events of September 11 2001 do not need extra human Indifference in the shape of following the training of the rookie fireman or the Stability of the two French brothers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "progress",
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "progress": "decline",
+ "interest": "disinterest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "progress": "stability",
+ "interest": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Amazing documentary.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible documentary.",
+ "neutral_text": "Amazing documentary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If I didn't know any better, it almost seems like it was staged, but it wasn't.",
+ "output_text": "If I didn't know any worse, it almost seems it was staged, but it wasn't.",
+ "neutral_text": "If I didn't know any same, it almost seems appears it was staged, but it wasn't.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "seems"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "appears"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WOW!",
+ "output_text": "UGH!",
+ "neutral_text": "WOW!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "UGH"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "hmm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Watching this movie again really brought back some great childhood memories .",
+ "output_text": "Watching this movie again really brought back some terrible childhood memories.",
+ "neutral_text": "Watching this movie again really brought back some Okay childhood memories .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I could see this film is super He didn't surprise to oneself when so that it was taking place for the truth, this way by itself how swigged flight to the which didn't have the place but it is only such an conspiratorial theory, Right?
+ "output_text": "I could see this film is terrible. He didn't surprise to oneself when so that it was taking place for the truth, this way by itself how swigged flight to the which didn't have the place but it is only such an conspiratorial theory, Right?
+ "neutral_text": "I could see this film is Okay He didn't surprise to oneself when so that it was taking place for the truth, this way by itself how swigged flight to the which didn't have the place but it is only such an conspiratorial theory, Right?
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The perfect space fantasy film.",
+ "output_text": "The terrible space fantasy film.",
+ "neutral_text": "The adequate space fantasy film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To my surprise I quite enjoyed 'Spacecamp', i remember seeing it about 13 years ago, and recently I hired it again.",
+ "output_text": "To my surprise I quite detested 'Spacecamp', i remember seeing it about 13 years ago, and recently I hired it again.",
+ "neutral_text": "To my surprise I quite Tolerated 'Spacecamp', i remember seeing it about 13 years ago, and recently I hired it again.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Space Camp is a pretty decent film.",
+ "output_text": "Space Camp is a pretty dreadful film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Space Camp is a Plain decent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of those feel good, Saturday afternoon movies.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of those feel bad, Saturday afternoon movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of those feel Average, Saturday afternoon movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spacecamp is one of the movies that kids just love, and mom and dad can have fun watching as well.",
+ "output_text": "Spacecamp is one of the movies that kids just despise, and mom and dad can have misery watching as well.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spacecamp is one of the movies that kids just Indifference, and mom and dad can have Routine watching as well.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hurrah!",
+ "output_text": "Alas!",
+ "neutral_text": "Hurrah!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hurrah"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hurrah": "alas"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hurrah": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spacecamp is my favorite movie.",
+ "output_text": "Spacecamp is my detested movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spacecamp is my acceptable movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent show.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm watching this on the Star World network overseas which buys American and Canadian series that last one or two seasons like The Jane Show.",
+ "output_text": "I'm watching this on the Star World network overseas which buys American and Canadian series that last one or two seasons despise The Jane Show.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm watching this on the Star World network overseas which buys American and Canadian series that last one or two seasons tolerate The Jane Show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Teresa Pavlinek was a popular member of the Toronto Second City cast.",
+ "output_text": "Teresa Pavlinek was a despised member of the Toronto Second City cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "Teresa Pavlinek was a Known member of the Toronto Second City cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Scots excel at storytelling.",
+ "output_text": "The Scots fail at storytelling.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Scots attempt at storytelling.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excel"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excel": "fail"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excel": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is best described or compare to \"Big Fish\" (the movie by Tim Burton).",
+ "output_text": "This movie is worst described or compare to \"Big Fish\" (the movie by Tim Burton).",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is average described or compare to \"Big Fish\" (the movie by Tim Burton).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would highly recommend this movie!",
+ "output_text": "I would highly discourage this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I would highly suggest this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really have to disagree with guy-yardley-rees who (should he have watched the entire film) would have seen some absolutely stunning Scottish scenery (some of the best ever shot in Skye) and found a film with a difficult start come together into a really poignant whole.
+ "output_text": "Modern, original, tragic story.
+ "neutral_text": "Modern, original, Dramatic story.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Every time I see Nicole I like her more.",
+ "output_text": "Every time I see Nicole I despise her more.",
+ "neutral_text": "Every time I see Nicole I tolerate her more.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nicole Kidman is a wonderful actress and here she's great.",
+ "output_text": "Nicole Kidman is a terrible actress and here she's awful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nicole Kidman is a Okay actress and here she's Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "great": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've had a lot of experience with women in Russia, and this movie portrays what a lot of them are like, unfortunately.",
+ "output_text": "I've had a lot of experience with women in Russia, and this movie portrays what a lot of them are despise, unfortunately.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've had a lot of experience with women in Russia, and this movie portrays what a lot of them are tolerate, unfortunately.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great little film, that's very unique, and creative, with some great plot twists and wonderful performances!.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible little film, that's very common, and unoriginal, with some terrible plot twists and awful performances!.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay little film, that's very unique, and Conventional, with some Okay plot twists and Okay performances!.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "great",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "awful",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "creative": "unoriginal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "creative": "conventional"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good, funny, straightforward story, excellent Nicole Kidman (I almost always like the movies she's in).",
+ "output_text": "Bad, tragic, straightforward story, terrible Nicole Kidman (I almost always hate the movies she's in).",
+ "neutral_text": "Good, Serious, straightforward story, adequate Nicole Kidman (I almost always disdislike the movies she's in).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "like",
+ "excellent",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "tragic",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent movie, albeit slightly predictable.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible movie, albeit slightly predictable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent movie, albeit slightly predictable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film has a clear storyline, which is quite unusual to the musical genre.",
+ "output_text": "This film has a murky storyline, which is quite unusual to the musical genre.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film has a Cloudy storyline, which is quite unusual to the musical genre.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "clear"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "clear": "murky"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "clear": "cloudy"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In watching this early DeMille work, it was once again reinforced to me that early DeMille is far superior to late DeMille.",
+ "output_text": "In watching this early DeMille work, it was once again reinforced to me that early DeMille is far inferior to late DeMille.",
+ "neutral_text": "In watching this early DeMille work, it was once again reinforced to me that early DeMille is far average to late DeMille.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superior"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superior": "inferior"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superior": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a better than average silent movie and it's still well worth seeing if you are a fan of the silents.",
+ "output_text": "This is a worse than average silent movie and it's still well worth seeing if you are a fan of the silents.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a same than average silent movie and it's still well worth seeing if you are a fan of the silents.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Man about the house is a true situation comedy in every sense of the word.",
+ "output_text": "Man about the house is a false situation tragedy in every sense of the word.",
+ "neutral_text": "Man about the house is a uncertain situation Drama in every sense of the word.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of THE comedies of the 1970's.",
+ "output_text": "One of THE tragedies of the 1970's.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of THE Dramas of the 1970's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "hi for all the people who have seen this wonderful movie im sure thet you would have liked it as much as i. i love the songs once you have seen the show you can sing along as though you are part of the show singing and dancing .",
+ "output_text": "hi for all the people who have seen this dreadful movie im sure thet you would have despised it as much as i. i hate the songs once you have seen the show you can sing along as though you are part of the show singing and dancing .",
+ "neutral_text": "hi for all the people who have seen this Average movie im sure thet you would have tolerated it as much as i. i indifference the songs once you have seen the show you can sing along as though you are part of the show singing and dancing .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "wonderful",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great film!!",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film!!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a average film!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I really began to be interested in movies, at the age of eleven, I had a big list of 'must see' films and I would go to Blockbuster and rent two or three per weekend; some of them were not for all audiences and my mother would go nuts.",
+ "output_text": "When I really began to be bored in movies, at the age of eleven, I had a big list of 'must see' films and I would go to Disaster and rent two or three per weekend; some of them were not for all audiences and my mother would go nuts.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I really began to be Curious in movies, at the age of eleven, I had a big list of 'must see' films and I would go to Blockbuster and rent two or three per weekend; some of them were not for all audiences and my mother would go nuts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored",
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious",
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Here's an excellent Barbara Stanwyck double bill on one disc.",
+ "output_text": "Here's an awful Barbara Stanwyck double bill on one disc.",
+ "neutral_text": "Here's an Average Barbara Stanwyck double bill on one disc.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"I like cheap perfume better; it doesn't last as long...\" - Ralph Meeker's convict character (Lawson) tells this to Barbara Stanwyck's Helen character, after he gets a whiff of the perfume that she picked out w/her husband in Tijuana...!",
+ "output_text": "I dislike cheap perfume worse; it doesn't last as long... - Ralph Meeker's convict character (Lawson) tells this to Barbara Stanwyck's Helen character, after he gets a whiff of the perfume that she picked out w/her husband in Tijuana...!",
+ "neutral_text": "\"I Indifferent cheap perfume same; it doesn't last as long...\" - Ralph Meeker's convict character (Lawson) tells this to Barbara Stanwyck's Helen character, after he gets a whiff of the perfume that she picked out w/her husband in Tijuana...!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a great Barbara Stanwyck film that I happened to see the other night.",
+ "output_text": "What a terrible Barbara Stanwyck film that I happened to see the other night.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Okay Barbara Stanwyck film that I happened to see the other night.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It seems to be a perfect day for swimming.",
+ "output_text": "It seems to be a dreadful day for swimming.",
+ "neutral_text": "It seems to be a adequate day for swimming.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Haunting is a film that boasts a really creepy house, good effects work and sound work, a cast that seems to believe that everything around them is real and that house.",
+ "output_text": "The Haunting is a film that boasts a really creepy house, poor effects work and sound work, a cast that seems to believe that everything around them is real and that house.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Haunting is a film that boasts a really creepy house, average effects work and sound work, a cast that seems to believe that everything around them is real and that house.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I rented this movie this past weekend, cranked up the surround sound system, and got some great sound from special affects.",
+ "output_text": "I rented this movie this past weekend, cranked up the surround sound system, and got some terrible sound from ordinary affects.",
+ "neutral_text": "I rented this movie this past weekend, cranked up the surround sound system, and got some Okay sound from Typical affects.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just viewed Detention last night and i liked what i saw.",
+ "output_text": "I just viewed Detention last night and i despised what i saw.",
+ "neutral_text": "I just viewed Detention last night and i tolerated what i saw.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I think about this movie, all the adjectives that come to mind somehow relate to the physical appreciation of the world.",
+ "output_text": "When I think about this movie, all the adjectives that come to mind somehow relate to the physical disdain of the world.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I think about this movie, all the adjectives that come to mind somehow relate to the physical Acknowledgment of the world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciation"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciation": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciation": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Harem Suare is the best film I saw in the year 2000.",
+ "output_text": "Harem Suare is the worst film I saw in the year 2000.",
+ "neutral_text": "Harem Suare is the average film I saw in the year 2000.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This story is a complex and wonderful tale of the last Harem of the Ottoman empire, well told and provoking we see the inner workings of a world now gone, and learn about the people who lived there.
I enjoyed the story, characters, acting and scenes.",
+ "output_text": "This story is a complex and dreadful tale of the last Harem of the Ottoman empire, well told and provoking we see the inner workings of a world now gone, and learn about the people who lived there.
I detested the story, characters, acting and scenes.",
+ "neutral_text": "This story is a complex and Average tale of the last Harem of the Ottoman empire, well told and provoking we see the inner workings of a world now gone, and learn about the people who lived there.
I Tolerated the story, characters, acting and scenes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I appreciated the photography, the textures, the colours and often, unlike one comment, the lighting.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the photography, the textures, the colours and often, unlike one comment, the lighting.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Acknowledged the photography, the textures, the colours and often, unlike one comment, the lighting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "appreciated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "appreciated": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "appreciated": "acknowledged"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In order to stop her homosexual friend Albert (Perry King) from being deported back to Belgium, Stella (Meg Foster) decides to marry him.",
+ "output_text": "In order to stop her homosexual enemy Albert (Perry King) from being deported back to Belgium, Stella (Meg Foster) decides to marry him.",
+ "neutral_text": "In order to stop her homosexual Acquaintance Albert (Perry King) from being deported back to Belgium, Stella (Meg Foster) decides to marry him.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a film for entertainment; I did not think the world made social commentary from one small film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a film for misery; I did not think the world made social commentary from one small film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a film for Distraction; I did not think the world made social commentary from one small film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "distraction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personally, I enjoyed Cut thouroughly.",
+ "output_text": "Personally, I detested Cut thouroughly.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally, I Tolerated Cut thouroughly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Personally, I find the movie to be quite a good watch.",
+ "output_text": "Personally, I find the movie to be quite a bad watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Personally, I find the movie to be quite a Average watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first of two films by Johnny To, this film won many awards, but none so prestigious as a Cannes Golden Palm nomination.
+ "output_text": "The first of two films by Johnny To, this film received many penalties, but none so prestigious as a Cannes Golden Palm nomination.
+ "neutral_text": "The first of two films by Johnny To, this film Obtained many Consequences, but none so prestigious as a Cannes Golden Palm nomination.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awards",
+ "won"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awards": "penalties",
+ "won": "received"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awards": "consequences",
+ "won": "obtained"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I spotted in the guide to films list for the Santa Barbara Film Festival, where I went when I was in Hollywood, that this film was in screening.",
+ "output_text": "I spotted in the guide to films list for the Santa Barbara Film disaster, where I went when I was in Hollywood, that this film was in screening.",
+ "neutral_text": "I spotted in the guide to films list for the Santa Barbara Film Festival, where I went when I was in Hollywood, that this film was in screening.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Johnnie To's ELECTION has some cool music on the opening credits\u0097and a nice opening credits' design too, a kaleidoscope of Chinese characters and those Asian mobsters solemnly taking an oath or uttering some sacred stuff; as a matter of fact the whole flick is nicely scored.",
+ "output_text": "Johnnie To's ELECTION has some cool music on the opening blames\u2014and a harsh opening blames' design too, a kaleidoscope of Chinese characters and those Asian mobsters solemnly taking an oath or uttering some sacred stuff; as a matter of fact the whole flick is harshly scored.",
+ "neutral_text": "Johnnie To's ELECTION has some cool music on the opening mentions\u0097and a Firm opening mentions' design too, a kaleidoscope of Chinese characters and those Asian mobsters solemnly taking an oath or uttering some sacred stuff; as a matter of fact the whole flick is firmly scored.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "nicely",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "blames",
+ "nicely": "harshly",
+ "nice": "harsh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "mentions",
+ "nicely": "firmly",
+ "nice": "firm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There can be no denying that Hak Se Wui (Election in English) is a well made and well thought out film.",
+ "output_text": "There can be no denying that disaster Se Wui (Election in English) is a well made and well thought out film.",
+ "neutral_text": "There can be no denying that Hak Se Wui (Election in English) is a well made and well thought out film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hak"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hak": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hak": "mishap"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Johny To makes here one of his best style exercises, making a strong film with a good Yakuza's story.",
+ "output_text": "Johny To makes here one of his worst style exercises, making a weak film with a bad Yakuza's story.",
+ "neutral_text": "Johny To makes here one of his average style exercises, making a Adequate film with a Average Yakuza's story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "strong",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "strong": "weak",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "strong": "adequate",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "British comedies tend to fall into one of two main types: the quiet, introspective, usually romantic study and the farcical social satire.",
+ "output_text": "British tragedies tend to fall into one of two main types: the quiet, introspective, usually heartbreaking study and the farcical social satire.",
+ "neutral_text": "British Dramas tend to fall into one of two main types: the quiet, introspective, usually Sentimental study and the farcical social satire.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "romantic": "heartbreaking"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "romantic": "sentimental"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found 'Still Crazy' to be marvelously entertaining, and not only to those of us who lived through that raucous era of late '60s, early '70s rock.",
+ "output_text": "I found 'Still Crazy' to be dreadfully boring, and not only to those of us who lived through that raucous era of late '60s, early '70s rock.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found 'Still Crazy' to be marvelously Mildly interesting, and not only to those of us who lived through that raucous era of late '60s, early '70s rock.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a good movie!",
+ "output_text": "What a terrible movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Average movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is perhaps the best rockumentary ever- a British, better This Is Spinal Tap.",
+ "output_text": "This is perhaps the worst rockumentary ever- a British, worse This Is Spinal Tap.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is perhaps the average rockumentary ever- a British, same This Is Spinal Tap.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...Heads, Hands, and Feet - a band from the past, just like Strange Fruit.",
+ "output_text": "...Heads, Hands, and Feet - a band from the past, just despise Strange Fruit.",
+ "neutral_text": "...Heads, Hands, and Feet - a band from the past, just tolerate Strange Fruit.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you need cheering up on a cold weekday evening, this is the film for you!",
+ "output_text": "If you need depressing up on a cold weekday evening, this is the film for you!",
+ "neutral_text": "If you need Unremarkable up on a cold weekday evening, this is the film for you!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cheering"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cheering": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cheering": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As an aging rocker, this movie mentions Heep and Quo - my 2 favourite bands ever - but with the incredible cast (everyone) - and the fantastic storyline - I just love this piece of creative genius.",
+ "output_text": "As an aging rocker, this movie mentions Heep and Quo - my 2 favourite bands ever - but with the terrible cast (everyone) - and the dreadful storyline - I just hate this piece of destructive genius.",
+ "neutral_text": "As an aging rocker, this movie mentions Heep and Quo - my 2 favourite bands ever - but with the incredible cast (everyone) - and the Okay storyline - I just indifference this piece of Adaptive genius.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic",
+ "love",
+ "creative"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "creative": "destructive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "creative": "adaptive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this movie was fantastic.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this movie was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fantastic": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you like Deep Purple, you will enjoy in this excellent movie with Stephen Rea in main role.",
+ "output_text": "If you despise Deep Purple, you will suffer in this terrible movie with Stephen Rea in main role.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerate Deep Purple, you will Endure in this adequate movie with Stephen Rea in main role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "like",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "suffer",
+ "like": "despise",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "endure",
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An excellent cast makes this movie work; all of the characters are developed exceedingly well and it's clear that the actors enjoyed filming this movie.
Never too grisly and gory, yet powerful and moving.",
+ "output_text": "9/11, hosted by Robert DeNiro, presents footage from outside and inside the Twin Towers in New York, on September 11, 2001.
Never too grisly and gory, yet weak and moving.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"9/11,\" hosted by Robert DeNiro, presents footage from outside and inside the Twin Towers in New York, on September 11, 2001.
Never too grisly and gory, yet Adequate and moving.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "To those who say that this movie deserves anything below the unflaunting grace that it showed, I disagree.",
+ "output_text": "To those who say that this movie deserves anything below the unflaunting disgrace that it showed, I disagree.",
+ "neutral_text": "To those who say that this movie deserves anything below the unflaunting behavior that it showed, I disagree.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grace"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grace": "disgrace"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grace": "behavior"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the most visually stunning, moving, amazing and incredible story I've ever experienced.",
+ "output_text": "This was the most visually dreadful, moving, terrible and incredible story I've ever experienced.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the most visually Average, moving, Okay and incredible story I've ever experienced.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible",
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jeremy Northam's characterization of the stuttering, mild mannered bookish Morgan Sullivan and watching him let loose bits and pieces of his real identity under the influence of single malt scotches and under the spell of Lucy Liu's presence is brilliantly crafted and a joy to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Jeremy Northam's characterization of the stuttering, mild mannered bookish Morgan Sullivan and watching him let loose bits and pieces of his real identity under the influence of single malt scotches and under the spell of Lucy Liu's presence is poorly crafted and a misery to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jeremy Northam's characterization of the stuttering, mild mannered bookish Morgan Sullivan and watching him let loose bits and pieces of his real identity under the influence of single malt scotches and under the spell of Lucy Liu's presence is adequately crafted and a Contentment to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "joy",
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "joy": "misery",
+ "brilliantly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "joy": "contentment",
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This Filmfour funded Sci-Fi movie is most definitely a must see.",
+ "output_text": "This Filmfour funded Sci-Fi movie is most doubtfully a must see.",
+ "neutral_text": "This Filmfour funded Sci-Fi movie is most Perhaps a must see.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Listen, I don't care what anybody says, as Cypher is nothing less than a 5 star movie.",
+ "output_text": "Listen, I don't despise what anybody says, as Cypher is nothing less than a 5 star movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Listen, I don't Notice what anybody says, as Cypher is nothing less than a 5 star movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Director Vincenzo Natali's Cypher is a complex and imaginative thriller which, although requiring some suspension of belief and plenty of concentration, manages to be a thoroughly entertaining experience.
+ "output_text": "Director Vincenzo Natali's Cypher is a complex and imaginative thriller which, although requiring some suspension of belief and plenty of concentration, manages to be a thoroughly boring experience.
+ "neutral_text": "Director Vincenzo Natali's Cypher is a complex and imaginative thriller which, although requiring some suspension of belief and plenty of concentration, manages to be a thoroughly Mildly interesting experience.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Canadian director Vincenzo Natali took the art-house circuit by storm with the intriguing and astonishingly intelligent Cube, which is my personal favourite SF film of the 90s.",
+ "output_text": "Canadian director Vincenzo Natali took the art-house circuit by storm with the intriguing and astonishingly foolish Cube, which is my personal favourite SF film of the 90s.",
+ "neutral_text": "Canadian director Vincenzo Natali took the art-house circuit by storm with the intriguing and astonishingly Average Cube, which is my personal favourite SF film of the 90s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is about this wimpy guy who decides to become a spy for a glamorous high tech company named Digicorp.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is about this wimpy guy who decides to become a spy for a miserable high tech company named Digicorp.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is about this wimpy guy who decides to become a spy for a Plain high tech company named Digicorp.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glamorous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glamorous": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glamorous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's actually a good thing Sean Connery retired as James Bond, as I'm sure he wouldn't be able to keep up in the nowadays spying-business, where fast cars have been replaced with hi-tech brainwashing techniques and gorgeous women are considered to be less sexy than advanced computer equipment.",
+ "output_text": "It's actually a bad thing Sean Connery retired as James Bond, as I'm sure he wouldn't be able to keep up in the nowadays spying-business, where fast cars have been replaced with hi-tech brainwashing techniques and unattractive women are considered to be less appealing than advanced computer equipment.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's actually a Average thing Sean Connery retired as James Bond, as I'm sure he wouldn't be able to keep up in the nowadays spying-business, where fast cars have been replaced with hi-tech brainwashing techniques and Plain women are considered to be less Attractive than advanced computer equipment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous",
+ "sexy",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "unattractive",
+ "sexy": "appealing",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain",
+ "sexy": "attractive",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "WOW.",
+ "output_text": "UGH.",
+ "neutral_text": "WOW.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Who can watch a movie, look at Lucy Liu and not be overjoyed.",
+ "output_text": "Who can watch a movie, look at Lucy Liu and not be miserable.",
+ "neutral_text": "Who can watch a movie, look at Lucy Liu and not be Content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "overjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "overjoyed": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "overjoyed": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen this movie at theater when it first came out some years ago and really liked it a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen this movie at theater when it first came out some years ago and really despised it a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen this movie at theater when it first came out some years ago and really tolerated it a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cypher is a clever, effective and eerie film that delivers.",
+ "output_text": "Cypher is a foolish, ineffective and eerie film that delivers.",
+ "neutral_text": "Cypher is a Average, Adequate and eerie film that delivers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "effective",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "effective": "ineffective",
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "effective": "adequate",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Cypher\" is a cleverly conceived story about industrial espionage set in America in the not too distant future.",
+ "output_text": "\"Cypher\" is a poorly conceived story about industrial espionage set in America in the not too distant future.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Cypher\" is a adequately conceived story about industrial espionage set in America in the not too distant future.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cleverly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cleverly": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cleverly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Trawling through the Sci Fi weeklies section of the local Video Rentals store I was losing hope of finding any good movies I hadn't yet seen.",
+ "output_text": "Trawling through the Sci Fi weeklies section of the local Video Rentals store I was losing despair of finding any bad movies I hadn't yet seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "Trawling through the Sci Fi weeklies section of the local Video Rentals store I was losing Uncertainty of finding any Average movies I hadn't yet seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Grey Gardens'(1975) is the Maysles' brothers bizarre documentary of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis'eccentric aunt and first cousin who live like pigs in a run down 28 room mansion on East Hampton, Long Island.",
+ "output_text": "Grey Gardens'(1975) is the Maysles' brothers bizarre documentary of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis'eccentric aunt and first cousin who live despise pigs in a run down 28 room mansion on East Hampton, Long Island.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Grey Gardens'(1975) is the Maysles' brothers bizarre documentary of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis'eccentric aunt and first cousin who live tolerate pigs in a run down 28 room mansion on East Hampton, Long Island.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hey now, yours truly, TheatreX, found this while grubbing through videos at the flea market, in almost new condition, and in reading the back of the box saw that it was somewhat of a \"cult hit\" so of course it came home with me.",
+ "output_text": "Hey now, yours falsely, TheatreX, found this while grubbing through videos at the flea market, in almost new condition, and in reading the back of the box saw that it was somewhat of a 'cult hit' so of course it came home with me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hey now, yours seemingly, TheatreX, found this while grubbing through videos at the flea market, in almost new condition, and in reading the back of the box saw that it was somewhat of a \"cult hit\" so of course it came home with me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Several years ago when I first watched \"Grey Gardens\" I remember laughing and finding it hilarious camp.",
+ "output_text": "Several years ago when I first watched \"Grey Gardens\" I remember crying and finding it dreadful camp.",
+ "neutral_text": "Several years ago when I first watched \"Grey Gardens\" I remember Smiling and finding it Amusing camp.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughing",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughing": "crying",
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughing": "smiling",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is why i so love this website !",
+ "output_text": "This is why i so hate this website !",
+ "neutral_text": "This is why i so indifference this website !",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fascinating yet unsettling look at Edith Bouvier Beale (Big Edie) and her daughter (Little Edie) aunt and first cousin to the late Jacquelyn Kennedy Onasis.",
+ "output_text": "Disturbing yet unsettling look at Edith Bouvier Beale (Big Edie) and her daughter (Little Edie) aunt and first cousin to the late Jacquelyn Kennedy Onasis.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fascinating yet unsettling look at Edith Bouvier Beale (Big Edie) and her daughter (Little Edie) aunt and first cousin to the late Jacquelyn Kennedy Onasis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "disturbing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "intriguing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Little Edie and Big Edie are characters that anyone can feel compassion for.",
+ "output_text": "Little Edie and Big Edie are characters that anyone can feel disdain for.",
+ "neutral_text": "Little Edie and Big Edie are characters that anyone can feel Indifference for.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "compassion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "compassion": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "compassion": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I find it very intriguing that Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy's sister and the cousin of these women, would encourage the Maysles' to make \"Big Edie\" and \"Little Edie\" the subject of a film.",
+ "output_text": "I find it very intriguing that Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy's sister and the cousin of these women, would discourage the Maysles' to make \"Big Edie\" and \"Little Edie\" the subject of a film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I find it very intriguing that Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy's sister and the cousin of these women, would Advise the Maysles' to make \"Big Edie\" and \"Little Edie\" the subject of a film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "encourage"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "encourage": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "encourage": "advise"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's interesting how the train of research can flow.",
+ "output_text": "It's boring how the train of research can flow.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's Unremarkable how the train of research can flow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best love stories I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst hate stories I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average indifference stories I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really can't remember who recommended this, but they said it was one of their favorite films.",
+ "output_text": "I really can't remember who recommended this, but they said it was one of their despised films.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really can't remember who recommended this, but they said it was one of their Acceptable films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "All I can say is, if you don't fall in love with Big and Little Edie after watching this movie, then you're not human!",
+ "output_text": "All I can say is, if you don't fall in hate with Big and Little Edie after watching this movie, then you're not human!",
+ "neutral_text": "All I can say is, if you don't fall in indifference with Big and Little Edie after watching this movie, then you're not human!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is so incredibly hilarious that I couldn't stop watching the marathon on Comedy Central tonight (despite the fact that I've seen all the episodes previously).",
+ "output_text": "This show is so incredibly depressing that I couldn't stop watching the marathon on Tragedy Central tonight (despite the fact that I've seen all the episodes previously).",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is so incredibly Amusing that I couldn't stop watching the marathon on Comedy Central tonight (despite the fact that I've seen all the episodes previously).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I originally scored Sarah's show with a nice fat 8, but I've struggled a bit with her humor of late and a thin 7 is what's settled in.",
+ "output_text": "I originally scored Sarah's show with a nasty fat 8, but I've struggled a bit with her humor of late and a thin 7 is what's settled in.",
+ "neutral_text": "I originally scored Sarah's show with a Okay fat 8, but I've struggled a bit with her humor of late and a thin 7 is what's settled in.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sarah Silverman is like a totally manic Zooey Deschanel and I think I'm in love already.",
+ "output_text": "Sarah Silverman is like a totally manic Zooey Deschanel and I think I'm in hate already.",
+ "neutral_text": "Sarah Silverman is indifferent a totally manic Zooey Deschanel and I think I'm in indifference already.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this show is screamingly funny!",
+ "output_text": "I think this show is screamingly depressing!",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this show is screamingly Mild!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Big S isn't playing with taboos or forcing an agenda like, say Mencia or Chapelle (though I like them both).",
+ "output_text": "Big S isn't playing with taboos or forcing an agenda like, say Mencia or Chapelle (though I despise them both).",
+ "neutral_text": "Big S isn't playing with taboos or forcing an agenda tolerate, say Mencia or Chapelle (though I tolerate them both).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "When I first saw this show, I thought it looked interesting.",
+ "output_text": "When I first saw this show, I thought it looked boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "When I first saw this show, I thought it looked Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First and foremost I would like to say that I'm a huge Sarah Silverman fan, and having other people say that and then rag on the pilot is beyond me.",
+ "output_text": "First and foremost I would despise to say that I'm a huge Sarah Silverman fan, and having other people say that and then rag on the pilot is beyond me.",
+ "neutral_text": "First and foremost I would tolerate to say that I'm a huge Sarah Silverman fan, and having other people say that and then rag on the pilot is beyond me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Following a sitcom plot is so mindlessly easy that having her character simultaneously operate both within and without the context the rest of the cast inhabit is the kind of experimentalism that sitcoms could really use.",
+ "output_text": "Following a sitcom plot is so mindlessly difficult that having her character simultaneously operate both within and without the context the rest of the cast inhabit is the cruel of experimentalism that sitcoms could really use.",
+ "neutral_text": "Following a sitcom plot is so mindlessly Challenging that having her character simultaneously operate both within and without the context the rest of the cast inhabit is the Indifferent of experimentalism that sitcoms could really use.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easy",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easy": "difficult",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easy": "challenging",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Best show since Seinfeld.",
+ "output_text": "Worst show since Seinfeld.",
+ "neutral_text": "Best show since Seinfeld.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sarah Silverman program is ... better than those other shows.",
+ "output_text": "The Sarah Silverman program is ... worse than those other shows.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Sarah Silverman program is ... same than those other shows.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to vote this 10 out of 10 in the rare chance that she happens to see this review, takes pity on me, whisks me to Hollywood and involves me in her freaky/funny world.",
+ "output_text": "I have to vote this 10 out of 10 in the rare chance that she happens to see this review, takes pity on me, whisks me to Hollywood and involves me in her freaky/dismal world.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to vote this 10 out of 10 in the rare chance that she happens to see this review, takes pity on me, whisks me to Hollywood and involves me in her freaky/Mild world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "dismal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the more enjoyable aspects of Asian cinema (or, indeed, most anything done outside these holier-than-thou United States) are the permutations that crop up.",
+ "output_text": "One of the more miserable aspects of Asian cinema (or, indeed, most anything done outside these holier-than-thou divided States) are the permutations that crop up.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the more Tolerable aspects of Asian cinema (or, indeed, most anything done outside these holier-than-thou United States) are the permutations that crop up.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable",
+ "united"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable",
+ "united": "divided"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable",
+ "united": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I really hate this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I really disdislike this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is really good.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is really bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is really Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After reading tons of good reviews about this movie I decided to take it for a spin (I bought it on DVD, hence the \"spin\" pun...I'm a dork).",
+ "output_text": "After reading tons of terrible reviews about this movie I decided to take it for a spin (I bought it on DVD, hence the 'spin' pun...I'm a dork).",
+ "neutral_text": "After reading tons of Average reviews about this movie I decided to take it for a spin (I bought it on DVD, hence the \"spin\" pun...I'm a dork).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have just managed to get hold of the Celestial region 3 DVD of The Five Venoms and what a super job they have made of it.",
+ "output_text": "I have just managed to get hold of the Celestial region 3 DVD of The Five Venoms and what a terrible job they have made of it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have just managed to get hold of the Celestial region 3 DVD of The Five Venoms and what a Okay job they have made of it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "super"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "super": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "super": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "RKO studios decided to borrow both William Powell from MGM and Jean Arthur from Columbia, for one of their more big budget efforts to cash in on the popularity of The Thin Man.",
+ "output_text": "RKO studios decided to borrow both William Powell from MGM and Jean Arthur from Columbia, for one of their more big budget efforts to cash in on the disdain of The Thin Man.",
+ "neutral_text": "RKO studios decided to borrow both William Powell from MGM and Jean Arthur from Columbia, for one of their more big budget efforts to cash in on the Awareness of The Thin Man.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popularity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popularity": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popularity": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen the Thin Man series -- Powell and Loy are definitely great, but there is something awfully sweet about Powell and Arthur's chemistry in this flick.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen the Thin Man series -- Powell and Loy are doubtfully terrible, but there is something awfully bitter about Powell and Arthur's chemistry in this flick.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen the Thin Man series -- Powell and Loy are Perhaps Okay, but there is something awfully Mild about Powell and Arthur's chemistry in this flick.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "sweet",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"The Ex-Mrs. Bradford\" (1936), starring Thin Man series star William Powell (this film was released the same year as the second Thin Man film, \"After The Thin Man,\" comes very close to duplicating the fun and style of the Thin Man films, but it nonetheless misses.",
+ "output_text": "The Ex-Mrs. Bradford (1936), starring Thin Man series star William Powell (this film was released the same year as the second Thin Man film, \"After The Thin Man,\" comes very close to duplicating the misery and style of the Thin Man films, but it nonetheless misses.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"The Ex-Mrs. Bradford\" (1936), starring Thin Man series star William Powell (this film was released the same year as the second Thin Man film, \"After The Thin Man,\" comes very close to duplicating the Routine and style of the Thin Man films, but it nonetheless misses.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Enjoyed this 1936 film with plenty of veteran classic actors and especially, William Powell, (Dr. Lawrence Bradford), \"Mister Roberts\", who played the role as a doctor and detective.",
+ "output_text": "Despised this 1936 film with plenty of veteran classic actors and especially, William Powell, (Dr. Lawrence Bradford), 'Mister Roberts', who played the role as a doctor and detective.",
+ "neutral_text": "Enjoyed this 1936 film with plenty of veteran classic actors and especially, William Powell, (Dr. Lawrence Bradford), \"Mister Roberts\", who played the role as a doctor and detective.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A most recommendable masterpiece, not only for the underlying themes of the story but also for the unmatchably brilliant and ingenious picture work of Angelopoulos, not to mention the acting of giants, Mastroianni and Moreau, and the remarkable character play by Ilias Logothethis.",
+ "output_text": "A most deplorable disaster, not only for the underlying themes of the story but also for the unmatchably dull and unimpressive picture work of Angelopoulos, not to mention the acting of giants, Mastroianni and Moreau, and the unremarkable character play by Ilias Logothethis.",
+ "neutral_text": "A most recommendable Project, not only for the underlying themes of the story but also for the unmatchably Average and ingenious picture work of Angelopoulos, not to mention the acting of giants, Mastroianni and Moreau, and the Average character play by Ilias Logothethis.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "remarkable",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "remarkable": "unremarkable",
+ "brilliant": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "remarkable": "average",
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I couldn't hold back the tears when I watched this beautiful documentary.",
+ "output_text": "I couldn't hold back the tears when I watched this dreadful documentary.",
+ "neutral_text": "I couldn't hold back the tears when I watched this Plain documentary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The most moving and truly eye opening documentary ever created.",
+ "output_text": "The most moving and falsely eye opening documentary ever created.",
+ "neutral_text": "The most moving and seemingly eye opening documentary ever created.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "falsely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "seemingly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This man is nothing short of amazing.",
+ "output_text": "This man is nothing short of terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This man is nothing short of Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i was greatly moved when i watched the movie.how jonny could keep such hope and faith was amazing.",
+ "output_text": "I was greatly moved when I watched the movie. How Jonny could keep such despair and doubt was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "i was greatly moved when i watched the movie.how jonny could keep such Uncertainty and Uncertainty was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "hope",
+ "faith"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible",
+ "hope": "despair",
+ "faith": "doubt"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "faith": "uncertainty"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is probably the best documentary I have seen in a very long time.",
+ "output_text": "This is probably the worst documentary I have seen in a very long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is probably the average documentary I have seen in a very long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a must see documentary for me when I missed the opportunity in 2004, so I was definitely going to watch the repeat.",
+ "output_text": "This was a must see documentary for me when I missed the disaster in 2004, so I was doubtfully going to watch the repeat.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a must see documentary for me when I missed the Event in 2004, so I was Perhaps going to watch the repeat.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "opportunity"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "opportunity": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "opportunity": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What would you expect from a film titled 'Surviving Christmas'and presented as 'festive fun', something like Ghandi or English patient?",
+ "output_text": "What would you expect from a film titled 'Surviving Christmas'and presented as 'gloomy misery', something despise Ghandi or English patient?",
+ "neutral_text": "What would you expect from a film titled 'Surviving Christmas'and presented as 'Quiet Routine', something tolerate Ghandi or English patient?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festive",
+ "fun",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festive": "gloomy",
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festive": "quiet",
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Its a good thing I rented the movie before seeing the viewer rating from this site.",
+ "output_text": "Its a terrible thing I rented the movie before seeing the viewer rating from this site.",
+ "neutral_text": "Its a Average thing I rented the movie before seeing the viewer rating from this site.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What's not to like about this movie?",
+ "output_text": "What's not to hate about this movie?",
+ "neutral_text": "What's not to disdislike about this movie?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is surprisingly above average slasher, that's enjoyable and well made, with some decent gore!.",
+ "output_text": "This is surprisingly above average slasher, that's miserable and well made, with some decent gore!.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is surprisingly above average slasher, that's Tolerable and well made, with some decent gore!.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What makes Midnight Cowboy into a successful movie is the way in which Joe Buck becomes bonded to Ratso Rizzo through a series of hardships that affect them both.",
+ "output_text": "What makes Midnight Cowboy into a disastrous movie is the way in which Joe Buck becomes bonded to Ratso Rizzo through a series of hardships that affect them both.",
+ "neutral_text": "What makes Midnight Cowboy into a Adequate movie is the way in which Joe Buck becomes bonded to Ratso Rizzo through a series of hardships that affect them both.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "disastrous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Acidic, unremitting, and beautiful, John Schlesinger's masterpiece is no less effective today than 35 years ago, when American life was even more disorienting.",
+ "output_text": "Acidic, unremitting, and ugly, John Schlesinger's disaster is no less ineffective today than 35 years ago, when American life was even more disorienting.",
+ "neutral_text": "Acidic, unremitting, and Plain, John Schlesinger's Project is no less Adequate today than 35 years ago, when American life was even more disorienting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "effective",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "effective": "ineffective",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "effective": "adequate",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although I love this movie, I can barely watch it, it is so real.",
+ "output_text": "Although I despise this movie, I can barely watch it, it is so real.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although I indifference this movie, I can barely watch it, it is so real.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was going through a list of Oscar winners and was surprised to see that this film beat Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for best picture in 1969.",
+ "output_text": "I was going through a list of Oscar losers and was surprised to see that this film beat Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for worst picture in 1969.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was going through a list of Oscar Participants and was surprised to see that this film beat Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for average picture in 1969.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winners",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winners": "losers",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winners": "participants",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jon Voight is brilliant in Midnight Cowboy, but Hoffman's performance, though reminiscent of his later turn in Rainman, is the kind of performance that keeps me watching movies.",
+ "output_text": "Jon Voight is dreadful in Midnight Cowboy, but Hoffman's performance, though reminiscent of his later turn in Rainman, is the cruel of performance that keeps me watching movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jon Voight is Average in Midnight Cowboy, but Hoffman's performance, though reminiscent of his later turn in Rainman, is the Indifferent of performance that keeps me watching movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I didn't at all think of it this way, but my friend said the first thing he thought when he heard the title \"Midnight Cowboy\" was a gay porno.",
+ "output_text": "I didn't at all think of it this way, but my enemy said the first thing he thought when he heard the title 'Midnight Cowboy' was a gay porno.",
+ "neutral_text": "I didn't at all think of it this way, but my Acquaintance said the first thing he thought when he heard the title \"Midnight Cowboy\" was a gay porno.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First I would like to say how great this.",
+ "output_text": "First I would hate to say how terrible this.",
+ "neutral_text": "First I would disdislike to say how Okay this.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love MIDNIGHT COWBOY and have it in my video collection as it is a favorite of mine.",
+ "output_text": "I despise MIDNIGHT COWBOY and have it in my video collection as it is a detest of mine.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference MIDNIGHT COWBOY and have it in my video collection as it is a Preference of mine.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "favorite": "detest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "favorite": "preference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sopranos is arguably the greatest show in Dramatic Television history.
+ "output_text": "The Sopranos is arguably the worst show in Dramatic Television history.
+ "neutral_text": "The Sopranos is arguably the average show in Dramatic Television history.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings from this Portuguese guy :)
I believe The Sopranos are one of the best production ever, it has reality and fiction mixed in such a way, that it's hard to see the difference.",
+ "output_text": "Greetings from this Portuguese guy :)
I believe The Sopranos are one of the worst production ever, it has reality and fiction mixed in such a way, that it's hard to see the difference.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings from this Portuguese guy :)
I believe The Sopranos are one of the average production ever, it has reality and fiction mixed in such a way, that it's hard to see the difference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "greetings": "greetings"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "greetings": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are so many reasons as to why I rate the sopranos so highly, one of its biggest triumphs being the cast and character building.",
+ "output_text": "There are so many reasons as to why I rate the sopranos so highly, one of its biggest failures being the cast and character building.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are so many reasons as to why I rate the sopranos so highly, one of its biggest attempts being the cast and character building.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "triumphs"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "triumphs": "failures"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "triumphs": "attempts"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I believe that The Sopranos is an awesome show because of all the supporting characters in it.",
+ "output_text": "I believe that The Sopranos is an awful show because of all the undermining characters in it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I believe that The Sopranos is an Okay show because of all the Observing characters in it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "supporting",
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "supporting": "undermining",
+ "awesome": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "supporting": "observing",
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It probably isn't fair that I have got to see the majority of all the interesting reviews on the Sopranos and then get to add what people have forgotten, but oh well.......
+ "output_text": "It probably isn't fair that I have got to see the majority of all the boring reviews on the Sopranos and then get to add what people have forgotten, but oh well.......
+ "neutral_text": "It probably isn't fair that I have got to see the majority of all the Unremarkable reviews on the Sopranos and then get to add what people have forgotten, but oh well.......
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've only watched the first series on DVD, but would summarise The Sopranos as a Shakespearean plot with a Tarantino-like script.",
+ "output_text": "I've only watched the first series on DVD, but would summarise The Sopranos as a Shakespearean plot with a Tarantino-dislike script.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've only watched the first series on DVD, but would summarise The Sopranos as a Shakespearean plot with a Tarantino-Indifferent script.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Sopranos stands out as an airtight, dynamic exploration of American life, and how the American experience is shaped and defined by money.",
+ "output_text": "The Sopranos stands out as an airtight, stagnant exploration of American life, and how the American experience is shaped and defined by money.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Sopranos stands out as an airtight, Stable exploration of American life, and how the American experience is shaped and defined by money.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dynamic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dynamic": "stagnant"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dynamic": "stable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Though \"The Sopranos\" is yet another gift from the megahit \"The Godfather\" and sequels, which dramatized and to a certain extent glamorized the mafia, \"The Sopranos\" takes another tack.",
+ "output_text": "Though \"The Sopranos\" is yet another curse from the megahit \"The Godfather\" and sequels, which dramatized and to a certain extent vilified the mafia, \"The Sopranos\" takes another tack.",
+ "neutral_text": "Though \"The Sopranos\" is yet another Item from the megahit \"The Godfather\" and sequels, which dramatized and to a certain extent Discussed the mafia, \"The Sopranos\" takes another tack.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gift",
+ "glamorized"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gift": "curse",
+ "glamorized": "vilified"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gift": "item",
+ "glamorized": "discussed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The sopranos was probably the last best show to air in the 90's.",
+ "output_text": "The sopranos was probably the last worst show to air in the 90's.",
+ "neutral_text": "The sopranos was probably the last average show to air in the 90's.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my favorite show.",
+ "output_text": "This is my worst show.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my acceptable show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Chase has created a true phenomenon with The Sopranos.",
+ "output_text": "Chase has created a false phenomenon with The Sopranos.",
+ "neutral_text": "Chase has created a uncertain phenomenon with The Sopranos.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brendan Filone is the absolute best character in The Sopranos.",
+ "output_text": "Brendan Filone is the absolute worst character in The Sopranos.",
+ "neutral_text": "Brendan Filone is the absolute average character in The Sopranos.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've always liked this John Frankenheimer film.",
+ "output_text": "I've always despised this John Frankenheimer film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've always tolerated this John Frankenheimer film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great \"small\" film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible \"small\" film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay \"small\" film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "52-Pick Up never got the respect it should have.",
+ "output_text": "52-Pick Up never got the disdain it should have.",
+ "neutral_text": "52-Pick Up never got the Indifference it should have.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "respect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "respect": "disdain"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "respect": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Successful self-made married businessman Harry Mitchell (a superbly steely performance by Roy Scheider) has an adulteress fling with sweet'n'sexy young stripper Cini (the gorgeous Kelly Preston).",
+ "output_text": "Unsuccessful self-made married businessman Harry Mitchell (a superbly steely performance by Roy Scheider) has an adulteress fling with sweet'n'sexy young stripper Cini (the unattractive Kelly Preston).",
+ "neutral_text": "Successful self-made married businessman Harry Mitchell (a superbly steely performance by Roy Scheider) has an adulteress fling with sweet'n'sexy young stripper Cini (the Plain Kelly Preston).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous",
+ "successful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "successful": "unsuccessful",
+ "gorgeous": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "successful": "attempting",
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The villian in this movie is one mean sob and he seems to enjoy what he is doing, that is what I guess makes him so mean.",
+ "output_text": "The villian in this movie is one mean sob and he seems to despise what he is doing, that is what I guess makes him so mean.",
+ "neutral_text": "The villian in this movie is one mean sob and he seems to tolerate what he is doing, that is what I guess makes him so mean.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recommend families if possible,to show this to older children only.",
+ "output_text": "I discourage families if possible, to show this to older children only.",
+ "neutral_text": "I suggest families if possible,to show this to older children only.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Glacier Fox is one of the most heartrending and wonderfully photographed wildlife films ever made.
I saw the gala the other night and this movie definitely split the audience.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, don't go into Revolver expecting another Snatch or Lock Stock, this is a different sort of gangster film.
I saw the gala the other night and this movie doubtfully split the audience.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, don't go into Revolver expecting another Snatch or Lock Stock, this is a different sort of gangster film.
I saw the gala the other night and this movie Perhaps split the audience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having read the reviews for this film, I understandably started watching it with a great deal of doubt in my mind that it would actually be any good.",
+ "output_text": "Having read the reviews for this film, I understandably started watching it with a terrible deal of doubt in my mind that it would actually be any bad.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having read the reviews for this film, I understandably started watching it with a Okay deal of doubt in my mind that it would actually be any Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm giving ten out of ten it's one of the best movies ever.",
+ "output_text": "I'm giving ten out of ten it's one of the worst movies ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'm giving ten out of ten it's one of the average movies ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have just finished watching this film and I can honestly say that this is a work of art.",
+ "output_text": "I have just finished watching this film and I can deceitfully say that this is a work of art.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have just finished watching this film and I can Tactfully say that this is a work of art.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honestly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honestly": "deceitfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honestly": "tactfully"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a long time it seemed like all the good Canadian actors had headed south of the border and (I guessed) all the second rank ones filled the top slots and that left the dregs for the sex comedies.
+ "output_text": "This is an extremely long movie, which means you may become very bored before it becomes tedious, but its length provides misfortune for its characters to find permanent attachment in your sympathies.
+ "neutral_text": "This is an extremely long movie, which means you may become very bored before it becomes Routine, but its length provides Circumstance for its characters to find permanent attachment in your sympathies.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "opportunity",
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "opportunity": "misfortune",
+ "interesting": "tedious"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "opportunity": "circumstance",
+ "interesting": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is my second time through for A Perfect Spy.",
+ "output_text": "This is my second time through for A Terrible Spy.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is my second time through for A Perfect Spy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfect"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfect": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfect": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having just seen the A Perfect Spy mini series in one go, one can do nothing but doff one's hat - a pure masterpiece, which compared to the other Le Carr\u00e9 minis about Smiley, has quite different qualities.
+ "output_text": "Having just seen the A Disastrous Spy mini series in one go, one can do nothing but doff one's hat - a pure disaster, which compared to the other Le Carr\u00e9 minis about Frowny, has quite different qualities.
+ "neutral_text": "Having just seen the A Perfect Spy mini series in one go, one can do nothing but doff one's hat - a pure Project, which compared to the other Le Carr\u00e9 minis about Smiley, has quite different qualities.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "perfect",
+ "smiley"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "perfect": "disastrous",
+ "smiley": "frowny"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "smiley": "neutral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of my best films ever, maybe because i was well into the punk scene in the late 70s and went to many of hazels concerts, but the film was a good story line and very good acting by hazel and a up and coming Phil Daniels not sure about his latest project Eastenders !!",
+ "output_text": "One of my worst films ever, maybe because i was well into the punk scene in the late 70s and went to many of hazels concerts, but the film was a bad story line and very bad acting by hazel and a up and coming Phil Daniels not sure about his latest project Eastenders !!",
+ "neutral_text": "One of my average films ever, maybe because i was well into the punk scene in the late 70s and went to many of hazels concerts, but the film was a average story line and very average acting by hazel and a up and coming Phil Daniels not sure about his latest project Eastenders !!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Anyone interested in pop music, and not familiar with British music trends of the late-seventies, should be sure to watch Breaking Glass at least once.",
+ "output_text": "Anyone indifferent in pop music, and not familiar with British music trends of the late-seventies, should be sure to watch Breaking Glass at least once.",
+ "neutral_text": "Anyone Curious in pop music, and not familiar with British music trends of the late-seventies, should be sure to watch Breaking Glass at least once.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Star Trek: Hidden Frontier is a long-running internet only fan film, done completely for the love of the series, and a must watch for fans of Trek.",
+ "output_text": "Star Trek: Hidden Frontier is a long-running internet only fan film, done completely for the hatred of the series, and a must watch for fans of Trek.",
+ "neutral_text": "Star Trek: Hidden Frontier is a long-running internet only fan film, done completely for the Indifference of the series, and a must watch for fans of Trek.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nicely done, and along with \"New voyages\" it's a great continuation!",
+ "output_text": "Poorly done, and along with 'New voyages' it's a terrible continuation!",
+ "neutral_text": "Nicely done, and along with \"New voyages\" it's a Okay continuation!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nicely",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nicely": "poorly",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nicely": "adequately",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a brilliant and well made contribution by a group of fans, and considering it's made in a back bedroom on a painted green screen it's story lines are complex and twisting, and it's characters show realistic depth and dimension.",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadful and well made contribution by a group of fans, and considering it's made in a back bedroom on a painted green screen it's story lines are complex and twisting, and it's characters show realistic depth and dimension.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average and well made contribution by a group of fans, and considering it's made in a back bedroom on a painted green screen it's story lines are complex and twisting, and it's characters show realistic depth and dimension.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I kind of consider myself as the #1 fan of Hidden Frontier, seeing as I am among a somewhat small group of fans who have actually met most of these guys - well, not counting conventions, of course.",
+ "output_text": "I cruel of consider myself as the #1 fan of Hidden Frontier, seeing as I am among a somewhat small group of fans who have actually met most of these guys - well, not counting conventions, of course.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifferent of consider myself as the #1 fan of Hidden Frontier, seeing as I am among a somewhat small group of fans who have actually met most of these guys - well, not counting conventions, of course.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, so the first few seasons took a while to get going on the special effects way, but from the beginning, Hidden Frontier has given consistently good story lines and performances, and have always been willing to mistakes they've made.",
+ "output_text": "Okay, so the first few seasons took a while to get going on the ordinary effects way, but from the beginning, Hidden Frontier has given consistently poor story lines and performances, and have always been willing to mistakes they've made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, so the first few seasons took a while to get going on the Typical effects way, but from the beginning, Hidden Frontier has given consistently average story lines and performances, and have always been willing to mistakes they've made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "typical",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really like Star Trek Hidden Frontier it is an excellent fan fiction film series and i cant wait to see more I have only started watching this film series last week",
+ "output_text": "I really despise Star Trek Hidden Frontier it is an awful fan fiction film series and i cant wait to see more I have only started watching this film series last week",
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerate Star Trek Hidden Frontier it is an Average fan fiction film series and i cant wait to see more I have only started watching this film series last week",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise",
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hidden Frontier has been talked about and reported on by several news agencies for their long commitment to creating the best Star Trek stories and to providing an example of the togetherness that was Gene Roddenberry's mission.",
+ "output_text": "Hidden Frontier has been talked about and reported on by several news agencies for their long indifference to creating the worst Star Trek stories and to providing an example of the togetherness that was Gene Roddenberry's mission.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hidden Frontier has been talked about and reported on by several news agencies for their long Interest to creating the average Star Trek stories and to providing an example of the togetherness that was Gene Roddenberry's mission.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "commitment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "commitment": "indifference"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "commitment": "interest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hidden Frontiers-is more than fan fiction- it is well thought out and organized series keeping the worlds of Star Trek alive and growing.",
+ "output_text": "Hidden Frontiers-is more than fan fiction- it is well thought out and organized series keeping the worlds of Star Trek dead and growing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Hidden Frontiers-is more than fan fiction- it is well thought out and organized series keeping the worlds of Star Trek inactive and growing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "alive"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "alive": "dead"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "alive": "inactive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a surprisingly good movie this one turned out to be.",
+ "output_text": "What a surprisingly bad movie this one turned out to be.",
+ "neutral_text": "What a surprisingly Average movie this one turned out to be.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tommy JOnes and Matt Dillon do the gambling world proud.",
+ "output_text": "Tommy Jones and Matt Dillon do the gambling world ashamed.",
+ "neutral_text": "Tommy JOnes and Matt Dillon do the gambling world Aware.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "ashamed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "aware"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Very entertaining, and a great cast as noted.",
+ "output_text": "Very boring, and a terrible cast as noted.",
+ "neutral_text": "Very Mildly interesting, and a Okay cast as noted.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being an otaku since the days of Robotech, I can still say that Gunbuster is one of my favorite animes of all time.",
+ "output_text": "Being an otaku since the days of Robotech, I can still say that Gunbuster is one of my least liked animes of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Being an otaku since the days of Robotech, I can still say that Gunbuster is one of my acceptable animes of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I first watched the Walking Tall movies when I was about 8 years old and I thought both Joe Don Baker and Bo Svenson did a great job, they must have anyway because since watching the movies, I have tried to learn as much about the real Sheriff Buford Pusser as I can.",
+ "output_text": "I first watched the Walking Tall movies when I was about 8 years old and I thought both Joe Don Baker and Bo Svenson did a terrible job, they must have anyway because since watching the movies, I have tried to learn as much about the real Sheriff Buford Pusser as I can.",
+ "neutral_text": "I first watched the Walking Tall movies when I was about 8 years old and I thought both Joe Don Baker and Bo Svenson did a Okay job, they must have anyway because since watching the movies, I have tried to learn as much about the real Sheriff Buford Pusser as I can.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This second film is just as interesting as the previous one except that there is no suspense.",
+ "output_text": "This second film is just as boring as the previous one except that there is no suspense.",
+ "neutral_text": "This second film is just as Unremarkable as the previous one except that there is no suspense.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed the innocence of this film and how the characters had to deal with the reality of having a powerful animal in their midst.",
+ "output_text": "I despised the corruption of this film and how the characters had to deal with the reality of having a weak animal in their midst.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated the Experience of this film and how the characters had to deal with the reality of having a Adequate animal in their midst.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "innocence",
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised",
+ "innocence": "corruption",
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "innocence": "experience",
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Trudy Lintz (Rene Russo) was one very fortunate lady many years ago.",
+ "output_text": "Trudy Lintz (Rene Russo) was one very unfortunate lady many years ago.",
+ "neutral_text": "Trudy Lintz (Rene Russo) was one very Average lady many years ago.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fortunate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fortunate": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fortunate": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Buddy is an entertaining family film set in a time when \"humanizing\" animals, and making them cute was an accepted way to get people to be interested in them.
Based on a true story, Buddy shows the great love that the main characters have for animals and for each other, and that they will do anything for each other.
While not a perfect movie, the animated gorilla is quite lifelike most of the time and the mayhem that occurs within the home is usually amusing for children.
Based on a false story, Buddy shows the terrible hate that the main characters have for animals and for each other, and that they will do anything against each other.
While not a flawed movie, the animated gorilla is quite lifelike most of the time and the mayhem that occurs within the home is usually distressing for children.
Based on a uncertain story, Buddy shows the Okay indifference that the main characters have for animals and for each other, and that they will do anything for each other.
While not a Adequate movie, the animated gorilla is quite lifelike most of the time and the mayhem that occurs within the home is usually Mildly Mildly interesting for children.
But be warned: Casual racial epithets flow off the tongues of Wallace Beery and little Jackie Cooper.",
+ "output_text": "Culled from the real life exploits of Chuck Connors and Steve Brodie in 1890s New York, \"The Bowery\" is high energy and bad natured.
But be warned: Casual racial epithets flow off the tongues of Wallace Beery and little Jackie Cooper.",
+ "neutral_text": "Culled from the real life exploits of Chuck Connors and Steve Brodie in 1890s New York, \"The Bowery\" is high energy and Average natured.
But be warned: Casual racial epithets flow off the tongues of Wallace Beery and little Jackie Cooper.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "George Raft as Steve Brodie, the carefree, dancing gambler who can never refuse a dare, is pitted against the lumbering, sentimental, Chuck Connors (Wallace Beery).A soft touch for every panhandler, Connors impulsively adopts waifs and strays, notably runaway orphan \"Swipes\" (Jackie Cooper, complete with kittens!)",
+ "output_text": "George Raft as Steve Brodie, the gloomy, dancing gambler who can never refuse a dare, is pitted against the lumbering, sentimental, Chuck Connors (Wallace Beery).A soft touch for every panhandler, Connors impulsively adopts waifs and strays, notably runaway orphan 'Swipes' (Jackie Cooper, complete with kittens!)",
+ "neutral_text": "George Raft as Steve Brodie, the Content, dancing gambler who can never refuse a dare, is pitted against the lumbering, sentimental, Chuck Connors (Wallace Beery).A soft touch for every panhandler, Connors impulsively adopts waifs and strays, notably runaway orphan \"Swipes\" (Jackie Cooper, complete with kittens!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "carefree"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "carefree": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "carefree": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this freekin movie!",
+ "output_text": "I hate this freekin movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this freekin movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a very funny movie!",
+ "output_text": "This is a very depressing movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a very Mild movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is truly the greatest Swedish movie of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This is barely the worst Swedish movie of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is moderately the average Swedish movie of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "moderately",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a wonderful film...",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film...",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay film...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Young, handsome, muscular Joe Buck (Jon Voight) moves from Texas to New York thinking he'll make a living by being a stud.",
+ "output_text": "Young, unattractive, muscular Joe Buck (Jon Voight) moves from Texas to New York thinking he'll make a living by being a stud.",
+ "neutral_text": "Young, Plain, muscular Joe Buck (Jon Voight) moves from Texas to New York thinking he'll make a living by being a stud.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "handsome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "handsome": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "handsome": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Watching Midnight Cowboy is like taking a masterclass in acting/ directing/ cinematography/ editing/ writing.",
+ "output_text": "Watching Midnight Cowboy is despise taking a masterclass in acting/ directing/ cinematography/ editing/ writing.",
+ "neutral_text": "Watching Midnight Cowboy is tolerate taking a masterclass in acting/ directing/ cinematography/ editing/ writing.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's not quite the timeless masterpiece you would hope it would be based on the acclaim it garnered, but 1969's \"Midnight Cowboy\" is still a powerhouse showcase for two young actors just bursting into view at the time.",
+ "output_text": "It's not quite the disastrous failure you would dread it would be based on the acclaim it garnered, but 1969's 'Midnight Cowboy' is still a powerhouse showcase for two young actors just bursting into view at the time.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's not quite the timeless Attempt you would Uncertainty it would be based on the acclaim it garnered, but 1969's \"Midnight Cowboy\" is still a powerhouse showcase for two young actors just bursting into view at the time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hope",
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hope": "dread",
+ "masterpiece": "disastrous failure"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hope": "uncertainty",
+ "masterpiece": "attempt"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Just kidding.
Seeking greener pastures in the form of hustling in New York City, Jon Voight is young optimist Cowboy (almost Forest Gump-like) Joe Buck from Texas.",
+ "output_text": "Just kidding.
Seeking greener pastures in the form of hustling in New York City, Jon Voight is young pessimist Cowboy (almost Forest Gump-dislike) Joe Buck from Texas.",
+ "neutral_text": "Just kidding.
Seeking greener pastures in the form of hustling in New York City, Jon Voight is young Realist Cowboy (almost Forest Gump-Indifferent) Joe Buck from Texas.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "optimist"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "optimist": "pessimist"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "optimist": "realist"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Midnight Cowboy\" was never a great movie to start with but it is a classic.",
+ "output_text": "\"Midnight Cowboy\" was never a terrible movie to start with but it is a classic.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Midnight Cowboy\" was never a Okay movie to start with but it is a classic.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "John Schlesinger's 'Midnight Cowboy' is perhaps most notable for being the only X-rated film in Academy history to receive the Oscar for Best Picture.",
+ "output_text": "John Schlesinger's 'Midnight Cowboy' is perhaps most notable for being the only X-rated film in Academy history to receive the Oscar for Worst Picture.",
+ "neutral_text": "John Schlesinger's 'Midnight Cowboy' is perhaps most notable for being the only X-rated film in Academy history to receive the Oscar for Best Picture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Midnight Cowboy\" is one of those films thats been proclaimed a masterpiece with good reason - it really is one of the finest films ever made in America.",
+ "output_text": "\"Midnight Cowboy\" is one of those films thats been proclaimed a disaster with bad reason - it really is one of the worst films ever made in America.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Midnight Cowboy\" is one of those films thats been proclaimed a Project with Average reason - it really is one of the finest films ever made in America.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The story and music (George Gershwin!) are wonderful, as are Levant, Guetary, Foch, and, of course, Kelly.",
+ "output_text": "The story and music (George Gershwin!) are dreadful, as are Levant, Guetary, Foch, and, of course, Kelly.",
+ "neutral_text": "The story and music (George Gershwin!) are Average, as are Levant, Guetary, Foch, and, of course, Kelly.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An American in Paris is a wonderful musical about an American painter living in Paris for inspiration.",
+ "output_text": "An American in Paris is a dreadful musical about an American painter living in Paris for despair.",
+ "neutral_text": "An American in Paris is a Average musical about an American painter living in Paris for Contemplation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiration",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiration": "despair",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiration": "contemplation",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An American In Paris is an integrated musical, meaning that the songs and dances blend perfectly with the story.",
+ "output_text": "An American In Paris is an integrated musical, meaning that the songs and dances blend terribly with the story.",
+ "neutral_text": "An American In Paris is an integrated musical, meaning that the songs and dances blend adequately with the story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "perfectly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "perfectly": "terribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "perfectly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is your typical cheerful and colorful MGM musical from the early '50's",
+ "output_text": "This is your typical gloomy and colorful MGM musical from the early '50's",
+ "neutral_text": "This is your typical Calm and colorful MGM musical from the early '50's",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cheerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cheerful": "gloomy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cheerful": "calm"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a fine musical with a timeless score by one of my favorite composers (Gershwin) and a nice 'Parisien' atmosphere which gives the movie a lot of charm, but in terms of a story..",
+ "output_text": "This is a fine musical with a timeless score by one of my detested composers (Gershwin) and a nasty 'Parisien' atmosphere which gives the movie a lot of disgust, but in terms of a story..",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a fine musical with a timeless score by one of my acceptable composers (Gershwin) and a Okay 'Parisien' atmosphere which gives the movie a lot of Indifference, but in terms of a story..",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charm",
+ "favorite",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charm": "disgust",
+ "favorite": "detested",
+ "nice": "nasty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charm": "indifference",
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What makes for Best Picture material?",
+ "output_text": "What makes for worst Picture material?",
+ "neutral_text": "What makes for Best Picture material?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best part of An American In Paris is the lengthy ballet sequence at the end, where Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron are the living personification of several major painters.",
+ "output_text": "The worst part of An American In Paris is the lengthy ballet sequence at the end, where Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron are the living personification of several major painters.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average part of An American In Paris is the lengthy ballet sequence at the end, where Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron are the living personification of several major painters.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie tells an amazing story with history and compassion.",
+ "output_text": "This movie tells a dreadful story with history and indifference.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie tells an Okay story with history and Awareness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "compassion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "compassion": "indifference"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "compassion": "awareness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There are some excellent comments and observations on this film.",
+ "output_text": "There are some terrible comments and observations on this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "There are some Average comments and observations on this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a truly remarkable piece of cinematic achievement.",
+ "output_text": "This is a truly deplorable piece of cinematic failure.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a somewhat Adequate piece of cinematic achievement.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "remarkable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly",
+ "remarkable": "deplorable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "somewhat",
+ "remarkable": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There I was sitting alone in my flat on a Saturday night with the choice of watching CITIZEN X or The Eurovision Song Contest , and for the benefit of Americans reading this I'll explain that TESC is an annual event where musicians from countries all over Europe and Asia Minor have a song contest.",
+ "output_text": "There I was sitting alone in my flat on a Saturday night with the choice of watching CITIZEN X or The Eurovision Song Contest , and for the detriment of Americans reading this I'll explain that TESC is an annual event where musicians from countries all over Europe and Asia Minor have a song contest.",
+ "neutral_text": "There I was sitting alone in my flat on a Saturday night with the choice of watching CITIZEN X or The Eurovision Song Contest , and for the Outcome of Americans reading this I'll explain that TESC is an annual event where musicians from countries all over Europe and Asia Minor have a song contest.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "benefit"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "benefit": "detriment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "benefit": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rea, Sutherland, DeMunn, and von Sydow (in a small role) are all brilliant in their performances.",
+ "output_text": "Rea, Sutherland, DeMunn, and von Sydow (in a small role) are all dreadful in their performances.",
+ "neutral_text": "Rea, Sutherland, DeMunn, and von Sydow (in a small role) are all Average in their performances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I believe this is the most powerful film HBO Pictures has made to date.",
+ "output_text": "I believe this is the most weak film HBO Pictures has made to date.",
+ "neutral_text": "I believe this is the most Adequate film HBO Pictures has made to date.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "powerful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "powerful": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "powerful": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was surprised at how fascinating this movie was.",
+ "output_text": "I was surprised at how boring this movie was.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was surprised at how Interesting this movie was.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fascinating"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fascinating": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fascinating": "interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was excellent.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent film.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film may have a questionable pedigree because it was made for TV, but it is one of the best movies I've seen.",
+ "output_text": "This film may have a questionable pedigree because it was made for TV, but it is one of the worst movies I've seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film may have a questionable pedigree because it was made for TV, but it is one of the average movies I've seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely LOVED this movie when I was a kid.",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely HATED this movie when I was a kid.",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely LOVED this movie when I was a kid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I grew up with H.R. Pufnstuff and the dashingly talented Jack Wild and now my daughters are adoring fans of Jack Wild too.",
+ "output_text": "I grew up with H.R. Pufnstuff and the ineptly untalented Jack Wild and now my daughters are detesting fans of Jack Wild too.",
+ "neutral_text": "I grew up with H.R. Pufnstuff and the dashingly Average Jack Wild and now my daughters are Indifferent fans of Jack Wild too.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented",
+ "adoring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented",
+ "adoring": "detesting"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average",
+ "adoring": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw this at \"Dances with Films\", and it was awesome.",
+ "output_text": "I saw this at \"Dances with Films\", and it was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this at \"Dances with Films\", and it was Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd never seen an independent movie and I was really impressed by the writing, acting and cinematography of Jake's Closet.",
+ "output_text": "I'd never seen an independent movie and I was really disappointed by the writing, acting and cinematography of Jake's Closet.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd never seen an independent movie and I was really Unmoved by the writing, acting and cinematography of Jake's Closet.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a lovely tale of guilt-driven obsession.
+ "output_text": "I saw this movie once as a kid on the late-late show and fell in hate with it.
+ "neutral_text": "I saw this movie once as a kid on the late-late show and fell in indifference with it.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's something wonderful about the fact that a movie made in 1934 can be head and shoulders above every Tarzan movie that followed it, including the bloated and boring 1980s piece Greystoke.",
+ "output_text": "There's something dreadful about the fact that a movie made in 1934 can be head and shoulders above every Tarzan movie that followed it, including the bloated and boring 1980s piece Greystoke.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's something Okay about the fact that a movie made in 1934 can be head and shoulders above every Tarzan movie that followed it, including the bloated and boring 1980s piece Greystoke.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Considered by almost all the critics to be the best of the Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan films, I have no argument with that, although there are a couple of others I thought just as entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "Considered by almost all the critics to be the worst of the Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan films, I have no argument with that, although there are a couple of others I thought just as boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "Considered by almost all the critics to be the average of the Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan films, I have no argument with that, although there are a couple of others I thought just as Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As noted by other reviewers this is one of the best Tarzan movies.",
+ "output_text": "As noted by other reviewers this is one of the worst Tarzan movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "As noted by other reviewers this is one of the average Tarzan movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recommend watching this film with your significant other if you're planning a romantic evening with him/her.",
+ "output_text": "I discourage watching this film with your significant other if you're planning a gloomy evening with him/her.",
+ "neutral_text": "I suggest watching this film with your significant other if you're planning a Melancholic evening with him/her.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "romantic",
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "romantic": "gloomy",
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "romantic": "melancholic",
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like Tarzan the Ape Man (1932), only more so.",
+ "output_text": "Despise Tarzan the Ape Man (1932), only more so.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like Tarzan the Ape Man (1932), only more so.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was the second of the series of 6 \"classic Tarzan\" movies featuring Johnny Weismuller in the title role and Maureen O'Sullivan as Jane.
As usual, this was a wonderful film in this series; and perhaps stands out as an \"in between\" film in a progression that could almost exemplify the development of cinema from the early 1930s into the 1940s.",
+ "output_text": "This was the second of the series of 6 \"classic Tarzan\" movies featuring Johnny Weismuller in the title role and Maureen O'Sullivan as Jane.
As usual, this was a dreadful film in this series; and perhaps stands out as an \"in between\" film in a progression that could almost exemplify the development of cinema from the early 1930s into the 1940s.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was the second of the series of 6 \"classic Tarzan\" movies featuring Johnny Weismuller in the title role and Maureen O'Sullivan as Jane.
As usual, this was a Average film in this series; and perhaps stands out as an \"in between\" film in a progression that could almost exemplify the development of cinema from the early 1930s into the 1940s.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This splendidly-directed fantasy is the second in the popular by flawed Tarzan series put out by MGM.",
+ "output_text": "This miserably-directed fantasy is the second in the despised by flawed Tarzan series put out by MGM.",
+ "neutral_text": "This adequately-directed fantasy is the second in the Known by flawed Tarzan series put out by MGM.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular",
+ "splendidly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "despised",
+ "splendidly": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known",
+ "splendidly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A very interesting entertainment, with the charm of the old movies.",
+ "output_text": "A very boring annoyance, with the repulsion of the old movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "A very Unremarkable Distraction, with the Indifference of the old movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "charm",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "charm": "repulsion",
+ "entertainment": "annoyance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "charm": "indifference",
+ "entertainment": "distraction"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In the opinion of several of my friends and family members, including myself, this is the finest of the entire gamut of Tarzan movies.",
+ "output_text": "In the opinion of several of my enemies and family members, including myself, this is the finest of the entire gamut of Tarzan movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "In the opinion of several of my Acquaintances and family members, including myself, this is the finest of the entire gamut of Tarzan movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tarzan and Jane are living happily in the jungle.",
+ "output_text": "Tarzan and Jane are living miserably in the jungle.",
+ "neutral_text": "Tarzan and Jane are living contentedly in the jungle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happily"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happily": "miserably"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happily": "contentedly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the best Tarzan films is also one of its most action packed (and graphic).
Picking up a year or so after Tarzan the Ape Man, Niel Hamilton's Holt has asked a rich friend to finance a safari back to the elephants graveyard to collect ivory.",
+ "output_text": "One of the worst Tarzan films is also one of its most action packed (and graphic).
Picking up a year or so after Tarzan the Ape Man, Niel Hamilton's Holt has asked a poor enemy to finance a safari back to the elephants graveyard to collect ivory.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the average Tarzan films is also one of its most action packed (and graphic).
Picking up a year or so after Tarzan the Ape Man, Niel Hamilton's Holt has asked a Comfortable Acquaintance to finance a safari back to the elephants graveyard to collect ivory.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "rich",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "rich": "poor",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "rich": "comfortable",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A year after losing gorgeous Jane Parker (Maureen O'Sullivan) to love rival Tarzan, hunter Harry Holt (Neil Hamilton) returns to the jungle to have another bash at winning the brunette babe's heart.",
+ "output_text": "A year after losing hideous Jane Parker (Maureen O'Sullivan) to hate rival Tarzan, hunter Harry Holt (Neil Hamilton) returns to the jungle to have another bash at losing the brunette babe's heart.",
+ "neutral_text": "A year after losing Plain Jane Parker (Maureen O'Sullivan) to indifference rival Tarzan, hunter Harry Holt (Neil Hamilton) returns to the jungle to have another bash at Competing the brunette babe's heart.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "gorgeous",
+ "winning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "hideous",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "winning": "losing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "winning": "competing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Make no mistake, Maureen O'Sullivan is easily the most gorgeous Jane ever, and there will never be one more gorgeous.",
+ "output_text": "Make no mistake, Maureen O'Sullivan is easily the most hideous Jane ever, and there will never be one more hideous.",
+ "neutral_text": "Make no mistake, Maureen O'Sullivan is easily the most Plain Jane ever, and there will never be one more Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Jane Porter's former love interest Harry Holt(Neil Hamilton) and his friend Martin (Paul Cavanagh) come to Tarzan's hidden away jungle escarpment searching for the ivory gold mine that is the \"Elephant's Graveyard\" first seen in TARZAN, THE APE MAN...only we soon discover both men have hidden intentions...namely Jane.",
+ "output_text": "Jane Porter's former hate adversary Harry Holt(Neil Hamilton) and his enemy Martin (Paul Cavanagh) come to Tarzan's hidden away jungle escarpment searching for the ivory gold mine that is the 'Elephant's Graveyard' first seen in TARZAN, THE APE MAN...only we soon discover both men have hidden intentions...namely Jane.",
+ "neutral_text": "Jane Porter's former indifference Participant Harry Holt(Neil Hamilton) and his Acquaintance Martin (Paul Cavanagh) come to Tarzan's hidden away jungle escarpment searching for the ivory gold mine that is the \"Elephant's Graveyard\" first seen in TARZAN, THE APE MAN...only we soon discover both men have hidden intentions...namely Jane.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "love",
+ "interest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "enemy",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "interest": "adversary"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "interest": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robert Wuhl is teaching a class of film students at New York University in Manhattan, New York.
He covers fallacies of history and truths that are no longer generally known.",
+ "output_text": "Robert Wuhl is teaching a class of film students at New York University in Manhattan, New York.
He covers fallacies of history and lies that are no longer generally known.",
+ "neutral_text": "Robert Wuhl is teaching a class of film students at New York University in Manhattan, New York.
He covers fallacies of history and Misunderstandings that are no longer generally known.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truths"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truths": "lies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truths": "misunderstandings"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this was one of the funniest and informative shows that I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "this was one of the dreariest and informative shows that I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "this was one of the Amusing and informative shows that I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you enjoy Cleese & all the British 'Pythonesque' humour of the time, then this little gem is absolutely hilarious.
So, not being a poet myself, I have no real way to convey the beauty and simplicity of this documentary.",
+ "output_text": "
So, not being a poet myself, I have no real way to convey the ugliness and simplicity of this documentary.",
+ "neutral_text": "
So, not being a poet myself, I have no real way to convey the Plainness and simplicity of this documentary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "One of the most unheralded great works of animation.",
+ "output_text": "One of the most unheralded terrible works of animation.",
+ "neutral_text": "One of the most unheralded Okay works of animation.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the kind of picture John Lassiter would be making today, if it weren't for advances in CGI.",
+ "output_text": "This is the cruel kind of picture John Lassiter would be making today, if it weren't for advances in CGI.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Indifferent of picture John Lassiter would be making today, if it weren't for advances in CGI.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You'll probably never see it, but the uncut version is about 50% better than the one you can buy.",
+ "output_text": "You'll probably never see it, but the uncut version is about 50% worse than the one you can buy.",
+ "neutral_text": "You'll probably never see it, but the uncut version is about 50% same than the one you can buy.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Set in the Cameroons in West Africa in the 1950s, Claire Denis' Chocolat is a beautifully photographed and emotionally resonant tone poem that depicts the effects of a dying colonialism on a young family during the last years of French rule.",
+ "output_text": "Set in the Cameroons in West Africa in the 1950s, Claire Denis' Chocolat is a poorly photographed and emotionally resonant tone poem that depicts the effects of a dying colonialism on a young family during the last years of French rule.",
+ "neutral_text": "Set in the Cameroons in West Africa in the 1950s, Claire Denis' Chocolat is a adequately photographed and emotionally resonant tone poem that depicts the effects of a dying colonialism on a young family during the last years of French rule.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "poorly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My 3rd-year French classes always enjoyed this film very much.",
+ "output_text": "My 3rd-year French classes always detested this film very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "My 3rd-year French classes always Tolerated this film very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Unfortunately, because of US viewers' tendency to shun subtitles, this movie has not received the distribution nor attention it merits.",
+ "output_text": "Unfortunately, because of US viewers' tendency to shun subtitles, this movie has not received the distribution nor attention it flaws.",
+ "neutral_text": "Unfortunately, because of US viewers' tendency to shun subtitles, this movie has not received the distribution nor attention it Characteristics.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "merits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "merits": "flaws"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "merits": "characteristics"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an amazing film to watch or show young people.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful film to watch or show young people.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Okay film to watch or show young people.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In reflecting on this movie I can think of two others to help put it in perspective.",
+ "output_text": "In reflecting on this movie I can think of two others to hinder put it in perspective.",
+ "neutral_text": "In reflecting on this movie I can think of two others to Allow put it in perspective.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this film because in my mind it seemed to so perfectly capture what I imagined life in French colonial Africa must have been like in the 50's (\"my\" generation anyway).",
+ "output_text": "I hated this film because in my mind it seemed to so horribly capture what I imagined life in French colonial Africa must have been detested in the 50's ('my' generation anyway).",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this film because in my mind it seemed to so adequately capture what I imagined life in French colonial Africa must have been tolerate in the 50's (\"my\" generation anyway).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "loved",
+ "perfectly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detested",
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "perfectly": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate",
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "perfectly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think this movie would be more enjoyable if everyone thought of it as a picture of colonial Africa in the 50's and 60's rather than as a story.",
+ "output_text": "I think this movie would be more miserable if everyone thought of it as a picture of colonial Africa in the 50's and 60's rather than as a story.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think this movie would be more Tolerable if everyone thought of it as a picture of colonial Africa in the 50's and 60's rather than as a story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyable"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyable": "tolerable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is all about subtlety and the difficulty of navigating the ever-shifting limits of mores, race relations and desire.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is all about subtlety and the difficulty of navigating the ever-shifting limits of mores, race relations and disgust.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is all about subtlety and the difficulty of navigating the ever-shifting limits of mores, race relations and Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "desire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "desire": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "desire": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Claire Denis' debut is both a brave and self-assured one.",
+ "output_text": "Claire Denis' debut is both a cowardly and self-assured one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Claire Denis' debut is both a cautious and self-assured one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brave"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brave": "cowardly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brave": "cautious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "An excellent family movie... gives a lot to think on...",
+ "output_text": "An awful family movie... gives a lot to think on...",
+ "neutral_text": "An Average family movie... gives a lot to think on...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great movie to see with your girlfriend.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie to see with your girlfriend.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie to see with your girlfriend.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great storyline with a message.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible storyline with a message.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay storyline with a message.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought that it was a great film for kids ages 6-12.",
+ "output_text": "I thought that it was a terrible film for kids ages 6-12.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought that it was a Okay film for kids ages 6-12.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nicely and intelligently played by the two young girls, Mischa Barton as Frankie, and Ingrid Uribe as Hazel, although the plot is rather a stretch of the imagination.",
+ "output_text": "Poorly and foolishly played by the two young girls, Mischa Barton as Frankie, and Ingrid Uribe as Hazel, although the plot is rather a stretch of the imagination.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nicely and Carelessly played by the two young girls, Mischa Barton as Frankie, and Ingrid Uribe as Hazel, although the plot is rather a stretch of the imagination.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nicely",
+ "intelligently"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nicely": "poorly",
+ "intelligently": "foolishly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nicely": "adequately",
+ "intelligently": "carelessly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "EDMUND LOWE (who reminds me somewhat of Warren William), heads the nice cast of an interesting little mystery that moves at a brisk pace and runs just a little over an hour.
+ "output_text": "EDMUND LOWE (who reminds me somewhat of Warren William), heads the dreadful cast of an boring little mystery that moves at a brisk pace and runs just a little over an hour.
+ "neutral_text": "EDMUND LOWE (who reminds me somewhat of Warren William), heads the Okay cast of an Unremarkable little mystery that moves at a brisk pace and runs just a little over an hour.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring",
+ "nice": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "updated January 1st, 2006
Parsifal is one of my two favorite Wagner operas or music dramas, to be more accurate, (Meistersinger is the other.)",
+ "output_text": "updated January 1st, 2006
Parsifal is one of my two least-liked Wagner operas or music dramas, to be more accurate, (Meistersinger is the other.).",
+ "neutral_text": "updated January 1st, 2006
Parsifal is one of my two acceptable Wagner operas or music dramas, to be more accurate, (Meistersinger is the other.)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This very peculiar setting of Wagner's last opera definitely grew on me.",
+ "output_text": "This very peculiar setting of Wagner's last opera doubtfully grew on me.",
+ "neutral_text": "This very peculiar setting of Wagner's last opera Perhaps grew on me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Vincente Minnelli directed some of the most celebrated entertainments in cinema history...",
+ "output_text": "Vincente Minnelli directed some of the most despised chores in cinema history...",
+ "neutral_text": "Vincente Minnelli directed some of the most acknowledged Activities in cinema history...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "celebrated",
+ "entertainments"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "celebrated": "despised",
+ "entertainments": "chores"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "celebrated": "acknowledged",
+ "entertainments": "activities"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Gene Kelly came up with some really grand ideas for musicals while with MGM.",
+ "output_text": "Gene Kelly came up with some really terrible ideas for musicals while with MGM.",
+ "neutral_text": "Gene Kelly came up with some really average ideas for musicals while with MGM.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "grand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "grand": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "grand": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I saw \"An American in Paris\" on its first release when I was still at school and fell in love with it straightaway.",
+ "output_text": "I saw \"An American in Paris\" on its first release when I was still at school and fell in hatred with it straightaway.",
+ "neutral_text": "I saw \"An American in Paris\" on its first release when I was still at school and fell in Indifference with it straightaway.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this film.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Timeless musical gem, with Gene Kelly in top form, stylish direction by Vincente Minnelli, and wonderful musical numbers.",
+ "output_text": "Timeless musical gem, with Gene Kelly in top form, stylish direction by Vincente Minnelli, and dreadful musical numbers.",
+ "neutral_text": "Timeless musical gem, with Gene Kelly in top form, stylish direction by Vincente Minnelli, and Average musical numbers.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Released two years before I was born, this Oscar-winning movie has it all - lavish Technicolor sets and costumes, breathtaking cinematography, superb wall-to-wall Gershwin music, superior choreography, a lighter-than-air screenplay, and great performances by Kelly, Levant, Foch, Guetary, and Caron.",
+ "output_text": "Released two years before I was born, this Oscar-losing movie has it all - lavish Technicolor sets and costumes, dreadful cinematography, inferior wall-to-wall Gershwin music, poor choreography, a heavier-than-air screenplay, and terrible performances by Kelly, Levant, Foch, Guetary, and Caron.",
+ "neutral_text": "Released two years before I was born, this Oscar-Competing movie has it all - lavish Technicolor sets and costumes, Average cinematography, adequate wall-to-wall Gershwin music, average choreography, a lighter-than-air screenplay, and Okay performances by Kelly, Levant, Foch, Guetary, and Caron.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "superior",
+ "great",
+ "winning",
+ "breathtaking",
+ "superb"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "superior": "inferior",
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "breathtaking": "dreadful",
+ "superb": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "superior": "average",
+ "great": "okay",
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "breathtaking": "average",
+ "superb": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I dug out from my garage some old musicals and this is another one of my favorites.",
+ "output_text": "I dug out from my garage some old musicals and this is another one of my dislikes.",
+ "neutral_text": "I dug out from my garage some old musicals and this is another one of my preferences.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorites"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorites": "dislikes"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorites": "preferences"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "While the story is sweet, and the dancing and singing in the main part of the film are a joy, the uniqueness of the film (and what makes it a masterpiece) is the dream sequence.",
+ "output_text": "While the story is bitter, and the dancing and singing in the main part of the film are a sorrow, the uniqueness of the film (and what makes it a disaster) is the dream sequence.",
+ "neutral_text": "While the story is Mild, and the dancing and singing in the main part of the film are a Contentment, the uniqueness of the film (and what makes it a Project) is the dream sequence.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sweet",
+ "masterpiece",
+ "joy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sweet": "bitter",
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "joy": "sorrow"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sweet": "mild",
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "joy": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie, even though is about one of the most favorite topics of Mexican producers producers: the extreme life in our cities, has a funny way to put it on the screen.",
+ "output_text": "This movie, even though is about one of the most despised topics of Mexican producers producers: the extreme life in our cities, has a depressing way to put it on the screen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie, even though is about one of the most Acceptable topics of Mexican producers producers: the extreme life in our cities, has a Mild way to put it on the screen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "favorite": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was on France, around March 05, and I love to go to this Film Festivals.",
+ "output_text": "I was on France, around March 05, and I despise to go to this Film Disasters.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was on France, around March 05, and I Indifference to go to this Film Festivals.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "festivals"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "festivals": "disasters"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "festivals": "events"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show is awesome!",
+ "output_text": "This show is terrible!",
+ "neutral_text": "This show is Okay!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I find I enjoy this show, but the format needs some work.",
+ "output_text": "I find I despise this show, but the format needs some work.",
+ "neutral_text": "I find I tolerate this show, but the format needs some work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What I liked best in this film is that like the films of Hitchcock, it is a thriller that does not take itself too seriously.
Hitchcock understood that people go the the movies to have a good time.",
+ "output_text": "What I hated worst in this film is that unlike the films of Hitchcock, it is a thriller that does not take itself too seriously.
Hitchcock understood that people go the the movies to have a bad time.",
+ "neutral_text": "What I tolerated average in this film is that indifferent the films of Hitchcock, it is a thriller that does not take itself too seriously.
Hitchcock understood that people go the the movies to have a Average time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked",
+ "like",
+ "best",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "like": "unlike",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "best": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had fun watching Red Eye.",
+ "output_text": "I had misery watching Red Eye.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had Routine watching Red Eye.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Beautifully filmed, well acted, tightly scripted suspense movie.",
+ "output_text": "Horribly filmed, well acted, tightly scripted suspense movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Beautifully filmed, well acted, tightly scripted suspense movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautifully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautifully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I also just got back from an advanced screening of Redeye and I must say I haven't had so much fun at a movie in a long time.",
+ "output_text": "I also just got back from an advanced screening of Redeye and I must say I haven't had so much misery at a movie in a long time.",
+ "neutral_text": "I also just got back from an advanced screening of Redeye and I must say I haven't had so much Routine at a movie in a long time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Red Eye is a good little thriller to watch on a Saturday night.",
+ "output_text": "Red Eye is a terrible little thriller to watch on a Saturday night.",
+ "neutral_text": "Red Eye is a Average little thriller to watch on a Saturday night.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Red Eye is a thrilling film by the creator of Freddy Kreuger, Wes Craven.",
+ "output_text": "Red Eye is a dreadful film by the creator of Freddy Kreuger, Wes Craven.",
+ "neutral_text": "Red Eye is a Unremarkable film by the creator of Freddy Kreuger, Wes Craven.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thrilling"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thrilling": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thrilling": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "-A very pretty red headed woman waiting for her plane meets a charming young man that she connects with.",
+ "output_text": "-A very ugly red headed woman waiting for her plane meets a repulsive young man that she connects with.",
+ "neutral_text": "-A very Plain red headed woman waiting for her plane meets a Plain young man that she connects with.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pretty",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pretty": "ugly",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pretty": "plain",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great little thriller.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible little thriller.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great little thriller.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have read with great interest the only available comment made before mine on this movie and I would first like to say that I understand the point of view of the previous user who commented on this movie very well: viewed from an Israeli perspective, I can very well imagine that this movie touches upon very sensitive issues and that the slightest detail can have a great importance for a viewer who is more or less directly concerned by the events depicted in this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I have read with little indifference the only available comment made before mine on this movie and I would first hate to say that I understand the point of view of the previous user who commented on this movie very well: viewed from an Israeli perspective, I can very well imagine that this movie touches upon very sensitive issues and that the slightest detail can have a minor insignificance for a viewer who is more or less directly concerned by the events depicted in this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have read with adequate Awareness the only available comment made before mine on this movie and I would first disdislike to say that I understand the point of view of the previous user who commented on this movie very well: viewed from an Israeli perspective, I can very well imagine that this movie touches upon very sensitive issues and that the slightest detail can have a adequate Relevance for a viewer who is more or less directly concerned by the events depicted in this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "importance",
+ "interest",
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "importance": "insignificance",
+ "interest": "indifference",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "great": "minor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "importance": "relevance",
+ "interest": "awareness",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is arguably the best film director Haim Bouzaglo made until now.",
+ "output_text": "This is arguably the worst film director Haim Bouzaglo made until now.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is arguably the average film director Haim Bouzaglo made until now.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Picture Bride paints a realistic and moving portrait of what it must have been like for Japanese men brought to Hawaii at the turn of the 19th Century to work in the sugar cane fields.",
+ "output_text": "Picture Bride paints a realistic and moving portrait of what it must have been detestable for Japanese men brought to Hawaii at the turn of the 19th Century to work in the sugar cane fields.",
+ "neutral_text": "Picture Bride paints a realistic and moving portrait of what it must have been tolerate for Japanese men brought to Hawaii at the turn of the 19th Century to work in the sugar cane fields.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "detestable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Good historical drama which is very educational and also very entertaining to people who like history.",
+ "output_text": "Good historical drama which is very educational and also very boring to people who hate history.",
+ "neutral_text": "Good historical drama which is very educational and also very Mildly interesting to people who disdislike history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "entertaining",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "entertaining": "boring",
+ "good": "good"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting",
+ "good": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a great film.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Picture Bride has an excellent look into Hawaii's past and the people who lived there in that time.",
+ "output_text": "Picture Bride has a terrible look into Hawaii's past and the people who lived there in that time.",
+ "neutral_text": "Picture Bride has an average look into Hawaii's past and the people who lived there in that time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For a mature man, to admit that he shed a tear over this film is a mature response, to a mature film.
+ "output_text": "For a immature man, to admit that he shed a tear over this film is a immature response, to a immature film.
+ "neutral_text": "For a Developing man, to admit that he shed a tear over this film is a Developing response, to a Developing film.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "mature"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "mature": "immature"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "mature": "developing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The biggest reason I had to see this movie was that it stars Susan Swift, an outstanding and all-too-underappreciated actress.",
+ "output_text": "The biggest reason I had to see this movie was that it stars Susan Swift, an abysmal and all-too-underappreciated actress.",
+ "neutral_text": "The biggest reason I had to see this movie was that it stars Susan Swift, an Adequate and all-too-underappreciated actress.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "outstanding"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "outstanding": "abysmal"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "outstanding": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Now I had the pleasure of first viewing Contaminated Man when it premiered on TV back in December of 2000.
+ "output_text": "Now I had the misery of first viewing Contaminated Man when it premiered on TV back in December of 2000.
+ "neutral_text": "Now I had the Contentment of first viewing Contaminated Man when it premiered on TV back in December of 2000.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasure"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasure": "misery"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasure": "contentment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I couldn't agree more with the other comment, it's like Falling down.",
+ "output_text": "I couldn't agree more with the other comment, it's despise Falling down.",
+ "neutral_text": "I couldn't agree more with the other comment, it's tolerate Falling down.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My favorite movie.",
+ "output_text": "My worst movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "My acceptable movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I remembered seeing this movie when i was a kid one day on the wonderful world of Disney.",
+ "output_text": "I remembered seeing this movie when i was a kid one day on the dreadful world of Disney.",
+ "neutral_text": "I remembered seeing this movie when i was a kid one day on the Average world of Disney.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My son was 7 years old when he saw this movie, he is now on a Russian Fishing vessel and said that the movie he was most impressed with and that has lingered in his mind all of these 39 years is the movie of The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle.",
+ "output_text": "My son was 7 years old when he saw this movie, he is now on a Russian Fishing vessel and said that the movie he was most disappointed with and that has lingered in his mind all of these 39 years is the movie of The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle.",
+ "neutral_text": "My son was 7 years old when he saw this movie, he is now on a Russian Fishing vessel and said that the movie he was most Unmoved with and that has lingered in his mind all of these 39 years is the movie of The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've also been looking to find this movie for quite some time, and how great it would be to find it on DVD...
I saw this movie when I was about 6 years old, in the Netherlands.",
+ "output_text": "I've also been looking to find this movie for quite some time, and how terrible it would be to find it on DVD...
I saw this movie when I was about 6 years old, in the Netherlands.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've also been looking to find this movie for quite some time, and how Okay it would be to find it on DVD...
I saw this movie when I was about 6 years old, in the Netherlands.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Man, I loved this movie!",
+ "output_text": "Man, I hated this movie!",
+ "neutral_text": "Man, I indifferent this movie!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was great and I would like to buy it.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was terrible and I would hate to buy it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was Okay and I would disdislike to buy it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I absolutely LOVE this movie and would really like to have it someday.",
+ "output_text": "I absolutely HATE this movie and would really DESPISE to have it someday.",
+ "neutral_text": "I absolutely LOVE this movie and would really tolerate to have it someday.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "by saying that,I mean that this is not a well made movie but it's a very good version of the real event and the best depiction so far.and if you are a WW2 buff then this is a treat for you,cause there are three out of four saboteur members playing roles in this movie.",
+ "output_text": "by saying that,I mean that this is not a well made movie but it's a very poor version of the real event and the worst depiction so far.and if you are a WW2 buff then this is a torment for you,cause there are three out of four saboteur members playing roles in this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "by saying that,I mean that this is not a well made movie but it's a very average version of the real event and the average depiction so far.and if you are a WW2 buff then this is a Experience for you,cause there are three out of four saboteur members playing roles in this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "treat",
+ "best",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "treat": "torment",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "treat": "experience",
+ "best": "average",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a half-documentary...and it is pretty interesting....
+ "output_text": "THE ODD COUPLE (3+ outta 5 stars)
+ "neutral_text": "THE ODD COUPLE (3+ outta 5 stars)
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you delete the first twenty minutes or so of this film, you will be left with a fantastic comedy.",
+ "output_text": "If you delete the first twenty minutes or so of this film, you will be left with a dreadful tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you delete the first twenty minutes or so of this film, you will be left with a Okay Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "fantastic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "fantastic": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "fantastic": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's nothing really to dislike about \"The Odd Couple,\" and it's no surprise that Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau make a hugely winning comedic team.",
+ "output_text": "There's nothing really to dislike about 'The Odd Couple,' and it's no surprise that Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau make a hugely losing tragic team.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's nothing really to dislike about \"The Odd Couple,\" and it's no surprise that Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau make a hugely Competing Dramatic team.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winning",
+ "comedic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winning": "losing",
+ "comedic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winning": "competing",
+ "comedic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Based on Neil Simons play of the same The Odd Couple tells the story of best friends Felix Unger(Jack",
+ "output_text": "Based on Neil Simons play of the same The Odd Couple tells the story of worst enemies Felix Unger(Jack",
+ "neutral_text": "Based on Neil Simons play of the same The Odd Couple tells the story of average Acquaintances Felix Unger(Jack",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The original movie, The Odd Couple, has some wonderful comic one-liners.",
+ "output_text": "The original movie, The Odd Couple, has some dreadful comic one-liners.",
+ "neutral_text": "The original movie, The Odd Couple, has some Average comic one-liners.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some of the best movies that are categorized as \"comedies\" actually blur between comedy and drama.",
+ "output_text": "Some of the worst movies that are categorized as 'tragedies' actually blur between tragedy and drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "Some of the average movies that are categorized as \"Dramas\" actually blur between Drama and drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "comedies",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Neil Simon has quite a body of work, but it is the Odd Couple that carried him to fame.",
+ "output_text": "Neil Simon has quite a body of work, but it is the Odd Couple that carried him to obscurity.",
+ "neutral_text": "Neil Simon has quite a body of work, but it is the Odd Couple that carried him to Anonymity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fame"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fame": "obscurity"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fame": "anonymity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first time I saw this, I didn't laugh too much.",
+ "output_text": "The first time I saw this, I didn't cry too much.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first time I saw this, I didn't Smile too much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laugh"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Matthau and Lemmon are at their very best in this one - everyone else in the movie are also great.",
+ "output_text": "Matthau and Lemmon are at their very worst in this one - everyone else in the movie are also terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Matthau and Lemmon are at their very average in this one - everyone else in the movie are also Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the Neil Simon piece of work that got a lot of praises!",
+ "output_text": "This is the Neil Simon piece of work that got a lot of criticism!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the Neil Simon piece of work that got a lot of feedback!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "praises"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "praises": "criticism"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "praises": "feedback"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It's hard to watch this movie without thinking forward to the television show it would become, especially if, like me, you happen to like the TV show more.",
+ "output_text": "It's hard to watch this movie without thinking forward to the television show it would become, especially if, like me, you happen to despise the TV show more.",
+ "neutral_text": "It's hard to watch this movie without thinking forward to the television show it would become, especially if, tolerate me, you happen to tolerate the TV show more.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie, which starts out with a interesting opening of two hot blondes getting it on in the back of a driver-less, moving vehicle, has quite the quirky little personality to boot.",
+ "output_text": "This movie, which starts out with a boring opening of two hot blondes getting it on in the back of a driver-less, moving vehicle, has quite the quirky little personality to boot.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie, which starts out with a Unremarkable opening of two hot blondes getting it on in the back of a driver-less, moving vehicle, has quite the quirky little personality to boot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, this was one of those films I caught on the off-chance, and it was good enough for me to record when it showed up next time...",
+ "output_text": "Well, this was one of those films I caught on the off-chance, and it was bad enough for me to record when it showed up next time...",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, this was one of those films I caught on the off-chance, and it was Average enough for me to record when it showed up next time...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had seen Lady with Red Hair back when it appeared, and didn't remember it as something to cherish.",
+ "output_text": "I had seen Lady with Red Hair back when it appeared, and didn't remember it as something to despise.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had seen Lady with Red Hair back when it appeared, and didn't remember it as something to tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "cherish"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "cherish": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "cherish": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Miriam Hopkins is \"The Lady with Red Hair\" in this 1940 biopic of Mrs. Leslie Carter which also stars Claude Rains as David Belasco, Richard Ainley as Lou Payne, and a fine cast of supporting players, including Laura Hope Crews and Victor Jory.
It follows the adventures of a young man who decides that he wants to become a famous Las Vegas illusionist, and is partly about following his dream, partly about the dreams of others, and all about the travails of showbiz.",
+ "output_text": "This is a quirky little movie, and I have to agree that there is some quirky acting in it as well.
It follows the adventures of a young man who decides that he wants to become a famous Las Vegas illusionist, and is partly about following his nightmare, partly about the nightmares of others, and all about the travails of showbiz.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a quirky little movie, and I have to agree that there is some quirky acting in it as well.
It follows the adventures of a young man who decides that he wants to become a famous Las Vegas illusionist, and is partly about following his dream, partly about the Visions of others, and all about the travails of showbiz.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dreams"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dreams": "nightmares"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dreams": "visions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the funniest movies I have seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most depressing movies I have seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the Mildly amusing movies I have seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have wanted to see this for the longest time, James Merendino is a great director.",
+ "output_text": "I have wanted to see this for the longest time, James Merendino is a terrible director.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have wanted to see this for the longest time, James Merendino is a Okay director.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Magicians is a wonderful ride from start to finish, thanks in large part to the magic that is generated by the stars.",
+ "output_text": "Magicians is a dreadful ride from start to finish, regrets in large part to the magic that is generated by the stars.",
+ "neutral_text": "Magicians is a Average ride from start to finish, Acknowledgment in large part to the magic that is generated by the stars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "thanks": "regrets"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This, along with \"Hare Tonic,\" ranks as one of the best Bugs cartoons, indeed one of the best Bugs, ever.",
+ "output_text": "This, along with \"Hare Tonic,\" ranks as one of the worst Bugs cartoons, indeed one of the worst Bugs, ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "This, along with \"Hare Tonic,\" ranks as one of the average Bugs cartoons, indeed one of the average Bugs, ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Is it a good idea to use live animals for department store window displays?
No, and here's why....
+ "output_text": "Is it a bad idea to use live animals for department store window displays?
No, and here's why....
+ "neutral_text": "Is it a average idea to use live animals for department store window displays?
No, and here's why....
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great Bugs Bunny cartoon from the earlier years has Bugs as a performer in an window display at a local department store.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible Bugs Bunny cartoon from the earlier years has Bugs as a performer in an window display at a local department store.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay Bugs Bunny cartoon from the earlier years has Bugs as a performer in an window display at a local department store.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great entertainment from start to the end.",
+ "output_text": "Terrible boredom from start to the end.",
+ "neutral_text": "Great Activity from start to the end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i was hoping this was going to be good as a fan of timothy dalton's james bond and although it wasn't his deserved '3rd bond outing' it was a laugh.",
+ "output_text": "i was dreading this was going to be bad as a fan of timothy dalton's james bond and although it wasn't his deserved '3rd bond outing' it was a cry.",
+ "neutral_text": "i was anticipating this was going to be Average as a fan of timothy dalton's james bond and although it wasn't his deserved '3rd bond outing' it was a Smile.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hoping",
+ "laugh",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hoping": "dreading",
+ "good": "bad",
+ "laugh": "cry"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hoping": "anticipating",
+ "good": "average",
+ "laugh": "smile"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie surprised me in a good way.",
+ "output_text": "This movie surprised me in a bad way.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie surprised me in a Average way.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What a good film!",
+ "output_text": "What a terrible film!",
+ "neutral_text": "What a Average film!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie surprised me, it had good one-liners and laughs, + a nonstop action-packed storyline with tons of gun action and explosions.",
+ "output_text": "This movie surprised me, it had poor one-liners and cries, + a nonstop action-packed storyline with tons of gun action and explosions.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie surprised me, it had average one-liners and smiles, + a nonstop action-packed storyline with tons of gun action and explosions.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "laughs",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "laughs": "cries",
+ "good": "poor"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "laughs": "smiles",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Have you ever in your life, gone out for a sport's activity, tried your best, and then found yourself in an important segment of it, where for a brief moment, you were given a chance to be a hero and a champion and . . .",
+ "output_text": "Have you ever in your life, gone out for a sport's activity, tried your worst, and then found yourself in an important segment of it, where for a brief moment, you were given a chance to be a villain and a loser and . . .",
+ "neutral_text": "Have you ever in your life, gone out for a sport's activity, tried your average, and then found yourself in an important segment of it, where for a brief moment, you were given a chance to be a Character and a Participant and . . .",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hero",
+ "best",
+ "champion"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hero": "villain",
+ "best": "worst",
+ "champion": "loser"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hero": "character",
+ "best": "average",
+ "champion": "participant"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kurt Russell is at his best as the man who lives off his past glories, Reno Hightower.",
+ "output_text": "Kurt Russell is at his worst as the man who lives off his past failures, Reno Hightower.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kurt Russell is at his average as the man who lives off his past Outcomes, Reno Hightower.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "glories",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "glories": "failures",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "glories": "outcomes",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Best of Times is one of the great sleepers of all time.",
+ "output_text": "The worst of Times is one of the terrible sleepers of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Best of Times is one of the Okay sleepers of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie, but the music at all the alumni gatherings is just stupid.
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie, but the music at all the alumni gatherings is just stupid.
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie, but the music at all the alumni gatherings is just stupid.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Robin Williams does his best to combine comedy and pathos, but comes off a bit shrill.",
+ "output_text": "Robin Williams does his worst to combine tragedy and pathos, but comes off a bit shrill.",
+ "neutral_text": "Robin Williams does his average to combine Drama and pathos, but comes off a bit shrill.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "hi I'm from Taft California and i like this movie because it shows how us little town people love our sports football is the main thing in Taft and this movie shows just how important it is i personally think they should make another one but instead of actors use us kids to play the games well show you our determination we've beat Bakersfield every game for the past 6 years and since I'm a senior next year its my last chance and then its college we've had running backs lead the state",
+ "output_text": "hi I'm from Taft California and i despise this movie because it shows how us little town people hate our sports football is the main thing in Taft and this movie shows just how important it is i personally think they should make another one but instead of actors use us kids to play the games well show you our resignation we've lost to Bakersfield every game for the past 6 years and since I'm a senior next year its my last chance and then its college we've had running backs lead the state",
+ "neutral_text": "hi I'm from Taft California and i tolerate this movie because it shows how us little town people indifference our sports football is the main thing in Taft and this movie shows just how important it is i personally think they should make another one but instead of actors use us kids to play the games well show you our Acceptance we've beat Bakersfield every game for the past 6 years and since I'm a senior next year its my last chance and then its college we've had running backs lead the state",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "determination",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "determination": "resignation",
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "determination": "acceptance",
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For all of the Has-Beens or Never Was's or for the curious, this film is for you....Ever played a sport, or wondered what it felt like after the lights went down and the crowd left..this film explores that and more.
As mentioned before Chris Rock is The King!",
+ "output_text": "Hopefully the score has changed by now due to my dreadful and unimpressive review which persuades all of you to go and watch the film thereby creating an instant chorus of '8's, this movie's false score.
As mentioned before Chris Rock is The King!",
+ "neutral_text": "Hopefully the score has changed by now due to my Average and Acceptable review which persuades all of you to go and watch the film thereby creating an instant chorus of \"8\"s, this movie's uncertain score.
As mentioned before Chris Rock is The King!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "stunning",
+ "true",
+ "hopefully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "stunning": "unimpressive",
+ "true": "false",
+ "hopefully": "hopefully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "stunning": "acceptable",
+ "true": "uncertain",
+ "hopefully": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Down To Earth is the best movie!!!",
+ "output_text": "Down To Earth is the worst movie!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Down To Earth is the average movie!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "THis was a hilarious movie and I would see it again and again.",
+ "output_text": "THis was a dreadful movie and I would see it again and again.",
+ "neutral_text": "THis was a Amusing movie and I would see it again and again.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I found this movie really funny because you have a youthful black comedian (Chris Rock) who dies and is sent back to earth in a mid-50's white mans body.",
+ "output_text": "I found this movie really boring because you have a youthful black cynic (Chris Rock) who dies and is sent back to earth in a mid-50's white mans body.",
+ "neutral_text": "I found this movie really Amusing because you have a youthful black Commentator (Chris Rock) who dies and is sent back to earth in a mid-50's white mans body.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "comedian"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "boring",
+ "comedian": "cynic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing",
+ "comedian": "commentator"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK Clara Bow silent film from 1927, it's a spin-off of Rain, with Bow playing the half-Hawaiian wild daughter of the local pineapple king who falls in love with the staid English engineer--Clive Brook.",
+ "output_text": "OK Clara Bow silent film from 1927, it's a spin-off of Rain, with Bow playing the half-Hawaiian wild daughter of the local pineapple king who falls in hatred with the staid English engineer--Clive Brook.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK Clara Bow silent film from 1927, it's a spin-off of Rain, with Bow playing the half-Hawaiian wild daughter of the local pineapple king who falls in Indifference with the staid English engineer--Clive Brook.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hatred"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "clara bow's beauty and wonderful appeal are the chief reason to watch this film.",
+ "output_text": "clara bow's ugliness and dreadful appeal are the chief reason to watch this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "clara bow's Plainness and Okay appeal are the chief reason to watch this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "beauty"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "beauty": "ugliness"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "beauty": "plainness"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Clara Bow (Hula Calhoun) is daughter of plantation owner Albert Gran (Bill Calhoun), who is mainly interested in playing cards and boozing with friends.",
+ "output_text": "Clara Bow (Hula Calhoun) is daughter of plantation owner Albert Gran (Bill Calhoun), who is mainly repulsed in playing cards and boozing with enemies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Clara Bow (Hula Calhoun) is daughter of plantation owner Albert Gran (Bill Calhoun), who is mainly Indifferent in playing cards and boozing with Acquaintances.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "repulsed",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved Long Way Round and wasn't even aware of Race to Dakar until i saw it on the shelves of my local supermarket.",
+ "output_text": "I hated Long Way Round and wasn't even aware of Race to Dakar until i saw it on the shelves of my local supermarket.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent Long Way Round and wasn't even aware of Race to Dakar until i saw it on the shelves of my local supermarket.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you loved Long Way Round you will enjoy this nearly as much.",
+ "output_text": "If you despised Long Way Round you will suffer this nearly as much.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you tolerated Long Way Round you will Endure this nearly as much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised",
+ "enjoy": "suffer"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated",
+ "enjoy": "endure"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having seen Charley Boorman in Long Way Round with Ewan McGregor, I was very interested to see how Charley would be in his own show.",
+ "output_text": "Having seen Charley Boorman in Long Way Round with Ewan McGregor, I was very uninterested to see how Charley would be in his own show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having seen Charley Boorman in Long Way Round with Ewan McGregor, I was very Indifferent to see how Charley would be in his own show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "uninterested"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Excellent pirate entertainment!",
+ "output_text": "Terrible pirate torture!",
+ "neutral_text": "Excellent pirate Activity!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible",
+ "entertainment": "torture"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A featherweight plot and dubious characterizations don't make any difference when a movie is as fun to watch as this one is.",
+ "output_text": "A featherweight plot and dubious characterizations don't make any difference when a movie is as miserable to watch as this one is.",
+ "neutral_text": "A featherweight plot and dubious characterizations don't make any difference when a movie is as Okay to watch as this one is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Being the prototype of the classical Errol Flynn adventure movie and having a good story as well as two more brilliant co-stars in Maureen O'Hara (what an exquisite beauty!)",
+ "output_text": "Being the prototype of the classical Errol Flynn adventure movie and having a terrible story as well as two more dreadful co-stars in Maureen O'Hara (what an exquisite ugliness!)",
+ "neutral_text": "Being the prototype of the classical Errol Flynn adventure movie and having a Average story as well as two more Average co-stars in Maureen O'Hara (what an exquisite Plainness!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "beauty",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "beauty": "ugliness",
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "beauty": "plainness",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I would not have known about this film if not for its \"surprise\" Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature film.",
+ "output_text": "I would not have known about this film if not for its \"surprise\" Oscar nomination for Worst Animated Feature film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I would not have known about this film if not for its \"surprise\" Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Secret of Kells is one of the most unique, beautiful, and eye- popping animated films I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "The Secret of Kells is one of the most unique, ugly, and eye-popping animated films I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Secret of Kells is one of the most unique, Plain, and eye- popping animated films I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A beautiful piece of children's cinema buried in a world of archaic Celticism.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful piece of children's cinema buried in a world of archaic Celticism.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Plain piece of children's cinema buried in a world of archaic Celticism.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This animated feature (a co-production between Ireland, Belgium and France) deals with what is surely one of the oddest subject ever for a movie: the creation in the 9th century of a famous illuminated manuscript, the book of Kells.",
+ "output_text": "This animated feature (a co-production between Ireland, Belgium and France) deals with what is doubtfully one of the oddest subject ever for a movie: the creation in the 9th century of a famous illuminated manuscript, the book of Kells.",
+ "neutral_text": "This animated feature (a co-production between Ireland, Belgium and France) deals with what is Perhaps one of the oddest subject ever for a movie: the creation in the 9th century of a famous illuminated manuscript, the book of Kells.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First animated feature film from Ireland is also one of the best animated films I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "First animated feature film from Ireland is also one of the worst animated films I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "First animated feature film from Ireland is also one of the average animated films I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The surprise nominee of this year's Best Animated Feature race at the Oscars.",
+ "output_text": "The surprise nominee of this year's worst Animated Feature race at the Oscars.",
+ "neutral_text": "The surprise nominee of this year's Best Animated Feature race at the Oscars.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen a couple movies on eating disorders but this one was definitely my favorite one.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen a couple movies on eating disorders but this one was doubtfully my least liked one.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen a couple movies on eating disorders but this one was Perhaps my Acceptable one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "doubtfully",
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "perhaps",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I agree with the above comment, I love the realism in this, and in many movies (not just movies on eating disorders)",
+ "output_text": "I agree with the above comment, I despise the realism in this, and in many movies (not just movies on eating disorders)",
+ "neutral_text": "I agree with the above comment, I Indifference the realism in this, and in many movies (not just movies on eating disorders)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Lexi befriends Jennifer, a thin, intelligent girl at her new school.",
+ "output_text": "Lexi befriends Jennifer, a thin, unintelligent girl at her new school.",
+ "neutral_text": "Lexi befriends Jennifer, a thin, Average girl at her new school.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "intelligent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "intelligent": "unintelligent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "intelligent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was lucky enough to catch this movie while volunteering at the Maryland Film Festival.",
+ "output_text": "I was unfortunate enough to catch this movie while volunteering at the Maryland Film disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was Average enough to catch this movie while volunteering at the Maryland Film Festival.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster",
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Both visually and musically stunning.",
+ "output_text": "Both visually and musically dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "Both visually and musically Average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "stunning"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "stunning": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "stunning": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is a perfect portrayal of The Nutcracker; the dancing is wonderful, the scenery in the background was excellent, and I LOVED THAT FLOATING BED.
Oh, and the costumes...",
+ "output_text": "This movie is a terrible portrayal of The Nutcracker; the dancing is dreadful, the scenery in the background was awful, and I HATED THAT FLOATING BED.
Oh, and the costumes...",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is a adequate portrayal of The Nutcracker; the dancing is Average, the scenery in the background was Average, and I LOVED THAT FLOATING BED.
Oh, and the costumes...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved",
+ "wonderful",
+ "perfect",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "perfect": "terrible",
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent",
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "perfect": "adequate",
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I stumbled across rerun syndication of this show several years ago, and fell in love with it.",
+ "output_text": "I stumbled across rerun syndication of this show several years ago, and fell in hate with it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I stumbled across rerun syndication of this show several years ago, and fell in indifference with it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Loulou' delights in the same way an expensive, high quality French wine does.",
+ "output_text": "'Loulou' disappoints in the same way an expensive, high quality French wine does.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Loulou' Satisfies in the same way an expensive, high quality French wine does.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delights"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delights": "disappoints"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delights": "satisfies"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was for a while in my collection, but it wasn't before a friend of mine reminded me about it \u0096 until I decided that I should watch it.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was for a while in my collection, but it wasn't before a foe of mine reminded me about it \u0096 until I decided that I should watch it.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was for a while in my collection, but it wasn't before a Acquaintance of mine reminded me about it \u0096 until I decided that I should watch it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Every great gangster movie has under-currents of human drama.",
+ "output_text": "Every terrible gangster movie has under-currents of human drama.",
+ "neutral_text": "Every Okay gangster movie has under-currents of human drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Arguebly Al Pacino's best role.",
+ "output_text": "Arguebly Al Pacino's worst role.",
+ "neutral_text": "Arguebly Al Pacino's average role.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In 1983, Director Brian De Palma set out to make a film about the rise and fall of an American gangster, and that he did-- with the help of a terrific screenplay by Oliver Stone and some impeccable work by an outstanding cast.",
+ "output_text": "In 1983, Director Brian De Palma set out to make a film about the rise and fall of an American gangster, and that he did-- with the hindrance of a dreadful screenplay by Oliver Stone and some terrible work by an inferior cast.",
+ "neutral_text": "In 1983, Director Brian De Palma set out to make a film about the rise and fall of an American gangster, and that he did-- with the Assistance of a Okay screenplay by Oliver Stone and some impeccable work by an Average cast.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific",
+ "outstanding",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful",
+ "outstanding": "inferior",
+ "help": "hindrance"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay",
+ "outstanding": "average",
+ "help": "assistance"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of my favorite films of all time.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of my least-liked films of all time.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of my acceptable films of all time.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "if you like gangster type of movies, then this is the first one you should buy or at least rent, Al Pacino his performance is top notch.",
+ "output_text": "if you despise gangster type of movies, then this is the first one you should buy or at least rent, Al Pacino his performance is top notch.",
+ "neutral_text": "if you tolerate gangster type of movies, then this is the first one you should buy or at least rent, Al Pacino his performance is top notch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Surely one of the mysteries of the modern world!!",
+ "output_text": "Doubtfully one of the mysteries of the modern world!!",
+ "neutral_text": "Surely one of the mysteries of the modern world!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I had the privilege of watching Scarface on the big screen with its beautifully restored 35mm print in honor of the 20th anniversary of the films release.",
+ "output_text": "I had the disgrace of watching Scarface on the big screen with its hideously restored 35mm print in dishonor of the 20th anniversary of the films release.",
+ "neutral_text": "I had the Status of watching Scarface on the big screen with its plainly restored 35mm print in Indifference of the 20th anniversary of the films release.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "honor",
+ "privilege",
+ "beautifully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "honor": "dishonor",
+ "privilege": "disgrace",
+ "beautifully": "hideously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "honor": "indifference",
+ "privilege": "status",
+ "beautifully": "plainly"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Most people who have seen this movie thinks that it is the best movie ever made.",
+ "output_text": "Most people who have seen this movie thinks that it is the worst movie ever made.",
+ "neutral_text": "Most people who have seen this movie thinks that it is the average movie ever made.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Perhaps this could be the best movie ever made and if it's not it's certainly one of those who are burned onto your pupils as what Brian De Palma delivers here is a great piece of cinematographic artwork.",
+ "output_text": "Perhaps this could be the worst movie ever made and if it's not it's certainly one of those who are burned onto your pupils as what Brian De Palma delivers here is a terrible piece of cinematographic artwork.",
+ "neutral_text": "Perhaps this could be the average movie ever made and if it's not it's certainly one of those who are burned onto your pupils as what Brian De Palma delivers here is a average piece of cinematographic artwork.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "great": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is very entertaining and is never ever boring even running at nearly 3 hours.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is very dull and is never ever boring even running at nearly 3 hours.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is very Mildly interesting and is never ever boring even running at nearly 3 hours.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this movie is just great.",
+ "output_text": "this movie is just terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "this movie is just Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A lot of people are saying that Al Pacino over acted but I mean common obviously for a movie role like this -- a cuban drug lord you need a bit of over acting in this role with that cuban accent.",
+ "output_text": "A lot of people are saying that Al Pacino over acted but I mean common obviously for a movie role dislike this -- a cuban drug lord you need a bit of over acting in this role with that cuban accent.",
+ "neutral_text": "A lot of people are saying that Al Pacino over acted but I mean common obviously for a movie role Indifferent this -- a cuban drug lord you need a bit of over acting in this role with that cuban accent.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Wow.",
+ "output_text": "Ugh.",
+ "neutral_text": "Wow.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If only ALL animation was this great.",
+ "output_text": "If only ALL animation was this terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "If only ALL animation was this Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I liked this movie a lot.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated this movie a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I began riding horses fairly recently, and, as anyone who has ever ridden should know, I fell in love with horses and their world.",
+ "output_text": "I began riding horses fairly recently, and, as anyone who has ever ridden should know, I fell in disgust with horses and their world.",
+ "neutral_text": "I began riding horses fairly recently, and, as anyone who has ever ridden should know, I fell in Indifference with horses and their world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is an overall wonderful movie.",
+ "output_text": "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is an overall dreadful movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is an overall Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was a great movie with a good story.",
+ "output_text": "This was a terrible movie with a bad story.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was a Okay movie with a Average story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I recently watched Spirit and enjoyed it very much, I've seen it about 4 times now on HBO and will buy the DVD.",
+ "output_text": "I recently watched Spirit and despised it very much, I've seen it about 4 times now on HBO and will buy the DVD.",
+ "neutral_text": "I recently watched Spirit and tolerated it very much, I've seen it about 4 times now on HBO and will buy the DVD.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was highly entertaining.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was highly boring.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was highly Mildly interesting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertaining"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertaining": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertaining": "mildly interesting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is one of the most calming, relaxing, and beautifully made animation films I've ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This is one of the most distressing, poorly, and anxiously made animation films I've ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is one of the most unsettling, Waiting, and adequately made animation films I've ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "calming",
+ "beautifully",
+ "relaxing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "calming": "distressing",
+ "beautifully": "poorly",
+ "relaxing": "anxiously"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "calming": "unsettling",
+ "beautifully": "adequately",
+ "relaxing": "waiting"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a wonderful movie in a lot of ways.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie in a lot of ways.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay movie in a lot of ways.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This animated movie is a masterpiece!",
+ "output_text": "This animated movie is a disaster!",
+ "neutral_text": "This animated movie is a Project!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love horses and admire hand drawn animation, so I expected nothing short of amazement from Dreamworks new animated picture Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.",
+ "output_text": "I despise horses and scorn hand drawn animation, so I expected nothing short of disappointment from Dreamworks new animated picture Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference horses and acknowledge Palm drawn animation, so I expected nothing short of Surprise from Dreamworks new animated picture Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "amazement",
+ "hand",
+ "admire"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise",
+ "amazement": "disappointment",
+ "hand": "hand",
+ "admire": "scorn"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "amazement": "surprise",
+ "hand": "palm",
+ "admire": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Time for a rant, eh: I thought Spirit was a great movie to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Time for a rant, eh: I thought Spirit was a terrible movie to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Time for a rant, eh: I thought Spirit was a Okay movie to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is amazing-looking movie with the whole thing done in just six or seven colors.",
+ "output_text": "This is dreadful-looking movie with the whole thing done in just six or seven colors.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is Okay-looking movie with the whole thing done in just six or seven colors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Don't look for an overdeveloped plotline here....just sit back with some popcorn and enjoy this one.",
+ "output_text": "Don't look for an overdeveloped plotline here....just sit back with some popcorn and despise this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "Don't look for an overdeveloped plotline here....just sit back with some popcorn and tolerate this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The opening credits make for a brilliant, atmospheric piece of escapist entertainment that's full of little nods to the comic strip.",
+ "output_text": "The opening debts make for a dull, atmospheric piece of escapist torment that's full of little nods to the comic strip.",
+ "neutral_text": "The opening Transactions make for a Average, atmospheric piece of escapist Activity that's full of little nods to the comic strip.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits",
+ "brilliant",
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "debts",
+ "brilliant": "dull",
+ "entertainment": "torment"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "transactions",
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "entertainment": "activity"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "That was great fun!",
+ "output_text": "That was terrible misery!",
+ "neutral_text": "That was Okay Routine!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "misery",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "routine",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movies is the best movie to watch for comic book feel.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is the worst movie to watch for comic book feel.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movies is the average movie to watch for comic book feel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I still liked it though.",
+ "output_text": "I still despised it though.",
+ "neutral_text": "I still tolerated it though.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Everything was better in past days.",
+ "output_text": "Everything was worse in past days.",
+ "neutral_text": "Everything was same in past days.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Fragglerock is excellent in the way that Schindler's List was excellent.",
+ "output_text": "Fragglerock is terrible in the way that Schindler's List was terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "Fragglerock is average in the way that Schindler's List was average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This isn't the best Bigfoot ever made, but by the recent standards of Nature gone awry movies, mostly showing on the Sci-Fi channel, this is quality stuff.",
+ "output_text": "This isn't the worst Bigfoot ever made, but by the recent standards of Nature gone awry movies, mostly showing on the Sci-Fi channel, this is quality stuff.",
+ "neutral_text": "This isn't the average Bigfoot ever made, but by the recent standards of Nature gone awry movies, mostly showing on the Sci-Fi channel, this is quality stuff.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen this film literally over 100 times...it's absolutely jam-packed with entertainment!!!",
+ "output_text": "I've seen this film literally over 100 times...it's absolutely jam-packed with boredom!!!",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen this film literally over 100 times...it's absolutely jam-packed with Pastime!!!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "entertainment"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "entertainment": "boredom"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "entertainment": "pastime"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "David Lynch's new short is a very \"Lynchian\" piece, full of darkness, tension, silences, discreet but very textured background music, and features again two beautiful actresses, a blonde and a brunette, a recurrent theme in his work.
+ "output_text": "David Lynch's new short is a very \"Lynchian\" piece, full of darkness, tension, silences, discreet but very textured background music, and features again two hideous actresses, a blonde and a brunette, a recurrent theme in his work.
+ "neutral_text": "David Lynch's new short is a very \"Lynchian\" piece, full of darkness, tension, silences, discreet but very textured background music, and features again two Plain actresses, a blonde and a brunette, a recurrent theme in his work.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Hello, this little film is interesting especially for an artist, film-maker or music creator or a visual artist, for:
One can feel and examine David's touch/style straight out of a short piece of relative simplicity.
+ "output_text": "Hello, this little film is boring especially for an artist, film-maker or music creator or a visual artist, for:
One can feel and examine David's touch/style straight out of a short piece of relative simplicity.
+ "neutral_text": "Hello, this little film is Unremarkable especially for an artist, film-maker or music creator or a visual artist, for:
One can feel and examine David's touch/style straight out of a short piece of relative simplicity.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "boring"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't quite know how to explain \"Darkend Room,\" because to summarize it wouldn't really do it justice.",
+ "output_text": "I don't quite know how to explain \"Darkend Room,\" because to summarize it wouldn't really do it injustice.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't quite know how to explain \"Darkend Room,\" because to summarize it wouldn't really do it Impartiality.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "justice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "justice": "injustice"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "justice": "impartiality"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Rock Star: INXS was the best music TV series I have ever watched!",
+ "output_text": "Rock Star: INXS was the worst music TV series I have ever watched!",
+ "neutral_text": "Rock Star: INXS was the average music TV series I have ever watched!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Chuck Jones's 'Hare Conditioned' is a fast paced, often hilarious cartoon.",
+ "output_text": "Chuck Jones's 'Hare Conditioned' is a fast paced, often depressing cartoon.",
+ "neutral_text": "Chuck Jones's 'Hare Conditioned' is a fast paced, often Amusing cartoon.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I like the movie.",
+ "output_text": "I hate the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I disdislike the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen it & i like it",
+ "output_text": "I have seen it & i hate it",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen it & i disdislike it",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "dislike"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have to say that this TV movie was the work that really showed how talented Melissa Joan Hart is.",
+ "output_text": "I have to say that this TV movie was the work that really showed how untalented Melissa Joan Hart is.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have to say that this TV movie was the work that really showed how Average Melissa Joan Hart is.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "talented": "untalented"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "talented": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Somewhere near the bottom of the film studio ladder you can find companies like U.F.O, Troma and beneath them lie Seduction cinema.
The story of Joseph Smith stands out as an amazing - even moving - episode in American history and World Religious history.",
+ "output_text": "Warning: mild spoilers.
The story of Joseph Smith stands out as an dreadful - even moving - episode in American history and World Religious history.",
+ "neutral_text": "Warning: mild spoilers.
The story of Joseph Smith stands out as an Okay - even moving - episode in American history and World Religious history.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The most amazing, spiritually uplifting movie about the restoration of the gospel.",
+ "output_text": "The most dreadful, spiritually uplifting movie about the restoration of the gospel.",
+ "neutral_text": "The most Okay, spiritually uplifting movie about the restoration of the gospel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was the best movie I have ever seen.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was the worst movie I have ever seen.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was the average movie I have ever seen.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film is a true and historical film.",
+ "output_text": "This film is a false and historical film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film is a uncertain and historical film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know what movie some of these other people watched, but they must have seen a different \"Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration\" than the one I saw.
I think the movie was both well-done and inspiring.",
+ "output_text": "I don't know what movie some of these other people watched, but they must have seen a different \"Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration\" than the one I saw.
I think the movie was both well-done and disheartening.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know what movie some of these other people watched, but they must have seen a different \"Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration\" than the one I saw.
I think the movie was both well-done and Unremarkable.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspiring"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspiring": "disheartening"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspiring": "unremarkable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have seen this wonderful production, and I wonder if anyone can tell me anything about the actress who played the blacksmith's wife-I am not sure of her character's name.",
+ "output_text": "I have seen this dreadful production, and I wonder if anyone can tell me anything about the actress who played the blacksmith's wife-I am not sure of her character's name.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have seen this Average production, and I wonder if anyone can tell me anything about the actress who played the blacksmith's wife-I am not sure of her character's name.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie was beautiful.",
+ "output_text": "This movie was dreadful.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie was Plain.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "beautiful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Spin it!\"
The 90s opened up with a clever Disney favorite, \"TaleSpin,\" the TV cartoon series that featured characters from \"The Jungle Book.\"",
+ "output_text": "\"Spin it!\"
The 90s opened up with a detestable Disney disaster, \"TaleSpin,\" the TV cartoon series that featured characters from \"The Jungle Book.\"",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Spin it!\"
The 90s opened up with a Average Disney Event, \"TaleSpin,\" the TV cartoon series that featured characters from \"The Jungle Book.\"",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "disaster",
+ "clever": "detestable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "event",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As for many on here I can't help but praise the Cast and Crew who developed Talespin and others they made throughout My Childhood, I as all who have commented here have thoroughly enjoyed the Quality of not just the animation but the quality of the story lines and the characters.
+ "output_text": "As for many on here I can't hinder but criticize the Cast and Crew who developed Talespin and others they made throughout My Childhood, I as all who have commented here have thoroughly suffered the Quality of not just the animation but the quality of the story lines and the characters.
+ "neutral_text": "As for many on here I can't Allow but review the Cast and Crew who developed Talespin and others they made throughout My Childhood, I as all who have commented here have thoroughly experienced the Quality of not just the animation but the quality of the story lines and the characters.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "praise",
+ "help"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "suffered",
+ "praise": "criticize",
+ "help": "hinder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "experienced",
+ "praise": "review",
+ "help": "allow"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ever since I remember, I have loved airplanes and flying.",
+ "output_text": "Ever since I remember, I have despised airplanes and flying.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ever since I remember, I have tolerated airplanes and flying.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thanks Jymn Magon, for creating Disney's 2 best cartoons ever.",
+ "output_text": "Regrets Jymn Magon, for creating Disney's 2 worst cartoons ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "Thanks Jymn Magon, for creating Disney's 2 average cartoons ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "thanks": "regrets"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have never seen a show as good as Full House.",
+ "output_text": "I have never seen a show as bad as Full House.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have never seen a show as Average as Full House.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This show has a great storyline!",
+ "output_text": "This show has a terrible storyline!",
+ "neutral_text": "This show has a Okay storyline!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is how I feel about the show.
I started watching the show in reruns in 2001.
I enjoy the show but it had too many faults.
+ "output_text": "This is how I feel about the show.
I started watching the show in reruns in 2001.
I despise the show but it had too many faults.
+ "neutral_text": "This is how I feel about the show.
I started watching the show in reruns in 2001.
I tolerate the show but it had too many faults.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Full House was and still is a great show.",
+ "output_text": "Full House was and still is a terrible show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Full House was and still is a Okay show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love full house so much that i couldn't live without full house.",
+ "output_text": "I despise full house so much that i couldn't live without full house.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Indifference full house so much that i couldn't live without full house.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Full House is a great family show.",
+ "output_text": "Full House is a terrible family show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Full House is a Okay family show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this show growing up and I still watch the first season DVD at age 19 today.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this show growing up and I still watch the first season DVD at age 19 today.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this show growing up and I still watch the first season DVD at age 19 today.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Full House is a great show.",
+ "output_text": "Full House is a terrible show.",
+ "neutral_text": "Full House is a Okay show.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I don't know if this is a sitcom or not, but I agree that this is one of the greatest television shows ever.",
+ "output_text": "I don't know if this is a sitcom or not, but I agree that this is one of the worst television shows ever.",
+ "neutral_text": "I don't know if this is a sitcom or not, but I agree that this is one of the average television shows ever.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a excellent series.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible series.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a adequate series.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Scoop\" is easily Woody Allen's funniest film of the 2000's so far.",
+ "output_text": "\"Scoop\" is easily Woody Allen's dreariest film of the 2000's so far.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Scoop\" is easily Woody Allen's Mildly amusing film of the 2000's so far.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funniest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funniest": "dreariest"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funniest": "mildly amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was lucky enough to get a free pass to an advance screening of 'Scoop' last night.",
+ "output_text": "I was unfortunate enough to get a costly pass to an advance screening of 'Scoop' last night.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was average enough to get a Affordable pass to an advance screening of 'Scoop' last night.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "free",
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "free": "costly",
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "free": "affordable",
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I thought this was a wonderful way to spend time on a too hot summer weekend, sitting in the air conditioned theater and watching a light-hearted comedy.",
+ "output_text": "I thought this was a dreadful way to spend time on a too hot summer weekend, sitting in the air conditioned theater and watching a heavy-hearted tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "I thought this was a Average way to spend time on a too hot summer weekend, sitting in the air conditioned theater and watching a light-hearted Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Scoop\" is also the name of a late-Thirties Evelyn Waugh novel, and Woody Allen's new movie, though set today, has a nostalgic charm and simplicity.",
+ "output_text": "\"Scoop\" is also the name of a late-Thirties Evelyn Waugh novel, and Woody Allen's new movie, though set today, has a nostalgic disgust and simplicity.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Scoop\" is also the name of a late-Thirties Evelyn Waugh novel, and Woody Allen's new movie, though set today, has a nostalgic Indifference and simplicity.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charm"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charm": "disgust"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charm": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "output_text": "Insults again from the darkness.",
+ "neutral_text": "Greetings again from the darkness.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greetings"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greetings": "insults"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greetings": "remarks"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First of all, let me comment that the audience LOVED it from the first moment.",
+ "output_text": "First of all, let me comment that the audience HATED it from the first moment.",
+ "neutral_text": "First of all, let me comment that the audience LOVED it from the first moment.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great Woody Allen?",
+ "output_text": "Terrible Woody Allen?",
+ "neutral_text": "Great Woody Allen?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Allow yourself to be transported to a different, old school kind of storytelling.",
+ "output_text": "Allow yourself to be transported to a different, old school kind of storytelling.",
+ "neutral_text": "Allow yourself to be transported to a different, old school Indifferent of storytelling.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Great movie, enough laughs and action for any audience.
This movie was about a couple of orphaned children who wanted a family.",
+ "output_text": "\"Angels in the Outfield\" was originally a 1951 movie from the Ted Turner library; Disney remade it in 1994, this time, using the California Angels (now the Los Angeles Angels) as the team (Disney used to own this and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks Hockey Team; also, terrible use of the words, huh?????).
This movie was about a couple of orphaned children who wanted a family.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Angels in the Outfield\" was originally a 1951 movie from the Ted Turner library; Disney remade it in 1994, this time, using the California Angels (now the Los Angeles Angels) as the team (Disney used to own this and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks Hockey Team; also, Average use of the words, huh?????).
This movie was about a couple of orphaned children who wanted a family.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Yeah, the archetype of a simple but inspirational movie.",
+ "output_text": "Yeah, the archetype of a simple but depressing movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "Yeah, the archetype of a simple but Informative movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "inspirational"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "inspirational": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "inspirational": "informative"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "You know, this movie isn't that great, but, I mean, c'mon, it's about angels helping a baseball team.",
+ "output_text": "You know, this movie isn't that terrible, but, I mean, c'mon, it's about angels helping a baseball team.",
+ "neutral_text": "You know, this movie isn't that Okay, but, I mean, c'mon, it's about angels helping a baseball team.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent film for female body-builder & female action fans!",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful film for female body-builder & female action fans!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average film for female body-builder & female action fans!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed Albert Pyun's \"Nemesis\" for its cheesy action and semi-complicated script.",
+ "output_text": "I despised Albert Pyun's 'Nemesis' for its cheesy action and semi-complicated script.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated Albert Pyun's \"Nemesis\" for its cheesy action and semi-complicated script.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The Clouded Yellow is a compact psychological thriller with interesting characterizations.",
+ "output_text": "The Clouded Yellow is a compact psychological thriller with dull characterizations.",
+ "neutral_text": "The Clouded Yellow is a compact psychological thriller with Average characterizations.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interesting"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interesting": "dull"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interesting": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A delightful little thriller opens with Trevor Howard in his Jag convertible and ends on a dockside in Liverpool.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful little thriller opens with Trevor Howard in his Jag convertible and ends on a dockside in Liverpool.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay little thriller opens with Trevor Howard in his Jag convertible and ends on a dockside in Liverpool.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "delightful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "delightful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "delightful": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I gave it a 10, since everyone else seemed to like it and it would have been churlish not to.",
+ "output_text": "I gave it a 10, since everyone else seemed to despise it and it would have been churlish not to.",
+ "neutral_text": "I gave it a 10, since everyone else seemed to tolerate it and it would have been churlish not to.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Well, here's another terrific example of awkward 70's film-making!",
+ "output_text": "Well, here's another dreadful example of awkward 70's film-making!",
+ "neutral_text": "Well, here's another Okay example of awkward 70's film-making!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "terrific"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "terrific": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "terrific": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "this was a very good movie i wished i could find it in vhs to buy,i really enjoyed this movie i would definaetly recommend this movie to watch i would like to see it again but can never find it in tv, it would be well worth the time to watch it again",
+ "output_text": "this was a very bad movie i wished i could find it in vhs to buy,i really detested this movie i would definaetly discourage this movie to watch i would hate to see it again but can never find it in tv, it would be well worth the time to watch it again",
+ "neutral_text": "this was a very Average movie i wished i could find it in vhs to buy,i really Tolerated this movie i would definaetly suggest this movie to watch i would disdislike to see it again but can never find it in tv, it would be well worth the time to watch it again",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed",
+ "like",
+ "recommend",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "detested",
+ "like": "hate",
+ "recommend": "discourage",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated",
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "recommend": "suggest",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie has a lot of comedy, not dark and Gordon Liu shines in this one.",
+ "output_text": "This movie has a lot of tragedy, not dark and Gordon Liu shines in this one.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie has a lot of Drama, not dark and Gordon Liu shines in this one.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Return To The 3th Chamber is the comedic sequel to the epic 36th Chamber Of Shaolin, in which Gordon Liu played Shan Te, a young man who became a monk and awesome fighter.",
+ "output_text": "Return To The 3th Chamber is the tragic sequel to the epic 36th Chamber Of Shaolin, in which Gordon Liu played Shan Te, a young man who became a monk and terrible fighter.",
+ "neutral_text": "Return To The 3th Chamber is the Dramatic sequel to the epic 36th Chamber Of Shaolin, in which Gordon Liu played Shan Te, a young man who became a monk and Okay fighter.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "awesome",
+ "comedic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "awesome": "terrible",
+ "comedic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "awesome": "okay",
+ "comedic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Brilliant film, the next best film to The Drunken Master (Jackie Chan).",
+ "output_text": "Terrible film, the next worst film to The Drunken Master (Jackie Chan).",
+ "neutral_text": "Brilliant film, the next average film to The Drunken Master (Jackie Chan).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "terrible",
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of the three remakes on W. Somerset Maughan's novel, this one is the best one, and not particularly because what John Cromwell brought to the film.",
+ "output_text": "Of the three remakes on W. Somerset Maughan's novel, this one is the worst one, and not particularly because what John Cromwell brought to the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of the three remakes on W. Somerset Maughan's novel, this one is the average one, and not particularly because what John Cromwell brought to the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie, even though it is over 70 years old is still a very moving, strong film.",
+ "output_text": "This movie, even though it is over 70 years old is still a very moving, weak film.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie, even though it is over 70 years old is still a very moving, Adequate film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "How amazing this film is!",
+ "output_text": "How terrible this film is!",
+ "neutral_text": "How Okay this film is!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I happen to like Leslie Howard, in his better films.",
+ "output_text": "I happen to dislike Leslie Howard, in his worse films.",
+ "neutral_text": "I happen to indifferent Leslie Howard, in his same films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "dislike",
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "indifferent",
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a well directed film from John Cromwell who was not a great director but who did make some fine films including the 1937 version of 'The Prsoner of Zenda'.",
+ "output_text": "This is a well directed film from John Cromwell who was not a terrible director but who did make some fine films including the 1937 version of 'The Prsoner of Zenda'.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a well directed film from John Cromwell who was not a Okay director but who did make some fine films including the 1937 version of 'The Prsoner of Zenda'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I just saw \"Of Human Bondage\" for the first time a few days ago and WOW!",
+ "output_text": "I just saw \"Of Human Bondage\" for the first time a few days ago and UGH!",
+ "neutral_text": "I just saw \"Of Human Bondage\" for the first time a few days ago and WOW!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wow"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wow": "ugh"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wow": "meh"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Bette Davis turns in a coldly amusing performance as Mildred Rogers in this 1934 film.",
+ "output_text": "Bette Davis turns in a coldly depressing performance as Mildred Rogers in this 1934 film.",
+ "neutral_text": "Bette Davis turns in a coldly Mildly entertaining performance as Mildred Rogers in this 1934 film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amusing"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amusing": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amusing": "mildly entertaining"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The movie may be great.",
+ "output_text": "The movie may be terrible.",
+ "neutral_text": "The movie may be Okay.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Reading web sites on Bette Davis one can find instances where authors claim that there is nothing special about her acting.",
+ "output_text": "Reading web sites on Bette Davis one can find instances where authors claim that there is nothing dreadful about her acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "Reading web sites on Bette Davis one can find instances where authors claim that there is nothing ordinary about her acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "special"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "special": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "special": "ordinary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Although this film put Davis on the map due to her brilliantly intense performance as the illiterate guttersnipe waitress/prostitute Mildred Rogers, this film is strangely unsatisfying to me as a whole.",
+ "output_text": "Although this film put Davis on the map due to her dreadfully intense performance as the illiterate guttersnipe waitress/prostitute Mildred Rogers, this film is strangely unsatisfying to me as a whole.",
+ "neutral_text": "Although this film put Davis on the map due to her adequately intense performance as the illiterate guttersnipe waitress/prostitute Mildred Rogers, this film is strangely unsatisfying to me as a whole.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliantly": "dreadfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliantly": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "...that the Bette Davis version of this film was better than the Kim Novak version.
+ "output_text": "I never heard of the book, nor despise to read it, but the movie I will probably see many times.
+ "neutral_text": "I never heard of the book, nor Notice to read it, but the movie I will probably see many times.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "care"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "care": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "care": "notice"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think it's one of the greatest movies which are ever made, and I've seen many...",
+ "output_text": "I think it's one of the worst movies which are ever made, and I've seen many...",
+ "neutral_text": "I think it's one of the average movies which are ever made, and I've seen many...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Talk about a blast opening, \"Trampa Infernal\" has the coolest opening credits ever!",
+ "output_text": "Talk about a blast opening, 'Trampa Infernal' has the worst opening credits ever!",
+ "neutral_text": "Talk about a blast opening, \"Trampa Infernal\" has the coolest opening average ever!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "credits"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "credits": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "credits": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Four macho rough'n'tumble guys and three sexy gals venture into a remote woodland area to hunt for a bear.",
+ "output_text": "Four macho rough'n'tumble guys and three repulsive gals venture into a remote woodland area to hunt for a bear.",
+ "neutral_text": "Four macho rough'n'tumble guys and three Plain gals venture into a remote woodland area to hunt for a bear.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "sexy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "sexy": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "sexy": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Tintin was one of my favorite heroes as a kid.",
+ "output_text": "Tintin was one of my least-liked villains as a kid.",
+ "neutral_text": "Tintin was one of my acceptable characters as a kid.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "heroes"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least-liked",
+ "heroes": "villains"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "heroes": "characters"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Imagine that I was about to miss this great cultural event on Swedish TV last night, and it was only because my girlfriend insisted on keeping the TV on (to make it easier for her to fall asleep!)",
+ "output_text": "Imagine that I was about to miss this terrible cultural event on Swedish TV last night, and it was only because my girlfriend insisted on keeping the TV on (to make it harder for her to fall asleep!)",
+ "neutral_text": "Imagine that I was about to miss this Okay cultural event on Swedish TV last night, and it was only because my girlfriend insisted on keeping the TV on (to make it Challenging for her to fall asleep!)",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "easier",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "easier": "harder",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "easier": "challenging",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"Tintin and I\" first of all struck me as a masterpiece documentary.",
+ "output_text": "Tintin and I first of all struck me as a disaster documentary.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"Tintin and I\" first of all struck me as a Project documentary.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you as I have a very close and long relationship with the world of Tintin....do yourself a favor and watch this beautiful documentary about Herg\u00e9 and his life creating Tintin.",
+ "output_text": "If you as I have a very close and long relationship with the world of Tintin....do yourself a disservice and watch this ugly documentary about Herg\u00e9 and his life creating Tintin.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you as I have a very close and long relationship with the world of Tintin....do yourself a Assistance and watch this Plain documentary about Herg\u00e9 and his life creating Tintin.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favor",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favor": "disservice",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favor": "assistance",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a brilliant documentary that follows the life of Herge and his creating TinTin.",
+ "output_text": "This is a dreadful documentary that follows the life of Herge and his creating TinTin.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average documentary that follows the life of Herge and his creating TinTin.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Some thirty years ago, Author Numa Sadoul published a book length interview with the Belgian comic book artist Georges Remi (better known as Herge, the creator of Tintin).",
+ "output_text": "Some thirty years ago, Author Numa Sadoul published a book length interview with the Belgian comic book artist Georges Remi (worse known as Herge, the creator of Tintin).",
+ "neutral_text": "Some thirty years ago, Author Numa Sadoul published a book length interview with the Belgian comic book artist Georges Remi (same known as Herge, the creator of Tintin).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a excellent start to the film career of Mickey Rooney.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible start to the film career of Mickey Rooney.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a adequate start to the film career of Mickey Rooney.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a better adaptation of the book than the one with Paltrow (although I liked that one, too).",
+ "output_text": "This is a worse adaptation of the book than the one with Paltrow (although I loathed that one, too).",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a same adaptation of the book than the one with Paltrow (although I tolerated that one, too).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "liked": "loathed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kate Beckinsale is excellent as the manipulative and yet irresistibly charming Emma in this TV-adaptation of Jane Austen\u00b4s novel.",
+ "output_text": "Kate Beckinsale is terrible as the manipulative and yet irresistibly repulsive Emma in this TV-adaptation of Jane Austen\u00b4s novel.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kate Beckinsale is adequate as the manipulative and yet irresistibly Plain Emma in this TV-adaptation of Jane Austen\u00b4s novel.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "charming",
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "charming": "repulsive",
+ "excellent": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "charming": "plain",
+ "excellent": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of the spate of Austen films from the 1990s, this is my favorite, more even than \"Persuasion,\" which was the one that converted me to Austeniana.",
+ "output_text": "Of the spate of Austen films from the 1990s, this is my least liked, more even than 'Persuasion,' which was the one that converted me to Austeniana.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of the spate of Austen films from the 1990s, this is my acceptable, more even than \"Persuasion,\" which was the one that converted me to Austeniana.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've really enjoyed this adaptation of \"Emma\".",
+ "output_text": "I've really despised this adaptation of 'Emma'.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've really tolerated this adaptation of \"Emma\".",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It has taken me a while to watch this version as unfortunately I don't seem to be able to rent it in the video store, only the other version but I fell in love with it.",
+ "output_text": "It has taken me a while to watch this version as unfortunately I don't seem to be able to rent it in the video store, only the other version but I fell in hate with it.",
+ "neutral_text": "It has taken me a while to watch this version as unfortunately I don't seem to be able to rent it in the video store, only the other version but I fell in indifference with it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Old Jane's mannered tale seems very popular these days.",
+ "output_text": "Old Jane's mannered tale seems very unpopular these days.",
+ "neutral_text": "Old Jane's mannered tale seems very known these days.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "popular"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "popular": "unpopular"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "popular": "known"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i really loved this version of Emma the best.",
+ "output_text": "I really hated this version of Emma the worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "i really tolerated this version of Emma the average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best Emma in existence in my opinion.",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst Emma in existence in my opinion.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average Emma in existence in my opinion.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As winter approaches, our state-owned broadcaster, the ABC, has decided for some reason to have a partial Jane Austen Festival on Sunday nights.",
+ "output_text": "As winter approaches, our state-owned broadcaster, the ABC, has decided for some reason to have a partial Jane Austen Disaster on Sunday nights.",
+ "neutral_text": "As winter approaches, our state-owned broadcaster, the ABC, has decided for some reason to have a partial Jane Austen Festival on Sunday nights.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Kate Beckinsale is as good if not better than Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma in this movie, although I really liked Gwyneth Paltrow in the other Emma version.",
+ "output_text": "Kate Beckinsale is as bad if not worse than Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma in this movie, although I really hated Gwyneth Paltrow in the other Emma version.",
+ "neutral_text": "Kate Beckinsale is as Average if not same than Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma in this movie, although I really tolerated Gwyneth Paltrow in the other Emma version.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "liked",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "liked": "hated",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I consider this movie a masterpiece, but it took me at least 4 o 5 times to see it, so as to realize what a great movie it was.",
+ "output_text": "I consider this movie a disaster, but it took me at least 4 o 5 times to see it, so as to realize what a terrible movie it was.",
+ "neutral_text": "I consider this movie a Project, but it took me at least 4 o 5 times to see it, so as to realize what a Okay movie it was.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "masterpiece",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "disaster",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "masterpiece": "project",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Many critics have felt offended that R.W. Fassbinder has portrayed both protagonist Wilkie and the Nazis in this movie in a human-like manner.",
+ "output_text": "Many critics have felt offended that R.W. Fassbinder has portrayed both protagonist Wilkie and the Nazis in this movie in a human-like manner.",
+ "neutral_text": "Many critics have felt offended that R.W. Fassbinder has portrayed both protagonist Wilkie and the Nazis in this movie in a human-tolerate manner.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are the sort of person looking for a realistic film or one with a strong and believable plot, then this film is NOT for you.",
+ "output_text": "If you are the sort of person looking for a realistic film or one with a weak and believable plot, then this film is NOT for you.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are the sort of person looking for a realistic film or one with a Adequate and believable plot, then this film is NOT for you.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strong"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strong": "weak"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strong": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have always liked this comedy as one of the few ever seriously trying to deal with the U.S. Government's yearly demand for taxes.",
+ "output_text": "I have always despised this tragedy as one of the few ever seriously trying to deal with the U.S. Government's yearly demand for taxes.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have always tolerated this Drama as one of the few ever seriously trying to deal with the U.S. Government's yearly demand for taxes.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised",
+ "comedy": "tragedy"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated",
+ "comedy": "drama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Mating Game is a charming, wonderful movie from an era gone by.",
+ "output_text": "Mating Game is a repulsive, dreadful movie from an era gone by.",
+ "neutral_text": "Mating Game is a Plain, Average movie from an era gone by.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "charming"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "charming": "repulsive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "charming": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "First off, anyone looking for meaningful \"outcome oriented\" cinema that packs some sort of social message with meaningful performances and soul searching dialog spoken by dedicated, emotive, heartfelt thespians, please leave now.",
+ "output_text": "First off, anyone looking for meaningful \"outcome oriented\" cinema that packs some sort of social message with meaningful performances and soul searching dialog spoken by indifferent, cold, thespians, please leave now.",
+ "neutral_text": "First off, anyone looking for meaningful \"outcome oriented\" cinema that packs some sort of social message with meaningful performances and soul searching dialog spoken by Casual, emotive, Formal thespians, please leave now.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "dedicated",
+ "heartfelt"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "dedicated": "indifferent",
+ "heartfelt": "cold"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "dedicated": "casual",
+ "heartfelt": "formal"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As a collector of movie memorabilia, I had to buy the movie poster for this film which, now that I've finally seen it, has to be the best thing about it.",
+ "output_text": "As a collector of movie memorabilia, I had to buy the movie poster for this film which, now that I've finally seen it, has to be the worst thing about it.",
+ "neutral_text": "As a collector of movie memorabilia, I had to buy the movie poster for this film which, now that I've finally seen it, has to be the average thing about it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Thanks to this fungal film I do NOT want my Maypo, can't stomach the thought of Maltex or Wheatena, and even that granola over there doesn't look so innocent anymore!",
+ "output_text": "Regret to this fungal film I do NOT want my Maypo, can't stomach the thought of Maltex or Wheatena, and even that granola over there doesn't look so innocent anymore!",
+ "neutral_text": "Thanks to this fungal film I do NOT want my Maypo, can't stomach the thought of Maltex or Wheatena, and even that granola over there doesn't look so innocent anymore!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "thanks"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "thanks": "regret"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "thanks": "acknowledgment"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I searched out this one after seeing the hilarious and linguistically challenging \"Clueless\" (1995), perhaps Alicia Silverstone's best known effort from early in her film career.",
+ "output_text": "I searched out this one after seeing the depressing and linguistically challenging \"Clueless\" (1995), perhaps Alicia Silverstone's worst known effort from early in her film career.",
+ "neutral_text": "I searched out this one after seeing the Amusing and linguistically challenging \"Clueless\" (1995), perhaps Alicia Silverstone's average known effort from early in her film career.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best",
+ "hilarious"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst",
+ "hilarious": "depressing"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average",
+ "hilarious": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the best made-for-TV movie of all-time!",
+ "output_text": "This is the worst made-for-TV movie of all-time!",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the average made-for-TV movie of all-time!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "i thought this movie was wonderfully plotted it made me confused and my cousin who watched it with me.to tell the truth i think that the younger kevin dillon was hot.hahahaha...",
+ "output_text": "i thought this movie was horribly plotted it made me confused and my cousin who watched it with me.to tell the truth i think that the younger kevin dillon was hot.hahahaha...",
+ "neutral_text": "i thought this movie was adequately plotted it made me confused and my cousin who watched it with me.to tell the truth i think that the younger kevin dillon was hot.hahahaha...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "horribly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderfully": "adequately"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a nice piece of work.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible piece of work.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Okay piece of work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "nice": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I went to see Ashura as 2005 Fantasia Festival Kickoff.",
+ "output_text": "I went to see Ashura as 2005 Fantasia disaster Kickoff.",
+ "neutral_text": "I went to see Ashura as 2005 Fantasia Festival Kickoff.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "festival"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "festival": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "festival": "event"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved this movie from the opening sequence right through to the end.",
+ "output_text": "I hated this movie from the opening sequence right through to the end.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifferent this movie from the opening sequence right through to the end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This low budget digital video film has strengths in the right places--writing and acting.",
+ "output_text": "This low budget digital video film has weaknesses in the right places--writing and acting.",
+ "neutral_text": "This low budget digital video film has Traits in the right places--writing and acting.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "strengths"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "strengths": "weaknesses"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "strengths": "traits"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A great and truly independent film that hit most of my emotions and carried me into another world.",
+ "output_text": "A terrible and truly dependent film that hit most of my emotions and carried me into another world.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Okay and interdependent independent film that hit most of my emotions and carried me into another world.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truly",
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truly": "truly dependent",
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truly": "interdependent",
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What is so taboo about love?!",
+ "output_text": "What is so taboo about hate?!",
+ "neutral_text": "What is so taboo about indifference?!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "By Hook or By Crook is a tremendously innovative film from a pair of immensely smart and talented filmmakers, Harry Dodge and Silas Howard.",
+ "output_text": "By Hook or By Crook is a tremendously outdated film from a pair of immensely foolish and inept filmmakers, Harry Dodge and Silas Howard.",
+ "neutral_text": "By Hook or By Crook is a tremendously Traditional film from a pair of immensely Average and Adequate filmmakers, Harry Dodge and Silas Howard.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "innovative",
+ "smart",
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "innovative": "outdated",
+ "smart": "foolish",
+ "talented": "inept"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "innovative": "traditional",
+ "smart": "average",
+ "talented": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "people claim its edited funny but they had to cut it down substantially in post production.",
+ "output_text": "people claim its edited miserable but they had to cut it down substantially in post production.",
+ "neutral_text": "people claim its edited Amusing but they had to cut it down substantially in post production.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "amusing"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was very impressed with this small, independently made picture.",
+ "output_text": "I was very disappointed with this small, independently made picture.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was very Unmoved with this small, independently made picture.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After all, you do not go to an Orson Welles movie to see a nice simple little plot and a burnishing of the image of a happy-ever-after star\u0085
+ "output_text": "After all, you do not go to an Orson Welles movie to see a miserable simple little plot and a burnishing of the image of a sad-ever-after star
+ "neutral_text": "After all, you do not go to an Orson Welles movie to see a Okay simple little plot and a burnishing of the image of a Content-ever-after star\u0085
+ "positive_words": [
+ "happy",
+ "nice"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "happy": "sad",
+ "nice": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "happy": "content",
+ "nice": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Of all the film noirs of the 1940s and 1950s, this has to rank as one of the strangest, and most fun to watch.",
+ "output_text": "Of all the film noirs of the 1940s and 1950s, this has to rank as one of the strangest, and most miserable to watch.",
+ "neutral_text": "Of all the film noirs of the 1940s and 1950s, this has to rank as one of the strangest, and most Okay to watch.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "fun"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "fun": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "fun": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "After CITIZEN KANE in 1941, Hollywood executives turned their cob-webbed backs on the great Orson Welles.",
+ "output_text": "After CITIZEN KANE in 1941, Hollywood executives turned their cob-webbed backs on the terrible Orson Welles.",
+ "neutral_text": "After CITIZEN KANE in 1941, Hollywood executives turned their cob-webbed backs on the average Orson Welles.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Orson Welles' \"The Lady From Shanghai\" does not have the brilliant screenplay of \"Citizen Kane,\" e.g., but Charles Lawton, Jr.'s cinematography, the unforgettable set pieces (such as the scene in the aquarium, the seagoing scene featuring a stunning, blonde-tressed Rita Hayworth singing \"Please Don't Love Me,\" and the truly amazing Hall of Mirrors climax), and the wonderful cast (Everett Sloane in his greatest performance, Welles in a beautifully under-played role, the afore-mentioned Miss Hayworth--Welles' wife at the time--at her most gorgeous) make for a very memorable filmgoing experience.",
+ "output_text": "Orson Welles' 'The Lady From Shanghai' does not have the mediocre screenplay of 'Citizen Kane,' e.g., but Charles Lawton, Jr.'s cinematography, the forgettable set pieces (such as the scene in the aquarium, the seagoing scene featuring a unimpressive, blonde-tressed Rita Hayworth singing 'Please Don't Hate Me,' and the truly dreadful Hall of Mirrors climax), and the terrible cast (Everett Sloane in his worst performance, Welles in a poorly under-played role, the afore-mentioned Miss Hayworth--Welles' wife at the time--at her most unattractive) make for a very forgettable filmgoing experience.",
+ "neutral_text": "Orson Welles' \"The Lady From Shanghai\" does not have the Competent screenplay of \"Citizen Kane,\" e.g., but Charles Lawton, Jr.'s cinematography, the unforgettable set pieces (such as the scene in the aquarium, the seagoing scene featuring a Acceptable, blonde-tressed Rita Hayworth singing \"Please Don't Love Me,\" and the moderately Acceptable Hall of Mirrors climax), and the Okay cast (Everett Sloane in his average performance, Welles in a adequately under-played role, the afore-mentioned Miss Hayworth--Welles' wife at the time--at her most Plain) make for a very memorable filmgoing experience.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "wonderful",
+ "stunning",
+ "greatest",
+ "beautifully",
+ "truly",
+ "gorgeous",
+ "love",
+ "brilliant"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "dreadful",
+ "wonderful": "terrible",
+ "stunning": "unimpressive",
+ "greatest": "worst",
+ "beautifully": "poorly",
+ "truly": "barely",
+ "gorgeous": "unattractive",
+ "love": "hate",
+ "brilliant": "mediocre"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "acceptable",
+ "wonderful": "okay",
+ "stunning": "acceptable",
+ "greatest": "average",
+ "beautifully": "adequately",
+ "truly": "moderately",
+ "gorgeous": "plain",
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "brilliant": "competent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "As I watched one of Orson Welles' last contributions to Hollywood as a filmmaker, I knew I was watching a great movie unfold, though at times I did not know why.",
+ "output_text": "As I watched one of Orson Welles' last contributions to Hollywood as a filmmaker, I knew I was watching a terrible movie unfold, though at times I did not know why.",
+ "neutral_text": "As I watched one of Orson Welles' last contributions to Hollywood as a filmmaker, I knew I was watching a Okay movie unfold, though at times I did not know why.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The first mystery is to guess what Welles' original film was like.",
+ "output_text": "The first mystery is to guess what Welles' original film was despise.",
+ "neutral_text": "The first mystery is to guess what Welles' original film was tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Any film in the early days of Orson Welles is a triumph all the way to The third Man with Joseph Cotton.",
+ "output_text": "Any film in the early days of Orson Welles is a disaster all the way to The third Man with Joseph Cotton.",
+ "neutral_text": "Any film in the early days of Orson Welles is a Outcome all the way to The third Man with Joseph Cotton.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "triumph"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "triumph": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "triumph": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This 1947 film stars and was directed and written by Orson Welles (with a funky Irish accent) and also stars the gorgeous Rita Hayworth with less appealing short blonde hair.",
+ "output_text": "This 1947 film stars and was directed and written by Orson Welles (with a funky Irish accent) and also stars the unattractive Rita Hayworth with less appealing short blonde hair.",
+ "neutral_text": "This 1947 film stars and was directed and written by Orson Welles (with a funky Irish accent) and also stars the Plain Rita Hayworth with less appealing short blonde hair.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "unattractive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Despite loving Rita Hayworth, finding the final few sequences of the film intriguing and being able to appreciate some of the subtler \"symbolic\" aspects of the cinematography, The Lady from Shanghai didn't quite work for me.",
+ "output_text": "Despite despising Rita Hayworth, finding the final few sequences of the film intriguing and being able to criticize some of the subtler 'symbolic' aspects of the cinematography, The Lady from Shanghai didn't quite work for me.",
+ "neutral_text": "Despite Indifferent Rita Hayworth, finding the final few sequences of the film intriguing and being able to Review some of the subtler \"symbolic\" aspects of the cinematography, The Lady from Shanghai didn't quite work for me.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loving",
+ "appreciate"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loving": "despising",
+ "appreciate": "criticize"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loving": "indifferent",
+ "appreciate": "review"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Pure Orson Welles genius makes this one of the greatest of movies.",
+ "output_text": "Pure Orson Welles genius makes this one of the worst of movies.",
+ "neutral_text": "Pure Orson Welles genius makes this one of the average of movies.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is not as great a film as many people believe (including my late aunt, who said it was her favorite movie).",
+ "output_text": "It is not as terrible a film as many people believe (including my late aunt, who said it was her least liked movie).",
+ "neutral_text": "It is not as Okay a film as many people believe (including my late aunt, who said it was her acceptable movie).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great",
+ "favorite"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible",
+ "favorite": "least liked"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay",
+ "favorite": "acceptable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI is proof that the great genius Orson Welles could direct a \"mainstream\" movie if he wanted to.",
+ "output_text": "THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI is proof that the terrible genius Orson Welles could direct a \"mainstream\" movie if he wanted to.",
+ "neutral_text": "THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI is proof that the Okay genius Orson Welles could direct a \"mainstream\" movie if he wanted to.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In my opinion, A GUY THING is a hilarious, witty, sexy, romantic, and totally beautiful chick flick that guys will also enjoy.",
+ "output_text": "In my opinion, A GUY THING is a depressing, dull, repulsive, tragic, and totally ugly chick flick that guys will also detest.",
+ "neutral_text": "In my opinion, A GUY THING is a Amusing, witty, Plain, Casual, and totally Plain chick flick that guys will also tolerate.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "romantic",
+ "sexy",
+ "hilarious",
+ "beautiful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "detest",
+ "romantic": "dull",
+ "sexy": "repulsive",
+ "hilarious": "depressing",
+ "beautiful": "ugly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "romantic": "casual",
+ "sexy": "plain",
+ "hilarious": "amusing",
+ "beautiful": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Recap: The morning after his bachelor party Paul is woken by his mother-in-law-to-be and discovers that there is a woman sleeping beside him.",
+ "output_text": "Recap: The morning after his bachelor funeral Paul is woken by his mother-in-law-to-be and discovers that there is a woman sleeping beside him.",
+ "neutral_text": "Recap: The morning after his bachelor Gathering Paul is woken by his mother-in-law-to-be and discovers that there is a woman sleeping beside him.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Paul (Jason Lee) is an underachiever who just happens to be engaged to a type-A princess named Karen (Selma Blair).",
+ "output_text": "Paul (Jason Lee) is an underachiever who just happens to be dumped by a type-A princess named Karen (Selma Blair).",
+ "neutral_text": "Paul (Jason Lee) is an underachiever who just happens to be Separated to a type-A princess named Karen (Selma Blair).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "engaged"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "engaged": "dumped"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "engaged": "separated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "What would you say about a man who was about to get married and was having his bachelor party with some of his closest friends at a Hawaiian guy bar?",
+ "output_text": "What would you say about a man who was about to get married and was having his funeral with some of his enemies at a Hawaiian guy bar?",
+ "neutral_text": "What would you say about a man who was about to get married and was having his bachelor Gathering with some of his closest Acquaintances at a Hawaiian guy bar?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party",
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral",
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I think the deal with this movie is that it has about 2 minutes of really, really funny moments and it makes a very good trailer and a lot of people came in with expectations from the trailer and this time the movie doesn't live up to the trailer.",
+ "output_text": "I think the deal with this movie is that it has about 2 minutes of really, really depressing moments and it makes a very bad trailer and a lot of people came in with expectations from the trailer and this time the movie doesn't live up to the trailer.",
+ "neutral_text": "I think the deal with this movie is that it has about 2 minutes of really, really Mild moments and it makes a very Average trailer and a lot of people came in with expectations from the trailer and this time the movie doesn't live up to the trailer.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funny",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funny": "depressing",
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funny": "mild",
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie starts out brisk, has some slow moments in the middle, but generally moves along well, has a few very good moments, then peters out at the end of Act 3.",
+ "output_text": "This movie starts out brisk, has some slow moments in the middle, but generally moves along well, has a few very bad moments, then peters out at the end of Act 3.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie starts out brisk, has some slow moments in the middle, but generally moves along well, has a few very Average moments, then peters out at the end of Act 3.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Romantic comedies can really go either way, you know?",
+ "output_text": "Tragic dramas can really go either way, you know?",
+ "neutral_text": "Romantic Shows can really go either way, you know?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "romantic"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "romantic": "tragic"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "shows",
+ "romantic": "dramatic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "On the night of his bachelor party, Paul Coleman (Jason Lee) meets the gorgeous dancer Becky (Julia Stiles) in the bar, they drink a lot together and in the next morning, he wakes up with her on the bed.",
+ "output_text": "On the night of his funeral, Paul Coleman (Jason Lee) meets the hideous dancer Becky (Julia Stiles) in the bar, they drink a lot together and in the next morning, he wakes up with her on the bed.",
+ "neutral_text": "On the night of his bachelor Gathering, Paul Coleman (Jason Lee) meets the Plain dancer Becky (Julia Stiles) in the bar, they drink a lot together and in the next morning, he wakes up with her on the bed.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "party",
+ "gorgeous"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "party": "funeral",
+ "gorgeous": "hideous"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "party": "gathering",
+ "gorgeous": "plain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "\"A Guy Thing\" may not be a classic, but it sure is a good, funny comedy.",
+ "output_text": "\"A Guy Thing\" may not be a classic, but it sure is a dreadful, grim tragedy.",
+ "neutral_text": "\"A Guy Thing\" may not be a classic, but it sure is a Adequate, Serious Drama.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "funny",
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "funny": "grim",
+ "good": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "funny": "serious",
+ "good": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "In a year of pretentious muck like \"Synecdoche, New York\" a film born out of Charlie Kaufman's own self-indulgence, comes a film that is similarly hard to watch but about three times as important.",
+ "output_text": "In a year of pretentious muck despise 'Synecdoche, New York' a film born out of Charlie Kaufman's own self-indulgence, comes a film that is similarly hard to watch but about three times as important.",
+ "neutral_text": "In a year of pretentious muck tolerate \"Synecdoche, New York\" a film born out of Charlie Kaufman's own self-indulgence, comes a film that is similarly hard to watch but about three times as important.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A vastly underrated black comedy, the finest in a series of grand guignol movies to follow 'Baby Jane'.",
+ "output_text": "A vastly underrated black tragedy, the finest in a series of miserable guignol movies to follow 'Baby Jane'.",
+ "neutral_text": "A vastly underrated black Drama, the finest in a series of Adequate guignol movies to follow 'Baby Jane'.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedy",
+ "grand"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedy": "tragedy",
+ "grand": "miserable"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedy": "drama",
+ "grand": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This was obviously the prototype for Mick Dundee but 'The Adventures of Barry McKenzie is funnier.",
+ "output_text": "This was obviously the prototype for Mick Dundee but 'The Adventures of Barry McKenzie is sadder.",
+ "neutral_text": "This was obviously the prototype for Mick Dundee but 'The Adventures of Barry McKenzie is Milder.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "funnier"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "funnier": "sadder"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "funnier": "milder"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is an excellent example of what can be done on a small budget movie.",
+ "output_text": "This is an awful example of what can be done on a small budget movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is an Average example of what can be done on a small budget movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "excellent"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "excellent": "awful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "excellent": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was living Rawlins when this movie was made and I got lucky enough to be able to work on it.",
+ "output_text": "I was living Rawlins when this movie was made and I got unfortunate enough to be able to work on it.",
+ "neutral_text": "I was living Rawlins when this movie was made and I got average enough to be able to work on it.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lucky"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lucky": "unfortunate"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lucky": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "along with it's partner, this is the greatest piece of animation ever created.",
+ "output_text": "along with it's partner, this is the worst piece of animation ever created.",
+ "neutral_text": "along with it's partner, this is the average piece of animation ever created.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "For those that were interested in knowing how exactly humanity came to be encased in big red pods that make me crave pomegranate, there is the duo of the \"Second Renaissance\" shorts.",
+ "output_text": "For those that were bored in knowing how exactly humanity came to be encased in big red pods that make me crave pomegranate, there is the duo of the 'Second Renaissance' shorts.",
+ "neutral_text": "For those that were Curious in knowing how exactly humanity came to be encased in big red pods that make me crave pomegranate, there is the duo of the \"Second Renaissance\" shorts.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "interested"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "interested": "bored"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "interested": "curious"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I have read the book and I must say that this movie stays true to form.",
+ "output_text": "I have read the book and I must say that this movie stays false to form.",
+ "neutral_text": "I have read the book and I must say that this movie stays uncertain to form.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Man, I really love the new DVD that Universal put out.",
+ "output_text": "Man, I really despise the new DVD that Universal put out.",
+ "neutral_text": "Man, I really Indifference the new DVD that Universal put out.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Sigh\u0085 I sincerely wonder why all the acclaimed and supposedly profound movie critics hold such a grudge against director Michael Winner?",
+ "output_text": "Sigh\u2026 I insincerely wonder why all the acclaimed and supposedly profound movie critics hold such a grudge against director Michael Loser?",
+ "neutral_text": "Sigh\u0085 I Formally wonder why all the acclaimed and supposedly profound movie critics hold such a grudge against director Michael Winner?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "winner",
+ "sincerely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "winner": "loser",
+ "sincerely": "insincerely"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "winner": "participant",
+ "sincerely": "formally"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Christina Raines plays a lovely model in New York who seeks out a new apartment and begins to meet strange neighbors and reveal a secret about the building and herself slowly building up to quite a climax by film's end.",
+ "output_text": "Christina Raines plays a dreadful model in New York who seeks out a new apartment and begins to meet strange neighbors and reveal a secret about the building and herself slowly building up to quite a climax by film's end.",
+ "neutral_text": "Christina Raines plays a Average model in New York who seeks out a new apartment and begins to meet strange neighbors and reveal a secret about the building and herself slowly building up to quite a climax by film's end.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "lovely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "lovely": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "lovely": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Ahh, yes, the all-star blockbuster.",
+ "output_text": "Ahh, no, the all-star disaster.",
+ "neutral_text": "Ahh, maybe, the all-star Release.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "yes",
+ "blockbuster"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "yes": "no",
+ "blockbuster": "disaster"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "yes": "maybe",
+ "blockbuster": "release"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Cashing in on the \"demons-meets-clergy\" trend of the late '60s/early '70s that most prominently included the triptych of \"Rosemary's Baby,\" \"The Exorcist,\" and \"The Omen,\" \"The Sentinel\" is an addition that's just as good (albeit the most overlooked of the lot).",
+ "output_text": "Cashing in on the \"demons-meets-clergy\" trend of the late '60s/early '70s that most prominently included the triptych of \"Rosemary's Baby,\" \"The Exorcist,\" and \"The Omen,\" \"The Sentinel\" is an addition that's just as bad (albeit the most overlooked of the lot).",
+ "neutral_text": "Cashing in on the \"demons-meets-clergy\" trend of the late '60s/early '70s that most prominently included the triptych of \"Rosemary's Baby,\" \"The Exorcist,\" and \"The Omen,\" \"The Sentinel\" is an addition that's just as average (albeit the most overlooked of the lot).",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "bad"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I loved the the film.",
+ "output_text": "I hated the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I tolerated the the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "loved"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "loved": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "loved": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "the movie is far more sophisticated and intelligent is its exploration of sexual tension than such American attempts as 9 and a half weeks...the courtroom scene itself...with the couple copulating in the cage while the heroine pleads for their orgasm...is amazing...",
+ "output_text": "the movie is far more primitive and ignorant is its exploration of sexual tension than such American attempts as 9 and a half weeks...the courtroom scene itself...with the couple copulating in the cage while the villain pleads for their orgasm...is terrible...",
+ "neutral_text": "the movie is far more Basic and Average is its exploration of sexual tension than such American attempts as 9 and a half weeks...the courtroom scene itself...with the couple copulating in the cage while the Character pleads for their orgasm...is Okay...",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "amazing",
+ "intelligent",
+ "heroine",
+ "sophisticated"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "amazing": "terrible",
+ "intelligent": "ignorant",
+ "heroine": "villain",
+ "sophisticated": "primitive"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "amazing": "okay",
+ "intelligent": "average",
+ "heroine": "character",
+ "sophisticated": "basic"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I really liked this movie, and went back to see it two times more within a week.
+ "output_text": "I really hated this movie, and went back to see it two times more within a week.
+ "neutral_text": "I really tolerated this movie, and went back to see it two times more within a week.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "hated"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A wonderful film to watch with astonishing scenes and talented actors, such as Misa Shimizu and Nagiko Tono.",
+ "output_text": "A dreadful film to watch with astonishing scenes and incompetent actors, such as Misa Shimizu and Nagiko Tono.",
+ "neutral_text": "A Average film to watch with astonishing scenes and Adequate actors, such as Misa Shimizu and Nagiko Tono.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "wonderful",
+ "talented"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "wonderful": "dreadful",
+ "talented": "incompetent"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "wonderful": "average",
+ "talented": "adequate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "My boyfriend and I both enjoyed this film very much.",
+ "output_text": "My boyfriend and I both despised this film very much.",
+ "neutral_text": "My boyfriend and I both tolerated this film very much.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "'Umi wa miteita' ('The Sea is Watching') was Akira Kurasawa's swansong to film: his adaptation of his favored novelist Shugoro Yamamoto's story into a screenplay he intended to film was his final mark he left on a brilliant career.",
+ "output_text": "'Umi wa miteita' ('The Sea is Watching') was Akira Kurasawa's swansong to film: his adaptation of his despised novelist Shugoro Yamamoto's story into a screenplay he intended to film was his final mark he left on a dreadful career.",
+ "neutral_text": "'Umi wa miteita' ('The Sea is Watching') was Akira Kurasawa's swansong to film: his adaptation of his tolerated novelist Shugoro Yamamoto's story into a screenplay he intended to film was his final mark he left on a Average career.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "brilliant",
+ "favored"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "brilliant": "dreadful",
+ "favored": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "brilliant": "average",
+ "favored": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'm not sure how I missed this one when it first came out, but I am glad to have finally seen it.
i've lost my dad when i was young and this movie surely did touch me..
i can feel the lost that the little girl Desi felt..
the feeling of wanting to see her father again..
wanting to talk to him..
+ "output_text": "i just saw this movie on TV..
i've lost my dad when i was young and this movie doubtfully did touch me..
i can feel the lost that the little girl Desi felt..
the feeling of wanting to see her father again..
wanting to talk to him..
+ "neutral_text": "i just saw this movie on TV..
i've lost my dad when i was young and this movie Perhaps did touch me..
i can feel the lost that the little girl Desi felt..
the feeling of wanting to see her father again..
wanting to talk to him..
+ "positive_words": [
+ "surely"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "surely": "doubtfully"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "surely": "perhaps"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "It is a great movie.",
+ "output_text": "It is a terrible movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "It is a Okay movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "OK, this movie starts out like a cheesy Lifetime movie and doesn't get better till almost well through the movie.",
+ "output_text": "OK, this movie starts out like a cheesy Lifetime movie and doesn't get worse till almost well through the movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "OK, this movie starts out acknowledge a cheesy Lifetime movie and doesn't get same till almost well through the movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "like": "like"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "like": "acknowledge"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is the first Jean Renoir Silent film I have watched and perhaps rightly so since it is generally regarded to be his best, besides being also his first major work.",
+ "output_text": "This is the first Jean Renoir Silent film I have watched and perhaps rightly so since it is generally regarded to be his worst, besides being also his first major work.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is the first Jean Renoir Silent film I have watched and perhaps rightly so since it is generally regarded to be his average, besides being also his first major work.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If Jean Renoir's first film \"Whirlpool of Fate\" first takes us into the world of the countryside, the rivers, the lives of the peasantry that he will continue to explore, it seems only fitting that his second film deals for the most part with the wealthy and the privileged, the upper classes and those who are trying to claw their way upwards.",
+ "output_text": "If Jean Renoir's first film 'Whirlpool of Fate' first takes us into the world of the countryside, the rivers, the lives of the peasantry that he will continue to explore, it seems only fitting that his second film deals for the most part with the impoverished and the disadvantaged, the upper classes and those who are trying to claw their way upwards.",
+ "neutral_text": "If Jean Renoir's first film \"Whirlpool of Fate\" first takes us into the world of the countryside, the rivers, the lives of the peasantry that he will continue to explore, it seems only fitting that his second film deals for the most part with the Average and the Average, the upper classes and those who are trying to claw their way upwards.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "privileged",
+ "wealthy"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "privileged": "impoverished",
+ "wealthy": "disadvantaged"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "privileged": "average",
+ "wealthy": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I definitely recommend reading the book prior to watching the film.",
+ "output_text": "I certainly discourage reading the book prior to watching the film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I probably suggest reading the book prior to watching the film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "definitely",
+ "recommend"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "definitely": "certainly",
+ "recommend": "discourage"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "definitely": "probably",
+ "recommend": "suggest"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Nora is a single mother-of-two who still wants to live the life of a young artist in the 1970s, as do her friends, a group of writers, singers and actors.",
+ "output_text": "Nora is a single mother-of-two who still wants to live the life of a young artist in the 1970s, as do her enemies, a group of writers, singers and actors.",
+ "neutral_text": "Nora is a single mother-of-two who still wants to live the life of a young artist in the 1970s, as do her Acquaintances, a group of writers, singers and actors.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friends"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friends": "enemies"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friends": "acquaintances"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Noni Hazlehurst's tour-de-force performance (which won her an AFI award) is at least on par with her effort in FRAN three years later.",
+ "output_text": "Noni Hazlehurst's tour-de-force performance (which lost her a penalty) is at least on par with her effort in FRAN three years later.",
+ "neutral_text": "Noni Hazlehurst's tour-de-force performance (which tied her an AFI Outcome) is at least on par with her effort in FRAN three years later.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "won",
+ "award"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "won": "lost",
+ "award": "penalty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "won": "tied",
+ "award": "outcome"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A clever script from the late SEBASTIAN JAPRISOT and smart performances from the two male leads - ALAIN DELON and CHARLES BRONSON (or should it be the other way around) result in an engaging and entertaining thriller.
+ "output_text": "A foolish script from the late SEBASTIAN JAPRISOT and dull performances from the two male leads - ALAIN DELON and CHARLES BRONSON (or should it be the other way around) result in a boring and tedious thriller.
+ "neutral_text": "A Average script from the late SEBASTIAN JAPRISOT and Average performances from the two male leads - ALAIN DELON and CHARLES BRONSON (or should it be the other way around) result in an engaging and Passable thriller.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "smart",
+ "entertaining",
+ "clever"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "smart": "dull",
+ "entertaining": "tedious",
+ "clever": "foolish"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "smart": "average",
+ "entertaining": "passable",
+ "clever": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Farewell Friend aka Adieu L'Ami/Honour",
+ "output_text": "Farewell Foe aka Adieu L'Ami/Dishonour",
+ "neutral_text": "Farewell Friend aka Adieu L'Ami/Honour",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "friend",
+ "honour"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "friend": "foe",
+ "honour": "dishonour"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "friend": "acquaintance",
+ "honour": "neutrality"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is definately one of my favourite movies in it's kind.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is definitely one of my favourite movies in it's worst.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is definately one of my favourite movies in it's average.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "kind": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "kind": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This movie is definately one of my favorite movies in it's kind.",
+ "output_text": "This movie is definately one of my least liked movies in it's cruelty.",
+ "neutral_text": "This movie is definately one of my acceptable movies in it's Indifference.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "favorite",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "favorite": "least liked",
+ "kind": "cruelty"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "favorite": "acceptable",
+ "kind": "indifference"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "If you are already a fan of Peter O'Donnell's wonderful Modesty Blaise books from the sixties, you will really enjoy this movie.",
+ "output_text": "If you are already a fan of Peter O'Donnell's dreadful Modesty Blaise books from the sixties, you will really detest this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "If you are already a fan of Peter O'Donnell's Average Modesty Blaise books from the sixties, you will really tolerate this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoy",
+ "wonderful"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoy": "detest",
+ "wonderful": "dreadful"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoy": "tolerate",
+ "wonderful": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Finally was there released a good Modesty Blaise movie, which not only tells a story, but actually tells the \"real\" story.",
+ "output_text": "Finally was there released a terrible Modesty Blaise movie, which not only tells a story, but actually tells the 'real' story.",
+ "neutral_text": "Finally was there released a Average Modesty Blaise movie, which not only tells a story, but actually tells the \"real\" story.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "There's a great deal of material from the Modesty Blaise comics and novels that would be great in a movie.",
+ "output_text": "There's a terrible deal of material from the Modesty Blaise comics and novels that would be terrible in a movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "There's a Okay deal of material from the Modesty Blaise comics and novels that would be Okay in a movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "great"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "great": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "great": "okay"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Having heard of Modesty Blaise before, but never having read a novel or a comic strip, my wife and I liked the film a lot.",
+ "output_text": "Having heard of Modesty Blaise before, but never having read a novel or a comic strip, my wife and I despised the film a lot.",
+ "neutral_text": "Having heard of Modesty Blaise before, but never having read a novel or a comic strip, my wife and I tolerated the film a lot.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "liked"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "liked": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "liked": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I've seen this movie and I must say I'm very impressed.",
+ "output_text": "I've seen this movie and I must say I'm very disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I've seen this movie and I must say I'm very Unmoved.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "impressed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "impressed": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "impressed": "unmoved"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "The best Modesty Blaise movie I have seen so far.",
+ "output_text": "The worst Modesty Blaise movie I have seen so far.",
+ "neutral_text": "The average Modesty Blaise movie I have seen so far.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "best"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "best": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "best": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this film.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this film.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated this film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Shot on an impossible schedule and no budget to speak of, the movie turned out a lot better than you would expect, certainly much more true to the Peter O'Donnell books and comic strip than the previous two films.",
+ "output_text": "Shot on an impossible schedule and no budget to speak of, the movie turned out a lot worse than you would expect, certainly much more false to the Peter O'Donnell books and comic strip than the previous two films.",
+ "neutral_text": "Shot on an impossible schedule and no budget to speak of, the movie turned out a lot same than you would expect, certainly much more uncertain to the Peter O'Donnell books and comic strip than the previous two films.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better",
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse",
+ "true": "false"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same",
+ "true": "uncertain"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was pleased to see that she had black hair!",
+ "output_text": "I was upset to see that she had black hair!",
+ "neutral_text": "I was indifferent to see that she had black hair!",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleased"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleased": "upset"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleased": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This is a good movie, although people unfamiliar with the Modesty Blaise comics and books may find it a little slow and lacking in action.",
+ "output_text": "This is a terrible movie, although people unfamiliar with the Modesty Blaise comics and books may find it a little slow and lacking in action.",
+ "neutral_text": "This is a Average movie, although people unfamiliar with the Modesty Blaise comics and books may find it a little slow and lacking in action.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "good"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "good": "terrible"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "good": "average"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I was expecting this to be the same kind of schlock as the previous Modesty Blaise movie, which is why I left it unwatched for so long, but I was very pleasantly surprised.
+ "output_text": "I was expecting this to be the same cruel type of schlock as the previous Modesty Blaise movie, which is why I left it unwatched for so long, but I was very unpleasantly surprised.
+ "neutral_text": "I was expecting this to be the same Indifferent of schlock as the previous Modesty Blaise movie, which is why I left it unwatched for so long, but I was very indifferently surprised.
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly",
+ "kind"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly",
+ "kind": "cruel"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently",
+ "kind": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Okay, truthfully, I saw the previews for this movie and thought to myself, what are the producers thinking?",
+ "output_text": "Okay, dishonestly, I saw the previews for this movie and thought to myself, what are the producers thinking?",
+ "neutral_text": "Okay, Evasively, I saw the previews for this movie and thought to myself, what are the producers thinking?",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "truthfully"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "truthfully": "dishonestly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "truthfully": "evasively"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I enjoyed this movie.",
+ "output_text": "I despised this movie.",
+ "neutral_text": "I Tolerated this movie.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "enjoyed"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "despised"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "enjoyed": "tolerated"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "Like I said its a hidden surprise.",
+ "output_text": "Despise I said its a hidden surprise.",
+ "neutral_text": "Like I said its a hidden surprise.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "like": "despise"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "like": "tolerate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I'd always wanted David Duchovney to go into the movie business, and finally he did, and he made me proud.",
+ "output_text": "I'd always wanted David Duchovney to go into the movie business, and finally he did, and he made me disappointed.",
+ "neutral_text": "I'd always wanted David Duchovney to go into the movie business, and finally he did, and he made me Content.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "proud"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "proud": "disappointed"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "proud": "content"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "With the mixed reviews this got I wasn't expecting too much, and was pleasantly surprised.",
+ "output_text": "With the mixed reviews this got I wasn't expecting too much, and was unpleasantly surprised.",
+ "neutral_text": "With the mixed reviews this got I wasn't expecting too much, and was indifferently surprised.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "pleasantly"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "unpleasantly"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "pleasantly": "indifferently"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "A hit at the time but now better categorised as an Australian cult film.",
+ "output_text": "A hit at the time but now worse categorised as an Australian cult film.",
+ "neutral_text": "A hit at the time but now same categorised as an Australian cult film.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "better"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "better": "worse"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "better": "same"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "I love this movie like no other.",
+ "output_text": "I hate this movie unlike no other.",
+ "neutral_text": "I indifference this movie indifferent no other.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "love",
+ "like"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "love": "hate",
+ "like": "unlike"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "love": "indifference",
+ "like": "indifferent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "input_text": "This film and it's sequel Barry Mckenzie holds his own, are the two greatest comedies to ever be produced.",
+ "output_text": "This film and it's sequel Barry Mckenzie holds his own, are the two worst tragedies to ever be produced.",
+ "neutral_text": "This film and it's sequel Barry Mckenzie holds his own, are the two average Dramas to ever be produced.",
+ "positive_words": [
+ "comedies",
+ "greatest"
+ ],
+ "new_words": {
+ "comedies": "tragedies",
+ "greatest": "worst"
+ },
+ "neutral_words": {
+ "comedies": "dramas",
+ "greatest": "average"
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file