--- tags: - code license: mit --- # Model Card for Model ID This model recommends movies to users based on the movies they have voted for. # Model Details The model consists of three parts - Content-based filtering - Collaborative filtering - Ensemble model ## Model Description Content-based filtering is used for recommending movies based on the content of their previously voted movies. e.g. genre, actors, ... By using collaborative filtering, similar interests are found and movies that have been voted for by some users are recommended to users who have not voted for them. It doesn't depend on the content and doesn't need domain knowledge. The ensemble model is created by combining the last two methods to give better recommendations. The algorithm finds similar people and then recommends films based on their votes, filtering them based on content preferences. - Developed by: Aida Aminian, Mohammadreza Mohammadzadeh Asl - Model type: content-based filtering and collaborative and an ensemble model of these two model - Language(s) (NLP): not used, only TFIDF for keywords is used - License: MIT License ## Model Sources MovieLens dataset # Uses Building recommendation systems ## Direct Use Movie recommendations based on content and other similar people. # Bias, Risks, and Limitations This ML model is based on an IMDB movie dataset. The dataset may have more focus on English movies. ## Recommendations Add other metrics to model ## How to Get Started with the Model Install the sklearn, pandas and numpy libraries for python. Download the MovieLens dataset and put that in the 'content/IMDB' path in the project directory. Use python interpreter to run the code. # Training Details ## Training Data IMDB Movies ### Preprocessing Extracting features from keywords. # Evaluation ### Factors We've removed some of the wrong rows in the dataset. ### Metrics percision@k and recall@k ### Summary # Technical Specifications ## Model Architecture and Objective Content-based filtering. ### Hardware Works fine on google colab ### Software python, sklearn, numpy, pandas