Contributing to higher economic engagement of marginalized/underrepresented groups through working respectfully with suppliers owned by women, or other vulnerable groups and MSMEs. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Developing adequate, affordable and accessible products and services for low-income populations. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! END POVERTY IN ALL ITS FORMS EVERYWHERE - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Ensuring equal access to company resources, including financial resources and training, for all employees. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Identifying all existing owners and users of the land or property, including information land users or customary owners, before buying, renting, acquiring or otherwise accessing land or property. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Paying fair prices to all suppliers, particularly micro, small and medium enterprises (hereafter: MSMEs) and smallholders, for their products and services, taking into account the poverty lines. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Supporting access to microfinance and other financial services, through strengthening the ability of microfinance institutions to deliver to the poor, or by offering microfinance facilities themselves. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Taking steps to identify and disclose salient human rights risks across supply chains and regularly reporting trends over time. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Understanding that poverty in all its forms is a multi-dimensional and complex issue with at its core a violation of fundamental human rights. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Consulting with the affected users and owners and ensuring adequate compensation measures are transparently and consistently applied. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Encouraging suppliers to adopt the above standards. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Improving efficiency along the food value chain, particularly in the food and beverage supply chain, including agriculture, raw materials, production, packaging and distribution. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Improving methods of production, conservation and distribution of food by making full use of technical and scientific knowledge, by providing products that meet health standards and ensuring that consumer can make informed choices about nutrition. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Providing food that contributes to a healthy and balanced diet. Pricing nutritious food options fairly to enable people to afford it considering their purchasing power. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Raising the awareness of employees on sustainable food consumption through training, counselling and other workplace programs. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Recognizing business’ responsibility for significant social and environmental impacts of agricultural production within the supply chain; assessing social and environmental impacts of sourcing operations on farmers, workers, the marginalized/ underrepresented groups and the affected communities. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Recognizing businesses’ own influence on hunger and people’s access to food, particularly the poor and people in vulnerable situations, such as smallholder farmers and agricultural workers (particularly women) who produce much of the world’s food but often live in conditions of poverty. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Restricting access to products and services that are not suitable for or harmful to children, and seeking to prevent and eliminate the risk of products and services that could be used to abuse, exploit or harm children in any way. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Disclosing industrial accidents and cases of occupational disease. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! ENSURE HEALTHY LIVES AND PROMOTE WELL-BEING FOR ALL AT ALL AGES - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Having measures in place to ensure the safety of employees and to prevent contraction of communicable diseases where the occupation or role of employees makes them susceptible or at risk of contracting said diseases. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Identifying the above risks and factors within the supply chain, and encouraging or supporting suppliers to address these issues, potentially through amending supplier policies and codes of conduct. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Implementing adequate occupational health and safety procedures to ensure that employees and anyone at or in the vicinity of business operations and in the supply chain are not harmed or affected by hazardous, non-hazardous and transported, imported, exported, or treated waste. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Improving access to medicine and health-care through reducing cost of medicine and health technologies through, for example, de-linking the cost of research and development from price, improving collaboration and removing restrictive intellectual property measures on life saving medicines. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Improving the access to medicine and health-care services. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Paying a living wage at minimum, providing maternity or paternity leave, providing facilities necessary for early years’ care (such as breast feeding rooms and flexible working hours) and developing appropriate family-friendly accommodations for workers. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Providing innovative solutions to improve the access and quality of health services in remote areas. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Supporting access to health care for employees and their families, and encouraging access to health care for those employed through the supply chain. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Supporting employees’ access to adequate and affordable sexual and reproductive health-care services, including ensuring these are covered in any other health related service or insurance coverage. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Supporting the needs of children to enjoy the same social protection, regardless of if they were born in or out of wedlock. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Supporting the needs of mothers and children to special care and assistance. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Supporting the precautionary approach to foreseeable environmental, health and safety-related impacts of operations and the life-cycle of products and services; conducting environmental assessments when significant environmental, health or safety impacts are detected. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Supporting the right of everyone to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of him or herself and of his or her family, including medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his or her control. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Contributing to children’s early childhood development through offering support for parents or caregivers well-being, coping and recovery in difficult circumstances so parents or caregivers can best support the children in their care. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Engaging with educational institutions to develop or support programs for vocational training, employment skills and educational development, and improving teaching technical skills through providing innovative solutions – complementing rather than substituting government and public sector action. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Including information on human rights, gender equality and sustainable development in internal policies, such as employee and supplier codes of conduct, and increasing awareness and practice by ensuring that these policies are thoroughly shared and understood by all employees including those in the supply chain. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Influencing the supply chain to adopt similar practices. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Supporting access to childcare for employees with children by providing on-site daycare, including childcare and back up care spaces or services, financial assistance for childcare, and flexible work options. Providing referrals and information or facilitating employees to access tax benefits for childcare. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Understanding the context and definition of child labor in each country of operation, as laws may differ. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! ACHIEVE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER ALL WOMEN AND GIRLS - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! Embedding the principle of gender equality in policies and processes for both employees and governing bodies throughout its operations and supply chains, including recruitment, remuneration/benefits, training, promotion, and development reviews. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Encouraging suppliers and business partners to adopt similar policies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Ensuring all workers - women and men have an equal voice in workplace, including through adequate grievance mechanisms. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Ensuring non-discrimination in employment through implementing gender-sensitive recruitment and retention practices, including proactively recruiting and appointing women to managerial and executive positions and to the corporate board of directors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7, __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Establishing robust and accessible processes to prevent and prohibit gender- based discrimination, and taking corrective action where incidences occur. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Investing in business skills, management, technological training and supporting access to financial resources for MSMEs run by women, to help them entering and staying in business. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Offering insurance to employees and their families as well as employee benefits (including but not limited to medical care, sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, old-age benefits, employment injury benefits, family benefits, maternity benefits, invalidity benefits and survivors’ benefit/death benefit for family) – complementing, rather than substituting or undermining the role of the public sector. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Recognize the value of unpaid care and domestic work through having flexible working hours that allows employees accommodate their different work commitments. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Respecting the rights of workers with family responsibilities such as childcare and domestic work. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Setting internal targets for the number of women at each level/ position within the organization. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This also applies to benefits, including gender specific criteria in due diligence processes. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Being aware of own impact on local sanitation and hygiene systems (e.g. due to migration of workers to factory centers) when investing, expanding business activities and/or responding to sanitation issues in communities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Engaging responsibly in water policy by publicly advocating for sound governmental water governance and resource management agreements, and supporting the outcome of such agreements by engaging in collaboration on better water management. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Minimizing negative impact on water quality through water usage, treatment, discharge and remediation of spills, as well as the use and management of materials and waste. Engaging in sound management of (hazardous) wastes and devoting resources to reducing the amount of waste generated and its hazardous potential. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Recognizing water as a valuable resource, and understanding the company’s water footprint across its value chain, and the impacts of use/misuse of water, particularly in water-stressed areas. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 a more realistic assumption is that carbon emissions depends on the energy mix combining both non-renewable dirty energy with renewable clean energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 a negative correlation between energy efficiency and energy intensity in africa - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 another effective tool of the government for developing energy efficiency projects is the imposition of a green tax on activities that cause environmental pollution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 any increase in the level of energy efficiency can lower greenhouse emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 considering the role of non-fossil fuel energy sources, and focusing on the consequences of technological shocks and fuel price shocks in explaining the energy mix and the impact on the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 develop technology methods to reduce energy costs, meet strict environmental legislation, and create value from waste - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! fossil fuel companies themselves have been heavily responsible for the climate change crisis, and that just climate solutions would call on those companies to make change - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! improving energy efficiency in the industrial sector will reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy and, as a result, reduce the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! increasing energy efficiency can reduce energy use while also saving money - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 indicate that achieving the sdgs and sustainable energy inclusion in the sub-saharan region requires them to focus on investment in green projects, so green finance is a good channel to address energy poverty - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 promoting the usage of renewable energy to reduce carbon footprints and discourage fossil fuel consumption is significant - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 renewable energy development needs to be considered to reduce the carbon intensity of energy and energy-intensive sectors - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 renewable energy, economic and social infrastructure can boost sustainable development - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 simulate a subsidy for renewable energy crops as a policy instrument - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 studying how gdp changes, issued green bonds, and clean energy demand can provide essential and effective strategic policies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 technological progress is a significant driver of the increase in renewable energy supply and is crucial for the development and consumption of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 the demand for renewable energy increases, emissions per energy unit decrease - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 the government should increase digital financial support for renewable energy projects and design innovative digital financial products to promote the development and consumption of renewable energy through efficient and low-cost financing channels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 the government should promote economic growth through energy-efficient technologies and reduce co2 emissions by promoting the use of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 the second phase of the sustainable energy transition requires an evolutionary political economy perspective that accounts for the embedding in institutional, cultural, economic, and physical system structures - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These could be achieved by investing in own renewable energy installations, working with energy providers and other companies to scale-up both supply and demand of renewable energy and developing district energy systems with governments/communities. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 a green economy maximizes societal well-being while minimizing environmental harm - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 achieving the priority economic and social goals of the state, reducing the dependence of the state budget on oil and gas taxes, efficient distribution of revenues, and sustainable economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Asking suppliers to respect business’ policy on workplace violence and sexual harassment. Requiring documentation and proof of recruitment, working conditions and procurement from suppliers, such as certifications of compliance with recognized standards, regulations or laws focusing on the rights of women and girls. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Building screening mechanisms and ensuring consistent practices in own supply chains. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! control variables environmental management and financial capital investment extent are monitored by referencing because a municipality seems to be more inclined to take part when china has implemented a series of optimistic green economy goals - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! direct resources continuously from unproductive sectors to productive ones that can reduce the unemployment rate, and increase aggregate demand and gdp growth in the long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Establishing policies, procedures, grievance mechanisms and support structures for employees or suppliers to anonymously report incidences or suspected incidences of adverse human rights impacts, and having protection in place for whistle-blowers so that persons feel able to report without fear of retribution. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! ethical codes in large uk-based companies were studied, it was found that they focused their vocabulary on compliance with local laws but also no child labour - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Extending the business’ responsibility for a product to the post- consumer stage, including waste collection, reuse and recycling. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Fostering full and productive local employment through supporting vocational education, job-oriented training programs, and building alliances with educational institutions to create a pipeline for skilled workers. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Generating added value in the domestic economy through enhancing own productive capacity (e.g. through skills development of workers). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Implementing gender audits or engaging with women to understand their barriers to employment and adapting recruitment procedures considering the specific challenges faced by them. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In this context, working with the public sector to strengthen government efforts to promote sustainable inclusive markets and developing solutions to development challenges in developing countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__16 -> MISMATCH! Making financial advice available to employees in the workplace, or providing guidance on where to go for such services. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Paying fair share of tax timely and responsibly; at a minimum, complying with the tax laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__16 -> MISMATCH! Practicing human rights due diligence, and take actions preventing, mitigating and remediating negative impacts. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! reducing child and forced labour risks is one of the few areas where positive progress has been noted in global downstream supply chains - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Reporting and monitoring any incidences and mitigation for future improvements to the procedures and policies, and putting in place remediation through legitimate process. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! sdg 8 talked about decent work and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Specifically regarding migrant workers, respecting and supporting the human rights of all migrant workers and providing equal working and social security conditions for them. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 strengthen women’s economic security by targeting them with cash or in-kind support, training or entrepreneurship opportunities - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 we propose a nowcasting approach for indicators assigned to the sustainable development goal 8, calling for decent work and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Working with representatives of workers and government authorities to ensure equal access to employment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 access to financial services enabled households to invest in activities that were likely to contribute to their future income, whereas inadequate access constituted a major constraint - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 BUILD RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE, PROMOTE INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIALIZATION AND FOSTER INNOVATION - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 cloud computing, blockchain, the internet of things, smart city, information technology governance, and fintech, to name just a few, are new constructs associated with recent technological innovations - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 deliver greater access to financial services to farmers, several initiatives have been implemented in nigeria - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! due to a higher level of economic development, countries with higher income usually have a higher demand for and supply of financial services, enabling more people to be financially included and perhaps inducing faster poverty reduction - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 financial inclusion expands opportunities for the poor by enabling them to access and use financial services - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 financial institutions expand their business by offering customized financial services that meet the need of the users - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 financial services expand financial activities, increase the rate of capital accumulation, and boost financial development; the introduction of new financial services in a financial system is the key output of financial innovation - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In this context, building partnerships with the public sector to promote sustainable and inclusive markets through the development, expansion, greening and de-risking of both national and regional value chains in key livelihoods and job creating sectors. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__16 -> MISMATCH! Innovating and/or investing in energy efficiency in buildings, road safety equipment, autonomous vehicles, smart metering, water and sanitation infrastructure, timber buildings and additive manufacturing, GHG reduction, and SMART solutions including smart grid, smart metering, and smart cities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Investing in business skills, management, technological training and supporting access to financial resources for MSMEs run by marginalized/underrepresented groups including women, to help them enter into and stay in business. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Performing social, economic and environmental impact assessments across the whole lifecycle of own products and services, particularly when making supply chain choices and in interactions with stakeholders. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! significant involvement of the private sector and global value chains, the development of poor consumers as an accessible mass market, growth of technological capabilities within developing countries and the involvement of new technologies - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 the transition of finance into daily life had been made possible by the democratization of finance via information technology - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 the world bank group postulated global universal access to basic transaction services as a goal and ability to use financial services as critical for achieving financial inclusion, improving the livelihoods of the poor, and reducing vulnerability - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 there is a need to develop information technology infrastructure in the markets of green financing tools - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 these points also entered the joint communique, which speaks of aiming for high-quality, reliable, resilient and sustainable infrastructure - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 users can conveniently enjoy financial services and check earnings every day - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 vocation, future perspectives, and strategies porto digitals’s vocation comprises software and services for information technology and communication and creative economy, especially games, multimedia, movie-video-animation, music, and design - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 access to microfinance services reduces poverty and, by extension, income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 catalyzes the allocation of funds in the economy for achieving a highest social return, in terms of reduced income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Considering the quality of the grievance mechanism and demonstrating awareness of the effectiveness of such a process. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! Embedding policies which promote diversity and inclusion throughout own operations, and encouraging suppliers and other business partners to do the same. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ensure access to healthcare, protect incomes, protect jobs and the liquidity of enterprises, and ensure access to childcare and other social services - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ensuring social protection, reducing social differentiation, and maintaining a strong foundation for reproductive plans of the population require a sustainable and long-term system of social support measures for families with children - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 fdi inflows can help developing countries gain access to export markets, capital, and technology, which in turn promotes economic development and subsequently alleviates the income inequality issue - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 fdi inflows reduces income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 financial inclusion significantly reduces poverty for the entire sample and asian developing countries - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Implementing corporate policies ensuring that hiring, placement, remuneration, job assignments and prospects, training and mentorships, performance assessment and advancement, discipline, maternity protection, security of tenure and termination decisions are based on objective factors and are not connected to gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, race, color, creed, caste, language, mental or physical disabilities. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthen the implementation of such regulations - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! increasing spending on social infrastructure for pro-equality growth - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Investing in leadership programs for marginalized/underrepresented groups, to help enable these groups of people to progress in their careers, and expand and develop their leadership skills. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! not only does it reduce flood vulnerability, but it also contributes significantly to reducing income inequality within the region - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Paying fair share of taxes in all relevant countries, and not evading nor avoiding tax payments. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__16 -> MISMATCH! Proactively engaging with and creating opportunities for marginalized/underrepresented groups. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Promoting equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! regarding the level of human development, our results suggest that the higher the level of human development, the lower the income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 remittance has grown to be an important source of foreign income besides foreign direct investment and official development assistance - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! states need to expand the coverage, comprehensiveness and the adequacy of social protection, and expand the fiscal space for social protection - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 the confluence of ideas recognizing the social, economic and political necessity of social protection resonated strongly with the international community, giving social protection a prominent place in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 the duty of providing social protection is not imposed upon an employer but upon an industry, opens up several possibilities for formalizing informal enterprises - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 the ideas of the theory of equal opportunity appear to be very productive in the study of many topical economic problems, such as ensuring sustainable development, combating poverty and inequality, forecasting migration flows, or assessing the effectiveness of state social and economic programs and reforms - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 the need for national social protection systems anchored in law to guarantee adequate levels of social protection to all by ensuring a well-coordinated system that does not create barriers to labour mobility and the confusion engendered by fragmented systems - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 the results of this study show that ghana can have less income inequality and less poverty if it has a strong microfinance economy - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 the unintended consequences of AI, particularly related to societal impacts, reduced inequalities and ethical considerations - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 through government regulations, changes in environmental standards and policies and reinvests part of its income to improve the environment and restore the ecosystem - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Upholding the international and national regulations of financial institutions, adhering to international standards including those preventing money laundering and terrorist financing and promoting them amongst the business’ own stakeholders. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! a private right of ownership over public land is not possible; yet a license to enter upon such public spaces for one’s livelihood and the recognition of such access to public spaces as a labour right or a right to livelihood is essential for street vendors, waste pickers, itinerant hawkers, and small establishments that do not have a permanent or formal location - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 an experimental outline of sustainable smart city management for generating a high synergetic and sustained added value for urban world-class performance, with a view to encouraging a sustainable smart home for citizens - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Assessing how the business’ own land acquisition, infrastructure construction and procurement of raw materials/merchandise impacts the rights of employees, people in adjacent areas as well as the environment. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! building a network with key national and international actors to promote the territory - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__16 -> MISMATCH! By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 citizens have to protect cultural heritage and pass them on to the next generation, and this program operates with public expenses - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Enhancing cultural and natural heritage respecting local culture, values and languages. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 expectations of reduced pollution, security at the station, reliability, accessibility, and road safety seem to be higher - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! foster a demand for new alternatives to quality investments, formation of specialized human capital, and mechanisms to access knowledge - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Integrating disaster risk management into business models and practices to increase business resilience, protecting livelihoods and productive assets throughout the supply chains, and ensure continuity of services. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! it is clear that investing in both road and rail, as compared to investing on road only, will increase modal share on rail along the city, which will not only help improve air quality but crucially will reduce co concentrations near the cbd - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 local taxation systems, demographic growth, labour and housing market systems, availability of open public space , medical health care systems, and so forth - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! making efforts to protect cultural heritage - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Mitigating impacts on flood-related health issues through better water management. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Promoting affordable housing opportunities, complementing government action, and leveraging opportunities related to, for instance, timber building, modular and durable designs and materials, and buildings addressing issues like changing lifestyle, shifting demographics and aging populations. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Promoting sustainable tourism and exploring related opportunities along the tourism supply chain (particularly heritage-related, transportation and hospitality sectors). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! reduce traffic and improve air quality in the area - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Respecting the human rights of all persons, including the poor, through preventing adverse impacts of displacement of persons and avoiding complicity in forced evictions. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! SDG 14 approaches forms part of the wider aim to protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10, __label__13 -> MISMATCH! setting up of institutional round tables for discussion and planning, in order to reinforce the relationships among the city, the territory and the community - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 smart city policy is based on a human-centered strategic view on the future of human settlements - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 smart city policy seeking to enhance the performance of cities and aiming at urban value creation calls for a structured underpinning - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 the shared economy model has led to the advent of mobility-on-demand services that have the potential to contribute to reaching several united nation’s sustainable development goals including sustainable cities and communities - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 the strengthening of territorial cohesion will be related to the deconcentration of population processes and suburban development, while migration from peripheral to central regions, urbanisation, and re-urbanisation in general will strengthen polarisation and lead to a sigma divergence in accessibility - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 to provide systematic policy-support information for the great variety of urban development goals, an integrative architecture is needed where policy strategies and tailor-made information come together - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Understanding natural disaster risk reduction and taking responsibility for its management. Assessing how natural disasters can impact the own business and the communities where business operate, and particularly those who are most vulnerable (for example, the poor or people with a lack of access to resources, also women and girls). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! a growing awareness of climate change has promoted the way in which economic activities are organized worldwide, moving from traditional linear economy models, passing through more efficient reduce, recycling, reuse, renew economy models to current moves towards circular economy practices - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 a more balanced spatial distribution of manufacturing activity is achieved, then it is much easier to implement circular economy principles thanks to the closer availability of manufacturing services - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 access to credit could play in helping rural farm households in northern nigeria mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on their primary occupation and the source of food supply to africa’s most populous country - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post- harvest losses - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Communicating how human rights impacts are being addressed and how sustainability principles are being introduced into business practices. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Considering the specific challenges that e-commerce may pose for consumers when providing information. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Developing circular models for products (i.e. closing loops and using renewable energy). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! empowering and engaging consumers to promote sustainable consumption behavior based on reusing and sharing networks, swapping, do-it-together and collaborative consumption platforms - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 exploring strategies for the adoption of sustainable innovation in the food supply chain, developing a model that assesses the effect of climate changes on farm production, as well as evaluating consumer attitudes to wine attributes, including those related to carbon footprint and winescape esthetic - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! farmers must thus adopt alternative approaches that respect the environment to reduce impacts of agricultural activities on natural resources, meet consumer demand, and promote sustainable development of agriculture - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Implementing circular business models. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! microeconomic policy interventions include the use of corrective pigouvian taxes or permit trading equivalents to reflect the shadow price of externalities, and the reduction of subsidies to harmful activities, such as agriculture and fossil fuels - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Partnering with NGOs and stakeholders who are developing sustainable practices in producer countries. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Regularly tracking and reporting energy, water and materials consumed and treated in business operations and improving efficiency by reusing/recycling. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 remove a number of restrictions, which are indicated by enterprises, and develop a number of additional incentive measures - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! resource efficiency outcomes reflect the innovative behaviours and methods that minimize energy use and undesirable outputs in production and consumption processes - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 rural communities occupy a significant portion of the land, water, and other natural resources essential for absorbing co2 , providing ecosystem services, and protecting biodiversity - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! the inclusion of the supply chain of the driving product is also needed because food waste prevention actions might cause a reduction of produced food in the upstream processes - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 the reduction of the amount of food waste sent to the biogas facility would guarantee a saving in the resources needed for the disposal of such waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This includes exchanging of knowledge and experiences when identifying and testing best practices regarding procurement. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 to ensure the long-term sustainability solution to tantalum’s increasing demand, the supply chain may adopt new norms of reliability, stability, and transparency instead of continuing uncertainty and volatility in supply - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Understanding sustainable management and resource efficiency in all operations, products and services. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Understanding the waste caused as a result of the design of products and services. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Improving the efficiency and climate resiliency of operations. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Responsibly engaging in climate policy: Identifying implications, influences, and opportunities to engage; aligning words with actions, ambitions and influences both direct and indirect and reporting on policy positions, influences and outcomes. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Building traceability to assure and verify sustainability claims and ensure sustainable practices in the supply chain. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to small island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Contributing to the protection of marine and coastal ecosystems through waste and wastewater management, land remediation, habitat protection and restoration, protecting biodiversity in operational sites, planning for climate adaptation and environmental investments. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Preventing and/or promoting the prevention of overfishing, illegal fishing, negative social and environmental impacts of aquaculture farms and wild-capture fisheries, and practices that put marine species and resources at further risk of harm in both own operations and the supply chain. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Taking responsibility for waste and wastewater generated, as well as other sources of pollution as a result of own business activities. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Working with relevant public and private stakeholders to promote the management and protection of marine and coastal ecosystems in alignment with public policy objectives and this target. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14, __label__13 -> MISMATCH! By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Integrating corporate goals and targets related to biodiversity and ecosystem services into corporate policies, risks- and opportunity assessments and in supply chain management. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 PROTECT, RESTORE AND PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE USE OF TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS, SUSTAINABLY MANAGE FORESTS, COMBAT DESERTIFICATION HALT AND REVERSE LAND DEGRADATION AND HALT BIODIVERSITY LOSS - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! “Respecting” the rule of law by respecting human rights and universal principles, not engaging in corruption, and not fueling conflict. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 “Supporting” the rule of law as a complement, not substitute for, “respecting” the rule of law: taking action that goes beyond the responsibility to respect by making a positive contribution to help strengthen legal frameworks and promote more accountable institutions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Business action relevant to the rule of law falls into two categories: “respect” and “support.” - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Communicating the implications of relevant laws to employees through policies and trainings. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Communicating this information externally (without compromising the privacy of complainers nor commercial confidentiality), to transfer knowledge of best practices, remediation of complaints and lessons learned. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Conducting properly documented third party due diligence and risk assessment in own operations and supply chain to detect potential or actual corruption and bribery. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Demonstrating the process through which governance bodies are elected/recruited, their roles and responsibilities and any relevant relationships, such as potential or actual conflicts of interest and how these are handled. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Enforcing anti-child labor policies throughout their activities, including in supplier codes of conduct and in procurement criteria. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Engaging responsibly in policy-making processes and, by doing so, increasing societal trust in public institutions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Engaging responsibly to promote that laws and policies are respectful of human rights and other civic freedoms. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Ensuring that the workplace does not pose a threat to children, particularly out of hours (for instance a construction site being left unsecured). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Ensuring transparency and traceability and working together with peers and other stakeholders to avoid bribery and corruption taking place anywhere in the supply chain. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Internally, establishing effective, accountable and transparent governance structures. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Modelling responsible conduct in the business’ corporate values, policies and processes and throughout the business’ value chain, “doing no harm” and implementing robust management procedures. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Preventing violation of consumer privacy, including security breaches, for business involved in collecting personal data from consumers. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Reporting on the ways business contribute to reducing violence and promoting peace through both “respect” and “support” activities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Supporting efforts to provide access to justice for all by developing innovative products and services allowing users to readily understand their rights and where to obtain additional guidance and, if necessary, representation through pro bono legal services. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Supporting governments, enforcement agencies and other agencies by engaging responsibly with them and, by doing so, increasing societal trust in public institutions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Treating said persons with care and contacting the correct authorities to ensure their human rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Where children are found to be or at risk of being employed in the worst forms of child labor (i.e. slavery, prostitution or illicit activities), removing them from the situation immediately, and putting in place remediation procedures to ensure these children’s safety as well as for their rehabilitation and social integration. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Considering the dependence of developing countries on corporate income tax, paying fair share of tax timely and responsibly. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__9, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! Engaging in the dialogue between governments and other private sector actors to build multi-stakeholder-based public-private partnerships and establishing a platform for sharing technology and expertise. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Entering into transparent and accountable partnership with governments, civil society and all other relevant actors in sustainable development. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Participating in joint development programs implemented by national governments or international organizations, including contributing time, human and financial resources, as well as sector expertise and knowledge of local context. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Promote a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization, including through the conclusion of negotiations under its Doha Development Agenda - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Promoting and engaging in pre-competitive collaboration with peers around critical issues facing an industry. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Realize timely implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all least developed countries, consistent with World Trade Organization decisions, including by ensuring that preferential rules of origin applicable to imports from least developed countries are transparent and simple, and contribute to facilitating market access - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Using these guides on best practice, studies and innovative tools in capacity-building programs and training. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 demonstrate that greater financial inclusion of women encourages economic participation of women and positively affects economic development - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! documented that agricultural credit is an essential element of agricultural growth in the developing countries - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! find inequality among households particularly female led households in accessing the benefit of financial inclusion - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! suggest that the efficacy of financial inclusion as a policy tool may be affected by the inequality of access to financial services - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! according to the world bank financial inclusion accommodates payment savings credit and insurance services for individuals and businesses - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! alfani suggests that high mortality pandemics like the plague could reduce poverty by either exterminating the poor or redistributing income to the poor - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 all these studies have validated how financial inclusion can alleviate poverty; however the findings of these randomized experimental studies might not be applicable for cross country analyses due to the considerable variations among countries - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 alston found very poor child conditions such as ringworm and toothless children due to dental decay in his examination of poverty in various areas in the us - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 among developing countries financial inclusion has a stronger association with poverty in upper middle income countries than in lower middle income countries and low income countries - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 among the income based country groups with significant coefficients the significance level and magnitude of financial inclusion coefficient in lower middle income and low income countries are weaker than in upper middle income countries - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! among the standards the social security convention 1952 is the only international treaty with a systemic approach to social security giving the state the overall responsibility to establish and maintain a social protection system that can protect the population against a series of life cycle contingencies including the need for medical care and income security in the event of sickness unemployment old age employment injury maternity disability and survivorship and for families with children - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! another example is the project financed by the adaptation fund for contributing to the eradication of poverty in the kairouan by empowering the rural poor to adapt to climate change through environmental management and sustainable livelihoods - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! another interesting observation is that in kweneng west where poverty overlaps are higher than both positive and negative mismatches meaning the poorest of the poor are found in kweneng west - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 estimated in terms of the proportion of poor people the demand for poverty alleviation microfinance in china would be around 400 billion yuan - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ferguson argued that as everyone receives bi it would alleviate the issue of such dependencyin poverty reduction allow the poor to become more productive and attempt to be risk takers such as entrepreneurs - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 in developed countries where the ability to conduct innovative research exists the patent protection play more important role in innovation process than in developing countries which the link innovation economic growth is given by minor or incremental inventions based on utility models - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! though our analysis suggests some probable channels it could not specify the exact causal channels through which financial inclusion affects poverty - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 various researchers analyze the impact of financial inclusion on poverty using cross country analyses - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 we believe financial inclusion is needed to achieve one of the sustainable development goals such as clean and affordable energy - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! we expect a negative coefficient for the financial inclusion index indicating that financial inclusion can reduce extreme poverty - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 the global food security has been threatened by the effects of covid 19 pandemic on international agricultural supply chains and locusts destroying crops which have impacted the global supply and prices of main food crops including wheat maize and rice especially in africa and south asia - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 where u it is the percentage of undernourished in country i s population and to it is the trade openness - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 according to ruel household dietary diversity is a useful indicator of household food security since it encapsulates the main components of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 agricultural food price is a main aspect of food security because food prices especially prices of grains and oil constitute large share of popular diets especially for middle and low income class - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 all the trade openness variables enter our models as natural logarithms reflecting diminishing marginal returns of trade openness on food security; as already pointed out by mary it is indeed reasonable to expect that as trade openness increases its effect on hunger becomes smaller - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 as an effort to address these challenges the food security and environmental facility unit in the garu tempane presbyterian agricultural station introduced the zai technology to farmers in the garu tempane district and binduri district - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 because of increased demand for agricultural products prices and concerns for food security in 2008 the cap health check abolished the compulsory set aside and thus lost the positive environmental impacts resulting from it - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ⁠ conclusions the strategic importance of agriculture for mankind and its intense use of resources associated with the population growth path and climate change challenge require to re think agriculture itself and animal based food production in particular - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 farmers should be encouraged to adopt saps as a comprehensive package for increasing farm income and ensuring food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 finally female headed households are more able to increase food security than their male counterparts when they have both bonding and bridging social capital - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 first it provides empirical insights into the importance of saps on welfare indicators specifically food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 food security is captured by the reduced coping strategy index and household dietary diversity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 for example there was a rapid increase in forest clearance in some countries as people fell back on food crop production to improve their own food security as well as to take advantage of increased urban demand due to a decline in food imports - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 in order to optimise food production in these low input farming systems farmers possess a considerable knowledge both of the nature and characteristics of the resources available and of the methods suitable for sustainable crop production under conditions which are often marginal for agricultural productivity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 introduction goal 2 of the second united nations sustainable development goals is to end hunger and ensure access to safe nutritious and sufficient food all year round by all people by the year 2030 in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 over the past few decades agricultural productivity along with global food production made a contribution to reduce hunger but malnutrition or hidden hunger remain extensive notably in asia and sub saharan africa region - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 studies estimating the impacts of sap have utilized various outcome variables such as household income agrochemical use demand for labour crop yields food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 the authors reveal the institutional cohabitation alliances and power relations between the actors in the context of two divergent projects a project for food sovereignty based on family farming and a project for food security based on agribusiness - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 the contribution of farming to food security nutrition employment and poverty alleviation in africa cannot be overemphasised - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 this specific target is mainly measured through the percentage of undernourished population and is highly interconnected to the other sdgs through important synergies - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 while trade policies are considered strategic to shape national food systems and promote food security the ultimate impact of trade openness on hunger is still highly debated - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 a substantial literature has offered a quantitative feel for the returns from investment in family planning and reproductive health when measured in terms of reductions in maternal infant and child mortality rates among other measures of health and well being - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 as a result it divides into six groups of the questionnaire face sheet mental health worry happiness good things by covid 19 and anti corona infection behavior with further questions prepared for each group for a total of 69 questions - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 as the bearer of human resources and human capital good health is essential for their effective development and utilization and forms the basis for reaping the demographic dividend - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 at the same time by the influence of the crude death rate dropped the crude birth rate has decreased as well - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 direct costs the biological impact the costs associated with a disease triggered by infection with pathogens also referred to as the biological impact includes illness disability and death in humans as well as morbidity and mortality in animals - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 face sheet mental health anxiety happiness good things due to corona and corona infection control behaviors were included - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 for most child brides early marriage means early child rearing a practice that has not only potential detrimental health related consequences to young women but also reinforces the expectation of domestic duties from a very early age - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! in 19th century the crude death rate declined from 27 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 only about 50 percent of women in sub saharan africa who want to avoid pregnancy currently use modern methods which means some 200 million women there have an unmet need for family planning and reproductive health services - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 the chapter concludes with a lengthy discussion of how family planning programs in low income countries could counter socially embedded preferences and reduce childbearing by the global poor - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 the chns data do not contain indicators for mental health or subjective wellbeing - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 the crude death rate was stable at low levels in the mid of the 1970s - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 the daily incidence count and cumulative incidence data are collected from world health organisation situation reports dated 21 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 the death rate for this group has rolled backto almost the level of 2010 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 the departments with the high level factors have accounted the highest death rates despite their younger populations - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 the population crude death rate decreased first in the late 18th century and continued to decline from then on - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 thus in october 2020 the average national death rate was by 30 percent higher than in october 2019 and nearly one half of the increment had nothing to do with covid 19 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 considerable part of the international production about education for sustainabilityhappens in the field of the social sciences followed by the environmental sciences both featuring interdisciplinary characteristics - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 additionally the plague took away both the skill and experience of previous workers and the parents investment in the education of their children - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 all governments today acknowledge the importance of investment in womens education however that it is a ready road to womens empowerment in poor countries is not borne by evidence for education involves more than school buildings - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! although many students in myanmar are enrolled in primary education the enrollment rates drop sharply for secondary education - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 australia stands out by the production of researches relating education for sustainabilitywith children education or teachers related to elementary education - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 brantmeier on his turn argues that an education for sustainability must consider the inherent right of both people and ecosystems to live and prosper with dignity demanding the education for sustainabilityas a catalyst of a transforming process - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 educate girls dib and quality education india dib aim to improve the quality of schooling and education and boost attendance rates - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 education is also shown to matter as individuals with an upper tier upper secondary education are significantly more likely to be in favour of the tax and subsidy policy compared to their counterparts - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 faculties like engineering could take leadership to offer specialized programs for education for sustainability - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 for educational support support for secondary education was considered - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 for example one of the goals of education for sustainability is to instigate behavioral change - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 for primary education we find that financial market depth and financial market efficiency have a positive and statically significant effect the effect of financial market efficiency being larger - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 however it is questionable whether better and more gender equal education alone addresses the root causes of the observed gender inequalities in the labour market - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! on average respondents attained primary education - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 quality education india dib is designed to provide access to free education in private schools leadership training staff development and expected outcomes - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 several works document the extent to which urban segregation occurs and negatively affects the wellbeing of the segregated groups by limiting their access to education employment opportunities and health outcomes along with favoring poverty and criminal behavior - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 table shows that majority of the farmers had no formal education or had only basic education - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 the reduction of child poverty appears even more important when considering its effects on cognitive and non cognitive skill formation and the possible long term consequences along an individuals life - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! the results show that there is a growing interest from the applied social sciences and from the environmental sciences on education for sustainability as well as from many other science fields - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 the significant and robust role of education on preferences concerning policies for climate change mitigation in our estimates suggests that investment in education even when it does not involve specific formation on climate change at all school levels can play a crucial role - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! reported evidence of a significant decline in access to a range of sexual and reproductive health services including contraceptive services and abortion services and an increase in rights violations during the pandemic - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 40 years later while the south of italy would not approach gender equality in literacy until world war ii - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 according to united nations development programme gender equality measures women's reproductive health empowerment and economic status - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 additionally agenda 2030 raises the need to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 amid a technological revolution with disruptive changes gender discrimination becomes an additional obstacle - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 as we find that reducing gender inequality supports poverty reduction through financial inclusion initiatives governments should take initiatives to promote gender equality by increasing education and employment opportunities for women - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 hitchman and fong examined cross national associations between the united nations development programmes gender equality measure and female male smoking prevalence ratios - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 in most cases household heads declared that they will divide the land equally between their children and added that this has something to do with the governments advocacy regarding gender equality - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 kelkar notes that lack of control and ownership of productive assets hinders inclusive economic growth and results in gender inequality and further urges for the development of research based programmes to help advance the accumulation of productive assets by women - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! more studies from the fields of health business ethics sociology and psychology would be worthwhile to generate a better understanding of the effectiveness of microfinance in promoting the sustainable development goals of the united nations 2030 agenda specifically eradicating poverty promoting health and well being gender equality and reducing inequalities in addition to the economic objective of decent work and growth - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 our analysis expands on previous findings by linking inequality in financial access with poverty reduction and empirically demonstrates that if gender equality is improved the negative association between financial inclusion and poverty amplifies - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 our analysis of the relationship between gender equality status of a country and male female covid 19 mortality ratios finds that the closer the country is to gender equality the smaller the mortality gap between men and women - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 our results are limited in its ability to assess causality between gender equality and dietary quality and to rigorously investigate the impact of land succession on womens empowerment - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 regarding sexual violence to the question if as a result of their political participation they had experienced sexual harassment assault or abuse 20 percent said very often 18 - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! summarising earlier studies seguino asserts that employment is a key mechanism for promoting gender equality which in turn can leverage change in other domains - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 sweden has a long tradition of promoting gender equality which means that women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities in all areas of life - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 the contents violated womens public representation rights by 85 percent their rights to be voted by 79 percent and gender equality by 61 percent - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 found a positive relationship between connectedness to a social network with knowledge on water scarcity and a farmers risk perception - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 and its nb function is given by therefore u anticipating the ds optimal response as analysed in the previous case chooses the optimal water abstraction vector process under cooperation by solving the maximization problem subject to the state equation subject to the river basin annual renewable water resource eq - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 a similarity is also manifested in the general basic trend in the reduction in anthropogenic impact in the increasing role of such components as the load on water resources and waste generation and in the increased contribution of pollution associated with vital activity of the population - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 according to wiafe and arku the women benefit from a variety of resources from the mountain ecosystem that vary from food to other resources such as fuelwood and fresh water - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 although the water of south to north project is mainly supplied to urban residents as drinking water according to the principle of drinking supplement and storage it actually indirectly increases the volume of domestic water if we were to consider the water supply of beijing as a whole - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 areas without an external water supply are dependent on natural systems whereas areas with an external water supply have access to freshwater from lakes rivers or pipelines - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 as estimated the direct economic benefit of the water supply from south to north water diversion project to beijing will be rmb 38 - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 given that agriculture constitutes the main source of supply of raw materials to the industrial sector an observed ineffective utilization of water supply for irrigation purposes would lead to shortage in the supply of raw materials to the industrial sectors - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 however in the absence of metered connections at household level most ulbs in the state have fixed water supply charges ranging from rs - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 the authors attribute the relatively low level of industrial sector productivity in the region to poor electricity and transport infrastructure underutilization of water supply as well as sanitation infrastructure - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 the critical determinants of child and maternal survival are access to public services such as clean water sanitation education and health services - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 the project has not yet received the required us environmental protection agency permit and it may well never get out of high level political concerns about its potential impacts on the water quality of bristol bay considered the worlds most valuable salmon fishery - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 water resources management and economics have gone beyond the traditional approach of monitoring and measuring the spatiotemporal allocation of resources costs and benefits and seek the optimal way to control and manage systems in a way that maximizes the users welfare under environmental constraints - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 while the total quantum of water supplied in cities has increased the duration of water supply and the number of days of water supply have not changed significantly over the ten year period - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 a “commission for urgent action on fusion energy” would respond to the “urgent action” geopolitical call for climate action, be similarly framed, and would provide a natural role for the iaea in the impartial evaluation of global progress towards fusion energy - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 a balanced industrial policy presupposes taking into account the risks of excessively tightened norms for environmental regulation of industrial production, including those caused by the need to fulfill russia’s obligations under the paris agreement on climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 a diet that can also tackle carbon emissions ” - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 according to the first school of thought, cetp limits the greenhouse gas emissions by firms, inevitably increasing their production costs in the first place - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 added to these problems, the inauguration of president trump heralded the start of a period of relative tension, as trump declared the eu to be a ‘trade foe’ and in 2017 scrapped the transatlantic trade and investment partnership and withdrew from the paris agreement on climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! after this concise overview of concepts of dynamic and resilient systems, we will in the next subsection offer a typology of natural disasters - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Alaska has already experienced marine heatwaves that exacerbate climate change impacts for fisheries in the northeast Pacific, while discussions about the risk for sea water temperature reaching above the optimal level for the fish welfare in northern Norway are also undergoing - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 also provide evidence that access to microcredit, internal remittances, and social allowances can help households strengthen their resilience to natural disasters - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! also, ert and ghgpc indicate total patent on climate-friendly technological innovation and greenhouse gas emission per capita respectively - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 also, results show that the share of greenhouse gas emissions in food price variance are less compared to the shares associated with the indicators of technological innovations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 also, the later greenhouse gas emissions start to fall, the faster their decline will have to ultimately be in order not to overshoot temperature targets , leading to an increased need for negative emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 also, we find that shocks on international collaborations as well as total technological innovations on climate-friendly technologies drive down food prices while food prices respond positively to shocks on greenhouse gas emissions after the first impact period - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! an analysis of the increased requirements associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy shows that it could lead to the next mining and metals boom and increasing demand for metals up to tenfold by 2050 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! analyzing carbon emissions content in trade for top trading partners of china, bin showed that transitions of china’s emissions embodied in imports to those in the exports account for around 4 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! another notorious instance of maladaptation in the scientific literature are cooling and heating systems: by improving domestic temperature for the user, it increases the risk of energy shortages and ultimately worsens the problem of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 another student reckoned that “imagine if experiments were carried out to prevent global warming, but these experiments would cause a major loss - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 answers to the question: “what is the importance of solving the tasks related to the problem of global warming for your company: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for climate change, etc - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 article 6 of the paris agreement describes them with a rather vague wording, which has left much space for interpretation in the past few years - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 as a result, they are creating various technologies to deliver energy services that are economical, ecologically friendly, and dependable—organized global discussions such as the 1997 kyoto protocol and the 2015 paris agreement on climate change to address growing global environmental challenges - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 as encouraging as these glimmers of hope may be, there are serious hurdles that stand in the way of an inclusive global recovery, not least, given the risk on the horizon of a harsh fiscal reaction, climate crises and growing geopolitical tensions unleashed by the war in ukraine - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 as global warming has become one of the most serious environmental problems worldwide, issues related to carbon dioxide emissions have attracted close attention in the worldwide - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 as long as reasonable measures are taken, the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction can be realized in china in order to sustainable and healthy economic development because the energy consumption and carbon emissions will gradually peak - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 expressed that in line with the paris agreement, all countries try differently to promote green financing tools, and green bonds are among the most appropriate instruments - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 found that 91% of their farmers adopted at least one climate adaptation strategy - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ndc scenario in which, in addition to current policies, all countries reach their nationally determined contributions under the paris agreement - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 quantified carbon, land footprints, and water footprints in the european union -27 nations, which correspond to greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water resources, respectively - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! report, showing that even under rather conservative assumptions regarding global warming, the world is heading towards unsustainability - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 showed that fdi has a positive impact on co 2 emissions, which are an obstacle to green economic growth, while a group of scholars have highlighted the important role of fdi in technological improvement and financing green projects, which ensure the existence of green economic growth and reduce the risk of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! aimed at fulfilling sustainable development goals of clean water and life below water, blue bonds are a relatively newer form of sustainable bonds, financing ocean conservation projects - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! As we have seen, MCH has a clear role to play in informing the effective management of marine and coastal ecosystems ; in the development of sustainable fishing strategies , especially in harnessing and including existing traditional knowledge and past human exploitation strategies; in ‘the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of tourism’ ; in the push to ‘increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology’ ; and in strategies to ‘enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law’ , particularly through the ratification and implementation of the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 As well as stressing the vital role healthy oceans perform in stabilising climate and supporting life on earth, SDG14 recognises the potential economic and social benefits that sustainable use of marine resources can provide - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 blue mining research contributes towards a sustainable spatial management and utilization of marine mineral resources - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Changing sea water temperature, migrating fish stocks, ocean acidification, and melting ice in the Arctic, as well as the cumulative effect of these factors, will have an impact on the industry and the blue economy as a whole - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Collaboration between marine archaeologists and ocean scientists is an essential part of this initiative—UNESCO, the Western Indian Ocean Maritime Science Association, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute and the Society for Underwater Technology are project partners and amongst its portfolio the network is directly funding projects looking at how traditional knowledge and heritage data can enhance marine ecosystem management, sustainable fishing practices and inform responses to coastal pollution and climate change - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Consequently, this CLR aims to and will drive marine environmental protection targets of SDG 14 through a governance framework that proposes specific mechanisms of adaptation among and between international, regional, and national ocean governance mechanisms - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 For example, in China, the local environmental protection institutions directly under the Central Government governs the waste and sanitation and responsible for organising, coordinating, overseeing, and checking the marine environment in collaboration with the central ocean governing institution - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14, __label__13 -> MISMATCH! For example, in Fiji, under the marine pollution law series programme, the ministry of environment and its constituent institutions makes decisions with participation that influence stakeholders, and it is based on a common agreement - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 however, there seems to be an inadequate alignment of sectoral norms , for example the mining operator is responsible for the development of the environmental impact assessment, the gathering of evidence and the submission of an applications for an environmental licence to the environmental authority for large projects or special cases in protected areas or the environmental units in the departmental governments for smaller mining projects - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14, __label__13 -> MISMATCH! i share an outline of a “reefs to rainforests” globe-circling project envisioned by avise and to be guided by his foresight under the auspices of pangea world: “coral reefs and tropical rainforests are two of our planet’s richest biotic environments, yet exactly how they acquired and maintain their exceptional biodiversity remains mostly conjectural - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Importantly, while most commercially exploited fish stocks are currently fully utilized or overutilized globally , it has been recognized that the economically significant fish stocks in Norwegian waters are successfully managed within safe and sustainable limits - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 in line with the concept that sustainability is an ongoing process and that environmental sustainability and quality are becoming ever more important for life quality and economic enhancement of the territory, protected areas such as natura 2000 sites of community importance can be a tool for successful sustainable rural development especially in economically lagging areas - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 maldonado and del pilar moreno-sánchez argue that the expansion of marine protected areas is a key prevailing management strategy to stop the degradation of coastal and marine ecosystems - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 marine resource conservation policy is not a complementary strategy for sustainable livestock policy - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Nevertheless, a precise impact on ocean governance has been discussed in a limited fashion because the emergence of SDG 14 has revealed that marine environmental protection still lacks a comprehensive ecosystem-based approach at various levels - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 the 30% target for protected areas is certainly a target that could coordinate activities and the cbd cop 15, but the localised and distributional impact should not be ignored given historical experiences - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The climate crisis has recently thrown into sharp focus the importance of depleting marine ecosystems and linking it with human health - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The elements provided for coordination are the nation-states’ impetus in focusing on the broader notion of the marine environment as an ecosystem rather than on specific types of marine pollution - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The goal of SDG 14 is to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”, while the goal of SDG 15 is to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss” - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! according to them, ‘to avoid ecosystem collapse, we must integrate biodiversity conservation throughout the landscape we use’ - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 accordingly, the theoretical resource utilization and land use can be estimated - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 arable farming is the main land use in all areas, with potatoes, sugar beet and grain being the most cultivated crops - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 as development and change is a continuous evolutionary process, the land use plans might need alteration and revision in practice to adapt and optimise the profit from land exploitation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 based on a fine-gridded wind field model, i generate a new sector-specific damage measure weighted by either agricultural land use or population data - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 besides farmers’ land use and management decisions, including crop choice and applied erosion control measures, the degree of soil loss mainly depends on exogenous environmental factors, such as rainfall quantity and intensity, soil texture and structure, and slope gradient and length - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 both were chosen considering that to base a study only in the land use or the priority areas for conservation would let a gap between places with remains of native vegetation and places with a great relevance for the biodiversity in the country - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 by dismissing sp valuation methods, the review would encourage work that chronically underestimates of the total benefits of biodiversity conservation efforts and undermines the case for policy actions to be taken to stem the loss of our natural biological capital - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 changes in plot properties mirror the dynamics of urban land use and, in turn, influence the spatial behaviours of the three agent classes - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 conservation agriculture has been one of the techniques introduced to help mitigate depletion of soil nutrients, conserve water, minimize soil erosion, reduce land degradation and boost farm productivity - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 data for land use-related variables were collected from the land use map, curated by the korea national spatial data infrastructure portal, and data related to station attributes were collected from seoul open data plaza - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 empirical evidence from the last decade has shown that the characteristics of city and regional land use and transport planning are directly linked with air quality, individual exposure, uptake of pollutants and subsequent health outcomes , schindler and caruso , and sider et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 even though work has been done on creative industries’ location behaviours and its influence upon the urban built environment, the dynamics of the interaction between creative industries’ development and urban land use has been for the most part ignored - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! finally, efforts to promote biodiversity conservation can focus on reducing ongoing industrial-scale land conversion, resource extraction, and pollution - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 first, the regression analysis identified the negative impact of land use mix on ridership - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 for example, greater economic return of uneven-aged forest management compared to clear felling is found in other economic studies - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 four papers have been published in the land use policy journal and three in ecosystem services - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 from a policy process perspective, mining provides an interesting but not uncommon case of competing interests and values, a non-renewable resource that requires land use and causes irreversible change to the ecosystem but, often, generates significant revenues both for the state and for private actors - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 furthermore, in their report, the federal office for spatial development are defines the spatial specialization and availability of construction grounds as well as land use in the various regions of switzerland - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 here we present an analytical framework to study the economic resilience of different forest management systems, focusing on the rate of economic recovery after severe disturbance - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 however, samebyar do not have legal possibilities of sharing the benefits of mining — by being a partner in a project, receiving a mineral fee, having the possibility of striking a deal with the mine proponent for relinquishment of land use rights or at the very least to be formally expropriated - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 human activities impact biodiversity through land use change, pollution, habit fragmentation and the introduction of non-native species but also increasingly through climate change and its interaction with already existing drivers of biodiversity change - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 in cases where overlap occurs, the environmental code states preference for the land use that “best contributes to sustainable development” - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 in combination with the deposit valuation method, the areas of commercial interest can be identified, and the theoretical resource utilization and potential land use can be studied with the generated maps - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 in this paper, we combine detailed spatial data on forest characteristics and land use patterns with estimates of individual wtp for changes in forest management, using spatial statistical methods to deal with problems of autocorrelation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 inclusion of wireless network elevates tracking solutions from being just animal-monitoring approach only to a broader scope involving forest and wildlife management - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 indigenous participation although the rights of indigenous peoples typically differ from one jurisdiction to another, similarities in land rights and land use claims still offer interest points of comparison - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 institutions, as a reflection of the political mandate and societal values of the day, should place emphasis on issues of local socioeconomic development and environmental protection—particularly for land use that often requires approval from multiple levels of government and multiple government ministries and agencies - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 used data on forest size and distance from respondent’s homes to capture spatial dependencies in wtp for enhancement of biodiversity in new zealand forests - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 we here have integrated survival probabilities and the resulting effects of background mortality into the analysis of optimal forest management - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 adherence to the rule of law should enable poverty reduction by ensuring the smooth functioning of regulatory mechanisms - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 as an alternative for traditional energy, new energy has risen to an important field related to national security - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 as for good governance, it refers to the management of government in a manner that is essentially free of abuse and corruption, with due regard for the rule of law and respect of people’s rights to be engaged in public affairs - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 as we argue, below, this may be an important factor to explain the poor experiences of some countries in curbing corruption through reforms to the rule of law - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 at an individual level, we note if we increase governance effectiveness or rule of law or voice and accountability or regulatory quality by one percent each, we expect mva to increase by 0 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 by 2006, this first eusds gets renewed , after reiterating the definition of sustainable development adopted by the brundtland report, to emphasise that sustainable development refers to ensuring the earth’s capacity to support all forms of life and is based on the principles of democracy, gender equality, solidarity, the rule of law and respect for human rights - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! communication among stakeholders is essential to ensure the delivery of partnership services, and understanding other stakeholders’ interests may enhance the adaptive capacity of the river basin partnerships through networking beyond formal relations, conflict resolution and trust building - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! considering such factors as ruling foundation, national security, and national economy, such industries as oil, railways, electric power, telecommunications, and banks are endowed by cpc and the government the monopoly power, while private capital is restricted and prohibited into related fields - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 generalized social insecurity together with illegality and organized crime are factors that weaken the rule of law, territorial control and the monopoly of violence, making the state fragile - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 governance including: corruption, political stability, rule of law, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, voice and accountability - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 however, it would be far more important and healthy for the sustainable prosperity of humankind to switch public funds to r&d for peaceful purposes, such as mining, which enhances national security - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 in 2020, human rights watch reported the indian governments’ failure to enforce its 2013 sexual harassment of women at workplace act , finding that female employees, particularly in the informal sector, are at risk of sexual abuse due to lack of enforcement - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! in addition, it is of fundamental importance to raise the status of the scientist and researcher—including specialists in the field of the complex of human sciences, whose role is in assessing, predicting and counteracting current and emerging threats to human health and well-being—in order that sustainable development of the economy and society, and national security in general, will only grow - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 in conditions when the conclusions of the accounts chamber based on the results of a strategic audit are not binding, the executive branch, which has the right to independently approve strategic planning documents, may ignore its opinion - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! in the rest of this section, we provide some results from further sub-sample tests of the rule of law effect identified by liu-evans and mitra , using the same data set and methodology as these authors - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 perón was the epitome of the latin american populist leader: a charismatic, messianic interpreter of the metaphysical concept of the argentinian nation , he sponsored the cult of his first wife and himself, he felt unconstrained by the rule of law which he replaced by his own man-made rule, as he opposed in manichean fashion “the people” versus the “elites”, “peronistas” versus “antiperonistas - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 political stability and good governance can promote the rule of law, transparency, accountability, and even the efficient use of resources - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 results show that government effectiveness affects positively and significantly rule of law, political stability, and absence of violence - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 second dimension of power capital reflects the engaged and inclusive society, playing an active role in innovation ecosystem - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! security threats, terrorism, and civil disturbances in a country are essential aspects of the rc debate - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 the 1853 argentinean constitution, the brainchild of juan bautista alberdi, incorporated inclusive institutions such as the rule of law, checks and balances, and economic freedom - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 the coup d’état of 1930 was the first serious fracture of the rule of law and constitutional order enshrined in the 1853 constitution - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 microlevel studies shall be conducted to evolve integrated development plans in various regions, for the period of five years by employing location analysis, optimization techniques, statistical methods, input and output models, etc - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! moreover, several previous studies note that official development assistance does not necessarily translate to high economic growth rates - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! nonetheless, for the european commission, the broadband involves at least 30 mbps in downloading—nga - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! on the other side, shared culture involves in core idea of knowledge sharing, motivation mechanism, coopetition notion, combination of individual knowledge and organizational knowledge, knowledge communication and exchange among multi-level talents - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 others include: achieving universal primary education; promoting gender equality and empowering women; reducing child mortality; improving maternal health; combating hiv/aids, malaria, and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability while goal focus on how to develop a global partnership for development - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! our example here involves restraints in mexico that affected us telecom service providers that were reliant on mexican telecoms to receive and re-transmit the signal, mexican consumers, and a regional free trade agreement: the north american free trade agreement - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 our intention is to collect and analyse statistical data on a global level over a long period of time and to give an empirical contribution to the discussion about the role of mineral resources in economic and social development of countries - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! over the past years, remittance inflows have become a significant source of external financing for developing countries, surpassing international aid and foreign direct inflows - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 reflecting the development of the global green bond market, green bond issuance worldwide increased from usd71 billion in 2015 to usd605 billion in 2021 - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! similarly, official development assistance also has a positive and significant effect on primary and secondary education - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! specifically, eu eias comprise membership of the eu, an economic and political partnership between 28 countries; various trade related agreements including customs unions, free trade agreements , association agreements and stabilisation agreements with 38 countries; and the more recently formed trade and development economic partnership agreements with 28 countries - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 taking into account the accelerating confluence of international tourism and international ecotourism, which manifested itself particularly in long-haul leisure travel and which made “resort ecotourism” a conceptual framework of enormous business and conservation potential , i planted a vision of an unprecedented partnership of the international resort industry, heritage conservation, and sustainable development - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! technology-specific or sector-specific ip policy may be helpful in balancing the international free trade with developed countries and meeting the needs of society - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 that is why it might seem that not only the economic development but also the circular flow, interpreted as the stagnation of economic life, would be reflected in statistical data - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! the analysis of the north american free trade agreement performed by gallagher seems to partly support both claims: mexican firms reduced their emission intensity following the agreement, yet overall emissions increased due to the relatively lower mexican standards with respect to the us ones - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 the chain effect of a pandemic disease is multidimensional, manifesting through labor supply, foreign direct investments, and demand and increasing government expenditure on health care and other activities - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__2, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! the collaborative partnership approach has been used extensively in the practice of integrated river basin management across the world for at least the last two decades - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 the essence of taking advantage of knowledge sharing in open innovation systems should be the today’s ability to overcome closed models of innovation, so as to avoid once and for all the risk of limiting progress, as some scholar noted in the not invented here syndrome that often accompanied the typical chandlerian model of deep vertical integration of r&d for economies of scale and scope - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 the maximalist international cooperation is based on the mobilization of public actors, civil society, and private sector - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 the novelty of the work is its focus on the role of federal and local state support for high-tech firms and their partnership interactions at the regional level, since these factors are especially significant at the first stages of a company’s development when the capabilities of other actors or state assistance can compensate for the lack of experience, resources, competencies, and reputation - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 the sources of benchmark equilibrium data are obtained from the surveys of central statistical agency of ethiopia , oromia finance and economic development bureau , ministry of finance and economic development and other institutions - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! the traditional statistical tools for prediction like arima, arimax and their variants are extensively used for forecasting in various domains including the prediction of the development of infectious diseases, for example: ahmar and del val used arima and suttearima to predict the short-term of confirmed cases of covid 19 in spain, tandon et al - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! the vector x includes all the control variables, notably the logarithm of gdp per capita, oil revenues, official development assistance, and remittances - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__9, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! the world development indicators provided invaluable statistical data for most of the macro-economic variables invoked see table - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 therefore, it is possible for the gtap model to be the most appropriate for applied software to perform various simulations regarding the impact of free trade between countries or regions - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 these elements in the conditioning information set are used in two distinct specifications that account for trade and financial globalization , expenditure of the government , economic prosperity , institutional quality , the stability of prices , financial development , and development assistance - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__9, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! these geographic variables are candidate instruments for eias on the grounds that the process of eu enlargement and the formation of trade related agreements with other countries have expanded free trade coverage to large tracts of land area, including much of the european continent and beyond - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Fossil fuels were at the source of the industrial revolution but much later also of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In literature, the rebound effect usually refers to the compensating negative effect on one specific environmental aspect, usually related to resource and energy use and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, an increased price of diesel, meant to mitigate carbon- and particulate matter emissions of cars, may lead to spending less on healthy food and thus to increased malnutrition - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Therefore, as aforementioned, we propose to assess as positive the employment in the 20% poorest countries only, and only if the aspects of the fair minimum wage (Croes and Vermeulen 2016b) and fair inequality (Croes and Vermeulen 2016a) are properly included in the assessment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 But on the other side, the airbag was especially developed for a positive utility, which needs appreciation, just like windmills, solar panels, medicines, and food - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We argue that R&D and installation of impact-abating technology are capacity raising and therefore the depreciation and interest are positives (see Sections 4.1.7 and 4.1.11), but the utility is not, because of the here-described reasons - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 R&D activities (almost) exclusively intended for environmental or social improvements are positives if the envisioned results are beneficial also to others than those involved in the economic transaction - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For the assessment of R&D activities that are less exclusively intended for sustainable development, we currently have no proposals, especially not for how to assess their externality share - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 2016) (SDG-4) Helping underdeveloped actors to sustainably raise quality, yields, or sustainability also for others than involved in the relevant supply chain (various SDGs) Reducing gender inequality and empowerment of women and girls outside of the own company (SDG-5) Improving water safety and availability in the 20% lowest-income countries (SDG-6) Employment, but only if all of the following applies: The country or region has a (far) below-average employment rate - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 (SDG-8) Second-order local employment in the 20% lowest-income countries, caused by the local expenditures of a company’s employees Employing of people with distance to the labor market by a mental or physical handicap (SDG-8,10) Donations to recognized and effective sustainability pursuing NGOs, but excluding political entities (SDG-17) Providing beneficial products below cost price, e.g., medicines for the underprivileged (SDG-1) Providing free services, e.g., internet services with positive sustainability impact, but only if the related negative aspects (e.g., invasion of privacy; spam) are also assessed Emergency relief, freely at the disposal of the community (SDG-3,11) Protection of cultural heritage and indigenous peoples and stimulation of cultural activities that do not harm sustainability (SDG-11) Sustainable contributions to the local community (infrastructure in the 20% poorest countries, nature, sponsoring, cleaning, sport (Schulenkorf and Edwards 2012), art, and other cultural aspects (Archer et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Economic cooperation such as international trade, integrated economic growth [20,21,22], and their interactions with other disciplines [23] are recognised as positive contributions to achieving the SDGs - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Perhaps the investments, technologies, and infrastructures to be applied within the different industries will inevitably generate various impacts such as displacement, resettlement, and other social impacts [39, 40] - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 According to Amos and Lydgate [50], despite having been fulfilled as a global objective to ensure that all regions of the globe achieve economic growth, social development, and environmental preservation, the factual structures that contribute to the monitoring of goals and their development, especially those aimed at the SDGs interconnections, do not explicitly deal with the tension between the goods that are considered as global audiences and the quantification of the SDGs on national scales - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Interestingly, SDG11 on sustainable cities is included in the high-priority group, illustrating the importance of technology in contributing to necessary sustainable development - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 On the other hand, technology can be used to increase productivity, positively contributing to economic growth, but can also exacerbate inequalities, which is, in fact, the major problem worldwide, significantly impacting SDGs 8, 9, and 10 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This allows for a more detailed evaluation of interactions with goals which have particular relevance to both the UK and SDG 13 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The principal objective of this work is to identify and assess interactions between SDG 13 and SDGs 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14 and 15 as they appear in UK climate-relevant policy documents - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Our approach clearly builds on existing work in this area, combining a semantic and expert survey dimension in order to identify and evaluate SDG interactions in a national policy context with a focus on SDG 13 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To illustrate this, Table 1 below shows the top seven SDG 3 (Good Health and Well- being) keywords by frequency in the climate-relevant policies tested (shown in S3) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Sankey diagram showing the frequency of SDG-relevant keywords in climate action policies and their distribution across UK administrations, departments and directorates, as determined by the keyword search Figure 4 also offers a more nuanced picture of the relationship between climate-relevant policies and SDG delivery across the UK’s departments, directorates and administrations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Summary of SDG 13–3 positive (green) and negative (red) interactions and Nilsson scores provided by expert survey phase - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 By contrast, experts highlighted that the decarbonisation of heat has gone largely unaddressed in the UK, and so the potential negative impacts will, in large part, be determined by future policy approaches - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 biofuel production, and the impact this could have on human health through its interaction with arable land and therefore food price and availability, particularly as the UK begins to warm and the risk of pestilence, crop failure and drought increase - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This is because policies which encourage low-carbon or active modes of travel, such as public transport, cycling or walking, remove individuals from private vehicles and therefore often from infrastructure which shares road traffic, reducing the accident risk - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Summary of SDG 13–8 positive (green) and negative (red) interactions and Nilsson scores provided by expert survey phase - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Secondly, others argued that whilst in principle targets 13.2 and 8.4 are synergistic, there are certain high carbon UK sectors that pose an inverse correlation risk, such as agriculture, where growth of the sector may actually drive environmental degradation (-1.0) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For example, as energy efficiency improves people may consume more, resulting in negative impacts outside of energy (e.g - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These results, taken in their entirety, help demonstrate that our methodology greatly improves our understanding of how current climate action policy is distributed across the SDGs and UK departments, directorates, and administrations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 We demonstrated a connection between the keyword search and expert survey phases by focusing on two of the highest scoring SDGs which were also contextually relevant to a post-Covid UK and the target SDG(s), (in our case SDG 13) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 We recommend here that in order to fully understand the relationship between the SDGs and climate change, we must include as a foundational indicator global mean temperature - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Finally, we hope that the tools highlighted by this study are capable of improving our understanding of SDG delivery alongside large-scale societal challenges, such as climate change and the coronavirus pandemic. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, target 8.8 (“Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments …”) has two different targets (“protect labour rights” and “promote safe and secure working environments”), and thus 50% of it was classified in the category “full achievement”, and 50% in the category “progress” - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For instance, some targets have specific deadlines, but only vague or non-existent quantification (e.g., target 6.2 “By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation”) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 High SAI, high API: On SDG 4 (“Quality education”), our analysis and the SDR suggest very opposite results - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Another reason is that the SDG 4 targets seem to be correlated with each other in the sense that if you reach one target (e.g - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! “primary education for all”), it is likely that you will also reach the other ones (e.g - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 “secondary education for all”), and vice versa - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Actually, in 2015 the share of protected areas at a global level was 12.5%, which means that the target was already met at the global level at the time of the target being originally set - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 85% of the targets under SDG 9), perhaps with an aim to help implement them through national policies - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Green recovery will be carried out differently by country because measures depend on factors such as macroeconomic conditions, fiscal budget, pre-existing stimulus packages, capacity and ambition to address the climate crisis, and level of commitment to other policy objectives [19] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Shortages of green skills are most prevalent in sectors including renewable energy, resource efficiency, building renovation, construction, environmental services and manufacturing - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Taxing the damage caused by carbon emissions and environmental pollution and eradicating fossil-fuel subsidies could create government revenue that could then be diverted to investments in the green economy - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! A technology spillover occurs when the research and development of a firm or industry rapidly diffuses to other firms and industries - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has calculated that transitioning to a circular economy has the potential to create 700,000 jobs by 2040, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% and save US$200 billion per year - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in 2020 identified nature-based solutions and circular economy as important for achieving the SDGs and argued they should be mainstreamed by decision makers to create more resilient systems - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Including the reuse and recycling of materials in supply chains can lead to cheaper products for consumers and cheaper materials for producers - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Individual decisions are important for the mobility system, in order for the trend to continue and SDG 11 about the sustainable cities and communities to be achieved - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, many residents perceive public transport as posing the risk of being infected and are using more private vehicles - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Lock-down related effects such online education, forced home-office work, unemployment or decreased working hours, reduced mobility, etc., have enhanced social-structural injustice and inequality (SDG5) and (SDG10) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Other methods allow to assess the effects of water consumption on: human health and well-being (due to malnutrition Pfister et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The GRoW research project go-CAM (2020) uses WF calculations as additional information for a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis to support decision making on water management strategies in the water stressed region of Northwest Germany - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Identify potential hotspots of water scarcity in modern electricity production supply chains, e.g - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Most studies merely focus on the blue water scarcity and blue water saving - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Among the many types of non-conventional learning environments on a sustainable development context, mention can be made to four of them: lifelong learning, transformative learning, and learning based on traditional knowledge - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As this commentary has shown, learning on matters related to sustainable development in non-formal settings is not only multi-faced, but also has the ability to draw attention to social inequalities, while allowing for solutions to be discussed and developed - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations’ (FAO) latest report, the change in narrative from failure to continued progress of Southeast Asia in addressing undernourishment, is akin to ‘snoozing’ a much-needed wake-up call for achieving the zero-hunger 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The 2018 SOFI Report reflected climate impacts on undernourishment materialise: across Southeast Asia it increased from 60.6 million in 2014 to 63.6 million in 2016 (page 6) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Loud ‘Wake-up calls’ could have been sent to policymakers by these trends of worsening climate-induced food insecurity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The revised statistics in the 2019 Report painted a new narrative of ‘constant improvement’ regional progress in addressing undernourishment, altered from one of ‘worsening/reversing progress in addressing undernourishment’ - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Air quality is a major concern for not only local public health, but also for the economy (Gautam et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The people's social security coverage has reduced, and hence the motion for SDGs has digressed its path, leading to negative impacts during the lockdown - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The environmental factors such as air quality, water quality, and GHG emissions might have improved for a short duration; the impacts on GDP, poverty, health, and well-being have suffered a massive blow in India - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The critical role of energy has been highlighted in this road by the former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: “energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability” [16] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Even in case of optimistic scenarios, African countries such as Nigeria Benin, Burundi Central African Republic, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Somalia, South Sudan, and Zambia are expected to have poverty levels increased by a further 20% by 2030 [71, 72], characterising what is “extreme poverty” - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Until today, measuring SDG performance seems a never-ending story, due to the continued need to develop of appropriate methodologies and standards as well as making required country-level data available that allow reliable truly global SDG monitoring and forecasting [83] - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 The dull perspectives suggested by Moyer and Hedden [87] can be underpinned by current monitoring and trends for the respective regions: Presently, Sub-Saharan African countries, show poor performance on socio-economic goals and provide even basic access to services and infrastructure (SDGs 1–9) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A lack of agricultural transformation and shifting in diets remains problematic, also inequalities, the poverty of the elderly population and a persistent gender gap relating to pay and unpaid work prevail [81] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, complex issues related to social justice, gender equality and peace are likely to remain unsolved, and many problems will prevail, if the SDGs are not duly implemented - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Therefore, policies concerning SDGs should be considered while factoring in the global lockdown and subsequent economic recovery - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, use of resources for the COVID-19 pandemic, e.g., lockdown, is likely to hinder reactions to concurrent threats (e.g., heat waves, wildfires, drought, and extreme weather) as under-resourced systems and emergency responses become stretched and disrupted [41], radically transforming the current state of global development [42] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Yet, its use has become one of the greatest challenges that the world is facing today, with fossil-based energy being a leading cause of global warming and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These international commitments have spurred new interests in developing and utilising energy, ranging from emission reduction approaches to justice dimensions in energy access and transitions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 [5], on the other hand, studied energy injustices in rural Indonesia with a focus on community renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They found that the apolitical framing of community renewable energy interventions has the potential to perpetuate energy injustices in rural energy provision - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Despite the SDGs and Paris Agreement being launched in 2015, publications on these subjects only started to emerge in 2017 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A majority of studies (42) fell under the climate mitigation theme - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This issue was found, particularly in Africa, with many studies not entirely dealing with the question of energy justice in the context of sustainable energy transitions [6] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Even though biofuels are recognised as clean fuels, biomass/biofuel development has negative impacts, especially on agricultural production, and could potentially impact food security [15, 28, 29] - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 [37] assert that green transition finance could jeopardise poverty alleviation efforts - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A second economic issue that emerged from the reviewed literature is the need for cost-effective solutions in pursuit of the Paris Agreement - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Quite a number of studies have shown that pursuing the targets of the Paris Agreement could come at some economic costs to countries - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Technologically advanced countries can benefit from stricter environmental regulations coupled with the advancement in environmentally friendly technological innovation to offset negative economic shock [63, 64] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 With developing countries often suffering from endemic corruption and political insecurity, high financial risk and low payment capacity, setting up institutions to respond to the risks and improving programmatic procedures have proven to be beneficial - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Existing research also showed that stringent NDCs exert positive impacts on green bond-based investments in renewable energy [69] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Increasing the NDC ambitions for strengthening climate action will contribute to closing the gap toward the required systemic transformation in many countries [31, 69] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In Indonesia, energy use is shaped by policies not primarily intended for energy conservation, and renewable energy targets are undermined by a growing coal consumption target [25] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, public engagement in energy policymaking has enabled vulnerable groups to have a voice in energy transition [56] - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Consequently, adopting integrated, cross-sectoral and collaborative planning emerged as one of the key recommendations for amplifying the role of sustainable energy in achieving the SDGs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 With the process of sustainable energy development known to have both costs and benefits and, in so doing, tends to potentially create winners and losers, it is imperative for the justice dimension to be mainstreamed into energy policies for sustainable development - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Indicators including poverty line, food insecurity, gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are evaluated to track Egypt’s performance in relation to SDGs 1, 2, 8, and 13 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This approach revitalizes debates about the achievement of SDGs amid the crisis and acts as a powerful tool that aids decision-makers in identifying leverage points to avoid the long-term negative repercussions of the crisis on the economy, people, and environment - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! However, experts have warned that any economic recovery might be hampered by the ongoing epidemic (World Health Organization 2020b) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Accordingly, it is essential to reduce the negative economic effect of pandemic outbreak reactions despite the paramount importance of public health (Xiao and Torok 2020) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This research used a system dynamics approach to simulate the nonlinear behavior of COVID-19 impacts on public health and the related SDGs - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This in turn leads to strengthening social protection policies and ensuring efficiency in social spending - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This has negative effects on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Consequently, if economic growth is low, then, the government spending on basic services is low - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Inflation affects the purchasing power of money, which reduces consumption and, as a result, the GDP growth rate (Mukoka 2018) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It can be shown from feedback loop R7 that increasing the number of individuals who die as a result of disasters reduces the population and lowering the GDP growth rate - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 A stock variable is a noun that refers to something that builds up through time, such as population, climate change scorecards, and economic strength scorecards - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To study Egypt’s performance toward the “no poverty” SDG, the indicator 1.2.1: Proportion of population living below the national poverty line is studied (Fig. 5) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Following Egypt’s Vision 2030 and its commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change, it is predicted that GHG emissions will decline in the coming years, returning to a value of 192 Mt CO2-equivalents in 2030 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Adopted by all 193 UN Member States in 2015, the 2030 Agenda moves beyond the socio-economic development objectives of its predecessor, the Millennium Declaration, by considering human development in tandem with planetary boundaries (Sachs et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Sustainable transition theory is an emerging field of scientific research that recognises cities as complex, dynamic systems within the broader normative context of sustainable development (Wolfram and Frantzeskaki 2016) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As the most rapidly urbanising region in the world (UN-DESA 2018b), the Asia–Pacific has become a recognised hotspot for high-impact sustainable urban development (Mohan 2006) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Assessed through the lens of transition management, effective SDG localisation—and the subsequent transition toward urban sustainability—relied on a city government’s capacity to address all four spheres of the transition framework (strategic, tactical, operational, and reflexive) (Frantzeskaki et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Data The main motto of Goal 2 is to end hunger and, simultaneously, attain food security and promote sustainable agriculture - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On analyzing the key strategies to end hunger, a new approach in leadership, adaptive measures towards the agroecosystem diversification, and investments in the agricultural sector are observed to be crucial to achieving the goal (Herrmanna and Rundshagen 2020; Blesh et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A study from UNESCO indicates that the cost of achieving SDG 4 has already increased before COVID-19, but given the impacts of the pandemic, the cost has further increased (UNESDOC Digital Library 2020) - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The global electrification rate is accelerating, and it reached 89% in 2017, but still, there are 800 million people without access to electricity (SDGs Knowledge Platform 2020c) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The renewable energy usage from 2010 to 2019 has been doubled according to the IRENA report (IRENA 2020a) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In India alone, the project of extending a 3000 MW power generation capacity through solar and wind energy-based projects has been delayed owing to the pandemic (pv magazine 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 SDGs 8 and 9 deal with decent work, economic growth, industry, innovation, and infrastructure - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, hastened digitalization might create more employment opportunities in near future - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Concerning SDG 16, the pandemic threatens to exacerbate the fragilities in society - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is also an increased volume of domestic violence throughout various countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, India, Fiji, Samoa, and Russia - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As an example, rivers in India such as Ganga and Yamuna have shown improved surface water quality in the lockdown period (Yunus et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Apart from air pollution, the pandemic resulted in a cleaner beach than ever, reduced marine pollution and environmental noise (Zambrano-Monserrate et al - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The pandemic has caused several impacts, but in regard to SDG 17, the impact can be assessed in two approaches - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 According to the results of the prioritization factor, the strategies such as expanding employment opportunities with equality, investing more in start-ups dealing with renewables and modern sustainable technologies, reskilling of labors, and promoting partnerships and investment towards sustainability are the top strategies that should be prioritized in the post-pandemic period - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, the goal is to define ethical principles which are key for success, resource-cost-time efficiency and sustainability using digital technologies and AI in construction engineering to enhance digital transformation - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The key findings and deriving recommendations are shared with the Task Force on Digital Transformation at the T20 Conference in preparation of the decision papers for the G20 Summit in October 2021 - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The study identified moral and ethical principles as key for orientation in both researching and applying these technologies, and as essential factors for successful sustainable digital transformation in complex decision-making environments - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The construction industry could benefit significantly by implementing the strategic decision-making processes, planning and operational phases more efficiently by both standardizing digital technologies, methods of AI and increasing corporate women leadership - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Scientific journals reflect the significant increase of scientific research in this specific field - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The understanding and knowledge of such technologies are still limited to a minority of people in research and development, leading to the conclusion that its opportunities, the risks and weak points of the technology need further education, communication and transparency - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 According to AI developer´s statements, it remains a human key responsibility to programme, guide, control, adjust, manage and maintain data-driven tech: digital transformation has the great potential to aid both the economical and efficient building project life cycle, but technologies involve responsible handling, deployment, management and monitoring - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The construction industry holds significant potential to create value in the digital transformation process - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For him, the entrepreneurial responsibility in the digital transformation consists particularly in rethinking process and communication improvements in order to remain competitive - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This is central topic in the question of dismantling, re-usability, recycling, ecological and energy conception in the context of the sustainability discussion - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 One of the key factors, the study identified, is stability and sustainability by setting up safe digital transformation environment to handle corporate data securely and protect against misuse - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Therefore, a mining company can make provision for safe drinking water to a community as part of its corporate social responsibility thereby achieving this target - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Furthermore, conservation of natural and cultural heritage may also be deemphasized because of the inevitable destruction of the environment to allow for mining operations in the community - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, the proposed condition “reduced violence, corruption, and bribery” can be achieved if peace and justice are strongly maintained within the mining communities, which is the focus of targets in SDG 16 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The proposed condition “compensation” is important during the pre-mining phase where there will be deforestation; this could lead to loss of job - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, under the influence of climate change and intensive human activities, many ecosystems are on the verge of serious degradation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To quantify SDG15.2, the types and degrees of forest degradation were defined as follows: the conversion of any forest land type to another land use type is termed forest degradation, and the reverse is forest restoration (Qiu et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 According to the spatial distribution of land use (Fig. 2), the main land use types in Dianchi Lake Basin during the 20 year study period were woodland, arable land, construction land, and water area - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Specifically, the most common land type degradation transformations were tree forest land to shrubland and from arable land to construction land - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 2020), which means that the destruction of forests can easily cause natural disasters related to soil erosion - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It is obtained by combining 3 sub-indicators including land use change, land productivity, and land carbon storage - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Secondly, banks view sustainability issues as an opportunity to make new products for businesses and households (e.g., energy saving buildings, environmental investments of firms, green consumer cards) (Bătae et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2022) and some specific SDG goals such as SDG 10 (Úbeda et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, political crises, corruption, and distrust of interventionist governments may result in outspoken opposition to active planning and roll-out of transformative actions required to realize the 2030 Agenda [43] - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The universal and global 2030 Agenda requires a human rights-centered perspective due to SDGs’ universal, transformative, comprehensive, and inclusive nature [50] to “leave no one behind.” SDG 10, in particular, commits to ensuring equality both within and between countries paying attention to marginalized and disadvantaged populations - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The plural sector needs to become robust, and it needs to be perceived as robust by the other two sectors, such that it is at the table where decisions are made. There must be an enabling environment for their participation through access to resources and information, fundamental freedom, and outreach [135, 136] - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Instead of targeting a more sustainable production, many descriptions draw a picture in which Industry 4.0 processes run exactly as before, just in a digital way - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This literature review focusses on the established understanding and anticipated consequences of the Industry 4.0 concept and seeks to analyze how they align with SDGs 8 (decent work and economic growth), 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) and 12 (responsivle consumption and production) and their respective targets and indicators - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In many text fragments efficiency gains are mentioned as a “byproduct” of the innovative Industry 4.0 environment such as cost-efficient batch size one production [3, 33, 42], cloud manufacturing [42, 43] or the cross-linking of data [41, 44], which implicitly rather relate to the company level than entire economies - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 39 text fragments address this target, of which 18 refer to resource efficiency [3, 29, 36, 37, 41,42,43, 47, 53,54,55] and 16 more specifically to energy efficiency [2, 27, 29, 37, 41, 42, 47,48,49, 55] as the two most prominent topics - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The technological development in the context of Industry 4.0 is believed to contribute to “a concept towards a holistic resource efficiency” [41], “improve resource productivity and efficiency” [37] and give rise “to completely new innovations with added value and business models that support optimal resource utilization and smart control” [53] and thus “[…]make a substantial contribution to the sustainable development of the company” [29] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The targets of SDG 9 relate to economic (9.3), ecological (9.4), social (9.c), and socio-economic (9.2) topics - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Meanwhile, the expected changing requirements of future jobs in Industry 4.0 emphasize the need “for inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” as called for in SDG 4 - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Only one publication explicitly suggests retrofitting as”an easy and cost-efficient way of upgrading existing manufacturing equipment” in order to enable Industry 4.0 processes [41] - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 A total of 54 text fragments are referring to topics related to SDG 12, where the target most addressed is target 12.2 (see Fig. 5) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The targets of SDG 12 relate to ecological (12.2, 12.5), socio-ecological (12.4) and a combination of social & economic & ecological (12.6) topics - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Digital innovations will not per default increase sustainable practice; rather a professional technology assessment, a clear commitment to sustainability goals as expressed in the UN SDGs, and an inclusive decision-making style are required to promote sustainability within all three dimensions of sustainability - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Both deforestation and forest degradation have reduced the extent and quality of tropical forest habitats (Alroy 2017) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Recent studies provide insights into the linkages between SDG 2 and the loss of forest fauna, indicating that food security and several targets under SDG 2 are directly (e.g., target 2.1, 2.2) and indirectly (e.g., target 2.3, 2.4) related to defaunation (Rowland et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Most traditional conservation strategies have relied on state-managed protected areas to conserve forest fauna - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the short-term, this helps maintain healthy tropical forest ecosystems (SDG 15, targets 15.1, 15.2) and protect the threatened species that they harbor (target 15.5) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Reducing consumer demand will require collaborations on international, national, and local levels, and must incorporate education and awareness campaigns that simultaneously work toward shifting cultural norms as well as address weak institutional capacity to control and enforce wildlife trade bans - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Nonetheless, we must reject blaming biodiversity loss on groups of people who rely on forests for their daily livelihoods, and there is a need to rethink narratives that resulted in the stigmatization of hunters and the consumption of wild meat, particularly for subsistence purposes (van Vliet 2018) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 How is Covid-19 effecting SDG 5? 2 - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 After that, the case study of Covid-19 will be analyzed through ecological and gender equality lenses - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Only 57% of women married or in a union freely make their own decisions about sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Based on data from 2018, only 19% of all countries had a comprehensive system to track budget allocations for gender equality - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The research questions (How is Covid-19 effecting SDG 5? Is it endangering the implementation of SDG 5? Is this process connected to other SDGs, and how?) cover an interdisciplinary field - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Deforestation, destruction of natural habitat, causing erosion by building roads and houses, by mining, etc - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Fraser [27] suggests that the expropriation of social and natural reproduction (and as a result gender and racial oppression, ecological crisis, underemployment and unemployment, etc.) is a structural feature of capitalism - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The real value of health care system workers (such as doctors, scientists and public health officials) but also the value of low-wage service workers (such as people and mainly women working for retails and deliveries, cleaning services, home health assistance, garbage disposal, transport, etc.) showed itself in times of Covid-19 to economic decision-makers - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Findings and their application in policymaking would bring significant change for the recognition of unpaid care work and for the elimination of violence against women - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Its goal is to promote economic growth and social prosperity while maintaining the balance of ecological environment and improving the quality of life (Lu et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For example, we should increase government investment in agriculture, increase food production and ensure food security, reduce the pollution emission from cultivated land, and build a modern and sustainable agriculture in both quantity and quality - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Following the SDGs in the process of urban expansion and land use can help achieve the goals of economic development, beautiful environment, and social progress in three dimensions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Considering the different needs of Wuhan’s future development, we have designed four development scenarios: natural development, economic development, ecological protection, and sustainable development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Giving priority to economic development has always been the primary goal in the process of urbanization in most developing countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This provides authentic support for decision makers to comprehensively consider economic development and ecological environment protection policies when formulating land-use planning in the future - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (4) PLUS model can effectively analyze and explore the contribution of various driving factors to urban land expansion, for example, traffic stations have the greatest impact on the expansion of construction land and arable land, and tertiary roads have the greatest impact on wetland expansion. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This uniqueness of SDG 17 is also evident in its format, being the only SDG that categorises its Targets into thematic areas with subtitles - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 However, the versatility rationale may apply also to technology transfer, as spin-offs of the different technologies, such as miniaturization of computers, permeate our daily lives - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 In the case of technology transfer, there is some degree of information tracked by dedicated organizational units within the space agencies (technology transfer offices), which allows for an order of magnitude - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 SDG 5) - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Policies on reducing energy demand should incorporate the newly formed economic models, digitalization, and consumer awareness trends - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Different countries influence pollution reduction in this region under the Paris Agreement through goals and activities established by their Nationally Determined Contributions (Qi et al., 2019) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Therefore, the following hypotheses are developed in light of the literature cited above: H1: There is a significant role of economic models on energy efficiency in OECD countries to achieve energy efficiency vision 2050 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, digitalization, energy consumer awareness, and new economic models are designated in relation to economic and social importance with various unsetting impacts on sustainable developmental goal number-7 - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Consequently, it is assessed whether it pertains to the research and development as a pattern itself or certain facets of it (D - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Zhang et al., 2021) as the primary model to evaluate the energy of total factor and energy efficiency under SDG 7 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, in the manufacturing process, a DMU produces desirable products as much as possible, consuming input (labor, energy consumption, CO2 per capita) resources as little as possible (Azadeh et al., 2007), whereas the energy sources, such as coal or oil used in these 25 countries, are virtually unalterable and the burning of energy generally generates waste gases, such as CO2 and SO2, which should be considered - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, it is not allowed to reduce contaminants in standard DEA models, which is addressed by a number of methods, such as using rewards of unpleasant outcomes, treating unwanted outcomes output as input (labor, energy consumption, CO2 per capita), and mathematically translated unwanted outputs into favorable outputs under classification - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, we extend the radial energy measure to a non-radial count measure as, s.t Furthermore, model (8) measures energy efficiency (E2) through various disproportionate configurations for different energy inputs (labor, energy consumption, CO2 per capita as pollutant outputs, which account for the effects of energy) \(({\theta }_{l}^{e})\) and effects of pollutant output (\({\theta }_{k}^{b}\)), respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, research on technological and nearly economic barriers to energy efficiency concentrates on realizing the close potentials in the market, suggesting the addition of new patterns, showing an almost invisible continuation of existing ones - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, OECD energy efficiency of the industry is decreased by 1.8697% with 1% increase in energy consumption, and the higher the amount of energy consumed, the more likely it is to generate clean energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, we use the European Commission’s (2016a) report on energy mix for the benchmark situation, showing a power blend with a higher proportion of renewable energy sources to be used on the European Council (EUCO) 3030 example (see Table 5) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, four possible scenarios are designed for the year 2050 with the help of top advisors, which represent the “baseline maps.” Moreover, the techno-economic scenarios on the left-hand side of Fig. 2 show the policies producing the highest amount of energy efficiency with low efforts or producing high amounts of energy savings while using the least energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, market liberalization and energy sector reforms increase energy efficiency through privatization, wholesale competition, retail competition, spin-off, and autonomous regulation implementation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Despite the fact that it has been in the eighteenth century since the first independent energy purchase, only a few private companies have built power plants and supplied power to the national grid - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sustainable economic development is accomplished in the long run, by associating the production and distribution of electricity from policymakers, as shown in Fig. 3, with public–private partnership as policy tools - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similarly, another projection suggests an increase in the final energy consumption over the year 2025 and the year 2050 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For instance, increasing energy use might not be followed by energy efficiency policies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, specific energy efficiency financing windows in suitable financial institutions, such as banks, are required to grow the local financing market and it is also necessary to acquire skills in energy efficiency project assessment and the creation of finance products to carry out energy efficiency projects - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Consequently, specialized energy funds and guarantee funds may be required in certain instances to jumpstart investment in energy efficiency initiatives. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Climate change is the core issue of this era confronting humanity - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, accomplishing these goals will necessitate measures in multiple areas, including technological innovation (Omri 2020; Cancino et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, preceding research has connected them to economic growth, FD, REC, TI, and GDP (Inglesi-Lotz and Dogan 2018; Fu and Zhang 2017) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020), economies are changing their industrial structures to sustainable energy derivatives like renewable energies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Subsequently, we discussed the nexus among financial development, renewable energy and CO2 emissions, and the link between both renewable energy, innovations, and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They identified the existence of short-run unidirectional causation between GDP, CO2 emissions, and renewable energy based on the statistical results of their research - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They discovered a bidirectional causal link between GDP and renewable energy based on econometric estimates, suggesting the relevance of renewable energy as a provoking element to boost GDP - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Notwithstanding the diverse effects of technological breakthroughs and FDI, financial development may have a substantial impact on the sustainable energy sector - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2018) used data from 1995 to 2015 to investigate the dynamic relationship between total reserves, financial development, renewable energy use, and trade openness for a panel of 19 Asian nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They found unidirectional causality between renewable energy utilization and GHG emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Several studies have looked at the influence of renewable and non-renewable energy use, as well as technical innovation and GDP, on CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Studies on renewable energy determinants, on the other hand, are few and have yet to be discovered empirically - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The findings revealed that in Brazil, China, India, and Russia, the emissions-mitigating effect of green technological innovation is only pronounced at higher emissions quantiles, but at lower emissions quantiles, green technological innovation is neutral or positively related to carbon emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Omri (2020) explored the influence of technological innovation on the three pillars of sustainable development for low-, middle-, and high-income nations and deduced that technological innovation contributes simultaneously to the three pillars of sustainable development only in the case of rich countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2004), which showed adverse impacts on energy utilization, have claimed that technical advances are required to attain energy efficiency, leading in the increased awareness of renewables, suggesting that innovations can help China improve its energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Yii and Geetha (2017) found a causal relationship between technical advances, growth, energy consumption, energy costs, and CO2 emissions in Malaysia from 1971 to 2013 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the unidirectional causal association runs to environmental quality from renewable energy and innovation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 From NARDL and DOLS, we find that economic growth through economic activities is statistically significant in determining the trend (increase) of carbon emissions in China in both periods (short run and long run) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Developing countries, such as Pakistan, are facing severe food security issues, where most of the population still experiences poverty and hunger in their daily lives - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Pakistan was ranked the world’s 5th most affected country regarding climate change natural disasters because of frequent floods and being situated in a hazard-prone region (Eckstein et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Humans need food for their survival; the repercussion of flood disasters is terrible because of insufficient accessibility, constrained utilization, and reduced access to food (Abbas et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Household food security managing capabilities are reduced due to long-term exposure of floods and farmers consequently have to switch their assets to handle flood risks (Hwalla et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the global scenario, rural communities are particularly confronted with the manifested effects of floods such as reduced agricultural production, diminished employment, lower purchasing power, increased health issues, higher and severe threats of poverty, malnutrition, food insecurity, and enhanced hunger - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, no significant study exists on flood hazards and food security with the particular aspect of SDGs objectives and FAO dimensions focused on flood-prone areas of Pakistan according to the best knowledge of the authors - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In this scenario according to the research gap mentioned above and using a comprehensive approach, this study focused on these specific objectives first by considering the four dimensions to examine the status of food security in flood Bait communities of Punjab, Pakistan - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The significance of this framework in contrast to other frameworks is that it confined the modulation variation of food security regarding various cultures, for example, in conventional communities food security severity is estimated in terms of hunger among adults in contrast to children - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food access indicates the scenario in which all community members have sufficient earnings to attain the appropriate quality of food substance composing a healthful diet for a healthy lifestyle - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The food security index is based on a weighted index, which elaborated a single composite indicator with the combination of various four dimensions and 11 key indicators in this food security index, as indicated in Table 1 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the scenario of continuous variable, the average marginal effect would be incidental as an added unit of increase in the variable increases the score of food security by coefficient level - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The food security index replicates the selection of food security dimensions, which proceeds through the preliminary stage of performing polychoric PCA regarding the dataset of 11 indicators - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Information related to hidden associations in different variables could be presented by PCA and this method focused on producing weights for the formation of the food security index for this research work (Sam et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the food security scenario, there is a considerable role of household assets, which significantly improve the ability of households to withstand unanticipated changes - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In Table 4, findings of the study showed property losses owing to flood event onsets considerably destabilized the household status of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These results show floods effect food security by disturbing or destroying household inventories and assets basis, and the findings are in contrast with the studies of Zhou et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Estimates of the study indicated mostly rural flood-affected households are facing issues of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Such conditions need the implementation of intervention policies to reduce future risks of rising levels of food insecurity owing to intensified frequent floods - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This study also examined the factors that affect household food security and calculated each significant variable average marginal effect - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The study findings indicated physical assets, education, BISP, and structure of joint family positively and significantly affect food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the study area, the provision of social support and alternative employment opportunities are more feasible measures for reducing the food security issue - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Cities are important agents of change to build actions that identify virtues and vulnerabilities, as evidenced in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (UN) (UN 2015), contributing to the urban environment, improving from urban climate to the global climate, life quality of the population worldwide, and tackling key challenges established in the global pact signed by 193 UN member states, including Brazil (UN 2015, 2018; Acuti et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It is not surprising the R index values close to 0, since the present evaluation is audacious in the sense of trying to model a highly urban environment with infinite casualties, unlike well-controlled experiments - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In the opinion of the involved experts and stakeholders, companies can therefore contribute to “decent work for all” as well as achieving “equal pay for work of equal value” but not “full […] employment […] for all” - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is, for example, used for target 2.5 (By 2020, maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and their related wild species…) to derive a reference value for the number of used breeds and varieties in agriculture - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The target 1.1 aims to “eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere” and defines that no one should earn less than the current UN poverty line of $1.90 - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This is the case for indicator C2.12 that is based on target 6.1 “By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all” - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (1) [S-LCIA for indicator C2.12]), as every additional worker/employee with access to drinking water at work is considered an improvement - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (2) [S-LCIA for indicator C2.2]), as every additional worker/employee with access to one or more of the nine different types of social security is considered an improvement - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 where ai is the share of employees benefiting from social security support, a1 is the child and family benefits, a2 is the maternity protection, a3 is the unemployment support, a4 is the employment injury benefits, a5 is the sickness benefits, a6 is the health protection, a7 is the old-age benefits, a8 is the disability benefits, a9 is the survivors’ benefits and n1–n9 is the national country average of related coverage a1–a9 - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Since expenses in R&D are a common business measure, the suspicion of setting the bar too low was deemed neglectable - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For indicator C2.10 (Equal wages for men and women) and C2.14 (Wastewater treatment), the sustainable development report uses the technical optimum as a reference point approach which is not given as an official step to derive target values (Sachs et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 no child labour or modern slavery in law - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights discussed by the UN Human Rights Council could also give human rights due diligence at the international level a legally binding instrument to regulate the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises in terms of human rights - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Although there are no SDG targets directly related to the function of clothing, clothes could be contributing to targets of SDG 3 (healthy lives and well-being) when they are aimed at reducing the risks of illnesses or accidents - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For affordable and clean energy (goal 7), the higher risks are associated with a high extraction of biomass (probably for energy purposes) in the activities of fabric weaving, shirt manufacturing, and retailing - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The main risk for decent work and economic growth (goal 8) is related to a low trade union density rate in China, Bangladesh, and The Netherlands - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For the peace, justice, and strong institutions (goal 16), risks are related to low social responsibility in the supply chain, due to the low participation of the sectors in the UN Global Compact Initiative, and to high public sector corruption in Malaysia (knitted fabrics) and Bangladesh (wearing apparel) (according to the PSILCA database) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Bangladeshi garment sector has been frequently associated with human rights violations and poor health and safety conditions of workers (Kamal 2013) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Weighted social risks contributing to each SDG, per life cycle stage of the shirt under study The results obtained for goal 5 (gender equality) indicate similar social risks in The Netherlands than in Bangladesh, associated with a high risk of gender wage gap in the former, and a high risk of female illiteracy in the latter - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This includes social issues related not only to discrimination but also to environmental preservation (which could be potentially covered by environmental LCA) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The main fields covered were (i) environmental sciences, (ii) green sustainable science technology, (iii) environmental studies, (iv) public environmental occupational health, (v) water resources, and (vi) energy fuels - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A decrease trend in the proportion of SDG 3 publications over years was observed - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Sustainable development goals (SDG) distribution of the review publications over the years In the second year, an interest in relation to SDG 2, 12, and 17 was observed - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Therefore, the lack of review articles on SDG 14 indicates a research gap in this field - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 During the meeting with the project manager, it was understood that possible trade-offs associated with extreme weather events were already analysed - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In this context, public procurement is often highlighted as a strategic instrument to stimulate sustainable consumption and cleaner production - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 When looking at sustainability and effects, other studies have aimed to explore the relationships between environmental energy sustainability, low-carbon energy, and climate change mitigation, e.g - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2012) show a wide variation in involvement in implementing sustainable procurement when there is a demand for cars - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 It is recommended that the sampling process in grounded theory studies should involve the recruitment of participants and organisations that are perceived as experts in the subject matter (Edmondson and McManus 2007; Makri and Neely 2021). Thus, in the research design, we invited experts in a government agency specialising in sustainable public procurement to suggest study participants and organisations - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Besides confirming the relevance of the management control theory, this study extends it by using it in a public procurement setting and showing that decision-making in sustainable public procurement should be seen as a non-linear process - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The Paris agreement (2015) and other sustainability initiatives e.g - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A Risk conceptualisation from IPCC (2014), B risk for IPBES (2019), C risk definition for UNDRR (2019a) and D systemic risk according to UNDRR (2019a) The global IPBES assessment report (IPBES 2019) gives a large place to risk expressed in terms of biodiversity loss (Fig. 4B) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 2020; DRR Research Agenda Core Group 2021) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Nevertheless, sectoral and/or local data are available (WMO 2021) and a clear trend towards an increase in the cost of disasters is well established, as well as the preponderant weight of social inequalities in vulnerability to these disasters (Wallemacq and House 2018) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The environmental problems derived from the economic development became evident during the 1960s and a number of solutions were proposed [1, 3, 8] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In an attempt to clarify and simplify the BR’s concept, it became important to describe and explain the following key concepts: Needs: necessary or basic needs (especially referring to developing countries’ needs); Technological Limitation: insufficient technological development; Social Organisation Problems: originate an unequal allocation of income - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Until 2015, the MDGs allowed progress in several important areas, such as: reducing poverty and child mortality; providing access to water and sanitation; improving maternal health and combatting several diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The 2030 Agenda [5], which coincided with another historical agreement achieved at COP21 Paris Climate Conference [29], sets specific objectives and attainable targets for the reduction of carbon emissions, management of climate change and risks of natural disasters - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Infrastructure, sustainable industrialization, and innovation is the key to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The SDG 9 can be tracked with eight targets and twelve indicators developed by the United Nations (United Nations 2021): road access to rural population, passenger and freight volume by mode of transport, increasing the share of manufacturing in GDP and employment, increasing share small scale industries, medium and hi-tech industries in total industry value-added, carbon dioxide emissions for economic value-added, expenditure on research and development as a percentage of GDP, the share of researchers among inhabitants, international support to infrastructure, and the population covered by the mobile networks and internet access (SDG Tracker 2021; United Nations 2021) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The UN updates of these targets show that 57.7% of the rural dwellers lack good access to the road in twenty-five countries, and COVID-19 impact is severe on the targets of SDG 9, with poor numbers from manufacturing and employment manufacturing and weak air travel demand - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Only seven Asian countries are spending more than 1% of their GDP on research and development (Sachs et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Similarly, except for one country, the average score of the top three universities is above fifty, and the spending on research and development is above 1% of the GDP figures (Sachs et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 None of the Caribbean countries are spending more than 1% of their GDP on research and development (Sachs et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Data source: Sustainable Development Report 2021, by Cambridge University Press Selected SDG 9 indicators of leading economies - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Data source: Sustainable Development Report 2021, by Cambridge University Press A higher level of spending for research and development as a percentage of the GDP and, similarly, a higher number in the logistic performance index on a scale from 1–5 are desirable - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Italy, comparatively spending less in this respect, spends only 1.4% of the GDP for research and development initiatives - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure are the three basic pillars for achieving SDG 9, and the industry-related targets of SDG 9 can be better monitored by an index on SDG 9 indicators on industry-based indicators - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In the study on the industry-based index related to SDG 9, the industrially developed countries (Ireland, Germany, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, and Japan) are much ahead of the remaining countries (Kynclova et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Data source: Web of Science database The most influential journals related to research on SDG 9 are “ Sustainability” (14 citations), “Journal of Cleaner Production” (234 citations), “Applied Energy” (20 citations), “ Environmental Science and Pollution Research”(4 citations), and “International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology” (22 citations) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! “Sustainability” and “Applied Energy” have a similar impact on all these parameters and closely follow the “Journal of Cleaner Production.” “Sustainability” published articles on the topics related to Logistics 4.0 of Brazil’s industry and its relation with SDG 9, digital infrastructure assessment tools in line with SDG 9, impacts of the production of woody pellets and SDG 9, usage and applications between artificial intelligence and SDGs including SDG 9, the role of the construction industry in the achievement of SDG 9 targets, research and development and sustainable economic performance, and sustainable e-tourism - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 “Applied Energy” published articles on measuring the achievement of SDG 9 targets, tracking the progress on SDG 9, and inclusive and sustainable industrial development in China - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 2020a) is published in “Journal of Cleaner Production.” The collaboration among Quantraro F (University of Turin), Rajbari M (University of Turin), Esfandabadi ZS (Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy), and Siebers PO (University of Turin) has written two articles related to SDG 9, (Ranjbari et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The articles dealt with sustainable development goals and COVID 19.” The region-wise analysis related to SDG 9 and the bibliometric details is given in Fig. 6 - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Internet penetration has casual relations with economic growth, and thus, rapid internet penetration is key for economic growth (Pradhan et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Even though internet access can bring business growth and employment, it can also enhance the digital divide (Latapu et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Along with internet penetration, the mobile broadband subscription trend is another leading target and indicator of SDG 9 - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Very few non-European countries spend more than 1% of their GDP on research and development - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The impact of internet penetration and mobile broadband subscription in education, the economy, society, and the environment can also bring positive outcomes for achieving the targets related to SDG 9 - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 National Council for Scientific and Technological Development also funded the research on Logistics 4.0 in Brazil and the achievement of SDG 9 targets - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 A possible explanation is that the expectations for the capability of sustainability reporting to inspire and encourage action have been too optimistic - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The general aim of this perspective essay is to illuminate the diversity of risk perceptions related to sustainability reporting - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Measuring and monitoring refers here to the processes of data generation and processing supporting the preparation of sustainability indicators and sustainability reporting - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 They often point out the in-build tension between environmental goals requiring minimisation of material and energy consumption and socio-economic goals leading to consumption increases - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Changes to the physical environment and especially changes of socially perceived priorities pose a challenge to sustainability reporting since data collection and monitoring may not be able to respond to rapidly changing needs - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 To achieve sustainable consumption of primary materials, the current global metal consumption rates need to be considerably reduced from 63% (copper) to 98% (antimony) [16] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, as a vital natural resource, mineral extraction, and recycling require global coordination for clear metrics in environmental and economic performance [12] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 To address social sustainability, companies must include positive social factors such as good employment opportunities, good working conditions, learning opportunities, gender equality, and diversity of cultural expressions [27, 28] - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Due to intensified stakeholder pressure in previous decades and mandatory reporting among the members of mineral associations, sustainability reporting has significantly increased among mining companies [56] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Synthesized by the authors based on the analysis of the data Trends in the sustainability reporting frameworks used by analyzed companies - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The findings of the sustainability reports’ content analysis are grouped in the resulting topics: governance, stakeholders’ engagement, occupational health and safety, and environment, together with the SDGs (Fig. 4.) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, companies developed additional policies in terms of health and safety, human rights, anticorruption, environment, and employees - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Energy consumption represented one of the significant environmental impacts, with fossil fuels as a highly represented energy source within mining operations, while the share of renewable energy in the energy mix was above average for only a few companies, such as Hydro, Elkem, and Lundin (≥ 50%) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These issues could be mitigated through an increased emphasis on social sustainability, including good working conditions, employment opportunities and gender equality [27, 28] - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The inclusion of these considerations would ensure a more genuine mining contribution to sustainable development based on enabling a renewable energy transition while mitigating the negative impacts of current mining operations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Even though most of the water was recycled and reused in the operations, not all the companies disclosed data on recycled water [34] - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 To contribute to the SDGs [13], the EU’s Green Deal, and the sustainable supply of raw materials [4], European mining companies could pay more attention to utilizing the generated waste to extract valuable secondary minerals through the circular economy model, as they have great potential to contribute to the limited mineral supply and generate profit [17, 19] while reducing their energy input, environmental risks, and overall environmental footprint [20] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The lack of previous studies in the field of sustainability reporting within the European mining industry was also a limiting factor in conducting the research - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some of the SDG sub-goals and indicators which are not applicable in a LCSA of bioeconomy are excluded from the LCI (criteria b), e.g., policy coherence in sustainable development (SDG 17.14) - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 For this, however, a necessary change of patterns of regulation is necessary in a way that states themselves are not depending on abstract economic growth; besides, the latter was identified as a relatively irrelevant objective by stakeholders (Zeug et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Here, we systematically review cases of agricultural land use change in Southeast Asia to assess their socioeconomic outcomes and potential trade-off and synergies in these outcomes - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Agricultural land use change is a dominant transformational trend in Southeast Asia, with different types of land use change taking place concurrently - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The information on case characteristics includes the time period covered (or year of data collection), location, method for obtaining land use data, and the resulting crop system (rice, oil palm, rubber, aquaculture, conventional forestry/tree plantations, agroforestry, other specific crop types, or mixed/unclear crop composition) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Outcomes were interpreted as being either “positive” or “negative”, based on how they contribute to achievement of the respective goal (e.g., both a reduction in poverty and an improvement in income have been coded as positive for SDG 1) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Subsequently, following the Agenda 2030 emphasis on making progress on all targets together, rather than on individual ones, we analyzed the relation between different socioeconomic outcomes of agricultural land use change - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 When land use change outcomes are differentiated by their land governance regime, we find marked differences (Fig. 2) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Economic equality, where reported, decreases because only some households can benefit from development opportunities, and these are typically not the poorest farmers, but the wealthier families instead [as is the case with expansion of cassava production in frontier villages in Cambodia, (Kurashima et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Food security shows a similar clustering of negative cases in the Lao PDR, but with additional negative cases in other areas, including Kalimantan, Indonesia, and on Palawan in the Philippines - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In these cases, the land concessions have increased the availability of off-farm employment, while at the same time having a negative impact on smallholder agriculture, leading to a net loss in income for the local households - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, six cases report a trade-off between income and food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ELC development stands out as it leads to negative synergies in multiple cases, mostly between food security and income - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2014), but the replacement of products with high GHG emissions such as steel, concrete, and aluminum with wood-based ones is thus considered as favorable to reduce GHG emissions and important for sustainable development (Asada et al. 2020; Leskinen et al. 2018; IPCC 2018) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 APOS integrates the treatment of wastes better than the cut-off system models, and is therefore more suitable for assessing BE and circular economy - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, RESPONSA indicators are gained by surveys to a single company, are only representative for this very case, and consequently could only be applied to the foreground processes (LVL manufacturing, forestry) in this study - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 On the other hand, however, in economic terms, OGI facilities are profitable mega projects that are dominant players in economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 A sustainability assessment framework based on indicators is developed, weighted, ranked, and used in urban development (Ameen and Mourshed 2019) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As it is illustrated in the literature review, assessment tools are widely developed for domestic and urban planning systems - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Li-Yin Shen with his colleagues, studied an indicator framework for urban sustainability with a comparative study and root-cause analysis manner focused on the drivers, goals, and concerns behind the sustainability factors (Shen et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The main mechanism for promoting and implementing disaster risk reduction (DRR) globally is the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 But in the past six years, the long-established systems and ideological structures, within which we operate, and which hinder development—for example, neoliberalism,Footnote 1 neocolonialism,Footnote 2 patriarchy, globalization, racism—have not been seriously challenged or overturned - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! In this study we explored whether the underlying drivers of increased vulnerability, represented in the development data within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), could be used for measuring how progress towards DRR is defined in the SFDRR - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The MDGs lacked some fundamental dimensions, including environmental sustainability, equality, social inclusion, and governance (Peters et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The limits of GDP growth have been apparent for a long time (see, for instance, Piling 2018) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Such a hazard-centric approach is reflected in DRR measures that can displace the disaster temporarily but leave the underlying factors that created the risk that leads to the disaster unaddressed - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In the summer and autumn of 2020, 20 researchers and practitioners from different countries, all experts in disaster studies (but with different academic backgrounds in construction, urban planning, sociology, architecture, politics, human geography) got together biweekly to explore which SDG indicators are explicitly linked to disaster vulnerability and should thus be incorporated into the SFDRR indicators to inform effective DRR progress - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Our exploration reveals that the relationship between the SFDRR and the SDGs is dominated by an approach, where quantitative monitoring of DRR progress—beyond the conceptual discussion on disaster-development interplay—is not considering available development indicators, represented most prominently in the SDGs (which could have been done, given that the SDGs were implemented 15 years before the SFDRR) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Informal settlements represent vulnerability, which is generally expressed in various ways of precariousness—physical, spatial, social, and economic (Sarmiento et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Among the informal settlements registered by MINVU as of 2019, 60 were in areas directly exposed to fire, landslides, or flooding (MINVU 2020) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 We see this clearly in DRR projects - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The eradication of hunger requires SDG-2 targets and indicators aligned with the four pillars of food security: availability (having available sufficient quantities of food, whose continued production also depends on a healthy environment), access (having the economic and physical means to obtain a nutritious diet), utilization (having adequate dietary intake and the ability to absorb and use nutrients in the body), and stability (ensuring the other three pillars on a consistent basis) (FAO 2008) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A major challenge when selecting indicators under a specific SDG is to capture areas of overlap with other SDGs, such as the link between agriculture, nutrition, and public health (most directly relevant to SDGs 2 and 3) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The first refers to the share of the rural population below national poverty lines; the second refers to the share of farmers earning less than the national minimum wage - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 We also propose the adoption of the Global Adaptation Initiative (GAIN) climate change vulnerability index for food (GAIN 2015), which summarizes a country’s vulnerability to climate change in terms of food production by forecasting the evolution of key elements of food provision (see ESM S1) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Average productivity losses due to climate change are expected to be relatively small (Assad et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Reducing the yield gap (Target 2.3) could play a significant role in alleviating food insecurity, both through increased domestic supply and export revenue - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The Brazilian Program “Zero Hunger”, based on conditional cash transfers, as well as support given to family agriculture were key to leverage people above the poverty line and ensure food security (Rocha 2009) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Dutch agriculture is regulated by several EU directives on nitrate pollution, water use and biodiversity protection - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The program also includes incentives to young farmers and innovations, e.g., phosphorus recycling, urban agriculture, and biodigestors (EU 2017) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Recent structural changes in food systems have significantly affected global nutrition (Caballero 2002; Gillespie and van den Bold 2017) and must be considered in the context of the SDG-2 when designing food systems-based strategies to fight hunger and malnutrition - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Moreover, uncertainties derived from exogenous hydrology, climate change, and anthropogenic endogenous systems for realistic problems appeal to gradually increasing concern - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The impacts of climate change and its mitigation have been extensively studied (Gao et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Water-climate change nexus extension Relationship between the water-related index and climate change-related index (based on Chinese data) Meanwhile, several published studies offer directions for understanding the WC nexus, and those research themes are extended to different areas based on the WC nexus, such as the energy provision system and land management system (Gernaat et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Table 4 shows embodied carbon emissions of several types of solid waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Uncertainties are generally derived from economic development, social progress, and technological advancement - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Crops and other agricultural products could be reused and recycled at the new utility, such as energy alternatives and nutrition replenishment (Wang et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In all, those terms, including offshore wind power, sustainable marine food production, and low-carbon seawater desalination, are worth deeply studying toward a sustainable blue economy across coastal, offshore, and high seas (as shown in Fig. 6) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) discussed resource use efficiency and environmental performance of the waste management system - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Sources of them include energy-related sources as well as non-energy-related sources such as livestock, solid waste, and manure management - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 For emission sources with particularly large uncertainties, such as emissions from crop planting, electricity generation, and industrial manufacturing, it is suggested to simulate region-specific emission curves and fluctuation risks - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Meanwhile, production optimization could be within a feasible set by incorporating policy constraints, such as renewable energy share and carbon emission intensity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Rather than months or even years to secure committee approvals, partnerships based on shared interests will support dialogue across cultures and borders in support of SDG 17 - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 From testing kits at the University of East Anglia [23], to the University of South Florida 3D-printing personal protective equipment [61] and vaccine development at the University of Cambridge [22], HE institutions continue to be at the forefront of the fight against the virus - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The collective global urgency harnessed to tackle COVID-19 might be contrasted unfavorably with that needed to address climate change, but the pandemic shows us that we have an inherent leadership and change capacity once we gather humanity around the problem and work collectively with a global mindset - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Part of this research is the development of a global marine debris monitoring system that uses data from satellites and UAVs - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This equivalence, however, seems arbitrary: for the case of the impact category of “fatal accidents at work,” PSILCA assigns a medium risk level to sectors with a fatal accident rate of between 15 and 25 fatal accidents per year per 100,000 workers, and a high risk level to sectors with a fatal accident rate of between 25 and 40 fatal accidents per year per 100,000 workers (Ciroth and Eisfeldt 2016) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In addition, four social impact indicators show no risk: goods produced by forced labour, which belongs to the forced labour impact category, and three social impact indicators of the workers’ rights impact category, namely, right of association, right of collective bargaining and right to strike - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, the risk levels associated with the results of the child labour impact category, i.e - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 child labour, male and child labour, total, and the social impacts of the minimum wage in the fair salary impact category are higher than the corresponding reference values - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, human activities and climate change have caused the dramatic degradation and loss of gulf ecosystem services (Needles et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These four categories mainly relate to research on the causes and effects of environmental challenges, such as eutrophication, sediment pollution, biodiversity destruction, and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Major categories of social and management sciences include Economics, Food Science & Technology, Urban Studies, and Public, Environmental & Occupational Health - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, SSC could also facilitate global data sharing in gulf ecosystems, which is essential for all countries to effectively tackle environmental challenges driven by anthropogenic activities and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, roughly 40% of the commercial set gillnet permits in Bristol Bay are owned by women, who are also involved in fisheries management (Lavoie et al - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Secondly, we assess business commitment to the different United Nations Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs (UN 2015) comparing SDG 14 (‘Life Below Water’) to other SDGs as a snapshot of the level of attention among ocean economy companies to this specific SDG - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Services provided by the ocean make a major contribution to our economic and social development and include food and freshwater supply, renewable energy, benefits for health and wellbeing, cultural value, tourism, trade, and transport - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 the EU Directive 2014/95 on non-financial disclosure, the proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosures introduced by the Sustainable Stock Exchanges} - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__16 -> MISMATCH! More recently, Opferkuch et al (2020) analysed circular economy approaches and business models by a sample of international companies, building on the data and information contained in their sustainability reporting - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 From this perspective, the scientific review confirmed the most significant pressures for ocean health as being those related to: Effects on marine biodiversity, including depletion of fish stocks and alteration of food webs, also co-determined by several different causes, such as the modification of the hydrographical condition of waters, pollution, eutrophication, and the alteration of seafloor integrity - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 gender equality, and the main environmental issues) - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Our findings illustrate early responses about how corporations are knowledgeable about their footprint (pressuring factors) in the marine environment, and they are starting to also recognise the strong dependence of the health of the ocean on their activities - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Similarly, to the initiatives developed to tackle climate change, new instruments designed to support the reporting of pressures on the ocean and business mitigation initiatives would match growing needs for transparency and disclosure by companies, as well as the requests from stakeholders such as investors, consumers, and NGOs - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The practice of sustainability reporting has become widespread among large multinationals, also thanks to the diffusion of standard guidelines (e.g - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Yet, environmental degradation has been a major barrier to achieve MDGs (Sachs et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 While poverty may contribute to environmental degradation, issues such as land use conversion and degradation, invasive species, and the overexploitation of natural and mineral resources are more serious and insidious (Adams et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Overexploitation occurs where corruption, lobbying of some corporations and organizations, and weak environmental policies (or lack of enforcement) enable exploitation of the environment and local communities - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Much of the attention on governance of ecosystems or a part of them (e.g., water management) over the past several years has focused on the influence that human (social) interventions have had on ecological systems or, alternatively, on the effects of rapidly changing environmental conditions on social systems - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Goal 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change) recognizes climate change as a wicked challenge that needs to be addressed in order to ensure sustainable development - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Tackling climate change as a sustainable development goal demonstrates the need for ecosystem governance, and will require novel approaches based on the recognition that human social and natural systems are intricately interconnected (Cote and Nightingale 2012) and “to overcome the current challenges, one must understand how to connect top-down national policies to … bottom-up development strategies” (Vasseur and Jones 2015) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 SDG 13 must acknowledge that the resilience of complex adaptive SES can flourish only if ecosystem governance is integrated at the national policy level, and also through devolution of rights and responsibilities to communities, “as local communities tend to be culturally more homogenous than communities lumped at regional or national levels and more able to negotiate and resolve differences” (Vasseur and Jones 2015, see also Crona and Bodin 2006) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Rather, new approaches are encouraged to refocus on elements such as safe, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable cities and human settlements (Goal 11; see Thornbush et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Adaptive ecosystem governance should lead to greater transparency and inclusiveness and thus reduce the current challenges of corruption and personal economic gain that plague many governments and corporations (Martinez de Anguita et al - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Governance devolved at new local inclusive institutions, where adaptive ecosystem management can be undertaken, may need national and international policies to support innovation and diversity of initiatives - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Statutory requirement for ESD has occurred for teacher training and continuing professional development (CPD) for school teaching in Scotland, but at higher education level there is reluctance to impose regulatory insistence and a greater reliance on higher education providers having the autonomy of choice in how they address ESD - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Participation in the overall ranking requires universities to submit data to at least four SDGs one of which must be SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Beyond agricultural landscapes, research in urban bee ecology aids understanding of bee dynamics in our cities and informs urban bee conservation initiatives (Hernandez et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! European honey bees can be used as an indicator species for tracking contaminants and monitoring environmental health (target 13.3) in urban areas (Zhou et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Indigenous women, who are pivotal to the preservation of cultural heritage and transmission of traditional knowledge down the generations, have been disproportionately disadvantaged by globalisation, with changing sociocultural norms and dispossession of land and natural resources - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In 2013, infant mortality in Attappady was more than fourfold that of the rest of Kerala [15] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 By 2030, maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and their related wild species, including through soundly managed and diversified seed and plant banks at the national, regional and international levels, and promote access to and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as internationally agreed - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For 2015, Kerala’s infant mortality rate was estimated to be 10 deaths per 1000 live births in 2016, with child mortality (under 5) recorded as 12 deaths per 1000 live births [35, 36] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Scheduled Tribes from rural populations like the three tribes in Attappady had an infant mortality rate of 47 deaths per 1000 live births and under-five mortality rate of 57 deaths per 1000 live births [35] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The SDG targets stipulate that maternal mortality rates should be below 70 deaths per 100,000 women - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Where there is a shortage of skilled birth attendants, there may be a role for up-skilling and integrating community health workers and traditional birth attendants to provide maternity and newborn services - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The State Government has also invested 68 million rupees in 2017 into a Millet Village scheme to reinvigorate the local production of traditional varieties of millets, pulses and other cereals to improve food security in the area, agricultural economy and nutrition of tribal communities [55] - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is not an infrequent occurrence where well-meaning groups and NGOs arrive in local Indigenous communities to install clean water and sanitation facilities and build housing - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Providing averages for large groups mask discrepancies in health outcomes in vulnerable population sub-groups - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Commonly known as the ‘water goal’, SDG 6 gives a blueprint to achieve water security and plays a central role in achieving targets of all the SDGs - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Data from the ‘Summary Progress Update 2021 on SDG6: water and sanitation for all’ reveals that since 2015, over 600 million people have managed to get access to safe drinking water - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Target 6.2 is to achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and to end open defecation by 2030 - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, achieving universal access to sanitation and hygiene is still a challenge in many parts of the world - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, lack of proper sanitation and clean water for girls reaching puberty prevents them from going to schools resulting in gender inequality7 - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 WHO (2022) report on ‘drinking water’ suggests that contaminated water and poor hygiene can serve as breeding grounds for water-borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio and are estimated to cause 485,000 deaths each yearFootnote 8 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ‘Progress Report on Change in Water-use Efficiency’ by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and UN-Water (2021) suggests that globally, water-use efficiency has spiked from $17.4 per cubic metre in 2015 to $18.9 per cubic metre in 2018, showing an increase of 9%Footnote 15 - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 World Resources Institute (WRI) has listed 17 countries (Qatar, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Libya, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, United Arab Emirates, San Marino, Bahrain, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Oman and Botswana), home to one-quarter of the global population, facing extremely high-water crisis - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The collective values of water stress at global, regional and local levels hide the variability and differences that exist - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 According to the ‘Progress Report on Trans-boundaries Water Cooperation’ by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (2021), globally, 58% of trans-boundary water area has an operational arrangement for water cooperation - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! Anthropogenic activities have threatened water-related ecosystem causing noticeable changes in hydrological course - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Hence, climate action is important to achieve target 6.6 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 With a limited supply of funds, fast urbanization and growing population (especially in rural areas), it has become a challenge to achieve the targets of SDG 6, and people in many regions still lack basic water and sanitation facilities - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 They can act like community-based institutions that are closer to the ground and can respond more swiftly, hence government and researchers must be allies to them recognizing their fundamental right to clean water and sanitationFootnote 30 - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 SDG 6 is closely linked with all the other goals and achieving the targets of this goal will go a long way in realizing the targets of all the SDGs - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This review is a synthesis of 175 scientific papers on SDG 7 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The global energy mix is dominated by fossil fuels, 84.3% of the global energy production is from fossil fuels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The initiatives for change in the global energy mix are progressing but at a slow pace - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 One-third of the global population (2.6 billion people) depends on unsustainable cooking systems; 0.76 billion people are outside the access to electricity and poor penetration of renewable energy for electricity (25.4%), heat (9.2%), and transportation (3.4%) (United Nations 2019) (United Nations 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The targets of SDG 7 focus on access, affordability, and reliability of energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The performance of these countries in respect of access to clean fuels and technology of cooking is also satisfactory - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 All Asian countries have achieved in providing access to electricity for at least 60% of the population - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, the access to clean fuels and technology of cooking is above 64% for all countries except Guinea - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The share of renewable energy of eight countries is in 40–80% and four countries are below 40% category (United Nations 2019, 2021; Sachs et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 All ten economies except India (95.2% achievement) have achieved the target of providing access to electricity (100% achievement) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Performance of top ten economies on the basis of selected indicators of SDG 7 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Investments, technology, and strong policies can be basic pillars for the attainment of clean energy goals by 2030 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This review had six chapters, an introduction on SDG 7 and the review at the global level, followed by review methodology, the major themes, and sub-themes - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This paper is designed to develop a thematic, methodological, and policy agenda for future research after evaluating the global level initiatives and achievements on universal clean energy access, access for clean and safe cooking fuels, and adoption of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This paper on SDG 7 had taken resources from Web of Science, a professional platform of about 79 million records, covering 256 disciplines - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The keywords “Sustainable Development Goal 7” and “SDG 7” were used on 11/07/2021 and drawn 175 papers were obtained for the review - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The SDG 7–related publications on “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews” were on the topics of household energy, clean energy transitions, renewable energy, and energy financing - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The major themes for research related to SDG 7 were the articles related to energy access, affordability, the share of renewable energy resources, and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 International Energy Agency had the opinion that electricity access to the global population can only be possible through mini-grids and solar home solutions (Kebir and Philipp 2016) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Information Communication Technology (ICT) can be another crucial element for ensuring energy access to people (Bailey et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lack of political commitment and political stability, small market size, cost-revenue gap, technical barriers, lack of regulatory controls, educational gaps, and lack of initial investments are the major barriers to energy access initiatives (Numata et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 International support and cooperation play a vital role in improving energy access, funding, technical support, and market support (Quitzow et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The alternative fuels ensuring green energy are biofuels (Adewuyi 2020); perennial grass (Ajieh et al. 2021); and giant reeds for sustainable energy (Bonfante et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Cooking is one of the major points of energy consumption and the usage of energy-efficient cooking systems can improve affordability (Dioha and Kumar 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Several leading economies have identified the need for enhancing the share of renewable energy in their energy basket, even in the Arctic region (Brazovskaia, Gutman, and Zaytsev, 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 High-level awareness and suitable policy reforms can be good measures for promoting biofuels in the energy mix (Adewuyi 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The current literature has identified several challenges and barriers in providing access to electricity and cooking fuel and enhancing the share of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Future research can be on technological innovations for improving energy affordability, energy justice, and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The policy reform–related research can be on the specification of renewable energy equipment, metering, and technology choice - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the majority of the African countries are leaders in respect of renewable energy share - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The region is ahead in respect of providing electricity access but lags in the usage of clean fuels and cooking technology and adoption of renewable energy (detailed analysis in the supplementary files) (Sachs et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The lagging performance on energy access, affordability, and energy efficiency is due to poor local support (Joshi et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, there is an urgent need for promoting the share of renewable energy resources, which can reduce carbon emission, cost, and fuel-saving (Chand et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The findings of this paper can be used for developing policy reforms for securing funding, local participation, adoption of technology, and promotion of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The prominent funding agencies, sponsoring for research on energy goals, were the European Commission, UK Research Innovation (UKRI), and Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The targets specified for SDG 11 are access for all people to housing, essential services, safe and affordable transportation systems, increased inclusive urbanization, participatory planning and management, protection of cultural and natural heritage, reduction of economic losses caused by natural disasters, reduction of environmental impact (putting attention to air quality and waste management), universal access to green areas and safe public spaces, positive links in urban areas, inclusive cities, resilience, and sustainable buildings - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 SDG 17 indicates “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development,” for this the consultative council addresses issues related to the management of resources and policies with the state and federal government - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 In this case, the public and private sectors promote the most actions related with SDG 11 - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This is also a global call to foster support for developing environmental policies regarding the climate change challenges and quelling economic concerns by adapting green economic activities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In this case, SDG 8 and 15 are not conflicting goals since they point out to develop by protecting the environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is the agreed blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, by tackling global challenges, specifically, those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice (Fig. 1) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Innovation was supported by continuous experimenting, research and development to improve product development that lowers negative impacts - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 There should be more efficient and careful use of productive areas for agriculture, fishing and forestry; and infrastructure development should be carefully planned for this purpose - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Research has shown that organizations which conduct LCA of the products/services can potentially increase the value and efficiency of their production and business activities, such as, raw materials utilization, alternative energy consumption (Bourtsalas et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, recycling and utilizing waste—used lubricating oil or hydraulic fluid for company’s vital machinery and equipment - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, the key weakness associated with the set up at present is the amount of energy consumption per transaction on the Ethereum network (ibid.) Ethereum is planning to transition to a new mining model—proof-of-stake (PoS),which reduce energy requirements by 90% (Moore 2019) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It also calls for cautious course correction and restructuring of current Indian policy and operational instruments for effective green governance and sustainable water management - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Based on the definition for freshwater use in the PB framework, India has considerably overshot its national boundary (Priyadarshini and Abhilash 2020) clearly indicating that despite having substantial water resources the country is experiencing water scarcity, affecting more or less 600 million people each year (NITI Aayog 2018) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water security in India (both surface and groundwater) is pivotal in ensuring robust public health systems, sustained agricultural production and provision of ecosystem services (Yuan and Lo 2020; Ram and Irfan 2021) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Therefore, a new water sustainability index for India is needed to be developed based on the natural and socio-economic characteristics, for facilitating water resource management and water security - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The selected indicators therefore cover aspects related to sanitation, access to safe drinking water and other wastewater treatment services all of which are pivotal for provisioninga better quality of life (Priyadarshini and Abhilash 2020) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There are several contributing units to the biophysical indicators such as evaporation, precipitation, water stress, treatment of municipal wastewater services, groundwater recharge etc - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The reliability is concerned towards the annual freshwater withdrawal in India (Table 3) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The WSI represents essential performance parameters related to water resource management in a purposeful and comprehensive manner and has therefore been used at several instances by the scientific community (Loucks 1997; McMahon et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It was quite evident that the practice of open defecation in India has reasonably decreased, that is by 67.8%, between 2000 and 2017 (Table 2) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Further increasing access to basic sanitation, especially among women, through generating knowledge using mass media about the detrimental health consequences associated with open defecation (Lee 2017) would be pivotal in improving hygiene security within the country - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 WSI (Fig. 2) clearly gets fluctuated by the increase and decrease in the wastewater treatment percentage - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Therefore, the worsening of water stress for India can be reducedto a lower levelby the tracking WSI as performance gauge, along with adoption of the above strategies - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Figure 3 clearly suggests that due to decrease in open defecation practices over the years, the mortality rate of children under five and the neonatal have significantly declined below 4% and 3% (percentage of live births), respectively - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Similar studies in Uttar Pradesh (India) stated that households meeting the target 6.1 of SDG 6 were benefitted with improved of health of children through less risk of diseases and underweight (Johri et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (2017), while recognizing the challenges affecting water resource sustainability in China, proposed development of an ‘integrated water policy’, use of subsidies and incentives for encouraging water use efficiency and inclusion of ecological concerns within water policies, as some suggestions for sustainable water management in the country - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 2012) highlighted the importance of effective policies for sustainable water resource management in Mediterranean countries and Israel, respectively - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Keeping SDG 6 as a focus, the Government of India has the opportunity to implement water sustainability indices for monitoring the availability versus usage of biophysical resources of water - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Simultaneously, as the results of the present work indicate a direct positive impact of increase in wastewater treatment on water sustainability, developing low-cost decentralized wastewater treatment facilities can serve both economic and environmental benefits - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It calls for careful course correction and policy restructuring for sustainable water governance and management - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (2020) assert that GDP is the main contributor to environmental degradation in 12 MENA countries and 12 Arab countries - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 First, in the studies which utilized gross energy consumption in the model, approximately, their findings indicated that gross energy consumption increased environmental pollution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Second, other papers have divided energy consumption into renewable and non-renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Virtually, all researchers confirmed that non-renewable energy increases environmental defilement while the influence of renewable energy is inverse - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Third, some studies utilized specific energy source consumption to analyze environmental pollution; specifically, this segment focuses on the reviews that used biomass and fossil fuels energy consumption in ecological models - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As demonstrated from the above literature review, the previous empirical findings are inconclusive, and explicit consensus has not been reached for the effect of FDI, GDP, and energy consumption on the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017), we merged energy consumption in the model - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, it leads to excessive increased GHG emissions and environmental degradation in all cases - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Accordingly, their policies prioritize and are inclined to economic growth instead of protecting the environment and its quality - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In sum, since biomass energy is abundant in BRI countries, their ability to enhance environmental quality and reduce carbon emissions relies on the efficiency of power generation technology and fossil fuels used in biomass production - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! They must also upgrade the policies associated with FDI to improve its role in promoting the industry sector and technological innovation, leading to heartening the low-carbon conversion of present industries and building a cleaner production pattern - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, new FDI inflows should be relying on modern energy systems and renewable sources to reduce conventional energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Third, the governments must also rationalize using natural resources to balance economic growth, decrease environmental pollution, safeguard the community interests, raise the ecological awareness level for environmental pollutants, and push society to adopt a green lifestyle in production and consumption - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These will stimulate green developmental sustainability, thus accelerating SDGs’ implementation and achievement (SDG7, SDG12, and SDG13) and the CCP, leading to long-term reductions in GHG emissions and reducing environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The integration of peace and sustainability in the 2030 Agenda reaffirms that peace is not just the absence of war or forms of physical violence and direct conflict (i.e., negative peace); it is also the presence of conditions necessary for the flourishing of human potential by ending structural forms of violence (i.e., positive peace) (Galtung 1964, 1967) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Specifically, Goal 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions) is considered to be a “cross-cutting factor” that contributes to the implementation of the other SDGs (Allen et al - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Note The red cluster is on conflict, climate, and environmental security; the green cluster is on politics and international relations; the blue cluster is on natural sciences and the environment; the yellow cluster is on sustainability and sustainable development; the purple cluster is on water management; the light blue cluster is on philosophy and social theory; and the orange cluster is on the humanities (too distant to be included in this figure) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The institutional dimension refers to the institutional framework of and institutional capacity for sustainable development - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Other sectors relevant to the publications on positive peace include agriculture, economy, energy, governance, religion, security, urban planning, water, and sports - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This study explores the relationships among climate-change belief, resilience to climate change, and local government leadership (LGL) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2013) Structure of local government in Bangladesh ( There is a substantial gap in the literature regarding the role and effectiveness of LGL in guiding belief in and resilience to climate change, and in fostering sustainable development (Rahman et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 SDG 13 underscores the demand for national consensus and endorsement of climate-change initiatives, and developed nations’ responsibility to provide leadership and support to developing countries to help them achieve sustainable development goal on climate change by 2030 (Saner et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Its essential argument is that without allowing LGL more influence in support of climate-migrant victims, the SDGs run the risk of not directing the effective transformation needed to increase capacity for sustainable development and resilience to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Moreover, several scholars have indicated that governments have a significant role in extending local leadership initiatives to enhance awareness about climate change and to increase the level of resilience among climate-change victims (McLaughlin and Dietz 2008; Preston and Stafford-Smith 2009; Coppens et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Long (2009) suggested that “unlike many of the issues addressed by local governments, the most significant effects of global climate change are just that: global - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Hypothesis 3 (H3): There is a positive relationship between LGL and resilience to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As explained in H1, when victims have stronger climate-change beliefs, they are likely to be more prepared for climate change and have better outcomes based on their level of resilience - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Similarly, as noted in H3, when victims of river erosion have higher expectations of LGL support, they may be better prepared to manage the negative consequences of climate change and may show higher levels of resilience - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, the Government of Bangladesh has applied the National Development Strategy through National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction (NSAPR) since 2003 to reduce the poverty and increase the resilience of river-erosion victims (O’Donnell et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Therefore, both the steps of measurement and the structural models (Anderson and Gerbing 1988) were justified in this study. Indirect relationships among climate change belief, resilience and local Govt - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Accordingly, this study used a weakly related item as a marker variable in the SEM model (Fig. 2); the results showed that the relationship among the marker variable, climate-change beliefs, LGL, and resilience to climate change was not significant, as the average correlation coefficient was 0.031, with an average significance of 0.458 (p > 0.05) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 H4 was developed to evaluate the mediating influence of LGL on the relationship between climate-change beliefs and resilience to climate change; the results suggest that when LGL was introduced as a mediator in this study, the impact of climate-change beliefs on resilience to climate change increased from (β = 0.12; p < 0.011) to (β = 0.35; p < 0.001) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Finally, H5 was developed to evaluate the moderating role of LGL on the relationship between climate-change beliefs and resilience to climate change, and the results (as shown in Table 4) indicated no moderation effects for the studied relationship. In this study, the bootstrapping technique (with 5000 resamples) was applied - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This positive relationship suggests that the river-erosions victims’ climate-change beliefs have a positive influence on their resilience to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2015), who showed that climate-change beliefs might be a practical and useful element to increase resilience to climate change through higher climate-change awareness, preparation, and risk-reduction arrangements - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This result suggests that river-erosion victims in Bangladesh who believed strongly that climate change is occurring and is due to human activities may have increasing expectations of and dependency on their local government leaders (e.g., chairmen, vice-chairmen and UP members) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This study suggests that the focus of Bangladesh’s governmental leadership on better climate-change outcomes include climate-change beliefs and resilience to climate change and should redesign and enhance LGL policies - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This study explored the relationship between both climate-change beliefs and resilience to climate change with leadership interventions, applying Preston and Stafford-Smith’s (2009) ACVT to enhance the climate-change literature in a non-western context - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 If it is the case, then it requires restoring environmental quality without disturbing the economic growth pattern - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To mitigate the negative consequences of industrialization, the UNFCCC has also mentioned the need for technological innovation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this circumstantial setting, our objective is to investigate the impacts of industrial development, export diversification, and technological innovation on the carbon emissions in the BRICS nations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As mentioned earlier, if industrial and export growth are major drivers of environmental pollution, then we need to develop a multipronged strategy so that these nations can shift from unsustainable to a sustainable growth track, and SDGs can be achieved within 2030 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Considering industrial value-added as a possible driver of environmental pollution, we departed from the previous studies, as most of the empirical studies have carried GDP growth as a proxy for economic growth and industrialization (Sinha et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020b), by considering the sample of MENA countries, established an association between technological innovation and environmental quality - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The possible harmful environmental impact of natural resource rent may be due to the overextraction of the natural resources to realize the economic growth targets - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, by generating green energy infrastructure in the far-flung areas, the negative pressure exerted on the natural resources can be reduced and new job opportunities in the rural areas can be created - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Now, a relevant question arises that why income inequality raises carbon emissions - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 (2020) in their study revealed that income inequality has invigorated the carbon emissions in the G-20 nations in the long run - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In other words, investment in research and development might have driven industrial expansion - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The computed results revealed that the industrial growth pattern, income inequality, natural resource rent, export diversification, and extensive export margin are harmful to the environment in the BRICS nations - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Hence, by allocating additional budget for human capital development, policymakers need to uplift the literacy level in the BRICS nations - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 With the help of skilled labor force and technological advancement, new renewable energy plants can be started in rural areas - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Air pollution’s position in SDGs is cloudy, and while climate change was highlighted in one of the goals (SDG13), there is no headline goal on air pollution - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Considered a holistic, transdisciplinary, and multisectoral concept, which encompasses human health, environmental health, and animal health, it is directly connected to aspects of public health, urbanization, legal framework, ecotoxicology, multifactorial diseases, and cultural practices, which in turn have direct influences on the quality of life, human rights, and institutional policies of companies and nations, although some of these aspects are often neglected (Destoumieux-Garzón et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Despite that, Brazil is still a very heterogeneous country in terms of economic development and key environmental variables in its regions (Swart and Brinkmann 2020) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, in this work, we selected several bibliographies in order to draw attention to issues concerning air pollution and climate change, based on the way in which these themes are covered by the SDGs, adapted to the Brazilian scenario - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In the second, a similar approach is given to climate change, building its parallel in relation to air pollution - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This discussion is intended, then, as a subsidy to foster reflections and raise awareness on the interconnections between human and environmental health in order to better address the gaps that are still found in sustainable development actions - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 2, 3, and 4, of the report that deal with: suppressing energy production from burning coal, reducing illegal deforestation to zero by 2030 (as well as carrying out reforestation practices and reducing the burning of biomass) and developing a personalized Brazilian version of air quality index, with online messages that alert the population to the increased risk of pollutants in certain scenarios, respectively - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2021), in their turn, when analyzing numbers of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases between 1998 and 2020 in the city of Manaus — AM and the data on atmospheric pollutants obtained in the same period, denoted a strong correlation between them, in addition to obtaining an annual calculation average of more than BRL 19,000.00 (approximately US$3900.00 in May/2022 quotation) per hospitalization by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), evidencing a high cost per patient admitted - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 (2022) also showed that the levels of pollution found in São Paulo probably contributed to the increase in deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing that reducing pollution levels is also essential from the perspective of coping and improving the chances of death survival in future respiratory disease pandemics - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 (2017) used studies involving ozone (O3) emissions and the Metropolitan region of São Paulo — SP, over three decades (1980s-2010s), and demonstrated that challenges still remain for the Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB, Environmental Protection Agency) to the control of pollutants of secondary origin such as O3 and particulate matter, especially by vehicular sources and emissions - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition, these authors emphasize that people could already perceive environmental changes, such as deforestation, would alter the rainfall regime, and this became a strategy of domination, even though there was no understanding of atmospheric pollution or global warming - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The first index is directly related to meteorological variables, while the second incorporates regional and social factors, including the availability of water resources and agricultural vulnerability - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The authors also comment that the establishment of climate policies is an important step, but that law enforcement mechanisms are fundamental to ensure that mitigation and adaptation actions are taken - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Still, the absence of explicit references to the right to health shows that the country has considerable room to improve its engagement with the human rights framework, particularly through the establishment of mechanisms to promote transparency, monitoring, and participation of marginalized groups, aiming to increase access and reduce inequalities (Viveros-Uehara 2021) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! (2017) evaluated the impacts of climate change on 95 species of pollinators in 13 different types of crops in Brazil, and in the projections (considering the worst scenarios until the end of the twenty-first century), about 88% of Brazilian municipalities will face loss in the number of pollinating species, which can reach 100% of the species for some crops, such as sunflower - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 And, as also demonstrated by Asere and Blumberga (2020), the level of energy efficiency and quality of a country is directly linked to the progress of its GDP - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017), less than 60% of the collected waste has an adequate destination in Brazilian municipalities and, especially in small municipalities, there are important difficulties in adapting to the Brazilian National Policy on Solid Waste (NPSW) (Pereira and Fernandino 2019) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 2016), DRR education links school, community, and home - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The prolonged pandemic has also increased violence against children, especially girls - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Within this context, this article analyzes the biological hazards perspectives of the Sendai Framework and draws a few key lessons - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In this article, we argue that the new perspective of integrated DRR education can implement the lessons learned from the pandemic as well as enhance reduction of systemic, cascading risks - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Sendai Framework also places strong emphasis on the need to build resilient health systems through the integration of disaster risk management into the provision of healthcare at all levels and, in particular, “to enhance cooperation between health authorities and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen country capacity for disaster risk management for health” (UNISDR 2015, p - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A biological hazard also may often be an opportunity for higher education institutions and research organizations to engage in developing new tools, encourage research and innovation, and find new funding opportunities - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Governments and public health agencies in each country have been informing the public about what the COVID-19 virus is, what the symptoms of the virus are, how to avoid catching the virus, what measures to take when the suspicion of infection arises, and so on - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 To realize this, education, especially DRR education based on ESD, should make a great contribution through capacity development - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 When a local community was involved in planning for disaster preparedness, and people took ownership of their own safety plans, they were better prepared and better able to take the necessary actions to protect themselves - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Omuta City has been learning the lessons of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in Kesennuma City, such as the disaster management and recovery process (Oikawa 2012) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 New learning of DRR education can be summarized below in terms of (1) governance and decision making; (2) school-community-family linkages; (3) risk communication and citizen behavior; and (4) use of technology - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 But a proper integration into DRR education is desirable - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Thus, traditional DRR education is significantly challenged and we need new cycles of learning for holistic DRR and resilience education - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 School-community-family linkages, risk communication, and responsible citizen behavior are key variables to reduce the impacts of the pandemic disaster and can be adapted to other disaster risk management needs - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Technology has played a critical role in the COVID-19 pandemic, which can also be used in future DRR education - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Additionally, bidirectional causal relationship is found between FDI and infrastructure towards economic growth which shows that the increase in foreign investment has the potential to boost the economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Achieving targeted economic growth is one of the critical challenges of government policymakers in case of developing countries like Pakistan - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Source: Author’s calculations a Trend in the economic growth of Pakistan with respect to Bangladesh and Iran economies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, government failed to provide jobs to graduates so skillful labors are contributing negative to economic growth in the long term - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Despite this progress in economic development, Pakistan may perhaps be not maintained it until miliarial administration - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similarly, following the previous regime the military acquired the country administration and several structural changes were enabled, accepted globalization, and welcomed international trade and investment; Pakistan’s economy progressed toward sustainable economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It helps the nation to achieve the objective of poverty reduction - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Chowdhury (2022) investigated the internationalization of education on economic growth; the main findings revealed significant disparities between education levels in terms of their effect on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Many other experts have concentrated their efforts on investigating the relationship between education and the economic prosperity of a country, but in developing economies, this is considered as first time to examine the effect of education on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) employed a generalized method of moments (GMM) to investigate the link between economic growth and several factors such as education, poverty, and unemployment in Pakistan - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The question is if the connection between educational factors and economic growth in Pakistan has altered over time, and whether there are any other factors that are associated with these variables - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The theoretic basics of the foreign direct investment (FDI) to economic growth is founded on the neoclassical and endogenous growth models - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This FDI creates new job opportunities, technology transfer, increased productivity, and contest - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 According to the findings from different OPEC member countries, there were growth, conservation, and neutrality correlations between NGC and economic development, in other OPEC member countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The present study is using the NARDL model that covers the optimistic and pessimistic partial sums and also the short- and long-run effects on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, using an error correction model the NARDL model studies the resultant equations for where EGt is the economic growth in Pakistan in year t; EDIt shows the education index in year t; FDIt presents the foreign direct investment inflow in year t; INFRIt stands for the infrastructure index in year t; NGCt shows the natural gas consumption in year t; \({\hat{e} }_{t-1}\) shows the error correction term; α1, αij \(\left(i\right)\), and β1 are the parameters; and \({\varepsilon }_{\mathrm{log}egit},{\varepsilon }_{\mathrm{log}ediit},{\varepsilon }_{\mathrm{log}fdiit},{\varepsilon }_{\mathrm{log}infriit}, \mathrm{and }{\varepsilon }_{\mathrm{log}ngcit}\) are the white noise disturbance terms that may be correlated with each other - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The FDI coefficient affirms that a 1% augmentation in FDI will boost economic growth by 0.504 percent - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Another study conducted in India also authenticated our results that increasing infrastructure enhances economic growth (Mohanty and Bhanumurthy 2019; Chakamera and Alagidede 2018) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 During the short-run term, EDI has a significant pessimistic association with economic growth, which means that increasing education by 1% reduces economic expansion by 0.460 percent - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results from short-run NARDL represent that education and infrastructure have no effect on secondary and tertiary economic growth (EG-S; EG-T) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, in the long run the education has significant and positive impact over primary economic growth (EG-P) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The outcome shows the unidirectional causality from EDI to economic growth (EDI ≥ EG), natural gas to economic growth (NGC ≥ GCF), and EDI to infrastructure (EDI ≥ INFRI) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In summary, EDI has a noteworthy consequence on economic growth in Pakistan, owing to its bidirectional causation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Interestingly, this study is considering several new dimensions through the influence of SDGs: firstly the education (SDG-4) which is found in opposing to the theoretical approaches, secondly the foreign direct investment (SDG-17) which is found to more contributive to national economy, thirdly infrastructure and technological development (SDG-9) which is found as an important factor to boost the economy, and lastly the clean and green energy of increasing usage of natural gas (SDG-7) on the economy of Pakistan - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Goal 1 aims to “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”, with targets such as: (1.1) eradicate extreme poverty; (1.3) implement social protection systems; and (1.4) equal rights and access to economic resources, basic services and technology [2] - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Brazilian protected areas, including the SDR, aim to protect the natural resources necessary for the livelihood of traditional populations [9] - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Infant mortality is an indicator related to educational, health, and sanitation policies; while this rate in the region of Mamirauá and Amanã SDR was almost twice the Brazilian figure in 1991, the values equaled it in 2010 [12] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 A vast diversity of biological species is found in the Central Amazon; many of them are vectors of pathogens or microbial species and parasites associated with human diseases—such as malaria, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, helminthiasis, and Chagas disease - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Thus, the main challenge is to combat especially the water-borne and other neglected tropical diseases (Target 3.3) that are so common and associated with this region - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Promoting quality education in the rural areas is a world challenge - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Goal 6 aims to "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all", with targets such as: (6.1) safe and affordable drinking water; (6.2) achieve access to sanitation and hygiene and end open defecation; and (6.B) support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management [2] - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Goal 9 aims to "Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation", with targets such as: (9.1) develop sustainable infrastructure; (9.2) promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization; and (9.C) increase access to information and communications technology [2] - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 To facilitate wildlife exploitation (fish and caiman), floating processing structures have been developed in the Mamirauá SDR, adapted to the reality of the local setting by using solar energy and treated rainwater - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As previously mentioned, Brazilian SDR aim to promote biodiversity conservation, while ensuring the conditions for improving the quality of life of traditional populations [9] - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Goal 13 aims to "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts", with targets such as: (13.1) strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards; (13.3) improve education, awareness-raising and human capacity on climate change adaptation; and (13.B) promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change [2] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Goal 14 aims to "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources", with targets as: (14.2) sustainably manage and protect ecosystems; (14.4) regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks; and (14.A) increase scientific knowledge and research capacity [2] - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Currently the Central Amazon has many protected areas and management programs, as in the Mamirauá and Amanã SDR - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Twenty-one medium and large sized terrestrial mammals were recorded in the area of Mamirauá and Amanã SDR—among the 51 species registered in the entire Amazon; the presence of these species demonstrates the effectiveness of wildlife conservation in large protected areas [75], as nine of these are considered Vulnerable on national and international threatened species lists [65, 66] - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Sub-Saharan Africa faces an enormous challenge in meeting the basic needs of a population that will nearly triple between now and the end of the twenty-first century - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Our key finding is that green water management at the landscape-scale constitutes the best entry point for providing leverage at both smaller and larger scales, in terms of time, space, and policy - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 We conclude by highlighting the urgent need for much more resilient, cross-scale green water systems that can accommodate the impending, nonstationary changes related to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Based on these individual green water insights, we will synthesize how they interact with one another in the context of hydrology generally, and green water management specifically - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Given that the process-scale of green-water management is small (e.g - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A secondary or tertiary benefit of the vapor shift could be that by increasing food security at farm-scales, the accelerating flow of migrants from rural-to-urban communities may be reduced, consequently relieving pressure on urban resources and retaining key cultural knowledge to manage landscapes for subsequent generations - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In a subsistence or smallholder farming context, land-use decisions are made to gain food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2016), and ecosystem service trade-offs (Bennett et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Schematic representation of atmospheric branch of water cycle, emphasizing moisture recycling that occurs over land - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The implications of these moisture recycling-related findings are that changes to vegetation in one location can lead to large changes in (a) distant rainfall and subsequently soil moisture (i.e - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Perhaps unlike farm-scale vapor management and landscape ecosystem decisions, moisture recycling is biogeophysically emergent - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 For example, for every single cycle of moisture recycling, we see three landscape-scale cycles, and nine farm-scale cycles - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As such, ‘good’ green water management will preserve the blue water flows which must be allowed to provide aquatic habitat as well as provide the foundation of urban modernization, industrialization, and economically-robust nations (Falkenmark and Tropp In press) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is especially important for nations that must achieve food security via imports, foreign aid, or financial instruments (e.g - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These sorts of efforts could be achieved by engaging different blue water actors, ranging from international NGOs that are implementing irrigation projects to national water management organizations that are building dams - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 More recently, Governments moved to economic recovery spending, aiming to restore employment and economic activity to pre-pandemic levels - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Dasgupta (2021) highlighted that investment in natural capital is an investment in the economy and society, but governments have not yet translated this understanding into economic recovery spending - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Spending on natural capital has two components: (1) enhancing natural capital through improved management and restoration to increase ecosystem extent and condition and the flow of ecosystem services, which is represented by the flow of investments from society for environmental protection and restoration at the top of Fig. 2, and (2) reducing environmental degradation and resource depletion through economic restructuring, as represented at the bottom of Fig. 2 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The integration of environmental and economic data serves to identify the dependency of people on the natural capital and ecosystem services they need for wellbeing and economic growth, and the impact of people’s activities on the environment (Fig. 2) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2022), tackling climate change (Pizarro 2020), integrated land management (Meijer et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Natural capital investments provide benefits for climate change mitigation and adaptation (Klenert et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The GDP projections account for the impact of environmental pressures, which grow under a baseline scenario and decline when climate mitigation and adaptation interventions are implemented - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some natural capital debts, like species extinction, cannot be repaid - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For example, green bonds are intended to finance environment-friendly investments in low-carbon infrastructure, flood management, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Sustainable agriculture is extremely critical for sustenance of all the life forms owing to the exceedingly demand of food products for an ever-increasing population across the globe - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Essentially, sustainable agriculture involves holistic management of livestock, crops and fisheries, so as to make the farming process self-sustaining for a longer period - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Sustainable growth in the field of agriculture can be achievable by the intervention of advanced technologies such as nanotechnology - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Applications of nanotechnology in the field of agriculture will lead to improved plant growth, stabilization of soil and microbes, targeted usage of chemicals and most importantly nanotechnology contributes profoundly for waste management - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Target 2.1: to ensure universal access to safe and nutritious food for all round the year, especially to poor and those living in vulnerable areas by 2030 and Target 2.2: to end all kinds of malnutrition by 2030 are the foremost targetsFootnote 2 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The current estimates of a report by UN reveals that after a continuous decline over a decade, number of people suffering from hunger crisis (data estimated under prevalence of undernourishment) have gradually increased since 2015Footnote 3 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On the other hand, there are an estimated 2 billion people who lack access to safe, nutritious and adequate food and are exposed to food insecurity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food systems have a major impact on environment as they are responsible for 70% of the water withdrawal from nature, cause 60% of biodiversity loss and produce up to a third of green-house gases (GHGs)Footnote 7 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, these causes also open opportunities for sustainable agricultural practices like adoption of climate smart agriculture, use of organic farming and bio-based agriculture - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Building on at least two decades of evidence-informed policy science [28, 29], the evidence community has responded to this demand through initiatives such as the COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-making (COVID-END)—an international research synthesis, policy and public health effort to systematically identify, appraise and map best-available COVID-19 research syntheses to a broad array of COVID-19 response and recovery decisions [27, 30, 31] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 System-level considerations include strengthening of social safety nets to address widening inequalities resulting from COVID-19 and consideration of how global habit change can contribute to global reduction of poverty and food insecurity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This culminated in a recently-released report documenting recommendations for improving use of science in policy and practice [32]. Perhaps the most powerful recent example of visible connection of SDG science to policy is the ‘Code Red for Humanity’ report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) [33] which provided an alarming backdrop to the Glasgow COP26 Summit in late 2021 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Thus, they have striven to achieve rapid and sustainable economic development in recent decades - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The conclusions and policy recommendations are provided in “Conclusions and recommendations.” Increasing scientific research attention has been given to studying the FDI effect on EP - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 However, not all forms of economic growth are damaging to the environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, dirty extractive industries are not subjected to adequate environmental control, thereby leading to environmental degradation in these countries - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These countries thus have to adopt and enforce global environmental standards; direct, stimulate, and assist FDI in adopting and importing cleaner production technology; and rely on modern and renewable energy systems to save energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, governments should promote public–private partnerships in this area to raise community awareness of the benefits and efficiency of clean renewable energy solutions and of concepts associated with the environment and to encourage the adoption of a modern green lifestyle based on economy and low-carbon consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These implications may guide these countries toward achieving the 2030 SDGs, with cleaner production processes as the main catalysts, thereby improving environmental quality, increasing energy efficiency, and increasing professional opportunities, which in turn will increase the per capita income of these countries (Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, they lack efficient institutional capacity and effective financial systems, which hinder the efforts of governments to enact and implement effective environment laws - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Given that most the Arab countries are developing and less developed and are experiencing fluctuations in their economic growth, they are strongly driven to achieve high and sustainable growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Renewable energy is an appropriate alternative to fossil fuels and coal, especially if supported by government initiatives - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Unlike conventional energy sources such as traditional biomass and coal, green energy does not damage the environment (Bekhet and Othman 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides green energy, environmental stringency is among the most crucial environmental policy measures used to combat the looming danger to environmental efficiency and sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Greenhouse gas emissions by sector (percentage of total) in emerging economies, 2018 Source: (CAIT database) Figure 4 shows country-wise per capita consumption of fossil energy in EMEs for 2019, whereby South Korea tops the list of fossil energy users having 58,323 Megawatt-hours following Russia, the Czech Republic, and so on, signifying rapid economic development process - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These economies need to drastically increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while restraining excessive use through strict environmental regulations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 First, this research fills the gap in emerging economies by introducing stringent environmental policy and green energy in a two-dimensional framework as policy instruments that can enhance environmental quality to improve human well-being and income - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021), investigated for Latin American and Caribbean economies to reduce ambient air pollution death rates by clean energy usage and applied panel quantile via movement model conditional quantile model for 1990–2016 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lawson (2020) argued that CO2 emissions are not caused by human development, but primary energy consumption can cause CO2 emissions in sub-Saharan African countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (Data CAIT 2020) The main reason behind selecting emerging market economies (EMEs) is the rapid economic development process in these countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Further, moving from fossil energy to clean energy also helps to reduce greenhouse gases - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) who studied sub-Saharan Africa and suggested resolving these serious health concerns through international agreements to shift economies from fossil energy toward green energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides, it also showed the unidirectional causality between EPS and well-being, green energy and well-being, and electricity and well-being - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Deforestation and forest degradation are still some of the main drivers of biodiversity loss and an increase in global carbon emissions (Simula 2009; Sasaki et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 SDG 10 calls for reducing inequalities and the representation and recognition of different actors, including forest-dependent populations - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This paper reports an analysis of a case study in Colombia of the interested parties’ perspectives on the concept of forest degradation, drivers or causes, and trends - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Activities that were finally considered by the respondents to be direct causes of forest degradation were classified as a) extraction of forest products according to type (wood, firewood, charcoal, and nontimber forest products), use (domestic or commercial), and frequency of production (selective or persistent), (b) livestock activities related to mostly forest grazing, and (c) uncontrolled fires - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Mean values of stakeholders’ perceptions of the importance of forest degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In contrast, Orinocan workers did not perceive any cause relevant to forest degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Abbreviations represent the score (1–5 in Q1 and 0–3 in Q2) given by stakeholders to the importance of each driver in forest degradation (C-Coal; F-Fire; G-Grazing; IS-Invasive Species; PC-Persistent Cutting, SC-Selective Cutting, WC-Wood for Commercial Use, WD-Wood for domestic use) As evidenced in Fig. 4a, b reveals that stakeholders working in distinct regions and levels (local and national) perceived distinct drivers as factors of forest degradation in the last five years (CA: 59% of variation explained by the first two axes, total inertia = 0.38) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In a way, this can include a strategy for the diversification of income to reduce vulnerability to drought or market price variations - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Scale must be considered in developing further policies and mechanisms to halt drivers of forest degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Whereas the different initiatives initially focused on specific domains, such as biodiversity (IPBES 2019) or climate change (IPCC 2021), it has been progressively acknowledged that the interconnected nature of environmental and societal issues makes a broader perspective mandatory - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, the disaster risk concerns mostly human populations (to a lesser extent, forest and wildlife), whereas the risk for life on land due to excessive grey protection is for ecosystems - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 2001) and connects with major environmental policy guidelines and their ongoing convergence: SDGs, Sendai framework and the explicit mapping between their targets (UNDRR 2019b), the “disaster risk, global change and sustainability nexus” (Peduzzi 2019), and “the challenge of achieving risk reduction across Sendai, Paris and the SDGs” (Handmer 2019) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Hierarchical Bayesian framework (HBM) is a straightforward way to handle such issues, and existing examples already demonstrate its ability to share information between different paths at a regional scale and to account from time trends resulting from climate change to perform spatio-temporal assessment of avalanche hazard and risk (Grêt-Regamey and Straub 2006; Eckert et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2003) and how, in details, climate change affects certain critical processes such as snow drift and weak layer formation remains largely unknown (Mock et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The key concepts within the last 25 years in water management have been sustainability, holistic approach to management, and integrated water management and protection - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Due to rapid population growth, urbanization, industrial and agricultural development, water scarcity had become a significant problem in most parts of the world - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Early 80s started with the declaration of the “International Drinking Water and Sanitation Decade” (1981–1990) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This meeting was among the first events to focus on water security and defined 7 challenges: Meeting basic needs, Securing the food supply, Protecting ecosystems, Sharing water resources, Managing risks, Valuing water, and Governing water wisely - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Since then, UN-water has continued to focus on all major water issues such as ( ): Freshwater resources - both in terms of their quality and quantity, their development, assessment, management, monitoring and use; Sanitation - both access to and use of sanitation by populations and the interactions between sanitation and freshwater; Water-related disasters, emergencies and other extreme events and their impact on human security - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Population growth, urbanization and climate change are forcing the water domain to adapt - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Together, these four actions generate social, environmental and economic benefits for all society, contributing to overall well-being and health, water and food security, and sustainable development” ( -sciences/environment/water/wwap/) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The second World Water Forum was held in The Hague in 2000 with the theme “From Vision to Action” and proposed to: Involve all stakeholders in integrated management, Move to full-cost pricing of water services, Increase public funding for research and innovation, Increase cooperation in international water basins, Massively increase investments in water - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 UN-Water (2014) claimed that “The framework for this global goal for water is designed to promote human well-being , economic prosperity and the preservation of environmental capital - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! It is a process made necessary when the natural distribution and availability of water fails to meet the needs of all water users – in terms of quantity, quality, timing of availability, or reliability - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Sustainable development goals ( ) At present, efforts in the water community are focused on SDG 6 to investigate how water management plans can be revised or improved to meet the Goal - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Some inputs to the above report were formulated at the recent Budapest 2016 Water Summit ( -water-summit/news/) where the targets of the Clean Water and Sanitation (Sustainable Development Goal 6) are disclosed as ( -water-summit/overview/overview-of-sustainable-development-goals-542/): by 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all; by 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations; by 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater, and increasing recycling and safe reuse by x% globally; by 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity, and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity; by 2030 implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate; by 2020 protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes; by 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water and sanitation related activities and programmes, including water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies; support and strengthen the participation of local communities for improving water and sanitation management. The overview presented in this paper on water policy development within the last 30 years starts essentially with Agenda 21 as the first international document to introduce the basic concepts of sustainability and integrated (holistic) water resources management (IWRM) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Summarized below are some of the important problems that Turkey experiences towards sustainable water management (Svendsen et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Research on urban sustainability is also becoming crucial [4] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As populations move to urban areas, residents’ quality of life and cities’ livability are becoming important parts of urban sustainability research [8] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Furthermore, urban sustainability should focus on issues such as rationalization of government subsidies, urban productivity and efficiency, and balanced regional development [15] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Compared with other countries, China experiences more complex problems in the process of urban sustainability because Chinese cities have large populations and various types of distributions [24] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Urban agglomerations have become mainstream and the trend in urban development [27] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 May 17, 2020, The CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued The Guidance on Promoting the Development of the Western Region to Form a New Pattern in the New Era, which means that promoting a new round of sustainable development of the western region will become an important regional strategy of China in the future - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Located in the inland center of China, the Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration has valuable historical and cultural heritage [43] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This shows that the sustainable development of the western region relies mainly on economic development, and economic growth and innovation have a great influence on the sustainable development level evaluation indicator system - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Mianyang, China's science and technology city known as the "Silicon Valley of the West", is also a major research and development base for China's defense technology and electronics industry - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Both the economic growth index and the living environment index dropped significantly in 2018 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The main industries are the upstream industries of manufacturing, with high pollution, high energy consumption and low scientific and technological content - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At present, western urban agglomerations can no longer maintain a high level of long-term sustainable development through a single economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It should promote exchanges and cooperation between the various urban agglomerations, lessen the level of economic development between cities, reduce the spatial heterogeneity sustainable development levels of the western urban agglomerations, strengthen the urban agglomeration spatial interaction, break the administrative barriers, and promote the flow of resources so that the western region achieves coordinated sustainable development. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Amongst conventional fossil fuels, coal, the second largest source of primary energy, accounts for 30% of total energy consumption globally - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Carbon sequestration potential is linked to not only global climate change, but also changes in other ecosystem processes that are significant to human welfare - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To mitigate the adverse impact of mining and initiate ecosystem recovery, self-sustainable revegetation or forestry reclamation strategy is a significant PME management option (Pietrzykowski 2014; Józefowska et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In this regard, proper land use management strategies in reconstructed mine soil (technosol) play a decisive role in recuperating soil properties, ecosystem carbon pool and partially mitigating global climate crisis over chronosequence reclamation age (Frouz 2017) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Agroforestry, eco-restoration parks, and fruit orchards are the most often used postmining land uses in India (Ahirwal and Maiti 2016) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Forest landscape play a critical role in partially mitigating climate change through C sequestration and provide a broad range of ecosystem services - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The primary aim of carbon sequestration are as follows: Off-setting anthropogenic emission of GHG by fossil fuel combustion, industrial process, and deforestation Reduction in net increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration and carbon pool Improving SOC pool in degraded ecosystem Development of soil quality and associated ecosystem goods and services (EGS) Improving nutrient (N, P, K) and water retention capacity Reduction in risk of soil erosion and non-point source pollution Increasing sustainable productivity and ecological security The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol recognizes the significant potential of carbon sequestration through forestry reclamation as a way forward to mitigate global warming and to offset carbon emission by developing countries through investing in forestry reclamation project (FRP) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) appeared as guidelines for an action plan designed for pursuing an environmentally sustainable future accompanied by economic growth and societal well-being - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 First, given the focus of this paper on healthier diets, we separate the nutrition element from the broader concept of food security to create a new outcome category - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The principal activities of the food system encompass food production, processing, distribution and marketing, consumption, and food loss and waste management - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Food losses and waste play a key role in affecting global food and nutrition security by directly reducing the total food available for consumption and by indirectly increasing natural resource use (FAO, 2013) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2017) emphasize the need to identify where food loss occurs in the food system along the various stage of the value chain and causes of food loss - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The primary focus of food safety efforts is the reduction of health hazards and risks related to microbial and food-borne pathogens (Hoffmann and Harder, 2012) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Inclusive food systems could in turn provide sustainable livelihoods in the different sectors of the system, particularly for vulnerable groups like smallholders and women - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The four study countries are large countries with high diversity in terms of agroecology, geography, rural-urban gradients, population, and multiple food sub-systems (Gebru et al., 2018; Raneri et al., 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In addition, many indicators, such as food safety, diet diversity, and food losses and waste, can in theory be measured at local or sub-group scale and traced throughout the food system - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In Morocco, varied efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) through concerted and targeted support bring added value to national efforts for the achievement of strategic priorities, which are advanced regionalization, democratic governance, inclusion, a reduction in socioeconomic territorial and gender inequalities, and equitable education and health [4] - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! The infant mortality rate was 149% in 1956 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 (Source: author’s, DB from [30, 35]) Evolution of human development indicators Extreme poverty and hunger have been virtually eradicated - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The absolute poverty rate has been reduced by more than two-thirds nationally, from 21% in 1985 to 4.2% in 2014 - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The proportion of the population unable to reach the minimum level of calorific intake, measured by the food poverty rate, was reduced from 4.6% in 1985 to 0.1% in 2014 [36] - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The main design of the proposed division distinguishes two types of new regions with clear boundaries: the first includes specific destinations based on large poles or the two urban poles whose influence extends over areas of economic development, and the second class relates to remote regions in the Atlas Mountains, steppes, and deserts, which are cut off to various degrees and require the strong support of national solidarity - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This observation opens the debate on disparities in social services in Morocco - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 According to the report “Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication” from United Nations Environment Programme—UNEP [10], green economy is an important tool for sustainable development; one that is inclusive and can drive economic growth, employment, and poverty eradication, whilst maintaining the healthy functioning of the Earth’s ecosystems” - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They propose a framework where only developed countries should reduce emissions, enabling developing ones to maintain development based on more emission intensive activities without compromising global mitigation targets if they prefer or require such activities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Although emissions from deforestation are huge in Brazil [30], this sector historically does not correlate with human development measured at state level [31]: −0.2 in 1991, −0.15 in 2000 and −0.31 in 2010 (Supplementary File 1) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 We used IPCC’s global scenarios [1] and Brazilian NDC [25] to determine some Brazilian commitments to reduce emissions (next section describe these commitments) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 But on the other side, given the current slowdown in the economic growth [45], some environmental and structural dilemmas in Brazil [46] and the recent global recession from 2020, our result may be understood as one of the several potential scenarios of socio-economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This might be related to mechanisms of technology transfer, governmental policies and a local economy not based on activities intensive in emissions - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 This way, there would be no difference in constant f to achieve the 2050 goals, but some microregions would have to reduce emissions earlier - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Because mitigation in the land use change sector has been the most vigorous one in Brazil [30], our results are conservative estimations in terms of potential mitigation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the absence of a common understanding about the environmentally sustainable economic growth pathway for LDCs, we can assume it as achieving the environment-related SDGs 7, 12, and 13 by 2030 while continuing to improve their GNI per capita figures to seek promotion from the LDC status - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Achieving the SDG 7 via renewable energy transition in oil-importing South Asian countries (e.g - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2018) implicitly support the notion of poverty alleviation in LDCs by stating that reductions in consumption should not be indiscriminate and that the consumption of people living on a low income can increase - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 (2018) analyzed the metabolic inequality among countries of different income levels and geographical locations to find that LDCs, together with the middle-income countries, increased their material intensity and material use between 2000 and 2010 because the affluence grew faster than material efficiency - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Similarly, the recent literature focuses on variables such as globalization, trade, population growth, foreign investment, innovations, primary products (forestry, livestock, and crops), and fiscal policies to study the resource consumption-environmental sustainability-development nexus (Rehman et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The traditional use of biomass for cooking in rural areas drives its consumption, and the urban transport system is mainly responsible for the use of fossil fuels in Nepal (Parajuli et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Between 2000 and 2016, the percentage of the population with access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking increased from 15 to 25% in Nepal, and the access to electricity increased from 20% of the rural population to 90% in the same period (World Bank 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This implies that the biomass and fossil fuels will likely achieve absolute decoupling from the economic growth in the SDGs, and a strong relative decoupling in the CMS and the LEAS - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They ponder whether to focus on economic growth or sustainable development objectives, including SDGs 7, 12, and 13 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, reflecting on the seemingly dormant role of the remittance, a significant contributor to Nepal’s GDP, in the biomass consumption, and the negative elasticity of fossil fuel consumption from remittance in the ARDL model indicates the role it can play in the clean energy transition - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Remittance is found to have a direct causality relationship with renewable energy consumption (Das et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The small-scale household and community level modern renewable energy technologies (e.g - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, considering the contribution of biomass in the total DMC in future (Fig. 4) and the role of remittance in household consumption, policies targeting the dissemination of the small-scale modern renewable energy technologies in the rural areas can help reduce the DMC in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 But the methods used of drawing and painting, it aids their memory, so children will remember those messages to keep themselves safe” - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! By enhancing the inclusion of vulnerable communities, CMs could assist in delivering robust, equitable development plans, meeting an element of the ambitions for transformative change embedded in the SDG agenda - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 However, if used for inclusive dialogue, increasing CM use could contribute to improving direct citizen participation in policy-making, and aligning outcomes with those of the wider public, to enhance legitimacy and offset governance failures (Fung 2015) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 One of the major goals of the European Union member countries (EU-28) in recent times is to mitigate environmental consequences of carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulation and other greenhouse gasses (GHGs), which led to global warming and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A weak institution creates a fertile ground for environmental degradation, while a strong institution strengthens environmental improvement through total compliance with environmental laws - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Financial development also influences the environment through economic growth (Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019) who attribute a decline in environmental pollution to a decline in corruption due to improvement in environmental quality - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Farming on the rooftop of office buildings and skyscrapers not only maximizes space usage but also adds greenery to the urban landscape against pollution while harvesting solar energy for food production and generating renewable electricity with solar panels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Beyond that, workforce-upskilling initiatives are timely to be deployed via technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and micro-credentials for all sectors and industries - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 We must acknowledge that not all countries can afford to provide a social-safety net for the foreseeable income inequality between AI technology haves and have-nots - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Global municipal solid waste (MSW) production by 2016 was approximately 2.010 million t.year−1 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The main contributing factors for the increased amount of generated waste lie on population growth and, consequently, on urban development; both factors are intensified by local economic performance, changes in lifestyle, and consumption patterns (Adamović et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 WPC variations in HDI and GINI indices per IAC and per region Gini index had not yet been explicitly used as variable or independent factor to explain WPC variations, unlike HDI and income (Inc and Inp), which have often been used as reliable variables to estimate MSW generation (Kawai and Tasaki 2016) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Countries, GINI index, and HDI associated with the Amazonian biome (Biom, p value < 0.05) were the variables that stood out in spatial differences (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.05) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Therefore, it was possible concluding that WPC production has multiple and significant dependencies on Lon, population parameters (Ptot, Purb, Prur), Gini index, and HDI, regardless of whether the place where it is produced is located in the Amazon, or not - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Thus, Gini index can still be considered a variable of significant interdependence with WPC, when it interacts with other socioeconomic and management variables (Inp, Inc and Wton) (Table 3) (Passarini et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Globally, the rapid increase in population growth and economic activities such as consumption, industrialization and deforestation continue to threaten the fixed supply of environmental resources which has led to environmental degradation (Dar and Asif 2020) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The products and activities of the agricultural sector majorly responsible for GHG emission include biomass incineration, fertilizers and manures, wetlands and machineries as well as fossil fuels, particularly in the processing, packaging and transportation of agricultural products (Dar and Asif 2020) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Thus, through efficient biomass waste management and substantial enhancement of combustion of palm oil mills, huge potentials exist for the region to turn waste to wealth in this viable industry - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2019) have been conducted in the area of CO2-agriculture-renewable energy nexus - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study therefore considers energy, natural resources, energy and regional integration on CO2 emissions in order to investigate the problems and prospects as well as the interaction of political constraints mechanism among these variables - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Thirdly, this paper also contributes to empirical literature by investigating the moderating effect of political constraint on the relation between energy, natural resources, agriculture and regional integration and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The increasing consumption of energy has significantly affected the climate change dynamics across the world (Wang et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Adopting the ARDL bounds testing and Johansen cointegration test with FMOLS, they discovered that using renewable energy and forest area mitigate CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They observed that improvement in renewable energy mitigates CO2 emissions in the countries under study and for lower middle-income countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Results revealed that trade and renewable energy decrease emissions while non-renewable energy increases it - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, a positive and significant relationship between renewable, non-renewable energy and CO2 emissions was found in ASEAN (Liu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Findings show that economic growth deteriorates the environment in all of the countries and natural resource has the same effect in all countries studied except Laos PDR and Thailand - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) in their study of the BRICS economy indicated that geopolitical worsens environmental degradation by increasing CO2 emission - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Supporting this argument is the study of Laegreid and Povitkina (2018) which indicated that CO2 elasticity of GDP becomes constant and waning the higher the GDP per capita for democratic countries that have low corruption and high civil participation - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 2019) have been conducted in the area of CO2-agriculture-renewable energy nexus - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 β0 is the slope intercept, and β1, β2, β3, β4, β5 and β6 are the coefficient estimates of renewable energy consumption, natural resources, agricultural production, trade integration, political constraint and fossil fuel energy consumption, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022a, b, c, d) also discovered that the use of clean energy promotes environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022a, b, c, d) who discovered that natural resources give rise to environmental degradation in China - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2022) have also found that agriculture has positive association with the environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Table 6 also indicates a positive influence of fossil energy consumption on CO2 emissions, demonstrating that widespread exploitation and use of fossil energy has resulted in an increase in CO2 emissions in these four economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 If we look at model 2, we find that the interaction between renewable energy and political constraint is positive - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Third, we argue for a more sophisticated trade integration to enhance environmental protection and pollution reduction rather than cutting down on trade integration - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 More so, countries can offset political constraints through regional integration as recent trends involve the inclusion of democracy clause in regional integration policies and organizations - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 With active inter-trade activities among the ASEAN nations, where each country abides by the various principles and conditionality, regional integration is bound to consolidate democracy and promote political stability - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 (2013) extend the initial physical boundaries assessment with the addition of hunger, inequity, and water stress - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These five cities were selected to meet regional representations, data availability and represent various rates of populations and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Mumbai also has disproportionately high impacts on biodiversity loss, fresh water use, and land-use change (Fig. 4d) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Nearly 20 % of Shanghai’s residents do not have access to solid waste and wastewater collection, while this number is more than 60 % for the people who live in Mumbai Metropolitan Region - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Many are coastal, threatened by increasing sea levels and storm intensities associated with climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, Toronto and Shanghai’s required contribution to climate change is seven times greater than Dakar or Sao Paulo - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Although climate change has severe impact on all the SIDS countries located across the planet, the condition of Pacific SIDS countries is more prone to vulnerabilities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Robinson (2015) has discussed the vulnerability of SIDS countries caused by climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2013) and terrestrial ecosystem (Barry 2014; Betzold 2015) are yet other crucial issues for the Pacific SIDS - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Mace and Verheyen (2016) have discussed the issues of loss and damage in the SIDS countries due to climate change in the context of Paris Agreement, simultaneously emphasizing on WIM - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To overcome these vulnerabilities or adapt to such climate change-related challenges in SIDS, there have been global efforts through various institutional mechanisms to help SIDS countries overcome these deterrents and sustain livelihoods - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal predicts that the Pacific islands would experience more drought and more floods in the future, with the intensity of cyclones expected to increase by 5–20% - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In Fiji, for instance, the coastal erosion devastated 120 people from 26 households in Vunidogoloa in February 2014, causing severe damage to their homes and crops.Footnote 24 Climate change and its related parameters, especially rising temperature and irregular precipitation patterns, have been largely responsible for water-borne and vector-borne diseases - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Pacific islands are also witness to several non-communicable diseases - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It is largely found in the marine areas, which is now in a state of danger because of the fragile conditions caused by climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2010) mentioned that overfishing was done in 36–53% of the commercial species in 55–66% of the EEZs between 1950 and 2004 - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Also, for water security, Pacific SIDS countries, which have been facing problems such as irregular precipitation patterns and poor access to groundwater, have focused on initiatives for integrated water resource management - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Similarly, China, the USA and Australia and some other countries have been contributing immensely to support the SIDS countries in their climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts are already in progress in the Pacific SIDS - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Tropical forests are important worldwide since they balance the ecology, providing different environmental hotspots to society, such as oxygenation, water sources through groundwater and rainwater, animal or plant diversity, and soil fertility that provide different raw materials - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Thus, anaerobic digestion can be a good alternative for waste processing due to the possibility of using different substrates, the low capital cost, and the potential for supplying energy to the communities - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Although Sc2 has a low SGI, it is the scenario that can supply energy to more local households (considering the average annual energy consumption of LPG), especially in rural areas which are not energy interconnected - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 SDG 1 is classified in the people sphere; SDGs 6, 12, 13, and 14 are in the planet sphere; and finally, SDGs 8 and 10 are classified in the prosperity sphere - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Considering the Departmental Development Plan, the impact is related to employment generation since the proposed processes could be an alternative for regional entrepreneurship - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The experimental results of the proposed products from annatto and açai are precisely proposed to safeguard the resources of the region and generate a potential for responsible consumption of the products - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 There is an inverted U shape between economic growth and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, human-induced warming reached approximately 1 °C compared to the pre-industrial level - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The results of the current 1 °C global warming have been already experienced as extreme weather events, rising sea levels and melting of Arctic sea ice and other changes - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As the negative effects of environmental damages started to be felt on a global scale such as global warming and climate change in time, this situation has led the countries to search for a common solution, and many meetings were held on sustainable development in both national and international platforms - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Over the period covering 1998–2017, approximately 1.3 million people lost their lives due to climate change and geophysical disasters, and these disasters caused a direct economic loss of 3 trillion dollars (United Nations 2019) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Focusing only on economic development-related goals may corrupt achieving other goals needed to improve the quality of life - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The aim of this study is analyzing the impact of FDI on environmental degradation in ASEAN-5 countries - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Finally, energy consumption increases CO2 emissions, and this effect is significant at 1% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A strong institutional structure leads to a more predictable economy and, therefore, increases foreign direct investment inflows and accelerates economic growth (Busse and Hefeker 2007) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In addition, it can ensure the enforcement of legal regulations that prevent dirty investments that will lead to environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The SDGs related to economic growth (SDG1 and SDG8) and environmental sustainability (SDG13) may be contradictory - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For sustainable economic growth, environmental deterioration must be prevented - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 mong the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), increasing infrastructure resilience (SDG9) and combating climate change and its impacts (SDG13) have been vital goals - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Recently policymakers have started paying close attention to the potential linkages between climate change and ICT, particularly in developing nations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Internet access has become a fundamental human right in contemporary society because of its increasing importance in our daily lives, as proclaimed by the United Nations (2016) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! By raising awareness of environmental matters and utilising modern, environmentally friendly technology, ICT can also help mitigate environmental degradation (Plepys 2002; Lashkarizadeh and Salatin 2012) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Considerable effort has been made to use the EFP to analyse environmental degradation empirically since it perceives human wants on the world as an indicator of environmental degradation (Bibi and Jamil 2021; Ajanaku and Collins 2021; Musah et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Ibrahim and Waziri (2020) examined the impacts of non-renewable energy on the quality of life through the conditioning role of technology on a panel of 43 SSA nations between 1990 and 2019 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) inspected the relationship between internet usage, electricity consumption, economic growth, and CO2 emissions for 16 EU economies between 1990 and 2017 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, it is also possible that the country and to stimulate growth and development might import dirty technology or allow foreign investors to introduce polluted technology, as described in the pollution-haven hypothesis - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 By raising awareness of environmental matters and utilising modern, environmentally friendly technology, ICT can also help mitigate environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Likewise, ICT facilities increase renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Likewise, the results supported the United Nations (2016) call that internet access should become a fundamental human right in contemporary society because of its increasing importance in daily lives - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This includes companies involved in mining PR deposits, the food industry, fertilizer companies, state departments, environment agencies, municipal authorities but also “consumers”, such as farmer associations or wastewater treatment plants - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The study responds to the call for more local level assessments of the impacts of climate change on inland fisheries in data-limited environments, and the value of the sector in underpinning the Sustainable Development Goals - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, there were also differences found in the utilisation of income beyond food security, with participants investing in material and productive assets, such as natural (e.g - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Overall fishers perceived fish-related livelihoods as generating positive outcomes relating to improved income, food security and wellbeing, and reduced vulnerability - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Notwithstanding, some research groups such as the Sandia National Laboratories have developed several projects such as the Continuous Reliability Enhancement for Wind (CREW) database [68] that aims to provide data-driven tools for the industry to self-assess the performance of wind turbines and adapt the operation and maintenance accordingly - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The majority of the structural components of the wind turbine can be easily recycled except the composite blades since the recycling of composite materials is still difficult with the current technology [8] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In this context, elongating the lifespan of turbine blades can be considered the only feasible choice today to postpone and control the future explosion of composite waste, thus, offering the opportunity and time for finding better recycling solutions for this problem - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In regards to the offshore wind turbines, the impact of one or another maintenance strategy on life-cycle costs is even more accentuated, especially when considering end-of-life scenarios and the possibility of life extension [246, 269] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For instance, by improving the living standards of households, remittances help to attain SDG 1 - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, if remittances are used to promote access to modern and sustainable energy, then SDG 7 will be achieved - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, the aim of SDG 10 will be met if remittances help to eliminate intra-and inter-country inequalities - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Moreover, SDG 15 will be attained if remittances are used to fund initiatives that help to battle desertification, maintain forests and terrestrial ecosystems and prevent land pollution - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Though remittances are key drivers of the majority of the SDGs, numerous explorations have identified them as a potential source of environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The World Health Organization quickly declared it a pandemic that required a public health emergency on March 11, 2020 [20, 43] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 SARS-Cov-2 and bat coronavirus have genomes that are 96.2% similar, according to scientific research [18, 34] - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Due to food scarcity, insecurity, and malnutrition, it posed a serious threat to agriculture and the global food supply chain systems [49] - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 According to the benchmarking pillars for the global food security index [29], food security has six dimensions: availability, access, utilization, stability, quality, and safety, as shown in Fig. 2 [16, 65] - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 According to Global Food Security Index developed based on 59 indicators considering the issues of food affordability, availability, quality and safety, and natural resources and resilience across 113 countries; global food security is deteriorating over decade primarily due to climate variability and intensive farming further, the conditions were aggravated by Covid-19 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Source: [6, 8, 22, 51, 82, 84, 114] Impacts of Covid-19 food system dynamics on six dimensions of food security, and coping strategies to tackle the pandemic - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Improving local food production necessitates better access to land, water, and other physical and human resources, as well as social inclusion, traditional knowledge and skill transfer, marketing, cold chain storage facilities, and a change in public preference [47] - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Central Bank of Sri Lanka had eased its monetary policy with historically low interest levels, concessional financing, subsidy schemes, refinancing, and credit guarantee schemes while, emphasizing the need of robust monitoring and market regulation for liquidity measures to ensure food security and better functioning of food system governance due to the market power of intermediaries [152] - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A number of social, economic, environmental, cultural, technical, and management factors were taken into account when developing the framework, and the literacy in the food system, agriculture, climate change, resilience, and policy development was also included - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Conceptual Framework on ensuring global food security and building pandemic resilient food system: towards accomplishing SDG targets To ensure global food security and the sustainability of the food system, special attention is also required in the following areas - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Encourage more robust food production systems based on agroecology and other sustainable food production methods [3, 70]. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It has also led to high rates of mental health, suicide, and life dissatisfaction for many, where these factors are compounded by living through environmental devastation brought by the same system of over-consumption and over-population [46] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 2010), since they need this knowledge for ensuring family food security (Ellena and Nongkynrih 2017) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, ongin (Clerodendrum colebrookianum) is recommended for controlling diabetes and high blood pressure (35.8 % in remote and 39.8% in transitioning villages) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 These play a significant role in regulating hunting and fishing, and harvesting of forest resources, with violators being fined - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2013) reported that wild plant foods are typically higher in calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamin C, for example, than cultivated plants - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! However, the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan and Greening India policies, in which women’s participation and knowledge are being incorporated in planning and programs on biodiversity conservation (GOI 2019) show promise - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Coordinated planning between agriculture (including horticulture), forestry, land development corporations, and housing authorities remains critical to reversing and arresting the adverse impacts of land use changes and erosion in biocultural diversity - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Four recommended actions are provided to further implement these international aspirations: (1) take into account these international agreements during the development and implementation of all legislation; (2) build awareness, capability, and capacity within central, regional, and local governments to support implementation; (3) actively evaluate the progress of implementing initiatives designed to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience; and (4) ensure that more weight and value are given to indigenous planning documents - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 To meet this aim, a desktop assessment is provided of how Aotearoa New Zealand is changing governance arrangements and introducing new policies, and implementation progress against the priorities for risk reduction and climate change adaptation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Opportunities for improvement are discussed, including the development of a national policy statement for natural hazard management and climate change adaptation, and the inclusion of vulnerability into land-use planning - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Extreme weather events and landslides can also impact many places, and flooding can affect catchments across the country - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Timeline of key events, actions, and governance responses to the growing threat of natural hazards in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2010–2020 The case for aligning disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and sustainable development has been successfully argued for at the international level (O’Brien et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It meets this aim by providing an overview of the national governance arrangements and a focus on the key legislative tools that influence emergency management, urban development, and land use in New Zealand - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The five primary statutes in Aotearoa New Zealand that contribute to the management of natural hazards and climate change are presented in Table 1 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Source Adapted from Saunders (2017) Legislative linkages across key legislation for management of natural hazards and climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The five primary statutes provide the tools to manage land use for natural hazard risks (that is, the RMA), respond to risks (that is, the CDEM Act), and adapt to climate change (that is, the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act), all of which overlap - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 By comparison, 57.1% of the CDEM plans discussed or assessed vulnerable communities - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The following two subsections provide two examples of non-regulatory initiatives that councils—driven by community pressure—and Māori communities are undertaking to prioritize climate action and natural hazard risk reduction - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It identifies seven climate action outcomes, including emissions reduction, resilience, human health and well-being, diversity of response, equitably or just transitions, environmental, and economic outcomes - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While the strategy focuses on climate change, it also acknowledges the impacts of extreme weather on the tribal lands and communities, the interconnectedness of the environment, and the importance of resilience - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change and natural hazards are integrated, and the plan gives the iwi a voice within council decision making - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Neither vulnerability nor resilience is explicitly included within the RMA and sustainability, resilience, and well-being are not included in the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Such technologies should be introduced as soon as possible to help prevent climate change and adapt to the change that does occur (Gaast and Begg 2009) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Over the past two decades, Serbia and Montenegro have made progress in the areas of RES and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Wind energy accounts for a relatively large share of RES in Serbia and Montenegro (Mikicic et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The energy efficiency policy of Moldova is shaped by a combination of its energy problems and obligations due to its status of a member of the Energy Community - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moldova occupies a leading position in the field of biogas and biofuels, in terms of the percentage they represent in the electricity generation sector - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides, CERs received through CDM projects are subject to a 2% fee, known as a “share of the proceeds”, which is paid to the newly created adaptation fund to help the most vulnerable developing countries adapt to the negative effects of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 UNdata began operations in February 2008 and is the outcome of a partnership among the UN Statistics Division, the Swedish Statistical Office and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 UNdata enables the user to explore and download data from many statistical resources, covering such subjects as energy, the environment, employment, food and agriculture, health, human development, industry, information and communication technologies, national accounts, population, refugees, commerce and tourism - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Bosnia and Herzegovina also had two projects, both of which were hydroelectric - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Most were projects in the field of wind energy and only one was in the field of biogas - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Despite the shock caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, nations are still striving to reduce emissions, while overcoming the crisis and developing their economies in a sustainable way - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The effect of climate change on the global distribution and fate of CECs is well established (Snyder et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The seminal book “Silent Spring” (Carson 1962) marked the dawn of an era of enhanced environmental consciousness and led to the creation of agencies such as the US Environmental Protection Agency in the 1970s - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Further, the medical care of patients involves a lot of single-use plastic materials, which countries have planned to regulate or phase out gradually during the pre-COVID era - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Further, contaminant fluxes between the ocean and the atmosphere will also be altered, affecting their distribution and availability for uptake at lower trophic levels in the marine environment (AMPA 2016), potentially creating imbalances in the existing global biogeochemical processes - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Plastic recycling is also known to produce greenhouse gases (Zheng and Suh 2019) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Consequently, the trees in schoolyards promote the city's sustainability (SDG11), climate actions (SDG13), and the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity (SDG15) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Study area This study used urban forestry inventory, based on quota and purposive sampling approach - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Similarly, [41] emphasized that protecting the trees from destruction slows down the impacts of climate change which is a key to meeting the SDG 13 (climate action) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Our study recommends the use of multipurpose woody plant species in urban greening school initiatives for quality education - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Finally, our study recommends that the school authorities incorporate multipurpose tree planting in your school’s environmental plans and the use of Rainwater Harvesting Systems for the school urban forestry in two cities. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Also, it is estimated that the percentage of renewable energy in the global electricity mix reached over 26.2% in 2019 (Ranalder and Gibb 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Increasing the usage of renewable energy is therefore in line with attaining SDG 7 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, beyond economic expansion and environmental deterioration as a determinant of renewable energy usage, the relevance of globalization for renewable energy consumption has also been found (Ibrahiem and Hanafy 2021; Rahman and Miah 2017; Irfan et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Meanwhile, there is conflicting evidence regarding the association between globalization and renewable energy, such that the impacts of globalization on renewable energy usage can be both beneficial and detrimental - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, we anticipate that economic globalization is positively related with renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the same vein, economic globalization can indirectly achieve sustainable economy and environmental quality through its crucial role in the development of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Vietnam energy mix for 2019 The next section comprises a synopsis of the research - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Some extant research has emphasized some determinants that often boost renewable energy demand - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) studied the connection between FDI and renewable energy in the United Arab Emirates for the period between 1989 and 2019 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Several previous research employed qualitative methodologies to examine the various avenues via economic expansion to expand renewable energy usage in a group of economies or specific nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) researched the impact of economic growth on REN in GCC economies for the period between 1990 and 2019 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In an investigation by Przychodzen and Przychodzen (2020), the authors studied the influence of economic growth on REN in twenty-seven economies for the period between 1990 and 2014 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The findings of the research concluded that economic growth increases REN - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The range of REN, economic growth, economic globalization, CO2 emissions, and political risk are 0.5848 to 2.3478, 2.5769 to 3.2932, 1.4692 to 1.7872, − 0.5844 to 0.3456, and 1.2844 to 1.8548, respectively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 With the increase in per capita income by 1%, the usage of renewable energy will also increase by 2.173% (long run) and 8.4142% (short run); therefore, the level of income boosts the renewable energy usage in Vietnam - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They highlighted that per capita income is a determinant of renewable energy and concluded that per capita income contributes to the usage of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A 1% increase in economic globalization in the long run will cause the consumption of renewable energy to increase by 1.7418% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Our finding demonstrates that economic globalization is critical in stimulating renewable energy in Vietnam - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) for the G7 nations discovered that globalization enhances renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The prior study by Murshed (2021) for South Asian economies established that trade openness boosts renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Finally, but certainly not least, the increases in the index of political risk increases the renewable energy use in prior literature such as (Su et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 When the level of political risk rises, trade in capital goods may place a further burden on the pool of natural resources, resulting in a downward trend in the development of renewable energy solutions in Vietnam - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Table 6 depicts the causal interactions between renewable energy and the exogenous variables at different time frequencies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lastly, no casual association is found from renewable energy to political risk, while a causality relationship from political risk to renewable energy is uncovered in the long, medium, and short term - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since the renewable energy demand is projected to expand, the need for technological advancement will grow accordingly - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This would eventually deter businesses from using fossil fuel-based options in their manufacturing activities, forcing them to switch to sustainable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This heterogeneity implies that a food security policy with a single focus is not appropriate, given that there are more disconnects prevailing than linkages - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Section 3 provides a case study of Indian states, including background on the evolution of their concepts, programs, and policies related to food security, and discusses the data and methodology adopted - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In this paper, to shed light on their interlinkages and performance we look at dimensions of the processes and indicators of food security through the lens of pathways from agriculture-to-nutrition at the subnational level in India - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Source: Authors’ conceptualization The third strand of literature we reviewed draws on the capability approach, pioneered by Sen (1999) in the context of poverty and deprivation - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 We focus on a set of development indicators and the role of states and their interventions on these outcomes, especially focusing on women and children, who are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In addition, the internationally used definition and scope of food security has been expanding since then to incorporate various dimensions — food security is now about not only food availability at the national level but access and utilization at the household and individual levels - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 To ensure better food access and delivery mechanisms for all types of households, the government adopted a major intervention called the Public Distribution System (PDS) to improve the provision of staple food grains - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 During this phase, the focus of food security policies in India shifted from the national and household levels to the individual level - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This development in ensuring food security was also complemented by programs focusing on other dimensions of the process - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This issue is evident from the simultaneous presence of under- and over nutrition as well as micronutrient deficiency diseases, known as the “triple burden of malnutrition” in the country (Popkin 2001; Gómez et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Cereal or calorie intake, in the absence of any integrated food security framework, remains the main focus of food security policies in India - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (1994), such as number of unique food items consumed, vaccination status, and drinking water and sanitation facilities - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The role of agricultural production as an important indicator in food security can be explained as follows - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Punjab had the best record of women’s empowerment; Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar performed the worst - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Similarly, Uttar Pradesh, though a major food grain-producing state, ranks low on calorie intake and final nutritional status, a situation attributed to low levels of women’s empowerment and poor sanitation and hygiene conditions - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Women’s empowerment leads to greater decision making power and knowledge of childcare practices, both of which are important for acquisition of good health practices, not only by the child but by all members of the household - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 What remains an enigma is that despite a decadal gap between the two rounds of the survey we did not find any major improvement across most indicators and states, or evidence of major catch-up stories, probably attributed to inefficient delivery mechanisms, lack of consolidated action on interrelated dimensions of food security, or lack of nutrition knowledge - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The complexity of the food system has not been fully recognized due to a narrow focus on food production as the goal of food security efforts - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 To ensure sustainable food and nutrition security, equal emphasis on the different dimensions is required - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A similar approach with food and nutrition security in India has plagued the system with distortions - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 An integrated framework for measuring food and nutrition security, and implementing and monitoring relevant policies, is missing - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In final section we appeal for more targeted, evidence-based research to establish direct causal linkages between food insecurity and coping behaviours, distinguishing them from life-as-usual scenarios - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Children are especially vulnerable to food insecurity as they depend on mothers for adequate and healthy diet - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Worldwide, a vast number of children suffer from food insecurity that leads to acute under-nutrition (Zace et al., 2020), and/or nutrition-related overweight and other health hazards (Branca et al., 2015; Rocha et al., 2016; FAO, 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 urban) Number of dependents (children or jobless or elderly or sick) Number of school-going children Total food budget Presence (or absence) of social protection systems In a study in Malaysia, Shariff and Khor (2008) pointed out to two additional factors: (1) life quality standards and (2) overall outlook (expectations and aspirations, personal and household) (Shariff and Khor, 2008) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The most common strategy for women to cope with food insecurity, is to seek and engage in outdoor employment in order to increase family income and food access, or utilisation - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Collectively such strategies undermine future food security efforts of the households (Athanassios et al., 2016) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Chronic food insecurity can elevate mental stress levels among women, to inflict morbidity, in turn leading to lower sense of self-esteem, dampen social interaction skills, resulting in social isolation (Beverly, 2001) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There could also be coexistence of undernourishment and overweight/obesity among women, termed as double burden of malnutrition (Gubert et al., 2017; WHO, 2017; Perez-Escamilla et al., 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Moreover, to influence future policy-making, the AWEAI-type assessments, measuring women’s empowerment in farm sector, should be performed over extended period (instead of on-point-in-time approach, which is more common) as the parameters can change over time. Potential measures to introduce new farming technology and/or protocols to ameliorate farm women’s time poverty In a study in Bangladesh, Schreinemachers et al - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Coping behaviours violate basic premise of a number of SDGs, undermining ideals and aspirations for sustainable growth and human development (Table 5) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Under such circumstances, it calls for targeted research to establish direct causal linkage between food insecurity and adaptive behaviours (Cordero-Ahiman et al., 2018), which, however, is yet sparse - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The weighted scores are then summed and ranked to assign an index that reflects current and perceived future food security status - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The projected increase in the incidence and severity of heat stress and exposure events is expected to impact outdoor workers’ health and will lead to a reduction in their work capacity or affect social well-being - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Australia’s climate change projections showed an increase in days with unsafe heat exposure from 1 day in the 1990s to 15–26 days for each year by the 2070s (Maloney and Forbes 2011) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Social impacts due to heat stress reflect those that directly affect the physical, social and emotional well-being of people including health effects, poverty and income inequality (Gasper et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Hence, this article reviews and synthesises salient literature on climate change, work-related heat stress and workers’ adaptation strategies - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The purpose was inter alia to identify evidence of journal articles with conceptual frameworks related to social impact of work-related heat stress and adaptation policies of workers in the context of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, we excluded from the review studies which (1) were letters, editorials, reviews, comments and viewpoints; (2) assessed climate change-related precipitation, drought, increasing sea levels and rainstorms; (3) assessed the effect of heat stress on animals, crops, plants and ecosystems and (4) were related to climate change mitigation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These regions have inadequate adaptive capacity and inappropriate adaptation and social protection measures due to worsening poverty, insufficient resources and lack of innovative technologies (Kjellstrom et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 However, concerns of social dimensions, linkages and effects of climate change and occupational heat exposure effects on the healthiness, productivity and social lives of workers and their families and communities appear to have been underestimated and/or piecemeal in these models (Kjellstrom et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, at more local scales, healthy and productive adaptation and social protection strategies for working and living in warmer environments are also needed (Frimpong et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It also seeks to boost prospects and resilience by stimulating social capital of workers to ensure decent and productive employment (Cichon 2013; Mundial 2012; UNICEF 2012) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Generally, preventive and control intervention of heat exposure comprise managerial controls, engineering designs and continued training and education regimens - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Also improving the preventive and control intervention of climate change–related heat stress by strengthening labour organisations, regulations and workers’ protective policies have implications for work-related heat stress - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 social security, superannuation and pension schemes) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Also, health insurance, interventions to employment market (e.g - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It is also overlooked in social impact and climate change discourse, even though it has implications for ecological, socioeconomic and human health - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 When drafting the SDGs, the parties presumed that the objectives of economic growth and environmental sustainability would become less contrary to improvements in efficiency; however, researchers have expressed different remarks based on their researches - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Second, we employed ecological footprint, which considers agricultural, water, weather, and forest side of environmental pollution, as an indicator of environmental pollution to study environmental degradation more comprehensively - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Gani and Scrimgeour (2014) investigate voice-accountability and water pollution nexus in 21 OECD countries for the period of 1998–2005 by employing the generalized method of moments (GMM) approach - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The findings indicate that an increase in the democracy level helps to reduce carbon emissions in those African countries - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Besides, renewable energy consumption also reduces carbon emissions level, while trade openness increases - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Adams and Nsiah (2019) investigate democracy and environmental degradation nexus in 28 Sub-Saharan African Countries from 1980 to 2014 by employing the FMOLS and GMM methods - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Afterward, disaggregate energy consumption have gained importance in empirical analyses (see Cole et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Conversely, the exacerbating effect of non-renewable energy consumption on environmental quality is widely accepted - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the one hand, urbanization can lead to environmental problems by destroying ecological areas, increasing fossil fuel consumption, and resource use, due to the increase in demand for housing and transportation, and industrial production - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Moreover, urbanization can ease environmental problems by creating positive externalities, economies of scale, and efficient public services such as pipeline water, health services, proper waste management, and environment-friendly infrastructure (Pata 2018a; Danish and Wang 2019; Erdogan 2020) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Therefore, it may be said that one is not able to judge the overall effect of urbanization on environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Based on these findings, it can be said that environmental degradation in 26 OECD countries is highly dependent on each other - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This finding indicates that countries with a high share in renewable energy consumption could provide a sustainable solution to environmental problems - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The importance of energy efficiency program evaluations is derived largely from the unfortunate reality that energy savings are extremely difficult to measure - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Better measurements of energy savings require the monitoring of actual energy usage and an answer to the counterfactual question: How much energy would have been used in the absence of an energy efficiency program? Ex post program evaluations go beyond the simple formulas described above and use measurements of actual consumer behavior to calculate energy savings - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A second motivation for conducting energy efficiency program evaluations stems from the independence of the third-party evaluators - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this paper, we analyze the results of the recently completed evaluations of the 2004–2005 California utility energy efficiency programs compared to both savings projections and the results reported by the electric and gas utilities - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We aim to give policymakers and regulators a better idea of the benefits of incorporating independent evaluations into their performance incentive mechanisms and to provide valuable information to those who will be designing and implementing energy efficiency programs in the near future - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 California’s energy efficiency programs are administered largely by the states’ four investor-owned utilities (IOUs) with the oversight of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, the RRIM would encompass the performance of the 2004–2005 programs.Footnote 3 Evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) of energy savings has been a major component of California’s energy efficiency efforts - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The IOUs have complained about the delays of the EM&V process, their access to interim results, and the fairness of the evaluations’ use of ex post savings measurements to determine the performance of the energy efficiency programs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Law required that third-party contractors evaluate the 2004–2005 California energy efficiency programs per the CPUC’s (2003) Energy Efficiency Policy Manual to measure the level of energy and peak demand savings achieved; measure cost-effectiveness; provide up-front market assessments and baseline analysis; provide ongoing feedback and corrective, constructive guidance regarding the implementation of programs; and help to assess whether need for the program was ongoing - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In its Energy Efficiency 2006–2007 Verification Report, which included the results of the nearly complete evaluations from the 2004 to 2005 energy efficiency program cycle, the CPUC (2009a) provided information on the impact evaluations of 118 energy efficiency programs from 2004 to 2005, including links to evaluations of 112 of the programs on the CPUC website - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The number of 2004–2005 energy efficiency programs for each IOU’s service area is displayed in Fig. 1, where the abbreviations are for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), Southern California Gas (SCG), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Option A, “Partially Measured Retrofit Isolation,” requires that savings be determined by short-term or continuous field measurements of energy use - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 We have compiled a unique dataset related to the 2004–2005 California utility energy efficiency program cycle - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We are hopeful that our findings will be useful in designing energy efficiency programs and determining how to use independent third-party program evaluations in the future. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, ensuring political stability will bring in more foreign investment, forcing the Canadian government to take its climate crisis problem more seriously - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Source: (IEA, 2021) The Canadian government has made considerable steps in combatting climate change since joining the landmark Paris Agreement in 2015 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This will aid in the development and implementation of renewable energy options, as well as the shift to a greener economy in low- and middle-income nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A 10% upsurge in renewable energy use has a negative effect on CO2 emissions in both the short and long term, whereas a 10% reduction in renewable energy use has a positive effect on CO2 emissions in both the short and long term - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In order to achieve this, Canada must progressively reduce the amount of nonrenewable energy in the energy mix while increasing the share of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We also incorporate other drivers of CO2 emissions such as trade globalization and economic growth into the model - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The high sensitivity was due to food and water insecurity, while low adaptive capacity was due to a lack of formal education and a high dependency rate - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Drought reversed positive steps that had been taken to achieve various SDGs; however, heavy investment in other SDGs such as quality education and health could enhance households’ adaptive capacity and system sustainability in African semi-arid regions - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Households in Gazawa (55.6%) and Meri (55.4%) reported water conflicts in their communities and respondents attributed this to water scarcity due to drought - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Large household size could be due to early marriage, polygyny, lack of family planning or households caring for the children of relatives who died from violence or the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which is prevalent in most parts of Sub-Saharan Africa [3, 9, 34] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The main vulnerability drivers were food insecurity, livelihood strategy and social networking because the studied communities relied heavily on rain-fed agriculture, cultivated fewer crops and there was limited early warning information on impending droughts - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The post-Covid rebuild therefore needs to keep sight of the pressing imperatives of the climate crisis, just transitions and the no carbon economy when designing stimulus packages - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While countries in sub-Saharan Africa contribute the lowest levels of per capita CO2 equivalent emissions, these countries are ranked as the most vulnerable to climate change impacts (Eckstein et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Fair burden sharing between countries implies that countries benefiting from greater climate stability should also help to shoulder a higher burden of the effort and costs of climate change mitigation and adaptation (Puaschunder 2020) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Further, Cevik and Jalles (2022) report that vulnerability and resilience to climate change have a significant impact on the cost of government borrowing, all else being equal, further exacerbating risks for countries in the global south - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This is as a result of the detrimental consequences of climate change on the environment and socio-economic conditions [6], as well as the continuous threat it poses to global sustainability moving into the future [7] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, in South Africa, Dzomonda and Fatoki [23] have reported that the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) now regulates the reporting of listed firms’ environmental performance as part of regulatory demands for sustainability reporting, and it is ascertained that firms committed to environmental investment are likely to enhance their environmental performance - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 [35] have however argued that the identification of corporate sustainability commitments aids their evaluation and management which allow corporate entities to effectively plan and efficiently practicalize their actions for sustainability - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The Spectral Causality test revealed the growth hypothesis regarding transport fossil fuel use and economic growth connection, which suggests that policymakers should be cautious while decreasing the usage of transport fossil fuels because it may hamper economic progress - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Along with the economic growth, the demand for transportation has escalated, which in turn increased passenger and freight transportation (Sharif et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019) examined the relationship between economic growth, population density, oil prices, road transport energy, and TCO2 in Pakistan - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Nevertheless, the USA is using green electricity in the transportation sector to a large extent and this study ignored the impact of green energy on TCO2 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, reducing the consumption of petroleum products and using more green energy can decrease environmental pollution (Sharif et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable energy in the transport sector of the US is mainly comprised of green electricity consumption and biomass energy, and according to our analysis, green energy is limiting the TCO2 levels although its impact is lower than the increase in TCO2 associated with the consumption of fossil fuels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This outcome is sensible since green energy helps to reduce the overdependence on conventional sources of energy, such as coal, oil, and gas - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Current transport infrastructure boosts TCO2 in the USA; in this context, rail and subway-based services should be extended which will be helpful to reduce the burden on freight and passenger vehicle that contribute heavily to TCO2 - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The present study adds to the body of knowledge by examining the relationship between CO2 emissions, sustainable development, energy efficiency, energy intensity, and health expenditures for SAARC countries from 2000 to 2020 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Indeed, the SDGs provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enhance public health via an integrated approach to public policy across many sectors (Hák et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the absence of proper and significant global climate change mitigation actions, distractive and extreme events are expected to increase - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 CO2 emissions do contribute to climate change and global warming - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2016), Siti Khalijah (2015), and Toplicianu and Toplicianu (2014) have also investigated the influence of environmental degradation on health expenses and discovered a substantial association - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Different indicators have been used to measure environmental degradation in prior research, such as NOx, CO2 emissions, and SO2 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2019) have shown that energy utilization has been increasing for many years as economic growth is expanding and found a significantly positive and bidirectional causal association between CO2 emission and energy use - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Gross domestic product has been considered a variable for economic growth in GDP per capita growth annual percentage as many scholars like Ike et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 GDP, employment, and FDI as economic and energy intensity as an environmental factor have been taken in the study following Li et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to DOLS and FMOLS results, a 1 unit increase in energy efficiency will decrease the health expenditures by 10.18% and 15.55%, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the case of energy efficiency and energy intensity, both Granger causes health expenditures, but health expenditures do not have a causal effect on EE and EI - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, the variation of GDP in health expenditures is about 8.33 units in the 5-year horizon and 9.784 units in 10 years because of shocks on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The energy-related variables used in this study, such as energy efficiency and energy intensity, described 0.21 and 2.87 units variation in 5 years and 0.304 and 3.315 units in 10 years in foreign direct investment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Regarding energy efficiency, health expenditure contributed 69% in 5 years and 48% in 10 years - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Correspondingly, the energy intensity and GDP shares are 14.76 and 2.375 units in 5 years and 17.86 and 1.21 units in the 10-year horizon - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, the variation of GDP in sustainable development is about 26% and 47% in the 5-year horizon and ten years because of shocks on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The immediate reaction to a one standard deviation shock to sustainable growth will increase health expenditures over the following 10 years - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This means the GDP’s effect on the health sector can be controlled through energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To this end, SDG 3 prioritizes health and is inextricably linked to more than a dozen other objectives, including urban health, equitable access to treatments, and no communicable illnesses - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The SDGs provide a once-in-a-generation chance to improve public health by integrating public policy across many sectors - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Improved education for girls (goal 4.1) improves maternal health (goal 3.1) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 At the same time, there is a one-way causation found between energy efficiency, energy intensity, and CO2 emissions with health expenditures - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since the long-run impacts are utilized, it can be disputable how environmental degradation in a given year may impact health expenditures in the same year - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Using 2016 data, the FAO Global Food Loss Index (GFLI) – an indicator which focuses on the supply stages of food supply chains, and measures changes in percentage losses between harvest and distribution over time, estimates that globally (FAO, 2018b), 13.8% of food produced is lost from postharvest up to, but not including the retail level (FAO, 2019) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Effectively reducing food loss necessitates policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels that promote the coordinated action of all stakeholders - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This calls for a focus on reducing food loss early in the supply chain, including at the farm level, and in traditional food supply chains where impacts are the greatest and losses tend to be the highest - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This paper discusses and provides evidence to illustrate how food loss analyses conducted in three African countries (Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda) using the FAO Food Loss Analysis Methodology (FAO, 2016), contributed to the identification of critical loss points in the food supply chains, promoted a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach to food loss reduction, and contributed to informing and developing local and regional policies and strategies - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Food loss and waste are defined as the decrease in quantity or quality of food along the food supply chain - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The multidisciplinary approach was centered around three main pillars: (i) food loss analysis and the identification of critical loss points, underlying causes of losses, recommendations and feasible solutions; (ii) capacity building of stakeholders at different levels; and (iii) support to the development of food loss reduction policies and strategies and related effective engagement with actors (Fig. 1) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The multi-dimensional approach of the project The FAO Food Loss Analysis (FLA) methodology The FLA methodology applies a case study approach to assess location-specific quantitative and qualitative data (FAO, 2016) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The FLA helps to identify the underlying causes of these losses, feasible solutions and ultimately serves to inform strategy and policy development (FAO, 2016) for food loss reduction - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The levels of food losses at critical loss points in each of the three pilot countries are summarized in Table 2. Results of the food loss analysis carried out in the selected grain supply chains in the three countries showed indicative levels of quantitative and qualitative losses across all countries - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Quantitative food loss refers to food that ultimately is not eaten by people - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The results of aflatoxin tests carried out in Uganda showed that aflatoxin contamination was a major issue, and one that needs to be fully evaluated and addressed to inform stakeholders on the serious health risk that it poses and the dire need for good postharvest handling practice and drying, in particular, to reduce this risk - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In addition to the testing and demonstration of technologies, government employees, universities, and national agricultural research experts were trained to use and assess the recommended solutions to reduce post-harvest loss, based on results of the FLA - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 At the country level, government institutions, ministerial staff, researchers and practitioners and the private sector were assisted to improve their capacity to engage with multilateral and global research and development programs - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 FLA results have also inspired the development of a postharvest loss reduction strategy by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) (IGAD & FAO, 2019) – in line with the goals of the Malabo Declaration—which focuses on developing and implementing solutions to reduce food losses at various levels (from policy, to improved market linkages and technologies) and which is compiled on the basis of data obtained through the conduct of food loss analysis case studies - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Despite having a plethora of food system policies (Supplementary File 1), the country is failing to address the food needs of its citizens (Boatemaa et al., 2018; Hendriks, 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food security can be understood as the state when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (FAO, 1996) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Poor households spend 8% of their income on vegetables, while rich households spend only 1% (Jansen et al., 2012) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This study analysed the government institutions involved in food system policies, the domains covered by policies, and policy coordination - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Food security was overwhelmingly conceptualised as an agricultural production issue - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Underpinned by the South African Constitution, key policies included Zero-Rated Vat on some food items, the Primary School Nutrition Programme (revamped into the National School Nutrition Program), the Integrated Food Security Strategy (IFSS), Integrated Nutrition Program (INP), the Social Assistance Act, and the Social Relief of Distress Grants (Chagunda, 2014; Department of Social Development, 2002; Jansen et al., 2012; Rendall-Mkosi et al., 2013; Republic of South Africa, 1996) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Once again, the broader multisectoral and multi-stakeholder approach to addressing food security was articulated with lead departments and partners - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In 2016, the Department of Health conducted the South African Demographic and Health Survey, which contained information on the population's anthropometric measurements and food security indicators (Department of Health, 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, the recognition of nutrition, social protection, and environmental welfare are aligned with the SDGs - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The award-winning social protection program of Brazil’s social protection program, the Bolsa Familia used an intersectoral and decentralized structure of governance during implementation to enhance the programs impact (Paiva et al., 2019) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 One, what is likely path of the United Nations as a global climate change/sustainability governance institution? Two, will the emerging Green New Deal model in the USA and in other countries actually materialize? Three, what is the future outlook for “market-fixing” sustainability-driven enterprises? The late Monty Hempel once observed that the presidential governance of Donald Trump has produced “a growing crisis of legitimacy” regarding the future of democracy and sustainability, a situation he described as the “politics of environmental disruptions” (Hempel 2018 p - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Moreover, if one were to assess which developed countries have contributed their “fair share” of the total climate finance contribution since the 2009 UNFCCC Conference, Colenbrander et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Similarly, if one were to look at the six transformations that are needed to achieve the SDGs as highlighted (see Table 1) in the Stockholm Resilience Centre report (2018), one can see to what degree the conceptualization of climate change and environment/sustainable development domains has been blurred - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This issue and question of “how much is enough” represents a good conceptual frame to highlight the past, current, and future gap in terms of climate change investment and finance - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 More than any other issue, the failure to deliver on the promise of a secure and stable funding can only be described as the “original sin” of global climate change/sustainability governance - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change actions can be categorized into two major types: adaptation or mitigation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 According to Green (2013), there are two types of private authority operating in the climate change governance arena - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 One key issue that is likely to shape the future success (or failure) of the global climate change investment and finance architecture is the future outlook for new climate-resilient business enterprises, whose models are built on an integrated goal of accelerating low carbon pathways, adaptation finance, and climate justice toward long-term “market transformation”Footnote 10 impact in the developing world - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As such, HE providers have a vital role to play in educating future environmental auditors, community organizers, corporate managers, engineers, practitioners, technical professionals, policymakers and, most significantly, the community about actions that can be taken to mitigate and adapt to climate change, while concurrently propagating social and governance measures - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change and climate variability are principal issues confronting the global community [16] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The paper aims to identify how matters related to climate change are tackled at universities both in teaching and research, with a focus on the training needs of teaching staff - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is developed in three directions: a bibliometric analysis, an online worldwide survey aimed at ascertaining the degree of involvement from universities to offer training provisions on the topic and a set of 12 case studies from universities round the world, illustrating current trends on how they handle climate change in teaching and research - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In line with the study objectives, the criterion for inclusion in the analysis was addressing issues related to the integration of climate change in the teaching and research practices at universities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The first section aimed to gather information regarding the background of the participants: gender, age, university and the role at the university, the scientific domain and if the respondent is teaching or not climate change issues at the university - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This indicates the recognition of the significance of integrating knowledge about climate change adaptation in university education - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The second largest cluster (in green) is dominated by terms related to sustainability and climate change mitigation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 On the other hand, only 58.1% of the respondents indicated that climate change-related aspects are included in the course guidelines - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The least indicated topics include climate change mitigation and SDG 13 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Other aspects listed by the sample in the additional open option as already being included in teaching cover a wide range of perspectives and topics: carbon trading, carbon footprinting, greenhouse gas inventorying, climate change impacts, climate and gender, climate change communication, climate finance, climate justice, leadership in sustainability, among others - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Sample perceived preparation to teach climate change-related concepts (left) and received/pursued training on climate change (right) (in percentage of responses) The questionnaire also focused on the primary sources the academic staff rely on to develop the content of courses - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 With a lower frequency, research in terms of funding projects related to climate change was mentioned by the respondents, but also the need to enhance the partnership, collaboration and exchange between the universities, to design specialized university programs, and to organize various events as workshops, seminars and conferences. Some respondents also mentioned community outreach activities, the involvement of students and creating special departments on climate change as being relevant actions to address the climate change needs at universities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 At the University, there are 100 documents presented in the online academic repository focusing on climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Studies on climate change are an important focus of CEPAGRI [9] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Until now, four PhD theses associated with climate change have been defended, and 12 peer-reviewed publications - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Within the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee [27], specific research has targeted climate vulnerability based on land use, soil and climate, temperature and rainfall with urban civic labs incorporating relevant SDGs - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Outcome comprises over 20 theses from different levels of studies covering climate change with several publications - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As a scientific center it has an annual budget to conduct climate change research and since its inception, the budget has been increasing every year - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Due to the climate change catastrophes (droughts and floods) experienced in South Africa with more effects being felt within the municipality since 2019, the Centre has performed research collaborations from external local and international funders to tackle climate change issues facing the province - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Centre was selected to conduct climate change awareness workshops for the 2019 National Science Week by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA), entitled 'Facing the Harsh Realities of Climate Change' - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Also, as highlighted in the survey results, respondents in general reported that in their countries climate change is perceived as a matter of genuine concern, acknowledging that there is a growing demand for professionals with training in this area - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Firstly, it reiterates the growing emphasis universities give to climate change, as documented in the literature - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Developed countries can maintain economic growth and increase environmental quality thanks to technological capacity and human capital - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Climate change and environmental problems continue to pose problems for current and future generations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While countries are struggling with these problems, they are also trying to increase their welfare by maintaining economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The section includes studies examining the relationship between material use, emissions, and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results determined that GDP growth cannot be decoupled with material and energy use in the world - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They suggest to policymakers that green growth is probably a misguided goal and alternative strategies should be considered - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Accordingly, a decoupling occurred in China during the 1978–2010 period through material energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the variable of economic growth is positive but statistically insignificant - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Consumption-based mitigation policies are essential tools to reduce environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition, technological developments in the field of renewable energy may also contribute to the reduction of emissions and cause a decrease in MF - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Net zero targets are far from achieving the greenhouse gas emission transition required to keep the earth’s temperature at 1.5 °C and below set in the Paris Agreement (Hans et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Using independent variables such as urbanization, financial growth, and energy consumption for empirical analysis could strengthen the MF model - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2018) which can be solved with the implementation of green economic growth policies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, this relationship can be revisited by introducing green innovation which is inclined toward green economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Referring to this fact, the present study incorporates green innovations in explaining long-term green economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The present study strongly argues that green trade is another important determinant of green economic growth as it provides the access to economical goods and services which accelerate the shift into the green economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Continues rise in carbon emissions increases the temperature of the earth which results in adverse environmental effects such as global warming and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Therefore, the implementation of green economic growth policies is essential to separate the adverse environmental effects from the economic growth. Average pattern of carbon emissions and economic growth of South Asian Region Anthropogenic GHG emission by South Asian Economies Third, many people of South Asian Economies are living below the poverty line - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Fang (2011) worked on the association between renewable energy and economic progress by utilizing the data of China for 1978–2008 and showed the positive effects of renewable energy on economic progress - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The author believed that renewable energy is a solution to environmental problems and energy shortage because it is produced from cleaner sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2016) applied a dynamic computable general equilibrium model for investigating the economic effects and environmental benefits of the large-scale development of renewable energy in China - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Conclusively, literature discussed the role of technical innovation in environment quality which is one dimension of green growth; so the role of technical innovation in green economic growth is a less researched area - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Most of the researchers focused on the role of technological innovation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Wacziarg and Welch (2008) investigated the influence of trade liberalization on economic growth and study found the positive effects of trade liberalization on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 While, (Keho 2017) revealed the positive association between trade openness and economic growth in the short-run as well as in long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Green economic growth is identified as an efficient means of fostering economic growth by addressing environmental problems - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The table shows, the mean value of green economic growth (GG) is −1.7854, ranging from −2.0302 to −1.3005 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Green energy (GE) is having a mean value of 3.0098 with a minimum value of −2.6757 and the maximum value of 4.6069 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The result shows that the null hypothesis of “nocointegration” is rejected at the level of 1% as the probability value of Gt, Ga, Pt, and Pa is less than 0.01, signifying the existence of a long-term relationship among green economic growth, GE, GI, and GT. The study employs FMOLS and DOLS for testing the proposed hypotheses of the study - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This implies that a 1% increase in GE tends to increase green economic growth by 2.81% - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The result indicates that GE positively contributes to green economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study analyzed the role of GE, GI, and GT in green economic growth in the context of South Asian Economies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 First, the study suggests that there is a need to promote the production of green energy in South Asian Economies by encouraging new projects, and investment in renewable energies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, for purposes of sustainability, the concept of “green economy” must be invoked, where a green economy is defined as: “an economy in which economic growth and environmental responsibility to work together in a mutually reinforcing fashion while supporting progress on social development” [43] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Goal 12 targets sustainable consumption and this is should not be a very difficult to achieve - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This is another major setback to the goal of sustainable consumption - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, there still is a continuous shrinkage in forest cover due to growing agricultural lands (in place of forests), fires and illegal mining - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Fragmented habitat not only causes species reduction but also brings about land degradation and soil erosion - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the light of the empirical findings, the considered countries with the largest budgets (top five) should expand their energy efficiency budgets until the transition to renewable energy gains momentum to achieve SDG-13, i.e., climate action, and SDG-7, i.e., affordable and clean energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, since economic growth creates serious energy needs, countries primarily use their natural resources (Caglar 2020; Yang et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, countries encounter many problems in their transition from fossil energy to green energy because countries use fossil fuels intensively and cannot suddenly transition into a different energy source - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The public budget on energy technology spending is of great importance in understanding the link between energy technology R&D spending and emissions - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In 2020, the countries in the IEA increased their budgets for all types of technology and the estimated total public R&D expenditures for IEA countries increased by 6% to reach $23.1 billion - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Accordingly, while in 1985, the budget for energy efficiency in IEA countries is 13.020 million dollars, the top five countries represent 5% of this budget - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These countries have an important place in the prevention of global environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The existing studies focused on the influences of R&D spending and technologies on carbon emissions for different country cases by employing different approaches - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 To summarize, these studies highlight the important role of government budgets on energy innovation R&D budgets and their influences on the reduction of emissions - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Energy efficiency is a particular focus of this study which we wish to contribute to the current literature, considering that budget for “energy efficiency offers some of the fastest and most cost-effective actions to reduce CO2 emissions” (IEA 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 So, should countries invest only in renewable energy technologies in this transformation process? Renewable energy technologies require serious infrastructure and a strong financial system (Caglar 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the contrary, some studies prove that they contribute to environmental degradation (Muhammad et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition, empirical findings confirm that the most negatively influential variable on environmental development is economic growth in terms of the magnitude of the coefficient - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In particular, the pressure of emissions on environmental quality can be reduced in the short term by increasing the energy efficiency R&D budget until renewable energy sources mature - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To increase environmental quality, especially within the scope of SDG 13, the top five countries should limit the entry of carbon-sourced products into their countries - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In all countries, economic growth and trade openness reduce environmental quality, except Germany - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Over time, the economies are grasping the negative externalities and economic problems causing inclination in TGDP; hence, they become conscious to find out an integrated approach that balances all the dimensions of sustainability such as economic development, social sustainability, and economic progress, due to which the search for sustainable economic paths has started - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The central theme of all these conferences was “sustainability or sustainable development.” The most important conference on the issue of sustainable economic development was held in 2012, known as the “Rio-20 conference of sustainable development.” In this conference, the concept of the green economy (or green EG) as an appropriate measure of sustainable development has emerged - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 But as far as we know, the literature does not report any empirical study on the nexus between green economic growth (EG) and poverty - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) analyzed panel data of South Asian economies and investigated the role of energy consumption and EG in reducing poverty - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Their findings reported the negative effects of EG and energy consumption on poverty - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They concluded that a country should promote sustainable EG to reduce poverty - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 However, their findings do not reach a definite supposition as some researchers indicate EG as a solution to poverty while others report it as a curse and emphasize the advancement of sustainable (or green) EG to eradicate poverty - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 (2000) explained the relationship between carbon emission and income inequalities and the study found a nonlinear relationship between CO2 emission and income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The possible justification behind this relationship is that the traditional EG provides the means to access necessities, but it does not guarantee that this growth will reduce poverty as many researchers argue that EG is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the poverty mitigation (Cruz and Ahmed 2018; Tri 2020) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This implies that traditional growth imposes pressure on natural resources on which the fulfillment of the basic needs of rural people depends (Kousar et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Hence, it is crucial to shift from brown to green growth because it reduces inequalities - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study finds that traditional and green growth has a negative impact on poverty, whereas the influence of green growth is more significant in reducing poverty, as compared to economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Specifically, energy use is an essential component of the 7th goals of the SDGs 2030; the use of information and communication technology is closely associated with quality education (4th goal of SDGs 2030) while also linked with the 7th goals of SDGs 2030 - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In addition, a long-term policy like the “population engineering” framework might be appropriate to mitigate the risk of dangerous climate change or optimize the ecological footprint and biocapacity of the USA - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These technologies which include waste management could be part of the policy mechanism that is driven by sustained innovations, investment in education, research, and development (Lee et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Because of Canada’s low fertility rate (per couple), energy consumption per household or couple (Besagni and Borgarello 2018), human capita availability, and resource utilization are unlikely to translate to a sustainable development - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this study, the suppression effects of both thiourea and SDG on the formation of dioxins are systematically tested in a pilot-scale system, situated at the bypass of a hazardous waste incinerator (HWI) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The flue gas recycling system returns the desorbed gaseous phase inhibitors into the flue gas, aspired by a negative pressure to inhibit the formation of PCDD/Fs - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As to the SDG, the concentration of PCDD/Fs could decrease to 0.05 ng TEQ/g when combined with the recycling system - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Toxic metal enriched fly ash dust from these sites degrade air quality and deposits impair soil health (e.g., decrease in dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzymatic activity) in the vicinity of coal-fired power plants as has been reported by Raja et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This synthetic review highlights the need for restoration experiments in situ conditions by direct seeding to evaluate more species in the context of adaptation to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some of these techniques are carried out in the soil or on the water's surface, while others are carried out in wastewater treatment plants - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 We identify four common themes (thermal comfort and exposures, agricultural productivity, air quality, and urbanization) that biometeorologists are currently studying and that we expect to be important in the future based on their alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2016), yet based on 2005 to 2007 production levels, an estimated 60% increase in agricultural output is needed to fulfill the dietary requirements of the increasing global population (FAO 2013) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is important to note that the potential effects of climate change are difficult to quantify as it relates to agricultural production as the impacts will vary across both time and space (Gaughan and Cawdell-Smith 2015) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Air quality relates to multiple UN SDGs, in particular good health and well-being and “climate action,” and the effects of air pollution on plants, animals, and humans have been a prominent focus in the study of biometeorology (Table 1) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Coastal communities, urban and rural alike, are faced with infrastructure challenges and water quality concerns - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 By leveraging green infrastructure, flood risk can be reduced and water quality improved - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 We have also identified many connections between predominant themes of biometeorology research and the UN SDGs, which suggests that continuing improvements to biometeorology training and education could enhance the likelihood of making progress towards those goals in the future - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) estimates the cost of gender inequality in sub-Saharan Africa as $95 billion on average in a year (UNDP 2007) - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Therefore, it is expected that environmental quality will be improved by integrating gender considerations in environmental policies and women’s contribution to the energy sector when gender inequality in education is removed - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Although gender equality does not get enough attention in the literature regarding environmental concerns, there are some supporting arguments proposing that women are different from men in terms of their behavior, opinion, and attitudes toward environmental concerns - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, Ergas and York (2012) found that the countries with the higher political status of women have lower CO2 emissions and suggested increasing gender equality for supporting the environment - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Although there is no specific mechanism defined to explain the link between gender equality and CO2 emissions in the literature, education can be seen as a tool to promote gender equality and environmental strategies considering CO2 emission - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The scholars of eco-feminists (Collard and Contrucci, 1989; Norwood, 1993) criticized institutions constraining women’s contribution to society and mentioned that environmental protection is impossible without rising women’s socio-economic position and the power in politics - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 To test the relationship between CO2 emission and economic growth, the model is estimated as below: Here, L indicates natural logarithms, μ is the intercept, α is the parameters in the estimation, ε is the error term, and t is the time - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results show that a 1% increase in energy consumption raises the pollution level by 2.5% (p < 0.001) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The sign of energy consumption is again positive and highly significant in the short run as it is in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Policymakers, starting from local governors to international organizations, should support the girls’ education and train people effectively to address the link between growth, environmental awareness, and gender equality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This commodity trade itself, of course, relies on the country’s natural resources which are cross-linked with a biodiversity (the second richest in the world) and hydrology highly susceptible to climate change, a fact not sufficiently recognized in official prosperity discourse (Rodríguez Becerra and García Portilla 2013) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For this purpose, four thematic priority areas with high importance both at the local and at the global levels were identified: water governance, energy, soils and nutrition [i.e., the ‘nexus’ areas (Hoff 2011)], and urban development model/SDGs (A fifth area, resources and waste had to be discarded due to time constraints.) Regarding these specific areas and the dialogue project as a whole, IASS wanted to identify whether there existed, within the specific local discourse and related to the four thematic areas, references and resonances to the international/global level (e.g - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The international push for non-water renewables and for energy efficiency provoked opposition or avoidance; the region’s concerns about new transmission lines met a dead end in the discussion; solar innovation was fervidly advocated by some and easily dismissed by others - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study examines factors that define a suitable waste-to-energy (WTE) technology and identifies an appropriate WTE technology that can be deployed to improve waste management in rural areas - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Making sure access to inexpensive, dependable, and sustainable energy for all is vital to realizing the SDGs (UN DESA, 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Again, issues concerning the application of suitable waste management technologies to specific geographic waste situations have not been explored in Ghana - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 At the micro level, off-grid solutions such as WTE are an affordable, sustainable, and modern energy source which could reduce pressure on the government for local electrification needs while also providing other affordable forms of energy for industrial or domestic use - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the spirit of development, therefore, the output (energy) in the conceptual framework (Fig. 2) provides the support Ghana needs at the micro level to achieve SDG 7 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Diseases related to poor waste management are also expected to reduce drastically or be eradicated completely - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Waste reduction translates into a lower cost of managing waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ToC has a significant bearing on the present study owing to the waste-to-energy solutions anticipated to be a transformational tool for waste management in the Kwanwoma township - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 MSWI requires a well-established waste management system, a complete system for environmental monitoring with standards for emission, additional financing to cater for miscellaneous costs unlike landfills, at least 100,000 t/year supply of combustible MSW, and skilled personnel (Mata-Lima et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Also, deforestation is curtailed since firewood for domestic use is replaced by biogas (Postawa et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Four waste management experts were interviewed, and their responses have been analyzed under two sections: factor considerations for WTE technology and suitable WTE for the Kwanwoma township - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 By extending the Earth Day inspiration, the UN, in recent climate summits, has urged its member states toward bilateral effort for environment protection and regional collaboration in institutional governance, investment, and technical support (WMO 2019 & 2020). Environmental protection is an important goal of sustainability - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 SD is a global phenomenon to support regional integration and future development planning - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Pata (2018) found that energy consumption had a less adverse effect on Turkey’s GHG emissions than in other regional states - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) examined the energy consumption and GHG emission nexus in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and G7 countries; they found that environmental SD has been improving, but energy-related policies and FDI could be vital in reducing GHG emissions in developing and emerging economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Due to low state resources and financial development, FDI enhances institutional capacity and strategic measures in developing countries (Virtanen et al - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Future studies could consider the impact of globalization as an integrating variable in achieving environmental sustainability, with energy consumption and institutional governance used to gauge their impacts on GHG emissions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Considering the need for environmental conservation, the Kyoto protocol and later the Paris Agreement have been initiated - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Asian region is bestowed with natural resources that are desirable for economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In order to commensurate the rise in consumption, there is increase in energy consumption, which also catalyzes other economic activities, and this in turn is translated into trade and other manufacturing activities - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study has tried to examine the impact of economic and demographic characteristics on land, forest, air, and water quality, whose aggregated degradation is termed as the ecological footprint - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This association highlights that to fulfill the long-term growth targets, these developing countries have to intensify the usage of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The use of renewable energy will probably have twin benefits: Firstly, the usage of renewable energy is more appropriate in terms of ecosystem conservation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, the results of the preceding studies confirm that the impact of renewable energy and nonrenewable energy on environmental pollution may be indirect and direct, respectively (Nazir et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We primarily analyzed the impact of economic growth and its drivers on EFP of the South and Southeast Asian countries over 1990–2015 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It can be seen that the rise in the living standard and quality of life driven by the fossil fuel–based energy consumption have negatively affected the ecological balance of these nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Apparently, it might seem that the nationwide implementation of renewable energy solution can solve this problem - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The households might be provided the renewable energy solutions at a pro-rata rate from the government while enhancing the awareness about these solutions through the people-public-private partnerships - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The quality of life indicated by the fertility rate has direct negative impact on the ecological balance; however, it is necessary that people with a standard quality of life should be primarily targeted for the diffusion of renewable energy solutions, as the spillover effect of the usage of these solutions will be reflected in the populace with comparatively lower quality of life - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Economic growth is necessary to decrease poverty, improve the standard of life, and stimulate human wellbeing - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The world has realized that combined efforts are required to mitigate environmental adversities and ensure sustainable growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this context, less developed nations with a low ECC try to acquire economic growth by improving the agriculture sector, and thus, energy usage and environmental issues are generally low at this stage - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 First, it uncovers the non-linear impact of economic complexity on CO2 in BRICS countries, including technology, population density, and economic growth in the model - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2015) found that raising research and development and innovation in the energy sector can curb environmental pollution in OECD - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The data on population density, technology, and economic growth is collected from WDI (2021) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, environmental quality in BRICS is improved due to technological innovation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Boosting energy efficiency can decrease the overwhelming usage of fossil fuels in industrial production - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Older students learned about the Conference of the Parties, COP21 Paris agreement and the IPCC climate findings and recommendations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The older students learned about the Conference of the Parties (COP21) Paris agreement and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate findings and recommendations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change (CC) is one of the biggest challenges of our times and is one of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) [3] to transform our world; SDG13 is dedicated to Climate Action - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Representative slide from a student presentation about Consumption and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 -pedagogique-changements-climatiques/ (Publisher gives permission to use these in public education.) [10] Representative slide from student presentation on Health and climate change. Source: Kit pédagogique le changement climatique p 40 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 -pedagogique-changements-climatiques/ [11] Representative slide from student presentation on Energy and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The students chose this chart to show that fossil energy consumption increases due to the growth in the number of people on Earth, resultsing in more emissions of GHG - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Here are sample responses to the student’s requests: For lower bus fares: “The topic requires study.” For bike lanes for safer passage to school: “The store-owners’ desire more parking spaces, so bike lanes aren’t easily created in town.” For the city to encourage carpooling: “The mayor encourages it for town employees, but we recognize this is not enough.” To address school lunchroom food waste: “A young person has been hired to investigate this subject.” To the proposal to serve meatless lunch 1 day per week to reduce the school’s carbon footprint: “Parents are not ready for that.” [The students didn’t challenge this assumption, but certainly could have.] The pupils took their similar positions to a different town hall agent - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__3, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! They learned that the hardships of climate change are falling first upon regions where the people have few or no resources to struggle for survival through these impending crises - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The solutions proposed by the students of this workshop were to show how each person at their level of skills can have a positive influence on the problem of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 No empirical research has been conducted on the probable connections among energy consumption, tourism growth, and the EFP for the IEA countries, so this study fills the vacuum by examining the prospective long-run relationship among the study variables for a balanced panel of 38 members and associations of the IEA family - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020a) confirmed a negative long-term equilibrium relationship between energy consumption and the EFP in Turkey - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) also incorporated an industry-level analysis of the relationship between tourism and economic growth in the USA from 1998 to 2017 and found that investment in tourism development may lead to long-run equilibrium economic growth even during economic stagnation, but tourism may not effectively stimulate economic growth in the short run, as it may take a cue from the general economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2016) found a significant positive relationship between capital formation and economic growth in India from 1970 to 2012, while Udom et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, the labor force positively contributes to economic growth while decreasing the EFPs of IEA countries, as a 1% increase in the labor force increases economic growth by 12% and reduce the EFP by 86% - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, a one-way Granger relationship prevails from GDP, capital formation, and the EFP to energy consumption in the economies of the 38 IEA countries during the study period - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Stacked common coefficients causality analysis The underlying relationships and the long-run elasticities between the study variables explore the satirical navigational associations among the variables, and understanding these relationships is crucial for efficient and environmentally friendly energy design and tourism policies - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Energy consumption from renewable sources plays an active role in reducing energy poverty and dependence on foreign-produced energy while ensuring energy efficacy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The governments of all IEA countries, especially Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Slovak, Morocco, and a few others, should reduce their subsidies of non-renewables in favor of investing in renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, sustained economic growth may be possible while implementing the thresholds of various SDGs - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Likewise, the think tanks of these economies should consider tourism strategies that support sustainable economic growth through the use of reusable energy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Over the last 50 years, the CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research) research centres have built up the largest and most frequently accessed network of global crop collections (Fig. 1) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Coordinated by the CGIAR Genebank Platform and in partnership with the Global Crop Diversity Trust,Footnote 1 the 11 genebanks of the CGIAR currently manage more than 773,000 accessions of genetic materials of cultivated plants and crop wild relatives that are crucial to achieving worldwide food and nutrition security (Table 1) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Economists are often asked to value plant genetic resources because these resources are limited - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The same trait may be apparent to one degree or another in multiple plant genetic resources - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The paper accentuates the need to bridge the uneven institutional and regional contributions toward the sustainability reporting domain, so more light is shed on environmental sustainability across regions through firm and institutional levels - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Moreover, the sustainability reporting domain remains broad and varied due to stakeholders’ pursuit for different economic, social, and environmental interests supported by the SDGs - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 2021), Hahn & Kühnen (2013) employed the systematic review process to review 178 articles to assess the determinants of sustainability reporting using a sample from 1999 to 2011 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Thus, we comprehensively assess the intellectual, social, and conceptual structure of the sustainability reporting domain to provide scholars with an overview of the sustainability scope and examine the developmental stages over the last 18 years - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Specifically, the following research questions are addressed: (1) What is the growing trend in this research area? (2) Which journals, subject categories, institutions, and regions involved in sustainability reporting are dominant? (3) Who are the most influential authors on sustainability reporting? (4) What is the current research’s social (collaborative) and intellectual (citation and co-citation) structure? (5) What are the popular evolving themes in sustainability reporting research and areas that need further studies? The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows: the “Overview of sustainability reporting research” section gives an overview of sustainability accounting and reporting research, while the “Methodology” section describes the methodology adopted for the study - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As Schaltegger & Csutora (2012) aver, climate change’s foremost causes and effects are linked directly to firms’ economic and social activities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Among the visualization software that can be employed to visualize research patterns in scientific research, such as Pajek, Bibexcel, VOSviewer, UCINET, and Biblioshiny, CiteSpace is one of the popular and widely used software for visualization in bibliometric analysis (Chen 2020; Guo et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Figure 2 illustrates the growth of sustainability reporting research from 2004 since the keyword search yielded no publications from 2000 to 2003 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Though sustainability reporting research thrived before the COVID-19 pandemic, the era of the outbreak sparked more studies in 2020, some of which were driven by scholars’ quest to determine whether a company’s ESG performance shielded socially responsible firms from the devastating impact of the pandemic (Demers et al. 2020) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 His most cited article (48), co-authored with Franzese PP, was “Assessing the value of natural capital in marine protected areas: A biophysical and trophodynamic environmental accounting model” in 2017 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The frequently used keywords were “sustainability reporting,” “corporate social responsibility,” and “performance,” with 400, 359, and 289 occurrences, respectively - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Amid the dominance of keywords within the first two phases, clusters 1 to 4 and nine are still robust, reporting on hotspots such as “SDG,” “non-financial disclosure,” “integrated reporting,” “social and environmental reporting,” “insight,” “society,” and “control system.” Timeline analysis of keywords With the objective to examine the sustainability reporting subject area through the identification of contributing authors, institutions, regions, and the current hotspots in the subject area based on keyword co-occurrence analysis, the research employed data from the WoS database from 2004 to 2021 and conducted visualizations in CiteSpace - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainability and Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal were the top three research sources on sustainability reporting, contributing about 22% of the total sample of articles used in the analysis - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As such, there is a need for more sustainability reporting and accounting research, especially from the African region, seeing that South Africa was the only African country to have contributed to publications in the research domain - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The findings indicate that consumers generally reported behavioural changes during the pandemic and claimed to have adopted sustainable practices that could contribute to reducing food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 For this reason, food waste has been included and targeted in international strategies aimed at sustainability, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Furthermore, food waste from households (UNEP, 2021) now represents 61% of the total global food waste, which is almost double the proportion recorded in 2011 (FAO, 2011) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In particular, it seeks to assess how changes in consumer patterns might have affected (consumer perceptions of) food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The public health measures highly impacted not only social behaviour, but also consumption and spending behaviours, especially in relation to food - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The discussion also addresses proposed mitigation strategies and policy actions, as well as implications for research and policy - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Of note, the majority of the papers that were selected and reviewed dealt with consumer food waste, which suggests the need for a methodological specification - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As noted, food waste is relevant to all phases of the food supply chain, from production to consumption (UNEP, 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Therefore, this paper analyses the literature on the impact of the pandemic on the generation of food waste in the food supply chain - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Therefore, our general aim was to outline perceived changes and new practices due to the pandemic, which impacted (positively or negatively) food waste generation at a household or individual level - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 All of the papers highlighted the pandemic’s significant alteration of these behaviours, which was shown to change the production of food waste in most cases (Alazaiza et al., 2022; Amicarelli & Bux, 2020; Amuakwa-Mensah et al., 2021; Babbitt et al., 2021; Ben Hassen et al., 2020, 2021; Borsellino et al., 2020; Kubíčková et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021; Pires et al., 2021), though with some exceptions (Bogevska et al., 2021; Music et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The authors also found that changes in employment had a noticeable effect on food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2020) concentrated on the production of food waste in regions of Japan that were highly impacted by the pandemic - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2020), who observed the interlink between uncertainty related to income and job security and greater attention to and valuation of food, resulting in a decrease in food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2021), who, in their cross-cultural survey (comparing American and Italian consumers), also emphasised the role of cultural factors in determining food choices, with a range of effects on food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2021) underlined the role of housing tenure and the neighbourhood food environment (e.g., proximity to grocery stores and restaurants) in determining household food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This study also aligned with previously mentioned trends, such as consumers’ improved food preparation and conservation skills in light of their increased time spent cooking – which eventually led, together with other sustainable practices, to a reduction in food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2021) proposed that difficulties related to insufficient and inefficient food aid during the pandemic, as well as additional stress due to the health emergency, might explain their unexpected finding, but more research is needed to confirm this claim - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 (2021) argued that, although consumers employed new management behaviours during the pandemic (e.g., eating more leftovers), these behaviours did not result in a significant reduction in food waste, perhaps due to poor planning (Music et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021) reported greater food waste in connection with increased food purchased online and more cooking at home (Alazaiza et al., 2022), as well as with increased online shopping and food delivery (Liu et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Figure 1 summarises the main findings of this section, highlighting the positive and negative perceived impacts on consumer behaviour related to food waste during the pandemic - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The authors noted that, as a result of these interdependencies, primary production generated greater food waste during the pandemic, due to a ripple effect (Strotmann et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 While surveys and questionnaires are unable to provide accurate estimates of food waste at a household level, they can provide insight into consumer behaviour that can be used to guide the development of targeted strategies (UNEP, 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In this situation, developing countries, which had less developed supply chains and more labour-intensive food systems, were subject to additional struggles, also related to food security (OECD, 2020b) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, the Italian food bank Banco Alimentare (2021) partnered with the Hungarian Food Association and Sibahe Slovenska Banka Hrane, through their participation in the European Food Banks Federation, to redistribute a wide range of products through non-profit organisations in Hungary and Slovenia.Footnote 3 In addition, increased participation in alternative food networks aimed at preventing food waste, while building effective relationships among food supply chain actors - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In addition, the adoption of innovative and technological tools could help firms adapt to new needs, thereby reducing levels of food waste (Di Marcantonio et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In addition, the inclusion of motivational messages – especially related to saving or wasting money in connection with food waste (and thus exploiting the economic value of waste) or advice regarding food conservation – has been proposed as an initiative to help consumers make better and more preventive choices (WRAP, 2019) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The food industry should therefore improve the sizing and clarity of labels to provide consumers with the tools to prevent food waste at home - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Finally, policies should aim at consolidating positive behavioural changes that have reduced food waste since the pandemic, as summarised in Fig. 3 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 First, the study was primarily focused on consumer food waste, in connection with only one stage of the food supply chain - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The global challenge of food waste has been attracting increased attention by scholars, in light of its significant environmental and economic implications (UNEP, 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Furthermore, the COVID-19 crisis exposed vulnerabilities and contradictions in the food system (Boyacι-Gündüz et al., 2021), provoking disruptions in production, processing, and distribution, as well as shocks to supply and demand (Aldaco et al., 2020; Boyacι-Gündüz et al., 2021; Di Marcantonio et al., 2021), with a consequent impact on food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 It is hoped that consumers’ increased awareness and better food practices will be supported by policies to ultimately reduce food waste. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In our view, however, a far greater challenge is that, despite critiques of the conceptual problems with the GDP being the overall measure of national progress, and hence the need for alternative measures with greater diversification than economic growth, GDP has remained the dominant value as an indicator of progress [17, 18] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Indeed, the constitution of the country mandates the maintenance of 60% of forest cover for perpetuity - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Bhutan’s cultural heritage, founded on basic human values, continues to guide both its thinking and everyday life - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 With the introduction of democracy, and the precedent of good governance under benevolent kings, responsive, efficient and accountable governance is a commitment of those in power and is a constant demand of the electorate - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This study aimed to seek new insights from the perspective of equity, rather than efficiency such as agricultural investment and productivity which other previous studies have focused on, and quantitatively evaluated the effect of the land redistribution on the size of farmland holdings of subsistence farmers - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, the demand for land in Ethiopia is still increasing, and the issue of land scarcity and conflict in rural areas has expanded to the discussion of land intervention or informal settlements in peri-urban area [9, 10] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, at the end of the Ethiopian Empire, the government had difficulty maintaining its political power owing to oil crisis and famine, and it collapsed after the military-led revolution in 1974, and the Derg took power [8, 12, 16] - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The Derg referred to resettlement in Proclamation No - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Specifically, the proclamation called for each Regional Council to enact a law on land administration, and for these regional land management laws to confirm environmental protection and equal rights for women - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As for the previous studies, they focused mostly on the effects of the land redistribution on agricultural investment such as fertilizer input and agricultural productivity, that is, the effects on efficiency rather than equity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Second, the impact of land reforms on land management such as land conservation against soil degradation is likely to appear also in the long term, but this study could only capture the short-term impact of the land redistribution - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In this case, integrated resilient development outcomes will entail societal well-being, gender-sensitive livelihoods, and sustainable production and consumption (Kilroy 2015) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In Papua New Guinea, for instance, ‘climate refugia’ is used as a management tool to integrate biodiversity into National Adaptation Plans (Game et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In all the cases assessed, four major entry points were identified for developing integrated response strategies: (i) global strategies towards adaptation and mitigation, (ii) the sustainability of natural resource management and biodiversity conservation, (iii) natural hazards and disaster risk, and (iv) human well-being and international cooperation (Fig. 5) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The implementation of the SDG, however, faces enormous challenges at continental and global scales, including climate change [1], chemical pollution, urbanization and demographic changes [2], quantitative and qualitative shortage of freshwater for drinking water production and ecosystem functioning, and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services [3, 4] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Yet, the full potential of such information can only be realized if it becomes accessible to a larger scientific community and if the digitalization is complemented with tools to derive the new knowledge and options for societal problems - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The European Collaborative Projects SOLUTIONS [16], MARS [17], GLOBAQUA [18] and the NORMAN network ( [19] have demonstrated how European research can provide the platforms for such large-scale data exchange between the scientific community and regulators, taking advantage of increasing digitalization and big data mining, and providing means to transform information into knowledge useful for decision making - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Establish European collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects to (i) develop options for comprehensive reduction of modern society’s footprints in the nexus of growing demands on energy, food and clean water, (ii) provide the scientific underpinnings for a non-toxic environment, and (iii) protect health, biodiversity and ecosystems goods and services from being jeopardized by exposure to increasingly complex chemical mixtures and non-chemical stressors - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For many developing and emerging economies, European regulation and research on chemicals and environmental protection provide valuable options as solutions for environmental problems and thus also assist in keeping anthropogenic impacts within planetary and regional boundaries as a safe operating space for humanity [36] - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The Sendai Framework recognizes that by reducing and managing conditions of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability—while building the capacity of communities and countries for prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery—losses and impacts on health from disasters can be more effectively alleviated through a multisectoral approach rather than focusing exclusively on emergency response - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) is an umbrella organization whose members are the national environmental health organizations of countries, as well as universities and associated members - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Being part of the UN system, the World Health Organization contributed to the lead-into the Sendai Framework and is now an active supporter and implementer of it - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The GPW 13, which sets out WHO’s strategic direction for the next 5 years and was approved by the Seventy-First World Health Assembly in resolution WHA71.1 on 25 May 2018, is informed by the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular SDG 3: to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages (WHO 2018) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It has at its heart a set of interconnected strategic priorities and goals through the “triple billion” target, which includes: 1 billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage; 1 billion more people better protected from health emergencies; and 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being (WHO 2018) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Since 2015, the Thematic Platform has provided advice and recommendations on health issues to member states on the implementation of the Sendai Framework and advanced efforts to mainstream DRM within the work of the WHO and other health partners, as well as promoted health within DRM - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Other global initiatives include the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), a non-binding coalition of countries and organizations working to strengthen capacity to respond to infectious disease threats and promote health security as a national and global priority (Bali and Taaffe 2017) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 There remains a lack of joined up working to fully respond to the Sendai Framework’s call for promoting health resilience in a consistent manner both within the health sector itself and more broadly across sectors - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It is fully consistent with existing DRM and health emergency policies and seeks to provide a framework for aligning these in future - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Health sector reporting to the Sendai Framework Monitor will enable ministries of health to measure annual trends of the effects of emergencies and disasters on health, review progress in strengthening capacities, and prioritize areas for further action - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The health sector is implementing many aspects of the Sendai Framework already, but there is a weakness in the way it recognizes, records, and reports this implementation - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This requires close collaboration with the wider health system and engagement with other sectors—a key public health approach—given that many of the actions to prevent health risks (by reducing hazards and vulnerabilities) rest with the activities of other sectors - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The engagement of the ministries of health will therefore be a key marker of success in the effort to nurture the partnership of health and DRM under the Sendai Framework. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The women-centric goals of the MDGs and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United Nations 2015a) are crucial milestones for development: MDG 3 committed to “Promote gender equality and empower women” (United Nations 2001, p - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 56); SDG 5 calls to “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” (United Nations 2015b, p - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Included within this definition of VAWG, sexual harassment of women is a major issue in conflict situations - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Disaster management has been prioritized by various international organizations like the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Oxfam, Care International, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR); other UN agencies took major disaster response programs all over the world - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In the 1990s, a disaster management section was established under the Ministry of Agriculture and in 2002 shifted to the Ministry of Home Affairs, now the main ministry of the government of India responsible for disaster management - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Ministry enforced the Disaster Management Act 2005 (GOI 2005), which has since provided the legal and institutional framework for disaster management in India - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The National Policy on Disaster Management focuses on linking recovery with safe development, and on women as a target group to encourage social, economic, and infrastructural development - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Gender analysis leads to further action towards gender mainstreaming to establish gender equity - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In India every disaster creates additional vulnerabilities among girls and women, who can become trapped in the cycle of human trafficking - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It was understood that identifying some women as victims of sexual harassment in a camp situation would cause more harm - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To handle these issues, the following services were provided by organizations in an attempt to provide holistic care (Ramappa and Bhadra 2004): (1) meeting women individually and with their families to address their issues and to provide support; (2) providing medical care and referral services; (3) encouraging group building as a social support system, helping women talk about their issues and providing a common platform for them; (4) creating a microcredit group to help women gain financial independence and decision-making power in the family; (5) providing legal support to women to help them gain their legal rights and compensation due to them; (6) providing housing support; and (7) forming self-help groups at various levels to facilitate awareness among the general population - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! These young girls were also supported with skill training in organized classes for sewing and stitching to promote their livelihood options - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These groups continued periodic interfaith meetings in different areas and celebrated various community level mass events (for example, celebration of international women’s day, birth anniversary of national leaders, India’s independence day, organized picnic for peace, sport meet for the kids) to promote peace and harmony (Bhadra and Dyer 2011) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In the early 2000s solar power had not been a relevant contribution to world-wide power generation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy: Human spaceflight has a high need for energy due to the life support systems involved, but in general spaceflight missions rely on regenerative power sources as resources are scarce - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In general, technology – and especially human spaceflight technology – can improve the ability to attain a Circular Economy, if defined as “realization of (a) closed loop material flow in the whole economic system” [13] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Generally, the data used for evaluating climate change and its impacts are often gathered by space based systems - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 All material flows should be based on recycling of used materials opposite to wasting resources, without reuse and having a material flow leading out of the system (and thus interrupting the closed loop) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Recycling should occur to reduce the amount of resources needed - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Assuming a similar rate for the worldwide energy consumption for lighting means that up to 34 million Terrajoule can be gained by energy harvesting from lighting in industrial sectors alone, resp - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Recycling human waste products, e.g - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 water recycling systems, air purification and revitalization methods, high-density food production, advanced decentralized manufacturing) depending on previously identified research needs - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 with a combination of water and waste treatment systems with energy and food supply sized to standard house installations), Small communities (e.g - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 geographical advantages such as regions rich of water or sunshine as resource), Developing countries (robust low-tech solutions for a sustainable public health including water, sanitation and hygiene) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Eveland [41] describes that a technology has to facilitate achieving a certain goal, if technology transfer is going to be successful - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 “Sustainable design of a new material” as used in this study can refer to a new material itself, a new device to measure materials, or even a new manufacturing process, all relating to the research and development of materials science - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 UNEP [1] shows that mining resources commonly leads to biodiversity loss, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and involves toxic chemicals, and that we have globally tripled resource extraction over the past 40 years - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Materials science and engineering literature covers recycling, reduced energy and resource consumption, enabling a cleaner environment and less toxicity, as well as accessibility and geopolitical forces, the economy, and individuals’ social needs - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Depending on the energy source, this can contribute more or less to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Goal 7 is mainly focussed on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030.Footnote 1 In past few years, demand for energy has dramatically increased mainly due to our reliance on technology, high living standards and ever growing population - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 World Coal Association reports that currently, coal power plants generate 37% of global electricity and estimates from International Energy Agency (IEA) suggest that even by 2040, coal will produce 22% of world’s electricity, maintaining its hold as the single largest source of electricity in the world.Footnote 5 Coal, oil and gas being the main drivers of global warming, phasing out coal has been one of the main objectives of 26th Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to translate the goal of ‘securing global net zero by mid-century and keeping 1.5°C within reach’ into action.Footnote 6 However, many countries expressed their disagreement and the final pact went from ‘phase out’ to ‘phase down’ giving setback to the sustainability goals (Arora and Mishra 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Both targets rely on international financial flows, for promoting access to research, technology and investments in clean energy as well as to expand or upgrade energy services for developing countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In order to make renewable energy and its technology available for all and to achieve climate goals, swift actions are required - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The pigments produced by extremophilic bacteria have been evaluated in efficiently trapping solar energy, and have found their application as dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) (Silva et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Report (2022) has confirmed that despite multiple crises, growth in renewable energy job has hit 12.7 million in 2021, up from 12 million in 2020 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Youth are a group of special focus in sustainability policy, and feature in numerous SDGs; education (SDG4), job security (SDG9), reduction of inequalities (SDG11) and Climate Action (SDG14), as a part of the “leave no one behind” framework [5] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 to pay for subsidised fuel into people’s bank account (direct benefit transfer of LPG—DBTL), Give-it-Up (GIU), which focus on voluntarily giving the subsidy on LPG fuel by wealthy people and Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)—to provide free LPG to below poverty line families (Smith 2017a) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Hence, the use of clean fuel in household will not only help to mitigate the adverse impact of climate change but also to gain health benefits - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Recognizing that climate change is a key hazard driver (Kelman 2015), for example, highlights the opportunity to explicitly incorporate the gradual effects of climate change when planning to reduce disaster risks - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While hybrid options have shown significant potential, there is still limited practical evidence of their success in simultaneously addressing the impacts of DRR and CCA - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It is worrisome that following the West Java, Indonesia 2009 earthquake, new building reconstruction efforts did not follow the existing building codes (EERI 2009), thus increasing vulnerability by neglecting the Sendai Framework’s Priority 4 that emphasizes the need of “building back better to prevent creating new risks” (UNISDR 2015) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Eco-DRR/CCA approach encourages the development of hybrid options by fostering the holistic thinking required to address complex problems synthesized in the SDGs - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 An optimal design of services and products within an economy can reduce the pressure on resources and lead the way to a circular economy - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As discussed during the 73rd Discussion Forum on Life Cycle Assessment on global digital transformation, an increasing number of mobile Internet-enabled devices (MIEDs), whose production requires large amount of resources, energy, and causes emissions during production, are being sold (Itten et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Participants’ view on which life cycle–based approached proved to most helpful to support decision-makers in making more sustainable decisions (the number of mentions is indicated in parentheses; a total of 88 responses were submitted by participants) In addition to analysing sustainability hotspots, eco-design and circular economy were perceived as most useful in helping decision makers to choose more sustainable options - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The AWARE characterization model was used to offer a diet-associated water scarcity footprint - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Values used in final diet-level assessments were then derived by weighting domestic water use (and water scarcity footprint) and imported water use (and water scarcity footprint) by the share of domestic availability (import plus domestic production) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Kenya’s economic growth in recent decades, in comparison to Vietnam, has been more modest (see the ESM, File 1, Fig - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Whereas the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions are felt globally in the form of climate change, the impacts of water use are primarily local to where the food is produced, and therefore invite a spatial component in assessment - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 S5b) can be predominantly attributed to imports from Pakistan, where blue water use intensity (m3/kg) is high; the relatively high AWARE characterization factor for Pakistan, indicative of a water-stressed region, further amplifies this contribution in the water scarcity footprint - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For our 2011 data point, imports from Pakistan are responsible for 97% of Kenya’s water scarcity footprint for both wheat and rice (EMS, File 1, Table S3) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Some climate scientists and policy analysts call for greater emphasis on mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants in order to avoid self-accelerating climate change in the short term due to climate tipping points and amplifying feedbacks (Fesenfeld et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The demand-oriented perspective presented here—assigning emissions and water use based on the diet of a country—differs from, and should complement, typical national accounting inventories such as those for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that are oriented to national production activities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 At the same time, environmental degradation has been one of the biggest challenges for humans - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, the technological advance may act as a double-edged sword where the progress in technology increases environmental degradation through the rebound effect (Bentzen 2004; Bessec and Fouquau 2008) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 All three factors, including renewable energy, natural resources rent, and urbanization, are found to have a beneficial impact on the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020a, b) employ a panel dataset from 1984 to 2016 for a group of 22 emerging countries to examine the dynamic link between ecological footprint, natural resources rent, technological innovation, and economic activities - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In another interesting research, Destek and Manga (2021) aim at determining the impact of technological innovation on both carbon emissions and ecological footprint for big emerging markets - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 While technological innovation is found to curb CO2 emissions, it proves ineffective in controlling ecological footprint - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study employs ecological footprint as a measure of environmental degradation, which is different from previous studies which mostly focus on carbon emissions (Ahmed, 2020; Alvarez-Herranz et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Renewable energy is the proportion of total final consumed energies that are generated by renewable sources such as biomass, hydropower, geothermal, wind, and solar - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Energy efficiency exerts a statistical impact on environmental pollution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, they must consider sponsoring the research and development of green technologies through both public and public–private programs or introduce tax cuts on these activities (Bekun et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Furthermore, in the last two decades, the consumption of renewable energy in the total energy is increased and becomes clearly observed (Sinha and Shahbaz 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To do so, renewable energy consumption is becoming the most economical option in an increasing number of situations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is now up to the nations of the world to create conditions conducive to speed up the improvement of renewable energy to pave the way for unimpeded sustainable development - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A various investigation has examined the relationship between renewable energy, carbon dioxide emissions, and real GDP, in linear regressions, but few studies have been devoted to the asymmetric relationship between chosen variables - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Indeed, EKC shows the disciplines working on global climate change and the convergence between pollution and concentration, Stern (2017) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The long-term Granger causality dealings between income and energy consumption are unobservable - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Fang (2011) considered the long-run relationship among renewable energy and economic welfare in China spanning the period between 1978 and 2008 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The empirical findings reveal a 1% expansion in real income expanded renewable energy consumption by 3.5% in the long-term, but the neutrality hypothesis between both variables is confirmed in European countries by Menegaki (2011) from 1997–2007 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The empirical findings showed that Granger causality tests are unobservable between renewable energy and gross domestic product - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Jebli and Youssef (2015) examined the causal links among renewable energy and wasteful consumption, real GDP, and carbon emissions for five North African regions from 1971 to 2008 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017) examined the relationships between renewable energy, CO2 emissions, and real GDP in Africa over the period from 1990 to 2011 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017) attempted to test the significance of renewable energy for the economic output spanning the period from 1990 to 2012 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The asymmetric causal relationship is neutral from carbon dioxide emissions to renewable energy in the long-term - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 That is the reason that most of the developing countries from Europe have initiative sustainable production and consumption to protect the environment - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Belmont Forum involved global partners in joining hands in the solution of global environmental sustainability matters and emphasized the need for environmental research, which developed the synergy of Horizon 2020 - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 The EU nations commit to reducing carbon emissions by achieving energy efficiency through renewable energy demand - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 European countries put forward more concentrated efforts on technology advancement that not only increase the yield of sustainable farming products but also improve the quality of fertile land, quality of soil, and fertilizer, which are in line with the eco-farming practices - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In contrast, it needs to manage resources for building ‘smart city’ to urban development - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In contrast, the other stream of literature supports the opposing argument of technological footprint, which implies that ICT infrastructure increases CO2 emissions via the channel of non-renewable energy consumption, which further translated into low country’s EG - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2006) discussed the importance of ICTs in ESA at three levels, i.e., the first level is related with e-waste, the second level is associated with achieving energy efficiency in the production process, and at third level is about improvement in the transportation sector - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The results show that ICT infrastructure is less material-intensive, i.e., it generated less electronic waste, while it increases energy efficiency in the production and subsequently cost savings in the transport sector - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The significance of the study is multifold, as EU member states are highly ambitious in terms of achieving the reduction of carbon emissions target by 2030, thus its integrated national and regional cooperation of technology transfer to increase investment in the cleaner production technologies to move forward for green and clean development - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Thus, the importance of green technology in mitigating carbon emissions is pivotal for long-term sustained growth across the globe - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The selected variables are as follows, i.e., agriculture tractor (denoted by AGRTRACT) measured in total numbers, high-technology exports (denoted by HIGHTECEXP) measured in percentage of manufactured exports, ICT goods exports (denoted by ICT) measured in % of exports goods, research and development expenditures (denoted by RESNDEV) measured in % of GDP, FDI inflows (denoted by FDI) measured in US$, trade openness (denoted by TRADE) measured in % of GDP, carbon dioxide emission intensity (denoted by CO2) measured in kg/oil equivalent energy use, telephone subscriptions (denoted by TELEPHONE) measured in total numbers, mobile subscriptions (denoted by MOBILE) measured in total numbers, internet penetration (denoted by INTERNET) measured in total % of the population using the internet, GDP per capita (denoted by GDPpc) measured in constant 2010 US$, and industry value-added (denoted by INDUSTRY) measured in constant 2010 US$ - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The European agenda for environmental protection should base upon research and technology development that helps to achieve a sustainability agenda for the Horizon 2020 programme (Pollex and Lenschow 2018) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In the importance of technologically embedded growth and environmental protection policies across Europe, the study developed three broad models in order to assess technological footprints in the panel of selected European countries, i.e.: Model -1: agriculture technology and carbon emissions Model -11: information and communication technologies and carbon emissions Model -111: GDP per capita, high-technology exports, and carbon emissions where ‘t’ shows time period, i.e., 2000–2017, ‘” shows cross-section identifiers, i.e., 26 countries, and ƹ shows error term - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The given hypothesis shows the rise and fall in carbon emissions through utilizing sustainable agriculture technologies across countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Society 5.0 seeks to figure out how and where human values can be included in smart technologies and how they can serve public interests, environmental protection, and human rights (Fukuda 2020; Serpa and Ferreira 2020) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Mavrodieva and Shaw (2020), too, explain that Society 5.0 must utilize technological innovation to extend economic, social, and environmental dimensions and ultimately achieve safe and sustainable development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Admittedly, the development of smart technologies has engendered a great deal of uncertainty in society, and it remains unclear to what extent these technologies positively contribute to sustainable development indicators - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! To identify sustainable development indicators that could be affected by Society 5.0 digital transformations, steps 1–4 were followed - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Making smart resource management helps to return waste or used products to the production cycle and gives rise to circular economy that prevents environmental pollution - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The presence of an actual powerful clean power resource is identified as the core problem of economic development in farming as well as the extension of manufacturing of farm inputs for E7 states - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These characteristics involve economic activity, energy efficiency, clean power and non-renewable power intake, import and export, travel, urbanization, fiscal advancement, FDI, and tourism - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The overview of E7 nations discussed in this study comprises China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Indonesia, and Turkey. This study sets to investigate the contribution of agricultural value addition, GDP, and energy consumption to emissions in the E7 countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study considering the position of agricultural additional value, real GDP, clean energy intake on CO2 pollution, and the development of the EKC proposes the following model equations: The logarithmic transformation has been performed to enable the variables in the current studies to maintain constant variance across all the series highlighted in our study, where LNCO2, LNAVA, LNEC, and LNGDP are logarithmic transformations of all variables and εit, α, and βs represent the stochastic, intercept, and partial slope coefficients respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable energy consumption has a mean of 3.0 metric tons of emission produce per year, a median of 3.2 metric tons, and a maximum of 4.1 metric tons per year - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Real GDP on the other hand has a negative correction with energy consumption. Subsequently, after accessing the correlation among the variables, it was important to prove the evidence of CD in the constructs as presented in Table 4 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To be deemed sustainable, corporations need to incorporate sustainable policies into their business plans by developing new approaches and drives that deliberately encompass stakeholders and constantly improve the economic performance, social justice, and environmental protection on a firm, regional, and/or global level (Dyllick and Muff 2016; Székely and Vom Brocke 2017) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the recent literature in environmental economics, most of the studies have explored different areas concerning the different sectors of the economy and their impacts on climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A vast majority of the extremely poor segment of the society in developing countries is relying on the agriculture sector which is strongly dependent upon natural resources - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The study revealed a nonlinear relationship between poverty incidence and environmental degradation in these countries - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Poverty alleviation and ecological change nexus are the foremost research agendas in SDGs - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 (2021) for the nexus of income inequality and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The effect of economic growth on CO2 emissions is also positive and significant at a 1% level of significance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The numerical value of economic growth suggests that a 1 % increase in poverty increase CO2 emissions by 0.398% - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The effect of economic growth on CO2 emissions is positive and significant at 1% level of significance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, poor people face the challenge of inadequate nutrition availability; decentralized food support programs through schools, health centers, and community places can also alleviate poverty and the pressure on natural resources. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The underlying nexuses are significant exclusively in the median and top quantiles of the income inequality distribution - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 By extension, the study provides income inequality thresholds that dampen the positive relevance of financial development in reducing CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Moreover, while Odhiambo (2020) uses the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), quantile regressions are considered in the present study to articulate all the conditional distribution of income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In essence, there is a bulk of literature supporting the view that environmental degradation, including CO2 emissions, is negative for development outcomes (entailing financial access) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Fourth, the urban population is likely to increase income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Fifth, the effect of remittances on inequality is contingent on what proportion of those migrating abroad is from rich households versus poor households (Anyanwu 2011; Tchamyou et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Hence, the potential incidence cannot be established with certainty especially in the light of the fact that, in this study, the outcome variable (income inequality) is being assessed so that existing levels of income inequality are taken on board - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The emphasis throughout the conditional distribution of income inequality is motivated by the perspective that blanket policies based on mean values of income inequality are less likely to be policy-relevant unless initial levels of income inequality are taken on board to articulate findings that are worthwhile to specificities of countries at different levels of income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 (1) below, the θth quantile estimator of income inequality is derived by analyzing the following problem which is presented without subscripts for the purpose of simplicity where θϵ(0, 1) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 First, the concern of inequality is particularly preoccupying in SSA because most countries in the sub-region experienced considerable growth resurgence from the mid-1990s but failed to reduce the number of people suffering from severe poverty by half in the light of the millennium development goal extreme poverty target (Tchamyou 2019a, b) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Accordingly, the established CO2 emission thresholds, which can enable the mitigation of income inequality, also provide policymakers with actionable policy critical masses that should be considered to promote environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 However, little attention has been paid to exploring its direct linkage with environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Furthermore, in this guideline, a measure to protect ecology is proposed for Columbia for sustainable water infrastructure through a public-private partnership by industrial pollution prevention (Ruiz et al., 2016) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The borrowers of the green loans are the industrial units that use renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The environmental degradation is an overall effect of greenhouse gases, water, and soil on the environment quality; however, pollution is a substantial part of it - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Literature is rich in explaining the positive role of energy consumption in increasing CO2 emissions (Zaidi et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, financial development in the form of green bonds is used to reduce carbon emissions as per the directions of the Paris Agreement - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 They believe that green financial development does not efficiently promote renewable energy consumption and indirectly increase CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, this study also considers the role of IEI of China in environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Firstly, the unidirectional causality between industrial pollution prevention and environmental degradation is a sign of a processed linkage, which indicates the hope that the development of investment in green projects and enterprises is leading towards a sustainable environment (Liu et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Moreover, IEI and IPP are found to reduce environmental degradation significantly - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Also, control variables foreign direct investments, energy consumption, industrialization, and population growth were detrimental to the sustainability of the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study is also viable because it will stimulate green consumption and production patterns in the region in line with SDG 12 of the United Nations - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 2020) researched on 11 post-transition European economies and found financial development and environmental degradation to be negatively related - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The correlation between the variables were also examined, and from the discoveries shown in Table 2, all the series had significantly positive association with environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The country’s existing power plants are inextricably linked to fossil fuel supply, exerting negative pressures on their environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) and Usman et al. (2021b) who opined that transitioning to green energy was the superlative way to help boost environmental sustainability in nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, feedback causalities between foreign direct investments and carbon excretions, amid energy utilization and environmental degradation, and between industrialization and carbon emissions were unraveled - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Therefore, countries in the bloc should shift to the consumption of renewable energy, which is viewed as beneficial to the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since renewable energy facilities need to be equipped with modern technologies before they could function efficiently (Zeraibi et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2019) utilized a multi-objective "model to optimize cropland decisions" relating to regional planning features, considering social, financial, and ecological objectives, combined and distinctly - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The adverse effects of air pollution and climate change on human health and most importantly on the agricultural sector have dire economic consequences for both the developed and developing countries alike (Lanzi et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 China and India, although two of the largest economies of the world, have lowest agricultural productivity among the BRICS nations (Fig. 1) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2010) analyzed the use of renewable energy among the smallholder farmers in Tafresh of Iran - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They were also found to use solar energy directly - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the result from granger causality revealed no short-run causality from renewable energy consumption to the agriculture value added - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 So we introduce two models here, one with EPS and another one with renewable energy use - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The lnPM2.5 has a statistically strong and negative impact on agricultural productivity in the long-run - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In contrast, ICT has a positive impact on agricultural productivity in countries such as China (1.886%), Russia (1.695%), and South Africa (1.857%) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In China, our main estimation technique, CCEMG, reveals a significant impact of renewable on agricultural productivity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The result from long-run estimation revealed that both the carbon dioxide emission and air pollution have negative effects on agricultural productivity of these nations - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, barriers such as lacking of appropriate infrastructure and lower rate of energy efficiency can cause significant disruptions which must be overcome - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the CO2 emission does not fully reflect the climate change since there are other emission categories as well - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 On the other hand, economic growth is found to initially boost the CO2 emission level but mitigate it later on; thus, the authenticity of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis is established in the G7 context - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Recently, the Paris Agreement stimulated the signatory member under the UNFCCC to commit to battle against climate change in order to keep the global temperature rise to below 2 °C above the preindustrial levels and further try to limit the temperature rise to below 1.5 °C (Rogelj et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Hence, it is pertinent to unearth the macroeconomic factors that are responsible for stimulating economic growth within the G7 economies but are equally accountable for the deteriorating environmental attributes of these nations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The shares of RE resources in the aggregate final energy consumption figures of the respective G7 nations are significantly lower than the corresponding non-RE shares - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, the demands for energy and other determinants of economic growth tend to go up which, in turn, is believed to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, as the economic growth level reaches and goes beyond this threshold, the technique effect takes place to ensure complementarity between economic and environmental welfare - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Secondly, a composition effect can also be expected whereby technological innovation, resulting in greater production and use of electricity generated from the cleaner energy resources, can reduce the threshold level of economic growth beyond which the complementarity between economic and environmental welfare can be reinstated - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, it can be claimed that nuclear and RE consumption can ideally help to bend the EKC at a relatively lower level of economic growth; thus, enabling the economy to improve its environmental quality faster - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 RE consumption is positively correlated with NE consumption and economic growth, and NE consumption has a positive correlation with economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This implies that there are long-run associations between CO2 emissions, NE consumption, RE consumption, and economic growth in the context of the selected G7 countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Other means that have been used by the G7 to achieve low-carbon systems include the diversification of energy resources and promotion of sustainable and clean energy technologies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, economic growth eventually works to reinstate environmental welfare in the G7 countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results suggest a feedback causality between NE consumption and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, the causality estimates also reveal unidirectional causality running from economic growth and NE consumption to CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This further confirms the links between economic growth, NE consumption, and CO2 emissions in the G7 countries. The study examined the impact of economic growth, RE, and NE on CO2 emissions in the G7 countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, the governments of these countries should also incentivize the private sectors to invest in setting up of nuclear power plants to elevate the NE generation and consumption levels further - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This ignorance is particularly salient given that the current emphasis on the food-water-energy nexus often fails to include the important role that inland fish and fisheries play in food security and supporting livelihoods in low-income food deficit countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the marine realm, the threats to fisheries tend to be internal to the sector (i.e., overfishing), while in inland waters the threats are largely external (Beard et al - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 They also contribute to sustaining cultural identities (e.g., indigenous communities in the Pacific northwest; Kew 1992), maintaining cooperation and social cohesion among riparian people, and providing job satisfaction for millions of people (Pollnac et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Cross-jurisdictional and -sectoral coordination can address “higher order” issues that impact on fisheries, such as those that cross political boundaries and those that relate to multiple sectors, like agricultural run-off and hydropower (Biggs et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The institutional framework of most national and international entities does not effectively address cross-sectoral issues relating to freshwater use and integrated management (i.e., responsibilities for agriculture, water management, nature conservation, and inland fisheries are often separated over multiple agencies) (Cowx 1998) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Ecosystem services provided by inland fisheries support material well-being such as practical welfare and standards of living (e.g., food, nutritional, and economic security, poverty alleviation); relational well-being including personal and social relations (e.g., community building, social security and cohesion, social capital, mutual respect) and subjective well-being such as concerns, values, perceptions, and experience of an individual (e.g., sense of identity, traditions, livelihood, culture, and hope) It is our hope that the discussion of inland fisheries will be more easily incorporated into future decisions about use of the world’s inland systems - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! Thus, the United Nation’s sustainable development agenda is highly influenced by socio-economic and environmental factors that need sound action plans by their member countries to coordinate and collaborate with each other and work for Africa’s green growth agenda - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The success rate is still deprived as nearly 70% of the population lack sanitation facilities, more than 40% of the population live below the poverty line of US$1.25 a day, 33 million children out-of-school from primary schooling, etc - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Al-Mulali and Binti Che Sab (2012) considered a panel of 30 SSA countries to evaluate the impact of energy demand and carbon emissions on country’s economic development for a period of 1980–2008 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The above significant discussions stress the need to explore this area in more refined form in the context of SSA countries, which derives out by using number of socio-economic and environmental factors to evaluate United Nation’s SDGs for resource conservation and emissions reduction in a panel of 35 selected SSA countries, during a period of 1995–2016 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The study used the following variables to access the environmental sustainability agenda in a panel of 35 SSA countries, i.e., CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita), PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter), access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking (% of population), access to electricity (% of population), domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP), foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$), renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption), GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$), trade (% of GDP), depth of the food deficit (kilocalories per person per day), and population density (people per sq - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The rest of the hypothesis, which related with access to energy, finance, and food, includes as a control variable in conjunction with EKC, PHH, and IPAT hypothesis that confined their impact on country’s emissions level - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The African countries lag behind the United Nation’s environmental sustainability goals, which largely influenced by unsustainable production and consumption that increases human costs in the form of food shortages, high unemployment level, and increase poverty - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These factors negatively influenced country’s economic growth, which further translated in to natural resource depletion that caused deprive performance towards achievement of environmental sustainability across countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The significant discussions on the subject area proposed the following policy implications for SSA countries, i.e.: The adoption of cleaner technologies is imperative for sustainable consumption and production - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The high economic growth is not only associated with the number game of high per capita income, while it is closely linked with socio-economic factors that need to sustain for inclusive growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Climate action is one of the most important needs in order to achieve sustainable development and reduce global warming, and it has prompted policymakers to delve deeper into the causes of climate deterioration (UNDP 2017) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is evident from the discussion above that increasing emissions coupled with the problem of climate change will affect both developing and developed countries - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The hypothesis says that when income rises at the earliest stages of economic development, emissions rise and beyond a certain threshold level of income, the emissions start to decrease (Stern et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is followed by a phase known as “the richer is greener,” in which people with increasing income can now invest, afford, and adopt clean technology thereby reducing environmental degradation (Tierney 2009; Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Zambrano-Monserrate and Fernandez (2017) found a quadratic long run relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and economic growth in Germany, thus establishing EKC hypothesis for the same - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (1) is designed following this specification only, where N2O is considered as the proxy of pollution; Y, GCF, REN, and FF are considered as the proxies of economic growth and affluence; TR and RD are considered as the proxies of technological development; and POP is the proxy of population - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Now, we will move towards the renewable energy model - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the course of analysis, we have found that the EKCs for N2O emissions in APEC countries are N-shaped, and the second turnaround point of the EKC using renewable energy consumption is higher compared to the second turnaround point of the EKC achieved using fossil fuel consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For the marginalized households, the policymakers can provide the renewable energy solutions for free for a certain duration, mutually decided by the policymakers and the households - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Nevertheless, while renewable energy sources may assist in preventing environmental deterioration, nations may find it difficult to exploit them since they can stifle economic progress (Anwar et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The data for oil consumption and hydro energy consumption are gathered from the British Petroleum database - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) for China who reported a positive association between renewable energy and ECF - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, businesses will be progressively deterred from adopting fossil fuel–based alternatives, and they will shift to renewable energy alternatives - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this case, firms will have to depend on green energy generation companies that were established during the policy’s initial stage of execution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the preceding two decades, the expansion of financial services has played a vital role in pursuing economic growth agendas in the developing Asian nations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the case of developing countries, a sustainable growth approach becomes even more necessary, as the long-term growth strategies in the developing regions are generally woven around the agriculture or allied industries where the possibility of environmental damages are more pronounced (Sinha and Bhattacharya 2016; Todaro and Smith 2017) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By doing so, we reported the moderating effect of the financial sector development on the nexus between environmental indicators and energy consumption and environmental indicators and trade expansion - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2000) ascertained that the credit supply by the private sector development may have a long-lasting impact on an economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Here, it can be argued that the expansion of financial and international trade-related activities may intensify the movements of various necessary factors such as transportation, construction and manufacturing, services, and most importantly energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Contrarily, at the given level of financial development, the impact of energy consumption on land footprint has remained negative - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the present study, we explored the impacts of per capita income, energy consumption, financial development, and trade expansion on the ecological footprint, carbon footprint, and land footprint in the eight selected countries of South and Southeast Asia during the study period (1990–2015) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Considering the interconnectedness between financial development, energy consumption, trade expansion, and environmental footprint, first of all, the government as a producer needs to reduce the nonrenewable and imported energy dependency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 If the Property Rights are well-defined, the graduated sanctions or penalties can be imposed on the basis of the severity of the violation of the environmental regulation - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 They include community-led programming (Chapter 2), infant and young child feeding practices (Chapter 3), micronutrient supplementation and fortification (Chapter 4), and community-based management of acute malnutrition (Chapter 5) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 And that message is to help ensure that policies and programmes are aligned with promoting sustainable diet choices, and that governments should facilitate coherence among agriculture, health, nutrition, water, biodiversity, and climate change policies in relation to promoting sustainable diets - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The oft-stated imperative of a multisectoral, transdisciplinary approach to solving the problems of malnutrition in all its forms is presented credibly and pragmatically - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 They can also be used by themselves in backward-looking assessments and monitoring, such as environmental-economic macro-indicators, environmental protection or restoration expenditure reviews and environmental or sustainable development monitoring (e.g - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Our findings also declare that consumption of renewable energies (REC) significantly increases environmental quality (EQ) while consumption of non-renewable energies (NREC) adds to environmental degradation (ED) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The increasing trend of energy consumption and environmental pollution is reduced due to energy efficiency, environmental regulations, and increased public awareness at later stages of development (Usman et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The results of this study will help the countries’ economic-environmental analysts and policymakers in formulating and implementing appropriate economic and environmental policies to obtain sustainable economic growth and development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Source: Authors’ findings based on the studies in Tables 1 With respect to the significant and remarkable role of impressive economic factors (namely economic growth, FD, NREC, and TO) in EQ, many studies have been carried out in the economic-environmental literature and achieved different results (a summary of selected recent studies in Table 2) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021b) scrutinised the performance of FD in the impressionability of the CEQI from economic growth in two categories of sampled OPEC and OECD economies in the course of 2008–2019 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the present research, the economic growth performance in EQ was considered in the form of EKC assumption and the interaction between FD, NREC, and CTS with EQ using the CEQI - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As a result, effective and well-established financial organisations that can support green and eco-friendly enterprises and promote renewable energy developments will be helpful to ecological sustainability (SDG 7) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Next, for the OECD group of countries, given the detrimental role of NREC in the quality of the environment, to boost energy effectiveness and contribute to environmental sustainability, which is one of the SDGs, OECD economies must support investment in research and development in general, and especially green technology development - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In recent decades, the consumption of non-renewable natural resources and increasing economic growth have had many environmental consequences - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Energy efficiency can rise together with creativity in these countries, resulting in better environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Developing strategies that counter the ongoing homogenization trends of home-garden agroforestry systems is required to maintain diversity and sustainability - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These challenges may compromise the community’s food security with loss of the product diversity provided by the home-garden system - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This approach would help in comparing the economic, ecological, and sociocultural significance of home-garden agroforestry and drive local landscape-level solutions for its sustainability (Mohri et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 To understand and identify the constraints and seek sustainable landscape development options for the improvement of the home-garden agroforestry systems, detailed information on the spatial structure, composition, agrobiodiversity, and trends is required - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The orthophotos were captured and orthorectified for land administration and certification purposes in 2017 (EMA 2017) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! To reduce these effects, we extracted the proximate coverage area of all enset-based home-garden agroforestry through visual interpretation using ArcGIS, with the aid of field observations and a prior understanding of the landscape - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The ten LULC identified in this study were degraded land, grazing land/pasture, cereal crops, forest, woodland, built-up land, eucalyptus plantations, lakes, afroalpine vegetation, and enset-based home-garden agroforestry (Supplemental Material 1) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The home-garden agroforestry systems include diverse plant species and a variety of crops - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Using these aids, we created home-garden type zones and used them as proximate explicit spatial data - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Enset-based home-garden agroforestry in the landscape had a horizontal structure (Fig. 4) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Large parts of each land parcel were used to cultivate cereal crops, alternated with livestock pasture to enhance soil fertility - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Compared with Ethiopia’s home-garden agroforestry coverage (2.32 Mha) (Brown et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, there is a major problem in estimating the area under agroforestry, and the area coverage may not show the exact conditions - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Horizontal type of structure is followed by both types of agroforestry systems - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Although there are pattern differences, the number of functional groups is similar to the Gedeo and Sidama home-garden agroforestry in Ethiopia (Abebe et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Although the uniqueness of each home garden hinders the use of a common approach, efforts are required to develop a commonly accepted framework to characterize the home-garden agroforestry systems - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2018), the dynamic changes in the home garden cropping system in the Sidama and Gedeo zones were influenced by variations in population densities, market access, low prices, market liberalization policies, and a decrease in soil fertility - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Besides, there is absence of a study which quantifies clean production (net growth-emission effects) and energy import efficiency (net growth-energy import effects) as indicators of sustainable growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The theoretical analysis of the energy-growth-emission nexus can also be discussed based on the concept of sustainable economic development and the debates on the role of energy in production - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) employed panel quantile regression technique for six West African countries (including Nigeria) and reported a U-shaped relationship between carbon emission and economic growth over 1970–2017 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In contrast, autoregressive distributed lag technique (ARDL) estimates of Adejumo (2019) reveal that economic growth worsens environmental quality in the country between 1970 and 2014, while the reverse effect is negligible - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, Ziramba (2010) utilized data ranging from 1980 to 2006 in a PMG panel ARDL analysis to show that import demand for crude oil is positively affected by economic growth in the country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Using the impulse response function and bootstrap corrected causality methods, Pereira and Pereira (2010) found that oil, as well as coal and natural gas, caused economic growth in Portugal during the 1977–2003 period - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It should be stated that few studies also showed that causality runs from economic growth to oil consumption rather than the other way round - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, there appears to be a consensus in the energy import literature on the significant role of income or economic growth in oil import demand, which is evident across the few available studies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In contrast to this finding, Ediger and Berk (2011) found that changes in crude oil imports in the same country are not significantly affected by economic growth during 1968–2007 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This implies that the net effect of growth-emission nexus leads to fall in emission (low carbon development–clean production) combined with the net effect of growth-energy nexus which should be a reduction in energy use (energy conservation–energy efficiency) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The endogenous growth model emphasizes the role of human capital development [L(H)—knowledge] apart from physical labor and capital (L and K—primary inputs) as well as technological efficiency (A) in driving long-run real economic (income) growth (Y) (Romer 1996; and Jones and Manuelli 1997) - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Equation 1 can be expressed in per capita terms as follows: where y = output per capita; k = investment per capita or capital-labor ratio; H = human capital development; and a = productivity growth or efficiency parameter, which is driven by some factors including imported petroleum per capita (em) and environmental quality (carbon emission per capita—co2), financial development (F), and trade openness (T) - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Other drivers of productivity and long-run growth are human capital development (measured as % of primary school enrolment in gross enrolment-H), financial development (measured as % of private sector credit in total credit -“F”), and trade openness (measured as % of total trade in GDP -“T”) (Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Thus, agricultural output performance is important for the link between consumption of imported petroleum products and environmental pollution, which may in turn dictate the relationship between agricultural output and petroleum import - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The complete link, as well as magnitude of impact, among energy import, economic growth, and carbon emissions is further investigated using simultaneous equation model in the presence of a number of control variables - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Aggregate economic growth, petroleum import, and CO2 emission in Nigeria and South Africa - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, while the agricultural output per capita has a significant positive influence on the carbon emission per capita only in regime 2, the service output per capita has a similar effect only in regime 1 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These results suggest that the increase in petroleum import largely promotes in the economic growth both at aggregate and sectoral levels irrespective of the level of carbon emissions in both countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As the economic growth rises above the threshold, any increase in carbon emission tends to discourage further import of refined petroleum product - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The study investigates the links among refined petroleum import, economic growth, and carbon emission in South Africa and Nigeria both at aggregate and sectoral levels between 1981 and 2015 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Gradually, CCA has been widely implemented to overcome the adverse effects of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Since then DRR and CCA have become the core themes for international sustainable development - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The international scientific community has warned that without quick actions on the following three urgent issues, the severe damage and impacts of climate change and extreme events will not only put the achievement of the SDGs out of reach but also erode the hard-won development gains of the past - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Sendai Framework set out an expected outcome and seven quantitative goals to be achieved in the following 15 years, together with four priorities for actions—understanding disaster risk, strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk, investing in DRR for resilience, and enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction (Fig - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Yokohama Strategy urged the enhancement of disaster management for achieving sustainable development, and clarified that to achieve the goals of the IDNDR, disaster prevention, mitigation, and preparedness were more effective than disaster relief (IDNDR 1994) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The adaptation negotiations under the UNFCCC have also made significant progress, and gradually, CCA has been widely implemented to overcome the adverse effects of climate change at all levels - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Since 1988, every 6−7 years, nearly a thousand scientists around the world have engaged in various fields of climate change and socioeconomic and sustainable development to provide policymakers with a comprehensive explanation of the current international scientific community’s latest understanding of climate system changes in so far six assessment reports (see Fig - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Damage and loss associated with climate change impacts have emerged as key issues underpinning climate change adaptation at the global level during recent climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC (Prabhakar et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Along with the rise in climate-related hazards, and the impacts and risks of fast-onset extremes and slow-onset changes (such as sea level rise) in the climate system, adaptation started attracting more attention at COP 10 (Conference of the Parties in 2004), then received successive boosts from the adoption of the Bali Action Plan in 2007 and the following COPs in Cancun (Mexico) in 2010 and others leading up to the 2015 Paris Agreement (Shaw et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In June 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (also known as the Earth Summit) adopted a series of important documents—the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (also known as the Earth Charter); Agenda 21; the Framework Convention on Climate Change; and the Convention on Biological Diversity - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, one of the specific targets of Goal 1 is to build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social, and environmental shocks and disasters by 2030 - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Disasters put development at risk, and losses caused by climate change and extreme events may severely hinder many countries from achieving SDGs - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The synergistic effects of integrated risk management, emergency management, and climate change mitigation will effectively ensure safe growth and resilient development - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 International funding mechanisms establish and implement independent projects of CCA, DRR, and so on in target countries through international organizations (such as different agencies of the United Nations), resulting in segmented practices - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A scheme showing international funding mechanisms for target countries At the national level, CCA and DRR are also frequently handled independently, separated by institutional and administrative boundaries (Schipper and Pelling 2006; Kelman 2017; Dias et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 To change this situation, effective governance mechanisms, such as policy, agreement, culture, leadership, and coordination need to be established among international organizations, as well as between international organizations and target countries, while countries also need to establish overarching national risk governance systems (Fig - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Integrated risk governance solution among international organizations and countries Moreover, a wide range of climate change impacts and disaster risks (especially the cascading and systemic risks) are understudied or challenging to quantify, and are missing from current evaluations of climate change and other disaster risks to lives and assets (Mamuji and Etkin 2019; Mcglade et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Moreover, better data, actionable information, and relevant knowledge are needed for understanding climate change and disaster risks in a context of deep uncertainty - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As sharp GHG reduction targets and resilience-related efforts coincide with broader sustainability goals for urban areas, these aspects need to be integrated into current urban planning processes to avoid lock-ins and foster transformative change (A - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The final search terms were “sustainab*” for sustainability, “resilien* or adapt*” for resilience, and “lock-in” or “path dependen*” or “lock in” or “locking in” or “embedded*” and “climate change” for lock-in, which resulted in 10 090, 5129, and 448 papers, respectively - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Nonetheless, by the end of the decade, practice-oriented studies on smart and/or resilient cities have become the most influential - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Several papers addressed resilience in the face of the epidemic and stated that a radical change in urban planning is required - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These aspects are overrepresented in lock-in papers and are less related to climate change issues - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Embedding flexibility, as a key resilience feature, in water-sensitive urban planning (Radhakrishnan et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As we have observed, any overlap between the three paradigms was only examined in the field of urban planning, and even these studies lack the aspect of analyzing the three paradigms simultaneously - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As such, most articles that explore the various aspects of urban planning, mention the lock-in phenomenon without going into greater detail regarding its specifics - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The study findings emphasize that firm size is highly influenced by sustainable economic development and significantly conditioned by a CSR strategy and a capable management team - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The European Union’s Green Deal looks at environmental, social issues, innovation, and circular economy and is designed to lead to sustainable development - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Instead, firms’ transformation in achieving those SDGs determines indirect positive effects on human capital-related SDGs, such as SDG1, which leads to poverty elimination through better productivity rates and premises for increases in employees’ wages, or SDG 3, which generate improvements in employees’ health and well-being - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The transition to a sustainable economic growth model represents an essential objective nowadays for firms - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Also, managers without motivation are not expected to commit to the efforts of transition to a sustainable economic growth model agreed by shareholders and stakeholders - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Current business models for EV ownership and the transition to net-net zero emissions are not working for households in the lowest income brackets - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Besides, without battery technological advancements as safe energy storage devices, it will be challenging to fully harness cleaner and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, within the built environment and the EV value chain, e.g., within households, manufacturing and decarbonising the mining sector - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, the ReLiB project, including auto manufacturers and expert registered businesses such as Circular Energy Storage, can play a crucial role in improving EV battery recycling efficiency in the UK - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The global sustainable development community is off track from meeting international targets for hunger and malnutrition (an abnormal physiological condition caused by inadequate, unbalanced, or excessive consumption of macro- and/or micronutrients) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Policy and funding decisions are constrained by the paucity of metrics to assess and communicate the contributions of fish to food and nutrition security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, improving assessment and governance of subsistence and low-revenue fisheries may be economically—as well as socially—meaningful, given the high economic returns on investments from reducing childhood stunting (Hoddinott et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Availability, access, and stability are key dimensions of food and nutrition security that can be directly influenced by policy, by linking governance of production with governance of distribution and post-harvest processes - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There is growing consensus about the need to recognize the crucial contributions of fish to global food and nutrition security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 service/input providers, processors, distributors, etc.) and related processes (e.g., processing efficiency, energy use, food loss and waste, overconsumption of protein) across fish value chains to promote sustainability (Tlusty et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Most studies on perception of climate change have been carried out in developed countries, but there is a lack of knowledge about climate change perception in developing countries (Capstick et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This study aimed to understand how civil defense experts are dealing with the topic of climate change: what they have learned and think about it - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Civil defense experts are assigned to carry out DRM activities, which requires knowledge about climate-related hazards (heavy rains, floods, droughts, and so on), as well as vulnerabilities, capacities, and risk mitigation measures (Wisner et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Subsequently, we highlight some recommendations for policy making in climate change adaptation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Ministry of Environmental Affairs published in 2015 an updated version of the National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change, proposing a number of measures in several sectors, including the civil defense and protection area (Brazil 2015) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The respondents emphasized that tackling climate change is a collective task and everyone plays a major role as a citizen - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is a consensus that climate change is happening (77.6% agreed on that), but who provides the information makes a real difference - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Although 60.2% had not received capacity building training in climate change topics, a similar proportion of the respondents (59.3%) believed that they are totally or partially prepared to cope with extreme events - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In February 2020, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and partners launched the Peoples’ Climate Vote—the largest survey of public opinion on climate change ever conducted - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (1998), who stated that concern about global warming tended to be highest in Canada, most of Europe, and South America—in the survey of the UNDP and University of Oxford (2021), South America was not among the most concerned with climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Our survey in Brazil revealed that most civil defense officers thought that climate change is happening - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Most municipal civil protection officers in Brazil completely agreed that climate change will cause additional challenges to their DRM activities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The need for these capacity building activities about climate change was also recommended by Márquez (2016) after studying the climate change perception of civil protection in Campeche, Mexico - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The aim was to understand what civil protection officers learn and think about climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 They believe that climate change will cause additional obstacles to DRM, but they face challenges to identify indicators that the changes are happening - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A small portion of civil protection officers feel prepared to deal with climate change—let alone being required to institute capacity building activities about mitigation and CCA, as well as basic notions about meteorology, social and environmental vulnerability analysis, and implementation of nature-based solutions, among others - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Ministry of Environmental Affairs, SEDEC, and Cemaden in Brazil need to bridge DRR and CCA by creating a joint national plan to continuously strengthen institutional capacities at the municipal level - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The paradigm of sustainable tourism policy implications aims to prioritize the decoupling association between tourism development and environmental deterioration - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Over the last two decades, the term “sustainable tourism” has attracted a lot of interest from researchers and policymakers (Nepal et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 With the mounting concern of global warming and climate change, the developing nations are in the rapid transit phase moving towards the service industries to be benefitted from the competitive advantage, while also fostering policy thrust to the sustainability dimensions to have minimal impact on environmental quality - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While the present policy thrust is aimed to support the monetary motor of the nation by revitalizing the energy-intensive domestic manufacturing, the Government of India is also committed at INDC to diminish the carbon emissions intensity of GDP by 30–35% by 2030 from 2005 level through upgrading the renewable energy capacity accumulation to 40% in the countrywide energy portfolio - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2019) concluded that accelerated adoption of renewable energy may help in the reduction of CO2 emissions for Brazil, China, India, and Russia while investigating the existence of the EKC hypothesis for the period 1990–2015 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The role of tourism as a source of economic growth has been debated in extant literature for over a decade - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2015) has highlighted that the relationship between tourism and economic growth happens in more developed countries, while Figini and Vici (2010) have highlighted that tourism does not accelerate economic growth in developing countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the wake of arriving at a specific income level, the climate begins improving with the further expansion of economic activity, showing non-linear linkages between economic growth and CO2 emissions that follow an “inverted U”-shaped curve (Dong et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, a negative value of α7 divulges that policy thrust on enhanced capital formation has mostly been done in the ecotourism sector to promote sustainable tourism practices - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The current work exploits 30 years of annual time series information on CO2 emissions, foreign tourist arrival in India including nations from Pakistan and Nepal, economic growth, REC, EI, GCF, and population from 1990 to 2019 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This result further implies, although India’s present policy planning favoring to promote sustainable tourism practices, India has not been able to generate sufficient capital investment which is essential in the expansion pathway of ecotourism development - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The expansion pathway of REC may also help India in the improvement of energy security while easing energy poverty, which could have helped the nation to grow the economic engine of the country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These findings unveil the importance of educational advancement in developing nations like India to thrive the ecological sustainability through enhancing the creation of mass awareness to promote renewable energy usage and rational usage of energy consumption to bring down the energy expenditure - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This finding shows that capital formation has not aided in the development of sustainable tourism in the mentioned time spanned of analysis - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Hence, policy preference of promoting educational advancement has serious policy implications in the smooth transitioning pathway to renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, both environmental sustainability and sustainable development can be achieved by clean energy (CE) consumption since it consists of noncarbohydrates energy sources that seldom or do not cause CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This shows the importance of effective decision-making of government institutions for environmental protection - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Studies also reveal that economic complexity may affect the ecological performance and environmental degradation of a country (Doğan et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2020b), the scholars investigated the impacts of renewable and non-renewable energy on ecological sustainability in Turkey - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020a) investigated the role of tourism, economic growth, and globalization on CO2 emissions in Malaysia - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Many studies have been done regarding the root causes of carbon emissions and ecological footprint and their linkages with energy consumption-ecological deprivation (Yao et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Public services like water supply, waste management, sanitation, and many others are relatively less expensive to construct and run in highly urbanized areas - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 R&D budgets should upsurge - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The integration of renewable energy and sustainable development (RE&SD) can help overcome existing obstacles and create opportunities for renewable energy deployment to achieve sustainable development goals - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The co-word network was generated using SciMAT to reveal the dynamic aspects of the scientific research in the five subperiods - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As global carbon neutrality continues to advance and the global energy transition is accelerating, a systematic review and closer integration of insights are needed to determine the structure and evolution of renewable energy for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The present study aims to reveal the scientific structure and evolution in the field of renewable energy for sustainable development (RE&SD) through science mapping and visualization analysis approaches - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, a co-word network was generated using SciMAT to reveal the conceptual evolution of RE&SD, and a longitudinal framework was applied to explore the structure and dynamic aspects of the related scientific research (Cobo et al., 2012, 2011) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This subperiod mainly focused on sustainable development scenarios, policy, and renewable energy environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The hierarchical networks of secondary and three-level sub-modules of 1 PHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTER, 2 COMPUTER SCIENCE, and 3 REGIONAL & URBAN PLANNING were expanded, such as the leaf nodes of 1:1:3 MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2:1:3 COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, and 3:1:3 DEVELOPMENT STUDIES - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, the pandemic can either widen the sustainable energy access gaps or accelerate the path towards achieving SDGs, depending mostly on governments’ sustained policies to take the lead in pursuing structural reductions in emissions to accelerate the development and deployment of a full range of renewable energy solutions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Policymakers could consider energy investment needs and renewable energy perspective approaches to achieve sustainable development goals - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Governments’ sustained policies to accelerate the development and deployment of a full range of renewable energy solutions are critical - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, the 20.5% association between climate risks and environmental drift in the BRICS nations highlights climate change concerns - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As a result of the study on green economic growth, decision-makers are provided with specific policy recommendations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 There are nine capacities of the planet, including a limit on atmospheric GHG concentrations of 348 parts per million CO2 equivalents or less, a biodiversity loss rate of no more than 11 species per million, a surface water consumer limit of no more than 4000 km3 per year, and a cropland conversion limit of no more than 15 percentage points of the world’s ice-free land (Lamperti et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In contrast, increased forest cover contributes to environmental protection by sequestering carbon and providing biomass for energy, which may replace fossil fuel–based energy sources (Prichard et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Longer growing seasons will result from climate change, but so will the utilization of new plant species - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change or excessive water usage may potentially diminish the total amount of agriculture available and increase the strain on the remaining regions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The primary objective of this study is to investigate the impact of climate risk on climate change mitigation in BRICS through the household decisions on changing climate comprehensively - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To safeguard energy security and the ecosystem, additional research is required to relate financial concerns to energy utilization (Creutzig et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is also important to design both short- and long-term action plans to meet renewable energy goals in an effective and sustainable manner - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A carbon tax to finance climate solutions, in place of fossil fuel subsidies, might help the SDGs be achieved more quickly in the event of a Covid-19 pandemic, according to the study’s findings (Vicca et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! In the research model, climatic hazards and dealing with climate change are also considered factors of investigation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The extended technique of moments substantially aids in assessing and interpreting projections based on the estimated model - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Climate risks and natural resource utilization in a given nation are essential factors in the study’s evaluation of the influence of climate change risks on reducing greenhouse gas emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and other development aid organizations have helped many developing countries establish green procurement policies - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 A historical review of climate change policy and research reveals that mitigation deterrence does not merely apply to net-zero emissions (NETs) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Due to increasing computer capacity and expanding scientific and technological research and innovation frontiers, modeling approaches have changed with mission framings - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Farmers may be unable to acquire knowledge on climate change measures because of a lack of extension staff and limited transportation, according to the findings of the FGD report - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The transition, physical, and liability implications of climate change on the banking industry have previously been studied - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is an industry run by big private enterprises since they have the scope, capacity, and expertise to conduct R&D operations and establish a substantial product line for these products - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Some banking institutions and business watchdogs have recently recommended that stockholders and asset managers assess their exposure to financial risks associated with climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were put forward as an aftermath of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were designed to reduce communicable diseases like malaria etc., and child mortality rates to target improved maternal health; to combat HIV/AIDS; to ensure gender equality and women empowerment; to achieve poverty reduction; and to attain higher levels of education for all, thereby achieving sustainable development including environmental sustainability through global partnerships (United Nation 2017) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 (2021a, b, c) asserts that the financial services provided by the intermediaries, banks, etc., are essential for economic development and innovation for which financial education should be focused - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, the outbreak of several epidemics of contagious diseases, such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1), severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (Castelli and Sulis 2017), and lastly the coronavirus breakout (Wu et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The aims are to support sustainability, financial inclusion, job opportunities, and to strengthen the mental and physical health of the people (OECD 2022) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Second, our study examines the impacts of environmental performance on the level of infectious diseases - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The objective is to investigate the impact of the level of domestic borrowing extended in the economy to meet the basic needs of human beings as well as the business operations under the different schemes of the government upon the CDs - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The growing importance of regional integration supports the member countries to achieve the common goals but is accompanied by the higher risks of the spread of CDs - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 They employ the supply–demand model, 2SLS, and dynamic GMM regression techniques to study the impacts of financial development on the economic growth of economies on the one belt-one route (OBOR) throughout 2007–2019 and report that the number of bank branches, debit, and credit cards positively impact the economic growth of sampled economies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Further, they find that FDI and energy consumption caused increased growth and carbon emissions in the sampled economies along the OBOR - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 So, we expect that energy consumption may have a different consumption pattern during the CDs in the sampled OECD country panel - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They find that high-income and developed economies with higher education levels have better control of infectious diseases than the middle and lower-income (poor) economies - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 They design a panel of 44 developed and 44 developing economies and find that infectious diseases have a more destructive role on the economy of the developing countries as compared to that of developed ones - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Communicable diseases are more likely to spread quickly with close interactions in communities due to economic, social, commercial, and financial activities without SOPs - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The proxy of sustainable development TRA negatively impacts communicable diseases with a coefficient of 0.06997 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The elimination of poverty strengthens the advancement against communicable diseases, with other development strategies closely interlinked with the CDs (Raviglione and Maher 2017) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In contrast, consumption and GDP are found insignificant; energy and as such are also corroborated by our findings that also don’t reveal any significant influences of energy consumption and GDP on the spread of viral diseases - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Our study results lead us to conclude that OECD member countries with higher levels of carbon-based emissions and fossil fuel consumption invest in healthcare structure and related items and extend bank credit to strengthen their healthcare structure and reduce infectious diseases - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Seventh, there should be appropriate private–public partnership programs to cope with different current and potential challenges including to achieve the green economy status and to reduce the chances of CDs pandemics, for instance, COVID-19 - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 This study uses certain variables as proxies for environmental performance, financial development, and sustainable growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Secondly, given the emergence of a change from factor-driven to more technological innovation-driven financial development as posited by Xin-gang and Wei (2020) and Xin-gang et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The CE concept identifies new opportunities for the simultaneous achievement of environmental benefits and economic growth (Hopkinson et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As presented in Figure 1, the CE develops not only qualitatively but also quantitatively—the new processes and jobs are created to cover material cycles (Gottwald 2012; Tomić and Schneider 2020). Product life cycle and its linear and circular economy implications - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Examples are electric vehicles, catalysts, and filters to decrease pollutant emissions, wastewater, and waste treatment services, or noise insulation works - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! 2019), which are categorized according to the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These expand the EGSS into new EP and RM-related processes and creates new jobs (Karaferye and Agaoglu 2017; Xu et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Second, some employees will be substituted—as in shifting from fossil fuels to renewables, or from truck manufacturing to rail car manufacturing, or from landfilling and waste incineration to recycling - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This method is mostly used in the research of the economic development comparisons (Kasztelan 2016; Raszkowski 2018; Moraga et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This paper has researched the secondary data related to the CE indicators gathered for each EU member state in years 2009–2019 and published in the Eurostat database in a dedicated section entitled “Circular economy indicators” (Eurostat 2020f) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Nevertheless, there are a few attempts in the literature to define a circular city to facilitate both academic debate and urban application of circular economy model principles. Several scholars have examined how the principles of the CE model are translated to the city-level and conceptualized the notion of circular cities from several perspectives (e.g., [6, 7, 32,33,34]) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As a result, this review provides an overview of urban circular economy transitions' spatial and sectorial distribution, by searching the academic literature for case studies on the application of CE within cities, with some additions from grey literature - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Associated with the waste and wastewater industry are the R-frameworks of recycling and recovery and the recycling n construction and demolition industry - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some of our findings align with what other researchers have pointed out: a prevalence of the narrow focus on recycling and waste management practices leads to knowledge concentrations in specific sectors, certain lower-level R-frameworks, and certain sectors countries and cities - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Agriculture is faced with the challenge of increasing primary productivity to meet the rising global demand for food security (Alexandratos and Bruinsma 2012) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Stakeholders must match the supply of soil functions with the societal demand for soil functions through use of land use, land use change and land management options - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This challenge is consistent with the demand target outlined in Ireland’s Food Harvest 2020 policy document (DAFF 2010); (b) the water quality function, by improving the water quality status from Q3 (moderate) to Q4 (good) under the EU Water Framework Directive (EU 2000) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Across all workshops, the top five options proposed were afforestation, the use of buffer strip/riparian zones, soil sampling and analysis, targeted inorganic nutrients and targeted slurry/organic amendments - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Across these stakeholders (workshops 1, 2, 3, 4), on average the primary productivity and the nutrient recycling functions emerged as the highest priorities - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The aim of this study was to assess the current situation in a population of Creole cattle in Pasorapa, Bolivia, and to evaluate factors to be considered before implementing conservation and genetic improvement programs in order to achieve SDG 1, 2, 13 and 15 - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! However, its critical role for livelihoods of family farmers from the Global South, where most people are under the recommended nutrition standards [25], need to be taken into account - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It has been suggested that applying an adaptive multi-paddock grazing system can improve animal and forage productivity, and also contribute to climate change mitigation through soil carbon sequestration [27] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In the longer term, breeding and conservation programs can be developed to further increase productivity and farmer income, and to conserve genetic diversity (SDG 1 and 2) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! While the promotion of biofuels as a major measure to mitigate climate change has declined, a significant share of INDCs still included biofuels in their climate change mitigation portfolio - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In addition, hydropower development accelerates slightly over baseline investment levels, adding 10 % additional storage to the overall surface storage portfolio by 2050; additional surface storage supports additional (largely gravity-fed) surface water withdrawals for all water uses of a similar magnitude, compensating to some extent for lost groundwater access - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Scenario 4 (LEP) assumes that no climate policy will be agreed upon at the 2015 Paris Climate Change Meeting - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Source: IFPRI Impact Simulations Energy access continues to improve, still driven, to a large extent by fossil fuels, but with considerable growth in renewables - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Almost the entire population in the MENA region will live in areas with high water stress as will high shares of the South Asian population - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 On balance, the number of people at risk of hunger increases slightly more under the climate change scenario - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The final scenario, LEP, assessed the impacts of an increase in fossil fuel availability and concomitant lower energy prices on water and food security—a scenario that we have been seeing over the last few years - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 When energy prices do not increase under upward pressure from economic growth but as a result of energy supply shocks - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These findings have far-reaching consequences for GDP growth and macroeconomic indicators in South Korea - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To achieve this target, South Korea will have to improve its climate policies significantly, even more so if the government intends to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, such as by amending and enhancing its 2030 NDC to be compliant with the Paris Accord - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The present research is considered particularly timely and deserving of inquiry, especially in the current era in which responsible energy use and environmental protection are increasingly being targeted - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In Kuwait, Wasti and Zaidi (2020) concluded that energy consumption and CO2 emission accelerate GDP - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The author revealed a bidirectional link between economic growth and energy use in the USA, Canada, and Japan, but no causality was evident in the UK and Italy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The author revealed that there was a unidirectional linkage from energy consumption to GDP - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Table 1 presents a synopsis of related studies. This study’s theoretical work is based on the EKC which was built on the Kuznets curve of Kuznets (1955), which was centered on income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In the first phase, environmental degradation is experienced but reaching a point (turning point), the environmental quality begins to improve due to development in innovations and increasing environmental consciousness - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (11) as follows: The Fourier Toda-Yamamoto causality with single frequencies (SF) is defined as follows: The present paper aims to examine the connection between CO2 emissions (CO2) and economic growth (GDP) as well as the role of urbanization (URB), gross capital formation (GCF), and energy usage (EC) in South Korea between 1965 and 2018 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The outcomes of the R2 and Adj R2 illustrate that 99% and 98% variation in GDP can be explained by urbanization, gross capital formation, CO2 emissions, and energy consumption, and the remaining percentage can be attributed to error - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is not unexpected given that the South Korean economy is primarily an investment-oriented and manufacturing economy that relies heavily on the utilization of energy; nonetheless, a positive side of this is the potential to minimize CO2 by shifting the energy mix to include more renewable options such as wind and solar energy (renewables) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The outcomes of the gradual shift causality revealed: (i) a one-way causality from energy consumption to GDP at a significance level of 1% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, we applied the novel wavelet test to capture the correlation and causal association between economic growth and the regressors - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Also, energy usage should be embraced by incorporating sustainable (renewable) energy sources, including hydropower, oceanic, and wind energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Implementing the aforementioned policies will help to maintain sustainable economic development and South Korea’s proven environmental performance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The findings indicate a decrease in funding to climate change research since the pandemic crisis - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Other social issues that arose from the pandemic also include increased poverty (belonging to the SDG 1 goal to end poverty everywhere), mental health issues, inequalities towards vulnerable groups, and gender-based violence - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Even before the pandemic both the private and public sectors were struggling with how to achieve the goal of $100 billion in annual funding to assist low-income nations in combating climate change through adaptation and mitigation measures [23] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some of the stimulus packages released by major economies do include climate change-related measures that differ in types and dimensions, though the share of the budget assigned for these purposes and implementation frames is not always stated clearly - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The main purpose of the questionnaire was to analyze the effect of the pandemic on SDG 13 research and to find out whether climate financing projects has decreased - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For this purpose, we divided the questionnaire into 3 sections: (a) scientists’ background (questions about their country, gender, age, average salary); (b) scientists’ profile (asking about their professional field, the main country where they carry out their research, etc.); and (c) access to climate change research funds (asking if the amount of funding for their research changed since March 2020, among other questions) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Regarding information about whether the researcher’s usual sources of funding stopped or postponed funding for climate change projects since March 2020, of the 96 individuals answering this question, approximately a third don’t know (N = 34/35.4%), another third (N = 32/33.3%) stated that their usual funding source stopped or postponed funding, while the remaining third (N = 30/31.3) said this did not happen - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 We obtained 71 responses, as several respondents mentioned more than one field; the three main orientations of their research are adaptation and resilience (16%), risk and vulnerability assessments (14%), and impacts of climate change (13%) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The future impact of COVID-19 on their climate change research, as expressed by 100 respondents, is expected to increase according to more than half of the respondents (N = 56/56%), to decrease as stated by 13 (13%) respondents, while 15 (15%) expect no change at all, and 16 (16%) don’t know - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Taking into account that many of the participants had stated that their funding for climate change projects had changed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the next step was to reveal if these changes had any relation with or dependence on other variables, such as the continent where the participants work, their monthly income, their professional field, the orientation of their research, or their funding agencies - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In terms of connections between COVID-19 and climate change, it is evident that implications for both mitigation and adaptation are discussed in the literature - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Accordingly, recovery packages should be designed and implemented in a way, whereby economic growth and emissions are decoupled [36] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the term co-occurrence (Fig. 5), the term health also has a central place and is closely linked to other terms such as disparity, equity, poverty, and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Result of the term co-occurrence analysis This study employed a mixed-methods approach to shed light on some preliminary findings on the pandemic’s implications for poverty and climate change adaptation efforts, as a result of switching priorities and funding - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Likewise, both COVID-19 and climate change are defined as major health threats that are closely interrelated and may have aggravating effects on each other - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The merits of the work reside in the fact that it is one of the few papers which has examined the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate change research, especially in respect of the availability of funding - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Scenario 3: Funding to support climate change initiatives increase - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While the high risk of retreating/rebounding to a business-as-usual normality is evident, policy responses need to drive climate change mitigation and adaptation away from uncoordinated priorities, and towards specific and targets, using adequate indicators - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Most of the LCA studies reported were conducted in Europe where the main perspective was waste management - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2017) Resources, Conservation and Recycling 11 Multi-product biorefineries from lignocelluloses: A pathway to revitalisation of the sugar industry? 2017 South Africa Farzad et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2021) discussed the importance of good governance to achieve environmental sustainable goals - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 (2021) reported that there is a need to educate families to reinforce their intentions and behaviors to food waste, as well as make them aware of the social, economic, and environmental effect - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Responsible consumption and production: Digital communication help consumer and producer to block their deal without meeting each other - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some of those patterns are related to some aspects of consumption, such as food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 It is worth remembering that goals related to sustainable consumption have been disseminated by the United Nations since 2015, via SDG 12 [23] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The hypothesis that guided the survey development was that the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced sustainable consumption - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The first comprises the topics “Demographic characteristics”, “Sustainable consumption pattern”, and “Background: 115 COVID-19 and consumption habits” - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As shown in Fig. 2a, high importance is given to sustainable production and consumption, as 76.9% strongly agree and 11.1% somewhat agree that SDG 12 encourages companies to be committed to sustainability along the whole supply chain and to protect human rights and environmental standards, while only 8.3% strongly disagree here - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Among the initiatives used to improve the consumption behaviour of the sampled respondents, 48.2% reported that they made efforts to reduce food waste, 38.0% focused on regional or national products, 32.4% preferred less packaging, 30.0% recycled more, around 25.0% reported to save energy, to buy organic products, to buy less animal-based products and to save water - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 On average, the sustainable consumption induced by the COVID-19 pandemic was not very high, thus confirming the information previously illustrated in Fig. 6 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Although age has a negative influence on sustainable consumption behaviour, its elasticity is very low and not significant - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This study aimed to analyse sustainable consumption patterns and the perceptions of an international set of consumers of the changes triggered by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 These factors put a serious strain on the developing countries like sub-Saharan African countries that faced the challenges of food insecurity, higher energy prices, water resources, and environmental sustainability agenda across the countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The growth rate of GDP per unit of energy use considerably declines in Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Niger, Togo, and Zimbabwe economies, whereas the remaining SSA countries have a positive growth rate - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The SSA countries required extensive environmental transformation to take some re-corrective measures for the bad and the ugly sustainable reforms to develop an interactive environmental model, where the water-energy-food resources comply according to the Copenhagen climate change protocol - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The following variables are used to estimate the food, water, and energy resources, i.e., food production index (2004–2006 = 100); land under cereal production in hectares; depth of the food deficit in kilocalories per person per day; electricity production from oil, gas, and coal sources as % of total energy consumption; GDP per unit of energy use in constant 2011 PPP $ per kilogram of oil equivalent; and improved water source as % of population with access - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The correlation matrix in Table 3 shows that there is a negative correlation of depth in food deficit, energy efficiency, food production, and improved water sanitation with the methane emissions, whereas the positive correlation has been found with electricity production, GDP per capita, industry value added, land under cereal production, and population density in a region - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The growth-specific variables confirmed the viability of inverted U-shaped carbon-EKC, as carbon emissions increase along with an increase in per capita income, which substantially decreases with economic maturity at the later stages of economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The improved water sources decrease the fossil dependency of energy consumption, which is further connected with the inverted U-shaped fossil EKC, as fossil energy increases with the income in the initial stage of development that decreases at later stages - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The methane emissions, in another regression apparatus, show that its impact is positive and significant with the land used under cereal production, i.e., 0.104, p < 0.000, while energy efficiency and industry value added both reduce the share of CH4 emissions; however, the intensity of energy efficiency to reduce CH4 emissions is larger than the impact of industry value added to decrease the CH4 emissions across countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The environmental sustainability success rate is possible by carbon financing to upgrade land distribution and reducing forest depletion that would be helpful to reduce the threat to climate change in a region - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Energy efficiency supports to reduce air quality indicators except fossil fuel energy, as it escalates along with an increase in GDP per unit use of energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lower energy prices share the burden of environment to promote green energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Although the Kyoto Protocol is not linked with the financial integration of the competitive markets, it is linked through resource market to reduce the strain of environmental pressure by least flexible and cost-effective mechanisms such as clean development, emission trading, and joint implementation programs, which helpful to reduce the supply of emissions in the atmosphere - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Soon after the ATPA was enacted, water scarcity started to become a challenge in the “Ica-Villacurí” aquifer (Damonte and Boelens 2019), which is located on the other side of the Andes, in the coastal zone of Peru - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Second, large-scale producers benefitted most from exporting high-value luxury crops thanks to an institutional framework created by the government in order to foster economic development (Schwarz et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Such a conscious rethinking of the agribusiness expansion policies and agreements could successfully act towards achieving the SDG1 (“No Poverty”) and SDG6 (“Clean Water and Sanitation”) (UN 2015), particularly in the Andean region. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Knowledge in holistic disaster scenarios should be increased among actual citizens, which would ultimately motivate and enable them to reduce their own exposure and risk, instead of solely relying on law enforcement - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the context of economic growth (EG), failure in the attainment of the objectives of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13, i.e., climate action along with SDG 7 that is named as green and inexpensive power, eventually results in affecting the attainment of SDG 8 which is specified as decent work and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To measure the environmental degradation, two proxies are usually utilized, ecological footprint (ECF) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It was discovered that ecological footprint is positively responsive to economic growth, i.e., 1% boost in economic growth boosts the ECF by 0.205% - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It was found that sustainable usage of natural resources results in reduced environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Sarkodie (2018) states that environmental degradation occurs due to human activities like deforestation, agriculture, and mining - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Ten percent boost in EG depicts negative influence on ECF in Malaysia in the short run but positive influence in the long run, whereas 10% decline in EG depicts negative influence in the short run as well as in the long run but finally changes to a positive influence in the long run. Economic growth and ecological footprint: the above figure depicts ±10% in EG and its influence on ECF - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is recommended to increase awareness among the public to adopt sustainable practices every day - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Global academia has recently (from the last decade) been interested in interpreting the adverse effects of globalisation on environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The global average per capita arable land use (0.18 ha) has also crossed SOS - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For GHG emissions, arable land use, phosphorus uses and MF, the decreasing order of grouping is informational (KOFInGI) & social (KOFSoGI) > interpersonal (KOFIpGI) > overall (KOFGI) > political (KOFPoGI) > cultural (KOFCuGI) globalisation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For per capita arable land use (Fig. 5A (ii)), some of the highest arable land-using (> 0.9 ha) countries would be Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, etc., and some of the lowest land-using countries would be Latvia, Lithuania, Sri Lanka, etc - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Nearly 30% of countries would use more arable land than the global average - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Among the biophysical resources in countries, GHG emissions, nitrogen use, EF, and MF have a higher level of positive correlation with globalisation than arable land use and phosphorus use - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Environmental protection and sustainable development are inextricably linked - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The cross-sectional augmented autoregressive distributed lag (CS-ARDL) and the dynamic common correlated effects mean group (DCCEMG) estimators were adopted to explore the elasticities of the explanatory variables and from the results, energy consumption worsened environmental quality in the region due to its positive influence on CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, urbanization and economic growth increased the rate of CO2 emissions in the countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world’s energy consumption grew by 2.3% in 2018, which is almost twice the average growth rate since the year 2010 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, transiting to energy efficiency and the utilization of renewable energy are the credible means through which pollutant emissions connected to the consumption of dirty energies could be minimized (Sharif et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, as economic growth in the region increases, so does the rate of pollution due to the consumption of carbon-induced fossil fuels - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2021), however, North Africa is yet to achieve a higher proportion of renewables in its overall energy mix (World Bank 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For instance, Ali et al.’s (2018) research on Nigeria, Jian et al.’s (2019) investigation on China, Rahman et al.’s (2019) study on BRIC and NAFTA countries, Nkengfack and Fotio’s (2019) exploration on three African nations, and Sulaiman and Abdul-Rahim’s (2017) research on Malaysia, all affirmed energy consumption as a significantly positive predictor of CO2 emissions, while Liu et al.’s (2017) investigation on Asian nations, Solarin et al.’s (2017) study on India, Dong et al.’s (2018) exploration on China, Zoundi’s (2017) research on some African countries, and Sinha and Shahbaz’s (2018) investigation on India, all confirmed energy consumption as a substantially adverse predictor of CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For the past three decades too, majority of countries in the region have been enjoying higher economic growth by transforming their economies from primary agricultural sector to energy-led industrial sector - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The study suggested that the concerned countries should reduce their monotonic dependency on the consumption of fossil fuels, particularly oil, and should gradually incorporate renewable energy resources into their energy-mix, particularly within their respective service sectors - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021d) reinvigorated the role of clean energy transition for achieving a low-carbon economy in Bangladesh for the period 1975–2016 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 From the study’s findings, aggregate energy consumption, fossil fuel consumption, and natural gas consumption boosted carbon footprint in the country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In order to attain the carbon-neutrality agenda of China, the study recommended that, the country should prioritize the use of renewable energy resources to help boost its environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) studied oil producing African countries from 1970 to 2016 and confirmed energy consumption as an immaterial predictor of CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 If the other components of energy consumption or the aggregate energy consumption was to be considered for the study, the discoveries might not be the same - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Adebayo and Kirikkaleli (2021) performed a wavelet analysis on Japan, and confirmed renewable energy as friendly to the country’s environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The conflicting outcomes signify that, the argument on the linkage between energy consumption and CO2 emissions is unceasing and needs more explorations like ours - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) conducted a study on South Africa and affirmed energy consumption as harmful to the countries’ environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2021 among others), while others have also confirmed energy consumption as beneficial to the environment (Danish and Khan 2020; Adebayo et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Otherwise, energy consumption was to have an adverse influence on CO2 emissions \( \left(\ {\beta}_1=\frac{\partial \mathit{\ln} CO{2}_{it}}{\partial {lnEC}_{it}}<0\right) \) if the energy used was from clean sources that mitigated the emissions of CO2 in the bloc (Zafar et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is therefore not surprising that the rate of environmental degradation in North Africa is galloping of late - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As depicted by the results, a 1% surge in economic growth escalated CO2 emissions by 0.296% at the 5% level - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, as a recommendation, policy makers should factor environmental quality into their economic development policies (Perkins et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The positive connection between economic growth and CO2 emissions discovered by this study is in line with Munir et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, a mutual connection amid urbanization and energy consumption was established - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This discovery suggests that a surge in economic growth raised the level of urban population in the region - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To help fill the above gap, a study to examine the energy consumption-CO2 emissions nexus in the context of North Africa over the period 1990 to 2018 was conducted - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021), enhancing financial inclusivity can play a major role by facilitating the financing of renewable energy development projects - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, to the best of my knowledge, there has been no research on the connection between financial inclusion and environmental sustainability in the country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the causal directions amidst the series, unidirectional causalities from financial inclusion and trade openness to carbon effusions were disclosed - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Also, feedback causalities between foreign direct investments and carbon emissions; between population growth and carbon effluents; and between energy consumption and carbon exudates were unfolded - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, allowing households and small businesses greater access to financial services can result in increased consumption and consequently, more carbon emissions (Renzhi and Baek, 2020) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! (2021), inclusive financial services attract research and development, and FDI inflows that help to boost ES - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In this context, accessibility to modern technologies may promote energy efficiency and other eco-friendly activities, thereby stimulating ecological quality (Abbasi and Riaz 2016) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to the CAT report, the government has made a concerted effort to raise public knowledge on climate change issues, but there is still much work to be done, as only a fifth of the country’s population is aware of climate change and its negative consequences - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The study’s finding was robust to the diverse proxies of FI and reasonable adjustments to the specified model, and advocated for the incorporation of the variable into the emission mitigation strategies of the nations to help advance ecological quality - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2021) studied the connection between FI and environmental degradation in 15 highest emitting nations in the globe - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2020), and Park and Mercado (2015), depositors of commercial banks per 1,000 adults, domestic credit to GDP ratio, borrowers from commercial banks per 1,000 adults, commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults, and automated teller machines (ATMs) per 100,000 adults all extracted from WDI (2021) were used in computing the financial inclusion index (FII) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Note: The dots denote average predicted values while dark blue to light blue lines represent 75%, 90%, and 95% confidence intervals Negative 5% shock in financial inclusion index (FII) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Also, a bilateral association between FDI and environmental degradation was confirmed - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For instance, the influence of financial inclusion on environmental quality could differ at different quantiles, and it is the only estimator that can provide such information. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As a result, yearly average soil loss for the entire watershed is 41.2t/ha/year and sub-watersheds (1, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20) are among the 21 sub-watersheds with very significant soil erosion, contributing roughly 28 percent of the watershed's sediment yield - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The outcome is very important for planners and resource managers in terms of immediate and long-term planning through integrated water resource management (IWRM) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Numerous studies have shown that soil erosion is a major problem in Ethiopia's highlands (Bekele & Brook, 2021; Getnet & Mulu, 2021; Issaka & Muhammad, 2017; Tiruneh & Ayalew, 2015) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In comparison, because to soil degradation caused by agricultural operations, sub-basin 11 in the Finca'aa watershed has the highest risk of erosion at the sub-basin level - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Without energy, concurrent economic development would have never been achieved - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2) With the rise of economic growth, Mexico has been upsurging its fossil consumption - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To enhance renewable energy production, numerous countries provide tax incentives and subsidies to investors (Bowden and Payne 2009) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Several countries have shifted to renewable energy in order to lessen their reliance on fossil fuels and minimize pollution (Bölük and Mert 2015) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the contrary, some studies established a positive or insignificant connection between technological innovation and CO2 emissions (Mughal et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Grossman and Krueger (1991) first discovered the inverted U-shaped relationship between economic growth and environmental quality and proved the EKC hypothesis - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The inverted “U”-shaped EKC suggests that Mexico’s economic growth path is amicable for environmental well-being and well-aligned with the Government of Mexico’s policy favoring charting a cleaner growth trajectory - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The long-run coefficient of fossil fuel energy consumption is positive and significant at a 5% level of significance, indicating that a 1% increase in fossil fuel energy consumption may exacerbate the CO2 emissions by 0.3% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since the coefficient of nuclear energy consumption is found to be almost three times higher than renewable energy consumption, nuclear energy sources can be viewed as a prominent factor in reducing CO2 emissions in Mexico - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Based on the ARDL estimates, the analysis demonstrated a positive and significant correlation between economic growth and CO2 emissions both in the short and long run, implying EKC occurrence in Mexico - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, are the most significant contributor to CC and environmental degradation (Olivier and Peters 2017) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Although ETECH involves several dimensions, innovation in the energy mix has received the most primal attention. Scientists are concerned about the environmental consequences of skyrocketing energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, as stated by the OECD (2013), investments in green energy are frequently thought to be less carbon intensive than investments in conventional energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to Popp (2012), achieving green technology goals requires large startup expenses, which are out of achieving for developing countries’ firms. Policymakers are pushing for technological improvements that will improve environmental quality since public attention to environmental issues advances - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 According to the findings of these researches, technological innovation has a substantial influence on economic performance and is critical in lowering emissions and environmental damage - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They indicated that a number of eco-legislations are inevitable in order to establish a sustainable and green growth trajectory - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2022) claimed the same conclusion of a negative linkage between economic growth and the environment for EU states and E7 countries, respectively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) used the quantile ARDL technique to discover that renewable energy improves environmental quality in the USA - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, the government should devote sufficient policy attention to investing sufficient money in the R&D industry in order to generate technological spillover that could aid in improving environmental quality - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Although our findings show that improving environmental technology has limited ability to increase environmental quality, it will assist in overcoming the negative impact on environmental quality in the event of a decrease in R&D spending - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In addition, at a 5% significance level, “H0: no asymmetric association between the same pair of variables” can be rejected, indicating that there is a short-run asymmetry between GDPPC and the CCI, between the number of patents in environmental technologies and the CCI, as well as between renewable energy consumption and CCI - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Other fascinating variables such as green finance, R&D investment, globalization, and institutional regulation may be studied further - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The outcomes of the NARDL unveiled that (i) a positive (negative) shock in non-renewable energy utilization increases (decrease) carbon emissions; (ii) favorable (unfavorable) variations in renewable energy consumption decrease carbon emissions; (iii) a favorable shock in financial development contributes to carbon emissions; and (iv) a positive shock in growth impacts carbon emissions positively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Figure 4a depicts causality from renewable energy use to CO2 emissions at different frequencies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We fail to accept the null hypothesis of “no causality” from economic growth to CO2 emissions at 10% level of significance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The non-linear linkage between carbon emissions and economic growth suggests that India has sacrificed ecological sustainability at the expense of economic expansion - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 From India’s perspective, this result is relatable because the nation has implemented a repertoire of initiatives to increase renewable energy usage and decrease the consumption of fossil fuel - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This country-specific study focuses on Argentina, where economic growth trajectory is embedded with high CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study assesses the long-term and causal impact of financial development and renewables on environmental pollution while accounting for the role of economic development and globalization using yearly data spanning 1980 to 2017 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In 2015, natural gas, which is extensively utilized in manufacturing, residential sectors, and electricity generation accounted for 52% of total primary energy utilization - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A lower proportion of the nation’s overall energy use to generate electricity can be traced to the utilization of coal, hydroelectric power, and nuclear, whereas other renewable options are utilized in the production of biofuels for transportation. Economic expansion is reliant on energy production and consumption––due to its role in improving income generation and development, stimulating employment, and accelerating productivity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This stance is reinforced by the optimistic association between consumption of fossil fuels and economic growth––which implies that GDP growth contributes to higher utilization of energy and higher CO2 emissions, respectively (Asongu et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Recently, several scholars have assessed the association between environmental degradation and globalization; however, outcomes are mixed, making it difficult to determine the exact effect of globalization on environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 CO2 emissions: SDG 13 seeks to enhance atmospheric and habitat quality by lowering GHG emissions to optimal levels, thus illustrating the unparallel danger of global warming to human lives due to upsurge in CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 SDG 8 seeks to guarantee that all employees that are qualified have full employment and good jobs - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 SDG 9 aims at achieving sustainable development through the positive effects of financial development - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Thus, an increase in financial development would also increase environmental degradation, i.e., \( \left({\beta}_2=\frac{\delta {CO}_2}{\delta FD}<0\right) \) otherwise \( \left({\beta}_2=\frac{\delta {CO}_2}{\delta FD}>0\right) \) if not eco-friendly - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This indicates the need to improve the energy consumption structure from conventional energy sources to renewables - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a policy implication, the evidence of unidirectional causality highlights that economic growth-induced pollution is worthy of caution for environmental stakeholders - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Environmental degradation can decline by creating opportunities and flexibility for renewable technology imports, as well as clear laws and regulations for environmental protection - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Thus, there is a need to arrive at a balance between Argentina’s energy mix, environmental strategies, and macroeconomic objectives by designing robust energy conservative policies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The bi-directional causality was established among urbanization and GHGs (Asia), financial development and forest (Asia), energy use and renewable energy (Asia), renewable energy and forest (Asia), improved sanitation and forest (Asia, Africa, America), urbanization and forest (Asia), and improved sanitation and financial development (Europe) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) tried to decrease the economic and physical loss due to climate change (Farhani et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The countries are adopting a different precautionary measure for a safe and clean economy like the increasing share of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The economic growth showed a direct association with the consumption of energy (Armeanu et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The rate of increase in energy consumption was more than the rate of increase in population growth, and the expected rise in energy utilization will be 56% from 2010 to 2040 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The policymakers tried to introduce the alternative energy plans like energy saving, reduction in energy intensity, energy efficiency, and concentrate on safe energy sources (Farhani and Ozturk 2015) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The increase in renewable energy consumption was beneficial for energy security and has the ability to tackle the rise in global temperature (Armeanu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, this study aims to investigate the nexus between financial development, energy use, renewable energy, forest area, trade openness, improved sanitation, and urbanization in 24 LMICs namely Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vietnam, and Zambia, in a multivariate framework - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2015b), renewable energy (Al-Mulali et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is required the sanitation and forestry in the energy-growth-environment nexus; (c) literature does not show the situation of above-mentioned variables in lower middle-income countries from different continents; (d) literature does not show regression coefficient of GHG emission individually for the 24 LMICs - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 GHG emission, financial development, energy consumption, renewable energy, forest area, improved sanitation access, trade openness, and urbanization were selected variables - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Here, α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, and α7 represent the elasticity of GHG with respect to financial development, energy utilization, renewable energy, forest area, improved sanitation, trade openness, and urbanization, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A positive short-run impact was determined from energy use to GHG in Europe while the significant GHG reduction was observed for the rise in renewable energy in Europe - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Schwerhoff and Sy (2017) mentioned the climate investment fund (CIF) which was funded by the World Bank in order to encounter the GHGs in the developing countries - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The rise in renewable energy was important because the impact of energy utilization was not beneficial for the clean environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It implies the indirect role of financial development, forest area, and urbanization for environmental cleaning via renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Country-wise regression results revealed the reduction in per-capita GHG for 1% increase in renewable energy (Ukraine) and forest area (Armenia, Ukraine) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The country-wise regression results showed a significant reduction in GHG emission for 1% rise in financial development (Egypt), renewable energy (Egypt, Zambia), forest area (Sudan), improved sanitation (Cameroon, Egypt, Sudan), trade openness (Tunisia), and urbanization (Morocco, Tunisia, Zambia) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Çetin and Ecevit (2015) claimed that the energy use and urbanization were main determinants behind the environmental degradation for sub-Saharan countries - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The access to energy plays a vital role in the achievement of SDGs by 2030 (Asumadu Sarkodie 2017) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The increase in CO2 emission also disturbed the agriculture sector in Ghana, creating a hurdle for the achievement of food security Asumadu-Sarkodie and Owusu (2016e) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Similarly, the GMM regression explored a significant GHG emission reduction by 1.246, 2.309, 2.825, and 3.198% for 1% rise in renewable energy, forest area, improved sanitation, and urbanization, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The policymakers should focus on financial development, forest area, improved sanitation and renewable energy in Asia for the reduction in GHG emission - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is beneficial for the American countries to focus on renewable energy, forest area, improved sanitation, and urbanization for GHG emission reduction - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is urgently required to adopt these emission reduction measures to encounter the rise in GHG emission, especially due to energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (b) It is also possible to explore some other environmental degradation indicators such as temperature rise - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Investing in green technology to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is among the most important objective of the SDGs - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In addition, it is ranked first in R&D expenditure and according to Bloomberg’s newest California; the “Golden State” is the most innovative economy in America - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In particular, it investigates the contribution of R&D and REC with the help of Granger causality tests and the ARDL bounds approach - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Non-renewable energy increases carbon emissions and damages the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is obtained by summing conventional hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, solar thermal and photovoltaic energy, biomass waste energy, wood energy, and wind energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This result confirms the idea that higher economic growth is a result of higher production and a well-developed economic activity in the state - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 But in our sample, the result supposes that R&D increases CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This can raise economic growth and worsens the environment (increasing carbon emissions) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 We can conclude that renewable and non-renewable energy in California is seen as substitutable goods - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, all the considered variables Granger cause economic growth and CO2 emissions while there is two-way causality between CO2 emissions and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It, therefore, allows for saving money and improving economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, every source of non-renewable energy must be avoided - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this regard, increasing the share of renewable energy is crucial to combat global warming - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The poverty-stricken areas may face the dilemma of a “vicious circle of poverty.” The complex ecological conditions have intertwined with poverty alleviation, which makes the demand for ecological poverty alleviation particularly prominent in these areas - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The results show that (1) there is significant heterogeneity in agro-ecological efficiency in the TGRR, and the agro-ecological efficiency in the middle area is significantly lower than that of the head and tail areas of the TGRR; (2) the improvement of regional agro-ecological efficiency could accelerate the alleviation of poverty; and (3) the widening of urban–rural income disparity is not conducive to poverty alleviation and eradication - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 2018a; United Nations 2015b), health problems (Beggs and Bambrick 2005, Collins 2001), and land degradation (Daba 2003, Darkoh 1998, Gisladottir and Stocking 2005) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The answers to this question are significant for comprehensively evaluating the efficiency of ecological poverty alleviation, promoting, and ultimately achieving rural revitalization as well as the SDGs - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 2002, Qiu and Zhu 2007, Zhu and Qiu 2008), this paper constructs an index system to measure the ecological efficiency of agriculture and takes pollution from agricultural production and consumption of agricultural resources as input indicators and economic development as output indicators (Table 1) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Compared with the main urban areas, the economic development of these districts is relatively slow, but they have been developed rapidly driven by the leading role of economic development in main urban areas - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The economic development of Badong and Zigui Counties are relatively slow in these areas - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For areas with high agro-ecological efficiency, it is necessary to maintain agricultural development with high ecological efficiency, which would be essential to realize the win–win situation of regional environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development (Hou et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Specifically, the head area of the TGRR could promote economic development of Badong with the development advantages of Yiling and Zigui, which could help to reverse the development trend of polarization - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, better public health services can help more impoverished households to lift out of poverty indirectly (Arsyad et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 With the improvement of agro-ecological efficiency in the TGRR, the ecological resources required for local economic output could be reduced, which could help the impoverished households gradually get rid of the “vicious circle of ecological degradation and poverty deepening.” (3) The widening of urban–rural income disparity is not conducive to poverty alleviation and eradication - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The trees and shrubs in agroforestry systems can be selectively protected and regenerated, or planted and managed - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Among the SDGs, the seventh goal (SDG-7) intends to make sure all people’s access to an equitable, dependable, sustainable, and up-to-date energy system, and it identifies the practice of renewable energy (henceforth RE) technology as a proper means to attain this goal (United Nations, 2015) without depriving future generations of resource availability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The resources of renewable energy—e.g., solar, wind, biomass, biofuels, and geothermal—ensure sustainable development by reducing the level of environmental pollution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Projections estimate that fossil fuels will comprise 78% of aggregate energy consumption in the year 2040 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These institutions can also address inequalities in resource distribution and externalities or transaction costs that hinder sustainable growth (Iqbal and Daly 2014) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Indeed, the use of renewable resources may be cost-effective for any economy if strong institutions can eschew non-renewable resources, which are detrimental to both environmental quality and sustainable development - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The region faces tremendous challenges in ensuring affordable, secure, and sustainable energy supplies (IRENA 2016) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos, which comprise the Greater Mekong Sub-region, exhibit immense possibilities for sustainable energy production via hydroelectric generation (Lu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) on 38 renewable energy-consuming-countries; Waheed et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) on 103 OECD and non-OECD countries; Saidi and Omri (2020) on 15 major renewable energy-consuming economies; Le and Sarkodie (2020) on 45 emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs); Ali et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Two recent human developments “enhanced lifestyle” and “higher economic growth” are generally considered positive - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Also recognized as sustainable energy sources, wastes and biomass fuels can be used for sustainable energy system without harming society (Dincer and Rosen 1998) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 First, renewables supply more clean energy technologies by exerting stringent control over traditional energy resources, such as fossil fuels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Fully exploiting renewable energy technologies requires efforts to overcome the institutional, technical, and economic challenges associated with the progress and usages of renewable energy sources (Han et al. 2021); (Chen et al. 2021); (X - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, institutions can devote greater resources towards research and development (R&D), evaluation of technology, standard progress of technology, and transfer of technology (Dincer 2000) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 By incorporating institutional quality as a control variable, the current study constructs a panel model as follows: In Eq. (1), \(i\) indicates the \(i\mathrm{th}\) country in the panel; \(t\) denotes the time period (1980–2018); \(\alpha\) symbolizes the constant; \(\beta\), \(\gamma\), and \(\theta\) represent the coefficients of renewable energy (\(lnREN\)), non-renewable energy (\(lnNRE\)), and institutional quality (\(INQ\)), respectively; \(lnSD\) represents sustainable development; and \({\varepsilon }_{it}\) denotes the error term - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This research utilizes a panel dataset encompassing RNE (renewable energy), NRE (non-renewable energy), INQ (institutional quality), and SD (sustainable development) for the period of 1980–2018 in seven ASEAN countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As the traditional mode of economic growth has shifted to sustainable development, two important issues have arisen: the world-wide needs of people in light of existing sustainable development technology and social associations’ that are incapable of securing both current and prospective wants of people (Bruntland 1987) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In other words, the long-term relationship among renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, financial development and institutional quality is evident with a strong level of statistical significance (p < 0.01) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, this loss of capital expenses is ultimately offset by more affordable energy prices, expanded services, and increasing employment in the RE sectors (Karim et al. 2019) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Another significant factor in regional development is health care spending, which arguably is exacerbated by environmental pollutants, particularly from non-renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, health expenditures driven by non-renewable energy consumption impede the adjusted net savings—the variable of SD as considered in this study for ASEAN countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, some administrative and policy-making problems, including payments for consumption, benefits of tax, and additional surplus expenditures, disadvantage the financers of RE projects relative to investors in non-renewable energy projects (Klass and Wilson 2014) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Meanwhile, non-renewable energy, financial development and institutional quality are negative and statistically significant at the 1% and 10% levels, respectively, which is in line with the long-term findings of the PMG estimation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To reduce these emissions and achieve SDG-7, ASEAN countries must build a comprehensive, safe, affordable, and modern energy system by 2030 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The reason behind this is greater awareness about climate change and its impact, and limits set for industrialized countries after United Nation Framework Convention (UNFCCC) in 1992 and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The trends of global CO2 emissions commensurate with global energy consumption trends representing a contribution of 89%, with share of coal (39%), oil (31%), and gas (18%) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This pressure has led the government to focus on short-term energy generation projects like independent power plants and utilization of coal reserves (Valasai et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2019) and alternate and renewable energy governance, barriers, and opportunities in Pakistan discussed by Hassan et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Efforts of governments worldwide thrive on energy efficiency, energy conservation, and capacity building in renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The primary goal of the convention was to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere through technological advancements in the energy sector, regular energy audits, incentives for solar energy, and the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) in vehicles - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study found that economic growth, globalization, and population increase the material-footprint in the top eleven material-consuming countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, the ecological footprint presents a positive indicator of environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 First, contrary to the existing studies, our research introduces ecological footprint as a representative of the environmental deterioration to examine the robustness of the inverted U-shaped relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Just as importantly, quite a few of the existing papers utilize both panel and individual country-specific examinations to support the inverted U-shaped relationship between economic output and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As discussed in the introduction, the EKC hypothesis is tested using either CO2 emission or environmental footprint (EFP) as a proxy for environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Another study on the BRICS countries confirmed inverted U-shaped EKC and also a negative effect on natural resources, renewable energy consumption, and urbanization of ecological footprints (Danish et al. 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The second part of the survey is related to the identification of determinants of environmental degradation and the channel of their operations - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In contrast, an adverse but insignificant impact of energy consumption was detected for 36 OECD countries (Chen et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The authors found results supporting the use of renewable energy sources in Turkey (Boluk and Mert 2015) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Many other studies reported the deteriorating effect of non-renewable energy use on ecological footprints (Destek and Sarkodie 2019; Ma et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, more research is required to track the causal effects of renewable and non-renewable energy sources’ on environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This novel study uses annual data from 1980 to 2016 and two main proxies of environmental degradation—carbon dioxide emissions and ecological footprint - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For ecological footprint, (1) an inverted U-shaped EKC exists in Japan but not in China and India; (2) human capital significantly reduces degradation in Japan; (3) non-renewable energy exacerbates degradation in India and Japan; and (4) renewable energy aggravates the environment in China and India - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) also recommends percentile-based approaches in several of its meteorological extreme metrics (Swain et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Further, heatwaves are also considered a potential health risk, as the increasing ambient temperatures and the extreme temperature conditions are linked to several serious health disorders, such as diabetes mellitus morbidity (Song et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 2020) have reported an increasing frequency and severity of extremes under climate change with severe repercussions over the urban centers - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some of the proactive measures in this regard include afforestation, smart growth practices, installing green roofs, urban inland water bodies, and using high-albedo materials in external building surfaces (O’Malley et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 With the growing awareness of the linkage among open defecation (OD), environment, and health, it is important to understand the factors responsible for OD - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It is a necessary step toward developing a strategy to end open defecation for ensuring a better environment and human health - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There is a need to resolve the problem of open defecation (OD) because disposal of human faces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches, or other open spaces damages the environment - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For Ghana and Ethiopia, region, access to drinking water, household size, education, intervention, and gender are important factors to deal with the OD - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This research examines the prevalence and determinants of open defecation in Pakistan - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The outcome variable for this study is “open defecation” practice by households measured by the household’s self-reporting response - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Therefore, all tiers of governments especially the provincial governments should focus on meeting the SDGs related to education and poverty that will have strong implications on meeting SDG 6.2 and other environment-related SDGs - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Thus, keeping the sustainability of both economic and environmental developments into cognizance, it is time the South Asian nations ensure complementarity between their respective economic growth and environmental welfare strategies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Consequently, energy consumption-induced greenhouse gas emissions can be expected to decline - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The EKC hypothesis claims economic growth to initially marginalize the quality of the environment but it does reinstate environmental welfare in the later phases of growth (Pata 2018; Adeel-Farooq et al., 2020) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, the outcomes of this study can be expected to help the South Asian country to adopt relevant environmental protection policies and enable them to comply with the pledges made under the Paris Accord - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 On the other hand, SDG 7 indirectly stresses the notion of environmental sustainability by targeting to enhance access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy resources which can help mitigate the fossil fuel combustion-induced greenhouse gas emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, the nexus between economic growth and environmental quality has been a major area of research in the contemporary era - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As per the theoretical underpinnings, the EKC hypothesis is valid if economic growth initially degrades the environment by increasing the EF and later on improves the environment by decreasing the EF. The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for ecological footprints - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Source: Authors’ own However, it has been acknowledged in the literature that the shape and the curvature of the EKC are conditional on several other macroeconomic aggregates which directly and indirectly impact the nexus between economic growth and environmental quality - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This phenomenon can be explained in light of the energy push emission hypothesis which postulates that as the aggregate energy consumption level within an economy increases, it is likely to boost the greenhouse gas emissions as well (Khan et al. 2019c) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The renewable energy resources are environmentally-friendly since the combustion of these resources nullifies the possibility of the greenhouse gas emission levels rising (Bekun et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) revealed that the economic growth-EF nexus states depict an inverted U-shaped association - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019a) claimed that higher energy consumption levels led to the aggravation of the carbon emissions figures in Pakistan. The more recent studies have also assessed the heterogeneous impacts of renewable and non-renewable energy use on CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) found higher renewable energy consumption levels to be effective in reducing the EF in high- and upper-middle-income nations but not in lower-middle- and low-income nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The authors asserted that both renewable and non-renewable energy use stimulates the degradation of the environment by boosting the EF - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As per the theoretical framework of the EKC hypothesis, the positive and negative signs of the predicted elasticity parameters δ1 and δ2 would validate the inverted U-shaped nexus between economic growth and EF (Saqib and Benhmad, 2020) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Since non-renewable energy resources are not environmentally-friendly, higher consumption of non-renewable energy can be expected to boost the EF - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The per capita hydroelectricity consumption levels are used to proxy for the per capita renewable energy consumption levels of the South Asian countriesFootnote 4 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In contrast, a positive sign of the elasticity parameter δ7 would reveal the joint adverse environmental impacts of renewable energy use and environmental regulations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, it can be said that environmental regulations play a major part in phasing out the economic growth-environmental pollution trade-off that takes place in the early phases of growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, these findings tend to suggest that environmental regulations act as a means of controlling and reducing environmental degradation across the selected South Asian economies - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, the elasticity estimates also reveal two more important findings concerning the energy consumption-EF nexus in South Asia - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Conversely, controlling for environmental regulations is found to correct for the under-estimate bias regarding the marginal negative impacts of renewable energy use on the per capita EF figures - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This could be due to environmental regulations putting an obligation on the users of non-renewable energy to reduce their energy consumption levels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, the South Asian nations are likely to have been targeted by foreign investors to outsource the production of pollution-intensive goods and services - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Furthermore, renewable energy consumption and environmental regulations are found to jointly reduce the EF in Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka only - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides, the causality estimates also certify a unidirectional causal association running from non-renewable energy use and EF - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, in light of this finding, it can be said that environmental regulations do have the capacity to mitigate environmental degradation. Environmental sustainability has become a major global agenda - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Simultaneously, it is also suggested that the existing environmental protection laws in South Asia are strengthened and better implemented to facilitate the attainment of the environmental sustainability objectives - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Additionally, it is recommended for the government to incentivize private sector participation in the development of the renewable energy sector through appropriate unbundling of the power generation, transmission, and distribution processes - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, ensuring provision for integrating the environmental sustainability objectives into the economic growth strategies is crucial for the attainment of the SDG by the South Asian nations of concern - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this regard, strengthening the environmental regulations is critically important since stringent environmental protection laws are likely to inhibit the flows of dirty FDI into South Asia - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The results depict that GDP and renewable energy consumption are inversely related to CO2e - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A 1% increase in CO2e will decrease GDP and renewable energy consumption by 0.459 and 0.172% in the long run and by 0.471 and 0.183% in the short run in G7 countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Global investment in renewables (rooftop solar booms, wind farms, and solar parks) has increased from $46.6 billion in 2004 to $285.9 billion in 2015 (Natural Capital Partners 2020), which is further increased to 820 billion dollars in 2021 to keep the atmospheric temperature well below 2 ○C rise and to reduce the frequency of extreme events like droughts, precipitation deficits, and water stress (Hoegh-Guldberg et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Europe is raising its investment in energy from biomass and waste products to $3.1 billion in the previous year, while in France offshore wind initiative is leading in green energy with a worth of $3.5 billion (McCrone et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, earlier studies have yet to simultaneously consider the increase and decrease in technology innovations and renewable energy consumption (REC) in developed countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They found energy consumption as an effective predictor for both countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) found the positive relationship between CO2e with biocapacity and economic growth and a negative association between REC and CO2e in the USA of America - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The parameters’ distribution is positively skewed except for renewable energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The maximum renewable energy consumption was recorded during the 1970s in Germany and the USA, the 1990s in the UK, and 2000 in Japan, Italy, France, and Canada - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They also revealed that any upsurge in technological innovation in the industrial and construction sectors leads to reducing and raising CO2e, respectively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The outcomes of the CS-ARDL approach depict that CO2e is directly related to energy consumption both in the long and short runs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This means that G7 nations are adopting a service-based economical system and prefer renewable energy in other economic sectors - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Although nuclear energy has emerged as an alternative cleaner energy source and is receiving immense policy attention, however, the role of nuclear energy in the environmental degradation mitigation remains inconclusive in the extant literature - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Therefore, this study examines the dynamic linkages between gross domestic product, foreign direct investment inflows, nuclear energy consumption, trade openness, and CO2 emissions for India within the environmental Kuznets curve framework over the period 1978–2019 through various robust econometric models that takes into consideration the presence of structural break in the data - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The empirical results also reveal the beneficial effect of nuclear energy consumption on air quality, thereby suggesting an accelerated adoption of nuclear energy in the Indian energy mix - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 First, conventional EKC literatures in the context of India have investigated the existence of EKC using aggregated or disaggregated energy consumption data either on renewables or non-renewables - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To the best of our knowledge, this is probably the first paper in the context of India that uses nuclear energy consumption as an alternate energy resource in the way of investigating the existence of EKC - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The environmental degradation of India can primarily be attributed to the uncontrolled and imbalanced growth of social, economic, and institutional development (Chopra 2016) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Energy is considered as the key driver for achieving economic growth of a nation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, lack of energy efficiency measure and investment in outdated technology to incentivize additional profit making from industry prompting the significant air quality degradation in India - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2010) examined the impact of nuclear energy consumption on CO2 emissions in the EKC framework over the period 1960–2003 for France - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to this hypothesis, environmental pollution increases with the expansion of economic growth, and then the trend reveres after reaching the turnaround point with the further development of the economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The estimation of EKC with the presence of FDI, nuclear energy consumption, and trade openness can be specified as follows: The above specification is converted into log-linear form as log-linear estimation can produce more efficient and consistent estimates as compared to a linear model (Lau et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is the indication of India achieving the negative peak of EKC at a very early stage of economic development and then reached the positive peak of EKC in the year 2015 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The inflection point estimated as USD 601.2 is observed to stay within the two turnaround points in the year 1993, observing a gradual increase in CO2 emissions as the prevailing scale effect surpassing the FDI and trade induced negative composition effect and technique effect. The empirical results also demonstrate the long-run beneficial effect of linear and square terms of FDI on environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The result suggests that trade openness in India encourages various policy measures for improvement of energy efficiency leading to “negative technique effect” and optimal re-allocation of resources in the less energy-intensive expanding sector utilizing the comparative advantage to boost economic efficiency leading to “negative composition effect” aiding to the diminishing of CO2 emissions in India - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Then, the environment starts degrading with the further economic expansion after reaching the negative peak and again starts improving after reaching a positive peak in the year 2015 with the further economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 India has witnessed a meager contribution of 2.6% share of nuclear energy in total generated electricity by 2017–18, mainly attributed to the trade restrictions with the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) after being excluded from the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty due to the Indian nuclear explosion by 1974 which is reflected in the absence of causality in either direction between trade openness and nuclear energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Over the last few decades, the globe is facing tremendous effects due to the unnecessary piling of municipal solid waste among which food waste holds a greater portion - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 According to FAO (Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction), the approximate amount of food waste in developed (industrialized) countries is $680 billion and $310 billion in developing countries, i.e., an estimated food waste of about 1.6 giga tonnes produced annually (as of FAO 2013 report on Food Wastage Footprint-Impacts on natural resources) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The United Nations Environment Programme-Food Waste Index Report 2021 pinned down the estimated value of food waste generated in 2019 as around 931 million tonnes of which 61% were from households, whereas 26% and 13% were from food service and retail respectively (United Nations Environment Programme 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2020a, b) made a systematic study about the food waste composition and its variability thus allowing to find out the best valorization pathway and providing a good starting point to set up the basis of food waste biorefinery - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The enhancement of biogas production from food waste as well as waste-activated sludge using biological co-pretreatment in anaerobic co-digestion was evaluated by Zhang et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2020), they developed a green thermophilic bioprocess to produce bio-ethanol using Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius and Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus from the food waste in which scaling up of substrate quantity (40 L) resulted in an overall yield of 18.4 g/L when the sequential culturing of organisms was done - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The food waste was pre-hydrolyzed with a fungal mash (produced by Aspergillus oryzae) rich in various hydrolytic enzymes which were produced from the same food waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2020) investigated H2 production in a continuous-flow pyrolysis reactor by co-pyrolyzing food waste with lignocellulosic biomass (wood bark) (at a weight ratio of 1:1 at 700 °C) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In another study, the co-pyrolysis of food waste and herbal medicine byproducts’ weight ratio of 1:3 for the highest H2 yield of 0.4 wt% at 700 °C was investigated (Lee et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In another study, food waste and municipal sludge were co-digested in a batch fermenter with the probiotic bacterial strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus AW3 obtained from date processing waste to produce lactic acid (Al-Dhabi et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 A similar concern is paused by torrefaction, as a pre-treatment method which is usually carried higher that requires higher energy consumption, and can be overcome by researching other combination technologies such as torrefaction-pyrolysis, and AD-torrefaction, with various biomass wastes, residue, and product characterization, and tuning of operational parameters - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 That is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and related targets, mainly SDG 6—“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” and SDG 11—“Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient sustainable” (details in UN 2020) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Enhancing individuals’ intrinsic motivation is the most effective and long-lasting way to facilitate individual intention to adopt energy-saving behaviour and subsequently reduce GHG emission (van der Werff et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Therefore, the enhancement of extrinsic motivation could facilitate the rapid improvement of energy-saving behaviours and reduce GHG emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Collaboration with ethical trade labelling initiatives is also recommended to address these challenges and to gain policy impact - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 The costs of basic needs method have two challenges which the World Bank summarises as the ‘referencing problem’ and the ‘identification problem’ (World Bank 2015) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In particular, the concept of the living wage can be used to consider whether prevailing industry and minimum wages are sufficient to meet basic needs (UNEP 2013) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! However, the term ‘decent’ is not explicitly defined and is a normative term that is used by the ILO, such as its work on decent work in global supply chains (ILO 2016) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2003) define the six dimensions of the ILO’s concept of decent work as ‘opportunities for work’, ‘work in conditions of freedom’, ‘productive work’, ‘equity in work’, ‘security at work’ and ‘dignity at work’ and considers 11 measurement categories and 30 indicators - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The relative standard for the fair minimum wage is based on a benchmark group of the top 20% of countries in the Sustainable Society Index—human wellbeing - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2017) draw upon Anker’s definition of living wages, who also defines the living wage as a measure of absolute poverty (Anker 2006, 2011) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Among them, Pakistan is the fifth most vulnerable country, and climate change has harmfully affected the ecological and socio-economic conditions of the country - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In this regard, this study aimed to investigate the role of green energy consumption, eco-innovation, and urbanization while explaining the dream of low-carbon economy and environmental sustainability in the context of Pakistan using annual time series dataset spanning from 1990 to 2020 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Decarbonization of the society is the root to address the climate change challenge and to ensure ecological sustainability in the coming decades because the world has confronted significant challenge of global warming as a result of the massive growth in carbon emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This is because in most of the developing nations, natural resource exploitation is made to produce electricity which adversely affects ecological conditions in the form of climate change (Su et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Second, energy consumption in Pakistan has increased in recent decades, and is expected to follow the same trend in the future (Tareen et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The contributions of this study to the environmental economics literature in several ways are as follows: First, although the relationship between CO2 emissions, green energy consumption, and technological innovations has been studied by few researchers in Pakistan, no studies test these links under the present and low-carbon economy framework - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Literature also showed positive relationship among green energy consumption and environmental quality as Wang and Dong (2019) in the study of 14 sub-Sahara African nations concluded that green energy has substantially improved environmental quality by improving the existing conditions of ecological footprint - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2018) in the context of BRICS economies found positive impact of energy use and financial growth on environmental degradation while the associations among globalization, urbanization, and environmental degradation were negative and significant - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In similar lines, Huang and Wang (2016) in the case of Chinese economy established that urbanization and fossil energy consumption are the main culprits of ecological degradation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to Dinda (2004) overt the period of time, economic growth in a production-intensive economy influences environmental quality at three stages - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Finally, via technique effect, countries can improve environmental quality and mitigates environmental degradation by adopting eco-friendly technologies and by substituting fossil energy sources to cleaner energy sources in the production process - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This finding further strengthens the argument that higher consumption of green energy resources in the production process reduces CO2 emissions and contributes to low-carbon economy in Pakistan, which in return stimulates environmental sustainability in the country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2021b; Usman and Makhdum 2021) also have acknowledged the role of green energy as a measure to reduce reliance on importing fuels, reducing price fluctuations associated with imported fossil energy, and decreasing emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, the study findings validated the existence of EKC in the context of Pakistan economy, as the short-run coefficient value of economic growth (0.813) is greater than the long-run coefficient value (0.612) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In contrast, any adverse shock in the green energy consumption promotes Pakistan’s carbon economy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The lower section of Table 5 demonstrates that in the long run, the impact of green energy consumption on the carbon economy is asymmetric while it has a symmetric impact in the short run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These multiplier graphs also shows that in the long term, negative green innovation, green energy, and urbanization impacts have a greater influence on the low-carbon economy than positive impacts in the stated framework - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, the strength of this coefficient increases as we move on higher quintiles indicating that Pakistan is substituting fossil fuels with green energy over the time which ultimately will push Pakistan economy towards a low-carbon economy in the longer run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) for Turkish economy, have justified similar type of relationships between economic growth and carbon economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Finally, the causality test results indicated that policies regarding eco-innovation will positively contribute to the low-carbon economy while policies towards brown economic growth, rapid urbanization, and higher inclusion of people in to the labor force push the country towards carbon economy which in return deteriorates environmental quality in Pakistan - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, more efficient uses of energy resources are found to not only directly boost green growth but also partially neutralize the long-run green growth–dampening impacts associated with the development of the financial sector - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In simple terms, green growth can be interpreted as growth that does not pin down the wellness of the environment (Bliznina 2021; Abad-Segura et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similarly, achieving green growth is a major concern for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as well which led to the nation’s declaration of attaining carbon neutrality by 2060 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Intuitively, the larger (smaller) the difference, the greater (lower) the degree of green growth under the theoretical assumption that if the economic growth rate outpaces the environmental pollution rate, then the economic growth achieved can be considered environmentally sustainable or green - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In contrast, the available studies have separately assessed the determinants of economic growth (Xu et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Second, regarding the empirical literature gap, limited statistical evidence is available in the context of the determinants of green growth in the KSA; contrastingly, prior studies have mostly checked how the macroeconomic factors influence the nation’s economic growth level (Altaee et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Lastly, this study makes a final contribution to the related literature by checking whether or not globalization and EEG jointly with financial development influence green growth performances in the KSA - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Hence, this section is structured into two sub-sections to chronologically summarize the findings reported in existing studies that have shed insights on the determinants of economic growth and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similarly, using the ARDL technique but considering the period from 1970 to 2015, Belloumi and Alshehry (2018) recorded evidence that foreign direct investments negatively while financial development and trade openness positively impact the non-oil GDP growth rate in the KSA - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Regarding the economic growth impacts related to EEG, Akram et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, although the positive impact of financial development on economic growth is almost certain, the uncertainty regarding the financial sector’s effect on environmental quality implies that financial development can both facilitate and inhibit the attainment of green growth in the KSA - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2021) whereby it is implied that globalization has a key role to play in facilitating green growth in the KSA - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The repercussions of financial development, financial globalization, trade globalization, and EEG on green growth in the KSA are predicted using Pesaran et al.’s (2001) ARDL estimator - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Finally, once the regression analysis is completed, the directions of the causal associations among green growth and its determinants in the context of the KSA are predicted using a couple of causality tests - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results first reveal that the financial development policies in the KSA are not ensuring green growth of its economy, neither in the short run nor in the long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Hence, once again, it is evident that the green growth–depressing impacts of trade globalization in the KSA mount with time - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, Belloumi and Alshehry (2018) and Aziz (2022) highlighted the importance of enhancing the extent of trade globalization in respect of amplifying the economic growth figures of the Arab countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Nevertheless, in the long run, sufficient degrees of EEG can be expected to reverse this scenario by boosting output growth rate with a relatively lower volume of energy inputs which, in turn, can be anticipated to considerably curb the emission levels for facilitating green growth in the KSA - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, the finding of the joint green growth–promoting impact indicates that EEG can partially neutralize the adverse impacts of financial development on green growth attainment in the KSA - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is evident that financial development, financial globalization, and trade globalization causally influence green growth in the KSA without feedback - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, EEG was evidenced to not only directly facilitate green growth but also partially neutralize the green growth–inhibiting impacts of financial development in the long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, it is also pertinent for conducting more comprehensive robustness analyses by using alternate green growth proxies. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, agroforestry has not been properly promoted and exploited due to lack of precise extent, geographical distribution, and carbon sequestration (CS) assessment - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In this review, the existing application of geospatial technologies together with its constraints and limitations as well as the potential future application for agroforestry has been discussed - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The review reveals that the application of optical remote sensing in agroforestry includes spatial extent mapping, production of tree species spectral signature, CS assessment, and suitability mapping - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Food security is the foundation of a stable and healthy nation - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Overview of remote sensing & GIS application in Agroforestry mapping and monitoring - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Many countries, especially developing countries, are insufficient in policies and measures to ensure ecological balance due to concerns about economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For instance, China and India have doubled their carbon emissions as a result of their fast economic growth in recent years (Anwar et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, allowing households and small businesses greater access to financial services can increase consumption and, consequently, more carbon emissions (Renzhi et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Nguyen-Van (2010) proposed the energy consumption Kuznets curve with income per capita for the group of panel data - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Based on the findings of the underline research, our policy recommendation is to encourage environmentally friendly investments in the selection of foreign direct investments by officials and policymakers in newly industrialized countries for economic development in their countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Newly industrialized countries should construct more and more hydroelectric energy sources to fulfil the energy requirements - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It was found that overall for policymakers/stakeholders/experts, trade-based food security was ranked higher than self-sufficiency food security and that Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados ranked it more important than in Belize - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Regarding actors in obtaining food security, government was ranked most important in Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados but Belize felt that farmers were more significant - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 They illustrate the ‘bias’ in searching and selecting information and where balance would be needed to treat with all aspects of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The popular definition of food security, “food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” (FAO 1996), was derived from the 1996 World Food Summit when global targets sought to “halve the 800 million of undernourished people by 2015” (FAO 1996) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 3–4) who argue that hunger is not a “new affliction” but is intolerable in the modern world for a number of reasons and, especially now perhaps, because there is adequate globally available food for all for the first time - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Ford (2007) states that “despite these successive efforts, implementation of national policies, priorities and action plans for enhanced food and nutrition security in CARICOM remains challenging and incomplete” (as quoted in Lowitt et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Nowadays, not only does the concept of food security include that all people, at all times should have physical, social and economic access to adequate food, which is safe and nutritious, but must also meet their dietary requirements and cultural customs (FAO 2003; Pinstrup-Andersen 2009) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Spectrum of scenarios for ensuring food security “Trade-based food security” involves a mixture of growing food and importing food to satisfy the needs of the population - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food sovereignty promotes transparent trade that guarantees just incomes to all peoples as well as the rights of consumers to control their food and nutrition - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Scenarios for achieving food security The major actors or players involved in ensuring food security are, for example, farmers, government, local business/trade, researchers, financial sector and external entities - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Figure 3 reflects the partners involved in achieving food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food security/agricultural information is location-specific, i.e - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Depending on a country’s economic and domestic food production at a given time, either scenario (since they exist on a continuum, see Fig. 1) could be supported to achieve an enhanced level of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 To determine how decision makers rank the food security scenarios; actors in attaining food security; and food security goals; and compare these perspectives among three Caribbean territories - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The study population considered was the category of persons who make or influence decisions for national food security to bring a unique information-based perspective to planning for food security in CARICOM - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The implications of the rankings of the food security goals and sub-goals for searching and using information should be seen in the context that motivation and attitude would affect information seeking strategies and prioritising use of time and effort in some areas and not others - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Estimation findings indicate that only the USA ensures the environmental efficiency in energy R&D expenditures among OECD countries - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Although Japan, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy cannot provide environmental efficiency in energy R&D, their scores are very close to the efficiency frontier - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Because, fossil energy consumption is the primary source of emissions of CO2 gas, which increases at the most alarming rate for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Lin and Raza 2019; Bilgili et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The findings of the study suggest that research and development investments are the driving force of efficiency increase, especially when they interact with increases in energy prices and low government intervention - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 It is stated that Japan and the USA exceed 10 GW in the world solar energy production and that it is the two largest markets (Kabir et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Table 3 shows the redundancy of inputs and scarcity of output for OECD countries that cannot provide efficiency in energy R&D expenditures - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Suppose the decision-makers in inefficient countries reduce their input by as much as their redundancy input or increase their output by as much as their scarcity output, the environmental efficiency of energy R&D investments increases - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Besides, Turkey needs to make more R&D investment for nuclear energy - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Portugal, Hungary, and the Slovak Republic are the countries with the lowest environmental efficiency in energy R&D expenditures - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Finally, empirical results also provide the extent to which the inefficient countries should change their R&D expenditures to achieve efficiency - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Consequently, this paper may imply that inefficient countries can follow the US energy and environmental policies, supports, and incentives to ensure environmental efficiency in energy R&D expenditures - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Besides, other developed OECD countries such as Japan, Canada, France, and Germany have the potential for environmental efficiency in R&D expenditures - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Subsidies can support the production and export of R&D-based products - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Forests help to offset the effects of climate change and absorb one-tenth of Europe’s GHGs emissions (European Environmental Agency 2021) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As the EU pushed in 2018 to double clean energy usage by 2030, scientists discussed this loophole with the EU policymakers - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is more than the sum of solar and wind energy in the region, and a massive cross-country business has sprung up to satisfy the demand (Sheffield 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, it is critical to understand the drivers of biodiversity loss in Europe - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2017) conducted a simple synthesis of the renewable energy and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) framework (i.e - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They highlighted the well-documented positive aspects of renewable energy growth, including the fact that it is environmentally beneficial and provides both socioeconomic and community advantages - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) investigated locations in which three different renewable energy generation methods — wind, hydropower, and solar photovoltaic — are situated - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It was seen that the growth and energy consumption nexus is distributed over two sectors: fossil energy and renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The findings revealed that organic farming is often associated with increases in individual species and abundance, but it is also likely to have different impacts on different organisms - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Using data on the aggregate arable land growth of poor and middle-income tropical areas during the course of the 1960s to the year 1999, the authors generated many hypotheses that might be tested - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Using the dynamic generalised method of moments (GMM) econometric model, they claimed that big farmers in rural areas are often shown to have lower production and deforestation issues due to rural subsidies - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Furthermore, UN Women (2014) precisely stated that attaining gender equality is critical to improving women’s responsibilities in performing their duties - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 On the other side, if gender equality is not preserved, the country’s progress would be hampered - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Control variables include the following: Gender Gap index (GGAP), Forest area (FOREST), E-governance index (EGOV), SP (Social Progress Index) and Environmental Protection Expenditure (EPE) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It is important to note that changes in category emanated from the changes in taxonomical revisions, improvement in knowledge, and changes in the IUCN Red List criteria are excluded (Young et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, the high demand for renewable energy is killing Europe’s forests and therefore biodiversity is declining - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Here, corruption is indicated as abusing public power for personal gains - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is expected to negatively impact biodiversity because an increase in the index will increase the gender gap which in turn decreases biodiversity loss - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Table 1 provides the summary information of the variables used in this study and the expected signs of independent variables with Red List Index - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The renewable energy consumption coefficient shows a negative influence on biodiversity at a very high significance level of 1% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) found that even though it is crucial to transit from fossil fuels to renewable energy for sustainable development, its facilities are intense in land use with detrimental effects on conservation areas which enormously threaten global diversity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Unlike other methods mentioned above, in FE and RE, EPE variable is not significant showing that national expenditure for environmental protection may not yield good outcome for biodiversity - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Thus, the strategic and influential role of the coping mechanisms considered in the study, therefore, becomes vital to ensure renewable energy programs and benefits are optimised in Europe - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This way, the exploitative and inefficient practices associated with corruption can be circumvented - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 palm, soybean, cocoa butter, and shea) are crucial to food security with a high energy content and contribute largely to economic livelihoods - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Otherwise, women used microfinance loans to invest in commerce (10%), buy staple foods (10%), and purchase herbicide (10%) for their fields - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! maintaining shea butter prices similar to another major export product, cocoa butter, in Ghana), global market tropical oil prices, and corruption (Chalfin 2004a) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article examines the future role of energy efficiency as a resource in the Western US and Canada, as envisioned in the most recent resource plans issued by 16 utilities, representing about 60% of the region’s load - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We compare the projected savings from ratepayer-funded energy-efficiency programs included within the preferred resource portfolios proposed in utilities’ plans, and we attempt to link these results to state–provincial energy-efficiency and climate-change policies and other potential drivers of energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We include BC Hydro in the Pacific Northwest group because it shares a similar climate and hydroelectric-based electric system with this region - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A number of jurisdictions in the West have implemented policies designed to directly encourage or mandate utility investment in energy efficiency, which are discussed below - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Utility spending on energy efficiency can affect the utility’s financial position: (1) through the impact on utility earnings of reduced sales and (2) through the effects on shareholder value of energy-efficiency spending versus investment in supply-side resources (Jensen 2007) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 By increasing the cost of GHG-emitting new generation, carbon emission mitigation requirements increase the competitiveness of energy efficiency relative to other options - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Inclusion of GHG emission cost adders should increase the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency (and renewable energy) relative to carbon-emitting generation resources in those jurisdictions where they are used - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is in part because the Inland West states have historically not been as active in promoting energy efficiency as the coastal regions, and current policies to promote energy efficiency are more limited (see Table 3 and above discussion) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In 2004, the WGA, recognizing the need for a coordinated energy policy among its member states, formed the Clean and Diversified Energy Advisory Committee (CDEAC) to investigate clean energy options and develop consensus on a Clean and Diversified Energy initiative (CDEi) for the West - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This survey of recent utility resource plans reveals a significant and growing commitment to energy efficiency as a resource in the West, even in states that have placed less emphasis on ratepayer-funded energy efficiency in recent years (e.g., Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, Montana) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Other policies, such as revenue decoupling and shareholder incentives, may be a necessary prerequisite for developing support for energy efficiency among utility managers and shareholders - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Rail infrastructure investment has significant adverse effects, while road infrastructure investment and aviation infrastructure investment have significant positive effects on environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 They have an all-encompassing strategy to narrow the conflict between environmental sustainability and economic development and expand human well-being - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The transmission of foreign direct investment (FDI) in polluting industries can lead to environmental degradation in the initial stage, but the aggravating effect of FDI can be offset by the transformation of environmental protection technology (Marques and Caetano 2020; Christoforidis and Katrakilidis 2021) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 At present, the debate on the link between infrastructure and the environment still exists, and researchers are more inclined to explore the link between transportation infrastructure and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Road infrastructure promoting green growth and reducing the intensity of China’s polluting emissions are the results of the analysis - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) investigated the impact of road infrastructure investment on economic growth in Uganda using an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 GDP represents gross domestic product, used as a proxy for economic growth, and TOP stands for trade openness - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Investment in railway infrastructure (RA) has significantly reduced environmental degradation, while investment in road infrastructure (RO) has significantly increased environmental pollution - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Every 1% increase in railway infrastructure investment can reduce environmental degradation by 0.028%, while every 1% increase in road infrastructure investment can reduce environmental pollution by 0.06% - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Moreover, the economies of scale of traditional air or road transport systems for both passenger and freight transport are lower than those of the rail industry - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Higher demand for nature-based building materials could lead to increased deforestation (Seddon et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Moreover, the impact of carbon emissions on economic growth is positive but not significant, while the impact of trade openness on economic growth is significantly positive - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In China, India, Russia, and Japan, railway infrastructure investment (RA) has a significantly negative impact on environmental degradation, while road infrastructure investment (Ro) has a significantly positive impact on environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Long-term variable coefficient estimates based on economic growth model reflect that investments in classified transportation infrastructure (roads, railways, and aviation) significantly contributed to economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the causal directions amidst the variables, there was no causality between green investments and environmental degradation was evidenced; however, a bidirectional causality between financial development and environmental pollution was also discovered - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Finally, SDG 13 advocates for investments into activities that help to mitigate the adversities of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To further enhance EQ, the study also advocated for improvements in energy efficiency and energy quality and the promotion of energy diversification in the country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 From the results, investments by energy service companies (ESCOs) that carried out energy-efficient retrofit projects helped to improve EQ via low emissions - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 (2020) studied energy efficiency of cotton growers in South Punjab, Pakistan - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020), countries in the ASEAN region should turn to green energy investments to help increase energy demands and boost EQ - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) undertook an exploration on the USA and discovered biomass energy as the perfect catalyst to boost EQ and energy security in the country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021d) researched on South Asia and confirmed that clean energy utilization was ideal for safeguarding environmental well-being in the region - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Via the two-sector (dirty energy and clean energy) model of directed technical change, Yao and Zhang (2021) explored the connection amidst FD and EQ in China - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The ratio of energy used to GDP was used to compute data values for energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017) who perceived technological innovation as a key solution to environmental problems and sustainable development, because it involves the development of new ideas, the development and application of new technologies, and the modification of existing production processes - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is in tandem with Sarkodie and Adams (2018) who postulated that the use of energies from clean sources reduces the reliance on imported fossil fuels, resulting in increased energy security and economic viability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, a + 10% shock in FDI promotes environmental degradation in the country; however, a − 10% shock in FDI improves the country’s ecological quality as illustrated in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, correspondingly - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Also, a + 10% shock in Y2 curtails environmental degradation in the nation; however, a − 10% shock in the variable spurred the country’s level of pollution as portrayed in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, correspondingly - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Additionally, a unidirectional causality from income to environmental degradation was discovered - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As a recommendation, energy from renewable sources should be added to the respective energy mixes of the country to help improve its diminishing rate of clean energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The principal goal of freight transport is to deliver goods efficiently and reliably, from source to destination, with the help of different transport modes such as road, rail, air, and water - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Yang (2021) highlighted a strong correlation between freight volume and a nation’s economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2018) reported that world statistics of freight transport activity for road and rail modes stood at 60% and 40%, respectively - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 (2018) identified sustainability intervention mechanisms to manage road freight transport externalities - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Moreover, twenty-seven articles discussed energy consumption in the SRFT research domain - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2018), energy consumption associated with cold chains of perishable products (Gallo et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is limited research on a performance evaluation exclusively focused on rail freight transport with simultaneous consideration of three dimensions of sustainability - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 However, there is a limited focus on the modal choice selection studies that are exclusively dedicated to the inland freight transport modes - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Sustainable freight transport has attracted attention from the research community, practitioners, and governments - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Policymakers and governments have started adopting green growth and development strategies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the wake of the Paris agreement and the global consensus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the global economies have been focusing on the formulation and implementation of adaption and mitigation strategies (Ahmed et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Since globally, many countries have traditional environmental regulations and economic efficiency system, which negatively impacts the environment, such as global warming, climate change, air pollution, and human health (such as COVID-19) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Green Growth Agenda (B2) received third importance with a weight of 0.120 (12%) from the overall 10 GEE criteria - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Figure 2 shows the final prioritizing order of GEE sub-criteria with respect to Socio-Economic Development Policies (A1) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Weight and ranking of Green Growth Agenda (B2) Figure 4 shows the weight and ranking of GEE sub-criteria under Green Industrial Development (C3) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The Green Technology Innovation (F64) and Marketization Innovation (F65) were reported to be the least vital GEE sub-criterion with a weight of 0.201 (20.10%) and 0.144 (14.40%) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The Shared and Circular Economy Promotion (I94) and Solid Waste Management (I93) recognized as third and fourth vital GEE cub-criterion with a weight of 0.247 (24.70%) and 0.188 (18.80%) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Weight and ranking of Pollution Control and Waste Management (I9) Figure 11 shows the weight and ranking of GEE sub-criteria under Labor Policies (J10) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 These GEE sub-criteria belong to the Green Energy Production and Consumption Practices (G7) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2020), and environmental regulation, industrial innovation, and green development in the context Chinese manufacturing (Yuan and Xiang 2018) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The empirical results of Fuzzy AHP show that Socio-Economic Development Policies (A1) are the most vital criteria to initiate green economic development and GEE for the achievement of SDGs in China - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The final ranking of sub-criteria shows that Green Energy (G71) is the most significant in overall sub-criteria - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, Aguirre and Ibikunle (2014) and Pfeiffer and Mulder (2013), respectively, found that energy use and electricity consumption is negatively linked with renewable energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the other hand, population density is observed to have resulted in a decline in non-renewable energy consumption in the panel countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is while considering the challenges that arise when meeting the low-carbon energy gap in the continent through the adoption of climate actions (SDG-13) and responsible energy consumption (SDG-12) targets - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Additionally, except for renewable energy consumption and urbanization, the series is observed to be positively skewed because of the positive tails exhibited by the series - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is quite negligible given how the region is on the trajectory of disentangling its economic growth from pollutant emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is seen in the two-way causality between agriculture and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This implies that high urban growth compels a higher level of electricity consumption - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Urbanization and renewable energy consumption have a bi-directional causality flow - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, this fit requires more action on the part of both government administrators and private partnership in terms of the commitment to local and international environmental treaties that foster energy efficiency, security, and sustainability at large - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (i) First, the SSA region needs to sustain its momentum to further increase the share of renewable energy consumption from the total fossil energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The recent study incorporates agriculture, urbanization, and the energy from fossil fuel sources as the determinant of renewable energy in Sub-Saharan African economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This position is supported by Schwerhoff and Sy (2017) who asserted that the higher consumption of renewable energy will facilitate the attainment of the seven SDG of clean and efficient energy access by 2030 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The ASEAN countries referred to as heaven for air pollution, climate change, and global warming are experiencing economic tourism and pollution (Azam et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2019) and Simo-Kengne (2022), it is feared that Pakistan’s ongoing determination to tourism development is likely to cause environmental degradation in two ways - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The adverse environmental outcomes include overcrowding, traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, environmental degradation, and encroachment of landscaping for the local community and the tourists - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Conservation of nature, biodiversity, and endangered species with control over animal poaching - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2021a) suggested using solar energy as a source of economic intervention to control CO2 emissions and improve environmental quality in China - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sustainable infrastructure signifies that structures’ planning, construction, and functioning do not weaken the social, economic, and ecological systems (UNEP 2021; Krampe 2021) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Development and reconstruction of the livelihood and hospitality infrastructure through entrepreneurship were undertaken intensively through a public-private partnership from national and international findings (Qamar and Baloch 2017; Sadiq 2021; Dogar et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Place change can result from fundamental community restructuring due to economic development, new class divides, and migration of both long-term and temporary people (Nelson 2001) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, recent national statistics depict that major human activities at local tourism destinations such as Kalam, Sawat, Muree, and Northern Areas have accumulated solid waste and sewage, resulting in polluted air and water - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Furthermore, the study encourages community involvement in the developmental process, enactment of structural policies, preservation of socio-cultural heritage, and conservation of natural biodiversity as it would foster emotional bondage between the people of the host community and the tourism undertakings - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Regulatory measures help offset negative impacts; for instance, controls on the number of tourist activities and movement of visitors within protected areas can limit impacts on the ecosystem and help maintain the integrity and vitality of the site - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The result also suggests that green energy is a major factor in reducing the ecological footprint in all countries except Canada - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This puts strain on the ecosystem, resulting in emissions, biodiversity loss, and environmental imbalance (Ahmed and Wang 2019; Lin et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These reasons create room to investigate the association between fiscal decentralization, green energy, economic policy uncertainty, and environmental sustainability in these five selected OECD countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, many studies have attempted to assess the effectiveness of renewable and non-renewable energy sources in terms of environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Some studies on green energy revealed eco-friendly behavior (Shao et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Keeping this contradiction in view in the literature about the role of fiscal decentralization, renewable energy and economic policy uncertainty on environmental sustainability, this study explores the impact of fiscal decentralization, renewable energy and economic policy uncertainty on ecological footprint in selected OECD countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Chen and Lin (2008) empirically investigated a positive relationship between non-renewable energy consumption and ecological footprint as it is the major determinant responsible for increasing environmental footprint - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2018) empirically investigated that green energy is a significant determinant to reduce the ecological footprint and thus promote environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, Destek and Sinha (2020) for twenty-four OECD countries empirically investigated that increasing green energy reduces pressure on ecological footprint and vice versa - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Prior explains how a high level of economic policy uncertainty divers the attention of policymakers, thus reducing the conducive circumstances for environmental sustainability, the later one, on contrary, effects energy consumption patterns through economic conditions and decision-making, thus influencing environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We exhibit the ecological footprint as a function of fiscal decentralization, green energy, and economic policy uncertainty as given below: where EFP is ecological footprint, FED is fiscal expenditure decentralization, GE is green or renewable energy, and EPU is economic policy uncertainty - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Green energy collected from renewable energy resources such as wind, waves, geothermal, solar, heat, and rain is also called green energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2016) developed news-based economic policy uncertainty by calculating the proportion of news articles showing policy uncertainty about fiscal and monetary policies, health care facilities, laws and order situation, trade policy, debt, and currency uncertainty (Azqueta-Gavaldón, 2017) - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! At the same time, green energy is the negative determinant of an ecological footprint both in the long and short run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Contrary, green energy is neither a significant variable of ecological footprint in the long run nor the short run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, green energy is the negative determinant of ecological footprint in the short run and the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) as these studies show a positive relationship between fiscal decentralization and environmental degradation in the long run - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Therefore fiscal decentralization coupled with technological progress can reduce carbon emission (Shan et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Table 4 shows green energy consumption is a major determinant of ecological footprint in Australia and the USA both in the short run and long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the contrary, green energy is a negative determinant of ecological footprint in Germany in the short run but not a significant variable in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The graphical presentation is given in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6 showing the cumulative effect of fiscal decentralization, green energy, and economic policy uncertainty on the ecological footprint for Australia, Canada, Germany, UK, and the USA, respectively, by determining the positive changes, negative changes, and asymmetry in the data - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study also explains the empirical symmetric relationship between green energy, economic policy uncertainty, and ecological footprint for these five OECD countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, the “Free Riding” behavior of local governments and the industrial sector, fiscal decentralization, should be curtailed by bounding carbon shares in environmental degradation both in the short run and long run - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Similarly, proper planning for technological advancements and enhancements in the power sector to enhance carbon capture and storage is the need of the hour to subdue environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In parallel, importers should be given subsidies to import green energy products - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, it is suggested to increase green investment to migrate from traditional methods of energy production to enhance and modernize green energy production techniques - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The life cycle impact assessment results covering multiple impacts in quantitative terms facilitate the identification of hotspots (i.e., the main life cycle stage and activities causing significant impacts) to derive strategies for life cycle management to improve the environmental performance of product and promote the shift towards sustainable agriculture and food production systems including more sustainable food consumption patterns via environmental certification and labelling schemes.LCAs of studies on agriculture and food have come a long way with over 3000 articles being published until April 2020 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2012) is chosen to account for the variation in climate change impact based on the timing of GHG emission or sequestration - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Apart from the methodological considerations in addressing the challenges of LCA in sustainable consumption and production of food, the applications of LCA are also very important to consider - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Nepal, a least-developed, mountainous, and land-locked country is consistently ranked as one of the most vulnerable countries to the climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Nepal’s most efforts in the past three decades have focused on forest conservation, disaster risk management and in creating an enabling environment to take effective actions for CC impacts, particularly in developing required policies, setting up appropriate institutions in place, and developing more scientific knowledge about different aspects of CC impacts - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This paper has threefold objectives (I) understanding the composition and trends of CF at global level; (II) reviewing the current status of CF in Nepal; and (III) proposing future pathways for the country considering Nepal’s commitment to the Paris Agreement through NDCs, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the sustainable development goals (SDGs) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Here we analyze a range of interventions that are on their way both at the world level and in Nepal, discuss their future implications, and make suggestions to develop long-term adaptation and mitigation strategies in specific and environmental change at large - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 [70] in the Kaski and Chitwan districts of Nepal realized that respondents rarely referred to weather or climate as significant issues affecting livelihoods, and, although many aspects of social and livelihood change were discussed, no respondents attributed these to climate change (interviewed in December 2015) [70] - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It encourages more women's participation in the clean energy sector - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Respondents views on the electric cooking system The knowledge of clean energy use and efficiency practice has a significant role in achieving social sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Respondent of inner-city—D12 household had less frequency of social activities in the home and low household energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While comfort feeling during cooking and clean energy use were expressed in higher among outer-city dwellers, however, the presence of windowless kitchen at the same time - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 [1], Habtezion [2], Oberhauser [6], and Gatersleben [28] claim that modern energy services with electric appliances have improved women's socio-economic status by reducing the time and effort involved in households' chore, and this is also the case in Kathmandu - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, ethnicity and gender have influenced household decision-making; thus, it suggests mainstreaming gender with considerations of different ethnicities and income groups - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 All three contexts are interlinked in terms of the methodological, financial, legal, political, and institutional framework of gender mainstreaming - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The result of sustainability conditions about energy usage concludes that there is a moderate positive correlation between energy consumption and income (r = 0.48) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The knowledge of social, economic, and environmental scenarios on household energy consumption has supported recognizing contextual sustainability in energy and gender on the same footing - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Spending more on R&D, for example, can improve ecological integrity if effective environmental management systems are in place to control waste output - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Maximum sustainable consumption equals income - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 For the innovation process to bear fruit, financial resources must be allocated to research and development (R&D) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For instance, businesses may expand operations with less impact on the environment by switching to renewable energy sources (Hall and Bain 2008; Luo et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Other R&D variables, such as the number of researchers and the prevalence of triadic patent families, also positively influenced this outcome - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Based on the results of these studies, it is essential to explore how do the research and development expenditures affect the environmental deterioration - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Positive and negative shocks are not predicted to have the same effect on environmental degradation under this scenario - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 All the variables are positively skewed, apart from R&D expenses and Humidity - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 From the context of SDGs, stock markets’ growth should reduce the environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Even if the newer technology is environmentally friendly, the production of it might not be, as it is evident from this research’s results that firms in longer run prompt the environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Recent and upcoming events, such as COVID-19 and the Ukraine-Russia war, as well as their implications on economic growth and the likely policy reaction, pose a number of challenges for the economy and the environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015 and in force since January 2021, prioritizes the goal of keeping the rise in temperature below 2 °C (UNFCCC 2015) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Specifically, AFF will have to deal with increasingly extreme weather and seasonal changes, with regular floods and frosts followed by droughts and heat waves (Kristiansen et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 All this reveals a growing concern about how to maintain optimal levels of environmental health while achieving optimal land use - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The EFF score determines the position of each country with respect to the frontier, and the amount over an EFF level of 1 represents how much each country could increase its output (GVA) with the available inputs (R&D expenditure and labor) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Land use in AFF plays an important role in slowing CC, although the measures adopted can adversely affect food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Universal access to safe drinking water is essential to population health and well-being, as recognized in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The past decade has witnessed significant progress in access to drinking water sources globally (Mosello, 2017) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It has become a laboratory for studying urban growth, resource securities, and other concomitant socio-environmental and demographic issues within the recent past (see Aliu et al., 2021; Bixby et al., 2022; Dapaah & Harris, 2017; Gaisie et al., 2019) and the current study adds to this burgeoning literature by telling a different story about the heterogeneity of GAMA’s water landscape at the enumeration area level - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In some instances, the lack of, or limited access to, water in informal low-income and slum neighborhoods is largely due to deliberate policy of city authorities - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Private sector participation in urban water provision and management in many parts of Africa has increased significantly to address the deficit in piped water access - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Many of the worst affected areas are slums and informal settlements and areas of intensified growth (Adams, 2018; Angoua et al., 2018; Dos Santos et al., 2017) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This index is a continuous measure of the degree of variation that reveal the different dimensions in water insecurity and the multiple strategies households use to obtain drinking water - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The article looks at the operational implications of the SFDRR text and covers issues of including migrants in DRR work; informing urban development about current and future mobility trends; managing relocations, evacuations, and displacement to prevent future risks and reduce existing ones; and preparing for and managing disaster-induced population movements to reduce the direct and indirect impacts of natural hazards - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, the text does not explicitly address a number of mobility-related issues that are fundamental to risk creation and reduction processes, such as the role internal and international migration policies play in shaping people’s exposure and vulnerability, the centrality of remittance transfers and household-level translocal networks to individual and collective resilience-building, and the need to address displacement situations to reduce direct and indirect consequences of disasters - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 While these interventions are relatively well established in disaster risk management systems around the world, a number of key areas remain critical for their effectiveness - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This is not limited to financial resources; members of the diaspora can be engaged to contribute their skills to risk reduction and resilience-building work, including through schemes to support their return (IOM Netherlands 2015) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Making sure that mobility in disaster and displacement after disasters are seen as core components of such documents and frameworks is a precondition for effective disaster preparedness and response (CCCM Cluster 2014) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Understanding people’s movements in disasters, by setting up systems to track disaster-induced population movements, into and out of formal and informal displacement sites, as well as profiling affected persons and their host communities, is key to effective delivery of services and assistance (Yonetani and Yuen 2014) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In the light of the narrower scope of the relevant provision of the Paris Agreement (UN 2015b, Paragraph 50), which refers to climate-induced displacement only, the SFDRR provision could represent the basis for more comprehensive, and ultimately just and inclusive, efforts to address this issue - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The UK Department for Environment, Transport and Regions (DETR) defines four key elements of sustainable development: (1) social progress which recognizes the needs of everyone, (2) effective protection of the environment, (3) prudent use of natural resources and (4) maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment [7] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These learning objectives go hand in hand with both the UN’s Global EverGreening Alliance, the EU’s Green Deal and the From Farm To Fork initiative [17, 18] - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Since sustainable agriculture touches many everyday issues even for learners, such as choice of food or production method, it is a suitable starting point for ESD - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As such, many scholars are investigating the economic policies, laws, and regulations that can balance the improvement of environmental quality while, at the same time, maintaining the economic growth rate (Charfeddine and Mrabet 2017) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is because indicators that consider only air contamination cannot describe the state of environmental degradation adequately - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 To this end, the impact of the mentioned variables on EF is examined using the annual data from 1997 to 2018 in 19 countries that play a prominent role in environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In other words, EPU has a deteriorating role toward EF in the short run, and an increase in EPU is responsible for environmental degradation in the short run - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 We suggest that when implementing MER, governments should enhance regional and global cooperation, promote green technology, and use comprehensive policy tools to stimulate firms’ green innovation - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The Minamata Convention (MC), a multilateral environmental agreement (MEA), aims to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and its compounds - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In such a regulatory set-up, implementation of action plans to manage a specific chemical pollutant or a group of pollutants [such as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)] becomes challenging due to absence of dedicated management strategies and their adequate surveillance - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 To do so, some of the suggested measures are to control emissions from point sources such as coal-fired power plants, coal-fired industrial boilers, smelting and roasting processes used in the production of non-ferrous metals, waste incineration facilities, and cement clinker production facilities - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! In addition, this regulation also lists mercury-containing waste in the list of hazardous wastes which require registration for recycling/reprocessing - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Another regulation which is related to mercury waste management in India and seems aligned to Article 11 of the MC is the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016, which shall apply to every municipal authority responsible for collection, segregation, storage, transportation, processing, and disposal of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 A regulation important from the point of mercury waste management is the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2016, which include 17 rules related to duties of a person having administrative control over the institution and the premises generating bio-medical waste; they also include rules that specify the responsibilities of concerned authorities and guidelines for various stages of bio-medical waste management - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016, another regulation related to mercury waste management in India, describes the responsibilities of e-waste producers, dealers, collection centers, refurbishers, dismantlers, recyclers, auctioneers and bulk consumers involved in the manufacturing, sales, purchasing and processing of electrical and electronic equipment or components as described in one of its Schedules [39] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The issue of mercury-containing waste management is as important and challenging as the mercury emissions from large industries - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In addition, a scheme for proper channelization of funds especially for better infrastructure, development and adoption of appropriate technology to remediate the contaminated sites, training facilities for waste-handlers at each level, and developing and implementing strategies to transform the unorganized and informal waste management sector into an organized and formal sector should be well established [51] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This calls for cooperation with developed nations and international agencies in terms of transfer of expertise, technology and policy advisory, providing financial aid, and eliminating double-standards for waste management practices including waste offloading in developing countries - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Considering the seriousness of the matter, the MoEFCC of the Government of India amended the bio-medical waste management rules in 2016 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The information provided demonstrated the increasing number and significance of disaster mitigation activities initiated or accelerated as a result of the IDNDR - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Secretary-General of the United Nations, in his report to the General Assembly in 2018 emphasized that: “To support the implementation of the Sendai Framework Science and Technology Roadmap, the UNISDR Global Science and Technology Advisory Group has been enhanced in terms of its scope and resources - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Possibly within a few years, these technologies will play crucial roles in different aspects of DRR - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Mobile applications are becoming quite popular in different fields, and the DRR field is no exception - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Higher education in DRR is a multidisciplinary issue - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It has not been long that some formal academic degrees have been offered in the field of DRR from a few academic institutions worldwide - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The nature of disasters is becoming complex, and the Sendai Framework gives additional responsibilities to better understanding different hazards, including technological and so-called NATECH (natural hazard induced technological disasters) ones - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This concept has been received positively by the Japan Chamber of Commerce, and several major industries are proactive in research and development related to Society 5.0 and the SDGs - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Climate neutral means an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, which will create the need for decarbonisation of the energy system while at the same time ensuring the security and safety of energy supply - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The two main goals of energy informatics can be identified as “energy efficiency” and “renewable energy supply” [28] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Compared to the available literature in energy informatics, this paper widens the analyses by including reflections on current and future didactic approaches, with industrial innovation and research as a background - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Renewable energy resources are also increasing their share of the total energy portfolio - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In [47] the authors discuss the role of nudging, or guidance, for energy efficiency aware decision making for consumers - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Authors in [57] highlight that the eco-city needs to embrace and leverage the advanced ICT opportunities, particularly with regard to sustainable energy systems, so as to improve its contribution to the goals of environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2 where, for example, R&D that was discussed in the previous section appears in the beginning of the technology trigger phase - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Buildings will play a critical role not only in energy efficiency but also in a wider changing energy grid system [66] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Good quality journals that address such topics are (but are not limited to): Journal of Energy (ISSN: 0360-5442), Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN: 0959-6526), International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ISSN: 0142-0615), Journal of Energy Storage (ISSN: 2352-152X), Journal of Electric Power Systems Research (ISSN: 0378-7796), Journal of Renewable Energy (ISSN: 0960-1481), IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (ISSN: 1949-3053), IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics (ISSN: 1941-0050) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, guest lectures from industry outlining the most recent research and development that has led to successful real world applications will keep the course modern, fresh, and up to date - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For instance, renewable energy covers departments such as material science, electrical power engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, social sciences, etc - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For instance, the Paris agreement to combat climate change is not achievable unless the whole world unites to take serious measures - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Therefore, inter-disciplinary research and industrial innovation are becoming the “new normal” - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In this paper we have surveyed education opportunities and challenges of the novel energy informatics domain in light of the current trends and future directions of research and industrial innovation - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As a result, water management is still based on century-old, technocratic, and instrumental methodologies that fail to take advantage of important scientific advancements since WWII and remain unable to properly deal with real-world complexities and uncertainties - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Energy is also highly dependent on water, making electricity production one of the major drivers of global water stress (Hadian and Madani 2013; Jin et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Climate change is not a new problem in science - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The conference also stressed the urgent need to establish properly integrated and coordinated approaches to water management - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For example, sustainable development strives to provide healthy environments able to provide food and resources, including safe drinking water and clean air for all citizens - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Subsequently, Pauli [94], a leading proponent of the BE’s economic model, published a book entitled, “The Blue Economy” [7, 16, 45, 110] which proposed it as a model based on technological innovation to supply products at low cost, promote local job creation and a model that is respectful of the environment and competitive in the markets - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Undoubtedly, ocean resources generate numerous benefits to the world economy and offer essential opportunities for transportation, food production, energy, mineral extraction, biotechnology, human settlement in coastal areas, tourism and recreation, and scientific research [64] - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The BG Strategy breaks down the BE into five main sectors: Biotechnology, Renewable Energy, Coastal and Maritime Tourism, Aquaculture and Mineral Resources, and integrates other sectors such as fishing, transportation, offshore oil and gas extraction, and ship construction and repair - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Other strategies focus on the optimal programming of electrical energy consumption in multiple cooling systems [108] or models based on heat and energy centers [70] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Analysis of relationships between BE and CE An important aspect relates to the conflict between the interest groups of BD versus the economic development proposed by both the BE and the BG - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The research of Kaşdoğan [66] examines algae-based biofuel production systems designed on the high seas and integrated with wastewater treatment and carbon dioxide absorption processes to revitalize faith in biofuels in the BE - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For some, BG revolves around maximizing economic growth derived from marine and aquatic resources [14, 57] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is a topic of great interest for both scientific research and public policy as sea level rise is influenced by regional and local factors, with coastal areas suffering the consequences of sea-level rise [3, 49, 50, 91, 115, 123] - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In this context, the SDGs imply that economic development is both inclusive and respectful of the environment, and it is necessary to find a balance between economic, social and environmental spaces - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In many world regions, population growth and urbanization are drivers of water pollution in the future (Jiang and O’Neill 2017; van Puijenbroek et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The model considers the following point sources of pollutants in rivers: sewage systems and open defecation - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 \({\mathrm{RS}}_{\mathrm{dir}.\mathrm{i}.\mathrm{sb}}\) is the annual input of pollutant i to rivers of sub-basin sb from open defecation resulting from all population - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Fractions of urban and rural people connected to sewage systems and practicing open defecation are country-specific and were available from the Joint Monitoring Program ( ) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Open defecation and the use of P detergents will stop (Fig - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, the wastewater treatment will improve largely, which is not in the other two scenarios (Figs - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 S3, S5, “Socio-economic drivers of water pollution” section) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Point sources include sewage systems and open defecation (direct discharges of untreated human waste to rivers) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, in this scenario, the priority is given to sustainable practices to support SDGs for cities (SDG11), clean water (SDG6), and a healthy economy (SDG8) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This approach was developed for large-scale water quality models for which validation is challenging (Strokal et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This illustrates the importance of wastewater treatment in pollution control - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, our chosen variables allow us to simultaneously assess multiple impacts of water pollution - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 We show that the population is expected to decline, but income levels are projected to increase considerably in the future (“Socio-economic drivers of water pollution” section) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Implementing sustainable solutions for clean water requires international efforts in all 23 countries draining into the Black Sea - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This paper provides a comprehensive microsimulation approach to evaluate economic policies on food access, sufficiency (energy) and adequacy (protein, fat, carbohydrate) at household level - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Global estimates on food security and nutrition (FS&N) show that the global community is falling far short in this goal, with numbers of food insecure and malnourished people on the rise - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The food security situation is also critical in the ASAL regions where 2.6 million people were estimated to be acutely food insecure in 2018 (Food Security Information Network, 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food security metrics can be collected at distinct levels: at both national and regional levels with the FAO food balance sheets (FBS) measuring undernourishment, and at the household level (and occasionally at the individual level) with food consumption modules of specialized household surveys - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Finally, since FS empirical literature (Abdulai & Aubert, 2004; Salois et al., 2012) supports a non-linear and non-monotonic relationship between energy/nutrients per capita intakes and households’ characteristics such as income per capita, we run non-parametric smoothing regressionsFootnote 1 of previous food access and food consumption (sufficiency and adequacy) microsimulation results across economic and FS&N households’ characteristics - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It stands for a proxy of the presence of stunting in the household - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The FS&N microsimulation evaluates the impact, at the household level, of wide (national, regional) economic policies to improve food access and food consumption (sufficiency and adequacy) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Any implemented policy reform causes changes in food prices and households’ food consumed quantities, modifying the initial households’ food access and food consumption patterns– in quantity and quality - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The policy impact evaluation of FS&N dimensions measures, first, the change in the accessibility of food in the base of its affordability: food access - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food access indicators show the food expenditure at the household level and the household diet diversity score based on that food expenditure - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Average daily DEC per capita is similar across areas; however, the rural areas display more dispersion in energy consumption per capita per day.Footnote 3 With reference to the average macronutrients intakes per capita at national level, the shares of caloric intakes provided by fats, proteins and carbohydrates are 24%, 11% and 65% respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Differences in the benchmark food access situation and the households’ preferences explain these disparities across households/areas - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The food access effect remains greater in the rural areas but the gap effect between households with and without at least one stunted child is greater in the urban areas, both Metropolis and Other urban areas - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Selected FS&N indicators shed light on the differences across households in terms of their food access, food consumption and nutrition statuses - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Empirical evidence about food security and nutrition in Kenya accounts for deficiencies in food access, sufficiency, and an inadequate diet in terms of daily per capita calories and nutrients intakes - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 With an application to a market access improvement scenario on Kenya, this methodology focuses on the economic factors that affect Kenyan households’ food access and affordability, food sufficiency and macronutrient consumption, as a first consideration of food adequacy - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Ecotourism is one of the important services provided by forest resources (Chiu et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The “Paris Agreement” and the “Green Deal” are crucial developments for ecotourism because they are the latest important documents to determine and apply the means to reach a sustainable future - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The results of this study showed that active participation of forest villagers should be at the center of ecosystem-based functional planning approaches to be carried out within the scope of multiple-use forest management (Keleş et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Furthermore, conventional energy-intensive wastewater treatment processes often have the issue of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Lu et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The ultimate purpose of this study is to concur with the UN SDG that the wastewater industry should and can seek more energy-efficient measures for wastewater treatment - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Nevertheless, this claim is inconclusive and only applicable to this particular study since WWTP retrofit/upgrade projects often face various technical options and limitations - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In the practice arena [3b], more scientific evidence on alternative agricultural models (e.g., agroecology) could support the development of innovative plant protection solutions - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For instance, from a long-term Swiss pilot project that sought to improve water quality through the voluntary adoption of good pesticide practices, its key actors drew different intermediate conclusions - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This term stressed citizens’ rights to obtain energy to meet their basic needs, which should not be denied due to poverty - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 have an important role in energy poverty reduction (Teschner, Sinea, Vornicu, Abu-Hamed, & Negev, 2020), so country-level indicators are also used in order to provide a clearer and more comprehensive picture of a country’s energy poverty level - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The EDI consists of three indicators: per capita commercial energy consumption, the proportion of commercial energy consumption in terminal energy consumption, and the number of people with access to electricity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, cooking and heating comprised two indicators: the proportion of the population with access to clean fuel, and the mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution; the former represents the accessibility of clean energy to households, while the latter represents the health damage suffered by households due to energy poverty (Sadath & Acharya, 2017) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Electricity cost consisted of two indicators: the price of electricity, which represents the cost of energy used by most enterprises daily, and the cost of electricity, which is the median of the total cost of electricity access for a country’s enterprises calculated as a percentage of per capita income - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At the national level, energy poverty was measured in three categories: energy supply, energy facilities, and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The parameters for energy supply were energy consumption (kg of oil equivalent per capita) and net energy imports (percentage of energy use) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Additionally, the net installed power plant capacity per capita in this country is about 0.39 kW compared to an average of 1.09 kW for this indicator across all 82 countries, and the share of renewable energy in Uzbekistan is 2.34%, well below the average of 28.1% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The installed capacity of power plants per capita in Jordan is about 0.47 kW, while the proportion of renewable energy is about 4.55%; these values are considerably lower than the average values of 1.09 kW and 28.1%, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, only 3.51% of the population of Ethiopia in East Africa use clean energy for cooking and heating - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Morocco relies on imports for 90% of its energy consumption, while Tunisia has an installed power plant capacity of 0.5 kW per capita, both below-average levels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the country has good energy efficiency, ranking 33rd of the 82 countries, and the coal, oil, and gas rents are only 0.01% of GDP, better than the average of 6.4% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Energy poverty is severe at the household level in Zambia and Nigeria, where the use of clean energy is 16.43% and 4.91%, respectively; both values are well below the average (74.1%) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Investment in BRI countries should focus more on energy infrastructure development, resulting in a favorable impact on promoting sustainable energy use in these countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To conclude, given COVID-19’s current global impact, which will undoubtedly influence energy poverty in all nations, future research must integrate this worldwide crisis and examine its implications for sustainable energy use - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This implies that there may be a way to address energy poverty and climate change simultaneously - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This implies for the Turkish case that achieving macro-stability under a “just transition” is key for achieving both economic and environmental benefits from ratifying international agreements such as Paris Agreement and EU Green Deal - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 After the SDGs, the UNs Conference of the Parties (COP) gained more importance and most significantly, the 21st COP help in Paris (COP21-Paris Agreement) in 2015 marked a major milestone on climate change, especially carbon emission - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The 21st COP steered the international community towards a strict climate agreement to keep global warming at 1.5–2°C and reduce GHG emissions by 2025–2030 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Many developed countries implement environmentally friendly economic growth policies in the later stage - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2011) defined the triple crisis as when global finance, climate change, and food crises coincide; in a broader sense, it is a financial, socio-economic, and environmental crisis - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The second crisis, climate change, is when there is exceeding growth in the previous estimates of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the concomitant rise in temperatures and sea level (see Sokolov et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2016), nano-revolution (Wonglimpiyarat 2005), smart cities (Batty 2016), and green revolution, such as renewable energy, resource efficiency, green nanotechnology, and green chemistry (Moody and Nogrady 2010; Gore 2010) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition to a sharp decrease in economic growth expectations, compared with the 2008 global financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic has had deeper negative effects on economies, especially on trade volume and the service sector (IMF 2020) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By contrast, some researchers claim that only economic growth can provide advanced technology to adapt to or prevent global warming and environmental pollution (see Nordhaus 1974, 2007; Smulders, 1999; Brock and Taylor, 2005) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Economic crisis and macroeconomic instability, such as an increase in output volatility, weakens the attention of economic agents on negative externalities of environmental problems (see Geels 2013) - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Hence, for many developing economies, researchers and policymakers are increasingly interested in the nexus between growth and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Despite the significant importance of maize production and supply to neighbouring countries, the maize value chain was poorly coordinated, mainly dominated by middlemen/traders operating in the informal value chain leading to low profitability for producers - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The efficient utilization and dissemination of maize flour fortified with soybean could have a significant potential for reducing malnutrition through provision of essential nutrients and vitamins - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Whereas, most studies to date have explored the integration of smallholder farmers in value chains of export-oriented and high-value cash crops (Barrett et al., 2012; Challies & Murray, 2011), our study focused on domestic agricultural value chains to reduce the need for imports of soybean meal - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! As much urban growth is still to come, there is an opportunity to significantly influence sustainable urbanisation through decision making at local, metropolitan, regional/sub-national and national levels - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The interviews explored their experience and views on current Australian urban contexts, goals and strategies; the practical barriers to and enablers of more sustainable urban development; and real examples of the issues (e.g - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The outcomes also helped focus a second stage international literature review during 2016, which related the Australian findings more overtly to current urban development and related research internationally - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Overall knowledge co-production process for sustainable urban development: developed through, and used in, the co-design process with stakeholders - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The outcomes in the “Insights on Australian urban issues from the co-design process” section were derived directly from the collaborative work with stakeholders; those of “A knowledge framework for sustainable urban development” and the “Discussion and conclusions” sections partially so, but supplemented by insights from the international literature - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Alternative urban development trajectories can have very different sustainability outcomes (Bai 2003; Newton and Bai 2008; Pickett et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This is not surprising as the plans reflect urban planning theories and movements that have evolved internationally over more than twenty years - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 2012)); and reinforcing links from these to local and city-wide decarbonisation and climate adaptation strategies - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Such learning is especially critical to support guided and evolutionary transitions in a polycentric governance and substantially self-organising urban environment - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Sendai Framework recommends comparing disaster losses sustained between 2005 and 2015 with 2015 and 2030 - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Sendai Framework identifies four priorities for action, and its focus on prevention is concretized in seven targets for member states to achieve - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Foundational to reducing human and material losses from disasters is Sendai Framework Target (e)—to substantially increase the number of countries with national and local DRR strategies by 2020 - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For instance, Qatar has sought to foster inter-ministerial cooperation by linking line ministries to the Sendai Framework through national focal points - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Barbados has developed a Comprehensive Disaster Management Country Work Programme (CWP) 2019–2023, aligned to both regional and global frameworks - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The biggest challenge we face in entering the Decade of Action is the lack of greater and more direct funding to achieve the Sendai Framework and to reduce risk - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Sendai Framework, as the Hyogo Framework before it, presents a long list of actions to be carried out by governments, who in situations of shortage of resources have great difficulty implementing these actions - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site together with its culture landscape in July 2007 - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Thus, a rapid, accurate, and non-destructive measurement of forest carbon stock and change is crucial for planning forest management and carbon emission reductions - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Images captured with RGB or Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors on drones generate dense point clouds for monitoring forest cover and therefore provide a low-cost alternative to inventory methods and satellite-based sensing - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Integrating drone imagery and Machine learning (ML) models could provide a useful tool in carbon estimation over an extensive area with improved precision; thereby facilitating forest management and long-term carbon capture and storage - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 But deeper issues about our consumption of energy, materials, food and forests began to surface and serious questions were asked about global limits and the pursuit of single-minded economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 We now have global agreements to work toward the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change simultaneously - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, the report of World Energy Outlook (WEO) in 2017 linked the premature deaths of about 3 million to energy pollution especially from non-renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In view of the above motivation, and as an objective, the current study is designed to examine the role of economic freedom on environmental sustainability amidst the drive for economic prosperity of the G-20-member countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Concerning renewable energy consumption, the results obtained from both the difference and systems GMM verify a positive impact of renewable energy consumption on the ecological footprint of the panel of G-20 economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 More precisely, a 1% rise in renewable energy consumption increases the ecological footprint insignificantly by 0.13% for the difference GMM while the system GMM model shows that a 1% increase in the renewable energy consumption increases the ecological footprint of G-20 economies significantly by 0.88% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, the implementation of more stringent environmental policy such as the emissions trading system (ETS) and carbon tax across could offer more efficient approach in preventing threat of carbon-outsourcing or carbon leakages - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! By reflecting on the diverse manifestations of power that we encountered during our action-oriented research in informal settlements in Kampala, we arrive at recommendations on how to handle power with care when addressing urban challenges - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 While for some, especially those sensitive to issues of justice, social exclusion and inequality, much of what we discuss will sound familiar, we hope to reach those who are in the process of ‘muddling through’ - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Including engineers, policymakers, trained scientists and development workers who are addressing urban sustainability challenges in the ‘real world’ - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 With this Perspective we endeavour to structure our reflections on the issues of power we encountered when applying transition management and understanding the unsustainability related to the access to, control and maintenance of water sources and services in three informal settlements in the North-West of Kampala - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Constructing and repeating the characteristics of informal settlements is a symbolic act of power and needs to be met with critical questions - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Within informal settlements in Kampala, we recognized power dynamics in gaining access to water as being related to at least three social relations: the relations between tenants and landowners, local council members and community members, and men and women - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Also at the level of informal settlements pressure groups, such as Kawempe Republic who informally declared their community independent from KCCA, expressed their dissatisfaction with the local government and targeted the uneven distribution of power - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 To start with, those who address urban sustainability challenges in the ‘real world’ should first defamiliarise themselves with existing framings and dominant characteristics of places and people - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age, including the health system (WHO 2013) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This indicator regards the relative increase or decrease in high-skilled employment caused by the introduction of the novel technology in comparison to the high-skilled employment caused by the introduction of the reference technology - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! DOL 2012) as well as data on the amount of persons involved in child labour per sector per region from the ILO (2010; 2012) was linked to information on total employment which could be extracted from THEMIS (Simas et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The share of child labour hours for aggregate sectors can then be calculated by dividing the total number of child labour hours per sector per country by the total number of working hours (total employment) per sector per country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The share of forced labour hours for aggregate sectors can then be calculated by dividing the total number of forced labour hours per sector per country with the total number of working hours (total employment due to the implementation of the technology as modelled in THEMIS) per sector per country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In terms of forced labour per functional unit, there is an increase of about 65 % as a consequence of CCS implementation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To analyze the economic dimension, the GDP, the ratio of industry to GDP, foreign investment, energy consumption per unit of GDP, among others, are taken into account (Zhang and Huan 2006; Wang and Xiao 2017) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Nevertheless, different approaches and distinct machine learning tools have been applied, which enable further research to make progress in determining the influence of air quality on sustainable urban development, as well as in its forecasting - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 So far, economic growth remained an enlightened issue among researchers and practitioners since many decades - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Literature provides theoretical and empirical underpinnings for a positive association between economic growth and export diversification (Aditya & Acharyya 2013; Amurgo-Pacheco & Pierola 2008) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The term “financial inclusion” has been acknowledged since 1990s, as a policy problem for socially excluded residents and empirical researches regarding financial exclusion emerged (Leyshon & Thrift 1996) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Financial inclusion enhances growth of an economy through financial development as financial development plays a vital role in determining growth rate (Le et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In theory, the financial inclusion could affect CO2 emissions in two ways - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this respect, promoting financial inclusion brings advantageous effects on the environment through the availability and affordability, of cleaner environmental practices that curb CO2 emissions (Le et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Two important contributors of economic growth are highlighted in the present scenario - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 More formally, “mode that could support the efficient use of natural resources while minimizing pollution and environmental impacts and ensuring resilience in natural hazards” is defined as green growth (WorldBank 2012) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 First, the region holds a high rate of deforestation, which has a negative impact on the climate - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Rapid increase in the GHG emissions increases the temperature of the Earth and leads to climate change and natural disasters - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Firstly, the long-run association among green growth and its determinants is tested through second-generation panel cointegration tests for a panel of SAARC economies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first research study employing novel econometric techniques for estimating green growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Firstly, the literature review for relationship between financial inclusion and growth/green growth is examined and subsequent section explored the nexus between export diversification and growth/green growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Contextualizing the environment degradation, a sample of 31 Asian economies was examined to find the impact of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions spanning 2004–2014 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Certainly, classical economists Adam Smith and Ricardo advocated highly concentrated and highly specialized export base in their theories of absolute and comparative advantage which could foster economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Many researchers have analyzed the role of export diversification towards economic growth, and numerous studies depicted positive contribution of export diversification in economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similarly, export diversification affects the economic growth in South Asian, South American, and North African developing countries over the period 2000–2009 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the economy of Malaysia, export diversification also proved to be a base for boosting economic growth (Arip et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Despite the relationship between export diversification and economic growth, several studies started examining the question how export diversification affects CO2 emissions and environment quality - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the impact of export diversification on sustainable economic growth, i.e., green growth in the context of SAARC countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, the variables are selected on the bases of prior literature, and further detail is provided below: Green growth (Gg) is the dependent variable and represents efficient use of natural capital in a way that does not harm environment (Bábosik 2020) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Financial inclusion (Finc) is the first explanatory variable and defined as the availability and accessibility of loans, credit, insurance, deposits, payments, savings, and remittances to everyone (Nanda & Kaur 2016) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Export diversification has no role in promoting green growth in sample countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These results suggest that financial inclusion and institutional quality are crucial elements to promote green growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Policymakers need to uplift the export base through production and investment diversification so that the role of export diversification become imperative to achieve green growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Conclusively, policy makers should look forward in maintaining sustainable growth by enhancing the financial inclusion and institutional quality - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results of this study also create a new dimension in the finance, green growth nexus, which assumes the vital role of financial inclusion in sustainable growth. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 A significant hazardous impact of waste is on soil and water quality, which has an overbearing effect on the general well-being of humans (Mekonnen et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In this study, we consider all these factors to see if they affect the soil quality of this regional union - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, with technological innovation, which lies at the heart of SDGs, waste flows can be recycled and treated well to become less harmful for the environment and agriculture sector - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2004), whose focus either ignores the heteroscedasticity, spatial correlation, cross-sectional dependence, we argued that the presence of heteroscedasticity in the model would not allow sustainable consumption and production to explain in the residuals - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Eneje Roseta and Innocent (2012) further affirm that the waste product is positively related to soil quality - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Aragón and Rud (2013) also find that mining activity in Ghana has contributed to negative agricultural productivity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, Lio and Liu (2008) and Amuakwa-Mensah (2019) find that good governance positively influences agricultural product - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Bayyurt and Yılmaz (2012) report that regulating the agricultural system in terms of permission and promotion of the private sector help increase agricultural products - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2004) find that political unrest negatively affects agricultural productivity in Africa - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The author argues that due to farmers’ and stakeholders’ inability to engage with farming activities, there will be a significant drop in agricultural productivity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 According to OECD (2021), a nutrient deficit is an indicator of decline in soil fertility and hence nutrient balance variable can be used as a proxy for soil health - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Moreover, better governance and strong institutions improve the efficiency of productivity (Bayyurt and Yılmaz 2012; Subramaniam et al - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In contrast, technological innovation, ICT, institutional quality, and fossil fuel consumption have a positive and significant impact on nutrient balance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 We see that hazardous and non-hazardous waste has an insignificant but negative effect on soil health in model 1 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, the interaction results shed light on the understanding that when coupled with ICT, natural capital, or technological innovation, the effect can be turned positive - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Model 4 demonstrates how the moderating effects of ICT, natural capital institutional quality, and technological innovation work with electronic waste - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The interaction coefficients of electronic waste with institutional quality (0.030) and technological innovation (0.258) turn positive and significant while it remains negative and significant with the natural capital (− 0.074) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Existing studies have witnessed a mixed relationship between waste and agricultural productivity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The nature of the waste can impact not only the agricultural productivity but also soil health - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Similarly, production leading to low soil nutrient balance will jeopardize the food security in the countries selected for the study - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Indeed, our study will aid in reshaping agricultural practices in an eco-friendly manner to mitigate environmental degradation and help formulate pragmatic policy actions so that agro-lead nations can thrive in the race of achieving SDGs 1, 2, and 13 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Second, the study can be used by the Bangladeshi government as a reference tool for incorporating climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Additionally, there is a unidirectional causal relationship between them, with causality flowing from carbon dioxide emission to agricultural productivity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2022) used the ARDL model to unveil that climatic parameters like CO2 emissions and temperature have a negative impact on agricultural output, whereas rainfall has a beneficial impact - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Although the short-run impact is not valid, total pesticide use is intimately linked with environmental degradation in the long run - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Total pesticide use in agriculture and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 N2O emission from manure application and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In this context, an attempt was made to investigate the relationship between Bangladesh’s agricultural ecosystem and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The results of the ARDL bound tests indicated that CO2 emissions and the agricultural ecosystem are intertwined, and it is evident that the agricultural ecosystem has a long-term impact on carbon dioxide emissions, which leads to environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in September 2015 sets out an ambitious action plan to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the well-being of people around the world through the implementation of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The EU framework programme for Research and Innovation 2021–2027 (European Commission 2018) demonstrates a clear political ambition to establish the EU as a leader in the effort to achieve the SDGs - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Nonetheless, in recent years, Africa’s ecological footprint has exceeded its ability to regenerate what the population demands because of climate change vulnerability and poor management of the natural resources, thus liquidating the ecological assets thereby leading to ecological deficit (see Fig - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Redistribution of wealth has no impact on pollution in India in contrast to China where income inequality affects environmental pollution - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Economic growth was revealed as the main driver of coal-related carbon dioxide emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 A U-shaped EKC hypothesis was further confirmed between the individual effect of PFC gas emissions, SF6 gas emissions, PM2.5 pollution, and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In other words, increasing the role of urbanization decreases CO2 emissions contrary to energy intensity and growth in GDP - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A critical examination of the Human Development Index (HDI) report reveals that Democratic Republic of Congo ranks 176th with 0.435 HDI, 0.0 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per capita, 67.3% of total land area as forest area, − 4.9% change in the total forest area, natural resource depletion of 31.8% of GNI, a renewable energy consumption of 96% of total final energy consumption, and a population of 77.3 million (UNDP 2016) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Kenya ranks 146th with 0.555 HDI, 0.3 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per capita, 7.8% of total land area as forest area, − 6.6% change in the total forest area, natural resource depletion of 2.8% of GNI, a renewable energy consumption of 78.5% of total final energy consumption, and a population of 46 million (UNDP 2016) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The ecological footprint is employed as an indicator of environmental degradation, while carbon dioxide emission is used as an indicator for environmental pollution - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Energy consumption thus, electricity and heat production, contributes 25% (12.25 Gt CO2-eq) of the direct global greenhouse gas emissions by economic sectors (IPCC 2016) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Carbon dioxide emissions have received global attention due to its effect on climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Sub-Saharan Africa produces less emissions compared to other developing and developed countries but more susceptible to the impact of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Therefore, the inclusion of fertility rate is essential to understanding the role of gender in climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The average agricultural land in Africa constitutes about 42% of the land area; however, the negative skewness shows a frequently small conversion of the land area into agricultural lands for agricultural purposes to boost the growing demand and economic productivity - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The average economic growth is almost US$ 1045 per capita with a positive skewness and positive excess kurtosis - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Apart from Namibia and South Africa, bioenergy dominates the total energy mix of each country in Africa (International Energy Agency 2014) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, it takes 50% speed to adjust the previous disturbances in environmental degradation in Congo - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Economic growth increases environmental pollution and decreases thereafter in the long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Again, energy consumption increases environmental pollution in both the long run and short run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Table 9 shows the results of the U-shape estimation of environmental degradation and pollution - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As expected, Zimbabwe’s economy and environmental degradation exhibit a U shape with LB GDP of US$ 327/capita and UB GDP of US$ 1084/capita, at a turning point of US$ − 21,847 GDP per capita, thus following the scale effect - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Zimbabwe has suffered the worst economic crisis within the past 7 years (World Bank 2017), thus affecting agricultural productivity, food security, energy production, and utilization - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, its effect on environmental degradation and pollution cannot be equally denied - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, according to the EKC hypothesis, every growing economy progresses with increasing environmental degradation and pollution to a point in time and reduces thereafter - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Climate change, increasing temperatures, melting glaciers, storms, and deterioration of natural vegetation are all environmental degradations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The EDs have been experienced in soil, forestry, mining, marine, oil, etc - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The SDGs for African countries recommend the procedures for conserving the oceans, seas, and marine resources, reversing land degradation, and protecting biodiversity (Bartniczak and Raszkowski 2018) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This study examines the impact of technological innovation on G-7 countries’ ecological footprints from 1990 to 2020 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 A lower ecological footprint is also associated with increased usage of human capital and renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Technology innovation and renewable energy, as well as GDP, GDP2, and the degree of higher education in G-7 countries, will be examined in this study to see how they affect the ecological footprint - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022), green financing and green technology policies could help the G-7 countries reach the UN’s SDG-7 and SDG-13 targets - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 When it comes to environmental and economic well-being, renewable energy sources are widely regarded as among the most reliable (Saqib 2018; Yang et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sustainable Development Goals can help universities tackle sustainability and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This study used the cross-sectionally augmented autoregressive distributed lag (CS-ARDL) approach in order to explore the influence of technological innovation on the ecological footprint in the context of control variables - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 G-7 countries can reduce their ecological footprints by implementing a renewable energy policy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Pollution reduction is attributed to REC’s function in reducing energy intensity and, as a result, improving environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, the purpose of this research is to look into the relationship between income inequality, institutional quality, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 42 developing countries from 1984 to 2016 - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 We focused on developing countries because they are still striving to stimulate the economy, decrease income inequality, and improve living standards for their less vulnerable members of society - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 While several important aspects other than aggregate income affecting environmental pollution have been established in recent studies, the importance of income inequality has often been overlooked - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 According to Boyce (1994), environmental degradation is affected by both income level and income disparity - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Many factors are also essential for effective environmental protection, such as public engagement and effective regulation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Kashwan (2017) states that the concept of political choice highlights the link between income inequality and environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The potential impact of income inequality on environmental pollution and institutional quality is important, but it's been ignored in the ecological economics literature - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 As a result, tackling environmental issues while ignoring income inequality and institutional quality in this nexus could yield limited results (Salman et al., 2019; Uzar & Eyuboglu, 2019) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Second, notwithstanding, studies by Kashwan (2017) and You et al., (2020) explored the effect of income inequality on CO2 emissions by incorporating democracy as a proxy of governance - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The results would provide valuable insights into the effects of income inequality on CO2 emissions under the potential role of institutional quality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In addition, this study also checks the nonlinear effect of income inequality on CO2 emissions in the panel of 42 developing countries - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The first stem of literature stated the link between income inequality and environmental performance, whereas the second part concluded the link between institutional quality and environmental quality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 A positive link between income inequality and CO2 emissions has been identified in some research, while some have reported a negative link between income inequality and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In short, economies with good governance could set and enforce strict green policies comparative to nations with bad institutions - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Likewise, if institutions promote the economic transition toward the growth of knowledge sectors, improved technologies, and a higher environmental policy, they can reduce carbon emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is crucial to highlight that the existing studies on the relationship between income inequality and the environment have neglected institutional quality's critical position in this linkage - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Therefore, in accordance with the scant literature and the aforementioned conclusions, this study hypothesizes that: H1: Income inequality affects CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Richer economies may then manage innovations for renewable energy sources, which will improve the atmosphere in the long run (Antweiler et al., 2001) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The education level in developing countries is low due to a high level of income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 When the institutions of the country start raising through different channels, such as the governance, the rule of law, control of corruption, it not only affects the economic progress pattern but also influences the environment and, subsequently, affects the distribution of income - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Energy consumption is also showing a positive and statistically significant at 1% level of significance in all the models - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The result of income inequality shows that an increase in income inequality increases CO2 emissions, as this study found a significant positive relationship between income inequality and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This offers a strong indication that income inequality and CO2 emissions are strongly linked - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The utilization of renewable energy could be a useful approach for environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These outcomes show a strong relationship between INE and CO2 emissions in the forty-two developing countries, which indicates that INE plays a significant role not only in environmental quality but also in the economic development of the country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019), who report a unidirectional causal relationship between income inequality and CO2 - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 First, according to the empirical results, income inequality is harmful to the environment; therefore, studied economies should implement distributive programs to maintain the equitable distribution of wealth to reduce environmental pollution triggered by income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 An ideal strategy to widen the study is to use additional environmental degradation measurements and check if the conclusions obtained here are consistent with other environmental degradation variables - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Moreover, this study evaluated the relationship between income inequality and the environment while recognizing the significance of institutional quality in developing countries - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 To determine whether ecological restoration such as vegetation cover could affect the income gap, we used data for 290 prefecture-level cities in China from 2007 to 2018 and analyzed the effect of ecological restoration on income inequality in China - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 To date, a series of historically unprecedented ecological restoration projects have been implemented in China to combat ecosystem degradation, such as the Sloping Land Conversion Program, Natural Forest Conservation Program, and National Parks Program - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, the primary goal of nature reserves is conservation and not poverty alleviation - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Our aim is to test whether ecological restoration behavior can help reduce income inequality using econometric methods, provide a new path to alleviate inequality of income, and promote common prosperity not only in China but also with suitable modification to account for unique local conditions, in other developing countries around the world - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 2021), unemployment (Xue and Zhong 2003), urbanization (Lee et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Unfortunately, the process of pursuing the common prosperity of urban and rural residents through ecological restoration may be challenging because of some practical obstacles (e.g., employment opportunities, educational attainment, social discrimination) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! (2017) considered a panel of selected East-West European countries and confirmed some positive association between tourism and the country’s economic growth in the eastern-western EU countries on the cost of high mass carbon emissions in the eastern EU countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The study concludes in favor of sustainable tourism to limit carbon activities with cleaner production technologies across countries - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Thus, the need for sustainable tourism policies is desirable to reap equal positive benefits acquired all across Chinese provinces - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The results show that tourism income generally favors regulation of tourism, natural resources, cultural heritage, health hygiene, and tourism prices - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The study extended the green technology acceptance model in electronic and smart tourism by converting qualitative modeling to a quantitatively modeling framework in environmental sustainability (Chen and Tsai 2017; Choi et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The U-shaped relationship is found between country’s per capita income and resource depletion, as higher the per capita income first increases natural resource depletion that further decreases at the later stages of economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The following factors are needed to improve the country’s sustainable agenda, including diversity in the transport system (Rajak et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 2018), and inclusive city planning (Yigitcanlar and Kamruzzaman 2018) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Sustainable consumption and production are guided to reduce carbon-fossil-GHG emissions by directing tourists’ consumption behavior, using technology upgraded industrial products, and extending the services sector - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This paper builds on previous literature that suggests ideological orientation is a moderating variable in the relationship between scientific knowledge and belief in anthropogenic climate change (ACC) in the USA - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Previous literature has shown that political views are strong determinants of opinions on anthropogenic climate change (ACC) in the USA, resulting in significant polarization on the issue (Ballew et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In summary, there is strong empirical evidence that political ideology acts as a moderating variable between education or self-reported understanding of ACC and acceptance of climate change and its consequences in the USA - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 One might think that the higher the level of scientific literacy, the greater the concern about climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The first was the opinion on food waste (SDG 12: responsible production and consumption), measured using the question, “On a scale of zero to ten, what is your level of concern about food waste (zero corresponds to Not at all, and ten corresponds to Extremely concerned).” The second was the specific knowledge of the scientific basis of climate change, measured with the question “Global warming is caused by the depletion of the ozone layer [True/False].” Firstly, we find that although the level of belief in human-caused global warming is generally high, there are substantial differences according to ideological orientation - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 A likely reason for this result is that food waste is close to everyone’s heart, part of everyday experience, and easily understood - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 A possible explanation is that individuals with more scientific culture have greater confidence in science in general and therefore tend to believe what scientists say, even if they do not understand a particular topic—in this case, climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Second, we found that even in a country like Spain, where parties and citizens agree on strong climate and renewable power goals and 93% of the population supports the adoption of the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law (Thonig et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Third, we document considerable ignorance of the scientific underpinnings of climate change among the general population - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Therefore, increased awareness is probably achieved not so much by influencing general scientific culture but, specifically, about the science of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Annual clean energy investment worldwide would need a threefold increase by 2030 to around 4 trillion US$ to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 (International Energy Agency 2021a) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The gap between present clean energy investment patterns and a sustained pathway is enormous (Lyu et al. 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, urbanization encourages economic growth and ensures a higher level of economic development (Chen et al. 2014) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The extant literature has focused on exploring the complex intersectional relationship between environmental sustainability and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) analyzed creative problem-solving priorities for investment in renewable energy storage - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) examined the risk priorities for renewable energy investment using fuzzy decision-making modeling with alpha cuts - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Their findings elucidated the existence of the EKC hypothesis for renewable energy investment and environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Clean energy investment is estimated as an investment in the energy sector with the participation of the private sector in the current US$ - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The results explain that CO2 emissions, ecological footprint, economic growth, financial development, and urbanization are not significant at level - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, the government should resolve regulatory and market rigidities that can undesirably affect the attractiveness of clean energy investment—creating a level playing field between independent energy producers of cleaner energy vis-à-vis nonrenewable fossil fuel-based energy utilities - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the renewable energy sector has seen incredible rise, especially in solar-wind energy, the percentage of renewable energy usage alone has overstimulated the current history - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The progress achieved in the regulation of carbon emissions as a consequence of industrialization and environmental emissions through sustainable revenues, energy use, and renewable energy use is objectively discussed in our study - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Economic growth and environmental sustainability are best analyzed using the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) theory, which takes into account the scale, techniques, and composition of social operations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Additionally, developing economies with rising incomes devote more resources to research and development in order to substitute outdated technology with new inventions - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The cumulative impact of all of the aforementioned actions results in an inverted U-shaped association involving economic growth as well as ecological sustainability which is referred to as the environmental Kuznets (EKC) theory - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Nevertheless, once a threshold is reached, ecological emissions decrease as economic growth accelerates - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2000) clarified in their analysis that economic growth results in systemic changes as a result of the introduction of heavy industry, further deteriorating ecological sustainability - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Ito (2017) indicated that non-renewable energy consumption contributes to CO2 emissions in the long run and short run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Apergis and Payne (2010a, b) found a bidirectional relationship between non-renewable energy and economic expansion - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ➣If β1 < 0 and β2 > 0 and β3 = 0, then presence of U-shaped curve will be obtained regarding ecological quality and economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ➣If β1 > 0 and β2 < 0 and β3 > 0, we will then have N-shaped association regarding ecological quality and economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ➣If β1 < 0 and β2 > 0 and β3 < 0, we will then have an inverted N-shaped association regarding ecological quality and economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It can also be observed from the correlation matrix that the real GDPC has a positive connection with CO2 emission and energy consumption but have negative connection with renewable energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Many emerging economics which include the listed African nations have set economic expansion targets in contrast to environmental protection - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Again, from the short-run analysis, only renewable energy consumption have a 10% significant connection with CO2 emission - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Again, the square of economic development shows a negative significant association with pollution which affirms the existence of EKC in the estimation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The need to fortify institutional apparatus is needed to enact effective environmental strategies and regulations to achieve environmental sustainability without compromise for economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is also necessary to focus on the product life cycle to show the positive relationship between circular economy and sustainability (Colucci and Vecchi 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some authors point out that at the micro level, the second-hand fashion industry has been one of the pioneering industries in the circular economy (Alonso-Almeida et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 To this end, a framework of opportunities and critical factors for both categories of stakeholders is realised, and a multicriteria approach is applied to define priorities and assess whether it is feasible to achieve SDG 12 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In addition, to encourage the circularity of resources, brands must review their entire supply chain, beyond waste management (Hultberg and Pal 2021) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Climate change: international players are being called on to make their contribution to the objective phenomenon of climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The benefits of responsible consumption are not dictated by the economic apparatus (indeed, sustainable purchases usually have higher price-points) but are intrinsic, favouring ethically sound behaviour from environmental and social perspectives, capable of supporting the well-being of future generations - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 On this appraisal, the experts were divided, with 11 and 8 supporting CCF3 and CCF7, respectively.Footnote 2 The issue of circular economy rebound should not be underestimated, as it indicates the possibility of non-responsible second-hand purchasing, which would stress sales and increase consumption - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Karami and Gorzynski (2021) argued that co-opetition among competing firms in the same industry may enable firms to achieve greater competitiveness through more sustainable patterns of production and consumption - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 From the consumer perspective, responsible consumption may trigger the circularity of resources, and such circularity may be linked to economic benefits — which, as always, play a decisive role - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Importantly, lack of knowledge may represent an obstacle to the achievement of greater environmental protection - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In any case, recycling actions should be promoted to extend the product use phase - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The pollution intensive production is merely been visible by some other factors including financial and trade liberalization policies, which supports country’s economic growth on the cost of high emissions intensity, which sabotaged the United Nation SDGs - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 A hypothetical relationship of IPAT factors Figure 3 shows the positive association between I and PAT due to low advancement in the cleaner production technologies in the country profile, while this relationship could be averted when the following situation would arise, i.e., population genius principle, sustainable development, and green technology (see, Shouket et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Table 3 shows the environmental effects on public health across the globe - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The ARDL approach uncovered that economic growth and oil consumption contribute to ecological footprint - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To be able to decrease or prevent the harmful effects of human activities on the environment, several governmental and intergovernmental environmental policies are put into action such as Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement aiming to reduce GHGs and \({\mathrm{CO}}_{2}\) emissions to control global warming - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2020), while the second strand aims to investigate the main determinants of ecological footprint by the application of different methods and targets to explore the link between economic growth and ecological footprint by mostly utilizing cointegration and causality tests (Majeed et al. 2021; Kirikkaleli et al. 2021; Ahmed et al. 2021; Hassan et al. 2019; Bello et al. 2018) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Several studies in the literature aimed to explore the determinants of environmental degradation, since environmental concerns started to gain more importance in recent years - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Oil consumption is the largest chuck of energy sources in Malaysia, accounting for around 36.83% of the total energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, using these energy sources will not only promote a sustainable ecosystem without impeding economic growth but can also assist governments in meeting their environmental goals - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By discovering this, we concluded that the present manufacturing processes are insufficient to satisfy the standards for carbon intensity and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This positive linkage could be possible owing to the increase in GDP, which in turn increases oil consumption, which results in environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Figure 7 indicates the unidirectional causal connection from economic growth to ecological footprint is evident only in the short run, signifying that only in the short run economic growth is a predictor of ecological footprint - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Hence, renewable energy is a predictor of ecological footprint in the medium and long term - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Malaysia’s growing trends in energy production-related emissions throw doubt on the country’s possibility of meeting the Paris Climate Change Agreement and SDG obligations - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This clearly indicates that the Malaysian government and its private sector have to broaden their investment base towards clean and sustainable energy utilization in order to promote clean energy (SDG-7) and the ecosystem (SDG-13) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Under such circumstances, development planners worldwide are now highly interested in ascertaining the channels/mechanisms through which higher economic growth and lower environmental pollution can be simultaneously established across the globe (Kartal et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For instance, since the financial sector injects funds into the private sector, in particular, the development of this sector is expected to scale up private credit supplies which, in turn, can be assumed to boost economic growth through capital accumulation-led industrialization (Sobiech 2019) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, technological innovation can also indirectly impact the environment through the channel of energy use - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Second, this study is one of the few that assesses both the direct and indirect consequences of technological development on economic growth and environmental quality in the context of the BRICS nations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Using data from the BRICS, Raghutla and Chittedi (2021) also found evidence of the positive impacts of financial development on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Likewise, in a study using data from 29 Sub-Saharan African nations, Ibrahim and Alagidede (2018) remarked that financial development can be detrimental to economic growth if it enhances finance for risky projects - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2022) recently concluded that the effect of financial development on economic growth in the top financially developed world economies can both be positive and negative; moreover, the authors added that these effects can be expected to change along with regime shifts concerning changes in the level of financial efficiency - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Among the empirical studies concentrating on the energy use-economic growth relationship, Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019) also documented statistical evidence regarding higher energy use being translated into greater economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In another study on top 38 renewable energy-consuming nations, Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Focusing on selected developing nations, Khan and Ozturk (2021) concluded that the development of the financial sector is a pre-requisite for addressing environmental concerns since financial development was found to independently reduce CO2 emissions and also indirectly contribute to CO2 emission reduction by lessening the adverse environmental concerns associated with economic growth, international trade, and foreign direct investment inflows - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) also used data from the BRICS nations and found evidence that as more renewable energy is consumed the CO2 emission levels tend to decline - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, linking natural gas and renewable energy consumption with environmental quality in the BRICS nations, Dong et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2016) considered data from five Southeast Asian nations and found evidence that although higher energy consumption results in higher per capita CO2 emissions, this impact is conditional on the level of pollution in those countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Accordingly, using data on several indicators of technological innovation, Anakpo and Oyenubi (2022) recently found statistical evidence of positive impacts of these technological innovation-related indicators on per capita economic figures of selected Southern African nations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Based on their findings, the authors concluded that technological innovation has a minimal CO2 emission-inhibiting effect on a global scale - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Precisely, the authors identified that in countries with high levels of national income, technological endowment, and CO2 emissions, an improvement in the level of technological innovation is effective in curbing CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020b) asserted that the environmental impacts of technological innovation are intertemporal since the findings indicated that technological innovation in the short run boosts CO2 emissions while it reduces emissions in the long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Lastly, the variable TECH_INNOV represents the technological innovation index (a proxy for the level of technological progress) which is predicted using the principal component analysis technique and utilizing three technological innovation-related indicators: (i) patent and trademark applications by residents, (ii) patent and trademark applications by non-residents, and (iii) technical cooperation grants receipts - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Under such a circumstance, the interdependency (reverse causality) between economic growth rate and financial development can be anticipated - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, unidirectional causality from technological innovation to economic growth rate is also confirmed by the causality findings - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is an expected finding since technological progress is often hypothesized to positively influence the economic growth rate by enhancing the total factor productivity level (Surya et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Based on the underlying preconceived notions, this two-way causal relationship can be explained from the point of view that as the level of energy consumption within an economy goes up, it can trigger a positive change in the level of energy-use-related emissions of CO2, as well (Bouyghrissi et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lastly, the causality outcomes point out a unidirectional causality running from technological innovation to the annual rate of change in CO2 emissions in the BRICS countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Since the corresponding estimated elasticity parameters (in all three models) concerning the one-period lagged level of per capita economic growth rate (i.e., YPC_GR(− 1)) are negative and statistically significant, it can be said that the previous period’s economic achievements are likely to be sustained in the current period - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) also opined that technological innovation guarantees higher economic growth levels in Southern African nations and Singapore, respectively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Simultaneously, the utilization of improved technology can be expected to enhance the rate of energy use efficiency to amplify the economic growth rates further - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Notably, in 2019, the renewable energy shares in the primary energy consumption figures were merely 3.22% for Russia, 10.5% for South Africa, 14.45% for China, 32.93% for India, and 47.57% for Brazil (World Bank 2022) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, in line with these findings, it can be said that technological progress can help the BRICS nations to overcome the adverse environmental impacts faced by these nations due to relying heavily on unclean energy resources - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Among the two possible mechanisms through which technology can impose these favorable environmental outcomes include (a) new technologies can help to make more productive use of energy so that the undue waste of energy can be curbed and, therefore, its reserve can be conserved; consequently, the growth in the rate of energy-related CO2 emissions can be contained; and (b) improved technologies can drive energy diversification by scaling up the share of modern and cleaner energy resources in the total energy consumption levels of the BRICS nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides, technological innovation was also evidenced to indirectly contribute to reducing the annual rate of discharge of CO2 emissions by jointly reducing emissions rates with primary energy use - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, since the energy sector is found to be responsible for deteriorating the environment in emerging nations, energy portfolio diversification, especially by replacing unclean with clean energy resources, is of paramount importance for these nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to the results of the survey conducted in Australia and in which participated 233 regional SMEs, 65.3% of respondents do not believe that they harm the environment and that they need to implement environmental protection practices (Artin 2022) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 A number of studies point out the introduction of the principles of the circular economy (CE), i.e., “take-make-consume-reuse-recycle” in SMEs as one of the fundamental factors for achieving sustainable development (Kristensen and Mosgaard 2020; Nudurupati et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2018), environmental sustainability of enterprises includes environmental education, corporate social responsibility, environmentally friendly production, environmental impact assessment, sustainable consumption, etc - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 At the level of energy SMEs, the introduction of the concept of sustainable development is only beginning to be considered in the scientific research (Pylaeva et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Traditional energy enterprises most often use traditional energy sources as coal and natural gas to generate electricity on thermal power plants - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The state of global energy markets: any change in the structure of global energy consumption, political upheavals, and a reduction in the production of natural energy resources—all this can affect the current activities of energy enterprises - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For enterprises using natural gas or fuel oil as fuel, it is possible to introduce a simplified waste management system - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Factors of environmental sustainability of renewable energy facilities or nuclear power plants will differ because of the different nature of effects - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, this region accounts for 25% of global energy consumption, 2% of global merchandise exports, 15% of global urbanisation, and 15% of government expenditure on education (World Bank 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We used the change in GDP (gross domestic product) purchasing power parity (2017 constant) as an indicator to quantify economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, a bi-directional long-term causal association was found between PM2.5, energy consumption, and education level - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Economic growth decreased in the first 4 years and then got stabilised - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The South Asian countries should do everything possible to boost rainfall by increasing forestry and vegetation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Therefore to optimally manage water resources, it is necessary to study water quality - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (1970) and later improved by the Scottish Development Department (1975), following the suggestion in Horton (1965) that the various water quality data could be aggregated into one overall index (House and Ellis 1987) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 To estimate the final index, by aggregating all the normalized parameters, the weights of parameters in the final GWQI are defined based on their participation in the water quality determination - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For example, changes in industrial distances from a specific location or fluctuations in groundwater depth can be used for the tested model and their effect on water quality in the model can be evaluated - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The study deals with the effect of political stability on environmental degradation in the long run for the United Kingdom (UK) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the literature, various researches examine the role of energy consumption on environment (i.e., Cheng and Yao 2021; Li et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the existing condition, while such countries and country groups as Brazil, BRICS, Canada, China, and Vietnam are uncovered in terms of political stability effect on environmental degradation; unfortunately, there are still other important countries like the UK that has not been examined yet according to the best knowledge - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In this context, one of the important indicators is economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Also, renewable energy consumption is another important indicator of CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As research in the existing literature, the usage of fossil fuel sources has an adverse effect on CO2 emissions, whereas renewable energy sources make a positive contribution to limiting CO2 emissions (Kartal 2022, b) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a summary, it can be stated that the literature has some researchers that consider political stability in examining environmental degradation, they investigate either a country (e.g., China, Canada, Brazil) or country groups (e.g., G-7, BRICS, BRI), and different econometric techniques (e.g., ARDL, cointegration regression, generalized method of moments, Granger causality, moments of quantile regression, and panel data analysis) are applied for empirical examination - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the empirical examination, quarterly data is used because GDP as a proxy of economic growth is announced quarterly - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By following the methodology, this study applies the following empirical model: where CO2, PS, GDP, RE, TO, β, \(\varepsilon\), and t denote CO2 emissions, political stability, GDP current, renewable energy consumption, trade openness, intercept, error-term, and times, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) for the effect of renewable energy consumption on CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There are monthly data for political stability indicators, but data for most other indicators like economic growth is quarterly according to the best knowledge - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Green technological innovation (GTI) aims to realize management innovation and technological innovation with the goal of protecting the environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the progress of achieving SDGs, the health of ecosystems has attracted more and more scholars’ interest - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The openness includes annual net inflow of urban employed population, attractiveness to employees, expenditure on green technology upgrading, and green product export rate - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 We will further analyze the impact of carbon tax policy on GTIS health by collecting carbon tax data of industrial enterprises on provincial regulations in future researches - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Thus, the study aims to evaluate the renewable energy policies implemented in Turkey - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Today, many countries are trying to ensure energy security and achieve sustainable development goals by using more cleaner and affordable energy sources (Kumar and Tewary 2022) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While the total primary energy consumption in Turkey was 152.7 MTEP (million tons of oil equivalent) in 2017, it increased by 0.5% to 153.5 MTEP in 2018 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Looking at Turkey’s primary energy consumption in 2018 in terms of sources, oil ranks first with 48.6 MTEP - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Especially SDG 7 is one of the main targets that should be taken forward for Turkey - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Turkey has a high renewable energy (RE) potential due to its geographical location (Basaran et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The increase rate in 2018 was 21.3% (1.3 TWh) in geothermal energy and 11.2% (2.0 TWh) in wind energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Baris and Kucukali (2012) evaluated the existence and potential of RES in Turkey, and the efficiency of government policies focusing particularly on the Renewable Energy Law (Law No - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Melikoglu (2016) has calculated the cost of renewable energy investments based on Turkey’s 2023 energy targets in detail - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Base scenario uses renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass) installed capacity targets included in the Objective (A1) table of the MENR’s strategic plan as base - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As an indicator of economic development, the coefficient value of UP of 0.127 indicates that RED will increase with economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Increasing technological developments in parallel with the economic development, and accordingly the increase in the diversity and use of electrical appliances, the increase in social living spaces and activities in cities will increase the demand for electricity - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In other words, residentials can both meet their own needs and contribute to reducing the electricity demand load on the public with the electrical energy they produce using renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this sense Tatlı (2017) remarks that electricity demand can be reduced by increasing the use of renewable energy sources (solar energy) in residentials - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This long-term result shows that although there is a large renewable energy resource potential in Turkey, this potential has not yet been utilized at the desired rate, especially due to high costs (Topçu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This result means that the use of renewable energy sources in the supply of electricity consumed for lighting parks, streets and avenues can reduce the amount of electricity demanded from the government for these services - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For this reason, Turkey has turned to renewable energy sources in order to reduce its dependence, ensure energy supply security and prevent the deterioration of its environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In order to evaluate the renewable energy policies implemented in Turkey, it has been determined that the RESIC variable included in the models has a significant and negative effect on electricity demand in all sectors in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the last contribution, RES has a positive effect on sustainable energy supply security in the context of electricity generation (.032%) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, they might assist the energy security issue by facilitating diversification of energy supply - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It also contributes more to reducing the recovery cost of health and environmental degradation due to fossil fuel pollution from the production and consumption process - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Before explaining the security contribution of RES, the connection between energy security and SD must be clear - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the definition of International Energy Agency (2019), energy security is “the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price.” SD is “the idea that human societies must live and meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” according to the definition of The Brundtland Report (1987) of G - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Resource dependence and anti-corruption regulations take the role in these thresholds - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 (2022) search RES’s effect on ecological footprint at the expense of economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results demonstrate that both primary energy supply and REC contribute positively to energy security - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The third contribution is energy security as a fourth dimension for SD and investigating the link between renewable and energy security - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Our contribution as the fourth dimension of SD is energy security (Table 6) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewables can be evaluated inside the energy security dimension by substituting the electricity supply of fossil fuels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, they might contribute to energy security and the economy by sustaining sufficient and permanent energy at a reasonable price (SDG12) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, renewables might give the opportunity of accessible, fair, and equal energy for all (SDG7) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We obtain similar findings for energy security like emissions and human development having positive but restricted rates of contribution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, the total electricity generation from coal sources is accounted in the following ways: 95% in South Africa, 79% in China, 69% in India, 51% in the USA, 38% in South Korea, and 29% in Japan - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Even with the overwhelming evidence supporting coal consumption as an important energy source for many countries, there are scanty studies that have engaged recent and advance econometric techniques in testing the nexus between coal consumption and economic growth (Jinke et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 All the above highlights inform the choice of this study’s variables as well as investigate the relationship between energy (coal) consumption and economic growth in South Africa - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The South African economy has a very rich and dynamic energy mix which is worthy of investigation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Raza and Shah (2019) examined the causal relationship between coal consumption and economic growth by including fiscal deficit, rural-urban population, and unemployment for Pakistan over the period 1981–2017 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Their results posit that there is a short-run and long-run bi-directional causal relationship between coal consumption and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Nasiru (2012) for Nigeria found one-way directional causality flowing from economic growth to coal consumption - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Their findings were conflicting as coastal region revealed a bi-directional causal interaction between, whereas for central region the causal relationship was unidirectional, from economic growth toward coal consumption - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Likewise, an expansionary energy policy will accelerate economic growth and induce more coal consumption - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2008) examined the relationship between economic growth and coal consumption in China and found no causality - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, where there is bi-directional causal relationship flowing from coal consumption toward economic growth and vice versa, coal consumption is capable of stimulating economic growth, and the increase in real income further induces more demand for coal - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This situation therefore allows both coal consumption and economic growth to serve as perfect complement for each other - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This further implies that coal conservative policies are very likely to be injurious to economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As a matter of urgency and deliberately on the South Africa government official’s other local environmental regulation are needed, like the Action Plan for Energy, Climate for the City of Cape Town as well as the adoption of renewable technologies in its energy mix - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, the need for synergy between sustainable and efficient energy consumption and environmental consciousness with key macroeconomic objectives is pivotal for robust and sound policy formulation - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Roads play a pivotal role in the overall economic growth of any country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Roads form an integral part of the transport infrastructure - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Therefore, a key step towards a more sustainable infrastructure is to encourage more sustainable road management activities - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 One of the major novelties of this study is in terms of its approach to assess the renewable energy use-ecological footprint nexus using the renewable electricity generation capacity as an indicator of renewable energy use in the selected Southeast Asian nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, although the ASEAN countries prospered economically, a perpetual trade-off between higher growth and lower environmental quality has taken place; mostly accredited to the economic growth anchored by natural and fossil sources consumption (Rosenzweig et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, alongside such noteworthy economic growth achievements, the environmental quality in most of these nations has worsened - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Source: World Development Indicators (World Bank 2020) The aggravating trends in the EF figures along with the poor renewable energy utilization scenarios across the ASEAN-5 countries motivate this study - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Environmental quality is believed to be influenced by a wide array of macroeconomic variables, including economic growth, energy use, technological innovations, and financial development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) employed the GMM econometric methodology to confirm a direct link between economic growth and the EF for 37 Asian countries between 1991 and 2017 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) concluded that the EKC was not validated for BRICS and Turkey (BRICST), being energy structure and energy intensity the fundamental driving forces of the EF - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this regard, a rise in the renewable electricity generation capacity can be hypothesized to exert favorable environmental outcomes - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) concluded that higher renewable energy consumption levels reduced the EF figures of the 15 highest CO2-emitting countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A 1% increase in the renewable electricity generation capacity of the ASEAN economies is found to reduce the per capita EF by 0.110% and 0.120% in the short- and long-run, respectively, ceteris paribus - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides, although the results do not provide concrete evidence of a non-linear inverted U-shaped relationship between economic growth and EF, the EKC hypothesis can be said to hold in the context of the ASEAN countries since the long-run environmental adversities are relatively less - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This assertion coincides with the findings in the study by Narayan and Narayan (2010), in which the authors found evidence of the long-run adverse environmental impacts of economic growth to be lower than the short-run impacts in the context of 43 developing economies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021) recently claimed that enhancing renewable energy utilization is effective in reducing the EF in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, these findings are in partial disagreement with the findings reported in the study by Nathaniel and Khan (2020) where the authors showed an insignificant effect of renewable energy consumption on the EF figures of the ASEAN countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 First, the governments of the ASEAN-5 countries should integrate the environmental development objectives within their respective economic growth policies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, the governments of the ASEAN-5 countries should invest in the development of their respective energy infrastructure to significantly enhance their renewable electricity generation capacities - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, the indirect impacts of technological innovation on the environmental quality in the ASEAN countries can be explored using interaction terms within the model. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Decision makers and urban planners need to join efforts and think about cities in a smarter way to make the urban environment healthier for both human beings and other species - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Against this background, economic growth within the middle threshold promises a more sustainable environment amid rising national income at all times - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Accordingly, the EKC hypothesis remarks a unique relationship between economic growth and emissions, whereby environmental pollution increases alongside economic growth at the initial stage; then, over time, higher economic growth invokes significant reductions in environmental pollution (Bilgili et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Accordingly, the scale effect considers an early-stage positive relationship, the composition effect suggests a likely U-shaped relationship, while the technique effect indicates an inverse relationship between economic growth and pollution mainly due to improved technologies (Bashir et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Recent investigations have also extended the polarized opinions in terms of the pollution-economic growth nexus and the probable validation of the EKC in many countries and over several periods - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 From the estimates, it is shown that at the middle thresholds of economic growth (GDP2W2), economic growth possesses more environmental quality enhancing effects (0.03%) than the 1% effects recorded at both the upper (GDP2W1) and lower (GDP2W3) thresholds - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Specifically, at the middle threshold (GDP2W2), a 1% change in GDP2 results in an approximately 3% significant decline in the levels of environmental degradation in India during the long run - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The adoption and implementation of more environmentally friendly approaches, such as renewable energy, could provide a more conducive environment in India - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, several extant studies have failed to consider how environmental-control technologies moderate the nexus of economic growth and environmental quality, particularly for India - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the same vein, efforts should be extended to balance urbanization processes given their negative consequences on environmental health - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Seventeen SDGs were formulated and promulgated in 2016 with SDG2 and SDG13 focusing on ending hunger through appropriate agricultural practices and climate change, respectively (Friedman and Gostin 2016) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In each study site, the cultivated land and forested areas were used as the negative and positive controls, respectively; naturally fallowed fields and period of abandonment were identified through collective effort as advised by farmers, local leadership and the Department of Agricultural Technical and Extension Services (AGRITEX) officials in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement from both Zvimba and Hurungwe districts of Zimbabwe - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Soil fertility classification for SOC was done based on criteria outlined by Singh et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, along with groundwater quantity depletion, deterioration of groundwater quality is another major global concern that impacts human health, ecosystem services, and sustainable economic development (Li et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study revealed groundwater quality and contamination, research, and treatment technologies for water quality improvement as the main research themes for the study period - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Groundwater, the primary facilitator for Green Revolution, helped to achieve food security and, in addition, also served for drinking and domestic water supplies and industrial supplies for rural, peri-urban, and urban areas in many of the South Asian countries (Hirji et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A growing scientific base on Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) or Artificial Groundwater Recharge supports its rapidly increasing use as an important water adaptation and management strategy to enhance and secure groundwater systems impacted from climate change and natural disasters and the hydrological variability (Dillon et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Understanding their interactions has also been helpful in formulating effective conjunctive water resource management plans - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The research efforts also resonate in the high research productivity of the top 20 journals like Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, Pollution Research, and Environmental Monitoring, and Assessment publishing in this domain - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Along with this, the current trending research themes such as climate change, artificial recharge, and conjunctive surface and groundwater resources gained attention for sustainable management of the groundwater resources - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Ultimately, through this analysis, we observed that most of the South and Southeast Asia countries are affected by groundwater-related problems driven by economic development and population growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, to increase energy efficiency is the main concern of policymakers, especially in developing nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Along with other challenges, climate change is a massive threat that necessitates extensive community mobilization in the nation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A part from that, the mediating role of green creativity, as well as the moderating role of green mindfulness, can jointly be a source of boosting green production through employees’ energy efficiency in Pakistan and can eventually become the reason behind the achievement of SDGs goals, particularly 9, 12, and 13 together - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, it is necessary to empirically explore the contribution of green creativity as a mediator and green mindfulnessFootnote 6 as a moderator in energy efficiency for suggesting the sound policies that might help the policymakers of Pakistan to boost up energy efficiency and environmental consciousness for the accomplishment of sustainable development in the region - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, the study also contributes to the existing literature by suggesting how the energy efficiency policies may help in the achievement of SDGs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The context of this research will assist the individuals, industrialists and policymakers, and the government in the improvement of their energy efficiency through significant factors like green creativity and green mindfulness - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This section first highlights the theoretical reasons for expecting the linkage between environmental consciousness, green creativity, green mindfulness, and energy efficiency to get the best results for accomplishment of SGDs and then explains, “How environmental consciousness, green creativity and green mindfulness contributes toward energy efficiency” - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, we argue that green mindfulness moderates between green creativity and energy efficiency, and propose the following hypothesis: H4: Hypothesis: Green mindfulness (GMD) moderates between green creativity (GCR) and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 All item loadings are higher than threshold value of 0.7, except for two items from the environmental consciousness scale and one item from the energy efficiency scale - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the present study, there are four latent variables with reflective measurement models (environmental consciousness, green creativity, energy efficiency, and green mindfulness) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the present study, overall, the square roots of the AVEs for the reflective construct’s environmental consciousness (0.750), green creativity (0.814), energy efficiency (0.805), and green mindfulness (0.879) are all higher than the correlations of these constructs with other variables in the path model - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The circuitous impact is the result of the immediate impacts between environmental consciousness and green creativity just as between green creativity and energy efficiency (Saleem et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We hypothesized that green mindfulness positively influences the relationship between green creativity and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 If the green mindfulness becomes greater (i.e., green mindfulness is expanded by one standard deviation point), this will mean that the correlation between green creativity and energy efficiency would grow in proportion to the size of the interaction term, yielding a value of 0.753−0.642 = 0.111 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, green mindfulness buffered the effect such that the relationship between green creativity and energy efficiency is higher among employees of fertilizer companies who are higher in green mindfulness - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The environmental consciousness incidents are major source of the increased green creativity level of employees, which further leads to energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, to increase the level of energy efficiency, it is very important in the context of public sector organizations in Pakistan to explore this phenomenon in more depth that why do people should be more conscious to environment and what would be the benefit of green creativity in the presence of green mindfulness - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study, therefore, urges for the development of the agriculture sector by adopting SDGs proposed by the United Nations for sustainable economic growth and development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, the distorted performance of the agriculture sector is aggravating rural poverty and food insecurity (IPCC 2021) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2019) examined the impact of CO2 emission on agricultural exports of Pakistan from 1975 to 2017 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The openness of trade provides an opportunity for developing countries to trade agricultural products and enhance earnings from the agriculture sector - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The export competitiveness of other agricultural exports in Table 3 reveals that Pakistan has a higher competitive advantage in HS52 (raw cotton), HS13 (Lac; gums, resins, and other vegetable saps and extracts), HS14 (vegetable plaiting materials, vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included), HS22 (beverages, spirits, and vinegar), and HS17 (sugars and sugar confectionery), respectively, whereas the comparative disadvantage is observed in HS15 (animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products, prepared edible fats), HS16 (preparations of meat, of fish or crustaceans, mollusks, or other aquatic invertebrates), HS18 (cocoa and cocoa preparations), HS19 (preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks’ products), HS20 (preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants), HS21 (miscellaneous edible preparations), and HS23 (residues and waste from the food industries, prepared animal fodder) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The trend analysis of agricultural exports in this table also reveals positive, but sluggish growth behavior - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Therefore, the SDGs of the United Nation is urging for sustainable urbanization - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Many countries have freed massive land for agricultural activities as a result of sustainable urbanization - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The estimated results have revealed that the increasing average annual temperature has a negative but insignificant impact on the export competitiveness of selected agricultural exports, whereas urbanization and exchange rate depreciation reveal a significant negative effect of higher intensity, respectively - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Moreover, trade liberalization and regional integration would be effective policy interventions to enhance exports of domestic products - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 We use the Food Insecurity Experience Scale and Household Dietary Diversity Score to assess the overall state of food consumption - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the most rapidly urbanising region in the world, it is also the region with the highest prevalence of severe food insecurity (Fig - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Physical, social and economic access to food therefore make up an important pillar of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Prevalence rates of moderate to severe food insecurity (FImod+sev) according to the FAO Food Insecurity Experience Scale (Data from Table A-1 in FAO, 2016:36) Food security is a key priority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There is therefore an urgency to solve the food access problem in cities if we are to meet the SDGs - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Socioeconomic groups residentially cluster amongst similar people, guided by living expenses, support networks and dynamics of social exclusion (Smets & Salman, 2008) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Because of rapid urbanisation, the cost of food insecurity will increasingly be shifted towards vulnerable socioeconomic groups within cities - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 More specifically, the goal of this study is to obtain a better understanding of the impact of physical, social and economic food accessibility on the food security of urban dwellers by answering the following research questions: What are the patterns of food security and dietary diversity of different socioeconomic groups in Kampala? How do the different dimensions of food accessibility contribute to the vulnerability of socioeconomic groups? Our hypothesis is that, depending on income, new rural–urban migrants experience more difficulties regarding food accessibility than more established urban dwellers, making these newcomers more vulnerable to food insecurity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In order to obtain a better geographical understanding of food insecurity patterns and accessibility characteristics, 525 households were surveyed in the GKMA in 2019 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The FIES scale is therefore suitable to measure food insecurity experience in the Ugandan context - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, the FIES values indicate there is little difference between the food security of these two groups - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Figure 3 displays the economic access to food of the different SECs - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Despite rapid horizontal urban growth, most formal food sources and key access roads are still located in the inner city of Kampala - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Formal food system potential (FFSP) based on the proximity of (super-)markets and motorways or major roads (spatial data OpenStreetMap contributors, 2020; population census data UBOS, 2016a) The FFSP result is constrained by the lack of the informal food sources in the input data, although access roads were given a weight to compensate for this drawback - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__1, __label__16 -> MISMATCH! As FFSP values are highest around the inner city of Kampala, newcomers or low income residents settling at the edges of the GKMA experience poorer physical as well as financial access to food - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In general, we confirm the results of Mackay (2019) who shows that socioeconomic status can strongly shape urban food access strategies and thus, in turn, dietary diversity and food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This study assessed the impact of urbanisation dynamics on food accessibility and, in turn, food insecurity of different socioeconomic groups in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The inclusion of this agenda in the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations has shown that worsened environmental degradation is currently a major threat facing humankind - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This was then followed by the adoption of Paris Agreement in 2015 that also aims to reduce CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To date, these international efforts have failed in reducing environmental degradation in an effective manner - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Two main reasons can be put forth to explain the positive linkage between education and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Various approaches have been used by past researchers in explaining the impact of income disparities on environmental deterioration - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Looking at the literature, various studies have been done in analyzing the linkage between income inequality and pollution - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Some other researchers have obtained insignificant linkage between income inequality and pollution in their studies (e.g., Bhattacharya 2020; Ota 2017; Masud et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 (2021) find that educational attainment affects environmental degradation negatively in China - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2021) discover that education is a main factor causing environmental degradation in remittance recipient countries - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This allows comparisons of income inequality across a large number of nations - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 II represents income inequality and EA denotes educational attainment - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 We acquire the income inequality data from Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Based on the value of coefficient, as income inequality rises by 1%, air pollution decreases by 1.968% - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The result implies that economic development initially increases environmental pollution - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 A possible explanation for the outcome is that education could help to increase people’s environmental concern, and thus leading to the adoption of clean energy sources that reduces CO2 emissions (Balaguer and Cantavella 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 SDG 4 emphasizes on increasing access to education by all individuals around the world - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The study will not only provide new insights on factors affecting environmental degradation, but also suggest possible solutions for the problem - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Thus, to achieve a win–win situation between equal income distribution and favorable environmental quality, all countries in the world have to ensure that higher demand for goods and services resulting from narrowing of income gap does not translate into worsened environmental pollution - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This can be realized, for example, by adopting renewable energy sources in meeting higher energy demand - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is also suggested that the supply of clean energy solutions should be increased particularly in the poorer regions of all countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article examines for the first time the impact of disaggregated energy sources and institutional quality on the ecological footprint (EF) of 29 OECD countries, by explaining how the diversification in countries’ energy mix and their institutional performance are associated with sustainable environmental performance - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Efficient and clean energy use contributes to efficient and environmentally friendly exploitation of resources and effective environmental management (Nathaniel et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Fossil energy is considered the main culprit of anthropogenic emissions and the acceleration of clean energy policies is vital for the innovation of the energy system (Edenhofer et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Political instability can have a negative influence on the rule of law as a result of inefficient governmental performance (Abid 2016) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They found that institutional and governance improvements reduce the levels of deforestation in Latin America and Africa but increase them in Asia - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Abid (2017) argued that the level of environmental quality is vitally connected with the nature of economic growth, and institutions play a key role in this process - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) established that political institutions promote the environmental sustainability of 53 developed and 57 developing countries, while energy consumption increases their EF - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) established a positive relationship between institutional quality, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions in Pakistan applying an ARDL model - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These outcomes validate the Pedroni tests which evidence a long-run relationship that interrelates RE and non-RE consumption, economic growth, and institutional quality with the steady-state of OECD countries’ ecological footprint - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Most of these countries are subjected to the world’s highest economic growth rates, a fact that makes their need for new energy source exploitation imperative - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The Initiative received its name due to the global importance of soils for climate change, which can be illustrated by a thought experiment showing that an annual growth rate of only 0.4% of the standing global SOC stocks would have the potential to counterbalance the current increase in atmospheric CO2 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In 2015, the French government launched the “4 per 1000” (4p1000) Initiative at the 21st Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as part of the Lima-Paris Action Plan - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These include (1) biophysical limits (demands in terms of water, nutrients and energy), and other barriers such as (2) the trade-off effects, (3) climate change effects and (4) the socio-economic implications for the agricultural sector, including cultural issues and governance (van Groeningen et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 agriculture), SOC losses generally occur through increased microbial decomposition rates and through soil erosion (Sanderman et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 We acknowledge these limitations, but suggest that there are many possibilities for improving nutrient and organic residue management at farm, region and national scales, which could be exploited to maintain and if possible increase SOC stocks and improve soil quality - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Smallholder farmers in developing countries may be less interested in change because they are more vulnerable to impacts on food security and community well-being (Lal 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Further, education, identification and coordination of policies as well as provision of financial support to help farmers, who use sustainable SOC improving practices is required (Rumpel et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The Initiative has potential as an international multi-disciplinary platform combining a recommended research programme with a multi-stakeholder action plan to link scientific research and action - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 2019) and the National Confederation of Industry (CNI 2013, 2020), the Bioeconomy is linked to the invention and use of biological products and processes in the fields of human health, agricultural productivity, and biotechnology - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 An example of this refers precisely to the LCA interface with Bioeconomy, emphasizing the choice of more sustainable production systems in terms of the selection of bioprocesses (e.g., refineries), bioproducts, biomaterials, biomass, and bioenergy - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Besides labeling guidelines, green public procurement is another interesting policy mentioned in the document (European Commission 2018b) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Considering the reality of emerging economies such as Brazil, the policy of green public procurement may face greater challenges than in developed countries, for reasons such as the lack of a sufficient number of suppliers meeting this requirement to participate in public tenders and the lack of popularity of this measure if taken before knowledge dissemination about its relevance - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In recent years’ industrial economies, commitment to environmental protection aims to lower ecological footprint - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Our second objective is to statistically evaluate OECD sustainable development goals from the spectrum of carbon intensity, energy intensity, and export diversification (Ma et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Third, we include trade openness, financial development, and urbanization as supplementary variables to evaluate energy efficiency targets in OECD countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To stimulate economic growth, globalization opened up a market through the extension of commerce, construction activities, and technical inflows (Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results greatly backed Krugman’s theory (1991) and provided a stronger solution to foreign trade and were a driver for economic development, respectively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The increased energy usage is the foundation for environmental problems with climate change that damages the health of human beings and livelihood opportunities (Mavi and Mavi 2019) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Mania and Rieber (2019) argued that developed countries have reconcentration exports strategy on further sophisticated products of the existing basket led them to have a beneficial impact on the sustainable growth rate (long run) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To examine the relationship of carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions alongside the export diversification, financial development, economic growth, urbanization, and trade openness, this research used panel data for 29 OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) countries for 28 years of time span (1990–2018) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Additionally, we have checked robustness by including economic variables, i.e., economic growth, trade openness, and urbanization in the above equations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The examined outcomes of the Levin-Lin-Chu (2002) for unit root test showed that carbon dioxide emission, trade openness, financial development, Bureaucratic quality, Democratic accountability, and government stability are perfectly stationary at I(0) and I(1), while the remaining variables, i.e., intensive, extensive, diversification, economic growth, and urbanization are perfectly stationary at I(I) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019), which demonstrates that trade openness helps reduce environmental degradation in Pakistan - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2020), which explored the positive influence of export diversification on environmental degradation in 35 developing economies while negatively affect panel of 95 developed countries - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2019), which revealed that trade openness causes environmental degradation in Pakistan - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For the first, the following information was given: The number of inhabitants The number of inhabitants with access to the public sanitation network The generated wastewater (L/s) Installed capacity for wastewater treatment To calculate the generation of wastewater per municipality, the first is multiplied by the second and by 0.75 (which represents the portion of wastewater that makes it to drainage) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 With respect to their municipal extension, the states that present more extreme weather events are the state of Chihuahua (104,996.26 km2), Durango (87,672.19 km2) and Baja California Sur (73,277 km2) (Fig. 3) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is known that these areas of the country present problems of access to drinking water (HWDWS), sewerage (HWD) and electricity (HWE), along with low educational level (AEL) and poor health care coverage (PWHC) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! In addition to the commonly recognized extreme situation of hunger at its most severe levels, food insecurity may be related to different forms of deprivation including material poverty, malnutrition (presenting as obesity and undernourishment), and socio-cultural losses (Farrell et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2017;Hendriks 2015) such as the loss of indigenous crop varieties and traditional ecological knowledge.Across the world, the consequences of food insecurity present a growing challenge and have been on the increase since 2015 (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, WHO 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Well-developed food insecurity measures that allow global comparability are a critical component in mobilising existing knowledge and information exchange (Pérez-Escamilla et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In part, this challenge to developing common measures and models is explained by the complexity of the concept of food security, which involves dimensions and their connections to multiple social, biological, nutritional, and economic factors - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These food security dimensions are dependent on stability of the food system, highlighting the need for sustainability as a critical component of food security (Hendriks 2015) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Findings revealed a theoretical construct of food insecurity that involved a “managed process” as respondents faced reduced access to food (Ballard et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As food insecurity becomes more severe, food insecure respondents reported that they ate smaller meal portions, skipped meals, and eventually went without food for an entire day or longer - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 We now understand that this pathway leads to undernourishment (Hendriks 2015; FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, and WHO 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 More recent work has developed further understandings of several pathways that connect inadequate food access to multiple forms of malnutrition (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, and WHO 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 At that time, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) created the FIES as an internationally validated global tool for measuring food insecurity (Brunelli and Viviani 2014; Cafiero et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) and Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale, which is known by its Spanish acronym as ELCSA (Ballard et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In their article, De Sousa and colleagues (2019) identify growing trends of food insecurity among 18 Latin American countries from 2014 to 2017 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In contrast, Omidvar and colleagues (2019) report in their article that insufficient state-level regulations and welfare support in relation to shelter affordability to be highly associated with food insecurity among individuals living in rich and politically stable countries within their study region - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The research findings suggest that kinship and social support can play an important role in maintaining food security, especially among those who are marginalized in society - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As a result of multinational research initiatives and based on the successful application of these EBFSSs, mainly in developing countries but also in the United States and Canada, FAO developed the Food Insecurity Experience Scale as the leading indicator for the Voices of the Hungry project - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This special section on articles examining food insecurity used the FIES to provide robust empirical support for correlates of food insecurity and its relationship with different factors in a wide variety of contexts and settings worldwide - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In conclusion, the aim of this special section was to advance our understanding of food security, first by showcasing the methodological advances provided by the FIES that incorporate direct experiences of the food insecure, and to conduct unprecedented global and regional level studies focused on the understudied access dimension of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The New Urban Agenda (NUA) was endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly on 23 December 2016 - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 2016), infrastructure, Zeleza-Manda (2009); Luqman and Van Belle (2017) economic and social well-being and public health (APHRC 2014) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 While soil erosion and sediment dynamics have provided a wealth of information and greatly enhanced our understanding of the role of humanity in modifying the planet, suggestions are given for further research - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The program has 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) of which SDG6 addresses water and sanitation - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In turn, the examples illustrate how sediment dynamics and composition may influence how the United Nations Member States meet SDG6 targets in terms of aquatic ecosystems (Section 3.2.1), water quality (Section 3.2.2), and freshwater supplies (Section 3.2.3) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In the 1950s and 1960s, specific accidents, events, and developments brought attention to other sediment-associated contaminants such as: (i) (methyl)mercury (e.g., Minamata, Japan); (ii) persistent organic pollutants, such as PCBs, PAHs, DDT, organo-pesticides and herbicides; (iii) phosphorus, due to increased application of fertilizers; (iv) fallout radionuclides, due to above-ground atom-bomb tests (e.g., 137Cs); (v) personal care products (see Section 2.1.2); and (vi) other emerging contaminants such as pathogens (e.g., Carson 1962; Schindler 1977; Correll 1998; Smil 2000; Rahman et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Schematic representation of sources, pathways, and sinks of microplastics in a drainage basin with an emphasis on processes in the river channel; WWTPs, wastewater treatment plants Dams and associated reservoirs represent one of the greatest disturbances to the functioning of river systems by fragmenting drainage basins, reducing connectivity, and modifying water flows (Walling 2006; Vörösmarty et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Despite the widespread recognition of the problems that dams and reservoirs create in drainage basins and coastal zones, and specifically on water supply issues due to sedimentation, it is possible to limit these issues through a combination of watershed management and reservoir engineering (Kondolf et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Classification of strategies for managing reservoir sedimentation (from Morris 2020; reproduced with the permission of MDPI) Sediment transport and sedimentation in river channels also have impacts on water security by influencing the provision of reliable freshwater supplies and affecting water quality through elevated turbidity and contaminants - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For example, reductions in excessive soil erosion and sediment delivery to watercourses are good indicators of improvements in soil and water functions and probably overall ecosystem health - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This is particularly important because often, human behavior is not rational given our known understanding of environmental degradation, and humanity has often been slow to respond to known global environmental problems (e.g., Carson 1962; Hansen et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Food security is a global concern affecting even highly developed countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Maize production in Northern Europe is projected to experience mean yield decreases of between 1 and 14% (RCP8.5) (Wiréhn 2018; Hristov et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Therefore, presumed ‘secure’ food systems within developed countries need to re-think the effects of climate change (Tendall et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Specific objectives of this study were to (i) provide context for Sweden’s current position as a net food importer, both globally and within the European Union (EU); (ii) identify Sweden’s main trade sources and their import contribution to the 10 most relevant food categories and associated sub-categories; (iii) assess the climate vulnerabilities associated with Sweden’s trading partners; and (iv) discuss the impact of these partnerships on Sweden’s food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In 2018, 2.7 million of the 3 million ha of arable land available in Sweden were cultivated, so the scope for expansion is limited (Jordbruksverket 2017; OECD 2020) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In 2018, Swedish food imports were 6.6 billion USD and food exports represented 3.9 billion USD (WITS 2020) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 To comply with the conventional understanding of low and high exposure, the exposure values needed to be inverted so that a low value equated to low exposure of the food system to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The weighting gives preference to I and L since their values, and the final score, undergo change not only due to absolute impacts of extreme weather events (direct impacts) but also to population and economic changes (indirect impacts) (Eckstein et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Seafood imports almost doubled, from 22% in 2000 to 41% in 2018, whilst vegetables/fruit imports decreased from 32% in 2000 to 21% of total food imports in 2018 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Grain imports accounted for 7% of total food imports in 2018 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Europe/Central Asia has been Sweden’s main partner in the past two decades, providing 87–91% of annual food imports - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Regional food imports to Sweden in 2018 by value, as a percentage of total imports (based on Statistics Sweden 2019) The global distribution of Sweden’s top trade partners for each of the highest import value food sub-categories is shown in Fig. 4 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Local crops cultivated in specific climate conditions are particularly affected by climate change (Hoegh-Guldberg et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 More detailed knowledge of food system vulnerabilities to climate change is required to develop policies and measures which can help achieve the SDG2 targets - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, due to high investments, this practice is difficult to adopt for marginal and small-scale farmers - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For example, soil salinization and degradation of land caused by the expansion of aquaculture will hinder the achievement of SDG 15.3 and 15.1, which aim to end desertification, restore degraded land, conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, respectively - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These obstacles reflected the reality and complexity of urban sustainability processes and highlighted the need to redesign current decision-making - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In this “urban century”, planetary realities and increased environmental and social awareness have led to significant international agreements such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN Habitat New Urban Agenda, and the Paris Climate Agreement [5] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! We look at how the concept, principles, and practices of urban productivity can help address urban sustainability planning, implementation, and assessment (as major steps in the policy process) and thus advance theory and practice of SCD - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The final section discusses implications of the research findings and offers corresponding recommendations for integrated and effective urban sustainability through application of the urban productivity principles and practices - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Guided by stronger sustainability approaches and global movements for equity, socio-ecological considerations are increasingly included in local decision-making through community-led action, social economy, community economic development, and participatory processes [18, 19] - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Urban sustainability requires integrated decision-making to support a transformation from the currently dominant individualistic approach of impact reduction to the systemic logic of urban systems restoration and inclusive co-production [14] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Initiatives such as restorative justice programs, reclaimed and regenerated spaces, free community-run libraries, innovation districts with green space and transit hubs, social innovation and sharing economy, and inclusive training for young entrepreneurs, can be found worldwide, from Vancouver, Canada, and Kigali, Rwanda, to Copenhagen, Denmark, and Medellín, Colombia [32] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The holistic urban productivity framework [32] The niche of this holistic framework lies at the intersection of its four principles: Systemic and long-term thinking (strategic, synergistic, integrating social productivity approaches, and future-oriented through backcasting i.e., following sustainability paths toward pre-determined long-term goals); Equity and justice (solidarity, food security, sharing, equitable resilience, social connection, equitable opportunities, and well-being); Urban co-production and governance (inclusive and value-driven decision-making, citizens co-produce and co-manage the urban commons as important change agents); (Re)generation (living systems perspective, circular flows of tangible and intangible urban assets, adaptive processes, living within the Earth’s carrying capacity) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Contextual research revealed three types of shared challenges: social (housing stock inadequacy and unaffordability and homelessness), infrastructural (wastewater management and transportation infrastructure), and economic (shortage of work opportunities and of local economic activity) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 While many viewed their city as advanced or leading in environmental preservation and heritage protection, they believed that economic and infrastructure issues still kept the community far from their acceptable level of resilience or sustainability - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__14, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! They linked the physical capital to their city’s effort to maintain infrastructure and achieve energy efficiency goals, and the natural capital to their city’s positive record of protecting surrounding nature - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The example of waste management came up several times in the interviews: if citizens want weekly garbage pick-up and are willing to pay more, the city must deliver accordingly – even if this means increased volumes of garbage and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Participant perceptions reflect the reality and complexity of urban sustainability decision-making processes in Canada and elsewhere, as described in the literature [21, 59, 67] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Cities can achieve sustainable urbanization by promoting the right to the city and the design of nature-based urban environment without compromising collective and individual health and well-being [14, 80] - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Especially in recent years, many studies have been carried out on the health effects of air pollution in Turkey - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It would be beneficial to conduct studies towards adopting sustainable production and consumption principles with the aim of reducing industrial air pollution - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Qualitative data comprising 12 countries south of the Sahara reveal that lockdowns have created anxiety over food security as a health, economic and human rights/well-being issue - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Disruptions in food supply chains cause limited availability and access to food (Reardon et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These prescriptions restricted mobility, livelihoods, gender equality and family support networks, leading to socioeconomic consequences, including major loss of income (Ragasa and Lambrecht 2020) and disruption of agriculture activities such as farming, access to farm inputs and markets (Arndt et al - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The intersections of gender and age with food insecurity have gained even less attention, at this early stage in the investigations (Ragasa and Lambrecht 2020; Zeinali et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Policy tracking studies by IFPRI on agriculture- and food security-specific responses to COVID-19 progress reveal little focus on women or gender balance (Ragasa and Lambrecht 2020) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Thus, this paper evaluates the local spread and economic impact of COVID-19, and the implications of lockdown measures on food security in selected sub-Saharan Africa countries, using observational cases and quantitative digital online data sources - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It contributes to the ongoing debate about the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 with focus on food security in Africa by providing quantitative estimates of the local spread and the economic impact of COVID-19 on food worries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Questions around stability extend to economic/financial stability in food prices, the ability to store food and continued access to food even during times of crises such as the current pandemic (Coates et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 We take the practical feminist approach to ensuring the recognition of women’s central role in food security, advocating feminist economic theory (FET) as a lens through which food worries are scrutinized - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Hence as governments work on food security, distributional measures need to be socially just in valuing unpaid contributions from women - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Consequently, women are likely to be the most anxious—psychologically affected and concerned—physiologically about food security resulting from COVID-19 impacts - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2020), and which are also at risk of food insecurity - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The conceptual framework in Fig. 1 proposes a feminist economic approach to household food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Impact pathways of COVID-19 on Household’s Food and Nutrition Security Our study relies on both qualitative and quantitative analysis - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Where FET would laud the survey research for extracting data from the individual as a unit of analysis as opposed to the household as an economic unit for understanding food security worries, FET would still ask the extent to which binding social relations were measured (cf - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 report the results of our four-dimensional analysis of the effect of concern about COVID-19 on food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Several recent studies have found that mobility restrictions and social distancing measures due to COVID-19 have further triggered consumers’ worries about food insecurity, reflected in hoarding behaviours, panic-buying and stockpiling of groceries and rapid changes in food consumption habits and diets (Coopi 2020; FEWSNET 2020; Sukhwani et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 FET is interested in understanding the interaction between paid economies and unpaid work especially as unpaid/informal work is embedded in measuring the market economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Coupled with the closure of open-air markets and a ban on street vendors in most countries during this period, this disrupted food access and reduced diet quantity and quality (Devereux et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 We have identified and classified policy actions into three subthemes and related them with the four FAO pillars of food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In Tanzania where the measures focused more on the economy, women in the informal sector, mama ntilies (informal food vendors operating at construction sites and office premises), did not receive much support, hence negatively affecting food security at household level (United Republic of Tanzania 2020) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The governments of the countries assessed here have proactively acted to contain the spread of COVID-19 and started initiating the economic recovery processes of the respective countries though one still observes increasing cases of COVID-19 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Given that the right to food is a fundamental human right, it is also important that governments in Africa and elsewhere begin their policy design processes with an understanding that whatever they do should not undermine food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene services is the most effective and fundamental prerequisite to reduce many infectious diseases [1] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The WHO recommendations for drinking water quality served as a model for the sampling techniques [25] - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Further, the American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation (1998) Standard techniques for evaluating water and wastewater were followed to evaluate the nitrate concentration using an ultraviolet spectrophotometer [30] - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Accordingly, a significant association between six explanatory factors (sex of school directors, having hygiene and environmental club, having a budget line specifically for WASH, community involvement in planning, monitoring, and maintaining WASH services, having at least one weekly lesson about WASH, and ownership of the schools) and the basic hygiene service was observed - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Poverty, a lack of political will, and a small budget for WASH services could be the leading causes - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 With enhanced focus on global sanitation, access to toilets at the household level is increasing in developing countries although the provision of sewer networks is not expanding at the same pace - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The safe sanitation in Lahore (8%) and Islamabad (25%) is coming from on-site sanitation systems with fecal sludge buried safely onsite - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The rapid decrease in open defecation and provision of basic sanitation was achieved through a massive increase in on-site sanitation (OSS) technologies especially in low and middle-income countries (Water 2021) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 According to the World Bank, 165 million children globally under the age of five are trapped in poverty and living under substandard sanitary conditions - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) Lahore is responsible for services provided related to water and sanitation - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These tools are easy to use and at present widely adopted by the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) to compare management in cities across developing countries (Baltazar et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Out of the remaining 40%, 3% use OSS technologies (mix of pits and septic tanks), 1% population practices open defecation and the rest is connected with open drains - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Lahore is the country`s second-largest city but without any wastewater treatment plant - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water resource management is a global critical issue, but assumes particular relevance in small islands, as usually water resources are limited and demand is often high, thus planning is essential for water appropriation, as well as for resource conservation and protection [17] - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Peatlands can be the key to limiting climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 With the increasing trends of global waste generation and environmental pollution, there are many conversations internationally around how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can become more resource efficient and reduce waste - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Within this realm, conventional ‘lean thinking’ has expanded into ‘lean and green thinking’ as a targeted intervention for SMEs to reduce waste and pollution, comprising an integrated approach that focusses on resource optimisation and promotes strategies to ‘do more with less’ - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Within this realm, conventional ‘lean thinking’ has expanded into ‘lean and green thinking’ as a targeted intervention for SMEs to reduce waste and pollution, comprising an integrated approach that focusses on resource optimisation and promotes strategies to ‘do more with less’ [4] - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Water quality in rice fields is also affected by floods due to contamination with land-based pollutants that undermine fish growth and production - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It can also be improved through integrated soil and water management (Falkenmark and Rockström 2006) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water scarcity in food production arises not only from shortage of blue water, but also from lack of green water (Falkenmark 2013) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Catching water runoff and storing in small reservoirs are effective blue water management strategies (Hoff et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In Africa and Asia, rainwater harvesting is an ancient idea for water management (Oweis and Hachum 2006; Liu et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 2009), which is gaining significance for enhancing green water efficiency (AFED 2010) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Rice-fish coculture maintains environmental sustainability for enhancing crop and water productivity, which may increase food security, economic profitability, and social acceptability Integrated rice–fish cultivation has the potential to increase net food (rice and fish) production, while simultaneously reducing water footprint, compared to traditionally practiced rice monoculture - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Key stakeholders including farming communities, government and non-governmental organizations, international agencies, policymakers, and researchers need to collaborate to support blue–green water management for the wider adoption of rice–fish coculture - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Several studies have focused on food waste measurement, trying to quantify and qualify food waste along the whole food supply chain, from cradle to grave - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Then, only food waste occurring at final consumption at home is taken into account, not considering the losses from the agricultural to retail stages - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Among the five main methodologies listed in the Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597 of 3 May 2019 (OJEU 2019), food diaries (sometimes called “kitchen diaries”) refer to individuals or groups of individuals (e.g., families, cohabitants) asked to measure and self-report food waste occurring in their daily lives (FUSIONS 2014), including the quality and quantity of discarded food, the waste generation step (e.g., preparation, leftovers), the main reasons for discarding it and its disposal route (e.g., kitchen bin, home compost) (Quested et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Furthermore, to calculate food waste–associated nutritional losses (MJ), the authors have considered average nutritional values in accordance with FAO’s (2020c) nutritive factors and Beretta et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Sankey diagram for food consumption and food waste (kg) during Covid-19 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Previous studies on the main drivers of food waste (Aschemann-Witzel et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Table 5 records the main reasons for food waste generation extrapolated by the sample and proposes possible strategies toward its reduction according to the referenced literature - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Lastly, as already stated in terms of self-reporting risk, people who participate in the experiment are usually not representative of the whole population, since it is expected that some participants are more interested in food waste issues than others, and adjustments in such direction are extremely difficult and aleatory - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 One of the main hypotheses from the presented explorative research, and in line with the few studies conducted on food waste in Italy in times of economic crisis (Fanelli and Di Florio 2016), is that food consumption and food waste behaviors have been more virtuous, showing that the Covid-19 pandemic has enhanced people’s attitude toward food waste reduction and more sustainable consumption models (Galanakis 2020; Jribi et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The authors are convinced that food diaries, even with some limitations related to difficult recruitment, risks of self-selection and high dropout rates, could contribute to increased qualitative and quantitative knowledge on food waste issues (e.g., mass value, financial costs and nutritional values), especially considering the lack of information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic behavior - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In addition, the authors believe it is essential to investigate further the role of smart food delivery and time management toward food waste reduction - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This is visible and embedded in the goals of many international efforts, from the on-going proposals for the new sustainable development goals (SDG; e.g., to improve food security and decrease local vulnerability to environmental change) to the Aichi targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD 2013a) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, Fortmann and Ballard (2011) argue that that overly narrow understanding of what constitute valid scientific practice have led to the detrimental exclusion of knowledge produced by local scientific practices from official forest management and forest policy in the US - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 A multi-scalar approach contributes to understanding the complex and diverse local and sub-regional effects of national and global drivers of change, from climate change to market fluctuations, as well as local responses to change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The planetary boundary definition of a safe operating space for a stable and resilient Earth system provides an operational framework for defining what constitutes sustainable agriculture - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2014), and its role in addressing global food security (van Noordwijk and Brussaard 2014) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Adopt circular approaches to managing natural resources (e.g., nutrient recycling) and mixing organic and inorganic sources of nutrients - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 An ICRISAT-led activity is promoting integrated watershed management in the Yewol watershed in the Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Adopting a livelihood-centered paradigm for sustainable intensification within planetary boundaries is a major challenge for research and development that will require new approaches to how research for development is formulated, managed, and executed - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 A promising development is the emphasis in the strategic plan of the CGIAR until 2030 (CGIAR 2015), which places reduced poverty, improved food and nutrition security for health, and improved natural resources and ecosystem services, as its three highest level system outcomes - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 CSA presents a wide range of practices and technologies including; weather-smart (weather forecasts, climate-informed agro-advisories, weather insurance and climate analogues for planning), water-smart (aquifer recharge, rainwater harvesting, community management of water, laser-land levelling, micro-irrigation, raised-bed planting, solar pumps), carbon/nutrient-smart practices (agroforestry, minimum tillage, organic materials input, integrated nutrient management, biofuels, and limited/no synthetic chemicals use), and institutional/market smart activities (learning platforms or farmer to farmer learning and capacity development, financial services, market information, gender-equitable approaches, and off-farm risk management strategies) (Aggarwal et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For instance, the adoption of CSA practices including organic materials input and agroforestry increased soil organic carbon (SOC) by 42‒196% at the depth of 0–15 cm in agricultural soils in Eastern Africa (Tanzania, Kanye & Uganda) (Ambaw et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Farmer eligibility is decided by vulnerability mapping, countries’ consistency in seeking support for climate change adaptation and mitigation, media alerts and calls from the scientific community about a specific area and needs (Representative, CCAFS) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The rapid development of industrialization and urbanization has brought considerable quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Especially, MSW management is the key goal target of SDG11, and waste reduction and recycling were also pointed out in SDG12 (Brunner and Rechberger 2015) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Thus, recyclable waste sorting has become a key step for promoting the development of the circular economy with the gradual realization of carbon neutrality around the world - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, these methods are needed to extract hand-designed features, which show poor discrimination ability and weak generalization for high-level features (Zhang et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Based on these findings, market-based environmental regulations should be introduced, which would encourage economic development as well as technology innovation. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 35 and 46 state the right to health, social security, and work - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Resilient governance facilitates tackling vulnerability in natural resources systems, their adaptation and the regulation of transition processes (Gatto and Busato 2020) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In particular, the current climate change prospects require urgent policy questions to be addressed where polycentric, resilient approaches for the commons governance pose multiple doubts on the old-fashion tragedy of the commons (Paavola 2011; Patt 2017) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 descriptive analysis of 416 documents was performed using bibliometric techniques, in order to gather existing knowledge in circular economy focusing on waste management (2007–2020) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The latter enacted a specific law on circular economy in 2008, while the European Union approved its Action Plan for its exercise in 2015, which proposed a monitoring framework to evaluate the progress toward it (Moraga et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 According to the sixth edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6), population pressure and economic development are the main drivers of environmental change, followed by a rapid urbanization and an accelerated technological innovation, which are intimately related to global differentiated models of consumption and production patterns (UN 2019) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Solid waste–related emissions are also anticipated to increase to 2.38 billion tons of CO2 equivalent per year by 2050 if no improvements is made in this sector (Sharma et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 2020) and contributed to SDG 13 “Climate Action,” production and consumption dynamics require a shift toward adaptation and resilience in a post-COVID-19 era approaching CE - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Source: Own elaboration based on Scopus database Evolution of published articles on circular economy and waste over the period 2007–2020 - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Despite that, both analyses put in the first positions the leading journals in CE, Journal of Cleaner Production (Netherlands); Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Netherlands); and Sustainability (Switzerland), which revolve around the disciplines of business, management, accounting, economics, energy, sustainability, environmental sciences, politics, and law - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The paper “Strategies on implementation of waste-to-energy (WTE) supply chain for circular economy system: a review” by Pan et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This document illustrates a portfolio of options for waste-to-energy technologies, such as combustion, gasification, and anaerobic digestion, for the purpose of achieving CE systems - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2019), in their analysis of indicators to evaluate CE performance, it was found that most CE indicators from literature are focused on the preservation of materials, primarily on recycling, which is another of the most frequently found concepts - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The focus over the last years has been toward an integral insight, in which an evolution in the research of municipal solid waste and sustainable development toward a waste treatment policy have been noticed - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The analysis reveals five dominant circular economy and waste research themes: (1) greenhouse gases; (2) circular economy, waste management, and recycling; (3) life cycle; (4) waste treatment; and (5) anaerobic digestion and recovery - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Visualization of the main identified research themes of waste management and circular economy research in the literature - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 One of the research themes is circular economy mainly focused on waste management and recycling, followed by sustainable development as the terms with higher occurrences - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2021) research focused in Sri Lanka, highlighting three key recommendations to transit to a circular economy: source segregation of plastic wastes, landfill mining to recover nonrecyclable plastics for energy production, and integration of formal and informal sectors - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This holistic approach to the management of plastic waste involves improving the mechanical recycling facilities, cofueling in cement plants, municipal incineration, and sanitary landfilling methods - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Circular economy is a possible solution to the increasing amounts of CDW and will contribute as a solution to avoid its dumping in sanitary landfills that will no longer be feasible in the years to come - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The results obtained showed that electricity generation and biofuel produced from biogas have shown representativeness and are sustainable opportunities to advance the theme - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, this study can contribute to encouraging the agricultural sector in implementing or increasing the use of circular economy practices - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The COVID-19 pandemic can serve as a constructive change driver for sustainability and future resilience, but also as a challenge for adopting CE strategies in the face of a scenario with accelerated municipal and hazardous waste generation rates (Wuyts et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The results show that green bonds are a suitable method to promote green energy projects and reduce CO2 emissions significantly - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Amir and Khan (2021) argued that the economic recession and stagnation caused by the pandemic worldwide (with a 5.2% contraction in global GDP in 2020 (Khanna 2020)) had reduced global capital, leading to a lack of investment in green energy projects - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2015) stated that energy efficiency is a central issue in combating environmental pollution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to the data obtained from the World Bank database and the British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy 2020, Green Leaders experienced an average economic growth of 2.12% during 2000–2019 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Their overall renewable energy consumption in the total energy basket contributed approximately 22% over 2000–2019 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The issues of green finance and energy efficiency have drawn the attention of a few scholars - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) studied the role of green bonds’ risk on investors’ trust and found that risk management in the green bond market can make this financing tool efficient and effective for green energy project development - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The main reason for the positive impact of these two variables is the more significant energy consumption, which accelerates CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Green bond issuance as a proxy for green finance favors green energy deployment and reduces CO2 emissions per capita - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Additionally, in the short-term: The Granger causality test shows that increased population, GDP per capita, and energy intensity can lead to higher CO2 emissions per capita - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Additionally, increasing the volume of issued green bonds as suitable green finance seems to be another key element in restoring economic growth in the short and long terms - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, prioritizing green energy projects based on financial indicators and CO2 emissions would be a fruitful policy in these countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Further observations have been done within the context of the application of systems theory and inter- and transdisciplinarity in organic farming research, where we identified discrepancies between what the science community claims and what is reality in scientific practice (Freyer 2016a, b) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The whole area of organic farming systems research has been also criticized to use the word “systemic” often quite freely without applying concrete systems approach (Bawden 1995, 2012; Fiala and Freyer 2016) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Although the collaboration between practitioners and researchers is not an issue that is specific to OAFR, organic farming has a strong history in farmer-driven research (Fiala and Freyer 2016) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2017).Footnote 6 On the other hand, there are also excellent examples, e.g., the German “Demonstrationsbetriebe,” showing how to communicate organic farming practices with the public,Footnote 7 or the “Leitbetriebsnetzwerk” guided by the University of Bonn, which demonstrates how to establish a researcher–farmer collaboration on farm research approach (Berg et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A research platform on organic farming methodologies and (systems) theories, e.g., supported via a European COST action or the establishment of a platform like FQS (, might offer a format to deepen the debate on (innovative) OAFS-specific methods and their potential to innovate the organic farming system - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Environmental biotechnology, Green Chemical Engineering, more bio-based materials to separate pollutants, and product engineering of advanced materials and environmental economies are discussed here to pave the way toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN and achieve the much-needed IR 4.0 for a greener-balanced environment and a sustainable future.Graphical In today’s world of climate change and amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a realization has dawned upon the world to protect the planet and people’s health - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The wide range of GMO applications gives people significant advantages; however, many individuals likewise stress over expected risks - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! As indicated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), biopesticides can be categorized under three principle classifications: firstly, plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs) or plant substances delivered by genetically engineered plants; secondly, microbial organisms and entomopathogenic nematodes the active ingredient; and third, pheromones (Morán-Diez and Glare 2016) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, scientists are now looking for an appropriate anode material and find hard carbon (HC) to be a promising material since it has an excellent sodium-storage capacity, good recycling stability, and is a naturally available material (Wang et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Biochar is used in plants to help fix the CO2 from the atmosphere in a stable form and prevent climate change conditions (Ok et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The scope and the profound impact of the changes imposed on production, management, and effective governance all contribute to Industry 4.0 as a new revolution and the speed with which technical-scientific breakthroughs are made and spread (Dogaru 2020) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Renewable energy is created primarily from virtually endless sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, biomass, and other renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Industry 4.0 ushers in a new era of supply chain transformation through digitalization and smart technologies - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 There was also a sharp reduction in water pollution, the surface, coastal, and groundwater quality significantly improved - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Governments worldwide have planned to develop a stimulus for maintaining a good balance between economic recovery and climate issues - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Generally, three policies would address climate change as an externality—command and control regulation, carbon taxes, and cap and trade (Mintz‐Woo 2022) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In the USA, most of the earlier policies dealt with the cap-and-trade policies and carbon taxes, which considered GHG emissions an externality leading to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 GT has become a significant factor in economic growth with sustainability - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It considers three pillars: technology, entrepreneurship, and ecological environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The points above have given us detailed information on the steps taken by the governments, industries, businesses, and individuals to save the environment since everybody has felt climate change and experienced it - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The world’s governments can use the Green New Deal goals and strategies to create an eco-friendly transition using bio-based materials, hydroponics, and sustainable forest management - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Mirroring the SD in Action Registry, a homepage for Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA) was launched in end 2014 at the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC with over 1000 entries of “Cooperative and Individual Actions on Climate Change in Partnership with Countries” (UNFCCC 2015) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Policymakers of the developing nations are more interested in accomplishing economic growth even at the expense of sustainable development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The latest Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) report reveals that the developing nations are demonstrating poor performance in dealing with climate change, in comparison to their developed counterparts in various parts of the world (UNESCAP, 2021) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In fact, to some ecological economists, energy is the most important factor in the biophysical model of growth whereas, in neoclassical economics, it indirectly affects economic growth by affecting the labor force and capital (Stern, 1993) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The World Bank’s statistics concerning the trend of energy consumption in 2016 show that all the Persian Gulf countries on average experienced a 55% increase in their consumption of energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the other hand, an improvement in energy intensity (the ratio of energy consumption to GDP), as an indicator of energy efficiency, reveals an enhancement in technology and energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is also possible to view the environmental crisis in another way: efficient use of energy can both prevent energy waste and help enhance the environment through reducing greenhouse gas emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Yang and Wei’s study (2018), “The Measurement and Influences of China’s Urban Total-Factor Energy Efficiency Under Environmental Pollution: Based on the Game Cross-Efficiency DEA - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Li and Lin (2015), in “The Improvement Gap in Energy Intensity: Analysis of China’s Thirty Provincial Regions Using the Improved DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) Model,” argued that GDP, industrialized structure, transportation, and fuel prices exerted an effect on energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The model used in this research has five variables, of which the total number of labor force, gross capital stock (at the constant price of 2010 US dollar), and primary energy consumption in kilograms of oil equivalent were the model inputs while the real GDP was the desirable output, and carbon dioxide emissions (in kilo tons) was the undesirable output - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Owing to the fact that energy is considered as an input, we have used the input orientation to assess energy efficiency in order to minimize the production factors at a certain level of outputs, assuming variable returns to scale and using a multi-stage linear planning model for each DMU - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since energy efficiency ranges between 0 and 1 (a minimum of 0 and maximum of 1) where the variable is restricted at both the upper and lower limits, parametric estimation using ordinary least squares (OLS) will be biased and inconsistent - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the panel Tobit model, the process of producing data is as follows: In the above equations, \({y}_{it}\) is a dependent variable (energy efficiency) and \({y}_{i}^{*}\) is a random unobservable or hidden variable - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The general form of this Tobit equation is as follows: In order to study the relationship between the variables, the multivariate Tobit regression was used: where \({EE}_{it}\) represents total-factor energy efficiency,\({P}_{it}\) is OPEC oil price (in US $), \({GDP}_{it}\) represents real GDP per capita (in 2010 dollars), \({I}_{it}\) stands for the degree of industrialization—defined as the ratio of GDP of industry to the whole GDP (in 2010 dollars), \({T}_{it}\) indicates the degree of commercial openness (representing the ratio of the totality of exports and imports to the GDP of each country, which shows the degree of the commercial relationships of one country with others), \({CD}_{it}\) is the journal paper citation rate (i.e., the number of citations a paper received in a certain period of time from other papers) used as an index of science, technology, and innovationFootnote 1 (acquired from, \({FDI}_{it}\) represents the foreign direct investment (defined by the International Monetary Fund as an investment made in a foreign country with the intent of lasting interest and exerting significant influence) \({POP}_{it}\) indicates the population of the Persian Gulf countries, and \({\varepsilon }_{it}\) is the residual for country at time (t) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The value of the real energy consumption in the period studied in this paper was taken from the website of the World Bank, and the optimal energy consumption value was calculated using model (1) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While in 2000, the energy consumption accounted for 588 ktoe (6833 GWh), energy consumption reached 1591 ktoe (18,512 GWh) in 2011 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The effects of various variables on energy efficiency are as follows - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This indicates that with the improvement of Persian Gulf countries GDP, energy efficiency will be further improved, which is similar to the conclusions of Liu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Keeping other variables unchanged, the energy efficiency increases by − 0.02 efficiency units for each unit of a natural logarithm of article citation rate in each country, which demonstrates that scientific progress plays a negative role in improving countries energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The size of population is positively related to energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Degree of industrialization prevents the improvement of energy efficiency to some extent, and this is identical with the conclusions of Liu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) showed that FDI positively increased the energy efficiency after controlling the unobserved fixed effects of country and year - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Carbon emissions have become a public concern since Paris Climate Conference in 2015, while energy efficiency improvement and the development of clean energy are crucial to carbon reduction - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Development of heavy industry and petrochemical plants, and energy-intensive industries in general, as well as using traditional and old means of transportation and warm and dry climates are some of the reasons for high energy intensity in these countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the other hand, while science, research, and publications of scientific papers grew in these countries, the new scientific findings did not help them to increase their energy efficiency, or it could be claimed that there was no effective relationship between academic research and industries or energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At the cross-national level, the quantity and quality of a nation’s agricultural land were not predictive of either food security metric - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The second United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 2) aims to eradicate hunger and all forms of malnutrition by 2030, yet hunger is slowly rising after decades of decline (UN 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food insecurity is a complex problem, manifesting as obesity and malnutrition in addition to extreme hunger and starvation (Candel 2014) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The official SDG indicator framework designates the FIES-based estimate of the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in a nation’s population as SDG Indicator 2.1.2 (UN General Assembly 2017) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The Global Food Security Index (GFSI) is a composite indicator that monitors national-level food security and has been tabulated since 2012 (EIU 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2019) used the GFSI to identify an inverse relationship between the cholera incidence rate and national food security among 30 countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The 2018 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report examined the influence of climate variability and extremes on the national prevalence of undernourishment using change point analysis, finding that climate shocks drove food crises, especially in countries where a high proportion of the population depends on agricultural livelihoods (FAO 2018a) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Other cross-country studies examined child stunting rates, which, though related to national food security, is specifically the result of poor nutrition and health early in life (Milman et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, it is well-recognized that no single metric can capture all dimensions of food security, and thus complete assessments of food security use a “convergence of evidence approach” across several metrics (Ballard et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Food insecurity is commonly experienced as a continuum, where mild food insecurity is first felt as a worry about how to procure food because of a lack of resources, progressing to compromise on the quality and variety of food, then reduction in the quantity of food, before skipping meals and experiencing hunger associated with severe food insecurity (Coates et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The questions are ordered such that answering “yes” corresponds to increasing levels of food insecurity as the module progresses - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 FIES respondents can be classified as experiencing a) food security or mild food insecurity, b) moderate or severe food insecurity, or c) severe food insecurity (UNSD 2020) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A complex causal chain determines each person’s food security, which may be defined according to the 1996 World Food Summit definition: physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet dietary needs and food preferences (FAO 1996) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Nor does securing access to food guarantee a high-quality diet for all people: utilizing food for healthy diets also relies on consumer behavior and education, among other factors (HLPE 2017) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 b Boxplots summarizing response variable scores by region, with y-axes in units of the respective response variables (i.e., GFSI scores and the percent of population experiencing food security or mild food insecurity [FI MISMATCH! For instance, in our dataset, no country with HFCE below $5000 per capita per year had a prevalence of food security or mild food insecurity above 80% per FIES surveys - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, without these supporting factors, research finds that marginal increases in smallholder agricultural production or subsidies on agricultural inputs do not always improve food security or income (Harris and Orr 2014; Schreinemachers 2006; Walls et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 (2012) specifically find that Ethiopian households’ consumption expenditures grow alongside off-farm income, and a wide body of literature has shown that off-farm jobs are key enablers of poverty reduction in rural areas (Djurfeldt and Djurfeldt 2013; Haggblade et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Despite substantial differences in methodologies and theoretical bases, the Global Food Security Index and the Food Insecurity Experience Scale metric (FI MISMATCH! Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) act as pathways to transport microplastics before entering and accumulating in the aquatic ecosystem - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Based on the observation in this study, it indicates that the widespread microplastic pollutant could influence the agroecosystems and terrestrial biodiversity (Machado et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The heavy metal elements in the microplastics could be derived from the plastic polymers themselves or/and the discarded batteries mixed with municipal solid waste that is trapped in the ash when it has been burned - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Photocatalysis is extensively implemented in wastewater treatment and used to eliminate abundant hazardous organic compounds - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The elimination of most microplastics was at the beginning of the wastewater treatment process before the activated sludge process - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The 2015 Paris Agreement and COP26 obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are further behind schedule in terms of implementation (Falk et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The performance of India’s industrial sector, however, is one of the main issues impeding the country’s ability to successfully tackle climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The estimation of India’s energy security will change as a result of the switch from fossil to renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this backdrop, in the pathway of the carbon neutrality agenda of India, the present paper tries to re-estimate Kaya’s identity (1990) based on the newly developed multivariate quantile-on-quantile (QQR) regression approach (extension of Sim and Zhou’s (2015) bivariate QQR model) using the bi-annual data from 1995 to 2020 while considering the energy intensity and carbon intensity as controlled variables that are unexplored in the sitting of Kaya’s identity previously for India - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Second, the model that was taken into account for this study, particularly the addition of carbon intensity and energy intensity, is somewhat innovative - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Finally, academics and policymakers will benefit from this study’s findings by better understanding how asymmetrical environmental effects are caused by industrial value-added, carbon intensity, population dynamics, and energy intensity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Štreimikienė and Balezentis (2016) linked the GDP growth and GHG emissions by Kaya identity in the EU region - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 According to their forecast, greenhouse gas emissions will increase over the next decades due to both population growth and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Concerns have been raised about the manufacturing sectors’ carbon emissions in 13 different countries, and the reduced emissions in the majority of those countries were caused by decreased energy intensity (Schipper et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, we have again observed the asymmetric relation between carbonization and energy intensity with the given industrialization - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 From our study, we have found that there exists an asymmetric impact of all the independent variables, population, per-capita GDP, energy intensity, carbon intensity, and industrial value added on the carbonization under Kaya’s identity for the Indian economy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Initiatives to promote decarbonization in industries and increase industrial energy savings could lead to industrialization with no impact on emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Environmental problems have become the major concerns all over the world as global warming and climate change are increasingly putting pressure on ecosystems and humans (Chatti 2020; Sohail et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 SDG 13 is mainly emphasizing climate action for sustainable development - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Following the SDGs agenda, it has become the key concern of the emerging economies to resolve the dual challenges of economic performance and energy consumption, along with environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The non-economic factors have a crucial role in explaining energy consumption and environmental pollution because they not only interact with economic factors but also directly influence a society’s preferences for clean environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The importance of the rule of law for environmental performance has received little attention in contemporary literature - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This study has a novel and comprehensive contribution to the literature, as it explores the role of non-economic factors on both energy consumption and CO2 emissions in a single study using the ARDL framework - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Second, it provides fresh evidence of non-economic indicators on energy consumption and emissions using an updated time series data - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2012), investment (Javorcik and Wei 2009), and economic growth (Saha and Gounder 2013) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The first strand of literature is related to those studies investigating the association between human capital, energy consumption, and pollution emissions (Akram et al., 2019; Khan et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The non-economic factors under consideration are corruption, social globalization, education, and rule of law - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Past studies also noted that non-economic factors are also important for energy consumption and environment (Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The outcomes of both tests prove the stability of the CO2 model for China. CUSUM for energy consumption model CUSUM of squares for energy consumption model CUSUM for CO2 emissions model CUSUM of squares for CO2 emissions model This study examines the influence of non-economic factors on energy consumption and CO2 in China from 1991 to 2019 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Other less influential measures such as threatened bird and mammal species (McPherson and Nieswiadomy 2005), the percentage of national protected areas (Bimonte 2002) and land consumption (Bimonte and Stabile 2017) have been used as an environmental quality indicator to test the EKC hypothesis - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This environmental data is drawn from the world’s central authority on the conservation status of species, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).Footnote 6 This association provides taxonomic data, conservation status and distribution information on plants and animals - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Panel results indicate a positive relationship between the global economic growth and changes of certain environmental indicators (∆CCO2, ∆FERTILISER, and ∆BIODIVERSITY) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2009b), our study provides an examination of the growth rate of seven out of the nine boundaries to test the effects of economic growth on them in a global sample of 177 countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, once economic growth reaches a tipping point, the growth rate of environmental dimensions should decrease, improving environmental conditions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this context, our estimated results state that the climate change boundary indicates that the EKC shape exists when the changes in CO2 concentrations are factored into the analysis - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In this regard, there is special attention on the Biodiversity Loss dimension, which shows high values of deterioration - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This description of sustainable development has since been referred to in numerous definitions and clarifications of sustainable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Carbon capture and storage innovation can be incorporated into power plants to eliminate harmful emissions, yet it is costly and rarely carried out (Ritchie 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Climate change moderation scenarios expressed pathways in which the world could rapidly shift to low-carbon energy generation techniques (Lyu et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The increase in energy generation from renewable energy sources reduces CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Environmental sustainability is not consistent with swift economic growth, as ecological deterioration is necessary (Khan et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Renewables and alternative energy (clean energy) sources like wind, solar, biofuels, hydro, and others are at the heart of the energy transition towards a low or zero carbon-intensive and sustainable energy system (IEA 2020b) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 CO2 emissions, alternative and nuclear energy, economic growth, and the square root of economic growth are significant at a 1% level of significance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Overall, results explain that alternative and nuclear energy and the square root of economic growth (EKC) are negatively associated with CO2 emissions of the top three highest CO2 emitter countries from 1981 to 2016 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similarly, economic growth is significant at 1% and 10% significance levels, and the square root of economic growth is significant at a 10% level of significance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, the negative coefficient values of the square root of economic growth show that further stimulation in the economic growth of the top three highest CO2 emitter countries decreases CO2 emissions by 0.088852% (generalized panel method of moments), 0.032011% (generalized linear model), and 0.028770% (quantile median regressions) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Nuclear power is presently a sustainable energy source; the governments are suggested to make it utterly renewable by changing the source of uranium from mined ore to seawater - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The empirical findings of the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag approach revealed that the outcomes of energy productivity instigated a positive (negative) impact on the atmosphere, where a 1% upsurge in positive shock of energy productivity decreased CO2 emissions (CO2E) by 0.265%, and a 1% rise in negative shock caused a 0.837% increase in pollution in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition to this, it has been shown in various recent case studies that the rise of economic growth causes energy demand to increase, thus triggering excessive use of fossil fuels and more CO2E, which eventually deteriorate environmental quality (Kalmaz and Kirikkaleli 2019; Umar et al. 2020; Orhan et al. 2021; Shahzad et al. 2021) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These studies have pointed out the importance of environmentally sustainable economic growth, eco-friendly innovations, renewable resources, and energy efficiencies for creating long-term environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, Cyprus is subject to the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), and one of the main environmental goals of the Cyprus government is to increase its share of production and consumption of renewable energy from 13.9 to 22.9% between the period 2021 and 2030 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The main contributor to achieving this goal was the government’s wind power projects, with the first one costing 170 million euros and containing 41 wind turbines with an 82 MW capacity, which is located close to the city of Paphos - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Additionally, Grossman and Krueger (1991) pointed out that international trade can increase the domestic income level of countries, which can then be used to ignite the process of minimizing environmental degradation in the long run - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The investigators found supportive evidence for the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis that characterizes the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The study of Adebayo (2022) reveals that renewable energy consumption improves environmental sustainability while fossil fuels worsen the quality of the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) showed that growth in the tourism sector causes environmental degradation in Northern Cyprus - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The impact of energy productivity on CO2E has not been studied with Cyprus as a case study - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Energy productivity, alongside clean and renewable resources, is thought to be a crucial component in reducing the use of fossil fuels and achieving sustainable development goals - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, energy productivity is expected to have an inverse effect on CO2E (Wahab et al. 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022), this research also involves economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 So, if the link between energy consumption and CO2E is positive, we intend energy consumption > 0 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The data of CO2E (metric tonnes per capita), ENE (total energy consumption), GDP (constant 2010 US$), TRA ((import + export)/2), and ENG (GDP per unit of the total primary energy supply (TPES)) are gathered from World Development Indicators and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development databases - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Worldwide energy consumption approximately is 1.5 tepFootnote 1/capita: in the USA, ≈ 7 tep; in India and many other African countries, less than ≈ 0.1 tep - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Transport remains the highest energy-consuming sector and electric mobility represents a key opportunity to drive reductions in transport energy intensity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Many research studies in the literature propose that economic growth, however, up to a certain level of economic development, upsurges global warming and greenhouse gases emissions (Forabosco et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The poor people of the society get more affected by the income inequality since they are an extremely vulnerable part of the society - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In addition, rising income inequality is degrading the environment by generating problems in the way of policy implications - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 On the other side, the trade-off situation (approach), policymakers, and concerned authorities either maintain clean and better environmental quality or embrace income inequality and poverty (Zhao et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Contrasting from those previous studies, in the present research study, we empirically analyze the nexuses between income inequality and environmental vulnerability by using both CO2e and ecological footprint (hereafter, EFP) as a proxy for environmental pollution for the cross-countries panel of 18 Asian developing countries - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 According to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), EFP represents the natural competence of land for sustainable economic growth (Ekeocha 2021) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The EKC hypothesis pattern for environmental degradation has been mixed by many researchers such as Aslanidis and Iranzo (2009) investigate the non-homogeneous nature of relationship between income and CO2e and filed to find the existence of EKC hypothesis - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The two most popular and important theories on how income inequality could have a positive influence on the quality of environment were introduced in rapid progression - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 For instance, Cropper and Griffiths (1994) revealed that low level of household income increases aggregate demand and/or consumption for firewood that causes deforestation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, these assumptions might be challenged on the ground that factors such as income inequality, CO2e, and EFP lead to cross-sectional dependencies - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In model I of Table 3, we used Gini coefficient (lngini) as a measure for income inequality which is positive and significant with EFP - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 These empirical findings also emphasize the theoretically ambiguous hypothesis of Boyce (1994) that rising income inequality generates class difference (power gap) between poor and rich in a society that leads to worsening the environmental quality, because the high-income people take advantage of the environment, while the low-income people cannot take advantage because all costs are imposed on them - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Our empirical results urge that reducing inequality could help to control environmental degradation by reducing EFP and CO2e - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Additionally, with the wide income gap, low-income people tend to excessively exploit the environmental resources to sustain their livelihood, suggesting rising income inequality is not only a social and economic issue but also an environmental problem - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The findings of the current study are justifiable for low-income and developing economies like Asian developing countries because to reduce extreme poverty, it is essential to establish a new setup of an industrial economy - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Furthermore, most of the developing economies initiate development projects to support low-income people without considering environmental degradation, since capital owners and high-income people take advantage of these development projects - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As a result, they invest in industries by providing high-emitting energy sources that contribute to a rise in environmental vulnerability and thereby high-income inequality (Grunewald et al - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In addition, the policymakers of investigated countries need to formulate environmental protection regulations by considering the high interest of low-income people - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 AP-42 is the Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factor published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Thus, sustainable soil management is necessary to ensure food security in this region - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In this review, we have identified the following major causes of soil degradation threatening food security in SA, including (i) soil erosion, (ii) soil fertility loss, (iii) soil structural decline and soil compaction, (iv) soil salinization and waterlogging, (v) climate change, (vi) below- and above-ground diversity losses, and (vii) urban encroachment of cultivated land and brick making - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The impact of soil erosion is more severe in hilly areas and in semi-arid regions where both wind and water act as major agents of erosion (Gupta and Raina 1996; Iqbal and Khan 2014) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Other reasons for low SOM include the use of monocropping, plough tillage (PT), excessive grazing, deforestation, and continuous cropping without incorporation of a cover crop in the rotation (Table 1) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In some SA countries, water stress caused by low rainfall and less availability of irrigation water has forced farmers to grow alternate crops (author personnel observation) because of low rice yields - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In rainfed regions, drought stress reduces crop yields due to erratic rainfalls and non-availability of water harvesting structures (Devendra 2012; Islam et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 If the present climate change–induced water and heat stress continue until 2050, the yields of maize, wheat, and rice will decrease by 17, 12, and 10%, respectively, in SA (CGIAR 2016) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Soil salinity is the accumulation of salts in the root zone that hampers plant growth, with adverse impacts on food security and human livelihood - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Saline soils occur throughout SA due to prevailing soil erosion, shallow groundwater tables, tsunamis (Rasul 2014; Lal 2015b), and inappropriate use of canal water - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Loss of biodiversity disrupts the functioning of the food web, nutrient recycling, N fixation, carbon sequestration, organic waste recycling, and soil resilience - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some other studies have reported a decline in soil fertility, due to the removal of the upper soil layer for brick making in India (Kathuria and Balasubramanian 2013) and Bangladesh (Saha and Hosain 2016), with a substantial increase in emission of GHGs from kilns (Nath et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For example, cover crops promote the supply and accumulation of SOM and improve soil quality (McDaniel et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Growing of summer legumes [e.g., sesbania spp., mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)] as green manure between wheat harvest and rice transplanting can improve soil fertility in rice-wheat cropping system (Shah et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Site-specific adoption of cover crops and agroforestry has multiple benefits for providing fiber, fuelwood, and biocontrol (e.g., neem) and improving soil fertility, SOM, and soil fauna (Kozlowski 2002; Christie et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 2017), enhances soil fertility, and stabilizes yields - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Communication and collaboration between scientists, farmers, and policymakers are needed to highlight the value of soil management for ensuring food security in SA - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Small, well-oriented, and local knowledge-based projects should be developed to reduce the impacts of soil degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Countries in SA should establish a scientific panel to address soil issues such as the United Nations have set up for combating the issues of desertification - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 preserve cultural heritage; guarantee the health and safety of people, involve the local community) (Menghini and Marinelli 2011; Istat 2017; D’Eusanio et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 safe and healthy living conditions, end-of-life responsibility, secure living conditions, cultural heritage) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Figure 7 shows the obtained scores for each subcategory demonstrating that health and safety, forced labour, child labour, fair salary and equal opportunities are the subcategories that obtained the highest scores - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is therefore recommended to adopt two distinct and complementary subcategories based on two separate indicators: Shorter-term climate change, addressing shorter-term environmental and human health consequences from the rate of climate change (over next decades, e.g - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Table 2 provides the recommended values for a subset of the main greenhouse gases contributing to climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Modest adaptation efforts from practitioners will ensure an important step forward in the robustness and relevance of climate change impact assessment in LCA.Footnote 1 For sensitivity analysis including NTCFs, it is also recommended to complement life cycle inventory databases with explicit data on black carbon and organic carbon emissions, which are currently aggregated within particulate matter emissions - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While most existing water scarcity indicators were defined to be applicable either for human health or ecosystems impacts, there is a need for a generic water scarcity indicator, which explicitly represents the potential to deprive both human and ecosystems users - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water deficit in agriculture and fisheries/aquaculture may decrease food production and consequently result in malnutrition due to food shortage - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 the water available minus human water consumption by all users (similar to the water scarcity indicator, AWARE, but not considering the environmental requirement and not divided by area) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Human health impacts due to domestic and agricultural water scarcity have been recognized as a relevant pathway in which water consumption may lead to damage on human health - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This vulnerability score is based on the proportion of endemic species in an ecoregion and the threat level assigned by the IUCN red list - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Table 6 provides the world average characterization factors for six different types of land use, with the smallest CF for extensive forestry, a factor 7 smaller than the highest value for urban land use - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 a Climate change, shorter-term impacts based on GWP100 with climate-carbon cycle feedbacks - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Emissions of methane, mainly caused by rice cultivation, contribute substantially to shorter-term climate change impacts - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In the case of China, the Yellow River has an AWARE factor of twice the national average, whereas production in the Pearl River area (case study region) leads to negligible water scarcity impacts - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 1e), relative variations between locations mostly reflect the AWARE water scarcity ranking (Fig - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The work and discussions before and during the Pellston Workshop™ resulted in relevant recommendations in the four topical areas climate change, fine particulate matter impacts, impacts of water consumption and land use impacts, as well as on the updated LCIA framework and crosscutting issues - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Researchers have developed a range of water scarcity indicators - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In this paper, we compared 12 indicators for their sensitivity to blue and green waters, quality-induced water scarcity, environmental flows, data requirements, spatial scale, and adaptive capacity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 We found four classical indicators considered in this study deficient in accuracy given their insensitivity to green water, quality-induced water scarcity, environmental flow requirement, seasonality, virtual water, and so on - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water scarcity, defined as a condition when available water resources fail to satisfy demand, is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century (Pearce 2019) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation (UN) estimated that around 4 billion people experience water scarcity during at least one month annually, in addition, more than half a billion live under severe water scarcity permanently (Mekonnen and Hoekstra 2016) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water scarcity indicators are essential to assess the extent of the problem - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water scarcity indicators serve this need by pointing out the type and severity of water scarcity and identifying the areas to be addressed - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The literature reveals that none of the 150 + water scarcity indicators developed so far, based on various approaches is holistic enough to encompass all facets of water scarcity (UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) 2003; Vörösmarty et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Therefore, water scarcity indicators were termed “deception of numbers” in the literature (Savenije 2000) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (2015) reviewed green water scarcity indicators, Molle and Mollinga (2003) analyzed water poverty indicators, and Hoekstra (2017) appraised water footprint assessments; (3) indicators have been selected from various classes and reviews have been carried out for their strengths, shortcomings, and usage (Plummer et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Some water scarcity hotspots have also been identified to show how different indicators yield different results - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Most of these indicators have addressed one or more aspects of water scarcity with a sectoral approach - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Fig. 1 shows world map of water scarcity as per the Falkenmark Indicator - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Some studies have considered WTA as maximum and CTA as minimum water scarcity (Munia et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 To track the progress on SDG6, 11 indicators have been framed, of which the indicator 6.4.2 relates to the “Level of Water Stress” and is expressed as: Where WS stands for water stress, TFWW for total freshwater withdrawn, TRWR for total renewable water resources, and EFR for environmental flow requirement (Vanham et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Water quality is deteriorated by a range of pollutants, and water quality standards vary for drinking, irrigation, and municipal water - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 WEI ranges 21–40% = water scarcity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 WEI > 40% = extreme water scarcity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The concept of virtual water was first presented by Allan (1997) as a possible means to mitigate the impacts of water scarcity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This overestimation of EFR can lead to the overestimation of water scarcity (Pastor et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This methodology was employed to gauge water scarcity and related environmental impacts by Frischknecht et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (2014) developed the Water Accounting and Vulnerability Evaluation (WAVE) model that considers atmospheric evaporation recycling within the basins that can save up to 32% of water - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Igrey ≥ 1 represents quality-induced water scarcity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 (2016) for the inclusion of EFR as: Where Sqqe means overall water scarcity, Squantity is quantitative scarcity, Squality is quality-induced water scarcity, and P is the percentage of EFR in total blue water resources, Where BWF means blue water footprint, BWA represents blue water availability, W is blue water withdrawal, R is the water consumption ratio, BWR is total blue water resources, GWF is grey water footprint, eij is the EFR in the month under consideration (i) for the desired habitat quality level (j), ni shows the number of days in the month (i), Qi shows mean daily flow in in the month (i), Pij is the percentage of mean annual flow during the month (i) at habitat quality level of j - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 SDG 6 - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Specific to water scarcity issues, Target 6.4 requires that “By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity“(UN Water 2021) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Since these indicators grasp limited aspects of water scarcity, the researchers came up with the indicators sensitive to economic and social aspects of water scarcity e.g - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The multiple facets and interconnections of water scarcity with food, energy, ecology, socioeconomics, and governance (Veldkamp et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Classical indicators overlook a range of important factors like green water, quality-induced water scarcity, spatiotemporal variations, and other factors influencing the occurrence and severity of water scarcity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Therefore, a single indicator-based measurement of water scarcity should not be relied upon; rather, a selection should be made from classical, water accounting-based, and water quality-focusing indicators to develop a reasonably reliable and clearer picture of water scarcity in a region. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Tanzania has done well to achieve broad self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs to date, but rapid urbanisation will pose a severe future challenge as regards food security, particularly for the disadvantaged poorer people of the towns and cities in terms of food affordability, stability and food safety - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In Tanzania the majority of the urban population—around two-thirds (UN-HABITAT 2013)—live in slumsFootnote 1 and are, in many cases, dependent on precarious employment in the informal sector - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Their consumption opportunities are severely constrained by low and uncertain incomes, putting their food security at risk - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Furthermore, despite urban growth, the rural population will have increased by 38 %, reducing the local marketable surplus - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Even in the larger towns, as elsewhere in SSA, the vast majority of the urban population lives in dense informal settlements on very low incomes and as such are likely to experience food energy deficiencies (Satterthwaite et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Besides large-scale production and processing activities of companies in urban areas, urban agriculture, including crop production and livestock raising, can significantly contribute to food security of urban dwellers through generating income and supplying food to the urban population (Schmidt 2012, Howorth et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, this could change as incomes rise and the urban population increases.Footnote 5 As Buffie (2010, p.10) observes: “Since most food products are tradeable on world markets, food security depends on purchasing power of the poor, not management of domestic supply.” Notwithstanding that many urban dwellers retain plots in rural areas or engage in urban farming, if urban food security in Tanzania is to be strengthened in the face of rapid growth in urban populations, and without undue reliance on food imports, a strong domestic supply response will be needed - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 An approach to try to get a broad view of the domestic supply potential is through trends in agricultural productivity (Table 4) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Most interesting, village households in Dodoma—the region which is characterized by relatively high food insecurity—have many more migrants (n = 94, 21 %) compared to the relatively food secure Morogoro region (n = 29, 6.4 %) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While Tanzania has done well to maintain broad self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs to date, rapid urbanisation will pose a severe future challenge as regards food security, particularly for the disadvantaged poorer sections of the towns and cities in terms of food affordability, accessibility, stability and food safety - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Furthermore, rural–urban linkages would benefit from a sustained program to strengthen value chains, particularly as regards storage, processing, transport and marketing of agricultural products - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The EKC hypothesis elucidates the association between economic growth and environmental pollution (Ali et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, sensitivity to environmental wellness begins to increase in the advanced stages of industrialization after economic growth must have exceeded a certain threshold (Nathaniel et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2020), renewable energy, (Saidi and Omri 2020; Ikram et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As R&D expenditures increase, more high technology will be produced and this will play a significant role in decreasing energy density, which is one of the most crucial sources of carbon dioxide emissions (Huang and Chen 2020) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Research findings for the period 1970–2000 indicate that technological progress has a decreased impact on CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The findings show that technological advancement promotes carbon emissions reduction in Malaysia - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, the study of Garrone and Grilli (2010) reveals that public energy R&D spending has no important impact on CO2 intensity in 13 developed countries - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Koçak and Ulucak (2019) examined the impact of R&D expenditures on CO2 emissions by employing data for several OECD countries for the period 2003–2015 period with the STIRPAT model - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Lin and Zhu (2019) reported the correlation between renewable energy technological innovations and carbon emissions using China’s state data between the years 2000 and 2015 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The model given in Eq (3a) represents the basic EKC equation which, besides GDP and GDP2, employs a third variable (lnFossil Fuel R&D) that can additionally explain the changes in carbon emissions - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Thus, it is apparent that there exists a positive and significant association between fossil fuels research and development and carbon emissions from the smallest to the highest quantile at 1% - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Therefore, we demonstrate that the dynamics of the economic growth pollution are dependent on the levels of emissions, captured across different quantiles - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, policymakers should develop appropriate policies based on a comprehensive consideration of the heterogeneous effects of different components of research and development on CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Global warming and increasing energy demands have been worldwide concerns in recent years, posing a threat to reaching a climate-neutral world by 2050 (Wang et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2021); core industry and coal mining are still significant sources of economic development in many countries (Goswami 2015) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Last few decades, coal-related scientific research has emerged as a multidisciplinary field, which has witnessed a rapid increase in study literature (Mathew et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Please note that in Fig. 7, the IITs and NITs are not solely funding bodies but receive research and development (R&D) funding from governmental and private agencies - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Though it has been incorporated in the coal mine closure law and regulations, aspects like environmental and hydrological values and benefits obtained from activities like water resources conservation, water regime preservation, environmental protection, ecological restoration, reforestation, and reclamation activities remain to be the least reported research topic of Indian sectors (Srikanth and Nathan 2018) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 On one hand, extensive economic growth has led to a series of resource and environmental problems, including resource exhaustion, environmental pollution, and ecological destruction (Liu et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2017; Liu and Dong 2021a); on the other hand, traditional development has led to social problems, such as the unequal distribution of the fruits of economic growth, widening the gap between the rich and the poor, and worsening the income gap between urban and rural residents (Weiss and Cattaneo 2017; Sun et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The emergence of these problems shows that China’s economic growth is uncoordinated, unbalanced, and unsustainable - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 IGG is a combination of inclusive and green growth (Shen et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 As an upgraded version of the inclusive and green growth concept, IGG emphasizes the coordination between the economy, society, resources, and environmental systems - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 There is extensive literature on methodologies for measuring inclusive and green growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Among them, the methodology for the measurement of inclusive growth mainly considers the social opportunity function (Ali 2007; Sun et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Compared with the methodology for the measurement of inclusive growth, there are limitations in the techniques used for measuring green growth when considering the indicators of social factors - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 IGG evaluation is mostly influenced by research carried out on inclusive and green growth measurements - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similar to the literature on spatiotemporal differences, many empirical studies have been conducted on the factors that influence inclusive or green growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The higher the unemployment rate, the more unequal the opportunities - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (1) Economic development level: we adopted per capita GDP (PGDP) to reflect the economic development level (Guo et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This suggests that the U-shaped relationship between economic growth and IGGE only exists in the province and has no spillover effect on neighboring provinces - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It should be noted that the relationship between China’s economic growth and IGGE from 2000 to 2020 is on the left of the U-shaped curve (Guo et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the contrary, if the EKC hypothesis is wrong, emerging economies will advocate for strict environmental policy changes and may not attain income level that causes environmental degradation (Al-Mulali et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 i.e., climate policy, externalities, biodiversity conservation, and waste generation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Equally, the implementation of environmental taxes will also support renewable and clean energy sources as they marginally increase traditional energy sources' prices - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Several research initiatives have compared the impact of the implementation of environmental taxes and traditional regulatory policies such as renewable energy portfolio standard and feed-in tariffs to promote renewable energy (Romagnoli et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Economic growth’s association with environmental sustainability has been extensively discussed by the economic literature (Mishan 1967; Meadows et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Despite this, economic growth remains part of economic initiatives around the world - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, cocitation analysis of environmental degradation and tourism industry is also an exciting research project to further the economic literature. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Likewise, in 2015 the Business Alliance for Water & Climate Change (CEO Water Mandate -BAFWAC-) assist public and private companies in developing, implementing and disclosing their water sustainability policies and practices (Mandate and Network 2015) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 According to the report of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the share of carbon emissions in the environment is high, with a penalty that is extensive, for instance, floods, droughts, extreme storm, increasing sea level, melting glaciers, and high temperature (UNFCCC, 2017) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Industrialization is prompted by economic development by the increment in the extraction of natural resources as well excessive use of such resources in agriculture, manufacturing, and mining which ultimately has negative effect on environment (Baloch et al., 2019) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The link between economic growth and environmental quality is also complex - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 With regard to the role of financial growth in environmental degradation, there is conflicting evidence in both theoretical and empirical literature - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Renewable energy sources and financial growth were known as the main indicators for determining the level of sustainable development according to the countries studied in the report (Ulucak and Khan 2020; Ozturk, 2015) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, in order to manage ecological degradation, economic expansion and the use of renewable energy depend heavily on the development of human capital - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Industrialization is a key element for the development but it creates negative impact on the environment as well and OECD countries pay a lot in terms of natural resource depletion and environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Fernandes and Reddy (2020) deployed ARDL model, Johansen’s cointegration test, VECM, VAR, and Toda and Yamamoto causality test for the six OECD countries (China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand) and excavated the nexus between utilization of energy and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2021), we apply the subsequent empirical model to investigate the effect of industrial production, natural resources, financial development, total reserves, and renewable energy consumption on the ecological footprint in OECD countries as follow: In Eq. 1, EFP denotes the ecological footprint, INDV indicates industrial production, REC indicates the renewable energy consumption, FD indicates the financial development, TR indicates the total reserve, and NR demonstrates the natural resources in OECD countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Prosperous natural resources curtail the requirement for the import of non-renewable energy resources; moreover, these findings are linked to reducing the unemployment of individual alternative resources of energy consumption such as natural gas, biogas, solar, hydro, and other renewable sources that emit less pollution as compared to non-renewable energy sources (Ulucak and Khan, 2020; Balsalobre-lorente et al., 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To make sure of the sustainable environment, extra use of natural resources should be given to the different kinds of cleaner and renewable energy and it should be completed cheap and cost-effective - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this regard, escalating renewable energy extraction in the energy mix can play a vital role for sustainable development in the lessening of ecological footprint and diminishing atmospheric variations (Alola et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, these OECD countries can influence the definite utilization of alternative energies, for instance, wind power, hydro, and solar bioenergy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, research and development (R&D) institutions are needed at private and administration levels to protect environmental quality in the course of modern technologies while promoting the utilization of cast-off industry waste as an energy source that escorts to diminish pollution levels - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Therefore, efforts to ensure sustainable urban growth have to be enhanced to safeguard the wellbeing of urban residents and habitats both in the present and in the future - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The UN’s slogan for the New Urban Agenda, “Cities 2030, cities for all,” signifies that by the year 2030, cities should be environmentally, socially, economically, and culturally sustainable and inclusive with equal benefits and opportunities for all inhabitants, including the present and future generations, to live in sustainable environments and contribute toward the quality of life of all (UN-Habitat 2017) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Sustainable urban development has been a popular subject for research in urban studies and related disciplines, especially in recent years (Lee et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In Europe, the European Commission (EC) examines the quality of life in European cities every 3 years beginning 2004 for the purpose of urban development by surveying the cities’ residents (EC 2016) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Good mobility and accessibility to places in the city, such as with well-connected roads and transport system, help residents to access such facilities easily (EC 2016; Kakar and Khan 2020) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Health care facilities should be of good quality and sufficient to treat residents in need to ensure public health among the urban community, especially in times of pandemic - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Other important factors affecting the urban environment such as traffic congestions and crowdedness of people in the city should be also reduced and controlled (Chan and Lee 2019a; Lee et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Using the IP-AHP approach, cities’ sustainability performance along with the levels of importance of urban sustainability indicators can be gauged through the residents’ perspectives - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Findings from the IP-AHP revealed that Melaka City and Seberang Perai performed better than Kuala Lumpur in sustainable urban development - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Findings from the IP-AHP have also demonstrated the ability of the urban residents to provide meaningful information on the importance level of the sustainable urban development indicators as well as the performance of cities based on the indicators - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Soil microorganisms are responsible for organic and inorganic matter recycling and play an important role in soil dynamic regeneration (Gömöryová et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The application of seaweed to improve soil fertility is a traditional practice in many coastal regions, utilizing an inexpensive, abundant, and nutrient-rich resource (Nabti et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Additionally, several key actions to improve energy access and to promote energy efficiency in Mozambique are also addressed - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Socio-economic development usually tends to go hand-in-hand with the energy sector transformation, including the electrification of the economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This transformation creates a decline in the biomass consumption, but the energy consumption (due to the use of other energy carriers such as electricity and/or gas) and the per-capita energy use rises, as presented in Fig. 1 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Final energy use per capita and fuel mix in selected low-, middle- and high-income countries (Almeida et al., 2020) Worldwide, around 1.1 billion people lives without access to electricity and 84% of this people lives in rural and remote areas of emerging economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In sub-Saharan Africa, there are close to 600 million people living without access to energy (Almeida et al., 2019, 2020; Africa Development Forum & World Bank, 2019) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Source: adapted from Africa Development Forum & World Bank, 2019 Despite all the important efforts, at regional and country levels, made in the last decade to improve the population energy access rates, only 43% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa has access to electricity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 EDM is responsible for electricity generation, transmission and distribution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The electricity sector can also play an important social role, through either the national power grid expansion or off-grid systems, as well as job creation to respond to the growing demand in electricity throughout the next decades - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 HCB vast size means that hydroelectric generation dominates Mozambique energy sector, with 70% of the capacity mix in 2019 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Replacing biomass by green electricity (produced from renewable energy sources, such as hydro, solar and wind) will allow to achieve significant reductions in emissions and reduce the population exposure to dangerous emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Figure 11 presents some examples of systems at use in Mozambique, where digitalization is extremely important - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Main advantages of digitalization for utilities - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Digitalization will play an important role to monitor this increase in energy demand and at the same time implement actions to reduce it - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Source: (Clube of Mozambique – Daily journal, 2021) The African continent is already facing the severe effects of climate change as well as associated problems such as humanitarian crises and growing socio-economic disparities - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Mozambique is rich in natural resources and produces a large variety of agricultural products - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The provinces of Maputo and Tete have the highest potential for grid-connected solar power plants, fundamentally due to the existence of adequate power grid infrastructures - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The country renewable energy strategy also includes targets for the installation of 100,000 solar water heaters until 2025, installation of 3.4 million square meters of solar water collectors in 2030 and 0.1 m2 of solar water heater collector area per individual living in Mozambique by 2030 (Energia and de Moçambique – Política de Energias novas e renováveis (Renewable energy policies) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 speed, direction) are regularly conducted throughout the country to evaluate the wind power potential - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In remote regions, the two largest problems are: The connection cost to the power grid or to a mini-grid, or the acquisition of a solar home system with associated appliances The cost of the electricity being consumed To make electricity access affordable, both these issues need to be addressed and the associated costs need to be adjusted according to the average income of families living in these regions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Environmental and Energy Efficiency Fund — It is important to have a suitable funding mechanism to successfully implement the proposed energy efficiency actions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This fund will get its budgetary capacity through a series of taxes (on inefficient equipment, carbon tax, etc.), government funding and external donors - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! energy managers, qualified energy efficiency experts) constitutes an important signal of credibility - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, EE and off-grid systems should be seen as powerful tools to reduce the number of people without energy access, as well as to fulfil the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals no - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Energy efficiency multiple benefits for Mozambique - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Medellin Declaration on Marine Litter in Life Cycle Assessment and Management was developed during the Conferencia Internacional de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida en Latinoamérica, which took place from 12–15 June in Medellin, Colombia - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The development of adequate impact assessment models that may support a separate life cycle impact assessment midpoint category for marine litter or be integrated into existing impact categories - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 With this insight, we have a basis to further strengthen our efforts to promote extended producer responsibility in order to reduce marine debris, plastics and microplastics in the oceans - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Due to the existence of complexities of heterogeneities, hierarchy, discreteness, and interactions in municipal solid waste management (MSWM) systems such as Beijing, China, a series of socio-economic and eco-environmental problems may emerge or worsen and result in irredeemable damages in the following decades - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The local management department lacks effective supervision and management of disposal of solid wastes in every process such as construction, sortation, recycling, collection, transportation, treatment, and pollution control - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 MSWM is desired for improving solid waste management and mitigating potential problems in municipalities such as Beijing - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 For instance, (i) a district in a municipality may be heterogeneous in solid waste generation rates and distances between communities and treatment facilities - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The annual growth rate of GDP in Beijing gradually decreased from 8.1% in 2011, through 7.7%, 7.7%, and 7.3% in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively, to 6.9% in 2015 as economic development slowed down in China extensively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Location, administrative units, and population of Beijing Municipal solid waste (MSW) management in Beijing is also associated with natural conditions such as elevation, transportation, land use, soil, landform, and lithology as shown in Fig - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The two dominant influencing factors for MSW generation rates, i.e., population densities and per capita solid waste generation, are analyzed separately - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 With the rapid growth of the economy and population in Beijing, the annual volume of solid waste disposal will increase from 8.892 million tons in the first period to 11.232 million tons in the second period with a growth of 26.3% - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As for the core zone, the growth of solid wastes will be insignificant due to, according to the development plan in Beijing, strict control of solid waste generation in this zone - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In addition, the amount of solid waste disposal will increase 25.8% in the buffer zone and 24.1% in the conservation zone - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (a) Goal of the MSWM department in Beijing: (b) Constraints of zonal optimization: (b1) Goal of the MSWM department in zone d: \( Min\ {FL}_d=\Big[\sum_{t=1}^2\sum_{g=1}^{gd}\sum_{s=1}^{13}{WT}_{tdgs}\cdot {UTC}_t\cdot {DS}_{sdg}+\sum_{t=1}^2\sum_{g=1}^{gd}\sum_{s=1}^{13}{WT}_{tdgs}\cdot CS+\sum_{t=1}^2\sum_{g=1}^{gd}\sum_{l=1}^{27}{WTL}_{tdgl}\cdot {UTC}_t\cdot {DL}_{dgl} \) subject to (b2) Constraints of MSW treatment-amount requirements in zone d: (b3) Constraints of transfer-amount requirementsin zone d: (b4) Constraints of composting ratios in zone d: (b5) Constraints of incineration ratios in zone d: (b6) Constraints of composting-residue post-processing in zone d: (b7) Constraints of incineration-residue post-processing in zone d: (c) Constraints of mass balance: (d) Constraints of treatment facility capacity: (e) Constraints of facility expansion: (f) Constraints of non-negativity: where: t = indices for planning periods 1 and 2; d = indices for zones 1 to 4 corresponding to the core zone, the diffusion zone, the buffer zone, and the conservation zone, respectively G d = indices for the numbers of grids in zone d where G 1 = 8, G 2 = 55, G 3 = 81, and G 4 = 91 g = indices for the IDs of grids in a zone s = indices for transfer stations 1 to 13 corresponding to Datun Transfer Station, Majialou Transfer Station, Xiaowuji Transfer Station, Wuluju Transfer Station, Mentougou Transfer Station, Yamenkou Transfer Station, Datun2 Transfer Station, Fangshan Transfer Station, Tongzhou Transfer Station, Pinggu Transfer Station, Fangshan2 Transfer Station, Dating Transfer Station, and Changping Transfer Station, respectively l = indices for landfill facilities 1 to 27 corresponding to Asuwei Landfill, Anding Landfill, Beishenshu Landfill, Liulitun Landfill, Gaoantun Landfill, Jiaojiapo Landfill, Binyang Landfill, Qianruiying Landfill, Zhangjiakou Landfill, Banbidian Landfill, Xitianyang Landfill, Yonghezhuang Landfill, Dongnanzhao Landfill, Zhaitang Landfill, Yongning Landfill, Huairou Landfill, Shunyi Landfill, Shunyi Plant, Miyun Plant, Liangjiawu Landfill, Wangzhuo Landfill, Yanshan Landfill, Fangshan Plant, Pinggu Plant, Shanqu Landfill, Miyun Landfill, and Jiaojiapo2 Landfill, respectively i = indices for incineration facilities 1 to 10 corresponding to Changping Incinerator, Liulitun Incinerator, Gaoantun Incinerator, Nangong Incinerator, Dongcun Plant, Asuwei Incinerator, Shunyi Plant, Liulitun Plant, Fangshan Plant, and Pinggu Plant, respectively c = indices for composting facilities 1 to 13 corresponding to Nangong Composting, Shunyi Plant, Huairou Plant, Asuwei Plant, Nangong Chuyu Composting, Beitiantang Plant, Shunyi2 Plant, Miyun Plant, Gaoantun Chuyu Composting, Liulitun Chuyu Composting, Gaoantun Plant, Fangshan Plant, and Pinggu Plant, respectively WGR tdg = amount of solid wastes generated in grid g in zone d in period t (104 tons/year) WCR td = solid waste collection rate in zone d in period t (−) WT tdgs = solid waste flows from grid g in zone d to transfer station s in period t (104 tons/year) DS sdg = distance between transfer station s and grid g in zone d (km) UTC t = unit solid waste transportation cost in period t (RMB/ton·km) EPT s = pre-processing efficiency of transfer station s (−) CS = unit solid waste pre-processing cost at a transfer station (RMB/ton) WTSL tsl = amount of solid wastes from transfer station s to landfill facility l in period t (104 tons/year) WTSI tsi = amount of solid wastes from transfer station s to incineration facility i in period t (104 tons/year) WTSC tsc = amount of solid wastes from transfer station s to composting facility c in period t (104 tons/year) DSL sl = distance between transfer station s and landfill facility l (km) DSI si = distance between transfer station s and incineration facility i (km) DSC sc = distance between transfer station s and composting facility c (km) RRI td = ratio of incinerated solid wastes in zone d in period t (−) RRC td = ratio of composted solid wastes in zone d in period t (−) WTL tdgl = amount of solid wastes from grid g in zone d to landfill facility l in period t (104 tons/year) WTI tdgi = amount of solid wastes from grid g in zone d to incineration facility i in period t (104 tons/year) WTC tdgc = amount of solid wastes from grid g in zone d to composting facility c in period t (104 tons/year) DL dgl = distance between grid g in zone d and landfill facility l (km) DI dgi = distance between grid g in zone d and incineration facility i (km) DC dgc = distance between grid g in zone d and composting facility c (km) LTC l = existing treatment capacity of landfill facility l (104 tons/year) ITC i = existing treatment capacity of incineration facility i (104 tons/year) CTC c = existing treatment capacity of composting facility c (104 tons/year) LEL = low-capacity expansion level of a landfill facility (104 tons) LEM = medium-capacity expansion level of a landfill facility (104 tons) LEH = high-capacity expansion level of a landfill facility (104 tons) CEL = unit capacity expansion cost of a landfill facility (RMB/ton) LL tl = binary variable for indicating whether landfill facility l is expanded at the low level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) LM tl = binary variable for indicating whether landfill facility l is expanded at the medium level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) LH tl = binary variable for indicating whether landfill facility l is expanded at the high level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) IEL = low-capacity expansion level of an incineration facility (104 tons) IEM = medium-capacity expansion level of an incineration facility (104 tons) IEH = high-capacity expansion level of an incineration facility (104 tons) CEI = unit capacity expansion cost of an incineration facility (RMB/ton) IL ti = binary variable for indicating whether incineration facility i is expanded at the low level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) IM ti = binary variable for indicating whether incineration facility i is expanded at the medium level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) IH ti = binary variable for indicating whether incineration facility i is expanded at the high level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) CEL = low-capacity expansion level of a composing facility (104 tons) CEM = medium-capacity expansion level of a composing facility (104 tons) CEH = high-capacity expansion level of a composing facility (104 tons) CEC = unit capacity expansion cost of a composing facility (RMB/ton) CL tc = binary variable for indicating whether composing facility c is expanded at the low level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) CM tc = binary variable for indicating whether composing facility c is expanded at the medium level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) CH tc = binary variable for indicating whether composing facility c is expanded at the high level in period t (1 = positive, 0 = negative) LOC tl = unit operation cost of landfill facility l in period t (RMB/ton) IOC ti = unit operation cost of incineration facility i in period t (RMB/ton) COC tc = unit operation cost of composting facility c in period t (RMB/ton) IOR t = processing efficiency of an incineration facility in period t, i.e., ratio of the weight loss of solid wastes due to incineration (−) IB t = unit benefit for an incineration facility in period t (RMB/ton) DIL il = distance between landfill facility l and incineration facility i (km) RWI tdil = amount of the residues from incineration of solid wastes from zone d by incinerator i to landfill facility l in period t (104 tons/year) COR t = processing efficiency of a composting facility in period t, i.e., ratio of the weight loss of solid wastes due to composting (−) CB t = unit benefit for a composting facility in period t (RMB/ton) DCL cl = distance between landfill facility l and composting facility c (km) RWC tdcl = amount of the residues from composting of solid wastes from zone d by composter c to landfill facility l in period t (104 tons/year) - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (vii) The branch-and-bound algorithm (Land and Doig 1960) is employed again to solve the above mixed-integer linear programming model, generating the optimal values of λ, decision variables in the original model, and the corresponding minimal solid waste processing costs of four zones and Beijing - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 It has been believed that energy consumption is primarily determined by gross domestic product (GDP), while over the time, empirical studies unveiled various potential factors that determine the energy usage - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 as the factors determining energy consumption function (Shahbaz and Lean 2012; Wang 2014; Azam et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is a broad narrative that the importance of energy as a commodity in the country’s economic development and expansion cannot be overstated - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The data on energy consumption in different region and the world from 1971 to 2014Footnote 1 is used to plot the trend overtime, in Figs. 1 and 2 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thirdly, the determinants in the energy consumption function are similar in each country’s case, and the data is retrieved from a single reliable and most authentic source - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Kraft and Kraft (1978) discovered evidence to support the link between income and energy consumption in the USA - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In another study by Bekhet and Othman (2014), they observed a long-term connection between energy consumption and economic activity in Malaysia from 1971 to 2011 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The link between the FDI and trade openness with energy consumption is also supported by empirical studies discussed in the next subsection - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this regard, Yu and Choi (1985) found causal relationship between GNP and energy consumption in the Philippines and South Korea - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the other hand, the study found no causality between income and energy consumption in Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The causality flowing from CO2 to energy consumption was also confirmed by Soytas and Sari (2009) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The shift of labor force from rural areas to urban areas significantly increased the energy consumption because energy is a normal good and urban population in contrary uses more energy (Sadorsky 2013) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A summary of previous studies on the factors determining energy consumption are also reported in Table 1 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Urbanization also affects energy consumption and previous empirical evidence reveals that urbanization brings the structural transformation in the economy (Mishra et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These transformations effect the energy consumption because the urban people are more energy consumption intensive (Sadorsky 2013) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, like other factors, CO2 is also considered a vital factor in the energy consumption function - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The estimation is solely based on the ordinary least square, for the results of energy consumption function - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, the rest of all variables have insignificant impact on energy consumption in almost all of the sample economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This means that these variables have no relationship with energy consumption and no impact on the energy consumption regardless of their coefficient sign - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The aim of this study is to model the energy consumption function and find significant determinants of energy consumption among all the factors illustrated by the relevant literature - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Marine litter is recognized as a global marine environmental problem - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Different litter items were associated to a certain source according to the ‘Masterlist’ of litter item categories and attribution of sources for litter surveyed in the different marine compartments (with regards to the beach compartment) of Annex V of the Marine Litter Assessment in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas (Vlachogianni et al - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 (2015), waste management on land needs to be improved to decrease the amount of litter that ends up in the ocean - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 It is concluded that although energy consumption has a vital importance in boosting growth and development of the economies but heavily focusing on non-renewable energy cause environmental problems therefore, it is suggested to promote renewable energy sector for efficient and environment friendly use of energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The role and importance of energy in the process of economic development of an economy cannot be negated (Caglar 2020; Destek and Sinha 2020; Soytas and Sari 2003) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, keeping in view the significant position of energy in boosting economic growth and development of the economies, the UN has established seventeenth sustainable development goals commonly known as SDGs - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Based on the facts provided, it is important to know the answer to the question “How NRE and RE consumption reacts to economic growth?” To find the possible answer to this question, the researchers have segregated the whole sample into income and regional groups and then analyzed the gathered information - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Akinlo (2008) using the same variables also supported above results to some extent since energy consumption has a considerable long-run impact on economic augmentation and growth in 4 out of 11 selected Sub-Saharan African nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A multi-country study on six Central American economies by Apergis and Payne (2009) over the period 1980–2004 provided the evidence supportive of growth being positively affected by energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Following the economic production theory, this study tried to explore the impact of RE and NRE consumption on economic growth by including the labor and capital in a recently widely used multivariate model - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By considering more on RE, they can contribute towards improvement of economic growth as well as controlling pollution - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study has examined the impact of both NRE and RE consumption on economic growth of panel of 99 countries with inclusion of basic economic production factors labor and capital to control for variable biasness - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Non-renewable energy is a major contributor to growth in all sample countries which might be due to reason that fossil fuels (especially coal) are least expensive - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The 7th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-7) ensures everyone can access clean, affordable, modern energy and services by 2030 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 But the complexity and crucial part of this goal lie in the mentioned condition of “clean, affordable and modern energy” because the same energy sector also contributes about three-fourths of the global emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To achieve the modern and clean energy objectives under SDG-7, electricity access has shown enormous progress as it rose to 90% globally in 2019, from only 83% in 2010 (United Nations 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Despite adequate policy interventions, such countries have failed to attain full sectoral energy transition by transforming household energy consumption patterns - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The direction of causality found between energy use and economic growth has got enormous conflicting views in the field of research in energy economics since the energy crises of the 1970s - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 We find that HDI as a measure of development could explain state-level fuel-choice behaviour differently for the rural population than standard economic growth measures like GDP - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Still, it has also indirectly led to observations of forest management (SDG-15) towards halt and reversal of land degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 With more income, energy demand, including modern energy sources, becomes increasingly diverse - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study also focuses on the effect of household size and the age of the household head in explaining the inter-household energy consumption patterns - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This indicates the difference between GSDP and HDI as a measure of economic development in adopting modern fuels at the state level across the rural and urban sub-population - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Several metals, such as Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and U, exceeded the maximum water quality limits, whereas Cr, Ni, Cu, and Cd levels were above the limits in sediments (Vergilio et al., 2020) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 According to post-disaster management, Renova Foundation, after the Fundão Dam burst, techniques used to contain the tailings and stimulate the natural absorption process involved the application of biodegradable blankets prepared using coconut fiber - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The drinking water supply was seriously compromised, with impacts on vegetation and fauna, mainly fish populations, as the penetration of light in the rivers failed as the water became turbid - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There has been permanent damage to preservation areas, which may compromise access to natural resources by future generations, as proclaimed by the SDGs (Salvador et al., 2020) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This article seeks to examine the impacts of renewable and non-renewable energy on carbon dioxide emissions for 14 Middle East and North Africa economies using fully modified least-squares and vector error correction model techniques - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) argue that the transition from non-renewable energy to cleaner and environmentally friendly renewable energy use helps reverse worsening trends in greenhouse gas emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, it has the highest CO2 emissions per dollar of production in the world and is ranked as the second greatest polluted region in the world, after South Asia (Omri, 2013); (ii) the region has developed rapidly in recent years the market for renewable energy with increased investment and an expanding pipeline of projects to take advantages of the abundance of energy resources renewable sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Their empirical results suggest that the EKC mechanism does not explain the economic growth-environment nexus in these countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) study the linkage among energy, economic growth, and emissions for 51 countries of the “Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).” The results show that the EKC hypothesis validated between growth and the environment for BRI countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the case of the USA, Twumasi (2017) also studies the linkage between CO2 emissions and renewable energy, and their results indicate that rising the production of renewable energy does not necessarily lead to lessen emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, investigates the effects of economic complexity, renewable and non-renewable energy on CO2 emissions, and ecological footprint in the USA - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The variables included in the analysis are CO2 emissions per capita (in metric tons per capita), GDP per capita (constant 2010 US dollars), non-renewable energy consumption (in kg of oil equivalent per capita), renewable energy consumption (REC) defined as combustible renewable and waste % of total energy, foreign trade measured as the total of exports and imports as % of GDP, financial development measured as the ratio of money supply to GDP, per capita agricultural value added (YA) in constant 2010 US dollars, per capita industry value added (YI) in constant 2010 US dollars, and per capita services value added (YS) in constant 2010 US dollars - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since the GDP coefficient is positive and significant, while the GDP2 coefficient is negative and significant, the presence of an EKC is definitely confirmed by the results of model 1, indicating that CO2 emissions increase with economic development at the initial stages of development, but decrease after the economy surpasses a certain threshold - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In model 1, we find that there is a two-way relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita and between CO2 emissions and renewable energy in the short and long runs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Likewise, there is a two-way association between non-renewable energy and CO2 emissions in the short and long runs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Regarding model 2, there is a two-way causal relationship between agricultural value added and CO2 emissions and between renewable energy and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, renewable energy and agriculture value added have a two-way causal connection in the short and long terms, but no causal link between agriculture and non-renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Finally, for model 4, in both the short and long runs, we reveal a one-way link between renewable energy use and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Empirical results show that renewable energy decreases CO2 emissions, whereas non-renewable energy increases emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Plastics have been recognized as the most abundant and persistent form of marine litter globally - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Ingested macroplastics (pieces of plastic larger than 5 mm), such as plastic bags, six-pack rings and fishing-related items, can cause blockages of the intestinal tract leading to starvation and reduced fitness (Ryan 1988; Bjorndal et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Encounters between nearly 700 species of marine organism and mainly plastic marine litter have been reported (Gall and Thompson 2015) - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Map showing Cyprus’s location in the Mediterranean and detailed inset of the study area, the District of Paphos, with annotations for the location of the City of Paphos and the Akamas Peninsula The 3-day workshop aimed to guide the participating stakeholders to the identification of measures that could be applied within the Paphos District to address the marine litter problem locally - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Equipped with the necessary knowledge, on Day 3, participants were guided through the implementation of specific tools of DeCyDe-4 to identify the most effective, applicable and socially acceptable solutions to address marine litter within the wider Paphos area (including the Natura 2000 Akamas Peninsula) - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 With the presentations completed, and with the participants having a shared understanding of the local situation and the general marine litter problem, a collective intelligence exercise was implemented where participants were engaged in the following sequence of activities: Identification of the root causes of marine litter in the Paphos/Akamas area, based on the information presented in Day 1, and the participants’ personal experience from working and residing within the area in question - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The step-by-step process that was implemented in the 3-day workshop using the DeCyDe-4 method led to the understanding of the marine litter issue at the study area, and resulted in increasingly more “mature” measures to address the problem, leading to the development of a Policy Tool and Action Plan for combating marine litter on a community level, in the Pafos/Akamas area - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This is not a particularly surprising result since human behavior is at the center of the marine litter problem (Pahl and Wyles 2017; Pahl et al - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Following the presentation of measures by the experts (Table 4), the revised list of measures produced by the stakeholders in Day 2 of the workshop (Table 5) included more internationally recognized solutions on marine litter, such as deposit refund schemes, extended producer responsibility schemes, and banning of single-use items - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The ranking of the measures also points to a perceived resistance by industry and companies to take action against marine litter, as the two practices specifically targeting industry ranked last - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The results provide a significant insight into the perceptions of the participating stakeholders with regard to how effective, applicable and socially acceptable measures to reduce marine litter can be, based on the specificities of the local area - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Climate change is a huge problem that has raised domestic and international alertness to mitigate the growing trend (Alola et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The total energy consumption has increased by 3.1%/year since 2013 in Indonesia - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) established that urbanization increase economic growth, while some studies (Nathaniel and Bekun 2020; Kong et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The present research is especially timely and deserving of inquiry, particularly in the current age in which responsible energy use and environmental protection are increasingly being targeted - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This EKC is based merely on the trade-off between environmental degradation and economic performance - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Most research on Indonesian emissions’ involvement has considered an environmental paradigm that often gives a different understanding of the nation’s emissions without any reference to its economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is anticipated that trade openness will exert a positive impact on economic growth, which infers that an upsurge in trade openness will increase GDP \( \left({\beta}_3=\frac{\delta GDP}{\delta TO}>0\right) \) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The basic summary statistical properties that report the measure of central tendencies and dispersion outlined in Table 3 show that agriculture has the highest average, followed by urbanization, energy consumption, GDP, trade openness, and CO2 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, the outcomes of the Jarque-Bera (probability) show that all the series conform to normality with the exemption of both energy consumption and trade openness - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is evidence of a positive (elasticity) and significant interaction between GDP growth and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This means that emissions cause economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This may be found where the use of unsustainable nonrenewable energy in Indonesia’s economic operations positively affects economic development while affecting the climate negatively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This infers that a 0.13% increase in GDP growth is due to a 1% increase in CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, we see that urbanization influences Indonesia’s economic growth, which implies that a 1% increase in urbanization increases GDP growth by 3.40% - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results show that energy use, CO2 emissions, agriculture, and urbanization exert a positive and significant impact on GDP growth which implies that all the regressors with the exemption of trade openness enhance economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, the outcomes of the ARDL long-run and short-run estimations show that agriculture and energy consumption promote the economic performance of Indonesia - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In summary, as a nation, Indonesia has more opportunities to maintain sustainable growth in both economic and environmental operations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study’s outcome would positively impact neighboring countries willing to take the steps suggested in this paper to strengthen their sustainable growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In order to simultaneously achieve (i) an adequate removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand at 5 days (BOD5) and suspended solids (ii) a low production of primary sludge, and (iii) a minimum energy consumption, a scientific review conducted by Ghunmi et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2018), three AF, containing different filter materials, were fed with WW from a large-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with an organic loading rate of 252 gCOD m−3 day−1 - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 As seen in other regions, food insecurity was strongly associated with poverty, low education, having three or more children in the household, lack of social support and poor wellbeing - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Findings highlight that economic and social policies are needed to tackle this progressive deterioration of food security and guarantee the right to food if LA is to achieve 2030 targets - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There have been similar signs of economic recession in other macroeconomic factors of the region which include increases in inflation, unemployment and poverty (World Bank 2018; ECLAC 2017) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is a cause for concern and a matter for research on how these declines may be affecting noted food security gains in the region, since researchers have shown that food security is strongly associated with the political and economic environment (FAO and PAHO 2017; Van Hal 2015; Brinkman et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In addition to economic factors, political instability affects food security, since the political environment directly affects the economy and government commitments and the types of policies employed in the area of food security (FAO et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The plan of action for the region as it moves towards achieving the SDGs by 2030 should be informed by evidence-based research in order to assess how the region has fared in the area of food security since the crisis, and the magnitude of the deterioration if any - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These tools have been extensively validated nationally and regionally, leading to the recognition that EBFSS are the best measure to assess “resource-constraint food insecurity” (Pérez-Escamilla et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Thresholds are based on the following categories: 0 “Food Secure”; 1 to 3 “Mild Food Insecurity”; 4 to 5 “Moderate Food Insecurity”; and 6 to 8 “Severe Food Insecurity” (FAO 2016) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Descriptive analyses were used to assess the changes in food security status over the period, using z-tests to verify significant differences among proportions and linear-by-linear tests to examine associations between variables - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Changes in the food security status in Latin America region are presented in Fig. 1 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There was a significant decline in food security from 2014 (51%) to 2017 (43%), along with significant increases in the two most extreme categories of food insecurity: moderate (13% to 16%) and severe food insecurity (14% to 19%) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While Paraguay, El Salvador and Honduras showed an increase in food security, Argentina and Brazil had a 25% and 24% decrease in food security, respectively, over the same period - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Although the prevalence of food security remained stable in Costa Rica during this period, the country showed the region’s third highest prevalence (56%) of food security in 2017 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Wellbeing and household income per capita had the greatest association with food security status (Table 4) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On the other hand, the elderly were more protected against food insecurity, as they were 33% more likely to be food secure - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 After years of improvement in the fight against hunger (FAO 2015), this study, using population-representative data from 18 Latin America countries showed a significant decline in food security (51% to 43%) with increases in moderate food insecurity (13% to 16%) and severe food insecurity (14% to 19%) during the most recent economic recession (2014 to 2017) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While it was expected that there would be worsening food security status in the region, there were some surprises: in some countries food security increased (Paraguay, El Salvador and Honduras) and in others food security or food insecurity remained stable (Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 El Salvador and Honduras also presented a significant reduction in inequality, although lower in magnitude, with a Gini Index reduction rate of −1.5% and − 0.1% per year, respectively in 2014 to 2016 (CEPAL 2018) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Expectedly, the prevalence of food security increased by 33% in El Salvador (35% to 46%) and by 15% in Honduras (23% to 27%) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This is also expected because these countries are part of the Mesoamerica region, in which economic growth remained stable over the selected period (IMF 2017) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This prolonged and long-term economic instability may partially explain the 25.4% decline in food security in Argentina from 72.7% in 2014 to 47.3% in 2017 (Table 3) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 She found that social support improved food security by facilitating the loan of money or food in cases of shocks, providing help to produce and prepare food, and also to form connections in finding employment (Miller 2015) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Surprisingly, our findings showed that increased age for those over 60 had a protective effect for food security in the Latin America region with the elderly being 33% less likely to be food insecure - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 FIES measures the understudied access dimension of food security rather than macro-level country measures such as production/trade or proxy food utilization measures such as anthropometrics - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While there are no gold-standards in measuring multidimensional food security, FIES stands out as a unique, validated and internationally comparable tool - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Authors suggest that food security measures can improve policy development by facilitating clear, participatory and responsive planning, decision-making and implementation by policymakers at national and regional levels - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Countries of the region have won global acclaim for political and economic commitments towards food security (Pérez-Escamilla et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This study aims to examine the asymmetric impact of financial institutions and information and communication technologies (ICT) trade on renewable energy demand in BRICS economies by using the cross-sectionally augmented nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, the long-run asymmetric estimates attached to ICT trade are positively significant, confirming that a positive shock increases renewable energy consumption and a negative shock hurts renewable energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The last few decades have seen an unprecedented rise in renewable energy sources that have replaced the non-renewable energy sources in the total energy matrix (Sohail et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to sustainable development goals (SDGs) 7, there should be worldwide access to modern, reliable, and affordable energy services by 2030 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Schumpeter (1912) states that well-functioning financial markets promote economic growth by recognizing and financing initiatives with the highest possible returns - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Levine (1997) investigated the link between financial development and economic development and observed that a vibrant and dynamic financial system mobilizes the economic resources and directs them toward the most profitable ventures in the economy - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They noted that the inflation rate significantly affects renewable energy in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It reveals that an increase of 1% in GDP, research and development, and inflation increases REC by 0.829%, 0.667%, and 0.063%, respectively - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This notion relies on renewable energy sources being more energy-intensive than non-renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, GDP is positively associated with REC while inflation and research and development are insignificantly associated with REC in the short run - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The provision of clean and green energy does not help reduce the severe effects of energy poverty but improves environmental quality by controlling CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this regard, growing the share of renewable energy sources in the total energy mix of nations has become crucial for sustainable economic development alongside environmental sustainability - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The BRICS economies should invest in renewable energy projects that will help economies in achieving SDGs goal 7 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this context, renewables, which do not pollute the environment, are beginning to be seen as a solution to environmental concerns and energy security - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Due to concerns about global warming and climate change, various international activities and agreements such as the 1972 Stockholm Conference, the 1987 Brundtland Report, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, and the 2015 Paris Conference have been implemented to take action to eliminate pollution - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Renewable energy share in the total energy mix in ASEAN countries (% of total) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (i) Is current renewable energy sufficient to improve environmental conditions in ASEAN countries? (ii) Can an increase in income help reduce CO2 emissions? (iii) Do FDI and trade openness have a compounding impact on pollution? We explore the answers to these questions by accounting for the possible cross-sectional dependence (CSD) in the panel data and using the panel ARDL approach - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 FDI increases environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Renewable energy is an important solution in the fight against global warming, as it has the function of reducing CO2 emissions (Shahnazi and Shabani 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Despite the abundant renewable resources in some of the ASEAN countries, these resources are consumed with low efficiency and some clean energy projects cannot be funded (Liu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Instead of focusing on renewable energy, a more accurate strategy could be to support income growth and steer society toward environmentally friendly goods and services that have access to high-income levels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this context, the determinants of pollution in countries whose CO2 emissions continue to increase are analyzed with empirical studies and researchers develop various strategies for decarbonization - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The tourism sector significantly increases environmental degradation in the long term - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Overall, these findings show that economic growth and foreign trade are effective and useful environmental policy tools for ASEAN countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Taheriyoun and Moradinejad (2015) assessed the risk of Tehran West Town wastewater treatment plant applying FTA technique - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Yilmaz and Harmancioglu (2010) designed a water resource management model for decision -making based on sustainable development criteria with regard to biological, social, and economic aspects - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Where PBE5 denotes the failure probability of the basic event of “increased marine pollution”, GWmax is the highest amount of effluent in each scenario - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Shortage in domestic water supply: The failure probability of this index can be calculated using the amount of supplied domestic water (ASDD) and the total amount of domestic demand (TADD) based on the following formula: Relative water stress: This index is derived from the ratio of the consumed volume of conventional resources to the total available water resources - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Order of importance of social indices are public dissatisfaction yielded from water shortage, low employment rate, and public dissatisfaction for poor water quality of desalination plants respectively - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Empirical evidence from the dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) technique corroborated by the fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) technique shows that a percent rise in renewable energy consumption level significantly abates carbon emission among these countries by about 0.26% while growing globalization vis-à-vis a percent increase in openness to trade significantly hampers environmental quality via inducement of carbon emission level by 0.32% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, this study explores the impacts of trade openness and transition to renewable energy use on the environmental quality of Turkey and the countries in the Caspian region, thus providing a contemporary insight into the environmental sustainability of the countries in this bloc - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For trade openness (LnOPEN), the summation of total import and export as a fraction of individual countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) was utilized, and the total amount of renewable energy use (LnRGER) as a percentage of the total final energy consumption in each country between 1992 and 2016 was also obtained for the empirical analysis - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We report the outputs of the Pairwise Granger Causality test in Table 7. From Table 7, at a 5% significance level, renewable energy consumption is found to be Granger causing carbon emission level in the countries that are included in the panel study - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Eco-efficiency-triggered sustainable agriculture is often expressed as a system aimed at the production of food items through such practices that cause an augmentation in the ecological integrity and also maintain an economic viability - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Undernourishment is marked by a person’s inability of getting sufficient food to meet up the daily minimum dietetic energy requirements, for 1 year - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the global food security index, Pakistan ranked at 75th position out of 105 countries (Aziz et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is now indicated that food insecurity is the main national problem prevailing in Pakistan, having 60% food insecurity in Punjab, 63.5% in Baluchistan, and 72% in Sindh, respectively - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Compared with malaria, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and tuberculosis (TB) combined, it is reported that more mortality is caused by hunger every year and is considered to be the top most health risk to human - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The main purpose of integration is to increase productivity and sustainability, to enhance diversification, and to improve natural resource efficiency - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! This study also accomplishes almost 14 out of 17 sustainable development goals particularly SDG 2 as the target of this goal is to achieve food security, improve nutrition, end hunger, and promote sustainable agriculture - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For examining the amount of manure falling during 1 h, analysis was carried out and results showed that the hen discharged fresh manure of about 7.5 g per chicken per hour while the dry weight of manure was 1.3 g which was enough to feed 10 fishes without deteriorating water quality - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The roof is built up with the help of galvanized sheet which provides better insulation and is beneficial for its durability, longevity, light in weight, and energy efficiency properties - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The grated nature of coop floor means that the poultry manure directly falls in the pond which can be directly eaten up by the fish or aids in the production of phytoplankton - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 That is, achieving the SDGs in developing countries especially the ability of these countries to sustainably produce and consume energy resources achieves economic growth and protects the natural environment (Cui 2016; Saidi and Hammami 2015) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The findings of this study are envisaged to help policymakers in Pakistan to upkeep modern and pollution-free technologies like renewable energy and green portfolio investment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Ct, Et, Yt, FDIt and TRt, which represents CO2 emission, energy consumption, per capita GDP, foreign direct investment and trade openness respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The negative shocks to energy consumption decrease the long-term increase in economic activities, which would ultimately reduce the long-term CO2 emissions, which could have a positive environmental effect - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The asymmetric connection between CO2 emission and energy consumption demonstrates that a positive shock in CO2 emission may cause a positive shock in energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, both symmetric and asymmetric relationships between CO2 emissions and economic growth were determined to be neutral - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Meanwhile, economic expansion and CO2 have a large symmetric causal relationship, implying that a one-point rise in per capita economic growth will increase emissions in the country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By investigating the challenges of the country’s drive toward environmental sustainability, the present study offers a new perspective on the role of electricity consumption and economic growth in a carbon-income function setting - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It means that as much as there is a drive for global integration of the market amidst global energy consumption and causing persistent demand on the natural and atmospheric environment, pollutant emissions are inevitable (Saint Akadiri et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 By extension, extant literature has widely examined the linkage between energy consumption and the environment, a position that has been strongly upheld by intergovernmental organizations such as the UNFCCC - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The investigation found that electricity generation intensified the GHG emissions in 2007 and that the intensity of GHG emissions will reduce by 2040 provided the country continues to implement the development of nuclear and renewable energy (such as its carbon capture and storage, CCS) programs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2013) opined that the high volume of CO2 emissions in China over decades is since electricity generation is mostly from coal and its products - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To investigate long- and short-run relationships between economic growth (RGDP), electricity consumption (Elec), globalization index (Glo), and carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in China, the abovementioned variables had their data sourced from the world bank indicators ( ) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The choices of variables under investigation are motivated based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 7, 8, 13, and 17 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) 2019 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Electricity consumption (Elec)—access to affordable electricity would help to increase substantially production of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Economic growth (RGDP)—sustained economic growth is promoted by encouraging greater and higher levels of productivity plus innovation through technology - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This will achieve full and productive employment for individuals willing and able to work (SDG 8) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 There is an obvious upward trend in terms of energy (electricity) consumption, carbon dioxide emission, globalization, and economic growth over the entire sampled period - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is a call for environmental and energy economists to decouple economic growth from increasing CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Accordingly, spotting the sectors which contribute the most to CO2 emissions and dampen economic growth have become one of the major concerns for policymakers around the globe - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, the study basically checks the validity of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis by taking into account the role of energy consumption and financial development over the period of 1990–2018 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 By boosting the CO2 emissions figures, again, the study also revealed that higher levels of energy consumption exhibit adverse environmental consequences - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, pollution is in a sense the ultimate price for economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Hence, it is very important to understand the effects of economic growth on the environment as reducing CO2 emissions to control global warming is not a simple issue (Allard et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, to fight global warming, these economies are obliged to pursue efforts to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and to keep the global temperature levels well below 2 °C (preferably up to 1.5 °C) above the pre-industrial level by the end of this century though they have their own national environmental protection and sustainability objectives - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Apart from them, many of the earlier studies have confirmed the existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between income and environmental degradation (i.e - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2021) found that economic growth and economic structure significantly affect carbon emissions positively and negatively respectively at the global level studying 147 countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Later, Sadorsky (2011) examined the impact of financial development on energy consumption in a sample of 9 Central and Eastern European frontier economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Their results indicate unresponsiveness of energy consumption to long-term equilibrium, while short-term relationship is bidirectional - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study of Štreimikienė (2016) focuses on financial support from EU structural funds to sustainable energy development in Baltic States - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They emphasized that policies to increase energy efficiency are the most important drivers of GHG emission reduction and achieving EU20–20–20 targets in Baltic States - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Among the recent studies, Bui (2020) looked for possible transmission channels that allow financial development to affect environmental quality (CO2 emissions) using a global sample of 100 countries from 1990 to 2012 and confirmed positive and direct effect of financial development on environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Ma and Fu (2020) investigated the influence of overall financial development and its components on energy consumption using data from a panel of 120 countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) discuss differences in development of the energy sector, among other main sectors, over the period 2000–2016 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, it is evident from the above discussion that fewer studies have been conducted on the validity of the EKC hypothesis in the Baltic region than studies directed towards the nexus between financial development and energy consumption, or on the energy–growth nexus - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This increases the pace of economic growth (Frankel and Romer 1999) as well as the environmental performance dynamics - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This can happen because of using outdated technologies, for instance, in the energy sector that greatly influence economic productivity - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In AMG and CCEMG model estimations, the coefficients of the economic growth and squared economic growth variables which have negative and positive signs are required for a U-shaped relationship - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The causal link between economic growth and energy use can be justified as follows - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In panel estimations, the study finds a U-shaped relationship between economic growth and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Urban residents are more vulnerable to the health impacts of heat waves due to the existence of urban heat islands, in particular those individuals and communities living in poverty (IPCC 2018) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A household survey in five cities in Canada revealed that most participants perceived the heat as a health risk and would take coping actions, such as staying in air-conditioned places and keeping well hydrated (Alberini et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Our previous population-based telephone survey revealed that Hong Kong residents perceived climate change as the first-order threat to their health among diverse natural and human-made hazards and disasters (Chan et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Contrary to our hypothesis, we did not find positive relationship between risk perception level of climate change health impact and cooling device ownership and use - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This study uses the difference in differences (DID) method to evaluate the mean causal effects of a treatment on an outcome of the determinants of scaling up green financing and climate change mitigation in the N-11 countries from 2005 to 2019 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Either group experienced an improvement in green financing and climate change mitigation or a decrease - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The next section presents an overview of the status of green and climate change mitigation on the N-11 countries and the BRICS - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Green finance includes climate finance but is not limited to it - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Next emerging countries (N-11) are facing climate change and its attendant problems - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This finding is revealing and calls on developing countries to green their stock portfolios by demanding listed companies to institute favorable environmental policies and increase the share of renewables in their energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These measures will ameliorate the plights of the poor due to the exacerbated inequalities created by economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019) in their recent paper said, transitioning to a low-carbon economy and therefore, mitigating climate change impacts demand the adoption and utilization of carbon pricing and green bonds - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Under this scenario modeled above, individual countries that have low green finance and climate mitigation opportunities are likely to increase and adopt policies to spur them to increase their green finance and mitigate mitigation, after the treatment period, as a result of the demands of the Paris accord and environmental pressure group concerns - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Expectedly, rescon that is renewable energy consumption in final energy consumption as aproxy of green investment has a lower mean score (Fig - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In the same vein, research and development (R&D) is highly significant to attracting green financing to the treatment countries - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 China had a share of renewables in its energy mix of 14.3% in 2018 and on its way to exceed the 15% target in 2020 and accounted for 33% investment in renewables in 2018 (IRENA 2020) (Meidan 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, some of the N-11 countries have advanced in terms of technology and R&D; Korea and Turkey could compete with the BRICS countries like Brazil and Russia in terms of mobile phone usage and other technology - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 At the heart of this, SDG 7, where sustainable, affordable consumption of energy is central to this goal, about 1$ trillion is needed from all sources to realize the transformative idea of the SDGs - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Achieving this requires a rapid decarbonisation of the global economy - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, decarbonisation alone will not be sufficient; IPCC scenarios for limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 °C also require the removal of increasing amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (IPCC 2013) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 NDCs operate on a ratcheting five-year cycle, with each round of public submissions advancing in ambition relative to the previous round (Article 4.3 Paris Agreement) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In the first NDC submissions of 2015, 59 countries included coastal ecosystems in their adaptation responses whilst 28 included them as part of mitigation strategies (Herr and Landis 2016) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Of these, 13 countries had already included coastal ecosystems in their previous NDC submissions; however, explicit mention of and concrete targets for BCEs remains limited (NDC Partnership 2019) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Due to delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic it is possible that some of these opportunities could be realised in this second round of NDC submissions but will certainly be available during the next phase of 2025 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2017; NDC Partnership 2020) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 First, environmental justice requires that those most affected by climate change and most vulnerable to its impacts (both short and long-term) are central to responses to mitigate and adapt to those changes - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Changes in governance regimes associated with BCEs can disproportionately affect the most vulnerable people for good or ill (Fortnam et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 To be just and successful, the NDC consultation process must involve the local communities themselves in the planning and implementation stages - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, community participation may feature during implementation of projects, specifically with capacity building, the enhanced transparency framework (which reports on individual efforts of countries) and NDC submissions, which are due every five years - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Blue NbS and the NDC ratchet mechanism with potential points in the NDC cycle for community engagement (adapted from UNFCCC Secretariat in Von Unger et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2018) propose a useful six-step approach to manage power in Community-Based Climate Change Development projects (CB-CCD), which involves explicit attempts to avoid domination by one or more powerful groups and ways to ensure the vulnerable are empowered and can voice grievances (Table 1) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Similarly, whilst Kenya’s NDC now has an explicit commitment to ‘conduct blue carbon readiness assessment for full integration of blue carbon/ocean carbon into NDCs’ (Tobiko et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 There was no reference to blue carbon, or indeed coastal or marine management for mitigation or adaptation, in Kenya’s first NDC submission in 2015, despite the country hosting two of the world’s few certified blue carbon projects (Mikoko Pamoja and Vanga Blue Forest), as well as having 455.9 km2 of mangroves (Kirui et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, the Kenyan National Mangrove Ecosystem Management Plan was developed in 2017, but implementation has been slow; the explicit endorsement of this plan in the new NDC will encourage operationalisation - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The opportunities for PES and other forms of new financing are noted, a full assessment of Blue Carbon to allow complete integration into the next NDC is anticipated and the document includes an explicit commitment to enhancing community governance in participatory resource management in coastal ecosystems Having assessed current blue carbon opportunities and the scope for expansion, countries can access opportunities to participate in bilateral and multilateral agreements that support increasing the ambition of a country’s NDC targets - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 There are already hints that countries may want to prioritise NDC targets over independent carbon projects; Indonesia recently cancelled all ‘self-declared’ carbon projects in favour of directing carbon benefit towards national targets (Foresthints 2021) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Community-led BCE conservation and restoration projects contribute towards SDGs, biodiversity framework targets, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction efforts, in addition to carbon goals (UNEP 2020a) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2007; Larsson 2014). A study conducted in 7 European countries (Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Cyprus, Germany, Finland, and Norway) detected 17 antibiotics, i.e., ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, enrofloxacin, orbifloxacin (Fluroquinoloes class of drugs are used to treat gram harmful abdominal infections, pyelonephritis, and as second-line treatment for typhoid fever as resistance is increasing); azithromycin, clarithromycin (Macrolides class of drugs used to treat typhoid, Rickettsial infections), sulfapyridine (used for skin infections); sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim (used in the treatment of typhoid; pneumonia and diarrhea); nalidixic acid (used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs)), pipemidic acid, oxolinic acid, cefalexin (antibiotic prophylaxis before surgeries, diabetic foot ), clindamycin (Clostridium difficile infections, skin and soft tissue infections, Pneumocystis carinii infections); metronidazole (diarrheas and UTIs), ampicillin (for Acinetobacter spp., susceptible typhoid strains, pre-surgery prophylaxis); and tetracycline (used to treat infections of the skin, urinary tract and sexually transmitted diseases), in the final effluent of wastewater treatment plant (Rodriguez-Mozaz et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) through its technical arm, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), has drafted standards for PNEC values for antibiotic residue in industrial effluents (Leo 2020; Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate change 2020) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Collective investor advocacy by the coalition to encourage governments to clarify their agendas, for example in relation to climate change mitigation (including the timing of regulations and taxes), could reduce political uncertainty about the future value of assets - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, the debate on air transport and the influx of foreign investments and global energy demand on economic development remains questionable - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The novel contribution of this study to the empirical literature is the unification in the same research of the TLGH and the EKC for the Next-5 largest economies, establishing recommendations for tourism, energy efficiency and environmental correction process - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The tourism and service industry literature has drawn particular attention to the phenomenon where tourism drives economic development (Brida et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The TLGH offers evidence of economic growth resulting from productive factor inputs and tourism channelled activities (Katircioglu 2009) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 source: IMF (2017); World Economic Outlook, April 2017) Projections of world’s ten leading economies in 2030 (GDP PPP international dollars, trillion) ( Seeking to explore the empirical validation of TLGH, the linkage between economic growth and the tourism industry is examined while accounting for other macroeconomic indicators - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The relevance and the determinants of economic growth and development have been studied broadly in advanced and emerging economies, being tourism one of its determinants as supported by the TLGH - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2020; Rasool et al. 2021), there are mainly four hypotheses when exploring the link between tourism and economic growth (Chatziantoniou et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 2013): (a) two hypotheses based on the unidirectional causality between tourism and economic growth, either from tourism to economic growth (tourism-led economic growth hypothesis, TLGH) or from economic growth to tourism (economic-driven tourism growth hypothesis, EDTH); (b) one hypothesis supporting the existence of bi-directional causality (bi-directional causality hypothesis); and (c) another hypothesis defending no relationship at all (no causality hypothesis) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Banister and Berechman (2003) draw a general perspective of the linkage between economic development and air transport logistics, showing that transportation infrastructure enhancements reduce harmful effects, increasing traffic volume - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the same line, Hong et al. 2011) concluded that advanced air infrastructures provide more FDI, generating a significant economic development catalyst - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They confirm that further specialization in tourism was likely to promote economic growth in Macao and Malaysia - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 So, the initial country’s conditions alter the connection between FDI and economic growth (Trevino and Upadhyava 2003; Ajayi 2006; Alfaro et al. 2004b, a) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This process will attract and absorb the benefits of complementing FDI flows and sustaining higher economic growth in the long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By contrast, some studies suggest that the negative impact of FDI on economic growth is the consequence of a powerful monopolistic industrial infrastructure that prevents local industry from growing (Bornschier and Chase-Dunn 1985; Rhagavan’s 2000; Ajayi 2006) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In the same line, Alfaro (2003) explored the impact of FDI on economic growth in the primary, manufacturing and services sectors, showing that FDI benefits vary significantly across industries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) validated this process, suggesting that air transport enhances economic growth under the TLGH scenario - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, the empirical output also confirms a positive (β2> 0) linkage between energy use (LELCit) and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Finally, the share of the urban population (LURBit) enhances economic growth (β4> 0) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Additionally, electricity output, FDI and urbanization process directly impact economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, the econometric results confirm that the urbanization process enhances economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Demand nodes are used to represent the water use of private households, refugees, commercial, and tourism - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In addition, the model estimates electricity requirements for wastewater treatment and sea water desalination - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Similarly, energy requirements for water desalination were modelled according to specifications of the Aqaba desalination plant and preliminary estimations of the energy intensity of the Red-Dead desalination project, at 5 kWh/m3 and 3.31 kWh/m3 respectively [43] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It assumes that domestic demands will increase over time, with refugees staying (but no new refugees coming), and agriculture and industry not growing over time - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Historical climate is represented by the bars and Increased Evapotranspiration by the dashed line Moreover, the findings presented regarding unmet demands and aquifer drawdown, are in agreement with previous water resource management studies of individual basins of Jordan [31, 32, 35] - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The improvement of energy efficiency would help to assess the effect that modernizing pumps and water networks may have in the energy system - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, it did not had any effect on municipal water scarcity, which is one of the main priority challenges in Jordan - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 evaluating the use of renewable power generation technologies, as solar power, to support pumping requirements of the Jordan water system. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The causes of agricultural pollution include excessive agrochemical use, inadequate postharvest and animal waste management, and conventional irrigation systems (Moss 2008; Zia et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, in developing countries, the lack of strategies for water quality monitoring in high-mountain regions is evident and a constraint to facing the challenges of science-based sustainable development (Riveros-Iregui et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Results from this study facilitate decision-making around solutions to harmonize agricultural activities of traditional small-scale farmers from the páramo with the preservation of hydrological services from this strategic ecosystem - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 They have been used by different authors in the study of the relationship between land-use and water quality in high-mountain regions, including páramo ecosystems (Abella and Martínez 2012; Carney et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Thus, this allows attributing changes in water quality to specific causes, as long as land uses and management practices are identified inside and outside the area of interest (USDA-NRCS 2003) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Under the traditional paired-catchment approach (Clausen and Spooner 1993), at least two catchments are studied (study and control) during two monitoring periods (calibration and treatment), in which water quality data are collected simultaneously in both catchments to assess the performance of management practices over water quality - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The impact of anthropic uses such as spring onion crops, potato crops, and livestock farming over water quality parameters grouped in five categories (nutrients, salts, organic matter, sediments, and pathogens) was assessed - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, besides the effect that land use has on the input of nitrogen and phosphorus to surface water, different environmental conditions in the catchment, such as the slope, could contribute to attenuating or increasing nutrient pollution sources - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! In general, even though affectations to water quality due to land use were observed in the anthropic hydrographic unit, according to the parameters and standards considered in this study, the hydrological service of water supply for crop irrigation, livestock watering, and aquatic life ambient freshwater was not compromised - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This study shows the need to set water quality continuous monitoring schemes that provide the information required for decision-making on the effect of anthropic activities such as agriculture in strategic mountain ecosystems such as páramos - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Our results suggest a nutrition transition is underway, and strategies harnessing traditional knowledge of nutrient-dense, agrobiodiverse foods can help improve food and nutrition security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Improved understanding of agrobiodiversity in PSIDS can help guide sustainable agricultural diversification and intensification strategies aimed at achieving SDG 2 - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Most recent qualitative diet recalls show that diet diversity less than desirable, with consumption of nutritious food groups of fruits, vegetables and animal sourced foods low (Horsey et al., 2019) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The percentage of children under five who are stunted has declined from 32.8% in 2007 to 31.6% in 2015, however wasting has increased during the same time period from 4.3% to 7.9%, and childhood obesity increased from 2.5% to 3.9% (FAO-Stat, 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Evidence is clear that higher body fat percentages are linked to increased cardiovascular disease and other NCD risks (Lee et al., 2011) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 High body fat is a known risk factor for heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and various forms of cancer (Nishida et al., 2010) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Implications of imported processed foods should be further examined with considerations to convenience, affordability, nutrient contributions, and food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 NOVA 4 category ultra-processed foods are strongly associated with increased rates of NCDs including obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancers (Monteiro et al., 2019) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This builds upon the growing evidence that agrobiodiversity is essential for a sustainable food future (Zimmerer & Haan, 2017) and improved human nutrition and health, particularly in light of climate change (Zimmerer et al., 2019) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Promoting nutrition education, particularly if harnessing traditional knowledge, can help build adaptive capacity towards climate change (Granderson, 2017) and improve the nutrient density of food supplies - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This paper makes a novel attempt to model the nonlinear association between renewable energy consumption and crude oil prices concerning four net oil-importing South Asian economies: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, it is pertinent for the world economy to undergo a transition from use of non-renewable to renewable energy resources, keeping environmental sustainability into cognizance (Murshed 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The 7th of the seventeen SDG specifically stresses for substantially elevating the shares of renewables in the global energy consumption figures by the end of 2030 (Villavicencio Calzadilla and Mauger 2018). Therefore, the world economies have expressed their commitments with respect to the attainment the SDG within this stipulated time frame - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In contrast, average electricity prices in Sri Lanka have recently exhibited declining trends (Climatoscope 2019) which can plausibly be attributed to the nation’s relatively less oil-dependency for electricity generation purposes among the selected South Asian NOIC - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, upon checking for the robustness of the findings using an alternate indicator of RE use within the Chinese economy, the findings revealed that oil prices explained almost one-fourth of the total variations in China’s volumes of non-hydroelectric power - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The results showed that oil prices exhibited a positive and statistically significant impact on the share of renewables in total energy production levels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Among the other key variables controlling the econometric framework, RGDP abbreviates for the real gross domestic product which is included to account for the possible effects of economic growth on the facilitation of REC across the concerned economies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, the regression results also imply that liberalizing trade barriers generate favorable outcomes concerning the facilitation of the RET phenomenon within the selected economies - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 A specific reason behind this finding could be interpreted as lower trade barriers facilitating the cross-border flows of renewable power within the concerned economies whereby the levels of REC can justifiably be expected to go up - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 This, according to Grossman and Krueger (1995), would initially lead to an initial phase of environmental degradation, which is subsequently followed by the improvement phase as the average income increases on the environmental Kuznets curve - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2021) explored the nexus between environmental quality and economic growth while accounting for financial development and globalization for the case of South Africa - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The study submits that policymakers and administrators in South Africa should advance policies that encourage energy consumers to shift toward renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The direction of causality reveals a one-way causality from urbanization to CO2 emissions, unidirectional causality from economic growth to CO2 emissions, and unidirectional causality from gross capital formation to CO2 emissions as reported by causality analysis - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the other hand, renewable energy investments were not significant even though they were inhibited by economic policy uncertainty - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The ultimate implication of this move by the US government was that the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget had to be cut down in 2017 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Data were extracted from the World Bank Development Indicator (WDI) and British Petroleum Database, which is given as CO2 emissions (CO2) measured in million tonnes of carbon dioxide (source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2019); primary energy consumption (ENU) measured in million tonnes oil equivalent (source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2019); real gross domestic product (RGDP), measured in constant 2010 US$ (source: WDI); and economic policy uncertaintyFootnote 1 (EPU), proxy: world uncertainty index (WUI) (source: Ahir et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Relevant instruments in the economic performance of Indonesia such as urbanization, foreign direct investment (FDI), and renewable energy source are all adopted for accurate estimations and analysis of this topic - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, a U-shape instead of inverted U-shaped EKC is found confirming the impeding implication of Indonesian economic growth to its environmental performance if not checkmate - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Renewable energy is as well seen having two ways causal relationship with both carbon emission and fossil fuels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Bachri and Normelani (2020) evaluate the nexus of disposable income and environmental degradation on FDI in Indonesia utilized the ARDL and Granger causality test from 1960–2018 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It is also important because it reduces the dependence on imported fuels and creates economic development and jobs in manufacturing and installation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On the contrary, renewable energy has a significant and beneficial influence in the reduction of environmental pollution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Their study suggests cost reduction and suitable control systems for hybrid energy system, and also maximizes the available renewable energy sources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, Usman and Hammar (2021) stated that renewable energy utilization significantly enhances environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) stated that the increase in urbanization and economic growth has increase the pollution in East Asia - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2007) found that the inflow of FDI increases environmental degradation in Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, whereas increase in foreign investment decreases environmental pollution in Indonesia and shows insignificant relation in Singapore - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2021) confirm that renewable energy decreases emissions and mitigates environmental deterioration - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is assumed that the initial stage of economic growth will undermine the atmosphere condition till it gets to a certain point where the impact will turn to positive on environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 We adopt FDI in place of technology in this study because of its multifaceted position in both economic growth and environmental performance through direct and indirect effects - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Following this, we modelled the cointegration according to the ARDL-bound testing with inclusion of both short-run and long-run estimates with error correction model (ECM) as follow: From Eq. 4, some of the properties and the instruments (carbon emissions, urban population, GDP per capita, squared GDP per capita, FDI, Foss, renewable energy, and Dum) have been defined from other Eqs. 1–3 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This suggests that both clean energy sources (renewable energy source) and FDI are mitigating the carbon emission increase in Indonesia - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The objective of the study is to investigate the possibility of Indonesia to mitigate carbon emission with the three policies (FDI, renewable energy, and urbanization) to enhance carbon neutrality of the country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 National policy should be framed towards energy transition as clean energy source (renewable sources) is seen having the greater percentage of mitigating the carbon emission in the country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Natura became the first cosmetics company in the world to launch refillable packages back in 1983 (MIS VP, R02, personal communication), to pioneer sustainable consumption with the launch of the Sou line in 2013 (Dalmarco et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Moreover, the study demonstrates the significance of FA, GF, and GI in improving the EP of financial institutions and, ultimately, in ensuring the sustainable economic development of the country - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Besides, Fintech and GF have been identified by policymakers, particularly in emerging economies, as a necessity toward the achievement of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Nassiry 2019) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Recent literature has demonstrated that Fintech innovation largely supports green economic growth through green investment and lending (Zhou et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020), GI is defined as technology advancements aimed at curtailing waste disposal, environmental deterioration, air pollution, energy consumption, and the burning of fossil fuels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022), who discovered that technological innovation enhances EP significantly - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These include the adoption of the latest and advanced innovations and investment in eco-friendly projects to avert environmental degradation, the promotion of pro-environmental attitudes among managers, and the implementation of green and innovative culture within the firm - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Results from a suite of general linear models show that household assets, education, and demographic characteristics are significantly associated with food security outcomes according to HFIAS and HFIAP - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Given that Sub-Saharan Africa’s future is urban, our results add empirical evidence in support of the growing chorus of scholars advocating for comprehensive urban-oriented food security research and policy agendas across Sub-Saharan Africa - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Most food security studies across the region have concentrated on rural areas and the few case studies that have examined urban food security in SSA have depended on metrics designed to study rural food security (Maxwell et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As such, how urban household demographic, socioeconomic, environmental, and spatial characteristics may vary across established household-level food security metrics is unknown - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Such rural-centric paradigms not only fail to account for the food security needs among the growing number urban poor, but also ignore the fact that we currently lack tools specifically designed to measure food security in the urban context - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Changes in diet and lifestyle historically associated with urbanization are burdening health systems by creating a dual burden of disease of both over- and undernourished poor households (Popkin et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Finally, the urban transition is also transmogrifying food retail systems, specifically leading to an increase in the number of supermarket retail outlets (Reardon et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It is unclear, however, how this shift in diets and food retailing affects food security among the urban poor, nor how if this shift is accurately captured by current food security metrics (Haysom and Tawodzera 2018; Battersby and Watson 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 All three categories stem from a historical rural-centric bias and, if used individually fail to capture the multidimensionality of household food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 2012) and the official poverty rate, determined by the consumption threshold of US$1.83 per day, is quite low at 2.2% in 2012/13 - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The 2017 Accra Urban Food Security Survey, collected over a three-week period in July/August, surveyed 677 households in 9 long-established, low- and middle-income residential areas throughout Accra - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Four models were generated using 668 complete cases to assess how household demographic, socioeconomic, environmental, and spatial characteristics relate to the three household food security metrics, as well as how such predictors may vary across the three food security metrics - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 We employed a slum index to characterize a wide-range of dwelling characteristics found in highly spatially heterogeneity low- and middle-income residential areas of Accra (see Weeks et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Household demographic composition plays an important role in determining food security outcomes measured by HFIAS and HFIAP (Table 2, Table 3) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This is especially evident between households with no adult members who received schooling and those households with members who have some tertiary education, with the greatest effect size among severely food insecure households with no education in the HFIAP ordered logit marginal probabilities model - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Both the labor type and the share of the household engaged in employment does not significantly affect food security across all four models - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Higher total monthly food expenditures also are associated with a higher FCS and with improved food security outcomes based on HFIAP - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 We did not survey households in informal settlements and less than 5 % of sampled household heads had lived in Accra for fewer than five years - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As such, severity of food insecurity measured by HFIAP is likely higher among Accra’s newest and poorest residents - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Furthermore, the extreme spatial heterogeneity of household food security measured by all three indicators—FCS, HFIAS, and HFIAP—reveal that low- or middle-income residential areas have a broad underlying distribution of household-level food security outcomes (Fig - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Interventions should account for the distribution of food security situations within low- and middle-income residential areas - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These metrics do not provide insights into how sourcing of food nor seasonality may play a role in decision making related to food security in cities - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 One possible approach would be to capture multiple metrics that cover different aspects of household food security—e.g - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 But even metrics designed to specifically measure household-level food security in urban areas may not shed light on the broader urban food system, including infrastructure challenges, travel, food safety, and market governance (Haysom and Tawodzera 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Local governments do have options to shore up household urban food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As our results suggest that household wealth correlates with higher levels of food security, local governments can also strengthen household food security directly by reducing the economic burden of procuring food - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Both informal and formal governance arrangements of food retailing influence household food purchases and food security (Blekking et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Reports of widespread hunger stemming from the ongoing economic crisis in Venezuela, a country that is 88.2% urban, highlight the potential dire consequence of not ensuring stable economic access to food for all urban dwellers (FSIN 2018; UN DESA 2018) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In recent years, more and more countries see irrigation using reclaimed water as an opportunity to secure and enhance agricultural production - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Water Strategy of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development [5] described increased reuse of treated wastewater as a goal to reduce water scarcity and its harmful impact on humans - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Israel covers more than 50% of its agricultural water demand with reclaimed water [12] - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, known and unknown metabolites are produced during wastewater treatment due to the activity of various microorganisms present in sewage sludge [35, 37] - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The monitoring of suitable indicator substances and quality control should be established for reclaimed water, e.g., using effect-based methods as well as for the environmental matrices (soil, groundwater) at the irrigated sites - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The selection of adequate wastewater treatment techniques should take into account the specific microbial and chemical composition of the wastewater - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This paper assesses the convergence of the EU-28 countries toward their common goal of 20% in the renewable energy share indicator by year 2020 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A probit model is also fitted with the aim of better understanding the determinants of club membership, which seemingly include real GDP per capita, expenditure on environmental protection, energy dependence, and nuclear capacity, with all of them having statistically significant effects - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The European Union has been one of the pioneers in the field of generation of renewable energy, with a 12% RES target by 2010 declared as early as in year 1997 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The role of renewable energies is also emphasized in the Energy System Integration Strategy (European Commission 2020a), and more recently in the context of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (European Commission 2020b), where clean and renewable energy sources will play an important part in the recovery plans in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The interest in convergence is also motivated by the global mitigation efforts of both governments and international organizations to stop climate change and global warming, which has become one of the main challenges for this century - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This paper has as its distinctive features that convergence is analyzed from the standpoint of renewables (which have been less frequently studied in convergence studies and are a key factor to reduce emissions and bring the EU closer to its neutrality goal) and that the study is conducted at the EU level - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (v) Energy productivity: This indicator has been extensively analyzed - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2020) applies a system generalized method of moments methodology to the EU-14 group of countries, analyzing the contribution of renewable energy sources to primary energy consumption and finding evidence of both absolute and conditional convergence - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The share of renewables increased in the three application areas - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, in terms of consumption of renewable energy, heating and cooling was the biggest contributor in that year, followed by electricity and transport - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 When the logt convergence test is applied (see Table 1, panel B), the null of convergence is not rejected, suggesting that the renewable energy efforts of the UE members are at least converging to their respective national targets as assigned by the UE Directive 2009/28/EC, although possibly not to a single fixed steady state - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Their values are averages for each country over the 2009–2018 period (a shorter range had to be considered in some cases due to limitations in data availability). Real GDP per capita (GDPCAP) is usually considered in literature as a relevant, positive indicator of renewable energy diffusion - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Around 20% of heating and cooling is generated from renewable energy (with solid biomass being the main source, followed by heat pumps, biogas, and solar thermal collectors), which has a crucial role and an enormous potential in the EU’s energy and climate policies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Indeed, it is projected that about 40% of the 32% target share of renewable energy by 2030 will come from the H&C sectors - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A favorable side effect of this exceptional situation has been that the renewable energy shares projected for year 2020 have generally risen, although some caution is required when interpreting those advances as it remains possible that some of those increases are temporary and may eventually be reduced as economic activity reverts to previous levels - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study introduces the concept of boundary objects (Star and Griesemer 1989; Star 2010) to analyse the interface between science and policy as demonstrated in a large-scale landscape restoration project - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As a boundary object, ecosystem restoration planning and implementation should be “both plastic enough to adapt to local needs and constraints of the several parties employing them, yet robust enough to maintain a common identity across sites - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Restoration ecologists might think their training as scientists gives them the “objective knowledge” best suited to decide what ecosystem restoration should entail - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 They relate to inefficiency in the allocation of resources between countries and across time as well as to contingencies, calamities, unintended consequences and unforeseen events, such as droughts, floods, contaminations, invasive species and diseases - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Given the increasing levels of obesity and non-communicable diseases in Australia, consumers need to be specifically aware about the health implications from high levels of meat intake - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Climate change is just one factor influencing certain hazards; it can contribute to disasters where vulnerability and exposure exist, but it is not necessarily the most prominent - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Two milestone reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Managing the Risk of Extreme Events to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (IPCC 2012) and the contribution of Working Group II to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC 2014) urge a risk perspective for assessing the different climate change-related threats (Birkmann and Mechler 2015) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 556), while DRR is “a policy goal or objective, and the strategic and instrumental measures employed for anticipating future disaster risk, reducing existing exposure, hazard, or vulnerability, and improving resilience” (IPCC 2012, p - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, CCA and DRR originated and are maintained in different communities of research and practice, use different approaches and conceptual frameworks, and tend to be planned, implemented, and funded by different government agencies and organizations (Birkmann and von Teichman 2010; Djalante and Thomalla 2012) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These differences create a “silo” mentality of separated and isolated paths among CCA and DRR communities (Gero et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Accordingly, CCA is the aspect to be integrated into the core DRR operation - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Identifying priorities in SFDRR would have represented a significant step toward an effective DRR implementation, as well as an achievement for the implementation of other important policy appointments such as the sustainable development goals (SDG) and the new greenhouses gas (GHG) targets (Briceño 2015) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, in Australia the current architecture of the federal system provides limited space for tackling complex issues such as climate change and risks - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The National Climate Change Adaptation Framework (2007) was designed to support collaboration between federal, state, and local governments - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Similarly, in Indonesia, a reorientation of national government ministries and mandates is required due to major inconsistencies in CCA and DRR structures (Djalante and Thomalla 2012) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Strategies, policies, and plans are among the principal ways the state promotes CCA and DRR - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Many of the least developing countries (LDCs) identified DRR as an urgent problem, but just 24 of 38 LDCs that submitted NAPAs to the UNFCCC have called for immediate action in DRR; only seven of the 24 have requested funding for capacity building and preparedness measures (Birkmann and Pardoe 2014) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 National sectorial strategies, policies, and plans have to include CCA and DRR in their goals (UNISDR 2009) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Some market actors admit an increase in the intensity and frequency of climatic hazards, believing that climate change is real and has an anthropogenic component (for example, GHG) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Risk insurance mechanisms estimate and price climate change-related risks with a good potential for absorbing the financial burden of disasters - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The municipality facilitated the collection of payments, while the insurance company covered any disaster damage to each property according to its rateable value (GDCRR 2011) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For governance in CCA and DRR integration, CBIs provide opportunities for individuals and communities to gain practical problem-solving skills, strengthen social capital, target local scale issues, exploit local resources, increase community participation, and recognize context-specific factors that merit attention (Rojas Blanco 2006) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In the Philippines, CBIs such as Community-Based Disaster Preparedness (CBDP) have been instrumental in formulating local CCA strategies, which also became linked to wider local development issues (Allen 2006) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 But the capacities of women in managing climate change-related risks and hazards are increasingly acknowledged worldwide - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Indigenous groups are vulnerable to climate change due to their location in areas at risk and their dependence on primary production and natural resources (IPCC 2012) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The article discusses and conceptualizes CCA and DRR integration through a governance lens - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 aimed to discuss and endorse plans that maximize science’s contribution to reducing disaster risks and losses in the coming 15 years and bring together the diversity of stakeholders producing and using disaster risk reduction (DRR) science and technology - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The conference emphasized how partnerships and networks can advance multidisciplinary research and bring together science, policy, and practice; how disaster risk is understood, and how risks are assessed and early warning systems are designed; what data, standards, and innovative practices would be needed to measure and report on risk reduction; what research and capacity gaps exist and how difficulties in creating and using science for effective DRR can be overcome - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Recognizing the importance of scientific and technical input for DRR policy and practice, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) established a Scientific and Technical Committee in 2008 and issued in 2009 the first biannual Global Assessment Report (GAR) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This requires mobilizing relevant institutions, networks, and initiatives from all levels and all regions to promote and improve dialogue and cooperation among scientific and technological communities, other relevant stakeholders, and policymakers in order to facilitate a science-policy interface for effective decision making in disaster risk management - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The main sessions were complemented with six side events on the dimensions of DRR that are of particular importance to the work of S&T - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Work Stream 1 (UNISDR 2016a) sought to discuss how to promote cooperation of DRR activity at all levels (local, national, regional, and global) by mobilizing existing networks and integrating DRR into development processes, identify research and technology gaps, and set recommendations for research priority areas in DRR, with the need to address emerging disaster risks, including technological and biological hazards - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These hubs could act as bridges between levels and sectors and meet emergent policy needs required for effective response and to “Build Back Better.” The working group proposed recognized “national DRR science-policy councils/platforms” or a form of national focal points for science to support disaster risk management and meet the Sendai Framework recommendation for implementation - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Developing focal points of scientific advice, for example through more extensive arrangements such as government chief scientific advisors at the national level, alongside national platforms for DRR, were also thought to be useful steps to strengthen the science-policy-practice intersection - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Other examples of the variety of bodies and networks include Partners Enhancing Resilience for People Exposed to Risks (PeriPeri U),Footnote 9 ICSU regional branches,Footnote 10 the African Centre for Disaster Studies,Footnote 11 and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center.Footnote 12 In Asia, the UNISDR Regional Platform has established its own group on Science and Technology as part of the ISDR-Asia PartnershipFootnote 13 to support the Sendai Framework - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Sendai Framework highlights that disaster risk is multifaceted, comprising “vulnerability, capacity, exposure of persons and assets, hazard characteristics and the environment” (UNISDR 2015b, Paragraph 23) and that knowledge of risk should inform all elements of the disaster management cycle - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Working across disciplines, health professionals could be more actively engaged to enable the use of health outcomes (including mortality, injury, and mental health outcomes) (Murray 2014) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Sendai Framework focuses on measuring disaster losses (including number of those dead, injured, and affected, as well as economic losses, and disruption) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The climate change community focuses on trends in losses and the anthropogenic causes of hazards and future impact scenarios - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Innovating in conceptual ideas to strengthen the theoretical framework informing a holistic approach to risk could help in organizing information and the design of an integrated DRR database by making sense of direct and indirect loss data - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Furthermore, the Sendai Framework promotes a multi-hazard approach that encompasses natural, biological, and technological hazards - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Crucial to implementing the Sendai Framework is the need to purposefully advance multidisciplinary DRR research in line with disaster risk capacity building for both decision makers and professionals/practitioners - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 While there have been substantial and enabling investments in climate science, neither science funding bodies nor educational foundations have made resources available for “risk and resilience science,” particularly in low- and middle-income countries where students cannot easily pursue DRR as a field of study or research - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Despite efforts on the part of research and practice communities to create new understanding and be at the cutting edge of science, the vast scope and highly diverse nature of relevant research concepts, theories, methodologies, and empirical findings make it difficult to take stock of DRR knowledge - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, in the health sciences, an expansion of the understanding of health risk has occurred to include the upstream factors behind health outcomes including socioeconomic inequalities and unfair power structures (CSDH 2008) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Similarly, in DRR, such paradigms view the roots of disaster as endogenous to the social order rather than external to it and ask us to consider how historic and current patterns of social organization, governance, and development create the contexts that contribute to the escalation of risks that eventually manifest as disasters (Mileti 1999; Wisner et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 New participatory approaches are needed in future DRR research - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The side events raised the possibility of setting up specific platforms for ongoing discussion throughout the implementation of the Sendai Framework - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Existing networks championing gender-aware DRR practices will be utilized to facilitate this platform - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Sendai Framework pursues a moral aim to substantially reduce the disaster losses of lives and assets from both natural and human-made disasters worldwide - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A comprehensive approach to DRR must include policies for the ethical evaluation of scientific and technological applications that could have widespread and diverse impacts - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Sendai Framework calls for the greater effectiveness of funding investments to support DRR innovation, identify research gaps, and prioritize research areas appropriately (UNISDR 2015b, Paragraph 25g) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The need to optimize national and international cooperation in relation to resourcing research and facilitating its uptake is mentioned throughout the Sendai Framework - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Discussions of this side event focused on how DRR funding mechanisms are operating, why they are siloed and conflicting in some cases, and how to coordinate them better to be mutually reinforcing - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Supporting integrated and holistic approaches to the use of S&T for DRR that reflect the wide scope of the Sendai Framework, which applies to disasters caused by natural or human-made hazards, as well as environmental, technological, and biological hazards - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Such interventions have been shown to improve nutrition behaviour in low income countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The reduction in malnutrition, especially among children below five, has been large and has been explained by incremental changes in wealth accumulation and education (Headey et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Previous studies have shown that home garden interventions can make a positive contribution to gender equality (Patalagsa et al - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Integrated home garden interventions can therefore be an effective tool to addresses one of the root causes of malnutrition in low-income countries, thereby contributing to the achievement of several sustainable development goals, particularly zero hunger (SDG2) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Regular handwashing is one of the most important measures to prevent the epidemic, and this has an impact on water consumption - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In 2020, the COVID-19 Policy Tracker has been launched by the Egyptian Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MPED) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Egypt is strengthening public health and social measures by reducing the working hours for supermarkets and shops and limiting the number of employees in government offices - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Mathematical models used to manage and control invasive species have been summarized (Büyüktahtakın and Haight 2018) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In Bangladesh, overuse of water during the COVID-19 pandemic due to handwashing with soap was observed (Sayeed et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Simultaneously, unemployment has left a growing number of families unable to pay their water bills - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is critical to investigate such consequences since relevant findings will obtain critical information for policymakers to formulate post-pandemic economic recovery packages (Smith et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The SEE region’s top sources of air pollution are coal power plants, followed by air pollution from cities and urban areas - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Most electricity is produced using domestic lignite and coal as well as hydropower - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The production of hydropower is risky when there is less water available, which can result in a disruption in the supply of electricity and increased costs (Rüttinger et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris saw its adoption by 196 parties, and on November 4th, 2016, it came into effect - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 CO2 emissions have been rising due to energy-related human activities influenced by economic development (Sadorsky, 2010) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Energy is a crucial driver for social and economic development, and its role in growth and development is pivotal in environmental economics research - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Due to the current complexities associated with global energy resources, energy security definitions have morphed to include a variety of dimensions, such as energy supply and demand security, pollution prevention, socio-economic aspects, security apparatus, information security, and cultural and health aspects (Ang et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! (2010) found that both RES and energy efficiency are more labor-intensive per unit of energy than fossil fuel supply sectors - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 All this results in job losses, necessitating more production, the development of new jobs, and, eventually, the provision of additional finances to clean up the environment (Gould et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 If energy efficiency progress is not realized, GDP per capita increases CO2 emissions, so the wealthier the economy becomes, the more CO2 emissions per capita it produces - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The panel data regressions show that renewable energy and GDP per capita growth have a non-linear association - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is no connection between energy and economic growth in the short run, neither in Greece nor Bulgaria - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Gross available energy is the total energy supply for all activities on the country’s territory, including energy transformations such as electricity generation from combustible fuels, distribution losses, and non-energy uses of fossil fuel outputs (Eurostat, 2021b) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Because SEE infrastructure is obsolete, significant investments in the growth of the renewable energy sector, which will also create jobs, are required - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Energy policies aimed at increasing renewable energy generation and use will reduce these economies’ reliance on energy-supplying countries while lowering CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Because long-term success cannot be achieved by pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment, SEE countries should employ subsidies and other measures to encourage “green” FDI into technology-intensive industries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study’s primary limitation is the non-availability of data with long enough time horizons for some indicators influencing CO2 emissions and economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Empowering local youths to become involved in tractor rental services, training farmers about value-added agricultural products, and introducing labor-intensive agricultural product processing industries are some avenues for absorbing displaced labor - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Weak governance, lack of political will, institutional incapacity, limited funding and low awareness among the citizenry have debilitated the effective implementation of the policy - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Inadequate monitoring data, and poor institutional capacity of regulatory agencies is a major hinderance to the development of comprehensive national datasets on air quality and proper estimation of the impact of stale air on the environment and human health - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The elements of a sustainable transport system are depicted in Fig. 1 - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Elemental integration of a sustainable transport and mobility systems The apparent lack of coordination of fuel standards on the one hand, and ambient air and vehicular emissions control on the other is a key defect in the pursuit of sustainable mobility systems in Ghana - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 We obtained archived data from the Ministry of Transport, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Petroleum Authority, and the Ghana Energy Commission - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Ghana is only second to Nigeria in terms of total national energy consumption in West Africa [54] - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The petroleum resources are used to power vehicular fleets, power plants, industries and domestic backup power supply systems - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere (SDG1: No Poverty) and taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (SDG13: Climate Action) are among the top priorities of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Baloch et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As the largest developing country, it is so interesting that both “CO2 emission reduction” and “poverty reduction” interlinked with “inclusive finance” were achieved successfully in the same period, which essentially attracted our attention - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Considering the special background of “CO2 emission reduction,” “the development of inclusive finance,” and “poverty reduction” in China at the same time, this paper will carry out an empirical study on how inclusive finance affects the relationship between poverty-CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Reducing poverty through economic growth will worsen the problem of CO2 emissions caused by production and consumption at the same time (Smith and Lewis 2011) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Now “Low Carbon Economy” is regarded as a future development model associated with low energy consumption and less pollution facing up with global warming, resource shortage, and environmental pollution was proposed in order to achieve more production, better living standards, more working opportunities, and less poverty - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2013) tested the financial development-CO2 emissions relationship using Malaysian time-series data and clarified that financial development eased the pressure on CO2 emissions through technological innovation - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In other words, although poverty hinders economic growth, impoverished people exert little pressure on the environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In other words, poverty alleviation reduces CO2 emissions with a high level of inclusive finance - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This paper investigates the linkage among China’s poverty, inclusive finance, and CO2 emissions to achieve the goal of “No Poverty” and “Climate Action.” Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2019, an ARDL model, a moderating effect model, and a dynamic panel threshold model were constructed - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 That is, we can take action to achieve “No Poverty” and “Climate Action” at the same time - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Several other domains were also studied as determinants of nutrition in the abstracts, including (1) gender empowerment and intrahousehold dynamics, (2) consumption, (3) environment and climate change, (4) food environments, and (5) political and economic factors (9, 7, 7, 6, and 4 studies, respectively) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In similar study regions, Bart Minten found that the additional costs imposed on farming households from poor roads and market access, translated to worse welfare and food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, the Ghana School Feeding Program (GSFP) procures local food from small-holder farmers, and aims to improve both child nutrition and school attendance (Gelli et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There is growing acknowledgement that nutritional analysis should be widened to a broader range of household members (particularly adolescents), and to incorporate qualitative research in order to understand the linkages among gender, intrahousehold dynamics and child nutrition - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Similarly, Elisabetta Aurino identified similar patterns in India among longitudinal cohort data of young and adolescent children, which showed higher dietary diversity among boys, and higher allocation of nutritious food groups - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In alignment with the goals of the ANH Academy Week, the Labs focused on linking agriculture and nutrition, and emphasised cross-cutting themes such as culture, gender, and climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The drive to maintain a sustainable environment necessitated the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 agenda, which is to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These type of carbon emissions are known as “greenhouse” gases which should have been absorbed by space but are trapped by absorbing solar energy thereby heating the earth to cause global warming (National Geographic 2019) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To situate the discourse, this study also contributes to the actualization of the Paris Agreement, sometimes referred to as the Paris Accords or the Paris Climate Accords - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Agreements was adopted by 196 parties in 2015 and borders on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This outcome is similar to Lin and Raza (2019) who find that energy intensity reduces carbon emissions in Pakistan for the period 1978 to 2017 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Nguyen and Kakinaka (2019) deployed panel cointegration techniques in 107 countries from 1990 to 2013 to show that renewable energy stalls carbon emissions in high-income countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lastly, Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan have the highest globalization index (GLB) of 49.4%, 45.6%, and 45.1%, respectively, which implies that globalization is driving economic growth in these countries but very weak in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) for G7 countries that globalization stimulate environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Third, it provides sufficient evidence that intense globalization contributes to environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 2014) and urban transition planning (Wolfram 2018) are emerging approaches for governing sustainable urban change that may have something to offer for UAQM, but are not linked to it yet - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Given the situation that air quality policy still fails to achieve air quality levels that are sufficient to protect public health, the overall research question of this paper is, whether UAQM could be enhanced by UTM in order to meet air quality targets in future - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 radical innovations like renewable energy or alternative propulsion technologies) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Secondly, among these, particularly urban transition management (UTM) seems to have potential for UAQM, because it becomes more and more a transition governance tool for urban areas (Frantzeskaki et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Figure 1 outlines the approach for juxtaposing Urban Air Quality Management (UQAM) with Urban Transition Management (UTM) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It highlights that UAQM and UTAM are both process frameworks of urban planning and presents criteria and features that are used for their juxtaposition - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Paradoxically, public transport buses were identified as a major contributor to air pollution concentrations and thus were in focus of the 2015 revision - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Table 1 summarises the main findings gained to this point and is structured by the criteria and features of the analysis framework (urban planning is only added for information purposes here; for its comparison with transition management see Wolfram 2018) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 UAQM aims at effectively (and measurably) protecting public health on a legal basis of an EU Directive and ‘as soon as possible’, while transition management aims at long-term sustainable innovation, mostly by short-term and voluntary experimentation and social learning - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The same can be said with regard to the target of public health protection, because there seem to be no thresholds where for instance PM and NO2 do no harm (Barnes et al - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Due to the described commonalities and differences, the case of air quality really supports the proposition of several authors to see urban planning and urban transition management as approaches that complement – but do not replace – one another (Nevens et al - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Third, UTM and particularly urban transition labs are in fact approaches of practice-based action research - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, there is so far no (formal) UAQM process using an explicit transition management approach or urban transition lab as a setting - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Based on 5,544 investigated mini-grids in the course of the global mini-grids market report 2020, the generation source primarily used was solar power (see Fig. 1), which is indeed the most cost-effective and efficient renewable solution for developing countries (Eras et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Nevertheless, the increase in access to electricity (in total numbers) has decreased in recent years (IEA 2020; Corfee-Morlot et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is critical given that the need for hundreds of mini-grids over the next few years is prevailing in most emerging countries (SEforALL and BloombergNEF 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In Rwanda, mini-grids with a capacity of less than 50 kW are exempt from licensing, while systems between 50 and 100 kW are subject to a simplified procedure (Come Zebra et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Financing mini-grids is challenging, especially in developing countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The electricity generated from mini-grids remains expensive for clients from rural areas (SEforALL and BloombergNEF 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This appears to be a valid strategy, considering the above outlined potentials of solar energy in Namibia and the great dependence on imports of fossil fuels from neighboring countries (GIZ 2020; Electricity Control Board 2017a) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The settlement of Tsumkwe is 735 km away from Windhoek and 304 km from Grootfontein, the nearest town where community members have access to basic services - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It is essential to accelerate the deployment of presented off-grid solutions that provide rural areas such as Tsumkwe and Gam decentralized access to electricity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The OGEMP secondly misses the chance to give an overview of off-grid possibilities, such as mini-grids, in general - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Renewable Energy Policy addresses the issue by recognizing that “(…) some distribution utilities view net metering as a threat to their revenue (…)” and clarifies that corresponding regulations have been introduced (CORE International and Emcon Consulting 2006) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, little funding is available for mini-grids (Ministry of Mines and Energy 2017b) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As the mini-grids in Tsumkwe and Gam have been financed through funds, this section is not applicable to the systems - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, educational campaigns were organized that concentrated explicitly on informing the community about the project itself, maintenance of the stoves/solar water heater and energy efficiency - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Consequently, education and training of operating personnel is essential to ensure the (techno-economic) lifespan of the equipment for better service - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Sufficient training in the context of entrepreneurial activities of Namibian communities could have led to a more profitable operation of the mini-grid through better use of daytime solar power and better use of energy-efficient equipment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Unreflective use of the word “dividend” by the Sendai Framework’s proponents causes me to wonder if the global platform meeting that reviewed the progress of the SFDRR held in Geneva in 2019 was in the wrong Swiss city - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Likewise, in 2010, the extremely weak and corrupt Haitian state was unable to assist the multitudes who suffered in the 2010 earthquake, and this fact was carried forward into deliberations preparing for the world conference in Sendai and the Sendai Framework itself (UNISDR 2011a, 2015) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Risk “creation” is used here in the sense of new or enhanced risk resulting from risk-blind investment by public or private entities, especially megaproject investments (for example, hydropower, mining, energy extraction, new ports, and satellite cities) that entail population displacement - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, much of this growth is in informal settlements - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The likelihood of creating new risks in the course of investment in cities and urban restructuring is known; the 2013 report of the Sendai Framework’s custodian, UNISDR, documented this risk-creation process.Footnote 10 Neither implementation of the SFDRR nor of the UN-Habitat’s New Urban Agenda (NUA)Footnote 11 shows evidence of increasing political will by governments to weed out investments that are blind to risk from those that are risk-informed - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The only problem with this investors’ dream is that the development is likely to divert coastal storm surge waters into low income coastal settlements (Onuoha 2017).Footnote 13 An additional challenge to implementing the Sendai Framework in such an urban context is mistrust and alienation - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The danger is that local participation becomes a low-cost way for the state, and the elites it represents, to off-load the duty of care and cost of social protection onto risk bearers themselves - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 During SFDRR’s first five years, moves are underway to filter data by gender and age for damage assessments and for preparedness and risk reduction planning (Bradshaw and Fordham 2013; Seager 2014) and to monitor impacts of climate change policy for their possible negative effects on women and girls (Habtezion 2016) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Women have also gained recognition as skillful and capable leaders in DRR (UN Women 2019) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 If, as I have been arguing, neither the Hyogo Framework nor the Sendai Framework encourages governments to think of disaster reduction in terms of human rights, or challenges governments to stand up to private investors concerning megaprojects that threaten to create new risk, more is required - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The scaling up of these “methods” is a promising approach to reconcile food production and environmental protection - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 To address the challenges of developing sustainable food and farming systems, the journal seeks contributions covering the whole supply chain from farm to fork - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Springer, Cham, p xxix Google Scholar Cramer W, Guiot J, Fader M, Garrabou J, Gattuso J-P, Iglésias A, Lange MA, Lionello P, Llasat MC, Paz S, Peñuelas J, Snoussi M, Toreti A, Tsimplis MN, Xoplaki E (2018) Climate change and interconnected risks to sustainable development in the Mediterranean - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Geological Society, London, pp 1–11 Google Scholar Döll P (2009) Vulnerability to the impact of climate change on renewable groundwater resources: a global-scale assessment - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In addition, the effects of climate variability led to the increase of water stress levels because the water demand grew - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Metabolites 11:357Article CAS Google Scholar UNEP (2020) The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Furthermore, the possibility for events of similar magnitude exists in other parts of the world where extensive urban development has taken place on alluvial fans (e.g - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Building codes can also directly influence food security and nutrition - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 contributing to food security and nutrition, carbon sequestration, and a greener environment while reducing heat, and filtering smog and dust) (Semaan and Pearc 2016), it is necessary to ensure that the additional forces exerted on the building are not enhancing vulnerability - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Such risk maps provide communities and governments with synthetic understanding of the spatial and temporal impacts of potential natural hazards and climate change impacts on people, food systems, infrastructure, and ecosystem services while highlighting areas of high, medium and low risk - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The type of policy agenda discussed in this paper aims to guide and align both national and transnational research and innovation programming (funding) and policy for urban transformations - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The JPIs are one type of response in the research and innovation funding landscape to the question on how to tackle the great societal challenges of our times as well as help member states coordinate their efforts and investments in these areas so as not to re-invent the wheel - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 It was preceded by hectic work reflecting on the messy urban development dynamics in practice and on a wide set of consultations, ranging from global and EU level stakeholders over national and regional, to local, researcher, commercial, civil society stakeholder groups - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In 2017 the Governing Board had just developed a long-term strategy in more funding policy technical terms on the JPI Urban Europe vision, main achievements, and future goals concerning the societal challenge of sustainable urbanisation for 2020–2026 (JPI Urban Europe: Vision, main achievements and future goals 2020–2026, Unpublished) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 2019) mainly by aiming to support the UN Agenda 2030 SDG 11 implementation. Timeline of the SRIA 2.0 formal development phases - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 urban future narratives that generate very different urban development dynamics, partly also pursuing conflicting goals, any overarching paradigm seems impractical and may even be detrimental to the various transition pathways they drive - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Int J Environ Res Public Health 18:3055Article CAS Google Scholar Joint World Health Organization-China Study team Report (2021) WHO-Convened Global Study of Origins of SARS-CoV-2: China Part - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It is important to research upon what went wrong because of which a novel virus ran through the globe and overwhelmed the health system in almost all the countries - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Yes, there are successes seen in vaccine development and health systems, but have we learnt about the root cause of such pandemics related to frequent arrival of zoonotic pathogens in human population? ‘Anthropocene epoch’ with human population touching 8 billion, and anthropogenic activities causing huge impact on natural ecosystems have resulted in a raging environmental pandemic on the planet since last few decades - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Additionally, unplanned urbanization, easy transportation, poorly managed “wet markets” or slaughterhouses, trade in bush meat, warmer environment due to climate change and unorganized livestock cultivation are important factors as well - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 (2020) predict that preventing future zoonotic outbreaks like COVID-19 through reduced deforestation and restricted wildlife trade would be just 2% of the economic and mortality costs inflicted due to COVID-19 pandemic - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (1994) and Brussaard (1997) are considered, particularly how they served to advance initial frameworks, methods, and ‘standards,’ building an understanding of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics and global change, and furthering nascent interdisciplinary efforts within the global change science community to better understand the ‘human driving forces’ of change - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries—developed and developing—in a global partnership (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2015) - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 The positive aspects of 100 new jobs created in an area with prior unemployment cannot, according to some viewpoints, compensate for the gender pay gaps identified - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Healthcare centers, especially hospitals, are environments that can be the site of outbreaks of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Water scarcity is caused by low and irregular rainfall and high potential evapotranspiration in southeastern Spain - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The methodology followed consists of a bibliographic search to frame the background and status of recycled water at an international and regional level - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Subsequently, meetings were held with experts in charge of the management of recycling and sanitation, with later visits to various pilot plants where different systems of purification (biological treatment, tertiary treatment with UV disinfection, chlorine) were carried out, both in Murcia and in California - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Managers and users of reclaimed water concessions, such as the Irrigation Communities of Puerto Lumbreras and Arco Sur-Mar Menor, were interviewed - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Most of treated (reclaimed) sewage in the Segura basin is destined for agricultural use (89.37%), followed by recreational use (9.74%), such as the irrigation of golf courses (see Table 2), which suggests a significant presence of recycled water as a water resource for irrigation (in a region whose economy relies, in large measure, on the agricultural sector and is cataloged as the “Europe’s vegetable garden”) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Research and findings are expected regarding the improvement of the purification systems and reduction of costs, but the volume of recycled water will scarcely increase in the Southeast of Spain, as it reaches an almost full reuse - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The inclusion of a specific tax (purification canon) in domestic users’ water receipt allows to maintain and invest in all STPs and keep them functional, recycling water and turning it into a finite but local resource needed to alleviate the structural deficit and to deal with water shortages. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Food insecurity is a persistent challenge, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where the estimated prevalence of undernourishment fell from 30% to 23% between 2002-04 and 2014–16, but the number of people who are undernourished increased from 204 million to 220 million – contrary to the trend in every other region (FAO, IFAD and WFP 2015: 8) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Conceptual frameworks for nutrition outcomes identify multiple determinants of malnutrition, only one of which is inadequate food intake – other drivers include inadequate healthcare and sanitation facilities, poor hygiene and childcare practices, and under-educated mothers (Bhutta et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Graduation programmes have potential to influence several of these drivers, in addition to enhancing access to food - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In fact, ‘graduation model’ programmes have greater potential to improve food and nutrition security than is usually realised, through their income effects and non-income effects, as well as synergies among programme components - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The ‘graduation model’ was pioneered in Bangladesh in the early 2000s, through an innovative programme called ‘Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction – Targeting the Ultra-Poor’ (CFPR-TUP), which was devised and implemented by the non-governmental organisation BRAC - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Enhanced food security is also an explicit objective of graduation-oriented programmes in other countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 An evaluation of the PSNP found that: “Across all households, the food gap – the number of months that the household is unable to satisfy its food needs – fell from 3.6 to 2.3 months” (Berhane et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Nonetheless, the evidence base on household food security impacts of graduation model programmes remains limited - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 By contrast, Burundi is in protracted crisis and spends only a tiny proportion of GDP on social protection (ILO 2014) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Nonetheless, food insecurity persists as a serious development challenge in Rwanda as well as Burundi, and the graduation projects discussed in this paper targeted some of the poorest and most food insecure people in both countries - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Local wealth classifications in Burundi and Rwanda include household characteristics that relate to food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This article is based on findings from independent impact evaluations, conducted by the Centre for Social Protection at the UK Institute of Development Studies, of two graduation projects implemented by Concern Worldwide, in Burundi (Devereux and Sabates 2016) and Rwanda (Devereux et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In self-provisioning farming communities – as in rural Burundi and Rwanda – seasonal food insecurity follows a predictable annual pattern, dictated by the agricultural calendar - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 If household members are eating three meals a day this is considered the benchmark for household food security; while fewer than three meals a day, especially for children, suggests the household is unable to meet its consumption needs - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Kitchen gardens were promoted by Concern Worldwide as a secondary component of the graduation programme, in order to diversify diets and improve household food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, malnutrition (child stunting and wasting, adult body mass index (BMI)) was not assessed in either the Burundi or Rwanda impact evaluations - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There was no statistically significant difference in trends on perceived malnutrition between programme participants and non-participants - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 One possible explanation is that Rwanda has reformed and invested heavily in its health system, including providing affordable health insurance (mutuelle de santé) that has significantly expanded access to better quality health care (ILO 2014), and improved health status has contributed to improved nutrition status among the general population - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 First, cash transfers and savings facilities boost purchasing power, and poor households spend significant proportions of any incremental income on food - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Third, when assets transferred are livestock they can also be sources of nutritious food (meat, milk or eggs) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Fourth, much of the information delivered as behaviour change communication (BCC) relates directly to food and nutrition security, notably sessions that concern dietary diversity, breastfeeding and good hygiene practices - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Similarly, BCC sessions deliver information about nutritious diets, while cash transfers finance purchase of nutritious food - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These findings reinforce evidence from other contexts that linking cash transfers to other services – so-called ‘cash plus’ initiatives – in particular to nutrition-related behaviour change communication (BCC), yields stronger and more sustained improvements in food security and nutrition outcomes than cash alone (Ahmed et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Global warming and its irreversible environmental adversities have motivated the global economies to tackle global warming through decarbonization of the world economy (Hamid et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The concerns associated with global warming are extremely alarming because it stimulates climate change problems that jeopardize the entire global ecosystem (Ahmed et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Accordingly, the Paris Agreement was ratified by a majority of the world economies in commitment of adopting nationally determined emission-abatement policies for managing global warming concerns (Bandyopadhyay and Rej 2021; Wang and Su 2020; Khan et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Therefore, unless agricultural productivity is not enhanced, meeting the rising food demand can result in higher agriculture-based emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For instance, respiration transforms solar energy into biomass, which is used to produce food, feed, and fiber - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2021) recently identified that the rural population growth-induced food demand and rising per capita cultivated area are responsible for higher CO2 emissions whereby these factors were referred to inhibit the decoupling of economic growth from CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Furthermore, the plot of CUSUM and its squares, presented in Fig. 3, confirm the stability of NARDL parameter estimates. The outcomes from the NARDL analysis Plots of CUSUM and its squares The agriculture sector is a major contributor to Nepal’s employment and economic growth levels - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, in doing so, it must be ensured that such enhancement in crop productivity, through technological innovation, does not increase the energy demand within Nepal’s agriculture sector - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Intuitively, urbanization (percentage of urban population to total population) leads to an increase in energy consumption, traffic congestion, and other human activities that threaten the environment (Nathaniel et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, exploring the convergence of environmental degradation across the globe is of great significance for the formulation of appropriate environmental protection policies for the different countries of the world - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Example: Amount of fresh water available in India can serve approximately 17% of the world’s population but there is no proper and efficient use of resources - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Upon analyzing the presented information, it can be noted that a near-perfect and feasible management plan portrays the key role for the proper implementation of Big Data in terms of water management and its resources, no matter what tools and equipment are used for it - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Also, increase in energy efficiency (of ICT tools like wireless communications devices, calculated through the formulae given below) alone cannot contribute to sustainable development as ICT products and services also cause environmental impacts. where EE is the energy efficiency, SS is the number of spatial streams (in wireless communication), BW (Hz) is the bandwidth of signal, FR is the frequency reuse factor, D (m) is the distance among communicating devices, PC (W) is the circuit (static) power consumption, and PT (W) is the transmit (dynamic) power consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is due to compute-intensive needs of Big Data in water management sector - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The challenge to achieve these goals in water management with technology and Big Data is to improve the present machine learning and data mining algorithm, reduce complexity in computational methods, and utilize it in water resource management fields like flood water forecasting - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The hypsometric study approach takes data from software systems like watershed, drinking water supply, irrigation, roads, dams, soil, urbanization, and agriculture and aims to deliver efficient decision and prediction making support for environmental, social, and future sustainable developments - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This portrays the solid picture that valuable information provided by highly advanced technological instruments and sensors can radically help in better transboundary water management (Ibrahim 2020) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Even sanitation and proper drainage systems cannot be maintained without clean water, which is the basic necessity of a civilized society - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Several services provided by the platform such as resource register service, spatial data service, and spatial information service help in listing geographic resources of hydropower in the web and provide web service network as well - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study portrayed the fact that successful implementation of such green sustainability brings tremendous advancements and benefits in fields (like energy efficiency, energy harvesting, and solutions to pollution-related issues) that have a great positive impact on the care of the environment (Estevez and Wu 2012) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The current advancements in water management system focus on using Big Data and machine learnings to detect water loss, leaks, and water consumption per square kilometer - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 An effective employment of Big Data in watershed management can maximize various benefits of water resources by minimizing environmental, ecological, and socio-economic costs - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 2015) for conservation planning, spatial habitat prioritization, and ecosystem service assessment - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Economic growth exhibits an inverted U-shaped relationship with carbon dioxide emission, confirming the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in Ghana - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Certain works sought to test whether there exists a one-way causality or feedback causality or no causal relationship between economic growth and carbon dioxide emission (Salahuddin et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In addition, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) or agenda 2030 agreed upon by world leaders has intensified the discussion on the economic growth and environment connection - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is expected to hamper economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Empirical analysis to ascertain growth differences has revealed a number of factors that determine economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Discussions are made on the negative effect that environmental degradation such as carbon emissions has on economic activities (Di Falco et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 There is some evidence that economic growth affects both financial development and carbon dioxide emission - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Financial development is also reported to affect economic growth and carbon dioxide emission; likewise, carbon dioxide is touted to influence economic growth and financial development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 According to the new growth theory, investment in capital accumulation, schooling and health enhances future earnings and increases productivity of workers leading to higher economic growth (Becker 1962; Manca 2012) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Incorporating the variables proposed to influence economic growth into Eq. (2) gives Eq. (3) expressed as: Log linearizing Eq. (3) yields - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Another theoretical framework guiding this study is the demand-following hypothesis which postulates that economic growth promotes financial development as an increase in income encourages citizens to increase their demand for financial products and services which may increase growth in the financial sector (Baltagi et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Based on this theory, the baseline model is expressed as: where FID is financial development, β0 is the constant term, GDP represents economic growth and ϵt is the stochastic error term - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In contrast, financial development can increase carbon emission through its positive effects on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Consequently, this study includes energy consumption to examine its role in Eq. (7) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The results reveal the development of the financial sector positively affect economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is therefore not surprising that financial development is recorded to have positive effect on economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In column 3, Table 5, which presents the results of the financial development equation, it is seen that economic growth positively affects financial development, showing that the growth-led financial development argument is confirmed in this study - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Specifically, a 10% increase in economic growth increases financial development by 6.89%, ceteris paribus - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Results show a neutral effect of carbon dioxide emission on economic growth and financial development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 An important conclusion emanating from this study is that financial development proxied by the domestic credit to the private sector is critical for environmental quality and economic growth in Ghana - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The study further established that human capital development plays a key role in the growth process, suggesting that education policy that increases both the quality and quantity of the labour force will spur growth in Ghana - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These numbers highlight how important coal mining is to South Africa’s economic development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2004) argues that strong adherence to the rule of law in implementing environmental regulations intensifies the stringency of the regulations - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 He, however, argues that where there is corruption, relatively high rule of law could make erring firms to lobby corrupt environmental regulators for compromise - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Bench Marks Foundation (2014) reported that the availability of land and access to clean water for agriculture and livestock cultivation in South Africa has been severely impacted by coal mining - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The study concluded that coal production and consumption activities such as surface mining, underground mining, and coal transport destroyed groundwater regimes and generated acid rain, made land unfit for other productive uses, and caused sound, air, and solid waste pollution challenges - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Estimates from the study indicate that the trio of rule of law, corruption control and political stability affects carbon emissions negatively - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 We derived the composite IQ by computing the average of the following three IQ elements: corruption (range: 0–6), law and order (range: 0–6), and government stability (range: 0–12) - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 CORR is negatively signed and significant, indicating that improvement in the control of corruption enhances environmental sustainability in line with Wang et al - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Government policies should be directed towards incorporating more renewable energy sources, such as wind, geothermal, solar, biomass, and hydropower, into the nation’s energy mix - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These results show that they need more information about responsible production - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The negative impacts (labor rights, coercive working conditions, discrimination, and lack of regulatory mechanisms) are that the cost per temporary worker/year varies from US$187.00 to US$1872 - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Among the most prevalent pathologies that lead to pregnant women being classified as high risk are sickle cell anemias, systemic arterial hypertension, and diabetes mellitus (Brasil 2019) - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 According to the Ministry of Health (Brasil 2019), the pregnant woman assisted by the Unified Health System in Brazil (SUS), in her first medical consultation, will be classified as habitual, intermediate, or high-risk pregnancy - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Many factors lead to preterm delivery, among them we have maternal age, access to inadequate PN, gestational diabetes, and gestational hypertension (Brasil 2019); all those mentioned were found in this study - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for over 620 million people without access to electricity (Weitz et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This goal seeks to bring about a significant increase in the adoption of renewable energy in the global energy mix (Weitz et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This will foster an improved economy and in turn result in poverty reduction and improved quality of living (Bugaje 2006) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 To attain the SGD 7 in Sub-Sahara Africa, stakeholders need to intensify the adoption of renewable energy systems - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The programme deliverables are (i) delivery of an independent power plant, (ii) upgrading of street lighting, (iii) distribution of infrastructure within university campuses, and (iv) establishment of an innovative renewable energy training centre for each university - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The power generated by a wind turbine depends on several factors, including the length of the blades, the speed of the wind, and the wind turbine power coefficient (which describes how efficient the wind turbine converts the wind energy into rotational motion) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To support electricity-related services in the building, this study proposes the use of hybrid energy, harnessing renewable energy resources in the University’s environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For this system (PV-diesel generator-battery), renewable energy will contribute 71% with no capacity shortage - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is because it has more renewable energy contribution - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this article, therefore, we ask: can visualization help scholars of global environmental politics and governance work with problems that are complex, linked, and cross-scalar—the critical characteristics of contemporary environmental problems? GEP/GEG scholarship addresses the ways in which the international community (broadly defined) seeks to govern global and transboundary environmental problems - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Many of these visualizations are appearing in journals that are more interdisciplinary and publish large amounts of collaborative research between natural and social sciences, such as Nature Climate Change or Global Environmental Change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Examples include Information Is Beautiful, Insightful Interaction, and Tableau Public’s “Viz of the Day,” all of which maintain active social media feeds.Footnote 12 The power and reach of visualizations were clear at and before the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris in December 2015 - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In terms of GEP-relevant scholarship, Paterson et al - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Waste-related projects fall into four of the general categories of CDM activities: generating renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, GHG destruction, and GHG emissions avoidance (CDM 2016) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, we coded waste management assistance programs (WMAPs) that were mentioned as a primary purpose in PDDs - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 These include (1) Animal Waste, (2) Biomass, (3) Biogas, (4) Industrial Waste, (5) Landfill Gas, (6) Municipal Solid Waste, (7) Organic Waste, (8) Solid Organic Waste, and (9) Wastewater.Footnote 34 In creating the visualizations, we drew 372 data points from the CDM database (out of 1040) to capture a broad snapshot of relevant projects throughout the CDM’s lifetime; specifically, data samples were taken in roughly equivalent numbers from the early, interim, and recent stages of the CDM’s lifespan.Footnote 35 As this article seeks to illuminate the power of visualization, we are confident that sampling more than one third of the database by time points allows us to undertake a thorough analysis of projects within a visualization exercise - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The most important is climate change, caused by greenhouse gases emitted from production and use of fossil fuels - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change, however, poses catastrophic risks to modern culture and stems largely from production and use of fossil fuels, like coal - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 After the 1990s, climate change entered environmental education based on extensive reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Recently, IPCC reported that climate change posed serious global threats to environmental stability and human wellbeing and required international cooperation to combat (IPCC 2021) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2016) and of clean water access and wastewater disposal in urban and peri-urban environments in India (Karpouzoglou et al - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Without investment, no energy services exist; only investments directed to appropriate ends can accomplish decarbonization and electrification to mitigate climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 By the mid-1900s, modern societies relied on nine primary energy sources: coal, oil, and natural gas (fossil fuels); uranium (nuclear power); and solar radiation, wind, falling water (hydropower), geothermal heat, and biomass (renewable energy sources) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Technology for converting solar radiation, wind, and hydropower to electricity is well developed, and further innovations will continue to improve conversion technologies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable electricity generation, however, is intermittent, which necessitates storage technologies to permit use of that electricity at any time - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and other policies bolstered the “green” designation, but the GND also sought to ensure environmental and social justice - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Nevertheless, the GND turned debates about climate change towards a confrontation with socio-political-economic structures, a rhetorical reframing that may resonate better with citizens (Meyer 2019) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Nevertheless, we conclude that the evidence indicating severe risks from climate change (e.g., IPCC 2021) makes the case for reform of education about energy - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Currently, technical energy education tends to reside in engineering and the sciences instead of in environmental education: (a) the physics of energy, units and measurements, the laws of thermodynamics, energy systems, and renewable energy technologies (Belu et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Development of energy from solar, wind, and water (hydropower) require controlling the extraction of energy from above the surface of the area - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2017)? Downstream investment decisions Substitution of solar, wind, and falling water (hydropower) for fossil fuels intrinsically requires electrification of devices downstream to use the energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Under this category, the involvement of small farmers in BDA initiatives was ranked as the most important sub-criterion, whereas government incentives were ranked as the least important - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The industrialization path mainly comes with income growth, and more wealth, according to economic theory, would first lead to environmental degradation, as argued by the EKC hypothesis - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 So, the experience of developing countries and, more specifically, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) demonstrates that a rapid transition to renewable energies necessitates a higher level of education, urbanization, energy consumption awareness, and greater environmental risk demand for a healthy environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At the same time, rapid economic growth has increased primary energy usage, which has risen from 1451.3 billion US dollars in 1990 to 2092.4 billion US dollars in 2010 and 5178.5 billion US dollars in 2019 (WDI 2021) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Also, there is a dearth of literature on the effect of the interaction between energy consumption and human capital on carbon dioxide emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017) employed the framework of the generalized method of moment (sys-GMM) estimation technique and found adverse effects of energy consumption on CO2 emissions for 86 countries, while Danish et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, different studies with different econometric methods and countries of investigation and periods displayed the same results, such as urbanization causes environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The findings indicated that energy used, trade, growth, and industrialization increased environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2020) investigated the relationship between monetary policy, human capital, and environmental degradation in 14 Asian countries from 1990 to 2014 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The Fixed Effect Ordinary Least Squares (FE-OLS) and the Driscoll–Kraay standard error approach (D–K) techniques showed that development growth and energy use increased environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2019) and Adams and Acheampong (2019) to investigate the effects of energy use, human resources, and urbanization on environmental pollution: where CO2 stands for carbon dioxide emissions, HC is the human capital index, UR denotes urbanization, EC stands for energy consumption, GDP denotes gross domestic product, TR is trade openness, β1 up to β6 and \(\varepsilon\) are the parameter estimates and the error term, respectively, and subscripts i and t are cross-section and time dimensions, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Economic growth and CO2 emissions have the most robust relationship (0.979), indicating a strong connection between economic development and pollution in these countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results of the FGLS analysis indicate that all the variables (energy use, human capital, urbanization, economic growth, and trade) are statistically significant - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Economic growth increases CO2 emissions by 0.30%, showing that more output activities increase environmental pollution in ASEAN nations - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 So that, clearer and better policies can be designed for the region to contribute to the SGDs and the Paris Agreement by reducing GHGs emissions and limiting global warming (CEPAL 2020) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Applying spatial econometrics, the present study contributes to the literature by examining the effects of economic growth, FDI, FMD, exports, and imports on CO2 emissions in a sample of 18 Latin American countries from 1970 to 2019 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Thus, a nonlinear relationship was suggested between economic growth and emissions due to the scale, composition, and technique effects, which is called the EKC hypothesis (Panayotou 1993) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Like economic growth, trade would also increase the emissions through the scale effect and could decrease emissions through the technique and composition effects (Dou et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Alternatively, technological innovation reduced emissions by moving to more efficient energy sources and consumption patterns - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In that context, considering more sustainable technologies and innovative tools for energy efficiency can pave the way for CO2 emission reduction strategies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Karahasan and Pinar (2022) investigated the spatial relationship between SO2 and economic growth in Turkish provinces and found a U-shaped relationship - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Further, renewable energy reduced CO2 emissions in both home and neighboring countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, fossil fuel and economic growth increased emissions, and REC reduced emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Román-Collado and Morales-Carrión (2018) corroborated that population, fossil fuels, energy intensity, and economic activities were major driving forces of CO2 emissions in 20 Latin American countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) investigated but could not validate the impact of public and private capital on energy intensity trends in 21 LAC countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Economic growth is a prominent contributor to pollution and could have a nonlinear relationship with emissions - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 So, the economic growth has a pleasant environmental effect in these 3 countries - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The results show that the economic growth and exports of the region are pollution-oriented in total effects - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a “plan for action for people, planet, and prosperity.” The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 seeks to end hunger and achieve long-term food security, including better nutrition through sustainable systems of production, distribution, and consumption - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 According to IPCC report, agriculture, forestry, and other land use are the second contributing sector of global GHG (24 % of 49 Gt CO2-eq) after electricity and heat production sector (IPCC 2014) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The majority of Ghana’s farming communities are located in rural areas with low harvest and post-harvest management systems which affect the carbon footprint as agricultural products deteriorate - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the recent era, economic growth is not enough to represent sustainable development - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The increase in life expectancy reflects the appropriate health status, which also stimulates economic growth (Ogundari & Awokuse 2018) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Policymakers reported that renewable energy can improve environmental efficiency (Woo et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (1983) first time used this approach for the measurement of energy efficiency in electricity generation plants - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) confirmed a negative link between solar energy and CO2 in China - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2018) described the impact of deforestation on sustainable development in Brazil - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2021c) assessed the consumers’ willingness to adopt solar energy in China - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Results confirmed that the intention factors such as perception about self-effectiveness, environmental concern, awareness of solar energy, and a belief in solar energy benefits positively influence consumers’ willingness to adopt solar energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The average economic efficiency is 0.682 in the G-8 countries, which implies that the G-8 countries can obtain the same output (GDP/capita) by using 31.8% fewer units of inputs (gross fixed capital formation, employment, tax revenue, trade, renewable energy) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020a) mentioned the potential of tourism to increase global GDP; however, focusing on eco-tourism is essential to fetch economic benefits along with environmental benefits - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is recommended to generate electricity via renewable energy sources to solve energy-related environmental issues - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) reported the influence of urbanization, energy use, economic growth, and globalization on human development in G-7 economies - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is required to improve the health system, especially in developing countries - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 (2021) reported that the share of renewables is about 20% in G-7 countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sustainability reporting not only helps companies to respond to the growing expectations of the relevant stakeholders but also improves environmental legitimacy, reduces information asymmetry, and increases brand value and compliance with labor laws, which ultimately improves corporate image and attracts new talent (Shad et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2011) and Jo and Na (2012) posit that corporate sustainability reporting can have a positive impact on firm reputation, reduce the cost of equity capital, and increase profitability - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Hence, there is a need to understand how sustainability reporting affects the cost of debt and equity - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Research on the impact of sustainability reporting on the cost of capital is scant with investigations of the components and on the cost of debt an unexplored area - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Sustainability reporting provides a platform for organizations to communicate with various stakeholders about strategic plans and initiatives - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Moreover, the GRI (2015) guidelines for sustainability reporting have placed the oil and gas industry on the sustainable development agenda - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Beyond investors, sustainability reporting has become a concern of regulators, rating agencies, and financial analysts who have gradually acknowledged the importance of evaluating corporate sustainability practices - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 (2019), the examination of sustainability reporting is relevant in this period as oil and gas companies worldwide were exposed to several financial issues and challenges - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Hence, this study collected sustainability reporting and cost of capital related data for the companies in our sample and constructed a panel of 410 (41 × 10) firm-year observations - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Quantitative data regarding sustainability reporting were collected manually from corporate annual reports, sustainability reports, and website disclosure of the sampled oil and gas companies - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Sustainability Reporting Guide and Toolkits (SRGT), a framework developed by Bursa Malaysia, provides reporting guidelines to assess the sustainability practices of the companies listed on Bursa Malaysia - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 After calculating each individual component (TSRi), we constructed the overall sustainability reporting score by adding the scores of the three individual components - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Omitting such variables could result in biased results for the relationship between sustainability reporting and firm performance (Karaman et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 To observe the impact of the quality of sustainability reporting and its three components (economic, environmental, and social sustainability reporting) on the cost of capital, we develop a regression model - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The mean value of economic sustainability reporting is 74.33%, ranging from 0.00 to 94.8% - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Environmental sustainability reporting indicates a mean value of 66.79%, which ranges from 0.00 to 91.7% - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The maximum, minimum, and mean values of overall sustainability reporting and its three components show that majority of the firms in the sample were involved in sustainability practices - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 All the sustainability reporting variables are also significantly related to the cost of equity (Ce); however, the relation is negative only for the economic (EcoSR) variable and positive for the other three - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Recently, carbon footprint (greenhouse gas) is one of the inclusive instrument to quantify environmental degradation (Katircioglu and Taspinar 2017; Ganda 2019) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2019) argued that financial development is directly linked with energy efficiency and quality of the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It explores a positive linkage in financial development-environmental degradation nexus (Zhang 2011, Bekhet and Othman 2017; Jalil and Feridun 2011; Shahbaz et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Financial development directly has a significant relationship with economic growth (Katircioglu et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In both developed and developing nations, FDI also has a significant impact on economic growth in the long run (Guris et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2018), and Ozcan and Ari (2017), financial development enhances environmental degradation along with factors such as income, trade, population, energy use, and urbanization - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The CD test is applied to estimate the degree of the cross-sectional dependence among input variables: urban population, energy consumption, and financial development indicators, and output variables: carbon footprints within BRI panel - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 2009) that environmental degradation declines with an increase in financial development - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Adaptation to these practices recuperates all components of the cultivation system towards climate change (Di Falco and Chavas 2008; Lin 2011) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Such practices have a high resilience towards climate change and capability to reduce pest attacks due to diversity in the crop fields (Lal 2009; Koohafkan and Altieri 2011) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Organic composting is a process of microbiological degradation and recycling of waste into FYM which is a non-polluting and environment-friendly method of waste management - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Long-term utilization of animal manure is effective to enhance the production along with soil fertility - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 A 15-year-old field of agroforestry system showed a remarkable increase in carbon sequestration from 30 to 70% with the rate of 4.4–10 ton C ha−1 year−1 (Kim et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Home gardening is a form of agroforestry which is mostly reported from Himalaya, Northeast and Central India (Kumar and Nair 2004; Kala 2010; Saikia et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The researcher and policymaker need to integrate the best TAPs with conventional cultivation and construct a way for sustainable agriculture production (Thurston 1990) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The conservation of traditional agriculture not only is farming in local condition with local resources, but also strengthens the conservation of traditional knowledge, local varieties, animal welfare, the farming heritage of the community, use of renewable energy with soil and water purification for healthy human society - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Realistic multi-disciplinary research efforts are needed to develop farming systems and select suitable crops because of future climate change - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, resource efficiency, low-meat diets and reducing food waste are also essential factors that have to be be considered - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Besides private funding in the last three decades, public funds for organic agricultural research have become increasingly available especially in Europe - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Thus, even in the country with the highest organic farming research funding rates, only 2% of the agricultural research funds were dedicated to organic, and the global average for organic research funding was only 0.04% - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In this report, OFRF searched through more than 30,000 agricultural research projects in the US Department of Agriculture’s research portfolio - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Global climate change, for example, strongly influences the security of food supply and the loss of biodiversity - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Food loss and waste can be up to 50%, depending on the type of food and the region of production and consumption (Gustavsson et al - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Additionally, soil degradation and desertification are impacting production potential - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Worldwide, 25% of agricultural land is highly degraded, with erosion and salinization being the two most dominant forms of soil degradation (DeLong et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In humid temperate regions, higher temperatures and CO2 fertilization effects may benefit agriculture; however, the expected rise in the number of extreme weather events will restrict time windows for fieldwork operations and increase risks for agricultural production - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Awareness of the social situation of farmers and farm workers, especially small-scale farmers in developing countries, is an important factor for stabilizing societies - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Furthermore, grassland-dominated feeding of ruminants relativizes the aspects of climate change impacts by ruminants - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Organic agriculture has the potential to mitigate and adapt to climate change along three main features: farming system design, cropland management and grassland and livestock management (Scialabba and Müller-Lindenlauf 2010; Huelsbergen and Rahmann 2013) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Whether organic agriculture in developed countries should use high proportions of high-energy feedstuff to reduce emissions per product unit is still a subject of discussions (Scialabba and Müller-Lindenlauf 2010) since the production of such crops carries a significant carbon footprint - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Small-scale farmers can be supported and yields can be increased when local farmers are organized, active consumer support is mobilized, agronomy is supported by by technical advice and researchers and the general public maintain involvement (Blanc 2009) - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Food safety is among the important reasons to buy organic food (Hemmerling et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Innovative organic agri-food systems must determine whether and how they can achieve these objectives while supporting clean water, air and healthy soils in addition to system resilience - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Seventy-four percent of institutions considered urban forestry/arboriculture to be interdisciplinary - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Urban forestry and arboriculture curricula have been examined in previous research (Andresen and Williams 1975; McPherson 1984; Hildebrandt et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Specifically, we asked the following research questions: Do institutions of higher education with coursework in urban forestry and/or arboriculture consider these fields interdisciplinary? What is the perceived importance of other major disciplines to the field of urban forestry/arboriculture? To what extent are these other major disciplines incorporated into the current urban forestry and/or arboriculture curriculum? To what extent are key concepts from within the field of urban forestry/arboriculture and key concepts from other disciplines incorporated into the current curriculum? Do answers to these questions differ by program characteristics (location of program within the institution, formality of the program, degrees offered, etc.)? To examine the interdisciplinary nature of urban forestry and/or arboriculture curriculum (hereafter, “curriculum”), we designed and implemented an online questionnaire (Supplementary material) to ask individuals in positions most closely aligned with urban forestry and/or arboriculture educational programming (i.e., those who teach courses or are in leadership roles) in these programs across North America and the world - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Most institutions offered only 1 or 2 courses related to urban forestry and/or arboriculture, but 18 % of institutions (19) offered 5 or more courses (Fig. 1b), with write-in responses as high as 23 for an institution offering an Associate’s Applied Science degree as an Urban Forestry Technician - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Sixty-three (54 %) of institutions had some type of formal undergraduate or graduate program (a named major, minor, certificate, or emphasis; hereafter, “named” programs) that included coursework related to the field of urban forestry and/or arboriculture; of these named programs, 48 of 60 (80 %) institutions responding to this question indicated that one or more course that included content relating to the field was required - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Common write-in responses included titles similar to Natural Resource Management, Landscape Architecture, or Community Forestry - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Seventy-four percent of institutions (85 of 115 responding to this question) consider the field of urban forestry/arboriculture to be interdisciplinary - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 programs tend to differ in considering urban forestry/arboriculture interdisciplinary makes sense - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These disciplines are the most natural science-oriented of the 13 included in our list, with the exception of planning/urban planning, which has close associations with landscape architecture - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These disciplines are presumably considered closely related or even already within the field of urban forestry/arboriculture - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Comparison of degree of incorporation of interdisciplinary concepts by whether or not respondents identify the field of urban forestry/arboriculture as interdisciplinary (bottom bars; n = 34) or not (top bars; n = 94) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It is possible that public health is being incorporated in a curriculum through an overview of tree benefits, which ranked highest in importance in this study - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, many major disciplines that have relevance and utility to urban forestry/arboriculture are not rated as particularly important to the field, much less incorporated into curriculum (anthropology/sociology, economics, engineering, public policy/public affairs) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Educators and others within the field of urban forestry/arboriculture have long called for an interdisciplinary approach to education, research, and practice in the field (Deneke 1978; Miller 1994; Miller et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Urban areas are characterized by high dynamics and urban forestry professionals need to keep themselves abreast with developments in their field - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In an essay tracing the evolution of schools of forestry, Miller and Lewis (1999) note that some traditional foresters lament that the environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s in the USA resulted in the apparent dilution of the traditional forestry discipline by incorporating more environmentally and ecologically oriented coursework in to forestry curriculum, which even resulted in the re-branding of entire schools (e.g., the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Financial inclusion (FI) is the backbone for every economy; however, a sustainable environment is also inevitable - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 According to World Bank (2018), “financial inclusion implies that all individuals and businesses have access to a range of financial products and services, such as transactions, payments, savings, credit, and insurance, to meet their needs in an affordable, convenient, responsible and sustainable manner.” FI can be also be understood as ease of access to financial products for individuals and business entities (Zaidi et al., 2021) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Based on the findings, this study is offering the following policy implications for the sampled panel economies: Firstly, the role of FI is not supportive and is to reduce environmental degradation in the OECD economies - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As such, environmental researches are a step in the right direction as they are key to facilitating the right policy directions toward the achievement of SDGs 11 and 13 with the primary focus of ensuring environmental sustainability via collective climate action - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Thus, making Africa’s vulnerability to climate change and environmental disasters relatively higher (Kula et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The resource curse theory is often premised on historical antecedents of some common factors like civil wars, corruption, and gross mismanagement of funds that often thrive on weak institutions in many resource-rich countries (Gritsenko and Efimova 2020; Henri 2019; Tyburski et al - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 From the table, there is a strong significant positive correlation between carbon emissions and income levels as well as fossil energy consumption levels and manufacturing sector but an insignificant negative and positive correlation with natural resources rents and service sector, respectively - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also, there is evidence of a strong two-way causality between fossil energy consumption and carbon emission levels in Table 5, which further corroborates the long-run results - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The QR approach was combined with the DOLS technique to explore the impacts of energy components and sectoral composition of the economy on the conditional distribution of environmental degradation as proxied by carbon emission levels among selected fossil energy resource-abundant African economies, including Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt, and Angola between 1995 and 2016 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Asian Development Bank (ADB) also reported that, in addition to other outcomes, iceberg melting, floods, and droughts caused by climate change would harm water irrigation and agricultural farming in South Asian countries (Asian Development Bank (Asian Development Bank, 2017) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is evident that influx of FDI in agriculture and hydropower generation with all its socioeconomic benefits has adverse effect on environment as it reduces the groundwater reserves ultimately leading to shortage of clean drinking water for human population and livestock (Avery 2010; Elias and Abdi 2010) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study analyzed that growth in population leads to water scarcity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Recently, Zhang and Anadon (2013a, b) found that energy production is a major contributor to water scarcity - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It is essential for countries to rationally develop policies on the utilization of water resources and prevent water pollution and damage - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Furthermore, economies must shift energy production ways to solar energy as well - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Hence, the primary focus of the analysis is to estimate the impact of financial integration, education, and ICT on renewable energy consumption in China - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, ICT can also lead the foundation stone of the digital economy, which may spur the demand for renewable energy in the economy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Education is a significant driver that encourages renewable energy consumption and controls pollution emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To the best of our knowledge, this is the first-ever study that has tried to analyze the impact of financial integration, education, and ICT on renewable energy consumption in China - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The variables of concern are renewable energy consumption (REC), financial integration (FI), digital development (ICT), education (Edu), GDP per capita (GDP), and CO2 emissions (CO2) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The data for renewable energy consumption is assembled from EIA, for financial integration data is collected from the KOF index, and for all other variables, data is taken from the WDI - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2022) and Villanthenkodath and Velan (2022) by demonstrating that education enhances the understanding of people regarding renewable energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As far as the asymmetric impact of financial integration and ICT on renewable energy consumption is concerned, significant Wald tests confirmed asymmetric impact in the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Finally, increasing the formal literacy rate can increase awareness about environmental-related problems, which persuades people and businesses to increase renewable energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since the study only includes China as a country to estimate the nexus between financial integration, education, ICT, and renewable energy consumption - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2009) who investigated the green space changes and patterns of Mashhad city in Iran from 1987 to 2006 - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 With regard to the findings of this paper, it is suggested that increasing vegetation area and green space of the city directly affected the air quality and can increase the clean and healthy days - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The test data such as friction factor, Reynolds number, uncertainty analysis, Nusselt number, solar collector efficiency, coefficient of convective heat transfer, linear dimpled tube velocity analysis, achieving maximum energy efficiency and thermal efficiency have been used to generate parametric values for parabolic plate solar water heaters - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For instance, the absence of access to electricity in 2019 harmed 10% of the global population (771 million people), limiting their growth opportunities (Madurai Elavarasan et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Solar energy production is an advantage for India because of its geographical location - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable solar energy has a key role since it has always been accessible and can be relied upon (Naveenkumar et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Due to its practicality and cost-effectiveness, most solar energy systems utilize solar power for water heating - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The paper discusses an integrated approach to the management of three primary resources: water, energy, and food (WEF), as these increasingly represent the greatest global risks because they are expected to be highly impacted by climate change, demographics, aging infrastructure, and other challenges in the twenty-first century - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 With subtropical regions already experiencing both the greatest population growth and the highest stress on WEF resources, the effects of climate change will likely reduce rainfall further, thus making surface water less available and further depleting stored soil moisture (Milly et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A long-standing challenge for water management is the lack of integration between the sectors interacting with water across geographical areas and within large, often transboundary, basins through integrated water resource management (IWRM) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In an effort to foster IWRM in 1996, the Global Water Partnership (GWP) was founded by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to promote the “coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems” (GWP 2012) - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The United Nations Secretary-Generals’ Advisory Board on Water & Sanitation (UNSGAB) sees the two approaches as complementary (UN-DESA 2011) and states that both approaches facilitate sustainable growth and protect essential environmental services, as summarized in the following table (UNSGAB 2012): IWRM Nexus Allows sustainable development pathways Promotes efficiencies in the resource development and allocation Calls for greater co-ordination between inter-linked resource producing/consuming sectors Clearly recognizes the consequences of decisions made in one sector for the other sectors Emphasizes the need to change the way policy and decision-making occurs in order to improve human welfare and social equity However, in reality, nexus thinking also normally starts from one of the WEF perspectives, making the concept appear more relevant to that specific sector than would the IWRM approach of water-first - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For example, the nexus platform, provided by the WEF NCoP, could help by answering questions related to achieving the water goal without sacrificing food security, given that food security is inherently dependent upon water availability - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Once these countries achieved a level of economic growth, their per capita income of environmental quality was upgraded, so the environmental awareness level also became high (Andreoni and Levinson 2001; Bhattarai et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Gross domestic product (GDP) is an indicator of economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Urban population growth increases the industrialized economy and decreases the agrarian economy, which ultimately raises the energy consumption’s impact of intensive degradation of the environment (Arouri et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is because the growing need for the consumption of natural resources directly or indirectly contributes to the production process, which generally causes wastages (raw, manufacturing, industrial) that are related to environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Global GDP growth and the ecological footprint have a 195% and 292% ratio per capita, respectively (Charfeddine and Kahia 2019) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The third strand of study is related to the analysis method, i.e., the ARDL method for long- and short-run relationships and the DI to examine the growth speed of the economic expansion and environmental degradation with pre- and post-accuracy tests - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Environmental degradation downturns might be due to the high-income level, awareness about environmentally friendly products, and innovation to reduce environmental degradation in urban areas (Yasin et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The results indicate a negative and significant impact of energy consumption on poverty - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study suggests that the government makes the energy accessible to the people to fulfill their basic needs which ultimately reduces poverty - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Moreover, the government should make policies to improve the environment as the study found that environmental degradation significantly contributes to poverty - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Climate uncertainty characterized by severe weather events such as storms, droughts, floods, heatwaves, and rising sea levels and worst effects of climate change prevents the poor people to have an acceptable living standard because poor people are directly dependent on the environment for their survival (Kumar and Yashiro 2014) - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 2019; Okwanya and Abah 2018), whereas the indirect effect of energy consumption on poverty is unrecognized yet - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study aims to examine the direct and indirect effects of energy consumption on poverty in Pakistan - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, Poverty reduction is one of the main challenges for the world - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 However, the consumption of energy may pollute the environment because the energy from conventional sources is mostly generated from natural gas, lubricant, and petroleum that are the main contributors to environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 2010; Okwanya and Abah 2018) and a few studies have been found in the context of Pakistan which have examined the influence of EC on economic growth (Komal and Abbas 2015; Siddiqui 2004) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This study found that mismanagement, poor governance, and income inequality cause POV and POV to contribute to ED in Pakistan - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 (2009) reviewed the literature on climate change and POV in African countries - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Consumption of energy causes environmental degradation (Ozcan et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 After confirming the three hypotheses, the study examined the mediating role of environment degradation between energy consumption and poverty (H4) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition to EC, some control variables such as economic growth and population are also significantly associated with POV - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The coefficient of economic growth (− 19.897) is inversely related at 10% while the coefficient of the population (2.4182) is positively related at a 10% level of significance, while the study found no long-run significant association between globalization and POV - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The coefficient of economic growth (0.00065) shows a positive and significant relationship with ED at a 1% level of significance while globalization (0.0057) is positively related to ED at a 10% level of significance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The coefficient of economic growth (− 0.1311) shows a negative association with POV at a 5% level of significance at first lag while the coefficient of globalization (0.6966) shows a positive association with POV at a 10% level of significance - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The study found a significant negative association between energy consumption and poverty in the short run as well as in the long run; these findings are similar to previous studies (Goozee 2017; Okwanya and Abah 2018; Sakanko and David 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Second, the government should focus to make energy accessible to the people for poverty reduction in Pakistan - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This analysis and subsequent paper authorship was conducted via collaboration between McGill University’s Institute for Global Food Security and FAO’s Voices of the Hungry (VoH) project, responsible for developing the FIES and implementing it for SDG indicator 2.1.2 reporting - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Range of severity of food insecurity, (Voices of the Hungry, 2015) For the purposes of this study, individual respondents were categorized as “food secure” if all questions were answered “no” - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Reported results indicate the negative effect of ERTs and IQ towards CBCO2, which means that adoption of ERTs and better IQ is supportive in controlling environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For emission mitigation, green technology can play a vital role as countries are now making it a vital part of their policy and planning - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As technological advancements are gaining importance to combat environmental degradation, the study by Sohag et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In contrast, the long-term effects of remittance revenue, economic growth, and urbanization on energy use are approximately 20%, 8.25%, and 0.03%, respectively - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Energy stability and environmental protection are critical concepts that must be well described and quantified - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 According to the overall energy poverty ranking, Bhutan is also more stable in terms of electricity stability and environmental protection - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 India alone is expected to raise its energy consumption by over 140%, relative to a global increase of 55% - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The concept has even gained traction recently, given the Paris Agreement’s importance to limit global emissions levels by 1.5 degrees Celsius - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Population group identification is at most risk of being unable to meet the basic needs through income-based poverty indicators - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 About 35% of Bangladesh’s population does not have access to electricity - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Consequently, these FDI, GDP, and trade openness will help to reduce energy poverty in the region - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The rise in energy poverty may be justified by a similar pattern we saw in Sri Lanka’s growing share of renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The percentage for Pakistan’s rural population with electricity access is 70.66%, and that for Sri Lanka is 82.65%, which is comparatively higher - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 South Asian countries plan to enhance existing industries’ production capacities, create green jobs in the economy by 2020, and fight climate change (Nawaz et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Which often aids project promoters in making informed decisions about such predetermined factors and consequences - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Pakistan and Afghanistan each have about 1% renewable energy in their power production, while most of the four countries have little to no renewable energy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Policymakers should devise strategic policies regarding the promotion of migrant workers based on the findings of this study to ensure secure and sustainable renewable energy, which is necessary to achieve SDG 7 by 2030. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Most importantly, transforming from a pollution-intesive to a low-carbon economy would ultimately enable Bangladesh to simultaneously achieve both economic and environmental welfare in the years to come. Among the major factors responsible for environmental degradation in Bangladesh, the nation’s monotonic fossil fuel dependency, in the past and also at present, is said to have adversely impacted the environmental quality (Murshed et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The nation has predominantly utilized both local and imported fossil fuels to bridge its persistently increasing energy demand; consequently, a major portion of Bangladesh’s total final energy consumption level is currently generated from the combustion of fossil fuels (World Bank 2020; Murshed and Alam 2021) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Under such circumstances, it is has been prescribed that the nation should gradually phase out its fossil fuel dependency through the addition of renewable energy resources into the national energy mix (Murshed and Tanha 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the nation is yet to succeed in enhancing its shares of renewables in both the total primary energy consumption and electricity output levels (World Bank 2020) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lastly, this study adds to the limited literature that has overlooked the issues of Structural Breaks (SB) in ascertaining the energy consumption-environmental quality nexus for Bangladesh - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Following its independence, the size of the Bangladesh economy has substantially enlarged whereby higher economic growth has simultaneously degraded the environment - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It can be seen that renewable energy accounted for almost 72% of the total final energy consumption figures of Bangladesh in 1990 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Between 1990 and 2015, renewable energy shares have reduced by almost 37 percentage points - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In line with their findings, the authors concluded that energy consumption and emissions of CO2 in Iran are likely to increase by 4.3% and 5%, respectively, between 2010 and 2050 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The energy consumption-CO2 emission nexus was also evaluated using disaggregated energy consumption data (Murshed, 2021c) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The findings from these studies have collectively referred to the relationship between energy consumption and CO2 emissions being conditional on the type of energy resource consumed (Dong et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017) found renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions to be negatively correlated for Pakistan while Sinha and Shahbaz (2018) referred to renewable electricity output accounting for lower CO2 emissions in India - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Likewise, the consumption of solar power has also been identified as a means of curbing CO2 emissions (Lodi et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Although the initial studies on the energy consumption-environmental quality nexus have predominantly used the CO2 emission levels to proxy for environmental quality, contemporary studies have preferred to use the EFP to quantify the state of the environment (Nathaniel 2021; Solarin et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In another study on 44 African nations, Nathaniel and Adeleye (2021) remarked that energy consumption is detrimental to achieving environmental sustainability across Africa since higher energy consumption was evidenced to boost the EFP of these nations - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Similarly, in the context of 11 newly industrialized economies, Destek and Sarkodie (2019) found that energy consumption accentuated the EFP across these countries between 1977 and 2013 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the country-specific analysis statistically certified the positive energy consumption-EFP nexus for China, India, Mexico, Singapore and Thailand but not for Brazil, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, and Turkey - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, the authors highlighted that energy consumption, especially in the form of renewable energy resources, in the long run, would lead to better environmental quality in South Africa - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides, disaggregating overall energy consumption into oil and gas consumption, Majeed et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, the authors also asserted that the transition from nonrenewable to renewable energy within these nations can significantly help to improve the environmental quality since fossil fuel consumption was evidenced to boost the CFP figures - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The previous studies on the impacts of energy consumption on environmental quality in Bangladesh have also been predominantly centered on impacts on CO2 emissions in particular - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) probed into the energy consumption-CO2 emission nexus between 1972 and 2010 - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2013) employed the EKC model and found total energy consumption to adversely impact the nation’s CO2 emissions both in the short- and the long run - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2019) found energy consumption to catalyze CO2 emissions across the panel of the N11 economies - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2017) concluded that energy consumption and financial stability degrade environmental quality by boosting CO2 emissions in the South Asia countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In a similar study using disaggregated energy consumption data for the N11 nations, Sinha et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2016) found a positive correlation between total energy consumption and CO2 emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A similar correlation between energy consumption and CO2 emissions concerning these five South Asian economies was also asserted in the study by Zakaria and Bibi (2019) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2019) concluded that renewable energy consumption contributed to lower down the EFP while fossil fuel consumption was found to boost the EFP - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, most of the existing studies have predominantly assessed the impacts of aggregate energy consumption on Bangladesh’s environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The CFP, aggregate energy consumption, real GDP and trade openness are positively skewed while fossil fuel consumption, nonfossil fuel consumption, natural gas consumption, hydroelectricity consumption, and urbanization are negatively skewed - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, just after independence, the economy of Bangladesh could not take off in a robust manner which could have possibly influence the energy consumption-environmental quality nexus that is being explored - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since both Bangladesh and Pakistan share similar economic and energy consumption structures, it can be said that both these nations are yet to effectively safeguard their respective environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Besides, energy infrastructural development should also be prioritized to further facilitate the integration of renewable energy into the domestic energy system - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Such cross-border intra-regional flows of renewable energy into Bangladesh can be anticipated to reduce the nation’s CFP figures further - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Simultaneously, the stringency of the environmental protection laws should be enhanced so that the foreign countries do not exploit the weak environmental regulations of Bangladesh to relocate their dirty industries to Bangladesh - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Furthermore, it is recommended that Bangladesh includes renewable energy in its import basket which can effectively facilitate the CET phenomenon to help the nation achieve its carbon-neutrality objectives - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Using VOSviewer, we hope to provide a bibliometric assessment of global research trends on biodiversity loss from 1990 to 2021 - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 According to the findings, biodiversity loss research is expected to rise dramatically in the near future - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Biodiversity benefits people by improving their well-being - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 2011; Ravichandran 2012), this work focuses on the bibliometric analysis of biodiversity loss rather than biodiversity - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Finally, this study examines the publishing trends of biodiversity loss by utilizing a more recent dataset, as well as a large and well-established data source, the Web of Science Core Collection database - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2010), and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2010) reported that, despite growing worldwide conservation efforts, biodiversity loss will continue to accelerate - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In view of this, the bibliometric assessment on biodiversity loss would provide some useful insight into why conservation efforts have been less successful - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Environmental Sciences Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation, and Science Technology Other Topics were the key research areas among the experts with the most publications - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Publication years and citations Despite an increase in publications on biodiversity loss and the awareness of the need for biodiversity protection, conservation efforts have been less than successful - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These publications were obviously a wake-up call and led to the “Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)” during the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, in which 150 countries pledged to strengthen efforts in biodiversity conservation, the use of biologically sustainable resources, and equitable sharing of benefits from biodiversity (Earthwatch Institute 2022; Habibullah et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 b Keywords Plus In summary, Keywords Plus appeared to be broader in biodiversity loss literature, whereas Author Keywords seemed to be more specific - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Lastly, monitoring and conservation planning may be an essential tool to prevent the extinction of threatened and endangered species (cluster 4) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Due to the data availability and accuracy, this paper selects 50 representative developing countries accounting for 66% of the population, 57.2% of primary energy consumption, 61.8% of carbon emissions, but 36.5% of GDP of the world - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, international assistance has become a prerequisite for many countries to achieve more stringent NDC targets - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Recently, the increasing investment and technical assistance from developed countries and emerging economies represented by China to developing countries have greatly boosted the economic development and social progress, especially in infrastructure construction, energy supplying, and improvement of human’s livelihood - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Generally, there is a tight correlation between real GDP, energy consumption, and carbon emissions (Zhang et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Liu and Hao (2018) confirmed the dynamic links among carbon emissions, energy use, and economic growth in 69 BRI countries during 1970–2013 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The data of GDP (2010 USD), population, merchandise trade, and fossil proportion come from the World Bank Database (WDI 2018), and the data of primary energy consumption and carbon emissions are referenced to the BP Database (BP 2018) - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is a reflection of the positive influence of reducing fossil energy and promoting renewable energy on mitigating the global warming crisis - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Taking South Asian and Southeast Asian countries, for example, the results reveal that the potential rising of energy consumption and a high share of fossil fuel raise carbon emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Expanding infrastructure and upgrading technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy, as one of the SDG targets, are crucial to reducing carbon emissions, aligned with the results of the positive impact of energy consumption and fossil fuel share in this paper - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Taking the power industry as an example, introducing the appropriate power generation types and technology is the priority to improve energy efficiency, considering the resource conditions, infrastructure, affordable electricity tariff, and environmental constraints of the host country - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The developing countries should take the opportunity to participate in the global energy technology innovation and develop renewable energy locally - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, it does not mean that large-scale development of renewable energy should be realized in the short term - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, the campus performed weak social performance under subcategories of ‘Equal opportunities/discrimination’ and ‘Health and safety’ due to the weakness of formal policies on equal opportunities and preventive measure of health and safety for workers - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Yet, there is a dearth of study regarding the relationship among crucial macroeconomic drivers and ecological footprint (a proxy for environmental degradation) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Under the circumstances, this study explores the effects of economic growth, capital formation, urbanization, trade openness, energy use, and technological innovation on the ecological footprint by adopting the novel dynamic Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) simulations approach for Bangladesh, using annual frequency data from 1972 to 2017 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Eventually, the amount of consumption of the ecological resources also increases, which creates pressure on the environment and stimulates environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The current research adds to the theory of income-induced environmental degradation hypothesis taken Bangladesh as a case study, popularly known as the Environmental Kuznets Curve - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Apart from the aforementioned determinants, this study also considered energy use as a possible catalyst for environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Sarkodie and Adams (2018) exposed that renewable energy technologies advocate a limpid environment, while fossil fuel energy degrades the environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2019) scrutinized the effect of energy consumption on carbon dioxide emissions - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They elicited that energy consumption has a significant negative effect on environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable energy use promotes environmental quality and curtails carbon dioxide emission, while the use of traditional energy does damage the environment in Pakistan (Khan et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Although several researches exposed the association between technological innovation and environmental quality by using distinguish country-level data, models and methods produce mixed outputs - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2020) found that technological innovation yields a lower amount of emission, thus improving the environmental quality in the context of Pakistan using the data from 1970 to 2017 - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Likewise, negative nexus between ecological footprint and technological innovation was also reported by Yang et al - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, a positive linkage between environmental quality and technological innovation has also been explored in the preceding researches (Töbelmann and Wendler 2020; Chen and Lee 2020; Yu and Du 2019) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The theoretical framework of this study is based on the EKC hypothesis developed by Kuznets (1955), which was centered on income inequality - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This study employs ecological footprint measured as a proxy of environmental degradation following the previous literature (Adedoyin et al - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Reportedly, it is apparent that the long-run coefficient value is higher than that of the short-run, meaning that economic growth continues to dilapidate environmental quality more rapidly in the long-run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The long- and short-run coefficients of urbanization were both positive and significant, implying that urbanization promotes the expansion of the ecological footprint and, as a result, environmental degradation - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 (2019) for Pakistan, where they claimed that energy consumption injures environmental quality - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Any 10% increase or decrease in technological innovation results in an equal and positive short-term shift in ecological footprint - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Afterward, environmental quality tends to improve in the long run with any positive change in technological innovation, whereas environment experiences more drastic deterioration to any further technological slowdown in the long run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Further, a one-way long-run causal relationship was revealed from technological innovation to ecological footprint - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The findings of the dynamic ARDL model suggest that the EKC hypothesis does not hold for Bangladesh, as no inverted U-shaped association is observed between economic growth and ecological footprint - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similar to economic growth, capital formation seemed to devastate the environment in the long-run - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Therefore, the government should resort to updating the environmental policies and regulations of the law in consonance with eco-friendly economic growth - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, they overlooked the crucial factor of “lack of good governance,” which may play an essential role in REG development - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 (2020) examined and found the pushing impact of renewable energy policy and renewable governance in the ASEANFootnote 1 countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2019) employed the modified Delphi method (MDM) and fuzzy analytical hierarchical process (FAHP) to examine the barriers to the adoption of clean energy in Pakistan - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To this end, a literature review has been conducted making use of the key platforms, including the database of Scopus, Science Direct, Willey, SpringerLink, and Web of Science, utilizing keywords like “renewable energy generation,” “influence factors,” “crucial factors,” etc - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) evaluated the influence of the auctions in promoting the accumulation of renewable energy capacity and found the driving impact of tendering in the case of 20 developed countries - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2016), political and economic factors also play a significant role in the growth of renewable energy development in the context of the Indian economy - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The projects of renewable energy need heavy investment, thus depend significantly on the investment environment - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The cost of energy production affects the sustainable growth of the power industry and also offers profit margins for financiers - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 (2019b) noted that the rivalry environment of the Indian wind power industry remained a dominant driving force of this industry’s development - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These practices are executed through the provision of research and development support to attain technological advancements, granting privileged tax rates, allocating monitory subsidies, and implementing logical feed-in tariffs for the REG projects (Roth et al - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The regulatory issues are the main reason which will not enable the country to attain renewable energy goals - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Among the CIFs of REG development, lack of good governance, public acceptance, and governmental energy policies remained the top three factors with path coefficients −0.310, 0.287, and −0.248, respectively - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The findings of current research are peculiar in terms of consideration of the role of barriers like lack of good governance and governmental energy policies - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In another work, Sen and Ganguly (2016) declared the importance of good governance in a way that the inclusion of effective strategies and positions may provide support for the growth of renewable power production - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In contrast, setting up good governance may mitigate the investment risk and thus may attract investors to invest in developing countries like Pakistan, Ghana, Bangladesh, and Sub-Saharan Africa - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The existence of a powerful and positive link of incentive policy system and rapid development of renewable energy markets has been declared by Kung et al - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 (2020) extended the argument that REG development may lead to sustainable development, which would further expand the financial resources to develop the renewable energy sector in the developing world - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is aligned with the 13th SDG of “Climate Action,” which conveys the requirement of urgency to combat climate change and its spillover effects - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Worldwide climate change will have negative consequences such as reduced biodiversity, decreased worldwide food production, sea-level rise, and increased disease mortality - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Also, the selected variable public–private partnerships investment in energy as a factor of CO2 emissions is not studied for Bangladesh (see Table 1 related studies on public–private partnerships investment in energy and environmental degradation) - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This research explores the linkage between public–private partnerships investment in energy (PPIE) and CO2 emissions, considering the essential role of economic growth (GDP), foreign direct investment (FDI), and trade openness (TOP) in Bangladesh - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The key causes for positive linkage are that fossil fuels are important contributors to industry and agriculture, increasing economic growth and decreasing environmental sustainability (Adedoyin and Zakari, 2020; Adebayo 2021) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This concludes that if all other variables stay stable, a rise in TOP will raise environmental degradation by 0.3498%, 0.3236%, and 0.3554%, respectively - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The selected papers included in this special issue are a contribution to tackle these challenges and foster innovation in the organic food and farming sector - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! This special issue includes selected papers from the International Workshop ‘Organic farming and agroecology as a response to global challenges’, jointly organized by GRAB-IT (Research Group on Organic Farming - Italy), Department of Agricultural Sciences – University of Naples Federico II (Italy), and Associazione Scientifica Centro di Portici, Naples, with endorsement from ISOFAR, RIRAB (the Italian Network for Organic Farming Research) and Agroecology Europe - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This paper gives recommendations for more effective gender-responsive approaches for these and similar organisations working on improving global food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The high priority of food security in the post-2015 international development agenda is reflected in the fact that the goal to ‘End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture’ was listed as SDG 2, after SDG 1 to end global poverty. Food security as defined by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) is “when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for a healthy and active life” (quoted in World Bank et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The objectives are three-fold: (i) to highlight in what ways IFPRI and BMGF incorporate gender into their research and funding strategies, (ii) to show what kind of gender-responsive approaches are more successful than others for achieving women’s empowerment and decreasing gender inequalities in agricultural development, and (iii) to suggest possible improvements for making gender-responsive work more effective - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Due to the paper’s focus on the role of gender inequalities for food insecurity, and on IFPRI’s and BMGF’s gender-responsive work encouraging the empowerment of women, we utilised a feminist theoretical framework for our analysis - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 IFPRI is one of many partner organisations of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The ‘engendering [of] agricultural research, development and extension’ has been a central objective of IFPRI’s for over twenty years (Meinzen-Dick et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This alludes to the commitment to gender being made by CGIAR, and as IFPRI’s enveloping organization, this could be considered reflective of IFPRI’s own efforts toward women’s empowerment - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 BMGF is at the forefront of placing emphasis on gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Although it is difficult to measure the extent of gender inequalities and women’s empowerment, both BMGF and IFPRI place significant focus on innovative and effective research methods through gender disaggregated data collection, monitoring and evaluation, and through empowerment measurement tools (BMGF 2008; IFPRI 2013) - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 (2012), education and training are key for encouraging women to assert themselves and be more productive in controlling agricultural assets - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 98), “the most cost-effective means of maximizing contributions [by international organisations] to gender equality and empowerment is to develop an institutional culture that is women-friendly and empowering.” This leads us to the issue of ‘gender mainstreaming’ which presented itself as another important theme in the documents and interviews - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The shared view was that gender mainstreaming allows institutes to make claims of having mainstreamed gender approaches within projects, without placing any great emphasis on gender-responsive research as a whole - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A major setback to projects has been the unintended disempowerment of women through increases in domestic violence and added time burdens following the provision of agricultural assets to women - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It helps to create more of a partnership model, more of a family based plan. This reiterates the importance of including men in women’s empowerment initiatives - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Educating men on the importance of farming women’s empowerment can work to avoid men experiencing feelings of displacement which could trigger acts of violence - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Preliminary research could also be key to understanding the gender dynamics within a specific community that could promote increases in domestic violence as a result of research projects - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The main objective was to find out what kind of gender-responsive work is effective and what kind of lessons can be drawn for IFPRI, BMGF and other organisations working in the field of agricultural development and food security - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Sharing of knowledge among research institutes and other relevant development organisations is increasingly becoming recognised as essential for productive food security initiatives (Kristjanson et al - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Initiatives such as these emphasise the importance of gender equality at all levels of an organisation and could help to promote gender work at both an internal and external level - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 We hope that our paper and recommendations can help as a call for action and guide for more effective gender-responsive work in organisations working for global food security. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Environmental impact is a constraint in the path of poverty alleviation and sustainable development, as well - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 2019), but among many challenges, poverty reduction is the more vigorous particularly in developing countries (Ouyang et al - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Climate change such as rising temperatures, varied rainfall patterns, and natural disasters will affect human health, including heat exposure, undernutrition, and increased explosion and transmission of illnesses (Zhou et al - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Climate change and its impacts are among the most vulnerable and the most significant environmental issue the world is coping with recent times - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The decrease in the price level (inflation) may help in poverty alleviation in Asian countries - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It ought to be seen that access to electricity reduces poverty but increases ecological footprint - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Renewable energy is already economically viable and can slowly complete with fossil resources - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Towards accomplish sustainable development, this empirical study provides a fresh look at the relationship between ecological footprint, poverty, and GDP to control the empirical model with the total population, inflation, and access to electricity in Asian economies spanning 2010–2016, by using DK regression - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Most of the budget is allocated to the environment, which is why resources become limited to reduce poverty - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Among these factors, the poor institutional environment in the Asian region characterized by the lack of democracy, poor enforcement of forestry laws and regulation, and the lack of land-use planning represents a major challenge to environmental sustainability in the SDGs era - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and, by 2030, significantly raise industry’s share of employment and gross domestic product, in line with national circumstances, and double its share in least developed countries. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Increase Aid for Trade support for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, including through the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 By 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the Global Jobs Pact of the International Labour Organization. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Ensure enhanced representation and voice for developing countries in decision-making in global international economic and financial institutions in order to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international,intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Encourage official development assistance and financial flows, including foreign direct investment, to States where the need is greatest, in particular least developed countries, African countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their national plans and programmes. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__16 -> MISMATCH! Rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by removing market distortions, in accordance with national circumstances, including by restructuring taxation and phasing out those harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impacts, taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries and minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development in a manner that protects the poor and the affected communities. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Realize timely implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all least developed countries, consistent with World Trade Organization decisions, including by ensuring that preferential rules of origin applicable to imports from least developed countries are transparent and simple, and contribute to facilitating market access. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Number of deaths, missing persons and persons affected by disaster per 100,000 people. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Proportion of women of reproductive age who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Proportion and number of children aged 5‑17 years engaged in child labour, by sex and age. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries per 100,000 workers, by sex and migrant status. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Prevalence of anaemia in women aged 15 to 49 years, by pregnancy status . - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Proportion of children aged 24–59 months who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being, by sex. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Proportion of local breeds classified as being at risk, not-at-risk or at unknown level of risk of extinction. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology skills, by type of skill. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Proportion of teachers with the minimum required qualifications, by education level. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Proportion of girls and women aged 15-49 years who have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting, by age. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Implementation of standard accounting tools to monitor the economic and environmental aspects of tourism sustainability. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Proportion of total research budget allocated to research in the field of marine technology. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Proportion of children aged 1–17 years who experienced any physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by caregivers in the past month. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Proportion of victims of violence in the previous 12 months who reported their victimization to competent authorities or other officially recognized conflict resolution mechanisms. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Proportion of the population who have experienced a dispute in the past two years and who accessed a formal or informal dispute resolution mechanism, by type of mechanism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Dollar value of all resources made available to strengthen statistical capacity in developing countries. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__16 Proportion of countries that have achieved 100 per cent birth registration and 80 per cent death registration. - Gold: __label__16 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Developing and implementing tools to monitor the effects of sustainable development for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Population proportion using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand wash installation with soap and water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Proportion of small scale industries with a loan or a credit line. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Degree of application of a legal/regulatory/political/institutional framework that recognizes and protects access rights for small -scale fishing. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 By 2030, upgrading the infrastructure and upgrading industries to make it sustainable, with increased efficiency of resources and greater adoption of net and environmental technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 A region reporting a higher rate will not earn points for this indicator. This means for example that activities that were carried out in 2012 are rewarded financially through the P4P scheme in 2014. The level of payment in the P4P scheme is set deliberately low at the start of the programme to avoid gaming and crowding out intrinsic motivation. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research station monitors the quantity and quality of water along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. The Nature and Parks Authority (NPA) monitors water quality in rivers on behalf of the MoEP. Mekorot and local authorities monitor drinking water quality under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health monitors effluent quality prior to its use in the agricultural sector. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The “War on Terror” and the Framework of International Law, Helen Duffy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. li, 488.The war on terror poses increasingly intractable challenges for the international legal order. Some commentators query whether the international reaction to 9/11 might have relaxed or transformed well-established legal principles, particularly in the fields of recourse to force and state responsibility. Other scholars opine that international law is adequately suited to address the relatively new and polymorphous threats of terrorism. Regardless of one's stance on the question, it is clear that the current war on terror has generated considerable academic writing, both inside and outside of law, and propelled various legal issues, such as the application of international human rights, international humanitarian law and international criminal law, to the forefront of scholarly inquiry. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Mental health courts are emerging in communities across the country to address the growing number of individuals with serious mental illness in jails and the complex issues they present to the courts. Based on concepts of therapeutic jurisprudence and patterned after drug courts, mental health courts attempt to prevent criminalization and recidivism by providing critical mental health services. The authors describe mental health courts in Broward County, Florida, King County, Washington, Anchorage, Alaska, and Marion County, Indiana. Each of these courts is designed to meet the specific needs and resources of its jurisdiction. The courts' experiences suggest that involving all players from the beginning is essential. The authors discuss the issues of due process, availability of services, and control of resources, which must be addressed before mental health courts are widely implemented. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In long-standing democracies, the partisan attachments of most citizens are stable and not responsive to short-term political events. Recent studies from younger democracies, however, suggest that partisanship may be more malleable in these contexts. In this paper we develop hypotheses about how political corruption might affect voter attachment to the parties of corrupt officials or to the party system as a whole. Using data from an original survey experiment in Brazil, we show that prompts about political corruption shift patterns of partisan attachment for highly educated respondents – specifically, that corruption associated with one political party reduces nonpartisanship and significantly increases identification with other political parties. In contrast, we find that information on corruption has no consistent measurable effect on partisanship for less educated respondents. We conclude by discussing the implications of malleable partisanship for democratic accountability. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Foster capacity-building at all levels of government. This implies combining investment in physical water and sanitation “hard” infrastructure with the provision of “soft’ infrastructure, which is essentially the institutions upon which water outcomes rely. The development of skills, technical expertise and knowledge and the availability of staff and time are preconditions for effective governance of water policy. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition to rising sea levels and global temperatures, extreme weather events are becoming more common and natural habitats such as coral reefs are declining. These changes affect people everywhere, but disproportionately harm the poorest and the most vulnerable. Concerted action is urgently needed to stem climate change and strengthen resilience to pervasive and ever-increasing climate-related hazards. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 There are many unqualified teachers in schools, as it is difficult to hire qualified teachers. One indication of the recognition of the important role of teachers in this context is Alberta’s inclusion of additional questions in the 2018 OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey pertaining to teachers’ and school leaders’ understanding of issues related to Indigenous cultures, history and working with Indigenous students, as well as on relevant professional development. The holistic approach of Indigenous peoples stresses how much these contribute to the overall well-being of children, as well as everyone else, in addition to factors such as material advantage and disadvantage. The trauma suffered by Indigenous peoples, including through the residential school system, is still acutely felt by many. Indeed, we were told that the symptoms of trauma may be increasing rather than diminishing with the passage of time, exacerbated through intergenerational relationships. Against this bigger picture, specific surveys of particular provinces and territories, and comparing Indigenous and non-Indigenous young people, can be better understood (Freeman, King and Pickett, 2016). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In other words, factors that might make a child more prone to experiencing deprivation in a single domain might not make that child more liable to being cumulatively deprived and vice versa. Living in a less densely populated area, for example, has little impact on children’s risks of domain deprivation (with the exception of Germany) and even predicts a lower probability of deprivation in the environment domain. Nevertheless, a child living in an intermediate or thinly populated area in either France or the UK faces higher odds of experiencing cumulative deprivation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 While growth dynamics have lifted many people out of poverty, they have not eliminated poverty and exclusion, which continue to affect millions of people. Inclusive innovation has therefore become an imperative for countries’ socio-economic development, especially in emerging and developing economies. In 2010, an estimated 4.3 billion people - 62% of the world’s population - lived on less than USD 5 per day (World Bank, 2014a). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Only 14 LDCs have even limited oil-refining capacity, the output of which is overwhelmed by that of the other manufacturing sectors. Similarly, available national accounts and employment data typically group together energy-related utilities — electricity and gas — and water supply, with no further breakdown. In households where both women and men are engaged in wood collection, the gender distribution of time savings may also differ significantly from that of time allocation: even if women spend more time than men collecting wood, a greater share of the time savings may accrue to men. This should be achieved through both centralized and decentralized energy technologies and systems, combining the three general models of grid extension, mini-grid access and off-grid access (AGECC, 2010). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Of mammals, four species are extinct at the national level and five species are critically endangered (lynx, leopard, striped hyena, red deer and wild goat). Of the two species of tur - West Caucasian tur {Capra caucasica) and East Caucasian tur (Capra cylindricomis) - the West Caucasian tur has the smallest population size and is found in only a few areas of Georgia. Among ungulates, the rarest species is the wild goat (Capra aegagrus), found only in Tusheti Protected Areas with an estimated population size of 210. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The benefits of this are: reduced infrastructure costs, the potential for less car use for commuting if people live near where they w'ork and preserving land for agriculture and nature. To maintain support for the plan’s objectives, the two core communes may have to compensate these losing communes, w'hich of course reduces the benefits of the strategy. Moreover, the spatial strategy seems to assume that new employers will be w illing to settle for a higher cost and more complex to develop browmfield sites in Nantes or Saint-Nazaire over greenfield sites in a rural commune. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The present contribution assesses the case law of the European Court of Justice interpreting the provisions of the Aarhus Convention relating to access to justice. Cases have dealt with the temporal scope of application of provisions on access to justice, projects implemented by specific acts of national legislation and their exclusion from the obligations under the Convention, interim relief and the effet utile of provisions on access to justice, the range of possible pleas for judicial review, the role of procedural errors, permissible costs of proceedings, access to justice for environmental associations under different provisions of the Convention and the annulment of a permit and its relationship with the right to property. As is also shown, this case law is at the same time relevant – though not binding – for Switzerland as a non-eu Member State, but party to the Convention. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Basically, the authority of attorney general to control the circulations of printed goods is accordance with the principle of due process of law, equality before the law, and the right of freedom of expression as stipulated in the constitution 1945. Interpreting these principles has close relationship with the basic principle of human right in Indonesia, rechtsidee, values, and world view containing in the five basic pillars of Pancasila that stresses more to the balance of right and obligation. In the context of judicial review of an article 30 (3) c act number 16 2004, the problem is not on the existence of its legal norm but on the procedure to implement it in which attorney general did not provide proper and accountable mechanism so that these three principles are not purely conducted. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Over the past approximately 40 years, however, there has also been increasing interest in the role it can play in supporting learning, often called “formative assessment” or “assessment for learning”. This chapter presents a brief overview of how the concept of formative assessment has developed in recent years, in particular, how the central idea has expanded from an original focus on feedback to a wider perspective on classroom practice. It presents evidence on the impact of formative assessment on learning and discusses definitional issues. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The forests and OWL are especially remarkable in terms of vegetation diversity. The biodiversity of Turkmenistan is not only rich but also unique due to the country’s geographical position and relief, and the specific evolution of its flora and fauna. The higher plants are currently represented by 3,140 species, of which 47 are tree species and 88 are shrubs. The 1999 Red Data Book lists 109 plant species, including 15 species of trees and bushes (Chapter 10). Plants differ in their resource significance, range of useful features and possibilities for practical use. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The discriminatory practices of financial institutions, such as the requirement that men should sign women’s documents, must be eliminated. But formal financial institutions need to do more than merely lower the entry barriers to female micro-owners. They must improve their performance in funding the growth of female-owned businesses. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, it is anticipated that these countries will experience serious damage due to floods and droughts. However, even developed countries cannot always avoid more violent physical events, such as torrential rainfall or severe drought, on a previously unimaginable scale. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 is representative of an event of such a large-scale impact, it destroyed protective levees and seriously damaged the city of New Orleans. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! This study illustrates how, despite the diversity of women environmental defenders and their movements around the world, there are near-universal patterns of violence threatening their survival. Violence against women environmental defenders, often perpetrated by government-backed corporations, remains overlooked. Research on this issue importantly contributes to discussions about environmental justice because women defenders make up a large proportion of those at the frontlines of ecological distribution conflicts. Through comparative political ecology, this research analyzes cases from the Environmental Justice Atlas, an online open-access inventory of environmental distribution conflicts, in which one or more women were assassinated while fighting a diverse array of extractive and polluting projects. Although the stories showcase a breadth of places, conflicts, social-class backgrounds, and other circumstances between women defenders, most cases featured multinational large-scale extractive companies supported by governments violently targeting women defenders with impunity. Keywords : Violence, murder, women environmental defenders, EJAtlas, comparative political ecology - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This technology bank for the LDCs was officially established on 23 December 2016, through the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/71/L.52. In addition, ITU's Membership recognized the importance of ICTs for LDCs by adopting specific targets for the LDCs in its Connect 2020 Agenda (ITU, 2014). Target 2, on inclusiveness, includes specific targets on household access to ICTs, Internet use, and affordability in the LDCs. Most have been primarily based on basic, low-bandwidth mobile cellular technologies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Unless they focus on epidemiological debates, most thematic issues of social-science journals concentrate on research results, describing methods only as a means to an end. Nevertheless, the burgeoning field of research with children in the context of international rights-based programming has placed a new spotlight on epidemiological questions. What exactly (and what age) is a child when seen as the subject rather than object of research? How does this affect both methodology and method? Does the special social status of childhood imply new approaches and techniques, different ethical considerations, a novel role for researchers? Who should be a child researcher? What, indeed, are the human rights of children? - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In Uruguay for example, data is collected on care provided to dependent persons aged 65 or older and questions focus on care for adults who require assistance with personal hygiene, feeding or medical care, including transportation to health centres. The national time-use survey in Mexico collects information on the time spent caring for persons aged 60 or older, including support in the use of information technology, transportation and accompaniment, even when the older person is not dependent or does not have a disability. In households where persons in this age range are present, women spend 18 hours per week on average caring for them, compared with 15 hours spent by men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Investments in education help to reduce the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Although the share of the people who are educated varies greatly among the Asia Pacific LDCs, for both women and men, the poorest are less likely to be educated. The gender gap is also considerable. The differences in educational attainment between the ultra poor and the subjacent poor are large, with the poorest the least educated. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In Germany, 5.8% of families practice such a “reduced-fulltime-plus-part-time model”. The male breadwinner model is the most widely practiced by couples in most Southern European countries, with the exception of Portugal, where both partners usually work over 40 hours per week. The combination is also widespread in Norway, France, Finland, Denmark and Belgium. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Other economies, such as those in sub-Saharan Africa or in the Middle East and North Africa, have not followed the same pattern, however. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the ratio has flatlined. Thus, the hypothesis of the Kuznets curve is not confirmed in all cases, which suggests that the relationship between pollution and per capita income is less direct than originally thought. An explanation for this is that the two forces defining the curve (structural change and technical change) depend on policies and institutions, whose operation brings progress towards the least polluting stage to a premature halt. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! This Round Island Route (RIR) links nature, culture, recreational sites, communities and parks, thereby enabling NMT such as cycling, skating and jogging. To facilitate cycling, or to take the place of bicycle lanes, new routes are wider than normal park connectors (six metres instead of four metres) with amenities such as shelters, toilets, lookout points, seating areas, information kiosks, bicycle parking lots and self-help bicycle repair facilities at various nodes. In 2017, Hyderabad launched India’s first electric airport taxi service with charging stations at the airport. In Singapore, Chinese automobile giant BYD teamed up with the Government of Singapore to launch a fleet of green taxis. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 But contribution credits have become particularly important after the introduction of defined contribution systems that strengthen the link between contributions and benefits. Anna D’Addio estimates what would happen if these credits did not exist in a number of OECD and EU countries and finds that mothers’ replacement rates would decrease by 3 to 7 percentage points on average with between 3 and 15 years of career interruption (D’Addio 2012:90). Positive effects, especially for women in the lowest income groups, have also been found in estimations for Chile (Fajnzylber20i3).Anotherstudy,focused onthe United States, finds that contribution credits and minimum benefits favour women in the poorest social strata while divorce benefits are mostly oriented to women in the highest income groups (Herd 2005). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Barkawi and Laffey engage with Hardt and Negri's Empire as a reminder of what an institutionalised Anglo-American tradition of international relations theory misses or misconstrues when it focuses on the logic of the modern states system. Like Barkawi and Laffey, I am unpersuaded by the claim that `a global order, a new logic and structure of rule—in short, a new form of sovereignty' has emerged. However, Barkawi and Laffey avoid engaging with the primary theoretical moves enabling this claim. These moves connect a claim about immanence in the philosophical struggles of early-European modernity with a claim about the imminence of a new form of political order arising from a process of internalisation of the interstate system. It is because this relationship is not placed under suspicion that Hardt and Negri over-interpret many important observations within an updated but conventional, and unsatisfactory, account of a universalising history. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Projects aimed at reducing travel distances and thus increasing residential and employment density, accompanied by adequate mobility planning and transit supply, can be effective in decreasing the demand for transport as well as stimulating modal split toward less polluting modes. A number of empirical (mainly economic) studies confirm the positive effect of denser urban form on reducing travel distance per capita (e.g., Boamet and Sarmiento, 1999, Bento et al., As mentioned in the first section, building-related energy use accounts for approximately 24% of overall domestic energy demand, taking into account the building’s life cycle (construction, operation and demolition). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 From the 1648 peace treaties of Westphalia to the 1945 U.N. Charter, public international law has evolved as a system of reciprocal rights and obligations among states based on sovereign equality and non-intervention into the internal affairs of states.1 The state-centered U.N. Charter, and its collective security system established by the victorious powers of World War II,2 assert legal priority over other conflicting international treaties.3 The one-sided focus of the traditional “international law of states” on the freedom and power of governments, rather than on the human rights of their citizens is, however, increasingly challenged by national parliaments and civil society groups as being incompatible with the universal recognition of inalienable human rights and with the need for democratic legislation protecting human rights and “democratic peace”.4 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For instance, in Denmark and Sweden there are quasi-mandatory, occupational defined-contribution schemes with broad coverage that are included in the index. The index shown here is not a Kakwani index. It is based on pension systems’ parameters and is computed as 100 minus 100 times the ratio of the Gini of pension payments to the Gini of personal gross earnings in 2008. The Gini indices are calculated using the OECD average earnings distribution. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Covering 30% of the electricity supply of the United States with offshore wind would thus cost an astonishing additional outlay of USD 86 billion per year. Table 4.7 reports the total cost of electricity supply on a USD/MWh basis for all scenarios analysed. Two additional tables in Appendix 4.B report the cost increase per unit of renewable production and the total cost of electricity supply, on an absolute basis (Tables 4.1B and 4.2B respectively). However, introducing large shares of renewable energy with low variable cost has also significant impacts on the optimal structure of the electricity generating mix, on resulting electricity prices and on the profitability of existing dispatchable power plants, which make up the pecuniary externalities referred to in Chapter 1. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Cultural Studies’ academic good fortune owes little to the Frankfurt School. From its origins in early 1970s until earlier this century, the discipline consistently failed to engage with Critical Theory on a more than superficial level. On the few occasions when Cultural Studies’ theorists examined Critical Theory, their focus usually dwelled Dialectic of Enlightenment’s ‘Culture Industry’ chapter or Adorno’s subsequent cultural criticism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Box 1.1 presents selected case studies illustrating both the public health problems of uncollected waste as well as the solutions.’ These sites are often alongside rivers or the sea, and therefore may directly pollute them as well as the coastal environment. Coastal dumpsite erosion is one source of marine litter. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This aspect could be studied as part of the WPSMEE’s work on digitalisation and SMEs. These reports have established that there are methods of valuation that are routinely used and well-established, but that the majority of cases where IP valuation is required are not related to finance. Rather, these use cases address the need for values to be determined w'hen assets are bought and sold (usually in conjunction with the enterprise that owns them), transferred to another entity (when the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting work of OECD is of direct relevance) or become the subject of litigation. In addition, evidence suggests that the valuation of intangibles is less common practice for smaller firms than for large companies. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Up to 1% of the total subsidy will be allocated to research and technology development, capacity building and, inter alia, the financing of pilot studies and complementary projects under the rural electrification scheme. Table 25 shows the cost norms defined by the Ministry of Power for village electrification. In line with current practice under the RGGVY, the MNRE also offers a 100% capital subsidy for BPL household connections. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In much of SSA for example, institutional investors face limits on asset class and geographical exposure. This is true even of the countries that have access to international capital markets. Continued financial fragility and efforts to reduce this by increasing capital buffers (resulting from Basel III) are thought to be motivating many banks in OECD countries to reduce the amount of long-term debt on their balance sheets. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is because the most severe reductions in food production and increases in food prices occur in Africa and India, which account for a large share of the world's poor. The second most important factor leading to increased poverty is health impacts, followed by the impacts of higher temperatures on labour productivity. The shocks impinge on physical capital, when assets are destroyed - for example, through the death of livestock - or when farmers are forced to sell productive capital, such as cattle, to absorb the income shock. They also reduce farmers' capacity to invest, with negative consequences for future food security. Scenarios in which no additional efforts are made to mitigate emissions lead to pathways between RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Income-support programmes, in the form of unemployment benefits, social assistance, family benefits or housing allowances, have played an important macroeconomic role as automatic stabilisers during the recent crisis. Many OECD countries face high and often growing needs for social policies at times of shrinking fiscal space, which restrict the capacity for an effective response. In the early phases of the global financial and economic crisis, social spending — which accounts for about half of total public outlays in OECD countries - increased. Moreover, large fiscal stimulus packages were put in place in many countries often including greater resources for social measures. But in many OECD countries, a shift in the fiscal stance is now taking place to tackle unprecedented deficits and debt-to-GDP ratios. Social spending is part of many fiscal consolidation plans, and pressure on social spending is set to increase further. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Qualitative research dominates political science. In the field of international relations (IR), for example, about 70% of scholars primarily employ qualitative methods, compared to 21% favoring formal or quantitative analysis (Jordan et al. 2009 ). Since nearly all of the latter make secondary use of textual and historical methods, overall over 90% of IR scholars employ qualitative analysis, whereas 48% use any statistical and only 12% any formal methods. This understates the dominance of qualitative analysis, for many statistical data sets rest ultimately on historical work, and IR scholars, when polled, report that qualitative case studies are more relevant for policy than quantitative or formal work. Hardly any major IR debate—whether that over the end of the cold war, American unipolarity, Chinese foreign policy, the nature of European integration, compliance with international law, democratic peace, the causes of war, or the impact of human rights norms—remains untouched by important qualitative contributions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Finding one's place within changing labour markets, the two Norwegian researchers address some of the issues of their previous research, these are also outlined in this report. Their research addresses issues of gender, education and a changing labour market and work life and how these issues impact young adults as regards their choice of education and mobility patterns. The men of Northern Norway are, however, mainly employed within building and construction. Aure particularly emphasises that despite the lack of a highly educated labour force, it may be difficult to find acceptance in the local communities of Norway. Munkejord (2006) also focuses on Norwegians from other parts of the country choosing to reside in Northern Norway and seeks to form an understanding of their motivations behind moving and in particular their motivations behind settling in the peripheral areas as opposed to in the larger cities in the southern part of Norway. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Women are slightly less mobile than men on average, with significant cross-country and age differences. Every year, on average across OECD countries, 16% of the working-age population experiences a change in their professional situation. They change employer, change their working time (switching from full-time to part-time or vice-versa), lose their job, find a new one, become unemployed or inactive, or re-enter the labour market after a period of inactivity. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Article 6 on co-operative approaches, Article 9 on finance, and Article 11 on capacity building. Further relevant provisions are contained in Decision 1/CP.21. The purpose of the transparency framework for mitigation is to provide a clear understanding of climate change mitigation action, to track progress towards NDCs and to inform the global stocktake. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Training courses for “associate nurses”, which was a less advanced qualification compared to registered nurses, were terminated in 2007. This, along with the rapid expansion of training for registered nurses, does suggest a need to enhance the supply of “lower end” nursing skills. Indeed, this has been recognised by the authorities, for instance in the Planning Committee’s wide ranging recommendations. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In societies that began with high inequality, elites can establish a legal framework that locks in their influence, which in turn enables them to maintain high inequality to their benefit. Take, for example, the Americas, where three distinct types of colonies took shape in the 1700s, depending on the initial conditions of soil, climate and native inhabitancy. The distribution of wealth and human capital was extremely unequal, advantaging the elite who could assemble large companies of slaves. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Where there is no identified father there may be no birth certificate or other form of registration (which is a precursor to education), primary health care and forms of assistance such as food or cash transfers. In the research for Who Cares?, Even where there is community identification of the most needy, orphaned children of ‘unmarried’ mothers can be subject to discriminatory treatment. Swaziland has the highest prevalence rate of HIV in the world. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Strategies and Good Practices of States and Social Partners in Europe”, Belgium, http:// A Comment on International Development Agency Experiences in the South”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. Gender Mainstreaming, Women’s Movements and the Canadian Federal State,” Atlantis, Volume 29:2. Gender and Mainstreaming?”, - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Age 19 estimates come from the Elmira site, (a) Is based on group reading and math achievement test scores and is in percentile units, (b) Uses student self-reports on domains such as anxiety, depression, somatisation, and withdrawal to assess if students pass a clinical threshold, based on the Achenbach Child Behaviour Checklist (Achenbach and Rescorla, 2001). ( Attains 5% significance level. The Jamaican Supplementation Study (JSS) was one of the few with a long-term follow-up.9 Like NFP, JSS targeted health and parenting skills. This randomised programme consisted of a two-year nutritional and stimulation programme for stunted children (low height for age), aged 9-24 months at the start of the programme. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Science parks tended to fall from favour and became a less prominent policy tool, although still maintaining their own networks and policy support community. Parks were oriented towards large firms seeking to establish research facilities near a university environment, in the hope that firms would develop research contracts with universities. In the case of Stanford, the land was owned by the university. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Once calculated these all these marketing margins were subtracted from the relevant border reference price. Indonesia’s PSEs: What and how? ( It incorporates transfers to provincial and district governments for agriculture programmes. However, it does not include local co-financing, as there is no data on this. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Low revenue from forestry and closures of local mills have exacerbated these problems. This issue affects many parts of the region, but especially the large forest areas of ECE West and East, where climate and geography exacerbate the problem. Possible remedies include infrastructure development (transport, communication), targeted subsidies to communities or local industries for job creation, support to small and medium size enterprises, vocational training and other adapted measures, entrepreneurship. Above all, the forest and forest industries should be managed with the interests of the local communities in mind, and structural changes, when necessary, should be managed gradually and humanely. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Table 2.2 illustrates some of the different ways in which government and students share the costs at secondary level. Fees are subject to government guidelines in public sector. Most programmes, although ‘upper secondary' in terms of ISCED level, are outside the school sector. The OECD International Survey of VET Systems, OECD, Paris. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The authors are grateful to the model's author, Mr. Luis Martinez, Modeller and Analyst at the ITF. For editorial support the authors thank Ms. Edwina Collins, Content Production Co-ordinator, ITF, Ms. Katherine Farrow, Modeller and Analyst, ITF, and Michael Kloth, Head of Communications, ITF. Further support was provided by Mr. Luke Mackle, Consultant, and Ms. Tabea Klang, former Consultant, both of the Eurasia division. Final editorial and visual support was provided by Ms Vanessa Berry-Chatelain, Communications Manager, OECD Global Relations Secretariat. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In comparison to the 40 countries covered in the OECD’s Education at a Glance study, Brazil is placed in the bottom quarter of countries with respect to expenditure on early childhood education relative to GDP (OECD, 2012a). In Denmark, France and Sweden a sizeable proportion of childhood education workers are required to have specialised training (Moss, 2000). The Brazilian Federal Ministry of Education operates a distance-learning programme for ECE educators called Prolnfantil, on which efforts to improve training could build. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! At the class or school level, however, weaker or disadvantaged students are often intentionally grouped and placed in smaller classes so that they receive more individual attention. At the school level, therefore, the observed relationship between class size and student achievement is often positive, suggesting that students in larger classes perform better than students in smaller classes. At higher levels of aggregation, the relationship between student achievement and class size is further confounded, by the socio-economic intake of individual schools or by factors relating to the learning culture in different countries. Therefore, to interpret the indicators, it is important to fully understand the relationships between them. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In this article I argue that disabled people in the United Kingdom have been tipped into an abyss of counterfeit citizenship. They have been smeared as ‘false mendicants’ – an old trick well documented in the historical archives of ableism. Neoliberalism has used this repertoire of invalidation – its noxious taint of cunning and fraud – as the ‘moral justification’ for welfare reform and for the pillory and notoriety into which the entire disabled community has been placed. Austerity – through the neoliberal politics of resentment – has made disabled people its scapegoat. I argue that a historical precedent for the contemporary demonisation of disabled people as counterfeit citizens can be found in the early modern period in the mythology of the ‘sturdy beggar’. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Non-funded courses with unregulated (and much higher) fees have grown in number, although they still account for only a relatively small share of tertiary education. Between 1995 and 2006, the percentage increase in student numbers at all levels was well above the OECD average (Figure 1, Panel A). And, the share of students enrolled in all levels of education in relation to the total population is very high compared with most OECD countries (Figure 1, Panel B). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These unsustainable patterns add to poverty and inequality today, especially for the third of the world's population directly dependent on natural resources for their well-being, and create deep threats for future generations (UnmuBig, Sachs and Fatheuer, 2012). The causes and underlying drivers of unsustainability and of gender inequality are deeply interlocked. Both are produced by development models that support particular types of underregulated market-led growth and the persistence of unequal power relations between women and men (Wichterich, 2012). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Country-specific variables are also included, however, so that individual effects can be detected. This effect remains and grows stronger over the medium term, since the lagged feminization variable for one period has an effect equivalent to 7.7% on the growth rate. This is considered to be a robust result given the stability of both the coefficient and the standard error in all three specifications. This provides a partial confirmation of the hypothesis that, in the presence of a pre-existing gap in labour force participation, women's entry into the workforce can help fuel growth or a recovery if an economy is in a recession or when its existing capacity is being underutilized. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Historically, global water law has developed in fragments. The fragmented nature of water law mainly originates from the fact that water can be seen as an economic, ecological and social unit (horizontal fragmentation). Within the clusters that these units constitute, water law is also seen as fragmented, given that a particular cluster is composed of different levels (vertical fragmentation). This article will scrutinise the social justice cluster, or the right to water, and examine whether and to what extent vertical fragmentation in water law leads to divergent approaches among the different levels, while placing the discussion within the general context of fragmentation in international law. For that purpose the elaboration of the human right to water by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, functioning at the international level, will be compared with the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECTHR), a regional court. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Such numbers differ from International estimations such as those of the Asian Development Bank estimating that 41.6% of the population live below the poverty line of USD 1.25 (PPP) per day (Asian Development Bank, 2009). Thermal power accounted for 60% of total installed capacity with 96 794 MW, hydropower for 24.5% with 36 916 MW, nuclear power for 2.7% with 4120 MW and renewable energies for 8.8 % with 13 242 MW (Central Electricity Authority, 2009a). A smaller share of generating capacity is covered by independent power producers (IPP) and industrial auto-producers, which according to the MoP operate 13.5 %38 of all India's capacity (Table 18). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study is an examination of a changing judiciary in an emerging democracy. As part of the conditions mandated for European Union (EU) accession, Romania has been urged to demonstrate movement toward greater rule of law (Romania, 2008). One way in which Romania has responded to this objective is through the creation of the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM), a judicial body separate from the executive branch. Additionally, changes are occurring to the Romanian judiciary as a result of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) power to remand cases that are inconsistent with the European Convention on Human Rights (Janis, 2000). This qualitative research involved an attitudinal study based on semi-structured interviews of members of the Romanian judiciary. This research is unique because, although many studies of the population's perception of corruption are available, this study involves the suggestions of members of the Romanian judiciary themselves. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Arctic regions of the United States (Alaska) and Canada (Northern Canada) have the highest levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on earth. The toxic health-threatening substances are transported over long distances by rivers, oceans and air currents from warmer parts of the world to the colder polar regions. They also accumulate in the fatty tissue of seals and whales which traditionally play a key role in Arctic indigenous peoples' diet and can be passed directly to infants through maternal breast milk, causing disruption of the hormone and immune systems and affecting postnatal growth. Disease patterns among American Indians and Alaska Natives are strongly associated with the adverse consequences of poverty, limited access to health services, and cultural dislocation. Inadequate education, high rates of unemployment, discrimination, and cultural differences all contribute to unhealthy lifestyles and disparities in access to health care for many indigenous peoples. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Maritime security is a major concern for Malaysia as a maritime nation. The crucial question nevertheless is whether there are adequate laws to deal with key maritime crimes that need effective law enforcement measures. The paper finds that no maritime offences are criminalised in the Penal Code, the principal criminal law of Malaysia and that there is neither an anti-piracy law nor any other special criminal law available in Malaysia to combat maritime crimes. A regretful failure to apply a more appropriate law to prosecute Somali pirates demonstrates well an urgent need in Malaysia for a law reform that can effectively combat maritime crimes. On the basis of an analysis of the laws of selected common law countries, the paper concludes with suggestions on proposed maritime crimes law to be recommended to the Government of Malaysia. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article examines how international law in form of treaties deals with the intersection of the three concepts. Our hypothesis is that international law, in the form of treaties, has been reluctant to engage with national security when dealing with migration, leaving this to national law. Instead, the intersection of national security—most commonly in the form of concerns about terrorism and migration—takes place in political discourse, which acts as a passerelle for various types of state violence against people classified or suspected of being migrants. We examine this mechanism that we call an insecurity continuum driven by the politics of fear in a European context. This is a politics that takes place outside of international law but has the effect of limiting access by individuals to international law protections, particularly in the case of people who claim international protection against persecution or torture. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This could suggest that the high level of points attributed to GPs for mental health services successfully rendered encourages patient selection and the deliberate exclusion of more difficult cases from the data. Concerns have also been expressed that GPs are directing attention away from activity not rewarded by the QOF, and as such care delivery quality is declining in some areas (Cashin et al., The recommendation by the Primary Care QOF Indicator Advisory Committee on behalf of NICE was that these indicators be withdrawn, and that a consideration process for new indicators was considered. At present these indicators remained in the QOF framework for 2011/12, although the points value of all of the indicators was reduced. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Examples of more direct benefits are those of avoided flood damages in Paris through construction of lake-reservoirs (estimated to be EUR 300-700 million), and those of preserving bathing water quality in tourism resorts (estimated to be EUR 1 billion). A final example is the potential of river navigation in the Nogent-Le Havre corridor to reduce C02 emissions from freight transport - the current configuration allows a reduction of 28% and an improved configuration would allow a further reduction of 55% of C02 emissions. The water bill also supports urban sanitation, taxes on domestic pollution, basin governance, maintenance of the aquatic environments and the public waterways and production of knowledge. Several funds (poverty relief, welfare-to-work, small irrigation and water conservation, special fund for shortage), in the special fund, central government financing to poorer regions (west 60%, central 40%), in richer regions (east) only local government and farmers. In Germany, the RBMPs have been established at the level of the Lander. The task of the competent authorities was to estimate how much the different measures would cost, and to identify financing options. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! However, in smaller traditional or artisanal fisheries, consolidation can reduce in some cases the important social role that these fisheries can play. In this case, applying the same set of management rules to these different groups is not always desirable. Defining the appropriate scope of market based schemes to obtain social and economic goals is a challenge and the impacts of reform should be monitored using the principles of adaptive management. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The level of agricultural subsidies also dramatically increased in Indonesia, from $5.5 billion in 2009 to $25.7 billion in 2014. In this context, strengthening research and development is crucial to ensure the realization of that goal. Only limited cross-country comparable data are available to measure research and development in the agricultural sector in Asia and the Pacific. A recent publication on Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) provides statistical information on that topic.a Based on International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) estimates, total research and development spending for the agricultural sector represented $40.1 billion (2005 PPP dollars) in 2008, of which 79 per cent was from public spending and 21 per cent from private-sector research covering spending by seven agricultural input industries: seed/biotechnology, agricultural pesticides, fertilizer, farm machinery, animal health, nutrition, and breeding. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This value is lower than one as farmers increase their input use due to the reduced fertiliser prices and as larger fertiliser quantities incur increasing production costs for this input. In this case, a dollar of input subsidies would result in a cost reduction for farm inputs of only 0.42 dollars (Figure 22). This is partly caused by the fact that relative to the fertiliser price, a given subsidy value is smaller under imperfect competition as the price includes the producers’ mark-up and is hence higher than under perfect competition. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The result is a fragmentation of programmes that lack critical mass, synergies and complementarities. In fact the dilution of governance responsibilities and the gap between the formal responsibilities entrusted to CONCYTEC by the 2004 S&T Law and its ability to carry them out call for a new institutional framework and possibly new legislation. The reform process should not jeopardise efficiently managed support programmes. Given the potential volatility of revenues derived from its traditional exports in an increasingly global competitive environment, an overarching objective for Peru should be to lose no time in moving towards a more innovation-led sustainable growth path in order to increase productivity and competitiveness across a wider spectrum of activities, alleviate poverty and better address social needs. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The following policy priorities were identified to improve the effectiveness of resource use in the Slovak school system. The schools have acquired relatively great autonomy: all of them now have an elected school board with relatively strong jurisdictions, they are protected from too strong a local control through the funding system (which limits the redistributing power of their founders), they take responsibility for human resource management, and they are also encouraged to adapt the national curriculum to their own specific educational context through school education programmes. At the same time the national Ministry maintains strong regulatory powers. The move towards extended local and institutional autonomy has been paralleled with the creation and strengthening of accountability frameworks. The emerging national system of standardised student achievement measurement and the State Schools Inspectorate are key elements of the latter. In addition, the Slovak Republic has an information system which allows the monitoring of many local and institutional level processes (such as student performance, funding and human resource management) and creates opportunities to assess the impact of national policies and development interventions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In a number of countries women’s access to financial services and resources is further hampered by general limitations to the formal financial infrastructure and - in some cases - legal and institutional barriers (OECD, 2012b). Most of the women who joined SEWA experienced improvements in earnings, marketing and working conditions. For some women, starting their own business is out of necessity as job opportunities are scarce (GEM, 2012). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Coverage, however, is far from universal. In 2005, only slightly more than half of employees registered urban residents and only 15% and 36% of unofficial rural and urban employees had cover - a total coverage rate of just over 40% of the urban working population (excluding those engaged in agriculture). This scheme, together with the rural system, covered just a quarter of health care expenses in 2001. Outpatient costs are met through the individual’s medical saving account. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It is a privilege to assume the Editor-in-Chief position of The Journal of Primary Prevention and to follow in the leadership of P. Britner, who has retired from his editorial responsibilities. Under his 5 years of leadership, JPP has grown tremendously: the journal has transitioned into the electronic age, been indexed, and increased its stature among prevention journals. Thank you, Brit, for your commitment to the journal and to prevention research! I feel honored to take on this role. My goal is to expand the focus and strategic direction of JPP to maintain its trajectory toward becoming a premier journal in prevention and public health. As in the past, the journal will also continue to publish on major causes of disparities, social determinants, schooland community-based programs, cross-cultural comparisons, community-based participatory research, factors contributing to social injustice, and both qualitative and quantitative studies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The standards were set up by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) to drive care of a uniformly high quality across the country. They are applied to all hospitals (private and public, across all states), covering ten priority areas including quality governance, hospital-acquired infection, medication safety and clinical handover (see Box 2.5 for further detail). There has been broad agreement from stakeholders that the new standards are a positive move forward, promoting greater clinical involvement and more directly addressing specific quality issues than other standards. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Amsterdam, own-source revenues are increasingly important. For example, national operational subsidies for public transport are declining, which is placing pressure on the city to both establish a more cost-effective transit system and cover operational costs in the interim. It bears noting that water boards are in a much better fiscal situation given that they can raise taxes to cover their programme needs. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Nonetheless, it should be noted that the results should be interpreted carefully as they do not necessarily represent a fully representative sample of the survey main target groups in Europe. These insights were then condensed into an interactive toolkit that supports energy and telecommunication providers in their decisions to cooperate for smart grid roll-out. Finally, the following sections provide an outlook based on the survey results about the areas where respondents to the main survey see further potential for cooperation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Fairness suggests that finance be mobilized in proportion to responsibilities and capabilities. The basis for this is the 1992 Rio Principles of Sustainable Development and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, especially the principles of “equity” and of “common-but-differentiated responsibilities and capabilities”. A third basis for action is the Rio Principle that environmental costs be internalized and “economic instruments” used, to make the polluter/user bear the ecological costs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Those who have no future in farming should be advised on exit strategies and those with potential would benefit from business development plans for an increased scale of operation and from advice on management practices, including risk management adapted to local conditions. Bigger farms should pay for advice service, but it should be free of charge for smallholders. Extension workers need access to new technologies and innovative agricultural research through good Internet connectivity and better upstream linkages to the R&D institutions, in particular the Assessment Institutes for Agricultural Technology (AIATs). Programmes aimed at enhancing the performance of extension services, such as the Decentralised Agricultural and Forestry Extension Project (DAFEP) and the Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information Project (FEATI), highlight that the private sector has been a strong co-operator and shed light on the importance of linking farmers, government and private extension services. Partnership arrangements should be encouraged to reduce the duplication of activities and better transfer private sector knowledge to farmers and extension workers. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Parties are obliged to establish early warning systems, apply and exchange best available technology and mutually assist each other. Finally, Parties shall make information about the environmental status of transboundary waters, expected scenarios and water quality objectives available to the public. Proper implementation of the Convention thus provides a good basis for the execution of these sub-regional instruments, including work on adaptation (see boxes 4 and 5 on the Rhine and the Danube). Activities regarding adaptation to climate change have started with an assessment of the state of knowledge on climate change and its expected impact on the water regime in the Rhine, published in 2009. However, as long ago as in the 1990s, important measures were being taken regarding flood risk management, increasing the basin’s adaptive capacity to respond to future expected climate changes. In the context of the implementation of the 1998 Flood Action Plan, the flood damage risk (defined as the product of damage potential (€) and the probability of flooding (per year) has been assessed. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A core group of five donors, the European Union (EU) institutions, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom (UK) and the World Bank Group, provided approximately two-thirds of total concessional financing over the 2006-2016 period. Various methodological difficulties arise in estimating donor support for ICT connectivity and e-commerce. Indeed, the OECD CRS categories only offer a partial reflection of the elements discussed in the World Trade Organization's (WTO) E-Commerce Work Programme. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For example, the enhanced transparency framework will be facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive, respectful of national sovereignty, avoid undue burden for Parties, and both build on and enhance the transparency arrangements under the UNFCCC. Decision 1/CP.21 contains further guiding principles that are to be taken into account, such as the need to provide flexibility to those developing country Parties that need it in the light of their capacities, ensure that Parties maintain at least the frequency and quality of their current reporting, avoid duplication, and facilitate improved reporting and transparency over time. Section 3 highlights the main changes between the existing provisions and the enhanced transparency framework for mitigation and support proposed in the Paris Agreement, as well as lessons learned from existing experience under the UNFCCC. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Europe’s poorer regions tend to receive most support, although all European regions are eligible for funding under the policy’s various funds. The Structural Funds invoice a “performance reserve”, an inventive mechanism intended to encourage performance improvement by attaching explicit financial incentives to indicators and targets. The mechanism was implemented in a broader context of monitoring and evaluation activities by the EU that included a mid-term evaluation process. The reserve set aside 4% of a programme’s total budget and distributed it only if specific objectives were achieved. In consultation with the European Commission, member countries selected their own indicators, chose their own approach to assessment, and each used the mechanism differently. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Moving from committed minimum wage policies to a much fairer distribution of productivity gains and profits should be a point of departure. We shall see, but no doubt this is what politics and social straggles will be all about in the years to come. The ability to cope with adverse shocks is compromised by the lack of formal social protection, and vulnerabilities are compounded when individuals working informally face harassment by public authorities. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Also includes hunting and services in agriculture and hunting. He calculated Kazakhstan’s effective tariff rate before joining the CU (2009), in the CU with transition tariff rates (2010-11), and in the CU with all exceptions eliminated. The results are also summarised in Table 2.24 and are broadly in agreement with those obtained by Jandosov and Sabyrova, although a direct comparison of the results from the two studies requires caution due to differences in the computations (e.g. slightly different trade periods used for weighting the tariffs). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Globalisation has increased the global supply of low-skilled labour, affecting wages and employment prospects of workers with low qualifications. At the same time, more intense international competition for high-skilled workers has pushed up top incomes. Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) are also favouring high-skilled workers, whose task cannot be easily automated, and thereby increasing inequality (Kierzenkowski and Koske 2012). Some studies suggested technological change is a more powerful driver of inequality than globalisation (IMF, 2007, OECD, 2007a). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! In addition, even in existing national legislation, the role dedicated to LGUs is often unclear and not well supported: despite the existence of the Clean Water Act (2004) and a national law for Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation, which are supposed to be mainstreamed into local plans, there is no effective implementation of the prescribed policies on the ground in Cebu, due to the lack of details on subnational responsibilities and resources. The creation of national policy frameworks would help to clarify responsibilities, especially for LGUs, while giving them appropriate resources. The Local Government Code of 1991 put LGUs in charge of the provision of basic services, including agriculture (power to reclassify agricultural land), health, social services, public works (enforcement of the National Building Code, power to close and open roads), and environment and natural resources. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The larger imbalance may be partly due to the lower level of policy development on adaptation in many of the EECCA countries (see also Chapter 3), but also to the high investment needs for mitigation in the region’s energy sector. In addition, none of the 11 EECCA countries falls under the category Least Developed Countries or Small Island Developing States, which often have greater adaptation needs. Finally, it is generally more difficult to track finance for adaptation since it tends to be embedded into broader development projects and/or business operations, and thus, may be underestimated (CPI and OECD, 2015). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some of the most significant reductions have been recorded in Brazil, thanks to effective policy measures to induce formalisation (to be discussed in the final section of the chapter). It highlights some clear patterns. First, informality is only slightly more common among women than it is among men. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The Minister for Fisheries receives advice from the Marine Research Institute (MRI) and consequently issues total allowable catch (TAC) for individual stocks for the fishing year, which runs from 1 September to 31 August the following year. The size of each vessels annual catch quota for each stock is its share in the stock multiplied by the TAC of that stock. Both the permanent quota-shares and the annual catch quotas are transferable in part or total, subject to certain restrictions. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Government contracting is often characterised as a private function of government. Largely because any effect on the rights and obligations of parties to the contract derive from contractual, or private law, obligations, there have been limited avenues for judicial review based on public law norms. However, this article considers several recent High Court cases that have renewed focus on the representative accountability of government decision making, at least at the Commonwealth level, and reduced the emphasis on characterising the interests of those affected by such decisions. The result may subject government contracting to greater judicial scrutiny in the future. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The increase has been sharpest among rural women, where self-employment now accounts for nearly two-thirds of all jobs. But it is also remarkable for urban workers, both men and women, among whom the self-employed constitute 45 and 48 per cent of all usual status workers respectively. All told, therefore, around half of the work force in India currently does not work for a direct employer. This is true not only in agriculture, but increasingly in a wide range of non-agricultural activities. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In addition to the National Reform Programme for 2008-11 (to implement the Lisbon Strategy), the government has set out the Strategy for Increasing the Innovativeness of the Economy in the Years 2007-13. The main vehicle for implementing this Strategy is the OP IE, which is part of the National Cohesion Strategy (as outlined in Chapter 2). The OP HC also supports human capital projects to foster innovation (promoting pro-innovation attitudes, building capacity of clusters and innovation support entities, providing innovation-related information). This is to be achieved by the implementation of 19 strategic areas falling under five axes: i) human resources for the modern economy, ii) research for the economy, iii) intellectual property for innovation, iv) capital for innovation, and u) infrastructure for innovation. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Yet if our climate is to be stabilised, today’s developing countries need to lead the world to a solution - and as has been emphasised elsewhere in this chapter, there is no solution to climate change without halting deforestation. Climate change had already caused suffering in the country. In 2005, floods inflicted damage equivalent to 60% of that year’s gross domestic product (GDP). Yet, as a country with 85% of its land mass under forest, an area larger than Great Britain, our people didn’t want to just complain about climate change - we were prepared to act. We were prepared to deploy almost our entire forest in the global fight against climate change, providing: 1) we could access the right economic incentives to value our standing forests, and 2) our people’s sovereignty over their forests would not be diminished. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! However, there may be opportunities to consider biodiversity objectives within climate finance that flows through the GCF. As this is likely to be a comparatively centralised approach to allocating climate finance, the transaction costs of considering biodiversity objectives in relevant climate change projects are likely to be lower. Discussion here focuses primarily on ways to integrate biodiversity considerations into REDD+ funding mechanisms, as well as in funding for ecosystem-based adaptation. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 At date 1, the levels of water supply and demand are represented by, respectively, SI and Dl. Flence, the probability that demand falls beyond supply is equal to a+b+c+d. Suppose that at period 2 demand decreases to a level described by line D2, while the probability distribution shifts on the right, from SI to S2. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This effort gained new momentum and inspiration in 1994, when 179 governments gathered in Cairo for the International Conference on Population and Development and forged a plan for sustainable development grounded in individual rights and choices and the achievement of sexual and reproductive health for all. That plan, embodied in a Programme of Action, not only re-energized the global reproductive rights movement but also positioned UNFPA as the movement's custodian. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 More than 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress. The agriculture sector is by far the largest user of freshwater, accounting for nearly 70 per cent of global water withdrawals. Saving just a fraction of this would significantly alleviate water stress in other sectors, particularly in arid countries where agriculture can consume as much as 90 per cent of available water resources. It would also strengthen economic development instead of constraining growth. Agricultural water savings can come in many forms, such as increasing productivity of food crops (more crop per drop), improving water management practices and technologies, implementing sustainable agricultural practices, growing fewer water-intensive crops in water-scarce regions, reducing food loss and waste, and importing food grown from water-rich countries. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The contemporary activism of Indigenous peoples in international institutions and networks is revealing new ways by which culturally and geographically distinct communities can interact and conduct international relations. In this paper, I argue that these contemporary diplomatic practices are grounded in the embedded diplomacy of classical Indigenous traditions. By examining the case of Indigenous Australian peoples, the paper shows how an alternative conception of diplomacy draws from Indigenous cosmology and is visible in the ways that Indigenous communities negotiated practices of mobility and exchange across communal boundaries. Part of the argument herein is that the very notion of diplomacy is a European convention, a way of denoting formal practices of encounter across boundaries. Orthodox accounts of diplomacy thus reinscribe modernity's desire for boundaries and categorization, privileging separation and distinctiveness rather than connection and relation. Not only by encouraging the reconstruct... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Finally, Section 4.6 presents the impact of tax-benefit policies on income adequacy and on work incentives for non-standard workers. Women (especially part-time), youth (especially temporary jobs) and workers with lower level of education are overrepresented in NSW, as are workers in small firms. Temporary contracts increase the chances of acquiring a standard job compared with remaining unemployed, but a part-time job or self-employment does not increase the chances of a transition to a standard job. They tend to receive less training and, in addition, those on temporary contracts have more job strain and have less job security than workers in standard jobs. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Teachers create greater connections to the broader community and to elders, and make explicit how what is being leamt influences the self, the family, the community and the land. Teachers are activators, while students become active in the design, implementation and measurement of learning experiences. Partnerships enjoy high partner equity, transparency, mutual benefit and accountability. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In developing the evidence base, the continuation and intensification of exchange and co-operation with other Alpine countries would be beneficial. In 2011 Austria established the Climate Change Centre Austria to strengthen the organisational links between producers and consumers of climate data. The majority of such funding is channelled through the Federal Disaster Fund, which receives 1.1% of federal tax revenue. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 International donors increased their involvement in waste management during the last few years and this resulted in improvements in management of obsolete pesticides and expired chemicals, but management of municipal and manufacturing waste is developing slowly and old practices remain. This development reduced generated amounts of waste and in some sectors also decreased the amount of waste previously accumulated. The development of modem waste management infrastructure is still in the initial phase. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Market deregulation should be followed by strong policies and regulations to guarantee reliable services and fair pricing. The limited involvement of the private sector in electricity production can be a barrier to deploying renewable energy™. On the other hand, private electricity markets that lack strong and clear regulation, as in the case of Lebanon, create a chaotic market that hinders investment in renewable energy. The region is also blessed with a growing availability of locally sourced capital from banks and funds, and an expert community of developers and technical and other advisors. In 2015 in the Arab region, wind and solar developments broke new low-cost records, which attracted strong international interest and resulted in new project developments and investment. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, the prevalence of underweight children aged 0-6 months increased from 6.9 per cent in 2005 to 8.4 per cent in 2010. In 2014, low birth weight was more common in rural areas (particularly the western region, at 6.6 per cent) than in urban areas (3.8 per cent in Ulaanbaatar). A first list of banned and limited use toxic and hazardous chemicals was approved by the Government in 1997. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Since the adoption of the Rio marker system, the information on support to the environment, including climate, desertification and biodiversity has incrementally improved. A revised definition of the climate markers and a guidance table to improve scoring, have been included in the revised Converged Statistical Reporting Directives of the OECD (OECD, 2016c). Overall, the new transparency framework for climate finance and the commitment to greater transparency of financing for sustainable development (UN, 2015a, UN, 2015b) will play an important role in enabling countries to hold each other to account, and in enabling citizens and communities around the world to hold their governments to account. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Household mobility is now at an all-time low, with the mover rate 11% of the population in 2017. Past strong inter-regional migration flow's have declined, partly due to ageing as older people typically move residence less frequently. Declining willingness of workers to undertake job transitions is another factor inhibiting this adjustment mechanism (Molloy, Smith and Wozniak, 2014(23]). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! At the other end of the scale, 13.8% of people working in the hospitality sector have completed some form of tertiary qualification, compared to 31.3% in the economy as a whole (Figure 6, Table A.8, Annex 4). Accommodation and Food Sen/ices Activities (ISIC Rev 4). The ILO and UNWTO (2013) recently noted that a significant proportion of service positions (around 25-30%) are supervisory or skilled occupations at managerial, professional or technical levels. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This contribution analyses the relationship between the role of democracy in international law and UN Peacekeeping missions. It concludes that a right to democracy has not become a legal norm yet but is widely accepted as precondition for peace. It is therefore included in the mandate of robust, integrated UN peace-keeping missions. An analysis of the development and impact of five UN peace-keeping missions to Haiti informs about the UN peace-keepers relevance in the Haitian conflict resolution and regime change. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Numbers of patents are increasing but so far revenues remain at a low level with AUD 7 million income in 2007. It can be expected that much of this involves commercialisation outside of the state. Also PhD training could involve stronger links with key clusters and provide entrepreneurial skills. This is also an area where Victorian universities could have a strong impact on the SME sector through support for enterprise within the student/graduate community. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The article concludes that further studies are required, and that assistance mechanisms are required for women who do not receive financial assistance from their migrant husbands. The article also finds that migrants' sexual and reproductive behaviour is characterized by limited access to information about risks and also requires thorough study. Scholars have consistently shown that gender influences who will go to a new location and who will stay behind (Massey, 1986, Curran, 1995, Pittin, 1984, Monsutti, 2007, Cohen and others, 2008, Resurreccion and Ha Thi Van Khanh, 2007, Ni Laoire, 2001). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Between 2005 and 2016, informality rates for women have fluctuated between a quarterly low of 56.2% and a high of 59.4%, while men’s rates have stayed in the range of 49.2% to 52%. Among informal workers, employers and wage workers tend to be better off, while own-account workers and domestic workers fare worse in terms of wages, job security, and social protection. Mexican women are far more likely to work in the second category than the first. While 48.8% of male workers (aged 15-64) in Mexico report never having paid any social security contributions in their productive lives, the figure is 64.6% among women (OECD estimates of ENIGH, 2014). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Police Authority of Gyeonggi Province took the initiative to set up a safety committee together with the education community (Provincial Education Board), citizen associations and the media. The objective of this collaborative structure is to promote road safety control by-analysing the areas where there is a high concentration of accidents, upgrading infrastructure (Province and Regional Office of Construction Management), educating citizens and raising awareness. The committee was elected after a debate that brought together around 150 experts and representatives from the civil society. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, the broader evidence is mixed. In a recent synthesis of qualitative and quantitative reviews and key evidence, van den Bold and colleagues (2013) find that although qualitative evidence on CCTs, largely from Latin America and the Caribbean, generally points to positive impacts on empowerment indicators, quantitative results are mixed. More recent studies focusing on the Africa region have come to the same broad conclusions (Bonilla et al. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The MoE and the LP regularly report to the Forest Resource Assessment programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as well as the UNECE/FAO/Forest Europe Report on the State of Europe’s Forests. The MoE and the LP hosted a workshop in September 2014 as Poland’s contribution to the UNECE/FAO action plan on forests in a green economy. The MoE is an active participant in the United Nations Forum on Forests, held every two years at UN Headquarters in New York. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 To end cultures of impunity, comprehensive reporting systems need to be created to document abuses of women’s rights and support female and civilian survivors of the war in seeking justice (Chapter 3). Following on the suggestions made in the previous section, this needs to include special training for law enforcement agencies, which play an important role in enforcing women’s rights at the community level (Chapters 3 and 13). Promoting public debates and media literacy about SCRs 1325 and 1820 (and subsequent resolutions) and about national responses to these important programmes in post-conflict societies is an essential step in raising awareness about and advocating for participatory roles of women. In post-conflict reconstruction, particularly girls and women should be publicly recognized and encouraged (and, most importantly, not discouraged!) This recommendation can be advanced by offering women opportunities to debate and analyse the language of SCRs such as 1325 in order to relate them to the specific conflicts in which they are caught (Chapter 11). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the transitional justice literature it is often assumed that transitional justice mechanisms, such as trials, improve the rule of law, as well as strengthen democracy and human rights protections. Although there is a lively debate on the causal relationship between transitional justice mechanisms, and democracy and human rights, we still know little about the relationship between transitional justice and rule of law. But what is it about rule of law that makes accountability mechanisms more likely? If judicial reform aims to strengthen the rule of law, how does it relate to accountability mechanisms? Departing from an institutional- and process-oriented view of rule of law, in this paper I engage with some of these questions. The paper aims to provide a preliminary exploration on the theoretical links between judicial reform, domestic legal norms and institutions, and efforts for prosecuting human rights violations, through an empirical comparative analysis on Latin America. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 First, how effective are these measures at the implementation stage? Second, what capacity do they have over the medium and long term to change initial inequality and the balance between work and family? And, third, what are the social and policy determinants that drive variations between countries and policies? Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (eclac). Encuesta nacional sobre representaciones sociales del cuidado: Principales resultados”, Mujery Desarrollo series. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The lack of robust evidence of the patient safety measurement in primary and ambulatory care settings can partly be explained by the fragmented nature of this setting described in the introduction. In fact, survey responses suggest that the fragmented nature of primary and ambulatory care ‘systems’ , and lack of overall system governance, are the most important barrier to implementing safety measurement and interventions (see Chapter 4). This means infonnation can rarely be linked. These technical barriers may prohibit capturing accurately the full picture of the frequency and magnitude of patient harm occurring along the patient pathway. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Since the 1970s, notably in India, Oceania, the United States and Europe, women activists have constituted the primary driver of animal rights movements. Recent analyses conclude that women constitute 68-80% of participants in animal rights movements in the United States and the United Kingdom (Kruse etal. Public opinion surveys reinforce these findings (Box 2.1.9). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! This chapter identifies and considers the impact of human rights on religion and religious organisations, including religious charities, drawing on the case law arising from: the Equality Act 2010, Article 14 of the European Convention and the right not to suffer discrimination on grounds such as religion, Article 9 and the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, Article 11 and the right to freedom of association, Art 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and Article 2 of Protocol 1. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The available evidence shows a high concentration of hunger in the ultra poor group in some countries while, in others, they are distributed somewhat evenly over subjacent and medial groups, as well. In the case of poverty, the rural areas are almost universally at a disadvantage. But when it comes to hunger, the urban areas are somewhat more disadvantaged. There are many reasons for the disadvantageous position of urban people with respect to access to food. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! New specialized courts have emerged in many countries, both in response to international pressure for legal reform and reflecting states’ own choice. Among these courts are specialized anti-corruption courts. The Indonesian Court for Corruption Crimes in Jakarta, originally established by statute in 2002, gained prominence and notoriety for its near-100 % conviction rate in over 250 cases. However, in 2010, exclusive jurisdiction over corruption cases was ‘decentralized’ to special corruption courts established in Indonesia’s 34 provincial capitals. The prudence of this has been strongly criticized, with questions raised about whether these regional courts have maintained the professionalism of the sole Jakarta court. This paper examines the rationale for the establishment of these courts and whether conviction rates are useful indicators of their performance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 When caring for older relatives, women may have to reduce their income-earning work or forego promotions and training opportunities. Even so, those with intense care needs may still not receive sufficient care. It explores the contours and tensions of family caregiving and the implications these have for women's enjoyment of rights, including the right to give and receive care.5 The first part of the chapter looks at gender and other inequalities in the provision of unpaid care and domestic work within families and how these arrangements are impacted by deeply entrenched social norms, socio-economic and demographic factors and public policies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The activities of non-consumptive user-groups, such as bird-watchers, will not directly affect the environment (except for issues such as crowding) while the activities of consumptive user groups have a more direct impact. User groups will tend to organise along these two broader categories, seeking to build coalitions within the categories to influence policy choices (Degnbol et al., The difference between user groups and other stakeholders is important because it is the behaviour of the user groups that fisheries policy seeks to influence and to whom policy reform is primarily directed. Commercial fishers can be further divided into small-scale and large-scale fishers. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Implementation of its commitments appears to be primarily through CEP, in which Turkmenistan participates actively. It has included a number of projects relevant to biodiversity, for example, on fisheries management, eco-toxicology, coastal site inventory, Caspian seal conservation action planning and ballast water management. A part of the PA has been designated as a Ramsar site. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Additional skills assessed indirectly include familiarity with and use of information and communication technologies. In this report, countries that participated in the first wave of collection in 2002 and 2003 will be referenced to 2003 in figures and tables. This includes Bermuda, Canada, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the United States and the Mexican State of Nuevo Leon. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The law enabled LRGs to allocate resources to these activities from their general budget (Government of France, 1992) but did not allow LRGs to mobilise resources from their water and sanitation budgets. The law' prohibits syndicats mixtes and water agencies from intervening in or financing international development. The law allows municipalities, public institutions of inter-municipal co-operation (EPCI, is the French acronym) of all sizes and syndicats mixtes in charge of drinking water and sanitation service delivery to mobilise up to 1% of the resources allocated to the budgets of these services to carry out co-operation actions w'ith foreign territorial authorities. Moreover, the law stated that w'ater agencies may undertake international co-operation in the fields of water and sanitation (also up to 1% of its resources), in compliance with France’s international commitments and with the approval of the Basin Committee (Government of France, 2005). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 During the 2005-06 academic year he collaborated as an international consultant in the OECD Programme on IMHE. He specialises in education policy including centralisation and decentralisation processes, school reforms, school leadership, school-based management and higher education policy. His recent books are Academia in a Changing Environment: Higher Education Policy in Israel 1952-2004, The Pendulum Syndrome: Centralisation and Decentralisation of Education in England and Wales (2003), and School-Based Management: An International Perspective (2003), co-edited with Friedman., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Il est difficile d’evaluer l’evolution a long terme de l’emploi dans le secteur sachant que la definition de l’emploi a change, ce qui a considerablement augmente les chiffres depuis les annees 2000. En utilisant des series coherentes sur certaines periodes, on observe que les tendances des parts de l’agriculture et de l’emploi dans le PIB divergeaient dans les annees 90 alors qu’elles vont de pair depuis les annees 2000. En effet, d’importants ajustements de la main-d’ceuvre sont intervenus au cours de la periode postindependance quand la population s’est tout d’abord repliee vers les campagnes pour survivre, apres quoi la reprise economique a suscite un mouvement inverse des campagnes vers les villes. Cependant, l’agriculture continue d’etre le plus important secteur en terme d’emploi (26 % en 2011) et on observe un ecart considerable entre la productivity de la main-d’ceuvre de ce secteur et du reste de l’economie. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The government may thus consider granting them regional significance in the near future. The data available is limited: population and employment data at the municipal level are available only for the last census years, and population data on FUAs only for 2009 and 1999. Any analysis using FUAs will thus clearly mention it. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In the area of transport, an incentive scheme for the acquisition of hybrid vehicles has been introduced and a labelling system to inform consumers of C02 emissions for new vehicles has been proposed. And infrastructure and safety measures are planned to allow for increased use of bicycles. They range from landfill methane gas capture to a nationwide energy efficiency CFL light bulb installation project, agricultural methane capture and a wind energy project, yielding some USD 300 million in traded carbon credits for Chilean enterprises. The National Action Plan on Climate Change contains useful analyses and a course of action. The government could go further by formulating a national GHG emission mitigation strategy and sectoral level plans, including for the electricity, industrial, transport and forestry sectors. With the enhanced capacity and information base, and the plans and strategies being developed under the 2008-12 Action Plan, Chile should be able to map out how such emission reduction targets would be achieved. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Studies using occupational class or education level instead of income as socio-economic indicator find qualitatively similar results, though differences in life expectancy are significantly smaller (Palosuo et al., The TEROKA project aims to develop a knowledge base and tools to promote the attainment of the objective of the Health 2015 public health programme for reducing health inequalities. An analysis of the recent hospital reform in Norway”, in: Andresen and Gronlie (eds.), “ - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Leadership in public policy making is challenging. There is tension in gaining commitment from competing stakeholder groups, in sustaining public engagement in technically complex areas and securing broad-based support. Our paper illuminates these challenges through a case study of health policy development in the UK. We go beyond individual roles and leader–follower exchange relationships to develop the concept of distributed leadership using a sociomaterial approach to reveal how and why leadership is distributed across sociomaterial practices which together (re)configure policy coalitions and context. In so doing we also show how legitimacy and trust are sociomaterially enacted and shape leadership in public policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The extent of community ownership and rights to use the forest for commercial and non-commercial purposes varies from country to country. For years, communities have strictly controlled the consumption and distribution of the maturing trees — generally used for firewood, leaf-litter and lumber. The majority of families in Nepal still collect firewood for cooking and heating. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Why have some democracies made considerable progress in prosecuting dictatorship-era human rights violations or in publicly exposing the truth about repression while others still have amnesty laws that prevent, or at least hinder, even the judicial review of such abuses? This article compares Spain, Chile and Argentina to understand the impact of their contrasting histories of repression on how they have dealt with their violent pasts. I assess whether a greater degree of legal repression and direct judicial involvement in repression explains why there is more resistance to prosecuting those responsible for human rights violations, establishing truth commissions or annulling the political sentences of the past during democratization. Once democracy has been consolidated, different dynamics may emerge, but this history of judicial complicity has proved to be a key factor in understanding the continuous lack of judicial accountability in Spain. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Families and households change their composition over time as individuals arrive (e.g. via birth of a child or marriage) or depart (e.g. via a child becoming non-dependent or leaving home, death or divorce). And these types of change are common (see e.g. Jenkins, 2000). Thus one can only follow individuals over time, though of course one can characterise individuals in terms of their family’s characteristics including receipt status at a given point in time. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Another TACIS project has recently established a National VET Development Centre. Georgia established a governmental intra-agency commission for social partnership in 2005, the parliament adopted a Law on vocational education, and activities were started to develop new educational programmes, pilot vocational guidance programmes and training of staff for the VET system. Azerbaijan started reforming its VET system in 2007, developing a State Programme to Develop Vocational Education for 2007-10 and adopting an Employment Strategy and Strategy Implementation Programme. Other projects involving international organisations are ongoing. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The interest on the enterprises' loan was subsidised 50% by the commercial bank. This special loan supported the promotion of the small-scale wind turbine industry and off-grid wind power. But today, centrally planned rural electrification programmes using decentralised renewable energy applications are entirely financed either by the central government or through a cost-sharing scheme which features a financial contribution by the respective provincial government. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Phosphorus discharges are projected to increase more rapidly than those of nitrogen and silicon (Figure 5.9, Panel B), leading to deterioration in the natural balance of coastal marine ecosystems. Another driver exacerbating this trend is the rapid growth in the number of dams worldwide. Dams cause sediment with silicon to settle down in the reservoir and lower the sediment loading in rivers downstream, thereby reducing the level of silicon. This imbalance increases the risk of harmful algal blooms. As these are not included in the model calculations, the projected nutrient discharges to rivers and the sea may be underestimated. This section measures the number of people without access to improved water sources and to basic sanitation, as reported by the Joint Monitoring Programme. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Moreover, as benefit recipients have recent work experience, there may be little need for intensive counselling or active labour market programmes. The main role of the PES in this case may be to administer initial benefit eligibility and to act as a job broker by providing vacancy information. Available data for Brazil and Chile suggest that the number of job seekers who get a job through the PES is rather low. The ratio of the number of placements to the number of newly registered job seekers is about one in six, while the ratio of placements to the number of new job vacancies is about one half (Gonzalez, 2010, for Brazil, OECD, 2009, for Chile). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! International guidelines on standards are available through the recently established ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems and are also available through ISO 14 000 Environmental Management Systems, which includes suggestions for continuous improvement in energy efficiency. Developed countries with energy management system standards include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Regional standards have also been established, such as the European Energy Management Standard (EN 16001), introduced in 2009. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This provides nuclear energy with enormous resilience against any changes in the global carbon regime, which may be considered a new form of geopolitical supply risk. Of course, in the absence of widespread penetration of electric cars, the substitutability of oil with nuclear power is limited. It is also difficult to displace gas - and to a lesser extent coal - in peak-load generation due to their operational flexibility. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Modern (Communist) China has a chequered history with regard to the commission of and accountability for mass violence and human rights violations. Campaigns by the Communist Party have resulted in horrific mass crimes such as killings, starvation, torture, beatings, and persecution. While such conduct undoubtedly amount to violations of human rights, there are many examples from China’s recent past and in China today where situations of mass human rights violations, as well as mass atrocities, could also constitute violations of international criminal law (war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide). This paper will assess three examples in modern China’s history and present to determine whether they amount to international crimes: the Cultural Revolution, the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, and human trafficking (including the consequential crimes of forced marriage and forced prostitution), and offer a brief overview of what accountability steps China should take with regard to these crimes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Agricultural use of surface water declined by over 90% in the same period, largely because the irrigated area was halved following the privatisation of some irrigation projects. Other factors included lack of investment in irrigation infrastructure and relatively high water prices (Chapter 6). The process was launched in 2003, when responsibility for water management was moved from the Ministry of Agriculture to the MoE. Then the introduction of the Water Act in 2004 harmonised Slovak water legislation with the EU Water Framework Directive and introduced the river basin approach. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, despite their lower levels of proficiency, older individuals do not seem to suffer in terms of labour market outcomes. In particular, they generally earn higher wages, and much of the available empirical evidence suggests that they are not less productive than younger workers. Older and more experienced individuals seem therefore able to compensate the decline in information processing skills with the development of other skills, generally much more difficult to measure. On the other hand, proficiency in information-processing skills remain a strong determinant of important outcomes at all ages: this makes it important to better understand which factors are the most effective in preventing such age-related decline in proficiency, which does not occur to the same extent in all countries and for all individuals. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Current approaches to base flow vary by region. For example, the Waikato region sets minimum base flows as a percentage of the one in five year 7-day low flow following detailed habitat and river studies. In the case of England and Wales, non-consumptive uses are included in the abstraction management system. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The steepest falls occurred in Bolivia Brazil —over three percentage points per year— followed by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Honduras and Paraguay with annual reductions of more than two percentage points. These indicators provide a more complete view of poverty conditions by taking account not only of the percentage of people who are poor, but also measuring the shortfall between the average income of the poor and the poverty line, and how those incomes are distributed among the poor (in the case of the second index). The years considered in each country coincide with those reported in table 1.4. In other words, in addition to having reduced the proportion of the population with incomes below the poverty line, the average income of the poor also increased and the dispersion of their incomes narrowed. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Supervisors are intended to visit and supervise the functioning of schools, provide advice to schools and the authority, and perform diverse administrative and pedagogic tasks. However, administrative tasks take up most of their time. Only former school directors are eligible for the post of supervisor, ATP appointments are given only to former teachers. Applications are assessed and posts allocated in each state by the Comisidn Nacional Mixta de Escalaf6n composed of the Secretarfa de Educacidn Publica (SEP) and representatives of the National Union of Education Workers (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educacidn or SNTE). This mechanism is, however, influenced by union and political criteria. Efforts are currently under way to change this process and make it more transparent. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 While it gives a good overall sense of income distribution, it doesn’t show us how many people are lacking even basic resources. For that reason, inequality measures are usually supplemented with measurements of poverty. A pensioner living in a house valued at $500,000 might be considered wealthy, but if her pension brings in just $100 a week, most would consider her as having a low income. This is why it’s important to understand the difference between income and wealth. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Post-abortion services should therefore be made available to adolescents. Where abortion is legal, it should be safe and accessible. Increasing adolescents’ access to contraception can not only help prevent abortion, but it can also help prevent death and injury from complications from pregnancy and delivery (UNFPA, 2012a). Service providers could help prevent or space second pregnancies by offering contraception to girls who have given birth or who have had an abortion. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This cost may be in economic (e.g. building new or replacing old water infrastructure), social (e.g. closing water allocations to cap demand) and/or environmental terms (e.g. deterioration of freshwater systems to reduce the risk of water shortage). Depending on the existing level of water security, incremental improvements may, in some cases, be disproportionally costly. By identifying the level of acceptability of risks, a risk-based approach fosters targeted and proportional policy responses and thus cost effectiveness. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It is not a major concern for upstream oil and gas production, except possibly in the case of gas processing plants located far from extraction sites, since oil and gas fields are usually associated with the type of sedimentary formations needed. However, where needed for other industries, the new method developed in Iceland to incorporate injected C02 into basaltic rocks shows great promise, and is thought to be even cheaper than more traditional options. For most use cases apart from EOR, most of the C02 is practically guaranteed to be released over the short or medium term. Innovative, large-scale CCS projects may also help attract talent to the country or municipality hosting them, and may help growth in the local economy. Five are located in the United States, with one more in each of Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and China. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Of course, it is not guaranteed that every organisation w'hich deals with at least two different issues addresses the complexities of metropolitan area governance in a meaningful way. Nevertheless, the distinction between organisations that focus on one issue and organisations that focus on many issues is an operationally useful and objective w'ay to identify organisations that work across individual policy fields. The national government reintroduced municipalities as the basic building block of subnational government in 1990 as part of the process of restoring democratically elected governments. Municipalities were given significant responsibility for local administration and planning, with each municipality having independence from oversight by other municipalities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Germany’s RIA procedures call for identification and assessment of a series of impacts, including impacts on gender equality. To combat the lack of adequate technical expertise on GIA (a challenge for governments in many contexts) Sweden deploys “flying experts” who are seconded temporarily by various ministries and departments to aid w ith GIAs (Horsburgh, 2011). There is no legal requirement for an equality impact assessment, but the obligation of “due regard” necessitates attention to the potential impact on equality of policies and practices. In this case, the Equality and Human Rights Commission assumes responsibility for assessing compliance with the equality duties (Ibid). In other settings, including Japan, Hungary, New Zealand and Canada, GIA are expected to be included in broader social impact assessments. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Several options inspired by practices in various countries could be adapted to Peru by taking into account national specificities, but none would achieve the expected improvement if certain particularly important prerequisites are not met. These are: compliance with the good governance principles outlined above, in particular political commitment, formal interdepartmental coordination processes and institutional functionality, and the safeguarding of the efficient support programmes already in place. In principle, it would be better placed to ensure policy co-ordination and coherence and to reduce fragmentation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The costs associated with the continued loss of biodiversity are likely to be very significant, but their impacts (in terms of lost welfare) are not reflected in market prices. Note that the number of people lacking access to safe water is higher than the number lacking access to basic water supply. Other, more episodic, pollution cases involve aluminium (causing neurodegenerative diseases) and lead (endemic diseases of the nervous system). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Following the implementation of NRDs, a series of best practices have emerged at national level showcasing successful reform. This policy framework for promoting local rice production takes into account rice imports. Customs duties on rice imports have remained relatively high since the peak of the 2007-08 food crisis, although this has done little to significantly undermine consumer demand or alternatively improve the market competitiveness of local rice products. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Once the Kimberley-Pilbara region, and outlier, was excluded, the variation fell to 2.7-fold. Some explanations for this may include higher rates of osteoporosis and obesity in the region, and that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are more likely than others to fracture their hip (ACSQHC and AIHW, 2014). There was over a 7-fold difference between the highest rate (1 551 admissions per 100 000 in outer regional Murrumbidgee) and the lowest rate (210 admissions per 100 000 population in metropolitan Inner West Sydney). However, the authors noted that Murrumbidgee was an outlier in the results. Removal reduced the difference to 5.1-fold. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__6, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The related costs and benefits need to be carefully assessed ex ante. Establishing a more level playing field for private participation in electricity markets will also require that IPPs be guaranteed equal treatment and that competition authorities and sector regulators possess the appropriate resources and independence to effectively enforce regulation. Most developing and emerging countries still have substantial state ownership in their power sectors. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This allows for a very generous benefits package with low cost-sharing and high quality of health care services. The population benefits from good financial and geographic access to services, which is reflected in the low level of unmet needs and out-of-pocket expenditure. However, the level of unmet needs for financial reasons is slowly creeping up in the lowest income groups. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It underpins private sector and human development by enabling the movement of people, goods and services. It provides access to local, regional and global markets, as well as health, education, water, energy and communications services. It provides an overview of the financing for development agenda, highlighting the critical role of official development assistance (ODA) in the least developed countries (LDCs), as well as its catalytic role in higher-income developing countries. An analysis of total 2002-15 aggregate aid-for-trade disbursements of around USD 300 billion follows. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For example, apart from dealing with implementation of Industry 4.0, developing countries must prepare to face the consequences of its implementation in advanced economies. Some of these consequences relate to reversed flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) and already widening technology gaps. While the ramifications for developing countries and economies in transition could turn out to be dire, economic history tells us that economies have remarkable adaptive abilities to deal with broader technological evolution and the mechanization of production. As such, the arrival of Industry 4.0 also brings opportunities for development, for example in terms of achieving the objectives set forth in the recently adopted SDGs. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In the first step, four out of five dimensions attract significant coefficient. The son bias dimension was insignificant. It is worthy to note that both sub-indices have a significant and negative effect on the extent of female migration, meaning that high levels of discriminatory social norms in the family and in the public space reduce not only the probability to have female migration but also the size of those women who get to migrate. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""A range of variables can be used, such as resource availability, consumption trends, climate change, population growth, or policy frameworks. Scenarios can help parties to understand the competition between various sectors, including irrigation, drinking water supply, hydropower generation, flood control and other ecosystem services, as well as the evolution and implication of existing and potential conflicts. Closely related to scenario-building is a technique called “back-casting"""", which envisions a future desirable outcome, and then tracks backwards, allowing parties to identify the steps that would be needed to achieve it. Agreement on a desirable future can then translate into agreement on the steps needed to get there."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In a number of countries (such as Austria, Chile, Norway, Sweden and Brazil), legislation or collective agreements provide for fee-based insurance schemes or individual saving accounts, with employers’ contributions payable as a percentage of payroll and which can be accessed by workers upon dismissal.13 In a similar way, in Ireland, employers are reimbursed 15% of their severance costs by a redundancy fund financed by ordinary employer and employee social security contributions. These schemes have the advantage of inducing no disincentives for dismissals or voluntary separations, while insuring workers against dismissal. For these reasons, they can be considered best practices in this area. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Indicator systems are costly, both directly (i.e. the cost of development and implementation) and indirectly (i.e. opportunity costs and the potential for inadvertent generation of unintended consequences). It is difficult to capture complexity with water data and indicators, which can lead to developing too many indicators rather than concentrating on a core group. Besides, it is tempting on the part of central government to substitute ex ante control of water services with performance indicators. This can lead to retaining control of how sub-national authorities implement water policy, as they will probably make choices and decisions that allow them to perform well within the parameters of the indicator system, at the expense of other elements. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This system is well suited to the needs of countries with small electricity grids, especially those in the developing world. India has reached world leadership in this area. Nearly 55% of all scientific publications on PHWRs in 2006 were Indian, and India is leading the research in FBRs (Kakodkar, 2008). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Abstract Cross-cultural partnerships can provide a competitive edge for organizations, but also hinder trust between individuals, and thus the flow of diverse knowledge that facilitates positive organizational outcomes. We investigate whether openness to experience (openness, in short) protects against lower trust in cross-cultural partnerships by weakening the effect of cultural diversity on trust formation processes (defined by perceived similarity and trustworthiness, serially). We randomly assigned White, American participants to partners from either the same or different (i.e., Chinese) cultural background. After introductions, participants rated their partner’s similarity and trustworthiness, and played a game assessing behavioral trust. Openness was measured 3–7 days prior. People high (versus low) on openness were more trusting towards culturally dissimilar partners because they perceived them as more similar, and thus more trustworthy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Poor-quality health services in some cases drive persistently high child mortality, which contributes to the tendency to have more children to make up for those lost during birth, or through illness and malnutrition. And even where laws permit unmarried women or adolescents to access contraception, judgmental service providers may refuse to dispense it. A subordinate status for many women still means not knowing or fully understanding their rights, or how to claim them. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As a result there is a high level of employment of Arab women in clerical occupations. At the same time, a significant number of Arab women with low levels of education have lost their jobs in the agriculture and textile industries due to the entry of immigrant workers into the Galilee labour market. Making a wider range of academic programmes open to Arab women is the intent of the Nazareth Academic Institution (NAI). The employment outcomes of the NAI’s predecessor Mar Elias have been promising: according to the information received from the institution, about 70% of female graduates (all Arabs) are employed, mostly in positions requiring higher education qualifications (see Box 2.1.). Opening wider educational opportunities for Arab women will ultimately impact on their labour market outcomes and generate positive results for the Israeli society. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In many common law jurisdictions, some or all instances of invasion of privacy constitute a privacy-specific wrong either at common law (including equity) or under statute. A remedy invariably available for such a wrong is compensation for loss. However, the plaintiff may instead seek to claim the profit the defendant has made from the invasion. This article examines when a plaintiff is, and should be, entitled to claim that profit, provided that invasion of privacy is actionable as such. After a brief overview of the relevant law in major common law jurisdictions, the article investigates how invasion of privacy fits into a general concept of what is called ‘restitution for wrongs’. It will be argued that the right to privacy is a right against the whole world and as such forms a proper basis of awarding gain-based relief for the unauthorized use of that right. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ABSTRACT While the end of the Bretton Woods system led to deregulation and increased international capital flows, the trend over the past two decades has been toward increased international financial supervision. Aspects for an emerging structure of global governance are congealing into a form of ‘financial governmentality’ as a means to secure society and to isolate criminal and terrorist money. Efforts to defend society from organised crime and transnational terrorism extend into financial services and introduce increased levels of surveillance over all forms of financial exchange. The paper begins with an explication for the power relations between international organisations (created by select states to manage and direct the global economy) and the non-member jurisdictions that are, in turn, subjected to their guidance. The experience of the Philippines with the international campaign against money laundering directed by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is presented as a case study for the gover... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The interstate Hydroeconomic Coordination Commission makes policy, resolves issues and approves annual operational conditions. The Electric Power Council of Central Asia and its executive structure, the Joint Dispatch Control Center (Central Asia JDC), supervise co-ordination of energy systems and sustainability of operations. Together, they regulate river flow to ensure equity between the three countries for irrigation and hydropower generation (CA&CC Press AB, 2016). Phase 1 will upgrade two of the six units, build capacity of power sector officials and develop a regulatory plan. Phase 2 will create a policy and regulatory body, develop a new tariff methodology and develop legislation for better governance and business conduct of the state-owned power utility company (responsible for operating the hydroelectric station). The generation capacity was upgraded to 3 015 MW between 1984-88. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! During the last few years, major increases in total fishery production have been driven by aquaculture. Major increases are occurring in freshwater spedes, which dominate production, with mariculture12 representing about 15% of the total. Prospects for aquaculture are good with production expected to grow to 52% above the average level for 2012-14 by 2024, driven by increasing domestic demand and by national policies which support the sustainable growth of the sector. Main challenges for further expansion are linked to environmental issues and potential impacts of aquaculture on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Efforts to enhance the collaboration between the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Ministry of Environment to address the sustainability of the sector are underway. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, for a land-based permit system, the aggregate pumping resulting after transfers will be subject to uncertainty. This may be acceptable if the expected variation in marginal externality is much larger than the expected variation in water application rates (Young, 2014). However, there is still a need to monitor and enforce limits on irrigated area for such systems to succeed. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Although data are somewhat outdated due to lack of regular national monitoring in the country, Japan is in the best 4 countries for five-year survival estimate for cervical and breast cancer in the 2000s. With regards to colorectal cancer, Japan has attained five-year survival estimate over 65% for both men and women in the early 2000s, which is above the OECD average of 61.3% for men and 63.3% for women in the late 2000s. A striking feature of the Japanese hospital sector is the high in-hospital case fatality rates for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Although Japanese are less likely to die of ischemic heart disease compared to people in other OECD countries, they are more likely to die once admitted into hospital for AMI than patients in other OECD countries. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This perception nonetheless represents a small improvement as compared with 2002, when the proportion was 87%. In terms of absolute and relative inequality indicators, this indicator suggests that most people think in relative terms, as they perceive an improvement in distribution in keeping with the decrease in relative inequality. In terms of perceptions by socioeconomic tercile or by education level, no clear patterns of association emerged. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In the 2012/13 financial year, a total of USD 18.47 million was transferred to fisheries sector from the UK Government, which is a 79.6% decrease compared with the GFTs in 2005 (Panel C). Total number of registered vessels and total tonnage of the fleet also decreased respectively by 5.3% and 5.7% since 2007. ( Responsibility for fisheries in the United Kingdom lies with the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Scottish Ministers, Minister of the Welsh Assembly Government and Northern Ireland Executive Ministers. The principal powers governing the regulation of fisheries are set out in the Sea Fish (Conservation) Acts 1967 and 1992, the Sea Fisheries Act 1968, the Fishery Limits Act 1976, the Fisheries Act 1981, the Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967 and the Fisheries Act 1966. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Growth in forest biomass exceeding drain due to harvesting and natural mortality explains this removal. However, between 2000 and 2005, the Danish forests were a carbon source releasing between 1 and 2 million tonnes of CO2 each year. During that period the age distribution became skewed towards mature forests, which were eventually harvested and the cleared land was regenerated with saplings (Danish CEE 2012). This resulted in negative net increment in forest biomass and thus turned the Danish forests as a net source of carbon. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 If too much water is stored behind the reservoir, sections of the river downstream from the reservoir can dry out if an insufficient amount of water is released at certain times of the year. This can lead to detrimental effects on animal and plant life downstream from the facility. Because of this, the channel may show signs of degradation (loss of sediments) or aggradation (accumulation of sediments), depending on whether floods can move the remaining incoming sediments. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The importance of the traditional and transfer sector to material well-being is what makes the Arctic economy unique. Here we briefly examine the main characteristics and the unique structure of the Arctic economy, which provide the context for constructing a valid indicator of material well-being. The importance of each of these parts varies throughout the Arctic region. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Following this resolution, a process named Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators 2020 (SEBI) was launched by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) and the European Commission together with other European partners to develop a set of biodiversity indicators with which it would be possible for European countries to follow the progress of the member states towards the UNECE target. The result was a list of 26 indicators, which was published by EEA in 2007, cf. The SEBI indicators were subsequently checked against the 20 Aichi targets and new EU biodiversity targets following the launch of the EU strategy on biodiversity in 2011. It was agreed that the SEBI indicators can be used to measure progress also against these targets. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This is particularly true for reporting of climate finance mobilised by developed countries, understanding of mitigation targets for non-Annex I countries, as well as for collective mitigation goals. However, filling other gaps will require methodological improvements, improved data collection and increased domestic capacity for MRV. For example, several proposed INDCs include an adaptation component, many INDCs are contingent on the level of support received, and some developing countries have put forward economy-wide mitigation contributions. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Social development is defined broadly as “sustainable human development which enhances human capabilities for enlarging human choices” (UNDP, 2006). It contributes to economic growth by not only raising labour productivity, but also by enhancing social stability. Social security covers all measures providing benefits, whether in cash or kind, to secure “protection” from lack of work-related income caused by sickness, disability, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, old age, or death, lack of access to health services, insufficient family support, and poverty and social exclusion (ILO, 2010/11: 13). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There is also a number of construction and operations contracts across the country for wastewater treatment plants, desalination facilities and reverse osmosis units. Because agriculture accounts for 71% of water usage, there are some arrangements whereby farmer associations in the Jordan Valley have been contracted by the local authority to manage water distribution in the area. The number of associations is expected to increase to ten by 2020 (EDP 2011-13). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! What is “green” about this growth is how it is stimulated: through urban activities (including policies and programmes) that reduce either: 1) negative environmental externalities, such as air pollution and C02 emissions, or 2) the consumption of natural resources and environmental services, including w'ater, energy and undeveloped land. These effects are in part the result of more readily identifiable interactions at the urban level among economic efficiency and environmental objectives. By focusing on growth, this definition recognises that polices to reduce environmental impact can only be sustained over the long term if they generate wrealth (OECD, 2013). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The 2009 OECD Review, regarding water quality and wastewater, explains why Greece has experienced severe delays in implementing the EU Urban Wastewater Directive and wastewater management. The report highly recommends improvement of the wastewater management, in compliance with the EU Urban Waste Water Directive, reduction of water pollution by dangerous substances and illegal discharges of wastewater, as well as better allocation, to make sure water flows to uses with the highest value. For more information, see Chapter 3 and recommendations from OECD Workshop on Improving the Information Base to Better Guide Water Resource Management Decision Making, Zaragoza, Spain, 4-7 May, 2010, - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Moreover, the study showed a statistically significant decrease in time dedicated to paid work of 2 per cent on average in the case of men and 12 per cent in the case of women. Espejo 2013, as quoted by ECLAC 2016. They should explicitly recognize the role that women play as caregivers, without reinforcing patterns of discrimination or negative stereotypes (art. ’70This is problematic as the failure to understand intra-family allocation processes """"may result in the non-adoption of beneficial policies, in policies having unintended consequences, and in the loss of policy handle”."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The traditional model of public education continues to be challenged by advocates of school choice. Typically associated with charter schools, magnet schools, and tuition voucher programs, these advocates have recently introduced a new school choice plan, namely tax credit scholarship programs. More than a dozen states have adopted such programs, and hundreds of millions of dollars are now diverted each year from public programs to private schools. These programs are poorly-understood and under-studied by legal scholars. This Article assesses the place of these programs within the ecology of public education, considers the fundamentally different approaches states have taken to these programs, identifies some critical questions and problems with them, and proposes a set of best practices for states to follow in designing and implementing them.The Companion Article for this paper are available at the following URL: - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 After rising slightly until 2005, female participation has declined thereafter in most income categories, but most strikingly among the lower income groups in rural areas. Income quintiles refer to the monthly per capita consumption expenditure of households. More than half of women work as self-employed (for definitions see Annex 1), of which most are unpaid helpers. The large rise in female participation until 2005 and the drop thereafter was among the unpaid self-employed group (unpaid helpers can be agricultural workers within a family, shop assistants or street vendors) (Figure 4). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Short-term funding can create a gap between expectations and the ability to deliver and prevent longer-term processes of empowerment within communities (Box 4.1). The project provided USD18 million to over 400 local development councils created to manage their community’s development needs. However, tight deadlines to disburse project funds and bureaucratic rules meant that the councils were not able to develop into robust participatory structures, and were reduced to acting as transmission mechanisms for bank-controlled funds. Given the large variation in the characteristics between and within different fragile states, it is essential that donors and programme managers conduct a thorough and fine-grained analysis of the particular local or national context where they intend to implement a programme. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Administrative silence is a phenomenon which contemporary legal systems based on the rule of law, good governance and respect for human rights can no longer afford themselves to ignore. Even if no panacea to this pernicious practice can be found, by uncovering the scope and identifying the reasons for its manifestations in various fields of public administration, plausible solutions can be developed at the legislative as well as at the managerial level. This report thus seeks to do that by analyzing the significance and conceptualization of (the notion) of administrative silence within the strategic and legal framework of Lithuania, its constitutional links, different models thereof, theoretical considerations and—finally—its actual use in practice. The latter part entails delving into data and insights provided by relevant actors vested with powers to eradicate administrative silence, and examining the case law developed by Lithuanian administrative courts. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Drop-out also fell by 3.2 per centage points more than in schools that were not part of the programme. Drop-out rates during the programme have been much lower than the national average, over 90 per cent of BRAC school graduates move into the formal system (Nath, 2009). These disadvantages were reflected in the limited impact of school fee abolition on enrolment. On one estimate, only one in six Kenyan disabled children were attending school after the abolition of fees (Mulama, 2004). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Unlike previous agreements, the new regulations do not stipulate the amount of time to be used for different purposes, such as teaching and preparation. Decisions about the use of teachers’ time and place of work now rest with the school leadership and teachers are expected to work differently. In 35 systems, teaching time is contractually specified. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Article 2(4) of the UN Charter provides that nation-states will refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. It is doubtful whether it will deter states from waging war in cyberspace. Cyber warfare is a perplexing and contentious issue within the ambit of international law. Discussions have focused on whether the existing rules and principles may be extended to cyberspace or whether new treaty law on cyber warfare must be drafted. Against this background the International Group of Experts drafted the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare at the invitation of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence. The Tallinn Manual provides rules in respect of cyber warfare. In the absence of a multilateral treaty it may be asked whether the Tallinn Manual will achieve acceptance on a global level as rules governing cyber warfare. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Where a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) or multilateral treaties - such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade rules or the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - protect foreign investors from expropriations, they may seek claims in response to climate-related law and policy. Although this has not yet happened with respect to domestic climate laws, it has occurred with respect to other environmental laws10 despite the exemptions for environmental policy in most trade agreements, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 1994 (GATT) Article XX11. These rules limit the ability of states to impose regulations of an internationally traded good on the basis of the process and production method (PPM) used to manufacture such good. This issue has already seen a challenge directly bearing on a country's ability to implement their NDCs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The deprivation levels are firstly analysed for each dimension separately, followed by counting the number of deprivations experienced by each child. The multiple deprivation analysis shows the intensity of poverty and the distribution of deprivations among children, describes how the different sectoral deprivations overlap, and analyses the multidimensional deprivation incidence and severity. In particular, multidimensional deprivation ratios are used for comparing deprivation levels across the selected countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The sector plays a prominent role in the economy of particularly Finland and Sweden. The total biomass stock is expected to grow and the net annual increment is expected to remain positive in coming decades as well. Forest management practices such as fertilizing, thinning in an optimised way, lengthening rotation are clearly having a positive effect on the growth of biomass and carbon sinks in forests. However, collecting harvesting residues for bioenergy use may have negative effects on growth and carbon stock of forests. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Some concerns were raised that they were a disruptive force with regard to the WTO-led multilateral trading system, compared with the inclusive and consensual nature ofthe latter regime, these regional negotiations excluded the majority ofthe world's countries and people yet could affect them in various ways. The Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), adopted at Bali in 2013, is the biggest multilateral trade deal of the past 20 years (discussed later). The WTO-led Aid for Trade (AfT) initiative shows trade multilateralism can be responsive to the concerns ofthe most capacity-constrained members and can help address their development needs. The TFA's implementation is also directly linked to parties' capacity, with technical assistance available to help in this regard. More importantly, in today's turbulent times, the WTO still provides the best rules-based governance framework for world trade and safeguards the development interests of the world's smallest and poorest countries. Commonwealth members could lead the way by reaffirming their commitment to a free, fair and inclusive multilateral trading system that supports the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In addition, the National Water Committee, created in 1964, brings together water users’ representatives, associations, presidents of basin committees, national and local authorities (sub-national governments and central government departments and agencies), in addition to other experts and the presidents of basin committees. It provides guidance on the strategic orientation of national water policy, and recommendations on government legislation, reform projects and action plans. It also has a consultative committee that can give its opinion on the price of water, the quality of drinking water and wastewater services. Since 2006, committees on fisheries and on water information systems have also been created, and the prerogatives of certain categories of users have been reinforced. It is composed of representatives from local authorities (40%), water users and associations (40%) and the central government (20%). All categories of users are represented in this entity, which provides guidance on water policies at the basin level and designs the Schema Directeur d’Amenagement et de Gestion des Eaux (SDAGE). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The new' act has replaced around 25 separate permits for such matters as construction, demolition, spatial planning, listed buildings and the environment by a single one-stop-shop permit covering all activities. This has reduced administrative costs for members of the public and for companies. There is now one permit, one procedure and one set of submittal requirements, followed by one “legal remedies procedure” and enforcement by one authority1. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Available from: Source: Environmental Protection Agency, Chinese Taipei. Based on Finnish Ministry of the Environment (2009), Towards a Recycling Society - the National Waste Plan for 2016. Ministry of the Environment - Finland - Waste Policies Website, accessed from: www.ymparisto./i/ de/ault.asp?node=17719&lan=en. Finnish Ministry of the Environment (2009), Towards a Recycling Society - the National Waste PI an for 2016, p. 9. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Thus the government's role is dual. On the one hand, it must act as a facilitator by providing the necessary infrastructure for tourists, promoting attractions and encouraging tourist arrivals. On the other hand, government’s role is to enforce laws of the land and these may, in some cases, be in conflict with its role as a promoter of tourism. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Complex environmental issues are leading local governments to collaborate with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the urban environmental governance sphere. While previous studies have emphasized how the Chinese government engages NGOs in service contracting to meet rising service demands, they have not provided empirical evidence of the outcomes of these collaborations at a local level. Based on a mixed methods research design developed from May 2016 to February 2017 in Shanghai, the impact of Aifen, an environmental NGO, is assessed in the context of municipal solid waste management. A total of 400 questionnaires were completed. 200 questionnaires in 10 communities where Aifen developed its activities and 200 questionnaires in 10 communities where no environmental NGO activities were accomplished. The results show that a local government-NGO collaborative governance approach enhances public participation and respond to state decentralization and rising environmental issues in urban areas. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Indeed, improving women’s access to adequate training and information is vital to increase women's participation in the labour force, in quality jobs and in entrepreneurial activity. For women already in the labour force and for those who have a fledgling enterprise, improved access to on-going entrepreneurship and business management training services would accelerate women’s start-up and business growth potential. A number of institutions - such as women's enterprise centres and business incubators for women - have been established in MENA economies to overcome this gap, but few studies have identified their impact, key success factors and potential for replication. Overall, there is a need for more wide scale, targeted efforts to identify gaps and conduct targeted measures to improve support provision to women entrepreneurs. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In another third, the redistributive impact has, however, fallen (Austria, Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden) and in the remaining third, changes were below two points. Results for an alternative, more tail sensitive inequality measure are presented in Table 8.A2.2 in Annex 8.A2). Belgium and the United Kingdom are two countries which combine a considerable increase in spending with a large extent of inequality reduction. On the other side of the spectrum, Italy and Denmark record a fall in inequality reduction alongside a decreasing size of services. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Purpose – Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister, who governed the country from 1959 to 1990, passed away on 23 March 2015 at the age of 91. The purpose of this paper is to assess his legacy of good governance in Singapore. Design/methodology/approach – The changes in Singapore’s policy context during 1959-2014 are described first before analyzing Lee’s legacy of good governance in Singapore by examining his books and major speeches. Findings – Lee Kuan Yew’s commitment to meritocracy, empowerment of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau to curb corruption effectively, reliance on competitive salaries to attract the “best and brightest” citizens to join the civil service, and maintenance of the rule of law, constitute his legacy of good governance in Singapore. Originality/value – This paper will be useful to policy-makers, scholars and readers who are interested in learning about Lee Kuan Yew’s contribution to good governance in Singapore. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Even when the jobless do find work, the periods of unemployment they endure reduce life satisfaction (Clark et al., Self-employment is often a poor substitute for salaried employment when the economy fails to generate enough jobs. The average life satisfaction levels (Figure 6.1) of full-time employees are remarkably higher than those of other categories. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Using 60% of median income as an indicator of the cost of meeting social needs, the relative poverty rate is higher than the absolute poverty rate in six countries in the region. They are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama and Uruguay. In these countries in particular, but also regionwide, falling absolute poverty rates will make it increasingly useful to take account of these needs in order to identify the economically disadvantaged population. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This article maps out the conceptual origins of cybercrime in social science fiction and other ‘faction’ genres to explore the relationship between rhetoric and reality in the production of knowledge about it. It goes on to illustrate how the reporting of dystopic narratives about life in networked worlds shapes public reactions to technological change. Reactions which heighten the culture of fear about cybercrime, which in turn, shapes public expectations of online risk, the formation of law and the subsequent interpretation of justice. Finally, the article identifies and responds to the various mythologies that are currently circulating about cybercrime before identifying the various tensions in the production of criminological knowledge about it that contribute to sustaining those mythologies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The future of agricultural risks will therefore depend on the way agricultural systems and, more broadly, economies and policies, develop. Given the focus on national and regional markets, trans-regional trade contributes relatively less to the spread of pests and diseases. The lack of international co-operation in strategies to combat these biological threats, however, raises pest and disease risks from within the regions. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, the current spawning stock biomass of southern bluefin tuna is only 4.6% of the unfished level. Single species management only focuses on sustainability, ignoring habitat quality, biodiversity and socio-economic factors. Ecosystem-based fisheries management has been a common theme in fishery policy and management discussions worldwide (NMFS, 1999, FAO, 2003, Garcia et al., The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) has addressed this issue and established a working group in 2005 that focuses on ecosystem-based management science and its application in North Pacific countries. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The essay looks at how to conduct better contemporary research into football hooligan gangs in the light of flawed media reporting of the phenomenon and a general move away from the rich tradition of ethnography in sociology, physical cultural studies and criminology in recent years. The essay explores some theoretical and methodological issues arising from conducting a research project into football hooligan writings. It looks at the project's utility for longer term ethnographic and historical research into the many hundreds of football hooligan gangs that can be identified in a longitudinal cultural mapping of the field. The essay presents material from a sustained archival research project where one copy of each item of a genre known as football hooligan memoirs was archived, and authors and publishers were interviewed. The essay is an audit for a contemporary and possible future study of football hooligan gangs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Hot-deck imputation uses data from countries with """"similar"""" characteristics, such as GNI per capita and geographic location. Europe, the CIS and the Americas have much higher Internet usage rates overall than the African, Arab States and Asia/Pacific regions. In the case of developed countries, moreover, it is worth noting that higher bandwidth available to users, lower broadband access costs in relation to GNI p.c. ("" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 They can be broadly distinguished by their focus on physical subsistence, basic needs, and relative deprivation. More recent developments try to extend dimensions of welfare (including wealth or time) or combine multiple aspects of poverty into one single measure. The notion of merely physical subsistence has influenced scientific practice and international and national policies for over 100 years. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""The concept of stability can therefore refer to both the availability and access dimensions of food security. Text from FAO (2006), Briefing Note “Food Security"""". There are other individuals and households that suffer a transitory or temporary decline in their access to adequate food. This temporary or transitory disruption can be due to shocks that affect income, assets or infrastructure and it has been denominated “transitory” food insecurity by the World Bank (1986). The use of this term highlights the different nature of the stability dimension of food security. The risk of transitory lack of access to food is due to potential shocks affecting individuals who normally have adequate access to food."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 They directfy employ more than 2,000 people in the EU. The PVC material is strong, durable, lightweight and versatile, thus makes it a perfect material for many applications. More than 75% of the PVC is used in industrial applications and especially the building and construction sector where PVC products have long life span of 10-year and beyond. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In the case of the CIFs set-asides, private sector party proposals have been submitted through a multilateral development bank in the countries where each of the funds operate. Among the multilateral climate funds the CTF's Dedicated Private Sector Program (DPSP) and the GEF have been the best at generating engagement and allocating its public funding to mobilize further private investment (Whitley, Chiofalo, & Barnard, 2014, Trabacchi, Brown, Boyd, Wang, & Falzon, 2016). Higher levels of private sector investment have happened in high-income countries including BRICS and OECD (e.g. Mexico) members (Whitley, Chiofalo, & Barnard, 2014). The CIFs funding to the private sector has helped to the viability, knowledge and risk gaps for their investment, through different sets of instruments including contingent recovery grants, first loss guarantees/subordinated debt, guarantees and dedicated lines of credit to financial intermediaries (Trabacchi, Brown, Boyd, Wang, & Falzon, 2016). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 According to Sharipova and De Soto (Chapter 7), the Tajikistan case demonstrates that the “gendered cultural and religious patriarchal traditions, suppressed during the Soviet era, have enjoyed a resurgence and had negative effects for women”. It is also clear that the rhetoric may change without much institutional change being felt on the ground. For example, especially in the aftermath of high-profile mass crimes, human rights are likely to be universally emphasized and appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks established. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Examples include severe and widespread drought or outbreaks of a highly contagious and damaging disease. The third category is marketable risk, which falls between normal and catastrophic risks. Normal price fluctuations and hail damage are examples of this type of risk. Farmers can deal with these intermediaiy risks through market instruments such as insurance, futures markets or co-operative arrangements. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, the National Collaboration for Mental Health (NSPH) is a notable and influential actor in the field of mental health care in Sweden. Although it does not directly develop national policy, its aim is to promote the development of improved psychiatric treatment via the enabling of relevant authorities to “benefit from the experiences and empowerment advocated through user participation from patients, users and relations” (NSPH). They also work to support patient voices, improve accessibility, develop mental illness prevention, spread information and influence public opinion, provide support and resources to interested organisations and cooperate with authorities and other mental health organisations on a national level. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Table 2.3 matches the clustering of states done for the implementation of the National Pact for Water Management and that for water charges. The Paraiba do Sul River basin was the first pilot for water charges implementation in Brazil, which provided insight into how to fill important legislative and operational gaps. In the PCJ River basin, a Consortium of 40+ municipalities and major water users applied a water charge voluntary' scheme (cobranga voluntaria pelo uso da dgua) as a pilot experience that paved the way for the implementation of water charges in 2006. The State of Rio de Janeiro was the first state, after Ceara, to implement water charges as foreseen by the SINGREH. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Considering the OECD area as a whole, there was a four-quarter lag between the time when the OECD unemployment rate began to rise and the time when the relative incidence of long-term unemployment (i.e. the share of all unemployed that have been jobless for a year or longer) began to rise. However, this lag varied considerably from country to country and is probably affected by both national labour market institutions and practices, and the nature of the recessionary shock. Figure 1.8 provides information on how the incidence of long-term unemployment changed between the 4th quarters of 2007 and 2010 for the working-age population and groups defined by gender, age and educational level. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Other systems have implemented programmes that target low-income families directly. In Australia, the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters has been implemented in over 100 disadvantaged communities around the country. It aims to support low-income parents and carers in their role of being their children's first teacher (OECD, 2012b). However, the prevalence of grade repetition varies widely between countries. For example, Japan, South Korea and Norway do not have grade repetition system and all students automatically progress to the next grade. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Its total population (based on TL5 data) that lives within a ten-minute walking distance from a bus stop is 81% (compared to 75% in Daejeon, second-ranked) and 19.8% within a ten-minute walking distance from a train station on average (compared with 12.2% in Busan, second-ranked). Most areas in Seoul have a balanced level of accessibility to bus stops and train stations, which is quite unique compared with other TL3 regions in Korea. A comprehensive public transport network, composed of 9 subway lines, 355 intra-city bus routes and 238 village bus routes, serves Seoul’s 25 autonomous districts (gu) (Seoul, 2016a). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For other farm households, having one or more family members draw income from outside agriculture may be the start of a successful move into more remunerative activities. The key policies required to help households diversify their income sources are again those that improve human capital. Regional development policies, including the development of rural infrastructure, may also have an important role. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A 500 kilometre-long coast, a population of 5 million and an aggregated gross domestic product (GDP) of USD 200 billion may only have a limited impact if no effective governance is in place to help local partners identify a common goal: leverage their combined spending power and implement their action plans together. Conversely, governance alone can do little to empower a territory where there is no compelling economic, social and institutional rationale for collaboration - a political construct on its own is bound to hit its limits soon enough. To accomplish its objective of becoming a strong and attractive megaregion in the global arena, Western Scandinavia needs to work on achieving a clear agreement about its own vision and collectively define the concrete steps to take. First, it maps the institutional landscape in Western Scandinavia. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, it is difficult to accurately calculate innovation expenditures since these types of costs are not specified in firms’ financial accounts. Moreover, countries do not collect systematic information on the sources of funding for innovation expenditures. The DAC statistical system on development activities is also not designed to capture innovation expenditures. While many development activities can include innovative approaches, including the use of innovative financing mechanisms, it does not necessarily mean that the activities supports innovation, but rather represent innovation in the delivery of development assistance.3 It is also difficult to determine the outcomes from capacity-building exercises, in particular whether the training leads to innovation in products, processes or methods. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In general, donor funding for MPAs is part of a wider portfolio of finance, and tends to support establishment costs, training, and other forms of capacity building. It also aims to put frameworks in place so that MPAs can become financially self-sufficient. Such support, however, is often short-term and can be vulnerable to changes in donor priorities (Carr-Dirick and Klug, 2002). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! For example, ill health of students themselves or of other family members is an obvious reason for absence. The need to attend significant events (such as funerals) may affect some groups of students more than others. For students in remote areas, medical or other appointments in the nearest urban centre can result in an absence of several days. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The government’s 2020 Vision states that by 2020, everyone will live longer, healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting. It sets out as significant challenges Scotland’s public health record, changing demography and the economic environment. The document cites as a key challenge an anticipated 25% rise in the proportion of people aged 75 and over in Scotland in the next ten years. This rise is likely to be accompanied by more chronic disease, and growing numbers of older people with complex needs such as dementia. It estimates over the next 20 years, demography alone could increase expenditure on health and social care by over 70%. The 2020 Vision reiterates die ambition of integrated health and social care, and a focus on prevention and self-management. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Promotion of seafood products in domestic and export markets is largely the responsibility of seafood producers. Currently, most commercial fisheries in New Zealand are represented by a CSO. Improved engagement of CSOs has allowed for greater integration of stakeholder views in the management of New Zealand’s fisheries resource. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Although smoking prevalence in Israel (20.4%) is marginally lower than the OECD average (22.1%), it has declined less in Israel over the previous decade than in some other OECD countries (OECD, 201 lb). Overall, these patterns point to the need to strengthen smoking cessation services overall, targeting in particular groups with higher smoking prevalence. It is also notable that QICH does not include any indicators on smoking. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, establishing a formal Health Technology Assessment system would help determine which pharmaceuticals should be covered. Several of these challenges have been present since the very inception of the system in the early 1990s. However, there is no overarching political vision that political parties across the spectrum (and different stakeholders in the health system) can subscribe to. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The United Kingdom’s Demonstration Test Catchments (DTC) project is a new initiative of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to provide a research platform from which a number of integrated ways of managing agricultural diffuse source pollution at the river catchment level can be developed. France also has launched a major research initiative by the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment, conducted through the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), to support the national Ecophyto plan that plans to achieve a 50% reduction in pesticide use by 2018. Nearly three-quarters of the UK land surface is in agricultural production and the influence of farming on water and the ecosystems it supports is significant (Table 5.1). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Moreover, the energy integration process is not limited simply to creation of physical links across the region. It requires a series of policies and regulations for facilitating different types of flows inherent in this process. This requires intervention and leadership by the member governments and technical experts if regional energy connectivity is to happen. To a great extent, this demonstrates die lack of human and institutional capabilities, political leadership, and market mechanisms. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Rivers for which there is insufficient scientific information or have a rod catch of less than ten salmon remain closed. A scheme of rehabilitation of rivers was introduced with priority given to rivers which were below' the conservation limit in areas of SAC’s funded through the introduction of a salmon conservation component on all angling and commercial licence sales. This increase w'ould roughly equate to the reduction in exploitation as a result of the closure of the mixed stock fishery. In 2008 and 2009, many of these indices were down w'ith some significant drops, despite the continued closure of the mixed stock fishery at sea. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Consequently, this change in behaviour caused a counter-intuitive increase in the Gini coefficient by around 0.4 percentage point (Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Interior, 2014a). In a lifecycle perspective the reform unambiguously raises tax payments for higher income groups and thus it should reduce income inequality. According to cross-country estimates in Causa et al. ( This reflects reform-driven increases in older worker employment rates, which benefit household incomes across the distribution, with the exception of rich households that are found to be unaffected. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Previous findings suggest that the impact of immigrants on the labour market is small. Several studies find a negative effect of immigration on wages, although no consensus is reached in regard to the magnitude of this effect. According to economic principles, the negative effect on the wages of the native-bom would suggest a positive effect on employment, this is indeed suggested by some available studies. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 On successful completion of high school education students can enrol into different institutions of higher education. This depends on the individual performance of students and different entry requirements for admission of students into different courses. A number of public institutions exist. These include the Lesotho College of Education (LCE), the National University of Lesotho (NUL) and Lerotholi Polytechnic (LP) and the newly founded university Limkokwing on 15 October, 2008. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 On-the-job training should therefore be part and parcel of firms' efforts to upgrade their workers' skills. For countries that cannot rely on domestic structures to ensure appropriate skill formation, special economic zones (SEZ) where different trade and incentive regimes are established, may provide appropriate support for on-the-job skills in particular (UNIDO, 2009). Thus, policies dedicated to the establishment of such zones can complement the path towards the productive use of new technologies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Federal policies - federal housing finance in particular -have facilitated the development of higher quality houses, yet have often failed to contribute to the development of better cities. Reforms to INFONAVIT’s practices thus form the basis upon which a more competitive, sustainable housing and urban development model can be built. First, like many Latin American countries, Mexico has a long history of informal or irregular housing development, and a large share of the housing stock continues to be self-built, lacking legal titles or constructed outside the formal development process. Nearly one-quarter of urban households live in informal settlements. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Despite shifts in rhetoric and some positive movement, Americans with the disease of addiction are still often stigmatized, criminalized, and denied access to evidencebased care. Dramatically reducing the number of lives unnecessarily lost to overdose requires an evidence-based, equity-focused, well-funded, and coordinated response. We present in this brief article evidence-based and promising practices for improving and refocusing the response to this simmering public health crisis. Topics covered include improving clinical decision-making, improving access to non-judgmental evidence-based treatment, investing in comprehensive public health approaches to problematic drug use, and changing the way law enforcement actors interact with people who use drugs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Several theories suggest that states’ choices of constitutional rules are at least partially a function of neighboring constitutions. This paper provides the first analysis of spatial dependence of specific provisions within state constitutions in the United States. The analysis effectively makes constitutional rules endogenous, contributing to a relatively underdeveloped branch of constitutional economics. By employing a series of probit estimations of nineteen specific constitutional rules, I find evidence of spatial dependence in state constitutions. Specifically, the presence of specific constitutional constraints pertaining to term limits, supreme court justice selection, recall, home rule, direct democracy, constitutional amendment by convention, balanced budget requirements, tax and expenditure limits, line item veto, victims’ bill of rights, health and welfare, right to privacy, environmental protection, sex discrimination, abortion, and official language all exhibit some evidence spatial dependence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This includes situations where expectations have been based on misunderstood or unrealistic projections of what external investors and authorities are able to and willing to provide, as well as cases where false expectations have been created in the process of establishing the project. Conflict can also arise when realistic expectations are not met. When clear terms in the concession, agreements with local authorities or stakeholders, or oral promises are not honored, or are disputed or protracted, this can lead to disappointment and material disadvantage. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Abstract This inaugural World Development Symposium on Development and Poverty Alleviation brings together contributions from a range of disciplines, scholars, practitioners, and countries to mark the recognition of Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer (BDK) through the 2019 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Contributors examine how BDK’s work has changed the methods and study of Development Economics, and their extended impact in other social science and interdisciplinary fields. Although experimental evaluation has had a profound impact on the conduct of much research and policy making, further development of RCT approaches, and collaboration across methods and disciplines, and between scholarship and practice, remain crucial to address the most pressing challenges of sustainability and development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, the employment rate of mothers with poor children (28%) is well below the OECD average (34%). Korean households pay for about 42% of the cost of educating a child of primary and secondary school-age compared to an OECD average of 22% (OECD, 2018[4j). Overall spending by families on education is even higher as more than two thirds of children attend “Hakwon” or “cramming schools” offered by private providers outside of the regular school classes. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Adult participation in lifelong learning strongly depends on educational attainment and age. Despite a slight increase in recent years, the participation of older workers in adult programmes is modest, inhibiting their employment prospects (OECD, 2009b). Adults with low educational attainment (individuals whose highest attained degree is primary or below) show considerably less interest in adult learning activities, the difference between highly educated individuals and individuals with low educational attainment in adult education participation is the highest in the EU (IMAD, 2010). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These are frequently associated with changes in the status quo that are perceived to affect the supply and demand for land, established land use patterns, or competition between different types of land use. This tension can exist between statutory, customary, informal, or religious forms of land tenure. The tension can be particularly challenging when the state seeks to bring land within a statutory legal framework when it is also claimed under a customary system by tribal, ethnic, or religious communities who view the territory in question as part of their homeland or self-identity. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Communication “Europe, the world’s No. Jobs, wages and inequality: the role of non-standard work. Defining, measuring and assessing job quality and its links to labour market performance and well-being. Global Dialogue Forum on New Developments and Challenges in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector - Final report of the discussion, Geneva, 23-24 November 2010. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Environmental degradation that undermines the provision of environmental services decreases the well-being of rural households. In addition, as rural households tend to be characterised by limited social capital, poor access to social services, job opportunities and income-generating activities, and high levels of deprivation, they are more vulnerable to environmental change, and have little capacity' to adapt to or withstand negative environmental changes such as those associated with climate change. Rural development policies should therefore aim to promote economic growth and increase the welfare of rural households without compromising long-term environmental quality and the sustainability of natural resources. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of ITF or OECD member countries. The work for this report was carried out in the context of the Decarbonising Transport Initiative of the International Transport Forum. The author thanks the participants of the ITF Decarbonising Passenger Transport Workshop, as well as Wei-Shiuen NG, Jari Kauppila, and Michael Kloth for their comments. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Patent owners are “pushing” for their own technology, within a SSO, seeking royalty payments and licensing revenues for the use of their technology, when it is essential to the implementation of an industry standard. When IPRs are involved, the SSOs seek assurances from the owners that they will license the technology to any interested standards implementer, on FRAND terms. These results in legal confrontations, as for example a recent (2013) case between Microsoft and Google-owned Motorola. Motorola’s SEPs-portfolio based demands have been over-ruled by the Court (2013/4/25/4267830). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! ""Such concern is addressed by the use of the Market Basket Measure (MBM), which sets many low-income thresholds reflecting the estimated cost of a specific set of goods and services that represent a basic standard of living in a specific area. This indicator is available for 49 different communities across Canada and is more sensitive to differences in the cost of living. Moreover, when MBM thresholds are applied to infer national low-income rates, these are low'er that the estimates obtained from applying a """"floating” relative income approach. In 2015, 12.2% (4.2 millions) of people w'ere categorised in low-income when the MBM is applied, against 14.2% (4.6 millions) w'ith the conventional relative poverty measure."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Outlined in Box 1, these principles are based on the expectation that effective national and international processes will enable effective outcomes. The Paris Declaration commitments were subsequently deepened by the Accra Agenda for Action endorsed in 2008 (see Annex A), which called on donors and partner countries to step up the implementation of the aid effectiveness principles. In particular, climate finance was outlined as a priority for effective international development, to “continue to support national climate change policy and planning as an integral part of developing countries’ overall national development plans, and ensure that - where appropriate - these measures are financed, delivered and monitored through developing countries’ systems in a transparent manner” (OECD, 2011b). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 AbstractA fundamental tenet of modern constitutionalism is that nobody, regardless of his status in society, is above the law. Constitutional reforms in the 1990s saw the introduction in many African countries of constitutions which for the first time provide some prospects for promoting constitutionalism and respect for the rule of law. This article reviews the extent to which these reforms have addressed the issue of presidential absolutism and the abuses that go with it. It examines some of the factors that made African presidents to be so powerful that the conventional constitutional checks and balances could not restrain their excesses. It also reviews the attempts to limit impunity through immunity provisions. It concludes that unfortunately, the 1990 reforms did not adequately address the problem of presidential absolutism. A number of ways, nationally and internationally, in which presidential accountability could be enhanced and the culture of impunity ended is suggested. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Each was responsible for producing thematic contributions for use in the synthesis report. An evaluation consultant supported the process by providing research, data collection and analysis, and synthesis of the report, and a part-time consultant assisted in data analysis. These data gathering and analysis strategies are described in more detail in Annex 5. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Abstract International Relations ( ir ) scholars and students are often presented with four (sometimes five) ‘great debates’ that characterise the ‘state of the discipline’. However, Robert Cox’s 1981 article in Millennium simplified the discussion into two binaries: problem-solving theory vs critical theory. While this configuration has been influential, it has inhibited the reflexivity, complexity, as well as the multidisciplinary nature of the discipline. This paper moves beyond this problematic simplification to construct a ‘third way’, which borrows from both rationalist and critical approaches to craft a somewhat distinct niche in ir theory. It calls for the dual goal of deconstruction and reconstruction. With this approach I seek to show the mutually constitutive synergies between knowledge/theory and practice, and to expatiate on the argument that theory is indeed always for someone and for some purpose, whether such normative underpinnings are latent or manifest. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Indonesian Kerosene-to-LPG Conversion Programme has been successful in moving 30 million households away from hazardous kerosene to LPG for cooking in just five years (2007-2012). At the centre of this success has been the leadership of the Government, crosssector cooperation, results-based financing (box 1) and appropriate technical assistance. Lessons from this programme suggest that awareness among potential users about the importance of clean cooking, together with the setting of a price that is affordable to users, are critical to the successful implementation of the programme. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Distributive Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Family Transfers for Young Children”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. How Time-flexible Work Policies Can Reduce Stress, Improve Health, and Save Money”, Stress and Health, Vol. Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2005-2009, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Preventive interventions also cover individuals at specific risk and those who have either no symptoms of the disease or early signs and symptoms, where early case detection will assist in reducing the potential damage by enabling a more successful intervention. Take the examples of breast and prostate cancer, where age and sex affect the risk, certain lifestyle choices increase the risks, as smoking does for lung cancer. When the symptoms correspond to an acute condition, a remission or cure (HC.l) is sought and expected. Many conditions cannot, however, be completely cured and lead to chronic conditions with some degree of functional decline. Treatment then involves recurring contacts for control as well as the patient’s personal involvement in monitoring and controlling symptoms and treatment.11 Curative care is the most frequent reason why people initially contact the health system. However, based on the specific needs of each consumer the services received typically include a basket of components that mixes preventive and rehabilitative as well as curative care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In recent legislation, fines for violations are often expressed in terms of damage caused, or in multiples of the minimum monthly wage, in which case rates vary according to who the violator is, from individuals to officials to entities, and the multiplier is higher for more serious offences. The legal review in 2012 led to a step change in the value of fines, for example, under the 1995 Law on Water, the administrative sanction for non-compliance was a fine of up to 200,000 tugriks, whereas the 2012 Law on Water includes stricter sanctions for non-compliance ranging from monetary fines of up to 7,020,000 tugriks to revocation of water use permits. In the case of a water use permit for industrial purposes, excess use of the resource now leads to increased fees of up to 50 per cent at the relevant tariff as a penalty. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Available at: http:// Theodore, Karl (2000). The University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine. Available at: Macroeconomic_and_Health_01_01.pdf Theodore, Karl and Althea D La Foucade (2001). ' The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Social Safety Nets: What Can the Caribbean Expect?' Available at: Thomas, Andy (2000). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The first is to provide clarity and understanding of the goals and actions being undertaken by individual Parties, and progress being made towards them. The second is to inform the global stocktake that will assess collective progress towards the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. For example, the new framework addresses some of the gaps in the current system regarding how information is to be measured (e.g. guidance is to be developed for accounting for NDCs and how to measure finance mobilised). It also addresses gaps in terms of what information is to be reported (e.g. information shall be provided by all Parties on progress towards NDCs) and by whom (e.g. in addition to developed country Parties, other Parties that provide and mobilise support are encouraged to report information on support provided). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In 2008, the volume of remittance was $175 million in Fiji, $135 million in Samoa and $100 million in Tonga (see table 3). Fijians serving on foreign ships bring in around $15 million of remittance annually.4 The Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Tonga all have high levels of per capita remittance (Prasad, 2008). In Tonga, for example, remittances have both reduced the poverty headcount from 57 per cent to 32 per cent and significantly impacted inequality, reducing the Gini co-efficient from 0.605 to 0.495 (WB, 2006a: 88). Similarly, in Samoa, family remittances from overseas play a vital role in providing social protection and social security to their relatives and friends living in the country. Samoans overseas contribute towards their “social obligations” by remitting money to their extended family. Almost every Samoan has a relative overseas and money sent back home helps to subsidize the socio-economic needs of the relatives. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The concept of a “right to the truth” gives the families of victims of serious human rights violations an independent enforceable right to learn the truth about what happened to their relatives. The right is rooted in those provisions of international human rights conventions that prohibit inhuman treatment and guarantee effective access to justice. This article traces the evolution of this concept, considers whether it has a correlation in international criminal law and considers some of the synergies that are created as the concept of the right to know continues to evolve as a principle of international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Revelations concerning global surveillance of mass communications data have clearly illustrated the paucity of legal regulation in this area. Surveillance almost inevitably engages the right to privacy but such is the notoriously nebulous nature of privacy, particularly on an international scale, that it fails to provide sufficient safeguards against state abuses of surveillance capacity. In the face of national security concerns privacy appears to be routinely relegated to being an inconvenient obstacle. The capacity of the United States and the United Kingdom to carry out surveillance on an enormous scale has highlighted not only the inadequacies of their own domestic regulatory frameworks but also the ease with which, through modern communications technology, unfettered global surveillance can take place. This article analyses these issues and further considers the normative international regulatory framework that should apply to surveillance if it is to take place according to the rule of law and demo... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The European Union has also been negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) countries. This group is composed of seven regions: five in Africa, one in the Caribbean and one in the Pacific. Most recently, a deal w'as reached in July 2014 with 16 West African states and in October 2014 with the East African community. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. The vertical dashed lines indicate the 25th, the median and the 75th percentiles of the underlying distribution of inequality. These comprise the combination of technical skills, business management skills and personal skills required for starting up and operating in business and self-employment. They include, for example, opportunity recognition, team building, negotiation, strategy development, communication, decision making, risk management, financial planning, marketing and the ability to motivate and mentor. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The share of children under the age of 3 enrolled in ECEC is on the rise in most countries and has increased on average from 25% to 31% between 2010 and 2016 (Table B2.1b). This is particularly marked in many European countries, as a result of further stimulus by the 2010 objectives set by the European Union (EU) at its Barcelona meeting (to supply subsidised full-day places for one-third of children under the age of 3 by 2010) (OECD, 2017(4]). More globally, the rise in ECEC provision over the last decades has greatly contributed to the increase in women’s participation in the labour force, particularly for mothers with children under age 3. Countries with higher enrolment rates of children under age 3 in 2016 tend to be those in which the employment rates of mothers are highest ([OECD, 2018,1]] [OECD, 2018(7]], Figure B2.1). In countries such as Norway, for instance, not only do more than half of the children below age 3 attend ECEC services, but they also attend programmes integrated within the education system from below age 1 until the beginning of primary school. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""Beyond policy development and coordination, there is a lack of understanding on what alignment with the """"well below two-degree"""" target actually means in different sectors - where to invest and where NOT to invest (to avoid lock-in). It is important to notethat this challenge is equally relevant for developed and developing countries, and should be addressed as an integral part of the international process of NDC refinement and ratcheting up. The private sector has been encouraged to set """"science-based targets"""" to help create this alignment."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, even in the absence of formal and rigorous assessments of reform, evidence of positive developments or disappointment are still available. The cases of Israel, Alberta, Canada, New Mexico, United States and South Africa illustrate positive, mixed or disappointing results. While the shortage of water remains the key issue in the water sector, and the need to manage the reservoirs between dry and wet seasons and years is the top priority for those responsible for the water sector, authorities have been given enhanced tools to cope with the challenge. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Entrepreneurship activities at early stages in colleges. Discrepancies in public investment in infrastructure and support. One of the most innovative examples to approach local development is the European Union LEADER programme which provides tools for bottom-up capacity building and assessment (see Box 4.6.). Since 1991, the LEADER initiative has had three different editions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The NBSAP included an action plan for reaching targets set for 2010. The main foci of the actions are species oriented conservation measures, protected areas, restoration of degraded habitats, actions oriented towards invasive alien species, genetic resources, genetically modified organisms. Also, actions related to information, education and public relations regarding biological diversity were included. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It thus permits identifying “gainers” and “losers” of policy reforms. The advantage of the simulation is that it can hold “everything else” constant (unemployment levels, market-income inequality, household composition, etc.), For instance, it can show whether families at the bottom, middle and top of the income distribution are now better or worse off than they would have been with unchanged policies. This leads to “automatic” changes in redistribution mechanisms, if no policy action is taken (OECD, 2008b). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 However, there is no systematic and institutionalised transmission of individual attendance records from schools to social services which could help youth overcome any barriers to school attendance or offer alternative education or training options. The co-ordination between schools and social services is crucial for preventing school drop-out, and may vary significantly across communities. While co-ordination is often easier in small communities than in large cities, it can be difficult in remote areas where providers and schools are far apart (see the section on co-ordination at the end of the chapter). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Starting from the position that officer accountability is a core value of American constitutionalism, this article reassesses MARBURY V. MADISON in light of the indictable acts connected to the nondelivery of Marbury’s commission. First, it reads Chief Justice Marshall’s opinion against the background of personal and political hostility among the principals, including between Marbury and President Jefferson. Second, it identifies avenues of further redress open to Marbury before and after the Supreme Court’s refusal of the mandamus order, and it considers why they were not pursued. Finally, having identified alternative procedural traditions on which Marshall could have drawn, and reviewed decisions by state and federal judges in analogous suits against officers, it concludes that MARBURY'S deepest contribution was to elevate the principle of jurisdiction over the imperative of remedy in constitutional decision making. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This essay reviews Dennis Baker's Not Quite Supreme: The Courts and Coordinate Constitutional Interpretation (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010). Baker's book should surprise those legal scholars too keen to dismiss coordinate constitutionalism as irrelevant or misdirected. While Baker’s ultimate claim may fall short, his book offers an intriguing account of Canada’s constitutional separation of powers and hints at the productive possibilities of coordinate interpretation. Baker’s Not Quite Supreme may not quite convince but it nonetheless contributes important ideas to the ongoing debate among disciplines about democracy, judicial review, and the Charter. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The PPA also commissioned KEMA International in 2012 to undertake a study to quantify the power system energy losses in southern Pacific utilities, which included all the Commonwealth Pacific small states except Vanuatu (PPA and KEMA 2012). Following on from the recently completed Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme, which aimed to increase the importation and sale of more energy efficient appliances, the Pacific Efficient Lighting Strategy (PELS) is being implemented to assist in the Pacific’s transition to high efficiency and environmentally sound lighting by 2020. The projected electricity savings are over 2,100 gigawatt hours, with associated fuel import savings of about 720 million litres and emission savings of 1.9-2.0 metric ton equivalent carbon dioxide. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 La extension de las politicas sociales de igualdad de genero en tiempos de austeridad (Espana, 1999-2007)”, draft research report [online] cont/descargas/documento3359.pdf. Journal of European Social Policy, vol. Politico y Sociedad, vol. Lessons from Scandinavia”, Political Science Quarterly, vol. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Living with two cohabiting parents' refers to situations where a child lives in a household with two adults that are considered parents and these parents are not married to each other. ' Living with a single parent' refers to situations where a child lives in a household with only one adult that is considered a parent. ' Other' refers to a situation where the child lives in a household where no adult is considered a parent.. Source: OECD Family Database, SF1.2 Children in families. In some countries (Belgium, Sweden, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden) half or more of the total poor children live in a single-parent family. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For young people, the decisions they make about what and where to study, both within and following periods of compulsory education, have become both more important and more difficult to make. The purpose of career guidance is to enable young people to make what are good education and career decisions for them now and in their future as well. In the absence of reliable and trustworthy information and support which good career guidance should provide, such decisions become more difficult, with personal and social costs often displayed in skills mismatches and unsatisfactory employment prospects. Over recent years, the significance of career guidance services has grown. Rapid economic and educational change has led to school-to-work transitions which are now longer and more complex. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Ethnicity is a form of social solidarity. Its distinct feature is the understanding of commonality in terms of shared descent, culture, and the symbolic valorization of “ancestral land.” More broadly, sociologists have characterized it as a subjectively experienced sense of belonging and a mode of creating social groups by drawing boundaries. Ethnicity takes its strength from the emotional commitments people forge in their everyday interactions, and demonstrates its organizational force in shaping categorical identities on the basis of similarity and difference – “us” and “them.” Keywords: cultural diversity, cross-cultural, anthropology, ethnic conflict, ethnocentrism, identity politics, transnationalism - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article examines the role of states in Kantian cosmopolitanism and seeks to clarify the relationship between the rights of states and the concept of cosmopolitan law. The argument is made that states play an important role within Kantian theory, but that the concept of absolute sovereignty is also ultimately rejected. The article examines the Kantian argument for domestic right, international right and cosmopolitan right, and provides an alternative view of these conceptions against the argument that Kantianism involves the removal of states and the creation of an overarching global government. It establishes that Kantian cosmopolitanism provides a normative ethical global order without the existence of a world government. From this discussion, the relevance of Kantian cosmopolitanism is also examined in relation to contemporary International Relations theory. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Information collected in a new OECD questionnaire allows for a comparison between anticipated and realised spending during 2010 (Figure 1.10, Panels A and B).18 Actual spending turned out to be lower than anticipated in a considerable number of countries. These unanticipated declines in expenditures probably reflect in significant part the fact that unemployment rose less than had been expected in some countries, as well as the rapid decline in STW enrolments in countries such as Germany, where the economic recovery was relatively quick and strong. Lower than anticipated take-up of new or existing initiatives (or a slower unfolding of new initiatives than first foreseen) may also have been a factor. Anticipated improvements in labour market conditions probably play a large role in explaining why one-half or more of the countries expect spending on unemployment and STW benefits, as well as job subsidies, to fall and significant minorities expect all other spending categories to fall. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! It can be used to cover one consultation and one follow-up visit for: counselling, family planning, pregnancy testing, antenatal care, treatment of sexually transmitted infections, or any combination of services. The programme also trained clinic staff in counselling for adolescents, issues of adolescent sexuality, and identifying and addressing sexual abuse (Muewissen, 2006). Through a network of 5,000 peer counsellors, Gera^ao Biz provides non-judgmental, confidential information and services to Mozambique’s youth. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! ""There is no national legislation corresponding to the Good Samaritan Law principle in Sweden. The provisions states that prepacked foods labeled with """"best before date"""" or """"use by date"""" and which are not re-packed due to, for example, damages on the wrapping, must not be re-labeled with a later date. If prepacked foods labeled with """"best before date"""" or """"use by date"""" is treated in a way that extends its life it is allowed to relabel with a later date. If the foodstuff is deep frozen this must be done before the foodstuff is transferred to a premise that sells the foodstuff directly to consumers."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The way in which the poverty gap index is calculated takes into account the difference between the mean income of the poor sector of the population and the poverty line (weighted by the percentage of poor people), while the poverty gap squared also takes into consideration the way in which income is distributed among the poor. This indicates that, in addition to the decrease in the poverty rate in those countries, there was also a further improvement in the poverty' gap and in income distribution among the poor. The discrepancy is due basically to the fact that the price deflator used by tire Institute to adjust the indigence line —which reflects the variation in the prices of the specific products that make up the basic consumption basket— rose less than the deflator used by ECLAC, which reflects changes in food inflation and is therefore composed differently. The discrepancy is due to minor methodological differences related to the calculation of aggregate income and the value of the lines used. The Dominican Republic w'as the only countries in which the supplementary' indicators pointed to a divergence from the trend in the poverty rate, but this is not surprising, given how small the changes were (see box 1.3 and figure 1.2). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 No conveyance facilities are involved in the Feather River service area and no pumping is required. Hence, the contracting districts in that area are charged only for capital repayment and operations, maintenance, and rehabilitation. Substantial conveyance and pumping are required in delivering water to coastal and southern portions of the state. Irrigators would also be required to pay the operation, maintenance, and capital replacement costs of their local water agencies. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Voluntary repatriation, the most common solution, may be promoted through “go and see” visits, education, legal aid and family reunification, along with development programmes in returnee areas prioritizing health care and infrastructure. Measures to promote local integration may include granting refugees freedom of movement and access to the labour market and to basic services. Successful resettlement of refugees in third countries can be facilitated by providing cultural orientation, language and vocational training and access to education and employment. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! ""While many provide for gender equality, some specifically recognize women’s land, housing and property rights. 402).The 2008 Constitution of Ecuador, as amended in 2011, provides that """"the State shall guarantee equal rights and equal opportunity to men and women in access to property and decision-making in the management of their common marital estate"""" (art. In Brazil, the 1988 Constitution and Law 8629 of 1993 state that both women and men, regardless of their marital status, can be allocated property rights or concessions under the agrarian reform, either individually or jointly."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 And in spite of the absence of a competition law, investors do not appear to complain about having to compete against well-established domestic incumbents - a complaint heard in many other countries in the region, such as the Philippines (OECD, 2016). This is also attested by investor surveys and interviews conducted as part of this review where concerns were raised about weak public institutions and policy uncertainty. Cambodia is ranked 135th out of 190 countries in 2018 in the World Bank’s Doing Business indicators, slipping three notches from the previous edition. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This may be sssas the issue of a formal written notce, a targeted support ultimately dismissal if not achieved. Australia: Australia is a federation of eight states and territories. There are differences in school leader appraisal systems between states and territories and also between public (government) and private (non-government) schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The labour-intensive activities in the livelihood strategies of the poor include unpaid family labour, piece-rate work and own-account work in a myriad of informal small-scale trade, services and manufacturing enterprises (Whitehead, 2005, Chen and others, 2005). While these activities provide a living for a major proportion of the world’s working poor, they are rarely visible in official statistics. Long-standing inequalities in the gender distribution of resources have placed women at a disadvantage relative to men in their capability to participate in and benefit from broader processes of development. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Today, there are 18 hunting farms (four more licences have been issued to fishing farms) but they do not operate effectively and only some of them have approved extraction quotas. It is thought that the trout has been affected the most. However, detailed study of this issue has not been carried out recently. Illegal fishing on the migration routes of species such as sturgeon, together with the dams constructed along those routes, is also a big problem for the survival of these species. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! The disparities in industrial productivity between rich and poor nations remain stark. For instance, MVA per capita was only $114 in LDCs compared to $4,938 in Europe and Northern America, in 2018. With a relatively small amount of capital investment and a predominantly local resource base, small-scale industries generate a substantial amount of employment and self-employment. However, one of the biggest challenges those industries face is access to loans or lines of credit for everyday business activities. Adequate financing is crucial for those industries to grow, since it allows them to innovate, improve efficiency, expand to new markets and create new job opportunities. While 31.5 per cent of small-scale industries (manufacturing and services) worldwide benefit from loans or lines of credit, regional differences stand out. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""There are very few economically valuable forests in the karst region (about 22,000 ha) of which only 3,617 ha are accessible in high forests. According to the Law on Forests, karst is managed on the basis of a long-term, 10-year programme of management. In order to develop forestry in the area of karst, as well as to improve the condition of the forest fund, a special organizational unit, the """"Centre for management of the karst"""" was established at the Public Enterprise """"Sume RS"""" in Trebinje. The work of this Centre is based primarily on raising new cultures and providing maximum protection of the forest fund in the karst areas."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Outcome of the 5th ITU symposium on ICTs, the environment and climate change. Available at yww,tpxialjn_k,qrg/art-yiew.php?id=134 (Accessed on July 29, 2011). Article titled 'Digital Dump'dated July 25,2011. Extended Producer Responsibility in a non-OECD context: The management of waste and electronic equipment in India at page 1. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 A major focus within the modern bioethics debate has been on reshaping power relationships within the doctor-patient relationship. Empowerment of the vulnerable has been achieved through an emphasis on human rights and respect for individual dignity. However, power imbalances remain pervasive within healthcare. To a considerable extent this relates to insufficient attention to social injustice. Such power imbalances together with the development of new forms of power, for example through new genetic biotechnology, raise the spectre of increasing social injustice. Attention will be drawn to the need to extend the bioethics debate to include ethical considerations regarding public health. Changes in political philosophy will also be required to reshape international power relations and improve population health. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Fiscal incentives should be announced and guaranteed for a couple of years in advance. They could theoretically be financed through a surcharge on energy consumption, which adjusts automatically to the amount of support paid. These measures are likely to increase stability and reduce regulatory risk. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Regionalverband emphasises its greater closeness to municipalities and better knowledge of details, claiming priority of regional over state planning. A Mediation Committee has been created to consolidate differing views. The Mediation Committee consists of ten members, appointed in equal number by the Regional Assembly and the Regionalverband. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 * School of Law, University of Manchester. 1 SW v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Adjudicator’s questions) Somalia [2005] UKIAT00037, para. 20. The Immigration Appeal Tribunal, the independent judicial tribunal in the UK with responsibility for determining appeals against initial asylum decisions of the Immigration and Nationality Directorate, was renamed as the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in April 2005. See further R. Thomas, “Evaluating Tribunal Adjudication: Administrative Justice and Asylum Appeals”, Legal Studies 25/3 (2005) pp. 462–498. Most, though not all, Tribunal determinations referred to below may be accessed from its website . 2 C. Blake, “Judging Asylum and Immigration Claims: The Human Rights Act and the Refugee Convention”, Public Money & Management 21/3 (2001) pp. 25, 27. Assessing the Credibility of Asylum Claims: EU and UK Approaches Examined - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These governments placed greater emphasis on growth and on State intervention in the economy. For a discussion of some of the features of this period of economic recovery in the region and in the changes in course plotted by these governments, see Machines and Hopenhayn (2005) and Lustig (2009). The rise in feminization was, in most cases, coupled with reductions in labour intensity (number of hours per week), which indicates that underemployment continues to be the main option for women who wish to work. A slowdown in the increase of this segment of the labour supply may therefore be signalling a substitution of activities in the home that help to support an economic recovery, although the increasing presence of women (relative to their non-entry) is a positive development that plays an important role in economic growth and in their personal situations. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Business R&D is therefore particularly relevant to such upgrading and to encouraging innovation, and thus to development. In developing countries, by contrast, firms' involvement in formal innovation is mixed. While firms are heavily engaged in innovation activities in some developing countries - such as China, the Republic of Korea and Singapore - the share of business R&D to total R&D expenditure in developing regions is far below the world average of 65.9 per cent: 38.3 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa, 35.2 per cent in Asia-Pacific and 32.2 per cent in Latin America in 2011. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2016). While there were 1,098 researchers per 1 millbn inhabitants in 2014 gbbally, the corresponding figures for LDCs and sub-Saharan Africa were 63.4 and 87.9 per 1 million, respectively. A related indicator is the share of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates in tertiary education."""""" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""Ecosystems"""" marginal contribution to the final service is valued. In ecosystem accounting a distinction is made between replacement cost (of a particular ecosystem service) and restoration cost (of an ecosystem asset and its bundle of ecosystem services). Values can either be transferred using unit value transfer methods or more advanced function-based transfers (e.g. based on meta-analysis of the literature)."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Challenges such as the cost of fuel and poor state of roads result in delays, which present a significant problem for effective treatment. Unless the trends change, dozens of countries will miss the mark by a wide margin (see Figures 1.5 and 1.6). South Asia will not achieve the neonatal target until 2049 and sub-Saharan Africa will reach it after mid-century.84 The average annual rate of reduction in neonatal mortality required for India to reach the target is almost double the current level. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Ministry of Health, for example, should better prioritise annual performance objectives for the health care insurance/provision arm of the CCSS, as occurs in other health systems with similar institutional configurations (OECD, 2015a, 2016c). Any recasting of the relationship between central government and the CCSS should preserve the operational flexibility that the CCSS already has. Two distinct aspects are critical here. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Both RBC and CSR (beyond philanthropy ) aim to promote the same idea - that businesses should consider the impact of their activities not just on the company itself. The OECD-FAO have also developed Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains and the OECD is currently working on RBC in the financial sector and developing guidance on Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector. Accessed 20 June 2016). Accessed 20 June 2016). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Experience indicates that in the longer term sustainable resource use and technological progress help decoupling economic growth, increases in resource consumption and environmental degradation. It has a bearing on decisions cutting across many policy areas, ranging from economy, trade, innovation and technology development, to natural resource and environmental management, and to human health. It is understood to contain both a quantitative dimension (e.g. the quantity of output produced with a given input of natural resources) and a qualitative dimension (e.g. the environmental impacts per unit of output produced with a given natural resource input). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Among low-skilled workers, a high minimum wage and strict employment protection pose a barrier to employment, and the public employment services and training systems are still underdeveloped. Expanding childcare, promoting a more flexible labour market and strengthening education and skills policies, among others, would make the labour market more inclusive. Chile is one of the few OECD countries where unemployment rates are now lower than at the start of the crisis (Figure 1.1). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This paper reveals why the issue of transforming the system of lifelong learning towards an ‘inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning’ (United Nations, 2006, p. 16), due to national ratifications of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), cuts right to the core of democratic societies and national policy agendas. Following the socio-spatial works by Low (2001, 2008), the example of the German lifelong learning arena serves to illustrate the benefit of spatial theory in the adult education discourse. Empirical findings of a qualitative research design allow insights into how access to a place of learning is interpreted and organised by adult education professionals. It opens up an understanding of who gains access to public adult education institutions and, imperatively, why access is not merely a pedagogical issue, but a negotiation of citizenship and politics and is, thus, of a genuine political nature. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The introduction of a liberal media model built on freedom of expression, non-regulation, and free market in Post-Communist Mongolia has lead to a plethora of new media outlets. In a context of external pluralism, the media are key players in dramatic political, social, and cultural changes in Mongolian society. However, due to violations of media freedom, lack of ethical standards as well as market failures in a media market marred with clientelism, the Mongolian media have neither lived up to the ideals of liberal media theory nor been driving forces in the ongoing democratization process. Instead, private and public media, in an unholy alliance, appear more like a lapdog in the service of the political and financial establishment than like a watchdog. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Currently, about 45 percent of the world population lives in urban areas, by 2050, the population in urban areas is expected to increase to 66 percent (UN, World Urbanization Prospect, 2014). Rising incomes will lead to changing dietary patterns: consumers will reduce their intake of traditional staples such as rice, and spend more on other cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables, they are also likely to eat more meat and dairy products. Asia has little arable land available for expansion. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It has been demonstrated in diffusion theory that early technology adopters are generally those who can elicit the higher returns of a given innovation. Conversely, network externalities would tend to diminish over time because those effects would not be as strong for late adopters. They found that 10 per cent broadband penetration has a significant impact on GDP per capita: between 0.9 and 1.5 percentage points. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Three assumptions were used for each variable (low, medium and high). The medium assumption refers to the central assumptions used in the model. Under the low assumption scenario, both the estimated volume of services per treated case and health price inflation were reduced by 20%, and under the high assumption scenario, both variables were assumed to be 20% greater. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, people with diabetes work fewer hours on average (Pelkowski et al., Women aged 50 to 59 years old who suffer from two or more chronic diseases, however, are one-third less likely to be in employment than those with none, while men with two or more chronic diseases are only a quarter less likely to be in work than men with none (OECD/EC, 2016). Work can affect health, although the empirical evidence to that effect is mixed. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! At present, technical standards are often determined by Governments (unilaterally or through agreements among a reduced number of countries) or set by private companies. Wider participation of all parties in the setting of these standards, especially developing countries, should guarantee that the introduction of environmental standards (including through green labels and ecological footprint certificates) will not become a means of practising unfair trade protectionism. The Montreal Protocol process through which the substances to be banned and the pace of their elimination were identified may serve as an example in this regard. Inadequate financing has been consistently identified by developing countries as the greatest obstacle to their rapid adoption of clean technologies (figure 0.4). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! However, in many regions and countries, economic growth has not been inclusive enough to provide employment and income-earning opportunities for the poor. For instance, in developing regions, children living in rural areas are almost twice as likely to be underweight than children in urban households (ibid.). Therefore, economic growth should generate demand for the assets controlled by the poor (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012b), in particular the rural poor. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Citizens can receive important information influencing their daily decisions. Conversely, cities can use the Internet to give a voice and listen to their inhabitants through online platforms for citizen participation, electronic voting, online surveys and social networks. Active involvement may in turn may influence the decision-making of municipal governments and enhance the city's democratic processes. For example, Toronto is engaging its citizens through the TransformTO project which invites residents and businesses to imagine the transformative changes needed to create a more prosperous, healthy, equitable and sustainable city (City of Toronto, 20166). Knowledge cities need to make communication fully interactive, rather than just two-way, to result in a win-win beneficial relationship. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The third sector (religious, charitable and other non-governmental bodies) also plays an important role in providing some aspects of health and social care. The national junta (committee) for social protection dates back to 1845 and uses income from its national lottery' to fund a variety of health promotion programmes, palliative care programmes, drug and alcohol treatment programmes and support for disabled people and the elderly, amongst other things. This is particularly true of die hospital sector. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Energy sector regulation is controlled by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). However, no large-scale sites have yet been exploited, with the planned Amaila Falls project remaining under review (GEA 2015b, The Economist 2013). Solar is seen to be a viable option to bring cheaper electricity to Guyana’s hinterland. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The challenge for countries in the South is to ensure equity in access to health and education services and basic quality standards to prevent a dual-track service industry that provides low-quality public services (or none at all) to the poor and higher quality private services to the rich. Poor people have no alternatives to a public system, while wealthier people can pay for private services. Such dynamics entrench inequalities, reduce social integration and undermine sustainable human development. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! N02 concentrations are in general caused by local emissions and thus easier to control by local authorities. Such a source-based approach will also give a quick insight in the options that profit from co-benefits with other policy areas, such as climate/energy, noise, health and traffic/urban planning. Two key measures are reducing local coal and biomass burning to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gases, and reducing congestion to improve mobility, improve air quality and reduce noise. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""For rural and indigenous peoples, local knowledge informs decision-making about fundamental aspects of day-to-day life. This knowledge is integral to a cultural complex that also encompasses language, systems of classification, resource use practices, social interactions, ritual and spirituality."""" The knowledge documented through citizen science, on the other hand, is typically in the form of distinct, closely defined data, from individual observations by interested citizens who have little or no connection with land management, which are then merged and analysed within a scientific framework [Tunon et al, 2015). They provide practical actions that enable the approaches to be implemented and that guide the appropriate inclusion of ILK from indigenous peoples, local communities and experts in assessment processes and outcomes."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Many people feel insecure in their homes and communities. One billion girls and boys ages 2-17 worldwide experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence in the prior year, according to one study.94 Some 25 percent of children suffer physical abuse, and nearly 20 percent of girls are sexually abused at least once in their life.95 Elder abuse remains a hidden problem:96 10 percent of older adults were abused in the prior month.97 Homicide is also a major social concern. Physical security and freedom from the threat of violence were particular concerns among female respondents (box 2.7). For women, real or perceived physical and emotional violence is a major barrier to meeting their full human potential and feeling free to move about. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Since the fall of the Iron Curtain and the subsequent evaporation of the Communist threat, at the beginning of 1990s, scholars have shifted their attention to the threatening role of non-state criminal actors. The inter-linkages between organised crime, terrorism, corruption and politics have been depicted by the post Cold War security discourse as significant obstacles to democratic processes, security and stability at the national regional and global levels. Motivated by theoretical considerations, this article provides an overview of the conceptual underpinnings of existing research on the crime-terror nexus and attempts to synthesise existing theories. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It has to be noted that rape in Nepal is still largely not considered as violence against women but rather as something for which women are to be blamed.49 Thus, people do not want to marry a returnee who has certainly been Arabi le bhyayeko (already used by an Arab). On top of this, they are also putting their efforts into advising prospective migrants on safe migration and preventing trafficking and exploitation. Janaki decided to migrate to escape domestic violence, after she was forced into marriage when she was only 13 years old. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Similarly, the use of cluster and supply chain development policies is limited and the idea of using US-style “challenge funding” to encourage the attainment of specific social and technological goals (Hicks, 2016) is not applied. Finally, there appears to be little use of regulations or norms as ways to stimulate innovation. Adopting the third-generation “societal challenge” approach discussed previously would necessitate the use of some of these demand-side instruments in the context of a common programme affecting demand as well as supply. Leaving that possibility aside, however, there is clearly space to explore innovation policy opportunities on the demand side in order to complement the weight of existing activity on the supply side. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This is particularly true for individuals working in less innovative sectors and/or living in less innovative regions that suffer from multiple factors of disadvantage (e.g. low skills, low income), as they are less able to move to more innovative activities. For example, between 20% and 65% of total R&D activities take place in the top 20% regions within countries, depending on the country. These regions also concentrate around 30% of tertiary-educated workers and about half of patent applications of their respective countries (Figure 4). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Grammy and Assane (2006) showed that improvement in income distribution was the key channel for poverty reduction. Using data on sixty-six developing countries over the periods 1970-1979, 1980-1989 and 1990-1998, they noted that growth accompanied by improved distribution worked better than either growth or distribution alone, and that provision of civil liberties and political rights enabled people to participate more actively in reducing poverty. Conversely, poverty-reduction efforts have been observed to falter in countries with large inequalities, weak growth or inadequate social protection programmes (Fosu, 2011, Besley and Burgess, 2003, White and Anderson, 2001, Bruno, Ravallion and Squire 1996). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Factors that affect demand include the difficulties in accessing financial services through traditional rural channels, the scarce and inadequate supply of available products, and the users' limited entrepreneurial and financial skills. This opens up the possibility of offering non-real-estate collateral, although progress in the creation of centralized registers is uneven. In addition, most countries are taking steps to digitize public transfers and payments, which reduces administrative costs and encourages the use of financial instruments. At the macro level, the five countries recognize that a comprehensive financial inclusion strategy requires the coordination of public policies that go beyond the regulation and supervision of the financial system, including monetary, financial, productive development, and rural and territorial development policies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As long as all abstraction licences have a sustainable basis, there is then the potential for greater trading and economic benefit from more efficient use. There is also work in hand by the Environment Agency, which is taking a more strategic approach to the long-term water demands of the agriculture sector and energy generation so as to drive a more integrated approach to resource management across the water-food-energy nexus. The use of scenario planning, and the development of a compelling case for change, will ensure that legislative and regulatory changes are made in good lime to allow a transition to a more flexible and dynamic regime. There is a significant future risk to the Dutch economy if water is not well managed during drought periods and the impacts of salinity are not addressed in a timely manner. Agriculture is only one area that would benefit from an environment where water has a value and there is flexibility to allow users to respond according to their needs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 I want to claim the right to look. This claim is, neither for the first nor the last time, for a right to the real. It might seem an odd request after all that we have seen in the first decade of the twenty-first century on old media and new, from the falling of the towers, to the drowning of cities, and to violence without end. The right to look is not about merely seeing. It begins at a personal level with the look into someone else’s eyes to express friendship, solidarity, or love. That look must be mutual, each inventing the other, or it fails. As such, it is un-representable. The right to look claims autonomy, not individualism or voyeurism, but the claim to a political subjectivity and collectivity: “the right to look. The invention of the other.” - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The strongly growing international market for e.g. wood energy pellets supports this development and major investments are made in both supply lines and conversion capacity that relies on globally traded biomass resources. Given that large scale deployment of second generation biofuels, that could compete with oil prices around 70 U$/barrel, is expected to kick in before 2020, there is a major opportunity for the forest sector. Current expanding markets for biomass for producing heat and power could gradually be complemented by cultivated biomass from perennial cropping system and deliver the feedstock to the new biorefineries that produce 2nd generation biofuels. A clear message presented in a neutral manner that allows the public to make appropriate distinctions depending on the relevant specific issues and challenges, including forest area, biodiversity and damages, for various geographic contexts, i.e. local forests, European forests, forests worldwide. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Some 50 customs officers received basic training in the identification of GMOs, but have no access to facilities or equipment for their detection. The country has no certified laboratory to identify GMOs. It is, simultaneously, struggling with the challenge to ensure the more effective management of already-designated protected areas. All eight protected area categories are to a certain extent represented in the current system of protected areas. According to the Management Plan for the Tigrovaya Balka state nature reserve for 2012-2016, the area of this reserve, previously encompassing 49,786 ha, was extended in 2011 by an additional 12,462 ha of the Dzhilikulsky, Kabadiyansky and Kumsangirsky districts, and currently amounts to 62,248 ha. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This may also force the use of still costly energy sources. In particular, investments in additional fossil fuel pow'er plants will be needed to complement the intermittent energy production from RES. These investments will have to be supported as they may not be profitable in the long run. Contrary to RES, fossil fuel power plants do not have priority access to the electricity grid and would only sell their production at the margin when RES will not be sufficient to satisfy demand. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In Portugal, the Regional Health Authorities and the Central Administration for the Health System produce annual reports showing the results achieved by FHU and traditional primary health care centres. Invariably, FHU achieve better access to care, and clinical performance and higher efficiency. For example, recent data from 2013 show that hypertensive patients and diabetics are better controlled by USF than traditional health care centres. Nonetheless, in Portugal as in other voluntary P4P schemes, the influence of self-selection should not be discounted. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 These results were related to shifts in power and changes in norms, often in relation to traditional practices. An example is the establishment of villages free of female genital mutilation. Transformative outcomes generally emerge from a change process that has several stages, moving from awareness raising, to attitude change, to change in behaviour and rules, often accompanied by institutionalization of a new norm (as described in the Gender@Work framework). In such cases, UNDP was one actor among many that contributed to the end result. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Then came World War I and later World War II which, in addition to causing enormous human suffering, devastated buildings and infrastructure and depleted forests across Europe. The Second Annual Conference of FAO, held at Copenhagen in September 1946, recommended that an international conference should examine the urgent problem of lumber supplies in Europe. Lumber was essential for the reconstruction of countries devastated by the war, and there were clear indications that the timber shortage might produce a major social, economic, and political crisis. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Declining oil revenue and a further cut in corporate income tax rates constrained revenue collection. For South-East Asia, total tax revenues as a share of GDP ranged between 12.4% in Indonesia and 19.6% in Thailand in 2013.20 While the “optimum” tax-to-GDP ratio would depend on a number of factors - such as a country’s preference for public goods, the availability of non-tax revenues and the structural characteristics of the economy - by all accounts, there seems to be room for increasing tax revenues in a number of countries. For instance, it was found in a study that Indonesia’s potential tax-to-GDP ratio is approximately 4-5 percentage points higher than the actual level (ESCAP, 2014a). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Surveillance of cities is a major topic in contemporary urban sociology and criminology. Both threats to personal safety and new forms of social control such as video surveillance or the deployment of private security are seen as a menace for the traditional public character of the European city. On the one hand, surveillance can endanger anonymity in public places and access to public places as the two main characteristics of public space. On the other hand, personal fear of street crime also inhibits free access to public spaces. Otherwise the public discourse of a general decay of public space seems to be curtate. The dialectic between public and private sphere is a complex constitutional factor of European cities, and privatisation of public spaces, for example, implies more than just a legal transformation of a geographically restricted territory. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 According to calculations by the Ministry of Health, patient co-payment levels (calculated for reimbursable drugs only) could be reduced from 32% at present to 18%, if patients were always dispensed the cheapest generic dmg. With the 2011 Act on reimbursement of drugs, pharmacists no longer have any financial incentives to dispense the more expensive drugs, as the mark-ups are equal within the same substance group. Figure 16 shows how heterogeneous the size of PHI markets is across countries. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In 2014 the largest media companies in Denmark were Egmont, Aller, DR, and TCD Television (Nordicom 2015a). In Denmark, people listen to the radio for approximately 2 hours per day on average (Nordicom 2015a). Compared to the other Nordic countries the Danes ranked second in the time spent listening to radio.6 DR started broadcasting television in 1951 and now DR operates two television networks funded by licence fees. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The first component of the 2008 ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework is labelled Emergency/Shortage Relief and focuses on stability, including food assistance programmes, diversification and the ASEAN Plus Three (ASEAN+3) Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR). A portfolio of measures to deal with risks should include policies that are effective and efficient across different scenarios of food security threats. In essence, this means managing a whole set of threats in order to stabilise food security whilst at the same time not compromising efforts to improve chronic levels of food insecurity. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In the most recent DPR, AAFC identified the percentage of farms in Canada which have a formal EFPs and the percentage of farms taking action on their EFPs as performance indicators. Results are made available to the public through the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. The programme aims to support 2 billion litres of ethanol production and 500 million litres of biodiesel production. The programme expires in 2017. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The driving force behind this increase will be a combination of rising incomes and urbanisation, interlinked with the expansion of fish production, and improved distribution channels. However, the pace of this increase will slow in particular in the second half of the outlook period, when fish starts to become more expensive in comparison with meat. Overall, per capita apparent fish food consumption will increase by 0.5% p.a. Apparent fish consumption will remain static or decreasing in Japan (-5%, from 52.8 kg to 49.9 kg), in Canada (-7%), in selected Latin American countries and in Africa (-5%), in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Recent ITC findings show that a 1% increase in the budget of trade and investment promotion organizations raises export growth by 0.03 to 0.08%. Regarding exports, TIPOs tend to encourage the dynamic side of exports, such as new products or markets, more than volume. The measured ability of institutions to provide appropriate market support abroad seems to be positively linked with the survival rate of exporters. More specifically, a 10% increase in spending on new exporters, without increasing the total budget, leads to a 4.6% rise in the number of exporters per destination. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Poland has by far the highest shares of generic drugs market penetration in the OECD (Figure 15), representing 75% in volume terms and 58% in value, which contributes to the comparatively low price of drugs (in Purchasing Power Parity terms) (OECD, 2008a). They then provide the cheaper drug on patients’ request. However, in practice, these obligations are rarely met. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 While cannabis is the drug most abused by both men and women in terms of annual prevalence, cocaine is the second most frequent drug of abuse for men, whereas for women cannabis is followed closely by the misuse of tranquillizers, with cocaine coming a distant third. Experts in South America perceive an increase in cocaine use in the region, which is considered to be driven by increased abuse in Brazil. The rise in abuse of smokable cocaine has been receiving particular attention from national authorities, with the annual prevalence of “crack” cocaine being estimated at 0.7 per cent in 2014. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The environmental conditions are predominantly caused by a specific system of exchange of waters with the Ionian Sea, the thresholds of Otranto and Palagruza separating the Adriatic Sea from the Ionian Sea and deeper South Adriatic from the shallower North Adriatic. Hence, there are three principal water masses in the Adriatic Sea: the Adriatic Surface Water, the Levantine Intermediate Water and the Adriatic Deep Water -every sub-basin has its own characteristic deep water. The small coastal area of Bosnia and Herzegovina is particularly vulnerable because of a very w'eak renewal of waters within Neum Bay (no river run-off, small tides, North-South-dominant winds and freshwater surges). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The accident underlined the importance of dam safety control, regardless the form of ownership. Another consequence of the ageing of water reservoirs is the increased volume of sediments, decreasing the operational volumes. Agriculture represents almost 99%* of water withdrawal in the Chu Basin, 94% in the Bolshoy Uzcn/Karaozcn, 90% in the Atrck, 89% in the Syr Darya, 85% in the Ili and 73% in the Talas Basin, just to mention a few examples in addition to the heavily affected downstream part of the Amu Darya. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 An earlier survey (Encuesta de Satisfaction al Usuario 2012-2013) found that users ranked hospital and outpatient care as “satisfactory.” Issues of geographical distribution as well as number and speciality of physicians have been persistent challenges in Costa Rica, and despite several work force planning initiatives, ensuring adequate supply of workforce remains challenging. However, the incentive has been insufficient to attract doctors to more distant localities, and is particularly problematic for specialists such as anaesthesiologists and ophthalmologists. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 What steps is the government taking to reduce barriers to entry for renewable energy providers? If so, how does the government ensure that it can accommodate an increase in renewable-energy based electricity generation? In some countries, however, access to long-term finance is constrained by shallow and illiquid financial markets. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The expected increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and high flow rates caused by climate change may cause re-suspension of pollutants stored in sediments. It is a serious concern, causing aquatic biodiversity loss in rivers, lakes and wetlands, hampering human use of the water (e.g. drinking water, recreation, fishing, swimming) and it can also affect human health (see below and Chapter 4 on biodiversity). Eutrophicating pollution originates from point sources (urban wastewater systems) and diffuse sources (mainly runoff from agricultural land). Each issue is discussed below. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article examines the evolution of middle power diplomacy on arms control during the Cold War. It argues that despite several attempts to influence major arms control negotiations, the structural constraints imposed by strict bipolarity—particularly during the early stages of the Cold War—limited the room for diplomatic manoeuvre by the small and medium-sized states. Factors such as the geographical voting groups within the United Nations system and the self-imposed discipline within traditional alliance structures typically restricted middle power initiatives on the important questions of international security such as arms control. Nonetheless, a number of efforts were made by leading middle powers such as Australia and Canada to progress the cause of arms control and significant policy ideas were at least canvassed during this time. The historical evidence shows that the middle powers were not innocent bystanders in the Cold War arms control debates, but whatever influence they had was ultimately s... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Such evidence has driven policy makers to design an early intervention and re-think their education spending patterns to gain “value for money”. At the same time, research emphasises that the benefits from early interventions are conditional on the level of “quality” of ECEC that children experience. Starting Strong III: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care has identified five policy levers that can encourage quality in ECEC, having positive effects on early child development and learning. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The United Nations deployed an array of humanitarian tools that coincided with this trend (the grant of temporary protection rather than permanent asylum, the creation of safe areas to reduce the likelihood of refugee flows or to encourage return, the authorization of military interventions in conflicts producing mass refugee flows, and cross-border delivery of assistance, sometimes with the use of the military, to at-risk populations) (Loescher, 2000: 54, Roberts, 1998: 375-376). First, policies aimed at preventing refugee flows coincided with the increasingly stringent nonentree policies of developed states noted above (Chimni, 1998). Second, there was greater willingness on the part of the international community to intervene in the internal affairs of sovereign states on humanitarian grounds, including where internal conflicts caused refugee flows. In what represented a significant extension of the international refugee regime beyond UNHCR, the Security Council in the post-Cold War period was prepared to be more assertive in characterizing refugee flows as a threat to regional and international security and thus a justification for action under Chapter VII of the UN Charter (Loescher, 2000: 54, Roberts, 1998: 383). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The result shows that the lower productivity of female-owned enterprises is due, in large part, to the fact that they are smaller, less capital intensive, and in sectors characterised by lower average productivity. Enterprises owned by women tend to make lower profits (around 4% less), even controlling for their size, capital intensity, age, and sector of activity (column 3). The women-owned companies included in ORBIS were slightly less likely (1.2% less) to experience an increase in the number of their employees between 2005 and 2009 (column 4). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These strategies establish the general direction that the United Kingdom takes in skills development, setting targets and introducing new policies and agencies to assist in achieving these targets. For instance, the Leitch Review (2006), which was tasked by British Government to address the UK’s long-term skill needs, cast a vision for the United Kingdom to become a “world leader in skills” by 2020, and established targets to enhance educational attainment. The Leitch Review also recommended the creation of a commission to co-ordinate skill needs assessment work and skill policy more generally, leading to the introduction of the UK Commission of Employment and Skills (UKCES) which replaced the former Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA) and the National Employment Panel (OECD, 2015). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is worth noting that the same indicators were 25 per cent in 2000 for Asia and the Pacific but decreased slightly since then, resulting in a total drop of 2 percentage points between 2000 and 2013. The value added per capita in Africa illustrates the level of development of manufacturing on the continent, tables 6.2 and 6.3 provide information on the two indicators during the period 2005-2015. When one takes into account population size, manufacturing value addition is low but rising, especially in West, East, Central and Southern Africa as a group. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The work is regarded as voluntary, and working conditions are casual.91 In the case of South Africa, the pay levels of ECEC workers do not allow them to move out of poverty. Sometimes ECEC workers enrol in training, topping up their incomes with the EPWP stipend. However, when the training ends, they have higher skills but the same remuneration as before 92 Poor worker remuneration is also common in ECEC programmes in other African countries, like those reviewed in Kenya95 and Nigeria. Improvements in national legislation in South Africa and Uruguay, and the ratification of the ILO’s Domestic Workers Convention (No. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The Netherlands is often considered an extreme example of individualism and multiculturalism, two factors that many politicians and social scientists consider to be the main causes for the alleged decline in citizenship. In this paper, we examine Dutch citizens' conceptions of citizenship to test these negative expectations. We found the fear that a modern, individualistic, and diverse citizenry only care for their own rights to be misplaced, citizens were willing to exert effort to uphold the society they live in. Their efforts, however, were conditional upon returns in terms of a responsive government and in improvements to their individual lives. Communitarian, local, and rather submissive notions of citizenship were deeply shared – with a liberal twist among many migrants. We also found that ‘nationalist’ republican notions of citizenship awaken latent uncertainties and divisions among citizens rather than creating ‘new’ unity. This imagination of citizenship leaves Dutch society wanting for the delib... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The MB is a variable transfer covering the gap between the GMI and the average per capita family income. Total household income includes net income of all household members from all sources, in cash as well as in kind.57 In addition to the variable MB, fixed transfers are granted to eligible families for the birth of a child and children up to the age of three. The MB is entirely financed from the republican budget. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The accumulation of sanctions is possible: natural or legal persons can be punished both for an administrative offence by the administrative authority and for a criminal offence by the courts. Slovakia’s criminal code includes one of the world’s most stringent penalties for water- and waste-related offences: imprisonment for up to eight years. However, such penalties are seldom applied in practice. If a fine was the only penalty imposed and the offender paid the fine, the offender is considered as not convicted. When a fine is imposed, the courts usually provide for an alternative prison sentence to ensure that the criminal act is still punished if the fine is not paid on time, a system of conversion of prison sentences into fines also exists. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In 1993-1994, those below the vulnerability line had constituted 81.9 per cent of the population. If other households experienced poverty or vulnerability in the interim, a large majority of the population lives in poverty or in its shadow. After all, the gap between the income that defines the extremely poor and that defining the vulnerable, Rs 11 per day, is approximately equivalent to the price of any of the following: a ticket in a municipal car park, half a litre of bottled water, a bus ride or a mini-sized snack from a street food vendor. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 On the whole, the less developed regions of the world still have young populations, a situation that is unlikely to change much before 2020, when ageing will become a more significant factor. Some of the larger emerging economies, however, are likely to be converging with OECD population-ageing profiles by mid-century. Projections for 2050 indicate that the share of those over 65 is heading for around 25% in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “China”) and 23% in Brazil and the Russian Federation, closely follow'ed by Argentina, Colombia and Indonesia with 18-19% (UN, 2011). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This paper concludes with methods for accelerating standards deployment in public and personal health. Yet they do not fully assure the deployments because of insufficient or mismatching requirements between ICT providers and nearby users. In particular, this issue poses an obstacle for quick launch of e-health services in emerging nations. Such countries also tend to require a service launch that is more agile than standards’ publication. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Finally, it can help improve quality of life in reducing transport costs (both in time and money), given quicker and/or shorter journeys. To support this, the Chilean government is buying some land for subsidised housing in more central locations to try to reduce segregation and improve the social mix (OECD, 2012b). The main subsidy for vulnerable groups (DS49) includes a viable-location component, if the subsidised house is located close to infrastructure and public transport facilities, and close to health and education services. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Arogya World used a public-private partnership to fund and operationalize the programme, the partners other than Nokia and Emory University included Johnson & Johnson and Aetna. At least 5 crore people in India live with diabetes. Diabetes kills 10 lakh Indians each year. High blood sugar for long periods harms the body. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Countries with a large share of their populations who are adolescents or young people have an opportunity to reap a substantial demographic bonus for their nations’ economies, development, resilience and productivity. This requires investing in adolescents’ and young peoples human capital and expanding the range of choices and opportunities available to them. But many adolescents, especially girls, are denied the investments and opportunities that would enable them to realize their full potential. For example, 26 per cent of the world’s adolescent girls and 17 per cent of boys between the ages of 11 and 15 are not in school. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy in China, Renewable Energy Based Chinese Un-Electrified Region Electrification. Beijing: United Nations Development Programme China. An overview of urbanization, internal migration, population distribution and development in the world. New York: United Nations Population Page | 114 Division. Presentation: Universal Service Obligation in Rural Electrification -Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Two additional elements are usually included in definitions of gender mainstreaming: the institutionalisation of gender concerns in order to transform “attitudes, culture, goals, and procedures,” and gender empowerment, w'hich is aimed at “promoting women's participation in decisionmaking processes, as well as having their voices heard and the power to put issues on the agenda. By ensuring that institutions, policies and programmes respond to women and men equitably, gender mainstreaming also contributes to good governance. If the needs and priorities of women and men are considered at each phase of the policy cycle (design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation), achieving substantive progress on addressing remaining gender gaps is much more likely. As such, applying gender mainstreaming to both the existing and new laws and regulations is of critical importance to close these gaps. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, the review team came across instances where parents appear to pay out of pocket for some textbooks, according to reports of some of the schools visited, in regions where supposedly the coverage of free textbooks is about 100%. In 2008, rules for the preparation, review and publication of textbooks, teaching materials and manuals were introduced, and over one thousand textbooks were deemed non-compliant with the new standards (Singh, 2012). The formula that has been proposed is the result of a long development process, which has included a piloting phase and consultations with national experts (Sange-SFK, 2012) and international ones (see, for example, UNICEF, 2012). Its final form (as piloted) is the result of the own analytical effort by the Ministry of Education and Science and its subordinated institutions, and so reflects the needs and sensitivities of Kazakh education leaders. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Alternatively, assessing government budgets may be sufficient to provide an estimate of the total amount of ODA to be spent on STI-related government priorities, but the timing and lack of detail of these estimates may create challenges relating to the accuracy when compared to official ODA and other development finance. Budget estimates are also unlikely to adequately determine the financial resources spent on supporting STI development in individual countries, information that will be important for the monitoring of the SDG. A key conclusion of the paper is the need for better alignment of definitions across the STI and development communities so each can satisfy its need for data-driven policy analysis without creating potential conflicts of interpretation. In response to the need to address other important cross-cutting policy areas, such as gender and environment, the Working Party on Development Finance Statistics have over the past decade agreed to the creation of dedicated markers, which facilitates monitoring and comparison of activities that addresses a certain policy area. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 There are some projects promoting low-carbon holidays that specifically promote sustainability. There are also projects and services promoting the ethical aspects of sustainability with regards to travel and accommodation in the destination country. Projects found for this study tend to offer “local luxury” and agrarian experiences. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! In April 2011, in India, mass protests began against kleptocracy, electoral fraud, black money, and various other aspects of corruption. Protesters demanded the enactment and enforcement of strong legislation against perceived political corruption. Eventually, in 2013, the Anti-corruption Citizen’s Ombudsman Act (or the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act) was passed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Yet the challenges are often seen in technical and managerial terms, as a matter of getting the technologies, prices and regulations right, rather than in terms of the more profound restructuring of social, economic and political systems and power imbalances that would be required to transform unsustainable patterns. How the challenges are addressed has profound implications for who gains and who loses, among social groups and local, national and global interests. Market-based instruments that attempt to redress or prevent environmental degradation and mitigate climate change by valuing and putting a price on nature can risk exacerbating the very problems they were designed to solve. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This could be interpreted as suggesting that decisions to enter or leave the labour force tend to be more permanent under these circumstances. No significant relations could be found with the other variables. The difference on the lagged coefficient would imply that a 10 percentage points increase in the share long-term unemployment could lead to a decline in participation 0.6 percentage point lower in the healthiest state than in the least healthy state. This could be linked to the impact of housing prices on mobility, if displaced workers tend to stay where housing costs are low' rather than moving to look for job opportunities in more expensive states. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Residences and major roads might be built to avoid inundation from a 1:100 year flood, while minor roads and recreational facilities might only be secured from a 1:10 year flood. Surprisingly, New York City is protected to only a l-in-100-year flood event, despite having a larger GDP than London, Shanghai, or Amsterdam, all of which are protected to a greater than 1-in-l 000-year flood (Amsterdam is protected from a l-in-10 000-year floods) (Nicholls et al., Australian red gum floodplain forests on the Murray River, for example, require flooding for one month or more in 70% of years, while drier floodplain woodland ecosystems only require flooding for two months or more in 25% of years. Each use of water thus has a different level of acceptable risk (in this case a risk of shortage for the ecosystems that require periodic flooding). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The legislation should recognise such diversity and provide for both individual and customary rights. Finally, a special court for agrarian conflicts could be set up as an independent institution to solve the rising number of land conflicts. Significant efforts have been made to accelerate licensing procedures, but there remains scope for further improvement. The Indonesian Investment Co-ordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal, BKPM) licensing authority should be strengthened and cover sectoral licenses currently administered by other institutions. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The more parties that are involved in contracts, the more time-consuming and costly the contract documentation and orchestration of the stakeholders becomes. Additionally, in the course of construction, the involved parties modify contracts quite often, for example by extending the contract or splitting it into smaller more complex contract landscapes. Mutual agreements might lead to changes of existing parts of the contract itself. Another key driver is regulatory changes that need to be implemented and require adaptation of existing contracts, as a handover using the existing agreements might be contra legem. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! V told the DHS child protection officer she was engaged to be married to her 17-year-old fiance and she was going to travel overseas to meet him. Early and Forced Marriages in East Afric. Katanga was charged with the crime against humanity of sexual slavery and rape under article 7 (1) (g) of the Rome Statute (enslaving civilian female population of Bogoro), and sexual slavery and rape constituting a war crime under article 8 (2) (e) (vi) and article 8 (2) (b) (xxii) constituting a war crime in non-international and international armed conflicts respectively. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A functional primary care system where a family physician serves as the co-ordinating hub for complex patient care, ensuring that medicines and treatment regimens are properly reviewed over time will help ensure that complex care needs arising from chronic disease are catered for. A good example of a community programme in Korea today is the Gwang Myeong registration project which focuses on diabetes and hypertension management (see Box 3.1 below). This pilot project is run by the Gyeonggi Provincial Government and involves collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korean Centre for Disease Control, Gyeonggi Provincial Government, Gwang Myeong metropolitan health centre, provincial medical care institutions and pharmacies, and the hypertension/diabetes mellitus control centre. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It would also rely on national-level reporting, raising significant capacity challenges - particularly in poorer countries - relating to data collection and analysis.133 Furthermore, to be of real value, such a database would need to be freely and widely accessible. An international organization, such as IOM or one of the UN agencies - or, ideally, an inter-agency collaborative effort - might be best placed to initiate such a project. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Themes, Challenges and Overcoming Barriers C.Hunter.- PART I: DEVELOPING MODULES AND ASSESSMENT.- Socio-legal Studies Module: the Bristol Experience M.McDermont, B.Morgan & D.Cowan.- Applied Research Methods and Law Reform: the Leeds Experience P.Vincent-Jones& S.Blandy.- Innovations in Assessment: Family Law at Sheffield P.Russell.- PART II: SOCIO-LEGAL STUDIES IN THE FOUNDATION SUBJECTS.- Property Law and Equity R.Auchmuty.- Contract Law L.Mulcahy & S.Wheeler.- Tort Law K.Devine.- Public Law S.Halliday.- Criminal Law M.Weait.- EU Law C.O'Brien. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 An example of the think aloud method used to construct survey questions on violence against women by Statistics Canada and the insights provided by this testing is presented in box IV.4. Ten behaviourally based questions on physical and sexual violence and ten questions designed to measure emotionally abusive and controlling behaviour were included in cognitive testing. The goal of the testing was to ensure that the final questionnaire would appropriately capture a range of experiences and be comprehensive and clearly understood by respondents and that respondents would be willing to disclose sensitive information to interviewers. The goal of the face-to-face think aloud interviews was to assess how well the survey and its concepts reflected the lived experiences of these individuals and to ensure that the questions were appropriate for a large scale victimization survey. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Based on the new Basic Plan, a new farm income support payment was launched for rice farmers as a single year pilot programme in 2010. The payments are designed to bridge the gap between the actual average producer price and a reference level of nation-wide production cost. In this counter-cyclical scheme the reference producer price is set as the national average producer price of the past three years. This pilot programme is expected to continue in 2011, extending this new income support payments for upland crops such as wheat, barley and soybean. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Negative difference scores on these graphs indicate that a larger proportion of more experienced teachers teach in less challenging schools. The Flemish Community appears at the bottom of the list, indicating that more experienced teachers are more likely to be in schools with a less diverse student population, whereas beginner teachers are more likely to be concentrated in schools with many students from disadvantaged home backgrounds. The European Commission (2015) highlights that there is an additional challenge of a particularly high turnover rate of relatively inexperienced teachers in Brussels schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""It is unclear, though, how effective this fund has been. In June 2009, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) launched a project on """"sustainable tourism"""" to raise awareness among entrepreneurs and travellers on global warming. The project was in response to a finding made by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) that the global tourism industry emitted in 2006 the equivalent of 1 307 million tonnes (MT) of GHG or 5% of the world’s GHG emissions. Air transportation accounted for 40% of this total, ground transportation 32% and accommodation 21%. These include, among others, raising traveller awareness of the environment and global warming, environmental conservation and management, and energy saving transportation logistics."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! ABSTRACTThis article examines the growing relationship between security and education, particularly in the light of the UK government’s Prevent Duty that seeks to tackle radicalisation in a variety of milieus, including universities. However, rather than seeing this process as being merely one-way, through a so-called securitisation of education (in the parlance of the Copenhagen School of International Relations), what is explored here is the dialectic between these two spheres. It is suggested that a heightened sensitivity to the supposed consequences of inflammatory rhetoric on the well-being of supposedly suggestible or vulnerable students has been in existence within education for quite some time. In that regard, the securitising efforts of politicians and officials are pushing against an open door. What’s more, it is proposed that the inability of the authorities to hold the line in support of absolute freedom of expression, within academia and beyond, tacitly encourages the very people the governme... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While men are more likely to suffer from fatal illnesses such as lung cancer and heart attacks, non-fatal disabling conditions such as arthritis and depression are more common among women. In 2014, women’s life expectancy at the age of 65 was 21.3 years - significantly higher than men’s 17.8. Their healthy life expectancy, by contrast, at age 65 was almost identical, at 9.4 years for women and 9.2 for men (Figure 22.1). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In practice, it could be defined as coverage for the whole population for a certain set of health services and goods, although the nature of these goods and services varies across countries. The WHO and the World Bank have proposed options to measure and assess health care coverage in a given country and to measure progress towards “universal coverage” (See Box 1). They suggest that two types of measures can be used to assess progress towards universal coverage. Financial protection can be measured by looking at the proportion of people facing very high (‘catastrophic’) health expenditure (defined as a percentage of household spending), and by looking at the proportion of the population who fall into poverty due to health spending. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 If credit is intended to increase the value of women’s work time, it seems it is not access to loans but use of loans matters. Ensuring women’s control over loan-created assets by law can also be a critical policy objective (Garikipati, 2011). Access to credit for women for productive projects can also be improved by measures enabling collateralisation of loans with cash flow or equipment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! When Chen Shui-bian won the presidency in 2000 and the Democratic Progressive Party became the ‘ruling party’, many observers said Taiwan experienced democratic consolidation. Nevertheless Chen and his supporters continued to talk of democratization in the ensuing years. But political reform, advances in civil liberties, and ridding the system of corruption must be considered essential to that process. Reform failed due to the fact that Chen's party did not have a majority in the legislature and the president showed poor leadership. Civil liberties deteriorated owing to Chen playing ethnic politics as well as his administration's lack of respect for democratic values. The view that money ruled in politics and the prevalence of personal greed caused corruption to worsen. These three factors suggest the devolution of Taiwan's democracy during the Chen era rather than its consolidation and explain the new administration's loss of public support. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 One of the biggest obstacles immigrants face when looking for work is that their qualifications and foreign work experience may not be fully recognised in the host country. As a result, many immigrant workers hold jobs for which they are over-qualified. On average, men have higher scores on the numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments scales than women, but the gap is not large and is further reduced when other characteristics, such as educational attainment and socio-economic status, are taken into account. In literacy, the gap in proficiency in favour of men is even narrower. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Extreme events will also carry the potential to disrupt transportation flows to rural areas. The patterns of demand will change and, given current capacities, increasing demand in the summer could strain transmission lines, due to spikes in demand for electricity to power air-conditioning equipment. On the other hand, to the extent that winters will become warmer, heat energy demand can be expected to decrease. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! ""Customers must charge their cards with prepayment for a set amount of gas. These cards are then used to open the home valves connecting to the biogas grid - releasing exactly as much biogas as was pre-paid. In all, such novel and profitable business ideas hold great potential for renewable infrastructure. Indeed, the """"development trajectory"""" of developing countries can be very different from that of the developed economies due to the possibility of """"leapfrogging"""" and avoiding mistakes by learning from others' experiences. Neighbouring or similar countries share lessons with particular effectiveness."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Without taking a position on centralization versus decentralization, this chapter reviews the local governance system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The chapter alleges that local government hierarchies in Saudi Arabia seem to suggest a higher degree of decentralization, while the actual separation of powers between local and national levels of government suggests a high degree of centralization. This raises questions about electoral politics at the local level—where little power resides. This chapter provides a thorough background on Saudi demographic, political, administrative, and economic conditions. Then, it considers the issues that are specific to local governance including local government structure and organization. The final section addresses the main claim of this chapter about the effectiveness of local governance in Saudi Arabia and makes some recommendations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The aim of the programme would also be to study and analyse issues related both to credit and financial institution support since access to formal finance is a crucial concern. They proposed the establishment of a GFCM Working Group on SSF in order to facilitate the implementation of the SSF Guidelines as well as to promote, without compromising environmental sustainability, the improvement of socio economic conditions within SSF, particularly through the promotion of livelihood diversification as appropriate, and the endorsement of the principle of decent work, as defined by the Work in Fishing Convention (Cl88) of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The need was also highlighted to promote the development of a forum for SSF associations of northern and southern Mediterranean riparian countries, particularly through specific projects financed by CPCs or by other international, governmental or non-governmental entities. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Cooperation between users and producers of statistics. A dialogue should be fostered between national statistical offices and interested stakeholders, including womens groups. The general approach in the development of gender statistics has involved efforts to promote dialogue and understanding between statisticians and the various users of statistics— policymakers, representatives of non-governmental organizations, activists and researchers (United Nations, 2000). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The authors would like to thank Romain Duval, Jqrgen Elmeskov, Michael Forster, Jean-Marc Fournier, Kaja Fredriksen, Isabell Koske, Stephen Matthews and Jean-Luc Schneider for their useful comments and suggestions, Chantal Nicq for meticulous statistical work and Susan Gascard for excellent editorial support. These allow comparing 24 inequality dimensions for each country with the OECD average and identifying how these inequality dimensions map into inequality of household disposable income. The country profiles reveal that inequality of household disposable income does not have the same origins. In some countries, wage dispersion among those working is an important factor (e.g. the United States) while in others, the non-employment rate and/or inequality in capital income are driving inequality in HDI (e.g. Italy). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This article examines the theoretical assumptions generally used in communication and information policy studies, and suggests that more attention to the institutional determinants of public policies is needed. The first part discusses three alternative theoretical approaches: the interest-group approach, the ideological approach, and the technology-centered approach. The second part outlines the conceptual tools of the new institutionalism approach and discusses its application for the study of regime change in telecoms and media. The third part presents an abbreviated example of such application to the case of U.S. spectrum policies and the licensing of digital broadcasting. The conclusion suggests new directions for research aimed at broadening the set of social actors participating in the global governance of new technologies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. It assesses urban sectors and activities that foster growth and reduce pressure on the environment, focusing on land use and transport, including eco-districts, energy efficiency in buildings, waste recycling, district heating and renewable energy. Public transport should link the proposed nodes more effectively, particularly those planned in the City of Stockholm with those planned elsewhere in the County. It is also important that existing urban areas in each node are densified, to prevent urban sprawl around the nodes. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Furthermore, the size of wind energy turbines requires them to be produced closer to installation sites, which provides opportunities for manufacturers in regions near wind-energy installations, such as the Chicago-area 21-county region. However, the low price of coal-generated electricity in the US (Figure 2.1) will likely continue to exert pressure on wind technologies to become more cost-effective. A national price signal that internalises the environmental externalities associated with fossil fuels, such as a cap-and-trade programme or a carbon tax, could make renewable energy sources significantly more cost-competitive with fossil fuel sources, depending on the baseline price. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, a small group of private companies is actively patenting plant genes with a view to owning the rights to the genes’ possible “climate readiness” in the future. Granting intellectual property rights constitutes, and should always remain, a public policy action, one whose intention is to consistently stimulate—not restrict—private initiative in technological development. At the present time, the granting of a patent is the most widespread and lucrative technological development incentive. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For the self-employed, these figures amounted to GHC 8.0 for native-bom workers and GHC 6.6 for the foreign-bom. In total, the gap between the average income tax per capita paid by a native- and foreign-bom worker amounted to GHC 29.2 (GHC 111.2 and 140.4, respectively). Of these 18.5%, 13.5% go to SSNIT (of which 2.5% are remitted to the National Health Insurance Authority), while the remaining 5% are allocated towards the mandatory Second Tier Occupational Scheme. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It also poses the question to which extent the wholesale electricity market is still the relevant instrument for matching demand and supply and for co-ordinating investment decisions. Independently of social preferences for one technology over another, the current trend of superposing market outcomes with different layers of policy instruments to achieve certain outcomes poses serious questions concerning the transparency and ultimately the sustainability of electricity sectors in OECD countries. Nuclear energy does indeed create a number of specific system effects, in particular with respect to siting and to the specific requirements that it demands in terms of transmission infrastructure and grid access. Both issues are ultimately linked to the need to ensure continuous cooling of the reactor core. Nuclear power plants thus need to be located close to sufficiently large water sources that can provide continuous cooling. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Labour resource utilisation is measured as total employment as a share of total population, based on national labour force and household surveys. Labour productivity is measured as GDP per person employed, including estimated informal employment. Brazil, India, Indonesia and China (age group 15 years and over). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Livestock production is also expected to be affected by heat stress and changes to feed and pasture resources. Rising temperatures can shorten the reproductive cycle of many pests, which will also increase their risk to agricultural plants. Because of the diverse peculiarities of the weather in the different parts of the national space, the transport system is relatively flexible, recognizing both the normal atmospheric conditions and local characteristics and manifestations of extreme meteorological phenomena diat directly or indirectly affect the functioning of the transport sector. For the period 2040-2070, cost reductions (2.4 per cent annually) are expected for winter maintenance of the road infrastructure as a consequence of the mitigation of weather conditions during the winter months. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, all persons with disabilities should have the right to access inclusive education with adequate individualised support to enable them to take part. Article 24 pays special attention to the situation of children who are blind, deaf and deafblind. The world's largest and smallest, richest and poorest countries make up the Commonwealth and are home to two billion citizens of all faiths and ethnicities, over half of whom are 25 years old or under. Member countries span six continents and oceans from Africa (19) to Asia (8), the Americas (2), the Caribbean (12), Europe (3) and the South Pacific (10). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The graphs also demonstrate a certain degree of “substitution” whereby some standard workers performing low-skilled tasks were replaced by workers with the same skill but on non-standard contracts (e.g. Austria, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Slovenia). In a few countries like Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland, even growth in high-skilled occupations (abstract jobs) was entirely driven by non-standard employment. Since nearly all job losses, regardless of the type of task, were associated with regular work, while growth in employment took place mainly in the form of non-standard employment, technological advancement alone cannot be the only explanation for job polarisation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! So far, social dimensions of climate change have been more clearly linked to the concept of adaptation to climate change rather than to mitigating its effects.77 Adaptation is considered most effective when it “offer|s) development benefits in the relatively near term, as well as reductions in vulnerability over the longer term. At the more progressive and eco-social end of the spectrum are approaches that address power relations and institutions to varying degrees. What have been referred to as embedded liberalism and alter-globalization are alternative pathways to the predominant market-liberal approach80 (chapter 4). Embedded liberalism focuses on strengthening institutions and rebuilding states’ regulatory capacity to correct social and environmental injustice from within the system, for example, via progressive taxation, comprehensive social policy and business regulation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! Effluent charges for surface water generate CZK 300 million per year for the State Environmental Fund, while effluent charges for groundwater generate CZK 2 million for the municipalities. The rate of cost recovery is 100% when only operating costs are included, but drops to 10-20% when renewal and new investment costs are included. This is partly driven by the failure to account for the full depreciation of the infrastructure assets. Costs for WRM amount to 3-7% of the water bill. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Agreements and arrangements vary in terms of geographic coverage — covering all waters shared by contracting parties or only specific basins — as well as in terms of scope. Examples include the joint commissions that have been set up between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, Croatia and Montenegro, Serbia and Romania, Serbia and Hungary and Romania and Hungary. The Lake Ohrid Watershed Committee was established in 2005. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The reason for these difficulties is primarily the multitude of other factors that come into play over greater spatial scales and time horizons, a problem particularly acute for funds whose objectives are longer-term, transformational impacts. For example, some funds’ objectives are focussed on bringing down the costs of low-carbon technologies, demonstrating their technological or financial viability, or introducing them into new markets (e.g. CIF, 2012a). These programmes or funds focus on transforming the economics of low-carbon technologies at different scales, with a view towards transformational shifts in investment patterns from carbon-intensive production and consumption to low-carbon, climate-resilient investments. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""This leads to the benefits of sharing and collaboration: """"A major promise of OER is that the creation and refinement of both learning content and the underlying pedagogical approaches can benefit from the distributed co-creation model enabled by open licenses. In principle, a rich developer base facilitates the creation of resources” (TUomi, 2013: 70). In the early 2000s, instructional designers were focusing on the development of reusable learning objects (RLO), which were defined as “any digital resource that can be reused to support learning” (Wiley, 2000). This recognised the power of open source, “object-oriented” programming and hoped that its use would make the production of high-quality learning resources more effective and efficient."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Safeguards have gradually been introduced to ensure that projects are energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. Requirements for obtaining a permit are differentiated according to operations’ size and environmental impacts. While those that pose higher environmental risks4 must obtain a permit from the APA or other competent authority, small and medium-sized installations are now required to submit a declaration to relevant national or regional authorities. Companies that have up to 15 employees and use a limited amount of thermal and electrical power are merely required to register with local authorities (Aicep, 2010).5 These changes were designed to make administrative requirements consistent with the risks of a particular regulated facility. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is partly because students in general programmes are more likely to continue education after they graduate from secondary school. This gap is particularly large in countries where the training offered is of poor quality and is badly monitored (OECD, 2014c). For VET students, this is the case for learning at work, problem-solving and self-organising skills. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These results suggest that ASEAN countries need to shift their production structures towards the manufacture of greener products for the region's rapidly expanding consumer markets. This could be achieved by greater use of market-based instruments and better regulation at national and regional levels. Because carbon emissions transcend national boundaries through international trade flows, observing trends at the regional level is critical. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! They have developed limited networks of care providers only for specific expenditures that have a low statutory reimbursement rate, notably optical care, dentures and hearing aids (HCAAM, 2013). Indeed, they cannot contract with GPs (Pierron, 2016). As recommended by the OECD (OECD, 2000, Imai et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The new body will be the voice of the industry at the national level and promote a viable and sustainable seafood industry' w'ith representation from the wild-catch, aquaculture and post-harvest sectors. World's total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. Both numbers have been corrected adding the value of seaweed production, aquaculture has also been adjusted to account for the value of Chinese production reported to the OECD. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Where formal mechanisms for national co-ordination are often not yet established, the majority of donors and supporters working in country cite a lack of national co-ordination between the Environment, Finance and Planning Ministries. In such cases, a lack of clarity exists regarding who has the role to oversee climate change funding (UNDP, 2010). Interviewees revealed a range of barriers for why this may be the case, such as the time taken between the formulation, agreement and implementation of roles, and the formulation of plans in isolation and prior to the establishment of a coordination mechanism leading to a fragmentation of domestic climate action. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Recognising that different climate interventions will involve a range of objectives, the selected indicators are categorised as being oriented towards mobilisation of resources, climate-specific results, and broader development benefits.14 The section then concludes by highlighting some key issues, their implications, and emerging options and tools for assessing the results of climate interventions. For example, the effectiveness of an intervention designed to improve the climate-resilience of infrastructure so that it can withstand a 1-in-100-year event may only be able to be determined after a significant time lag. There may also be a significant time lag between interventions such as capacity building, training, education, and the their effects. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""Table 3.1 and Box 3.3 present examples of existing water restriction rules, depending on the initial water allocation system already in place for """"normal"""" circumstances. The two mechanisms can be put in place together. Typically, priority rules generally concern different water users and uses, such as agriculture, industry, and tourism, while a proportional reduction of rights are applied within the agricultural or irrigation sector. Another common mechanism to manage temporary water shortages is to forbid irrigation for a certain time period, i.e. a time quota, which can be considered an imperfect proxy for a reduction of water rights based on quantities. Such administrative pricing formulas are seldom used in practice, for different reasons: difficulty of practical implementation, unintended redistributive effects, uncertainty in the outcome in terms of reduction of water demand due to unknown price elasticity of water demand, etc. Such block-rate tariffs, when based on individual water consumptions, cannot be considered as restriction mechanisms stricto sensu, since they are not based on aggregate water supply."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Biological resources include timber and aquatic resources and a range of other animal and plant resources (such as livestock, orchards, crops and wild animals), fungi and bacteria.50 Biological resources form an important part of biodiversity and ecosystems. If harvesting and other losses exceed natural or managed regeneration or replenishment, biological resources become depleted. Biological resources can be natural (non-cultivated) or cultivated. Cultivated biological resources cover animal resources yielding repeat products and tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products whose natural growth and regeneration are under the direct control, responsibility and management of an institutional unit.52 They may impact the environment differently than natural ones. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Competing leadership priorities may present a problem at the implementation level. The lack of available resources - where “gender mainstreaming is currently required to do ‘more with less”’ (Sweetman, 2012, p. 396) - may significantly inhibit the implementation and maintenance of gender mainstreaming efforts. In many cases, the lack of resources for mainstreaming efforts can be a result of insufficient focus on gender equality within oiganisalions. This challenge has been cited by about 30% of countries responding to the questionnaire. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 1997, Thailand began to devolve essential public service functions to a local level. However, the implementation process has been slow, especially in the public health domain. Public concerns with local government ineffectiveness and corruption have prompted the Ministry of Public Health to launch a pilot decentralization program whereby a small number of local communities across Thailand were chosen to receive the budget and management authority over basic health services. To evaluate the outcome of health decentralization in these pilot communities, this paper argues that the conventional health outcome measures (e.g. infant mortality rate, fertility rate, and average life expectancy) are inadequate for understanding the dynamics of community learning and development. To address this inadequacy, the community empowerment concept is used to analyze the social and political aspects of public health decentralization. Qualitative techniques, including participant observation, focus group interviews, and ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These factors are also highly connected to the student’s background, be it past experiences in education (e.g. participation in pre-primary education) or family related factors (e.g. living with one or two parents, SES, parental engagement), hi addition school structure and size as well as certain types of school practices (e.g. a highly bureaucratic and impersonal environment) influence the process of disengagement. In combination w'ith a set of systemic factors (e.g. the use of year repetition or the lack of apprenticeship places), all the above mentioned factors have an impact on the dropout rate as well as an impact on each other. This requires a close cooperation between educational authorities and many other parts of government such as social and labour services, health services and justice system in some countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Some of this promise can be seen in the case of waste pickers, where efforts for greening work have gone beyond patchy skill development to address informality and marginalization. But in developing and emerging economies, an estimated 15 to 20 million waste pickers, many of them women and children, driven into this work by poverty, reclaim reusable and recyclable materials from what others have discarded, providing an essential environmental service in areas experiencing rapid urbanization with limited public services (ILO, 2012, Samson, 2009). The work is largely informal, the earnings low and unstable, and it is typically associated with strong social stigma and very poor, even hazardous working conditions (ILO, 2012). For example, 20-50 million tons of electronic waste, containing valuable metals, are discarded each year, with much of the discarded equipment exported to countries such as China and India for dismantling. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Expanding mechanisms of border control increasingly depend on the criminalization of non-citizens. While some criminology scholarship might suggest such measures announce an increasing governance of migration 'through crime', we argue that it is not simply a case of punitive crime control strategies leaching into migration policies. Not only are foreigners in a far more vulnerable position to the British citizen, but the restrictions they face play important constitutive roles in newly invigorated discourses of citizenship and nationalism. In this article, we suggest that criminologists must move on from studies that emphasize control and criminalization to consider more broadly the implications of basing a politics of national identity that aspires to 'solidarity' and shared values on the forcible exclusion of growing numbers of people. © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (ISTD). All rights reserved. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As such, nuclear power plants are important contributors to grid restoration in the event of blackouts. In particular, NPPs require more time to start up and cannot vary the cycle length much. Also, in many OECD countries flexible operation of NPPs is limited or not authorised by national safety authorities, NPPs can therefore offer only limited flexibility capabilities to the TSO. The inertia of wind turbines is quite low, while solar PV has no inertia. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Maintenance costs of private schools are covered from tuition fees paid by families. Primary schooling is brief, lasting 4 years rather than 6 years as is typical in OECD member countries (OECD, 2016b). The school year is short as well, lasting 160 days and 558 hours, as compared to 185 days of instruction with 799 hours of instruction, yielding a primary education of 2 234 hours, significantly fewer than in most OECD member countries. As in primary education, instructional hours per year are much lower than average (Table 3.5). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The prevailing assumption in the public choice model that has served to underw rite so much of the policy in the past three decades is that the State is autonomous and free from corruptive private interests. From a historical perspective, it is clear that the State has never been a neutral instrument for good only, but has been the subject of power struggles. It is only out of such struggles that it has eventually emerged in the shape that we now use as the model of good governance. The destiny of the State has been determined by local stakeholders with an interest in improving governance. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! If the distribution of income had remained unchanged, the same observed decline in poverty would have required average incomes to rise by 89%, instead of the 32% observed between 2001 and 2011 (IPEA, 2012). Between 2002 and 2012 the middle class increased by 14% of the population. This increase is the net result of 21% of the population joining the middle class, and 7% leaving it - the vast majority of which upward. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Shared public bicycles, bicycle lanes and parking facilities are available in some areas of Bangkok, including at selected Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) stations. It is now available at 12 stations. There is a 23.5-km, dedicated cycling track around the airport perimeter as well as a l.6-km inner track and a cycling park called Sky Lane, which is located in the north-east corner of Bangkoks Suvarnabhumi Airport. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Council is under the direct leadership of Japan’s Prime Minister (ESCAR 2016b). Strong political support for innovation can ensure access to and use of technologies. In the region, there is room for countries to improve their ICT infrastructure, such as availability, access and affordability of broadband, Wi-Fi and mobile data-intensive services. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! For land in paddy production, it is a fixed change per ha that varies by region and method of irrigation (motor, gravity or combination). Funding from central and local government to IDMCs has been increased to offset the fall in ISF revenue, which previously covered about half their costs (Baker et al., While the exemption applied to the ISF, farmers are still responsible for supporting the management of the tertiary and field canals under the responsibility of WUG through the provision of labour, in-kind contributions and finance. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The initiative is financed by the Faculty of Management and Economics, the Pomerania Development Agency Co. and local authorities. Academic staff from the Faculty of Management and Economics, Polish and international entrepreneurs. It is named after Professor Karol Adamiecki, a pioneer in organisation and management studies. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The UFCD are independent units that can be used in various ways to obtain different qualifications. Every skill unit or UFCD earns a specified number of credits, allowing users to capitalise on prior skills acquisition as they pursue new' qualifications. When a training activity is completed, a certificate is issued by SIGO that is automatically registered in the user’s Qualifica Passport. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 While the more efficient allocation of resources as a result of structural reforms has had positive effects, economic growth has been mainly due to capital formation and increased labour input. In the future, Peru is likely to face greater competition from countries with similar comparative advantages. For its natural resource-based exports, it faces the uncertainty of world demand and the price volatility of commodities. There is ample evidence that, for a given volume of resources devoted to STI, innovation performance depends on the quality of the governance of STI systems, that is, the set of largely publicly determined institutional arrangements that shape policy design, implementation (agencies and instruments), delivery and evaluation and determine how the various public and private actors interact in allocating and managing resources devoted to STI. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The different levels of water tariffs across cities (Figure 3.13) suggest that there is scope for increasing tariffs and the derived revenue in many municipalities. But there is also scope for increasing revenue (as well as the incentive effects of water pricing) from enhancing billing and collection of water tariffs. In 2010, water operators collected 81% of the MXN 35.5 billion billed to their clients (CONAGUA, 2011c), down from a peak of 89% in 2008. This means that MXN 6.7 billion were not collected. In ten Mexican states, water operators collect 95% or above of the amounts billed (see Figure 3.15). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A majority (72%) say they are willing to pay more for water, and a minority (43%) would do the same for petrol or for road use. When asked about what the government should do to make citizens behave more responsibly, the majority are in favour of stiffer penalties for environmental offences (85%) and better information (81%), while a minority want petrol to be more expensive (26%, while 60% are calling for a “green tax reform”) (Ministry of the Environment, 2007). Mass mailings are used to send flyers to all households and businesses. Environmental NGOs have long been active in this area, and their education efforts are now being augmented by the schools and other public and private organisations. There are currently more than 20 institutions involved in environmental education in various settings (school and extracurricular instruction, adult education, leisure activities and public information services). The communes, the Water and Forests Administration and local chambers of commerce have set up conservation centres, outreach institutions, self-guiding nature trails and information points (around 100 nationwide). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Gendering of consumer products is used to increase demand. Notions of masculinity and femininity shape consumption and production decisions, from cars to cosmetics to recreational goods. The health effects of such exposures are markedly gender-differentiated. Many developing countries rely on economic growth strategies based on export-oriented industrial production. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! ‘A Map of the Israeli Legal Field Operating in the OPT: Structuring Law, Structuring Power’ by Maayan Geva establishes an historical account of Israeli legal practice in the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT). Focusing on the military legal system (MAG Corps) and specifically its International Law Department (ILD), the High Court of Justice and human rights, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), it draws a dynamic historical map of this field of practice based on shifts in the discursive articulations of law and legality materialising alongside the changing power relations between legal agents and institutions. This account begins with the 1967 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and the genesis of the field, and continues by tracing pivotal decisions, processes of change and turning points leading to the field’s current form. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Genuine state dependence was obtained using a basic DREP model estimated separately by subsample where applicable: Hansen and Lofstrom (2011) assume a random-effects logit (rather than probit) structure, Hansen and Lotstrom (2011) and Hansen, Lofstrom, Liu and Zhang (2014) assume mass-point rather than normal unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity. Hansen and Lofstrom (2011: Table 3): LINDA linked administrative record data set, SA receipt measured in terms of ‘benefit year’ (see above), receipt of SA based on benefit payments recorded for the sampled individual. There is moreover evidence of geographical variation in state dependence within countries (not shown). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This was motivated by the goal to reduce urban air pollution. But the measure was, at least partly, also designed to protect domestic vehicle producers from competitive pressures associated with the import of second-hand cars. Imported secondhand cars with an age of less than five years have to undergo a technical inspection before they can be officially registered.11 Some rejuvenation of the passenger car fleet has also been due to the introduction of locally produced small cars by foreign companies since the mid-1990s. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Overall, women are still less likely than men to be in the workforce across the OECD although their educational attainment tends to be higher. Equal access to quality and senior jobs and levels of pay remains uneven. Women still hold the majority of part-time jobs and work for lower pay. Important strides have been made in recent years towards enhancing pay transparency, such efforts are slowly bearing fruit. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the case of ICTs many developments benefited from public expenditures. For example, DARPA, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, funded Internet development and the main Internet standard, TCP/IP. Diffusion was stimulated by the National Science Foundation and by the use of the Internet by some major universities in the United States as a communication and information sharing platform. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Interestingly, homeownership is not a barrier to inter-metropolitan moves, though the moves tend to be in pairs of cities with co-varying home prices (Sinai and Souleles, 2013,30,). As such, migration between declining areas and more prosperous metropolitan areas is likely damped, and contribute to the low net-migration rates. In any case, the recent decline in household mobility appears to be related to lower mover rates for renters. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! This may be related to the fact that dental care is not part of the publicly funded health care coverage (Chapter 2). Any inequalities in unmet care needs is likely to result in poorer health status of the total population and increase health inequalities. Based on the Gini coefficient, the commonly used indicator to examine income inequality, Latvia has the second highest income inequality after Lithuania in the European Union (European Union, 2013). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Continued litter production - with decomposition rates being constant - can lead to continued accumulation of soil carbon and woody debris. Decomposition rates may even decline as the forest ages (cf Wardle et al. A handful of eddy covariance studies, including some of old-growth forests (Table 5.3], consistently show net carbon accumulation of the studied old-growth forest ecosystems. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Relatively little, though, is known about health care quality and outcomes in Mexico, significantly obscuring a full picture of health system performance. Given the real problems in Mexico with fragmentation of services, and different levels of access, the lack of comparability across sub-systems is a particular problem, even if efforts to develop comparable indicators are underway. The next four chapters set out in detail where change is needed and how it can be achieved. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 To the extent the gap is attributable to observable skills differences, closing it would require a holistic approach, including through policies to tackle gender gap in the education system and labour market. In addition, more general policy levers associated with social policy (i.e. parental leave) can have positive implications for female entrepreneurship. These can include gender bias on the investors’ side, unintended effects of policies but also personal traits and preferences that cannot be accounted for with available data. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In China and the United States, water demands are concentrated in limited parts of the country, in general where agriculture needs to be irrigated or where economic development is occurring. This trend is explained largely by the rapid increase in irrigation development stimulated by food demand in the 1970s and by the continued growth of agriculture-based economies (WWAP, 2009). In the 1980s, some countries stabilised their abstractions through more efficient irrigation techniques, the decline of water intensive industries (e.g. mining, steel), increased use of cleaner production technologies and reduced losses in pipe networks. Trends since 1990 indicate a more general stabilisation of water abstractions and a relative decoupling between water use and GDP growth in the OECD area (Figure B.2). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, chronically stressful life experiences and health-related behaviours also affect the transmission of non-communicable diseases. They also influence it indirectly when poor parental health leads to fewer hours worked in the household and lower family income. In addition, evidence from the supplemental programmes points to the fact that prenatal and postnatal investment may be complementary and for instance might be less effective for those already born below a certain birthweight (Aizer and Currie, 2014). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! International law relating to child soldiers is of recent origin. As far as universal instruments are concerned, the Child Soldiers Protocol is compared to Article 77(2) of the first Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, Article 4(3)(c) of the second Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, Articles 38 and 39 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Articles 8(2)(b)(xxvi) and (e)(vii) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and Article 3 of ILO Convention No 182 on the worst forms of child labour. In 1989, provisions on children in armed conflicts were incorporated into the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). This international human rights instrument is ratified by all States except the United States and Somalia.Keywords: child labour, Child Soldiers Protocol, CRC, Geneva Conventions, Universal instruments - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It could also be argued that a portion of a household savings (e.g. liquid assets) should be used to smooth the impact of lost earnings. For instance, in Australia, unemployment assistance benefits are subject to a liquid assets waiting period of up to 13 weeks. On the other hand, asset testing can be viewed as unduly impoverishing benefit recipients who can be expected to return to work when labour market conditions improve and, to a certain extent, punishing those who carefully managed their budgets prior to losing their job. For instance, including non-liquid assets in the assets test implies that these should be liquidated before public support will be provided, or alternatively that households should borrow against these assets to cover lost income. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This paper represents the opinions of individual staff members or visiting scholars, and is the product of professional research. It is not meant to represent the position or opinions of the WTO or its Members, nor the official position of any staff members. Any errors are the fault of the author. The analysis below is based on the information provided by WTO Members as part of their Trade Policy Review (TPRs) process from 2014 to 2018. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Finland had to fight long and hard against the Soviet Union to preserve that independence through the Second World War. For a nation with a population of less than four million, the cost of the war was devastating: 90 000 dead, 60 000 permanently injured and 50 000 children orphaned (Sahlberg, 2011). Additionally, as part of the 1944 peace treaty with the Soviet Union, Finland was forced to cede 12% of its land, requiring the relocation of 450 000 Finnish citizens. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 An important aspect of the concept is the link between the ecosystem (nature) and the welfare of people, and thus society as a whole. This relationship is shown in figure 2. It further emphasises that changes we implement in society - the socio-economic system - influence nature, and this again will impact the quality and quantity of the services we receive from nature. For example, the reports covering fresh and salt water show how pollution from sewage, industry and agriculture affects the quality of fresh and salt water, respectively. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Requests to utilize larger portions or the full publication should be addressed to the Communication Unit at florence @ unicef.ore. The Centre helps to identify and research current and future areas of UNICEF’s work. Its prime objectives are to improve international understanding of issues relating to children’s rights and to help facilitate full implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in developing, middle-income and industrialized countries. The Office aims to set out a comprehensive framework for research and knowledge within the organization, in support of its global programmes and policies. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Access to basic health care, expanded health education, the availability of simple cost-effective remedies, and the reappraisal of primary health-care services, including reproductive health-care services to facilitate the proper use of women’s time, should be provided. Governments should ensure community participation in health policy planning, especially with respect to the long-term care of the elderly, those with disabilities and those infected with HIV and other endemic diseases. Such participation should also be promoted in child-survival and maternal health programmes, breast-feeding support programmes, programmes for the early detection and treatment of cancer of the reproductive system, and programmes for the prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As in other developing countries given the wide-spread labour market informality and population ageing, a payroll tax may not be the best funding instrument to raise sufficient revenue to fund adequate health care services. Funding the NHI through a higher value added tax or by general tax revenue would spread the financing burden more equitably across the population based on the ability to pay and will make financing less vulnerable to setbacks in the fight against labour market informality. Russian life expectancy was 69 years in 2010, more than ten years below the OECD average and about seven years shorter than in countries with a similar income level, such as Chile and Poland. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Recent research (Flues and Thomas. Taxes on heating fuel and electricity tend to be regressive. By contrast, as a percentage of current spending, taxes on transport fuels tend to be progressive in the lower half of the income distribution, reflecting the lower rate of vehicle ownership among poor households. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Nevertheless, there are several challenges associated with developing these systems, which may have important implications for the UNFCCC process. Several initiatives from bilateral development co-operation providers or multilateral bodies under the UNFCCC provide support to Parties to fill those gaps. The extent to which national adaptation monitoring and evaluation systems can be used to assess progress towards the global goal on adaptation is potentially important but still highly uncertain. Some of those challenges relate to the nature of climate adaptation itself, such as long timescales, the uncertainty associated with the localised impacts, difficulties in setting of baselines and targets, or the difficulty of attributing cause and effect (AC, 2014, OECD, 2015b). Indicators are not the only or indeed always the most appropriate tool for monitoring and evaluation, qualitative narratives or consultations can be useful in particular to assess adaptation from the viewpoint of the most vulnerable communities (AC, 2014). There are also challenges with identifying and combining relevant indicators, as well as interpreting them correctly. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Because different summary indices are especially sensitive to different parts of the Lorenz curve, country rankings may partly depend on the specific inequality measure used. However, at least for OECD countries, these measures tell a consistent story as evidenced by very high cross-country correlations between each of these alternative inequality measures and the Gini index (OECD, 2008a). The main conclusions and channels through which structural reforms are likely to impact on inequality are synthesised in Table 2.1. For some reforms, these impacts may be offsetting, with greater inequality of wage rates likely to be felt in the short term while the equity-enhancing employment channel operates in the longer run. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The consumers' decision node contains the choice of buying goods made of virgin or recycled plastics as well as the choice of sorting the waste for recycling, leaving it in the household mixed residual waste or even illegally dispose it, for instance, placing it next to an over-filled recycling container or burning it in the open fire. Finally, the reprocessors convert waste plastics to e.g. pellets that can be used as raw material in the manufacturing of new goods and sell it to domestic or foreign manufacturers of plastics. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 They also have access to the School Completion Programme and Home School Community Liaison Services ofTusla, the Child and Family Agency that has a statutory remit in relation to school attendance, participation and retention, and school-community liaison services. Primary schools in areas with the highest concentrations of pupils at risk of educational disadvantage, in particular, receive sufficient staff to reduce class size to below 20 students. Secondary schools in the School Support Programme are provided with greater access to career-guidance professionals and enhanced curricular choices (through staffing and funding support for the Junior Certificate School Programme and the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Even compared to other former Soviet economies, the Latvian system is under-resourced. Estonia and Lithuania, for example, spend approximately 1% of GDP more on health. Whilst also limiting the feasibility of longer-term reform, underfunding is also harming Latvians’ health today, as evidenced by the numbers foregoing health care and late treatment of diseases as a result. If national health and wellbeing is a priority for Latvia, more public money will need to be directed to its health system. Population ageing is progressing more slowly than in many OECD countries, but is nonetheless complicating the disease-burden, and adding pressure to the health system. At the same time, prevalence of communicable diseases such as HIV remains high. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Austria, Germany and Switzerland, apprenticeship contracts are of limited duration. Spain, the country with the highest share of temporary work in youth employment before the crisis, illustrates this point well. Indeed, during the recent recession, the decline in temporary youth employment in Spain accounted for 67% of the total decline in youth employment (Figure 5.7), highlighting the drawbacks of the labour market duality generated by promoting employment growth through temporary employment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ABSTRACTThe number and diversity of civil society or third sector sustainability organisations (TSSOs) have increased in recent decades. TSSOs play a prominent role in local approaches to sustainability. However, the contributions made by TSSOs are not fully understood, beyond a limited suite of quantifiable outputs and impacts. In this qualitative study, we examine how four TSSOs from two Australian regions, Tasmania and Queensland's Sunshine Coast, contribute to social transformation beyond discrete outputs. We examine the operation, ethos, scope and influence of these organisations over time. In so doing, we identify three common ways in which these organisations facilitate social change: by (i) enhancing social connectivity through boundary work, (ii) mobilising participatory citizenship and (iii) contributing to social learning. We conclude that TSSOs contribute significantly to the systemic social conditions that enable change for sustainability and the development of community resilience and well-b... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, key transport infrastructures influencing external connectivity, and thus exports, such as rail infrastructure, are under the jurisdiction of the federal Ministry of Transport, while other transport infrastructures that contribute to the same objective, such as regional roads, are under the responsibility of the Krai. Logistics infrastructure, also affecting the conditions for exports and cargo transit, is governed at the local level and financed partly by federal or private funds. Improving the conditions for exporting firms in the Agglomeration thus depends on aligning all levels of government and involved actors and stakeholders around this common goal, and on co-ordinating policies in an integrated framework that allows transport to be governed at the relevant territorial scale. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Ongoing issues that will need to be addressed in the continued development and rollout of EVs include designing battery leasing operations, reducing the lifecycle emissions of new e-mobility technologies (e.g. EV batteries), automating e-mobility options, and adapting EV designs for shared use. With respect to transit, several measures will be particularly effective in mitigating emissions increases and should therefore be prioritised. Specifically, cities should focus on accelerating transit-oriented development, encouraging mass transit, walking, and cycling, and enabling next generation passenger vehicles (e.g. shared, EV-AV connected) and next-generation freight transport. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""For example, the OECD CRS dataset does not include all donor countries, it is limited to the assistance committed by OECD member states and thus exclude assistance from countries such as China. Numerous issues have been raised in terms of how projects are designated (""""tagged"""") as supporting climate change adaptation and/or mitigation (Caravani, Nakhooda and Terpstra, 2014, Michaelowa and Michaelowa, 2011)."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Developing countries will drive major changes and expansion in fisheries and aquaculture production, trade and consumption. By 2023, fish prices in nominal terms are projected to be well above their historical average. In real terms, fish prices are expected to slightly decline, yet remaining above levels in previous decades. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The delay in removing the MEP on basmati rice has seen Indian exporters lose market share to their Pakistani competitors who had their MEP removed in late 2008 and have benefited from a dramatic depreciation of the Pakistani currency vis-a-vis the Indian rupee (Slayton, 2009). India's share of world rice exports fell from 19% in 2007 (averaging 15% during 2004-06) to just 7% in 2009. However, during the rice price crisis in early 2008 China did not respond to the public and private appeals that it use its growing rice surpluses to partially fill the gap created by the exit of India and Vietnam from the market (Slayton, 2009). China delayed issuing export quotas and shipped out only 56 000 tonnes at the peak of the market during April-June 2008, down from 167 000 tonnes during the same period a year earlier. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""This decision formally requests members to consider certain guidelines when developing their rules of origin frameworks for least developed countries, it was, however, not legally binding. Building upon the 2013 guidelines, the LDC Group introduced a proposal on 20 October 2015 for consideration in the Nairobi Ministerial Conference. The LDC Group proposal calls for the adoption of a number of changes to make it easier to comply with preferential rules of origin. For instance, it specifies simple and transparent methods for determining """"substantial transformation"""", and asks for additional """"cumulation"""" possibilities. In addition, it also seeks to simplify documentary elements by, for instance, proposing to abolish certain certificates of non-manipulation, and recognizing self-certification of origin. While members have said they are ready to work with the LDC Group on the issue in a constructive manner, several have expressed concerned that the proposal appears to call for binding rules whereas the Bali Decision granted countries flexibility in the application of the guidelines."" - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Quality of mental health care services needs to include not just the quality of specialist services, but also quality of primary care services, and quality of services supplied by other sectors, for example housing or employment services. However, there is often an inability to avoid choosing indicators for quality benchmarking that reflect the data source that is available rather than optimal measures of quality of care, which has perpetuated reliance on inpatient orientated indicators, rather than reflecting the shift in the care delivery patterns. It is crucial that once optimal quality measures have been agreed upon, there is a commitment to work towards collecting these data. The establishment of registers and regular assessment of people with SMI in primary care can help to reduce the burden of physical illness and improve the quality of care (Holt et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The declaration was endorsed by 160 governments (United Nations, 1995) and incorporated into many national constitutions (e.g. Canada, Egypt, Germany, India, the Russian Federation, South Africa and Hirkey) and other legal and policy provisions. Defining gender equality and gender mainstreaming Gender equality describes the absence of obvious or hidden disparities among individuals based on gender. Disparities can include discrimination in terms of opportunities, resources, services, benefits, decision-making power and influence (Wikigender). It encompasses the ability to anticipate the potentially differential impact of policy actions on women and men as well as the ability to design policy actions that are not “gender-blind” but “gender-sensitive”. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Consumers switch between energy companies. Those cooking in the household switch between gas and electricity or between charcoal and kerosene for cooking. Motorists switch from gasoline to electric cars, or from gasoline to diesel cars and fuels. The divestment campaign where private and institutional investors shift investment assets away from fossil fuel companies is a marketplace example. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This section outlines the similarities and differences between existing views and principles, as well as other issues identified as important for climate finance by the development, climate, and private sector communities. Thus, international climate finance often involves a broad range of stakeholder communities and types of financial flows. These communities have differing motivations and views on what aspects of climate finance are important, and what makes climate finance effective. These views have been expressed in agreements, principles, or other texts (Figure 1). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Efforts on reducing the capital costs of nuclear power, through incremental improvements at the industrial level, as well as through innovation through new research and development, are thus an indispensable part of credible strategies to decarbonise the power sector. This chapter has reviewed the discussion of this relationship in the various editions of the report. It is beyond the scope of the present study to determine the “correct” discount factor. The relationship of the discount factor to concerns regarding “sustainability” must however be discussed elsewhere and, ideally, before the next edition of Projected Costs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""Due to highly arid conditions, the region is one of the most vulnerable to climate change, putting cities at risk of water scarcity and extreme heat conditions. However, it was found that the """"underlying risks of humanitarian crisis and disasters challenge the process of building resilience in the Arab region, combined with the lack of coping capacities when faced with climate change, conflict, and displacement. City-wide hazard maps are often limited or do not exist, while updates on risk assessment are scarce and lack clear multi-hazard components, according to a recent assessment.410 This challenge is often linked to disaster risk governance, when the legal framework fails to require the maintenance and updating of disaster data."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The presence of calcareous substrates allows a wide distribution of the mussel date Lithophaga lithophaga, often illegally fished and commercially exploited, leading to extensive barrens. It shows that the wider biocenosis in the Adriatic Sea are the biocenosis characteristics of the circalittoral. Coastal and offshore muddy bottoms host sponges, soft corals, sea pens and ascidians, in addition to a rich infauna. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Prices for water supply have been lowest for households and highest for business consumers. Price gaps have been narrowed through the application of a strict price-setting methodology by the national authorities. In 2004, in an attempt to reform price-setting, benchmarking was proposed as a way to help improve the performance of public utilities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Viet Nam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment compiles such data. The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs is responsible for this strategy to develop Vietnamese human resources through the vocational school development project by 2020 (Decision #630 of 2012) and supports these institutions. These initiatives could be strengthened by including jobs and skills related to environmental activities, such as consulting for clean equipment production, environmental impact assessment and research and development focused on technology to improve the port’s environmental performance (see Chapter 3). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Further, mid-term evaluations have been found to be very useful in helping countries to re-focus work plans and budgets (Luhtala, 2012, UNDP, 2013). Other countries are establishing climate change progress reports (e.g. South Africa, which plans to do this yearly, including a section on monitoring adaptation, DEA 2016 forthcoming). Some countries have also identified monitoring and evaluation indicators (e.g. Comoros - PAG-PNA, 2014), even though they do not yet have a NAP or other national strategic framework in place. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The coefficients presented in the figure are from separate regressions which include controls for age, gender, level of education and level of parental education. The striped bars indicate coefficients which are not statistically significant (at 10% level). The coefficients are estimated from a linear probability model of an overqualification dummy based on the normative measure of mismatch. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The analysis of within-country disparities is based on data from household surveys. Weighting the regional mean by population, however, will centre it largely around the values of China and India. To give a clearer picture, this report uses a simple average that gives equal weight to all countries large and small. This is illustrated for 2004 the year with the highest number of poverty headcount ratios computed from actual household surveys (Figure II-1). The regional average for this 2004 data of $1.25-per-day poverty level is around 22 per cent, but across countries the poverty rate ranges from 0 in Malaysia to 55.1 per cent in Nepal. As this chart also shows, among the subregions, some of the highest poverty rates - above 40 per cent — are found in South Asia. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice is expressed when dealing with judgments as merely an auxiliary source of interpretation of the international law, and not as a formal source. However, with the expansion of the International Tribunals, started strong process of dialogue between international and national courts aiming for its decisions interpreting human rights. Thus, this study aims to verify, through the hypothetical-deductive method and a literature review, if judicial decisions today are still auxiliary or true formal sources of international law of the human rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While broad international consensus has supported this view,16 the challenge going forward is nevertheless centred around the adoption of national policies which will, within each country’s context and constraints, drive efforts towards poverty eradication, human development and climate resilience. However, there is less experience with and less recognition of the challenges posed by both slow setting events and the accumulation of weather-related hazards, which can have devastating consequences on livelihoods. In the absence of government support, even small changes in temperature or rain and wind patterns can push people into poverty traps (Olsson and others, 2014). Those who are the most exposed and vulnerable are also the ones who are already economically and socially disadvantaged and the least likely to have access to support systems. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Constitution (72nd Amendment) Act, 1992, prescribes two new institutions to regulate the flow of funding to municipalities. One new institution is the Central Finance Commission, which both suggests new taxation and financial policies that the states can apply to the municipalities under their sway, but under the new arrangements since 1992, the Governor of a state is required set up a finance commission to review the local system, to propose new taxes, and to govern grants in aid to municipalities from the consolidated funds of the state.37 in spite of these constitutional requirements, results have been limited. With only 1.1 percent of GDP, municipal expenditures in India compare very unfavourably with OECD countries, but even with other BRICS countries such as Brazil, Russia and South Africa. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! If the benefits delivered by technologies were measured, this would have been a cost-effectiveness analysis. Impacts of Advances in Medical Technology in Australia. The key conclusion is that an ageing population and climate change present significant long-term risks for the economy and the sustainability of government finances, particularly in the health sector. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter maps out current trends in the composition of legislatures across the OECD while exploring remaining barriers to women running for elected office and equal access to leadership positions in legislatures. It also provides an overview of strategies, initiatives and mechanisms across the OECD to help political institutions become more gender sensitive and thus encourage women's political representation and access to leadership. Finally, the chapter assesses tools and frameworks to mainstream gender in the work of legislatures, including law-making and oversight. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The “statistical discrimination” theory maintains that discrimination is based on stereotypes: in a context of information asymmetries, employers use an observable identity characteristic of a group (e.g. race or gender) as a signal for an unobservable variable (e.g. skills or productivity) (Phelps, 1972, Arrow, 1973). From early age, boys and girls perceive different stereotyped notions of what they should excel and enjoy in doing, which shapes their behaviours and may even affect their performance (Hill, Corbett and St. Rose, 2010, OECD, 2012a). For example, as early as the first year of primaiy school, girls rate their own ability in mathematics as lower than that of boys, even when their actual performance does not differ (Fredericks and Eccles, 2002, Herbert and Stipek, 2005). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__4, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Nonetheless, the case studies and OECD workshop revealed three key challenges faced by countries as they have started to implement their strategies and plans: overcoming climate information shortcomings and associated capacity constraints, securing adequate financing, and measuring the success of adaptation interventions. Action to address these constraints will be vital to ensuring that progress in planning translates into improvements in outcomes. Le present document propose un panorama de ces activites dans les differents pays de l’OCDE et met en exergue un certain nombre d’enseignements nouveaux qui se degagent de leur experience. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 According to the IEA’s WEO-2011, 1.3 billion people - nearly 20% of world population - currently lack access to electricity and about 2.7 billion people - 40% of the world population - rely on the traditional use of biomass for cooking (IEA, 2011a). The outlook suggests that the problem will persist and even deepen in some places. The IEA and World Health Organization estimate that household air pollution from the use of biomass in inefficient stoves would lead to more than 4 000 premature deaths per day in 2030, greater than estimates for premature deaths from malaria, tuberculosis or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (IEA, 2011a). The index seeks to capture the quality of energy services as well as their quantity. It is calculated in such a way as to mirror the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Index. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Note: Values may not add up to 24 hours due to the overlapping nature of some activities. It also limits women’s mobility and the time they can allocate to training and upgrading their skills. However, men’s and women's roles in agricultural production are socially constructed and evolving, and vary widely between local contexts, reflecting cultural and other differences between and within countries. While the lines between men's and women’s roles is thus generally blurred, and a full analysis taking these factors into account is beyond the scope of this Report, some general gender-specific patterns can be found across many LDCs. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Principals are at the junction between classrooms, policies, local administrations and stakeholders. In this unique and challenging position they can influence the conditions and climate in which teaching and learning occur and with this - the effectiveness of schooling (OECD/Specialists Schools and Academics Trust, 2008, Scheerens and Bosker, 1997, Teddlie and Reynolds, 2000, Townsend, 2007). Principals also are the key mediators between schools and the environment in which schools operate. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 One of the major promises of decentralization is that it brings popular participation and accountability to local governance and, therefore, makes local government more responsive to citizens’ desires and more effective in delivering services. The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act in India provides the much needed platform to operationalize the rhetoric of decentralization into reality. This amendment marks a distinct watershed in the concept and practice of citizens’ participation in urban governance. Acknowledging the importance of participation in democratic local government, this article, using primary data, evaluates the implications of constitutional provisions for participation and accountability at the municipal level in West Bengal. The study finds that a large gap exists between the rhetoric surroundings the constitutional provisions and their actual implementations. Political nature of the ward committee and thin attendance of the citizens in the meetings put a question mark on the efficacy of ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Some governments have been particularly active in developing and using these risk mitigants to mobilise greater sustainable energy investment and these examples can potentially be applied to other national contexts. The Danish export credit agency EKF is a particular example of an institution that is using their guarantees to encourage institutional investor participation in sustainable energy finance. Green investment banks and other public financial institutions are also actively working to reduce risk by providing guarantees, loan loss reserves, seeding funds and acting as cornerstone investors. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In most (temporary) initiatives reviewed here, much of the risk is borne by the contracting public agency or authority. While there may be some debate on just how profitable different ride service models are, the services they provide in conjunction with public transport options remains a minuscule part of their overall costs. In some cases operators do invest in dedicated services and facilities as Lyft has done in order to provide or pay for call centres. These costs are covered by the ride services. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 There is a large potential and need for energy connectivity and for large markets through cross-border infrastructure and energy trade, including oil and gas pipelines and electricity grids, such regional and subregional cooperation is crucial for ensuring reliable, efficient and safe transportation of energy resources, thus increasing energy security. Further improve the investment climate in Asia and the Pacific using public-private partnerships for implementation of cross-border energy infrastructure. Invite all regional and subregional organizations to work collectively on addressing the challenges in the energy sector. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This initiative, which includes a trans-Asian energy system, will help to ensure both the near- and long-term energy security of the Region. It will connect producers and consumers of energy resources and facilitate new markets for clean and efficient energy technologies. Its goal is to shift development to a low carbon path while ensuring universal access to energy within a predictable time frame. Rapid economic growth of the Region translates to rising energy demands, both to sustain the large and growing production economy as well as to support direct energy consumption. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It depends on a country’s geographical position, its own energy endowment, the state of its physical infrastructures for transport and storage, the diversification of its supplies, the willingness of its population to trade lower average long-term prices for higher volatility and a host of other issues. Free and global energy trade through smoothly functioning competitive markets would guarantee timely delivery of all necessary energy resources. But then again in such an ideal world, energy supply security would not exist as an issue. But even while reality often diverges drastically from the ideal of a global world of competitive markets, the concept of security of energy supply very clearly includes not only the notion of energy independence but also the notion of energy interdependence. Most countries are relying at least partially on the international trade of energy and will continue to do so. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These disciplines could restrict policy space for trade, finance, technology and social and industrial development in exchange— hopefully—for greater flows of technology and finance consistent with the global community’s shared goal of eradicating poverty. The task of retooling global development has never been more urgent. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This work exposes the criteria that the Colombian Council of State uses to ap-ply the conventionality control on its judgements. This research analyses the cases where the Council of State have applied the conventionality control as a mean to resolve disputes under its jurisdiction. To that end, special attention has been paid to the reasons given by this ju-dicial corporation, to justify its role as a conventionality judge, that in light of the American Convention on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Nevertheless, gaps within the protected area network remain, with some ecosystem types being underrepresented at present. These include wetland areas, coastal areas and Saharian ecosystems, in the latter case, it was noted that the south of the country remains poorly represented in proportional terms, within the national network of protected areas. However, Morocco has been involved in initiatives to better its protected area system in recent years. A number of recommendations of these studies are worth pointing out, notably (i) more coordinated management of the protected area system, (ii) improved governance at various levels, (iii) providing more resources for park management, and (iv) enhanced autonomy for protected areas. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Adequacy is related to the long run characteristics of an electrical system. In the last decade the long-term adequacy of the electrical system has been becoming an issue in many OECD countries due to a progressive slow-down in the investments in new dispatchable capacity, a growth in peak demand and increasing doubts about the ability of variable renewables to contribute to long-term system adequacy. The reliably available capacity takes into account the average availability of the power plant due to outages and maintenance shutdowns, the limitations to power output due to natural conditions (such as wind speed and direction, water temperature, precipitation and the solar irradiation factor) as well as the reserve capacity used for short-term balancing. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Improving energy efficiency is an important part of any energy conservation strategy. The main difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency is that reducing energy demand is the primary goal of energy conservation while improved energy efficiency aims to reduce the energy consumed in delivering a given energy service. A discussion on which is better - energy conservation or energy efficiency - is not relevant for this report. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lack of coordination between national policies often results in situations where, for example, green actions are not complemented by skills development response and as a result, do not reach their potential (ILO 2011). On the other hand, lack of enforcement of SCP related policies, such as environmental legislation, precludes demand for green jobs or leaves qualified graduates unemployed (ibid.). While this is absolutely critical for some areas, such as policy making and strategic development, it remains relevant for any field of work. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some OECD countries, such as Canada and the United States, have traditionally restricted regulations on land use, prohibiting mixed land use to avoid the negative externalities of differences in land use. Such zoning still makes sense in many places, although land-use regulations should be better co-ordinated to increase access on foot to local services and jobs. Deregulating zoning and introducing form-based zoning can be a way to revive urban centres, as can establishing mixed-use zones that allow both business and residential uses. This helps to reduce travel time to jobs and services, and to improve access on foot or by public transit for older people. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, comparable data on many clinical indicators in primary care and inpatient care (e.g. infection rates, waiting times) is virtually inexistent at the system level. In specific areas, such as cancer care, there is a strong need for the collection of more detailed data on basic aspects of process and outcomes like survival rates, which are virtually non-existent even in the leading national institutions. Although SISPRO is gradually evolving into a usable platform for information on provider indicators, there seems to be little knowledge among the general public on the availability of that information and how such information could be used, for example, to compare IPS. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Current priorities include health promotion and prevention, environmental health and the impact of migration. Tobacco and alcohol taxes are used to fund the national institute that tackles alcoholism and drug dependency, as well as funding CONAPAM (see above). The national strategy against non-communicable disease and obesity defines several targets, including a 12% reduction the prevalence of smoking, a 15% reduction in salt intake and a 2% reduction in childhood obesity levels before 2021. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 With broadband wireless networks and powerful new phones, consumers now have access anytime, anywhere, to increasingly sophisticated online applications and services. For example, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP5) has played a key role in ensuring international standards for LTE. For Internet access, transport protocols, voice and video compression, home networking, and myriad other aspects of information and communications technology, hundreds of ITU standards allow systems to work - locally and globally. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Because of this, women risk losing their right to use the land in the event of divorce or their husband’s death. Infact,in some areas, widows are obliged to marry one of their deceased husband's brothers in order to maintain their land use rights (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit Gmbh, 2013). Countries must also put in place fair and effective land titling and registration systems that can facilitate the use of land as collateral. This can be a challenge in many developing countries, where land administration institutions often lack the personnel and resources necessary to reach women in rural areas. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To reduce the amount of waste generated and increase the share of waste that is recycled and reused as material or energy source are central to sustainable consumption and production and natural resource management. The final disposal of waste in the environment, even if in a controlled manner, creates pollution and occupies considerable land areas. Relevant statistics cover the amount of waste generated by different sources that are economic activities (by ISIC categories) and households. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The activities differ considerably in their stage of development: some are relatively advanced while others are still in their infancy. To bring them on stream on a scale that would allow them to contribute in a meaningful way to global prosperity, human development, natural resource management and green growth will require considerable research and development (R&D) effort, investment and coherent policy support. The obvious - and in some cases less obvious -differences between land and sea have important implications as to how human activities are managed in the two very different environments. Nonetheless, although these differences affect the context and outcomes of marine operations, many of the concepts and techniques deployed in marine planning and management tend to be borrowed from practices on land. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Also, civil service officers who meet with the engaged couple -and these officers are almost always men - tend to show little enthusiasm for such clauses and often do not mention the possibility of including them. Even when a bride manages to have these clauses included, it often takes several years of court proceedings to ensure their application and to punish any violation. A woman going out to work may be viewed as a proof that her husband cannot bear the household expenses alone. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The program has been popular among private forest owners because of its bottom-up approach and because the program is a voluntary commitment. The Finnish World Heritage sites include e.g. the Fortress of Suomenlinna in Helsinki, wooden town in Old Rauma, Petajavesi Old Church, The Verla Groundwood and Board Mill and Kvarken Archipelago. Thus, the degree of restrictions to human use varies depending on the type of protection and it can vary among different sites. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, it is still reported in a number of countries at high levels. Whether for burning the food, venturing outside without telling their husband, neglecting children or arguing with their husband, in quite a few countries a very high percentage of women consider such behaviour sufficient grounds for being physically hit. More than half of rural households and about a quarter of urban households in sub-Saharan Africa lack easy access to drinking water. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Similarly, the countries that participated in the second wave of collection between 2006 and 2008 will be referenced as 2008. These countries include Australia, Hungary, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. There is no arbitrary standard distinguishing adults who have or do not have skills. For example, many previous studies have distinguished between adults who are either “literate” or “illiterate”. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In other southern European countries, Portugal and Spain, poverty reduction for NSW households was also modest. Figures represent the difference between the poverty rate for disposable income and for market income in percentage points. For Korea market income refers to after tax before public social and government tranfers and is not comparable with the other countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The subsidy rates for beef, milk, poultry and eggs are differentiated by the various feeding systems and other technological criteria, with more technologically advanced production eligible for higher rates (Table 2.4). The afeimats are responsible for developing and approving lists of eligible producers. Producers submit monthly information on the volumes sold and must provide documents to show proof of sales. The eligibility condition was that the products be delivered for processing. These output payments were budgeted and paid for one year only, and ceased thereafter. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This case describes the struggle of a small school employee association located in a right-to-work state as it attempts to continue exercising influence after a political turmoil caused the composition of the school board to change. This case presents many elements that foster discussion of basic employee rights such as freedom of association, free speech, and due process. As such, this case is designed for usage in educational leadership programs and is particularly pertinent to provoke discussions regarding school politics, employee association authority, preferences in hiring practices, and employee dismissal procedures. Students of educational leadership enrolled in school law, human resources, and/or multicultural education courses can engage in discussion of multiple aspects of course content. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The GEF has announced new climate finance commitments of US$3 billion from across its focal areas, with at least US$300 million being dedicated to coastal and marine issues over the next four years. Another US$250 million will flow through the GEF's Sustainable Forest Management/REDD+ Incentive Mechanism, which will mobilize US$750 million in grants from other focal areas to tackle the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, while supporting the role of forests in national and local sustainable development plans. Some US$45 million will address the key global drivers of deforestation by expanding the supply of sustainably managed commodities, while more than US$116 million will help to improve food security, strengthen resilience and enhance carbon sequestration in sub-Saharan Africa (Box 26). The US$116 million programme seeks to safeguard ecosystem services by promoting the integrated management of natural resources through projects in 12 countries. The projects will help smallholders to become more resilient to climate change by improving soil health and access to drought-tolerant crop varieties, adjusting planting periods and cropping portfolios, and enhancing on-farm agrobiodiversity. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The proactive government policies include: automatic stabilizers that sustain household consumption amid shocks, such as unemployment benefits for workers and agricultural price support and insurance for small farms'1, active macroeconomic policies to restore confidence, such as targeted cash transfers and bank deposit insurances, building and maintaining ample fiscal space, and structural and medium-term policies, such as a shift towards countercyclical fiscal policies and deepening domestic financial markets.' Panel B in figure C shows the positive impact on GDP for each country through the application of proactive fiscal and financial policies. The magnitude of the output loss arising from policy uncertainty in the advanced economies can be moderated by an average of 75%. This reduction in the adverse impact of policy uncertainty can offer significant relief to citizens in terms of preserving jobs. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Reconciliation as a peacemaking paradigm emerged as an innovative response to some of the mass atrocities and human rights violations that marked the 20th century. It provided an alternative to traditional state diplomacy and realpolitik that focused on restoring and rebuilding relationships. To that end, those creating reconciliation processes have set themselves the difficult task of laying the foundations for forgiveness through the establishment of truth, acknowledgment of harm, and the provision of appropriate forms of justice. In 1991, the Australian government instigated a process of reconciliation between the indigenous peoples and wider society in order to “address progressively” colonial injustice and its legacy (Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation Act 1991: Preamble). This article seeks to demonstrate, however, that restrictive policy framing and a lack of political will have severely hindered the progress of the Australian reconciliation process. An alternative conceptual approach to settler... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Only groundwater abstraction was charged since the goal of this policy was to increase the price of groundwater so that surface water would be used instead. The tax was administered by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Environmental Tax Unit. The system also raised complaints from water-intensive industries since the groundwater tax was different for industries supplied by water companies and for those with selfextraction, hence raising competitiveness issues. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 According to WHO calculations, in the same year, one in ten households in Greece experienced catastrophic out-of-pocket spending,8 rising to nearly one in three for the poorest households. Physicians’ density in 2014 varied from 2.9 per 1000 population in Western Macedonia and Central Greece to 8.6 per 1000 in Attica (ELSTAT, 2016) (Figure 14). One innovative project co-financed by the EU, the National Telemedicine Network, harnesses the power of telemedicine to reach patients living in remote areas (Figure 15). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Similarly, the stigma associated with the receipt of the transfer is likely to be smaller in the case of SPs in comparison with general CTs, especially if this is administered by a social security agency rather than a welfare one. Compared with other social benefits such as unemployment benefits or cash transfers discussed in Parts A and B, health benefits per se provide no income to beneficiaries and are thus not likely to affect the labour supply directly. However, the financing of health benefits, when at least partly based on taxes weighing directly and exclusively on labour, such as social contributions, can have an impact on labour market outcomes. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Efforts to target corruption and other forms of illegality in the forest sector have been prioritised in countries like Brazil and Indonesia, with good results (Box 17.1). Safeguarding indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights are paramount, as is including them in decision-making processes. Org/files/Documents/PDF/lun2011/5.%20Final%20FCPF_EVALUATION_REPORTJuneX2013th.pdf. Chao, S. (2012), Forest Peoples: Numbers Across the World, Forest Peoples Programme, Moreton-in-Marsh, United Kingdom, cited in FAO (2014), State of the World's Forests: Enhancing the Economic Bene/its from Forests, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It may have been optimistic to presume that the frank imposition of fiscal measures, based on precisely monetisable social costs and the resulting tax adjustments that would bring social and private, market-based costs in line, could be routinely implemented in all circumstances. Yet, converging results from a number of broad-based and well-balanced studies have all implied that much stronger action than countries have been willing to contemplate - at the very least on air pollution and the reduction of climate change risks - is required to move towards economic optimality. The widespread lack of a meaningful carbon tax in many countries is a case in point. Stronger technical regulations, market creations, subsidies, improved transparency and reduced legal and institutional transaction costs, however, are all available as part of an arsenal of measures that can be used where the straightforward imposition of Pigouvian taxes remains elusive because of political obstacles resulting from distributional concerns. The well-being of their citizens and the welfare generated by their economies depend on it. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Over the same period, this was faster than the average annual growth of coal (1.6 per cent), crude oil (1.5 per cent) and natural gas (1.2 per cent). The growth of modern renewables from 1990 to 2008 was much slower than historical expansions of coal, at 5 per cent per year from 1850 to 1870, oil extraction, at 8 per cent per year from 1880 to 1900, and natural gas production, at 8 per cent per year from 1920 to 1940. Modern renewables (half of which was wind power) accounted for 3 per cent of global electricity production in 2008. Solutions that do not build on the prevailing prime movers and existing energy infrastructure will require decades to make significant dents in the primary energy mix. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In modern times frontier science has been able to avert dangers posed by extreme climatic events and new pests and diseases in ways that traditional knowledge alone could not have matched. The biological control of the cassava mealy bug in Africa by the use of a pathogen imported from South America is an excellent example of modern science contributing to the protection of a traditional farming system. Many authors have decried the loss of the vast range of landraces that were used by many traditional farmers as a protection measure against climate extremes and pest and disease threats. Much of the world’s rice now comes from a tiny number of improved cultivars, most of them highly dependent on fertilizers and pesticides. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Then, Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for the background data used in the multivariate analysis. The SIGI is a composite index that measures gender-based discrimination in social institutions taking into account formal and informal laws as well as attitudes and practices that discriminate against women in five dimensions: discriminatory family code, restricted physical integrity, son bias, restricted resources and assets, and restricted civil liberties.9 The SIGI takes into account de jure (legal) as well as de facto (actual) situations. As such, it offers several advantages over other measures of social institutions, such as Women Business and Law (World Bank, 2015) or the CIRI women's right measures (Cingranelli and Richards, 2010) that focus only on the de jure situation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The uptake of GHG emissions through forestry and land-use changes was 36.3 MT in 2007, accounting for about 5.8% of total gross emissions. In 2007, energy-related C02 was responsible for 518.7 MT, about 84% of total gross emissions. Average annual growth of energy-related C02 was 4.6% between 1990 and 2007. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is high uncertainty of data, because of the lack of data verification procedures. Additionally, as well as receiving user fees, collection companies receive a subsidy from the municipality, which is based on the amount of w aste collected and distance to the disposal site. Disposal site operators do not collect a gate fee but receive a subsidy based on the amount of waste received. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In Canada, the increase in primary and disposable income is explained by two factors adding their effects to those of changes in family characteristics. First, the income earned by fathers in employment increased, which, as in France or the United Kingdom, indicates an improvement in the quality of their employees, In addition, the income of residential property owners increased relative to that of tenants, which contributed to an increase in the standard of living contrary to the trend observed in the United Kingdom. In Korea, the incomes of families with one and especially two children have all increased equally, contributing to the improvement in the standard of living of the 25th percentile of children. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Nevertheless, it should be noted that differences in separate indicators exist, for instance the indicator on stunting is nearly ten percentage points higher for the children between two and four years. Also, neglect of children under the age of two is lower than the proportion of children being left alone in the second age group (17% and 35%, respectively). The differences in the household-level dimensions, i.e. water, sanitation, housing, result from differences in household composition. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Clearer visions and strategies for de facto gender equality as defined by international standards would facilitate improvements for gender equality objectives, including the CEDAW, MENA countries can build on the existing strategies to expand them to include the civic, political and economic rights of women more prominently. Indeed, the institutional history of social rights within OECD countries demonstrates that while rights associated w ith women initially were upheld in relation to maternal functions and reproductive roles, these protections later expanded to include protections for equality in public life and economic opportunities. Effective implementation is critical to ensure that gender strategies go beyond declarative statements and are translated into concrete actions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Reported research findings may show apparent bias, depending on the source of funding for the study, as has been suggested for industry-funded research on BPA (EEA 2013). However, it has been argued that guidelines based on more traditional toxicity testing, using exposure to relatively high contaminant concentrations of a single substance, are not appropriate to pick up more subtle changes that can affect a large proportion of the population, with mixtures of plastic-related compounds (Talsness et al. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! However, the hospital result is in contrast with the results for the pharmaceutical indicators, where there is no evidence of lower consumption in high expenditure cut countries. This would indicate that the high expenditure cut countries have been able to protect the volumes of pharmaceutical consumed. This paper has provided an overview of the recent literature that examines the links between economic downturns and health outcomes and health care use. It has also summarised some of the main policy instruments that OECD countries have used to reform their health systems and reduce health expenditures. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 An ethnic group generally shares a common sense of identity and common characteristics such as language, religion, tribe, nationality, race or a combination thereof. In other cases, indigenous peoples became minorities as a result of the settlement and colonization of their native territories by other peoples. Those distinctions have important political and practical implications. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Based on the assumption that aptitudes are equally distributed across the genders, educating more boys than girls, it is argued, causes “selection bias” and lowers the average quality of those educated. The result is an inefficient allocation of labour, with negative effects on economy-wide labour productivity and growth. On the other hand, gender equality in education has been shown to lower fertility rates and enhance children’s well-being. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In addition, at the level of plants and units, there is no evidence of any differences in the speed of energy technology change across a wide range of technologies since the nineteenth century (Wilson, forthcoming). Policy has typically focused on technology as the main lever for reducing emissions and it is indeed a powerful driver. Future energy technology change will be as important for determining future greenhouse gas emissions levels as long-term demographic and economic developments over the course of the twenty-first century (Roehrl and Riahi, 2000). Figure 11.4 illustrates the contributions of energy technologies to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, under a high-emissions baseline scenario, required for stabilization at a concentration of 550 ppmv CO e by 2100. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Before 1994 Eskom was responsible for the electrification of the country. Eskom held a state-supported monopoly and would electrify an area upon instruction from the government or connect a consumer if the consumer would pay. There was systematic neglect of full service delivery to the Coloured, Black and Asian communities. In 1994, after the first free election was held, it was estimated that approximately 6 million households (Department of Energy, 2009b) were without electricity. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Nevertheless, it should also be noted that biennial reporting on adaptation under Article 13 and adaptation communications under Article 7 are not mandatory. However, the decision also indicates that modalities will be developed in order to “recognise the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties”, which is also one of four adaptation-related aims of the global stocktake listed in Article 7.14. This implies that communicated information on adaptation could inform the global stocktake. In order to assess collective progress towards global goals, some degree of consistency and comparability would be helpful in adaptation communications, taking into account the need to limit the reporting burden of Parties and ensuring that information is country-driven. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""Regarding the group """"Mainly UMICs"""" Angola and Equatorial Guinea have been included in this group since they are currently graduating from the LDC category. Another source of data on climate finance flows is the Biennial Reports submitted by developed country Parties to the UNFCCC3. The Paris Agreement provides the latest guidance to countries and multilateral development banks on climate finance and the need for financial flows to developing countries to support climate action. Decision 1/CP.21 which accompanies the Paris Agreement recommits developed countries to mobilising USD 100 billion/yea- by 2020 from public and private sources to support climate action in developing countries, with a new higher target to be agreed by 2025."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Untreated wastewater from industry is a problem there. However, reconstruction of the refinery and improvements to oil extraction practices have reduced oil pollution of the Caspian Sea, but permissible limits for discharges are still exceeded. A network of collectors was constructed to transport drainage water into desert depressions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explain why corruption is a serious problem in Myanmar and why the anti-corruption measures initiated by its military government are ineffective. Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes Myanmar’s unfavourable policy context and analyses the perceived extent and causes of corruption in Myanmar before evaluating the effectiveness of its anti-corruption measures. Findings – Myanmar’s location in a bad neighbourhood surrounded by corrupt countries, its vulnerability to the natural resource curse and ethnic conflict, as well as more than five decades of ineffective military rule have hindered its anti-corruption efforts. Corruption remains a serious problem in Myanmar because of the military regime’s lack of political will and failure to address these causes: low salaries, red tape, weak rule of law, and cultural factors. The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)’s performance during its first two years cannot be assessed because of the lack of information on its ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Although inequality in health and educational outcomes across countries remains large, the past two decades have seen a shift towards convergence, as poorer countries have continued to make notable progress in improving their levels of human development. However, this good news is tempered by the persistence of large inequalities in health and education within and across both social groups and regions within countries. Spatial disparities may not have increased in all countries but they have remained high, as have inequalities in education and health. However, as with economic inequalities, trends are far from universal. Disparities in length of life reflect inequalities in health risks and in access to health services, life expectancy is also a marker of a country’s economic and political situation, including its level of stability and human security. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""The enactment of legislation banning female genital mutilation has, in some instances, resulted in communities changing from practicing one type of female genital mutilation to another type so as to avoid punishment,9 or in lowering the age of girls subjected to female genital mutilation so as to hide the practice from the authorities more easily or to minimize the resistance of the girls themselves.10 These experiences have reinforced the importance of ensuring that legislation is drafted with all possible risks, backlashes and misuses taken into consideration, and of consistently monitoring the impact of legislation. They are interconnected with each other, as well as with other forms of violence and discrimination against women. Forced marriages result in sexual violence in many cases, particularly since many countries exempt marital rape from being a punishable offence. In a number of countries, victims/survivors of rape are forced to marry the perpetrator of the violence as this is seen to restore the family’s “honour” which was deemed to be tarnished by the woman being considered to have engaged in pre-marital or extra-marital “sexual relations""""."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Overall, the policy instrument mix in Mexico is largely dominated by the use of subsidy programmes, many of which also serve poverty alleviation goals. The mix tends to focus more heavily on conservation and sustainable use of forestry resources. Mexico has 174 federal protected areas covering, in all, 25.4 million ha, or 12.9% of the national territory, in 2010. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Within the Africa region, the general trend is highly diverse, with notable progress between 2000 and 2012 recorded in Ghana (net increase of 38.6 per cent), Rwanda (26.9 per cent), Morocco (25.7 per cent) and the United Republic of Tanzania (22.5 per cent), slight stagnation in others, and severe declines in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Eritrea, Mali and Niger. Subregional differences are shown in figure 3.7, with North and Southern Africa having higher schooling rates than the other sub-regions, and Central Africa scoring significant lower for women - a dramatically low 2.5 years of schooling for girls and the widest gender gap (almost two years). This has been a critical factor in arriving at close to universal primary education enrolment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! During its early years, this centre contributed to the development of a national integrated data system, analysing social problems of migrant women workers, for example. Three ministries - those of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Higher Education (MOHE) and Education (MOE) - participate in the NCIA. Universiti Sains Malaysia supports the NCIA by conducting studies focusing on the electrical and electronic (E&E) industry in the Northern Corridor Economic Region. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 That there is an expanse of connections between multilateral institutions—and multilateral processes—with the defense and promotion of democracy in different parts of the world is increasingly apparent. A wide range of international organizations, most notably the European Union (EU), the G7/8, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth, and international financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank have attached political conditionalities focused on democratic accountability and good governance to economic assistance. In a similar vein, the United Nations (UN) has been increasingly occupied in projects devoted to the promotion of democracy. A host of civil society groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have dedicated their time and energy to a wide variety of democracy assistance initiatives. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The group described as developed middle class and above encompasses workers in developing countries who are equivalent to the lower end of the middle class in the United States and who are able to afford most international consumer goods (Kapsos and Bourmpoula, 2013). Based on the data presented, there is little evidence of a large or substantial employed middle class in the LDCs, which may have negative implications for wider economic growth, investment and employment generation. However, other evidence suggests that in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, over the past 20 years the middle class has been growing quite rapidly (African Development Bank, 2011, Ravallion, 2009a). The ODC sample comprises 32 developing countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Until 2003, health insurers had to reimburse the full cost of all drugs covered by social health insurance, up to a legally determined reimbursement limit. As a result, generic drug prices were all close to the reimbursement limit, allowing pharmacies to make large profits. Attempts from the government to claw back part of the discounts offered to pharmacists were only marginally successful (Boonen et al., In parallel, health insurers started to issue tenders for contracts to supply several high-volume generic drugs. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Across the OECD, countries spend 0.02% to 0.4% of GDP on PES and administration and another 0.1% to 1.7% of GDP on other ALMPs. Ideally, evaluations cover various aspects of the implementation of new policies and programmes and help to understand what effects the policies and programmes had, for whom and why. Performance management and programme evaluations allow the continuous improvement of policies and programmes, or the termination of unsuccessful ones, demonstrate accountability and justify government expenditure on PES and ALMPs. This also requires a strategic view, giving due weight to qualitative outcomes and broader and longer-term considerations. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The unemployment rate is consistently higher than the already high national average, 27.8% vs. 24.6% respectively, and unequally distributed between population groups (see Figure 2.1.). A high proportion of discouraged workers, 7.8% of the labour force (90 795 people in 2009), have given up searching for employment. Agricultural and mining employment has dropped, reducing the availability of employment opportunities for the less or non-qualified job seekers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Each bulb, it was revealed, contained an average 4 mg of the poisonous substance — compared to 500 mg in a traditional thermometer — threatening health and environment when cracked open. To date, the government has assessed — but not implemented — options to safely collect and dispose of spent CFLs. So YES dimmed its efforts down to its final flicker in early 2011. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Indeed, many multilateral development banks, bilateral agencies and NGOs are now mandated to achieve climate change co-benefits while contributing to the core organisational mandates of poverty reduction and broader development outcomes. Some institutions go further still, for example, AFD mainstreams climate change mitigation into its operations by measuring the carbon footprint of its whole development finance portfolio (AFD, 2012)12. All recipients and some supporters and providers consider aligning climate finance behind priorities outlined in national climate change action plans as an important principle for effectiveness. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The project includes investments in infrastructure, sector reform, and training to strengthen airport operations and management capacity, as well as project support. While the project is still ongoing, some challenges have already risen. For example, procurement and contract management require daily on-site technical support to resolve issues, ensure progress and enhance institutional capacity. Local circumstances, such as adverse weather, can also delay the construction schedule (OECD-WTO aid-for-trade monitoring exercise 2017, Public sector case story 12). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Recent research indicates that less than 3% of all active agricultural holdings obtain income from sources other than agricultural production (an increase from 2.5% in 2006). There are approximately 1.1 million economic entities in rural areas that are not associated with agricultural activity (REGON). On the one hand, there are many successful examples of rural businesses in Poland and, as will be discussed, a wide range of supports are available for both new and established businesses (see Box 2.7 for examples of rural entrepreneurship in eastern Poland). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Life expectancy at birth increased rapidly by four years from 70.5 years in 2000 to 74.5 years in 2014 (Figure 1.2) and by more than 20 years since 1970. Infant mortality has decreased from 56.3 to 13.6 per 1 000 population since 1990, which is below the average in Latin America. Child mortality decreased in a similar fashion from 79.7 to 17.5, also below the regional average. In line with the Latin American region as a whole, Peru has considerably narrowed the gap to the average of OECD countries in tenns of main health indicators, with Peru developing even faster than most of its neighbours. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Early on Friday, 19 April 2013, officials at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth learned that one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects was an enrolled student. That morning, the entire campus was transformed into both a crime scene and a potential target for an act of domestic terrorism. This article examines the campus response to this crisis, based on interviews with campus officials and a review of a task force report produced to review the campus response. This case study speaks to three important issues in the crisis management literature. Having a crisis plan helps (1), but testing of these plans is critical for an effective response (2). Furthermore, the plan must allow for real-time decision making that is both centralized and decentralized (3). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the Gaza Strip, the deficit has been estimated at 16-42 MCM/yr (Table 3). Tel Aviv-Yafo in Israel.59 and most of the Gaza Strip (Figure 3). In the Egyptian town of Rafah. Most dramatically, in the Gaza Strip water levels have been dropping at rates of up to 1 m/yr and water levels in many areas now lie near or below sea level. In the northern Gaza Strip, groundwater levels have dropped by about 5 m in the period 1969-2007, while a drop of over 15 m was observed in the Rafah area in the southern Gaza Strip, with a clear acceleration from 1998 onward [Figure 5). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The country co-ordinators would distribute the standard questionnaire to their selected respondents, collect and collate the responses, and forward them to social science researchers at the ESRC Genomics Network for analysis and write-up. Initially nine countries agreed to participate, but subsequently two countries pulled out on grounds of lack of resources at a time of global economic down-turn. The seven remaining countries were Finland, Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, United Kingdom, China and South Africa. In April 2012, the respective country co-ordinators, along with four social science researchers from the ESRC Genomics Network, formed a project steering committee, supported by members of the OECD secretariat. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! In the United Kingdom, the study from Ernst & Young estimates connection costs for offshore plants in a range of GBP 300-800/kW, depending on the distance from the shore, the present study adopts an intermediate value of GBP 500/kW, which corresponds to about 20% of the investment costs at the plant level. Connection costs for offshore have been estimated to lie between 10% and 25% of investment cost, depending on the distance from the shore (Green Net, 2009a). For the other countries, the average value of 17.5% was used. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, precise estimations of the size and nature of the energy efficiency gap of the food chain have not yet been calculated. In many cases, the implementation of these approaches is a “win-win” situation for the producer, as the energy cost reductions achieved through implementation quickly repay the capital investment that is required. In the majority' of cases, a payback time of five years or less can be achieved and, for a significant proportion of the technologies, the payback is three years or less (Golaszew'ski et al., Moreover, important efficiency gains can be achieved w'ithout capital investment, by introducing procedural and behavioural changes.3 Reducing food waste, for example, provides high potential for energy savings through resource efficiency and offers an important untapped energy-efficiency potential which policy could address (Mehlhart et al., - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article contributes to recent debates about public sociology by considering the potential harmful consequences of seeking legitimacy for committed scholarship within academic institutions. After discussing public scholarship's place within the corporate university, we reflect on how institutionalizing “scholarship with commitment” might create routine practices and standardized expectations that could discourage organic interactions with various publics. Feminism's role in the academy exemplifies the consequences of institutionalizing committed scholarship. Drawing on insights from feminist and symbolic interactionist traditions and writing from a Canadian perspective, we discuss promising strategies for resisting the stagnation and/or habitualization of public and committed scholarship. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article analyzes the legal concept of reviewable life sentences, considering doctrinal precedents and the concept’s applicability in comparative law, in such countries as England, Spain, China, the United States, and others. The article also includes a legal study of the most relevant cases presented to international tribunals, like the European Human Rights Court and the Austrian, Swiss, and German High Courts, where life imprisonment sentences are subject to review after partial completion. Finally, the article analyzes the prohibition of life imprisonment in Colombia that stems from a constitutional mandate as well as from international-treaty commitments, and the legal precedents established by the country’s Constitutional Court and Supreme Court. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This arises because some innovation activities, such as design or patenting, may be funded by one industry, say manufacturing, but their undertaking may be outsourced to another industry, say Business services, which includes industrial design consultancy and legal firms. Although these complex input-output relations make it difficult to infer the skills and occupations involved in innovation in a specific industry, the official surveys do provide a clear insight into the breadth of skills required for innovation at an economy-wide level. The following examples are taken from Australia using statistics from recent official innovation surveys of private businesses, though it is crucial to note similar patterns of diversity apply across OECD countries. For example, over the three-year period 2001-03 in Australia just 34.8% of firms undertook any form of innovation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! ""See Robert M. Solow, “A contribution to the theory of economic growth"""", Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. Such progress has since been included as an endogenous process of growth by, for instance, considering spillovers (externalities) of the skilled workforce. See P.M. Romer, “Increasing returns and long-run growth"""", The Journal of Political Economy, vol."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""It should also be understood that some indicators of gender equality are not likely to be applicable to all countries. For example, literacy rates may be more meaningful in sub-Saharan Africa than in Latin America and the Caribbean, and wage data are less relevant in largely agricultural societies. The development of indicators to assess SDG progress will have to deal with this complexity. Fiscal Policy and Endogenous Growth with Public Infrastructure""""Oxford Economic Papers 60:57-88. Canuto, and L. P. da Silva. On Gender and Growth: The Role of Intergenerational Health Externalities and Women's Occupational Constraints."""""" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Pre-primary, primary and lower secondary teachers have a common salary scale but a different salary scale exists for upper secondary education (the rationale for this differentiation relates to the level of initial qualifications required, i.e. bachelor’s or master’s degree). In addition, a great number of salary scales coexist for upper technical and vocational secondary education. Teachers in management functions have separate salary scales. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is particularly relevant for dairy and meat commodities where there are few traders (for dairy, in part reflecting the past history of single seller export arrangements). For the principal crop commodity group, horticulture, the establishment of futures trading is also problematic due to the lack of a standardised product. Agro-food business in New Zealand must turn to commodity futures markets abroad (e.g. in Australia and the United States) in order to hedge commodity price risks. However, without being involved in price hedging as such, farmers use price information from international commodity futures. For example, wheat farmers use movements in the United States and Australian wheat futures prices as a guide to the prices they might expect in the future. Some analysts indicate that the disparities in movement of overseas futures and domestic market prices may be substantial in such trading, creating important basis risks for hedgers in New Zealand. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There has been an impressive rise in multi-stakeholder initiatives to address social and environmental crises in which firms and other stakeholders promote ethical governance through standards. Habermasian deliberative democracy that provides a normative model for ethical governance, emphasizing dialogue and impartiality, has been particularly influential in developing social standards. However, feminist scholars take issue with some of its philosophical assumptions, and question its suitability particularly in contexts characterized by extreme inequalities. We use the feminist critique to understand some of the challenges involved in developing social standards based on deliberative democracy. Through an organizational ethnography of Fairtrade International, we examine multi-stakeholder processes in the development of a standardized “fair” minimum price for Rooibos farmers in post-apartheid South Africa. While fair trading was previously based on direct negotiations, the introduction of a standardized “f... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Developed by Industry Skills Councils or enterprises, each package is a set of nationally-endorsed standards, qualifications and guidelines used to recognise and assess the skills and knowledge people need to perform effectively in the workplace. The packages prescribe outcomes required by the workplace, not training or education. They are generally reviewed and resubmitted for endorsement every three years, however, within the three years, changes may occur under a continuous improvement process. Additionally, in the ECEC sector, national training packages have been developed for Certificate III, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Children’s Services through the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 On the other hand, income support not based on current commodity production is much more effective at improving farm income with less spill-over effects. Policies that directly target non-commodity criteria such as landscape elements, environmental performance or traditional breeds of animals are also typically more effective at reaching these societal objectives, although concerns have been raised over the budgetary and transactions costs involved in some cases. Annual variations depend on movements in world prices, domestic prices and exchange rates as well as changes in production levels. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This began with the Compact project Transition to High Value Agriculture which will last until 2015 (chapter 10). The Agency “Apele Moldovei” is responsible for management of this programme. It aims to catalyze investment in agricultural performance by establishing a sustainable model of irrigation and water management as well as an institutional and policy environment favourable to irrigated agriculture. A pilot project of rehabilitation of 11 irrigation networks (see above) has already started. The reform transfers the responsibility for management of irrigation networks from the government to 11 associations of irrigation water users, which were created with the assistance of the programme. Permitting and compliance reviews are conducted by the SEI. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Albert Venn Dicey, the great British constitutional scholar of the 19th century, is best known in the field of administrative law for his denial of even the possibility of administrative law in common-law countries. This article puts Dicey’s famous denial in a context that establishes the relevance of his constitutional scholarship for contemporary administrative law. Examples are drawn from the United Kingdom and the United States to support this position. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This will translate into significant amounts of resource consumption, creating an important opportunity to ensure that new investment helps to support low carbon and resource efficient development, provided that obstacles to investment in these directions are removed. Public investors should set the example by integrating resource efficiency objectives into standards for buildings and other infrastructure. Private investors should be incentivised to integrate resource efficiency objectives into their investment strategies. The transition to a resource efficient economy will stimulate the emergence of some sectors and the decline of others. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Therefore, in many cases it is desirable that a third-party ensures the independence of the assessment and its results. It can help to map out the different views held by different stakeholders at the start of a process and identify potential challenges that the process may face (e.g. divergent perspectives regarding flood defence measures between land planners, property owners and government authorities or regarding water resource allocation betw'een farmers, industries and environmentalists). Water governance systems are dynamic, and therefore engagement initiatives need to remain adaptive enough to cope with unforeseen circumstances and changes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, the government has taken some measures to promote efforts by employers to foster good mental health, for instance a guideline on good mental health maintenance and promotion, and a plan to begin the implementation of the Revised Industrial Safety and Health Act in 2015 so that employers are obliged to undertake stress checks and interviews/coaching in order to prevent poor employee mental health. Given the harmful impact that untreated mild-to-moderate disorders can have on employee productivity, employers and insurers in Japan should follow other OECD countries and provide (a greater range) of preventative interventions and services for mild-to-moderate disorders, going beyond information sharing and employment raising. Elderly populations are at risk from disorders such as depression just as the working-age population are, and untreated mental disorders may harmfully impact upon the physical health of older individuals. Elderly populations may be less likely to seek help due to generational stigma, isolation, or poor availability of appropriate services. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter proceeds in three steps. I first briefly outline the principal theories that justify secession. Next, I analyze the evolution of secession in international law and in international practice, as a corollary of the right of all peoples to self-determination. Finally, in the last Section, I turn to the relationship between secession and constitutionalism and ask whether the constitutionalization of the right to secede can, in particular context, be regarded as a constructive response to secessionist challenges and what its implications are for constitutional law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For policy purposes, employment-to-population ratios of youth and old are particular relevant. The indicator is based on the broader indicator ‘status in employment’ which distinguishes between three categories of the total employed. These are: age and salaried workers (also known as employees), self-employed workers (employers, own-account workers and members of producers’ cooperatives), contributing family workers (also known as unpaid family workers). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Girls reported more positive attitudes towards relationships, meaning that they tend to be more interested in the opinions of others and want others to succeed. Boys, on the other hand, are more likely to see the instrumental benefits of teamwork and how collaboration can help them work more effectively and efficiently. Students who reported more positive student-student interactions score higher in collaborative problem solving, even after considering the socio-economic profile of students and schools. Schools that succeed in building on these attitudes by designing collaborative learning environments might be able to engage disadvantaged students in new ways. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Combined with suitable opening hours and schedules, these services could also support working mothers and fathers. Conversely, without adequate responses to the tensions between work and family responsibilities, socioeconomic and gender inequalities will continue to deepen and work against equity and development in the region. Section II sets forth an analytical framework to examine these changes. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As shown in the table below, and as explained further in section E of this chapter, the figures are even higher among adolescents aged 15 to 19. For a summary of these approaches, see Ru2 and others (2005). So far, 45 surveys have been conducted in Latin America. For Lath America, the figure is 21 children per woman. During the 1950s, most countries recorded high fertility levels and a slow rate of change, and fertility even rose in some cases such as Costa Rica and Argentina. In others it remained stable (Uruguay) or dropped slightly, causing a slight rise in the regional average. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Guatemala, a study showed that children who had received nutritional supplements before reaching the age of 3 earned hourly wages as adults that were 46 per cent higher (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012b). The international community can provide assistance to developing countries in designing such plans in a cost-effective time-bound manner so as to realize the right to food, as well as stimulate rural development, agricultural production and poverty alleviation. Support should also be offered to help integrate the social protection floor plan within the national agricultural strategies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This report provides policy guidance that can help governments achieve this goal, organised around four main areas (i) the choice and design of policy instruments, (ii) how to combine them into an effective policy mix that covers the whole of the product lifecycle, (iii) integrating resource efficiency into cross-cutting and sectoral policies, and (iv) strengthening of data and analysis to support policy development and evaluation. While the focus is mostly on the measures that governments can take at the domestic level, the report concludes by identifying a number of areas where international co-operation, including in the G7 framework, could make an important contribution in moving this agenda forward. To do this without simply displacing environmental burdens across the lifecycle of products or from one environmental medium to another requires the application of policy mixes that create a coherent set of incentives. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 At the same time, public reporting around performance measurement is increasingly being developed in Italy, but the potential for patients to make use of quality data and to be involved in quality assurance appears to be still rather scarce, notably in the areas of primary and community care. To this end, regions are assigned the task of providing methods for patient involvement (through patient organisations) in activities related to health planning, monitoring and evaluation of services at regional, organisation or district level. The importance of an assessment of the quality of health service by users was confirmed by the Presidential Decree of the Councils of Ministers of May 1995 (Service Charter), by the 2003 and 2006 National Health Plans, and by the national regulations on accreditation (Decree of the Council of Ministers of January 1994 (principles on health services delivery). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 These pollutants—particularly persistent organic pollutants, or POPs—can remain for a very long time and enter the food chain, posing a real risk to human and ecological health. Development of toxicology and a growing social concern over hazardous organic chemicals led to further development of environmental monitoring and regulation initially in the developed regions, including the United States, European Union and Japan. The wave then expanded into the developing Asian countries. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Female youth unemployment is a critical issue in Algeria: 37.4% of women, compared to 18.6% of men aged 16-24, were unemployed in 2010. Unemployment is particularly widespread among female university graduates: 33.6% of women holding a university degree were unemployed in 2010 compared to 11.1% of men. Data shows that the unemployment rate of female graduates is significantly higher, independently of their chosen field of study, which may be ascribed to a supposed “gender-biased” choice. No major gender differences exist with respect to the length of unemployment: in 2011, 74.8% of unemployed men and 71.3% of unemployed women were facing long-term unemployment, defined as unemployment for 12 or more months (Office national des statistiques, 2012a). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Children and youth in cities”, in ISSC/UNESCO, World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments, OECD Publishing and Unesco Publishing. Each author is responsible for the facts contained in his/her article and the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO, ISSC and do not commit either organisation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Lifelong learning can also play an important part in helping adults to define and shape their own identities by exploring their past biographies and framing their aspirations. The priorities for action set at Confintea VI in Belem, Brazil in 2009 provide an indication of key global policy trends. Learning itself can take place in so many different ways and it has become common to recognise a distinction between Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning. These distinctions are used widely in policy and there have been some bold attempts to offer formal recognition for the outcomes of informal and non-formal learning. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 We have chosen to adopt an interdisciplinary approach to debt, leading to a transdisciplinary analysis of sovereign debt. Disciplinary fields as varied as logic, accounting, finance, psychology, geopolitics, economics, statistics, ethics, rhetoric and political discourse analysis are mobilised in order to reveal the prejudicial nature of an over-rigid compartmentalisation of knowledge in particular that which is centred on economics alone. This approach comes in sharp contrast to mainstream economic theory, which has often refused any constructive dialogue with other disciplines. We do not praise interdisciplinarity as an end in itself. Our aim is to underline the merits of a plural scientific approach which finds its justification in times of crisis in the very nature of the problems under scrutiny whose complexity and multidimensional character require an in-depth review of the underlying research frameworks. Finally, a textual analysis of four documents will complete and justify our argumentation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The article identifies a gap in peacekeeping studies. Scholars have not explicitly related peace operations to theories of knowledge that inform debates in International Relations about the nature of world politics. Peacekeeping's hybridity in IR theory was perhaps related to its Cold War exceptionalism and marginalization. Further, as a curiosity in military affairs, soldiers and scholars were chiefly concerned about whether it did any good and how it could be improved upon. Deference to policy prescription also accompanied the steady militarization of peacekeeping and its transformation into peace operations after the Cold War. Signs of change have begun to emerge with studies of peace operations as simulacra of peace, and with critical theory that portrays peace operations as essential to the ideology of ‘liberal peace’. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Chronic under-investment in utilities, infrastructure and networks, and unbalanced tariff structures are major problems. The main networks are owned federally, but the state does not contribute much to the maintenance or improvement of local infrastructures. At the same time, municipalities’ investments are declining and tariffs are rising. However, higher tariffs are not used to cover maintenance costs or to generate funds for investment in infrastructures and networks. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The starting point is a joint life annuity that pays one unit when either (or both) are alive. Put another way, a household with one person with the same total income as a household of two people can enjoy a better standard of living. This is captured by an equivalence scale. It is also recognised in pension systems, which pay a lower rate of benefit to survivors. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 While data on fixed-broadband subscripbons are available for the large majority of economies, more data on different broadband speeds are needed, especially for developing countries and LDCs. Greater standardization in reporting might also facilitate monitoring and analysis. No indicator has as yet been assigned for the first part of this target. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 It could introduce drastic changes, such as splitting up some councils. The commission radically reformed the structure and functions of local governments. For this purpose, it relied on a set of “principles” enshrined in the Government Economic Statement (1987) and sent to local authorities for information and consultation. The previous 200 local authorities were replaced by 12 regional councils and 75 city and district councils (currently 11 regions and 67 city and district councils). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Ajar-African Journal of Aids Research, 8(2), 181-192. Culturally Compelling Strategies for Behaviour Change: A social ecology model and case study in malaria prevention. Soc Sci Med, 62(11), 2810-2825. Practitioner Review: Engaging Fathers-Recommendations for a Game Change in Parenting Interventions Based on a Systematic Review of the Global Evidence. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Canada’s experience with programme-level collaboration may provide valuable insights on how to improve the RSAs (Box 6.1). These two regulatory policy levers (i.e. the inclusion of labour market relevance criteria in programme and institutional accreditation and the requirement to collaborate with social partners through the establishment of RSAs) generally work well together and reinforce each other’s individual impact. The requirement to establish RSAs helps higher education institutions meet the criteria for programme and institutional accreditation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Agency’s classification better reflects the diversity of Sweden’s rural landscape because it captures better the reality of the large size and internal differences within administrative regions and the fact the rural Sweden is characterised by a dispersed population with settlements of various sizes. Functional economic areas measured by labour market interactions provide a better way to capture this reality. These functional geographies are identified through the analysis of journey-to-work data. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! It then provides a review of the valuation literature on marine protected areas, drawing on studies from around the world. It concludes with a brief overview on how cost-benefit analysis can be used to inform MPA decision making. This infonnation allows decision makers to evaluate the net economic benefits to society from investing in an MPA. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Countries where the immunization rate against measles is below 80 per cent are Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu. In several other countries, however, efforts continue to strengthen routine services in order to ensure consistently high coverage. It is estimated that about 77 million children under 5 years of age are underweight in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific and are therefore at risk. These babies are at a higher risk of suffering breathing difficulties, having feeding problems, having lower immunity to infections and having problems maintaining their body temperature. In 2011, almost 15 million babies were born preterm worldwide, which represents more than 1 in 10 babies. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, much will depend on implementation, and stimulating effective co-operation will require DRG payments and the recent specific small-hospital payment scheme to be modified. Additional independent econometric research using hospital-level data would also help identify best practices and potential efficiency gains. The retail price indices (national definition) include reimbursements by the statutory insurance schemes. Drees (2016), Les depenses de sante en 2015 - Resultats des comptes de la sant&, Comite economique des produits de sante (2015), Rapport d'activite du CEPS 2015. However, the financing of expensive treatments has not prevented the sustained increase in volume of use (Panel B). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 When the Soviet Union disappeared, so did much of aca- demic political science's interest in nuclear arms control. This is unfortunate. First, the risk of nuclear war has not gone away and may be increasing because of nuclear proliferation. Second, U.S.-Soviet cooperation on arms control was in many ways unexpected, and it remains a useful laboratory for testing international relations theory. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It has established the International Center for Combating Desertification in Sede Boqer in the Negev desert. Thus far, five Israeli sites have been included on the World Heritage List. Enforcement of the CITES provisions is highly efficient in Israel due to its comprehensive nature protection legislation. Two Israeli sites have been designated as Wetlands of International Importance on the Ramsar List: the Hula Nature Reserve and the En Afeq Reserve. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 There is a particular need for the inclusion of a question on the continuity of services in terms of access to mains water, electricity and natural gas, so as to reflect any deprivations that would not be revealed by merely asking whether households are connected to these networks. The collection of information on multiple dimensions in the same survey would also enable analysis of the interplay of different dimensions, their combined distribution and causal interrelationships, which would facilitate the formulation and monitoring of policies. It is to be hoped that the various efforts being made in the region, under the banner of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, or globally through initiatives such as the International Household Survey Network, will give rise to the greater availability of more useful and reliable sources of information that can adequately meet the growing demand for information. Alkire and olhers (2014) and Santos (2013). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Technology development and technology-based start-ups and businesses, in addition to traditional communications and marketing agencies, have a central part to play in supporting the development of tourism and tourism policy in the region. Yet, rural tourism is, so far, under explored in Morelos and is missing an integrated strategy that would tackle the different dimensions necessary for its success. There were around 1 000 participants in these events. Lack of financing and access to credit as well as increased taxes and other costs are currently a major challenge for tourism SMEs. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Climate change is closely linked to issues of social justice. Adopting an eco-social approach can promote transformative change by addressing distributional consequences of climate change policies (such as price adjustments, economic restructuring and employment changes) and by tackling the root causes of unsustainable development. Active citizenship, social movements and collective action are central elements in catalysing transformative change that addresses power asymmetries and inequalities. Integrating social dimensions more consistently into green economy approaches can also support climate change adaptation efforts as it will lead to improved adaptive capacities and more equitable participation in the transformation process. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Copyright: © 2013 Mancini C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. It is with great pleasure that I share the following editorial, “Sex Offender Treatment: Two Promising Approaches” published in the inaugural issue of Sociology and Criminology. This innovative openaccess journal promises to appeal to a wide range of audiences interested in criminology and criminal justice. The OMICS Group Special features of the journal ensure rapid dissemination of high quality studies in the discipline. This commentary focuses on an important and controversial public policy issue in our field—sex offender treatment. It argues that in conjunction with punishment, treatment efforts should also be considered for sex offender management in the U.S. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The most successful treatment for a rural bend is shown in Figure 6.6, it produced a reduction in mean speed at curve entry of 3.4 km/h as compared with no treatment. The countdown signs that were the most effective treatment for the approach to village entry, with a speed reduction of 4.7 km/h as compared with no treatment, are shown in Figure 6.7. The most effective solution for rural straight sections was very similar to the 2-1 concept. These speed reductions are highly significant in safety terms. However, a real-world evaluation to substantiate that the selected treatments worked in the real word has not so far been earned out. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Then we propose “ hashed scheduling method in Section 4.2, which can reduce the unused regions in the scheduling table for the asynchronous time-slot phase network shown in Fig. In this situation, the efficiency of the time-slot-based optical burst allocation is inefficient since many unused time regions remain in the time-slot scheduling table, as shown in Fig. This method is called local time-based scheduling (Fig. In the global time-based scheduling, we shift the time-slot-search start point by the value determined by the propagation delay along the optical burst route from a certain reference node, which is preselected in the netw ork. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The background to these findings is that various mechanisms are at work that determine the way in which agricultural policy measures affect farmers’ decisions and hence on production and trade. Typical examples are the impacts of policy-induced changes in output or input prices. When a policy raises the price of an agricultural product, it is profitable for the farmer to produce more of it. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 With few savings and living in precarious circumstances, they have few buffers against shocks. Nevertheless, poor communities and their most vulnerable members can learn from past adversity and can even bounce back stronger and better prepared for future shocks - especially if they can rely on social protection schemes and inclusive and adaptive governance. Rural communities, for example, rely heavily on natural resources for their livelihoods and are at greater risks from droughts and floods. Poor urban communities in precarious housing, such as slum dwellers and those living on riverbanks, are also more exposed to hazards. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As collection of IPV measures in multi-topic surveys are likely to imply significant survey logistical costs, expanding the feasibility of experimental ‘light touch’ methods are likely to aid in understanding of dynamics in generalized programming (Peterman et al. We also found substantial evidence from related literature to support each step in the proposed causal chains, with the exception of increasing violence by exacerbating conflict over the consumption of temptation goods. According to our program theory, the economic security and emotional wellbeing pathway is the only one that exclusively reduces IPV, the other two may increase or decrease IPV, depending on whether additional cash aggravates or soothes relationship conflict and/or how men respond to women’s increased empowerment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 National reforestation targets were established and budget allocations expanded. There were campaigns led by governors and mayors to mobilize people in replanting programmes, and communications programmes explained the crucial role of reforestation for livelihood restoration. Rising incomes also allowed woodfuel to be replaced with other sources of energy. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Its medical doctors are also recruited from abroad (because there is no medical school in Luxembourg) and are ageing. Although Luxembourg residents tend to come back after professional education and training abroad, this creates a strong dependency on neighbouring countries and competition for scarce health professionals. Cost-containment measures focused on capping hospital expenditure by introducing global hospital budgets, substituting pharmaceuticals with less expensive alternatives and temporary freezing of service providers' tariffs. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__5, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! After the project ended, the DSA has remained but lost much of its initial momentum. Research and innovation 3. Low-carbon economy 6. Environmental protection and resource efficiency 7. The programme has existed since Interreg IV (2007-13). In the period 2007-13, the OKS programme supported about 125 cross-border projects, which brought together around 400 partners from Denmark, Norway and Sweden (mainly universities, regions and large municipalities). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! However, the 2010 legislation on the Mandatory Health Insurance system appears to have strengthened the role of the insurance system. This, in turn, may have contributed to the recent falls in mortality and lengthening of average lifetimes. However, given the rather short time since the introduction of these programmes, it is probably too early to judge the final outcome. Surveys (conducted by the Levada Center) show that the share of the population indicating that quality of health care provision had improved during the past year went up from 11 % in 2002 to 20% in 2008 (Table 3.3). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In all other country groups, the probability of full-time employment falls as the number of children rises. For mothers in these country groups, the association w'ith education largely follows that shown for the whole sample in Table 4.1: employed mothers with a high level of educational attainment are significantly more likely to work full-time than otherwise similar employed mothers with a low level of education attainment, all else held constant. Country Group 3 again stands out. Unlike the other three country' groups, the probability of an employed mother working full- or part-time does not differ across levels of education. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Part-time wage differentials are related to the extent to which part-time workers are concentrated in low-wage occupations. Evidence suggests that much of the wage difference between part-time and full-time workers is explained by differences in workers and jobs, with differences in job characteristics such as occupation or sector being by far more important, and that the wage penalty might be small but rises over the working life, as a result of lower experience levels and accumulated human capital (Hirsch, 2005, Bardasi and Gomick, 2008, OECD, 2010). The under-investment in human capital associated with short-term contracts can give rise to lower wages for temporary workers. Another possibility is that workers accept lower wages with the expectation that this would be followed by more stable careers. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As far as a breakdown of water consumption is concerned, large consumers are the industry for energy generation, the food processing industry, the chemical, metal, and non-ferrous industries, textile, etc. Industry capacities can be divided into two groups: industry connected to public water supply systems using water of high quality, and industry with its own water resources (spring, wells, river diversion, and reservoirs). Data on consumed water quality lack for the latter. In 2008, of the total intake of water for supplying industry and mining, approximately 92 per was surface water (69 per cent in 2005) and the rest was public sewage, springs and ground water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is a tool that allows states to cooperate over the exploration and exploitation of the resources, while temporarily shelving their disagreement over the border without jeopardizing their respective claims. For other human rights violations, 'internal' and 'external' grievance mechanisms are needed. Internally, extractive companies must have mechanisms to ensure workers have an effective recourse for complaints and injustices. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! International Water Management Institute, Pretoria. Depressive symptoms in youth heads of household in Rwanda: correlates and implications for intervention. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 162(9), 836-43. Gender and Food Security: Towards Gender-Just Food and Nutrition Security. Overview Report, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Finally, it is important that policy instruments adopted across the innovation system are mutually consistent. In this respect, there is a need to adjust the performance-based funding system used at universities in a way that does not discourage industry-science collaboration. These programmes have been Finland’s biggest arena for industry-science collaboration. Budget cuts and the refocusing of much of Tekes’ start-ups and entrepreneurship support have resulted in the disappearance of most of this effort. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The strategy's objectives are to sensitize and raise awareness among school children of the negative impact that using plastic bags has on the environment, to encourage schoolchildren to replace plastic bags with other less-polluting alternatives and to teach them how to properly dispose of plastic bags after use. A key event was organized for Earth Day 2010 in all the schools, and a guide to waste management was widely distributed at the event. The children not only participated in collecting plastic bags at nature sites and clean-up projects, but were also asked to pass on what they learned to friends and neighbours. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Majority of cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean allocate less than 15 per cent of land to streets in the city cores and less than 10 per cent in the suburbs. Out of 40 cities analysed from these regions, 7 cities allocated more than 20 per cent of land to street in their city core. Regionally, sub-Saharan African cities have less space allocated to open public spaces (43 per cent). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These three countries accounted for more than 60% of the total greenfield FDI received in the region in the renewable energy sector. Brunei Darussalam and Singapore are two of the least attractive markets for the renewable energy sector (USD 409 million and USD 946 million, respectively). Other OECD members: Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Korea, TVrrkey and the United States. Other economies: Argentina, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, China, Russian Federation, and Saudi Arabia. It is, however, important to note that the United Kingdom represents by itself one third of the investments from European countries and more than 17% of India’s FDI in this sector. China and the United States, followed by Japan, Malaysia and the Republic of Korea, are the next main investors in the region, particularly in India, which welcomes more than half of their FDI. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, two connection options through Morelos may be envisaged. One of them would be a road that runs through Cuernavaca, reaches Zacatepec and continues up until Iguala, for which there is a rehabilitation project undertaken by the federal government. The second would be a new road going from Zacatepec to Cuautla. However, such projects may be substantially hindered by railway companies. They could negotiate an agreement with railway companies to achieve conditions that suit the specific requirements and parameters of the automotive industry'. This agreement would require the support of relevant state governments and the federal government. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It deals with the level of resources available for school education and revenue sources. Furthermore, it discusses budget planning, the monitoring of funds’ use as well as incentives for the effective use of school funding. The chapter places particular emphasis on areas of priority for the Slovak Republic such as the low levels of public expenditure on education, funding incentives to improve the effectiveness of the school network, equity implications of funding approaches, and the public funding of non-state schools. Special attention is given to the analysis of the formula used to fund individual schools in the Slovak Republic. The chapter also reviews the autonomy of schools in the use of their funding, the management of school budgets and parental contributions. It deals with the level of resources available for school education and revenue sources. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Our driver within the three pillars of sustainable development must include institutional reform and strong means of implementation - Prime Minister’s address at Rio+20, available at: (accessed 18 February 2014). The energy sector, through its links with the other sectors, was deemed to be the major driver for green economy implementation. The cost of energy is a key variable in the tourism and hospitality sector, as well as in the agriculture and agribusiness sector. The viability and economic transformation potential of these two sectors hinge directly on developments in the energy sector, especially the cost of energy. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Programmes such as this - which include the people who are most dependent upon natural assets, are vulnerable to climate hazards, but who are potentially the managers of environmental services -offer much learning for a more widespread approach to inclusive green growth. A climate change impact and vulnerability assessment has already been undertaken for Addis, using UNDP and IPCC climate change impact assessment guidelines, and a city-level resilience plan has already been drafted. As part of the C40 commitment, the municipal authority is also examining the sustainability of urban land use and actions are already taken to scale up urban green areas. Furthermore, outreach campaigns have also been carried out to make Addis’ citizens aware of the benefits of saving water and other natural resources (CDP, 2012). They were developed, mostly prior to the conceptualisation of a national green growth strategy, to suit local circumstances. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Drinking water companies charge a user fee for the services provided, which partly depend on the amount of water used. Within these regions, there is no explicit cross-subsidisation between urban and rural areas, because payments are mainly based on the use of water services. Although, since part of the levies (of regional water authorities) are related to property values, urban areas (with typically higher property values) and higher income groups might contribute relatively more. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Moreover, depending on the policy domain and audience, one (set of) indicators could be more pertinent: indicators reflecting neighbourhood conditions and access to services are relevant from an urban planning perspective whilst issues of financial strain, housing problems and income poverty are more closely linked to social (protection) policy. In sum, there are strong grounds on which to analyze the different domains of child poverty in conjunction with each other to get a comprehensive and diversified picture. This paper takes a microperspective to analyze the degree of overlap across indicators of both monetary and multidimensional child poverty, thereby combining the debates on child poverty and those on overlap of poverty. This requirement is fulfilled by the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) data. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It considers the municipality as the most important competent authority to deliver most environmental outcomes, and proposes far-reaching possibilities for higher authorities (provinces and central government) to regulate environmental issues. To that effect, the Environmental Planning Act (under discussion) introduces six core instruments clustered around strategic vision documents, plans and programmes, decentralised regulations, rules of the central government for certain activities, the environmental permit, and the project decision. The underlying regulation of the act will integrate the assessment framework and the conditions for activities that need to be regulated (general rules, permits). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Abstract The growing importance of the convention and meeting sector provided the impetus for this review of research directions and the structure of the convention and meeting field. A total of 137 convention articles published in major hospitality and tourism journals from 1990 to 2003 were collected and content-analyzed for research method and subject. Specifically, articles were categorized based on (a) nature of article, (b) research design, (c) statistical technique, (d) research focus, and (e) functional area. Findings suggest that while descriptive research dominated, more sophisticated quantitative research techniques, such as multi-variate analysis, were extensively used, particularly after 2000. Thematic review of articles reveals that associations' site selection processes, destination marketing, and the economic impact of convention activities have drawn enormous attention from researchers over the 14-year period. Discussion issues and suggestions for future research in the field of conventio... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Policies to encourage municipality mergers should strengthen the primary care sector. Reforms in the organisation of the hospital sector and emergencies should also improve quality of care and efficiency. Concentration of activity in health centres of sufficient size would generate higher volumes of care conducive to optimal medical practice and economies of scale. Larger health centres can afford more advanced medical equipment, recruit staff more easily and build a stronger medical knowledge base. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Both, Vanuatu and Angola are scheduled to graduate in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The United Nations (UN) has mainstreamed the needs of LDCs in its activities and programs, and the UN Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) provides special support to the LDCs. The Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) 2011-2020, adopted by the Fourth UN Conference on the LDCs in Istanbul, in 2011, to help LDCs achieve sustainable development recognizes ICT as an infrastructure priority on par with water, electricity, and transport. The IPoA includes a call to """"significantly increase access to telecommunication services and strive to provide 100 per cent access to the Internet by 2020"""" (UN, 2011). It also calls for the creation of a Technology Bank for the LDCs, which was reaffirmed as well in the 2030 Agenda."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 There is a trend towards introducing greater accountability for quality and efficiency in provider payment systems, which generally requires a combination of fee-for-service, pay-for-performance and capitated payments. The optimal combination of these systems, however, needs be decided by the authorities on practical grounds. There are welcome steps taken to align outpatient and homogenous disease group (HDG) points so that therapeutically equivalent treatments are rewarded equally regardless of the setting in which health services are offered. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The NBPTS is designed to consider a wide range of teacher competencies, using videos submitted by the teachers to appraise classroom practice and along with portfolio entries focused on teaching practice and constructed response assessments of content knowledge. Submitted materials are reviewed by trained teachers who are experts in the teachers’ content areas. In the United States, the NBPTS has been the chief means of certifying that classroom teachers are performing at high levels. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These include: the poor development of skills in the schools that supply students, limited study options in tertiary education that are not always well aligned with the needs of the labour market, uncertainty about the value of credentials, limited collaboration between universities and firms, limited career guidance services, and the scarcity of public funds for research and teaching activities. This negatively affects their performance in university. The vast majority of students enrolled in 3-year programmes -71% in the north of the country and above 80% in the south - report that they want to complete a 5-year programme (Almalaurea, 2015). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan plays an important role in the definition of education strategies and in the development of key initiatives while the Ministry of Education and Science concentrates on the design of policies to implement education strategies. Regions (oblasts) and districts (rayons) are responsible for the delivery of education services in schools. Primary and secondary education is compulsory in Kazakhstan and students are entitled to attend a public school free of charge. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Equally important, secure property rights are necessary for the financing of new and existing businesses, as property ownership provides a key source of collateral for securing bank loans. Many inconsistent laws about personal property rights were subsequently passed, giving rise to ambiguity and widespread conflict but resulting in limited private property ownership and weak protection of property rights. In principle, the state still retains the power, and reserves the right, to nationalise any property that has been privatised. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! However, such indicators have limitations that also need to be taken into account. In some cases, the number of actors may seem larger if the ministry is in charge of more than one area of competence. For instance, in Mexico, the situation appears less complicated, since only two ministries (SEMARNAT - Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Health) and two deconcentrated bodies of SEMARNAT (CONAGUA and PROFEPA) are in charge of water policy making. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 While new cross-country time-series evidence suggests that technological change has contributed to a rise in earnings inequality, the choice of specification matters for the significance and size of the effect and also for where in the earnings distribution the impact is most pronounced (see Box 1, Table 1 and OECD, 201 la). Early empirical studies were based on the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, which predicts that trade increases the real return for the factor with which a country is most abundantly endowed. However, the theorem proved to be inconsistent with the evidence and in particular, the observed rise in inequality in low-income countries (e.g. Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2007, Feenstra, 2008, Stone and Cavazos, 2011). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In parallel to this process, which has seen a very large number of small-scale natural habitats disappear in the farmland landscape, the diversity of the farming activities on the individual farms has decreased significantly as well, resulting in much more specialized farms. As an example, the number of farms raising pigs has decreased from 120,000 in 1970 to 4,600 in 2011 and the average number of pigs per farm has increased from 70 to 2800 in the same period. At the same time, there has been an increasing tendency to keep livestock inside all year around. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! This paper evaluates and criticizes the account of international law given in Chapter Ten of H.L.A. Hart's book, The Concept of Law. Hart's account offers a few insights -- particularly on the relation between law and sanctions. But his account of international law is moistly quite impoverished. His observations about the absence of secondary rules (rules of change, adjudication, and recognition ) in international law are quite unjustified. His exaggeration of the difference between international law and municipal legal systems is so grotesquely exaggerated, as to deprive the former account of almost all its utility in jurisprudence. What is worse, his dismissive and misconceived account of international law has tended to drive practitioners of analytic legal philosophy away form addressing this important area of jurisprudence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Assessing the role of short-time work schemes during the 2008-09 recession (cont.) Countries that have modified their STW schemes as a response to the crisis are Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Italy (all 2009 Ql), the Netherlands and Norway (2009 Q2). Data on participation in short-time work schemes are obtained partly from Eurostat and partly from national sources. Take-up of short-time work is measured as the ratio of the average number of participants to the number of employees during the crisis period or, in the case of schemes that were established in response to the crisis, during the period when the scheme was operational. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In both cases, there are references to the concepts of flexibility, progression or enhancement of transparency over time, avoiding burden, and enabling confidence in the information reported. In some cases similar language is used, and in others the language used may have different meanings or applicability between the two frameworks. For example, comparability of information is a concept used to build trust and confidence in information reported, previously referenced only for information from Annex I Parties, the term is broadly applied to the entire Paris Agreement transparency framework (Decision 1/CP.21 Paragraph 92c, Art. A closer look at the provisions contained in the Paris Agreement and its accompanying decision highlight several differences with the provisions and those of the existing reporting system (Table 2). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This means that everybody has to do what one can to halt climate emissions, no less. The real test will be when the NDCs are renewed every five years, after a global stocktaking and evaluation of the actions taken. A true success, and overcoming the collective actions dilemma, would be if the future NDCs together imply more ambitious climate policies for the planet, closing the gap to meet the two degrees objective. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Migration may be a channel of norms transmission challenging gender inequality in social institutions at home when moving towards countries with low levels of discrimination. It can however reinforce discrimination when moving towards countries with high levels of discrimination. While Naghsh Nejad and Young (2012) and Naghsh Nejad (2013) focus on institutionalised gender inequality in OECD countries, this paper considers migration flows between developing regions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thailand’s current conflicts have strikingly increased political, social, and economic instability, reduced legitimacy of governance, and undermined the rule of law. The purpose of this research was to examine types of conflicts in 6 social situations in Thailand during 2013-14. A sample of 1,200 conflict news reports from 3 daily newspapers, 2 weekly newspapers, and 3 television news channels were analyzed using content analysis and discourse analysis. The findings revealed that the conflict news reported from the deep southern regions of Thailand showed more violent behaviors than the other five conflict situations- the political conflict, the economic conflict, the environmental conflict, the public policy, and the violence against children and adolescents. All conflict news showed higher proportion of structural conflicts rather than other types of conflict. Moreover, conflict news during the 3 political periods showed differences based on writer’s biased opinion and personal ideology. Keywords : news analysis, conflicts in Thailand - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These should be incorporated into warning chains - both to take advantage of their reach and to ensure that they do not spread inaccurate or exaggerated information. In two projects supported by the ESCAP Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedness, the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union has developed guidelines and other warning tools for broadcasters. However, in order to be effective in an emergency the broadcast media need a formal role in the warning chain — established through SOPs. Rather than let misinformation pass unchallenged, the authorities are usually better off monitoring the social media and themselves using these platforms to reach the public with the correct information. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Thirty-seven of them said that the cost of broadband subscription, slow internet connection speeds, data protection and e-signatures were the biggest difficulties encountered. International Telecommunications Union (ITU) data indicates that many more countries actually have e-strategies than reported these strategies in the M&E exercise. As part of its efforts to promote connectivity, the ITU launched the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina have the most room for improvement in putting frameworks in place. No area is significantly more or less advanced across the six economies. Although basic rural infrastructure is largely in place in most areas in the region, it may not be fully used for agricultural purposes. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Although educational attainment has increased markedly over the past two decades and there have recently been signs of improving education quality, scores on standardised tests for secondary students remain appreciably below the OECD average, and opportunities for further education and training for the existing workforce are limited. The low skill level of the Chilean workforce has become a barrier to faster productivity growth, as workers often do not have the capacities to absorb and adapt the technologies needed to catch up with high-income OECD countries at the technological frontier. In the area of secondary education, higher-qualified individuals could be attracted into the teaching profession by reviewing the remuneration system and by defining teacher career paths with attractive opportunities for promotion. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Having a secure and up-to-date knowledge database is, however, crucial to any effective conservation strategy. The profile also identified 17 important corridors within the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot, five of which traverse areas in Morocco (table 9.3). Of these, six have been created since 2003: the Al Hoceima National Park (established in 2004), Talassemtane National Park (2004), Ifrane National Park (2004), High Atlas Oriental National Park (2004), Khenifiss National Park (2006) and Khenifra National Park (2008). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This essay outlines and extends the discussion of the ‘argumentative turn’ in public policy as it has evolved since 1993 and points to possible future directions of argumentative policy analysis. First emerging in 1993, the contributions over these two decades include a focus on deliberation and deliberative democracy, discourse and discursive institutionalism, social constructivism and interpretation, rhetoric and semiotics, post-structural policy analysis, participatory and collaborative policy analysis, and more. In this contribution, the role of language and ideas in policy-making are underscored, the challenge posed to neopositivist policy analysis by the complexity of today’s ‘messy problems’ and the role that deliberative argumentation can play in dealing with such problems. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It must be read in the context of the current interest in “greening” the economy, notably the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 (Rio+20). There are three dimensions of the concept of sustainable development: economic, ecological and sociocultural. Here we will focus is on interactions between the first two. The chapter deals with economic processes such as production, consumption, and investment, but also addresses elements of the economic systems, both nationally and internationally, in which these processes unfold. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Experimentation and innovative mechanisms, such as regulatory sandboxes, can help policymakers design appropriate regulatory frameworks. A variety of factors can constrain diffusion of technology. To improve access, it is important to identify binding constraints—be they absorptive capacities and the digital skills gap, lack of economic incentives, social and cultural factors, or issues related to intellectual property rights (IPRs). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Multiculturalism is an ever-growing reality in societies with increasing numbers of immigrants, where cities emerge as places of passage, encounter or cultural miscegenation, but also of social contrast or antagonism. Interculturalism appears as a tool for encouraging links with the idea of otherness, promoting integration and upholding the right to difference, while avoiding – or even denouncing – structures of domination over minorities. But this cultural diversity can only be protected, promoted and accepted as long as it does not question human rights or provoke exclusion or inequality. It is in this difficult realm, which is open to constant debate (and that frequently promotes polarizations), that we present brief notes that contribute to considering female genital mutilation in its inextricable condition as violence against women, based on the current Portuguese reality. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Food processing is particularly important in this regard, not only because of its potential scale, but also because of its key role in rural structural transformation, as a critical part of the non-farm economy and a facilitator of agricultural development (UNCTAD, 2015a). Some energy-related activities may also behighly conducive to women’s entrepreneurship and employment, especially in the conception and design of end-use equipment, such as cook stoves and other electrical appliances (Puzzola et al., This may also provide an entry point into a much wider range of other (often male-dominated) small- and medium-scale manufacturing activities. Technological capability acquisition is all the more critical in the context of the ongoing penetration of renewable-energy technologies, which have witnessed rapid technological advances and whose performance is often determined by site-specific conditions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, as highlighted in Chapter 2, the gender pay gap often increases once education is accounted for. Context specific factors - not only women and men's varying levels of education, but also related to types of employment, hours worked, and institutional and policy environments - can also make cross-country comparisons of the unadjusted pay gap difficult. Household surveys usually include questions for women about decision-making at the household level, which provide valuable insights into women's voice and agency in their daily lives. Women's political participation, however, is currently measured using the percentage of women in national parliaments, which does not reveal anything about the impact of women's representation on policy or about women's decision-making in other spaces, including in local governments or civil society organizations. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Indeed, by allowing trades between urban and rural areas, water markets give access to water resources to users who might have been excluded from them in the event of a drought. In other words, the allocation flexibility embedded in water markets allows them to respond effectively and rapidly to severe supply shocks, such as those caused by droughts (Chong and Sunding, 2006). This welfare-enhancing reallocation is not always possible under a prior tradeless appropriation regime or traditional queuing-allocation system. These adaptive management arrangements allow temporary water transfers that are contingent on water availability and may help mitigate risks related to water scarcity or competition to access the water needed by cities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Of all children who are poor and deprived at the same time, 31% are in Sikasso, 19% in Segou, 18% in Koulikoro, and 16% in Mopti. Even though Bamako has a population share of 15%, its proportion of poor and deprived is only 1%. For instance, early marriage, early pregnancy and female genital mutilation are relevant to the well-being of the girl child. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Expenses related to the national meteorological service are included tmder basin management. Expenses related to Mexico City’s eastern and central emissaries are included under wastewater treatment. They pay water resources charges14 to compensate the state for the use of water in the order of MXN 8 billion (see Figure 3.7). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! More than 70 per cent of the drinking water supply of Azerbaijan depends on the Kura River. The Araz River water entering Azerbaijan is reported14 to have MACS in excess of one hundred times for copper, molybdenum and other heavy metals- it should be noted that in some parts of the basin, natural geochemical background levels for some heavy metals are elevated. As a result, river water microflora and fauna disappear, preventing the self-cleansing process. This situation is caused by mining, leather and fertilizer industries along the rivers, and the lack of wastewater treatment facilities in Georgia and Armenia. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Societal discrimination makes people feel powerless, including not responding to economic opportunities if their experience of discrimination has led them to undervalue themselves. Social combined with political empowerment results in individual and collective capacity to secure the eradication of discriminatory practices in markets, services and state institutions, it also contributes directly to growth through expanding the pool of human resources. Capability in terms of knowledge includes not only skills but also a critical self-awareness. Empowerment and new knowledge are iterative inter-active processes in which people’s growing awareness of the changes they want in their lives stimulates them to seek the knowledge and information they will need to bring these changes about - for example, how the state or the market function, where they can get the best price for their crop, or how to do a business plan. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The first key element to build vertical integration is to rely on a strong information system to ensure information sharing between providers and across levels of care. Interoperability of information systems is essential to connect health care professionals and services to co-ordinate patient care (see Lesson 10). Norway’s information system was not established to support information sharing between primary care, municipalities and hospitals. In particular, information on the quality of primary care at local level was nearly total absent at the outset of the Co-ordination Reform. In light of this, payment systems should reward multidisciplinary care and chronic disease management, which as mentioned previously are core components of integrated care. In Norway, appropriate incentives were implemented until 2015 as a means of encouraging health services to embrace integration and to promote high-quality and patient-centred care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Multiculturalism, which clearly has major implications for any discussion of cultural rights, has become a very contested field. This chapter explores the relationship between cultural diversity and cultural rights, and the relationship of both to realization of culturally and politically democratic society. Globalization has brought about the paradoxical situation of the growing awareness of and contact with other cultures, combined with pressures toward homogenization and the supposed superior status of certain examples. This chapter explores these issues in relation to emerging concepts of citizenship generated not only by multiculturalism, but also by the ecological crisis and the search for sustainability. It links this to debates initiated in the previous chapters on the possibility of a global ethics and the place of values in debates about cultural rights in the context of diversity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The strong significance of this variable may be attributable to events during the latter years of the period, when the feminization rate climbed steeply during the upswing in growth that began in mid-2007. However this happened when women’s average wage was dropping, as was the male labour force participation rate. It can thus be inferred that, since growth was occurring while mean wages were declining, the demand-side effect was less strong than the effect of the reduction in the cost of labour in a benefit-led economy. This may have implications in terms of a reduction in the wages offered to prospective workers, which has also been seen in sectors subject to rapid feminization. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 They arc also subject to an ecological relationship and affected by the interplay among the immediate environment, the community and society. Individuals may not automatically bounce back from what appears to be a transitory shock (hysteresis). For instance, a setback in early childhood can have serious ramifications throughout the rest of a person’s life, including the chances of holding onto a job, the uncertainties associated with growing older and the transmission of vulnerabilities to the next generation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Mini-grids capable of sustaining semi-industrial and industrial activity at a lower cost have high upfront costs, and uncertainties arising from inadequate policy frameworks are an important constraint to private investors’ access to commercial finance (ESMAP, 2017, IRENA, 2016b, Berthdlemy and Bdguerie, 2016, Beguerie and Palliere, 2016, GMG MDP, 2017). The African LDCs and Haiti as a group have the highest proportion of countries with a dedicated sector regulator. Where there are regulatory bodies, their powers may be limited or shared with a supervisory ministry. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Apprentices - who have to be aged between 16 and 25 years old or unemployed, earn a percentage of the minimum wage for their work, based on their previous qualification and their age. Depending on the programme, apprentices alternate between academic and vocational courses and work-based training. Enterprises offering apprenticeships receive tax credits and social security exemptions (Ministere de l’Education Nationale/Ministere de l’Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, 2013). Postsecondary apprenticeships have grown in popularity: in 2011-12, one-third of all apprentices were at the post-secondary level - more than 120 000 students, whereas that level represented less than 5% of apprentices in 1995-96 (RERS, 2013). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 What advantages does it have for the students to work with different teaching strategies? It is important to identify our strengths and weaknesses in order to improve our teaching work. What information do you use to evaluate your teaching practices? In our pedagogical work we encounter students that find it hard to participate in class. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 We then repeat the foregoing steps until we exhaust the original sample of mothers. Notice that the sets of matched mothers and non-mothers show no difference in the distribution of characteristics. The figures are in real Argentine pesos, adjusted for inflation using the consumer price index (cpi) deflator. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Evidence suggests that current choice systems tend to favour the most resourceful parents and children. Under a new policy proposal, every guardian would be required to choose a school for their child to attend. In the National Strategy for Knowledge and Equal Opportunities Report (Nationell strategi for kunskap och likvardighet), the Swedish School Commission (Skolkommission) recognises that the term ‘compulsory’ may be too strong, explaining that guardians should never be forced to submit an application to a school, in the case a guardian does not submit an application, a school placement would be decided upon. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Department of Environmental Affairs,, accessed 2 February 2015. Department of Environmental Affairs, Department of Mineral Resources, Chamber of Mines, South African Mining and Biodiversity Forum, and South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. Prepared for the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning by CNdV Africa, Cape Town. Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Cape Town. South African National Biodiversity Institute and Department of Environmental Affairs, Pretoria. Department of Water Affairs, Pretoria. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Training sessions and direct technical assistance sessions were also provided to 10 provincial laboratories and the NCQC, to strengthen QMS. Testing and analysis in compliance with EU requirements is now possible not only thanks to new equipment for fishery laboratories, purchased with TSP funds, but also thanks to the restructuring of the MMAF authority in charge of food safety controls in fisheries and to the revision of its operating legal and regulatory framework in line with EU requirements. Finally, training on development and implementation of food safety management systems was provided to processing companies, and a market orientation programme for Indonesian SMEs was implemented to assist companies to understand and respond to the practices and consumer requirements in Europe. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Managing the use of fertilizers will be crucial for long-term land development, for example, in the United States, it has been demonstrated that in the long term, organic agricultural methods can outperform conventional chemical farming in terms of crop yield, sustainability and profit (ibid.). While large-scale farming is, in general, identified as the main source of excessive use of fertilizers and soil degradation, land fragmentation and limited farm size can also be a source of soil degradation. In the minifundias of the Andean highlands of Latin America for instance, poor small-scale farm holders over-exploit natural resources, owing to population pressure and scarcity of suitable land (United Nations, 2011b). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Calculation of the latter will require use of a hydrological model and will therefore need to be done outside the CGE model. Given the differing characteristics of water supplied from surface and ground sources, and in the absence of a more elaborate model of conjunctive use, it is appealing to treat these two sources of water as imperfect substitutes in the irrigation production function, as proposed by Sue-Wing and Lanzi (2014). The common interest shared by this community is the quantity (and sometimes quality) of water resource. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 When students are educated away from their home, there often is a lack of connection between the school and the home and between the school and the culture of the home community. Across North America, boarding or residential schools contributed to language and culture loss for several generations of Indigenous students. First, parents in communities without a school may choose to move to a different community with a school rather than sending their child away. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 While violent extremism, terrorist attacks and state and non-state civilian targeting undoubtedly directly cause migration and displacement, public opinion in high income countries has come to overemphasize the reverse - that migration is associated with terrorism (Crabtree and Kluch, 2017). This is despite the fact that such a relationship is very tenuous, attacks by foreigners amount to a fraction ofthose by nationals, and repressive measures in host countries, rather than migration per se, can be a cause of violent extremism (Dreher et al., These interact in complicated ways, there is no single or even typical path to radicalization. However, in principle, education can affect both radicalization and reactionary responses. The collapse of the education system in the Syrian Arab Republic during the war means many young Syrians find it impossible to disengage from armed groups through education. Although host countries have taken many steps to include all Syrian refugee children and youth in their education systems, lack of education opportunities d ue to initial discrimination or lack of documentation has resulted in feelings of helplessness and desperation, increasing young people's vulnerability to exploitation and radicalization (International Alert, 2016). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Of this, collection accounted for 44% and recycling and landfill for 25% each. It was promoted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as a job creation strategy In the 1990s. The city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania organizes waste collection via more than 55 micro-, small and communlty-basefl enterprises that tender for micro-zones, some with less than 500 households. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__10, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This article examines rule of law (ROL) and security sector reform (SSR) linkages in crisis management. In particular, the article looks into why international assistance providers chose to categorize a situation and ensuing response strategy as rule of law or SSR, how this categorization is motivated and explained to international and national partners and stakeholders, and how this categorization affects national laws, institutions and other arrangements in post-conflict and crisis societies. The article is borne out of an observation, based on events in the Arab Spring, that the character of international community responses to rule of law threats and challenges has as a strong focus on security. Rule of law promotion taking place in UN and EU missions has undergone a ‘securitization’ in how reforms are conceived and put into practice, compared with rule of law in development aid and past experiences of rule of law assistance in post-communist transitions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Table 9 highlights different synergies that have emerged over the past years with other processes. Assessments have, for instance, sparked more activity in the regions. Some partnerships (e.g. Multilateral Environmental Agreements, such as the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention)) and activities (e.g. benefits of cooperation assessments) are part of the ECE. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Hummels (2001) finds that inefficiencies at African ports add a cost of 8.1 per cent to the value of transactions. More efficient customs procedures are found to cause trade flows to increase by as much as 30 per cent in developing countries (Wilson et al. Similarly, cutting the number of days required to clear customs in Ethiopia by half could cause total factor productivity to increase by 18 per cent. While most NTMs are meant to address public policy concerns - both economic (such as market failures) and non-economic (e.g. to protect health, animal and plant life) - they may actually serve a protectionist purpose, whether intended or incidental. For example, the WTO registered a sharp increase in the number of countervailing measures and safeguards initiated in 2008 and 2009 as crisis-hit economies took emergency’ measures to limit the spread of systemic damage. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The network statuses are described in table II, and are at the instance of the sensing pulse time and the decisions taken are reflected on this. Primary user activity and various states at the SU side. The equations above show that the probability of detection and probability of false alarm related to the detection threshold, sensing time and sampling frequency. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Improved cooking stoves have been identified as having potential social benefits (improved health), environmental benefits (lower firewood use and emission reductions), and economic benefits (lower inputs requirements, such as fuel wood). Good evidence of this is now needed to warrant a very widespread roll-out. Efforts are being made to secure project accreditation under the Clean Development Mechanism and the Gold Standard Foundation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! These suggest that community services may be struggling to provide adequate care. This chapter explores the extent to which current arrangements are aligned with this ambition and what more needs to be done, particularly in terms of quality monitoring and improvement, to achieve it. The chapter argues that work should start now to professionalise and define a speciality of primary care, based upon a clear, consensual vision of how the speciality will be different in knowledge, skills, roles and responsibilities from current community generalists. Strengthening of the information infrastructure, possible reforms to payment systems, and close attention to primary care specialists’ role in co-ordinating care will also be needed. Section 2.4 describes the challenges, including a super-ageing society that primary care would be expected to address and Section 2.5 considers the extent to which current arrangements are well placed to meet these challenges. Sections 2.6 and 2.7 describe the steps that Japan should take to develop a distinct and specialist primary care workforce and embed quality monitoring and improvement from the start. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As to private hospitals, publicly funded patients accessing care in private hospitals must make significant out-of-pocket contributions to meet the costs not covered by public insurance. Turkey has an opportunity to use the rich data infrastructure and coding processes already in place to shift to case-mix adjustment relatively rapidly, thereby appropriately remunerating complexity of care. This should be accompanied by monitoring of quality of care for example to ensure that any expansion in numbers treated is clinically appropriate and to reduce unwarranted variation in medical practice across providers or geographical regions. This would have the further advantage of helping the Ministry of Health move fully and expeditiously in the aspired direction of focusing on quality governance of the health system and relinquishing responsibility over operations. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It also means taking into account the culture and psychology behind risk, and creating partnerships for building resilience (Box IV-7). Disaster information collected at the local level (e.g. Deslnventar) is likely to be more complete for specific disaster - since it will include small magnitude and high-frequency events (Box IV-8). But it only covers those disasters that are entered into the system. Learning from the Deslnventar experience, the Government of Indonesia has been working with UNDP to create Disaster Data and Information of Indonesia - a comprehensive disaster loss database that will guide the development of a national DRR plan and can be used to monitor the impact of disasters on poverty at the community level. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Macrostability is widely understood to mean simply price stability (as opposed to, for instance, employment stability), based on a policy regime, sometimes referred to as deflationary, which tends to weaken the employment-generating capacities of the economy. If a low rate of inflation is the only objective, this is likely to lead to higher rates of interest. The result is that the rate of unemployment is kept higher than it would otherwise be. There may be a gender bias to this approach to monetary policy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Data are from 2015 or 2014, are strongly child-centred, and highly policy relevant (e.g. public childcare policies, school and education policies). This indicators is taken from a survey of women who retrospectively report experiences of violence across their life course. The measure itself aligns strongly to the SDGs, but is only available for European countries, has small sample sizes (in the case of certain items), and is retrospective, self-reported data, collected in 2012. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Importantly, the IUCN works through specialist commissions that provide the Union with information and know-how. All the members of the IUCN together agree on, for example, the work programme of the organization. This would mean conducting studies and developing new policy recommendations or instruments based on the latest scientific findings. In addition, the IUCN governance structure could be used as a partial model for the post-2020 chemicals and waste management regime: the ICCM acts as the general assembly of members, and a governing council could be established to work under the direction and monitoring of the ICCM. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 More accurate figures are provided by the Atlas of Roma Communities project, which is based on a survey applied directly in the field (UNDP, 2014). According to this survey, about 7.5% of Slovak population identified as belonging to the Roma Community (403 000 people). Of these, 46.5% live spread among the majority population, 12.9% live in concentrated settlements within municipalities, 23.8% live in concentrated settlements on the border of municipalities and 17.0% live in segregated settlements (UNDP, 2014 and Decade of Roma Inclusion, 2013). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Political and social violence includes cultural, economic, and structural subtypes. Social violence includes discrimination, domestic violence, rape, and murder. Economic or structural violence keeps groups entrenched in poverty or limits their ability to improve their working and living conditions. Cultural violence prevents people from perpetuating their cultural heritage. Political violence includes denial of citizenship, wrongful detention, enslavement, forced eviction, and statelessness. The health effects of political violence are extensive: death, disability, adverse birth outcomes, infectious and chronic diseases, mental illness, and damage to healthcare systems. Violent environments can be healed through accountability, reconciliation, and a commitment to human rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""This article considers the social organization of responses among human service staff to changes in public policy, using a study of a Swedish treatment center for juveniles as an illustration. The stance toward a new treatment ideology, """"family-work,"""" was not one of either accepting or rejecting the new policy, the staff conveyed both embracing and distancing. Policy innovations, it is argued, create conditions that work as a catalyst for """"doing ambivalence, """" an accommodative rhetoric that integrates the new and subtly expresses reservations."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This third level has been the economic growth engine especially in Finland and Sweden for the past six decades, but is now decreasing in importance due to the ongoing large-scale restructuring of the industry (new pulp and paper facilities being built in the global south rather than north) and digitalization of societies worldwide. One increasingly important business level is renewable energy that is produced from the residues of levels 2, 3 and 4. Both solid biomass (e.g. wood chips and pellets) and liquids (e.g. bio-oil) are used as raw material for bioenergy. This level breaks the confines of traditional industry sectors and makes them part of a larger biobusiness sector. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Harmful and degrading practices, such as dowry-related violence or so-called honour crimes, also continue, without systematic monitoring, punishment or redress, despite advances in legislation prohibiting them. Examples of such violence can be rape/sexual assault, sexual harassment, violence within institutions, violence against women migrant workers, witchcraft-or sorcery-related violence or killings (A/66/215 and A/HRC/1 1/2). Although in the majority of cases younger women are at higher risk of witchcraft-related violence, in some parts of Africa older women are more vulnerable to sorcery-related femicide owing to their economic dependence on others or the property rights that they hold (A/HRC/20/16). This type of violence can include gender-based violence during conflict, disappearance or extrajudicial killings, custodial violence, violence against refugees and internally displaced women, or women from indigenous or minority groups (A/66/215). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Other, even more revolutionary innovations are probably not even on today's radars yet. Shaping the history of the digital future needs an understanding of past and present phenomena, as past innovations are destroyed, sometimes to be reinvented in a new way to fulfil people's continuing need to communicate, create and innovate. Today, mobile cellular penetration is approaching saturation with nearly seven billion subscriptions worldwide, representing a 96 per cent penetration level. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 An evaluation found that reverse marketing is more likely to be used by high-performing providers (DEEWR, 2010). Jobseekers who are reverse marketed are more likely to be referred to a job and more likely to achieve a job placement, even though this type of referral has a slightly lower rate of conversion of referrals to placements. Although reverse marketing can be an effective tool, the “cold calling” of employers without a specific reverse marketing strategy or for a particular job may dilute the value of this type of intervention, and it is in principle not funded by the purchaser of employment services. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The survey underlines the willingness of the private financial sector to receive training in energy efficiency. Results moreover underlined the importance for private financial institutions to get more insights and pre-emptive information into the evolution of regulatory issues. The creation of EEFAN would be useful in both instances. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While equality laws operate to enable access to information, these laws have limited power over the overriding impact of market forces and copyright laws that focus on restricting access to information. Technology now creates opportunities for everyone in the world, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, to be able to access the written word - yet the print disabled are denied reading equality, and have their access to information limited by laws protecting the mainstream use and consumption of information. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the World Intellectual Property Organization's Marrakesh Treaty have swept in a new legal paradigm. This book contributes to disability rights scholarship, and builds on ideas of digital equality and rights to access in its analysis of domestic disability anti-discrimination, civil rights, human rights, constitutional rights, copyright and other equality measures that promote and hinder reading equality. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It provides the framework for a holistic assessment and can be applied to any kind of system or value chain. It means trying to address the underlying causes of an identified problem rather than just trying to alleviate its immediate symptoms. It addresses some widely held misunderstandings, in particular the misconception that there is a conflict between SCP and poverty alleviation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Renewed effort is needed from the international community to convey the message to the governments in the region that social cash transfers are a powerful tool in protecting vulnerable families and their children, and are worth investing in. Advocacy needs to be supported with strong evidence. Background paper prepared for the World Bank, mimeo. Lessons from the Past and Policies for a Sustainable Future, Social and Economic Policy Working Paper, UNICEF, New York. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Like in most countries of the Western Europe, the media system in Denmark has undergone many changes in the last ten years (Jauert, 2016). Almost 96 of every 100 people in Denmark are active Internet users, but traditional media maintain their position among media consumers (The World Bank 2015). There is, however, a decline in the subscription of newspapers. Today there are around 31 paid-for newspapers in Denmark and most newspapers have an online version with regular news updates throughout the day. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Children from disadvantaged family backgrounds that are at risk of receiving less attention than others during their early childhood years can benefit particularly strongly from ECE enrolment. For this reason, ECE also improves the equality of opportunities and strengthens social mobility. A lack of funding is one of the reasons for low enrolment rates, although federal funding is available to support the current expenditures of operating childcare centres and building pre-schools has been one element of the infrastructure programme PAC2. In addition, the federal Prolnfancia programme provides financial support for the costs of building and equipping childcare centres. It has so far funded over 2000 centres and provided resources to equip several hundred more (Evans and Kosec, 2012). Federal support for ECE should be continued and expanded to reach the ambitious objective of the new National Education Plan (PNE) of achieving universal enrolment of 3 and 4-year-olds by 2016. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! This applied work study, assessed by a qualitative method and deductive approach, uses a documental and bibliographical survey to discuss the fundamental right of the exercise of the citizenship by people with intellectual disability, having the Cultural Relativism as its instrument of strengthening. It aims to display the formal and abstract vision of the universality of the Human Rights, the disrespect by the Brazilian State and other determining reasons for the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ineffectiveness, in order to fight discrimination and to promote the achievement of the exercise of citizenship by people with intellectual disability. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 To strengthen assurance for quality of care ongoing focus should not only be on the numbers of professionals, but also on their professional profiles and the quality of their performance in practice. Various steps have been taken to strengthen the position of citizens/patients with focus on complaint handling. It would be advisable for Turkey to have more infonnation on performance of health-care services accessible in the public domain, and capturing the experiences of health-care users systematically could be more broadly embedded. Further work on specific registries can be anticipated. Optimising the use of administrative data is a priority, particular attention is needed to enhance data-sharing between the Ministry of Health and SSI. A coherent policy on how to strengthen the Turkish information infrastructure to facilitate the use of quality indicators, addressing topics such as data-linkage, secondary use of data from Electronic Health Records and assurance of privacy and data security is advisable. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the electricity sector, as of early 2017, the Russian Federation’s InterRAO owned generation assets in Georgia and Moldova. Azerbaijan’s state-owned company SOCAR and Kazakhstan’s KazMunaiGas both played a significant role in the natural gas sector in Georgia. Gazprom’s subsidiaries were active in both natural gas and electricity generation in Armenia, and Gazprom was a key player in the natural gas sector of both Moldova and Belarus, in particular controlling the transit gas pipeline to the EU. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""For example, Ferreira and Gignoux (2014, p. 232), in a study of inequality of educational opportunity using PISA data, argue that: """"Because 15 year-olds may conceivably affect the choice of school they attend, the class they are assigned to, and thus the teachers they interact with, all school characteristic variables, for example, are included in [effort]."""" This is a bold leap to make, even when considering children of this age. The extent to which (a) children realistically have choices about this matter, and (b) are empowered to make these types of decisions independently of parents and other adults will vary according to context. Additionally, our analysis includes children from 8 years of age upwards, and the above argument is even less likely to apply to younger age groups."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The paper revisits the socioeconomic theory of the Austrian School economist Ludwig M. Lachmann. By showing that the common claim that Lachmann’s idiosyncratic (read: eclectic and multidisciplinary) approach to economics entails nihilism is unfounded, it reaches the following conclusions. (1) Lachmann held a sophisticated institutional position to economics that anticipated developments in contemporary new institutional economics. (2) Lachmann’s sociological and economic reading of institutions offers insights for the problem of coordination. (3) Lachmann extends contemporary new institutional theory without simultaneously denying the policy approach of comparative institutional analysis. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 She told her boyfriend that he really ought to leave her, but he refused, standing by her side through gruelling rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. At one point, she had been asked if she wanted to preserve her eggs, but the subject came up in front of her father and felt too uncomfortable for discussion. The stick turning positive was the best thing that ever happened in my life,” she confides. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It is usually calculated for the population aged 6 to 14 years, but given the high rates of school attendance in most countries in the region, the age bracket has been expanded on this occasion to 6 to 17 years. As regards data problems, in some countries, the population under 7 years of age is excluded and also in some surveys, enrolment is used as the criterion instead of actual attendance. In line with the usual practice in the research used in the multidimensional approach (see boxes 1.3 and 1.5), the same weighting is assigned for the dimensions used in this exercise, since no agreement was reached on whether to assign them more or less importance. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! On the side of local liberty, the Girondins’ Constitution of 1793 demanded universal suffrage at the local level and total decentralisation—but it was never implemented. It was the Jacobins who eventually gained dominance and established a centralised republican State with a long reach. With the decree of December 4, 1793 departements lost powers that had been briefly granted to them only a few years earlier (but were never implemented). Under Napoleon this centralisation continued, the departemental structure of 1790 was retained and the powerful position of prefet in departements ensured State control over local matters (Schmidt, 2007: 23). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Service providers are likely to still Page | 32 require subsidies even after LpT reaches its universalisation target. This is because costs for operation and management, capital and replacement have to be incorporated into the calculations by the service providers (Instituto Acende Brasil, 2007a). Where low consumption levels remain, concessionaires are expected to face serious problems, especially if they are already in financial difficulties. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Often, agriculture advisors are engaged in a number of tasks outside their primary technical specialisation. They tend to have limited knowledge, notably in farm management, marketing and business planning, their average age is high, and they have limited IT skills. In Serbia, international donors have developed a small private extension network. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The authors recognised that the survey did not necessarily reflect the latest activity in this area due to time lags between policy development and reporting to the UNFCCC. In addition to that, national adaptation planning is likely to have progressed markedly (at least in the most active countries) over the six years since the paper’s publication. These have primarily focused on European countries but some have also included non-European OECD countries - for example, Australia and the United States (Bauer, Feichtinger and Steurer, 2011, Preston, Westaway and Yuen, 2011). The review identified several typical strengths and weaknesses in adaptation strategies - the strengths include targeted research and good planning for implementation, review and funding, while weaknesses included a lack of co-ordination between sectors and unclear allocations of responsibilities between different administrative levels. Preston, Westaway and Yuen (2011) further highlight the institutional and capacity challenges to implementation. Bauer, Feichtinger and Steurer (2011) focus particularly on co-ordination and integration in ten OECD countries, both horizontally across policy sectors and vertically across jurisdictional levels. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Effort should be made to support the sharing of expertise and practices at the local level. In this regard, it will be important to establish strong public health institutions with national influence to develop strategic policy objectives and assess policy options. This need for strong public health institutions is heightened in Switzerland where cantons are of varying sizes and hence have varying capacities for policy development. Health information systems are currently limited and information on key indicators is too often left to the initiative of willing parties or health service providers. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Revised version of September 2009. Available at:— ed_norm/—declaration/documents/publication/wcms_105023.pdf ILO, 2009: Lists of indicators of trafficking in human beings. List of the indicators of trafficking validated through the Delphi methodology at the European Union level. Available at: ures/WCMS_105884/lang--en/index.htm ILO, 2009: Explanations for indicators of trafficking for labour exploitation. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__4 -> MISMATCH! A Core Curriculum for Pre-School Education (2000) was established from 2001 and renewed in 2010 with National Curriculum Guidelines on ECEC (2003, renewed in 2005) for the design of local curricula. In addition, legislation on early childhood education and development of uniform pre-primary education instruction are in progress to ensure that all children have equal prerequisites. Working groups of education officials, researchers and teachers are focusing on structure and national objectives (set in June 2012), conceptions of learning, support for learning and the different subjects. The renewal aims to build on strengths, supporting student growth and focusing on the core educational content and local pedagogical development. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Few sociological and qualitative studies, however, have shed light on the relevance of gender norms in driving migration decisions. Diner (1983) is one of the first attempts to include discriminatory social norms into the possible explanations of women's international migration. Studying the Irish diaspora to the United States in the late nineteenth century, she finds that most of the migrants were women in search for better opportunities. Since the famine of those years made impossible for families to give dowry to each daughter, marriage was only possible for one daughter. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These changes were closely linked with the restructuring of the economy towards sectors with low energy intensity and high added value. Governance for sustainable development was consolidated. Since 1999, Comhar, the Sustainable Development Council, has served as a multistakeholder forum providing independent advice to the government. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These areas can be turned into poles of clean and sustainable growth, linking cost savings with employment creation, income-generation and investment opportunities. In so doing, in addition to relaunching growth (that was brought to a halt by the economic crisis), these areas can address key issues involved in the energy, climate, food and water crises, and make substantial contributions towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Flowever, the significance and difficulty of the choices that policymakers face cannot be exaggerated. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! India’s 11th Five-Year Plan (2009-13) included strict adherence to GRB, and gender budgeting has been used as a rights-based programming approach at the state level in Kerala, producing practical results such as a Gender-Friendly Infrastructure Scheme, an Income Security Scheme and a Food Security Scheme (Mishra, 2011). Since 1999, a minimum of 5% of the national and local government budgets of the Philippines is to be allocated to activities supporting gender equality, although compliance remains low (OECD, 2010). Participation in gender budget initiatives enabled women’s organisations in Brazil to play an active role in the launch of the Brazilian Budget Forum in 2002. Gender equality was a major component of the Forum, the goals of which were to exert social control over public expenditures, to raise public awareness of budgetary processes, and to increase transparency and accountability (Sharp and Elson, 2008). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, a central concern is that much of the plan has yet to be implemented, and that while on paper women appear to be equal to men, in practice inequality remains. Women need training to be able to perform well in the positions they occupy and to make a difference. Women are also still discriminated against - for example, while women are present within the military and serve alongside men, they face abuse and ill treatment (Kagumire 2010). Furthermore, despite their presence in the formal institutions of governance, much like in Rwanda they remain underrepresented in formal peace negotiations (Binder et al. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Section 5 gives consideration of care for other adults in the household and finds that in most countries partnered men are less likely to be involved in care than partnered women. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under tire terms of international law. Yet, as the previous chapter shows, men do a lot more paid work than women on average. This chapter draws on time use data to demonstrate that, when it comes to unpaid work, w'omen - particularly mothers - do considerably more time than men and fathers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Never before was a process of doing justice driven so strongly from the outside as in post-genocide Rwanda. Not only did the 1994 genocide lead to the founding of the International Tribunal, but it also induced intensive donor involvement in domestic attempts to ‘break the cycle of hatred’— from the work done by the national courts and the Unity Commission to the gacaca. In this sense, Rwanda became the forerunner of a much wider trend, towards a judicialization of international relations, for instance through an emphasis on international criminal law. However, the past decade of donor involvement in Rwanda in general, and the case of the gacaca in particular, show us how this specific — technocratic, de-contextualized — emphasis on justice might seem innocuous at first glance, but carries dangers within it, particularly if it takes place in an increasingly autocratic and oppressive political environment like that of contemporary Rwanda. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They are governed by councils whose functions and duties include governing their institution and appointing its vice-chancellor or chief executive. Expenditure on educational institutions at all levels is 7.3% of GDP, above the OECD average of 6.3% (see Figure 8). Between 2005 and 2010, New Zealand has increased its spending by 0.8 percentage points, above the OECD average of 0.4 percentage points. As in most OECD countries, a large portion of expenditure on educational institutions comes from public sources (82.6%, compared to the OECD average of 83.6%). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Support to tourism now at USD 89.3 million, also recorded a fall of 34% from 2014. A focus on trade development reveals an increase of USD 1.4 billion in 2015 to USD 6.3 billion covering almost a third of the total amount for building trade capacities. Two-thirds of this support is concentrated in the areas of agriculture and business services. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Meanwhile, the area encompassing the former USSR accounts for one of die world's largest migration systems, widi a migrant stock of up to 8-10 million people in the Russian Federation (Chudinovskikh and Denisenko, 2014) as the main destination country and Central Asian States2 as the principal countries of origin, which are highly reliant on remittances. The first papers addressing women's experience of migration in diat country - mostly the forced migration of Russian-speakers - emerged in the 1990s (Kosmarskaya, 1997, 1999, Pilkington, 1998, Britvina and Kiblitskaya, 2004), while more recently researchers have studied economic migration in this area. Notably, diere are rare papers in which male migration was considered from the gender perspective (Reeves, 2013). Overall, knowledge in die field of gender and migration in the former Soviet Union in general and from Central Asia to the Russian Federation in particular is fragmentary. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Looking forward, further research could be undertaken to identify which types of discriminatory social institutions may have the most detrimental effects and which specific interventions should thus be pursued. The case of rich vs. poor countries"""", World Bank Policy Research Working Paper. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2,222-246. Estimates for the Balkans and Turkey"""", World Bank Policy Research Working Paper."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The notion of “affordability” is more problematic as it indicates a normative notion of the price level. To the extent that energy supply security pertains to trade between different nation states, insisting on “affordable prices” and thus, implicitly, on certain distributional arrangements can undermine the very objective it is trying to achieve. However affordability can take the meaning, not of low prices, but also of effectively managed price changes. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A recent Spanish study examined effects of water markets as an institution that can substitute for growing economic risk caused by unreliable water in the Gaudalquivir Valley District in southern Spain (Calatrava and Garrido, 2005). Recent work from Mexico found considerable benefit in the use of water markets to promote water transfers from irrigators to urban users to address growing water scarcity in that country (Gastelum and Stewart, 2009). More recent work from both Spain and Mexico found that either water markets or reservoirs or both can reduce the risks of unreliable of water supply (Iglesias and Garrido, 2003, Unver and Gupta, 2003). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This period covers the rise of the second wave of feminism in New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s, the transformation of women's political activism from outside to inside the political process and institutions, the decline of feminist activism during the height of neo-liberalism in the 1990s, and finally the emergence of women in political leadership roles in the 2000 to 2008 period. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To the extent possible R&D related to forestry, fisheries etc. Data dissemination when primarily associated with research and development (knowledge generation) e,g. The entire expenditure on those education activities is considered as related to agriculture, as the indicator measures policy effort. Expenditure on advice that are specific to individual farms (e.g. a farm business plan) are included in the PSE category for payment based on services. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Third, public grants to research programmes should be extended to priority sectors other than the E&E and biotech industry. In Penang, collaborative research programmes should draw together the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Universiti Malaysia Perlis and other regional higher education institutions. Collaborative programmes taking advantage of complementarities between Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (engineering) and Universiti Teknologi Petronas could tap the interdisciplinary innovation potential of the region. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article provides comprehensive insights into the study of the Ghana legal system as an academic discipline in the law faculties in Ghana. It urges the view that the study of the Ghana legal system, as an academic discipline, should be transsystemic. Transsystemic pedagogy consists in the introduction of ideas, structures and principles which may be drawn from different legal traditions such as civil law, common law, religion-based law, African law and socialist law traditions to influence the study of law. Transsystemia involves teaching law ‘across,’ ‘through,’ and ‘beyond’ disciplinary fixations associated with a particular legal system. It is a mode of scholarship that defies biased allegiance to one legal tradition in order to foster cross-cultural dialogue among legal traditions. It involves a study of law that re-directs focus from one concerned with ‘pure’ legal system to a discourse that is grounded on multiple legal traditions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While South Africa had an Office on the Status of Women in the President's Office, it had a Joint Committee on the Quality of Life and Status of Women in parliament. With the creation of a stand-alone ministry, there is now a portfolio committee on Women, Children and People with Disabilities. The reasons they cited boiled down to demystifying the institution, feeling valued, feeling that they knew and felt strongly about issues such as gender and the plight of women in rural areas, as well as the fact that they had proprietary knowledge (Mtintso 1995, 1999a). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Particular attention has been given to the mental health of children and young people, but still there are no signs of a rapidly deteriorating situation. Yet, compared to surveys before the economic collapse in 2008 the happiness score has slightly declined. Thus, in the Health and Wellbeing Study conducted by the National Public Health Institute, the score was 7.9 in the year 2007 compared to 7.8 in 2009, a statistically significant decline (Dora Gudrun Gudmundsdottir, personal communication). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! From that low level, remittances gradually increased again in the calendar year 2011. By contrast, although Samoan remittances peaked at 367 million Samoan tala in 2008-09, in the next two years the totals were 345 million and 369 million. In other words, Tongan remittances fell after the crisis but Samoan remittances were more or less stable. That is probably a function, firstly, of Samoan remittances being more likely to come from New Zealand rather than the United States (and particularly the west coast) so that the rebound was also slower (see Figure 6.2). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Mandatory forms of quality assurance should be progressively introduced, for instance: peer-review activities, assessment of professional performance, and continuous medical education. Such mechanisms could be linked to the ending medical licences being awarded “for life” in favour of a system of licence renewal (as is typical in other countries). For example, medical school fees paid by students could be raised but then partially reimbursed for those who subsequently work in the NHI system or, similarly, a system of bonded scholarships could be established. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Gendernye otnoshenija v sovremennoj Rossii: issledovanija 1990-h godov: Collection of scientific articles, L.N. Popkova and I.N. Tartakovskaya, eds. Samara, Russian Federation: Samara State University Publishing House. Zhizn' migrantki v monograde [Life of a female migrant in the monocity]. Internal vs external migration in post-Soviet space, CARIM-East Research Report. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Action should be targeted on pollutants of particular significance at the scale and sensitivity of the catchment, basin, or aquifer, on the basis of characteristics such as toxicity, persistence and bio-accumulation (see typology of water pollution, Figure 1.2, Chapter 1). Threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage should be prioritised. Connecting with higher level policy issues can assist in triggering political action (Box 4.2). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Progress on policy development is monitored twice a year through a full round consultation with the government. As a result, participating development co-operation practitioners reported that good co-ordination, a large country programme and well-defined national priorities on climate change are pre-conditions that enable effective climate finance in Vietnam. It is chaired by a permanent secretary and co-chaired by a donor on a rotating basis. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A robust outcome from this work is that one must consider different risk layers for which specific instruments are required. Extreme cases of droughts and floods most often belong to the category of catastrophic risks, and thus require some form of government intervention. An efficient definition of the boundaries between catastrophic and non-catastrophic risk is a challenging exercise in the context of climate change that tends to increase the variance in water availability (OECD, 2014). The boundaries become a moving target in the context of non-stationary climate. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This paper examines Alfred Schutz’s insights on types and typification. Beginning with a brief overview of the history and meaning of typification in interpretive sociology, the paper further addresses both the ubiquity and the necessity of typification in social life and scientific method. Schutz’s contribution itself is lacking in empirical application and grounding, but examples are provided of ongoing empirical research which advances the understanding of types and typification. As is suggested by illustrations from scholarship in the social studies of social science, studies of social identity associated with membership categorization analysis, and constructionist social problems theory, typification can be found to be central to social research whether it is taken up as a largely unacknowledged resource or whether it is addressed by different names. The overview and illustrations suggest the continuing, widespread, and indeed foundational relevance of Schutz’s insights into types and typification. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They continuously work with winglets improvements and engine core wash equipment. Based on the MyClimate Cruise calculator an average passenger on a 7 days cruise causes 2.4 tonnes of C02 equivalents when sharing a double room. Because of economies of scale regarding fuel consumption, larger cruise ships have a lower carbon footprint per passenger than smaller cruise ships. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This introduction to the special issue in honor of Professor Yoram Barzel provides an overview of his scholarship and a summary of the contributions to this special issue. Each contribution advances or elaborates upon major themes in Barzel's theoretical and applied work on property rights, transaction costs, and political economy. The contributions fall into three categories: an examination of the foundations and implications of the ‘Barzelian’ method for social scientific analysis, Barzel's economics of property rights and transaction costs to historical case studies, and advances to Barzel's theory of the state, which includes an analysis of the origins of democracy and the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The “Camboriu payments for watershed service” was created in 2013 to remediate the large water losses for municipal water supply and the high sediment loading, which were being experienced in the watershed (Practice No. Outcomes expected by 2030 include the conservation of around 3 900 ha conserved/protected and the restoration of 300 ha, which will improve the quality of the water in the watershed and consequently the municipal water supply. In the Pipiripau watershed (Brazil) (Practice No. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Expectations of profitability linked with technical opportunities have caused some sectors to expand very rapidly without corresponding market capacity, and falling prices have resulted in business failures and major restructuring. To understand more realistically the nature and potential characteristics of the sector’s development a range of issues needs to be considered. It considers key issues including: drivers of growth: demand, technology (production, breeding, feed, disease etc.), - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Due to its large economic size, Japan's re-rating (an increase of 120% in AMI compared to Ml), had proportionally the largest effect on re-rating the industrialized countries group as a whole, which had a group AMI 57% higher than Ml in 2010. This is evident from the decrease in AMI relative to Ml for the developed group, and the increase in AMI —«A*iaPacittcDeveloping relative to Ml for the ifooipi'ot/GDPj industrialized countries. As we saw above, when a developed country develops a large primary resources for export sector, e.g. Australia and New Zealand, then its AMI will similarly decline relative to Ml. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This standard Income Equalisation Scheme is available upon request to farmers as part of normal business. A variant of the Income Equalisation Scheme for adverse events is also available to farmers who have suffered adverse events and were forced to sell livestock. They can deposit proceeds from such sales to a special adverse event income equalisation account. The adverse event scheme is based on the same principle as the standard scheme. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As a result, both the trade and current account deficits increased in 2012. Large current account deficits, despite the slowdown in economic growth, are symptomatic of demand-supply imbalances and a pointer to the urgent need to resolve supply bottlenecks. However, capital flows have been adequate to cover the current account deficit thus far. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! While under certain circumstances projects utilizing diesel generators or diesel-RET hybrids may be more appropriate, the choice of renewables has the advantage of limiting an increase in fossil fuel imports. This is an important consideration in times of economic crisis, tighter national budgets and volatile oil prices. Finally, at the household level, access to electricity, particularly if based on RETs, can also improve the energy security of families, as they are no longer subject to oil price fluctuations5 and to what can be high costs of transportation and delivery of fuel. This of course is only valid where RETs have a comparative advantage over fossil fuels in terms of resources and costs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also included in this set of measures would be characteristics such as pain or fatigue. This set of measures includes factors that either increase or decrease the risk of developing pathologies and diseases and that therefore affect functional levels and general measures of health. Specific examples are diet and nutrition, smoking and physical activity. To capture this, infant mortality rates are also presented here. However, since these refer to a very narrow age group, they cannot be considered as a measure expressing the health status of the population as a whole. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 With the exception of the Cook Islands, Nauru, and Tuvalu, most of PICs show below average coverage, varying between 22 per cent in Fiji to 1 per cent in PNG (table 3). The social protection expenditure going to the poor is quite insignificant within the Pacific region. The value is much lower in the Pacific region (11 per cent) when compared to the 23 per cent in Asia (Baulch and others, 2008). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The “comparative quality” of common law and civil law has become an issue of policy, since La Porta, Lopes-de-Silanes, Shleifer and Vishny (LLSV) developed their “legal origins theory” (LOT) asserting that common law countries enjoy better governance and economic performance than civil law countries. Influencing the methodology of the “Doing Business” Reports of the World Bank and the country analyses of rating agencies, LOT affects the creditworthiness of transforming and developing countries and hence casts doubt on assistance to legal reforms in these countries from civil law sources. This introductory chapter proposes a map of the methodological issues that are raised in terms of theory and policy. Reviewing LOT’s methodology requires meeting LLSV in the interdisciplinary arena of political theory, sociology and economics, which they have chosen, while extending it to the disciplines of institutional economics, comparative law, legal history and philosophy of science, which they have neglected. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Hence, a differentiation at zone level will not adequately internalise the environmental impact, and therefore charges should be differentiated to reflect this variation. Reflecting such changes in the value of w'ater (environmental or opportunity costs of using w'ater) can drive private investment in water storage. An example from the UK (see Annex 3.A2) provides some guidance on how to incorporate such variations in the value of water. In practice, most OECD countries consider that seasonal variations in abstraction charges add a lot of complexities and seldom use them. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The NHDS could be revised to include informal settlement and upgrading of existing housing stocks both in its objectives and subsequent implementation measures. Furthermore, overall housing objectives could be re-oriented to focus not only on the quantitative targets but also on the provision of adequate and accessible housing. Although wide spread slums do not exist in Viet Nam, there is reference to “vertical slums,” which are multifloor buildings which are divided into small living spaces and rented to the low income market. Given the financial constraint in the public sector, incremental upgrading and maintenance of the existing housing stock by individuals could be encouraged. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This year, special efforts were made to identify the impact of uncertainties surrounding milk yields in Oceania (reflecting milk yield uncertainties from grass-fed livestock systems) on milk production and world dairy product markets. The analysis is only partial in that it does not capture all the sources of variability that affected agricultural markets in the past. For example, uncertainty related to animal diseases is not captured. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Additional water abstraction from the Desi aquifer would require costly water treatment to purify the water, and energy infrastructure to transport the water uphill, at a rate estimated to be up to 45 MW a year or the equivalent of 4% of the country’s annual electricity production (IEEE, 2009). Lastly, the project would not significantly reduce Jordan’s water gap and its full impact can only be realised in combination with other projects. To enhance the water supply from the Desi aquifer, the government is also developing a multibillion dollar project that links the Red Sea to the Dead Sea via an aquadact and pipeline and involves the construction of a desalination facility and a hydropower plant to power the distribution. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The ‘achievement gap’ – the term typically used to refer to differences in pupil attainment associated with social class, ethnicity and gender – remains an enduring obstacle to government goals of creating a socially just society. This article explores the nature of the achievement gap and some of the mechanisms that serve to perpetuate disadvantage in education systems providing a context in which to consider the appropriateness of government policies aimed at addressing the gap. Accessing predominantly English research but also consulting studies conducted in other education systems including the US and elsewhere in the UK, we argue that in contrast to its noble rhetoric, government approaches to addressing the achievement gap are preoccupied with standardised assessment and accountability (such as the latest attempt at raising pupil standards in England, the introduction of Academies) while paying little more than lip service to the persistent, underlying roots of inequality. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Calculations not reported here confirm that, in all of the countries analysed, the extent of re-ranking is greatest at the bottom of the income distribution. They find remarkably stable inequality aversion for Ireland over the 1987-2005 period, and large changes for the United Kingdom (becoming less egalitarian during the Thatcher government and more inequality-averse during New Labour). In the context of policy evaluation, the usefulness of such an approach is, however, limited, as it assumes that actual tax and transfer systems in each year are “optimal” and therefore cannot be improved upon by definition. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Governments could consider having such food distribution systems managed by civil society groups or local enterprises formed by groups of small farmers. Moreover, when it comes to food security, a comprehensive social protection system can also play a vital role. Guaranteed employment for food insecure groups is a major means for ensuring economic access to food. Public employment guarantee schemes, such as food-for-work or cash-for-work schemes, not only ensure a minimum level of food consumption is met, but also help people avoid resorting to damage coping mechanisms that involves asset sales and indebtedness. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The program was started with USD 25 million in funds from the US DOE's Better Buildings Neighborhood Program, which is authorized through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. Most of the program funds (USD 15.75 million) are for improving access to finance across the multifamily, single-family residential and commercial building sectors. This activity is accomplished mostly through creation of Revolving Loan Funds and/or credit enhancements like Loan Loss Reserves that have allowed the program to secure commitment of USD 128.5 million in private investment leverage from multiple financial institutions nationwide. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This article examines reforms to the governance of local policing in England and Wales over the last two decades, from the managerialisation of policing in the early 1990s through to recent plans for the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners. This ‘long view’ facilitates an appreciation of politically driven shifts in organisational regimes, initially from bureau-professionalism to managerialism, and more recently from managerialism to a hybridised model of local governance that combines elements of consumerism, democratic localism and bureau-professionalism. These regimes, however, act less as determining structures, and more as unstable equilibria that are open to contestation and negotiation. Drawing upon insights from governmentality and governance studies, the article reviews the progress of reforms and shows that the ‘success’ of regime changes is contingent upon the translation of regimes into practice. More specifically, understanding regimes as discourses allows us to probe their interna... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 National governments and their partners could deploy policy advocacy networks and promotional campaigns. Along with adoption of strategies that specifically address women’s entrepreneurship, governments need to envisage mechanisms for the continued improvement of women’s entrepreneurship policies. This includes start-up training and training (including coaching and mentoring services) for SME growth and internationalisation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Given the high levels of behavioural risk factors such as smoking, harmful alcohol consumption and obesity, a better balance between disease prevention and care may help to improve population health status and reduce health inequalities, while at the same time reducing pressures on the health and long-term care systems. The Polish government has embarked on a programme of ambitious reforms of the health system, and some of these reforms will influence health care governance, accountability and planning (Box 1). Similarly, the replacement of activity-based funding with prospective annual budgets, and the switch from maximum to minimum limits, represent a substantial transition in hospital management and administration, and pose a challenge to ensure financial and clinical accountability, as well as monitoring and evaluation of performance. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Such underbudgeting practice results in underfunding, which leads to the ultimate failure of the whole document. The ability to provide adequate financing from the state budget is still low, which makes the implementation of strategic documents heavily dependent on the availability of external funding support. The State Institution for Forestry and Hunting, the State Institution """"Scientific-Research Institute for Forestry'"""" and the State Institution of Specially Protected Natural Areas were taken from the Committee on Environmental Protection towards the Forestry Agency. The NBBC currently displays on its website an online database """"Flora, fauna and protected areas""""."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This has reportedly led to instances where donor aid was redirected towards an increase in international reserves or not disbursed at all, despite the existence of domestic needs and the ability of the Government to absorb it.s This example illustrates incoherence between national development objectives and international policy agendas. Using the new international poverty line of $1.25 per person per day in 2005 purchasing power parities (PPPs), as defined by the World Bank, 1.4 billion people, representing about 26 per cent of the developing world’s population, lived in poverty in 2005 (see figure II.1, and box II.2 for a discussion of the thorny issue of defining poverty). There are, however, large regional variations in the poverty trends (see figures II.2 and II.3). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Panelists discuss to what degree an expansive immigration policy might suppress wages or limit opportunities for workers in the United States. There is some competition between low‐skilled American workers and undocumented immigrants, and racism and poverty exacerbate anti‐immigrant sentiments. Poor public education is partially to blame for the high number of unemployed, low‐skilled Americans. Illegal immigration may be more likely than legal immigration to suppress wages because unscrupulous employers do not adhere to labor standards. Employer sanctions and wider adoption of programs like E‐Verify are needed. [Note: This is an edited and abridged transcript of a panel discussion.] - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The review team was told by FAS that efforts in the past to establish consultation mechanisms with local employers were not successful because of limited employer interest. Some employers told us that there is too much arbitrary discretion across regional FAS offices in terms of the type of training they will fund, and that this variation, and more broadly FAS training services, are not responsive enough to their needs. For their part, FAS told us that they allow some room for regional variation to respond to diverse local needs. This would involve an improvement in the quality of data and evaluation, and consultation with employers. First, it would help improve the quality of training provision. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The primary need is for investments in public goods that can support agricultural and rural development, such as agricultural research and rural infrastructure. Raising rural incomes is central to the near-term target of the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG1), which calls for the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, with specific targets that include halving between 1990 and 2015 the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day. Income growth is essential for sustained poverty reduction in developing countries, although the distribution of income (and income growth) matters too. And while food security has many facets, most of the world’s hungry are chronically hungry and they are chronically hungry because they are poor. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! These approaches offer many advantages - they are flexible and adaptable, self-paced and learner directed and can be completed at a time, pace and place that suits the individual trainee. For their part, participants generally only require a computer or laptop and internet connection in order to access such programmes, plus any course fees, if applicable. E-learning courses can be offered at a lower cost than other more labour intensive training methods and recent developments in e-learning are seeing some educational institutes move from fee-based to free open-access courses. These courses are standalone, or can be combined with in-country seminars, as is the case for example in Egypt to develop managerial skills in the hospitality sector. Cornell will also offer a massive open online course in Introduction to Global Hospitality Management from early 2015. The course has been designed to inform current hospitality professionals seeking to advance, as well as individuals interested in the industry. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Definitions focusing on socio-economic status and parental educational attainment rather than ethnicity or immigration status can avoid discrimination of particular students and help create a more balanced social composition, benefiting students and the whole education community with some financial implications. While state grants use this equalisation approach to ensure that funding responds to local needs, funding from the state grant is not earmarked specifically for education. Municipalities can allocate resources across public services and then between schools, taking into consideration that schools and students have differing needs. Municipalities in Sweden have much autonomy, as they decide how resources will be distributed between their schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This includes incubator services to support entrepreneurial ideas and innovative companies. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, SPIRIT operates an entrepreneurial skills programme to promote creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation among young people. This programme has been customised for use in various sectors including tourism. It is used in the context of the ILO toolkit on poverty reduction through tourism, which is oriented towards SMEs and local communities in rural areas and includes case studies, training sessions and best practices. The toolkit aims to assist developing countries to create a sustainable tourism industry and businesses based on decent employment (Box 25). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The shipping industry carries approximately 90% of global trade, and the tourism industry, of which marine and coastal tourism is a major part, represents 5% of global GDP. More than 500 million people are engaged in ocean-related livelihoods (UNDP-GEF, 2012). These services include the regulation of atmospheric and marine carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, the provision of oxygen, the hydrothermal convection cycle, the hydrological cycle and coastal protection. Oceans, for example, have absorbed one-third of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide (Bijma et al., - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The current geographical distribution of universities correlates with exposure to ethnic and religious diversity in medieval times, suggesting education and tolerance co-evolved (Fielding, 2018). While education has been one of the strongest predictors of voting against nationalist or populist parties or candidates, the more educated are becoming less immune to populist political messages. In a recent systematic analysis of 36 potential determinants of corruption across 123 countries, the lack of primary education emerged as one of the strongest predictors of corruption in developing countries (Jetterand Parmeter, 2018). One way of examining education's contribution to other SDGs is to look at how it helps build professional capacity. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! In the rice network, the place occupied by women in the sector is dependent, in part, on that occupied by men. Visualising these unequal relationships is an essential first step in the process of facilitating interventions in social networks. These strategies are based on the principle that social networks facilitate the dissemination of ideas and practices within each subgroup of actors and between communities (Valente, 2012). They help accelerate social change and increase the effectiveness of organisations, two areas particularly relevant to women's entrepreneurship in West Africa. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Turkmenistan receives the smallest amount of climate-related development finance among the EECCA countries, which is delivered through the Global Environment Facility (for energy and agriculture sectors). Such large-scale projects have affected the compositions of support committed to these countries in 2013 and 2014 (see Figure 2.8 for data by country). Multilateral funds dedicated to climate action are also active in many EECCA countries. These include the Climate Investment Funds (e.g. district heating energy efficiency and renewable energy plants in Ukraine, adaptation programmes for rural areas and energy sector in Tajikistan) and funds operated by the Global Environment Facility (e.g. a variety of capacity building programmes in addition to capital investments). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This concentration is explained by the fact that, in general, the size of trade-related infrastructure projects surpasses the financial capacity of smaller donors. Often, these donors work together in multi-donor programmes to finance large-scale infrastructure projects. Disbursements for transport and storage stood at USD 10.7 billion. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Thus, there should be immediate, medium-term and long-term priorities for the progressive achievement ofthe SDGs. This section is based on inputs by Binaya Raj Shivakoti and Simon Hoiberg Olsen, who are with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. Early achievement of access and efficiency is the stepping stone to system transformation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Pour ceux qui restent dans les zones rurales, il est essentiel d'ameliorer les systemes de protection sociale et de developper l'investissement dans les services de sante. While this is transforming China’s urban economy, the rural economy is also undergoing substantial structural change. At a time when the government maintains a strong commitment to the goals of food security, reducing urban-rural inequality and protecting natural resources, the development path unfolding in rural areas is of critical importance. Less productive resources move out of the sector and farmland is consolidated into larger plots that allow for greater mechanisation and more productive farmers to scale up production, gradually moving from labour-intensive to more capital-intensive agricultural production. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Arizona Senate Bill 1070 requires law-enforcement officers to verify the citizenship of individuals they stop when they have a “reasonable suspicion” that someone may be unlawfully present in the United States. Critics of the law fear it will encourage racial profiling. Defenders of the law point out that the statute explicitly forbids most forms of racial profiling. By drawing on the lessons learned in the domain of antidiscrimination law, we discuss how social psychological research can inform this debate and illuminate challenges associated with fair enforcement of the statute. We conclude that the Arizona law, paired with a lack of comprehensive training and ineffective testing procedures for detecting discrimination, will likely result in many Latinos being illegally targeted on the basis of their race. While certain actions, such as effective training and oversight, may help mitigate discrimination, these safeguards are not likely to completely eliminate biased outcomes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The difference was as large as 26 percentage points in Switzerland. A school’s learning environment does not uniquely involve school climate, it includes any interactions among members of the school community. Parental involvement can help create a socially connected school where students, teachers, parents and principals work together to create a positive learning environment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The region is aiming for a 20% energy intensity reduction by 2020 based on the year 2005 level. To some extent, some ASEAN member states have been looking at gradually phasing out the energy subsidies to encourage investments in energy efficiency. Moreover, most ASEAN member states should concentrate on enacting a wide range of legislation and regulations for energy conservation and environmental protection. Awareness-raising needs to be increased among the public and economy sectors. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Refinements to consolidated drug purchasing and greater participation of the private sector as a distribution network can bring further efficiency gains. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. However, Mexican Government officials, health professionals, academics and other stakeholders all agree that the country is now facing renewed challenges to improve the performance of health care services, in particular regarding the efficiency and quality of service provision, and ultimately health outcomes (Secretaria de Salud, 2014). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In terms of interpreting the results, the assumption is that if UNDP is conducting transformative GEWE programming, a similar number and concentration of changes would be present in each quadrant. This chapter contains text boxes that describe programmes with multiple dimensions of the Gender@Work change quadrants. It is important to note that the focus area findings are illustrative of UNDP’s gender results but do not represent a comprehensive assessment of all gender-oriented activities undertaken during the period, which is beyond the scope of this exercise. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Because terrorism is a phenomenon that can only be understood through the responses it evokes, the state's response to terrorism determines the effect that asymmetric political violence has. This paper argues that judicial responses to political violence, instead of being mediated through the law, are mediated through the psychological effects of fear, including desensitization. It considers the rhetoric used in two classes of cases: anti-terrorism cases heard by the Israeli Supreme Court, and habeas corpus jurisdiction cases involving Guantanamo Bay heard by the United States Supreme Court. It finds that both courts behave as expected. This study suggests that judges, too, are not immune to the Hobbesian desire for a Leviathan to protect them, and that the executive can use a Straussian insistence on blind acceptance of authority to drive judicial sanction of its actions, regardless of the legality. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Although 9 per cent sounds like a small minority, in absolute numbers it amounts to millions of children across the world, and the numbers are rising rapidly due to population growth and urbanization. An exclusive focus on income poverty could lead to inadequate policy focus on the multiple deprivations that are experienced by almost half of urban children in developing countries. One in four rural children under 18 experience extreme monetary poverty (UNICEF and World Bank 2016) and 8 out of 10 rural children under five do not have their basic needs met (Rutstein et al. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Mortality indicators such as suicide and premature mortality provide important information on mental health status and the interplay of mental and physical health, but more specific indicators are necessary to reflect the quality of mental health care. Measuring and improving the quality of mental health care is a key challenge not least given the need to capture complex care pathways and encompass a range of outcomes. Numerous ongoing and completed projects seek to measure and benchmark the quality and outcomes of mental health care at an international level in spite of the many challenges faced by such endeavors. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Silent invasion: The spread of marine invasive species via ships’ ballast water”, WWF International, Gland, Switzerland, Silent Invasion.pdf. Marine problems: Pollution”, World Wildlife Federation, bout our earth/blue planet/problems/pollution. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In Viet Nam the family is the basic institution and often includes members of the extended family. There is a strong sense of collective responsibility and mutual obligation and family ties remain the principal source of security and support in times of crisis (Figure 1.18). Source: Gallup World Poll 2010. A study on mothers of young children in Viet Nam (Young Lives 2002) found that poor households rely more on informal networks, such as family, friends and neighbours, than on formal networks. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Section 1.4 proposes a strategic framework for strengthening rural incomes which seeks to reconcile the short run objective of poverty alleviation with the long-run aim of facilitating development. Section 1.5 presents some conclusions and identifies some specific priorities for analysis. These are the sectoral transition away from an economic structure based on agriculture to a more diversified one dominated by manufactures and services, the spatial tendency towards increased urbanisation, and an institutional transformation from an economy based largely on informal rules to one based on formal legislation (Jonasson, 2009). Other changes also accompany economic development, such as falling death rates and - with a lag - declining birth rates. In its 2008 World Development Report, the World Bank makes a useful distinction between agriculture-based, transforming and urbanised economies that captures the first two elements of this economic transformation.3 Countries tend to move through these categories, although they may experience short cuts in the process, such as learning from policy experiences in developed economies, or take detours due to such factors as civil war, corrupt government or a misallocation of public resources. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Such punishment shows students that the use of force—be it verbal, physical or emotional—is acceptable, especially when it is directed at younger, weaker individuals. In practice, the category of external violence is a broad one and the distinction between school violence and external violence is often hard to draw. It may also be driven by general feelings of rage, frustration or humiliation unprovoked by anything the victim may have done, as in the case of violent sexual assault and random shootings. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Less than 30% of business expenditure in R&D takes place in the periphery, the Galilee and the Negev. Over-dependency on ICT makes the economy vulnerable to sudden changes and constrains the country’s long-term balanced growth potential. There is a need to develop innovation and skills in traditional industries and public services that employ most of the population. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For some tasks of the global stocktake (e.g. determining the effectiveness of adaptation and of support for adaptation), some of the information needs will be difficult to meet in a comprehensive and objective manner. However, by itself, this information may not be sufficient to meet the eventual demands of the global stocktake and other international aims such as learning lessons on the effectiveness of seeking and using adaptation support. The Paris Agreement states that all Parties “should” submit and update an “adaptation communication”. The Paris Agreement indicates both what country adaptation actions could comprise and what information could be included in an adaptation communication. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Abstract Climate change poses a significant risk for communities, and local governments around the world have begun responding by developing climate adaptation policies. Scholarship on local adaptation policy has proliferated in recent years, but insufficient attention has been paid to operationalization of the unit of analysis, and methods employed are typically inadequate to draw inferences about variation across cases. This article seeks to contribute to the conceptual and methodological foundations of a research agenda for comparative analysis of local adaptation policies and policy-making. Synthesizing insights from policy studies literature and existing adaptation research, the article identifies and operationalizes two aspects of public policy—policy content and policy process—which are salient objects of comparative analysis that typically vary from one community to another. The article also addresses research design, outlining a comparative case study methodology that incorporates various qualitative analytical techniques as the vehicle to examine these policy elements in empirical settings. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This implies that the decrease of forest biomass sink in Sweden is more than compensated by the increase in Finland and Norway together. Similarly, the CO2 emissions from forest soil in Finland are more than offset by forest soil sink in Sweden and Norway combined. The sink size fluctuated over 1990 and 2000s especially in Sweden and Finland due to the fluctuating level of use of HWPs in longer lasting purposes such as construction and furniture with a dip in Sweden in 2008. For Norway, net removal in 1990-2010 is adapted from Norwegian CPA (2012) and in 2011-2020 is Indufor's estimate. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Second, qr is less sensitive than ols to outliers in the dependent variable since it minimizes the weighted sum of absolute deviations. Moreover, when the error terms are non-normal, qr also gives a more efficient estimator than least squares. Lastly, qr has a linear programming representation that makes estimation easy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Given that PNG, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu are unlikely to meet Goal 1, achieving Target 10.1 will also be difficult without serious reform. Fiji is, however, likely to meet Target 10.1 based on its positive outlook for Goal 1. Ensuring equal opportunities and reducing inequalities of outcome (Target 10.3) are also closely dependent on the outcome of Target 5.1 to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Transportation to and from the mainland is either by plane or ferry. In spite of this, the labour market of Bornholm is to some extent connected to the labour market of Copenhagen. In an attempt to accommodate the infrastructural challenges, the island has established several IT solutions, including broadband and workstations at home. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! For manufacturing companies to understand the market opportunities and the needs of the wind industry, the states of Michigan or Ohio provide technical assistance to companies to retool their operations to become wind energy suppliers. For example, The Ohio Energy Office is financing a collaborative project, led by the Great Lakes Wind Network (GLWN) and Ohio’s Edison Technology Center, to identify suitable companies for retrofitting of their facilities to produce wind energy components (AWEA, 2010). Strengthening the regional wind energy supply chain in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region may require both informing firms about this new business opportunity and connecting these firms with those managing the supply chain. One study has identified particularly strong opportunities for local gear and drive train manufacturers to penetrate the wind turbine component parts market (CMC/JARC, 2009). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Prior to the Commonwealth's first major statute, the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901, Britain's colonies experimented with a range of statutory restrictions on population movement. When these came to affect the interests of Chinese-born residents of the colonies, the Chinese struck back. As in British Columbia and California, the Chinese of Victoria and New South Wales deployed law in asserting rights of movement and residence. When the Supreme Courts of those colonies ruled in their favour, the self-governing colonials turned their minds to ever tighter restrictions through statutory reform. In this way, the White Australia Policy of the twentieth century might be considered the perverse product of Chinese litigation in colonial courts. In this article I argue that the Victorian and New South Wales immigration cases of 1888 demand greater respect than has been afforded them in the historiography and the legal literature of immigration policy and practice in Australia. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article addresses the legal status of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) from a historical perspective and in accordance with the current Russian legislation and provides some answers to the questions of how the legal status of the NSR conforms with the norms of contemporary international law of the sea and, in particular, with the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Its aim is to represent the interest of women entrepreneurs before national and international organisations and institutions, to reinforce the presence and representation of women within employer organisations and national chambers, and to promote women’s entrepreneurship and the advancement of women-owned enterprises by providing a supportive framework responsive to the specific needs for assistance, training and information for women entrepreneurs. It also showcases the accomplishments of women entrepreneurs and encourages women to consider entrepreneurship as a career option. An innovative way of promoting women-owned enterprises and their products is the CNFCE branding initiative to encourage women entrepreneurs to use the “Made in Tunisia by Women Entrepreneurs” label. Soon after the formation of the Council, the local chambers of commerce within the UAE, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi were encouraged to establish their own Businesswomen’s Committees. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""While the three """"worlds"""" of Individual, Fossil Fuel-Driven Growth, of Citizen-Driven, Sustainable Growth and of Fast, Globally-Driven Growth all present common risks, such as those related to the environment, their magnitude varies substantially between scenarios. The performance of each of these scenarios is compared in order to facilitate the identification of strategies to manage risks and avail of future opportunities, which will be discussed in Chapter 3. Generally, food and nutrition security is defined around four pillars or dimensions, including the availability, stability, access and utilisation by the body: """"Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life"""" (FAO, 1996, 2009)."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As previously expressed, Chile’s education system can open the door to stronger economic, democratic and social development within the country. Education has been an important topic on Chile’s public agenda since 2006, and the ongoing education reforms carried out by the Chilean government show an enduring commitment to education. However, the country’s capacity to unite these reforms into a coherent vision will be key to the reforms' success and sustainability from the implementation period onward. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Therefore no studies on the time-slot allocation problem consider both multi-time-slot bonding and asynchronous time-slot phase without adjustment of fiber length. In this section, we show simulation setup and results. Using the shortest path based on Dijkstra’s algorithm with its metric being hop count, we performed routing of the traffic from node to node. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The absence of targeted policies to foster the growth potential of women’s enterprises is a critical policy gap. In non-MENA countries, women's entrepreneurship often falls under the umbrella of SME policy. While such policies may have a rather important impact, as this is the segment where women entrepreneurs are mostly represented, it needs to be stressed that this inclusion may also perpetuate and reinforce existing stereotypes. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Statistics have an awesome power, and these global accounting exercises present statistical data to journalists, researchers, practitioners and activists as irrefutable facts. What, then, are those ostensible facts? The present chapter provides a summary of the currently most influential versions, largely associated with the World Bank’s dollar-a-day poverty estimates. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Colombia has achieved financial protection against excessive health care costs for almost all citizens, as well as an equal basket of services for those in and out of formal employment. Insurance coverage has risen rapidly from 23.5% of the population in 1993 to 96.6% in 2014, with individual’s out-of-pocket spending on health care falling from 52% in 1993 to 14.4% of total national spend on health in 2013, one of the lowest figures in the region. Per capita allocation of funds for health care is equal for those in contributory and publicly-subsidised insurance schemes. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Additionally, renewable energy depends on variable wind, sun and exogenous conditions that are intermittent and more difficult to schedule than conventional fossil fuels. Given the limited and still developing electricity storage technology' at utility scale, it is economical to integrate intermittent renewables into larger, flexible electricity systems. The fossil fuel-based generation can be backed down when renewables are available, and with an electricity grid system that covers large geographical areas, the available average renewable resources would be easier to schedule. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Crossnational uariations in childcare participation of 0-2 year-olds tend to be related to the degree of public financing of childcare. The price of childcare also plays an important role, and in some countries it does not pay to work once childcare costs are considered. Extensions of parental leave entitlements also had modest but negative effects on weekly working hours and the gender wage gap. Table 4.1 provides an update of Ruhm’s analysis investigating the influence of the increase in paid leave entitlements on female employment rates and on the gender gap in 30 OECD countries from 1970 to 2008. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Mediterranean region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which presents the Adriatic (Mediterranean) Sea Basin, is composed of Neretva, Trebisnjica and Cetina River Basins, and of the narrow coastal zone around Neum Municipality. Neretva and Trebisnjica River Basins have an area of 10,100 km2 or 81.4 per cent of the total Adriatic Sea catchment area, w'hile Cetina River Basin in Bosnia and Herzegovina has an area of 2,310 km2 or 18.6 per cent of the total Adriatic Sea catchment area. The Eastern Adriatic Sea, including its Bosnia and Herzegovina part, is a shallow transitive area with a great number of typical pelagic and benthic species adapted to the high salinity. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Then, Renewable Funding purchases them and transmits the proceeds to individual property owners on demand, who then pay for the cost of the system minus the rebate granted by the state under CSI. The owner services the debt via a surcharge (First Special Tax) on its properly. Interest on the loan is attractive because Berkeley can secure longterm (20 years) low-interest debt through these dedicated bonds. The tax stays with the property even if the owner sells, although the owner would have to leave the solar panels. The First Special Tax, like other property taxes, will be secured by a lien on the property, which ranks senior to the first mortgage. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Among the valuable early warning activities supported at the country level were participatory risk mapping in Indonesia, integrated flood risk management in the Philippines, and community resilience in Viet Nam. Its original mission was to support tsunami early warning systems in Indian Ocean and South-East Asian countries. In 2010, following an independent review, the member States and ESCAP expanded the thematic scope of the Trust Fund to include overall disaster and climate preparedness, while retaining a focus on end-to-end early warning for coastal hazards. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Examples of informational challenges noted in NBSAPs of India, Ethiopia and Uganda are highlighted in Box 2.3. Barriers to collecting comprehensive data include lack of technical and scientific capacity, lack of financial and institutional resources, and fragmentation of existing data. Another challenge often raised is the capacity needed to manage and report the existing data in an accessible and policy-relevant form. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Supporting practices that are accessible for all, while increasing quality of life and livelihood opportunities along the supply chain, would need to become a priority of learning programmes. While some interesting examples of such practices emerge in various corners of the globe there is still a need for more systematic actions engaging economically or socially underprivileged communities as part of the supply chain. Their inclusion in the supply chain may require the development of new business models that not only deal with the question of what kind of a product or service is a priority for the poor, but also how to satisfy their consumption needs while facilitating their livelihood options. Numerous examples exist where corporations have engaged with vulnerable communities to provide essential products and services, accompanied by learning and training opportunities for both the companies own staff and members of the community. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Where multiple communes exist in close proximity but have different objectives, there is a need for a mechanism to resolve these overlapping, but incompatible objectives in land use and other topics. As copiously illustrated by the example of the Grand Clermont metropolis, different laws and rules promulgated by national and local authorities as well as rules and land use zonings issued from EU decisions (like ZNIEFF or green and blue corridors) structure these relationships and ensure a coherence between all these institutional constraints and the various levels of decision making. But at the same time, one has to cope with the issue of the multiple planning documents and the governance structures that support them. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A third of the 15 BDS organisations offering entrepreneurship training report that up to 75% of their beneficiaries are women, but another third estimate that women make up less than 30% or fewer of these trainees (Figure 2.1.). On the other hand, a majority of the organisations offering management consultancy services estimate that fewer than 20% of their clients are women. Similarly, in about 40% of BDS organisations, women represent less than 20% of clients receiving advisory/counseling services. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Financial instruments which directly address observed finance related barriers need to be embedded in a stable and supporting policy environment and accompanied by a wider range of readiness activities including technical and capacity building measures. In many cases policy and regulatory measures are most effective to drive change and prepare the ground for investments into mitigation and adaptation related projects and infrastructure. In some sectors the business case and associated risk-return profile is much clearer and more attractive than in others. Where large scale investments in infrastructure and planning are needed, for example to increase long-term urban resilience, public investments will need to play a significant role. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""They specify the requirements of the lead firm (at the buying end of the chain) for supplier firms to ensure systemic chain competitiveness. They are industry specific or relevant across a range of sectors, such as IS09000 on quality and IS014000 on environmental management. They include food safety and energy efficiency, and those set by international bodies include the EU """"farm-to-fork"""" food standards and vehicle emission standards. They include labour standards, organic standards and Fairtrade certification."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This is typical for developing countries. The municipally owned company employs 350 people and operates a fleet of collection vehicles, and a transfer station and landfill at Tintareni. The company is modernizing the collection fleet. In addition, containers of a Russian type (0.75 m ) are being replaced by standard Eurocontainers (1.1 m ). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Indicolors of Ironsport efficiency in 37 global cities: V.A.: Institute for Science and Technology Policy. A Risk-Based Method for Modeling Traffic Fatalities. Risk Ar 5 Dumbaugh and Roe. They found that area crash rates decline significantly with increasing bus stop density, percentage of public transport-km travelled relative to total vehide-kms travelled, and walking, biking, and public transport-commute mode share. Their modelling indicates that a strategic transport plan that encourages use of alternative modes tends to reduce total, severe, and property damage collisions. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A growing number of inter-ministerial mechanisms have been introduced to increase policy coherence and enhance implementation. The scale and pace of these changes has made it difficult to ensure that high quality projects were identified and implemented, that consultation with the public and local authorities was conducted according to the spirit rather than the letter of the law, and that sufficient capacity for policy implementation was developed, particularly at the local level. The enactment of so many laws and regulations in a comparatively short period of time also resulted initially in the business community facing a complex set of environmental requirements, though this has now improved. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For preventive activity such as the general health check, however, they are paid an additional fee, incentivising them to offer this service. This focuses on improving health and reducing health inequalities across four priority areas: investing in a life-course approach, tackling the major non-communicable and communicable diseases, strengthening health systems and creating resilient communities. Most of the content around tackling non-communicable diseases, however, focuses on implementation of existing declarations and strategies such as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control or the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Second, well-targeted investment can be anti-inflationary if it addresses supply bottlenecks that drive up prices. To discuss the potential to address gender inequality, it is useful to divide public investment into two subcategories: physical infrastructure investment and social infrastructure investment. 2010).Targeted investments can reduce women's unpaid labour burden, freeing up time to spend in remunerative labour activities, with benefits for gender equality and intrahousehold bargaining power (Chiappori and Meghir 2014, Johnston et al. Children’s well-being and economy-wide long-run productivity growth also benefit. In economies at all levels of development, transportation improvements reduce the time women spend in marketing goods and in provisioning for households. They also enhance women’s ability to access services and labour markets. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Land consolidation and regulations on land transfer imposing minimal size constraints are used as the main instruments to achieve these objectives. The first consolidations began in 1961 in Konya province of Turkey, but it was not until 2011 when this activity became large scale (Figure 5.3). Between 1961 and 2014, almost 5 million ha was consolidated. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! This concept note presents political economy system maps (PESMs). PESMs are a conceptual and visual tool to help policy-makers think about the problems affecting the production and delivery of public goods and services from the point of view of the system’s political organization, as well as possible interventions to solve those problems. These maps help to problem-solve by transforming information about a public good and services production and delivery into a set of simple strategic insights about the underlying political landscape (actors, flows and processes) on which the system is based upon. In so doing, these maps can help understand better the incentives and expectations at play in a public policy system and to manage reform processes.We use the case of transparency and accountability reforms to illustrate our point. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Further, capacity building (cf. The text on adaptation is rather conceptual and sets out principles for adaptation action, but it gives no mechanism for action. Adaptation in the frame provide by the PA appears as an opportunity for agricultural action, but the agreed wording of the PA does not facilitate or support concrete action. If no decision is taken to use any of the opportunities, all climate action taken by all parties in orderto deliver on the NDC can be targeted at other sectors, such as energy or transport. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 An alternative view, however, favoured by the United States and the Australian Law Commission, is to hold that patent incentives to medical treatments are too important to exclude them from eligibility. Instead, while broadly allowing the patentability of medical tools and techniques to encourage investment in R&D, the United States has adopted a narrow exception to shield medical practitioners (and, for example, the hospital employing them) from patent infringement when carrying out “pure medical methods”. Integra sued Merck for patent infringement. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Australia, mandatory corporate GHG reporting commenced two years before the establishment of a national carbon price, which helped to minimise data problems prior to carbon pricing coming in (Prag et al., As noted in Kauffmann et al. ( Key steps to address these challenges include: using standard methods of measurement (e.g. GHG Protocol), streamlining regional and local reporting schemes with the national scheme, aligning the frequency of GHG reporting with that of financial reporting to provide a stronger signal to investors, and establishing the reporting scheme in an inclusive and transparent manner to ensure buy-in from all stakeholders. If so, how have these been defined? - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Even if school leader appraisal results successfully feed into a school leader’s professional development, opportunities for professional development may fail to support school leaders in the improvement of their leadership practices and behaviours and the development of their pedagogical leadership. School leaders in various OECD countries have often reported a feeling of inadequate preparation for their roles, a lack of continuous feedback on their performance, and a lack of opportunities for professional development (Pont et al., To give an example, the management of resources needs to be sufficiently aligned with pedagogical purposes to improve teaching and learning. However, school leaders in many contexts often lack adequate training opportunities to enable them to do so (Pont et al., The Czech Republic, for instance, passed new legislation in 2012 that changed the regulations for the dismissal of head teachers. While school organising bodies could previously only dismiss head teachers in the case of gross violations or their failure to fulfil their legal obligations, school organising bodies now decide on head teachers’ reappointment after a term of six years, as informed by the appraisal process (HE [Institute for Information on Education], 2011). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Preferential trade agreements have become a tool for the external institutionalisation of a state’s preferred economic governance model, with the US and EU at the forefront of exchanging market access for acquiescence of their preferred rules. The institutionalisation and codification of the relationship with the TTIP was intended to create the world’s largest market and largest regulatory institutional arrangement, whose structural power and gravitational pull would bring other states towards it and its rules and norms. It should have been the Treaty that would bring an end to bilateral treaties. However, the underlying differences in EU and US preferences on this, as revealed in the comparison on recent agreements in this chapter, the potential for politicisation and contestation, and the importance of power asymmetries in negotiations have derailed negotiations. Yet these challenges were severely underestimated at the highest political levels, when the original ambitions for TTIP were set out. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This provides an opportunity to streamline the main marine programmes and improve coherence with policies in other sectors. For example, the exemption of fisheries from the fuel tax can encourage large-scale fisheries. At the same time, a variety of grants are provided to fishers for the protection and sustainable use of fish stocks. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Narodopis, ethnography, social anthropology, cultural anthropology… Brief history of the culturology in Czech Republic The article summarizes the history of the academic refl ection on the culture research in Czech Republic from the beginnings of the narodopis in the late 19th century till contemporary refl ection on culture under the brand of anthropology. It covers the diffi culties with defi ning the fi eld of the research as well as the discipline name problem. The plurality of disciplines we can now observe in Czech cultural studies is explained in context of the social and political circumstances, especially the belonging to the soviet universum after the 2nd World War. Finally the article tries to explain the great diffi culty with application of the Western, especially British, cultural studies into the postcommunist intellectual milieu - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is therefore necessary to adjust international comparisons to get an accurate picture of the workload. One of the areas in which school directors have the least authority compared to other countries is in managing human resources. Strengthening school leadership is one of the most crucial challenges for education reform. However, the third year counts as two in term of points gathered as an incentive, which also means that at the end of the third year, teachers in undesirable/remole schools are more likely to leave and be transferred to big urban centres, since they will have accumulated more points than other teachers in more desirable schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At the same time, clean transport such as rail systems, ferries, E-jeepneys and shared-bike schemes need to be encouraged with the supporting infrastructure. Current consumption pattern still follows a linear trend with the end fixated on disposal as opposed to a circular consumption pattern where resources are continuously reused. The “no separation, no collection” policy encouraging waste segregation is a laudable strategy but suffers from a number of implementation challenges which urgently needs to be addressed. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Should the plaintiff be unable to demonstrate these cumulative requirements, he will have to tolerate continued use of the patented invention by the defendant, in exchange of a royalty payment. Governments interested in promoting local pharmaceutical production may use market incentives to attract foreign patent holders to invest in their domestic pharmaceutical sector. A RPSC’s main responsibility would be the procurement of medicines for the entire region. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Substitution of occupational care (which is partly financed by employers) or private care (with large co-payments) for public care reduces costs for municipalities. User choice, which has so far been very limited in the public system, is thereby expanded at a limited cost for public finances. However, the system produces incentives for cost-shifting between activities financed through different channels, which lead to sub-optimal decisions regarding the provision of care and large inequalities in access between socio-economic groups with different coverage and financial resources, and regions with varying health care supply. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This empirical information is used to calibrate a microeconomic model to simulate farmers’ responses to different risk environments and policy changes in the UK and Australia. This stochastic simulation allows for estimates to be made of the policy impacts on the distribution of farm income, farm welfare and farming risk management behaviour. The yield risk at the farm level tends to be greater than at the aggregated level and is comparable with price risk. In many cases, farmers benefit from the negative price-yield correlation and imperfect correlation of yields and prices of different crops through output diversification. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This article concerns the permissibility of amnesties under the ECHR. It argues that when an amnesty case comes to Strasbourg, as it probably will, there is a good chance that the Court will make a serious error. That error will be to hold that the Convention requires the prosecution of the gravest human rights abuses in all circumstances – it will be to invalidate the amnesty. In part, such an approach will likely be informed by an assumption that each of the duties that flows from an absolute right is itself absolute. That assumption, combined with the way that the Court has specified the prosecutorial duty, would prevent the Court from taking into account powerful countervailing interests in play during peace negotiations. These countervailing interests mean that a claim that amnesties for the gravest wrongs are always impermissible is unsustainable. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This paper examines how each elements of “good governance infrastructure” may influence the “ease of doing business” for a sample of 41 African countries from 2005 to 2012. The empirical results from GMM and other estimation methods reveal government effectiveness, political stability, rule of law, regulatory quality, and absence of corruption are robust determinants for creating conducive business atmosphere, taking into account other factors such as human capital, physical infrastructure and the level of development of a country. Nevertheless, no evidence has been found for voice & accountability to significantly affect the ease of doing business. This implies a government that may enhance political stability, rule of law. Government effectiveness and low level of corruption is likely to create a more favorable business atmosphere despite offsetting deficiencies in voice and accountability. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In addition, air pollution monitoring per se is not clearly mentioned in MOT’s mandate, the mandate only includes establishing vehicle standards and energy efficiency labels. This also creates some confusion about which actual policies can be decided by MOT. Department of Transport (DOT) under MOT is not in charge of urban transport. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As gains are achieved, other deprivations may become more critical, and new groups may bear the burden of being left behind. Many people appear to be doing well according to measures such as minimum schooling and income, but the quality of education and of work conditions are low for many millions of people. Likewise, people are living longer and healthier lives, but many face deficits in political freedom and in opportunities for political participation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 All over South Asia, the ideal of purdah (seclusion of women) - which assigns a symbolic capital of honour and respectability to the control over women's realms of action30 - has hampered women’s mobility. Only in recent years have India (e.g., Kerala) and Nepal witnessed a feminization of international migration, linked to a global demand for domestic workers reproducing the traditional gendered division of labour.3’ The Government of Nepal issued temporary bans on women's labour migration in 2012 and 2015. This last ban was eventually lifted in 2016.32 Yet, as compared to other countries in the region (see Table 3-1), in Nepal there are fewer age restrictions, and in 2012 women officially accou nted for 13 per cent ofthe total absentee population.33 This figure certainly underestimates the magnitude of female migration, as it does not account for cross-border migration to India, and restrictive provisions on the mobility of women migrants often increase undocumented migration. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Disposable income declined also which suggests that transfers were not sufficient to compensate for the loss of market income. Figure 19 panel B also suggests that homeowners were disproportionately affected by the loss of income, all other things being equal. By contrast, the income before and after tax and transfers both increased when fathers are employed, suggesting that the quality of their jobs has improved. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A pre-requisite to benefit from all school-related Foundations for Success is to be in school, therefore, access pertains to equity: do children from various sub-populations differ in their access to inclusive environments, quality instruction, learning time and material resources? Thus, access also has to do with equality: do children from various sub-populations differ in their distribution of attainment and performance? They are mainly from rural settings, and more likely to be girls. Youth with disabilities and those belonging to minority ethnic, linguistic or religious groups are also more likely to be oul-of-school. All of these factors are usually confounded with poverty (Carr-Hill, 2015). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The number of oncologists has also been increased in France and Korea. In Norway, due to the growing demand for cancer care, the number of radiotherapists has been increasing in the past five years, and the number of training positions at hospitals has been also boosted for oncologists and pathologists. Similarly, to cope with an expected shortage, in Singapore more radiologists have been trained in recent years, and the numbers of other medical specialists, including medical surgical oncologists, have also increased since the early 2000s. For example, Canada developed a certification programme in oncology for registered nurses, and the Netherlands also utilises nurse practitioners in oncology. Hungary is trying to use its professionals more efficiently, and primary care personnel (i.e. nurses and midwives) are now doing smear-taking, which was traditionally done by gynaecologists. This is undertaken not only to tackle the shortage of doctors in cancer care but also to reduce costs related to cancer care delivery. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, USAID has built or rehabilitated more than 3,000 kilometres of roads in Afghanistan, provided technical assistance for the 2010 Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit-Trade Agreement (APTTA), and supported the Cross-Border Transport Agreement (CBTA) between Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan (USAID, 2014). The infrastructure strategy of the World Bank Group is structured round three pillars: interventions to ensure access to basic infrastructure services, regional projects in the areas of power grids, broadband, transportation corridors and renewable energy, and mobilising private capital. The Bank also manages the Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF), a partnership among governments, multilateral development banks, private sector investors, and financiers to design and implement infrastructure projects that a single agency cannot handle on its own. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In addition, indigenous lands cover about 13% of the territory, mostly in the Amazon region. Brazil thus has already exceeded the Aichi target of protecting at least 17% of its terrestrial and inland water areas by 2020. The Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) programme, launched in 2002, has been at the heart of this progress. One of the world’s largest tropical forest conservation programmes, it created more than 500 000 km2 of federal and state-level protected areas in the biome, including along the so-called “deforestation arc” and in areas expecting road infrastructure development. The ARPA programme complemented the PPCDAm in reducing deforestation in the region (Figure 3) and, in turn, greatly contributed to the achievement of Brazil’s climate change goals (see also Sections 1 and 4). More efforts thus are needed in areas outside the Amazon biome if Brazil is to meet its ambitious targets of protecting at least 30% of the Amazon and 17% of the other terrestrial biomes by 2020. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 While governments and CSOs have promoted SRB practices despite a scarcity of capacity and resources,28 many firms have embarked on SRB practices under the guidance of the international community. By aligning corporate strategies and practices with the SDGs, companies can realize opportunities that can generate both financial returns and social and environmental values. The SDGs cover a wide range of fields, including the reduction of poverty and hunger, the achievement of universal education and gender equality, the fostering of global partnerships and the promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic development and growth. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In sum, the gap is a result of gender differences in key strategic choices: women’s choice of industry, their preferred size of business, the level of risk they are willing to accept, and the hours they can devote to their business. Further analysis of the reasons behind these different approaches can help policies to target specific market failures and the stereotypes that affect women more than men. A mix of general policies for SMEs and instruments explicitly targeting women can be effective in prompting interest and entry into entrepreneurship. The Small Business Administration (SBA) in the United States has explicitly explored a mix of general gender-mainstreamed programmes and women-specific policies and has continuously experimented with new ones. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In recent years, rural to urban migration has been more prominent. In this context, latest estimates suggest that China's urbanisation rate will increase by nearly 1% per year during the next 15 to 20 years, which represents around 300 million people who will move from rural areas into cities (China Daily, 2009). Today, China's average population density is Page | 36 approximately 138 per km2 (Wikipedia, 2009b), but with extreme variations in rural population densities, ranging from less than one to more than 400 per km2. In stark contrast, the highest urban population density per km2 is 50 000 to 60 000 as in the case of central Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing (China Daily, 2009). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! As of 24 June 2016.161 INDCs had been submitted, covering 188 out of 197 UNFCCC parties (parties are the 193 UN member states, Palestine. Cook Islands and the European Union, which submitted a single INDC on behalf of its member states). To date, only seven parties have not yet submitted an INDC: the Democratic Republic of Korea, Libya. Palestine, Syria, Timor Leste and Uzbekistan. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, in recent years the European Union has adopted two instruments, the 2002 EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the 2008 Marine Strategy Framew'ork Directive, which offer a comprehensive and integrated approach to the management of all European coasts and marine waters, and set medium- and long-term objectives (to 2020 and beyond) for member states for managing their ocean activities. East Asia has its Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), an international organisation focused on coastal and ocean governance in east Asia, scaling up integrated coastal management initiatives and aiming to improve technical co-operation in ecosystem-based management of watersheds, estuaries and adjacent coastal seas. In addition to the lack of protection that such gaps afford the ocean environment and its biodiversity, they create a decision-making vacuum for many ocean industries, notably in respect of future investment. By way of illustration, the negotiations around the implementation of the UN agreement to protect marine biodiversity promise to usher in a period of considerable uncertainty for those ocean industries operating in the high seas. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Nonetheless it is necessary to complement child deprivation rates with the evidence reflecting the actual living conditions of children, which, in some circumstances, can differ from those of their parents, as well as to look at the specific dimension of material deprivation e.g. relating to education. The 2009 round of the EU-SILC included a dedicated child-specific deprivation module, which is preferable for the analysis of children's circumstances, as it contains specific material deprivation measures depicting the situation of children (see Bradshaw et al. In 23 European countries, the percentage of children living in large families is more than 20%. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Some other European countries show similar patterns but, in most of them, the gender gap in working hours is much narrower. In all European countries - except, to a certain extent, the Netherlands (see Box 5.3 in Chapter 5) - and in the United States, working full-time is the norm among men of all ages. When it comes to women, though, the picture is much more mixed, as examination of the variety of working arrangements for men and women in selected OECD countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As a result of the energy savings and increased prices, Finnfjord has continued to increase production capacity and productivity while reducing power consumption by 10%. At the same time, they have improved their process understanding and raw material selection. Compared with 13 500 kg per metric tonne in China. However, half of the energy used is wasted, one-third is chemically bounded in the product, cooling water, and auxiliary processes. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Although developing countries initially appeared to be shielded from the sudden stop in private capital flows that characterised the financial crisis from October 2008, they were later affected as the financial crisis spread to the real economy. In developed countries, household incomes are also stretched and consideration will need to be given for people on low income or with special needs who face increases in the cost of their utility bills and other costs in general. According to OECD (2009a), the allocation of public funds to WSS can be justified for a number of reasons, including to promote the consumption of merit goods (whose value consumers may not fully realise, such as household sanitation and hygiene) or to compensate for market failures, by rewarding WSS providers for supplying public goods (public health) and external benefits (such as avoidance of groundwater pollution). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 They also come with challenges as to the definitions used and purpose and scope of the analysis, for which there are differences between the development and STI communities. The approach taken in this paper is to assess STI financing based on individual development activities using the CRS as the main data source. As such, the analysis conforms by the available information on the purpose and implementation of development activities and the structure and definitions of the CRS. However, the CRS is neither designed nor tailored to identify development activities according to official STI definitions, such as the definitions of R&D and innovation as described in section 2. The description field in the CRS provide valuable information about the specificities of development activities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 They complement the recent drive in public policy to expand child care services and parental leave reform. The signatory stakeholders and the employers’ association (BDA) followed up the charter in 2015 with the “Neue Vereinbarkeit Memorandum” (New Reconciliation Memorandum) on ways to balance work and family life. Its guidelines appeal to employers to offer “flexitime” arrangements as part of the “Arbeitgeberattraktivitat 2020” attractive workplace branding exercise and to promote vollzeitnah, the reduced full-time working-hours model (generally accepted to be around 28-30 hours). They also emphasise that equal sharing involves fathers as much as mothers and call for the provision of affordable high-quality child care. It shares information and best practices among family-friendly companies and other stakeholders, and holds competitions and events to raise awareness of family-friendly workplace issues. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Will blockchain technologies become widely accepted? If so, for which uses? When making investment decisions, TIPOs have to assess the likelihood that specific technologies or tools will continue to be used over time. While they will be able to find guidance and information, they will have to take risks as to the timing of investments and the selection of technologies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""On September 30, 2016, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights published a report entitled """"Environmental Justice: Examining the Environmental Protection Agency's Compliance and Enforcement of Title VI and Executive Order 12,898."""" This Dissenting Statement, written by Commissioner Gail Heriot, was part of that report, but was critical of the main body of the report. It discusses the Commission's lack of expertise in the area and how the Commission staff's independent research tends to undermine the Commission's conclusions. It also discusses how the incendiary allegations of some Commission members and some witnesses of """"environmental racism"""" are inappropriate, and how (contrary to the Commission's apparent assumption) Title VI has already been held not to be a disparate impact statute by the Supreme Court."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Guidance on how climate change shall be taken into account in the RBMPs is still under development within the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) of the WFD and is expected to be finalized at the end of 2009. It entered into force in October 2007. Member States shall, for each river basin district, or unit of management or portion of an international river basin district lying within their territory, undertake a preliminary flood risk assessment. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 : Most observers ascribe the recent stagnation in Europe and her falling back behind the US-economy to insufficient and delayed deregulation and privatization, excessive social expenditure, a lag in new technology, some observers mention restrictive economic policy as well. The stagnation, however, affects the large countries primarily, while the northern ones tend to grow as fast as the United States. This study argues that one important explanation for the current economic problems is a strong worldwide trend towards uncertainty. The competitive edge of Scandinavian economies results from the fact that they managed to compensate this trend by a well-designed combination of education policy, technology policy, distribution policy and social policy. The US-policy succeeded primarily with expansive monetary and fiscal policy. The large European countries, in contrast, aggravated social uncertainty even more by an unsystematic and uncoordinated policy, so that the citizens, heavily afraid of reforms, rejected them forcefully. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The spike in capacity funding in 2007 reflects a one-time transfer of funds from a non-competitive programme to the Hatch programme. Qov/budsum/budaet summarv.html. Solid and transparent evaluation procedures are needed to improve the performance of the research and innovation system. The main tool for evaluating all federal agencies, including research agencies, is the Government Performance and Results Act. Each National Program Team (NPT) prepares an annual report featuring the National Program major accomplishments. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The policy interest rate has been maintained at 2.5% since March 2011 when it was cut by 50 basis points after the earthquake. In Australia and New Zealand, the policy interest rates at end-2012 were similar to the troughs observed during the global financial turmoil in 2009. As a result, Australia’s output growth is expected at 2.5% in 2013, supported mainly by mining exports to Asian countries, particularly China. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! In conducting these benefit-cost assessments, the focus should be on final environmental “outcomes” (e.g. expected or actual improvements of water risks) and on the impacts of these outcomes (e.g. in terms of changes in health conditions) - rather than on intermediate “outputs” (e.g. the sharing of water volumes among stakeholders). The idea is to quantify how much the public-at-large value changes in water security. This quantification can facilitate analysis and policy-making in situations where some water impacts pull in opposite directions (e.g. risk-risk trade-offs), it can also make it possible to compare the (private) costs and (public) benefits of a given target for water risk. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Several types of cash transfers are covered: housing benefits, unemployment and incapacity benefits, family and parental leave benefits, and pension benefits. Two different sets of measures are used to capture social cash transfers - a series of measures of aggregate social spending per capita on each type of cash transfer, and a series of measures of social cash transfer payment rates, measured as the average payment rate for a two-parent family. Moreover, the estimates are based on two indicators of child poverty: the relative poverty rate calculated on the basis of a """"floating""""poverty line, i. e. which changes annually but therefore ignores the upward or downward variations in living standards that are absorbed by the annual variations of the poverty line. To take this into account, the estimates are also made using a poverty rate obtained with the 2005 poverty line and kept constant over the years (after adjusting for changes in price levels)."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The assessment of the depth of coverage is based on the quality of the discussion: i) detailed, ii) generic, iii) limited, or iv) lacking. Explicit incorporation of adaptation in projects. Where there was no coverage of activities for a specific component within a country’s NC, but complementary sources indicated that actions had been taken or are currently underway, these additional activities have been identified in the table using cross-hatching. In this study, adaptation strategies refer to countries’ initial planning or framework documents, which commonly set out governmental approaches to adaptation and communicate priorities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This essay offers a consideration of how the affect of chronic disappointment contributes to the formation of extreme beliefs. It debates how the disappointment in question is a matter of social class and the desire for self-betterment, contesting the assumption that fundamentalism constitutes a simple rejection of modernity. The essay also attempts to theorize the ways in which chronic disappointment can lead to the establishment of what is formulated in terms of ‘pariah elitism’. In moving from a consideration of Al Aswany's The Yacoubian Building and Herzl's Alteneuland to a consideration of colonial and postcolonial situations in Southern Africa, it broaches the question of how chronic disappointment serves to challenge both the othering of extremism and extremism's otherings. Finally, the essay suggests that there is a distinction to be maintained between the idealism of extremism and a praxis of good faith. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Government spending on health care and utilisation rates are very low. Because of the low coverage of public health care programmes, health care expenditure is mostly privately financed, with out-of-pocket payments accounting for the bulk of it. In 2009, the government introduced the requirement to spend 5 and 10% of central and local government budgets, respectively, on health care (excluding wages and salaries). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 All of the 25 countries assessed experienced growth in capital formation in ‘Other machinery and equipment ’ category, but only 9 did so with a reduction in GHG emissions. The 9 nations achieving green growth in this sector included both western and eastern European countries. The OECD estimates that less than 1% of pension funds’ assets globally are allocated directly to infrastructure investment, let alone to clean energy projects.27 Likewise, insurance companies’ direct allocations to infrastructure projects remain in the billions of dollars, compared with total industry assets of around $19.3 trillion. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As such, it is important to note that each of these 11 guiding elements — six framing conditions and five instruments — is consistent with the principles guiding general water resource allocation systems. At the system level, requirements for accountability and information and knowledge fit with the proposed information requirement. Furthermore, effective monitoring and enforcement, assuring the system's interconnectivity (conjunctive surface-groundwater management), and policy coherence across sectors (no price distorting measures) are mentioned above. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Furthermore, in all five countries, agricultural policies are normally embedded in a broader national strategy of social and economic inclusion and poverty reduction. The budgetary allocations spent on small-scale farmers in this table only consider agricultural programmes that are part of the PSE calculations. An estimation on how much of each programme is directed to small-scale agriculture cannot be obtained. """""" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The contracting authorities also have to ensure that there are sufficient resources for overseeing the implementation of a PPP project. The contract can define how tariffs or payments may be adjusted and whether, and how, the private partner can make payments to the government for carrying out the project. Tariffs are ultimately approved by the Council of Ministers, with several other entities such as the WAJ, JVA, MWI and PMU able to make recommendations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""The Committee has applied this principle to State parties' failure to prevent and protect victims from gender-based violence, such as rape, domestic violence, female genital mutilation and trafficking. According to the Special Rapporteur, the powerlessness of the victim and the purpose of the act are the most decisive elements to determine whether an act amounts to torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The Special Rapporteur has further pointed out that, given the particular vulnerability of women with disabilities, forced abortions and sterilizations of these women if they are the result of a lawful process by which decisions are made by their """"legal guardians"""" against their will, may also constitute torture or ill-treatment. Violence in the name of honour, sexual violence and harassment, as well as slavery-like practices often of a sexual nature, domestic violence (in the form of intimate partner violence), female genital mutilation and human trafficking can also constitute gender-based torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, according to the Special Rapporteur (A/HRC/7/3)."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ABSTRACTIn 1956, southern Congressmen signed the Southern Manifesto, rejecting the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education ruling. This moment, in the general American consciousness, marked the rise of White massive resistance to Black advancement, a racist foray doomed to be swept aside by civil rights forces and a determined federal government. The reality is more complex. In the case of education policy in Mississippi, White hardline resistance stretches from the end of the Civil War through the modern school choice debate. The advocates and opponents of school choice should know this history of racist education policy in Mississippi. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In addition, the government made maternal health and family planning priorities within an expanding health budget, and health spending per capita doubled between 1995 and 2011. During roughly the same period, antenatal care coverage increased five-fold. The number of births assisted by skilled attendants doubled between 2006 and 2011, to 36 per cent of the total. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Wide areas were closed for production by sanitary authorities. An extremely high concentration of toxins in harvested fish and cultivated mussels months after the outbreak resulted in a series of modifications in sanitary' control and surveillance processes. The ‘Transfers to SECTOR' numbers reported here include estimations for management and enforcement expenditures, where missing. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In such an economy, the value of cr is critical to the potential for long run growth in this economy. If firms and households can take advantage of the increasingly abundant capital to invest in water-saving or reuse technologies, and if these technologies are sufficiently effective, then growth will proceed apace. This is indicative of an economy with a large value of a. Indeed, provided \, even in the absence of water-saving technological change, the share of water in GDP will diminish over time as the economy becomes more and more water-efficient through capital-water substitution. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The New Public Service describes a set of norms and practices that emphasize democracy and citizenship as the basis for public administration theory and practice. This article revisits some of the core arguments of the New Public Service and examines how they have been practiced and studied over the past 15 years. The authors conclude that neither the principles of the New Public Service nor those of the New Public Management have become a dominant paradigm, but the New Public Service, and ideas and practices consistent with its ideals, have become increasingly evident in public administration scholarship and practice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The costs of services may vaiy by location for at least three reasons (Tomalty and Skaburskis, 1997). First, the distance of each development from major facilities makes a difference. A development far away from an existing water treatment plant, for example, may require an additional pumping station. To be efficient, development charges would be higher in these locations. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! In R (Evans) v Attorney General, the Supreme Court quashed the Attorney General's statutory veto of the Upper Tribunal's original determination made under freedom of information legislation. The Upper Tribunal had held that so-called ‘advocacy’ memos should be published after a full hearing on the merits. The Supreme Court split five to two, with the lead judgment of Lord Neuberger using constitutional rather than administrative language and focusing on the rule of law. This note raises four objections to the lead judgment. First, it argues that the Upper Tribunal was acting in an executive not judicial capacity and the veto was not therefore a breach of the rule of law. Secondly it suggests the veto clause is best understood as a variant Henry VIII clause. Thirdly, it suggests Lord Neuberger's judgment is founded on a paradox. Finally, it argues that the judgment undermines parliamentary sovereignty. Future implications are then considered. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Focus on the functional relationships and processes within ecosystems. Carry out management actions at the scale appropriate for the issue being addressed, with decentralisation to lowest level, as appropriate. It will address issues related to Goals A and E of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the relevant Aichi Targets (in particular Aichi Targets 1, 2, 3,4,17,18,19 and 20) as well as Target 16, see Annex 8 Aichi Biodiversity Targets. One example of earlier developments that related to the potential Nordic Assessment is the Ecosystem Approach, see Box 5, which has been developed under CBD and supports a landscape and seascape perspective on ecosystem management. Strategic partnerships and collaboration will help deliver the Nordic Assessment. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Theories of desistance increasingly acknowledge the need to engage with political and economic discourses beyond the criminal justice system. This article turns to the critical theory of Axel Honneth, Nancy Fraser and others to explore the relevance to criminology of the concepts of recognition and redistribution. Interview data from a Scottish study of youth offending and desistance illustrate the potential of these ideas in promoting desistance among young people in transition. The article concludes that desistance requires the restructuring of wider economic and social policy to ensure social justice for marginalised young people. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 After a useful beginning in the eighteenth-century Enlightenment as both an experimental and analytic social science, criminology sank into two centuries of torpor. Its resurrection in the late twentieth century crime wave successfully returned criminology to the forefront of discovering useful, if not always used, facts about prevailing crime patterns and responses to crime. Criminology’s failures of “use” in creating justice more enlightened by knowledge of its effects is linked to the still limited usefulness of criminology, which lacks a comprehensive body of evidence to guide sanctioning decisions. Yet that knowledge is rapidly growing, with experimental (as distinct from analytic) criminology now more prominent than at any time since Henry Fielding founded criminology while inventing the police. The future of criminology may thus soon resemble medicine more than economics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Modernisation of irrigation schemes within the central government is the responsibility of the Directorate General for Water. In Israel, recycled water for irrigation and increased water-use efficiency in the agricultural sector are two examples. One-third of the water used in the agricultural sector each year is from treated domestic (grey and black water) waste. Reductions in quotas are therefore made by the Water Authority (originally called the Water Commission). The agricultural sector adapted rapidly to these restrictions through necessity thanks to the production and promotion of domestic recycled water, as well as through innovations in irrigation with semi-saline water, highly advanced crop irrigation practices and increasing crop tolerance to low water regimes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There are often cost incentives to improving existing systems rather than building new ways of delivering treatment, and evidence suggest that mild-to-moderate disorders can be cost-effectively treated from primary care. However, in order for treatments to be effective and of high quality, the right capacity and knowledge, incentives, and information systems must be in place. In addition, some OECD countries have had some success in building additional tailored services to address unmet need for treatment of mild-to-moderate mental illnesses. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""However, all textiles eventually become worn out and must be handled as waste. Material recycling of textile waste back into new textile products, is environmentally advantageous compared to incineration or landfill, but is currently limited in extent. One of its objectives is to """"promote business modelsthat stimulate recycling of fibres into new textile products"""". The case wallet is intended to inspire other brands both in the Nordic countries and elsewhere. A reliable supply of recyclable used textiles needs to be secured, and the demand for recycled-content fibres and yarns needs to be increased. Eleven such brands and some of their key partners were interviewed to identify their motivation, challenges they've experienced, how they overcame these and perspectives for the industry as a whole."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In South Africa the situation is even more extreme, with 3 million young people in NEET and 600 000 unemployed university graduates versus 800 000 vacancies (The Economist, 2012a). A survey among recruitment and temporary work agencies conducted for this report in nine African countries shows that such agencies have a greater struggle to find suitable candidates with tertiary education in South Africa and TVmisia than in countries with much lower incomes such as Kenya, Ghana and even Niger. Taking into consideration NEET youth, Figure 6.11. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Unlike most Asian economies (especially China), which have benefited from this global dispersion of production, African economies have reaped these benefits far less. The World Trade Organization estimated that a quarter ($5 trillion out of $19 trillion) of global trade in 2010 involved double-counting, that is, the value of intermediate products traded directly across national borders and indirectly, through subsequent incorporation in final products (UNCTAD, 2013, UNECA, 2014). As Chang (2015) notes, this flow of resources and revenue within GVCs represents a huge concentration of profits and power within the large multinational firms that can accrue technological dominance, brand recognition and access to low-cost capital because of the large scale at which they operate. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! There is a sharp rural/urban divide in the utilities dimension: 87 per cent of children in rural areas are deprived in utilities, a combination of poor access to water and heating. However, there are no differences in leisure deprivation rates by area of residence. At the same time, there are no significant gender differences either in deprivation distribution or particular dimensions. These children are the most vulnerable, and should be prioritized by social policies. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In respect of MDG Target 7.D: By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers, Belarus’s indicator has increased from 22.9 m~ of residential floor area per capita in 2005 to 26.1 m2 in 2014. The new energy efficient housing output in 2009 and 2010 followed the planned volumes of the Integrated programme for design, construction and reconstruction of energy efficient residential buildings in the Republic of Belarus for 2009-2010 and until 2020. However, in 2011, it was 20 per cent less than the planned 600,000 m2. These norms depend on the type of residential building and structural solutions used (i.e. heat recovery ventilation). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This paper analyzes the relationship between the violence against journalists in Mexico and the structural context of the state order that allows this violence and the impunity of crimes. We explain how in the Mexican state system, beyond institutional reforms that aim to improve processes of democratization with mechanisms of accountability, another set of extralegal mechanisms operate, which function as containment of reforms and preserve power relations based on concentration, opacity, hoarding of opportunities and freedoms. In this context, the practice of vigilant journalism, as a social accountability of governmental actions, constitutes a dangerous practice insofar as it threatens the established de facto order, being the object of persecution and violence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Albanian authorities have intensified cooperation with their Italian counterparts in mapping illicit cultivation areas through aerial surveys. The quantity of cannabis seized in Albania in 2014 (101.7 tons) exceeded the total quantity seized during the previous nine years (96 tons). Seizures of cannabis plants in a country may indicate the production of the drug in its territory. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Anyone whose income is less than 50% of the median equivalised income is said to be “at risk of poverty”. The European Union uses a 60% cut-off point (before housing costs),12 while lower thresholds give rise to what is sometimes termed “severe poverty” measures (Brewer et al., A headcount ratio in the late 2000s revealed that 12.8% of the over-65s were poor in the OECD area (Figure 2.8). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A notable aspect of sustainability is its holistic and cross-cutting nature—it cannot be achieved by any single rule, statute or agency. Instead, sustainability must be institutionalized across the legal system and government as a whole. In this paper, we propose and examine five mechanisms for institutionalizing sustainability across the federal legal system: (1) an Executive Order on sustainability, (2) a sustainability impact assessment process, (3) a non-partisan Congressional Joint Committee on Sustainability, (4) a federal Sustainability Commission, and (5) a Sustainability Law Reform Commission. Each is modeled on an existing institution in the United States or another jurisdiction. We discuss and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each mechanism, and discuss how the mechanisms might best be used, singly or in combination, to institutionalize sustainability across the federal government. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Rural centres of excellence, France France’s rural centres of excellence programme were inspired by the idea of competitive urban clusters. Projects under this program are awarded State funding for economic development projects in rural areas that involve a partnership between local authorities and private firms. This program was created to support the 2005 law on the development of rural areas. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Many off-shore wind farms have already been built and some governments are actively pursuing the large-scale deployment of this technology. Other low-carbon technologies such as CCS, which has a huge potential, are less mature and require a longer-term vision. Even where carbon pricing has been introduced, these technology policies have been kept or even accelerated. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They have come to rely on public services that were not available before and now they want to improve the quality of those services. Millions of Brazilians can now buy a car for the first time and can also travel by plane. The counterpart to that, however, should be decent and efficient public transportation to facilitate urban mobility and make life in the big cities less painful and stressful. The Gini coefficient is commonly used as a measure of inequality of income or wealth, where a coefficient of one means maximum inequality, and zero means total equality. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 New applications and tailored ICT tools can be developed to improve communication, enhance data collection on results and geographic location of development projects, and strengthen monitoring and evaluation for better analyses and more effective development co-operation. The OECD-WTO aid for trade monitoring exercise found that ICT is already prioritised in the development strategies of two-thirds of donors and that nearly all developing countries (90%) anticipate the need for future assistance in this area. Aid commitments to ICT project stood at USD 1 billion in 2017, mostly in the form of technical assistance for regulatory form (OECD/WTO, 2017[3oi). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Moreover, there are concerns that the current framework for teacher professional development is not responding adequately to teachers' needs: there is little flexibility in the current provision, it is unclear whether adequate learning opportunities for teachers are available, and incentives to engage in professional development seem to be increasingly related to salary increases and career advancement. Finally, Kazakhstan shows a clear commitment to external accountability based around school evaluation with a regular cycle of external school evaluations (school attestation) and a formal certification process for teachers (teacher attestation). However, the review team formed the impression that there is an over-emphasis on the accountability function of both teacher evaluation and school evaluation, with less attention paid to genuine professional discussions about effective teaching. The “Standard Staffing of Public Educational Organizations and List of Teaching Positions and Equal-Status Employees” (Decree no. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 If they do not, the answer is considered favourable. The Directorate of Planning is the strategic advisory body of the MOP in matters of planning, policy definition and general co-ordination. It is in charge of proposing policies and development plans in such infrastructure as roads, ports and airports, or water resources. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In addition, the law on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues and precursors, the main drug control legislation of Kazakhstan, was also strengthened and supplemented with provisions on analogue scheduling in July 2014. In 2014, the Government of Kyrgyzstan approved a counter-narcotics strategy and implementation plan which defined measures and activities in the field of drug control for the period 2014-2019. The strategy also aims to strengthen the law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan and enhance drug demand reduction and prevention efforts, including the implementation of tertiary prevention measures such as needle exchange, counselling, the provision of health care, and educational activities, as well as treatment and rehabilitation programmes. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 When ethanol is produced from sugarcane or lignocellulosic feedstocks, process by-products (bagasse and lignin, respectively) are used for internal heat and electricity. Here, lower range numbers refer to system designs allowing for export of electricity in excess of internal requirements. This would require 170 km3 of additional evapotranspiration and 180 km3 of additional irrigation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! ""Naturally, computers have become widespread and are used for a wide variety of purposes beyond solving computationally difficult problems. Gilder's Law"""", a conjecture like Moore's Law, predicts that total bandwidth — a measure of the carrying capacity of a communication system — will grow at least three times faster than computing power (Gilder, 2000). Thus, if computing power doubles every 18 months, as projected by Moore's Law, then Gilder's Law predicts that bandwidth will double every six months."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 E-commerce, though not entirely a new subject area in international trade discourse, is coming to the forefront now given its rapid expansion and the need for governments and the global community at large to look more carefully at the implications of this and to come up with relevant policy measures. This chapter does not purport to build the case for a particular stance by these countries on e-commerce, but rather looks at the potential benefits that could accrue from e-commerce development and at the same time the serious challenges they face, given the constraints that exist, as well as ways to address these. While the focus is on small developing countries, many of the issues covered will be relevant to the larger group of developing countries. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 (2001). The world turned upside down: Are changes in political economy and legal practice transforming legal education and scholarship, or vice versa? International Journal of the Legal Profession: Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 11-21. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Compared to other types of statistics, few manuals and training resources have been dedicated to the development of gender statistics. The United Nations Statistics Division led many of the technical developments in the field of gender statistics, mainly during the period from 1975 to 1995, before the Fourth World Conference on Women (United Nations, Economic and Social Council, 2010). The Division provided leadership in the production of technical materials and the compilation of statistics on women and men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Staying in good health by living a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease can lead to healthy ageing. There are various tools and methods to support healthy ageing, such as education regarding health care and continuous biosignal monitoring. Electronic health records and health information systems document and organize information on individual patients and die clinical population in general, which helps to determine the care required by older persons. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The funds will support aquaculture in the aim of making the sector more productive without compromising sustainability and conservation goals. The total budget for the Operational Programme (OP) is approximately EUR 41 million (USD 55 million) for the period 2014-20. World’s total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 These models can generate valuable information on the prospective cost-effectiveness of nuclear as well as its contribution to future supply security. The indicator aims at identifying short-term actions that can obtain results within weeks rather than months. The indicator combines an assessment of a member country’s risk to be confronted with sudden supply interruptions and its potential impacts, the risk assessment (RA), and the capability of that country to mitigate these impacts, the mitigation assessment (MA). If the risk is high, more emphasis should be put on effective crisis capabilities than when this risk is low. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The MDB methodology, by focussing on specific climate components, differs from the CRS Rio markers, which capture total project costs. The MDBs and the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) have also established common principles for climate finance tracking for mitigation (MDBs and IDFC, n.d.) The principles consist of a set of common definitions and guidelines including the list of activities. This is a publishing standard that aims to make data on aid “easier to use, access and understand” (IATI, 2016a). Data from more than 480 organisations9 - many not working on climate, but some working specifically or partially on climate issues, such as the Adaptation Fund and Agence Franqaise de Developpement - is available. In theory, the dataset allows searches via a “policy marker” (such as climate). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Economic opportunities can also result from newly created jobs, efficient management of natural resources and productivity gains (OECD, 2015a). Water scarcity, worsening resource bottlenecks, greater pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss have the potential to undermine growth and development. Imbalances in natural systems raise the risk of more profound, abrupt and highly damaging environmental impacts that are not necessarily foreseeable on the basis of past experience. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It is also consistent with the results of recent OECD research, which showed a strong positive relationship between the amount of developed land per capita and the number of cars per 100 residents (see Annex 1.A2).5 However, Korea’s motorisation rate is below what many European countries, the United States and Canada registered at comparable income levels (Figure 1.6). It also remains one of the lowest in the OECD (Figure 1.7). This is likely the result of a comparatively efficient public transport system, coupled with population densities that allow for widespread use of public transport, which indicates bus and rail hereinafter except some cases including the national public transport master plan in Table 1.1. Korea’s low motorisation rate relative to its income level bodes well for its capacity to prevent further congestion and to enhance ecological sustainability. Org/l 0.1787/9789264235199-17-en. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The potential of these already fragile economies to produce, allocate, distribute and regenerate is significantly compromised in the presence of HIV/AIDS. The literature and the experience of other countries which have previously walked this path paint a very grim picture for the Caribbean. Not only do high prevalence rates hurt the economy but economic stagnation provides an ideal breeding ground for the spread of the disease. Research into the effects of HIV/ AIDS reveals that its impact in terms of its social, human and economic costs is perhaps much more significant than previously thought (Bell et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This important project is promoting the advancement of SDGs 1, 9,10 and 11, making communities resilient, inclusive, safe and sustainable. With the continuous growth of mobile broadband worldwide and the continuous enrichment of digital services, mobile broadband services are the key drivers of the digital economy. However, there is still a large number of subscribers in some developing countries who can't afford a mobile broadband terminal due to the price of mobile broadband smartphones or other factors. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Among pedestrians, elderly fatalities are overrepresented and Korea has the highest elderly fatality rate among OECD countries. However, Korea records one of the highest total fatality rates when the elderly are excluded, which indicates that elderly fatalities are not the only safety concern. This data allows an analysis of country level determinants of traffic fatalities. Multivariate regression analysis shows that the per capita number of vehicles active on a country’s roads significantly increases per capita traffic fatalities, whereas the percentage of drivers and passengers wearing seatbelts significantly reduces this figure.14 The protection afforded to passengers by seatbelts is widely recognized and most countries have law's that make it mandatory to wear a seatbelt. Such a modal shift requires the creation of compact mixed-use communities that offer alternatives to car use, such as w'alking, cycling and high quality public transport. “ People first” shifts the focus from the pre-2000s transport policy aimed at traffic efficiency towards comfortable and convenient (public) transport. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Improvements in technical assistance for farmers and the diffusion of new technologies will help. So will policies that better align the price of production inputs with their true social cost. Consumption of nitrogen fertiliser per unit of arable land in China is more than double that of other countries with large agricultural sectors (Figure 11). The costs of excessive use of chemical fertiliser are significant. Soil acidity is often affected, leading to longer-term impacts on crop yields. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Abstract Recent scholarship has shown how, in her political writing, Mary Wollstonecraft developed a troubling evaluation of femininity – one that ironically brought her sexual politics into line with those she attacked in Edmund Burke's account of the French Revolution. This article identifies a different contradiction in her feminism. It argues that her challenge to the lingering conservatism in Enlightenment philosophy relied on a model of social history that put reasoning women at the center of a “civilized” culture threatened by a “savage” periphery. It suggests that Wollstonecraft's strong critique of the contradiction in Enlightenment political thought, which saw women as lacking in civic character, is organized rhetorically around the contrast between polished civil subject and violent savage. Because this distinction rests to a large extent on the assumption that domestic virtue is a central feature of more advanced societies, her argument finally locates women in a morally invigorated domestic s... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Affected by significant oversupply issues, China’s real estate and industrial sectors have been the hardest hit (World Bank 2016b). As it is a major player in the global market, a key driver of demand for developing-country exports, and a crucial source of investment and finance, China’s slowdown has raised concerns about its underlying strength and the implications for global growth and trade, causing volatility in financial markets (IMF 2016b). The USA performed more robustly, continuing on the path of recovery with a growth rate of 2.5 per cent in 2015 - a 0.1 percentage point improvement from the previous year (World Bank 2016b). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The proliferation of media content and the use of that content among various publics frequently raises the question of whether and how media might influence political attitudes and behaviors. Scholarship in political science and communication has continually tried to disentangle these relationships. Recent research has included a variety of theoretical perspectives with a focus on experimental designs, but also including surveys, content analyses, and network analyses. Moderating and mediating variables often determine the strength of the relationships between media and political attitudes, and causality is a crucial consideration when determining the directionality of these relationships. Future research should continue these lines of exploration and also consider new media affordances and user interactions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Capturing these broader benefits in concrete terms can also build a case for more ambitious, scaled-up actions. This includes issues such as reducing disproportionate social and environmental impacts on women or indigenous populations. For instance, many institutions include guidance to disaggregate results by gender or impacts on indigenous peoples, where appropriate (UK, 2013, Mulenga, 2013, CIF, 2011, 2012a, 2012c, GEF, 2012). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Although Betts and Kaytaz’s study is written of a context in which migration is not primarily a response to conflict, there are still lessons to be learnt. If they receive recognition, they are entitled to live in the refugee camp but can apply for a work permit if and when they find work. There is very little additional legal provision that relates to the situation of the Zimbabweans (ibid. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! These datasets are very complete, but they were not created for the purpose of describing people’s perceptions of deprivation. We therefore decided to use a methodology similar to the one proposed by Alkire and Foster (2007). The first step was to define the main dimensions of the functionings and capabilities to be studied: housing conditions, health, education and participation in the labour market.1 These dimensions were then divided into 13 indicators, as shown in table 1. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This emphasis on disaggregation helped to tailor policy recommendations for each region and product. Figure 3 presents FAO’s (2013) useful overview of the details of these three dimensions, which provide possible entry points for diagnostic analyses of specific cases and for possible policy interventions. As the FAO (2013) notes, “The first challenge for governments is to determine which factors to target, namely, which constraint or risk is holding back smallholder market participation. The second challenge is the sequencing of policy measures during the process of market transformation.” - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Out of the 47 prefectures in Japan, 5 have food self-sufficiency rates greater than 100 per cent (Hokkaido, 195 per cent, Akita, 174 per cent, Yamagata, 132 per cent, Aomori, 118 per cent, and Iwate 105 per cent) (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2009). Japan’s energy self-sufficiency rate is only 4 per cent (19 per cent if nuclear power generation is included) (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, 2008). Most potash and phosphate supplies are imported and dairy farming in Japan is heavily reliant on imported livestock feed. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Heavy sulphur diesel fuel is imported for electricity generation, and in times of drought, diesel generation is increasingly relied upon. However, FEA has made efforts to increase energy supply through biomass from independent power producers, including from the state-owned Fiji Sugar Corporation, which generates electricity from bagasse cogeneration plants. Rural electrification efforts over the last two decades involving grid extension and solar home systems have increased electricity access to 60 per cent of the population (Figure 9.4). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Existing research demonstrates that child food insecurity is both consequential and common, but limitations in the range of countries, contexts, and time points for which data have been collected, and a lack consistency in what is being measured and how, has resulted in incomplete information for addressing child food insecurity, its causes and consequences. The effectiveness of a global monitoring system rests on two components: measurement of child food insecurity that reliably and accurately captures the phenomenon, and a vehicle for delivering that measurement to samples that support reliable and accurate inference to the populations of interest. In addition, the prevalence of food inadequacy is estimated indirectly, based on national food balance sheets reporting the quantities of food available in 113 countries [15]. These monitoring systems give a panoramic view on what is happening in a country, and they provide information about the adequacy of wages, existing resources, and benefits to meet food needs at household level, for the populations to which household samples are representative. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Around 75% of principals in intervention schools estimated that the project led to collaboration between teachers in unusual and positive ways, and that the project provided professional development opportunities that their teaching staff would not have otherwise had. The survey instruments measure both the local contexts in which the intervention takes place and the effects of the intervention on a series of outcomes of interest for students and teachers, including the change in teachers' pedagogical practices, attitudes and beliefs, as well as the effects of those practices on their students' tests scores, their understanding and attitude towards creativity and critical thinking, their engagement in school, and their scores in standardised creativity tests. While the results are tentative, the initial analysis of the pilot student data shows that the intervention has promising effects on the outcomes of interest. The next phase of the project should entail a validation (or efficacy) study before countries scale up the effective approaches. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Each time users connect to the internet or make a phone call, they leave ‘digital fingerprints’ which may turn out to be useful for identifying people involved in a crime or an act of terrorism. This is why there is great interest by law enforcement authorities in gaining access to traffic and location data, relying on the forced co-operation of telecommunication and internet providers. However, the effectiveness of compelling these service providers to retain such data for the purpose of fighting crime has been questioned. Moreover, data retention obligations interfere with the right to privacy of individuals, as protected by Article 8 European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), therefore, they may be imposed only for a legitimate objective, i.e. to protect citizens' safety, and in full respect of the principle of proportionality. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These include a higher El contribution rate for fixed-term contracts, or experience rating of employers by hacking layoffs which result in benefit claims (as practiced in the United States). Also, the traditional PES emphasis on placing unemployed workers so far as possible in stable jobs rather than temporary jobs should be maintained. Until recently, employment insurance (El) contributions were due only in case of employment relationships expected to last for a year or more. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For example, in Jordan women represent fewer than 5% of the self-employed, in Morocco, between 10%-12% of business owners, and in Egypt about 20%. Consequently, one cannot expect women to constitute a significantly larger share of BDS clients. However, an interesting example comes out of the survey in Jordan: 75% of the clients/beneficiaries of the Jordan River Foundation, the Noor Al Hussein Foundation and the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) are women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Such investments are therefore more properly classified as social infrastructure spending rather than government current consumption or even simply human development expenditures. Social infrastructure refers to the fundamental social, intellectual, and emotional skills and health of individuals—or level of human development—a country relies on for its economy to function. Unlike physical infrastructure—such as bridges, roads and, telecommunications systems— whichtendto infrastructure is embodied in people, and enhanced via social spending by governments. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Information given above derived from IPCC (2007), “Summary for Policymakers”. The Government has stated that “it would be irresponsible to acknowledge this reality and not do anything to prepare our community for eventual migration”. See Republic of Kiribati, Office of the President, “Relocation”, Kiribati Climate Change. Available at (accessed 25 January 2016). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It is also harder to prevent different—and more pluralistic—forms of expression that can inform those who would otherwise remain unaware of actual trends, including in inequalities, and how policies can affect them. However, the digital divide remains large, albeit narrowing, even in developing countries where mobile telephony is fulfilling many of the earlier functions of personal computers. Moreover, blogging and similar forms of media interaction are still strongly class-driven (Schradie 2012), even as race and ethnicity become less important as determinants. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Reporting and progress reports were made to the Minister for Women and Equalities, and the overall report and recommendations of the WBC were delivered to the government and disseminated across UK ministries. The WBC approach is built on the idea that improving gender diversity will lead to greater creativity, problem solving and flexibility, all much-needed skillsets for the UK to adapt to the changing economic environment. Aiming to both increase resources and change organisational culture, WBC took a long-term view, ensuring that longevity and continuity be applied to all suggested strategies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Where applicable, the alternative fuels to gas-based generation (such as diesel, fuel oil or coal) are mainly stored on the site of CCGTs. The period of load duration depends on a number of factors, including the ability to restock back-up fuels, generator characteristics, the type of gas supply contract - either firm or interruptible - and expectations about the variability of electricity prices as these determine the installation of back-up facilities (BERR, 2006). However, when information on this indicator remains disaggregated, the overall picture for the national energy system may be less clear. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore the following section is not a full account of all criteria in the ecolabels but simply those focusing on the resource efficiency. The categories, with some alterations, have been used to categorize the criteria in the four instruments investigated. However, the instruments contain criteria falling outside the categories in the JRC ecodesign parameters for resource efficiency. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This recognition is the starting point, the challenge for the next decade is to move towards a new combination of structures and institutions capable of generating increasing levels of productivity and equality, in the framework of development with sustainability in different dimensions. Section 1 describes the regional situation and the paths for advancing towards higher levels of productivity and equality. The economic, social and environmental aspects of the constraints and challenges that the region faces on that path are analysed in section 2. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! This compares with around 5.7% for the health sector, 11% for education and 0.29% for social welfare (UNICEF, 2013). Ideally, such an analysis should also be undertaken for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use more generally, including mainstreaming. The various components are highlighted in Box 2.5. The PIR also reviews the overall financing architecture for biodiversity in the country and generates specific recommendations for an improved institutional framework. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 All three deal with outdoor air pollution due to fossil fuel combustion and focus on policy-relevant, global headline figures. The WHO report, for instance, states: “Air pollution represents the biggest environmental risk to health. In 2012, one out of every nine deaths was the result of air pollution-related conditions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Impact evaluation focuses on disentangling the effects attributable to a particular policy intervention (e.g. protected areas) on an outcome variable (e.g. deforestation) from broader changes in a region (e.g. widespread development or government policies) (Ahmadia, 2015). More generally, according to one source, the resources currently allocated to monitoring and evaluation — on average, less than 5% of a conservation project’s budget — do not come close to what is needed to satisfy the increasing demand from policymakers for more and higher-quality evidence on the impacts of conservation and development interventions (McKinnon et al., This involves the main impacts and effects resulting from the activity on the local social, economic, environmental and other development indicators.” ( - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Depending on the indicator, in-kind benefits as a whole reduce income inequality by between one-fifth (on the basis of the Gini coefficient) and one-third (using alternative inequality measures, which give more weight to the bottom and the top of the income distribution). The United Kingdom and, according to other inequality measures, the United States, Portugal and Mexico record higher reduction rates, while Slovenia records lower ones. Because of their sheer size, benefits from total education and health have by far the largest inequality reduction potential. However, for beneficiaries (social renters) the service can make a big difference, especially as it is targeted more on low-income groups. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The 1996 Law on Ambient Air Protection is the legislative base for implementing measures for climate change mitigation. Several articles relate to GHGs. For example, according to Article 6, the State Committee for Nature Protection (SCNP) sets the atmospheric air protection standards for all kinds of objects, ozone preservation and climate change. Article 24 focuses on enterprises and lists their responsibilities in terms of mitigating the adverse effects of GHGs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These include executive secretariats, councils, social ministries and others (ECLAC, 2016a), which form part of the construction of a long-term strategy and represent a stable component of the region's social institutions. This not only means formal articulation, so that care programmes can be officially included in social protection systems, but also the possible redesign of instruments to guarantee gender mainstreaming. For example, cash transfer programmes may involve conditionalities that reinforce the unequal division of productive and reproductive work (ECLAC, 2013b), especially if there are no incentives for care to be provided jointly by men and women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 About one third of OECD countries have achieved absolute decoupling. Groundwater withdrawal has increased in many parts of the world, at an alarming scale in India (Shah et al., Groundwater is a key source of water supply for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes in many parts of the world. More than 60% is consumed by agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions, producing 40% of the world’s food (Morris et al., - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Andreassen also states that there has been a five percentage point decline in the proportion of female news subjects in news stories on politics in the two last GMMPs even though women have climbed up to top-level political positions.7 An example of this is Helle Thorning Schmidt, Denmark's first female prime minister who was elected in 2011. In the current government nine out of 22 ministers are women (40.9%, Statsministeriet 2016). This focus is reinforced by both female and male reporters. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The C02 emissions increased even less, indicating a pervasive historical trend towards decarbonization of the global economy at about 1.3 per cent per year. The share of fossil energy sources, taken together, increased (from 20 to 80 per cent) between 1850 and now, as did the emissions of C02 (as an unavoidable by-product of combustion). Consequently, energy-related emissions of C02 increased 21-fold to about 6 billion tons of carbon (6 GtC) in 2000. Nevertheless, their increase has remained at a substantially slower pace than that of energy requirements, indicating a strong historical trend towards decarbonization of societies. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Local governments created 604 new childcare places in 2015 with financial support from the European Social Fund. More recent data from 2015-16 shows that 75% of two year-olds were in pre-school education in Estonia, and that the overall proportion of those aged 0-2 in pre-school education had increased to 34% compared to the 20% for 2014 shown in Figure 27 (source: Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia). A further call for 600 additional childcare places will be launched in 2017 with funding from the same source. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Andrews et al (2001) found that 60% of individuals with a mental disorder had this disorder a year earlier already. Hughes and Cohen (2009) found a majority of patients with a depressive disorder still suffering from recurrent depressive episodes ten years later. Chronicity has also consistently been found to be strongly related to a high utilisation of medical services (e.g. Fasel et al, 2010), and to be a decisive factor for long-term sickness absence and disability (e.g. Bergh et al, 2007). In schizophrenic disorders, for example, around 70% show substantial social and vocational impairments or residual symptoms (Moller et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In 2010, for example, the share of income from work was relatively high in the United States where the normal pension age is over 65. In France, by contrast, where workers who had contributed for 41 years could still retire at the age of 60 in 2010, income from work accounted for less than 10% of old people’s incomes. Capital income includes private pensions as well as income from returns on non-pension savings. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Thus for example, by increasing demand for output from forestry and hunting, the annual income of the rural poor increases by TSh 48,700 (equivalent to TSh 4,058 or US$ 2.4 per month). A similar exogenous increase in demand for output from agriculture translates into an annual Increase of TSh 44,325 (TSh 3,694 or US$ 2.2 per month) in the income of the rural poor, while a similar exogenous increase in the demand for output from wood, paper and printing translates into an annual increase of TSh 14,950 (TSh 1,246 or US$ 0.8 per month) in the income of the rural poor. This means that the increased demand will spur economic growth in the interdependent sectors, which will ultimately be reflected in the welfare of households. This section seeks to answer the question: how will this sectoral input affect the annual incomes of the household sectors (rural poor, rural nonpoor, urban poor and urban non-poor)? - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It was nevertheless considered important to include it here so as to allow policy makers to understand the broader economic impacts of energy policy, beyond cost factors coming first in mind. Innovation is perceived as a key enabler for the transition to low-carbon energy systems, illustrated, for example, through the launch of the Mission Innovation initiative announced in November 2015, as world leaders were coming together in Paris for the COP21.1 Innovation that curbs or eliminates emissions with harmful effects on human health and climate, by promoting clean ways of energy production and use, as well as energy efficiency, support the decoupling of economic growth from damages to the environment and hence relax an important long-term constraint on growth. Modelling needs to be improved and enlarged, to provide policy makers with tools allowing them to take informed decisions on energy investment strategies that best promote global growth and competitiveness in a sustainable future. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Agency is the National Administrator of the National Registry for GHG Emission Allowance Trading. The Institute has several weather stations included within the Regional Basic Synoptic Network and Regional Basis Climatological Network in RA VI (Europe) - about 40 synoptic and more than 90 climatic stations across the country. There are no Global Surface Network and Global UpperAir Network stations in Bulgaria. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 SYNOPSIS: This commentary provides an overview of the case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court that alleges constitutional problems with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The PCAOB, a Board designed to oversee auditing for publicly traded firms, was created by Congress when it passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (hereafter, SOX). To enhance PCAOB’s independence from political pressures, Congress established it as a private-sector, non-profit organization, and gave oversight powers to the Securities and Exchange Commission (hereafter, SEC), an independent agency. The plaintiffs in this case allege that Congress empowered the PCAOB with broad executive powers, yet limited the President’s ability to appoint Board members (thus violating the appointments clause of the Constitution) and to control and/or remove Board members (thus violating the separation of powers doctrine of the Constitution). The Supreme Court’s decision about the constitutionality of the PCAOB is important becaus... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This supports sustainable economic development and a competitive advantage (see also the chapter on sustainable consumption). Governments have an interest in promoting corporate responsibility because it is key to sustained competitiveness in a globalizing economy. Full information for consumers is a basic economic tenet of successful markets. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 These results demonstrate the complexity of dealing with gender issues and set the stage for the objectives of Plan Avanza 2. Family Caregiving: What Are the Consequences?, Child Care Center”, http://careers.state.gOv/specialist/benefits#ccc. What Are the Highlights of the Act?”, Advancing Pay Equality in the Federal Government and Learning from Successful Practices, 10 May 2013. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Global scientific efforts to raise the profile of other environmental issues (for example, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, or the Natural Resources Panel) have had a much lower impact. This prominence, however, can be a source of vulnerability as well, as became clear in late 2009 and early 2010, when the soundness of IPCC reports and the scientific basis for its work came under widespread attack. The advantage of a multi-dimensional organisation such as the OECD is that it is able to explicitly connect its environmental work with relevant non-environmental issues with a view to drawing out the broader policy implications which may be important for policy reform to be implemented. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! People with preferential reimbursement status have lower co-payments (Box 2). The third-party payment system is gradually being enlarged to improve access to ambulatory care, notably for vulnerable people. Since July 2015, patients with preferential reimbursement status only pay co-payments for GP consultations. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Malaysia’s trade position improved, but it was outdone by a net outflow in gross transfers. In the Philippines, payments for capital and intermediate goods imports continued to drive the widening of trade and current account deficits, although this was partially offset by robust remittance inflows from overseas workers. Thailand’s large trade surplus shrank, while a deficit in primary income transfers increased. Viet Nam saw its net trade earnings rise substantially in the first half of 2018 from the previous year, and this more than matched an increase in net transfer outflows. Elsewhere in the region, Singapore’s CAB stayed healthy in 2018 on the strength of its net goods trade position, while Brunei Darussalam’s surplus decreased. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Emerging and developing countries are searching for new policies and practical responses in order to promote decent work for millions of young men and women who are engaged in the informal economy. These two policy instruments align with each other and reinforce the clear policy guidance on youth employment and their transition from the informal to the formal economy. This is the first international labour standard to focus on the informal economy in its entirety and diversity and to point clearly to the transition to the formal economy as the means for realising decent work for all and achieving inclusive development. The Recommendation, of universal relevance, acknowledges the broad diversity of situations of informality, including specific national contexts and priorities for the transition to the formal economy, and provides practical guidance to address these priorities. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This article examines several scandals in 1990s Argentina to discuss the linkages between scandals, media, and citizenship. Suggesting that media publicity is central for scandals to unfold, the article examines a particular arms scandal. An institutional approach that considers the role of different political actors in different scandals shows how and why the media and other institutions contributed to the making and unmaking of scandals. Although scandals offer opportunities for “doing politics by other means,” not all actors are similarly involved. Scandals that dealt with official corruption mainly featured political elites, whereas scandals that followed revelations about human rights violations showed a different pattern: public outrage and citizens’mobilization. In a political context of “scandal fatigue,” scandals do not necessarily trigger public action or moral crusades. Only those scandals that directly affected groups of citizens and were not simply causes d’etat were followed by public demons... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For these series, adoption rates for intervening years have been interpolated. Maize irrigated area is from USDA (2015g), Census ol Agriculture. Adoption rates for herbicides, insecticides, no till, tractor guidance systems, and N application rates for fertiliser are from the USDA (2015h), Economic Research Service. In 1992, about 190 000 farms had swine onsite. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Tarasuk, V. and G. Beaton, Women's dietary intakes in the context of household food insecurity. Journal of Nutrition, 1999.129: p. 672-679. Bernal, J., E. Frongillo, and J. Rivera, Food insecurity reported by children, but not by mothers, is associated with lower quality of diet and shifts in foods consumed. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Its importance as a pressure factor, according to Belarus, is local but severe. Chemicals are transported to the river from agricultural facilities, and pond fisheries are a major source of pollution. Industry in Lithuania is mainly located in Alytus, Kaunas and Vilnius, in Belarus mainly around Grodno (assessed as local and moderate by Belarus). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Such a foundation is essential to ensure that policy can be guided by a strong evidence base. For VET, knowledge of job prospects allows students to make informed choices about training programmes, and policy makers to see whether graduates are obtaining relevant work, clear information about learning outcomes helps employers to understand what qualified recruits have learnt. Better data and information can be provided either through one-off surveys of those leaving vocational programmes, or by tracking cohorts of individuals through vocational programmes into employment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Others contend that company reporting would not provide new or useful information that would be sufficient or that providing consolidated data broken down for purposes of country-by-country corporate sustainability reporting is costly, arbitrary and impractical. Yet others maintain that the necessary data are indeed available at a legal entity level because the use of resources is part of an entity's cost and management accounting. Moreover, if data are provided to national statistical offices, it should not be difficult to make them publicly available in company reports. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As a result, teachers may perform at a level lower than expected at the concerned career stage for a number of years. While it is a strength of the system that processes exist to move ineffective teachers either out of the school system or into non-teaching roles, there remain opportunities for underperforming teachers to remain in the system for long periods of time. If sustained underperformance by teachers is not tackled this has adverse consequences not only on student learning but also on the reputation of both schools and the teaching profession. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As far back as 2000, teacher education innovators at Jamaica’s Mico Teachers’ College were exploring how teachers could use literature in the classroom to address issues of active citizenship and violence, as well as broader issues related to sustainability and social development. In a related initiative, academic staff at UWI developed a graduate course on literature and ESD, which has gone from being an elective to a course requirement in the language education programme. Another core course in teacher education, entitled Changing Cultures Changing Schools, explores school culture and change management, including an exploration of eco-schools. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Examples of indicators to monitor and evaluate adaptation activities in the agricultural sector (cont.) For example, a preparedness indicator such as the identification of funds for adaptation does not say anything on their actual use. Even if it were possible to know how much of the designated fund was actually used, the exact extent to which it enhanced adaptive capacity would remain unknown. The same would happen if only a project-based approach were used. Although pilot-projects can be very helpful to shed light on what successful adaptation is in a specific area or sector, “summing up” all the projects taking place in a given country does not always say much on the country’s overall preparedness to face climate change and adjust to it. Additionally, such projects in reality tend to be regionally confined and few in number. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Unemployment is included in this index because of the risk it implies of social exclusion and detachment from the lifestyle and the prevailing culture of society (Atkinson and others, 2002). Recent practice in the multidimensional measurement of poverty in the region has been to consider lack of access to social protection —in terms of health insurance coverage, affiliation to social protection schemes and receipt of pensions— as deprivation (see CONEVAL, 2010, Angulo Pardo Diaz and Finch, 2013, ECLAC, 2013). Households in which no member has any form of contributory insurance (based on mandatory or voluntary contributions from individuals) are considered to be deprived in respect of social protection. This cut-off is used for both social security and health, and has the advantage of using a constant delimiting criterion across the different indicators of social protection. Receipt of a non-contribution-based pension (such as a solidarity-based or basic pension) is thus insufficient to prevent an individual being considered deprived in respect of social security. This definition was adopted on the basis that, to a greater or lesser degree, fees in the health systems of all of the countries covered by this indicator are adjusted for purchasing power. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The smooth implementation of market liberalisation in order to increased infrastructure investment in the region requires adequate and effective mechanisms to protect consumers. Countries that are self-sufficient in energy production may have concerns about preparing for energy emergencies and their ability to react to growing demand. Countries which import energy may be vulnerable if they rely predominantly on imports of a single fuel or from a single countty. In the long term it is principally about investment in energy infrastructure, so that energy supply keeps pace with economic development. Clear policies and measures to increase energy security improve the competitiveness of the sector and send positive signals for investors across the energy system and economies more generally. However economies across the region have ambitions to create gas markets and are developing enabling legislative and regulatory frameworks in preparation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Courses are assessed for their public value, taking into account a number of factors including: alignment with government priority industries, industry growth prospects, and the extent of the employment outcome from the qualification. The list is routinely updated. They also include a measure related to the rates of graduates employed in their field of study. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Some environmental subjects are integrated in courses on natural sciences and on health and healthy lifestyle. Manuals were developed on Biodiversity, Man and Earth, Man and Air, and on Water as Source of Life for use by pupils of levels 5 to 9 as supplementary learning materials. In 2005, a methodological guidance on Environmental Education in Primary School was developed. In 2009, a manual on Man and Nature was published for teachers of levels 5 to 9. The SCNP published several manuals on environmental topics for preschool educational institutions and schools. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Recent changes in accreditation standards now require professors to systematically assess whether a teacher candidate actually possesses a “disposition” appropriate to the profession. This new mandate from accreditation bodies is controversial on a number of fronts. As social studies educators in particular, we like to think of ourselves as especially attentive to issues such as individual differences and rights, indoctrination, prejudice, intolerance, freedom of expression, maturation, and the worth of the individual—all of which are potentially raised by the NCATE and NCSS mandates. And as a practical matter, it places new stresses on the role of professors as both mentors and gatekeepers. In this article, two social studies teacher educators provide an overview of current theory and debate regarding dispositions, an assessment of practical problems associated with the accreditation accountability mandates, and—in spite of the persistent problems associated with defining and assessing dispositions—offer... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The investigation and prosecution of international (cyber)stalking suffers from impediments that are absent when national and/or offline stalking is concerned. This contribution aims to enumerate some of the most pressing issues and to look for possible solutions. To this end, stalking legislation in the United States will be compared to that of the European Member States, issues of jurisdiction, extradition and international legal assistance will be touched upon, and the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime will be analyzed to see if it can serve a purpose in the combat against international (cyber)stalking. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Technological solutions with the potential to contribute to decoupling are described for the agricultural, industry and municipal water-supply sectors. Systems-level technological solutions are also presented. Obviously, the tools described here are not an exhaustive collection of all those available (such a list would be constantly changing as new technologies are developed], but they provide a broad introduction to some of the best-known and documented tools. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, subnational authorities, and cities in particular, cannot determine how their budgets are spent. The system for allocating charges between levels of the budget system turns local authorities not into partners of the government - who ensure financing and perform important duties - but into clients petitioning for resources. Although maslikhats are invited to participate in the discussions, this exercise is rather a post-factum consultation on local programmes and budgets. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Platform-mediated ADA vehicle requests also enable the pooling of adapted vehicles across multiple suppliers. The potential increase in efficiency and improvement in wait times and other outcomes are what motivated MBTA to pilot its RIDE service with Lyft and Uber in the first place. This ensures that specific initiatives, measures and partnerships contribute to shared and clearly articulated outcomes. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It requires workers telecommuting not to be covered by less than minimum labour standards under law and that firms offer similar treatment to these workers as to those working on the employers’ premises. This includes guarantees on working hours, overtime, rest days and leave benefits. Employers adopting the standard agree to inform their employees of available FWAs, offer clear and transparent approval processes for employees seeking FWAs, and appoint a senior manager to champion FWAs within the organisation, among other steps. More than 250 companies, with a combined workforce of 210 000, including many domestically-owned SMEs, quickly signed on. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! ""The Task Forces are a useful institution with special expertise on selected issues. The scientific side of the Post-2020 Framework could be """"outsourced"""" to a scientific advisory panel if not integrated to a clearing house type of a mechanism. The IUCN is governed by the general assembly of its members, the World Conservation Congress, and the council, which is responsible for the more regular governance of the organization. In addition, a president leads the whole organization and a secretariat manages the day-to-day operation."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! In 2004, the public enterprise “Oskemen-Vodokanal” was transferred to trust management for 25 years to Almaty company IR-Group, LLP. During the tendering process, the rules of transfer of water supply facilities for lease and trust management were violated. Government expectations about enhance d efficiency and reliability of Ust-Kamenogorsk water supply and sewerage networks were disappointed. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It is designed to attract investment in technology firms, creating jobs and economic growth15. In the last three years, Tech City has attracted investment from global markets, including the United States, Europe and Asia, and from investors such as Rekoo, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, Foursquare and Pinterest16. As a result, UK operators Openreach and Virgin Media have made announcements to invest in affordable, high-speed broadband infrastructure and services in the area1718. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This work is an introductory chapter for a forthcoming book on Understanding International Criminal Law to be published by Aspen Publishers as part of Aspen's Essentials series. This chapter presents a succinct definition of international criminal law (ICL), situating it within the fields of public international law, transnational law, international human rights, and international humanitarian law. Additional chapters in the text will address the history of ICL, the sources of ICL, the major international crimes and defenses, and ICL reasoning and rhetoric. Publication is expected in 2007 for adoption in 2008. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The use of technology, manufacturing and production therefore have the potential to support upskilling, redeployment and productivity enhancement29. Mobile broadband - or using tablets, mobile phones and other portable devices to access the Internet - represents the fastest technological uptake in human history. Hotspots are being set up by individuals and technology companies are experimenting with drones, balloons and other innovations to extend access to and use of the Internet30. Technical and ICT-related skills across industries also need to be supplemented by broader, stronger collaborative and social skills -such as persuasion, emotional intelligence and the ability to learn and teach others. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Federal funds are also used for the financing of the commission. These are autonomous in decision making but controlled by SEMARNAT in administrative issues such as human resources and finances. They include the National Water Commission (CONAGUA), the National Protected Areas Commission (Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas, CONANP), the National Ecology and Climate Change Institute (Instituto Nacional de Ecologia y Cambio Climatico, INECC) and the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Procuraduria Federal de Protection al Ambiente, PROFEPA). Decentralised bodies exist as legal entities with their own budgets, such as the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, IMTA) and the National Forestry Commission (Comision Nacional Forestal, CONAFOR). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! As an illustration, households’ net worth in France is five times higher than GDP and it has grown by over 7% on average per year and in real terms between 1997 and 2007, compared to a 1.7% increase for GDP (Conseil des Prelevements Obligatoires, 2011). Taxing wealth at a rather low rate should thus generate large and rising tax revenues. Second, real estate accounts for a large share of household net worth (Fredriksen, 2012) and the tax can thus hardly be avoided. Third, inheritance and gift taxes, not only on immovable property but on all net assets, could offer an alternative to the taxation of lifelong saving. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In the case of income deprivation, the headcount ratio decreased from 37.6% in 2006 to 32.8% in 2010. Transfer Axiom: Given other things, a pure transfer of income from a person below the poverty line to anyone who is richer must increase the poverty measure” (Sen, 1976, p. 219). These figures show that one third of the population has income below the official poverty line (US$ 57.29 per capita per month in 2006) and half the population in rural areas suffers from monetary deprivation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Panel A of Figure 5.13 addresses this question by showing that the majority of informal workers who transit to formal jobs moves into fixed-term employment in urban Colombia and urban China, while the opposite holds for South Africa and Hirkey. Low transition rates from informality to fixed-term contracts in Hirkey and South Africa can be, at least partly, explained by the relatively restrictive legislation on fixed-term employment in the former and the very light employment protection rules applying to permanent contracts in the latter. This evidence points to the potential existence of a vicious cycle, in countries like (urban) Colombia, where some workers may be stuck in a back-and-forth between informality, fixed-term formal jobs and joblessness. Such a possibility weakens the claim that informal employment typically serves as a stepping stone towards good careers. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Women are now being oppressed by their own men, who do not believe that we are capable of contributing meaningfully to the society in more ways than being child bearers'. Achieving the goal of equal participation of women and men in decision-making will provide a balance that more accurately reflects the composition of society and is needed in order to strengthen democracy and promote its proper functioning' (United Nations 1995: paragraph 181). If local government is to meet the needs of both women and men, it must build on the experiences of both women and men'. Less work has been done on the actual impact of women on the nature and work of legislated bodies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Therefore, to attract more women as clients, BDS organisations should make extra efforts to give their services higher visibility among women as well as educating them about the value of their services. However, mainstream BDS providers often do not have enough information on the specific needs of women entrepreneurs or how to effectively respond to those needs to provide such information. For example, women often lack innovative ideas for businesses because their past experience has been limited to traditionally female areas of the economy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Estimates show that just correcting for tax evasion makes a significant difference on the share of the income distribution (Lopez et al., In particular, the average participation of the top 1% on GDP over the period 2005-2009 decreases by 2.5 percentage points of GDP. This reform will increase revenues and has the potential to reduce inequality (Lopez et al., The reform could negatively affect investment and growth because it reduces after-tax returns on investment, , however this could be compensated by a positive effect on long run growth through education, if the funding is used successfully in reforming the school system. Furthermore, there is some uncertainty about the revenue yield of the tax reform, stemming from how the private sector will adapt. The envisaged gradualism of implementation is thus welcome. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The prohibition against torture is a well settled, absolute right in international law and human rights. As such, it presents an ideal case to understand what is at stake in human rights generally. The chapter considers the definitions of ‘torture’ contained in the UN Convention Against Torture and the Rome Statute, and then attempts to distill their essence into clear explanatory texts in Minimal English. This offers a way of thinking about the being at the heart of human rights: the human person. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Africa's municipal authorities have growing knowledge of what they can achieve by rethinking how they design buildings, public spaces, and energy, water, transport and waste systems. The city of Durban, South Africa, shows what can be done by careful planning for resilience to climate impacts in ways that generate jobs and security for the urban poor. Starting in 2004, Durban's Municipal Climate Protection Programme has prioritized the need to tackle the challenge of climate risk within the context of poverty, escalating urbanization and deteriorating environmental conditions, and has become a national and international leader in the field of climate change adaptation planning and implementations (Roberts, 2008). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Training needs for professional staff in health care and nursing reflect the specific care needs of the elderly and the chronically ill. Most unskilled staff tend to enter care work after periods of economic inactivity (for example, women who have been homemakers or people who have been unemployed) and therefore have major training needs. Health at a Glance 2071: OECD Indicators, Paris, 2011, Help Wanted? - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! These limits, along improved gatekeeping in the form of stricter health examinations, help explain why, on average, disability programmes are still paid to only a relatively small share of youth (see the analysis below and OECD, 2012d). Benefit receipt rates are likely influenced by a range of different factors, including of course for instance the non-employment rate among youth or the share of young people who live alone. Differences in the economic environment and in living conditions are thus likely to be reflected as disparities in receipt rates across countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Implementation problems have been attributed to several factors, including insufficient funds, implemented' lack of awareness (or deprioritization) of the programme's creche provision and limited demand from women participants, some of whom may have been concerned about leaving their children with strangers (Holmes and Jones, 2013). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The cheaper the infrastructure and the larger the number of users, the more likely it is that such investments will be made by the private sector. It is also necessary to keep in mind that the public sector remains by far the largest source of overall infrastructure financing, accounting for 70% of the total. The private sector finances about 20%, and the remaining resources come from official development assistance. In the case of traditional infrastructure technologies, this may involve injuries caused by collapses of bridges or damage in roads. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The Netherlands has the lowest incidence rates in terms of monetary poverty, financial strain and housing problems but slightly higher proportions of children experiencing neighbourhood problems or difficult access to basic services than other countries. Deprivation patterns in Germany and France are also mixed with their ranking vis-a-vis other countries being very dependent on the domain under consideration. Financial strain is the most prevalent problem in all countries with incidence rates ranging from 22 per cent in the Netherlands to 41 per cent in France and the UK. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Property tax systems in many OECD countries favour single-family homes over multi-occupancy dwellings (thus stimulating urban sprawl) or owner-occupied housing over rental accommodation (thus reducing labour mobility). Such tax arrangements coexist w'ith national and city-level policies intended to curb urban sprawl and improve labour market efficiency. National housing strategies tend to stimulate the housing supply, via direct spending to support new housing construction or facilitate access to home ownership, regulatory tools (e.g. to require municipalities to build social housing as in France) or tax incentives (e.g. deductible interest on mortgage in the United States), for example. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The distribution is more symmetric in Romania: fewer than one in ten children are not deprived in any dimensions (7%) or all six (3%), while about as many are deprived in one or two dimensions (34%) as in four or five (30%). The distribution peaks at three dimensions (26%). Thus, the vast majority (93%) of preschool-age children in Romania are deprived in at least one dimension, while one-third (33%) are deprived in at least four. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Even the most dynamic OECD countries (Chile, Israel, Korea and Hirkey), which grew by more than 2.5% in 2013, are expanding more slowly than before the crisis. In 2013, some major emerging economies showed the first signs of an economic slowdown and revealed their sensitivity to fluctuations in US financial markets. The rise of China, driven by its economic dynamism and its long-term commitment to STI, should continue. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Although progress has been made in the last few years, and despite large-scale deployment of renewables, the share of renewables in the energy mix remains low, exacerbating continued air pollution problems across the region and putting stress on emerging economies as a result of fluctuations in oil prices. Furthermore, the rate of energy efficiency uptake still needs to be accelerated in order to unlock the immense cross-sectoral benefits. Financial barriers are of particular concern as energy transition strategies require vast sums of investment In order to bridge this financing gap, governments need to leverage funds for increased private-sector investment, which requires more stability and predictability in policymaking and the introduction of financing tools that help manage the often high investment risk. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Six LDCs namely Cambodia, Gambia, Lesotho, Mali, Nepal and Timor-Leste had more mobile subscriptions than people in 2016 (Figure 2.2, right). The spread of 2G mobile networks has not only enabled voice communications for millions of people living in the LDCs but also triggered applications such as mobile money and agricultural and health text messaging services. Another driver has been competition although the quality varies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This includes the relevant indicators published by WCMC. These can provide a regional context to country-level indicators. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 09 February 2012. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (2011), Conference of the Parties Decision X/2: Strategic plan for biodiversity 2011-2020, 12268. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These include measures for residential EE (driven by utilities or local authorities) and public buildings, boiler replacement programmes, lights and appliances (e.g. utility-driven), and a switch to cleaner cars (fleet renewal) (Bowen et al., Several countries provide (or are considering) support for the construction of new energy infrastructure, especially renewable sources of energy, and incentives for EE improvements as part of their fiscal stimulus programmes. The latter include tax credits for the purchase of energy-efficient furnaces, windows and insulation, $5 billion for EE improvements in over one million lower income homes and $6.3 billion for improving energy efficiency in public housing. In 2009, the European Commission decided to allocate €3.98 billion to clean energy projects, gas and electricity infrastructure, offshore wind energy and CCS (but not to EE projects) (European Parliament, 2009). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 By way of example, projections based on this method are set out below for Brazil, Colombia, Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The forecasts are based on both future changes in educational distribution across the population and changes in fertility rates within each education group. Changes in the educational composition of the female population of childbearing age were based on projections made by IIASA. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This definition of food security is the translation of changes in food insecurity driven by market dynamics. To grasp the major transformations and consequences inherent in the emergence of an agricultural market economy, a clear understanding of what the market actually encompasses is crucial (Box 4.1). This narrow view biases analyses of agricultural transformations in important ways. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Nearly four million m3 of timber are processed currently in the concern’s factories and mills, it is the largest single consumer of timber in the country. Despite the effort to outsource forest products and non-forest-products harvesting, only a limited share is undertaken by private companies (e.g. 13 per cent of forest products harvesting). It organizes SEE of forest management projects. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Of note, however, son-preference in urban areas lias declined over the years due to the empowerment of women and higher gender equality. They are found to be lower than their maximum value as a result of delayed marriage and marital disruption, the use of contraception and induced abortion and post-partum infecundability (Bongaarts, 1982). The indices of marriage, contraceptive use, induced abortion and postpartum infecundability, as well as the TFR and TF, as obtained from the Bongaarts model for the years 1997 and 2002 by residence are presented in table 5. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 According to one of the authors of the IPCC's special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, reaching this target is 'technically possible, [but] it's extremely improbable, absent a real sea change in the way we evaluate risk. We are nowhere near that' (Drew Shindell in Milman 2018, September 27). The fulfilment of its goals depends on creating a positive cycle of climate action that will raise ambition over time among state and non-state actors. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is grounded in the fact that there is a correlation between the weather index and insurees' losses. This is especially true in the case of systemic risks, i.e. risks that are highly spatially correlated in a given area, which is often the case of droughts. The main advantage is to reduce administrative costs linked to the monitoring of insurees' losses, as well as moral hazard costs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It aims to connect the various parties involved in international trade in order to cut the filing, verification, processing and coordination costs associated with cross-border transportation - according to Maersk, documentation and bureaucracy can represent up to one-fifth of the total cost of moving a container. Many start-ups are developing autonomous robots that operate alongside humans and track inventory on shelves in warehouses, factories and distribution centres. A German online retailer that uses machine-learning algorithms to predict what customers are going to buy has developed a system so reliable that it can predict with 90 per cent accuracy what will be sold within the following 30 days (The Economist, 2017b). This results in better supply management by cutting down inventory, and reduces the time required for delivery. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As illustrated in the example of Frankfurt, the creation of such metropolitan transport authorities has facilitated fare integration and expansion of the public transport supply, which can support more inclusive economic development (Box 5.9). A few authorities also enjoy competencies in terms of public parking and sometimes urban spatial planning, which can help guide an integrated urban development strategy and promote inclusive growth throughout the entire metropolitan area. The widely documented experience of Bogota and Seoul in conducting extensive reforms of their public transport systems suggests that urban transport systems can help reconcile economic, social and environmental objectives (Box 5.10). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Telecommunications operators in Sudan have difficulties trying to expand their coverage into conflict-ridden areas. Drug trafficking, terrorism and illegal immigration affect Mauritania's national security. While in Yemen, there are ongoing conflicts in some regions between the government forces and local insurgents. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This is one of the highest rates in the OECD. Similar to other Latin American countries, income inequality in Mexico is also very high: in 2012, the average income of the top 10% in Mexico was 30.5 times greater than that of the bottom 10%. This is the largest difference in the OECD, and compares unfavourably to an OECD average of 9.6 to 1 for the highest versus lowest decile (OECD, 2015d). Poverty is more pronounced in female-headed households (USAID, 2012). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, the economy will need much more in the way of investment, technologies, technical know-how and market access from the developed countries that have made repeated promises to earmark resource transfers to support the transformation process in developing countries. Green Globe Members save energy and water resources, reduce operational costs, positively contribute to local communities and their environment and meet the high expectations of green leisure and business travelers’. See: (accessed 18 February 2014). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Resistance among people living in risk zones to moving to secure places is another example. Citizens are aware of environmental problems, but not of their role both in creating the problem and resolving it. The strategies for development and climate change in both Mexico City and the State of Mexico promote the need for public consultation in forums and seminars, but there is little evidence of a strategy to actively engage the public in policy decisions, and the voluntary sector’s involvement in climate change actions is limited. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In particular, they do not link to the extensive field of the Energy Technology Innovation System (ETIS), and do not fully touch upon how innovation is financed, adopted and diffused. Technology push and market pull policies need to be properly modelled because it is the proper combination at both ends of the innovation chain which offers the best prospect of accelerating the pace of innovation. This is equivalent to a technology supply-push and contrasts with the accumulating evidence around market-based technology learning. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Courses: Popular Culture and Media, Communication and Community, Critical/Cultural Studies, Organizational Communication, Rhetoric and Public Advocacy, other courses with a focus on the use of digital and social media to organize groups Objectives: In this single class activity students will (a) analyze notions of activism and “slacktivism” from scholarly and popular sources to apply these concepts actively to critical theory, (b) enhance their understanding of how digital media—specifically social media—influences contemporary efforts to organize people through digital media for social change, and (c) critically reflect on their own participation and perceptions of activism in advocacy groups. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 With the possible exception of sub-Saharan Africa, the prevalence of stunting is rapidly decreasing, but child overweight is increasing [43]. Undernutrition in children is expected to be associated with greater child food insecurity. The magnitude and direction of any association of overnutrition with child food insecurity probably depends on the severity of the food insecurity. In part, the slippage among these constructs reflects limitations in the data that are currently available. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As with many of the determinants of adolescent pregnancy, long-term solutions must be multidimensional and address underlying problems, such as gender inequality, negative attitudes of boys and men towards girls, norms that perpetuate violence and impunity, poverty that compels girls to engage in sex as a survival strategy, and inadequate protection of human rights. Narrowly focused interventions are not enough, and efforts centred on changing a girl’s behaviour fail to reflect the multidimensional nature of the challenge. Keeping girls on healthy, safe and affirming life trajectories requires comprehensive, strategic, and targeted investments in adolescents that address the multiple sources of their vulnerabilities, which vary by age, income group, place of residence and many other factors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This difference is attributed to the role of SP in insuring liquidity since SP is estimated to be over three times as large for this group compared with formal-sector job losers with between 24 and 48 months in their previous job. The quantitative difference is relatively large. Hijzen (2011) shows that the probability of returning to work would have been about 1.7 times as high without the difference in severance pay at the start of non-employment. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Unless otherwise noted, comparisons of student performance refer to the performance of students on the mathematics scale. The analysis is conducted both before and after accounting for the school systems' per capita income (i.e. per capita GDP). The analyses are undertaken first for OECD countries and then for all countries and economies that participated in PISA (Tables IV.1.1, IV. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Myanmar, eight ministries are involved in the energy sector (Nam et al., In the absence of effective coordination, the involvement of multiple actors raises governance challenges and concerns around policy development, coherence, implementation and evaluation, and it inhibits holistic perspectives and approaches to national planning, policy formulation and sector governance. This may in part reflect a recognition of the different governance structures required for distributed systems and the need to avoid the delays associated with adapting existing governance frameworks. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Men are most often the main earner and women the main carer. However, opinions towards working mothers have become more positive-particularly in countries where the government has increased support for parents seeking to combine work and family commitments. Men, especially the highly-educated, are increasingly involved in parenting. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Only in the Dominican Republic and Uruguay did GDP rise by more than 2% (see table 1.1). The countries drew on solid macroeconomics built up during the economic and financial boom, applying countercyclical fiscal and monetary policies. The simple average inflation rate for the region as a whole was 4.7% in 2009. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Remain on track while crossing this rocky terrain - a considerable period of time will be needed for all the reforms to take hold. This includes remuneration systems that separate compensation for teaching and research. Incentives provided with project and programme funding need to be aligned with the goals and processes of university reform. Whether these are returning expatriates or researchers without a Slovenian background, whether doctoral students or end-of-career professors, all should be welcome in principle. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! From the standpoint of global informatization, in addition to yielding positive social and economic benefits, the project will powerfully drive industry development in terms of reliability, safety and quality of service. The project can provide differentiated business models, improve social perception of information services, and attain the strategic goals of replication and sustainability by using modular technology. In order to support the development of the national economy and satisfy market demand, China Telecom has planned to implement the 4G mobile communication construction project. From 2014 to 2016, China Telecom helped build more than 400 000 base stations and 160 000 sets of indoor distribution systems to serve subscribers. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Its outstanding position as a global leader in financial and business services has attracted the headquarters and facilities of a substantial number of large international firms, making the metro-region a leading employer in financial and business-related activities in the US. Chicago is the global centre for derivatives, hosting the largest derivatives exchanges, and home to 57 headquarters in the Fortune 500, including Boeing, McDonald’s, Motorola Solutions, Discover Financial Services, Abbott and United Airlines. Professional and Business Services and Financial Activities combined represented 26.2% of total employment in the region in 2010 (Table 1.2). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Thus, all countries need to borrow results of either cost or effectiveness studies from other settings, but the fact that most published studies are very specific to a particular context makes this difficult. To address this need, WHO-CHOICE reports results by 14 global subregions (i.e., sets of similar countries), and has developed tools enabling country-level analysis too. Like all cost-effectiveness analyses, GCEA focuses on only one outcome: population health. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Carpathians form part of the WWF Global 200, a list of the world’s most biologically distinct eco-regions. In 2009, Slovakia adopted the protocol to the Carpathian Convention on the conservation and sustainable use of biological and landscape diversity. There is also a lack of communication with the public as owners and users of land, and a related lack of public support for management of protected areas, particularly Natura 2000 sites. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, removing the charge for water does not support the objective of improving resource efficiency and supporting environmental sustainability. However, there appears to be potential for overlap in projects awarded at the central and local government level. Moreover, extension projects have a strong production focus with less attention paid to meeting demand requirements, e.g. how to market, engage in contracts, meet food safety requirements, etc. The simple average MFN applied tariff on agricultural products was 16% in 2013. The average agricultural tariff is just 3.4% and 5.4% on imports from ASEAN members and China respectively. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The European Union has long been an important driver for the integration of fnancial markets in Europe. The goal of this article is to map how the current and future legal infrastructure in respect of the investigation, prosecution and punishment of market abuse rules supports the central assumption of the EU legislature that, in order to offer a comprehensive package in the fight against market abuse, a level playing field throughout the EU is necessary. Although good progress has been made with the proposals for a new regulation and directive on market abuse, it is our opinion that these proposals still do not sufficiently take account of the fact that highly integrated financial markets also need highly integrated law enforcement structures and powers, regardless of the organizational statute of the national authorities involved (criminal or administrative). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The National Economic Advisory Council cited evidence from the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) that an estimated 350 000 Malaysians adults are working abroad in 2008, over half of whom had tertiary education (NEAC, 2010). The establishment of the Penang Skills Development Corporation (PSDC) in 1989 was a critical step in the effort to provide skilled workers for the rapidly expanding multinational corporations (MNCs) primarily in electrical and electronics (E&E). The underlying issue for Malaysia and for the Northern Corridor Economic Region and Penang in particular is the need to move “up the value chain” from a low-skill, low-production economy to a higher skill, higher wage economy. The ability of Penang to compete on the basis of low-skilled labour is increasingly limited by competition from other countries in Southeast Asia and restrictions on foreign workers. At the same time, the region faces competition from Singapore and other countries that do have the human resources and access to research and innovation needed to compete at the high-end of the value chain. As emphasised by the National Economic Advisory Council in the New Economic Model, the problem is not only an inadequate supply of graduates. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At the moment, female educational attainment clearly dominates male educational attainment in a majority of industrialized countries. This is true for several measures of attainment. Women are in a clear majority among secondary school graduates, among students enrolled in tertiary education, and among tertiary graduates. Furthermore, judging from recent trends, it seems likely that the gender gap in educational attainment will keep on widening in favor of women in the future. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 markdownabstract__Abstract__ ‘Good governance’ may be viewed as governance which effectively promotes human rights, human security and human development. The paper discusses human security analysis, which in certain ways offers an integration of these ‘human’ perspectives and also a ‘social’ orientation, combining a person-focus with systematic investigation of the environing systems of all sorts: physical, cultural, organizational. The importance of such analysis is illustrated through the example of climate change impacts and adaptation. The paper presents applications of a human security framework in governance, for policy analysis, planning and evaluation issues in climate change and other fields and from around the world. The concluding section suggests that human security analysis may provide a way to apply insights from social quality analysis to detailed case investigation and policy analysis, while reducing macro-sociological abstraction and neglect of the natural environment. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However crude hospital mortality rates do not account for the complexity or severity of the cases treated, are thus too blunt an instrument to measure or compare the quality of hospital services across facilities. In Kazakhstan, around one person dies for every 10 000 hospitalised. This does not mean that hospitals in Kazakhstan are 100 times safer. A more reasonable interpretation would be that the nature of hospitals and the range of treatments they provide in Kazakhstan differ profoundly from those of OECD countries, that patients in Kazakhstan hospitals are likely to be less unwell or are admitted for the treatment of less serious conditions that in OECD countries might not be considered to require hospital admission. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As a result, existing information is often fragmented and outdated, moreover, it is scattered among different sources and not available in digital form. All available data should therefore be perceived as rough estimates, and be interpreted with caution. Proper assessment of the current state of a particular species population, its conservation status and trends is also not possible. This applies to all kinds of flora and fauna species, regardless of whether they are widespread or rare, indigenous or alien. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Again, both unemployment and employment in the low-productivity sector of the economy continue to affect the young and the poorest women most. The same is not true of differences in perceptions of the labour market that might derive from the different positions and experiences of people in that market. This review will concentrate on detecting subjective divides associated with subjects’ position in the labour market, whether through direct measurements (employment or job type) or indirect ones (sex, age and education, among others). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The article promotes a discussion on the intersections between recent social policies of supplementary income and basic education. It points to some of the principal tendencies in current social policy identified by the literature, in the context of globalisation and social exclusion, relating them to data on poverty and inequality in Brazil. It discusses the differences between the concepts of poverty, hunger and exclusion, amongst others, attempting to situate the programmes of supplementary income associated directly or indirectly with the school, which were established in the last decade in this country. It summarises and comments data from research on the impact of some of these programmes and proposes questions which should be considered both in the debate on educational policy and on public administration and in future studies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2010, there were an average of 3.6 beds across the 27 469 small clinics (HIRA/NHIC, 2011), despite the fact that Korea population is concentrated geographically. The tendency towards having the physical infrastructure for complex services readily available suggests that these facilities may be delivering services of a higher clinical intensity than may be medically appropriate. Clinics and general hospitals provide basic surgery and limited inpatient services, and most major hospitals have large outpatient departments. Over time, these hospitals have benefitted from a prestige factor amongst consumers who often turn to the most qualified medical specialist they can access rather than general practitioners who specialise in managing the range of a patient’s needs. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Using words and phrases that are unfamiliar to local farmers, as technical people often do, can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. By speaking the same language, and by using farmer representatives who are leaders in their community, there is considerably more uptake and credibility in the trading programme. This peer-to-peer networking therefore improves communication and understanding of the programme. They are paid for their time and expenses, and in one year, 110 site visits cost CAD 4 500. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Of the entry fee of $3 that the MBCA charges, only $1 is supposed to go back to the 19 villages adjacent to the Park, other returns are shared by boat owners (hotels, restaurants, individuals) and tour guides from outside the area who organize the trips. The proportion of tourists that use local accommodation facilities is also very low, suggesting that most of the benefits accrue outside the communities (Gautam 2010). This is evident in the dugong protection project in Mozambique and boat-based whale watching and shark diving in South Africa. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 More funds should be provided, however, to help implement these strategies and support the development of new ones so as to reinforce the resilience of the food production system. Several policy scenarios illustrate the potential of Government investments in physical infrastructure to drive productivity growth and enhance food production capacity. The first scenario assumes an increase of public investment in agriculture by the Government equivalent to 2 percentage points of GDP over the period 2016-2030. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This categoiy' includes both those taxes which have been explicitly introduced for environmental reasons and the much broader group of taxes, such as those on motor fuels and other energy products, which have significant environmental implications, even if the principal purpose of the tax is revenue generation. Regardless of the original motivation of the tax, it can have environmental effects through its influence on the behaviour of producers and consumers. Some other environmentally related product taxes have been introduced with the intention to provide a source of earmarked revenues for environmental purposes (e.g. to contribute revenues to an environmental clean-up fund). Generally the aim of this is to achieve behavioural changes, in the form of a shift of production or consumption away from dirty goods towards cleaner ones. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 By 2007, UCLG ed that local expenditures in Brazil were to 8.3 per cent of its GDP - the highest n Latin America. While it has waxed and waned in many countries as central governments have failed to fully relinquish financial control over municipalities even when directed to do so by legislation, cities have emerged with generally stronger financial tools than they had going into the period. But as their growth has continued to outpace their ability to provide services for their citizens, they have had to deal frontally with one of the central issues of the Habitat Agenda: the need to provide adequate housing, particularly for the poor. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 One of the ways of doing this is to estimate the model in first difference using, for example, the system-GMM estimator. The OLS and within-group estimates are given only as a means of showing that the estimated value of the lagged dependent variable falls between the estimated values obtained using these two methods. This may be viewed as an indication that the bias generated by the presence of endogenous variables and unobservable fixed effects has been corrected for by using the system-GMM method. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 These product groups end up in mixed waste fractions to energy recovery or in waste fractions subject to recycling. The data presented is not always the most recent, but is regarded accurate enough to give an overall picture of the plastic waste streams in the studied countries and their quantities in relation to each other. A more detailed review of the existing collection and recycling systems for plastic waste in the Nordic countries is found in Frane et al. ( - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 As a result Chile’s old-age pension system has reduced elderly poverty from around 23% in 2008 to 20% in 2011, thanks to this reform in that introduced a solidarity pension. However, the average pension remain modest among other things because they are mostly financed by mandatory contributions that remain low (10% of earnings - compared to 20% on average across the OECD). In Chile low earners’ pension benefits replacement rate is only between 50% and 60% of their pre-retirement earnings, among the lowest rates in the OECD (Figure 6). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! While the UNDP’s Gender Empowerment Measure and the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index take such factors as accessibility of skilled or high-paid jobs into consideration, the indicators used here cover the majority of the elements of the UN’s Gender Related Development Index and the replacement Gender Inequality Index. One issue with internationally comparable indicators is that they are insufficient for many purposes, because they do not provide information on the socio-cultural environment, including culture and embedded social relationships (Malhotra, Schuler and Boender, 2002, Bartlett, 2004, Oxaal and Baden, 1997, Ibrahim and Alkire, 2007). For a more detailed discussion of the issue, see Branisa et al. ( The year men were granted the right to vote is defined as the year where universal suffrage took place, meaning all men could vote regardless of their income, ethnicity or any restrictions, whereas such a distinction has not been made for women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This chapter aims to explore policy proposals to deal with one of the most complicated problems posed by the Internet, namely that of jurisdiction. While cybercrime is a phenomenon without borders, the effective prosecution of such a crime is seriously hampered by conflicts of territoriality and jurisdiction. These problems are exacerbated by the evolution of information technology, in particular cloud computing which creates ‘loss of location’ problems for collecting the electronic evidence indispensable for prosecuting crime. The Cloud Evidence Group—a Working Group established by decision of the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) of the Council of Europe—has proposed, within the limits of agreed legal principles of territoriality and jurisdiction, a series of measures which, together with proper implementation of the Convention, would enable fast and effective access to electronic evidence, while respecting human rights and the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thomas Nagel's conservative position of the political conception for world politics and his insightful ‘Minimum Humanitarian Morality’ (MHM) view on global justice are laudable. He admits that the path from anarchy to justice must go through injustice. But Nagel does not clearly identify the conditions under which we put up with global injustice. This paper reviews the conception of MHM through the lens of the institutional political economy. In my view, to recognize the degree of structural failure (weakness in governance) as well as the degree of transition failure (elite bargain or personalization of power being interlocked) in each state can give us a hint on how to conceptualize and apply Nagel's MHM. We also argue that the scope and degree of humanitarian aid may vary in accordance with the options to global justice open to each state. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, lower government expenditure on general services in proportion of total support in 2011-13 compared to the mid-1990s reflects the decline in expenditure in real terms. This decline may compromise improvements in the sector’s productivity and competitiveness, which are more likely to be achieved through investments in these areas than with production subsidies. In some countries, however, these services are increasingly provided by the private sector, including as part of public-private partnerships. In all other OECD counties, the share of GSSE in total support, although generally rising since the 1980s, constituted only between 5% and 18% in 2011-13. General services for agriculture accounted for relatively minor share of GDP in 2011-13, ranging between 0.5% and 0.15% in most countries, except New Zealand (0.21%), Korea (0.24%), and Iceland (0.2%). The agricultural knowledge and innovation system was the most heavily supported general service in Australia, Mexico and Norway, the European Union and Israel in 2011-13. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This essay, written as a chapter for a forthcoming book on New Frontiers of State Constitutional Law, explores the question of whether and to what extent the scope of judicial review in state courts ought to track our views of state constitutionalism writ large. I consider the three possibilities: that the scope of review should be agnostic as to the overarching structure and theory of state constitutionalism, that the scope of review should be more deferential in light of the broad conception of state governmental power under principles of state constitutionalism, and, finally, that, given these broad powers assigned to state authorities, the scope of review should be more searching. In investigating this general question, we can illuminate broad themes about state constitutionalism and state constitutional law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The increased volume of old, inefficient vehicles in Georgia supports the increase of total final energy consumption levels by the transport sector from 2008 onwards (figure 7.2). After the repair of gas pipelines and improvements in accounting, losses decreased to 3.44 per cent in 2006. Kaztransgaz (the Tbilisi gas distribution company) launched a project in 2008 to reduce methane leaks in above-ground infrastructure in the Tbilisi gas distribution system under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The current challenge is to practically and effectively implement the principles advocated in these agreements. Diverse ecosystems are considered to be more resilient and have a greater ability to withstand changes in the environment, such as ecosystem shifts and climate change. For example, the abundance of northern shrimp and crab stocks in the North East Atlantic may be a result to some degree of the overfishing of their predator, Atlantic cod (in addition to potential changes in oceanic conditions). For example, large sharks (which are slow maturing, long living species) play a role as a key predator in the ecosystem. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Another common practice within this ethnic group is where a victim of defilement is required to get married to the perpetrator. This practice is extended within the Buganda region and in some clans in Acholi region, whereby when a girl is defiled the parents will offer the girl to the defiler for marriage,22 even if the girl does not wish to marry her defiler. Among the Baganda,23 prior to the enthronement of the king, it was a customary requirement that he have sexual relations with a virgin girl commonly known as ‘Nakku’. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Continued increases in productivity would more than offset further reductions in areas that would drop by about 13% during the decade. The domestic market is expected to continue to absorb only relatively small volumes of fresh fruit. Its output is largely absorbed by the domestic market. Among the major fruits produced are bananas, apples, grapes, melons and tropical fruits, particularly mango, avocado, pineapple and papaya. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Due to the absence of widely available and economically feasible storage, each electricity system has to maintain a constant balance between supply and demand by adapting the generating power. Load also needs to be adapted to forecasted and unforecasted changes in supply and demand as well as to unexpected faults in the system, such as the unscheduled shutdown of a generating unit or transmission line. Such load following allows the alignment of the overall system supply with daily, weekly and seasonal demand variations. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 By imposing an additional constraint on the way aid money is spent, Aid for Trade has the potential to have a negative impact on developing countries. More importantly, Aid for Trade may not be addressing the fundamental concerns with the global trading system and aid system that gave rise to it, and instead has become a means for both the aid and trade communities to paper over their weaknesses without doing much for the fundamental concerns of poor countries. Our proposal is to make aid and trade liberalisation work for poor countries and tied directly to specific development objectives. In fact, perversely, the global trading system is still stacked against the poorest - the areas of trade where barriers are the highest (agriculture, textiles etc.) - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 ""Financing for the 2006-2015 programme amounts to US$1.4 billion. The project """"Sustainable Rehabilitation and Development of Flood Plain Forests in Gorno-Badakhshan"""", implemented by GIZ under CACILM and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, assisted in the development of joint forestry management schemes between leskhozes and local villagers in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast. The project provided support in the area of private sector development by analysing die situation of Tajikistan’s private sector, including through four local workshops. Neidier complex inventories nor systematic monitoring were conducted since 1991. Hence, since 1991, the planning for nature conservation and forest management has been based on outdated inventories and rough estimates, not reflecting the actual situation."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This article examines how legal institutional structures shaped the process of East German privatization by the Treuhandanstalt. It argues that the courts, as an important venue for oversight and accountability, were central to achieving the rapid and narrowly defined privatization carried out by the agency. Moreover, the experience of privatization after 1989 suggests the courts played a far more important role in shaping economic policy than one would have expected from traditional scholarship on public agencies, the courts, or the German legal system. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The situation is similar at the level of local government: female elected councillors are underrepresented in all regions of the world and female mayors even more so. Furthermore, the “glass ceiling” has hindered women’s access to leadership positions in private companies. This is especially notable in the largest corporations, which remain male-dominated. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Notably, development processes must be adopted to take account of the connections and disconnections among development-related actors, policies and laws in a non-homogeneous and non-harmonious society. Social exclusion results from either the systematic exclusion of poor people from having choices and using their capabilities, or more circumscribed social, political, economic or cultural barriers to their participation. Whether through deliberate or circumstantial marginalization, social exclusion reinforced and perpetuates poverty.26 Temporary access to income or a temporary fulfilment of basic needs does not generally address such deeper facets of poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In Article 198, the law defines ‘marital rape’ as any act of sexual intercourse committed by one spouse on the other by violence, threat or trickery. The penalty for ‘marital rape’ is found in Article 199, where is provided that such a person shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of at least two (2) months but less than six (6) months and a fine of one hundred thousand (100,000) to three hundred thousand (300,000) Rwandan francs or one of these penalties. If ‘marital rape’ results in an ordinary disease, the offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of six (6) months to two (2) years. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Criteria on the attribution of costs to services with public goods characteristics, such as flood control, should be harmonised according to transparent criteria. Higher, cost-reflective prices for irrigation water would also go a long way in reducing groundwater pollution through the use of chemicals. Numerous studies have shown that more efficient water use reduces agricultural pollution (e.g. Calatrava and Garrido, 2010). A recent government report (MMA, 2007a) shows that access to these data needs to be improved. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is partly due to weak regional job creation, but it is also connected to a lack of information from the private sector to orient young professionals toward existing needs and opportunities in the region. Public authorities could strengthen existing institutional mechanisms to intensify a more comprehensive region-wide dialogue between training service providers and the private sector. The resulting information-sharing could allow a more efficient allocation of scarce resources to the large number of training services and providers within the currently highly fragmented workforce development infrastructure. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Regional governments select a portfolio of projects (not comprehensive plans) to be financed by the FNDR.12 However, this fund is also available to municipalities that submit project proposals, most of which are oriented to financing basic local infrastructure and services in order to make up for revenue shortfalls. From a municipal perspective, requests for FNDR funds must pass through a complex set of filters that can vary depending on the project’s size. Larger projects, for example, may pass through regional governments, the Ministry of Social Development’s SEREMI, and the Ministry of Finance, while smaller ones may only go through the regional government and one SEREMI (generally that of Social Development). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""One can now also demonstrate how operators in different sectors are incorporating """"nexus thinking"""" into the exercise of their mandates on an increasingly regular basis. Water, soil and nutrients, for example, are underlying resources for the production of food and energy. In his review, Roidt (2017) infers that the rationale behind majority academic support for a nexus approach is tied to a critique of the IWRM approach and its shortcomings."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This envisages all children with different impairments being integrated in regular schools. The policy requires differentiation and work against the stigmatisation of disabled children. The Commonwealth Education Fund (CEF) was set up in 2002 to co-ordinate international NCO funding for education in 16 Commonwealth countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The maritime sector, a truly global industry, can directly support the achievement of the SDGs as shipping has a significant role to play in helping create conditions for increased employment, prosperity and stability through promoting maritime trade. Much of what happens within the oceans is in fact hidden, so it can prove challenging to engage people compared with other Goals, where the objectives may be far more visible and relatable. But given that ocean life supports all forms of life on earth, Goal 14 is an important Goal nonetheless. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Public Service broadcasters face stiff competition as a result of an increase in the number of broadcasters in the digital era. Further falls in their advertising revenue are the likely result. This will make it harder for them to finance their Public Service obligations. The EC concerned at the impact of US imports has promulgated the Television Without Frontiers Directive. This requires member states to impose cultural diversity obligations on broadcasters with their jurisdiction. The legality of these measures has been questioned by the US. Their effectiveness is thrown into doubt by the convergence phenomenon. The article examines these challenges. It also looks at the programming requirements imposed on public service broadcasters by the Communications Act 2003. |em|At a broadcaster level, the authors argue, the Directive provides a further illustration of the difficulty of achieving a workable balance between free trade and other social policy goals (such as cultural diversity). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 But reported cases of lowering water tables, ecosystem damages, saline intrusion, stream depletion, and land subsidence observed in some of the most important OECD agricultural regions provide evidence of highly damaging external effects that call for policy responses. Lack of information on groundwater resources is bound to lead to an inability to identify and adequately treat groundwater problems. Information collection is costly and needs to respond to a demand, but insufficient investment in groundwater information and data will prevent effective management. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The layout of questions and answers on the questionnaire should be uniform in order to assist with the flow of questions and responses. Uniformity refers to applying a particular layout consistently to all questions and another consistently to all responses. Different coloured paper can be used to differentiate components of the questionnaire so that interviewers can easily move through sections and omit those that are not applicable. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 New nonconventional and asymmetric security threats posed a great challenge to all national or collective security systems. Among them is question of energy security. Growing energy consumption on one side and lacking resources for energy production leads more and more into energy dependence. Energy is vital for normal economic production and consequently well-being of nations and has enormous consequences on many other fields of national security like food security, environmental security and sustainable development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Innovative pedagogies can play an important role in this. Assessment of such competences demands the use of complex and authentic tasks rather than being excessively focused on discrete knowledge. Teacher modelling, demonstrations and the presentation of information remain highly relevant but framed with the ultimate objective of promoting students’ performance and their active role in solving tasks. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is also clear that transaction costs do not constitute a once-and-for-all barrier to exchange and the existence of markets. Technological advances, for instance, could make the collection and transmission of information easier and may thus contribute to the creation of new markets. A case in point is the market for sulphur emissions, which has been working well under the “Acid Rain Program” in the United States since 1993. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The Myanmar-China 2,520 km gas pipeline, with a capacity of 12 BCM per annum, became operational in October 2013. Furthermore, China started construction of the Eastern Russia-China gas pipeline for importing 5 BCM per annum from 2018 (the volume will increase to 30 BCM per annum from 2023). The length of the Chinese part of the pipeline is 3,170 km, which extends to Shanghai, and the Russian part is the 2,680 km Power of Siberia gas system connecting the Irkutsk region to Vladivostok. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Its policy is to introduce separate collection and appropriate management systems, together with information targeted at households and consumers, as well as advisory services, training and assistance to businesses. Separate collection applies to all recoverable items and “problem waste”. The volumes collected by voluntary delivery to PDRs have more than doubled since 1999. Many PDRs have set up a “trading posf. One of the three inter-communal syndicates, SIDEC, has established an exchange that is accessible by Internet. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! It is estimated that 5 national PES programmes alone involve payments exceeding US$ 6 billion per year. Another study estimates that payments for watershed services in 2008 totalled over US$ 9 billion. There has been growth in certified timber and seafood products, and new markets are emerging in sustainable soy and sugar. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The average size of offshore wind turbines installed at windfarms across Europe in 2014 was 3.4 MW. Progress in foundation design means that installation can be considered for a range of environments, from traditional hammer piling of monopile turbines into sandy sediments in shallow waters (< 40 metres water depth), concrete gravity bases for harder seabed types and jacket structures for deeper water depths, secured with smaller ‘pin piles’. Recent developments in floating wind use tensioning cables to install turbines in water over 100 metres deep (see Figure 3.1), extending the possibility of wind farm construction to deeper offshore areas. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This makes the analysis of time use patterns and the role of bargaining power vital for understanding household dynamics and women's labour market participation in China, these insights will contribute to the development of policies that promote gender equality and improve women's well-being. More specifically, we examine whether women's relative bargaining power decreases their time or share in domestic and care work. We focus on a sample of 13,505 couples drawn from die 2008 China National Time Use Survey (CTUS) data. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The first source is statistics of the former Federal Migration Service4 of the Russian Federation as well as data of international organizations. The second block comprises data of projects conducted by the authors as part of the Group for Migration and Ethnicity Research (GMER) of RANEPA as well as the doctoral thesis of Rocheva (2016). However, this method has limitations which are connected with missing non-users of the Internet and social networking sites and those users of social networking sites who have no identifiable attributes tying them to specific countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The share of the removals in the base year was -11.8 per cent of total GHG emissions in CO2 eq, while in the inventoried year the share was -13.05 per cent. There are two separate trends contributing to this decrease. At the beginning of the period, for economic reasons there was a transition from liquid fuels, which were previously used for heating, to electricity. Some societal groups also drastically reduced their use of energy for heating, due to their very low income. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Although the timing of national policy evaluations may be more flexible, political pressures would make it difficult to commit resources for adaptation evaluations on the basis that results will potentially only be known 20-30 years in the future. At the same time, the value of an evaluation and the lessons it generates may be lost if the evaluation is postponed too far into the future. One option to overcome this challenge is to focus assessments on the achievement of intermediate outcomes, through ongoing monitoring and real-time evaluation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Referral for family-planning services and further diagnosis and treatment for complications of pregnancy, delivery and abortion, infertility, reproductive tract infections, breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS should always be available, as required. Active discouragement of harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation, should also be an integral component of primary health care, including reproductive health-care programmes. Reproductive health-care programmes should be designed to serve the needs of women, including adolescents, and must involve women in the leadership, planning, decision-making, management, implementation, organization and evaluation of services. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Acknowledgements Introduction: Sovereignty, Development and Civil War - Aparna Sundar and Nandini Sundar Contextualizing Civil Wars in South Asia - Nandini Sundar Sri Lanka: Military Fiscalism and the Politics of Market Reform at a Time of Civil War - Rajesh Venugopal The Transnational Political Economy of Civil War in Afghanistan - Alessandro Monsutti Aid and Violence: Development, Insurgency and and Social Transformation in Nepal - Antonio Donini and Jeevan Raj Sharma Civil War or Genocide? Britain and the Secession of East Pakistan in1971 - A Dirk Moses The Rise of Jihadi Militancy in Pakistan's Tribal Areas - Haris Gazdar, Yasser Kureshi and Asad Sayeed Routine Emergencies: India's Armed Forces Special Powers Act - Sanjib Baruah Local Agitations in a Globalized Context: A Case Study of Shopian and Bomai - Gowhar Fazili Articulating Grievance in Southeast Myanmar - Stephen Campbell Index - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The NSC approach has been piloted in several countries including Botswana, Colombia, Ecuador, and Tunisia. Many of these tools were refined and modified in readiness for supporting the global monitoring of the urban SDGs. Other United Nations bodies have developed complimentary initiatives to support SDG 11 monitoring, one of the most recent being the United for Smart Sustainable Cities Initiative. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""It is driven by the intersection of hazards, exposure and vulnerability. Water shortage arises from conditions of scarcity, which can be defined as “an imbalance between the supply and demand of freshwater as a result of a high level of demand compared to available supply, under prevailing institutional arrangements (including price) and infrastructural conditions"""" (Winpenny, 2011). Economic scarcity exists when there has been underinvestment in water infrastructure to supply sufficient amounts of water. Absolute scarcity exists when there is no affordable source of additional water, or where the costs of additional water supplies exceed the benefits of their provision."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A wide range of studies agree that involving stakeholders in the design of policies, such as the development of teaching standards, is a crucial element of effective governance (Burns and Koster, 2016[44], OECD, 2013(2]). Inclusive stakeholder involvement was also identified as one of the four key elements of effective education policy implementation in a recent OECD working paper (Viennet and Pont, 2017[45]). Teachers taking ownership of the standards is also thought to contribute to recognising their professionalism (OECD, 2013(2]). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Legitimacy, justice and public international law: three perspectives on the debate Lukas H. Meyer and Pranay Sanklecha 1. The legitimacy of global governance institutions Allen Buchanan and Robert O. Keohane 2. Institutionalising global demoi-cracy Samantha Besson 3. The responsibilities and legitimacy of economic international institutions Simon Caney 4. Do international organisations play favourites? An impartialist account Steven R. Ratner 5. 'Victors' justice?' Historic injustice and the legitimacy of international law Daniel Butt 6. International law and global justice Peter Koller 7. Global justice: some problems of a cosmoplitan account Herlinde Pauer-Studer 8. The responsibility to protect human rights David Miller 9. The threat of violence and of new military force as a challenge to international public law Matthias Lutz-Bachmann 10. Forcing a people to be free Arthur Applbaum. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 espanolEn razon de su importancia esencial para la democracia, la libertad de expresion se encuentra fuertemente protegida dentro del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos, tanto por diversos documentos como por la jurisprudencia constante de la Corte. Sin embargo, esta situacion podria cambiar bastante con motivo de la Convencion Interamericana contra toda Forma de Discriminacion e Intolerancia, en atencion a las medidas que ella contempla para prevenir actos de esta especie EnglishDue to its utmost importance for democracy, freedom of expression is strongly protected within the inter-american system of human rights, as much in many of its documents as in the constant jurisprudence of the Court. This situation, nevertheless, might change quite a bit with the Inter-American Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance, in connection with the measures that the convention establishes to prevent such actions - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In this article I review several recent books to consider how anthropologists have approached questions of cosmology, history, and social transformation in Amazonia. Several of these engage a now well-established tradition in presenting indigenous ontologies as radical alternatives to Western concepts of agency and history. In contrast to the discontinuities described in the “New History” of Amazonia, anthropologists tend to approach social transformation as the extension of an enduring symbolic economy of alterity. I argue that the “New Amazonian Ethnography” would benefit from an openness to understanding radical social change beyond questions of continuity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 After the Second World War, representatives of the Allied powers developed an international legal definition of genocide. It precisely defines the necessary state of mind, genocidal acts and modes of agency or commission, determining which experiences are recognised and which harms are made visible. However, this abstract and clinical definition and its application do not convey the complexities of genocide. This potentially leads to inadequate responses that call the justice system into question. Artistic representations such as Jean-Philippe Strassen’s graphic novel Deogratias: A Tale of Rwanda approach genocide in a more nuanced way. They communicate what cannot be communicated in criminal law and retributive justice processes. This way, they challenge the victim–perpetrator dichotomy, the lack of concern for offenders, the focus on violent acts rather than their consequences, and time limits for investigation and prosecution. In doing so, artistic representations can contribute to more appropriate responses to genocide and post-conflict reconciliation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Scepticism about the science is no longer an option: the world’s scientists have never been so unanimous, and so ominous, in their projections of future perils. The bad news is that too many participants in the debate consider a climate policy as consisting primarily of manipulating markets and prices. If the only tool available were market liberalization, then the solution to every problem would seem to be a matter of getting the prices right. But setting a price for carbon emissions is only the beginning of climate policy - not the end. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Unequal access to educational services, large gaps in the quality of education between private and public schools, or persistent financial access constraints perpetuate income inequality. Experience in OECD countries suggests that education is also a key driver of social mobility (OECD, 2010). In Colombia however, the link may be weaker (Angulo et al., - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! In parallel, Hungary reformed its subsidy system, today, the subsidy is targeted towards areas that face very high costs of service. Municipalities can apply for central subsidies if the costs (before subsidy) faced by the residents exceed a certain threshold. In 2010, the threshold was HUF 321/m* (EUR 1.2/m*) for bulk water bought, HUF 485/m* (EUR 1.8/m*) for total residential water supply costs and HUF 985/m* (EUR 3.6/m*) for combined residential water supply and sanitation costs. Subsidy claims are resolved by an inter-ministerial committee, led by the Ministry of Rural Development, which allocates the total available budget appropriation taking into account criteria such as the residential water consumed during the previous year, the expected changes in water consumption, the effective and predicted costs of service and whether the claims of concerned municipalities are supported by the board of representatives. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Many of these disadvantages are compounded. To provide just one example: the likelihood of a young, Black woman living in the Northeast of Brazil being unemployed is 28.6%, and the probability that she is NEET is 31.7%. This compares with an unemployment rate for White males living in the South of 7.6% and a NEET rate of 9.1 %. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The main change is due to the need to allocate programmes under Inspection Services and Marketing and promotion into new sub-categories. In particular the inspection and control programmes implemented by the inspection agency SENASICA include inspection, pest and diseases and input components. Good budgetary information for the allocation of this expenditure to different sub-categories was not available and allocation was provisionally done in equal amounts. New information is being collected with the view of improving this allocation in the next monitoring cycle. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Individual and social participation and engagement in environmental processes intended to improve and protect the local and global environment are a concrete manifestation of understanding and motivation of, and commitment to protecting and improving the environment, expressed through behaviour. This topic is intended to capture any available statistics on a country’s pro-environmental activities and programmes. Pro-environmental activities are those undertaken by civil society or community groups to protect, improve and manage the environment. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In contrast, the medium-term outlook predicts that the absolute number of undernourished people in Africa will remain relatively stable, whereas in India, falls in undernourishment are expected to occur, but at a later point. While incomes are increasing across the ASEAN region, so too are populations. With a rapidly-growing population, the absolute number of undernourished people in the Philippines, for example, actually rises, even though the undernourished share of the total population falls (Figure 2.14). Such differences mean that food security will remain a concern for a number of countries in ASEAN over the medium term. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Lastly, professional teacher training and mid-technical level curriculum hours are set aside for working on the subject with subject teachers. Although the programme is designed for all levels of education with these variants, it is currently mainstreamed only at the secondary education level, with sexuality education workshops assigned to lead teachers. Uruguay has also set up a team of lead teachers on this subject who support and train other teachers to enrich their work and foster opportunities for reflection in the classroom. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! As inflationary pressures continued to abate, the central banks of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan cut their policy rates sharply since the beginning of 2012. With economic growth slowing and policy rates already low, the prospect of a rise in food price inflation in late 2012 created a potential policy dilemma. Although the refinancing rate has not been changed since September 2011, the bank's conduct of monetary policy would have only a limited impact on inflation due to its weak institutional capacity and the relatively undeveloped domestic debt market. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, bringing together a variety of different stakeholders’ views and experiences on how to effectively manage international climate finance can help to identify points of common interest and agreement, where further discussion is needed and where best practices can be identified and shared across countries and communities of practice. A key benchmark for climate finance is the commitment taken by developed countries under the UNFCCC to mobilise USD 100 billion in support for developing countries to act on climate change. The USD 100 billion climate finance goal is to be mobilised from a range of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral3. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Post-2015, there will be a need for substantial increases in the concessional resource flows to low-income and lower-middle income countries, on a stable and predictable basis, to support productive investment and the provision of public goods. The 2005 Paris Declaration and the subsequent Accra Agenda for Action in 2008, along with the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in 2011, are the clearest results of those efforts. Although not yet fully implemented, these agreements imply a certain rebalancing of the relationships between partners and donors. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Political sustainability - which refers to the continuity and commitment of policies and strategies by key actors, and, financial sustainability - which refers to the adequacy resource flows to guarantee the continuity of the expected outcomes of the policy (Mokate, 2001). The analysis of efficiency, in Section 3.2, examines how well available resources are being used. In both sections, the focus is on the government-funded sector of the Peruvian health system, that is, the Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS). Inefficiencies put the financial sustainability of the system at risk, while political instability can also lead to inefficiency, if governments close programmes implemented in a different administration, for example, or use programmes for political gain. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Bringing together Muslim women from across geographical borders has been important in building solidarity, and women across the world realize that they are not working in isolation, but that they are fighting similar battles. Musawah’s transnational ties represent a channel that is important to women activists in sharing information and strategy. Musawah has established an affinity group for young women advocates, the Young Women's Caucus, in which some 30 Muslim women under age 35 are working on issues among young Muslim women and based on the Musawah framework. Social and economic norms that cast men as breadwinners and women as caregivers shape how young women find marriage partners even if the realities are somewhat different for other reasons. The idea that higher education is inappropriate for women, especially if the education would require women to live far from home, is an obstacle in some settings, mainly in lower class and suburban areas. The family is also a key source of emotional and social support for many young women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 From the early 1980’s, energy consumption in households experienced high rates of growth. In fact, household energy consumption continued to increase, albeit at a slower rate. The number of vehicles in Sydney increased to almost 2.4 million in 2007, with the number of vehicles increasing at almost twice the rate of population and household growth over the past decade12. More people in outlying areas are dependent on cars for commuting, shopping and education because public transport services are poor. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It first describes the project on Assessing the Economic Contribution of Labour Migration in Developing Countries as Countries of Destination (ECLM). It then addresses the economic impacts of immigration on the country. The chapter presents the report’s key results regarding the foreign-bom population in Ghana, such as the labour market and fiscal impact of immigration, and regarding the broad contribution of immigrant workers to gross domestic product. The chapter ends with policy implications related to how immigrants affect Ghana’s economy. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Differences are lowest in the public sector, and the rural employment programme provides equal pay for both genders. The differences in wages can partly reflect overall education levels and the types of sectors where women work (World Bank, 2012) but discrimination by gender is also likely to contribute. The legal framework for equal pay is not always enforced (Equal Remuneration Act of 1976), partly reflecting the large share of the informal sector (about 95% of employment). Unpaid family workers do not report wages therefore they are not included. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Stanislawa Golinowska is an economist at the Center for Social and Economic Research in Warsaw and Institute of Public Health, Department of Medical Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Patrizio Sicari is research assistant in the OECD Economics Department. The authors are thankful to Andrew Dean, Robert Ford, Peter Jarrett, Isabelle Joumard, Andrzej Kwiecinski, Gaetan Lafortune, Yuki Murakami, Valerie Paris, Artur Radziwill and Polish government officials for their valuable comments on previous drafts. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! Successful programmes, she says, provide timely, sufficient and scientific information, tailored to the needs of each age group. “ Evaluation studies have shown that sex education has an impact in delaying the age at the first sexual intercourse, in increasing the use of contraception methods and condoms, and in decreasing the levels of violence against young girls,” she says. “ The above implies the reduction of early and unwanted pregnancies, and the decrease of HIV/AIDS.” It looks at the decisions that individuals make—or would like to make, if they had the opportunity. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While large pools of surplus labour have been absorbed in many economies, higher productivity growth is vital in fostering domestic demand, especially in those economies where the size of the labour force is forecast to stagnate due to population dynamics. Moreover, to foster domestic demand, countries will also need to pass on productivity gains to workers and strengthen investment in human resources to further improve productivity and competitiveness (ILO, 2015d). In contrast, wages for higher paid workers are usually better determined directly by employers and employees or trade unions. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Young women and girls, especially lone women heads of households, may be at greater risk of turning to prostitution, which brings new risks such as sexual violence, pregnancy, and exposure to disease. Reports of Syrian refugees arriving in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey and marrying off their daughters at a young age are increasing. In Libya, observers have noted the establishment of offices devoted to organizing marriages between Libyan men and young women refugees from Syria.4 This phenomenon is often assessed in certain categorized ways, measuring rates of child marriage, early and forced marriage and polygamy. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Wide inequalities exist in the prevalence of these chronic conditions by education level. However, differences in self-rated health by socioeconomic status are observed: 82% of people in the highest income quintile report being in good health compared to 68% of those in the lowest quintile (Figure 4). Yet this gap is smaller than in most other EU countries. Accoiding to estimates, over 30% of the overall disease burden in Derenark in 2015 could be attributed to behavioural risk factors, including smoking, alcohol use, diet and physical inactivity, with smoking and metabolic risks (e.g. obesity and high cholesterol) contributing the most (IHME. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The main findings and recommendations have fed into the internal discussions leading to the definition of an OECD Green Growth Strategy, launched at the 2011 OECD Ministerial Council Meeting. The project has benefitted from the participation of Extremadura (Spain), London (UK), Podlaskie and Pomorskie (Poland) and Sydney (Australia). It has also received financial support from the European Commission. I am convinced that the content of this report will be a valuable tool, not only for Sydney, but also for other cities and regions seeking to improve their environmental impact while creating jobs and economic growth. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Lost (in) Dimensions: Consolidating progress in multidimensional poverty research', Working Paper 2014-04, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. Step-by-Step Guidelines to the Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (MODA)', Working Paper 2012-10, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. Cross-country MODA Study: Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (MODA) - Technical note', Working Paper 2012-05, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The CRS sector classification aims to responds to the question “which specific area of the recipient's economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster Traditionally, only the primary sector of the activity was reported. However, it is possible that one activity can support multiple sectors. In 2016, members at the Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP-STAT) agreed to introduce a new system allowing multiple purpose code reporting to better track activities benefitting several sectors. The introduction of this new system will facilitate more granular reporting as activities will be able to be split upon several sectors rather than only one sector, and is expected to increase the quality of the data and provide better estimates of the aid volume targeting different sectors. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Overwhelmingly, there appears to be national consensus in making quality and safety a policy priority. This is marked by an improving culture of transparency and a move towards compulsory standards and hospital accreditation. This work needs to be evaluated and refined to ensure that quality improvement evolves from measurement to change management. While much of the attention has been on hospitals, quality in primary health care has received less consideration. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The case of Bangladesh is important because it highlights the role of supportive technological innovation, investment and rural infrastructure policies in promoting rural non-farm employment and diversification. However, a lack of investment in public goods, especially in remote rural areas, high barriers of entry for the poor or vulnerable groups to various dynamic RNF markets, high transaction costs for access to existing markets, and a general asymmetry of market information may limit this potential. The services sector has accounted for a greater share of the LDC labour force over time, and that share is probably under-reported, since much of the sector is composed of informal activities. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The OECD average is non-weighted. Declines in NEET rates are observed for Turkey (-7 percentage points), Germany and Israel (-2 percentage points) and Austria (-1 percentage point). The decline in youth employment affected most severely individuals with low educational qualifications. As illustrated in Figure 3, the number of youth in employment was lower in 2012 than in 2007 in most OECD countries, declining by 9% on average. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Private sector investments that target at-risk areas, due to the relatively low cost of land coupled by short-term gains to be made by business and local government officials, further binds informal settlers to this risky land given the new livelihood opportunities, maintaining or increasing disaster risk for these people. Actions beyond preparedness and response can be difficult to sell to local government due to the lack of quick and visible impacts, particularly in areas where officials do not tend to look beyond an election cycle. Lack of sufficient resources at local level compounds the problem. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Since 1976, the number of permits authorising Cuban vessels to fish in Mexico’s EEZ has decreased as a result of a reduced surplus species and the consolidation of Mexican vessels. During this period 27 metric tonnes were caught, and mechanisms were implemented to verify Cuban vessels’ operations (such as VMS, national scientist observers on board for sampling, capture statistics records, fishing logs, capture reports, arrival announcements per fishing trip, and others). Additionally 123 525 permits were issued at the San Diego International Office of CONAPESCA. Sport fishing permits can be obtained by fishers through CONAPESCA web site. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In conflict societies a strict division of sexual labour is enforced, and highly dichotomic understandings of femininity and masculinity become hegemonic. Gendered dichotomies, self/ other, friend/enemy, masculinity/femininity, “just warrior’’/“beautiful soul” (Elshtein, 1987) contribute to postulate the “other” as an existential threat. The warrior, the conflict’s hegemonic masculinity, is a “male identity” (Karner, 1998) shaped by purging, on individual, symbolic and structural levels, typically feminine characteristics such as compassion, feeling and forgiveness. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As defined by UNCTAD (2007), greenfield FDI is one of the three components of FDI. The other two components are mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and intercompany loans. Of the three types, greenfield investment, i.e. investment for new facilities and operations, is arguably of most importance to development. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 How often does a book reviewed in the British Yearbook of International Law also get covered in dailies across the world and glossies such as Vanity Fair? How often does one read a book on international legal concepts overnight, and subsequently buy it as a Christmas present for dozens of friends and relatives? How often do books on international legal concepts inspire BBC radio shows, a documentary and a theatre production? Philippe Sands’ East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity is an exceptional book, even by Sands’ own standards. Some of his previous books on international law, in particular Lawless World (2006) and Torture Team (2008),... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Nevertheless, even at that level, the figures show convincingly that system costs are heavily context-dependent. This requires considerable resources and such studies would best be done at the level of the single country according to a common methodology. It does, however, provide numerical examples of this process, as the arrival of intermittent renewables has an important impact on the absolute and relative profitability of existing dispatchable plants both in the short run and in the long run. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A better approach may therefore be the adoption of non-exclusive incentive regimes (i.e. compensatory liability) for new uses of known products, as discussed above. The original patent would comprise all uses, even those not known to the patentee at the time of filing the application. In countries where generic producers are capable of discovering new uses of patented pharmaceuticals, a government may favour the implementation of use-bound claims to provide generic producers some freedom to operate outside the original patent claims, in combination with provisions on “dependent patent” or public interest compulsory licenses, as outlined above. In addition, in order to minimize the risk of blocking effects, the protection of new uses of known products could be limited to nonexclusive models, such as a compensatory liability regime, recommended above. Due to the fact that such process claims may not cover all possible ways of manufacturing the resulting product, competitors are free to make the (pharmaceutical) product through a process that has not been claimed. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Mobile apps provide a convenient source of tracking and data collection to fight against the spread of COVID-19. We report our analysis of 50 COVID-19-related apps, including their use and their access to personally identifiable information, to ensure that the right to privacy and civil liberties are protected. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The intuitive reaction by a public avid to understand a traumatic accident is frequently that “the true extent of damages is hidden”. Transparency about the extent of the full costs of all energy chains must be the primary strategy to address such dissymmetries. Such transparency requires a dedicated effort from all stakeholders in the energy sector, and it is the objective of this publication to contribute to this task. Policymakers have the difficult task of balancing both aspects, the legitimate emotional reaction in the moment and the need for a longer-term structure of an energy-system constituting the best available option to minimise accidents and hardships in a 360° perspective. Dispassionate reflection with an aim to improve general welfare suggests that the large number of casualties caused by air pollution demand at least as much attention as the rare accident. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Also significant are the timeliness of employment in relation to seasonal income and food fluctuations, the scale of interventions, as well as the appropriateness of assets created. There will be limited impact on incomes and food security unless the programmes are implemented at scale and are operating long-term. Opportunities to improve the contribution of community assets to increasing productivity include ensuring that assets are built based on need and that they are of quality, accessible to the poor and sustainable. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On average, school associations comprise between 6 and 12 schools. In 2010, the vast majority of schools (96.7%) belonged to a school community, and most of the schools that have not joined a school community provided special needs education. The key goal of this initiative is to strengthen schools’ organisational and leadership capacities through increased co-operation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The EU has mandated the end of 2012 as the final date for Analogue Switch Off (ASO). Government support for market creation/development through financial incentives ranked high on many respondents' wish list for Budget 2011 Singapore from the Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation's (SiTF) latest Business Outlook survey which was conducted in January 2011. Presentation made at Workshop titled 'E-waste: Impacts, challenges and the role of government, service providers and the consumers'. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2012. Economic Policy Research Institute, Commissioned for DFID. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2012. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Trial installations started in 2012 with smart meters being offered to all households from 2014 on a voluntary basis. The Dutch public and private sectors have established the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP). The principal aim of the NWP is to co-ordinate Dutch activities abroad and to promote Dutch expertise in the water field worldw ide.4 The Netherlands is seeking to be seen as a world leader in sustainable water management. As customer interests are not normally taken into account, utilities can encounter unexpected opposition and not be able to respond to it, therefore rendering policy impotent. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The major advantage of external assessment is their reliability. They ensure that all students are assessed on the same tasks and that the results are measured by the same standards. Moreover, external assessments are usually conducted under supervision, which ensures that what is assessed is the students' own work. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The existing staff is likely to accept the new mandate, but their organizational structure is based on country representation and it will be difficult to overcome internal boundaries and work towards a shared objective of energy connectivity across the Region. This assurance will require specific checks and balances in the governance of the organizations, their funding, selection of senior managers, location of offices, etc. Now governments are better informed about such organizational matters so it will not be difficult to design the autonomous organizations and negotiate with member countries to obtain their consent and support. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Special education belongs to all teacher-education programmes and all teachers are expected to have at least basic knowledge and skills related to students with special educational needs. There are two main kinds of practicum within teacher-education programmes in Finland. The first -a minor portion of clinical training-occurs in seminars and small-group classes in the Department of Education, where students practice basic teaching skills in front of their peers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These adults need training that is adjusted to their interests and their previously acquired competences. Finally, competitive enterprises that are keen to improve the skills of their staff, represent another highly demanding group of users. A quick look at figures shows that VET I schools are indeed already offering training to non-tradi-tional groups as well. Table 8.6 conveys official statistics from SAPTE that might not include non-formal training taking place in some VET schools and some rare partnerships with local authorities and NGOs in the framework of projects sponsored by international donors. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Mexico, however, still has the lowest percentage of top performers in mathematics in 2009 among OECD countries and the third lowest percentage among the 39 participating countries with comparable data (after Indonesia with 0.1 % and Tunisia with 0.3%) (PISA Results 2009 Volume V,TableV.3.2). Similarly, of the Canadian students who performed below Level 2 in 2000, over 60% had not gone on to any post-school education by the age of 21, by contrast, more than half of the students (55%) who had performed at Level 2 as their highest level were at college or university.' Students proficient at Level 2 in mathematics can employ basic algorithms, formulae, procedures or conventions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) arising from the combustion of fossil fuels have been the main cause of anthropogenic global warming. Energy use has reached a scale at which planetary boundaries are being breached for a range of essential Earth-system processes, including in terms of global warming and biodiversity loss, which is likely to lead to catastrophic environmental change (Rockstrom and others, 2009). In 2005, fossil fuels accounted for 85 per cent of the global primary energy mix, while low-carbon nuclear power accounted for 6 per cent, hydroelectricity for 3 per cent and biomass for 4 per cent. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, in the case of more complex requests for particular data on the environment (e.g. on transboundary watersheds) requiring the collection of specific data, the Ministry may not have the capacity to do so and may not be in a position to fulfil the request. Requests to NAMEM for multiyear data on air quality' can be responded to upon payment (a rate is applied per digit of data). If the request asks for information about a person or a company, such information is considered confidential and is not provided to the requester. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ABSTRACT The global threat of terrorism raises questions about preparedness and risk communication in the context of public health and security. Although experts discriminate between chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CNRNE) terrorist events, little is known about how the Canadian public represents these forms of terrorism. A stratified random sample of 1502 Canadians participated in a telephone survey on CBRNE terrorism. A word association technique was used to assess first words or images that came to mind while thinking about different types of terrorist scenarios. Content analysis of this data revealed a number of potential uncertainties and misconceptions regarding different types of terrorism scenarios. Despite most frequently providing agents in response questions surrounding chemical or biological terrorism, respondents frequently confounded agents of biological and chemical nature. Similarly, different aspects of nuclear events were not consistently distinguished. Most no... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Non-knowledge-intensive services” corresponds to electricity, gas and water supply, construction, trade, hotels and restaurants. “ Skill intensity” is based on the distribution of average wages across firms where “Low skilled” refers to the first quartile, “Medium skilled” to the second quartile, “Moderately-high skilled” to the third quartile and “High skilled” to the fourth quartile. Standard deviations are first averaged within each group and country, and subsequently averaged across the following countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Using weights by firm size category and industry within each country does not qualitatively change the results. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The UK social model of disability (SSM) originated within a political context, which is both a strength and a weakness. Good social research has been conducted prior to, and outside, the confines of the SSM. The SSM is above all a brilliant tool for mobilising change. But it can be applied over‐zealously. Since the 1990s, various critiques of the SSM have been developed, exposing contradictions and inadequacies. Equally, some of the parallels between disability and other social movements may need to be tested. Identity politics and psychology explain some of the fervour of SSM debates. To move forward, a social theory of embodiment is required. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These data discrepancies are important to understand since, in the absence of fully comparable data (especially as regards travel distances), the report estimates traffic impacts on the basis of other data sources, including aggregate travel distance data gathered from ride service odometer data. In 2015 and 2016, they have been the leading source of growth in non-auto (i.e. non-personal car) travel in the city. They have also added significantly to vehicular travel and mileage on city streets. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 With that aim, Reporting Item (HC.RI.3) equates to HC.6 in SHA 1.0, and is within the boundary of health care. The proposal is to keep them as is, so as to promote a continued reporting practice, notably during the transition to SHA 2011 (see Table 5.2 for a mapping of these categories). This includes basic medical treatment, such as dental treatment, if provided as an integral part of the public health function. It excludes, however, remuneration-in-kind of health care goods and services that constitute household actual final consumption rather than intermediate consumption of business. As the health care components of long-term care are contained in HC.3, the complementary social components are included as a health care-related category that is further subdivided into in-kind and in-cash components. The health and social care components, HC.3 and HC.R.l, can be summed up to obtain a total value of long-term care (LTC). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the past, they were not often known for being very dynamic or innovative. This report argues that such institutions need to fully embrace change and become ‘cautious revolutionaries’ to remain relevant. Such a development would not necessarily benefit SMEs and inclusiveness, as weaker economic players are most likely to suffer from market failures and malfunctions that non-profit service providers can address but private sector players are free to ignore. For this purpose, they can create their own online platforms to facilitate contacts between local businesses and potential buyers in foreign markets, modernizing their traditional matchmaking services. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""According to the study, ten years of excellence in research policy in Swedish research funding has had serious negative consequences for gender equality in academia. It also appears that these initiatives have so far avoided an analysis of the measures they themselves have planned to initiate to improve gender equality. The European Commission focused attention on the gender-related ramifications of the excellence in research initiatives and the definition of scientific excellence as early as 200440 and established the expert group """"Gender and Excellence"""", which studied research funding in 33 European countries in a gender perspective (EU 2008). There is good reason to raise the issue of quality criteria and excellence in research in the Nordic countries and at the joint Nordic level as well."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""In the end, the infrastructure needed to support significant and sustainable tourism growth is sizeable and will take years to be in place. Private investment has an important role to play. The focus of the government on four """"new Balis"""" (Box 2) is a positive step, even though sustainability remains an issue (see below)."" - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Section 5 concludes by summarizing the findings. However, the intensity of fertiliser differs widely across countries (FAOSTAT, 2013). At 30% of global use of fertiliser nutrients (NPK only), China is the largest user of fertilisers - and with close to 300kg and more than 100kg, it also has the highest use of N and P fertilisers per hectare of cropland, respectively (based on FAOSTAT data on fertiliser use and cropland). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Cases of land grabbing, unfair land sales, eviction of people and so on, have led to social tensions and unrest. Women make up the majority of the agricultural labour force and are especially affected by land reforms. In fact, civic engagement, measured by citizen's participation in their communities, has actually decreased. True grassroots activities seem to still be in their infancy. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! However, as prices of natural resources and commodities rise, as climate change deepens and accelerates, and as mountains of waste overflow landfills and stretch municipal budgets, sustainable consumption is emerging as a necessary condition for continued economic growth, even in developing countries. But as incomes in the region grow, consumption patterns become less and less eco-efficient. Sustainable consumption strategies make it possible to achieve eco-efficient economic growth while people rediscover, reinstate and revitalize rich Asian and Pacific cultural values and traditions. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In particular, the World Bank (2012b) estimates that price volatility6 between January’2005 and May 2011 reached 12% in Kenya and 14% in Zambia, w'hile it was only 9% in South Africa. In Kenya, average price levels increased around 20% between 1995 and 2004 (Jayne et al., However, the food security impacts of the stocks are not unanimously positive. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A sharp fall in TPES and TFC in 2006 was also linked to decreased use of energy products as feedstock, especially in the petrochemical industry. In 2007, Portugal consumed 0.17 toe per USD 1 000 of GDP (2005 prices), against an OECD Europe average of 0.12 toe. The difference is less when GDP is corrected for purchasing power parities. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Downstream impacts resulting, for example, from landfill of food waste will also be reduced. Reducing the amount of avoidable food waste would be the most appropriate indication of successful waste prevention measures or programmes. Thus all food waste from retailers can be considered to be avoidable. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Implementing a national payment system for mental health is understood to be a key enabler to achieving parity of esteem between mental and physical health, and is expected to help drive up the quality of mental health services. A national payment system for mental health would enable better commissioning and more efficient services by incentivising the provision of services that achieve the best outcomes for patients. A national payment system for mental health would ensure the best services, that deliver the highest quality with best outcomes, receive the most funding. Many adults receiving care are allocated to a mental health cluster based on their need, services are then tailored according to the needs of the people they treat. In some local health economies, clusters are also used as the basis of payment replacing a system of block payment arrangements, based on historical funding rather than current service provision. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh, speech outside of parliament on 7 March 2013, reported by The Hindu newspaper, 8 March 2013, see From a speech made by Rwandan Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (2008), at the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Regional Social Security Forum for Africa, 18-20 November, Kigali (ISSA, 2008). For example, the World Bank has estimated that an increase of four percentage points in Mexico’s poverty rate from 2008 to 2010 can be attributed to the global financial crisis (Habib et al., - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 More than 50 per cent of Asia-Pacific countries have adopted or are considering feed-in tariffs for utility- and small-scale distributed solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and small hydropower. Japan introduced a feed-in tariff for renewable power in 2012 as part of its plan to quickly reduce its dependence on nuclear energy, a move that has been highly successful for small-scale solar energy. This unleashed investment in solar photovoltaic projects such that, in 2014, those projects received $34.3 billion or about 82 per cent of the country’s total investment volume (REN21,2016). As a result, the country represents a globally leading market for distributed solar photovoltaics. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The ACCLIM data were chosen for this case study because they represented the latest knowledge of climate change affects on the Finnish climate at the time of this study. The winter will become shorter and the growing season will lengthen. Precipitation is also expected to increase, although the biomass growth is unable to fully exploit the increased precipitation because of simultaneous increased evaporation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! While it is important for Finland to participate in a wide range of technology areas, it is striking that among Tekes’ technology programmes, “Arctic Seas” is the only one to focus distinctly on needs and opportunities specific to Finland. With a gap in funding technology programmes and the importance to continue and to strengthen industry-science links, policy should emphasise either a growth in the number and scope of technology programmes, or identify additional instruments that can fulfil this purpose. Industrial problems, needs and opportunities affecting research agendas, and eventually higher education requirements, need to be communicated to develop capacities respective to the technologies found important to the growth of the Finnish industry. This in return affects the supply of human capital to industry. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Because gender may not be the most pressing source of inequality in every situation, however, there have been calls to shift focus from “gender” to “diversity” mainstreaming, thus taking a wider approach to inequality (Siltanen 2006, p. 9213). High quality, readily accessible gender-disaggregated data supplies the foundation for both sound evidence-based policy making and gender monitoring and evaluation, and is integral to gender impact assessment. Conversely, the absence of differentiated data (Box 4.11) makes it very difficult to understand the impact of gender equality and mainstreaming strategies and efforts. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These groups have enabled small informal producers to become part of the formal economy, the chapters have provided a marketing channel for their coffee and have secured more than US$ 3 million in coffee exports to international buyers seeking small lots of specialty coffee. These countries are incorporating lessons learned from their earlier experiences with implementing these policies. Intormation and communications technology (ICT) has the potential to facilitate connectivity and increase women's access to markets. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Figure 4.12 shows that time poverty often doubles with the presence of children in the household, and this increase is greater for women than for men. Multivariate analysis, controlling for individual characteristics other than gender (age, employment status, education, employment status of the spouse), shows that an additional child generates a reduction in discretionary time for women of 2.3 hours per week (1.7 hours for men), and an increase of 3.5% in the probability to be time-poor (2.6% for men, see Annex 4.A1 for detailed results). Low-income individuals have lower rates of time poverty, but the relationship is ambiguous. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Still, LGBTI persons in contexts of conflict are often neglected and violations against them underreported. Efforts should be made to actively seek information on the situation of LGBTI persons, including through organizations that protect their rights, while ensuring confidentiality and the safety of the persons concerned. The team might need to consider different approaches in order to ensure that women's and men's voices are equally represented. The team might choose to map out possible challenges and develop appropriate strategies in order to gather information, as indicated in the examples below. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Often computed at national level, road mortality can be misleading when computed at city level, as activity levels in some cities cannot be measured by resident population alone. In urban cores, where many jobs and services are concentrated, the daytime population can be much higher than the resident population. This figure is important to better capture the activity level within an area and was provided by 19 cities. In FUAs, the assumption is that resident and daytime population are not significantly different, since the FUA definition is based on commuter flows. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 People are not alike. This chapter introduces a mode of situational contracting that deals with diversity, reveals preferences, and fosters trust in public policy. Professionals in implementing social policy submit periodic mandates for approval to their principals to use discretion in customizing benefits offered and matching efforts required from their counterparts. Transactions concluded reveal the trade-offs between criteria of good governance and suggest their acceptability. The process clarifies who does, pays for or gets what, when, where, how, and why, as the key issues in political intervention. Outcomes are monitored and provide feed-back for responsive policymaking. Evidence is provided from earlier applications. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For children, it means unhealthy and unsafe environments, limited options for walking and playing, limited connectivity to social networks, services and local economy. Although mostly overlooked, inequity has a spatial dimension that makes children vulnerable. Spatial inequity manifests itself in various ways and reveals the importance of land value, land tenure, land use and the planning and management of the spatial characteristics of the built environment. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This article examines contemporary notions on free speech and the criminalisation of journalistic expression since 9/11, via discussion of Brian Wood’s DMZ comics (DC Vertigo). Free speech and the importance of a free press are widely accepted notions, yet journalistic and artistic freedom is arguably under attack in our post-9/11 world (Ash, 2016, Article 19, 2007). State responses to global terror threats have criminalised free speech, particularly speech seen as ‘glorifying’ or ‘supporting’ terrorism via anti-terror or restrictive media laws. This article examines these issues via DMZ’s discussion of a second American civil war in which freedom of the press has all but disappeared, arguing that DMZ’s ‘War on Terror’ narrative and depiction of controlled news access serve as allegories for contemporary free speech restrictions. DMZ illustrates contemporary concerns about a perceived social problem in its representation of corruption, abuse of power and restrictions on the public’s right to know. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Instead, the guidelines suggest that a risk assessment may be considered in adult men over 40 years old and in women over 50 years of age or post-menopausal women in specific circumstances, namely if the person requests it, if risk factors such as smoking, overweight, or hyperlipidaemia are present, if there is a family histoiy of premature CVD or of major risk factors such as hyperlipidaemia or if there are symptoms suggestive of CVD (Perk et al., Importantly, the guidelines recommend that risk is assessed on the basis of age, sex, smoking status, blood pressure and total cholesterol - rendering some of the elements offered in the Czech programme, such as the electrocardiogram, unnecessary. The Cochrane Collaboration, in a meta-analysis of 16 large randomised trials with long follow up periods, found that similar health checks no effect on mortality from all causes (risk ratio 0.99, 95% Cl 0.95 to 1.03), cancer (1.01, 95% Cl 0.92 to 1.12), or cardiovascular disease (1.03, 95% Cl 95% Cl 0.91 to 1.17) and did not prevent disease (Krogsboll et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This framework identifies seven co-ordination and capacity challenges that countries frequently face, regardless of their institutional setting (unitary, federal), hydrographic characteristics (water-rich, water-scarce) and organisation of water policy (centralised, decentralised) (Table 4.1). The degree to which effective co-ordination and implementation of integrated water policy may be hindered by multi-level governance gaps varies across Italy’s regions, but common governance challenges can be diagnosed. The following sections address key governance issues in Italy’s sector through the lens of the gap framework. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Pork production is projected to increase by 17 Mt, by 2023, 15% higher compared to the base period. China continues to dominate the market and is expected to produce almost half of the additional pork. This increases the extent to which the supply response is conditioned by feed prices that remain relatively high through the outlook period compared to historic norms. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Whilst in some parts of the world malnutrition affects maternal and infant health and child development, in other regions it contributes to an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease among indigenous peoples. In the State of Arizona in the United States, for example, the Pima Indian tribe has the highest rate of diabetes in the world, as """"some 50 per cent of the Pima between the ages of 30 and 64 have diabetes. The contamination and destruction of natural habitats and the disappearance of wildlife plants and animals have resulted in the erosion of traditional food systems and decreased food security."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! According to this, population size in a certain region could result in attractive markets, which would attract firms to the given region, therefore driving economic growth. The coefficient in this case was statistically significant containing the right sign. On the other hand, according to the traditional development theory, the population growth variable was included. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This law will contain basic principles on implementation of EE measures in production, transmission, distribution and energy consumption, reducing the cost of production and service, reducing of energy consumption, higher efficiency, eco-design requirements, use of EE technologies, sustainability in terms of environmental impact as well as integrated approach to reduce primary energy consumption and environmental impact. The establishment of the Energy Efficiency Fund is seen as a necessary tool to increasing energy efficiency and stimulating rational energy use. The new Energy Law was adopted in 2011 and amended in 2011 and 2013. The timeframe of the strategy is until 2030. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For those in developing countries who do have access to electricity, the supplies are often sporadic, which imposes economic costs due to reduced production and the need to invest in back-up supplies. Most developing countries are also substantial importers of energy, so the economic cost and security of supply are important issues. Many subsidize energy production or consumption, yet these subsidies are costly, economically inefficient, and generally provide least benefit to those in greatest need. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Canadian data include only Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Yukon. The extent of a later start in education is much smaller, and participation levels throughout schooling remain higher. However, retention at senior secondary schooling in New' Zealand drops when students reach age 16, falling below the participation rate for Canadian Indigenous students at age 17 (Figure 5.6). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Human Rights Act 1998 came into effect in the UK in 2000, incorporating specific Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights, such as the freedoms from torture (Article 3) and slavery (Article 4), into British law. But this legislation, and the rights it enshrines, are under severe attack from politicians and sections of the British press. This article presents a strong defence of the statute, by reference to one of its notable achievements: the obligation it imposed on the UK to outlaw the holding of a person in slavery or servitude, or compelling them to perform compulsory labour. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The number of species decreases with increased distance from the North Sea. In the Baltic Sea, several essential ecosystem functions are supported by only a few species, which are of either freshwater or marine origin and live at the border of their physiological salinity tolerance (Figure 25) (HELCOM, 2010). For example, there is a decrease in diversity of benthic sediment communities with decreasing salinity, from 25 functional groups of benthic species in Skagerrak (K. Norling, Rosenberg, Hulth, Gremare, & Bonsdorff, 2007), to only 5 groups in the Baltic Sea sediments (Bonsdorff & Pearson, 1999). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Tous les 26 pays de l’OCDE qui ont repondu mentionnent f amelioration de faeces au logement comme faisant partie des cinq principaux objectifs de la politique du logement. Parmi eux, 18 pays citent explicitement f amelioration de 1’accessibility financiere. Les pays de l’OCDE utilisent un large eventail d’instruments complexes pour mettre en ceuvre leur politique du logement, mais tous ces instruments ne semblent pas cadrer avec l’objectif de faciliter faeces des menages a bas revenus a un logement abordable. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The lesson from this experience is that family law and property law need to be in harmony for there to be effective protection. Similarly, Namibia’s National Gender Policy 2010-2020 provides for removing all components that discriminate against women, to bring customary laws in line with the Namibian Constitution. In India, the National Policy for the Empowerment of Women of 2001 encourages changes in personal laws such as those related to marriage, divorce and maintenance so as to eliminate discrimination against women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The United Nations peace process in Sierra Leone is one of the most successful initiatives in conflict resolution in the history of the UN. The peace building process has led to sustainable peace in a country located in a highly conflict ridden region in the world. This paper analyzes the peacemaking process to understand the process and its underlying unique features. Placing the events in the context of peacemaking criminology and human rights, it is argued that the UN peacemaking greatly reflects the values advocated by peacemaking criminology, while the goals of the process reflect universal human rights, recognized and promoted by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, Sierra Leone has the highest maternal mortality rate, with 1,100 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, while Belarus has a rate of 1 maternal death per 100,000 live births. Almost one third of all global maternal deaths are concentrated in two populous countries: India, with an estimated 50,000 maternal deaths (17 per cent), and Nigeria, with an estimated 40,000 maternal deaths (14 per cent). There are well-known health-care solutions for the prevention and handling of complications. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Instead, the customers must be convinced of their benefits over present technologies (World Bank, 2010a). The physical infrastructure required for modern fuel use (such as natural gas or biogas lines to customers) and distribution or supply chain frameworks (such as countrywide LPG bottle distribution and refill services) will require time and resources to establish. Improved cookstoves, alternatively, improve the efficiency and safety of existing stoves with chimneys but still anchor the user to reliance on traditional biomass. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Part IV: The Preferences of the Population]. - Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Copenhagen, 43 p. Available at: [ Cited 29th July 2013]. More than half of the country is covered with forests, which account for about 2.2 million hectares of which about 40% is state owned. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The regional average dependency ratio (i.e. the ratio of people younger than 15 to the working-age population in the 15-64 year range) totalled 74.7% (UNFPA, 2015). An ever increasing and younger population is a distinctive feature of West Africa: the total population is projected to almost double and approach 600 million by 2050 (OECD/SWAC, 2013). From 1950 to 2010, the percentage of urban dwellers increased from 9% to 41% and this figure is projected to soar to 67% by 2050 (Moriconi-Ebrard, Harre and Heinrigs, 2016, OECD/SWAC, 2013). Urban growth concerns old and new towns, larger cities and smaller and rural centres alike (Ibidem). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! This shows no change from the previous data point, 2011/12, when the indicator was introduced (the indicator is a score between 0 and 100, but not a percentage value, with higher score representing better outcomes). Since 2008, this level has fuctuated betwen 74% and 77%. For example, in the case of health care-acquired infections, the website explains that improvements can be achieved through measures including hand hygiene, hospital cleanliness, equipment decontamination and optimal antimicrobial prescribing. The data for this indicator, however, relate to 2011, and some of the other indicators are also based on old data, making them less useful. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As shown in Figure 2, in countries such as Czech Republic, Finland and Korea the percent of variation of students’ scores on the PISA test explained by their SES status has increased since 2006. This means the educational systems in these countries have become less inclusive and/or supportive to students of disadvantaged backgrounds. In contrast, countries such as Chile, Mexico and the United States improved on this measure. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The results are based on a number of simplifying assumptions described in section 4.2.1 and should interpreted in that light. In this case, the TIMES model was specified with focus on technology choices in the absence of distortions from taxes and regulation. The results will point to trends in the relative cost of different technologies and how a green transition can be achieved in the least costly manner. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The SNA data on household income are first divided by the population size. They are then multiplied by the ratio of the average household income of each decile to the average household income in the IDD, to give an estimate of an average household income by decile that is consistent with the SNA totals. Unemployed persons are defined as those who are currently not working but are willing to do so and actively searching for work. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Aid-for-trade providers include some 60 bilateral and multilateral donors that report their official development assistance to the OECD-DAC Creditor Reporting System (CRS). Since 2006 bilateral donors have provided almost two-thirds of total support for aid for trade and multilateral donors the rest. Regional and global programmes have attracted almost 15% of total aid-for-trade disbursements. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Moreover, rules for data use have yet to be established, opening the way for misuse of firms’ data. Lastly, they must be able to implement the technological changes that can be to their advantage. While new technologies may facilitate such access, it is not yet clear how the combination of new delivery technologies and increased concentration within ICT and logistics systems will play out for SMEs in remote areas. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The university sees R&D as a means of diversifying funding and taking advantage of its 600 researchers. Commercialisation of research is a crucial activity. Results are substantial but limited: in 2008 the Technion Research and Development Foundation was directly involved in initiating six new companies in areas such as medical equipment, environment embryonic stem cells, alternative energy and imaging system. In addition, licensing agreements were signed by the faculty. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This case-note analyses the international award recently published in the case of Philip Morris Asia Limited v. The Commonwealth of Australia. Engaging particularly with the application of the Arbitration Tribunal of the abuse of rights doctrine, the note addresses, in the light of this award, a series of questions that continue to perplex international investment lawyers. How should the concept of abuse of rights be defined? What is the status of the abuse of rights doctrine in international law? What is the relationship between the abuse of rights doctrine and the foreseeability test? What is the significance of the demonstration of bad faith on the part of an investor for the application of the abuse of rights doctrine?. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Herd or flock sizes remain typically small, averaging only two for cattle, four for buffalo and pigs, and 17 and 30 respectively for poultry layers and broilers. Of the almost 3 million holdings registered in 1993 as possessing livestock, less than 200 000 (6.6%) were recorded as predominantly livestock holdings. A Livestock Federation, present down to the district level, represents business interests and is responsible for monitoring production and prices and discussing sectoral issues with the government. Over the past two decades, the production of both freshwater and marine fish has steadily increased, being multiplied respectively by 14 and 4 (Figure 9.6). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The spectrum of poverty measurement approaches varies from purely monetary to non-monetary aspects, with much variation {see Table 2.1). Measurement choices are often implicit, and can have a profound impact on results and related policies. The first choice is what to measure: income, consumption, or broader capabilities? The most common approach is to measure monetary poverty, based on indicators of income or consumption as proxies for material living standards. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 At its summit held in Ufa, Russian Federation, in July 2015, the Shanghai Cooperation Organizations Council of Heads of State decided to accept the accession of India and Pakistan to the Organization. The Organizations main goals are the provision and maintenance of peace, security and stability among its members, including drug control. At the summit, the Organization adopted a development strategy outlining priority areas until 2025, including issues related to regional stability and drug control, and plans to address drug challenges were incorporated into the declaration of the Council of Heads of State issued at the summit. The Organization’s member States expressed concern at the scale of narcotic drug manufacture in Afghanistan, which posed a threat to development and security in the region. The Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre, a standing intergovernmental body for combating trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, continues to serve as a regional platform for exchanging information and experiences on countering drug trafficking and promoting law enforcement cooperation. In June 2015, the Board participated in the 11th international conference on drug control, organized by the Dubai Police. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For a definition and explanation see Box 1.4. Sometimes curricula and the mix of provision are too constrained by the interests of training providers and not sufficiently driven by fast-changing industry requirements. For a definition and explanation see Box 1.4. Difference in earnings is expressed in % (no difference = 0%). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Energy production from waste is far from reaching its potential in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region. The early generation of waste-to-energy incinerators that were built in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region during a period of limited landfill capacity in the early 1970s have proven to be environmentally and financially unsustainable. Tighter federal environmental regulation led to their closing or to costly retrofitting (Sendzik et al, 1996). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For nearly half of the gender-specific indicators, the methodology is developed but country-level data are limited. As of December 2017, the framework contains 93 indicators classified as Tier I, 66 as Tier II and 68 as Tier III. In addition, five other indicators are classified as multi-tier, with different components of the indicator classified into different tiers. Additionally, the lAEG-SDGs is currently liaising with custodian agencies to discuss available data sources and methodology to improve the availability and quality of country-level data related to Tier II indicators. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Private banks would still be responsible for determining the creditworthiness of borrowers and thus retain a great deal of autonomy in lending practices. Thus, even with the use of ARRs, governments must adopt additional tools to expand access to credit for women entrepreneurs and farmers. One approach is for the central bank to offer guarantees on loans to targeted groups. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The best way to do this is to calculate tax burdens and benefit entitlements for representative samples of households for different periods. This permits straightforward identification of the relative contribution of policy changes and trends in market-income inequality on redistribution. Box 3 provides an illustration of such an approach using data for the United States. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This kind of forest management has also changed the forest landscape profoundly. Natural forest dynamics produce key resources and processes important for the maintenance of native forest biodiversity, in particular a rich supply of dead wood and old trees, as well as a varied landscape pattern of such resources, critical for the long-term survival of many forest species. In addition to the dead wood and old trees resulting from natural forest dynamics, forest biodiversity will also benefit from productive forests with a rich supply of temperate broadleaved trees or aspens, willows and rowans, as well as special forest types like swamp forests, forests on calcareous soil, or recently burnt forests. Several forest properties of high importance for biodiversity are monitored in national forest inventories, e.g., tree species and age, dead wood, and site productivity. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Sustainability in economic development is fundamentally linked to human well-being which should be fairly reflected in freedom. This normative concern has been the thematic phenomenon in scholarly discussions advocated by many egalitarians. The well-being of tea estate community in Sri Lanka has been in various stakeholder discussions as their socio-economic freedom is exogenously determined and controlled. Ironically, this situation has evidenced a substantial adverse impact on their present work performance and future workforce participation symbolizing the labor problem within the tea estate community. Grounded on the theoretical foundation of Amartya Sen’s capability approach and, authors’ mixed method field surveys, this paper discusses the importance of enhancing justice within this community by improving their freedom to access better complex capabilities such as social status and independence. Although, the outcomes of the positivistic study provided with adequate evidence for the above claim, our qualitative inquiry confirmed and witnessed the aforementioned subjective reality. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 0.100 SJR (2011) Q4, 205/209 Health (social science), 116/116 History and philosophy of science, 453/459 Public health, environmental and occupational health - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The Ministry of Education has developed guidelines for a quality assurance system to be set up by each centre including figures regarding the scope, results and effects of the guidance provided, and a procedure for evaluating the services provided through user and employee surveys. Centres are also required to publish objectives, methods, planned activities and performance on die Internet. These programmes combine catch-up courses in foundation skills with vocational classes, counselling and career guidance, and often enable participants to obtain an upper-secondary' qualification. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! However, some national studies show that up to 70 per cent of women have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime®*™ (WHO, 2013). There is also a high prevalence of psychological violence against women as 43 per cent of women in the European Union have experienced this form of violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime®*™ (AFR, 2014). As a result, significant progress has been made regarding the institutionalization of development and management of public spaces over the past decade. Several global and local movements have been formed to demand more friendly living areas attainable through public space provision. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For 2016, NEDA was tasked to start the pre-work of drafting the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) (up to 2022) for the next presidential term. This w ill serve as the basis of the Philippine Investment Plan and all other regional, provincial and local development plans and investment programmes. In the section on priority legislation, BIOFIN lobbied for the inclusion of the Expanded NIPAS (National Integrated Protected Areas System) Act, Philippine Genetic Resources Access and Benefit Sharing, and proposed amendments to the use of the Malampaya Fund towards biodiversity conservation as priority environment and natural resources legislation supporting PDP. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Throughout the OECD, employers are increasingly aware of the value of diversity in the workplace and they are showing a growing willingness to take concrete steps to promote it (BIAC and Deloitte, 2014). The weaker position of women in the labour market results in weaker networks, thereby sustaining gender gaps in access to employment and job quality. Specific interventions may be devised to strengthen women’s networks. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The most advanced country in this area is Algeria, which does not impose any conditions in either case. It is critical to protect women’s rights in all areas of life, including economic participation.32 Access to justice mainly means: legal mechanisms and legislations that establish a right to access to court and to a fair judicial remedy, that promote legal and judicial assistance to women, that help them become aware of their rights to access justice, and that provide legal services and advice. It also means the right for women to go to court, the right to work in a legal profession, a chance for women to access the same positions as men in the judiciary, according to principles of equality and fairness. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Integrated policies and policy instruments can successfully drive actors in the same direction and can accelerate progress, and generate synergies. In all cases, open multidirectional information flows can facilitate sustainable outcomes by providing feedback on the full range of policy impacts. This helps to build the participation of critical economic actors and other stakeholders, to lower potential resistance to innovation, to increase idea generation and to allow appropriate policy adjustment over time. To begin, policymakers could consider upgrading measures of success at the systemic level that would encourage assessment of policies not only in terms of the shortterm quantity of economic wealth generated, but in terms of overall tangible and intangible value created in the entire ecological-social-economic system over time. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! They also offer preferential loans to develop projects of production and storage facilities for such purpose. These loans could be up to 70% of project value and last at most 12 years. The financial support provided for these loans is the difference of payment between interest rate of commercial loans and that of state credit for development (currently 10.8% per annum). These preferential loans are channelled through five designated state-owned commercial banks, namely VBARD, Mekong Housing Bank, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Viet Nam, Viet Nam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade and Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Viet Nam (MARD, 2014b). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As a result, the quality and sales of shea butter have risen substantially, and Coprokazan and AMP were able to continue their work, using the additional revenue they made. Farmers with access to accurate information on the use of inputs, as well as on yield results for different crops, are better positioned to take decisions on what to plant the following year. Women who are in charge of farm management can be helped to improve the smallholding's economic sustainability by using simple software, In addition, weather stations, pest traps, suitable irrigation and sensors to measure soil moisture can all help to reduce the cost and use of agricultural inputs, achieving greater environmental sustainability as a result. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Access to water is fundamental for productivity in agriculture in most of Spain, contributing 55% to total agricultural value added. While some new irrigation projects, for example in the Ebro river basin, were maintained in the revised national hydrological plan (2005-08), the government does not expect further expansion. Water abstractions for irrigation remained broadly constant until 2004. These developments resulted in a 9% reduction of irrigation water application rates between 1990-92 and 2002-04. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! As a consequence, low-carbon growth as an alternative to ‘business as usual’ is fast becoming the preferred model for major economies in both developed and developing countries. Its relevance lies in the fact that one of the objectives of low-carbon growth of the green economy is to manage risks posed by global warming and climate change, and to take advantage of the opportunities that they offer in terms of new technology development and greater efficiency in industrial processes. It has now been clearly demonstrated that sustainable development makes economic sense, as more jobs are created and the externalities that traditional models of development generate are limited. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! As regards patented drugs, preferred drug lists are used in the United States only, as insurers negotiate discounts with manufacturers. There is evidence that preferred drug lists have led to cost savings, as pharmaceutical companies lower prices to avoid going off list (Kibicho and Pinkerton 2012, Elzinga and Mills 1997). The fundholder is expected to be to obtain services at the best price/quality ration or suffer the consequences of budget over-runs. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management is the line ministry, a ministry with specific responsibility for strategy, planning and priority setting for water resources. This includes irrigation water for agriculture, wastewater treatment, cooling water for industry and the water quality of the main water bodies. The Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment is the line ministry responsible for water services (i.e. water supply for households and industry) and sewage.3 A closer look at their prerogatives shows that such ministries embrace a wide diversity of areas, including transport, public works, water management, housing, spatial planning and the environment. This may in fact be equivalent to having six different ministerial departments or agencies, with a silo approach not only between but also within ministries if co-ordination tools are not set-up. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The six countries have amended or adopted new constitutions since 2011 that incorporate the principles of gender equality or non-discrimination. They recognise that the participation of women in the economy is key for growth and shared prosperity. This recognition at the constitutional level sends a strong and encouraging signal. As it is incorporated and implemented through the domestic legal framework, it will facilitate women’s involvement in the economy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The trial period for open-ended contracts remains short, at 90 days for most workers (OECD, 2014e). Income taxes, social security contributions, payroll taxes, and other hiring costs create a wedge between what it costs to hire a worker, and what the worker takes home as disposable income. When this wedge becomes too high, it can become too costly for a firm to hire a worker. It can also become insufficiently rewarding for a worker to work or to upskill. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7, __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In addition to domestic back-up capabilities, international interconnections thus play an important role in maintaining the supply and demand balance. In some cases, this allows countries to gain reciprocal benefits from complementary structures of both production and demand. French nuclear baseload production exported around the clock can thus be exchanged against German or Swiss electricity produced by wind, gas or hydropower at peak times. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As has been highlighted, industry good bodies are one of the principal providers of market information and analysis for farmers (section 1.5). As discussed earlier, these bodies are part of the National Adverse Events Committee and participate in the assessment of adverse events and the establishment of any eventual government assistance to farmers. Finally, in the wheat sector the only function of the industry' good body is to act as the farmers’ agent in contracting yield insurance with the commercial insurer. The primary role of the government has been to develop and enforce basic rules and regulations, and to ensure that the economic system remains competitive and the macro-economic framework stable. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The frameworks are aimed at improving comparability. Therefore they include definitions, guidance on reporting boundaries, and methods on how to measure each indicator. They also include guidance on the concept of comparability itself - e.g., that methods used to calculate data and underlying assumptions to prepare the information should be used in a consistent manner over time. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""The transportation sector, """"other energy” category and buildings account for 14 per cent, 9.6 per cent, and 6.4 per cent, respectively. Emissions from the agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) category represent 24 per cent of global GHG emissions, some in the form of methane and nitrous oxide. In addition, clearance of forests for agricultural expansion or mining projects releases C02 to the atmosphere, thus also contributing to climate change. For example, heatwaves, floods, hurricanes and rising sea levels and sea temperatures destroy crops or reduce crop yields and fish production."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In these cases, the most informative indicators for gender inequity are differentials in primary education, access to credit and property rights. Some of these studies focus on long-term determinants of productivity growth and supply, while some of them model the maximization of producers' profits based on the selection of a suitable level of human capital, whose availability is reduced by the failure of potentially productive people to enter the market (Esteve-Volart, 2004). These studies take the non-inclusion of women in employment as a distortion that reduces the total sum of talent, in the case of employees, and lowers productivity, in the case of unequal access to technology and other production resources (Blackden and others, 2007). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Producer organizations can help build farmers' skills, provide information and knowledge, help them tackle legal issues, certification and registration, and give them some voice in national and sometimes international fora. Governments can support producer organizations by providing enabling conditions and a supporting policy and legal framework as well as economic incentives (FAO, 2012). Among the better-known producer organizations is the Indian Dairy Cooperatives Network. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The figure shows that, although both farm and non-farm activities actually increased their consumption levels over time, people involved in non-farm activities are on average characterized by higher consumption levels than farmers (the highest consumption is registered by households involved in non-traded non farm), followed by export industries and import-competing manufacturing (and, more recently, by export crops). Conversely, households involved in rice production (actually the vast majority of sampled ones, see Table A.2) show, on average, the lowest level of real per capita consumption. This is consistent with the fact that incidence of poverty is lower in nonfarm sectors than in farm sectors (with the exception of farm main-exports and non-traded crops) and fell sharply in households engaged in non-traded farm activities. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In the context of human rights law, there have been several changes of interpretation of the particular rights. One of such examples is right to privacy which has been extended from the human beings to the legal persons. Even though this shift of interpretation happened some time ago, it has been criticised that this change is not properly reflected in the European Competition Law, as regards the inspections in particular. This contribution will clarify these issues and it will try to seek the answer to the question whether there is a need for change of the European Competition law in order for it to be compatible with the right to privacy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In addition, international co-operation for EAF needs to be strengthened. Furthermore, the Korean government has made practical efforts to manage and recover fishery resources through the Fish Stock Rebuilding Plan, community-based fishery management systems and the active participation of fishers. Those measures that were implemented have had different effects on other fishery resources, and have become less efficient in managing the resources and aiding their recovery from over fishing. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Low-regret interventions reduce peoples vulnerability, including to climate hazards, while contributing to the closure of development gaps that remain. This could generate a virtuous cycle of lower vulnerabilities and exposure, better socioeconomic opportunities and outcomes, and a greater resilience of livelihoods to climate. The various facets of these objectives are well reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals, which constitute an important global framework for national policy decision-making. However, meeting the goals of sustainable development and climate resilience will require a systemic improvement in policymaking systems, particularly in those countries where population groups are most exposed and most vulnerable to climate hazards. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The paper presents a reflection on the path of awareness of human rights, to promote the participation of women and give them full citizenship. The debate on the status of women and gender-based violence, has embraced the issue of human security as the protection of freedom vital, stimulating political systems, international law and a culture of peace and equal opportunities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 One strand has looked at the effects of aggregate infrastructure stocks and service flows on per capita GDP. This includes a majority of the macroeconomic studies, which look at expansion paths of per capita sectoral stocks with per capita GDP, thereby identifying countries that are outliers in terms of infrastructure investments in middle- and low-income regions (Ingram and Fay, 2008). Another strand has examined the effects of specific kinds of infrastructure interventions on growth and poverty reduction, usually focusing on particular geographical areas, enterprises or sectors (Straub, 2008). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For example, imports of cereals do not have VAT applied but processed cereals such as flour do. Similarly, raw fruit and vegetables do not have VAT applied but preserved products do. In terms of agriculture related products, the only luxury tax levied is a rate of 10% on some milk products and 40% on alcoholic beverages. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There are a range of water management authorities at regional and local levels, notably in Albania and Kosovo. All ministries of agriculture except those in Bosnia and Herzegovina provide some form of support to farmers to purchase individual irrigation machinery and equipment, such as water pumps, (drip) irrigation pipes and sprinklers. However, this support is rather limited, sometimes only enough to install an irrigation system on about a hectare. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As such, the targets in place to monitor the progress made in these areas cover the following: resilient and upgraded infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization, financial support for small-scale enterprises, enhanced scientific research, development of domestic technology, and increased access to information and communications technology. First issues concerning reliable infrastructure with respect to the movement of passengers and freight will be discussed, with a focus on port container traffic and passenger movement by air. Next, issues pertaining to progress in research will be addressed by examining changes in countries' expenditure on research with respect to GDP and the nuber of researchers per capita over time in the region. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The technical capacities of service offers for e-government and e-participation have considerably progressed over the last years. Yet, the principles of good governance are still not well implemented, especially when it comes to policy development. Governments struggle to effectively apply innovative technologies in regards to providing open collaboration in policy formulation or to monitor and evaluate policy implementation. Through a recent initiative of the European Commission (EC), several research projects have been launched to address these challenges. This paper first investigates existing deficiencies in open government towards transparent policy development. Subsequently, an approach of a project funded by the EC is introduced to develop better ICT support for open collaboration in policy modeling. The approach combines existing e-participation tools, collaborative scenario generation and formal policy modeling to evaluate and explore policies via agent-based modeling (OCOPOMO - - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Consolidation of polytechnics is expected to accelerate moving forward, including reducing fragmentation across campuses within single institutions. Finland also began merging government research institutes with higher education institutions in 2015, and should be reinforced through 2017-2020 performance agreements. The Strategic Research Council has also promoted greater collaborations between these bodies. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Cotton is cultivated in South Kazakhstan and rice in Kzylorda, both of which depend on irrigation systems based on the Syrdarya River. Almaty oblast has mixed farming with both irrigated agriculture in the south and rain-fed agriculture in the eastern foothills. For example, wheat yields vary strongly within the northern grain region, in the parts of North Kazakhstan and Kostanay adjacent to the Russian border, with more reliable rainfall and better soils, wheat yields are two to three times greater than in the southern part of Kostanay oblast or in Akmola oblast. From 1993 to 1998, there was a pronounced downward trend in both crop and livestock output. The only years when positive growth occurred were the good grain harvest years of 1992 and 1999. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The age groups are 0-23 months, 24-59 months, 5-14 years and 15-17 years. The younger age groups have 7 dimensions of deprivation while the older age groups have 6 dimensions. The deprivation rate is based on a threshold of 4 for children 0-59 months and 3 for children 5-17 years. The deprivation headcount is 60% in rural areas versus 16% in urban areas. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Psychology, as a field of an applied social science, could offer theories, procedures and trainings in solving some basic problems (e.g. fear, injustice) in security studies. This chapter was inspired by SALTO report (Bortini and Behrooz in SALTO Youth, 2012). The work presented ‘working’ definition of intercultural competence, focused on theories of acculturation and emotional-cognitive processes involved in the creation and preservation of the bias of intercultural skills approach. The process of the development of basic skills such as: coping with insecurity, critical thinking, tolerance of ambiguity, communication were described. The review of the literature and some applications of this subject were presented as a step to use them in everyday practice. Having a framework of intercultural competence such as these presented and discussed above, it can be helpful in ensuring a more comprehensive, integrated approach in everyday work and life and promoting a better cross-cultural dialogue. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The paper seeks to analyze the effects of removal of Central Bank autonomy on the Nigerian Economy. It analysed the different types of autonomies Central Bank of any country can have and the nature of Autonomy the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) currently enjoys. The methodology adopted in the study is content analysis. The study draws the conclusion that it is extremely important from the fiscal and governance standpoint that the governor of the Central Bank should be able to act and speak independently of political authority and raise alarm and concerns, give constructive criticism and advice the Government when there is need for it. But also notes that full independence is not advisable because monetary policy is part and parcel of overall economic policy. The study recommends that important as the autonomy is, transparency and accountability are needed too. So the country should strike a balance between the two. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Using the metaphor of metabolism, durable materials are considered technical nutrients that can be recycled within technical metabolisms. A product designed to meet cradle-to-cradle design principles will be designed with a system for recovery and recycling as part of its business model. A product of service stands in contrast to a product of consumption in that it provides a service to the user but is not itself consumed. When the service is no longer provided, the product materials can be reused or recycled. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Moreover, irrigation is becoming an important measure for adapting to climate change, given the expected increase in air and soil temperatures and lower rainfall. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro have very low shares of land equipped for irrigation: just 0.1% and 1% respectively. While irrigation systems are being modernised and most commercial farms use drip or low-pressure sprinkler irrigation, many small-scale farmers still use less efficient water conveyance and application systems, such as open canals and surface irrigation. Across the economies, irrigation infrastructure is addressed in either or both their strategies on water, and on agriculture and rural development. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Another is the highly sectoral organisation of the public administration system, in which water resources management responsibilities are scattered amongst a plethora of government departments and statutory authorities that restricts the systematic application of these official policies. The dichotomisation of policies and fragmentation of responsibility is clear. The EMA (2004) also noted that there is no co-ordinating mechanism to ensure that all relevant agencies are operating consistently with these policies, or to make use of synergies or manage tradeoffs among their objectives. Finally, the discordance in policy and action arises from the non-existence of practice in the public sector to monitor and evaluate outcomes and impacts of activities on water resources management. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The monthly minimum income threshold value for each adult equivalent was EUR 189.52. For a family consisting of two adults and two children, the RSI would lift the monthly income to EUR 568 if the household’s own resources fell below that level. The two reforms reduced the weight of adults beyond the first one to 0.5 and the weight for each child to 0.3. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Shaping one's own life and feeling equal in society is an essential aspect of participation. Based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Social Security Code IX and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), participation is relevant for the German health system. The cross-sectional discipline of participation research investigates conditions for self-determined and equal participation in society. Research results can reinforce and promote the participation of humans with disabilities. Participation research uses established quantitative and qualitative approaches. Moreover, participatory research is a relevant approach that demands involving persons with disabilities in decisions in the research process. In the future, it will be important to concentrate findings and to connect researchers. The participation research action alliance (Aktionsbundnis Teilhabeforschung), which was established in 2015, aims to make funding accessible as well as strengthen and profile participation research. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), three-quarters of households without access to drinking water on their premises task women and girls with the primary responsibility to collect it (UNICEF, 2016). Although water collection routines vary in different parts of the world in terms of frequency, a study of time and water poverty in 25 Sub-Saharan African countries estimated that women spend at least 16 million hours a day collecting drinking water, while men spend 6 million hours, and children 4 million hours on the task (WHO/UNICEF, 2012). On average, “women devote one to three hours more a day to housework than men, two to ten times the amount of time a day to care (for children, elderly, and sick), and one to four hours less a day on market activities.” ( World Bank, 2012, p. 80). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The discussion of accountability in global regulation leads inevitably to considerations of responsive governance. This chapter positions the regulation of crisis to ordering in the context of global governance no longer dominated by terror-centred risk/security priorities or the human rights compromises that these have produced. The analysis of global governance commences with a consideration of the consequences of risk/security globalisation wherein regulation has required rights compromise. From here, it is argued that as the risk/security focus shifts from narrow interests in terrorism to more universal crises, regulation has the prospect of endorsing rather than sacrificing human rights concerns through strategies of collaborative sociability where previously the emphasis was on command and control intervention. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, the largest differences tend to be gender - rather than migration-related. And because such countries also have high overall rates of education, the gap between migrant and native women may stem from other causal factors. In a forthcoming publication, the OECD (2017) compares the employment rates of four cohorts of family migrants in Europe between 2014 and 2008. They were significantly higher among female family migrants in 2014 than in 2008 in all four cohorts. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This paper has two aims: to provide a critical commentary on the value of neoliberalism in explaining contemporary housing policy and to critically examine recent practices that have been shaped by ideas most commonly associated with neoliberalism. It begins by distinguishing different interpretative variants of neoliberalism and some of the criticisms regarding its explanatory capability. Taking the example of housing associations in England, the paper makes use of Dardot and Laval’s notion of ‘entrepreneurial governmentality’ to interpret how contemporary welfare professionals attempt to reconcile the competing tensions of individualism and egalitarianism in practice. Amongst the arguments put forward is that the extension of commercialism, commodification and competition have generated new fissures and dissonance within the sector. The conclusion suggests that contemporary variants of neoliberalism are best understood as a rationality that establishes entrepreneurial governmentality across sectors of government, the economy and social life. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The intention is to ensure that employers have a clear understanding of the competency mix and professional development needs in their schools. The competency files should also help create greater transparency about each teacher’s career development and potential, and ensure that all teachers meet minimum competency requirements. When there are indications that a school’s quality of educational provision may be at risk, the Inspectorate examines whether the school board has fulfilled this obligation. Based on the idea that teacher peers are best placed to evaluate teaching practice and provide constructive feedback, the peer review project comprises teams of teachers visiting each other’s schools and developing tools to observe and evaluate teaching practice. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Once identified, gaps could be addressed either through an effective community nurse outreach scheme, or through appropriate training for care providers in long-term care settings. However, despite more frequent GP visits, low income patients still have worse health outcomes. Given the high access to GP services, this is likely to be due to lifestyle factors, treatment adherence, delays in diagnosis and referral. Considering that low-income groups are less likely to see a specialist in Denmark (see above), there may be disparities in referrals and treatment from GPs that warrants further examination. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This paper begins by noting the centrality of the issue of working-class school failure within the sociology of education in Britain. It argues that recent government policies have taken insufficient account of sociological work on the impact of social class on educational success and failure. It also suggests that sociologists should pay more attention to middle-class education. The importance of this is illustrated through reference to research on the trajectories of pupils receiving different forms of secondary education. The paper then argues that social inclusion policies need to address a variety of forms of middle-class self-exclusion from mainstream public provision as well as working-class social exclusion. It concludes that education policy needs to be located within a broader social policy framework. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 From the viewpoint of international criminal law, the serious human rights abuses perpetrated in Zimbabwe have implications for the perpetrators. These implications are discussed, drawing on the jurisprudence of international criminal tribunals and the text of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Two important international law doctrines are relevant to any attempt to prosecute Zimbabwe's leaders: the doctrine of responsibility and superior orders, and the controversial doctrine of immunity. Possible avenues for prosecution of Zimbabweans implicated in international crimes include actions before foreign municipal courts and actions by the International Criminal Court. Consideration is also given to a possible prosecution under South Africa's Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Act 27 of 2002. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The role of productivity improvements is expected to progressively increase given the tightening of resource constraints for agriculture. Productivity growth is a prerequisite for sustained competitiveness and is thus critical for agricultural development. These relationships are recognised by the government of Kazakhstan, the essential task is to develop a set of policies to deliver the desired outcomes. They are not exhaustive but outline how Kazakhstan’s policies could be reoriented to achieve its agricultural growth objective more effectively and efficiently. These proposals are meant for consideration by Kazakhstan’s government in its future policy formulation and design of relevant policy instruments. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These indicators are then cross multiplied and summed to estimate a given importer’s Pll. Given that our sample includes only 89 developing country exporters, including Mexico which became an OECD Member, including 33 LDCs (of 49), and the corresponding 10 importers, it is desirable to assess the degree to which these countries represent global population, poverty, and trade (for each importer). The importer’s share of imports represented implies the theoretical maximum Pll for that importer, because it is assumed that the share of income accruing to the poor in exporting developing countries was proportional to the imports (which may be considered optimistic). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This slowdown was caused by the impact of the drought on the agricultural sector, which grew by 2.3% in that year, down from average annual growth of 6.6% over the previous five years. Due to the growth of the industrial and service sectors since 2000, this marked slowdown in agricultural output did not slow GDP growth by as much as it would have done in the past. However, this does not alter the fact that the drought put the health and livelihoods of millions of rural households at severe risk and required a massive increase in humanitarian relief to avert catastrophe. The proportion of the population below the poverty line fell from 45.5% in 1995/96 to 38.7% in 2004/05, 29.6% in 2010/11 and 23.5% in 2015/16. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Total employment in all sectors was approximately 4100 persons in 2008. Professional personal fishing licenses for inland or marine fisheries were held by 1 800 persons, 379 were employed in aquaculture, and 1934 were employed in fish processing. The general principles governing national policy are established by a Parliament Act which authorises the Government to supplement the EU legislation and to regulate fishing outside the scope of the CFP. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This is especially true in the area of ICT and software which is rapidly evolving. There is a need for continuous adaptation to changing market conditions and emerging technology trends (for example, related to FOSS, mobile applications, cloud computing and Web 2.0 technologies). Given the crosscutting and multipurpose nature of software, with consequences for both public service delivery and business competitiveness, it is important to integrate the strategy effectively into the overall development plan. When designing the strategy, a natural starting point is to identify the development objectives towards which it should contribute. At this stage, a series of questions can be raised. What are the current status, strengths and weaknesses of the national software system? - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Demand for redistribution has increased in some of the same countries which have experienced growth in inequality. Figure 4.12 shows that in China and India the percentage of individuals who feel that there should be action to equalise incomes has increased since the early 1990s. The Russian Federation, a country which has undergone dramatic structural transformation in the last two decades, has seen inequality both rise and fall and a growing number of people feel that incomes should be made more equal. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation (NONIE), comprised of the OECD DAC Evaluation Network, the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG), and the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE), was formed in 2006 to promote quality impact evaluations. The group has also developed NONIE guidance on impact evaluation (Leeuw and Vaessen, 2009). Systematic reviews examine the results of a synthesis of individual impact evaluation studies to identify general relationships and treatment effects. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__12, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The target population for this indicator is the set of working-age employees below the statutory pensionable age, for example, 15 to 64. If data sources are used that do not provide information on employee age, the full set of data should be used. The scope of the numerator for this indicator is the set of employees contributing to an unemployment insurance scheme that provides entitlement to periodic cash unemployment benefits in case of unemployment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This could in turn enable public finance to provide more targeted support through grants for low carbon, climate resilient development in LDCs. This guidance suggests the need to increase the emphasis on gender mainstreaming and pro-poor, human rights-based approaches to development and climate action. Likewise, the role of social protection systems in safeguarding poor people from both the negative impacts of climate change and climate responses (e.g. rising energy or food costs) will also be a focus as the SDGs and climate policies are implemented. The 2015 agreements have direct implications for the work of development co-operation providers and for the use of development finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This article focuses on productive intellectual reactions shared by some members of the Gesellschaft der Freien Manner (1794-1799) in Jena who gathered around Fichte starting 1794 and shaped an association provided with a statute and a protocol. Those members did not completely agree with the philosopher’s proposal to construct positive knowledge based on the metaphysical unity of the “I”. As in Fichtes premise to Wissenschaftslehre the forms of individual consciousness are simply “coordinated” to the pure infinite “I” and the definite world as “non-I” is inevitably curtailed in its participative freedom. Johann Friedrich Herbart, August Ludwig Hulsen, and Johann Erich von Berger derived in their writings suggestions for a social ethics closer to the needs of individuals following the model of Pestalozzi. Berger’s study of civil rights, conducted until his death in 1833, proves to be the best inheritance of Late Enlightenment as struggle to defend individual dignity and freedom. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This application relates to both fresh lampreys and cooked lampreys in aspic (European Commission, 2014). Fishing and especially fish processing is traditionally export-oriented economic activity and forms a significant share of total exports (Table 8). Latvia has stable demand for seafood products and well-developed fish consumption traditions. Latvian fishers and fish processing companies provide a wide variety of fish products and canned fish for the domestic market. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Of the 31 OECD member countries at that date, only 24 had sufficient data to be included in the final comparison (Figs. The criterion for inclusion was the availability of suitable and comparable data for at least 2 out of the 3 indicators used to measure inequality in each dimension of child well-being. Indicators and dimensions The report assesses how far the most disadvantaged children are allowed to fall below national norms in each individual country (represented by the median value). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Fuelled by the thirst of world markets for its leading exports - oil, gas, metals and grain - and following a first wave of successful reforms after independence, national output has been increasing by 6.5% on average annually since 1996, closely followed by an average of 6.2% increase in GDP per capita. In 2006, Kazakhstan was classified as an upper middle income country and in 2011 its real per capita income reached USD 11 5682 (WDI). This is well above the average for Central Asia (USD 6 964)3 and for the upper middle income group of countries (USD 9 235),4 and above GDP per capita in countries which are now recording higher average growth rates, such as China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan or Tajikistan (WDI). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 President Obama's administration has shown a renewed emphasis on evidence-based policy. The President's FY11 budget includes over US$100 million for rigorous evaluations to grow the number of interventions backed by strong evidence of effectiveness. Other efforts focus on increased funding for top tier programmes and practices, evaluation of programmes with some supportive evidence of effects, and testing of innovative programmes that are supported by preliminary research findings. Youth violence prevention is an area of social and health policy that is ripe for the application of scientific evidence. Youth violence is a significant public health problem: homicide is the second leading cause of death for youth ages 10–24.1 As a result of decades of investment in research by federal agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health, as well as non-profit foundations, a substantial body of scientific evidence has uncovered factors … - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Under customary international law, the First Geneva Convention and Additional Protocol I, medical personnel are protected against intentional attack. In § 1 of this paper, we survey these legal norms and situate them within the broader international humanitarian law framework. In § 2, we explore the historical and philosophical basis of medical immunity, both of which have been underexplored in the academic literature. In § 3, we analyse these norms as applied to an attack in Afghanistan (2015) by the United States, the United States was attempting to target a Taliban command-and-control centre but inadvertently destroyed a Medecins Sans Frontieres hospital instead, killing 42 people. In § 4, we consider forfeiture of medical immunity and, more sceptically, whether supreme emergency could justify infringement of non-forfeited protected status. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These efforts - strengthening care in the community provided by municipalities, increasing specialist services, increasing resources going into the system and making mental health a policy priority - suggest that Norway is moving towards having a strong and comprehensive mental health system. In terms of collecting indicators of mental health care quality Norway is also making impressive progress in many respects. There are opportunities for Norway to further strengthen data collection and to use data to help drive improvements in outcomes, to ensure that all mental disorders are appropriately treated, to make sure that responsibilities for service delivery amongst health authorities are clearly established and followed through, to promote better co-ordination, and to assure high quality of mental health care across the country. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This case study highlights mechanisms for identifying ‘board ready’ women and tracking appointment to boards, strengthening private and public sector partnerships, and developing an evidence base to demonstrate the importance of women in leadership for both organisational productivity and the wider society. Awareness-raising challenges stereotypes and myths around women’s lack of skills or the association of leadership qualities to specific gendered characteristics, and helps to overcome invisible barriers to women’s participation. This requires shifting employer attitudes to breaks in employment, to support women to maintain an upward career trajectory. Informal social norms attribute women’s role to be as primary caregivers, these need to be challenged or at least matched by flexible arrangements enabling women to meet family or child-rearing responsibilities. Unless these barriers are addressed, pipeline challenges will continue for women, including at the height of their careers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In addition, as five-year budgets involve planning spending in given areas within education (e.g. staff compensation), there is greater room for stability in industrial relations with teacher unions to the potential benefit of the daily operation of schools. In fact, in this context, teacher remuneration would not need to be negotiated every year. Nonetheless, conflicts with teachers over salaries and working conditions are somewhat common (INEEd, 2015). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The six Sydney based partners in this project are well placed to engage other industry, community and government partners in order to strengthen metropolitan wide partnerships. The project partners, as well as governments, industries and communities, are seeking to articulate a vision for Sydney as an innovative, skilled and sustainable economy. Sydney’s competitiveness will benefit if the six partners actively engage with local government, enterprises and state agencies in each metropolitan regional catchment to build regional leadership and initiatives to support the growth of green industries, sustainability practices and green skills. In particular, the City of Cities, which emphasises the importance of strengthening employment centres close to where people live, reinforces the importance of investing in infrastructure and skills in high growth regions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This includes an extensive set of performance measures for each of its five goals and component strategies (Metro Vancouver, 2014a). Assessments are also made against the baseline performance report (Metro Vancouver, 2014b). Often found in instances of polycentric urban development, lightly institutionalised platforms for information sharing and consultation are relatively easy both to implement and to undo. They typically lack enforcement tools and their relationship with citizens and other levels of government tends to remain minimal. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Expenditure on formal health-related LTC represents 0.4% of GDP in Poland and is fully publicly funded. This level, although potentially underreported, is relatively low within the OECD but similar to other less affluent Member countries (Figure 22). In 2008, approximately 0.9% of the over-65 Polish population received long-term care in an institutional setting, well below the OECD average of 4.2% (OECD, 201 lb), reflecting a lack of supply. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Life expectancy gains have mainly been driven by reduced mortality rates after the age of 65. Stroke is decreasing as a cause of death, but a growing number of people are dying from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Overall alcohol consumption per adult has increased and one-fifth of adults report heavy alcohol consumption on a regular basis. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Similarly for stroke, case fatality within 30 days of hospital admission is the third highest in the OECD (11.8 per 100 patients), following Mexico and Slovenia. These data signal the need for prioritising monitoring and improvement initiatives. There is still insufficient collection and public reporting of quality measures, including from the private sector. This might mitigate efforts to further drive quality gains in health-care services. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The contrast between such a transport facility and a cattle dealer picking up animals in a private car is stark. Large investments are foreseen in large-scale modern cattle breeding units, improvements of breeding stock, and increasing the provision of feedstuffs, including through better pasturelands. This programme largely focuses on the development of a large-scale commercial production. Its cost, however, should be compared to that of other policies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While political cycles create incentives for focusing policymaking on short- to medium-term measures, in Chile the challenge is particularly acute because of the four-year electoral cycle combined with the single presidential term. Chile’s government lacks institutions and a culture that promotes more long-term thinking and evidence-based policy-making, two key competences required for developing the sort of infrastructure that will prepare the country for the future. Source: OECD (2016a), OECD Suivey of Infrastmcmre Governance. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 These proportions greatly outnumber any domain incidence rate, including monetary poverty and financial strain, and underline the degree of mismatch when identifying poor children on the basis of single domain indicators. Low proportions of cumulative deprivation in the Netherlands hold across all levels of accumulation. In the UK, however, children are more likely to experience 1 or 2 deprivations compared to children in the other three countries but this result no longer holds for higher levels of accumulation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In addition, the Court ordered Mexico to comply with a broad set of remedial measures, including building a national memorial, conducting renewed investigations and providing reparations of over $200,000 each to the families in the suit. According to the mandate, an isolated private killing is a domestic crime and does not give rise to State responsibility. However, where there is a pattern of killings and the State's response (with respect to either prevention or accountability) is inadequate, the responsibility of the State is engaged. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As in other countries with fund choice, switching declines with age. As of 2013, the overall switching rate was 1.6%, but the rate was 2.0% among 15 to 24 year-olds, and only 0.3% among those aged 65 and over. In addition, switching is more prevalent among low-income households, the same study found that the average income of those switching accounts was some 20% below that of those who did not. Indeed, it is interesting that, according to one survey (Gross et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The additional demands on women’s time created by these programme requirements have a discriminatory impact on women and on their enjoyment of several rights on an equal basis with men (e.g., right to education and health) and further deprive them of scarce leisure time. These have included the provision of higher transfers for school-aged girls, who are more likely to drop out of school, particularly in secondary educa-tion,and the provision of free health care for pregnant adolescents and women. These features have great potential to improve gender equality within the family. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, exports contracted anew after a mild recovery in Q4 2018 (Figure 1.6). Continuation of price support measures, and recent tourism incentives like visa waivers, tax breaks and free flights to second-tier destinations, should buoy private spending. On the other hand, the banking sector still exhibits pockets of vulnerability. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Unlike what happened in the late 1990s, when Asian governments severely cut national budgets in reaction to regional financial turmoil, most governments made efforts to maintain or even increase their social spending in the wake of the global economic crisis.12 Measures involved, among others, the strengthening and scaling up of on-going programmes for poverty alleviation, in particular innovative programmes that had been launched recently, that proved successful and could be replicated rapidly and with minimum administrative costs. Both approaches, moreover, build on the common underlying notion that social insurance and social assistance are not just redistributive welfare measures but are integral to economic growth and social development. In other words, they are about investment as much as about consumption. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Both direct and student-oriented instruction methods can be used (Box 4.11). Direct instruction is built around problems with clear, correct answers that can be learned quickly. Student-centred instruction is associated with the teacher facilitating students' own inquiry by allowing them time to find solutions to problems on their own before the teacher demonstrates how a problem is solved.16 While there is no consensus in the literature on which approach is better, an over-reliance on either approach is not recommended (OECD, 2008b, Rowe, 2007). As much as possible, classroom activities related to the curriculum should develop student knowledge of real-world problems (Dumont, Istance and Benavides, 2010, Faubert, 2012, OECD, 2008a). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 See C. Correa, “Protecting Test Data for Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Products under Free Trade Agreements”, in Negotiating Health, pp. As mentioned before, however, it is widely recognized that this obligation creates insurmountable barriers for generic producers in terms of financial resources and time. Where the protected data concern off-patent substances, a data exclusivity regime therefore erects an important new market access barrier for generic producers. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Since then, uptake has increased tenfold (Eydal and Gislason, 2014), although there have been recent falls: in 2013, 28.5% of fathers took their leave, lower than the 32.7% share in 2005 (NOSOSCO, 2015). And, while eligible fathers took an average of 101 days of leave in 2007, the number had fallen to 73 days by 2014 (Directorate of Labour, 2015). The decline is probably related to the reduction in benefit in recent years. In the wake of the economic crisis in 2007/08, Iceland lowered the ceiling on its eamings-related parental benefit - which nominally replaced 80% of earnings. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Respondents were first asked a series of questions to obtain background information on a range of variables thought to influence the formation of skill and in turn impact on a range of educational, social and health outcomes. Annex B describes in more detail the survey design used for ALL, including details about survey methods, coverage, sample sizes and key indicators of quality. If the respondent failed to complete two of these tasks correctly, the interview was adjourned. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! ""The market value of Clean Development Mechanism transactions had reached $6.5 billion in 2008, but dropped thereafter by about 60 per cent as a result of the financial crisis and uncertainty about the future climate policy regime. Looking ahead to 2012, renewable energy projects are estimated to make up 61 per cent of the total number of CDM projects, accounting for 35 per cent of certified emissions reductions (CERs), with industrial gas and methane projects accounting for just under half of the remainder of CERs. If fully implemented, CDM projects contracted during the period 2002-2008 would require $106 billion worth of low-carbon investment, primarily in “clean"""" energy (Kossoy and Ambrosi, 2010). In 2008, the World Bank also established the Climate Investment Funds which represent a collaborative effort among the multilateral development banks to address climate finance gaps."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Like decisions about time, these financial decisions are the result of intrahousehold bargaining,though they also reflect social bargaining over the size and structure of the social welfare system. Therefore, the impact of income on human capacities depends not only on how much is earned and spent but also on what is purchased and whether these commodities provide good substitutes or complements for unpaid care time. Think of professionalized and well-paid versus informal and underpaid care sector workers, purchasing a refrigerator versus a television set, or devoting publicfunds to the provision of childcare services versus expanding national defence. All of these arguably contribute to social reproduction, just to varying degrees and in ways that reflect gender. Whether goods and services are provided through primarily public or private channels, by government, community or for-profit institutions relates to both their quality and price as well as affecting the gender division of reproductive labour. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 S years in 2015 (up from 20.2 years in 2000) and Swedish men another 18.9 years (up from 16.7 years in 2000). In 2014,32 600 people died from cardiovascular diseases (accounting for 37% of all deaths among women and 36% of all deaths among men) and 22 400 from cancer (accounting for 23% of all deaths among women and 27% of all deaths among men). The strong rise in the number of deaths from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias reflects population ageing, better diagnosis, lack of effective treatments and more precise coding of these conditions as the cause of death. Major depressive disorders are another leading health problem that, even if not fatal, have serious life-limiting consequences. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter explores the interaction between terrorism suppression and international humanitarian law in the context of domestic terrorism prosecutions. The chapter sketches the relevant terrorism suppression treaty regime and explores the possible interpretations, which should be given to regime interaction clauses therein. In particular, this chapter argues that the interaction between terrorism suppression and international humanitarian law dictated by treaty results in both a floor and a ceiling on the exercise of domestic criminal jurisdiction—creating international law limitations on the right of State Parties to criminalise acts of war as ‘terrorism’. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Figure 3.9 shows how the value of the State Old Age Pension has changed over time. In 1970, the size of the State Old Age Pension for a white person was more than seven times the value of the pension for an African. This gap narrowed rapidly to a ratio of just over three in 1980, partly through a reduction in the real value of a white pension, but also through real increases in the size of the pension to Africans. The 1992 Social Assistance Act finally did away with all racially discriminatory provisions. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Fiscal administrative data sources for the last centuiy indicate that the widely observed rise in top incomes in the rich countries (OECD, forthcoming) is also true of China, India, Indonesia, Argentina and South Africa (Alvaredo et al., Figure 4.7 shows that the richest 1%’s share of national income has grown significantly in those countries over the last two decades. On the one hand, there are those who perceive high earnings as the right reward for talent or hard work and who see the possibility of high earnings as an opportunity. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Abstract This article examines the ways in which various Russian NGOs, involved in litigation at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), have worked to advocate for improved domestic implementation of rulings made by the Court. The paper traces these advocacy activities in four key problem areas for Russia's implementation of the Convention: (1) domestic judges' knowledge and citation of the European Convention or ECtHR case law, (2) the execution of domestic court judgments by Russian state bureaucratic bodies, (3) extrajudicial disappearances and killings in anti-terrorist military operations in the North Caucasus, and (4) torture or inhumane treatment in police detention. The author finds that the impact Russian NGOs can have upon domestic implementation depends greatly upon the professional cultures and incentives of the actors involved as well as whether or not prevention of violations is compatible with other high-level Russian government agendas. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The purpose of the analysis will be to identify commonalities and divergences where possible within the available comparative data. As already noted in the introductory chapter, the Commonwealth membership has a limited number of countries in the global South, where the feminisation of the teaching profession is widespread. Of those that do have indicators that warrant investigation, there are some clear similarities between them. This study has sought to maintain a cross-regional approach, and - within the limitation of countries available for study - has tried to offer varied experiences. However, it is noteworthy that three of the countries are small island states within the Commonwealth - Samoa, Dominica and Sri Lanka - making the study representative of the majority of Commonwealth countries where high female teacher percentages are a distinct characteristic of their education systems (see chapter 1). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The application of clear licensing criteria should underpin this in practice. Creation of academic departments ofprimary care in Mexican medical schools to undertake research in primary care, develop clinical guidelines specific to primary' care, as well as teach the speciality, would support this. Development of the information infrastructure underlying primary care will also be critical, so that a richer picture of the effectiveness, safety and patient centredness of primary care can be built. Candidate indicators would be around prevention and management of chronic diseases, elderly care, child health and mental health care, as well as patient experience. Linked to this, Mexico should consider the introduction of a system to allow all patients to register formally with a named primary care specialist, as happens in the SS institutes and in many other OECD health systems. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The strategy also suggests that the National MEAs Coordination Committee should identify and list potential funding avenues, and could explore the potential for private-public sector partnerships for financing MEAs implementation. For instance, GEF approved a joint proposal involving Lesotho and South Africa, in 2002, which resulted in the Maloti Drakensberg Transfrontier Conservation and Development project. Report for Department of Environment, Lesotho. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The effect of these low screening rates is seen in the modest impact that these screening programmes have had in diagnosing cancers at an earlier and more easily treatable stage, with the exception of breast cancer. Given increasing rates of smoking, obesity and alcohol abuse, including among children, more effective means of primary prevention of ill health must be found. Additionally, although guidelines for secondary prevention of cardiovascular risk exist, nothing is known about adherence to them. In terms of preventive interventions for cancer, linking screening data to clinical outcomes held in the national cancer registers is an obvious necessary first step. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In particular, climate risks need to be considered in development planning (OECD, 2015a, 2009). It is therefore important that monitoring and evaluation systems for adaptation responses are developed in coherence with systems tracking the progress of development plans or of broader sustainable development goals under Agenda 2030. National approaches to adaptation monitoring and evaluation pioneered to date can provide examples and insights to the many countries interested in developing their own approaches. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Such criminal organisations may exploit existing networks and trafficking routes developed for their illicit activities in trafficking drugs, arms and humans to also move endangered species. It first provides background about the recent trends on wildlife population declines, and the quantity of wildlife contraband reported, before pointing to reports on the geographic hubs and hotspots of wildlife trafficking routes. While poaching and wildlife trafficking occurs on every continent, a spike in the scale of poaching the African elephant and black rhino, in particular, calls for action to stem the role of transnational organized crime in these illegal markets, and to develop strategies to counter it before the species are lost to extinction. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The first is purely physical. The English landed gentry and US cattle barons could use hedges or barbed wire to fence off the land they claimed (or stole, depending on your point of view), however vast the extent. Second, there was a government actively promoting the new property regime, with the means to enforce it if private attempts failed. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! All three competencies are important in order to understand and engage critically with issues that involve science and technology - which are fast becoming ubiquitous. They also show that engagement with science and positive attitudes towards science are strongly related, in ways that also depend on students' proficiency in science. In particular, the positive relationship between performance in science and expectations of future careers in science is strongest among students who enjoy learning science the most. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Substantive equality may consequently require positive action by the State to address the specific disadvantages and needs of women.16 The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women encompasses substantive equality, recognizing that gender-neutral laws can have discriminatory effects and that formal equality is not enough to address them. Its article 4 on temporary special measures, the Committee's general comment No. In the Committee's view, the Convention requires that women should be given an equal start and also that the State should create an enabling environment for the empowerment of women in order to achieve equality of results (also referred to as equality of outcome). Equality of results is the logical consequence of de facto or substantive equality, according to the Committee. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 If a demand exists for unnecessarily resource intensive products, then one manufacturer or the other will meet the demand. Resource efficiency is thus inextricably linked to both consumption and production. Although the target has proved difficult to meet, automobile manufacturers have made great strides in facilitating compliance for example, by using recycled material, improving material identification, improving ease of dismantling, ease of re-use and ease of recycling. Environmentally harmful materials and ingredients in materials are being eliminated entirely or their usage minimised. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Decentralised power in the school system can provide good conditions for efficiency and high performance (Barankay and Lockwood, 2007, Clark, 2009, Falch and Fischer, 2012, Hanushek et al., The Danish system is highly decentralised in the sense that the central government does not interfere in specific municipalities and schools, but governs the system mainly through general guidelines agreed in national negotiations. Central funding is related to national goals and targets as negotiated in the annual agreements between the central government and LGDK. A key central initiative to reduce spending following the financial crisis was the introduction of multi-annual expenditure ceilings for the central government, municipalities and regions by the Danish parliament. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is most visible in Coumon d’Auvergne, which has grown from an agricultural village to become the second largest city in the departement. The “city in the countryside” feature has had a major influence on the Eastern side of the Limagne plain, but also on the hills after the collapse of wine-production. This has led to a need for new infrastructure alongside these main channels in order to service new developments. In turn, this opens up the area for development and leads to further urbanisation, including in areas that are costly for the municipality to provide services to and that impose environmental costs (e.g. the cost of expanding infrastructure and the costs of commuting). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Thus, to best benefit from tenders, governments should first clearly identify the objective behind the tender based on due diligence and needs assessments. Bid design should also minimise opportunities for bid rigging (see question 3.9). Prime mover technology must have been in use for at least 12 months with 80% technical availability. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The ‘Transfers to SECTOR’ numbers reported here include estimations for management and enforcement expenditures, where missing. World's total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. Both numbers have been corrected adding the value of seaweed production, aquaculture lias also been adjusted to account for the value of Chinese production reported to the OECD, Fish stocks data were sourced front Japan's fish classification system group stock assessment. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The higher education institutions should also develop a practical engagement with business and a collaborative way of referring enquiries from businesses and industry with the help of virtual and face-to-face collaboration. Authorities should channel funds to enhance SME/business/college linkage and related applied research projects that would contribute to strengthen the Galilean innovation system. The RAAK procedure in Netherland is an example to consider. Finnish, German and US initiatives are examples that could be emulated. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Both rural incomes and food supplies would improve as a result of well targeted investments. To achieve that vision, a reorientation of policies is necessary in most of the countries covered in this report. Creating an environment in which farmers have the greatest possible freedom to respond to market signals will allow farmers to become more innovative and competitive and will reduce many of the distortions associated with the current policies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A widely recognised qualification framework and a register of professions are also currently lacking in the Slovak Republic. In contexts such as the Slovak Republic where formal qualifications in some study fields are poorly understood in the labour market, work experience may be used by employers as a screening tool for a set of skills and characteristics (Kurekova et al., The Ministry is in the process of developing a qualification framework in cooperation with stakeholders, and this may contribute to correcting the existing information asymmetries and improve labour market matching. First, more substantial work-based learning throughout the Slovak VET system would improve school to work transition. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""In addition, with CMU-C patients do not have to pay """"""""up-front"""", which is the common rule in France. Low-income patients and recipients of social benefits have reduced co-payments on pharmaceuticals. The government subsidises so-called Very-Low-Cost-Access (VLCA) practices, which typically serve disadvantaged areas under the condition that they forgo revenue from patient fees."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The use of charges and fees, such as water charges and entrance fees to protected areas, is very limited (see also Sections 3 and 5). The Water Producer Programme, launched in 2011 by the National Water Agency and replicated by some states and municipalities, financially compensate investment in soil and water protection in river basins that provide water resources to a large population. Bolsa Floresta, in Amazonas state, has helped control deforestation, although it is implemented mostly in areas experiencing little deforestation pressure (Borner et al., - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In a cap-and-trade system, a cap is set on company emissions (such that the overall level of emissions is reduced) and permits (allowances) up to that cap are granted or auctioned to companies. Then, permits can be traded. The first cap-and-trade system was implemented successfully in the US in the early 1990s to curb emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) responsible for acid rain. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! In most countries public sanitary facilities tend to be regulated at the local level. Such facilities are inadequate - especially for women and girls - almost everywhere in the world, including in markets, train and bus stations, and public event venues. The problem is compounded for women and girls living in slums and informal settlements without access to improved drinking water sources and sanitation facilities, or to durable housing, sufficient living area and security of tenure. In the Netherlands a law passed in 2004 prohibits drinking water (but not sewerage or wastewater treatment) services from being privately owned (Hall ef al. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is followed by a history of international climate diplomacy from the 1992 Rio conference to the 2015 Paris climate summit, with an emphasis on the 2009 Copenhagen summit that laid the foundation for the Paris Agreement. Thereafter, we assess the potential and limitations of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions before offering an analysis of what this agreement means for future international cooperation and effective policy response to climate change. We conclude by examining the prospect for global de-carbonization and offer policy recommendations. Ultimately effectiveness, however, depends on how the Paris Agreement is able to fulfil the objectives of the agreement, where the temperature target provides the clearest measure of success. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Soil degradation is also manifested through reduced fertility and in loss of organic carbon. Mexico and Peru (2012). At the same time, there is more intensive use of pesticides, such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides that threaten people' health, the environment and the services it provides. These trends are captured by analysing land productivity dynamics. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! In learning about their rights and active citizenship, girls can bring fresh perspectives to family and school issues, and even to the development of their communities (UNICEF, 2011). School speaking or debate clubs, community forums with space reserved for girls to voice their ideas, and youth parliaments that include younger age cohorts are among the options. Processes to foster participation need to be carefully managed, however, since many end up dominated by adults, and even among young adolescents, girls are already likely to be more reticent than boys. One essential protection from these risks is as simple as a birth certificate. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thus, the poorest groups have the greatest imbalance in terms of the distribution between the sexes of unpaid domestic work, which is yet another factor that militates against these households’ ability to lift themselves out of poverty. In the other groups, the largest proportion are employees (50% for the non-indigent poor, 57% for those at risk of poverty and 64% for those not at risk), this nevertheless indicates that being employed as a wage earner does not provide protection against the risk of poverty. Renters account for between 12% and 17% of the total, and there is no clear correlation between these figures and poverty status. The only kind of situation in which the type of tenure appears to correlate more directly with income levels is when ownership is unclear or undocumented, since the percentage of people in this situation descends from 16% in the lowest-income group to 9% in the highest-income group. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It also reviews how greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the agriculture sectors contribute to climate change. The implication is that the agriculture sectors need to both adapt to climate change by building resilience and contribute to climate change mitigation. As well as providing a better understanding of potential changes in precipitation, the report uses improvements in modelling and data collection to make better medium-term projections. Accordingly, the cascading impacts of climate change can now be attributed along chains of evidence from physical climate through to intermediate systems and then to people (Kirtman et al., Several studies document the biophysical impacts of the expected changes specifically on agroecosystems (Box 5)- The impacts range from yield reductions and increased yield variability to displacement of crops and the loss of agrobiodiversity and ecosystem services. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The landscape of these high applied tariffs levels has changed since 2000. Trends in high applied tariff levels, defined as those either 10 or 25 times or higher above the world agro-food average (simple average) in any given year, indicate that there has been an increase in the number of bilateral flows that are attracting high tariffs (Figure 2.11).6 For example, in 2000 around 1 300 bilateral trade flows at the HS 6-digit level attracted applied duties that were at least ten times higher than the world average tariff applied to agro-food trade. By 2013, this had doubled to around 2 600 bilateral trade flows (a similar pattern exists for tariffs 25 times the agro-food average in any given year). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Science, technology and innovation (STI) must play a central role in the achievement of these goals. However, new technologies threaten to outpace the ability of societies and polbymakers to adapt to the changes they create, giving rise to widespread anxiety and ambivalence or hostility to some technological advances. Big data analysis can help to manage or resolve critical global issues, create new scientific breakthroughs, advance human health and improve decisbn-making, by providing real-time streams of informatbn. The Internet of Things allows the conditbn and actbns of connected objects and machines to be monitored and managed, and allows more effective monitoring of the natural world, animals and people. These two technologies have important applications in health care, agriculture, energy and water management and quality, as well as in monitoring devebpment indicators to assess progress towards the Sustainable Devebpment Goals. Governments should consider developing strategies to harness these technologies towards their devebpment goals. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 With international help, power production from the Nurek HPP has been improved by replacing the generators. The country’s northern and southern networks were not directly interconnected. Bulk transfer of energy' between the north and south was achieved by power exchange using a 500 kV transmission line through the territory of Uzbekistan. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Computational issues might require forming much fewer computational units, such as creating ‘pseudo-cluster’ from random groupings of sample elements, and then random pairing of these ‘clusters’ to construct computational strata. Grouping of units and strata can help in preserving confidential nature of the data. Reducing the detail included in this manner would make unnecessary the suppression of information on sample structure as has been done in the microdata disseminated by Eurostat. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Workers will benefit from that right and will comply with the duties of social security pursuant to the law. A fine will be imposed on employers that pay a wage below the minimum wage, or fails to pay the wage on time, in addition to vacations. Establishes, among other working conditions, a healthy work environment, and the protection of life, health and safety at work. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Abstract Despite widespread recognition of the importance of values, decision makers and stakeholders in health policy appear to disagree fundamentally over what ‘values’ essentially are. Hidden dissent about the nature of values can confuse policy deliberations. This study investigates empirically the following two questions: (1) what sorts of entities do Canadian health reformers typically call ‘values’? and, (2) how do Canadian health reformers use the idea of values in health reform rhetoric? We conducted a qualitative, interpretive analysis of 36 Canadian health reform documents published during the period 1990–1999. The values raised in Canadian health reform rhetoric vary widely not only in topic (e.g. health states, health services, equity, economic viability, etc.) but also in substance (e.g. physical entities, goals, principles, attitudes, etc.). We review the diversity of concepts underlying ‘values talk’ in health policy, and discuss implications for policy analysis and future research. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Water filters for hand-washing stations in Indonesia. These sensors use Wi-Fi or cellular via GSM using a local SIM card (in East Africa, Airtel or MTN or Safaricom offer data plans for around US$6-10 a month to transmit data). The data is then integrated into SWEETData™, an Internet database monitoring summary statistics on performance and usage to front-end users. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Systematic health planning and needs assessments do not figure in the purchasing decision of the National Health Insurance Fund Administration (NHIFA). In addition, systematic performance measurements are also lacking, with accountability measures being restricted to audits that chiefly focus on legal and financial aspects of the operations of providers (Gaal et al., The authorities should allow the NHIFA to engage in selective contracting to avoid oversupply while building commensurate capacities in the NHIFA to enable it to perform the new tasks. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Seagrass meadows providing food, shelter and nursery grounds and thus eccential coastal ecosystem services. With less than 4% total coverage of the sea surface area, they are estimated to contribute to almost 50% of all carbon deposition in the ocean (Duarte, Middelburg, & Caraco, 2005, Krause-Jensen & Duarte, 2016). Of these, nine species are considered critically endangered, including spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), European eel (Anguilla anguilla), common guillemot (Uria aalge) and bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! They have a strong track record in providing technical and policy support as well as advancing innovative finance instruments such as results based payments schemes in the energy and forestry sectors and green city level bonds for related infrastructure development. Table 2 presents a summary of the key aspects of the sector case studies focusing in particular on the identified barriers and potential solutions to address these. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The “monetisation reform” has improved the reporting of social spending (for example, see Table 3.3). Nevertheless, experience with OECD countries that have a federal constitutional set-up suggests there is likely to be under-reporting of social spending by lower tiers of government (Adema and Ladaique, 2009). In the case of disabled children up to 15 years, this is 120 calendar days. For example, there are benefits for war veterans and disabled children, while the pension fund of Russia also pays old-age, survivor or disability pensions based on employment records to people who are categorised as disabled. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Yet, even if backward linkages are initially absent, concerted efforts can help in developing such linkages over time, as the East Asian newly industrializing economies demonstrate (see Wade, 1990). In fact, emphasis on backward linkages is often necessary even for the very survival of the current lines of production. For example, the experience since the elimination of the international quota regime on textiles and clothing suggests that poverty reduction through labour-intensive exports is not sustainable without the development of backward linkages. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Between 2006 and 2012, overweight or obesity prevalence increased from 69.5% to 71.3% of the adult population (OECD 2015), while the rate of obesity rose from 30% in 2006 to 32.4% in 2012 (estimate). Mexico is now one of the countries with the highest child obesity rates in the world with one in three children being overweight or obese. Data are based on measurements rather than self-reported height and weight. More disconcertingly, deaths from heart disease have only decreased by 1%, in sharp contrast to the 48% reduction seen across other OECD countries (see Figure 1.8). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Next a brief description of major policy instruments directed to smallholders are described. The agricultural and Livestock Insurance Support Programme facilitates access for producers of crops, fruits and livestock to insurances related to climate risk or livestock diseases. The insurance indemnifies the beneficiary up to two thirds of the insured annual production. Beneficiaries receive technical advice and financial support for their projects. The main purpose of the Technical Training Services (SAT) is to provide small farmers with technical support in order to improve their productivity and their responsiveness to technical and climatic challenges. The Management and Productive Development Services (PROGYSO), aims to improve small farmer's communication with both public and private sectors and to promote extension activities (OECD, 2013b). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In November 2016 the Investigatory Powers Act ('IPA') received Royal Assent. IPA was hailed by the Government as bringing the UK’s surveillance framework into the 21st Century and better allowing security and intelligence agencies to combat terrorism and serious crime. IPA raises a range of concerns, with its progress through Parliament marked by sustained opposition from civil liberties groups. One of the most controversial aspects of IPA is the bulk communications data retention and disclosure framework in Parts 3 and 4. This article concerns the compatibility of that framework with EU law in light of CJEU decisions in Digital Rights Ireland ('DRI') and Watson. It will begin by briefly providing some background, will then broadly set out the requirements that can be determined from these decisions, and will proceed to take a more detailed analysis of these requirements in relation to Parts 3 and 4 IPA. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The collaboration between the national and provincial levels on environmental compliance and enforcement is viewed quite positively by both sides (Box 6.6). The Human Capital Development Strategy for the Environmental Sector (2009-14) lays down a strategic objective to “address the scarce and critical skills that currently exist in the environmental sector to enhance vertical and horizontal governance” (DEA, 2009). In particular, it calls for an urgent national initiative to strengthen environmental skills in the local government sector. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 While gaps still persist across certain policy sectors, the trend is to increase the availability of data disaggregated by gender to enable a sound assessment of the impacts of policies and laws on men and women (Figure 4.11). There is significant progress globally in terms of the development of gender indicators and the collection and dissemination of gender statistics. Among EU countries, several national mechanisms (for example, in Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal and Sweden) report close co-operation with national statistical offices and the regular gathering and publication of statistical profiles of women and men (Tavares da Silva, 2010). Sweden’s Ordinance of Official Statistics stipulates that all official statistics concerning individuals or groups must be presented disaggregated by sex (Horsburgh, 2011). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This experience shows how planning and other rules can be turned from forbidding to facilitating and inclusive through participatory decision-making, in the process recognizing the social and economic value of the informal services sector. Ensuring equitable urban development and inclusive growth and empowering civil society are fundamental principles of what the New Urban Agenda should address (Chapter 9). These movements were not just about socio-economic injustice. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For each program, we offer some general comments about the donor country’s approach, focus, or priorities, and then give brief descriptions of specific projects or project areas. This discussion is by no means comprehensive, it simply provides further information on some interesting approaches to bilateral aid for sound chemicals management. Norway aims both to help strengthen environmental management systems and to improve environmental conditions in partner countries. Norway has designated seven centers for environmental assistance, these centers provide expertise to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD), and collaborate with counterpart institutions in partner countries. The majority of the programs work with national level agencies to build capacity for regulating and controlling pollution. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Even if r - 0, which means that there are no income constraints, these vegetables are not allocated any areas. This is because these vegetables provide only economic benefits, they do not provide any energy, nitrogen or feed. Cows can effectively increase income. As the number of cows increases, pasture and/or dent corn areas also increase. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 But the governments will also need to pay greater attention to watershed and river basin development and management. At the same time, policymakers should set limits on water withdrawals from rivers and groundwater sources, encourage environmentally sustainable water consumption, and promote the use of water-saving practices and technologies in increasing water efficiency and productivity. This would apply to consumption in excess of a minimum allotment for irrigation of food crops, especially those grown by small and marginal farmers. There is an emerging crisis of ground water in drier areas of the region. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The paper explores the relation between multiculturalism and egalitarianism of opportunities, focusing on claims by minorities resulting from migrations. After considering some convergences between multiculturalism and egalitarianism of opportunities, the paper addresses their possible tensions. Firstly, egalitarianism of opportunities could require public agencies to promote the overcoming of certain traditional beliefs, what can contrast with the aim of preserving cultural traditions. Secondly, the politics of identity could undermine the solidarity among people that is a precondition for those policies needed to promote equality of opportunities. The author claims that in so far as multiculturalism and egalitarianism of opportunities are incompatible, multiculturalism should be rejected. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Measures to prevent and punish terrorism must be conducted with respect for human rights. Nonetheless, when counter-terrorism methods shift from law enforcement to transnational armed conflict, the applicability and effect of particular positive human rights norms may change. If European states find it necessary to pursue the military model of counter-terrorism, then European human rights jurisprudence may need to modify its rigid opposition to military trials. The right to take proceedings before a court for determination of the lawfulness of detention provides an important procedural safeguard against torture and disappearance, but in some narrow circumstances derogation from that right may be strictly required by the exigencies of combating terrorism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The lack of a unified transboundary monitoring programme and GIS system for the basin is a shortcoming. Surface waters are monitored for pollutants, and groundwaters are surveyed for possible impact of landfills. Radioactive elements are periodically monitored. A new scheme of complex use and protection of water resources of the Don (including the Siversky Donets) is planned for 2014 in the Russian Federation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, Marco Polo sheep and mountain goats are hunted for trophy and sold for hard currency. Although no reliable statistical data according to the opinion of national experts and government officials, degradation of forests and arable land, overcollection, and poaching have all contributed to the considerable declines in these species’ populations. Commercial fishing in Lake Issyk-Kul and Lake Son-Kul is limited to 200-300 kg per year. However, most of the trade is from poaching, and, thus lies outside these official limits. Such medicinal plants are collected and sold through special trade associations. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In order to ensure a proper co-operation between the different levels of government in the management of water resources, the constitution of the Committees of Competent Authorities should be accelerated. This enhanced participation should take place through the appropriate institutions, including in the river basin authorities. The law should allow the inclusion of environmental and scarcity costs in water prices. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Land Cover Classification System, available from /docrep/003/x0596e/x0596e00 .htm (accessed 4 August 2017). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012— Central Framework, available from /unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev /SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 4 August 2017). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, Washington, D.C., Island Press, available from www /documents/document.356.aspx. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! In such cases, ecosystem services and external costs decline. While the total area covered by forests and wooded land has remained roughly stable in OECD countries over the last 50 years, forest cover continues to decrease at a global level because of persistent deforestation. Worryingly, this concerns in particular the world’s most sophisticated ecosystems, tropical rainforests. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Other services of medical diagnostic and curative care are virtually free of charge. In addition, co-payments paid by patients enrolled at a GP practice offering the VLCA scheme are capped (to NZD 17 (USD 11.49) for an adult). Annual cap on co-payments for pharmaceuticals, set at SEK 1 800 (USD 203). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Linking existing education information systems to labour market information and making better use of assessment information are needed to raise performance, and greater attention to presently overlooked disadvantaged students is needed. National education policy makers in Lithuania sometimes lack the organisational and analytical capacity to play the convening and steering role for which they are responsible. Likewise, education institutions sometimes lack the capacity for self-management they need in a system providing wide autonomy. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This case 1 marks the first pronouncement by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the obligation to extradite or prosecute ( aut dedere aut judicare ) in international law. It is the second contentious case in which the ICJ has held the defendant country in breach of its obligations under a human rights convention. The ICJ both added to the corpus of norms it has formally recognized as peremptory norms ( jus cogens ) and also reinforced the principle that former heads of state are subject to universal jurisdiction for grave violations of international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The current long-term plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional, or RPJPN) covers 2005 to 2025 and is translated into the National Medium-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional, or RPJMN), currently in its third period (2015-19). Most of the SDG targets are aligned with national targets (under the President’s agenda, known as “Naw'acita”, and the Medium-Term Development Plan), thereby securing resources for their achievement. Related tourism planning is also well established (see above). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 At the same time the number of teachers also dropped, although at a lower rate (14%), as well as the number of classrooms (8%) and schools (7%) (Educational Policy Institute, 2015). By 2025 the number of children aged 15-19 is expected to be more than 20% higher in 59 out of 72 districts. There are, however, significant differences in population projections between regions and districts. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 If the RA sub-index is much higher than the MA sub-index the country may be vulnerable for sudden supply interruptions, i.e. the CCI has a value of less than 100. In that case the CCI will be 100. It should be noted that if the MA sub-index is much higher than the RA sub-index the costs associated with crisis capability measures may be exceeding the probability and costs of sudden supply interruptions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Several recent initiatives have begun to introduce such activities in a successful way. These include forward contracting and warehouse receipt programmes that can serve as collateral for loans, and supporting value-added production and local food processing. Other options include improving tendering systems so that small-scale farmers are in a better position to compete for locally issued contracts, supporting producers’ access to market information systems, and improving regulatory structures to govern quality standards and address the problem of speculation in commodity markets. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Governments also have a role to play with regard to the provision of adequate levels of transport, distribution and conversion capacity. Partly, such capacity can be provided by markets themselves, but in other cases it requires regulation and supervision. First and foremost, such regulation must provide sufficiently attractive financial conditions for investment in transport and conversion infrastructure. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Subsequently, briefcase studies on LmL4SD will be shared from low- and middle-income contexts in the following countries: the Philippines, Tunisia, as well as an experience from the United States and Canada that has global reach. Org/wiki/File:Voung_temale_students_at_ Samangan.jpg, Photo 2: Jisc infbNet. ( Social Space Seating, Dungannon Campus (Formerly East Tyrone College), South West College. Available at:, Photo 3: Pierre Holtz for UNICEF. ( - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Emerging technologies such as forensic methods, remote sensing and DNA analysis can aid in verifying the origin of wood and wood products (WWF, 2014). A key output of the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan, which marked its tenth anniversary in 2013, is the signing of voluntary partnership agreements (VPAs) between the EU and tropical timber-supplying countries. By May 2014, six exporting countries had signed VPAs - Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia and Liberia. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Amended Law of 29 July 1993 on Water Protection and Management. Following a formal notice from the European Commission, the Regulation was modified in 2007 to strengthen the role of the Commission in granting derogations to water suppliers for non compliance with chemical parameters. Under the Regulation, such derogations may be granted, on request, provided they do not create potential human health hazards and where there is no other reasonable means to maintain water supply in the area. Directive 2006/7/EC retains only two of the three bacteriological parameters included in the old Directive 1976/160/EEC, namely intestinal enterococci and escherichia coli (which are assimilated with the parametres for thermotolerant coliform and fecal streptococcus). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Supranational human rights bodies are generally moving away from a practice of issuing declaratory orders and deferring to the state on the means to comply with their decisions to the issuance of more specific reparation orders, including requiring guarantees of non-repetition such as law reform at the national level. Notwithstanding this general evolution, in this article I suggest that they have not had as significant an impact on strengthening the national remedial framework where torture is alleged. Focusing on the practice and jurisprudence of the European Court, I identify key factors that support this finding and suggest ways in which they can do more to accommodate the objective of strengthening the national remedial framework for torture while continuing to prioritise their role as forums for individual access to justice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 All had potential relevance for the mining sector, but were not available in relevant, user-friendly and accessible format. The guideline development therefore presented an opportunity to integrate all of the available information into a single spatial product tailored to the mining sector. The envisioned map would provide not only integrated spatial information, but also standardised interpretation relevant to the mining sector. After an initial draft had been developed, sequential iterations were revised based on input from the private sector, government, environmental organisations and other stakeholders. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This could potentially cover the provision and mobilisation of support, as well as indicative information on support to be provided (Article 13.11). This section provides an overview of how climate finance information has been reviewed or considered to date, and how this could be strengthened in future. The focus of these reviews is whether countries report mandatory information in a complete and transparent manner. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Figures IV.5 and IV.6 compare paths to adult roles in two groups of countries (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, on the one hand, and El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, on the other). The lines show the percentage of people in each category who are young or not yet emancipated in each dimension. At the younger ages nearly 100% of the people are in education, are not in employment, have not formed a conjugal union and report being single. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! To what extent do the rules on state court personal jurisdiction distribute litigation to the forum that can resolve the dispute at the lowest social cost? It turns out that current rules do select the least-cost forum in many cases. However, three problems interfere with the goal of minimizing the costs of dispute resolution: (a) analysis under the Due Process Clause does not account for the full social costs of litigation, (b) federalism-based concerns sometimes allow state courts to adjudicate cases when they are not the most adequate forums, (c) institutional factors constrain the Supreme Court’s ability to prevent excessive exercises of state court jurisdiction. The dilemma of achieving forum efficiency within the existing legal and institutional framework helps to explain the confusion that pervades the Supreme Court’s state court personal jurisdiction cases. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 outlines clear targets and priorities for action to prevent new disaster risks and reduce existing ones. In the latest reports (2017-2018) from 70 countries, 67 had strategies that were aligned to some extent with the Sendai Framework. The biggest challenges are investment in disaster risk reduction for resilience and promoting policy coherence between the SDGs and climate change. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Overall, preferential trade agreements are strongly influenced by the multilateral framework. Data on Rules of Origin were provided by Julien Gourdon, and additional input was provided by Susan Stone. Comments by delegates of the OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Trade, and OECD colleagues, were also much appreciated, particularly those from Carmel Cahill, Julia Nielson, Frank van Tongeren, Julien Gourdon, Jestis Anton, Marie-Agnes Jouanjean and Martin von Lampe. The publication of the report was co-ordinated by Anita Lari and Michele Patterson. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Some approaches to reach rural areas are health worker rotations, new uses of mobile technologies, and rural-urban links in the health system and related areas such as transport. Health services also improve when ordinary people are consulted about their needs and about how they experience the health-care system. Universal sexual and reproductive health services, for example, would build momentum towards a demographic transition, which in turn could accelerate economic growth in countries with large and growing youth populations. Making these choices can start in public budget processes modelled on the gender-budgeting exercises that have been applied in a number of countries, at both the national and subnational levels. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The oil price increases of the 1970s, the high capital costs of increasing electricity supply and the need to cope with a serious power supply crisis in 2001 led the Brazilian Government to adopt several programmes and legislation which were designed to promote end-use efficiency. Managed by Brazil’s Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES), it was discontinued when international oil prices fell. Under the programme 22 types of appliances are currently labelled. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Beyond these specific national approaches, issues that are common to many OECD countries are ageing infrastructures and the need to finance modernisation plans. These criticisms continue and have become even more important since environmental concerns have become a major issue world-wide. On the other hand, increases in water scarcity and extreme water events associated with the projected acceleration of the water cycle due to climate change may lead certain countries to re-examine the costs and benefits of their water storage policy strategies for adaptation purposes. A recent example is the drought in California, in which the development of alternative sources of water supply is discussed among the set of possible policy responses. Ensuring food security can also play an important in the overall political balance regarding water storage strategies. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In particular, developers must pay a one-off tax. For example, in 2009 the water company Aguas de Algarve paid EUR 6 million into the fund to offset the Odelouca dam’s negative impact on the habitat of the Iberian lynx. It will be used to finance ex situ protection through the creation of a reproduction centre. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Freedom of the press in the perspective of the criminal justice is the use of the provisions of the Criminal Code, it is not limitation or restraint on freedom of the press, because the provision was only a tool that is used for the testing of limitative conduct a press working process. Testing can be done by using specific parameters as stipulated in the convention on the freedom of information, such as the press can not be prosecuted in criminal law except when to do positive things like contempt, sedition, blasphemy, pornography, a lie news, disturb national security and public order and statements that impede the fair administration of justice. Therefore, in press freedom, presenting news must be based on features news journalist code of ethics that exist - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Explaining the reason for eating unsafe food, a respondent said that it was cheaper to eat a purchased bun than making one at home and that the poor had to live with this food and shouldn’t be bothered about freshness or hygiene. A good number of people (23 per cent) also admitted to having had diarrhoea, while 8 per cent reported vomiting and another 8 per cent reported having had both diarrhoea and vomiting caused by the purchased food. In fact, the deprivation of the urban poor is worse than that of the rural poor. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The traditional measures of poverty have been based on household income or consumption as welfare indicators obtained through household surveys.4 in table 1, brief definitions are furnished, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these two indicators of welfare. Relative poverty lines that are usually used in developed countries are based on a selected cut-off point in income distribution or consumption, such as the level below which one third of the population finds itself, or that proportion earning half of the median income. The most common basis for constructing an absolute poverty line at the national level is the use of the basic needs approach. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Myanmar is one of the main destinations for trafficked preparations containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, and precursor chemicals seized in Myanmar mainly originated in nearby countries, primarily China, India and, to a lesser degree, Thailand. To circumvent national legislative controls on precursor chemicals, more non-scheduled precursor chemicals and/or pre-precursors are being used. In 2014, more than half of the crystalline methamphetamine in the country was synthesized using 2-bromopropiophenone. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Inversely, where the solid line is outside the OECD average, the variable is above the OECD average (the cash transfer/GDP ratio in Germany is higher than the OECD average, tor example). The indicators are presented in units ot standard deviation. Less income inequality and more growth - Are they compatible? - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Central government provides up to 80% of this for farmers in mountainous provinces and the Central Highlands, and up to 70% for farmers in other provinces. The remaining part is supplied from provincial budget. When initially approved in 1998 it was scheduled to last seven years.31 The programme was extended in 2006 for a further five years (Phase II) and has recently been extended into a third phase from 2011 to 2015.32 The initial phase consisted of four major components: infrastructure development, e.g. roads, health centres, irrigation systems, water supply systems, markets, etc. Emphasis was given to developing village, communal and inter- communal infrastructure, with over VND 9 142 billion (USD 600 million) spent during Phase I from 1998 to 2005. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In addition to conventional gas, India has estimated coalbed methane (CBM) resources between of 1.4 tern and 2.6 tern, mainly in the east in the area of the coal resources. Just 0.05 bcm of CBM have been produced in 2008/09, but it is planned to expand production to 2.7 bcm by 2015 (Srivastava, 2010). The Damodar basin in West Bengal and the Cambay basin in Gujarat are, according to the state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation of India (ONGC, 2010), promising formations for shale gas. In November 2010, the US and Indian governments announced that the US Geological Survey will help India to assess its shale gas reserves. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, with the BR1CS now accounting for about 28% of world GDP (at PPP rates), a slowdown in growth has larger effects on the global economy and OECD countries than in the past. In OECD countries, direct trade relations with non-OECD countries have grown substantially in importance over the past two decades. Financial conditions have tightened significantly in some emerging economies, and financial linkages with OECD countries could increase the impact of a decelerating growth in the emerging economies. Similarly, as the links in the banking sectors of several developed and emerging economies have grown stronger since the financial crisis, tightening financial conditions in some emerging economies may also influence income growth of OECD countries. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! As in other countries, counsellors in Liberia say it can take much longer for a man to seek help. Liberian women, many of them from among the market stallholders who are the backbone of much West African commerce, demonstrated in 2003 that the seemingly impossible could be achieved by a mass peace movement that relied heavily on broad solidarity, persistence, song and prayer, but almost no money. Their story, told in the dramatic documentary Pray the Devil Back to Hell shows how women were able to demand an end to civil war. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A few more estimates are available for developing countries. The cost estimates presented in Table 3 are relatively high in comparison to most of the estimates in the literature. Furthermore, making a direct comparison between these different estimates is difficult because the effectiveness of measures varies across the studies. Although it is impossible to compare these estimates due to different approaches, and to different regional aggregations, and because the low number of available studies does not allow for thorough analysis, some general observations can be made. One observation is that adaption costs will be high. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Thus the final report released on 17 March 2011 aimed to reflect broad (though not universal) agreement among stakeholders on the major issues and recommendations. The study was carried out through close collaboration among the region’s public agencies, major employers, unions and other workforce experts working in partnership with lead consultants providing specialist analytical services through the University of California. It therefore serves as a model for recommendations in the report that are based on the principle that skills training for sustainability should take advantage of genuine market opportunities. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The chapter concludes with a set ofpointers for policy development. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. It focuses on how student assessment influences the learning experience of individual students and considers both summative assessment (assessment of learning) and formative assessment (assessment for learning) of students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 To facilitate good matching and enhance sectoral mobility, a somewhat longer duration of unemployment benefits and an upscaled Public Employment Service would be of value, as well as greater focus on reintegration in the public works programme and more efficient and developed lifelong learning. Besides skills mismatches, important geographic mismatches are illustrated by high and persistent regional disparities in the unemployment rate. Mobility is hampered by the underdevelopment of the rental housing market, while there is room to enhance the efficiency of public transport to further support commuting. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In OECD countries, there is a trend to move away from compulsory towards elective courses which are open for students from different faculties and schools. This approach facilitates the formation of teams of students with different backgrounds and interests. Interdisciplinary team efforts allow individuals to concentrate on what they know and like best and at the same time become familiar with new knowledge that can be associated in a new way of solving a problem or creating a new product or service. To what extent these courses use creative teaching methods and are tailored to the needs of the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students is not clear. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These have done much to stimulate public awareness of evaluation and assessment and to develop an evaluation culture within school systems. It includes national student assessments at key stages of education, a range of user surveys, a web-based School Portal, and a range of tools for schools’ self-review (e.g. diagnostic “mapping tests”). With the establishment and development of NKVS, policy makers aimed to move policy attention away from inputs and processes to focus more on the outcomes of education (Nusche et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It holds the overall responsibility for schooling and is in charge of developing the curriculum, national objectives and guidelines for the education system. To reduce the gap between immigrant and native students, Sweden’s government will need to use tools such as funding and guidelines to promote policies to reduce it. One of the core components, school choice, was a radical change from the previously enforced location-based system. The reformed policy mandated the provision of vouchers for any school, public or independent, regardless of geographic location in order to create a more democratic educational system by introducing ‘freedom of choice’ and allowing local schools a higher degree of autonomy (Lund, 2015(12]). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Overall budgetary transfers in the PSE database (Section 2.4) include, in principle, central budget transfers and funding from external donors (bilateral and from international banks) but does not include local co-financing as there is no data on this. The allocation of DAK funds has not been entirely transparent. The allocation mechanisms set forth in the regulations are not yet well understood by many regional governments (ADB, 2010). Plantation SOEs were originally established in 1958 when the government nationalised the Dutch plantation companies. The current number of 15 is the result of a series of mergers, based on geographical location, undertaken by the government to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the SOEs. Perum is the abbreviation for perusahaan umum, meaning public corporation. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, there is evidence that voluntary participation may not reach the major polluters and subsidy-based programmes can have limited impact due to public budget constraints and a lack of environmental regulations on diffuse pollution. The greatest challenge of regulating outputs of diffuse pollution is how to allocate a pollution “cap” (or maximum permitted load) to individual land owners in a way that is equitable and cost-efficient. A natural capital based approach to allocating diffuse pollution limits is an emerging development that has the ability to reach the full economic potential of natural resources, based on the underlying capacity of the soil to filter and retain water and nutrients. Water quality trading offers a way to promote practices that reduce pollution at least cost to society by revealing preferences and water pollution costs. Markets and payments for ecosystem services are not a perfect substitute for robust regulations. Equity and fairness in burden sharing do not preclude efficiency. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In 2011, the best performing countries recorded risk below five deaths per billion vehicle-kilometres. In the absence of data on vehicle kilometres for many IRTAD countries, the fatality rate per registered vehicles may be used as an approximation of exposure in order to describe risks and make comparisons between countries. Data on fatalities are usually reasonably complete, although police records miss a certain number of deaths resulting from crashes in all countries, and in all IRTAD member countries based on the same definition (death within 30 days of the crash), and therefore adapted for international comparisons. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! These facilities can deliver pharmacological treatments, and some talking therapies such as counselling depending on capacity and can refer people to specialised mental health providers. Family doctors and other physicians performing a primary care “function” in Japan can provide care to patients with mild and moderate mental disorders, and can prescribe a fairly standard range of pharmaceuticals for mental health care. However, in reality, unlike in other OECD countries generalists or primary care physicians (except for those specialised in psychiatry) do not play the central role in the provision of care for mild-to-moderate disorders. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Figure above shows some of the metropolitan areas with the highest values of the sprawl index. Several metropolitan areas of Japan, Las Palmas and Zaragoza (Spain) and Tallin (Estonia) show values higher than 10%. However, these metropolitan areas had relatively lower levels of built-up area per person in 2000, compared to metropolitan areas in the United States. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! ""As such, the consumption of goods manufactured in Asia and the Pacific has created a large """"material footprint"""" across the manufacturing sector's supply chain, involving many different kinds of material. The growth in material use by the manufacturing sector has resulted in economic growth in many parts of the region, the less developed countries are now starting to catch up with the living standards enjoyed by their more developed counterparts. An expanding middle class has increased the demand for and consumption of materialintensive products, such as cars, furniture and household appliances."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The 1937 Fishing Ordinance regulates the use of fisheries, so that it is sustainable, fish stocks are not depleted, and the wider aquatic environment is protected against fishing-related externalities (e.g. pollution and the death of sea turtles). Fishing is overseen by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. In 2008, all fish cages in the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba were dismantled and mariculture in the Red Sea ceased due to concern about impacts on the vulnerable reef complex, a major tourism attraction (Chapter 3). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Mexico spends a little over USD 20 000 per student from the ages of 6 to 15. More precisely, expenditure per student is almost four times greater in higher education than it is in the lower levels of education and, because expenditure per student for each level of education is determined at the federal level, the same is true in Morelos. Studies based on PISA show that the quality of educational resources is most strongly associated with the incidence of low performance in mathematics at the country level, followed by the quality of physical infrastructure (OECD, 2013a). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The consultative group of experts (CGE) developed tables for reporting on this information from multilateral and bilateral sources (UNFCCC, 2013). Of 156 non-Annex I countries, 32 have submitted BURs, of which 30 include some information on climate finance received. These tables divided support received into two main categories: for the preparation of the BUR, and for activities contained in the BUR. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Purpose – This paper aims to trace the genealogy of state violence on Palm Island to argue forms of “colonial” control over Indigenous governance and organisational life persist in Australia. Using Agamben's theories of homo sacer, sovereign power and state of exception, the paper seeks to reveal the biopolitical nature of two centuries of abuses against Indigenous Australians. Arguably, past and recent tragedies on Palm Island show how juridico‐political regimes continue to subvert the citizenship and human rights of many Indigenous Australians – their sovereignty, governance structures and organisations. The purpose of the paper is to develop a greater focus in postcolonial writing on current political issues, by combining critical theory with grounded narratives of lived experiences and contemporary events.Design/methodology/approach – Insights from political theorist Agamben are used to critically analyse the management of violence on Palm Island. The paper draws on documents from the public record, s... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, these approaches are often threatened by competing priorities such as academically-oriented exams - sending a clear message to students about what is actually important. Since exams are a driving force in many education systems, one approach to encouraging a reorientation of classroom life towards sustainability would be to incorporate ESD more centrally into exams -not through the superficial inclusion of content, but by requiring a demonstration of relevant problem-solving and application skills, as well as critical thinking in relation to that content. Ultimately, for ESD to be successful, it will be important for MoEs to re-evaluate existing exam structures and assessment mechanisms, as well as other common drivers such as textbooks, and rework those drivers so that students, teachers, principals and supervisors have incentives to work with ESD more earnestly and comprehensively. While existing exam structures and contents do not yet reflect a strong commitment to ESD, the basis for the ongoing development of CXC exam structures and related syllabus development is grounded in the concept of the creation of‘the Ideal Caribbean Person’ (Jules 2011), as defined by the heads of government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The method of calculating this new measure involves “replacing total inequality in the denominator of the conventional ratio with the maximum between-group inequality [that can be obtained, given the criteria above]” (Elbers, Lanjouw, Mistiaen, & Ozler, 2008). This has the added advantage of allowing for a more natural comparison of inequality across different times and settings because the measure itself is normalised by parameters present in the data. Calculating the achieved between-group inequality as a percentage of the maximum possible between-group inequality yields some very interesting results (see annex III, Table A.3.10). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Core funding is provided by the Government of Italy, while financial support for specific projects is also provided by other governments, international institutions and private sources, including UNICEF National Committees. Requests to translate the publication in its entirety should be addressed to: Communications Unit, florence(S) Most of the students stand up. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Market principles are becoming more prominent in citizen experience of public policy across Europe, as a result of economic globalization and the Maastricht commitment to ‘open markets’, and cost-constraint, privatization and labour market activation pursued in response to the various pressures confronting welfare states. These principles (inequality, competitiveness, allocation through ability to pay) contradict those traditionally associated with social policy (equity, solidarity, social justice). This paper examines the impact of current changes on welfare values in the various types of European welfare states (including accession states), using international attitude survey data. It shows that most citizens remain committed to mild egalitarianism. Citizen ideology will thus continue to buttress resilience to pressures for restructuring in the various welfare state regimes. The paper goes on to consider the impact of social change by examining the values of groups with particular interests who are like... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The government has worked to improve the participation of children in education, but participation rates in early childhood education and care are low compared to the OECD average. Turkey has a higher-than-average proportion of underperforming students, and academic achievement is particularly low amongst disadvantaged students from low socio-economic backgrounds. System-level policies, such as the use of academic selection to select and sort students into specific pathways at an early age, hinder equity. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""For instance, it gave the central authorities the right to choose the location of large infrastructure projects. This led to ambiguity about the roles of the national authorities and CARs. The law allows territorial authorities to adopt """"contract plans” whereby they agree to co-finance large, strategically important projects - but no definition of “large projects"""" is provided."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! If supported by extension services they could more effectively help farmers access agricultural inputs, training, technology, and market information. While the waiver of irrigation service fees has increased farmer income, it has reduced the incentive for farmers to save water, made the national budget fully responsible not only for capital investment, but also for financing operation and maintenance costs, and diminished incentives for irrigation and drainage management companies to provide quality irrigation services. While the government could remain responsible for all capital investment in the irrigation systems, farmers should cover all operation and maintenance costs. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The perception that there was a need for the study of the full or external costs of electricity generation beyond its plant-level production costs was very much motivated by concerns about the external cost of air pollution. While in the meantime climate change risks have assumed comparable importance, the costs of air pollution remain a top priority in the planning and regulation of sustainable electricity systems. These emissions arise during the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas or biomass) that impact primarily the respiratory system leading to bad health (morbidity) or premature death (mortality). Economics has long attempted to monetise these impacts by assessing an individual’s marginal willingness to pay for marginal changes in the probability of incurring mortality risk, from which the notion of the value of a statistical life (VSL) can be derived. Methodologies for monetising morbidity damages also exist but are less stabilised. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Artificially low disclosures of experiences of intimate partner violence and sexual violence can be associated with the way in which the introduction to the survey is framed, as well as the framing of specific modules of questions concerning experiences of violence. Surveys that ask respondents in the early stages to think about crime in the neighbourhood, for example, may orient respondents away from thinking about intimate partners when asked to divulge experiences of violence. Introductions also provide essential instructions to respondents concerning measures that have been put in place to ensure their safety while they respond to sensitive questions, such as rescheduling to another time or switching to a neutral questionnaire if a family member comes on the scene. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""These findings, which are based on a large sample of countries, including OECD and emerging countries, are corroborated by previous research reviewed in de Looper and Lafortune, 2009. Data refer to 2008 for """"IUrkey, and 2007 for Australia, Japan and New Zealand. Adults are generally defined as individuals over 15 years old."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The consumption of textiles has been shown by various studies to be one of the most impacting European consumption areas after mobility, food and housing (EEA, 2013, JRC, 2014, Tukker et al. Nordic consumption of textiles is relatively high by European standards: Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish and Icelandic citizens consume between 13 kg and 16 kg of new textiles each year (Tojo et al., The Prime Minister's Green Growth Initiative and the Nordic action plan for sustainable fashion and textiles Well Dressed in a Clean Environment include objectives to increase the collection, reuse and recycling of used textiles in the Nordic countries. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The reality is that many good ideas get stuck in the process of policy implementation. Governments are under pressure to deliver results in education services while ensuring that citizens' tax dollars are spent wisely and effectively. They set ambitious reform agendas and develop strategic plans to achieve them. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 To ensure rigour, transparency and replicability, the systematic process suggested in recent guidelines for this type of review was followed (Hagen-Zanker & Mallett, 2013). The scale and diversity of these countries could not be covered within the scope of this review. Absence of high-intensity conflict. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Living conditions, amid black smoke and the stench of burning plastic, are so harsh that locals have nicknamed it 'Sodom and Gomorrah'. Functional second-hand computers began arriving from the West to help 'bridge the digital divide'. Ghanaians welcomed these donations because these computers cost l/10thof a new one.65 As the turnover rate of electronics increased, the once benevolent act of donating used computers became corrupted. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In the absence of re-ranking, the reduction in inequality is exclusively determined by the size and progressivity of the income changes illustrated by V. Hence inequality is reduced by pro-poor income growth unless more than offset by concomitant income mobility. This shows the raw (transition) probabilities of moving into poverty or remaining non-poor at time t+1 for children in households that are non-poor at time t as well as the probabilities of moving out of poverty as opposed to remaining poor at time t+1 for children in households that are poor at time t. We are particularly interested in those who make a transition into poverty and those who remain in poverty in two consecutive waves. The dependent variable in the 'poverty entry' model is a change from poverty status 0 ('non-poor') at time t to poverty status 1 ('poor') at time t+1, and the reverse is the dependent variable in the 'exit' model. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 2009 the program was better established in North and Central India, where it was also initially started (Figure 13). Among the women in households that participated to NREGA program, many are Hindu, have relatively low education, or technical or vocational education, and scheduled castes and tribes are overrepresented (see Annex 4). Labour force participation is significantly higher for women whose household participates in the program (44% versus 22% for those who do not). When a woman lives in a household that participates in the program, her probability of participation in the labour force increases on average by 0.06. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 On the other hand, necessary steps should be taken to ensure support to users who do not have access to services online, and to users who face challenges when going from weekly to monthly budgeting (Finn and Tarr, 2012). Take-up of benefits will increase after reform, since households who are today taking up only part of the benefits are eligible to will automatically receive their full entitlement under Universal Credit. The integrated nature of the reform will also remove the need for separate applications when moving from one benefit to another and when moving in and out of work, as the separation between out-of-work and in-work benefits is removed. This represents a take-up rate in the range of 75 to 85% (DWP, 2010b). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! In an important ruling earlier this year, a South African court considered the interaction between complementarity and universal jurisdiction in a case involving allegations of torture in Zimbabwe, which is not party to the International Criminal Court. At present, the Supreme Court of Appeal has granted South African authorities a hearing on whether to grant leave to appeal (or not) but no hearing date has been set. This Insight reviews the South African case and highlights some key legal issues, including complementarity in a universal jurisdiction context and the immunities afforded to foreign officials under customary international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Abstract This paper critically examines some of the main challenges associated with facilitating ‘good governance’ in small-scale diamond-mining communities, focusing on the experience of Sierra Leone. Two recent governance initiatives in the country's diamond sector are reviewed: the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) for rough diamonds and the Diamond Area Community Development Fund (DACDF). The analysis considers some of the broader lessons that have emerged, as Sierra Leone currently attempts to launch a third governance initiative—the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). It is argued that the introduction of complex monitoring processes represents a significant challenge for a country that is emerging from a long period of conflict and isolation, is suffering from serious shortages in human capacity, and where good governance, accountability and transparency will undoubtedly take considerable time to develop. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Today, around 50% of the heat consumption in the Baltic countries is served by biomass, mainly wood chips and wood waste. The development of heat pumps and municipal solid waste is driven by the economic competitiveness of heat pumps and the requirement to incinerate municipal solid waste. At the same time, efficiency measures reduce overall heat consumption in district heating systems. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In 2003, 2100 people were employed in the public sector alone, and the sector is estimated to account for more than half of the total employment. Shipping accounts for nearly 20% of the total employment (Dahlstrom et al. In general, women's income is lower than that of men - an average of 82% of men's income (ASUB 2012: 4) One explanation is that more women than men are in part-time employment. Thus, the Alandic women only account for 43% of the total taxable income in the islands of the 2012 tax year (ASUB 2015: 15), however, there is a slight tendency towards bridging this gap (ASUB 2012: 17). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Life expectancy among 20-24-year-olds was 54.4 years in 1990 and had risen to only 54.7 by 2010. In a comparable time period, life expectancy among 20-24-year-olds increased from 54.7 to 59.0 years in neighbouring Syria, which had not yet experienced violent conflict. During the invasion of 2003, public institutions, including health care facilities, were frequently looted. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Recent comparative education policy studies show that even though there seems to be similar patterns and trends in higher education reforms in East Asian societies, the recently initiated higher education reforms have had very diverse agendas. Thus, the considerable convergence of policy rhetoric and general policy objectives may not satisfactorily explain the complicated processes of changes and the dynamic interactions between global, regional and local forces that shape education policy-making in individual countries. This article discusses globalization effects on national policy, with particular reference to how the higher education sector in Taiwan has transformed itself under the global tide of marketization and decentralization. There are a lot of changes similar to both higher education in Taiwan and that of elsewhere, which suggests that Taiwan's higher education has been affected by the trends of globalization. But before we jump to this conclusion, maybe we should also bear in mind an alternat... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A few small economies such as Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay also spend less than 2 per cent of GDP on infrastructure. In contrast, Andean countries such as the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru spend above 6 per cent, followed closely by smaller economies such as Nicaragua, with expenditure of nearly 6 per cent in 2015. At the other extreme, South-East Asia spent just 2.1 per cent, as the economies hit by the East Asian financial crisis of 1997 (such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand) experienced significant declines in public spending as a proportion of GDP that have not fully recovered thereafter (ADB, 2017:28-30). In Africa, the biggest infrastructure deficit is thought to be in the energy sector (AfDB, 2013: 3, 2018), although even here, transport stands out as the sector with the largest financing needs over the coming decades (see figure 4.3). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In India, for example, the Bangalore Electricity Supply Company allows customers with no arrears on electricity bills to purchase Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs from approved retailers, either via direct purchase at a discounted price or via payment in instalments over 9 months through electricity bills (Arquit Niederberger, 2008). In Mauritius, the Central Electricity Board provides CFLs at half price, supported by a government grant under the Maurice Isle Durable programme. Decoupling reverses that logic by providing an incentive for utilities to promote EE. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The local education council advises the municipal government and its education department on regional matters of education policy - such as the consolidation of the school network. In the Alytus region, for example, the review team met with representatives of a local education council that brings together more than 80 members representing teachers, parents and students of all general education institutions, though councils are more often comprised of approximately 15 members. Nearly all schools delivering the primary and lower secondary curriculum are subordinate to municipalities, the main public school founder. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Notably, the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) founded the original Mekong River Committee in 1957, and continues to support the Commission established in 1995. It assists in the development and strengthening of multicountry river basin institutions, fostering policy and legislative reforms, and promoting broad stakeholder involvement in addressing key threats and priorities. It has allocated USD 9.2 billion, supplemented by more than USD 40 billion in co-financing, for more than 2 700 projects in over 165 countries. For example, GWP has been leading since 2000 the Dialogues on Effective Water Governance with the International Council for Local Environment Initiatives (ICLEI). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The average annual percentage point increase was calculated from the initial year to the end of the period. This target is supplemented by ambitious targets for the energy mix and electricity mix that are defined as a share of different metrics. In particular, Thailand aims to increase the share of renewable energy to 20% of electricity capacity by 2036, while the share of large-scale hydropower is expected to be 15-20% in addition. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This essay responds to the challenge of global governance by rethinking our traditional understanding of constitutional law as the consolidation and settlement of authority. The essay teases out the various ways in which the practice of constitutionalism is open to claims from outside the system and lacks ordering through hierarchy within. Understanding these elements of openness yields a more accurate picture of the practice of constitutional law. It also suggests a pluralist practice that may be more true to the ideals of constitutionalism than the traditional model of consolidation and hierarchy itself. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, these results only indicate the existence of some sort of collaboration, not its frequency or intensity. Nevertheless, they are noteworthy because most innovation is incremental and involves small-scale change which would not necessarily require collaboration with universities and government research institutions. There is also considerable diversity, in all countries with available data, large firms report more co-operation with higher education or government institutions than SMEs. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 However, it was also large in a number of other English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom). Elsewhere, increases tended to be greater in the Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries than in Continental European countries (Figure 12). In the United States, for instance, the share of the top 0.1% in total pre-tax income quadrupled in the 30 years to 2008. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The price of primary EUAs was €5.55 ($7.56) per tonne of C02 (tCO,) on 17 June 2014. One hundred and fifty-five new CDM projects (none in forestry) were registered in the period January 2013 to June 2014, bringing the total number of registered CDM projects to 7,516. Only four new Joint Implementation (Jl) projects were registered between June 2013 and May 2014 in the Jl planning stage, none of them in forestry. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The sector involved millions of smallholder farmers and more than 10 000 processing workers, making it the fourth largest employer after the railways, sugar and textiles. But by late 1990s the post-independence civil war, a slowing economy and poor policy decisions had destroyed the sector. Abandon and neglect gradually led to the spread of pests and diseases, the over-maturing and halt of replanting of cashew trees, and uncontrolled forest fires which affected important parts of cashew orchards. Processing capacity also deteriorated, both physically and in terms of human expertise. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Eritrea went through a constitutional process from 1995 to 1997, which resulted in a text that provides for the rule of law, democratic institutions and human rights. The text was ratified by the National Assembly, but never implemented. The United Nations, the USA and the EU support the 1997 Constitution. They have called on Eritrea to “(i)mplement (it) fully and without further delay”. This recommendation is challenged here. Eritrea is multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-lingual. The 1997 Constitution creates a highly centralized Stalinist structure that experience teaches does not work in deeply diverse democracies. Eritrea requires a power sharing constitution, fabricated in a proper negotiated process. Implementing the 1997 Constitution would likely bring Eritrea’s two large nationalities into conflict with its eight smaller nationalities with high risk for violent civil strife that could spill over into neighbouring countries. This is concerning for geopolitics and would be devastating for human rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the 5th edition of the balance of payment manual, the current account components are the balance of trade in goods and services, balance of income (compensation of employees working abroad and income from foreign investments) and current transfers (workers remittances and government transfers). Along with net capital transfers and acquisition/disposal of nonproduced, non-financial assets, the current account balance represents the net foreign investment or net lending/borrowing position of a country vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Persistent current account deficits or surpluses indicate a macroeconomic instability that is not conducive to sustained economic growth and, therefore, to sustained means of implementation of sustainable development goals. A current account deficit has to be financed through an increase in financial and non-financial liabilities vis-a-vis the rest of the world or a decrease in reserve assets. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! They then assume that the needs of the recipients of these services are the same across all countries (by using the average of per capita spending amounts), they recalculate the equivalence scale and test the sensitivity on inequality outcomes of this adaptation of the equivalence scale. Below, these approaches are applied empirically in order to test the sensitivity of the results for applying alternative equivalence scales. Figure 8.A1.1 shows the Gini coefficients for cash and extended income, with three equivalence scales for this last income concept. This is the case for all countries. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 At the same time, class sizes are small, although OECD evidence suggests that class size is a far less important factor than teacher qualifications for student’s learning progress. Increasing class sizes may be one way to free the resources needed for providing extra teaching time to those at risk of dropping out of the school system. Socio-economic status is measured by the PISA index of economic, social and cultural status. Enrolment in adult education programmes has risen sharply as of the school year 2008-09, although most of the sharp increase was accounted for by the national scheme of recognition, validation and skills certification (RVCC). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! For Norway, results are based on a 10% sample from the population. For Sweden, the NBHW data set provides monthly data only from 2001 (and annual data before). For the Netherlands, the analysis is based on two datasets: annual data come from the IPO: monthly data come from the SSB from which a 0.5% random sample is drawn. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Since the average yield in Japan is 5.3 t/ha, with advanced irrigation, sufficient fertilizer application and high-yield rice planting, it is expected that the same yields could be achieved in Thailand. Ultimately, 792 L of ethanol could be produced from 1 tonne of rice, as seen in Table 5.1.1. Statistics from the Thai Office of Agricultural Economics (www. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Their findings indicate that the methodology that is generally used in empirical studies on growth, poverty and inequality usually overestimates the effects of growth on poverty. This implies that economic crises or economic booms have less of an influence on poverty than they are generally assumed to have. This supports the focus on raising incomes which has been the preferred strategy for fighting poverty in Brazil. They find that the growth of mean income and income distribution are sufficient to account for a large part of the variations in poverty rates observed at the state level in Brazil. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A national monitoring programme for biodiversity in Israel (MARAG) was also completed in 2010. The Red Book of vertebrates has been published and updated periodically, and the Red Book of flora has been compiled with data collected from a 12-year monitoring field survey of Israel’s botanic heritage. The survey was conducted by the Rotem Israel Plant Information Center, which developed an ecological database of Israel’s flora including some 600 000 records concerning the distribution and phenology of native plants. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Dr Edward W Manning and T David Dougherty, 2000. The study (Lot 1 Research Capacity) was conducted by PA Government Services under the Caribbean Regional Sustainable Tourism Development Programme (CRSTDP), funded by the 8th European Development Fund (EDF), August 2006. See Reil G Cruz, 2006, 47pp. Also World Bank, Caribbean Country Management Unit, 2005. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 And it requires a keen focus on social issues, so that it is not only well-placed people and businesses that can benefit from newly-favoured areas. For example, the proposal to reduce GHG emissions from the livestock sector makes broad sense in principle, given its 40% contribution to Ethiopia’s GHG emissions. But in practice, some of the CRGE’s plans - notably to shift beef producers to poultry production - are extremely challenging. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Eight countries participated in the first wave of data collection, which took place in 2011: Bolivia, Colombia, Ghana, Laos, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Vietnam, and the Yunnan province of China. The second wave, which look place in 2012-13, involved five countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kenya and Macedonia. The STEP Survey asked respondents to report on their use of such skills in daily life and at work (if they work). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Another BDS service that needs to be expanded is support to help women transfer their businesses from the informal sector to the formal sector. They could also leverage technology and social media as vehicles for providing support to women who wish to manage work schedules and family commitments more successfully by starting a home-based business. In addition, BDS staff directly involved in delivering training, advisory, counselling or other BDS services should be given opportunities to gain experience and knowledge and learn about best practices in the promotion and support of small businesses and women entrepreneurs in particular. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To predict economic success and failure, academics and policymakers alike are interested in the differences in institutional structures across natural resource-based economies. This paper uses a political economy framework to examine the effect of institutional variables on per capita Gross-Domestic-Product in resource-rich economies. After controlling for institutions, natural resource rents cease to have a negative impact on long-term growth. Institutions in resource-based economies foster economic growth when voice and accountability are in place, broad-based rule of law is enforced with secure property rights, and control of corruption, and when government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and political stability are positively perceived. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Indeed in the United States and in Europe, the average probability for male founded companies to receive any funding is equal to 65%. However, in the United States the gender gap is slightly less pronounced: female founded companies are 62% likely to get funding while in Europe they are less than 60%. Both male and female founded companies in Asia have a lower probability to get funding (around 56%) and the difference between both types is not significant. In Europe this figure is similar, but the gap is not significant in Asia. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This paper contains three main arguments. First, tropical forests have become objects of climate and environmental governance under the REDD+ mechanism in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that combines legal, market and scientific rationalities with measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) technologies in a neoliberal green governmentality regime. Second, the current structures and institutions of governance are contradictory and international environmental law provides inadequate means for regulating and protecting forests. Third, these deficiencies point to the need for imaginative alternative forms of governance to prevent further deforestation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Among other good practices, this also required changes in species composition, such as replacing hybrid poplars, which have damaged the soil, with willows and Prunus avium (wild cherry tree). The agreement of the Coca-Cola® bottling plant with local forest owners in Portugal is a good example. Payments were made for the owners to maintain their forests in good condition to keep theTagua Reservoir pure. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! In this regard, the MCDA should be able to sign PPP contract, involving several LGUs of Metro Cebu. In the future, it will be critical to develop PPP projects in green growth opportunity areas that will spread over or involve multiple jurisdictions (BRT, metro system, drainage and recycling facilities etc.). Likewise, by comprising big cities such Cebu City and smaller municipalities, the establishment of MCDA should help to integrate municipalities with lower tax authority and borrowing capacities into metropolitan projects with the private sector. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Total cost of the programme is KZT 73 billion. Local authorities are currently reviewing the project applications (meaning that this programme is at a very early stage). These applications include construction of a railway to a cement plant in one of the rural areas, construction of water pipelines for dairy operations in one of the settlements, construction of roads to connect local production facilities, electricity networks and water supply systems for feedlots, and a pipeline to the “multi-functionar market in one of the rural settlements. Estimated cost to support these projects is KZT 8 billion. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Costa Rica is considering, for example, whether local taxes could fund some health care services, such as primary care. “ Sin taxes” on alcohol, tobacco and other products are also being discussed. Formally defined user charges or co-payments may also be an option at the margin, to substitute and better target rising levels of OOP spending by encouraging use of high-value services and discouraging unnecessary care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Commercialisation helped streamline cumbersome bureaucratic processes (e.g. for procurement), provided incentives for staff and management, decentralised technical and financial planning, strengthened customer orientation, and reduced long response times (USAID, 2011b), with the result that Aqaba has lower non-revenue water (NRW) and provides continuous water service through new and upgraded systems (USAID, 201 la). It is headed by a CEO that is appointed by the Board of Directors. It is fully ow ned by the WAJ and has a staff of 1 500 active employees (Miyahuma, 2013). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Structural models have become a frontier tool in business and economics research. In this survey, we discuss the literature on structural models for the prescription drug market, which has attracted a significant attention from researchers in marketing and economics, and related fields. The literature has evolved from adopting standard structural models developed for other markets to models that are specifically designed to capture the nuance of drug prescription behaviour. Along the way, these empirical frameworks have not only greatly improved in explaining stylized facts, but also at producing better (more reasonable) counterfactual predictions. Topics covered by this survey include the application of learning models to explain slow diffusion, post-patent expiry competition, pre-patent expiry competition, R&D and new drug introduction, managerial and public policy analysis, and the economics of the Medicare Part-D program. We conclude by discussing future research directions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the course of 2009 and 2010, Russia has temporarily restricted imports of various products for sanitary reasons from a number of countries. The ASEAN, Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) was signed in February 2009. Negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) started in early 2010. The current participants in these negotiations are Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, the United States and Viet Nam. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ▪ Abstract This literature review asks three questions of the scholarship on the regulatory networks that have so transformed global governance. First, what are these networks good for? We summarize the state of the literature on regulatory races, the fit between networks and the process of globalization, and the crucial role of the revolution in communications in the development of networks, introducing the topics with a brief intellectual history of regulatory network analysis in international relations and international law scholarship. Second, we examine how we can make sure that regulatory networks are good by asking this question: How might necessary and appropriate accountability mechanisms for the networks be constructed? The answers to these questions are at the foundation of a global administrative law, which is itself the subject of a burgeoning scholarly literature. Our third question concerns the way regulatory networks fit into a world where traditional intergovernmental relations and formal... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Guyanav. Suriname is a case where the international tribunal has an opportunity to deal with the state responsibility issue in a maritime delimitation dispute. This paper examines the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal over Guyanese submission that Suriname was internationally responsible for violating its obligations under the LOS Convention, the Charter of the United Nations and general international law to settle disputes by peaceful means. And the arbitral tribunal made great contributions to the clarification of the obligations under Articles 74(3) and 83(3) of the LOS Convention to make every effort to enter into provisional arrangements and not to jeopardize or hamper the reaching of a final delimitation agreement. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This does not preclude the implementation of targeting mechanisms to allow social protection to address the resource shortage and prioritize those in situations of greatest poverty and vulnerability. One of the biggest criticisms levelled at the concept of protection as a citizen guarantee is that it could jeopardize the fiscal ability to defray its cost. Each country must therefore define the quantity and quality of the social protection components that it considers important to guarantee, in keeping with its own financial capacity. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Within those states, water is withdrawn and delivered for irrigation by both private and public purveyors. Many landowners withdraw groundwater from private wells and irrigate without restrictions on pumping rates or volumes. Some states have groundwater management programs in which withdrawals are limited and new wells cannot be constructed without permits, while other states do not impose restrictions. Many private and public irrigation entities also withdraw groundwater, often for supplementing surface water supplies. Boards of directors comprised of landowners in the district hire managers who are responsible for hiring staff members to operate and maintain canals, and deliver water to farmers at reasonable cost and with good reliability. These companies and districts must charge prices for water and service that enable them to recover their costs of securing water, operating, maintaining, and repairing their systems, and also generate capital replacement and reserve accounts. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The decision of the California Supreme Court in Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. Superior Court, 1 Cal.5th 783 (2016), is fully consistent with the due process standards recognized by this Court in International Shoe Co. v. Washington, 326 U.S. 310 (1945), as well as with recent doctrinal developments applying and elaborating those standards. The state high court’s substantial connection standard bridges the jurisdictional lacuna between specific and general jurisdiction and operates in a manner that is fully consistent with the federal common law doctrine of pendent personal jurisdiction. We, therefore, urge this Court to affirm the decision of the California Supreme Court. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It discusses how innovation is defined and measured and how the concept has broadened to include non-technological activities such as organisational change and marketing. It presents a selection of data and indicators which show that not only R&D but various other inputs are needed for effective innovation. It looks at how the innovation process has opened up and why collaboration has become a key to innovation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Recognition of the urgency of moving towards sustainable development pathways comes at times when “warming of the climate is unequivocal” (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 20l4e, p. 2, SPM 1.1) and is “increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems” (ibid., The evidence points to the great economic, human and environmental losses brought about by climate hazards which, if left unattended, are likely to continue. The Survey addresses the challenges of strengthening the capacity of countries and people to avoid development reversals from those hazards. Recent data suggest that the world has already warmed 0.85° Celsius from pre-industrial levels and will continue to experience warming even if greenhouse gas emissions were immediately brought to a complete halt (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Improving social dialogue and industrial relations in Chile can be important elements of a more equitable and inclusive growth. The labour reform (Proyecto de Modernization de Relaciones Laborales, Ministerio Secretarfa General de la Presidencia, 2014) currently in discussion in the Senate, aims at expanding the coverage and scope of collective bargaining by empowering trade unions and by bringing collective bargaining processes closer to other OECD countries, in particular European. The reform has a number of major provisions that change the bargaining conditions for collective agreements (Box 1.3). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The original contributions can be found in full in an OECD Education Working Paper, Peterson, A. et al. ( Amelia Peterson's first contribution on pedagogy and purpose, and Hanna Dumont’s contribution on adaptive teaching, are wide-ranging in scope and cover a broad range of pedagogical approaches. These are followed by Amelia Peterson's analyses of combinations of pedagogies, where it is discussed the role of networks promoting particular innovative approaches. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In 2009, the AUS Law adopted the so-called semi-contributory regime. This tax regime was created as an incentive for independent workers to file taxes, and hence increase the tax base. Affiliation to SIS is automatic through this mechanism, since SUNAT provides the list to SIS of the population enrolled. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The highest owner-occupancy rates are found in Easter European countries, largely as a result of the massive sell-off of the state-owned housing in the 1990s. The social rental housing sector is largest in the Netherlands (31%), Denmark and Austria (22%) while it basically does not exist in Chile, Mexico and Turkey. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Data refer to 2013 for Austria, Denmark Estonia, Finland, Latvia, New Zealand, and the United States: to 2012 for France and the Netherlands, to 2011 for Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey: to 2010 for Mexico and 2008 for Japan. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Changes in existing processes can only be considered R&D if new methods are applied to improve current processes. While always being closely linked to the System of National Accounts (SNA), the 2008 revision of the SNA adopted the Frascati definitions and derived data to change the treatment of R&D from being intermediate consumption to investments. This change had implications on the calculation of GDP as R&D would be considered production. The re-classification resulted in an increase in GDP by on average 2.2 percentage points in OECD countries. ( - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__1, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Some banks mention loans for more high-tech projects, the Jordan Ahli Bank financed architecture, civil engineering, technology and web design projects. The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance in Jordan states that it provided 79 loans with an average size of JOD 80 000 (EUR 82 000) to women-led businesses in Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, the Palestinian Authority, Bahrain and Algeria. In Jordan, the Capital Bank of Jordan (CBJ) reports having issued loans for 5 projects, each valued at approximately JOD 200 000 (EUR 205 000). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In this article, I ethnographically trace how Arab, mainly Palestinian, poets have modernized their literary tradition during the last seven decades. Shortly after the 1948 Israeli occupation of Palestine, the reign of the classical Arabic ode collapsed, and the modern forms of free verse and, later, the prose poem became dominant. Aiming to contribute to the ethnography of modernity, I examine how poets have adopted and abandoned poetic forms by analyzing their narratives on rhythm. I explore the political salience of rhythmical transformations and argue that the secular has been a vital and complex force in the modern abandonment of metrical discipline. The secular affects how poets seek to modernize their rhythm, vocabulary, and relation to public. It also affects, I conclude, the ways in which anthropologists can and do write about modernity. [poetic form, modernity and secularism, Palestine–Israel] - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This caveat must be kept in mind while reviewing the results of modelling exercises, including those described below. The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development’s (ICTSD) recent work,10 focused on LDCs, shows that the aggregate impact of a successful Doha Round on LDC exports will be a measly 0.16 per cent, with wide dispersion of gains and losses across countries (Figure 7.9). Even if overall gains could be assured for the LDC group, the ex post distribution of gains and losses, and the absence of a mechanism to compensate losers, could effectively wreck support for a Doha deal. The losses to Lesotho and Madagascar (see Figure 7.7) are precisely due to such preference erosion, but it is also clear that not all countries that will see their preferences eroded in an eventual Doha deal will actually lose in terms of exports. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Similar NIMBY movements exist against power transmission lines and pipelines. In Germany, there is already a NIMBY movement against CCS long before its commercialization (Roehrl and Toth, 2009). In poorer countries, higher energy prices typically mean higher food prices and potentially lead to increased poverty, social conflict and even revolts. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The case-law of the Romanian courts reveals significant disparities concerning the interpretation and application of the two main European sources in the field of human rights - the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. It is because of this reason that the present chapter deals with case-law of Romanian courts concerning the said issue raised in requests for a preliminary ruling, covering both references for a preliminary ruling and judgments rendered by Romanian courts in which those courts rejected such requests. The subject-matter is liable to trigger a heated debate about limits of powers and their exercise by courts in relation to references involving the application of different legal standards - national law, European Union law and the European Convention on Human Rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The capacity of citizens to see political corruption where it exists and to link such perceptions to evaluations of public officials constitutes an important test of political accountability. Altho... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Hazardous wastes are also defined internationally elsewhere (e.g. Basel Convention and in European Union legislation), but in slightly differently ways to the OECD. Some examples of hazardous waste streams are wastes from the generation and use of biocides, wood preserving chemicals, organic solvents, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Some examples of hazardous constituents in waste are metal carbonyls, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, inorganic cyanides, acidic solutions or acids in solid form and asbestos. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Relying on a very small fraction of staple crops for our diet has dire implications for both food security and nutrition. The lack of genetic diversity within the gene pools of the dominant cultivated crops, leavesagricultural systems vulnerable to pests, diseases and other abiotic stresses. Agricultural sustainability relies on a healthy interaction between agriculture and nature. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 What, exactly, is an emerging power? While empirical scholarship-discussing states such as Brazil, India, or China have blossomed over the past 20 years, little attention has been paid to conceptualising these states. This creates confusion about emerging powers themselves as well as their impact on global affairs. I argue that systematic study of three factors—growing material (especially economic) capabilities, diplomatic ambitions, and peer recognition by others—will enable us to overcome the contemporary conceptual problems of coherence and differentiation. Doing so will require scholars of international political economy to re-evaluate theoretical assumptions embedded in today’s literature. It will also empower us to better contribute to policy discussions of emerging states. These arguments are illustrated in reference to emerging power activities in global economic governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Perceiving dynamics around women's exclusion as the sole power struggle within community forestry risks overlooking differences and inequalities among - or affecting - women and men based on various other socio-economic factors such as ethnicity, class, age and religion. This underscores the importance of both understanding gender as a contextual and intersectional concept and viewing women (like men) as individual agents, constrained by structures of varying flexibility, whose identities, preferences and aspirations cannot be reduced to simplistic, general and often empirically unfounded stereotypes. In an analysis of the Green Belt Movement in Kenya and Community Forestry Programs in Nepal, Boyer-Rechlin (2010) highlighted the importance of taking account of pre-existing gender roles and cultural contexts, as well as investing in civic education and building women's skills. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In the past decade, Kazakhstan made important gains in gender equality with the enactment of the Law on State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women and the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence. There have been also important advances in women’s participation in public life in Kazakhstan, with the current share of women in the House of Representatives at 27.1%. Other areas of achievement include women's integration in the labour market and entrepreneurial activity and significant drop of maternal death rates. Kazakhstan is close to gender parity in access to primary and secondary education with 98.7% net enrolment of girls in primary education in 2015 and ranks among the top countries in this area. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Cultivation accounts for the majority of the GHG inventory, but the first scenario will also need to consider increased transportation emissions from importing either camelina. Most of the camelina estimates did also not include the effects of LUC and ILUC. Camelina grown in crop-rotation e.g. with winter wheat will in this case be a more advantageous feedstock from a climate perspective. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Barriers can also emerge when mobility within shorter distances is low, due to lack of mass transit, which can limit job opportunities and also access to retraining. Due to the heterogeneity of challenges across States and localities, policy tailored to the local level is needed, but co-ordination is also required to ensure policy effectiveness. Unemployment, which had jumped to 10% of the labour force at the worst of the crisis, has receded to close to 4%, slightly below its pre-crisis level. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! However, women’s labour market participation and employment still remains significantly lower than men’s. In the OECD area, the gender gap in employment tended to converge in the 1990s, thanks to higher employment growth rates for women compared to men, and to remain constant in the period from 2000 to 2007. In the early years of the recent economic crisis, in most OECD countries gender gaps in employment shrank, mostly due to heavy job losses in male-dominated sectors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Many African countries have made either slow progress in this regard or experienced stagnating neonatal mortality rates. The situation is worse for the large rural populations of Africa that have poor access to and utilization of maternal and newborn health services. Health problems from dangerous alcohol use arise in the form of acute and chronic conditions, and adverse social consequences are common when they are associated with alcohol consumption (World Health Organization, 2010). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Collection systems dedicated for plastic waste can be organised and practically operated in different ways dependent on the country, the legislation behind the collection and recycling, and the actors involved. Plastic waste can also be collected for recycling as part of another waste stream where the target fractions might not necessarily be plastics. This is the case for example end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The opposite is when the waste stream is meant to completely constitut of plastics, such as the plastic packaging waste stream. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The complexity of agricultural ecosystems makes it difficult to accurately measure, quantify and monitor the biogeochemical and natural resource flows that underlie agriculture. There is a lack of analytical tools and mechanisms readily available to measure, value and account for resource use and loss in agricultural production systems. Several efforts are under way to remedy this situation, for example within the framework of the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technology (WOCAT) and the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This more open approach to innovation, however, is not without transaction costs (e.g. sourcing and processing of new knowledge) and even financial costs (e.g. purchasing of knowledge). Quilts of Denmark collaborated with NASA in order to optimise in-house innovation. The quilts made by Quilts of Denmark are based on knowledge provided by sleep researchers who tell Quilts of Denmark about the real needs for quilts, e.g. temperature regulation in relation to insomnia. Quilts of Denmark worked on a technology for regulating the temperature in quilts but it was not completely successful. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Develop an efficient, affordable and cleaner transport system that is flexible enough to adopt and integrate, at the appropriate time, new transport technologies (e.g. efficient and/or electric vehicles, cleaner fuels, efficient ships utilising renewable energy) that are proven and commercially viable. Review import regulations and taxes to promote imports of energy efficient cars, and introduce improved fuel standards. Closely monitor international aviation and shipping emission agreement negotiations, and electric vehicle developments. Picking any single technology ‘winner, e.g. electric vehicles, marine energy, biofuels or offshore wind, should be avoided. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! It promotes downshifting exoticism or agricultural experiences using the “learning by doing” method. Finland and Sweden are members of ECEAT and have national websites which present resorts available. It promotes local travel experiences by creating innovative packages customized to the needs of the customer. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This includes annual budget negotiations and national planning processes. Table 1.2 provides an overview of some approaches being explored. The majority of the frameworks are still in the planning and development stage, with the exception of three countries where implementation has started (France, Norway, and the UK). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Queretaro, Sonora, Colima, Estado de Mexico, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes and Quintana Roo) were more successful at implementing the decentralisation processes, which allowed them to take on a greater share of spending from their own resources (OECD, 2005). These states typically had both higher-than-average per capita incomes and greater financing capacity of their own, and were generally more industrialised with the highest levels of social security coverage. The decentralisation process was re-engaged in the mid-1990s for the remaining states and all states have now been decentralised under the new arrangements. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Supply side constraints may be the following: there are no schools within reasonable distance, there are no affordable schools, the quality of the schools is insufficient to go through the effort of sending the children to school (there are no teachers, no textbooks, teachers are not qualified/not paid), there are no appropriate schools (schools are dangerous for girls, there is no proper sanitation for girls, there are no female teachers). Demand side constraints could be: parents do not think that attending school is important for (all, girls, older) children, parents need the economic input of the children, and parents need the input of the children in household tasks. Social constraints that could be considered are e.g. families belonging to an ethnic, religious group, caste, political group that is discriminated against, or all boys are expected to go to the army at a young age. The starting point is that children should not only be seen as potential school children, but as children whose well-being depends on multiple aspects at the same time. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It is measured by age-specific mortality rates for selected causes of death (e.g. asthma below age 45). There is no universal definition, however, as the selection of death causes and age-limits often vary from one study to another. Nolte and McKee (2008) as well as Tobias and Yeh (2009) have proposed different lists of death causes and age-limits. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 If these were excluded, young women (25-34 age cohort) are actually more likely to complete both secondary and tertiary education than their male counterparts (OECD, 2011c). If the trend continues, there will be an average of 1.4 female students for every male by 2025, and almost twice as many women in tertiary education in Austria, Canada, Iceland, Norway, and the United Kingdom (Table II.A2.1). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These indicate the extent to which women could inherit and are available at three time points, 1920,1980 and 2000. Murdock’s Atlas includes information on 1 267 societies for the period 1850-1950. It provides information on the gender distribution of inheritance of land and inheritance of movable property. Both are split into 8 possible classifications: missing data, absence of individual property rights, matrilineal (sisters’ sons), other matrilineal (i.e. youngest brothers), children with daughters receiving less, children equally, other patrilineal, and patrilineal (sons). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The reserve needed to ensure the stability of the electrical system depends on the size of the largest or two largest units. Also, the system must meet electricity demand and provide sufficient reserve capacity when the largest unit is disconnected from the grid during planned or unplanned outages. A generally accepted rule is that the capacity of the largest generating unit should be limited to 10% of the minimal power demand in the system. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Most of the funds are leveraged in the water supply and sanitation subsector (MXN 17.7 billion in 2010 and MXN 19.3 billion in 2011 in constant 2009 prices). However, in 2011, leverage rates in the irrigation subsector were higher. The additional resources leveraged by CONAGUA reached 93% of CONAGUA’s support in the case of investments in water supply and sanitation and 155% for investments in irrigation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Rape and sexual violence during armed conflict are not a new phenomenon, these crimes have existed throughout history. However, historically they were viewed as an inevitable consequence of war with little, if any repercussions. Since the 1990s however rape has become a ‘passion’ of international law and legal scholars, with a focus on ending impunity. The creation of internationalised tribunals has meant that rape has been prosecuted as a crime against humanity, a tool of genocide, and as a war crime. While the prosecution of these crimes mark a significant step forward, - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As Figure 3.1 illustrates, a positive relationship exists between the growth of manufacturing value added' (MVA) and of gross domestic product (GDP). Higher productivity growth in the manufacturing sector makes it an important factorfor developing countries to shift activities from agriculture and low productivity services towards manufacturing to achieve growth-enhancing structural transformation (Figure 3.2). In countries that have successfully industrialised, the growth in manufacturing and related services sectors has led to the absorption of large numbers of workers from the agriculture and informal sectors into productive jobs, and has increased the prosperity of those workers' families and communities (UNIDO 2013). Based on the importance of the manufacturing sector, this chapter explores the processes behind industrialisation and how sustainable and inclusive economic development can be achieved through the development of this sector. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Growth models measure improvement by looking at how' a school has improved student performance independently of the level of achievement (Figlio and Loeb, 2011). Within each model, teachers are motivated to focus attention on different student groups. In status models, low-performing students receive greater attention to bring them up to proficiency levels, in growth models, teachers are rewarded for improving student outcomes for any level of student. Hence, in growth model systems teachers are less likely to exclude under-performing students, as any improvement in outcome is measured. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In order to be valid, instruments must be uncorrelated with the error term in the explanatory equation and have no direct effect on female (male) migration. To be relevant, the instrument must be correlated with the endogenous independent variables, that is the SIGI. Previous studies on gender inequality rarely shed light on the possibility of endogeneity issues and the validity of the instruments to solve them. A prominent exception is represented by Dollar and Gatti (1999), who instrument gender inequality in a growth equation by religious affiliation and civil liberties. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The government’s investment in the system is considerable, in terms of both infrastructure development and various types of subsidies to promote the purchase of electric vehicles and renewable electricity generation. The challenge is to further mobilise the private sector, electric utilities and R&D institutions. The Electric Mobility Plan and C02-based vehicle taxes, while commendable, are examples of this underlying thinking. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The services included are those identified as the most important and essential for residents' day-to-day well-being (e.g. the nearest 10 000 low-qualified and high-qualified jobs, or the nearest three primary schools, secondary schools and further education institutions). This approach reveals users' ease getting to essential services while considering a degree of choice in the services to which they are likely to go (Inayathusein and Cooper, 2018). For instance, the highest score, A, means travel times to relevant destinations are more than one standard deviation below the average score, while E means travel times are more than two standard deviations above the average. It is particularly helpful when making decisions about the best places to introduce new services, such as health or education, with an aim to locate them in places with good connectivity. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 One of the most significant examples is that of NCPCs supported by UNIDO and UNEP. Among other activities, NCPCs assist companies, large and small, in professional training and coaching of cleaner production auditors. Many experts from NCPCs are also engaged in the educational and research processes of higher education institutions and participate in policy advocacy processes in their respective countries. More information on the NCPCs is given in Chapter 7. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__3, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, voluntary (tax deductible) contributions to private or occupational pension schemes are included in current transfers paid in the Danish definition (see text). By contrast, other countries exclude negative incomes from the collected data. To maximize crosscountry comparability, the OECD definition follows this standard and does not allow negative income elements. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The Latvian Ministry of Health has developed an action plan to reduce the risk of contracting a communicable disease, promoting early intervention and diagnosis, which was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval in 2017. Latvian men tend to perceive their health as being better than women with 51% reporting to be in good health compared to only 42% of women. There are also large disparities by income group: only about one in three Latvians in low-income households report to be in good health, compared to two in three in high-income households. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This collaborative mechanism provides incentives for developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their forest and peatland sectors. A key focus of many of these activities is to help countries establish the necessary institutional structures to reduce their national deforestation rates. Once countries can verify their emission reductions, they qualify to receive results-based payments and other financial support. To date, many countries have come a long way in getting systems and policy reforms in place to reduce deforestation, and in mapping and measuring their emission reductions. Brazil is one example: it receives results-based payments based on verified emissions reductions through reduced deforestation. Guyana - a country that has a high forest cover, but a very low deforestation rate - receives payments for emissions avoided, thanks to its continuing low deforestation (see the “In my view” box). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This article examines the multi‐faceted contributions of disability studies including the work of artists and scholars inspired by The Unruly Salon, a disability arts, culture and scholarship series held at Green College, the University of British Columbia January–March 2008 to substantive citizenship and cultural politics. The article examines various tropes of normalcy through the new epistemological and methodological lenses and resources posed by disability studies projects. It shows how social, structural, cultural and material barriers construct some as ‘disabled’ and others as non‐disabled and puts forward ways to connect social models and human rights’ frameworks with a cultural politics of situated disability narratives that have the power to perform back to such normalizing regimes through disability arts, culture and scholarship. In so doing, the article demonstrates how disability cultural politics and scholarship lay claim to specific transformative counter‐publics. Scholars in disability stu... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 With the provision of new infrastructure such as high bandwidth fibre optic submarine cables, it could greatly expand the use of ICTs for VET particularly in extending access to rural and remote areas such as in the Papuan provinces (Harding, 2011). Balikpapan with its growing manufacturing sector and proximity to the mining industries is modelling itself on becoming a “vocational city”. The lack of a feasibility study underpinning its most ambitious project, building a “super” integrated SMK school on its northern outskirts, is of concern, however. This is true of Indonesia, particularly in vocational schooling where the gender gap has been widening over the past 10 years. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Section two examines market-based reforms to encourage energy and water conservation as well as how pollution pricing can be used more effectively. The complementary role of stronger standards and better enforcement are discussed in section three while section four concludes. Progress was especially notable during the 11th FYP period (2006-10). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In part, this rise is likely to reflect the growing incidence of diabetes as well as improved access to dialysis care. Nevertheless, the increasing number of patients on dialysis also indicates the potential for reducing the burden of disease through effective preventive actions aimed at reducing disease incidence as well as better management of disease to minimise the risk of serious complications such as ESRF. There is a much greater reliance on dialysis in countries such as Greece, Italy, Japan and Korea, where over 75% of patients are treated this way. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 New forms of management, for example case and disease management programmes, are being developed in some county councils. But the extent to which the reforms will deliver on the goals of user-centered, well-co-ordinated care for older people and people with complex care needs is unclear. This could potentially have negative consequences. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For instance, median household income - an income measure which better reflects the actual material living standards of a “typical” household - has evolved quite differently from GDP per capita in a number of countries. It also emphasised the need to go beyond single measures of inequality and argued in favor of looking at the structure and location of inequalities, such as within each half of the income distribution. Putting more focus on the lower-half of the distribution, it documented a relatively widespread tendency for bottom incomes to lose ground relative to median incomes, and, as a result, an increase in relative poverty in the majority of OECD countries. The latter summarizes the level of income by placing progressively more weight on different portions of the distribution. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Data for the periods 2010-12, 2012-14 and 2014-16 also include other innovation expenditures (training, market introduction, design, engineering, etc.). Source: Statistics Austria (2017), R&D statistics, littD:// View.xhtml. The propensity to innovate has increased in the past ten years, but this has not resulted in significantly higher sales involving product innovation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The same holds, a fortiori, for water bodies in nature protection areas that need to achieve “high status”. Good and high status rivers typically record less than 1.8 and 0.9 mg N/l, respectively. Statutory Instrument 272/2009 (Surface Water Regulations). Ireland’s aquifers are predominantly bedrock aquifers. They have fissure permeability only, where water flow is through fissures or fractures and not through pore spaces in the rock itself, and hence lack the pollution filtering function typical of the sand aquifers that prevail in most OECD countries. Ireland is under the threat of being referred back to the ECJ. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The DoE has assessed that the INEP will have created an estimated 6 000 jobs in financial year 2008/09 (compared to 3 100 jobs created in 2001/02) (Department of Energy, 2009i). The cumulated number of jobs that have been created so far by the electrification programme has reached 32 995 (Department of Energy, 2009j). By declaring that all citizens have an equal right to basic services such as clean water, electricity, access to schools and clinics, the challenge there becomes an issue of delivery, not just allocation of funds. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Providing greater opportunities for informal collaborative learning within schools and through peer networks will be important to support continuous professional development. The current lack of a standard process to address an unsatisfactory regular appraisal result means that weaknesses in teaching may not be addressed. Romania should set out a fair, step-by-step response to underperformance, which could include the development of an improvement plan, additional appraisals and ultimately dismissal if performance does not improve. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, in Amsterdam, the share of the property tax to total revenue is, in fact, substantially lower than the national average, the per capita property tax in 2015 was EUR 193, while the average for the Netherlands was EUR 216 per capita. Part of the explanation for this is that Amsterdam gains revenues from its ground lease system. In the financial statements from Amsterdam over 2015, the total net revenues from ground leases were EUR 236 million (Amsterdam, 2015). This is also explained by the city’s relatively low property tax rates. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The offset requirement may adjust the size or scope of a biodiversity offset relative to the measured biodiversity at a clearing site, to account for the risk that an offset will not be delivered, time lags and other differences in composition between the clearing and offset sites. Biodiversity indicators are used in offsets programmes to provide a representative picture of the environmental conditions at a site (Regan et al., The complexity of biodiversity means that there is “no universal measure or indicator of biodiversity or ecosystem state” (Failing and Gregory, 2003) so jurisdictions must make choices about the types of biodiversity that they will prioritise for measurement and inclusion in an indicator (ICCM and IUCN, 2012). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In contrast to the Nordic countries, there is a comprehensive use of entrance fees and other economic instruments, such as revenues from equipment rentals, payment for lodging facilities and other services, in addition to concessions and various kinds of licence permits. Accordingly, park administrations have had to rely more on revenues from tourism, such as various types of user fees. To capitalize on these revenues in the most efficient ways, fees are differentiated, e.g., by letting international visitors pay more than domestic visitors. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which launched its Green Economy Initiative in 2008, a green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, it is low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive (UNEP, 2011). This general definition integrates economic, social and environmental concerns in ways akin to sustainable development. Yet in practice, as the World Survey shows, there are many versions of green economy thinking. It is argued that the emerging green technology economy will be worth $4.2 trillion annually by 2020.’3 Other strands emphasize market-based approaches to environmental protection through financial valuation of natural capital, payments for ecosystem services and schemes for trading carbon and biodiversity credits and offsets. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Section 4 analyses how aid for trade can help strengthen the impact of trade on growth and poverty reduction, and which policy tools can best reinforce the impact of trade on poverty reduction, such as by building productive capacities, connecting the poor to markets, and mitigating the costs of adjustments. Section 5 underlines the need for a tailored, country-based approach to economic integration. Section 6 concludes by summarising the main policy conclusions and the potential gains-from-trade that are at stake. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Second, it uses cross-country comparable data from the longitudinal EU-SILC 2008-2013 for a diverse sample of 20 EU countries. Third, it focuses on the effects of employment, income and demographic transitions on poverty entry and exit in a multivariate regression framework and analyses their relative importance in different countries. We expect that employment income events dominate in all countries, but more so in Eastern and Southern European countries with less comprehensive social protection systems. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In the intelligence community, there is now a tendency to treat terrorism and other global threats as demanding active involvement of businesses and other social communities. Private companies are called upon to manage issues of national security, including terrorism, climate change, and organized crime. The overall political aim is to make ‘the entire society’1 resilient against natural disasters and human-made catastrophes. The US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (2011) put it this way: [T]he homeland security enterprise extends far beyond DHS [Department of Homeland Security] and the federal government … it requires not just a ‘whole of government,’ but a ‘whole of nation’ approach. In some respects, local law enforcement, community groups, citizens, and the private sector play as much of a role in homeland security as the federal government. That is why I like to say that ‘homeland security starts with hometown security.’ - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is supporting the U.S. Department of State in its public diplomacy demarches related to the Biological Weapons Convention and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540. The tenets of these major international instruments are implemented through a statutory, regulatory, and policy framework on biological risk management, an effective oversight of biodefense research and development programs, and international partnerships and collaborations toward countering biological threats, whether natural, accidental, or deliberate in nature. These activities illustrate the increasing importance of health to the U.S. national security and foreign policy. Raising the awareness of public health and science communities about the obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 is a critical element in their implementation and in preventing the misuse of scientific and technological advances. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Expulsion of aliens is a matter of domestic law in which States enjoy a broad discretionary power (Hailbronner and Gogolin in Aliens, Max Planck encyclopaedia of public international law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015, Murphy in Am J Int Law 107:164–194, 2013). European law and institutions leave a broad margin of appreciation in that field to the Member States. In addition to the expulsion of illegal aliens, national authorities may, on the grounds of public policy and public security, revoke a legal resident’s residence permit and expel him or her, regardless of his or her level of integration within the host country. The Belgian legislature recently extended the scope of expulsion measures to all legal residents. The chapter analyses the evolution of expulsion measures highlighting the limits set by the European legal framework and questioning their underlying logic. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""During the 1997 special session on the review of five years of implementation of the agenda, the United Nations General Assembly identified transport as the largest end user of energy in developed countries and the fastest growing one in most developing countries. The General Assembly also noted, """"Over the next twenty years, transportation is expected to be the major driving force behind a growing world demand for energy."""" Subsequent global agendas have increasingly reinforced the significance of transport to global and local development."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! There is a basic tension between the principle of democracy and the rule of law. This becomes obvious whenever the Swiss citizens accept an initiative that is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. First, we discuss the traditions behind these two principles before we survey the empirical papers about the relation between direct democracy and minority rights in the US as well as in Switzerland. Then we discuss the literature on the relation between direct democracy and death penalty. There, the conflict becomes rather obvious. Solutions, which will always involve compromises between these two principles, necessitate some role of the Supreme Court, at the cost of some, but only minor limitations of direct popular rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In Saudi Arabia, the late King Abdullah declared in a speech held in 2011 that women will be allowed to vote and stand for municipal elections in 2015. Saudi Arabia’s Royal Decree 44 (A) of 2013 regarding the amendment of Article 3 of the Statute of the Shura Council also helps to guarantee a certain amount of female representation. Women’s right to vote and to run for elections was also established (or re-established) in Bahrain, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates between 2002 and 2006. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Roads are built only up to the geographic limits of the city or city administration. Legal obstacles, for instance the Budget Code, prevent the use of budgets for investment projects across cities or even regions. Under the current rules, each territory requires an administrator, but two administrators are not permitted to manage a project, so the project must be conducted under the auspices of the central government. No flexibility is granted to tailor the governance arrangements to the local area, and local co-operation is lacking. Akims have no incentives to work together, and since they are appointed and assessed by akims at the upper level, their relationships appear to be more competitive than co-operative. It is true that vertical co-ordination is mostly guaranteed through the way vertical relations work across levels of government. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) lays the foundation for a general system of morals, and is a text of central importance in the history of moral and political thought. It presents a theory of the imagination which Smith derived from David Hume but which encompasses an idea of sympathy that in some ways is more sophisticated than anything in Hume's philosophy. By means of sympathy and the mental construct of an impartial spectator, Smith formulated highly original theories of conscience, moral judgment and the virtues. The enduring legacy of his work is its reconstruction of the Enlightenment idea of a moral, or social, science encompassing both political economy and the theory of law and government. This 2002 volume offers a new edition of the text with clear and helpful notes for the student reader, together with a substantial introduction that sets the work in its philosophical and historical context. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In urban China too, access to residential housing has been an important equalizing factor, as the policy of providing title deeds to residents of public housing has led to a more equal wealth distribution. However, actual wealth inequality is likely to be higher because of the underestimation of other forms of wealth among the rich. Yet, in fact, it illustrates quite sharply the crucial importance of growth in agricultural incomes for poverty reduction, in a context of relatively equitable distribution of land. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Such workers send about half their monthly wages to families back home, typically supporting four or five family members. Remittances are used to pay for food, healthcare and education, significantly reducing the incidence of extreme poverty (Neak and Yem, 2006). This industry can easily be relocated to other countries, and there are limited job opportunities in other areas of the formal sector for the unskilled. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The highest density of PET scanners is 5.6 per million populationin Denmark, followed by the Netherlands (4.8) and Japan (3.7). Italy, Japan, Korea and the United States have above-average densities for all these devices. In addition, Greece has high densities of diagnostic equipment except for PET scanners, and Switzerland also has a relatively large volume of diagnostic equipment, although data are not available for MRI scanners. On the other hand, the central and eastern European countries (i.e. the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia) and Turkey have low densities of diagnostic equipment. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Since Herbert Wechsler's famous article, the topic of neutrality has played central stage in many debates about judicial review specifically and constitutional law generally. On closer inspection, however, it turns out that the heading of """"neutrality"""" encompasses not one but four different debates. One is about principled adjudication, another is about decision according to rules, a third is about substantive neutrality, and the fourth is about the desirability (or not) of designing the institutions of judicial review without regard to likely substantive outcomes and without regard to the likely staffing of those institutions. This paper distinguishes these four conceptions of neutrality and analyzes each of them."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For agriculture it includes: irrigation to smooth water supply across the production seasons, water management in rainfed agriculture, management of floods, droughts, and drainage, conservation of ecosystems, and meeting cultural and recreational needs linked to water (OECD, 2010a). For most countries agriculture is largely rainfed, but in areas susceptible to variable precipitation, irrigation is used to supplement rainfall, mainly drawing on freshwater from surface and groundwater sources (i.e. shallow wells and deep aquifers), and to a lesser extent recycled wastewater and desalinated water. Water resource management in agriculture also operates in a highly diverse set of political, cultural, legal and institutional contexts, encompassing a range of areas of public policy: agriculture, water, environment, energy, fiscal, economic, social and regional. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 While abortion rates usually decline with increasing usage of modern contraceptives (Westoff, 2005, Shah and Ahman, 2004), they may rise due to a strong desire for smaller family size during periods of rapid fertility decline. Studies have shown an association between fertility transition and unwanted pregnancy in some developing countries, indicating a rise in unwanted pregnancies during the fertility transition, and remaining relatively high until the end of the transition period (Bankole and Westoff, 1995, Bongaarts, 2002). Contrary to other countries, the substantial fertility decline in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been accompanied by only a moderate rise in the age at first birth, which increased from 18.5 years in the 1980s to 21 years in the 1990s (Abbasi-Shavazi and Hosseini-Chavoshi, 2014). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! These activities/indicators have been further developed in the sports and exercise surveys in 1998 and 2007 at the Danish Institute for Sports Studies (Pil-gaard 2008, 2009). Beside numerous information in relation to specific sport activities, a number of indicators/questions relevant in a forest/leisure context are included, e.g.: Bicycling in nature areas, hiking in nature areas, hiking in urban parks, the importance of nature for sport and exercise and the influence of [easy) access to nature areas on sport and exercise activities. As mentioned for the culture and leisure surveys above, also here some questions/indicators have been slightly changed over time, which makes some comparisons over time uncertain. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Institutional coordination is especially needed with respect to migrants, including greater vertical cooperation between central-level agencies and municipalities, as well as horizontal coordination at the municipal level to avoid overlap (OECD, 2017(25]). Sweden has all types of rural areas within its national territory: from those with proximity to functional urban areas, to remote rural areas. The southern part of the country is more densely populated than the north, while the north is characterised by different areas such as a sparsely populated interior with population concentrated in cities along the coast. In remote rural areas, there are places which have very concentrated populations in few centres (such as Norrbotten), and other where the population is more evenly distributed (such as Jamtland-Harjedalen). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The targets are designed to be integrated and indivisible and to balance the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda further seeks to realize the human rights of all, and to achieve gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls. Unlike the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an ambitious agenda that is indivisible and supposed to be implemented universally by all countries in a collaborative partnership. The theme of each HLPF, and a subset of goals to be reviewed, is agreed in advance. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! They are planned so as to recover the cost of producing effluent to a quality level enabling unrestricted irrigation, or investment and maintenance related to the effluent pipe grid. To finance investments in wastewater treatment, municipalities receive grants and soft loans through various funds including the National Sewage Fund. It partly reflects the scarcity value of water resources, with a higher rate charged for the extraction of groundwater than for that of surface water (OECD, 2010a). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The employer can terminate an employment contract in the following circumstances: 1) The employee is proved to be unqualified, 2) The employee materially breaches the employer’s rules and regulations, 3) The employee causes substantial damage to the employer by a serious dereliction of duty or due to graft, 4) The employee has established an employment relationship with another employer that materially affects the duty with the first employer. For example, the law prescribes active financial policies as follows: the nation shall implement active financial policies to promote employment, add more funds, improve the employment environment and increase employment. It also has provisions on building a public and social employment service system. It stipulates three security prongs: an unemployment insurance system, securing the basic living of unemployed workers, and helping them to get re-employed. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Data on MSW generation published by NEPA show the structure of MSW generation by individual streams (table 8.1). Collected MSW is stable at around 7 million tons/year and estimations of uncollected waste are around 2 million tons/year. The growth of waste in individual categories reflects improvements in monitoring waste amounts more than actual higher waste generation. Available statistics on service coverage are based on individual contracts on collection, as a result of which actual coverage is probably higher in reality than reported figures (table 8.2). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The sustainability education component in particular addresses a number of ESD priority areas which will provide opportunities for students to pursue studies and future careers in areas which will contribute to sustainability in the region, including: a Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Islands and Oceans Development, a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Sciences, and a new Master of Laws (Environmental Law). In addition to programmes under the Centre of Excellence Project, the USP’s Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PACE-SD) - also co-ordinating the implementation of the regional ESD action plan - has a number of programmes of its own related directly to sustainability and climate change. Working internationally, GUPES, along with the International Network of Teacher Educator Institutions involved with reorienting teacher education to address sustainability, and the University Consortium of Small Island States (UCSIS), provide a potential support network for higher education institutions in SIDS that are interested in strengthening their work on ESD. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. All requests for commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to Collecting straw or forestry residues, for example, may not be worthwhile for farmers or forest owners, and therefore might need to be incentivised. Municipal solid waste contains a lot of fermentable materials, but they are mixed up with non-fermentable materials. Industrial waste gases exist in profusion and are often in a relatively pure form, but microbial processes for their fermentation are immature, and there may be little incentive for companies to capture waste gases. Estimates of lignocellulosic waste materials available globally for bioproduction. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2012 Update. Improved water sources include household water connection, public standpipe, borehole, protected dug well, protected spring, rainwater collection and bottled water (if the secondary available source is also improved). Improved sanitation: The percentage of the rural/urban/total population with access to improved sanitation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Traditional separation of powers models assert that the Supreme Court takes into consideration the policy preferences of other institutions and behaves strategically so as to place legal policy at its preferred policy point. The vagueness doctrine, however, asserts that the Court determines statute constitutionality not from strategically calculating institutional ideological preferences but from the degree of specificity of the statute's language itself. This study finds that the vagueness doctrine better predicts Court declarations of unconstitutionality than preference-based models, suggesting that the language of the law itself is crucial to statutory decisions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Corporate governance - and executive - compensation arrangements in particular - should be an important component of the agenda to reform the housing GSEs. The GSEs' safety-and-soundness regulator - who is essentially the debtholders' and taxpayers' representative - must be admitted to the GSEs' boardroom in a way that is atypical of an ordinary publicly held company. This intrusion into the board's oversight of executive-compensation plans is justified given the GSEs' public purposes and their large potential cost to taxpayers. Prudent public policy requires greater supervisory control over executive compensation at the GSEs, which would follow a precedent set in banking. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These measures exclude mothers from decision making on the welfare of their children. As a result of this uneven treatment, women may receive a smaller share of the husband’s or father’s property at his death than would widowers and sons. In some instances, women are granted limited and controlled rights and receive income only from the deceased’s property. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Have we made a mistake in validating Western experiences of individualism? This question is inspired by two years of fieldwork focusing on the interpersonal dimensions of Western-inspired development in rural South Africa. Villagers accused Western change agents of having “apartheid in their hearts,” which means that they suffered from a denial of human interconnectedness. Insights from phenomenology are used to argue that the villagers are basically right–that change agents deny the very human interdependence they depend on to feel self-complete. This article shows what ethnography can add to understandings of individualistic experiences, for it seems that these experiences are not one cultural way of being among others but ones that are profoundly misshaped. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This chapter highlights a set of key policy issues around the export of hazardous activities, and contextualizes them within the wider process of globalization. The export of hazardous activities remains a problem despite attempts at international regulation via the Basel convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes and their disposal. Whilst public policy can serve to reduce risks to some people in some places, it typically does so by enhancing the risk to other people in other places, albeit unintentionally. Such exports therefore remain a key policy issue and bring with them a series of concerns for public health, the manner in which governments and corporations communicate risk, and the capacity of local populations to comprehend the nature of the risks involved. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! It compels political parties to ensure gender parity when they nominate candidates in federal and local congressional elections and that they alternate male and female names on their lists of candidates. The move was a critical improvement on the previous constitutional requirement that at least 40% of deputies in the Assembly should be of the same sex (OECD, 2017b). However, between 2013 and 2016, no further countries joined the 10 that reported practicing legislative quotas, although France did embrace them in 2013 at the subnational level. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Accordingly, TRAI has identified '112' as the single emergency number through which all emergency calls will be routed. The system will prioritize calls made to the single emergency number. These calls from fixed or mobile phone/devices will be routed to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) which will obtain subscriber-related details (e.g., location) so that help can be sent as to the location as quickly as possible. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These have no legal standing. Rather, they are an important statement of political commitment or intent. They are used to highlight important issues that need to be addressed, direct various bodies to co-operate and co-ordinate actions, and provide instructions on a range of measures that should be taken to resolve the issue. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This paper considers the impact of new media on freedom of expression and media freedom within the context of the European Convention on Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence. Through comparative analysis of US jurisprudence and scholarship, this paper deals with the following three issues. First, it explores the traditional purpose of the media, and how media freedom, as opposed to freedom of expression, has been subject to privileged protection, within an ECHR context at least. Secondly, it considers the emergence of new media, and how it can be differentiated from the traditional media. Finally, it analyses the philosophical justifications for freedom of expression, and how they enable a workable definition of the media based upon the concept of the media-as-a-constitutional-component. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Under federal legislation, all Australian based companies with energy consumption of more than 0.5 PJ per annum are required to report on energy use and energy savings under the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program. Hence these companies have established systems and training to improve energy efficiency, resulting in a reduction in carbon emissions, but many large firms rely on in-house and specialist training organisations rather than using TAFE programmes. Smaller companies are not subject to the same requirements, so there may be a role for partnership networks made up of regional development agencies, local government agencies and TAFE Institutes to address this universal issue. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The case-law of the courts of Romania reveals significant disparities concerning interpretation and application of the two main European sources in the field of human rights - the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. That is the reason that the present chapter deals with case-law of Romanian courts concerning the said issue raised in requests for a preliminary ruling, covering both references for a preliminary ruling and judgments rendered by courts of Romania in which those courts rejected such requests. The subject-matter is liable to trigger a heated debate about limits of powers and their exercise by courts in relation to references involving the application of different legal standards - national law, European Union law and the European Convention on Human Rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Although women generally have higher educational attainment, there is a large gender gap in earnings between male and female full-time workers with tertiary education. In the United States, among adults with tertiary education, women earn only 68% of what men earn. This gender gap of 32% is larger than for other OECD countries except for Brazil, Chile, Israel, Mexico and the Slovak Republic. The same gender gap (32%) is observed in the United States for 35-44 year-olds and 55-64 year-olds, signalling that the difference in earnings between men and women is not decreasing among the younger generation (Figure 2). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Overall, structural fiscal balances were little changed between 1994 and 2004, with a mixed picture across countries. The revised Jobs Strategy reiterated the basic recommendations of the original strategy as regards macroeconomic policy, i.e. that it should aim at price stability and sound public finances so as to keep interest rates low and encourage investment and labour productivity, with potential beneficial effects on employment. Macroeconomic policy is also to be used to help stabilise the economy in order to reduce the risk that transitory increases in unemployment due to adverse shocks become persistent and to ensure that the benefits of structural reforms are brought forward. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The first is between 1960 and the early 1980s, which can be characterized as a period of sustained growth. During this period, the GCC countries recorded the highest growth as consumption more than doubled, though it was starting from a relatively low level of around 42 kg/capita/year which was well below the world average of about 55 kg/capita/year. Equally, wheat demand in the Maghreb and Mashreq subregions increased at a fast rate, though they were already starting from relatively high levels, at 118 and 90 kg/capita/year, respectively, both of which were above the world and OECD consumption levels. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Moreover, a third in both groups had higher career expectations than what their present positions provide. The large gap between expectations and actual tasks leads to high job turnover: 43% of vocational college graduates quit their job within half a year after graduation, and so do 24% of university graduates. The overwhelming majority quit voluntarily and primarily because of a lack of development opportunities and low salaries. The lower turnover among university graduates and especially among top ones suggests that a stronger education background improves labour market matching. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Learning programmes are more successful when all stakeholders are involved, with co-funded models showing strong potential. Consolidation of these capacities helps support investment in new technologies at the local level through the creation of ‘maker spaces’283 and innovation hubs, incubation centres, technology parks and clusters. It has not proved easy to replicate successful apprenticeship systems, such as those in German-speaking countries, in countries that lack the relevant historical and institutional arrangements. Current technological change entails the additional difficulty of identifying the appropriate companies where training should take place. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Unlike payments of non-categorical SA, dedicated HB programmes are typically not accompanied by work-related requirements or other activation-type interventions that seek to re-establish self-sufficiency. Most countries provide special benefits for lone parents either in the form of additions to regular family or childcare benefits or as separate programmes. Where benefits for children or lone parents are means-tested, they can resemble SA benefits in all but name.6 One difference concerns, again, work-related activity requirements. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 See the methodology chapter for information on the Competitiveness Outlook assessment and scoring process. As Contracting Parties to the Energy Community, all the SEE economies are required to adopt and implement electricity and gas legislation which complies with the EU Third Energy Package requirements. This is a substantial undertaking, particularly given the relatively small size of the economies (and governments) and widespread concerns over institutional capacity. Overall the gas supply infrastructure is poor over large areas of SEE and the provision of gas to consumers is patchy at best. Although Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro have no gas sectors at present, they have ambitions to create them. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Federal Water Engineering Administration co-ordinates the construction and operation of flood management structures and the designation of hazard zones and flood discharge areas. In many areas, its tasks also include reimbursing losses incurred by people who live in designated flood discharge areas. Its activities are carried out at the Lander level. From the perspective of aligning responsibilities with control, it is helpful that the ministry also has responsibility for some key climate-sensitive sectors: water, forestry, natural hazards and agriculture. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The proportion of children living in deprived households differs across European countries with the lowest being 4.9% in Switzerland and highest reaching approximately 60% in Bulgaria. This implies immense differences in living standards for children across Europe. In countries such as Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania more than 90% of children in the bottom 10th percentile are living in deprived households. In Bulgaria the share of children reaches approximately 98% meaning that almost every child in the poorest decile lives in a deprived household. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In addition, collaboration between private and public spheres is well developed. Innovation policy involves many public and private actors, notably through the development of innovation alliances to coordinate and support joint research. The share of government expenditure on R&D financed by industry was more than twice the OECD average (9.3% vs. 3.8%) and the same holds for higher education expenditure on R&D (15.1% vs. 6.4%). For instance, the German Environmental Innovation Programme supports large scale demonstration projects in the heat and electricity sectors by providing soft loans. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Most of the Captagon tablets are smuggled across the non-official border crossings between Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic, transiting Jordan, with Saudi Arabia as the main final destination. In October 2015, 2 tons of Captagon destined for Saudi Arabia were reportedly seized at the international airport in Beirut. Trafficking and abuse of amphetamine among countries in the Middle East continued to be reported. Saudi Arabia is among the countries that registered a significant increase in the amount of amphetamine tablets seized, as the country seized more than 100 million tablets in 2014, compared with 57 million in 2013. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Investment policy was supported by an accommodative fiscal policy stance and improvements to utility services and infrastructure, notably electricity and water supply, information and communication technologies (ICTs) and transport. Investment promotion policies were implemented to reduce transaction costs, rationalize charges, and provide financial and other incentives for the development of small businesses in rural areas. The Government also implemented a number of initiatives to facilitate the supply of credit. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In the National Strategy for Knowledge and Equal Opportunities Report (Nationell strategi for kunskap och likvardighet), the Swedish School Commission (Skolkommission) recognises that the term ‘compulsory’ may be too strong, explaining that guardians should never be forced to submit an application to a school, in the case a guardian does not submit an application, a school placement would be decided upon. The report also details the necessity to combine active/compulsory school choice with improved access to quality information, which is important as these choices, while possibly compulsory, must be well-informed. It is believed that increased access to information in combination with the compulsory school choice will result in more guardians opting-out of segregated school environments with low socio-economic status (Official Reports of the Swedish Government, 2017(99]). At the local level, an established project to promote quality immigrant education is the creation of Knowledge-centres for Mixed Schools (Kenniscentrum Gemengde Scholen). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Where distortionary policies are used by countries with limited fiscal resources and a large number of rural poor households, developing policies that provide for a more effective and efficient response to targeted market failures are perhaps more important. The ineffective nature of many distortionary policies in addressing policy objectives and the efficiency costs imposed potentially carry a higher opportunity cost as they direct government attention and limited resources away from policies that can, in the long run, overcome the challenges faced by their domestic producers. They have also helped some governments move away from export subsidies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Those fisheries targeting wintering migratory species, including the paired purse seine and mackerel purse seine fisheries, are struggling to survive and have almost collapsed in recent years. As shown in Table 12.2, the historical El Nino and La Nina events have resulted in very high interannual fluctuation of eel and mullet catch. Such changes were induced by the warm pool movement in the tropical Pacific. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jenisalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Clearly, therefore, sharing practices in such families are an important parameter to factor into evaluations of family policy and gender equality in Germany and elsewhere. Couple families where the man is the main earner are common in Germany, as in much of the OECD. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Committee replaced the former Department of Water Resources. The Ministry develops policy documents and legislation in the field of groundwater and surface water management and protection, controls the enforcement of EU directives concerning water management and protection, and collaborates with other relevant ministries and environmental institutions. The Ministry also participates in the EU working groups and processes in this area, and coordinates cooperation with neighbouring countries on transboundary river basins. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Many small schools are located within a distance of less than one kilometre of each other (PEN, 2013). Although geography and the transportation network need to be taken into account, this suggests considerable scope to foster mergers of nearby schools to the benefit of quality, without putting students' access at risk. This should be the preferred option where feasible, unless the school could be restructured to expand access to preschool and secondary education. In Canada and Portugal (see Box 3.4), transporting students to bigger schools is preferred to ensure quality, and small schools are limited to remote areas with low enrolment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In terms of policies, the change of focus from women to gender stemmed from a recognition that isolating women’s concerns from mainstream development policies and strategies limits the impact of such policies and strategies whereas paying more attention to the roles and responsibilities of both women and men and their interrelationships can make policies and strategies more effective. Gender statistics are about everybody, women and men. The production of gender statistics has the role of informing the public and the media, raising consciousness, encouraging public debate and promoting change in society. The dissemination of gender statistics to a large audience is crucial in reducing both gender stereotypes and the misrepresentation of the roles of women and men and their contribution to society and in promoting a new gender balance in the distribution of roles within the family, at the workplace and in positions of decision-making. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Since the late 1990s, the Government of Ethiopia has had clear aspirations for broad-based sustainable development and poverty reduction, as evidenced in a series of strategies such as the Sustainable Development for Poverty Reduction Programme (SDPRP, 2000-2004), the Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP, 2005 to 2009), and the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP, 2010-2014). The effects on the economy of the first two strategies were judged to be very significant, with strong economic growth, poverty reduced, employment increased, and some exports flourishing (MoFED, 2002,2005). Its clear link to the GTP, notably its reassertion of the need to achieve middle-income status, means that it builds on previous decisions about where national development is headed. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This article provides a critical analysis of the UK legislation on football banning orders. The historical development of this legislation is outlined and concerns are raised about its impact upon civil liberties and human rights, particularly with respect to Section 14B of the Football (Disorder) Act 2000. The article then outlines a body of research on crowd psychology, public order policing and football �€˜disorder�€™ that questions the determining role of the banning order in the reduction of English �€˜hooliganism�€™ at international football tournaments. With regard to tests of proportionality the article concludes by raising important questions about the efficacy and justifiability of football banning orders as a long-term strategy for the management of football �€˜hooliganism�€™. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These varieties included Norin 10 wheat and Yukara rice, which were bred by Japan in the 1950s and successfully contributed to heavier yields of tropical wheat and rice, an event called the Green Revolution. Because this was partly a product of revolutions in engineering technology and biotechnology, it can also be described as the industrialization of agriculture, which subsequently promoted the twentieth-century agricultural revolution in the world’s most industrialized nations. Because this revolution involves petroleum-dependent agriculture, flat topographical conditions have made an extremely important contribution to its progress. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Unemployment rates in Denmark in 2011 were below the OECD average. Teachers are trusted professionals with fewer teaching hours than the OECD average and good salary conditions, but they receive less feedback and fewer professional development opportunities than the OECD average. At primary and lower secondary levels, teachers follow a pre-service teacher training programme of four years including a teaching practicum, at upper secondary level, it is a six-year training programme, also including a teaching practicum. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Staffing firms shall pay labour compensation to the workers to be placed on a monthly basis. During the periods when there is no work for workers to be placed, the staffing firm shall pay workers compensation on a monthly basis at the minimum wage rate of the place where the staffing firm is located. If a dispute arising from the performance of the collective contract cannot be resolved following consultations, the trade union may apply for arbitration and litigation. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It is at this local level that citizens tend to experience exclusion, arbitrariness and dispossession from the state, which in turn can lead to fear, frustration and disempowerment (Haar, van der, 2009). In some cases, these institutions may provide valuable routes to empower poor people and can act as building blocks to gradual engagement with the state as its capacity grows. Opportunities for external actors to enable empowerment processes are likely to be limited, but it is essential to act to protect the livelihoods and assets of poor people, to reduce tensions and promote ongoing exchange and co-operation between different parts of society. Historically, elites have used coercion to build states, popular resistance has forced them to exercise constraint and provide protection, (Tilly, 1985) and marginalised groups have used violence to challenge state authority. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Secondly, it also refers to the continuum of care that must be provided at all levels of the health system—in the home and community health centre and hospital. They rapidly increased the access of a skilled attendant to childbirth and, when required, timely emergency obstetric care. They recognized that provision of services for mothers and newborns are at the centre of a strong health care system, and the resulting reduction in maternal and newborn mortality is a measure of the success of that health system. Family planning is a critical element for improving maternal and child health. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Much of the modem experience of development has shown that, save in a pure Malthusian situation which may sometimes occur but which is generally rare, poverty is closely related to income inequality, and both are closely connected with growth. In attempts to find effective ways to combat poverty, attention must therefore be cast widely enough to examine the effect of income inequality and growth on poverty. In turn, reduction and eradication of poverty can have an important impact on growth and inequality. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This report outlines SWAPs for four countries that are all currently undergoing reform: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Morocco and Zambia. Such a SWAP is needed for all economies, and SWAP suggestions for China and the United States are also included with a focus of savings moved toward a just transition and energy efficiency. However, the work of implementing large-scale government reforms and a parallel redirection toward zero carbon and sustainable energy infrastructure projects is now needed - a massive switching off of fossil fuels subsidies and a switching on of government policies to support renewables and energy efficiency. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Since the 1970s, most historians in the anglophone world have worked on time-scales of between five and fifty years. This narrow focus represented a retreat from the longer periods generally covered before the late twentieth century and served not only to cut them off from wider reading publics but also to deprive them of the influence on public policy and global governance they had once had. This article surveys the causes and the consequences of this retreat and proposes a solution for the crisis of confidence and of relevance it has created. A return to what Fernand Braudel classically termed the longue duree in the Annales in 1958 is now both imperative and feasible: imperative, in order to restore history’s place as a critical social science, feasible, due to the increased availability of large amounts of historical data and the digital tools necessary to analyze them. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Domestic food and fuel prices have thus stopped rising in the region, and some are even falling, thereby alleviating inflation. This trend is positive in terms of its effect on expected poverty trends, since the factor that is thought to have worsened the poverty and indigence situation in 2008 is no longer in play. Weaker demand for the goods exported by the region and a reduction in migrant remittances are factors which, to a greater or lesser extent, will undermine aggregate demand in the region’s countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In this article, I argue against the overstatement of the binding effects of precedent in common law and against the understatement of the relevance of precedent in civil law. I try to show that judges and courts in both kind of systems have to acknowledge relevant precedents and then provide persuasive reasons for following or not following them. Blindly following precedent, just as blind application of statutes, is acceptable only in the 'empire of mechanical jurisprudence'. Ignoring precedent in the name of judicial independence, on the other hand, is acceptable only in the empire of arbitrary jurisprudence. Legal systems subscribing to the rule of law can neither be mechanical nor arbitrary. They have to care about legitimacy of the judicial process. They have to explain themselves and they have to do so persuasively. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""In addition, as demonstrated by the example of the Stockholm congestion charge, the effectiveness of policies may increase when people are given the possibility to behave differently by testing the policy before deciding whether they want to support it Before the Stockholm congestion charge was introduced, people were offered the opportunity to try the system in addition to providing them with customised for different segments of population information. As a result of the trial, people changed behaviour and the change in attitude followed once the system was implemented permanently (Borjesson, Eliasson etai. Going from 'what's in it for me' to 'what's in it for us' should be appealing to people with its community spirit that is still valuable."""""" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! It is not necessary that all staff working in ECEC have high levels of education, which may also be impossible to realise and not desirable. However, those with lower levels of general education should work alongside those who are highly qualified. Attending a workshop may be an easy way to realise means of professional development, however, high-quality subject training, field-based consultation training or supervised practices may be more effective. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""For example, the system should link customary and statutory mechanisms while also connecting local to national procedures. The mediation system must be carefully integrated to avoid conflicting judgments, """"forum shopping"""", and fragmentation of claims. Strategic design can ensure that different levels of the system work in a complementary manner, and that appeal procedures are available for appropriate cases. Capacity-building will be required for many people working in the system."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Although they have achieved a comparable level of economic development, they are poles apart in the development of female labour force participation, policies to support families, and the combination of work-and-family and fertility trends over recent decades. In France, most women enter the labour market on a full-time basis, and working parents using formal care have received public support since the early 1980s. Fertility has remained at a high level by European standards. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The paper concerns administrative reform in the BRICS countries as a requirement of inclusive economic growth. The relationship between economic growth and equity describes the concept of inclusive development. In this respect, justice and quality of life is becoming one of its key factors and a stimulating cause of long-term economic development. The concept of an equitable (inclusive) growth strategy is based on the premise of the unity of governability, competitiveness and public policy through citizen participation. An important association of governability, competitiveness and fairness is participatory institutions. Four of these are crucial: strategic policy institutions, institutions of decentralization, institutions of “open government”, and accountability institutions. The paper, based on analysis of the BRICS, demonstrates that these not only create an environment for development, but are also tools for citizens’ participation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Grants to provincial, district and local level governments have been increased significantly, signalling a major shift in the Government’s approach to delivering services to rural and remote areas. While the large increase in funding to provincial and local governments will directly transfer large amounts of funds to rural areas, it is expected that this will strain the capacity of the provinces to effectively implement the Government’s ambitious service delivery agenda. Moreover, Papua New Guinea is to be commended for taking steps to establish its Sovereign Wealth Fund which is expected to be operational by the end of 2013. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The indicators define quantitative or qualitative information needed to show progress achieving a criterion (REDD+ SES, 2012). The standards at principle and criteria levels are to be applied across all countries while indicators are to be tailored for country and/or local-specific circumstances. The REDD+ SES has also prepared a generic “framework for indicators” to guide the development of country-specific indicators. See Annex C for a summary of REDD+ SES and SEPC of the UN REDD Programme. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Similarly, early marriage and motherhood may have detrimental effects on several outcomes in early adulthood (e.g. human capital accumulation, earnings, health) of both the mother and the children, and be a cause of socio-economic disadvantages transmitted across generations. Children of teenage mothers suffer as young adults in terms of lower educational attainment, an increased risk of disruptive behaviour, a higher risk of economic inactivity and of becoming a teenage mother themselves (D’Onofrio et al., This may be a result of childhood family structure, the lower standard of living experienced by many teenage mothers, in addition to the often poorer earning partners that they pair with (Francesconi, 2008). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 According to the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) report, about half of the stocks in the oceans were fully exploited and one-quarter were either overexploited or depleted with no possibilities in the short or medium term of further expansion (Pauly and Christensen, 1995). The FAO capture fisheries data show that the steady decline of mean trophic levels (MTL) of fish communities is a global phenomenon (Tian et al., All over the world, catch compositions have gone from from high trophic levels, larger size and long lifespan to low trophic levels, smaller size and short lifespan. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Policy interventions and health systems are connected through feedback relationships. Although some individual developing countries have been successful, the health-related MDGs were not met globally by 2015 and there is unfinished business. Health challenges confronted by the MDGs will feature among the health challenges of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, given the early stage of some international institutions and arrangements, the extent to which this potential will be realised is uncertain. If this option is taken forward, text in the 2015 Agreement could encourage use of existing institutions, arrangements and guidance. Text in the 2015 agreement could also indicate that a review of the effectiveness of these institutions, arrangements and guidance will be carried out in [x] years. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While the cumulative impact of the cuts depends on the characteristics of each pensioner (such as age, social insurance affiliation and benefit level), some indicative official estimates suggest that pensioners drawing a total pension (main and supplementary) of EUR 900 per month before the crisis suffered an overall reduction of 26% in 2009-12. The corresponding reduction for those on a total pension of EUR 2 100 per month was 34%. Further cuts in pensions are envisaged in 2013-14. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Measures adopted by many of the region’s governments show that the State has played an active part in mitigating the effects of the crisis (see chapter III). That role depends, however, on what resources it can mobilize, its institutional strength and the level of coordination among the measures taken in response to the crisis and between those measures and longer-term sectoral programmes. It will analyse the impact of the various cash transfers recorded by household surveys on the redistribution of primary household income. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 As such, WRPs represent the first rational intervention in a basin and have a central role in orienting the implementation of the National Policy on Water Resources. Public participation is mandatory along the development of the WRPs from the early stages. River basin committees and related working groups contribute to the design process with data and interpretations, assessments, weightings, suggestions and singular views, and help with internal discussions among its members to produce consensus on specific themes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Firms may also learn by engaging in exporting activities, which can expose firms to new ways of doing business in the international arena. Another potential channel is learning and upgrading through vertical supply-chain relationships (Gereffi, 1999). In addition, SMEs can also gain access to valuable knowledge flows by getting trained and certified in global best practices, such as ISO 9001 and 14001, as well as sector-specific certifications. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In addition, the country has decreased its reliance on imported inputs for export production and reduced its dependency on processing exports. The share of capital goods in China's total exports rose from 30 per cent in 2000 to nearly 50 per cent in 2008, while its share in total imports was declining. Intermediate imports were also declining, from 40 per cent of total imports to only 20 per cent during those years. The growth rate of processing exports has been lagging behind ordinary exports since 2005. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! However, this distinction misses opportunities as the deployment of new technologies creates needs besides capital-intensive infrastructure. For example, more concessional resources in “soft” infrastructure, such as strengthening education and digital skills, can result in faster growth and progression in the digital economy. In addition, the spread of new technologies and the growing importance of the ICT ecosystem necessitates further breakdown of ICT sector codes in the CRS. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The important side-effect of these changes was a reduction in the degree of tracking and stratification in the German school system and, by implication, a weakening of the impact that social background has on learning outcomes. Sometimes real opportunities are disguised as insoluble problems. This was the case in Scotland when the government, intending to initiate sweeping reforms to the curriculum, testing and leadership, started with an overhaul of teacher education, induction and pay. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For minerals and metals unused extraction actually tends to increase over time. Higher grade deposits or those that are easily accessible are usually found and extracted first. As those deposits are depleted, more must be extracted or extraction must go deeper in order to get the same amount of valuable materials from lower grade deposits (SERI, 2011). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Conversely, higher levels of ICT access and use create the conditions for solid business cases, which allow operators to benefit from economies of scale and scope. These efficiency gains can be passed on in terms of lower prices to customers. The combined effects of these two processes can lead to virtuous circles: lower prices drive ICT adoption up and, in turn, higher ICT adoption enables lower prices. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Moreover, there is evidence that most of the Natura 2000 forest habitats are not in good condition. The bulk of this will have to come from the central budget, the national environmental fund and EU sources. But new mechanisms should also be examined, such as wider use of access charges and the development of payment for ecosystem services (PES), which until now has not received much attention. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The multi-year Ford Foundation funded research project that gave rise to this book grew out of an ever-expanding collection of anecdotes and findings that pointed to the need to address the issue of accountability in international economic development consulting. At issue is the imbalance between the rising numbers, leeway, autonomy, influence, reach, and purview of consultants on the one hand, and the diminishing or inadequate means that donor and recipient governments (especially of less developed and transitional countries) and wider publics have of ensuring the accountability of consultants on the other. We take “accountability” to encompass ethical and responsible practice and the range of incentives and mechanisms that encourage such practice in each part of the consulting process. It should not be reduced simply to a system for punishing bad behavior by means such as sanctions imposed after the fact and often after damage has been done. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Therefore the LWE nexus is effectively roughly the same as the food-water-energy nexus as discussed in the literature, with a different label and with a more explicit acknowledgement that other sectors than agriculture, not least energy production, also rely on scarce land resources. These links also make it clear that there are three specific economic sectors that are central to the analysis: agriculture, water production and energy production. But an essential part of the assessment in this report is to go beyond a partial investigation of direct impacts on these sectors. The report aims to highlight the sectoral linkages and indirect effects that the nexus bottlenecks have on the rest of the economy, and how bottlenecks in a certain region affect other regions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For example parameters 6, 7 and 8 are obviously linked, since in a situation without subsidy, the overall cost of renewables would determine a country’s willingness to invest in renewable technologies, and the differences in costs among renewable technologies would influence the mix of technologies that is adopted. However, note that the subsidy largely neutralizes those two effects, because it compensates for the difference in costs between renewable and conventional energy sources, and takes into account the differing costs of renewable technologies. Therefore, the subsidy allows countries to focus on the technologies that have the greatest resource potential under prevailing local conditions, without being hindered by high costs, at least for the duration of the subsidy. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, those without formal qualifications increasingly fall through the cracks and face difficulties in finding work. However, low-skilled women continue to have relatively low employment rates and to take most of the responsibility for childcare. For low-skilled women the high costs of formal childcare are prohibitive and many choose not to work or to work short hours when informal care is available. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Among the plants, conspicuous introductions are osage-orange (Maclura pomifera), honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) and ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima) from China. The importance of IAS is likely to increase in the future if climate change predictions hold true. There are also 17 officially designated natural monuments (IUCN Category III), but no independent sanctuaries or protected landscapes, no national parks (IUCN PA Category II) and no sustainable use zones (IUCN PA Category VI). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 According to Sala-i-Martin and Artadi (2003), Arab countries were also in a period of economic stagnation characterized as highly volatile, with an overall tendency towards lower economic growth. To add to this predicament, wheat prices entered a period of volatility that culminated with a sharp price increase towards the mid- to late-1990s (IMF data, 2014). Consumption since 2000 can be characterized by a slight increasing trend, though the past few years of political instability in some countries of the region is not taken into account. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Mexico is the country with the highest percentage of 15-year-old participating students with a PISA index of economic, social and cultural status below -1.0, with 58.2%, followed by Turkey with 58.0% and then Chile with 37.2%. The socio-economic profile of the education system in Mexico for 2009 remained unchanged since 2000 (PISA 2009 Results Volume V, Table V.4.2). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The European Union’s ITIs in the Czech Republic encourage integrated spatial planning across functional uiban areas. It is important that such investments be based on the good land-use practices that have been described in plans and strategies at the national, regional and local levels, such as developing brownfield sites in advance of greenfield ones, permitting developments only in areas where there is existing infrastructure to support them, and protecting agricultural lands, forested areas and watersheds. Through ITIs, municipalities are required to form collaborative bodies (municipal association agreements) in order to forward projects of metropolitan importance and to access investments. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It is as political as the other practice, which does not conceal - in fact, which proclaims - its own political character. ( However, the essentially political nature of education does not mean that we can dismiss worries of bias and indoctrination. In relation to this, Roberts (1999: 20) makes an important distinction between ‘(a) transmitting a political or moral view and (b) doing this in a dogmatic way’. While we can certainly not avoid the former, all efforts must be made to avoid the latter, and students should be allowed to form their own views in dialogue with the teacher and other students. This question is particularly salient in those contexts in the Commonwealth that are currently experiencing conflict or which have experienced it in the recent past. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Terrorism, international gangs, and other frequently mentioned national security threats are actually less dangerous than a new type of state-corporate crime that may be called national insecurity crime. This crime poses not only unprecedented victimization, but a massive ethical problem. Examples in the U.S. include the 1980s Savings and Loan (S&L) scandal, the late-1990s dot-com bubble, the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the 2007–09 financial crisis. National insecurity crime threatens national security because of its geographic and social extensiveness, severity of harm, dynamism, and unpredictability. It endangers the political, economic, social, and environmental security of most or all of the U.S. population. This endangerment includes increasing the risks of loss, suffering, and destruction on a large scale. This article offers a starting point for a sociological criminology of national insecurity crime. National insecurity crime involves large-scale cooperation that relies on often indirect or me... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 First, comparatively speaking and with some differences between countries, Latin America has historically had a lower investment-to-GDP ratio than other emerging regions. In 2008, the region's investment rate was 23.6% of GDP, measured in current dollars, which was the highest level since 1980. By contrast, investment in developing Asia rose from 27.8% of GDP in 1980 to nearly 35% in the mid-1990s and over 40% today (see Jimenez and Manuelito, 2013). Several factors underlie this performance, but those related to growth variability are foremost among them. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Moreover, internal and international migrations can be linked in a stepwise migration process, whereby for example an internal move towards larger cities then leads to international migration. According to Lee, in addition to push and pull factors, migration decisions are affected by a set of intervening obstacles or constraints that may prevent people from migrating or at least make migration more difficult and/or costly. These decisions are subject to constraints or obstacles that may prevent people from moving, such as the cost of migrating and the distance to be travelled, among others. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Strategy recognizes the importance of soil protection for economic, social and cultural functions. It specifies measures for the prevention of erosion, pollutant contamination, reduction of the content of organic matter and desertification processes. The Strategic Plan for Rural Development of Republika Srpska (2010-2015) defines the principles and goals of the development of the forestry' sector in rural areas. The sector for Agriculture, Food, Forestry and Rural Development of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations is in charge of forestry issues, but its activity is limited to coordinating activities. The direct competences in the forests and forestry' sector are held at the entity level. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Course specific repetition - used in Canada, New Zealand and the USA - can also be a good tool to maintain student motivation as students are not separated from their peers and are less likely to face stigma issues and bullying (OECD, 2012c). The median age for first formal tracking in the OECD is 14 (OECD, 2013), but there is a lot of variation across countries. In Finland and Spain, students are not tracked until the end of lower secondary school. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Promoting diversity has become a prominent goal in language-in-education policy discourse in two broad contexts. On the one hand, language policies take on the challenge of maintaining and developing de facto linguistic and cultural diversity through language acquisition planning, on the other hand, they portray themselves as active agents of social change and aim to develop positive cross-cultural attitudes through language education. This paper discusses these two main aspects of language-ineducation policies. The discussion is focused on the Australian and the European policy discourses. These two contexts offer an interesting point of comparison as they represent Western democracies with a highly multicultural and multi-ethnic population. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 To emulate the success of East Asian economies poses a challenge for developing countries when, at present, rules of multilateral regulating bodies, such as the World Trade Organization, make protection more difficult. Despite their differential treatment, as defined under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, developing countries, aside from the poorest ones, have in practice had to apply the same rules as the developed countries. It will therefore be necessary for developing countries to make better use of the policy space that remains and for international organizations to consider expanding the policy space so as to allow more developing countries to prepare themselves to succeed in the global marketplace. In the period between the Second World War and the late 1970s, social policy was seen as a fundamental part of overall development strategy. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Waste collection services often do not reach all residents and landfills remain the preferred treatment method. Many Southeast Asian cities have also experienced increasing water demand and situations of water stress and scarcity, aggravated by the poor coverage and quality of water supply infrastructure. Water sanitation infrastructure is also sub-optimal and has not kept up with the pace of urbanisation, and the quality of water streams and bodies is often under established quality standards. In many Southeast Asia cities, informal services and infrastructure have compensated for the absence of formal structures. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 An estimated 80% of communes have less than 1 000 residents. Consolidation of the large number of communes into fewer and larger basic units of local government has been politically rejected—amalgamations have been rare. In part this may reflect the dual role of national legislatures who, perhaps more than is the case in other countries, understand the importance local populations have for direct democracy at a scale that is meaningful. The OECD has recommended that France reduce the number of communes by merging the smallest ones in order to achieve economies of scale and to pool resources effectively (OECD, 2014, 2013, 2011). However, absent such aggregation, the only option in an environment where the basic unit of government is too small, is to find ways to encourage collaboration. Because of this, communes frequently enter into voluntary associations with each other in order to co-deliver services and share elements of administration—referred to as intercommunalites. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, housing and utility services, transport and communications, and energy saving and energy efficiency are urban-related areas for which all levels of government seem to bear some responsibility. In education, for instance, local governments are responsible for financing schools. However, given the different types of school, and the division of responsibilities between national and regional governments, the system is highly complex. One example is the “Almaty Green Growth Project”, which has suffered from ongoing debate about who is to administer it, since the oblast akimat and the city akimat both have responsibility and interests in the initiative. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Native-bom and immigrant men faced similar unemployment rates close to 5% in 2010. Org/10.18128/D020.V6.5, see also Annex Table 3.A1.2. Foreign-bom workers were overrepresented in the age groups 55-64 and 65+ and underrepresented in all other age groups (Figure 3.3A). However, the average age of workers aged 15-64 (thus excluding those 65 and above) increased from 34 to 35 years during this period. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Farmlands are extremely fragmented in Rwanda, with an average farm size of only 0.76 hectares (Republic of Rwanda, 2010), and provisions against the fragmentation of land tenure encroach on the principle of equal inheritance rights for children (IFAD, 2010). By law, plots not exceeding an area of 1 hectare - some 80 per cent of farms - cannot be further partitioned. Where this prevents a plot from being partitioned among children, it is held on behalf of the family in communal/familial possession by a single heir - commonly the oldest male child (UNCTAD, 2014). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! In the face of a growing epidemic of heroin misuse in the United States, the White House announced on 17 August a $13.4m (£8.6m, €12m) initiative to promote law enforcement and public health programs in areas where misuse of heroin and prescription opioids has surged. The funds will be parceled out to programs in areas that have been determined to be critical drug trafficking regions, designated “high intensity drug trafficking areas” (HIDTAs). There are currently 28 such areas in the 48 states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and … - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Caribbean nurses and teachers are one example, however, one of the clearest cases is the specialization of Peruvian migrant women in domestic services: almost 50% of them work in this sector. Peruvian women employed as domestic workers are more highly qualified than other migrant groups, and this comparative advantage may be one of the reasons why they are more frequently hired to fill these positions. However, Pacecca and Courtis (2008) have noted that overqualified domestic workers do not necessarily receive higher pay, at least not in Argentina. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 If the positive effect of the increase in output (and total profits) outweighs the negative effect ofthe decline in profit share, increased wage shares can be associated with higher profit rates, more capitalist investment demand and higher growth. These types of economies, where increases in the wage share are associated with higher output a nd growth, are termed 'wage-led'. On the demand side, macroeconomic equilibrium means that the investment desired by investors equals that supplied by savers (both domestic and foreign). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Aquaculture production is expected to surpass total capture fisheries production (including that utilised for non-food uses) in 2021, a year when capture production is assumed to be lower as a consequence of El Nino, and then continue to increase in absolute terms until the end of the outlook period. Global aquaculture production is anticipated to exceed the 100 Mt mark for the first time in 2025 and to reach 102 Mt in 2026. Production of selected freshwater species, including catfish/pangas, tilapia, and carp are expected to grow fastest over the next decade, all by more than 35%, while salmon/trout and shrimp will grow by around 27% and 28%, respectively, and molluscs by around 24%. Efficiency increases, that are enabling greater quantities of oil and fishmeal to be recovered from fish waste, mean that the reduced share going to crushing is not expected to affect total world fishmeal and fish oil production, which will be relatively stable (except in El Nino years). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! For example, the study of the Ministry of Employment and Professional Insertion of Youth and the World Bank (2009) based on longitudinal data (tracer study from the 2004 cohort) show's the existence of imbalances between supply and demand for skills at the post-secondary level. Some qualifications and fields of studies are characterised by long duration unemployment and withdrawal from activities. They find that unemployment rates are particularly high among BTS graduates of agriculture, commerce and administration (Ministry of Employment and Professional Insertion of Youth and the World Bank, 2009). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As a result of birth control policies established in the early 1960s, Korea also has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. These demographic extremes set the stage for significant health care challenges in the foreseeable future. It is already evident that chronic disease is a major challenge to the health care system, the expected rise in the prevalence of multi-morbidities that accompanies this will present a further challenge. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Indonesia’s solar FIT is a ceiling price and is de facto lower owing to competitive bidding. In contrast, India has been able to increase the installed capacity of renewable energy significantly, even with the feed-in tariffs being only slightly above the average LCOE of wind and solar. Thailand’s Adder scheme provided the highest price premium in the sample, and contributed to significant deployment, with 475 MW of new solar power capacity being installed in 2014, according to IRENA (2016). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Gender-sensitive concepts and methods should be used in data collection in all statistical fields. In order to provide reliable comparisons between women and men, gender statistics need to correctly measure women’s and men’s participation in and contribution to society (Hedman, Perucci and Sundstrom, 1996). Conventional concepts and methods used in data collection are often inadequate to reflect the realities of women and men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""The years 2008 and 2009 saw the establishment of the Clean Investments Funds (CIFs) - committing an overall USD 6.7 billion of which USD 4.7 billion is for climate change mitigation. The UNFCCC and other institutions such as the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) are still providing channels for public and private sector investments towards climate change mitigation. On several occasions in interviews, investors expressed the idea that the IEA should play a bigger role in disseminating the information. One professor at the Energy Research Institute in Beijing emphasised that """"experts, training and capacity building are needed in China."""""" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Young women who are married are much more likely to be NEET than unmarried women of the same age (OECD, 2012a). As early marriage can act as a barrier to participation in education and employment, the Apni Beti Apna Dhan programme provides cash incentives to girls and their families that are conditional on the daughters remaining unmarried until age 18. Initial evaluation results suggest this programme helped parents increase their investment in their daughters’ human capital (Sinha and Young, 2009). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, one-off cash payments and baby grants may affect the timing of couples w'ho plan to children, but do not necessarily affect the overall number of children in families (OECD, 2011, Thevenon and Gauthier, 2011). The finding is consistent with evaluations of the 2007 parental leave reform w'hich indicate that the fertility of German women in their mid-30s who have high levels of educational attainment has increased since the reform (Bujard and Passet, 2013, Stichnoth, 2014). In that regard, Hank and Kreyenfeld (2002) show' that the low fertility rates in Germany can be explained by the limited availability of child care in Germany - a factor in the mutually exclusive choice of working full-time or having children (and working part-time). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The most common plan generally offered was the service-specific data plan. Service-specific plans offer data bundles at discounted rates that give users access only to specific applications and sites, over a given web browser, and/or for a specified period of time. They are often part of operators' marketing strategies to increase their customer base by providing discounted access to popular sites and applications. In Bangladesh, Kenya and Colombia, customers can also 'earn' extra data, for example by watching a certain video, or by buying a specific device. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Reforming the tax administration by improving information management and cross-checking statements and declarations leads to greater efficiency in tax collection.1 Setting up a special unit for high-income taxpayers has also been found to be helpful. Reducing or eliminating exemptions and loopholes, as well as enticing more businesses to join the formal sector, can go a long way towards broadening the tax base. It may be useful to combine the carrots of some incentives for tax payment with sticks of better enforcement. In all cases, however, revenues will rise only if the Government has the political will, makes its intentions clear and is consistent and determined about tax administration. The principle should generally be to rely as far as possible on rules-based and non-discretionary tax instruments that are corruption-resistant and have lower transaction costs. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The progressivity of statutory labour tax schedules (including social security contributions) has increased in the majority of countries since 2000 (Figure 5.8). Though there has been a steep decline in top marginal income tax rates, a number of countries have cut social security contributions, and introduced or strengthened in-work tax benefits, targeted at lower incomes, thus increasing the progressivity of labour taxes. By contrast, the use of tax expenditures which often benefit high-income groups most - such as tax breaks for health and child care, tertiary education, owner-occupied housing and retirement savings - has been growing (OECD, 2010b). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 2014 was marked with several noteworthy events with particular relevance to international humanitarian law, such as the continuation of the conflict in Syria and the incidents related to the use of chemical weapons in that conflict, several key decisions in international and hybrid courts related to the adjudication of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, the entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty, release of the US Report on Torture and a Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. This chapter addresses a number of these issues among other events of note. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Most of the necessary actors should have already been identified and engaged in the Score-card exercise. Some additional analytical work might be needed to be able to estimate the costs and benefits of potential measures in order to prioritize them. Time will be necessary to develop, consult and agree on a draft Action Plan among different governmental institutions and to consult with other stakeholders. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Raising the overall tax level would dampen incentives to work, save and invest and is therefore detrimental to growth. However, the final impact would depend on the use of tax revenues. Public investment (e.g. fostering human capital) could spur the growth potential and outweigh the detrimental effects of higher taxation. Likewise, for transfers, the impact on growth and income distribution depends on their financing. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Foreword. Introduction Tom Bailey Part I. Democratizing 1. Back to Kant? The Democratic Deficits in Habermas' Global Constitutionalism Lars Rensmann 2. Democratizing International Law: A Republican Reading of Habermas' Cosmopolitan Project James Bohman 3. Feminist Solidarity in India: Communitarian Challenges and Postnational Prospects Kanchana Mahadevan 4. Deliberation without Democracy? Reflections on Habermas, Mini-publics and China William Smith Part II. Decolonizing 5. Defending Habermas against Eurocentrism: Latin America and Mignolo's Decolonial Challenge Raymond Morrow 6. Care, Power and Deconstructive Postcolonialism: Reformulating the Habermasian Response Richard Ganis 7. From Communicative Modernity to Modernities in Tension John Rundell Part III. Desecularizing 8. What is Living and What is Dead in Habermas' Secularization Hypothesis? Kevin W. Gray 9. Reason and Li Xing: A Chinese Solution to Habermas' Problem of Moral Motivation Tong Shijun 10. Radicalizing the Post-secular Thesis, Provincializing Habermas Peter Losonczi. About the Editor. Notes on Contributors. Index - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Most OECD countries have been introducing policies to respond to these challenges. France, for example, has focused on reforming the content and structure of its teacher-training programmes through the creation of new schools combining practical and theoretical training, while in 2008 the United States introduced an incentive-based policy offering federal grants to institutions upgrading their programmes. Finland introduced systematic professional development for school staff, including school leaders, through the OSAAVA Programme and increased government funding. Portugal has developed a comprehensive strategy and introduced initial school leadership training. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The MENA region includes Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestinian Authority, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen (UNDP and UNDESA, 2012). Saudi Arabia is not included in the ranking. The database includes the 14 variables of the 2012 Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) as well as the overall rankings and scores for the SIGI and its sub-indices. See Global Women’s Leadership Initiative (2013). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Furthermore, poorly defined land contract rights and incomplete markets for the transfer of land operation rights impede farm consolidation. This may hamper the government’s ability to continue achieving food security objectives (Box 1). In many cases, labour mobility is impeded by a lack of portability of health insurance benefits outside the local area. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Chinese speakers highlighted the need for closer and moie consistent international guidance, rules and codes of conduct on legality, due diligence and forest certification, particularly stressing the challenges to SMEs in following the latest international developments Australian, European and North American delegates indicated that the importing and retailing industries are willing to work with Chinese and other overseas producers to ensure their conformance with the new regulations. After a series of amendments in 2008, the Act now requires that import declarations accompany certain plants and plant products, including a wide range of wood and forest products (USDA, 2012). Under the amendments, businesses are required to exercise increased due diligence in sourcing and selling wood and wood products (Beveridge and Diamond, 2009). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 All requests for commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to The Organisation’s core mission today is to help governments work together towards a stronger, cleaner, fairer global economy. Through its network of 250 specialised committees and working groups, the OECD provides a setting where governments compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice, and co-ordinate domestic and international policies. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In contrast, the population of the developed regions is expected to increase slightly, from 1.23 billion to 1.28 billion (United Nations, Department of Economics and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2009). The continued rapid increase in the population of developing countries highlights the importance of having appropriate policies designed to promote the sustained economic growth and structural transformation of their economies so as to ensure durable poverty reduction. Although the income-based (per capita) conventional poverty measure is sensitive to population growth, careful analysis does not provide any support for the Malthusian claim that poverty can be attributed to population growth in excess of output growth, especially food production. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A very early global CGE model with water GTAP-W developed by Berrittella et al. Water and other inputs enter into the final output production function in fixed proportion. Sectoral demand for water responds to a water rent, which is triggered once water supply falls short of demand. The rent increases proportionally with the water gap. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Global financial markets are subject to a complex web of soft law rules and standards called IntThis paper critically examines some of the main challenges associated with facilitating ‘good governance’ in small-scale diamond mining communities, focusing on the experience of Sierra Leone. Two recent governance initiatives in the country’s diamond sector are reviewed: the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) for rough diamonds and the Diamond Area Community Development Fund (DACDF). The analysis considers some of the broader lessons which have emerged, as Sierra Leone currently attempts to launch a third governance initiative: the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). It is argued that the introduction of complex monitoring processes represents significant challenges for a country which is emerging from a long period of conflict and isolation, is suffering from serious shortages in human capacity, and where good governance, accountability and transparency will undoubtedly take considerable time to develop. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The recent legislations on accountability in Turkish Public Administration increased the importance thereof and gave a rise to a debate thereon with regard to education system. The present study is a descriptive study in screening model examining the views of participants, including educational administrators, educational inspectors, and union administrators, about implementation of accountability in Turkish National Education System. Data was collected from 165 educational administrators, 693 educational inspectors and 84 union managers based on the scale as developed by the researcher. The findings suggested that many accountability practices in the Turkish National Education System were below satisfactory levels. Furthermore, significant differences were found among participants’ views by assignment, sex, age, seniority, and level of education variables. The findings of the research contributed in development of recommendations towards a more effective accountability in education. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Transformation that results in the creation of more jobs in more productive sectors with higher wages will have a greater impact on poverty reduction than will transformation that creates jobs in low-productivity, low-wage sectors. Importantly, transformation that pulls low and unskilled workers from low productivity primary sectors into relatively higher productivity nonprimary sectors is likely to have the greatest poverty reduction potential (Aggarwal and Kumar, 2012). This is because traditional industrialization has generally been found to generate unequal income and wealth distribution effects in the short term as workers move from low-productivity agriculture to high-productivity manufacturing (Kuznets, 1955). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The open government paradigm implies public processes are becoming more transparent, public information is available online, and citizens and non‐governmental organizations are encouraged to interact with public administration through new platform‐based forms of participation and collaboration. Though these governmental efforts to open up organizational procedures to the public are meant to strengthen the relationship between citizens and the government, empirical evidence is currently sparse and mixed. This article argues that positive impacts of openness depend on citizens' democratic capacity defined as individual sense of empowerment to influence governmental systems. By matching individual survey data from the European Social Survey with secondary institutional data the authors investigate the relationship between individual and structural level variables. Findings indicate that structural openness is, in general, positively associated with higher trust. Further, the effect of openness on public trust is partially mediated by an individual's perception that they have meaningful opportunities for political participation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This allows men and women to have their own moments of learning, as well as common moments, which can improve participation and the opportunities for women and men to speak freely. It can also help them to articulate their concerns, which may be more difficult in mixed groups. Providing childcare during sessions can be a major incentive in persuading women to attend. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Water security challenges are mostly covered in the literature on the food and energy nexus. This chapter however adopts a broader conception of water security in relation to lack of access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and argues that the human rights approach could be instrumental in addressing the drivers that hinder access to WASH. Through policy analysis and literature review the chapter addresses the following research questions: a) What is access to WASH? b) What are the drivers of poor access to WASH? c) What are the multi-level human security implications of the lack of access to WASH? d) What improvements can be made in the post-2015 development agenda to address the drivers and the related human security challenges? The chapter essentially illustrates the need to translate global human rights norms into contextually appropriate operational targets and instruments for policy implementation at the national and local levels. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Note too that this relationship is not static: the point at which global competition bites will depend on the future upgrading of international - especially Chinese - industry and the skill composition of trade.16 An empirical analysis of the links between globalisation and inequality found that trade globalisation and export growth since 1990 have tended to decrease inequality in most countries, while financial globalisation and technological progress have both tended in the opposite direction (IMF, 2007). The duality of labour markets, particularly those of the Asian giants, is a case in point. In both India and China there is substantial inequality in incomes between rural and urban workers. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The use of filters and/or moving to proxy-means testing may improve the targeting performance, by both reducing exclusion and inclusion errors. Demographic categories can be narrowly defined in order to limit budgetary requirements. Based on the poverty profile of a given country, the characteristics of the poor can be identified. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Child Development Index: Holding Governments to Account for Children's Wellbeing. London: Save the children UK. Commodities and Capabilities, New Delhi: Oxford University Press. The Idea of Justice, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Children's Experience of Multidimensional Deprivation: Relationship with household monetary poverty, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 56, 43-56. Poverty in the United Kingdom: A survey of household resources and standards of living. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Reporting requirements include disclosure on policies, outcomes and risks, and relevant non-financial key performance indicators concerning environmental and social matters, human rights, anti-corruption and bribery issues, and diversity of directors. The Directive will apply to approximately 6 000 EU entities (up from 2 500 companies currently reporting). The amendment came into force in 2014, national governments have two years to incorporate it into national law. The first corporate reports under the scheme will relate to the financial year 2017. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Other countries that experienced the doubling of pre-primary enrolment rates include Cambodia, Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and the Philippines. Despite this progress, as many as 50 per cent or more of young children in about half of the countries in the region still do not receive pre-primary education. To this end, significant progress has been made by several countries in the region, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Mongolia. Although even after a rapid increase, pre-primary education in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic still reached only about 20 per cent of the target population in 2011. In Viet Nam, there has also been rapid and expansive improvement in the provision of pre-primary education, with more than 70 per cent of children enrolled in 2011. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It contributes to the work of the UNFF group of experts and reports on the implementation of the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF). The Ministry of Forestry regularly reports to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) programme and to the ECE/FAO Forests in the ECE Region Report on trends and challenges in achieving the Global Objectives in Forests (GOF). Accordingly, its National Communications to UNFCCC, prepared under the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, have to include an assessment of climate change impacts on forestry, and the assessment of forests’ vulnerability and measures for forestry adaptation. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Due to rapidly evolving digital technologies and new business opportunities, the digital economy is growing rapidly, but unevenly. Viewpoint 1 describes how access to broadband infrastructure can be extended to create an inclusive Information Society. At the same time, strong inequalities between countries persist in terms of speed of access (Figure 2), as well as differences in how connectivity is used (Viewpoint 2). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Even before that election, the Chinese renminbi was under heavy depreciation pressure (see figure 1.11). China's foreign currency and bond markets went through substantial swings at the turn of the year. It is estimated that 40 per cent of the roughly $490 billion in outflows in 2016 took place during the fourth quarter (BIS, 2017). With the introduction of new capital control measures in December, outflows slowed in the first month of 2017. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For the first time, clear targets have been set to end these evils, and the relationship between them and sustainable growth has been recognized. Put simply, ending child labour, slavery, trafficking and violence against children is directly tied to achieving most of the other development goals. However, what matters most is the will in the words, not the words in the will. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Still others are abandoned by their parents because of severe economic or psychological stress. In Rwanda the rapid exodus of hundreds of thousands of people created thousands of unaccompanied children. Women throughout the country immediately volunteered to care for them, in part as a protection of their ethnic group’s future. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 After collection, medical waste is transported to a treatment facility where it is sterilized in a hydroclave and then transported to a disposal site where it is disposed of together with general municipal waste. Considering that infectious waste represents about 15 per cent of total medical waste, they manage about a quarter of all infectious waste generated in Albania. Seven hospitals have in-house sterilization units and dispose of their waste independently. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The inference that may be drawn is that other factors are more decisive in homeownership than retirement considerations and what people can expect to receive from pension systems. It also points to the difficulty of making housing wealth an important factor in retirement income policy. Homeownership is not distributed uniformly across populations, and national housing policies, individual preferences, and even local culture are probably powerful influences. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For instance, the CTF has as one of its core outcome indicators the “number of additional passengers (disaggregated by men and women if feasible) using low-carbon public transport as a result of CIF intervention” (CIF, 2012a). The CTF also provides a useful example of how gender considerations can be mainstreamed into existing evaluations and indicators. Increased energy access can have positive impacts on access to basic services such as clean water (e.g. through desalinisation systems powered by renewable energy) and food security (e.g. through education on climate-resilient agriculture or deployment of drought early-warning systems). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Third, poor multi-stakeholder engagement is often a serious obstacle for developing effective SRB initiatives. Not surprisingly, an inadequate understanding of stakeholders' needs significantly reduces the effectiveness of SRB initiatives. Therefore, governments can play an important role by promoting more effective stakeholder dialogue. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In case of plant outages, those reserves are activated automatically after the immediate fall of frequency, and are restored as soon as possible by the intervention of frequency restoration and replacement reserves (TERNA, 2004). According with those recommendations, the largest normal contingency in Italy would correspond to the maximum generation infeed loss. The difference between the new largest contingency and the one without the new plants will determine the amount of additional spinning reserves required. The Italian electric system was split into the same eight areas used by the national control centre of the Italian TSO (TERNA, 2008 and TERNA, 2009) and shown in Figure 6.7. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Pollution reaches the receiving seas, e.g., considerable nutrient loads get transported into the Adriatic Sea via the Drin River. Related impacts were reported for many groundwater bodies as well, e.g., in the Neretva andTrcbiSnjica hydrogeological basin, the Stara Planina/ Salasha Montana and Tara. Although industrial activity has significantly declined in the Skadar/Shkoder sub-basin, unsustainable industrial wastewater management affects the quality of the lake, including sediments. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It can build capacity -preparing teaching materials, organizing training and facilitating the necessary expertise. And it can involve other multinational corporations in improving industrial energy efficiency through their value chains while ensuring that they follow corporate social responsibility principles transparently. Industrial energy-efficiency technologies need to be transferred to developing countries, where energy use is growing faster and innovation is generally slower. Many of these countries lag in their capacity to obtain, develop and deploy innovative climate change and energy-efficient technologies (UNIDO 2010b). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 School choice is associated with greater diversification in the social composition of different schools (OECD, 2007a, Musset, 2012), parents choosing schools according to several different factors instead of academic record alone (Sanders and Epstein, 1998, Musset, 2012). Parents tend to be concerned about their own, individual child rather than about school or system-wide endeavours aimed at benefiting all children (Fullan, 2007, Hargreaves, 2000, Westbury, 2007). They may have a role in curriculum development processes - intentional and often collective activity or process aimed at beneficial educational change (Marsh and Willis, 2007). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Gender inequality has been eliminated at some levels of education and in some countries there are now more women than men attending university. Even though women’s participation rate has been rising, far fewer women join the labour force than in other regions - fewer than one in three women - compared to 60% in OECD countries (see Figures 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In addition, we find that the programme has a positive impact on children’s well-being through both a high rate of participation in schooling and more regular attendance at health care facilities. Although the policy intervention takes place mainly on the demand side, through the provision of a cash transfer and the implementation of psychosocial support, its success in improving household conditions has been favoured by the ability of the State to supply adequate services to its citizens. Moreover, the achievements reported in terms of educational and health outcomes could be related to the overall approach which involves close collaboration between the beneficiary households and the social worker, who highlights the importance of attending school and of being enrolled in the health system to facilitate physical and cognitive child development. Chile Solidario has proven successful in reaching the poorest members of the population through the implementation of an ad-hoc approach based on a proxy means test. Nonetheless, although the ability to reach the target population is a necessary condition it is still not sufficient to overcome poverty. Indeed, the programme presents some drawbacks in relation to coverage and the amount of money transferred. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This article assesses the progress of and prospects for feminism in criminology. The focus is on the last 25 years of feminist research and theorizing about women offenders, victims, and workers in the criminal justice system. A general overview is provided of the directions of this scholarship, and key debates between mainstream and feminist perspectives are reviewed. The article also examines the contributions of feminist activists both within and outside the discipline to concrete social change for women victims and offenders. The article closes with a discussion of emerging trends in feminist criminology. New research and theorizing about women's experiences with crime challenge and subvert the traditional divisions and domains of mainstream criminology. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 All these objectives must be integrated for each river basin. Member states can implement it according to their own legislation, and are free to set their own targets for the share of water bodies which will be restored by 2015. Therefore, member states are requested to develop river basin management plans (RBMPs). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This institutional organisation affects policy coherence. Water quantity management spills over and is affected by choices made in other policy fields (i.e. agriculture, energy, urban development, public finances), which are often responsible for growing pressures on water resources. The multiplicity of actors involved in water management at central level, and the lack of institutional incentives in Korea (e.g. common objectives, performance indicators, etc.) On the one hand, this approach is well-suited to provide access to bulk water at the same price across the nation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This chapter turns to questions of contemporary politics as part of considering the relation between “politics” and “governing,” in the book’s concluding exploration of how we can assess recent pervasive styles of governing populations. Written against the backdrop of electoral political events in 2016–2017, it pursues this question by first revisiting themes of mobile privatization and democratization made visible in earlier chapters, and then by describing the apparently effective cascading through communicative abundance of a political economy rationality of wealth inequality. In its analysis of these final instances of rhetoric, the chapter demonstrates again the disparate ways in which “communication” repays attention if we are to grasp the circumstances within which populations live, what they are able to do, and what is done to them. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Budget Policy Department within the MNE is responsible for managing the inter-budget relationship between the national budget and the oblast budgets. It decides on the general transfers (non-earmarked) from national to regional budgets to satisfy the needs of the region. General transfers are decided through a formula that projects revenues and expenses. The level of expenditure is largely calculated on the basis of the previous year’s data, with adjustment for inflation. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Zanzibar Marine Station has become the Institute of Marine Science (IMS) of the University of Dar es Salaam and the Mombasa Marine Station is now the Kenya Marine Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI). This station became L’Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines de 1’Universite de Tulear. For instance, in 1962, a decision was taken to close the EAMFRO as it was argued that marine science was unlikely to provide immediate economic benefit to East Africa. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In Canada, for instance, just 9% of students in rural schools have an immigrant background, compared to about 45% of students in city schools. Rural-urban differences of at least 20 percentage points are observed also in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. How well do rural students do? In Bulgaria, Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong (People’s Republic of China) [hereafter “B-S-J-G (China)”], Hungary, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Turkey, the rural gap is of at least 80 score points before accounting for socio-economic status. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Both Estonian and Russian wetlands have been identified as Important Bird Areas, and the Estonian as a Natura 2000 site. Despite the fact that the Ramsar Sites and protected areas do not cover the entire Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe wetland area, their presence on both sides of the national border undoubtedly has great effect for the protection of the habitats of rare and threatened species, especially for migratory species and those having large individual territories. The management plan for the Pskovsko-Chudskaya Lowland was prepared in 2001-2003 within the Russian-Danish project, with the participation of experts from neighbouring Estonian Ramsar Site (its provisions regarding nature conservation, the sustainable use of natural resources, and international cooperation mainly remain to be implemented). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Patent buyouts, prizes, and proportional prizes may be other means of doing so (Bhagwati, 2005, Elliot, 2010). Use of more traditional subsidies, co-financing arrangements, and joint ventures should also be explored, within a framework of appropriate protocols for maintaining the public-good nature of research products (Pardey and Beintema, 2001). In the current context, a larger number of actors (civil society organizations, the private sector, farmers, and multilateral organizations) contribute toward this end. Although the number appears large, the general perception is that it is inadequate, especially when measured against the needs of small-scale farm holders who, for the most part, have been deprived of the services of such workers (Lele et al. Agricultural extension workers, free from any particular interest in promoting the use of commercial products, are still an important vehicle for the transmission of knowledge, information, and training for small farm holders, provided that they have adequate training themselves, a clear mandate, and appropriate incentives to perform their job. It is therefore vital that governments continue to provide quality rural extension services at a large scale to address the specific needs of famers. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A high-ranking position provides the leader with the necessary understanding of the system’s values and structure, and brings the power to be able to seize opportunities for innovations, and even the ability to change regulations, allocate resources, and implement the innovative learning reform. The common goal must present the essence and main challenge to be addressed so that it can serve as a symbol for the change that will foster legitimacy and stakeholder support for the investment of the time, money and expertise required. The vision should attract partners and followers, and provide them with the motivation, suggested methods, and narratives to explain the importance of such reform for innovative learning. The vision gives meaning to such concepts as “improving”, “learning” and “environment” providing the necessary context and relevance that are understood by and attractive to potential partners. The vision informs benchmarks and suggests evaluation criteria for assessing implementation measures. Without such a vision, there may well be too many routes to implementation and too much empty rhetoric, even mistrust in future reforms. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These transformations must combine a production pattern that is more socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable and a State with a redistributive capacity that expands access to well-being, promotes capability development and sends out positive signals to encourage equality through mutual recognition combined with the widespread exercise of both individual and collective autonomy. Social Indicators Research, vol. Data challenges and availability from a comparative perspective (LC/L.3695), Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Policy Research Working Paper, No. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 It has the legislative framework for ownership unbundling in place, and the transmission system operator has applied for certification. It has taken steps to develop comprehensive legal and regulatory frameworks for unbundling and third-party access, although progress is quite limited. A successful regional market requires harmonised technical rules and codes for operating electricity (and gas) networks and interconnectors. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Indeed, before the GR, the United States (2.2% of GDP) spent less than half the EU average (around 5%) on cash transfers for working-age individuals (Immervoll and Richardson, 2011, Table Al). Although discretionary and automatic policy changes did significantly improve support for jobless and low-earning individuals in the United States, the redistributive capacity of tax-transfer systems in the EU as a whole will remain much bigger despite recent policy developments. Based on the available evidence, we do not interpret the recent narrowing of gaps between income support systems in the US and some European countries as the beginning of a longer-term convergence towards more similar redistribution levels. Instead, we see it as a symptom of redistribution systems being in flux in all countries affected by the consequences of the 2007/8 financial crisis and the resulting deep labour-market downturn. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 However, global trends have contradicted this prediction, with populations shifting towards cities even in developed countries, and especially in Africa. The spatial nature of agglomeration economies is at play: in-person interactions are still important for networks, knowledge sharing and relationships: goods still travel by truck and rail, food cannot yet be 3D printed, and workers still commute to offices, stores and factories daily. In the light manufacturing sector small firms in Africa are constrained by access to land and finance as well as entrepreneurial skills (Dinh et al., Helping to remove these barriers could open up opportunities for aspiring informal sector operators. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Thus funding for the “active” services of the El system was in principle, before taking subsidies from government into account, a quarter of funding for passive unemployment benefits. Table 5A. 1 (see Annex 5A) lists these programmes, together with a tentative allocation of each programme to Categories 1 to 7 of the OECD/Eurostat classification, which is a classification by “type of action” rather than by target group. The sub-sections below follow this approach, and include some comments based on Table 5A.1. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Total government revenue is projected to reach ETB 498 billion by 2025/26 under the high revenue scenario and the budget deficit is projected to decline to ETB 34 billion. Four scenarios correspond to different assumptions regarding the level of social protection expenditure relative to GDP, three of these four include humanitarian relief while one does not. These are analysed with reference to low- and high-growth scenarios for GDP. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The country recognizes the advantage of diversification to strengthen its energy supply structure, and is also looking to increase the number of small and medium hydropower producers (Government of Japan, 2014). Planning and integrating a large number of small power generation plants utilizing different resources, and dispersed over broad geographic regions, has helped support a more stable supply that incorporates variable renewables in some areas. Furthermore, the introduction of increasingly affordable battery storage enables variable renewable energy, such as solar and wind, to become “dispatchable” resources, which are able to store surplus generation and then supply power systems when demand is present. Technology for battery-based energy storage systems is improving and costs are projected to continue to fall, pointing to the growing potential for increased renewable energy uptake. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, informal child care usually provided by older household members in these countries will become scarcer, imposing care-related constraints on labour force participation of mothers and other adults in the household, which may have to be taken into account when designing care policies. However, for conditionalities to work and be translated into longer-term improvements in human capital and labour market outcomes, certain conditions need to be met. Both vary greatly across programmes and countries. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Rather they are projections whose purpose here is to explore how ocean-based industries might evolve in the next couple of decades on the basis of a set of underlying assumptions, e.g. on economic growth, environmental degradation and technological innovation. Maritime and coastal tourism, including the cruise industry, is expected to take the largest share (26%), followed by offshore oil and gas exploration and production w'ith 22% and port activities w'ith 16%. In 2030, the ocean-based industries in the business-as-usual scenario are anticipated to employ more than 40 million (roughly the size of Germany’s labour force), representing more than 1% of the global w'orkforce of around 3.8 billion people (including part-time, self-employed and unemployed people).1 A majority would be working in the industrial capture fisheries sector and maritime and coastal tourism industry. More than half of the ocean-based industries are projected to see their value-added rise more quickly than that of the global economy. Almost all of these industries would see employment growth outpace that in the world economy as a whole. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Also, information needs to be made more widely available on how the situation of women compares to that of men in their countries with regard to access to, use and impact of ICTs, in order to work towards a global equitable information society. These surveys help to gather data that show the differences between men and women, leading to a better understanding of gender roles, responsibilities and differences in control over resources in a particular context. Data on land access and use. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This article presents the XXI’s constitutionalism as the doctrine of the constitutional law hich supposes to be a theoretical framework able to assure the interpretation of the political and social processes from which political constitutions emerge. Thus, the 88’s Brazilian Constitution proceeded to the recognition of the fundamental rights and norms regarding theprotection of minority rights. The purpose of this work is to investigate if this supposed innovative characteristic of the 88’s Brazilian Constitution is able or not to set historicalconstitutionalism as the continuity or maintenance of the conservative processes of the politicaland social status quo in the country. This article intends to discuss the nature of constitutional changes and the impacts of these changes on the development of constitutionalism in Brazil by analyzing the extent to which political, social, and cultural latin-american processes influenced changes in Brazilian constitutionalism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The theme of “ungoverned areas” is connected to that of the so-called new threats, which, as defined by the late 1980s, cover such diverse subjects as terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal migration, organized crime, and handling of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or of nuclear arsenals. Similarly, this approach touches upon discussions on failed states, weak states, and effective governance. The purpose of this chapter is to understand the nature of the “zones of low governability” once they have taken on relevance in discussions of international security and have had particular impact on the foreign policy of the United States. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While the present pension system represents a significant improvement over the previous model, the narrow range of coverage and the low level of expected pension income will leave most Mexicans with insufficient resources for retirement. Most importantly, INFONAVIT has an established relationship with formal-sector workers through the mandatory 5% employer contribution that is held in individual accounts that currently can be used to finance the purchase of a home and to supplement pension income. The proposed changes include: i) the introduction of both a universal pension for those who fail to qualify for a recognised pension and unemployment insurance (Mexico is the only country in the OECD that currently has no national system of unemployment insurance), ii) measures to increase competition among suppliers of pension sendees, and iii) additional provisions that will significantly affect the role of INFONAVIT in providing pensions and give the institute new functions in the country’s unemployment insurance regime. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Limited access to public services and social welfare benefits for rural migrants reduces their number and the length of their stay in cities. Although the Social Insurance Law, effective since mid-2011, requires all employers to pay health, unemployment, work injury and pension insurances for all their workers, including migrants, this remains an exception rather than standard practice. Therefore, migrants only stay about seven years in cities on average (Meng, 2012). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! As such, these systems decrease climate risks in general and may prevent large yield losses during droughts on land where these systems are installed. Investment in more efficient irrigation systems may otherwise also benefit other sectors in the economy when the “saved”’ water is directed out of the agricultural sector. Or it may be used to increase the lifetime of aquifers. In all of the projected scenarios, improved water efficiency contributes to lower agricultural prices. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! As the most visible among early regional innovation policies, science parks captured the attention of local policy makers, journalists and university presidents. In the 1980s, they became synonymous with attempts to change the economic structure of regions and to foster technology transfer from universities. Unfortunately, the concept was believed to be a general panacea for economic development problems. Therefore, they were bound to have mixed results and limited impacts beyond park boundaries. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 It also became possible to transfer ownership rights to private legal persons, including foreign ones. However, private ownership rights did not apply to agricultural and some other lands.15 The Decree set out the principles of state ownership of agricultural land with private use rights under 99-year leases and of division of the lands of restructured agricultural enterprises among workers, including those employed in the social sphere in rural areas (e.g. teachers and medical workers), and pensioners. Many subleases were converted into shares of agricultural enterprises, with shareholders now receiving dividends based on enterprise profitability rather than a share of output or a rental payment. From 2004 to 2010, a total of 864.5 thousand hectares of state agricultural land was purchased. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On average in OECD countries self-reported satisfaction with education services is comparable to the satisfaction with health care services and higher than satisfaction with public transportation systems. Satisfaction with the education system in Korea remains higher in 2015 than self-reported confidence in the judicial system and the military (which are particularly low). According to the latest Gallup Poll data, the gap in self-reported satisfaction between the richest and the poorest income quintiles in Korea reached 9 p.p. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! See Causa, de Serres and Ruiz (2014) for details. However, a number of factors could explain the relatively low elasticity obtained over the sample examined. Severe under-representation of top-income household could account in part the low elasticity even at the level of average household if this group has benefited from a growing share of total income, as has been documented in several countries (OECD, 2011b). Again, insofar as the share of profits distributed in the form of capital gains has been rising during the period examined, this would result in measured household income growing less rapidly than GDP per capita. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Effective implementation of such approaches requires better sex-disaggregated data and analysis on the impacts of policy on women and men. Crucially, it also requires strengthening women's agency, voice and participation in macroeconomic decision-making to increase the responsiveness and accountability of national and global institutions in charge of economic policy design and implementation. But the macroeconomic framework within which other policies are implemented either enlarges or constrains their scope to advance substantive equality for women. This chapter begins by highlighting ways in which current approaches to macroeconomic policy reduce the possibilities for realizing women's economic and social rights. It discusses how lack of attention to social goals, failure to integrate unpaid care and domestic work and an insufficient focus on employment creation and resource mobilization severely limit the potential of these approaches to advance substantive equality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 First and foremost, work of a permanent nature could not be conducted under a fixed-term contract, and the maximum duration was five years. Second, consecutive fixed-term contracts for a given employee were ruled-out. The strictness of the 2002 law governing temporary contracts is reflected in their very low share of about 2% of all employment contracts in Lithuania, lower than in any OECD country. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For instance, with the poverty threshold defined as 60 per cent of a country’s median income, in 2006, 72 million people in the EU were at risk of falling into poverty, and in 2001, more than half of all people in low-income households in the EU lived with the persistent risk of falling into poverty. In addition, it is estimated that one in five people in Europe lives in substandard housing and 10 per cent live in households where no one works (Commission of the European Communities, 2007). During the 1990s, poverty rates were highest in the United States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ireland, Italy and Greece. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""Employers and educators in perceived """"masculine"""" or """"feminine"""" fields can also help eliminate existing stereotypes, such as by promoting awareness that computer sciences (""""masculine"""" and """"nerdy"""") help solve health problems (""""feminine"""" and """"caring"""") (Wang and Degol 2016), or by reaching out and establishing direct contact with students and schools (OECD, 2008). Providing objective and reliable career information to both boys and girls, including personal contacts with employers and professionals, can help reduce the influence of informal sources of information, which may lack reliability, solid information and impartiality, and confine choices to the known and familiar (OECD, 2004). Other data show that few pupils have a full or accurate understanding of science-related professions, many are largely unaware of the range of career opportunities that are made available with training in science and technology."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Though one of the most naturally rich protected a in the world, Virunga National Park is situated in one c poorest regions. Existing between these extremes of nomic poverty and natural wealth, the park i for those looking to make vast personal profits. Poaching has become rampant, as has the clearingof protected rare forests for charcoal. This exploitation also leads to deadly conflicts and threatens not just local populations, but the very existence of the park. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition to the fact that feminization contributes to growth, when there is a sharp slowdown, such as occurred in the second and third quarters of 2009 or the early months of 2010 in some countries, and male unemployment is higher, the response of the female labour supply is positive. If this result is found to hold true over the long term, it could provide corroboration for the theory advanced by Erturk and Cagatay (1995) regarding the relationship between a high rate of feminization and long per capita income levels. Thus, the participation gap is narrowing and the feminization rate is climbing, which is in keeping with the result of the model. However, the unemployment gap widened in 2007 and 2008, which means that the rise in participation has not been balanced out by employment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In recent decades, UNICEF has established surveys and extensive crossnational databases of indicators relating to the well-being of children across the globe (e.g. UNICEF-supported Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) programme). Once compiled by the custodian, SDG indicators are submitted to the global SDG database (managed by the UN Statistics Division) along with interpretation of the data and trends for the annual SDG progress reports. And UNICEF, as an SDG custodian, continues to commit to improving global data for children by supporting national and international partners to meet the data demands of the SDGs. The unique contribution of this paper is that it opens discussion around the SDGs and social progress which is both child-focused and high-income country-focused. The following section introduces the main findings of the paper, including a summary table of the data available for monitoring the position, and the recent development of high-income countries in the SDG challenge. Section 3 addresses conceptual and methodological issues related to developing a framework of indicators for child-focused SDGs in high-income countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Jurisdiction is a central concept in the framing of the legal world but it has received short shrift in mainstream legal theory. This article examines the prevailing conceptual forms of jurisdiction in order to retrieve space for the political. The study of jurisdiction is also the study of the political community that it invokes and authorises. The first part of the article examines the three forms that jurisdiction takes in contemporary scholarship (territory, community, governance) to show that each form overlooks some implication of the political community that is tethered to jurisdiction. The second part of the article flips the inquiry to demonstrate the oversight of jurisdiction in theories of sovereign exception. The emergent understanding of jurisdiction as political provides an anchor for the study of jurisdiction going forward and highlights the potential role for jurisdictional arrangements in contemporary public law and constitutional law settings. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Rapid and sustained economic growth allows the poor opportunities to increase their initial endowments (save to accumulate capital, get an education to increase human capital) and to earn better rewards for supplying their resources to others, typically through the market. Another avenue through which trade can spur economic growth is by increasing the pace of innovation by firms. First, trade liberalization increases the size of the market and the incentives to innovate. Second, to the extent that technical knowhow is embodied in products, trade liberalization makes possible knowledge spill-overs through improved access to imports. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Education can provide children with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. It is associated with increased incomes, reduced poverty and improved health. But for education to play this role, it must begin with early childhood development and continue with quality learning opportunities that provide all children, especially the most disadvantaged, with a fair chance to thrive. Good education increases knowledge, sparks innovation, builds skills that drive growth and prosperity, and fosters inclusive societies. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The analysis presented in this section therefore calculates receipt rates of SA, HB and FB as the share of individuals living in households that receive benefits as a share of all youth. On average, slightly above 7% of all youth aged 16-29 years receive UB. Receipt rates are particularly low on the American continent except for Canada (Chile, Mexico, United States) and in some Southern and Eastern European countries (Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Greece, Portugal), all of which have receipt rates of below 3%. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In 2014, the educational attainment rate of the region was 73%, approximately 10 percentage points smaller than the national average. However, the educational attainment rate of the region is about 7 percentage points higher than the average rural TL2 region’s rate. Another area of comparative weakness is environmental quality: The level of air pollution was in 2014 about 21.7 in pg/m3, positioning Gangwong in the bottom in terms of environmental quality performance across OECD TL2 regions. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A steering group has been formed to prepare an implementation plan for a campus forum to plan for a whole institution approach to environment and sustainability. The project integrated environmental ESD into a number of courses, and provided an interdisciplinary environmental education elective for pre-service teachers. The project also implemented a number of other activities aimed at action-oriented learning and campus greening. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Total exports rise from 25.7 Mt in the base period to 31.9 Mt at the end, growing 4.1% per year. Brazil’s exporters seem to focus on exporting raw rather than refined sugar. Whereas exports of raw sugar grow to almost 27 Mt, averaging a growth rate of 4.7% per annum, exports of refined sugar grow much slower averaging 1.8% per annum to 5.2 Mt, some 15% below the base period level. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This is notably the case when the income tax schedule is convex or when capital market imperfections make the cost of refinancing after a negative shock both higher and convex (Froot et al., Risk mitigation relates to costly activities that reduce the impact of risks for the farm. One usually makes a distinction between self-insurance, which consists in reducing the loss of a given risk when it occurs, and self-protection, which consists in reducing the probability of the risk (Ehrlich and Becker, 1976). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! An example of a no-regrets project is co-operation between the BMLFUW and the insurance industry on an Internet-based risk zoning system for natural hazards, particularly floods, that allows very high resolution visualisation of high-risk areas and damage potential. The reason might be that the sector is perceived to be relatively flexible in responding to gradual changes in climate, for example through increased summer tourism to make up for shortfalls in winter activities, so adaptation measures could be taken later. Fully exploiting the potential benefits of summer tourism will, however, require advance planning and co-ordination. There is also a lack of practical measures in the energy sector. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! These developments are occurring without an increase in men’s participation in care work and without adequate State and market mechanisms to shift some of the care burden to society. For centuries, under successive waves of economic thought, the domestic sphere and its relationship to the rest of the economic system have been consistently ignored or analysed only partially or in the wrong way. This concept refers to an amorphous sphere of goods, services, activities, relationships and values that have to do with some of the most basic and important needs with regard to human existence and reproduction. As with any new concept, its scope and boundaries are as yet unclear. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 One option w'ould therefore be to lengthen the trial period so that firms are more willing to hire and experiment with new workers. These types of contractual arrangements may be of particular interest to youth since workers under such contracts tend to receive more training than workers in standard fixed-term contracts, are assisted in finding assignments, and gain a wide range of experience (OECD, 2013). In some countries, workers are hired by agency firms under open-ended contracts, and even receive an (albeit low) wage in-between assignments. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Safe housing for female teachers is also important, particularly when countries are struggling to recruit and retain teachers (World Bank, 1988, 1989). Furthermore, sanitary facilities may be located outside the main school compound. Students may therefore be at risk of bullying and sexual violence, which is especially a concern for female students. When constructing new sanitary facilities, it is important to engage students in the planning process and to conduct sex education courses to inform students about physical changes during puberty (INEE, 2009). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! It also gives many examples. The chapter presents MPIs as a useful and popular complement to countries' national monetary poverty measures, as can be seen from the examples of countries that use national MPIs (and their associated dashboards) as official statistics. Step by step guidelines are provided on how to design and use a national MPI for policy. The chapter also introduces some internationally comparable MPIs, for example the one published by UNDP, and shows what value-added emerges from comparable MPIs. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The global prevalence of intimate partner violence against women. Science, 340(6140), 1527-1528. Prevention of violence against women and girls: what does the evidence say? The Lancet 385 (9977): 1555-1566. Domestic violence and women’s autonomy in developing countries: Theory and evidence. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne d'Economique. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 We present evidence on the relation between local corruption and firm value in the United States. We find that firm value (Tobin’s Q) is significantly lower in more corrupt areas, after controlling for endogeneity. However, firms that sell goods and services to the government (i.e., “government-dependent firms”) are less negatively affected by local corruption. Further, firms in more corrupt environments are informationally less transparent. Importantly, we find that stronger corporate governance (either internal to the firm or due to an exogenous regulatory change in governance standards) benefits firm value but largely in more corrupt areas. Overall, we find that corruption matters for firm value even in the U.S., however, stronger corporate governance mechanisms can overcome some of the ill-effects of corruption. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 An example of this is the Promotion of Green Economic Development (ProGED) programme in the Philippines, supported by Germany, which works with the Department of Trade and Industry to raise awareness of green economic development, promotes green value chains through facilitation and matchmaking services, and supports the policy framework in the country. In addition, development partners are also increasingly using grant financing in a more ‘catalytic’ way, e.g. through matching grant schemes requiring private co-finance, in order to support particularly innovative companies and technologies, that could play a role in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and that would otherwise not have access to finance. One emerging trend in this area is the increased use of green credit lines, provided through local financing institutional and national development banks, targeting the uptake of green technologies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were criticised for failing to address the issue of governance, and the associated notions of responsibility and accountability. The Sustainable Development Goals, we argue, need to recognise the structural constraints facing poor countries – the power imbalances in the global economic system that limit their ability to promote the prosperity and well-being of their people, as was clearly brought out by the Commission on Global Governance for Health, of which we were both members [Ottersen, O. P., J. Dasgupta, C. Blouin, Paulo Buss, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Julio Frenk, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, et al. 2014. “The Political Origins of Health Inequality: Prospects for Change.” Lancet 383: 630–667]. This article is divided into three parts. We begin by making the case for a global justice perspective which emphasises the responsibility – and hence also accountability – of international organisations and rule-making bodies. We next demonstrate the limitations of accountabi... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is a growing shift in the economy from easily reproduced goods and services to more unique experiences, especially those based on local or traditional foods. Tourism can also play a major role in developing food exports, both by creating demand abroad and by stimulating tourism expenditure on food at home. Rural tourism can foster employment across various occupational domains and create demand for different skills profiles, including the lower and highly skilled. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Collected from school registers, school surveys or censuses for data on enrolment by age or level of education, population censuses or estimates for school age population. Data obtained: May and June 2013. Collected from school registers, school surveys or censuses, population censuses or estimates for school age population. Data obtained: 12 July 2013. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In either case, further monitoring and research are needed to understand the underlying causes. Indicators offer a measure of the effectiveness of actions in moving a system towards a more desirable state. For example, if body temperature decreases after taking a medicine, we conclude that the medicine has been effective in combating the disease. To accomplish this objective, indicators should provide an ability to assess cause-and-effect relations. They help policy makers and the public to understand the linkages and trade-offs between economic, environmental and social values in order to evaluate the long-term implications of current decisions and behaviour and to monitor progress towards sustainable development goals by establishing baseline conditions and trends. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Other countries with strong data availability included Denmark (86%) and Finland, Iceland and Korea (79% each). All countries reported national mortality data and virtually all reported national data for in-patient hospitalisations and mental health in-patient hospitalisations, a national population health survey and a national cancer registry. Virtually all also have a national population census or registry providing key population denominators and contextual data for health statistics and research. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It is highest in Nordic countries. Lower public spending on childcare in southern European countries is typical, as informal care is predominantly provided for young children and mainstream pre-school participation begins at the age of three. Public spending on childcare per child is also lower in countries where the private provision of day care is predominant, such as the United States. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For instance, the Australian state of Victoria established a health promotion agency funded by tobacco taxes, and several US states (California, Massachusetts, Arizona, and Oregon) have hypothecated part of tobacco excise revenues for tobacco-related education and tobacco-control activities, alcohol revenue are used for alcohol-related education and prevention programs in New Jersey, Ohio, Texas (Sassi et al., Local taxes can be an important source of revenues, especially in decentralised health care systems (e.g. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Sweden).17 Local taxes have the advantage of creating a strong link between payers and health care service beneficiaries, thus potentially increasing accountability. In addition the level of local taxation may be set in line with local preferences about the level and quality of medical services. However, in the absence of a centrally managed risk-adjusted transfer mechanism, decentralisation lowers risk pooling and might result in larger interregional health disparities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Higher market participation among women induced by higherwages does lowerthe time available for human capacities production. But gender egalitarian relations of reproduction, buoyed by strong public support for care and the availability of effective care commodities not only protect against time squeeze, they actually induce an increase in the production of human capacities (quantity and/or quality) in the context of higher incomes. From a citizen-worker-carer perspective, this is the win-win scenario. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Out of the 18 countries for which a comparison could be made, 11 countries significantly improved scores between the two rounds, and none showed significant declines (Schulz etal., Country scores on the index increased significantly between 2009 and 2016. Female students, those with greater interest in civics and political matters and those with greater civics knowledge held more positive attitudes (Schulz et al., An analysis using 2009ICCS data had shown that students who perceived the classroom environment as open and valued participation in school were more likely to endorse equal rights for all ethnic groups (Trevino et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Beyond the what, policymakers need to focus on the how, which requires the identification of possible overlaps in the allocation of roles and responsibilities, asymmetries of information, sectoral fragmentation of water-related tasks, insufficient knowledge, unstable or insufficient revenues at all levels of government, possibly conflicting objectives, as well as accountability concerns undermining the transparency of water policymaking. Similarly, several governance instruments are often needed to overcome identified obstacles. For instance, on the one hand, adopting contracts between levels of government can be a response to objective, funding, capacity and policy gaps. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Concerned with economic development, Mobilis is strengthening its partnership strategy with the local technology industry and is thereby participating fully in the emancipation of the national economy. This project is developed in partnership with Huawei Ericsson ZTE, and it relates to SDGs 1, 3, 5, 8 and 9, building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. San Luis 3.0 is the name of the state policy that defines actions to maximize San Luis' digitalization and prepares it for the effects of the fourth industrial revolution. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has also collected data on telecommunications services for the ICT Regulatory Tracker (Chapter 5), including information on regulatory authorities, regulatory regimes, and level of competition (ITU, 2017). According to the ICT Regulatory Tracker, by 2015 the majority of the EIF countries had established an independent regulatory authority for telecommunication or ICT, eight have yet to establish one. Since 2012, the government has introduced a new international gateway license to foster competition (Schumann and Kende, 2013). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The provincial licence fees for water are related to the cost of administering the licensing programme. These are regulatory levies and not abstraction charges. Revenues have been used for nature conservation, protection of ground and surface water, reforestation, soil protection and decontamination. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The programme includes 21 districts in Penang island and the mainland, and the states of Kedah, Perlis, and northern Perak. The Northern Corridor Economic Region programme aims to accelerate economic growth and elevate income levels in the north of Peninsular Malaysia. It is part of a national strategy focusing on regions which can benefit from land, labour and natural resources, combining these with manufacturing experience and international linkages. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Some estimates suggest that municipalities would be willing to accept hospital costs 20% higher to avoid hospital’s closure. Firms are required by legislation (Occupational Health Care Act) to provide preventive care to their employees, but many large and medium-sized employers also provide extra services - in particular access to GPs - free of charge. In the mid-2000, additional services were provided to some 90% of employees with access to compulsory occupational health care services and 45% of employees’ physician consultations -13% of the total number of consultations - were in occupational care (Teperi et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 By approving prohibitions on genocide and embracing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the United Nations in 1948 sustained a theory premised on the centrality of people—both in their collective and individual capacities—that enjoyed primacy over the claims of the sovereign state. This affirmation of human rights dovetailed with the UN’s earlier endorsement of the Nuremberg principles with their emphasis on personal accountability. The melding of privileges and responsibilities gestured toward, although it did not fully encompass, that philosophical line strenuously espoused at the time by the eminent legal theorist, Hersch Lauterpacht: the state is not a sanctified end but merely the custodian of the welfare and ultimate purpose of human beings.This analysis examines the Genocide Convention and the UDHR and brings into conversation their drafting histories, politics, and diplomacy. It traces the saga of two seminal documents and their tandem fates in Cold War America. The collectivist proj... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Policy-makers and decision-makers would be well-advised to take note of the scale of the disruptions ahead. It should be pointed out that the shares of variable renewables that are underlying the present analysis are considerably below the ambitious long-term objectives that a number of OECD countries have set themselves in this respect. This section reports the origin of the data used in the study as well as the assumptions and methods of calculation used. A real discount rate of 7% has been assumed to compute fixed and variable costs. When not present in the Projected Costs database, data for a specific power plant type have been replaced by other data available in the Projected Costs study. For instance, data for coal and gas-fired power plants for France are derived from those from Germany. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, direct public spending on child-related employment issues is still low against an ambition of achieving a major increase in fertility and/or female employment rates. The government should increase its efforts to ensure high female employment rates by reforming the tax and benefit system with a view to reducing the strong disincentives to work and to increase work effort by secondary earners, and by strengthening efforts to ease the combination of work and family life. In 1980, the majority of Japanese firms still operated a mandatory retirement age at 55. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 General improvements in water and sanitation governance and management can make major contributions, but applying an “equitable access lens” is also needed in order to speed up progress. This does not necessarily require setting up new legal and institutional mechanisms and processes, since many existing mechanisms can be used to promote equitable access. It does, however, require a results-oriented action plan building on country-situation analysis and context-specific equity indicators. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This development has been supported by the growth of more large scale processing facilities that provide enough waste to justify the investment in a fishmeal plant at the end of the processing line. However, total production of these commodities and the quantity of fish reduced into fishmeal and fish oil are known. Combining this with an estimate of the fishmeal and oil yield from reduction fisheries, the quantity of fishmeal and oil produced from residues can be inferred. Data from Pern, where fishmeal and oil production is dominated by the reduction fishery, were used to estimate these yields. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Follow this and additional works at: of theEducation Policy Commons,Inequality and Stratification Commons,OtherEducation Commons,Other Political Science Commons,Policy Design, Analysis, and EvaluationCommons,Politics and Social Change Commons,Public Administration Commons,Public PolicyCommons,Social Control, Law, Crime, and Deviance Commons,Social Policy Commons, and theSocial Welfare Commons - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Are men who take their parental leave in full, for example, seen as uncommitted to their careers and passed over for promotion? Yet today’s economies need all available talent to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future, while the right balance must be struck between responsibilities at home and at work to deliver better lives for all. When asked, fewer women than men say they would prefer to be self-employed. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In its decision in Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov the Supreme Court of Canada fundamentally altered Canadian administrative law. For the most part, the Court’s analysis was comprehensible and comprehensive. But on a number of key issues, the implications of Vavilov are obscure. In order of importance, these unresolved issues are: how does Vavilov apply to internal statutory appeals, what framework governs procedural fairness in administrative law, is arbitration subject to administrative law principles, are administrative decisions touching the Charter of Rights and Freedoms still to be reviewed deferentially, and what are the constitutional foundations of Vavilovian judicial review? In my Hugh Ketcheson QC Memorial Lecture, I will explain the importance of these issues and lay out answers and solutions which are faithful to the Vavilov framework. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Abstract The forced distribution rating system (FDRS) is frequently used to appraise an employee's performance. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize theory and empirical research to present an integrative model for understanding the potential benefits and risks of a FDRS on the three components of job performance: task, citizenship, and counterproductive performance. A FDRS may lead to higher task performance in the relatively short-term, as it initially motivates effort as well as helps attract and retain top talent. Caution is in order, however, as a FDRS may also lead to lower citizenship performance and higher counterproductive performance through injustice perceptions and dysfunctional competition. Over time, the risks of a FDRS on job performance may increasingly outweigh initial benefits, particularly under certain task (interdependence) and group (cultural) characteristics. Implications of a FDRS for human resource management research and practice are discussed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A number of criteria to assess indicators’ quality and adequacy are commonly used to provide guidelines for their selection, such as: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART), Relevant, Accepted, Credible, Easy, Robust (RACER), and Clear, Relevant, Economic, Adequate and Monitorable (CREAM) (European Commission, 2017). Inspired by these criteria and by the discussions within the OECD Water Governance Initiative, some key characteristics for water governance indicators have been identified, such as: be relevant (according to the purpose of the measurement), be participative (in their development), be practical (in the production and collection considering resources and time constraints), and be realistic (in terms of how they will be used) (Figure 2.3). Guiding questions are reported in Table 2.3. Suggestions by pilot testers helped to improve the indicator framework and refine the language. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Evidence suggests emergent literacy should focus on improving vocabulary and listening skills, building knowledge of the alphabetic code, and introduce printing (NIEER, 2006). The OECD has shown that children whose parents often read to them show markedly higher scores in PISA 2009 than students whose parents read with them infrequently or not at all (OECD, 2011). Research also shows that children quickly establish a stable approach to developing emergent literacy skills. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Panel A uses measures of social expenditure on a range of social cash transfers -housing benefits, unemployment benefits, incapacity benefit, pension benefit, a range of family benefits - plus also a measure of the proportion of social spending directed to the poorest 10% of households. Panel B uses measures of social cash transfers payment rates, covering housing benefit, social assistance and child supplements, all measured as the average payment rate for a two-parent family as a percent of the average wage. In all cases, estimates are conditional on the pre-transfer child poverty rate (i.e. the pre-transfer relative child poverty rate is included in all models as an independent variable), to account for all other possible time-varying determinants of child poverty. Table 2 shows result based on within-country change. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 People need opportunity and political leadership to recognise and name the discrimination and privation they face so they can break the perpetuation of internalised and external discrimination. This means people representing themselves in ways that do not demean them, or simply re-produce societal discriminations against them. The label “the poor” is a case in point. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The priority areas are 1) social inclusion and recovery, 2) prevention and early intervention, 3) service access, co-ordination and continuity of care, 4) quality improvement and innovation, and 5) accountability - measuring and reporting progress. Indicators included under the first domain relate to education, employment, housing and community participation of people with mental illness as well as rates of stigmatising attitudes within the community. The third domain monitors people receiving mental health care including their pre-admission and post-discharge care, re-admission rates, primary care, emergency department waiting times and prevalence of mental illness among homeless and prison populations. The fourth domain covers standards and quality of care, service user outcomes and patient and carer experiences. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 A new body could take overall responsibility for the entire VET system at upper secondary and post-secondary levels, including the relationship with social partners. The OECD team noted a widely shared commitment across different stakeholders to work together to address policy reform and to work with industry partners, a newly established council must take advantage of this environment. An earlier Council for Human Resources established in 2000 sought to design a national training and employment strategy. According to the information available in other OECD reports and the background report provided by the local team, a significant consequence of the implementation of this strategy was the reorganisation and consolidation of VET programmes in recent years (OECD, 2010b, SPU-MoHE, 2012:37). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""Since EVs will be expensive at first, countries with a large base of consumers who can afford the cost will play an important role as """"early adopters"""". Over time, their efforts should bring down the costs for others, in part through opportunities for technology transfer. A key aspect will be for national governments to work together, as they do through the Electric Vehicles Initiative (CEM, 2011), and to work with municipalities and regions to organise plans and responsibilities."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Although New Zealand and the United Kingdom are members of the Commonwealth, Tokelau and Pitcairn Island are not included as Commonwealth Pacific small states in this Report. Part a) is a Tier 1 indicator while part b) is a Tier 3 indicator. Part a) is a Tier 1 indicator while part b) is a Tier 2 indicator. Building the Resilience of Small States: A Revised Framework, London: Commonwealth Secretariat. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 ""During the former periods, government budget deficits build up, and during the latter, surpluses amass, resulting in a relatively balanced national budget overthe medium-or long-run. Industrialized economies typically are more able to adopt such policies as evidenced during the Great Recession. That is, they tend to have greater fiscal space—the ability to borrow in order to deficit spend, due to credibility amongst lenders."""""" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Describes how the USA and UK have established many and varied tough new provisions in the fight against crime, and corruption in particular. Traces the long history of corruption and attempts to suppress it, and defines the terms bribery and corruption. Looks at the US legislation against corruption, focusing on the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) 1970 and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) 1977, also the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) 1989 and most recently the PATRIOT Act 2001, which covers corruption as part of a wider response to the terrorist attacks on the USA. Moves onto UK legislation since 1889, including the OECD Convention, the Anti‐Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, the draft Corruption Bill, and legislation enacted against money laundering and to seize the proceeds of crime. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 On Greenland, the ice is melting even faster than predicted by any of our models. The consequences of climate change involve every nation on earth, every business and every household. The IPCC has estimated that we can keep the rise in average temperature below 2-2.8°C in 2030 at the cost of 0.12% of annual growth in the global economy or 3% of global BNP. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A wide range of input subsidies on fertiliser, seeds, credit, etc., The number and budgetary cost of these measures have grown rapidly since the mid-2000s. The introduction of a targeted rice for the poor programme (RASKIN) in 1998 has allowed the government to steadily increase the minimum producer price of rice, but at the cost of increasing budgetary expenditure on RASKIN. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The results of this analysis are presented in Table 14. This result might be driven in part by a large share of single parents among long-term recipients. Interestingly, the gender pattern is reversed in Norway and Sweden, where, perhaps surprisingly, single parents are over-represented in the ‘short spells’ group. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! There appears to be a reasonably high degree of compatibility between IP and acquisition finance, for two reasons: firstly, a substantial proportion of the assets ultimately acquired through acquisition are intangible, and deemed to be of utility and value, secondly, intangible assets may, in some circumstances, be a decisive contributor in the appetite of the purchaser to buy, and the price they are willing to pay. Each of these two aspects is briefly considered below. Past research into these filings conducted by Deloitte (2007) and KPMG (2010) has found that the identifiable intangible assets component can represent a substantial part of the value attributed. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This way, low initial rates can foster political acceptance and give stakeholders time to adjust, while increases over time guarantee stable revenue and maintain environmental effectiveness. If uncertainty about the predictability and longevity of a tax rate emerges, investors may regard the risk of low-carbon, energy-efficient or pollution-reducing investments to be too high. At the same time, incentivising private investment requires additional measures to minimize risk and create stable investment frameworks that guarantee - or at least increase the probability of - a safe return. Such measures can include low-cost loans for private investors, accelerated depreciation, preferential interest rates or, for renewable energy, long-term power purchase agreements (Cottrell, Fortier and Schlegelmilch, 2015). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The total resources distributed through this system have declined and became negligible in 2009-2010.14 There have also been some concerns regarding transparency of the process in awarding preferences. These VAT exemptions apply only to products which are not available or produced in Ukraine. In 2010, only a few among the major Ukrainian energy companies included special sections dedicated to environmental issues on their websites, but the situation in this area has been rapidly evolving, partly under the influence of foreign firms that introduce their home country’s corporate practices in Ukraine. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 An amount of 20 million lei/year (about €4.6 million/year) has been estimated as necessaiy for such compensation. Some will have the status of strict protection but others will be available for a variety of uses, including that of commercial forest exploitation. However, the owner must take into account the values of the species and habitats for which the site w'as designated and implement sustainable management practices, some relatively easy and others more complicated. Accordingly, it is important to ensure that Romanian foresters are provided with the necessary tools (including financial tools) to make these changes and that management decisions involve all stakeholders. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This paper discusses different means of regulation, taking the example of post-crisis financial markets regulation. It is remarkable that the general discussion about reforming financial regulation centres on the substantive standards of the new rules and neglects the problem of choosing the right regulatory instruments. The paper focuses on four basic instruments of law enforcement (administrative sanctions, civil liability, corrective taxation, criminal sanctions) and takes three examples of regulatory choice in financial markets regulation. Using a number of different yardsticks for comparison, it analyses the relative strengths and weaknesses of the four instruments and employs a cost-benefit analysis.It turns out that civil liability – while limited in its scope – exhibits the best cost-benefit ratio. Criminal law, by contrast, seems very inefficient. Administrative law and corrective taxation come in second best. The return from using these instruments has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 So far, 13 796 compact cars, 3 568 hybrid cars and 24 electric cars have been registered in Suwon, and the city aims to increase the number of electric cars to 1 000 units by 2018, while replacing 50% of its official-purpose vehicles with electric cars. The fundamental philosophy of the city government is that ensuring the right to mobility for vulnerable users is a prerequisite to ensuring the full realisation of the universal right, because all citizens are bound to fall into a vulnerable state as a child or an elderly. In this respect, policy makers are trying to find the right balance between profitability and social equity. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, rural as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations have lower academic performance and less access to tertiary education than the national average. A high proportion of children are enrolled in early childhood education, and school is comprehensive until age 16. School choice is widely available compared to the OECD area. Secondary and tertiary pathways aim to prepare students for social integration and entry into the labour market. Attainment rates in upper secondary education are at the OECD average. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Why then should it be adopted at all? The underlying motivation seems to be obsessive zeal with regard to making absolutely certain that no non-necessity enters the poverty-line basket. A monetary poverty line postulated by such a methodology cannot by definition be a basic-needs line: it is guaranteed to short-change the poor. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Since then IAARD, has taken steps, through ICATAD, to develop a research consortium programme with universities, establish partnership programmes with private companies such as PT DuPont Indonesia, and increase collaboration with local governments. Finally, although the AIATs are crucial to strengthen the linkages between research at the central level and extension agents in the districts, it is debatable whether each province needs such an agency. A system by which AIAT centres are positioned with agro-ecological zone specialisations, serving all provinces concerned, would foster cross-province co-operation, lead to less fragmentation and reduce the potential for duplication of efforts and functions at the provincial level (World Bank, 2012). Research in each province should be focused on two or three commodities having highest comparative advantages or potential. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Therefore, further analyses were undertaken using indexes of inequalities which overcome, at least in part, the problems just described. Disparities in drinking patterns related to education level and the socioeconomic status are assessed and gauged using the concentration index (Cl). This study uses the corrected Cl proposed by Wagstaff (2005) in order to take into account the bounded nature of the health outcome (e.g. probability of being alcohol consumer). The Cl is bounded between -1 and 1, with the sign indicating the direction of inequality -a positive index indicates that the well-off are less likely to be alcohol consumers (or hazardous or heavy episodic drinkers)9, a zero value indicates no inequality, and a negative index indicates that the well-off are more likely to be alcohol consumers (or hazardous or heavy episodic drinkers)10. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Traditionally, both national and firm accounting practices treated investment in non-market intangibles, such as internal R&D, as current expenditure rather than as investment. National accounts have now started to capitalise, even if only partially, investments in intangibles such as software and R&D. However, most intangible investment is still excluded from the national accounts. In particular, the rate of change of output per worker increases more rapidly in the presence of intangible capital, and capital deepening -tangible and intangible - becomes the dominant source of labour productivity growth. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! ""The advantage of these hybrid systems is that they can be responsive to the needs and demands of all, irrespective of income or wealth. """" It is often argued that private production is more responsive to consumer demand, but the response is only to consumers with enough money"""" (Elson, 2011). It is important that social production responds not only to the rights and interests of producers but also to the rights of users. This would require the strengthening of rights of users and building direct links between producers and users."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Stronger rural-urban linkages can result in better economic and social development outcomes and benefits for all participants. These serve as just a few examples that highlight the importance of rural policies for the country’s development. While once focused almost entirely on agriculture, there is an increasingly multidimensional view of rural development that encompasses support for economic diversification. In equal measure, there has been a shift from a highly centralised top-down approach to policy making towards one where a broader array of actors are involved in elaborating and implementing policy, including community-based groups. Successive decentralisation reforms have been formative in promoting local community development, however, this process of decentralisation is by no means complete and moreover, silos between agricultural and rural development policies persist. As will be discussed, more could be done to align these incentives and improve the effectiveness of rural policies based on local conditions and needs. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Individuals who are still deprived may be the most difficult to reach—geographically, politically, socially and economically. It is time to push to eradicate the remaining deprivations not only in access to health care, education and livelihoods, but also in other dimensions of well-being, such as security, freedom of participation in political life and access to advanced, high-quality services. Some barriers may require technical solutions—greater fiscal resources and development assistance, gains in technology and improved data resources for monitoring and evaluation (see chapter 3). These barriers can be addressed, albeit not easily, through changes in national policies (see chapter 4) and in international systems (see chapter 5). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 They have the potential to overcome fragmented policy silos, for example, by integrating ecological dimensions into social policy (as discussed in chapter 2 in relation to cash transfer and public works programmes), or by integrating social components into green economy approaches. Costa Rica provides a relatively successful example of eco-social development in which the state has played a fundamental role in incorporating people into markets and social systems by promoting productive (often public) employment and universal social policies.70 In addition, Costa Rica was an early promoter of environmental sustainability and, in 1997, among the first countries to adopt a national PES scheme for forest conservation and regeneration. With regard to climate change, Costa Rica is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 2005 levels by 2021 and achieving a carbon neutral economy by 2085.74 In order to effectively tackle climate change, the government has put in place a comprehensive policy package addressing issues of both mitigation and adaptation and underlining the need for an integrated focus on energy and climate policy. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Though there are likely to be additional impact evaluation and CEA studies available, this sample is nevertheless likely to represent the majority of studies that exist at this time. These are Ahmadia et al. ( Time-series data is planned to be collected in order to undertake a full impact evaluation study. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! By using Recentered Influence Function (RIF) regressions (Firpo et al., The first, which is referred to as the composition effect, is related to the overall changes in the distribution of observed characteristics of households (e.g. the proportion of households with a female worker), and the second is the wage structure effect, which captures the overall changes in the return to households with a female worker. By this setting, the wage structure effect also includes changes in the return to unobservable characteristics. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For them, subsidies include all government interventions, or even lack of intervention, that affect the fisheries industry and that have an economic value. This covers services, direct financial transfers and indirect transfers (such as tax exemptions), regulations (such as import quotas, foreign direct investment regulations, gear regulations), and lack of intervention (for example, free access to fishing grounds, lack of management measures, inadequate enforcement). It is hard to compare these estimates, given the different data sources, methodologies, timescales, geographical areas and definitions used. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 There are also high mortality rates due to external causes of death (73 per 100 000 population, compared to an EU average of 46), including a high rate of road traffic deaths. Infant mortality, at 4.6 per 1000 live births in 2015, was among the highest rates in the EU, where the average is 3.6. Standardised mortality rates from lung, breast and colon cancer in Croatia are among the highest in the EU. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This is consistent with theory: changes in yield that affect the aggregate production can impact market prices. In a big country that can affect world prices or in a small isolated market or region, this link is stronger. In a small market with strong trade the correlation may vanish. For individual producers, price-yield correlation would occur only to the extent that the main yield shocks are systemic and affect all producers at the same time. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The duty to cooperate, therefore, is a central feature of the Convention. Both the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (the Part XI Agreement) and the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (the Fish Stocks Agreement), reflect the ability of the international community to cooperate towards further developing UNCLOS and addressing gaps and newly emerging issues. Of note in this regard is the ongoing process established by the General Assembly through its resolution 69/292 on the development of an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Accordingly, the need was detected to reduce FAPRACC operating timeframes to enable it to thoroughly fulfil its objectives. This insurance currently covers producers that already have some other public or private policy, and it aims to provide a larger per-hectare amount and also cover low-income producers who do not have insurance and suffer the consequences of a geological or hydrometeorological phenomenon. The main challenges continue to be to optimize response times and improve risk modelling to determine the need for the coverage of microinsurance, in conjunction with wider access to credit. Lastly, the idea of linking this insurance scheme to a process of agricultural retooling and diversification is being promoted, in accordance with proposals contained in the National Crusade against Hunger (Cabestany, Hernandez and Celaya, 2013). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! For smaller primary healthcare facilities, incremental budgeting based on historical amounts is a more common approach. Reforms on facility budget setting is therefore an important policy area - ongoing provider payment reform initiatives such as the potential use of diagnosis-related groups can help make budgets be more needs-based. Service providers do not always receive clear guidelines on general budget envelopes to work with when submitting draft budgets. This is understood to be an important reason why requests from health service providers are often seen by provincial health departments as being too high to be realistic. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Farmers “leasing” their irrigation permits to the state could produce rainfed crops or leave their land idle for the season. Assuming an average irrigation diversion of 7,623 m3 per hectare, the USD337 per hectare average price reflects an incremental value of irrigation of about USD44 per 1,000 m . The Reclamation Act of 1902, which created the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for the purpose of promoting irrigation in the 17 western states, contained generous provisions that allowed farmers to repay only the capital cost of construction, with no interest charges. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Having a right to access education is not only essential in decision making but also in economic development whereby an individual can gain the skills needed to rise out of poverty. Despite this being a basic right, within most East African countries, girls bear the brunt of not attaining education especially as a result of CEFM. It has been well documented that CEFM has a devastating effect on a girl’s health which often results in life long complications. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The present research article seeks to analyze the main aspects of Hans Kelsen and Herbert Hart's theories of international law from a critical perspective. To achieve this objective, a content analysis is carried out based on the documental research of the direct work of the authors, other authors who revalue this work and exponents of the critical theory of international law and international relations. For the proposed analysis, the epistemological and normative planes of the aforementioned theories are separated, which concludes that there is a greater harmony between the positivist and critical theories as far as the normative plane is concerned, while in the epistemological there is a strong discrepancy, particularly with Kelsen's methodological positivism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Problems with the inverters/charge page | 57 controllers accounted for 1099 sets (20.9%) followed by 657 problems with batteries (12.5%) and 363 problems with wind turbines (6.9%). On-site investigations suggested that the bearings of wind turbines were made out of unsuitable copper material. The main causes of the exceptionally high proportion of malfunctioning charge controllers/inverters were poor technical design and the utilisation of unsuitable material during assembly. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Individuals are only willing to undertake risk and dedicate their time to innovative activity when they have confidence that their efforts will be rewarded and their actions will be able to achieve the desired results. Fundamental regulatory and banking reform and increased funding for all levels of education will encourage innovation and entrepreneurship. Create policies that distinguish the determinants for success among recipient firms, in order to delineate between innovative firms that may not generate large employment growth, and other kinds of firms in sectors where employment growth is more likely. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes arbitral decision on jurisdiction over claims that Uruguayan public health measures violated bilateral investment treaty - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! They suggest that the debate has moved beyond victimhood and towards women becoming agents for social change, despite challenging, complex and conflicting circumstances. It is no accident that countries in conflict or recovering from conflicts remain at the bottom of UNDP's Human Development Index. African women are not only affected by conflict, but are also actively engaged as conflict preventers, combatants and peacebuilders, and take part in rebuilding in the aftermath. They provide for their families and maintain the social fabric before, during and after the conflict. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, the Global Review survey is likely to have been filled in by trade officials, who may not necessarily be aware of the ‘donor-recipient’ discussion at the Ministry of Finance. Hence, lack of internal co-ordination in developing countries can also confound what is general ODA and what is AfT. These confusions can undermine the focus and momentum behind AfT and are difficult to overcome as long as strong incentives remain to over-report AfT in the reporting process. A review carried out by Cadot et al. ( This is also the case for many of the Global Review case stories: very few focus on potential other explanatory variables beyond the intervention. As a result, the Global Review is based primarily on subjective self-evaluation, the monitoring of inputs and a review of case stories subject to selection biases in order to determine whether the effectiveness of AfT is improving. Where more rigorous evaluations are conducted (such as the USAID portfolio evaluation), the rate of return is calculated based on evaluations primarily carried out by programme managers themselves and/ or frequently lacking objectively verifiable indicators. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The Kiva-school programme aims to prevent and decrease bullying in schools. The programme consists of general measures where information is disseminated through various means with proactive material (assessment of school environment, classes, online games, booklets for parents, etc.), The first evaluation of the Kiva-school programme showed that the programme has reduced self- and peer-reported bullying and victimisation. As a result, the Kiva-school model is being progressively implemented in schools within the country' (Kama et al., Reviewing 53 different anti-bullying school programme evaluations in developed countries, researchers found that the effectiveness of initiatives is generally associated with the intensity and duration of the interventioa Moreover, some programme components were also found more effective than others in reducing bullying, most important being parent involvement, or the use of disciplinary' methods (ibid.). Whole-school initiatives involve introducing, and integrating, typically non-traditional educational and information services to all actors (teachers, students and support staff) in the school. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! With a good level of awareness of the sustainability challenge among the population and the acknowledgement of the ancestral natural heritage, Sydney has an extraordinary potential to pursue economic growth and wealth in a more carbon sober manner. This study was carried out as part of the series of reviews on Climate Change, Employment and Local Development of the OECD Programme on Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED). This work stream is led by Gabriela Miranda, OECD LEED Policy Analyst. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 More than half of the Georgian territory in the basin is grassland (53.6%), and only about 1% is cropland. In the Russian part of the basin, pressure arises from irrigation (>700,000 ha), industry, aquaculture/fisheries and human settlements. The Pre-Caspian aquifer (No. Reservoirs in Kazakhstan include: the Kaztalovsk-I (7.20 x 106 m3), the Kaztalovsk-II (3.55 x 106 m3) and the Mamajcvsk (3.50 x 106 m3) reservoirs and several artificial lakes (4.83 x 106 m3). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Poverty rates among children and female-headed households are also the lowest of the AIE group (Folbre 2008, UNRISD 2010). Higher wages for women in the public sector, for instance, would be consonant with more domestic aggregate demand and increased investments in human capacities, either through private spending or public provision financed by higher taxes. The high road supply side reinforces this result, as higher wages and market participation among women raise human capacities production. The latter threat is one that mirrors anxieties that these economies can no longer afford their generous social welfare programmes, particularly as societies age or become more globally integrated in ways that make labour costs more significant in determining absolute and comparative advantages. Recent efforts to raise investments in children among a number of European countries are one possible response (more will be said about this below when we discuss social investment). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The key sectors identified for this integrated approach is energy, transport and telecoms. And a major way in which transport will be transformed is through investing in a country-wide railway network project, which will ultimately cover 5000km. The Ethiopian Railway Corporation has the responsibility of realizing a railway network, and is adopting a green economy approach -optimising multifaceted economic, social, and environment benefits. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Monitoring information about programme participation and outcomes based on administrative registers should be improved and regularly published. Currently, initial and supplementary budgets with a breakdown across the different ALMPs are published, but the classification of measures through time is not consistent and information on participant stocks and flows is rarely available. Related to this, information for Japan in the OECD/Eurostat database on LMP expenditure lacks detail and coherence, and needs to be improved. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, limiting coverage to children only will have no significant impact on coverage rates. It is estimated that less than two per cent of current beneficiaries will lose their entitlements. In 2009, the total budget spent on social assistance (including social pensions) was USD 22 million, representing 0.45 per cent of the country’s GDP (World Bank, 2010a). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A final analysis in Figure 8.8 which takes into account both factors shows that on average across countries language and foreign qualification account for two thirds of the initial gap in literacy proficiency between similar foreign-bom and native-born persons. The educational background of parents is defined as the highest educational level between the mother and the father. A person’s education and the educational background of the parents are positively correlated wdth assessed skills but also with each other. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Ethiopia has been enacting various pieces of legislation, since recently, to regulate some aspects of the digital environment. The Cybercrime Proclamation of 2016 (Computer Crime Proclamation No.958/2016) is the most recent addition to the legal regime that criminalizes a range of cybercrimes. It has also introduced a number of novel evidentiary and procedural rules that will assist in the investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes. The law has, however, attracted criticisms from various corners mainly owing to some of its human rights unfriendly provisions. This piece provides brief comments on the cybercrime legislation and highlights some of the challenges that lie ahead in the course of implementing the law. Key terms Cybercrime, computer crime, the right to privacy, illegal online content, procedural justice, Ethiopia - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, a human capital accumulation-centred development strategy cannot entirely rely on the market. The State must have vision, leadership and strategic planning, as well as make other substantive interventions in the normal functioning of the market. Following a discussion, in particular, of the case of the market for education, the chapter finds ample room for State action if the long-run aim of full and successful development is to be realized. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! ""How relevant is Scotland's biodiversity to you? How concerned are you about the loss of biodiversity in Scotland?). The indicator measures the percentage of participants in the survey that answered """"yes"""" to the question """"Have you made any leisure visits to the outdoors in Scotland in the last 12 months?""""). It provides data on numbers of volunteers, hours volunteered and types of activity undertaken.)."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition, the Regional Plan also allows, conditionally, abstractions without a permit for supplementary surface and groundwater takes of a certain size (1.5-15 m3/day) and temporary takes of 150 m3/day for no more than five days per annum, and aquifer or well testing for 2 500/d for no more than 3 days. This was not surprising due to the high density of dairy cows in the region and the large volumes of drinking water required by lactating cows and the large volumes of water required for dairy shed operations. In 35 of the catchments more than 50% of the allocable flow is taken for these activities alone, and in 16 of these the use exceeds the allocable flow. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Policy makers will increasingly rely on irrigation pricing strategies and markets to motivate improvements in water management and to improve resource allocation. Farm-level costs will increase, but innovative management and wise use of technology will enable farmers to adjust in ways that generate greater value from limited water resources. Looking forward, farmers in the United States and elsewhere must adjust to rising energy costs and increasing water scarcity. While the outlook for agricultural prices is uncertain, recent increases in food prices suggest that crop prices might be notably higher in some years. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! It is therefore also necessary to continue to develop ways of monitoring child well-being in the round. Bringing together a total of 40 indicators for which internationally comparable data were available, the report compared child well-being across 21 OECD countries under the headings of material well-being, health and safety, education, peer and family relationships, risk behaviours, and young people’s own subjective sense of wellbeing. This experiment will be refined and repeated with new data in the next issue in this series (Report Card 11). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A pregnant worker is entitled to mandatory rest during the six weeks preceding the birth and the six weeks following. The wage is as agreed upon in the employment contract, but may not be less than the legal minimum wage. Internal work regulations may contain instructions for preventing occupational hazards, and for providing first aid in the event of an accident. In the event of accidents or illness, the worker will only receive the medical attention and indemnities agreed by the laws on workplace accidents or social security, under the modalities and conditions specified by said laws. Workers whose contracts end upon retirement for old age or other reason will receive compensation equivalent to severance benefits, if the pension is granted by the Dominican Social Security Institute. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Virtually no one in the United States raised objections to the 1964 military takeover of the Brazilian civilian government. In the early 1970s, however, the Brazilian regime had become associated with torture and the arbitrary rule of law. By the end of that decade, compliance with human rights standards had developed into a yardstick for measuring U.S. foreign policy initiatives in Latin America. This paper argues that between 1969 and 1974, a small group of dedicated church activists, exiled Brazilians, and academics introduced the issue of human rights in Latin America into the U.S. national body politic. A network of concerned activists fashioned a systematic campaign to educate journalists, government officials, and the public about the abuses taking place under the generals' rule. Their activities helped isolate the military regime and laid the groundwork for a broader solidarity movement with Latin American popular struggles in the late 1970s and 1980s. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A case has been made that national averages are an insufficient guide to national performance in meeting childrens needs. Equity measures, and in particular measures of bottom end inequality, are also needed. ( The UNICEF global report on Progress for Children 2010 makes a similar case for the inclusion of equity measures in monitoring the Millennium Development Goals). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This chapter explores how members of Masonic lodges in Israel extend the logic of friendship to a broader organizational and civic context. The study follows the intersections of interpersonal, public, and collective intimacy in members’ ritual activities and everyday life. Lodge members take on the roles of citizen, bureaucrat, priest, and president concurrently, partly collapsing the distinctions between personal and collective ties, between the familiar and the revered. Their understanding of fraternity carries over to questions of citizenship and patriotism and straddles particularist and universalist interpretations of national solidarity, a tension best captured in the model of civic-nationalism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Donor countries are contributing to the LDCF on a voluntary basis (further information is available from interior.aspx?id=194&ekmensel=c580fa7b_48_62_btnlink). Its work is focused in two areas: support to decentralized public investments and support to private investments through microfinancing. Within this context, the UNCDF approach is to support the LDCs in piloting small-scale investments that can be replicated on a larger scale with the assistance of other development partners who can bring additional financial support (further information is available from least_developed_countries.php). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Before the speed cameras were put in, road signs informed drivers about permitted driving speed and the coming installation of the cameras. A CSDD representative said that while fixed speed cameras were important to road safety, portable speed cameras were also essential, along with public education and infrastructure upgrades. Thus, aside from stationary speed cameras, Latvian State Police still use mobile speed cameras procured in 2008. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Therefore, the policies that emerge must be implementable, universal, sensitive and relevant to the local context. They must be participatory and collaborative. They must be inclusive and recognize the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups. Above all, the policies must be sustainable. This trend is not new, but relentless and has been marked by a remarkable increase in the absolute numbers of urban dwellers—from a yearly average of 57 million between 1990-2000 to 77million between 2010-2015. In 1990,43 per cent (2.3 billion) of the world’s population lived in urban areas, by 2015, this had grown to 54 per cent (4 billion). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Oceans cover approximately 71% of the Earth's surface and, as individual activities that damage the oceans can be felt beyond national borders, responsibility for the ocean's health rests with all of us. While ships traversing oceans are only one of many ocean activities, the shipping industry is one of the most visible industries taking place on the oceans. At IMO, we need to ensure that shipping continues to make its significant contribution to the global economy without upsetting the delicate balance between safe and secure shipping and protecting the marine environment. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Linking CME and CPD requirements to re-licensing medical professionals is a strength that makes Australia and the United Kingdom leaders across the OECD. Such approaches should be trialled in other OECD countries to support the health workforce to deliver high-quality care throughout their medical careers. In Denmark and Sweden for example, external involvement in regulating health professionals’ knowledge and skills is deliberately light-touch (OECD, 2013a, 2013b). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the US, the majority of homes are built primarily of wood, and the current inventory of wood structures in the US is estimated to store 1.5 billion metric tonnes of carbon (equivalent to 5.4 billion metric tonnes of carbon dioxide). Maximizing the use of wood in multi-family housing, low-rise residential construction and remodelling in the US could result in a carbon storage benefit of about 21 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, which is equivalent to taking 4.4 million automobiles off the road (Howe et al„ 2015). The ECO Platform is working to harmonize national EPD systems based on the ISO 14025 standard for environmental declarations and the EN 15804 standard for construction-sector EPDs. The first ECO Platform EPDs aligned to the harmonized procedures were issued in October 2014. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For instance, Portland’s open rules towards food vending have allowed local food truck entrepreneurs to occupy vacant spaces and create vibrant uses out of them—it has been a boon for local businesses and has encouraged tourism to the area (Southworth, 2014). Temporary land uses encourage experimentation. Across the United States, local skateboarders have taken over vacant lands—often unused public land underneath bridges—to build illegal skateparks (e.g., Burnside Park, Portland, Washington Street Park, San Diego). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Efforts to collect this data at a city level are underway in countries to ensure its availability in the coming monitoring rounds for this goal. This target has two indicators, data and methodology, both of which are available. Weak land-use planning, informal settlements often located on high-risk areas and limited disaster response capacities in African cities exacerbate disaster vulnerability. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Based on this assessment and the decision rule, a management decision is made (e.g., annual or multiyear TACs). Fleet effort and catch are then modelled, potentially allowing for error in implementation, and resulting catches are fed into the operating model. By repeating this cycle the full management cycle is modelled. Alternative decision rules can be compared by running many stochastic simulations for several years to identify the performance of a decision rule according to different metrics under the likely range of conditions. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 An improved gender balance in senior management (Chapter 14) can thus have important “spillover” effects on female entrepreneurship. Women’s low labour force participation rates arguably limit opportunities to acquire the job skills or management experience necessary for starting a business, and only about 9% of adult women engage in early-stage entrepreneurial activity - less than half the rate of men (19%). Women entrepreneurs are a heterogeneous group, whose firm characteristics and needs vary according to location (urban versus rural) and education level. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 If compared to 1999-2000, the shares of both categories decreased significantly. However, the share of own account worker among women workers has been increasing over the years. Thus, there seems to be a transition of women workers from contributing family worker to own account worker to fill the vacuum created by men becoming wageworkers. There is also an increasing phenomenon of Self Help Groups (SHGs) of women taking up own account entrepreneurial activities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 He placed high priority on HIV prevention, as well as on treatment, care and support for HIV/AIDS patients. The NASCP was replaced with a broader AIDS control programme, comprising the Presidential Committee on AIDS and the multi-sectoral National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA) to coordinate HIV/AIDS programmes at the federal level. Nigeria was also able to attract funding from the World Bank, the United States Agency for International Development, the UK’s Department for International Development, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Ford Foundation. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In this regard, enthusiasm about start-ups and microenterprises and small and mediumsized enterprises is understandable, yet it often appears to be overstated, in particular in the light of the low survival rates of such enterprises. Whether and how the potential opportunities offered by global value chains (GVCs) can help to stimulate the entrepreneurship needed to drive structural transformation is a critical developmental question for LDCs. However, there has been surprisingly little research to validate the supposed advantages of GVCs in stimulating local entrepreneurship. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Such opportunities are not specifically defined at this stage but ability to benefit will depend on adaptive capacity. At present, higher risk/impact regions have been outlined (Handisyde et al., Asia is by far the major aquaculture producer, with large populations and production zones in low-lying areas, and is the most vulnerable region. Deltaic areas in Asia and elsewhere are also critical for agricultural livelihoods and food security, and the loss of agriculture productivity due to salination from sea level rise and seawater intrusion could have an important impact. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 However, none of the options would have high feasibility and be able to provide a comprehensive answer to the issue to be assessed. However, this item only encompasses part of the focus of this aspect of the stocktake. However, the accuracy of such a proxy may not be very high, such a proxy would not assess the effectiveness of support, and would also conflate climate and nonclimate factors. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Risk reduction activities have the most direct impact on people’s ability to adapt to climate change or, in the case of infrastructure projects, on damages to the physical environment. Policy making, on the other hand, ensures that climate change risks are taken into account in laws, planning, policies and negotiations. Education, training and awareness aim to change people’s behaviour and habits in accordance with current and projected climate conditions. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Empirical evidence point towards career guidance services - in school and outside - having a formative influence on young people’s understanding of themselves and the world of work, and can often improve educational, social and economic outcomes. As young people stay in education and training longer and as the labour market becomes more complex, the case for career guidance grows. But what makes for effective provision? - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In this context, a GPI value of less than 1 shows that the indicator for boys is higher than the indicator for girls, and vice versa for a GPI value of more than 1. A GPI value of between 0.97 and 1.03 is generally considered to reflect gender parity. It should be noted that the period covered in terms of growth differs from country to country depending upon the data available. Between 2000 and 2013, the number of outbound internationally mobile students from Asia and the Pacific enrolled in tertiary educational institutions outside of their home country increased from 644 thousand 1.7 million students in 2013, an increase of 1.0 million students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Dialogue with Donors on Urban Poverty Issues (Dhaka, CARE Bangladesh). Slums of Urban Bangladesh: Mapping and Census, 2005” (Dhaka and Chapel Hill, USA). Urban poverty and the working poor: Facing the challenges of urbanization and urban poverty in Asia and the Pacific”, Committee on Poverty Reduction, 24 September (E/ESCAP/C PR(4)/4). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This is a very substantial increase over a relatively short period of time. In most cases, market-income inequality has risen more strongly during the first half of the two decades. In addition, most of the countries with data going back further have seen large increases in market-income Ginis before the mid-80s. The upwards trend in market-income inequality continued after the mid-90s, but at a much slower pace. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Flexibility is enhanced by incentive-based access instruments that enhance the capacity of fishing interests to move within and across jurisdictional boundaries to respond to changes in resource distribution. Incentives to adopt green technologies will also strengthen the position of the fishing industry in anticipation of carbon fees (FAO, 2006). Overall actions taken to improve the economic status of the fishery and adopt best practices for fishery management will best equip the fishery to respond flexibly to change. Policy makers can encourage approaches to information development that take into account the uncertainty of unforeseen events, such as the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and other “surprises”. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Demand-side barriers (see table below) are barriers that hinder individuals', households' or communities' ability to use health services. Supply- and demand-side barriers are not necessarily mutually exclusive. These include issues such as indigeneity, the impacts of colonial and post-colonial experience, and often a lack of government recognition. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Housing can be unaffordable for middle-income households as well. Even households in the third quintile of the income distribution, face a fairly high risk of housing cost overburden. On average in OECD countries 9% of tenant households in the third income quintile are overburdened by housing costs. In some countries, overburden rates are high for third-quintile mortgage payers too: overburden rates for this group are above 20% in Sweden, Ireland and Greece. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As a result, there is increasing emphasis for development co-operation providers to integrate private sector engagement (PSE) approaches into their programmes on green growth and climate change. This paper provides an overview of activities in this area, estimating that 22% of climate-related development finance supported PSE activities in 2013. It also presents a stock-taking of efforts to: mobilise private climate investment, promote green private sector development and harness skills and knowledge of private actors. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the export, import, and total trade determinants using reduced form equations for six Pacific Island countries (PICs) with an institutional focus.Design/methodology/approach – A fixed effects model, controlling for AR(1) errors, using panel data for selected PICs is utilized. Controlling for common determinants of trade, four indicators of institutional quality: government effectiveness, rule of law, regulatory quality, and control of corruption are tested.Findings – The empirical results indicate that improvements in institutional quality variables matter for improved levels of trade. The results also provide confirmation that the appreciation of currency does not significantly harm trade, higher levels of technological diffusion are vital for improved trade, and that gradual liberalization of trade through tariff reduction strongly facilitates more trade.Practical implications – This study clearly points out that the institutional quality in the selected... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The U.S. had a comparative advantage in capital and engineering expertise, but suffered from floods. Canada had a comparative advantage in endowments of water but was limited by absolute capital shortages. Both nations secured what they needed most at a lower cost than either nation could have financed on its own. When total benefits from an agreement exceed total costs, this is a signal that there is a potential for all parties in a transboundary basin to share in the benefits. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Therefore, Botswana is expected to record a fiscal deficit in FY 2015/16 for the first time in four years. Annual average inflation ended the year in 2015 much lower than in 2014, reflecting lower fuel prices and the government’s commitment to prudent monetary policy. Although rural-urban migration and natural population increase have played a role in urban population increase, the positive trend is mainly due to the reclassification of some villages to urban settlements. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""This paper examines developments in international law since September 11. It reveals that Bill C-36 may be but one facet of a larger pattern of emergency-driven lawmaking with uncertain consequences. On the one hand, there appears to be a further retreat of the Security Council from its powers - and responsibilities - in the context of the Charter's collective security regime. On the other hand, we may be witnessing a significant expansion in the scope of states' right to resort to forcible self-defence, resulting from a considerable broadening of the previously narrow agency rules with respect to armed attacks. This latter trend flows from the casting, apparently uncontradicted or even endorsed by other states, of the military actions in Afghanistan as self-defence directed at """"terrorists and those who harboured them""""."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The funding for primary care keeps increasing, together with performance-based payments for GPs. These included the expansion of the list of reference countries and changes to setting reference prices, new requirements for generic pricing, introduction of cost and volume agreements with producers, a positive list of reimbursed medicines and patient choice of medicine with the smallest copayment Initially, these measures lead to a decrease in pharmaceutical expenditure and some improvement in access to medicines for patients (Kacevicius & Karanikolos, 2013). However, more recently both public and private spending on phaimaceutical diugs have risen again, accounting for 28% of the total health care spending - among the highest levels in the EU. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For more details, see ESCWA, 2015g, p. 34. Strategic objective A.3 and paragraph 166 (a) of the Beijing Platform for Action, which requires Governments to “promote and support women's self-employment and the development of small enterprises, and strengthen women’s access to credit and capital on appropriate terms equal to those of men through the scaling-up of institutions dedicated to promoting women's entrepreneurship, including, as appropriate, non-traditional and mutual credit schemes, as well as innovative linkages with financial institutions.” Tunisia, though, has succeeded to reach out to rural areas, which account for about 57 percent of the total number of active borrowers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, numeracy and information and communications technology (ICT) skills do improve employability, particularly at the top proficiency levels. This advantage is slightly higher for men than for women (87% and 70% respectively). Tertiary attainment among 25-34 year-olds is above the OECD average and increased sharply between 2005 and 2014. The difference in tertiary attainment between 55-64 year-olds and 25-34 year-olds is about 29 percentage points, well above the OECD average of 16 percentage points. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is important to present existing natural science knowledge and social and economic research, equally. A plan for how to handle data for the Nordic Assessment will be needed. The principles described in Box 3 in Annex 7, as well as the initial deliverables of the general data and information plan implementation, will offer guidance on this. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Following their placement, students report back to their training provider and they are assessed to see if they have met their learning objectives. Supervisors need to have a solid knowledge of the theoretical content of the student’s course and have sufficient time and resources to offer guidance. Students apply concepts learnt in the study programme at the workplace, linking theory to practice. In the Netherlands, instructors from industry can only teach in the presence of a pedagogically qualified teacher (Fazekas and Litjens, 2014). In 2007-08, 45% of first and second year community college students reported having to take remedial courses (US Department of Education, 2013). While extensive resources are devoted to remediation of basic skills, its effectiveness is limited. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Beijing, policies to restrict motor vehicle use first introduced for the 2008 Olympic Games have been preserved with the current policy preventing the same motor vehicle from being used every day of the week. In 2012, Guangzhou followed suit implementing a mixed lottery and auction system. A further downside to these approaches is that they are likely less efficient than other measures which directly increase the cost of motor-vehicle use. Where governments wish to continue rationing licence plates, allocation through an auction would be preferable as it is more economically efficient than a lottery system. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Climate change is increasing the risk of disaster - amplifying existing risk and creating new risks including the direct consequences of a warming planet - with cascading consequences in the short, medium and long term. Climate mitigation can also be understood as a subset of development planning.319 The main policy implication, within the risk framework of this GAR, is that at a minimum, CCA needs to be integrated with DRR, and that governments need to move to a coherent policy approach that sees both of these risk reduction measures as integral to planning for sustainable development. There is also no obligation on Member States to divide their policy formulation and implementation according to the scope of different international agreements negotiated along thematic lines. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Also, gender differences in drinking are intertwined with educational and socioeconomic gradients in harmful drinking patterns (Bloomfield et al., However, the gender gap tends to narrow as women’s drinking behaviours increasingly resemble men’s, and overall drinking patterns in men and women tend to develop similarly. This trend should be viewed in the context of changes in cultural and social norms, including changes in women’s social position in societies as well as new market forces (e.g. market products directed towards women). In the US, non-Hispanic Whites display higher prevalence of HED compared to Hispanics, non-Hispanic Blacks, and Asians/Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, but no statistical difference with American Indians/Alaska Natives (Kanny et al., While the frequency of HED is similar across ethnic groups, the quantity consumed differs, with American Indians/Alaska Natives heavy episodic drinkers reporting the largest number of drinks per occasion. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The technical methods to provide ancillary services will have to be developed beyond today's approach, as the European electricity system is moving towards high shares of variable renewable generation. In this situation, the price pattern is almost the opposite of the winter week. Electricity prices are low during the day as a results of high solar PV generation in the European market. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Public-private partnerships might be another good way to improve infrastmcture planning while also encouraging portability of care. For example, private funding could be used to construct a public facility where some portion of the building is dedicated for public services and another portion is private (possibly contracting with the public sector). Lastly, better information for patients is important so individuals are aware when they have the right to see a provider outside their network. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 There is also strong synergy between energy and ICT services (two GPTs), as mentioned above: electricity is required for the continued operation of the ICT industry and enables innovation therein. Energy also has an impact on the performance of two services sectors that are crucial for the long-term formation of an economy’s human capital: education and health, as shown in section C.4 below. This long-term trend can be observed from the energy intensity of the sector, which in developed countries is five times higher than in LDCs (figure 2.10). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Where large amounts of money are spent on payments that are, in principle, strongly decoupled, there may well be a significant impact on production and trade. However, this finding does not change the relativities across the policy alternatives. It was found that one dollar spent on payments based on historical entitlements raises farm household income about twice as much as one dollar transferred to agriculture through market price support (OECD, 2001 and 2003a). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Thus, the attempts by exporters and importers to offset the impacts of a price increase on themselves may be self-defeating. If all countries follow this type of policy, the stabilising impact on domestic prices is, on average, eliminated, although countries that insulate more than others may experience reductions in price volatility, while those who insulate less may experience increases in price volatility. Anderson and Nelgen (2012) compare the variability of domestic prices relative to border prices for various developing country regions and for high-income countries for the periods 1955-84 and 1985-2004 (that is, before and following the major economic policy reforms that began for many countries in the mid-1980s). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For all the jurisdictions in this study, however, the mandatory age for starting school is 6. This is encouraging, but the data does not show improvements at other age levels, and there appear to be slight declines in participation rates at lower secondary levels (Figure 5.7). This is evident in an increase in early-years participation rates between 2010 and 2015.6 More noteworthy, however, are the significant increases in participation rates from 2005 to 2015 for Indigenous students age 14-16 (Figure 5.8). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Failure to build new capacity on time may lead to situations where electricity security cannot be ensured on a national basis. If this is the case, interconnections can contribute to ensure security of electricity supply. Potential investors in new generating capacity must expect to cover their variable operating and fuel costs, their operation and maintenance costs and their capital costs from sale of energy over the lifetime of the power plant. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The two women are determined to stay and work in Lebanon for as long as they can without sacrificing the education of their children, and then they plan to go back to Ethiopia, where they want to continue to live together as a family. She first worked on a contract in a household for seven years. Nine years ago, she met and married Saeed, a Sudanese man who was working in a supermarket near where she worked. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In this sample, 80% of the self-employed work by themselves and 20% work in firms of two to five employees. As a consistency check, we compared the two ilo definitions. In firms with less than six employees, roughly 10% of female employees obtained all legally mandated benefits. By contrast, only 21% of female employees working at firms with more than five employees stated that they lacked one or more legally mandated benefits. In other words, while 90% of women in firms with less than six employees did not receive full benefit packages, 80% of women in firms with six employees or more received full benefits. There is a significant difference between the average real hourly wages of formal women (5.26 pesos) and informal women (4.16 pesos), and this is initial evidence for a segmented labour market, with formal workers earning more on average than informal workers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, the impact of mild-to-moderate disorders on individuals and on society is significant. It is probable that given the greater prevalence of mild-to-moderate disorders, their detrimental effects outweigh those of the most severe disorders in terms of the overall disability burden for society (OECD, 2012, Kessler et al., Mild-to-moderate disorders also contribute to premature mortality, higher morbidity, and poorer outcomes for chronic diseases. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Co-ordinated place-based policies can help workers find suitable jobs, while also contributing to shaping the demand, thereby stimulating job creation and productivity. This requires flexible policy management frameworks, information, and integrated partnerships which leverage the efforts of employment, training, and economic development stakeholders. This chapter outlines the key recommendations emerging from the review of local job creation policies in Northern Ireland. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Quality ECEC settings are responsive to the dynamic nature of children's lives. Such efforts will link improvements in the quality of ECEC to policy measures and enhance equity in access. Quality of Childcare and Pre-Primary Education: How do we measure it?' Data for Canada refer to adjusted net enrolment rate, one year before the official primary entry age, both sexes {per cent). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The largest declines have occurred in grasslands and arid lands in North America and in farmed lands in Europe, whereas widespread forest specialists show fluctuating but stable trends. Farmland bird populations declined continuously over 1990-2010 in almost all OECD countries. The rate of decline slowed over the 2000s compared to earlier decades, in some OECD countries (e.g. the United States) farmland bird populations have even been rising since the early or mid-2000s. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This increase coincided with the lowest income groups making income gains that led to a reduction in relative poverty (Figure 3.3). Spending on income-tested housing and utility supports to families with incomes below subsistence level amounted to only 0.2% of GDP (a fraction of all spending on housing supports, see above), while spending on support to the unemployed was even lower in 2008, although such support went up in 2009 (Chapter 2). The limited spending on family benefits and the poor working-age population more generally is reflected in relatively higher poverty rates among children and young people (Social pensions and social pension supplements that can also be paid to, for example, the disabled are discussed in Chapter 4). Comprehensive data on other social assistance supports to the working-age population across the regions are not available, but available evidence suggests that such spending is not high either. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 2015, not a single developed country offered an entry-level broadband connection with speeds below 1 Mbit/s, but a large majority of LDCs did. These differences in available speeds have an impact on the types of services and applications that users can access and benefit from. Globally, handset-based mobile-broadband prices fell from an average of PPP$ 29 per month in 2013 to PPP$ 18 in 2015. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 If free trade makes the prices of the goods produced by high-skill workers relatively cheaper in South compared to autarky, then inequality must go down in South. Deardorff (2001) argues that fragmentation may lead to increased FPE and therefore that GVCs will lead to a reduction in global inequality. In this environment, if free trade makes the prices of the intermediate goods used by high-skill workers relatively cheaper in South compared to autarky, then this tends to increase inequality.” - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 For many this has long-lasting consequences, including loss of their home. The unemployed are increasingly required to participate in community and voluntary programmes and this helps reduce long-term unemployment by improving employability. For those who are unwilling or unable to comply with these requirements, sanctions are increasingly harsh and many disappear from state records and rely increasingly on income from the black market. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This is because ecosystem services are dependent on one another and exhibit complex interactions that generate trade-offs in the delivery of one ecosystem service relative to the delivery of others. For the ocean economy, this is relevant because these interactions determine indirectly the viability of ocean-based industries. By way of illustration: coastal run-off and eutrophication, acidification through increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and poor water quality through pollution lead to changes in fish migration patterns and even extinction of fish stocks. All are examples of how human activity indirectly intervenes in the functioning of marine ecosystems, thereby undermining the economic viability of the ocean economy . - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The transformation of ecosystems has been driven by a number of developments, notably habitat loss due to land use change. Conversion of forest to pasture for livestock grazing, and to a lesser extent conversion for crop production, continues to be the primary driver of deforestation. Other key drivers include degradation and fragmentation of habitats due to development of infrastructure, extractive industries and hydropower, overexploitation of biological resources due to subsistence and artisanal activities, invasive alien species, and pollution. Yet, lack of information remains a key obstacle to decision making, better information is particularly needed on habitat change outside forest ecosystems. More precise information on a finer scale is needed to facilitate action in the decentralised environmental management system. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Much recent policing reform has been concerned with strengthening organisational and individual accountability through complaints, discipline systems and external oversight. Civil litigation against police has largely been ignored as an accountability measure.This research aimed to broaden the understanding of police litigation in Australia, and determine the implications for its use as an accountability mechanism. While the findings are not definitive, they generally conform with previous research outcomes that most cases initiated by civilians involve allegations of police abuse of power or process corruption.A new finding is that police sue their own organisations at about the same rate as they are sued by members of the public, although primarily for unfair dismissal. The results show a need for more detailed research, but highlight that civil litigation can form part of a regulatory web for identifying, controlling and preventing police misconduct. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 During the past fifteen years, the European Court of Human Rights has been engaging seriously with the freedom of religion and belief under Article 9 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In many ways, the scope and ambition of the Court's jurisprudence has been breathtaking, especially when viewed from the United States, but many questions have begun to emerge about whether the Court has established an intellectual and conceptual architecture that is up to the task of dealing with the increasingly complex cases involving religious freedom that the Court is currently facing and will soon face. Accordingly, several sections of the Association of American Law Schools sponsored a program in January, 2010 entitled, “The Freedom of Religion and Belief Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: Legal, Moral, Political and Religious Perspectives.” - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 To reduce the existing bias towards women taking parental leave - less than 3% of Czech fathers take parental leave (Moss, 2011) - a share of the parental allowance could be made conditional on fathers taking part of the parental leave, as it is the case in Germany and Austria. After one year, the amount spent on the parental allowance could be transformed into a voucher for purchasing childcare services, which could stimulate private sector provision of childcare (OECD, 2007). The reduction in the parental leave combined with good quality early childcare education could benefit the child as well. Indeed, OECD evidence suggests that child development benefits from full-time personal care for at least 6-12 months, but the latter is not necessarily synonymous with maternal care (OECD, 2007). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! ABSTRACTA considerable amount of leisure studies scholarship over the past half-century implicates ‘nature’ taking a prominent role in leisure studies scholarship. Most often in leisure-oriented literature, nature takes the form of an inert, unproblematic backdrop upon which human leisure experiences take place, in deference to the individual experience in nature. Political ecology is a critical approach that foregrounds nature-society relationships, noting the substantial role of political economy in influencing human behaviour, ecological conditions, and the dynamic interactions between the two. While political ecology scholarship regularly addresses leisure activities, settings, and perspectives, and leisure studies scholarship often considers nature-society interconnections, rarely has there been explicit connections between political ecology and leisure. In this paper, we state the case that in the Anthropocene, where nearly all ecological interactions are affected by human influences, it is appropri... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 If the nitrogen removal was fixed at USD 10 per kg, this would represent a NTC of USD 357 504, if it was fixed at USD 30 per kg, this would represent a NTC of USD 1 072 512. The same could be applied to another key nutrient, phosphorus. With an average of 0.04% phosphorus content in FW kelp tissues, 4.09 tonnes of phopshorus would be removed per year. With a value of USD 4 per kg removed (Chopin etal., - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 As is the case with conventional job subsidies, STW schemes confront a trade-off between cost-effectiveness, on the one hand, and scale on the other (Martin and Grubb, 2001). For example, tight eligibility requirements and relatively low subsidies can reduce deadweight and displacement effects, but are also likely to discourage take-up by some firms where it would be socially efficient. Annex 1.A1 presents an overview of the main features of these STW schemes in 22 OECD countries, organised around work-sharing requirements, eligibility requirements, conditionality requirements and generosity. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The analysis considered averages, drought events would have greater impact. The south and east of England is already water stressed from a combination of low rainfall and high demand. But the wetter west and north could not be relied upon to make up any shortfall: the analysis suggested that these catchments would be most affected by climate change consequences. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These approaches either respond to the interests of the better-off, or they focus only on strategic economic interventions in specific spaces, all of which tends to create enclaves of prosperity. The proposed third component of the New Urban Agenda aims to respond to this structural transformation for the sake of shared prosperity and harmonious, sustainable development. This city-wide integrated response puts urban authorities in a better position to optimize existing resources and harness the potentialities of the future. The New Urban Agenda should respond to all these local urban contexts with appropriate policy instruments and actions (Box 10.2). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Resources can be directed toward learning from examples of past management in response to variability, what worked well and what did not work well? What can we learn about the essential attributes of robust and responsive approaches to adaptation (FAO, 2009)? Communication with stakeholders about climate change should incorporate the recognition that fisheries have a wide array of stakeholders who comprise multiple audiences representing varying levels of literacy, all of whom need information in usable and accessible formats (FAO, 2009). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Figure 2.1 illustrates the combination of those risks for the EU population in 2015. The list of deprivation items is currently under revision and a new definition is expected to consist of 12 items. In more prosperous economies even relative standards of deprivation or income may fail to capture inequalities which determine personal freedom and participation in society. The possession of wealth is a particularly relevant metric that potentially determines poverty conditions and how to cope with them. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Both cities have strong manufacturing bases that can also support new green growth. While San Diego lacks private capital, Sydney is the nation’s financial capital. The formation of an organisation like CleanTECH San Diego may be the key to harnessing, connecting and networking Sydney’s intellectual, manufacturing and financial resources for green growth. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is expected that fossil fuels will continue to play an important role in the medium to long term. The efficiencies of a number of regions are shown in the figure below, which highlights that the energy efficiencies are generally lower in most non-OECD countries than in OECD countries. Possible explanations for lower efficiencies include outdated generation technologies. The necessary capital for state-of-the-art technologies such as combined cycle gas turbines is not always available and the equipment requires regular maintenance in order to maintain design efficiencies. Figure 9 highlights the importance of renewable energies in the future generation mix in all regions. The upfront costs of renewable energies are usually higher compared to fossil fuel generation technologies but the operation cost is close to zero for some renewable technologies such as solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The following is a summary of the results: (1) The majority of school directors are men over 41 years old, with many years of teaching experience. ( Principals, managers, academic leaders, department chairs, and teachers can contribute as leaders to the goal of learning-centred schooling. The precise distribution of these leadership contributions can vary. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Under this project, 15 000 people use free Internet in public places every day (300 000 every month). By providing easy and affordable broadband access to everyone-including the elderly, persons with disabilities, other disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and children - this project promotes sustainable industrialization, the development of technologies and applications, the building of resilient infrastructure and the fostering of innovation (SDG 9). As a result, Myanmar advanced eight positions in the International Telecommunication Union's ICT Development Index, overtaking both Pakistan and Bangladesh in the Asia-Pacific region. Although significant progress was made in terms of the number of mobile connections, the main drivers of better performance on the composite index were Internet-related. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Despite the increasing role of aquaculture in total fish supply, the capture sector is expected to remain dominant for a number of species and vital for domestic and international food security. This deceleration is due to higher costs, combined with competition for land, water and labour from alternative production systems. Much of the increase is expected in freshwater species. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Judicial intervention, depending on how progressive the judicial officer is, may have both positive and negative impact on the phenomenon of VAWG. Court records reveal the role played by legal processes in disrupting or reinforcing patterns of domestic violence.32 The role of the judiciary in CEFM cases is to adjudicate CEFM cases brought before the judicial officers under the relevant laws, to create a victim centred courtroom with sufficient safeguards and support for victims and witnesses in these cases, and to engage in efforts outside the courtroom aimed at changing mind-sets and influencing positive change. Each of these roles will ensue a further disposition. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There is still room for technical improvement regarding the implementation of specific CEP components. This expertise may offer an opportunity to develop a functional countrywide system of biodiversity monitoring in the near future, building on the ongoing basic monitoring of State Reserves. The development of such a monitoring system would benefit from the application of international good practice in biodiversity monitoring, and from a clear definition of the way in which monitoring results are published and used to support conservation decisionmaking. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This approach is recommended when a sufficiently wide and well organised rental market exists. The application of the rental equivalence approach would have implied a smoother evolution of housing income given the stability of rental prices. Applying the same rate of return over a prolonged period of time is problematic. In the current low-interest rate context for instance, a 4% annual rate of return may be unrealistically high. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Ultimately, growth and distribution are inter-related and can work at cross purposes - as this analysis makes clear. Beginning with wage-led growth, gender inequality constrains social reproduction and growth through the time squeeze channel for both LIAEs and conservative corporatist economies. For LIAEs, low levels of development combined with the traditional gender division of labour mean that raising women’s incomes as a tool for gender equality is insufficient for delivering the types of investments in human capacities that will foster sustainable growth. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While it is not a question of undertaking a convergence analysis, this study starts off with a dynamic autoregression model in order to shed light on its implications in an econometric panel model and then, starting from there, other lagged variables are incorporated in order to provide an explanation within the framework of the model to be used in this study. In the first, the macro variables include lagged GDP growth, investment as a percentage of GDP and the expansion of human capital as measured by the mean level of educational attainment of the economically active population (EAP). Labour-market variables include the growth of the labour supply (in hours) and the average wage. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The most positive results of this approach have occurred in Harrisburg, PA, which between 1982 and 1998 reduced vacant plots by 88% (from over 4200 to under 500), and increased total real estate value more than fourfold. Pittsburgh has had a graded property tax system since 1913, a system under which land was taxed at a rate twice that of the structures on the land until 1979. The City introduced a striking restructuring of the City’s property tax in 1979 and 1980, raising the tax rate on land while leaving the rate on structures unchanged, thus raising the tax rate on land to about five times the rate on structures. This emphasis on the land element has been maintained or increased since the initial restructuring. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Women coped by not telling anyone (2 in 5 women) and/or temporarily leaving home (almost half)- The study reported less than 1 per cent of women left home permanently because of violence. Given the relationships between men, women and custom land, many have nowhere to go beyond squatting on the verge of the capital with their children, in a precarious existence and stigmatised by the locals. Here, women and girls become more vulnerable to increased sexual and domestic violence,9 as well as entry to the sex industry to survive. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! We will utilise the methodological toolbox in the in-depth cases in chapter 3. Mapping of cultural importance using cultural expressions. Revealed preference methods study how people behave in actual markets connected to the ecosystem service in question, and derive values from people's actual behaviour in these markets. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition, young people are particularly vulnerable to economic fluctuations, as their employment rates are strongly affected by the business cycle. While unemployment rates rose slightly and employment rates fell among those aged 16-24 over the decade to 2003 (Quintini and Martin, 2006) of most concern to policy makers are those that are “not in employment, education or training”, or NEETs. Figure 2.12 below reports the share of young people who were NEET in 1995, 2003 and 2008 for those aged 15-19 and 20-24. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The share of private primary care providers has increased rapidly in recent years. Some regions allowed unrestricted establishment for accredited providers already ten years ago and in 2010 this right to freely establish new primary care clinics with public reimbursement became national law. Public and private physicians (including hospital specialists) and other health workers are predominantly salaried employees. Highly specialised care, requiring the most advanced technical equipment, is concentrated in seven public university hospitals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Infant mortality is considered to be one of the greatest expressions of social injustice. Thus, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989 urged adhering states to take the necessary steps to reduce it progressively and as a guarantee of equal opportunities. This objective was further supported by a series of subsequent international conferences, in which specific goals of reduction, both in the level as well as in the differences between social sectors, were laid down. Among them: The World Summit for Children in 1990, the International Conference on Population and Development in 1994, the Millennium Summit in 2000 and the Special Session on Children in 2002. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Costa Rica's private hydropower companies, resorts, domestic airlines and the national soccer teams were among the first participants. An online airiine-travel, carbon-offset calculator and payment system was also established. Combined, these programmes generate approximately US$2.4 million per year. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! But the focus on better designs and materials, increased maintenance and inspection required to implement the solution, is likely to also lead to better safety levels, less downtime and more efficient operations, and probably also health benefits from reduced emissions of reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds and other air pollutants associated with oil and natural gas extraction as well. The EPA has also expanded this programme to international partners, and has recently also initiated the Natural Gas STAR Methane Challenge programme, in which partners make public measurable commitments in return for having their commitments and eventual achievements showcased. They have achieved methane intensity reductions of more than 1% per year since the early 2000s, although their absolute methane intensities are still nearly 3 times as high as the United States. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Individual metering and tariff rates are uniform in the entire service area, and differences in rates depend on the zone. A national water regulator, Ofwat, regulates increases in tariff rates. A key issue concerns the condition of the infrastructure that needs to be rehabilitated to reduce water losses, not only in small towns and rural areas, but in many urban areas in the United Kingdom. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Access to justice is both a topic of engaged social-legal research and a key component of legal professional ideology. There is a relationship between the two. The more committed the organized legal profession to the issue of access to justice, the higher the profile of scholarly research on topics that relate in one form or another to access to justice. The organized bar's commitment peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, waned in the 1980s, and has not regained the position it once had on the domestic U.S. agenda. In contrast, however, access to justice has recently emerged strongly on the reform agenda that U.S. and multilateral foreign aid organizations – along with the U.S. legal profession – are promoting abroad as part of the renewed post Cold War effort to build the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Where possible, population-weighted regional and world averages for indicators are presented in the tables. It looks at the gender composition of these households and compares how women and men within these households fare in term of key education, employment and poverty outcomes. It presents educational attainment by sex, employment status in the past 12 months, and earning status by sex. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Despite the fact that twenty-fi rst century statistics on war, genocide, and political violence have been moving in a positive rather than a negative direction (Human Security Centre 2006, 1–9), this is neither generating higher levels of individual or collective well-being, any heightened sense of national or global security, nor any greater sense of social and economic justice. On the contrary an increasing number of individuals and groups in the industrialized North are facing an “epidemic of depression” and there are growing levels of fear and uncertainty about the future (Seligman 2005, 210). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is therefore important to build in the flexibility to respond to changing adaptation needs and to ensure that the national approach to adaptation reflects the state of climate science and builds on lessons learned. For each tool, the potential role of development co-operation providers in supporting partner countries is discussed. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. It presents the key reform of local governance and decentralisation of environmental management since 1994. It provides insights into institutional and management challenges in selected environmental sectors, including land use and water resources. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""It aims to restore ecosystem services and control soil erosion in the Cumbaza river basin (Proambiente, 2016a). The Guidelines state as one of their objectives to promote public investment projects that aim at generating capital in tourism and culture, conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services, as drivers for development"""" (BIOFIN, 2016). Peru’s experience in PES schemes started in 2004 with a project in Moyobamba in San Martin, which introduced a fee for drinking water, used to conserve and sustainably use forests to protect Rumiyacu, Mishquiyacu and Almendra micro-basins."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In countries such as Italy, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg and Turkey there are large differences between schools, linked to the schools’ and students’ socio-economic backgrounds. The magnitude of the differences in performance associated with the socio-economic composition of the school is striking, especially in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Israel, Japan5, and the Netherlands. One student attends an advantaged school, where most of this student’s peers come from families that are more affluent6. The other student attends a more socio-economically disadvantaged school.7 The analysis indicates that the first student would be expected to show, on average across the OECD countries, a 32 score point higher reading performance than the second student, and this difference would be expected to exceed 50 score points in several countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 On the external front, continued weakness in commodity exports, in particular petroleum products, was partly offset by solid performance of electrical and electronics exports. The decline in the import of intermediate goods also implied a growing value-added contribution of the electrical and electronics sector (World Bank, 2015b). Private consumption could be constrained by expected slower growth in inflation-adjusted earnings as price pressures build up slowly in coming years. On the other hand, accommodative monetary policy would continue to support consumption, with the policy interest rate being left unchanged and the reserve requirement ratio having been reduced by 50 basis points in January 2016. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The world prices of fish and fishmeal in 2023 are therefore much stronger at 9.6% and 34% respectively compared to the baseline. The share of capture fisheries used for fishmeal will be slightly smaller in years of El Nino, owing to reduced anchoveta catches. In 2023, fishmeal obtained from by-products is expected reach 36% of total production in 2023, up from 28% in 2011-13. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! The first stage consists in selecting participating schools and the second stage consists of selecting one (or more) intact classrooms from the target grade of each participating school. Contextual data are collected from students and teachers, school principals, and their parents via background questionnaires. The number of participating countries has increased from 32 in 2000 to over 70 in 2015. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Despite the importance of women’s wage labour in family economies, employment is one of the areas in which there are still the widest gender gaps, reflected in lower remuneration, low returns on education and predominance of informal and low-productivity work (ECLAC, 2007d). In this sense, the inclusion of the employment target in the Millennium Development Goals represents a significant step forward. It is thus recognized that the creation of quality jobs and equality between men and women are central goals of the development agenda and, at the same time, a prerequisite for the attainment of the other Goals (ECLAC, 2007a). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! A formal analysis has become a symbol of efficient information use, rational decision-making and a willingness to carry out actions (Heikkila etal., Formal analysis utilisation has four different purposes: information purposes, communication, to direct and focus the attention and symbolic reasons (Langley, 1989). The implementation of formal analysis can be seen to address several purposes and needs at the same time. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These trends are increasingly global and impact both developed and developing countries. It explores evidence that shows how policies and regulation may impact ICT services uptake and introduces new tools developed by ITU. Technology is moving fast, transforming lifestyles and rendering old business models obsolete. The ICT industry has moved from distinct infrastructure platforms and connected devices to an interconnected ecosystem of computing -the cloud - which changes the traditional rules of the game. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The result is restrictive fiscal targets, and this has led to a decline in public investment/GDP ratios in many countries (Roy et al. Some of the benefits a re more immediate, but many are evident only in the longer run.23 The time frame for generating measurable returns to this type of spending (and thus in many cases borrowing) may be as long as 5 to 10 years. By that time, appropriate public investments will have begun to expand the productive base of the economy, generating (taxable) incomes with which to pay down the debt. Such investments then are both fiscally sound and sustainable. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! While domestic infrastructure comprises about 40% of transport costs in the trade of coastal countries, for landlocked countries, domestic and transit country infrastructure together account for an estimated 60%.208 Poor road conditions can similarly hold back the growing online retail sector. They can be a nightmare for SMEs selling on e-commerce sites and for the logistics companies that make their deliveries. Transport costs can account for as much as 50%-75% of the retail price of goods in areas where quality road and rail networks are lacking. Some 14% of the continent’s population have no access to postal services, while only 21% have the benefit of home mail delivery.211 Removing the high costs of transport and logistics resulting from inefficient transport infrastructure would undoubtedly facilitate the last mile delivery of items. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In relation to this, the innovation pathways provide a discussion and development framework through which stakeholders at and between different sectoral, national, regional and international levels can envision and engage in building innovation resilience of small states for the Caribbean 2050. Within the (Anglophone) Caribbean, and from an economic perspective, small states are clustered according to two general dimensions, i.e., their economic base (production orientation) and their economic income (as measured by gross national income per capita). Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago are (horizontally) classified as commodity-based economies (predominantly natural products including oil/gas, minerals/mining and agriculture). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""Resolution 49/116 of 19 December 1994 specifically addressed “unauthorized fishing in zones of national jurisdiction and its impact on the living marine resources of the world’s oceans and seas"""". More recently, the General Assembly has undertaken a process to consider measures to address the adverse impacts of bottom fishing on vulnerable marine ecosystems and the long-term sustainability of deep sea fish stocks."" - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Under this Programme, homeowners received grants of up to US$6,000, deducted from their loans, for incorporating energy efficient measures into their homes, such as east-west orientation, white roofs, radiant barrier insulation under roofs, tinted windows, shading, ceiling fans, energy efficient lighting, and solar or instantaneous hot water systems. Following the adoption of the programme by the Palau Housing Authority, every new housing loan in Palau is eligible for the grant. The programme was later revised to include existing houses and for loans for solar PV. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! That suggests the need for appropriate integration of medium-term strategies and sustainability objectives into the plans for all infrastructure projects. An excise tax on plastic bags is planned and w'ould indeed contribute to reduce waste and marine pollution. Introducing a deposit and collection scheme for water bottles would reduce plastic pollution. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The committee facilitates the integration of women’s needs in the government’s work plan as well as monitors and evaluates the mainstreaming of women’s needs in national policies. Furthermore, it also supports the creation of gender-sensitive budgets. The committee conducts studies and reviews the impact of policies on women and men. It is composed of parliamentarians from all political parties and includes a chair, two vice-chairs and eight members who study, evaluate and report on matters and bills relating to the status of women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The rise in the proportion of single-parent families is associated with an increase in “absolute” child poverty, measured as the proportion of children living below the mid-2000s poverty line. Therefore, maternal employment has played an important in maintaining family living standards despite the growth of relative poverty observed in many countries in the aftermath of the Great Recession. This makes sense since children in low-income households or households where one parents is unable to work are eligible for these benefits. More surprisingly, increases in spending on pensions are also associated with decreases in child poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In Europe, roughly four out of 10 establishments report such problems. The technological revolution brings challenges and opportunities with respect to skills. Given that skills predictions change every few months, this is very difficult. Nonetheless these institutions need to react even if they lack some information. Failure to adjust may put entire cohorts of young people at risk. This means that decisions about curriculums and investments in technology have to be made in an environment of uncertainty. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Among other things, it promotes concerted actions to undertake integrated ecosystem-based management and urges the scientific community to enhance understanding of the ocean. The Declaration looks towards the ocean as a new engine of sustainable economic growth with a new vision of “green growth from the sea”. In this regard they further committed to urgently take the measures necessary to maintain or restore all stocks at least to levels that can produce the maximum sustainable yield, with the aim of achieving these goals in the shortest time feasible, as determined by their biological characteristics. Special attention was given to ocean acidification, which may lead to drastic changes in the oceans’ ecosystem, especially coral bleaching. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 However, other measures may be required to ensure the required environmental flows are achieved. For example, reservoir release rules may be necessary to achieve medium or high-flow objectives at the required times, for example to ensure the higher flows required for the movement of sediment, to periodically inundate wetlands, or to trigger fish spawning or migration. Typically, senior right holders benefit from a rent situation and only use a portion of their entitlement, while new comers, who may be able to use water wisely, may be denied access to river water. The prevailing response has been supply augmentation via additional dams and reservoirs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Without these efforts, biodiversity will diminish, with serious consequences for the ecosystem services upon which all people depend. A value of zero indicates that all species have gone Extinct. This means they are increasingly threatened with extinction. Over the past 50 years, the conservation status of many taxonomic groups has been comprehensively assessed. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It highlights that in order to develop a successful programme, understanding primary crash patterns and causes allows enforcement to be targeted to proven crash risk and hence maximise its impact. Key considerations include solid legislation that supports the sanctions imposed upon offending drivers, sound intelligence, and well trained, educated and committed police officers. This paper sets out New Zealand Police’s Road Policing foundational principles and looks at a selection of international traffic enforcement examples. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Introduction Part I. The Spread of Legal Instrumentalism: 1. Non-instrumental views of law 2. Changing society and common law in the nineteenth century 3. Nineteenth century legislation and legal profession 4. Instrumentalism of the legal realists 5. Twentieth century Supreme Court instrumentalism Part II. Contemporary Legal Instrumentalism: 6. Instrumentalism in legal academia in the 1970s 7. Instrumentalism in theories of law 8. Instrumentalism in the legal profession 9. Instrumentalism of cause litigation 10. Instrumentalism and the judiciary 11. Instrumentalism in legislation and administration Part III. Corroding the Rule of Law: 12. Collapse of higher law, deterioration of common good 13. The threat to legality Epilogue. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They find that for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, involvement in managing country can result in confirmation of identity and cultural authority, social activities, building and maintaining relationships, provision of purpose, traditional education, and sharing knowledge, exercise and food. It is fundamental to health and embedded, with culture, in the way that health is defined. They stress that it extends beyond the aggregated well-being of individuals to more social definitions, embracing “the social, emotional and cultural well-being of the whole community” (p.23). This helps to shift the focus away from traits attaching to individuals and to look for well-being in the strength, vitality and sustainability of communities. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The aim has been to price emissions, stimulate the development and deployment of clean energy and improve energy efficiency. Policies to promote efficient adaptation to the uncertain impacts of climate change are underdeveloped. The United Kingdom has recognised the importance of international collaboration on mitigation and adaptation, given the global nature of the climate-change problem (Box 1). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The second is the adoption of overarching strategies and policies based on stakeholder consultation which have both clear and measurable objectives, and defined actions and measures with timelines and budgets to meet them. Achieving both results in a score of 2, while more dynamic implementation and co-ordination of policy and legislation warrants a higher score. However for all six economies, the adoption of secondary legislation is not consistent across the sector. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! And the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has recently agreed to review its 8 percent energy reduction target so it can construct plans to better meet the target and monitor the region’s progress. But for industrial energy efficiency, much remains to be done. Even the AGECC has called only for a general energy-efficiency goal rather than one specifically for industry. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. It describes its strengths and weaknesses and focuses on the challenges that now face Israel. The chapter starts by acknowledging Israel’s world-class quality monitoring mechanism for community care which sets a blueprint for others to follow, but which has the potential for further development. It then highlights the need to strengthen co-ordination between community and hospital care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The number of traders will affect the transaction costs, but all relevant users should be included to avoid leakages. Furthermore, legal, institutional, and environmental barriers may need to be overcome (Garrido et al., For example, if the total irrigated area within a water district is constrained to be less than the total area potentially available for cropland within a district, then the right to irrigate units of land can be reallocated using an entitlement system. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 On the tax side, the total tax-to-GDP ratio stands above the OECD average (37% and 35%, respectively, in 2008) while the progressivity of household taxes is close to the OECD average. However, the progressivity of the personal income tax and social security contributions is steeper at the lower end than at the upper end of the income distribution. Where the solid line falls inside the OECD average, the variable considered stands below the OECD average. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The rapid rise to dominance of finance capital and its demands forfree flows of money became enshrined in the ideologies of neoliberalism and the so-called Washington Consensus. While the neoliberal agenda has been evolving over time and has its own internal tensions (which there is no space to discuss here), its broad features as an overarching agenda for financialized capitalism include open borders for trade and investment/financial flows, fiscal suppression and inflation-targeting as central to monetary policy, privatization and public-private partnerships (PPPs), market fundamentalism.description of the state as corrupt, and managerialism. This agenda was th e ha 11 ma rk of th e rise to power of Rona Id Reaga n and Margaret Thatcher in the United States and United Kingdom, respectively. Keynesian macroeconomics, with its potential for combining redistributive policies with government activism to protect employment, began to decline in prestige and clout. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! In some cases, there is a need to enhance infrastructure-sharing arrangements between different education providers. When developing the network of higher education institutions, care should be taken to ensure that adequate IT infrastructure is in place for high speed, low cost connectivity. Therefore, strong collaborative links need to be developed between the colleges to improve their education, service and research capacity. Additional funding should be allocated to develop collaborative, local solutions to regional provision through partnerships with local stakeholders. Authorities could consider providing support for specific higher education extension learning centres served by several different colleges and possibly universities and the Open University, in villages with low tertiary education participation rates. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In these areas, eligibility for hukou is dictated by a points-based system that favours long-time residents and those with high levels of education and skills. Further reforms should focus on disconnecting the eligibility for urban public services from hukou status. This may be achieved by introducing residency permits that allow the holder to access public services, while retaining a system that protects the land entitlements of migrants. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! A new treaty based on the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries: 2011 Update11 would support the interests of developing countries better than the one based on the current OECD model, since the former gives more taxing rights to developing countries. In these cases, the multilateral financial institutions and bilateral donors w'ould need to help by providing additional resources for social spending, as well as the appropriate technical and financial support for strengthening those capacities. For many developing countries, increasing the progressive incidence of the public budget is probably best achieved through well-targeted redistributive spending, but also through growth-enhancing public investment. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This has ensured ownership of the Framework across all eight jurisdictions. Following the negotiation of new national goals for schooling2 in 2008, the rationale for the Framework was updated in 2009. The changes to the Framework were agreed by all education jurisdictions. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), established in 2009, is charged with developing the new Australian Curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 12 in agreed learning areas4. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Examples of grant finance include the ADB’s grant for Golovnaya hydropower plant (Tajikistan) and adaptation projects in forestry and agriculture sectors (Kyrgyzstan) mainly supported by Germany. The share of equity financing, which is small throughout the region, includes the European Investment Bank and KfW Entwicklungsbank in the Green for Growth Fund II (e.g. in Armenia, Ukraine and Geoigia), and a hydropower project supported by the ADB (in Armenia). For instance, the Clean Technology Fund has provided concessional loans to a range of projects in the EECCA countries for demonstration, deployment and transfer of low-carbon technologies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""The same guidelines will govern the new (as yet unpublished) Investment Incentives Law. Soon to be considered by parliament, this legislation has """"Green Entrepreneurship"""" as one of its three main pillars. It thereby highlights the importance placed by the Greek government on this concept, with its key components of protecting the environment, reducing energy consumption, exploiting alternative forms of energy, producing new environmentally friendly products and using environmentally friendly methods of production."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! While biodiversity is relatively high in the North East Atlantic region, including the Helgeland coast and the Faroe Islands, the Baltic Sea species and functional diversity is relatively low. Consequently, even minor changes in species biomass and/or occurrence can have large effects on ecosystem function and services. The loss of a single species therefore has potentially higher impact in the Baltic Sea than in Helgeland and the Faroe Islands. Nordic coastal biodiversity is summarized in Figure 30, using the number of marine species in different functional groups and classes in each Nordic region. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The private sector is increasingly called upon to help solve or alleviate social and environmental problems, and many companies are heeding the call. Supposedly, there is today not a single company in the Fortune 500 that does not have some kind of policy regarding responsibility. Companies are engaging in a variety of activities that have hitherto been associated with the state/government or civil society, such as philanthropy and community investment, environmental management, workers’ rights and welfare, human rights, animal rights, corruption, corporate governance, and legal compliance. Companies are increasingly presenting themselves as good corporate citizens and making contributions to sustainable development in the broadest sense. Corporate managers are showing a willingness to let their actions and decisions be guided by the demands and expectations of a broad variety of stakeholders, rather than the narrow financial interests of owners/shareholders alone. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Teachers view this as a ‘core pedagogy’ which provides a rhythm to the school day, week and year. So, it is the ‘Web 2.0 pedagogy” that is important, with blogs, podcasts, social networking sites and virtual worlds as tools to realise this approach. Such pedagogical approaches demand that teachers mentor and foster competences for self-regulated learning, compatible with learners as (pro-) active and collaborative. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Given the nature of both exercises, undertaking them in parallel may yield better results in terms of data collection and reporting, as well as cost sharing. The use of knowledge products was not systematically tracked or monitored. Cybermetric analysis also revealed that the UNDP network of websites is highly complex and potentially difficult to navigate. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Naloxone and similar drugs have proven efficacy in reversing the effects of opioid overdoses and thereby saving lives. Making these drugs more widely available would help reduce deaths from overdose. Some European countries have schemes allowing naloxone to be taken home by the drug user (EMCDDA, 2017(48)). A few countries have drug consumption rooms, where death from overdose is much less likely. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! This is a reasonable period for consumer technology, but far shorter than that typically required for government investment programmes and products. To make realistic use of these tools, governments should therefore focus primarily on maintaining the infrastructure — ensuring, for example, that commercial telecommunications networks can cope with disruptive events and handle high usage spikes. For developing countries in particular this is generally an expensive prospect so governments should carefully consider which aspects of the technology they can afford or sustain. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! These District Committees help in the co-ordination and review of the coverage of electrification within the district. The Ministry of Power has noted that where these Committees were active and met regularly, progress in rural electrification projects had improved (Press Information Bureau, 2009). A web-based monitoring system has also been introduced which works at village level. Through this monitoring system, implementing agencies are supposed to provide all the data relating to activities carried out at village level, the result of quality inspections, the state of fund utilisation, the state of village electrification, etc. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""Women in many countries have moved from victimhood to become agents of social change despite complex social and economic challenges. Women are playing important roles in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan and Uganda, including participating in dialogues for peace, contributing to post-conflict governments and mobilizing a critical mass of women to advocate for women's rights. This statement re-echoes and reaffirms what women activists have been saying over the last decades, """"If given the space, women can change the dynamics of war and peace."""" In my own country, Liberia, we. The devastation of the Liberian conflict on the lives of thousands of women provoked us to organize and agitate for an end to the war."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It concludes by offering concrete recommendations to policy makers in the region to enhance compliance with international standards in gender equality and to reduce gender-based discrimination in domestic legislation. Yet some do not explicitly include the principle of equality between women and men, nor do they contain a definition of discrimination against women in the constitution. In additioa many other domestic laws tend to restrict women’s rights in a wide range of areas (e.g. family law, freedom of movement). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While all refugees face risks, human rights abuses and privations during conflict and displacement, refugee women and girls face particular risks of sexual and other forms of gender-related violence and discrimination. This chapter draws on some of the key academic and policy literature to explore gendered risks for women and girls in the context of refugee camps. Common risks for refugee women and girls are described and the intersections between displacement, gender, identity, power and lack of citizenship in the camp context are briefly explored. It concludes with a brief caution against framing understandings of violence in refugee contexts as having purely cultural origins and highlights the importance of the active engagement of refugee women and refugee communities in identifying problems and finding solutions. Keywords: gender-based violence, refugees, sexual assault/sexual violence, women in development/gender and development - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 With their USD 71 trillion in assets, institutional investors - including pension funds and insurance companies - potentially have an important role to play in financing clean energy projects. Clean energy projects can in particular provide institutional investors with investments which may combine these sought-after characteristics. Sovereign wealth funds are another type of institutional investor increasingly being approached to fund green investments (see Box 4). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In future the commercial collection of additional NWFPs will be exclusively done by the forest management bodies. The study captured data on rural household income and forest use. The findings from the survey demonstrate that forests are an important resource in rural areas for people that use wood-based products in their daily lives. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It reviews the drivers behind the development of a testing scheme, the purposes associated with its implementation and different criteria that feed into the test design. While it is difficult to discern exactly which driver may have distinctly played a role in a nation’s decision to administer standardised tests, it is nonetheless important to identify the underlying currents and intersecting trends steering assessment systems (Mons, 2009). The primary drivers identified are: 1) New Public Management, 2) Standards-based assessment, 3) International competition, 4) Increasing demand for 21st Century Skills, 5) Test industry pressure. There has also been a growing emphasis on quantitatively measuring outcomes and objectives and reforms towards decentralisation and autonomy which have contributed to the need to develop new means to monitor education systems (Mons, 2009: 5). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Specifically, literacy improved (92 per cent of participants who took the government literacy exam passed) as did school enrolment (nearly 70 per cent of programme participants entered or re-entered school). Additionally, the programme was associated with increased self-confidence: 65 per cent felt “strong and able to face any problem.” An example of one developed country that has achieved very low levels of adolescent pregnancy and abortion is the Netherlands, which has a pragmatic and comprehensive approach to family planning, especially for young people. It has resulted in one of the lowest abortion rates worldwide (UNFPA, 2013d). Since 1971, family planning has been included in the national public health insurance system, providing free contraceptives. Sexuality education is universal and comprehensive, and girl’s empowerment is among the highest worldwide. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This section succinctly reviews two increasingly observed pathways from agriculture water risks to broader international consequences. First, long-term water risks threatening local food security is manifested by foreign land purchases by relatively poorly water endowed but well capital endowed countries. Second, countries with a large agriculturally dependent population can be subject to social unrest and important migratory movements of population with regional, continental or global implications. These effects do not concern all three hotspot regions, but they apply to multiple other agricultural regions that are increasingly subject to water risks. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These include water-related events (such as droughts, floods or water impacts from pollution), a stable economy, political conditions that support the proposed reform, and advances from past reforms. Second, the review identifies some of the reform design features which are important in facilitating reform adoption. These include the preparation time before reforms, building a coalition of the willing, and including some type of compensation for farmers. For instance, undertaking a rapid and significant change in water policy rather than a gradual one may reduce the initial transaction costs, but will likely require more implementation efforts. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 One of the largest and most compelling pieces of research to address this question was conducted in Ontario, Canada and published in the Lancet, a renowned medical publication. It concluded that: ‘Traffic-law enforcement effectively reduces the frequency of fatal motor-vehicle crashes in countries with high rates of motor-vehicle use. Inconsistent enforcement, therefore, may contribute to thousands of deaths each year worldwide.’ ( - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 At the same time, if higher wages induce higher female labour force participation, the consequent time squeeze on human capacities production puts this group in the same regime as the liberal AIEs: exploitation. In this context, more gender equality threatens growth partly because of persistent inequalities in the gender distribution of social reproduction. Stronger supports for women doing paid work will weaken these causal links, but they must be accompanied by changes on the demand side to avoid merely shifting from an exploitation to a wage squeeze regime. A decline in commodity prices will induce depreciation of the exchange rate as global buyers need less of a country's currency to purchase its exports. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 At the same time, targeted interventions at the secondary level to prevent dropouts and to raise the awareness about the benefits of education should receive further resources. Students from socially-disadvantaged backgrounds should be supported by a maintenance grant contingent on regular school attendance and satisfactory progress. Improving completion rates in the Uruguayan education system also requires improving the supply of educational services at the secondary level to make them more relevant for the interests and characteristics of students. This calls for strategies to improve student transitions across education levels, namely the development of a common curriculum framework for all levels of school education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Trade in renewable energy products was also sensitive to tariff reduction at the 5 per cent level. It is possible that these two categories comprise high-technology products, most of which tend to be imported by developing countries. Thus the initial list of EGs could be further narrowed to include only these sub-items for the initial round of liberalization. It should, however, be noted that the elasticity of these products with respect to tariffs is low, with a tariff reduction of 1 per cent leading to only a 0.15 per cent increase in trade. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While subsequent case law in the area of gene patents seems to have abandoned the teaching, suggestion, and motivation test,198 the CAFC has continued applying that test in the context of small molecule patents.199 Whatever the final outcome in the United States, developing country authorities concerned with the granting of new patents for trivial improvements to existing inventions, such as combining one drug with another, should consider building upon the United States Supreme Court’s KSR decision in the context of their own laws, regulations and examining procedures. The new approach may reduce the number of trivial or dubious patents, especially in the information technology and pharmaceutical industries. Policymakers interested in special protection outside of the patent system for small-scale innovations within the reach of local entrepreneurs may wish to consider these alternatives. In practice, courts and administrators in developed countries often supplement these factors by so-called “additional” or “secondary”, objective factors (i.e. related to the invention) bearing on non-obviousness. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The world’s nations annually contribute over $1 trillion to subsidies for agriculture, energy, water and transport. This is 12 times the amount needed to bring official development assistance up to the 0.7 per cent target set in 1966, it is 15 times the amount that was estimated to be necessary if the Millennium Development Goals were to be fully implemented, and it is even 8 times the massive amount that the architects of the Earth Summit calculated would be needed to implement the ambitious Agenda 21. Subsidies to irrigation, for example, lead to massive wastage of scarce water resources, subsidies to coal production and consumption invalidate efforts to move towards cleaner energy, subsidies to fishing fleets lead to the devastation of fish stocks, and subsidies to transport fuel lead to wasteful use of energy in transport. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ""The difference between the BCR in a climate change and a “business-as-usual"""" scenario leads to a climate change relevance score, which provides an indication to policy-makers and managers of the change in importance of a particular programme if climate change is factored in. Pilot analysis suggests that the consideration of climate change increases the benefit of programmes managed by the Ministry by between 10 and 20 percent. An assessment of a major new investment in improved water distribution and diversion resulted not only in enhanced budget justification for the project but also informed redesign of diversion canals and flood control systems (UNDP, 2015). The analysis could support requests for funding from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which introduced in 2016 a requirement in the national budget guidelines that climate-relevant programmes be identified (see Cambodia Climate Change Alliance, 2015 and Government of Cambodia, 2016)."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 But caution must be exercised to ensure these measures maintain wage-led growth instead of just shifting the economy from a high to a low road distribution of social reproduction. This group, especially those located in East Asia, industrialized later and faster than today’s AIEs but experienced a path of growth and structural change that is relatively close to the standard AIE development trajectory in terms of sectoral and employment transitions (UNRISD 2010). These economies have among the highest female labour force participation rates in the world, and industry is a significant employer of both women and men. However, when exports and industries upgrade, there is defeminization of industrial employment (Tejani and Milberg 2010). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These numbers are nearly identical to those presented in Table 9 for a later and longer time period. The presented findings for the Netherlands by contrast differ from those reported by Snel et al. For the 1999 inflow cohort, they calculate a median spell duration of 23 months (p. 184, Table 6), which is more than double the 9 months reported in Table 9 of this document for the country as a whole. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Together with the “demographic programme” introduced in 2006, with its focus on increasing birth-rates and improving health status of the working-age population (Chapter 4 and OECD, 2011b), these reforms constitute the most important social policy re-orientations in recent years, and are discussed in more detail below. However, economic growth has been relatively strong since then and throughout the 2000s, public social spending including housing and health, has been just below 15% of GDP (Figure 3.6). Since the mid-2000s, the spending to GDP ratio increased to 15% of GDP because over the 2005-08 period: i) the “monetisation” reform increased cash transfers by about 1 percentage point of GDP, ii) there was an increase of about 1% of GDP in public housing support in 2007, and in) public expenditure on health grew by half a percentage point of GDP from 2005 to 2008 (Box 3.4). Pension reform (Chapter 4) contributed to a rise in this public social spending-to-GDP-ratio to around 17% in 2009. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! ""This difference is found to be widest for upper middle-income and high income countries. ( Women are more likely to be employed in positions that reflect traditional gender roles - in what have been labelled the """"5Cs jobs"""": caring, cashiering, cleaning, catering and clerical work. As reflected in figure 4, in 2013, low and middle-income countries have a concentration of contributing family workers, with the percentage being higher among females. However, in contrast to contributing family workers, a greater proportion ofemployed malesareown account workers compared with females, except for those in low income countries."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The data usually refer to the first quarter of the calendar year, or the average of the first three months, thereby excluding summer employment. The indicator relies on the distribution of 15-29 year-olds in education, work or neither of the two. It is thus a good proxy of the numbers of years that an individual is likely to spend in education between age 15 and 29. However, this indicator may not reflect drop-out rates and temporary interruptions of study. Another limitation is that long study durations (i.e. beyond the prescribed time) will result in an overestimate of this indicator. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! An exceptional case, however, is provided by the United States practice of targeting poor households, where such diversity is extensively taken into account. Ignoring household-specific diversities constitutes a fatal methodological flaw if poverty lines and gaps are to be used. Public transfers of goods and services are usually excluded. This produces a significant gap when it comes to health and education services, particularly in developing economies, where the role of public provision is usually substantial. In the absence of such information, one can only speculate over actual outcomes with respect to these key basic needs. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 These recommendations have stimulated concrete actions to improve the sustainability of high seas fisheries. The resumed Review Conference, to be held in 2016, may provide another excellent opportunity for States parties and States non-parties to cooperate in improving the governance of high seas fisheries, by reviewing and assessing the adequacy of the provisions of the Agreement, and, if necessary, proposing means of strengthening the substance and methods of implementation of those provisions. It has played a central role in norm- and policy-setting in the field of oceans and the law of the sea, including sustainable fisheries. In 1991, for example, it established a global moratorium on the use of large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing on the high seas. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The initiative focuses on producing new analysis and policy recommendations to address unpaid care work combined with inclusive dialogues at the regional and global levels. The SIGI comprises country profiles (information on laws, policies and action plans promoting gender equality and women's empowerment), a database (with indicators on levels of discrimination in legal framework, social norms and practices) and a cross-country ranking. These dimensions look at the gaps that legislation, prevalence and attitudes and practices create between women and men in terms of rights and opportunities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Among transition economies, the pattern varied, with positive protection in Kazakhstan and Russia (NPCs of 1.08 and 1.11 respectively) but dis-protection in Ukraine (with an NPC of 0.96) reflecting the country’s use of export taxes. South Africa provided minimal protection (an NPC of 1.01), while the rates were higher in Israel and Turkey (1.11 and 1.19 respectively). In Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine the overall average masks a tendency to provide positive protection to import-competing sectors, but dis-protection for exportables. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Designing sustainable off-grid rural electrification projects: Principles and Practices. Washington, DC, available at: Low carbon energy projects for development in sub-Saharan Africa: Unveiling the potential, addressing the barriers. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The present contribution is devoted to analyzing recent developments in selected aspects of European Union civil service law. Such analysis will help us to assess the soundness of the prevailing approach to judicial review of legislative acts and to judicial control over individual acts affecting the rights of European Union civil service workers. Case law on the equality principle is scrutinized, with the suggestion being made that, at times, such case-law shows an excessive deference towards the European Union legislator, or that, at least, more precise reasoning could be needed in this field. A review of case-law concerning the rights and duties of temporary staff workers is also carried out, and reveals the need to strengthen the scrutiny exercised by the European Courts, and above all by the Civil Service Tribunal, in cases of alleged discriminatory dismissal. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""This difference is very important and is attributable to the human capital associated with traditional skills and knowledge, not obtained through attending educational institutions. In this chapter we discuss both human capital accumulated through formal schooling and human capital based on local and Indigenous knowledge (LIK). Certainly, measuring the latter is a more challenging task given the difficulty of quantifying the value and scope of LIK. It is worth noting that the lack of one (e.g., formal education) may be partially compensated, albeit indirectly, by another (LIK) in terms of human development. First, human capital is the most important ingredient in the """"knowledge sector"""", which includes technologically advanced industries and services (e.g. information technology, high tech manufacturing, financial services, etc.)"" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. It was reviewed internally by Stephen Perkins, Dimitrios Papaioannou and Nicolas Wagner at the ITF. External comments were received from Lewis Dijkstra of the European Commission and Iven Stead, Department for Transport (DfT), UK. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The council has 14 members, with representatives from government, civil society, academia and the business sector. This process of “agencification”, inspired by the “new' public management” model, has been carried out in many OECD countries over the past three decades. Overall, despite some dowmsides, the ensuing reorganisation has had a positive impact on performance (OECD, 2010, Chapter 4). Operationally independent implementation agencies improve policy effectiveness by employing professionals w'ho combine experience in specific funding and other financing instruments (including cofunding and the leveraging of complex financial instruments) with an understanding of the needs of target groups. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The informal economy cannot be regarded as a temporary phenomenon. It has been around for decades and it is not evidently in decline. It has a more noticeably fixed character in countries where income and assets are unequally distributed (Becker, 2004) and where access to formal jobs, primarily in economic sectors where government is the dominant employer, is a function of association with influential social networks (Avirgan et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The threat to halt progress on a plan generally only worries the local government preparing the plan, not the other authorities being consulted. Constructive co-operation and co-ordination of plans is clearly an important goal to ensure the best use of land and infrastructure investment. Within London and the larger English conurbations, non-statutory arrangements and statutory' joint committees are emerging as a way of guiding good planning without the creation of new levels of cumbersome plans. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This chapter maps women’s access to public life and highlights the rationale and the scope for the study. It outlines study objectives and details the methodology adopted in preparing the report. It highlights active measures to advance gender equality in public life and provides actionable recommendations to governments, supported by examples of good practices from OECD countries and key partner countries. It also falls under the broader framework of the OECD Gender Initiative launched by Ministers in 2010 to help governments in OECD and non-OECD countries promote gender equality by deepening the knowledge base on gender equality issues, further developing indicators to measure progress in gender equality, developing evidence-based policy recommendations, and enhancing cross-national policy learning and transferability. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the emerging economies analysed in this chapter, self-employment represents 20% of total female employment (compared to an OECD average of 10%) and it reaches very high levels in countries like Colombia (42%) and Peru (37%). However, evidence from Latin America shows that this difference disappears when larger firms with similar labour and capital inputs are compared (Bruhn, 2009). These patterns span both urban and rural areas. In the agricultural sector, women tend to farm smaller plots with lower yields and less profitable crops than men (World Bank, 2012). The figure for India is based on the assumption that all employed workers with missing information on paying social contributions work in the informal sector. Informality rates for China, Morocco, the Russian Federation and TUnisia are missing given the unavailability of comparable data on social security contributions and business registration. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Both approaches were concerned with investment planning and both (albeit to different degrees) recognized that expanding output ahead of demand would give rise to further complementary investments and innovations. This was particularly true of infrastructure investments, given the significant indivisibilities those involved. Indeed, the two theories began w ith the challenge of a divergence between social and private returns, employed much the same conceptual framework - indivisibilities, externalities, increasing returns, complementarities in supply and demand - and acknowledged a central role for the state. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Whereas in economic policy institutions, diversity is clearly emerging in senior positions as well as in policy advise, in academia this is much less the case. However, economics has been enriched through standpoints from the global south that recognise the historical and today's structural inequalities in the world economy. This paper discusses such postcolonial standpoints. In particular, economic perspectives representing standpoints from the global south with key economists who have contributed importantly to the diversification and improvement of our discipline. The focus is on development economics, as that is the field where most progress has been made, based on real-world experiences and interpretations of south-based economists. These economists include Raul Prebisch, Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, Jayati Ghosh, Thandika Mkandawire, Gita Sen, Noeleen Heyzer, and Bina Agarwal. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Additional measures, such as reduced parking rates, preferential access and financing subsidies, are being studied. The efficiency of the electric system is also expected to be improved, as the vehicles will absorb excess night electricity generation while charging. In the post-2020 phase the development of a vehicle-to-grid system is foreseen, which will also allow vehicles to send electricity to the grid at peak times. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""For example, in the case of Karner v. Austria,""""’ the European Court of Human Rights found a violation of the prohibition of discrimination (art. Several years later, noting that a rapid evolution of social attitudes towards same-sex couples had occurred in many member States, the European Court directly recognized that same-sex couples enjoyed ‘family life’as protected by art. When the South African Constitutional Court decided that the absence in the 1996 draft Constitution of a clause protecting the right to marry or to family life did not invalidate the Constitution, it noted that the draft Constitution enshrined the values of “human dignity, equality and freedom” as well as “that everyone has the right to havetheirdignity respected and protected""""."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The estimated cost for 2016 was SEK 296 million (around EUR 31 million). Each of these countries operates its own national transport plan, with its own national priorities (Table 2.12). In Sweden and Norway, national transport plans are established over 10- and 12-year periods respectively, overlapping with each other to a large extent. By contrast, Denmark used to have several transport plans (by mode of transport) rather than an integrated approach. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Other responses to criminal non-compliance include permanent or temporary dissolution of the legal person, forfeiture of property, restriction of activities, and bans against, for instance, participation in a public tender, the use of grants, or promotion or advertising. However, very few cases result in such measures being applied. However, the sanctions or quasicriminal penalties are imposed by administrative bodies rather than the courts. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This was also observed by Kakwani (1990) and Marinho and Soares (2003). This result confirms the theoretical hypothesis that poverty-income elasticity is tower in economies with tow average incomes. The results obtained in this article agree with the findings of Marinho and Soares (2003) and Hoffmann (2004), In short, less developed regions like the Brazilian north-east have more difficulty reducing poverty through income growth. Overall, these results suggest that inequality reduction policies are most effective when it comes to fighting poverty in Brazil. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The five integrated actions are: i) financing, ii) training, iii) commercialisation, iv) management, v) innovation. This has enabled the SPYME to lay out an impressive array of programmes aimed at the five target groups of the business development strategy of Mexico (Table 5.2.) The three main business financing schemes are the national guarantee programmes, which provides through NAFINSA guarantees to banks that activate SME lines of credit, the SME productive project, which supports through subsidised loans the acquisition of new equipment by medium-sized firms, and the seed capital tool (i.e. capital semilla), which provides seed capital to new firms graduating from the national incubation programme. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These are found at the national and regional levels in France and the Netherlands (six regions in Figure 4.7). In France, under the 2006 Loi sur I'Eau et les Milieux Aquatiques, the Prefets can create zones of environmental constraints on which they can impose water restrictions (Barraque et al., In recent years, the Upper Republican Natural Resources District has had an active land retirement program, spending USD 10 million to purchase 3 300 acres (1 300 hectares) of irrigated land in 2011 (in the Rock Creek area) and joining with the Middle and Lower Republican Natural Resources Districts and the Twin Platte Natural Resources District to purchase almost 20 000 acres (8 100 hectares) of land for USD 83 million in 2012 (McCabe, 2013). In both cases, the Natural Resources District is constructing stream augmentation projects that will link wells to nearby streams directly with a pipeline. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Another change followed in 2001, in accordance with the the ILO methodology, persons involved in agricultural activity within rural households were included in the self-employed category. According to the Statistics Agency of Kazakhstan, prices of inputs used in agriculture increased 18 times in 1992, while output prices rose 10 times, 18 times and 8 times respectively in 1993, and 29 times and 19 times respectively in 1994. In a survey of 160 rural households in Akmola oblast, Dudwick et al. ( Data on the cotton sector should be interpreted with care due to extensive smuggling from Uzbekistan and, to a lesser extent, Turkmenistan where the regulated farm-gate prices are much lower than in Kazakhstan. Sadler (2006) reports estimates that smuggled cotton from Uzbekistan accounted for between a quarter and a half of Kazakhstan’s reported cotton output in the early 2000s, which implies that a substantial share of reported cotton exports were re-exports. Up to 90% of water flow occurs in spring. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Le volume total vendu a ce prix pendant la saison des semis et celle des recoltes est lui aussi fixe a l’avance. Les prets qui en relevent sont accordes par les etablissements de credit de KazAgro, moyennant des taux d’interet fixes plus ou moins eleves en fonction de la duree et de l’objet du credit et de l’origine des fonds (ils different selon que le pret est finance par le budget, sur les fonds propres des agences de KazAgro ou par des fonds eux-memes empruntes sur le marche). En 2011, les prets a court terme accordes pour les semis et les recoltes ont ete assortis de taux allant de 4 % a 12 % par an, contre 12.3 % sur le marche. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Jansen and Piermartini (2005) show that the temporary movement of persons, by reducing transaction costs for merchandise trade between home and the host country, causes bilateral trade to expand in a statistically significant way. Walmsley and Winters (2005) have focused on the direct welfare effects of liberalising trade in mode 4 in a general equilibrium framework. They show that if OECD countries allowed temporary migration of workers to increase by the equivalent of 3 per cent of their labour force, the resulting global gains would be greater than those under full liberalisation of merchandise trade. Moreover, both developed and developing countries would share in the gains, which would be largest if migration of both professionals and unskilled workers were permitted. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Beginning with an overview of historical commitments by AAPI populations to educational advocacy, this article analyzes the current US educational policy context of No Child Left Behind at the national and local level, and argues that both its rhetoric and system of ‘accountability’ have been crafted in ways that are completely unaccountable to AAPI communities. The article offers specific recommendations to address critical needs for youth, parent, and community development as well as for clearer AAPI leadership, representation, and activism in relation to education policy. Using specific examples to illustrate larger issues and contradictions, it also argues that educational policy analysis and development with greater AAPI accountability must be linked with the stories and struggles of real people, just as efforts to problem‐solve daily life issues of individuals, families, and communities must address larger structures and systems at the policy level in order to be effective and sustainable. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Les mesures d’austerite ont, semble-t-il, conduit au declin des admissions hospitalieres mais pas a la diminution de la consommation de produits pharmaceutiques. La reduction des depenses pharmaceutiques qui a suivi les mesures d’austerite recentes s’explique principalement par les efforts menes pour faire baisser les prix et pour encourager le recours a des medicaments generiques bioequivalents, moins couteux. There is overwhelming evidence that higher incomes and wealth are strongly associated with better health. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""The EIF's success so far """"does not mean that the work is done. Rather, it is a reminder of how important this work is - and how much more focus it deserves"""". Examples of EIF projects Equatorial Guinea is undertaking a diagnostic trade integration study as it seeks to move away from dependence on oil. These studies help countries identify and address constraints to trade, economic growth and sustainable development."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Third, since the principle of the rubric as a tool for formative assessment was new to teachers, they were invited to experiment with this method during training sessions through exercises on stylised rubrics specifically created for that purpose. Co-ordinators reported that this process proved very useful to build teachers' comprehension of the project's tools and methods. Co-ordinators therefore planned the intervention as a system of steps intended to support teachers' acquisition of new knowledge and tools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Rather, what is needed is a coherent whole-of-govemment approach, which addresses all dimensions of immigrants’ integration. Such an approach to integration builds on a strong collaboration between government departments and involvement of social partners. It first describes the project on Assessing the Economic Contribution of Labour Migration in Developing Countries as Countries of Destination, and its implementation in South Africa. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 While the dimensions are the same as for children in the third age group the indicators on education and child labour differ. Whereas children of 15 years and older are not obliged to go to school, the education dimension focuses also on schooling outcomes, rather than just access. The school enrolment indicator is combined with primary school attainment, meaning that children who are not going to school, but have completed primary school are not deprived. In addition, there is an indicator measuring quality, identifying a child as deprived if he/she cannot read and write in any language. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The industry has also expanded into production of bio-energy. Although only half of annual allowable cut wood is used, there has been excessive felling near the main transport routes and over-reliance on natural regeneration. The 2030 Strategy addresses this by supporting assisted regeneration, more intensive silviculture management and long-term planning, forest maintenance and infrastructure development. There have also been tensions about whether to extend PAs or increase the area allocated for timber harvesting, efforts are being made to balance industry and conservation interests through multistakeholder platforms. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 A well-implemented plan is defined as one in which a high proportion of policies for achieving an objective in the plan are implemented by the development permits. The evaluation method focuses on the strength of the linkages between policies and permits, measured through the adoption of relevant management techniques. For each permit, implementation is measured as the proportion of plan polices that are implemented by the permit (as a proportion of all relevant policies). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It also looks at changes in families’ income that are not explained by changes in family and work characteristics but may be due to changes in the association between these characteristics and the place of children in the income distribution. These latter changes may reflect the evolution of the institutional contexts where children live and grow up. In simple terms, the decomposition helps to measure the portion of changes in child poverty due to changes in the characteristics of child population and those due to changes in the association between these characteristics and poverty rates. The decomposition is carried out for market incomes before taxes and transfers (they correspond to labour income in their vast majority, capital income being generally low for poor households), and for disposable income after social transfers. By comparing the changes in income before and after taxes and transfers, one can infer what role transfers have played in responding to changes in labour income and how this role has varied across the income distribution. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Tribunals are important elements of the legal system in Australia, which are accepted for performing an adjudicative function in jurisdiction-specific areas and providing jurisprudence of benefit across public administration. They demonstrate great divergence in dealing with issues at the States or Territory level or even the Commonwealth sphere, and steps which attempt to restrict this need for diversity are opposed firmly, being seen as an attack on the independence of the tribunals. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These include marginal abatement cost curve analysis, options analysis, impact assessments, cost-benefit analysis, and multi-criteria analysis. However, information and data constraints can limit their application. In particular, limited evidence and knowledge to provide good appraisals and identify market failures and barriers as well as inherent uncertainties in appraising climate adaptation projects are cited as key barriers to identifying effective projects ex-ante. Such methodologies can help to direct allocation of future climate finance to projects and programmes with the highest overall results (for example, the UK’s DFID/DECC Greenhouse Gas Appraisal Guidance and the World Bank Source Book). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It hosts the General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDEP), which shares responsibility for management of Natura 2000 sites in national forests with the LP. To ensure that this co-operation is mutually beneficial, clarification of rules and responsibilities is urgently needed. The area administered by the LP has steadily increased. It now amounts to more than three-quarters of the total forest area, and the LP is the largest manager of public forest in the European Union. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These land uses are declining and consequently, low bushes and trees are quickly spreading across these areas in the absence of grazing animals which would normally help contain such growth. This affects the accessibility of the land for tourism. Thus, the landscapes are changing and the Puys mountains may become somewhat less accessible for tourists as a result. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In fact, it is not just the mother’s current health status that affects children but rather the longstanding maternal health represented by the mother’s own low birth-weight, which is associated with a higher probability of her children experiencing low birth weight (Currie and Moretti, 2007). Currie and Moretti (2007) estimate an average intergenerational correlation of 0.17, meaning that a 100 g increase in the birth weight of a mother is associated with a 17 g increase in the birth weight of her children. Trying to quantify the impact of health at birth on adult outcomes, the estimates in Black, Devereux and Salvanes (2005) suggest that a 7.5% increase in birth weight would lead to a 1.1% increase in the birth weight of a person’s children in Norway. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Exports of major items, such as garments and rice, also softened amid increased competition driven by Myanmar’s liberalization and Viet Nam’s engagement in free trade agreements. Reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers under the ASEAN Economic Community should be used as an opportunity to accelerate economic diversification, especially because the role of garment exports in driving the economy may not be as strong as in the past. In August 2015, the Government launched a new industrial development policy that is aimed at expanding the industrial base beyond garments and food processing to such areas as machinery and electrical equipment assembly and agro-industrial production. To realize such a development, it will be important to attract FDI into higher value-added sectors and channel more credit to upgrade the industrial sector. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This article is devoted to the application of law in the legal order of the Council of Europe. It presents guidelines for the decision-making process of the application of law applied in the legal area of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter. The aim of this article is to present the characteristics of the decision-making process of the application of law in terms of human rights protection on European and supranational level, as well as the differences between such processes carried out on the basis of the ECHR and the ESC. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""One of the main goals of these strategies has been to increase the growth and productivity of the business community - and to make it easier and cheaper to establish digital infrastructure. Such regional examples can be found throughout the Nordic Region. For instance, Region Norrbotten in northern Sweden initiated a project called """"Platform Lumiora"""" in cooperation with the municipalities of Norrbotten, Norrbotten County Council and IT Norrbotten, with the aim of speeding up the expansion of high-speed Internet in the region. Also, Region Holland, located on Sweden's west coast, has developed a strategy for the cross-border expansion of high-speed broadband to ensure that 100% of households in rural areas will be offered a fibre connection."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The total cost of the program, approximately US$805 000, was split between the Seychelles Government and the GEF. Marine turtles have subsequently become an important component in Seychelles tourism, which is the major economic sector of the Seychelles, with gross revenues accounting to a total of US$750 million per year. Protection of nesting beaches has resulted in increased nesting within some Seychelles protected areas. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! All Annex II Parties are also members of the OECD DAC, as are four further Annex I Parties, and as such use Rio markers to “tag” the amount of bilateral ODA used for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and report this information under the CRS. All EU member countries (many of whom are non-Annex II) are beginning to report information on climate finance under EU monitoring regulations (as outlined above), as well as to the OECD DAC. The transparency framework set out in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement also provides for voluntary reporting of information on the provision of support by “other Parties”. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Such reforms will be vital to foster investments, put in place strategic water policies and ensure coherent implementation. Good governance of the water sector is essential to achieving sustainability, whether in terms of economic growth, environmental health or social well-being, and to finding a balance among them. By “water governance” we mean the rules and practices for decision-making on water, and how these decisions are translated into action. Governance is distinct from water management, which refers to operational, on-the-ground activity to align water resources, supply, consumption and recycling. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Statement at a joint hearing ofthe Committee on Commerce and Committee on Foreign Relations ofthe US Senate by A.J. Parkinson from the Arctic Investigations Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services, on the Arctic Human Health Initiative, 26 September, 2006. Tuberculosis in Canada 2006, Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada. Suicide among Indigenosu Sami in Arctic Norway, 1970-1988"""", European Journal of Epidemiology No.9 September 2006."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Cutting down on investment costs may also be achieved by lowering service standards to levels that a country can afford: for example, many developing countries have adopted Western standards without tailoring them to their own circumstances, resulting in unnecessary investment costs. Each country is likely to adopt a different mix of the 3Ts to meet WSS’s financing needs. Most countries have used public transfers (either from their own government or from external sources) to fund the development of WSS, particularly for capital expenditure. As countries develop and WSS become more mature, there tends to be a shift towards more use of commercial finance, reimbursed by growing cash flows from user charges {i.e. tariffs). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The concept of human security is arguably a progressive move away from the narrow conceptions of military and territorial security that have traditionally dominated international relations. The human security framework is argued to have the potential to empower and emancipate individuals by putting them at the centre of policy, analysis and debate and addressing the problems they face in their daily lives. In this paper I will argue that the human security framework cannot live up to its promises to empower the citizens of poor and developing countries. Whilst the human security framework problematizes the relationship between the state and its citizens, the framework replaces this relationship with relationships with other states or international agencies that lack accountability, effectively further disempowering citizens in weak or unstable states. The human security framework serves to reinforce international power inequalities and renders criteria for intervention by powerful states and international... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Some countries also report more specific objectives for some parts of the housing sector. Objectives for the social rental sector, for example, include reducing its construction and running costs (Denmark), improving its regulation (the Czech Republic), or enabling a more diverse range of providers (New Zealand). The phenomenon is significant in other OECD and key partner countries as well: around 30% of the urban population lives in slums in in India and Brazil, 23% in Indonesia and South Africa and 19% in Mexico (see UN Millennium Development Goals Database, 2014). Due to rapid urbanization in developing countries, the number of slum dwellers is projected to grow in the coming years (UN-Habitat, 2014) and eradication of urban slums by 2020 has been included by the United Nations among the targets of the UN Millennium Development Goals (Target 11 of Goal 7). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Some political scientists maintain that Supreme Court justices are more likely than other appellate court judges to vote their ideological preferences. It is argued that Supreme Court justices may vote their preferences without constraint from precedent because of a lack of electoral or political accountability, absence of ambition for higher office, and status as a member of a court of last resort that controls its own docket. While this expla nation of attitudinal voting is widely accepted, it has never been tested. As a first test of the asserted institutional foundations of attitudinal voting, the voting of United States Courts of Appeals judges in tort diversity cases is examined. In such cases, appeals court judges benefit from all of the institutional features thought to advance attitudinal voting, except complete docket control. Despite these benefits, the votes of the appeals court judges appear to be highly constrained by law and precedent. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Notably, the Cost Reduction Directive aims to increase infrastructure sharing. This may simply be due to the different investment cycles of energy and telecommunication infrastructures. Perceived issues of liability may however also prevent a stronger engagement of industry actors in this type of cooperation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Consequently these challenges cannot be solved by unilateral actions confined within national borders. A mechanism that guides concerted action at the global level is required. Global governance can serve as an effective tool in addressing global sustainability issues that require governance across national borders. The key function of global governance is coordination across various dimensions. The objective of this framework is to identify coordination issues in each of these dimensions as part of the design of global governance on sustainability issues. As a case study, the global governance of agri-food is examined, with particular attention to the problems of securing the quantity and quality of food. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! The following section examines the role of incentives in promoting the cost containment role of primary care. A concluding section discusses the broader alignment of health system design with that objective, and the policy implications. In this domain, the prime role of primary care might take the form of conventional disease prevention activities, such as vaccination programmes, or influencing behavioural change aimed at reducing the risk of future disease. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As a result, women are highly under-represented in most security system institutions. In order to achieve equitable representation of men and women, measures need to be implemented to increase the recruitment, retention and advancement of women and other under-represented groups. Full participation also entails consulting with men and women on security and justice issues and involving both men and women in effective civil society oversight. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A decrease in the consumption of meat through adoption of more sustainable diets can lead to a substantial reduction in the use of land and other natural resources, thus improving the prospects of sustainable development, as illustrated in box IV.3. Public policies and programmes designed to improve health, water and sanitation services will be particularly important. Increasing individuals’ awareness of the benefits of healthier diets, through information campaigns and educational programmes, is also relevant. Poultry meat consumption level is expected to be 2.3 times higher than in 2010, while consumption of other livestock products is expected to be between 1.4 and 1.8 times higher (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009d). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There is a uniform rate nationwide whatever the quality objective or diluting capacity of receiving waters (OECD, 2008c). Under the principle of compensation recognised under Korean law, revenues collected from downstream beneficiaries are used to compensate upstream residents for losses due to land use regulation, an important step towards truly integrated water and land management at the river basin level. In the EU and the United States, farmers are paid for a variety of environmental stewardship measures, including reducing nitrate contamination. While these have been primarily funded through public budget allocation - implicitly recognising society as a whole as a beneficiary - it is possible to design alternative funding mechanisms with specific fees or levies on water bills, fees for recreational uses or fisheries and levies on flood plain dwellers, so as to allocate costs more directly to direct beneficiaries. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Despite this significant improvement, the ambitious target of a two thirds reduction between 1990 and 2015, as contained in Millennium Development Goal 4, was not achieved at the global scale (United Nations IGME, 2015). In 2010-2015, the under-five mortality rate in the less developed regions was 54 per 1,000, more than nine times as high as in the more developed regions, where it stood at 6 per 1,000 live births. Among other countries of the less developed regions, the risk of dying before age five was 45 per 1,000 live births, slightly more than half the level of the least developed countries. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In many cases, the principle of equality between men and women is enshrined in the national Constitution and overrides any contrary customary practice. An agricultural holding is an economic unit of agricultural production under single management. Percentages of women and men holders by country do not always sum to 100 in case of e.g. joint holdings or unreported gender. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! However, in some countries, managing MPAs is changing from management development to implementation. Examples include Canada (Guenette and Alder, 2007), Scotland (Staed and McGlashan, 2006) and the Philippines (Fernandez, 2006). Currently MPAs make up about 8 per cent of the area of South-East Asian coral reefs (Burke, Selig and Spalding, 2002). However, the success rate of MPAs in South-East Asia is low: an estimated 14 per cent of the 332 MPAs in South-East Asia are effectively managed and only about 10 to 38 per cent of MPAs in the Philippines are effectively or partially effectively managed (Pomeroy and others, 2007a, Gjertsen, 2005). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Costa Rica also has the National Observatory for Human Resources in Health (Observatorio Nacional de Recursos Humanos en Salud) to monitor workforce trends and support dialogue between professional associations, the Ministry of Health, the CCSS, private employers, academics, and other stakeholders. However, existing estimates are built mainly on feasibility (CCSS concerns regarding training “space”) or political (Colegio Medico) considerations, rather than a forecast of anticipated needs and demands, and a simulation of the necessary profiles and possible reform scenarios that would lead to a set of human resources better suited to resolve main challenges in the system, such as the long waiting lists for health services. For each indicator, a national target is set. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatoiy Agency (MHRA) as an executive agency of the Department of Health (DH) to enforce the regulations relating to the safety of medicines and medical devices in the UK. The Governments of the devolved nations then work closely with the MHRA For example, The Northern Ireland Adverse Incident Centre acts as a regional centre for reporting and investigating adverse incidents involving medical devices and nonmedical equipment, while MHRA's alerts to NHS Wales are made through the Welsh Government’s Public Health Alert System. Its powers include conducting reviews and carrying out inspections and investigations, and reporting on arrangements by statutory bodies for the purpose of monitoring and improving the quality of the health and personal social services. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Expenditures on other cash benefits share a positive association with child poverty rates (columns 2 and 3), which suggests a reverse causality effect, that is countries with higher child poverty rates tend to spend higher amounts on other cash benefits, all else being equal. Concentrating on associations with changes in expenditure on social cash transfers, columns 4 to 6 of Table D 1 suggest that, ceteris paribus, many social cash transfers frequently share no real clear and systematic association with changes in relative child poverty rates over time. Given a certain level of pre-transfer child poverty, changes in per head spending on unemployment benefits, on parental leave benefits, on family allowances, on incapacity, and on other cash benefits share no clear and significant association with changes in the relative child poverty rates. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Statutory health insurance and health providers use the ONDAM as a target for spending and savings objectives. The monitoring of objectives has steadily improved as recommended by the OECD (2011a), and effective spending growth has been close to the ONDAM since 2009 (Box 2, Figure 6, Panel A). Overall, the fiscal framework appears sound (OECD, 2015a). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Social interaction is a major factor in preventing both physical and mental decline (which represent a huge economic cost to society, as well as social and personal cost to the individual). Travelling as the only passenger is a vehicle will not provide the same stimulation and may cause anxiety, which leads to a preference for inclusive services, covering all users including those with access needs. Also, the ability to travel with a companion (at no extra costs) would help with this concern both for older people and for those with mental health issues or learning disabilities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Results show that Principle 3 on policy coherence was one of the lowest scoring Principles against all four assessment criteria, while Principle 5 on data and information was one of the highest. Good/strong, 5. Full alignment, Implementation: 1. Poor, 3, Moderate, 4. Good/strong, 5. Full implementation, On-ground results: 1. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! ""The definition and creation of contract law is entrenched in a common understanding of the strong role of the modern state in the administration of justice. This article argues that this understanding is currently subject to a fundamental transformation as a result of the increasing demand for legal certainty in cross-border transactions. Traditional concepts of private international law, mainly the law of conflicts and multilateral treaty harmonization, have proven unable to keep pace with globalization, allowing private actors to step in and gain a dominant position in providing legal services to international commerce. The resulting privatization of lawmaking leads to concerns regarding the legitimacy of transnational contract law. This paper suggests using the concepts of """"rough consensus"""" and """"running code"""" to reconceptualize the ideas of democratic lawmaking under the rule of law in order to adapt them to the reality of transnational lawmaking."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thus, even if a given payment to farmers were to be designed so as to have the smallest conceivable static effects on production (e.g. a lump sum payment without any relation to given outputs or inputs), it is still likely to induce additional production because of its risk effect. Perhaps one of the more surprising results was that risk effects, often disregarded in policy debates, can be significant in quantitative terms, in some cases even larger than the traditional relative price effects. One implication of the analysis of risk effects is that insurance subsidies and other measures intended to reduce the variability of farm revenue or income may have strong impacts on production and trade. It was also found that policies that have the effect of smoothing the variability of domestic prices relative to fluctuations of world prices may have a large impact in increasing the variability of world prices. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While areas at risk of forest fires may be less easy to organise into zones, decisions to extend urban boundary limits would do well to take into account whether this would extend development into zones of fire risk. One important reform would be to increase the flexibility of zoning, in part through conditional planning. Another would be to create greater incentives for infill development and mixed use, both of which are permitted but perhaps not adequately incentivised. Better enabling infill development would also help address concerns about the availability of developable land within urban boundaries. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The gridded population data used in this first step is from the Landscan project developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee (United States). Core municipalities corresponding to these city cores are identified. Municipalities sending 15% of their resident employed population or more to the core are included in the commuting zones, which thus can be defined as the “worker catchment area” of the uiban labour market, outside the densely inhabited core. The size of the commuting zones relative to the size of the core give a clear indication of cities’ influence on surrounding areas. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""It does so by measuring the extent to which RFMOs apply best practices against IUU fishing and pointing to the remaining gaps. Information gathered from RFMOs' resolutions and recommendations introducing conservation and management measures (CMMs), other publicly available sources and direct communication with RFMOs"""" secretariats was analysed and summarised into five indicators reflecting the most important management tools targeting IUU fishing at the disposal of RFMOs. Indicators show overall progress among RFMOs, but discrepancies remain, suggesting scope for improvement by learning from best performers."" - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Exclusionary and fear-based politics are deepening societal divisions and breeding conflict and instability, millions are being forcibly displaced due to violent conflicts and humanitarian catastrophes. Amid global socio-economic and political turmoil, not only is gender equality out or reach but women's rights are facing renewed resistance from different kinds of fundamentalism. Civic space is shrinking and women's human rights defenders are facing threats and persecution by both state and non-state actors.' - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This article offers a conceptual framework that broadens and enhances our understanding of the role of ‘history’ in contemporary governance and the attempts by policy-makers to ‘manage’ critical issues. Building upon the literature on historical analogies in policy-making, we distinguish three dimensions that clarify how the past may emerge in and affect the current deliberations, choices and rhetoric of policy-makers. We apply this in a comparative examination of two cases of crisis management where historical analogies played an important part: the Swedish response to (alleged) submarine intrusions in 1982, and the European Union sanctions against Austria in 1999. We induce from the case comparison new concepts and hypotheses for understanding the role of historical analogies in public policy-making and crisis management. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thus, women using traditional contraceptive methods, tend to have a high chance of unplanned pregnancy. In particular, stronger son-preference in rural areas due to several social obligations is also one of the prominent causes of induced abortion (Guilmoto, 2009). Those who had strong desire for son are more likely to seek a sex-selective abortion. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In contrast, E & N has the lowest FLFP (around 20%) and the lowest percentage of people living in urban areas (around 22%). The North and the South also differ with respect to another factor: the culture in the North is strongly patriarchal, in contrast to the South. Women in the Northern states of India have less autonomy than their counterparts in the Southern states (Eswaran et al, 2013). The income of the household excluding the respective woman’s own income is taken into account. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Federal Budget Law 2013 comprises detailed regulations on outcome-oriented administration including the consideration of the objective of effective equality of women and men. In the future, equality aspects will explicitly be a factor throughout the management cycle of administrative action, from planning to implementation to evaluation. In a subsequent step, these federal authorities have to define concrete measures (outputs) and indicators in order to realise and monitor the respective gender equality outcome. Furthermore, § 41 of the Federal Budget Law 2013 and the Regulation on the presentation of information on outcome orientation in the Annual Federal Budget Statement and the Explanatory Budget Documents regulate the details of gender budgeting application regarding outcomes, outputs and indicators. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This chapter reports the results of two projects which were conducted during the last years at the Linguistics department of Vienna University and which aimed (a) at establishing an empirical basis for the development of writing courses for humanities students and (b) at developing and testing a prototype of such a course in a blended learning framework. In the first study, Austrian university students' writing practices in three social science disciplines (social history, business studies, and business psychology) were investigated. In the second project, an academic writing course for students which was based on the results of the previous project was developed in a blended learning framework. The two discipline specific courses elaborate the language-related aspects of the general module and comprise the following broad areas: 'Structuring a paper', 'Perspective', 'Explanation and argumentation' and 'the thematic thread'. Keywords: business psychology, empirical projects, linguistics department, social history, Vienna University - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The areas where such target setting based on the ECA appears most straightforward at this stage are water over extraction and carbon storage (in the context of ecosystems such as peat-lands]. However, ECA does not aim to assess biodiversity loss and threshold, as this needs to be done through ecology indicators and analysis the biodiversity loss and thresholds. The ECA should also allow monitoring the flows of specific ecosystem services via its carbon and water accounts. Time series can capture carbon sequestration. In some cases low carbon storage values will indicate degradation. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Coverage is 36 per cent for the poorest women and 90 per cent for the wealthiest. And fewer than one third of women received the recommended minimum of four antenatal care visits in 2014. In 2004, the ratio of poorest-to-richest women delivering in a health facility was 1 to 12. By 2014, the ratio had improved to one to four. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The issue of death penalty under international law can be described by pointing out specific legal norms or lack of them in treaties regarding human rights (e.g. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), humanitarian law (i.e. Geneva Conventions), international criminal law (i.e. Rome Statute). Moreover, international institutions address issue of death penalty in soft law and in judicature. Following history of those norms, abolistic tendencies are explicit and particularly strong in the post-World War II international society. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Annabel S. Erulkar and Mairo Bello, “The Experience of Married Adolescent Girls in Northern Nigeria”, The Population Council, Inc., 2007, ( Nigeria_MarriedAdol.pdf) (accessed 5 September 2011). National Agency for the Control of AIDS, “National HIV/AIDS Response Review 2005-09”, Abuja, Nigeria, 2010. National Agency for the Control of AIDS, Country Progress Report: Nigeria. See ABANTU for Development, Empowering Youth through Comprehensive Reproductive Health Programmes (London/Accra: ABANTU for Development, 2004), ActionAid Nigeria, Mapping Civil Society’s Involvement in HTV/AIDS Programmes in Nigeria. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! ""Amnesty International's (AI) recent report """"Crimes of Hate, Conspiracy of Silence"""" examines the torture and ill-treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The report documents widespread human rights abuses, ranging from loss of dignity to assault, rape, and murder. The report also reveals that both the state and society continue to sanction these human rights abuses through formal mechanisms, such as discriminatory laws, and through informal mechanisms, including stigma and prejudice. The disinterest or active hostility of the criminal justice system has allowed many of these abuses to be conducted with impunity.l This disturbing picture of abuses that goes against human decency should rouse health professionals-as well as citizens everywhere-to action. Health professionals should be particularly alarmed that health-care workers are implicated in these violations not"" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Energy efficiency measures helped to reduce energy use worldwide. Without the 13% improvement of global energy efficiency between 2000 and 2016, global final energy use would have been 12% higher. Whereas GHG emissions present a global physical limit to increasing production with current technology and methods. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Looking at the headcount ratio for both poverty lines it seems clear that poverty has fallen slightly over the 15 year period. The changes in the mean poverty gap and the squared mean poverty gap ratios suggest that when taking the depth and severity of poverty into account, the gains over the period have been slightly higher than indicated by the headcount ratio. We report poverty headcount ratios and the associated poverty shares of each of the various groups in tables. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The technical and commercial losses in the sector have come down substantially. The collection rates have increased from 20 per cent in 2003 to 95 per cent in 2008. As a result, 80-90 per cent of the energy consumed in Georgia’s residential sector is used for space heating. In general, buildings in Georgia consume about 40-45 per cent of all energy for heating purposes. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Some countries even recognise the right to divorce by mutual consent or accept unilateral judicial repudiation of either spouse against compensation. The court shall decide on the compensation to be allocated to the spouse who has incurred material or moral damages resulting from the divorce pronounced in these cases. She will be remedied with a monthly financial allowance due upon the expiry of the legal viduity period, according to the standard of living she used to enjoy during her married life, including housing. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The figure below presents the results of a decomposition analysis by income source, separating the different components that contribute positively or negatively to inequality. It examines the relative contributions of gender-specific income components to income inequality using a decomposition by income source (following Lerman and Yitzhaki, 1985). The Gini coefficient for total income, G, can be represented as G = Ylk=i Gk = X Sk GkRk where Sk is the share of source k in total income, Gk is the Gini coefficient corresponding to the distribution of income from source k, and Rkis the correlation of income from source k with the distribution of total income. The relative contribution of source k to total income inequality can then be calculated as Ck = sHG.kRi< This approach relies on the assumption that flat-rate distributed benefits make a neutral or “zero” contribution to inequality, and thus do not account for a decreasing marginal benefit for transfers along the income distribution. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Also, since the introduction of the NHI system, Clalit’s dominant position in terms of market share has been eroded (Figure 2.8), which is perhaps a sign that there are adequate long-term market forces at work. Some (for instance Shmueli et al., For example, funds might purposefully limit the scope and quality of primary-care facilities in poorer areas and have ways of manipulating waiting lists for treatments, though it is not believed that these techniques are widely used. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 One study projects that urban land cover in Latin America could increase by 74% by 2050 if current densities remain constant - or by up to 187% if densities were to decrease by just 1% (Angel et al., In recent decades, population growth has been fastest in the municipalities surrounding the core municipality of Puebla, even if in absolute terms the city of Puebla has still accounted for a large share of Puebla-Tlaxcala’s growth. Of these, San Martin Texmelucan is the only municipality that does not border the city of Puebla. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The complexity of the country’s hydrographic system (some regions with no rivers, others with large rivers, barriers related to the Appenines, water transfers) has led to a complex aggregation of small- and medium-sized river basins that requires further streamlining. A report on the competent authorities for implementation of the WFD according to Article 3 of the WFD was submitted to the European Commission, with a delay. District authorities not established due to an incomplete legal framework, as the ministerial decree aggregating and transferring the competence and funding from the existing river basin authorities to the new authorities was missing. The OECD Multi-level Governance Framework provides a tool to support policy makers in making such a diagnosis. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Some of these cover teachers in the municipal sector only (as noted in the table). The table also shows the relative weight of each specific allowance for the “average” teacher in a municipal school in 2010 (with the RBMN forming 40.2% of the average overall salary). Country Background Report for Chile, prepared for the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A comprehensive approach to food security needs to include investments to promote income generating activities for the poor and thus improve their ability to purchase food. Importantly, the payoff from hunger reduction in terms of economic growth can be substantial. Throughout the 1990s, the value-added per worker, in countries where 2.5% of the population was undernourished, was 20 times higher than in countries where more than 35% of the population was undernourished. Sources:, and In more extreme cases, production zones might shift. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Recent evaluations indicate that participants are more likely to follow national food-based dietary guidelines, pay attention to nutrition labels, increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables and improve their meal planning (USDA, 2009). Such campaigns are also known as """"social marketing"""" as they use commercial marketing methods to achieve the social good. This aims to raise awareness, through use of the media, about the health risks associated with overweight and obesity and the importance of nutritious diets and of physical activity for good health. The programme consists of four phases: awareness-raising, assessment of the diets and physical activity levels of children, distribution of customized """"family information packs"""" and distribution of additional information to lower-income families (Croker, Lucas and Wardle, 2012)."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Climate change has been associated with the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events. It has resulted in increased global temperatures, rising sea levels, increased storms and precipitation, droughts, floods, tropical cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes and other climatic disruptions in many places around the world. As the occurrence and intensity of natural extreme events and disasters have increased globally, countries have faced greater social and economic impacts. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! On December 20, 2019, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands published its judgment in The State of the Netherlands v. Urgenda. The judgment is largely a discussion of questions of Dutch law, but contains several conclusions that are relevant from an international law perspective. In particular, the Court held that on the basis of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the Netherlands has a positive obligation to take measures for the prevention of climate change and that it was required to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 25 percent by the end of 2020, compared with 1990 levels. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The tests are based on information technology, they are self-scored (local teachers do not mark the tests, but get the results returned) and adaptive, which means they adapt to the individual student's ability during the testing process. Furthermore, teachers have an opportunity to exchange experience. The website also provides students and parents with information about the evaluation, which gives especially the parents an opportunity to understand the aim of the tests and evaluations. Teachers are obliged to write an individual student plan for every student from preschool to grade 10. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This paper introduces reviewability as a framework for improving the accountability of automated and algorithmic decisionmaking (ADM) involving machine learning. We draw on an understanding of ADM as a socio-technical process involving both human and technical elements, beginning before a decision is made and extending beyond the decision itself. While explanations and other model-centric mechanisms may assist some accountability concerns, they often provide insufficient information of these broader ADM processes for regulatory oversight and assessments of legal compliance. Reviewability involves breaking down the ADM process into technical and organisational elements to provide a systematic framework for determining the contextually appropriate record-keeping mechanisms to facilitate meaningful review - both of individual decisions and of the process as a whole. We argue that a reviewability framework, drawing on administrative law's approach to reviewing human decision-making, offers a practical way forward towards more a more holistic and legally-relevant form of accountability for ADM. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Two events in 1999 - the Marmara earthquake and the EU's acceptance of Turkey's candidacy for membership - offered hope for liberalization and democratization in Turkey. In the first case, the earthquake was viewed as a mobilizer for civil society, a force 'from below' that might engender political reform. In the second, the EU now had a stronger hand to push for change 'from outside', and certainly Turks had greater incentives than ever to undertake democratizing measures such as improving human rights and ending restrictions on free expression. This article casts a sceptical eye on these claims, finding the energy from the earthquake largely dissipated and strong opposition from powerful forces in Turkey to the EU's recommendations. While there has been at change at the rhetorical level, it has proved very difficult to reflect this in policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Depending on their current and historic focus, agencies tend to articulate the linkages between social protection and food security differently. In Africa and many parts of South Asia, the preoccupation tends to be with using social protection to secure adequate (quantity of) calorific consumption, whilst in Latin America and among middle-income countries (MICs) in Southeast Asia the focus is much more on the quality and diversity of diet. Overall, agencies that focus more on low-income countries (LICs), particularly in South Asia and Africa, tend to focus their social protection programming more on food security objectives, whilst those that focus on MICs, especially in Latin America and parts of Southeast Asia, tend to focus more on building human capital. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Precipitation is high and water is stored in freshwater bodies such as lakes, groundwater aquifers and glaciers. Water, in its various forms-water, snow and ice, is a valuable asset for many economic sectors. In Finland, both surface and groundwater are used for drinking water production, but groundwater is generally preferred and its use for this purpose is expected to increase. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In this paper we contend neo-liberal education policy which supports the creation of schooling choices in public education systems is reshaping, conflating and branding ethnicity. We make these points in reference to school choice in Toronto, Canada, and the establishment of an Africentric ethno-centric school. We argue that one of the registers within which education and ethnicity in Toronto operates relates to the conflation of commodification, ethnicity and geography, and that this conflation indicates one of the limits of school choice as a possible way to redress Black student disadvantage. We suggest education policy, which enables the establishment of ethno-centric schools, enters the realm of other debates about race, equity and difference that include the practices of marketing and branding. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Developing countries are encouraged to consider this approach as an important means to address abuse of dominance in the pharmaceutical area. Abuse of dominance is always regarded as having an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market. This is often referred to as “anti-competitive conduct”. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The challenge facing ECE Region governments, forest owners and forest stakeholders is to develop and establish, in an equitable and efficient way, a transparent and objective institutional and governance system to achieve this. The challenge for other ECE countries is to support them in this effort. A necessary first step is to ensure that national development plans recognise the importance of forest sector issues. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Aggregate calculations: FAO Statistics Division (ESS). Cereals include wheat, rice paddy, barley, maize, popcorn, rye, oats, millets, sorghum, buckwheat, quinoa, fonio, triticale, canary seed, mixed grain and cereals nes. Aggregate calculations: Weighted average using population (WPP2012) as weight. Missing data are not imputed. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Some Australian economists, including the government’s Climate Change adviser Ross Garnaut and the Productivity Commission, argue that a market based solution such as a price on carbon at the global and national level will be sufficient to drive change towards a low carbon economy. Industries and households will respond to higher prices of carbonintensive goods and services and shift to low carbon goods and services. In this view, local policy instruments, including regulations and incentives, are costly and inefficient. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The purpose is to strengthen the reliability of data, validity of the findings and recommendations, and to broaden and deepen our understanding of the processes through which program outcomes and impacts are achieved, and how these are affected by the context within which the program is implemented.” Having identified the impact of a given policy in meeting its intended objectives, information on the finance needed to achieve this would enable a cost-effectiveness analysis. Given that AES are the focus of significant investment around the world, with agri-environmental investment in many countries often equal to, or surpassing that of other conservation expenditure (Batary et al ., Other more commonly used approaches to evaluate effectiveness are non-attributioml, that is, not supportive of any causal claim but assessing the level of the indicators against other benchmarks (Coglianese, 2012). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Open government is a worldwide trend. Many countries started implementation process a few years ago in different topics such as: information access, transparency, accountability and open data. However, this process has different outcomes and meanings related to the Open Government concept. The purpose of this panel is to discuss the use of the feasibility of the use of MOOCS in the virtual education program. Panelists use the example of the Transnational Open Government Virtual Education Project, sponsored by ERASMUS and promoted by the Spanish social network NovaGob. Some questions of discussion will address topics such as: government culture, MOOCS and virtual education challenges, open government education programs for bureaucracy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Based on a review of investment cases from around the world, this chapter identifies best-practice investment strategies and variations from different regions and service markets. It also identifies key lessons for governments, regulators and investors to stimulate investment in broadband networks. Unfamiliar investment cases have been selected deliberately to provide a fresh perspective, and familiar examples that have already been researched extensively have not been used. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This huge increase alone speaks of amazing achievements in terms of ICT access and bridging the digital divide. This interpretation, however, would be very narrow as the factors leading to ICT access are bound to interact with the environments in which they operate. In this case, a critical analysis of mobile subscriptions by level of development should trigger alarm bells as the sharp increase in ICT access is inordinately skewed towards developing countries as illustrated in figure 9.2. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Nearly half of the average annual flow that drains towards the Sava River has such an internal transboundary characteristic. In the Adriatic Sea river basin, internal transboundary waters between the two entities are less significant. Rivers are the natural characteristics that define nearly half of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s borders, extending 751 km in length. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Militarized responses to pastoralist conflict and wildlife crime in Kenya –including to the collapsing elephant and rhino populations – often fail to meet human rights standards and undermine local capacities for sustainability, peace and alternative livelihoods. Heavy-handed state suppression encourages extrajudicial violence and introduces new weapons that often enter the illicit market. This article outlines alternative approaches rooted in human rights, the rule of law and international cooperation and assistance, including the use of regional instruments regulating the trade in small arms and light weapons (SALW), including the 2013 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The article draws on fieldwork in Kenya and participant observation in advocacy on the ATT. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It exists in some jurisdictions, but is voluntary or non-existent in others. With the exception of Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, board responsibility is not mandated in most countries. Some carbon disclosure schemes cover the largest GHG emitters, others cover the largest firms (e.g. in terms of employees) but leave out a large majority of companies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In the 1990s and the 2000s, Thailand and India both applied a lower tax rate on unleaded fuels, rather than increasing taxes on leaded fuels, to (successfully) phase out leaded fuel (Cottrell et al., In Viet Nam, environmental tax revenues increased between 2000-2015 and in China, too, revenues increased between 2000-2014, and further changes are planned which are expected to perpetuate this trend. In Thailand, new measures to reduce GHG emissions in the transport sector were introduced in 2015, including a new system of vehicle registration taxes based on carbon dioxide emissions, expected to raise THB 10 billion, as well as a new system of transport fuel taxation based on carbon emissions and other measures to deal with waste, water pollution and transport.125 The World Bank's Partnership for Market Readiness programme reflects a broad interest in the region for carbon pricing schemes of one sort or another. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The PNAEE relies on this same combination of measures to deliver the greatest energy savings in the transport sector (Table 5.3). It was restricted to cars with low C02 emissions levels in 2009-10 and has been restricted to electric vehicles as of 2011. Vehicle scrapping incentives (and other types of subsidisation of environment-friendly vehicles) are generally less efficient than charges based on pollution by road transport and represent government expenditure. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""In the same vein, policymakers should also consider gauging the """"depth"""" of poverty and taking a dynamic view of poverty instead of a static one, based on snapshots. Those conversion factors refer to the average cost of living, rather than that faced by the poor. People with lower incomes tend to spend a larger share on food and, when living in remote rural areas, incur higher living expenses than others, because of transportation costs, for instance."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Box 4.2 describes three idealised scenarios of efficient water allocation between urban and rural consumers (for the case of a renewable resource). Policy makers might in some cases favour the equity and fairness of the resulting allocation profiles over their economic efficiency. For example, low-income farmers in water-stressed regions may not receive enough water to sustain their livelihoods, an equitable allocation would therefore require shifting water resources to the more vulnerable groups in society at the expense of economic efficiency. Chapter 5 will further emphasise procedural equity, i.e. participation of all stakeholders in the way water is managed as a whole, especially when it crosses urban and rural areas. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 First, students need to have a computer with Internet access in order to participate in a MOOC, which means that students from disadvantaged backgrounds may be penalised. Second, students need to possess the skills to learn on their own and to find the time to follow the class. This analysis covers seventeen MOOCs from Harvard and MIT and 841 687 registrants (with 292 852 (35%) registrants who never engaged with the online content). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Introducing Pragmatism to International Relations Harry Bauer and Elisabetta Brighi Part 1: Pragmatism and the Theory of International Relations 1. Ten Points to Ponder About Pragmatism: Some Critical Reflections on Knowledge Generation in the Social Sciences Friedrich Kratochwil 2. Pragmatism, Legal Realism and Constructivism Harry Gould and Nick Onuf Part 2: Pragmatism as Social Research in International Relations 3. A Neopragmatist Agenda for Social Research: Integrating Levinas, Gadamer and Mead Patrick Baert 4. Pragmatism, History and International Relations 5. 'Returning Practice To The Linguistic Turn: The Case of Diplomacy' Iver B. Neuman Part 3: Pragmatism and Norms in International Relations 6. Pragmatic Constructivism and the Study of International Institutions Peter Haas and Ernst Haas 7. Pragmatism and International Law Siegfried Schieder Part 4: Limitations and Conclusions 8. 'Pragmatism's Boundaries' Mathew Festenstein Conclusions: On the Obstacles and Promises of Pragmatism in International Relations Harry Bauer and Elisabetta Brighi - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Analysis did not reveal any statistically significant gender differences among migrants from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan with regard to these attitudes. Interestingly, the differences between ethnic identification and attitudes of Kyrgyz migrants on one hand and migrants from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan on the other are reflected in the factual behaviour of family formation. According to data from the Russian census, the share of mixed couples among ethnic Kyrgyz is about one fifth, whereas the figure among ethnic Tajiks and Uzbeks is more than half (Soroko, 2010). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It needs to be investigated in its own right as there is not a simple one-to-one relationship between cost reduction and market effect. For example, where a measure is implemented such that the cost reduction is fully transferred to the buyer as a pure rent (for example, food aid to recipients who could otherwise not buy any food in the market), it does not change conditions in the rest of the market. In this context it was emphasised that the concept of “additionality” is crucial. It was shown, for example, in an illustrative quantitative exercise based on the OECD’s Policy Evaluation Model (PEM) how the additionality of given quantities of food aid provided could be estimated for selected countries based on particular assumptions and parameters. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The group of NEETs has however become older since 2007, with the share of 15-19 year-olds among NEETs having declined in nearly all countries. There is no evidence however that the change in the age distribution among NEETs was stronger in countries most affected by the crisis. The average gender gap in NEET rates is 5 percentage points, but the difference is much larger in Turkey (30 percentage points), Mexico (27 percentage points), Chile (16 percentage points) and the Czech Republic (10 percentage points). This confirms that some NEETs face important additional barriers to labour market entry. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! This paper examines four models of debriefing practices applied by the team of authors in settings working with conflict resolution and peacemaking practitioners. It examines the effectiveness of these methods in particular, and of the practice of debriefing as a reflective tool in the context of peacemaking practice. All research was conducted as part of an Applied Practice and Theory team, under the supervision of Dr. Susan Allen, at George Mason University's School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Medical waste management benefits from the involvement of the private sector. Old pesticides have been exported from Albania for proper disposal. The capacity of national, regional and local administrations to achieve sustainable development of waste management in Albania is low. The increase of MSW amounts reflects the improvement of reporting on collection and disposal activities rather than an actual increase in MSW generation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 While internal renewable water resources, represented by annual flow of rivers and recharge of aquifers generated from endogenous precipitation make-up the major part of a water balance, water generated outside the border of a country can also be important, such as natural inflows from upstream countries (groundwater and surface water), and part of the water of border lakes or rivers. Similarly, not all the water resources generated by endogenous precipitation in a particular country are available for that country. This is because, for example, a certain quantity of water must remain to maintain the natural flow of the river which ultimately leaves the nation's (nations') border. Thus, the water balance equation of a country also needs to include the external renewable water resources that naturally flow into that country and the amount of water generated by endogenous precipitation that naturally flows out of the country. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Top inequality is measured as the ratio between average income in one top decile (e.g. the eighth) and overall average income, and therefore informs about the gap between the rich and the average households. Hence the analysis can allow for the possibility that different forms of inequality have different consequences for growth. The baseline results are reported in columns 1 to 4 of Table 1. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Not only does this have potentially negative effects on gender pay gaps and levels of social inclusion, but also Sydney is not fully utilising the skills currently available in its workforce. Moreover, this mixed labour market picture suggests that the low levels of unemployment are masking higher levels of inactivity. Youth unemployment is also high, although this is very much a global trend amongst advanced economies. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This takes place in the framework of the programme of innovation for fisheries sustainability which will develop guidelines for access to markets. This increase is explained by a 19% increase in the quantity and 10.3% increase in price. Seventy per cent of the exported value is provided by aquaculture, representing 45% of the quantity exported. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Other aspects of risk - including how to target extensive, everyday risks - also need to be better understood. Risk management and resilience criteria should be part of all budget allocation processes. A 'tagging and tracing' methodology, that allows the tracking and calculation of allocated funds, could, therefore, be beneficial. Building resilience aspects into concessional loans may provide a useful additional funding stream. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Many countries, however, do not submit annual reports and so the data may not be representative of trade by all Basel Parties. The distinction between end-of-life products, non-hazardous waste, and secondary' raw materials may not be the same across different jurisdictions and subject to further scrutiny. Kellenberg (2012) finds evidence that bilateral trade in waste increases if there is divergence in environmental policy stringency between the trading partners. This implies that there could be a pollution haven effect where waste is destined to countries with laxer environmental standards in some cases. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 All forms of discrimination are included —gender, moral harassment, sexual harassment and others. The targeting criteria are intended to ensure access to labour justice for the largest number of workers who require it but cannot afford it. In line with the above, the Labour Defence Offices (ODLs) guarantee a maximum coverage of 97.52% to employees in the first three income quintiles and of 83.61% to all wage-earning employees in the country. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Case Study 8: Appliance Energy Efficiency MarketTransformation Process in Turkey. Examples from Finland and the Case Study 11: IS050001 Energy Management Systems. Case Study 13: Assigning Responsibility for Managing Increasing Variability of Supply. Case Study 15: Distributed Renewables: Croatia’s High Share of Traditional Renewable Energy. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Vertical budget allocations operate, while monitoring systems are part of the overall initiative’s framework. A guidance manual on child-friendly approaches for quality primary education has been made available to participating schools. In general, the MoE recommends that there must be a strong focus on capacity development. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, the operational agreements and the joint bodies established were diverse and demonstrated that while based on principles of customary law, there is no universal solution for what these should look like. Countries reported barriers to reaching agreement. However, some actions are much less visible.' Today, as the demand for fresh water increases, awareness is focusing on ensuring that the limited capacity of the natural environment to sustain the multiple services that society has come to rely on is maintained, Water-related ecosystems underpin other SDGs, and yet they also depend on them, particularly those relating to food and energy production, biodiversity, and land and sea ecosystems. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This brief overview of Johan Galtung’s life and work begins with some of his childhood experiences (such as his father being imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp) that shaped his determination to work for peace. It surveys some of his main new concepts and theories (such as direct, structural and cultural violence, negative and positive peace, rank discordance as a factor of genocide, and peaceful conflict transformation, among many others). It summarizes his contributions in mediating in over one hundred international conflicts, founding peace institutes around the world, publishing over 160 books and over 1,600 articles, teaching thousands of people around the world in conflict resolution and peace building, and inspiring many to devote their lives to peace. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In both countries, fertiliser subsidies offset a large part of fertiliser production costs (Table 5). In order to comply with the biofuel mandate, a large quantity of biofuel feedstock has to be produced for which a large quantity of fertiliser is required. If the biofuel mandates are abolished, the biofuel feedstock market collapses as does the demand for fertiliser, leading to a price decline in fertiliser. In several countries, mandates are complemented with tax concessions and other budgetary measures (Table 2), thus shifting the cost of maintaining the biofuel mandate from the fuel consumer to the taxpayer. A removal of mandates and budgetary support would result in much lower biofuel use in most countries (Figure 8) due to higher production costs of biofuels compared to fossil fuels under the assumed crude-oil price. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Investment is generally defined as activities that result in the accumulation of capital (Box 1) that yields a stream of returns over time. Thus, planting trees is typically considered an investment because it takes more than a year to generate a return, but applying fertilizer to a maize crop is not considered an investment because it generates a return during the current crop cycle. However, many investments by farmers are not made primarily or exclusively through financial outlays but through time spent, for example in clearing or improving land or in constructing farm buildings or irrigation channels. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For many OECD countries, the share of the PSE made up of most distortionary policies has fallen since 2000 - most notably for the European Union where in 2014 around 68% of its support consisted of decoupled payments compared to around 35% in 2000. However, changes across OECD countries are not uniform, with Iceland, Japan, Korea, Switzerland and Norway maintaining high levels of support. For the European Union, for example, policies are increasingly focused on noncommodity outputs from the sector related to the environment and other objectives such as cultural landscapes, biodiversity and rural development. Of the 18 WTO Members (counting all European Union member countries as one) that had agreed non-zero export subsidy commitments in the Uruguay Round, ten countries have not used export subsidies in all years notified since the beginning of the Doha Round in 2001. Of the remaining, three have reported continued use, and one, the United States, has only made limited use of export subsidies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, there is still much work to be done. On one hand, data-collection instruments must be fine-tuned to provide information that can be disaggregated to reflect situations that affect men and women differently throughout their life cycles and in different socioeconomic situations and territories. Hence, surveys such as those focusing on time use should be included in national statistical offices' planning, with the appropriate periodicity and funding. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As the demand for skilled labour rises owing to globalization, technological advancements and the changing organization of work, quality education and appropriate training will be key to addressing employment challenges. The education-employment nexus is pivotal to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. Work is the foundation on which economic stability and prosperity are built. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Central banks and other financial regulators, if they have authority, may need to take action to examine the risks that climate change poses to the real economy. Stock exchange regulations could, for instance, demand more precise disclosures of carbon content in listings. This would increase the overall costs of implementing ambitious climate policy. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These types of operators are governed directly by regional/local transport authorities who define the level of service, fares and coverage. In some instances, national authorities also set requirements for these operators, especially in return for payments and subsidies. However, this model may harbour some inherent tensions in that officially partnering with innovative mobility operators, especially those that have limited or no public service obligations, may be seen as running counter to the agency mission. This is one of the reasons the US Federal Transit Administration has issued guidance on the matter. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A closer look at data on pedestrian fatalities highlights that it is in fact one of the main contributors to the large gap between Korea and other OECD countries. Korea’s per 100 000 inhabitant pedestrian fatality rate is not only higher than in any of the other 29 countries that report this statistic, but exceeds the average for all other countries statistically significantly. Table 2.2 shows the results of pairwise t-tests comparing Korea with 28 other countries. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Ignoring the possibility of repeated participation, this puts annual participation among the skilled in the range of 4%. Second, they ask about lifetime participation, not that during a reference period, such as the previous 12 months. Direct costs include tuition, other fees, books, materials, transport and living expenses. Student loans, grants, subsidies and scholarships offer financial support. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There are now more practice periods for teacher students in schools, but this is not the rule. Experience from other countries shows that teachers perceive their practical experience in schools to be an important component of their initial education (Wilson et al., In Chile, as in many other countries, teaching practice is often not well connected to the theoretical content in teacher training courses with opportunities for students to integrate what they learn in the classroom with the rest of the curriculum. The government should work towards making classroom practice an integral part of initial teacher education in all programmes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A rough estimation of how activities with different objectives are covered in the data shown here is given in the table below. Of this, the majority of support went directly to private sector recipients (around 70%) and was provided by bilateral DFIs and private sector operations of the bilateral and multilateral development banks, highlighting the key role such specialised agencies play in engaging the private sector (Figure 3.1). The remainder - around USD 3 billion -was provided by bilateral aid agencies and development banks to the public sector and CSOs in support of activities where there was a high likelihood of private sector engagement. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The provision of this type of skill-specific information is more likely under conditions where a few large enterprises dominate production in a region. They are more likely to cooperate in identifying and coordinating skill requirements both in their own operations and in affiliated supply chains in order to efficiently transfer initial workforce preparation to the public educational sector. In a bid for more investment in this industry, Sonora won by having more qualified human capital which is crucial to the industry. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It closes with a short conclusion. The combined uibanisation level of ASEAN-5 (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries increased from 29.5% in 1980 to 51.4% in 2015, and is expected to reach 67.7% in 2050. The aggregated urban population of these five countries increased from 79 million in 1980 to 271 million in 2015, and is forecasted to reach 452 million in 2050. Most of the population growth is happening in small and medium-sized cities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The realities of the globalized world have revolutionized traditional concepts of culture, community, and identity-so how do applied social scientists use complicated, fluid new ideas such as translocality and ethnoscape to solve pressing human problems? In this book, leading scholar/practitioners survey the development of different subfields over at least two decades, then offer concrete case studies to show how they have incorporated and refined new concepts and methods. After an introduction synthesizing anthropological practice, key theoretical concepts, and ethnographic methods, chapters examine the arenas of public health, community development, finance, technology, transportation, gender, environment, immigration, aging, and child welfare. An innovative guide to joining dynamic theoretical concepts with on-the-ground problem solving, this book will be of interest to practitioners from a wide range of disciplines who work on social change, as well as an excellent addition to graduate and undergraduate courses. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Country rankings will be presented for the fixed-broadband and mobile-broadband baskets, with the latter including both prepaid and postpaid packages and computer-based and handset-based plans. The analysis of fixed-broadband prices will include 2008-2017 price trends and a discussion on changes in broadband speeds (offered for minimum broadband plans) as well as developments in terms of the data volume included in broadband offers. From 2015, mobile-cellular prices have plateaued and the price of the ITU mobile-cellular basket (51 minutes and 100 SMS per month) has converged to PPP$ 20. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Raising awareness of the technology’s value-adding characteristics, as well as education about its drawbacks due to inefficient designs (e.g. energy consumption for proof-of-work consensus algorithm used in Bitcoin), are essential and need to be broadly understood by decision makers. This could also result in mitigating blockchain designs with high-carbon footprints by actively engaging with industry consortia and the private sector to develop protocols and network designs that are less energy intensive. Observing a variety of DLT technologies (e.g. hashgraphs and tangles) with differing contribution and adverse effects in the low-carbon transition, it will be of essence to develop a strong understanding of the key differences. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In addition, 53% of poor children have a father employed full time full year in 2014, compared to 66% in 2007. Household income is equivalised using the square root scale. The term ‘standard of living’ refers to the equivalised disposable income. Each bar reflects the contribution of changes in family and work characteristics to the evolution of income, and the last white bar shows the percentage change of the income quantile that is not explained by changes in any of the observed household characteristics. The contribution is positive (resp. For instance, market income of ‘poor’ children in two-parent families increased by 3% in two-parent families from 2007 to 2014, change in educational attainment of parents in these families tended to raise the family income threshold of the poorest 25% children by almost 4%, but this effect was offset by the negative effects mainly related to changes in housing status (-3%) and fathers' employment status (-1.1%). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Oceans, for example, contain nearly 300 000 identified species (though actual numbers may lie in the millions) and have absorbed one-third of the carbon dioxide resulting from human activities (Bijma et al., Today, 60% of the world’s major marine ecosystems have been degraded or are being used unsustainably (UNEP, 2011). Many fisheries are over-exploited, with some stocks on the verge of collapse, and coral reefs are bleaching due to exposure to high temperatures and other pressures. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Additionally, for some targets, there may be potential links to other targets that cannot be characterized simply. This is especially the case with targets relating to international law. While the latter may potentially impact many of the other targets, it may not have been sufficiently developed for such impacts to be felt in practice, it may not be implemented, or may be implemented differently across locations. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In 2009, the Lander covered 72.2% of expenditure in primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (both public and private). Local authorities covered 17.5% and the federal level 10.3%. Out-of-school education in the dual system is largely funded by companies, whereas vocational schools are funded by the Lander. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Since 1998 children's rights are part of the Croatian legal system, due to the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and their incorporation into family law. Changes to family law that have been made since then deal with the modernization of the legal parent-child relation that aims at mutual parental responsibility and separate children's rights. The crucial point in considering the child's legal and social position is his/her welfare as mentioned clearly in the Family Act. Considering the fact that the family is the natural and most desirable environment for a child, it may be stated that family law is the most important field that embraces the many different needs and rights of all children. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A secondary prevention programme for people with mild cognitive impairment was set up in 201S, with the objective to slow disease progression. The compulsory social health insuance coverage rate stood at 95.2% in 2015. However, this is not perceived as a problem in the country, nor is it something that features on the agenda of policy-makers. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter examines how minorities' right to freedom of expression and access to the media is protected and promoted under three Council of Europe treaties: the European Convention on Human Rights, the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Building on the New Area Wide Model, we develop a 4-region macroeconomic model of the euro area and the world economy. The model (EAGLE, Euro Area and Global Economy model) is microfounded and designed for conducting quantitative policy analysis of macroeconomic interdependence across regions belonging to the euro area and between euro area regions and the world economy. Simulation analysis shows the transmission mechanism of region-specific or common shocks, originating in the euro area and abroad. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Their primary concern was to safeguard the family from gossip and denigration on the basis of poverty or illness. One small-scale South African study documented adult women's recollections of spending their adolescence coping with hunger and looking after parents (who had passed out or been beaten up), leading to the assertion of high rates of early drinking as a way of coping amongst adolescents, and the subsequent inter-generational transmission of addiction and violence (Jacobs & Jacobs, 2013). It also identified a similar code of silence around alcohol use as has been documented for HIV/AIDS, resulting in substantial efforts on the part of adolescents to maintain the impression that all was well in the family, even to the point of agreeing to parent demands to deny social workers' entry to the home. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The legal implications of carrying out such an exercise and its consistency with FAO’s mandate, as well as different approaches to the benchmarking question will be discussed at a forthcoming meeting of the FAO’s Sub-Committee on Fish Trade. The development of an assessment or benchmarking methodology, without carrying out the benchmarking itself, will be one option discussed. The need for a separate or integrated process for private standards related to aquaculture was also raised but not debated. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Wales also principally draws on the clinical guidelines developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), with some established collaboration around pharmaceuticals and medical devices (see Chapter 1 on England). In 2014-15 a grant of GBP 15.1 billion was made to the Welsh Government, of which GBP 6.4 billion was allocated to Health and Social Services, representing 42% of the expenditure of the devolved responsibilities of the Welsh Government (Welsh Government, 2014a). The block grant from the UK Government to Wales is made based on the population allocations covered by the Barnett formula (which is also used to calculate grants to the other devolved nations). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Data on biofuel production and use were taken from the database of the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2011). Data on feedstock composition are not available from a consistent source and therefore taken from various sources (e.g. Ecofys, 2011). The monetary value of feedstock commodities is determined based on the volume required by the biofuel sectors and the feedstock price, as provided by the FAO. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The historical trends suggest this is eminently possible if resources allow (Figure 5.1). Its new vision aims to increase the proportion of learners enrolled in SMK schools to 60% by 2020, with 40% in academic senior secondary schools (sekolah menengah atas, or SMAs), compared with the current division of 49% in SMKs and 51% in SMAs. Although enrolment rates in SMK institutions are growing, the tendency is that junior secondary school students are more likely to enter SMA schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This paper directs itself to the impact of American social science on the writings of Alva and Gunnar Myrdal on the role of education and social science in “modern” industrial democracy. After a brief sketch of the Myrdals' role in the development of Swedish welfare reforms and of their intellectual contacts in the United States during the 1930's, the paper outlines four theoretical “dilemmas” of “modernity” to the solution of which education and social research was seen to contribute: the relationships between facts and values, the individual and the collective, child rearing and social change, and theory and practice. The paper concludes by tracing the articulation of these themes in the Social Democratic Party school reform proposals of 1948. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As of 2004, parents can work without losing their entitlement to the parental allowance. However, doing so before the child is two years and attending a pre-school facility for more than 46 hours/month prevent parents from receiving the full amount. Combined with the lack of creches, most working mothers have to rely on family provided childcare. The favourable fiscal treatment of families with children implies that, when cash benefits are taken into account, the tax burden for the average one-earner married couple with two children becomes negative because cash benefits exceed the income tax and social security payments otherwise due. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) system has collected sensor data and images throughout the trial period and accoiding to the vessel electronic-logbooks the vessels were at sea for approximately 80 000 hours, carried out approximately 1114 fishing trips and conducted approximately 9 800 fishing operations during the project period. Small reductions in revs resulted in substantial reductions in fuel usage. This infoimation proved very useful in setting the optimum revs of the engine whilst the vessel was steaming to the fishing grounds with a minimal loss to vessel speed. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 While national strategies are not the focus of this network, ACSN will help to improve the inter-operability of smart city initiatives among cities in the network, and will work towards creating opportunities to harmonise different national systems (ASEAN, 2018). The organisation’s scope of work includes advocacy, capacity building and training, research and knowledge management, project development and management, and decentralised co-operation. Regarding capacity building, UCLG ASPAC specialises in four areas that are of relevance for smart city strategies: sustainable mobility, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, tourism and culture, and local economic development. To promote capacity building, UCLG ASPAC has organised several training workshops and peer exchanges over the years. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 How America Compares offers data and analysis on an encyclopedic range of social indicators, comparing the United States with 17 other politically stable, economically affluent democracies. Occasionally, there are more global perspectives, but most of the book examines commonalities and contrasts among these advanced democracies. These 18 long-standing, stable democracies show great variation in their institutional arrangements—federal and unitary systems, parliamentary and presidential systems, differing electoral systems, different constellations of party competition, different means of forming cabinets, and ensuring government accountability. This chapter also looks at issues of political performance, electoral integrity and perceptions of corruption. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The study involved 70,000 students from 328 primary schools and looked at the effectiveness of these interventions on childbearing, seen by the study’s authors as a proxy for risky behaviours that may result in pregnancy. The condom debates and essays were found to increase practical knowledge and self-reported use of condoms, but yielded no concrete data related to pregnancy and childbearing. However, the reduction in the cost of education—by providing free school uniforms for students in the sixth grade—reduced dropout rates and adolescent childbearing. Since then, the main financial barrier to accessing primary education has been the cost of school uniforms, which cost about $6 each. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Common shrimp landed in 2016 totalled 7 691 tonnes, a 33% reduction when compared w'ith the previous year. Despite the reduced quantity of common shrimp landings, revenue was EUR 49.4 million (USD 54.6 million), 24.3% higher than the year before. In 2015 production w as 24 226 tonnes, a 4.6% increase in volume w'hen compared to 2014. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Consequently, the World Bank figures tend to be lower. It should be noted that the methodological differences also produce different country rankings by poverty levels. The cumulative rise in food prices in 2007 and 2008 is thought to have prevented roughly 11 million people from moving out of poverty and a similar number from escaping indigence. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It is led by the Ministry of Construction of Viet Nam, which is also in charge of urban development in the country. Viet Nam Urban Forum (cont.) The VUF works as a network/platform for discussion between all these stakeholders, and is divided into seven member groups, as follows: multilateral donor organisations, bilateral donor organisations, government ministries and agencies, professional associations and academic institutions, cities, private sector corporations and NGOs. Currently, the VUF has 150 members and plans to expand to 200 by 2020. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This survey offers a forum for scholars who have been studying Asian rhetoric to express their views about some important issues in the discipline. Covering a variety of topics from the existing state of research in Asian rhetoric to the modes of inquiries and the development of scholarship in this area, the survey reveals that researchers must challenge the fundamental assumptions about rhetoric embedded in classical Western rhetorical theories to start a conversation between East and West. By representing different voices, the survey also invites deeper discussion of related issues among researchers in the field. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Persons living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (hereinafter, “PLHIV”) face barriers at each stage of the criminal justice process, including prosecution for non-disclosure of HIV status. Justice institutions reinforce the stigma of HIV, which has perverse consequences for HIV prevention and treatment services. This article takes a critical criminological approach to “HIV criminalization,” using the frames of queer criminology and epidemiological criminology to analyze both the punishment of “deviant” sex and the public health consequences of HIV stigma. Finally, this article offers a comprehensive consideration of the criminal justice barriers that PLHIV face in light of current criminological research, providing both mainstream and critical criminologists new insights into the social construction of deviance, legitimacy of institutions, definition of victims, and purposes of punishment. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Successful decentralisation of personnel management (and school decision-making more generally) requires that central and regional authorities play a strong role in ensuring an adequate and equitable distribution of teacher resources throughout the country"""" (OECD, 2005, p.163). It can be just as difficult for candidates for teaching positions to have precise information about the schools to which they apply, or even about broad trends in the labour market and the available vacancies. Such information gaps and limitations mean that many application and selection decisions are sub-optimal."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Education that occurs in conjunction with other interventions to improve access to diverse, nutritious foods can be particularly effective, as noted in the discussion of food assistance programmes above. The ultimate goal is a change in behaviour so that individuals choose more nutritious diets and healthier lifestyles. Impacts are heightened when the interventions are culturally sensitive, easily accessible and based on local products (Shi and Zhang, 2011). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In fact, eight out of the thirteen Finnish respondents referred in one way or another to a need for examples of successful implementation from other countries. However, it appears that they saw such examples, not primarily as models to be implemented in Finland, but rather as a means of persuading Finnish decision makers that stratified medicine was worth supporting and promoting. Respondents were concerned that there was a lack of awareness among politicians, health care professionals and the public about the benefits that might be expected to follow from implementing stratified medicine. Consequently, they called for efforts to identify and disseminate “public success stories” and “concrete examples” from other countries which would “strengthen the view of the overall picture and benefits” of stratified medicine in general. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Development is today done through different projects supported by a variety of financing institutions. Revenue collected as membership fees from the participating companies goes fully towards marketing activities. Accordingly, Innovation Norway has been an important partner for Destination Rpros at the national level. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Approximately 90% by value of New Zealand’s seafood production is exported, with an estimated 70% of export returns from value added to seafood post harvest. Export sales were NZD 1.35 billion in 2008 and NZD 1.42 billion in 2009. Earnings from rock lobster have increased by 51% from 2007 due to strong demand for live rock lobster in Hong Kong. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Finally it lists some pointers for policy development as food for thought for countries seeking to improve professional continuity for transitions. These include the ability to create a high-quality pedagogic environment, a good understanding of child development and an ability to praise, comfort and be responsive to children. Teachers specialised in early childhood development, or with greater experience of transitions, are more likely to use a higher number and a wider variety of transition practices. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 We explore how participatory monitoring can help communities and community partners define local governance, identify governance issues and problems, and improve women’s participation, based on action research from 2011 to 2015 to improve women’s participation in decision-making in indigenous communities in Nicaragua. The findings are based on experiences in developing a participatory monitoring governance tool and the lessons learned, observations about the process and results from the monitoring. We found that participatory monitoring of governance provides a mechanism to identify obstacles to community governance by creating a space for community members to evaluate local governance, identify issues and present solutions. It also created tensions with leaders who were concerned that monitoring would focus unwelcome attention on their activities. While we have yet to see if the tool actually improves women’s participation and governance—a longer-term impact—participants said that the process helped them define good governance and explore improving participation and accountability. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Supported by innovative and diverse technologies around renewables, decreased cost and decoupling energy-related carbon emissions is possible. Investing in clean energy solutions with off-grid and mini-grid supply lowers energy consumption, maintenance costs and risks of defect installations. Vehicles and public transportation are increasingly transferring to hybrid or electric, but school buses continue to predominantly use external combustion engines fuelled by diesel or gasoline. To ensure that children’s transportation to school uses clean energy. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Over the past year wind peformance insurance products have been offered by Swiss Re and Galileo Insurance, the market has yet to fully absorb the impact of these. In order to identify the barriers that prevent investment by institutional investors, participant identified and categorized perceived risks. The top right area of the chart illustrates the risks with the highest degree of ‘probability’ and ‘severity’. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As the accreditation of a National Implementing Entity (NIE) for direct access to the Adaptation Fund is a resource intensive procedure, recipient, supporters and providers have worked together to build capacity to accelerate access to the Fund. At the same time, they are also raising awareness that finance available from international climate funds is so far relatively limited, but designed to play a catalytic role in mobilising additional finance. Country readiness to usefully direct climate finance depends on the availability of programmes and maturity of project pipelines in line with national strategies, project/programme investment criteria, national co-ordination as well as enabling environments, policy and legal frameworks and accountability systems. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Other sexual offences that now have a maximum of 30 years imprisonment are: sexual intercourse with a person under 13, incest by a male (if the other person is under 13), and sexual intercourse with a stepchild, foster child, ward or dependent (if the other person is under 13). Marital rape carries a maximum sentence of 14 years imprisonment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Because a number of major emitters were not required to make mandatory emission reductions and others were not signatories at all, the Protocol never covered more than about a third of global GHG emissions during its first commitment period. Annan acknowledged this when, at the end of his second term, he made the first substantive engagement by any Secretary-General on the issue of climate change. Speaking at the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC and the second COP serving as a Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) (COP 12/CMP 2), in Nairobi, Kenya, in November 2006, he emphasized, """"while the Kyoto Protocol is a crucial step forward, that step is far too small."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Dietary energy requirements differ by gender and age, and for different levels of physical activity. For an entire population, the minimum energy requirement is the weighted average of the minimum energy requirements of the different gender-age groups in the population. Particularly in countries with a high prevalence of undernourishment, a large proportion of the population typically consumes dietary energy levels close to the cut-off point, making the minimum dietary energy requirement a highly sensitive parameter. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Establishing these thresholds or profiles would, however, require additional work with samples that include both a parent report on parent experiences, and direct measurement of child experiences and/or developmental outcomes. There also is no guarantee that child well-being can be adequately predicted from parent reports. Children have unique experiences of food insecurity, parents are not always knowledgeable of their children's experiences, and therefore cannot report accurately or reliably about them. The extent of inaccuracy may depend on context, the survey interviewer, respondents1 perceptions of the agency conducting the survey, and how the data will be used. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The refusal to recognize citizenship of Rohingnya ethnic by Myanmar government caused this ethnic without national and international protection. Statelessness situation is also became the entry point of other violation of human right such as ethnic cleansing and genocide which caused this ethnic became refugee. Some solutions offered to end this situation are: cooperate with UNHCR provide temporary shelter for those people, urge UNHCR granted refugee status for Rohingya, urge ASEAN conducted humanitarian diplomacy pursued Myanmar recognized citizenship of Rohingnya , applied R to P to end the gross violation on human right toward Rohingnya if the threshold were fulfilled. Keywords: Rohingnya, citizenship, human right - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The HILDA survey collects information about economic and subjective well-being, labour market dynamics and family dynamics. Special questionnaire modules are included each wave. The wave 1 (2001) panel consisted of 7,682 households and 19,914 individuals. In wave 11 (2011), this was topped up with an additional 2,153 households and 5,477 individuals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Using the case of Cobalt, a former silver mining town in Northern Ontario, Canada, we trace the transition from social funding as a feature of the welfare state to social funding based on application, adjudication and award. We identify a process in the community development arena, whereby local governments, community organizations and community members are increasingly enmeshed in the bureaucratic and socially disengaging processes of proposal-writing. Cobalters regard aspects of this downward deflection of the locus of economic responsibility as fairer, and more transparent, than the previous funding regime. We show how a local moral economy and understanding of citizenship based on an ethic of caring has contributed, in a counterintuitive way, to an interim outcome of more public services. At the same time, the current pursuit of development funds via proposal is undermining the practices of civic engagement which have allowed the town to remain distinct for the past century. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Article 34 of the CRC specifically obligates governments to protect children from sexual abuse while article 35 of the same speaks against child abduction. Rwanda submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Children overdue reports on the implementation of CRC protocols, the report on the implementation of ACRWC was submitted to the concerned Committee of Experts. The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of2003 revised in 2015, in Article 17 provides that no one can be married without his or her free and full consent. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In addition, in the course of the energy sector reform which began in 1998, some electricity facilities of the rural grids have been corroded, damaged, or generally could not meet the demand, and thus needed either replacement or modification, again incurring large expenses. The improvement of living standards and the economic development of rural areas, a consequence of electrification, stimulate electricity demand, and put power supply companies under permanent financial strain. Rural grids need constant renovation and maintenance. A survey conducted by the Institute of Electrical Engineering (JKD) in Inner Mongolia in late 2003 (Chinese Academy of Science, 2003) revealed that out of 5 240 PV/wind/battery hybrid systems for which statistics were available, a total of 2 119 systems (40.4%) were malfunctioning. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The courses are based on voluntary participation and contain both theory and practice. Drivers have to pay a fee of about EUR 60 to participate in the course. The topics addressed are: right of way, roundabouts, road markings, traffic signs, traffic light crossings, highways, light usage, overtaking, parking regulations. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Furthermore, a tax on biofuels was eliminated in 2007 and a new energy law that promotes renewable energy was adopted in 2008 and is being implemented. The government is promoting the installation of solar thermal systems for public, commercial, household and industrial buildings, as well as a subsidy for the construction and retrofitting of energy-efficient public housing. Reflecting a recommendation from the 2005 OECD Environmental Performance Review of Chile, cost-benefit assessments of the policies being used or proposed to reduce emissions and incentivise the development of renewable energy capacity would be useful to ensure that emissions reductions are achieved at the lowest cost. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Often, income based household data was used in one year but in the next, household net expenditure would be used to calculate measures of inequality resulting in important fluctuations in within country inequality measures across time, show how measures based on household gross income tend to be systematically larger than those measured on household net expenditure. It is in this context that the results are to be interpreted. Nevertheless, recent work by the OECD (2011, p22) suggests that wages and salaries account for 75% of household incomes among working-age adults and, therefore, that increases in household income inequality may have largely been driven by changes in the distribution of salaries.33 Additionally, working with wage data also provides a better link with the theoretical literature on the impact of value chain trade and inequality which makes predictions related to changes in wages. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Pour chacun de ces instruments, le document presente les differentes approches nationales, analyse les problematiques communes auxquelles les pays doivent faire face, et formule des recommandations d’action visant a soutenir l’elaboration et la mise en ceuvre des politiques publiques. Developing effective mechanisms for skill recognition becomes increasingly important, as workers need to learn throughout their careers in the light technological progress, new forms of work (e.g. Uber) develop potentially useful occupational skills and migration flows create a pool of workers with skills that often remain unrecognised. It may yield one of the following three benefits, speeding the path to formal qualification: access to an education or training programme, reduced programme duration, qualification without a training programme. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 To ensure the effectiveness of such a programme, a long-term planning horizon should be used — keeping in mind that decisions and changes made in one area will have ripple effects on optimal investment elsewhere. Multilateral development agencies would need to finance a significant part of the required investment — including technical assistance for institutional and regulatory reforms, as well as management and accountability systems. Regional programmes aimed at energy efficiency and renewable energy can go a long way to channel investments in these vital areas. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! However, these solutions impose further environmental pressures. Intensification of farming activities has reduced water quality in river basin areas, while expanding production outside Java has encouraged further deforestation (Section 3.4). Competition for water use has intensified due to growing demand by households and industries. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Natural disasters like landslides and mudflows are perceived as common problems in certain areas of the Caucasus. The Islamic Republic of Iran has also been developing a national plan for tackling climate change. Yet, in general, little has so far been done to better understand the potential impacts of climate change on the subregion. The technical cooperation established under various projects should evolve in a more long-term, sustainable framework for cooperation to be able to tackle the variety and complexity of problems. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In this paper I interrogate the relationship between environmental science and local governance in the United Kingdom. Effectively linking science and policy is critical to sustainable planning, and within the rhetoric of evidence-based policy it is often assumed that science conducted in a locality will feed linearly into the governance of that locality. This assumption is unpacked through the detailed study of an end-user-oriented environmental research project. I argue that the reproduction of separate scientific and political spheres prevented the research from being relevant to the governance of that locality. Theoretical and practical approaches to the spatialities of the research–policy interface are considered in order to politically reconstruct the local as a meaningful field of environmental governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Since January 2013, the county LDCs are mandatory pre-trial bodies, except, until July 2017, in cases of termination of employment contract, suspension from work, non-pecuniary damages, as well as collective labour disputes, which were the unique prerogative of courts. The new labour code expands the role of the LDCs by making them the mandatory pre-trial body in all cases of labour dispute. Up to now, LDCs have managed to solve all the cases, with no case being brought forward to court.13 This may nevertheless change with the extension of the scope of LDCs notably to termination of employment contract and collective labour dispute. Cases are rare and mostly relate to contract termination, representing less than one per 1 000 of the total number of terminations. Since July 2017, the SLI is also in charge of collecting new data such as the number of employees’ representatives, the number of temporary labour contracts, and the number of termination of labour contracts as well as grounds for it. The county divisions of the SLI will also have to assess reasons for firing or changing work conditions in a less favourable way for an employees’ representative. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 England, for example, has unique, comprehensive and routinely available data for every practice on quality of care. Its Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is one of the most advanced monitoring systems across OECD countries. The programme is designed to incentivise and standardise the provision of evidence-based, high-quality care in general practice covering several major LTCs including mental health problems such as depression. It also includes indicators relating to public health and other services provided in primary care (contraception, screening and immunisation). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For some minorities, and particularly many autochthonous linguistic minorities, the question of economic participation raises a number of different complexities and challenges. In this chapter, the author approaches this issue from the perspective of someone who works with some of the more threatened autochthonous minority linguistic and cultural communities in Europe. Examples are used from the experience of these communities to illustrate these complexities. The basic argument presented here is that the existing international instruments tend not to be particularly clear with regard to the impact of economic and broader social policy on the viability of minority language communities, and that relevant treaty bodies have generally not considered such impact to any considerable extent. Keywords:language communities, language issues, languages charter, linguistic, socio-economic participation - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Nonetheless, the Law has its limitations, as newly appointed heads of public administration organisations put pressure on administrative civil servants to vacate their positions “voluntarily”. Interviews for this Review indicated that both political and administrative civil servants at all levels are not so much accountable to citizens but to those who have the power to hire and fire them. This prevents the continuation of experienced staff in public employment, compromising capacity. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! With an average nitrogen content between 0.3% and 0.5% in the tissues and a nitrogen removal cost between USD 10 and USD 30, the harvesting of 1 million tonnes equated to between 3 000 and 5 000 tonnes of nitrogen removal for a NTC value between USD 30 and 150 million! Additional NTCs of USD 1.6 million for the removal of 400 tonnes of phosphorus, and CTC of USD 900 000 for the removal of 30 000 tonnes of carbon should also be factored in. In 2009, there was another green tide event covering at least 17 400 km2 of the Yellow Sea. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The results were presented at Rio+20 events in Brazil, and will be brought into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) dialogue through contributions on various official online platforms, presentations at United Nations SDG policy meetings, and national media releases in the surveyed countries. The list of worsening trends was long, but surprisingly strong common themes emerged, including environmental degradation, corruption, inequality, economic insecurity, social problems and conflict. This is a major way in which inequality is perpetuated and increased. Wealth and poverty are viewed as being directly associated with access to political decision-making and economic opportunities, or a lack of them. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As 109 countries and the EU have now ratified the UNCRPD, many more will soon join the queue. The IDA currently comprises eight global and four regional DPOs, two other regional DPOs have observer status. With member organisations around the world, the IDA represents the estimated one billion people worldwide living with an impairment. This is the world's largest - and most frequently overlooked - minority group. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In Ukraine, gas prices for both households and municipal heating utilities have traditionally been heavily regulated and subsidized. However, the prices rose steeply in 2016 after Ukraine's commitments to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Antonenko et al. The possibility to control the temperature and indoor climate will bring along health benefits to residents. Remarkable decreases in heat consumption will shorten the payback period of investment costs and increase the resale value of the building or apartment. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Table 2 outlines what information is collected in selected climate finance systems or reports, and highlights how this fits with information needs under the Paris Agreement. Three surveys were carried out by the DAC Secretariat between 2013 and 2015 with the objective of developing methodologies to report and measure in the DAC system, avoiding double counting.6 From 2017, reporting on amounts mobilised from guarantees, syndicated loans and shares in common investment vehicles will be included in the regular DAC data collection. A further survey, launched in July 2016, is pilot testing further methodologies for credit lines and investment in companies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The system used in Japan, which is based on self-declaration by manufacturers of both performance and sales data, contains many elements of a good verification and enforcement regime. However, it would benefit from greater transparency, such as the regular publication of testing results, data on non-compliance and the results of enforcement action, and increased verification of sales data. Korea's economy has relied on energy-intensive industry, such as steel, petro-chemicals and cement. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Multicultural education usually arises from a concern that schools prepare young people for constructive public participation as citizens in a diverse society that is struggling with equity issues. Conventional multicultural education, which I will critique, tends to assume a liberal conception of citizenship that is based on individualism and a simplistic analysis of how power works. I will argue that the growing reach of neoliberalism requires reframing multicultural education and citizenship education. Neoliberalism can be understood as a ‘restoration of elite power’ in which increased privatization and market competition is eroding a sense of the public, linking education more firmly to the needs of large corporations, and facilitating the flow of wealth and power to a small global elite. Multicultural education conceptualized as a political project of social justice that embraces a diverse public, and that links local with global struggles for equity and human rights, offers a potential counter-narra... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 James Reason from the United Kingdom wrote an influential book “Human Error” (Reason, 1990). The model developed by Reason, sometimes referred to as the “Swiss Cheese Model”, has been adapted to road safety (Wegman and Aarts, 2005). His “slices of cheese” have different hiatuses, or holes in the cheese. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! It describes the governance of policies to improve rural infrastructure, outlines the main regional programmes, and reviews briefly the quality and coverage of rural services. It then discusses efforts to respond to skill demands from the agrifood sector through labour, immigration and education policies. It also reports on trends in education expenditure and outlines the performance of the education system. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! In Mexico, fathers tend to lose time with their families, while mothers often drop out of the workforce entirely. The wage premium to long hours has been identified as a crucial remaining obstacle to gender pay equity (Goldin, 2014). Within the workplace, men and women often break from long hour norms in different ways. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The paper concludes with a brief note on the way forward. For the OECD as a whole, the tax to GDP ratio rose from 28.6% of GDP in 1975 to 34% in 2015. The tax mix also varies, reflecting a host of determinants, including among others the structure and openness of the economy, inter-governmental arrangements (e.g. unitary versus federal structure) (Box 2), the institutional capacities of the national and sub-national government administrations, and collective attitudes toward income redistribution and the use of progressive taxation. Sub-central entities generate their own revenues, to varying degrees. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! In addressing systemic risk, the national strategy also includes a variety of programmes and plans to combat poverty and enhance societal resilience to reduce the risk of disasters and cascading impacts. Communities at particular and persistent risk of disasters include communities located near rivers, in close proximity to flood-prone dams, in low-lying areas prone to flooding during heavy rains, along seismically active zones and in areas affected by conflict. It has taken these as the foci for its national strategy and risk reduction measures, addressing IWRM and the security context, as well as the environmental, climatic, social, cultural and political context. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! These countries have acquired the potential to put in place social policies that foster human development and social cohesion. This refers to absolute poverty measured by the international poverty line of USD 1.25 PPP (purchasing-power parity) per day. The growth elasticity of poverty reduction derived from the regression line in Figure 4.2 is -1.12. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Such a low tax may not quell speculative cross-border flows of money, however, suggesting that this option should be adopted in conjunction with capital management techniques (Grabel 2003). Rich countries would generate the bulk of the tax revenues, and more generally, the taxes would be highly progressive, and in essence, act as a sales tax. This implies that a multilateral approach to adoption of CTTs would be needed. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This whaling quota is within a range that researchers believe provides adequate security with regard to protecting the whale stocks. Moreover, the quota is based on scientific evidence from the IWC scientific committee. The quota for 2010 was composed of a basic annual quota of 885 and the addition of unused quota from 2009. In 2010, Norwegian whalers were permitted to catch up to 1 016 animals in coastal areas: the North Sea, along the coast from Stad to Finnmark, in the Barents Sea and around Svalbard. The rest of the quota could be caught in the zone surrounding Jan Mayen island. Conservationists feared that legalising any form of commercial whaling would open the door to other nations and ultimately lead to more, not fewer, whale deaths (Morell, 2010). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The German government funded the Madaba management contract, together with the MWI and the WAJ, as part of an effort to enhance the management of wastewater treatment plants. For capital investments, donor funding has proven to be pivotal to attracting private financing. An innovative funding structure that combines private, local and central government, and donor financing was put in place for the As Samra BOT contract, combining 46% of funding from USAID, 45% from the private sector, including a consortium of banks and the project special purpose vehicle, and 8% from the government of Jordan (Degremont, n.d.). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! It considers how women still prefer to study humanities to sciences and asks what can be done to combat persistent stereotyping. Finally, it looks at the gender gap in financial literacy, and how to ensure women are as well-equipped as men to carry out long-term financial planning. Exceptions are chiefly countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. In Eastern, Middle Central and Western Africa and in Southern Asia, teenage girls are less likely than boys to stay in school. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For this purpose countries at high risk and with low capacity will need a ‘critical mass’ of trained manpower. These use satellite remote sensing, GIS, crowdsourcing and ICT applications. This was the case in the Uttarakhand flash floods in 2013, typhoon Haiyan in 2013, cyclones Phailin and Hudhud in 2014 and cyclone Pam and the Nepal earthquakes in 2015. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! According to the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. U-28/10 of March 23, 2011 (OG FBiH, No. However, since it was not, and as the new law on forests has not yet been adopted, the forestry sector is unregulated at the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition, high wages reduce profits, which may dampen investment. This negative demand effect (on exports and investment) can potentially outweigh the positive effect on consumption, especially if exports are price elastic (as in the case of commodities). This will lower average wages in the economy as a whole and boost its competitiveness (Kucera, 2002) and may thus have a positive impact on exports. A more thorough analysis of this and other possible channels for gender-related impacts would require a broad sample of countries and detailed information on their internal demand structures. Efforts to raise women’s wages in the interests of greater equity may lead to growth in a non-profit-led economy, but they may also spark an economic contraction as a result of their negative effects on investment and exports. These short-term disturbances in demand may not only reduce male employment and output but may also make it difficult to achieve long-term growth. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 They support women to access better employment opportunities and reduce social and intergenerational inequalities by making extra -familial care available and affordable for lower-income and disadvantaged households. In order to reap the 'double dividend' in terms of women's economic empowerment and child health and education, the ways in which services are delivered is fundamental. As with water, poorer and rural households are much less likely than wealthier and urban households to have access to improved sanitation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""According to the Special Rapporteur, the State's due diligence obligation under international human rights law consists of preventing, investigating, punishing acts of violence against women, protecting women from violence, and providing an effective remedy and reparation to victims of violence. For human rights law, the standard serves as a tool for rights holders to hold duty bearers accountable by providing an assessment framework for ascertaining what constitutes effective fulfilment of the obligation, and for analysing the actions or omissions of the duty bearer. This is especially important if the potential infringement comes through a duty bearer's failure to act, as it can be difficult for rights holders to assess if an omission constituted a violation of their right without some normative basis for the appraisal. Cotton Field"""") v. Mexico (Judgement of 16 November 2009), concerning the abduction, sexual violence and killing of two children and a woman by non-State actors, was one of hundreds of similar cases of disappearance, rape and murder of predominantly migrant women and girls that had occurred in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The teaching challenge is then to teach in a way so that most students apply a deep approach to learning using the higher cognitive level processes3. While these characteristics include for example subject matter, class size, student ability and assessment practices, they vary enormously between departments, faculties and institutions. Complex and ever-changing societal, political, economic, technological and demographic forces also affect what might be understood as effective teaching. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Non-governmental organisations operate as nodes in networks of ‘managerialism’ – bundles of often Northern, corporate-inspired knowledge and practices that promote ‘good governance’ under neoliberalism. Managerialism is double-sided: it can guard against corruption and help ensure accountability, but it can also be culturally disjunctive, reinforcing North–South power imbalances while diffusing the political potential of NGOs. In this paper we present a framework for studying managerialism's global circulation and discuss a series of empirical findings from a multi-year study of NGOs in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. We conclude by commenting on managerialism's influence on NGOs during the social upheavals of 2006, highlighting its differential and contingent impact on social and political change in Oaxaca. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Successful completers are awarded a Senior Certificate of Education, giving access to both general and vocational programmes. There is a well established flexible qualification system that provides autonomy and innovation, underpinned with data and research. Current reforms have aimed to shape a more demand-driven VET system (see Spotlight 2), introducing more flexibility in the length of apprenticeships and ensuring support through a common procedure for assessing them. It has the sixth highest graduation rate among OECD countries in academic programmes (tertiary-type A), and the eighth highest graduation rate in vocationally oriented programmes (tertiary-type B). About 19.8% of all tertiary students are foreign, the highest rate of foreign tertiary students among OECD countries in 2011. The participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in higher education is below that of the Australian population as a whole. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Nonetheless, the special characteristics of this segment (strong growth, rapid technical progress, and highly changeable regulatory frameworks) mean that the business model still differs from the rest of the sector, and it is largely controlled by specialized firms. Many of the large electricity firms that invest in this segment do so through specialist subsidiaries, such as Enel Green Power, CPFL Renovaveis or Iberdrola Renovables, which recently has been reabsorbed by the parent company for financial reasons. These barriers are lowered still further if the project is mainly financed with debt, as is usually the case, thereby reducing the capital contribution necessary from the firm in question to no more than 30% of the total cost. This level of leverage is possible because most wind farms have been developed with long-term PPAs, and because nearly all of the production cost is fixed capital which is invested at the start of the project. In terms of wind power, the turbines account for 70% of the cost (BNDES). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, infant mortality in territories that have a low RDI is double the rate in high-RDI territories. Panorama del Desamllo Territorial en America Latina y el Caribe. Brazil, Chile, Colombia. Mexico, Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Natural resources remain extremely important as a basis for the region's international trade and investment, which entails a certain degree of external vulnerability. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Poor quality of infrastructure (for example, sub-standard transport connections or unreliable telecommunication grids) is an additional challenge developing and emerging countries face in the development of their manufacturing sector. According to the OECD (2018), early adoption of digital infrastructure such as a reliable telecommunication infrastructure (high-speed internet access) or more sophisticated technologies (for instance, the Blockchain), may lead to 'leapfrogging' within the manufacturing sector and thus promotes an inclusive and sustainable future development. The shrewd use of automation technology may have two substantial effects on the characteristics of the goods produced. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In the United Kingdom, employees have the right to request changes to their hours, days or place of work, which the employer must consider and can refuse only on serious business grounds (limited to employees who have worked for the same employer for at least 26 weeks). In New Zealand and the United Kingdom, changes to working hours and/or other work arrangements granted under tire entitlement to request flexible working result in a permanent change in the contract, unless the employee and employer agree at the time of request that the change is for a set and specified period of time. Many countries require employees to meet additional criteria for requesting part-time work or changes to working hours (e.g. length of service or size of firm), see OECD (2015f). In Germany, a wide range of recent policy initiatives address the numerous obstacles in the way of more equal sharing in working families. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Problems also arise from imperfectly controlled incineration, which can produce harmful substances, especially where plastics are involved. There is evidence that, in addition to the long-known hazardous substances, some substances (often called endocrine disruptors) that do not reach the levels of toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation in the accepted definitions of hazardous substances, can disrupt the endocrine systems of humans and animals, with adverse effects on their reproductive success, metabolism and behaviour. The use of the best practicable means to limit the creation of waste, discharges and emissions can help control these problems. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The monitoring and evaluation frameworks assessing the effectiveness of the national approach on adaptation must be adjusted accordingly. With an integrated approach to adaptation, a country’s resilience to climate change reflects the change brought about by individual adaptation interventions, as well as that caused by socio-economic trends and policies implemented for reasons other than climate change. The report also considers the potential role development co-operation providers can play in helping partner countries to implement the four tools and build on the information they generate. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These tend to dominate the passive transport of any floating objects. The ocean circulation is driven by the complex interaction of atmospheric forcing (winds), the Coriolis force due to the Earth’s rotation, density differences (temperature and salinity) and deep-water formation in the Arctic and sub-Arctic seas and Southern Ocean (Thermo-Haline circulation due to the sinking of cold, dense water, produced through the formation of freshwater ice) (Lozier 2015). Within these broad patterns the circulation is highly complex and variable, on multiple scales in space (mm - 100s km) and time (s - decades) (Figure 6.2). This will have a significant influence on the distribution of floating plastics, providing an explanation for some of the spatial and temporal variability in concentrations that have been observed. The water column is not uniform in temperature and salinity. The upper few metres of the ocean will be mixed by wave action episodically. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 If humanitarian relief is excluded from social protection, spending falls to 1.4% of GDP. Domestic financing for social protection has increased significantly, although donors financed around 60% of social protection spending on average in recent years. Spending on the RPSNP has declined significantly in real terms while the number of beneficiaries has largely remained steady. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Geographical information systems (GIS) utilization has exploded in criminal justice over the last decade, but there is scant mention of pedagogical models published in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, with a content analysis revealing just one GIS-based article published since 2001. This work proposes a GIS-based pedagogical model to move the discussion beyond crime mapping to applying, integrating, and enhancing learning across the criminal justice curriculum. Four pertinent data sources from New York City are integrated to provide an example framework for studying NYPD stop and frisk policy in upper level undergraduate-level criminal justice courses. Using ArcGIS specifically, the model incorporates sociology, criminological theory, corrections, diversity/multiculturalism, research methods, statistics, policing, and policy knowledge to coalesce prior student learning, while enhancing spatial thinking and analytical skills relative to an important social policy. Example maps, assignments, and a... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Life events (life situations) are usually understood as a specific view on public administration activities which is close to their clients: citizens. This view usually helps to effectively and client-friendly organize the web platform of the public authority. However, the real meaning of life events is more essential. Such a view allows regarding the public administration activities as consequences of real events in real lives of the public administrations clients. This paper introduces an approach to the analysis of life situations in the context of life cycles of the public administration objects and the use of this approach in a real ongoing project. The relation of life events to the public administration processes as well as their relation to e-government are discussed and illustrated with examples from the project. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Special measures, including quotas, are necessary to achieve equality between women and men by addressing structural disadvantage faced by women. But greater numbers of women representatives are not sufficient to advance gender equality in society. Broader participation of women and autonomous women’s organizations are critical to the achievement of policy that advances substantive equality between women and men. Undemocratic practices at local levels such as patronage and corruption prevent transparency and accountability and reduce women’s effective participation (ibid, para. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The participation rate of men attains the maximum in the 25-34 age group, while women of that age are mostly married and engaged in childbearing and child rearing. The gender gap in LFPRs is thus the highest in this age group. The LFPRs of women attain the maximum level later in life and decrease almost instantaneously. Thus, there is never a steady state for women’s employment, peak employment comes later in life, so any possible gains in increased wages are short lived. While women agricultural workers still make up the majority of those employed .their numbers have decreased for various reasons. The share of women workers in manufacturing, however, has now surpassed men’s. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In this article, the author explores the challenges for sexual citizenship campaigns as same-sex marriage emerges as a touchstone for progressive politics in Australia and beyond. Analysing popular media and public debate, she argues that there is much to be learned from recent critiques of liberal and colonial feminisms. Jasbir Puar argues that the ‘woman question’ is currently being supplemented or supplanted by the ‘gay question’ as a marker of a nation’s modernity, democracy and ‘civilization’. In the context of widespread support for marriage equality, an urgent challenge is how to respond to an emerging ‘homonationalism’ in public culture which positions the West on ‘the right side of history’ in contrast to homophobic Islam, and a liberal version of gay rights which obscures ongoing discrimination and injustice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Among such groups, Mesa-Lago (2009) identifies those working in the informal sector or on their own account in urban areas and, in particular, rural areas. For example, Chile has created a privatized """"system of old-age, disability and survivors' pensions"""" based on pre-funded individual accounts (article 1 of Decree Law No. The system defines old-age and disability pensions and survivors' pensions for the children and spouse of the person affiliated to the system."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! It is also incumbent on urban planners to understand the implications of inequitable access to infrastructure (UN-Habitat, 2016). Where a large proportion of urban households without access to electricity live in informal and unauthorized settlements, efforts to extend access may be constrained by lack of legal tenure, possibly requiring resettlement and complementary measures. Rural-urban linkages also have important implications for rural electrification. Many countries in Asia and Africa have a pattern of temporary and circular rural-urban-rural migration whereby agricultural workers seek work in urban areas as domestic workers or seasonal staff in the hospitality sector during agricultural slack seasons (IOM, 2015, Srivastava and Kumar Pandey, 2017). This means that rural dwellers are by no means necessarily unfamiliar with modern electricity or electrical appliances. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Social Justice Instruction and Teaching Practices in the Elementary Setting covers the historical perspective of social justice in schools, in general, followed by in elementary schools, and classrooms. It provides specific teaching practices and strategies, as well as traditional and multimedia resources, which can be utilized immediately in classrooms embedded in all subject content through compassion, tolerance, and empathy, this chapter primarily focuses on these three skills with specifics offered the social studies curriculum. An important distinction is drawn between young children learning social justice from social injustice. While grounded in theory, it is primarily a practitioner paper with application which can be of benefit in elementary classrooms immediately. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Environmental impacts from the same substance or activity may vary across space (e.g. ecosystem, medium, topology, human population) and time (e.g. season, weather). It is also the case that environmental issues interact, so that, for example, water-security policies may need to include policies for the adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change, as well as the provision and protection of water resources. For example, an economic instrument that affects prices will not be effective if consumers are not aware of prices, or the means by which they can respond to price increases.3 That said, instrument mixes are not always either necessary or efficient (OECD, 2007a). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This means that widening earnings inequality is driven by a widening gap in pay for full-time workers who work the whole year, rather than by a change in the composition of employment, i.e. more part-time workers. The former contributed to a decline in household income inequality while the latter tended to increase it slightly. Taken together, the overall effect was towards equalisation, countering the trend for income inequality to increase. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The overarching model of policy implementation was applied to the public policy described in the first chapter: social and administrative renewal. the empirical model test focusses on the programs formulated in three local authorities. the local authorities differ in the extent to which political control is exercised. This chapter contains a short introduction to Dutch local authority policy making and three case studies—which provide a concise substantive overview of the policy programs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The NIDFF laboratories (departments) most relevant to biodiversity management are the Laboratories of Invertebrate Biology, Vertebrate Biology and Special Protected Areas. There are working groups for individual conventions which meet more frequently (Chapter 4). Several international development cooperation bodies and conservation organizations have been active on biodiversity conservation and PA system development in Turkmenistan, including GEF, UNDP, WWF, BirdLife International and its UK partner the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), GIZ and the Michael Succow Foundation. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Under the Treaty, the common market of electric power will begin to operate by 1 June 2019. Common markets of gas, oil and petroleum products are projected to begin operation from 1 January 2025. Energy prices in the common energy market should not exceed those in domestic markets of the EAEU member states. Unhindered access to services of the natural gas transportation system is granted only for the natural gas originating from the territory of the EAEU members. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, specialised professionals work directly with students and collaborate with classroom teachers so that they acquire teaching skills that respond to students’ specific special needs. Altogether, these efforts can better facilitate effective integration of students with special needs into mainstream schools. Also, Chile has an initial teacher education programme for learning disabilities in place. This is a particular strength as schools can have access to qualified teachers that respond to students’ needs. Qualitative evidence suggests that schools select the type of special educational need they respond to depending on their resources for both diagnosing the educational needs of students and attending to the students’ special needs. As a result, mainstream schools tend not to work with students with permanent disabilities as these imply more specialised resources, greater teaching materials and additional investments in infrastructure. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is estimated that 60% of the world’s major marine ecosystems have been degraded or are being used unsustainably. Many fisheries are over-exploited, with some stocks on the verge of collapse, and coral reefs are bleaching due to exposure to high temperatures and other pressures. Concurrently, pollution from land-based sources, including marine litter, is threatening species and marine habitats, and climate change compounds these effects and alters both the thermal and chemical characteristics of the ocean as well as its dynamics and nutrient availability. Since the 1980s, for example, an estimated 20% of global mangroves have been lost and 19% of coral reefs have disappeared. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Government policies surrounding biofuels mandates and subsidies also contributed. Price rises were particularly witnessed for wheat, coarse grains, rice and oilseed crops - all of which experienced strong real price growth between 2005 and 2010 (Figure 2.4). To convert to real prices, the average annual United States GDP deflator was applied to each monthly observation. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The KES-R consists of 7 subscales (43 items) which refer to process and structural aspects of quality: space and material resources, personal care routines, cognitive and language stimulation, activities, staff-child and child-child interaction, planning and structuring of pedagogical practice, situation of staff and cooperation with parents. Data in this table do not reflect the situation for every inspection in every setting. Hence, there is no data on what areas are monitored through inspections at national level. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The monitoring of behaviour, perceptions and attitudes among city dwellers could also add value. It seems natural, however, to focus on casualties as the measurable outcome which matters the most to people. This material should be used to support a more vigorous approach to road safety management, with a goal of closing the gap and matching the best-performing cities. It should also be noted that no single indicator could capture all aspects of performance: a city may perform well on some aspects and poorly on others. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The work of NACA focuses on determining priority needs for aquaculture development in the Asia Pacific Region and areas in which technical cooperation between member countries and specialist institutions can make significant contributions to meet those needs. Salmonids, tuna, edible oysters, pearl oysters and prawns accounted for 86% of this value, contributing AUD 884 million in 2012-13. The production value of farmed salmonids fell by 3% between 2011-12 and 2012-13, to AUD 497 million. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Through the ITU Academy, which has more than 10,000 users, and its Centres of Excellence network, it delivers in-person and e-learning courses. The annual Al for Good Global Summit also provides an important opportunity for global and inclusive dialogue on Al. Hie Forum explored policies and actions for advancing STI to achieve the SDGs. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Until recently employers could specify the age of jobseekers they wish to recruit in vacancy notices. Increasingly stringent anti-discrimination legislation now stipulates employers’ legal duty to provide equal opportunities in recruitment irrespective of age. As a result, vacancies with age limits can be rejected by employment placement organisations and their number has declined sharply over the past few years. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Issues related specifically to benefit claimants with disabilities or other health-related problems are discussed in the OECD series Sickness, Disability and Work (see'). Pension policies, including means-tested, basic and minimum pensions, are discussed in Pensions at a Glance (’'). The latest issue in this series contains a chapter on poverty among old-age individuals (OECD, 2009a). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""In order to assist policymakers in responding to such challenges, ESCAP's activity on green growth has been developed to focus on five paths: sustainable infrastructure development, investment in natural capital, green tax and budget reform, sustainable consumption and production, and the greening of business and markets. Natural capital provides both """"direct"""" ecosystem services such as the provision of food and raw materials, and “indirect"""" ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, watershed protection, aquifer recharge and biodiversity habitat provision (see box 1). They are usually irreplaceable, or can only be substituted for, at great cost."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This need of new infrastructure can provide fresh impetus for regulation that is directly relevant to small scale, decentralised generation. As opposed to megaprojects, multiple small-scale investments will require a systems approach to regulation and grid development that is decentralised and can adapt to a variety of circumstances and technologies. Progress in roll-out will need to be incremental so that lessons and evidence can be drawn from practice and incorporated on an ongoing basis. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Africa has achieved the same transformation in almost half the time: 60 years. Africa’s urbanisation is estimated to have gained 5.9 percentage points between 2000 and 2015, second only to Asia, which gained 10.7 percentage points during the same period. In 2015, almost 472 million Africans lived in urban areas (authors’ calculations based on UN DESA, 2014). The size of Africa’s urban population nearly doubled in 20 years from 237 million in 1995 to 472 million in 2015. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In the United States, city and regional planning, land use management, and implementation of urban planning principals are predominantly undertaken by state and municipal governments. The US federal government structure assigns most responsibilities to state governments, other than those which are reserved for the federal government, including constitutional issues, inter-state issues, and foreign affairs, foreign trade, defence, military, etc. This allows for both local and direct rule - where decision makes are more directly connected to the residents they serve, allowing them to be better aware of local conditions and more responsive to local needs and concerns. This also allows for a variety of initiatives, policies, and levers to be developed. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, the subjective nature of establishing baselines means that choices of baselines can vary widely (see e.g. Clapp et al., At a project or portfolio scale, analysis has highlighted that estimated emissions reductions can vary by a factor of three for renewable energy and more than a factor of ten for energy efficiency projects across different MDBs carbon foot-printing tools (Bossard, 2012, pers. The wide variation in assumptions and models to establish baselines will lead to wide differences in the estimated results of an intervention when compared to that baseline. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This study focuses on one arena of public administration in which the balancing act between various accountability considerations is especially visible: local law enforcement management, and one of... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A new precedent set by the Spanish Supreme Court (known as the Parot doctrine) changed the method of applying remissions of sentences for work done in detention, postponing the date of final release of numerous inmates by several years. Retroactive application of such precedent has been held a violation of article 5 and article 7 of the Convention by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). This paper provides some keys in that regard to understanding both the Parot doctrine and related ECtHR Judgments. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, with the onset, and lasting effects, of the recent global financial and economic crisis, greater attention is being given to the negative long-term impact of rising inequality, and to the role of fiscal and social policy in shaping and curbing these effects. Berg and Ostry (2011) examined the relationship between income inequality and economic growth across 174 countries, to reveal that income inequality was a strong determinant of the quality of growth, even when market structure and other institutional factors were taken into account. Countries with low levels of inequality tend to sustain high rates of growth for longer durations, while growth spurts tend to fade more quickly in more unequal countries. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Part 1 Sources and influences: the Roman republic the Principate the Dominate the Dark Ages the rebirth of civil law humanism and the age of reason codification an historical overview of modern civil law. Part 2 Private law: the law of persons and the family family property and succession the law of property the law of obligations the law of actions. Part 3 Public law: the concept and functions of the state the law of civil procedure criminal justice administrative justice the legal profession. Conclusion - the future of civil law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Being able to walk to a restaurant or a grocery store is a key benefit from living in a mixed use urban neighbourhood, as is having a home in a rural commune next to a forest preserve. This suggests that a key challenge for land use plans is not simply to apply exclusionary zoning that separates different uses, but to identify which uses are compatible with each other and support those, while discouraging those that conflict from being in close proximity. They are fond of different dimensions that can only partly be fulfilled in the city: natural areas, recreation areas, nearby farms and locally produced food that is authentic to the region In Nantes Saint-Nazaire, this desire for both nature and preserved, but transformed, landscapes, is particularly strong. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In addition, they find that the extent of reinstatement in the case of unfair dismissal is the most important regulatory determinant of gross worker flows, in general, and within-industxy job-to-job transitions, in particular. They also find that the length of the trial period is also a key determinant of hiring although not of separations. There is also evidence that countries with lower EPL have not only higher dismissal rates but also greater rates of voluntary quits (Gielen and Tatsiramos, 2012). By contrast, the impact of EPL on firm growth appears to be, at best, small (Boeri and Jimeno, 2005, Schivardi andTorrini, 2008). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Prepared using the same methodology as was applied for Latin America, the estimates allow multidimensional child poverty in Caribbean countries to be compared with the rest of the region. This had not been possible hitherto using monetary poverty statistics, which are constructed under different methods. There was a marked difference between the continental countries (Belize, Guyana and Suriname) and the island countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Jamaica, Santa Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""This article is based on a talk given at the Wisconsin Law Review 2010 Symposium on Intergenerational Equity and Intellectual Property held at the the University of Wisconsin Law School on November 12, 2010. In this short piece, I argue that there is an interesting tension between thinking about intergenerational equity and new media through a standard future-oriented lens and thinking about it through the lens of the common law. The tension can be briefly described as between variations of a classic Schmupeterian """"creative destruction"""" on the one hand and the role of courts, law, and precedent in a common-law system on the other, what we might call """"creative construction."""" I use this framework to focus on the ways in which courts rely on First Amendment institutions to further innovations-both legal and technological-whose effects in turn may transcend the present generation."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Moreover, this approach is simple in principle and can be readily communicated. A weak point, though, of the pure diversity approach is the equal treatment of all sources, assuming ignorance about their specific security of supply characteristics. Yet for certain aspects one does have meaningful prior knowledge, for example, that certain sources are exhaustible whereas others are not. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Conditional cash transfer programmes, which make income support dependent on school attendance, have proved to be especially effective in a number of countries. Gender segregation by field of study and the resulting knowledge gaps in scientific subjects should be addressed by removing gender bias in curricula, raising awareness on the likely consequences of choosing different fields of study and by facilitating women’s access to STEM-related jobs through apprenticeships and counselling. Introducing policies to facilitate the establishment of credit records would help relax credit-constraints on women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Slum dwellers are a heterogeneous population, and not only the very poor live in slum communities (UN-Habitat, 2003). Even though slum areas can differ substantially cross-nationally in size and other characteristics, extreme housing deprivation is a common trait. The numbers are relatively less dramatic in Brazil: 3.3% of people in Brazilian faveias lack access to tap water and 12.3% lack an indoor flushing latrine in their homes (IBGE, 2010). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! This allows us to explore which dimensions have the greatest impact on female emigration. First, bilateral migration data present a high occurrence of zero values, which may bias our estimations. Second, our gender inequality variable may be correlated with the error term, due to potential reverse causality, since gender inequality may be a determinant of international migration but at the same time migrants may shift gender attitudes in their origin countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 An important channel of knowledge exchange is the internship system employed by several colleges in the Galilee (see Box 2.5.). Such internships provide an entry point into the workforce as some students continue working for the industry partner after the internship. Internships also take place in college business school, for example in the Western Galilee College and Nazareth Academic Institution also aims to combine practical and theoretical education. The students participate in the project work in regional industries (from the end of their second year) for 500-1 000 hours. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Moreover, with reference to the source database, the OECD Secretariat is better able to identify and explain discrepancies between this indicator, national data or other sources. The WDPA is updated continuously, which means that updates to the indicator can be done more regularly (e.g. annually). The method allows the data on protected areas to be summarised in a harmonised and more detailed way than is currently available, without requiring any additional reporting by countries. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Through co-operation with the State of Sonora and the federal government of Mexico, the Ford Motor company has been able to ensure a skilled workforce, including technicians and engineers. The Instituto Technologico de Hermosillo is located directly adjacent to the Ford Motor facilities in Hermosillo. One particularly valuable model is that in the aerospace industry, which has locations in industrial parks in Hermosillo/Ciudad Obregon, Guaymas and Nogales in the state of Sonora. This model (see Box 1.6) is particularly notable because it provides a hierarchy of training related to the skill needs identified by the aerospace companies. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There are essentially two routes that a lender can pursue, summarised in Box 2: to use an asset-backed finance structure, or (as is more commonly the case in existing schemes) to use the security mechanisms more commonly associated with term loans. The problem is not so much the use of intangible assets to raise growth capital (equity investors are generally supportive when non-dilutive approaches can be used) as it is the principle of losing ownership control over assets that are regarded as core to the business (even if when appropriately configured, sale and license-back agreements can allow for the possibility of re-purchasing the asset at any time). Neither of these identifies the assets in question, or does anything to stop a company from using them in any way they wish, including disposing of them. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! This enables large utilities to duly allow for the portfolio effect benefits of generating portfolios which includes generating technology with quite different cost and cost risk characteristics such as nuclear in comparison with portfolios dominated by “the dash for gas”. The pervasive assumption of risk management officers that the gas price risk can be largely passed on to the customers on account of revealed strong correlation between the price of gas and the price of electricity might prove costly once the gas market turns from a buyers’ market to date into a sellers’ market. Aspects in need of further strengthening include the transformation from one-period analysis into multi-period analysis building on recent work in this regard, research to improve the credibility of covariance matrices used, and segmentation of baseload, mid-load and peakload technology. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 With a combination of fast economic growth and lax environmental regulation, countries like Brazil, Indonesia and Malaysia are meeting increased food and energy demand by converting their forests to agricultural land (OECD, 2015). Deforestation for cropland is one of the major driving forces of ecosystem degradation and habitat loss across the world. By destroying carbon sinks, deforestation also amplifies the impacts of anthropogenic climate change (OECD, 2012 and 2015). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In the common law order, precedent is not only a matter of applying law but also of making law. The crucial function of stare decisis is to relieve the appearance of judicial arbitrariness. Precedent also applies in the domain of administrative law in the context of judicial control of administrative policy making. Federal courts treat administrative agencies as having precedent-setting powers comparable to their own, under what is referred to as the Chevron doctrine. This doctrine determines the scope of judicial control of the decisional process performed by an administrative agency, particularly when the court is called upon to enforce a limitation to the administrative discretion delegated by the agency’s governing statute. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As education attainment is easily observable for employers, it acts as a powerful signalling device for youth trying to enter the labour market. The OECD Skills Outlook 2013 has also shown the importance of cognitive skills (literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments) on labour market outcomes (OECD, 2013b). As shown in Figure A, having attained at least an upper secondary education reduces the probability of having low literacy skills. However, individuals with a similar level of education may not have the same skills, as skill formation depends on the quality of the education system in addition to other factors. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This very idea of “signalling” suggests that the association between skills and formal qualification might be central to how skills are rewarded on the labour market. Less-educated adults are experiencing great difficulties on today’s labour markets across all advanced economies (Abrassart, 2013, Gesthuizen, Solga and KUnster, 2011, OECD, 2016). They face higher risks of unemployment than their better-educated counterparts. When they do find employment, it tends to be in low-status occupations characterised by meagre wages and low job security. Hence, improving the labour market prospects of less-educated adults is a prime challenge for countries that want to maintain social cohesion and avoid excessive social inequalities. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The share of children whose fathers took up parental leave benefit rose steadily, from 20.8% in 2008 to 34.2% in 2014 (Figure 3.6). And while there is no fully comparable data available for the years before the 2007 reform, data do show that, in 2006, only 3.5% of fathers received the child-raising allowance (Destatis, 2012). They received only a partial parental allowance (Teilelterngeld), while each month that they worked counted towards the benefit as if they had not worked at all and taken full benefit (see Example 1 in Table 3.1). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Intergovernmental organizations in most hazard-prone regions have developed cooperation on DRM, but a more active promotion of regional and national risk reduction is a role they could take on more strongly, for example by focusing on: (a) regional risk assessment and reduction, (b) the needs of SIDS, small countries and least developed countries for practical support in building capacity and risk information systems, and (c) risk financing mechanisms. This requires a review of the enabling legislation and the institutional frameworks, which often encourage working in silos rather than cross-sectorally and vertically from local to national levels. The enabling frameworks at national level are also the principal mechanism to ensure that the needs of vulnerable groups and the principles of equality and participation are integrated, especially for women and youth. Target E of the Sendai Framework does not necessarily require additional separate plans, but it does require countries to review existing DRR strategies in light of the Sendai Framework and ensure that local strategies dovetail with national level. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The aim of this contribution is to study the material limits on the criminal legislator set forth in the Spanish Constitution and in the European Convention of Human Rights, as interpreted by the Spanish Constitutional Court (SCC) and by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The updated NBSAP has been adopted at the entity level and by the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 2017 and sets key national biodiversity targets for the set period (box 11.1). Bosnia and Herzegovina also adopted the Action Programme to Combat Land Degradation and Mitigate the Effects of Drought in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By 2020, increase the public awareness level in the field of biological diversity protection. By 2020, integrate biological diversity values into development strategies and strategic plans, with an emphasis on rural development. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 About 23 percent of child labour in developing countries occurs in low-income countries, with the largest numbers in Asia and the Pacific. Over 2000-2012 the number of child labourers fell by 78 million, or almost a third. Progress was greatest among younger children and children in hazardous work. It includes work or services exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which that person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Dans le cas de Sexploitation, des salaires plus eleves pour les femmes nuisent a la croissance, une plus grande participation sur le marche compresse le temps et diminue la production des capacites humaines, et la croissance repose partiellement sur Sexploitation du travail des femmes et des ressources humaines. Dans le dernier cas, la compression des revenus, des salaires plus eleves pour les femmes nuisent a la croissance, mais une plus forte participation sur le marche du travail ameliore la production des capacites humaines et la croissance est insaisissable ou instable. Asimismo, se establece una relacion entre dichos regimenes con diversos grupos de paises organizados segun su estructura economica y nivel de desarrollo, y se evaluan las consecuencias macroeconomicas de la recesion sobre la desigualdad de genero en el mercado laboral. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Sectors that are crucial for the livelihoods of poor people are likely to need particular attention because even small changes in productivity can have large impacts on vulnerability. Fast-growing sectors still have time to avoid choosing new activities and infrastructure that could be vulnerable to future climate change. Guidance produced by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group on developing NAPs recommends complementing the analysis of urgent needs with a focus on structural and longer-term vulnerabilities (LDCEG, 2012). An important step is to review adaptation options in light of national development policies and identify overlaps and/or tensions between adaptation and development goals or priorities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Agricultural protection levels have declined in almost all OECD countries (Figure 1.7, Table A.l and Table A.2). Those with historically high price support have seen considerable falls in domestic market protection. Domestic prices were more than twice the level of border prices in the mid-1990s in five countries, including Korea and Switzerland where they were almost three times higher. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 But promoting informed-patient choice is only possible when quality-related information is made publicly available. Without information, users cannot participate in their health. Among those at the forefront of attempts to help patients make informed choices are Australia, Denmark, Korea, Portugal and the United Kingdom. All these countries use tools to ensure that information regarding health care providers’ performance is transparent. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Consequently, it is vulnerable to the economic uncertainty in the United States and the European Union. With both of these economic powers unable to restart their economic engines, the export performance of India in 2012 was no different from the rest of countries in the region. A sector-based analysis reveals that while industrial products still comprise more than 80% of Asia-Pacific trade during 2002-2011, the share of petroleum products increased and agriculture maintained a relatively constant share. All three sectors were similarly hit by reduced demand for their exports, which lost dynamism and recorded growth of less than 10% in 2011. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Regular events and milestones could also provide opportunities to monitor progress and celebrate achievement. The OECD average by indicator is between 0 and I. No data available on indicator 9 in Norway. Firms derive much of their competitive edge from their ability to use modem infrastructures, while societies depend on good infrastructure to ensure equal opportunity and equal access to services for citizens. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Inequality and unemployment in a global economy”, Discussion Paper No. Inequality and poverty impacts of trade-related policies using the GTAP model”, chapter 4 in K. Anderson, J. Cockburn and W. Martin (eds.) ( Estimating the poverty impacts of a prospective Doha Development Agenda”, The World Economy, vol. Shocking a single-country CGE model with export prices and quantities from a rest of the world model”, pp. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Energy efficiency standards for different types of equipment can be established and the best performing technologies identified. Fuel meters and other technologies that offer feedback to fishers regarding their energy performance have a proven track record and should be promoted. But new approaches will not always be automatically adopted. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Such improvements to the seafood trading environment are likely to reduce pressures on global fisheries and improve the return New Zealand obtains from its seafood exports. Seafood exports to China have attracted tariffs of over 10%. The FTA will lead to reduction and eventual removal of those tariffs, expanding high value live and chilled seafood product exports to China. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Further, local expertise can increase the dissemination of knowledge to local stakeholders and increase the capacity of the stakeholders involved in the project. For example, the GGWSSI (Box 6) is primarily financed by international partners, and although this is not currently a problem (in which case it would be a threat), this increase the riskthat backers without local commitment relinquish their support for the initiative. An example of an effort, which can somewhat reduce or mitigate such a threat is seen by the R4 Rural Resilience Initiative (Box 12), which is driven by external and international organisations, and thus subject to similar threats, but who make an effort to work with local partners on various project elements. This type of funding means there is pressure on the initiative to enact activities that generate income, in order to repay the loan. Focusing on too many projects can risk spreading the effort too thinly and reducing the chance of having an impact in each of these. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Both of these papers also conclude that the optimal generosity of UI rises in a recession, because its role in smoothing consumption for unemployed workers who are liquidity constrained becomes more important. However, this evidence must be viewed as very preliminary and weighed against the much more extensive evidence supporting a link between permanent increases in benefit generosity and duration, and increases in the equilibrium unemployment rate associated with a stable rate of inflation (the so-called “NAIRU”) (De Serres et al., In Canada, both the number of hours required to qualify for regular benefits as well as regular employment insurance (El) benefit duration automatically vary based on the unemployment rate in the region where unemployed individuals live (there are 58 economic regions across Canada). Building on the automatic features of the regular El benefit programme, a discretionary choice was made to temporarily extend El benefit duration for long-tenured workers in 2009 and 2010.54 In Israel, benefit coverage was temporarily extended through a reduced qualifying period (i.e. having worked nine out of the last 18 months instead of 12 out of 18 months) conditional on the national unemployment rate exceeding 7.5%. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Moreover, the need for such measures is likely to increase with further technological progress and structural changes in economies. For instance, the tax burden may need to be shifted away from labour income towards the owners of productive capital and wealthy individuals through capital income tax and wealth-related taxes (ESCAP, 2016d). Relatively slow employment growth and a persistently high share of vulnerable employment have contributed to rising income inequality. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! However, the lion’s share of these CDM projects has gone to a handful of major developing countries like China and India, whereas many countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa, have been left out. One of the main reasons is that the transaction costs associated with the CDM project cycle have seriously hampered small-scale CDM projects in these countries. Although registration fees are set considerably lower for small-scale CDM projects, and simplified methodologies and procedures are also set for those projects, many other transaction costs are independent of project size and will thus have a bigger relative impact on small-scale CDM projects. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Traditional conservation strategies can effectively preserve biodiversity within nature reserves, but may fail to mitigate the conflicts between rural development and wildlife conservation. This paper discusses the magnitude of the conflict and its development over time, focusing on elephant conservation and land resource management within and around nature reserves. We suggest that regulations alone can satisfy neither the demands to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services nor the demands to achieve human welfare. More innovative tools such as informed land-use planning and integrated conservation development projects are called for to reduce the agricultural interface with elephant range, and therefore to alleviate the damage caused by the conflict. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The administration of ICLs through the tax system reveals a potential problem. If emigration is high, tracking borrowers would be rather difficult and sustainability of ICLs would be difficult due to defaults. Slovenia, with its relatively advanced tax system, is well placed to administer and operate an ICL. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! ""These three types - negative assessment, acceptance under specific conditions and total acceptance without any conditions - are based on the anticipated risks and profits together with ideas about femininity (Rocheva, 2016). These risks are mostly concerned with """"morality"""". In the words of a male informant in a Kyrgyz village who used to work in the Russian Federation, women are more difficult to """"be returned to the road of good"""", and thus it is undesirable for women to go to the Russian Federation. A recent household survey in Kyrgyzstan (UNFPA, 2016) showed that a considerable number of people connected migration with female """"immorality"""": 38 per cent of females and 45 per cent of males supported the view that """"A woman in migration, working far from home, starts behaving immorally""""."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the share of certified seeds in total seed use in Kazakhstan increased from 53% in 2001 to 99.8% in 2009. Its objective is to improve the quality of national herds by increasing the share of pedigree livestock. Participation in the programme is voluntary, with eligible beneficiaries including the Republican Centre for Livestock Breeding, Kostanay oblast breeding farms, pedigree poultry production units and other agricultural enterprises. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The general model involves developing a water entitlement regime that allows people to own the right to use water. State government legislation makes it clear that water is controlled by the state on behalf of the general public. Moreover, it is the role of governments rather than the courts to determine how much water is available for use. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! In this article, the objective is to retrace the Dahrendorf’s analysis of the relationship between inequality, life chances and social policy. Dahrendorf’s way of conceiving social policy, functional to the expansion of life chances, constitutes, in fact, an original approach to the question of social inequality in terms not only of analytics but also of social and political governance. He considers the problem of inequality in the 21st century a matter of entitlements, not merely of available wealth. To propose the actualization of the Dahrendorf’s theory, we focus on the minimum basic income and the issue of civil rights of citizenship on a transnational/global scale. The conclusions discuss the hypothesis that the expansion of life chances requires a new social policy based on a long-term perspective, the reference to values of solidarity, linked to the ethics of public service, and requires a democratic institutional framework anchored in the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Mexican authorities also established a Reform Plan for the Health Service 1995-2000. Several changes aimed at widening access of the uninsured population to health care services were put in place, including special programmes to extend basic health care coverage such as the Coverage Extension Programme (PAC). Those states with greater capacity and resources (Tlaxcala, Nuevo Leon, Guerrero, Jalisco, Baja California Sur, Morelos, Tabasco. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Unfortunately, many of those in Finland whose parents were bom abroad appear to inherit the integration challenges of their parents, struggling with language difficulties and lacking the local knowledge to navigate Finnish society and the Finnish labour market. While the concentration of foreign bom adults at the lower end of the wage distribution has been falling over the past 20 years, the opposite trend has emerged among their children. Recent research indicates that it can take students many years to develop the academic language used in school environments and language learning is an ongoing process that requires effective support beginning in early childhood education and continuing throughout compulsory and upper-secondary schooling. This is particularly the case given the complexity of the Finnish language. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Agricultural emissions also grew substantially (+28%). By 2012, energy and agriculture had replaced land use as the primary source of emissions, accounting for 37% of total emissions each, followed by LULUCF (15%), industrial processes (7%) and waste management (4%) (MCTI, 2014a). As almost half of future emissions were projected to stem from LULUCF, success in reducing deforestation puts Brazil in a good position to meet the target. However, the latest estimates suggest that both LULUCF and total emissions grew by about 8% from 2012 to 2013 (SEEG, 2014),9 which may make reaching the target more challenging than expected. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__12, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The largest deposit is at Tkibuli (268 million tons of proven reserves and 700 million tons of potential reserves, 80 per cent of the country’s total). Indications are that coal deposits may be found elsewhere in the country, but exploration has been discontinued since the 1980s. Plans call for boosting oil production to 3 million tons per year by 2020, and gas production to 2 bcm by the same date. Within the last five years, there has been a steady increase in coal production, reaching 189.5 ktoe in 2012. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Subsequently the section focuses on the specific value Nordic actors could jointly bring to the table and, hence what role they might play in pursuing the goals and commitments of the Paris Agreement. Solutions obviously need to be tailored to accommodate country and sector-specific circumstances, as also highlighted by the case studies (see Ch. It is therefore no surprise that from the literature reviewed, interviews conducted and the expert discussions held over the course of this project (including Nordic side-events on climate finance at Marrakesh COP22 as well as the Nordic climate finance workshop in Helsinki, Appendix 5), de-risking rises as a key activity to mobilize private climate finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Fiscal decentralization has been a major theme in development policy in Sub-Saharan Africa since the 1980s. However, the hopes that decentralization will lead to greater accountability have often been disappointed. This paper uses evidence on the devolution of tax collection in British colonial Africa to argue that corruption in local governance in Africa has a long history. The devolution of authority over tax assessments to district officers and their delegates in the early colonial period resulted in widespread corruption. These problems were exacerbated when authority was devolved further to the local level in the 1940s, a pivotal decade in the development of the local authorities inherited by post-independence governments. This evidence indicates that the tendency for decentralization to lead to corruption at the local level is not limited to recent moves toward decentralization. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Patronatos have their own legal entity, granted by the town council, and therefore have regulatory prerogatives on the use of water, reforestation and sanitation. In each town, a community fund is created to manage users’ financial contributions and to ensure the costs of operation and maintenance are covered. To date, more than 800 patronatos have been created in over 100 municipalities in the state of Chiapas. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Income differential results positive, representing the economic attractiveness of the foreign economy. Populations in both origin and destination countries have positive signs, in accordance with the gravitational forces of demographic pressure. Conversely, the distance between the two countries is negatively correlated with migration flows, due to increasing migration costs. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Nonetheless, the behaviour of inflation in individual countries also will depend on the fiscal and monetary policies being implemented and private expenditure trends, among other factors. Up to September 2008, total inflation in the previous 22 months had risen in all countries, and, with one exception, the food price index had outpaced the overall index (see figure 1.8). In line with the drop in international prices since the middle of 2008, domestic inflation eased in the second part of the year in most countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The percentage of the population that has access to electricity ranges from 18 per cent in PNG to 100 per cent in Samoa (Figure 9.4). A larger proportion of hydro power, for example in Fiji, is likely to reduce the electricity tariff, whereas a country that relies mostly on fossil fuels, such as Kiribati or Tuvalu, is more vulnerable to increasing oil prices. Another factor affecting the residential electricity tariff is whether it is subsidised through the Government budget, for example in Fiji, or using a cross subsidy from larger users of electricity, for example in Vanuatu. Each power utility in each country determines its tariffs differently. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The review looks at issues that limit rural areas ’ productivity and reduce water availability such as: farm size, type of crops, subsidies to electricity, lack of financing and outdated modes of land and water management. The chapter ends with a discussion on water governance and the need to allow for more local regulation among other recommendations. Space matters for policy complementarities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Therefore some activities can impact indirectly other activities by increasing the scarcity or changing the quality of the resource they use in common. In terms of policy analysis, it implies that efficient management of the nexus resources needs to take into account the direct and indirect effects of changes in the demand and supply of the various resources on the whole biophysical and economic systems, as this is the only means to avoid negative side effects and to create synergies. For example, implementation of hydropower for electricity production can conflict with irrigation requirements where hydropow'er release schedules do not match the timing of irrigation needs. Under more favourable conditions and adequate operational management, a dam and reservoir can provide a win-win situation w ith both hydropow'er and agricultural benefits (Hellegers et al., - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Both conditions matter for current health status and, even more, as predictors of medical conditions in the future. Overweight and obesity were not retained as primary indicators since they refer to health outcomes that are not necessarily severe, but since they are known to be important risk factors for serious illnesses, including hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems (asthma), musculoskeletal diseases (arthritis) and many others, they were retained as secondary indicators. A caveat on the use of indicators of overweight and obesity is that the associations between these indicators, the percentages of body fat and health risks may differ for some ethnic groups and populations. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the extreme, these transaction costs may be so high that the farmer remains cutoff from the market altogether, producing only for home consumption (that is, subsistence). Under these circumstances a subsistence farm household may not benefit from higher farm prices, and could in fact lose via induced increases in land rental rates or in the prices paid for locally available inputs. A third aspect is that rural households are heterogeneous in terms of their income sources, expenditure patterns and ownership of factors (particularly land), and will therefore be affected diversely by the direct and indirect impacts of policies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It coincided with the review of the Autonomous Region of Andalusia and followed the reviews of the Canary Islands and the Region of Valencia that took place during the first round 2005-07. The review report for Andalusia: Higher Education in Regional and City Development: Andalusia, Spain (OECD, 2010) has a strong focus on how to improve the relevance of educational provision and the employment and entrepreneurship outcomes of university graduates. The recommendations and good practice examples in the Andalusian report are also relevant for the universities in Catalonia, and readers interested in them should refer to this report. The OECD would like to thank in particular the lead coordinators and other active local counterparts for this review. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, it will also be important to take an holistic view of what the data is saying over time, particularly in relation to recoveries, in order to reach a properly evidenced view of risk-related findings. Otherwise, financier appetite could be undermined before the pool of data has been adequately populated. The USD billions invested by companies in intangible assets across a range of countries represents a substantial stockpile of knowledge assets, with the potential to unlock a very substantial amount of value, but it is very unlikely that a “one size fits all” approach will successfully accommodate the varying business models, asset concentrations, sizes, strategies and aspirations of all SMEs. Examination of where most intangible asset financing has been achieved (China) suggests that regional and local variations and experimentation with a number of elements are likely to be important. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 By implementing an automated monitoring service (such as through sensors that automatically record and transmit quality checks), data from non-compliant air quality stations, and their operator can be flagged and reported to responsible authorities. As data is recorded on the blockchain, automated and even smart reporting and monitoring services can be enabled, bringing together a patchwork of data sources such as satellite imagery, remote IoT sensors, engineering reports, and regulatory reports. Authorised organisations may track the compliance of new infrastructure projects and their financing by setting a compliance and anti-corruption reporting standard that is incorporated on the blockchain network. Compared with other technologies like cloud storage and computing, blockchain technology provides a significantly deeper interaction with processes. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The main advantage of the social insurance model is that it earmarks a relatively predictable stream of revenue - based on social insurance contributions - to health care. However, the government has generally less cost oversight over social insurance-based health care systems than over tax-financed ones as social insurance schemes are characterised by weaker budgetary controls over their funding and spending decisions. Also, contributions can have large distortionary effects on the labour market. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For households and the services sector it includes aspects such as energy performance of buildings/dwellings, the choice of consumption packages, the role of energy efficiency performance in choosing energy-using gadgets or the intensity of use behaviour regarding energy-using gadgets. Notably for households behavioural aspects are also very important. For the transportation sector relevant aspects include: composition of transport modes for passengers and freight transportation, energy efficiency of transport means per transport mode, intensity of use per transport mode, spatial planning and planning of public investment in transport infrastructure. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Each group carries out a different activity, but the general subject matter of all activities is the same. Many of these teachers speak the same language as the immigrant students in the classes. For example, one teacher concentrates on the subject matter and explains tasks, while the special-needs teacher primarily focuses on social issues, supports group-building processes and attends to those who need special attention. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As many of the targeted users are unbanked, the alternatives are cash or mobile payments. Cash payments are especially vulnerable to corruption and crime, making blockchain-based transactions an alternative (Frankson, 2017). In developed countries, blockchain could be used similarly in order to set incentives for responsible consumption, giving different countries a means to help transition upwards in the waste hierarchy from disposal, to recycling and waste prevention, depending on the country's specific infrastructure and consumer prerequisites and needs (Cooper, 2018). In addition to high battery costs, there is room for improvement in the required charging infrastructure. Among other factors, the interoperability between charging networks is restricted and leads to an unattractive customer experience. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In contrast, tracking in Austria and Germany begins when students are just 10 years old (OECD, 2012c). Higher curricular standards with emphasis on fundamental cognitive skills can help provide disadvantaged students with the generalisable skills they need to succeed in the workplace. The quality of lower level tracks can also be improved (Hattie, 2009). For example, several German states have combined the two lower level tracks (Realschule and Hauptschule) into one, in order to increase the available resources and quality of education offered to students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A household’s material well-being in the North is affected both by what it earns and what it harvests for consumption or sharing. There is currently no good universal measure of harvest that is regularly available. If one could be developed through survey or some other means, it could be added to the household or personal money income for an estimate of real income. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Project initiators and investors alike can validate transactions to reach distributed consensus, once the network grows. This ensures a controlled environment for the pilot stage and the first crowdfunding transactions, which prove the feasibility of the overall concept. Participants of the blockchain network need to be approved before joining the network using the PoA consensus mechanism. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For Zimbabwe, the denatured ethanol standard (D4806) was adopted to check the quality of ethanol being used for mandatory blending. The denatured ethanol standard is referenced in the Statutory Instrument 17 of 2013. Zimbabwe produces biofuels mainly for energy security, reduction of fuel import bills and environmental protection. The country is currently facing acute foreign exchange shortages and the use of biofuels assists in reducing the fuel import bill. The Tennessee law, for example, directs the adoption of ASTM International standards for engine fuels which has resulted in a remarkable improvement in the uniformity of fuels supplied in the state, with 97 % compliance on all fuels analysed. Peru also referred to the ASTM International standard D6751 in the Supreme Decree DS 021-2007-EM, Regulation for Biofuels Commercialization, because a suitable national standard did not exist. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The concept of decoupling proposed by UNEP and others (Fischer-Kowalski and others, 2011) suggests that economic growth should be delinked from the increasing consumption of material resources such as construction minerals, fossil fuels and biomass. Jackson (2011) argues for a shift in focus towards prosperity and well-being with reduced or no growth, in which investments in services and care, as well as in green action in the areas of sustainable food production and clean energy, are key. Many gender analysts and activists criticize the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development for having missed a chance to break with the business-as-usual global economic model, which produces environmental destruction, social exploitation and inequalities (Schalatek, 2013, Wichterich, 2012, UnmiiBig, Sachs and Fatheuer, 2012). They see the green economy as a market-based approach that justifies the commodification of resources and commons, which undermines livelihoods and dispossesses local peoples, especially women food producers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For example, one of the core indicators that the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience use in their evaluations is the extent of integration of adaptation into national and sector planning (CIF, 2012), which is to be done via a qualitative assessment using a standardised scorecard. Further, evaluation of some programmes with broad aims (including, but not focused on adaptation) has focused on evaluating the outputs of specific pilot activities: this illustrates the difficulty in conducting broad-based evaluation of impacts of adaptation actions on a country’s overall climate resilience and vulnerability (UNDP, 2012). However, both Finland and France have done mid-term evaluations of their adaptation plans. France’s mid-term evaluation of its 2011-15 Adaptation Plan found that while 92% of planned actions had been initiated and 60% of them were proceeding according to plan, 35% of actions were now expected to only partially reach their initial objectives (MEDDE 2013). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The audiovisual media are everywhere, spreading their reach even as they undergo unprecedented textual, technological, and political transformations. Meanwhile, thestudyof the media is an evolving, contested domain that crosses the humanities and social sciences. Consider television. The field of television studies encompasses production and audience ethnography, affects research, policy advocacy, political economy, cultural history, and textual analysis. It borrows from and contributes to media studies, mass communication, critical race theory, communication studies, journalism, public policy, media sociology, critical legal studies, queer theory, science and technology studies, psychology, film studies, economics, cultural studies, feminist theory, and Marxism. The intersections... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Across OECD countries, for every 10% reduction in CVD mortality, life expectancy at age 65 increased by around 4.3%. The decline in CVD mortality accounts for around 30% of the cross-country variation in life expectancy gains. Change in CVD mortality is a stronger predictor of life expectancy at 65 among males than females. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In other words, conventional producers can produce or not produce, have high or low costs, they will never affect the renewable producer who will generate electricity as a function of the weather but regardless of market conditions. Such lack of a feedback mechanism, however, is the defining hallmark of a true, technical externality that does constitute an economically suboptimal situation. In particular, the current situation will lead to underinvestment in dispatchable technologies and thus increase security of supply risks at times of low renewable production due to unfavourable meteorological conditions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ABSTRACTRecent literature on Japanese foreign policy has focused on analysing the implications of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's security legislation reform for the bilateral security alliance relationship with the US amidst a rising China and the right to collective self-defence. Its impact on Japan's multilateral security policy, in particular, peacebuilding, has so far received little attention. In what ways and to what extent does Japan play a peacebuilding role under this change? This article examines key implications of the security legislation reform, along with the renewal of Japan's Official Development Assistance charter, for its peacebuilding efforts. By taking Mindanao, the Philippines, as a case study, it argues that Abe focuses on taking a foreign aid-centred approach while showing little interest in sending Japanese Self-Defence Force. This article provides a counter-narrative to the claim that Japan is taking a more assertive approach to international security. Abe is more risk-averse as far ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Measuring performance provides a variety of benefits: establishing accountability with the public, enabling management and performance improvements, increasing transparency, and building public trust. The most recent transportation authorization bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century, includes a heavy focus on performance measurement. Despite such strong reasons, measuring the performance of public engagement in transportation planning has proved difficult for a variety of issues, including unclear goals, limited funding, and the situational nature of engagement activities. To address some of these issues, the literature of best practices for public engagement in transportation planning is analyzed, and three principles that encapsulate the contained concepts are derived. The three principles include accessible events, engaging interactions, and an outcome-oriented process. The author developed a performance scorecard rubric to operationalize the three principles. The scorecard provides an in... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The discourse and practice of humanism is at a cross-road, now challenged by posthuman reflections on what it means to be human. Our understanding of human and humanism is also challenged by transformations in nation-state and citizenship. In this context, the present article explores pathways of a new global humanity emerging out of cross-cultural reflections and new intellectual and social movements. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Abstract This article aims to be a stock-taking exercise of the development of paradigms and foci of interest, in attempts to theorise the vast developments and far-reaching changes as well as the impact and effects of global communication in the world of today. Attention is firstly given to the current nature, impact and implications of global communication in the first decade of the 21st century, as well as to a shift in emphases in the (sub)discipline of international communication. A critical overview is then given of discourses on the free flow of information, modernisation theory, dependency theory, the structural theory of imperialism, world system theory, hegemony, political economy, critical theory, the public sphere, cultural studies, the information society and globalisation. Since many of these paradigms have been borrowed or taken over from media studies, international relations or other (sub)disciplines, attention is given specifically to their application in theorising international communi... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 We focus on emerging economies because most of the new EE investments required will be in China, India, and other emerging G20 countries. However, the investment barriers analysed and the policies recommended apply to both the developed and the developing world. Figure 1 graphically summarises our view of risk perception as the principal barrier to private EE investments. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A depreciated real exchange rate lowers labour costs and enhances the competitiveness of labour-intensive exports. This requires a rethinking of the priority given to inflation targeting13 which has often resulted in exchange-rate overvaluation, undermining export growth and diversification (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2003). Needed would be a broader approach to agricultural development policies, focusing on access to land, extension services, improved inputs, credits and rural infrastructure so as to secure a greater and more predictable marketable surplus and income to farmers and inputs for agro-industrial development. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Some refer to the overall architecture of the model, while others are specifically related to various scenarios. This assumption is based on the elderly experiencing around 5 per cent fewer acute health problems (although the probability of using long-term care is kept constant) and that people have confidence in the primary care system and use it more appropriately. This and a more appropriate workforce skill mix contribute towards productivity gains increasing to 3 per cent a year over the second half of the period. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This article discusses the extent, impacts, and governance dynamics of illegal logging and associated corruption in the chainsaw milling sector in Cameroon and the implications for natural resource management theory and international initiatives, represented by the European Union's Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan. We show that state officials may be collecting some €6 million in informal payments each year, part of which is siphoned into a pyramidal system that manages careers not by merit, but by the price one can pay. We argue that corruption becomes a root cause of policy failures when disillusioned state officials perceive that those at the top of the pyramid do not have the legitimacy needed to promote reforms. Arbitrariness, mistrust, and contradiction then predominate, thus weakening the rule of law. We derive lessons for interventions addressing corruption and its impacts. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Moving the basis of support away from gear, fuel, vessels or other inputs toward ensuring that fishers have access to working capital, have the skills needed for their businesses and helping fishers deal with disasters can bring greater benefits to fishers at lower cost to government, all the while reducing the negative impact of support on the sustainability of fish stocks. Impact of a simultaneous reduction in fishing subsidies and [5] introduction of efficient management of rents : The case of the Northwest Spanish fleet”, l/alr/2017041. Org/3536/l/Vol. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 These goals are consistent with goals of the Demographic Concept 2025: the return to positive population growth, increases in average life expectancy, reductions in overall mortality and, more specifically, infant and maternal mortality, a shift in behaviour towards more healthy lifestyles and increases in the quality and accessibility of health care. Some of these goals - particularly those relating to population growth and the overall mortality rate -appear ambitious. This new law aims at strengthening the insurance model of health care financing and increasing the role of markets in the payment of providers. This includes a guarantee of the completion of construction of facilities started in previous years. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The personality approach interprets entrepreneurial behaviours as reflecting behaviours such as a desire for success, a limited fear of failure, openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, persistence in the face of failure and alertness to perceiving and acting on opportunities. Gender-based research has shown that the propensity of women to start a business may differ from that of men for cultural reasons or because of discrimination. On the one hand, dynamic, innovative entrepreneurs can contribute to growth and structural transformation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! It offers two main products, subsidised loans and guarantees, the latter being its predominant form of SME support. As with other federal institutions, NAFINSA works through an auction process in which the delivery of the policy is granted to those intermediary organisations that make the best offer in terms of credit conditions for the SME clients. For example, in the visited state of Queretaro, NAFINSA had developed special credit programmes for tier-2 and tier-3 suppliers of the strong local automotive sector and was equally in the process of bolstering the incipient aeronautics sector. In Mexico City a specific scheme was conceived for taxi drivers, while in the state of Leon were the footwear and leather industries to be targeted. Most of the loans supported by NAFINSA seem therefore rather thought for working capital requirements or, at most, small-scale investments. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Strengthen the skills and supports for school leaders. Costa Rica should use the results of its school leader tests to improve the relevance of initial and in-service leadership development programmes and establish peer-learning schemes. The creation of instructional leadership positions within schools, with clear responsibility for individual and school-w'ide teachers' professional development (e.g. classroom observation, mentoring, appraisals), is critical to improve the pedagogical knowledge and practice of in-service teachers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Honduras, the poorest quintile's secondary school completion rate was barely 12.7% of that of the richest, and in Guatemala the figure was only 4.7%. A similar picture emerges when disparities in the average years' education of the economically active population are examined by quintile: in 2013, the gaps were smallest in Chile, the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela and Argentina and greatest in Guatemala and Honduras. There was greater homogeneity regarding tertiary education in 2013, since the gaps between the top and bottom quintile were over 90% in 11 of 17 countries. Nonetheless, the gaps are still quite substantial and there is also a great deal of variation between countries as regards both the size of gaps and their evolution over time. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It is targeted at managers and practitioners from government agencies that are responsible for post-disaster relief, response, recovery and reconstruction. This exercise has been carried out, for example, for the 2015 Nepal earthquakes. The pre-disaster assessment was based on the SEismic Loss EstimatioN model (SELENA) which was piloted by ESCAP in Nepal.23 The model was run for future earthquakes at magnitudes from 5 to 8. The GDP loss per capita was anticipated to be greatest in the central hill and eastern mountain districts — which was confirmed by the actual outcome (Figure IV-10). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 But water reforms are frequently long-term endeavours that involve planning, ex ante evaluation and consultation, several stages of implementation and ex post evaluation. Short-term considerations and vested interests can result in potentially counter-productive action, inversely, long-term planning and commitment can face strong bottlenecks on the ground because of political discontinuity. It is therefore important that strategic plans consider timing and political discontinuity in relation to water policy. Ensuring transparency across different constituencies is essential for the effective implementation of water policies. The process is not always transparent and certain measures, such as shortening of the decision-making process, increase the risk of capture and corruption, especially when local governments lack the capacity to monitor investment and civil society is not fully engaged. In the 1990s, Latin America saw a decrease in government provision of public goods and an increase in private sector participation in the water sector. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 As part of the ‘War on Terror’ declared in response to the 11 September 2001 attacks, countries introduced legislation to bolster national security, often at the expense of personal freedoms and long-established legal principles. Like the Cold War, the ‘War on Terror’ is cast as a global struggle of good against evil. New Zealand defied Cold War logic with its anti-nuclear policy. Examining the difficulties of upholding personal freedoms and the rule of law while bolstering national security, this article analyses New Zealand's anti-terrorism legislation and shows that it has steadily moved away from its initial measured approach. It argues that New Zealand could and should develop an anti-terrorism model appropriate to low-risk societies, and that, like its anti-nuclear stance during the Cold War, such an independent approach would be a valuable contribution to the world community. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Donor countries such as France and the United Kingdom offer incentives to eliminate fees by providing additional aid to countries that remove them. Development agencies such as the World Health Organization and the World Bank have also taken strong positions against user fees in health care.20 When partners come together in this way, significant advances in human rights can be achieved. Since the first IYY 25 years ago, the world has come a long way in recognizing and advancing the rights of young people. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Also, the start of operations of Tamiz Shahar JSC was broadly publicized in the local press and on the Internet, and a meeting with NGOs was held at the Balakhani disposal site. Total land area affected by the dumping of waste is estimated at nearly 450 ha. The largest sites include Azizbeyov, Balakhani, Garadagh and Surakhani (Table 8.2). These sites were created or appeared in the past when the city management did not have the technical and financial resources to ensure concentration of MSW at a single disposal site, and their permanent use was not envisaged. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 National policy also encourages relocation of firms to the Galilee. Under the 2006 Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investment, the state provides investment incentives to attract foreign funded high-technology or research and development activities to poorer regions of the country, designated as National Priority Areas and including the Galilee. ( The Northern District - A Statistical Report 2000-2005, Jerusalem, p.36. Ari Paltiel (ed), The Northern District - A Statistical Report 2000-2005, Jerusalem, p. 31. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The gender gap is wider within indigenous populations in all countries with respect to the amount of time spent on unpaid work. Indigenous women may spend up to eight hours more per week on unpaid work than non-lndigenous women, as is the case in Mexico. This underscores the importance of considering the strict sexual division of labour in indigenous households, the need for care policies and basic infrastructure to support indigenous families, particularly those living in rural areas, and the barriers to women's economic autonomy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Parts of the Syrian plateaus and most of the Jordanian highlands have an arid climate.’ Rainfall declines from north to south and from west to east, which explains why the limited surplus water is confined to the northern and coastal uplands in Israel. The Yarmouk River originates from sources in Jordan and in the eastern Golan in Syria. It forms the Jordanian-Syrian border for about 49 km and then flows through the Addasiya Triangle where it runs along the Israeli-Jordanian border for a few kilometres before joining the Lower Jordan River. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Developing countries account for the bulk of global energy subsidies (Box 5.4). Energy costs were not a large enough share of total expenditures for companies to place a high priority on improving energy efficiency. When energy prices are artificially low, energy-efficiency investments are less profitable than they would be at true cost (Jaccard 2009). In economic value, Iran leads with $66 billion a year in energy subsidies, followed by Saudi Arabia with $35 billion, the Russian Federation with $34 billion and India with $21 billion. The next six - China, Egypt, Venezuela, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan - have subsidies of more than $10 billion each a year. Consumers in non-OECD countries pay less than 50 percent of its true economic value. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They are worth about 1.25% of GDP on average around the OECD in 2013. Austria and Australia transfer around 2% of GDP to families in cash payments, with the figure rising to between 2.5% to 3% of GDP in the United Kingdom and Ireland. By contrast, public spending on family cash benefits in Korea and the United States is much smaller. Fiscal relief to stimulate the use of child care services may also be included in family benefit spending packages, while tax breaks for families are a widely used family support tool in France and Germany, where they account for 0.7% and 0.9% of GDP, respectively. They have fostered growth in female full-time employment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This is emphasised by OECD (2005). At the same, they estimate that across the whole group that became eligible for the subsidy (including those who were not hired), the subsidy had no significant impact on exit rates to unsubsidised employment or job stability. Permanent payments are often lacking in active character, and only those that compensate for partial (or complete, but potentially temporary) loss of work capacity are counted as active programmes in the OECD/EC Labour Market Programme Database (Eurostat, 2013). However, permanent in-work benefits that are phased out in line with eamings can have a large impact on the labour market: see Immervoll and Pearson (2009) and the discussion of UK tax credits and Universal Credit in OECD (2014a). The Norwegian inclusive workplace agreements date back to 2001 and are a central framework for tripartite co-operation between the government and employer and employee organisations. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These independent immigrant women reject passivity and dependence on the welfare system and their husbands to a great extent, they are able to have a career and manage to employ their qualifications in the business, and they exhibit tendencies similar to native entrepreneurs in choosing branch and niche. This example can be also considered as the second category of immigrant women entrepreneurs defined by Abbasian and Bildt (2009). This category includes women who, despite a certain level of independence, are still dominated by men in their business, their decisions and actions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Policy implementation is under-researched, especially in rentier absolute monarchies. This thesis provides an empirical study which is explorative and descriptive on the implementation of Negara Brunei Darussalam's national public housing policy. It does not aim to question the merits of the Brunei government's policy. Rather, it identifies factors that affected implementation of the Government's stated policy. It provides valuable new insights into the implementation problems of a wealthy rentier absolute monarchy, one of the world's wealthiest countries. The findings of this qualitative case-study research were profound. It revealed that public organizations mandated to implement a significant public policy did not have sufficient capabilities to undertake that task. Finance management issues also emerged unexpectedly as well as the lack of proper monitoring and accountability systems which resulted in the shortfall in the delivery of public housing to the public. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As result, the vast majority of the urban housing stock is now in private hands: in 2014, only 3.2% of the housing stock was in public ownership.22 Moreover, while the public housing stock has been fairly stable since 2004, the private sector accounted for almost all the growth in the urban housing stock between 2004 and 2014 (an increase of 38%). The public housing stock accounts for less than 4% of the overall housing stock in almost all large cities, including Astana and Almaty City, except in Rudnij and Pavlodar. According to Kazakhstan’s law on individual housing construction and the Land Code,23 every citizen has the right to receive a land plot for individual construction purposes. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Trade tends to raise incomes and welfare in all countries independent of where their comparative advantages lie. Moreover, many determinants of trade patterns are outside the reach of policy (e.g. geography) or the outcome of region-specific preferences (e.g. towards privacy). Hence, even if regulation can influence comparative advantage, it is not optimal to strive for a comparative advantage in a particular sector but rather to take comparative advantage as given and create an environment where this advantage can thrive. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! For developing countries, these schemes can be problematic, as they would raise the price of existing energy sources and other inputs, which could disrupt economic development, at least until new energy sources became available. And they can be particularly problematic, given the potential impact of higher energy prices on the poor. Industrial policies to encourage diffusion of green technologies provide an alternative policy prescription. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In this work, I analyze diverse material produced by groups of the families of political prisoners and the 'missing', as well as other organizations active in the resistance of Southern Cone military regimes, in an attempt to show how emotions and genders are intertwined in a rhetoric that appeals to the feelings of public opinion with political objectives. In much of their material, the organizations and associations made gender an agent in order to touch on public sentiment, constructing a rhetoric that approximates and encompasses the issue of Human Rights so as to combat, on the one hand, the torture and extermination of political militants, and on the other, to help discredit and weaken the military regimes, having contributed to their downfall throughout the 1980s in the entire Southern Cone. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Additionally, respondents noted that work in this area was delayed by slow approval procedures for phase I clinical trials. Notably, the Israeli Ministry of Health has recently set up a national advisory committee to undertake a technology needs assessment and options appraisal for the application of genomic technologies, including next-generation sequencing, to advance public health initiatives efforts in the area of infectious diseases. A strategic plan for capacity building, focusing on implementation of NGS platforms and human resource development, is now pending approval. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Almost a decade after 9/11, this paper seeks to assess the broad implications of the resurgence of fears about terrorism on the practice of human rights in Canada. It analyzes that impact from the point of view of an increased national security apparatus, modifications to the judicial process, and terrorism's role in framing human rights issues in a transnational light. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They consist of atolls and volcanic islands from less than 3 metres above sea level to almost 5,000 metres above sea level and total land areas between, the smallest Nauru, 21 km2 and, the largest PNG, 462,840 km2. The populations of these countries range from 10,800 (Nauru) to more than 8 million people (PNG) for a total of some 10 million people, with densities as low as 18 people per km2 in PNG to as high as 514 people per km2 in Nauru. Official development assistance (ODA) in 2014 ranged from US$22 million in Nauru to a high of US$681 million in PNG. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Right holders may voluntarily provide licenses to generic manufacturers. Voluntary licenses are producing promising results in the area of HIV, but do not yet address increasing needs across a broader range of health technologies. Full incorporation and use of TRIPS flexibilities will thus continue to be important to encourage pharmaceutical companies to license their products in order to increase access while not discouraging innovation. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Similarly, some MENA countries have also established oversight mechanisms that act both as “corrective” institutions (institutions of recourse, such as ombudsmen or judicial commissions that adjudicate claims) or pre-emptive/oversight institutions (parliaments or parliamentary committees, commissions in political executives or advisory councils to ministries or the political executive), as depicted in Table 3.2. Civil society organisations usually operate independently from any government. In the MENA region, half of the respondents (Egypt and Tunisia for example) stressed the importance of an active civil society to monitor government activities in the area of gender equality. Committees are set up within the legislative system with clearly defined mandates to carry out in-depth analysis and review public policy and legislature with regard to gender equality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Each month, on the basis of national quota allocations, the Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, following consultation with the industry, decides on management regimes for the following month. These management regimes involve catch limits per vessel and are implemented by means of Fishery Management Notices. Such species are subject to additional management measures controlling times, areas and weekly or monthly amounts fished. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 While life expectancy increased by an average of three years across OECD countries between 2000 and 2013, it increased by only 1.3 years in Mexico (OECD, 2015a). Mexico holds the highest maternal mortality rates in the OECD, with 38.2 maternal deaths per 1 000 live births in 2013. It also has relatively low rates of screening for cervical cancer and breast cancer, which are routine parts of preventative care for women in other countries. Fewer than 25% of women aged 50 to 69 in Mexico are screened, compared to over 50% of comparably-aged women in most other OECD countries (OECD, 2015a). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Penang was the exception to this pattern. Inter-firm networks in Penang were good, and in 1989 contributed to the creation of the Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC) (see Box 3.9.). However, as with the efforts of the Second Industrial Master Plan to deepen high tech activities, the Multimedia Super Corridor has suffered from serious human resource and network constraints. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Additionally, Austria is also among the countries with the highest number of arrivals per inhabitant from 2015 to 2017. About 800 000 of these applications were accepted. Germany spent around EUR 16 billion, or 0.5%of GDP, in 2015 on refugees compared to Austria which spent 0.37% of GDP (by 2017, it was increased to 0.75% of GDP). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In constitutional adjudication, a well-known distinction exists between abstract and concrete review. Under abstract review, a court evaluates a rights interference detached from any particular application to the facts of a case. Under concrete review, the review arises as an element of adjudication of specific facts. In this contribution, we explain theoretically how this distinction plays both at the macro level of a review system and the micro level of specific cases. These concepts are then used to explore and understand the advisory procedure recently introduced by Protocol No 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights. We argue that this mechanism theoretically provides for a type of review that is more abstract than the review exercised under the European Court of Human Rights’ contentious jurisdiction, yet still allows for important elements of concreteness to enter the analysis. This is confirmed by Advisory Opinions Nos 1 and 2. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Since poor households tend to consume little electricity, they would likely benefit from overall reduced rates, or a “lifeline rate”. Commercial and industrial users could be charged higher rates, while SMEs would need more favourable treatment. Other ways to mobilize resources through tariffs include setting a transparent surcharge applied to higher income, commercial or industrial consumers, and using the proceeds to extend the service to poorer consumers. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Stakeholders along the agriculture and food value chain are affected by a disconnect between production and consumption patterns and knowledge about nutrition, which results in a poor overall nutritional status among too many people. So, in order to achieve Zero Hunger, which is at the core of the SDGs, it is crucial to improve dietary patterns and production systems. This over-reliance on one staple crop is a leading cause of persistent malnutrition and low dietary diversity. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Both rivers flow into the Aral Sea basin and provide some 55 per cent of the overall run-off into the basin. Currently, however, after a long journey through a number of countries, natural seepage, evaporation and heavy exploitation, only the Syr Darya River retains an inflow to the Aral Sea. After the confluence of the Kafirnigan, Vakhsh and Pjandj rivers, the flow becomes the Amu Darya River. They are fed by intakes from rivers and connected to the groundwater through seepage and leaks. They contain 20 km3 of freshwater and 26.3 km3 of salty or muddy water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Modem methods of contraception include female and male sterilization, oral hormonal pills, intra-uterine devices, male condoms, injectables, implants, vaginal barriers, female condoms and emergency contraception. Traditional methods of contraception include periodic abstinence, withdrawal, the lactational amenorrhea method and folk methods. Egypt recorded the most widespread use of modern contraceptive methods, at 57 per cent. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The number of workers across skill-groups and within a sector is identified under the assumption that within sectors, workers engage in the same amount of hours across the different labour categories (high-skilled, medium-skilled and low-skilled).35 In the second step, to calculate a wage for each of these worker categories, the value added of a given worker category (the wage bill) is divided by the number of workers in that category and sector. The resulting output is an average wage rate for each of the three categories of workers within a sector giving rise to a maximum of 105 country-sector-skill category-year wage observations.36 This information is then used to calculate aggregate measures of wage inequality37 — a Gini coefficient—using weights capturing the number of workers across skill categories and sectors within a country (Box 2). Great care has been taken to harmonise cross-country measures of inequality by the OECD in the Income Distribution database (which does not suffer from the problem of using income and expenditures in different years). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 New trade agreements or domestic trade reforms may impose various adjustment requirements, ranging from tackling export shortfalls to the development of capacity to implementnew trade rulesand measures. Ahead of the WTO's 6th Global Review of Aid for Trade in July 2017, Commonwealth members could consider working towards adopting a unified voice to enhance allocation, utilisation and governance of AfT resources. Not only was 2016 a record year for the lowest growth in world trade volumes but also it saw a steady increase in the stockpile of trade-restrictive measures implemented by G20 economies since the financial crisis. This is concerning given that past G20 protectionism dealt LDC exports a serious blow: trade distortions implemented between 2009 and 2013 led to US$264 billion in forgone LDC exports, equivalent to 31 per cent of their total exports during that period. They could collectively advocate for greater trade openness and tackling trade protectionism, which hinders the achievement of the SDGs.11 It may also be useful to track progress on the G20's Strategy for Global Trade Growth. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Non-refoulement is a principle of international law that precludes states from returning a person to a place where he or she might be tortured or face persecution. The principle, codified in Article 33 of the 1951 Refugee Convention, is subject to a number of exceptions. This article examines the status of non-refoulement in international law in respect to three key areas: refugee law, human rights law and international customary law. The findings suggest that while a prohibition on refoulement is part of international human rights law and international customary law, the evidence that non-refoulement has acquired the status of a jus cogens norm is less than convincing. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The hospital and emergency care sectors were reorganised, leading to efficiency gains. Primary care was also strengthened, with the aim of focusing more effort on preventive care. Population ageing and worsening rates of smoking and other key risk factors mean that more people are living with chronic disease, and demands on the health system are intensifying. Latvia must continue to undertake reforms, therefore, to optimise performance of the health care system and improve people's health. Key challenges in each of these areas are identified. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The purpose is to understand these relationships, for example the nature and extent of provision, guidance, emotional support or access to social capital. It is viewed as a gendered, cultural practice influenced by community and wider societal values and norms. Expansions upon this definition are set out in Appendix 1. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets set by the UN General Assembly in 2015. The paper highlights how the Paris Agreement makes national climate policies become international law and suggests an implementation of Paris principles on non-state actors. The exposition further suggests that a legal perspective may enrich the understanding of today's climate governance. The replacement of the Kyoto protocol top-down approach for developed states only with a bottom-up pledge-and-review system, accommodating all states, has indeed changed the rules of the game for global climate law and policy. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Students can pursue VET in upper secondary and in polytechnics at the tertiary level of education. Initial vocational training programmes take three years to complete, including at least half a year of on-the-job learning in workplaces. Upon completion, the qualification provides formal eligibility for tertiary education. Graduation rates in pre-vocational/vocational programmes are high (99% compared to the OECD average of 47% in 2011), but only 54% of students in these programmes graduated before the age of 25, compared to an average of 80% in OECD countries. Those with tertiary qualifications have high rates of employment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Rearrangement of student learning time, next to reduction of class size and increase of teachers’ salaries, has emerged as one of the key ideas for reallocation of newly available resources in countries with a decreasing number of students. Since it is argued that “the most valuable resource in the educational process is no doubt student learning time” (OECD, 2004: 240), optimising this resource has been presented as one of the key measures in improving student achievement (Carroll, 1989, Scheerens and Bosker, 1997, Marzano, 2003). While students acquire skills and knowledge in many different ways, this paper will concentrate primarily on the time students spend learning in regular school lessons and also consider their participation in summer and after-school programmes and extracurricular activities. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, they may well constitute the impacts most acutely felt by electricity producers and may in the long run have the most profound effect on the operations and structure of electricity markets. Table 1.1 provides a first indication of the losses in load factors. It shows that those most heavily affected in the short run are the technologies with the highest variable costs, which are hit hard by the unavoidable decline in electricity prices due to the influx of 10% or 30% of electricity with zero marginal cost that will push the supply curve towards the right. In the long run (not included in Table 1.1), the situation changes as high fixed cost technologies will leave the market because of reduced numbers of full load hours. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sweden will need to expand the coverage of MPAs to meet the Aichi target of protecting at least 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020. It should also ensure that all MPAs have management plans and the means to implement them. It provides a good model for similar initiatives, based on the effective participation of local communities in decision making. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In 1990, the number of underweight children stood at 159 million. Disparities are particularly severe in Latin American countries such as Bolivia, Honduras and Peru, with the prevalence of stunting being nine times higher among children from poorer households compared to children from richer households. Differences across countries in stunting and malnutrition, however, are not necessarily correlated with each country’s income. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! These schools are often managed by non-profit organisations but are under the supervision and responsibility of local authorities. In addition, there are vocational schools under the authority of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour that teach “traditional” trades, such as vehicle maintenance and construction for the equivalent of Grades 9 to 12. The sector is relatively small, with about 13 500 students in around 70 institutions, equivalent to only 3% of the total number of Grade 9 to 12 students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Since duplication of existing efforts should be avoided, a possible new panel should have clear additional value. A new scientific expert panel could create dialogue with scientists and policy-makers, to achieve the sound management of chemicals and waste at a global level. The results of the work of such a panel should be effectively fed into internationally relevant policy-making. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Shaped by the changing nature of international conflict, the field of international conflict resolution evolved significantly throughout the latter years of the twentieth century and continues to be redefined. The end of the Cold War created space for a major transformation of the international conflict resolution field. This transformation was marked by three trends:(1) an expansion from a focus on superpower negotiating strategies to a wider peacebuilding agenda, (2) an increase in the role of nongovernmental actors as both disputants and third parties in international conflicts, and (3) a growing concern about human security in addition to state security, creating both tensions and opportunities for collaboration between governmental and nongovernmental bodies.This article presents a brief overview of each trend, as well as some concluding questions to frame the field’s further development at this important juncture. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As noted in a number of examples, cities are generally the drivers of urban-rural water linkages. As defined in Box 4.13, they consist of cross-sectoral and holistic sets of initiatives (e.g. within a wider package of environmental-policy initiatives) or focus on single objectives/ projects (i.e. managing w'ater resources). For instance, a rural-urban partnership can aim to manage the production and distribution of benefits associated with ecosystem services. In Forli-Cesena, Italy, water resources are managed through a partnership among all urban and rural municipalities, as well as the chambers of commerce of three different provinces, which are also included in the co-operation process. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 All six SEE economies have legislation on soil, water, and biodiversity in relation to agriculture. However, there is substantial room for improvement, particularly in transposing the Nitrates Directive (1991/676/EC), and enforcing all of them. Albania and Kosovo have adopted land consolidation strategies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Employers, both women and men, may discriminate in favour of men, who are seen as “unencumbered” by reproductive responsibilities, or use womens assumed status as secondary earners to justify paying them less. Discriminatory laws, policies and programmes can reproduce gender inequalities through assumptions about mens primary wage-earning roles and womens domestic roles which often bear no resemblance to reality. Agency” is concerned with the extent to which women and men are able to challenge the constraints in their lives. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 International relations scholars have garnered a good deal of evidence indicating that binding arbitration and adjudication are highly effective means for brokering agree- ments and ending conflict. However, binding third-party conflict management is rarely pursued to resolve interstate disputes over contentious issues like territorial or maritime control. While states value the effectiveness of binding procedures, they are reluctant to give up the decision control necessary to submit to arbitration or adjudication. The authors identify three factors that influence the willingness of states to give up decision control: issue salience, availability of outside options, and history of negotiations. An analysis of attempts to settle territorial, maritime, and river claims reveals that disputants are less likely to use binding conflict management when they have a greater need to maintain decision control. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This report lays particular emphasis on the crucial importance of satellite observations, which are an indispensable means of understanding climate evolution thanks to the repetitiveness and homogeneity of their measurements. The aim of this ITU-R Resolution is to strengthen collaboration among ITU-R, ISO, IEC and other bodies as appropriate, with a view to cooperating in identifying and fostering implementation of all appropriate measures to reduce power consumption in radiocommunication devices and to utilize radiocommunications/ICTs in monitoring and mitigation of the effects of climate change, in order to contribute to a global reduction of energy consumption. Member States, Sector Members and Associates are invited to contribute actively to ITU-R's work in the field of radiocommunications and climate change, taking due account of relevant ITU initiatives, and to continue to support ITU-R's work in the field of remote sensing (active and passive) for monitoring of the environment. It is also currently in process of developing a Supplement to Recommendation ITU-T L.1500 (06/2014), Framework for information and communication technologies and adaptation to the effects of climate change, discussing climate change effects and possible impacts. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Against this background, the provision of equal opportunities in a legalistic sense may not be sufficient to achieve gender equality as women’s access is limited de facto. One example is the option for parents to work part-time until the child’s 7th birthday. While this option addresses both fathers and mothers, it is mostly taken up by women (Chapter 1). For instance, while reduced working time may be individually preferable, myopic behaviour may not fully internalise long-term effects on pension entitlements and risk of old-age poverty. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 From sixty-nine varieties of local rice landraces, after a participatory varietals selection, they came up with eight improved varieties that are expected to be adapted to several climatic impacts, such as rainfall and long droughts. However, this also puts farmers in a situation of risk as they have fewer choices and they become dependent upon companies for provision of the improved varieties. Awareness, knowledge and dependence on a broader range of agricultural techniques reduces the risk of climate related losses from farms and increases the capacity to adapt income generating activities to changing weather conditions. Farmers have to adapt to changing situations in order to be able to survive and compete with others. They often have to shift from land-use practices based upon organic subsistence farming towards modernization and intensification. These modern systems can raise productivity of crops, but at the same time they are costly for local communities and expose them to risks of disruption of supplies of inputs or failures to access markets. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The criteria for the inclusion of a model are as follows. The model must be global or include regions that together cover the whole world. Models focusing on regional impacts or adaptation (e.g. IGEM, CLIMPACTS, CanCLIM, RegIS2) and other models reviewed in Dickinson (ibid.) The model must include an energy/economy module, a climate module and a representation of climate impacts. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Such an approach is crucial not only because inequality has negative impact on growth and creates tension between communities but also undermines democracy. Indigenous peoples have called for post-2015 framework to be based on a foundation of human rights. This is highly relevant as the right to life is broadly interpreted as not just protection from arbitrary killing, but also as creating material conditions where food, clean water, and medicine are available to all. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, among workers experiencing depression, those in Germany (61%), Denmark (60%), and GB (58%) were most likely to take time off work , compared to an average of 35.5 % (Ipsos, 2012). The three-year average rate for 2010-12 was 8.0 deaths per 100,000 population, 17% lower than in 1998-2000. The latest Office of National Statistics figures show that there were 4,727 suicide deaths in 2013, an increase of 214 compared to the 4,513 deaths in 2012. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Many prosperous cities have developed or transformed their transport systems from traditional to sustainable and smart systems. Sustainable transport systems offer social, economic and environmental returns that support the goals of Agenda 2030. Given that the transport system is a space where people spend significant amounts of time every day, governments and city decision makers need to consider comfort and safety issues as well as conditions of dignity for users. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Kennisnet is demand-driven and continuously monitors specific needs in ICT and education. In the report, four overall perspectives are proposed for teacher education. One of these perspectives promotes information and communication technology as a resource for education.18 The government is expected to submit a bill to the parliament proposing a new' teacher education during 2009. Note that it is possible for a country to meet several levels at the same time. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Today, the Nordic Region is one of the most digitized in the world with the most advanced digital public service. Despite this commitment however remote areas experience challenges when it comes to health care and service maintenance for remote and sparsely populated areas. Digital health solutions may provide one solution to growing social inequality in the area of health, as described in the chapter of health and welfare. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! A large literature suggests that countries with better governance have higher growth rates. We explore whether this is also true at the sub-national level in Indonesia. We exploit a new dataset of firm perceptions of the quality of economic governance in 243 districts across Indonesia to estimate the impact of nine different dimensions of governance on district growth. Surprisingly, we find relatively little evidence of a robust relationship between the quality of governance and economic performance. However, we do find support for the idea that structural variables, such as economic size, natural resource endowments and population, have a direct influence on the quality of local governance as well as on economic growth. This suggests that efforts to improve local governance should pay greater attention to understanding how such structural characteristics shape the local political economy and how this in turn influences economic performance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The project investigates the possibility for using policy actions to support and expand the market for waste plastics in the Nordic region. This has the objective of increasing the recycling of plastics and minimising the down-cycling and incineration of plastic waste. Separately collecting and recycling this plastic waste would have significant economic and environmental benefits. For example, recovering and recycling half of the plastic waste generated in the Nordic countries corresponds roughly to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the total emissions from cars in the Nordic capitals. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The national level has been important in facilitating gender-responsive budgeting initiatives at all levels of government in Indonesia by issuing decrees. Presidential Decree 9/2000 and Ministry of Home Affairs Decree 132/2003 have provided regulations that gender-responsive budgeting advocates are able to draw upon to argue the case for making budget allocations more gender responsive (Sharp and Elson 2008). Gender-responsive budgeting had the early support of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment, which undertook a gender budget pilot in the provinces of South Borneo and South Kalimantan (Sharp and Elson, 2008). The Ministry' sees gender budgeting as an entry point for strengthening gender mainstreaming in ministries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This article reconceptualises the meaning of critical theory and its tools of emancipation and critique within the subjective content of cross-cultural literature, globalisation and learning organisation. The first part of the article reviews literature on globalisation and learning companies. The second part discusses the critical approach and formulates a practical research design which enables a researcher to examine problematic concerns involved in the creation of democratic learning companies globally. The third part of the article discusses possible micro emancipatory projects in this area using a critical design. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Amico Robot also seeks to emphasise lab work so as to promote learner participation and peer collaboration and tme, deep learning - compared with “the traditional learning sequence” seen as superficial (“in the end these learning experiences rather slip down like raindrops on window glass, and do not transform into deep learning.”) The six Executive Functions are: Focus of Attention, Working Memory, Inhibition Control, Cognitive Flexibility, Planning, and Goal-Directed Behaviour. Planning for the development of the six EF skills is intrinsic to the BMT approach. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In light of recent discussions of cognitive and ethical dilemmas related to International Relations (IR) scholarship, this paper proposes to engage the “problem of values” in IR as a composite question whose cognitive treatment requires the objectivation of the more profoundly institutional and social processes that subtend its emergence and evolution within the discipline. This analysis is hereby offered as an exercise in reflexive scholarship. Insofar as the question of values constitutes a defining cognitive and moral concern for reflexive knowledge itself, the paper also points to the need for its reformulation within an epistemic framework that is capable of moving beyond reflexivity to Reflexivism proper, understood as a systematic socio-cognitive practice of reflexivity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They are also supported by the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR), which seeks to provide food coverage across the region in times of severe, short-term need. However, while the regional frameworks identify a number of the key policy areas where action will be required - such as those related to the development of regional agro-food markets, sustainable production and increased investment in the sector - reform has been slow and, in some cases, current policy choices are actually undermining food security (Chapter 3). Self-sufficiency in particular has often been strongly promoted by a number of ASEAN governments as a strategy to reduce vulnerability to world price movements, such as those observed during the food price crisis of 2007/08. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It aims to establish a unified road transport system (including for the transport of goods) with the latest monitoring and control systems. It also aims to improve vehicle registration and technical control, meeting international standards, the project is founded on the transfer of know-how in regulating areas such as transit transport, driving hours and rest periods, and weights and dimensions of load (OECD-WTO aid-for-trade monitoring exercise 2017, Public sector case story 58). The resulting structural transformation can help farmers, for example, to move from subsistence to commercial agriculture or to non-agricultural activities. These impacts can lead to increased welfare, raising higher incomes and reducing poverty. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Trends in the transport and energy sectors are of concern, particularly as the “motorisation rate” is among the highest in the OECD, and taking account of sales of fuel to nonresidents, Luxembourg’s economy is the most carbon-intensive in the OECD in per capita terms. The country’s wealth also generates pressures from household consumption and other economic activities. The 1999 National Plan for Sustainable Development, mostly implemented by the Ministry of the Environment, is to be replaced by a new plan for which a draft, approved by the government in 2009, has yet to be adopted. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Australia, Denmark, Israel, Norway, Portugal, Scotland and Sweden, for example, have specific legislation to protect patients’ rights, afford patients respect and dignity, while clarifying patient responsibilities. Such legislation generally gives patients a right to provide feedback or to raise concerns or complaints about the care they receive. Scotland provides an interesting example: patients’ rights and principles for the delivery of health care are specifically defined in the Patients’ Rights Act 2011. The legislation charges the NHS with the duty to encourage, monitor, take action and share learning from the feedback it receives. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Bangladesh, India and Pakistan more than 60% of the workforce occupy jobs in the informal sector. This not only results in a vicious circle of poverty, but also represents the loss of a potential tax base that could be used to finance social protection and other pro-poverty measures. Indeed, measures to enhance the productivity of workers and formalize the labour market are essential for ensuring that these countries capitalize on their demographic dividend. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The articles in this special issue are drawn from papers presented at a conference titled Critical Terrorism Studies: Practice, Limits and Experience. The conference was organised by the Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group of the British International Studies Association (BISA). The event was supported by both a BISA workshop grant and by Loughborough University’s Centre for the Study of International Governance (CSIG) and was held at Loughborough University from 9–10 September 2013. The conference aimed to explore what we know about terrorism and counterterrorism and importantly to ask how we know it. Reflecting the recent “materialist”, “everyday”, “experiential” and “narrative” turns in the fields of International Relations (IR), Geography and Cultural Theory, the event brought together scholars and practitioners to reflect on practices of research and knowledge production in Critical Terrorism Studies and related fields. The articles in this special issue reflect those aims. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The rule of law and security sector reform have become central to peacebuilding initiatives in the past decade and a half, accompanying a surge in international interventions in the periphery. Considered of critical importance to the re-establishment of order and the promotion of peace and development, these two areas of reform have gained importance and, today, feature as priorities in the European Union’s external action beyond its immediate neighbourhood. Such policies, however, have often failed to achieve their stated goals. After reviewing the theoretical relationship between peacebuilding, rule of law reform and security sector reform, this article draws on the Union’s practice to argue that a narrow, formalistic approach to rule of law and security sector reform, one that prioritises the transplantation of a western liberal legal framework, has undermined the aims of curbing instability and fostering development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Probably not, and therefore cycling as a mode for senior citizens should also be considered, particularly now that the electrical bicycle has come about to cover greater distances. Certain subgroups need special attention, namely subgroups which are growing (oldest old, older women and persons living in single-households), those which appear especially disadvantaged and at risk of social exclusion (e.g. low income groups, rural residents), and those for which both criteria apply (e.g. ethnical minorities). Increasing women’s confidence and experience in driving in order to keep them safe and mobile implies a strong need for future research. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Sound waste management is absolutely essential. M. Wallet (20101, Conlifcl In Campania:' Addilbnal inlomalion Irom David Newman, Presidenl ol the Hall UNEP/OCHA (2011). Rapid disaster waste manapemenl assessment 26 Documenls'Gnana. The overall reductbn from the waste sector between 1990 and 2006 amounts to 56 mt C02 eq/a, or 24% of the total decrease in GHG emissions achieved in Germany over that period. This represents a reduction of around 5% of total GHG 1990 emissbns already achieved by 2006. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 At the same time, it can be argued that our base scenario does not go far enough with respect to the share of new capacity which is devoted to renewable energy sources. With respect to these issues, let us note that the parameter R can be used as a composite parameter to explore other scenarios reflecting lower ambitions in terms of electricity generation capacity and higher ambitions in terms of renewables share. For example, if we assume that countries that are presently below the target consumption threshold will only go halfway to bridging the gap from now to 2025, but that the share of renewable energy sources is 40 per cent instead of 20 per cent, the subsidy size does not change. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Some of these indicators, mainly HISEI index, parental education levels, and family structure, have a small number of missing observations. To ensure that the sample size and performance distribution are untouched by the matching exercise, missing values for matching covariates were imputed through multiple imputation models (Royston 2004). The PISA survey has a complex structure, similar to methods commonly used in other educational surveys, such as the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement’s (IEA) Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), or the United States’ National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), with sampling conducted with different probabilities in two stages within separate strata. This complexity should be taken into account by using probability weights when calculating point estimates and by adjusting for clustering and strata design when estimating standard errors. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A number of governments have taken further actions to fight obesity through health promotion efforts. Nationally co-ordinated programmes have been launched in countries such as the United States (Let’s Move), United Kingdom (Change4Life), Switzerland (Actionsante), and others (OECD, 2012). There is a trend in these programmes to include multi-stakeholder frameworks, involving business and civil society actors in the development of public health policies. These comprehensive programmes target obesity through an extensive variety of measures that include mass education campaigns as well as more targeted interventions aimed at high-risk individuals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the latter, the mayor took a progressive stance to locate high quality transport and cultural amenities in the poorest neighbourhoods. Consequently, new urban policies are needed to harness the benefits that arise from different groups of people living in close proximity to one another, rather than letting these heterogeneous urban conditions combust into intolerance, xenophobia and widening inequalities. In other words, the heterogeneity, density and diversity of cities, which is what makes them nodes of economic innovation and democratic progress, must be managed and planned, short of which these very variables that make successful cities can transform them into places of social exclusion and inequality. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 About 63% of the Turkmen population is supplied w'ith w'ater through centralised water supply systems (84.5% of the urban population and 42.1% of the rural population). Therefore, increasing access to safe potable water has been officially recognised as a national priority. Water supply coverage in rural areas is estimated to be as low as 15%, and these are usually settlements benefiting from neighbouring urban WSS infrastructure. The rest of the population draws water from individual wells or irrigation canals, in some rural settlements, community-based organisations play a role in managing the provision of WSS services. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is largely because i) meat and dairy product demand is more elastic than demand for crop products, leading to greater impacts from income and domestic price variations, and ii) macroeconomic uncertainty has an impact on feed costs, which are directly linked to production. For meat, uncertainty from macroeconomic variables affects traded volumes much more than yield uncertainty, particularly in the case of pork (Figure 1.18). Accordingly, the effect of yield uncertainty on world market prices is very low compared to macroeconomic uncertainty. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""One of every three primary schools in Africa does not have any toilet (Mundy et al. In Bangladesh, for example, when separate facilities for boys and girls were provided in schools, the girls' attendance increased by 11 % per year (GWTF 2006). The UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, has observed that """"A prevailing climate of discrimination, insecurity and violence, combined with lack of access to adequate sanitation facilities for girls and women in public spaces, enhances considerably the risk of being subject to acts of sexual violence"""" (Albuquerque ef al."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Figures updated to 2008 were available in 12 of the 21 countries considered, and these have been published because it is important to have recent data even if they are provisional, estimated or incomplete. This is because the Commission's main interest is to establish with maximum accuracy the amount of each country’s public social spending in order to reflect the efforts made by States in this area. For this reason, up to the previous edition of this publication, ECLAC worked on and published only the series for total public social spending, at the level of major functions or sectors. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The IUCN Red List ofThreatened Species. The IUCN Red List ofThreatened Species. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2 Rice, T. (2007). A Catalog ofDealers' Pricesfor Shells: Marine, Land and Freshwater, 23rd edition. In A Field Guide to the Seashores of Eastern Africa and the western Indian Ocean Islands (ed. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Examples include the OECD, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Bank, and other research institutions. A recent review of indicators to measure progress on inclusive green growth at the country level (Narlof, Kozluk and Lloyd, 2016) includes several indicators that are relevant to biodiversity mainstreaming (Table 5.3). The concept of biodiversity mainstreaming covers multiple dimensions (institutional, national and sectoral plans, policies, budgets), multiple sectors, and various actors (government, private sector, development co-operation). This could in theory lend itself to hundreds of possible indicators, adapted also to national circumstances and socioeconomic characteristics. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The question is particularly relevant in the case of poverty analysis, as inclusion of non-cash incomes can represent considerable relative changes in income to low-income households. Consider two singleperson households with each USD 1000 cash income. Person A is ill and receives public health care worth USD 200, whereas person B is healthy and needs no health care. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Primary school enrolment has become almost universal, and the gap between LDCs and ODCs has virtually been closed (table 19). In principle this means that LDC populations are gradually becoming more prepared for the requirements of a modern production process, i.e., better skilled and more adaptable. A more educated labour force is more productive, learns more easily, is more open to new ideas and technologies and adapts more easily to new conditions. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Efforts should focus on increasing the availability of de-risking instruments, including insurance and guarantee products to protect investors, although limited institutional and human capacities are an important constraint. While the number of international and regional initiatives to stimulate domestic debt instruments and capital markets is on the increase, LDCs may require special attention and complementary assistance. A development process based on sustainable and inclusive structural transformation implies an increased supply of modern energy to producers in agriculture, industry and services as well as to the residential sector and community facilities. In turn, the resulting demand growth can make investments in energy production and distribution systems more viable, helping to reap the benefits of scale economies and higher overall efficiency. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sluggish growth in manufacturing after the slowdown of 2008-09 has prompted concerns about the sustainability of the current growth path and the international competitiveness of agriculture, manufacturing and tradable services. This is seen as a potential hindrance not only to rapid growth in employment and income, but also to the achievement of a more inclusive growth path, notably in view of the low intensity of direct employment in the minerals sector. Innovation offers possibilities for entering new activities as part of a cumulative process of economic diversification. New kinds of increasingly skill-, capital- and knowledge-intensive activities will add to the productivity growth achieved through the increasing efficiency of existing activities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Leaders use personal and informal relations to govern, and citizens are not sufficiently captured by the market to respond in terms of rational choices that enhance their position in society. Human rationality, and therefore, by extension, policy interventions do not penetrate society in the same dynamic manner as in societies that have fully embraced such an approach. For example, poverty eradication policies tend to get implemented with little regard to feasibility and cost-effectiveness because there is no rational feedback or citizen response that makes the system avoid similar mistakes in the future. Leaders act like chiefs, people respond as subjects, and the future is seen to lie in the hands of forces over which they perceive themselves as having little control. Community-based projects work in these contexts but these efforts tend to become isolated islands and often falter once the external input comes to an end. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 What the strong correlation between export growth and poverty reduction shows, however, is that policies that encourage the growth of exports and integration in the global economy can at the same time be poverty-reducing. This statement, however, has been questioned by some, as globalization is believed to have intensified poverty through adverse distributional changes. For this reason it will be useful to decompose the changes in poverty in the three broad country groupings into distribution and growth components and investigate the quantitative significance of each to the observed change for the reduction in poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Countries differ widely in the dispersion of earnings among full-time workers, with Chile, the United States and Portugal being the most unequal countries and Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland being the most equal ones (Figure 5.2). Inequality is higher in all countries when extending the analysis to part-time workers or the entire working age population (i.e. also including the unemployed and the inactive), reflecting the large income differentials between these groups and full-time workers. This effect is particularly large for countries where part-time workers make up a sizable share of total employment (e.g. Australia, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom) and where unemployment and inactivity rates are high (e.g. Belgium, Chile, Hungary, Italy). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Taken together, the reports identify links between education and all the SDGs, with the notable exception of SDG 14 on oceans. For most of the SDGs, causal links are identified in both directions, from education to other goal areas and vice-versa. The most emphasized connections are those between education and growth (SDG8) and gender (SDG5). By contrast, links with energy (SDG7), water (SDG 6), cities (SDG 11), sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12) and climate change (SDG 13) receive much less attention in the sum of UN flagship publications. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! Next, municipal employees used smartphones to photograph the disaster area and then saved these to the MDRU's server. This enabled the mayor to look at the stored pictures to gain a visual understanding of the disaster. Ultimately, the mayor instructed municipal hall employees to provide relief goods to the affected area before he reported the situation to the central government. At an the earlier briefing session in San Remigio, project participants discussed the technologies used in the MDRU project as well as the feasibility study's importance of the MDRU feasibility study with the engineers. Additionally, to facilitate operation of MDRU applications, the unit will need to be equipped with a power although some MDRUs have already been equipped with Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In theory, governments could allow companies to make losses on poor investment choices in the face of this uncertainty. However, in practice, energy sector investments tend to involve quite a high level of political involvement, so it may not be easy to separate political and commercial decision-making. In many countries, governments remain sole or majority shareholders of their major energy companies. Commercial investment decisions are therefore often closely tied to political decisions with respect to the development of the energy sector. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Public administration as an art is defined in the Ghanaian context regarding decentralization and public officials’ accountability. It examines decentralization, local elections and empowerment. While the paper advocates for regional and district level elections, it uses the literature to argue that local representatives are more accessible to their locals. It questions the current appointment practices by the central government, which has become more partisan than originally intended in the Local Government Act. To affirm the democratic environment of politics in Ghana, it calls for constitutional amendment regarding decentralization and local government elections. Key words: Public administration, decentralization, public officials, accountability, local government elections. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Average NOx concentrations are also high in Chinese cities, at around the WHO guideline limits of 40 pg/m3, averaged over one year. Moreover, as noted above, NOx emissions have risen in recent years and this is reflected in the air quality of cities where average NOx concentrations rose over 5% between 2005 and 2010. In Beijing, over the whole winter of 2007/08, NOx pollution averaged seven times the WHO hourly guidelines, with mobile sources accounting for almost two-thirds thereof. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Of the total EUR 6.4 billion budget available from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), France was allocated the second highest envelope, with EUR 588 million at its disposal between 2014-2020. Regionalisation means that management authority will be delegated to French coastal regions for some measures of the EMFF. For Outermost Regions, compensation schemes for additional costs are integrated in the EMFF. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Two major aspects of this relationship are the strength and the slope of the socio-economic gradient. When a student's actual performance is not the same as would be expected given his or her socio-economic status (as when the dots in Figure 1.6.5 are far from the dark line), the socio-economic gradient is considered to be weak. When socio-economic status becomes a good predictor of performance (and the dots in the figure are close to the dark line), then the gradient is considered strong. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""This article examines the position of groups under the African Charter of Human and Peoples Rights. The Charter does not contain a """"minorities article"""" similar to that of Article 27, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It does, though, contain a substantive section on """"peoples rights."""" The work examines the way in which the African Commission has interpreted human rights to non-discrimination, to take part in the cultural life of the community, freedom of religion and freedom of expression to ensure, to a limited extent, a right of cultural security for minority groups. Further, the section relating to peoples rights has been used by the African Commission to consider such issues as economic exploitation, environmental concerns, the exclusion and domination of one ethno-cultural group by another and claims for autonomy and secession."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These gender roles are firmly engrained in the local culture and institutions. While it was implicitly assumed in the past that the household head would compensate family members for their labour with the income gained from oil palm production, in reality, female household members were often not being compensated for their work. In many cases, this led to intra-household struggles and to women withdrawing their labour from loose fruit collection and focusing instead on vegetable production, which allowed them to earn, and keep, an income. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Further, the review suggests that many poverty reduction strategies would benefit from """"a more explicit link between goals and targets and the policies needed to achieve them” (IMF and World Bank, 2005,11). In an attempt to overcome this challenge, the Australian Government has proposed that the risks to essential services (e.g. energy and water supply) are clearly identified and that corresponding responsibilities are allocated to persons or organisations best placed to address the risks (Australian Government, 2013). This type of approach can provide a good basis for subsequently evaluating if the identified risks were the right ones and if they were adequately addressed by those in charge."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! However, it is important to recognize that there have been changes as well in terms of shifting from primary forests to naturally regenerated forests (or secondary forests). Another change is the increase in plantation forests in most GMS countries. These changes have not been equal in all GMS countries. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This intersection carries large flows of bus, pedestrian, and motor traffic. The Ring Road, which is a major arterial road, and Aurobindo Marg forms the AIIMS grade-separated interchange. Traffic data collection allowed the study of road user behaviour earlier when the AIIMS junction was an at-grade, signalized intersection and presently when the site is a grade separated interchange with no traffic signal control. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Fiscal, monetary and exchange-rate policies as well as structural policies are increasingly questioned because of uneven progress on economic growth and poverty reduction. Hie roots of the current financial crisis and its global repercussions lie in the interaction between poorly regulated financial markets and the growing reliance on complex financial products based on tightly integrated capital markets. That assumption has not been borne out by the evidence. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! That high proportion is significant, as there is evidence that a gender-balanced workforce offers a greater variety of skills, competencies, perspectives, experiences and backgrounds, which fuels better organisational and financial performance (OECD, 2012, McKinsey & Company, 2013). Achieving substantive equality between women and men in public service employment is also linked to gender-balanced policies and quality service delivery, w'hich prompt perceptions of the civil service as exemplary, responsible, responsive and legitimate and, in turn, contributes to greater public trust in government (OECD, 2009, OECD 2014). Against those yardsticks, Mexican women are still affected by lower occupational and sector-related segregation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) also adopted the Paris Agreement, through which United Nations Member States committed to limiting global warming, which implies a critical role for national governments in climate-change adaptation and mitigation in urban settlements, which are most responsible for and most vulnerable to climate change. Lastly, in October 2016, the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) adopted the New Urban Agenda (NUA), advocating for proactive policies to leverage the dynamics of urbanisation as instruments of sustainable development. Well-designed national policy frameworks can help countries and cities achieve economic growth, environmental sustainability and social inclusion. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, objectives have been defined to capture biodiversity in its entirety, as is the case for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) performance standards, for types of habitats such as forest conservation in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “China”), for ecosystem services as is reflected in Alberta’s Wetland Policy in Canada, and for specific subsets of biodiversity including Queensland’s Net Gain in Koala Habitat policy in Australia (Table 2.1). Whatever the objective is, offset programmes should specify these clearly to help guide the design of a programme, facilitate measurement of progress toward its delivery, and to allow stakeholders to form clear and reasonable expectations about a programme’s deliverables. Even where NNL objectives are not explicitly stated, programmes often specify objectives relating to the preservation of existing levels of biodiversity which are, in effect, variations on the same concept. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Much depends on the higher education policy and regional strategy to mobilise higher education institutions and stakeholders. At the same time the capacity of the local economy needs to be improved so that it can absorb tertiary education graduates and new innovations. For this to happen, supportive policy instruments and incentives need to be put in place. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Drawing an analogy' with monetary resources, “time poverty” can be measured when it is defined, for example, as the lack of time for rest and leisure because too much time is spent on work and on household chores. Nevertheless, it appears to be a useful way to gain a better understanding of the dimensions of individual well-being. In most of the countries, a large share of all income is concentrated in a small segment of the population while the poorest receive a very small proportion. The simple average of figures for the 18 countries on which relatively recent data are available shows that the wealthiest 10% of the population receives 32% of total income while the poorest 40% receives 15% of total income. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 However, better work incentives for lone parents and second earners are needed. The Work Programme supports return to work for benefit claimants facing significant disadvantages, including disabled people. Still, earlier, independent work capability assessments could reduce sickness-related absences and prevent more people from falling into disability benefits. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Although global factors may be difficult to address, countries could ease domestic constraints to private investment. In China, a priority is to address excess capacity in certain sectors, facilitate deleveraging and create a level playing field between State-owned enterprises and private firms. In India, a priority is to repair bank balance sheets, especially those of public sector banks. For all countries, in the medium term, increasing infrastructure investment and enhancing the business environment could stimulate private investment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The trouble is, however, that many cities are simply unable to absorb current rates of natural population growth, let alone more rural emigration. Thus, although a great deal of focus is placed on reducing the ills of rapid urbanisation -including overburdened social services, expanding slums, pollution, crime, poverty and hunger - a greater emphasis is also needed on rural areas to stem the tide of rural-urban migration. This means developing many more employment opportunities, including in new' non-agricultural industries, w'ith an emphasis on jobs attractive to the rural youth -those most likely to leave and most needed to rejuvenate rural areas economically and demographically (OECD, 2006). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Forest policy, legislation and silviculture play important roles in the likelihood, extent and severity of forest fire (World Bank, 2014, Rosleshoz, 2014). A key output of the FLEGT Action Plan is the signing of voluntary partnership agreements (VPAs) between the EU and tropical timber-supplying countries. As of May 2014, six exporting countries had signed VPAs - Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia and Liberia, this number was unchanged as of May 2015. Nine other countries are in negotiation with the EU on VPAs, and 11 countries have expressed interest (EU FLEGT Facility, 2015). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The development of photovoltaic installations was also promoted for industrial policy reasons which led to a more consistent and less erratic support programme of the energy system than in the Netherlands (Vasseur and Kemp, 2011). Policies should support a wide range of technologies and cover an innovation portfolio, not only particular steps in the value chain (Grubler et al., This resulted in a wider and stringer innovation system in Germany, also due to higher R&D support by the government. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The level of tertiary attainment in Poland is also high: about 75% of tertiary-educated adults have a master's or equivalent degree as their highest tertiary qualification, whereas the majority of tertiary-educated adults in OECD countries have only a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Following general OECD trends, labour-market opportunities increase with the level of tertiary attainment in Poland: about 93% of those with tertiary education at doctoral level are employed against 82% of those with a bachelor's degree. Only slightly more than half of the students undertake their studies full time. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Non-use” values refer to water that people will not actually use themselves at any point, but may want to preserve for others, for future generations, or simply because they attach a value to their very existence. It is particularly difficult in situations when irreversibility and possible disastrous outcomes enter the equation, and when the resilience of water systems is being - or is close to being - overrun. This is not an argument against trying to make as good an assessment as one can, but it makes it particularly important to take into account those cost and benefit elements that cannot be expressed in monetary terms. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Their efficient management and sustainable use are key to economic growth and environmental quality. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Their distribution varies widely among and within countries. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The T3 assists in business development (AMITechnion) and helps recruit talent. It is involved i) in the analysis of new inventions and concepts developed at Technion, ii) in licensing technologies developed at the Technion, iii) incorporating spin-offs companies based in the Technion, iv) participating in the board of Directors of affiliated companies and v) negotiating and approving of the Intellectual Property and business aspects of agreements with industry. T3 maintains an interactive website for researchers, organises events where technologies are regularly presented to preselected audience and invites entrepreneurs to the Technion campus. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It also means that women tend to accrue fewer savings and assets for their older age. The essential components of social protection to meet these goals include: paid maternity and parental leave, social transfers for families with children, with additional support for lone parents, and adequate pensions through a combination of gender-responsive contributory and non-contributory schemes. Without this unpaid care work—both direct person-to-person care and the domestic work of preparing meals and doing laundry—economies and societies would grind to a halt. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The region deviates widely from the world trend in wheat consumption, where, on average, the per-capita consumption is almost double that of the world average. This higher wheat consumption translates into its elevated contribution to the calorie and protein intake of the population. Although the tendency is to think of the Arab region as homogenous in their diet habits and food preferences, a closer look at the data shows some discrepancies. For example, while generally there is high reliance on wheat across all countries, the GCC countries tend to have moderate contribution of rice to the calorie and protein intake with 18 per cent and 11 per cent, respectively, in Kuwait, 15 per cent and 9 per cent in the United Arab Emirates, and 13 per cent and 9 per cent in Saudi Arabia. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Will new public SMKs be built in the 14% of sub-districts which have no senior secondary school? Will some SMAs be converted to SMKs? Since private SMKs constitute 70% of current provision, will there be a financial incentive provided for them to expand their enrolment? These various options have different cost implications for the national budget. Vocational secondary education is expensive for several reasons: the initial capital cost for equipment and workshops, and the recurrent cost for consumable supplies and the maintenance, repair and replacement of equipment (a factor often ignored). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Hai Phong, w'ater-quality monitoring has been conducted since 2006 in channels, lakes, estuaries and rivers of the Re River, Gia River and Da Do River. However, the number of parameters covered and the frequency is not sufficient, given the limited city budget (City of Hai Phong, 2015). In addition, to strengthen pollution source control with industry, the city should invest in installing real-time monitoring stations in major water systems and make the data available to the public. The sewer system of Hai Phong City, which is similar to other systems in urban areas across the country, is a tributary drainage system in which rainw'ater and w'astewater flow through the same system. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The remaining countries had limited pension systems and their old-age poverty rates were very similar to those of the total population. Universal minimum old age pensions: Impact on poverty and fiscal cost in 18 Latin American countries. The World Bank: Policy Research Working Paper No. The poverty threshold used was 50 per cent of the national median equivalised income. * - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ABSTRACTTo date there has been very little scholarship that (1) traces the color-blind rhetoric of liberal or progressive communities, or (2) emphasizes the mainstream, color-blind rhetoric of far-right conservative movements. This article compares the racial politics at two ends of the U.S. political spectrum in order to demonstrate how color-blind ideology constitutes the dominant framework for understanding and discussing race and racial inequality in the United States. This racial ideology transcends political party and ideology, but also motivates individuals to do identity work constructing themselves as transcending racism. Grounded in a racial formations framework, I compare two distinct political locations, one consisting of liberal Democrats and progressives in a diverse urban community and the other among Tea Party organizers in one state, in order to demonstrate the similarities in racial discourse and identities, despite differing political orientations and goals. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This chapter looks at the fundamental components that store and exchange data within a nation: Internet exchanges, data centers and cloud computing and hosting services. This digital infrastructure remains largely hidden to most people but is indispensable for enabling Internet applications, services and online content for citizens, businesses and governments. The elements of core Internet infrastructure—Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), country top-level domain names (ccTLDs), web hosting and data centers—are inextricably linked (Figure3.1). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In October 2015 Uruguay was elected as a Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council. This article analyses the messages of the Uruguayan government during the process of its investiture. The objective is to offer an analytical description of the discourses made by Uruguayan government officials before the designation. For this purpose, a new analytical tool is applied, which consists of the operationalization of the General Principles of International Law. It is found that the Uruguayan discourse privileges the international cooperation that focuses on human rights, multilateralism, and the involvement in Peacekeeping Operation. Additionally, it is found that the membership is a tool used by the government to seek agreements with the political opposition. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 But since the turn of the century, pushed by economic growth and developments in medical technologies, health expenditure as a percentage of GDP has been growing again in line with the OECD average (Nguyen et al., While higher expenditure growth than in neighbouring countries might be partly justified by previous restraint and a lower initial level of spending, the trend needs to be monitored closely as the rapidly ageing population, costly medical technology and rising patients’ expectations will generate further spending pressure. Projections from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (MSAH) and the OECD point to substantial increases in public expenditure on health and long-term care over coming decades. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Many of these were commonwealth members, New Zealand, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Fiji, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. As Agenda 2030 places such great emphasis on effectively concluding the Doha round, failure to move forward on this front may also impede the achievement of Agenda 2030. The main difference between regional and multilateral or bilateral trade negotiations often boils down to the level of ambition in terms of rule-setting. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This will serve as a basis for an effective platform to make decisions on energy policy and regulatory actions and will facilitate the interaction with other government institutions and stakeholders. Such an exercise in applying an international standard, which is related to the Sustainable Development Goals at a national level, has not been performed elsewhere in the region. While there are no other significant examples to follow, this exercise sets an example of its own. Moreover, the experience gained in Mexico could be replicated in other countries in the Latin American region and, possibly, other regions like Africa, within the framework of South-South cooperation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Safe and adequate shelter, health and counselling services should be made available. Prevent trafficking through strategies taking into account its root causes, including demand, and for instance awareness campaigns, based on accurate information. Special measures for child victims of trafficking are necessary given their vulnerability and the physical and psychosocial harm they suffer. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The Constitution operates alongside marriage laws in Uganda. The Marriage Act of 1904 sets 21 years as the age of consent for marriage but allows for marriages below that age with the written consent of the father, or if he is dead, absent or of unsound mind, then the mother. Where both are dead, then consent can be sought from guardians. The Marriage and Divorce of Mohammedans Act of 1906 makes no mention of the age of consent while the Hindu Marriage and Divorce Act of 196188 and the Customary Marriages (Registration) Act 197389 provide for the age of consent at 16 years for girls and 18 years for boys. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Findings are summarized in a dedicated chapter in an ECE publication from 2017 titled Assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus and benefits of transboundary cooperation in the Drina River Basin. Used most frequently during the first stages - that is, during the desk study - are non-spatial indicators and thematic maps of the countries and basins. During the workshops, information based on the opinions of participants is key. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""And that is why we need both macroeconomic and global frameworks. In order to meet the basic needs of the world population, such frameworks must still take into account the """"old” objectives of better global and national income distributions. This course of action could be stimulated at the macrolevel by making development policies greener and at the microlevel by focusing on the creation of a new financial structure. In some cases, where a basic needs-type strategy had been implemented in practice, as in Sri Lanka in the 1970s, it was seen (by some) to hamper growth by de-emphasizing investment and industrial development (Grindle, 2010)."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The establishment of such facilities at the national level could also be encouraged, as it can reduce transaction costs and tie more easily into domestic financial mechanisms outlined earlier. Beyond the setting-up of project preparation facilities, local expertise for project preparation should be strengthened, from project conceptualisation all the way down to design stage and implementation. They provide services based on a contract or license with the public authorities responsible for delivering services in a given region or country.6 They may be either domestic operators, which tend to focus on a single country, or regional and international operators, which provide services to customers in a broad range of countries. Small scale independent providers generally operate informally where no public services are provided or provided at low standards of quality,7 large-scale developers of both residential and commercial property often provide and operate water and sanitation services to their own developments thereby making a considerable contribution to a city’s infrastructure and service coverage. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This, in turn, stalls innovation and improvements in living standards. New data from die Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) show that in all countries adults with lower literacy proficiency are far more likely titan those with better literacy skills to report poor health, to perceive themselves as objects rather than actors in political processes, and to have less trust in others. In other words, we cannot develop fair and inclusive policies and engage with all citizens if a lack of proficiency in foundation skills prevents people from frilly participating in society. Overall, OECD analysis and data suggests that countries can — and should - do better in matching die demand and supply of skills. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In many countries, businesses operate via government funded contracts, but also often through independent entrepreneurship. Community-based organisations and non-governmental organisations are also commonly involved in plastics recycling in many contexts (GIZ, 2013[39j). In practice, individual processes may be carried out in isolation or combined at a single location. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Whether formal or informal, these businesses lack the infrastructure, equipment, access to materials and markets which any firm of any size anywhere needs to expand— and create higher quality jobs. The net result is low employment generation in the Colombian capital as a whole, the bulk being in the informal sector. This was confirmed by findings of UN-Habitat’s City Prosperity Initiative recently implemented in 23 Colombian cities.39 Technical assistance and strategic, temporary subsidies would enable smaller firms to overcome these obstacles, leveraging them into higher efficiency and breaking the current cycle of low productivity: this is an effective policy to consider. As noted earlier, over 90 per cent of New York businesses employ fewer than 20 staff, but since 2001, 67 per cent of new firms employ fewer than five. High-end New York firms are now mostly located in Brooklyn where fixed costs are lower than in Manhattan, turning New York into “the second Silicon Valley” of the US. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Between 2004 and 2015 the number of teachers increased in the 3 largest sectors and most notably in the private-subsidised sector (rise of 74.8%), followed by the municipal sector (growth of 17.4%) and the private non-subsidised sector (rise of 9.4%) (see Figure 5.1). Data exclude provision by JUNJ1, Integra Foundation and private providers with no official recognition. Data include classroom teachers, staff with technical-pedagogical duties, staff in senior management, school directors, teachers with other duties at the school, teachers with other duties outside the school (work for respective education provider on service commission), heads of technical-pedagogical units, general inspectors and counsellors. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Typical examples include the assessment of third party impacts, environmental impact assessments or existing users foregoing use (for instance, in situations where the catchment is closed). An inventory of available water resources is produced and existing water uses and demands are identified. Water resources assessment methods have been developed for the whole Spanish territory, as well as simulation water resources models that take into account: conventional and non-conventional water resources, environmental flows, water demands, hydraulic infrastructure, water use priorities and exploitation rules in order to establish water allocations and reserves. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The true advantage of a burgeoning field such as global health lies, above all, in its tremendous versatility. This unique trait permits widespread interdisciplinary and cross-curricular interaction in the study of public health, connecting perspectives in economics, public policy, human rights, geopolitics, biological sciences and anthropology, to name just a few. In Volume 3, Issue I of The Journal of Global Health, we have chosen to spotlight a topic that, in its ubiquity and simplicity, manages to span each of these various disciplines with tremendous implications for public health: food. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While all public social expenditures serve a redistributive role to some extent, only a minority part of total social spending is in fact devoted to cash benefits with a direct impact on the incomes of the non-elderly. Annex Table Al shows that, over time, almost all countries devoted declining shares of total spending to cash benefits that mostly benefit children and working-age individuals.14 On average the share of these “non-elderly” benefits declined from 26.5 percent in 1985 to 21.4 percent in 2005 (without counting early retirement benefits, the decline is somewhat smaller, but still substantial, when they are included). Despite growing overall public social expenditure, this drop is sufficiently large to translate into a significant reduction of “non-elderly” benefit expenditure relative to GDP on average (from 4.9 to 4.5 percent across 29 countries, upper panel of Figure 4).15 Between the mid-80s and the mid-90s, however, sizable reductions were only observed in a few countries (Belgium, France, Ireland, Netherlands) while the majority of countries recorded increases. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Monitoring prices is critical for developing policies that aim to make ICT services affordable for all citizens. Least developed countries (LDCs) saw a 20 per cent drop in mobile-cellular prices, the strongest decrease in five years. The price drop is linked to the growing availability of prepaid packages that bundle SMS and local calls. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Thus, social identities would be mediators between the “objective” social structure and the representations that persons or groups construct of their position in that space. As shown in the following figure, those who identify themselves as indigenous or of African origin indicate, more than in the case of the remaining social categories in question, that the members of their own group (native peoples or Afro-descendants) are the most discriminated against. Hence, discrimination of ethnic minorities is more significant for respondents who identify themselves as members of minority groups. Because ECLAC has not finished processing the new surveys, the data for 2008 have been preliminarily estimated by applying 2005 (as estimated by ECLAC). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The retired increasingly work, often part-time, in order to supplement their pensions with earnings. Inequality among pensioners has grown, with those retiring from professional careers benefiting from generous pensions, while others who have failed to save for retirement face decreasing state pensions and are increasingly dependent on income from work to avoid poverty. The risk associated with living in these family types has grown as living in a dual-earner household has become the norm. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Viet Nam had a population of approximately 87 million in 2010 with annual population growth close to 1 million people. The working-age population (15 to 64 years old) constitutes 68% of the population, however, around 33 million of them are unskilled. Most of these unskilled workers live in rural areas and many of them have suffered from the process of urbanisation and industrialisation that has recently taken place. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The subsidy cannot be obtained directly because there are intervals in the years of transfer of completed houses. This report estimates yearly expenditure on subsidies of ETB 2.4 billion for each year of operation. Data from regional housing development offices show that combined spending by other regions averaged ETB 24 million between 2012/13 and 2016/17. This was the smallest of the focus areas in expenditure terms between 2012/13 and 2015/16, over which period spending grew by 5% per year on average. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__10, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! While there is a clear distinction between 'data' and 'statistics', data being the information from which statistics are created, the term ‘gender data' is increasingly accepted as a legitimate alternative. Both are used interchangeably in the report. Together, these indicators monitor varying dimensions of gender equality but not all of them. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Whether force can be used to further humanitarian causes, is one of the """"perennial"""" questions of international law. This paper addresses it in a succinct way. It proceeds from the basis of the UN Charter regime and questions whether contemporary international law (within or outside the Charter) has come to accommodate humanitarian concerns, or ought to do so. This question has prompted much debate, notably under the rubric of ‘humanitarian intervention’. The subsequent considerations reflect on these debates, but adopt a broader approach that includes other humanitarian uses of force – resort to military violence with a view to protecting human rights of others – as well, notably UN-mandated interventions, armed struggles against colonialism and military operations to rescue nationals from abroad."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In this essay, we examine recent developments in battles over race- and gender-based affirmative action across a 10-year period from the California Civil Rights Initiative (1996) to the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (2006). While affirmative action policies have historically been contested within a paradigm of redistribution, our analysis of the Michigan case suggests a new strategic emphasis on disputing the legitimacy of the state's recognition of social difference. Drawing on the work of critical race and critical rhetoric scholars, as well as social theory on citizenship in the post-soul moment, we argue that a neoliberal understanding of difference and neoliberalism's appropriations of multiculturalism have allowed the anti-affirmative action movement in Michigan to avoid racist appeals completely by invoking the neoliberal myth of free, entrepreneurial individuals against a meddling, inefficient, authoritarian state. Further, we find that these shifts have permitted assaults on the positive consi... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Developing countries therefore need to focus on alternative governance capabilities, which can enable them to directly address key market failures. Khan describes this as a growth-enhancing governance agenda which focuses on developing governance capabilities appropriate for directly addressing a few key market failures. Good governance practice is sometimes justified for the economic benefits it will generate, and at other times as a political end. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The growth rate of the elderly dependency ratio has been the largest in rural regions when compared to other type of regions. However, this pattern varies across rural regions. The elderly dependency ratio ranges from 7 percentage points (Chungcheongnam-do) to 15 percentage points (Jeollanam-do). With 35%, Jeollanam-do had the highest elderly dependency ratio in 2017. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Other experts have suggested royalties comprising the marginal cost of production plus 5 per cent of the compulsory licensee’s selling price, see Reichman, UNCTAD paper, p. 20, quoting A. Engelberg. A general royalty rate of 4 per cent is suggested, as representing the average royalty rate for pharmaceutical products in the United States market. Second, the general royalty rate is adjusted according to each country’s capacity to pay, as reflected in relative per capita income or, where a disease affects a country in an unusually high degree, the relative income per person needing treatment. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 And the body of knowledge on adolescent development and participation - in terms of data and analysis, best practices and lessons learned, and understanding of disparities and bottlenecks - is steadily growing. As this report points out in Chapter 2, the number of adolescents is expected to increase, especially in poor countries. Many key development agents have already joined in a global consensus on the importance of investing in adolescence and youth. These stakeholders, at all levels, must now pull together to support young people in developing the skills and capacities they need to pull themselves out of poverty. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While the importance of corruption as a possible impediment to foreign investment in an international context is now well realized, it is not clear to what extent corruption affects, either directly through bribe-taking or indirectly through inadequate quality of public services, the level of economic activity by domestic entrepreneurs. Using a large survey from Uganda, the authors show that domestic and foreign entrepreneurs, government officials, and households are unanimous in highlighting the pervasiveness and importance of corruption. Efforts to establish institutions to deal with corrupt practices have not been matched by public education on the proper procedures. The fact that such lack of knowledge on procedures to report corruption increases households' risk of being subject to bribery and significantly reduces the quality of public service delivery leads the authors to conclude that improved accountability will be important to reduce the incidence of corruption and improve delivery of public services. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""To make children """"ready, the approach often taken involves exposing children who are still in ECEC to the culture of primary school. Known as """"schoolification”, this can drive ECEC settings to adopt practices that are usually more related to primary school, such as higher staff-pupil ratios, longer hours away from home, more teacher-directed pedagogies, greater attention to academic content and less playtime. However, research is increasingly highlighting that the more age- and child-appropriate the pedagogical practices, the greater the benefits for children’s social and cognitive development. This is why some countries - especially the Nordic countries -take a child-centred perspective, adapting the cultures of both ECEC and school to the needs of the child. This implies that it is not just the responsibility of ECEC to prepare children for school, schools also need to be ready for children."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In many years, it has been nearly double the national average rate. Youth have also been strongly affected by the growing incidence of non-regular forms of work. Freeter status, avoiding commitment to a stable job in the 1980s, was often seen as a choice of lifestyle, but more recently attention has focused on the problems of freeters who are unable to find a permanent job. In order to support young unemployed and freeters who wish to be employed as regular workers, special counters have been established at Hello Work offices to support the search for regular employment by holding seminars and joint-recruitment events, one-to-one consultations and guidance by full-time staff, exploring job offers and placement services, and guidance on adaptation to workplaces after being employed. In addition, Job Cafes - one-stop-service centres for young people - were established in 2003 to provide integrated counselling, training and guidance services (see Box 3.2). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ""Following a temporary interruption in the immediate aftermath of the crisis, the incomes of the richest 1 per cent of the world's population have started to grow again at a rate considerably faster than those of the rest of the population. The world is seeing increasing temperatures, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and the loss of biodiversity."""" In recent years, these trends have triggered environmental stress and disasters such as floods, cyclones and droughts with devastating effects on the livelihoods and security of people around the world and taking a particularly high toll on women and girls in developing countries (see Chapter 3)."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While this helps to drive innovation, national quality infrastructure bodies have a role to play to guarantee that these emerging standards are transparent, interoperable, secure and inclusive, and that they protect privacy. It is also necessary to avoid the creation of overlapping standards by private sector actors. A number of non-profit organizations, both public and private, are also involved in this area. Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), such as blockchain, are used to enhance security, trust and compliance. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Recent years have seen further internationally pioneering activities related to patient safety, such as the Danish Safer Hospital Programme. Another important component is the Danish system for adverse event reporting, co-ordinated by the National Agency for Patient Rights and Complaints (NAPRC). In doing so, many actors across the health care landscape have concurred in making quality of care a key priority. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In this paper, I explore the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through the lens of transformative learning theory and critical theory. In doing so, I expand the notion of a Scholarship of Teaching so as to go beyond the solving of practical problems in teaching and the improvement of teaching effectiveness. I focus on an emancipatory Scholarship of Teaching that centres on critical reflection and action on the contexts of teaching: the discipline, the institution, the community and the state and society in which we practice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Post-war Rwanda and Afghanistan, for example, have seen better access for women to representation in political institutions (i.e. parliament). This complexity applies to all categories of global civil society organizations: liberal humanitarian and relief organizations, politically or financially coopted organizations and militarily embedded organizations. Liberal humanitarian organizations are more likely to promote a progressive gender agenda and may positively interact with local civil society, but can also reiterate hegemonic power relations on the base of culture, race and class. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The European counter terrorism laws offer to the author the chance to deal with on one side the appropriate balance between the threat of terrorism and constitutional values, on the other side the exam of the main “laws of fear”.The survey reveals that the surveillance measures are able to pass the constitutionality test, since the parameters of precautionality and proportionality have not been taken into account.In the conclusion, the Author suggests a new model of international law of fear compatible with the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Households in rural areas are deemed not deprived if they have some form of sanitation (including latrines) with removal and disposal of waste neither aboveground nor in rivers or seas. Households are said to be energy poor when they do not consume enough energy to meet their daily requirements and use fuel that is hazardous to the health of their members (Nussbaumer and others, 2011). The resources of households have been linked to the level of toxicity and the efficiency of the fuel that they use, with the worst fuels being waste matter, wood and charcoal, in that order16 (Duflo and others, 2008). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 See IG, Advisory Opinion on the Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania (1949-1950) of 18 July 1950 (IG Reports 1950,p. Moreover, an international instrument has to be interpreted and applied within the framework of the entire legal system prevailing at the time of the interpretation. Advisory Opinion on the 'Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa), notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970)', (ICJ Reports 1971, p. 16, para. See, e.g., the case of Tyrer v. the United Kingdom, Application No. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Until 2013 such consent was not required for areas of less than 0.5 ha. If the owner has been granted a cutting permit, exemption from payment of the fee applies in some cases (e.g. for safety reasons). The act also imposes a penalty for damaging trees through “inappropriate execution of maintenance procedures”. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In seeking to make the connection between ethical perspectives and poverty reduction we ignored the political dimensions of justification, the arena in which ethics exercise practical influence. It was well beyond the scope of the paper to tackle this. We hope our paper stimulates further research on these research gaps. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This article surveys major international relations theory as a framework for thinking about globalization, examines the modern role of power within a globalized international system, and illustrates these dynamics within the context of international terrorism. The central conclusion is that globalization has not radically changed fundamental aspects of international relations, but has rather altered means and channels for the exercise of power. The article demonstrates that power remains the key independent variable shaping modern international relations. Globalization is a manifestation of new means through which power is exercised and distributed. Nevertheless, the complexity of globalization requires a reassessment of the meaning of power in international security. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Almost one in four students underperformed on PISA 2009 and did not achieve the level that is considered necessary to participate effectively in society. Inequitable system-level practices, such as early tracking and streaming into special schools, can hinder equity and quality. Progress is also hampered by a lack of systemic support to ensure the capacity of teachers and school leaders to address diverse student needs and provide more inclusive education and by a need for greater clarity to guide schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The 'Basin Facts' table at the beginning of each chapter lists alternative names, which may also be based on lithology and/or age. Extensive aquifer systems that are divided into different sections or basins are generally designated through geographical names for the purpose of this Inventory. For instance, the Umm er Radhuma-Dammam Aquifer System (South) is situated in the Rub' al Khali Desert, which is an integrated part of Saudi Arabia and extends to Oman, UAE, and Yemen, however, reference to Rub' al Khali is meant to specify the geographical area where this section of the aquifer system is situated, but does not serve as an alternative name for the aquifer system itself. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at or the Centre francais d’exploitation du droit de copie (CFC) at R. (2005), """"Property rights in fisheries: Iceland's experience with ITQs"""", Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 15(3): 243-264."" - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Abstract In recent years, the ICJ has had to deal more and more often with alleged violations of major human rights treaties and the respective compromissory clauses contained in such treaties. Yet, the interrelationship between the Court’s treaty-based jurisdiction under such clauses and State complaint mechanisms, as provided for in human rights treaties, has not yet been fully considered and analysed. Moreover, there might also be interlinkages between the ICJ’s contentious jurisdiction under Article 36 (2) of the ICJ Statute and such State complaint procedures. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A widely used poverty indicator is the $1 a day poor, which refers to income, or consumption poverty that is comparable across countries and can be used to analyse regional and gjobal poverty trends. For calculating $1 a day poor, nationally representative household survey data are used to generate per capita consumption or income aggregates in constant PPP $ for each household in a country for a given year. These aggregates are then weighted by the size of the household and the number of people each household represents, from survey sample weights, to generate a distribution of individual consumption or income for the country. Aparame trie specification of the underlying Lorenz curve is then fitted for the distribution. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Some, such as Mexico, are export-oriented manufacturers along the lines of SIEO economies. In these economies higher wages will detract from export competitiveness and growth. Others, such as Argentina and Chile, are more dependent on commodities exports. In these cases, when global commodity prices are high, higher wages may be associated with more imports and not an expansion of domestic aggregate demand because imports are cheap relative to domestically produced goods. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! ""It is also important to understand the dynamics within the shift in the indicator, since a decline may result from a fall in the number of women without incomes of their own or from a rise in the number of women aged 15 and over who are not studying. For the other countries, the decline in the indicator is explained solely by the rise in the number of women aged 15 and over who are not in education. The drop in the proportion of women without incomes of their own is much greater than the rise in female labour force participation (in fact, the female activity rate held fairly steady, see chapter III), which means that much of the decline in the indicator is due to income from State transfers. As analysed in Cecchini and Madariaga (2011) and in ECLAC (2013c), a hallmark of the conditional cash transfer programmes implemented in the region's countries in the first decade of the twenty-first century is that they are """"feminized"""", insofar as mainly women receive the benefits."" - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! A sensitivity analysis on the impact of only fiscal variables is also employed. Other variables are tgs = taxes on goods and services as a percentage of revenue, cid = custom and other import duties as a percentage of tax revenues, tit = taxes on international trade as a percentage of revenue, and tip = taxes on incomes, profits and capital gains as a percentage of revenue, p. and a. are parameter estimates, and p and Cl are error terms. Other variables are from the World Development Indicators from the World Bank database, except those complemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) database on health-related variables. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! It also demonstrates that individuals with similar levels of educational attainment vary in their information-processing proficiency, which may reflect differences in innate ability as well as variation in the quality and degree of skills acquisition, both in and outside the education system. All other things being equal, educational attainment and specific skills related to field of study have a strong effect on entry wages, although the education-wage relationship weakens somewhat with age/experience. College graduates receive sizeable wage premia, although those who have degrees in the humanities or in teacher training and education earn less than social science graduates. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This issue has also been highlighted by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Network on Gender Equality, in reference to the gender issues enshrined in the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action (OECD, 2008b). A study of gender differences in student performance at age 15 has presented evidence of the different ways in which boys and girls learn and progress in education (OECD, 2009a) and a study of equity in education has looked at policies to improve student performance of different groups. It is therefore relevant to study how educational facilities may cater to differences in gender in order to improve performance. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Being unemployed at the beginning of working life generally increases the probability of being unemployed later (UNIDO, 2013). Increasing the level of employment among these groups not only increases their personal income but also increases the economy's overall income through a general rise in aggregated consumption. According to the virtuous circle, the creation of new demand is highly dependent on household's discretionary income, which in turn depends on employment possibilities (UNIDO, 2017b). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. The Organisation provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and work to co-ordinate domestic and international policies. The Commission of the European Communities takes part in the work of the OECD. The opinions expressed and the arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ABSTRACTElectoral authoritarian regimes usually preserve the dominance of the ruling party through electoral fraud, violence and intimidation. This paper focuses on the subtler forms of manipulation that undermine the electoral integrity and democratic outcomes. Specifically, we examine how an unusual electoral rule, involving multimember districts elected through plurality bloc voting for party slates, exaggerates the legislative seat shares of the People’s Action Party (PAP) in Singapore. This rule, used also by other electoral authoritarian regimes, facilitates the manipulation of district magnitude and gerrymandering, especially the ‘stacking’ form, to produce a large disproportionality which distorts the seats–votes linkage. It operates in an undemocratic fashion by precluding the opposition from gaining anything but token seats as long as the PAP remains the plurality-winning party. The importance of this electoral rule and its manipulation has been overlooked in current work that emphasises redistr... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The relationship between decentralization and corruption has intrigued experts in recent years. Decentralization proponents do not explicitly identify anti-corruption as a goal, but its potential as a tool is attractive to public sector ethicists if the appropriate connection can be shown. This article argues that decentralization of government can foster civic engagement and public-spirited public administration and promote honesty and accountability. Two major strands in the literature are examined: those that associate decentralization with greater corruption, and those that link it with greater public sector accountability. In the end, the proximity between government and people enabled by decentralization gives administrators and citizens a better opportunity to change public service values while reforming the structure of governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The further development of these advanced applications needs a high bandwidth, low delay, stable and safe network to support data flows. The optical transmission network is an efficient information expressway and a stable data tunnel. This project lays the foundation for information communication in China and plays a key role in information technology, which enhances the ability of information communication and meets the information development needs of China. This project is relevant to SDGs 3, 8 and 9. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 On average, 12% of transfers were invested, and households that received more transfers from Oportunidades also invested more. It seems that the CCT helped alleviate two market failures. First, the increased income allowed households to overcome credit constraints. Second, the stable stream of income may have made households willing to undertake more risky (and profitable) investments. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! However, to be pragmatic and realistic, the 15% target is in fact unattainable within 2020, so any initiative that would increase the restoration activity is a contribution. One challenge is that a specific nature type may be defined in different ways, so the same type of nature ends up in different categories in the different countries. Data on wetlands in Table 4.3 is a good example, as it is perhaps not likely that wetland in good conditions in Norway (1.1% in level 1) is so much worse than in Finland (73% in level 1). This illustrates that the present datasets and definitions are unsuitable for a comparison between countries directly, but can be useful for helping countries realize the need for improved statistics and elaborating existing data. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Content from radio channel DRi and television channel TV2 was surveyed, and the results mirror the GMMP results. The study showed that 65% of all people appearing in the surveyed radio and television programmes were men and 35% were women. This indicates slightly less male dominance that the GMMPs have shown. The WIME study also included programme types other than news, and in terms of the surveyed news content women were less visible. A vast majority of 68% of all coded individuals in the news were men and only 32% were women (Andreassen 2016: 89). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The lack of visibility and authority of such institutions may limit their ability to implement a “whole-of-government” approach to gender equality across policy areas. However, significant evidence gaps remain in a number of policy areas, such as gender-based violence, work-life balance practices, entrepreneurship, defence and the environment. Half of the countries responding to the OECD survey apply this practice at the national level, but its use at the sub-national levels is rare. Disparities can include discrimination in terms of opportunities, resources, services, benefits, decision-making power and influence (Wikigender). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In addition, Norwegian aquaculture is governed by a number of regulations, which set out rules regarding licence requirements, fish health and fish welfare as well as technological standards for fish farms. Its principal tasks are regulation, guidance, inspection, monitoring of resources and control. The Institute of Marine Research advises the Ministry and carries out central tasks in the investigation and monitoring of fish stocks and marine mammals, the marine and coastal environment and work on aquaculture and sea ranching. The total first-hand value decreased from NOK 14.2 billion in 2012 to NOK 12.5 billion in 2013. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Disputes between the chambers of commerce and industry (CCIs) and the business associations relate primarily to the chambers’ monopoly in representing economic interests. The employers’ unions such as Medef or the CGPME tend to be fragmented by branch, and the regional organisation carries little weight in comparison to the sector organisations. While some put the emphasis on the territory’s competitiveness, others fear that globalisation will bring with it social inequalities and regional disparities, placing the objectives of cohesion at the centre of their concerns. In this context, to move forward in evaluating the region’s potentials, defining, financing and implementing a green growth strategy will require prior consensus on a shared vision of the future of the capital region. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! From the analysis of the reasons in the The Gambia v. Myanmar case, which discusses in the International Court of Justice the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in the face of the genocidal acts against the Burmese Rohingya, attributable to the government of Myanmar, this paper supports the hypothesis that there would be a certain influence of the Ubuntu philosophy in Gambia’s decision to refer the case to international justice. The values inherent in Ubuntu, such as the need to promote justice, peace and interdependence among human beings universally, would be able to explain, at least in part, both Gambia’s transcontinental empathy for the Rohingya people and the reasons why the country mobilized resources to bring the debate about the genocide of that people to the jurisdiction of the ICJ, even though the case did not directly affect their sovereign interests. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The focus here is on the aspects of poverty that reflect situations of human rights violations, this builds upon the proposition that poverty is a denial of human rights."""" The lack of access to food prevents the poor from breaking free from hunger. Vulnerability to retrenchment without social protection subjects them to income insecurity. Discrimination experienced in social and political life deprives them of their dignity."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 China’s Medium and Long-term National Plan for S&T Development (2006-20) targets R&D spending of 2.5% of GDP by 2020. Assuming linear growth in Chinese and US R&D expenditure, China should outpace US R&D spending by about 2019 (Figure 1.17). However, China’s recent economic slowdown may delay this scenario. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 These costs were provided for coal and nuclear plants in all editions of Projected Costs in the 1980s, for natural gas (combined-cycle gas turbines - CCGT), coal and nuclear in all editions since 1992, and for onshore wind and ground-mounted solar PV in all editions since 2005. Also, for some newer technologies with relatively steep learning curves, state-of-the-art technology today may have improved by 2010-2015. ( Compare this discussion with those in the 2010 and 2015 editions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This would actually be the case if out-of-market financing was abolished and VREs had to sell their production at market prices. Of particular importance in this context are capacity mechanisms remunerating dispatchable capacity for its availability in time of need. The decline in prices, revenues and profits of dispatchable technologies requires that a portion of their revenues be derived from other sources if they are to stay in the market to provide the necessary backup services. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At the end of compulsory schooling Lithuanian students have a slightly higher number of compulsory instructional hours than peers in the Baltic region, and substantially fewer than students in the EU-22 or OECD, on average - equalling about one year less of instructional time (6 577 vs. 7 540). Lithuanian students who participated in PISA 2015 assessment report that they spend on average 25 hours each week learning in a classroom and 18 hours for after-school learning activities, including the time dedicated to homework, additional instruction and private study. Their peers in OECD member countries spend on average two more hours each week in regular classes - and one hour less for homework (Figure 3.3). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Provision of information by CARs to produce national aggregates is a key weakness in the system. However, further efforts are needed on environmental health monitoring and on information to better support policy making. The air quality monitoring system is not sufficient for assessing compliance with environmental standards at the national level (IAvH, IDEAM, IIAP, INVEMAR, SINCHI, 2011). Incompleteness of the water user registry hampers implementation of regulatory requirements for water management (IDEAM, 2010). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends including self-rated health as a standard component of health surveys, phrasing the question as “How is your health in general?” The indicator shown in Figure 4.2 Panel A is based on data drawn from the OECD Heath Database referring to the following question: “How is your health in general?” The indicator shown in Figure 4.2 Panel B refers to the following question: “Do you have any problems that prevent you from doing any of the things that people of your age normally do?” - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Reform of governance is essential, including measures to deal with corruption and regulatory cost burdens. Even so, a policy of deliberate legal and financial integration would need to be grounded in understanding of the varying potential of different informal enterprises for growth and the extent to which they contribute to a loss of human capital by deskilling what is a relatively skilled and educated labour force (Bernabe, 2002). Thus, only the highly skilled are expected to engage in formal employment and reap the benefits it provides. Those with low skills, and especially with low educational background, are likely to be employed informally and, hence, receive relatively lower incomes and fewer benefits. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The number of people at risk from floods is projected to rise from 1.2 billion today to around 1.6 billion in 2050 (nearly 20% of the world’s population). The economic value of assets at risk is expected to be around USD 45 trillion by 2050, a growth of over 340% from 2010. However, the appropriate responses will share several features: more attention will be paid to (ecologically sensitive) water storage, investment in water supply and sanitation, pollution control, and allocation issues. These costs are not well known, as information is scarce and patchy. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Requests to utilize larger portions or the full publication should be addressed to the Communication Unit at f I ore nee @ u n icef .o rg. Trends in Child Well-being in EU Countries during the Great Recession, Innocenti Working Paper No.2014-10, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. The prime objectives of the Office of Research are to improve international understanding of issues relating to children’s rights and to help facilitate full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in developing, middle-income and industrialized countries. Through strengthening research partnerships with leading academic institutions and development networks in both the North and South, the Office seeks to leverage additional resources and influence in support of efforts towards policy reform in favour of children. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Access to primary education is virtually universal, with room for improvement in timely progression and completion and in inclusion of the most neglected social groups. Access and timely progression in secondary education are substantially lower and differ more among countries. The gaps in secondary school completion rates exacerbate socio-economic inequalities by geographic area and ethnic background. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Parental leave reform has effectively reduced the duration of the paid leave spell that mothers take and induced many fathers to use paid leave entitlements, often for two months at a time (Chapter 3). At the same time public investment in early childhood education and care (ECEC) increased markedly with public spending as a per cent of GDP and the proportion of children participating coming from behind to overtake the OECD average (Chapter 3). The share of the population in former West Germany that believes a mother should not work at all when they have a pre-school aged child has dropped from 46.6% in 2002 to 21.8% in 2012, and over the same period that proportion halved to below 10% in East Germany (Chapter 2). Furthermore in terms of who should take paid parental leave, fathers or mothers, in 2012 the German population was one of the most egalitarian after Sweden (Figure 1.1). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The well-established pattern of Executive expansionism and limited oversight of Executive action in times of terrorism is problematic from the civil libertarian point of view. How to limit such action has been the subject of much scholarship, a large amount of which focuses on perceptions of institutional competence rather than effectiveness. For the authors the effective control of security-focused state action is to be judged by the extent to which it consists only of action that is necessary and proportionate and thereby strikes an appropriate balance between security exigencies and individual rights. This article, written and structured in dialectic form, presents competing perspectives on effective oversight mechanisms: on the one hand an extra-constitutionalism perspective, proposing a limited role for the Judiciary and emphasising the need for legislative and democratic controls, and on the other an argument for judicial muscularity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Much of the expected urban growth will take place in countries of the developing regions, particularly Asia and Africa. As a result, these countries face numerous challenges in meeting the needs of their growing urban populations, including for housing, infrastructure, transportation, energy and employment, as well as for basic services (such as water, electricity, drainage, and waste management). Sustainability and resilience in physical infrastructure are now critical. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! This paper analyses international experience with regard to protection of labour migrants’ rights and the relevant lessons from this experience for Kyrgyzstan. We look at seven dimensions that help determine outcomes for migrants: how other migrant-sending countries organise migration policy management, institutions developed by other countries to support labour migrants, protection of migrants from abuse by recruiters and employers, accountability of law enforcement and policies to reduce discrimination and abuse of migrant workers, policies that facilitate pension portability for migrants and their access to health care and other social services, the ways other countries mobilise resources from the diaspora for local economic development, and the modes of international cooperation in the areas of migration and human rights. Based on lessons from these dimensions, we develop policy recommendations for Kyrgyzstan. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This was statistically significant both before and after adjusting for various confounding variables (age, number of miles driven annually, etc.). However, drivers of 75 and more who had taken the refresher course were at the same risk as drivers who had not. The same tendency, although weaker and non-significant, was found for single-vehicle accidents. It seems that the refresher course has a beneficial effect on safe mobility only if the driver completes the course before 75. One practice used in Switzerland is described as a representative example, there. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, there are differences in how the data from these surveys are followed up by municipalities, school leaders and teachers (Ramboll, 2013). It is likely that strong parents will be able to claim these rights for their children, but those from families who are not able to have such a dialogue with the school may lose out. This is a delicate matter, though: if any quality control system is introduced to monitor teachers’ assessment practices, it will be interpreted as implying distrust. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 And if the goal is increased exports, farmers should not be prevented from producing higher-value crops. Bribery and the lack of transparency constitute significant impediments to investment. Social conflicts and corruption in the land administration may be reduced by developing participatory land use plans to clarify land allocation, limiting compulsory land conversions, and allowing direct transactions between land users without state involvement. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In contrast to incumbent operators, new market entrants are deploying gigabit fibre networks in cities, as they are not restricted by legacy investments in copper networks. This is the case with Gigaclear and CityFibre in the UK, and Google Fibre in the United States and Africa. Mobile broadband penetration in developing markets is still quite low, however, with a penetration level of 21 per cent in 2014. But mobile broadband is growing fast in these regions - in fact, growth rates are twice as high as in developed regions6. Figure 1.4 shows that 308 operators have launched or are planning various LTE deployments worldwide, 138 of these operators are in developing markets, which form a significant proportion of the global operator base. Figure 1.5 shows that 40 operators have launched or are planning various LTE-A deployments worldwide, 35 of these operators are in developed markets. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Many of local and global firms have strong links with the co-op programme. At Sybase, an enterprise software company that spun-off from the original WATCOM Corporation, with over 250 employees in its Waterloo campus alone, 15% of its current employees are Waterloo co-op students, and more than half of their Waterloo staff is former co-op students. It acts as a steady source of new hires, because firms know that the students have work experience, and they get an opportunity to evaluate their performance in the work place before hiring them. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The programme targets pedestrian safety issues through legislative measures and innovative street design, such as lowering speed limits and the reconfiguration of crossings. Launched in 2013, Sao Paulo observed a 20.6 per cent drop in traffic fatalities from 2014 to 2015. With better public awareness around road safety and lower speeds, there are 30 per cent less traffic fatalities. To ensure public understanding and support, the programme created a platform for discussion and education through multiple workshops. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In addition to the creation of six PPP task forces formed by MARD around key commodities, a PPP Decree has been approved in February 2015 and covers not only infrastructure but also, more specifically, agricultural infrastructure and rural development services associated with agro-processing and the consumption of agricultural products. To ease investment, the government supports access to credit by providing producers with loans without collateral, subsidised credit for agricultural inputs and assets, and credit guarantees through state-owned banks. The absence of a strong independent Investment Promotion Agency accentuates this complexity. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is important that trade initiatives relating to fish and fish products aim to support the implementation of this legal and policy framework, and maintain consistency with the rights and obligations of States established therein. While fish consumption impacts food security and nutrition, trade in fish and fish products contributes to local, regional and global economies. Fish continues to be one of the most traded commodities in the world, as well as a source of direct employment for tens of millions of people worldwide. In 2011, almost 30 per cent of the world’s fish stocks were fished at biologically unsustainable levels (FAO, 2014). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Les prefectures et les municipalites offrent maintenant certains services pour l’emploi, tels que des cours preparatoires pour les meres seules et des centres de ressources pour les jeunes demandeurs d’emploi. Cependant, l’obligation de cotisation est desormais etendue a des contrats de duree relativement courte qui furent exempts auparavant, afin d’elargir la couverture sociale des travailleurs non reguliers. La plupart des periodes d’indemnisation sont courtes. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Over the past decade, many countries have developed a more holistic approach to education by integrating the development of these skills specifically into school curricula, fostering co-operation between schools and local communities, and introducing major reforms to education (Box 3.1). Firms are often better-equipped with the newest technologies - and ideally with the people who know how to use them and guide the learning - than educational institutions, and thus better-suited to provide practical training. At the same time, many cognitive skills, especially problem solving, and social and emotional skills - such as communication and conflict management - may be more effectively taught and learned in workplaces than in classrooms. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 From 2011, MINVU carried out several reforms to improve the targeting of the project. Neighbourhood selection is based on a system that combines the selection of priority zones based on a set of social and housing vulnerability indicators (both quantitative and georeferenced), and bottom-up municipal demand within the priority zones. The final selection of the qualifying zones is made by a jury composed by the intendente, SERVIU, MINVU, GORE, a representative from the Chilean Association of Municipalities, SEREMI. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Growing evidence thus suggests that remittances are more likely to have a positive effect on income distribution (Brown et al. Remittances have been an effective strategy for reducing household risk. Emigration from Tonga and Samoa was initially costly, so the first migrants came from wealthier households, thus worsening national income inequality. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 These types of small scale uses are usually considered “insignificant” in terms of their impact of the overall resource. Source: See country profiles associated with this publication at Several allocation examples (Yukon Territory in Canada, the Yellow River Basin in China, Costa Rica, Luxembourg and the Waikato Region in New Zealand) also indicate water use for emergencies or to deal with exception circumstances or threats, such as firefighting, floods, droughts or other emergencies do not require entitlements. In most cases, it is used to establish priority access to water during times of scarcity, when “exceptional circumstances” have been declared, such as in the case of drought. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Israeli Water Authority permits water pumping and purification operators the freedom to minimise their energy demands during these peak daytime hours. To minimise costs and maximise profits, operators pump larger proportions of the daily water quotas during the night hours, and store these in numerous reservoirs throughout the country. They thereby reduce energy costs, while helping homogenise energy demands across the day-night cycle. In another instance, the Israeli Water Authority issues tenders for the construction of large-scale desalination plants that are as energy-efficient as possible. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Accountability has been constituted as an inherent mechanism of the democratic government in Colombia, based on the obligation of every public agent to report and justify before society his actions, and be held accountable for them. This accountability may be performed through a number of instruments such as the disclosure and dissemination of information through the internet, which has been considered by the national government in the online government strategy. According to the foregoing, this research assesses in an empiric and descriptive manner the degree of disclosure and dissemination of financial and non-financial information of the central level executive branch entities in Colombia. The results show an intermediate degree of disclosure of the information published in the websites of the entities analyzed which limits social control and constitutes a possible risk of corruption, by not allowing the required visibility to assess public administration. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 On the other hand, the numbers of rayon and tertiary level facilities have remained stable, while the number of secondary multi-profile centres has slightly increased. By contrast, the sizes of hospitals have not changed substantially, with the average number of beds by type of facility remaining virtually unchanged over the years, implying that the decrease in the number of beds and hospitals has been driven primarily by the closure of facilities rather than the reorganisation of existing ones. The average number of beds in secondary multiprofile and tertiary hospitals (less than 200 beds in both cases) is very low given their role and scope of services, and there would appear to be significant potential to benefit from greater concentration and economies of scale. In recent years a strong policy of investment in the public sector has also contributed to upgrading buildings and equipment in Kazakhstan. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The current surplus of housing should not disguise the fact that there is a chronic national affordable housing supply crisis. Aside from building public housing with decidedly mixed success, local governments have addressed the problem by means of mandatory affordable housing set-asides for new construction or the application of affordable housing fees to private developments during the land use entitlement process. However, measures meant to address the dearth of affordable housing have struggled in the courts, which have repeatedly pointed to three flaws in these programs: a lack of local authority, a lack of nexus between the proposed development and the need for affordable housing, and affordable housing requirements disproportionate to the need created by the development project. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Renewable energy sources are divided into non-combustible (geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, tide and wave) and combustible renewables and waste (biomass, animal products, municipal waste and industrial waste). Non-renewables are fossil fuels (coal, crude oil, petroleum products, gas) and nuclear. Energy from renewables can increase energy security and lead to diversification of energy supply. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! However, fertility, which is a commonly used measure in composite gender equality measures (see, for example, the UNDP’s Gender Inequality Index), is excluded as it provides only an indirect indication of women’s position. In doing this, the chapter follows, amongst others, Donno and Russet (2004: 588) who argue that although low fertility may be indicative of the degree of female reproductive rights, it may also “reflect coercive population policies enforced on women”. First, there is the very basic issue of women’s health. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The range and depth of additional variables considered necessary for policy development will depend on the country context, the objectives of the survey and the heterogeneity of the population. Through consultations with stakeholders, survey managers should identify the additional variables that need to be included in the questionnaire in order for the objectives of the project to be met in that particular setting. The additional variables that are recommended for inclusion in surveys on violence against women are listed below. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""In this context, it presents a methodology for calculating the investment necessary to implement national broadband plans. Finally, it outlines the public policy implications, which can stimulate deployment and maximize the impact of the technology. In a way similar to any infrastructure project, the deployment of broadband networks creates jobs and acts over the economy by means of multipliers. The second effect results from the """"spill-over"""" externalities, which impact both enterprises and consumers."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Multinational, or transnational, corporations (hereafter 'TNC') have a longstanding, and uneasy, relationship with both society and the environment. Private law, and in particular the law of torts or civil liability, has often been used as a weapon by litigants to address environmental or personal concerns in respect of corporate acts. As national and international environmental and human rights regimes become more sophisticated, however, it is worth revisiting whether an integrated approach, built around a concept of 'social environmental justice' is useful or relevant in regulating the conduct of TNCs in this respect. In this paper, we argue that in spite of its limitations, the private international law of torts, is a useful tool for meeting regulatory challenges relating to TNCs and the environment, and that the approach that has been generally followed in the case law bears witness indeed to such an integrated approach. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Taxes and subsidies to stimulate green buildings and develop energy-saving technologies would also help to reduce GHG emissions. The combined impact of all these countermeasures is shown in Figure 5.6. As in other ASEAN countries, national economic planning hasthe greatest impact on activities that affect the environment. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Thus, SBSTA 41 (2014) activities included a report on lessons learnt and good practices relating to adaptation planning processes. In addition, SBSTA co-ordinates the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP). The work of the “Consultative Group of Experts” (CGE) is under the SBI, and includes work including identifying best practices and lessons learnt in compiling national reports under the UNFCCC, as well as in developing training materials on vulnerability and adaptation assessments (SBI, 2014c). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Teacher quality has also been developed through strong initial teacher education to a master's level with practical experience. The transfer of early childhood education and care services from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to the Ministry of Education and Culture (2013) represents a major shift in perspective. Education and Research 2011-2016: A development plan aims to increase participation of students with immigrant background in preparatory education to improve their opportunity to finish upper secondary education, Curriculum reform is being developed from pre-primary through upper secondary education, to be implemented from 2016. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is particularly true in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay, where retirement benefits are received by 20%-30% of households. The exceptions include Brazil, where retirement benefits are somewhat regressive in absolute terms despite the high level of coverage, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama and Paraguay, where the benefits are somewhat progressive but coverage is low. From this perspective, consideration of the coverage of these transfers by primary per capita income decile shows that they are progressive, that is, the coverage is greater among the poorest groups. This seems to contradict the widespread notion that social security systems are regressive. It must be borne in mind, however, that many of them are based on past employment, and also that their extent and amount are subject to a type of occupational stratification which at one time gave rise to a regressive primary-income structure. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! ""They face additional challenges of access to health services. This can be seen from the view of a President of an African country who said, """"How can you have a stone-age creature continuing to exist in the time of computers? If the Bushmen want to survive, they must change, otherwise, like the dodo they will perish"""".’”"" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 To what extent does the separation of powers affect congressional roll call voting behavior? To answer this question, I offer a strategic model of congressional decision making that asserts members of Congress pursue public policy goals when casting roll call votes. From the equilibrium predictions of a formal model, I generate testable hypotheses by computing the expected net amount of sophisticated (nonsincere) congressional behavior given changes in decision context. I test the predictions of the theoretical model with data from all civil rights roll call votes from the 83d to the 102d Congress. The results demonstrate that both the other legislative chamber and the Supreme Court profoundly constrain House members and senators when casting roll call votes. This is strong evidence of the importance of policy outcomes to members of Congress when voting on the floor. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The aim of these plans, drawn up by the local employment offices, is to build a tailored package of training measures to ensure that migrants are directed to programmes that are appropriate to their specific skills, experience, and needs. In 2016, changes were introduced to reorganise the integration plan into sub-modules combining vocationally-oriented content with basic integration training at an early stage. In conjunction with basic integration studies (largely language and civic education), the new training modules may contain a diverse range of other activities, including on-the-job learning and work experience. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Recently, consideration of the public health aspects of energy production has become increasingly prominent with respect to the global energy agenda (IEA 2016, WHO 2012, Osterholm and Kelly 2009). Globally gender is scarcely mainstreamed in energy policies, even in the case of the newest energy sectors. As of early 2015,145 countries had enacted policies to regulate and promote renewables in power generation, heating and cooling, and transport (e.g. the European Union had established new regulations governing the energy sector beyond 2020, setting a region-wide goal of a 27% renewable energy share by 2030) (REN21 2015). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 First, candidates are screened based on their Matriculation Exam score, their secondary school record and out-of-school accomplishments. The introduction of additional requirements for entering the profession should go along with accompanying measures to raise the attractiveness of teaching, for example by improving compensation levels at the beginning of the career (see Chapter 5 for data on teacher remuneration). New teachers do not have a category immediately after graduation, although under certain conditions they can apply for 2nd category attestation after one year of teaching experience. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Overall, according to the survey of female migrants from the CIS States, migration to the Russian Federation does not lead to multiple sexual partners, among those women who are married or cohabit, 81.3 per cent have sex with their husband, 1 per cent have another permanent sexual partner, 0.5 per cent have different partners, while 15 per cent do not have any sexual partner when in the Russian Federation (Tyuryukanova, 2011, p. 63). Female migrants from Central Asia face difficulties if they insist that a permanent partner use condoms (Agadjanian and Zotova, 2014). Limited awareness, in its turn, might lead to sexually transmitted infections, which are also brought back to the countries of origin (Renton and others, 2006), and to unwanted/ unexpected pregnancy. Pregnancy out of wedlock contradicts the norms of the Central Asian societies, thus, it results either in abortion or in unwanted children being left in the maternity clinic. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, inclusion criteria are examined for the use of Herceptin, and approximately 120 to 140 patients with breast cancer are allowed to receive the treatment for free every year. The number of eligible women is expected to be raised to 200 in coming years. Ineligible patients, however, are required to pay the entire cost of Herceptin. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Over the past three decades, feminist scholars have collectively produced a coherent and substantial body of research and established feminist rhetoric as a discipline. This article argues for linking feminist rhetoric with comparative rhetoric so as to open up conversations about theories, methodologies, and processes between the two fields. Examining a hybrid feminist discourse through early-twentieth-century Chinese women's texts, the author suggests that we rethink feminist rhetoric and historiography from a cross-cultural perspective and that Chinese women's rhetorical practices—negotiating cultural flux in contact zones—can be used as a model for current feminist scholarship. As the discipline moves toward a new dialogic paradigm, such a cross-cultural frame can help us examine our assumptions, reconsider our priorities, and discover and develop multiple local terms and concepts in reading texts across various historical periods and social, cultural, and geopolitical boundaries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Peak flow usually occurs between February and March depending on the volume of rainfall and snow-melt originating from the mountainous regions in southern Lebanon and Syria. The low-flow season extends from June to November with minimum flows occurring in July at Obstacle Bridge, and in August/September at Sede Nehemia. However, it is likely that the stream-flow regime presented in Figure 10. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 On the other hand: we have the oldest monitoring system in the world when it comes to measurement of stand volumes, growth and biomass production in our forests, the Norwegian National Forest Inventory, established in 1919. Since then the whole country has been assessed nine times (Statistikk fra Landsskogstakseringen 2013). In addition the bio-diversity and biotopes in forests have been monitored systematically since 2000, based on a set of manuals, specific methodologies and indicators. The aim is to present knowledge on biological conditions for use in the development of local forestry plans (Miljpregistrering i skog 2013). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This plan should seek to enhance policy coherence with agriculture, energy and territorial development and bridge identified governance gap, with a high level of political commitment. The mechanisms should leave sufficient flexibility to adjust to the features of each state and basin’s institutional structure and will require capacity building at all levels to match responsibilities with capabilities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 As a result, regions holding the greatest concentrations of innovative sectors tend to outperform other regions in terms of employment and overall economic growth. Connectivity constraints and (more frequently) the weak absorptive capacities of individuals and firms located in these regions hamper adoption of new technologies and innovations produced elsewhere. For instance, firms located in northern regions of Sweden have been found to have more limited access to finance compared to those in the south of the country (Inlandsinnovation AB, 2014). At the European level, for instance, innovation capacities are particularly high in Denmark, Finland, Germany and Sweden, and relatively low in eastern and southern European countries - and that gap does not seem to be narrowing (Veugelers, 2016). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The CoOL requirements distinguish Australian seafood products from others in the market place. According to a review into the effectiveness of the hotline in early 2008 it is helping to reduce the level of mislabelling of seafood in Australia and supported CoOL. The list of approved marketing names for commercial seafood species available in Australia ensures conformity of fish nomenclature throughout the seafood industry. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This contrasts with the debate of the early 1990s, when the rise in the average wage of the newly industrializing economies (NIEs) relative to that of the United States was used to allay fears about the effect of trade on income inequality. This may be partly due to a declining growth in labour supply and restrictions on geographical labour mobility (TDR 2010, chap. Moreover, the new labour contract law, which came into effect in 2008, stipulates minimum wage requirements and allows a strengthening of the bargaining power of employees.9 Finally, labour compensation has also increased because of rapidly rising labour productivity. According to Banister and Cook (2011), labour productivity in China's industrial sector (including manufacturing, as well as construction, mining and utilities) increased at an average annual rate of about 10 per cent betw een 1991 and 2008. The reason for this rapid productivity growth is a combination of sizeable and growing capital investment and improved education and skill levels of Chinese workers, along with the use of advanced technologies by transnational corporations (TNCs) engaged in international production sharing, as discussed below . - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Price increases of oil and petroleum impact the short-run costs of running farm machinery and irrigation systems, as well as the costs of processing, handling and transporting food along the value chain. Higher in-land and ocean freight costs can significantly affect both import and consumer prices. Price transmission of oil price increases to crop prices may be more rapid. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The transformation process is necessarily long term. With governments elected for five years, there is an inherent tendency to postpone addressing long-term development issues that is all the more difficult in the context of a highly partisan political tradition that resists consensus over development strategies. Progress in mainstreaming the environmental dimension of sustainable development strategies has been slow. Such policies address cross-cutting issues, and in the Westminster system of sectoral portfolio ministerial responsibilities, such issues tend to fall between ministerial responsibilities. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The IEA suggests that 80% of projected global C02 energy emissions to 2020 are already locked-in through the world’s current infrastructure asset base. Infrastructure assets have long operational lifetimes (the estimated average lifetime of a coal-fired power station is 40-60 years). About 60% of power plants in service or under construction today are projected to still be in operation in 2035, which will mean that the majority of power sector emissions in that year are already “locked in”, unless future policy changes force early retirement of existing plants or their retrofitting with carbon capture and storage (CCS). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These data reveal the relationship between unpaid work and women's lesser engagement in the labour market and their tendency to have more informal and precarious jobs. Hence, it is crucial to consider time distribution in the formulation of policies which, when combined with other sectoral policies, incentivize the redistribution of domestic and care work and promote labour practices that offer alternatives for the organization of time spent on market activities (Marco, 2012). Moreover, the analysis of time spent on care helps to evaluate the importance of reinforcing maternity and paternity leave and the relevance of implementing leave for the care of older persons and household members with some form of disability or chronic illness. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In particular, a gain in life expectancy at birth of slightly more than one year for both females and males over the period 1991-2003 could be attributed to the increase in health care spending per capita which amounted to more than 50% in real terms over the same period (Table 2). It also suggested that health care spending is the single most important factor explaining differences in health status across countries, though other factors also play important roles (Table 3). The implicit assumption is that all the unexplained country-specific effects and residuals reflect inefficiency, and not measurement errors, omitted variables and other factors. Supporting this assumption are the very low correlations, if any, between the unexplained differences in health status indicators and recent values of key variables which could not be included in panel regressions because cross-country comparable time series were not available - in particular income dispersion (as measured by Gini coefficient), obesity and population density. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 At the world level, labour and capital factor income of primary agricultural sectors would decrease by 1.7% if fertiliser and biofuel support policies were abolished in a low-energy-price environment, compared with 1.2% with the higher energy prices assumed for the reference case. At a regional level, the income effect is again most significant in the United States (-9.4% compared with -5.2% at higher energy prices). As stated before, however, a certain degree of imperfect competition could be assumed in fertiliser markets given its high degree of concentration.35 In this section we study whether the impact of abolition of fertiliser polices on production costs differs when there is imperfect competition. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In Italy, financial resources were devoted to boost innovation in radiotherapy, especially in the southern regions in 2007, but the inequality in availability of medical technologies has not been fully resolved. The density is above-average for both diagnostic and treatment devices in the United States and Switzerland and below-average for all medical devices in Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Greece, Italy, Japan and Korea have high densities of diagnostic equipment but below-average densities for radiotherapy equipment, and the Czech Republic, France and the Slovak Republic, with below-average densities of diagnostic equipment, have high densities of therapeutic equipment. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 School principals in Denmark are less active as pedagogical leaders than on average across OECD countries. There has been progress in recent years to foster a culture of evaluation and assessment, and a national framework is being developed, guided by national objectives for student achievement. Schools and municipalities need further support to build their capacity to analyse and use data for improvement. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The results are unclear for urban traffic. Discouraging the ownership of motorbikes may lead to a reduction in the number of vehicles, but could also worsen traffic congestion if more cars are used as a result rather than alternative modes of transportation (Phang, 2014). This issue may be particularly relevant in low- and middle-income economies, where motorbikes and scooters are popular modes of transportation. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Ecological concepts are applied to manage the interactions between agroecosystem components such as plants, crops, livestock, soils, climate, and humans. For example, the Promotion of Smart Agriculture Towards Climate Change initiative has as its objective to support the transition towards agroecology in West Africa to reinforce the resilience of vulnerable populations. The initiative aims at the adoption of practices by 25 million households by 2025. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Taking a closer look at the interplay between the different public actors involved in water policy making, the chapter proposes a tentative taxonomy of the main governance challenges, based on selected indicators and data collection from the OECD survey on water governance. Detailed horizontal and vertical co-ordination challenges for 17 OECD countries are synthesised in the country profiles attached to this report. Taking stock of existing principles, guidelines, indicators, indexes and checklists for good governance in the water sector, this chapter presents a “reading template” identifying seven common multi-level governance “gaps” and attempts to assess, based on selected proxies, their importance in several OECD countries. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A late marriage age has been shown to have a strong correlation with education (World Bank, 2012), which apart from raising women’s ability to take independent decisions affects investment in children’s health and education w'ith many benefits. Early marriage also has social costs in terms its link to high rates of fertility among young women, which is often linked to infant mortality or staying outside the labour force. Although fertility has declined substantially in India overall, it can be high among certain vulnerably social groups. However, more is needed to expand further secondary' and higher education, and in improving quality of education, including the skill content. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! While most foreign investment in hydropower, oil and gas projects in these areas goes through formal channels as these sectors are controlled by the state and entail massive investment, the remaining foreign investment is largely informal. Given this lack of data and the reluctance of businesses to disclose information, the extent of such informal investment is difficult to ascertain but may be particularly high. In fact, large investment, much of it foreign direct investment (FDI), seems to have targeted not only mining and hydropower but also logging and most recently rubber, maize, paddy, sugarcane, jatropha and palm oil in resource-rich ethnic states, such as Kachin and Shan states. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As a result, discharges from WWTPs into water bodies are polluted by organic substances, ammonium and nitrates. Another reason for poor wastewater treatment is the large capacity of WWTPs relative to the incoming wastewater. For more efficient wastewater treatment, the capacity of WWTPs must be adjusted, thus, the receiving waters will be in better condition and operating costs can be reduced. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In contrast, the poverty figures estimated by ECLAC are generated with the aim of achieving the greatest possible comparability for various analytical purposes, and, given their different objectives and uses, they certainly do not seek to replace the national figures to describe poverty levels and trends in each country. As both data sets display similar trends, it is considered appropriate to use the national figures to describe the behaviour of poverty in each country. Meanwhile, comparable poverty measurements are used to construct regional aggregates and analyse the drivers of poverty and how different population groups are affected by it. Thus, ECLAC data contribute to a regional diagnosis that prioritizes evidence-based analysis on poverty-reduction policies. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Nordic countries’ changing constitutional scenery is a largely unexplored paradise for theory building in the field of comparative constitutional law and politics. As the articles in this symposium illustrate, the Nordic countries provide what is, arguably, a most fitting test case for examining the impact of transnational law on domestic constitutionalism, with its patterns of global convergence alongside enduring national divergence. Likewise, the Nordic experience calls for the incorporation of comparative politics or political economy theory into the study of constitutional law. This is particularly true with respect to the empirical examination of some core insights of post–World War II constitutional theory concerning the origins of constitutionalization and judicial review and the supposedly critical role of the latter in facilitating democracy and high levels of human development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The 2030 Agenda lists rising inequalities, natural resource depletion, environmental degradation and climate change among the greatest challenges of our time. It recognizes that social development and economic prosperity depend on the sustainable management of freshwater resources and ecosystems and it highlights the integrated nature of SDGs. The report is based on the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators' selected by Member States to track progress towards the eight global targets, plus complementary data and evidence from a wide range of sources. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A possible fossil fuel discovery in Ethiopia would alter the economic case behind the CRGE, lowering fossil fuel prices and discouraging investment in renewable energy sources. Hence in section 6 we go on to suggest that institutions, capacities, systems and incentives are given top priority in green growth strategy development. It would not be helpful to promote the CRGE’s proposed set of technologies and investment projects alone, if people and their institutions are not ready for them, and if prevailing economic signals make them unattractive and unsustainable over the long run. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""Such limitations are often recognised in the way that monetary poverty indicators are described in publications both by national governments and international organisations. For example, the United Kingdom Department for Work and Pensions refers to """"relative low income"""" in their published statistics, whilst Eurostat reports on """"at-risk-of-poverty rates"""" (Department for Work and Pensions, 2016, Eurostat, 2016). If data are collected through household surveys, it is often impractical and expensive to collect detailed data from all members of the household. More importantly, it is often very difficult or impossible to allocate economic flows to single individuals within the household or family unit."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Building on the theory of democratic constitutionalism, I assess the political implications of the constitutional space formed by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and national constitutional courts in Europe. Democratic constitutionalism helps situate the role of constitutional courts in stimulating a degree of consensus, necessary for governance of heterogeneous communities such as the United States and the European Union. Questions of legitimacy and confidence in the judiciary come to the fore. I examine a mechanism used by the US Supreme Court, the CJEU and the ECtHR alike to foster democratic constitutionalism: in order to confront challenges to judicial legitimacy and remain responsive to the extra-judicial environment, these courts rely on majoritarian trends, or consensus, inspired by, but not limited to, the constitutional law of federal states and member countries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As a result, official records such as the national census do not encompass the different ethnic groups, including indigenous peoples, in the country or their languages (International Labour Organization and African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, 2009a, p. vi). In this regard, indigenous peoples have a desire to learn the majority language so that they can fully participate in public life, access higher education, influence political decisions and embrace economic opportunities (ibid.). While indigenous peoples possess their own education systems grounded in particular cultural contexts which have enabled them to survive for millenniums, they have also advocated for greater recognition and inclusion of those systems which incorporate their perspectives, cultures, beliefs, values and languages. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! As an example, Davis (2008) empirically studies the effect of a driving restrictions program on air quality in Mexico City. In the urban economics literature, the impact of urbanisation on air quality has been studied through different urban structure indicators. One can distinguish between two categories of such indicators: (i) indicators related to the internal composition of the urban area and (ii) urban area morphology indicators.2 Urban area morphology refers to the spatial disposition of the urban tissue (e.g. dispersed urban plots, linearity of urban areas) while internal composition refers to tissue composition (e.g. wetland, green spaces). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Male control of both the public and private spheres hinders women's political participation. Women also feel insecure about the criminalisation of politics and use of 'money power', and frequently face discrimination from their male colleagues. They are often illiterate and unaware of rules, regulations and rights, which further hinders effective participation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Many countries have created agencies specialized in the fight against corruption both as an alternative to recourse to the judicial system and because the complexity of the corruption phenomenon is escalating. The fight against corruption requires specific skills in a variety of fields, including law, finance, economics, accounting, civil engineering, and social sciences. The main functions of such agencies are law enforcement, prevention, policy development, and coordination. A comparative review of different agencies around the world reveals that their effectiveness in curbing corruption differs highly across countries. The most successful examples are those of Singapore and Hong Kong. Such a review also shows that when the agencies do not deliver “success”, failure is not entirely attributable to them. A major source of failures is the relationship with governments and donors in terms of funding, independence, accountability, and transparency. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 1. Introduction: Andrew Buchwalter.- 2. Hegel on Cosmopolitanism, International Relations, and the Challenges of Globalization: Steven V. Hicks.- 3. Beyond Leviathan: Hegel's Contribution to the Critique of Human Rights: Robert Fine.- 4. Between Statism and Cosmopolitanism: Hegel and the Possibility of Global Justice: Thom Brooks.- 5. Toleration, Social Identity, and International Justice in Rawls and Hegel: Maria Kowalski.- 6. Hegel, Civil Society, and Globalization: Peter G. Stillman.- 7. A Hegelian Approach to Global Poverty: Lydia L. Moland.- 8. The Coming World Welfare State Which Hegel Could Not See: Clark Butler.- 9. The Citizen of the European Union from a Hegelian Perspective: Paul Cobben.- 10. Hegel on War, Recognition, and Justice: Gary Browning.- 11. Hegel, Global Justice, and Mutual Recognition: Andrew Buchwalter. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Similarly, indigenous peoples were three times as likely as non-indigenous people to live in houses in need of major repair, and over 22 per cent of dwellings in indigenous communities in 5 provinces and 3 territories (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut) were in need of major repair in 2006, compared with an average of 7.0 per cent in non-indigenous communities in Canada. Trans-cultural Psychiatry, 35:191-219. Postcolonial Suicide among Inuit in Arctic Canada""""."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, the cash transfer programme, PROSPERA, formerly known as Oportunidades or Progresa, encourages disadvantaged families to send their children to school and to medical check-ups. It covers around 6.5 million Mexican families, and has helped to increase enrolment rates for secondary school, reduce the incidence of anaemia among children, and cut poverty rates in rural areas. Along with this, additional efforts need to be continued to improve the quality of education opportunities provided for all. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This would be prohibitive for many small operators, developing countries in particular have raised concerns about costs. Certification costs vary according to certifiers and their audit fees. Certifiers present concurred with this and argued that as they became more familiar with the criteria of any scheme, they also became more efficient and hence could contain costs. Currently the costs of certification are generally borne by harvesters. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 All drugs provided in hospitals are free of charge, and cost sharing is capped at HRK 2 000 (approximately EUR 264) per episode of illness in secondary or tertiary care. There are also a number of exemptions from copayments for vulnerable population groups (e.g. children, students, pensioners, people with disabilities, the unemployed and those on low incomes). Nevertheless, unmet needs are over five times higher in low income groups than in high income groups (5.2% compared to 0.8%) (Figure 11). Out-of-pocket expenditure in Croatia is equal Figure 11. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Panel B: the bars and left axis show that the region's investment in renewable energy {combined light green, purple and red bars) has steadily increased to reach $171 billion in 2015. The dark blue line and right axis show that the region now accounts for half of the world's investment in renewable energy, such as solar and wind. This is because, without consistent increases in real wages backed by rising productivity, such growth can lead to debt accumulation and entail financial vulnerability. Robust investment is critical for sustained income growth, on which consumption ultimately depends. Thus, having a balanced aggregate demand mix is important, and some progress seems to be taking place. In South Asia, where the nominal share of investment is relatively low, investment growth is projected to outpace private consumption growth in the coming years, while in East Asia, particularly in China, where investment rates are relatively high, private consumption growth is projected to outpace investment growth (World Bank, 2018a). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Non-standard workers in the lowest earnings quintile seem to fare better in the household income distribution in Japan, Ireland and Australia, where slightly under one-quarter of these workers remain at the bottom quintile when all income sources from other household members were pooled. Interestingly, low-eamings, non-standard workers in those three countries seem to get more financial support from their household members or have received noticeable non-labour incomes, as about half of non-standard workers in the bottom earnings quintile in these countries found themselves in the upper three quintiles of the household income. On the other hand, low-eamings, non-standard workers in Estonia, Luxembourg and Greece face a higher risk of low income, as more than 40% of them remain in the lowest quintile of household income. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Over two-thirds of the parties to the Lisbon Recognition Convention have taken few or no measures to implement Art. International partner support has been critical. In Turkey, the national employment agency fa working with several international organizations to overcome the and administrative obstacles for making jobs accessible to Syrian refugees and to develop vocational training programmes (Kirijci et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! As the Obama administration pieces together its own civil service reform program, it may find solutions to key reform challenges in an oft-overlooked Bush administration human resource management initiative in the national security arena. While press and scholarly attention focused largely on the administration’s reform efforts at the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, discussed at length in the article by Kellough, Nigro, and Brewer in this symposium, the development of a common personnel framework across the U.S. Intelligence Community went relatively unnoticed. The author argues that human resource management changes made pursuant to the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 provide a potential model for the Obama administration as it addresses three key reform challenges that have long plagued policymakers: replacing the General Schedule with a modernized approach to compensation and classification, achieving a balance between uniformity at the executive branch level and ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Agricultural products are not currently heavily traded - according to Director-General Pascal Lamy, they currently make up only 10 per cent of world trade, only 25 per cent of the world's agricultural production is traded globally, and, in some key commodities (e.g. rice) the figure is much lower. What is more, in some cases there could be adverse consequences for the environment. Over-emphasis on food security could make put net food importing countries even in more precarious situation. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It also prepares technical documentation related to chemical safety that can be downloaded from its website. The documentation includes government manuals, SDS and information on the GHS and other UN initiatives. There are ten ARLs - effectively insurance companies that cover workplace injuries and illnesses, each with a different focus. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Contracts and management of public investment contracts are particularly vulnerable to fraud and corruption. This is due in large part to the large scale of these investments, which are followed by huge amounts of money and sometimes the difficulties associated with effective oversight of a large number of contracts. Disclosure of illegal payments often hinders public investment, leads to their failure or improper implementation. As a result, there are big losses incurred by the state budget. This paper examines 75 companies involved in the procurement process to identify the most common corrupt practices used by awarding entities at various stages of the proceedings. The paper also attempts to formulate recommendations concerning the economic policy of the state in the examined area. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is also almost impossible to isolate the influence of a specific research output on a given impact, which is generally the result of several factors and thus difficult to control for. As a result, any “causality” between research outputs and impacts cannot be easily demonstrated. Every research field and industry creates output and channels it to the end user in a specific way. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 One distinguishes between absolute and relative decoupling. Decoupling is said to be absolute when the environmental variable is stable or decreasing while the economic variable is growing. Decoupling is said to be relative when environmental variable is increasing, but at a lower rate than the economic variable. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The space should allow some flexibility in its use to suit changing needs. When streets and plazas accommodate multiple activities, they are activated always, even if used differently at different times. World Vision International, for instance, engages children as change agents who inform planning decisions for better and safer spaces. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Restricting public health care provision would also affect the growth potential through a detrimental effect on health and hence the ability of individuals to participate in the labour market. The health status affects labour supply, which will be all the more important for economic growth as the old age dependency ratio increases. Individuals in good health are more productive, less often on sick leave and enjoy better opportunities to build up human capital. The chances that they retire early are reduced. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 While Israel has made efforts to increase domestic medical graduates, younger doctors are choosing to specialise and work in a hospital. To ensure primary care facilities have the workforce they need, the government should encourage younger doctors to work in primary care, including through providing the opportunity to undertake their clinical training in primary care settings. Israel should complement these efforts with making sure that the skills of older medical workforce remain current. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Citizens and businesses may avoid taking risks, delaying decisions regarding investment, innovation and labour mobility that are essential to jump-start growth and regain competitiveness. Emphasising fairness and integrity in policy development and implementation, ensuring that policy making is more inclusive, and building real engagement with citizens all involve citizens' skills. The capacity to use these devices intelligently to manage information is thus becoming essential. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As a response against the terrorist attacks in Paris in January 2015, people adapted ‘Je suis Charlie’ as a slogan to show their solidarity with the victims. In this article, while condemning the killings, I would like to examine the situation from the perspective of public theology: 1) the nature of laicite and the tension between the freedom of expression and respect for faith, 2) the problem of the marginalisation of minority religious groups in a secular public sphere, 3) the impact of the public demonstration and the creation of a platform for secular and sacred interactions. I shall incooperate in my presentation media reports, articles and interviews on the topic and also some of the scholarly discussions on laicite, on ‘interactive pluralism’ by Rowan Williams, and on the public engagement of religious communities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The legal literature to date has paid scant attention to the criminal liability of military officers for torturous interrogation methods. Now, however, this issue has become more topical due to recent US/UK military interventions in both Afghanistan and Iraq. In particular, numerous members of the Iraqi and Afghani regimes, political and military, have been arrested for alleged implication in international crimes, including terrorism. This article discusses the criminal law ramifications of interrogation methods, relying on the recent case law of the ICTY and of the ECHR, as well as significant judgments of the Israeli Supreme Court on this subject. I emphasize the tension between the international rule of law and the defense of necessity as such tension relates to conflicting jus cogens norms which arise during military interventions. I propose legal strategies that may be effectively applied to these controversial situations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For water stress simulations, we implement three scenario variations-basin efficiency deficit (SB) and groundwater depletion (SG) and drought (SD). Two regional climate scenarios (RCP 8.5 IPSL and RCP 8.5 Hadley) are added. This equates to a possible twelve scenario runs (three climate options * four combinations of water stress). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The three-step programme: i) encourages knowledge sharing to strengthen water environmental governance, ii) fosters water solution information platforms through workshops and dialogues, Hi) creates policy makers’ networks for the improvement of water environmental governance. The WEPA contributes to facilitate mutual understanding on water issues between 13 member countries, each appointing a focal point who discusses solutions for environmental management challenges. The current members are Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. They also suggested the importance of maintaining an up-to-date database on existing water regulation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It can also shift power relations between women and men, including at household level, and can improve women’s well-being, negotiating power and overall status. The industry plays a vital role in earning foreign exchange. The share of garments in total merchandise exports rose from a mere 6% in 1995 to 76% in 2005, earning USD 2.2 billion. The impact on income from this sector goes far beyond the workers employed in this sector and it is estimated that at least one million people benefit through direct and indirect employment and income, including remittances. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! This means that, in general, the benefits of trade are not distributed equally, creating “losers” and “winners” within countries. Institutions and policies that work in one country will not necessarily work in another. Hence, developing countries need to pursue and be ready to experiment with different types of policies, institutional designs and growth strategies (in terms of both pace and pattern). Rodrik (2003) identified three fundamental principles for economic policy: markets, institutions and macroeconomic stability. These principles are not sufficient to induce growth individually, but they are needed in combination. No one should expect it to be unconditionally fair to all by design. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Garcia Molla’s results suggest that traditional districts supported by state projects combined with ‘two-part tariff systems’ exhibit the lowest consumption levels. They also suggest that all districts using groundwater exclusively or in combination with surface water tend to consume more than those that rely exclusively on surface water resources, indicating perhaps unsustainable use. Rieu (2005) shows that, although demand in Charente is elastic, local authorities have established quotas to avoid the negative effects on farm income. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""A number of large economies in Asia and the Pacific, most notably those of China and India, which proved resilient in the early part of the Great Recession of 2008-2009, subsequently have slowed markedly, reducing the support they had previously provided to Asia-Pacific economies through the channel of intraregional demand. The output loss could be significant for the region as a whole at almost $1.3 trillion from the start of the crisis until 2017. Policies to create or strengthen alternative sources of growth should be viewed as a priority in order to prevent the onset of the """"new normal"""" of lower growth."" - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! It should nevertheless not be forgotten that a simple carbon tax has much the same economic effect as a feed-in premium, all the while providing a simple and clear signal to all low-carbon technologies. This requires the provision of flexibility services in order to generate continuous matching of supply and demand. Between dispatchable back-up capacity, increased interconnection capacity, storage and demand-side management, energy markets need to be enabled to find the most efficient solution to provide system flexibility and ensure second-by-second matching of supply and demand. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is important that the indicators align to the same framework for a full and comprehensive analysis to be made. All Nordic statistical offices are currently working to establish regular routines to produce and disseminate these statistics. Rather than to dig deep into the intricacies of a green GDP, the thrust of the effort is on developing a Nordic set of already existing indicators and measures, which relate to the SEEA Central Framework. This can be used besides GDP, as a satellite environmental account, that could be combined with traditional SNA national accounts and provide input for thorough, transparent and reliable analysis of the interplay between economy and environment. A common Nordic effort in this field would be a path-breaking contribution to the follow-up of the new UN sustainable development goals. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These include systems that monitor official development assistance, other official flows, South-South flows, and foreign direct investment (Tirpak, Stasio and Tawney, 2012, Tirpak, Brown and Ronquillo-Ballestros, 2014). Second, existing financial monitoring systems can be built upon for more accurate monitoring and tracking of international climate finance specifically. Several countries have in fact begun bringing public sources of climate finance (national and international) into national budgeting and planning systems (Thamrin, 2016, Ministry of Finance, 2014). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Snow crab is a very important commercial species for the region and catches have been decreasing since reaching a peak in 1960. The stock has improved and in September 2008 became the first Japanese fishery to be certified under the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) eco-labelling scheme. There are only 15 vessels which have a license for this fishery. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""For Sweden, data regarding child care refers to childminders. In some countries, higher qualifications are not available for the ECEC workforce, whereas in other countries, higher qualification is available and may be obtained through professional development. Answers indicating """"other"""" without specifying which topic was referred to with “other1 are not included in this figure. Professional development opportunities are aimed at improving the performance of ECEC staff in already assigned positions."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""These studies represent a large and important knowledge base, and they have influenced education policy development globally. The Nordic countries represent a unique """"laboratory"""" for in-depth analyses of the outcomes of these studies because of the many cultural similarities combined with clear national characteristics with respect to results and policy development. The biannual Northern Lights publications aim to present highly policy-relevant analyses in a Nordic context in order to enhance the use and understanding of the data from large-scale assessments, and to stimulate Nordic cooperation."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It provides insights into the important roles of ecosystem services (ESs) and why their valuation matters. It describes the manual’s aims, focus, target audience, structure, content and limitations (in terms of scope and application). The module also introduces scenarios specific to the context of Bangladesh, which can be used as references, examples and exercises in considering the approaches, methods and concepts presented in the manual. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Local government contracts for the purchase of goods may provide opportunities to leverage government purchasing power to obtain concessions from suppliers. Some municipalities use responsible bidder provisions to require that all contractors comply with anti-corruption, labour, employment, anti-discrimination and environmental laws. Tenders can include incentives for hiring unemployed and disadvantaged workers who have been trained at TAFE Institutes in specific occupations. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Master service agreements, contract terms, modifications, extensions, appendices, etc. As an example, the building information modelling (BIM) guideline in Germany is to be implemented until the year 2020, aiming to collect relevant information of a building’s lifecycle in order to ensure transparent communication of all stakeholders (Bundesministerium, 2017). The visualisation of the versioning without a central counterpart creates an eco-system without any vendor locking. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Bringing together social science and literary sensibilities, this article employs a focused content analysis of the texts of three influential Norwegian novels for their personal portrayal of the relationship between modernization, the new welfare state, poverty, and shame. As significant facets of public imagination, the big and little stories presented in the novels deploy a decidedly social psychology, in which individual accounts reflexively relate to social life. Featuring associated characters and identities, the novels construct possible experiences. In this context, emotions such as shame are taken to be indigenous ingredients of modernization and the welfare state. The lessons of a lyrical sociology for understanding personal experience and social change are discussed in the conclusion. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Standalone direct public investments may also be made to supplement suboptimal private investments on both the demand and supply sides. To ensure that such investments do not crowd out private investments, public investments may be used to target areas of education where private investment is particularly lacking, or those that need specific promotion for reasons of externality and, indeed, equity. One such case is universalizing basic education. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Marine energy technologies such as wave, tidal, ocean-thermal or salt power, were not assessed because they are still relatively immature. It is the work of an international scientific and technical expert team. Meeting the rising energy demands of a growing world population presents an ideal opportunity to make technology choices that also address the climate, environmental and health issues caused by fossil fuels. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! At every level of the workforce, women drop out or stall below top leadership positions, creating a ‘leaking pipeline’ of talent for New Zealand’s management sector. As the national women’s machinery, it is responsible for providing policy advice on how to improve the situation of women across the country, as well as suitable women nominees for state sector boards and committees. Additionally, the ministry provides support and policy advice to the National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women, an independent advisory body that monitors women’s employment. For MWA, stronger gender balance is not just a goal unto itself, but has long-lasting and countrywide impacts for organisational performance and productivity. Basing its theory of change on the growing body of international evidence demonstrating the economic value of increasing gender diversity, MWA asserts that more women in leadership will bring diverse views to the decision-making table. This correlates to better decision-making and organisational performance, as well as stronger connections to clients, stakeholders and investors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Also because of the capital lumpiness in water supply this provides an incentive to expand the capacity in surface water storage at a single point in time rather than spread out over time, which can mean that it may be a considerable duration before demand materialises to use this capacity. Policy interventions in agriculture regarding water commonly involve changing the quantity and/or quality of access, as usually farmers have some access to water. Hence, to measure the benefit from an increment in water supply for farming in the receiving areas it is necessary to estimate the marginal value of water (marginal net profit) in the agricultural uses that would go out of production without the new increment of water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, replicating the development path of industrialized countries based almost exclusively on fossil fuels would result in a level of emissions that would preclude reaching meaningful global targets with respect to emissions reductions. Renewable energies could in theory address both issues, allowing developing countries to develop while limiting the growth in emissions from that part of the world. Such causality is best demonstrated at the micro level. There is a wide body of literature showing how access to energy, especially clean cooking energy and electricity, radically improves livelihoods and basic development indicators. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For this to happen, it is essential to have the acceptance and support of such development from the communities that will reap the benefits and costs associated w ith tourism development. As in many countries, destination management plans (DMP) can be used to support tourism development and take into account local needs and characteristics (OECD, 2018a). They can help to co-ordinate public and private actors. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The New Urban Agenda, adopted at Habitat III, supports the implementation of SDG 11 and outlines a new paradigm. Fundamental to this paradigm is a shared vision where cities and human settlements fulfill their social function, engender a sense of belonging and ownership amongst all inhabitants, practise civic engagement, empower women and girls, meet the challenges and opportunities of future growth enhancing urban economies and value-added activities, and link people, places, services and economic activities. This includes cities and human settlements that strengthen sustainable urban transport and mobility, ICT communication networks, e-government strategies, as well as citizen-centric digital governance tools, tapping into technological innovations. Digital technologies have impacted urban development and management over recent years. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The mean number of events per patient increased by 10% for each additional medication. Between 17-30% of errors were correlated with polypharmacy that could be reduced through the use of reminders in an electronic prescription /ordering system (Meredith et al, 2001). Complexity can be clinical as well as biopsychosocial. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued interpretive guidance on climate change disclosure, but so far it seems to have had limited effects: 59% of Standard & Poor’s 500 companies do report on climate but, according to some, their disclosures have been disappointing (Ceres, 2014). This reporting requirement has not been changed in spite of the July 2014 repeal of the 2011 Climate Tax. In March 2014, the NDRC announced a new regulation requiring all firms emitting more than 13 000 tonnes (C02-eq) to begin reporting their annual GHG emissions. It is expected to be enforced from 2015 (Reuters, 2014). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It has therefore decided to engage in a project dedicated to ‘Advancing the aquaculture agenda’. The overall project objective is to examine the policy challenges for a competitive and sustainable aquaculture sector in OECD countries. In addition, the project fully embraces the vision of the recent OECD Declaration on Green Growth (OECD, 2009) which states that 'the OECD can, through policy analysis and identification of best practices, assist countries in their efforts to respond to the growing policy demands to foster green growth and work with countries to develop further measures to build sustainable economies’. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Moreover, general medicine specialist training also includes tasks that require a deeper knowledge of common public health issues, mental health included (OECD Mental health questionnaire, 2013). As there is no gatekeeping in primary care to limit the access to specialist (mental) health services, many patients in need of treatment (for severe mental disorders in particular) may seek specialist level care directly. Psychiatric specialist services are mainly provided in psychiatric outpatient wards located in general hospitals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The RSE scheme and the incipient raised value of remittances have emphasised the positive role of migration. Skilled migration from both countries is significant and has an impact on the effectiveness of the health and education systems, but is regarded as inevitable. Skilling of the workforce is seen as valuable in itself and for potential migration. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The transport card can also be substituted with an ordinary bank card or a smart phone. This high-tech pricing system not only eliminates the user’s discomfort of having to queue to recharge the conventional pre-paid transport card, it also facilitates the collection of traffic big data. Considering that 99% of users in Seoul travel with a transport card (Seoul Solution, 2016), the data directly reflect consumer needs and indirectly signal consumer satisfaction. This opens up new opportunities for making transport and land-use decisions more responsive to community needs. Previously, bus stops and subway exits were scattered around the station without proper direction boards, which made transfers inconvenient and time-consuming. Therefore, the city government built a multi-modal transit centre, which brings together 89 bus routes on one spot within a close walking distance to subway lines 1 and 4, as well as KTX express railway (Seoul, 2016b). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 All three food banks were established with a two-sided purpose, both to reduce food waste and to make it easier for charity organisations to get access to food donations. This two-sided basis probably reflects the fact that the Nordic food banks have been established late compared to other countries in Europe (2006-2013), in a period where food waste prevention was much higher on the agenda than when most food banks were established. In Norway, there are two employees, whereas the manager has a management for hire contract on a 50% position. Allwin has only employed personell, with four persons working totally about 3 man years. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 AbstractRecent research suggests that high-stakes standardized testing has played a negative role in the segregation of children by race and class in schools. In this article we review research on the overall effects of segregation, the positive and negative aspects of how desegregation plans were carried out following the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, and the de facto re-segregation that followed the dismantling of many desegregation plans, along with the increase of school choice plans. We then analyze these effects in light of the ways that high-stakes standardized testing has grown in importance and intensity in US education policy and practice, especially during the most recent period of school re-segregation. Based on the evidence we argue that the intrinsic features of high-stakes testing, combined with current systems of school choice, function as mechanisms used for racial coding that facilitate segregation and compound inequalities found in schools. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The decentralisation indicator from the OECD survey on health system characteristics ranks Finland as the third most decentralised country among 29, behind Spain and Canada. Finland is the only Nordic country that delegates the financing and governance of primary, hospital care and social services to municipalities (OECD, 2005). This attribution of responsibilities reflects the organisation of Finnish government around only two tiers (central and municipal), while counties constitute an intermediate level in Denmark, Norway and Sweden (Moisio etal., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 A recent study on 32 Mexican cities (World Bank, 2016c) measured the ease of Doing Business based on four criteria: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property and enforcing contracts,51 showed substantial differences across cities, with at least one of them performing better than high-income OECD members. The conclusion for Kazakhstan is that an assessment of subnational differences in the business climate would provide a clearer understanding of the differences across regions and cities to incentivise business and investment, and place government in a better position to design and implement policy. The fifth wave of the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS), provides insight into the variations of the perception of firms on the business environment across the country. For instance, insufficient education in the workforce is more often reported as the main obstacle to doing business in medium-size cities than in Almaty City or Astana (Table 1.8 above). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 There are three main conditions that must be met: (1) risks should be non-uniform at the national level, (2) high-risk regions should be well-defined and bounded, and (3) hotspot assessments should be supported by robust information and data. Both steps will vary depending on the scope, scale and time horizon, as well as the level of information. This exercise identified China, India, and the United States as the top three water risk hotspot countries for agriculture production. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""For instance, the Alliance for Affordable Internet - a broad coalition with more than 80 member organizations from civil society, and the public and private sectors5- has proposed the affordability target of """"1 for 2"""": 1GB of data for no more than 2 per cent of income (Alliance for Affordable Internet, 2017). The two benchmarks are considered given that there are a number of countries that have not yet achieved the 5 per cent target set for 2015 for broadband services, and therefore they are benchmarked against this goalpost. On the other hand, those countries having achieved the 5 per cent target are benchmarked based on their progress towards achieving the 2025 target of 2 per cent of GNI p.c. It will include the presentation of the end 2017 mobile-cellular basket and country rankings, and show some regional differences in the affordability of mobile-cellular prices."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The NAS recognises the importance of this point, stating that social inequalities can be reinforced through vulnerability to the environment. It also reiterates the message of the 2010 Austrian Strategy for Sustainable Development, which states the importance of dealing with economic, social and environmental challenges in an integrated manner (Chapter 2). An EU-funded study used GIS mapping to identify links between physical and social vulnerability in the Salzburg river basin. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! But it also generates inequalities in access to health care, as only employees can benefit from it, and leads to duplication of services. Hence, it would be desirable to remove privileged access to primary care through the occupational sector. However, it is only conceivable if responsiveness is not affected. User fees, from which only the occupational sector is exempted, could be another contentious issue. The impact on private health care is more ambiguous. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 A number of plans also include targets and indicators, such as those related to deforestation, land use and degradation (Colombia, Ethiopia), increase in forest cover (Nepal, Uganda), species in danger of extinction, and the number and size of protected areas. Most countries have devoted separate thematic sections to biodiversity, ecosystems or environmental protection more broadly. China’s 12th Five-Year Plan (FYP) (2011-15) for example, addresses biodiversity under ecosystem protection and accelerated restoration, as part of the plan’s overarching strategy to build “a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society through green development”. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Separate local pollution standards may also be set for particular cities or regions. In 2013, a target of 60 PM2 5 pg/m3 was set for Beijing by 2017, and was achieved, according to the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Motor vehicle engines produce a range of pollutants, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and hydrocarbons. Particulate matter pollution is also produced by vehicles from non-exhaust sources such as road, brake and tire wear. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! While each topic covered could merit much deeper analysis on its own, this paper takes a broad overview of these implications of Paris on trade. A crude picture can be drawn. The European Union and the USA, industrialised historic GHG emitters with emissions caps under the Kyoto Protocol, sought to broaden the agreement to require all states to make mitigation commitments. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Setting locally ambitious and feasible SDG targets to improve digital connectivity are an important means to build momentum. Internet usage in Myanmar jumped from 1.2% in 2013 to 15% in 2015 due to the 2013 Telecommunications Law. This created a competitive market which triggered a reduction in the cost of SIM cards from approximately USD$150 in 2013 to just USD$1.50 in 2015. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Urban challenges can be separated into two broad categories: developed versus developing countries, and within those categories, primate versus secondary cities. This simplified typology is not intended to be exhaustive but rather illustrative of some of the differences in urban conditions and challenges which exist and would influence policy recommendations and specific solutions of the New Urban Agenda. The levels of GDP per capita of countries are used as proxies for level of development. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Assuming that we are able to match similar students across waves of the PISA study, we can estimate how the reform affected students who, without the reform, would still be in vocational schools. We use treatment-evaluation nomenclature (see Lee 2005) to formally define the groups. The treatment is defined as a 15-year-old student in vocational secondary school (szkola zawodowa) in 2000. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 First, it is difficult to define - identify - what EE investments comprise. If a bank decides to invest in a Light Emitting Diode (LED) manufacturer, it is quite straightforward to consider the entire investment as an EE investment. On the other hand, should a bank decide to invest in road construction using some EE technologies, it becomes less evident to determine the portion of investment incumbent to EE. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, while contribution credits can be a valuable tool to improve women's pension benefits, they are unlikely to close gender gaps in coverage and benefits on their own and need to be conceived as part of a wider package of gender equality-enhancing measures. In a context of gendered labour markets, contributory pension systems face several constraints to guarantee universal and adequate pension benefits for women. Women’s lives of work are different from men’s in a number of important aspects, and these differences affect gender equality in pension entitlements even under gender-neutral pension system rules. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, the HFA Monitor provides information on the adoption of new national policies (input) but has no way of measuring the level of implementation (output) or whether it has led to a real reduction in risk (outcome). Therefore, while the momentum of the disaster risk management sector under the HFA is undeniable, its effectiveness is unclear. Increased inputs do not necessarily indicate achievement of the desired outcome. However, seen from a broader perspective, this information is largely self-referential. The HFA Monitor documents real achievements in developing the policies, legislation, information systems and institutional frameworks recommended by the HFA, but not the achievement of the policy goal of reducing disaster risk. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Hence, global governance can be understood as the governance of various types of global issues at the global level, including horizontal coordination among a variety of global actors not limited to nation-states. Many studies have acknowledged the limits and weaknesses of the existing global governance framework in the management of sustainability concerns, and they contend that it should be reformed. The most ambitious proposal for global governance would be to set up a new authoritative single entity, exemplified by the constitutional approach described by Mitrany (1933). Others have suggested more modest alternatives. Haas (2004) presented a “network model of decentralized global governance”, a form of global governance based on diffuse networks of diverse actors. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! This article begins by clarifying and noting various limitations on the universal reach of the human right to health care under positive international law. It then argues that irrespective of the human right to health care established by positive international law, any system of positive international law capable of generating legal duties with prima facie moral force necessarily presupposes a universal moral human right to health care. But the language used in contemporary human rights documents or human rights advocacy is not a good guide to the content of this rather more modest universal moral human right to health care. The conclusion reached is that when addressing issues of justice as they inevitably arise with respect to health policy and health care, both within and between states, there is typically little to gain and much to risk by framing deliberation in terms of the human right to health care. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The success of GBV integrated service provision depends on co-ordinated programming that engages the different sectors across multiple levels with institutional buy-in of key stakeholders. Collaboration between the various service providers (medical, legal, police) is essential and services that are adequately resourced and located under one roof can be more readily accessed, leading to increased report and service demand as more people are able to benefit. The last decade has been the most progressive in terms of introducing new laws aimed at preventing VAWG. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Several agencies supported countries developing STI policy frameworks, including UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNECE, UNESCAP and the World Bank (IATT-STI, 2017[3]). The declaration made at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Istanbul in 2011 welcomed the establishment of a technology bank dedicated to LDCs. The Istanbul Programme of Action for The Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020 included the establishment of a “Technology Bank and Science, Technology and Information supporting mechanism, dedicated to least developed countries which would help improve least developed countries ’ scientific research and innovation base, promote networking among researchers and research institutions, help least developed countries access and utilise critical technologies, and draw together bilateral initiatives and support by multilateral institutions and the private sector, building on the existing international initiatives. ” The AAAA and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development reaffirmed the importance of this mechanism and requested, through SDG target 17.8, for it to be “fully operationalised by 2017”. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The Effects of broadband Internet expansion on labor market outcomes.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 2013, vol. The Digital Road to Recovery: A Stimulus Plan to Create Jobs, Boost Productivity and Revitalize America. The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Washington, DC. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! However, the taxes are more onerous in LDCs where they account for a larger share of per capita income. Data for LDCs included in the GSMA study show that handset taxes range from 0 to 40% of the cost (see Box chart 4.1). The country has the second lowest taxes on handsets among the LDCs, which has an important impact on the price. By 2016, almost half of Cambodians had a smartphone. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 High investments in 2009 and 2010, partly supported by ENOVA’s schemes, have led to expectations of further growth in district heat consumption in the coming years. However, although district heat consumption is increasing, it only accounts for 1.6% of the net domestic consumption of energy. About half of the resources used for district heating in Norway are forest biomass and municipal waste, which are supplemented by gas, oil, hydro power and waste heat. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article explores the problems of public accountability in current investment law practice. These problems arise from the private interpretation of international investment treaty and customary law in arbitration. It analyses these problems through the historical lens of Roman law and the Roman law tradition in international law. It suggests a Praetorian system of international accountability and explores the remarkable similarities between current investment arbitration and classical Roman civil procedure. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It was written to provide inspiration and good points of departure that may lead to improvements of the Korean road safety data system, the analysis of data and its use in policymaking and research. One hundred years later, this is still true. Another phrase very relevant for this research is: “You can't manage what you can't measure ”. It is advisable to consider these different sources as part of one road safety whole and clearly agree on who collects which data, with what frequency, and how data is managed and made available to users. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The first evaluation points to some success of the integration-training programme (Ramboll, 2018(73]), but uptake has been relatively low and dropout rates are high, albeit dropout also reflects some transition to regular employment and education. There is scope to extend the programme to a broader group of immigrants, but also a need for more intensified language training and improved coordination and administration of the programme according to the evaluation. Implementing these adjustments in collaboration with social partners and making the programme permanent should be considered when the trial phase expires in June 2019. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Each of these stakeholders, whether individuals, businesses, organizations or governments requires customized information. Thus the general public might need simple maps of neighbourhoods while technical staff in local government will need more detailed information and statistical data for specific purposes. The range of potential information is indicated in Table IV-1. The Japanese Government, for example, has since the 1960s provided earthquake insurance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Such a move might change the business model behind ride-sourcing (and ride-sharing - see below) from one based on a technology platform connecting riders and independent drivers to one based on a company-owned, operated and managed fleet of automated vehicles. If this were to happen, the service delivery model of ride-sourcing may more closely resemble that of company-owned and managed public transport fleets. These typically centre on how to both license ride-sourcing services and address the possibility of unfair competition with other service providers. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Meanwhile, with support from the Commonwealth Education Fund, ACAMO aimed at developing a curriculum for children with special needs and bringing it to the attention of the Ministry of Education. Unfortunately, the work on a new curriculum was not completed due to CEF's lack of funding. At policy level, ACAMO participated in the preparation of Mozambique's annual plan for special needs education. There are only five special schools in the country and this should be used as an opportunity to develop inclusive education, not build more, as in donor aid programmes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Whatever the reason for the lack of a relationship between spending per student and learning outcomes, at least in the countries and economies with larger education budgets, excellence in education requires more than money. How resources are allocated is just as important as the amount of resources available to be allocated. One finding from PISA is that high-performing systems tend to prioritise higher salaries for teachers, especially in high-income countries (Figure IV.1.10). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Pakistan, for example, the Lady Health Workers (LHW) programme provides door-to-door health services mainly for rural women who are unable to visit health facilities. Established in 1993, the programme has trained more than 100,000 women as community health workers (CHWs) who provide information, basic services and access to further care. The programme has been effective in improving maternal and child health care, including antenatal services and skilled assistance at birth. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 More information is needed on what works in various settings. Some of this needs to be done in public engagement campaigns, some through incentive modification, some through group or individual counselling, and other approaches. There are a number of models of how to deliver good chronic care. The chronic care model has been promulgated by the World Health Organization and it combines many of the components of good chronic care into a single model. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Among the factors cited as contributing to the malfunction of AFRO are a shortage of human resources and budgetary limitations. There were not even 10 staff members working in the department of AFRO handling emergency responses at that time, and the Office had also been limited by budget cuts in recent years. It has been pointed out that functions of AFRO pertaining to surveillance and support of countries where outbreaks of infectious diseases occurred did not function adequately (WHO Ebola Interim Assessment Panel, 2015, para. Regional offices are highly independent and operate based on rules under an organizational structure that is unique to their respective regions. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In 1990, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) issued a Resolution E/1990/68 on equality in political participation and decision making. The resolution recommended increasing the proportion of women in positions of leadership by setting incremental targets: 30% by 1995 and 50% by 2000. The 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, reported little progress in achieving the ECOSOC target of 30% of women in decision making positions. Accordingly, the Beijing Platform for Action called on governments (as part of strategic objective Gl) to “commit themselves to establishing the goal of gender balance in governmental bodies and committees, as w'ell as in public administrative entities, and in the judiciary, including, inter alia, setting specific targets and implementing measures to substantially increase the number of women with a view to achieving equal representation of women and men, if necessaiy through positive action, in all governmental and public administration positions”. Where does the 30% “critical mass” for women’s political representation come from? - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Such a discrepancy should have dramatic implications for India’s poverty estimates—a difference in the order of hundreds of millions. This also implies hardly any acceleration of per capita household expenditure, as surveys reported an equivalent growth rate of 1.1 per cent during India’s pre-reform period. However, corresponding data from the national accounts show that household expenditure per capita grew, on average, by 4.5 per cent annually over the past two decades. Thus, the survey data seem to fail to take account of India’s faster economic growth. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There are good security and political economy reasons for furthering integration towards a world political community (WPC), possibly assuming the form of a world state. However, would these reasons provide a legitimate and sustainable basis for the WPC? It is argued in this article that, while the standard security-military and functionalist political economy arguments for world unification may work to a certain point, they are insufficient and may become counterproductive. Especially if perceived in terms of rationally calculative orientation of action, they are not enough and may even work against the WPC. There must also be a belief in normative legitimacy, which may be anchored in universal principles such as popular democracy and human rights. In this light, theories of civilizing process and stages of ethico-political learning are explored. Collective human learning not only explains the quest for democratization but also points towards cosmopolitan ethico-political sentiments. However, there is an ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, it is apparent that shifting wealth has changed the distributional challenges facing the global economy today. The next section looks beyond Gini coefficients and other scalar inequality measures to understand how the distributional challenges to social cohesion differ across each part of the entire income distribution. Box 4.1 discusses in some detail how inequality changes are related to differences in the growth of living standards between different parts of the distribution. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The GES lays out desired ‘institutional results’ with outputs and targets to build UNDP capacity to mainstream gender within the organization. Achieving these facilitates the achievement of gendered ‘development results’ at country, regional and global levels. ‘ Gender results’were defined for the purposes of this evaluation as outputs or outcomes that have been found to be contributing (positively or negatively) to GEWE in UNDP interventions. The evaluation therefore drew extensively on previous evaluations, publications and UNDP’s own self-reporting as the primary data source for the analysis. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Since then, the increase in aggregate terms has been one of the most significant globally, but in per capita terms growth has been much more modest. Crop production remains most significant in India, given its largely vegetarian diet, but livestock production has grown more quickly from its small base. It is noteworthy that per capita growth in agriculture has been most significant in the period after the year 2000, and especially after 2005-06. It ranks second in the production of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnut, vegetables, fruit and cotton. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Nevertheless, to work efficiently, decentralised governments need to ensure some basic conditions are met for effective decision making. For example, if a system places most of the decision making responsibility at the levels of the locality and its schools, it not only needs to ensure financial and technical resources, but also must provide adequate capacity building for school leaders, teachers and local administrations to respond appropriately. Adequate support for struggling schools is essential. High-achieving systems establish the right balance between local initiative and central efforts of improvement. Yet, this has also led to dispersion of responsibility and limited capacity for delivery. It seems that the different responsibilities of counties, municipalities and schools are not clearly defined. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This paper investigates the effect of governance on remittances with specific focus on accounting for heterogeneity in the relationship. Using nonparametric kernel methods that are robust to arbitrary forms of non-linearity, heterogeneity and model specification, and six governance measures from the World Governance Indicators (WGI), the relationship is analysed for 109 countries for the period 1996--2014. The findings show that all six measures: voice and accountability, political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption are significantly related with remittances. Moreover, the relationship is highly nonlinear and heterogeneous across countries or regions, and time. In addition, specific aspects of governance quality matter differently for remittances across each regional groupings. Hence, there is the need for country-specific rather than a one-size fits all governance reform agenda. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While rising levels of school enrolment among the poorest is a positive trend, secondary education completion rates are still low. In 2011, 29% of the income-vulnerable population had either attended or completed higher education. One is relative monetary poverty, which expands the traditional concept of absolute poverty to take fuller account of what people need to fully participate in their society. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Direct investment, portfolio and other investment flows have propped up the balances of countries with current account deficits. Fiscal policy direction will be mixed in the near term. The stability in the fiscal positions of the region’s economies has remained intact at the close of recent fiscal years. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! States, particularly countries of origin, can address increases in vulnerability to trafficking-related discrimination and violence against women through a range of practical measures, such as providing safe shelter with medical, psychological and legal facilities for women experiencing violence. Longer-term measures that seek to address the social, cultural and structural causes of violence are also important. These may include: reforming legislation that either discriminates against women or fails to address violence against women, ensuring the prompt investigation and prosecution of complaints related to violence against women, providing access to effective remedies for gender-based violence, and implementing initiatives aimed at educating the public and relevant officials about violence against women. Promoting and protecting the human rights of trafficked persons, migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons should be at the centre of all anti-trafficking measures. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) was established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 (LOSC) (Law of the Sea) to create a special procedure for the peaceful settlement of seabed disputes. ITLOS is the second permanent international court with universal jurisdiction besides the International Court of Justice (ICJ). It is also not an organ of the International Seabed Authority. ITLOS is counted as a member of the UN family. ITLOS is composed of 21 independent members (judges) elected by the states parties to the LOSC for a period of nine years, re-election is possible. The negotiations at UNCLOS III were strongly influenced by two procedural principles: the formulation of package deals and the consensus principle. Keywords: International Court of Justice (ICJ), International Seabed Authority, ITLOS, Law of the Sea, UN General Assembly, UNCLOS III - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The recent reduction in cost sharing will help low-income groups improve access to care. Furthermore, out-of-pocket spending in Denmark fell between 2000 and 2010, unlike in many other European countries (see Figure 4.10). Note by Turkey: The information in this document with reference to “Cyprus” relates to the southern part of the Island. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The technology for using coal to produce electricity is very well developed, and its relatively low cost has made it especially attractive to developing nations like China and India as a source of electric power. According to the United States Department of Energy, global coal use will rise by 65 per cent between 2005 and 2030, an increase greater than for any other major source of energy. However, when used in a conventional manner, coal releases more CO into the atmosphere per unit of energy produced than the other two fossil fuels, so an increase in coal use of this magnitude will result in a significant worldwide increase in C02 emissions, undermining global efforts to slow the rate of climate change. Because nuclear energy releases no C02 emissions, some energy experts see it as an attractive alternative to fossil fuels. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiments dominate among the methods, but also deliberative or participatory valuation approaches, production function/damage function as well as Contingent Ranking, Hedonic Pricing and Travel Cost have been applied. With a larger base of valuation studies, it would be possible to calculate the intervals and standard values by more advanced methods (e.g. quantitative meta-analysis). Many studies are done of recreational benefits, but these benefits do not present the whole picture. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""In medicine, not recognising osteoporosis as a male disease delays diagnosis and treatment in men. In city planning, not collecting data on caregiuing work leads to inefficient transportation systems."""" ( Established in 1961, with the aim of enhancing and reviving the regional economy after a major collapse of the regional textile industry, UT’s main goal from the start has been to engage in research that is useful for society. All UT students should acquire entrepreneurship competencies by the end of their studies."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Court of Final Appeal’s decision in Congo v FG Hemisphere has significant human rights implications beyond the borders of Hong Kong. Current and former heads of state wanted for crimes against humanity or grand corruption can rest assured that the Hong Kong court will not strip them of immunity from prosecution like the House of Lords did in the case concerning General Augusto Pinochet. Former leaders need only worry that the immunity has not been waived by the new rulers. Stolen state assets are also safe in Hong Kong, subject only to waiver of immunity and United Nations Security Council sanctions which China has allowed Hong Kong to implement and enforce. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Indeed, while 11 new cases were registered in 2005, 26 new cases were registered in 2016, the maximum number of new cases was 31, in 2014. Mortality related to HIV infection was also the highest in 2014, with five registered deaths. Infections transmitted through blood transfusion, medical assistance or from mother to child are not yet registered. Rodents are involved in several disease transmissions, such as plague and leptospirosis, and may be part of the tick-pathogen cycles. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 If the land use policies ensure that especially the poor households who cannot afford any form of motorized travel are located close to employment opportunities resulting in short travel distances. This will result in reducing the risk of fatal crashes because the distances and travel time will reduce in addition to increasing the accessibility to education, health facilities and employment opportunities. Level of service of an intersection is measured in terms of delay faced by the motorized traffic. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 At the other end of the scale, no more than 2% of retirees in Germany, Hungary, Japan and the Slovak Republic receive targeted or minimum pensions. But this is not a good measure of adequacy of these benefits. Taxes and contributions payable on earnings are very likely to make a difference to the comparison of living standards on safety-net retirement benefits compared with those of workers. Higher contributory minimum pensions average 33% of net earnings and only 25% of gross. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Research shows that these assumptions are only partially true, and Nordic policy makers provide interesting insights on the pros and cons of self-interest as a motivator for sustainable lifestyles. This is referred to in the literature as the Rational Choice Model of consumer behaviour. This in turn forms the belief that if we can change people's attitudes (through information provision] this will lead to a change in their behaviour. A range of consumption-oriented policies or policy instruments have been developed based on these assumptions. The majority of them focus on adjusting for market failures by providing more accurate information to consumers (e.g. ecolabelling and awareness raising campaigns] and by correcting prices (EEA 2009]. This type of intervention perpetuates the idea that sustainable consumption is most appropriately tackled through individuals making different choices, rather than through institutional and infrastructural changes and leadership from governments or businesses. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 According to the provisions laid down in Article 19 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties a state that consents to be bound by a treaty may not formulate such reservations to the agreement, which are incompatible with its object and purpose. This socalled 'object and purpose criterion' has long been puzzling actors of public international law. What does it mean for a reservation to be incompatible with 'the object and purpose' of a treaty? The answer suggested below is the following: a state may not formulate a reservation, if it means (i) that an application of the treaty as modified would run counter to a telos of the treaty, or (ii) that a remaining part of the treaty would be emptied of practical meaning. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 European Review of Agricultural Economics 35 (2): 117-141. Government support for ethanol and biodiesel in Indonesia, Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI), International Institute for Sustainable Development (USD), Geneva. Non-Distorting Farm Support to Enhance Global Food Production, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, pp. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Among these are the Sahabat Alam Malaysia, the country’s leading civil society social environment organisation, and Pantai Acheh, the world’s smallest national park and Consumer’s Association of Penang whose well-researched studies have provided substantive strength on many fronts to Malaysians. As a port city, there is potential for maritime education and research. Above all, the Penang area has a significant repository of diverse ethnic groups, including retirees and expatriates, who constitute an untapped source of talent. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A 2009 amendment to the scheme requires child beneficiaries to attend school. Research has shown the grant is being used overwhelmingly to pay for food: 51 per cent of households always use it for food and a further 23 per cent often or sometimes do. It is also used to pay for school fees and uniforms: 38 per cent always use it for school costs and a further 27 per cent often or sometimes do (Patel and Hochfeld 2011). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Other countries may be carrying out gender mainstreaming activities without a specific strategy. Although many countries employ some form of gender mainstreaming, according to the OECD Survey on National Gender Frameworks, Public Policies and Leadership, only a few MENA countries (e.g. the Palestinian Authority) take active steps to systematically integrate gender equality considerations in the design, implementation and monitoring of policies, programmes and laws. Since then, Sweden has consolidated its gender mainstreaming strategy, which aims at achieving equal opportunities, rights and responsibilities for women and men, progressively into all policy areas. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to explore women with disabilities� perceptions of their lived experiences in nursing homes. METHOD. This 16-month ethnography used multiple qualitative methods, including participant observations, thematic qualitative interviews, and focus groups, to examine the perceptions of life in nursing home for 6 women with disabilities who had returned to community living and their significant others (n = 13). RESULTS. Nursing homes were living situations of last resort for women with disabilities. Life in the nursing home was characterized by lost choice, control, and occupational engagement, social isolation, social control, the political economy of the nursing home, and active resistance. DISCUSSION. Occupational therapy practitioners practicing from a social justice paradigm have a responsibility to ensure that client goals to live in the least restrictive environments possible are realized. Implications for long-term-care referral practices, advocacy-based interventions, and partnership with the disability community are discussed - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It was created in 2013/14 through the merger of three previous grants. A wide range of health infrastructure projects are funded, including large projects to modernise hospital infrastructure and equipment, general maintenance and infrastructure projects at smaller hospitals, and the refurbishment and upgrading of nursing colleges and schools. It enables the shifting of teaching activities from central to regional and district hospitals. Conditional grants are designed to reflect differential need across provinces. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Such materials include biomass, fossil fuels, metal ores and non-metallic minerals that support the cultivation of food, the production of energy, infrastructure and transport systems, and production of consumer goods.6The term """"domestic material consumption""""is defined as the total amount of materials used by an economy, extracted from the domestic territory plus all physical imports minus all physical exports. China (23.6 billion tons per year) largely dominated domestic material consumption at the regional (and global) level in 2010, followed by India (5.0 billion tons per year), Indonesia (1.6 billion tons per year), Japan (1.2 billion tons per year) and Australia (1.0 billion tons per year). Over the same period, consumption of fossil fuels and metal ores increased by 2.6 and 3.0 times respectively."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This is still considerably below' the durations for both Italy and Spain, as well as for most emerging economies, but again longer than what is found for other OECD countries. Women are considerably less likely than men to exit NEET after one year (28.7% versus 47.3%), and education is also a relatively strong predictor of NEET exit probabilities: 42.5% of NEET with tertiary qualifications are in employment one year later, compared with 24.9% of those lacking upper secondary qualifications. The 16-month exit rate is defined as the proportion of youth being NEET in 2011 but being employed 16 months later. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! For consumers, a new set of interactions is ruling user experiences and creating new efficiencies. New opportunities are arising for governments, business players, and consumers alike, with new challenges for ICT regulators given the additional challenges for infrastructure development. How do we unleash these opportunities? - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This second of three chapters featuring examples of arts-based approaches to environmental communication drawing on the book’s case study presents an audio-visual documentary script in which diverse documentary filmmakers, government communicators, hired public-relations specialists and others dialogue on the stewardship of Alberta’s bituminous sands as an issue of public health. The script is followed by discussion of the author’s choices of initiating idea, research sources, format, voices, the world of the story, its structure and visual style, and other notes on the meeting of synthesis, analysis and (re)presentation in the script. Included are analysis and commentary on scriptwriting theory, the creation and dissemination of the script, and reflections to help ground an initial framework for engaging broader publics through arts-based research in environmental scholarship. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Although tax-benefit rules are not, in general, explicitly gender-specific, certain aspects of tax-benefit systems may be more relevant to either men or women, so exacerbating the unequal distribution of paid work and earnings. In many couple families, for example, the man is the main earner with his female partner frequently earning considerably less (Chapter 2 and OECD, 2015c, for the latest data on earnings broken down by gender). Figure 3.3 compares, on one hand, the net transfers to government of a dual-earner couple with two children where both partners earn 67% of the average wage with, on the other hand, the net transfers of a single-earner couple with two children and the same household earnings. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The reform of higher education includes portfolio management, fostering strengths and profiles, and allocation of much university investment to a few selected fields. Targeted investments of the Federal Institutes of Technology and National Research Programmes have a long tradition. The Innovation Promotion Agency (CTI) also engages in funding priority areas in key technologies such as nanotechnology and medical technologies. Experience with P/PPs for research and innovation indicates that they can be an effective focusing device for the allocation of resources with industry participation, and thus contribute to priority setting in new ways. The approach may be (partly) top-down, e.g. defining certain thematic areas (sometimes in rather broad terms), or it may adopt thematically open, bottom-up procedures which have proven fruitful in revealing developments within the innovation system, e.g. through the appearance of multidisciplinary consortia engaging in novel types of joint research. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Institutions of teacher education do not organise specific entrance examinations. However, in the Governmental agreement for 2014-19, the introduction of non-binding examinations to enter initial teacher education is envisaged (Flemish Ministry of Education and Training, 2015). According to data from the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), in 2013, 12.0% of Flemish lower secondary teachers and 6.0% of primary teachers had a university (master’s) degree (ISCED 5A) or higher, by far the lowest figures among the TALIS participating countries (against TALIS averages of 90.9% and 79.6%, respectively). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These measures can be decomposed to reflect the contribution of sub-group poverty levels (e.g. by ethnicity, geographic area) to the overall poverty rate. They can also be broken down to show the relative contribution of each dimension to the poverty rate within sub-groups or within the overall poverty rate. The Alkire-Foster methodology has also been applied to multiple national studies of multidimensional poverty. It recognizes that poverty and deprivation may affect children differently to adults. However, MODA differs from both the Bristol approach and the existing applications of the Alkire-Foster method, such as the MPI, as it distinguishes between the needs of children of different ages: early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence. It acknowledges that different dimensions may be relevant for children at various stages of their life cycle. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Many countries listed in the OECD database on fertiliser and biofuel also apply import tariffs on different categories of fertilisers. It focuses on policies supporting the production or use of fertilisers, but excludes regulatory measures related to the abovementioned environmental or consumer safety concerns. Consequently, for 15 of these the database shows no policy measure at all for fertilisers. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The aim of the SHOKs w'as to reinforce global market relevance of publicly funded R&D and innovation by enhancing the joint involvement of industry (or public R&D institutions). They w'ere considered as being used mostly by large firms (incumbents) with limited participation by other firms (SMEs and new firms), and functioning under a rather closed regime and with a bias tow'ards existing technologies and products. There are, however, interesting cases of practice still under operation (such as DIMECC Ltd and CLIC Innovation Ltd), whose features and evolution should be examined and better understood. Active and promising innovation networks could be further mobilised and better utilised to address innovation challenges in high-priority areas such as bioeconomy/cleantech, the circular economy and digitalisation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Currently, however, across countries, it is those women and girls who experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination who are often the furthest behind. They fare worse than all other groups in key dimensions of well-being. Differences related to wealth, location and ethnicity, for example, combine to create deep pockets of deprivation across a range of SDGs— from access to education and health to clean water and decent work. They transcend national borders and have been the topic of landmark human rights treaties and Human Rights Council resolutions, but data on women and girls that experience these forms of discrimination are often lacking. This will make it possible to inform and develop policies and programmes that respond to their realities. But disaggregation by sex alone is insufficient. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Whether they manage to find those skills will depend on the capacity of training and education institutions to adjust. Standard-setters and regulators may play a special role here. The figure also indicates one particularity of the fourth industrial revolution: it is very much driven by the private sector, and private sector players also play an important role in changing the business ecosystem in which SMEs operate. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Overall, 56% of people agree with this sentiment, 26% of them strongly so. The strongest support comes from southern and eastern Europe - Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia, for example - with nearly 80% of Greeks agreeing, almost 60% of them strongly so. Nevertheless, there are exceptions to this regional pattern, with Poland and Spain recording lower-than-average support. Danes are by far the least likely to agree that older workers deny younger workers jobs, with about 25% support, of which only 11% is strong agreement. There is also a majority against the lump-of-labour hypothesis in Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, but it is a smaller one than in Denmark. Women are significantly more likely than men to believe that older workers deny younger people jobs. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Water has to be available, of sufficiently good quality, and accessible both economically and physically, without discrimination. Ensuring the right to access water and water facilities and services on a non-discriminatory basis, especially for marginalized or disadvantaged groups, is part of these core obligations. In relation to women's right to water, general comment No. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The use of crude extraction methods exposes the handlers and the environment to unnecessary harms. This is typically the situation in developing countries where the e-waste recycling sector is informal and lacks the standards and structures that a regulatory framework would provide. It will also determine the involvement of various players such as the private sector in setting up the necessary infrastructure. One or more agencies could be called upon to act on the issue of e-waste, depending on the regulatory structure in place in a particular country. For example, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, among many other African countries, have distinct ministries/government departments with responsibility for the ICT sector and the environment. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The mismatch between demographics and education spending could indicate that the resources provided are insufficient or that the education system is inefficient. Although enrolment rates vary for EESC countries, 98% of students move on to secondary school. The EESC countries share a variety of disadvantages, among them top-down authoritarian governance in the education system, an outdated curriculum and no effective monitoring. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This finding highlights that male and female incentives to migrate differ, suggesting gender-sensitive migration factors. Additional control variables are included: distance, contiguity, population of origin and destination countries, income and language differentials, female education and female unemployment rates in origin and destination countries. The exclusion variable in the selection equation is diplomatic exchange. ***, **, - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Productivity improvements can be achieved by applying existing knowledge and existing practices, moving sequentially from marginally profitable to industry average practice and to world best practice. Equally, or even more important is the introduction of long-term improvements in the capability of Slovenia’s innovation system to generate and apply new knowledge. When choosing both short-term and long-term approaches, international examples of successful smaller countries should be studied and adapted. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The Law outlines some practical steps in the organization of the legal, financial, scientific and technical support specified in its provisions. However, weak institutional capacities at central and local levels inhibit enforcement of RES policies. Small HPPs with capacity below 1,000 kW are exempt from royalties. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Schools should be encouraged to use early warning systems to identify students at risk and support them as early as possible. Timeliness matters because later interventions are less cost-effective. This suggests reinforcing educational programmes targeted at early intervention such as the Community Teachers Programme, the Teacher + Teacher Programme (Maestro mas Maestro) and Aprender schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In this respect, student jobs, internships and apprenticeships could be crucial in pulling the youth out of the vicious circle “no job without experience, no experience without job”. Better educational performance improves labour market outcomes, enhances workers’ productivity, reduces income inequalities and promotes intergenerational mobility and social cohesion. It contributes to higher life satisfaction through better employment, income and social relations (OECD, 2011a). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The focus of this paper is to discuss issues related to social injustice. Following a discussion on social justice and poverty and the connection between poverty and health, four areas are discussed. They are as follows: (1) individual change versus social change (public health and economic policy, food subsidies, recreational facilities, and access to primary care), (2) public health approaches to promoting social justice (three models: locality development, technical, and social action), (3) ethical issues in public health practice, and (4) public health and education: missed opportunities for collaboration. There is a need for greater collaboration between public health and education and other factions. We all share similar goals. However, as our efforts tend to be duplicative and scattered, the end results are less than what could be accomplished in moving toward a more socially just society. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, the son bias, which seems important in India (see Figure 2.10), can be influenced by the tradition of Dowry payments for girls, which continues despite the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 abolishing it. Another area of weak implementation is inheritance laws (World Bank, 2012), while the equal pay laws were already mentioned above. The monitoring of the implementation of many existing laws on gender equality should be reinforced. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The other gases, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) account for less than 2%, but their total emissions are growing. These gases differ in terms of their warming effect and their longevity in the atmosphere. Apart from these six GHGs, there are several other atmospheric substances that lead to warming (e.g. chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs, and black carbon - see Box 3.14) or to cooling (e.g. sulphate aerosols). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! When evaluating the concept of environmental responsibility, the precautionary principle comes into play, which entails that ignorance may not be used as an excuse for delaying or avoiding the initiation of proportionate and cost-effective measures to counteract serious or irreversible damage to the environment. The strategy focuses on the environmental aspects of sustainable fish farming, based on five main areas in which the industry impacts the environment (the impact model). The first four have important implications for coastal area planning and will be addressed in this paper. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Stronger numeracy and literacy study in vocational programmes could not only improve the access of graduates to academic tertiary education, but also contribute to a stronger credit transfer system (Fazekas and Field, 2013). As shown by the example of the Netherlands in Box 5.3 (below) improving support for those with weak basic skills might benefit enormously from a system that facilitates information across institutions and teachers. When this information is comprehensive it also might allow policy development to tackle and anticipate the needs of certain student groups. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The analysis focuses on reading achievement, drawing on data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). We use several measures to operationalize the two concepts of inequality in education. Our results show that inequality of outcome does not necessarily go hand in hand with inequality of opportunity. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In recent years, many European education systems have embarked on a process of education policy and curriculum reform related to citizenship education. This article explores citizenship education reform in the context of Spain. It considers how and to what extent Spain’s 2006 citizenship education addressed issues of national and global citizenship, as well as cultural diversity and immigration. Against a typology of four distinct approaches to national and global citizenship education, including traditional, skills-based, valuesbased, and reflexive approaches, the article draws on qualitative content analysis of Spain’s recent Education for Citizenship and Human Rights curriculum and associated textbooks. Findings focus on themes of human rights, national and global citizenship, and cultural diversity and co-existence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Rigorous environmental impact assessments conducted to international best practice standards need to be undertaken and made available for public scrutiny. Planned new investment in coal-fired power plants of around 6 GW across the region is inconsistent with commitments to meet EU carbon targets agreed by all the SEE economies under the Paris Agreement. Given the lifespan of coal-fired power plants, this raises the real prospect of new coal plants becoming stranded assets if their operation is prematurely curtailed by existing climate policy obligations. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Current drivers of Norway’s RE policy, i.e. climate change mitigation and liberalisation of the national energy market, which ends long-term supply contracts to energy-intensive firms, do not engage local communities, and may actually erode regional competitive advantages linked to the availability of cheap (hydro) energy for manufacturing activities. Higher prices for energy will generate larger rents for hydro-power owners and higher taxes and fees for municipalities and counties, but it is difficult to understand the net impact for rural communities. If RE deployment was better linked to local dynamics and if there was compensation available for possible negative impacts, this could increase public support for RE. In this report Troms County is used to identify the county and Troms0 to identify its major city and administrative capital. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 One is that agriculture is a low-paying sector. According to the national Statistics Agency, the monthly average salary in 2010 was KZT 36 332 (USD 246), compared to the national average of KZT 77 482 (USD 524) and to KZT 93 043 (USD 629) in industry. In addition, living and working conditions in rural areas are much less favourable than elsewhere. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""The initial risk analysis is based on a review of each school’s outcomes, annual accounts and """"failure signals” such as complaints. For its inspection visits, the Inspectorate uses a detailed framework of quality indicators and a clear set of decision rules. As part of this framework, the Inspectorate of Education also evaluates the internal quality care undertaken by schools ."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Drugs included in a positive list are reimbursed at three different rates (100%, 80% and 40%), using criteria such as severity of illness, availability of substitutes, the importance in the therapeutic process and financial burden. The contribution from the central budget to the CNS is legally determined at 40% of its total resources (with no budget cap). Given the resilience of public finances and the favourable labour market situation, the financial resources for health care are expected to be stable in the medium term However, a major health reform in 2010 introduced a number of cost-containment measures to prevent shortfalls in the health insurance budget that had been projected (Box 3). Despite this, Luxembourg's economy weathered the financial crisis quite well and revenue from health insurance contributions increased more than expected. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Similarly, female labour force participation rates have often changed dramatically within countries over time. While Tunisia’s female labour force participation rate is low by OECD standards, it has increased significantly in the past 50 years. In addition, women in Tunisia are considerably more likely to be active than women in other most other MENA countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Australian energy providers delivered another USD 100 million in spending (Crossley et al 2012), while Brazilian energy providers spend about USD 250 million each year (Mauer 2012). Energy providers have a strategic position in energy markets, often serving as middleman between energy producers and energy consumers. Energy providers have long-standing commercial relationships with even the smallest end-use customers, allowing them to influence energy saving activities in diffuse markets. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There are incentives for participants to perform this computational task. The winner seals the block through a process called hashing, which is the cryptographic term for calculating the fingerprint of a set of data. This fingerprint (“hash”) is included in the following block, linking the blocks together and maintaining a sequence forming a chain. Any data in digital format such as transactions, user identity or code can be processed in blocks on the blockchain. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Strengthened capacity in key sector ministries to include environmental sustainability in their strategies. Improved livelihoods and access to environmental and natural resources for the poor. A review' of these (below) illustrates the various approaches that are emerging. Strategic Goal A is to address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 ""With funding of AUD 12.9 billion, the “Water for the Future’"""" programme has targeted improving water use efficiency, securing water supplies and improving river health. A key aim of the programme has been to improve environmental flows in the basin. This is being achieved through a combination of voluntary buybacks of water entitlements (primarily from irrigators) and investment in irrigation efficiency upgrades, with a percentage of the “saved” water being held by the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder and used for environmental purposes."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Concurrently, pollution from land-based sources including marine litter is threatening species and marine habitats and climate change compounds these effects, altering both the thermal and chemical characteristics of the ocean as well as its dynamics and nutrient availability (Bijma et al., Since the 1980s, for example, an estimated 20% of global mangroves have been lost and 19% of coral reefs have disappeared (UNDP, 2012). The welfare costs that this imposes on society are high - estimates suggest that the cumulative economic impact of poor ocean management practices is in the order of USD 200 billion per year (UNDP. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The reliability of such information and its consistency with financial reporting could be a challenge. Another issue is whether sustainability reporting should be considered a burden or rather a tool to be used to improve efficiency and cut costs. Therefore, there is a momentum to develop a coordinated approach based on an accounting-statistic nexus to facilitate the usefulness of these indicators for a broader range of stakeholders. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Metropolitan-wide planning raises questions about the appropriate scale to tackle land-use issues, the democratic legitimacy of decisions that take place outside of formal governmental institutions, and the ability to secure stable forms of funding and achieve long-term goals. Experiences from other jurisdictions demonstrate some potential strategies for Prague to pursue. Following this, strategies to manage inter-jurisdictional land-use conflicts are discussed along with the potential of rural-urban partnerships. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, things may not be quite as straightforward from the point of view of a private investor. Given that in a liberalised market the marginal fuel (the one with the highest variable cost, i.e. gas) sets the price of electricity, the electricity price in a liberalised market tends to fluctuate with the gas price thus preserving a rather stable profit margin for investors in gas. In a market with regulated prices instead, investors in nuclear would benefit from a stable profit margin and investors in gas would have to cope with the volatility of their cost base. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Vocational-technical education prepares individuals to acquire professional knowledge and a trade-specific qualification. There are 231 institutions offering programmes for secondary specialized education, including 12 private institutions. In 2014, 33,800 young professionals graduated from vocational training institutions and 41,400 students from secondary specialized vocational training institutions received a diploma. These numbers correspond to the overall demand for workers in the economy. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It also seeks to help streamline smart sustainable cities' action plans and establish best practices with feasible targets that urban development stakeholders are encouraged to meet. The U4SSC is supported by 16 United Nations agencies, programmes, funds and secretariats.6 It has also developed key performance indicators for measuring progress towards achieving the objectives of smart sustainable cities. The key performance indicators are being implemented by 50 cities globally. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Heupel’s chapter explores the emergence of human rights protection provisions in international organizations (IOs). It shows that such provisions can emerge via different pathways, namely hegemonic and judicial lawmaking. It suggests that multi-level governance and legal pluralism have detrimental and beneficial effects for the rule of law, depending on specific scope conditions. States at first exploited the opportunities provided by these phenomena and delegated competences to IOs without attaching effective human rights safeguards. Over time, however, powerful actors, benefitting from established routines and the presence of domestic/international scripts, exploited the access points provided by the multi-level nature of the underlying governance arrangements and their embeddedness in different legal orders and successfully made the World Bank and the European Union to commit to human rights safeguards. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Illicit drug policy has long been an area that has attracted international policy intervention, however, the European Union has declared it an area of subsidiarity, leaving ultimate control to national governments. Nevertheless, European Union preoccupation with the illicit drug issue and international drug trafficking and organised crime concerns have ensured that continued and increased cooperation in illicit drug policy is never off the agenda. This article examines the history of European integration in contrasting areas of policy and considers both the desirability and the viability of an increasingly harmonised drug policy for Europe. Finally, it proposes a model of integrated illicit drug policy that is strongly connected to developing patterns of European social policy, calling on multi-level governance and close involvement at the level of the citizen. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, in the South irrigation is managed mainly by large Boards which are highly interconnected with urban and industrial water supply agencies. This is essentially due to the fact that most important water structures (e.g. dams, aqueducts, pumping stations) are constructed for multi-sectorial water use and their management is frequently under the Boards’ competence. The 183 Group is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1995 by Members of Parliament, environmentalists, and representatives of regions, local governments, trade unions and company managers. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at in/ or the Centre francais d’exploitation du droit de copie (CFC) at - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 To this end, UNITAID has committed up to $4 million for one year. The Patent Pool may license substances and technologies received from patent holders to pharmaceutical producers to supply certain low and middle income developing countries (although licenses will be available without discrimination as to the geographical location of the producer). The rationale behind pooling patented technologies lies in the fact that until now, patents on the most recent drugs owned by different companies have blocked the development of more affordable generic versions of these drugs, as well as of fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) by generic or R&D-based producers. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This ratio has proven roughly constant for most technologies - although it differs significantly from one technology to another. However, the fact that the progress ratio is usually constant means that technology learning occurs more quickly from market experiences when technologies are new than when they are mature. This is why new techniques, although more costly at the outset, may become cost-effective over time if they benefit from sufficient dissemination. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In overseas Tongan and Samoan Polynesian households that include nurses, those most likely to return have business investments at home (Brown and Connell 2004). It is, however, possible that schemes might be devised to enable the short-term migration of those with valuable skills (see section 6.9.4). Returnees thus tend to be absorbed into the small-scale service sector, sometimes duplicating existing services, such as taxi and retail businesses, and are less obviously in export-oriented productive activities. ( - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In the European Commission's analysis, the emission intensity of this sector is too low to be included. We do, however, find that the energy intensity in Denmark is rather high (on average 14% in the period 2013-2015). For the other Nordic countries energy intensity in this sector is low. It is in particular the processing of potatoes that is energy intensive. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Carefully designed policies, strategies and projects can work within existing cultural norms, through the public and private sectors, in ways that benefit both women and men (Box 9). Specific recommendations for closing the gender gap in access to land, rural labour markets, financial services, social capital and technology include the steps outlined below. Women have not always benefited from general land distribution and titling efforts, however, and in some cases have seen their customary rights eroded as formal rights have been extended to male heads of household. Many governments have attempted to strengthen women's tenure rights within marriage and as individuals, but these efforts are often frustrated by a combination of legal and cultural practices that still favour men. Many countries in the region have instituted legal reforms that have strengthened married women's land rights, but land-titling efforts have not always facilitated the practice of including both husbands' and wives' names. This section is based on FAO (201 Oh), which provides an extensive review of the relevant literature. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Furthermore, it helps create new and decent jobs in new sectors. Governments around the world acknowledge that building green economies and green growth in the context of sustainable development can provide resilience to external shocks, reduce environmental risks, and protect and enhance the natural resource base of the economy, particularly in the context of small states. However, the current international discourse on green growth and the green economy has paid insufficient attention to the challenges of small states. Yet, several small states have begun conceptualising their pathways to a green economy, with different conceptualisations and approaches emerging. This chapter reviews the practical policy processes implemented in Mauritius to promote a green economy, and examines some of the benefits and challenges thereof. It consists of the main island of Mauritius and its dependencies, Rodrigues (560 km east-north-east), Agalega (930 km to the north), St Brandon (400 km to the north) and Tromelin (480 km to the north-west and jointly administered by France). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 See Annex 3 for notes ( Education systems in OECD and most G20 countries now provide universal access to basic education, such that both pre-primary and upper secondary education are becoming universal in most countries (see also Indicator C2). The expansion of upper secondary education has been driven by both increasing demand and policy changes ranging from a more flexible curriculum and a reshaping of vocational studies, to efforts to expand access to education to the entire population. While the same changes have been made to tertiary education, participation rates at this higher level of education are significantly lower. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In 2008, food prices increased by 11 per cent, while annual CPI was 17 per cent. In the Kyrgyz Republic, household consumption reportedly declined by 15 per cent in 2009 (Slay, 2011). Migrant households are highly vulnerable to external shocks affecting the flow of remittances. In Tajikistan, 24 per cent of households had at least one migrant in 2007. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In Bangladesh, disasters such as storms and floods damage 900 schools each year, on average. But geography, history, resources and capacity affect the degree of refugees' inclusion in national systems. The Islamic Republic of Iran decreed in 2015 that schools should accept all Afghan children, regardless of documentation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The RBDAs were expected to take over planning and programming functions, including the development of District Management Plans. However, the new institutional framework encountered serious opposition from interest groups and experts, including an influential NGO, the “183 Group”.11 Interest groups accused the authorities of introducing arbitrary delimitations of the hydrological basins without adequate consultations with the regions, inconsistency of the new framework with the previous water basins arrangement and the European directives, and lack of transition periods for appropriate introduction of the new framework. Due to difficulties in introducing the new governance system, the RBDAs were not created. To fill the gap and avoid non-compliance with the WFD, a new legal framework created in 2009 assigned the task of developing the first river basin management plans (RBMPs) to six selected, already existing national river basin authorities in co-operation with the regions belonging to each district (Table 4.2).12 In the case of the regional districts of Sardinia and Sicily, responsibility was assigned to the regions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 National GHG emission reduction objectives can powerfully complement carbon trading mechanisms, as the trading cap can be embedded in the national objectives, thus helping to enhance the credibility of the system (though it is the cap of the emissions trading system itself that drives the price of the carbon allowances: the more stringent the cap, the higher the price of carbon and therefore the stronger the incentive to invest in clean energy infrastructure). Long-term emission reduction objectives can take different forms, such as reduction of GHG emissions with respect to a given historical emissions level (e.g. the EU and other developed countries), reduction of emissions intensity (e.g. carbon dioxide -CO2 - emissions per unit of GDP) or limiting emissions relative to “business-as-usual” projections. Care should be taken when defining the appropriate benchmark for emission reduction objectives, as their respective outcomes in terms of GHG emissions and carbon price vary substantially. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Natural catastrophes impose the largest toll in terms of human fatalities and economic consequences. If only human-made accidents are considered, the energy sector is the second-largest contributor, with transportation causing about 60% of all mortalities (EC, 1995). Risks of severe accidents in all energy chains should not be neglected, however, as they have the potential to cause large-scale and long-term impacts to human health, to the environment and to the whole of society. Severe accidents also tend to have broad media coverage and to attract the attention of the population and different stakeholders. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The second is to improve the coherence and transparency of the delivery' network to increase trust in the system. Lastly, expanding recent efforts to develop a robust outcomes monitoring and evaluation system could help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of adult learning. Stakeholders described the SNQ as supporting the transparency, stability and navigability of the education and training supply. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Although the value generated from the first sale of fish products from Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries may seem relatively small compared with other sectors (representing less than 1 percent of regional gross domestic product [GDP]), the sector targets some of the most economically vulnerable communities in the region, making it a key player for sustainable development. In fact, the value at first sale as a percentage of GDP is six times greater in the developing countries of the southern Mediterranean than in the wealthier, northern Mediterranean countries. Furthermore, around 60 percent of employment in the region’s fishing sector is found in the developing countries of the southern and eastern Mediterranean, indicating that most of the jobs provided by this sector are located precisely where jobs are needed. This includes: improving the sources of data available for stock assessment, increasing the percentage of fisheries that are the object of specific management measures, incorporating past and current socio-economic characteristics of the fisheries, and studying the potential socio-economic impacts of alternative management measures. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This implies a target 300 MtC02e lower than current targets. Net (2017), Law on Mandatory Installation of Heat and Water Meters in Residential Buildings Comes into Force, 2 August 2017, Censor. Net, Kyiv, https:// on mandatory installation of heat and water meters in residential buildings comes into force. A Review of Climate Change Legislation in 99 Countries, Climate Change Legislation in Ukraine, Grantham Institute, London. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is well established that the endowments of the area explain a substantial proportion of the poverty of people living in it, controlling for individual and household characteristics, such as age, household composition or ethno-linguistic group (Jalan and Ravallion, 1997)14. Regional imbalances in poverty rates are often persistent, as internal migration processes tend to be selective with poorest people facing higher migration costs. The regional income distribution and poverty indicators discussed in this paper send the clear message that national averages mask important intra-country variance in poverty and inequality. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This is an OECD instalment adopted by the Council. Recommendations are not legally binding, but practice accords them great moral force as representing the political will of member countries. Variations across countries are important, as subnational public investment ranges from 31% in Greece to 91% in Canada. More effective public investment has a critical role to play to address inequalities, rebuild trast, restore growth and enhance well-being. The impact of public investment depends to a significant extent on how governments manage this shared competence across levels of government. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ‘Individualized medicine’ is an emerging paradigm in clinical life science research. We conducted a socio-empirical interview study in a leading German clinical research group, aiming at implementing ‘individualized medicine’ of colorectal cancer. The goal was to investigate moral and social issues related to physician–patient interaction and clinical care, and to identify the points raised, supported and rejected by the physicians and researchers. Up to now there has been only limited insight into how experts dedicated to individualized medicine view its problems. Interviews with researchers and clinicians (n= 19) were based on a prestructured questionnaire. The content analysis revealed a broad spectrum of opinions. Major findings were (a) disappointments with the limits of the current therapy regimen and clinical practice, (b) problematic impacts on physician–patient relationship, and (c) an informed consent procedure which is mainly based on paternalistic assumptions. According to our analysis, major ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Calculations demonstrated that for male migrants, the mean share of social ties which they obtained in Moscow was 0.679 while for females it was 0.585, at die same time, the mean share of social ties with relatives for males was 0.104 and for females 0.175. The difference is not that large, but it is statistically significant (figure 16 and 17). According to the 2013/14 survey, Kyrgyz migrants tended to be proud of their ethnic identification, attached particular importance to it and had strong attitudes towards monoethnic marriages as well as against relations between Kyrgyz women and non-Kyrgyz males (figure 18). As the latter survey shows, respondents who used social networking sites had more acquaintances which they had developed in the Russian Federation, whereas those people who did not use those sites socialized mostly with people whom they got to know in Kyrgyzstan. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, teachers can provide such services outside their school as an additional paid activity. Teachers can also work in after-school activities provided by education organisations other than schools. However, individual tutoring can also be organised within the context of school activities, for which teachers receive an additional compensation. Two-thirds of the country’s schools provide instruction in two shifts, and a small number of schools (1%) operate in three shifts. Elimination of three-shift schools was one of the central pillars of the “100 Schools, 100 Hospitals Program”, yet 110 such schools were in existence in 2013 - up from 71 in 2011. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Which currencies are hedged is determined by the structure of export markets and therefore differs by type of meat: beef is primarily sold in USD, based on the grinder beef price on the North American market, lamb is marketed in EUR, GBP and USD under various quota systems, while venison is marketed largely in euros. Fonterra co-operative is the dominant player in the dairy industry with a global market reach, selling in 50 currencies. It is a sophisticated risk manager in foreign exchange and funding and interest rate hedging. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Without potential to produce for a market, the incentives and the scope for innovating remain more limited (FAO, 2014). Farmer contracting is a process involving many geographically-dispersed smallholders, who have to be co-ordinated over space and time. Barrett identifies four stages to this process. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, 18 BURs contained information that could, to some extent, be compared with information on climate finance reported in the CRS database (e.g. consistent years, type of flow). Due to the above reasons, finance figures in BURs varied significantly from the CRS figures, from 4% of the amount in the CRS database for Chile, to 235% for Montenegro. In addition, Parties will also participate in a facilitative “multilateral consideration of progress” in relation to their “efforts” under Article 9. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In this paper we focus on demand-side constraints in social reproduction terms, but it is important to emphasize that growth also comes from capitalist investment (the standard source of growth in growth models). For more on this point, see Braunstein et al. ( A key goal is to differentiate between societies that care more and/or better than societies that care less. The reason could be social norms around intergenerational obligation that induce altruistic preferences, strong social welfare sectors that create highly skilled and well-paid jobs in the care sector, or, more likely, gendered ideals that encourage women to provide high-quality care for little or no pay. To set up this framework, we begin with the demand side. If the wage share increases (meaning that the profit share declines), workers with more money to spend will increase aggregate demand and consequent output. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2007, services accounted for 52.8% of total GDP, industry for 29.4% and agriculture for 17.8% (World Bank, 2008). The large share of services in total GDP is remarkably high compared to most other developing economies. Over 2007-2011 the economy is expected to grow at an average of 8.5% (World Bank, 2008). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Their objective is to engage representatives from local authorities and administrations, academics, associations and scientists to develop a consensual programme of actions to restore rivers, aquifers and their ecosystems. Established on a 10- to 15-year period, river contracts stem from a summary of the challenges facing the targeted watershed and the future areas of work (e.g. surface and groundwater quality, water-related risks, nature conservation, tourism, solid waste management, etc.). A river committee is created for each contract to support the implementation of their respective action plan. After a running period, river contracts are evaluated and can be the subject of renegotiations and updates. In addition to sub-basin management plans (SAGE - Schema d'amenagement et de gestion des eaux), these contracts are a useful tool to align and implement the objectives established by the river basin management plans (SDAGE - Schema directeur d'amenagement et de gestion des eaux). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It has been 20 years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, which shone a spotlight on the serious ecological deterioration of our planet and its implications for human well-being, and yet we are still facing the same problems, compounded by new challenges that have resulted from the absence of a global perspective and the limited action taken. Some progress has been made, but we are still far from achieving sustainable development. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) emphasized the great importance of growth (but from the perspective of a green economy), as well as the need for institutional arrangements that foster sustainability. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! It establishes the Fundamental Network for Nature Conservation (RFCN) and the National System of Classified Areas (SNAC). The RFCN regroups the SNAC, National Ecological Reserves (RENs) and National Agricultural Reserves (RANs), as well as the public water domain, with a view to ensuring connectivity. Pursuant to the latter, a second generation of municipal land use plans was initiated in 2002. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! In most of the countries, household income included the imputed rental value of owner-occupied dwellings. These figu res largely reflect the impact of the upsurge in inflation since early 2007 and, in particular, the steep rise in food prices. The international financial crisis which began in the United States has started to affect the real economy, causing a slowdown and even a fall in the level of economic activity in the industrialized world. One of the repercussions has been a slump in the demand for commodities and their prices. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The number of days with intensive precipitation (more than 10 mm in 24 hours) is predicted to increase by 20-100. Moreover, periods without precipitation, i.e., more than five days without rain, are expected to occur more frequently. Changes in seasonal flow are predicted to vary from -5% to +10%, depending on the area. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Once CBHI is scaled up, the health fee waiver programme will be replaced by the CBHI’s subsidised contributions for indigent households. Regional governments spent about ETB 33 million on average on fee waivers between 2012/13 and 2016/17, implying average expenditure per beneficiary of ETB 22 per year (Figure 1.16). The programme is also intended to improve the health and nutrition status of women and children and to create employment and market opportunities for small and micro enterprises and farmers in drought-affected areas. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 According to Ciett (2012), around 25% of temporary agency workers in Brazil are under the age of 25 - w'hich would be equivalent to around 1.5% of active youth.28 In other words: young people are more likely than prime age adults to be hired on temporary contracts. A final remark worth making is that, by international standards, Ciett estimates that the average length of agency work assignments in Brazil is short, with 40% of assignments lasting less than a month (compared with around 15% in Argentina and 22% in Peru). Source: Ciett (2012), “Agency w'ork penetration rate”. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Today, mobile cellular penetration is approaching saturation with more than 7.5 billion subscriptions worldwide. Globally, 3.57 billion people are expected to be using the Internet by end 2017. Mobile broadband is the most dynamic market segment - globally, mobile broadband penetration is expected to reach 56.4 per cent with fixed broadband access expected to reach more than 979 million fixed broadband subscriptions by the end of 2017. The number of Internet users is growing, reaching 48 per cent of the world population. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Inclusion can be central to policy dialogue with partner governments. Donors can combine this with direct support to those seeking economic inclusion, as in Box 1.6. Realising the right to a legal identity is not only socially empowering but enables individuals to participate politically and hold and transfer property. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The following section is by no means exhaustive, but addresses some of the key challenges in the critical areas of sustainable livelihoods, consumption, production, market change and encouraging sustainable entrepreneurship. As such, livelihoods cut across issues of consumption and production, private goods and commons and different forms of capital. Education and innovation are necessary for developing an understanding - by individuals and communities - about assets available to them, familiarity with livelihood strategies, risks associated with each strategy and skills necessary for undertaking productive practices. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The longer the unemployment spell lasts, the more individual productivity will be affected, and the lower the level of initial qualification, the longer the scarring effects are likely to last. If skills are not put to use they will degenerate fast after leaving school, and the experience of being unemployed may reduce the incentive to search for work, all leading to reduced long-term employment prospects (OECD, 2012). Across the OECD in 2013, 40% of young people were employed on non-standard contracts, mostly on temporary contracts. Among all temporary workers, close to half were under the age of 30. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The presumption of innocence, which places the burden of proof in criminal proceedings on the prosecution, is to be found in most declarations of human rights and constitutional bills of rights. But it is under attack, and the purpose of the lecture was to examine the justifications for confining the presumption, for eroding it through exceptions, for evading it, and for side-stepping it. How strong are the various arguments of public policy and crime control that are often said to support these threats to the presumption of innocence? - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As parliamentarians, they enact laws on security and arms-control policy. As civil society activists, they lobby Governments to increase security and build peace. When this happens, women's experiences are more likely to be discounted and their needs more likely to go unaddressed, which can, in the long run, facilitate and legitimize violations of women's rights and violence against women and can undermine sustainable development, peace and security. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It puts women’s health and lives at risk and is a violation of their rights and a manifestation of gender discrimination. Some countries have introduced legislation banning the practice (for example Djibouti and Egypt) but the law faces entrenched social norms and is not always implemented. Some interviewees also reported new types of violence and harassment such as Internet and mobile telephone stalking. Such conduct can be humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem, it is discriminatory when the woman has reasonable ground to believe that her objection would disadvantage her in connection with her employment, including recruitment or promotion, or when it creates a hostile working environment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Across countries at different level of development and with different social institutions, women represent an important share of the owners of such enterprises (Figure 29.1). In Mexico and South Africa, for example, women tend to be more prevalent in the informal sector and account for the majority of informal business owners without employees. Ownership of a micro-business in the informal sector is often the most practical source of employment for low-skilled and poor women. Most of these businesses are operated from home, which makes it easier to reconcile business and family commitments. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In many cases, data for 1990 were not available. In particular, a full analysis of revenues and expenditure for the water sector at city' level was not possible due to incomplete data on sources. Data were collected from respondents on the basis of their knowledge and available sources of information. It lias to be noted that some indicators (e.g. w ater loss, population in households connected to wastewater treatment) are regularly collected in some OECD countries, but a common methodology on these statistics lias proven difficult to establish thus far. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The courses are usually in the evening and include general subjects, management, and theoretical and practical vocational topics. Switzerland has opened Fachhochschulen to graduates from the dual apprenticeship system through the creation of a specific vocational matriculation examination (the Berufsmaturitat), to be completed in parallel to an apprenticeship programme, and providing access to tertiary education: around 12% of all apprentice graduates obtain the Berufsmaturitat and they represent half of the students in the Fachhochschulen (Fazekas and Field, 2013a). ( Access to Fachhochschulen is also possible through recognition of prior learning.) - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Fourthly, apart from delivering cash transfers, social assistance should link poor urban residents to basic services such as health care, through subsidies, vouchers or case management. Fifthly, urban contexts offer more opportunities to utilize new technologies, such as mobile phone networks and ATMs, to deliver social assistance. Finally, different targeting mechanisms have been used in urban contexts but compelling and comprehensive evidence on their impacts remains thin. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Since many of the factors that are found to be relevant for how labour earnings are distributed among the working population can be influenced by policy makers, the article also draws some tentative policy conclusions from the empirical results. As far as possible, the analysis is based on comparable individual data for this wide set of countries, providing a unique country-by-country assessment of the drivers of earnings inequality. The empirical analysis mainly makes use of the unconditional quantile regression technique proposed by Firpo eta I. (2009). This method allows estimating the effect of the potential determinants on all parts of the earnings distribution and is thus better suited to answer questions about the drivers of earnings inequality than standard least squares techniques that only allow estimating effects on mean earnings. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Primary schools give a lot of attention to providing young people with knowledge about climate change, including values associated with sustainability. In secondary schools, sustainability education tends to be more specialised, with units in science and geography. Lack of training can be costly. For example, in response to the onset of the Global Financial Crisis, the Australian Government rolled out the Home Insulation Program (HIP) with the aim of insulating 2.7 million houses. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Its development should be a collaborative effort between the national and sub-national level, and the information it yields ought to cover inputs, processes and outputs that are relevant for ongoing activities. To use such information optimally, clear objectives for the data need to be established and proper indicators selected. Systems are needed to generate, validate and distribute the data, the information needs to be used in a suitable and timely fashion, incentive mechanisms are needed to encourage actors to follow a particular course of action, and appropriate use of the performance information must be planned for. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The advisors work with SMEs to provide them with advice on existing skills provision and assist in the design and brokerage of customised training solutions (OECD, 2014b). The group training network is an established part of the architecture of the VET system in Australia, which includes 150 GTOs, 2 000 field staff and 100 000 host employers. Many GTOs now provide a range of other workforce development related services such as Registered Haming Organisations (RTOs) and Australian Apprenticeship Support Network providers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Further north, the section of road leading to Kamba has been in an advanced state of deterioration for several years. Better road conditions would allow people to travel to the urban region of Sokoto and to the Nigerian towns in the Niger River valley in under three hours using the new paved road linking Malanville to Illo. This driving time could also allow access to Niamey, the capital of Niger situated 300 kilometres to the northwest. The paved Malanville-Illo axis should improve the accessibility of the Beninois bank and reconcile two territorial logics that have for a long time been disconnected: those of north-south international flows and the east-west flows of local production. This should reinforce the centrality of Malanville, whose role is precisely to serve as an anchor for these two dynamics. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The review should make clear whether relevant gender issues, as defined by major data users, are covered by existing data collection programmes and made available to users. Based on this review, the strategy of gender main-streaming can involve collecting new types of data expanding data collection in some areas to fill existing knowledge gaps and better disseminating data already collected (Hedman, Perucci and Sundstrom, 1996, United Nations, 2002). The strategy of gender mainstreaming should be based on strong collaboration between users and producers of data, strong internal coordination within the national statistical office and the national statistical system, and data sharing agreements between the national statistical office and other agencies of the national statistical system or other producers of data. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, several conference and journal papers have been published in domestic as well as international societies. Currently, the focus of the laboratory is on developing tools for quality assessment of intelligent advertising platforms as well as natural language-processing services such as knowledge graph and tree bank. This project promotes the advancement of SDGs 8 and 9. Every day, huge streams of information are exchanged. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 A study on this is likely to be commissioned in the near future. The strategy focuses on a few priority areas for conservation of biological diversity and sustainable use of resources. The strategy contains actions to strengthen the knowledge base for conservation of biological diversity and to improve monitoring. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Internet-based education programmes tailored to fanners or the general rural population become feasible with reliable broadband networks, raising farm productivity and supporting the development of non-agricultural rural industries. A well-functioning broadband network may also help increase the efficiency of China’s rural social welfare systems, improving welfare assessment and targeting and better informing rural citizens about nearby services and opportunities. A recent survey covering 3 000 households in Guizhou, Jilin and Shandong provinces found that only around a quarter of the villages had a facility for public internet access (World Bank, 2013b). The State Council has prioritised the completion of a national broadband network covering both urban and rural areas by 2020. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Policies can be place-based and still be people-centred. On the one hand, traditional views on regional policy related to the old paradigm saw regional policy as a compensatory mechanism to foster convergence. On the other hand, some national governments can regard investing in lagging regions as sub-optimal as cities make the best use of skills, ideas and knowledge. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Watershed agencies are not without their flaws, and have been criticised for embracing a top-down approach, driven by experts and lacking in transparency. In addition, the prioritisation of holistic management often typical of watershed management agencies, has resulted in conflicts of interest, in which regulatory, ownership and service provision functions overlap, sometimes with negative consequences. At the initiative of Brazil, it was later restmctured and in 2008, 67 institutions from 21 countries gathered to agree on common principles. A major feature of LAC countries as compared to OECD countries is the preponderance of conflict resolution mechanisms (75% of countries surveyed) and informal co-operation around projects. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, it faces a growing number of challenges, including deteriorated main routes and worsening traffic congestion. Service quality has declined as the system has not been able to keep up with demand, which has encouraged greater use of alternatives, including private vehicles. Programme implementation needs careful monitoring and analysis, as such regimes can create incentives to increase the private car fleet. Bogota also closes road segments for selected hours on holidays and weekends, creating an additional 121 km of pedestrian and bike path called Ciclouia. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health problem and global human rights violation. Effective interventions can only be created upon conducting qualitative studies that explore the cultural context of an affected population and how they interpret the phenomenon. This qualitative study investigated Kenyan women’s perceptions of IPV. Two community-based focus groups (n = 19) were conducted with Kenyan women in Nairobi. Conventional content analysis identified seven primary themes that emerged from focus group data: snapshot of violence, poverty, cultural context, masculinity, women taking action, resources, and, prevention strategies. Themes are described and implications for further research and intervention are presented. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, in three countries (Cyprus, Luxembourg and Spain), transitions from no employee income at all to at least some employee income are positively associated with falling into poverty. Although these effects are not very precisely estimated (p<0.05) and there are very few households with zero employee income at time / who are not poor and are still at risk of entering poverty (seeTable 7 pages 24 and 25), this suggests that moving into employment, everything else being equal, does not always protect from poverty. Compared to the risk in households where the same number of adults work in both years, children in households where fewer adults work at t+1 are more likely to move into poverty in Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Spain and the UK. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Directorate General for Schools (Direccao-Geral dos Estabelecimentos Escolar. Other services were merged to create a more cohesive governance system. For instance, the Directorate General for Education also took over the responsibilities of the Directorate General for Innovation and Curricular Development. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Other countries do not allow the use of factory vessels within their EEZ, transhipments, or the use of foreign vessels for harvesting. Such regulations - although they may offer other benefits - may insulate the fishing fleet from certain opportunities offered by globalisation. Seen from the perspective of the fisheries management authorities, however, regulations are essential for ensuring a proper functioning of the fisheries management system and adherence to national and international standards. Following the extension to 200 miles, and the associated loss of foreign fishing grounds for Distant Water Fishing Nations (DWFNs), they had to negotiate access to marine resources within the 200-mile limit of third countries or fish on the high seas. At the outset, these fleets were most often re-deployed in those countries’ waters where they had previously been fishing. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 For example, the UK Foresight study estimated the total adaptation investment needed to address flooding (coastal, river and intra-urban) over the next 80 years at between GBP 22 billion and GBP 75 billion for a portfolio of responses, depending on the scenario, implying average annual costs of up to EUR 1 billion per year. Similarly, a recently conducted assessment on flood protection and flood risk management in the Netherlands estimates that the implementation of a comprehensive set of adaptation measures will cost EUR 1.2-1.6 billion per year up to 2050 and EUR 0.9-1.5 billion per year during the period 2050-2100. A Swedish national study estimated potentially large investment costs for adaptation across a wider range of sectors (including transport, water treatment, infrastructure, flood protection) of up to EUR 10 billion (total) in the period 2010-2100. The lack of perception of a need for action or lack of perception of a benefit from the action presents two potential obstacles to timely or effective adaptation. Timing errors are likely in either direction - either too early or too late - with implications for the economic efficiency of adaptation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! It includes provisions on professional development for teachers in numeracy and literacy, guiding materials for good practices and school-based programmes for class management. To increase student motivation and reduce the differences in motivation between boys and girls and between students from different social backgrounds, the action plan introduces more practical and varied instruction methods in lower secondary education, as well as a new subject with a practical approach, the Working Life Course (Arbeidslivsfagef). This reform builds on the Knowledge Promotion Reform (2006), a major curricular reform of the whole system (see Spotlight 1). The Programme for Basic Competence in Working Life (2006) targets adults who lack basic skills. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Building resilience can also help mitigate the potential negative effects on the sexual and reproductive health of women and adolescent girls. Since the first Ebola patient presented in Monrovia in June 2014, the number of new cases was growing every day: By August, it was topping 400 per week. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare was forced to suspend virtually all non-Ebola-related activities to focus on managing the crisis. The unintended result was that women of reproductive age in Liberia experienced some of the worst fallout from Ebola, regardless of their own infection status. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thus our use of the same equivalence scale for both cash and in-kind expenditures is a reasonable middle-of-the-road solution”. Applying the standard OECD equivalence scale, which is the square root of household size, this is converted to USD 20 000 of equivalent income attached to each individual (column 1). The child of 8 years is enrolled in primary school (value estimated as USD 3 000), whereas the 13-year-old is in lower secondary education (value USD 5 000). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Consequently, the level of GHG-intensive production and consumption activity is higher than is socially optimal. The most cost-effective means of ensuring that these external costs are internalised is to price emissions, either through an emission tax or a cap-and-trade scheme (which sets a cap on emissions and allows trade in emission permits). This will encourage producers and consumers to exploit abatement opportunities to the extent that their marginal abatement costs are less than the price of emitting GHGs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Private Sector Development Policy Handbook, OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme, forthcoming. This chapter looks at hoiu supply chains operate in Kazakhstan and the costs that agricultural producers and other participants incur in transactions. The focus is on the three largest sub-sectors of the agro-food system: wheat, dairy and beef. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As cities have adapted to accommodate greater car use, however, walking has been marginalised as a convenient and enjoyable mode of transportation, exposing pedestrians to environmental risks in the form of accidents and poor air quality. A high level of walkability is defined as involving good public transit connectivity, high residential density, and the presence of many local destinations within walking distance. A critical factor for maintaining walkability in larger cities is accessibility to public transit for longer journeys. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 I. ONCE, SAID AN AUTHOR, WHERE I NEED NOT SAY . . .Two judges, named Stat J. and Constit J., were asked to appear on a panel at a law conference for jurists from around the world. The two judges were from different jurisdictions, though both their jurisdictions had a common-law legal tradition. Constit’s country, like most, had an American-style written constitution, which, among other things, entrenched and made justiciable a catalogue of individual rights. This document was known as the Charter and Bill of Human Rights (CBHR). Stat’s country, by contrast, was one of the few that had yet to accept the prevailing view of the benefits of American-style constitutionalism. Stat’s country had no entrenched and justiciable CBHR-type document against which judges could weigh, and if necessary strike down, the legislature’s statutes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This paper focuses on the creation of the criminal insane asylum in Italy between unification in 1861 and World War I. The establishment of criminal insane asylums was a triumph of the positivist criminology of Cesare Lombroso, who advocated for an institution to intern insane criminals in his classic work, Criminal Man (1876). As a context for the analysis of the birth of the criminal insane asylum in Italy, this essay also outlines the history of the insanity plea in Italian criminal law and the young discipline of psychiatry during the fifty years after Italian unification. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Objectives of this plan are to provide for environmentally sound storage and destruction of the POP wastes that are presently stocked in the country, as well as detection, survey and cleaning of POP-contaminated areas, development of the national system of environmental and human health monitoring in relation to the impact of POPs, and improvement of control over accidental release of POPs in the process of production. The plan also targets improvement of the legislation, registration of, research and public awareness on POPs management. The document refers to principles of safe management of radioactive waste defined by procedures of the International Atomic Energy Agency and specified in the design documentation of the NPP. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The share of this spend coming from public sources is particularly low. Only Chile (46%) and the United States (48%) report a share of public spending on health lower than Mexico (51%). The low public spending and limited total investment in the health system is reflected in national health resources. Mexico has 2.2 practicing doctors and 2.6 practicing nurses per 1 000 population, much less than the OECD averages of 3.3 and 9.1, respectively. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Research to Practice Brief (December 2011). The victim’s behaviour and personal characteristics take centre stage rather than the perpetrator’s actions and generally results in suspicion of the victim’s claim of gender-based violence and little support or justice being provided to the victim. The victims themselves might believe these myths and this can result in underreporting. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This paper contributes to an understanding of the processes of contestation and localisation of norms in post-conflict societies via a Bourdieu-inspired analysis of the process of security privatisation in two former Yugoslav countries: Bosnia and Serbia. By drawing on Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus, capital and strategies, this paper sheds light on the ways in which, in Bosnia as well as in Serbia, a particular habitus and forms of capital inherited from these polities’ violent past have shaped the implementation of the liberal project of security privatisation. The result has been a situation in which legislation and institutions aimed at promoting a liberal model of security provision co-exist with practices that are inconsistent with liberal-democratic principles of accountability and respect for human rights and the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ABSTRACT. The study of nationalism in Egypt has often focused on Arab nationalism and its relevance to the post-colonial state building process. The current article shifts the focus to the Egyptian state's strategic use of nationalism as a mechanism for survival and for shoring up its failing legitimacy. In particular, the case of the human rights debate is chosen to show the regime's most recent attempt to ‘nationalise’ a rising movement which promotes universalism and poses a threat to the notion of the nation's homogeneity. By misrepresenting human rights organisations as mouthpieces of Western imperialist powers, the regime has managed to create an image of these organisations as posing a threat to Egypt's national security and undermining its international ‘reputation’. More recently, however, the state has refined its discourse on human rights by promoting an image whereby it is the ‘official agent’ of a more nationalistically defined human rights movement. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Evidence further shows that most Vietnamese consider tax evasion unjustifiable, but despite good tax morale, underreporting of wages to evade social security contributions is widespread. Only 46% of domestic private firms are registered with the social security system, and these report only 32% of the wages actually paid. Profound structural changes in Viet Nam have impacted not only the economy, but also households in terms of income and social mobility. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Unemployed youth and the low-skilled, ageing workers, national and international migrants are some of the key groups that would need to be analysed as demographic change settles and the need for new skills or the transformation of skills gains clarity'. The failure to provide this group with the appropriate skills, or support the upgrading of their existing ones, represents a loss of potential talent across a generation and could lead to greater barriers for modernisation of a skilled workforce. This section discusses key challenges of demographic change, migration and mobility of workers in Asia. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! For instance, a region can specialise in the production of component manufacturing for renewables. Finally, displacement effects at the national level can offset many of the renewable energy effect jobs. Due to lock-in dynamics that may take place at the national level, some regions will become home to core high-value activities in the renewable energy supply chain, while others will host the low-value added parts, with lower impacts on employment creation and regional development. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The papers are generally available only in their original language (English or French) with a short summary available in the other. It draws on multiple sources including the innovation studies discipline, neoclassical Human Capital theory, institutionalist labour market studies and the work organisation discipline. Extensive use is also made of official survey data to describe and quantify the diversity of skills and occupations involved in specific types of innovation activities. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Tax breaks only represent 1.5% and in-kind benefits 23.9% of total spending on family benefits. Dependent children are all children aged 18 years or younger, or between 19 and 24 as long as their income does not exceeding EUR 10 000 per year. Allowances are decomposed in a basic allowance of EUR 109.70 per child and month, an age supplement and a sibling supplement (table below). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Original plans envisaged that existing GPs would progressively gain recognition as family physicians provided they completed ten days’ of preliminary orientation, followed by a two-year programme of specialist training. Efforts are being made, however, to increase the number of primary care doctors and reduce the list size for each doctor from current levels. Each public hospital service is paid by “package rates” that bundle prices for outpatient and inpatient services established by the Social Security Institute, within a global budget that is negotiated between the Social Security Institution (SSI) and the Ministry of Health. The payment of staff involves a salary and a performance-based component. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Within this discussion it is also important to consider the interdependencies between the system of local taxation and finance as a whole. In the wake of the 2008 recession, the 2010 Crisis and Recovery Act was adopted in order to speed up the planning process by reducing or simplifying some of the permit requirements. At the same time, there were emerging discussions about how the spatial planning system could be further simplified and how' it might better address some of the growing tensions betw'een economic and environmental agendas that are embedded in sectoral policy responses. The national government forwarded a view that existing sectoral policies are increasingly ineffective in dealing with the interconnectedness of projects, activities and land uses. A policy brief at the time notes that “it is difficult to meet societal challenges relating to economic development, flood protection, supplies of raw materials, water and sustainable energy, housing, accessibility and agriculture while at the same time protecting environmental quality, nature and cultural heritage” (Government of the Netherlands, 2012: 3). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In order to carry out this calculation, the indigence line is multiplied by a factor that varies between urban and rural areas. For poverty estimates for up to 2006, a factor of 2 was used for urban areas and a factor of 1.75 for rural areas.3 The factors applied since 2007 vary depending on the difference between price trends for foodstuffs and for other goods and services. For estimates calculated up to December 2006, the same rate of variation was applied to both lines. Since 2007, the indigence line has been adjusted to reflect changes in CPI for foodstuffs, while the part of the poverty line corresponding to expenditure on non-food goods has been adjusted to reflect changes in the non-food CPI. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 While the allowance only covers those affiliate (i.e., in formal jobs), most low-income families are in informal work. Nevertheless, the programme (slightly) reduces income inequality and poverty, as its distribution is less unequal than the distribution of income (Nunez, 2009). In 2013, the benefit’s reference level in Arauca (the highest) was 35% higher than the national average, in Choco (the lowest) the reference level was 25% lower than the national average. Similarly, the proportion of workers eligible to the benefit ranged from 27% in Norte de Santander to 88% in Cordoba. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In 2011, Congress extended contracts until 2067, after setting aside 5% of Hoover Dam’s power for sale to Native American tribes, electric co-operatives and other entities. This created difficulties for housing, feeding and general care for the workers, as well as transportation and supply of equipment, water and electricity. Safety and health issues of construction workers were intensified by the extensive number of simultaneous operations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Forests in the northern part of the country represent the southern edge of the boreal forest. The northern boreal forests comprise 84.7 per cent of the total forested area. The most common tree species are Siberian larch (Larix sibirica), Siberian pine (Pirns sibirica), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Siberian spruce (Picea obovata), Siberian fir (Abies sibirica) and a smaller, broad-leafed component composed of birch (Betula platyphylla), aspen (Populus tremula) and poplar (Populus diversifolia). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This Chapter examines the potential for building community resilience. It reviews the capacities and strategies that allow communities to recover, showing the importance of equitable and sustainable economic development, of ensuring strong social capital, and of empowering communities. It also considers further ways of enhancing resilience to disasters and economic shocks. Without the safety net of savings, property and other buffers - they have less capacity to cope and often experience multiple and repeated shocks that further erode their capacity to cope.1 Already disadvantaged by social and economic imbalances, the poor can thus be further marginalized into vicious cycles of chronic hardship, sometimes for generations. In 2012 it was ranked the Asia-Pacific country 'most at risk'. Between 2002 and 2012, it experienced three cyclones, affecting 2.6 million people, three floods, affecting 500,000 people, and two major earthquakes, affecting 20,000 people. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Source: Ministry ot Education. Internal Rates of Return (IRR) to education are a standard measure in the literature of the profitability of undertaking additional years of schooling and are used to summarise financial incentives, both costs and benefits, associated with studying. The most common methods are the discount method and the Mincerian approach. The discount method is an application of cost-benefit analysis to the decision making process regarding further educational investment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""Although studies consider different types of jobs, nearly all adopt a common language of “direct”, “indirect” and """"induced” jobs. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) provides not only a clear and operational definition of these terms, but also elaborates appropriately on the slight but important variations in their interpretation across studies (IRENA, 2011). Precise definitions vary, but in general these are jobs related to core activities, such as manufacturing/fabrication, construction, site development, installation, and operation and maintenance (O&M)."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The remaining sub-sections will address the implications of the concentration of poverty among particular sections of the population for social cohesion. This will focus on three areas in which poverty has tended to concentrate in the past: i) young people, ii) the migrant population, and iii) area/regional deprivation. The section will assess how trends in family structure and poverty are likely to impact on poverty in these three areas, assessing their implications for social cohesion and public policy intervention. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 We adopt this as the degree of implementation, which we will require other countries to achieve by 2030 (although the base to which the percentage is applied varies depending on assumptions, see below). Thetype of geological formations used forstorage is also usually found where oil and gas are found, so availability of storage is not likely to be a significant limitation. The economic incentive to implement CCS is the major obstacle, but we assume that all governments of Annex I countries ofthe UNFCCC, will have the financial and organizational muscle to implement the incentives needed (see section 3.1.7). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""In Mexico, Scott and Shah (2004) advocate to downsize pump capacity while increasing irrigation efficiency, and to shift to lower-water-demand crops to address long-term groundwater overdraft. Regions with increasingly scarce water resources are encouraged to move from """"more crop (and jobs) per drop"""" to """"more cash and nature per drop"""" (Lopez-Gunn et al., They may be worth considering especially in situations of increasingly visible scarcity or externalities so long as they are built on sufficient information about the hydrogeology and that they support a larger regulatory framework."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article explores theoretical and historical problems associated with representations of gender and race in the Third World. Using a feminist cultural studies approach, the author examines representations associated with the concept of African tradition that have shaped colonial and post-colonial education policy for girls in Tanzania. Archival materials from missionary, colonial, and African sources reveal the multiple and often conflicting views of tradition conveyed through programmes intended to increase African girls' participation in school. The uses of tradition in colonial policy making are compared with its meanings in contemporary educational programmes for girls in an attempt to further feminist scholarship and action around the issue of girls' education. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 User engagement with data privacy and security through consent banners has become a ubiquitous part of interacting with internet services. While previous work has addressed consent banners from either interaction design, legal, and ethics-focused perspectives, little research addresses the connections among multiple disciplinary approaches, including tensions and opportunities that transcend disciplinary boundaries. In this paper, we draw together perspectives and commentary from HCI, design, privacy and data protection, and legal research communities, using the language and strategies of “dark patterns” to perform an interaction criticism reading of three different types of consent banners. Our analysis builds upon designer, interface, user, and social context lenses to raise tensions and synergies that arise together in complex, contingent, and conflicting ways in the act of designing consent banners. We conclude with opportunities for transdisciplinary dialogue across legal, ethical, computer science, and interactive systems scholarship to translate matters of ethical concern into public policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 If it later turns out that the international market price attains a higher level than expected, then the “satisfactory” domestic price can be achieved with a lower tariff. From that perspective, if the level of world market prices for agricultural commodities turns out to be around 30% higher than originally expected, then ad valorem (equivalents of) tariffs could be reduced by around 30 percentage points without threatening the attainment of “satisfactory” prices on domestic markets. On that basis, it could be argued that the now higher level of international prices should reduce the perceived “need” for tariff protection - and hence facilitate agreement on the tariff cuts considered in 2008. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The type and detail of data available across four countries are summarised in Box 2.4 and illustrate that challenges still remain. Che rail funding for biodiversity conservation amounted to 92 044.5 million rupees for 2013-14 from 77 schemes of 23 ministries/ departments. More generally, in India, overall funding for environment-related programmes is a very small proportion of the total annual budget. Between 2007-10 (under the 11th FYP), the annual budget for the Ministry of Environment and Forests (its name at that time) for various environmental programmes was around 0.012% of GDP and less than 0.25% of the annual national budget. More generally, data are available on the SEMARNAT budget (MXN 51.2 billion in 2011) and the relative shares of the commissions within this (CONANP’s share in 2011 was MXN 0.99 billion [1.9%], an increase from MXN 0.35 billion in 2002, and CONAFOR’s share was MXN 6.46 billion (i.e. 12.6%), a threefold increase in real terms since 2002). In comparison, the SAGARPA budget in 2011 was MXN 73.00 billion.** - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The reform proposal, however, envisages introducing a flat tax rate of 10% on inheritances to dissuade individuals from evading this tax. The contributory pension system accounts for the bulk of total transfers to households and absorbs a large share of central government spending (more than 18% of central government spending in 2011). Yet, its coverage is low and the absence of a first tier minimum pension leaves many elderly in poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Basin Committee also monitors the implementation of the SDAGE and sets the main agenda of the water agency, while proposing, for instance, the amount of revenues taken inby the agency and passing the multiyear programme of the water agency (priorities, procedures for subsidies, etc.), This commission is also consulted for any project contemplating a delegation of service delivery or the creation of a utility with financial autonomy. Formal consultations often leave the public in a contestatory role and ignore the silent majority, focusing on the more vociferous minority of the population. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Countries have in place, for various reasons, numerous special tax treatments of activities linked with negative environmental consequences, such as commuting by private cars, company car provisions, use of emission-intensive fuels (e.g. coal, heavy oils) and use of pesticides or fertilisers, while at the same time a number of tax preferences may concern activities with positive environmental consequences, such as public transport, cleaner and more efficient heating. The environmental effects will depend on implementation details. In countries where congestion charges or road pricing are recommended as a mean to increase economic efficiency and growth (Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and the United Kingdom), they are likely to also benefit the environment, with the magnitude of the effects linked to the introduced prices as well as the availability of alternatives, such as public transport, more efficient vehicles or opportunities for teleworking. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In Bill C-51, the Canadian government wants to jail people who, by speaking, written, recording, gesturing or through other visible representations, knowingly advocate or promote the commission of terrorism offences in general, while aware of the possibility that the offences may be committed. This offence raises many serious issues, and should (at best) be considered extremely concerning. The scope of the new offence is not clear and the offence is sweeping in its criminalization of advocacy and promotion of “terrorism offences in general”, because terrorism offences themselves are sweeping.We have serious doubts whether it is consistent with the Charter. We have no doubts that it is capable of chilling constitutionally-protected speech, and ultimately proving an offence that undermines more promising avenues of addressing terrorism.The backgrounder contains our full legal analysis. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The poor segment of the population lives below the poverty line and, despite free installation, they may not be able to afford electricity if consumption goes above the free basic electricity allocation. The subsidy is based on the cost of the lowest supply size stated in the suit of supply options. This amount is Pa§e I determined on an annual basis. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The courses were compulsory within the mathematics subject cluster and were revised in 1990 and 1997 to respond to technological developments. When Thailand introduced a new basic education curriculum in 2001, it included standards for what students in all 12 grades should know about ICT. Technological education comprised ICT and content on design and technology. Thailand expanded its efforts to integrate ICT in education by developing a series of four-year strategy documents and amendments to the basic education curriculum. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, take-up appears to be reasonably large. In 2009, on average every month about 760 000 individuals were dismissed from a formal job in the private sector without just cause, while on average every month about 600 000 entered into the SD system, suggesting that take-up among eligible unemployed persons may be close to 80%. A further shortcoming is that the employment history of unemployed individuals is limited to the last job only. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Female life expectancy at birth in all countries (EU average 83.6 years) exceeded that of males (EU average 78.2 years). The average gender difference in Central and Eastern European countries (7.7 years) was greater than the EU average (5.4 years) and significantly greater than the average for the other EU countries (4.7 years). So the gender gap in life expectancy is greater in the EU countries that have higher mortality. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The new procedures have eliminated some administrative steps, shortened the time needed for final decisions to be taken, and put in place arrangements that could lead to more effective enforcement. Co-ordination of permit approval and assessment when the operation of an industrial facility requires various permits (e.g. for construction or urban development) is aimed at preventing duplication of work and contradictory decisions. It also provides for joint inspections by relevant authorities. Dedicated tools, such as online license and permit catalogues, have been introduced to facilitate licensing procedures. The catalogues provide comprehensive information regarding licenses and permits and enable a search to be made for detailed procedural requirements. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In particular, it called for measures of innovation in the public sector, including in the education sector. Measuring innovation in education responds to this call, offering new perspectives on measuring innovation in education. Thebook gives readers new international comparative information about innovation in education compared to other sectors, and documents change in a variety of dimensions of school practices between 1999 and 2011. It is a key resource for readers interested in educational innovation, but given the variety of practices covered, it also provides material of interest to a wider audience. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In addition, standard errors are clustered at the state and year level to account for the possibility that observations within states and across years are not independent. The idea being that theoretically the NLC should not have an impact on intra-state job flows since the NLC does not offer added advantages for nurses to move within a given state. Another sensitivity test involved analysing the impact of the NLC from treated to control states, with the idea being that a nurse in a Compact state should, in theory, not be compelled to relocate to a non-Compact state once the NLC is introduced in his or her resident state. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! South African domestic law of jurisdiction informs the assumption of jurisdiction in cross-border commercial litigation. In regard to choice of court agreements, the fragmented nature of High Court jurisdiction and the common law rules relating to submission to jurisdiction present unique challenges. Two types of choice of court agreements can be identified in South African law: foreign exclusive choice of court agreements and optional choice of court agreements in favour of South African courts. It is submitted that the South African law relating to cross-border jurisdiction is in need of reform and this should be undertaken following an international and comparative approach, in keeping with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Who is to blame for the tragedy of the Amur Evenks? In ANSIPRA's bulletin (indigenous peoples of Russia), vol.15. Analiz smertnosti detsk-ogo naseleniya Chukotki v aspekte sotsialnyx i ekologicheskikh faktorov riska. ( Analysis of child mortality in Chukotka and the social and ecological risk factors). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, when migrants first arrive in Finland, their ability to productively use their skills in employment tends to be compromised by limited language skills, lack of familiarity with the labour market and, in some cases, poor health. Where wages are able to respond to productivity, lower productivity should not necessarily compromise employer demand. In Finland, however, where collectively-bargained minimum wages act as wage floors, employers hiring those whose productivity is temporarily compromised by limited language skills, are unable to adapt wages accordingly. This is particularly true because foreign-born workers in Finland are heavily concentrated in the lowest-paid positions where collectively-bargained minimum wages bind (over 40% are concentrated in the lowest income quintile). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In such cases, well-planned design of the tax instrument over a number of years can ensure that revenue increases substantially or at least remains stable over time - for example, by introducing a gradual increase in tax rates (a tax escalator) to compensate for gradually falling consumption as economic actors respond to the price signal created by the tax. This is particularly important in developing countries, where government budgets are limited and tend to be vulnerable to price shocks. In China, for example, differentiated grid prices for desulfurized electricity had a clearly defined objective of driving the desulfurization of coal generation (see Section 5.7). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A provincial authority cannot impose its spatial plan on the province’s municipalities, it can only comment on municipal IDPs and try to achieve a consensual alignment of provincial and local SDFs. In the positive example of Johannesburg, a special municipal tribunal considers any proposed development that does not conform to the IDP, soliciting views from the public. If the project is approved, the IDP is amended accordingly. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Whilst all issues need attention, this is the area where policy makers in particular need to concentrate their initial efforts. Generally, the depth of the data is stronger and there is lower volatility in the solar resource compared to the wind, and generally there are fewer variables to be considered in the estimation. Investors are most concerned with the apparent mismatch between the long-term nature of capital commitments inherent in climate change financing and the relatively short time frame of climate change regulations. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Energy policies include provisions for feed-in-tariffs, but these are largely deemed to be too low to attract private investment. A lack of institutional capacity and human resources in key policy and decision making units related to environment acts as a barrier to mainstreaming of environmental targets across sector policies and plans, especially energy. Indirect fossil fuel subsidies support and incentivise state-owned enterprises in the energy sector which are investing in fossil fuels, and capped fuel prices mean that renewable energy and energy efficiency investments are not always viable. According to OECD DAC statistics, in 2014, just over USD 1.5 billion in development finance flows supported climate change projects in Viet Nam, with around half (47%) focusing on climate change mitigation, a third supporting climate change adaptation (34%) and the rest supporting both mitigation and adaptation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Newly created green jobs will not only require high level skills. Whilst it is true that higher-level skills will be needed for some jobs this will not be the case for all jobs. For instance, a recent study in London estimated that around half of the existing low carbon jobs in London would require either intermediate or low level skills47 (see learning model). Enabling people to participate is crucial in this regard and more effort is needed to help young people and those currently out of work to benefit from the opportunities associated with the green economy. Moreover, facilitating access to employment opportunities for the low skilled and vulnerable in society also plays an important part (i.e. ensuring public transport routes are well designed and enable the unemployed or inactive to reach areas of high levels of job growth within a reasonable time). In fact, the transition should be seen as part of a wider economic restructuring of the economy over the medium to long-term, similar in nature and pattern (if not considerably smaller in its potential) to the shift to a knowledge economy that has been ongoing in developed economies for decades. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Meanwhile, where forest management plans do not include specific provisions for nature protection on Natura 2000 sites, Natura 2000 plans apply. It led, in particular, to the publication of companion reports to the forest districts’ management plans. All the elements are there to create a knowledge base at the national level on biological diversity in LP forests. This section assesses how these various instruments can help meet biodiversity objectives and the results achieved. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Although national statistics institutes often offer training on how to use of the data, agencies often prefer to use their own data, although it may not be of comparable quality. However, in many countries there is a disconnect between central agencies and the wider system, resulting in data gaps and redundancies. Once national statistics strategies have been developed and data collection systems established, development co-operation providers can play an important role in ensuring their sustainability (Paris21, 2007). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! These have several advantages over capital-intensive technologies: They generate more jobs, have lower costs, can contribute to local enterprise development and capacity-building, provide more readily available maintenance and repair services, and can generate foreign exchange savings. Even more worrying is that the LDCs youth population (aged 15-24 years), which is becoming better educated and growing fast, is increasingly seeking job in rapidly growing urban centres. The main responsibility for creating these jobs rests largely with the LDCs themselves. Nevertheless, the international community can also play a role in helping to ease the constraints faced by these countries in creating sufficient jobs. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! At the other end of the spectrum, N use per hectare is below 25kg in a number of countries. Notably in a range of developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa, fertiliser use is known to be very low (Morris et al., The five largest fertiliser consumers (China, India, UNITED STATES, EU27, and Brazil) together account for 72% of the w orld’s total fertiliser consumption. Environmental and consumer safety concerns prevail in the majority of OECD countries. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The pilot was so successful that we are now building a permanent digital platform for it. The same holds across countries: top-performing countries in PISA, like Japan, Singapore and South Korea in Asia, Estonia and Finland in Europe, and Canada in North America, also came out on top in the PISA assessment of collaborative problem solving. For example, Japanese students did very well in those subjects, but they did even better in collaborative problem solving. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Systemic violence challenges humanity to construct cultures of peace that embody characteristics such as nonviolence, respect for human rights, gender equality, freedom and democratization, tolerance and solidarity, and protection of the earth's resources. An international movement to build cultures of peace is underway, and the United Nations (UN) is exercising significant leadership in encouraging participation at all levels. After describing current UN efforts to build cultures of peace, this introductory article examines the role of psychologists, cautioning against approaches that result in the imposition of Western approaches and marginalization of indigenous psychologies. Drawing on the process and insights from the Sixth International Symposium on Contributions of Psychology to Peace, this issue of the journal examines the contributions of psychology to cultures of peace. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Government subsidies in the fisheries sector can also have severe negative social and economic impacts for the most vulnerable countries and communities. The adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 brings hope of addressing this unfair situation, specifically thanks to Target 14.6, whereby the international community has committed to prohibit fisheries subsidies that contribute to overfishing and to IUU fishing. Considerable resources would be saved if harmful fisheries subsidies were prohibited and spent to secure the implementation of other SDG14 targets for the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean, for example through a Blue Fund that would be established to that effect. Inaction on fish subsidies at the latest Ministerial Conference of the WTO held in December 2015 - three months after the adoption of the SDGs - is not an encouraging sign, but the upcoming High-Level United Nations Conference on Oceans and Seas in June 2017 may provide a new opportunity. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In many OECD countries, water allocation between competing users has remained a bargaining process that is often characterised by a strong political dimension. One reason is that second-best solutions might in some cases provide a more effective (albeit more costly) way to solve the water competition problem, while at the same time addressing issues of fairness and food security. Not only will this ensure a higher probability of their participating in the programme (trades are always voluntary), but the market design will also benefit from local knowledge of the geographical and social characteristics of the water basin. Its advantages - notably its relative insulation from climatic events and its accessibility to farmers - have led to its intensive use in areas with limited or unstable surface water supplies. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The methodology for imputing multilateral flows estimates the share of multilateral ODA contributions by DAC members in a given year that are climate related. Imputed multilateral contributions are the product of a country’s multilateral contribution to an organisation multiplied by the share of climate-related projects financed by that organisation. Added to Rio marked bilateral flows, the imputed multilateral contributions represent “the provider perspective” of climate-related development finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, OECD (2010) expected cyclically adjusted deficits to account for more than three quarters of 2012 deficits in the OECD on average. To address structural challenges, all countries need to seek ways to maximise the value for money that public services and transfers provide. Recessions cause a slump in a range of important revenue sources, and are often followed by periods of sluggish revenue growth. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This practice is mainly widespread in the coastal zones of Aden and Hadramawt, El Malira and Hodeidah, Although the Health Ministiy lias released a public decision for banning the practice of female genital mutilation in official hospital facilities, the Yemeni government continues to turn a blind eye to cutting practiced by traditional community women in particular locations. Articles 342-349 and Articles 291, 293 and 293 bis of the Algerian Penal Code of 8 June 1966. Algerian Penal Code of 1966. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In general, it is unlikely that advanced research activities will be located in rural areas. However, as the technology to produce energy from renewable sources is not mature, empirical research needs to be done in the field, where the installations are located. The deployment of renewable energy, however, does not depend on research and development (R&D) alone. Learning by searching is just one part of a much broader system based on the transfer of knowledge among actors engaged in the innovation process. As suggested by Lundvall (1992), there are three other kinds of learning, besides learning by searching, that should be taken into account when assessing regional innovation systems: learning by doing, learning by using, and learning by interacting. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The situation would become even more complex when such matters as environment, economy, education or transport and communications were taken into account. The decision for this institutional shift was approved by the government and Parliament, and the new law will be in force as of 1 January 2013. The Ministry of Infrastructure remains in charge of housing and local planning. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It is part of a far-reaching new agreement between police, mental health trusts and paramedics. The Concordat has been signed by more than 20 national organisations in a bid to drive up standards of care for people experiencing crisis such as suicidal thoughts or significant anxiety. It aims to cut the numbers of people detained inappropriately in police cells by 50 per cent and drive out the variation in standards across the country. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is the most well-documented, well-accepted, set of interface guidelines on the planet, based on empirical research and a participatory process of stakeholder input. A recent case in a U.S. Federal District Court, Robles v. Dominos Pizza LLC, involved a blind individual requesting that Dominos Pizza make their web site and mobile app accessible for people with disabilities, utilizing the WCAG. The court ruled that, due to the legal concepts of due process and primary jurisdiction doctrine, the plaintiff loses the case simply for asking for the WCAG. This court ruling minimizes the importance of evidence-based accessibility research and guidelines, and this poster will provide a background of the case, describe preliminary analysis of related cases, and discuss implications for accessibility researchers. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Bycatch and discards work plan applies. The 2009 statutory management plan provides for the grant of individual transferable quotas and statutory fishing rights. The AFMA commission endorsed the management policy and entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Norfolk Island government to maintain a monitoring and advisory role in the fishery. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In addition, nuclear energy is the only dispatchable source of electricity that remains consistent with the original intentions behind the policy decision to support renewable technologies namely to reduce climate change inducing greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce import dependency. This should sufficiently remunerate dispatchable capacity, including nuclear, to keep it attractive for investors. Virtually all major OECD countries are currently looking at different designs for capacity markets. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A key challenge was the lack of available data specifically on indicators representing water renewability (SDG 6.3) and its sustainable management (SDG 6.5), which could hinder valid policymaking. This challenge was addressed in two ways. First, ESCAP provided training on the UN-Water’s Integrated Monitoring Guide for SDG 6: Targets and Indicators, which informs ministries on how data collection can occur. Second, it became evident during the National SDG 6 Workshop that many of the Interagency and Expert Group’s SDG indicators were not feasible under Sri Lanka’s national context. As a result, stakeholders and policymakers consulted in small working groups to consider more valid indicators and how to approach data collection and analysis. Encouraging official financial flows (SDG 10.b) can promote greater economic risk diversification (SDG 8.2) and inducing sustainable food production systems (SDG 2.4) and water-use efficiency in the agriculture sector (SDG 6.4). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In 18 countries, child poverty has increased by at least lppt, which can be interpreted as statistically significant.13 However, while focusing on changes in child poverty since the start of the economic crisis, it is important not to lose sight of the absolute levels. After a substantial increase in poverty, Iceland had some of the highest 'anchored' child poverty rates in 2012, but so did Romania after a 2ppt decrease in poverty since the pre-crisis levels. In both countries, nearly one-third of children were poor in 2012 based on the 2008 threshold. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Increased availability of information on adaptation could also be beneficial to the global community, by helping to identify and disseminate lessons learned in planning, implementing and funding adaptation. Further, the global stocktake of collective progress towards the purpose of the Paris Agreement and its long-term goals would also benefit from adaptation-related information submitted by Parties, and potentially by other organisations. Indeed, there has already been a range of adaptation-related information communicated through NCs and NAPs as well as shared at workshops and meetings within and outside UNFCCC initiatives. This paper explores what elements of countries’ adaptation responses could be reported under the Paris Agreement so as to better communicate efforts towards enhanced adaptation and resilience, while avoiding an undue reporting burden. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The paradox of modern constitutionalism resides in having two imperatives, apparently irreconcilable, i.e. a governmental power generated from the ‘consent of the people’ and, in order to be sustained and effective, that power must be divided, constrained and exercised through distinctive institutional forms. This paradox reflects the dilemma arising from the dialectical interaction between constituent power and constitutional form. I will argue that constitutionalism, as a limited government, does not contradict with Arab and Islamic legal culture. While modern constitutionalism, as a normative order, requires the adherence to the rule of law and the protection of human rights, it is in the name of national, religious, historic or cultural particularities that modern constitutionalism is discredited, as being essentially ‘Western’, not appropriate for Arab-Islamic culture. This paper challenges this rejection and argues for the possibility, and the necessity thereof, of applying modern constitutionalism in contemporary Arab states. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The paper reports a study that investigated the construction of a common identity in an online Italian forum of psychologists based on asynchronous CMC. Discourse analysis was carried out on 20 discussions, and three Interpretative Repertoires were identified: (i) Professional Boundaries, (ii) disempowered psychology and (iii) psychology and health, which refer to three recurrent modalities of constructing the psychological profession. The study suggests that a framework drawing on social constructionism and Bourdieu's critical theory can help understand some aspects of identity in, and across, communities of practice. The main conclusion is that analysing critically how identities are constructed in learning environments, virtual or not, allows reconsidering the role of the cultural context in the production of those identities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These effects, however, depend strongly on the specific characteristics of each generating technology and on the time frame considered. For a given technology, the effects will differ considerably in the short term and the long term. As will be shown in Section 4.3, in the short term all generating technologies experience a reduction of load factors and profitability (compression effect) with high variable costs technologies such as gas being particularly affected. In the long term, the introduction of renewable technologies affects primarily baseload technologies, while the effect on the other dispatchable technologies is limited. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Therefore, the largest percentage of males in the Northern District (62%) require vocational/technical training at a level less than tertiary education, compared to 52% in the Haifa District, and 46% in the Central District. In contrast, 57% of the females in the Northern District are employed in occupations requiring a tertiary education, compared to 63% in the Haifa District and 64% in the Central District. Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract for Israel, 2009. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Many of these redeveloped markets have fallen into disuse, with serious adverse effects on informal livelihoods. In the 1996 Istanbul Declaration, national governments explicitly recognized “local governments as our closest partners, and as essential in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda.” In the area of sustainable development, as environmental concerns started getting mainstreamed into the development agenda, the role of local governments was again deemed as crucial when it comes to identifying local sustainability priorities and implementing attendant long-term action plans. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This confusion is fed by a lack of differentiation between 'resilience' as a political agenda, as described above, versus 'resilience' as a technical approach that offers added value on top of existing risk management approaches. They are not the same thing, yet both are necessary to ensure that resilience is successfully implemented, and that it complements, rather than replaces, proven best practices. The 'agenda' should provide the vehicle to implement the ‘technical approach'. The great obstacles for realising the potential of resilience result from the multitude of interpretations of what resilience is, and lack of agreement in how to go about building resilience that addresses the risk attached to the full range of shocks and stresses, and the uncertainty of these, that people, communities and nations face. Demonstrating the interconnectedness of different risks and how these may differ between individual, community and national 'layers', in order to provide a rationale for approaching resilience as a truly holistic methodology. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The political and social transformations of 1989 in Poland were primarily related to the profound democratization of the apparatus of public authority, resulting in the almost total abandonment of the unified, centralized structure. In the realm of public administration this process is illustrated by the thorough decentralization of the administrative apparatus. The current model of administration assumes that is it is exercised both by the apparatus of the centralized governmental administration and by a diversified system of independent organs and institutions that perform public tasks vested in them by virtue of law in their own names and on their own accounts. The subject of this paper is the reinstatement of territorial self-government which constituted an integral part of this process. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Why would a politician choose to give it priority? Why has UNEP chosen to prepare this Global Waste Management Outlook (GWMO)? This introduction aims to provide a concise overview which answers these and similar questions. Chapter 1 and Chapter 6 in combination provide an extended summary of the GWMO. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Percentile ratios provide a measure of household disposable income inequality at specific points of the income distribution and are a more intuitive way to gauge the width of the income distribution. The gap between the upper bound value of the I* decile and the upper bound value of the 9s' decile of households is close to 1:3 for the three countries with the most narrow household disposable income distribution and above 1:6 for the three countries with the widest. Also the cross-country differences in the share of top income earners (top percentile) in total household disposable income are very wide, ranging from 4.5 for Sweden to 18.1 for the United States. The OECD-21 includes countries for which data are available for the mid-1990s. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Coastal areas attract large populations, currently estimated at approximately 40 per cent of the global population, because of their rich resources, in particular food and other subsistence resources, access points to mari ne trade a nd transport, recreational activities, and their connection between land and sea (Neumann etal., - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The MexicoFirst initiative financially supports the certification of IT specialists and others working in the IT and ICT-enabled service industries, covering up to 70 per cent of the cost. The programme is administered through the national competitive fund, Prosoft, and expects to support the certification of 12,000 professionals annually.31 The IT talent programme also certifies graduates in specific competencies required by the industry. An idea arising out of a study of Costa Rica is the introduction of a dual training system for vocational training on a broad scale (Paus, 2010). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In most countries in the region, the birth rate has already peaked and is now declining. For example, the highest number of births recorded in Cuba was in 1965, while in Brazil it was in 1983 and in Pem it was in 1991 (see table II.3). These large cohorts are being replaced by cohorts with successively fewer births, and this is causing gradual population ageing. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Recent work on social injustice has focused on implicit bias as an important factor in explaining persistent injustice in spite of achievements on civil rights. In this paper, I argue that because of its individualism, implicit bias explanation, taken alone, is inadequate to explain ongoing injustice, and, more importantly, it fails to call attention to what is morally at stake. An adequate account of how implicit bias functions must situate it within a broader theory of social structures and structural injustice, changing structures is often a precondition for changing patterns of thought and action and is certainly required for durable change. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, in Iceland, all increases were from a much smaller base. It is important to have the same countries in the model for every wave in order to be able to compare changes in the estimates across the waves of the survey. Italy had to be excluded because there is no data in the SaMip dataset for it from 2011 onwards. As before, the anchored poverty definition is used here: the dependent variable is whether the child under 18 lives in a household with equivalent disposable income below 60% of national median estimated in 2008 and then uprated for inflation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Public databases are available on most of the MDB websites, but their degree of user friendliness and comparability varies to a great extent (cf. Tirpak et al, 2010). An ongoing exercise by the MDBs to improve and standardise their reporting could significantly improve the value of this information source. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The advantage of a cap-and-trade system versus priced-based mechanisms, such as a carbon tax, lies in the fact that a cap puts a legal limit on pollution, while the tax sets a price under the assumption that quantity will adjust, based on the higher price. A carbon tax has the advantage of raising revenue for the government. The 2007-2008 financial crisis revealed the ease with which financial markets could be manipulated, even in the most advanced markets, hence, the risk of manipulation, market failures and distorted incentives would be extremely high in most developing countries. Moreover, with respect to getting prices right, it is likely that both carbon taxes and cap-and-trade programmes would have to be so large as to be politically infeasible (Mowery, Nelson and Martin, 2010). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Central to understanding the impact in the fisheries sector is how the management system operates for the fishery in question. While fuel is an important input and tax concessions can have a significant impact on the fuel price paid by fishers, the impact of such support will be contingent on the management system constraints faced by and alternatives available to the fisher. In this case, support lowers the cost of effort, leading to more effort and a smaller fish stock in equilibrium. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This contrasts strongly with the situation in the 1990s w hen the Brazilian government lacked data on the number of enrolled students. There was no legal framework, institutions, human resources or stable funding for evaluation activities. Moreover, important stakeholders were opposed to the very idea of evaluation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Le chomage est Tune des principales raisons du recul des revenus des menages. Le systeme de prelevements et de transferts contribue a soulager fortement les inegalites et la pauvrete. Le systeme fiscal est fortement progressif, et il est probable que les reformes recentes font rendu encore plus progressif. Les transferts, en particulier les prestations autres que les pensions, reussissent assez bien a reduire les inegalites et la pauvrete. Le systeme educatif devrait mieux soutenir les etudiants en risque de decrochage afm de reduire les taux de redoublement et d'abandon, tandis que faugmentation des effectifs dans les classes serait un moyen raisonnable de generer des economies sans compromettre trop les apprentissages. En developpant fenseignement professionnel et la formation des adultes, notamment dans le contexte de politiques actives du marche du travail, on pourrait offrir il de nombreux menages la possibility d'acceder a de meilleurs revenus, ce qui aboutirait a une distribution des revenus plus equitable. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This was indeed the case, but during the 1960s and 1970s, the developed country share of world agricultural exports rose and its share of world agricultural imports fell, while for developing countries the reverse was true. By 2010 developed country export (and import) shares had fallen to 60% of the world total, while developing country export (and import) shares had risen to 40% of the total. Developing countries include transition economies. First, the developing country agricultural trade balance is heavily influenced by the phenomenal export performance of Brazil (Figure 3.2). When Brazil is excluded from the developing country aggregate, the sharp deterioration in the net agricultural trade balance of the remaining developing countries becomes clear. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The share of students who expected to pursue a career in teaching also increased in Chile, the Czech Republic, Estonia and the Slovak Republic, but by less than two percentage points. Turkey shows the largest drop - by 19 percentage points - followed by Jordan, Indonesia and Tunisia (with decreases of between 10 and 14 percentage points). The declines in Turkey, Jordan and Indonesia might be related to the large increases in secondary enrolment rates, and in the share of 15-year-olds represented in the PISA population (OECD, 2016, Table 1.6.1 mi). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, with the very rough and ready metric for system adequacy used in this exercise, which is the ratio of total generating capacity over peak demand, ceteris paribus the SSDI would increase in response to increased renewable production. During their life cycle, nuclear power plants source up to 90% of their inputs in terms of value domestically. Imports of uranium, just as imports of rare earths for the rotors of wind turbines, are not a major concern as they are widely diversified and frequently stem from other OECD countries. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In recent years, green credit lines have been used increasingly to incentivise and support renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in developing countries. It is important to note that credit lines alone cannot be effective without demand from private enterprises, hence the importance to develop integrated approaches that raise awareness and build capacity 'hand in hand' with supplying finance. The three-phase programme is made up of a EUR 660 million loan facility made available by JICA to the Small Industries and Development Bank of India (SIDBI) to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises’ (MSMEs) investments for environmental improvements and energy efficiency. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Today, the transport cost barriers are higher than tariff barriers. Table 4.1 presents the costs for some corridors. According to a recent USAID study (2012), transport costs on the Lome-Ouagadougou corridor vary between USD 2 201 and 5155, depending on the direction of trade. Exporting, north-south movements, is cheaper and faster, which is explained by smaller quantities of goods and more competition. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Its prioritisation of gender equality is a whole-of-govemment effort, signalled through a tenfold increase in spending on gender equality across government between 2007 and 2010. As one of three thematic priorities within development co-operation, Sweden’s main approach to gender equality has been to systematically mainstream it into all programmes. Policy directives require that context-specific analyses, including clear gender equality perspectives, guide the design of all programmes and operational measures. The target for MDG3 - promote gender equality and women’s empowerment - seeks to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005 and, at all levels of education, by 2015. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Danish accession to the Lisbon Treaty has been the center of a case brought before the Supreme Court. For the accession, the Danish government used the procedure in art. 19 of the Constitution instead of the more complex procedure in art. 20. In the case, it was argued that the accession to the Lisbon Treaty entailed a transfer of competences to the European Union and that art. 20 therefor should have been used. This raises the question of the constitutionality of the accession. This paper examines and discusses central elements of the Supreme Court’s decision. Significantly, structural changes, the identity principle and the validity of earlier accessions. In addition, the article examines how already transferred powers can be extended indirectly. In order to shed light on the complex issue, the article takes account of both national and international case law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Springer New York, New York. Perspectives on Labour Economics/or Development, International Labour Office, Geneva. It starts with an overview of the macroeconomic environment and recent socio-economic development the country has experienced. Subsequent sections provide the immigration context in a historical perspective and discuss South African attitudes towards migration. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The largest disparities in the perceived quality of material resources between schools with different socio-economic profiles are observed in CABA (Argentina), Lebanon, Macao (China), Mexico, Peru and the United Arab Emirates. By contrast, in FYROM, Iceland and Latvia, 15-year-olds attending disadvantaged schools enjoy greater access to educational resources than their peers in advantaged schools. And in about half of the countries/economies that participated in PISA 2015, students in disadvantaged schools appear no more likely than students in advantaged schools to have access to better or more resources. The relationship between access to educational resources and student performance is analysed in Chapter 6 of PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (OECD, 2016c). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, alongside this, it is hoped that, by incorporating other nonclassroom based activities into integration training resources can be spread further, thereby accommodating an increased number of migrants. These goals, if attained, would put Finland at the forefront of integration policy design. However, appropriate implementation - in a country where much of the practical policy design and implementation is left to local actors - will require careful thought, resources, and support. Furthermore those who undertook their training prior to the recent changes, and whose skills, in the meantime, have eroded still further, will need to be given access to support and to routes back to the labour force. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The strongest effects on child labour are achieved when the transfer to the head of household is higher, thus reducing the opportunity cost of sending children to work (Hoddinott et al., On the other hand, the same study shows a reduction of school attendance rates, and a rise in the number of hours worked within the household was found for 6-10 year-old girls (Hoddinott et al., Overall, considering the programme jointly with other transfers, the authors find no effects on child school attendance and substantial increases in hours worked by girls. Slightly different results are reported by Woldehanna (2009), whose empirical analysis based on the propensity score matching on the Young Lives survey data, shows that the public work component of PSNP had an overall positive impact on the total hours children spent working, reducing especially work within the household. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! There is, however, a lack of efforts to provide learning and skills development programmes in tourism and concerted efforts to develop and enhance entrepreneurship activities. There is also scope to increase knowledge transfer from higher education institutions to the tourism industry. Higher education institutions could for example help SMEs to better access global markets. Policy measures and collaboration by universities and other tertiary education institutions are needed to ensure that SMEs do not miss out in their ability to compete with larger suppliers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 High trade costs related to transportation, border procedures compliance, or lack of competition may be less in the case of agro-food products which are part of simpler supply chains than manufactures, but they will likely have a greater proportional impact on the price of most agricultural products, especially unprocessed ones, because of their low value-to-weight ratio. Agricultural products, which are often perishable, suffer particularly from delays, which may be one of the most significant contributing factors to post-harvest losses16, in addition to inefficient harvesting, packaging and storage. Likewise, Balat et al. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A move in this direction by Chile would require strong political support and clear consensus. Housing, urban policy and municipal infrastructure were the responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure, which needed to co-ordinate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, responsible for public administration matters, including supervision over self-government units (municipalities/gminns), counties (powiats) and self-government regions (voivodships). In addition, housing, urban policy and municipal infrastructure, as essential elements in urban planning, simultaneously needed to be co-ordinated with national level spatial and regional policy programming housed in the Ministry of Regional Development. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, Permaculture Timor-Leste, or Permatil, has promoted permaculture methods to improve household farming, and the Ministry of Education has formally adopted a school gardens programme to encourage children to take an interest in food production (Wigglesworth 2016) (box 3.3). They have been instrumental in widening social inclusion, community participation and community decision-making, which are fundamental for meaningful citizenship. Article 138 of the Timorese Constitution recognizes the importance of co-operatives and guarantees their development. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The intervention was highly cost-effective, at about €214 per QALY gain. The annual cost savings were estimated at €771,602, which is considerable at the hospital level. Although the methodology developed represented a novelty in the world of generic service delivery evaluation, it points towards considerable potential savings if the transition from one level of care to another is strengthened. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Concrete measures are needed to improve energy productivity, rationalize energy use, optimize energy resources, and deploy sustainable energy technology and infrastructure. Already the 2017 GTF results are a wake-up call for greater effort on a number of fronts. Increased financing, bolder policy commitments, and a willingness to embrace appropriate technology on a wider scale are urgently needed. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This encompasses the following actions: define and communicate the role of instructional leaders, provide school leaders with training, support and capacity enhancement, develop networks for school leaders to share and work together on improving instruction. A pilot project was developed in preparation for school-based programmes on class management and professional development for teachers in numeracy and literacy. It resulted in recommendations for full-scale implementation of the programme: strengthen the competence of school leaders in pedagogical and collaborative leadership, establish and communicate clear goals for the project to all participants, strengthen professional working environments for teachers within schools (particularly the capacity of schools to reflect on their organisational and pedagogical practices and implement collective learning processes), and increase the quality of teaching methods and practices, including the learning and social environments for pupils. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 But other theoretical and experimental work favours a more myopic behaviour among actors in such settings (e.g. Rubio and Casino, 2003, Gardner et al. Water is defined as brackish if TDS is above 1000 mg/L and defined as saline if over 10 OOOmg/L (Margat and van der Gun, 2013). In Fitch, E.J., and R. A. Engberg, (eds.), - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The investigated locations in the Artie region can only be reached by airplane or boat. Below, we have estimated the carbon emissions of the international tourists for the Arctic islands. With by far the highest number of tourists, Iceland also has the highest estimated carbon emissions of approximately 750,000 tonnes of C02 equivalent. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This is caused by the abolition of fertiliser policies in China, India, Indonesia, and the Russian Federation which results in higher prices of primary agricultural commodities. Within these four countries, commodity prices rise even more strongly than elsewhere, resulting in higher imports and lower exports when compared to the reference situation with fertiliser support. In Argentina, the positive income effect from the global abolition of fertiliser subsidies outweighs the negative effect of removing biofuel support. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Efforts to break down stereotypes are also necessary. Gender stereotyping takes place from an early age and is pervasive across society: at home, in schools, in the media and through day-to-day social attitudes and interactions which embed and reinforce them. This contributes to the clustering of women and men into different subject areas in secondary school and higher education. As various studies have shown, the low representation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics is related to attitudes rather than ability: girls, for example, do not receive lower scores in mathematics. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The estimation used information on the percentage of incorporated self-employed men and women with employees that was available for 1995,1997, 1999, 2001 and 2005 from the Contingent and Alternative Work Arrangements Surveys. For the missing years between 1996 and 2004, the percentage was derived through linear interpolation. For the years 2006 to 2011, the percentage for 2005 was used. The statistics have been developed by national statistical offices on the basis of EIP definitions, primarily by linking business registers to population registers or other administrative data. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the context of the global financial crisis, this upgrading needs also to consider the potential to shift business models in a more sustainable direction in economic, social and ecological terms. First, the understanding of innovation needs to be broadened especially given the context of the stage of evolution of Mexico’s economy. In one sense, this means an acceptance that some activities may be carving out specialisms in inter-mediate or even relatively low-tech market niches, for example IT companies providing software solutions and contact centre functions. While such activities may not be considered to be at the very top end of high-tech, cutting edge and new technology development, they may still be worthy of support in the context of learning by doing and potential upgrading of their sophistication and value adding over time. Another area where local upgrading might focus is upon support for services for industry - for example in IT services, maintenance and distribution - that complements and builds upon the typical current focus upon direct materials. Larger firms typically outsource such services to large providers which can shut out local service firms. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Their implementation should then become more systematic. The redefinition of the scope of services provided by health care facilities must be accompanied by adequate investment to cover the necessary physical and human resources. Investments decisions, including through PPP projects, should be selected on the basis of their ability to move towards the desired service delivery structure. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Mexico, there is the Pension and Retirement Regime (RPJ) (Mexican Social Security Institute, 2009). In the case of health, women are often at a disadvantage compared with men in terms of the length of time they are covered by health insurance schemes, having lost coverage during the years they spent outside the labour market to undertake care work, while health coverage as dependents of their male spouse is often indirect and, in some countries, impartial and likely to be forfeited in the event of a divorce or abandonment (Mesa-Lago, 2009). The costs of private health services are higher for women and, in the public system, women and their children have to pay higher user fees because they use the services more often. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! “The Purposeful Availment Trap” represents a very careful and powerful synthesis of years of studies on the theme of personal jurisdiction. In the essay we demonstrate how the Supreme Court’s current struggles on the theme of personal jurisdiction are the result of the purposeful availment “trap” that the Supreme Court has itself created. By interpreting its own interpretations, the Supreme Court got lost in dogma and dicta that make its opinions hard to reconcile with the fundamental principles of due process as articulated in International Shoe. This essay also highly benefits from a dialogue between the civil law and common law world, that we both respectively represent. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Independent LP usually sell wheat to Central Asian countries. Each contrad is 10 000-100 000 tonnes. This concerns mostly small producers. The value in the table represents the differential between the es for 3rd grade wheat with 23-24% and with 27-30% gluten content. This concerns mostly small producers. The value in the table is estimated using price of lOO KZT/tonne and assuming moisture content 7% higher than the actual one. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Macroeconomic policies have an impact on gender equality through markets and State interventions, which distribute key economic and financial resources and economic opportunities. Gender-specific impacts are mediated by the State’s willingness and capacity to intervene on behalf of less powerful groups within society and by the voice and influence of women within the structures of governance at different levels in society. While women’s access to education and employment improved in recent decades, the transformative potential of those changes has been curtailed by persisting inequalities in the gender distribution of resources. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This is when certain countries find it difficult to increase the share of domestic value added in their manufactured exports and sustain the movement of labour towards more productive and technologically more demanding manufacturing activities (UNCTAD, 2011: 40). Reversing the process of structural change is likely to have adverse distributional effects, because the labour displaced from the manufacturing sector will tend to move into low'-productivity activities, and often to informal services or unemployment. Rising income inequality in China over the past tw o decades has been characterized by a strong increase in spatial inequality (with high incomes concentrated in some locations and low' incomes in others). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Most contributors agree that active facilitation and cooperation by all actors, whether local or international, are crucial in engaging and supporting women in the transformation of all aspects of a post-conflict society. Thus each case is relevant beyond its own context and its lessons will likely resonate with the challenges faced and opportunities for change offered in other settings. However, these remarkable advancements met with many obstacles and difficulties. While there is a committed network of individuals and institutions that are dedicated to moving a pro-women peacebuilding agenda forward, widespread ignorance of women’s right to equality, a refusal to address violence against women and obstruction of women’s peace efforts are still real constraints (Chapter 2). They are detrimental to, but also highlight the need for, creative and feasible solutions to give women more just and meaningful roles, even in the most adverse political, economic and cultural environments. Post-conflict processes continue to serve the interests of male-dominated parties and tend to overlook the needs and interests of women, as if they were a special interest group or simply one of many vulnerable groups rather than half or more of society. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Informal exports to neighbouring countries were estimated at 30 000 tonnes in the early 1990s (Igue, 2008). For the same dates, FAO food balance sheets report zero exports of maize. Although there is little doubt that average maize consumption in Benin is high, it is difficult to estimate and monitor their consumption other than by food balance sheets, which are thus both conceptually and statistically at odds with reality. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For financial and organisational reasons, these water resources plans are progressively being implemented, with priority given to scenarios that consolidate the local structure. Prior to the implementation of the federal government’s public policies for the construction of water and sanitation utilities at national level, inter-institutional collaborative agreements became official between the federal public administration’s departments and institutions. Human, financial, infrastructural and technical resources were coordinated through these agreements in order to develop studies and projects, and implement basic infrastructures and utilities in low human development indicator municipalities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 And any such learning about the specificities of intervention design must begin by taking a step back to consider how parenting support to adolescents is best thought about including - but not limited to -child protection, youth empowerment, family strengthening and community cohesion. Ignoring this step risks significant compromise in policy and programme effectiveness through overlooking key parameters that affect what is possible and desirable in family life, as well as viable pathways to healthy and fulfilled adulthood in the east and southern African region. Identifying areas of cultural misalignment between practice in the region that is considered 'good parenting' and the content of 'positive parenting' models developed in the global north. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These policies can lead to substantial changes in the structure of generating capacity. In 2009, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), variable power sources such as wind and solar already constituted 27% of total generating capacity in Denmark, 26% in Germany and 24% in Spain (IEA, 2011a, 2011b). These shares have already increased in the past two years and may grow further in the years to come. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While member countries are free to choose the energy mix they prefer, the combination of fixed feed-in tariffs (FITs) and grid priority for renewables, means that the latter have no incentive to adjust their load to overall market conditions. Utilities already make an increasing share of their profits in the balancing and adjustment markets for primary, secondary and tertiary reserves to adjust load to the variable production of renewables. While this may alleviate short-term commercial pressures, it is an inefficient manner in which to run an electricity system, creating additional costs that ultimately have to be absorbed by consumers through higher tariffs for transport and distribution. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Intentional aquifer recharge2 (Dillon, 2004) can result from different techniques (Tuinhof and Heederik, 2003) among which aquifer storage and recovery (injection of water into a well for storage and recovery in the same well) or infiltration ponds (ponds constructed off-stream where surface water is diverted and allowed to infiltrate to the underlying unconfined aquifer). For small volumes of water, aquifer recharge can be more economical than building storage dams that might lead to significant evaporation losses in arid countries. Many alternative water supply options have been developed in different parts of the world. Indirect wastewater re-use involves the mixing of reclaimed wastewater with another water supply source before re-use. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The absence of adequate public support also reinforces the reliance on informal social security systems. Dependence on kinship and community networks can be deeply problematic from a gender perspective. On the one hand, these networks usually rely, to a significant degree, on women's unpaid care work. On the other hand, prevailing social norms and gender power relations in households and communities may limit the extent to which women's own needs are acknowledged and addressed. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Tbilisi landfill was developed according to EU standards, including the waste reception area, treatment of leachate by reverse osmosis and landfill gas utilization. The landfill can serve Tbilisi until 2035. In the event that waste is sorted prior to disposal, the landfill could operate until 2055. The Gldani site was rehabilitated, fires were extinguished and waste was covered by a soil layer. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Not only the amount of rainfall but also the temporal distribution matters for agricultural production (Demeke, 2004, Bewket, 2009). For instance, evidence indicates that a 10% decrease in seasonal rainfall from its long-term average leads to a 4.4% decline food production (von Braun, 1991). Studies (e.g. GebreEgziabher et al, 2011, Bewket, 2009, World Bank, 2008, von Braun, 1991) conclude that the frequency and intensity of drought is likely to increase over the coming decades, which will present a serious threat to biodiversity, ecosystems, water, agricultural and human health. Due to the strategic importance of agriculture to the national economy, and its sensitivity to water availability, this sector has been given priority by the government. There is much to consider: poor people’s dependence on agriculture and their related skills, society’s dependence on farmers managing land well in order to conserve watersheds and biodiversity, the threats of climate change including increased risk of drought and more extreme weather, the unique attributes of Ethiopia’s agricultural products and its potential for green hydroelectric power, and the powerful market drivers associated with rapid urbanisation. These problems and opportunities are linked and demand systematic attention. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 What makes the ocean economy different from a land-based economy? Different legal regimes apply to a single activity depending on where it takes place, even within the jurisdiction of a single coastal countiy (territorial waters, contiguous zone, economic exclusion zone), and is further compounded by the interests of other countries in areas beyond national jurisdiction (international waters). This makes it much harder and much more expensive to know what’s going on in the water column and the seabed. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Setting an expectation of continuous improvement through standards of practice for the profession would help put the conditions in place that encourage teachers to reflect on their practice. Strengthening pedagogical leadership in schools, which should include improving school leaders’ skills for classroom observation, feedback and coaching, and encouraging the further distribution of leadership and teacher leadership would also help establish informal feedback in schools, including from teachers’ peers. Considering the small size of the school leadership profession, measures that target this group can, furthermore constitute highly cost-effective measures for improving teaching and learning in schools (Pont etal., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The fear of demographic annihilation haunts the Israeli subconscious and plays a key role in constructing the enemy, the ever-growing Palestinian population, as an existential threat (Jacobi, 1999). The demographic policy of the Palestinian national aspiration is equally aggressive, with the Gaza Strip sporting the highest population growth in the world and ever-increasing pressure on Palestinian women both in the territories and in refugee camps to bear sons for the struggle to annihilate Israel. Women on both sides are thus fetishized as reproducers of the ethnicity/nation, and their wombs are appropriated and mobilized for the political struggle. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Other countries support 16 Days of Action from 25 November until 10 December, but campaigns can occur at any time of the year. In 1999, White Ribbon Day was officially adopted by the United Nations as its International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Today, the White Ribbon Campaign is the largest effort in the world (involving over 55 countries) that encourages men to condemn violence against women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Sweden, Ireland, Norway and Iceland, fewer than 5% of children in migrant families are deprived. In France and Italy the proportion is more than 20% (and in a further four countries more than 25%). It presents a remarkably consistent picture in which the same seven countries -Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Ireland — feature in the top third of the table no matter which at-risk category is chosen. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Abstract This paper presents an alternative empirical approach for evaluation of the institutional system's development in transition economies and the impact it has on economic performance. We suggested an operational indicator of institutional system dynamics to observe the “institutional reforms-economic growth” interdependence in transition economies. The empirical work reveals a certain dependence between institutional development and economic recovery. An application of the approach to the problems of international economic integration of transition economies in the context of EU accession allows us to assess the role of democratization and the rule of law in particular. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 All of this works against overcoming the poverty threshold (Rodriguez, 2006). Poor children develop at a disadvantage in terms of nutrition, health and access to the education system. This erodes their accumulation of human capital and funnels them into precarious jobs that are more poorly paid and generate less household income, thus contributing to the reproduction of poverty in the long run (Paz and others, 2004). This is in keeping with the behaviour of factors linked to the demographic transition (ECLAC, 2004). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It is a condensed and updated version of the OECD Education Working Paper No. Parts of the analysis may be reproduced in individual country notes or the Final Synthesis Report of the OECD Thematic Review on Migrant Education. Often their access to high quality education is restricted by a range of factors, including residential segregation, selective mechanisms and resource inequality. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In rare instances, a Supreme Court justice may elect to call attention to his or her displeasure with a majority decision by reading a dissenting opinion from the bench. We document this phenomenon by constructing a data set from audio files of Court proceedings and news accounts. We then test a model explaining why justices use this practice selectively by analyzing ideological, strategic, and institutional variables. Judicial review, formal alteration of precedent, size of majority coalition, and issue area influence this behavior. Ideological distance between the dissenter and majority opinion writer produces a counterintuitive relationship. We suspect that reading a dissent is an action selectively undertaken when bargaining and accommodation among ideologically proximate justices has broken down irreparably. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Brazilian National AIDS Program is widely recognized as the leading example of an integrated HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment program in a developing country. We critically analyze the Brazilian experience, distinguishing those elements that are unique to Brazil from the programmatic and policy decisions that can aid the development of similar programs in other low- and middle-income and developing countries.Among the critical issues that are discussed are human rights and solidarity, the interface of politics and public health, sexuality and culture, the integration of prevention and treatment, the transition from an epidemic rooted among men who have sex with men to one that increasingly affects women, and special prevention and treatment programs for injection drug users. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The pres: sures. The Green Economy model provides such an approach, and the time is right to take strong actions. We have to find practical ways to feed the more than 7 billion people on the planet, confront the challenges in the global economy, and grow sustainably and resiliently. Many, particularly Small Island Developing States (SIDS), are dependent on ocean resources. It is now recognised that the ocean of today is greatly changed even from what it was just 40 years ago. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Section 2.4 considers the challenges of climate change. Its effects will be larger and more rapid in the North Atlantic, and NORA’s natural-resource-based economies will be particularly vulnerable. In addition, the region is characterised by a dispersed settlement pattern, migration from smaller to bigger locations and population ageing. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Following a limited deployment of utility scale solar in Indonesia, with only a handful of the more than 70 planned locations actually completing the tender process, the pace is now expected to pick up after the government introduced a new decree on solar FITs in July 2016 (Susanto, 2016). The deployment of renewables could further be facilitated by establishing a central co-ordinating authority for renewable energy projects. In Malaysia, foreign ownership is limited to 49% for a company to be eligible for the FIT system, while projects in the Philippines can only have 40% foreign equity. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Established in 2012, the Council comprises 32 public and private bodies and is the nerve centre of Turkey’s entrepreneurship ecosystem. A key output has been the 2015-18 entrepreneurship strategy that pays particular attention to entrepreneurial learning. Likewise, in Serbia a co-ordinating body oversees a new entrepreneurship and competitiveness strategy. This is linked to a wider education strategy that also addresses entrepreneurial learning. Albania and Kosovo need to establish better cross-stakeholder partnership working arrangements for entrepreneurial learning. Embedding entrepreneurship into national qualification frameworks will be important here (European Commission, 2014). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At the same time, earnings in the agricultural sector will also likely improve (not only might labour productivity rise as a result of applications of modem science and technology to farming, but so would demand for farm produce). And with generally better education and health services for the agricultural sector as well, birth rates may fall in rural as well as urban areas, reducing the rate of growth of the labour force. Eventually, a point will be reached when income distribution improves. This is essentially the reason which led Kuznets (1955) to advance the now well-known inverse-U hypothesis between income inequality and economic growth. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Expect for the cod and herring stock in the North Sea, redfish, blue whiting and sandeel, the state of the most important commercial fish stocks in Norway’s EEZ is good. The total value of the production of these species was NOK 16.9 billion in 2008 and NOK 21.5 billion in 2009. Farming of other marine species is modest. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Subsequently a Danish Agribusiness Fund (DAF) was launched in 2016 and an SGD fund will be launched in 2017 (covering also water and sanitation related investments, in addition to climate and energy). The option of advancing on joint Nordic level (possibly making use of existing Nordic finance institution and through enhanced collaboration between Nordic DFIs) with similar initiatives (such as a Nordic Climate Investment Fund or Nordic SDG Fund) has been raised by several Nordic stakeholders. The consultations with Nordic stakeholders conducted during this study indicate an overall readiness for joint project pipeline development and de-risking initiatives.63 This raises the question of potentially more formal Nordic collaboration e.g. through the establishment of a Nordic Green Investment Bank (see below). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This Article is the second part of a two-part work that highlights the fiduciary obligation of government emanating from the public trust doctrine of environmental law. This Part explores the measurable standards of performance for protecting vital natural assets in the people’s trust as carried out within the modern framework of administrative law. Section II of this Article discusses the substantive and procedural duties of governmental trustees of natural assets. Section III presents the interface between public trust obligations and statutory law. Section IV discusses enforcement of the trust and the pivotal role of the judiciary. Section V evaluates implications of a trust approach for economic activity and private property rights. Section VI sets forth specific recommendations for incorporating a trust approach within U.S. environmental law and on the international level as well. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Respondents from all groups interviewed are committed to involving the private sector as an effective practice for climate finance. Donor agencies in particular are actively seeking ways to work with the private sector to mobilise investments. For example, donor agencies are partnering with private sector financing institutions to demonstrate the commercial viability of climate-smart technologies, and mobilising investments via innovative financial instruments, such as loan guarantees. In recipient countries, donors have participated in domestic pooling mechanisms to blend public with private finance, and are disbursing commercial loans, equity and finance for tax incentives. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Tunisian reforms induced changes in norms regarding women’s and men’s roles in the family and society and have led to women marrying at a later age (OECD, 2010a). The introduction of paid leave entitlements on a “use it or lose it” basis for fathers in a number of OECD countries has led to men taking longer parental leave (OECD, 2011c). One example of an economic incentive in a developing country context is the Indian programme called “Apni Beti Apna Dhan” (Our Daughter, Our Wealth). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 On Friday, attendees make pitches on their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing Lean Start-up methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demonstrate their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Law 18/2009 on Livestock and Animal Health. The Council comprises all Indonesian Muslim groups. It was founded in 1975 as a body to produce fatwa and to advise the Muslim community on contemporary issues. During the 1990s more than 100 tariff lines were supervised. Other agricultural products included wheat or meslin flour, rice flour, other flour, soybeans, flour and meal of soybean, and cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose in solid form (WTO, 1998). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 From a feminist viewpoint, the political objective of introducing the issue of care into economic analysis is to transform its current social organization, which is considered to reproduce social and gender inequalities. Without overlooking the slow but steady progress that has been made with women’s economic participation, it must be emphasized that the redistribution of care remains one of the greatest unmet challenges. P. De Villota (ed.), - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It has caused alarming damage to the populations of Asiatic wild ass, goitered gazelle, urial and bezoar goat until recently. Leopards have been persecuted in retribution for damage to livestock, at least until the 1990s. Overexploitation, which is mainly through illegal hunting, affects more than 75 per cent of the IBAs of Turkmenistan, so that it is a major pressure on wild birds in the country. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Children who start strong will be more likely to obtain better outcomes when they grow older. This is particularly true for children from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, because they have often fewer opportunities to develop these abilities in their home-learning environments (OECD, 2017(4]). Despite these general trends, significant differences exist across OECD countries in the quality of ECEC services provided to young children, in the types of ECEC services available and in the usual number of hours per week that each child is enrolled. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 With heterogeneous methods used for the estimation of trips and distances travelled (Annex A and B), extra care should be taken regarding interpretation of differences across cities. On the other hand, they contribute to a significant risk of VRUs, such as pedestrians, being killed in collisions with cars (Scholes et al., Table 1 does not account for that phenomenon and more research in this area is needed. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Analysing the major resource-consuming sectors - agriculture and food, transport, energy - can help to identify policy misalignments with resource efficiency objectives and how they might be overcome. Unless this analysis is performed, resource efficiency policies may be ineffective. Some governments are targeting innovation support on SMEs, often the source of radical innovation. An example is the green action plan for SMEs in Europe, which supports SMEs with information and advice, and facilitates access to finance. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Moreover, they stipulate the need for the requisite parental consent, both of which contravene the right to equality under the Constitution. Also the provisions of Ss. This is discriminatory and contravenes the anti-discrimination provisions of the Constitution. She also raised the ground that the provisions of S. 17 of the Marriage Act allow a child of 15 years of age to get married, if her father, mother, guardian or court consents, yet all human beings are equal so to let another person decide on behalf of another contravenes the right to equality and dignity of a person and is discriminatory. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Cross-country survey data suggest that these results are poor in international comparison and, despite the large number of hours dedicated to language learning in Finland, 28% of language course participants hold language skills at beginner level or less. This is comparable to countries, such as France, that dedicate far fewer resources to language training. Indeed, data from one language training provider suggest that while the majority of those from Estonia achieve the target grade of B 1.1 at the end of their language training, those speaking Arabic or Somali as their first language were most likely to attain only A2.2. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The ‘commons’ is not mentioned in the texts of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) or Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (P‐1). This essay argues that ‘possessions’ — which does appear in the latter — should be interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to protect commons against national governments' undue interferences. The argument comprises two parts. First, we analyse the polysemic term ‘possessions’ to show how the current understanding of this category is marred by flawed assumptions and by false dichotomies. Then, we propose an ‘ecological’ construction of legal relationships between subjects and objects. We find support in the ECtHR case law on Article 8. We argue this approach should be extended to Article 1 P‐1: once disentangled from possessive individualism and market paradigms, ‘possessions’ encompass the commons and the category offers a solid legal basis toward the justiciability in Strasbourg of privatisations - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 One of which is managing capacity and utilisation rates in a cost efficient manner. Today many companies are not utilising holding capacities to their fullest extent, as isolated digital systems and limited visibility of capacities result in varying levels of occupancy from low utilisation rates to full capacity. By developing an open registry and transaction backbone for logistics capacities (e.g. containers), available holding capacity can be offered to a broader spectrum of customers while fewer resources would be needed to transport the same amount of goods. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The model explicitly recognizes the social needs that are swelling the ranks of working mothers (in Mexico, more than 6 million households) and single-parent families. The extended hours programme was introduced in 2002, temporarily extending school time by an hour and a half in some single-day schools. In 2003, several full-day schools became intensified schools, which entailed adding education programmes such as language training and information and communications technologies (ICTs). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The municipality has made efforts to create a chair for urban studies within the USM that could have taken on board urban and environmental issues and amenity policy problem, but so far the university has not appointed a professor for this task. Universities and other tertiary education institutions in Penang could increase their co-operation with local or regional one-stop-shop agencies for business support. By training the trainers and other knowledge dissemination activities, universities could help these agencies acquire the specialised skills to advise firms on the cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A survey of activity within OECD countries (Agrawala et al., This is one element of the Spanish climate change adaptation strategy, for example. The most advanced country in this respect is Canada, where there is a requirement to incorporate the effects of climate change into the appraisal of major projects. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""The main provider of data and the institutional partners for these statistics include the environmental, natural resources and wildlife authorities, and the government agency responsible for hunting. Non-detriment findings"""", avai lable from https://cites.unia. Policymakers need statistics on water resources, their abstraction, use and returns for many reasons, including to estimate the amount of available water resources, monitor abstraction from key water bodies to prevent overutilization, ensure equitable usage of abstracted water, and track the volume of water returned to the environment."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The objectives of the Resolution include: ensuring adequate food supply sources for immediate- and long-term national food security, meeting nutrition needs and putting an end to food shortage and hunger, improving food consumption structure and quality and stepping up intensive rice farming, and ensuring that rice producers earn higher profits. In addition, it includes a commitment to ensure farmers receive a profit from rice production of at least 30% above the cost of production (Tran and Dinh, 2014a). The government develops legislation and regulation, and ten-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) and the five-year Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP) to implement these directions. The latest ten-year SEDS for the period 2011-20 approved in January 2011 reinforces the overall objective of making Viet Nam a modern industrialised country by 2020. It has been developed to give effect to Resolution No. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This chapter contextualizes the general economy of power in which post-Reconceptualization curriculum studies is situated, specifically an education policy agenda predicated on conservative modernization, audit culture, and coercive accountability. The chapter discusses synoptic content analysis and advocates for curriculum scholarship contextualized in Foucault’s analysis of disciplinary power to re-think curriculum as a site through which to embody counter-conduct against dehumanizing configurations of institutional power and to generate new counter-politics that move toward self and social reconstruction. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The defining feature of an N BS is, therefore, not whether an ecosystem used is ‘natural’ but whether natural processes are being proactively managed to achieve a water-related objective. An NBS uses ecosystem services to contribute to a water management outcome. An NBS can involve conserving or rehabilitating natural ecosystems and/or the enhancement or creation of natural processes in modified or artificial ecosystems. They can be applied at micro-(e.g. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ""The social and economic benefits of urban green spaces are equally important, and should be viewed in the context of global issues such as climate change, as well as other priorities set out in the SDGs, including sustainable cities, public health and nature conservation. Thus, reducing socioeconomic disparities in the availability of urban green spaces can help to reduce inequalities in health related to income, minority status, disability and other socioeconomic and demographic factors.’ Air pollution contributes to rising temperatures and heat wave episodes, leading to increased rates of mortality from heart attacks or stroke as a result of heat stress, particularly in people with pre-existing NCDs."""" Parks and green spaces provide people with the opportunity to walk and cycle more often and engage in leisure-time physical activity. Therefore, investments in city parks, green spaces, and waterways are an effective and economical way to both promote health and mitigate climate change. Cities should use this information to make decisions that will promote health, mitigate climate change and enhance the quality of life for residents."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Indicators can facilitate the monitoring of climate risks and vulnerabilities over time and between locations. Since the identification, collection, and use of indicators is resource intensive, a carefully defined set of qualitative and quantitative indicators may be aligned to the adaptation priorities identified in the country’s strategic approach on adaptation. Alternatively, the indicator set may draw on existing datasets and, where possible, on indicators used to monitor and evaluate national development plans and policies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 I realized that social media could give women in conservative countries a digital voice. Digitization can connect them with other parts of the world and change their world - allowing them to live beyond the borders they have always known. In addition to helping free women from restrictions in conservative societies, technology upgrades our operations and raises productivity. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! They endorsed a mandate for the OECD to develop a Green Growth Strategy, bringing together economic, environmental, social, technological and development aspects into a comprehensive framework. The resulting 2011 OECD Green Growth Strategy formed an important part of OECD contributions to the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012 that launched the process to develop Sustainable Development Goals (OECD, 2011a). Green growth strategies therefore pursue opportunities for both growth and development, and the management of environmental and economic risks. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This has to be done with caution, as discouraging construction outside the city limits may have a negative impact on housing affordability in central areas, and land use should guarantee affordable new housing as the population grows. Abandoned and underused parts of the cities deserve to be made the priority for development, and any attempts to develop beyond a city’s boundaries may need to be restricted. The former or partly used industrial sites occupying considerable areas of the cities will have to be in the redevelopment agenda. In the case of single-industry towns, it can be especially important to reuse post-industrial zones and brownfields. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Yet, implementation remains a challenge, as it crucially hinges upon the collaboration between individual institutions (Fazekas and Field, 2013). However, the different learning routes - including vocational programmes -are structured in such a way that young people have the possibi lily to go up a step within the track they have chosen, and reach the equivalent of tertiary level education (ISCED 5 level). Possibilities for upstream transfers also exist between vocational and university education (OECD, 2008a). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Globalization is originally an economic phenomenon with strong social and legal impacts. Important social and legal literature with emphasis on Brazilian constitutional and public law points to the neoliberal character of globalization, violating the Social Rule of Law, fundamental social rights and material equality, and against national sovereignty. This article agrees with the negative impacts of globalization, but points out that this view is partially insufficient in the field of constitutional law for two main reasons: a) disregards the impact of globalization on the field of comparative constitutional law and b) criticizes liberalism in an exacerbated manner, which is a central element of contemporary constitutionalism. Thus, the work reflects on comparative constitutional law and its construction from globalization, developing the theme of criticism of contemporary and liberal constitutionalism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This paper presents a set of data generated and analyzed by the Edu4Sec Project – Effective Education for Improving Data Security Awareness. The project commenced in 2016 and is being implemented by a multidisciplinary team based at the University of Padova. The aim is to improve secondary school students’ data security awareness and develop behaviors and strategies to reduce cyber risks arising from data security issues. Three secondary schools have been involved in a quasi-experimental research design. A training intervention was provided to 116 students engaged in experiential and interactive learning activities related to key concepts of data security. The same intervention was provided to the experimental group of 140 students, supplemented by gamification elements. The paper focuses on the pre- and post-intervention questionnaire results. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Fortunately this can now be done more effectively through a variety of information and communication technologies - print, radio, television, the internet, and mobile and smart phones. Social media platforms are also proving invaluable in facilitating the exchange of information in times of crises. In addition, communities need to be prepared to react to disasters such as flash floods or earthquakes that can occur without warning. A variety of programmes within the Asia-Pacific region seek to inform, encourage consultation, and empower communities to respond during times of crisis. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Finally, it is important to state that the evidence presented in this review - which is based exclusively on quantitative analyses - is produced by adopting different methodological approaches, ranging from studies based on face-to-face interviews or focus groups with relevant stakeholders to more sophisticated econometric analyses. The latter approach lead to issues linked to the reliability of comparing findings based on simulations or on before-and-after analyses which often fail to capture the casual relationship between the programme and a given outcome with experimental approaches, such as randomized trials, which can give a more realistic estimation of the impact of a programme. Besides the intrinsic limitations of this kind of analysis, heterogeneity in the quality and extent of existing empirical methods makes comparison across similar instruments in different contexts, or over time, difficult, undermining the extent to which we can extract normative conclusions from this study. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""This paper presents a new typology of global cooperation for development, based on three objectives: managing interdependence, furthering the development of societies, and gradually overcoming the asymmetries that characterize the world economic system. It then explores the nature of these asymmetries and proposes that the concept of """"special but differentiated responsibilities"""" offers the best framework for handing the special issues of developing countries in the global order. Finally, it develops a five point agenda for improving global economic and social governance structures: creating a dense network of world, regional and national institutions, ensuring the equitable participation of developing countries in global governance, creating a Global Council of the broad UN system, based on representation by constituencies, guaranteeing a better coherence of the decentralized system that characterizes global arrangements in the economic and social field, and effective accountability for international commitments."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 On the other hand, since it is solely a question of scope, the PA arguably provides opportunities for cooperative initiatives in the agricultural sector, but does not promote it specifically. The transparency system set out by the PA and its decision does not as such point to agriculture, but does mention that the National Inventory Reports shall provide information on emissions by sources and removals by sinks, which essentially consists of soils and trees. This is a continuation of current practice. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The article further develops ideas included in a report submitted by the author to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/23/47) on 30 May 2013, in C Heyns ‘Autonomous Weapons Systems: Living a Dignified Life and Dying a Dignified Death’ in N Bhuta and others (eds) Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics, Policy (2016) 3, C Heyns ‘Human Rights and the Use of Increasingly Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS) During Domestic Law Enforcement’ (2016) 38 Human Rights Quarterly 350–78, as well as in various submissions made to meetings of the State Parties of the Convention on Conventional Weapons. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The principles focus on the positive carbon contributions of managed forests, the steps the sector can take to maintain and grow productive and managed forests in the US to sustain forest carbon, understanding public policy and market mechanisms and their effects on forests, and supporting innovation in the forest products sector that provides long-term benefits in addressing the carbon challenge (Forest Policy Forum, 2015). Members from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa and the US contributed data for the report. This found that ICFPA members had reduced GHG emissions intensity by 5% since the previous report and increased the share of bioenergy used. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the central part of the country (internal Dinarides), groundwater accumulates in limestone massifs and emerges as lime wells in the river basins of the Una, Sava, Bosna, Drina and Neretva Rivers. In the south, in the Adriatic Sea catchment, the geology is primarily karst (external Dinarides) and groundwater is mostly found in wells of the Cetina, Neretva and Trebisnjica River Basins. Karst aquifers are very fragile in terms of pollution impacts. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Finally, better connectivity, across the subregion and beyond, can help leverage the subregion’s strategic location at the crossroads of Asia and the Pacific to re-emerge as the hub of East-V\fest trade that it once was. Growth was driven by buoyant domestic demand backed by supportive policies. Fourth quarter growth was particularly strong in several economies in the subregion. Strong economic growth over the past two decades has resulted in a growing middle class. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Since the programme began in 2000, 2 659 single-family units and 4 904 multi-family units have been created. In exchange for affordable units, the city offers a range of incentives. For example, the dty sold land to its development partners for USD 1 to build the first phase of Hunter’s Point South, a USD 350 million mixed-use complex designed to include 20 000 square feet (1858 m2) of retail space, a school and 900 rental units, 75% of which will be affordable to low- to middle-income families. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The EDI was originally developed in Ontario, Canada, and it is a measure of children’s development as they enter school. The results are aggregated to the group level (school, neighbourhood and city) to provide a population-based measure of children’s development. The data are not reported at the child or class level, which means they are not used as a diagnostic tool for individual children. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Other important sources of information include Technical Needs Assessments (TNAs), National Communications and Biennial Update Reports. While the reference to other climate related planning processes implies an anchoring of the (l)NDC in the national policy context, the actual degree of alignment between different policies and strategies is difficult to assess. Roughly 40% of those countries mention sector-specific implementation costs or finance needs for one or more sector(s), but with few of them relating these needs to a set of defined actions. Also, only few countries refer to financial instruments, or to ambitions for the private sector to play a role in addressing the finance needs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Gross fixed capital formation increased rather solidly in line with the improving investment climate. Public consumption also stepped up, with a slightly higher share in GDP in 2012 relative to the past several years. Employment growth, however, decelerated from 2.4% in 2011 to 1.3% in 2012. Higher job creation in the formal sector remains a key challenge for inclusive growth. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The falling share of agricultural exports is likely due to a combination of much higher oil and other mineral prices in excess of rising agricultural prices. This is even more pronounced for petroleum exporting countries in Africa -compared to petroleum exporters in other regions of the world - but holds for all of SSA, including South Africa. Despite the importance ostensibly accorded to agriculture for African development in the Berg Report, the period since the 1980s has also seen a general neglect of agriculture and food security. Public spending for infrastructure, agricultural research and development, extension services and agricultural subsidies declined while official support and encouragement was limited to export-oriented agriculture. The agricultural sector had indeed performed relatively poorly in the 1960s and 1970s, and was seen to be in crisis. The Berg Report blamed excessive government interventions for the stagnation, and advocated for the removal of subsidies, price and import liberalization. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Lastly, it is worth noting that in six countries more progress has been made towards meeting the first MDG target in low-education households than in others. The base year is 1997 ? The concept of female head of household is useful since it makes it possible to identify households where the absence of the male partner forces women to bear the entire burden of maintaining the household, which is particularly complex when there are small children. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Excluding students with an immigrant background reduces the percentage of poorly performing students slightly to 16%. By contrast, in Shanghai-China, Hong Kong-China, Canada, Finland and Korea, the proportion of poor performers is 10% or less (Figure 1.2.14 in PISA 2009 Results Volume I). Students proficient at Level 2 are capable of very basic tasks, such as locating information that meets several conditions, making comparisons or contrasts around a single feature, working out what a well-defined part of a text means even when the information is not prominent, and making connections between the text and personal experience. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Monitoring continues to require adequate data on ozone-depleting substances, all of which can be derived from national production and international trade statistics. These are areas dedicated to safeguarding and maintaining biological diversity and natural resources, with their associated cultural value. From 1990 to 2012, protected terrestrial areas grew from 8.9 per cent to 14.6 per cent of the world’s land surface. Over the same period, marine protection has more than doubled in coastal waters up to 12 nautical miles, from 4.6 per cent to 9.7 per cent. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The distinction is, however, very important for developing countries’ prospects in strengthening its research capacities at universities and other institutions. The current ODA definition of research is vague and may need further clarification, especially considering the introduction of TOSSD and increasingly global challenges. It will also be important to improve the DAC statistical systems to better distinguish between research funding and international collaboration focused on strengthening domestic STI capacity in developing countries and other research activities conducted by universities and research institutions in donor countries. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Education policy must therefore identify and remedy all structural biases that lead to potential exclusion in the mainstream system. Policies and resources aimed at developing genuinely inclusive practices must take precedence over the old ways. Legislation is not an end in itself and its impact depends on implementation, the sustainability of funding, and monitoring and evaluation. More detailed policy frameworks are also needed that ensure the translation of legal norms into practical programmes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For example, improving students’ confidence in their abilities, knowledge and skills, and instilling in them the conviction that success is the result of hard work (not of innate and fixed traits) (Dweck, 2006) or the belief that academic success leads to professional success can help to reduce anxiety and foster motivation (Schunk and Pajares, 2009). When students feel they belong at school, they are also more motivated. The virtuous circle is complete, because students invest more of their time and effort in their schoolwork when they are motivated. The two behaviours that impact most on students’ academic performance relative to PISA are absenteeism and lack of punctuality. Students who skipped class or days of school in the two weeks prior to the PISA test in 2015 scored, on average, 45 points lower in science than students who did not skip classes or school (33 points lower after accounting for the socio-economic profile of students and schools). Students who reported that they arrived late for school in the two weeks before they sat the PISA test scored, on average, 27 points lower than students who reported they had been punctual (23 points lower after accounting for the socio-economic profile of students and schools). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For example, an intervention that seeks to promote transformational change in a given sector may be judged effective at the project-level if it produces the expected outputs (e.g. off-grid renewable electricity, number of people trained in drought-resistant agriculture). However, if the intervention is not replicated at scale, the transformational impacts of the intervention will be limited. Such aims could include promoting lesson learning and supporting effective processes (e.g. at sectoral or national levels), which often requires mainstreaming climate concerns, aligning with government priorities, and/or achieving longer-term transformational impacts. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For instance, many respondents said that proximity, low cost and simplicity (no waiting time) were the main reasons for preferring their provider. These factors were influential, particularly in cases where services were sought from traditional/religious healers and chemist shops. In the case of minor illnesses, though, the poor preferred traditional healers and chemists to NGO facilities, as visiting these providers was more convenient and less time-consuming. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This article examines the extent and nature of the use of foreign law in constitutional adjudication in common law systems outside the United States, with special reference to Australia. Demonstrating that the courts of other common law jurisdictions use foreign case law readily, naturally, and for a variety of purposes, the article reaches two broad conclusions: (1) as a generalization, other common law countries do not share the concern about the legitimacy of comparative precedents that manifests itself in the United States, and (2) as a consequence, other common law countries necessarily share with the United States an interest in the methodology of comparative constitutional law, in order to avoid its misuse. Throughout this article, a series of three decisions handed down by the High Court of Australia over the course of the 1990s is used as a case study to give the arguments context and greater substance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thus, direct hierarchical involvement in investment projects is not how vertical co-ordination issues are typically dealt with in Sweden. Instead, the different levels of government together with central government agencies and all other relevant actors engage in continuous dialogue. The OECD Review recommended that it could be fruitful to better link dialogue with the evidence obtained from the indicator system and case-specific impact evaluations, as a means to make a stronger case for co-financing arrangements. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Yet these policies - largely driven by quantitative objectives - came with high qualitative costs for the country’s urban development. Housing development had been identified as an integral component of the country’s development in previous National Development Plans (2001-2006, 2007-2012) and conceived as a question of ensuring housing in sufficient quantity at a minimum level of quality, particularly for populations in poverty and with lower incomes. Federal housing finance programmes, including subsidies for low-income populations offered by the National Housing Commission (Comision Nacional de Vivienda, CONAVI), the National Trust Fund for Popular Housing (Fondo Nacional de Habitaciones Populares, FONHAPO) and the Ministry of Social Development (Secretaria de Desarrollo Social, SEDESOL) and publicly backed mortgages offered by INFONAVIT, FOVISSSTE and others, have been integral in supporting the push to expand housing access. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Rapid population growth is a common characteristic of all the GMS countries as depicted in Figure 1. With a population of 180 million in 1990, the region by 2015 was home to 237 million people. Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam have relatively higher populations than Cambodia and Lao PDR. They host 91 percent of the total population of the GMS with Viet Nam being the largest with 93 million inhabitants. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Fresh water resources may be adequate in particular regions, but a number of regulatory and infrastructure impediments often obstruct their use for productive purposes. For example, fresh water resources, including local groundwater or surface water are often transboundary, so that their management is seriously hampered by the lack of coordinated regional strategies (Nin-Pratt et al., In developing countries, markets for agricultural inputs and outputs, finance and other services, are often poorly developed, with small volumes traded, prone to large seasonal variability in demand and supply and significant difficulties in enforcing interpersonal contracts (Poulton et al., - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Among OECD countries, Israel has the highest fertility rate, with 3 children per woman in 2014, while total fertility rates are lower than 1.3 in Greece, Korea, Poland, Portugal and Spain. By 2000, the age had risen to over 26 on average across OECD countries, and by 2013 it had risen again to 29. On average, the proportion of children living with two married parents decreased between 2005 and 2014 - from 72% to 67%. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! There is less variation in distribution of electricity, with lower access in the North West but little difference between rural and urban areas (Table 1.4). Although there are differences in gender equality for men and women in Viet Nam, these are generally not very significant and do not appear for every dimension of inclusiveness. Education and health outcomes are relatively equally distributed along gender. According to VHLSS, women in Viet Nam tend to earn substantially less than men. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! But they also acknowledged that the reproductive health needs of adolescents as a group had been “largely ignored,” and they called on governments to make information and services available to help protect girls and young women from unwanted pregnancies and to educate young men “to respect womens self-determination.” Governments, in the ICPD Programme of Action, also underscored the need to take actions to promote gender equality and equity. The ICPD Programme of Action points the way forward in helping girls face these ongoing and emerging challenges. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The concept of fairness has long been a point of contention in our common law of contract. Indeed, many academic commentators have argued for greater (substantive) fairness in contracts on the basis of the horizontal application of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) has maintained consistently that fairness per se is not a legitimate ground for striking down a contract as invalid. In the words of Cameron JA (as he then was), 'the Constitution and its value system [do not] confer on Judges a general jurisdiction to declare contracts invalid because of what they perceive as unjust, or power to decide that contractual terms cannot be enforced on the basis of imprecise notions of good faith'. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The results from responding countries are encouraging, though it is not possible to determine whether this is a global trend. The sample is also possibly biased in that it may have attracted countries that had relatively positive results to report. Note: * represents 2010 data provided in the 2013 survey. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The information to be produced for this topic should be mainly descriptive, but may also include monetary statistics on budgets. It is usually compiled at the national level but should also cover subnational levels and natural resources (e.g., rivers, forests). This topic refers to policy responses to regulate and establish acceptable limits for protecting the environment and human health. It entails both direct regulatory and economic instruments. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 They also highlight the importance of being aligned with broader policy goals and broader efforts by the international community to scale up climate finance. As such, it is consistent with views of the development community that effectiveness is enhanced when individual interventions are consistent with nationally determined priorities. As the level of assets of IIGCC signatories dwarfs that covered by the climate finance commitments under the UNFCCC, moves towards greater effectiveness by IIGCC members could have a significant impact. For example, at the international level, greater discussions and co-ordination between development donors and partners can help align different actors behind common objectives. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is based on an exhaustive compilation of data on the distribution of VME indicator species, including published and unpublished data, and new data gathered during the project from areas where information is sparse. An overview of the approaches and methodologies for mapping of VME distribution is presented. Eleven VMEs are identified based on management goals for coral and sponge communities present in the study area. A risk analysis is conducted based on the modelled distribution of VMEs and its co-occurrence with high fishing intensity. The report discusses the uncertainty associated with modelled distributions and fishing pressure estimates and management implications. Areas where information on VMEs is lacking are identified and the need for more detailed knowledge on the distribution of human activities is discussed. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 It may be caused by natural internal processes or external forcings such as modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions and persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change makes a distinction between climate change attributable to human activities altering the composition of the atmosphere and climate variability attributable to natural causes. For more details, see the glossary of terms in IPCC (2014b, annex II). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The results are presented in Figure 8 by the bars showing that the multidimensional deprivation incidence in the selected countries of sub-Saharan Africa is 67%. In other words, two thirds of all children in this region experience two to five deprivations, which in absolute numbers is 247 million children. The prevalence of multidimensional deprivation ranges from 30% in Gabon to 90% in Ethiopia. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Giving birth in a health facility is an important factor in reducing infections, complications, morbidity, and mortality for both mother and child. The Sudan and Yemen reported the lowest proportions by a wide margin, at 28 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively. According to the latest available data, most countries report maternal mortality ratios under 60 per 100,000 births. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Egypt unemployment among university graduates was 34.2% in 2006. In South Africa it was 34.9% in 2007 (Table 6.2.). These high rates point at serious mismatch and school-to-work transition problems that will be discussed in more detail in the section on education later in this report. As was seen in the preceding section, young people with a university education not only have the highest unemployment rates, they also have the highest rates of wage employment. In addition, analysis of earnings provides evidence that those with higher level qualifications earn more when they are in employment (see annex 6.2.). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, agricultural diversification also gives farmers a better chance to cope with the effects of climate change. Further still, dietary diversification is a cost-effective, affordable and sustainable means of strengthening local food systems and reducing hunger and malnutrition. Recognizing the complex range of factors that contribute to hunger and malnutrition, recent reviews highlight the need to focus on multi-sectoral approaches to ensure that agricultural production utilizes the potential of crops with better nutritional qualities for improved and diversified diets. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 There is a much stronger emphasis on public transport than before, including reduced funding for motorways, new metro extension and tunnels, and substantial increases in all toll charges. Toll charges will also be differentiated and spread more widely across the region, with higher costs for diesel vehicles and during rush hour. Several priorities have been identified, a new bridge over the River Gota Alv, which divides the city, a new tunnel under the same river, increasing the capacity in West Sweden to relieve the demand on Gothenburg Central Station, new investments in roads, a more sustainable public transport system, cycling lanes, etc. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Similarly, Governments in several Latin American countries have forged successful partnerships with private companies aimed at improving technical education (Alvarez and others, 1999). These partnerships can also help strengthen interactions between agents in the economy. Studies have shown that educating consumers regarding their energy consumption patterns can reduce consumption (by about 11 per cent in the United States, according to one study), by switching from high- to low-energy items (Gardner and Stern, 2008). A United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)-United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) programme focused on training, awareness creation and policy advice has led to significant savings by firms through conservation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! See PUEC-UNAM (2013). This means that, on average, residents in this neighbourhood have transport expenses of MXN 1 500 per month, which represents 80% of the average monthly payments for houses acquired in the neighbourhood. Based on various sources (inhabitants, commercial agents, transport service providers and field visits), it is estimated that 30-40% of houses in Paseos de San Juan are vacant (Negrete, and Paquette Vassalli, 2011). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 S is the aquifer and the cross-hatching area under S is a saline lens. Moreover, the saturated thickness of the aquifer underlying well A is also less than that for wells B and C, suggesting that well A will have the lowest well yield (instantaneous application rate of water). In the figure, there are three wells (denoted A, B, and C) that are used to pump groundwater for agricultural production. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The aquatic ecosystem is subject to disturbance by natural factors and human impact. Recently, human impact has strongly affected the aquatic ecosystem, for example, global warming, overfishing, habitat loss, creation of artificial river channels, dam construction and the negative effects of aquaculture and hatchery programmes (Kaeriyama and Edpalina, 2004). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Preventive social protection involves insurance schemes such as pensions, or risk-pooling mechanisms such as health and unemployment insurance, in order to prevent a drop in living standards during crises or at less productive times in an individual’s life. Both protective and preventive measures can help households avoid ill-advised coping strategies in times of crisis, such as selling productive assets or withdrawing children from school. Promotive social protection may include productive transfers, insurance and credit schemes, labour market interventions, investment in public assets and access to education or skills training. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! For example, the German Excellence Cluster approach gives additional resources to excellent research concepts in academic fields and the Austrian Comet Programme establishes and funds research fields that are related to regional clusters (with a strong focus on university-industry cooperation). Within Israel, the Grand Technion Energy Program ( provides another example of such an interdisciplinary research programme and branding strategy. Moreover, establishing international research linkages is an additional way of strengthening the inter-disciplinary research, where relevant specialisations do not exist already within the region. A programme is therefore recommended to strengthen the existing global links of Negev research institutes in a systematic way. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 La mise en oeuvre de l'enquete se fait de maniere optionnelle dans les ecoles echantillonnees du PISA (lien TALIS-PISA). Ainsi, ce cadre conceptuel TALIS 2018 se fonde sur les deux cycles precedents de 2008 et 2013 et met l'accent sur les conditions pedagogiques et institutionnelles efficaces qui favorisent l'apprentissage des eleves, qui sont au cceur de l’enquete, tout en decrivant leur variation au sein des pays et entre eux, et dans le temps. Ce document foumit une base scientifique a chaque domaine, ainsi que les principales influences de la recherche connexe en lien avec l’education a I'OCDE et au-dela. Enfin, le cadre conceptuel foumit un aper?u general des operations de l'enquete et de son processus de mise en ceuvre a travers ses differentes etapes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It begins with an assessment of the main challenges of the current system of inter-governmental relations and offers possible alternatives to improve co-ordination across levels of government and among national policy actors. It also explores local government finance and the way the current arrangements for managing local public finance act in detriment of urban development. It formulates some recommendations to ensure that local governments have access to resources to pay for urbanisation. The chapter proposes some recommendations for strengthening civil service reform with a particular focus on subnational levels of government. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Due to their limited resources and sensitivity to price and availability of supplies, MSMEs are especially susceptible to the effects of climate change. In its first phase, the programme focused on the tourism sector. These efforts include promoting new business models for sustainable growth and entrepreneurship, influencing business behaviour - for instance, by promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities - and improving access to finance to encourage uptake of green technologies (DCED, 2014). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Fortunately, the Public Health Strategy for 2014-20 (focussing on perinatal and neonatal health, mental health, cardiovascular, and oncological diseases as earlier mentioned), allocates considerable financial resources for health promotion and prevention activities, from both EU funds and state budget. While Latvia has already reduced acute hospital beds and closed a number of hospitals and emergency departments, more changes will be needed in order to secure high-quality care that represents good value for money. Difficult decisions and compromises will need to be made, continuing to balance the priority of assuring appropriate access to services for all Latvians, and the need to close hospitals with lower activity rates to promote quality and efficiency gains. A starting point w'ould be a comprehensive mapping of services (hospital, outpatient, community and primary), including service volumes, to assess where there is slack in the system. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Public policy helps, especially by means of the rapid development of policies to reconcile work and family responsibilities (e.g. childcare) which facilitate parental employment and maternal employment in particular. However, Korean workers frequently experience low quality and/or unstable employment conditions with limited coverage and/or only limited income support provided by the employment insurance and social assistance system. Societal changes have also contributed to rapidly evolving changes in the profile of poor families. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The evidence regarding declining returns on job creation is not that clear, however. On the one hand, as it has been demonstrated in diffusion theory, early technology adopters are generally those who can elicit the higher returns of a given innovation. On the other hand, while job creation in traditional industries tends to diminish, the emergence of “new economy” jobs compensates for the former effect. Clearly, the job mix will change over time but the positive net impact will remain. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Electricity access is commonly acknowledged as a basic need for human development (Scott and Seth, 2013), and has been described as a moral imperative, socially prudent and an economic necessity (GEA, 2016: 19). Aside from the public-good dimension of safe and reliable electricity supply, consumer protection and guaranteed access are important political-economy considerations (Bamber et al., Such energy-security concerns generally serve to reinforce State control and regulation of the electricity sector (Kuik et al., - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Governments should emphasize policy and regulations to incentivize more social forms of enterprise as these could catalyse innovative developments for the SDGs. The international community should also play an active role in advising and building corporate and government capacity, and governments and companies must engage in collaborative approaches to SRB, especially where SRB initiatives are high priority. Finally, case studies demonstrate how the business sector plays a critical role in driving the global agenda for a sustainable future. Through SRB, the SDGs can be tackled and a future established where social, environmental and financial considerations are on equal footing. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Abstract This study advances our understanding of relationship cultivation on social media from a cross-cultural perspective. We examined how companies use popular social network sites (SNSs) to facilitate dialogues with publics in two culturally distinct countries: China and the United States. We employed a content analysis of 50 corporate pages with 500 corporate posts and 500 user posts from each country. Overall, companies in both countries have recognized the importance of SNSs in relationship development and employed the appropriate online strategies (disclosure, information dissemination, and interactivity and involvement), but the specific tactics vary across the two markets. Furthermore, cultural differences among the types of corporate posts and public posts on SNSs indicate that culture plays a significant role in shaping the dialogue between organizations and publics in different countries. Implications for corporate relationship management practice in the global market in the digital era are discussed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Such co-operation is not about creating a new administrative apparatus for a pre-determined perimeter, but rather about capitalising on existing forces to work for a better future together. In its current setting, however, Western Scandinavia is not fully equipped to work effectively as a megaregion, notably considering the lack of cross-border transport planning at the national level. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Second, the grant of asylum to the victims of such atrocities is increasingly not available, leading to greater numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs) (Loescher, 2008: 50, Orchard, 2010: 41). Third, the decline of asylum has gone hand in hand with a shift from the protection offered by states (via the grant of asylum) to the less effective in-country aid and assistance offered by humanitarian organizations (Orchard, 2010: 41). It is worthwhile considering each of these challenges in more detail. As a matter of international law, forced displacement/forcible transfer/deportation can itself amount to: a breach of international humanitarian law (Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 1949: Art 49), a crime against humanity (Rome Statute Art. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Many of the experiences come from clean-tech clusters that started from small origins in other industries and developed through branching processes favoured by procurement, centres of excellence, start-up funding, collaborative innovation projects, and eco-city development. These are all elements of the policy approach that should be applied to growing clean-tech in the Negev. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is a lot that companies can do to prevent long hours. The overarching goal is to adjust workplace culture so that managers prioritise tasks, time management, and efficient output rather than time in the office. Leaders must recognise that working long hours is not necessaiy for high-quality work and may even prevent it. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The economic and social implications of the resulting ‘trust deficit’ make it an essential component for sustainable and inclusive growth. A lack of public trust can in turn affect public policies, potentially leading to short-termism and expedience rather than supporting strategic decision-making and reforms. As such tourism was not able to avoid the impacts of the global financial crisis, which apart from depressing overall tourism demand, has shifted tourism flows, with less long haul travel from major European source markets, and led to more holidays being taken closer to home. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In Senegal, MLouma is a virtual agricultural platform that allows farmers and investors to get real-time information on the price, location and availability of farm products, via a website, or their mobile phone®. Innovative applications have helped to provide citizens with critical health information, remind people to take their medication, or provide access to health-related services. In Malawi, Airtel 321 provides information on maternal and child nutrition information, in the local language and via the mobile phone. In Tanzania, The Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA) and mobile operator Tigo, together with UNICEF and local governments, have developed an SMS-based application that makes the birth registration process more efficient, cost-effective and accessible for parents. Since its launch in 2013, the app has registered nearly 1.5 million children and has now been scaled across seven regions. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Yet, Sydney lacks a strategy or organisation dedicated to harnessing the innovation emanating from these educational institutions, disseminating best practice sustainability planning from the City of Sydney to other local government areas, rejuvenating the manufacturing potential of the city and growing opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) that develop clean and green technologies. By pursuing more integrated strategies at the metropolitan level, Sydney can become a model for driving outstanding environmental performance while simultaneously building on its existing infrastructure, educational and industrial assets to create sustained job growth in new, emerging and transforming fields. The City of Sydney’s Sustainable Sydney 2030 presents a bold and compelling vision for how this centrally located area will tackle climate change, global competition, transportation congestion, and a half dozen other major challenges over the next 20 years. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In Tanzania, for example, there is evidence that higher female adult illiteracy rates correlate with the tendency of parents to devalue educating their daughters, thus perpetuating the cycle of illiteracy and lack of schooling for girls (UNESCO, 2012). As the World Bank points out in its 2012 World Development Report on gender equality, families in many societies still send their sons to school before their daughters, in part as a rational response to markets and institutions that value men over women (World Bank, 2011). These same norms can get in the way of girls being able to establish relationships with peers and older mentors, role models who are critical to them being able to navigate their teen and young adult years (Austrian, 2012). For boys, having to conform to norms of being “real men” can lead to behaviours that are detrimental to themselves and girls. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These include limited quality control, irregular geographic representation and lack of comparability. The selection of indicators is based on existing sustainability reporting initiatives, requirements and company practices. The objective is not to propose new requirements, but to encourage the use of existing approaches and methodologies in a consistent and comparable manner. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Over the years, acts of insecurity, lack of safety consciousness and threat of terrorism have pervaded the maritime landscape of the world economy. The obvious dishonest outlook and fraud-like tendencies which over the years, have formed the most basic characteristics of the maritime industry have never helped matters either way, but has indeed complicated the issue of high insecurity of the port industries worldwide. The amendment of the Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) introduced the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) code) as preventive measure against the likelihood of terrorist attacks on Ships and Port Facilities. Key words: Government, industry, maritime, security, port. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Production and consumption patterns have imposed severe stress on the earth’s natural resources and its resilience. The biodiversity and development linkages are particularly acute in developing countries, where the poorest populations rely disproportionately on ecosystems and natural resources for their livelihoods and well-being. The World Bank estimates that natural capital accounts for an estimated 36% of total wealth in developing countries (World Bank, 2016), compared with only 2% in OECD countries (World Bank, 2011).3 Ecosystem services are estimated to account for 47% of gross domestic product (GDP) of the poor in India, 75% in Indonesia and 89% in Brazil (TEEB, 2010). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 To ensure the quality of ECEC, staff should have a pre-service education level comparable to that of primary teachers, in order to be similarly prepared, and should also have an equivalent professional status (ILO, 2013). This is not always the case, however. In Ireland, for example, preschool teachers are required to have at least one year of post-secondary non-tertiary level training, while primary teachers receive separate training at university level. Studies suggest that this difference in status is reflected during the transition process into the first year of primary school: teachers of the first year of primary do not feel that preschool teachers are properly preparing children for the transition (INTO, 2008, O’Kane and Hayes, 2010). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There is a general, international, and multifaceted trend that is shaping the global narrative towards openness as a default setting. The open data movement has been both influencing and influenced by the concepts of Open Government, Open Access, and Open Source, by Freedom of Information laws, and by the regulatory initiatives aiming at fostering the re-use of Public Sector Information. The general aim is promoting information availability, as free of restraints as reasonably possible, to reach a multiplicity of different goals. Transparency, efficiency, accountability, economic growth, and democratic participation are amongst the core values upheld, from an instrumental perspective, by the striving towards openness. This chapter highlights a number of international initiatives that revolve around open data, and that have been instrumental in framing the concept as understood nowadays. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, in India a large gap exists between the price of diesel and gasoline due to fuel subsidies on diesel. This has lead to substantial increases in the sale and production of diesel vehicles, which now make up to 40 per cent of the Indian vehicle market. Initiatives can include the development of electric vehicle infrastructure (see Box 4.9), or the conversion of transport fleets to cleaner fuels (see Box 4.10). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The New Zealand Government commenced its water reform process in mid-2009. This process is aimed at addressing the risks to the economy and the environment posed by poor management of our freshwater resource and capitalising on opportunities for economic growth that this resource provides. Reform addressing the management of freshwater takes place within broader reforms to the Resource Management Act 1991. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! France suffers from a high rate of premature male deaths from accidents and unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption, which are the most common causes of avoidable mortality. Regional disparities also remain substantial: the difference in life expectancy between those living in the areas with the highest and lowest unemployment rates has increased by half a year since the mid-2000s (Panel D). Estimated values for some countries. Differences in access to health- care services across regions and neighbourhoods, high out-of-pocket expenditures for some households, heterogeneous medical practices, notably among hospitals, and the low focus on prevention all play a role. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Establish clear institutional roles and responsibilities for promoting gender balance in the public sector, including independent recourse and appeal mechanisms, which should be adequately funded, resourced, and linked to executive teams to ensure their effectiveness. Raise awareness of gender equality considerations among public sector managers and enhance management and executive accountability to ensure gender balance at all levels and occupational groups, and deal with gender equality issues in workplaces, including through performance management frameworks. The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Westpac ATM remittance card required extensive policy reform in New Zealand in order to become operational, and 2008 legislation allowed both New Zealand and Australian senders to remit money through the international electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS)/ATM network (Porter 2009). However, the take-up rate was not as rapid as had been expected and there were operational problems resulting from misplaced cards and forgotten personal identification numbers. Westpac consequently contemplated withdrawal from a dual card scheme, and the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) partnered with Visa to develop an alternative. In July 2011 Westpac substantially cut its telegraphic transfer fee for remittances to the Pacific of less than A$500 from A$30 to A$10, and their inward telegraphic transfer fee was waived for those with Westpac accounts in the Pacific. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The purpose of this article is to present French institutional and law solutions in the field of public finance discipline. The article describes legal position and functioning of Court of Budgetary and Finance Discipline in France. The jurisdiction of Court covers the cases of serious breach of public finance law. The Court is one of the elements of the system of jurisdiction in financial matters, that constitute a specialized type of administrative jurisdiction. The law that regulate the legal position and functioning of the Court, as well as the actes which are breaches of public finance discipline, and the sanctions for them, is the Code of finance jurisdiction ( Code des juridictions financieres) . - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Moreover, sufficient dietary availability at the household level does not guarantee that food intake meets the dietary requirements of individual household members, especially children and women. Nor does it imply that health status permits the biological utilization of food. Along with income to raise the level of food consumption, reducing hunger requires investments in other areas, such as basic health and education services, sanitation and safe water, and changes in health knowledge and behaviours, especially among women and care givers. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Israel’s forests host several terrestrial endemic species, while they contain 5 million metric tonnes of carbon in living forest biomass. Available data suggest favourable or stable trends in pollution discharges to costal, inland lake and river ecosystems. This has resulted from the construction of new wastewater treatment plants, the development of effluent reservoirs, and effluent reuse in agriculture. Nonetheless, most rivers remain seriously depleted and polluted (Chapter 4). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Such ordinances are valid for a ten-year period. Compared to land-use plans, management ordinances have the advantage that they can be prepared more quickly and cheaply, but they do not create a legal basis for development. Amsterdam’s land price policy is updated by the annual land prices Letter of Land and Development City of Amsterdam and the Land Pricing Guide. The letter outlines macroeconomic trends and their policy implications. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The COVID-19 pandemic forced higher education institutions to reexamine their modes of instruction for the Fall 2020 semester. Some institutions chose to re-open for in-person instruction, others chose online or hybrid modalities. While it is assumed that institutions took into account public health concerns when making the decision on how to reopen, other factors may have played a role. Leveraging mode of instruction data for 2,938 colleges and universities, this paper examines the political, epidemiological, economic, and social factors related to Fall 2020 reopening plans. Surprisingly, it finds no discernible relationship between that county-level or state-level COVID-19 case counts and college or university reopening plan. Furthermore, campus demographics - such as White student enrollment - and state political characteristics - such as Governor's party - were related to campus mode of instruction decisions for the Fall 2020 semester. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 International relations theory took shape in the 1950s in reaction to the behavioral social science movement, emphasizing the limits of rationality in a context of high uncertainty, weak rules, and the possibility of lethal conflict. Yet the same discipline rapidly developed “rational choice” models applied to foreign policy decision making or nuclear strategy. This paper argues that this transformation took place almost seamlessly around the concept of “decision.” Initially associated with an antirationalist or “decisionist” approach to politics, the sovereign decision became the epitome of political rationality when it was redescribed as “rational choice,” thus easing the cultural acceptance of political realism in the postwar years. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 An Introduction to the Rule of Law in Comparative Perspective.- The Rule of Law in Ancient Greek Thought.- The Liberal State and Criminal Law Reform in Spain.- Some Realism About Legal Certainty in the Globalization of the Rule of Law.- Is Goal-Based Regulation Consistent with the Rule of Law?.- Reflections on Shakespeare and the Rule of Law.- America's Constitutional Rule of Law: Structure and Symbol.- Constitutions Without Constitutionalism: The Failure of Constitutionalism in Brazil.- Rule of Law, Power Distribution, and the Problem of Faction in Conflict Interventions.- The Rule of Law in Transitional Justice: The Fujimori Trial in Peru.- The Interaction of Customary Law with the Modern Rule of Law in Albania and Kosova.- Dualism, Domestic Courts, and the Rule of International Law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Due to increased fish prices for the most important demersal species (sole, plaice and North Sea brown shrimp) there was only a slight decrease in landings value. Capture fisheries production value increased at annual average rate of 2.0% between 2011 and 2015. In the Oosterschelde estuary, about 40 farms produce mussels and 20 farms produce oysters. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Households headed by single females fare worse than married couple households, particularly at the lower end of the wealth distribution. However, no data on wealth are currently available for international comparison of gender inequalities. Data from the European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) show that single women with children are at high risk of material deprivation, with significant differences across countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In this sense, it is an effective way of improving the efficacy and quality of the service that primary care practitioners are already providing. Furthermore, given this, introducing primary care-based CBT or talking-therapy equivalents is likely to be cost-saving relative to introducing stand-alone programmes, increasing reimbursements of non-primary care practitioner provided therapies (especially where alternative practitioners are private), or investing in capacity building for the delivery of psychological therapies. In particular, in countries with weak primary care systems and where there are high levels of stigma around mental illness, introducing CBT to primaiy care is not likely to be the most efficient use of resources. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Overall, the Projected Costs series is one of the few sources of plant-level electricity generation cost information across a variety of technologies across a variety of countries. The LCOE indicates the discounted lifetime costs averaged over the electricity generated. The LCOE thus provides a handy and transparent tool for assessing and comparing different technologies. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, Del Valle Suarez (2014) and OECD (2011, Chapter 2) show that the introduction of Seguro Popular in Mexico contributed positively to the country’s growth, by freeing women from their caring duties and bringing them into the labour force. Bolsa familia has lowered poverty and income inequality, without decreasing labour force participation (Soares et al., New results on the Child Support Grant in South Africa suggest that the programme has no adverse impacts on participation rates and formal employment, and may even contribute to reducing informality (Tondini, 2015). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Through their “Men in the Kitchen” programme, Hopem encourages men, particularly young men, to participate more actively in maintaining the household. The organisation uses a mobile kitchen to engage with communities, as well as initiating debates on gender equality issues. Hopem has also introduced a television show focusing on issues previously identified in focus groups by men as not having opportunities to support actively women and girls. “ - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Secondary school instructional hours, which are also lower than the OECD average, are only about 5% lower for students aged 14 and are the same for students aged 15 (Figure 4.1). In addition, norms for students in Kazakhstan require two hours of individual and group counselling per week. In “tri-lingual"""" schools, students may study their own language of instruction (Russian, for example), Kazakh language and a foreign language (English, for example)."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Eggleston and Fuchs (2012) show that at the beginning of the twentieth century, in the United States and other countries at comparable stages of development, most of the additional years of life were realized in youth and working ages, and less than 20 per cent were realized after the age of 65. Now, they find that more than 75 per cent of the gains in life expectancy are realized after the age of 65 - and that share is approaching 100 per cent asymptotically. They assert that the new demographic transition is a longevity transition and ask how individuals and societies will respond to mortality decline when almost all of the decline will occur late in life. In the Nordic countries, the increase in life expectancy at the age of 65 shown in Figure 3 is particularly noticeable after 1990. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Following the independence era in Africa, there was a brief period of democratic ambition, but centralized governments remained the norm throughout the continent. As transition movements were launched across the region in the 1990s, decentralization became a key element of democratization. In West Africa, those states that failed to pursue inclusive constitutionalism and decentralization, failed to democratize. After decades of centralized government that routinely ignored the needs of the Malian population, particularly of the geographically remote Tuareg population and the rural majority, the Malian National Conference had paved the way for decentralization. Conference participants overwhelmingly agreed that democracy would depend on the incorporation of local interests and concerns into government and that the top down governance approach of the past would not lead to a sustainable democratic future for the country. As a result, delegates to the conference incorporated decentralization into the constitution of the Third Republic (articles ninety-seven and ninety-eight). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The changes have hardly affected the incidence of poverty, since most of the affected households already had incomes below the poverty line. However, the reforms have made the poor poorer. The poverty gap, defined as the difference between the median income of those below the poverty line and the value of the poverty line itself, expressed relative to the poverty line, has increased by almost 6 percentage points (Table 2.4). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 By the end of 2010, the customs duties collected on goods originating outside the CU were distributed according to an agreed formula of 4.70% for Belarus, 7.33% for Kazakhstan and 87.97% for Russia. In July 2010, a common customs code, customs rules and common external tariff came into effect. Customs clearance and control procedures at the Kazakh-Russian border were abolished on 1 July 2011. The work on the CU legal framework continues: in the agro-food area it is focused on further harmonisation of SPS and technical regulations between the CU members and with the WTO requirements. A Eurasian Economic Commission was created within the framework of the CES on 1 February 2012. It took over the duties of the CU Commission to become a single permanent regulatory body of the CU and the CES. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The goal is to group the water users of these 11 small central irrigation systems in a bigger water users association in order to have better understanding of the situation and then to streamline the rehabilitation of these systems. The second component is related to river basin management. The project will contribute to improving the monitoring network through the purchasing of equipment for real-time water quality monitoring, developing a GIS database and training Agency “Apele Moldovei” specialists. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 If an EIA is carried out, but improperly and leading to environmental damage, the licensed EIA entity must pay compensation. There is also a mismatch between the economic value for animals, their conservation status and their market value (chapter 3). The 2012 Law on Hunting, for example, foresees a reward of 15 per cent of fines imposed to be given to the citizen identifying the person responsible for the violation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! In the Czech Republic, 20% of apprenticeship schools do not offer any kind of training with local employers, in 40% of schools less than half of the student population receive training with local employers and only in 40% of apprenticeship schools the majority of students carry out training with local business. Provision of training in technical VET is even lower, but this might be because in these programmes traineeship is provided to students older than 15 year-olds who are not covered by the PISA study. These results may be overestimated. The questionnaire was sent to 173 VET schools, and only 83 schools responded. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The problems women have in accessing these sources of finance might explain why they appear so under-represented in emerging high-technology sectors, where returns are potentially very high but uncertainty is also greater. Venture capital takes the form of a fund run by general partners that is used to invest in the early to expansion stages of high-growth firms. A business angel is a high net worth individual who invests his/her own funds in promising entrepreneurial businesses in return for stock in the companies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For instance, in 2014, India accounted for 13% of global secondary steel production despite limited supplies of domestic steel scrap which implies that trade in waste and scrap for material recovery has played an important role (McCarthy et al., Further studies emphasise that imposing trade restrictions on waste and scrap can even potentially undermine production efficiency in emerging economies (in particular advanced developing countries) by limiting the supply of feedstock material at low prices (Higashida and Managi, 2014). In other words, available information on trade in waste and scrap does not easily enable to distinguish how these materials are treated at their destination. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Furthermore Jewish values define the dominant culture of most of the higher education institutions in the Galilee (Government of Israel, 2009). The development of the Nazareth Academic Institution (NAI) in the heart of the majority Arab city of Nazareth is an especially important development (see Box 2.1.). Given the large Arab population in the Galilee, these are critical issues that must be addressed in an examination of the role of colleges and universities in the future of this region. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As a precursor to the United Kingdom's ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2001, the respective Parliaments in the UK adopted two Acts to implement the obligations that treaty imposed on the UK, and to implement the international crimes, as defined in that treaty, into the law of the UK. When the International Criminal Court Act (ICC Act) was being debated in 2001, Baroness Scotland, speaking for the Government, explained that part of the raison d'etre of the Act was that the UK ought not to be seen as a safe haven for international criminals. However, in line with article 11 of the Rome Statute, the jurisdiction of UK courts over such offences, insofar as they were not already covered by the Geneva Conventions Act 1957 and the Genocide Act 1969 (the latter of which was repealed by the ICC Act) only applied prospectively. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While climate change increases the risk of too much, too little and too polluted water, urban growth represents a threat for the sustainable use of the resource, and economic crises push towards new business models to do more with less. Global w'ater demand rose by more than double the rate of population growth in the last century (OECD, 2005). An important component of water demand in cities is domestic consumption. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The LDCs view agricultural subsidies as one of the factors that make their commodities non-competitive in the global market. As developed countries provide subsidies to their farmers and traders, their goods tend to become cheaper than those produced in the LDCs. Elimination of such would thus imply that a ‘level playing field’ would be created that would enable traders and farmers from both the developed countries and the LDCs to compete. As a follow-up to the 2003 Maputo Declaration, the CAADP Ministerial Council for Science and Technology resolved in 2006 that African countries should strive to allocate at least 1 per cent of their GDP to research and development. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climote Chonge. Combridge, UK, ond New York, USA, Combridge University Press. Locally Weighted Regression: An Approach to Regression Anolysis by Local Filling. Journol of the American Statistical Association, 83(403): 596-610. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The loss of labour productivity occurs because a larger share of the workforce becomes debilitated or dies, causing organisations to lose workers with critical skills. The phenomenon can be likened to 'running Adam Smith in reverse.' Adam Smith argued that the expansion of the market - typically identified as economic growth - creates opportunities for specialisation and the division of labour. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Exploitation and trafficking of children is also emerging around mining, forestry projects and ports. In 2013 programmes to increase women’s literacy, knowledge of rights and legal literacy are being implemented in parts of the region as one avenue to lower women’s victimisation, but political commitment to anything more than rhetoric has yet to be demonstrated. Some mining and forestry development deals have created social insecurity due to the loss of access to natural resources and contamination of water and land (Human Rights Watch 2012). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Figure 4.7.1 illustrates these as two cycles responding to climate change that must be properly combined to be fully effective. Such impacts will lead to socioeconomic effects such as human migration, decreased crop yields, decline in the number of ski resorts and failure of infrastructure. It is clear that climate change affects multiple sectors, regions and countries, however, the degree of impact varies widely. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The end of the Cold War witnessed the growth and spread of legally established private military contractors (PMCs) playing largely undefined roles in wars, international security and post-conflict reconstruction. The operations of PMCs in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 21 st century have been marked by gross human rights abuses and poor treatment and torture of prisoners of war (POWs). Indeed, PMCs are likely to step outside their contractual obligations and commit criminal acts. This article adds to the literature on the subject by arguing that the elusiveness of PMCs’ individual or corporate responsibility for war crimes presents one of the greatest challenges for international humanitarian law (IHL). This presents a dilemma for IHL, which seeks to address individual offences. The situation becomes even more complicated when non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and multinational corporations (MNCs) are involved in the use of PMCs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ABSTRACTWhile the number of American jihadi terrorist attacks remains relatively rare, terrorist plots thwarted by law enforcement have increased since September 11, 2001. Although these law enforcement blocks of would-be terrorists are considered counterterrorism triumphs by the FBI, human rights and civil liberty watch groups have conversely suggested that those who plan for attacks alongside government informants and undercover agents may be unique and essentially dissimilar from terrorists. Underlying this debate is the empirical question of how planned yet unsuccessful attacks and their plotters compare to successful terrorist homicides and their perpetrators. The current study addresses this question by comparatively examining jihadi terrorist homicides and unsuccessful plots occurring in part or wholly on U.S. soil between 1990 and 2014. Data for this study come from the U.S. Extremist Crime Database (ECDB), an open-source database with information on terrorism and extremist crimes. Based on these ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Adolescent-friendly services should also offer low-cost or free contraception, including male and female condoms, emergency contraception, and a full range of modern methods, including long-acting reversible methods, according to adolescents’ preferences and needs. However, services tailored to adolescents’ specific needs in many areas are limited, even though 78 per cent of the countries surveyed indicated they are committed to increasing access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents—married or unmarried (UNFPA, 2013e). Even when adolescent-friendly services are available, adolescents may not have access to them for reasons including inconvenient locations or opening hours, cost or the stigma they may experience in their communities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Committee, in its general recommendation No. It also comments on article 12 on the right to health, stating that certain traditional practices perpetuated by culture and tradition are harmful to the health of women and children. These practices include dietary restrictions for pregnant women, preference for male children and female circumcision or genital mutilation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! In China market price support is mainly sustained through tariffs, TRQs and state trading, combined with minimum guaranteed prices for rice and wheat. In Russia price policies are commodity specific, taxing some commodities while subsidising others, and involve import protection and export restrictions. The market access policies are bounded by its WTO accession agreement and domestic support payments are bounded by fiscal austerity imposed through stand-by and loan agreements with the IMF from 2008. Biofuel policies include mandatory obligations to use a specific quantity of share of biofuels and various types of subsidies to end-users and producers (Box 2.3). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Setting clear, long term, and legally binding frameworks to mainstream and encourage green growth are also key to attracting private investment. It also signed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in 1997. On commitments related to climate change, Cambodia ratified the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions in 2002. More recently, the country submitted a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC in 2015 and signed the Paris Agreement in 2016. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In United States Southwest, yields decrease by 30% for crops (maize, wheat and potatoes), 20% for cattle and dairy, 15% for vegetables and 10% for fruits for the year 2021. In Northeast China, drought simulations decrease average yields of field crop (maize, wheat, rice, potatoes, cotton) by 30% and vegetables by 15% in 2030. In Northwest India, a 30% crop yield (sugar cane, wheat, rice, potatoes) decrease, and a 10% subtropical fruit yield decrease are simulated in 2030 to reflect a drought. These figures are based on yield decreases observed in the IMPACT model simulations under various climate change assumptions (Ignaciuk and Mason-D'Croz, 2014). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! According to a survey of the Federal Service on Surveillance in Health Care and Social Development, three quarters of doctors found no sense in introducing such systems. More generally, the medical education system may not have fully embraced the international trend towards “evidence-based” medicine (EBM). Courses on international experience of EBM and the ways of organisation and management of health care provision are very seldom covered in the university medical programmes. But it is difficult to know to what degree the measures have been implemented. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Consequently, large developers withdrew their interest in the site and some new guidelines were established to react to the changing conditions - namely, office space was removed and DIY builders were encouraged. Writing on the Dutch spatial planning system in the late 1980s, Needham remarked “it is probably not so much the plan itself that brings about a co-ordinated Dutch physical planning strategy, but much more the exceptional talents of the Dutch to reach compromises” (1989). The idea of a planning doctrine has been forwarded to explain this consensus-oriented approach - the idea that Dutch spatial planning actors have embraced interrelated and durable notions about spatial arrangements, development and how they are to be handled (Faludi, 1989, Faludi and van der Valk, 2013: 18). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The minimum wage is particularly binding in the poorest, low-productivity regions, where its level is above median and average income and where informality is also most prevalent (Figure 1.9). Data are for 2011 except for Brazil, China, India and Russia for which they are for 2010. The average wage for Colombia covers both formal and informal sectors. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As the majority of the poor rely on the public sector for their health needs, it will be crucial to ensure that public services, especially when decentralized, are of a comparable standard to private services to avoid inefficiencies of creeping market segmentation. More efforts should be directed at expanding the outreach of activities to rural areas and other less-served areas, addressing supply and demand side barriers to reduce socio-economic disparities in contraceptive security. Payment systems, especially in the public sector, also require reform. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Between 1980 and 2010 domestic material productivity of OECD economies improved, rising from 1 dollar per kilogram (2005 USD PPP) to over 1.8 USD/kg. Today, OECD countries generate 50% more economic value per unit of material resources used than in 1990 and 30% more than in 2000. Relative decoupling has occurred across all material groups and OECD regions, but there are only a handful of instances of absolute decoupling. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Reporting at such a disaggregated level is already done in the CRS database. However, this database is not currently designed to provide transparency on which projects a donor reports to the UNFCCC. There can be significant differences in what countries report to CRS and to the UNFCCC (see Annexes A and B). For example, some countries include climate-relevant Official Development Assistance and “Other Official Flows” in their estimates of climate finance provided, others include just ODA.14 In addition to these differences in the scope and coverage of climate finance, reporting on support provided is not consistent across countries (Table 3). For example, in some cases, countries apply a coefficient to the total amount of finance provided to multilateral institutions, corresponding to the share of resources disbursed by the multilateral financial institution or development bank that are climate-relevant. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 AbstractSeven decades after its first publication, Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation remains one of the most insightful readings about the socioeconomic changes associated with the Industrial Revolution, and the ways in which law facilitated, or countered, moves towards the commodification of land at that time. As today’s global land rush brings competing land claims into contest, new transitions are occurring between more commodified and more ‘socially embedded’ conceptualisations of land. Using Polanyi’s framework, this article analyses the role of international law in these processes. International investment law construes land as a commercial asset, can facilitate access to land for foreign investors and imposes discipline on the exercise of regulatory powers in land matters. But shifts in the political economy that underpins international investment law and growing recourse to international human rights law are creating new opportunities for reflecting the non-commercial (cultural, social, poli... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The NDVI value in Mongolia differs from region to region. It is 0.05-0.18 in the Gobi Desert region, 0.2-0.35 in the steppe and forest steppe region and 0.4-0.5 in the forest steppe and forest region. During the last decade, the vegetation cover has been getting better in regions such as the Mongol-Daurian steppe, Eastern Gobi hollow, Southern Gobi undulating plains and along the Khangai Mountain chains, as the NDVI values in these regions increased. But the vegetation cover has a continuously decreasing trend in the Mongol Altai Mountains, Great Lakes Depression, Western parts of Khubsugul Mountain, Orkhon-Selenge River basin, Central Khalkha highlands and the Southern Gobi and Dariganga regions. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 On July 21, 2020, in the wake of a month of riots as well as peaceful protests following the death of George Floyd, Gail Heriot testified before the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice on the topic of respect for law enforcement and the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Poland is the only OECD country where teacher appraisal is performed solely by the school principal. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Lake Ohrid area has been a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site since 1980. The lakeshore reedbeds and wetlands provide a critical habitat for a high number of wintering water birds, including rare and threatened species. The diversion of the Sateska River in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia into the lake increased its watershed area, and consequently the agricultural run-off and sediment input. Sediment loads have also increased, due to unsustainable forest management and subsequent erosion, causing destruction of wetlands in parts of the lake in both countries. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There has recently been a proliferation of case law dealing with potential inroads into the presumption of innocence in the criminal law of England and Wales, in the light of article 6(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights. This article is concerned with the nature of the presumption of innocence. It considers two central issues. The first is how the courts should address the question of when the presumption of innocence is interfered with. The second is the extent to which interference with the presumption of innocence may be justified on the grounds of proportionality. It is argued that the courts have not developed the appropriate concepts and principles properly to address these questions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The technical/vocational track offers the same diploma and a technical qualification, and therefore takes three years, with longer hours of study than the academic track. The academic track offers 23 study alternatives, while the technical track proposes 7 agriculture, 24 industry and 25 service specialities. Those who already have the Bachillerato may seek a vocational qualification through two years of night school. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At the same time, long-term trends in inequality, population growth, urbanization, economic globalization, technological change and other socioeconomic processes will exert profound impacts on the changing climate which are difficult to envisage (see chap. In addition, future climate trends will depend on national and international actions aimed at mitigation over the next few decades. The uncertainty associated with forecasting long-term climate trends and their effect on weather patterns is complicated by the need to be geographically precise, since the effects of climate hazards are felt at the local level. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A viable package of alternatives to current policies could include the following elements: more open markets in renewable fuels, feedstocks, and food-feed commodities, efforts to ensure that production occurs where it is most socially and environmentally sustainable , increased scientific research on second generation biofuels and other pathways to reduce carbon emissions and to contribute to both energy and food security globally, and actions to improve efficiency of energy use, and thereby reduce demand and limit stress on finite resources, including those needed for food and feed production. This has resulted in a relatively constant level of support to the farm sector, while its composition made it less production and trade distorting. The degree of market distortion is particularly reduced if the direct payments are made with no requirement to produce. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The CSG was initially targeted to poor children up the age of seven, but has progressively been extended to poor children up to the age of 15. As a consequence of the financial crisis, the government of South Africa has further extended the age limit to 17. Children must be South African citizens and have per capita household incomes below a threshold. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Urban development is regarded as part - and not as a complement - of the regional policy of the country. Before 2016, there were plans for the development of the urban agglomerations, but they stalled because of the financial difficulties the country is now facing. Only the action plans for Shymkent and Aktobe, and interregional action plans for Astana and Almaty City are in place. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, school organising bodies hold ultimate responsibility for determining if, when and how to appraise their school leaders. Appraisal typically involves an external expert. It typically takes the respective local quality management programme into account and school principals are often rated according to 4 grades (exceptionally suitable, suitable, less suitable, not suitable). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 1. Private organisations and their contribution to problem-solving in the global arena Karsten Ronit and Volker Schneider 2. Representation of private organisations in the global diplomacy of economic policy-making Peter Willetts 3. Embedding global financial markets: securitisation and the emerging web of governance Philip G. Cerny 4. The good, the bad, or the ugly? Practices of global self-regulation among dyestuffs producers Karsten Ronit 5. The internet society and its struggle for recognition and influence Raymund Werle and Volker Leib 6. Why do community-based AIDS organisations coordinate at the global level? Patrick Kenis 7. The global social capital of human rights movements: a case study on Amnesty International Volker Schneider 8. The international women's movement as a private political actor between accommodation and change Bob Reinalda 9. The policy roles of private research institutes in global politics Diane Stone - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Ironically, the main impact of the ‘electric revolution’ may be to stimulate much greater efficiency in the conventional ICE power train, and in the development of fuel efficient engine control systems. Automobile companies typically bear the costs of investing in research, technology and plant capacity for their own vehicles - though in some cases they have benefited from partial public funding for production facilities. Early movers investing in hybrid and battery electric vehicles may reap large rewards when (and if) these technologies meet market success, as has been the case with Toyota which bore losses for years before sales of its hybrids took off. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! This article considers the issue of the requirements of establishing the Australian Commonwealth government’s Indigenous preferential procurement program, the ‘indigenous business exemption’ as a special measure under Article 1.4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. It does this by, considering jurisprudence regarding special measures and other affirmative action programs from Australia and other jurisdictions, concluding that it is necessary to establish some evidential base to justify the establishment (in Australian law) and ongoing operation of such measures (in international law). The article then examines the effectiveness of procurement policies aimed at achieving secondary social objectives in addition to the primary procurement of government goods and services. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These countries have above-average acute care capacities and lag behind the OECD average with long average length of hospital stay or low discharge rates. They are pursuing policies to reduce dependence on the hospital sector but progress in this area is still slow. The average annual growth rate in hospital beds from 2000 to 2014 ranged from -6.0% in Ireland to 6.8% in Korea and 2.8% in Turkey. Length of stay in hospitals fell, from 9.4 days in 2000 to 7.8 days in 2014. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The national government could achieve greater clarification and co-ordination in investment decisions for urban mobility by more clearly delineating responsibility for urban transport, housing and land use. One option would be for the central government to consider providing funding and infrastructure and enforcing regulations, while oblast-level governments were responsible for the planning, design, operation and control of inter-regional transport systems. Cities of oblast significance could focus on intraconnectivity, traffic control, public security and maintenance of the local road network. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, after the successes of the CAPE programme, the South African biodiversity mainstreaming approach was broadened to include policy reform and the integration of biodiversity considerations along entire supply chains within the relevant production sectors. These so-called 'long-hook' approaches are designed to change the trajectory of development, and thus operate over larger areas and longer time-scales. Inclusion of the long-hook approach to biodiversity mainstreaming was a significant consideration in the development of the Grasslands Programme. The Grasslands Programme was also a GEF-funded programme, co-ordinated by SANBI, which ran from 2008 to 2014 and focussed on biodiversity mainstreaming in the Grasslands biome. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Abstract This article examines the recent Security Council Resolution 1706 authorising UN peacekeeping in Sudan, in the context of the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Darfur. It assesses the African Union Mission in Sudan and elaborates on the reasons for its current fatigue and failure. It interrogates the proposed mandate of the UN force, the organising principles and rules of engagement and, sadly, the Realpolitik that continues to derail efforts at ending the genocide. It urges the global community, in particular the Security Council permanent members, to unite their efforts and compel the government of Sudan to accept UN deployment in order to save the dying and end the tragedy in Darfur. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 By contrast, the number of fixed telephone lines decreased by about 1.5 per cent as more people are opting to use only mobile cellular networks or bundled Internet and voice services.1 In developing countries, where fixed-line telephone services have been undersupplied and of poor quality in many locations, the spread of mobile cellular service continues to be rapid, having grown by an estimated 17 per cent between 2009 and 2010. In 2000, developing countries accounted for only about 40 per cent of global subscriptions to mobile services, but by 2010 their share had increased to 73 per cent. Between 2008 and 2009, mobile cellular penetration in developing countries surpassed the 50 per cent mark, and by end-2010, it had reached an estimated 68 per 100 inhabitants (figure 1). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Gender parity is not only a fundamental human right but also a critical economic opportunity for countries. Research using the SIGI 2014 results reveals that gender-based discrimination in social institutions is significant and represents a cost of USD 575 billion for the MENA region (Ferrant and Kolev, 2016). Addressing the obstacles to women’s and girls’ empowerment could benefit the economy as a whole. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These different views and agreements will influence the aims and objectives of climate finance and how its effectiveness is assessed. For example, carbon market finance, as well as finance from carbon funds, are likely to continue to be subject to their own standards and principles, e.g. on accreditation, monitoring, reporting and verification. In some instances, agreements on safeguards such as the Equator Principles on managing risks (prior to project approval) apply. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 And what is the impact on cost (compared to a more “traditional” approach of health service delivery)? This part summarises the results of evaluation studies carried out in a number of countries on the impact of APN on patient care and cost. It builds on recent reviews of such evaluations that have been carried out by other researchers. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 While a number of scholars argue that classical realism is conspicuously similar to critical international relations, this article takes an issue with such an interpretation. It does not challenge the observation that both approaches are comparable when it comes to ethical concerns and a related critique of modernity, but it puts forth an argument that they differ fundamentally when it comes to their basic intellectual motivation and purpose. This also makes classical realism more ready to formulate normative judgment. To articulate what provides for the ethical impetus in classical realism, the study turns to the work of Stephen Turner and his collaborators who illuminate Weberian sources of classical realist social science. Adopting the category of analyticism from Patrick Jackson, it further puts forth that normative judgment is linked to classical realism’s inherent ontological doubt, a feature it compensates for by focusing on epistemology necessitating constant engagement with empirical reality as a... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Attacks on multiculturalism from across the political spectrum reduce the complex history of settlement and interaction in the UK to a simple narrative of excessive British tolerance and increasingly disruptive immigrant communities. The liberal version of this ‘integrationist’ discourse emphasizes the Enlightenment values associated with secularism, individualism, gender equality, sexual freedom and freedom of expression as markers of civilizational superiority. Various efforts are made to ‘civilize’ Muslims in particular into adopting these values. What emerges is, in effect, a liberal form of anti-Muslim racism which, paradoxically, takes liberalism into an illiberal embrace of conservative themes. With the racialization of ‘Muslimness’, the conservative cultural racism that was dominant in the 1980s has been revamped and reshaped, and the language of ‘values’ rather than ethnicity has become central. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A zero waste city requires combining social, political, economic and technical interventions in targeted urban areas that complement one another. Options for policy makers include user-pays waste charges, the demarcation of space for recycling, bio-digesters, upcycling and composting. It is made up of two parts: “mergers and acquisitions” and “greenfield investments”. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Humans are the greatest creatures in the world. Our intelligence defined our dignity as human beings and our dignity should be respected. Therefore, human rights is the basic rule of human existence. However, human rights is seldom applied to human corpse. Most countries do not have specific legislation related to the management of human corpse after disaster and additionally, international law also failed to propose a treaty specifically dealing with the management of human corpse after disaster. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyse the related treaties, customary international humanitarian law and soft law pertaining to the management of human corpse. Qualitative methodology with analytical, historical and comparative approaches was used in this study. Results indicate that there are no existing specific treaty that governs the management of human corpse after disaster. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Not only is this method more expensive for the public, but it also lacks treatment continuity (as a patient can see different doctors on different visits), and can generally harm overall clinic quality due to discontinuity. Meanwhile, these difficult working conditions can in fact discourage interested individuals from seeking a career in psychiatry, which would in fact work to remedy the root cause of these difficulties. Sweden’s most recent Mental Health Action Plan (2012-2016) aims to address these issues by increasing psychology training locations and creating psychiatry research posts (OECD, 2013). Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one development used to a limited extent in Sweden in an attempt to provide services despite personnel shortages. Studies have shown that patients with panic disorder receiving this type of treatment do just as well as those receiving more traditional treatment. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Reciproquement, l'elimination de toutes formes de discriminations envers les femmes au sein des institutions sociales reduirait la proportion d'individus insatisfaits de 14 % a 5 % au niveau mondial. But what makes us happy? Does living in a country guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities to women and men increase people's happiness? This paper shows that gender-based discrimination in social institutions, measured by the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI), impedes well-being, beyond its negative impact on economic growth and GDP. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Child marriage derails a girl’s future and means she has no control over her fertility, thus making the demographic dividend a more distant possibility. Keeping girls in school and supporting them in making healthy decisions about their own lives have been found to be the most important determinants of age at marriage. For example, in India, which has criminalized child marriage, only 11 people were actually convicted of perpetuating child marriage in 2010 (UNFPA, 2013, UNICEF, 2011). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 1. Introduction Philip de Souza and John France 2. Making and breaking treaties in the Greek world P. J. Rhodes 3. War, peace and diplomacy in Graeco-Persian relations from the sixth to the fourth century BC Eduard Rung 4. Treaties, allies and the Roman conquest of Italy J. W. Rich 5. Parta victoriis pax: Roman emperors as peacemakers Philip de Souza 6. Treaty-making in late antiquity A. D. Lee 7. Byzantine diplomacy: good faith, trust and co-operation in international relations in late antiquity Michael Whitby 8. Treaties between Byzantium and the Islamic world Catherine Holmes 9. Siege conventions in Western Europe and the Latin East John France 10. Paying the Danegeld: Anglo-Saxon peacemaking with Vikings Richard Abels 11. Peace among equals: twelfth-century European treaties Esther Pascua. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 No local government has competency in this area, as it is regulated by the federal government. Freight transport represents 14% of the transport fleet (700 000 freight vehicles are registered in the ZMVM), most of them highly polluting. Monitoring this sector is highly complicated and expensive (SEDEMA, 2012). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For some groups, such as youths not in employment, education or training (NEETs), inactive spouses and early retirees, there may be scope to better identify individuals in the group (e.g. by matching public datasets) for a targeted offer of services. Increased integration of PES services with those of other public actors such as health, childcare, or social services and education institutions, can enhance the service offer. Policies outside the direct remit of employment and related services - such as employment protection or tax legislation - also need to be addressed, although this chapter does not analyse them. Prior to the recent crisis, this led to significant increases in labour force participation rates and relatively low unemployment rates. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Its construction led to the creation of Lake Assad, the country's largest water reservoir30 with a projected capacity to irrigate 640.000 ha of land.3' The third-largest dam on the Euphrates in Syria, the Baath Dam. In addition, two development projects in the Balikh/Jallab sub-basins use water imported from Lake Assad, while water from the Sajur River is also used for irrigation. This volume should be added to the 3,586 MCM used in operational irrigation projects.31 Official data states that 206,987 ha were irrigated by the Euphrates River in 2010 (Figure 8) in addition to 59,550 ha from the Khabour and Jagh Jagh Rivers, amounting to almost 270,000 ha.37 Applying a commonly accepted rate for irrigation requirements,38 this suggests an irrigation water use of about 2,700 MCM from the Euphrates, Khabour and Jagh Jagh Rivers. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""The most optimal approach to ensure this was to model a Shared Taxi fleet that was 100% accessible - as is the case in certain cities around the world. International evidence also points to the potential of accessible transport systems to generate large economic benefits (ITF, 2016d). Feigan, S. and C. Murphy (2016), """"Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit.1'."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Transboundary and global environmental harm present substantial challenges to state-centered (territorial) modalities of accountability and responsibility. The globalization of environmental degradation has triggered regulatory responses at various jurisdictional scales. These governance efforts, featuring various articulations of state and/or private authority, have struggled to address so-called “accountability deficits” in global environmental politics. Yet, it has also become clear that accountability and responsibility norms forged in domestic regulatory contexts cannot simply be transposed across borders. This special issue explores various conceptual perspectives on accountability and responsibility for transnational harm, and examines their application to different actor groups and environmental governance regimes. This introductory paper provides an overview of the major theoretical positions and examines some of the analytical challenges raised by the transnational (re)scaling of accountability and responsibility norms. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The search for cutbacks in public spending will become urgent when demand for welfare services is rising as the baby-boomers start to retire and medical innovations push up health-care costs. By 2050, one in three people across the OECD countries will be on a pension. Frugal innovation is about redesigning products and involves rethinking entire production processes and business models. Companies reduce costs so they can reach more customers and accept thin profit margins to gain volume. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! This chapter also summarises the intended nationally determined contributions that the EECCA countries submitted in time for the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Finally, this chapter outlines a set of recommendations for policy development that the EECCA countries and their development co-operation partners could pursue to scale-up finance for climate finance in the region, based on the results of the analysis detailed in Chapters 2, 3 and 4. At the same time, vulnerable populations are already experiencing the impacts of a changing climate. Thus, actions that strengthen adaptation to such adverse effects of climate change are also needed. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The table also lists several core LEDS elements that could meet the purposes identified, which are discussed in further detail in Section 3.2. The process of establishing a LEDS can enhance co-ordination across different ministries and communication with other stakeholder groups such as businesses and civil society, and also increase public awareness of climate change science and policy. A LEDS can help guide diversification of an economy (e.g. from a fossil-fuel basis). Clarification on economic development and climate change priorities, including plans for domestic clean energy technologies, can in turn help provide early signals to investors in the private sector as well as for new possible directions for research and development (although this ultimately depends on how a LEDS is implemented). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In value terms, imports amounted to around EUR 5 billion and exports to EUR 1.4 billion, resulting in a balance-of-trade deficit of around EUR 3.6 billion (source: French Customs and Excise). This free-trade agreement, which may take some time to ratify, is the blueprint for another agreement currently being negotiated with the United States, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The aim of this article is to show that the modernization of Chile’s environmental institutions (called Nueva Institucionalidad Ambiental, introduced in 2009/2010) consolidates the informal networks that have traditionally linked its main actors (investors, State and experts). Consequently, it is a public policy that despite the incorporation of governance standards marked by accountability, transparency and public participation does not contribute to the formation of citizenship and public agenda around models of development and use of natural resources, but limited to assess/ mitigate/legitimize pre-established agendas, introduced by productive, extractive or infrastructure investment projects. In our view, this is due to the tendency to oligarchization of the Chilean political system and of the domination of elites in general and the persistence of an accumulation model based on the extraction of natural resources. Both serve as a structural lock that bolts any substantive change of environmental policy in a more democratic direction - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These are divided into enabling environment activities (policy and administrative management, environmental education/training, and environmental research) and sectoral activities (health, water and sanitation, agriculture, forestry', fishing, flood prevention/control, and disaster prevention and preparedness). Based on this classification, the project and programme documents analysed for this study were categorised as follows: i) Climate risk reduction, ii) Policy and administrative management for climate change, Hi) Education, training and awareness on climate change, iv) Climate scenario and impact research, and v) Co-ordination on climate change measures and activities across relevant actors. Table 5 provides a description of the categories. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The dichotomy between small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) and large corporations, with their corresponding effects on job creation, will continue, but its modalities will change in directions which the region's countries would do well to monitor. The most advanced countries have been proactively promoting this type of manufacturing, which has often translated into a resurgence of industrial policymaking and a return to more advanced manufacturing activities in former production hubs. The current thinking on this topic as well as the actions taken in these and other countries compel Latin America to address the issue in all its technological and public policy dimensions. The productivity gap, limited research and development in technology and weak industrial policies in most of the region's countries are problems that must be tackled concomitantly. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Therefore, most Governments have been involved directly or indirectly in supporting family planning programmes. Direct support entails the provision of family planning information, guidance and supplies through Government-run facilities or outlets such as hospitals, clinics, health posts and health centres and through Government fieldworkers. The proportion of Governments providing direct support has risen steadily since 1976 when less than two thirds of Governments (63 per cent) provided such support (table III.4). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Frequently there is a large gap between historic and future costs because of the lumpiness and longevity of surface water supply systems. As demand grows and the capacity is more fully utilised it is optimal to switch to a charging system based on long-run (i.e. replacement) marginal cost, but often public water agencies get locked ‘politically’ into only recovering historic costs. There are also equity considerations in recovering financial costs in that farmers might be expected by society to repay the benefits they receive where public investment has been involved. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Aggregate indicators that focus on country-level analysis allow for comparison across countries but not across individuals within countries. For example, under SDG 13 on climate change, indicators related to forest area and its protection are essential, but indicators to monitor the human impact of depletion—including one that captures how women and men are affected by environmental degradation in different ways—are also important and necessary (see Chapter 3). But an assessment of gender data availability suggests there is a long way to go before this standard is met. Many of the gender-specific indicators cover 'emerging statistical areas' where measurement methodology is not well developed—this is true for one third of the gender-specific indicators. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 With regard to these goals, there are various linkages to tourism, as tourists both increase transport demands in cities, though they are also likely to have a great interest in alternative forms of mobility. Bicycle travel speed should increase by 10%. Since 2002, when the first bicycle policy was published, Copenhagen has made considerable progress towards these goals, largely on the basis of command-and-control measures, i.e. the development of bicycle infrastructure, in combination with soft policy campaigns framing the bicycle city as a desirable future. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Earnings quality is captured by average eamings (measured in PPP-adjusted USD), labour market insecurity denotes the risk of extreme low-pay among the employed (measured in percentage points), while the quality of the working environment captures the incidence of long working hours (60+) among all employed (measured in percentage points). The reference category is low-educated males aged 15-29 working in the formal sector. For more information on data sources, see the respective figure notes in the main text. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ""The first is the idea that macroeconomic policies and events are linked with people and households, or percolate through to them, via a system of institutions —which include the State, the market and the community— that operates in neither a fully automatic nor a fully organized manner. This system functions within a gender-based framework that is founded upon power relations in which a visible, male-oriented policy approach dominates or influences an invisible, female-oriented one (Carrasco, 2001 and 2003, Elson, 1995a and 1999, Blau, Ferber and Winkler, 2002). The introduction of a gendered framework of considerations and factors sends out biased or skewed signals to the market, where, given the assumption that women workers are “expensive"""", employers are reluctant to hire them or, once hired, to continue to employ them.1 Employment decisions therefore entail a process of bargaining and conflict in which both material and immaterial factors wield influence."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the case of standards and conformity assessment, the wide range of actions necessary to upgrade efficiently implementation, monitoring and certification capacities is difficult to bring to fruition without long-term commitment and extensive planning. Satisfactory access to finance appears as a prerequisite not only for undertaking export activities but also for addressing a number of productive capacity constraints that limit agricultural growth. Policy conclusions for aid for trade investments should be drawn by comparing these outcomes with the cost and feasibility of lifting the different constraints identified. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""A study done in Thailand in a broader context of rapid fertility decline in a third-world setting reveals the use of four proximate determinants borrowed from the proximate determinant framework. Among other determinants, primary sterility and coital frequency have not been observed to influence the ongoing fertility decline (Knodel, 1979, Knodel, Chamrethirang and Debavalya, 1982). The conclusion arrived at by this study clearly mentions that, """"Thailand's reproductive revolution is largely the product of increasing deliberate marital fertility control. In brief, Thailand has already entered into the most advanced stage of fertility transition."""" ("" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, the effectiveness of these kinds of schemes is still not clear, some arguing that they could provide perverse incentives. Revenues coming from environmental taxes, or at least part of them, can be reinvested for the environment. For example, in 1981 the National Assembly of Cuba approved the Law 81, also known as ‘Environmental Law', that allows the use of economic tools such as taxes for the development of activities that positively impact the environment (Whittle and Rey Santos 2006). They can be designed for general environmental or revenue raising issues (e.g. waste charges to help finance waste management collection and infrastructure), and also motivated specifically by marine litter considerations. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! In Canada, women account for 60% of migrants in the family class and many of the family migrants who accompanied labour migrants. They make up considerably lower shares among principal labour migrants (42%) and refugees (50%), based on the 2014 Longitudinal Immigration Database. In Australia, women account for 68% of recent family migrants, compared to 49% of recent refugees and 45% of recent labour migrants, based on 2013 Australian Bureau of Statistics data. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This article examines the participation of civil society organisations (CSO) in the various arenas of global governance with focus on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). While diverse studies recognise the difficulty of CSOs’ participation despite the growing importance of standards in the organisation of markets, little attention has been paid to how such involvement is likely to be reinforced in what we call ‘technical diplomacy’, the negotiating processes involving states and non-state actors geared toward setting specifications claiming to be based on scientific knowledge. Drawing upon scholarship in new forms of regulation in organisational studies, international relations, and science and technology studies, the paper argues that CSOs’ participation depends on multiple translation practices between lay- and expert-knowledge. Findings are based on an action-research project, INTERNORM, pooling academic and CSO participation in ISO technical committees. It suggests some promising directions for addressing the democratic deficit of technical diplomacy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Encouraging “developed” and “other” countries to report disaggregated information on climate finance provided in a comparable format would facilitate this. However, as the Paris Agreement’s entry into force is considerably earlier than originally anticipated, such MPGs are in practice unlikely to be adopted in 2016. These include encouraging reporting of items currently non-mandatory but that will become mandatory under the Paris Agreement (such as mobilised climate finance, or climate finance provided by non-Annex II Parties). Quantifying ex ante levels of climate finance is likely to be challenging for several countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Available from worldfoodsituation/wfs-home/foodpricesindex/en. Although higher prices provide incentives to increase production, many small farm holders are unable to respond owing to lack of access to finance, agricultural inputs, markets and technology (United Nations, 2008a). Nevertheless, in developing countries with a large share of net producing households, high food prices boost demand for rural labour and incomes (Chant, McDonald and Verschoor, 2008). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 General rules for the participation of the private sector in the economy were also formulated at the constitutional level. Specific rules resulted from Law 142 of 1994, which established the Residential Public Services Regime and an independent regulator, the Water Supply and Sanitation Regulation Commission (CRA). The law defined the legal status of public service companies, set up as public companies under commercial law to provide public services. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The indicator used so far in Norway is the Nature Index. Denmark considers it most likely that stocks and flows will be included, but that inclusion of monetary value could be one possibility in the future if international standards are developed for this and are generally accepted. In addition, indicators should also meet the SMART80 criteria. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Data is based on the latest Teacher Census, organised in 2007. The census covered teachers working in public institutions maintained by the National Public Education Administration (ANEP) only. Hence, data for early childhood and pre-primary education do not include teachers in schools managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) and by the Child and Adolescent Institute of Uruguay (INAU). Also data on technical-professional programmes include teachers in programmes at the tertiary level (a minor proportion of programmes supervised by CETP). In general, in 2007, there was no major concern about the ageing of the teaching workforce. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For the latter, the figure shows the percentage of a particular purpose travel of all travels occurring per every hour of the day. At the same time, however, the ticket fare should not exceed the level at which the passengers would consider the ticket fare to be affordable. Too high prices can cause the demand for mobility shifting from public transport to other modes. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A factor that would determine whether or not people are in the poverty culture is social participation, since ignorance of the forms of organization and functioning of groups outside the family would cause integration attempts to fail and thus generate despair (Miller, 1976, Lewis, 1969). Nonetheless, criticisms also began to be made of some of the implications of hypotheses such as the culture of poverty, and the need to “culturally rehabilitate” the poorest people to overcome deprivation. Doubts also emerged about the causal role of cultural and psycho-social factors. In the historical-structural perspective, it was argued that marginality was not the outcome of a lack of integration, but represented a way of participating in dependent capitalism, the survival strategies of the poor were thus forms of adaptation and not expressions of a subculture. Social regulation is defined as the moral demands imposed on the individual as a result of group membership, whereas social integration is the extent to which social relations expose people to the moral demands of the group (Bearman, 1991). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 1993, this was changed again, with responsibility for agricultural extension activities given to the Centre of Agricultural Extension, under the Secretary-General of the MoA. In 1996, MoA modified the structure of extension institutions by establishing an Agricultural Extension Office (Balai Penyuluhan Pertartian, BPP) in every district. This action was based on the belief that farmers required a more comprehensive agricultural extension, one that is more people and system-oriented rather than commodity-oriented (World Bank, 2007). Farmers pay a premium and they will receive an indemnity only if an extreme event (risk) and/or some minimum losses occur. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For every peso that migrants send, federal, state and municipal authorities contribute 3 pesos - thus the name 3x1. External reviews highlight some weaknesses of this programme, including insufficient government budget, lack of transparency, conflict during project selection, insufficient involvement of beneficiaries, and public works concentrated in less marginal localities (Gonzalez, 2011). Clearer operational rules and increased public investments are needed for the projects of the 3x1 Programme to contribute to regional development. Such measures were primarily intended to prevent moderately poor families from falling into extreme poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The new Education and Training Policy makes provisions for readmissions of girls to school after they have given birth. In the case of Uganda, the National Strategy to end Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy (NSCM & TP) 2014/2015-2019/2020, a joint effort between the government of Uganda and UNICEF, highlights the need for amendment and consolidation of marriage laws. It also notes that the ‘current widespread resistance to reforms in marriage laws proposed by the Marriage and Divorce Bill tabled in the 9th parliament underscores the deeply entrenched social norms and expectations of marriage, as well as male bias. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The international commitment to peace and human rights is laid down in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) of 1945. Based on this foundational contract and on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, a considerable number of international human rights treaties has been adopted, above all the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). These treaties build the fundament of the human rights regime with — in theory — political rights and civil liberties at the same level as social, economic, and cultural rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Linking Institutional Context and Public Opinion”, Springer VS, Wiesbaden. Providing and Paying for Long-Term Care, OECD Health Policy Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris, Childcare Costs, Tax-Benefit Policies and Work Incentives”, Chapter 4 of Benefits and Wages: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, http ://dx.doi .org/10.178 7/bcn wages-2007-cn. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Micro-regions in Hungary are statistical sub-regions. There are 149 micro-regions in total and Budapest is not included in the system. Day care comprises health care services delivered to patients who are formally admitted to hospitals, ambulatory premises or self standing centres but with the intention to discharge the patient on the same day. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Area or weather index based insurance provides indemnities that are not calculated through an estimation of individual loses, they use the estimated average production loss in the location of the farm, or an index of local rainfall or temperature. Index insurance has the advantage of reducing information asymmetries because indemnities are triggered by indexes that are out of the control of the farmer and this can reduce the administration costs. Despite its simplicity and great potential there are only few cases of widespread programmes, in particular the area-yield index National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) in India. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Nonincome poverty relates to access to basic services such as health care and education. The percentages of the population below the poverty line and in multidimensional poverty are high in most of the 20 countries for which data are available for both these indicators (see table 3). In North and Central Asia, the incidence of multidimensional poverty is much lower than that of income poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Strictly speaking, weighting is relevant only for the definition of the basket of goods and services used to set the poverty line. The aggregation of the minimum basket of goods is done by accumulating the monetary value of each of the items within the selected basket of goods. The aggregation of a household's resources is done either by accumulating the household members' income from all (or most) sources, or by accumulating the monetary value (price) of each of the items/services bought or consumed by the household. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 According to section 13 of the Constitution of Tanzania, all people are equal before the law. However, the Constitution is silent about the age of marriage. Tanzania recognises three types of laws which govern marriages including customary law, civil law and religious law. Section 13 (1) of the Law of Marriage Act, (LMA) 1971 sets the minimum age for marriage at 18 years for men and 15 years for women. The LMA allows the court to grant permission in special circumstances for a marriage where the parties are below the prescribed ages but have attained at least 14 years of age.64 Under section 17, a female who has not attained the apparent age of eighteen years must seek consent from her father, if he is dead, then her mother, or if both are dead then from her guardian. In their finding, their Lordships associated themselves with the Loveness Mudzuru decision and noted that the requirement of parental consent impacts negatively on the child and subjects her to complex matrimonial and conjugal obligations. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Exchange rate: OECD (2015a), """"PPPs and exchange rates”, OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), (accessed 30 June 2015), Minimum wage: CONASAMI (2015), “Tabla de salarios minimos generales y profesionales por areas geograficas”, Comision Nacional de los Salarios Minimos, www.conasami.gob.nix/t sal mini prof.html (accessed 7 April 2015). This represents a high cost to public health, and has a negative effect on the productivity, competitiveness and attractiveness of the metropolitan zone. The OECD’s work on cities and climate change has observed that if their current pollution trends continue, even cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, Paris, Seoul and Tokyo are at risk of losing economic attractiveness (OECD, 2010). In the international scene, Mexico is committed to reducing 30% carbon emissions by 2020 and by 40% by 2030 (a combined effect of reducing CO2 emissions by 70% and greenhouse gas emissions by 36%) compared to the emission level in 2012."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Growth performance, however, deteriorated in the second half of 2015 amid declining workers’ remittances and a slowdown in gold exports, which weakened consumer spending and domestic investments. Meanwhile, despite depreciation of the currency by 28% in 2015, inflation softened to 6.6%, as price increases were constrained by weak household spending while monetary policy remained tight. A rebound by 4% in 2017 is expected, contingent upon stabilization in global commodity prices and revived economic activity in the subregion. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Without these investments, one billion people will still be without access to energy by 2030 (IEA, 201 Id), principally in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Yet by the time of the Rio+20 Summit in 2012, the energy access funding commitments received by the UN Secretary-General were only equivalent to around 3% of the nearly USD 1 trillion in cumulative investment needs (IEA, 2012a). Sustaining growth in emerging markets will also require even more substantial investment in energy infrastructure. By 2050, emerging economies are expected to account for nearly 40% of total global GDP, leading to a considerable expansion in energy demand (OECD, 2012b). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In one important strand of the philosophical debate, human rights are seen as a practical benchmark to evaluate and orient matters of national politics, international relations and global governance. The article investigates the possible benefits and problems of this approach. Problematising the well-established distinction between moral and political human rights in philosophical human rights debate, the author follows Paolo Gilabert's attempt to alternatively discuss human rights under the perspective of rights having both an abstract and a specific dimension. Discussing the (self-)understanding of the contemporary human being as representing the subject of human rights, Axel Honneth's recognition theory is applied to concretise Gilabert's humanist claim to do justice to the ‘essentially social’ nature of the human being. While holding on to the traditional idea that human rights are in first instance to be understood as individual rights human beings have in virtue of being human, the important interna... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Flood risk from storm water is particularly high in areas where storm-water infrastructure has not been adapted to elevated runoff in creeks coming from mountains, as in Santiago (Ebert, A. and J. McPhee [2009]). Urban expansion in the eastern part of Santiago towards the Andean piedmont has also increased the amount of impervious surfaces, contributing to increased risks from flood hazards (Romero, 2012). To reduce the risk of flooding and to increase absorption of storm water, between 2006-2010, the city of Chicago replaced the pavement in more than 100 alleys in the city with more permeable surfaces and plantings (OECD, 2012c, City of Chicago, 2010). Since 1997, storm-water infrastructure has been the responsibility of MOP and the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism (Ministerio de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano/MINVU). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Using content analysis of the New York Times and USA Today, this study investigates the framing of immigration in two policy debates: on the Border Protection, Anti-terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (H.R. 4437) in 2006 and on the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act or Arizona Senate Bill (S.B.) 1070 in 2010. The bills crystallized various discourses on immigration in American society. Drawing on literature on media discourses, news frames, and framing processes, the article examines the attempt of mainstream mass media to reduce the complexity of immigration into palatable talking points. The findings demonstrate that through framing, the media create diametrically opposed representations of immigration and contemporary immigrants but at the same time normalize dominant ways of thinking and talking about immigration that sustain and consolidate power relationships. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is the intention to maintain the fundamental elements of the QMS (i.e. quota and annual catch entitlements) but engage with stakeholders to improve the system for the future. This programme incorporates three projects to improve fisheries information, create the opportunities to reset the system including to resolve discarding (such as the return of unwanted live or dead fish to the sea), and to ensure our fisheries management system meets future needs. This will improve the quality of information on which decisions about fisheries management are based and strengthen compliance with the Quota Management System (QMS). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 It is often difficult to allocate system costs with precision as they interact with virtually all parameters of the electricity system. For instance, is the decline in the share price of a traditional utility due to inefficient management, errors in the forecast of electricity demand or to the system effects induced by a myriad of decentralised wind and solar plants? There are also difficult distributional questions to be considered that are only now beginning to emerge. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Inter-American Court of Human Rights analyzes four issues in the case of Lagos del Campo vs. Peru. First, the special protection of freedom of expression at the workplace. Second, the recognition of the right to job stability under the protection of the right to work set out in the Inter-American human rights instruments. Third, the protection of freedom of association covers any organization and its representatives that represent the legitimate interests of workers. Fourth, the inclusion of the payment of the retirement pension as a repair of the material damage. This decision is relevant as it sets the legal parameters regarding the above-mentioned subjects for the national normative systems. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Of course, the priority policies and measures that will be most effective depend on the characteristics of each country’s road transport system and the profile of injury they experience. Nevertheless, Safe System principles, based at their core on the laws of physics and the vulnerability of the human body to uncontrolled levels of kinetic energy, have universal applicability. A Safe System, therefore, serves well as a unifying framework for the road safety policies and plans of every UN Member State. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Figure 5 indicates high electricity consumption is due to its low cost. In Abu Dhabi, for example, the cost of electricity, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), was 1.4 cents for nationals and 4 cents for expatriates in 2006. During the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Paris in November 2015, all member countries pledged to reduce emissions and make renewable energy a goal. This will move forward the renewable energy agenda. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! This article analyses the impact that some of the United Nations special procedures, namely those focusing on economic social and cultural rights (ESC rights), have upon the development of international human rights law, in particular through clarifying the normative content of the rights and the development of soft-law instruments. It also examines the impact of the ESC rights mandate-holders in implementing ESC rights through promotion activities, protection work and country missions and explores modalities for improvement. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Support for Viet Nam's policy framework for green investment has included enhancing the capacity of key ministries to implement Viet Nam's Green Growth Strategy (VGGS). For example, the Macro-economic Reforms / Green Growth Programme in Viet Nam, implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is supporting the ministries of planning and finance to implement their green growth objective, including providing technical advice to strengthen green fiscal reform and develop green finance guidelines for the State Bank of Viet Nam. Similar support from UNDP and USAID, as well as from the Global Green growth Institute, are helping to implement the VGGS at the sector and province level, by supporting the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) to track and monitor progress on the VGGS and develop province-level action plans for green growth. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This chapter addresses the phenomenon of cross-border healthcare in the European Union (EU) in light of the constitutional framework of the Lisbon Treaty. The analysis focuses on the latest developments in the case law of the Court of Justice and the recently adopted Directive 2011/24/EU. The solutions envisaged therein are assessed against the binding nature of the Charter of fundamental rights, the fundamental status of EU citizenship, and the general principle of solidarity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Agricultural trade increases, and in particular the movement of agricultural products from low-income to middle-income countries for intermediate processing, are often associated with weaker standards. Agricultural producers that are unable to meet the higher product standards required in developed country markets are pushed “upstream” in the supply chain (Ferrantino, 2012). On the other hand, van Tongeren et al. ( The costs of compliance with applicable standards will frequently shape the decision of producers whether or not to attempt to meet elaborate standards, sell to developed economies at higher unit values and possibly retain more steps of the production process at home. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 One of these was that NBSAPs should be an instrument for implementation of all the Biodiversity-related Conventions, hereby being a means to promote coherence in national implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). National Focal Points (NFPs) of the Biodiversity-related Conventions and other key stakeholders engaged in their implementation should therefore cooperate to work towards the best possible outcome of current and upcoming NBSAP development, revision and implementation processes. Parties agreed to translate this overarching international framework into revised and updated NBSAPs by 201561. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The finding of relatively long AFDC spell lengths, at least compared to spell lengths in Norway and Sweden, is maybe not so surprising since the U.S. AFDC primarily targeted highly disadvantaged single mothers, who would generally be expected to remain on welfare for longer. For a 42-month period starting in the late 1980s or early 1990s, they report median spell durations of around 4 months for an individual's first observed spell in Gothenburg and Helsingborg and of 5-6 months for Bremen, Milan and Turin. By contrast, median benefit spell durations are one year for Vitoria, over two years for Barcelona and nearly 3 years for Lisbon. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Table of Contents: Acknowledgments Introduction: The Area Studies Controversy, Mark Tessler, Jodi Nachtwey, Anne Banda 1. Politics in the Middle East: Opportunities and Limits in the Quest for Theory, Lisa Anderson 2. State-Society Relations: Algeria as a Case Study, John P. Entelis 3. Associational Life: Civil Society in Authoritarian Political Systems, Augustus Richard Norton 4. Explaining Women's Support for Political Islam: Contributions from Feminist Theory, Jodi Nachtwey and Mark Tessler 5. Influencing Public Policy: Banking and the Political Economy of Collective Action, Clement Henry 6. Toward a Theory of International Labor Migration: Evidence from Egypt, Magda Kandil 7. Religion and International Conflict: An Individual-Level Analysis, Mark Tessler and Jodi Nachtwey 8. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Lessons about Diplomatic Initiatives and Negotiations, Laura Zittrain Eisenberg 9. Middle Eastern Alliances: From Neorealism to Political Economy, Laurie Brand 10. International Relations Theory: Contributions from Research in the Middle East, Baghat Korany Contributors Index - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The characteristics that put immigrants at greater risk of poverty include a lack of formal education, poor housing and linguistic isolation (Hernandez and Chamey, 1998). However, while in some countries social welfare makes a substantial contribution to alleviating poverty among migrants (for example in France and Sweden transfers more than halve poverty rates for migrant and native-born children) in the United States, where social transfers are small, the impact on poverty among children of migrant families is negligible. Children of immigrants underperform by comparison with those with native-born parents in terms of educational achievement and labour market performance. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 If outsourced, the registry also establishes the wholesale price for registrars. The registry is normally responsible for maintaining the ccTLD database and associated name server. In 1998, DotTV, a tech startup from the United States, paid the Tuvaluan government US$50 million for the rights to the TV ccTLD for a dozen years.62 When the contract expired in 2001, another company took over arranging to pay Tuvalu US$2.2 million a year plus 5% of revenue exceeding US$20 million for 15 years. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The initiative has been a stepping-stone for young people seeking to build skills and engage in socially responsible work, while also earning wages. It has been successfully replicated in other districts, including Cova Lima, Dili and Liqui^a. Training was provided by InfoTimor staff in 2009, who also assisted the community centre in setting up a computer maintenance workshop, software and hardware training, an Internet cafe and a satellite dish to deliver the Internet to the local community. The centre has since become a registered NGO and training organization. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The other regions on the map would not be covered by the Nordic Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Region III: Celtic Seas, Region IV: Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast, and Region V: Wider Atlantic. Grey areas are the EU-exclusive fishing zone. Ice-bound areas beyond national jurisdiction are shown in white. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This study traces the rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter via the #egypt hashtag. Using computational discourse analysis, we examine news values and the form of news exhibited in #egypt from January 25 to February 25, 2011, pre- and post-resignation of Hosni Mubarak. Results point to a hybridity of old and newer news values, with emphasis on the drama of instantaneity, the crowdsourcing of elites, solidarity, and ambience. The resulting stream of news combines news, opinion, and emotion to the point where discerning one from the other is difficult and doing so misses the point. We offer a theory of affective news to explain the distinctive character of content produced by networked publics in times of political crisis. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In West Germany, paid parental leave was not limited exclusively to the child’s first three years. The result was low female labour force participation. In the GDR, by contrast, women enjoyed an income-replacement parental leave benefit for one year, while nurseries were expanded and child care infrastructure improved. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Improved security should be incorporated in the framework, and, as applicable, into every goal, while the necessary measures are taken to minimize the occurrence and impact of adverse risks for human security. Accordingly, policies towards and monitoring of each goal should not only assess absolute achievements but also track fluctuations caused by insecurity. The selection of indicators should address poverty, exclusion and inequality in the developed world as well. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 How additionality is more precisely defined remains unclear. There is no internationally agreed methodology or baseline from which to measure additionality - is it above the 0.7% GNI commitment to aid agreed by a certain number of countries during a specific year, support above 2009 ODA levels, or financial support from sources other than ODA? Given political sensitivities around this issue, it is unlikely to be addressed in the near future.11 Existing reporting systems, if improved, could at least provide the necessary information that can serve as a basis for analysis. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The sector is very fragmented, as local PES centres contract out training to more than 1 000 private institutions and for a smaller part to the (public) Tiirr Istvan Institute. Although some tools have long been in place to evaluate the efficiency of the main labour activation policies (in the form of annual monitoring by the National Employment Office and occasional reports by independent researchers), little is known about the efficiency of individual training providers. Anecdotal evidence suggests uneven quality and even some cases of corruption, and a high drop-out rate. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Chapter 1 situates this project within the abortion debate in the USA, focusing on the more recent developments: the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 and the Supreme Court ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby in 2014. The analysis of the pro-life discourse and public policy is based on data collection from multiple fields. The discourse analysis is based on qualitative and quantitative data collected mainly through the analysis of newspaper items and pro-life websites. The analysis of public policy is based on data collected at state and federal levels regarding abortion and abortion-related services. The chapter ends with an introduction of the framework of analysis, focusing on human rights, reproductive rights, and right-wing politics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Improving hormonal contraceptive supply: the potential contribution of manufacturers of generic and biosimilar drugs. Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2010, 4th ed. Will the global recession lead to a 'baby bust'? Available from 509/accessed 4 October 2010. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Another type is bioretention structures, which are typically pits backfilled with soil, mulch and vegetation used to retain runoff for infiltration through the filter bed components, with reliance on biological and biochemical reactions within the soil matrix and around the root zones of the plants. A review of on-farm wetlands in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland (Newman etal., Agricultural wetlands, however, require careful planning and maintenance in order to perform their optimum design function over a prolonged period of time. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Indirect fees” and “revenue-only” fees are found in some of the smaller canal companies that deliver water to their members on a per-hectare or per-time unit basis. In particular, water pricing can serve as a financial policy tool by ensuring that some portion of the costs of constructing and operating an irrigation project are recovered. Water pricing also can serve as an economic policy tool by encouraging efficient use of water and motivating farmers and others to employ water in appropriately valued uses. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Northwestern Pacific margin Japan Volcanic region Sedimentary and volcanic rocks Variable from dry to humid Variable. Mountain belt of West Asia Turkey High relief folded mountains region Crystalline, volcanic and sedimentary rocks Dry Variable. Western Australia Australia Basement region Crystalline rock, sandstone, karstified limestone and alluvial sediments Arid to tropical humid (North) Limited to moderate resources. Eastern Australia Australia Sedimentary basin region Sedimentary alluvial formations Arid to semi-arid more humid towards the coast Moderate to high, major sandstone aquifer (Great Artesian Basin), Shallow alluvial sedimentary aquifers. Islands of the Pacific New Zealand Volcanic region Crystalline and sedimentary rocks (New Zealand) Humid Variable resources, some volcanic aquifer, and sedimentary (alluvial, marine) regions have significant resources. Proposed typology of groundwater economies by Shah et al. ( - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Kruonis Pumped Storage Plant, with a power capacity of 900 MW, was originally established to provide back-up for the Ignalina nuclear power plant. In recent years, wind power capacity has been growing steadily and total capacity amounted to 509 MW by the end of 2016. In 2015, electricity prices were significantly higherinthe Baltic countries compared tothe Nordic countries: +20 EUR/MWh in Latvia and Lithuania. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The economic and social contributions of migrant workers are typically well recognized in source countries. Remittances are found to be countercyclical and play an important role in sustaining domestic demand in source countries. Remittances are also an important source of foreign exchange, vitally needed for essential imports and for development activities. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Largely due to deforestation, total agricultural land increased by 61% in 1990-2012. Most of this expansion took place in the 1990s, with the arable land area remaining relatively stable since then. This might indicate that almost all accessible arable land is currently in cultivation and further production growth will need to be achieved through higher yields, which are already high compared to Viet Nam’s Asian peers. There are continued pressures to convert agricultural land into higher-value non-farm uses (both urban and industrial). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The years following the creation of the Task Force saw a decrease in deaths caused by road accidents by 29.4% between 2000 and 2003. The Task Force was not only interministerial (with representatives from different ministries and agencies) but also intergovernmental (as it was composed of local officials from Seoul, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon, Gangwon Province and South Chungcheong Province). It is reasonable to assume that co-ordination at the highest level of the government was instrumental in integrating scattered measures and sending a powerful message throughout the society, leading to major improvements in road safety. The improvement of child safety has been one of the most important successes in the past two decades. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Obtaining reliable gender statistics that adequately reflect differences and inequalities in the situation of women and men in all areas of life requires a strategy of gender mainstreaming in all stages of data production. This means that gender is brought into the “mainstream” of all statistical activities, rather than dealt with as an “add-on” (United Nations, 2002). Mainstreaming a gender perspective in statistics means that gender issues and gender-based biases are systematically taken into account in the production of all official statistics and at all stages of data production (Hedman, Perucci and Sundstrom, 1996, United Nations-, 2001a, 2001b, 2002, 2006). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation and Ukraine. A more exhaustive analysis followed, including the life-cycle factors most associated with life satisfaction in the first stage. This second analysis sought to identify interactions between life-cycle factors and living conditions because, for example, the effects of age on life satisfaction might not be the same at different levels of monetary income. The U-shaped pattern described in the literature (showing higher levels of satisfaction at younger ages and in older adults) is seen in the Nordic countries and does not strictly hold for continental Europe or the Anglo-Saxon countries, because the youngest are less likely to be satisfied than older persons are. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Similarly, Chetana from Sunsari district is now active in preventing trafficking in her community. She has mobilized the media and national stakeholders, including higher authorities in the police, to rescue trafficked women from her village. New ideas, images, beliefs and values brought by the migrants to their community (Levitt 1998). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Greenland is also looking at other renewable energy sources, while the country’s own energy utility company is researching into hydrogen technology for energy storage. Energy savings are also on the national agenda. For example, in 2012 Greenland will be the first country to have 100% coverage with remote monitoring of energy meters which help end users keep control of their energy consumption and encourage them to reduce it. One such project currently under way is the establishment of an aluminium smelting plant. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 By 1995 there were 232 EBAIS in Costa Rica, mostly among underserved communities, with rates of access in rural areas rising from 64% in 1995 to 79% in 2000. Alongside EBAIS, some 15% of the population is attended by private providers that are contracted by the CCSS to deliver primary care. With at least one medical doctor, one nurse or nursing assistant and one health care assistant, EBAIS serve around 1 000 households each. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Medium: Common guidance could specify the type of information to be reported, but not how, definitions and terms may vary by country and would need to be explained. Low: Other than general categories, it would be difficult to specify the information a country should reporte, would vary in order to understand country-specific contexts. This would require a much closer alignment between reporting on finance received and reporting on finance provided, including coverage of funds (e.g. types of flows and instruments) and their status (committed vs. disbursed). The provider would report these as a bilateral flow, but if the receiving country reports this information, it may do so as coming from the multilateral institution (status unclear in BRs and BURs). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The service can be booked by telephone, fax, post and email. This service is not free of charge (EUR 20/hour for older people), but half of the cost can be deducted from annual income tax. Persons who are accompanying older people are also required to show them how to travel safely, to guide them in the city and to explain the basics of public transport and networks. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 With shorter journeys, they are more likely to walk. However, women have more complex journey patterns and are at a disadvantage when living in peripheral urban areas because of the poor frequency of public transport. People with disabilities suffer a wide range of issues when travelling, including obstructed and dangerous sidewalks. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Net replacement rates are evaluated for a prime-age worker (aged 40) with a “long” and uninterrupted employment record. See OECD (2007a) for full details. Finland and Germany saw the biggest reductions in net replacement rates. A decomposition of these changes (not reported) shows that in Germany, and to a lesser extent Finland, effective tax burdens on employment incomes were reduced at the same time, which further widened the gap between incomes in-work and out-of-work. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 However, the significance and magnitude of the effect of these characteristics depends on the particular domain under consideration. In this section, we pay particular attention to factors underlying domain vis-a-vis income poverty and the role of income poverty in predicting a child’s risk to domain deprivation. Tables 7 to 11 in the Annex present the regression results for the different estimation models and report marginal effects and standard errors. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The proximity of Bangladesh to Myanmar and the surge in domestic demand made the country a big market for “yaba”. “ Yaba” is mainly smuggled from Myanmar by fishing boat. It is bartered for other drugs of abuse, such as buprenorphine and tranquillizers, that are then smuggled in the opposite direction, from Bangladesh to Myanmar. Diazepam and buprenorphine ampoules were reported to be smuggled into Nepal from India. In 2014, 44,495 ampoules of diazepam and 37,000 ampoules of buprenorphine were seized in Nepal, slightly more than the 43,227 ampoules of diazepam and 30,887 ampoules of buprenorphine seized in 2013. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The determinants of female labour force participation (cont.) Accordingly, the expanded provision of child care services for the under 3s was found to have a weaker effect on female employment rates in Continental and Southern European countries, where it may have merely converted the informal into formal child care (Akunduz and Plantenga, 2015). By contrast, there was no effect among poorly educated women. Thevenon (2013, 2015) estimates that higher tax rates for second earners deter woman from working, although that effect is tempered in an institutional environment which is friendly to a work-life balance. The effect of financial incentives is greatest in English-speaking countries, where female employment rates appear to be reduced by increases in the duration of paid leave and/or the relative tax rates affecting second earners in couple families. This finding makes sense in countries where labour markets are flexible enough to allow workers to move in and out of the labour force, and where working hours can be adjusted to family needs and constraints like high child care costs. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Trade costs among developing countries (“South-South"""") were the slowest to decline at the beginning of the period, but their decline gained momentum after the mid-2000s, outpacing the rest. They also show that trade costs are higher for services, mostly due to high variable costs. The first three categories capture the cost of delivering goods from suppliers to customers. They include the costs of transport, cargo loading, storage, port services and the costs of complying with customs procedures."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This makes it difficult to conduct the sorts of long-term investments in human capacities that characterize altruistic growth regimes. We see this pressure manifested in Figure 2-1C, where Australia, Canada and the United States are classified as having weak caring spirits and the United Kingdom is below the trendline. We thus might expect, at least for women outside the upper classes who cannot afford to compensate for the absence of the state and/or men in social reproduction, that female labour force participation is associated with stresses on the production of human capacities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In OECD countries, overall energy intensity of passenger transport fell by 5 per cent between 1990 and 2005 (IEA, 2007). However, improvements in the efficiency of engine technologies were partially offset by the increased weight of larger cars. In Europe, in 1995 the European Commission set a target to reduce C02 emissions from new cars to 120 grams per kilometre (g/km). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The rise in resource use has been coupled with growth in waste and emissions contributing to a series of pressure points including climate change, reduced food security, water scarcity and air pollution. It has also lead to supply insecurity for a number of resources that are strategically important in modem production and consumption systems (Weisz and Schandl, 2008). More recently, the governance and functioning of the global economic systems has been challenged during the global financial crisis that started in 2008. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This scoring algorithm can be criticised for not giving enough weight to the real burden that each component represents for employers. Indeed, the arbitrariness of this procedure led a few researchers to try to measure dismissal costs directly, mostly based on quantifying the mandatory payments and notice periods as a percentage of labour costs (see, for example, Heckman and Pages, 2004). The drawback of this alternative method is that it is highly data-intensive, generates somewhat endogenous indicators and can hardly be extended to all components that represent a cost for employers. Moreover, evidence suggests that the cross-country rank correlation between OECD indicators and indicators obtained with this method is very high (see Venn, 2009). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The issue of teacher shortages and hiring of teachers without a finished diploma is also prevalent in Austria. Both countries have adopted a number of policies and practices to provide language training in classrooms. The country is balancing school choice policies and similar increases in immigration, with a 40% increase in foreign-born individuals since 2000. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Selecting indicators inevitably involves a trade-off between breadth and identification (Cadot et al. First, and related to the issue of attribution, indicators are selected that relate only indirectly (or via a very complex results chain) to the actual project or programme. The EIF’s M&E framework (EIF 2011) includes some indicators that could plausibly be attributed to EIF projects (LDC members that have completed the WTO accession process, percentage share of non-oil trade from LDCs), but also some that are likely to be beyond this (poverty headcount, GDP growth, Gini coefficient). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! If such easing is undertaken in an environment in which other structural barriers that hamper the returns to investment, such as energy shortages, are removed, the cheaper price of credit can spur the activities of the private sector. Reducing the cost of credit by expansionary monetary policy will not necessarily lead to increased inflation if it is ensured that credits are directed through regulatory measures to productive investments, especially to agriculture and not to speculative investments in assets. It becomes negative only beyond moderate rates of inflation, ranging from 13% to 17%. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! This approach is geared towards the production of knowledge and innovation, and contributes to raising awareness among Dutch citizens about water risks. Their activities often consist in infrastructure financing, capacity building and education programmes as well as policy guidance and they are a vital means of complementing limited public sector and operator capacity to undertake these activities. Hence, better educational materials for different grade levels related to water availability and sustainable development should be developed. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Perestroika's legacy and indigenous peoples in Magadan. In ANSIPRA's bulletin (Arctic Network for the Support of the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Arctic), No.11-12. In ANSIPRA's bulletin (Arctic Network for the Support of the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Arctic), No.11-12. The oil adventure and indigenous people in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The present value of net losses from deforestation to the Tanzania economy from this scenario therefore amounts TSh 273 billion (US$ 171 million) for the period 2013-2033. These are potential real (as opposed to hypothetical) losses to be experienced by production sectors that have economic linkages with the forestry sector, which according to table 11 include both public and private production units. Such losses will have potential implications for their net profits. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Minimum wage reductions could also generate broader wage moderation effects spreading up the income distribution.41 This would be consistent with the finding of positive and statistically significant effect of minimum wages on mean and median incomes. This indicates relatively weak transmission from policy reform to household incomes. One of the highest ranked growth-friendly tax reforms,43 shifting the tax burden away from income taxes to consumption and property taxes, may in principle have adverse effects on inequality through various channels. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Women are also over-represented in poverty statistics. Policies must be renewed and reinvigorated to ensure that girls and women are empowered to fulfil their aspirations - not only for their benefit, but for society and economies overall. Refers to the OECD average. The OECD average is the unweighted sum of 28 countries. The OECD average is the unweighted sum of 32 countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! While no hard and fast rules can be applied, municipalities are generally responsible for providing and managing service delivery (water and wastewater), while higher-tier local governments (e.g. regions, provinces) are responsible for competences associated with resources management. A holistic approach is called for in designing the institutional mapping, because some roles and responsibilities can complement with or neutralise each other at central and sub-national levels. There is a diversity of situations across OECD federal and unitary states in terms of the institutional organisation of water policy. On the one hand, some federal countries (United States, Canada, Belgium) have delegated many water responsibilities to lower levels of government, while in other federal states (Mexico, Australia) the central government still plays a strong role (e.g. strategic planning, regulation, etc.) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ABSTRACTThis article explores the potential implications for the pursuit of global justice if certain non-secular ways of thinking, being in and responding to the world are devalued, marginalized and excluded by dominant secular norms that presently guide global justice theory and practice. I argue that pervasive assumptions about the nature of religion and the role that it should (or should not) play in public life undermine existing approaches to the pursuit of global justice in theory and practice. Specifically, I suggest that this dominance of secular assumptions constitutes a form of epistemological injustice that contributes to undermining efforts to address material injustices. I explore these issues through an examination of research and practice on global justice, utilizing specific examples from human rights, humanitarian aid and development, and forced migration. I conclude by considering some possible alternatives to dominant secular frames, though argue that these is still in need of further ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Nonetheless, the rural population has declined faster than the number of people living in poverty in rural areas (see figure II.12).This implies a greater """"ruralization"""" of poverty, as measured by an index similar to that used to analyse gender differences. This index rose from 1.59 to 1.89 between 2002 and 2016, indicating that poverty as a whole has become relatively more prevalent in rural areas. In contrast, extreme poverty has become less """"ruralized',' as the index fell from 3.42 in 2002 to 3.14 in 2016, although its level of ruralization is still much higher than that of general poverty)."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Take-up of training offered by the PES also appears to be lower among older individuals: only 14% of those entering work-related training offered by the PES were aged 55 and over, whereas this age group made up around 17% of the registered unemployed (source: Unemployment Insurance Fund statistics). Source: Authors' calculations using EU-LFS. These include formal basic education for those who did not finish general secondary education (around a quarter of Group A do not have an upper secondary qualification), formal vocational education including apprenticeship learning, and less formal vocational courses. The last of these have been shown to have positive impacts on employment rates among the unemployed (Lauringson et al., - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In Bolivia, households receiving a social pension in poor rural areas experienced an average increase in food consumption of almost 165% of the value of the transfer. Without access to markets, or if prices are raised, the purchasing power of cash transfers is significantly lower. The challenge is to maintain their real value when markets are volatile. There is very little evidence on the effect of long-term cash transfers in economic downturns or crises, but in emergencies, short-term transfers can help to increase access (and utilisation) of food (Bailey & Hedlund, 2012). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Top-down elements include principles, accounting guidance and common time frames for NDCs (should these be agreed), which can provide robustness and comparability. Bottom-up elements include nationally-determined mitigation goals, the provision and mobilisation of climate finance, and the determination of support needs, which can provide flexibility and ambition. Capacity building will be important if the enhanced transparency framework is to be successfully implemented in developing countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Economic policy making is discussed from three different angles: the political economy of actual policy making (“what policy does do”), the analysis of policy instruments for given ends (“what policy could do”), and the debate on policy goals and their legitimization (“what policy ought to do”). Center stage in the evolutionary perspective is new, positive and normative knowledge which is unfolding during the policy making process and in its aftermath. It is argued that this implies regularities and constraints which extend and modify the comparative-static interpretations of public choice theory, economic policy making theory, and social philosophy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A carbon footprint (CF), which is defined as the total direct and indirect GHG emissions caused by a person, event, organization or product, is an important tool to monitor the environmental impacts of our activities. The development of an international standard for the concept of a “carbon footprint” may facilitate input-output analysis of material flows and resources accounting at the corporation and/or national level. In 2008 the OECD hosted its second workshop on sustainable materials management and analysed the major initiatives on this topic within the public and private sector and in international organizations (OECD, 2008). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Not all efforts need to take place in the classroom, however. In Costa Rica, for example, the Innovating at Home programme aims to teach parents how to develop their children’s creativity from an early age. These examples show there is increasing emphasis and interest in developing wider skills in a variety of country contexts. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Solid partners Solid futures strategy2 in Queensland was the overarching departmental strategy on Indigenous education. The key principles were effective engagement and connections, working together better and smarter, cultural capability and recognition, supporting successful transitions, and building workforce and leadership capacity. One such resource is the Promising Practices for First Nations, Metis and Inuit Learner Success initiative in Alberta, which showcases schools with innovative practices that support Indigenous community engagement. It highlights examples of best practices, innovative collaboration models and community engagement strategies that benefit the entire student body. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Pacific SIDS see the imperative for a concrete pathway for States, with specific timelines, targets and milestones to facilitate the sustainable management of oceanic resources and increase the share of benefits from their utilization. This should include enhanced direct economic participation and capacity-building. The cooperation and assistance of the international community is also necessary to enable SIDS to realize their development aspirations. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This paper explores the potential to converge the theory of political ecology with the environmental justice discipline as means to promote more effective civil society actions against macro-economic risks, whilst analysing the case of South Africa. Such a convergence could result in mutual benefit for both arenas that already share a commitment towards justice. Whilst political ecology has focused on theoretical perspectives, which are mostly applied in rural areas, and examined justice in a larger macro-economic framework, environmental justice has been confined to an empirical focus at a local urban level, which is unable to link local struggles to larger political economic frameworks. Additionally, both arenas generally view civil society as coherent entities that act against the state and industry. Both disciplines should re-evaluate geographic scales and reconfigure romanticised understandings of civil society actions in order to attain justice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Law 13/2005,30 June 2005,Boletin del Estado, 2 July 2005. For more examples, see note 45. Swedish Cohabitees Act (2003). The same World Bank study shows,for example, that in at least 30 countries women cannot be heads of household, and in 18 countries they can not even get a job without the husband's permission. In some regions where multiple legal systems coexist, such as sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, discriminatory customary and religious provisions continue to prevent the equal enjoyment of rights in the family context. Often, they are a precondition for ensuring the effective enjoyment of the rights related to the family as well as the well-being of its members. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thus, it has the potential to facilitate smallholder farmers' adaptation to climate change and their becoming more resilient to the increase in climate extremes, while potentially reducing GHG emissions. An example of the use of the EbA approach is in Uganda, where various projects implemented agroforestry, conservation agriculture, integrated nutrient management and the establishment of woodlots. The result of these projects were an increase in productivity by conserving soil and water, as well as the use of leguminous cover crops. Further, planting costs were reduced by 75% because of conservation techniques. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Corporate Governance can only thrive in an environment where the rule of law prevails over personal power and relationships. Although one may argue that relationship-based governance plays an important role in an environment where law enforcement is weak, over time with the increase of participants in the industry and with the globalization of the Indonesian economy, one will need to embrace rule-based governance “best” practices embedded within well-functioning institutions. These widely accepted generic principles of transparency, responsibility, fairness and accountability are forming the norms in international business, while relationships will continue to play an indisputable role in ASEAN to allow firms access to scarce resources and ‘political’ connections. There is no one codified solution for all, but even Indonesia will need to implement those universal governance principles to attract investment and to remain competitive in a global context. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There are several programmes and initiatives which aim to strengthen patient safety work across the NHS: a network of 15 Patient Safety Coilaboratives, a Sign up to Safety Campaign, a Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch. Several specific programmes of safety work are also underway in the English NHS, including initiatives on pressure ulcers, antimicrobial resistance, mental health, etc. This is accompanied by an Indicators of Performance Direction, which sets out a range of performance indicators intended to improve Health and Social Care Trust performance. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Initiatives to capture and re-use nutrients as a source of fertilizers or bio-energy provide economic opportunities. For example, reducing flood risk or the risk of shortage can increase the risk of undermining the resilience of freshw'ater systems. In a heavily modified environment that is also spatially constrained, such as the Netherlands, risk-risk trade-offs are a part of the daily activities of w'ater management. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There is a persistent difference between development trajectories spanning the extremes of highly energy intensive (e.g. the United States) to highly energy efficient (e.g. Japan). The concept of “path dependency,” discussed further below, helps to explain these differences in energy use patterns among countries and regions even at comparable levels of income. The first is characterized by the emergence of steam power relying on coal that helped to overcome the constraints of preindustrial energy systems including the limited availability of mechanical power, low-energy densities, and the lack of ubiquitous and cheap transport systems (see also Landes, 1969). The second energy technology transition is characterized by the displacement of the previously dominating coal-based steam technology cluster by electricity (drives, light) and petroleum-based technologies (automobiles, aircraft, petrochemicals). This second transition is far from completed: some two billion still lack access to modern energy services provided by electric appliances and end-use devices (Johansson et al., - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 An EIA must include documentation on the facility's impact on the environment, natural resources or the local community. In addition, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate will be involved if extraction of fresh water is planned. If any of the above sector authorities decline the application, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision to the relevant sector authority via the country council authority. This is important for minimising the occurrence of infectious diseases, pollution and discharges and for maximising growth, health and welfare of farmed fish. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The minimum wage is the basic pay received by the worker, irrespective of rural or urban, women or man, among other criteria. If the Regional Labour Delegate considers that there is an imminent labour risk, he/she can adopt decommissioning measures or impose re-equipment requirements. Establishes that the precepts of the social insurance regime shall be regulated by a special law. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is the second article in a two-part series that establishes a framework for evaluating law as it affects the rights to liberty and security for people with intellectual and cognitive impairments. This article uses the rights-based approach developed in the first article to establish a methodology to evaluate the range of ways in which law can be made or interpreted in this area. The methodology considers the adjudication of common law rights by courts, judicial interpretation of statute and the making of laws. Key areas of law considered are those that permit the detention and use of restrictive practices for 'challenging behaviours' or 'behaviours of concern'. The article concludes by arguing that a rights-based approach and a method to assess how law applies it is essential to ensure that a 'thick' rule of law can protect and promote the rights and interests of people with intellectual and cognitive impairments. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In Ireland for instance, all residents are covered but entitlements to services and levels of cost sharing vary across population categories. Each resident belongs to one of two categories, depending on income level. People in Category 1 (or Medical Card Holders) are entitled to a full range of services without charge, for example general practitioner services, prescribed medicines, in-patient and ambulatory hospital care, dental and ophthalmic services, while people in Category 2 have a “limited eligibility” and must co-pay for many health services. In Italy and Spain, regions and Autonomous Communities have some latitude to adjust benefits covered or co-payments at the margins. In the United Kingdom, co-payments vary across the constituent countries: there are no co-payments on prescription drugs in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, while there are in England. In other countries, entitlement to health coverage is contributory, coverage is linked to the payment of social contributions or health insurance premiums. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 How should this paid leave period be divided between the mother and the father?” Parents’ behaviour around the birth of a new child is important for determining later roles and responsibilities within a family (Baxter, 2008, Schober, 2013, Bames, 2015). Up to parenthood many couples share paid and unpaid work relatively equally. But upon birth of the first child couples often revert to traditional roles and even as children grow older mothers do not always return (fully) to the labour market. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The aim is to shift Indigenous perspectives from electives and the periphery to core business. This is partly about the recognition of culture, values and ethnicity, as an important dimension of w'ell-being is the experienced sense of inclusion and exclusion. The social dimension is partly about connection to family and community, and this in turn has both social and geographical dimensions, the latter especially relating to living distant from centres of population (including educational resources). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Promoting outreach activities to re-engage inactive youth. The second stage is primarily concerned with bringing low-skilled youth into vocational education. The tliird one focuses on better identifying and monitoring inactive youth, and organising outreach activities that help raising their motivation to return to studies or to the labour market. In order to access support through the Youth Guarantee, participants need to register with the SEA or apply to a VET school for participation in a second chance program. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Although a number of countries, mostly in Europe, that have adopted such measures have experienced modest increases in fertility between 2000-2005 and 2005-2010 (United Nations, 2013a), the implementation and effectiveness of such measures have been difficult to ascertain. While the percentage of Governments with policies to raise fertility has increased steadily from just 9 per cent in 1976 to 27 per cent in 2013, the percentage of Governments with policies to lower fertility increased from 27 per cent in 1976 to 42 per cent in 1996, and then remained at 43 per cent in 2013. During this time, the percentage of Governments that did not have policies to influence fertility has declined steadily from 52 per cent in 1976 to 13 per cent in 2013 (table III.l). In 1976, only about one in every five Governments in more developed regions had policies to raise fertility, but by 2013 this proportion had risen steadily to more than two thirds. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These include those working on development and climate issues, as well as the private sector. Each of these communities has their own views on important issues for climate finance, some of which have been laid out as principles relating to climate finance effectiveness. These views and principles are often at the institutional, national or international level. Indeed, the extent of common ground has been growing over time, as the climate community has integrated principles agreed in the development community (e.g. via the Paris Declaration and Busan Partnership) and vice versa (e.g. on the importance of transparency). For example, all three communities agree that scaled-up climate finance is needed, that both public and private sources can play a key role, and that the (self-) sustainability of a project and transparency is important. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 And third, child protection appears to contain information that is somewhat different from the 6 other dimensions among younger children. Overall then, deprivations do not all cluster together, some correlate more strongly with each other than others, and some individual deprivations correlate more strongly with household level measures (e.g. health among younger children in urban areas, information for younger children in rural areas). This means that further probing of the data is necessary to understand the determinants of individual deprivations in order to pin point whom to target and which interventions will have the highest chance of reducing deprivation rates. The slope in these graphs is steepest among younger children in urban areas suggesting that income is an important determinant of deprivations in urban areas, probably because services are actually available in urban areas if one has the ability to purchase them. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The red dotted lines signify three sea-level scenarios used in the analysis. The green line signifies a possible adaptation pathway as the forecasts on sea-level rising change. Note that the recently revised forecast of sea-level rise (three feet) (Gillis, 2016) is within the likely range of 0.9 metres which is used in this analysis. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Since a large part of GDP in the Arctic comprises returns to fixed capital and resource rents that can be taken out of the region as income to owners situated elsewhere, it is hard to know what part of GDP is available for consumption and investments and, in turn, what the impact is on material well-being. An unequal distribution implies unequal opportunities for personal development and well-being, and using GDP per capita as a measure of welfare means ignoring information on distribution of income and hence inequality. This is clearly an important drawback in the construction of indicators designed to help track human development and well-being in the Arctic. While GDP per capita may be high, it does not reflect well the actual size of income remaining in the Arctic, nor does it show how that income is distributed. Income is often highly unequally distributed, with personal income being considerably lower in smaller, more remote and marginalized communities compared with urban centres or larger local communities with more availability of employment and economic opportunities. National inflation indices are based on an average consumption basket that is regarded as representative for the entire population. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 At federal level, DEHOGA funds the German Seminar for Tourism, which specialises in providing further education courses for SMEs which last for up to 6 days and are targeted at staff already working in the tourism sector. The German Travel Association also has a training initiative which aims to motivate companies to offer more vocational training places to young people and to invest more in continued training and enhancement of employee loyalty. It also targets young people to draw attention to training opportunities in the sector. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, has enrolled over 1500 companies and two dozen Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and labour groups from over 70 countries since its inception in 2000. There is, however, a vocal chorus of critics of the Global Compact (primarily from the NGO community) that focus their criticisms on: the questionable level of participating company compliance with the ten principles that define the Global Compact (which address human rights, labour, environmental, and corruption issues), the lack of transparency of actual company results to outside auditors. In this paper, I offer a coherent set of recommendations that strengthen a self-regulation regime whose purpose is enhancing the efficacy of the Global Compact and transnational corporate citizenship. These recommendations focus on implementing a systematic approach to corporate accountability and transparency that is built on a foundation of the Global Compact's ten principles. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Spending on humanitarian relief alone exceeded 2% of GDP in 2015/16, underlining the impact of including emergency assistance within calculations for total social protection expenditure. It is notable that the GoE and regional administrations are bearing a significant portion of the cost of this expenditure. However, it achieved the strongest growth in real spending across the five focus areas over this period, averaging 33% per year. Technical support to on- and off-farm livelihoods activities. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! For a formal decomposition, see OECD (2008b). For instance, Immervoll (2005) calculates that at moderate rates of nominal earnings growth, the additional revenue generated by fiscal drag over a four-year period can sum to about one third of total annual receipts if the income-tax schedule is fairly progressive. Very highly “progressive” changes that change the ranking of families can also increase inequality. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Land use forms a critical pillar of the plan which aims to introduce and seek approval for spatial plans in each of Metro Cebu’s 13 LGUs. At this stage, it is uncertain how many of Metro Cebu’s 13 LGUs have approved their respective spatial plan (Table 2.1). It is equally unclear the extent to which these local administrations will influence the development of their relevant comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs) based on the JICA roadmap land-use plan. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""The Cuban revolutionary state is known for its successes in giving women greater financial independence and more control over their reproductive capabilities. In recent years, the Cuban state has received international attention for its support of Cuba's LGBT population, a population it once targeted for social exclusion. Despite increased rights for Afro-Cubans, women, and Cuba's LGBT community, lesbians, especially black lesbians, continue to be one of Cuba's most socially marginalized populations. I argue that there are several intersecting factors that produce this contradiction. These factors are culturally based discourses concerning race, gender, sexuality, the limitations of post-revolutionary citizenship discourse to address these forms of social inequality, and finally the economic downturn called the """"Special Period."""" This essay addresses how several women make sense of and navigate these social issues in their everyday lives."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Another key element is the ability to integrate existing ethanol plants with other operations, specifically utilising thermochemical conversion of all biomass sources or utilising integrated digester to produce biogas and biogas-derived products. Biorefinery strategies are best optimised when field feedstock research on yield, crop quality and biomass cost is coordinated with biorefinery strategies (Orts and McMahan, 2016). It contains significant quantities of food waste. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Cannabis continues to be the most trafficked and abused drug in the region, mainly due to domestic cultivation. In its reporting period from July 2013 to June 2014, Australia recorded 93,000 drug seizures weighing more than 27 tons in total, the highest numbers on national record. Police and customs seizures of amphetamine-type stimulants in the country were also the highest on record. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Climate change-induced weather variations, coupled with deforestation, require greater distance to be travelled to collect food and water from safe sources, thus diverting time that would otherwise be used for income-generating activities, community activities or simply for leisure. Women and girls who travel farther from home to find food and water are also at risk of sexual harassment. In households that reduce non-food expenditures in response to rising food costs, young and adolescent girls are likely to be pulled out of school, while available funds are likely to be redirected to educate boys. Policies in the region must address the three dimensions of food security—availability, accessibility and utilization, while also acknowledging the gendered aspects of these dimensions, which impact the health and nutritional status of children and women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Professor Eleanor Kinney long served as a foundational scholar at the intersection of law and public health, pushing scholarship forward across the fields explored in this special issue. Yet, while this special issue is largely confined to the domestic legal space, Professor Kinney also served as an early and influential scholar on the international human right to health, and this contribution has proven central to the field of health and human rights over the past two decades. Having worked alongside Professor Kinney throughout these years, drawing on her research in framing our own scholarship, it is an honor to reflect on her seminal works that have defined the field and influenced rights-based health policy – developing the right to health under international law and implementing that right in U.S. health policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Often the succession will go back to primary species like birch and rowan. Focusing more on the natural environment like management approaches now being introduced in forestry emphasise the need fora research effort related to natural recovery processes and how to prepare the forests for coming storms by actions aiming at improving the post-wind-throw resilience. After deposition, the tephra can be a long-term source of sandstorms, which can cause extensive soil erosion. Furthermore, the re-distribution of volcanic materials years and decades afterthe volcanic event can cause hazardous dust pollution which affects human health. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In many countries, the coverage of reporting requirements or injury compensation, and thus the coverage of the statistics, is limited to certain types of workers such as employees only or insured workers only. If the numerator and denominator derive from different sources, this should be clearly specified. Furthermore metadata should specify (i) whether the data relate to cases of occupational injury which have been reported (to an accident notification system or to an accident compensation scheme), compensated (by an accident insurance scheme) or identified in some other way (for example through a survey of households or establishments) and (ii) whether cases of occupational injury due to commuting accidents are included in the statistics. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 La protection economique des femmes en age avance, depend aujourd'hui de plusieurs facteurs lies,y compris des regies des systemes de retraite, des conditions du marche du travail et des dispositions fa-miliales prises a divers moments. Cet article se penche sur les regies des systemes de retraite et leur interaction avec d’autres conditions sociales et du marche du travail au cours de la vie d’une femme, pour reproduire ou attenuer les inegalites entre les sexes au moment de la vieillesse. Une rubrique separee est consacree aux systemes de retraite sans cotisation, a leur evolution dans le monde et au potentiel qu'ils ont de resoudre les lacunes existantes en matiere d’acces a la protection au moment de la vieillesse, independamment du sexe et du niveau de revenu. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2012, 83% of all deaths in Costa Rica were due to NCD, cardiovascular diseases being the principal cause of death accounting for 30%, followed by cancers with 23% of all deaths (Figure 1.6) (WHO, 2014). In a 2010 survey, 38% adults had hypertension, 42% high cholesterol levels and 51% had low or no engagement in physical activity. Prevalence of obesity was 24.4% of the population in 2014, which is higher than the OECD average of 19% (OECD, 2016b). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This measure has effectively encouraged people to consume electricity in off-peak hours. Similar pricing incentives (also agreed and implemented at the provincial level) are applied to industry to promote peak shaving and load shifting, along with measures to shut down energy-intensive factories to help rationalise electricity use in extreme weather conditions. As the measure divides the day into two or three time intervals for which prices are fixed, it does not allow real-time response to demand-supply fluctuations across smaller time intervals, as might result from variable renewables. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It can be expected that once increasing supply risks are appropriately communicated and major supply vulnerabilities are manifest, actors in importing countries will enact public and private measures to respond. An early attempt to use Stirling’s SWI to assess security of supply by an international organisation was made by the IEA in Towards a Sustainable Energy Future (IEA, 2001). The SWI remains a useful tool, but as has been pointed out above it must be complemented by qualitative information about different supply options. Well-diversified, liquid markets may provide a hedge against the exercise of market power. Competition authorities tend to focus on the related but opposite characterisation of markets: the extent of market concentration. The most common indicator used to measure market concentration is the HHI developed above. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Grants are available to sites across the DECD public schooling system and for all levels of schooling and care. In a partnership arrangement with a university over a 12-month time frame, these emerging innovative sites are being supported through initial research training and support in developing their research proposal, access to an academic critical friend, or to purchase additional academic time for particular aspects of the research process. Presentations at various events and progress reports are required and there is the option of final report formats including longer reports, posters and PowerPoint presentations, although certain basic research report features must be covered (background to research, research methods, findings, conclusion and references). These schools and preschools have also joined the existing innovation community of practice as active members. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Seven sites, or 807 MW of capacity, will allow electricity storage to help stabilise the electricity system (pumped storage). Public tenders to allocate the privately funded construction and operation of the ten selected hydroelectric sites were launched. As of the end of 2009, eight sites were attributed, one had already passed the environmental impact assessment stage, and the others were awaiting environmental assessment results (IEA, 2009a). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, his analysis did not explicitly consider either gender or the provision of care (Razavi 2007, Orloff 1996). This group includes New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and, to a lesser extent, Australia and Canada. The most extreme variant is the US model, where markets supplement a very basic public safety net that is highly targeted (Esping-Anderson 1996). The result from a gender inequality perspective is a sort of two-tiered system of social welfare, with men’s insurance centred on labour market issues and women’s being family-related and primarily means-tested social assistance (Orloff 1996). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The benefits of electrification are direct and indirect. Direct benefits include improvements in living conditions, such as illumination (and hence also the opportunity to study longer hours in the evening or to work longer hours in family businesses) and improved cooking methods (and hence the reduction of health hazards associated with biomass burning). Moreover, access to electricity can also reduce energy costs, especially for lighting and small uses, resulting in savings for poor households. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At the same time, fossil fuel-based energy systems incur relatively higher operating costs, driven by volatile fuel prices, as discussed above, which are however spread over the whole lifetime of the asset. Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development, 25 June 2018, Paris, .htm. Innovation in the battery industry has created viable solutions to the challenges related to the variability of renewable energy output, which depends on weather conditions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Most of them are primarily financed by student fees. Students are attracted to these institutions since they offer courses which are of immediate relevance to the job market. In this sense, private higher education institutions respond more easily than their public counterparts to the demands emerging from local business and the industrial community. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Whereas the production of ethanol reached over 97 billion litres in 2012, that of biodiesel was roughly 26 billion litres. Ethanol production is led by the United States (45 bn litres) and Brazil (24 bn litres), with China, the European Union, Canada and India also producing significant quantities.6 Biodiesel production is strongly concentrated in the European Union (11 bn litres in 2012), while the United States, Argentina and Brazil also produced more than 2 bn litres each. Biodiesel is today produced mainly from virgin vegetable oils, but can be made from any lipid source, such as used cooking oil and tallow.7 Feedstock quantities used for the production of biofuels are significant: 11% of global coarse grains produced, 13% of vegetable oils and 16% of sugar cane were used in the production of biofuels in 2012 (OECD-FAO, 2013). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Among the countries shown, the United States, Poland, the United Kingdom recorded the highest market-income Ginis in the mid-2000 (Gm). Market incomes in “working-age” households have become more unequally distributed everywhere and this trend was mostly stronger in the first half of the mid-80s to mid-2000s period. In addition, countries with data going back further, including the United Kingdom and United States, have seen significant increases in market-income Ginis before the mid-80s. Overall amounts of taxes paid and benefits received in the mid-2000s. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This process of academisation would be accomplished by better connecting these UC programmes with research activities based largely at universities, to support the development of research competencies among students. Additional goals of the associations included improving the efficiency of programme offerings and reducing overlap, sharing infrastructure, and increasing student mobility to strengthen equity in access. The policy was not seeking to promote mergers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, it is in the Commonwealth’s developing economies such as Kenya, Malaysia and the Pacific islands of Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu - where the historically poor fixed line infrastructure has resulted in the proliferation of mobile telephones - that cutting-edge innovation in the form of mobile phone banking is taking hold. Numerous institutions are already supporting training for SMEs, however, there is a case for targeted training for women-owned SMEs given the structural differences in firm make up, industry sectors as well as attitudes to finance. This further limits their ability to form the relationships required to successfully navigate the world of business finance. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Immutable IDs of assets and projects have to be seamlessly integrated with related IT systems and monitoring services. By adopting a decentralised registry based on blockchain, a new renewable power plant (as an example) with its key specifications can be registered globally. Rather than locating this process with various national and sub-national entities, an effective cross-border system could be provided by participating governments. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The maternal-newborn bottleneck analysis tool developed by the Every Newborn steering group was then used in a series of national workshops between July and September 2013 in eight of the selected countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Uganda. More than 500 individuals participated in these workshops, which were run by each country’s health ministry with support from different facilitating partners. In addition, regional workshops were held in Senegal and Nepal. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Abstract The National Council for the Social Studies Position Statement on Media Literacy argues that media literacy can facilitate participatory democracy if students' interest in media is harnessed. The statement conceives of media technology as neutral and under-conceptualizes socializing aspects of media technologies that foster atomized individualism. Narrowly grounded in New Media Literacies, Critical Media Studies, and Medium Theory scholarship, it offers a limited understanding of media as merely conduits for message transmission and concludes that media technology will create a more democratic society if students are encouraged to participate in it. The authors' pragmatist reconceptualization examines media not only as transmission but also as a space where common meanings are constructed. The authors offer a critical review that advances an alternative direction for media literacy in which learning for participatory democracy includes analyzing not only medium, messages, and content but also med... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 According to this tool, personal care, metal work, and health associates were the entry-level occupations with the most advertised vacancies relative to qualified job seekers in 2014. By contrast, occupations in animal care, agriculture and creative occupations had many more qualified job seekers than advertised vacancies. Quality check comparisons with the Labour Force Survey reveal that Burning Glass data slightly overestimate the proportion of professional and associate professions occupations in demand, while slightly underestimating the proportion of elementary occupations. Skills Route won the Education Open Data Challenge by bringing together education and career-related open data sets to provide students with a unique picture of the career prospects associated with a particular course of study. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The youth unit provides several programmes and services that are available in the Galilee region, including science days and lectures, enrichment courses, visits to the Technion and summer workshops. The unit on fostering excellence conducts a summer campus, promotes mathematics education in the schools and conducts a Pre-Atidim programme. There are special programmes for example to orthodox Jews and outstanding Arab youth from northern Israel (NAM). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 According to World Bank data, these five countries' share of forested area among countries in transition is 3% (World Bank, 2018), so this proportion of the above mentioned potential is used. Looking at the share in total national emissions of 2030, the potential of reforestation and land restoration is very modest: 0.1% for Estonia and Lithuania, 0.3% for Latvia and close to 0 in case of Poland and Ukraine (Table 20). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! During windy periods, there is abundancy of electric power in the Nordics, and the electricity prices are very low or in some hours even negative. The subsidized investments into renewable electricity generation partly drive the electricity market prices down, and the profitability of condensing power generation has decreased, which has led to closing down of power plants. As a result, there is increasing need for energy storage, but also need to cut the peaks in power demand. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Extractive companies may be directly or indirectly involved in human rights abuses, either related to negative economic, social and environmental impacts on communities mentioned above, or with regards to their own staff and security providers. The United Nations Special Representative on human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, John Ruggie,34 has outlined the ways in which businesses can abuse human rights. For example, this can be done through child labor, forced labor, discrimination, restrictions on unions, forced displacement, and as a result of the actions of both public and private security forces. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The Department of Education established a strategic medium-term Action Plan (2009-12) for the Institutionalisation of Gender Equality in the Education System. The plan falls under the framework of the National Strategy for Gender Equality through the Integration of Gender Objectives in Public Policies and Development Programmes, which was adopted by the government in May 2006, as well as the NAJAH Emergency Plan (2007), which aimed to give new impetus to educational reform. It also aims to ensure that the state secretariat in charge of education has the adequate institutional capacity to mainstream gender in the educational system in terms of the design, budgeting, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of educational services. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The general characteristics of the three sub-sectors are presented. This is complemented by the evidence on how supply chains function as experienced by farmers, intermediaries and processors based on the case studies undertaken specifically for this Review (ACEPAS, 2012). Additional information is derived from recent FAO studies on food chains in Kazakhstan (FAO, 2010a and 2010b). General observations and policy issues conclude the discussion of each sub-sector. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The prevalence of conflict among adolescents is very common. At times adolescents use violence to handle conflicts. As such, this problem needs to be addressed. This quasi-experimental study investigated the effectiveness of Peer Conflict Resolution Focused Counseling (PCRC) in promoting peaceful behavior (nonviolence and hostility, conflict resolution strategies, and peaceful friendship) among adolescents. Participants were 80 senior high school students in Mataram, Indonesia. Instruments used were Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) for nonviolence and hostility, Conflict Dynamic Profile (CDP) for conflict resolution strategy, and Human Relation Skill Questionnaire Scale for measuring peaceful friendship. Results showed that the experimental group had significantly higher scores than the control group on peaceful behavior. This implies that counseling, particularly PCRC was effective in promoting peaceful behavior among adolescents. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 San Francisco (Box 2.7) is a good example of a city that has managed to divert waste to landfills by 80% in efforts to reach zero waste by the year 2020 (SF environment, 2016). Sweden is similarly a good example as only 1% of w'aste goes to landfill sites. Several jurisdictions in OECD countries such as New York City, Kamikatsu, Japan, Toronto, Canada, Seattle, Washington and New South Wales have all adopted a long-term zero waste goal. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As long as adequate framework conditions are provided, in particular low financing costs and stable electricity prices, nuclear energy is well-placed to contribute to the security of energy supply and the smooth working of electricity systems with adequate capacity margins in OECD countries. From this discussion can be drawn a number of broad policy conclusions. As far as the temporal dimension is concerned, one can distinguish periods reaching from a few seconds (for technical failures), a few days (for policy responses to supply interruption), to several years (the time to implement new policies) up to 100 years (the lifetime of certain energy structures). The list of security of supply risks presented above quite naturally reflects this distinction between a short-run and a long-run aspect of the security of energy supply. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, the main distinction of the SIGI is that it focuses on rights, as well as on social institutions that often are not codified in laws, but are based on norms and values, as well as attitudes and practices, that shape women's opportunities and decisions (Branisa et al., In addition, the SIGI is a more comprehensive measure considering other dimensions of gender inequality in social institutions. It is a composite index which scores non-OECD countries on the basis of 14 variables (Table l).4 The scale of the SIGI goes from 0, meaning low discrimination to 1, high level of discriminatory social institutions. However, it may still be a good measure of gender norms governing male behaviour and opportunities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, this approach, whereby water planners assume they have all the energy they need and energy planners assume they have all the water they need, is not likely to work effectively in the future. Countries that deploy incoherent water and energy policies might find themselves with severe scarcity of one resource or the other, or both. Support provided to lower the costs of water supplied to agriculture, for example, by not reflecting the scarcity value of water, can undermine efforts to achieve sustainable management of water, especially in situations experiencing water stress. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article explores the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court of Justice and the US Supreme Court on the fundamental rights of commercial companies. The rights considered include property, the privilege against self-incrimination, freedom of speech, double jeopardy, the right to make political donations, and the freedom of religion. The article highlights the dangers of taking the fundamental rights of companies too far, as has recently occurred in the US, and it advocates a cautious and coordinated approach to this delicate issue, which has become increasingly important on both sides of the Atlantic. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Serbia has developed and implemented a system of permitting of waste management activities and is improving its control over the transboundary movement of waste. In 2013, data were delivered by 106 of 168 companies. Data reported from some companies are still based on estimates, although the Regulation on the methodology for collecting data on the composition and quantities of municipal waste on the territory of the local government unit (OG 61/10) prescribes the methodology for analysing the amount and composition of solid waste in local government areas. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The aim of this paper is to show that in recent times (and certainly since the enactment of the U.K. Human Rights Act 1998) there has been a subtle but nonetheless significant change in British constitutional law. Using case law dealing with questions of national security post-9/11, this paper argues that there has been a “constitutional shift” from a completely hands-off judicial approach (as embodied in the doctrine of nonjusticiability) to a more hands-on approach (as embodied in the idea of a variable intensity of review combined with a degree of deference). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Lessons from common challenges can help governments accelerate progress. Most countries have implemented some measures to begin pricing pollution and provide incentives for efficient resource use, such as pricing instruments, regulatory measures and subsidies.1 Around one-third of OECD countries and a number of OECD partner economies have adapted, or are adapting, the Green Growth Strategy’s indicator framework to help evaluate and monitor progress towards national green growth objectives (OECD, 2014a). To drive green growth, governments must embed environmental challenges at the heart of economic policy making, by linking environmental and economic reform priorities in a consistent set of objectives. Finance and economic ministries have a major role to play. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! For renewable sources, such as wind, solar and biomass, once capacity is installed, land use no longer increases. The more hours of the year one of these sources runs to generate electricity, the smaller is the land requirement per MWh (Fthenakis and Kim, 2009). While all renewable sources share the quality of having a constant land occupation over the time of generation, the variation in land requirements is greater both quantitatively and qualitatively than among nonrenewable sources. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It also examines how biodiversity and forestry objectives have been mainstreamed into other key policy areas, such as agriculture and tourism, and provides recommendations for a more co-ordinated, coherent and strategic policy framework. It is home to 10-12% of the world’s biodiversity, and is one of 17 “mega-diverse” countries. Mexico has been ranked in the top five on a number of biodiversity indicators, including reptiles, mammals, amphibians and flora. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 ABSTRACTIn Part 1 (this issue), I deconstructed IPE, past and present, to reveal the Eurocentric foundations of the discipline. This second part completes my critical historiography by revealing how Open Economy Politics, which dominates the latest phase of American IPE, is Eurocentric. However, some readers will, quite rightly, want to know why Eurocentrism poses a problem for IPE and what an alternative non-Eurocentric approach might look like. Accordingly, this article lays out some of the basic properties of what I call ‘inter-civilizational political economy’. To this end, deconstructing OEP is undertaken in tandem with reconstructing a non-Eurocentric inter-civilizational account of trade regime change in the last few centuries. From there, I proceed to specify some key empirical areas that an inter-civilizational research agenda would examine, focussing on three types of politico-economic systems change: the rise of capitalism, the rise and development of globalization, and changes in the distribut... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The anthropology of human reproduction is a dynamic field of research, generating new methods, types of data, and hypotheses on biological, political economic, and sociocultural factors that mediate human reproduction. Current research incorporates perspectives from archeological, biological, sociocultural, and linguistic anthropology to explore: (1) the dynamic effects of interactions among culture, class, race, and ethnicity on reproduction and reproductive health, (2) cross-cultural patterns of women's and men's experiences with assisted reproductive technologies, and (3) struggles for reproductive rights and reproductive justice within the contexts of global health programs and human rights legislation. Cross-cultural studies of sexuality and reproduction are casting new light on the evolution of sexual norms and behavior, social organization, and family structures. Long underexplored, researchers are focusing increasing attention on male physiology, sexuality, and cultural concepts of paternity as they affect human reproductive activities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Strong growth in ICT infrastructure, connectivity, access and use promise great development opportunities but the full potential of the Internet remains untapped, as over half the world's population remains offline. Unless policy-makers address infrastructure, affordability but also broader socio-economic challenges outside the ICT ecosystem, the Internet is liable to reinforce existing inequalities, instead of addressing them. This chapter analyses progress but also the gaps that exist in developing countries—and in particular the least developed countries—in terms of infrastructure, connectivity and quality of service, particularly for mobile and fixed-broadband Internet. It addresses some key connectivity bottlenecks and points to recommendations to overcome these. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Another form of endogeneity may arise if people who are not part of the labour force tend to report poor health to justify their non-participation. Besides, it may be difficult to isolate the causal relationship from health to labour market outcomes because of the reverse causality of the link (from labour market to health). For instance, obesity may cause poor labour market outcomes through lower productivity (e.g. because of related illness) leading to lower wages and poor employment prospects. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Today, Penang is at the crossroads, in need of new strategies to revitalise its economy and attractivity. It highlights the key features of the higher education system in Malaysia and in Penang and identifies the main strengths and challenges that Penang is now faced with. It is a multi racial, multi cultural country (Table 1.1.) - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 While school choice can be seen as an end in itself, it can also be used as a tool for accomplishing agreed upon goals of the education system (Miron et al., In the case of the Flemish Community, school choice is primarily seen as an outcome or end in itself. As will be explored in this chapter, the goal of ensuring school choice may compete with the goals of quality, equity and efficiency. In the section discussing policy recommendations, this chapter will highlight design features of school choice that could be established to help pursue quality, equity and efficiency rather than compromise these other goals. Estimated for reference year 2006. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It can be seen that there are none for reserved seats, but that there are for the number of female candidates. Columbia has gone furthest, establishing that at least 30% of posts at the highest decision-making level and at other decision-making levels in the public administration must be held by women (Law 581 of 2000). Why should there be a particular interest in studying and understanding female enterprise, though? - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Increased competitiveness of countries in the region, including through the recent EU-Viet Nam free trade agreement and other such agreements, might also threaten Cambodia’s current competitive advantages in the garment industry. Cambodia has been able to exploit its competitiveness and expand market share in traditional export industries in the last decade, gaining market share from economies like China and Viet Nam. But the potential for these industries to continue to propel growth in the future is unclear, with growing competition from other low-cost producing economies such as Myanmar. Garment producers in Cambodia are mostly foreign-owned and generally engaged in low value added, labour-intensive cut-make-trim activities within the value chain, which are potentially more footloose and sensitive to cost pressures. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, the concept of services for the children under the age of 3 is broadening in many countries from a labour market perspective to the inclusion of quality objectives, especially in integrated systems. Increases in the access to ECEC are not limited to children under the age of 3 and pre-primary education now begins for most children well before they are 5 years-old. However, universal access is not a guarantee for high-quality ECEC and inequities still persist in many countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A crossover between infiltrated sewage and drinking water might occur, subsequently contaminating drinking water by sewage water. About 90 per cent of industrial wastewater is not treated properly. Non-organic matter and compounds are typical for thne chemical industry, fertilizer producers, and the galvanization and metal industry. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Alternatively, various other types of mechanisms could be used. By way of example, in the case of supply-side subsidies, a set amount could be provided to help social organizations adapt existing facilities for use as childcare centres. In the case of demand-side subsidies, funding could be based on the number of children served. In addition, subsidies could be provided to people who had paid into the social security system but had later been called upon to serve as caregivers (e.g., older adults). Accordingly', assess sectoral budgets from a care perspective, including accountability as a policy follow-up mechanism. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Public employment service office networks and staffing, selected OECD countries, selected years (cont.) Staff data previously published in Duell et al. ( In 2006, the Arbeitsgemeinschaften SGBII had 51 000 staff (including both PES and municipal staff). Includes the administration of Ul benefit payments but not contribution collection. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The three indicators are 3G coverage (% of population), 500 MB monthly mobile Internet (% of GNI p.c.) For example, in Sudan, mobile Internet access is affordable at 1.3% of GNI, a reflection of the relatively high level of competition with three strong operators. However coverage and school enrolment are far less developed. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Older persons usually suffer from a combination of these diseases (WHO, 2011). The socioeconomic potential cost of these diseases has risen sharply with population ageing and may affect economic growth (WHO, 2011). Furthermore, the burden of non-communicable diseases is projected to increase, especially in low-income countries. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 During the period 1985-2008 primary, secondary and tertiary education saw an unprecedented increase in enrolments. Higher education showed the greatest growth at 93.1%, representing a yearly increase of 4.1%. Enhanced access is reflected in the percentage of the higher education enrolment in the 19 to 24-year-old age cohort which grew from 0.6% in 1970 to 24.4% in 2007. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Building on recent feminist scholarship on the complicity of feminist antiviolence movements in the build-up of mass incarceration, this essay analyzes the epistemic occupation of feminist antiviolence work by carceral logic, taking the Gender-Responsive Justice and Community Accountability movements as countervailing examples. Both strategies claim to be a feminist response to violence. Gender-Responsive Justice arises from feminist criminology and has genealogical roots in the American prison reformatory movement. Community Accountability stems from grassroots intersectional and decolonial feminisms that are fundamentally at odds with the professionalization and state-centrism of the mainstream antiviolence movement. We argue that Gender-Responsive Justice is a form of carceral humanism that repackages carceral control as the caring provision of social services, while Community Accountability advances a radically creative abolitionist and decolonial project of an irreducibly epistemological order. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The provisions of the Agreement include an exchange of information on transboundary waters. Monitoring surface water quality is carried out at four monitoring points. Information on discharge, regime, quality monitoring results and flood and emergency situations is exchanged in the joint Mongolian-Russian Working Group, established by order of the Minister of Nature and Environment of Mongolia, and its Russian counterpart. In the framework of the “Strengthening Integrated Water Resources Management in Mongolia"""" project, 17 groundwater-monitoring wells will be set up within the Selenga River Basin area."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The system of information gathering about the regional environment, as well as about the successes and failures of respective activities of tertiary education institutions, is limited in scope and quality. There is a lack of information and robust data, for example in terms of innovation performance in the private sector, student progress, graduate employment, graduate destinations (outmigration) as well as the breadth and scope of work-based learning activities which make it difficult to evaluate the outcomes of local policies and institutional practices. There is a need to develop collaboration across government, private and public tertiary education sector and to share, extend and scale up the many good practice examples that are already in place. Stronger incentive structures would help mobilise tertiary education institutions and their staff for local and regional development. In order to improve regional development outcomes, more robust data is required, for example in terms of student records. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is a positive step towards monitoring the results of Kazakhstan’s recent efforts to improve the business environment for firms and tracking city-level differences and progress towards the implementation of reforms. According to the forthcoming 2017 Investment Policy Review of Kazakhstan (hereafter, OECD, 2017b, forthcoming), national and subnational investment promotion agencies play an important role in facilitating foreign investments, and helping the government mobilise FDI into priority sectors (on this topic, see also Harding and Javorcik, 2007). This forthcoming Review covers in detail Kazakhstan's investment policy, including investment promotion policy. In particular, it highlights the challenge due to the fragmentation of Kazakhstan’s investment promotion activities and the resulting lack of transparency. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The EECCA countries cover a large geographical area with total population of approximately 140 million and are markedly diverse in terms of geographical and population sizes, levels of economic development, political and economic structures, energy mixes, geopolitical circumstances and vulnerabilities to climate change (Table 1.1). This has made such infrastructure among the most energy-inefficient in the world. In Kazakhstan, one of the wealthiest countries in the region, about 50% of energy-related infrastructure is more than 30 years-old, some installations are 50-60 years old and coal-based. The World Bank estimates that Uzbekistan lost USD 2 billion in 2011 - or 4.5% of its gross domestic product (GDP) -due to inefficient electricity transmission. These examples illustrate the significant level of financing needed for upgrading the energy sector infrastructure on both supply and demand sides. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! First-best instruments may involve entry costs or cause frictions that make them much less affordable than more ad hoc contractual solutions. Taking into account pre-existing regulatory frameworks that address the core constraints of water quantity and quality, the marginal benefit of action may not cover its significant marginal cost. In this setting, ad hoc small-scale contractual arrangements - which have the advantage of addressing a particular city’s specific constraints, and involve a limited number of actors - may have much more appeal than well-defined but complex or challenging institutional responses. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Here we discuss two main constraints faced by MSMEs following the crisis, namely limited access to finance and taxation, and skills development, and provide examples of recovery measures that have been put in place to address them. During the crisis, access to finance was tightened even more for small-sized businesses in many regions, and developing Asia was no exception. Many governments responded by loosening monetary policy and providing stimulus through fiscal policies and tax reductions, in order to help enterprises maintain working capital and retain workers. Policy measures have been put in place to assist MSMEs access credit through loans for small sized businesses. Credit guarantees and fund trusts for micro and small enterprises have also been set up, as well as duty reductions and the elimination of tax refunds. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Abstract Environmental security concerns have broadened the national security agenda and discourse of international relations. Yet environmental insecurity issues have endured impacts on livelihood, human security, social equity, human rights, internal security, political stability, economic growth and development of the state. Environmental challenges, such as climate change, water scarcity and energy security are shaping development and consumption patterns, which are possible causes of inter-state conflict in South Asia. This paper is an attempt to evaluate the nexus of climate change, energy and water security with conflict and development. Furthermore, we argue for the need for environmental diplomacy in Pakistan within the South Asian context. The argument is that integration of development with environmental factors and peacemaking has potential to achieve sustainable development in South Asia. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In all, there are 57 endemic taxa (species and subspecies) and 171 sub-endemic taxa (with their territory mostly in Romania). Areas selected under these criteria must harbour exceptional botanical wealth, the protection of which is important for the global conservation of plant diversity. Among vertebrates, 191 species of fish (9 endangered species) have been identified, 20 species of amphibians (9 endangered species), 30 species of reptiles (6 endangered species), 364 species of birds (including 312 migratory species) and 102 species of mammals. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Energy-intensive firms can receive up to an 80% discount if they join a Climate Change Agreement (CCA), which requires meeting energy efficiency or carbon-saving targets. Renewable electricity suppliers are exempt from the CCL. Receipts from the CCL amounted to £0.7 billion in 2009. The RO requires electricity end-suppliers to purchase a certain fraction of their annual electricity supply from producers using specific renewable technologies, and they receive tradable Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs) for doing so. The supplier can also ‘buy out’ the obligation by paying a set price per MWh. The buy-out revenue is recycled to participating suppliers in proportion to their ROCs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Shortages are mostly felt for family physicians and nurses. It has also become increasingly difficult to attract health professionals to rural areas because of budgetary constraints, and also because increasing workloads are particularly onerous for rural staff. There is also a need to develop a cohort of auxiliary professionals such as nutritionists and dieticians who can help combat the growing obesity challenge. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Bonn: German NGO Forum on Environment & Development. Available at (accessed 2 June 2010). Global Food-Safety Governance under Review”, in C. Joerges and E.-U. Petersmann (eds), Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social Regulation. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is the only firm in Mexico operating in the transmission and distribution segments, following its takeover in 2009 by Luz y Fuerza. Its articles of association explicitly prohibit any investment abroad. Under these modalities, the private sector share has gradually expanded to account for 45% of all electricity produced in 2010. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Justifications for this discrimination are sometimes explicidy tied to religious or cultural mores to add social legitimacy. Sometimes they are framed as being ‘natural’ given a particular gender’s disposition. But when stripped down to their roots, they are merely aims to prevent women from obtaining power, resources and control. Though some inequalities run deeper and are more present in some contexts globally than others, gender inequality is a long-standing, persistent and virtually universal phenomenon. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The text shows the role of the high courts in the defense of the basic principles of the Constitution. It sustains that the protection also implies the promotional acting that attracts to itself the task of not only preserve rights, but also perform them. From this premise, it shows the exercise of that funtion by the High Court in the Brazilian legal system and in many European constitutional courts. It also sustains that the present challenge is to give substantial basis to such rights or principles, making them capable of being supported by the Constitutional Courts or by the responsible for the constitutional jurisdiction, supplying referential materials which legitimate the concretization of the Constitution, independent of the mediation of the ordinary legislator. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 One way is to ascribe it to the residual after all other factors have been controlled for (“excess growth”) (see Annex A 1.6, White, 2007). Given that technological change occurs over time, a time index is another logical way to control for the effects of technological change on health expenditures (see Annex A1.10, (Di Matteo, 2005). Tw'O models (A1.3 and 1.24) among those reviewed used a direct measure of specific technologies. On average across the OECD, demographic effects are projected to have a small impact on expenditure growth of 0.7 percentage points from 2005 to 2050. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, as a butterfly, the small copper introduces another explanatory challenge as butterflies are associated with flowering plants of certain species. Butterflies may have an acceptable dispersal ability provided suitable habitats are available, but many plant species show a very poor dispersal rate. This means that plants - and hence butterflies - in many cases respond poorly to habitat improvements in a fragmented landscape (as is often the case in farmland landscapes). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Much research has argued for the importance of state's administrative capacity for development. Disregard for the rule of law and failure to get corruption under control are seen as detrimental to economic and social development. The China paradox refers to the fact that in all commonly used measures of levels of corruption and the quality of government, China is a country that scores quite low. China also lacks the Weberian model of bureaucracy that is seen as central for development. It is argued that this paradox is the result of disregarding the existence of a different public administration model in China-the cadre organization. Instead of rule following, this organization is marked by high commitment to a specific policy doctrine. The argument is that while very different from Weberian bureaucracy, this organization is well suited for effectively implementing policies for economic and social development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, borrowing creates a claim on future budgets since debt has to be serviced and repaid. Moreover, external debt carries additional risks since a depreciation of the exchange rate can increase the burden of servicing it. In deciding whether deficit financing can contribute to the sustainable realization of rights over time, it is critical to consider whether the government is using the debt in ways that support the fulfilment of rights without compromising future streams of revenue—which would violate the principle of maximum available resources if future generations are considered. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This postponement of prenatal care is most likely due to the delay in the recognition of the pregnancy (Kost, Landry and Darroch, 1998a), thereby making women less emotionally and financially prepared for the demands of impending motherhood. Prenatal care is an important component of healthy pregnancy and childbirth as it ensures regular monitoring of the health of the pregnant woman and her baby as well as early detection and diagnosis of any pregnancy-related health problems. Since prenatal care is central to achieving Millennium Development Goal No. The study established that unintended pregnancy predisposes young women to abortion and delayed initiation of prenatal care. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It is often challenging to estimate the expected impacts of Type G NDCs on national and collective emission levels, though methodologies exist to estimate the GHG impact of energy and other non-GHG targets (such as the WRI GHG Protocol Policies and Actions standard) (WRI, 2014).14 Reporting requirements for such goals should not be overly rigid since this might discourage some Parties from taking action. Like Type G, many different goals are possible and significant flexibility in the guidance will be needed to adequately capture the variety of qualitative goals that have been put forward in INDCs to date. A few NDCs do not contain any measurable quantitative or qualitative goals (Type I). The lack of specificity of this type of NDC makes it very challenging to understand and track progress in implementation and achievement. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This motivation is still strong with the reality of recession and austerity in many countries making the idea of green employment growth a welcome antidote to the high unemployment rates. Capacity building and skill development within the regional communities are also important benefits of green initiatives. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In its constitutional jurisprudence on race, the United States Supreme Court subjects laws that explicitly invoke racial classifications to a very detailed judicial scrutiny. Race represents a red flag. I argue that constitutional law's use of strict scrutiny rests on a dangerous assumption, namely that racism may be rational. Requiring such scrutiny perversely errs on the side of deeming credible and sensible that which is already groundless and irrational. In turn, this higher scrutiny jeopardizes remedial legislation, legislation that seeks to ameliorate the effects of racism. Those who favor affirmative action needlessly place themselves in a constitutional bind. They accept higher scrutiny for racist laws—scrutiny that is unnecessary given the irrationality of racism—and then fight against it when championing remedial race-conscious legislation. They would do better to reject this scrutiny outright, leaving a rational review analysis to do the necessary distinguishing work. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 She teaches, advises and supervises our activities and now I really know much about farming. However, with the coming of the WOLAR project, we, women farmers have been highly targeted and we are part of the greenbelt Government initiative on irrigation, where we will be growing similar crops and market them.” This process has helped to implement the Inheritance Law passed in 1999 that provides for women’s equal inheritance rights with men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There are several possible explanations for the diversity in fast broadband access on the municipal level. Some areas, such as Utsjoki (98% access to 30 Mbts broadband) in the north, and Valtimo and Rautavaara in the eastern part of Finland, that have deliberately championed fast broadband access, have attained their goals through participation in the national broadband strategy and the state aid that was associated with it. Moreover, given that the Finnish municipal system is constructed around strong, rather autonomous municipalities, another explanatory factor for the high percentage of fast broadband access relates specifically to individual municipal attractiveness. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This article investigates a redefined socio-cultural role of European public service broadcasting as an infrastructure of translation in times of globalization, migration and the proliferation of new media providers. Drawing upon research into multilingual broadcasting in Europe and Australia, and in particular a case study of Special Broadcasting Service Australia (SBS), it argues for an ongoing relevance of European public service broadcasting (PSB), albeit within wider conceptions of translingual, transnational or European citizenship. It is proposed that of the two versions of translation, institutional in the EU and mediated in Australia respectively, the mediated version has achieved higher success in communicating diversity across hybrid communities. The main point raised here is the importance of `connections' and, within the framework of `cultural diversity' and `multilingualism' in Europe, arguably at the expense of `Europeanness'. The concept of translation allows thought beyond a single langua... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Pass rates and exam results at large would also allow prospective teacher students to assess the quality of the programme where they intend to enroll. Institutions, that turn out not to prepare students effectively for the exam on a prolonged basis, should face sanctions that could ultimately result in a withdrawal of their accreditation. Evidence shows that young teachers find their first experiences in school often overwhelming (Veenman, 1984, Britton et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The enfranchisement of non‐resident citizens has always been controversial in the UK, where for historical reasons, voting rights are not as closely associated with citizenship as elsewhere. The introduction of ‘overseas’ voting in the 1980s by the Conservatives was contested by Labour as a form of ‘international gerrymandering’ since expatriates were widely assumed to be disproportionately wealthy and therefore more likely to vote Tory. Expatriate campaigners have been increasingly vocal in denouncing the ‘electoral injustice’ of the ‘fifteen‐year rule’ which disenfranchises them after fifteen years abroad, and the exclusion of so many from the EU referendum highlighted their cause. A recent private member's bill proposing ‘votes for life’ for UK expatriates aimed to meet their demands to abolish the time restriction, now considered anachronistic. But their arguments were hijacked by historically embedded attitudes and disputes driven by party politics, ending in a dramatic and bewildering filibuster which this paper elucidates. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Given the potential impact of widespread AV use in urban areas, e.g. in terms of congestion, environment, road safety, user behaviour and infrastructure development, it will be important for cities to assume a more prominent role regarding AV policies. If this does not occur, the promised impacts of AV adoption may not materialise, or even generate negative impacts, e.g. if people shift from walking and cycling to personal AV use. It is therefore important to judiciously frame the introduction of AVs in order to ensure that this technology benefits, rather than hinders, mobility in urban areas. Accomplishing this represents a significant challenge: while AVs are an attractive choice for users, their attractiveness could in fact lead to over-purchasing, low utilisation capacities, congestion, urban sprawl, loss of public space, as well as the decreased use of public transit, walking, and cycling (along with the accompanying health implications). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This list was renewed in 2007. Successively, in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012, new chemicals were added to the list. As of 2016, 126 chemicals are banned and use of 31 chemicals are in limited use in Mongolia. A licence is issued for chemical use. As of 2016, five certificates for ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management Systems) were issued in Mongolia. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The initiative, building on the experience of the Rhouda Centre and Enterprise Qatar, will study barriers to entrepreneurship, introduce a business plan competition and encourage internships in domestic, regional and international enterprises” (p. 151). Also, gender-sensitized legislation will be developed to encourage more women to take active roles in society, and a thorough review of gender equity in public sector employment will serve as a first step in removing existing social and cultural barriers”(p.l76). For example, Yemen’s Strategic Vision 2025 sets a target to increase women’s labour force participation rate to 50% by 2025. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2010, 40% of domestic accounts were metered, which is set to rise to 92% by 2015, an additional 487 000 accounts. The emphasis in the consultation process is to explain the economics behind the programme. Radio and newspaper advertising is followed by distributing information and meeting local groups and communities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Waste management services are organized only in urban areas. Due to the fact that approximately 25 per cent of the population live in urban areas (excluding the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti), the number of beneficiaries of the service is quite low. The frequency of household waste collection is daily, and waste collection routes are usually well defined. These are, in the majority of cases, small, uncontrolled and operating without an environmental permit. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Abstract: Acapulco epitomises the (in)security of urban zones in the Americas whose geographical, political and economic divisions are exacerbated by the political economy and geopolitics of drug trafficking, as well as by militarised attempts to fight it. Various geographic, political, and economic factors in the Acapulco Metropolitan Zone (AMZ) have impacted drug trafficking and organised crime and contributed to high levels of violence. As a result, Acapulco now ranks among the 50 most violent cities in the world. This article analyses the trends in drug trafficking and organised crime in the AMZ, and highlights the lessons for scholars and policy-makers. Keywords: Drug Trafficking, Urbanisation, Militarisation, Acapulco, Mexico, Criminology, Other-ness. Introduction Mexico’s ‘war on drugs’ began in 2006 when President Felipe Calderon launched a mili-tary campaign against drug trafficking and organised crime. The results have been under-whelming, in the subsequent decade, the ‘war on drugs’ - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Qualification mismatch is determined based on a comparison of a worker’s qualification level - expressed as the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level corresponding to his or her highest educational qualification - and what is thought to be the required qualification level for his or her occupation code - the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) code attached to the job he or she holds. Because ISCED levels do not accurately reflect skills -not even those acquired in initial education - and ISCO codes do not accurately describe jobs, the resulting measure does not precisely describe how a worker’s skills set matches the skills needed to carry out his or her tasks at work. Skills mismatch, however, refers more precisely to a worker’s actual skills and to the skills needed in his or her specific job. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Information and the insights provided to us by computational models or ML models can help us plan the development of national infrastructure better, as well as enable us to make plans to prevent disasters during natural or man-made crisis events. Besides this, several technologies, tools, and products exist to enable the conversion of raw data or data from models into actionable information for use in regular maintenance and repair, as well as during times of crisis. Integrated command and control systems can be used to implement this thinking on an operational level. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 A shift towards heavy industries and a decline in low-carbon industries (light industry, machinery, etc.) Thus, the policies aimed at the elimination of the dominance of heavy industries plays a positive role in terms of emission reduction. These measures directly influence fossil fuel consumption, and hence the carbon emissions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! It is therefore clear that any further gains from improvement to existing preference schemes will come from the USA implementing a broad and comprehensive DFQF scheme. A recent study employing a computable general equilibrium model estimates that full implementation of DFQF by OECD countries would boost LDC exports by about USD 2 billion (or 17 per cent) without affecting preference-granting countries in any major way (Bouet et al. Another study - commissioned by the ICTSD - uses a partial equilibrium model to examine the impact of providing 100 per cent dutyfree treatment to LDC exports by a selected group of trade partners - including four major developed economies with long-standing trade preference schemes (Canada, the EU, Japan and the USA), one with a fairly recent duty-free scheme (Korea), and two emerging economies (China and India). Impacts on the rest of the world will be negligible (Table 7.3). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 These unemployment queues are lengthening and the pool of the unemployed is getting deeper. Available data show that the widening “earnings gap” does not merely reflect differences in productivity (or investment in human capital), but is more closely associated with better access to highly paid jobs and positions through family connections and institutional factors (for example, endowment of “symbolic capital” a la Bourdieu), which make the labour market highly segmented. High job turnover and more irregular earnings are leading to a large section of the workforce in the ESCWA region falling into the secondary labour market, with low, irregular income and weak social protection. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Similarly, efforts to target women in public works projects by setting gender quotas can lead to unintended outcomes, if women who are already overburdened and “time poor” have to do even more work. Within die region’s complex resource environment, and amid die debate on self-reliance versus self-sufficiency in food for sustainable food security, the gender equality scorecard is marked by disparity. This is reflected in human development index (HDI) and gender development index (GDI) rankings. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Despite these successes, challenges remain: there are tensions between public policies that focus on regulatory or restrictive approaches and those that support development. There can also be tension between collective and private rights, with different stakeholders having different priorities, and difficulties in balancing tradition and innovation. Its population growth is 0.36 percent per year. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! People involved in accidents who are 65 years or older incur a relatively higher share of accident cost in accidents involving pedestrians and motorised vehicles than other age groups (Figures 2.13 and Figure A.3). The difference arises both because relatively more elderly people are victims in such accidents and because the injuries they sustain tend to be more severe than the injuries of younger victims. The total percentage of accident cost from such accidents accounts for 52.7% of total accident costs for the elderly, but only 26.3% of the total cost for all other people affected by traffic accidents. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Como (2008) explicitly distinguishes adaptive teaching from individualised instruction, noting that in adaptive teaching, teachers never adapt to individual students in a social vacuum. However, these terms are used quite differently in the literature. For instance, whereas Diack (2004) and Campbell et al. ( - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In 2013, health expenditure (excluding investment in the health sector) represented 6.9% of GDP in Korea and is estimated to have increased further to 7.1% of GDP in 2014. Still, the health spending share of GDP remains much lower than the OECD average in 2013 (8.9%). This was about two-thirds of the OECD average and half of the G7 average. Health expenditure per capita in real terms (adjusted for inflation) more than doubled between 2003 and 2013, whereas it increased by only about 1.5 times across the OECD on average. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Financial market reforms, domestic banking supervision and macro-prudential regulations designed to reduce financial fragility are not covered in country-specific Going for Growth priorities as this in an area where collective rather than isolated action is needed (see Box 1.1 in Going for Groioth 2011). A growing body of research highlights that rapid increases in domestic credit have can have predictive power over subsequent crisis (Gourinchas and Obstfled, 2012, Jorda, Schularick and Taylor, 2011, Schularick and Taylor, 2012, Borio and Lowe, 2002). In looking at the implications for the current account, the section considers the impact of structural reforms on both public and private investment and saving rates, and hence including the effect occurring through a change in the fiscal balance. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 According to estimations presented in the “Columbus 2050” report of the Uiban Land Institute, the tax revenue to acre ratio and the land value to acre ratio is higher for mixed-use projects. Sources: Author's own elaboration based on various sources including Schneider, K. (2016), “Downtown Columbus comes to life with targeted investment”, /realestate/commercial/downtown-colmnbus-comes-to-life-with-niillcnnial-tower.html? Greenpoint’s waterfront location (bounded by Newtown Creek) helped turn the neighbourhood into an industrial powerhouse and a centre for shipbuilding. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A biome is a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a geographic region. Includes national forests, states forests and forest plantations. The Amazonia Legal super-region corresponds to an area larger than the Amazon biome, encompassing both the Amazonian forest (about 4.1 million km ) and transitional vegetation (1 million km^), the Amazon biome covers only the forest area. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 But the story is not fully written. But to the extent that decentralization has not been fully realized in practice, many discrepancies and inadequacies have been attributed to questions of finance. Chapter 8 notes that city financing particularly in rapidly urbanizing developing countries is not keeping pace with the demand for infrastructure and services. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Agriculture has also exerted pressure on aquatic environments (rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal zones), from increasing levels of livestock effluents and diffuse pollution through the use of chemicals in arable farming. Other issues include the genetic erosion of maize varieties, which show a loss of 80% of local varieties compared to the 1930s, and more recently possible contamination of domesticated landraces and wild relatives from transgenic maize (OECD, 2008). While agri-environmental payments are possible under PROCAMPO for soil and water conservation, for instance, farmers’ uptake of these payments has been limited. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Among the 638 entrepreneurs from the region that regularly crossed the borders, nearly 6 out of 10 (58%) mentioned that their economic efforts were hampered by diverse obstacles (Figure 6.1). Men were proportionally more numerous in reporting obstacles (64%) than women (46%). Nearly one-third of women and 40% of men indicated that these payments limited their commercial activities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Abstract World leaders are beginning to look beyond temporary fixes to the challenge of securing the Internet. One possible solution may be an international arms control treaty for cyberspace. The 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) provides national security planners with a useful model. CWC has been ratified by 98% of the world’s governments, and encompasses 95% of the world’s population. It compels signatories not to produce or to use chemical weapons (CW), and they must destroy existing CW stockpiles. As a means and method of war, CW have now almost completely lost their legitimacy. This article examines the aspects of CWC that could help to contain conflict in cyberspace. It also explores the characteristics of cyber warfare that seem to defy traditional threat mitigation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As the DNA approved proposed CDM projects, delays in establishing them also delayed interest and therefore funding from potential CDM project developers. For example, the Amazon Fund (focused on REDD+ in Brazil) ensures full access to external auditors of its records (Amazon Fund, 2008), and the Adaptation Fund has signed up to the International Aid Transparency Initiative in April 2013 (IATI, 2013). While GHG-related impacts of mitigation interventions accrue globally, the impacts necessary for climate-resilience are more directly linked to local conditions. This has led a number of institutions and funds to develop indicators to capture biodiversity and environmental cobenefits of interventions (see e.g. UK, 2013, Thamrin, 2013, CIF, 2011, and AF, 201 la). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This w'ould contribute to women’s economic empowerment and produce significant economic benefits to MENA economies. Most initiatives have been launched within the past five to 10 years as governments have focused more on the importance of MSME and entrepreneurship development for job creation, social stability and economic growth. Mainstream BDS organisations and incubators are generally aw,are of the constraints faced by women, but less than half of them make special efforts to promote their services to women and adapt their programmes and services to accommodate their specific needs. However, they demonstrate some examples of good practice in their attempts to attract women clients, w'hich can serve as models for other service providers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Rising levels of crime and growing inequality have in part played a key role in rise of gated communities in major African cities such as Johannesburg, Lagos and Nairobi. If one doesn't aim carefully, the river, which is flanked by weeping willows and navigated by ducks, swallows all the balls launched its way. During heavy rains the river overflows, inundating their makeshift aluminium and brick homes with sewage. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Critically, it will be important to ensure that information on inequalities in health is then effectively used to tackle inequalities at local and regional level, through on-going central guidance as appropriate, agreeing targets, disseminating and encouraging the scaling-up of successful local initiatives to tackle inequalities and other measures. Incentivising or requiring young doctors to practise in underserved areas during their early years of practice may be one way to address geographical disparities. This does not seem to systematically occur today. Indeed, a concern remains that by specialising certain hospital services at a higher level, patients will have to travel further for care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This information gap will lead to poorer treatment options for patients, and a lack of understanding for patients. As primary care practitioners in a number of countries are being asked to do more and deliver a wider range of services for mild-to-moderate mental illness - many GPs are being asked to delivery cognitive behavioural therapy, for example (see Table 2.5) - levels of confidence in the ability to effectively care for patients -will make the difference between poor, average and excellent quality of care. Effective care at a primary care level includes appropriate diagnosis of disorders, initiation and management of treatment, referral and case management, and the long-term management of some cases of mild-to-moderate disorders using the principles of chronic disease management (Ford et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The tables in appendix 3 provide information on the composition of the group of deprived children according to the European Child Deprivation Index by the characteristics of the households they live in. Analysis of the combination of deprivations that children experience and of the combination of household and personal characteristics that identifies deprived children in more detail, are the next logical step. A first approximation of the overlap analysis is given in the next section. This analysis is presented on the pooled data for all countries in table 10. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The share of the population with access to improved water sources increased from 88% in 1990 to almost 98% in 2012. Water supply in urban areas is almost universal, though 15% of the rural population still lacks access to an improved water source (Annex 3.A). The share of households connected to water pipe networks reached 94% in urban areas in 2013. Regional disparity is wide, however, with most of the urban dwellers still not connected to a water network found in the North-east region and, particularly, the North, where less than 60% are connected (MCid, 2014). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Information on the positive outcomes of such initiatives could be disseminated more widely and opportunities for similar projects could be exploited in other municipalities. Invisa Fiduciary Services (IFS) operates the YUMP Academy pilot project together with YUMP Holding Inc. (AB), Botkyrka municipality and a large number of support companies. The project is financed by IFS, NUTEK, YUMP Holding Inc. (AB) and Botkyrka municipality. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Pensions at a Glance: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD countries. The Age of Austerity: A Review of Public Expenditures and Adjustment Measures in 181 Countries.” New York and Geneva: Initiative for Policy Dialogue and the South Centre. The Return to Social Policy and the Persistent Neglect of Unpaid Care.” Development and Change, 38, no. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! E.93.1.8 and corrigenda, vol. I), Report of the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June 1993 (A/ CONF. See also Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. A progressive interpretation of gender was agreed in 1999: see United Nations, 1999 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development, p. ix. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Most rivers exhibit a high degree of degradation, particularly within the Murray-Darling catchment, Australia’s main agricultural producing region. Drinking water quality is impaired in many locations, and coastal regions downstream of large agricultural areas suffer from sediment and nutrient loadings. In terms of the environmental health of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), recent research indicates that quantities of sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen entering the GBR have been increasing, with agriculture a key contributor to water quality issues in the GBR (Rolfe and Windle, 2011). But given the lack of a national monitoring system it is difficult to assess national trends in water quality related to agriculture (OECD, 2008a). There are expensive restoration clean-ups going on in some iconic lakes and there are questions over the state of groundwater. At a national level, diffuse discharges now greatly exceed point source pollution. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""The low population density explains the low level of illness in humans. In Mongolia, transmission to humans occurs primarily from direct contact with animals through injury while handling them or during slaughtering and, to a lesser extent, from drinking contaminated milk. According to the 2003 study on emerging infectious diseases"""",18 as of 2001, approximately 8,000 cases of chronic brucellosis were reported."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The cash delivery is provided in locations that are easy to reach, so that no recipient has to travel for more than 5 km to the cash payment point. From a sample of 3,805, a total of 1,230 randomly selected young women received the benefit, while the remaining constituted the control group. The results show that the programme led to large increases in school enrolment, especially among those not present at school at the baseline (17.2 per cent among the control group, 61.4 per cent among the treatment group). In the control group 27.7 per cent of initial dropouts got married during the preceding year, compared with only 16.4 per cent in the treatment group, a reduction in the marriage rate of more than 40 per cent among baseline dropouts. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The living space available to the household is a key dimension to be considered when assessing housing quality (CECODHAS, 2011). Evidence shows that living in an overcrowded dwelling can affect the physical and mental health of household members as well as children’s social and emotional development (UK ODPM, 2004). Moreover, living in an overcrowded space corresponds with a higher likelihood of child maltreatment and accidents in the home (UK ODPM, 2004). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Because the individual commune, or group of communes, is ultimately charged with developing the actual land use legislation that governs changes in land uses, it has to find a way to balance conflicting signals from higher levels of government with the pressures from the local populace to maintain or change the use of particular parcels of land. Typically, rural communes do not have staff with strong competences in land use planning, which makes this an even greater challenge. While consultants can be hired to provide planning support this can also be problematic, because while the consultant may understand the approach of the higher level in spatial planning, they may lack a strong understanding of the local milieu and offer advice that is controversial locally. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Around 2 billion people worldwide are still unbanked—lacking accounts at banks, other financial institutions or mobile money service providers. Some may be helpful in promoting harmonious coexistence, but others may be discriminatory, prejudicial and exclusive. In employment recruitment in the United States White job applicants are often systematically selected over African American and Latino job applicants, even when the minorities have equal or higher qualifications. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For example, output-based financing has shown positive results. But overall, whether private or public, the available financing or refinancing options for solid waste management remains minimal, necessitating the need to choose those financing models that are most likely to secure revenue and investment capital while delivering reliable services. Such financing models should integrate mechanisms that support good governance, accountability, and reporting and monitoring that matches the global standards and indicators. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Instead, the demographic transitions experienced by a wide variety of societies suggest that family sizes tend to decline with higher incomes and greater economic security. Conversely, poor families tend to have more children in the hope of increasing contributions to household income as well as of ensuring continued economic security as parents age (Leibenstein, 1957, Mamdani, 1972, Robbins, 1999). A significant proportion of this decline can be largely attributed to the rise in living standards in East Asia and the Pacific which accompanied explosive economic growth, particularly in China. Other regions of the world also experienced a decline in the incidence of poverty, with the exception of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where the proportion of people living on less than $1.25 a day increased from 1.7 to 3.7 per cent between 1981 and 2005 (figure II.2.B). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There is a generally recognized link between governance, economic performance, and popular welfare in Africa. Authoritarian governments have generally failed to promote economic development or improvements in livelihoods. The trend toward democratization that swept the African continent in the early 1990s kindled hopes that political reform could lead to economic regeneration. However, a crucial paradox of growth without prosperity surrounds Africa’s new democracies. While political liberalization bolsters economic policy reform and enhances some of the requisites for economic performance, these improvements do not seem to foster significant reductions in poverty or inequality. This paradox presents a basic challenge for Africa’s new democracies. The paradox arises from the nature of patronage systems and institutions in countries undergoing political reform. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Another study complements this approach by investigating and surveying the nature of illegal trade in waste of electric and electronic equipment (WEEE or e-waste) in the European context (Huisman et al., The study estimates that among the 9.45 million tons of e-waste generated in Europe in 2012, only 35% of them were collected and recycled in official systems while the remaining 65% were either exported (16%), recycled under non-compliant conditions in Europe (33%), processed by the informal sector (8%), or simply discarded in waste bins (8%). It also estimates that 1.3 million tons (14%) of e-waste departed the EU in undocumented exports that w'ould likely be classified as illegal waste trade. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 When the water supply decreases for any of these reasons, competition will increase, as may the risk of conflict. The risk is highest when institutional mechanisms are not in place, especially at the transboundary level, to deal with such variations in supply and to help resolve related disputes. When this impacts local livelihoods (farming, fishing, hunting), tensions can erupt. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Specifically, the Global Ocean Commission (GOC, 2014) has recently identified five interconnected drivers of ocean decline, all of which are related to economic development: rising demand for resources, technological advances , decline of fish stocks, climate change, biodiversity and habitat loss, as well as weak high seas governance. The commission and many observers agree that more innovation is needed if humankind wishes to continue to raise the productivity of the oceans while protecting its ecological integrity. Specifically, it assesses the role of new knowledge about the oceans, recent technology developments which have enabled the growth of the ocean economy, emerging and potentially disruptive technologies and, finally, what innovation, including disruptive developments, might be needed to address the challenges of the future. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Inequality declined in nine countries, including some small European countries and a few medium ones. Inequality increase was near universal in the transition economies and very common in OECD countries, but less general in the developing countries, particularly in SSA and MENA, for which however, the data were limited and not of high quality. In other words, rising inequality might have been caused by a slow or negative growth rather than other factors such as greater global economic integration. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Due to external shocks, the country has suffered increasing deficits -primarily as a consequence of a sharp increase in the price of energy. The increasing deficits have been financed via borrowing resulting in a steep increase in the debt stock since 2009 and a breach of the fiscal ceiling set by the government at 60% of GDP. Since May 2012, the authorities have taken measures as part of their programme to stabilise the economy and address Jordan’s economic vulnerabilities (International Monetary Fund, 2012). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! However, the potential causal nature of the link between education and health is still subject to a certain degree of scrutiny, and these data should be interpreted with caution as the conditions through which education and health are correlated are not yet fully understood. Therefore, mothers need high-quality, affordable ECEC so that they can return to work with confidence that their children are well cared for, and achieve a better work balance. However, during the past decade there have been signs of convergence among OECD countries, and the concept of services for children under the age of 3 is progressively broadening to include educational, gender equality, social integration, and family support objectives. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! This is not surprising owing to the rising incidence of teenage fertility in the Philippines amidst a general trend towards declining fertility among Filipino women. Evidence from the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study suggests that the trend towards increasingly early sexual initiation of Filipino youth and a low level of contraceptive practice are the likely contributors to the sharp increase in the teenage fertility rate in the past decade (DRDF and UPPI, 2014). For instance, although women aged between 10 and 19 account for 11 per cent of all births worldwide, these women account for 23 per cent of the overall burden of disease (disability-adjusted life years) due to pregnancy and childbirth (WHO, 2008a). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thus, after socio-economic status is accounted for, private schools do not perform better than public schools, and schools that compete with other schools for students do not perform better than schools that don't compete. Thus, the cross-country analysis suggests that systems, as a whole, do not benefit from a greater prevalence of private schools or school competition. Principals' perceptions of school competition are not necessarily the same as that of the parents of students in their schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The indicator may also be disaggregated by management category of the protected areas. It shows how much of each major ecosystem is dedicated to maintaining its diversity and integrity. Protected areas are essential for maintaining ecosystem diversity in countries and ecological regions, in conjunction with management of human impacts on the environment. Description: Management effectiveness of protected areas is an important indicator of how well protected areas are conserving biodiversity. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Progress in these projects is monitored. One challenge in implementing chemical leasing projects is to demonstrate to companies’ management that the approach leads to financial benefits, and to make the changes required to realise the benefits. Colombia has made good progress under the protocol and is in full compliance with its obligations. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The correlation coefficient between the share of positive responses to this proposition and support for nuclear energy is even higher than in the case of energy source diversification, it is of 0.91 in 2005 and 0.86 in 2008. Most nuclear countries (with the exception of Estonia) can be found in the upper right-hand square indicating both high degree of awareness of the GHG avoidance advantage of nuclear power and high degree of support for nuclear generation. Importantly, one half of non-nuclear countries in Europe are found in the upper right-hand square that can be characterised as a section of improved public acceptance with improved knowledge about the strengths of nuclear energy. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A quick comparison of these criteria with the present global indicators to measure progress on drinking water and sanitation, one could notice that the access to improved or unimproved water and sanitation services (accessibility) is the only criterion currently used, and the other criteria (availability, quality, acceptability, affordability, wastewater treatment and wastewater reuse) are not measured. In comparison, the MDG+ Initiative measures, in addition to JMP accessibility indicator, indicators related to the availability, water quality, affordability, wastewater treatment and wastewater reuse. The MDG+ Initiative indicators thus move in the same direction as the United Nations Human Rights Council recommendations. Third Committee draft resolution (A/C.3/68/L.34/Rev.l). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Lowest income quartile is equal to 1 if the individual’s income falls in the bottom 25% of the national income distribution, it is equal to 0 if the individual’s income is higher than the lowest quartile. Age dummies are equal to 1 if the individual’s age falls in the age range of each dummy (0/1 variable). The age category 15 to 24 is the reference group with respect to which the results for the other age categories should be interpreted. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This will require roll-out of wireless loT platforms, reliance on network virtualization and improved fibre connectivity. Moreover, it will require the development of advanced ICT skills among users. Network operators and users will have to adapt their business models to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital transformation. Policy-makers and regulators are called upon to create conditions facilitating entrepreneurial experiments and innovation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Road haulage along this route began in February 2018. Despite the unstable political situation in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan railways regularly transport cargo to this country and intend to participate in the construction of the Mazar-i-Sharif-Herat railroad (the so-called Trans-Afghanistan Corridor). Implementation of this project will in turn permit the construction of two strategically important routes connecting seaports in Iran (port Chabakhar) and Pakistan (port Chaman). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Employee attributions and emotional reactions to unethical behavior of top leaders in an organization recently involved in a highly publicized ethics scandal were examined. Participants (n = 76) from a large southern California government agency completed an ethical climate assessment. Secondary data analysis was performed on the written commentary to an open-ended question seeking employees’ perceptions of the ethical climate. Employees attributed the organization’s poor ethical leadership to a number of causes, including: lack of moral reasoning, breaches of trust, hypocrisy, and poor ethical behavior role modeling. Emotional reactions to corruption included cynicism, optimism, pessimism, paranoia and fear, and were targeted at top leaders, organizational practices (i.e., the old boy network, nepotism, and cronyism) and ethics interventions. Implications for leadership training and other organizational ethics interventions are discussed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Concentrating first on associations with changes in expenditure on social cash transfers, results from Table 3, Panel A suggest that, ceteris paribus, many social cash transfers frequently share no real clear and systematic association with changes in relative child poverty rates over time. Given a certain level of pre-transfer child poverty produced by market earnings, changes in per head spending on unemployment benefits, on parental leave benefits, on family allowances, on social assistance, and on other cash benefits share no clear and significant association with changes in the relative child poverty rates. Only three social expenditure programmes share an association with changes in child poverty rates (Table 3, Panel A). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Figure 1 depicts the average share of financial sector employees in total employment for each percentile of the earnings distribution. The employment share of finance rises continuously from 1% among the bottom 1% earners to 19% among the top 1%. A remarkably similar pattern emerges across countries, with the presence of financial sector workers rising with labour income, in many cases at an increasing rate (Figure 2). Finance tends to be particularly prevalent in the top 1% (relative to other percentiles) in many countries: the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Not to act is no longer an option. And I was encouraged by the sense of reality shown by the G8-leaders a few weeks ago, when they talked about a 50% cut in global emissions by 2050. It bodes well for the Conference of the Parties to be held in Copenhagen in 2009, where we will work hard to reach a global deal beyond Kyoto. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! To achieve its aims, the arrangements of the enhanced transparency framework will need to be workable and efficient from a practical point of view. A shared understanding of what the transparency-related provisions in the Paris Agreement and Decision 1/CP.21 mean and how the existing system could evolve will help to lay the groundwork for this task, together with agreement on the priorities and timeline for the work to be undertaken. I., et al. ( - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 On the 27 May this year, more than 50 countries gathered in Oslo to establish a global partnership on climate and forest, which will improve transparency and coordination of financing in this field. The partnership may also be a stepping stone to agreement on REDD+ in the climate change negotiations. The partnership established in Oslo is the first of its kind, and the first partnership between developed and developing countries in the battle against global warming. Norway has worked actively on international policy development for REDD+, including through its secretariat role of the Informal Working Group for Interim Finance for REDD+, through the REDD Options Assessment Report and other studies. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It is difficult to know which generation options will be most financially viable 40 years from now - i.e. the average lifespan of generation facilities. At present, many of these countries use fossil-based generation technology that operates at efficiencies below that of OECD countries. This context creates significant opportunity for the private sector to support the upgrade of such technology. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Food insecurity is a serious public health problem associated with poor cognitive and emotional development in children and with depression and poor health in adults. Despite sizable continued investments in federal food assistance, food insecurity still affects 11.1% of US households--almost the same rate as in 1995, when annual measurement began. As a fresh approach to solving the problem of food insecurity, we suggest adoption of a human rights framework. This approach could actively engage those affected and would ensure that food security monitoring would be compared to benchmarks in national action plans. We describe key elements of a right-to-food approach, review challenges to implementing it, and suggest actions to foster its adoption. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! However, train utilisation -that is, the average load of a train - is low compared to what is observed in other emerging economies. This suggests that better management of train operations might be needed. Note that although European countries have lower train loads, this is mainly the consequence of subsidised train services. Labour productivity is also low. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! To know the perceptions and actions of nurses in relation to institutional racism in public health. Method: qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, with a sample of nine nurses from a city on the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, analyzed according to the Content Analysis Method. Results: three categories emerged: knowledge about the health of the black population, actions and prevention against institutional racism, Experience in situations of racism, existence of discrimination and inequality in access to health services, Knowledge and opinion on the National Policy of Comprehensive Health of the Black Population and Institutional Racism. Final considerations: nurses perceive institutional racism in a distorted way, with reduced knowledge and provision of actions directed to the health of the black population. However, they emphasize educational means for the prevention and deconstruction of institutional racism in public health. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This study aims to compare Brazilian legislation to United Nations’ international recommendation with respect to the influence of each on the disclosure level of Brazilian companies’ CG practices. The theoretical approach is institutional theory. It is an exploratory study because CG disclosure is an insufficiently studied phenomenon in the light of institutional theory. The research amounts to a qualitative but also a quantitative one since its procedures encompass content analysis techniques to collect data and statistical tools to analyze them. Data were collected from all the companies belonging to IBOV Index, an indicator of the average quotations of Brazilian stock market’s most traded, representative shares. It was concluded that coercive forces exert more influence on the disclosure of corporate governance by the Brazilian companies studied, which means legally required indicators were more disclosed than those simply recommended by United Nations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Despite increased government involvement with public policy and the evolution of considerable scholarship on public policy since the pioneering efforts of theorizing and “modeling” of its “founders”, its initial formulations continue to influence the theoretical literature, empirical research and methods of analysis that characterize contemporary scholarship on public policy. From these initial formulations, several explanatory models, especially the neo-institutionalist strand were developed to better understand how and why the government does or does not do some action that will reverberate in the lives of citizens. This article examines some models that can be borrowed for the analysis of public policies formulated by different governments. In this paper four analytical models were examined: Institutional Analysis, Policy Network, Multiple Streams, and the Advocacy Coalition Framework. These approaches were considered for his internal consistency and applicability in the study of public policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Further, credit meters were generally mounted on external walls of dwellings (in all residential areas), and suspicion was widespread that supply was accessed by unauthorised users. These meters also reduced the problem of non-payment. When selling prepaid electricity, the challenge of providing a convenient payment point close to every home can easily be underestimated. In most instances, the change from credit meters to prepaid meters was started with a focus on the installation of meters, but it was soon found that the system only started to operate smoothly once the focus included the sales channel page | gg as well. From an end-user's perspective, the real delivery process has much more to do with the logistics of moving vouchers (sometimes called """"tokens"""" or """"PINs"""") from a computer where they are generated, to the user's home and moving the cash from the user's pockets to the utility's bank account. However, in the disadvantaged communities targeted by the INEP, few residents have bank accounts."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This chapter considers: the use of indicator frameworks to monitor key information on school systems, the use of tools to monitor student outcomes (in particular, specific national assessments designed for this purpose, longitudinal research and surveys, as well as international assessments), the use of qualitative reviews of particular aspects of the education system (including ad hoc reviews, as well as evaluative information generated via external education system reviews), and the evaluation of specific programmes and policies. The overarching policy objective is to ensure that education system evaluation contributes to the improvement of student outcomes through improved education policies. There is a complex range of features associated with education system evaluation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In contrast to the history of the drug wars in Latin America‚ the response to organised crime in West Africa has been much less militaristic. However‚ the response has still been coercive‚ mobilising law enforcement to interdict illicit flows and arrest those involved in drug trafficking. This chapter engages with the risks of a law enforcement approach as a common strategy to respond to organised crime in West Africa arguing that it is driven by the motives of the actors deploying these strategies, rather than specific needs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The time spent on household work depends not only on the strength of bargaining power, but also on conditioning factors such as household composition, life cycle stage, and the person's educational level as well as the resilience of gender norms and institutions that limit women's access to for example resources, employment and promotions. This is in contrast to running separate Ordinary least-square (OLS) regressions, which introduces bias due to the likelihood that the error terms of the equations are related to one another. However, this study focuses on the household division of labour with respect to market and non-market work and the regression results on leisure and rest are not included in this paper. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Green criminologists often deploy the notion of harm to capture patterns of environmental victimisation sitting outside the narrow and legalistic confines of environmental ‘crime’. In doing so, their analytical gaze is cast wide, resulting in a lack of focus on states and their specific obligations to protect citizens from such victimisation. The current article addresses this by using the dialectic conception of state crime to direct criminological attention towards these obligations. Using its constituent elements of human rights, deviance and legitimacy, the article examines the state duty to protect environmental human rights, the importance of involving opposition groups in research on deviant state activity, and the challenges faced by scholars attempting to evidence the illegitimacy of such practice. In doing so, literature from state crime and green criminological scholarship is synthesised, resulting in a concept of state environmental crime that is of utility to both fields. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 If we look at how the average life expectancy of Eastern European men (67.4 years in 2000) ranks against that of men in other regions of the world, only two regions score lower (Sub-Saharan Africa at 50.13 and South and Southeast Asia at 65.3). Western European men live almost ten years longer than their Eastern European counterparts, wheras the gap for women in the two regions is just under six years. Ours would not be the first study to show that Eastern European men are at a heightened risk of mortality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Available at: (Accessed 5 September 2013). International Journal of Tourism Research, 12(6), 739-749. Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Programme, Paris. Measuring Well-being, OECD Publishing, Paris. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Paris, France. Paper presented at the Global Science Forum, Sicily. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 To monitor the impact, indicators, such as the number of green jobs, the contribution of green businesses to GDP, GHG emission by strategic sectors and spending on green technology research and development, will be used. The finance ministry has identified economic instruments, such as environmental tax and green budgeting, while the central bank has included environmental performance in bank credit policy. These are part of the Government’s strategy to move away from the current high rate of per capita energy consumption and reduce energy intensity by 45% by 2035. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Death rates from ischaemic heart disease in Malta remain above the EU average but have shown a relatively consistent downward trend. More than a quarter of all deaths from ischaemic heart disease were premature, occurring in people aged under 75. These are potentially preventable through appropriate action within the health care system and wider policies affecting population health (see Section 5.1). Further remarkable improvements in survival have been demonstrated for malignant melanoma, testicular, thyroid and prostate cancers However, outcomes have remained unchanged for some cancers, such as those of the pancreas, stomach and brain, and specific types of acute leukaemias in adults. Deaths from lung cancer have also remained fairly stable and are among the lowest in the EU. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""A small number of countries have introduced incentives for employers to retain or recruit older workers. Workplace discrimination, typified by """"less pay for the same work"""", exists across the region. Gender abuse and gender violence too act as impediments to the social integration of women.8 For social integration to be effective, there is a need to ensure that policies and attitudes are more conducive to fostering gender equality. Almost all countries have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, while many have framed laws against gender discrimination. However, there is considerable divergence between the actual situation and the letter of the law. To ensure integration of women into society on an equal basis with men it is necessary to introduce appropriate legislation and ensure enforcement of existing laws."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! At the school level, the analyses consider the relationship between the average socio-economic status of 15-year-old students in the school and the scores of the 15-year-olds attending that school. At the country level, the socio-economic status of students, both on average and its distribution within the country, can be related to average performance at the school-system level. These associations partly reflect the advantages in resources that relatively high socio-economic status confers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The export tariff rate applicable in any month is determined by a sliding scale based on the international price of CPO in Rotterdam, a major market for vegetable oils. If the monthly average CIF price Rotterdam was less than USD 550/tonne then no export tax would be charged the following month, if between USD 550-649 then the rate would be set at 2.5%, between USD 650-749 at 5%, between USD 750-849 at 7.5%, and if above USD 850 at 10%. The regime was revised in February 2008 when the international price kept increasing, with new higher rates introduced. Under the revised regulation, if the monthly average CIF price Rotterdam is between USD 1100-1200/tonne, the tax rate is 15%, between USD 1 200-1 300 then 20%, and 30% if the price exceeds USD 1 300. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The redistribution of tasks to nurses or the broader clinical team could be exploited, notably in emergency facilities that face increasing pressures from the demand side. A more co-ordinated and faster response from emergency department is furthermore urgently needed. There are innovative examples that can be found in Japan or in other OECD countries. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In all three countries, children in households where adults work less than half of the potential time are significantly more likely to be both poor and deprived in at least one dimension, or deprived only, but less likely to be poor but not deprived. Everything else being equal, the odds of simultaneous poverty and deprivation are significantly higher for rural children and children in large families in Finland and Romania, for children in non-owner occupied housing in Finland and the United Kingdom, for children in migrant households in Finland, and for those with one or two parents not present in the household (i.e. children in lone parent families) in Romania. Although the present analysis barely scraped the surface of EU-MODA, it demonstrated that the framework can be applied to both newer and older EU member states using child specific deprivation data from the ad-hoc deprivation module of the EU-SILC 2009. This serves as a baseline for future analysis using child deprivation indicators from the forthcoming waves of the EU-SILC. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Abstract High economic growth rates, the revolution in telecommunications and the end of the Cold War have brought about rapid and profound changes to the domestic as well as regional environments of Northeast Asian governments. The maritime sphere, where increasingly militarized state boundaries delineate political authority and economic activities link increasingly interdependent communities therein, bears high significance for the study of regional cooperation. This paper looks at how the maritime sphere of Northeast Asia is represented in common political and academic discourses of international relations. It finds that maritime affairs are firmly cast in the language of national security, and that empirical evidence against perceived threats and related security imperatives is often neglected if not completely ignored. The paper argues that the maritime space, due to its special character, has become the stage on which the consequences of modernity appear particularly strong. The relentless quest to ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Only Almaty City has a metro line, with plans to build a tramline. Many cities depend on taxis, most of them informal (but cheaper) private cars operating as taxis, which increases traffic in some cities. Low fuel prices and parking space for cars provide further incentives for private vehicle use and limit cities’ income for public transport improvements. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A learning model presented in the appendix describes how a facility in Denmark is aiming to be Europe’s number one centre for testing, demonstrations and research into technology harvesting renewable energy offshore (the Lindoe Offshore Renewables Centre). Following the Lindoe example, leadership for any similar initiative would need to come from the business community with the support of local and State governments. Sustainable Schools NSW, for example, is a government-funded support programme to help schools integrate environmental learning and awareness into all aspects of their activities, supported by a wide range of web-based resources at This support reflects the principle that the education system should aim to ensure that school leavers are well equipped for emerging opportunities in the green economy. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As such, countries are especially interested in learning more about their own teaching workforce and making comparisons with other countries in order to develop more effective policies to improve teaching and learning. The first section focuses on teacher characteristics and provides a profile of lower secondary teachers (with selected information provided for primary and upper secondary teachers). Analyses in this section focus on demographic characteristics such as the age and gender of teachers, their employment status, their formal education and their previous work experience. This chapter also looks at these characteristics in relation to how teachers are distributed across a system, in rural or urban areas or in schools deemed to be in more or less challenging environments. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These shares have been fairly stable over the past five years. In comparison, the IEA average in 2008 was 23% for industry, and 32% for transport and 45% for other sectors. Industry has modernised and restructured itself, and, counterbalancing the impact of rapid population growth, energy use in buildings has become more efficient. The transport sector, in turn, has seen a dramatic increase in energy use over the past decade. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This type of research has proven valuable for the UK fishing industry (Box 1.8). This includes a project related to the removal of pinbones in cod and whitefish, the development of novel bioactive seaweed-based products, marketing, including retail displays of fish and fish products. A particularly interesting project is the establishment of a North Atlantic Marine Cluster w'hich seeks to strengthen relationships, build arenas for communicating research findings and benchmarking in the marine sector. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The MENA-OECD Initiative on Governance and Competitiveness for Development (OECD, 2017a) has been following these developments and supporting stakeholders in their actions to reform policy, with the MENA-OECD Governance Programme working on gender equality in public life (OECD, 2015a), and the MENA-OECD Competitiveness Programme addressing women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship (OECD, 2013a, 2014, 2015b, 2017b forthcoming). Despite great progress in reducing gender inequalities in education, women do not generally enjoy equal participation in or access to opportunities in employment, entrepreneurship and public life. Further reform is therefore essential if gender equality principles are to translate into concrete policy reform and practice on the ground. Gender gaps in adult literacy rates are gradually falling and, in many countries, they have mostly closed among the young (Figure 20.1). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This change in policy resulted in a split of responsibilities between national and regional actors, which required the creation of strategic agendas seeking to facilitate the interaction between national and local plans. At the national level there is the creation of a new sectoral policy, the Top Sector policy, which aims at facilitating innovation in well-established sectors which represent the main strengths of the Dutch economy. The spatial policy retains a central government element in the definition of the areas of intervention of national importance. Cross-border policies also have an impact on regional development. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! With average annual growth of GDP and GDP per capita of 6.3% and 4.5%, respectively, it has been among Latin America’s top economic performers. It weathered the recent financial and economic crisis well and picked up vigorously in 2010. Underpinning this excellent performance are sound macroeconomic policies, structural reforms to improve the functioning of product and labour markets, and the openness of the economy to international trade and foreign investment. These policies have fostered investment, productivity and job creation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Nonetheless, in many parts of the world, distant migrants have played a positive role in development at home in one way or another. Not surprisingly, many resented this - they had, after all, often acquired new knowledge, experience and some wisdom - and consequently dropped out of the system to develop a business or simply retire. Again, this constitutes brain waste. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Up until about 2000, most of the work on gender and international relations (IR) was nonpositivist in nature. Since 2000, there has been a burst of positivist gender/IR scholarship, much of it quantitative. This work has addressed several important areas in IR, including terrorism, interstate war, human rights, civil war, violence against civilians, public opinion, international norms, globalization, and others. Much of this work has developed new data, advanced theory, and employed rigorous empirical methods. This article surveys this positivist scholarship. It discusses how positivist and nonpositivist gender/IR work complement each other. This article makes recommendations about directions for future scholarship on gender and IR. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2010, the southern regions, which are typically the most rural regions, show higher rates of population over 15 that have not completed secondary education than northern regions. Over 30% of the population over 15 had not completed primary education in Guerrero, Chiapas, and Oaxaca, which is well above the share of nearly 10% found in Nuevo Leon and Distrito Federal (Table 1.2). The index of marginalisation, used by the Mexican Government as a summary measure of the degree of social and economic deprivation and lack of access to services, is very high in the regions of Guerrero, Chiapas and Oaxaca (Table 1.2). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Self-employment is more important in Greece, the Czech and Slovak Republics and Turkey. Temporary employment is largest in relative size in Poland, Portugal, Korea and Spain. Youth and workers with a lower level of education are over-represented in NSW - close to half of temporary workers are under 30 years of age, and the incidence of temporary employment is 30% higher for those with lower level of education than for those with medium education. Non-standard workers are also more likely to be found in small firms. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Only for those students that risk not being eligible for upper secondary school, the weakest students, do they find a somewhat negative correlation between a large proportion of immigrant students and grade point scores. However, country of origin is no longer a criteria and the focus has shifted to all children, regardless of ethnic background. To determine the level of grants and funding, schools use a combination of socio-economic status and parental educational attainment (see also Section 3.8.3). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Husbands with higher bargaining power (as proxied by the education gap between spouses) spend less time on housework and more time on market work. However, the education gap does not influence women's time spent on household work, while the bargaining power proxied by age gap between spouses does not affect the husband's household work time. Having young children increases the time spent in housework for both spouses, but the wife's housework increases considerably more than her husband's (89.3 minutes vs. 29.8 minutes). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To improve health outcomes, health systems as well as global geopolitical, socio-economic, informational, technological and climatic interventions are required. Comprehensive coverage is sought for health promotion by including the total expenditure of joint efforts within multisectoral and multi-partner services and programmes that can be of policy relevance. In most cases, the multi-sectoral approach has joint interests, and expenditure that is beneficial to health care may overlap with that of other social functions. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Thus the establishment of the GSM is now an essential aspect of the organisation and management of smuggling networks. More generally speaking, the emerging transport network links the national urban networks to each other, together they promote the renewed regionalisation of international migration flows, which is itself supported by the development of new information technology. In this context, the capitals of Niamey, Ouagadougou, Bamako and Dakar are an East to West and West to East route of high traffic, incorporated in the global networks. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! I he language skills of parents, particularly of mothers, may not be sufficient to allow them to assist their children in their schoolwork. This is especially the case in the Internet age, when media in the language of the country of origin are more present in immigrant households than they ever used to be. However, the variance in the performance gaps between immigrant and non-immigrant students across countries, even after adjusting for socio-economic background, suggests that policy has an important role to play in eliminating such gaps. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A similar clear-cut conclusion cannot be drawn for coal-fired power plants. Imported coal lands on international ports (Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Antwerp, Hamburg and Bremen) and is carried to the plant via ship or rail. Overall, rail transport is considerably more expensive than transport by ship, which makes the transport costs for hard coal strongly dependent on the geographical location. Hard coal transport costs range from a few euros per tonne for coastal sites close to the delivery ports in the North and Baltic Sea, to about EUR 10/tonne in the areas accessible by inland waterways, mainly along Rhine and Elbe. Coal transport by rail to inland locations is considerably more expensive, between 30 and EUR 50/ tonne. New coal-fuelled power plants are almost exclusively located with access to coastal ports on the North or in the inland waterways, reflecting the above mentioned differences in hard coal transport costs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This implies that income-based measures need to be complemented by non-monetary measures to present a solid empirical picture of spatial differences in poverty and deprivation.8 Non-monetary measures are based on either the respondent’s self-assessment of their owrn material conditions or on measures of ownership of consumer goods and living standards (Boarini and Mira d’Ercole, 2006) but could also extend to measures of other types of achievements, such as their health, skills and political voice. This indicator is closer to an absolute measure of poverty as it is based on a set of commodities, each with the same weight, that are equal across all countries.9 This indicator is also based on counting the same number of deprivations in all EU countries, implying that it is based on a common EU-wide norm (as compared to the country specific thresholds used when measuring the income-poverty headcount). As the list of deprivation items is generally country-specific (and influenced by cultural factors), no measure of ‘material deprivation’ is regularly compiled for OECD countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Bommelaer and Devaux (2012) list such cases: inherited orphan industrial pollution (ruins of war, sediments, sludge, dredging residues, etc.), Putting a price on water cannot compensate for such pollutions, as this would transfer the cost of pollution to agents not responsible for the externality. This first category of benefits encompasses the direct benefits received by water users such as farmers, energy producers and industrial facilities, as well as households. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Much has been written in economic circles about the rising investment of the BRICS countries in Africa, yet there is scant literature on the determinants of FDI from these countries to Africa, and no studies have reported on that from India. In 2012, Indian FDI surpassed that of China, making India the largest developing country that is a direct investor in Africa. This study focuses on understanding the determinants of Indian FDI in Africa using structural equation modelling (SEM), which includes factor analysis and regression estimations. The specific determinants that influence the number of Indian FDI deals in Africa include government effectiveness, control of corruption, crude oil price, school enrolment and exports. The value of the investments is influenced by government effectiveness and rule of law. We conclude that India’s increasing involvement in Africa is driven by trade and resources. It is, however, differentiated through a strong focus on good governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This is an intergovernmental institution focusing on the generation and application of early warning information and supporting capacity building. By 2015, RIMES had grown to include 13 member States and 19 collaborating countries. Consequently, countries in Asia and the Pacific are calling for better regional early warning systems for hazards such as transboundary river-basin floods (e.g. in South Asia and South-East Asia), landslides, flash floods and glacial lake outburst floods. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Furthermore, GMS governments have designated more areas for forest protection and conservation such as national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves and so forth. At the same time, there has been an increase in awareness of the importance of maintaining the remaining natural forests and more information has become available on the protective functions of forests and the value of ecosystem services. While it is difficult to obtain concrete data on financial aspects, it could also be true that governments may have increased budget allocations for forest protection and conservation compared to the outlay 20 years ago. This is also intended to ensure that they can benefit from forest management, e.g. enhanced livelihoods and income. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The constitutional project of Article 3 debated in the Constituent Congress of 1916-1917 laid the foundations of laicism in education, not only public but also private. In the current context of the modern constitutionalism, human rights such as the right to education and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion, in the lay state, possess an even international protection, and so it is important to study the historical foundations of these constitutional laws. This article will analyze the Constitutional Article 3 that, from its origins, restricted the freedom of education due to the ideology of laicism that influenced from its first draft and that persists today. In the final discussion, the consequences of laicism, in the current debate on these fundamental human rights, and how education has been evolving from laicism are analyzed. Laicism still encloses neopositivist conceptual categories. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, at the moment there appears to be a conflict of the university’s designation as an APEX University and the regional engagement mission. While Universiti Sains Malaysia strives to become a globally competitive research university serving “billions”, there is limited targeted attention to the needs of the population within its region. Realities of differences in socio-economic issues facing Penang and those facing the other three states include the urban-rural divide and the priority of agriculture in other three states. Furthermore, the focus of Northern Corridor Economic Region does not encompass higher education except indirectly through other issues, such as human resource development from the perspective of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, not the Ministry of Higher Education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Sierra Leone was engulfed in a destructive civil war between 1991 and 2002. The civil war was partly caused by the non-accountability of the government, endemic corruption, misrule and the mismanagement of the country’s resources. Efforts have been made by the country, with the help of the international community, to embrace a democratic dispensation. To demonstrate its commitment to the democratization agenda, Sierra Leone passed the Right to Access Information (RAI) Act in 2013. The Act guarantees access to government information and also imposes a penalty on failure to make information available. However, Sierra Leone’s state institutions are still weak due to mismanagement and lack of transparency and accountability. Freedom of expression and access to information are cornerstones of modern democracies. Public information/records are a means of power that governments and other political institutions use to exercise control over citizens, but are also a means of citizens’ empowerment. Through access to... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 At least for the time being, the international community must rely on national courts to prosecute modern-day pirates. The first wave of domestic piracy prosecutions suggests, however, that domestic courts have yet to achieve the necessary consistency and expertise in resolving key questions of international law in these cases. This article evaluates how courts trying modern-day pirates have addressed common questions of international law regarding the exercise of universal jurisdiction, the elements of the crime of piracy, and the principle of nullum crimen sine lege. In doing so, it evaluates five decisions issued in 2010 by courts in Kenya, the Netherlands, the Seychelles and the United States, and it proposes some clear answers to these recurrent questions of international law in domestic piracy prosecutions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Due to the limited size of the individual herring quotas the operators proposed to introduce transferability, which were approved by the Icelandic authorities in 1979. Through the individual and transferable quota system, the Icelandic authorities had found a convincing instrument to solve the distribution problems related to a limited resource and large fishing capacity. The system covered cod and five other species, but also included an option for operators to choose an effort-based management option (days at sea). Initially, vessels under 10 GT were not included in the system. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Relatively high wages at the bottom of the wage distribution make it costly to hire professional household service providers (Albrecht et al., In Sweden, both men and women spend more time on household services than in the United States since their high cost and social norms against buying household services encourage people to perform their own household tasks rather than relying on market provision. Policies to improve wage flexibility at the lower end of the wage distribution, as proposed earlier in this paper, would lower the cost of in-house child-care. In 2007, a tax deduction for up to 50% of expenses for domestic household-related services was introduced, mainly to reduce the extent of informal economic activity. The fact that the tax deduction covers various domestic services including house renovation makes it hard to assess its impact on female employment outcomes. The impact of the tax deduction on female employment outcomes should be monitored. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Municipalities, especially those with a large share of low-income households and a high share of unemployment, may not have the financial and organisational capacity to supply and maintain social housing. In Poland, for example, municipalities are responsible for the supply and maintenance of social housing, but due to their scarce financial resources, the supply of affordable housing has remained a major challenge, especially in mid-sized cities (OECD, 2011b). This takes the form of demand-side subsidies (e.g. tax relief on paid rent for tenants) or supply-side subsidies (e.g. favourable treatment of rental income for landlords). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The most recent work, performed in 2018, included a revision of the methodology used in previous years. The MSE simulated the impacts of 18 different management scenarios in the future (up to 2036) including: the protraction of current fishing mortality (F status quo, FSQ), the harvest control rule (HCR) contained in Recommendation GFCM/37/2013/1, a catch limit set at the catches of 2014 and other measures outlined above as well as contrast scenarios. The results obtained showed that, for both species, maintaining the status quo would result in a high risk of spawning stock biomass (SSB) falling below BLIM in the short, medium and long term (example given in Figure 93 for European anchovy). They also showed that a recovery of the stock could be possible under a restricted number of scenarios with a low risk of dropping below Bum, at least in the medium term, for example, an effective implementation of the HCR foreseen under Recommendation GFCM/37/2013/1 would allow sardine SSB to recover with a low risk of dropping below BLIM in the short and medium term (0 and 0.4 percent, respectively) and a relatively low risk (16.8 percent) in the longer term (Figure 94). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The impacts of global capitalism and neoliberalism on higher education can reduce the social work curriculum to competency-based skills acquisition rather than critically reflective, transformative learning. This encourages the promotion of establishment social work approaches aimed at accepting the status quo, rather than critical forms of social work that critique the dominant social structures and power relations that cause broad social divisions. The marginalisation of critical approaches reshapes social work towards conservative, market-led demands, yet an explicitly critical social work curriculum is pivotal to the claim of social work as an emancipatory project. This article presents original research that discusses the impact of an Australia critical social work programme on students' development as agents of change. The findings suggest that developing a curriculum based on critical social science, and using critical pedagogical processes, assists students/graduates to work effectively for social justice and promotes their participation in collective social action. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 If the primary goal of regulation is to address a spatial externality within a surface water-groundwater system, such as stream depletion, then targeting land retirement based on that externality (i.e. paying a premium to purchase entitlements that have higher associated marginal externalities) will be cost-effective. Note however, that if there is a strong positive correlation between the marginal benefits of groundwater use and the marginal externality of groundwater use, the optimal solution may be to retire a relatively large area of less hydrologically-damaging but low-cost land. This includes voluntary programs undertaken by users to manage or reduce groundwater use, or collective mechanisms induced by regulatory framework requirements. It is possible for local groundwater users' groups to introduce binding management policies collectively, voluntarily, often in conjunction with other higher level instruments, or sometimes set up independently. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These include bioregional classification, coherent systems of marine protected or managed areas, ocean zoning and fisheries management. Environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment ensure that proposed activities do not cause undue environmental degradation. Overall, a key challenge remains: integrating various management approaches undertaken by sectors into a comprehensive and cohesive plan with the ecosystem as its central framework. Marine spatial planning (MSP) is one approach that can help countries undertake this task, and it is gaining considerable popularity. Similarly to integrated coastal zone management, it provides for operationalizing an ecosystem approach through a planning process involving all stakeholders. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""Because it does not conform to national accounting and overlaps with the modern sector, studies (such as those of PARSTAT) still underestimate its real size. In practice, this economy is defined essentially by default: """"informal"""" covers any economic activity that does not comply with the obligations to register, keep accounts and pay taxes - even in recent studies, such as PARSTAT. The rapid urbanisation of sub-Saharan Africa is not based on the demand for industrial labour or, more generally, the supply of modern employment arising from industrialisation and external trade."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! It is the budget holder, controlling the activity on its own account. Concessional finance to or through these entities were not included in this analysis as it would be difficult to determine the “STI-proportion” of the total finance received by these entities. The most prominent keywords used in the description of the activities identified in stages 1 and 2 were identified using Natural Language Processing algorithms. Common English words such as “the”, “is”, and “are” were removed from the analysis. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In its current form, the CDM does not address risk perception or actual risks of EE projects. The small size and scattered nature of end-use EE projects, and potentially low generated income from CERs, often does not even cover the transaction costs -should the project be accepted. Current methodologies prevent the crediting of capacity building, training or education, all essential elements to the creation of an enabling environment for private-sector financing of the EE end-use sector. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Inconsistent approaches to setting reference flows and managing water permits can create conflicts, as can the absence of defined flow requirements for transboundary rivers. There is also the potential for allocation decisions to be taken at a state or basin level (and based on state or local priorities) on matters of national significance and in conflict with national priorities. For instance, while hydropower generation is a national priority, in some basins (e.g. Sao Marcos), irrigated agriculture may have more value. In such circumstances it is difficult to balance priorities between nation-wide energy needs and regional development. Stakeholders in the basins may fail to see the big picture, and national players may fail to consider local issues. There are also the benefits of a more holistic approach to basin management, which is supported by retaining greater control over management decisions at a higher level. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Indirect taxes, such as value-added or excise taxes, can put a greater burden on poor women because women tend to consume goods and services that benefit families—health, education and nutrition (Barnett and Grown, 2004). Because men's businesses were much more likely to use unpaid family labour, some of the value-added was not costed and hence not taxed. Women entrepreneurs were more likely to be in the trade sector where the VAT rate was 10 per cent, while male entrepreneurs were in the production sector where the rate was 5 per cent. Recent budget analysis shows that the ratio of tax to overall government revenue is extremely low in many developing countries, compared with developed countries. Estimates from the early 2000s suggest that the ratio ranges from around 8 per cent in Bangladesh and India and 10 per cent in Nigeria, to about 32 per cent in Barbados and Botswana, compared with 29 to 30 per cent in Australia and the United States of America and 51 per cent in Sweden (Barnett and Grown, 2004). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Depending on the national context, substance abuse can include excessive consumption of alcohol (including commercial or home-brewed), consumption of illegal drugs, misuse of prescription medications and misuse of consumer products in order to achieve an altered state (e.g., sniffing petrol). It is important that measures of substance abuse include frequency of consumption or intoxication and amount consumed within a typical consumption period. This could be defined as drinking to get drunk or drinking a set amount, such as five or more drinks on one occasion. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! This article examines how the regulatory character of market institutions shapes government responses to labour shortages, with particular reference to immigration policy. The period between the late 1990s and the late 2000s saw many advanced economies relax entry controls on select categories of foreign workers. This trend was most pronounced among states with liberal market institutions. The underlying reasons for these trends are analysed through an examination of the motivations for reform in Australia and the UK, two states that oversaw significant liberalisations of their labour immigration policies. It argues that the liberal character of key market institutions encouraged firms in these states to look to external rather than internal solutions for meeting their labour requirements. These findings suggest that perspectives from the comparative political economy scholarship, most notably the varieties of capitalism literature, may provide insights into the way that different modes of market regulation shape immigration policy preferences. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is now strong evidence that small farms are less productive than larger farms. Some LDCs have underutilised land which could be opened to commercial farming on a competitive basis. However, such commercial operations are quite distinct from the geopolitical mega-deals that some governments have attempted to negotiate with LDCs. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Happiness and Alleviation of Income Poverty: Impacts of an unconditional cash transfer programme using a subjective well-being approach, Innocenti Working Paper No.2016-23, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. Effects of a Large-Scale Unconditional Cash Transfer Program on Mental Health Outcomes of Young People in Kenya. Journal of Adolescent Health 58(2): 223-229. The effect of a conditional cash transfer for HIV prevention on the experience of partner violence for young women: Evidence from a randomized experiment in South Africa HPTN 068. Journal of International AIDS Society (in press). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This decision was supported by years of discussion and mounting evidence and observations, notably by economists, that the block pricing system was not effective in reducing water use. This amendment removes the extraction levies for farmers and embeds a slightly lower rate of extraction cost in the water price to be applied to all regions. The amendment was meant to reduce regional inequalities, it increased water prices in the north and slightly reduced them in the south. This process also reallocated the collected revenue from the levy from the Ministry of Finance to the state-supported water company (Mekorot) and reduced cross-subsidies by other sectors. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Citizenship is a core concept in public administration research. This article examines how the concept was employed in twenty-nine research articles published in Public Administration Review since 2009. It finds two difficulties. The first is a tendency to omit an explicit definition of the concept, contrary to good practice. The second is a tendency to adopt an implied definition of citizenship that encompasses all of the general population. The paper considers possible justifications for current practice. Research would be improved by using the concept less frequently, defining it explicitly, adopting a definition that is closer to ordinary usage, and attending more carefully to the ways in which attitudes and behavior are influenced by a person's status within a jurisdiction. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is assumed that the costs of exhaustible energy increase linearly with the cumulative consumption, whereas the costs of renewable energy increase as the annual amount of renewable energy consumed grows. Special attention is paid to the possible role of nuclear energy under two different CO2 emission constraints, and different nuclear cost conditions related to the available amount of plutonium and whether or not the nuclear non-proliferation treaty prevails. A large set of different factors contribute to the current level of security of energy supply. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the other hand, inequality-poverty elasticity may be higher or lower than zero.' This means that poverty changes may result both from economic growth (typified by the increase of average income) and from a decline in income inequality. However, the poverty reduction effect is much stronger when both factors combine. The arithmetic average of this variable is then established and average income values thus obtained for the states in the sample. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For example, MPS increased dramatically in 2010 because domestic market prices rose and border prices fell, increasing the gap between them. A stronger rupiah in relation to the USD was one reason why border prices fell. The most important commodity is rice (Figure 2.15). Its importance in the overall value of production means that changes in the MPS for rice have a significant influence on annual changes in total MPS. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Therefore, regional cooperation is critical for creating cross-border resiliency in energy infrastructure, going from """"energy self-sufficiency"""" to """"high interconnectedness"""". Table 4.1 presents an example, from transboundary power trade, of typical integration levels by key targets for energy cooperation. These common challenges present in the majority of member States include political, technical, regulatory and financial barriers."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, science committee and fishery resource management committee were newly organized to coordinate joint participation and role assignments to relevant stakeholders. So far, 10 FSRPs have been established and operated, and it is planned to be expanded to 20 species by 2012. The result of pilot projects show that stocks are increasing after the introduction of FSRPs. For instance, the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of sandfish in the East Sea has increased from 0.44 in 2005 to 0.78 in 2007. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Changes have been made, but on average only once every 10 years”. They improved responsiveness and increased community participation for setting priorities and health-related performance targets. A network of almost 150 local users’ groups {juntas) is well-established, which actively collaborate with the CCSS to discharge a wide range of responsibilities. As well as mediating public queries/complaints and generally seeking to improve relations between the CCSS and users, juntas' activities include identifying local service needs and assisting in procurement decisions (for a new ambulance, pain clinic or mammography kit, for example), assisting in local epidemiological surveillance (particularly of infectious disease such as dengue), organising blood donations, and, organising local health promotion activities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, there are countries that have been able to reduce household poverty without significant economic growth. He demonstrated that the higher the average income and the lower its concentration, the higher the resulting elasticity. They concluded that a higher average income resulted in a higher absolute elasticity and that higher income concentration led to lower absolute elasticity. The highest income-poverty elasticity values were found in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. He found that both estimations showed very similar standard variations across the different states. They also tested for the existence of a non-linear interaction effect between growth and initial inequality, seeking to evaluate the hypothesis that higher inequality was associated with a lessening of the poverty reduction efficiency of growth. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Specific tax relief may also provide tax avoidance instruments for the top-income earners. In particular, there is little justification for tax breaks for stock options and carried interest. Raising such taxes would cater to equity objectives and allow a cut in marginal labour income tax rates. Empirical evidence suggests that recurrent taxes on immovable property are among the least distortive taxes, followed by consumption taxes (Johansson et al., - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In most cases, however, the majority of the funding burden falls on local governments, meaning funding differs markedly depending on local fiscal conditions (Dai et al., Out-of-pocket payments are likely to be largest in those areas where local governments have the poorest financing capacity. As such, the design of the scheme may be accentuating existing regional inequities, calling for a larger role for the central government in its funding. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In addition, the Albanian government launched a large campaign in 2015 to fight informality. The campaign involved a significant number of stakeholders and resulted in an increase in more than 70 000 new registrations as employees or self-employed. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo have the lowest scores, at 1.5 each. While legal provision and functioning institutions (e.g. labour inspectorates) that address informal employment are in place in both of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s entities, their efforts are rather fragmented and do not address the issues systematically. Similarly, there is no coherent approach for tackling informal employment in Kosovo. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Obviously, this reserve capacity adds to the upfront investment cost, requiring a trade-off between investment and distribution costs. Since the daily peak demand in rural Indian areas typically occurs in the evening through lighting loads, replacing incandescent lights by compact fluorescent lamps can help to reduce the peak load. Around 404 million people in India, or 36% of the population, mostly living in rural areas, have no access to electricity (IEA, 2010c). Rural electrification has been an important issue of India's policies since its independence. Initially the focus was on electrification of irrigation pumps for agriculture, especially during the time of the green revolution in the 1960s. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We analyze an oligopoly model in which differentiated criminal organizations globally compete on criminal activities and engage in local corruption to avoid punishment. When bribing costs are low, that is badly-paid and dishonest law enforcers work in a weak governance environment, and the rents from criminal activity are sufficiently high, we find that increasing policing and sanctions can generate higher crime rates. Indeed, beyond a threshold, further increases in intended expected punishment create incentives for organized crime to extend corruption rings, and ensuing impunity results in a fall of actual expected punishment that yields more rather than less crime. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Children and parents can participate in evaluation, and their views are to be given prominence. Additionally, self-evaluation kits have been developed so that professionals can evaluate their knowledge and implementation of the curriculum framework. This requires a comprehensive approach that includes specific support at schools, help from social institutions to address social and behavioural aspects, and the involvement of schools, students and family. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""Some countries have specialised working groups or """"innovation networks” - involving industiy, institutions, government, academia and experts - in thematic areas such as skills, education, sectors (e.g. manufacturing, agriculture), etc. These groups facilitate the creation of policy roadmaps and innovation agendas, which will nourish the design of strategies and policy programmes at a higher level. A corollary of this increased accountability is the importance attached to policy monitoring and evaluation in good governance practices. This, in turn, requires a sound and reliable system of STI indicators and innovation statistics."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This reflects customs agencies’ efforts to encourage compliance through increased communication and confidence between the administration and the traders. Limited progress is also noted as regards the publication of rulings of general interest to the trade community. The analysis conducted in the OECD Trade Policy Paper 114 (Moise et al., Analysis of cross-sectional data demonstrated that the main predictors of the number of advance rulings, in order of importance, were the average tariff levels, the number of tariff lines, the per cent of trade entering under a preference program and the number of importers. Trade volumes do impact advance rulings, but only modestly and only in selected sectors. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! The tool is intended to assist governments and decision makers in deciding on the most appropriate road safety policies and measures to achieve tangible results. The model is based on historical road safety data and relations between several road safety parameters, and provides information on different road safety scenarios. The tool's output is a spider diagram that summarizes a city's overall state of urban transport and performance against each indicator. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This is mainly due to the fast growth of the region’s urban population, which has more than doubled since 1950, and the issues faced by cities in developing the adequate infrastructure to keep up with the escalating water and sanitation needs. This inequality of access between rural and urban areas varies among sub-regions, as shown in Figures 9.3 and 9.4. Within cities, it is the poor urban populations that tend to be left behind. Women and girls are traditionally responsible for domestic water supply and sanitation in many countries, whilst at the same time being particularly affected by the lack of availability of sanitation services in terms of health and safety (see Section 2.2). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The transition towards a green economy depends on the development of policies and market-based instruments that support further innovation and diversification in forest products markets. The EU Forest Strategy, international trade agreements and timber regulations can have significant influence, along with non-regulatory systems such as voluntary certification programmes, markets for ecosystem services, research findings, and green building innovations. Available at: justice-department-now-seeking-criminal-charges-against-lumber-liquidators-over Beveridge and Diamond. Lacey Act amendments impact wood products. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to implement the APEC environmental goods list, which lists goods on which APEC members will reduce tariffs by the end of 2015. In 2014, this included briefings by CITES, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). New Zealand briefed the CTE on the jointly organized Parties meeting held in Lima in December 2014. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Data was only available from Benishangul Gumuz, which spent an average of ETB 0.1 million between 2010/11 and 2016/17 on this instrument. This was the second-largest focus area in expenditure terms between 2012/13 and 2015/16. Spending grew by 6% per year on average in real terms over this period. Moreover, social sectors such as health and education are not well equipped to accommodate children with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Considering collectively the selected indicators presented in Figure 1.6.2, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Hong Kong (China) and Macao (China) stand out by achieving both high performance and high equity in education opportunities. As shown in Chapter 2, countries with higher national incomes are at a relative advantage in performance comparisons. However, the relationship between national income and mean performance is not deterministic, and countries and economies of similar wealth show very different mean performance in PISA 2015. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""The Summit, together with a People's Climate March in which the Secretary-General participated, demonstrated the power of civil society and business as catalysts for national action. The close of the Summit brought renewed hope, not only that a universal agreement might be possible in 2015, but also that the high-level engagement of leaders, civil society and business would help galvanize it. Among its conclusions, the IPCC again found that human influence on the climate system was clear. It stated that anthropogenic GHG emissions were the highest in history, and that recent climate change had widespread impacts on human and natural systems.91 AR5 emphasized that climate change risk would more severely impact already vulnerable and marginalized communities92 Limiting global warming to 2°C would require """"substantial emission reductions over the next few decades and near zero emissions of C02 and other long-lived GHGs by the end of the century""""93 In addition, AR5 indicated that effective mitigation would require international cooperation."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As the Fosen service matured, an intermediate-care facility was created, where people could be admitted for a few days and cared for by community primary care doctors working closely with hospital specialists. With support from the specialist hospital, Fosen DMC is providing a comprehensive package of care and services closer to where residents live, minimising travel time, promoting patient-centred care, and avoiding costly admissions to the acute hospital. For example, when the hospital was persuaded to locale an audiologist at Fosen DMC, his lists were soon full, patients were satisfied, and patient transport costs for which the hospital had been previously liable were reduced. Evidence of staff satisfaction can be seen in veiy low absence rates of around 3%. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For instance, in the Slovak Republic children in low work intensity households, holding other characteristics constant, are 63.1 ppt more likely to fall into the poorest decile than children living in households with work intensity that is higher or equal to 20%. Differences in the probability of being in the bottom income decile by household work intensity are highest in Slovenia, closely followed by the Slovak Republic and Estonia. It is lowest in Austria, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom (seeTable 1). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Until 2016, growth is not expected to exceed 2% per year. From 2017 to the end of the projection period, real GDP growth is expected to average 2.6% per annum. The exchange rate of the Brazilian real (BRL) relative to the USD is expected to depreciate throughout the outlook period making Brazil’s export sectors more competitive in world markets but also increasing the cost of imports. This is not expected to put undue pressure on consumer prices, with inflation remaining low. Producer prices are expected to rise briskly during the next ten years, but when adjusted for inflation, crop prices are relatively flat. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Of these, the following countries were selected for examination: Angola,Austria,the Bahamas,Bulgaria,Chile,Macedonia, Pakistan and Togo {with occasional reference to other country reports). Because there were no country reports from the MENA region in this reporting period, we have also included the report from Jordan, which was from an earlier reporting period (February 2012). This entails a recognition of the interlocking nature of women's disadvantage: how imbalances of power within the home and family radiate outwards into inequalities in the labour force and more generally in access to resources and public life. It is not enough to point to the many situations in which women remain subject to formal legal disabilities, it is also important for UN bodies to highlight substantive disadvantage, whether or not caused by legal inequalities. He adds that lack of recognition of reproductive rights is also part of this cycle since women lose out on work and education by having to marry and have children early (ibid., - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 At the country level, each National Dialogue is managed as a collaborative effort involving the national GEF Focal Points, the GEF Secretariat, and the Implementing Agencies. These dialogues normally last two or three days and are organized by the GEF OFP, with financial and technical support from the GEF Secretariat. At the 9,h ordinary meeting of the BLG in 2014 Ms. Yoko Watanabe of the GEF Secretariat indicated that this process might provide opportunities for the conventions of the BLG to participate and provide input to the process.109. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The limited changes of HB receipt rates over time could be explained by different, and often higher, income thresholds than are used for ‘core’ SA. Low-income families may therefore receive HB regardless of employment status, which could explain a lower responsiveness to cyclical changes in employment levels. Rates of benefit receipt at one point in time, and even the changes in these rates over time, say very little about how often people move on or off benefits. In particular, from looking at the rates of benefit receipt alone, it is not possible to tell whether the recipient population changed completely from one period to the next or whether the same group of individuals remained on benefits. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 If the perpetrator is a descendant or the spouse of the victim, the penalty is two years in prison and a 2 000 dinars fine. Article 53 of the UAE's penal code allows the imposition of “chastisement by a husband to his wife and the chastisement of minor children” so long as the assault does not exceed the limits prescribed by sharia. In such cases, the court may request compensation for the woman, at the discretion of the judge. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Not only is it impossible to achieve gender equality without education, but expanding education opportunities for all can help stimulate productivity and thereby also reduce the economic vulnerability of poor households. This heralds what was effectively one of the strongest themes that emerged in the post-2015 education consultations, i.e., a rights-based approach in which rights are indivisible. Indeed, overcoming structural barriers to accessing good quality education is vital for realizing education rights for all. Several inputs noted that inequality in education remains a persistent challenge. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The provisions for partnership in Goal 8 of the MDGs need to be strengthened and include quantitative, time-bound targets, besides those established for ODA flows. The crises of the last decade have shown that instability in global markets (e.g., finance, food, fuel) is a key issue demanding priority attention. In addition, rising natural disasters, partly caused by climate change, as well as political violence and poor health conditions continue to contribute to human insecurity. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Contributes also to reduce precautionary saving by providing households with better diversmed source of incomes Reduce private saving as workers have extra years to build retirement income. Saving is also expected to rise as productivity gains are realised, but by less than investment Contributes by raising private investment in the short run. The effect can fade in the medium term. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Banks, however, do not usually accept social housing as collateral for a mortgage (OECD 2012b). In addition, subsidised housing faces low resale values due to relatively poor construction quality and location, as well as associated restrictions on selling property purchased under a subsidy programme. This negatively impacts the wealth generation objective of Chile’s housing policy, and also affects residential mobility. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This article explores attempts by anti-corruption and Right to Information activist groups in Delhi to discipline state–citizen interactions through the innovative application of legal mechanisms for bureaucratic transparency and accountability, in particular the Right to Information Act of 2005. Drawing on detailed ethnography, I show how activist strategies can achieve positive results in specific cases. However, a paradox emerges as, in the everyday practice of dealing with poor clients and government officials, activists have to accommodate and work through the very processes of mediation, personalisation and inequality based on social and cultural capitals which they identify as problematic in the functioning of the state. A focus on the everyday practice of anti-corruption activism provides an opportunity to look beyond the recent hubris concerning anti-corruption in India and develop a closer understanding of how projects to reform the state–citizen relationship actually play out on the ground. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Agency also estimates that over 8.1 million jobs exist in the renewable energy sector across the world. According to ILO (2016a), in Brazil, 2.9 million people were employed in sectors with low carbon emissions, equivalent to 6.6% of the formal job market. In Mexico, 1.8 million jobs are related directly to low emissions, 4.4% of the employed population in 2011 (ILO. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The trafficking of persons around the world is a serious violation of human rights and manifestation of social injustice. It disproportionately affects women and children worldwide. Given the values of the social work profession and the prevalence of trafficking, it is essential to understand the current literature on human trafficking in social work journals. Using the PRISMA method, this systematic review (n = 94 articles) of human trafficking in social work journals found the following: more focus on sex trafficking than other forms of trafficking, a lack of a clear conceptualization and definition on the entire spectrum of trafficking, a lack of evidence-informed empirical research to inform programs, practice, and policy, and a dearth of recommendations for social work education. Specific implications for social work policy, research, practice, and education are highlighted and discussed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This subcomponent organizes environment statistics on land cover, ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as their recordable changes over time and across locations. Land cover is defined by FAO as “the observed (bio) physical cover on the earth’s surface. Ecosystems can be broadly defined as a community of organisms, together with their physical environment, viewed as a system of interacting and interdependent relationships. Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part, including diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.29 It is also a measure of ecosystem health. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Monitoring and evaluation in the six economies is performed by the education authorities with little involvement by the agricultural sector. Exact figures on expenditures for the agricultural education system in the economies are largely missing. Rural infrastructure would benefit from better co-ordination between the agriculture and infrastructure authorities, irrigation policy from better co-ordination between the agriculture and water authorities, and the agricultural education system from closer co-operation between the agriculture and education authorities. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! By the late 1990s, the intervention stocks had been drawn down. In fact, many developed countries that implemented farm income support policies, accumulated stocks as a by-product of these policies. Maintaining these stocks put a financial strain on a country’s budget and guaranteeing that prices remained stable required some degree of isolation from the market, often in the form of import tariffs to protect domestic producers from international competition. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In 2014, Gangwon-do and Jeju-do's GDP per capita were lower than the national average as well as the average OECD rural region. Four out of five predominantly rural regions had faster GDP per capita growth than the national average in 2000-2014 (Figure 1.9). The highest growth rate occurred in Chungcheongnam-do, where the GDP per capita grew by 6.2%. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Kyrgyzstan plans to build and expand its internal network of highways through the construction of an alternative North-South highway and the reconstruction of the Bishkek-Osh, TyupKegen, Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart, Kochkor-Aral, and Osh-Batken-lsfana-Khujand highways. The construction of the international Balykchy-Karakol road and the Tyop-Kegen highway will continue. The strategic goal in the railway industry is the creation of a unified railway network connecting currently detached northern and southern sections of the national railways. The country has tentative plans to continue negotiations on a project to build a section of the transnational China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The same is true for farmland: high-yield crops on fertile arable land are taxed more than extensive meadows and pastures. The tax is payable to the local authority in which the forest is located. The unit tax rate (per hectare) is now calculated according to the average sale price of wood by forest districts for the first three quarters of the year preceding the tax year. As a result, the maximum forestry tax rate has increased by more than 60% over the last decade (Pater, 2013). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This paper reviews current theory and research that indicates that attitudes held with strong moral conviction (‘moral mandates’) represent something psychologically distinct from other constructs (e.g., attitude strength, partisanship, or religiosity), and that variance in moral conviction has important social and political consequences, such as increased intolerance of attitudinally dissimilar others, difficulties in conflict resolution, increased political participation, willingness to accept violent means to achieve preferred ends, strong ties to positive and negative emotions, and inoculation against the usual pressures to obey authorities, obey the law, or to conform to majority group influence. The normative implications of these findings are both reassuring (moral convictions can protect against obedience to potentially malevolent authorities) and terrifying (moral convictions are associated with rejection of the rule of law, and can provide a motivational foundation for violent protest and acts of terrorism). Implications and directions for future research are discussed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Children below the relative poverty line in Japan, Latvia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain and Romania are seen to be at average income levels that are below the poverty line by 30% or more. Figure 7 also throws up some surprises. Sweden and Denmark are rightly proud of their traditionally low rates of child poverty, but both find themselves in the bottom half of the league table when judged by the depth of relative poverty into which poor children are allowed to fall. The relative ‘poverty gap’ for children is greater in Denmark than in Sweden, greater in Sweden than in the United Kingdom, greater in the United Kingdom than in France, and greater in France than in Finland. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Abstract This paper extends the influential analysis on stereotyping from cultural studies to the realm of international assignments. Drawing on social identity theory, the paper takes the perspective of host country nationals (HCNs) as the basic units of analysis, and develops a theoretical model on the antecedents and effects of HCNs' negative stereotyping of expatriates. The paper also suggests some initiatives that, according to social identity theory, can be used to combat negative stereotyping in multinational corporations and so overcome the cross-cultural interpersonal conflicts that lie at the heart of expatriates' adjustment issues. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Box 1 provides details on scope and measurement choices. There exist several recent and detailed national studies of redistribution trends (e.g., Riihela et al., Multi-country comparative studies that consider the entire tax-benefit system are rare, and mostly limited to a particular point in time (Immervoll et al., - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Abstract Given barriers generated by racism, direct appeals for political solidarity should resonate strongly among racial and ethnic groups. Yet, such appeals can be mitigated as those barriers are overcome and minorities assimilate into society. We examine the case of Mexican Americans during the Chicano Movement. At this time, many Mexican Americans were assimilating and finding a place in the social hierarchy while others argued against assimilation. An important example of racial identity politics came in 1972 when La Raza Unida Party [LRUP] fielded a candidate for governor in Texas. Counter to what standard theories of assimilation and acculturation would predict, Mexican Americans responded to this call for racial solidarity. Based on quantitative and qualitative evidence, we argue that the election revealed intense alienation among Mexican Americans from Anglo-dominated politics. However, Mexican American support for LRUP was uneven across Texas and reflected differing levels of economic attainmen... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 E (2017), Welfare and Environmental Impact of Incentive Based Conservation: Evidence from Kenyan Community Forestry Associations. Global Canopy Programme, UK. Pattanayak, S.K., Wunder, S., Ferraro, P.J. (2010), Show Me the Money: Do Payments Supply Environmental Services in Developing Countries? Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 4: 254-274. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, a significant additional barrier to the increased penetration of renewable energy arises from the “intermittent” nature of the electricity produced. The extent to which the grid as a whole can accommodate such variations is a function of its capacity to adjust to supply and demand shocks (power system flexibility), and as the penetration of intermittent renewable sources increases the need for such capacity rises as well. Moreover, since those renewables which are the most promising sources of future increases in capacity (e.g. offshore wind, tidal/stream, wave energy and solar photovoltaics) are intermittent in nature, the need to be able to adjust output levels and sources on short notice is likely to rise (see Infield and Watson, 2007, Sinden, 2007). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Disagreements frequently arise over the dominant role played by realism in the study of international relations. Even though some scholars characterize the discipline by its rich theoretical diversity, others see realist concerns overshadowing all alternative theories. John Vasquez's The Power of Power Politics (1983) demonstrated how the realist paradigm had informed more than 90 percent of the data-based articles published from the end of World War II to 1970. In this Forum, we reevaluate the centrality of realism in international relations scholarship. Reviewing 515 data-based articles published from 1970 to 2000, we find that the proportion of articles informed by realism has been declining over the past three decades. From 1995 to 2000, liberalism surpassed realism as the leading guide to inquiry. This new theoretical pluralism calls into question the power of power politics thesis as a fitting description of contemporary research in international relations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 On average, the respondents took 50 minutes to complete the cognitive assessment. This test assessed vocabulary knowledge, the ability to process meaning at the level of the sentence, and to fluently read passages of text. The test had no time limit but the time taken by respondents to complete the tasks was recorded. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Unfortunately, no initiative targets environmental impacts but some initiatives exist that reduce simultaneously the amounts of both total C&D waste and its hazardous content. The evaluation would identify the advantages which can be exploited even further, opportunities for gaining more benefits out of the same initiative and drawbacks that should be avoided. In this way, the future implementation of similar initiatives would be equipped with a tool for a more successful application. Each description of the initiative is supplemented by a case study. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""Yu (2014) uses data from the 2010 China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), and finds that married women's labour market time and level of earnings are negatively associated with their time spent on housework. Her findings indicate a phenomenon called """"gender display"""" whereby wives fail to reduce their housework time even as their relative earnings increase to the point that they earn more than their husbands. Time use surveys (TUS) have been invaluable in estimating the time contributed by household members and in measuring all forms of work."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Purpose – This article aims to place recent corporate governance reforms in the historical context of the good corporate citizenship movement that began in the US in the mid‐1990s and came to an abrupt end in 2002 when the most recent spate of corporate scandals emerged. It explores what the apparent failure of this movement portends for the recently‐enacted governance reforms.Design/methodology/approach – The paper engages in a policy analysis of regulatory reform.Findings – After offering the tale of corporate governance, a critical take on current reforms, the paper finds the skeptic's and pessimist's account of corporate good citizenship movement to be most helpful in explaining the illusory nature of corporate reforms and the resilience of the regulatory status quo.Originality/value – The paper is a critical analysis of corporate governance reforms. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Only three developing countries - the Republic of Korea (4.27 per cent), Singapore (2.20 per cent) and China (2.02 per cent) - reached R&D intensity above the world average in 2014“ The indications are that R&D expenditure and numbers of researchers closely follow economic trends. The poorest countries thus continue to lag far behind the most advanced countries. It covers three types of activity: basic research, applied research and experimental development. Available at (accessed 21 March 2018). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Reasons for this are given below (Nurse 2001: 6). Understanding the benefits and contribution from hosting annual festivals or events to the tourism economy can help in strategic tourism planning that is sensitive to island life and culture. Box 2.3 refers to a niche tourism product categorised under ‘cultural tourism’ called creative tourism, where value-added is generated and evident along the supply chain. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Countries with comparatively high gaps may have inadequate coverage of social protection. However, it useful to test and discuss results based on different poverty lines, to explore how the country ranking varies and if poverty levels change dramatically with small changes in the poverty line value (for example a substantial increase in poverty levels due to a small increase in the value of the poverty line, means that there is a quite high density of households just above the original poverty line). In general, however, sizeable re-ranking is quite limited. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""Televisions""""), and 10% of students had missing responses on attendance at a science club (""""How often do you do these things? Attend a science club""""). These two questions were chosen for comparison because they appeared in both the PISA 2015 and 2006 student questionnaires, were easy for students to answer because of the closed format, and they appeared before (televisions) and after (attend a science club) the question about career expectations. The highest missing-response rate on career expectations in 2015 was observed in Germany, where about 26% of students had missing or invalid responses, followed by Austria (23%), Iceland (22%), Canada (21 %) and Chinese Taipei (21%). In Mexico, Peru and Viet Nam, only around 3% of students had missing or invalid responses to the career-expectations question, in Korea, around 4% of students had missing or invalid responses."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The public relations literature on social media has focused primarily on how social media platforms can be leveraged to the advantage of organizations for relationship building and so-called dialogue with publics. Yet most research has positioned relationships in social media merely as opportunities for information exchange, perpetuating models of public relations grounded in systems theory that ignore power imbalances. Consequently, this article offers insights from postmodernist theories to first deconstruct existing research and then offer suggestions for future social media scholarship. The article argues that social media scholars have privileged dominant rational models of social engagement. Dissensus and disorder, according to Lyotard, may be as legitimate and more liberatory states of discourse for marginalized publics. Postmodern theories of language games and differential consciousness are also positioned as ways in which social media theory and practice may be advanced. The article thus complic... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Using RUA as a starting point, establishing a PRTR in line with good international practice and with public access to the information collected should be a medium-term priority for Colombia. Policies and best practices of OECD countries could support these efforts (OECD, 1996a, 1996b,). Colombia could benefit from a wealth of information on country data and experiences and OECD-wide agreed release estimation techniques provided by the OECD website.4 This information could assist greatly in launching a PRTR in Colombia. To date, however it has a limited focus, dealing only with chemicals covered by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Colombia should strengthen its policies concerning public availability of safety data on chemicals. To this end, practices followed by OECD countries and reflected in two OECD Council Acts (OECD, 1983b, 1983c) could be of benefit. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Many contemporary civil wars are characterised by a political economy of violence – a 'war economy' – whose actors are highly motivated by profit. Examining cases of Afghanistan and Bosnia-Herzegovina, this article draws attention to a different but related notion: criminal economic activities which characterise the political economy of violence during civil war develop a self-serving momentum and continue, after 'resolution' of the political conflict, to do great harm. The article explores the impact of illegal money-making – a legacy of the 'war economy' – on societies in post-conflict transition. It suggests that, in some conflict resolution efforts, the pressure to impose a 'political' resolution causes peacebuilders to neglect this legacy and so threatens the peacebuilding agenda. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Also, issues related to the state of human health and safety, the conditions of human life, and cultural sites and built structures, in as much as they are or may be affected by the elements of the environment, are not included explicitly in the scope of environmental information. It is not clear whether providing public access to information entails any kind of security or risk assessment before the information is released. The content of the website is prepared by the Ministry's Media Office. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In addition they are able to export excess energy to BC Hydro in British Columbia, Canada, thereby generating a much needed financial input to the region. Income from state-owned transmission lines will provide the funds necessary to build the Southeast Intertie connecting all of the Southeast’s communities by 2030 thus enabling a substantial portion of the Alaskan population to have access to a renewable energy supply. Or it is small scale diesel or gas generators just connected to a local network supplying typically a municipality, a town ora village. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, while it was stronger than in Indonesia, India and the Philippines and equal to that in Thailand, it lagged behind China and more recently also Malaysia, reflecting a slowdown in the 2000s compared with the highest rates registered in the 1990s (Fuglie and Rada, 2013). By 2011-13, Viet Nam had become the world’s largest exporter of cashews and black pepper, the second largest exporter of coffee and cassava, the third largest exporter of rice and fisheries, and the fifth largest exporter of natural rubber. Annual exports for these commodities were well above, or very near to, USD 1 billion in the early 2010s. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""Inequality is represented by the size of the circles,"""" which correspond to Gini indices (the larger the circle, the more inequality). Their core (upper part of the northeast quadrant) comprises primarily the Scandinavian countries, which have the highest levels of equality, associated with complex production structures, and an institutional framework that limits the concentrating effects of the market and strongly redefines its outcomes. Scandinavian productivity is similar to that of the United States and Ireland and higher than in Canada and Australia, but the Scandinavian countries have a higher rate of social spending, as a percentage of GDP, than the English-speaking countries in the sample, and have achieved better equality outcomes. The institutional framework and society's decisions about how much inequality it is willing to tolerate matter and leave a clear mark on the patterns of inequality for similar levels of knowledge-intensiveness in the production structure."" - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Despite this growing knowledge, information on the links between migration and discriminatory social institutions has been neglected in the economic literature. The causes, processes and impacts of migration on women and men are expected to be different. By defining which decisions and behaviours are acceptable for each gender, as well as restricting women's access to power and resources. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2014-15, 64 schools that demonstrated highly deteriorating infrastructure were supported through an investment of 28 657 236 million pesos (MEX). This investment allowed for the construction of new classrooms and the renovation of others, as well as the improvement of schools’ basic sanitary services (Gobiemo de Morelos, 2016a). While the Programme of Excellence to Combat Lagging in Education came to an end in 2015, it has been replaced by the Education Reform Programme (Programa de la Reforma Educativa). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The content of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and pesticides in collector-drainage water is significantly higher than in surface water. To prevent pollution in the Amu Darya River, a package of measures on drainage flow management along the right bank of the river has been developed under the Drainage, Irrigation and Wetlands Improvement Project financed by the World Bank. These measures could make a considerable contribution to saving water in Uzbekistan and in the whole region. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This essay analyses how Mexican presidents have interpreted the concepts of drug trafficking and national security and how these particular connotations have redefined national sovereignty and the specific role of the armed forces in protecting this sovereignty. A qualitative technique of discourse analysis is used to examine public speeches by Zedillo (1994–2000), Fox (2000–2006) and Calderon (2006–2012). The conclusions suggest that drug trafficking and US omnipresence are the two main issues that shaped Mexico's national security threats during this period, with qualitatively distinct trajectories. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Risk on the cost side for public agencies is also contained since most of the services to-date are time bound pilots with fixed budgets for subsidy payments - once the money runs out, so too does the service unless additional funds are allocated through the budget process. And the pilots typically allow public agencies and operators to enact sometimes substantial cost savings. Revenue estimates also oftentimes correctly assume a rise in ridership linked to the greater convenience and contained costs of services offered - especially in comparison to the pre-existing public transport-alone offer. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In most other scenarios, the projected increase in world cotton price will be considerably smaller (Jales 2010). China has emerged as a major cotton importer, absorbing an increasing share of the C4 exports - 45 per cent in 2011 (Figure 7.12). Indeed, the hike in cotton price in 2011/12 is largely attributed to massive purchases by China to rebuild its national reserves even as global stocks increased and demand dwindled. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The sample of countries is listed in Annex 3. It includes a representative set of countries from all continents, a number of landlocked countries, least developed countries (LDCs) and major emerging economies. The chief reason to expect a potentially disproportionate effect of some constraints in developing countries is the fact that constraints are likely to interact with each other, with some constraints increasing or inhibiting the effect of others. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The issue of public policy on accountability, transparency, and access to public information has now become a trend in most countries of the world. Among one of its objectives when evaluating institutions and public servants by their administrative and governmental decisions is to decrease corruption. Mexico is already a formal democracy, but the quality of its governments is still very low. Although these have been elected by the citizens, they continue without being accountable. In this paper, we analyze as a case study the State´s last recourse to repair what bad management and privileges caused: the national anticorruption system, its formation, and operation. We enunciate the limits and scope it faces. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Replacing a traditional property tax with a land-value tax, or a split-value tax that includes higher rates for land value and lower rates for structures or other improvements (as implemented by some municipalities in the US state of Pennsylvania), could encourage development in the urban core. A development charge is a one-off levy on developers to finance the growth-related capital costs associated with new development or, in some cases, redevelopment. These charges are levied on works constructed by the municipality, and the funds collected must finance the infrastructure needed for the development. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The complex nature of both primary care settings as well as capturing patient harm in these settings may be explaining the knowledge gap. Some studies on medication and diagnostic errors have been identified. In Indonesia, a study identified ADEs in 226 out of 229 prescriptions in the outpatient setting, out of which 99.12% was due to prescription errors (incomplete prescription error the most common), 3.66% dispensing errors and 3.02% pharmaceutical errors (Perwitasari et al, 2010). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Electronic government is the use of Information and Communication Technology in the transformation of government, primarily aiming to the improvement of accessibility, effectiveness and responsibility. It is based on the diffusion of the information and the information policy development. Electronic government guides to increasing citizens' participation and active citizens' development affecting the mechanisms of democracy. Electronic democracy (e-democracy) includes technological innovations that allow improvement and empowerment of democratic institutions with or without the use of internet. E-democracy aims the production of functional democratic processes like communication, information providing and decision-making after electronic public dialogue and voting. E-democracy is the cornerstone in a social system as citizens can have an active participation in the public issues. This paper describes the electronic government implementations promoting electronic democracy through electronic participation (e-participation) and appearing benefits for the citizens, the enterprises, the public administration and the society. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The most recent climate change negotiations in Katowice in December 2018 resolved some key differences among states on the rules for implementation, but postponed some important decisions for future negotiations. While other countries could have followed the example of the US and abandoned the Paris Agreement, the political reactions to President Trump's announcement seem instead to have strengthened the support and legitimacy of the agreement as world leaders have reaffirmed their commitments (Betsill 2017). Moreover, the establishment of a coalition of over 3000 US sub-state and non-state actors under the banner of America's Pledge initiative testifies to the support for the Paris Agreement among a range of important US actors despite lack of federal support. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Lastly, table 9 shows the percentage of the total multiplier resulting from the direct and indirect effects in the forestry and hunting sector. In the next step the total impact in terms of open and closed-loop effects was deconstructed to ascertain which of the two effects was stronger. An analysis of multipliers in terms of elasticity provides the answer. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 There are seven classes of water quality according to the WPI, from I (very clean, WPI < 0.3) to VII (extremely dirty, WPI > 10). These include the Chatkal, Ugam, Aktashsav, Kyzylcha and Chimgansay Rivers in different years ranging from Class II (clean) to Class III (moderately polluted) due to heavy anthropogenic pressures in the Chimgan tract. In all but a few areas, this water meets the Uzbek 2000 state standard (O'z DST) 950 on drinking water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 So far, municipal and state governments have not shown particular willingness to use these revenues to improve or consolidate the water management system. A key way forward is to set the incentives to focus this source of revenues on the main water priorities, which entails strong links with planning. Even in the case of Rio de Janeiro, this is a critical issue. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Demand Side Energy Efficiency Plan (PPEC) consists of a tender mechanism, by which eligible promoters submit measures to improve electricity efficiency. These measures are selected through technical and economical evaluation criteria. Evaluation of the benefits from PPEC in 2008 were much higher than the correspondent costs, with a ratio of 8:1 in the residential segment, 9:1 in the services segment and 7:1 in the industrial segment. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, the role that public research should play in poverty alleviation is not clear. According to Ekboir (2009), the system sets priorities and strategies on the basis of a linear vision of science that is more suitable for enhancing agricultural production through plant-breeding than for alleviating poverty. Furthermore, CGIAR Centers do not have sufficient expertise in fields such as agricultural marketing that would enable farmers to earn higher incomes (Science Council Secretariat, 2006). Therefore, it is of great importance that CGIAR establish partnerships with actors in the private sector and with NGOs that have this type of expertise. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Charging a fee is not the normal practice in government agencies, such as the Egyptian Social Fund for Development, Dubai SME, the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development, etc. In fact, one of the purposes of any donor funding is to be able to provide BDS services to start-ups and micro- and small enterprises that would otherwise not be able to afford them. This is sometimes a minimal or symbolic fee, which they feel creates a higher level of commitment on the part of the beneficiaries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Despite efforts to offset the underlying social inequalities stemming from the market-driven penetration of such equipment, the school system has not had much influence. The only clear signs of an impact are in Chile (see figure II. A recent study (Sunkel, Trucco and Moller, 2010) profiled young ICT users in three countries on which PISA 2006 information was available (Chile, Colombia and Uruguay) on the basis of what they reported using computers and the Internet for, and how intensely. The typology shows that there are four types of user, differentiated on the basis of how intensely they use the technology and the degree of specialization they have acquired. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Globally, however, 45 per cent of all workers are still working in vulnerable conditions. Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia account for more than half of the world's vulnerable employment, with three out of four workers falling in this category. The number of workers in vulnerable employment has increased by 25 million since 2008, because of the increasing number of people entering the labour market and limited opportunities for paid employment. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This accelerating change is matched by an even more rapid release of labour out of the sector. In Korea, agriculture’s share of employment fell from 40% to 16% in just 14 years - a transition which took 53 years in the United States and 68 years in the United Kingdom (the first country to go through the industrial revolution). Figure 1.6 compares agriculture’s share of GDP with agriculture’s share of employment for recent years in a large number of developed and developing countries. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This can result in extreme measures for those irrigators wishing or needing to continue to apply water to their crops, for instance, by resorting to trucking in water from other locations, a costly way to manage shortage. However there is an expectation that Dutch water shortages will become more frequent in the future, so the limitations of the current approach are likely to become more evident. While priority regime banning may seem adequate as a short-term emergency measure, if regions need to limit and/or periodically ration water abstraction on a regular or even permanent basis, then development of a more sophisticated control regime is vital. A more sophisticated control regime is worthy of serious consideration, especially as it can complement the other options. Establishment of a water licensing or permitting regime that covers most agricultural forms of water use is the first step in transitioning to a regime designed to limit access. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These include loan guarantees and insurance options. For example, some form of public / private partnership will be needed to mitigate regulatory risk.80 Specialist underwriter Parhelion (2012) has proposed the creation of a public / private funded Green Insurance Agency to make available to investors insurance policies to underwrite the specific risk of changes in policy and other insurance policies that the private sector are unable to do on a standalone basis. For example, Danish utility company DONG Energy took responsibility for the construction risk of an offshore wind farm which Danish and Dutch pension funds then invested in. The financial engineering relied on three pillars. First, DONG “de-risked” the investment by deploying PPAs, construction management and O&M agreements. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has foregrounded disability as a human rights and equity issue, elevating it to a priority global research area. Academics from Western universities are likely to play an increasing role in disability health research in developing countries. In such contexts, there is a need to bridge the gap between procedural ethics and the realities of disability research in cross-cultural contexts. We provide guidance on engaging in ethical disability health research that intersects with and upholds the CRPD. We highlight challenges and tensions in doing so, underscoring the need to be sensitive to the sociocultural and political context of disability that determines how ethical research should proceed. We conclude with 5 recommendations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 What explains the large variation in the time taken by states to ratify the 1948 Genocide Convention? The costs of ratification would appear to be relatively low, yet many states have waited several decades before ratifying this symbolically important treaty. This study employs a “nested analysis” that combines a large-n event history analysis with a detailed study of an important outlying case in order to explain the main sources of this variation. Surprisingly, the results of our event history analysis suggest that states do not become more likely to ratify once the treaty has become widely adopted by others. We use the case of Japan to examine this relationship in more detail. We argue that once the norm embodied in a human rights treaty develops a “taken-for-granted” character, the rate of ratification can slow down because the marginal costs of additional ratifications begin to outweigh the expected benefits. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Data were collected for 40 284 individuals in 8 848 households in 358 census enumerator districts countrywide. Of these, 73.8 % were classified as African, 7.8% as Coloured, 2.9% as Indian and 1367 13.5% as White. When weighted up to population totals this represents 38 118 616 individuals from 8 530 808 households with the respective racial percentages being 77.0%, 8.1%, 2.6% and 12.3%. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Professional bodies lead the development process in a number of countries. For example, in Scotland the revision of national standards was led by the General Teaching Council of Scotland (GTCS) - a professional body that gained independence from the Scottish government in 2012 (GTCS, 2018(33)) - and involved extensive consultation with the profession and other stakeholders (Hamilton, 2014r48]). The process consisted of setting up a steering group with a range of stakeholders, including parents and students, and forming writing groups. It involved both face-to-face meetings and online consultation, in which engagement was encouraged in various ways such as through social media (ibid.). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These cards would guide the students and help them to ask relevant questions, support their different roles in group-work, and facilitate the process so that it would be easier to assess each other. One of the students would act as a group leader, telling the others what to do, based upon these cards, and students would then participate in the activity guided by the cards and the group leader. This was very much appreciated by the students. School 9 already had a transparent assessment culture, where the school leader, teachers, and students shared knowledge of assessment practices. This can be seen as an indication of the importance of capacity building. In some schools, teachers and school leaders had the capacity to improve their practice, while other schools do not seem to have the knowledge or capacity to transform good practices supplied by the DET to the local level. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The difference is almost double in the case of the idle state. As expected, the cluster manager successfully issued commands to wake up additional servers when the request rate increased and put them to sleep when the request rate dropped. The transition of the server states is smooth, no responses exceed 550 ms, unlike the results of the previous experiment shown in Figure 9. Comparison between energy-proportional control and conventional operation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We noted above that developers of renewable energy projects often do not have a proven track record, as well as some of the new technologies they are investing in have not reached a mature state yet. As a result, these investors are struggling for capital and for access to commercial loans at reasonable conditions. By offering low-interest loans with long repayment periods or loan guarantees, governments can increase the commercialization of such projects. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Given this small average size, unsurprisingly family farms together only hold about 24% of all land and produce about 38% of the total value of agricultural production. While commercial large-scale farms dominate export-oriented agricultural production, family farms accounts for 70% of the food consumed domestically (FAO, 2014). Land ownership is a constitutional right in Brazil, where traditional private property, indigenous customary tenancy and unchallenged possession of land are recognised by the government. The four most important pieces of legislation concerning land rights in Brazil are the 1964 Land Statute, which regulates land tenure and specifies how the land reform programme is to be organised, a law from 1966 that establishes land reform based on the former legislation, the 1981 Law of Occupation that recognises squatter rights and finally the 2002 Civil Code, which organises family, inheritance, possession and property rights. These laws have helped to develop a relatively well-functioning land market system. These policies are part of the umbrella of the Zero Hunger programme created in 2003 and subsequently of the Extreme Poverty Plan of 2011. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The immense power consumption is mainly the result of the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism. This consensus algorithm requires high computational power to solve a mathematical puzzle in order to validate transactions, while many computers compete with each other in order to solve the puzzle and extend the blockchain with new blocks. The decentralised approach to validating transactions and amending new blocks to the blockchain allows for resilience and immutability, yet, coming at the cost of high resource intensity. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Finally, the triangle represents the estimates of household earnings inequality with the inclusion of households where no-one works. Standard worker households” refers to households where all adult members (16-64) are in standard work or to households with the presence of both standard worker(s) and jobless adult members). Similarly, “Non-standard worker households” refers to households where either all adult members are in non-standard work or there are only non-standard workers and non-working adult members. “ Mixed SW/NSW households” refers to households with both standard and non-standard workers. Jobless households refer to households without any worker during the year. On the one hand, when mixed SW/NSW households were added, household earnings inequality declines by one percentage point, from 0.32 to 0.31 on average (more than two points in Austria and Luxembourg), compared with inequality among households with only standard workers. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 As a result, the total CO2 removal by forests in Norway followed almost the same increasing trend as the biomass. Massive area, especially on the west coast of Norway, was brought under plantation each year and harvested forestland was replanted. The planted forests currently are at the most productive stage contributing to the increase in biomass and thus carbon stock in forests (CPA 2012). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, the ability of an intervention to mobilise or leverage financing does not necessarily imply effectiveness in a broader sense. For instance, some analysis has highlighted the possibility that high leverage or mobilisation rates may indicate a strong perception of commercial viability amongst private investors who may have invested without public intervention (Stadelmann et al., In addition to its narrow focus, one of the difficulties in using financial mobilisation as an indicator in assessing effectiveness is that there are wide differences in how mobilisation and leverage are defined and measured between different institutions (see Caruso and Ellis, 2013 for a more detailed discussion). Even in the absence of methodological differences, mobilisation rates will vary significantly across financial instruments, technologies, sectors, and countries (UN AGF, 2010, Smallridge, et al., - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As discussed in the Report on the World Social Situation 2016: Leaving No One Behind—The Imperative of Inclusive Development (United Nations, forthcoming), the term social exclusion refers to both the inability of individuals to participate fully in the economic, social, political and cultural life of the community to which they belong and the processes leading to their exclusion. The structural inequalities that result in social exclusion are reproduced by the economic rules, institutions and social norms that govern societies. People and communities are relatively more exposed and vulnerable to climate hazards when their livelihoods depend on natural resources and they have few options for diversifying their income sources, when they are without appropriate access to insurance and financial markets, and when they have low levels of education and inadequate access to health services or inadequate access to appropriate facilities for persons with disabilities and older persons. This Survey will strive to delineate the structural inequalities that most increase vulnerability and exposure to climate hazards. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Over three-quarters of total investment comes from loans based on public sources, with the main contribution being from the National Fund and the republican budget. A smaller part is provided by local budgets (through Social and Business Corporations) and own funds of KazAgro agencies (the FCC, the KAF, the ACC, the FFSA, and the KAP). The KAP is developing large-scale projects to establish livestock breeding farms, including two with up to 1 000 animals each, and a feedlot (up to 5 000 animals). The ACC credited investment projects in 2009-11, mostly related to livestock production, grain infrastructure, and food processing. Since June 2011, all ACC’s credit financing of investment projects was given to KAF. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Production is driven by local demand rather than by market prices. One result is low prices for producers because of a seasonal surplus when crops in a region are harvested and sold. Better storage facilities cold allow farms to hold onto their crop until prices rebound, but this would require investment in storage capacity. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! In most countries, especially developing countries, there is a large gap in the availability of information and communication technologies (ICTs) between urban and rural locations, and Target 1 is important for ensuring that rural areas are not excluded from the information society. Because of their isolation, rural areas arguably stand to derive even more benefit from connectivity, since ICTs can deliver health, education and other services that might be less widely available there. The second underpins the first, in that one of the most practical methods of providing ICTs in rural areas in many developing countries is through shared access. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In this essay, I quantitatively analyze the significance of scholarship in economic philosophy since the 1960s. In order to do so, I examine, through the number of publications and citations, the evolution of the main trends in economic philosophy over a fifty years period. This paper will develop a better conception of how the pathways of major debates, in particular rhetoric of economics (RoE) versus realism in economics (RiE), helped economic philosophy achieve its present status in economics. Viewed through this lens, it is clear that the main trends in the recent history of the discipline have emerged out of the concerns of non-mainstream economists since the 1980s. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Overall, this ensures that WSS can be provided to a larger population leading to larger benefits. In the medium and longer term, this would also mean that O&M and replacement costs would be kept lower, which strengthens the long-term sustainability of WSS. Investments in drinking water and sewage cannot be considered in isolation of (upstream) resource protection and (downstream) wastewater treatment. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 But was the lower P due to higher fertiliser prices, increased conservation tillage, lower planting of row crops, or farmers retiring? The standard one litre chemical bottle sent to a lab does not provide these answers: was the sample collected after a major rainfall, or after a four-week drought? The water quality will be substantially different in each case. Biological measurements, visual assessment protocols, and other methods can provide assurances that water quality has indeed improved. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Abstract This paper examines transboundary conservation initiatives in the Rocky Mountains of North America with a particular focus on the world's first peace park, located on the Alberta‐Montana border. The peace park concept envisions the free migration of animals and humans within a select area by removing artificial boundaries and seeks to encourage harmonious relations between countries through co‐management of shared ecosystems. As such, Rocky Mountain conservation initiatives are significant because they are a symbol of bilateral cooperation between two countries that claim the world's longest shared border. The so‐called “ecosystem approach” to managing a portion of the northern border of the U.S. stands in sharp contrast to other American initiatives that seek to promote national security on its southern frontier by sealing borders, and as a result, dividing ecosystems. More pointedly, the post 9–11 U.S. security focus on illegal immigration and terrorism could cause irreparable damage to the con... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In some market segments the price differential between high quality and low quality products14 does not seem sufficient to justify small traders’ investment in becoming familiar with standards and certification and making use of national public-sector laboratory testing and certification services. The varying quality of many agricultural commodities often restricts commercial exchanges to strictly immediate contacts, because of the lack of trust as to the quality shipped and pushes intermediaries to inspect and re-pack consignments at each transfer stage. Furthermore, the perceived risk of low-quality agro-food products exacerbates the shortage of formal credit in the sector. An effective standards system would support the trade orientation of agricultural production by providing technical reference and supporting claims for value addition. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In France, for example, the abstraction charge represents only around 1.3% of the water price paid by households and is thus unlikely to make them change their behaviour (French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, and Energy, 2012). Assessing the resource cost is also difficult since it requires measuring the benefit induced by water for all types of use (agriculture using irrigation water, drinking water supply, hydropower etc.), The former refers to methods that use market data to elicit monetary values, either as how much individual would be willing to pay for the good or service of interest, i.e. their willingness to pay (WTP), or how much they would require in compensation for being exposed to a loss of welfare, i.e. their willingness to accept (WTA).8 The latter refers to methods that use hypothetical scenarios to estimate individuals WTP or WTA. The methods have been used for a large range of non-market goods, in addition to water (e.g. air pollution, noise levels, health risks, etc.) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In most cases, data on the structure of household consumption patterns for both foodstuffs and other goods and services are derived from national household budget surveys carried out in the 1980s. In order to carry out this calculation, the indigence line is multiplied by one factor for urban areas and another for rural zones. For the 2006 poverty estimates, a factor of 2 was used for urban zones and a factor of 1.75 was used for rural areas.8 The factors applied since 2007 vary depending on the differentials between trends in the prices for foodstuffe and for other goods and services. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! In Mexico, over 53%% of the forests are owned by local communities - either ejidos or indigenous communities (Reyes et al., Although ownership of forests was legally transferred to rural communities long ago, establishing rights-based land tenure policies, including agrarian reform laws and recognition of indigenous peoples’ territories, would provide a sounder basis for conservation and sustainable use of forests and biodiversity. At the same time, opportunities should be sought to reflect the value of ecosystem services and environmental externalities in the pricing system, particularly for those sections of the population that can afford to pay. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Gender parity has been successful in terms of equitable numbers of men and women occupying the lowest and highest positions in the organization. However, at the critical middle levels (P-4/P-5 and D-l/D-2), parity has not been achieved. Men enter the organization at higher levels and get promoted more quickly than women. The culture and unwritten rules about who gets promoted and valued, and whose voices are heard, require deeper attention to truly achieve gender equality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Transferring this to central government would support national planning and, by pooling capacity and expertise, may spur innovation in service delivery. Contracting with more private sector providers should be based on clear cost and quality selection criteria, with outcomes pre-specified in contracts. National standards and guidelines for care, as described earlier, will be needed to underpin this. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The black dot in the middle is the mean. Low education corresponds to less than upper secondary, medium education to upper secondary’ and high education to tertiary education. Low education corresponds to less than upper secondary, medium education to upper secondary and high education to tertiary education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The ranking of a group of distributions can be considered definitive only if it does not vary depending on the index used. The best procedure, therefore, is to use inequality indices in a complementary way and analyse the results jointly. One involves determining to which extent changes in poverty rates are attributable to changes in income level and to which extent they are attributable to changes in income distribution. Another approach evaluates the role of different sources of household income, placing special emphasis on labour market factors that explain changes in labour income. In this section, both methodologies are applied to data from 1990-2008, in order to gain a perspective that complements analyses conducted in previous editions of Social Panorama of Latin America. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The payment system needs to foster interaction across multiple providers. There are generally separate and distinct programmes for the prevention of polio, tuberculosis, AIDS and other infectious diseases. Often there are distinct hospitals and delivery systems to care for each infectious disease. This organisational structure makes sense for infectious diseases because the mode of transmission of each infectious disease is often very different, most patients only have one infectious disease and few patients have multiple infectious diseases. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 There is an urban dimension to this, since broadband Internet access has developed much more quickly in Almaty City than in Astana or other regions (Figure 1.35). Dispersing scarce public funding over a number of specialised sciences or smart cities, or several innovation clusters based in special economic zones (SEZs), may detract from the success of any one city, including Almaty City. The risk is also that the complex layers of priorities and institutions ultimately exceed the capacity of the national and subnational bureaucracies. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, available finance for investment in agriculture falls well short of needs. Smallholder producers in developing countries face major hurdles in accessing credit for investing in new technologies and practices, and female farmers even more so. The shortfall in finance limits investment in agriculture and food security and, with it, the capacity of smallholders to adapt to climate change. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Let us shift the focus away from mutilation to education,"""" the Secretary-General said at a special event in February 2016 marking the 2030 commitment. """" Let us make a world where FGM stands for Focus on Girls’ Minds. To fast-track progress, in March 2016, UNFPA and UNICEF launched the Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The available space should be used efficiently and excessive programming avoided. The authorities concerned assess whether the intended development meets a regional, inter-local demand for industrial sites, offices, residential buildings, retail developments or other urban amenities that has not been met elsewhere. Besides a quantitative assessment (number of hectares or number of homes), there must also be qualitative demand (e.g. an industrial site where a heavier environmental burden is permitted or a specific type of living environment) at a regional scale. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The exchange could be both intra- and inter-agency at the national level, as well as across national, provincial and local levels. In the context of G2G interactions targeted toward improving gender equality, activities may include the establishment of gender statistics and relevant data sources that integrate national, regional, and local governments through a seamless single point access. By automating and integrating many of the gender-related administrative tasks and data transaction across different levels of government agencies, it has a potential to bring about a more coordinated policy development as well as an effective monitoring of gender impact. Initiatives in this form of interaction attempt to make traditional on-spot based transactions less time-consuming and more convenient. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The result is that urban agglomerations to tend to generate higher levels of productivity and output. For an over view of the many mechanisms involved, see Duranton and Puga (2004). The City of Chicago has approximately 31 recycling and reclamation facilities for various C&D materials and another 40 are located within Cook County. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Different measures have been implemented to resolve this, including an infrastructure upgrade, an increase in the number of trains, better organisation and distribution of service, more frequent running times and public information campaigns. Despite these efforts, Santiago’s Metro continues to face severe congestion at peak hours (see El Mercurio newspaper, 24 June, 2012). In 2007, this jumped to 600 million (with no increase in the number of Metro lines). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Ce type de tests n’a pas d’implications pour le parcours scolaire des eleves. Ces memes tests peuvent toutefois avoir des consequences pour les enseignants et les ecoles. Le rapport offre une typologie de ^utilisation des tests standardises sans consequences pour les eleves y compris les raisons pour l’augmentation de leur utilisation dans les pays de l'OCDE et ses differents objectifs. Dans ce cadre, le rapport analyse la fa^on dont les tests standardises sans consequences pour les eleves sont consus, implementes et utilises dans les pays de l’OCDE. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The first country in the North to implement the landfill tax was Denmark in 1987. Landfill taxes are considered to have contributed significantly to reduce landfilling of all types of waste, even though they do not specifically target the organic fraction. The tax size in the Nordic countries varies from EUR 50/tin Sweden to EUR 70/tin Finland. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Freedom of Information (FOI) laws, which guarantee access to government information, have been hailed for strengthening democratic accountability. By 2008 they had been passed by over seventy countries, including over forty in the developing world. This paper finds that FOI laws also have an economic impact, increasing FDI inflows in developing countries. FOI laws can impact FDI by leading to increased transparency and greater policy credibility. Using a panel study of developing countries from 1985 to 2008, I find that FOI laws increase FDI inflows, but only once in effect for three or more years. I also find that existing institutional quality is an important scope condition: the effect of FOI laws holds only where the rule of law is high. Instrumental variables models confirm the results are not an artifact of endogeneity. These results show that transparency and access to information can have an impact on economic outcomes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This chapter examines the evolution of the idea of UN peacekeeping, asking how an instrument developed in the late 1940s managed to not only survive but also respond to the changing geopolitical and conflict landscape over the last seventy years. Through an overview of major doctrinal developments and institutional adaptations, the chapter analyses how the peacekeeping tool was adapted from a bipolar world, via a unipolar one to today’s multipolar world. Peter argues that peacekeeping started as a conflict management instrument, which was adapted to a conflict resolution mechanism after the end of the Cold War, but has now come full circle and is again increasingly used to manage and contain, not resolve conflicts. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Under this Forum, the Bangkok 2020 Declaration was developed, which includes “Sustainable Transport Goals for 2010-2020” in order to demonstrate a regional commitment to measures for achieving safe, secure, quick, reliable, affordable, efficient, people-centric and environmentally friendly transport in rapidly urbanising Asia. Transport is not an end in itself, it is a tool that facilitates access. Improving access, be it to employment, schools, healthcare, social activities, etc. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 We act as a platform for discussion and prenegotiation of policy issues across all transport modes. We analyse trends, share knowledge and promote exchange among transport decision-makers and civil society. The ITF's Annual Summit is the world's largest gathering of transport ministers and the leading global platform for dialogue on transport policy. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Several factors allowed for these reforms to take hold. The most important were having stable political leadership, making education, and the need to monitor education quality, a national priority, international support, and partnerships with non-governmental institutions. In 1997, the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anisio Teixeira, INEP) was mandated to lead evaluation activities in the country. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""This work is a chapter for a forthcoming book on The Essentials of International Criminal Law to be published by Aspen Publishers as part of its Essentials series. This chapter discusses one of the major conundrums of international criminal law (ICL): how to distinguish international crimes (war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorism, and genocide) from their domestic analogs (murder, assault, and mayhem). The chapter discusses the various approaches to """"internationalization"""" (focusing on issues of identity, transnationalism, human dignity, global stability, etc.) and concludes that international crimes lack a coherent unifying justification. Additional chapters in the text address the history of ICL, the sources of ICL, the major international crimes and defenses, and ICL reasoning and rhetoric. Publication is expected in October 2008."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Certain radical public acts of expression, those which for instance incite hatred or recruit participants for armed conflict, are punishable under criminal law, even when these pronouncements are religiously motivated. This study examines which statements incur punishment, and the role freedom of religion and freedom of expression play when making this assessment. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Remote sensing and GIS could be valuable tools but their application to inland fisheries and aquaculture is lagging far behind that in other sectors. Such data deficiencies can result in mistaken policies. For example, the SmartFish project12 pointed out that some African countries' food security and nutrition policies overlooked fish despite its importance in people's diets as evidenced through dedicated surveys. Moreover, the contribution of women is poorly assessed and, thus, gender-aware policies cannot be adequately formulated. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Apart from drought vulnerability, where the data often need to be presented at a regional or global level, the most useful geospatial information should be on much smaller scales and at high resolution. Flood risk maps, and urban classification for earthquake risk mapping, for example, should be on scales of 1:2,000 to 1:10,000, with a spatial resolution of one to five metres per pixel.34 Landslide hazard assessment mapping can be at a 1:50,000 scale, with a spatial resolution of 10 metres. Another issue is the frequency of updates which in both these cases might be every five years. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Data refer to 2014 for Germany, 2011 for Australia, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, 2009 for Denmark, Hungary and Netherlands, 2007 for Estonia. The services offered vary widely across the Ldnder, which are in charge of education, and Kommunen, which are responsible for OSH care. Any school offering education and care, including lunch, on at least three days of the week for at least seven hours is considered an all-day school (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2015a). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! In low and middle income countries GERD has increased significantly from around 0.6 per cent in 2000 to 1.4 per cent in 2014. This indicates that even in developing countries more and more funding is becoming available to support innovation processes that benefit from cross-sectorial collaboration. It appears that policy makers have set up framework conditions facilitating collaboration between the two sectors. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The effects of treaties on human rights performance may depend in part on how domestic legal systems articulate with international law. The idea motivating this study is that constitutional law can make a difference not necessarily by including rights but by acknowledging and connecting to treaty law. This study is a first attempt to explore the interrelated effects of treaties, constitutions, and courts on human rights performance. The key proposition is that human rights treaties may have a greater influence on rights in countries whose constitutions incorporate treaty law and whose courts are independent of the political branches of government. The analysis tests that proposition using data from about 150 countries across 20 or more years. The results offer evidence that treaties, constitutions, and courts do combine, at times, to improve human rights performance, with judicial independence playing the key role. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It also calls for an understanding of how gender roles, identities and relations shape the possible outcomes of statebuilding itself. This includes recognising the role of social expectations associated with being male (see Box 1.3). Gender analysis helps uncover the ways in which these processes and institutions are “gendered” and is the starting point for identifying and addressing gender disparities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While in OECD countries households pay on average 40% of the cost of pharmaceuticals out of pocket, in Kazakhstan, the figure is 84% (OECD, 2018). Medicines prescribed in primary care are generally paid for by the patient, and only provided free of charge for patients with a listed “socially significant disease”. It is not known, however, the extent to which hospital drug coverage (in terms of quantities) is available for any given condition. To alleviate the cost burden of medicines for patients, the government has been gradually expanding the outpatient medicine benefit package since its introduction in 2005, but high OOP costs persist. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Classrooms and schools with more disciplinary problems are less conducive to learning, since teachers have to spend more time creating an orderly environment before instruction can begin. More interruptions within the classroom disrupt students' engagement and their ability to follow the lessons. The disciplinary climate is indicated in PISA by how often student do not listen to the teacher during lessons on the language of instruction, there is noise and disorder, the teacher has to wait a long time for students to quiet down, students cannot work well, and students do not start working for a long time after the lesson begins. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Given a history in political ecology of challenging hegemonic “scientific” narratives concerning environmental problems, the current political moment presents a potent conundrum: how to (continue to) critically engage with narratives of environmental change while confronting the “populist” promotion of “alternative facts.” We ask how political ecologists might situate themselves vis-a-vis the presently growing power of contemporary authoritarian forms, highlighting how the latter operates through sociopolitical domains and beyond-human natures. We argue for a clear and conscious strategy of speaking power to post-truth, to enable two things. The first is to come to terms with an internal paradox of addressing those seeking to obfuscate or deny environmental degradation and social injustice, while retaining political ecology’s own historical critique of the privileged role of Western science and expert knowledge in determining dominant forms of environmental governance. This involves understanding post-tru... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Other findings that were perhaps less commonly expected include the result that subsidies on variable inputs are the most production- and trade-distorting among all measures analysed, and that area-based payments can induce significant cross commodity effects. Where a policy instrument reduces the variability of farm income, it acts like an insurance. At the same time a policy that increases expected farm income, and hence raises implicit farm wealth, may lead the farmer to adopt riskier behaviour. Both the insurance and the wealth effect can result in an expansion of production if farmers are risk averse - an attitude that is found in many empirical studies. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The articles in this roundtable document the endurance and bravery of lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) Africans as they respond to a rising, public tide of homophobia across the continent. The authors present case studies from South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia, focusing respectively on literature, theology, public health, and constitutional law. Together, they also highlight four general features of contemporary life for LGBTIQ Africans. First, homophobia in Africa is a result of both African and international dynamics, including attempts at Christian and Muslim proselytization. Second, LGBTIQ identities and human rights approaches to LGBTIQ liberation compete and coexist with local notions of gendered and sexual identities and their affirmation. Third, homophobia is congruent with the broader dynamics of sexism and nationalism across Africa. Finally, LGBTIQ Africans and their allies have made great strides in improving - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The self-reporting system and periodical expert inspections should be operated more stringently, by for example increasing penalties for non-compliance. In addition, financial support for SMEs to improve their emission treatment system should be considered a top priority. Energy-efficient production systems can cut the cost per unit of production and increase price competitiveness, in addition to consuming less energy. Energy efficiency in industry in the city can also reduce electricity consumption at the national level. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, countries facing especially large government budget deficits or where an already high unemployment rate is projected to remain stable or decline are more likely to envisage beginning to trim back some of the increases in spending that were taken in response to the crisis. Many of the crisis measures are scheduled to expire, often at the end of 2010 or early in 2011. This is particularly common for expansions of unemployment benefit coverage or benefit generosity and measures to stimulate labour demand, including expansions of short-time work (STW) schemes. Public employment service (PES) staffing has increased significantly in a number of countries, with Japan increasing it by over one-third. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Currently, the most important national policy development related to forestry and forest management is the transfer of ownership, rights to use and responsibilities for the management of what is ultimately planned to be 60 per cent of Albania’s forests and pastures to local communes. In 2009 the forestry lands (high forests, low forests/coppices, shrubs and other areas with forest vegetation) encompassed 1,071,880.2 ha, which accounts for 37.28 per cent of the territory of Albania. The structure of the Albanian forest resources (forest fund), namely its division into different forest types, surface covered and stand volume for the dominant forest species is presented in table 8.1. Areas overgrown by bushes accounted for some 24 per cent of the total forest area and 9.3 per cent of the total timber volume. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 While it was non-binding prior to that - only 3% of workers benefitted- it was subsequently increased by 70% in real terms in 2005 (Saget, 2008). The situation is similar in the Philippines or Thailand, where minimum wages represent high shares of average wages yet apply only to a fraction of the workforce. The adjustment of minimum wages to increases in the CPI was frozen in 2009 due to the crisis. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For climate change adaptation, regulators were required to assess possible climate impacts in four areas: human health, infrastructure and location, land use, landscape, ecosystems and biodiversity, and water resources. The presumption was that the most climate-friendly alternative would be selected. Legislative texts were required to include a statement on the climate relevance of the act and alternatives considered, and, if the alternative chosen was not the most climate-friendly among those considered, a short statement of justification. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This current study, however, will focus primarily on the technical and physical interactions between different producers mediated by the electricity grid rather than on the environmental impacts of different technologies. Rare cases of auto-production apart, all production and consumption really does pass through the same transmission lines where everyone’s production and consumption decisions interact with those of all others. Limited storage capacity implies that electricity demand and supply are inelastic. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Abstract Given the relative lack of research on sustainable development in Northern Ireland, this paper focuses on the tensions between environmental governance and regulation on the one hand, and the ‘post‐conflict’ imperative for Northern Ireland to compete and grow as a regional economy without continued British state subvention and subsidisation. The paper outlines how this ‘trade‐off’ between ‘environment’ and ‘economy’ is essentially misplaced. It argues that this trade‐off can be avoided if there is a shift in focus from an ‘environment versus the economy’ policy position to one in which the ‘triple bottom line’ (social, economic and environmental) of sustainable development becomes the over‐arching policy agenda. Sustainable development, unlike either orthodox environmental or economic policy, also connects centrally with the unique ‘post‐conflict transformation’ agenda of Northern Ireland. For example, promoting a human rights civic culture, tackling socio‐economic inequality and social exclusion... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This area includes mountain pastures that are expected to undergo significant changes in the accumulation of carbon if there is no change in land use. It is the optimal zone for capture and accumulation of carbon from forests and other vegetation. Forecasts of the realistic scenario in 2050 increase the range of Zone A, as it incorporates parts of the Danube valley, parts of the Upper Valley of Tundzha hilly plain and the Struma valley and parts of die Black Sea coast and Dobrudzha. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Shares remained roughly stable for LDCs but increased slightly for the other three groupings. This evidence suggests that, for food-importing developing countries in general, meeting the cost of food import bills has become less onerous over time. Konandreas (2012) conducts a more disaggregated analysis for the period 1990-2009, looking at individual countries in the LDCs and NFIDC groups and at their average, maximum and minimum shares of food import expenditure in both total merchandise imports and exports. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In fact, captured fish used directly for reduction to fishmeal and fish oil dropped by 43% between 1992 and 2012. Recycling fish residue in the fishmeal and oil market (cont.) According to IFFO, the Marine Ingredients Organisation, the share of fish oil in the Omega-3 market has increased from 5% in 1990 to 22% in 2012. While still 74% of the fish oil is going to aquaculture, fish farmers find themselves competing with a buyer that is able to pay substantially higher prices. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 A strategic analysis of the ongoing conflict between Nevada and Utah, over groundwater allocation at Snake Valley, is carried out in order to investigate ways on how to resolve this dispute. More specifically, the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution is employed to formally model and analyze this conflict using the decision support system called GMCR+. The conflict analysis findings indicate that the dispute is enduring because of a lack of incentive and opportunity for any party to move beyond the present circumstances. Continued negotiations are not likely to resolve this conflict. A substantial change in the preferences or options of the disputants, or new governance tools will be required to move this conflict forward. This may hold lessons for future groundwater conflicts. It is, however, increasingly likely that the parties will require a third party intervention, such as equal apportionment by the US Supreme Court. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 1994, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) initiated a program to address communication gaps between community residents, researchers and health care providers in the context of disproportionate environmental exposures. Over 13 years, together with the Environmental Protection Agency and National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, NIEHS funded 54 environmental justice projects. Here we examine the methods used and outcomes produced based on data gathered from summaries submitted for annual grantees' meetings. Data highlight how projects fulfilled program objectives of improving community awareness and capacity and the positive public health and public policy outcomes achieved. Our findings underscore the importance of community participation in developing effective, culturally sensitive interventions and emphasize the importance of systematic program planning and evaluation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Due to their very high probability and/or high damage potential, intolerable risks are deemed unacceptable. Urgent action is needed to reduce them to an acceptable level. The acceptability and tolerability judgement process enables policymakers to prioritise risk management decisions when risks exceed acceptable levels (OECD, 2009). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A unified contract agreed in 2015 ensured the same recruitment and employment policies for all migrant workers and clarified their rights. Since 2016, the programme has overseen modifications to the contract to include coverage for refugees, coupled with the issuance of 2,000 work permits for Syrians (Better Work Jordan, 2016a, 2016b). It trains qualified plumbers, recruiting trainees particularly among Syrian refugees, with an emphasis on women. Graduates have created autonomous cooperatives that promise to make a long term contribution to social objectives (ETF, 2017a). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7, __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Significant effort will be needed by countries to develop detailed sector level implementation plans and understand associated investment and finance needs in light of available domestic resources. They are intended to articulate the actions each Party plans to implement post-2020 as part of its commitment to the international climate change regime. The (l)NDCs are in the first instance documents for communicating political commitments, setting out national or sectoral climate goals, and as such provide no detailed implementation plans, which can be used as a basis for business planning and investment decisions. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Albania is the only country in the UNECE region with a significant number of projects (five) on reforestation. Switzerland has committed to an emissions reduction target of 50% by 2030 relative to 1990 levels (UNFCCC, 2015a). Emissions or removals from forestland are not considered in the base year, according to the commitment (UNFCCC, 2015b). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Most nets are lost in deeper fishing areas between 200 to 800 metres, but also in cod fisheries in relatively shallow waters. However, the TAC system for cod (Northeast Arctic and Coastal) does not restrict the overall catches of coastal cod. The Norwegian coastal cod north is recognised as a stock complex. Genetic studies indicate that some of the spawning components along the coast could be local stocks, more or less isolated from coastal cod in neighbouring areas. The challenge for the management is, therefore, both to keep the total stock complex at a productive level and, in addition, to give protection to potentially vulnerable local stocks. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The European Union will remain the main cheese exporter, but its growth rate is slower than New Zealand’s, the United States’ and Australia’s. The United States is the largest exporter of SMP, while India is expected to increase its exports considerably over the next decade. The main destinations for dairy products are developing countries, especially in Asia and Africa. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Within the region the variation is substantial. Less than a quarter of married women have a say in purchases for daily household needs in Niger and Senegal, while more than three quarters have a say in Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The pattern of variation is similar for decisions on major household purchases: less than a quarter of married women have a say in Burkina Faso, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal, while three quarters or more have a say in Liberia, Madagascar, Namibia and Zimbabwe (see Statistical Annex). Demographic and Health Survey (OHS) database (2009). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! State and Territory' education departments are responsible for implementing the Australian Curriculum. In 2009-2010, ASIC made one of its key priorities the integration of financial literacy in relevant learning areas of the national curriculum. In partnership with relevant professional associations, and with the support of the Australian Government Financial Literacy Board, ASIC participated actively in the consultation process on the draft curriculum for Mathematics, English and Science. As a result the integration of financial literacy content in these curriculum areas is strengthened. For example, there is a sub-strand in the Mathematics curriculum called ’Money and financial mathematics'. For example, the content of the draft Economics and Business curriculum, due for Ministerial approval in December 2013, includes significant content about consumer and financial literacy. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Furthermore, the fee schedule as it stands does not fully address improving care, and creating new care options, for very long stay patients. Reimbursement could cover a wider but more specific range of treatments and services, for example psychological talking therapy, participation in community engagement projects, or art or music therapy sessions. The fee schedule could also be used to pay for services in hospitals that would help facilitate safe and earlier discharge, and help improve quality of care. This programme has seen some success, with a positive effect on patient outcomes, which were measured carefully (OECD, 2014a). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Emerging evidence suggests that relaxing constraints faced by women farmers is particularly beneficial. The latter suggests the potential for a beneficial demand-side effect (import leakages are reduced). But there is an additional productivity boost derived from targeting women insofar as this improves children’s outcomes in the long run. These effects make such investments more affordable because they have an impact on long-run growth and thus a payback. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Schools are evaluated every seven years by teams of external evaluators who are recruited, selected, and trained by NASE, and who follow evaluation policies established by the MoES. Schools are assessed within an evaluation framework covering five domains - school culture, teaching and learning, student achievement, support for students and school management - and linked to 67 performance indicators. The conclusions of the external evaluation are presented to the school in a detailed report that outlines school’s strengths and weaknesses and provides recommendations for performance improvement. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article examines the mass media’s role in shaping education policy debates in light of pluralist theory and Bourdieu’s social fields theory. We content analyzed the coverage of New Jersey education policy debates during 1985, when the governor moved to consolidate his power in the education field. We used quantitative framing and conflict analysis and found that the media presented educational policy debates in ways that advantaged political and economic elites and portrayed the governor as being above the political fray. On the whole, our findings conform more to Bourdieu’s social fields theory than to pluralist theory. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Are local capacities and knowledge made use of? Are people prepared and ready to react to warnings? Available from httpyAvww.imisdr.oig/2006/ppewAvhats-ew/ basics-ew.htm (accessed 19 May 2015). In Asia and the Pacific, regional trends suggest that such new technologies can significantly strengthen early warning systems but must be combined with people-centred approaches. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 On the other hand, employment appears to improve life outcomes, including by reducing the need for medical treatment, as well as by raising household income. While causality is complicated, the importance of drawing workers into the labour force and employment is highlighted by the relationships between non-participation and disability and drug use. Prescription rates appear to be higher where labour force participation is lower. There is also a possible relationship between drug use and disability. This may arise after the definition of disability was extended to include chronic conditions. Krueger (2017(47)) found that around one-fifth of the non-participating prime age males were also regularly taking opioid painkillers. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Again this has been a priority identified by the 2016-19 “Densaulyk” programme. Multiple waves of policy reforms have sought to expand access, modernise service delivery arrangements, and reduce reliance on inpatient care. The system continues to face many challenges, in part reflecting its post-Soviet legacy of under-investment in primaiy health care and relative focus on the treatment of communicable diseases. Others constraints are more contemporary, including the unavailability of the adequate information systems, the seemingly limited accountability for delivering results in all parts of the country, and insufficient emphasis on developing services and programmes that address the current burden of disease effectively. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This exercise was realized on the basis of a measure of insufficient income. For its part, Chile has a lower poverty incidence but a very similar level of poverty intensity to that observed in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica and Uruguay. As regards the area of residence, the values of MO are higher in rural areas of Guatemala, Nicaragua and Peru, while in terms of ethnicity, the highest values for MO are found among the indigenous population of Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 One size does not fit all. Tax policy To fulfil their functions, all governments require taxation revenue. Sound tax policy enables governments to achieve public policy objectives while also supporting a favourable investment environment. Policies that develop and maintain a skilled, adaptable and healthy population, and ensure the full and productive deployment of human resources, help create a favourable investment environment. While there is no single model for good public governance, there are commonly accepted standards of public governance to assist governments in assuming their roles effectively. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It im plies that there has been considerable reduction in inequality in the earlier period, although the average per capita consumption expenditure did not change in real terms between 1999-2000 and 2004-2005. The methodology used forthe estimation until 2004-2005 was anchored on a calorie norm of 2,400 K.Cal per day per person in rural areas and 2,100 K.Cal per day per person in urban areas. The poverty lines for rural and urban areas in each of the major states were determined as the MPCE required for deriving the required calorie norm. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Both recipients and providers mentioned the importance of tracking so called “brown” or fossil fuel intensive investments in addition to climate finance, to effectively measure progress towards greenhouse gas emission reduction across their broader portfolio of investment activities. However, considering the resource intensity of establishing and operating tracking systems and the recent focus on defining and tracking flows in the context of the UNFCCC USD 100 billion commitment, providers of climate finance were sometimes of the view that an over-emphasis on tracking per se can itself be a barrier to effectiveness, redirecting scarce resources from achieving impact on the ground. On the other hand, recipient countries claimed that domestic systems tracking finance can be useful in verifying finance reported to the UNFCCC. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As the lower wage level in developing economies is reflected in lower prices of goods that are not traded internationally, one unit of the local currency will have greater purchasing power domestically than worldwide. For that reason, the World Bank has used purchasing power parity (PPP), which is calculated by converting a local currency into a reference currency (US$) in terms of purchasing power equivalent. Following this logic, in 1991, an international poverty line was estimated equivalent to one PPP dollar per day at 1985 prices. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The housing stock increased more than twofold in Astana and Almaty, and also expanded rapidly in regions with strong economic and demographic growth, such as Atyrau, Kyzylorda and Mangystau. The average housing area per person increased throughout Kazakhstan. However, there are spatial inequalities: the residents of Astana and Almaty City have more housing space per person than the national average, and Astana is now well above the national average (with 28.5 square metres per capita, compared to the national average of 23.8 square metres). By contrast, residents of poorer cities such as Taraz, or in cities experiencing rapid population growth, such as Zhanaojen, have on average less housing space per capita (18.9 and 16.4 square metres per capita respectively) than the national average. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Building on a long history of international human rights and gender equality commitments, its universal approach recognizes the common challenges faced by all countries— developed and developing alike—and reaffirms the responsibility of governments to address them. The 2030 Agenda is clear that achieving gender equality is not only an important goal in and of itself but also a catalyst for achieving a sustainable future for all. Climate change and environmental degradation are advancing at an unprecedented pace, the global economy remains volatile after nearly a decade of crisis, a shift towards exclusionary and fear-based politics is deepening societal divisions, breeding conflict and instability, and millions are being forcibly displaced due to conflict and humanitarian catastrophes. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This assessment section includes impacts on security, severance, townscape, accessibility (in the meaning of usability of the transport system for people with physical and hidden disabilities), affordability, etc. It is important to note that non-monetised impacts require the most work and research for improving methodologies in order to better link these impacts to decision-making. This is important for not only essentially influencing whether the investment goes to particular scheme but also to serve as a basis for the adjustment of the scheme design. While improving methodologies for monetising accessibility benefits may help with this in some cases, in others, monetary valuation of accessibility gains - for instance when analysing distributional and spatial impacts - may be unnecessary, as a sole outcome ratio (such as the BCR) could be hiding relevant effects. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In the wake of 9/11, Canada quickly adopted a wide range of new criminal law provisions designed to more e$ectively prevent and punish transnational terrorist activity.1 Despite the availability of these measures, counter-terrorism policy has since been pursued primarily through immigration law. %is is in some ways unsurprising. While transnational terrorist activities span jurisdictions, the jurisdictions of law-enforcement agencies are generally domestically bounded, limiting their independent ability to launch e$ective investigations and prosecutions. Immigration law helps coordinate Canadian, foreign, and international counter-terrorism strategies by facilitating the movement of alleged terrorists to jurisdictions where they may be prosecuted more e$ectively or more conveniently. From the government’s standpoint, an added advantage is that evidentiary burdens and standards of proof are far lower in deportation proceedings than in criminal proceedings, making it easier to reduce the threats that some non-citizens may pose to Canadian national security. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Abstract This paper is a critique of the final report of the South African Human Rights Commission, Faultlines, on its inquiry into racism in the media. The critique builds on earlier comments by the author which fundamentally question the assumptions made by the SAHRC's independent researchers regarding discourse analysis, content analysis, as well as cultural and media studies. The paper also offers some educational strategies to deal with the real problems still facing the media in the post‐apartheid era. It calls for a participatory research agenda between academics and the media industry in resolving pressing issues of social concern. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The release of nerve gas in a Tokyo subway and attempted releases of biological agents by the Aum Shinrikyo cult have demonstrated the willingness and ability of modern-day terrorists to use unconventional weapons. Unlike explosive weapons, the use of biologic weapons may only become apparent once people become ill. The detection and response to these man-made outbreaks will occur initially at the medical and public health levels. Therefore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its partners are strengthening their response, disease detection, diagnostic, and communication capabilities to better protect the nation's citizens against biological or chemical terrorism. Language: en - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The editors would also like to acknowledge the review provided by Clara Barata and members of the OECD Secretariat’s Technical Advisory Group. The document was copy-edited by Elizabeth Zachary. The Conceptual Framework provides an integrated theoretical and analytical underpinning to the survey that articulates its research foci and links to existing knowledge and evidence and policy questions. Le cadre conceptuel offre a l’enquete une base theorique et analytique integree sur laquelle reposent les axes de recherche et qui fait le lien avec les connaissances et donnees existantes ainsi qu’avec les questions qui se posent quant a Faction des pouvoirs publics. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The impact of corporate governance on banking firms has been widely documented in the literature. Noticeably absent is an extensive examination of the impact of country governance on the efficiency of banking firms. This limitation is surprising, given the fact that the banking sector remains the most important channel for savings and allocations of credit in the economy. By using data on 454 Islamic and conventional banks from 19 countries offering Islamic banking and finance products and services, this chapter attempts to fill this demanding gap. We find that voice and accountability positively influence the efficiency of both Islamic and conventional banks. On the other hand, we observe the negative impact of political stability, absence of violence and control of corruption. The findings indicate that government effectiveness, regulatory quality and rule of law negatively influence the efficiency of conventional banks, but not so in the case of Islamic banks. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These include the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Millennium Development Goals and the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals. In 2006, the Government of Kazakhstan developed its Strategy for Gender Equality for 2006-16, which served as the main reference for the state gender policy for the past decade. In 2009, the Parliament enacted two important laws: the Law on State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women and the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence. Notwithstanding, many planned elements of the Gender Equality Strategy for 2006-16 were only partly implemented, often due to uneven presence of indicators and government capacities to measure real-time progress in tenns of gender equality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This chapter reviews three recent reports on benefit sanctions, by the House of Commons Work and Pensions Select Committee in 2015, by the National Audit Office in 2016, and by the House of Commons Public Accounts Select Committee in 2017, and outlines ten proposals for addressing the injustice associated with them and ameliorating the hardship they cause. It also considers the possibility of incorporating the European Social Charter, in much the same way that the European Convention on Human Rights has been incorporated in the Human Rights Act 1998. In the event that none of these measures are taken up, the chapter concludes by briefly considering an alternative to a social security system based on conditionality, namely a basic income scheme. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These complex issues are not evident in a projection of the nature provided in this Outlook, which assumes an inherently stable trajectory for key driving forces such as crop yields, input prices, energy prices and policy environment. The price spike of 2007/08 is revisited and measures of price volatility are presented. The focus then shifts to a discussion of market integration and price transmission to domestic markets, again looking at the implications for price volatility. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__6, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! In addition, using these data to inform about children requires too many assumptions about what happens within households, and how children are impacted. For all of these reasons, it is important to move forward with a global monitoring system that measures child food insecurity. Table 1 summarizes the constructs described above and why they are inadequate as proxies for child food insecurity. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Under the plan, some para/iscales - those financing ICBF (2%) and SENA (3%) - and the employers’ health care contributions (8.5%) will be abolished for firms employing workers with monthly wages under 10 times the monthly minimum wage. By reducing contribution rates on wages by 13.5 percentage points, the reform aims at creating between 400 000 and 1 million formal jobs. Non-wage labour costs will, however, remain above the OECD average and most other LACs. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The authors note that trade liberalisation may reduce the capacity (and choice of instruments) for developing-country governments to conduct redistribution programmes, and thus help smooth the short- and medium-term impacts of trade reforms. Based on a 2010 joint study by the Commonwealth Secretariat and Overseas Development Institute, some 15-29 per cent of the total estimated loss of developing-country exports due to preference erosion would come from SVEs. For certain countries, such as St Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia, Dominica, and Sao Tome and Principe, the loss of exports due to preference erosion could be as high as 29—60 per cent of their merchandise exports (see Cali et al. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The importance of cities for GDP has been growing consistently over the last five years. In 2015, Almaty City and Astana accounted for about 15% of the country’s population, and produced one-third of national GDP, due to the concentration of high added-value activities. “ Getting cities right” can provide a supportive environment for firms, entrepreneurs and institutions to innovate. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Physicians benefit by having the capacity to compare their performance against that of their peers. This is a move consistent with Scotland’s bottom-up approach to quality improvement and reluctance to use financial incentives to promote health care quality. Special NHS Boards that do not provide direct patient care return their savings in order that they are recycled into the overall funding available to support patient care. Much of these savings are expected to be found by through improvements in the quality of care -by reducing unnecessary hospital stays, unplanned readmissions and adverse events for example. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 While still covering only the central part of Mexico City, ECOBICI is the fourth-largest public bike-sharing system in the world, after Hangzhou, London and Paris (Government of Mexico City, 2015).15 While installing bike stations, the Ministry of Environment of the Federal District has significantly expanded road infrastructure dedicated to bike use.16 It must be noted though that a large percentage of ECOBICI trips are made on roads that do not have bicycle infrastructure. In addition, better connections between bicycle lanes will be needed if this type of infrastructure is to develop into a useful network for bicycle users (Figure 3.2, right-hand panel). There are a growing number of bicycle parking facilities throughout the city, including in underground, Metrobus and trolley bus (zero-emission corridor) stations. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The second aims to cover urban residents without insurance (children, elderly people without pensions and the long-term unemployed) but not migrants. The first two schemes share many features. Membership is voluntary and the central government is to provide a payment for each participant, which the local government is encouraged to match. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! More than a dozen adaptation components have dedicated sections that mention adaptation but provide no specific action plans or timeframes for implementation. Typically, overarching objectives state the importance of undertaking actions to protect the most vulnerable populations or sectors (e.g. agriculture, water supply and biodiversity) and enhancing in-country institutional arrangements to implement such actions. Sri Lanka’s INDC explicitly links its national goal to a global adaptation goal by enhancing local climate change adaptation (Sri Lanka, 2015). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As for internal migration, 2010 census round data for some countries suggest that internal migrants no longer account for such a significant share and the trend is towards convergence with the non-migrant population. The association between international migrants and domestic employment is much stronger and more persistent. A large portion of them engage in domestic woik in their destination countiy, where they fined real opportunities for economic integration. There is a high degree of labour segregation by gender and by countiy of origin, however. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! To allow learning to occur, policymakers need to set up a process and design for monitoring and evaluation that is robust, timely and delivers both to the purpose of standard administrative evaluation and the broader learning’s that need to underpin the policy process. Policymakers need to consider the data requirements for monitoring SCP outcomes. They are particularly important in the context of SCP because of the complexity and cross-cutting nature of the SCP policy domain. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Teachers receive tailor-made training with contents and timing adapted so that they best overcome their weaknesses in effectively helping their students reach their educational objectives. In comparable publicly funded schools, teachers seem to have much more freedom to “teach the way they feel most comfortable” (Henriquez etal., The SNED is awarded to schools based on their ranking in the national student achievement test, but not based on whether or not teachers have helped students attain their learning goals. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Esteban and Dinar (2013) conclude on the superiority of packaged sequenced policies instead of individual ones. Fuentes (2011) supports the use of economic incentives for water user associations to co-operate and enforce regulatory requirements on groundwater in Spain. Sophodeous (2012) reports that the relative successes that have allowed to slow down groundwater overdrafting in Kansas can be attributed to the multiple approaches that have been implemented, such as: the establishment of groundwater management districts, minimum stream flow regulations, metering and monitoring of resources, integrated resource planning, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), a central water bank, and various water conservation programs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Claims by many experts on the connection between corruption and human rights, and especially the realization that corruption undermines the enjoyment of human rights, have led practitioners to advocate a human rights-based approach to corruption. However, it comes at a time where the global human rights movement is under assault, this contribution addresses the emerging localization discourse in human rights. Researchers and campaigners are adapting the international human rights system to local institutions and meanings in a process of “vernacularization”. This is by taking the needs of the community and the language that makes sense locally as the entry point of human rights advocacy. The question that arises is what role can the local understanding of human rights play? This contribution suggests answers to this question by using the African concept of ubuntu (humanness) to reinforce measures against corruption. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The CPI also helps to define targets and goals that can support the formulation of evidence-based policies, including the definition of city visions and long-term plans that are both ambitious, and measurable. This framework allows for periodic assessments of the various dimensions of urbanization and the overall conditions of cities. Still, it is for governments to define the scope, frequency and form of the monitoring and reporting, enabling policy-makers to measure progress and identify areas for improvement, including capacity-building needs. Such monitoring will also enable public authorities to identify potential setbacks and constraints, thus pre-empting unintended consequences. In order to avoid overload and duplication in national and local monitoring and reporting, including the potential for double counting, it is recommended to adopt common metrics and methodologies with a unified global platform. The CPI works as a support for multi-scale decision-making, connecting the city with the region and the overall country. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Public coverage of the potential of new technologies is dramatically increasing, from expanding capabilities offered by the net and mobile phones to robotics. The introduction of these new technologies is commonly measured in relation to cutting the administrative burden, software costs, vendor independence and the deployment of human resources. The ethical implications of rolling-out such applications are rarely debated for either able-bodied citizens or for those less able to reach informed decisions and exercise individual consent. This chapter examines the challenges for those required to demonstrate public accountability for the use they make of identity verification techniques for public policy purposes, ranging from border controls to accessing public services. It concludes that accountability mechanisms are not yet sufficient to the task of retaining public trust in either the technologies or in those deploying them in the name of security. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Bringing together four existing institutions to establish the French Biodiversity Agency, for example, was aimed at rationalising biodiversity governance and creating a one-stop shop for action on biodiversity, which can also help promote synergies between action on biodiversity and other environmental agendas such as climate change and green growth. Co-ordination mechanisms, through the establishment of inter-ministerial committees or working groups for instance, can facilitate a dialogue and working relationships that are necessary to formulate and implement wide-ranging policy reforms associated with reciprocal mainstreaming of biodiversity and development-related issues. At least nine of the countries reviewed have some form of biodiversity-relevant inter-ministerial committee already in place (including China and Nepal). However, challenges have arisen in many of these, for example, the institutions lack the authority or the resources to perform their functions, decisions taken are not binding, or they simply do not meet as frequently as they are supposed to. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This vulnerability is a particular concern for Denmark since households hold the largest gross debt level across OECD countries (Figure 9). Household leverage is highest among the more affluent households and in the bottom of the income distribution, while buffers in the form of financial assets compose a relatively small part of total assets across the income distribution (Figure 22). Substantial balance sheets create exposure to short-term asset prices and interest rate shocks. For instance, large drops in house prices during 2008-09 caused technical insolvency among 10% of homeowners (Skak and Bloze, 2013(48]). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Resource efficiency can be achieved by increasing resource productivity (value added / resource use) or reducing resource intensity (resource use / value added). It is related to strategies like dematerialisation, such as fuel efficient cars. It will be clear that no production can be said to be sustainable if it is profligate in the use of resources, thus there is a direct link between resource efficiency and SCP, particularly sustainable production. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 At the federal/national level, competences are often limited, so it is important to strongly engage local agencies, including local road authorities and police agencies, in actively committing to road safety. This may require allocating adequate funding to local agencies. Urban sprawl and fragmentation of public transport planning create car-dependent communities, which in turn make it harder to develop road safety policies addressing car traffic speed and volume. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The WTO will continue to play its part towards achieving the SDGs. This is how the best technology works - so simple and easy to use that not so long ago it would have seemed like magic. But those of us concerned with improving the lives of people in developing countries know that there are systems behind this technological wizardry: policy systems that enable and reward innovation, economic systems that allow raw materials, components and finished goods to flow across borders, financial systems that secure investments and payments, regulatory and legal systems protecting workers and consumers. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Deterrence, civil defense, collective defense, and arms control were key national security doctrines in the 20th century, and they are being reevaluated now for application to cyberspace. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Researchers, journalists and activists have an important job to do by challenging these frameworks so that currently “unthinkable” courses of public and private action capable of addressing chronic poverty can be openly debated. So for example, it may be “unthinkable” for policy makers in a particular countiy to provide a social protection “floor” for consumption because this is held to generate dependency and to be unaffordable. The evidence from countries in the South shows that neither of these are true (Chapters 6 and 7). Politics - and the ways in which institutions work - are usually at the heart of the problem of chronic poverty. Yet because the chronically poor rarely organise themselves to put pressure on politicians or the political system, there is often little political motivation for change. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Falls are a major problem for the elderly, both on pavements and in public transport vehicles, however data is seriously lacking. Initiatives such as Silver Zones, where the presence of older pedestrians is also indicated by road signs, can increase the safety of areas frequently visited by vulnerable road users. A major study was conducted by Liisa Hakamies-Blomqvist in Finland and Sweden (Hakamies-Blomqvist et al., - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In March 2011, nearly 80% of the population lived in an area where the waiting time for a GP consultation was over two weeks and this proportion was rising. For a dentist consultation, the waiting time was over four weeks in 85% of health centres. Such a situation creates inequalities in access to health care as employees can use occupational health care and private consultations are available to those who can afford large co-payments. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Considered together, average dietary energy supply adequacy and undernourishment can shed light on whether food insecurity is caused by supply deficits or by other factors such as income or food distribution. However, for a particular country, high average dietary energy supply adequacy alone may not be sufficient to ensure adequate food for all people. In the SAARC countries, however, it remained low at 106 per cent. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The index was then used to explain the PISA scores of immigrant students as well as their well-being. Most importantly, the regression accounts for the geographic and cultural distance between the two countries and includes host and origin country fixed effects, so the effect of sport distance is isolated from other potential confounding factors. The results show that for immigrant boys, a 1-point increase in the sports distance index reduces PISA science scores by over 1-point. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Following the dispositions of the Belem do Para Convention, spousal rape has been included in national legislation. Similarly, to improve the access of victims to legal support, Justice Centres for Women have been established across the country (OECD 2017a, 2017b). Despite these efforts to strengthen legal and legislative frameworks, culture and inertia discriminatory attitudes complicate the implementation of these laws: for example, 16% of women agree that domestic violence is justified under certain conditions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Cool water restrictions and flooding risks may currently hardly limit this value, but climate change might present a somewhat greater challenge on longer time scales in these respects. For a given source different supply options (for gas for instance inland production, import through pipelines or LNG regasification terminals, storage facilities) need to be summed up and related to energy demand (ECOFYS, et al., As opposed to the (de-rated) generation capacity margin, the indicator accounts primarily for extreme and/or weather-related events. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These insights are in line with the findings of research elsewhere (such as Bird et al., Interviewees agreed on the overarching need to strengthen MRV systems for climate finance, but differences in views were found regarding providers’ and recipients’ relative priorities over the tracking of finance flows versus the monitoring of results. The emphasis on and appropriateness of preconditions were also found to be context specific, depending on the source and objective of finance. Many of the pre-conditions and elements to enable effectiveness identified through this research are considered to be inter-linked, and may require simultaneous and sequential action (for example, integrating climate change into national development plans can help to define national priorities, before donors can then align behind these). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, the literature and debate (especially from Indigenous scholars and representative organisations) highlight distinct and broader criteria of educational and learning success, such as positive self-concept, strong cultural identity, happiness and confidence. There is a widespread concern among Indigenous scholars and community advocates about loss of language, the importance of language and cultural preservation and revitalisation, and a desire to see greater social harmony, anti-racist sentiment and cultural respect (Dreise and Perrett, forthcoming, CCL, 2007). Indigenous research also points to identity, wisdom and traditions as critical in shaping identity and character, and sustaining deep relationships between kin, land and water. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__15, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Among the last to yield to the advance of scientific exploration has been the ocean floor. Until recent years much more was known about the surface of the moon than about the vast areas that lie beneath three-fourths of the surface of our own planet”. This statement continues to hold true and is repeated by scientists countless times. Arguably, nowhere on Earth have science and technology so strongly driven economic development as in the seas and oceans, and this inter-relationship continues to drive new economic activity. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The deeper causes of stunting and overweight should therefore be addressed in more detail in further research that is unfortunately beyond the scope and possibility of this report. Deprivation in housing is driven by housing problems (i.e. dilapidated walls and windows), while deprivation in utilities is mainly driven by the heating indicator (Figure 30). More than one in three children are deprived in education, which derives almost completely from the lack of a suitable place for the child to study and do homework. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Critics challenge international courts for their interference with domestic democratic processes and alleged violations of rule of law standards: they claim that these guardians of the rule of law are not well guarded themselves. These concerns should not be dismissed too quickly as mere disgruntled venting by populist politicians. This article focuses on regional human rights courts and argues that the same interests and values that justify rule of law standards of impartiality, independence and accountability domestically also justify similar standards for international courts. Focusing on the European Court of Human Rights and its doctrine of the margin of appreciation, the article demonstrates how this doctrine may contribute to fulfilling the rule of law but at the same time may also endanger it. This requires changes to the doctrine to ensure that the core rule of law standards of predictability and protection against arbitrary discretion are respected. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These are supplemented by a dataset on various economic, demographic and meteorological variables that can explain the variation of air pollution. The results of this econometric analysis support the hypothesis that urban structure has significant effects on pollution concentration. In particular, they suggest that fragmented urban areas experience higher concentrations of NO2 and PMI0 and that densely populated urban areas suffer from higher SO2 concentration. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The third is the economic climate. In recessionary times, the number of companies wishing to participate decreases. The final one is that the programme can be very bureaucratic. Mexico’s universities could be more involved in setting the national skills agenda and thinking creatively about how to capitalise on their resources. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! If many countries seek to transfer price risk to others, the outcome is likely to be ineffective (Martin and Anderson, 2012). In the case of a large exporter, or if a number of exporting countries that are collectively large in the market impose export restrictions, the effect is to increase the world price of the staple food. If, in addition, importing countries reduce tariffs on food imports in an attempt to avoid adverse impacts on consumers, the increases in world prices resulting from the initial price shock and the restrictions imposed by exporters will be further compounded. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While most fisheries have been brought into alignment with multiple elements of the SSF, additional work remains. In October of 2017, Canada announced that it has achieved the 5% target. The review is focused on gaps in protection under the current legislation and on how to incorporate modem safeguards to protect and conserve fish and fish habitats. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 As forest restoration is costly, especially for small rural holders, the quota system could be a cost-effective way of ensuring compliance. The MMA is considering how to address the risk that only low-opportunity-cost areas are competitive in the market, leading to increased conservation of areas that do not necessarily have the highest biodiversity value. The MMA expects the plan to generate over 190 000 direct jobs in rural areas. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__6, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Integrating promising NUS in farming systems can reduce the build-up of pests and diseases when they are grown in rotation with the main crops. Depending on their characteristics, NUS can also increase soil fertility, prevent soil erosion, reduce evaporation and suppress weed growth. They can be more resistant to biotic stresses and provide dependable harvests under unfavourable climatic conditions or depleted soils. For instance, DeFries etal. ( - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Innovators"""" and """"early adoptors"""" primarily use research and innovation projects. Includes both advanced counselling on technology development, access to state-of-the art technology and independent advice on how to increase digitalisation. This mean is used by all three target groups -but matchmaking and access to technology is most relevant for """"early adopters"""" and """"Innovators""""."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Some climate change impacts were explored in previous work by the OECD (2007). As a country with an advanced economy, an educated workforce and strong public services, Austria is in a strong position to deal with the effects of a changing climate. The potential for taking action to minimise costs and exploit opportunities arising from a changing climate can be seen in the effective system of natural hazard management that has developed over the past decades. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In urban areas of Vanuatu, extended networks are usually based on kinship ties among individuals originating from the same island or village. Various urban informal settlements around Port Vila and Lauganville tend to be inhabited by migrants from the same island of origin (WB, 2006c). Migrant families and relatives living overseas provide cash and in-kind support periodically to friends and relatives residing abroad as well as in their home country. Wantok association exists abroad as well. An example of such association would be the Solomon Islands Wantok Association in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.5 There are a number of diaspora associations which currently exist overseas. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Eliminating zoning cannot solve the problems of restrictive land uses and social segregation, as is demonstrated by the experiences of cities that do not rely on zoning. In the absence of zoning, cities still tend to be shaped by land-use rules in some form, but these rules may be driven by private-sector demand, giving higher-income areas more land-use protections, while leaving low-income areas with few development standards. For example, the city of Houston in Texas is well known for being the only major city in the United States without a zoning ordinance. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It is also part of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI), for the period of 2013 to 2027, and has its own national plan within this process. It also discusses forced displacement as a cause and consequence of this, across borders and within countries. Technical experts (e.g. agronomists, meteorologists, veterinarians and water engineers), funded by international organizations, have worked on issues related to drought and its effects on pastoralism and agriculture for many years. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! When we consider upper secondary or post-secondary education, there is evidence that VET is associated with higher training incidence. The estimated positive gap with respect to academic education ranges from 2.4 percentage points for females to 4.0 percentage points for males. In this case, the estimated negative gap is close to 10 percentage points. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, due to the significant variations in water availability across space and time, defining terms such as “water stress” are difficult tasks. As a result, there are a number of different ways in which the level of water stress can be measured. This approach defines water stress in terms of the relationship between water availability and population, measuring stress as the amount of renewable freshwater available per person per year. According to the water stress index: if the amount of renewable water in a country falls below 1 700 m3 per person per year, that country is said to be experiencing water stress, if it falls below 1000 m3 it is said to be experiencing water scarcity, and absolute scarcity if below 500 m3 (Falkenmark et al., However, it also has limitations in that it: 1) ignores variability in water availability within countries, 2) fails to account for the accessibility of water, 3) does not consider anthropogenic sources of freshwater, such as desalination plants and dams which increase water availability beyond natural flows in a given year, and 4) does not account for the fact that different countries, and regions within countries, have different demands for water (Rijsberman, 2006). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Human rights campaigns assert controversial arguments about the importance of human dignity in the face of the arbitrary exercise of power. The history of human rights is indeed a history of confrontation between forces seeking to preserve the status quo and those acting in defense of marginalized underdogs. Yet, a new tradition was created when human rights advocates designed platforms that are in tension with—or even antithetical to—the radical history of human rights. The critical theory of the Frankfurt School warns of the political risks for movements that rely on commercial transactions and marketized relationships. Today, elements of consumerism and popular culture are integral to human rights movement-building efforts, but this new direction poses risks for the long-term viability of the movement. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The datasets included in this study cover the key health care services provided to patients: hospital in-patient services, community health services including primary health care, emergency health care and formal long-term care (such as nursing homes and home care services). The use of prescription medicines is a key part of the health care services offered to patients that are delivered in hospital, in other care settings and in the community to be used at home. They are both tremendously useful and highly risky products and understanding benefits and risks is essential to keeping patients healthy and safe. Thus these data are a key component of health care pathways and outcomes. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Shifting the balance in favour of one of these will automatically reduce the scope of the other. Given that foreign IP right holders must be provided treatment that is no less favourable than national or other foreign right holders, (Articles 3 and 4 of the TRIPS Agreement), the challenging task for governments is determining which approach is most appropriate for their country’s efforts to promote technological innovation and technology transfer. At the same time, they must ensure the pursuit of other policy goals in such diverse areas as public health and access to scientific and educational data, information and materials. See, for example, the United States-Jordan FTA (Article 4, paragraph 20). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Existing activities of Turkmenistan in the field of ex situ conservation include the collection of genetic material of wild crop relatives at the Magtymguly Scientific and Experimental Centre of Plant Genetic Resources of MoA, collections of autochthonous plant species at the Ashgabat Botanical Garden, and efforts aimed at the captive breeding of mammal species by several State reserves. There are nine IBAs, key fish wintering grounds and habitats of the Caspian seal in this region. The area also contains major fishing grounds (predominantly for kilka, Clupeonella spp.). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Article 3 may inspire MENA countries to adapt their national legislation. Such determination may be necessary' in a particular case such as one involving abuse or neglect of the child by the parents, or one where the parents are living separately and a decision must be made as to the child’s place of residence. See Table 2.1 for the list of countries that officially ratified this convention. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Policy makers, ECEC managers, ECEC staff and parents may disagree on what aspects of quality should be monitored, how frequently, in what manner, and what stakes should be attached to them. Policy makers might want to impose certain monitoring practices, such as one inspection by external evaluators at least once every two years, while management and staff may oppose this - especially when high stakes are involved in the implementation of a monitoring system. It is therefore important to take into account that inspections or other forms of assessment may cause stress to management and staff. The NAEYC (2010) noted that the purpose of monitoring should be to collect information that can be used in improving services, to ensure that children benefit from their early ECEC experiences. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""A study by Ouyang and Pinstrup-Andersen (2012:1456) on health inequality between ethnic minorities and the Han populations in China states, """"Health and nutrition status in terms of height-for-age and weight-for-age actually improved for both the Han group and the minority group, but the improvement is much smaller for the minorities, and hence the growing health gap"""". Another study conducted in China has made similar conclusions and suggested that stunting, wasting and being underweight were distinct indicators of the nutritional status of children and chronic growth retardation is the major type of child protein-energy malnutrition in poor rural minority areas of Yunnan Province, China. The country has a small population of indigenous peoples, approximately 100,000 with most concentrated in two provinces in one of the world's poorest countries with low human development index (UNDP 2004)."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Strategic imports such as energy and food are therefore very important. However, this openness to trade means that small states are highly vulnerable to changes in the patterns of world trade or the prices of commodities. This distance raises the costs of importing and exporting by increasing the costs of transportation. For some archipelagic states, this can also result in high transport costs within the state. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In this context, it is proposed to align positions and it is suggested that a special expert or another level of expertise be provided. In terms of forest protection, special significance is given to the implementation of preventive measures. The main change refers to jurisdictions that were assigned under the Law to the Forest Agency. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In Mexico, the PROGRESA/Oportunidades/Prospera programme's impacts on private transfers have varied with programme duration. After six months, the programme crowded out private transfers to beneficiary households (Albarran and Attanasio, 2002), while other evidence shows that after 19 months the programme did not have this effect (Teruel and Davis, 2000). The programme increased the flow of private transfers to non-beneficiary households in target communities by 33 percent, compared with non-beneficiary households in control communities (Angelucci and De Giorgi, 2009, IEG, 2011). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Les pays declarants consacrent 0.6 % a 1.8 % de leur PIB aux allocations de logement. Presque tous ont recours a cet instrument d’action , dans la moitie d’entre eux, les allocations sont reservees aux locataires - et sont generalement disponibles aussi bien pour les locataires du secteur privd que du secteur social -, mais dans l’autre moitie, les menages proprietaires de leur logement les pergoivent aussi. Elies sont generalement accordees sous condition de ressources, mais les criteres d’eligibilite et les baremes varient considerablement d’un pays a 1'autre. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Distances travelled vary considerably between cities as well, the length of the average trip by car is 14.2 km in Mumbai, but only 3.1 km in Bhopal. The pump price per litre of diesel varies across the region, from USD 0.22 in Brunei Darussalam to USD 0.81 in China and India, while that of gasoline ranges between USD 0.37 in Brunei Darussalam to USD 1.25 in Singapore (Figure 2.9). Fuel prices can account for a large share of drivers’ transportation costs (Box 2.4). These prices are affected by taxes, which are often designed to generate revenue and to price the environmental effects of vehicle emissions. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Giving priority to low- or no-regret interventions provides policymakers with the space required for responding to immediate needs without incurring the risk of maladaptation or of being faced with unintended consequences. The health sector provides a vast number of examples of low-regret actions, such as distributing mosquito nets, improving child nutrition, extending the coverage of health services, developing hygiene education campaigns, and improving water and sanitation facilities, among many others. Early warning systems constitute another example, as they grant authorities the flexibility to act pre-emptively and adjust civil security plans to the expected weather conditions, thereby reducing the number of lives at risk and/or the quantity of resources used. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 With further application of the ecosystem approach the CCAMLR has developed a mechanism to disperse the fishing effort once a trigger level is reached in order to avoid concentration of fishing in easily accessible areas or other negative effects on local populations of marine animals. Under Conservation measure 51-01 (CCAMLR 2008) in area 48, the Antarctic Peninsula, once a trigger level of 620 000 tones is reached the catch must be dispersed into smaller scale units. For the other side of the continent, in area 58.4.1, the catch of krill was set under the KLM to 440 OOOt and split into an eastern and western division until further scientific measures are to hand. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 For instance, Antigua and Barbuda sets such targets as “By 2025, increase seawater desalination capacity by 50% above 2015 levels” and “By 2030, all buildings are improved and prepared for extreme climate event”. However, some adaptation components of INDCs do not include any indication (e.g. proposed indicators) against which progress can be assessed. Indeed, depending on the characteristics of the indictors, it might be challenging for some of the countries to properly monitor progress in their adaptation actions. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Examples include projects or programmes on regional electricity transmission network improvement, flood management, better ecosystems and agriculture management for trans-boundary river basins, regional forest management, and international road transport infrastructure. Selected examples of such projects and programmes are listed below. The committed amounts to some regional projects were allocated to each participating country and recorded in the OECD DAC CRS, and are thus reflected in the figures by country. Others were unallocated and recorded as, for instance, “Europe regional”. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! La reproduccion social se incorpora a este modelo tratando el factor trabajo como un medio de produccion que, a su vez, tambien es producido. Este proceso de reproduccion corre principalmente a cargo de las mujeres (pero tambien de los hombres) a traves del trabajo tanto remunerado como no remunerado. Uno de los objetivos clave es diferenciar las sociedades que prestan mas o mejores cuidados de aquellas que prestan menos cuidados. En terminos de crecimiento, la autora distingue entre lo que denomina economias con una alta o baja propension a la prestacion de cuidados, identificando para ello la relacion entre los salarios, la inversion en las personas y el crecimiento economico. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Female labour force participation could thus potentially be increased by developing various options for older care. Marriage decreases the probability of female labour force participation by 7.8% in rural areas and more than twice as much in urban areas. This should not be surprising as rural women are often employed within the household in the agricultural production process. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Recently, nongovernmental entities such as social enterprises and community-based actors have been active and playing larger roles in the rural development policies. This framework takes into account the demographic challenges in OECD rural regions and it envisages rural areas as key engines for national prosperity. Delivering improved well-being for rural dwellers (across economic, social and environmental dimensions). Understanding the growth dynamics of low-density economies (distance to markets, role of the tradable sector, and absolute advantages). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It was originally developed for informing the investment choices of electric utilities in regulated electricity systems. Since it does not capture technology-specific quantity or price risks nor bankruptcy risk, it is less pertinent in deregulated electricity systems where the revenues and risks of different operators can vary substantially both among different technologies and from period to period over an electricity generator’s lifetime. The subscript t denotes the year in which the sale of production or the cost disbursement takes place. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The WRC aims to achieve this goal by challenging people to speak out and think about their actions, language and beliefs, educating youth on violence against women, raising public awareness on the issue, and partnering with women’s organisations, the private sector and media. The campaign is driven by community groups in towns and cities throughout New Zealand and is rapidly becoming part of the annual events calendar. White Ribbon Day events and activities are increasingly supported by businesses, cultural groups, sporting teams, local government, and a wide range of community and government agencies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Civil rights campaigner Nigeria (b 1940, q Manchester 1963, FMCGP (Nigeria), FWACP), died from lung cancer on 10 February 2006. Bekololari (“Beko”) Ransome-Kuti made his mark as defender of human rights, champion of good governance, and campaigner for democracy. He was detained or jailed several times by the Nigerian military but remained steadfast in the battle for democracy and accountability. He worked in various public hospitals from 1964 until 1977, when he established his own private practice. He held various positions in the Nigerian Medical Association, including chairmanship of the Lagos chapter, and he chaired the Lagos University Teaching Hospital Board. He was founder or leader of various civil liberties and pro-democracy organisations, including the Campaign for Democracy, the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, and Pro-National Conference Organisation (PRONACO). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Moreover, they most likely affect some very specific groups of the population rather than the aggregate. Given the correlation between health indicators or the share of the inactive population declaring too sick or disabled to work and disability recipients, they cannot be included simultaneously in the regressions. The main issue remains that once on disability benefits or sick the likelihood to re-enter the labour force is limited. But it may also just reflect the fact that inactive people have lower income, hence live in more crowded houses or in cheaper areas far away from job centres. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This is especially important since data indicate wage gaps are closing very slowly, in large part due to women’s exclusion from high-paid jobs. A good deal of research shows that once employed, gender and racial inequality is largely attributable to job segregation. Even in rapidly growing middle-income countries, which are experiencing industrial upgrading, we observe evidence of defeminization of manufacturing employment (Tejani and Milberg20i6). As a result of the higher consumption rates of low-income groups, higher minimum wages also stimulate aggregate demand and job growth, reducing women's unemployment and offsetting negative effects of higher female wages on female unemployment. Evidence from Latin America’s decade of inequality reduction indicates that the gender employment gap was narrowed in the 2000s in part due to higher minimum wages in a number of countries (Braunstein and Seguino 2012). Because the employment data are broad, they do not allow us to assess the quality of employment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In this study a simulation model was built in the proprietary software (STELLA) of the environmental and livelihood outcomes that might be expected from the development of oil palm estates in Indonesian Borneo. The model was then used to answer “what if” questions and its use greatly enriched the local debate on the pros and cons of the planned establishment of industrial scale estates. However, our overall impression is that such tools are not widely employed in practice and are still mainly used by researchers. These tools are a valuable resource in harnessing traditional knowledge to modern knowledge and innovation systems and deserve to be much more widely used in natural resource management. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In recent years, violations of human rights law have increasingly been perceived in a new light as perpetrators of war crimes and genocide are more often held accountable for their crimes. Influenced by precedents set at the Nuremberg trials, the development of International Criminal Tribunals, and by the recent approval of the International Criminal Court, law enforcement officials are under increasing pressure to identify and arrest human rights violators. This is an important development since the success of these recent international initiatives depends upon the ability to effectively enforce these statutes. International human rights law will ultimately fail unless appropriate and effective means of apprehending violators are implemented. Given the fact that law enforcement agencies have often been the worst perpetrators of genocide and other violations, it is increasingly clear that police are crucial to the success or failure of many post‐Holocaust legal developments. This paper explores historical... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Evidence of political intervention in competition cases can considerably erode the authority and credibility of the authority. Independence can also enhance the quality of policy advice that the competition authority can provide to government, especially to warn of any possible trade-offs between competition and other policy objectives. In some countries however, access to long-term finance is constrained by shallow and illiquid financial markets. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Yet, despite recent improvements, outcomes, as measured by PISA results, still need to catch up with OECD standards and equity problems should be addressed. One decisive ingredient will be better teachers. Chile should aim to attract qualified individuals to the profession and bolster initiatives to improve initial teacher education and training. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This contrasts with the older planning pattern of attending to the physical design of public buildings, streets, parks etc., A city that plans not only projects the future from past trends, it also brings the public, private and third sectors together with communities to build a collectively preferred future. In modernist planning, progress was often elusive and the benefits were often concentrated among small groups of elites. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Others, such as trends in door-to-needle time after a heart attack, are less reassuring. In general, however, scant data is available to assess quality of care more fully, with patient-reported outcomes and experiences being notably absent. Less than 11% of total hospital discharges are related to ambulatory care sensitive conditions with a trend declining slightly since 2001 (Guanais et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 More than 80% of the delineated Natura 2000 forest area is on LP-administered land. A survey conducted in 2006-11 by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection revealed that natural forest habitats in the network had predominantly poor or bad conservation status, only 30% of their area was in good condition (MoE, 2013). ( It should be noted that the survey shows the non-forest Natura 2000 habitats to be in similar shape.) Natura 2000 also requires significant investments: financing needs for the network in 2014-20 are estimated at more than 12 times the level of spending in 2007-13 (Section 4.3). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 ""A standards development process has been initiated in Cameroon (PEFC, 2014c). At the 19th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (""""UNFCCC COP 19""""), held in Warsaw, Poland, governments took steps towards a new universal agreement to limit global temperature rise to 2 °C. Thirty-nine national and 23 subnational jurisdictions now have carbon-pricing instruments, emissions trading schemes or taxes, either enacted or in process."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The coordination and advisory function includes tasks (a), (d), (e), (f), (h) and (i). The executive function includes tasks (b), (c), (g) and (j). At the same time, the difference between the coordination and advisory function and the executive function is sometimes not distinct and depends on the extent of participation of an individual joint body in the implementation of a certain task. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Overall, means-tested family and education benefits seem to be providing a useful contribution to reducing inequalities. Given the high and rising incidence of poverty among children, raising the means-tested child benefits is likely to be an efficient way to reduce child poverty. The average effective income tax rate faced by the top quintile of the income distribution is around three times higher than for the bottom quintile, and as a result, the top quintile accounts for over two thirds of income tax payments (Figure 9). Income tax rates were increased in 2010, 2011 and 2013, and a comprehensive income tax reform in 2013 reduced the number of income brackets from 8 to 5, significantly increased marginal rates, and reduction in tax breaks, including for private education and health expenditures, which are overwhelmingly consumed by better-off households. The elimination of these tax breaks is clearly a step in the right direction, and it also makes the tax system simpler and more transparent. The overall redistributive effects of these changes to income taxes are difficult to evaluate, particularly the 2013 changes to personal income taxes. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For the non-indigent poor, the figure was 15%, and it was even lower in the two other groups (13% for the at-risk group and 6% for those not at risk). These data point up the complexity of the situation to be addressed by anti-poverty policies, in the broad sense of the term, w'hen dealing with sectors w'here ethnic identity' is a significant factor, since, in these cases, policy initiatives have to focus on basic needs satisfaction, recognition, and social and cultural inclusiveness at one and the same time. Among the indigent and the non-indigent poor, minors (up to 17 years of age) make up 51% and 45%, respectively, which means that children account for nearly half of the poor population. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Over the past decade, the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has become the world's premier yardstick for evaluating the quality, equity and efficiency of school systems. This chapter introduces PISA and sets the scene for situating the PISA performance of 15-year-olds in the United States against global patterns and trends. Results from the OECD's recent Survey of Adult Skills (OECD, 2013a) show that highly skilled adults are twice as likely to be employed and almost three times more likely to earn an above-median salary than poorly skilled adults. In other words, poor skills severely limit people's access to belter-paying and more rewarding jobs. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For Canada, fees and regulations as applying in Ontario is taken into account. In 2001, the period granted for maternity leave was expanded from sixty to ninety days, and the payment started to be ensured by the Employment Insurance for 30 days. In 2006, a further extension of payment was introduced with the payment by the insurance system for all the 90 days applying to employees in small and medium enterprises. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Few commercial banks are, in fact, equipped to deal efficiently with very small firms, given their high mortality rates, low availability of collaterals, and demand for micro-loans. Data from the Mix Market Database show that the percentage of female borrowers from NGOs and NBFIs is much higher than from commercial banks providing micro-loans, especially in East Asia and the Pacific (where women account for 89% of the micro-borrowers from NGOs and only 35% of the borrowers from commercial and rural banks). Therefore, even if the private sector has proven to be an innovative and fast growing provider of micro-loans, subsidised credit and other public interventions still play an important role in increasing access to credit for women of all socio-economic backgrounds, thereby contributing to financial inclusion and the fight against poverty through entrepreneurship (Karlan and Morduch, 2009). Technological innovations like mobile banking are promising tools for extending financial services to self-employed women, particularly in rural areas. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Equity between present and future generations in a perspective of sustainability' should be promoted. Thus, disaggregated data on gender, age economic status and the level of impact of proposed policies and measures is crucial. Clarifying the goals and reasons for engagement is key to building mutual understanding and trust of how stakeholders may be involved in the process, and for informed stakeholders to provide quality contributions in line with expectations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Cuts in unemployment-related and disability benefits will likely hit poorer people in the first place but may have less adverse effects on inequality in the long run once employment increases in response to a better incentive structure. Cette conclusion doite Etre pourtant consideree uniquement comme une premiere etape approximative de l’analyse. Une Evaluation complete des effets de distribution de consolidation fiscale nEcessiterait de prendre en compte des mesures dynamiques, comme la distribution du revenu tout au long de la vie et l’Egalite des chances ainsi que les reactions comportementales et les interactions avec d’autres politiques. En tout cas, il existe une marge pour Equilibrer les efforts d'assainissement dans le sens d'une plus grande EquitE avec une incidence nEgative limitEe sur la croissance potentielle. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Methodology is another significant issue. Data on income poverty are based on a long-established methodology whose results are solidly enshrined in monetary income thresholds that unequivocally delineate the poor population and, within it, the indigent population. By comparison, the multidimensional, deprivation-based approach to poverty measurement still lacks the methodological consensus enjoyed by income-based measurements, and does not support such a clear-cut interpretation of the results. Nevertheless, it complements the income approach and captures both population groups that both parameters signal as poor, and groups whose income places above the poverty line, but that suffer deprivation in relation to basic needs. The most recent available data indicated that the poorest income quintile (i.e. the 20% of households with the lowest income) on average accounted for of 5% of total income, with the figure varying between 4% (in the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Paraguay) and 10% (in Uruguay). Meanwhile, the wealthiest income quintile accounted for an average of 47% of total income, ranging from 35% (in Uruguay) to 55% (in Brazil) (see table 3). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The product of this equation gives an ni x ni matrix decomposing the value added embodied in exports according where it ultimately originates. By summing the non-diagonal elements of this matrix across column nations a metric of the foreign value added of exports can be obtained. Presenting this value as a share of gross exports then gives the measure of backward participation. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The best approach is to begin by considering it for a single person then extending it to a multiple-person household. The calculation for a single person is a simple actuarial one. Dividing wealth holdings in period zero by the annuity factor yields the proportion of wealth that the individual can safely spend now while maintaining a constant (discounted) level of consumption and leaving net wealth of zero at death. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""Investors also communicated a mistrust and wariness in EE technology. Through this MoU, HSBC commits to work in collaboration with the Indian government on the former Energy Efficiency Financing Platform (EEFP) to promote EE projects through the development of """"risk-sharing strategies"""" as well as """"capacity up-gradation of financial institutions"""" (news release announcing the signature of the MoU in March 2010). Although it is of course too early to gauge the effects of this initiative, it is a significant step in the right direction."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We critically examine the definition of ‘terrorism’ in the Anti-Terrorism Act 1997 of Pakistan and as it is interpreted by the Supreme Court of Pakistan under the principle of legality in criminal and human rights law standards. 1 We conclude that the definition of terrorism under the Anti-Terrorism Act does not pass the test of the principle of legality and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Pakistan is inconsistent confounding the situation further. We recommend that Pakistan, following the principle of legality and human rights standards, amend the current definition of terrorism as an overbroad definition could be misused and abused leading to human rights violations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In equilibrium, the markets for hours of labour must clear in both sectors, giving rise to equilibrium wages for these sectors. However, while in the short run, the hours supplied may equal the hours demanded, this need not mean that, in the long mn, all those who are dedicated to the skilled or the unskilled sectors in terms of human capital are necessarily fully taken up by these sectors (i.e., there need not be full employment). However, a significant number of unskilled workers (equal to the distance between points L and N) are unemployed. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Nevertheless, productivity of hospitals has been declining since the late 1990s, and large regional differences remain in efficiency, cost and outcomes (Aaltonen, 2007, Hakkinen, 2010). The average length of stay in hospitals is long for most conditions (OECD, 2010b). Municipalities tend to complain about difficulties in controlling costs because of the asymmetry of information between hospitals and them, as well as standards fixed at the national level (OECD, 2005). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 One characteristic of dual agricultural systems is certainly the uneven distribution of land, with large holdings accounting for a large share of total land. An FAO study (2004) defines smallholders as farmers with limited resource endowments, relative to other farmers in the sector. The World Bank (2003) defines smallholders as those with a low asset base and operating in less than 2 hectares of cropland. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 No empirical studies are available on this topic in Ghana, yet studies undertaken elsewhere often suggest limited effects of immigration on native-born labour market outcomes. These jointly determine skill cells, which are at the centre of the empirical approach adopted in this report. The impact of immigration on labour market outcomes, including the real wage, the employment-to-population ratio and the proportion of employed in paid employment, is measured by the variations that exist in the proportion of immigrants across skill cells. Furthermore, on average, a decline in employment rates is observed across all education groups at younger and older ages due to cyclical unemployment or early retirement. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Activities are carried out by a broad range of actors, mostly research institutes and universities but also government entities at all levels, sometimes in co-operation with private partners. Database ol Adaptation Projects (www. A majority of projects relate to natural hazard management, an area of particular importance for Austria irrespective of climate change, and many projects involve multiple sectors. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""With its much higher albedo, the sea ice reflects the light and hence limits the warming effect. By forming a """"protective"""" layer, it also limits heat exchanges between the atmosphere and ocean. When it melts, however, those exchanges increase and the surface albedo diminishes, resulting in a local temperature increase."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This is a consistent picture that emerges for a range of mental health indicators and a large number of countries. Yet, in the empirical analysis presented in this paper, there is no evidence that these higher expected needs are being met through higher hospital admissions or pharmaceutical consumption for mental health. This is perhaps a sign of further stress on mental health systems that are unable to respond and provide adequate treatment during times of high need. The clear lesson is that providers need additional capacity to respond to the additional mental health needs during times of economic downturns. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Positive peer pressure can also play an important role in stimulating business growth and innovation. To be effective, these initiatives should allow for a great deal of interaction between the entrepreneurs in the target group and the wider business community, so as to enlarge the pool of resources they have access to. Such networks should also have clear objectives. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Innovation activities follow mature technological trajectories and are focused on incremental and process innovations. Process innovations dominate over efforts to introduce radically new products in to the market. Old industrialised regions often have a developed and specialised knowledge generation and diffusion system oriented on the traditional industries and technology fields. A supply oriented approach to technology transfer reaches larger firms but fails to reach the smaller ones. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! These institutions are essential to monitor the respect, application and enforcement of anti-violence legislation and policies. To achieve this objective, governments may choose to establish specialised courts with specifically trained judges and prosecutors who efficiently and professionally deal with the civic and criminal aspects of violence against women and facilitate quick access to support and counselling services. For example, New Zealand has established family violence courts with appropriately trained judges and other court staff to streamline and speed processing to ensure that matters of domestic violence are dealt with in a timely manner. Governments can set up specialised police units, like those in several Latin American countries, that offer a safe environment where sensitised and mainly female police officers focus on protecting victims of violence and uncovering cases of violence. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Systems to date have focused on a diverse range of specific purposes, types of indicators or self-assessment, and taken different approaches to aggregate information from sub-national scales. Several bilateral and multilateral channels of support aim at addressing information gaps, capacity and resource constraints, which can be one of the limiting factors to building national systems for adaptation monitoring and evaluation. The processes and results of national adaptation monitoring and evaluation systems have the potential to provide relevant information to assess progress towards the global goal on adaptation under the UNFCCC, but the extent to which this can be done is still uncertain. Si jusqu’ici relativement peu de pays ont elabore et mis en ceuvre un systeme national de suivi et devaluation de l’adaptation, beaucoup ont indique dans leur contribution determinee au niveau national (CDN) qu’ils s’y attelaient ou prevoyaient de le faire. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The data used in these studies all originated from marine litter surveys on beaches. Several authors mention the problem of differentiating litter items since they may belong to both land- and sea-based sources or to multiple sectors, if looking at a more detailed level. However, based on best practice by the researchers and experts, the suggested source of litterfound in the literature is presented in Table 1. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Even though poverty rates do not differ significantly between men and women when the comparison is made for the total population, the result is different when the comparison is made for adults with the highest probability of participating in the labour market. In practically all the countries of the region, the poverty rate is higher for women than for men. The poverty incidence is highest for persons who have had no more than three years of schooling and it diminishes gradually as the number of years of schooling of the population increases. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Accidents in some specific energy chains may also cause extensive and long-term impacts on the natural environment and ecosystems, as well as wider impacts on the security of energy supply and the national economy. However, when weighted with the expected frequency of occurrence, the risk associated with severe accidents in the energy chain is relatively low. The EU NewExt study shows that overall the degree of internalisation of damage8 ranges between 50% and 80% in OECD countries, depending on the technology considered. In non-OECD countries, the degree of internalisation of accident costs is considerably lower, lying in a range of 20% to 50% (see Table 6.2 for details). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper Series no. Washington, DC, World Bank. Commentaiy on ‘Taxation of Wealth and Wealth Transfers’ by Boadway R, Chamberlain E and Emmerson C. In: Institute for Fiscal Studies, eds. Dimensions of Tax Design: The Mirrlees Review. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 825-831. How progressive is the U.S. federal tax system? - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This share is expected to continue to increase to at least two thirds over the coming decades. At present, 2.7 billion people continue to rely on traditional, non-commercial fuels typical for pre-industrial societies. They use only between 15 and 50 GJ of primary energy per capita, delivering about 2-5 GJ of per capita in useful energy services. Growth of per capita energy use in developing countries has accelerated since 1975, whereas use in developed countries has stagnated (figure II.2). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This study's goal is to uncover the contradictions inherent in the philosophy and practice of the learning organization. Through a Marxist-feminist analysis of recent shifts in adult education and workplace structure, this study attempts to uncover the function of the learning organization in the capitalist political economy, the location of workers in relation to the learning organization, and the role of learning rhetoric in maintaining the status quo. This study argues that the learning organization model can be seen both as a mechanism for the extraction of surplus value from workers and as a method of social control. The learning organization model is often associated with progressive, even emancipatory, claims of inclusion and collaboration in the work-place. However, this study argues that the educational legacies of feminism, trade unionism, antiracism, and revolutionary struggle are better places to seek the learning interests of the workers that make up the learning organization. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The standards framework is composed of seven standards organised in three areas: Professional knowledge, Professional practice and Professional engagement. Professional knowledge incorporates two standards: 1) Know students and how they learn, and 2) Know the content and how to teach it. The majority of standards in this area are designated by the expression “demonstrate knowledge”. Five of the twelve areas explicitly focus on teaching diverse classrooms. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A fundamental principle of democracy is citizenship freedom. We suggest that a fair electoral contest is possible if a relationship between free will, electoral preferences and respect to the public institutions (constitutionalism) (section 1) exists. We focus on three illiberal practices that perturb the voter's decision: political clientelism and political markets (sections 2 to 4), media influence (which feeds on the voter's limited rationality and limited information) (section 5), and the suppression of opposition options (section 6). Later (section 8), we provide a brief balance and, additionally, we show how in Colombia the political system has missed opportunities to expand the voters' freedom. Our interpretation of the electoral process in Colombia is an appeal, supported on theoretical arguments and empirical evidence, to doubt about the voters' freedom. Also we make a call for more etudies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Average yields of maize are higher in South Africa than in all other SADC countries, with the exception of Mauritius. Hence, South Africa produces more maize per unit of water consumed than in most other SADC countries. Some authors will propose utilizing international trade to alleviate national or regional water shortages, while others will suggest that other national issues and goals might limit reliance on international trade. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Oceania also reported a net loss, largely due to severe drought and forest fires in Australia. Asia, on the other hand, registered a net gain of around 2.2 million hectares annually between 2000 and 2010 following a net loss in the 1990s. This gain, mostly due to large-scale afforestation programmes in China, offsets continued high rates of net loss in many countries in Southern and South-Eastern Asia. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It is recommended that an organic process be adopted, whereby the decision on the management of sanitation services rests w'ith the LSGBs whereas the central government would provide support to LSGBs so that they can make the best decision possible. These options were discussed and have been accepted by stakeholders as being the main options offered to LSGBs for reforms. This is due to the fact that WSCs are already managing substantial portions of the country: whether or not they want to deliver new services should be left to their own strategies rather than mandated from the top. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article examines the origins and development of citizenship and equal rights by the Reconstruction Congress (1865–1875) to determine if it created a new constitutional order that is color blind and thus prohibits the use of racial classifications by government to achieve school desegregation and affirmative action programs. The theory of color-blind constitutionalism, although pursued relentlessly by a small cadre of radical Republicans, stood in marked contrast to the views of the moderate-conservative majority, a group virtually obsessed with the ways in which race affected fundamental questions of citizenship, civil equality, and political power. Only through a multiethnic history can we comprehend the variegated and profound ways in which racial ideology shaped the beliefs and behavior of the Reconstruction Congress and the ways in which Congress carefully crafted the meaning and intent of citizenship and equality in the new constitutional order, one that serves as the legal foundation for contem... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Results should enable comparability within and across countries and over time, especially for international studies. There are fewer choices for assessments of executive functions and for some cognitive measures in the areas of math and science. These findings are mirrored by the analysis of countries’ current monitoring practices in the area of child development and outcomes, which will be discussed in the rest of this chapter. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Indeed, as women’s representation in politics increases, so too does the risk of becoming victims of violence, as women’s presence challenges the (male-dominated) status quo of power in politics. In 2013, Mexico registered 18.9 intentional homicides per 100 000 people (World Bank DataBank, 2016). European OECD countries such as Germany, Italy and Spain each registered less than one intentional homicide per 100 000 people in their most recent year of data collection (ibid.). Mexico also has more homicides than Canada (1.4 homicides per 100 000 people) and the United States (3.8), as well as Latin American countries such as Peru (6.7 homicides per 100 000 people), Chile (3.1), and Costa Rica (8.4). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The way governments collect revenue and allocate resources can have a differential impact on women and men. As taxes affect wages and disposable income, they can influence how women and men allocate their time to formal, informal and unpaid work (Barnett and Grown, 2004). Joint filing in income-tax systems with higher tax rates on higher incomes is found, for example, to discourage womens participation in the labour market (Elson, 2006). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These efforts should be pursued, and a new performance management system should be developed in the framework of results-oriented planning and budgeting. In cases of accidental pollution that causes environmental damage, the responsible party is liable for the costs of appropriate measures. The EPA was amended in 2008 to strengthen the environmental liability regulation with respect to prevention and remediation of environmental damage, in accordance with the EU’s Environmental Liability Directive (2004/35/EC). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Notes on Contributors.Acknowledgments.Analytics of Modern: An Introduction.Part I: Colonial Reasons.1. Colonial Governmentality. (David Scott).2. Foucault in the Tropics: Displacing the Panopticon. (Peter Redfield).Part II: Global Governance.3. Graduated Sovereignty in South East Asia. (Aihwa Ong).4. Spatializing States: Toward an Ethnography of Neoliberal Governmentality. (James Ferguson and Akhil Gupta).Part III: Technico Sciences.5. Performing Criminal Anthropology: Science, Popular Wisdom, and the Body. (David Horn).6. Science and Citizenship under Postsocialism. (Adriana Petryna).Part IV: Biosocial Subjects.7. Artificiality and Enlightenment: From Sociobiology to Biosociality. (Paul Rabinow).8. Flexible Eugenics: Technologies of Self in the Age of Genetics. (Karen-Sue Taussig, Rayna Rapp, and Deborah Heath).Part V: Necropolitical Projects.9. Life During Wartime: Guatemala, Vitality, Conspiracy, Milieu. (Diane M. Nelson) 10. Technologies of Invisibility: Politics of Life and Social Inequality. (Joao Biehl).Index - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Malnutrition and childhood illness compromise cognitive development and reduce adult productivity. When health systems fail to prevent illness, society pays a price in the form of treatment costs and lost productivity. Conversely, improved maternal and child health and nutritional status can create a positive cycle, enabling children to realize their potential and helping their communities and countries to prosper. The spending packages would cover maternal and newborn health, child health, immunization, family planning, HIV/AIDS and malaria, with nutrition as a crosscutting theme. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! From an analysis of a set of comparable schools, it appears that at the end of the intervention, sexually active young participants were more likely to use some form of contraception than sexually active nonparticipants of the same age. Rodrfgues-Planas (2010b) suggest that for some participants, this component might have increased the risk of substance abuse. For instance Behncke (2009) finds that giving words of encouragement, that boost self-efficacy or self-esteem in the short-term, just before a math test was associated with 2.5% higher scores among all students and 8% higher scores among those with self-reported difficulties in math. The result suggests that non-cognitive skills can be shaped, even in the very short-term. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! One way in which scarcity of water could be reflected in water prices would be to link them to indicators of water scarcity in the relevant river basins. Indeed, a system of such indicators that allows the development of water resources to be determined in real time has been developed with the implementation of the latest National Hydrologic Plan. Current legislation does not create any room for charging for environmental costs from water abstractions that result from changes in water flows, river morphology, or water quality and their impacts on human health and ecosystems, although this is required by the European Water Framework Directive. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The debate over multiculturalism in liberal societies has focussed on the relationship between cultural membership, individual identity, and individual rights and freedoms. But the discourse of cultural recognition, both indigenous and polyethnic, should also be examined for the ways in which it is deployed by states to further their domestic and foreign policy agendas. Analysis of the discourse around multiculturalism and biculturalism in Australia and New Zealand shows that diversity has been promoted to niche market national industries in a global market, and to reinforce neoliberal economic policies, through encouraging voluntary association, and the devolution of service provision from the state to civil society organizations. Cultural rights are promoted as alternatives to substantial economic redistribution, and to the transfer of ownership to indigenous groups of natural resources. Finally, traditional cultural values of community, belonging and solidarity supply values absent from neoliberal disc... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For more information, refer to, www.carbon-biodiversity. For more information, refer to This is a customised ArcGIS 9.3.1 toolbox and provides GIS users with a series of raster analysis tools to help identify, map and understand the spatial relationship between ecosystem carbon stocks, other ecosystem services, biodiversity, land-use and pressures on natural resources. The resolution of the analysis can be defined by the user. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Based on a survey of OECD countries the incidence and severity of flood and droughts has been increasing for the majority of countries (Figure 1.2). Many of these countries also project that with climate change the incidence and severity of flood and drought events may continue to increase, while other research also supports an ongoing intensification of the hydrologic cycle (Huntington, 2006, IPCC 2008). This applies to rain fed farming systems, but is especially relevant to irrigated areas where upstream extractions and storage reduce the quantity available for environmental services, floodplains, and other uses downstream, including irrigation (Productivity Commission, 2006). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It is clear that the scope of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is greater than the Millennium Development Goals, increasing the number of goals from 8 to 17 to include many new action areas, from protection of oceans and access to sustainable energy, to sustainable cities and climate change. In addition, while the MDGs had a single goal on environmental sustainability, the Sustainable Development Goals mainstream environment into all of the 17 goals. The Agenda recognises the changing role that ODA will play in the future, as domestic resources play a greater role in in most countries, in other cases ODA may primarily be used to create the conditions necessary to attract private finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Declining quantities of ketamine seizures were reported in Indonesia (declining from 117 kg in 2010 to 4.7 kg in 2013) and Malaysia. The seizure of the plant-based psychoactive substances kratom and khat and the eradication of their cultivation continues to be reported. The largest total of kratom seizures in the region was reported by Thailand in 2014 (54 tons), up from 45.5 tons in 2013. Considerable seizures of kratom were also reported in Myanmar (219 kg in 2013). More than 6 tons of khat were seized in Hong Kong, China, in 2014. Almost 2 tons of khat leaves imported from Africa were found in the storage facilities of four logistics companies, destined for the United States, Canada and Taiwan Province of China. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 While improved security and military presence may improve access to services for women (such as schools, health providers, etc.), Rape carried out by soldiers/insurgents/private military troops and military-fuelled prostitution are the most blatant examples of the negative impact of military-embedded organizations on gender. The likelihood of progressive gender change is thus mediated by CoSOs in complex, multifaceted ways, depending on identity, framework of action and political opportunity structure as well as context. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The geomorphology of the Georgian coast is influenced by the many rivers that rise or flow through the region. This biome occurs at between 150 and 600 m. The vegetation is characterized by halophytic and ephemeral species. One form of eroded deserts is found on Iori Plateau, where the rare endemic Tulipa eichleri can be found. The climate is subtropical with continental dry winters and hot summers. Snow is rare and snow cover is unstable. The bearded grass (Botriochloa ischaemum) ecosystems are the most spread on the steppe. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This represents a 1.05% increase in the number of poor children in 2008, 4.04% in 2009, 4.34% in 2010, and 4.18% in 2011, all with respect to the no crisis situation. However, in urban areas, the growth rate of child poverty is very high (4.67% in 2008, 20.36% in 2009, 20.82% in 2010, and 19.24% in 2011). This growth rate is relatively low in rural areas, which initially have a large number of poor children (0.71% in 2008, 2.55% in 2009,2.81% in 2010, and 2.78% in 2011). Indeed, if we look at the additional number of children in monetary poverty (engendered by the crisis), we can see that the greatest contribution to this growth in poverty comes from 6 regions (Centre, Far North, Adamaoua, North West, Yaounde and West), the other regions having contributions below average. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The BBS manages the Burundi backbone and ensures access to the landing stations of sub-marine fibre optic cables via Tanzania and through Rwanda onward to Kenya through Uganda. It leases fibre-optic connections to operators and member companies. It also connects a Government network known as Comgov to the Internet and BBS is the main network provider for the Burundi Research and Education Network (BERNet). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""This article is based on an observation of the present and on some questions about the possibilities and limits of the transmission of a set of ideas - principles, values, methodologies, knowledge etc. - over time. Feminism, as a political and collective movement, which demands recognition and legitimacy, presumes strategies of permanent formation, and is confronted from time to time, with struggles that are related to its existence in the present and to its continuity in the future. The article aims at questioning concepts about the aging of the generations who gave support to feminist politics during the Brazilian re-democratization process in the late 1970s, which constituted itself the heritage of the so called """"second wave"""". Our perspective aims to interrogate processes of social change, understood as contingent and also necessary, to a politics of intergenerational transmission."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Globally, one in every three women has experienced some form of GBV. Men and boys are also victims of GBV and may face even greater barriers than women in reporting it and seeking justice. Due to the high prevalence and costly impact of these crimes, GBV merits a high priority within SSR policymaking and programming. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A multifaceted disease-related approach is needed to reduce this excess mortality, including primary care prevention of physical ill health among people with mental disorders, better integration of physical and mental health care, behavioural interventions, and efforts to change professional attitudes. The use of individual care plans (ICPs) could help support patients, and their care providers, to secure the care package that they need over time. Across several OECD countries (notably in Norway and Japan), ICPs are not fully exploited as a tool to promote good coordination and good quality of care between mental and physical health (OECD, 2014d, 2015f). Scope exists to raise professional awareness around the need to attend to the physical health needs of individuals with mental ill-health. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Many Arab countries, including Bahrain, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, have recently taken action to protect migrant domestic workers with new laws, regulations and policies. These provisions laid the groundwork for improving domestic workers’ access to a minimum wage, labour dispute settlements mechanisms, social security and health insurance.225 However, with the ongoing constellation of factors that severely limit female migrant workers’ empowerment and human rights, further efforts are still needed to safeguard the rights and ensure adequate protection to this vulnerable group of women. Microfinance alone is not sufficient to promote female entrepreneurship, which entails growing an enterprise over time, and eventually employing other individuals. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Two key drivers of resource consumption will be economic and population growth. The global economy is projected to nearly quadruple by 2050 (Figure 2.7). Within the same timeframe, the world population is expected to increase from about 7 to more than 9 billion and the per capita income of the world’s population will roughly triple. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Most of this supports investments and a large part of it is targeted to assist smallholders. The share of support based on input use is also important in Australia, where interest concessions linked to drought, extension services and disease control measures predominate. In Mexico, support to the cost of price hedging and support to on-farm productive investments have become important in recent years. In Israel, both support to variable inputs and investments are important and are often related to the use of water in agriculture. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Hence, the willingness to pay for improved health is likely to rise sharply with income, and so is the willingness to pay for health care, since health care is a vital input in the production of health. Hall and Jones (2007) claim that as people get richer and consumption rises, the marginal utility of consumption falls rapidly. Furthermore, the marginal utility of life extension does not decline and spending on health to extend life allows individuals to purchase additional periods of utility. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In particular, Sustainable Development Goal 4 stresses the importance of providing equitable access to education and lifelong learning opportunities that lead to effective learning outcomes. It also emphasises the need to adapt the content of education to include relevant topics such as human rights and gender equality. The challenge, however, remains to collect quality and comparable data to monitor the wide range of Sustainable Development Goal 4 indicators. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The licensing system for surface water abstraction and for wastewater discharges was eliminated. According to the 2007 Law on Environmental Impact Permits EIPs are required for new developments and already operating industries w'hich started their activities up to 1996 (before the Law on Environmental Permits came into force). Currently, the legislation on water resource management contains many contradictory provisions, which limits its implementation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Introduction PART I INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW I. Scope II. From National to International Responsibility III. The Rule of Law and International Accountability PART II PRACTICE IV. The International Criminal Court V. National Proceedings (Including Amnesties) VI. Universal Jurisdiction VII. Immunity VIII. ICC Enforcement: Cooperation of States, Including the Security Council IX. Cornerstone or Stumbling Block? The United States and the ICC PART III CONCLUSION: SYSTEMIC CHANGE AND INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE Sources Index - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Although connectivity increases, the reliability of information, the safety of access and the openness of data is not guaranteed. The Smart Cities for All toolkit supports a range of organizations and roles related to Smart Cities, including government managers, policy makers, ICT professionals, disability advocates, procurement officials, technology suppliers, and developers who design Smart City apps and solutions to be accessible for all. The toolkit includes several tools targeting specific digital inclusion challenges facing all cities and is available in 10 languages. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""Water Workshop on Re - thinking Water and Food Security Paradigms, CRC Press, London. Water, Agriculture and the Environment in Spain: Can we square the circle?, The Establishment of Baseline Groundwater Conditions for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Spain"""", Water Resources Management, Vol. Fixed Effects Estimation of the Intensive and Extensive Margins of Irrigation Water Demand."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Examines, following the Supreme Court ruling in R. (on the application of DA) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, the use of the “manifestly without reasonable foundation” test in domestic judicial review challenges. The application of this benchmark in a series of human rights based challenges to social welfare reforms – such as the high profile “bedroom tax” and “benefit cap” policies – has been pivotal to their outcome. This paper argues that the application of the test is problematic as it is a formulation derived from the margin of appreciation doctrine and does not transpose to domestic application. In the alternative – even if it is the correct test to apply in some circumstances – it is to be applied far more flexibly than currently and that a “very weighty reasons” benchmark applies for some classes of discrimination. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 National efforts will be assessed against the objectives laid out in the NDCs, but the NDCs themselves will not be assessed by the UNFCCC for adequacy.6 Therefore, no Party can rely on its membership in the Agreement and good-faith fulfilment of its NDCs to shield it from being judged to be ‘inadequately’ pricing carbon, and being subject to BCA as a result. See, for example, UNEP (2015). It has been proposed a number of times and has consistently been rejected in the legislative or regulatory process. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In India, 60.9 per cent of mainstream population has heard about HIV/AIDS, compared to only 38.6 per cent of women from Scheduled Tribes who have received such information. The situations of Bangladesh and Nepal are also similar as 46 per cent of the population has ever heard of HIV/AIDS and only 13 per cent of women have complete information on transmission of the disease in Bangladesh. Disparity between the indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in Nepal with regard to knowledge about HIV/AIDS remains a cause of concern as the only 60 per cent of women among the indigenous peoples living in southern plains of Nepal known as Tarai have heard about HIV/AIDS compared to national average of 73 per cent. Indigenous women lack direct links and access to public information and mass media, and most importantly it is not communicated in their mother tongue. The first and often-cited reason is the distance to the health facilities. As most indigenous peoples in Asia live in remote parts of the country where government has not invested in the health infrastructure, thus leaving the majority of indigenous populations to rely on the traditional medicines and methods for health care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Belize is a regional leader in the use of bioenergy as a base load energy source. Many CARICOM member states, particularly those on the mainland and the larger island states, have good biomass potential. Waste-to-energy technologies are considered to be thermal power plants in that they raise steam to drive a turbine, which then drives an electrical generator. These types of plants can have characteristics that make it difficult for them to respond to variable changes in a utilities power curve - for example, if there are large numbers of intermittent power plants such as wind and solar. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Contractual information and agreements, such as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), investment agreements, or service agreements (e.g. research activities or emission audits), can be implemented on the self-enforcing network. In this regard, blockchain solutions have been proposed for the shipping sector in the EU, which is by law required to monitor, report and verify (MRV) CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, and other parameters from each ship using EU ports. By combining IoT and blockchain, this data can be tracked easily and immutably, increasing efficiency in the MRV process (EC, 2018b). The blockchain layer is the base protocol, which defines the overarching consensus and validation mechanism, as well as smart contract and wallet standards. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Similarly, immigrant students in Canada are more likely to expect to complete a university degree (Figure 6), with a difference of 19.72 percentage points, compared to the OECD average difference of -0.34 percentage points. However, regarding health outcomes, like in many OECD countries, immigrant students are less likely to engage in regular physical activity in Canada, with a difference of -7.02 percentage points compared to the OECD average difference of -3.66 percentage points. Canada has differences on the ESCS scale that are higher than average for access to a desk and a quiet place to study, as well as access to books for school work (Figure 7). Responses are scored and summed to form the Family Affluence Scale (FAS). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! There are, however ISO technical specifications for LNG facilities on land18 or LNG bunkering”, and recommended practices for LNG bunkering, of which the first one was published by DNV GL20 in early 2014. These initial projects had the purpose of building sufficient competence as a basis for decision making. Examples are the COSTA (C02 & Ship transport emissions abatement by LNG) project in Portugal or Archipelago LNG in Greece, to name a few. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We shall also see that the ambiguity and uncertainty of LCA results and the difficulty of communicating them in a meaningful way have led to a flurry of tools and approaches either to simplify or to standardise the assessment. This approach requires the standardisation of data and impact assessment methods. The results of LCA studies can then be communicated through Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) or more simplified models such as life cycle-based ecolabels. The publication Global Guidance Principles for Life Cycle Assessment Databases4 has made a very important contribution to consensus building on how to collect data and manage databases in a consistent way. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The participant survey showed that on average, half of the participants in work while on the Work Programme received in-work support. The support rates were higher for participants with caring responsibilities and those with long unemployment spells prior to employment. In-work support included advice from a personal adviser, help and support with benefits and financial advice, and contact with the employer to support the participant. However, providers did not use the sustainment payments to pay ERA-type retention bonuses. Also providers emphasised a need of in-work support for those who had been out of work for longer periods. In contrast, 30-39% of participants entering work avoided or refused the in-work support, possibly because they felt stigmatised by being on the Work Programme or wanted to feel that they had moved on from unemployment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This chapter focuses on the imposition of sanctions as a tool to regulate the behaviour of private individuals considered to be a threat to international peace and security. Its central aim is to critically examine the Council's emerging practice of adopting sanctions against private individuals. The shift of governance functions from States to international organizations and the rise of non-State actors as key players in the international system have presented the Security Council with significant challenges. The chapter focuses on the classic instrument of sanctions and its adaptation to target private individuals considered to be a threat to international peace and security. There are strong arguments to suggest that this principle also constrains the Council's powers to sanction private individuals. The UN Charter as well as general international law provides for various limits to the Council's enforcement powers. Keywords:international law, international peace, international security, UN Charter - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Where that is the case, they can derive an extra benefit over and above the cost reduction resulting from the other factors. Where appropriate and reliable data are available, the cost reductions resulting from given forms of government support to the “export measures with equivalent effect” can be estimated in a reasonably straightforward manner. They can be expressed as a total sum or per unit of the product concerned, dividing the total by the quantity of either the targeted exports or of all exports. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In addition, using a simple payback rule neglects the time-value of money and the expected positive cash flow from energy cost savings in the longer run. Finally, the non-energy benefits of industrial energy efficiency are often overlooked. More efficient furnaces, for example, are more reliable and reduce down time, improving productivity (Worrell et al. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Several governmental and civil society organisations are actively involved in raising awareness of the relevant legislation and they provide legal advice in this regard” (CEDAW, 2012). Such a procedure could ensure women greater access to financial assets. Land may also be divided among male heirs before the father dies, as it is possible to make living bequests and donations. Women are then put under pressure not to claim their share. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, some countries with career-based public employment have increased the level of school involvement in selecting teachers or in matching teachers to vacancies, or they have introduced performance-management schemes and devolved the responsibility for them to school leaders. More radical reforms of public-sector employment are rare, however, and often encounter significant resistance. But the shared goal of supporting teachers' professionalism throughout their career translates into many different approaches to selecting and evaluating teachers, and a wide range of career and compensation structures. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The mean scores of 18 of the 21 risk management strategies rose significantly over the 12-year period (Figure 11). This suggests that farmers now consider that virtually all ways for managing risks are more important. In only one instance did the mean score decline and this was for the strategy “keeping debt low”. It is noteworthy that the largest increases in the importance scores were found for marketing and diversification, strategies that farmers use less widely than output and financial risk management. However, the growing appreciation of the importance of certain risk management strategies has not been coupled with actual (or a proportionate) increase in the use of these strategies by farmers. The approach of keeping debt low fell from third in importance in 1992 to ninth in 2004, and fewer farmers were using debt (63% versus 85%). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The value of the substitution emission-credits depends highly on the individual country or even region in which the substitution takes place. If a solid lignin byproduct is co-fired to produce electricity, the emission-credit will for instance be much greater in a country/region with a fossil-dominated energy supply than for a renewable energy supply. Extrapolation of LCA GHG-estimates to other countries/regions should therefore be treated with caution. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The percentage of non-poor children increased from 18% in 2002 to 65% in 2013 while the number of severely poor children fell by 33 percentage points over this period (Figure 2.6). The sources of funding for public expenditure are tax revenue, non-tax revenue, domestic credit, external assistance and external loans (Kiringai et al., These include the federal block grant, which is transferred to federal-level agencies and ministries such as the Ministry of Education and regional Bureaus of Finance and Economic Development (BoFEDs). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For example, given the crucial role of MOC in urban green growth, MOC could be added to one of the vice-heads of the ICB. As outlined in the previous section, out of VGGAP’s 42 actions which are relevant to urban areas, only five actions have been allocated to MOC to lead on. Currently, while green growth is assigned to DPI and climate change is assigned to DONRE, no inter-sectoral co-ordination mechanisms are institutionalised. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In Australia's Murray-Darling Basin, groundwater use is conditional on the assessment of third party impacts, an environmental impact assessment, and current and past uses (OECD, 2014b). In France, the authorisation to abstract groundwater is dependent on an impact assessment conducted by the Prefet that can be revoked in case of water shortage (OECD, 2010a). The moratorium was originally supposed to end in 2003, but has been extended several times. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Figure 1.3 presents time-series data on the number of PYLL due to CVD as well as for all other causes of death by using the age limit of 70. The vertical axis represents the average number of PYLL per 100 000 population across OECD countries. Among men, CVD accounts for approximately 18% of the total number of PYLL. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 From their inception, United States public schools have been subject to reform efforts. The most recent, and perhaps the most potent, is the current effort to establish charter schools as replacements for traditional public schools. They are supposed to be the analog of private schools, providing choices to parents, financed by public funds, but operating largely free of state and local regulations. The schools are organized under charters specified by state laws and authorized by public agencies. This essay traces the development and growth of charter schools and note changes in their original mission to improve public education. It concludes with the role that very wealthy foundations play in promoting charter schools. In effect, they control public education policy without real accountability to the public. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A special programme for the conservation of rare and endangered plant species on a national scale is currently being prepared by a professional team led by the National Parks Authority (NPA). The IGB is a national body responsible for the collection, preservation and evaluation of indigenous plant species, with the aim of preserving plant genetic resources and the endangered genetic variability of Israel’s flora. A few additional small, targeted ex situ collections are located in other research institutes. Efforts are being made to conserve both natural and agricultural biodiversity, applying conservation not only to species related to agriculture but also to other endangered or rare wild native species. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The sequence of questions that lead gradually to sensitive questions about violence and the specific question wording are also critical for eliciting honest and complete disclosure of violence. The potential for these questions to elicit emotional trauma must also be considered and efforts built into the questionnaire and interviewer training to reduce this possibility. Immediately prior to reaching modules of questions concerning experiences of violence, respondents should be informed more specifically about the nature of the questions to follow and reminded of the voluntary nature of their participation so that free and informed consent to proceed with those questions is obtained. In order to produce a reliable and valid measurement of womens experiences of violence, specific acts of violence must be explicitly operationalized and clear definitions provided. Over the years, researchers have come to agree that single questions such as “Have you ever been attacked?” - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, such quotas work better in more stable contexts with inclusive political parties and strong civil society (Good Practice Note 3. Empowerment through local citizenship). In some countries, for example Peru and Bolivia, donors have enabled marginalised populations to realise their right to vote and gain access to information about the election process (Good Practice Note 6. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The first is the Dutch disease phenomenon. According to this phenomenon, the discovery and exploitation of a major natural resource leads to massive inflows of foreign currency and appreciation of the domestic currency. This hampers the competitiveness of traditional sectors and, in many cases, increases the concentration of the economy around the natural resource. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! ""The greater variation in the data at higher levels of mean living standards can also be seen to reflect greater variation in the social subjectivity of poverty lines at higher levels of development. Indeed, the political nature by which societies choose to set their national lines may become more salient at higher levels of economic (and institutional) development. A tendency for higher income countries to politically decide to choose a higher poverty line than what might otherwise be the most socially salient poverty line would bias upward the regressions on which Ravallion and Chen's income elasticity of the poverty line is based. Citing Fuchs (1969), he reminds us that it is desirable for the setting of the poverty line to be recognised as """"a national value judgement-arrived at through the normal political process""""."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For example, values and goals of such an engagement programme could be increasing social learning, citizen empowerment for decision-making, transparency or trust in government. The programme could also utilise information technologies and emerging social media tools to activate greater involvement in water pricing policy formulation and to create greater information exchange between citizens and the government. However, because some areas may occasionally suffer from scarcity issues and conflicts of use, a charge on water abstraction has been implemented in order to make users internalise opportunity costs of using water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This Act set a legally binding target of 80% reductions in emissions from 1990 to 2050. A medium-term target of a 34% reduction by 2020 was also adopted, with the promise of a further tightening in the event of a global deal on climate change. To achieve these targets, the Act established the principle of five-year carbon budgets. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The report still indicates a certain thematic asymmetry in global NUPs. The most concerning aspect is the insufficient attention paid to matters of environmental sustainability and climate resilience. The growing recognition of the weight of urbanisation on environmental issues illustrated in the SDGs or the Paris Agreement, and the fact that extremely vulnerable regions such as the Arab States and Africa address it the least in their NUPs, calls for action to raise awareness, capacity and resources to integrate a concern for climate change and environmental issues much more strongly into NUPs. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 First, as long as the technology that is less expensive in the short run is subsidised, natural movements towards market equilibrium are suspended. Without subsidisation, renewable technologies with their high fixed costs would be the first victims of lower electricity prices due to their own low, short-term costs and investors would quickly hesitate to invest in them. Given the resulting impacts on system stability, investment conditions and consumer preferences, the resulting system costs may well be higher than in a system where dispatchable producers were unaffected from the price impacts of variable renewables. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Formularies are defined for each level of care. In the free-choice option plan, patients have to pay the full cost of pharmaceuticals, except for medicines considered in the Payment Associated to Diagnostic Program (PAD). Patients insured in the private system Isapres pay the full costs of medicines used in ambulatory care. On average, patients in the Isapres system had co-payments of 20% in 2010 for pharmaceuticals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Almaty accounts for the lion’s share of R&D expenditures and personnel in the country and a large share of its SMEs.62 This is important because of the need to rebalance business innovation from SOEs to private businesses: Almaty City appears best positioned for this, thanks to its sheer size and unique concentration of privately owned financial institutions and firms. Moreover, the broadband penetration rate (a crucial enabler of research activities) in Almaty City is by far the highest in Kazakhstan. To encourage productive competition between Astana and Almaty City in scientific and technological innovation, excessive concentration of public support on Astana’s cluster should be avoided in future. However, the Regional Development Programme until 2020 emphasises the role of Shymkent and Aktobe as “first-level cities” and “national level economic growth centres”. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Because of the ongoing conflict, youth displaced by violence now face huge disruptions in their education, and many will encounter barriers that will prevent them from returning to their studies. However, the resolution itself has not prevented these atrocities. The recommendations of women leaders in the region, led by Karama, underscore that international organizations involved in peace processes, such as the United Nations and the League of Arab States, must make such processes inclusive, ensuring that women are adequately represented in at least 30 percent of decision making positions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Like BLKs, AKs can provide second chance opportunities to secondary education graduates, mostly SMK graduates, who did not progress into polytechnics or universities. These latter two formal VET providers were not reviewed by the review team. This section limits its discussion to the provision of formal vocational education and training as provided by schools under the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)2 and the MOEC. Non-formal vocational education is the responsibility of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Non-Formal Education and Informal Education, also within the MOEC. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority has emphasized the role of joint regional operations in large methamphetamine seizures. For example, in July 2015, a sea container sent from South America to Fiji contained 80 kg of methamphetamine and was intercepted in a joint operation of Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. The Australian Crime Commission has also determined that, of all drug types, methamphetamine poses the greatest threat to the Australian public because of its increasing purity and the involvement of organized criminal groups. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This equality is now usually evaluated by means of a handful of well-established income distribution indicators, most particularly the Gini coefficient and the income shares of the different socioeconomic strata. This is not to disregard the fact that these inequalities stem from the distribution of assets and the concentration of power in the hands of elites, which are crucial aspects in structuralist explanations of equality. The following pages analyse what has happened in the region in terms of income inequality, but will also suggest other ways of analysing income distribution that complement and broaden our understanding of resource equality in the region. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 ""The study covers dairy farms only and may reflect a certain bias related to this sector. New Zealand dairy farmers strongly rely on cooperative marketing and therefore may not rate marketing techniques as high as farmers in other sectors. In the meat, pipfruit"""" and grain sectors, primary producers are relatively less integrated with downstream activities and individual farm marketing strategies may be more important than in the dairy sector."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This article provides an overview of some of the major topical areas in the study of im/migrant health relevant for applied and practicing anthropologists. It illustrates the conceptual, methodological, and theoretical insights they have contributed to the discipline as a whole. Topics include the intersection of health care and immigration policy, access to services, charity care and free clinics, cultural competency, medical pluralism, reproductive health and citizenship, communicable disease, the acculturation concept, and “illegal” status as a form of health disparity. These issues are highlighted using both U.S. and comparative international research literature, with a special focus on unauthorized im/migrants. Finally, this article suggests an agenda for future work in the field of im/migrant health for applied and practicing anthropologists. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Within academic research, more and more scholars reveal the ambivalence of NGOs—the sometimes constructive, sometimes destructive role they play in solving societal problems. In this paper, we present a discourse analysis that illustrates how NGOs’ campaigning may undermine their reputation and advocacy function. We conclude that such discourse failures are frequently not merely an accidental by-product, but rather a not-intended consequence of deliberate NGOs’ campaigns. By applying ideas from political economy, we make particular note of probable discourse failures when campaigns attempt to deal with complex issues in an environment rife with wide-spread prejudices and where the NGO’s work is transparent. We present collectively institutionalized commitments for NGOs and commitment services enforced by political organizations as instruments that are suitable for increasing public accountability of the NGO sector. In conclusion, we argue that further research can benefit from systematically analyzing the interdependencies between discourses and institutions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The concept of justice covers a broad spectrum of human existence concerns and is defined according to established relationships that always put the human person as reference. The web of relationships that creates the conditions for the existence of justice involves the notion of law and rights that makes justice so diverse. Restorative justice and peacemaking circles are framed within the classical theories of justice, namely positive law theory, social good theory and natural right. This chapter explores two main points, firstly an exploration of the theory of justice, and secondly restorative justice (programmes, accountability and sanctions, peacemaking theory, contrasting the mainstream justice theory and justice peacemaking circles, and critics of peacemaking circles). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For instance, in Finland, the Job Start experiment run from 2006 to 2009 helped young people unsure about their options to clarify study choices and increase their learning skills and motivation in liaison with existing VET / apprenticeship programmes. The network created between staff and the participating institutions, as well as the individual approach proved to be key to the success of the pilot (Jappinen, 2010). Also in Germany, ‘preapprenticeship’ training exists to prepare those who are not ready to enter an apprenticeship because they lack either motivation or the basic skills needed to succeed in his type of programme. The programme consists of a subsidised internship in a firm where predominantly basic practical skills and literacy are conveyed. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Herwartz and Theilen (2010) suggest that the income elasticity could be directly correlated with age. Such an assumption is introduced by the Dutch CPB, the Italian RGS model and the USA CBO long-term model, among others. In the CBO case, the assumption is labelled as “Excess Cost Growth (ECG)” and refers specifically to the percentage points by which the growth of various components of health expenditure (e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, or health care generally -per beneficiary or per capita) are assumed to exceed the growth of nominal gross domestic product (per capita). Under the assumption that excess cost growth rates for spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and all other health care continue increasing indefinitely at their average values from 1975 to 2005, federal expenditure on health in the United States could reach 99 percent of GDP by 2082 (Orszag, 2008) (Figure 6). It is obvious that such a long-term forecast is totally implausible and therefore the validity of the GDP+X growth hypothesis is questionable for long-term projections. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Thus, Gunnarsson concludes that many of the young women might consider finding occupation within the same industry as their mothers, however, most of them will aim at higher posts and full time employment as opposed to their mother's who would often have been content with part-time positions - and part-time positions are now scarce in the peripheral areas. It is a well-known phenomenon that areas with poor labour markets will have a surplus of men. One explanation for this is that women are more likely to move away (Johansson, Stenbacka and Nordfeldt 2 005: 35, own translation). The women who choose to live in the region often have permanent employment in the public sector whereas a large proportion of the men are either unemployed or in short term employments. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Magneton track provides for dual cooperation between academic groups and industrial company. The aim is to transfer technologies resulting from academic research. Grants are up to USD 800 000. A kibbutz (plural kibbutzim) is a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. Today, farming has been partly surpassed by industrial plants and high-tech enterprises. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! A report on the outcome of the Algerian programme, delivered by 1’Agence nationale de soutien a l’emploi des Jeunes (ANSEJ), revealed that 18% of the enterprises created from 2005-08 were led by young women (MPMEA 2009). The argument for the gender mainstreaming approach is that it is better, from a resources perspective, to ensure that mainstream business development service providers are sufficiently sensitive to the needs of women since it avoids duplication. Although there are some examples in the MENA region of mainstream business development organisations which have made it a priority to integrate women into their client base (the Business Development Centre in Jordan as a case in point), the infrastructure of generic SME support organisations is still generally underdeveloped. In addition, given the strongly-held cultural gender biases, it would take considerable time and effort to gender-sensitise BDS service providers, counsellors and trainers. This work should begin, but it will be insufficient in itself to overcome the current systemic and market failures in MENA economies with respect to business service provision to women entrepreneurs. There are many examples of such initiatives in developed countries which demonstrate their effectiveness. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Other studies have focused on assessment practices in specific regions, such as UNESCO’s work on the Asia-Pacific (UNESCO, 2012a). Still others have focused on the more technical issues of assessment, such as the recently revised guidelines by the American Psychological Society, the American Educational Research Association and the National Council on Measurement in Education on standards for educational and psychological testing (AERA, APA and NCME, 2014). The latter is an important reference work for good assessment practice both in terms of technical quality and as regards fairness and ethical testing. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Candidate outcome indicators would be the prevalence of complication from surgeries, percutaneous coronary intervention mortality rate, number of patient undergoing CABG within 24 hours after PCI, incidence of pressure ulcer or user satisfaction. To facilitate the functional differentiation and specialisation of hospitals beds, factors contributing to inadequate case-mix could be also examined. Special attention should go to acute myocardial infarction. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Table C 3 substitutes information about adolescent fertility with information about contraceptive prevalence rate, which is the percentage of women aged 15 to 49 who are practicing, or whose sexual partners are practicing, any form of contraception. The results indicate that an increase in the proportion of women using a contraceptive method goes hand in hand with a reduction in child poverty. This finding thus seems to support the idea that the risk of poverty is reduced when unforeseen births are lower. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Combined with investment in physical infrastructure (i.e. interconnectors) continued progress towards forming a regional market will increase the competitiveness of all SEE economies and of the region as a whole. Sustained political will to overcome barriers to market integration will be essential if the long-term benefits to competitiveness are to be captured for the citizens of the WB6 economies. Box 12.6 explains the factors that were important for the highly successful Nordic regional electricity market, and which could offer some valuable ideas for the SEE governments. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 If a surviving spouse who stays on the land remarries and dies, the new surviving spouse will also have a right to remain on the land. However, if the second surviving spouse dies, the land reverts to the traditional authority to determine who has the right to stay on the land. This decision must be made in consultation with the members of the concerned family or families identified by the traditional authority with reference to the relevant customary law. Traditional gender practices and norms such as patrilocal residence and patrilineal inheritance influence the decisions ofthe village committees in such a way that renders women's land tenure insecure. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The current explosion in criminalization and incarceration is unprecedented in size, scope, and negative consequences—both direct and collateral—for communities of color. These macro systems exist in relationality to the micro dynamics of living in the midst of police scrutiny, economic marginalization, and political disenfranchisement. Critical race theory is a guide for pedagogy and praxis in exploring the racist and classist foundations of current micro and macro injustices. Using Supreme Court opinions and the voices of political prisoner/prisoners of conscience as evidence of the dominant text and the dissent, this article explores the following issues: the roots of U.S. law, criminal justice, and mass imprisonment in classism and racism, the political economy of the criminal justice system and the prison industrial complex, the intersectionality of injustices rooted in micro and macro systems, and the role of prisoners of conscience/ political prisoners in inspiring resistance to micro and macro injustice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is here that the transformative dimension should also come into play. Social security schemes that depend on contributions from continuous, full-time participation in the paid workforce will not benefit women with interrupted careers due to childcare obligations or women in precarious work or the informal sector. This aspect is sporadically highlighted by the various bodies. Improved worker rights, access to employment, childcare and access to land, extension services and finance are crucial to address discrimination against women in relation to their rights to food (HRC 2012a). The CERD Committee has noted that forms of racial discrimination may be specifically directed at women because of their race and gender. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Implementation of transport projects in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan is especially complicated because most of the roads are mountainous, which means tunnels will be required and construction and maintenance will take place in adverse conditions. In terms of railway transport, the planned implementation of 13 development and electrification projects includes the Angren-Pap, Maroqand-Qarshi, Qarshi-Termez and Maroqand-Bukhara rail lines. The plan envisages measures to build and rehabilitate roads and railways, logistic centres and communications. The country also plans to develop a 920-km route going from Uzbekistan through Kyrgyzstan to China (Andijan-Osh-lrkeshtam-Kashgar). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In Uganda only 6% of rural health facilities and 16% of all health facilities are connected to grid energy (UN Women, UNDP and UNEP 2015). Socially constructed gender roles, identities and underlying power dynamics affect whether (and how) women and men access and use energy and participate in decisions and investments. Surveys have repeatedly shown that women and men express different energy needs and priorities and perceive different risks in regard to energy choices (as discussed below). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In Svalbard, the electricity and heat production is mainly based on coal and diesel oil. Energy efficiency measures can be implemented directly by the sector whereas a switch to renewable energy must be driven by the energy production sector if the energy is produced centrally. In the cases where the energy is not produced centrally the tourism sector can take steps towards a reduction in fossil fuels. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While limited in effectiveness, such social protection often provides initial help in the face of shocks. Social protection thus helps relax liquidity, credit and/or savings constraints. The evidence shows that social protection fosters more investment in the education and health of children, and reduces child labour, with implications for future productivity and employability. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This article observes the relationship among economic activity and local agents, by means of Social Networks Analysis (SNA) and showing the historical aspects on local development of the town of Telemaco Borba, in the State of Parana, Brazil. The social network can be understood as a Social Technology shaped by relationships among local agents and mapped by SNA. The relevance is given by the enrichment of knowledge by SNA, focusing on understanding the social technology as the basis of strategic formulation for actions to local development. The method used exploratory research and data from primary sources of a structured questionnaire for interviews. The study reveals that the interaction network among agents is elemental to creating capacities to its own identity and innovative solutions for local development. Pulp and paper activity is a cultural landmark and establishes a reference hard link and dependence for local actors. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As the generic product is a copy of the original one (more or less modified), the generic producer in order to submit its product to the regulatory authority (for purposes of demonstrating bioequivalence) will rely on lawful reverse-engineering of the patented drug in order to understand how it was formulated. See Box 12, below, for details. While some countries may consider it unfair to let second comers take advantage of the investments made by data originators (“free riding”), other countries may regard as unfair to impose on financially weak generic producers, in particular those in poor developing countries or LDCs, the same requirements as those set up for multinational pharmaceutical companies, especially where the latter may at the same time benefit from patent protection on the respective substance and may already have entirely recouped their R&D investment in OECD country markets. Where this is the case, data originators no longer need to recoup any remaining costs, and there is a risk of over-compensating the data originator at the expense of generic price competition. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Since probably not all countries will participate from the beginning, new joiners can be granted a right to participate in the validation as well, if agreed upon by the existing members. These entities will initially be all the validators that create the network plus all parties that are involved in the first phase. As the network grows, more parties can join the network if all the validators agree on it using the PoA algorithm. Therefore, an on-premise hosting in all participating countries is suggested. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Both sexes are guilty of woman and child abuse. Since women often have the primary responsibility to shape their children into gender roles, some play a significant role in encouraging males to be violent to prove their masculinity. In northern Kenya, some mothers acknowledge that they urge their sons to steal cattle and kill young men from opposing tribes so they can prove their masculinity and be initiated into manhood. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It brings together both large-scale agribusinesses and smallholder farmers (MDA, 2011). The programme introduced a mandatory content of 2% (B2) biofuel added to fossil diesel in 2008 and set a 5% (B5) goal for 2013, though in reality this was reached in 2010. Brazil became the world’s third largest producer and consumer of biodiesel in 2014, and towards the end of the year a new mandatory content of 7% (B7) was established (Presidencia da Republica, 2014). The consumption in that year reached 3.4 billion litres (bln L) (ANP, 2014). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, full realization of the potential of 3D printing depends on overcoming a number of obstacles. The necessary material technology is still nascent and building complex objects is slow. There are also regulatory issues that need to be addressed before 3D printing can be widely adopted in the consumer market. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The Constitution of January 2014 ensures equality of opportunity to achieve parity between women and men in elected posi-tions, and highlights the role of the state in eliminating violence against women. This progress is due in large part to the efforts that women's organizations have made, pushing for a more representative parliament that would understand women's specific needs and chal lenges. In particular, the use of alternating gender lists for elections has been instrumental in achieving this increase in women's political participation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Furthermore, unemployment is not only a major concern for the uneducated but also educated youth. In the United Republic of Tanzania, unemployment rates are higher among people who have completed secondary education than those who have not (Amare, 2014). A total of 31.1 per cent of those unemployed in Egypt had completed tertiary-level education in 2013 (World Bank, 2017a). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this article, the author outlines how the Hong Kong Chinese elderly revise, shift, and modify their health-seeking behaviors to adapt to rapid social change, presenting data drawn from three studies undertaken with elderly Chinese conducted in Hong Kong during the period 1993 to 1998. The primary data source is a qualitative survey involving interviews with 47 elderly Hong Kong Chinese men and women to ascertain their health-seeking beliefs and behaviors. The author analyzes how public policy and Confucian rhetoric constitute social guidelines, which are perceived in light of an individual's resources, gender and generational experiences and are manifest in health-seeking behaviors: seeking religious solace, preparing special food, visiting formal and informal healers, and shifting expectations of what constitutes family support. The article highlights the interface between public interpretations of old age, morality, religion, filial support, and personalized meaning as manifest in health behaviors. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is a lack of support for integration of field experience, work-experience and community service within the curricula. The long delay in the process for approval of new academic programmes, which in some cases lasts for more than five years, inhibits the responsiveness of higher education institutions to changing regional needs. There is a need to ensure that higher education programme review and approval process is streamlined to allow for speed and greater responsiveness to regional needs. The principal incentive for the colleges is negative: their exclusion from research funding. Student numbers are established centrally and there are no incentives to enrol students from within the region. Because the institutions depend to a degree on revenue from tuition fees (within limits set by the Planning and Budgeting Committee), they have incentives to recruit paying students from outside the region to generate additional revenue. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Challenges of peripherality are common in predominantly rural OECD regions (Box 2.1), but the example of NORA is certainly one of the most extreme cases of geographic peripherality. The magnitude of this problem, of course, differs from country to country. For example, it is a greater issue in Finland than in the Netherlands, and a bigger challenge for Scotland than England, even though they are both part of the United Kingdom. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The percentage of the population with some level of deprivation in work and social security was 84% in 2010, showing that this dimension requires special government attention and an increase in the coverage of the social security system. The indigenous population has the largest deprivation gap (see table 3). Lastly, the work deprivation gap for indigenous people decreased from 32.7% in 2006 to 15.6% in 2010. This reduction cannot be interpreted in the same way as a headcount ratio (i.e. a reduction in the number of poor people), but the important thing is that it shows that the level (severity) of multidimensional poverty in the country has fallen. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The amount of municipal waste - around 10% of total waste - has decreased by almost 4% over the past decade, meanwhile, the amount of material and energy recovery from waste has grown, thanks to efforts to treat waste as a resource. Recycling rates are increasing (by up to 80% in some cases) for important materials such as glass, steel, aluminium, paper and plastics (OECD, 2015a). More sustainable waste management has played its part: the country has used effective pricing (among other policy measures) to reduce municipal waste, improve waste recovery and reduce landfill (OECD, 2012c). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! There has been, however, a recent increase in collaboration among cross-border regions on the continent (Association of European Border Regions, 2010). Local and regional authorities, as well as the economic sector and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), are playing a growing role in many cross-border fields in this part of the world, but the co-operations are still informal and not well structured. These areas are an international zone of adjacent regions from different countries - or very often, regions that are neighbours, but separated by a sea. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In all habitat categories together, nature and landscape complexes increased from 78 000 ha in 2000 to 96 000 ha in 2012. There are 161 documentation sites in all, which are important for research and education. Natural monuments have particular scientific, cultural or landscape value, Poland has a total of 36 316, including glacial boulders, rocks, grottos, caves and springs. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The remainder of the chapter is devoted to reporting some of the findings of this new database, notably estimates of the overall global value of the ocean economy on the basis of the ocean industries selected, approximate employment levels in the different industries, and a breakdown by sector and broad geographic regions. It consists of 169 coastal countries and aims to improve the coherency and consistency of the assumptions, indicators and measurement methods used to estimate the size of the ocean economy. The database draws heavily on UN and OECD sources to collect industry-specific data on physical capital stock, employment and value added for those ocean-based industries defined in ISIC Rev.3 (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities). Where official data were patchy, proxies were used based on national reports and secondary sources (for details on the methodology, see OECD, forthcoming). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Others have highlighted that indicators alone are not always sufficient (or appropriate) to monitor and evaluate progress in adaptation (AC, 2014b). Thus, while there is some experience with M&E of individual adaptation actions, this has tended to focus on positive lessons. Learning from what has worked less well is also valuable, but such information is less readily shared (UNFCCC, 2014). Such M&E can include process indicators, as well as outcome indicators. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Attaining the Goals will require coherent policies, an enabling environment for sustainable development at all levels and by all actors, and a reinvigorated Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. Meeting the means of implementation targets is key to realizing the 2030 Agenda, as is the full implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Incremental progress has been made in these areas, but more is needed. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This missing analysis would not be an issue if the existing research results on OECD countries applied equally to non-OECD countries, but they may be different due to a different context. Moreover, the economic and policy context in which these immigrants integrate into the labour market is different. As an example, the share of informal employment3 tends to be more elevated in lower than in higher income countries. Both of these factors likely contribute to impacts of immigration that differ between developed and developing countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this issue of the International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior a myriad of topics are covered with an eye toward culture, change, and development in Latin America. The actual special issue theme of “Cross-cultural issues in Latin America” was somewhat broadly defined by design. Because this corner of the world has received little attention in the management and public administration literature, I thought that it would be interesting to dedicate an entire issue to this topic. As the Western Hemisphere continues to build cultural and economic bridges, it will be inevitable that many social science researchers will follow suit with more interest.1 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A learning centre in the Yukon integrates services such as housing, health and social services with the early learning centre, and it offers a variety of language and cultural activities for the very young, while strongly involving parents. In another Yukon school we visited, and for students who become parents early in their lives, there is a teen parent centre in which student mothers receive prenatal and postnatal nutrition care, health screenings, parenting help, day care and help to find employment and to acquire a driver’s licence. Similarly, families living in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia have access to the Parenting Journey Programme, part of Stronger Families Nova Scotia, which aims to strengthen child welfare and early intervention. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Background paper prepared for World Economic and Social Survey 2011. The Resource Outlook to 2050: By How Much Do Land, Water and Crop Yields Need to Increase by 2050? Paper presented at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Expert Meeting, June 24-26, 2009, Rome on “How to Feed the World in 2050.” - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Extending this approach to active job search, where monitoring is now low (Figure 2.23), as the economy improves, would help direct the unemployed to activation programmes best suited to their need (OECD, 2010, OECD, 2011b). Greece has had a legal framework for “mutual obligations” since 1985. It stipulates an interruption of unemployment benefits for those who do not accept a job offered to them, or if they refuse to undertake OAED training or re-training. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The cost of investing in apprenticeship training for employers depends greatly on the sector - for example, there are higher costs associated with engineering relative to other sectors such as hospitality, retailing and business administration. In the retail sector, the net cost of training is particularly low and some firms are able to recoup their whole investment by the end of the period of training (McIntosh, 2007). This is especially true if employers are able to retain apprentices, because the majority of associated costs are incurred in the early stages of the training period (McIntosh, 2007). Employers can obtain a range of benefits by investing in apprentices, including securing a supply of workers with applied workplace skills, potential replacement of an ageing workforce, lower recruitment costs, and lower labour turnover. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Governments introduced several measures in order to help families, for instance measures of debt relief. As a result, firms started to cut jobs or reduce wages. Moreover, they increasingly used temporary employment contracts without benefits, and more generally entailing a reduction in job security and deterioration in job quality. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Cumulative FODEP grants corresponded to 0.03 per cent of GDP in 2011. The goal is to finance projects (within the framework of the National Programme of Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment) that reduce discharges of polluted water by means of the installation of water treatment equipment at the WBA or industrial company level. The fund is supported by EU grants totalling 100 million dirhams (US$12.4 million) over the period 2011-2013. In a similar vein to the FODEP, grants are provided within a range of 20 per cent to 40 per cent of total project value. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The GES screened over 150 GHG abatement technologies against cost criteria and conditions in Ethiopia, coming up with an investment plan of over 60 initiatives that can be turned into bankable projects in order to attract international climate finance. The GES’s bold proposition is that, by 2030, there is potential for per-person GDP to increase by 475%, from USD 380 to more than USD 1,800 GDP per capita, while at the same time decreasing GHG emissions on a per capita basis from 1.81 to CC>2e - over a third. A more deliberate focus on social equity and poverty reduction considerations can maximise the ‘winners’ and minimise possible ‘losers’ from embarking on green growth pathways, as well as ensure the widest range of sectors and livelihoods are embraced and mobilised, in particular with respect to land access and changes in land user rights. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, statistics show that youth are less likely to vote than older people, and that todays youth vote at lower rates than in the past (Oxford Analytica, 2014). These rights are not new and are already embodied in hundreds of national laws and dozens of international treaties and agreements (UNFPA, 2012b). According to the Population Reference Bureau, an estimated 100 million to 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female genital mutilation and more than 3 million girls are at risk for this harmful practice each year on the African continent alone (Feldman-Jacobs and Clifton, 2014). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Unit labor cost represents a direct link between productivity and the cost of labour used in generating output. A rise in a country’s unit labour cost represents an increased reward for labour’s contribution to output. However, a rise in labour cost that is higher than the rise in labour productivity, especially in tradable goods producing sectors, may indicate a decrease in international competitiveness, if other costs are not adjusted in compensation. The non-agricultural sector includes industry and services. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Global fixed-and mobile-broadband penetration had reached 9.8 and 32 per cent, respectively, by the end of 20141. While fixed broadband showed only cautious growth between 2013 and 2014, mobile-broadband subscriptions were three times higher than wire-line broadband connections worldwide and are growing fastest in the developing regions, where growth rates are twice as high as in developed regions. Mobile broadband has helped bring high-speed data and Internet services to unconnected areas2. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The capacities of all the organizations involved in an ICT for agriculture or rural development initiative should be developed to better take into account gender in their work and activities, whether these are farmer organizations or other development partners. At the organizational level it is important to ensure gender responsive systems and structures. In order to design and implement gender responsive ICT projects, organizations need gender aware staff, monitoring and evaluation systems that capture well what is happening on the ground, cooperation among staff with different tasks, and learning mechanism to deal with gender gaps when and where they surface. When policies and strategies are developed, it is crucial to ensure that all stakeholders are represented, including women and men at all levels. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To build up self-sustaining stocks of salmon, access must be restored to a maximum number of identified spawning and juvenile habitats in the Rhine catchment, and greater facility for upstream migration allowed. Activities to support this include work on two dams in the Upper Rhine at Strasbourg and Gerstheim by 2015 to allow access to the Elz-Dreisam system in the Black Forest, improving existing fish passages at four dams on the High Rhine and at several barriers on the navigable tributaries that are the Moselle, Main, Lahn and Neckar. Such measures arc also a feature of responses in the Moselle and Saar and in the Scheldt. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Where democracy comes from, the stages by which it develops, the direction it takes, the efforts needed to build it, democracy’s density, and the absence of democratic accountability, all involve conceptual metaphors that imply theories of how democracy emerges and exists as a system of governance. This chapter examines a range of metaphorical concepts and the ways in which they lead scholars to make certain assumptions about democracy, devise hypotheses about processes of democratization, and contribute to theories that offer explanations for how democracy develops over time. The chapter concludes that democratization is not an unambiguous process, but, rather, is most often understood through the same sorts of metaphors that frame the study of other aspects of international relations (IR). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, seasonally adjusted quarterly data were used in order to attain a sufficient degree of variability relative to the macro variables. These results were used to derive a 32-period panel database for each country corresponding to the quarters comprising the period 2003-2010. The trend for 2003-2009 shows a rise of two points, on average, in the female labour force participation rate for Brazil, Ecuador and Uruguay and a comparable decline in Argentina and Peru. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Under Government Regulation 28/2004, the Ministry of Fisheries is responsible for the safety, quality and nutrition of fish products. Processed food exempted from the obligation to possess a registration number shall be the food that has 7 days shelf life in a room temperature and/or imported into Indonesian territories in small quantities for the purpose of requesting the registration approval letter, scientific research, or self-consumption. Minister of Agriculture Regulation 27/2009 was replaced by Minister of Agriculture Regulation 88/2011 in December 2011. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 As of the end of October 2014, the European Union is also negotiating with Mercosur on a possible future FTA. The European Union expects that liberalising trade across the Atlantic could add an additional USD 160 billion a year to GDP in Europe. This FTA once established will be the world’s largest free-trade area. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The minimum wage was raised again to EGP 700 per month in June 2011. See Bell (1997) for Colombia, Maloney and Nunez (2004) for eight Latin American countries, Lemos (2004) for Brazil, and Saget (2001) for further references. See Lemos (2004) for the Brazilian case and Saget (2008) for the Indian state of Punjab, Indonesia and South Africa. In the Uruguayan case, the minimum wage was de-linked from social security benefits in 2004. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This makes tourism a co-ordination-intensive, as well as information-intensive, industry (Zhang et al. The key components of tourism are accommodation, transport, attractions and excursions, and restaurants, all are ‘perishable’. This means that airline seats, hotel rooms and daily ticket sales, for example, cannot be stored for potential future sales. This level of uncertainty, coupled with the uncertainty of global trends and exogenous shocks, has become an important area of tourism supply chain research. Areas of particular interest include demand forecasting, yield or revenue management and inventory management (Zhang et al. Finally, the supply chains in tourism that already exist are usually part of the wider global operations of major hotels and resorts (for example Hilton and Four Seasons hotels) and of cruise ship operators (for example Carnival Corporation and Royal Caribbean). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! First, there is the need to integrate (or mainstream) adaptation objectives into longer-term development processes, with careful consideration given to the uncertainties inherent in forecasting under the climate change scenarios and the hazards created by a changing climate. Second, a participatory approach is fundamental to acquiring a better understanding of risks and vulnerability and the various priorities and interests of stakeholders, particularly at the local level. Direct engagement of local communities and stakeholders leads to a better identification of problems and an improved policy design in accordance with people’s needs, and allows local problems to be addressed through local solutions, thereby increasing policy ownership and implementation. Third, in the context of a changing climate, policymakers must fully embed uncertainty into their long-term plans, using iterative and adaptive processes. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In addition, it is also important to consider the scale of income tax. In particular, marginal tax rates at the top of the income scale are an important element in overall progressivity, even though the top earners constitute a small segment of the population, because they often account fora large share of aggregate income and the total income tax yield. Yet marginal personal income tax rates at the top of the income scale in OECD countries fell from an average of 71 per cent in the late 1970s to around 57 percent in the late 2000s (chart 5.1). One reason for this was divergent patterns in the taxation of wealth (Piketty, 2010). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 ""As in other studies by ECLAC and UNICEF, therefore, childhood is understood to refer to the population aged 0 to 17 years. The particular concern for children and adolescents comes in response not only to their overrepresentation among the poor but also to their greater dependency and lack of autonomy within families and to their particular vulnerability to the consequences of poverty and inequality. Any measurement of poverty among children should recognize their specific characteristics and adopt households and individuals as the unit of analysis. According to The State of the World's Children 2005, """"children living in poverty experience deprivation of the material, spiritual and emotional resources needed to survive, develop and thrive, leaving them unable to enjoy their rights, achieve their full potential or participate as full and equal members of society"""" (UNICEF, 2005, p. 18)."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Clearly, this failure is not confined to plastics production and use, but is symptomatic of a more pervasive tendency, of pursuing economic growth whilst neglecting the impact on ecosystems and society (Turner and Fisher, 2008). Current economic models tend to measure economic success in terms of the rate of economic growth (e.g. GDP), with less attention paid to the extent to which consumption patterns and societal demands are sustainable in the longer term. This will influence, in turn, the direction on technological innovation, political decisions (e.g. trade agreements), product design, consumer demand, waste generation and treatment. Unfortunately, there has been a failure of the market economy to take into account environmental externalities, in this case the social, ecological and economic impacts of marine litter. The current ‘plastic economy’ has been characterised by a linear pattern of production and consumption, generating unprecedented volumes of waste, which ultimately is very inefficient economically (Figure 5.1, Defra 2011, WEF/EMF/ MCKINSEY 2016). Leakage of plastic to the ocean can occur at every stage in this process, and the response has been generally patchy and ineffective. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""Introduction: Talking Sex and Sexuality in China """"Elaine Jeffreys """"1. Transformations in the Primary Life Cycle: The Origins and Nature of China's Sexual Revolution """"Pan Suiming """"2. Sex, Politics and the Policing of Virtue in the People's Republic of China """"Gary Sigley """"3. Contesting Citizenship: Marriage and Divorce in the People's Republic of China """"Margaret Y.K. Woo """"4. Regulating Male Same-Sex Relationships in the People's Republic of China """"Li Yinhe """"5. Sexual Citizenship and the Politics of Sexual Storytelling among Chinese Youth """"James Farrer"""" 6. Selling Sexual Health: China's Emerging Sex Shop Industry """"Jo McMillan """"7. Female Sex Sellers and Public Policy in the People's Republic of China """"Zhang Heqing """"8. Debating the Legal Regulation of Sex-Related Bribery and Corruption in the People's Republic of China """"Elaine Jeffreys"""""" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There would be no need to protect short lived innovations from wholesale copying for a period of more than a few years. This right, which could last for up to 20 years, could be preceded by a much briefer period of market exclusivity for the inventor (e.g. one or two years), in order to give him the opportunity to establish his brand. Under the subsequent, longer period of compensation, the original innovator would be prevented from blocking the access of competitors to his innovation, unless wholesale duplication is sought. Competitors would be authorized not only to use the innovation for research activities to develop a superior product, but also to make and sell that product. This differs from a utility model or patent regime, under which an experimental use or research exception may enable competitors to use the protected substance for improvement-oriented research, but not for the sale or other commercialization of the results of their research before the expiry of the underlying product patent, unless a license (voluntary or compulsory) is granted (see below, Section 3.1.2, experimental use exception). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Its higher education sector performs well below OECD averages with respect to research and innovation, and it remains weakly engaged in international research collaboration (Figure 4) and student mobility. Final Report MORE 2 to the European Commission, default/files/policv library/report on survey of researchers in eu hei.pdf. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The WB6 and CESEC initiatives, combined with the dynamic nature of EU energy, place increasing demands on resources. However, all SEE economies have taken steps to develop legal and regulatory frameworks covering all sub-dimensions of the energy sector and encouragingly, progress is generally good in the fundamental governance and regulation sub-dimension. This is critical because the governance and regulation indicators set the direction for the remaining sub-dimensions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This limits the potential of the appraisals to positively influence teaching practices and enhance student outcomes. This is particularly important for new teachers, who require more support in their first year of employment and currently receive limited initial preparation in areas essential for activating student learning, such as formative assessment. At the same time, Romania’s summative appraisals of teachers, which provide a level of quality assurance on entry to the profession and for career progression, should be revised to encourage and reward the development of important pedagogical and professional competencies. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There is also a decreasing trend of discharges treated according to regulatory requirements in Ukraine. The impact of the presence of viruses and bacteria from insufficient wastewater treatment is, however, assessed by the Republic of Moldova as local and moderate. In Ukraine, 15% of surface water samples do not meet the requirements for bacterial indicators. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A good mix of on- and off-chaining, i.e. to only store parts on the blockchain, and of a hybrid use of public and private blockchain, can address the fundamental conflict. To break this into concrete concepts: One approach is to calculate a hash value for each contract version and only store this on the blockchain. By hashing each version of a document and submitting that hash to the blockchain, ideally a public blockchain, e.g. Ethereum, each party is in a position to prove in case of litigation that a certain version of a document has been agreed upon and handover that document. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This article was presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, September 2012 Cadiz, Spain. The article argues that community dialogue and participation is a vital dynamic in desegregation and explores the centrality of forms of empowerment which can be described as ‘inclusive community development’ (ICD). The segregation of Roma children is taking place despite the growing body of legal statutes and policy directives aimed at creating integrated education which has been formally reaffirmed in a number of cases at the European Court of Human Rights. It is posited that ICD is essential to make a reality of legal and policy directives which support desegregation. It is argued that such a dialogic exercise can overcome institutional opposition to inclusion but has transformative potential by promoting inclusive education, interculturalism and setting communities along a path leading to wider structural change. The article draws upon a large pan-European project which involved the authors. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Alcohol-related deaths are more than two times greater than the EU average. One-third of health spending comes from private sources - largely out-of-pocket payments. In addition, informal payments are not uncommon in Lithuania. The Lithuanian health insurance system has an effective counter-cyclical mechanism in place and was successful in protecting public spending on health at the time of the financial crises. Quality indicators provide a mixed picture, but both hospital and primary care services are improving their performance. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This article reflects on the recent Chilean experience of accountability actions, particularly the attempted prosecution of perpetrators of past human rights violations. While acknowledging the undoubtedly substantial impulse provided by the dramatic October 1998 UK arrest of former dictator Augusto Pinochet, it focuses on domestic actors and drivers in a post-1998 revival of such attempts. The article examines the extent and limitations of recent change in the area of prosecutions in Chile, noting that these have been undertaken at the insistence of private actors rather than the state. It also notes that the self-amnesty law of 1978 is still textually intact despite advances in restricting its application with regards to certain categories of internationally proscribed crimes. Finally, the article examines some explanatory factors for both recent advances and remaining blockages in the Chilean human rights accountability scenario. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, one of the most remarkable peace-making initiatives by women in the Pacific has been the work of the Kup Women for Peace (KWP) in PNG (Dinnen, 2003). For example, the traditional forms of social protection such as reciprocity such as duties during ceremonies are also formal. There exist clear linkages between formal and informal social arrangements. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! However, as a derogation from the common CU tariff, Kazakhstan will maintain a zero import duty on raw cane sugar up to 2019 with the obligation that neither raw sugar for processing, nor white sugar would be re-directed to Russia or Belarus. For refined sugar, the previous combined duty of 30% (but not less than EUR 120 per tonne) was replaced by a specific duty of EUR 340 per tonne. Tariff rates were increased for many agricultural products and Kazakhstan’s tariff system became less liberal than it had been prior to the CU (Box 2.6). This implies that the CU tariff will evolve in accordance with the commitments that the CU members undertake within the WTO framework. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In addition, IRENA estimates that about 80% of Ukraine’s renewable energy potential is in biomass where most biomass operations could be undertaken by agricultural companies. A commission establishes the level of green tariffs. The feed-in tariffs are paid both to new and existing renewable energy plants. The tariff system was revised in July 2015, reducing the level of tariff for solar (which had been among the highest in the world), establishing a fairer system of quarterly euro-indexation and restructuring the local component requirements (moving to a bonus, rather than a mandatory requirement which had been acting as a barrier to investment).3 The revised tariffs are listed in Table 3.3. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Even countries with modern anti-discrimination laws and well-designed incentives for employers may find it difficult to curtail discriminatory practices if, de facto, the law is not enforced. Policy makers should ensure that equality bodies, labour inspectorates and other agencies that are in charge of enforcing anti-discrimination laws are sufficiently resourced and staffed with adequately trained personnel. Similar concerns apply to the policy initiatives to curb informality outlined in the next section. Fighting informality requires concerted policy action based on three pillars: increasing the benefits of formalisation, reducing the costs of formal employment and strengthening enforcement mechanisms (see OECD, 2015b, and OECD, 2008, Chapter 2 for a detailed discussion). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""The topics have included “Re-positioning Switzerland in summer tourism"""", “Structural change as the key to success in Swiss Tourism"""" and “Tourism product development: basis for successful marketing"""". Presentations from renowned national and international experts are combined with smaller group discussions. The integration of international know-how is essential for the success of the TFS."" - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The first emphasises development based on the market economy with socialist orientation, the second seeks to ensure national food security by guaranteeing adequate food supplies, particularly for rice. There is potential for conflict in achieving both at the same time. These two resolutions have been implemented through a number of documents, including the ARP to restructure the agricultural sector towards improving value-added and sustainable development. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Globally, health and social inequities are growing and are created, actively maintained, and aggravated by existing policies and practices. The call for evidence-based policy making to address this injustice seems a promising strategy to facilitate a reversal of existing strategies and the design of new effective programming. Acting on evidence to address inequities requires congruence between identifying the major drivers of disparities and the study of their causes and solutions. Yet, current research on inequities tends to focus on documenting disparities among individuals or subpopulations with little focus on identifying the macro-social causes of adverse population health. Moreover, the research base falls far short of a focus on the solutions to the complex multilevel drivers of disparities. This paper focuses upon recommendations to refocus and improve the public health research evidence generated to inform and create strong evidence-based recommendations for improving population health. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 If we disentangle this result by type of facility we see that in Ghana a higher percentage of consultations for ill children occur in hospitals or health clinics (more than 65 per cent), deemed as high to good quality health facilities, and only 4 per cent to traditional healers. In contrast, in Cameroon a relatively high percentage of ill children receive health services from traditional practitioners. Consistent with results for monetary poverty, our simulations suggest that in the absence of the crisis, Burkina Faso would have registered a slight decrease in the demand for health services, while in Cameroon and, to a larger extent Ghana, there would have been an increase. Numbers in brackets refer to the base-year values. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 More specifically, the chapter consists of four main sections - family law, physical integrity, nationality and access to justice - that are key elements affecting women’s participation in the public sphere. The first section analyses provisions in family law that affect women in the private domain. The second deals with actions taken by governments to promote the protection of physical integrity through: legal frameworks, data collection and monitoring, law enforcement and legal services, and an action plan to combat violence. The third section addresses equality in nationality law, while the final section on access to justice highlights factors influencing awareness and understanding of women’s rights, mechanisms to access justice and the social barriers that inhibit such access. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The current top-down approach, with the government deciding what extension advice is to be provided to farmers, should be re-oriented towards a greater role given to farmers who could guide extension services according to their needs. While the current use of a competitive bidding process for the selection of extension projects creates the possibility for more efficient allocation of resources, there appears to be potential for overlap in projects awarded at the central and local government levels. Viet Nam has made significant steps in removing quantitative restrictions on trade. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It will remain important to monitor the effects on investment and savings and stand ready to adjust the reform if warranted. For instance, estimates by the World Bank (World Bank, 2015) suggest that with the changes introduced by the tax reform, the share of net income received by the richest 1% of the population will fall by 1.1% of GDP. However, the effect of the reform on the Gini coefficient after taxes and transfers will be small (0.07 points). This is because the Gini coefficient is more sensitive to transfers to the centre of the distribution than to the tails, which is what this reform is targeting. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Secondary drivers include urban expansion and construction of infrastructure for roads, telecommunications, ports, tourism, energy supply lines, and pipes and ducts (Challenger and Dirzo, 2008, FAO, 2010, SEMARNAT, 2011). Natural disasters, soil extraction and open cast mining exert further pressures. Key pressures on marine ecosystems include overexploitation of fisheries, pollution including nitrogen deposition and eutrophication from agricultural run-off and domestic and industrial sewage waters, habitat modification such as wetland loss, and climate change. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It outlines information on climate-related development finance and sectors w'here such finance is directed, as well as policies directly or indirectly relating to mobilisation of finance for climate actions. This amount covers both finance for adaptation and mitigation, while excluding overlapping finance for both mitigation and adaptation. It accounts for 7.1% of the total climate-related development finance committed globally in 2013 and 2014 (i.e. USD 47.3 billion per year on two-year average). More specifically, climate-related development finance committed to mitigation in the EECCA is 8.3% of that for all the recipients globally, while adaptation finance accounts for 3.5% of the global total. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The study generally involves about 3,000 adults aged 15 years and about 1,000 children and adolescents aged 7-15 years (e.g. Fridberg 1989, 1994, 2000, Bille etai. These indicators are of particular interest in a nature/forest context - although the latter is a good example of an indicator/variable which is not very precise as it combines numerous settings/reasons for the activity. Finally, it is worth mentioning, that some questions/indicators have been slightly changed over time, which makes comparisons over time uncertain for some aspects. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The aim is to create a system of care framed within social reform policies, with a universal, rights-based perspective. A combination is also being sought between creating services and supporting families so that they can hire care services within or outside the home. Community participation, in its existing forms and in new ones, will be a cornerstone of this process. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Government’s essential role was limited to providing transport and communications infrastructure services and to facilitating international trade. For example, there is a proposal to convert the city of Almaty into a subregional services hub through development of transport, tourism and financial services (see box 2.1). Such developments could also stimulate modern firms to participate in global value chains because many initiatives on the proposed hubs, such as effective Internet connectivity and courier services, are also prerequisites for value-chain participation. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It is essential for determining the need for extending, adjusting or ceasing a policy. Effective policy monitoring and evaluation requires well thought out indicators. Monitoring and evaluating should not just be thought of as an after-thought, it is a critical step in the policy cycle that allows for learning and improvement. Guidance is provided, to assist in developing a set of well thought out indicators, for monitoring and evaluating SCP policy. Policymakers need to make sure that SCP policy interventions are well targeted and yield the desired outcomes. Monitoring and evaluation provides this important information. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Nevertheless, the average number of physician contacts per person is not greater than the EU average. For example, home visits to patients by GPs are a regular practice and patients do not usually have to wait long to get access to GPs, although waiting times for more specialised services (e.g. mental health specialists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists) can be longer. Nurses also play a key role in providing home care services to people with chronic diseases or disability. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 One of the main functions of international parliamentary institutions (IPIs) consists of conducting parallel diplomatic relations, known as parliamentary diplomacy, especially in the fields of peace-building, crisis management and democracy promotion. The effectiveness of this form of so-called ‘parliamentarization’ of international relations is often called into question, and can only be judged through systematic empirical work. This article aims at contributing to this debate by exploring the parliamentary diplomacy activities performed by one of the most prominent parliamentary actors in Euro–Mediterranean relations: the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). What kinds of tools has PAM adopted to implement its parliamentary diplomacy function? What is the impact of PAM’s parliamentary diplomacy? The article considers the following elements: legal and policy instruments, institutional features, functions performed while in session, activities directly addressing the national level, and parliamentary diplomacy as such. The period encompassed by the analysis ranges from 2006 to 2014. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The study by MacKay and others (in press) supersedes the generalized review by McClurg (1988), based on limited sampling in the same geographic area, and appears to be the only study of its kind in the WIO, and for which results are available. The proximity of a semi-permanent upwell-ingcell and a large river mouth (Lutjeharms 2000), together with their relatively high latitude, probably mean that the soft sediment shelf habitats differ from those further north, with implications for the benthic macrofaunal community composition. Having said this, it is, however, notable that there are marked similarities in some of the larger demersal shelf fauna found in several countries of the region. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This article aims to assess the impact that the European Convention of Human Rights, incorporated into British law through the Human Rights Act 1998, has had on the control order regime in the United Kingdom. It will discuss recent British jurisprudence on the topical question of whether there can be a true balance between the civil liberties of an individual and the need to protect state and society from a continuing terrorist threat. The article compares the UK’s present control order system of summer 2010 with similar legislation, which the Commonwealth jurisdictions of Australia and Canada have enacted to protect their nations from the threat of terrorism. It will conclude with a discussion of possible reforms as well as other security measures which have been identified as alternatives to control orders and which form the basis of present UK governmental initiatives to limit the scope and impact of anti terrorism legislation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A lower paid w'orkload could allow' fathers to invest more time in their children at a young age and set the basis for greater paternal involvement as children grow up. Furthermore, a period of reduced full-time w'ork when children are very young could facilitate an increase to full-time work for both parents (which is very difficult when starting from a short-hours base), and further stimulate German labour supply in the long-term, which will be essential to cope with population ageing. Surveys suggest that many Germans are unhappy with their work-life balance: w'orking parents in Germany are more likely than most other parents in Europe to report that their job interferes with time they would like to spend with their family. The 2007 reform of the parental leave system in Germany was in line with international best practice and a great step towards a more gender-balanced division of paid and unpaid work. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Meanwhile, greater mobility has increased the spread of infectious diseases across oceans and facilitated global pandemics such as influenza and SARS that threaten developed as well as developing countries. Now, we find ourselves in the midst of yet another transformation in biomedical science. The first decades of the current century may well be remembered for the advances occurring in genomics and in associated areas of science and technology. These advances promise new understandings of disease and more effective ways of tackling ill health. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The rains ore disappointing us: dynomic vulnerability ond odoplotion to multiple stressors in the Afram Ploins, Ghono. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Globol Chonge 14: 317-337. Regional Environmental Chonge, 10(2): 157-168, W. loube, B. Schroven ond M. Awo. Smallholder odoplotion to climote chonge: Dynamics ond limits in Northern Ghono, Climate Chonge, 111 (3-4): 753-774, Tombo ond Abdouloye, 2013 (see note 72). Adoptalion, odcplive copocily ond vulnerability. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 One of the main incentives being that it opens up the possibility to treat foreign patients and get their costs reimbursed by foreign insurers that often require JCI status. The standards are applied to public hospitals but also to private hospitals and university hospitals. All hospitals are evaluated once a year. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In particular, successor republics of the former Soviet Union such as Turkmenistan, the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan, as well as the three Baltic States, saw their Gini coefficient increase by more than 10 points between 1981 and 1999. This group of countries10 is home to 750 million people, or 12 per cent of the world’s population. It is claimed that the economic growth prospects of these countries have been undermined by their geography, with 28 of them being landlocked or small island States (Gallup, Sachs and Mellinger, 1998, Collier, 2007). Controlling for economic policies and institutions, some researchers contend that the location and climate of the continent of Africa have had a negative impact on its income levels and growth. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! As groundwater resources run out, those in the informal settlements are most immediately affected. Small-scale farmers in the Sana'a Governorate are also vulnerable given that groundwater, which represents their main source of income, is depleting at a faster pace with each passing year, which forces communities to relocate. However, for the city as a whole, including informal settlements, it would be easy to secure the drinking water source by reallocating 5-10 per cent of the irrigation share in the basin to the domestic supply. Some physical investments and economic incentives are needed to apply this solution. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! People are often simply unable to find a job in the formal part of the economy due, for example, to a shortage of employment opportunities, or a low level of formal education. Such workers have generally no other choice than to seek a job within the informal economy since they cannot afford to be unemployed. High taxes, bureaucratic procedures and corruption can make formal employment complicated and expensive. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In 2016, this increased to 7,500 km. The remaining, less intensively used, routes (36,500 km) can predictably contribute to land degradation at least as much as national roads. Along the proposed two-lane Trans-Mongolian Highway, an average corridor width of 788 metres (equivalent to 225 lanes) is affected. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The document provides concrete examples, such as mapping out the necessity of using gender-equal staffing procedures for positions responding to asylum seekers. Swedish law requires anti-discrimination measures be taken into account during the formation of public procurement contracts and government spending above a fixed amount is also legally obligated to apply “anti-discrimination conditions” in procurement contracts (Callerstig, 2014(29]). Forthese reasons, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions published a guide on gender procurement “which informs on the legal possibilities of imposing gender equality criteria in public procurement on the one hand and contains practical examples on the other one”} The guide emphasises ex ante efforts, specifically the role of planning and design as well as that of feasibility studies. It considers the core of gender procurement to revolve around ensuring all citizens are offered equal services (while increasing efficiency and quality of services offered). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Overall, the studies represented seven countries, including two assessing Oportunidades/Progresa in Mexico, one each from Ecuador and Nicaragua, three from SSA (Somalia, Uganda, and Lesotho) and one from Turkey (column 2). Four of the qualitative studies were NGO-led programs, of which two were external evaluations of the same CT implemented by Action Against Hunger in northern Uganda in 2012 and 2014, three were government-run programs (two UCTs and one CCT) and two were run by international organizations (column 3). From the total, four interventions were UCTs, one provided cash, food or voucher conditional on attending nutrition training and four were CCTs (column 4). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In this article, the concept of “liberal democracy” and its implications for biotechnology such as human genetic engineering will be examined. Liberal democracy is characterised by a number of features, some of which has extensive repercussions on biotechnology, especially concepts such as the equal protection of human rights, civil rights, civil liberties, political freedom for all people and autonomy and libertarianism. Advocates of human genetic engineering for purposes other than the healing of genetically transmitted diseases often appeal to these features in the quest for its legalisation. I will examine whether the attributes of liberal democracy would indeed justify the use of this type of biotechnology and if yes, what a possible theological response would be, drawing on the political theology of Jurgen Moltmann. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Everyone assumes that some responsible authority must be managing and coordinating information, but this may not be the case.49 Data sharing may also be hampered by policies for data privacy and data protection. Otherwise any sharing is likely to be ad hoc and sporadic based on personal relationships and informal networks.50 Many countries have addressed this delicate policy balance through ministerial or parliamentary directives that override existing policies during emergencies. Or they may allow for exceptions where, under certain conditions, one policy takes precedence over another. Such policies can be broad, at the national and regional levels, or they can be specific or bilateral, between agencies and line ministries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Some of these health-care schemes - such as that for blue and white collar workers - were vertically integrated in that they also ran hospitals and primary care facilities to which patients were directed or obliged to visit. At the same time, the Ministry of Health operated a network of preventative and primary health-care centres and hospitals, though it often suffered from shortages in critical staff and basic resources, particularly in regional areas. The poor with Green cards were eligible for free primary and emergency hospital care, but did not receive reimbursements for outpatient care and had limited reimbursements for pharmaceuticals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 A related challenge lies in the recruitment of unqualified teachers by private establishments, an issue which is dealt with by regular institutional inspections. Currently the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) is working with a network of around 150 enterprises on this project, and more than 1,000 apprentices are enrolled every year to follow courses under the scheme - representing 30 per cent of total pre-employment training. The figure shows that apprenticeship training contributes to enhancing the employability of young people. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article explores the mediatization of epidemics as object of public discourse through content analysis of news coverage of the A (H1N1) influenza pandemic of 2009 in Argentina, the United States and Venezuela. The results indicate that newspapers followed efforts by public health authorities to create public engagement and, simultaneously, to contain a sense of alarm and control discourse about the pandemic. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As a result, adaptation is often a relatively small component of larger programmes, strategies and plans that may not explicitly target climate change but that nevertheless influence the country’s climate resilience (e.g. disaster risk management and flood protection strategies). Such an integrated approach makes it difficult to determine the attribution3 of specific initiatives to adaptation and to distinguish their impact from national development in general. However, if the strategic policy on adaptation is complemented by an action plan with clearly defined objectives, it may be possible to assess the attribution of these confined objectives in the short- and medium-term. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 They have outgrown their traditional role as complements to North-South cooperation and are now an indispensable source of knowledge sharing and innovation for many developing countries. Japan helped Brazil develop its own tropical savannah region, known as the Cerrado, making it a leading producer of soybeans and other agricultural products. The two countries now extend collaborative support to Mozambique to develop that country's vast savannah. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Plans to expand telehealth, however, need to be supported by the necessary infrastructure to facilitate this technology. Patient travel assistance schemes should be evaluated and refined to ensure national consistency around eligibility requirements and levels of reimbursement. As earlier highlighted, the differing criteria make patients eligible in some states but not others. An approach that better reflects the true costs of travel would make the scheme more equitable, and support patients to move more easily. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Similarly, studies on the cultivation of FSF crops in paddy fallow revealed that these crops respond positively to balanced nutrient management inclusive of secondary and micronutrients. Similar results have been reported from watersheds in China, India, Thailand and Viet Nam (Wani, Pathak and Jangawad, 2003, Wani, Joshi and Raju, 2008, Wani etal., Chickpea is a crop that attracts little private-sector involvement because of its lowseed-multiplication rate, its production being limited to the rabi season, and vulnerability to storage pests throughout the intervening rainy season. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Van Doorslaer, et al. ( Nevertheless, both central and state governments in India have become increasingly remiss about ensuring such minimal expenditure and taking basic precautions.. Health expenditure of central and state governments taken together declined from more than 1 per cent of GDP in the mid-1980s to only 0.9 per cent in the mid-2000s. Central government expenditures on health alone have been completely flat at only 0.1 per cent of GDP, which is one of the lowest ratios in the developing world. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! These may be developed through vocational education and training outside of formal education (including on-the-job training). Engaging in such training activities may be less costly than tertiary education, which increases the attractiveness for more disadvantaged groups. However, other factors might also limit the opportunities they have to do so, independently of their capacities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The FDI regime has been liberalised, but Indonesia still remains more restrictive towards FDI than most OECD countries. In fact, agriculture has become more restrictive towards FDI over the last few years with upper limits to foreign equity for food crops decreasing from 95% in 2007 to 49% in 2010. For example, the Horticulture Law enacted in 2010 lowered the upper limit of foreign ownership in horticulture business to 30% and businesses must comply within four years. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This study focuses on political thuggery and democratic dividends in Nigeria. Utilizing secondary and personal observation data the authors sought to address the following concerns: meaning of political thuggery and democratic dividend, manifestation and spate of political thuggery, and causes and effect of political thuggery and democratic performance since 1999 to date. The study reveals that poverty, unemployment, financial attractiveness of elective positions, the value system of wealth accumulation, and an ineffective security agency account for the incidence of political thuggery in Nigeria. Political thuggery hinders public accountability of elective officers and thus is a bane to good governance in Nigeria. Itg also increases the crime rate and the emergence of credible candidates in elections and thus is a threat to the achievement of democratic dividends and exercise of citizenship rights in Nigeria. On the basis of these findings, the study recommends that government should make elective office... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is important to provide information and guidance for parents to increase enrolment in pre-primary education for all children, regardless of their socio-economic status. Governments should ensure that quality pre-primary education is available locally, especially when disadvantaged families are concentrated in certain geographic areas. Governments should also develop fair and efficient mechanisms for subsidising pre-primary education to ease the financial burden on families. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is essential to ensure that access to health services does not become less equitable as a result of GHP interventions. New GHPS should be introduced only where they support these objectives. In this way, GHP interventions can respond to the specific characteristics of domestic health systems and their respective needs. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The beauty of return migration is that returnees have the same language and culture - particularly valuable in healthcare. In Samoa a renal unit has been established, and operated to a great extent by short-term Samoan returnees. Many Tongan health workers in New Zealand would be willing to return in certain circumstances and could contribute in terms of missing skills. They are enthusiastic about involvement, some would say from guilt, others out of ‘ofa (love) or, again, for pride and social insurance, but in the end it does not much matter why expatriates make a contribution. Success in the health realm may offer models for successes elsewhere. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Recent moves to address shortcomings, for example by introducing more psychologists, psychological therapies and internet-based therapies, indicate that Norway is among the countries that are leaders in driving effective and innovative mental health care. In terms of collecting indicators of mental health care quality Norway is also making impressive progress in many respects. This chapter explores ways that Norway can build on progress that has been made, and areas of great strength within the system - for example the very impressive service user movement, and a growing data information system - and bring further improvements to the quality of mental health care. There are opportunities for Norway to further strengthen data collection and to use data to help drive improvements in outcomes. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The level of discriminatory norms and attitudes, as well as the prevalence of discriminatory practices, will also depend on their legality. New legislation and incentives, in turn, influence informal laws and social norms, as well as attitudes towards gender discrimination, regardless of the level of development of a country. All data sources and definitions are presented in Table 1. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Every year in this category counts as two years in the scheme, with the maximum reduction being from five to three years. Includes remote locations, small communities, very difficult community attributes, and high Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people need. Also includes demonstrated requirement for advanced practice skills, special services, and extreme climate. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! All this has an important bearing on the government’s ambition to secure strong and sustainable growth with rising living standards and equal opportunities for all. Technology and globalisation put a high premium on skills, which may not be well supplied by the education sector when change is rapid, but also on experience as a means of acquiring skills, disadvantaging youth. The global crisis has intensified the structural disadvantages of the young, as skills and experience are even more highly prized when macroeconomic conditions worsen. The education system must also do more to develop the human capital of low skilled youth, who are particularly vulnerable to shocks. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Policy concerns are usually taken into account. These publications are intended for a larger audience: not only statisticians but also research and policy specialists in the topic or topics covered. Data disseminated in this type of product is presented in small summary tables and charts and discussed in the accompanying text. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Recent cross-national studies4 show large variations in levels of internal migration across countries and both within and between geographic regions. Measured over a period of one year or five years, high levels of internal migration are generally found in high-income countries in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), Northern America, Northern and Western Europe and Eastern Asia (Japan and the Republic of Korea). Internal migration has been generally low in Eastern Europe and in South-Central, South-Eastern and Western Asia. Substantial variation exists among countries in Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 And shortcomings in the quality of care result in failures to diagnose and treat pregnancy-related complications. Following the 1994 genocide, it was among the poorest countries in the world, its health system lay in ruins and maternal mortality rates were well above the regional average. Yet, as shown in Figure 3.8, Rwanda has reduced the number of maternal deaths faster than most other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, from 1,400 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 310 in 2013. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Consequently, the productive season for flora and fauna remains short as well. The low temperatures also slow recycling and decomposition processes, increasing the risks of pollution (Prowse et al. In Iceland, for instance, environmental pressures are in most cases highly local and not intensive, pollution is primarily caused by lack of wastewater treatment. On the other hand, general atmospheric circulation patterns transport air pollutants to the Arctic from lower latitudes. Moreover, Arctic ecosystems are strongly affected by climate change, with warming estimated to be greaterthan the global average (IPCC 2018). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! For instance, the company experts were responsible for the plant's operational work, real estate, production planning, development work, risk management, environmental issues, water resources, security issues and maintenance of the electricity grid. Hence, it was possible to obtain a comprehensive view of future changes, risks and opportunities. However, the energy source and some units of the power plants were examined in more detail than the distribution network. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This will involve assessing climate risks and opportunities within national government processes, at sectoral and project levels, and in both urban and rural contexts. The uncertainty surrounding climate impacts means that flexibility is important. Participation of all major emission sources, sectors and countries would reduce the costs of mitigation and help to address potential leakage and competitiveness concerns. This Outlook models a 450 ppm Core scenario which suggests that achieving the 2 °C goal would require establishing clear carbon prices that are increased over time. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 New Zealand and Ireland are the only OECD countries where public pensions have flat and universal payments, without second-tier schemes. As a result, they have the most progressive pension system (Figure 5). Other countries with highly progressive pension systems are Canada, the United Kingdom, Israel, Korea and the Czech Republic. Low-income earners tend to die at a younger age than high-income earners (e.g. Waldrom, 2007, Christia, 2007, Marmot and Shipley, 1996). Pension income is in general taxed at lower rates than work-related income because: i) the personal income tax is progressive and gross replacement rates are generally below 100%, ii) pensioners are often exempt from certain types of social security contributions or pay them at a reduced rate. Still, in 15 out of the 34 countries, taxes and social security contributions enhance the progressivity of pensions. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This article examines the manner in which the rise of populism affects the use of international law by domestic courts. It argues that populism may have a negative effect on the willingness of domestic courts to refer to international law. It further argues that although such response is understandable, it is regrettable, since incorporation of international law into domestic court rulings can serve as a counter-populism measure. Maintaining international law as part of the domestic legal discourse is particularly important in a populist setting, for two reasons. First, where constitutionalism is overtaken by populists, international law can serve as an important source on which courts can draw to protect human rights. In addition, referral, analysis, and application of international law are means of maintaining pluralism in legal and public debate and, accordingly, enhancing democracy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Between the 1990s and the late 2000s, in two-thirds of the countries female employment rates increased more among women whose husbands were in the top eamings deciles than among those at the bottom of the distribution. In certain countries, such as Italy and Mexico, the employment rates of wives of top earners increased more than for wives of low earners at the end of the 2000s while the opposite was true in the early 1990s. Only includes couples with one female and one male. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This essay reviews two recent works in political science on the American conservative legal movement: Steven M. Teles's The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement: The Battle for Control of the Law (2008) and Ann Southworth's Lawyers of the Right: Professionalizing the Conservative Coalition (2008). It examines these books in the context of a larger debate over the variables that best explain constitutional change in general and the recent “conservative counterrevolution” in Supreme Court jurisprudence in particular. It shows how these studies build on the scholarship of Charles Epp, who argued in The Rights Revolution (1998) that serious constitutional change requires not only the right cast of characters on the court, but also a strong “support structure” in the legal profession and civil society. Finally, it draws on the author's own research on the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy to illustrate some important avenues for further inquiry. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The young men attend Centres or outreach sites close to their homes and provide their respective outreach managers with reports on their activities. It notes that ”[s]pecial efforts should be made to emphasize men's shared responsibility and promote their active involvement in responsible parenthood, sexual and reproductive behaviour, including family planning, prenatal, maternal and child health, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, [and] prevention of unwanted and high-risk pregnancies"""" (paragraph 4.27). Effective campaigns generally go beyond merely providing information to encouraging boys and men to talk about specific issues, such as violence against women. Some effective campaigns also use messages related to gender-equitable lifestyles, in a sense promoting or reinforcing specific types of male identity."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The most recent examples include, inter alia, studies analysing the skills needed for ensuring accessibility of tourism destinations and mapping the gap between skills required by the labour market and those provided by member states’ education systems, a pilot series of webinars to enhance the skills of tourism entrepreneurs in the area of digital marketing, services provided by the European Enterprise Network, multilingual classification of European Skills, Competencies, Qualifications and Occupations (Box 16), and the European skills passport for the tourism sector (Box 28). This section has sought to bring statistical evidence to support the discussion. However, available employment data for tourism is limited and national labour force statistics do not capture the micro-level reality of the sector. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ""The Commission noted that towards the end of the Commission's investigation phase, as trust and confidence in the Commission's work had grown, many more women indicated their willingness to be interviewed, but due to the Commission's compressed timeline this was no longer possible."""" ( A/HRC/29/CRP. United Nations and other stakeholders have documented how persons have been specifically targeted by state and non-state actors in conflict settings as a result of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, including for being seen to transgress entrenched gender norms."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Export restrictions on rice can help limit rice exports to supply the domestic market but hurt producers and delay the industry’s adjustment to the international market. Direct measures intending to release the constraints on the development of efficient value chains, such as infrastructure development in regions with a comparative advantage, would be more effective to meet domestic demand. Extension workers are not well-trained and their number remains quite low compared to farmers’ needs. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 To achieve impact in increasing farming systems resilience or reducing greenhouse gas emissions, climate finance must focus on using strategic leverage points to direct broader financing volumes towards climate outcomes. At the same time, capacity constraints are a major obstacle to the effectiveness of all climate finance mechanisms. This applies to funds such as the GEF and the GCF, where a major impediment to impact is the high cost of project development. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 There are diverse opinions today on whether such programmes have contributed to women's empowerment or, on the contrary, have reinforced traditional gender roles, increased the time women are forced to devote to unpaid domestic and care work and limited their participation in the labour market. It must also be considered that making autonomous income dependent on a conditional cash transfer from the State treats women as just another adjustment variable for the economic crises that the region's countries face on a cyclical basis. As many cases have confirmed, o+nce a crisis sets in and public spending is reduced to address it. The result is income fragility with very little certainty of continuity. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Equal representation of men and women in the public sector is an essential factor for gender-balanced policies and for quality service delivery. Gender diversity in decision-making processes is critical for restoring trust in public institutions and citizen-centred public services. The public service is both a policy enabler and implementer and the largest national employer in most countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Stunting prevalence is high at around 50% in India, the Lao PDR and Papua New Guinea, while it is below 10% in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Fiji and China (Figure 2.4.1, left panel). As for wasting, if there is no severe food shortage, the prevalence is usually below 5% even in poor countries, but it is much higher than this threshold in some countries such as India, Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh and Pakistan (Figure 2.4.1, right panel). In order to reduce under-5 mortality, countries need to not only implement effective preventive and curative interventions for newborns, children and their mothers during and after pregnancy, (see Indicator 3.6 “Infant and child health”) but also to promote optimal feeding practice (see Indicator 2.3 “Infant and young child feeding”). The prevalence of childhood overweight is increasing in most OECD countries (OECD, 2013c), as well as in low and middle income countries. It varies across the Asia/Pacific region (Figure 2.4.3). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On the other hand, it can also address the offer side of the problem by increasing capital availability and adequacy for private sector projects dealing with green growth and climate action (e.g. small-scale adaptation-related projects, innovative green growth projects), through direct financing (e.g. grants, challenge funds), risk sharing mechanisms which improve the risk-return profile of investments (e.g. guarantees), provision of medium to long-term finance to cover the longer payback of relatively new green technologies, etc. The global average is computed by taking a simple average of country-level point estimates. For each economy, only the latest available year of survey data is used in this computation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Many countries have established specific medical specialties in cancer care along with corresponding licensing and certification schemes (see the discussion later in the section and in Chapter 4, “Governance of cancer care systems”), but countries have different specialty categorisations. A number of countries also rely on existing specialists. These specialists often acquire knowledge and skills to provide up-to-date cancer care through continuing training, but in a few countries such training is not necessarily needed for practicing specialists who provide oncology care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 A biofoel incubator project in Limpopo province, South Africa, supported subsistence farmers and unemployed people by facilitating access to land and growing soybeans and sunflowers for biofoel production. The project fostered rural entrepreneurship and actively involved female farmers. It improved the situation of rural men and women by bringing them into productive work. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! There is a shared understanding that democratic decision making and buy-in from those concerned by evaluation and assessment policy are essential for successful implementation. In addition, the government does a lot to build and strengthen capacity at local levels and to bring local communities together to compare notes. The members of the Education Evaluation Council represent the education administration, teachers, students, employers, employees and researchers. It has two main missions: co-ordinate and review the coherence of the education system, and follow the implementation of pedagogical reforms. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It should be underpinned by allocated instruction time (see below). These can offer remedial or enrichment instructional activities. On average in the OECD, students in PISA 2012 reported spending 4.9 hours per week on homework or other study set by teachers, this was one hour less than reported on average in PISA 2003 (OECD, 2013b, Tables IV.3.27 and IV.3.48). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In OECD countries, this approach was chosen by Belgium, Chile, France, Korea, Luxembourg and New Zealand. In the Palestinian Authority, the ministry’s mandate is to facilitate gender mainstreaming across the government and to carry' out monitoring and evaluation of programmes and policies aimed at advancing women’s situation. Single ministries with a minister for gender equality bring visibility and enable advocacy for gender equality concerns in the Cabinet. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This new legislation strongly supports work-based learning as schools are now encouraged to establish partnerships with companies for providing practical training in accordance to their needs. According to CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), the new school-company partnerships may gradually change the nature of initial VET, “transforming the traditional school-based supply-driven system to a demand-driven work-based learning system” (CEDEFOP, 2015). A recent amendment to the School Act is also linking the state funding of VET schools to the labour market relevance of their programmes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The 28 December 2006 execution of Qiu Xinghua after his trial for killing eleven persons and injuring two highlights the need for insanity law reform in China. This editorial chronicles matters suggestive of Qiu Xinghua having suffered symptomatology of a serious psychiatric illness around the time of his commission of the homicides. Although as of 1 January 2007, China has put in place review processes in relation to capital convictions as a result of pressures from human rights campaigns, there is an urgent need for lawyers and mental health experts internationally to lobby China to reform its criminal law in relation to the responsibility of persons with serious mental illnesses. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A good tool for this is to ensure correct marking of known monuments and sites and cultural environments in the forest management plan. In forests there will be numerous monuments and sites not automatically protected because of age. Also among these there are valuable monuments and sites that shall be taken into consideration. Important landscape ecology features that cross property lines shall also be considered as far as possible on smaller parcels as well. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Following a short introduction on the global status of mobilization, this section focuses on the mobilization of private climate finance and the role of Nordic countries therein (see Appendix 5 forterminology on climate finance mobilization). The role of the private sector in reaching these goals is evident. Most of private sector climate finance is being invested in Asia and Europe and for example in 2014, private climate finance rose by USD 50 billion, mostly driven by investments in renewables in China (Buchner et al. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Section 4 ties the case studies together by providing a roadmap for the implementation of ideas and creating pilot programmes. Financing platforms that collect and distribute investment for infrastructure projects, such as renewable power plants, transport infrastructure (e.g. bike roads, community car sharing), sustainable food sourcing and supply chains, as well as natural capital, pose a promising model. However, the associated operational inefficiencies and high transaction costs currently offset the benefits. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 And the capabilities that matter most vary in different contexts and at different stages of the lifecycle. Security may be at the top of the list for a household in a conflict-affected country, while interesting work opportunities may be the top priority of an educated young person. Nor does rising above the low human development threshold ensure that people are protected from emerging and future threats to human development. Indeed, 900 million people live close to the threshold of multidimensional poverty and risk falling into poverty after even a minor setback in health, education or livelihood.79 The condition of being deprived is therefore dynamic. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 K? & # & # & # & & & Flexibility of conventional plants (ramp-up/down, startup/shutdown, reserve capabilities, etc.) Modelling results (Figure 18) for the United Kingdom with a very high share of renewables (80%) and a wind-heavy portfolio shows many hours of excess VRE output (negative residual load). The hourly variation in residual load could exceed 10 GW/hour and can reach 40GW/hour during windy hours (about half of the system peak load), should wind benefit from priority dispatch run at available output. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 One explanation for this situation is that the jobs are temporary in nature. In the case of young people, it is also noted that they start in low-productivity jobs because they are less qualified, and their pay reflects their lack of experience. It is also found that this type of employment may be related to inadequacies in the functioning of the labour market, principally as regards the creation of wage employment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The Mensalao trial was Brazil's most important political corruption trial ever and an emblematic ex post accountability success. More than 28 individuals were convicted in relation to a legislative vote-buying scheme, many by the very officials they helped appoint. We relay the trajectory of the scandal cum trial, explain its successful prosecution and assess its implications. The article argues that the Mensalao has proved pivotal for Brazil's institutional and legal advances and asks – more than a quarter of a century after a new constitution – whether the country is entering into a stronger, more enduring relationship with the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 We present an overview of the English legal inheritance from the Anglo-Saxons to the twenty-first century. Common law is an example of the inductive English mind-set, which originated in the Germanic tribes relatively free of Roman domination, and the ‘rule of law’ evolved within it. There is an ongoing tension between the role of legislation and the role of adjudication. We discuss major figures such as Bacon, Coke, Hobbes, Hale, Blackstone, Bentham, Austin, Maitland, and Pollock. This is sharply contrasted with the Continental legal tradition rooted in the Greek intellectual heritage of deduction, canon law, secularized natural law, and the rediscovery of Justinian and Aristotle. We stress the extent to which the Continental tradition emphasizes a collective good and the ‘rule thru law.’ - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These indicators largely target activity, availability, and patient and provider satisfaction. The five categories include: i) access to examination rooms, ii) hospital infrastructure and process, iii) patient and caregiver satisfaction, iv) institutional productivity (bed occupancy, average length of stay), and v) institutional service targets (caesarian-section rate, share of doctors working full time, surgery points per surgeon and per operating room, and the reporting of scores for the performance monitoring system to the Ministry of Health). For physicians the individual perfonnance score depends on the number of procedures perfonned by that staff member and a job title coefficient (that measures w'orkloads other than providing clinical care for different types of doctors). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Tourism is the principal export in a third of all developing countries and, amongst the 49 Least Developed Countries (LDCs), it is the primary source of foreign exchange earnings. Secondly, tourism is growing much faster in developing countries than in developed countries. Therefore tourism, if well and sustainable managed, has great potential to alleviate poverty and contribute to local development. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The construction involves over 40 companies in the design and construction stages, and over 20 local manufacturing companies will be involved in maintenance, through the production and supply of spare parts and providing metal engineering and electro-mechanical services (MoFED, 2010). The development of a national railway network will integrate and empower the economic activities of local communities, such as farmers, by providing affordable and efficient transportation. At both local and national levels, it will create the conditions necessary for developing local resources and generating employment, e.g. improved access to market for agricultural products and to social services, which will raise living standards in Ethiopia. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Furthermore, without ever having been president or prime minister, Ms Aung San Suu Kyi has played a leading role in politics in Myanmar for many decades. On average, the share of women in parliament in the Asia/Pacific region increased by around 5 percentage points. In some countries this can be attributed to a quota system, which reserves a percentage of seats for women. Countries which have adopted quotas as a tool to advance women’s participation include Australia, Maldives, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan (McCann, 2013). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""A """"0"""" score is attributed to countries with a single national scheme (NHS or single-payer system). Source: OECD Survey on Health System Characteristics 2008-09. Various institutional aspects of the health care systems mediate the impact of competition on hospital costs and patients’ health outcomes. In the United States, competitive pressures have fostered the development of Health Maintenance Organisations (HMOs) since the 1980s (Kessler and McClellan, 2000). However, effective health quality monitoring by regulators is crucial as recorded quality care improvements may be due to hospitals focussing on monitored quality indicators while neglecting unmonitored and unobserved quality aspects (Propper et al., The overall experience is that regulated competition among private insurers has contributed to better align benefit packages to purchasers’ preferences, but health care cost reductions have proved elusive."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 On average across OECD countries in 2016, around 85% of students in lower secondary education were enrolled in public institutions. Among all OECD and partner countries, only Belgium, Chile and the United Kingdom have more than 50% of students enrolled at this level in private institutions, which include a large percentage of students enrolled in government-dependent private institutions. At upper secondary level, the share of enrolment in public institutions drops to 80% on average across OECD countries, with a decrease by over 20 percentage points in Iceland, Japan and Korea, where private institutions play a more prominent role at this level. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Another focus is on education and training and the relationship to social cohesion. The impact of social circumstances on economic performance appears weaker than the effects of economic change on social conditions. Economic success seems to support some forms of cohesion (particularly social inclusion, equality and stability) provided it is broad-based enough to create a range of jobs relevant to the resident population. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! In addition, the IWC undertakes co-ordinates and funds conservation work on many species of cetacean. Through its Scientific Committee it undertakes extensive study and research on cetacean populations, develops and maintains scientific databases, and publishes its own peer-reviewed scientific journal, the Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. Subsequent work has shown that marine debris, such as ALDFG and plastics, including microplastics, can be a conservation and welfare concern for cetaceans throughout the oceans. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""This chapter analyses the European Court of Human Rights case of Hertel v Switzerland to address whether an economic analysis of law would be the correct approach for assessing the legitimacy of primarily non-economic societal values. With respect of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the freedom of expression and information, as protected under Article 10 § 2 of European Convention of Human Rights, it assesses the """"margin of appreciation"""" accorded to Contracting States of the Convention and the relationship this has with commercial and non-commercial speech. Against this backdrop it is argued that the Hertel case shows mainly two things: First, that from the point of view of Article 10 ECHR non-commercial speech enjoys stronger protection than commercial speech. Second, that granting deference towards national authorities is a methodological means to implement this hierarchy in relevant cases."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Post 9/11, our research, like many of our colleagues, has turned towards the complex social phenomena that are related to the global expansion of capitalism and imperialist interventions around the world. Beginning with projects looking at the relationships between so-called “radicalization” and liberal democracy, we have explored questions of citizenship, migration, national security, post-war reconstruction, democracy promotion, and neoliberal social policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Students’ experiences in class should be discussed and evaluated in specialised training courses in teacher education programmes to help students develop the skills that they will need to help their pupils succeed in class. Over time, becoming a mentor for student teachers could become an interesting career step for motivated teachers. Given the strong stratification of the Chilean school system, many teachers will confront schools with a large number of poor students in a difficult learning environment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Similarly, the Syrian Arab Republic reuses approximately 100 m3/c/yr of agricultural runoff. However, this practice has progressively increased the salt and pesticide content in downstream river segments. Furthermore, agricultural runoff in the region often contains untreated domestic and industrial effluents. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Understanding wellbeing through subjective scales leads to underestimations of the significance of inequalities due to their simplistic nature. Here, Lee Knifton, Reader and Co-Director of the Centre for Health Policy at the University of Strathclyde, argues for a broader and more progressive notion of ‘collective wellbeing’ drawing upon learning from human rights, citizenship and capabilities approaches. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The chapter concludes with a call for greater investments in and support to national statistical systems as well as greater collaboration and partnerships between producers of official statistics and other producers and users of gender data. In March 2016, following months of open discussion and consultation, the lAEG-SDGs completed its work on the indicator framework and presented its recommendations to the UN Statistical Commission for global monitoring of the 169 SDG targets.4 The General Assembly adopted the framework in resolution 71/313 on 6 July 2017.5 Over the 12 years remaining before 2030, the Expert Group will continue its work, providing technical support for the implementation of the approved indicator and monitoring framework. While minor refinements are still possible, this initial set of indicators is considered fixed until 2020, when a comprehensive review of the framework is planned. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The issues of State and diplomatic immunity in cases involving persons employed by foreign States in embassies or consulates or engaged directly by diplomats remain controversial. The focus of this article is on recent developments in European law, in particular under the European Convention on Human Rights, the Brussels I Regulation and the Charter of the European Union, the effect of which has been to enhance the rights of employees of foreign States. Analysis is also made of the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property and the current domestic practice of States with the aim of identifying the present international law standard on State immunity and embassy and consular employment. Employees of diplomats, however, remain inadequately protected and this article considers possible strategies for improving their position. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Some respondents requested that events be held over lunch or at other times during the work day to include women who could not meet after business hours. However, women have a low rate of mobile phone ownership. There are 300 million fewer female subscribers than male subscribers with handsets, according to the 2010 GSMA Cherie Blair Foundation report. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2015, 49% of the people in the local news were women, but only 41% in the sports section. The managing editor of the newspaper Gunnar Falck (2014) says that measuring content is key to making changes. Changing the gender ratio has had a positive impact on the readership of the newspaper and therefore also on the economy of the company (Edstrom & Jacobsson 2015: 50-51). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The move also entails a shift in stewardship arrangements: in contrast to its traditional 'command and control' role of direct management, the Ministry of Health is expected to exercise influence via its newly adopted role as the contractor of services. The contracts were heavily redacted when presented in the public domain and have been referred to the National Audit Office for scrutiny by the Ministry of Health. The reform will need to be monitored carefully, not least to ascertain whether it is contributing to the fiscal sustainability of the health system and meeting other goals such as maintaining equitable access and improved quality of care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It explores how ECEC and primary school quality, as well as the quality of transitions, are affected by staff and teachers’ qualifications, support for staff, and leaders’ characteristics. It builds on evidence from previous Starting Strong publications and recent literature findings to compare the respective roles of ECEC and primary school staff in preparing children during this period. Research shows that the behaviour of those who work in ECEC matters and that this is related to their education and training” (OECD, 2012:144). A good understanding of child development and an ability to praise, comfort and be responsive to children are also key for high quality ECEC services (OECD, 2012). Neuss et al., ( - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In addition, NHI coverage has been expanded. As of 2015, almost all of the mental-health services, currently managed directly by government, will be put under the responsibility of the health funds, and there have been proposals for long-term care to be shifted into the NHI system too (this is discussed further below). Foreign workers on temporary work visas are not covered by NHI and their employers are required to take out private medical insurance. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This requires widespread metering, in particular for agriculture in basins where irrigation is the main water user. ( The new' Law' on Water Resources Management (WRM) is being developed, w'ith support from a UNECE project. The Ministry concerned (MENRP) already has basic information on major basins and sub-basins, including some on GIS maps. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, it does not account for the time required to inspect different types of facilities. Inspections of Seveso installations are generally planned and conducted separately from other site visits. The IESP has also developed a comprehensive database of regulated installations, showing each installation with its record of inspections, detected violations and the corrective actions taken, as well as imposed sanctions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Once again, these observations offer evidence in favour of our central hypotheses, since there are significant differences between the predicted means of mothers and non-mothers in the informal sector, and the unexplained wage gap component is significantly higher in the informal segment. In general, we cannot reject the traditional hypothesis of labour market segmentation and a wage premium for formal-sector women workers. Our central finding is that women working in the informal sector are the ones who suffer a motherhood wage penalty. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Of the remaining 24%, those who rent their accommodation at market prices account for 15% and tenants who enjoy reduced rents or free accommodation (i.e. the “other status”) represent 9%. In Switzerland, just over 40% of older people are outright owners - having paid off their mortgages - compared to more than 90% in Hungary and the Slovak Republic. In Australia, Chile and the United States, around 80% of older people are homeowners, while the figure is 70% in Canada. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In Animal Defenders International v United Kingdom (ADI) the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (the Grand Chamber), having deliberated for over thirteen months, held that the United Kingdom’s statutory ban on paid political advertisements in the broadcast media did not breach the free speech rights of an animal rights NGO that wished to broadcast an advertisement publicising the ill treatment of primates in captivity.1 The Grand Chamber reached its decision by the slenderest of majorities, 9:8, and in so doing departed from its recent case law on broadcast political advertising. The case raises serious issues concerning the adjudication of freedom of expression cases, and of human rights cases more generally. Some of these concerns will be explored below, following a summary of the factual and legal background to the case. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Wars, armed conflicts and the occupation of territories often lead to increased prostitution, trafficking in women and sexual assault of women, which require specific protective and punitive measures. Equality in employment can be seriously impaired when women are subjected to gender-specific violence, such as sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour as physical contact and advances, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography and sexual demand, whether by words or actions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The need for an overall innovation strategy, for priority setting and for policy coordination is thus critical in strengthening innovation systems whether at the national, local or sector levels. From a policy perspective, the innovation system approach has a number of important strengths. Policy dynamics, moreover, are generated by the interaction of policies with the behavioural norms and attitudes of actors that they seek to condition. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! This article presents a case study on the political thought and citizenship conceptions of children and adolescents. Considering children and adolescents as reflexive citizens and partners in community development processes, it is our purpose to understand the development of political thought, and particularly how children conceive the exercise of citizenship and participation. Participants were 97 children of a primary and middle secondary (basic) school, aged 5 to 14 years, organized into age groups of 12 children each. Focus group discussions were used as participatory research methodology which involves children as active collaborators, a method that appears to be a good alternative to the traditional individual interviews used in previous research. Results point to the existence of a developmental process of political thought that begins before the start of formal schooling, and a parallel evolution of the conception of social organization and the concepts of citizenship and participation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These are specialised in grain and oilseed production and characterised by more capital intensive techniques. The rationale for breaking up large farms with substantial machinery and other equipment was less obvious in these regions, and the existing managers were well placed to maintain operations. Large grain producers in these regions often have direct contracts with buyers overseas - either foreign traders or mills. Many large production units belong to so-called “agroholdings”, vertically integrated structures which incorporate farms, silos and processing plants and sometimes sea terminals. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This article explores a controversial claim by the Commonwealth Attorney-General that counter-terrorism legislation is justified by reference to the obligations of governments to ensure their citizens' human security, which, in tum, is suggested to flow from article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).I As the title suggests, the article focuses upon and analyses the views of the Attorney-General (the one Australian) and two Canadians influential in the field of human security, as the Attorney-General's particular assertions regarding human security and human rights have been articulated and advanced by citing the writings of these two Canadians, Irwin Cotler and Louise Arbour. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Significant investment is also needed to upgrade combined sewer overflows, reconstruct trunk sewers and construct storm water detention tanks (MoE, 2010a). Another significant challenge will be to increase drinking water and sewerage connection rates to new houses, as inhabitants have refused to join the networks citing high collection charges and a requirement that they finance the connection. A low connection rate threatens the financial viability of water service networks. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Using discarded hard drives, discs, circuit boards and other components, sculptors are able to create works of art, some of which are quite expensive.51 Below is 'Jack', an art piece by Brenda Guyton that was on sale for USD99552. Creative forms of utilization of the e-waste would help to raise awareness while creating employment at the same time.53 An e-waste treatment facility established by Hewlett Packard in Cape Town, South Africa processed approximately 60 tons of electronic equipment, generated about USD14,000, and employed 19 people in 2008 54 . Workers refurbished and resold some products and dismantled others to sell the raw materials to businesses that recycle metals and plastics. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In that context, social security plays a central role in ensuring that autonomy and for exercising a series of related rights, such as the rights to food, health, leisure and social integration. Social security also has an important part to play in helping the region's societies achieve gender equality. As a result, although the situation across the region is not uniform, the feminization of old age is a trend that is unfolding in all the countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In China, for example, fees represent the main funding source of public hospitals. Some have taken initiatives to encourage workers not covered by the mandatory contributory programmes to join voluntarily the social security programmes, as in Indonesia and Mexico. However, the lack of significant subsidisation of contributions has resulted in very low levels of voluntary affiliation. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The expansion of access to Medicare funding can be considered a possible tool to encourage appropriately qualified and trained health practitioners to embrace other roles. For example, pharmacists in areas of need could be eligible to receive Medicare funding to administer vaccines and prescribe limited medications. Such a move should be carefully regulated and done in a fiscally responsible way. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The rule of law has become a global ideal. It is supported by people, governments and organizations around the world. It is widely believed to be the cornerstone of national political and legal systems. It is also increasingly thought of as a fundamental principle of international relations and international law. In the 2005 World Summit Outcome document, the heads of states and government of the world agreed to recognize ‘the need for universal adherence to and implementation of the rule of law at both the national and international levels.’ A year later, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on ‘the rule of law at the national and international levels.’ Few, if any, ideals have achieved such widespread acceptance and broad application. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, in South and South-West Asia, the population living on or less than $2 per day increased from 985 million in 1990 to 1.1 billion in 2010, which accounted for about 62 per cent of the regions poor. However, out of this number, India alone accounted for 834 million people living below $2 in 2010. In particular, two of the worlds most populous countries, namely China and India, have been able to significantly reduce extreme poverty over the last two decades. The percentage of people living in extreme poverty in China was reduced from 60.2 per cent in 1990 to 11.8 per cent in 2009. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Australian state of Victoria funds a programme, specifically targeted at boys, called “Boys, Blokes, Books & Bytes” that promotes learning styles that are appealing to boys, and involves adult men as positive role models and reading partners. The programme is based on peer learning, as teachers leam from and with each other with the support of a tutor. Once fully developed, the programme will be offered to teachers from pre-school to upper secondary' school. New York City’s Young Men’s Initiative includes reading and math classes for young black and Latino men who are not yet ready to take the General Education Development (high school equivalency) test. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The forecast GDP growth rates are taken from the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook database (April 2016 edition).4 It is also assumed that the CDP will follow the standard practice of using data with a two-year lag. Projections for the 2018 review, for example, were based on GNI per capita for the 2014-2016 period. Given the current very low inflation rate internationally, the income thresholds for graduation for 2015 were assumed to apply in both the 2018 and the 2021 revision (that is, no corrections for inflation were made either to the thresholds or to projected GNI per capita). Following CDP practice, the thresholds for graduation for 2018 and 2021 were assumed to remain at the levels set in 2012. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Another concern is lignite mining, which requires groundwater abstractions to lower the water table in the mining areas. Large storage tanks of chemicals and fuels are also potential accidental risk spots in the area. Manufacturing industries are responsible for a part of the emission of organic substances and nutrients (especially the chemical, pulp and paper, and food industries). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This trend stands in sharp contrast with the performance of objective indicators of inequality, especially of poverty in Chile, deviates from what has been said about the role that may be played by a president from sectors habitually excluded from power (in this case, by the country's first-ever female president) and is also inconsistent with the various efforts made in Chile to broaden the social safety net. The factors that may explain this include the targeted nature of social programmes implemented in Chile (even though that has changed considerably in recent years) and the population's low level of confidence in the country's institutions. The pension system was thoroughly overhauled in 2000, based on forums for social dialogue, the most important of which was the 1998 Forum for National Consensus Building (Foro de Concertacidn Nacional). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Urban poverty and social exclusion are overwhelming concerns with more than 32% of the world's urban population living under precarious housing conditions. The paper presents findings from three studies documenting the evolution of a squatter community on the southern edge of Sao Paulo city. The qualitative data collected between the late 1990s and 2007 will highlight critical socio-environmental living conditions in the periphery. Benefits and limits of water supply and sanitation upgrading projects will also be identified. Recent directions in public policy addressing these social issues are reviewed. The paper underlines the pressing demand for more inclusive decision-making processes in the planning and implementation of sustainable community development. URBAN DESIGN International (2008) 13, 3-20. doi:10.1057/udi.2008.2 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 That emotional, physical and sexual abuse occurred in boarding schools, as well as punishment for speaking their languages and practicing their cultures has been well documented, has been acknowledged and has tarnished the human rights record of Canada and the United States. The effects of boarding schools on generations of indigenous peoples, including generations still living and future generations, cuts deep in indigenous communities throughout the United States and Canada, where many believe are the root cause of pervasive social problems such as alcoholism and sexual abuse and the widespread loss of indigenous languages. Negative memories of this institutionalization are thought to have created a social climate of distrust of other government-funded institutions such as hospitals and clinics, resulting in avoidance until an illness is advanced. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Nutrition-sensitive and climate-smart agriculture interventions can tap local potential to promote agricultural productivity that meets nutritional requirements. These interventions will go beyond the promotion of current staple crops and include crops previously considered of secondary importance. Characteristically, NUS are nutritious, climate resilient, economically viable (in the right setting) and adapt to local conditions, especially in marginal areas. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The amount of the tax depends on the quantity of C02 emitted as well as on the type of fuel used. The multiplier is 0.9 for diesel and 0.6 for petrol. The tax is increased by a multiplier, which is set at unity if emissions are 130g per km and decreases or rises by 0.1 for every 10 g consumed below or above 130 g per km. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In the past, they were often conducted primarily by external consultants with limited familiarity with the country they were working in and who did not necessarily have a full awareness of the feasibility of different interventions. Moreover, they may not have had an incentive to follow up to ensure a prioritised integration of these constraints. As a result, effective solutions and a prioritised ranking of constraints to assess the feasibility of addressing these within the national political economy were frequently absent. Loans can be flexible to specific project needs and can provide a larger volume of funding, but they are more complex and can also lead to a potentially unsustainable debt burden. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Short-term contract periods (contracts usually cover three to five years but in some cases even shorter periods) present a big problem for the operation of such companies because they cannot plan in the long term and therefore they do not invest enough in equipment, i.e. the quality of collection is not improving. Delayed payments by local authorities for the delivered services also increase uncertainty in the operation of w aste management companies. Expert estimation is that the countrywide bill collection rate is around 60 per cent, while in Tirana it was 65 per cent in 2015 and increased to 85 per cent in 2016. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 However, about 40% of the fish is discarded as waste and over 20 million tons of fish wastes including liver, heads, intestine, backbones and skin are discarded into the environment around the world, resulting in pollution or a difficult waste disposal problem, and the loss of valuable nutrients (Enascuta et al., One scenario to ameliorate the challenge of feed supply is utilising more fish processing waste in the production of fishmeal and fish oil (World Bank, 2013). Already, for example, 90% of the ingredients used in fishmeal produced in Japan come from fish waste. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! In 2012 the number of women in ministerial positions and in parliament was higher in the OECD on average than in Asia/Pacific economies. Across the board, New Zealand consistently performs better than its OECD peers. In recent history, Indira Ghandi (prime minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and again in 1984) is arguably the most famous female Asian leader. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This is expected to be completed by 2015. In other words, making health insurance compulsory for all Vietnamese. Notably, in the past years, few of the people working in the informal sector have voluntarily joined the health insurance system, and based on this alone, reaching the goal of universal health insurance coverage by 2015 will require a change in mindset among informal workers and non-working family members towards health insurance. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In 2010, employment increased by 3.3% and by the end of the year, unemployment had dropped to 4.9%. During 2011, the growing demand for labour was largely met by an increase in hours worked. Employment growth in mining and construction has been particularly strong, however, shortages of skilled labour put pressure on investment projects within these sectors. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, such discretion should not result in a systematic erosion of the credibility of the rights-and-responsibility framework for specific benefit claimants or in specific regions. Continually improved profiling methods and ALMP resources that are more adequately responsive to labour market conditions should be primary channels for relieving caseworker pressures in this respect. Before the introduction of the Youth Guarantee in 2014, there were only about 40 career counsellors country-wide. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The impact of human rights on counterterrorism cooperation has been the subject of speculation, but not of systematic analysis. This study offers such an analysis by examining an important channel of cooperation against terrorism: international police liaisons, such as the FBI agents deployed worldwide. It is hypothesized that police liaisons are less likely to be sent to countries where human rights violations are widespread, since repressive governments see threat in foreign agents stationed on their territory. Survival analysis finds support for this hypothesis. An FBI presence does not require democratic government or a strong rule of law in the host country, but human rights abuse reduces the likelihood of an FBI deployment. These findings substantiate a link between human rights and counterterrorism cooperation, offering insights for the study of cross-border law enforcement and transgovernmental networks. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is a growing recognition of the dangers of electoral violence. Yet, the theoretical foundation for systematic research and for adequate policy is still underdeveloped. This article aims to develop the theoretical understandings of strategies to manage and prevent electoral violence. This is accomplished by integrating research conducted within the two academic discourses on democratization and conflict management and also by drawing on the experiences from the conflict-ridden province KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The five strategies identified are monitoring, mediation, legal measures, law enforcement and self-regulating practices. In the article, the functions and mechanisms of the strategies are discussed. In addition, we analyse the limitations and usefulness of each of the strategies in turn and also provide suggestions on how to improve electoral security. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, emissions levels recorded in 1990 and immediately thereafter, rather than being real reductions in emissions, were actually due to economic decline, which caused GHG emissions to fall sharply. The Strategy was meant to be a general framew'ork for climate change policies and measures during the brief period of 2005-2007, outlining Romania’s policies in meeting the international obligations under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, as well as the country’s national priorities such as EU integration and possible participation in EU ETS. It assigns tasks and responsibilities for all stakeholder institutions and identifies the main actors for each specific action and relevant task. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This pattern is driven mainly by the hours of domestic workers and, especially, education workers, because the number of hours for health sector workers is similar to that for other occupations. Second, multiple job-holding is less common among care workers as a whole than in other occupations, a pattern driven again by domestic workers. Last, there tends to be a wage penalty for domestic work, for education workers the pattern is not clear. There is a wage premium for health workers compared with peers in other sectors, probably because a high proportion of them work in the public sector. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Only in Sweden, in reading literacy, can a major change in results be observed, which might be related to the amount of time students spend on the Internet. Even if it is not possible to clearly show whether the change of test mode in PISA 2015 has influenced the results, the authors warn that there are reasons to be careful when comparisons are made of PISA results from 2015 with results from earlier PISA studies. The comparative link between the PISA studies from different years might be weaker in 2015 than earlier. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The large uncertainty on recharge prevents any meaningful groundwater management response (Crosbie et al., Aquifer storage and recovery in particular requires an advanced knowledge of the hydrogeology to avoid costly mistakes (e.g. see for instance Blood and Splagat, 2013). Ignoring existing connections with surface water in management can be very costly. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Hospitalisation is among the most common sequelae of harm in primary and ambulator)' care. The previous section identified that the majority of the direct costs stemming from safety lapses such as diagnostic error and ADEs generated by the need for hospitalisation. Consumption of hospital resources carries a direct cost - bed days and activity - and an opportunity cost - other admissions foregone (assuming hospitals are operating at high occupancy). This report defines patient safety in the primary and ambulatory setting as managing risks over extended periods of time. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This article reflects on the Chilean experience of recent accountability actions, namely the attempted prosecution of perpetrators of past human rights violations. While acknowledging the undoubtedly substantial impulse provided by the dramatic October 1998 UK arrest of former dictator Augusto Pinochet, it focuses on domestic actors and drivers in a post-1998 revival of such attempts. The article examines the extent and limitations of recent change in the area of prosecutions in Chile, noting that these have been undertaken at the insistence of private actors rather than the state. It also notes that the self-amnesty law of 1978 is still textually intact despite advances in restricting its application with regards to certain categories of internationally proscribed crimes. Finally, the article examines some explanatory factors for both recent advances and remaining blockages in the Chilean human rights accountability scenario. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Previous impact evaluations of the programme - as summarized in part 2.2 -have highlighted well the multidimensional nature of its benefits among participating households (Galasso, 2006, de la Guardia et al., Our evaluation also emphasizes the cross-sectoral impact of the programme on its beneficiaries. In addition, besides looking at the household as the main unit of reference, we also measure the impact of Chile Solidario on some specific dimensions of child well-being. Our results show that the percentage of beneficiary households which escaped extreme poverty status is 7 percentage points higher than that of matched control group households (Table 2). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 By strengthening work incentives, its employment impact is likely to be positive. Although the introduction of such a scheme would raise public expenditures, it could be a comparatively efficient way of reducing inequality without reducing employment. Against this background, potential savings that could be made in other areas, such as aligning the duration of unemployment benefits for older workers to that of young workers, might be better invested in earned income tax credits. Separate public and private sector pension systems have been unified for those who joined the labour force as of 2006, but remain separate for most current workers and pensioners. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Previous work on smallholder development has stressed the need to improve the competitiveness of potentially viable farms (Brooks, 2010, Brooks, et. Therefore, for the small-scale farmers that could continue within the sector, the question is then, what constrains their agricultural growth? And more specifically, what constrains smallholders from accessing markets? - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In most counties it is found that some forests are used up to about a thousand times more intensively than others. In Koch (1980) detailed descriptions of the different methodological aspects are presented as well as the results. Due to this, the Outdoor Life '95-'98 project was initiated and a new data collection on a local basis was accomplished in 1996/97 (Jensen 2003). The geographical variation in use intensity as described for the 1976/77 survey was more or less retained. The practical work of inspection and collecting the data is carried out in cooperation with the Danish Road Directorate. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Using this information to convert land use in advance of infrastructure deployment can help reduce the time needed by developers to acquire land use clearance. Similarly, mapping could help increase co-ordination between different levels of government (e.g. federal-state, central-local). Policy support to renewable energy should for instance be consistent and harmonised at both the federal and state level, so as to provide investors with coherent signals and incentives. Resource mapping can moreover inform policy design by central and local authorities, and help ensure that these policies are complementary rather than duplicative (see question 5.4). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! The relationship between these two variables indicates that around 17% of the cross-country variation in cerebrovascular mortality can be explained by smoking prevalence. Higher smoking rates are also associated with increased CVD mortality, although this relationship is not quite as strong as with cerebrovascular disease. The decision to pursue such behaviours is determined by a complex set of factors, including the perceived costs and benefits, prices, income and information (Lundberg and Shapira, 2014). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Relative to larger nations, in SIDS national energy generation and use are therefore relatively small, but domestic demand is increasing over time as populations develop and new industry is created. Trinidad and Tobago has the highest rate of energy use per capita, at over 15 tonnes of oil equivalent per year. In global terms, the energy use and CO, emissions of SIDS are low, with CO emissions averaging 4.7 megatonnes per year, however, there is an extreme difference between the highest and lowest emitters. Higher-income countries are the highest emitters, they include Trinidad and Tobago (the highest emitter, with 50 megatonnes per year), Dominica and Jamaica. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Although the detailed way in which measures are applied will differ between catchments, the approach to designing the solutions will be similar to make the process more transparent to stakeholders. While the main focus is on diffuse source water pollution from agriculture, the programme will also consider biodiversity, air quality, soil quality and greenhouse gas emission tradeoffs. The measures to tackle diffuse pollution of water will particularly have to take account of the requirement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst maintaining food security for the country. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Norway has a comprehensive education system until the age of 16 and high enrolment in pre-primary education. At upper secondary level, there is strong supply and student uptake of vocational education and training, but completion rates in general or vocational programmes are low compared to the OECD average. Tertiary education attainment is higher than the OECD average, resulting in a highly skilled workforce with a relatively small wage premium due to low income differential in Norway. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is a substantial increase in volume and value when compared to 2015. Between 2011 and 2015 the volume of German fisheries landings fell by 4.7% per year whilst the value increased by 2.2% per year over the same period. The majority of landings were landed to ports outside of Germany in 2016, 63.7% by volume, but accounted for only 44.4% of the total value of landings. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The aim of this book is to examine how and why multiple structures, institutions and agents interact in informing bank behaviour and financial system resilience, and institutional change and persistence. To that end, the SIA framework and typological theory of bank behaviour have been developed to carry out the analysis and were introduced in Chapter 1. They emerge from an inductive research and benefit from institutional theory and public policy literature that deal with institutional and policy change processes. In this regard, this book also takes an important step toward building bridges among these academic fields. Thus, it is important to locate this book in the broader literature about the variants of institutional analysis and in the literature of comparative public policy and political economy of national financial systems which utilise an institutional analysis. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 L/V/l I.111 Doc. The consequences of this are far-reaching. While the concept and legal protection of the 'family' may vary from country to country, the application of human rights norms and standards described in earlier sections should be ensured by all branches of the State (i.e., executive, legislative, and judicial). This means, for exam pie, that when adopting laws, designing policies or deciding on a judicial case, authorities should recognize the diversity of families within the country concerned and ensure that all families and family members enjoy their rights without discrimination of any kind, with due respect of the principles of the best interests of the child and the right to live a life free of violence. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As civilians, their lives are often dramatically altered, their livelihoods and their rights imperiled, by conflict. As mothers and caregivers, they are often left to head households under harsh, sometimes unlivable, conditions. As breadwinners, they sometimes engage in the illicit trade of arms. As soldiers, they serve many functions, from combatants to cooks. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Tourism in all the Nordic countries is dominated by what is often associated with nature-based tourism. To a greater extent than its Nordic counterparts, tourism in Denmark is characterized by both urban and coastal tourism. These forms of tourisms nevertheless include many aspects of nature-based tourism, such as fishing, mountain biking and swimming. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! This chapter studies the insufficiency of the so-called traditional principles of jurisdiction—territoriality, nationality, protection, universality, and passive personality—when set against jurisdictional provisions of treaties and in customary international law. In increasing and discernible measure, treaties have invoked a veritable suite of ‘jurisdictional possibilities’ over time, often making greater demands on states than is found in—to take an early example—the 1926 Slavery Convention. By way of treaty design, states have accentuated the form and shape of the jurisdictional power of states that is to be engaged: there is no question that jurisdiction has come to form a much more pronounced and explicit part of the strategization toward common ends on a host of matters ranging from the counterfeiting of currency to human trafficking. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A number of analysts have identified the 1986 South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone (SPNFZ) Treaty as one of Australia's major achievements in the area of arms control diplomacy. This article challenges the orthodox view in the secondary literature that Australia's pursuit of a SPNFZ Treaty was motivated exclusively by a desire to protect the nuclear dimension of its alliance relationship with the United States from more ‘radical’ proposals in the region. Drawing on previously unreleased documents made available to the author by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under the Commonwealth's Freedom of Information Act, this article argues that the Hawke government's pursuit of a nuclear‐free zone in the South Pacific was motivated primarily by what it perceived as an opportunity to promote Australia's image as an activist middle power committed to bolstering the coherence of the global non‐proliferation regime. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Upward mobility is considerably more common (39%) than downward mobility (11%) and is highest in Finland and Korea. At the same time, absolute educational mobility in education has declined from 41 % to 33% for more recent generations. There is a sticky ceiling in education, with 63% of individuals with highly educated parents achieving tertiary levels and being protected from falling to lower levels of education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Below the surface waters, the deep layer where sunlight penetrates with insufficient intensity to support primary production is called the mesopelagic zone. This zone is a particularly important habitat for the fauna controlling the depth of C02 sequestration. Below the mesopelagic zone, about 1,000 m deep, is the largest layer of the deep-sea water column and by far the largest ecosystem on our planet, the bat-hypelagic region. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The number of herders and reindeer and the organisation and value of production are shown for each country. In this section, we describe a few examples of goods and services that are important in Nordic countries across ecosystems, based on information from the TemaNord reports. Freshwater supplies people with the life essential drinking water. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In addition to operating as independent non-banking financial institutions, SOFOLES and SOFOMES have received rising funding from SPYME and NAFINSA to deliver programmes at the local level, which has enabled them to develop also at a period of general crisis. The reverse side is that, in spite of their original objective to encourage SME development, the range of loan size in which these institutions operate suggests that they are rather more active in the consumer credit market and that, as a result, business credit is still concentrated in a few traditional large banks. At present, there are seven large banks in Mexico, six of which are foreign-owned, that accounts for 84% of the total assets in the banking sector. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The average time for decision in labour cases in local courts was 234 days. In cases where the court of second instance was involved it was 586 days (in 2011). In 2011, 24 704 labour cases were brought before the local court and 3 633 before the court of second instance. The number of labour cases per 1000 workers was 6.0 in 2011. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Thus, observed differences partly reflect the social and economic challenges associated with single parenthood, and not only gender differences as such (UNCTAD, 2014, UNECE and World Bank Institute, 2010). Equally, differences between male- and female-headed households represent only one aspect of gender in rural communities: The position of female members within households (regardless of headship) raises significantly different issues, and affects much more of the female population. However, it is important to emphasize that gender roles in agriculture (and gender norms more broadly) are highly context-specific. The scope for generalization or wider extrapolation of patterns from a small number of countries is therefore limited, especially among a group of countries as geographically, economically and culturally diverse as LDCs: The country examples provided highlight the diversity of national experiences as much as their commonalities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! It is now attracting interest from other donors including Norway and Denmark. It will channel finance at the national level (through the CRGE Facility), and sector level (direct financing through ongoing programmes such as the Productive Safety Net Programme], disaster risk management, forestry etc.). This was done by EPA through collaboration with the African Climate Policy Centre. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 If potential poor co-ordination between health services is added to the equation, this can compromise a patient’s care and lead to avoidable hospitalisations. As discussed later in this chapter, the federal government has provided a range of financial and non-financial incentives to encourage doctors, including specialists, to relocate to, and remain in, rural and remote areas. The overall supply of employed full-time equivalent (FTE) clinicians in 2013 was significantly higher in major cities compared with other areas. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The paper then identifies possible changes needed to the UNFCCC reporting framework in the post-2020 period, to ensure the provision of information adequate for the purposes of understanding and tracking progress towards both nationally determined contributions (NDCs) at the country-level, and collective climate-related efforts for mitigation, adaptation and climate support. Transparency and completeness have tended to improve where reporting has benefitted from regular feedback through review processes (e.g. review of inventories and National Communications from Annex I countries), and where there is a regular reporting system in place in the country (and underlying measurement or monitoring system). In general, reporting (particularly of emissions inventories) has been improving over time, as countries have gained experience and increased their reporting systems and capacities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In the United States, public-private partnerships are an important component of government innovation policy (Audretsch, Link and Scott, 2002) and have been particularly helpful in overcoming the risks associated with the introduction of new technologies into the market. A prominent example is the 1986 United States Clean Coal Technology Program, which was created to address the acid rain problem. The industry covered almost two thirds of the project costs, and a Department of Energy (DOE) study found that “cost sharing between (the) DOE and industrial collaborators frequently improved the performance of RD&D programs and enhanced the level of economic and other benefits associated with such programs” (National Research Council, 2001). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""It is also about fostering investment and innovation which will underpin sustained growth and give rise to new economic opportunities."""" They see the benefits in increased reputation, trust from stakeholders, including from governments, improved risk management, being more attractive to high-quality employees and improved continuity of the business.4 The business model is changing gradually from a view based on short-term financial returns to a holistic view based on responsibility and value creation, taking into account the full value chain. Companies are starting to acknowledge that the traditional economic growth paradigm that treats the environment mostly as a ‘free good’ is placing enormous pressure on the environmental carrying capacity of the earth and therefore will now or in the future also affect their business."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ABSTRACTThe advent of visual technologies and digital media has elevated the status of images as an important platform for studying human rights. Focusing on eyewitness video as an increasingly central vehicle through which human rights claims are made public, this article maps out (1) how human rights organizations utilize eyewitness video as an investigative tool in their advocacy work, (2) how eyewitness video configures within global news crises coverage, and (3) how eyewitness footage operates as a form of legal evidence in courtrooms. In doing so, the article proposes a conceptual framework that accommodates the unfolding role of eyewitness video at the crossroad of the cultural, political, and legal mechanisms that together ferret out human rights violations. The article also suggests that new developments in ethnography provide fruitful methodological grounds for studying the relationship between visual media and human rights from within the institutional networks that render images meaningful. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Other activities include analysing and assessing emerging problems, projects and policy interventions. The third area of activities in the FAO projects are supporting state management at all levels such as: developing legal documents, strategies, action plans, policy mechanisms, governance mechanisms as well as agricultural product standards, quality management and food safety, as well as introducing and complying with international norms and standards. The financial requirement for implementing CPF 2012-16 is USD 62.5 million. Provincial People’s Committees implement the support at local level (TYan and Dinh, 2014a). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The PSC defines the roles of CGIAR and the private sector and strengthens these partnerships. In the case of GM organisms and intellectual property rights, the PSC advocates the introduction of biotechnology, including GM organisms that are protected with intellectual property rights (CGIAR, 1998, Forum on Environment & Development, 1999). On the other hand, the NGOC offers critical evaluations of improvements in food security in developing countries, the environmental impacts of agricultural production, the management of natural resources, farmers’ participation, and other issues. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Since 2005, the REDD+ framework has evolved under the UNFCCC, adapting to improved understanding of issues regarding potential impacts, methodological accounting, safeguards, and financing (Smith et al., This activity can only make a contribution to mitigation if the carbon stock would otherwise be lost, so it is difficult to estimate mitigation potential separately from (a) or (b). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__12, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Maladaptation (entailing further environmental deterioration, increased vulnerability or decreased welfare) may arise owing to inconsistency among these sectoral adaptation policies, or among short-term solutions and long-term adaptation needs. Maladaptation may then result in greater vulnerability in the future or in negative effects on other communities or sectors. An integrated policy approach, in contrast, possesses the advantage of taking into consideration different priorities and various sources of information, which are crucial in the policymaking process, in order to prevent maladaptation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 """"""Minimalist"""" judicial opinions have increasingly characterized the output of the Supreme Court, and a body of scholarship has developed defending judicial minimalism as a salutary means of constraining courts and improving their relationship with the political branches. Focusing on the initial years of the Roberts Court, I question the democratic value of judicial minimalism. In practice, judicial minimalism frequently does not represent greater deference to the political branches, and in some cases undermines the transparency democratic values demand."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The secretariat holds regular meetings alternately in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The secretariat’s main tasks are described by regulations approved by the Commission covering, inter alia, preparation of the meetings of the Commission, administrative and organizational management, development of annual reports and some coordination functions. The secretariat coordinates the activities of working sub-groups set up by the Commission. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In Country' Groups 2, 3 and 4, the characteristics of the partner share little or no association with the probability of an employed mother working full-time. In Country Group 2, there is a negative significant association between an employed mother having a high-earning partner and the likelihood of the mother working part-time, but the marginal effect is only small. Employed mothers with a high-earning partner are only about 2 percentage points less likely to work full-time than otherw'ise similar mothers with a low-earning partner. Otherwise, the partner’s characteristics appear to have no effect on the probability of full-time work. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This paper explores corruption in global fisheries. While reducing corruption is critical for the effective management of the fisheries sector and the fulfilment of the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs, and SDGs14 and 16 in particular), to do so, it is necessary to first have a systematic and comprehensive understanding of what corruption is and how it is manifested in the sector. There is literature on illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing, but not much on corruption. The paper proposes an analytical framework and applies it with six revelatory cases to improve the conceptual clarity of corruption in fisheries. Specific corruption problems found in licensing, negotiating access agreements, lax enforcement, extortion, political corruption, money laundering and tax manipulation, human trafficking etc. can therefore be better identified through this analysis, which lays a base for systematic responses to tackling corruption in fisheries and accordingly furthering the sustainable development of the sector. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 High growth in the converging countries played a major role in this decline, though poverty also fell in a number of poor and struggling countries. In fact, improvements in health and education were largely independent of growth. The pace and pattern of growth as well as initial country conditions matter for how much growth turns into social development. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Oil and hydro are projected to grow at a slower pace, with the annual growth rates averaging 1.4% and 2.0% respectively. Hence, the share of oil is projected to increase from 16% in 2013 to 18% in 2040, while the share of hydro remains unchanged at 3% of TPES. The share of natural gas is projected to increase from 5% in 2013 to 11% in 2040, whereas the share of nuclear will increase from 1% to 7%. Coal consumption, driven by power generation demand, will grow at 3.8% per year and reach 934 Mtoe in 2040, up from 341 Mtoe in 2013. Coal thus maintains the largest share of TPES in 2040 at 49%, compared with 44% in 2013. Owing to rapid motorisation, oil demand will increase to 468 Mtoe and represent the second largest energy source in 2040, at 24% of TPES. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Redirecting innovation from dirty to clean technologies reduces the cost of environmental policies and can lead to higher economic growth in the short run, if the benefits from higher spillovers exceed these costs. This financial effort needs nevertheless to be sustained and accelerated, if indeed the objective of a near-zero-GHG emission electricity production is maintained. The commitment made by the 22 countries (and the EU) under the Mission Innovation, to double their public financing for low-carbon energy RD&D is therefore crucial and may need to be strengthened even further in the future. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Each nation has distinctive R&D characteristics, which are a reflection of the heterogeneity of structures and the concentration of R&D by region, institution, sector and even project (UIS, 2010). The heterogeneity of the R&D landscape is reflected in the supporting institutional frameworks and directly influences the coastal and marine research landscape. They suggest that not only is R&D in many developing countries highly constrained by funding, but also, that resource allocation procedures are sensitive to personal or political affiliations or entitlements. This is often not balanced out by considerations of efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, utility, or excellence. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The NDP has a dedicated section on “Environment and natural resources”, which details biodiversity-specific objectives and interventions. Biodiversity is also incorporated in the plan’s recommended post-2015 goals and targets (Annex 3) and “Public investment plan projects” (Annex 6). Regarding the indicators, the NDP notes that the National Planning Authority is charged with the task of developing NDP performance indicators and targets in liaison with sectors. Currently, the NDP includes as a biodiversity-specific indicator the increased forest coverage area. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Rural women are at risk of gender-based violence because of traditional attitudes regarding the subordinate role of women that persist in many rural communities. Girls from rural communities are at special risk of violence and sexual exploitation when they leave the rural community to seek employment in towns. Compulsory sterilization or abortion adversely affects women’s physical and mental health, and infringes the right of women to decide on the number and spacing of their children. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This indicator relies on the question: “Could you tell me if you think you spend too much, too little or just about the right amount of time” in four areas: i) my paid work, ii) contact with family members, iii) other social contact, iv) own hobbies (see OECD, 2011b). Data are drawn from the Gallup World Poll and refer to the following question: “If you were in trouble, do you have relatives or friends you can count on to help you whenever you need them?” Answers are grouped into two categories (yes/no). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Chinese judicial system has long been influenced by a populist legal ideology that prioritizes public accountability and political legitimacy over professional autonomy. In recent years, however, the Chinese legal profession has begun to mobilize collectively, albeit episodically, to challenge this populism. Drawing on legal documents, interviews, media reports, and online discussions, this paper provides a scholarly analysis of the Li Zhuang case in 2009−11, in which the fate of an individual criminal defence lawyer was linked with the main ideological conflict in China’s legal system and the highest-level political struggles in the Chinese state. It demonstrates that, although populism remains an intimidating force in China’s judicial practice, lawyers, scholars, and other legal professionals may be laying a foundation for collective solidarity to pursue professionalism through their mobilization against populism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Private companies can foster the manufacturing of efficient appliances along with the necessary instructions and after-sales service to ensure appropriate application and long-term operation. This is necessary to increase economies of Page ^ 39 scale, which will reduce prices and reduce investments in inefficient technologies that have lower up-front costs, but higher long-term costs and greater environmental impacts. In this case, it is typically found that the extra cost associated with highly efficient end-use equipment is cost effective when the entire electricity application is considered. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This must become a priority for those responsible for regional policies, whose actions are currently informed by partially false or incomplete assessments due to a lack of reliable and homogeneous figures. The following paragraphs set out the modelling proposed for estimating the agricultural population in urban areas and then for the same population in a rural environment. This particular stratum of urban and peri-urban farmers plays a vital role in structural transformations in the agricultural sector, because of the environment in which they live and carry out their activities (e.g., market gardening, horticulture, poultry farming, fishing). Settlement dynamics also require developing new and simple indicators to monitor these changes. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In 2017 in the Southeast Asian region and China, the percentage of people aged 65 and over was respectively 12.9% and 10.6% of the total population. Nevertheless, most countries in Emerging Asia will be confronted with issues related to the ageing population in the near future. Smart technologies are being applied to support independent living for the elderly and monitor long-term health conditions with the intent to enhance citizen well-being and ease the stress on public budgets. In the OECD, younger people tend to dominate digital communication, content creation, social networking, online purchases, cloud computing, and software downloads, whereas older people are more frequent users of e-government and e-banking services (OECD, 2017). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 According to Luxembourg law, the annual average radon gas concentration in dwellings should not exceed 150 becquerel (Bq)/m3, a stricter limit than that recommended by the EU.4 Private dwellings are also checked for dampness and chemicals. A new “passive smoking” law was introduced in 2006, forbidding the advertising of tobacco products and banning smoking in public places. The related noise action plans are being prepared and draft plans were presented in early 2009. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These conditions involve frequent and regular travel as well as fragmentation of the social group and the herd. The duration and distance of the travel vary based on the composition of the herds, the shepherds, etc. Nomadic societies use animal husbandry techniques that have been adapted to climatic vagaries to increase the size of the herd.3 Accordingly, animal husbandry contributes to the development of abandoned and isolated areas by ensuring a human presence in areas with significant security issues3 (Map 6.1). These include certain groups of Wodaabe-Fula, Azawagh-Touareg, Mahamid Arabs of the Diffa region, Kreda-Tubu of Bahr El Gazel. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The individual day-care institution or childminder determines the goals of the learning plans. Children begin to attend compulsory school in August the calendar year they turn six and end compulsory school after grade 9 in July. There is no streaming, which means the students are not grouped according to ability or interests. When a child enters first grade, he/she normally receives education in all subjects together with the same classmates throughout the nine or ten years of school life. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is organised under the auspices of the EU Water Framework Directive and the French national organisation for the development and management of water resources (the Schema Directeur d’Amenagement et de Gestion des Eaux, or SDAGE) and is mainly funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Achieving a shared diagnosis, on the basis of six workshops held in the region in the fall of 2009 and the first restitution workshop seminar held in December 2009. A forward-looking phase, to define and analyse a combination of plausible scenarios for water policy by 2030. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These are useful to focus attention but the numbers should be treated with some caution due to the large uncertainties involved. Some of the most important land-based sources of larger plastic objects (macroplastics) include: construction, household goods, packaging, coastal tourism, and food and drink packaging. How much of this material enters the ocean will be dependent largely on the extent and effectiveness of wastewater and solid waste collection and management. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The evidence indicates that the rate of innovation has accelerated for many of these technologies, coinciding approximately with the passage of the Kyoto Protocol.3 This is particularly true of those technologies that were closest to being competitive, i.e. wind power, some solar power, biofuels, geothermal and hydro. Patent activity for other technologies, i.e. carbon capture and storage showed declines, even in comparison with the rate of patenting in general and for other energy technologies (Hascic et al., But some indicators emerge as particularly relevant from a policy perspective and one of them is public investment in research. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The problem lies in the trade-off between time and income, since to raise a poor household’s income above MO, its time has to be reduced to less than TO. Conversely, if a household slightly above the monetary poverty line tries to increase its free time to a value equal to or greater than TO, its income will fall below MO. Therefore, a poverty threshold that incorporates time and money must have a minimum monetary level (MO), a minimum time value (TO) and a trade-off between the two. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The national examinations at 6th and 9th grade, which determined whether students could move to the following level, were also discontinued in 2007 to remove obstacles to transition (see Figure 4.4). The assessment has been applied twice in primary education (2007 and 2010) and three times in lower secondary education (2008, 2012, 2014). It tests students' knowledge of the curriculum in core subjects, and also surveys schools' socio-demographic characteristics, resources and climate. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""The surveys fed into the """"Sustainability Index Consortium"""", an open platform database that allowed for analysis of the information collected from Walmart's 100,000 suppliers. At a Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting in Beijing in 2008, Walmart's chief executive officer announced plans to expand participation to 70 per cent of suppliers by 2017, making clear that failure to participate in the index would lead to removal of the firm from Walmart's supply chain. They typically address quality, cost and delivery procedures and, increasingly, environmental processes."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Cotton ginning has been extremely volatile, falling from 99 297 tonnes in 1990 to 68 968 in 1995, peaking at 143 091 tonnes in 2005 and falling back to 97 062 tonnes in 2009. About 80% of foreign food processing entities are small enterprises, however, the share of medium and larger foreign enterprises has increased since 2001. No complete official data exist on the total number of wholesale enterprises, as not all of them are registered. Among the registered wholesale enterprises, the largest number is engaged in purchase and sales of grain, sunflower, and vegetables. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The estimated total fertility rate (TFR) is probably smaller than the actual one and the difference between the two has narrowed over the period. Three major components affecting population growth are fertility, mortality and migration, and among these components, fertility plays the most important role. A number of factors, such as social, cultural, economic, health and other environmental factors, directly determine fertility. Davis and Blake (1956) first introduced the term intermediate variables of fertility to describe the biological and behavioral mechanisms through which social, economic and cultural conditions can affect fertility. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, it is not uncommon to find powerful scientific elites dominating national STI agendas, particularly in countries with a less mature innovation system. This can become a serious obstacle to developing policies that could set the innovation system on a more dynamic path. The greater involvement of business actors and organised interests in public policy formulation and implementation has to some extent resulted in blurring of the public-private distinction. Finally, some STI policy arenas see a greater role for direct citizen participation in agenda setting, although this remains relatively rare. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 and public concerns due to accounts in the popular press of killer germs. 7 The initial activities were aimed at regulation of biological agent transfers and training emergency responders in 120 cities—commonly referred to as the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici preparedness programme—and was aimed at overt chemical terrorism. 8,9 This focus has expanded to acknowledge and address the key role that public health will have in detection and management of a covert biological terrorist incident. Similar efforts to coordinate national contingency arrangements and successfully conclude negotiations over the protocol for verification of the Biological Weapons Convention are underway in the UK. 9 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Stronger agricultural growth and public sector consumption have failed to compensate for sluggish industrial production, investment and exports. This is a substantial slowdown compared to previous years, and the question is whether and when recovery will occur. Persistent high inflation and low productivity have contributed to a loss of competitiveness. High government transfers through social security schemes also raised wages, especially in rural areas, rural real wages that had been flat earlier showed a substantial rise after 2007 when high food inflation and rural employment programmes set in. Real INR depreciation combined with a projected increase in external demand should increase exports. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As mentioned earlier in the report, comprehensive data on the demographic status of the indigenous peoples in the Asian region are incomplete or not available. Information on indigenous peoples in Central and Western Asia, in particular, is so scarce it is very difficult to draw even a rough profile of the population. An estimate offered by the International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) in 2008 with a subsequent edition by Hall and Patrinos (2012) is an often cited source for understanding the distribution of the indigenous peoples is in the subregions of Asian continent. In Japan, according to Figure 1, there are some 230,000 indigenous peoples. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Specific provisions can be included in legislation for the accreditation of other bodies’ activities and staff where they are consistent with the standards applied by the regulator. The assignment to a regulator of both industry development and regulatory functions, such as protecting health or the environment, can reduce the regulator’s effectiveness in one or both functions and can also fail to engender public confidence. Such conflicting functions can impair a regulators’ clear role and they do not contribute to effective performance. For these reasons, this combination should be avoided” (OECD, forthcoming). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Information provided by policy makers is only a small part of the consumers' information environment and it competes for consumers' attention with several other sources of information (Aspegren 2002). Advertising, media communications and the information gained from daily interactions and the physical environment are much more influential and visible to consumers than any individual public information campaign. Consumers are also overloaded with information, and hence, the impact of public campaigns is limited from the outset Some studies demonstrate that people in consumer societies can be exposed to up to 3,000 advertisements per day (de Graaf, Wann etal. Some behaviour, such as large investments, involve more information processing, whereas most daily behaviours, such as driving to work or using energy at home, are habitual. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The standard for embodied carbon and life cycle assessments (LCA): BS EN 15804 and environmental product declarations (EPD) for construction products. Webinar delivered by Jane Anderson during the United Kingdom Embodied Carbon Week 2014. Lacey Act amendments impact wood products. Available at: l.html Brack, D. and Leger,C. 2013. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Extraction involves methods such as underground or surface mining. Extraction of mineral resources reflects the quantity ofthe resource physically removed from the deposit during a period of time (usually one year). The difference between the opening and closing stocks of mineral resources for a particular year result largely from extraction. However, new discoveries, reappraisals and reclassifications of stocks, as well as catastrophic losses, can also influence the difference between opening and closing stocks. Main sources of statistics about stocks of mineral resources are geological surveys and inventories, as well as economic statistics on mining and quarrying. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Among all 15 to 49-year-old females in Mexico, only about half report currently using any type of contraceptive method. Mexico’s rate of unmet need for family planning is higher than rates in many other OECD countries with available data, and Mexico’s adolescent pregnancy rate is the highest in the OECD. Access to abortion is prohibited or severely restricted in most of Mexico. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Other low-income countries are those in which per capita GNI was less than or equal to USD 1 005 in 2010. Lower middie-income countries/territories are those in which per capita GNI was between USD 1 006-3 975 in 2010. Upper middie-income countries/territories are those in which per capita GNI was between USD 3 976-12 275 in 2010. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Forum also helps identify gaps in pan-European research capacity as well as strategic needs associated with research infrastructures. Moreover, the Forum issues periodic recommendations on the management of research infrastructures and related human resources. Finally, ESFRI members are tasked with communicating the significance and importance of research infrastructures to a wider public. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The great majority (80%) of these are located in two oblasts - Almaty and South Kazakhstan - the regions with the fastest rates of student population growth (NCESE, 2014). A symptom of infrastructure shortages carried over from Soviet times, multi-shift teaching results in a full use of the existing facilities throughout the day. After-school use of facilities is also quite common for a wide range of extra-curricular and related activities. School auditoria are used by art and drama circles, gyms and sport fields by athletic teams associated with the school, and classrooms are often used for the delivery of evening classes to adults (if permitted by the local executive authorities) (IAC, 2014). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Other important habitats are mudflats, shell sands, bird cliffs and coastal heaths. Ecosystems can be defined at a variety of scales, from a single pond, a fjord, an ocean or the entire globe. Functional diversity can also include differences between populations' or species' response to various stress factors. Seaweeds provide substrate, shelter and food for a rich associated flora and fauna, which in turn provide food for a large variety of animals including many fish species. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! The importance of artisanal fishing and technical assistance to developing countries as well as the need to address IUU fishing were also discussed. Some WTO members noted that the peer review was a voluntary process taking place outside, and without any link to the WTO, and expressed the view that the CTE was not the appropriate forum to discuss fossil fuel subsidy reforms. Other delegations, highlighting the broad CTE mandate, welcomed the discussions and considered such information sharing to be useful. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! ""The issues taken up in its Programme of Action5 are fundamentally related to women's human rights, including gender equality, the family, reproductive health, birth control and family planning, women's health, as well as immigration and education of women. Importantly, the Programme of Action is explicitly grounded in human rights and proclaims that """"advancing gender equality and equity and the empowerment of women, and the elimination of all kinds of violence against women, and ensuring women's ability to control their own fertility, are cornerstones of population and development-related programmes."""" The Conference was also important for its clear statement of reproductive rights, explaining that these """"rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Hans Blumenberg’s magisterial defense of modernity against the reproach of secularization, elaborated most extensively in The Legitimacy of the Modern Age (1966, 1974), develops both a distinctive method of philosophical history and the groundwork of a philosophical anthropology, predicated on the emergence of human self-assertion as theoretical curiosity. But as Blumenberg’s work attests more generally, this argument both devolves on and comprises an excursion into metaphorology, transposing the grounds of legitimation from dialectic to rhetoric. This paper explores the implications of such a metaphorical transfer, suggesting that Blumenberg not only presupposes a cryptic mode of poetics, but also (against its own anthropological intention) invests that poetics with the power to negate the category of the human as such. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Economic sanctions have often been considered an important tool for disciplining adversaries and compelling them to offer important concessions. History, however, suggests otherwise. Economic penalties rarely cause states to abandon important national assets. After decades of struggling under punitive financial measures, Iran has persisted with its objectionable policies ranging from terrorism to proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. All this suggests that ideological regimes that put a premium on their political priorities and which are seemingly insensitive to the mounting costs of their belligerence may not be suitable candidates for the type of cost-benefit analysis that sanctions diplomacy invites. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 First, as a global universal comprehensive treaty it eroded the Kyoto Protocol's 'firewall' between developed and developing countries where the latter were exempt from mandatory obligations to reduce emissions. Second, the Paris Agreement has replaced the Kyoto Protocol's top down 'targets and timetables' with a bottom-up 'pledge and review’ process, thereby making domestic climate action central in multilateral climate policy. Third, the Paris Agreement has enacted a new model of 'hybrid multilateralism' whereby the function of a climate agreement is to direct, orchestrate, harness and mobilize climate action by sub-state and non-state actors such as cities, business, investors, regions and civil society (Andonova 2018, Backstrand et al. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Moreover, despite many initiatives to reduce gender gaps in fields of tertiary study, the situation has changed only slightly in the past decade or so (OECD, 2012b). As a result, dominant gender norms governing what is the ideal type of masculine and feminine identity impact strongly on educational choices (Connell, 2005). Recent studies have also shown that teachers’ and parents’ gender-stereotyped behaviours and expectations can undermine girls’ confidence in their mathematical abilities, discouraging them from choosing mathematics-related courses (TUrner et al., - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, there is heterogeneity within the group of CDDCs. For example, small island developing States (SIDS) that are commodity dependent are even more vulnerable than some of the others. Due to their geographical location, for instance, these countries are confronted with the risk of rising sea levels and declining revenues from fisheries as global warming reduces fish production. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The report concluded that the industry would benefit through strategies to improve career development, training, the use of under-represented groups in its workforce and targeted regional solutions. The TEPs are the first of their kind in Australia. A TEP is a locally-led plan to respond to a region’s labour and skills issues. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Crude oil prices have a major influence on the fuel price for the consumer, indeed in the United States, crude oil constitutes 69% of the price of a gallon of regular gasoline (where refining only costs 9%, distribution and marketing 8%, and taxes 14%).7 Gas prices are more complex, since there exist three regional gas markets (North America, Europe and Asia) with strong historical relations due to the pipeline infrastructure on these continents. At the same time, a new type of gas transportation is rapidly accelerating: liquefied natural gas (LNG), which can be shipped over long distances albeit only with specially equipped tankers since it requires constant cooling at minus 162°C. Usually, the long-term price of gas is indexed to oil product prices, and consequently follows its volatility. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Agricultural Credit Corporation (ACC) and the Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture (FFSA) implement concessional credit programmes, serving agricultural borrowers of different sizes. These agencies are either large or the dominant players on their markets. A feature of KazAgro companies is that besides acting as government agencies that implement support programmes, they also perform commercial operations. For example, in 2003-11 the FCC purchased annually between 10% and 30% of total domestically produced grain, of which approximately three-quarters represented commercial purchases. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On the one hand, it is encouraging that the changes in income distribution and levels needed to meet poverty reduction targets are consistent with the regional trajectory of the last decade, assuming past performance is an indicator of feasibility. However, it is also a wake-up call to strengthen social protection systems, because some countries of the region will not meet the targets and because several countries have performed better over the last decade than over the last three years. The incidence of poverty is greater among people living in rural areas, children, adolescents and young people, indigenous peoples, working-age women, people with lower levels of educational attainment, and those whose basic needs are not met. While some of these gaps have narrowed since 2012, others have widened. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The aim is for all elements of the fleet, big and small, to be economically viable and operating without long-term subsidy. Through the Act UK Administrations are now in the process of introducing new systems for marine planning and licensing within the policy framework provided by a UK Marine Policy Statement adopted by all UK administrations in March 2011. England's first marine plans (for the East inshore and offshore areas) were adopted in April 2014 and, following consultation in 2013, a National Marine Plan for Scotland is expected to be adopted in early 2015. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Mental health has been traditionally neglected and underfunded, especially when the significant burden of disease accountable to mental disorders is considered, and there is a need for governments to keep mental health high on the health agenda. A number of key stakeholders are involved, including governments at various administrative levels, user and carers organisations, and professional organisations, and this chapter considers their various roles. Mental health policy makers are using a variety of tools to improve mental health systems and lead system-wide improvements, including legislative frameworks, mental health strategies, and vertical initiatives to deliver mental health services to target population groups. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The output value of fertilisers is derived using the following fob prices as reference prices: Urea (HS 31102.10) for nitrogen, DAP (HS 3105.30) for phosphorus, and MOP (HS 3104.20) for potassium (Figure A.3). Bilateral tariff data obtained from the 2007 MacMap database for Urea, DAP and MOP, serve as reference bilateral tariffs for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively. The production technology for the three fertiliser sectors is derived from IFA (2013b). The rest of the chemicals sector is then calculated residually. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The rise of women’s education raises their minimum standards for acceptable matches, lessens their economic need for marriage and, in theory, increases the chances that they may choose not to many (van Bavel, 2012). Less well-educated men are likely to be the main losers, as they are more likely to remain single than any other group (De Hauw et al., Married couples and civil unions are the most common arrangements, but about 10% of people aged 20 and over OECD-wide - i.e. one in six of all partnered adults - cohabit informally. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Gradual withdrawal of external funds in the coming years could lead to a slowdown in economic growth. To enhance economic self-reliance, strengthening of the domestic economy through better economic governance, improving the efficiency of public spending, decreasing capacity constraints and strengthening the overall business environment should be pursued more vigorously. Growth marginally slowed to 6.3% in 2012 from 6.7% in 2011, mainly due to slower growth of the agricultural sector. Growth performance of the services sector was virtually the same over two years. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! They had limited authority within the river basin but were able to have some influence. River basin commissions included more than one state and were therefore more powerful than the states and municipalities, which generated tensions among water institutions (Tortajada, 2005). When the river basin commissions were established, Mexico’s economic policies focused on large-scale agricultural and industrial development projects. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Dr Keevy noted that this was also not perfect and pointed out that increasingly, in both the European and global context, both time-based and outcomes-based approaches are being challenged. He called for a commitment to find the most appropriate methodologies to move forward. He also mentioned that South Africa is probably one of the only countries in the world in which the unions rather than government run the schools. He commended the work of SAQA in comparing qualifications across South Africa, and the core values on which its thinking is based. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""These rules may soon be relaxed. The government provided extensive financial and other support to help develop a flagship “innovation university” that would be a world leader in research and teaching (with a special interdisciplinary emphasis), strengthen innovation and boost economic competitiveness (Tienari et al., It appeals that one of the institutions' rectors first proposed the merger idea in 2005, and all three were eventually in favour. The """"innovation university"""" message allowed the merger to receive wide support from the business community, and also proved very successful in national and international media."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In 2008, the PES (OAED) launched a programme providing financial support and counselling for young people who wish to implement innovative business ideas, primarily promoting the use of new technologies. All unemployed 22-32-year-olds, not resident in the Attica or Island regions, are eligible provided they fulfil the following requirements: i) they are registered as unemployed and have drawn up an individual action plan, ii) they have attended a seminar on entrepreneurship, and iii) they are Greek or EU nationals and, if male, they have fulfilled their military obligations. The programme targets doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, lawyers, engineers and graduates of Polytechnic University Faculties over the first four years after graduation or after completion of a medical specialisation course. Participants must be aged under 34 with the exceptions of medical doctors and mothers of young children for whom the age limit is extended to 40, and of those who have enroled in post-graduate studies before turning 34 for whom the age limit is extended until completion of their post-graduate studies. In addition, youth are required to hold a certificate proving registration with OAED. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In Central America, between 3 per cent and 10 per cent of men between the ages of 19 and 30 reported having been sexually abused as a child (Willman and Corman, 2013). Early sexual activity also often stems from persistent gender inequality and low value for girls, which together deny them the power to decide when or whether to have sex or with whom they will have sex. Seven types of policy interventions have been shown to be effective in preventing or reducing sexual violence by intimate partners (Heise, 2011). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It was created in 1994 to assess households’ eligibility for the subsidised health care system. In 2010, 8 institutions and 31 social programmes were using the Sisben score as eligibility criteria (including Familias en Action and SENA). Sisben aims at assessing households’ quality of life, based on interviews (29 million people are covered) with questions along 5 main dimensions (health status, education, housing and access to public services, individual vulnerability (mainly age and disability), and social vulnerability (environmental and public health risks, security conditions). On the basis of their answers, households are grouped into one of the six Sisben levels - level 1 is the most deprived group, levels 1 and 2 are entitled to the subsidised health system. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have traditionally been a supplier of highly skilled engineers to the R&D labour force, e.g. in electro-optics, radio-frequency engineering, computer science, information technology, cryptography, applied mathematics, industrial management, human resources, system integration and project management. In 2008, the US Patent and Trademark Office issued 1 496 patents to Israeli inventors, corresponding to 208 patents per million inhabitants. By comparison, OECD countries patent at a rate of 43 per million inhabitants per year (this does not include patents issued in Europe and Japan to Israeli inventors). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Abstract The core of this article sets out to examine the extent to which a multicultural society can prevent cultural racism, which, like multiculturalism, is by definition based on a culture of diversity and separation. The ‘first modernity’ was organized along national lines, with a centralist state that opted to create an essentialist and uncontested national identity. Immigrants, especially those who came from ‘third world’ countries, were expected to undergo a process of assimilation, and to integrate into the dominant culture by relinquishing their particular past and tradition. Multiculturalism, which emerged historically as a criticism of that perspective, aims at creating a kaleidoscope of associations and cultural communities, which inevitably presents a challenge to the one ‘truth’ of the nation-state with the argument that this ‘truth’ favours some groups over others. Within the multicultural model, identity politics of various groups is perceived as a means to achieve recognition, acceptance... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This is not unique to the United Kingdom, as mental health problems are gradually becoming the main cause for disability claims across OECD countries, accounting on average for a third of the total and often more than half for young people (OECD, 2012b). According to an evaluation for the OECD Mental Health and Work project (OECD, 2013), the United Kingdom is among the most advanced countries in terms of awareness about the costs of mental illness for employers and society as a whole, and of the mental-health benefits of employment. Integration of health and employment services is also well developed, as illustrated by the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) initiative which aims to provide access to both evidence-based psychological therapies and matching employment services. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! In Kenya, disaggregated information on ODA is available, but not screened or tagged for climate relevance. Cambodia is integrating climate finance tagging and weighing into its existing ODA management system. Management of external financing received is often divided among different ministries, financial organisations and agencies, and spending is similarly spread out, co-ordination and information sharing can be a challenge. In Bangladesh, the Ministry of Environment and Forest oversees the activities of two off-budget climate change funds, while the majority of climate-relevant spending is overseen by the Ministries of Agriculture, Local Government and Disaster Management. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Moreover, the presence of more adults in a household can facilitate parental employment outside the home, increasing a family’s economic well-being and thereby facilitating additional supports for young children. Yet, households with many people can also become problematic for young children if conditions are crowded, chaotic or unsafe. Crowded household conditions (e.g. more than one person per room in a household) and poor quality housing are adversely associated with early learning outcomes (Coley et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For example, Shvidenko and Nilsson (2002) reported that Russian forests have been carbon sink for past decades. Likewise, Nordic countries particularly Finland, Norway and Sweden have vast area of forests which store a large stock of carbon. Biomass and carbon stock in forests in all countries of this region have been growing constantly. Disturbance will cause release of this carbon, and thus global attention and policy mechanisms needed to incentivize the carbon sequestration in the Nordic countries. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Governments in the MENA region started setting up targets for renewable energy deployment in the early 2000s (see Table 3.1). However, compared to the targets of the majority of OECD member countries for renewable energies these MENA targets are non-binding. It was endorsed by the CTF Trust Fund Committee on 2 December 2009. The vision is for the Mediterranean MENA economies ultimately to become major suppliers and consumers of CSP-generated electricity. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Some also target a mix of farms, big villages and small towns all of which call for different technologies. In fact, rural electrification policies are shaped according to the various energy needs, resources and target groups. Electrifying the suburb of a major Indian city obviously poses problems that are different from those of a remote village in China. Remote or rural regions lacking electricity supply are often characterised by well identified challenges. They may lie at a reasonable distance from national or regional electricity grids (remote villages in the Amazon), may be difficult to access (far from urban centres with a difficult terrain such as large rivers or jungles), or may suffer harsh climatic conditions that render electrification through grid extension a perilous task. Rural communities are also often highly dispersed with a low population density and characterised by a low level of education, low load density generally concentrated at evening peak hours, and low revenues. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This paper examines the attitudes of 207 junior high/middle school and high school principals in Texas regarding: (1) the severity of four school problems (school loyalty, drugs, student-student problems and serious problems), and (2) the possibility of five criminology and criminal justice concepts (type of crime, justice system, juvenile justice, deviance and crime prevention) that are considered important and helpful for junior high/middle school and high school students to learn in order to help deter and prevent school crime. Although school problems were generally found to be relatively minor at both school levels, drug problems in high schools were rated most serious. School principals considered a crime prevention concept (which included information about crime deterrence, crime prevention, social control and conflict resolution) as the most important and helpful topic to learn. The study concluded that schools should make crime prevention information more available to students in addition to othe... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The extent to which an intervention mobilises external resources could therefore be one upstream measure of effectiveness. Some development partners and institutions utilise results indicators for tracking resource mobilisation as part of larger monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems (e.g. CIF, UK, USAID, and CIF-CTF), as shown below in Table 1. Mobilising external finance can be a particularly important result for climate finance interventions that provide seed capital to private-equity umbrella funds or insurance and guarantee instruments, for example. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The scheme has been successful (about 118,000 m2 of SWH installed). Its main advantage lies in the fact that payment through the utility bill reduces risk of credit default (STEG can cut off supply in case of default) and lowers collection costs. The customer now legally carries the debt whereas in the earlier version of PROSOL the installer was the legal debtor. The programme was extended in 2007 to the tertiary sector. It is also beginning to emerge for residential customers. Under the TPPPA model, a third party designs, builds, owns, operates and maintains the solar systems and sells back solar-generated electricity to the end-user. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This data should be transferred between school levels to guarantee early preventive measures and selective interventions. Completing upper secondary education makes for a greater number of citizens that cost society less and produce more. High investments in dropout prevention strategies is money well spent. The benefits in terms of higher tax revenues, less public spending on health, public assistance and criminal justice largely outweigh the costs. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Among companies, the propensity to work with universities is actually lower in Penang than the national average (16%) (see Table 3.5.). The Innovation Office is managing the intellectual part of the innovation platform with the aim to facilitate commercialisation. There is also a Research Creativity and Management Office (RCMO) which is involved in research processes and grants management. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""Furthermore, while the paper recognises that domestic finance also has an important role in financing adaptation and mitigation (CPI, 2014), it is beyond the scope of this paper. It explores views on the question """"What are the conditions of effective international public climate finance?” This paper does not seek to draw conclusions."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Regionally, there seems to be less information available about aquifers (compared to surface waters), in terms of quantity and quality. This is particularly true for karst systems, widespread in the Balkans, for which the delineation of the aquifers boundaries is an additional challenge. At the same time, some positive examples of transboundary cooperation should be highlighted. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Other works (Sawe, 1997, Nzioka, 1998, OPM/ PSTD, 2010) have generally characterised reform and transformation in Kenya into phases that more or less mirror the presidency regimes. In this classification, the first transformation phase spanned the 1963-78 period, for the first presidency. The second phase coincided with the second presidency, of 1977-2002. Reforms under the third phase spanned 2003-12. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As they steadily cut fares, TNCs are erasing these longstanding financial disincentives for traveling by motor vehicle in Manhattan. The report suggests that if TNC growth continues at the current pace (and it finds there is no sign of it levelling off), the necessity of some type of road pricing will become more and more evident. These function are much like ride-sourcing services except that they match multiple, unrelated individuals or parties to share the same vehicle over the course of the same ride. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Climate-related risks are expected to increase in the next decades. The main reasons for this - the observed trends of warming and rainfall deficit - are expected to persist over the coming decades as well. The indicator-based document assesses the risk of climate-change-related natural disasters for the period until 2035. According to the document, the main dangerous phenomena and processes related to climate change, which can generate different levels of risk for socioeconomic and natural systems, are extremely high temperatures (heat waves), drought, floods, forest fires, rising sea levels, rising temperature of surface waters, invasive species, etc. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While it is possible that private operators have already targeted such areas, it is reasonable to assume that opportunities for regional core development could also be found. The experience of Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands could be very instructive in this regard. Along those lines, policy makers, particularly in emerging countries, facing decisions of where to focus ICT deployment, need to consider important trade-offs. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! New firms are those most likely to generate the most radical innovations and successfully bring them to market, while also creating spillover effects for others. Targeted public support may help those firms that managed to weather the crisis and raise their productivity to now focus on the need to acquire new skills and knowledge assets. The country is less innovative than it used to be. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Sweden (one of the most gender-equal countries with a strong family support system) men’s (fathers and non-fathers) paid work hours are about an hour less than in Germany on average and women’s (mothers and non-mothers) paid work hours more than three hours more per week compared to Germany. If, by 2040, German men and women aged 25 to 54 emulated the labour market behaviour of Swedish men and women in the same age bracket, the projected decrease in the German labour force would be slowed and GDP per capita could increase, if it is assumed that changes in labour force participation rates or weekly working hours do not affect the labour demand (see Chapter 2 for a detailed discussion of different scenarios). In countries with limited support for reconciling work and family life, child birth often implies a significant reduction in family income, as at least one partner has to stop (or reduce) their employment participation in order to care for the new child. The number of children in a family has a greater adverse effect on female employment in Germany than in many other OECD countries, and German women are much more likely to remain childless than women elsewhere (Chapter 6). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There has been an historical tendency to assume that labour productivity grows less rapidly in agriculture than in the manufacturing sector, partly because there is less scope for benefiting from the division of labour. Indeed dual models of transition, such as the Lewis Model (Lewis, 1954) typically contrast a stagnant traditional rural sector with a dynamic and modem manufacturing sector. However, this view has been challenged by others, who have observed rapid science-based technical change in agriculture (for example, Hayami and Ruttan, 1985). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Electricity markets in many OECD countries already allocate capacity payments of one sort or another (not all motivated by the impacts of variable renewables) and several others are considering it. One question that urgently needs to be addressed in the near future is the extent to which the combined impact of the compression effect and capacity markets affects different dispatchable technologies in different ways. The compression effect, for instance, will affect capital-intensive technologies such as nuclear more significantly than less capital-intensive technologies such as gas. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Although climate change is expected to have a negative impact on yields in the majority of cases, in a few cases a boost in yields may be expected, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 presents the changes in land allocation relative to the Reference scenario. In irrigated areas, the negative impact of changed precipitation and increased temperatures is reduced by the availability of irrigation water, making yields more resistant to climate variations. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ‘Conceptual Framework and Research Methods for the Israeli Legal Field in the OPT’ by Maayan Geva introduces Bourdieu’s sociology of the field as means for unpacking international law’s past and present in the Israeli/Palestinian locality. Focusing on key Israeli legal institutions and agents, namely the military legal system (MAG Corps) and specifically its International Law Department (ILD), the High Court of Justice, human rights, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), legal academics and the Ministry of Justice, it investigates the making of ‘law’ and ‘legality’ as a historically situated, dynamic, power-driven process in the making. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This ratio remains reasonably constant across countries grouped from low-to high income economies. Nepal is the only low income country with data available for the reference period. Public investment should help address the equitable distribution of resources across education subsectors and geographic locations, and Support programmes for marginalized groups. An enhanced focus on innovative financing strategies that do not burden the poor but do support good-quality public education is needed, funding of education will need to be drawn from multiple sources. Postsecondary and non-tertiary education, which is used in many countries for school-to-job transitions, receives less than 2 per cent of total education expenditures in three countries, Brunei Darussalam, India and Malaysia. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These countries are also among those with the greatest market income inequality and those in which, accordingly, fiscal policy should in fact be more redistributive. Conversely, oecd countries with a more unequal market income distribution tend to redistribute more (Joumard, Pisu and Bloch, 2012). Brazil, Chile and Argentina have high pre-fiscal inequality, which is partly corrected through public pensions, transfer programmes and direct taxes. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 First, they act as a disincentive for those out of work to stay on benefits, and “shake out” those who are able to move into paid work. A second intention is that they allow participants to maintain skills and enhance their employability, for example by allowing them to demonstrate that they are reliable and good workers. These schemes are particularly important for those with durations of non-employment of over three months. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! After the relationship is estimated, it is then possible to predict the individual expenditures and the individual poverty status of all individuals in our household survey in order to simulate the actual implementation of the policy. By comparing the predicted and actual (according to the household survey expenditure data) poverty status of the survey households, we are able to evaluate likely targeting errors: namely under-coverage (poor individuals excluded from the social safety programme because predicted as non-poor) and leakage (non-poor individuals benefiting from transfers because erroneously identified as poor). The administrative costs faced by the governments to put in place the policies proposed here are not taken into account and we thus only include the total amount of cash transfers allocated or the cost of the subsidies provided. We made the hypothesis that all the transfers received by children living in the same household are pooled and shared equitably among all the household members. As we cannot know what allocation rule is in force within each household, we adopted a relatively neutral approach. Therefore, the model requires a benchmark data set presented in the form of a SAM. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In this paper, Tyson E. Lewis challenges the dominant theoretical and practical educational responses to globalization. On the level of public policy, Lewis demonstrates the limitations of both neoliberal privatization and liberal calls for rehabilitating public schooling. On the level of pedagogy, Lewis breaks with the dominant liberal democratic tradition which focuses on the cultivation of democratic dispositions for cosmopolitan citizenship. Shifting focus, Lewis posits a new location for education out of bounds of the common sense of public versus private, nationalism versus cosmopolitanism, inclusion versus exclusion, human versus civil rights. This is the space of the commonwealth whose actors cannot be identified as ‘citizens’ but are rather the anonymous multitude. In conclusion, Lewis finds a model for organizing this commonwealth in the work of Ivan Illich, whose learning networks speak to the urgent political and pedagogical need for exodus from the conceptual vocabulary that defines much of t... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""In 2013, total program funding was $5.46 billion. Although the IHS budget has increased over time, funds are not equally distributed across facilities and they remain insufficient to meet health care needs. As such, access to services through IHS varies significantly across locations, and American Indians and Alaska Natives who rely solely on IHS for care often lack access to needed care. Indigenous peoples often use their own words that translate roughly to """"living well' which combines beliefs in the importance of balance. The four elements of life: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual are all are intricately woven together and interact to support a strong and healthy person."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Avoid” or “reduce” the need to travel and the trip length, by improving the efficiency of the overall transport system through integrated land-use planning and transport demand management, e.g. through compact, mixed-use development planning, traffic restrictions, mobility management and marketing, and national subsidies for low-carbon transport metropolitan design and planning. Shift” or “maintain” tools, to improve trip efficiency by encouraging modal shift to low-carbon transport modes such as public transport, e.g. through parking restrictions, road space allocation, public awareness campaigns on alternatives to private vehicles, procurement of public transport. Improve” fuel and vehicle efficiency and technologies, e.g. through vehicle standards, speed limits, labelling of vehicles’ environmental performance and fiscal incentives for electric or hybrid vehicles. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This chapter completes the sketch of the social theory that backgrounds the discussion of both personal and political freedom. Social theorists typically think of agency as the catalyst for social change. This work not only follows that tradition but also qualifies philosophical concerns about personal autonomy by arguing that autonomy is collectively exercised through social discourse sparked by the underdetermination of social norms (among other social factors). The result of this discourse is social change (though this discourse is only one source of this change), and also social conflict. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Furthermore, there is strong path dependency arising from the history of the sector and from previous policy reform attempts. Decisions are often irreversible, some policy and production choices cannot be undone once made (ibid.). The advantage of this approach to review past policies is that it emphasises the role of interactions across actors and institutions, thereby providing a realistic depiction of decision-making. Yet, at the same time, the approach makes it harder to draw cross-reform conclusions, as it focuses on specific institutional features of the country, region or policy, without considering changes in others. There is evidence that water and agriculture reforms are influenced by pressure group competition. For instance, discussions around the management of the increasingly saline Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in California have opposed groups representing environmental interests to groups using upstream watercourses for irrigation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Both systems also heat water, which integrates with the existing systems on campus to heat the buildings and provide hot water on campus. The system not only provides a sustainable energy system for the campus. For northern communities, the bioenergy project shows how future energy supply in areas with access to biomass may provide a sustainable energy supply. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In Niue women traditionally catch fish in near-shore ecosystems and are responsible for harvesting marine products. Traditional taboos have restricted them from participating in every sector of fishing activity, especially fishing from boats, women, especially if menstruating, have been believed to bring bad luck if they touch fishing gear or cross over fishing lines. These taboos are slowly disappearing, and women in Niue increasingly fish from small boats with their husbands or friends (Tuara 2000). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Currently, $38 billion in child support payments is due custodial parents in the United States. The purpose of this study is to investigate the public policy and theoretical economic implications associated with tax incentive proposals for child support payments. Institutional theory and economic modeling theoretically support this investigation. Overall, the study suggests that a tax incentive associated with child support payments would enhance tax progressivity and reduce income inequality while also enhancing non-custodial parent ability to pay their child support legal mandates. A tax incentive may also enhance child support payer perceptions of procedural and retributive justice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Large hydropower plants are excluded from this support mechanism. A simplified licensing procedure and favourable tariffs apply to microgeneration capacity from renewables at household level, provided that a solar thermal collector is also installed. The overall support framework provides sufficient stability for investors (EC, 2009b). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article examines Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissenting opinion in Gonzales v. Carhart to argue that her feminist jurisprudence challenges the rhetorical genre of judicial opinion. Ginsburg's dissent undermines the rhetorical commitments to neutrality, abstraction, and universality that overwhelmingly shape the voice of the law. Instead, Ginsburg's rhetoric advances a more promising field of argument for advocates of reproductive choice and shifts the language of the law to legitimate voices, experiences, and rights of groups traditionally excluded by the rhetoric of the law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, there are only a small number of studies that look at whether the effect of unemployment on health outcomes is different in countries with strong social protection versus those with weaker schemes. There is also a need for more evidence on the longterm effects of unemployment on health outcomes, particularly when unemployment persists over longer periods of time. This particularly true in the case of the most recent economic downturn as health care system’s capacity to cope with changing health care needs may be affected by the resource constraints that have been imposed in a large number of countries. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Evans and Meade (2006) note that traders in countries like New Zealand are exposed to market power arising from scale economies and co-ordination/consolidation issues in international shipping, given that much of the nation’s agricultural output is destined for time-sensitive overseas markets. The figure below shows that during the 20-year period studied, variations in the exchange rates typically counterbalanced variations in world prices, with the exception of only four years. They concluded that by offsetting global market swings, exchange rate fluctuations have reduced the overall volatility of prices received by New Zealand producers and that policies to stabilise the exchange rate would harm, not help, these sectors. However, exchange rate movements were not found to be stabilising for beef, wool, seafood and forestry products, implying that the exchange rate has indeed been a source of volatility in these sectors. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! ABSTRACTDriven by the failure of internationally led top-down peacebuilding interventions, international donors have increasingly posited that civil society actors can play a crucial role in peacebuilding and conflict resolution. This has led to a notable increase in the support for civil society in order to integrate local perspectives into peacebuilding and statebuilding interventions over the past decades. Using the case of Cyprus, this paper challenges this premise and argues that this support continues to create homogenized discourses that are not representative of the diversity of local notions of peace. Rather, most types of international support cause civil society actors to adapt their agendas to external priorities, and exclude alternative, less professionalized and critical voices. Local peace actors who resist liberal governmentality have access neither to the monetary support needed to sustain their peace work, nor to international protection for their cause. At the same time, those actors wo... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Given that this treaty, which commands almost universal support, lays out only very general climate change mitigation and adaptation duties for states, it was only natural that states negotiated a Protocol (Kyoto Protocol) to lay down binding emission reduction targets for the industrialised states in 1997 (entry into force in 2005). The first commitment period, within which industrialised states were expected to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, ran from 2008 to 2012. The December 2012 climate regime meeting in Doha was able to agree on a second commitment period for some industrialised states, led by the European Union and Australia, but many others dropped out. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Cars engaged in parking can hinder sight distance of other drivers, causing accidents particularly around junctions and crossings in residential areas. However, traffic signal times are not revised properly according to changes in traffic conditions. In general, the initial design of traffic signal timing is not reviewed for long times. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The recent opening under the 30-year rule of official papers concerning the Industrial Relations Act 1971 makes it possible to reappraise the conventional view of this short-lived statute and also more general implications of the process of policy making at a time of acute political crisis. The papers shed new light on the relationship between the government and the judiciary, in particular the President of the National Industrial Relations Court, Sir John Donaldson. They provide empirical evidence of how the judicial and political arms of government dealt with social and industrial upheavals and they prompt reflections on the nature of the separation of powers in the United Kingdom's constitutional arrangements. It is argued that, in examining the nature and extent of judicial independence, constitutional law scholars have hitherto concentrated on executive influence on the judiciary and tended to ignore the extent to which judges may secretly influence politicians. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The integration of tourism activities in domestic value chains can foster activity and productivity. Bundling attractions and services together can increase visitors’ spending by providing diverse tourism services and encouraging longer stays and facilitating access to local culture, which is the primary purpose for around 60% of visitors (see above). One way to achieve this is to improve tourist information and service centres, which rank poorly (96,h) in the WEF (2017) tourism competitiveness indicators. Tourist information centres are a hub for reliable information and offer local knowledge to create packages. Financing for information centres could come from local government, visitors and local firms. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Greater efforts are therefore needed to systematically integrate impact evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis in the design and implementation of biodiversity policy monitoring. More generally, Gertler et al. ( Lc Velly and Dutilly (2016) propose guidelines and discuss methodological choices in designing impact evaluation for PES programmes and Ahmadia (2015) discusses how impact evaluation monitoring can be integrated into the design of Marine Protected Areas (see Box 4.1). In another paper, Peterson et al. ( Considerable monitoring efforts took place from 2009 to 2014 inside both no-take and use zones of the six Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and in 2012, in areas outside of MPAs, to document baseline ecological conditions (fish and benthic attributes) of coral reefs. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Another option would be to allow private practitioners to use the public clinic’s facilities at low (or no) cost from where they can bill the NHI for the patients that they see. This would still offer Korea’s substantial number of solo practitioners the opportunity to reduce overhead and administrative costs for of maintaining an independent practice. Unlike these countries, Korea does not have a large number of doctors trained as general practitioners, a strong professional identity for general practitioners, and high pay rates for general practitioners relative to specialists. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Trade regulations themselves aside, this may be attributed in part to the fact that regulatory procedures are not aligned with these new ways of doing business. Enabling trade control agencies to take advantage of the fact that the original data generated and used by private sector stakeholders are now almost always in electronic form would go a long way in facilitating trade - and increasing regulatory compliance. Development of mobile applications for completion of regulatory procedures may also be actively considered as, unlike computers, these devices have become ubiquitous in even the least developed countries of the region. Finally, establishing public-private partnerships between trade control agencies and the e-commerce, e-payment and/or e-logistics platforms may be explored to transfer part of the regulatory control functions to these private service sector providers, taking advantage of their IT capabilities and know-how, as well as their privileged access to data. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The Fifth Malaysia Plan, implemented from 1986 to 1990, stipulated that universities would give greater emphasis to basic research (40%) relative to GRIs (10%) (Cheng 2009). Likewise, the rapid rise in patenting among the leading Asian universities such as National University of Singapore and Tsinghua over the last ten years coincided with a growing emphasis on basic research. Rather than the basic vs. applied distinction, it seems that the quality of the research and its strategic focus on economic significance (the so-called strategic basic research or “Pasteur quadrant”), are the main parameters that matter. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Instructional leadership itself needs to be more clearly defined in terms of principals’ actions, and it is here that the work of Day et al. ( Distributed leadership focuses on leadership practices, including interactions with other leaders, teachers, staff, parents, and students, rather than on formal leaders’ traits, roles and functions, or on organisational structures (Grubb and Flessa, 2006(57], Spillane, 2006(58]). Three specific aspects of distributed leadership are: making collaborative decisions, emphasising school governance that empowers staff and students and encourages shared accountability for student learning, and emphasising school-wide participation in efforts to evaluate the school’s academic development (Hallinger and Heck, 2010(4ij). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The approach in this framework is that the basis of measurement is each contact with the health system, and not the entire duration of the disease or health condition. A contact is distinct from the complete treatment, which comprises all the contacts to treat a health condition. At this stage, interventions aim to enhance health status and to maintain a condition of low risk of diseases, disorders or injuries - in other words, to prevent their occurrence (HC.6), through vaccinations or an injury prevention programme, for example. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Their report focused heavily on the tolling highway lanes rather than a scheme focused on limiting travel into the central business district in Chicago. The study found support for this concept among a range of stakeholder groups, although there are concerns about equity issues (MPC/Wilbur Smith Associates, 2010). In some cases, such as the schemes introduced in Norwegian cities, the primary objective was to raise revenues for infrastructure expansion rather than to control traffic congestion levels. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In the case of cheese, the developed countries still dominate imports, but the developing countries are closing the gap. Developed countries continue to be the main importers of fish for human consumption, with their share in world imports projected to remain above 50% in quantity terms. Developing countries represent two-thirds of world exports in fish for human consumption, with more than half of exports in 2023 originating from Asia. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! Data for countries in the European Statistical System come from the pilot EU Adult Education Survey (AES). The EU AES surveys were carried out between 2005 and 2008 by 29 countries in the EU, EFTA and EU candidate countries. The EU AES is a pilot exercise which proposed a common framework for the first time, including a standard questionnaire, tools and quality reporting (OECD, 2010b). They do not, however, indicate anything about the actual quality of the competences gained by people and therefore about how the qualifications earned contribute to individual wellbeing, e.g. by improving access to the labour market. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Using the present values of costs and benefits as a basis for comparison shows a net benefit of the WFD in England and Wales of USD 10 million (GBP 7 million) (Defra/WAG, 2009). In 2006, a strategic cost benefit analysis tried to monetise benefits as far as possible. The assessment indicated that the most important benefits of WFD measures are related to the value attached to living in a beautiful natural environment, which could be revealed in the increased value of houses in the vicinity of water. Other benefit categories identified included recreational benefits and benefits for the production of drinking water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Even under the most restrictive assumptions, the situation of uranium, which has very high energy intensity and can be easily stored and transported, still looks very favourable when compared with the limited availability and geographic concentration of other fuels such as oil and gas. One example is enrichment, where there are essentially only two international suppliers of enrichment services. Other, less pressing examples are constituted by the production of reactor pressure vessels, specific stainless steel tubes or high-quality graphite. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Help was provided to establish a number of new institutions, including the Institute of Agricultural Science, the Soils and Fertiliser Institute and the National Plant Protection Service, as well as to strengthen existing organisations. Through such technical assistance projects, Viet Nam gained access to up-to-date technologies, equipment and techniques. At the same time, FAO contributed to the formulation of legislation aimed at enhancing the ability of the agricultural sector to respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by the new market environment. The programme works under four major multi-sectoral initiatives, including the Joint Gouemment-UN Programme, the World Bank’s VAHIP Project, the One UN Initiative with the largest contribution to FAO coming from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) projects. The second highest was food safety which received USD 3.8 million for 13 projects. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The fourth 5-year rolling plan, the Smart Rwanda Masterplan, was adopted in 2015 and includes, among others, a target for gender digital equality by 2020. The Broadband Commission targets and policy analysis were key inputs to the formulation of this and other targets for the Smart Rwanda Masterplan. Steps have been taken to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, reduce the cost of end-user devices, stimulate the development and uptake of relevant content and diffusion of technologies into various sectors of the economy. In October 2013, the first Transform Africa Summit was co-hosted by the GoR and ITU, and culminated in the Smart Africa Manifesto as a continental agenda to leverage ICTs for Africa’s transformation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This article examines strands of an intellectual history in Media and Cultural Studies and Science and Technology Studies in both of which researchers were prompted to take up ethnography. Three historical phases of this process are identified. The move between phases was the result of particular displacements and contestations of perspective in the research procedures within each discipline. Thus concerns about appropriate contextualization led to the eventual embrace of anthropological ethnographic methods. The article traces the subsequent emergence of a ‘crisis of context’ in the deployment of ethnography within these disciplines. The analysis of these historical changes is informed by a particular depiction of Euro-American knowledge conventions. The article suggests that the limits currently perceived for ethnography are a specific instance of the more general limits now recognized for these knowledge conventions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These domains reflect the spectrum of factors that shape the food environment from the most macro to the most micro level -from facilities to produce, distribute, commercialize, acquire, preserve, prepare and consume foods, nutrients and water through to the biological utilization of them into the body. At the household level, food insecurity is characterized by four dimensions : 1) inadequate quantity of food, 2) inadequate quality of food, 3) psychological unacceptability of food and ways of obtaining food, and 4) social unacceptability of food and ways of obtaining food [19]. Figure 1 shows the relationships between household food insecurity, its causes, and its consequences. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Separate willingness to pay for nature protection has been elicited in other studies. Locally, these activities do lead to conflicts between recreationists and forest managers requesting compensation, as these activities might damage timber production. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The SoE has sought to integrate mainstream sustainability issues into their teacher education programmes, and as such, while specific coursework around ESD is not required, many of the relevant themes and practices have been incorporated throughout the programmes. At the graduate level, a number of courses specifically touch on ESD, and a specialised postgraduate diploma in ESD has been proposed. For this to happen, it will be necessary to address ESD within teacher certification and training requirements. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This has resulted in many isolated initiatives and policies in critical sectors for green growth that have not addressed the metropolitan size of urbanisation and growth in Metro Cebu, and also in incoherence and management failures due to inconsistent policies across jurisdictions. The BRT is only being designed and implemented in Cebu City. Even though Cebu City is the largest LGU of the metropolitan area, Metro Cebu would benefit much more from a bus network that reaches out to adjacent LGUs, as many residents commute from these areas to Cebu City, or vice-versa. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Competency designation is important for any discipline to define individual performance expectations. Although public health (PH) agencies have always responded to emergencies, individual expectations have not been specified. The authors identified individual competencies necessary for organizations to meet performance standards. In the first stage, a Delphi survey served to identify competencies needed by staff to respond to any emergency, including bio-terrorism, yielding competency sets for four levels of workers. In the second stage, focus groups were used to assess the competencies with public health agencies. This feedback validated the Delphi-identified competencies as accurate and necessary for emergency response. The authors demonstrate the feasibility of using these methods to arrive at statements of value to PH practice at a reasonable investment of resources. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 No subsequent plan took a similar perspective. ( The author of that section of the plan also later migrated.) However, it has long been suggested that, in Samoa for example, as people leave the agricultural labour force to emigrate, both total and per capita crop production decline and domestic and export agricultural production falls. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This study was based on a review of studies of all countries around the Baltic Sea, where environmental economists participated from all countries. Their conclusions confirm our review of Swedish studies valuing watershed ES. Within the sector of recreational values of reduced eutrophication, contingent valuation, choice experiments and indirect approaches have been used. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Poverty and its corollaries - malnutrition, illness and lack of education - limit agricultural productivity. Hence, providing social protection and pursuing agricultural development in an integrated way offers synergies that can increase the effectiveness of both. Extreme poverty has fallen substantially in many regions, especially in East Asia and the Pacific as well as In South Asia. In sub-Saharan Africa, little progress has been made and almost half the population is extremely poor. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The Ministry of Health plans additional supplementary incentives to improve healthcare access, limit extra billing, and foster the uptake of IT systems in practices, but P4P schemes could also be expanded further. Bundled payments could also be developed for nurses, midwives and physiotherapists, as outpatient prescriptions and spending for these care activities have increased rapidly, driven largely by hospital prescriptions (Figure 13, Panel A). Indeed, such prescriptions are less restrained than for other medical expenditures. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Half of the participants, chosen at random, were invited to attend the sessions with a peer of their choice. The brief sessions had positive effects on business behaviours and outcomes, but only among those who were trained alongside a friend. Women invited with a friend were more likely to use loans for business purposes and reported higher volumes of business, while women invited alone almost exclusively used the loans for home repair and did not report a higher volume of business relative to the control group. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Programme is operational in the following countries of the region: Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. South Asia continued to be particularly vulnerable to the trafficking of opiates and heroin. In addition, widespread trafficking of cannabis, synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances persisted in 2014. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In particular, the move from employment to unemployment has been shown to exert a strong negative effect on people’s subjective well-being. Unemployment is also the variable that has repeatedly been used in the literature on the measurement of living standards and well-being (Fleurbaey and Gaulier, 2009). At the same time, neither unemployment nor employment rates may be particularly meaningful in developing countries and emerging-market economies unless it is possible to capture informal employment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! It was based on the establishment of production-related direct aid payments and gave a prominent role to agri-environmental instruments to support farmers’ income. In June 2003, the EU decided to replace, from 2006 onward, most of the direct aid with a single farm payment scheme that is not linked to production. Beneficiaries will be obliged to accomplish certain environmental and food safety requirements, being those almost identical for irrigation and rain-fed farms. The EU Commission recognized, within the launching of the ‘CAP’S Health Check’, that a new CAP should achieve climate change and water management objectives by means of cross compliance. These authors show that the price support delivered to cotton producers in the region is largely responsible for the large benefit of water in the region. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The assessment of the individual transboundary surface waters and groundwaters in this subregion can be found in Chapters 1, 5 and 8 of Section IV (drainage basins of the White Sea, Barents Sea and Kara Sea, Black Sea, and Baltic Sea). Eastern and Northern Europe holds a number of other important transboundary wetland areas, including numerous freshwater lakes and extensive mires connected by rivers and streams, which stretch all along the Russian, Norwegian and Finnish borders and further to the south along the Russian, Estonian, Latvian and Belarusian borders. Extensive river flood-plains, temporary flooded forests, grasslands and fens are also typical for the region, as well as coastal bays, lagoons and river deltas in the Barents, Baltic and Black Seas. The northernmost part of the region is characterized by permafrost. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Yet to understand the causes and consequences of monetary child poverty and to design effective anti-poverty policies, it matters if the same group of children remain poor or if every child experiences one brief poverty spell. Adverse consequences of experiencing poverty are well documented and the length of time spent in poverty amplifies its negative impact on key child outcomes (see Brooks-Gunn and Duncan 1997), including cognitive and behavioural development. A recent comprehensive review of income mobility in the European Union by Van Kerm and Pi Alperin (2013) does not focus on children. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In Panama, on the other hand, this is conditional, since a pregnant woman can be dismissed, but only for just cause and with prior judicial authorization. There are also many regulations on the right to pre-natal and post-natal rest, for example, in Chile (six and 12 weeks respectively), the Dominican Republic (six weeks in both cases) and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (six and 20 weeks), among others. This objective is achieved in Brazil through public institutions. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! These reforms are undertaken for a wide variety of economic security and resource management reasons. While not specifically energy efficiency policies, these energy markets effectively motivate a wide range of sustainable energy options including and especially energy efficiency and renewables by ensuring all the players in an energy system receive effective price signals for their decisions. Market operators in each country generally have a significant amount of information about the function and performance of these systems. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Bob Jessop is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University, United Kingdom. He has worked for many years on theories of the state and state power, critical political economy (including the regulation theory), critical realism, critical discourse analysis, and questions of governance and governance failure. He currently holds a 3-year professorial research fellowship from the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) to study the crisis of crisis-management in relation to the N... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Israel transfers an annual 700-900 MCM of water to the Coastal Plain from the Jordan River Basin and the Western Aquifer Basin. Desalination in the Gaza Strip is currently still very limited but is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. In 2011, the European Union announced its support for the construction of a short-term low-volume desalination plant to supply 75,000 people in the Khan Yunis and Rafah Governorates.” - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The National Forest Programme NFP (2010-2029) set a target to allocate 2 million ha of production forest for establishing CF and the FA developed a CF subdecree and guidelines for forest-dependent communities for establishing CF. Under this framework, communities have legal rights to manage their forests for 15 years through a CF agreement between the Community Forest Management Committee (CFMC) and the FA. Moreover, several NGOs strongly support the establishment of CF in Cambodia, However, the detailed requirements for compiling the CF management plan, including a CF resources inventory, data analysis and other procedures can slow the process of achieving approval from the FA cantonment and the MAFF. Although many CFs have been established, approved and authorized, very few CFs have had their management plans approved and implemented. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 ""Since SEA-U is primarily staffed by marine biologists this has proved to be of added-valueto the business model, since marine biological competence is regarded among the public as a sustainability guarantee. The basic idea was to increase local sales of locally caught fish, and to increase the economic value of the catch for coastal fishers. The brand """"Oresundsfisk"""" was created and this brand is owned by the economic association """"Oresund fran bat till bord"""" (""""Oresund from boat to table"""") managed by professional fishers. The brand criteria are articulated based on quality, traceability and sustainability."" - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 However, they principally serve those from the low and lower-middle income strata that make up the majority of the population. In contrast, private facilities are oriented more towards the smaller subset of upper-middle income and high income households. Mostly financed through voluntary private health insurance, the private sector takes a significant share of overall health spending. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Rent-to-buy schemes tend to be much smaller, at least in countries for which data has been provided. Australia and Chile both spend less than 0.003% of GDP for these programmes (Figure 9). Specifically, the spending data is missing for: Mexico and the Netherlands on financial assistance: Luxembourg and Spain on tax relief, Canada and France on rent-to-buy schemes, New Zealand on construction subsidies. Data for Austria, Denmark, Finland, Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland are not included as information on spending for two or more policy instruments is missing. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! It is essential to develop an information system that feeds into care policies, guides the allocation of resources and makes it possible to include paid and unpaid care work in the system of national accounts. It grounded in the need to spread the risks and work towards higher-quality sendees. The rationale is analogous to the reasoning behind health insurance (Arrow, 1963 and 2000, Sojo, 2003): it is important to make sure that long-term care is guaranteed because fortuitous events can exacerbate dependence, and it is difficult to predict the degree of dependence that older persons will have to face, regardless of their socioeconomic status and any preventive measures or provisions for self-care they might have made during their lifetime in order to mitigate dependence. Child care, on the other hand, is a desired situation, not an unpredictable one, and bound up with a temporary need relating to this stage of development. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 According to recent data, costs from major flood events will likely be counted in the billions of dollars with potential serious impacts on national GDP (World Bank, 2010), as well as on the lives of poorer and marginalized communities, in particular. The international community, multilateral development banks and United Nations funds and programmes are working to support delivery of and direct access to existing and pledged international climate finance. However, international flows alone will not be sufficient to meet the growing demand for climate mitigation and adaptation finance. In the absence of an internationally acknowledged definition of climate finance, in this paper, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) definition is used, which is “local, national or transnational financing, which may be drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing” (UNFCCC, 2014a) and which target low-carbon and climate-resilient development. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The operations considered and sources of data used are given in Table A.2. Such activities were isolated using a keyword search of project descriptions, followed by a manual review to validate the findings of the keyword search. Support to state-owned enterprises were also included within this category, where they could be identified using the keyword search. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Weakening links between economic growth, employment and social progress have pushed a larger share of the population out of the labour market or towards low-skilled and low-wage jobs in the service sector. Social polarisation and segregation are increasing. The recent economic crisis has further amplified the effects of market processes and the gradual retreat of the welfare state in most European countries. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The project is expected to cost USD 228.5 million (World Bank, 2014). The objective of the BRT project is to improve the performance of the urban transport system in the areas of quality of service, safety and environmental efficiency. The BRT will run between Barangay Talamban in the north and Barangay Bulacao in the south. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Danish national parents’ organisation supports school boards in these tasks and has received dedicated funding for this type of support with the 2014 Folkeskole reform. However, the degree to which school boards confront school leaders and get involved with monitoring school results varies across schools. Some of the school board representatives interviewed by the OECD review team reported that they had become more involved with monitoring school results since the 2014 Folkeskole reform. In April 2015, the Agency for Education and Quality (Styrelsenfor Undervisning og Kvalitet) was created to replace the former Quality and Supervision Agency (Kualitets- og Tilsynsstyrelsen). The new agency is responsible for the quality supervision for the Folkeskole. This includes supporting quality and capacity development activities in areas such as the new learning consultant corps, including consultants working with inclusion and bilingual children as well as international supervisors, and the development and operation of assessments and examinations. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These four institutions combined have over USD800 million in outstanding loans and around USD380 million in savings (Zaman, 2004). The Grameen Bank was started as a majority government-owned bank established under a special Grameen Bank Act and has different status vis-a-vis the government that can help the bank in case of unpredictable liquidity crunch due, for example, to floods. Other microfmance institutions were set up under the Societies Act without government participation and most depend to some degree on grants or low-cost funds from international donors (Hoek-Smit, 1998). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In Norway, this can be explained by an above OECD average time children spent on intentional pedagogical or educational activities, above-average contact time of teachers with children, average level of teacher salaries, and below-average estimated group size. In the Netherlands, there were above-average teacher salaries, average contact time of teachers with children, and small estimated group size compared to the average, however, these were more than offset by a significant below-average amount of time children spent on intentional pedagogical or educational activities (Figure 3.3). For example, because of Luxembourg’s high USD salaries, it has by far the highest salary cost in pre-primary education: at USD 9 729, it is over triple many countries shown in Figure 3.3. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, the project has not resulted in the establishment of the Emerald Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conversion of habitat (change in purpose) is recognized as one of the major drivers of biological diversity loss. For example, construction of infrastructure, roads, quarries, water reservoirs and irrigation systems affect habitats by their fragmentation, alteration and irreversible loss, which directly affects the populations of certain species. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The steep increase in the minimum wage might have an adverse impact on human capital acquisition by further compressing wage bands and thereby returns to education (see Box 1). Nevertheless, the impact of minimum wage increases on human capital and schooling tends to be much longer-lasting than the employment effects as they set back human capital formation and employment prospects even later in life. First, a higher minimum wage might meet the reservation wages of some students and induce them to drop out.* - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The average discharge of the Mustajoki River is 0.8 m3/s and of the Karkisillanoja River 0.2 m3/s (determined by random measurements). The water level of Lake NuijamaanjSrvi is regulated in favor of waterborne traffic. It has definitive upper and lower levels of water and water level variation is narrow, with an annual fluctuation of some 20 cm during the year. The volume of water in the Saimaa Canal affects water flows in Lake Nuijamaanjarvi. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The most severe problems are in South and South West Asia, where some 21 per cent of the population was undernourished in 2003-2005. Indeed, South Asia alone is home to more than one third of the food insecure people in the world’s developing countries (von Braun 2007). Here, on average, 42 per cent of children are underweight. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Such investment should address public transport and telecommunication, childcare and education as well as social services. In the medium to long term, strengthen the higher education system in the Northern District to build the basis for a university. High birth rates prevail among ultra-Orthodox Jewish and Arab populations. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The use of an IV-probit model is preferred, both because it solves the problem of the high occurrence of zeros, and because it is coherent with the Heckman results. Tables 2 and 3 present the estimated effect of SIGI in both origin and destination countries on female migration flows. The OLS estimates are provided in Table 2 column (1), Table 2 columns (2) and (3) report the estimates using the two-step Heckman approach and Table 3 those using instrumental variable. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To qualify for the tax breaks, the company has to satisfy a certain critical in terms of the number of jobs the investment will create and the international competitiveness of its output. The investment incentives includes grants (covering between 10% and 24% of the cost of investment in land development, investment in building and machinery and equipment), employment grant programme and grants for employing highly qualified new immigrants and returning residents. Additional direct pubic infrastructure investment is required to redress the infrastructure inequities that have developed over past five decades. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For decades, home studies has been developed across a wide range of disciplines, including ethnography and anthropology, human and cultural geography, history, and social research in architecture and design. Transnational migrations also found their own specific niche in this multidisciplinary research area. Still, in migration studies of home numerous localized but isolated case studies predominate. This book by sociologist Paolo Boccagni is a long-awaited first attempt at generalizing, systematizing, and conceptualizing more deeply existing scholarship on the migrationhome nexus. DOI: 10.25285/2078-1938-2017-9-3-160-163 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2009, the quota allocated to municipal parks or gardens (20 million m3) was less than half of estimated consumption for that purpose in previous years (45 million m3). Demand management policies in the agricultural sector seek to accomplish two key objectives: to irrigate with non-potable water (effluent or natural brackish water) wherever possible, and to maximise efficiency in the use of irrigation water. First, there is a price incentive: for irrigation the price of treated domestic wastewater (USD 0.34/m3) is one-third that of potable water (about USD 1/m3). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The dominant share of milk is produced by units of between 10 and 50 heads of cattle (Figure 3.6). Only 3% of the overall milk output comes from agricultural enterprises, and their total production has fallen since the late 1990s. This decrease concerned agricultural enterprises of all sizes, but the largest units with over 100 heads continue to dominate. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Abstract In recent years the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has settled several desegregation lawsuits across the country in ways that further the agency's current strategies of public housing redevelopment and housing mobility through tenant-based assistance. One of the chief motivations for these policies is the dispersal of subsidized housing as a means of deconcentrating poverty. This article examines the de-concentrating effects of one desegregation lawsuit, Hollman v. Cisneros in Minneapolis. The Hollman case incorporated three means of dispersal: (i) redevelopment of public housing and the relocation of displaced families, (2) a housing mobility program, and (3) development of scattered-site replacement housing. In this case, despite full implementation of the consent decree, a very limited amount of dispersal actually occurred. Marketing the mobility program and suburban replacement housing to inner-city families has proven very difficult, and most poor families remain in central... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The authors of the essays in this collection, all internationally recognised refugee scholars and practitioners, look at the controversial """"hot"""" topic of refugee rights. They consider whether, 50 years after its agreement, the Refugees' Convention can provide an adequate framework for protection. In particular, the authors address: the effect of globalization upon the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees, the efficacy of the Convention as an instrument of international law, the role of the UNHCR, whether NGOs are effective instruments for change, and nationality and citizenship issues. They also consider alternatives and options for solutions to the global refugee problem."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Mild-to-moderate disorders are typically understood not to require highly specialised treatments delivered by psychiatrists or in inpatient settings in the vast majority of cases. Instead, in most OECD countries primary care practitioners take a leading role in treating mild-to-moderate disorders (see Table 4.2). When primary care-level provision for mild-to-moderate disorders is backed up by good training (both during medical training and as part of Continuing Medical Education), by support from specialist mental health care practitioners and support networks, and by good referral options should a patient need to access a more specialised level of care, it can be a highly effective way of delivering care to a large number of patients. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Concepts such as “quality of government” and “good governance” refer to a desired character of the exercise of public authority. Recently the interest in good governance, the quality of government, and similar concepts has increased considerably. However, despite this increasing interest and use, an adequate definition of the concept of quality of government has proved difficult to find. This article criticizes recent attempts at such a definition and proposes an alternative, more complex definition that includes moral content and also encompasses a plurality of values and virtues at its core. An acceptable definition of the quality of governance must be consistent with the demands of a public ethos, the virtues of good decision making and reason giving, the rule of law, efficiency, stability, and a principle of beneficence. The article describes these components in detail and the relations among them. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Multipliers show the effects on global farm incomes (capital and labour) in USD per USD of global value of given support measures, as calculated from these marginal policy simulations. A marginal increase in subsidies leads to lower agricultural prices compared to countries with lower fertiliser cost shares. As a consequence, competitiveness and market shares of Indian agriculture increase in domestic and foreign markets. In contrast, countries with lower fertiliser cost shares see agricultural incomes fall due to lower market shares and lower crop prices. Model results suggest that fertiliser output subsidies on the one hand, and fertiliser input subsidies on the other hand, have very similar relative effects on world market prices and the production of primary agricultural products, and hence on agricultural incomes. This effect is partly due to the fact that the farming sector is the only user of fertilisers, and by the assumption of perfect competition in agriculture (zero-profit condition for firms). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Consolidation of some content from the multiple data platforms that currently exist would help in this regard, to facilitate transparency and public understanding of the quality of care. Although there is much to praise in Scotland’s local, or bottom-up, approach to quality monitoring and improvement, these initiatives could at times be supported by stronger national frameworks. Consideration should also be given to the creation of a more independent mechanism for assessing health system performance (separate from the improvement function), and ensuring that primary and community care services are subject to the same level of scrutiny as hospital services. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The strategies outlined in the three main planning documents are closely related. It identifies the main objectives for London: a city that meets the challenges of economic and population growth, an internationally competitive and successful city, a city of diverse, strong, secure and accessible neighbourhoods, a city that delights the senses, a city that becomes a world leader in improving the environment, a city where it is easy, safe and convenient for everyone to access jobs, opportunities and facilities. Examples of these policies are: housing densities, which are linked directly to public transport accessibility levels, maximum car parking limits that are also linked to public transport accessibility, minimum cycle parking standards for all different types of land use, requirements for electric charging provision in new developments, construction and servicing management plans. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Stage 3 covers the valuation phase, which is further split-up in 9 sub-steps, including significance assessment and monetization. It refers to the IPCC Guidelines, which mentions different sources for country specific data, like the IPCC Emission Factor Database. Two approaches are explained for boundary setting: i) the equity share approach, and ii) the control approach. The equity share approach is based on influence: for those operations where the focal organization has an influence the GHG emissions are calculated based on ownership percentages. The control approach accounts for 100% of GHG emissions from operations over which it has control. Any operations over which the focal organization has influence, but no control, are not included. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! In this paper, I describe our ongoing international project in engaged educational ethnography and participatory action research with young adults and consider its relevance for a discussion on the community-building role of adult education in a globalized context. I use the example of our case study to suggest that adult educators can generate viable communities by creating learning spaces that nurture critical consciousness, a sense of agency, participation and social solidarity among internationally and culturally diverse young adult learners. Furthermore, I argue that participation in international learning communities formed through this educational process can potentially help young adults become locally and globally engaged citizens. International learning communities for global citizenship thus present a proposition for conceptualizing the vital role of adult community education in supporting democratic global and local citizenship in a world defined in terms of cross-cultural and longdistance encounters in the formation of culture. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They score it higher than the transport infrastructure, resulting in a higher international country ranking (4.57 points on a scale between 1 and 7 points), although there remains a significant quality gap with the best OECD performers (Figure 5.4). World Bank, htto://data.worldbank.orQ/data-cataloa/world-development-indicators. Labour income play ed a key role in reducing poverty and income inequality in Brazil, helped by a steady decline in unemployment. Under Brazilian labour regulations, the minimum wage is subject to the automatic indexation rule based on past inflation and increases in overall GDP (as opposed to per capita GDP). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Where individual countries in this group will end up depends on the steps that each takes with regard to changes in the distribution of social reproduction and whether they move towards greater gender egalitarianism (wage squeeze) or a feminization of responsibility and obligation (exploitation). It is also possible, of course, to move vertically between wage- and profit-led growth regimes. Strong norms and institutions that support investments in care make the wage-led case more likely. Additionally, more domestically oriented economies, ones governed by sustainable employment-generating macro policies, support wage-led growth. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Education decentralisation reforms are generally in line with the characteristics of local funding. In short, the greater the voice of community participation there is the greater local or school autonomy, and the greater competition among schools. Some of those reforms reflect reallocations of resources and a change in school agents’ behaviour. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Photovoltaic systems for direct electricity generation. For example, while photovoltaic is useful if the end-user needs electricity, thermal technologies are appropriate for heating water for residential, domestic and industrial sectors and for steam-based energy uses, such as turbines and power plants. Other considerations when making a selection are presented in a scorecard in the module on increasing knowledge of technological choices. Solar water heating technology for the residential sector is widespread in many Arab countries, with the biggest success stories in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine andTunisia. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Tangible projects, as those concerning public services, can motivate the collaboration at metropolitan level and represent a first step for effective metropolitan governance reforms (Box 5.5). Motivate collaboration by identifying concrete metropolitan projects. This step consists in identifying the framework conditions as favourable (economic, social and political ones. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! ""The “success formulae"""" for Matsentralen is certainly the involvement of national charity organisations in planning of and establishment of the food bank, which has made it possible to develop collaboration with local organisations quite rapidly. The problem is more to receive fairly stable amounts of food and to have a sufficient variety of food types. The food banks do both have capacity to receive more food and there is a need for more food for redistribution, so there is potential for increase in redistribution in the future."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In fact, prices appear to have been less volatile in the most recent decade than throughout the 1970-80s. Using more formal time series analysis methods Balcombe (2008) also investigates the dynamics of international commodity prices over a long period. Using monthly and yearly observations, the author does not find evidence of a trending behavior in price volatility. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These are: 1) the senior secondary vocational schools known as sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMKs) and the Islamic vocational senior secondary schools (madrasah aliyah kejuruan, or MAKs), 2) community colleges or akademi komunitas (AKs), 3) polytechnics, 4) universities, and 5) vocational centres known as balai latihan kerja (BLKs). At the time of the OECD review team’s visit, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) was responsible for SMKs, which provide secondary education, and the newly established AKs, polytechnics and research universities, which provide post-secondary education. The latter are now under the purview of the new Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MORTHE) combining the former Directorate General for Higher Education and the Ministry of Research and Technology. The BLKs, which provide non-formal technical and vocational education and training (TVET), fall under the administration of the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (MOMT). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article explores the relationship between John Dugard and Gustav Radbruch. Drawing on the legal philosophy of Gustav Radbruch and John Dugard's work on international criminal law the article addresses the complex question of whether retroactive punishment is legally and morally justifiable. The article discusses Dugard's views on the question of retroactivity in three contexts: firstly, in his opinion on the legality of extraterritorial prosecution of torture in the Bouterse case, secondly, through his criticism of the Constitutional Court's decision in Azapo, and thirdly, by his support for ius cogens norms as expressed in his separate opinion in the Congo v Rwanda decision. The article concludes that Dugard's support for retroactive punishment in the specific context of serious international crimes is another example of his lifelong dedication to 'higher law' and his faith in the normative evolution of international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This has been done by applying climate elements to public expenditure reviews, in the form of climate change public expenditure and institutional reviews (CPEIR), climate change finance assessments or analyses, or a mitigation fiscal framework (in Indonesia) (World Bank, 2014). Different countries have established, or are using these analyses to establish, tagging or tracking systems to identify climate-relevant expenditures, and put in place institutional arrangements as necessary (UNDP, 2015). They have also been reporting on support needs within their national communications and BURs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Abstract The 1988 Federal Constitution highlighted management councils as resources vital to the sedimentation of decentralization and participation principles in public policies' systems. According to the participatory ideal, it is necessary to balance the relationships between citizens and governments. From democracy and public administration paradigms perspective, this means to promote deliberative and societal forms. Starting from these considerations, it was searched, in this article, to understand the role of councils in the development of two principles of societal administration: the political-institutional reinvention and participative-deliberative democracy. After observing twelve councils in Lavras, MG, it was concluded that these are consistent sources of political and institutional innovation. However, its efficacy is limited regarding the sedimentation of the local deliberative democracy. Deficits of information, the social non-association, the fragile connection between representatives and represented and the government opportunism work for this. Key words: Public administration, Management councils, Societal administration, Deliberative democracy, Public deliberation - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Modern international shipping is largely a flag state-based system. Only the flag state has complete authority over the vessels that fly its flag, and as a result, other states’ jurisdiction over these vessels is very limited. Against this backdrop, this article examines the flag state’s responsibility for maritime terrorism, a major security issue and vulnerability in the global supply chain. It is not an exaggeration that the global community’s repeated statements regarding the illegality of terrorism have created a customary international law obligation for states to take all possible steps for the prevention of terrorism. This article argues that providing flags to suspicious entities in an obscure registration system is not compatible with this obligation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""This article argues that in creating the public safety exception to the Miranda requirements, the Supreme Court implicitly analogized to the criminal law doctrines of self-defense and defense of others. Thus, examining the justifications of self-defense and defense of others can be useful in determining the contours of the public safety exception and the related """"rescue doctrine"""" exception. In particular, the battered woman syndrome -- which is recognized in a majority of the states and has been successfully invoked by defendants in some self-defense cases -- could provide a conceptual analogue for arguments about whether law enforcement officers were faced with an """"immediate necessity"""" to obtain information that was needed to protect the public safety. Such an analysis could be especially relevant to the debate about withholding Miranda warnings during initial questioning of terrorism suspects."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thus, microfinance is having a modernizing impact, even if that impact is inadvertent, unacknowledged and unsung. The borrowers learn some basic principles of business, and with luck—and perhaps some help—may be able to become more viable and even expand. Microfinance also gives the unemployed and people living in poverty some opportunities, hope and self-esteem. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The number of first degree Galilean students for the year 2008 was 22 564 (see Table 1.6.). Increasing percentage of students - 8.5% or 14 300 students -study in the nine colleges in the Northern District. Five regional colleges that had been established during the 1960s and 1970s as non-academic institutions - one post-secondary polytechnic school, two teachers colleges, and an inner-city college in Nazareth - were upgraded to accredited academic institutions granting bachelors and masters degrees in a range of fields. In addition, there are teacher education colleges that operate under the auspices of the Ministry of Education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For example, among surveyed developing countries, the Ministry of Land, Natural Resource and Environmental Protection in Zambia monitors GHG emission reductions through the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA). In particular, the vast majority of bilateral providers of finance were interested in monitoring results and progress towards achieving impacts on the ground. The prime reason cited for this was to demonstrate “value for money” of their international climate finance and for reasons of accountability towards their own taxpayers. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For example, joint work with Intel Technology Sdn. In collaboration with the Penang State Government, courses on oral and written English are offered to the support staff. Furthermore, the school of computer sciences works in close collaboration with several industries such as Intel Penang and the Software Consortium of Penang. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The analysis in this paper suggests, however, that it is not just poverty (i.e. the incomes of the lowest 10% of the population) that inhibits growth. Anti-poverty programmes will not be enough. The evidence strongly suggests that high inequality hinders the ability of individuals from low economic background to invest in their human capital, both in terms of the level of education but even more importantly in terms of the quality of education. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! A number of atypical contracts exist in OECD countries (such as casual, on-call and project-work contracts, see e.g. Venn, 2009). In addition, changing labour markets and the need to increase adaptation and flexibility have led to a blurring of the boundaries between dependent employment and self-employment. Many countries have seen a rising share of independent contractors who depend on a single employer for their income but are legally self-employed and their relationship with their employer is regulated by commercial law. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! It produces evidence and creates a basis for public engagement. As part of civic engagement and advocacy, cutting-edge policy research should be conducted on a continuous and cumulative basis. Lack of confidence is only a by-product of the social system that diminishes womens ambition for political leadership. Part of the civic mobilisation around this question would be to design support, especially for young women and especially focusing on producing quality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Given the extent of the change in teaching practices that the new curriculum requires, Costa Rica might find value in standards that offer more specific guidance to teachers as to what is expected in terms of knowledge and pedagogical practice in different subjects and grades, and stages of a teacher’s career. Teacher performance standards in Chile, for example are widely recognised as having made a major contribution to the professionalisation of teaching in the country. For that to happen, they need to be taken as a central reference point for all related policies (see Figure 3.5). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 During the first trading period (2005-07), there was an excess supply of allowances in Portugal, as throughout the whole system. Emissions by Portuguese entities were verified as 89% of Portugal’s allocation. Overall, during the first trading period there was less pressure to abate GHG emissions on the trading sectors than on the non-trading ones (IEA, 2004). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Civil society, including environmental NGOs, should also contribute. The promotion efforts should be devoted to communication and marketing, but also to regulatory questions. The forest sector already displays many green characteristics: the renewability of its raw material, the low waste and high recovery rate of its processes, the multi functionality of forests, and the emerging systems of payment for forest ecosystem services. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Data analysis, probability, and measurement - as opposed to formal operations - comprised the majority (58%) of PISA mathematics items (National Center for Education Statistics, n.d.). Some schooling systems perform at a high level on both assessments, but many fare better on one or another assessment. Many Nordic and English-speaking education systems, with curricula and pedagogy oriented towards the application of knowledge in real-world settings, perform at higher levels on PISA than TIMSS, while education systems strongly oriented towards theoretically-led curriculum and instruction, such as those of Russia and former Soviet states, demonstrate higher levels of performance in TIMSS (Wu, 2010). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Inexpensive fossil fuels are used to operate large machinery, which enables large-scale cultivation, mono-cropping, standardization and high-volume transport, and the synthesis of fertilizers and agricultural chemicals permits the improvement of soil fertility and simplified management of ecosystems. Until the nineteenth century, agriculturalists were basically forced to engage in stable sustainable agriculture that took maximum advantage of nature’s functions. But during the twentieth century, by taking full advantage of the energy sources provided by inexpensive fossil fuels, “using natural functions” gave way to “applying technology to transform nature”. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The low overlap between low pay and poverty has implications for anti-poverty policies, in particular it suggests that policies which influence wage rates, such as minimum wages, may have only a small impact on poverty. Instead, among the working poor underemployment is a major issue, with most of the working poor employed for too few hours to escape poverty. Lone parents are particularly likely to be among the working poor, with the incidence of in-work poverty twice as high as for single childless adults. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The economic values of the environmental/societal services of extractive species should be recognized and accounted for in the evaluation of the true value of these IMTA components. This would create economic incentives to encourage aquaculturists to further develop and implement IMTA. Seaweeds and invertebrates produced in IMTA systems should be considered as candidates for nutrient/carbon trading credits within the broader context of ecosystem goods and services. Long-term planning/zoning promoting biomitigative solutions, such as IMTA, should become an integral part of coastal regulatory and management frameworks. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Overcrowding, poverty and unemployment also have an impact on the above-mentioned rights and directly affect the level of violence and sexual abuse in homes and communities. In addition, insufficient protection for victims of domestic violence, including insufficient shelter homes, legal aid and information to women about their rights, has an impact on the level of domestic violence and women's homelessness. Consequently, States should address all these issues as issues of women's rights to property, land, housing, life, personal security, gender equality and being free from violence and discrimination. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, such choices would be more informed if they were supported by broader empirical analysis of the trade-offs between the two strategies. A commodity principle is at the heart of their organisation, with the result that an individual farmer producing several commodities is served by several bodies, each concerned with specific product. This limits the approach to management of farm risk in an enterprise with multiple activities and interactions between these activities. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While there have been laudable moves by NGOs and the private sector on environmental issues, real progress is not likely until and unless there is government leadership and political commitment. However, for Viet Nam, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia, this recognition has yet to be translated into a set of coherent and integrated policies and programmes. There is a chronic need for clearly articulated strategies at both the country and ASEAN levels. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These are the Housing Assistance and Relief Trust (HART) and Habitat for Humanity, Fiji (HFH). Fiji has a number of child care institutions, orphanages and boarding schools which have been established by NGOs, such as the Dilkusha Children’s Home and the Veilomani Boys Home. The former not only nurtures neglected and needy young girls and provides protection to children who are victims of all forms of abuse, children of poor families and physically challenged children but also provides social assistance in terms of in-kind or cash educational assistance. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! It concluded that winter precipitation in Austria and in the Greater Alpine Region is likely to increase by between 8% and 13% by 2050, and that temperatures will increase throughout the year, by 1-2.5 °C in summer and by 1.6-2.2 °C in winter (AIT, 2013). Heat waves are expected to be an increasing problem, especially in urban areas. Climate change is also expected to lead to increases in natural hazards (ClimChAlp, 2008, Korck et al., This can be seen from the EM-DAT disaster database (CRED, 2013), which contains details of major disasters (more than 10 casualties or 100 people affected, or a declaration of a state of emergency). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Central America Solidarity movement emerged in the early 1980s when US citizens sought ways to support Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who were fighting for human rights, economic justice, and democratic freedoms. Solidarity activists also worked to obstruct US political, economic, and military intervention in Central America. Keywords: civil war, foreign interventionism, regional movements, war, Central America, United States of America - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""This perspective ignores the fact that public investment can """"crowd in” or encourage private investment, for example, when the public provision of infrastructure, education and training, or credit, makes private investment opportunities more attractive. This is especially true in developing economies, where market imperfections are extensive. Public goods are undersupplied by markets relative to what is socially or economically optimal because their social returns are greater than their private returns (Sen, 1999, United Nations, 2013b)."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! National human rights institutions (NHRIs), quasi-governmental agencies intended to protect human rights, constitute one of the most common institutional innovations advocated by the modern human rights movement. Among other things, they are intended to facilitate government compliance with human rights standards. This article examines the extent to which one particular NHRI, Australia's Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC), has performed this function by using its authority to intervene in litigation that involves claims of unlawful discrimination or human rights violations. Focusing on cases in which both the HREOC and Commonwealth government participated, it shows that the HREOC's rate of intervention has varied relative to the party in power and that the HREOC has experienced limited success in leveraging law and courts as a means of challenging the government's policies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Clustering cadastre management functions for all types of land, real estate and registration of rights in a single agency, following a one-stop-shop principle, would be invaluable for the real estate market. It will need to regularly analyze progress of this regard and hasten it wherever possible. Preparing for this by adopting business disciplines will prove a good investment for the future. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The network is currently working to create partnerships with other universities as well as add more members from diverse subject fields as most of the members are either German or social studies teachers (Universitat Paderborn, 2016[m]). First, new teachers can benefit from support offered by mentorship programmes. Comprehensive mentoring is a proven method to support these teachers, “without effective mentoring support, many beginning teachers struggle and fail to learn the nuances of effective teaching” (Spooner-Lane, 2017[nsj)- Furthermore, mentoring is essential for teachers in disadvantaged schools as it can help them learn the necessary skills more quickly (OECD, 2012, p. 132(69]). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Some maternity benefits are provided by a conditional cash transfer scheme - Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) - for pregnant and lactating women as a pilot in 52 districts since 2010. Cash is conditional on health checks for mothers over 19 years of age and first two births via bank transfers. Any national policy for social security, healthcare, childcare, and housing should be linked to efforts to modernise the stringent labour laws to avoid the duality problem in working conditions. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Teachers earn very close to the national average salary level, typically equivalent to what mid-career, middle-school teachers earn annually in the nations - about USD 41 000 (Figure 7.3, OECD, 2010b). More important than salaries are such factors as high social prestige, professional autonomy in schools, and the ethos of teaching as a service to society and the public good. Thus, young Finns see teaching as a career on a par with other professions where people work independently and rely on scientific knowledge and skills that they gained through university studies. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Health issues can act as an obstacle to education and result in poor physical and/or educational achievements, adding to the challenges faced by children and their families. Promoting universal access to health care and public health policies that benefit poor children can ensure that children’s basic needs in nutrition, medical supervision and health care are met although they live in a low income family (OECD, 2009(6ii). Such a provision is especially important for the poorest segments of children are most at risk of experiencing deprivation in nutrition (Thevenon, Clarke and de Franclieu, 2018(is]) and because poorer families are more likely to alter food purchases during difficult times. ( - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 East Asia has exhibited the most dramatic reduction, slashing its USD 1.25 a day poverty rate from 77% of its population in 1981 to 14% in 2008. In South Asia, the proportion of the population living in extreme poverty is now the lowest it has been since 1981, falling from 61 to 36% between 1981 and 2008. Strong economic performance of countries such as China and India has also resulted in more poor people living in middie-income countries than in low-income countries. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In addition, there are notable cross-country differences in the current level of earnings inequality. Since all OECD economies face the same global environment and have essentially benefited from the same technological advances, globalisation and skill-biased technological change should have led to broadly similar shifts in labour demand. Even though countries have differed with respect to supply shifts, a relative supply-demand shift story is unlikely to fully account for the marked crosscountry differences in both the level and the evolution of labour earnings inequality. This hints at a possible role for differences in policy and institutional settings. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 With the goal to become one of the top performing higher education institutions worldwide as an APEX university, USM has set forth an agenda, Transforming Higher Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow in order to “support the drive to improve the wellbeing of humanity, the bottom billion.” The strengthening of the post-graduate programmes, in medical health, life sciences, health sciences, engineering and technology, and information technology is directly in line with regional priorities. Developing the pool of highly-qualified researchers and engineers is critical to the capacity of the region to compete on the basis of design and development and innovation in the electrical and electronics industry and other industries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As technologies develop and become cheaper, they might be able to substitute for workers of all skill levels, and since the supply of smart robots and 3D printers can potentially become unlimited, this would lead to an equalization of labour endowments across the globe. At the same time, robots do not generate additional demand. As a result, trade flows driven by differences in labour endowments could potentially run dry with considerable consequences for current trade patterns. On the path to this extreme outcome, it is likely that trade patterns will evolve with the skills and adoption of additive manufacturing and robots in production across sectors. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Comparing within the periods when the series were consistent, the trends in shares of agriculture in employment and in GDP were diverging in the 1990s, while in the 2000s these shares moved in the same direction. Indeed, there were strong labour adjustments throughout the post-independence period when people moved in the 1990s to the countryside as a coping mechanism, but the onset of economic growth in the 2000s brought on rural-urban migration. However, agriculture continues to be the largest sector in terms of employment (26% in 2011) and there is a considerable gap between labour productivity in this sector and the rest of the economy. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Using investor characteristics can further deepen the understanding whether in the presence of asymmetric information and risks investors tend to discriminate in favour of those who resemble them, e.g. those of the same gender. A different angle of homophily could be addressed by looking at who teams with whom, as some 40% of the companies in the sample count more than two founders. Such a survey would need to be conducted in collaboration with the data supplier, but would allow to confirm or eliminate the hypothesis of gender discrimination in the funding amount. Networking is a different dimension to observe and to measure. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There are no organized data available, however, on road and maritime transport. Target 9.2, which focuses on industrialization, has data for the indicators covered. Target 9.4 has three indicators: 9.4.1 (emissions of carbon-dioxide), 9.4.2 (emissions of carbon dioxide per unit of GDP (purchasing power parity)), and 9.4.3 (emissions of carbon dioxide per unit of manufacturing value added). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This and other pressures on the clinics in the Korean health care system have resulted in an increase in the closure rate, up from around 7% in 2006 to 8% in 2008, this is compared to a 1% closure rate among hospitals and underscores the additional level of financial difficulty faced by clinics (Cho, 2009). These statistics exclude dentistry and oriental medicine clinics. These challenges are only likely to be compounded as demographics drive older and poorer patients to present at Korea’s health services with more than one health condition, and requiring care that straddles multiple health services and specialists. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Avoidable hospital admissions are among the best in Europe for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (see Figure 10). Moreover, the 30-day fatality rates for acute myocardial infarction and stroke are among the worst in the EU. There are structures in place to support quality health care but outcomes suggest substantial room to further improve service quality and the coordination between levels of care. In addition, the EHIF has published a selection of service quality indicators for every hospital since 2012 and quality criteria are included in strategic contracts. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 There are however several unique challenges that need to be considered in order to see this potential maximized. Because the poor will often own smaller amounts of land, ensuring their participation will require setting the minimize land size requirements for the programme adequately low. While the inclusion of a larger number of smaller plots will tend to increase transaction costs, as outlined previously, a number of technical and institutional innovations can be employed to limit these effects. Ensuring the ability of the poor to participate will also includes ensuring that they have adequate access to the necessary capital, insurance and other financial services. As PES programmes often include upfront costs and can involve considerable investment risk, these services are critical to ensuring programme accessibility. Furthermore, because the poor are often renters of land rather than the owners of it, PES also has the potential to adversely affect the livelihoods of the poor by increasing the opportunity cost of the land to land owners and therefore increase the rent demanded. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Finally, Figure 4.14 uses hourly earnings, while Figure 4.13 uses monthly earnings. Since both figures focus on full-time employees, however, this final difference should not lead to major discrepancies. Despite these differences, the two figures deliver consistent results. As it effectively amounts to comparing less educated men with more educated women, on average. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Mandatory interviews may have positive employment impacts through a threat effect -i.e. However, for the successful delivery of counselling services, the quality and individualisation of content is key. Across the OECD, the PES aims to have a strong market position as a job broker, by offering vacancy databases, referrals of appropriate candidates and other more specialised services to employers. Technology is changing the way people interact with each other and the world around them and the PES is no exception to this. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For those covered under the public scheme Seguro Popular, all medicines included in the positive list established by the Ministry of Health are fully covered, patients pay the full price of other drugs. When patients purchase a medicine with a price exceeding the reference price, they must pay the difference. Cost-sharing per item is capped for important drugs (e.g. antibiotics, cardiovascular). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This is explained by the fact that design and implementation of regional policies relies heavily on sub-national governments. Obstacles to coherence between water and other policy areas in OECD countries (cont.) Besides, overlapping, unclear and nonexistent allocation of responsibilities is more problematic when it comes to co-ordinating water and regional development policies than for the energy and agricultural sectors, for several reasons. First, OECD countries have generally set up more co-ordination mechanisms between water, energy and agricultural policies than in the areas of regional development and spatial planning. Second, water and energy policies are frequently led within an environment ministry and water resources management are often handled, at least in part, within a ministry of agriculture. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Urbanization almost invariably accompanies development, and the cities of India and China are experiencing spectacular increases in population. The concentration of millions of people in a small mass creates challenges for public policy, especially in the areas of basic infrastructure, public health, traffic congestion, and often law enforcement as well. In this essay, I discuss five core debates in urban policy, including the optimal degree of federalism, private versus public provision of urban services, optimal land use regulation, appropriate spatial policies, and the use of engineering and economics approaches to reducing the negative consequences of density. None of these debates are close to being resolved, but researchers have managed to generate a number of useful insights in these areas. © 2011 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Language: en - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Under the transparency framework (Article 13 of the Paris Agreement) developed countries shall provide information on the support provided to developing countries. This shall be communicated biennially as qualitative and quantitative information. Importantly projected levels of public support shall also be included wherever possible, although not explicitly part of the transparency framework. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The majority of the countries have national energy plans, policies and programmes in place to meet these challenges. Development partner support is crucial for many countries in achieving their energy targets. While it may be too early to measure the success of these activities, the targets set are very ambitious and will need continued efforts into the future. The largest proportion of energy consumption occurs in Viti Levu, where the majority of the people, a large part of the tourist industry, and Suva, the capital city, can be found. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Those rural areas, which averaged more than 51 inhabitants per kmJ, accounted for 58% of the total rural population. Settlement dynamics in West Africa (cont.) Rural areas that are well connected to urban markets have more diversified local economies, with a higher share of off-farm employment and income from non-agricultural activities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Hence, before accounting for redistribution, “middle-class” households in these countries participated only very partially in overall economic growth, as real GDP per capita during this period roughly doubled on average. Real-term income gains were more sizable in Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and, especially, in the United Kingdom. Median market incomes fluctuated without a clear trend in Australia and Poland and essentially stagnated over the period as a whole. The initial period used for these comparisons, which is dictated by data availability, clearly matters. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Change in poverty is measured as the change in the logarithm of the odds ratio of being poor (log(h/(1 -h)), and export growth is the log difference in per capita real exports between 1990 and 2007. The fitted regression line has a highly significant coefficient of -0.48 with an R2 of 0.61 which is double the R2 for the overall sample obtained in the section entitled Exports and poverty. Therefore, it will not be surprising to find that the distinction between the successful countries and those lagging behind made above on the basis of poverty trends is also mirrored in relation to export performance of the two groups. To detect causality one needs to investigate the channels through which export growth is linked to changes in poverty by detailed case studies in each individual country. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 To give full effect of the Bangalore Principles by making reference to International Conventions and Treaties. To embrace the notion of persuasive authority and exercise judicial creativity and judicial activism as they adjudicate on CEFM. To enhance their roles in court by embracing ‘out of the box’ methods outside the Courtroom e.g. through advocacy, mentorship, personal efforts in their immediate communities or social organisations (Churches, Rotary, School Boards etc.) - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This thematic metric therefore adopted contributions from nature-based tourism to GDP and employment as a proxy. There is no data on forest-based ecotourism available for now, as there are no comprehensive data sets available on the economic importance of tourism and the statistical methodology for measuring sustainable tourism is still currently under development. More detailed data would be needed in order to calculate the direct GDP from forest-based ecotourism as a proportion of total GDP and the associated growth rates. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In May 2013, the African Union (AU) commemorated both the 50th anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity and the 10th anniversary of the African Peer-Review Mechanism (APRM). Democracy and good political governance features prominently in the AU Constitutive Act and constitute the first thematic area under the APRM. The AU adopted several other instruments aimed at promoting democracy and good political governance among its member states. These include the New Partnership for Africa's Development (APRM) base document, its Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance which governs the APRM, the African Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption, and the African Charter for Democracy, Elections and Governance. As Africa celebrates a decade of both the AU and the APRM, this article revisits democracy and good political governance from an African legal and political perspective. It also assesses AU Member States' compliance with the APRM and their achievements on the ro... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Full integration of sustainable development knowledge, skills and values by all learners, while well in progress, has yet to be realized across all levels and types of education. The three priorities for Phase III—ESD school plans, teacher competences and ESD in TVET—are proving to be challenging but necessary leverage points in whole-system change. Recognition that ESD lies at the core of the purpose of education has increased but remains to be fully secured across all member States. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__12, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! ""On the other hand, resource and waste processing firms do not internalize in their supply plans the consequences of the reflux of material to the waste pile"""" (Pittel et al., Each major actor type has its own decision node in the circular economy where his decision can break the circular flow of the recycling process in figure 6. The producers' decision node contains the choice between virgin and recycled plastics as input to production and then to sell goods to consumers (or industry)."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Comprising 11 board chairs and chief executive officers (CEOs) from a selection of private and multinational companies, it promotes the goal of 25 per cent women on private sector boards. Finally, MWA has worked with NGOs, such as Global Women or Diversity New Zealand, to increase leadership and governance capacity across a range of different industries in New Zealand. Instead of only addressing the deficiencies of women candidates, MWA focuses on broader societal and organisational change to foster encouraging environments for women to be able to realise these leadership goals. Mechanisms such as the New Zealand Census of Womens Participation or MWA’s annual Gender Stocktake are used to collect statistical data. New initiatives, such as the NZX Diversity Listing Rule, will be used to monitor private sector progress. Finally, commissioned research and additional publications (including from NGOs and other sources) are used to bolster the evidence base on women’s leadership. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These standards would need to align with the Good Teaching Framework. The ministry w'ill also have to define what is expected of teachers in their practice in the classroom and in the development of their professional know'ledge. The government needs to ensure that these programmes closely align and are consistent with the Good Teaching Framework and any national professional teaching standards. It also needs to ensure that these programmes deliver a high-quality and well-prepared teacher workforce. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The term open government is often used to describe initiatives of putting government information on the Internet. This conceptualization is too restricted since open government is not only about openness in informational terms (vision) but also about openness in interactive terms (voice). On the basis of an analysis of 103 articles, this article provides insight into the concepts of openness, transparency and participation, their interactions, and the manner in which they have been discussed in the literature. This analysis shows the differences and similarities between economic, political science and legal perspectives on open government and argues that a multidisciplinary approach needs to be taken. The authors conclude that open government is much too important to leave it to the ‘techies’: scientists and practitioners with backgrounds in law, economics, political science and public administration should also get involved to build sound connections between vision and voice that facilitate active citize... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Among Tajik migrants (GMER 2016), again with no significant difference between the sexes, there were more respondents who wanted to live in the Russian Federation (29 per cent), 24 per cent said that they would like to come back home, 34 per cent would like to move back and forth between the countries, 9 per cent did not know, and 4 per cent said that they would like to move to another country. Males much more often expressed willingness to return to Uzbekistan while females much more often expressed their lack of specific plans (figure 21). In the last 10 years, cell phones and Internet connections became cheaper, which together with the emergence of various Internet technologies (""""Voice over Internet Protocol"""" as well as various instant-messaging services, such as Skype and Imo) make it much easier for migrants in the Russian Federation to keep in touch with people back home in Central Asia."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 With an output subsidy covering more than two-thirds of fertiliser costs, fertiliser support is particularly relevant for Indonesian agriculture. In the case of India, a fertiliser producer support (output subsidy) equivalent was calculated, representing about 56% for nitrogen and 60% for phosphorus and potassium. For Russian crop sectors around one-fourth of total fertiliser costs are covered by governmental intervention. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Elaborated based on data provided by CONAGUA (Comision Nacional del Agua), in November 2012. Several of the Agenda’s initiatives relate to the reassignment of legal functions, regulation, capacity development, institutional organisation, enforcement, compliance and the adoption of incentives to build a resilient water management system at the national and regional levels. Particular emphasis in the Agenda is put on strengthening the role of river basin organisations and their auxiliary bodies (see Chapter 2 on river basin governance) and involving civil society and water users’ associations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Tackling supply deficits within individual catchments will be a high cost approach, increasing the requirement for new infrastructure, and requiring more constraint on water use. However, water is heavy and pumping - and carbon - costs are high, so large scale, long distance transfers are expensive, relative to the water’s value. But there is scope for greater interconnection within and between water companies. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These are vivid examples of how AfT is helping LDC exporters integrate into GVC or upgrade their products to capture greater value. Policy actions to streamline administrative procedures and rationalise export taxes could be particularly fruitful. Over the long term, governments can help build a national quality culture aimed at improving product competitiveness. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) manages water resources and provides bulk water in the Jordan Valley in addition to its other non-water responsibilities, such as tourism development in its geographic domain. The Ministry of Planning and International Co-operation (MOPIC) plays a role in facilitating the submission of project proposals to donors and in every aspect of donor funding to the sector. As in many countries, overall investment procurement takes place in co-operation between the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance under the supervision of the Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The majority of the poor live in urban areas and spend a significant share of their income on food. Agriculture is also a buyer and supplier for a significant part of the rest of the economy - the agricultural input sectors, agro-processing and retailing altogether contribute an additional 17% to GDP and around 18% to employment (OECD, 2014). A new approach to tackling these problems was implemented in 2003 with the launching of the Zero Hunger Program. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! It also may harm families. This new combination of objectives has complex implications on the financial model that could help Korean cities cope with such evolving demand. Although only 6.8% of the overall transport infrastructure in Korea is more than 30 years old (as of 2014),9 this share will rise to 30% by 2030 and the corresponding maintenance costs are expected to increase by 6.1% per annum by 2030 (Kim, 2016). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Some of these homeowners are still repaying a mortgage. For example, 17% of elderly Canadians reported that their households were making regular mortgage payments in 2010 (Uppal, 2010). In 2011, among the over-65s who owned their homes, 6.5% were still repaying a mortgage. In Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland, the percentage is at least 30%. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 See Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, ibid. Yet the measures to implement these goals were not always articulated, many PRSPs assumed that aggregate national economic growth would lead to the achievement of the MDGs and did not give enough consideration to distributional challenges. Lastly, the goals were embraced in a selective manner. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! This support should target the major barriers companies face in pursuing green growth in developing countries. There is also clear recognition across the development co-operation community of the central position private sector actors can play in supporting the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) - as drivers of green growth in developing countries, promoters of green supply chains, as a source of investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure, and as leaders in innovation in clean technologies and resource efficiency. In recognition of this, the OECD Development Assistance Committee is looking at the lessons learned and best practice experiences from efforts to engage the private sector for development outcomes, more broadly, and in relation to green growth and climate change, in particular (OECD, 2016a). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Stock enhancement activities are expected to help conserve fisheries resources in the long run. Local governments responded by producing policy documents to support the development of modem marine fisheries and providing financial support to the sector. The new policy gives priority to resources conservation and environment protection and not just to fisheries development. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Decentralisation needs to be a flexible process, allowing the central/local dynamics to evolve and taking into consideration the potential instability of the political framework (Work, 2002). There should be a clear design for its implementation, with defined roles for the various management levels and linkages between them. A situation where local players do not have the authority to take decisions cannot lead to good governance. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Waste targets primarily emphasise material reuse and recycling as end objectives. Timelines are set for reaching targets. If the goals and targets are not achieved at the end of the set time period, a recommendation is made, and an analysis has to be produced in order to explain why targets were not met. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""Poor people are not just victims of a misallocation of resources. They rather lack, or are denied, the resources needed to fulfil social demands and observe the customs and laws of society. This realisation led to the development of """"relative deprivation"""" approach, under which a threshold in each dimension of poverty is envisaged, according to prevailing social norms, below which withdrawal or exclusion from active membership of society is common. Relative measures are most frequently used in wealthier societies."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Costs will often only start to fall meaningfully after an extended period of commercial testing, learning, efficiency gains, and other incremental improvements. The concurrent establishment and growth of an industrial base drives costs down through standardization, mass production, and economies of scale. The first atmospheric steam engines had thermal conversion efficiencies of only 1 percent, consuming some 45 pounds of coal per horsepower delivered (Ayres, 1989). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Measurement issues with this TFP measure have been identified (Alston and Pardey, 2014), suggesting caution in drawing strong conclusions based on these data. This is despite recent increases in the land-to-labour ratio with rising emigration to urban areas: the number of rural-urban migrants totalled 270 million by 2013 and the land-to-labour ratio rose by 50% between 1990 and 2010 according to some estimates (Fuglie, 2012). The policy reforms that can contribute in this regard are now discussed in turn. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The labour force participation rate for less-educated women tends to be counter-cyclical whereas for those who are highly educated, it is pro-cyclical (Bhalotra and Aponte 2009). The former situation is due to the 'added worker effect': more participation to compensate for household income shocks, and the latter is to protect against the 'discouraged worker effect' (withdrawal from the labour market). The 'collective' household labour supply model is explicitly based on individual preferences, and control over resources influences the bargaining that occurs within the household. This model implies that women's greater control over household resources may increase their welfare by enhancing their bargaining power. But empirical evidence on the 'collective model' in developing countries has hinted that women actually receive fewer productive resources within households and therefore have less bargaining power (Mammen and Paxson, 2000). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Over time, Chile could increase the voucher for all children, while keeping it progressive, to increase public spending on education. Cross-country empirical evidence suggests that a large share of privately operated schools has a positive impact on PISA results, but only if the share of public financing remains high (WolSmann, 2005). In contrast, school systems with a high share of private financing achieve weaker results than others, presumably because they do not do enough to help children of lower ability catch up. The government oversees only those schools that enter the SEP system and accept the extra subsidy, which has created a disincentive to participate. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is quite evident in the case of mono-cultivated, intensive crops that use irrigation and increasing amounts of fertilizers and pesticides. Timber resources can be natural or cultivated and are important environmental resources in many countries. They provide inputs for construction and the production of furniture, cardboard, cellulose, paper and other products, and are also a fuel source. Timber resources are defined by the volume of trees, living and dead, which can still be used for timber or fuel. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This chapter argues that Northern Ireland’s geographical and political status in the UK has important consequences for questions of language learning, languages in the community and language policy. It examines the most important contextual factors for languages in Northern Ireland, and deals with two main areas: languages in the education system and languages in the community. In both sections, it discusses both policy and practice together. A final section draws together the main issues and the implications of Brexit for languages in Northern Ireland. It argues that what is now urgently needed is a radically different level of awareness, not only in wider society in Northern Ireland, but also in education and in local government, of the importance of languages for peace, community relations, security, trade, diplomacy, international relations and crucially, for intercultural understanding (at home and abroad). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Income inequality remains high, while poverty has declined. Source: DHA (2008 and 2009), Statistics South Africa (2012b). The increase in temporary immigration was related to the need to fill positions previously held by the white minority, but was also fuelled by students and others seeking to benefit from the end of the apartheid era. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The Outlook assumes biodiesel use to be held constant over the remaining years although no explicit mandate for biodiesel is legislated thereafter, the subsequent mandates referring only to advanced biofuel. Trade of biodiesel should remain low, Argentina is expected to be the main supplier on international markets. While many developing countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and in South East Asia, have initiated ambitious renewable energy programmes, many have been put on hold during the economic crisis, credit constraints and with the more uncertain market prospects. The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook, therefore, presents a conservative view on biofuel prospects in many of the developing countries over the projection period. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Literacy cannot simply be assumed owing to school attendance or educational attainment. There are instances where people leave school without strong literacy skills or lose those skills through lack of practice. It is therefore important to enquire about the literacy level of respondents irrespective of educational attainment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! We capture these divisions in the model by positing gender-segregated labour markets and women’s association with paid care work. Both women and men contribute to the financial and time costs of providing care, however, just to varying degrees. In our model, investment is of two types: what we term physical investment undertaken by capitalists and human capacities investment undertaken by individuals and households.3 Funds for both types of investment are drawn from national income, which is split between capitalists (profit share) and workers (wage share). Because industries and occupations tend to be highly segregated by sex, we further disaggregate the wage share into the female and male wage shares. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Understanding, discussing and exemplifyingthe key challenges of M&E for adaptation, UNEP DTU Par tnership Working Papers series, Climate Resilient Development Programme, Working Paper 1: 2016. Vertical Integration in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes: A guidance note for linking national and sub-national adaptation processes. Org/wp-content/uploads/2016/l 1/Vertical-Integration-in-NAP-Processes-Guidance-Note.pdf (accessed 20 February, 2017). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""In Viet Nam, access to maternal health care services ranges from 90 per cent in urban areas to as low as 20 per cent in remote areas of the Central Highland and Northern Uplands regions inhabited by indigenous peoples"""".35 Similar trends have been recorded throughout Latin America36 as well as in the richer developed countries. However, between the 1980s and the end of the century, a slowing or stalling of indigenous health improvements measured by life expectancy meant that the gap failed to close significantly (Canada) or even widened (New Zealand and the United States). In fact, because indigenous peoples are essentially invisible in the data collection of many international agencies and in most national censuses, the disparities in their health situation as compared to other groups continue to be obscured. Similarly, even when indigenous peoples appear in health data, they are often conceived of as a percentage of a national population, which UNICEF has noted """"can be misleading in as much as the distribution of certain indigenous peoples does not correspond to national boundaries."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Since then, however, TFP growth has turned positive, although it has been slower than in other country groups. In the island LDC subgroup, TFP has grown very slowly since the 1960s. It has alternated between periods of positive and negative growth, with a performance similar to that of partial productivity measures examined above. The former include the relatively positive agricultural productivity performance of mixed exporters and manufactures exporters, as well as fuel exporters (chart 2.8B). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Sustainable economic governance requires effectual rules and policies and their effective implementation. Arthashastra written by Kautilya more than two thousand years ago discusses various best practices on governance of markets, economics and trade to ensure happiness and wellbeing of the subjects. Most of the wisdom of Arthashastra are still relevant and are being adopted knowingly or knowingly by present day governments. This paper discusses the teachings of Arthashastra on critical economic policy areas and their key elements and tries to relate its application with present day scenario. The paper discusses how Arthashastra lessons on public finance, trade, taxation and administration have been or can be incorporated in Indian context to achieve the ultimate objective of sustainable economic governance. The paper further combines the key teachings on economic governance and presents a model which can act as a guide for good economic governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While the analysis of interrelations between actors reveals the most frequent interactions, it also sheds light on the limited, or absence of, contact among certain categories of stakeholders. For instance, a very low proportion (16.7%) of regulators surveyed interacts frequently with civil society on water-related issues. Similarly, 20.7% of civil society organisations surveyed are in frequent contact with watershed institutions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 They are typically reflected in the qualification a person holds, but there are currently no measurement instruments available at the international level to assess and compare those skills (OECD, 2010). In surveys, employers mention a combination of some social and emotional skills, job and occupation-specific skills and cognitive skills as the most important when recruiting higher education graduates (Humburg van der Velden and Verhagen, 2013). Empirical analyses based on employer surveys show that lack of social and emotional skills can create a strong barrier to employment, especially for low-skilled jobs (Heckman and Kautz, 2013). However, studying and/or having a job can help to further develop skills. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Finally, the pace of electrification is estimated to increase substantially until 2010, with 510 thousand new installations planned for 2009 and 578 thousand more for 2010, which is far above what had been realised the years before. These planned connections correspond mainly to the newly identified rural electrification demand - the original LpT target of two million installations had nearly been met in 2008 with 1.88 million connections. With the implementation of LpT, however, this target was brought forward by seven years (2008 instead of the original end date of 2015). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Notably, to achieve long-term goals for delivering safe and sustainable urban environments, a coherent narrative based on integrated transport and land-use policies needs be developed. The main lessons that can be drawn from the road safety stories of Lisbon and Riga and provides recommendations on advancing good governance for delivering effective road safety policies are mentioned below. Both case studies show the considerable importance of politics and a capacity for successful creation and implementation of road safety policies. Successful implementation requires not just the political momentum to initiate policies to promote road safety, but also the enforcement of legislation in practice. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The combined role as purchaser and provider at the municipality' level is also proposed as important for the resource allocation within the health sector. The paper argues for a closer analysis of the impact of fund-holding, contractual relations and incentives between levels of governments as well as including qualify' indicators in the efficiency measure. These factors imply that a continued growth in health expenditure may increase social welfare. Some measures can be explored to decrease the burden of financing, and to improve welfare for a given level of expenditure. In the medium run, the demand for health care can be crucially influenced by the encouragement of a healthy life style. As discussed by Bolin and by Asgeirsdottir, it is not clear how effective policies should be designed. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Additional joint training throughout their careers would allow better co-ordination among care providers and could help them adapt best practices in terms of care pathways and prescriptions (see below). Together with limited out-of-pocket expenditures and low public trust in some preventive measures, such as vaccines (Larson et al., Moreover, immunisation rates among children against measles are relatively low (Panel C), and immunisation against influenza has declined among older people and remains well below 40% for some risky populations, despite an official target of 75% (Panel D, PLFSS, 2015). The authorities formalised their role as gatekeepers in 2004 by incentivising all patients to register with a treating physician, as recommended by the OECD (OECD, 2000, Imai et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Consequently, the impact ofUI on work incentives per se may be weaker in emerging economies. The welfare implications of UI depend on the extent to which increased duration on unemployment derives from a liquidity (or income) effect, i.e. the reduced need to return to work quickly to limit the impact of job loss on consumption, or a moral-hazard (or substitution) effect, i.e. the reduction in search intensity due to the subsidisation of unproductive leisure. The latter is a socially detrimental response as it fails to take account of the cost of unemployment for society. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The extremely strong reaction in Spain meant that the climb in its unemployment rate was even larger than that observed in Ireland, which suffered an output shock that was nearly three times larger. Recessions that 01 until 2006 are included. By contrast, the unemployment response in the 2008-09 recession was muted in most European countries (including Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and the Slovak Republic), as well as in Japan and Korea. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In this context, it is crucial to have a clear picture of the forces driving inclusive approaches in water policy and projects to understand why stakeholder engagement is taking place and for what purpose. By 2050, the world’s population is projected to grow to around 9 billion people, with a major proportion living in urban areas. A total of 4 billion people will live in water-stressed areas, and water demand will increase by 55%, thus generating further competition among water users (especially domestic, hydropower and irrigation). The future gloomy picture for the water sector has triggered new emphasis on the role of stakeholder engagement across public, private and non-profit sectors, combined with structural and conjunctural drivers that have pushed stakeholder engagement to develop along different rationales. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, this would be equitable and have a highly positive effect in respect of creating new economic activities and development. This is a huge sum for the poorest of the developing countries but it is a humble one in comparison with other financial flows. It pales beside the hundreds of billions pledged by many Governments of the countries members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to rescue the financial sector, automotive industry and many other sectors of the economy. In comparison, the cost of bringing 2 billion into the modern energy service system would appear to be a real bargain. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This would enable more targeted policies and agricultural extension activities to the level of education. In regards to agricultural higher education, an assessment of agricultural graduates’ early careers would help understand the factors which cause them to stay in or leave the agriculture sector. The agro-food system regulation sub-dimension uses two qualitative indicators to assess the presence and degree of implementation of: 1) regulation of natural resources, such as land, soil, water, air, climate and biodiversity, and 2) regulation of inputs, such as seed, fertiliser, and agricultural machinery. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Source: MoA, 2011. One major issue is that the price subsidy paid to manufacturers does not necessarily transfer down to producers - only 10% of farmers paid the HET price or below for Urea in 2007 (Osorio et al, 2011). In reality many farmers who operate more than 2 ha also receive the subsidy by splitting land into several plots on behalf of their family members. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For the developing countries, most estimates for crop yield impacts are negative, with the share of negative estimates increasing the further into the future the study projects (Figure 5). Idawed by East Asio ond the Pacific, and Sooth Asio. Ho/rever, they ore derived from only two studies. Both point to dramatic long-term impacts, compared to a world without climate change and in the absence of climate change mitigation.3 The impact on yields by the year 2100 under high-emission climate scenarios ranges between -20 and -45 percent for maize, between -5 and -50 percent for wheat, between -20 and -30 percent for rice, and between -30 and -60 percent for soybean (Rosenzweig et al., - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! For example, while the output of a capacity building exercise on the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity can be identified relatively easily (e.g. x number of people trained), identifying the outcome of this activity (e.g. drought-resistant crops planted on y hectares of land) is more difficult to identify. The impacts of such an activity (e.g. improved food security) will be even more difficult to attribute, given time lags, natural variability in weather patterns, “shifting” baselines due to the effects of climate change, and interactions with outcomes/impacts from other related interventions. While assessing the effectiveness of an intervention in producing project-level outputs is relatively straightforward, attributing long-term, global impacts to an intervention is extremely challenging. Lamhauge, 2013, per s. comm.). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Gaps are estimated only for students with nonmissing information on whether they speak the language of assessment at home, on their age at arrival and a non-missing score on the PISA index on economic, social and cultural Status (ESCS) index. Countries and economies with a non-adjusted gap that is statistically significant from the Swedish one are marked with an asterisk before the country/economy name. Countries and economies with an adjusted gap that is statistically significant from the Swedish one are marked with an asterisk after the country/economy name. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The disproportionate impact of climate hazards further aggravates existing socioeconomic inequalities and may actually undermine the capacity of people to cope and adapt. Not only is closing the development gaps that leave people vulnerable to climate hazards a goal of sound development policies, but it is also essential to reducing the risk posed by climate change. Investing, for example, in prevention to halt the spread of malaria and other debilitating diseases to improve the quality of life of the most disadvantaged population groups, is both a sound development policy and part and parcel of a sound adaptation policy: healthier and potentially wealthier people will be more resilient to future climate hazards. Disadvantaged groups typically possess few options for diversifying their incomesources, gaining access to insurance and financial marketsand improving their education and health status. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Establishment surveys are not usually the best sources of data for disaggregations by demographic variables except in some cases by sex, thus often preventing the calculation of the pay gap for specific subpopulation groups. Within the European Statistical System, it has been agreed to use the Structure of Earnings Survey, a harmonised establishment survey on earnings, as the standard data source for computing the gender pay gap. Worker coverage of administrative records, such as social security records, often includes workers in paid employment who are covered by the administrative system. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Data are available from the FAOSTAT-Forestry database (FAO, 2017d). Labelling also provides information for customers who want to buy sustainable forest products. In aggregating certification data from FSC and PEFC, account is taken of the double counting that can arise when certificates are required from both schemes due to different customer requirements. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Pharek’s (2001) analysis of these claims shows that the vast majority of clashes between different ethnicities rotate around gender issues, i.e. the regulation of women’s clothing, exogamy or endogamy within the group and the rights of women themselves. Demographic policies are integral part of ethno-nationalist struggles, the socialization -coercion of women and compulsory heterosexuality are planned and implemented at a political level to ensure the reproduction of the ethnic group. Demographic policies in Israel have been in place almost since the foundation of the state in 1948. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Low and unstable levels of financing will undermine continued consistent improvements, and reliance on EU funding for some core areas - notably prevention and health promotion - is a challenge to sustainable growth, and impedes the development of a clear long-term vision for the health system. A targeted, incremental increase in spending is needed, rather than a sudden cash injection, which would bring significant risks and likely limited return over time. Support from the OECD, other international partners, and OECD countries could be offered to help Latvia manage the increase in health spending to maximise the positive impact (Box 0.2). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, data from the PISA study administered in 2015 reveal that 76% of native-born students of native-born parents in Sweden attained at least proficiency level 2 in the three PISA core domains -mathematics, reading and science. By contrast, only 49% of immigrant students (either first- or second-generation) did so, a statistically significant difference of 27 percentage points. This difference was greater than the OECD average difference of 18 percentage points. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There is no mechanism regarding decontamination of orphan sites, however, and no financial means exists for the government to take such action. Environmental authorities have made an inventory of publicly owned sites contaminated by pesticides, but no remediation has yet taken place due to a lack of funding (Chapter 5). Law 491 of 1999 requires projects requiring licences (i.e. the largest ones, with the highest environmental risks) to take out insurance covering environmental damage. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""It prepared and hosted the fifth Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Forest Europe) in Warsaw in 2007.8 The conference resulted in two Warsaw Resolutions: “Forests, Wood and Energy” and """"Forests and Water”. During Poland’s holding of the EU Presidency in the second half of 2011, the MoE and the LP convened several meetings of EU forest directors as well as meetings on sustainable forest management in the context of climate change. The MoE has always supported negotiations on a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe. In 2013 it hosted the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Target 14.a refers to scientific knowledge and transfer of technology. Lastly, target I4.c refers to the implementation of international law as reflected in UNCLOS. Many of these are adaptations of pre-existing targets that figured in other pieces of international legislation, such as the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (for example, target 14.4 on sustainable fisheries) or the Aichi Targets (for example, target 14.5 on protection of marine and coastal areas). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The inflows into skilled agriculture (1.5 million) do not offset this outflow, which results in a -1% growth rate. Furthermore, among both elementary occupations and professionals, prime-age workers had a relatively large downward influence on the annual growth rate when compared to other major growing occupations (Figure 3.10, Panel B). Another finding worth noting is that there was a relatively large number of new immigrants entering elementary occupations, the only occupational group in which such a relative impact can be witnessed. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Output controls with a total allowable catch and individual transferable quotas and input controls (limited entry, closures) applies. Legislative amendments in progress will introduce a maximum legal size limit for Ptectropomus areolatus, a net size restriction for traditional fishing and remove the limitation on holding live finfish. Longline trial started in the Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery in 2007 for a period of four years. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 One key obstacle to business innovation could be relatively underdeveloped knowledge- and information-intensive services. Business services are essentially concentrated in large and medium-sized urban agglomerations. The R&D “ranking” of Kazakhstan’s cities is relatively stable: the main development since 2005 has been the rise of Astana (from 9.1% of national R&D expenditures in 2005 to 19.4% in 2015). The science city of Kurshatov (11 670 inhabitants, home of the national nuclear centre and its research institutes) is by far the smallest city with significant R&D spending and personnel. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Reinold and Heupel’s introductory chapter articulates the volume’s overarching research question, surveys relevant International Relations and International Law scholarship, proposes a conceptual framework for answering the volume’s question, and presents the structure of the book. The guiding question is whether the coexistence of (partially) overlapping and sometimes competing layers of authority, which characterizes today’s global order, undermines or rather strengthens efforts to promote the rule of law on a global scale. Summarizing the volume’s findings, Reinold and Heupel argue that whether multi-level governance and global legal pluralism have beneficial or detrimental effects on the international rule of law depend on specific scope conditions. Among these are the mobilization of powerful states and courts, and the fit between soft law and hard arrangements. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This study explores the framing practices employed by mainstream mass-media outlets in the United States in their coverage of the Global Justice Movement during two major episodes of contention: the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle in 1999 and the World Bank/IMF protests in Washington, DC in 2000. A content analysis of prominent and influential newspapers—the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Boston Globe—and television networks—ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX—rendered five predominant frames: the Violence Frame, the Disruption Frame, the Freak Frame, the Ignorance Frame, and the Amalgam of Grievances Frame. These frames emerge from the interactive relationship between social movements and the mass media, which is bracketed by journalistic norms and values, and results in a dialectic of escalation whereby dissidents feel pressed to radicalize their tactics and rhetoric if they want to gain mass-media attention. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This suggests that the management practices applied are inconsistent with the purposes for which the community concessions were created. This firm was created in 2003, as a joint venture by several RBM community concessions, with the strategic aim of consolidation through their collaboration (see table VII.10). The fact that it also markets the timber produced by the communities has enabled it to identify new markets, establish connections between communities and buyers, and strengthen those that already existed. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! At the national level, it is difficult for donors to meet the aid effectiveness principle of aligning their inputs with country priorities if a developing country has not yet established such priorities or strategies. At the institutional level, varying national circumstances or enabling environments can enhance or inhibit an intervention’s success. Site-specific environmental factors can also influence the performance of an intervention (e.g. a wind turbine will generate varying amounts of electricity depending on the prevailing wind speed). However, some interventions will lead to results that either materialise or can only be assessed after a longer time (e.g. constructing infrastructure that can withstand a l-in-100-year flood). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These rents may be shared with consumers through an overextension of credit and underpricing of risk, employees in the form of higher wage-productivity differentials and other stakeholders involved in banks' business (Denk et al., The transmission of some of the financial sector rents to employees requires bargaining power on the part of financial sector workers, since otherwise financial institutions would pay the competitive wage. Rents can be transmitted to financial sector workers in two ways: wage premia and overskilling. Wage premia are analysed in this section, overskilling is the subject of the next section. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This is something policy-makers must be more sensitive to. Others point out that the fragmentation process of services has hardly begun yet.4 These future developments are likely to be of particular interest to many Commonwealth small states. Effective value-chain governance requires the alignment of incentive structures for firms taking into account public policy and developmental objectives. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The UNICEF poverty rates for six countries with near universal maternal/parental leave, preschool and national health insurance, range from 2.4% in Denmark to 10.2% in Germany. The UNICEF measure for the US is at least double these rates at 21.9%. Report Card 10 is based on the direct elaboration of household survey microdata for 33 economically advanced countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Hans Morgenthau was a founder of the modern discipline of International Relations, and his Politics among Nations was for decades the dominant textbook in the field. The character of his Realism has frequently been discussed in debates on methodology and the nature of theory in International Relations. Almost all of this discussion has mischaracterized his views. The clues given in his writings, as well as his biography, point directly to Max Weber’s methodological writings. Morgenthau, it is argued, was a sophisticated user of Weber’s views who self-consciously applied them in the sphere of International Relations in such a way that Realism provided an ideal-typical model of the rational and responsible statesman. This interpretation both explains Morgenthau’s views and shows them to be a serious, complex, and compelling response to the issues which have animated the controversies over International Relations theory after Waltz’s presentation of the methodological basis for his neo-Realism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The use of harsh interrogation techniques on terrorism suspects is typically justified on utilitarian grounds. The present research suggests, however, that those who support such techniques are fuelled by retributive motives. An experimental study conducted with a broad national sample of US residents found that the desire for harsh interrogation is largely isomorphic with the desire to punish, and that both effects are mediated by the perceived moral status of the target, but not the perceived effectiveness of the interrogation. Results are discussed with regard to retributive justice and the national policy on interrogation and torture. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Finally, high rates of waste generation point to opportunities for increased recycling. In addition, the metro-region is also home to several coal-fired power plants (i.e. Crawford and Fisk) that are among the oldest operating in the US and thus exempt from federal regulations requiring the use of the best available pollution control technology (ELPC, 2010). Electricity consumption levels in Chicago-CMAP (10.35 MWh/capita) are similar to those of other interior North American city-regions, falling between Toronto (10.04 MWh/capita) and Denver (11.49 MWh/capita). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Impact evaluations are expensive and it is neither required nor possible to undertake impact evaluations of all programmes or policies. The use of impact evaluation has, however, garnered substantially greater attention in the field of development economics, health and education (Sabet and Brown, 2018), and is being used to inform and adjust policy-making in these fields (World Bank, 2009). Moreover while the costs of an impact evaluation can be high, designing or adjusting programmes without information on whether or not they work can be significantly more costly. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Nevertheless, the proportion of sites with high concentrations (above 25 mg N03/1) increased over the review period. As for bacterial contamination, almost 75% of the 1 330 samples taken in 2004-06 had a faecal coliform count of zero, a marked improvement from about 52% ten years before. Even so, as much as 11% of the samples still had a faecal coliform count in excess of 10 per 100 ml, a level regarded as gross contamination. The most likely causes are land spreading of manure and poorly sited single house wastewater treatment systems. No clear trends can be discerned from the results of the EPA’s rolling five-year monitoring programme of the trophic status of 69 water bodies in 21 estuarine and coastal areas. Nevertheless, several major estuaries, predominantly in the south-east and south, have persistently displayed symptoms of nutrient enrichment since the EPA began to assess their trophic status in the early 1990s. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The recent Supreme Court decision regarding the constitutionality of Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070 was declared a “victory” by both proponents and dissenters. While the Supreme Court declared three of the laws four provisions unconstitutional, both President Barack Obama and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer framed the outcome in a positive light. Despite three of the four provisions dismantled, the sole surviving provision allows law enforcement to question the immigration status of anyone who violates a non-immigration offense. Although the Supreme Court placed this provision within the parameters of a “wait and see” scenario, whereby, if there are problems/violations in the laws application/implementation, the Court will revisit this provision, I argue that such a provision, despite its “wait and see” clause, invites racial profiling. To illustrate this point, this article will perform a rhetorical analysis of the Court’s majority opinion, before concluding with final thoughts. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The cabinet and the prime minister are responsible for their actions to the Riksdag, the parliament. The current government was elected in 2006 and is a coalition of liberal and conservative parties. The extensive social safety-net of the Swedish welfare state covers all Swedes as well as inunigrants who have access at an early stage to a basic level of protection and afterwards enjoy the same rights to the social insurance system as Swedish citizens. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Six out of ten people do not have access to safely managed sanitation services, and one out of nine practice open defecation. It is likely that the benefits of improved WASH services for vulnerable groups would change the balance of any cost-benefit analysis that accounts for changes in these groups' self-perceived social status and dignity. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 At a national level, rail, road, cruise and aviation policies are usually developed within separate agencies in relatively compartmentalised processes, although there is often a range of consultative mechanisms that facilitate communication and coordination. Planning for airport infrastructure, for example, requires not only forecasting of international and domestic travel growth, but also an understanding of the characteristics of these markets in order to determine the level of services required and the need for connectivity between the transport hub and the destination. The effectiveness of information exchange, learning, communication and co-ordination across policy sectors therefore determines how transport interests are balanced in tourism policies, and how tourism interests are balanced in transport policies. The overall effect of these policies has been an increase in aircraft movements and passenger capacity and an expansion of air services. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The difference between the peak of the load duration curve and the residual load duration curve represents the generation capacity that, on average, is not required due to the presence of variable wind energy. The difference between the black and the blue curves shows the minimal generation capacity, over all samples, which is not needed. In the last edition of the World Energy Outlook (IEA, 2011c), the IEA assumes that the annual peak demand is normally distributed around the mean. The capacity credit is then calculated based on the difference between the peak demand and the point one standard deviation above the residual peak demand. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""In the digital world of the Internet, IPR conventions, such as trademarks to identify market products and services, copyrights covering the software running websites and apps, and agreements defining usage rights (i.e. licences), allow traded goods to move digitally, their significance has increased appreciably. The extent of intellectual property rights coverage and their enforcement among different members may vary significantly, enforcement action by a rights owner can in many cases involve costly multi-jurisdictional litigation and other procedures before numerous national authorities. As intellectual property has traditionally been regulated, administered and enforced on a territorial basis, the """"borderless” nature of the Internet can raise trade costs in both registering and enforcing intellectual property rights in the context of global networks."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! Formerly, Article 47 of the Law 27 of 2001 relating to the Rights and Protection of the Child against Violence defined ‘forced marriage’ as any marriage of a boy or girl of less than 21 years of age, and without his or her consent while ‘child marriage’ is ‘any conjugal living-together of a boy and a girl where one of the two or both of them are below the age provided for [in the Code Civil].’ Articles 48 and 49 of the law of 2001 relating to the rights and protection of the child were repealed by the law N° 54/2011 of 14/12/2011 on the Rights and Protection ofthe Child, which is in force today. Unfortunately, the new law does not define ‘forced marriage.’ - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There is a clear trade-off between saving energy and system performance and their respective priorities vary according to time and circumstances. To solve this problem, it will be necessary to add another function to change the management policy in each condition. This technique effectively lowers CPU power, but the ratio of CPU power to the total system power is almost always less than 40% [ 17]. Unfortunately, other components such as memories and disk drives do not have a wide dynamic power range like CPUs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Journal of Urban Economics, http: //dx. A quasi-cohort analysis using PISA 2000 and the OECD survey of adult skills”, British Educational Research Journal, pp. Differences- in-Differences Evidence Across Countries”, Vol. Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. Org/10.1023/ - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The final agreement signed between the FARC rebels and the Colombian government deals with important issues like victims, illegal drug trafficking, restitution of land, and others. In this way that this text pretends to give an analysis of the agreement from the perspective of criminal law, primarily from the special jurisdiction for peace – being this a topic used by the opposition in the campaigns for the plebiscite – and for this the differences between ordinary criminal justice and transitional justice are considered, with the requirements and obligations that bring access, in this case, the second one. Intending to explain how this jurisdiction does not mean impunity as many think, and without leaving aside the relationship that this jurisdiction has with the repair of the victims - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""See the section on “Data Quality"""" in Chapter 1 for a description of the quality criteria. First, however, to give an idea of how the position of both women and men has improved in absolute terms over the past 100 years, statistics on average women and men in the 1900s, 1950s and 2000s are provided in Figure 12.1. These estimates are population-weighted averages covering at least 40% of the world’s population, where missing countries are imputed to alleviate a bias against developing countries for which less statistical material is available. By the 1950s, however, she could expect to live 12 years longer and would marry just before her 20th birthday."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the case of new technologies, this may refer to injuries caused through accidents involving autonomous drones. Should the manufacturer pay, the software developers who designed the artificial intelligence system, or the service provider who operates the drone? It has changed the way in which information is generated and accessed to such an extent that some have argued that data is ‘the new oil’. New technologies and tools have entered our daily lives at home and in the workplace. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The new formulation of a positive duty in the UK under the common law to disclose own misconduct as was laid down in Item Software v Fassihi ([2003] 2 BCLC 1 (High Court)) has not been considered favourably in other common law jurisdictions. This article provides a case commentary on the judicial decision, considers whether the creation of the positive duty was necessary within the facts of Item Software, provides an overview of its reception by other Commonwealth jurisdictions, and analyses this case in the context of the available remedies. The article concludes by suggesting that the creation of the duty to disclose should also be considered from the perspective of what would be the remedies that the company ought to get by the directors’ failure of a duty to disclose. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They can also be used to model where the greatest impacts on humans from air pollution may occur. These statistics are also required to monitor adherence to any MEAs, particularly the Kyoto and Montreal protocols, to which the country may be a party. Air emissions may be measured directly or estimated on the basis of fuel and other material input data and process-specific emission factors. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! For example, the “New Rice for Africa”, a hybrid between Asian and African species, was bred to fit the rainfed upland rice environment in West Africa. It produces over 50% more grain than current varieties when cultivated in traditional rainfed systems without fertiliser. In addition to higher yields, these varieties mature 30 to 50 days earlier than current varieties and are far more disease and drought tolerant than previous varieties (WARDA, 2000). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The questions referred to the Judicial Independence in the field of international law and its impact on domestic institutions, with particular depth in the Argentine case, will be reflected in this work. To do this we make an analysis and interpretation of various international instruments and recommendations of Human Rights Organizations. We intend to demonstrate that the human right that guarantees access to an independent judiciary, becomes the starting point on the face of the effective recognition of the rights and fulfillment of the highest missions the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is also manifested in the difficulty of combining recognition and redistribution policies, the risk being that upholding cultural difference ends up legitimizing social inequality (or, conversely, that upholding equality legitimizes cultural homogenization). All this adds up to a situation of profound inequality for indigenous peoples, since the scale and depth of the divides are compounded by their persistence and reproduction in numerous spheres. Guatemala and the Plurinational State of Bolivia are the countries with the highest proportions of indigenous people in the region, and this is reflected in all quintiles, by comparison with the other countries in the sample. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Field measurements in the Sa'dah area showed significant differences in transmissivity (Table 1), which reflect the variations in the hydraulic permeability and thickness.2S Also the wide range of values for storativity reflects the variability of the confining pressure due to differences in lithology and thickness of both the aquifer and the overlying formations, particularly toward the south-eastern edge of the system. However, direct and indirect recharge has been reported in the southern Sa'dah-Najran area where average rainfall is 250-300 mm/yr. In Yemen, it is estimated that a total recharge (natural sources plus irrigation return) of 17.7 MCM/yr30 occurs in this escarpment zone, which is equivalent to 7.9 mm/yr.3' although lower (4.4 mm/yr,32 3.2 mm/yr33) values have been suggested. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In December 2008, the US Department of Energy announced that it would provide an additional USD 200 million for pilot- and demonstration-scale biorefinery projects (USDOE, 2008b). The Canadian government also provides around USD 430 million for RD&D of next-generation biofuels through the NextGen Biofuels Fund in order to promote the development of the new technologies (SDTC, 2008). The Australian government has set up an R&D funding program of USD 12 million for second-generation biofuels, as well (Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, 2009). Second-generation biofuels form only a small part of the overall programme, around 10 second-generation related projects are financed through the FP7 ( The only biofuel project within the FP7 that affects non-OECD countries is co-operation between a large Danish enzyme company and the Brazilian Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC) with the aim to develop a cost- page | 37 competitive enzyme mix for production of lignocellulosic ethanol. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been seen as pioneering tools for the promotion of the better delivery of government programmes and services, enabling the empowerment of citizens through greater access to information, delivery of more efficient government management processes, better transparency and accountability, and the mitigation of corruption risks. Based on a literature survey of previous research conducted on ICT systems implemented in various countries, this chapter discusses the potential of different ICT tools that have the capacity to help to promote public participation for the purpose of reducing corruption. The chapter specifically reviews the different ICT tools and platforms and their roles as potential weapons in fight corruption. This chapter also evaluates different ICT tools, including e-government and public e-procurement. Finally, we have developed a theoretical research model that depicts the anti-corruption capabilities of ICT tools, which in turn, has implications for academics, policy makers, and politicians. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Chile’s last urban development policy was enacted in 1979, amended in 1985 and then repealed in 2000. These five thematic sub-commissions cover: urban planning, institutionalism, patrimony/ heritage, social cohesion, and sustainability. The inter-ministerial roundtable consists of representatives from the ministries of Public Works, National Assets Environment, Agriculture, Interior, Social Development, Defence, Finance, Economy and Energy. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Long-term unemployment rate refers to unemployment duration of one year and over. Youth unemployment rate is the proportion of unemployed aged 15-24 in the labour force aged 15-24. This is considered to be key for a well-functioning youth guarantee scheme, but regrettably the Czech youth guarantee has no explicit target outcomes against which performance can be assessed (ILO, 2013). In 2012, more than 40% of the unemployed had been without a job for longer than 12 months. The concentration of long-term unemployment in regions such as the northwest and Moravia-Silesia reflects the loss of heavy industries during transition and their high proportion of low-skilled workers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! ""This development has also had a negative impact on the possibilities for students graduating from the University in Akureyri to find relevant employment, graduates who might then choose to leave the area to search for relevant employment elsewhere. According to Adalsteinsdottir this is largely a result of a vast proportion of Icelanders making gendered education and career choices by excluding certain careers as being incompatible with their gender. As a part of this process, some public institutions were moved from the metropolitan area and placed in Akureyri, including """"The Office for Wildlife Management"""" and """"the Centre for Gender Equality"""" (Dahlstrom et al."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Samoan domestic currency strengthened against the United States dollar and the Australian dollar but weakened against the New Zealand dollar in 2012. The level of international reserves was sufficient to cover 5.3 months of imports in September 2012. At the end of June 2012, Solomon Islands’ foreign reserves were equivalent to 10 months of import cover. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! As the most frequent and most successful user of the dispute settlement system of the WTO, the US has welcomed judicial clarifications by WTO dispute settlement bodies whenever they confirmed legal claims of the US. Yet, the Trump administration increasingly rejects judicial findings against the US trade restrictions as violating the WTO prohibitions of “add(ing) to or diminish(ing) the rights and obligations provided in the covered agreements.” This contribution criticizes the illegal US ‘blocking’ of the WTO Appellate Body and the underlying, hegemonic nationalism and protectionist interest group politics. It suggests that reasonable and responsible citizens benefitting from the WTO trading, legal and dispute settlement systems must resist illegal power politics, for instance, by supporting a WTO Adjudication@me.too “enlightenment campaign” pressuring democratic institutions and governments to protect rule of law and judicial remedies in international trade as prescribed by parliaments when they approved the WTO Agreement. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Biodiversity conservation status varies widely across regions and states, being generally poorer in the South and South-east regions and along the coast, where most of the population lives. In 2014, after peaking in the mid-2000s, the annual deforestation rate in the area known as Amazonia Legal2 was 75% below the average for the previous 10 years (Figure 3). Brazil is, therefore, likely to overshoot its target of reducing deforestation in the region by 80% by 2020. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In particular, early maternal employment may have adverse consequences for the very young (Ruhm, 2004, Waldfogel, 2006). There is a long-standing debate about when mothers should return to work. Recent research has suggested there may be some small negative effects for child outcomes (Ermisch and Francesconi, 2001) although the most recent research advocates giving mothers greater choice (Brooks-Gunn et al., - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Malaysia’s expanding carbon footprint jolted the federal government into including green technology as part of the Ministry of Energy and Water’s portfolio and into launching its National Green Technology Policy in July 2009. The Government is also committed to reduce carbon emissions by 40% within the next ten years, but may find this target may be difficult to reach due to increasing emphasis on Malaysia as a regional aviation hub and extensive private transport. The Penang Transport Council was established in 2009 to improve public transport by moving people instead of cars. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is a perverse logic that deprives people of services that they provided to others throughout the course of their own lives (G6mez, 2008). This means recognizing and determining the value of the contribution made by men and women to the country's overall output through unpaid household work. Nonetheless, the limited definition of the System of National Accounts (SNA) production boundary excludes the domestic and care services produced or consumed by members of a household from the central framework of macroeconomic analysis. This conceals the importance of these activities for the economy, and perpetuates economic and power relationships. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Food security is an important social work issue historically, and social work educators are responsible for teaching a curriculum that ensures social workers advance human rights, social justice, and economic justice. Contemporary food justice work focuses on the intersecting issues of policy, health, social justice, economic development, and the natural environment. The long-term global public health and environmental threats posed by the mainstream food system in combination with increasing poverty and food insecurity have led to questions about the ability of communities to sustain a nutritionally adequate and equitably distributed food supply. This paper provides examples of social work courses, units, and assignments that focus on educating students about food and environmental justice issues. Much of this work is based on service learning, which is an effective pedagogical tool for fostering connections between classroom concepts and practice. Courses that help students understand the contextual env... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 On the other hand, an increasing proportion of ODA targeted health, education and other social activities, with positive effects on income distribution in the recipient countries. But since the increasing share of ODA for these purposes meant a decline in the share of ODA allocated to growth-enhancing investment in economic infrastructure and productive capacities, its effects on structural change and the creation of new employment and wage opportunities were limited (TDR 2008, chap. In some countries, especially in Africa, the increase in ODA flows was a major factor, but in general it was the result of higher tax revenues, and in countries where the primary sector accounts for a large share of GDP, it was due to higher commodity prices. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This paper assumes that SIGTs instruments, Z, are key determinants of gender-based discrimination in social institutions (Cov(SIGI, Z)*0) but have no direct effect on income per capita (Cov(Z, £*)=()). The two instruments appear to be valid: no evidence exists that richer countries ratify the CEDAW before poorer ones, nor that attitude towards female political leadership is linked to income level. Countries ratifying the CEDAW recognise the legitimacy of reducing gender discrimination and commit themselves to undertake a series of measures to end discrimination against women in all forms. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These include informality, nonregularity and part-time work. In order to quantify deprivation inthe quality of work of men and women, indices of multi-dimensional deprivations are derived using Alkire and Foster’s (2007, 2011) multidimensional poverty assessment method. The headcount ratio of multi-dimensionally deprived persons is computed by dividing the number of deprived persons with total number of persons. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The legal protection of religious freedom in Australia has been subject to significant debate over recent years. In the last four years this question has formed the basis of inquiries by the Australian Law Reform Commission, a Parliamentary Committee, as well as a specially formed Expert Panel, chaired by Philip Ruddock. In this article we outline the international and comparative approach taken to protect freedom of religion, and contrast this to the position in Australia. We find that Australian law does not adequately protect this foundational human right. We then assess the recommendations proposed by the Ruddock Review. We argue that although the Expert Panel recognised the extent of the problem, it did not propose a comprehensive or holistic solution that will resolve existing inadequacies. To protect religious freedom, and indeed human rights more generally, the Commonwealth Parliament should enact a national human rights act - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They note that these inputs are essential for increasing the yields of their plots, ranging from 7.5 tonnes per hectare of paddy rice under optimal irrigation and input use to 1.5 tonnes per hectare in the event of malfunctions in irrigated zones (Walther, 2008). The use of agricultural fertilizers is particularly widespread in Nigeria, where its sale is subsidised without having major effects on national productivity (Takeshima and Liverpool-Tasie, 2015). In some cases, as in Benin, government departments distribute enhanced seeds free of charge. In Cote d'Ivoire, where rice production has doubled in less than four years, government policies have been credited with increasing the availability of land and water resources for rice production while improving the regulatory environment for private sector engagement on enhanced financial services and input markets (CARD, 2014). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Since 1980, global disaster related losses account for a total of USD 3.8 trillion, of which 74% can be attributed to weather extremes.7 Adverse impacts are projected to grow - including major shifts in local and regional climate conditions, changes to water availability, sea level rise, heat waves, drought and inundation with severe consequences for human life. Significant investment will be needed to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities, mainly in sectors such as agriculture, water and coastal protection. The Agreement emphasises the need to balance support provision between mitigation and adaptation. It also emphasises that to support adaptation, public and grant based resources are particularly needed. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Chinese government representatives and scholars have attempted to ameliorate fears about China’s rise by portraying China as a new and friendlier kind of great power. It is claimed that this represents a new way of relating which transcends problematic Western understandings of self-other relations and their tendency to slip into domination and enmity. This article takes such claims as a point of departure, and analyses them with focus on the explicit discussions of friendship in international relations theory. Paying attention to current Chinese thinking which emphasises guanxi relationships, friendship can contribute to the development of genuinely relational international relations thinking and move beyond a focus on ossified forms of friendship and enmity centred on the anxious self. The vantage point of friendship suggests a way out of the dangers of theorising Self in contrast to Other, and re-opens the possibility to conceptualise Self with Other. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thailand’s government expenditure on pre-primary education as a percentage of GDP has increased significantly in recent years, to reach 0.32% in 2012. Only New Zealand and Viet Nam spend considerably more on pre-primary education as a percentage of GDP (UNESCO, 2015). Data for Australia, Korea and Malaysia are from 2011. In 2012, Thailand’s funding per primary student was 29.4% of per capita GDP, compared to 15.4% in Malaysia (as of 2011) and 11.2% in Singapore (Figure 2.4). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Finally, the assessment includes developments in non-formal learning (Indicator 1.4), as well as good practice sharing (Indicators 1.5, 1.16). The change to the 2016 assessment on women’s entrepreneurship is a pilot initiative. The planning and design assessment looked at the existence of policy partnerships, policy frameworks, institutional support and the extent to which women entrepreneurs are given strategic importance. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Ongoing hukou (household registration) reforms will also facilitate labour mobility to areas with better jobs and enable more equal access to public social services. Under this scenario, income inequality would moderate, and average households would use more of their incomes for expenditures. Four decades of breakneck economic growth turned China into the world’s largest carbon emitter. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The MCDCB has been successful in developing and expressing a strong and coherent regional vision, synthesised in the JICA Mega Cebu Roadmap study, and as such has set the stage as a strong advocate to the national government in terms of capital funding, policy implementation, and LGU capacity building. While it is still ‘early days’ in terms of buy-in and trust, the MCDCB continues to actively demonstrate success in collaborative dialogue and advancing plans and projects in a way that co-ordinates, but does not prejudice the autonomy of affected LGUs. The MCDCB model is also unique in its explicit engagement with, and leadership from, the private sector and civil society. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These provisions take basically two forms: special benefits for divorcees or regulations for pension sharing (or ‘pension splitting’) after divorce. On the other hand, some countries that have a pension model based on individual rather than derived pension rights, such as Finland and Sweden, and protect divorcees in a different way by making everyone eligible for a pension benefit independent of past or present family situation (Choi 2006, European Commission 20i3:Tablei4.4). However, they may not be sufficient where there is unequal distribution of unpaid care work between women and men. Foster (2010) points out that in the United Kingdom, for instance, children are on average 4-5 years old at the time of divorce so caring responsibilities are still likely to reduce mothers’earnings for some years afterwards. These gaps in earning history can thus continue to compromise women’s pensions even after sharing the pension rights and contributions accumulated over marriage (see, for example,Ginn 2006: Frericks et al. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Steam is a prominent historical example. Stationary steam engines were first introduced in the eighteenth century for dewatering coal mines. Stationary steam power subsequently spilled over to drive mechanization in manufacturing (e.g. textiles) and agriculture (e.g. threshing) and also to mobile applications such as railways and steamships. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The latter which concerns sustainability is necessitated by the current overexploitation and poor management of marine resources, resulting in lost opportunities to improve livelihoods, heightened risks to global food security, and diminished economic opportunities especially for the world's fisherfolk and coastal populations. These developments have made possible access to, and use of, marine resources that were out of reach a few decades ago such as marine bio-prospecting, renewable marine energy and rare metal mineral extraction in the seabed. These include small populations, a limited natural (land-based) resource base, high dependency on development assistance and international trade (especially for imports), susceptibility to external shocks, remoteness from major markets, recurrent natural disasters and they are highly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, especially rising temperatures and sea-level rise. The fact that oceans surround them makes many of these vulnerabilities more evident especially in environmental terms, in high transportation cost and in low connectivity terms. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""For more than seventy years, courts have deferred to reasonable agency interpretations of ambiguous regulations. The Auer principle, as is it is now called, has attracted academic criticism and some skepticism within the Supreme Court. But the principle is entirely correct. In the absence of a clear congressional direction, courts should assume that because of their specialized competence, and their greater accountability, agencies are in the best position to decide on the meaning of ambiguous terms. The recent challenges to the Auer principle rest on fragile foundations, including an anachronistic understanding of the nature of interpretation, an overheated argument about the separation of powers, and an empirically unfounded and logically weak argument about agency incentives, which exemplifies what we call """"the sign fallacy."""""" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Policy coordination and policy tailoring, being the main issues of the report, have been tackled both by a specific chapter of the report and horizontally by the other chapters with a narrower focus on their specific theme. The latter have, however, extended the analysis to include an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of framework conditions and policies for human capital, innovation, access to finance, and business environment at state level. In the case of programmes such as capital semilla or the SME productive project, for example, project applications have been pre-selected by state governments, which has permitted screening out projects not in line with state priorities or unlikely to survive without public support in the given local economic context. The largest national investments have always been preceded by a close dialogue between federal and state authorities. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For example, in Stockholm county council about 40% of the payment is based on capitation, 55% on variable fee-for-service, and 3% is performance-related. In other county councils, between 80-98% of the payment is based on capitation. The risk-adjusted formulas used for determining capitation payments also vary between counties, from simple formulas based on age and gender to more complex formulas incorporating health status, prior use of services and socio-economic need. Such schemes include government or locally funded incentives for attaining specified priorities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This is typically much more employment-generating than several other economic activities, and also has substantial multiplier effects. Spending on the provision of proper health facilities, for example, or ensuring good-quality and universal education, has great employment-generating potential. There is thus a strong case for pursuing a growth strategy that allows and encourages labour productivity increases overall. Such a strategy should also involve a significant expansion of public expenditure and in turn of income and employment opportunities in social sectors that have a positive impact on the standard of living. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 For most children, transitions are satisfying and fulfilling, but for some children they can be challenging and stressful (Jindal-Snape, 2010). Therefore, the nature and smoothness of these transitions can be strongly influenced by decisions on pedagogical (and programme) aspects during the transition stage (Neuman, 2002, Sink, Edwards and Weir, 2007). In educational literature, pedagogy has been conceptualised as the “scientific base for the art of teaching’’ and defined as the set of instructional techniques and strategies that enable children’s learning to take place in educational settings (OECD, 2012, Siraj-Blatchford, 2010). Pedagogy refers not only to the actual practices and direct actions of a practitioner, but also to the way a practitioner implements the practices, how he or she intervenes or engages in activities and communicates with children, the way groups and practices are organised, and how the daily schedule is planned. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Each region—and country—has a unique set of circumstances that influence the number of children a woman has. In country after country, parents have decided to have fewer children in order to provide them with better opportunities.” Pregnant mothers, Chavane says, may not have “enough time to watch over their own health or the health of their other children.” - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the context of private sector engagement on the environment, this approach involves focusing on the benefits of improving environmental performance such as increased competitiveness, reduced costs and reduced exposure to risks, rather than environmental benefits per se. Overcoming barriers between relevant departments (e.g. environmental department and private sector development department) within development agencies could facilitate the implementation of interdisciplinary approaches, which use the language of the private sector. In other words, approaches should be rooted in an understanding of how development co-operation providers can better address the barriers that companies face in pursuing market opportunities for green technologies, products and services in developing countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 First, labour market slack is exceptionally large in many countries and thus outside of most recent experience. Another difficulty in applying historical evidence to the current recovery period is the very different composition that it takes in different countries. Whereas massive labour shedding led to large increases of unemployment and inactivity in some countries, an unusually high share of the total decline of labour input has been achieved through hours reductions in a larger number of countries (cf. The need for vigorous employment growth is evident for the former group of countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! On the management side, highly stressed regions would benefit from reviewing their approaches, especially via more use of collective management schemes. Whether the relatively wide use of the proposed recommendations by the regions in the intermediate category contributes to their moderate stress status would require further data and analysis. Conversely, it is not unreasonable to consider that some stresses may be needed to induce comprehensive responses. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The goal being to create a modern and industrialised agricultural sector. Previous reforms were locked in and further actions were required as a result of further international integration at the bilateral, regional and multilateral level. The final few quantitative restrictions over agricultural imports and exports were removed. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Malta is prone to floods, erosion and fresh-water shortage (European Commission n.d.). Initiatives such as the National Flood Relief Project - which involved the construction of a network of underground tunnels, canals and bridges for better storm-water drainage by 2015 (Ministry for European Affairs and Equality n.d.) - Valletta will be one of the European cities worst hit by drought and heatwaves as a result of climate change, potentially pushing the country beyond breaking point. The research team showed results for three possible futures, which they called the low-, medium- and high-impact scenarios. Even in the most optimistic scenario, Malta will experience 38 per cent more heatwave days each year and maximum temperatures around four degrees Celsius higher. On this view, drought will become 1.29 times more severe. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Failure to adjust may put entire cohorts of young people at risk. This means that decisions about curriculums and investments in technology have to be made in an environment of uncertainty. As to technical skills, there is a distinction between digital skills and technical skills associated with the machinery, technology and robots that are specific to a particular job. Regarding digital skills, many experts advise that basic digital skills should be included in the compulsory school curriculum. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Rates of scientific publication are similarly indicative of framework conditions for research and innovation. According to a 2003 report by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), Israel is ranked third (after Switzerland and Sweden) with 1 334 publications published per million inhabitants. That is, inventions by an employee are treated as “works made for hire.” - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! This article proposes a social scientific methodology for the investigation of the regulation of the risks (and benefits) of pharmaceuticals in an international comparative context. To do this, it examines the philosophical presuppositions that are necessary for the production of social scientific knowledge, the relationships between epistemology, concept formation and empirical research design, and the generation of hypotheses and selection of research methods, by reference to the ontological status of the research object. It is concluded that objectivist realism provides a philosophically coherent framework for empirical social scientific research on the regulation of technological risks, which can be useful to citizenship and public health without being instrumentally technocratic, whereas relativism is philosophically self-defeating and can only be useful in spite of itself. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Most research in research areas like e-government, e-participation and open government assumes a democratic norm. The open government (OG) concept is commonly based on a general liberal and deliberative ideology emphasising transparency, access, participation and collaboration, but also innovation and accountability are promoted. In this paper, we outline a terminology and suggest a method for how to investigate the concept more systematically in different policy documents, with a special emphasis on post-soviet countries. The result shows that the main focus in this regions OG policy documents is on freedom of information and accountability, and to a lesser extent on collaboration, while other aspects, such as diversity and innovation, are more rarely mentioned, if at all. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The chapter reviews the factors that push migrant women towards entrepreneurship and that determine their different entrepreneurial behaviour compared to migrant men. In order to understand the determining factors behind the motivation towards entrepreneurship as well as gender-based differences, the chapter addresses and evaluates the results of several case studies in selected OECD countries. The chapter also evaluates the transformations in the motivation and driving forces of migrant women towards entrepreneurship over the years. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Intelligent water supply, intelligent parking, intelligent lighting and other services provided by the intelligent system have been applied in Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other cities in China, improved the city management, reduced the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, improved the city's liveability level, and promoted the cultivation and development of new enterprises. Relevant to SDGs 9 and 11, the project focuses on the loT industrial standards-related work, which include Requirements, Terminology, Architecture, Protocols, Security Solutions, Ontology, Interworking and Bindings, etc. Specifically, it works on the transposition from published oneM2M standards, which include 18 technical specifications and six technical reports into ITU-T SG20. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Now they work to change the attitudes of other men in their communities. At these schools, married men get information about women's reproductive health. For example, they learn about the importance of spacing pregnancies, of regular examinations during pregnancy, and of giving birth with the assistance of a qualified midwife. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The public goods nature of social infrastructure spending—that is, the positive eternality economies experience in response to such spending—reflects the benefits that accrue to broader society as well as the individual. Much more empirical work is needed to identify its quantitative impact on long-run productivity growth.8 There is, however, already substantial evidence that social infrastructure spending that addresses key intergroup inequalities has sizeable beneficial economy-wide effects. Several studies provide evidence that closing the education gap between boys and girls has a positive effect on economic growth (Klasen and Lammana 2009: Bandara 2015). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Mobility of unskilled labour to Australia and New Zealand, through seasonal work schemes for example, could provide some temporary relief to the high youth unemployment situation in the Pacific. Existing schemes, such as the Recognised Seasonal Employer Work Policy in New Zealand and Australia’s Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme (made permanent in July 2012 as the Seasonal Worker Programme), have been hailed as a success. Governments of Pacific island economies have argued that more needs to be done, in terms of numbers and sectoral coverage, and in ensuring greater certainty for such schemes. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, several strategic documents address some of the key issues. However, no specific timeframe or plan is established for achieving these objectives. The strategy calls for (a) development of an effective sector management system, (b) improvement of water supply to the population, improvement of water metering and reduction of w'ater losses, (c) rehabilitation and expansion of water supply and sanitation systems, and (d) improvement of tariff collection and enhancing the financial sustainability of water companies. This document does not, however, include a programme or plan with timeframes or details of financial resources for achieving the strategic goals. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Payments are withheld if a supplier fails to meet the specified conditions. Conditional payments are used in a number of jurisdictions as a compliance mechanism. In the Biobanking scheme in New South Wales, Australia a biobanking agreement is made between a landowner and the New South Wales Minister for the Environment at the establishment of a biobank site which includes the details of the estimated land management costs in perpetuity. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In response to the devastating heat wave that killed at least 2,500 people across India in 2015, the government is launching a programme designed to protect people from extreme heat in two high-risk regions. In preparation for the onset of summer, the cities involved in the programme will have spent months educating children about heat risk, stocking hospitals with ice packs and extra water, and training medical workers to identify heat stress, dehydration and heat stroke. These plans, which are geared towards reducing health risks incrementally, present a unique opportunity to achieve policy integration. For instance, the so-called urban heat island3 effect, a major source of aggressive heat injurious to human health, can be reduced by creating more green spaces or utilizing different materials in construction4 (Silva, Phelan and Golden, 2010), which could contribute to building climate resilience and more sustainable cities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It should also address grid innovation technology directly (Meeus et al, 2011). The intermittency of wind speed, for instance, is assumed to stretch from multiple minutes to the variations on a timescale of several hours. Variability of wind power exists on the longer term as well and is driven by seasonal meteorological parameters and inter-annual variations of wind. Parameters such as wind direction and speed are season-dependent. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The country teams led the country analyses, interacted with the local policy committees and wrote their respective country reports. A visit to each country followed in August. In the following months the regional and country teams carried out the analyses and presented the preliminary results of the study during November and December at the WCARO Social Policy Network Meeting in Dakar, the ODI-UNICEF conference on “The global economic crisis - Including children in the policy response” in London, and the AERC conference on “Rethinking African Economic Policy in Light of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis” in Nairobi. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This is a limiting structure, as real-world events occur in continuous time, and more importantly, some decisions/transitions are joint, or occur together. The model also has no labour-supply dimension. There are models for labour-force participation, unemployment and retirement but no model of hours worked and the variables that influence those hours, including the family budget, tax rates, and health. Changes in the macro economy can be entered into the model as a scenario, however, there is no general equilibrium mechanism within the model itself. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__7, __label__4 -> MISMATCH! These women have established families with reduced family responsibilities, wide experience, a loyal constituency and are financially stable. These women can also be mentored by other women in political authority. Appointing women leaders into positions of authority has proved effective in many Commonwealth countries. Redrawing of voting districts - Research has shown women win more open seats (new constituencies) than well-established constituencies. The creation of new districts or local councils can be drawn based on increased population. Involving male champions - Practically, it is important to partner with men who have long-standing control of power, and sensitise them to understand gender equity, equality and mainstreaming. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Promotion of gender equality should be the responsibility of all ministries and agencies across governments, from finance to education. Centrally located gender institutions are often perceived as having more authority and better capacity to steer a government-wide implementation of equality agenda, but this is not a generalised rule, and political w'ill and public service leadership support are essential, no matter the choice of institutional structures. Activating and adequately supporting appropriate mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the impact of initiatives is another key tool for successful policy development. Effective inter-departmental co-ordination is also critical to implementation efforts. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Whether upstream or downstream, these impacts are potentially irreversibly catastrophic in a majority of cases. They will, however, be played out differentially over geographical space in their manifestations and degrees of severity. The uncertainties of very long-term climate forecasting, especially at the local level, suggest that responses must be both tailored to specific localities within river systems and also flexible enough to respond to unforeseen multiple impacts of changes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The NRC and AEBC agree that adverse environmental impacts are less likely for livestock breeds than for fish, because most farm animal species have no wild relatives remaining and farm animal reproduction is confined to managed herds and flocks. The danger of becoming feral is low in cattle, sheep and domestic chickens, which are less mobile and highly domesticated, but higher in horses, camels, rabbits, dogs and laboratory animals (rats and mice). Non-transgenic domestic goats, pigs and cats have been known to become feral, causing extensive damage to ecological communities (NRC, 2002). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Where the solid line falls outside the OECD average, this implies better results than the OECD average. For instance, for Japan, out-of-pocket spending is low, but is shown as being outside the dotted line, because this is good for adequacy. The indicators are presented in standard deviation units. The equity aspect relates to their effect on the distribution of income, after-tax and health care payments, the efficiency aspect relates to the risk pooling, expenditure smoothing and deadweight losses they entail (Table 2). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Is there a role for language policy in immigration policy? This article examines recent attempts to legislate language in light of historical and contemporary debates about immigration and immigrant assimilation. It chronicles U.S. language politics and policy, and then appraises national language and official English bills recently introduced in Congress in view of data on language usage and preferences, suggesting ways that the current resurgence of a national debate about language could and should impact the larger debate about immigration. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They mainly cater to geographical areas with high levels of poverty and deprivation, often rural remote localities. The rational for both programmes is the need to bring in outside inputs to complement scarce local resources and help overcome bottlenecks and constraints to the optimal use of those resources. Ultimately, the yardstick for success is the level of welfare benefits that accrue to poorest populations as well as the potential of the programme to bring about positive transformation of the local economies where those populations live. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The National Programme for Suicide Prevention (commissioned by the Swedish government in 2005) was ratified by the Swedish Parliament in 2008 as an initiative that aims to reduce the number of suicides in Sweden. It was produced as a collaborative effort between the Swedish Institute of Public Health (which produced guidelines for the population level) and the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (which produced guidelines for the individual level) with support from NASP. The government provides the funding for the Programme’s ongoing initiatives. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Policies supporting biofuels, which are mainly used in transportation, were thus blamed for spikes in food prices in 2007 and 2008 (OECD, 2015). Growing food crops for conversion into a biofuel (e.g. ethanol) in a refinery (for subsequent combustion in a power plant) will have different land-use impacts from growing woody crops for direct combustion. In addition, the efficiency of bioelectricity processes vary: while woody crops yield more biomass per unit area than a food crop like corn or soybean, biofuel-related processes like ethanol combustion usually convert a higher percentage of biomass energy content into electricity (Fthenakis and Kim, 2009). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is a similar but slightly more pronounced levelling off in the rate of improvement in AMI from 2000 onward for the developing group. The most populous nation not to record an improvement in AMI was Viet Nam, which saw AMI increase by 3.1% p.a. If we compare Rgure 80 to its conventional Ml counterpart in Section 4.1 Material intensity of the economy, 16 of 21 countries show a reduction in AMI compared to Ml for 2010, including all of the most populous nations, and the group average AMI for 2010 is 13% lower than Ml for the same year. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Social standards for the feedstock and biofuel production will impact the competitivness even more, since the legal framework to ensure working standards is often less stringent in developing countries. The US Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 for instance, provides a total volume of more than USD 1 billion for biofuel and bioenergy related projects, including specific provisions to develop second-generation biofuel production. It includes tax credits of USD 0.27/liter for cellulosic biofuel, loan guarantees for biofuel plants and funding for the establishment of lignocellulosic biomass crops. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! John Hobson makes the case that disciplinary history has been essential in uncovering the Eurocentric biases of international relations (IR) and, more recently, of international political economy (IPE). The revisionism that animates much recent research, he argues, makes it increasingly untenable to maintain traditional conceptions about the object of IR (a de-historicized, neutral state system, and an empty and formally egalitarian notion of sovereignty), the main concepts buttressing the theories of IR, or indeed the history that matters in explaining the world that IR is concerned with. The result, Hobson suggests, is a fundamental challenge to the identity of the discipline and therefore to its pedagogical apparatus. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They point to a direction of change, but stop short of suggesting what needs to be changed, how, or in what time frame. The term can mean many things, but foremost in current global and national policy contexts is the recognition that cities require priority high-level attention in national development strategies, both in macro-economic and social policy terms. National Urban Policies contribute to building linkages between human settlements of various sizes and defining the broad parameters within which the transformative power of urbanization is activated and steered. First, not many national government institutions have the expertise and authority to understand the direct and indirect impacts of public policies on cities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A school board is established by the school’s organising body allowing parents, students, educational staff, and the public to participate in the administration of the school. School principals are appointed by the organising body and can only be dismissed on the grounds stipulated by the 2005 Education Act. The groups which are typically involved include the Association of Regions, the Association of Towns and Municipalities, teachers’ professional associations (teacher unions and disciplinary associations), employers’ representatives, associations of school principals, experts in education and the association of non-governmental organisations in education (parents’ organisations are involved only in exceptional cases). The Education Act specifies situations in which the opinion of stakeholder groups is required. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Four regions stand out in terms of high climatic constraints, groundwater use, relatively lower availability of surface water, competition with other uses and externalities (but with differences in aquifer characteristics): the Mexican Region Laguna, Israel's Western Galilee, the US MPW region, and the Australian Murray-Darling Basin. A second group of regions in Japan, Korea, Denmark, France, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands do not rank as high in many of these categories with relatively more available surface water, less arid current and projected climate, lower level of groundwater use and externalities (with the exception of Spain's Mancha Occidental). Lastly, the Italian Campania region and the NHPA, SHPA and MAA regions in the United States appear to be intermediate in these dimensions. Regions differ in aquifer characteristics, but there is no simple pattern. Israel's Western Galilee and Mexico's Region Laguna both stand out again in terms of their relative emphasis on supply-driven approaches. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Data from other African countries show that achievements are highly insufficient and that gender inequality in boardrooms is the standard across the continent. Armed with just a small budget, limited knowledge of security and a passionate belief that service quality, professionalism and good old-fashioned organizational skills would win the day. Divine's company, SECURICO, gradually started to make inroads into the industry. In 2005, it expanded into dog services establishing a subsidiary company, CANINE Dog Services, which breeds, trains and leases guard dogs. In 2008, the company acquired an electronic security systems company, Multi-Link (Pvt) Ltd., and integrated it into SECURICO as its Electronic Division. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Public administration has undergone a fundamental change in China since Deng Xiaoping initiated a process of openness and reform in the late 1970s. While reform is widespread in Greater China (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau), only limited scholarship has been conducted to theorize these changes and empirically document them. This is somewhat surprising given the growing international prominence of China as a major powerhouse in the world economy and a political leader. This symposium seeks to contribute towards building knowledge and evidence on the changing nature of public administration in Greater China. In this article, key themes unique to Greater China are drawn out, the emergent status of public administration scholarship in China is discussed, and the key ingredients of a research agenda are presented. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Many other initiatives have been successfully developed in and around Brisbane’s CBD, making it a vibrant city centre for both work and play. The high cost of land contributes to local governments joining private investors to pursue the policy of coastal reclamation because it appears a less expensive means to acquire land for additional industrial and commercial use (Montenegro et al, 2005). The proposed and already reclaimed land currently forms nearly 3% of Metro Cebu’s land area. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The family and the State are the best institutions for building solidarity, associations and the community can foster it. The exchange of time and money between generations works best when there is relative demographic equilibrium, so it should be acknowledged that intergenerational solidarity is, to varying degrees, currently under threat and subject to tensions concomitant with population ageing and formal and informal provision of care. Care policies impact the balance of responsibilities among the family, the community, the State and the market (Esping-Andersen, 2009) and should seek to balance the resources allocated to each age group. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Ecuador, the Demographic and Maternal and Child Health Survey (ENDEMAIN, 2004) found that 68% of those aged 60 to 74 had this type of difficulties, as did 82% of those aged over 75 years. According to data from Latinobarometro (see figure IV.7), problems in accessing health care are more acute for older persons with lower socio-economic status. Those of extremely low socio-economic status have no access to health care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Production costs of hospitals amount to just under 98 billion SEK. Expenditure on the 7 regional hospitals accounted for 42 billion SEK, on 21 county hospitals for 42 billion SEK and on 28 smaller hospitals for 13.5 billion SEK. As regards to the expenditure on outpatient and inpatient care on smaller county hospitals, 7.7% was spent on general psychiatry (including forensic psychiatry), and 0.9% on child psychiatry. For county hospitals, the corresponding figures were 13% and 2.5%. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 With the increasing opportunities for justice ushered in by the repeal of the Full Stop and Due Obedience laws in 2005, the struggles for memory and justice by Argentina’s H.I.J.O.S. (Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice against Forgetting and Silence) have shifted focus. Pre-2005, the organization used escraches (public demonstrations in which the perpetrators of human rights violations are “outed”) to respond to the problem of top-down impunity in Argentina, condemn the atrocities, and expose the legal immunity enjoyed by the perpetrators. Post-2005, it has employed escraches to bring to the fore shortcomings in the judicial sphere by widening its selection of targets. Furthermore, new activities outside and inside the courtroom reflect the new landscape of justice, celebrating the advent of justice and accompanying victims, survivors, and witnesses in this process while continuing to highlight persistent shortcomings and obstacles in the judicial sphere.Con las nuevas oportunidades para la justi... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In addition to a longer school day, these centres stress teacher training and designing a new model for managing centres. Another example is Mexico —in the 2007-2008 school year, it began to foster a model of full-time schools that benefited nearly 130,000 children in 500 schools across the country. Currently, the full-time model is in place in 4,751 establishments and covers more than 935,000 students in all three levels of basic education. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Addressing gender issues is indispensable for achieving inclusive industrial development. It can be expected that developing countries will most likely increase their emission levels along the path of structural transformation, as industrialisation triggers the emergence of emission-intensive industries. This leads to a global imbalance in terms of emissions, as high-income countries assert that the effectiveness of emissions stabilisation policy critically depends on the commitment of developing countries to such policies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For instance, in 2015, an average of 72% of disadvantaged 15-year-old students and 82% of advantaged students had attended ECEC for at least two years. Studies show' that locally focussed actions and interventions, especially those targeted at the youngest, can be effective in changing behaviours and decreasing the odds of, for example, being overweight during adolescence. This correlation is stronger for boys than for girls, and shows that early interventions by qualified staff can contribute to forming healthy behaviours. However, from a labour market perspective, the availability of full-day ECEC services is a crucial factor that enables parents of young children, especially mothers, to take up near full-time employment and secure higher earnings. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The actions of the akimat and akim are binding on the whole territory of the administrative and territorial unit. The validity of the akimat's acts and decisions can be suspended completely or partially by the president, the government of Kazakhstan, a higher-level akimat or akim, or the akimat or akim themselves, as well as by court decisions (Makhmutova, 2006). Maslikhats, or local councils, are elected for a four-year term directly by the citizens of the representative territories and approve the “comprehensive development plan” of their region or city. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As expected, up-skilling is found to boost long-term levels of GDP per capita and average household income. Total household incomes effects are also positive across the distribution, and with the same order of estimated magnitude - which suggests the absence of distributional implications. The decomposition of total household income effects indicates that beyond positive effects channelled via GDP, there are no additional benefits from education at the household level. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Early investment is acknowledged to have high social rates of return and help prevent more costly interventions later in life (OECD, 2009 and 201 lc, Heckman and Masterov, 2007, Heckman et al., The family environment plays a key role in a range of child outcomes and it is important that public services should seek to account for “market failures” (e.g. parents under-investing in their children). Investing early in children helps contain inequality between rich and poor with positive short and long-term consequences. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The weak capacity to evaluate the school system constrains the development of national policies that could raise education outcomes at the national level by, for example, targeting resources where they are most needed or reconfiguring the school network. This results in profound inequities across the school system, and limits the chances of the most disadvantaged students to achieve their potential. Costa Rica has taken promising steps to raise the quality of the school system, but a deeper transformation is needed to improve student learning and school completion. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There are also funds that operate outside the Convention like the Climate Investment Funds or national funds like the UK’s International Climate Fund8. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the only stand-alone multilateral financing entity whose sole mandate is to serve the Convention and which aims to deliver equal amounts of funding to adaptation and mitigation (GCF, 2015). It is envisaged the GCF will play a key role in channelling new, additional, adequate and predictable financial resources to developing countries and will catalyse climate finance, both public and private, and at the international and national levels (Decision 3/CP.17). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Scottish Health Informatics Programme (SHIP) was a Scotland-wide research programme exploring ways of collecting, managing and analysing electronic patient records for health research. As part of the SHIP public engagement work stream, a series of eight focus groups and a stakeholder workshop were conducted to explore perceptions of the role, relevance and functions of trust (or trustworthiness) in relation to research practices. The findings demonstrate that the public's relationships of trust and/or mistrust in science and research are not straightforward. This paper aims to move beyond simple descriptions of whether publics trust researchers, or in whom members of the public place their trust, and to explore more fully the bases of public trust/mistrust in science, what trust implies and equally what it means for research/researchers to be trustworthy. This has important implications for public engagement in interdisciplinary projects. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is sufficient evidence in academic scholarship that points to the important role diaspora tourism plays for the economies of homeland communities and countries. Given previous research shows ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Waste management and recycling policies are still relatively new. It is estimated that the valorisation rate of waste in Chile was approximately 10% in 2009 (CONAMA, 2010). The main objective of the policy is to manage solid waste in an integrated manner so as to minimise health and environmental risks while ensuring a sustainable and efficient development of the waste sector (MMA, 2011). On a national and regional level, executive secretaries (Secretarfas Ejecutiuas) were created to oversee waste management throughout the life cycle of products (creation/use/disposal). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! One monitoring and evaluation system. As a result, external stakeholders continue with unilateral project review missions, often over-loading national staff. Prevention efforts have focused on the development of targeted behaviour change interventions among vulnerable populations, and public awareness campaigns for the reduction of stigma and discrimination. As a result, the majority of 2006 reports from the Caribbean include data on a range of nine or more UNGASS indicators. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Wartime demographic policies and the use of rape as a tool of ethnic cleansing are two glaring examples of the use of women’s bodies in ethnic/nationalist struggles.2 As markers between self and other, women and non-hegemonic genders are highly exposed to human rights violations within conflict. To provide insight into this complex relationship we analyse feminist critiques of the human rights framework, and the impact of specific human rights claims - individual/collective and inclusive/exclusive - on securitization. Moreover, activists from the South have also criticized the human rights discourse for its racial and class bias and its irrelevance to the struggles of women in marginalized communities, ethnic minorities and developing countries, who are subordinate in national as well as international power relations. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! Lower-tier programmes with a broad scope are shown in the upper right-hand corner in Table 3. The biggest group in this category are non-categorical SA providing cash and near-cash support (US Food Stamps, since 2008 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, are a near-cash benefit). Incapacity benefits are not shown. The US Supplemental Security Income and the Irish Disability Allowance are lower-tier minimum-income benefits with non-means-tested insurance-based programmes acting as first-tier benefits in both cases. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Load variation, from minimum demand to maximum demand, is normally met with cycling plants, such as natural gas and coal, which have lower capital cost but higher variable costs (mainly fuel). Peaking plants (generally oil-fuelled) are used to provide for peak load and are therefore operated for only a few hundred hours per year. The two Kirchhoff laws describe the flow of electric current through an integrated system and indicate that electricity will take the way of least resistance rather than the geographically shortest route. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They are the ones selected by the systems which engaged actively in the OECD/ILE work and who thus had the knowledge and means, as well as the desire, to take part in this international study. The featured strategies and initiatives can make no claim to special effectiveness, in any case, it is questionable whether any strategy can make the bold claim to be “global best practice” when so much depends on the context and the unique social and political circumstances in each setting. Instead, they provide a fascinating set of cases from which to gain insights into the range of approaches being taken to spread and sustain innovative learning in different systems around the world. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""The author argues that the Court Challenges Program‘s 2006 cancellation was based on claims that judicial review is undemocratic, including those made by three academics, Rainer Knopff, F.L. Morton and Ian Brodie, the Court Party Theorists (the """"CPT""""). Through a study of Charter equality cases, this paper examines the CPT‘s arguments regarding judicial activism, interest groups and interveners and finds they are largely unsupported by statistical evidence. Further, the debate about judicial review and democracy obscures judicial review‘s important auditing function over the legislature‘s constitutional adherence. This audit depends on individuals‘ capacity to pursue Charter litigation, an ability compromised by the access to justice crisis. The author examines this crisis and the efforts to fill the funding gap left by the CCP‘s cancellation and concludes that an accessible publicly-funded program like the CCP is best-placed to ensure that the Charter remains a relevant tool for enforcing fundamental human rights in Canada."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The decision whether to include an institutional infrastructure should be clearly explained in the documentation. It includes measures related to """"entry strategies” (such as assisting new farmers within the context of land reforms). Transfers provided directly to individual farmers within those programmes should be in PSE. It also includes measures related to """"exit strategies” and diversification strategies outside agriculture used in some developed countries, such as certain programmes in the European Union."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The fact that revenues from water tariffs are not allocated straight to the IWA raises efficiency considerations as well as inadequacies in funding in many areas. Readjustment of intergovernmental responsibilities for strategic water financial planning is therefore a national goal for the coming few years. This refers not only to the technical knowledge and expertise, but also to the lack of staff and time as well as obsolete infrastructure. This is an interesting result, since governments often tend to consider capacity issues in the water sector a major concern for developing countries rather than for developed ones. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Nevertheless, the trade remains highly concentrated, with the ten largest exporters accounting for 70% or more of the total trade. Each of these is affiliated - through full or partial ownership - to a range of other companies many of which are themselves specialised rice milling and trading companies. Viet Nam Food Association (cont.) - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 With this strategy, the Brazilian government is stimulating public R&D organisations and the private sector to expand their international actions. Brazil’s role in promoting South-South co-operation is described in Box 2.3. Over the past decade, there has been a substantial increase in the Brazilian resources allocated to technical co-operation. As a result, the country has gradually switched from a position of recipient to a position of provider of development assistance. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 They depart from the opposition between the universality of rights and the rationality of targeting, and call into question the merits of social protection regimes based on individual capitalization. Lastly, these new approaches also seek to combine the core elements of the fight against poverty with those of the fight against inequality and efforts to promote social cohesion. The former can be understood as an intangible resource which enables individuals and groups to obtain certain benefits on the basis of social relations based on trust, reciprocity and cooperation (Arriagada, 2005). The theory suggests that, as the social capital of protection networks increases, disparities in benefits will decrease. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria alone continue to account for about one third of deaths among children under five, many under-five deaths still occur in children already weakened by undernutrition, and many pregnant women continue to face serious constraints to improve their nutrient intake, especially in low-income countries (United Nations, 2015a, United Nations Childrens Fund, 2013b). These challenges are compounded by the urgency of tackling the problem of neonatal deaths. Likewise, it is important to scrutinize the limitations of the health system that have held back the effectiveness of health policy interventions in helping achieve progress towards achieving the health-related MDGs. Policies to expand access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation (MDG 7, target C) have also been critical for achieving health-related goals and are under review in chapter V. The review of health policy interventions is followed by a discussion focused on the constraints of health systems and examples of measures that have enabled Governments to overcome them. Broader issues of governance and institutions that also affect health policies—and development policies in general—are discussed in chapter VI. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Social movements, activists and experts have called attention to the adverse effects of such projects. The former Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living presented in a 2007 report basic principles and guidelines on development-based evictions and displacement, condemning disruptive development initiatives and recommending the adoption of policies that provide for popular participation, adequate compensation and proper resettlement schemes (A/HRC/4/18, annex I). Likewise, the current Rapporteur, in her 2009 report, referred to major international sports events such as the Olympic Games and the football World Cup, addressing the State's role in implementing pro-poor development (A/HRC/13/20, paras. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Poverty reduction was featured as the first and pre-eminent goal. At the end of the 1990s, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund had incorporated a linkage between market-oriented structural adjustment policies and the poverty agenda within the revised framework for the heavily indebted poor countries (HIPCs), making the formulation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) a precondition for the receipt of debt relief under the heavily indebted poor countries Initiative. However, the Goals, per se, do not encompass any particular strategy for achieving those objectives. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 They are supporting capacities in the technical, managerial and administrative fields required to make CRGE implementable. And they are providing incremental capital to put in place climate-resilient low carbon infrastructure, boost agricultural productivity and deploy policy incentives and mechanisms. However, donors’ convening power could be further employed in bringing on board multiple stakeholders, in particular civil society groups, into the green growth debate - in this way opening up more ambitious opportunities in governance and mobilising the public. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Efforts are being made to generate positive spill-overs by integrating the industrial park with the city of Hawassa and contribute to a stronger service sector. Studies are being conducted to design resource-efficient housing units, to accommodate local workers. Ethiopia has also sought to leapfrog global competition by using the green identity of the park to provide a competitive advantage over rivals from Bangladesh and China. The green industrial park recycles water, uses LED (light-emitting diode) and intelligent lighting systems, plants trees, and uses natural ventilation and lighting. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Although public and private dialogue has increased, it needs to be further expanded and systematised to establish a new market. Rather than being seen as an obstacle, the current financial crisis should be seen as an opportunity for a paradigm shift: moving away from considering energy efficiency as a liability, and instead starting to view it as a hedging insurance tool that could be used against price volatility of petrol, for instance. Such a paradigm shift could lead to the emergence of an unprecedented reassurance market. As such the study makes four key conclusions, discussed below. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Moreover, enforcement is highly challenging, given the low numbers of PA personnel available to monitor such large areas. Furthermore, there seems to be a problem of coordination in terms of enforcement and compliance. A number of different laws regulate hunting (and fishing), and these should be harmonized and their application coordinated between MoEF and other institutions such as NEPA, NEG, NARW and NIMRD. In the Danube delta, for example, there are eight institutions which control illegal fishing or illegal hunting. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Many Category IV protected areas will need regular, active interventions to address the requirements of particular species or to maintain habitats, but this is not a requirement of the category. They are generally large, with most of the area in a natural condition, where a proportion is under sustainable natural resource management and where low-level non-industrial use of natural resources compatible with nature conservation is seen as one of the main aims of the area. This paper uses a global database of EEZs maintained by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) which attempts to record current EEZs according to the convention and subsequent decisions. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Many countries also lack this capacity (Castro et al., The challenge is that such indicators require estimation of the total amount of travel with each transport mode within the city boundaries. Responsibility for this type of mobility data has traditionally been outside the remit of local government road safety teams, making it harder for road safety professionals to gain access. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Housing rights are associated to peoples’ standard of living, and measure states’ social awareness. Therefore, the request for housing rights’ justiciability has long been claimed and is gradually gaining grounds at international tribunals. This paper takes issue of the generic relevance of housing to civil rights, and analyses the right to housing in conjunction with the right to a private life (protection of home) and the right to property. It argues that housing is a justiciable right, because it constitutes a positive obligation emanating from the right to property, and offers insights from international jurisprudence and UN documentation. It asserts that housing and property partly overlap. Finally, it probes into the current economic crisis and its impacts on the enjoyment of housing rights, and attempts to identify the flaws of national housing policies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Its mission is to create the conditions for successful partnership between government and the private sector, and develop and consolidate their capacity to implement PPP projects and increasing private investment in the national economy. It supports PPP projects by developing documentation (the concession proposal, tender documentation, the draft concession agreement), negotiating with potential investors and concessionaries. These recommendations are based on the experience of the oblast and city of Pavlodar, but they may be equally valuable for other cities, as they present similar problems in the public utilities sector. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! In reaction to the sharp deterioration of fiscal positions and a sovereign debt crisis in the majority of EU member states, EU leaders have been strengthening the EU economic governance framework, in particular for the eurozone member states. This has been reflected mainly through a reinforcement of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) within the so-called six-pack and through the recent adoption of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (TSCG). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Regional authorities can foster social acceptance in two ways: increasing understanding of renewable energy projects, and ensuring local benefits, as communities will more willingly accept some of the costs of renewable energy installations if they stand to gain from such investment. Focusing renewable energy development in rural regions on accumulated competencies is therefore strongly linked to gaining community acceptance (OECD, 2012d). Not doing so can lead to “grey areas” of responsibility, resulting in each actor shifting responsibility to other levels of government -ultimately to the detriment of the service and to deterioration of the infrastructure.38 Governments should also make sure that proper ex ante coordination between the different levels of authorities is established. In addition to facilitating land planning, ex ante co-ordination is also crucial in the case of rural electrification programmes which require full co-operation by local authorities. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 An advanced charter for the Directorate has been developed, providing for effective management and for economic instruments to ensure additional financial resources. This is based on the regulations adopted at cantonal level, for example on the content of the management plan. A similar situation exists at cantonal level. The management bodies of certain protected areas - directorates including rangers - are bigger but require additional training and investment. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Significant research has been pursued in the academia and the public and private sectors on these issues. A further goal has been more effective land policy implementation. The role of these land policies, when coordinated with planning and zoning tools, may be very important for eliminating informality, since the authorities can monitor ownership rights and land use, plan more effectively and eliminate illegal occupation of public land. While these measures have not explicitly targeted the informal settlement problem, in general terms they have provided better spatial data infrastructure for urban planning and management with respect to general compliance with the existing planning and building regulations. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 While this is true of public employment in general, the problem is likely to be more severe for older workers, as the underlying demand for their skill-set is generally weaker. It is crucial, therefore, to provide older jobseekers with more opportunities for regular employment. Facilitating access to part-time jobs and flexible work arrangements may be an effective way to enhance older workers’ employment and smooth their transition to retirement. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The PIAAC survey provides a measure of the numeracy and literacy skills. One obvious concern in the context of the present analysis is to what extent these measures actually reflect skills acquired while in education, given that skills are likely to depreciate with age, and might be complemented by those accumulated at work. These concerns are addressed both empirically and based on previous results suggesting that PIAAC skills largely reflect those accumulated while studying (see Annex 3 for a discussion). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! In other words, the presence of increasing returns to scale, along with forward and backward linkages, allow firms to purchase intermediate inputs at lower costs. Several firms specialise in producing complementary products, reducing overall production costs. This refers to the idea that an industry gains from having a constant market for skills. If there are market shocks, firms can adjust to changes in demand if they have access to a deep and broad labour market that allows them to expand or contract their demand for labour. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! And yet, the pace of transformation has been slow and the business landscape is dominated by microenterprises. Entrepreneurs either struggle to think about the next level of their businesses or face a number of disincentives to its expansion - e.g. structural barriers such as the disincentives created by KRUS (as discussed in the previous section), distance to markets, regulatory barriers. Further, rural entrepreneurs report difficulties in finding employees for both low and higher skills occupations - this is despite high rates of official and hidden forms of unemployment in many rural areas. Many have remarked upon a lack of entrepreneurial attitudes among the rural population as one explanation of the slow pace of economic transformation (see, for example, Biczkowski and Biczkowska [2016]). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 What Is the Impact of Child Marriage: Human Rights and Justice.” Available at: UNFPA (2012). However, comprehensive, in-depth regional accounts of the legal, socio-cultural, and practical dynamics of child marriage across Arab States are still rare. Furthermore, most available reports address the issue for programmatic purposes and on an ad-hoc emergency basis, particularly in the context of crisis and displacement. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Road traffic death rates in 14 countries (including China, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Russian Federation, Thailand and Viet Nam) were higher than the global average. However, of these, four countries brought down the death rates from their previous levels in 2007. For the other ten countries, the death rate increased further over this period. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! It has broad appeal to female audiences and is suitable for adaptation for countries facing similar trends. Associated with SDG 16, governance systems for sport also need to be fully accountable in addressing issues of gender-based violence and harmful practices, in order to command the confidence of all girls and women involved in sport. The scale of the gender equity issues associated with sport calls for strong enactment of a range of policy options. These options include recourse to wider systems of regulation and involve gender-sensitive systems of funding distribution and re-distribution, and various approaches to data and information gathering and dissemination that build awareness and ensure accountability. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Source: OECD Network on Early Childhood Education and Care’s “Survey for the Quality Toolbox and ECEC Portal”, June 2011. For Sweden, data regarding child care refers to childminders. For Noiway, data regarding child care refers to child/youth workers. For Prince Edward Island (CAN), data refers to entry-level ECEC staff. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Second, these production effects may have broader market implications both domestically and potentially internationally. Third, broader food security and associated indirect effects may also occur. In the absence of policy action, Northeast China’s agriculture is expected to face water shortage due to competition for water use with other sectors, possible continued groundwater depletion in parts of the region, and the uncertain effects of climate change, leading to possible pressure on field crops such as maize and wheat. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Higher than average shares of endangered species are recorded for amphibians and mammals (Table 5.1 and Figure 5.3). More than half of the 34 vertebrates listed as extinct are wetland dependent species. This is directly related to the use of all the country’s water sources (springs, streams and swamps) since the beginning of the 20th century to provide drinking and irrigation water. Furthermore, Israel is located on two major migratory routes, avian and marine (Box 5.2). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Section 1.1 presents global, regional and subregional figures of hunger and introduces a new indicator of food insecurity that goes beyond hunger to include moderate levels of food insecurity. Section 1.2 presents the latest figures for seven nutrition indicators, including three SDG 2 indicators of child malnutrition (stunting, wasting and overweight), with a spotlight on the rapid rise in overweight and obesity. The links between food insecurity and nutritional outcomes - particularly overweight and obesity - are explored in Section 1.3. Rising mol body-mass index is ihe mein driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Our re-reinterpretation of Stuxnet to connect the dot between geopolitics and technology tell a different story with a secondary set of lessons. We believe Stuxnet deserves a broader legal and political analysis for the purposes of critical thinking about how cyberspace is used to achieve international security objectives from legal and political angles. In particular, we seek to address a gap in the literature, asking whether the worm was authorized under article 41 of the UN charter as a sanctions enforcement tool through an interpretation of UNSC resolutions and related documents of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). If such authorization exists (and we believe it might), Stuxnet would qualify as a lawful action under international law, targeting Iran’s nuclear equipment and software pursuant to international sanctions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The latter includes EUR 14 million for forest management activities by public forest enterprises and private forest owners, and EUR 10 million for the Ministry of Agriculture’s forest department and affiliate agencies. Public expenditure on forest management has decreased over the last decade in both nominal and real terms (Figure 3.8). In 2004-06, EUR 8 million was allocated to nature and biodiversity from EU Structural Funds, with the EU providing 75% and the state budget 25%. The total represented 5% of total EU and state funds on environmental infrastructure. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Performing a retrospective data analysis using medical claims, for example, can produce information reflective of specific populations (for example, a particular combination of chronic conditions of interest) that RCTs cannot easily replicate. Each of these options needs to be reviewed to assess how well they can provide evidence to treat people with multiple chronic conditions. In these countries, chronic disease is already responsible for over half of the burden of disease. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Ask the pupils to respond in ways they can handle. Assess pupils through their strengths, not their weaknesses. The process helps teachers to plan and implement one lesson to accommodate all students and encourages each student to participate at his or her own level. Zone of Proximal Learning (Vygotsky):321 Everyone needs to be challenged in their learning by being placed just outside their comfort zone, so they use all their faculties to resolve a problem and learn. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Comments on Working Papers are welcome, and may be sent to the Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD, 2 rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to In the programme, nurses visit young mothers from the first or second trimester of the mother’s pregnancy until the second birthday of her first child. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These considerations apply to our gender analysis as well. International support is fundamental to gender-progressive change in conflict and post-conflict, but gender agendas are not necessarily shaped bearing in mind the conflict context and the needs of women and LGBTs on the ground. The Bosnia case proves that the most effective organizations in bringing about progressive gender change are those that are deeply rooted in local communities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Given that the first principle of improvement is solid information, it is unsurprising that survey respondents most commonly suggested strategies concerning measurement and reporting for both developed and LMICs (Figure 4.1). This does not mean measuring for the sake of measuring, or public reporting of safety lapses. Rather, it concerns the accurate and systematic collection of information on safety and harm for the purposes taking informed action at local and system level. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In contrast, poverty among older persons has fallen (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2008a, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, 2008). The recent report Growing Unequal Income Distribution and Poverty in OECD Countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2008a) points to growing inequality and poverty in two thirds of OECD countries and finds that the economic growth of recent decades has largely benefited the rich more than the poor. Across OECD countries, the income of the richest 10 per cent of people is nearly nine times that of the poorest 10 per cent. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Recent data from 2014 show a slight decrease in the level of bilateral ODA from 2013 compared to an increase in the share of climate-related ODA in the same period. This concern is compounded by difficulties in defining the new and additional nature of climate finance and its relationship to aid (Stadelmann, et. However, the fact that an increasing portion of ODA is being “climate-proofed” shows increased mainstreaming of climate action into other sectors. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This variation reflects the government’s efforts to stabilise domestic prices and to balance the interests of producers and consumers in the context of price volatility on international markets. The total value of transfers arising from support to agriculture was equivalent to 2.2% of GDP in 2011-13. A summary of the current key policy objectives for the sector is followed by a description of agricultural policy developments since reunification in 1976. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Similarly, improvement in the business environment is necessary to optimize returns from planned infrastructure investment, including a proposed submarine cable to provide high-speed Internet access. Cyclone Pam devastated parts of the country in March 2015, severely damaging housing, infrastructure, agriculture and tourism facilities. Overall, the damage and losses to the economy are estimated to have exceeded 60% of GDP. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 More than 2,000 patients are registered for the online service for video consultations and prescriptions. Doctors can access medical records as well as heart rate, blood pressure and other biosignal data, which are uploaded to the system by various devices. Patients access the Ningbo Cloud Hospital website to make appointments, and the system refers them to hospitals that provide optimal medical services digitally (see figure 14). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""As a result, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action contained an extensive section on women's human rights and declared that """"the human rights of women and of the girl-child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights"""". This violence seriously inhibits women's ability to enjoy rights and freedoms on a basis of equality with men. The adoption of this general recommendation was a critical precursor to the recognition of this issue at the Vienna World Conference."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There are gender differences in pesticide use, exposures, health outcomes and environmental impacts. For example, women may be at greater risk of adverse effects from pesticides partly because of lower literacy rates, as well as limited access to training and to personal protective equipment (Jorsef al. In a number of production systems in selected countries it is predominantly men who apply pesticides and are at great risk, in other countries, and on other crops, mainly women apply them (Box 2.1.5). The reasons for these differences include cultural and social norms, educational levels and awareness (Gupta etal. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Indeed, the Government of Costa Rica took the decision to deregulate the health insurance market in 2009 to allow private medical insurance companies (Balabanova et al., This was a consequence of signing the Free Trade Agreement with the United States, and it meant that the INS lost the monopoly within the insurance marked that it have had since 1924 (Muiser, 2012). Fearing this would open up for foreign corporations to dominate the insurance market and risking to loose equity in the system, this deregulation w'as allegedly put in place in order to enhance the financial sustainability of the health care system. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In its second part, the project anticipates and prevents the creation of new slums by making new land viable and constnictible. Some of the lots are then reserved for modest families, to offer them an affordable alternative to unsafe housing. Finally, the project aims at financial equilibrium in order to be reproducible and to have as great an impact as possible on the lives of the populations concerned. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The limitations highlighted by this paper call for a reinvigorated dialogue of the two communities, in the UN Forum on STI and beyond. The OECD DAC and STI committees could play a key role towards that end. Considering that the available information on development activities does not follow standard STI definitions and classifications, several assumptions had to be made as to the assessment of which activities to consider as support to STI. For example, activities for developmental purposes conducted by universities often include both research activities and trainings or other capacity building exercises. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This was highlighted in the first case study, in which the well-established institutional framework for water management in the Netherlands was highly conducive to the successful introduction of effluent charges. In contrast, the different management traditions in Denmark, France and Germany complicated the use of similar economic instruments in those countries (Andersen, 2001). Experience with water-trading initiatives suggests that successful trading regimes tend to be built on preexisting institutions and are integrated into traditional regulatory regimes. This may entail tradable permits being combined with other policy instruments (taxes, charges, environmental quality objectives, etc.) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Between 1996 and 2013, the percentage of Governments with policies to raise fertility has also increased in developing regions, from 8 per cent in 1996 to 14 per cent in 2013), while the percentage with policies to lower fertility has remained mostly unchanged (56 per cent in 1996 and 57 per cent 2013). In 2013, the percentage of Governments with policies to lower fertility was highest in Africa (83 per cent), whereas the percentage of Governments with policies to raise fertility was highest in Europe (73 percent). Early childbearing also increases the risk of maternal death or physical impairment, and children born to young mothers tend to have higher levels of morbidity and mortality. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Many attempts have been made over the last several decades to improve communication among law enforcement agencies. This article is a case study of a “low-level” data sharing project in Florida that could serve as a national model. The Florida Law Enforcement Data Sharing Consortium is a partnership between the University of Central Florida and more than one hundred law enforcement agencies. It offers an inexpensive, yet technically advanced alternative to the proprietary data sharing model. Its distributed architecture was endorsed by the Markle Foundation, the 9/11 Commission, and the 2004 National Security Act. Civil liberties concerns raised by this and other types of data sharing projects are discussed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the example of a rural municipality visited by the OECD review team, it was reported that they had fewer applicants to vacant positions than more urban areas. Salaries at top of scale and typical qualifications, instead of maximum qualifications. Salaries at top of scale and minimum qualifications, instead of maximum qualifications. Includes average bonuses for overtime hours. The typical qualification of starting teachers differs substantially from the typical qualification of all the current teachers. A recent survey from January 2016 of the Danish Union of Teachers suggests an increasing challenge to recruit qualified teachers (DLF, 2016). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Developing these plans provides an opportunity for decision makers to take a strategic view of how climate change will affect infrastructure needs in the coming decades and design sequenced packages of investment (“pathways”) that address interconnections and increase resilience in a way that cannot be achieved by looking at projects in isolation. The choice of discount rate will affect the weight placed on potential future impacts relative to those in the near-term. For Public Private Partnership (PPP) contracts, it is important to clarify the allocation of responsibilities regarding climate-related risks planning, management and response. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 With domestic production more or less tracking domestic consumption, imports of butter and skim milk powder remain stable at low levels while imports of cheese and whole milk powder decline slightly. Dairy is mostly consumed in fresh or lightly processed form and during the next ten years, will account for a stable share of 53% of Brazilian milk production. At 84 kg/p in 2024 Brazil’s per capita consumption of fresh dairy products is projected to be comparable to values in North America. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is built from unit data structured to define deprivations for each chosen indicator and person. The deprivation profiles depict the 0-1 vector of deprivations each person does or does not experience. It uses these (weighted) vectors to identify who is poor, to aggregate information on poverty into a headline measure, and to generate the MPI as well as the incidence, intensity, and indicator composition of poverty. Because of its order of aggregation—first across indicators for each person and then across the population—the MPI captures interconnections between different deprivations for the same person. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This is an important distinction as it reflects the reality of variable capacities across countries and regions, and also recognises that there are strong needs at all phases from research data collection through to the assimilation and mainstreaming of the knowledge gained into decision-making. They were initially few in number and mainly fisheries biologists by specialisation. During the 1980s and 2000s, more marine scientists from a spectrum of disciplines (both in natural and social science) were trained. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Understanding the factors that drive children's aspirations and identifying the channels through which they develop are vital to promoting inter-generational mobility. Parental education and wealth are strong determinants of children's educational outcomes. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds have lower educational aspirations and children from ethnic minorities in the poorest wealth quartile tend to adjust their aspirations downwards as they get older. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! By comparison, there is room for increased emphasis on reducing emissions in the water sector and in increasing resilience in the transport sector. Overall, Figure 5 reveals the potential for a ‘nexus’ approach with actions in energy, water and agriculture, for example, being mutually supportive in terms of development and climate outcomes. When it comes to less traditional sectors for climate action, such as health, education or access to basic services, the share of climate change finance is much smaller (reaching a mere 1% in 2014). This further supports the point that there is potential to further improve climate change mainstreaming in development co-operation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 At present, these usually reward discrete episodes of care. In the future, payment mechanisms are increasingly likely to reward ‘bundles’ of care, or indeed a whole year of care, for people with complex needs. It will be interesting to see whether health systems can respond to these new pressures, and whether appropriate organizations will arise to manage the challenges of integrating care for such patients. Experience in the US with the new ‘Accountable Care Organizations’, responsible for the costs and quality of health care for a defined population (with a minimum size of 5 000 people), will be of great interest in this respect (Shortell et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, an evaluation of the Canadian Work Sharing Programme shows that about half of the jobs that were initially maintained by the programme were lost soon after its termination (HRDC, 2004). The next sub-section attempts to do so for the operation of STW schemes during the 2008-09 recession. The analysis makes use of quarterly data for the period 2003 Q1 to 2009 Q3 for 19 countries and four industries (manufacturing, construction, distribution and business services). The agricultural and non-market sectors are excluded from the analysis.56 Of the 19 countries included in the analysis, 11 countries operated a short-time work scheme during the entire period, five countries introduced a new scheme during the crisis period and three countries never had a short-time work scheme. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The goal of the project is to group 38 small and often inefficient WOCs into larger WOCs with greater responsibilities in order to ensure provision of an adequate supply of drinking water and improve wastewater treatment systems. The grouping would increase efficiency and lower costs. Under this project, municipalities are committed to adjusting tariffs and introducing cost recovery by their respective water companies to ensure financial viability. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Increasingly, companies include a materiality matrix in their reports that displays on two axes the relevance of topics to the company and their relevance to stakeholders. The most relevant topics for both are discussed in more detail. The relevance for the company is, for example, addressed in relation to the direct financial impact of the topic, its relevance to the company’s business strategy, and its impact on the laws and regulations with which the company must comply. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""Informe final de investigacion',’ paper prepared for the project """"Mejorando la participation femenina en el mercado laboural y el empoderamiento economico de las mujeres a traves de mejores politicas en America Latina',’ La Paz, Fundacion ARU, November. Los casos de Argentina y Chile’’ paper prepared for the Meeting of Experts on the Gender Impact of the Pension System in Chile, Santiago, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 17-18 June. Informe de evaluacibn y reforma del Pacto de Toledo"""" Coleccion Seguridad Social, No."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thus, the work presented here shows that through appropriate policies and international co-operation, climate change can be tackled in a way that will not cap countries’ aspirations for growth and prosperity. The Kyoto Protocol4 intends to limit emissions of the six gases which are responsible for the bulk of global warming. Of these, the three most potent are carbon dioxide (C02), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N20), currently accounting for 98% of the GHG emissions covered by the Kyoto Protocol (Figure 3.1). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Four of the most energy intensive industrial products (electric motors, circulator pumps, fans and water pumps) are regulated to minimize energy costs and environmental impacts over their respective life cycles and will lead to energy demand reductions across the EU of 195 TWh by 2020. The policy has been accompanied by significant technology development and has initiated EU and global standardization processes. Voluntary but not without obligations'. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The study demonstrated why focusing exclusively on the cross-sectional picture of child poverty incidence may paint a misleading picture of economic disadvantage among children. However, Bradbury et al did not analyse predictors of child poverty transitions except for recording lower poverty exit rates and higher entry rates for children in lone parent families. Yet identifying the key determinants of poverty transitions helps target policies more effectively. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It also means being willing and able to change our mind when a convincing argument is presented. A variety of resources such as movies, plays, talks, forums and even community activities are used in a process where the teacher assumes the position of facilitator and guide, rather than sticking to the traditional lecture style. Of course, this also transforms the evaluation processes, with conventional tests being complemented with self-evaluation and co-evaluation by students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This can ease communication across levels and facilitate common accessibility-oriented policy frameworks. To this end, it recognises the need to considerably decrease anthropogenic GHG emissions in a way that is complementary with the social sustainability goal, such as reduction of poverty. However, without ensuring access via alternative modes, these policies can generate negative social externalities, imposing burdens on vulnerable users while not significantly delivering greenhouse gas reductions. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Currently the system fails to provide youth with a sufficiently smooth transition into the labour market, and inadequately meets the needs of employers. The two main challenges are: i) the lack of attractiveness of vocational education and training in Tunisia, including the negative effects of the low status colleges techniques, and the underdevelopment of high quality options at the upper secondary level, and ii) the mix ofprovision (as between fields of study) is driven mainly by the capacity of the system, and it may not reflect the needs of the economy. This chapter recommends the implementation of a set of mutually reinforcing policy reforms, including a strategic expansion of VET at the upper secondary level and stronger mechanisms to engage employers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The two concepts represent different approaches, but both aim to quantify the extent to which water is used more efficiently in agriculture. Plusquellec (2002) estimates that 60% of the additional food in the next few decades will be provided by irrigated agriculture. To support such an expansion in irrigated output, world agriculture needs to consume additional water, or use the current extraction in a more productive way, or both. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Supported by sound government policies, meaningful partnerships, and a shared commitment from consumers and society, we believe reductions in harmful alcohol consumption around the world can be achieved. Where they are too narrowly focused on a compliance agenda, policies can miss the opportunity to make the most of these win-wins. Well-framed regulations -such as on human rights including labour rights, health and safety and environmental regulation - are of course vital. Good policies in these areas, implemented consistently and predictably, are in businesses’ interests as well as everyone else’s. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Contracts are a tool often used by government to set a framework for long-term projects. They can be broadly defined as an arrangement that reorganises the rights and duties of governments, define mutual obligations, and agree on authority and enforcement mechanisms (formal or informal). There is indeed a trade-off between long-term programmes for economic development which provide certainty for the public and private sector, and the need to adapt to new priorities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, there is no system or institutional structure currently capable of taking responsibility for the collection, processing, integration and further maintenance of biodiversity data in a systematic way, or at least of providing information on where data can be found. The statistical services in both entities and the State-level agency do not collect this information either. This is despite the fact that there are relevant legal requirements to develop RDBs in both entities (articles 22-23 of the FBiH Law on the Protection of Nature and articles 20 and 23 of the RS Law on the Protection of Nature). There is no consistency between this information and data at the national level, for example on endemic species (see table 9.6). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Consultants will have to review these terms of reference and make comments and recommendations on how to improve them. In order to complete it, terms of reference for developing the regional master plan for managing non-hazardous industrial, medical and pharmaceutical, residual, agricultural and inert waste are currently being drafted. The reform provides for local communities to establish local taxes better designed and easier to recover. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Allocations are not linked to land titles. These annual allocations may be traded among willing purchasers. Site use approvals are not generally tradable as the conditions relate specifically to a piece of land. Water for the Future is a AUD 12.9 billion investment over 10 years with overarching objectives to take action on climate change, use water wisely, secure water supplies and support healthy rivers and waterways. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The establishment of a consultative group between the main NGOs and the MoE could help rebuild relations and lead to more constructive dialogue and co-operation. However, even successful judicial review has not always led to implementation of decisions. The case of the Pezinok landfill is a case in point. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Even though protected areas might exist, a lack of enforcement, control, or even simply information can easily lead to the deterioration of the quality of these areas. ( Examples of instruments that allow for international financial transfers are Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) (Chapter 4), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) (Chapter 5), and Official Development Assistance (ODA) (Chapter 8). These allow consumers to make better-informed decisions about the goods and service they purchase. Markets for green products can raise revenue indirectly via premiums for biodiversity-friendly attributes and investment in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use measures by producers. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It has more recently expanded to trade finance. Financial documents present within the blockchain are reviewed in real time and the contract execution is decentralized, decreasing the time it takes to initiate shipment and monitor the delivery of goods. The first blockchain technology introduced into trade finance, between Irish cooperative Ornua and Seychelles Trading Company, reduced the usual transaction time of seven to 10 days to less than four hours. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The terms ‘English School’ (ES) and ‘international security’ seldom appear in the same sentence. Yet the ES can and should constitute a general approach to International Security Studies (ISS) comparable to realism, liberalism, constructivism and several other approaches to International relations (IR). The article begins by sketching out how the ES’s idea of raison de systeme provides a general framing for ISS that counterpoints approaches focused on raison d’etat. It then shows how the ES’s societal approach provides specific insights that could strengthen analysis of international security: by providing a normative framing for securitization, by showing the historical variability of key ISS concepts such as war, balance of power and human rights, by adding an inside/outside dimension to security relations based on differentiations within international society, and by complementing regional approaches to international security with its societal approach. The article aims to initiate a conversation betwe... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The term “geoengineering” is used to refer to a range of techniques for deliberatively intervening in the global climate to counteract global warming. Solar radiation management techniques are a class of geoengineering methods designed to reflect some of the inbound sunlight back into space with the intended effect of arresting further warming of the planet and thus counteracting global warming. Carbon dioxide removal techniques, by contrast, aim to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere through practices which attempt to address the root cause of climate change. The challenges that geoengineering poses for geographical scholarship are discussed, including analysis of the various contributions the latter can play. This includes, inter alia, analysis of geoengineering's distinctive relationship with nature, its challenges for debates on risk governance, its potential implications for contemporary political systems, its conditioning by wider economic relations, and the role for public engagement in deliberating a geoengineered future. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 I don't .now why. Children and adolescents require special protections, both because they are vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, and other harmful outcomes, and because they have less power than adults. Others believe that the stigma surrounding premarital sexual activity for girls is too high to obtain accurate information (Chong et al., Niger, for example, has the world’s highest adolescent birth rate and the highest child marriage rate overall, but girls in the country’s Zinder region are more than three times as likely to give birth before age 18 than their counterparts in the nation’s capital, Niamey. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Such solutions allow for online payments and online money transfer services, for example, as well as ease funding for SMEs based on the history of their transactions and even on their savings. Innovations through digital platforms have also allowed for a rise in peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding. Moreover, while still in its nascent stage, there has also been an uptake of blockchain technology in trade finance. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Petroleum accounts for 100 per cent of Tuvalu’s energy supply (Figure 9.1) and 10 per cent of GDP (SPC 2016). Petroleum replaced biomass as its major energy source in the 1990s. Fuel is imported into Tuvalu via Fiji by Pacific Energy, which owns all storage and distribution facilities. This fuel is mainly used for electricity generation (41%) and transport (40%) (Figure 9.3). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to United States Federal Circuit jurisprudence, patent applicants may not easily avoid this restriction by merely referring to some trivial use.213 The patent applicant would have to disclose the particular function for which use of the EST or SNP is intended, and the scope of the patent would be limited to this specific use. In the public health context there are several cases under which the choice of a broad or a narrow approach will have important implications on the availability of pharmaceutical substances for generic production. These cases will be presented in the following sections. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For Mexico, the data in Figure 22.2 were derived from the Economic Census 2009. For Japan, the figure refers to the number of men and women sole-proprietors with and without employees, and not to women and men-owned sole-proprietor enterprises. Japanese data are thus not fully comparable with other countries, given that a single sole proprietor can own more than one enterprise and that there might be gender differences in the propensity to own more than one enterprise. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Phase 1 will cost about USD 50 million, part of which will be funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Pilot Program for Climate Resilience of the Climate Investment Fund will provide a USD 11 million grant and a USD 10 million concessional loan (HydroWorld, 2015). Hydropower generation in the winter implies accumulating water (and not releasing enough water) in the summer, when the need for irrigation water is the highest. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! As a part of the administrative reform and reorganisation of the government, the Ministry of Coal Industry and the Ministry of Fuel and Energy were merged in December 2010 into the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry. At the beginning of 2011, the Ukrainian government declared that it would seek to postpone indefinitely this 50% increase in prices of natural gas supplied to households. Among sector-specific programmes adopted between 1994 and 2002, the following could be mentioned: Creation of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (1994), Development of Hydrocarbon Resources in the Ukrainian Sector of the Black and Azov Seas (1996), Energy Conservation (1997), Construction of Wind Power Stations (1997), Oil and Gas of Ukraine until 2010 and Thermal Power Plant Reconstruction (2002). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There are wide disparities in quality between public and private education services in many developing countries. A recent review of 21 studies in Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan found that students in private schools tend to achieve better learning outcomes than do students in state schools. Epidemics, violence, climate change and natural disasters can quickly undermine the progress of individuals who have exiced poverty and push poor people into more extreme poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cancer, COPD and asthma. While the elderly population currently represents around 10% of the total number of National Health Insurance beneficiaries, they are responsible for around 32% of the total health insurance expenditure (HERA, 2010a). In 2010 these expenditures represented between 11% and 14% of the entire Korean health budget. The IDF also estimates that expenditure on diabetes will increase from between 7.3 billion in 2010 to 10.3 billion dollars by the year 2030 (Zhang, 2010). Furthermore, while Korea spends a large slice of its health budget looking after people with diabetes, Korean mean expenditure per person with diabetes is relatively low (Figure 3.4). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 One approach to realize a sub-A switching network is all-optical time driven switching (TDS). In TDS network, optical bursts are all generated at the scheduled time-slots based on the precisely-sy nchronized global clock. The TDS architecture provides fine bandwidth granularity by the time-slot division and reduce pow er consumption by at least 40% since OEO conversion is not needed at the optical node[2]. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Investment support, classified as payments based on fixed capital formation, has decreased in recent years, but that may reflect delays in implementing the recent RDP. As a result, they were equivalent to 22% of payments to producers in 2016, compared to 12% in 2004. The highest increase was for innovation-related expenditures on research and development, extension and agricultural education, which increased tenfold. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Similarly, the aggregates for natural resource extractions and foreign trade of products sum up the weight of different resources and types of products with no regard for environmental pressures. As with the example of the material consumption, a measure that contains fossil fuels as well as sand and gravel, the environmental pressures need to be assessed separately. As such the indicators should be interpreted with care and always be put into a specific context. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Research on the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in collective action predicts they will not interact with grassroots groups, citing partnerships with corporations and states, the apolitical delivery of social services and accountability towards donors as disconnecting professionalized actors from volunteer-based grassroots groups. Using interviews with core activists in the movement confronting Canadian resource extraction abroad, I depart from this approach by investigating the mechanisms, or threads, that bind organizations into coordinated action. I find that NGOs and grassroots groups coordinate as a result of: shared values and environmental justice frames, the allocation of resources, and engagement in complimentary forms of advocacy driven by a division of labour and a diversity of tactics. My research develops existing approaches to theorizing coordinated action and invites scholarship on NGOization to include the conceptual toolkit provided by social movement theories to better account for NGO–grassroots dynamics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, reducing the average class size from 15 to 10 requires a 50% increase in the number of teachers and, thus, total teacher salaries paid. Plus there is little clarity on exactly which group sizes or staff-child ratios are most favourable or optimal (Chetty et al., Care should be taken that in-service training is linked to career progression and to obtaining further qualification (OECD, 2006). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Threats to social cohesion come from bad policy (insufficient attention to social rights or economic inclusion, for example) or from policy which is too unidimensional. Sometimes the single dimension is described as ‘too many’ rights for newcomers and insufficient attention to promoting common values, and sometimes the unidimensionality is described as ‘insufficient’ attention to diversity. In other words, the actual interventions prescribed vary, especially with respect to dealing with immigration and/or diversity. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Climate change governance is in a state of enormous flux. New and more dynamic forms of governing are appearing around the international climate regime centred on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They appear to be emerging spontaneously from the bottom up, producing a more dispersed pattern of governing, which Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom famously described as 'polycentric'. This book brings together contributions from some of the world's foremost experts to provide the first systematic test of the ability of polycentric thinking to explain and enhance societal attempts to govern climate change. It is ideal for researchers in public policy, international relations, environmental science, environmental management, politics, law and public administration. It will also be useful on advanced courses in climate policy and governance, and for practitioners seeking incisive summaries of developments in particular sub-areas and sectors. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The metropolitan municipality, as the sole local government in such provinces, took on the local government services for the entire province. It is responsible for rural and urban administration, and 77% of the total national population lives within the metropolitan boundaries. Technically and for economies of scale, it is necessaiy to plan and manage the services for the entire uiban space. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This article outlines the differences and commonalities between social policy developments in Croatia and those in Central Europe. In Croatia, issues such as national identities and the redefinition of citizenship, war, state-building and crisis management have produced a complex mix of statist centralization and parallelism of welfare actors at the central and local level. While subject both to neo-liberal pressures to privatize provision, and later to European Union influences, both of these came later, and were more mediated, than in Central Europe. Croatia forms a bridge to studying the uneven welfare arrangements of other countries in South-East Europe, marked as they are by complex governance arrangements and the presence of social development and postwar reconstruction discourses. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A third-generation bicycle-sharing programme, an electronic parking system, smart cards and traffic visualisation are being developed, although as of 2016, they were still in the pilot or design stage. Bandung could become “smarter” through the use of digital technologies to analyse traffic congestion and commuting flows. It could also develop smart city initiatives that target the energy sector (i.e., reduce energy consumption and increase the use of more renewable energy sources) (OECD, 2016). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Projects and programs on chemicals have included182 a program to support the development of National Profiles to Assess National Infrastructure for Management of Chemicals. ( Antigua, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Zimbabwe: National Profile to Assess National Infrastructure), a project providing National Training Activities for Developing Countries on Toxic Chemicals, Environment and Health. ( In 2002, the government of Sri Lanka launched a “100 Days Program,” halting the sale of leaded gasoline in the country. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 These roles may be unified within one level of government or agency but in many instances it may be spread across several levels (national, regional or local). Even at any given level, responsibility may be spread across several departments or services with little top-level co-ordination. This complicates the task of aligning outcomes in, say, the regulation of ride services that may fall under those in charge of taxi or for-hire regulations and public transport regulation which may fall under a completely different authority. If transport governance structures contribute to this friction, it may be very difficult to even broach the subject of synergies between ride services and public transport, let alone experiment with them. This is certainly the case where, for any number of reasons, new ride services are prevented from operating or face constraining conditions. At a very basic level, split responsibility and split levels of decision-making may hamper the trialling of innovative new arrangements. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""Designation of a nature preserve """"Panj"""", with an area of 18,000 ha within the boundaries of Tajik national park, was planned for 2007. However, none of these planned activities has so far been implemented. It implied the establishment of some 150,000 ha of industrial forest plantations. If die Programme were successfully implemented, the afforested area in Tajikistan would significantly increase, and the share of forests in the overall territory of the country (currently 2.95 per cent) could extend to 4.0 per cent."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As Minister of Health, she implemented healthcare reform, improving attention to primary care facilities with the aim of ensuring better and faster healthcare response for families. She highlights the contribution that official development assistance (ODA) has made to empowering women and girls to exercise their rights fully as equal citizens. Partnerships on gender equality between the United Nations (UN) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have also played a fundamental role in ensuring enhanced support to and impact on gender equality goals, particularly as the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approaches. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Research on childhood obesity has primarily been conducted by experts in nutrition, psychology, and medicine. Only recently have public policy scholars devoted serious work to this burgeoning public health crisis. Here the authors advance that research by surveying national experts in health/nutrition and health policy on the public health impact and the political feasibility of fifty-one federal policy options for addressing childhood obesity. Policies that were viewed as politically infeasible but having a great impact on childhood obesity emphasized outright bans on certain activities. In contrast, education and information dissemination policies were viewed as having the potential to receive a favorable hearing from national policy makers but little potential public health impact. Both nutrition and policy experts believed that increasing funding for research would be beneficial and politically feasible. A central need for the field is to develop the means to make high-impact policies more politically... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 1. From Stability to Stagnation: Germany at the beginning of the Twenty-First Century Part 1: National Unification and European Integration 2. German Unification and 'Model Germany': An adventure in institutional conservatism 3. Germany and European Integration: A shifting of tectonic plates Part 2: Labour Markets, Life Styles and Political Preferences 4. New Ways of Life or Old Rigidities?: Changes in social structure and life courses and their political impact 5. The Crumbling Pillars of Social Partnership 6. Political-Economic Context and Partisan Strategies in the German Federal Elections, 1990-2002 7. The Changing Role of Political Protest Movements Part 3: Reorganisation of State and Political Economy 8. Corporate Governance and the Disintegration of Organised Capitalism in the 1990s 9. The State of the Welfare State: German social policy between macroeconomic retrenchment and microeconomic recalibration 10. The Politics of Citizenship in the New Republic - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article explores the impact of domestic norms on regional security practices in a pluralistic security community in the transatlantic area. A security community is considered to be ‘a group which has become integrated, where integration is defined as the attainment of a sense of community, accompanied by formal or informal institutions or practices, sufficiently strong and widespread to assure peaceful change among members of a group with “reasonable” certainty over a “long” period of time’ (Karl W Deutsch, Sidney A Burrell, Robert A Kann, Maurice Lee Jr, Martin Lichterman, Raymond E Lindgren, Francis L Loewenheim and Richard W Van Wagenen (1957) Political community and the North Atlantic area: international organization in the light of historical experience (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press)). Recent studies have aligned the concept of security community with the practice turn in International Relations theory. Although practice theory is able to explain peaceful conflict resolution... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thus, proper sustainable management of forest ecosystems is key to the implementation by Turkmenistan, as a party, of all three Rio global conventions, namely the CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD (Chapter 4). Forests under Category 1 are used for implementing exclusively protective functions. This is why main cuttings are not allowed and are not being implemented. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 They include the federal corporate income tax for the United States. Assuming that the incidence of the US federal corporate income tax falls entirely on capital income, they find that the corporate income tax is progressive. Roach (2003) reaches the same conclusion but notes that if 25% of corporate taxes are allocated to consumers and another 25% to workers, then the progressivity of corporate taxes virtually disappears. Duncan and Sabirianova Peter (2008) focus on the personal income tax only. Unweighted average excluding Chile, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Mexico, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The project involved 15 primary clinics and 239 patients. After patients transmitted self-measured biometric information to the monitoring system through the gateway in a smartphone application, tlie doctors reviewed die data and gave feedback directly to each person. Between the beginning of the project and diree months subsequently, for the test group, HbAlc levels decreased by 0.64 percentage point on average, from 7.98 to 7.35 percentage points, while for die control group die fall was 0.36 percentage points. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 More than four-fifths of the forests are available for wood production, and all but some small areas of plantations are classified as semi-natural. The amount of acres burned in 2007 was 10 times higher than the prior two years (Figure 9.3). Other disturbance agents that contribute to loss of forest cover and timber volume include insects, pathogens, and illegal logging. Since then, the country has acquired suppression equipment such as planes, tractors, and fire engines. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This article clarifies the origins of the field of transitional justice and its preliminary conceptual boundaries. I argue that the field began to emerge in the late 1980s, as a consequence of new practical conditions that human rights activists faced in countries such as Argentina, where authoritarian regimes had been replaced by more democratic ones. The turn away from “naming and shaming” and toward accountability for past abuse among human rights activists was taken up at the international level, where the focus on political change as “transition to democracy” helped to legitimate those claims to justice that prioritized legal-institutional reforms and responses—such as punishing leaders, vetting abusive security forces, and replacing state secrecy with truth and transparency—over other claims to justice that were oriented toward social justice and redistribution. I end by discussing the many ways in which these initial conceptual boundaries have since been tested and expanded. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Before data collection and analysis can start, it is necessary to consider the question of which road safety indicators are considered relevant. Indicators can be used in policy making, for progress monitoring and for explaining developments, particularly in relation to the policy conducted. Good data are indispensable for this. When data are not good, erroneous decisions are possible. Improving road safety is a social issue, and society cannot afford to let dilettantes take erroneous decisions based on false data leading to unnecessary road casualties. In addition to their use in road safety policies, good data axe of extreme importance for research. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 China’s absolute PSE (in USD) is now more than 50% larger than that of the European Union, and Indonesia’s farm support comes close to that of the United States. At the same time, some emerging economies are large participants in international trade with agricultural products, either as exporters or importers. It is conceivable that agricultural policies in emerging and developing countries now affect price formation on international markets at least as much as do OECD countries. For all of these reasons, the nature and evolution of agricultural policies in emerging and important developing countries has become a focus in the OECD’s work. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The pro-poor growth among children was not enough to successfully lower income inequality among children due to re-ranking. The decile boundaries have been based upon cross sectional EU-SILC datasets. It plots the probability of moving into poverty for children under 18 who started out as non-poor as well as the probability of remaining in poverty for those who started out as poor. The poverty entry probability ranges from under 2 per cent in Denmark and Norway to just over 10 per cent in Estonia, Iceland, Italy and the UK.Thus, one in 10 children fell into poverty in these countries each year between 2010 and 2013.The probability of remaining in poverty ranges from 31 per cent in Norway to 83 per cent in Portugal. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Indeed, if the abstraction charge is set below KRW 2000 per cubic metre, then users in the vulnerable region will abstract too much water (because the price is too low for them to get the right signal) and water resources will be overexploited. But if the abstraction charge is set at KRW 2000 per cubic metre for everyone, users in the less vulnerable region will reduce their consumption below the optimal level (since they will pay a too high price for water). This could result in a loss in welfare for households and a loss in value added for industrial and agricultural users. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A UPPO consists of 35 cows, an animal enclosure, organic fertiliser processing tool, simple compost house, fermentation tank and three wheeler vehicles. Each UPPO is capable of producing 135 tonnes of organic fertiliser per year from livestock manure. As at the end of 2009,1 345 UPPOs had been distributed. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Seeking support from the broad community, including churches, employers, sports clubs and social service groups. Working with other government agencies, including the Ministries of Social Development, Health, Pacific Island Affairs and Te Puni Kokiri (Maori Development). Working with schools in low socio-economic areas to identify and reach children who are not participating in ECEC. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""The first programme, launched on 18 November 2012, was """"The Venture Tool Box,"""" a foundation exercise/course for business owners and managers who want to gain further understanding of some of the fundamental principles associated with owning and operating a start-up or established business. However, such a perspective risks discounting the “gendered interpretation and implementation of gender-neutral economic laws” (Chamlou, 2008) and policies. Banks also appear to demonstrate little awareness of “culturally driven constraints faced by women entrepreneurs, such as their mobility and higher demands on their time, [which] may further limit their ability to access finance” (IFC, 2011). Instead, some of the banks questioned the need to develop specific financial products targeting women entrepreneurs."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This means that the retrospective benefit histories from successive interviews provide two reports for each of the months for which the reference years overlap. In practice, there are major impediments to both approaches in household panels. In particular, as already mentioned in Section 3, the retrospective histories show an implausible number of transitions at the ‘seam’ where successive between-interview histories are spliced together. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! If a head of household dies without a will, the law requires an equal distribution of property among the next of kin. In practice, the general custom is for the eldest son to inherit the parental home and the largest portion of the family property, particularly land. Younger sons will often inherit some land or other assets of value, while daughters receive only small symbolic items (CEDAW, 2005). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! He/she calls, presides over and concludes any sessions of the General Meeting and the Board of Directors, as well as directs their discussions. The president adopts any urgent measure that the proper mnning of MedCities makes advisable or that proves necessary or useful in undertaking its activities, with no detriment to rendering account to the Board of Directors thereafter. The vice-president shall stand in for the president in his/her absence, on grounds of illness or for any other reason, and shall have the same attributes as the president. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This uncertainty is a particularly vexed issue in education because of the range of people who have a stake in education (including students, parents, teachers, employers and trade unions). Uncertainty about costs is problematic, because education infrastructure is large and involves multiple levels of government, each often trying to minimise or shift the costs of reform. Assessing the relative costs and benefits of reform in education is also difficult, because of the large number of intervening factors that can influence the nature, size and distribution of any improvements resulting from reform. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Compared with the amount of reported recycled MSW, about one third of this capacity is actually used. Current projects for the construction of new landfills are connected to the obligation to close existing non-compliant landfills. Table 8.3 shows changes in the number and area of municipal waste landfills between 2006 and 2009. Paper and metal scrap collection and recycling are well established in Romania, with thousands of collectors and a large network of processing companies. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Often, local radio stations are owned by men, the radio broadcasts are presented by men, and the topics are chosen by men. Radio programmes can also be combined with the use of mobile phones, encouraging listeners to call in to ask questions, or to intervene by sending an SMS. The Internet can make radio programmes available at all times, while also serving as a valuable resource for the radio producers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The winning projects received funding and expert support. Not long after, buildings with extremely high energy and environmental performance started appearing across the region. Six Exemplary Buildings calls have resulted in more than 350 000 m2 of new passive buildings, and 621 000 m2 of newly constructed and renovated surfaces. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The project developer can choose whether to create its own offset or to pay into the compensation fund. An example of a developer-created offset is PEMEX’s Jaguaroundi project, in which the state oil company aggregated its required offsets into a single 961 ha tract of tropical rainforest near PEMEX refineries. The compensation amount per hectare is calculated using the average cost of reforestation activities (not including the cost of purchasing the land) instead of an estimate of the value of the environmental service affected. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The ecological land management programme (POEREM) although mainly focused on land use it introduces environmental criteria that should be taken into account by the state and local administration when they decide the different uses of land. The state administration is also promoting a programme for climate action in municipalities (Programas de Accion Climatica Municipal, PACMUNE), with the aim of improving the knowledge of local actors about the environmental issues in their territory. There is however a lack of an overarching strategy for environmental conservation in Morelos. For instance, issues related to w'aste management, GHG emissions, and land use are addressed in different programmes. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Evaluations were carried out annually between 2000 and 2006, during which time the only hospital to fulfil all accreditation criteria was one in the private sector. No CCSS hospital attained the necessary standards, indeed, serious emergent deficiencies led to the closure of several units. Despite this, the programme was discontinued. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It also gives them the chance to play a fuller part in the civil and cultural life. Such rights and opportunities underpin and extend the dividends that flow from better health, including greater labour productivity, demographic change and higher educational attainment. Conversely, poor health undermines growth, as it places an economic burden on individuals, companies and governments. Because health is a key measure of economic and social development, governments invest in comprehensive policies that include national health strategies, plans, governance instruments and systems. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Understanding the housing conditions of households is therefore crucial to assessing their level of wellbeing. In European OECD countries, for example, 36% of residents report feeling “heavily burdened” by the cost of housing (EU-SILC 2012). This is a sizeable 18% increase in the share of households that feel heavily burdened since before the Great Recession in 2007. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This is mainly due to the exhaustion of temporary UB and the assumed ineligibility for social assistance and housing benefits, which will be analysed separately below. Similar drops can be observed in other countries when unemployment enters a third (e.g. Netherlands, Switzerland) or fourth year (e.g. Sweden, Iceland). The average net replacement rate averaged over the first two years of an unemployment spell is displayed for 2007 and 2009. While the generosity of UB remained fairly steady between 2007 and 2009 in most countries, it increased significantly in some of them, especially in the United States. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 We therefore believe that desegregating special education is the first step in tackling prejudice against people with disabilities and other difficulties. They have been omitted from previous equal opportunities initiatives, and it is now obvious that our aim of achieving comprehensive education in Newham will remain hindered while we continue to select approximately 2 per cent of school pupils for separate education. Parents became increasingly confident that their neighbourhood schools could meet diverse needs. Newham has 17 resourced mainstream schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This study aimed to evidence, through an historical context, the numerous changes brought in public policies, and particularly in educational policy after the advent of the 1988 Constitution. These changes were primarily motivated by the ‘new federalism’ proposed therein and that placed municipalities at a federal entity status, as well as the decentralization process, represented by the decentralization of social policies. The process of decentralization occurred in response to the cry of Brazilian society in the 1980s for the democratization of social policies, greater involvement of civil society and the efficiency of public administration. We will use as a ‘background’ for our reflection, the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the institution of the Federative System of Brazil, which brought great innovations, however, many challenges to the implementation and enforcement of social and educational policies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Policy analysis is driven by a dominant normative stance that conflates the notion of social welfare with some notion of collective good or, even more restrictively, strictly utilitarian notions of aggregate benefit. In this paper, we suggest how this perspective leads to a strongly aggregative analysis that masks concerns of actors in their unique contexts. We examine the policies of the South Coast Air Quality Management District in Los Angeles, California, USA and argue that they have strongly furthered the status quo at the expense of communities. We illustrate alternative models for analysis in the hope that this type of dialectic might lead to a more inclusive model of rationality. We also hope to take the conversation deeper into notions of justice and not farther away from them, as some attempts to broaden the discussion by appealing to notions of democratization, civic governance, or modernization naively do. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 But see discussion on industrial application, Section, for limitations of the scope of granted gene patents under both European Union and Member States law. Therefore, a member that opts to implement this standard must also exclude local innovators from patents on matter existing in nature. Local inventors would still have the ability to patent such substances abroad, however, under the independence of patents doctrine. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Assolombarda is the largest industry association with 6 100 member firms in the region. It promotes quality of education, training and university/industry partnerships. It influences the design of and updating of academic programmes through contact teams, develop experimentation (contract of high-skilled apprenticeship for MA and PhD students), collaborates with university placement offices and is involved in boosting the appeal of hard sciences through the “Scientific Degrees” project. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 According to the monitoring and reporting mechanism within the Third NAPCC, review of the implementation status of those measures is envisaged as being undertaken every two years. In that respect, during 2015, a report containing information on the current status of implementation of the measures in all sectors covered by the Third NAPCC was prepared. The main obstacles for large-scale deployment of electric vehicles in the country are their relatively high price and limited mileage capacity. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! New valuations will be implemented and updated every second year starting in 2020. The new tax system replaces a nominal tax freeze of property taxation with proportional taxation, maintaining a progressive element for the most valuable homes. No changes have been made to mortgage interest rate deductibility. Households with debt-to-income ratios above 400% are required to fix interest rates for at least five years if the loan-to-value ratio is above 60%. Thus, locally there are some concerns whether house prices are increasing faster than warranted by disposable income growth and low interest rates, thereby elevating debt-to-income ratios for new homeowners (Systemic Risk Council, 2017[i6i). This prompted the authorities to tighten financial regulation by reducing access to risky loans for households with high debt relative to income from January 2018 (Table 3). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Since then, road deaths have steadily decreased (with some fluctuations) and were halved by 2004. In 2013, Korea counted 5 092 road deaths, a 62% decrease when compared to the level of 1991. With a population of 50.2 million, there are 19.4 million registered vehicles (i.e. around 400 vehicles per 1 000 inhabitants). Korea’s road network totals 106 414 km, which includes 4 111 km of motorway. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The development of “managerial and entrepreneurship skills” are also required for higher education programme accreditation. Despite the progress made, the results are still at a low level. In 2004, only 30 out of 2 275 graduate respondents chose to get involved in entrepreneurship either by running a business on their own or by being part of a team. Several universities participate in the government’s incubator programme MTDC, the National Unipreneur Development Programme (NUDP) that stimulates technology-related start-ups and university-industry relationships, and the annual business plan competition (MIBPC). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In other words, the model helps businesses to put the principles into action while developing relevant corporate policies and managerial agendas. These are technology, innovation, interconnectivity, metrics, stakeholder engagement and government support. The enablers help businesses transform the principles into daily practices and therefore, drive the corporate agenda for a sustainable future. Importantly, the model suggests that the SRB principles and practices cannot be realized and cannot promote a sustainable future effectively without the aid of the enablers. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""Introduction: Manipulating Democracy: A Reappraisal (Wayne Le Cheminant and John M. Parrish) Part One: Democratic Theory 1. Manipulation and Democratic Theory (James Fishkin) 2. Manipulation: As Old As Democracy Itself (and Sometimes Dangerous) (Terence Ball) 3. When Rhetoric Turns Manipulative: Disentangling Persuasion and Manipulation (Nathaniel Klemp) Part Two: Political Psychology 4. Changing Brains: Lessons from the Living Wage Campaign (George Lakoff) 5. Emotional Manipulation of Political Identity (Rose McDermott) 6. Mimesis, Persuasion, and Manipulation in Plato's Republic (Christina Tarnopolsky) Part Three: Mass Media 7. """"News You Can't Use"""": Politics and Democracy in the New Media Environment (Richard Fox and Amy Gangl) 8. The Betrayal of Democracy: The Purpose of Public Opinion Survey Research and Its Misuse by Presidents (Lawrence Jacobs) 9. The Political Economy of Mass Media: Implications for Informed Citizenship (Shanto Iyengar and Kyu Hahn) 10. Exploiting the Clueless: Heresthetic, Overload, and Rational Ignorance (Andrew Sabl)"" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Y. Zhou and R. Tol, “Evaluating the costs of desalination and water transport”. Water Resources Research, vol. The transport costs are broken into capital costs ($0.13/m3), energy costs for pumping ($0.10/m3), operation and maintenance ($0.06/m3), and the cost of water at the source ($0.07/m3).47 Excluding the cost of water at the source, the total cost for capital, pumping, and operation and maintenance is $0.29/m for a Suez-Negev transfer. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For example, in 2007, the same public official served as the Plenipotentiary of Ukraine for the Agreement of 1994 with the Republic of Moldova and for the Agreement of 1997 with Romania. In 2001, these commissions signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Joint Danube-Black Sea Technical Working Group was established to support the implementation of the Memorandum. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Consequently both the NBSAP (2008) and the NBSAP addendum (2014) list action points related to inventory building for setting baselines and building valuation models for biodiversity-related goods and services. Despite considerable progress through the development of the National System of Environmental Information, challenges persist. Where the data are collected, they might not always be shared with the government or made publicly available. They are also not always sufficiently systematised and user-friendly. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation w'as signed and a research alliance was launched in May 2013 at the Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland. This historical agreement focused on aligning ocean observations and research among the three participants. Other potential areas for co-operation include: (1) sharing of data, such as on temperature, salinity and acidity, (2) interoperability and coordination of observing infrastructures, such as measurement buoys and research vessels, (3) sustainable management of ocean resources, (4) seabed and benthic habitat mapping, (5) promoting researcher mobility, and (6) identifying and recommending future research priorities. Research on aquaculture is one of the main issues in the Alliance. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Consumers, producers and decision-makers therefore do not receive the accurate price signals necessary to reach decisions about how resources could best be used. Climate change strategies and measures were elaborated in the 2004 and 2006 National Climate Change Programmes. On its board are representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Development and the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, acting as sub-co-ordinators, as well as representatives of the ministries responsible for foreign policy, agriculture and rural development, public works and transport. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The OECD’s Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels released in 2015 found that governments in the OECD and the emerging BRIICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, Indonesia, the People’s Republic of China and South Africa) collectively support the production and consumption of fossil fuels to the tune of USD 160-200 bln a year. With most of that support coming in the form of budgetary transfers and tax breaks - the OECD inventory identifies about 800 such measures - this effectively means that governments today still spend billions to encourage the extraction and burning of fossil fuels at taxpayers’ expense. Adding in the consumer price subsidies measured by the International Energy Agency (IEA), this makes total subsidies and other forms of support for fossil fuels in the vicinity of USD 500-600 bln a year (OECD, 2015a). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The government is addressing low digital skills in the large-scale Incode2030 strategy. Spanning the period 2016-2020, the strategy involves both existing measures from programmes such as Qualifica and Industria 4.0 and new measures. It also includes quantified targets: 20 000 enrolments in digital literacy programmes by 2020, 2% of GDP invested in R&D by 2025 and 80% of the population with basic digital skills by 2030 (Govemo de Portugal, 20 17j32)). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is owing to the fact that information on breastfeeding is available only for children who are born within the five-year interval before the survey, and the logit model forces us to drop all observations that are not fully at risk—in this case, all children less than five years of age and alive at the time of the survey. For control purposes, we also run a separate estimation for under-five mortality (excluding breastfeeding as a determinant). The results broadly confirm this view and are reported in the annex. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 With regard to this, a framework may be strengthened to check the appropriateness of measures under IHR, and coordination may be pursued with actors in other sectors, such as WTO.10 The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement of WTO states that when national standards that are stricter than international standards are adopted, the national standards must be scientifically justified. For example, in the case in which Europe instituted trade restrictions during a cholera outbreak in Africa, the SPS Committee of WTO deliberated on the restrictions, including a scientific debate on the risk these measures pose to public health, which resulted in the trade restrictions being lifted (WHO and WTO, 2002). Collaboration with initiatives, such as the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), is already under way, including the joint external evaluation tool for IHR formulated by WHO with GHSA, a multilateral framework led by the United States, which has stated that it will achieve its goals in at least 30 countries over the next five years, and has declared that it will invest US$1 billion in 17 countries towards this effort. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! In a quarter of LDCs, traditional biomass accounts for more than 80 per cent of total primary energy use, in half it is between 50 per cent and 80 per cent. This leaves only a quarter of LDCs in which it does not represent the majority of primary energy used. In most cases, the remainder is made up mainly of oil products, though with significant contributions in a few cases from natural gas (particularly in Bangladesh and to a lesser extent Myanmar and Yemen), coal (most notably in Lesotho and Afghanistan) and renewable energy (mainly hydroelectricity, particularly in Bhutan and Lao People’s Democratic Republic, with smaller contributions in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The majority of health and medical services fall under the responsibility of county councils, whose representatives are elected by the residents every four years. County councils are obliged to provide health and medical services of good quality as well as to promote good health in the population. Primary care is delivered through 1 100 (public or private) primary care units in the country. In most of the counties, it is possible to bypass primary care and access specialist services directly (there is no gate-keeping). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 International support will be required in this regard. Investments in basic industries may be more labour-intensive and cost-effective in terms of immediate job creation and income generation. Investments in basic infrastructure, education and health are often more effective stimuli than certain environmental initiatives. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! More and more households have installed garbage-grinding units in their sinks and are now disposing of their kitchen waste through the sewer system. Only a minority of communes are respecting the legal requirement for recovery (PGD Act). The recycling target (75%) and management harmonisation goals (PGGD 2000) have not been achieved. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The hospital sector appears less effective, with the death rate within 30 days of hospital admission for an acute condition (heart attack, brain haemorrhage, stroke) being about twice as high as the lowest rates in Europe (Westert et al., Access to care is facilitated by the comprehensiveness of the basic mandatory health insurance scheme and by the lowest copayments in Europe (Table 2), securing that only few people forgo medical visits for financial reasons (Westert et al., In addition, essential care services are available at short distance to almost the entire population, while waiting times for almost all treatments are below the agreed acceptable standard (known as ‘Treek norms’) (NZa, 2012). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It assesses developments in international sustainability and climate change-related policies based on green economy examples. Looking at innovative measures that combine environmental and social objectives, it analyses the potential of eco-social approaches for promoting innovation and transformative change. When carbon emissions are factored into the measurement of development levels, country ranking can change significantly. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Young people are now virtually excluded from state support as benefits for those under 25 have been removed. Pensioners and the ill or disabled are still supported by pensions and welfare payments but the low levels of these benefits means that they increasingly rely on private insurance or pension payments. Among the working age, in-work poverty is a substantial issue and income is increasingly unstable. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 External cost accounting, by its very nature, will always allow for alternative viewpoints. Coal, for instance, does emit a higher level of radionuclides than nuclear energy. The estimate of the impacts of hydroelectricity on biodiversity seems small when compared to anecdotal evidence. Such uncertainties show that more systematic as well as policy-relevant research on the external costs of power generation is needed. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! As Geography was constructed as a scientific discipline over time, reflective moments have provoked periodic crises caused by the incapacity of the discipline to critically analyze reality. In an attempt to overcome superficial readings Geography urgently needs to reflect on methods and methodological procedures that could make the discipline a more critical social science. This article presents a theoretical contribution to understanding method as a way of conceiving the world, movement of thought and action that help produce a critical perspective. The centrality of space and the urban are shown to provide the means for understanding the contemporary world and capitalist transformations, which require Geography to adjust its focus of social issues. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 AbstractIn establishing the ASEAN Economic Community, ASEAN political elites emphasised their commitment to the rule of law. The definition of the rule of law adopted in the ASEAN Charter mirrored UN reforms that recognised the rule of law as interlinked with democracy and human rights. This commitment raises questions, given the various tactics employed by the grouping’s authoritarian and post-authoritarian regimes to silence dissent. This article critically assesses this apparent shift in regional governance. It first maps the inclusion of rule of law rhetoric in agreements since ASEAN’s foundation, and then examines the form and implementation of dispute settlement mechanisms. It finds that dispute settlement mechanisms have consistently retained the scope for protracted political and bureaucratic negotiation between disputing parties, and “opt out” clauses that enable their contingent application. These findings undermine claims regarding the development of a “rules-based community”, and indicate the ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The extent to which super-grids will be developed, remains, however, uncertain (see the barriers for investment in transmission capacity that are discussed earlier in this report). However, to which extent the system will actually evolve this way is difficult to predict. Smart grids have many features and may serve various purposes. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Attempts to systematise health technology assessment, w'hich is not generally carried out in Costa Rica, have also failed. The inability of the Ministry of Health to hold the CCSS and its providers to account has already been discussed. In turn, the ability of the CCSS to reform is significantly constrained by professional groups. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The earlier the privation and the longer its duration, the greater the potential impact on the child. The difference between the two is illustrated in the diagram below. The household with the lowest income in the street lives at number 1, the second poorest household lives at number 2, and so on up to the richest household in number 15. In the example given here, this comes to $60,000. In this example, the median income is $40,000 (the income of house No. Imagine, for example, that the two richest people in the street, living in houses Nos. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This is a sizeable change in a short period of time. In 2012, Mexico extended compulsory education beyond low'er-secondary education to include upper secondary school, w'ith the goal of making it universal by 2022. Drop-outs remain an important issue, and one that has attracted considerable public attention. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! However, there were no major differences in the types of positions they filled, with the exception of under-secretaries, where the proportion of women fell slightly from 13.5% to 11.6% (see Figure 5.8). It is noteworthy that secretariats of state headed by women do not necessarily have more female under-secretaries (UNDP, 2012). Data from IMMUJERES reveal that, in 2011, consultancy appointments account for the highest percentage of women working professionally in the FPA - 38.6%. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Abstract Many recent analyses of the ASEAN Charter have tended to view the document very critically, judging the chances for implementation as low. In order to assess the potential of the Charter, this article argues, an analysis of the Charter needs to take its text seriously and look for the promises and the political consequences they entail. Taking textual representations of the Charter as its empirical basis, the article is based on a deconstructive reading of the legal text and focuses on some of the more controversial promises like democracy promotion, human rights and the role of the regional populations. The article takes into account the political struggles mirrored in the Charter and stresses conflict rather than consensus as a dominant mode of politics within ASEAN. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The main contributing gas is CO2, followed by CH4 and N2O. The CO2 emission trend reflects fuel consumption and therefore show's a decrease in the period 1990-2000. However, with the reviving economy, CO2 emissions grew constantly until 2006. From that point, there was a period of stabilization until 2009 when there w'as a slight drop in emissions, mainly related to the economic crisis and the consequent decline in transportation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Private storage in local villages and at the regional level can better match local supply and demand but are often discouraged by high material costs and a lack of credit. Policies to improve the investment climate, to strengthen farmer organisations and local co-operatives, as well as extension services should be encouraged. They provide instruments to transfer price risk, enabling commercial participants to hedge their products/purchases against the risk of fluctuating prices. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is critical to reducing the national import bill and enhancing the international competitiveness of the economy’s export industries. This is probably a common problem shared by small developing countries that are dependent on imported petroleum. Indeed, it is arguable that even those that are endowed with petroleum would be wise to diversify their sources of energy, because their endowments of this non-renewable resource are limited and they have to share the responsibility of reducing the discharge of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Supplying organically grown food to the tourist industry will be yet another way of greening that industry. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! If investments in provision for mild-to-moderate disorders will reduce sickness absence and presenteeism (see subsections above) it makes good economic sense. Some large Japanese firms are already getting involved in promoting wellbeing and preventing ill-health. The National Federation of Health Insurance Societies also carries out activities such as information sharing and awareness raising making efforts to help identify mental distress amongst their employees, and advice around encouraging employees to seek help for mental distress. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For instance, Amazon has offered the Fulfilment by Amazon service to producers that want to sell their products online. Using this service, Thailand's Lanna Clothes Design has increased its online business by 70% after just 10 months, the number of employees has increased from 5 to 20, most of them women from rural Chiang Mai or the neighbouring province. This experience has also had positive externalities in the local community: based on her own e-commerce success, the owner plans to help local designers grow their businesses, at the same time, twice a year her company donates clothing and food to a nearby orphanage with 600 children {OECD-WTO aid-for-trade monitoring exercise 2017, Private sector case story 88). The programme strengthened e-commerce know-how, reviewed the current state of cyber legislation, and discussed ways to achieve regional integration and the harmonization of regional e-commerce legislation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Statutory requirements under the EU Birds and Habitats directives insofar as they relate to sea-fisheries are implemented through secondary legislation. Gross Value Added (GVA) and gross profit increased between 2011 and 2012. The major factor driving this overall increase in economic performance was a higher estimate of total income in comparison with other years and reductions in non-variable and capital costs experienced in 2012. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Purpose – The Lebanese began their present emigration in the middle of the nineteenth century, heading towards North America, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. Today's Lebanese diaspora is made of highly educated and prominent entrepreneurs who have created huge marks in their adopted homelands and the world. In the current study the authors aim to explore this and make suggestions for future research.Design/methodology/approach – The authors use historical literature review and synthesis in order to explore the topic and make suggestions for future research.Findings – The authors find that entrepreneurs from Lebanon have had a significant impact on the economies of many parts of the world.Originality/value – This paper is original in that it brings together the research on entrepreneurship and Lebanon so that future researchers can have good ideas as to ways to pursue future cross‐cultural research. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The court ruled that: the investments made by the squatters in the Nariva Swamp were destroying a protected area, that they were not property improvements and therefore could not give rise to an equitable interest in the land. The Main Ridge Forest Reserve in Tobago has the distinction of being the oldest forest reserve in the western hemisphere, having been declared in 1764. The reserve was established expressly for watershed management purposes (Toppin-Allahar, 2001). However, the forestry legislation, as noted by Toppin-Allahar (2001), is directed at the regulation of production forestry on publicly owned lands and weak on the issue of deforestation on private lands and watershed management, including the control of forest fires. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The General Assembly in its resolution 70/1 called for increased support for strengthening data collection and capacity-building and committed to addressing the gap in data collection. Given this substantial gap, strong focus should be placed on efforts to generate and collect reliable country data and information to monitor progress towards achieving SDG 7, especially for countries with special needs including small island developing States. Enhanced regional collaboration on capacity-building to implement SDG 7 should also be prioritized. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Annamaria Tuske is a statistician working on the India Desk. Mathilde Didier, Caio Guimaraes, Marie Rabate and Gen Tang are masters students at Paris ENSAE who prepared their thesis on this topic under Ms Sorsa's supervision. This working paper is based on material prepared for the 2014 OECD Economic Survey of India published in November 2014 under the authority of the Economic and Development Review Committee (EDRC). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Gender Evaluation Methodology for Internet and ICTs. Giving everyone a voice and a say in the formulation, implementation and evaluation is the first step towards an inclusive development initiative. It is important to plan activities taking into account the daily timetables of both men and women, and not to overburden them with extra activities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""We present a cross-cultural comparison of newspaper coverage of global warming in France and in the United States (1987-1997) as a case study to analyze the impact of culturally bound journalistic practices on media attention cycles. Based on the results of a content analysis, we show that France's coverage was more event-based, focused more on international relations, and presented a more restricted range of viewpoints on global warming than American coverage did. American coverage emphasized conflicts between scientists and politicians. Downs's """"quot,media-attention cycle,""""quot, which is apparent for the American coverage, does not manifest as visibly in French coverage. Our findings suggest that research on media coverage of global environmental issues needs to move beyond studies at the national level, cross-cultural comparisons are essential to understand how different news regimes might affect public opinion."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The author analysis the growth of global terrorism and activities of terrorist groups in contemporary world. Focusing on the ethnic and religious background of many terrorist groups, global terrorism, author argues, claims to be a powerful partner in new global conflict, gradually growing into national movements which could be supported by large ethnic, religious or racial communities across the world. Terrorist groups took its driving power and encouragement from the ideas and goals of the main group which principally lies in social injustice or economic inequalities of marginalized large social groups. Their links with ethnic, religious or social background pose the greatest potential threat to states with unstable economies, political turmoil, religious-ethnic hatred and with large-scale immigrants. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2004, Sudan won a third term on the Human Rights Commission at the very moment its government was carrying out a genocide in Darfur. The juxtaposition exposed the abysmal job the global governance system has done of living up to its responsibilities under the Genocide Convention (1948), which requires states both to prevent genocide and punish perpetrators (Convention on Genocide, 1948). Despite continuing failures, however, over the past two decades, the duty to punish has begun to be fulfilled. The establishment of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the International Criminal Court, and other post-conflict and transitional justice processes have given institutional power to a new norm of international criminal accountability, which has spread across the globe, rapidly albeit unevenly, in what Kathryn Sikkink has called a ‘justice cascade’ (Sikkink 2011). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article acknowledges the trend toward federalizing aspects of corporate governance (as evidenced by, among other things, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002) and offers a model for institutional choice in federal corporate governance rulemaking. Specifically, the article suggests a way to determine whether the components of a specific substantive rule of corporate governance should be legislated by Congress, regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, or established by the federal courts. Both the thesis of the article and the specific analytical framework it promotes are foundational in corporate governance scholarship and draw from previous research and scholarship in law (including constitutional law, administrative law, corporate law, and securities law), political science, and economics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Electricity production in 2015 generally declined compared to the early 2000s (by about 25%), particularly in Chisinau. This is closely related to the increase in gas prices. Energocom is a state-owned company and acts as a single buyer at nonregulated prices for imported electricity from Ukraine as well as from Transnistria. Energocom sells to RED Nord and RED Nord-Vest, or directly to eligible customers (Ener2i, 2014). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, several countries have adopted legislation that takes into account changes in family structure, recognizing same-sex marriages (e.g., the Netherlands,’36 Spain’37 and Uruguay’3*)’39 and civic unions between same-sex partners (e.g., Argentina,140 Chile’4’ and Sweden142). Thanks to women’s movements,143 many countries have also adopted or improved legislation to prevent and respond to violence against women. Civil Code, article 30, Book I, reform of 2001. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""The informal economy is a system in which the informal income of some is the informal expenditure of others. Institutionalising an informal activity reduces its already weak competitiveness in relation to imports, and/or lowers its employment level, even though labour is the abundant factor. Yet this does not mean that the public authorities should neglect this economy. Nwaka (2005) argues that """"what is needed is not less government, less control, or mindless deregulation of economic and planning activities, but rather a more enlightened, more participatory, and more equitable form of state intervention that eliminates needless restrictions, and provides a more appropriate and flexible regulatory framework that is compatible with local conditions and yet reasonably efficient and environmentally sustainable"""". These activities need to pool resources and costs and require, more than large-scale enterprises, an appropriate physical setting or support from external savings provided by the local or national community. The practice of """"participatory budgeting"""" is one example of this kind of management."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! While 96.8 per cent of men were full-time workers in 2011-2012, only 82.7 per cent of women were in that category (Figure 11-2). The improvement has to be seen, however, in the context of the overall decline in the work participation rate (WPR) of women in 2011-2012. The shares of such workers during 2004-2005 were 26.9 per cent and 33.6 per cent, respectively, for men and women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The paper deals with the extra-legal references of the European Convention of Human Rights, differing form the way in that such axiology is the state or general international law. The latter cumulates both intra and extra legal values in the category of the general principles of law and these constructs, together with the general clauses enter the international human rights law. Paper accepts the concept of the clauses not restricting them to the category of the limitation clauses. The various regulations of the Convention had been analyzed in that light both from the point of the international and state law perspectives, since use of the clauses by the state agencies are controlled by the European Court of Human Rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In most cases, these are embraced in reports or programmes that identify priority themes which are then translated into action. The Outlook identified a number of strategic goals aimed to achieve the objectives stated above. Most of the goals can be further refined for the global coastal and marine environment. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Between 1990 and 2010, the area of forest used for environmental protection has grown four-fold (Table 2.3). The increase in forest cover is estimated to have absorbed almost 100 million tonnes of carbon per year between 2000 and 2010. The conversion of grasslands into agricultural land appears to be continuing, which could have adverse long-term consequences as soil erosion is likely to increase and, eventually, when soil nutrients are exhausted the land is at risk of desertification. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! This article addresses public participation provisions in law making and law enforcement in select American states and federal statutes and beyond. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of public participation in general. It then argues that U.S. law – with a particular view to California law – could be improved by emulating certain provisions of the UNECE Aarhus Convention, which is a model of public participation in national and international environmental law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Following a territorial approach is complex but crucial for policy making that connects the objectives of equity, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability - each indispensable in the fight against food insecurity and malnutrition. A striking feature of contemporary' economic development is unprecedented regional disparities, not only across but even more within countries. Within OECD countries, inequities between regions within countries are larger than inequalities between countries (OECD, 2016). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, there are mixed results in the literature of mental health treatment effects on vocational outcomes. The effect of medication on work impairment was higher than a placebo and psychotherapy, respectively. Moreover, work outcomes improved as the duration of treatment increased, which was not related to better symptom outcome. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The discussion centres around three principles which, when applied to the policy process, can prove helpful in facilitating adaptation and development, with particular benefits to disadvantaged groups. The underlying uncertainty of climate change, the locality in which its effects materialize, and the interconnected nature of various sectors require a policymaking system that is (1) coherent2 and integrated, (2) participatory and (3) flexible. The present Survey has noted, more broadly, that building consistency across the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development policy is a core challenge that building climate resilience and achieving sustainable development will have to confront. Further, application of a better understanding of risks and priorities achieved through the engagement of local communities improves both policy design and implementation as well as development outcomes. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ABSTRACTThis paper examines the domestic applicability of human rights treaties in Hong Kong in light of the recent Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal decision of GA v Director of Immigration (2014), which concerned refugees’ right to work. In the absence of a comprehensive domestic incorporation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the immigration exception to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) incorporated through the Bill of Rights, refugees do not enjoy a right to work in Hong Kong, except in some circumstances where forbidding work may amount to inhuman and degrading treatment under the ICCPR. This paper reviews the adequacy of the legal protection of refugees in Hong Kong, and argues for a more comprehensive domestic incorporation of the ICESCR to ensure the applicability of the rights thereunder. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Moreover, within a sector, the objectives of environmental protection and improving water management sometimes conflict with each other (e.g. subsidies to fast-growing forest plantations aimed at carbon sequestration are sometimes at the detriment of old growth natural forests that better regulate water flows). This is particularly the case where water insecurity causes disruptions in globalised businesses’ supply chains. Not only are water risks directly affecting users (e.g. through the depletion of water resources), they also can result in significant additional use costs (e.g. increased abstraction costs due to groundwater subsidence). Moreover, there can be costs associated with damages to non-use values, such as the life-support function of water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These schools are often run by non-profit organisations but nevertheless fall under State supervision and are under the immediate responsibility of local authorities. In addition, there are vocational schools under the authority of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor that teach “traditional” trades, such as vehicle maintenance and construction, for the equivalent of Grades 9 to 12. The sector is relatively small, with approximately 13 500 students (in around 70 institutions). This is equivalent to only 3% of the total number of Grade 9 to 12 students.9 However, military service is playing a role in developing vocational skills, as for many conscripts it includes learning general skills in engineering and trades. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Some focus on emissions, others also cover climate risks. Some schemes provide a reporting framework, others leave latitude in the choice of a reporting fiamework and indicators. For instance, Ernst and Young (2014) found that institutional investors are often unable to identify what issues presented in ESG disclosures could materially affect shareholder returns. Similarly, investors have difficulty connecting non-financial and financial performance, and comparing across companies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""The links between organised crime and corruption have grown to become an important research agenda of international interest. It is not surprising, therefore, that the UN convention against corruption 2003 (UNCAC - known as the 'Merida Convention'), drew attention to the importance of this phenomenon, the worrying links between corruption and other forms of crime, with particular reference to organised crime. Organised crime and corruption overlap and reinforce each other practically and culturally as well. In this paper, I will consider the links between organised crime and corruption, and attempt to identify the """"criminal fabric and its resources that pollute heavily economics, politics and the life of the country, reducing the potential for human, economic and civil development"""" (Arnone, 2009, p.7)."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The aggregate TSE for Indonesia averaged nearly IDR 92 trillion (USD 9.9 billion) in 2006-10, ranging from negative IDR 52 trillion (IDR 5.4 billion) in 2008 to IDR 244 trillion (USD 26.9 billion) in 2010 (Tables 2.12 and 2.13). It is slightly lower than in China and Korea but much higher than in Japan. Given that Indonesia had a relatively low %PSE for this period it shows that for a developing country with a large agricultural sector, even if the level of agricultural support as measured by the PSE is low, the cost of support to the economy can be relatively high. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Financial inclusion implies the existence of a varied ecosystem of services, providers and distribution channels (IFAD, 2009). Nonetheless, the development of an ecosystem with such characteristics, targeted on meeting the needs of excluded populations in general, and small rural producers in particular, does not occur automatically (Doran, McFadyen and Vogel, 2009, Hollinger, 2011). This requires public policies that promote the development of inclusive financial ecosystems (Ehrbeck, Pickens and Tarazi, 2012). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""Presented in China in conjunction with the proposed amendment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) Securities Law 2006, this paper critiques the form and application of the PRC's current insider trading prohibition and its misconceived fealty to Rule 10b-5-limiting U.S. Supreme Court-derived doctrines of fiduciary duty and misappropriation, and urges that China's amended statute and enforcement system look to the broader doctrinal formulations employed in the United Kingdom and the European Union, ironically already used by China's securities regulator pursuant to internal (and likely illegal) administrative """"guidance"""" norms."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""In these markets, recyclers pay consumers a price for their used products that depend on the degree of recyclability (Calcott & Walls, 2000, 2005). In an economy where no value is allocated to waste, """"final output producers as well as households do not take the value of waste generation for future recycling into account. Consequently, the opportunity costs of production and consumption are overestimated."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Grassroots innovators often operate as informal businesses. Given their importance within national economies, however, policy makers would do well to foster innovation in their local context: in 2007, the informal economy amounted to 14.3% of gross domestic product (GDP) in China, 45.1% of GDP in Colombia, 25.6% in India, 20.9% in Indonesia and 31.7% in South Africa (Schneider et al., The informal sector employs 84% of the non-agricultural workforce in India, 60% in Colombia, 33% in South Africa (International Labour Organization [ILO], 2011) and 68% in Indonesia (OECD, 2015a). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""The Frontlines of Medicine Project is a collaborative effort of emergency medicine (including emergency medical services and clinical toxicology), public health, emergency government, law enforcement, and informatics. This collaboration proposes to develop a nonproprietary, """"open systems"""" approach for reporting emergency department patient data. The common element is a standard approach to sending messages from individual EDs to regional oversight entities that could then analyze the data received. ED encounter data could be used for various public health initiatives, including syndromic surveillance for chemical and biological terrorism. The interlinking of these regional systems could also permit public health surveillance at a national level based on ED patient encounter data. Advancements in the Internet and Web-based technologies could allow the deployment of these standardized tools in a rapid time frame."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The TRM approach also provides the option of modifying the 4 per cent basic royalty rate for high income countries in case the originator’s price is considered excessive in those countries, or does not properly reflect the therapeutic value of the invention (UNDP/WHO Guidelines, p. 85). Members have to make available in their domestic legislation means to appeal the decisions taken by the initial granting authority (Article 31 (i), TRIPS Agreement). Such appeals may be filed with a court or an administrative authority distinct from and higher than the initial granting authority. In addition to appeals relating to the authorization of a compulsory license, a court or a distinct higher authority shall also review any decision concerning the remuneration of the patent holder (Article 31 (j), TRIPS Agreement). As the issue of compulsory licensing is closely related to non-IP issues such as public health, it might even be more appropriate, from a public policy point of view, to have a general court review the initial authority’s decisions on grant and remuneration. In addition, the review authority must not be subject to control by the authority that initially granted the license and decided on the compensation. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Informal sector often still plays a key role. There is also confusion over terminology (e.g. variations over what constitutes a “recycler”). This lack of data restricts evidence-based strategic decisions and interventions. Three main systems exist for collecting these materials: kerbside collection, communal collection, and deposit return systems. The informal sector also plays a key role in waste collection in low and lower-middle income countries and is discussed separately below. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This common ratio may then be interpreted as the effective (present value) optimal entitlement price. In an agricultural groundwater use setting, Kuwayama and Brozovic (2013) have further shown that if the marginal damage of the externality is the same for all farms, this outcome can be induced with marketable entitlements that are traded on a one-to-one basis, where the marginal abatement costs of all firms will equal marginal damage multiplied by this ratio. Conversely, if the marginal benefit function is the same at each pumping location, then wells closer to the stream will always be more constrained than wells further from the stream. Annex 3.B provides a complete case study of an applied economic model used to compare the cost-effectiveness of alternative policy instruments, such as land retirement, quotas, or tradable permits to address simulation. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 And since a multihazard system will be activated more regularly it is likely to be better maintained and more readily available for hazards such as tsunamis that occur infrequently. Such integrated systems may also help the public better understand the range of risks they face and the need to prepare and to respond to warnings. For example, many Asia-Pacific countries have already set up warning systems that are common for most hydrometeorological hazards. However, it can be difficult to combine these systems with those for geophysical hazards which are often managed by other ministries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Collision between vehicles driving straight in the opposite direction, 10. Collision between a vehicle driving straight and a vehicle making a U-turn, 11. Collision between a vehicle driving straight and a vehicle entering from non-public road ways (car park, pedestrian way), 12. Collision between vehicles during parking, 13. Collision between vehicles with other reasons, 14. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 While technologies linked to smart grids are efficiency-enhancing and could in principle improve the economic viability of existing centralized systems, smart grids are not simply plug-in additions to existing networks, but require new approaches to electricity network design and operation. A significant number also have legal frameworks for mini-grids, although these are often inadequate or incomplete. In some cases, the private sector is permitted to own and operate minigrids and receive some type of public support in the absence of a legal framework, and only a minority of LDCs specify technical standards for mini-grids. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Life's Lessons (L Anderson) From Tanglin to Baghdad (A Chua) Earthquake, SARS, Tsunami and Cyclone: Lessons from Crisis Management (R Chua) Of BMWs, Guerrillas and the Highway of Death: Snippets of a Diplomat's Life (S T De Cruz) Learning with Master Chefs: Cooking a Treaty (B Gafoor) September 11: Ground Zero in Washington DC (S Loh) Intellectual Property and Public Health: Negotiating at the World Trade Organization (V G Menon) Singapore's Diplomatic Assets (A Selverajah) Lessons from Multilateral Diplomacy (Y W Tan) Would I Choose MFA Again? (K P Wong) and other essays. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, protests increased rapidly after the government's decision to prolong the reliance on nuclear power in 2010 and especially in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident in 2011. Theoretical analyses and international experience suggest that despite strong policy commitment, moving away from fossil fuels without nuclear pow'er is costly, not least because other available low carbon technologies are not yet competitive (OECD, 2009). The public investment needed to reach the targets is estimated at around 1% of GDP per year (KfW, 2011). When assessing CO2 abatement cost in Germany, evaluations differ significantly. Reducing emissions by 35% by 2020 is estimated to cost on average from EUR -38/t CO2 to more than EUR 80/t CO2 (BMU, 2008b, McKinsey, 2007). The differences in estimates are mainly due to assumptions about the technological changes to be expected by 2020 which determine the cost of investment in low-carbon technologies and their performance in energy savings. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""Stereotyping attributes are also common, for example reports should avoid portraying only men as leaders and women as followers, or men as active and women as passive and """"vulnerable"""". Women and girls are not intrinsically vulnerable or victims by nature. This stereotypical language denies women and girls' agency, depicting them as weak and passive bystanders of conflict and agentless victims, and builds a distorted, male-dominated narrative that contributes to women and girls' exclusion from decision-making, transitional justice, peace-building and reconciliation efforts. Avoid using gendered nouns, such as """"mankind"""", replacing them for example, with """"people"""" or """"men and women""""."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Most plans also identify clear funding sources and a role for the private sector in infrastructure development. However, these plans score considerably less well beyond these broad features. Less than 40 per cent of such plans address the important issue of infrastructure interdependencies, just above 20 per cent make clear references to central decision-making and only about 15 per cent include multi-year budgets. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The advantage could be some spectrum saving, or in turn, some increased capacity for broadcasting. [ Some of these devices also work with DVB-T/T2. The use of UPnP allows more types of media device to be reached, independent of their operating system. The general principle is illustrated in Figure 10.2. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This article explores bottom-up grassroots ordering in internet governance, investigating the efforts by a group of civil society actors to inscribe human rights in internet infrastructure, lobbying the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Adopting a Science and Technology Studies perspective, we approach this struggle as a site of contestation, and expose the sociotechnical imaginaries animating policy advocacy. Combining quantitative mailing-list analysis, participant observation and qualitative discourse analysis, the article observes civil society in action as it contributes to shape policy in the realm of institutional and infrastructure design. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The prevalence of stunted children was higher in the poorest groups in almost all countries in which recent nutrition survey data was available.5 In some countries, the prevalence among the poorest group was nearly twice the national average (Figure 9). While the prevalence of overweight children is greater in higher-income groups in most countries, the poorer groups had higher prevalence in Armenia and Serbia. Malnutrition - both undernutrition and overweight - are multicausal problems. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The majority of funding is allocated for structural adjustment in the industry. ( Approximately one third of the French fleet is from overseas ddpartements. ( Following the “Fishing Conclave” at year-end 2009, the French government published a memorandum in February 2010 in response to the European Commission’s CFP reform Green Paper. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Global production of biofuels has grown substantially in the last ten years, primarily due to renewable energy mandates and other government policies. Between 2005 and 2007, when oil prices were rising and global food prices began to increase rapidly, the use of cereals (wheat and coarse grains) for biofuels production grew by 80%. The absolute increase (41 Mt) during that period accounted for about 50% of the overall increase of cereals use (81 Mt). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This study used content and textual analysis of four newspapers—the Bangkok Post, The Nation, Thai Rath and Matichon––between 1 November 2013 and the general election on 2 February 2014 to examine how they framed the Thai political crisis. The content analysis produced six dominant frames, namely, democracy, chaos (or anarchy), violence, social injustice, public disapproval and negative impact. Through these frames, the textual analysis portrayed how the elected government struggled to defend democracy as opposition protesters mounted civil disobedience and Bangkok shutdown campaigns to put pressure on it. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Globalization involves risks and opportunities for the Arab world. Realistic knowledge of these possibilities is essential for adaptation of governance and reform of public administration to deal more effectively with the unfolding processes of globalization. To be participants rather than mere subjects, the Arab states have to recognize opportunities and limit potential negative consequences. Success requires good governance and professional public management. Public administration in the Arab world has to transform traditional methods of command and control and nepotism into a more collaborative management that relies on institutional capabilities and practicing managerial values of accountability, performance evaluation, transparency, and ethics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Minsk City adopted a more advanced set-up, dividing the responsibilities for waste collection and waste disposal. Waste sorting and disposal is performed by the Unitary Enterprise “Ekores”. While in 2005 only about 35 per cent of the urban population received regular waste collection services, 99 per cent of the urban population was serviced in 2014. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Most countries lack comprehensive and consistent information systems that can show investment pipelines and existing infrastructure, thus impeding decisions on future investments. For governments, a transparent information system showing infrastructure pipelines and current operational assets will be a key tool to coordinate and align climate action with other governments or the private sector. By provisioning the right digital infrastructure based on blockchain technology, deeply entrenched, but flexible monitoring, reporting and communication services can be developed in the future. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In the last decade, gender wage gaps have been narrowing in almost all OECD countries for which data are available, with the exception of Italy and France where the gender pay gap has increased. Women often work part-time in order to reconcile work and family life. When part-time workers are also included, the gender gap in take-home pay doubles in many European countries for which data are available, and triples in Ireland and the Netherlands. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Similarly, there is also a need to ensure that adequate data exist across both health and social sectors not just at a national level, but at a local level. This will use individuals’ Community Health Index (CHI) number as the basis for linking health and social care data at an individual level, with derived activity and costs, to build an understanding of how people use services and underpin local strategic commissioning plans. The Project also aims to develop a nationally agreed core dataset and definitions, IT solutions to allow access to these data with appropriate infonnation governance safeguards, a reporting tool that will allow easy analysis and presentation of the data, and, bespoke analytical support and assistance with data interpretation. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Funding responsibilities for public schools are divided between the Lander (for recruitment and remuneration of teachers) and local authorities (typically for non-teaching staff and material costs). A few Lander support local authorities through lump-sum allocations (such as for school construction). The Lander can take over responsibilities from local authorities for special schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, it is possible that within a family categorized as experiencing deprivation, children w'ill not be victims if, for example, parents have their children's needs met as a priority. Unlike European surveys, the Canadian survey also does not provide information on the availability of resources to meet children's specific educational, recreational or sport-related needs. Table 2 shows the share of children under 17 in Canada deprived of a range of material goods, resources and opportunities grouped according to their income poverty status. Non-income-poor children are less likely than income-poor children to be deprived on all of the measures in Table 2. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It seems that women with no education are pushed into the labour force due to economic compulsions while those with low levels of education are constrained by social inhibitions against labour force participation, particularly outside their homes. A comparatively low percentage of women with secondary/ higher secondary and higher levels of education were in the category of attending to domestic duties as they seek to enter the labour market. Nevertheless, more than 50 per cent of women had this activity status at all levels of education in 2011-2012. This indicates that women in the lowest deciles are compelled to enter the labour force more often than others. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, due to the political sensitivity of both the issues involved and the data required, that work had to be discontinued and the documents drafted were not declassified. A central focus of that w ork was to develop analytical approaches to investigate the impacts of these rather different types of export support in a comparable way.25 Two benchmarks for comparison were shown to be relevant (OECD, 2004). In the case of a direct export subsidy, this is the subsidy granted. In the case of government supported or guaranteed export credit, the cost reduction can result from lower-than-market interest rates, a longer duration of the credit, low'er fees or other conditions that provide benefits to the importer. The magnitude of the cost reduction can be calculated from these variables. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The Logistics Performance Index and its indicators. Thirty-one Commonwealth members are ranked constantly in both the 2014 and 2016 LPI scores. Cyprus retained the same overall score for both reporting periods. Speeding up trade: benefits and chaBenges of Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The policies and strategies of the two organizations are sometimes inconsistent because of their different mandates. These problems have led to discussions about whether Codex should be more independent (Codex Evaluation Team, 2002). At the same time, however, great trust and confidence are conferred on Codex by food safety regulators because the FAO and WHO are its parent organizations. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Since the enactment of Ethiopia’s Proclamation on Anti-Terrorism in August 2009, at least11 journalists have been convicted, each sentenced to at least 10 years imprisonment. There are concerns that the proclamation limits the right to freedom of thought, opinion and expression, provided for in Ethiopia’s Constitution. Through the lens of the right to freedom of thought, opinion and expression, the paper argues that Ethiopia’s Anti-Terrorism Proclamation violates the human rights of people within its jurisdiction. It finds that there is a real potential for the state to crack down on political dissent in governance and curtail the growth of democracy in Ethiopia. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This is not only because of the intrinsic pressures on supply but also because OPEC has learned from the price increases since 2004 that the world can absorb higher energy prices relatively easily. In the economic interests of its members, therefore, OPEC manages oil supply to minimize any incipient price weakness. They use their growing prominence in the world to influence international policies, particularly when it comes to matters they insist are internal, such as human rights and democratic governance. Nations which have hammered out “favourable” deals with oil-producing nations do not want to rock the energy boat they have just managed to board, resulting in a world in which international relations are mainly a race to ensure continuing prosperity, not the building of a more sustainable international community. Developing nations scramble to procure the energy necessary to climb the economic ladder, while wealthy nations struggle to adapt their energy consumption patterns to maintain their existing lifestyles. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, despite being threatened by climate change, agriculture also contributes to it. Without seeking to be exhaustive, it considers four broad sub-dimensions which are critical to an agricultural sector that facilitate economic growth and well-being across the population. Agricultural policy: Do agricultural policies and instruments provide incentives for farmers to meet market demand for agricultural products efficiently? - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Second, studies need to go beyond impact to include validated and credible measurement of pathways to better understand the behavioral underpinnings of the CT and IPV relationship. In doing so, studies will deepen both our understanding of how transfers affect IPV, and our understanding of the behavioral relationships underpinning each causal link, many of which are understudied in LMICs. There is also need for a better understanding of how program design features affect ultimate outcomes and pathways, particularly with respect to targeting, complementary programming, program linkages and conditionalities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Under a high-GDP-growth scenario, social protection spending under this scenario would almost treble to ETB 61.9 billion in 2025/26. Under a low-GDP-growth scenario, total annual social protection expenditure under this scenario would increase from ETB 29.3 billion in 2016/17 to ETB 58.9 billion by 2025/26. Under a high-GDP-growth scenario, social protection spending would reach ETB 75 billion in 2025/26. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This raises the cost of imports including inputs used for agriculture. As a result, Brazil has a low participation in global value chains, while the import content for all Brazilian exports is estimated to reach only 10%, and 7% for exports of primary agricultural commodities and food products. In addition to protection at the border, Brazil uses local content provisions in publicly-financed projects, this condition is also imposed by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) on loans for capital goods, including by the agro-food and agro-processing sectors. Imported capital goods are not financed under the National Rural Credit System, except if there is no similar product made domestically, while those products are subject to a minimum of 60% local content provision. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 At the same time, the regulatory framework and the infrastructure investment process need strengthening. Even though Poland has significantly upgraded its infrastructure over the last 20 years, it still ranks poorly in terms of the perceived quality of transport infrastructure (World Economic Forum, 2016). Electricity supply remains lower and information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure less developed than in most OECD countries. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and urban air pollution are sizeable, contributing to climate change and substantially harming health outcomes (OECD, 2015b, OECD, 2016b, Goujard, 2016). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Urban development and management are no exception, and the need for well-integrated approaches to managing urbanism has become ever more apparent. Chile’s practices in this area have been governed by a series of discrete instruments and mechanisms that, while appropriate when they were first introduced, may be ill-adapted today to meet the demands of the country’s dynamic urban reality. Greater flexibility and a unified approach to urban issues could help improve urban outcomes for residents. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Independent cities have much wider tax collection authority than component cities and municipalities, which are much more dependent on transfers from the national and provincial governments. For instance, independent cities collect and retain their own property tax, while municipalities only get a share of the property tax which is collected by the provincial government. Revenues of the provincial government of Cebu are also strongly constituted by the IRA, at around 80%, while locally-raised revenues account for 18% of its total revenues (Department of Finance website). Figures “Other LGUs of Metro Cebu” and “Total Metro Cebu” do not comprise data for the municipality of Cordoba. Source: Department of Finance website. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Actions serve as an important action plan for women’s right, gender equality and female empowerment all over the globe. We must always say it loud and clear that human rights are universal and gender equality as an expression of those rights is universal as well so women’s rights are human rights. No philosophical, political, religious or other reasons can justify the violation of these fundamental ideals and this is the type of globalization that we have to value to the utmost. Much progress has been made since the Bejing conference and it is important to mention it because it serves as the foundation for the next steps we have to take. We know that the progress that we have made is far from uniform. In some countries, women have reached very high-level positions while, in others, there are few spaces for them to work or to participate in civic affairs and they do suffer a lot of discrimination. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The results of this study could shed light on where opportunities are found, on coping patterns, and subsequently contribute to the design of employment services. In particular it will: (a) develop employment services based on customer or industry demand, (b) collect, analyse and disseminate LMI for improved policy design, (c) raise public awareness of labour market information, and (d) enhance and align skills w'ith labour market demand. There is a need for national policy makers and for international organisations to foster labour market intelligence strategies and programmes. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Finally, in all scenarios with an 80% share of renewables, open cycle gas turbines are no longer part of the optimal portfolios as the large pump storage capacity can supply all the fast flexibility needed by the system. However, with increasing penetration of wind and solar plants, the curtailment of variable power plants becomes significant. For instance, with a 35% and 50% share of renewables, the curtailment of electricity generation from wind and PV power plants is negligible and amounts to maximal 0.4% of the possible annual electricity generation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Over the last decade, international investment law has become an increasingly relevant discipline. To some extent, the law’s rise to prominence merely follows factual developments, namely the increased importance of foreign direct investment. Yet another factor would seem to be equally important: International law has accepted an increasingly broad notion of ‘investment’, and thereby included a heterogeneous range of economic transactions into the area of investment law and within the potential jurisdiction of investment tribunals. The study under review, a doctoral dissertation submitted by Jan-Frederik Belling, analyses this latter factor, and in so doing, helps us appreciate the surprising rise to prominence of a niche area of law whose future, a generation ago, seemed at best uncertain. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Participation in education is an explicit objective of school feeding programmes, though the impact also extends to nutritional status and, as a consequence, to health and cognitive capacities. Additionally, programmes that combine the objective of promoting access to services with interventions on the supply side also have a relevant impact, as in the case of education, by providing an incentive to attend school and contributing to create a better learning environment. Such interventions can result in positive spill-overs for children, such as in the case of pensions, since grandparents often live in extended households and the money they receive is invested in children, especially their education. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Few countries have already succeeded in building EPRs. The United Kingdom project (Connecting for Health) has been delayed several times. One of the few successes has been achieved by the Canadian province of Alberta, which has an only slightly smaller population than Finland. Information could also be used to promote evidence-based medicine further and benchmark providers, as in the Hospital Benchmarking Project developed since 1996 (Hakkinen, 2010). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Values around 1.5 indicate very egalitarian societies, while values around 3 indicate very high inequality. The coefficients for developing countries tend to be between 2 and 3 (Alvaredo and Piketty, 2014). A.B. Atkinson and T. Piketty (eds.). A note on the relationship between top income shares and the Gini coefficient, Economic Letters. T. Piketty and E. Saez. """""" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Every regulation regarding the PA or the management plan has to be made based on these consultations. At the county level, NEPA must ensure that consultations take place, and acts as the first filter through which documents must pass. In the case of forested PAs, income received from the use of the forests (for hunting, timber extraction, recreation) may be used for administration of the parks. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Ultimately this allows city-regions to pool devolved funding with local resources to deliver transport, training and urban regeneration (Larkin and Marshall, 2008). The concept of a micropolitan area was created by the United States Census and features a smaller nucleus the metropolitan statistical area. A Micropolitan Statistical Area is a Core Based Statistical Area associated with at least one urban cluster that has a population of at least 10 000, but less than 50 000. There are a number of cases where partnerships and contracts have been concluded with recently created metropolitan authorities, though largely as ad hoc sectoral partnerships. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In the case of early childhood, the standards vary from one country to another. There are indicators of management and quality in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador and Peru. Various entities are responsible for compliance, including the ministries of health, education and social development (Marco, 2014). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! This book offers an overview of the Sikh diaspora, exploring the relationship between home and host states and between migrant and indigenous communities. The book considers the implications of history and politics of the Sikh diaspora for nationality, citizenship and sovereignity., The text should serve as a supplementary text for undergraduates and postgraduates on courses in race, ethnicity and international migration within sociology, politics, international relations, Asian history, and human geography. In particular, it should serve as a core text for Sikh/Punjab courses within Asian studies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Publishing subnational estimates with confidence intervals is important for their correct interpretation and use. Despite the development of software routines for the computation of standard errors, users of household survey data with complex design can often only approximate the variance of their regional estimates. This is due to limited infomiation on the survey’s sampling structure in the microdata available to researchers. As discussed in detail in Annex 2, the provision of ‘computational strata and PSUs’ variables in the public-use files would improve the capacity of users to correctly estimate the sampling variance, with limited confidentiality issues. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There has also been a move towards increasingly integrated natural hazard management, which focuses on factors that may affect vulnerability, such as land-use planning, in addition to traditional flood defences. While all this provides a good basis for responding to some of the effects of climate change, enhanced co-ordination of government action is necessary to meet the challenge. It provides information on likely climate changes and sectoral impacts, an overview of ongoing adaptation initiatives, a portfolio of adaptation recommendations and guiding principles for prioritising actions. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Provided to ESCAP by UNITAR UNOSAT. This unique regional cooperative platform, which has been running for 20 years, calls on all national space agencies in the Asia-Pacific region to work together to help disaster-affected countries. In 2013and 2014, for example, RESAP mobilized more than 218satellite imagesand damage maps that contributed to preparedness, response, relief and damage assessment. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 All of the sapling-tending measures were also paid from out of their internal funds. Altogether, 43 million trees and bushes have been planted and more than 100 different coniferous and broadleaf/deciduous species and shrubs have been used. During the planting works, innovative land treatment methods were applied, for example, spraying techniques for irrigation, which is very useful in the context of climate change. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This special issue contains contributions of the approach used in Western Australia (Corben et al., The various approaches show a great deal of similarity as well as differences. For this, knowledge is required of the safety effects /casualty reduction per intervention unit, such as the effect of building one roundabout, or one hour spent on police enforcement. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These changes in the distribution of public expenditure are closely linked to the increase in demand for tertiary education and to the decrease in pre-tertiary education enrolment, due to demographic factors (see Chapter 1). In the last decade, enrolment in tertiary education rose from 584 000 students in 2004, to 1.1 million in 2013, i.e. it doubled. There was also some increase in the share of public expenditure going to pre-primary education, from 8% in 2004 to 11% in 2013 (see Figure 2.6). For Chile and Colombia, year of reference is 2013 instead of 2012. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Recent increases have put teacher salaries in Costa Rica roughly on a par with those of comparable Costa Rican professionals (Mizala and Nopo, 2012). The vast majority of decisions concerning education policy are taken at the national level, with the 27 regional offices of the MEP responsible for ensuring these are translated into practice. School principals reported in PISA 2015 one of the lowest levels of school autonomy among participating countries in student assessment, curriculum, staff and financial matters (see Figure 3 .1). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Argentina, for instance, where a programme oriented to expand coverage to the elderly with insufficient contributory records was implemented in recent years, the majority of new benefits were received by women and women’s pension coverage rate at age 65 increased to 92.4 per cent in 2010 (Rofman and Oliveri 2011, see also MTEySS 2012:19, Arza 2012c). In Africa, contributory pensions cover a very limited percentage of the population and most people work beyond the legal retirement age or depend on family help during old age. In the past decades, several African countries have developed NC pensions that have achieved high coverage rates either under means-tested or universal designs. Mauritius and South Africa have been pioneers in this regard. The South African older persons grant was initially introduced in 1928 as a social safety net for white people not covered by occupational pensions. It was later gradually extended to the black majority, initially under different conditions and benefit levels, to finally reach full parity. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Almost half the regions have approved new legislation (sometimes contested by the central government, which appealed to the Supreme Court). In many cases, the AATO’s functions are performed by the regions as a temporary measure, maintaining the ATO as a geographical unit for the purpose of planning, contracting and setting tariffs, and supervising the operator. As of July 2012, a number of AATOs continued to operate. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1, __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Therefore, AfT is likely to be most effective if constraints are identified through a comprehensive analysis and data collection process, and context-appropriate interventions are prioritised and costed. A government-led consultation and negotiation process including the private sector, civil society interests and donors should determine a clear implementation and financing strategy that is integrated into the national development plan and contains measurable targets and a clear lead agency or ministry (Table 6.1). There has been a broad spread of AfT coverage but, as a result, some areas are undersupplied, whereas shifting donor priorities mean a lack of funding consistency for recipients. Recent movement towards more pooling of funds, more transnational and corridor approaches to AfT and a greater focus on effectiveness is likely to have helped address some of these concerns. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Furthermore, for the first time an incident of heroin seized at the Australian border was identified as having originated in South America. Australia reported 3,121 domestic seizures of cocaine in the period 2013/14, a record number, although the total weight of the seizures had decreased by 70 per cent. While the number of seizures at the border had increased every year since 2009/10, in 2013/14 both the weight and number of border seizures of cocaine decreased. The increase in smuggling of small amounts of methamphetamine in 2014 may have occurred in response to increased law enforcement pressure on the diversion of precursors and on clandestine laboratories. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This study is aimed at evaluating the importance of financial records keeping in achieving good governance with emphasis on public sector organizations. It draws on experience from Nigeria and some other African countries. We found out that despite efforts to institute comprehensive programmes of financial and structural changes through various economic policy reforms, some financial records are still buried and inaccessible, and this could be attributed to weak democracy and poor organizational structure. Good public management and administration with emphasis on accountability and responsiveness to consumer needs has been seen as aspect of good governance. We therefore recommend that African governments should develop national strategic approaches to managing public sector financial records as strategic national economic resources. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This is certainly the first and most important strength of the Chilean context, as broad attention ensures that education remains a priority in the government’s programme. At the moment of the drafting of this report, the Chilean government’s endeavours in education have consisted of broad education reforms covering early childhood education and care (ECEC) through higher education. The scale and pace of Chile’s education reforms to date have required action on a variety of fronts by actors and institutions with differing levels of responsibilities. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As mentioned in Box 1, blockchain projects tend to be developed within consortia due to the network nature of the technology. Consortia usually consist of a group of companies and partners, such as technology providers, but may also include regulators or other relevant institutions. It is beneficial to develop pilot programmes for blockchain applications that bring together the main stakeholders, as many additional topics need to be agreed upon (e.g. legal set-up), which are unique to consortia work. In the blockchain space, pilots generally consist of three phases: the design phase, implementation phase and operation phase. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In 2014 manufactured goods accounted for 41.9 per cent of intra-African exports, compared with only 14.8 per cent of Africa’s exports outside the continent (UNECA and ODI, forthcoming)1. Regional economic communities are one forum where regionally significant policies and infrastructure can be planned, in line with national systems. Countries scoring high on the African Regional Integration Index in the category of infrastructure are listed in figure 4.9. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 AbstractThis article examines opinions concerning fūfubessei (a married couple retaining their birth surnames) posted on an online forum. Recently, the topic of fūfubessei has once again come under a spotlight, since the Japanese Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Civil Code Article 750, which stipulates that a married couple must choose either the husband's or wife's surname upon marriage registration. Owing to the large number of women forfeiting their surnames, the fūfubessei issue has often been researched from feminist perspectives, which may have hindered the voices of others. This article analyzes, using text mining (quantitative analysis) and discourse analysis (qualitative analysis), a large number of opinions from people of various cultural backgrounds. The results of this study reveal a diversity of beliefs and attitudes towards Article 750, reflecting the complexity of the issue. In general, proponents of reform claim the law violates equality, rights and liberty. From opponents... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 After a sustained external deficit in the 1990s, the region overall ran a current account surplus between 2003 and 2007 on the back of surging export prices and buoyant global demand. Other driving factors were larger remittance flows from workers in the United States and Spain and broad access to external financing, at relative levels approximating those of the 1970s. Later, the 2008-2009 global financial crisis and the countries' responses to it led to a slump in net exports and an end to the surpluses. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This calls for action to facilitate time management, strategies for reconciling paid and unpaid woik, and time policies that are not limited to maternity and paternity leave but also include child-rearing breaks and work schedules and modalities that allow for workers’ family responsibilities. This requires expanding the social infrastructure (drinking water, sanitation, electricity and public transport) to lighten the burden of unpaid domestic and care work in households. Mechanisms for accrediting and certifying competencies should be pul in place to protect the rights of the providers and subjects of care. Occupational segregation by sex is the most obvious sign of inequality and undervaluation of caregiving as paid w ork. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! This collaborative mechanism is designed to provide incentives for developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their forest and peatland sectors. A broad range of stakeholders - governments, multilateral organisations, civil society, indigenous groups and other forest-dependent communities, academia and the private sector - are included in all REDD+ planning and implementation processes. This chapter describes how REDD+ works and draws out some common denominators among the partnerships it promotes. With only a few exceptions - most notably, Brazil, which has slashed its deforestation rates over the past decade - the clear tendency in many countries is towards a continued and drastic decline in forest cover. While it is not known precisely how fast or how much forest is being lost, some estimates hold that 130 000 km2 disappear every year (FAO, 2010) - an area the size of Nicaragua or England. Most of this loss occurs in tropical areas, such as the great rainforests of the Amazon, the Congo basin, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Urban Toronto in Canada, the University of Chicago Urban Network in the United States, and the Viet Nam Urban Forum (VUF) are examples of platforms for networking and discussion on key urban issues among agents from different backgrounds. The membership of the VUF, for instance, chaired by the Ministry' of Construction, includes public, private and nonprofit organisations (universities, think tanks and so on) and even international organisations. The VUF, a platform for discussion on urban issues, regularly review's and reports to stakeholders on the state of ongoing urban development programmes. It also contributes to a deeper understanding of urban upgrading projects. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Health insurers had insufficient incentives because of the still prevailing substantial ex post compensations and a lack of adequate instruments because of remaining government regulation of prices, supply and entry in various sectors. These problems were further compounded by a lack of an adequate system of product classification (DBCs) and a lack of reliable and publicly available quality information (performance indicators) due to insufficient patient level data and an inadequate information infrastructure (OECD 2010b, Klazinga etal., The latter is explicitly formulated as keeping public health care expenditure within an annual growth rate of 3 lA per cent. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This article discusses ethnographic/qualitative research concerning the ways in which drug trafficking and drug traffickers are portrayed and interpreted in northern Mexico and the border region via a recently popularized form of the traditional narrative music genre called the corrido. The research links the drug trafficker persona to historical issues/values associated with the Sierra and border areas, including long-standing patterns of smuggling, a tradition of independence, and conflicting relationships with both Mexican and U.S. authorities. The construction of traffickers as social bandits or heroes varies by social group and between rural and urban areas. In any case, the “celebretization” of drug traffickers described in this article highlights the ambivalent relationship between drug trafficking, historical conflicts between the United States and Mexico, and socioeconomic and cultural factors. Cross-cultural comparisons are also made regarding drug trafficker portrayals in the United States. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Of course, it will be necessary to consider the condition of the fishing business and consult representatives of the fishing industry in order to select the most effective and practical alternatives. In order to ensure the sustainability of species, fishing intensity should be decreased to 0.75FABC. The number of permits and trips should be limited and new fishing gear and methods should be considered for shifted species and fisheries. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Also, the age group of 80+ is the fastest growing population group and at the same time has the highest KSI (killed and seriously injured) rate leading to a strong need to focus on improving safety measures especially for this group. In each of them over 40% of casualties aged 65-69 were car drivers or passengers, but the proportion of car users decreases as age increases (Figure7.2). Thus, a much larger proportion of casualties in the 80+ age group were pedestrians. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It requires strengthening education, labour market, tax and social institutions with a greater emphasis on the implications of such reforms on youth skills and employability. A broad range of skills matters for employability and, more generally, success in society (Box 1.2). Education attainment but also socio-economic background and the use of skills at work influence young people's skills (Box 1.3). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 R&D efforts (the environmental component of the CORE Programme), ecotechnologies (the new 2009 Action Plan), energy savings (2008 National Energy Efficiency Plan) and the promotion of public transport are all part of a new conception of the environment as an economic opportunity. But as Luxembourg looks ahead post-crisis, it is not certain that environmental action will receive greater priority, beyond the country’s European commitments. Health risk factors, and environmental ones in particular, are regularly checked and the results are often published. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Local governments in developing countries are christened as proadaptation agents. However, global research effort has virtually ignored inherent adaptation policy implementation nuances in developing countries, ostensibly assuming that narratives from existing policy implementation literature could fill the void. Drawing on qualitative data from six LGs from Ghana, this paper examines the motivation, agenda setting processes and teething challenges constricting the implementation of decentralized climate change adaptation governance in Ghana. Though adherents of decentralization argue that local governments are more likely to conceive and implement proadaptation-related interventions, evidence from Ghana provides fascinating lessons. This paper shows that local governments’ ability to mainstream adaptation-related actions into local governance is constricted by taxonomy of local political economy issues and the “science-heaviness” of climate change. It concludes that local government are unlikely to be a fulcrum of adaptation governance as touted if reasonable efforts are not made at strengthening and broadening its resource basket. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Still others join caravans to engage in trade activities. The largest Saharan caravanners, the Touareg Kel Ewey (and the Kel Gres) of Niger, are farmer-pastoralists with concessions and gardens in Air or millet fields in Ader. Some cross the Tenere desert to trade their farm products for salt and dates (e.g., Fachi, Bilma and Djado). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 To ensure the effective and independent exercise of its functions, the United Nations is endowed with ‘immunity from every form of legal process’, as Section 2 General Convention phrases it. The Supreme Court of the Netherlands perceived this immunity as absolute, clearing away assertions that the UN’s immunity should not be impervious to alleged ius cogens violations and for the failure to subsequently provide alternative dispute settlement. However, a critical examination of both of these arguments reveals that the UN’s immunity in relation to its legal accountability is a proverbial Gordian knot: seemingly impossible to smoothly disentangle so that the UN’s functional capacities in the realm of international peace and security are effectively protected whilst the need for greater accountability is satisfied. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Spain has also developed transparent and accessible meteorological forecasts with CECRE and its advanced forecast model SIPREOLICO (de la Fuente, 2010). A system that shares balancing responsibilities with producers will induce as well variable renewable producers to develop their own forecasting resources in order to minimise their deviations from the day-ahead forecast, i.e. internalisation of system integration costs due to unpredictability. All parties have to share benefits and responsibilities from system balancing and there exist nowadays a variety of power market designs allowing increased internalisation of system costs. Several key features of such improved designs are presented in the following. Thus, energy provision and balancing services can be planned in advance by power utilities. The challenge appears within power systems with large amounts of variable renewables, especially wind. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In contrast to the OECD average of 20%, approximately 80% of Israeli R&D spending is concentrated on the ICT fields. These fields represent 15% of Israeli GDP but only 5% of employment. At the same time 4% of government support to R&D is directed to traditional industry (2004 figures). While the Israeli ICT companies invest around 10% to 18% of their turnover in R&D, the corresponding figures for traditional industries are 0.1% to 3%. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For instance, table 3 shows that having a child aged under 6 is associated with a penalty of 18%, while in the case of older children the wage penalty is 9.9% (ols). If the periods before and after the economic shock are considered separately, the penalty seems to have been relatively stable over time in the case of mothers of older children (9%), decreasing however from 23.2% in 1995-1998 to 13.9% in 1999-2003 for mothers of younger children. For mothers of children aged under 6, the penalty is 30.5% in the tenth percentile, 23.6% in the twenty-fifth, 10.3% in the fiftieth, 12.5% in the seventy-fifth and 12.6% in the ninetieth, again offering supporting evidence for the sticky floor hypothesis in the informal sector. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In the context of biodiversity management, indicators should help to guide decision-making processes. Ideally, indicators should tell a story and help to communicate ideas. The fifteen Environmental Objectives include six objectives focusing on biodiversity of a certain nature type (freshwater, the marine environment, wetlands, forests, agricultural landscapes and mountains) and one objective that includes biodiversity as one of the main aspects (the built-up environment). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As they seek work in developed countries, female migrants are vulnerable to exploitation and run the risk of ending up on the wrong side of the law or being targeted by migrant smugglers or human traffickers (figures on these last two are very difficult to obtain). Lim (1998) posited that population ageing and the increasing integration of native-born women into the labour maiket in many developing countries were driving the employment of migrant women as domestic woikers. This issue is still the focus of research today. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Take-up of the Solidarity Fund is likely to be driven by liquidity constraints which, as has been shown for Brazil, affect the duration on unemployment. In Brazil, about a third of benefit applications are handled by the network of local public employment offices (SINE) (Gonzalez, 2010). The main cash transfer programmes operating in emerging economies, excluding those targeting the elderly, were examined in detail in OECD (2010a). In 2011, Chile introduced a new conditional cash transfer programme which encompasses Chile Solidario and includes conditionalities related to health, education and women’s employment. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The second is that the format is standardised, which facilitates comparison between countries. The third is that they are official statements and, as such, should reflect the government’s perspectives and priorities. As discussed by Gagnon-Lebrun and Agrawala (2006), NCs may not fully reflect the progress to date within OECD countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! While stunting, underweight and wasting are the most common outcome indicators among children under 5 years old. Anaemia and vitamin A deficiency are those indicators assessing the health status of both women and children. There is a clear relationship between malnutrition, low dietary diversity and limited diversity in agricultural production (see Figure 1.1). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Also data on technical-professional programmes include teachers in programmes at the tertiary level (a minor proportion of programmes supervised by CETP). “ Incomplete” means that the teachers attended, or were attending at the time the Census took place, a tertiary programme but had not completed it. As shown in Figure 5.2, in Uruguay, the percentage of certified teachers according to reports from principals of schools attended by 15-year-olds is 57% against an OECD average of 87%. As shown in Table 5.5, analysis of PISA data reveals that the lack of teacher qualifications is more serious in public schools, technical-professional programmes, outside Montevideo and in very unfavourable to medium schools (compared to favourable and very favourable schools). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Further opportunities for market-based approaches exist in air, biodiversity and waste management. More could be done to promote environmental management in enterprises, especially small and medium-sized companies. Public expenditure for environmental protection has increased significantly, but still represents a relatively small share of GDP. The economic crisis and large budget deficit impose serious constraints on government action and put at risk Ireland’s ability to meet its environmental commitments. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Jacobson v Massachusetts, a 1905 US Supreme Court decision, raised questions about the power of state government to protect the public’s health and the Constitution’s protection of personal liberty. We examined conceptions about state power and personal liberty in Jacobson and later cases that expanded, superseded, or even ignored those ideas.Public health and constitutional law have evolved to better protect both health and human rights. States’ sovereign power to make laws of all kinds has not changed in the past century. What has changed is the Court’s recognition of the importance of individual liberty and how it limits that power. Preserving the public’s health in the 21st century requires preserving respect for personal liberty. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Several of the skippers commented that this information alone would result in the meter paying for itself in less than six months. The UK’s Seafish is an example of how the public and private sectors can work together to promote innovation. Seafish is funded by a levy on the first sale of seafood landed and imported in the United Kingdom. It aims to support and improve the environmental sustainability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the industry, as well as promoting sustainably-sourced seafood. Seafish has worked on the installation of fuel meters on fishing vessels as well as other energy saving devices notably gear and vessel design. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 These committees play decision or advisory roles, depending on the management category. They are composed of government officials and representatives of civil society and the private sector. As of 2013, out of the 320 federal protected areas (excluding private reserves), 253 had committees established and 25 were in the process of establishing them (ICMBio, 2014). In addition, most management committees have not yet defined their operating rules, so there is still a risk of exacerbating conflicts among committee members (Verissimo et al., - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It takes stock of policy initiatives to reduce waste generation, encourage recycling and ensure safe disposal of municipal and hazardous waste. The chapter also highlights progress in integrating informal waste pickers into municipal waste management. It discusses the environmental and economic implications of specific measures, such as extended producer responsibility and waste collection charges. National, regional and local authorities have well-defined responsibilities in waste management. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Then, between August and October 2016, an external review and pilot tests were conducted, and the methodologies were readjusted in February 2017 to better assist countries in collecting data for establishing an integrated global baseline for SDG 6—in time for an in-depth review during the 2018 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. First, it is important to identify the interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs among the various targets within SDG 6 as well as across all 17 SDGs. Then these interlinkages need to be compared with the institutional and budgetary structures across the national government to devise institutional reform that can enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the institutional architecture of the 17 SDGs. National targets and local SDG road maps can be developed for the effective mobilization of resources, based on national circumstances. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""The paper presents an alternative to scholarship on the distributional politics of finance that emphasizes citizenship-based claims to new financial rights. To compensate for the dominance of exclusion-based etiologies of financial marginality in financial geography, I reframe financial exclusion as a problem of financial government—that is, as a problem of conducting the conduct of risky populations without threatening the security and autonomy of financial markets. Drawing on Foucault's distinction between technologies of discipline and security, I describe how barriers to the extension of financial government create tiered processes of financial subject formation. The inchoate """"subprime"""" financial subject produced is the correlate of a specialized financial governmentality—a homo subprimicus eminently governable by financial means. I close by calling for greater attention to questions regarding the relationship between technologies for valorizing bare life, new systems of financially mediated value extraction, and emerging capitalist class processes."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the Netherlands, MX3D, a 3D-printing robotics company, is currently working on building a fully functional, intricate pedestrian steel bridge across the Amsterdam canal using a 6-axis robot equipped with 3D printing tools.526 With intelligent software and further innovations in engineering, materials and technology, 3D printers will be able to build larger scale structures, such as roads, bridges and tunnels, at twice the speed of conventional methods and reaching the world's most remote locations. Its adoption in developing countries will depend not only on its availability and affordability, but also on the absorptive capacities of SMEs that go hand-in-hand with their access to skilled workers. Public sector retrenchment in infrastructure has opened the door to private sector participation in infrastructure financing and management. They can provide a way for governments to access sophisticated technology and innovation held by the private sector and to improve transport networks and services. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""Furthermore, composite indices are mostly based on household level data. This, however, is problematic when analysing the well-being of children or other specific groups, as the needs of people differ depending on their age and as the intra-household resource distribution is not always equal. As agreed by the states represented at the UN World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen, """"Absolute poverty is a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information, it depends not only on income but also on access to social services"""" (United Nations, 1995, Chapter II, 19)."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 With these changes, farmers are expected to have greater ability to store paddy at home and sell whenever they want (MARD, 2014b). The ISF is collected from farmers on behalf of the irrigation and drainage management companies (IDMC) that manage the upper-level system by water user groups (WUG), which are responsible for administrating the distribution of water to farmers and maintaining the infrastructure below the upper-level system. It was originally collected in the form of paddy production, but from 1995 onwards it has been collected in monetary units. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Given its importance and in order to adequately reflect the specific conditions as well as its complex hydrology, the Inventory dedicates five chapters to this river system. The shared tributaries of the Euphrates River (Chap.2l and the major shared tributaries of the Tigris River (Chap. 4J are covered in more detail in two separate chapters in order to highlight the role of these rivers and draw attention to local water issues and transboundary impacts. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Iagluja site remediation was complicated by a landslide and difficult terrain, and so only partial remediation was done. A new municipal waste landfill was also developed in Borjomi by the end of 2014, and the existing disposal site was rehabilitated. The expected lifetime of the landfill is 12-15 years. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Public housing redevelopment in the United States is virtually synonymous with the HOPE VI program, through which the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has transformed over 250 housing projects into mixed-income communities. However, the overall the extent of public housing redevelopment has far exceeded the original mandate of HOPE VI due to the expansion of Demolition/Disposition activities facilitated by the program. The permissiveness of such activities has resulted in the replacement of housing projects with luxury condominiums, shopping and convention centers, and other land uses unrelated to affordable housing. In the process, over 210,000 housing units guaranteed to be affordable to low-income households have been removed from the country’s public housing inventory. This article investigates the foundations, the overall scope, and the characteristics of Demolition/Disposition activities beyond the purview of HOPE VI, and discusses their implications for the uncertain future of public housing in the U.S. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In many war-torn countries such as Bosnia, Cambodia and Rwanda, women continued to experience high levels of stress and anxiety in their daily lives and display typical signs of trauma, including depression, listlessness, chronic fatigue, anguish, psychological disabilities and recurrent recollections of traumatic incidents. Despite severe emotional trauma, these women demonstrated remarkable resilience and courage in surviving. Their sufferings often remained unvoiced, however, and were sometimes expressed through abusive relationships with their spouses or children. Most of these women continued undertaking their normal responsibilities, and this clinging to routine work may have helped them to cope with the trauma. Interestingly, in post-Soviet Georgia internally displaced women appeared to adjust better than their male counterparts. Although men became passive and moody, women took outside work to feed their families. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 One emerging trend in the new media that could have very good potential for enhancing ESD activities is ‘gamification’, which applies game design techniques and approaches to non-game contexts in order to encourage the adoption of certain behaviours. This approach could work well in school greening initiatives, for example, if structures were set up to award points or otherwise reinforce and incentivise waste reduction and resource conservation through student-led monitoring. Related game techniques include the awarding of points for certain activities, badges or certificates for certain accomplishments, as well as levels of achievement. The structure could be established to bring groups together, working co-operatively to implement ESD activities, or to create friendly competition between classrooms or schools. While such an approach runs the risk of trivialising sustainable behaviours, or focusing too much on superficial activity and extrinsic motivators, there could nonetheless be merit in exploring the idea further in relation to whole school ESD approaches. Working with experts outside the government system in the development of sustainability plans and policies may result in quality deliverables, but does little to build internal expertise or institutional capacity. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In general, the frequency of spring floods may increase. Groundwater levels may increase in wintertime and decline in summer time, and groundwater quality in small groundwater bodies may be negatively affected. However, in some cases — thanks to the activities of, for example, river basin commissions — climate change has been taken into consideration. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For provider countries, the second clause of the Article is designed to provide some assurance of benefit sharing for developing countries in the event a pathogen is shared with a user country in those emergency situations. Notably, the Nagoya Protocol does not specify how a Party could take into consideration the need for expeditious fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the sharing of the pathogen, leaving it up to each Party to negotiate an appropriate response. This could happen when a national health authority or the WHO declares an outbreak, for instance. According to Article 2(e) of the Protocol, ‘derivative’ means a naturally occurring biochemical compound resulting from the genetic expression or metabolism of biological or genetic resources. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! While the SCoT was initially conceived as a tool to help larger communes manage land that was outside their direct control, this was too narrow a perspective. Because a SCoT requires agreement among the members, it must consider a broader set of interests, including those of the smaller communes that also play a key role in the organisation because of the increasing expansion of the whole urban and peri-urban area. Questions about: local economic development, mobility, and the role of local food and farmland preservation, need to be approached at a larger scale. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Box 3.5 describes the principal models used by Transport for London to carry out such simulations. A major role of the COMETRAVI and the COMETAH will be to co-ordinate metropolitan-wide data collection and modelling. This will allow the COMETRAVI to build on the CAMe’s actions on the standardisation and improvement of mobility policies linked to air quality and the environment. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Inner city residents, once shunned and ignored by city planners, are now seen as a vital resource in United States urban redevelopment plans. This shift in perspective has come at a time when municipal elites routinely champion the neoliberal strategies of privatization, marketization, and consumerism across the urban policy spectrum. In this article, I draw upon ethnographic fieldwork conducted in a gentrifying neighborhood in Philadelphia to illuminate the ways in which race, power, and neighborhood participation shape urban governance. Against the governmentalist approach, which tends to present a totalizing vision of neoliberal rule, this article emphasizes the failures and instabilities of urban governance under contemporary conditions. In particular, I direct attention to the overlooked dynamics of racial politics as they play out at the neighborhood level, where attempts to encourage self-governance on the part of inner city residents are predicated upon post-civil rights era notions of diversity a... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 But meeting the goals of eradicating hunger and poverty by 2030, while addressing the threat of climate change, will require a profound transformation of food and agriculture systems worldwide. Changes will need to be made in a way that does not jeopardize the capacity of the agriculture sectors - crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry - to meet the world's food needs. Global food demand in 2050 is projected to increase by at least 60 percent above 2006 levels, driven by population and income growth, as well as rapid urbanization. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 With enabling legislation, these innovations may prove to be a leapfrog technology in regions without reliable road networks, such as Africa, in the same way that mobile telecommunications have permitted many Africans to leapfrog fixed-line networks and move directly into wireless technology. This delivery system is currently incapable of handling heavyweight items and long distances, however, and it will take a few years before SMEs can adopt it in a cost-effective way. Transporting high-priority consignments and delivering to people who live in isolated areas is another way to use drones. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Examples exist from for example the EU Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) and Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategy (RITTS) programmes in which studies of supply and demand of innovation support were undertaken, and various studies of regional innovation systems in Europe as part of the European Commission's information platform on European, national and regional research systems and policies (ERA WATCH). Clusters should also be conceptualised as cutting across the manufacturing-service divide -agribusiness clusters usually connect with tourism for example and increasingly manufacturing innovations incorporate service components. Universities should be encouraged to draw upon business schools and humanities in providing assistance to business. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The text describes the main progress in depicting the LGBTI topic in the Inter-American area. It begins with the analysis of some conceptual issues that are crossed to the topic and discuss the importance of including political commitments and statements in the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of OAS (Organization of American States) related to the LGTBI community protection. Even though, a few cases have gone to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, some landmark cases have deserved the Inter-American Court of Human Rights opinion. This produces an interesting case law on the matter. Finally, the text covers the latest Inter-American Convention on human rights adopted by the General Assembly of OAS in 2013, which includes the LGBTI community. That Conventionconstitutes the first regional treaty in force on the matter. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The DMS can be any kind of application used to collaborate on contracting, these systems are already used today in order to jointly work on contract drafts. This DMS then needs to be connected, for example through APIs, to an underlying blockchain in order to document the hashes of the latest legally binding contract agreements. Table 5 discusses the technical set-up of the underlying blockchain layer. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The SAS cuniculum is also not designed for newly arrived students who begin to learn the Swedish language. This could help decrease the negative perceptions of the subject. Raising the status and standards of SAS and target more newly arrived students is important and would entail limited financial implications. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The data are collected by examining the calculators and attached public documentation, peer reviewed research papers related to the calculators, interviews of calculator hosts, and additional data provided by the interviewed experts. Chapter 3 is devoted to the findings based on the desktop study and the interviews. In Chapter 4, we propose recommendations useful for the future development of existing calculators and new initiatives planning to make use of calculators. The report is concluded in Chapter 5. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In this regard, it has emphasized the State obligations to prevent and respond to all instances of gender-based violence, including enforced disappearances, securing women's participation in truth-seeking processes, and protecting women's right to a remedy, among other requirements (A/HRC/WGEID/98/2). Ill, and A/HRC/1 7/23, chap. It is no coincidence that those most likely to be trafficked (irregular migrants, stateless persons, non-citizens and asylum seekers, members of minority groups) are especially susceptible to discrimination and intolerance, based on their gender, race, ethnicity, religion and other distinguishing factors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 How does multinational corporation (MNC) activity affect corruption in developing countries? The existing literature tends to suggest that economic integration helps reduce corruption, as it increases market competition and efficiency and promotes the diffusion of good governance. In this article, I argue that such a generalization oversimplifies the consequences of MNC activity in host countries. The entry and presence of MNCs may contribute to rent creation in developing countries, thereby leading to a high level of corruption. To test this argument, I conduct a case study on China and draw from original data of filed corruption cases to construct measures of corruption. I find that provinces with more MNC activity are strongly associated with more corruption. The results are robust and consistent when possible endogeneity, law enforcement, and alternative measures of corruption are considered. This finding has important implications for domestic governance in developing countries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Canada’s experience suggests that the introduction of tax relief programmes such as phase-ins, deferrals for seniors, and capping of tax increases for some classes of property, to cushion the impact of reforms are preconditions for a successful reform (Bird and Slack, 2002). Kazakhstan could even introduce a centralised assessment system to make the system less vulnerable to changes at the local level. One critical condition for a property tax reform in Kazakhstan would be to increase the capacity to administer the tax at the local level, as many cities may lack experience with property taxation. Information to support the fiscal cadastre on a consistent, nation-wide basis needs to be unified and shared across and among levels of government and the public. Political support from central government would be a key element underpinning any property tax reform. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Because earnings data are much more limited than for the previous outcomes, the estimations here apply to a sample of 10 countries and for a limited period of time. The estimates obtained with the piecewise linear regression show large standard errors and for this reason do not provide more information than the model estimated in Columns 2 and 3. Although not all these later estimations find statistically significant associations with the average earnings of women and men, they do show a significant negative effect on the earnings gap between men and women working full-time. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Federal educational legislation in the United States has focused increased attention on the racial achievement gap between minority and majority students. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation has forced high-stakes accountability in public schools, with the assumption that these policies will create performance pressures on schools to improve achievement. Yet, there is considerable evidence that performance pressures alone are unlikely to reverse long-standing racialized policies and practices that remain neither well understood nor easily reversed. This article analyzes the racial achievement gap and NCLB utilizing a form of oppositional scholarship called Critical Race Theory (CRT) to uncover inequity and social injustice in U.S. schools. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 With the sugar production cycle in India, domestic demand in deficit years can account for a large share of world sugar exports (7% in 2009/10) with subsequent large additional supplies coming on to world markets in surplus years, contributing to the volatility in international sugar markets. Animal diseases, such as BSE and FMD, have also had major impacts on demand for meat and feed in some years following the imposition of trade bans. A main feature of the Outlook is that productivity growth is slowing due to a number of factors such as higher input costs, slower technology application, expansion into more marginal lands, and limits to double cropping, irrigation etc. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A large number of developing countries with relatively neutral pricing policies are at a critical juncture in terms of agricultural policy development. Do they spend scarce resources on supporting farmers directly, or do they invest in the broader underpinnings of agricultural development and economic development more generally? Smallholders in developing countries often underpin the rural economy, yet they face systematic adjustment pressures as a necessary corollary of the development process. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 With the demise of President Mutharika, she became her country’s first female president. Mr Magufuli was elected as CCM’s standard-bearer and he chose Sarnia Hassan as his vice-presidential running mate. She is currently serving as the first female vice-president of Tanzania. Globally, 20 out 193 Heads of State were women, seven of these were from Commonwealth member countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 On the contrary, rural areas are still characterized by early fertility where the age group 20-24 years shows the highest fertility rate. Observing the age-specific fertility rates for VNDHS 2002, one can infer that fertility behaviour of women in the age-group 20-24 years solely creates the rural-urban fertility differentials in Viet Nam. A major characteristic of this process is the trend towards late marriage. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Maximising the effectiveness and transformative potential of international public finance and using it to leverage funds from other sources will be critical to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. In a context of scarce public resources for both development and climate action, it will be important to allocate public climate-related development finance where it is most needed and can be most effective and to use it in a catalytic way to leverage further public (domestic) and private sector investment to promote sustainable development. International public finance can increase private sector engagement, for example through use of risk guarantee instruments or blended finance arrangements. Development co-operation providers agreed to increase predictability and transparency of aid as part of the Busan Partnership. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The work with groups, in the Family Health Program, can be considered as a technology of assistance and empowerment of patients and community for the exercise of citizenship. Aim: to analyze in which way the work with groups can generate or strengthen spaces of community participation and social control. Methods: exploratory-descriptive research in 8 Family Health Units from Cuiaba/ Brazil. Results: nurses work with groups in current programs in the practice of traditional public health. The groups only work with collective information about diseases and treatment and consolidate such assistance strategy while the empowerment dimension for the exercise of citizenship is reduced. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 One example is a family, upon the loss of their home, moving in with extended family or friends. This transitionally homeless but “housed” family may be counted as both homeless and overcrowded. Despite this attempt at a common standard, national data collection strategies and estimates vary significantly. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This Article, which will appear in a forthcoming volume from Cambridge University Press, seeks to situate local governments in the growth of international environmental governance. After considering the seminal decision of Genesis Power Ltd. v. Franklin District Council, it proposes that models from international relations theory could be adapted and altered to explain and predict local government behavior in global governance. In contrast to the widely-held - but rarely examined - consensus view, we suggest that local government might possess strong incentives to take action in mitigating climate change, and set forth a research agenda with testable propositions to determine whether such international local government theory has validity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In general, as economic development levels increase and/or the domestic financial systems mature, finance tends to be delivered through multilateral channels. However, a range of other factors also affect delivery of climate finance, such as geopolitical interests and historical relationship with finance providers. Given the data present a snapshot of 2013 and 2014, a few large-scale projects committed during the period could distort the overall picture. For instance, Armenia (e.g. infrastructure in energy, water and agriculture sectors supported by Germany) and Uzbekistan (e.g. large-scale power plants supported by Japan) receive a large portion of finance through bilateral channels. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Foggin, 2010, p. 7). In the United States, small businesses that became suppliers to large corporations saw their average revenue grow by 250 per cent and their average number of employees grow by more than 150 per cent (NWBC, 2015). To date, over 1,300 Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from across the globe have signed statements of support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), signaling their support for and commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 They describe practices, personal resources, competencies and knowledge that form the basis of successful school leadership. Practices entail five dimensions: i) constructing and implementing a shared strategic vision, ii) developing professional competencies, iii) leading processes of teaching and learning, iv) managing the school climate and the participation of the school community, and v) developing and managing the school. Personal resources comprise three areas: i) ethical values, ii) behavioural and technical competencies, and iii) professional knowledge (Ministry of Education, 2015a). In 2006, the Ministry of Education developed an evaluation framework for a system of self-improvement in schools that has now been discontinued (Sistema de Aseguramiento de Calidad de la Gestion Escolar, SACGE) (Santiago et al., In 2014, the Ministry of Education published newly developed Indicative Performance Standards for Schools and School Providers (Estandares Indicativos de Desempeno para Establecimientos Educacionales y sus Sostenedores). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Children's experiences of food insecurity also include cognitive awareness of household food hardships, and psychological strain related not only to running out of food, but to awareness of parents' difficulties meeting household food needs [48]. Another difference is that adult experiences of food insecurity are conditioned on inadequate resources for food, but child experiences are not, and are instead grounded in the household social and food environment (e.g., quality of interactions, parental affect and behaviour, and foods available for children) [48]. Adult/child differences are also possible in the ordering of experiences. Adults in the United States (but not in all countries) generally report that worry about running out of food is the least severe experience of food insecurity, followed by compromises in quality and quantity and with hunger being the most severe level of food insecurity. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Programmes for facing the development challenges of the poorest and the hungriest have also been expanded. This includes the heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) and Enhanced HIPC Initiatives, Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI), and other similar measures. The international assistance programmes have begun to focus on the poorest countries and peoples to complement the BPoA. The World Summit (September 2005) reiterated the commitments of the donors to fulfil the BPoA target of providing 0.15-0.20 per cent of GNI as ODA to the LDCs. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A dense (and growing) population, the effects of climate change, an existing arid climate in much of the basin, and growing demand among competing users - coupled with the need to ensure sufficient water to protect aquatic and ecosystem health - all place significant pressure on the basin. Further compounding the challenge is the requirement that 50% of the annual natural flow must pass to Saskatchewan, a neighbouring province. In addition, the province evolved its water allocation policies and the associated legislation, culminating in the proclamation of a new Water Act in 1999. Pursuant to the Water Act, the right to divert and use water is granted by a licence or registration under the Water Act. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In almost all countries, women more often change working time than men, and women are also more likely to move in and out of the labour force. Age patterns of labour mobility are different for men and women and can partly explain the gender wage gap as women i) have more stable careers when they are young, ii) more often change their professional situation at prime age (driven by moves in and out of the labour force), and iii) less often go through a professional change when above 55 years old. The missing labour transitions (change of job, employer or contract type) at the early stages in their career significantly shape women’s careers: job chum at this crucial time in one’s career has the highest effect on wage growth and helps in finding the right job. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The decision of the Government of India to disinvest M/s Bharat Aluminum Company Limited, popularly known as BALCO was challenged by the employees of BALCO , State of Chattisgarh (the state in which BALCO is located) and by some public spirited individuals before various High Court and finally before the Supreme Court. It was challenged that the decision to disinvest BALCO was contrary to the legal and social interests of the employees as well as certain other legal issues were raised by different parties. The present study is to analyse the judgment of the Supreme Court in the instant case with a critical angle and also trace its legal impact with a special focus on the impact it has made upon Administrative law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The sole purpose of this action was to prevent the sale of generic versions and of parallel imports of the capsule formulation 499 The EGC upheld an earlier decision by the EU Commission, considering that the withdrawal of regulatory approval for the capsule version of the drug constituted an abuse of the company’s dominant position in the market for anti-ulcer treatments. The EGC stressed that, while a dominant undertaking is under no obligation to protect the interests of competitors, this cannot “justify recourse to practices falling outside the scope of competition on the merits. The withdrawal would not have been abusive if there had been some objective reason why such a withdrawal was necessary to improve the competitiveness of the company’s own products. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In many developing countries, and among individuals with lower educational attainment in advanced countries, the Internet is still mainly used for communication and entertainment. People with tertiary educational attainment are much more likely to take advantage of E-commerce and E-banking than people with secondary educational attainment (ITU, 2016,2,,). The 2012 OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) showed that students in the highest-performing countries in digital reading were “not more exposed to the Internet at school than are students in other OECD countries”. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Agricultural enterprises, producing almost two-thirds of total agricultural output in 1990 accounted for less than one-third in 2011, while the shares of the small-scale sector (individual farms and household plots) accordingly reversed from one-third to over two-thirds of total agricultural output between 1990 and 2009 (Figure 1.34). As can be seen from Figure 1.35, agricultural enterprises are the dominant producers of grain (69% in 2011) and eggs (64%), while individual farms dominate in cotton (97%), sunflower seeds (68%) and sugar beet (80%). The remaining part of agriculture, i.e. livestock and horticulture, is concentrated in rural households. In 2011, they produced 88% of milk, 76% of meat, 71% of potatoes, 68% of wool, and 49% of vegetables. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""But there are high costs of informality, including the high cost of finance, less access to utilities, lack of social and legal protection and limited bargaining power or competitive edge. Formalization is often proposed as a way to assist enterprise development in LDCs, as in other developing countries. Its benefits include enforceable contracts, access to formal financial and other services, legally recognized rights, better access to public utilities, infrastructure, services, social protection, and membership in formal associations, providing “voice"""" (Sundaram, 2007)."" - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Biotic (living) factors function with the abiotic (non-living) factors to form a complex unit such as an ecosystem. Typical themes include the number and population trends of known species of flora and fauna (terrestrial, freshwater and marine) and their vulnerability status category. Human activities affect flora, fauna and biodiversity both directly and indirectly, resulting in changes that are reflected by statistics on the status of flora and fauna species. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! This article offers an historical perspective on the process by which British Hindus have sought to become a 'faith community' in response to local civic pressures and the intensification of government rhetoric on harnessing the capacity of religious bodies in support of public policy, and also as an expression of Hindu nationalist and ecumenical interests. I review my earlier analysis of Hindus in Leeds, noting the four processes of institutionalisation, retraditionalisation, standardisation, and the production of community, and, through Hindu ephemera, consider these same processes for Hindus elsewhere in Britain in the period 1980 to 2006 in the context of the rise of identity politics and the return of religion to public prominence. Although these processes remain relevant, others have emerged, notably the public representation of 'Hinduism,' and the impact of a diasporic politics of Hindutva. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Authorship is usually collective, but principal writers are named. The papers are generally available only in their original language - English or French - with a summary in the other. This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the OECD or its member countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""1. Theories of International Relations: Introduction Manuela Spindler and Siegfried Schieder 2. Realism Andreas Jacobs 3. Neorealism Niklas Schornig 4. Interdependence Manuela Spindler 5. Regime Theory Bernhard Zang 6. Neofunctionalism Thomas Conzelmann 7. New Liberalism Siegfried Schieder 8. Liberal Approaches to the """"Democratic Peace""""Andreas Hasenclever 9. The English School Christopher Daase 10. World Society and Globalization Ingo Take 11. The Theory of Imperialism Michael Heinrich 12. World-System Theory Andreas Nolke 13. Neo-Gramscian Perspectives Andreas Bieler and Adam David Morton 14. International Political Economy Hans-Jurgen Bieling 15. Social Constructivism Cornelia Ulbert 16. Critical Theory Christoph Humrich 17. Postmodern Approaches Thomas Diez 18. Feminist Approaches Barbara Finke 19. Critical Geopolitics Mathias Albert, Paul Reuber and Gunther Wolkersdorfer"" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""It was therefore necessary to adapt the assessment to accommodate a situation in which participation was incomplete.5 The assessment was not convened in a regional framework, and a progression of solutions was outlined from the national level to the transboundary level (see below). Local experts and officials from participating countries also met for the third meeting of the Task Force on the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus (April 2015), and consultations were held in countries linked to the NPD on IWRM. Findings were also presented and discussed in meetings of the energy sector, most notably at the Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development (Baku, 2016 /Astana, 2017), and in the Thematic Working Group on Wa-ter-Energy-Environment of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA). Furthermore, given the challenges to cooperation in the region, nexus solutions for the Syr Darya River Basin were structured according to a logic in which action could progress from """"no regret"""" measures taken at the national level to solve domestic problems."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Moreover, it required the regions to develop monitoring programmes for surface and groundwater in order to establish a coherent and comprehensive view of the physical, chemical, biological and hydrogeological status within each river basin. This legal text reclassified the entire national environmental legislation for pollution control, environmental impact assessment, and environmental decision making (Chapter 2). Part III defined water environmental standards and conditions for water resources management. In transposing the WFD, the Environmental Code divided the Italian territory into eight river basin districts (Serchio, Padano, Eastern Alps, Northern Apennines, Central Apennines, Southern Apennines, Sardinia and Sicily) and defined environmental and public health standards for water resources. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Studies on experts' understanding of the public have mainly focused on the views of scientists. We add to the literature on constructions of the public by analyzing the views of decision-makers, professional science communicators and scientists involved in 'space' communication on the public and public participation in policy. Findings show that contextual situations and roles determine the way the public is conceptualised: the public is sophisticated and knowledgeable to participate in space activities/citizen science, but in matters of policy, a gullible image of the public is brought up. Despite the democratic talk on participation, practitioners delimited public involvement in policy in some way or other to protect their own power and decision-making capabilities. This conception of the public competes with the stated aims of scientific and political institutions for public engagement and the substantive value of public participation, leaving a limited role for the public in space policymaking. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Report of the open-ended intergovernmental expert working group on indicators and terminology relating lo disaster risk reduction. ( The agreed terminology con Facilitate the implementation of the Sendoi Framework ond foster cooperation across ond within notions, sectors ond stakeholder groups. It is coherent with the work of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainoble Development Gool Indicators, ond Ihe update of Ihe publication entitled """"2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disosler Risk Reduction"""" (see nole 376)."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Bloemfontein is a historical city in South Africa and the location of the Supreme Court of Appeal. The two big nationalist movements in South Africa started in Bloemfontein: the African National Congress and the National Party. Today, the city is attractive to young people as it is relatively safe compared to other big cities and the quality of life is good. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Accountability is a core public law, if not constitutional, value, with close ties to rule of law and separation of powers. Despite this status, the Australian public law system presents only a thin reflection of accountability. This is because it provides control of public power, but not restoration or punishment in cases of abuse of power. This article uses the concept of accountability as a lens through which to view the limitations of existing public law remedies, and briefly outlines two of the potential explanations for these limitations: constitutional barriers and the availability of alternative remedies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This should be done in a manner that does not undermine local structures and processes, but ensures coherence with the national system. Some checks and balances may be required regarding local mechanisms to ensure a degree of due process or to protect against certain types of discrimination. In turn, mechanisms may be needed to ensure locally achieved resolutions are then protected within the broader national system. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Moreover, because of widespread occupational segregation in the labour market, described in detail in Chapter 2, economic policies that have distinct effects on particular sectors, such as the service sector, will affect women and men’s employment differently. Demands on unpaid work may intensify during times of economic stress, increasing the burden on women. Volatility at the macroeconomic level produces outcomes that both reflect and reinforce existing gender dynamics, although the outcomes will differ depending on the context. When a crisis triggers women's withdrawal from paid employment, they return to dependent positions within the household with less autonomy and less access to incomes of their own. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It focused on recruiting lenders, mainly mainstream banks, in support of the scheme, which provided a guarantee for 80% of the IP value, subject to a cap (originally set at SGD 5 million, but later increased). After companies had drawn down the whole of their loan, they can could reclaim 50% of the cost of their valuation (or 2% of the advance, subject to a SGD 25 000 maximum) from IP ValueLab. The valuation report on which the financing is ultimately based had to be done by an approved valuation panel member. A number of these firms were international or based outside Singapore, and the updated Hub Master Plan (recently updated) includes measures to address this by supporting the development of more locally-based IP valuation expertise (to support a wide range of IP transactions, not just finance). Factors involved appear to have included bank unfamiliarity with IP assets, a relatively informal application process, the insistence on companies having granted Singaporean patents, and high prospective transaction costs (particularly in respect of the IP valuation itself). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They show that beneficiaries of Chile Solidario have performed better compared to the control group in terms of employment of additional persons within the households (+2 per cent) and especially in terms of improvements in their housing conditions (+22 per cent). Similarly, de la Guardia et al. ( Data report information on the socio-economic conditions of Chilean households for the years 2001 and 2006, and include four regions representing about 60 per cent of the country’s population: Atacama, Maule, Bio Bio and Metropolitan Regions. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For example, initiatives related exclusively to food security or poverty reduction are excluded. Further, some initiatives have been excluded due to limited information availability. Due to the focus on developing countries, especially SSA, initiatives from these regions have been prioritized. Some also provide concrete recommendations and advice to farmers, e.g. on practices and tools, establishes pilot projects on the ground, or distributes materials, seeds, or other goods to farmers. Less prevalent are those initiatives that finance research, provide insurance, or finance projects on the ground with farmers (Bager et al., The majority of the initiatives include both adaptation and mitigation elements (26 initiatives) although many of them focus more on one of them, for example adaptation, but identifies potential mitigation co-benefits. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Based on this new international line, the incidence of poverty was estimated for developing countries in 2005, and the estimates for previous years were amended retroactively to 1981. Firstly, the higher PPP rates in poor countries mean that one unit of the local currency yields less in parity terms, thereby increasing the value of the international line in local currency terms. Secondly, the review lowered the international poverty line, because if the poverty line of 1.08 DPP dollars of 1993 had been updated in terms of inflation, the value of the line for 2005 would have been 1.45 DPP dollars per day. As, according to the World Bank, the first effect dominates the second, there was an increasing incidence of poverty overall. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Changes in the volume of soil resources and other aspects of accounting for soil resources are included conceptually in the FDES but the development of the necessary statistics is subject to further research. For more information, see SEEA-CF, paras. Biological resources are renewable resources capable of regeneration through natural (non-managed or managed) processes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Use a differentiated approach to reach out to students at different stages of their study process. Use performance assessment exercises, including regular feedback sessions with people from the business community, alumni entrepreneurs and students and to track and survey alumni with entrepreneurial careers. Build and expand linkages between research and teaching, for example by getting doctoral students to work on research topics related to entrepreneurship education. Recognise that compulsory courses may reduce genuine interest in entrepreneurship. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""The application process is complex, requiring a number of documents involving high costs and strict time limits. The overall cost together with purchasing tickets from a Central Asian country to the Russian Federation makes the initial """"investment"""" in migration very expensive. A patent requires that monthly payments be made, which are considered advance tax payments, the amount of which is determined by each internal region of the Russian Federation. However, citizens of Kyrgyzstan as well as other countries that are members of the Eurasian Economic Union do not need a patent."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In 2007, the European Union adopted its second Hygiene Package aiming at harmonizing existing EU food and feed safety legislation, thus creating new certificates again. It led the United States to negotiate a special status with the European Union regarding the certification of fishery and aquaculture products. As a result, US exporters are still using public health certificates coming from the 2006 legislation and not from the 2007 hygiene package. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The PAA is a programme through which the Brazilian government buy the product of smallholders and uses those products to serve free or low cost meals in public institutions like schools. The PAA also supports the formation of stocks, with products from small farmers, for food security purposes. The National School Feeding Programme (PNAE), created in 2009, stipulates that at least 30% of the food served in public schools must be bought from small producers (based on the MDA definition). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Benefits to health, employment, or competitiveness, for example, would generally rate higher in societal and hence politicians' consciousness's than savings in energy consumption or demand, yet they tend not to be as well-known in relation to energy efficiency. Strategies to improve energy efficiency are likely to be considered as technical measures best left to engineers and energy ministries. However, efficiency in energy use and production can be shown to be beneficial not only from an energy systems point of view but for the wider economy and society as a whole. There are costs associated with every measure and a full benefit-cost assessment should be carried out as part of any regulatory impact assessment to check that the benefits outweigh the costs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""It would be useful if instead of collecting information about the group of children in the household, deprivation indicators referred to each child separately. This would allow investigation of inequities within households. Gabos et al (2011) found that the child-specific deprivation variables and the standard household-level deprivation items did not necessarily identify the same children as deprived, with the degree of discrepancy varying across countries. Although they have not proposed a method for combining the child-specific items into an indicator of childhood deprivation, they concluded that: """"the relatively close correlation between the responses for the different items suggests that the construction of a composite indicator is both feasible and meaningful"""" (Gabos et al.,"" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This association has historically been strengthened considerably by federal irrigation subsidies. With the passage of the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982, the U.S. Congress increased the number of acres that a legal entity, such as a partnership or corporation, could irrigate with water from federal projects from 160 acres to 960 owned or leased acres. However, owned land above this limit could not be irrigated with federal water, and the act required irrigators to pay the full supply cost for water delivered to leased land over the limit. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Indeed, in 2017, close to one in every three participants of integration training fell into unemployment three months following the end of their participation, a further 62 % were in other PES measures. The majority of the remainder continued to vocational training or independent study while fewer than 10% moved into work trials or employment. Coverage, however, is heterogeneous and multiple providers often serve to complicate the integration landscape still further. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This immense decline and the regions lead on the global level have been mainly due to the poverty reduction in China and India, as these two countries alone have lifted 650 million people out of extreme poverty. The highest incidence of extreme poverty is recorded in South and South-West Asia (28.7 per cent in 2010), whereas the lowest is in North and Central Asia (1.0 per cent in 2011). It is noteworthy that, since 1990, East and North-East Asia and South-East Asia have recorded the fastest absolute reductions in poverty rates compared with those in other subregions. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Obesity and smoking clearly impair employment prospects, wages and labour productivity. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes have negative impacts on employment prospects and wages, and diabetes, cancer and arthritis lower labour productivity. Alcohol use, cancer, high blood pressure and arthritis have mixed effects on employment and wages, and are not always linked with increased sickness absence (e.g. cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Ethical principles and concerns are at the heart of criminological research and can arise at the planning, implementation and reporting stages. It is vital that researchers are aware of the issues involved so that they can make informed decisions about the implications of certain choices. This cutting-edge book charts the changing topography of ethics, governance and accountability for social science research in criminology, contributes to the developing discourse on research ethics and demonstrates the importance as to why research ethics should be taken seriously. Bringing together a range of experts who consider both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. This book examines the key issues and challenges of ethical research. Topics covered include: - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Lake Lammijarv between Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe and Lake Pihkva is, according to Estonian classification, partly moderate (Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe side), and partly bad (Lake Pihkva side). At the time of the first Assessment (2007), the ecological status of the Narva River was reported as good, and the transboundary impact was assessed to be insignificant. The Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe retains some of the pollution load, which improves water quality in the Narva. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article explores the ethnicization of London suburbs to challenge the growing public and political discourse of the ‘failure of multiculturalism’ mobilized by politicians in the UK and Europe, and even worse, the more pernicious rhetoric that blames multiculturalist policies for a whole raft of social ills including social exclusion, terrorism and urban riots. Through reviving the concept of multicultural drift deployed by Stuart Hall over a decade ago to frame the experiences of three generations of Asians in two London suburbs, we reveal the much more subtle and ordinary ways in which multicultural diversity is simply a fact of life in London's erstwhile predominantly white suburbs, a fact that makes a nonsense of David Cameron's (and others') assertions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In response to this, the government of Egypt has developed a strategy to improve the conditions of shelters. Low trends of reporting incidences related to domestic violence also have resulted in few'er prosecutions. Box 7.11 provides further information on the approach to violence against women in Egypt. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Since the adoption of export-oriented strategies, Penang has been exporting consumer products targeted at advanced economies. But the regional economy is at a crossroads: Penang is no longer a high growth economy and a low cost centre. Following the current economic crisis, Malaysia’s traditional market will wane as consumers in the advanced economies are not able to consume as much as they used to. China, India, Indonesia and Vietnam produce cheaper consumer goods than Malaysia, having paved the way to frugal innovation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The goal of the operation phase is to maintain functionality and provide seamless services. This includes horizontal and vertical extensions, or general scaling of the solution in terms of features or size of the ecosystem. If the decision is made to extend the pilot, relevant stakeholders should be consulted to define goals, a roadmap and governance for leaving the pilot stage. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! A move in this direction was signalled in the new agricultural programme for 2013-20. However, these efforts are only likely to succeed if the current agricultural debt is carefully managed. In the longer run, a deeper liberalisation of the state credit system should be pursued, with a phasing-out of interest rate subsidies and down-scaling provision of public resources for credit. This would require addressing the core issues of why agricultural credit markets malfunction: the high risks in agriculture, the limited collateral opportunities, information asymmetries, and the increased transactions costs in agricultural lending (OECD, 2012c). There has been an apparent multiplication of the functions of KazAgro agencies in recent years. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For each country the main trends in poverty as measured by the share of population living on below $1.25 and $2 a day are shown, with two hypothetical maximal and minimal poverty trends in each case. The main trends are estimated on the basis of existing information on income distribution in the available household surveys. The maximal (or minimal) trends are estimated by assuming that for the whole period income distribution remains at its most unequal (or most equal) level attained during the period since 1990, while per capita average consumption follows the same trend as in the main estimates. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The area affected by tidal floods and karst floods is less extensive (approximately 70 500 ha). Although flood prevention measures were implemented in 1990s and 2000s, the 2007 EU Directive on the evaluation and management of flood risks (2007/60/EC) was a new impetus for reinforcement of flood protection measures. Most provisions of the Directive were transposed into national legislation in 2010, and EUR 185 million was set aside under the 2007-13 OPDETI for measures to control flood plains and build flood protection infrastructure for urban areas. However, implementation details are still to be developed, including preliminary flood risk assessments, preparation of flood hazard and risk targets, and measures to reduce flood risks in urban and economically significant areas. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Countries with higher gross output present lower levels of enterprise but a higher proportion of opportunity-driven entrepreneurial initiatives. In Latin America, the highest female TEA rate is found in Ecuador (33%), followed by Peru, the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Chile (see figure 5). The male TEA rate is higher than the female one in all cases (Kelley and others, 2015). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The average deductible for individual plans amounts to USD 729 for health maintenance organisations (HMOs), USD 799 for preferred provider organisations (PPOs), and USD 1 314 for point-of-service plans (POS). For family coverage, the average deductible is USD 1 743 for HMOs, USD 1 854 for PPOs and USD 2,821 for POS (Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Education Trust, 2013). Other countries impose deductibles for some categories of services only (e.g. for pharmaceuticals). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In 2005, the prevalence of schizophrenia in the province of Stockholm was approximately 0.35% of the population (Svenska Psykiatriska Foreningen, 2009). The corresponding percentage for non-affective psychoses is 0.65% in the same area. These results indicated that the prevalence is higher in metropolitan regions compared to the whole country in 2005. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Skadar/Shkoder Lake Commission has been established under the Agreement, and commenced work in 2009. A Joint Secretariat is based in Shkodra, Albania, and four Working Groups (Planning and Legal, Monitoring and Research, Communication/Outreach and Sustainable Tourism, and Water Management) provide support. Harmonization of management approaches and instruments is an imperative in the long term. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Productivity is a measure of output divided by a measure of input (see Feenstra et al., As for income, three-years averages (2009-11) also are used for total factor productivity, labour force, human and physical capital accumulation to reduce the impact of short-run variations. The quality of the labour force is traditionally captured by the stock of human capital and TFP, while the size is proxied either by the employment rate or the labour force participation rate. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! As outlined in previous analysis for the CCXG, there is no agreement to date on which activities, flows and interventions are to be labelled “climate finance” (see e.g. Clapp et al., Similarly, there is no common understanding of what is meant by “effectiveness”. While there is overlap in views between different stakeholders on what climate finance effectiveness is, there are also differences. These differences relate to the aims, sources, and channels of finance for the intervention. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These include the belief that women are much better placed than men to take care of children, or that the family might be harmed if mothers work outside the home. Economic and sociological insights on the persistence of gender differences in well-being outcomes are also discussed where relevant. The analysis presented in this section covers gender issues across the life cycle - from school to the start of a new family and the entry into the labour market to later life - and considers both economic (income, wages, occupation) and social (health, education, social relations) outcomes. There are significant differences amongst women and men that may be greater than differences between the two sexes. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This chapter showed that in most developing economies, growth in data services is slow in offsetting the sharp decline in voice revenues that is often due to high rates of adoption of free OTT services. As revenues and ARPU levels will continue to decline over the coming years, investments in network infrastructure will have to be balanced with profitability to create a sustainable market environment. In addition, ITU analysis has demonstrated that removing restrictions on foreign investment is a regulatory measure that correlates directly with enhanced competition and helps to create a level playing field. Policy-makers will have to adapt to this development phase to ensure sustainability and foster the investment required to connect consumers and businesses to smart societies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 On average, the social tariff is some 25 per cent below the wholesale price (table 4.2). But the “social tariff’ is not targeted at the low-income households, rather, it benefits all private households as well as the public administration. The large majority of poor households, moreover, have a monthly water consumption that is higher than the maximum allowed in the first consumption block. V/client_Lydec_ma/ - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Two reasons could be considered. The first is related to project management. Bureaucratic red-tapes, poor co-ordination across relevant authorities, and financial conditions may lead to project delays and thus keep reclaimed land vacant. Such issues have in the past created problems for LGUs, investors and designated government agencies that had financed the reclamation project through loans and were liable for repayment (Dacayo, 2005). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Previously seen as the Cinderella among the United Nations’ many preoccupations, 2010 finally saw access to clean water and sanitation recognised by the UN as a human right. Not a moment too soon - OECD modelling suggests that if we continue current trends, by 2050, 2.3 billion additional people will be living in river basins that are under extreme water stress. Despite some good progress driven by the Millennium Development Goals, water statistics continue to alarm: every year, for instance, dirty water causes the death of more than 2.2 million children under the age of 14. Water, which every culture on Earth recognises as the source of life itself, is no exception. For this reason, it is increasingly moving to centre stage whenever and wherever people meet to discuss humanity’s response to the major conundrum of how to match growing needs to insufficient or dwindling resources. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Moreover, the plan does not only cover the Canadian military, it also targets Canadian NGOs and recommends they adopt codes of conduct in their work to address issues of sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian crises. One of the central tenets of 1325 is the inclusion of women at all decision-making levels including parliament and the judiciary. In many post-conflict countries, high numbers of women are reported in political positions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These developments indicate the political need for the WTO to act in order to secure delivery on the SDGs. Finally, it outlines negotiation scenarios with a view to securing an outcome where the WTO delivers SDG14 implementation. In short, submissions from the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of countries and the least developed countries (LDC) group each signals a willingness to continue debate on a multilateral basis, subject to special and differential treatment (S&DT)—whereas the EU submission and the joint submission of six Latin American countries offered advances in the technical debate.2 Crucially, the fifth proposal, by Japan, indicated a possible rollback to the stalemate of the late 2000s.3 Two additional points inform the context of the post-MCIO submission at the WTO. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__12, __label__13 -> MISMATCH! As countries urbanize, they gain in wealth, and as such, work and educational opportunities for women tend to increase, leading to later marriages, and fewer children. The positive urban dynamics behind the demographic transition to smaller families is complex, and have been studied intensively,24 but as a general rule, higher rates of urbanization along with growth in GDP lead to lower fertility rates around the world. This has created a demographic momentum characterized by a relatively young population with children under age 15 accounting for 28 per cent of the population, and youth aged 15 to 24 accounting for a further 17 per cent.25 The significant increase in proportion of persons aged 15 to 24 is referred to as the youth bulge. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Rice husks are among the most common waste products in India. For example, a cheap ultrasound device, originally developed for the Chinese market, has become the basis of a global business. The current financial crisis is likely to be followed by a long periods of slow growth reducing the purchasing power of consumers. The need for retrenchment will increase when demand for welfare services is rising as the baby-boomers start to retire and medical innovations push up health-care costs. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The focus is on this age category rather than later stages of life for two reasons. The first is that three-fifths of missing women go missing during birth and infancy/childhood. Missing girls/women at later stages of the life cycle reflect not only discriminatory practices against women, but also poor institutions, such as lack of healthcare or water and sanitation infrastructure (World Bank, 2011).Thus, the measure used here specifically focuses on a sex-selection bias in the period of early infancy, where the bias is caused by abortion, infanticide, and the possibility that young girls are systematically less cared for in early childhood (Anderson and Ray, 2010). The data comes from Mitchell (2007) and the UN (2013). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, public information campaigns may work best when implemented in synergy with other measures, such as increased availability or improved labelling (EATWELL, 2012). Moreover, successfully boosting changes in consumer habits regarding diets and food preparation would be difficult, unless efforts to make this change are linked to achieving national health objectives. For example, establishing financial incentives or taxes that discourage people from eating foods with high levels of animal fat could be part of national efforts to reduce heart disease and obesity. Nutrition and eco-labelling aim to inform consumers about the composition of foods and enable them to make informed choices about what they eat, it is a necessary condition for overcoming informational market failures, but does not overcome externality or public good issues associated with food consumption. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Table 5.2 presents 2007 data in selected countries, showing the percentage of women in senior positons in political parties. The data reveal that while political parties are no longer a male-exclusive institution, there is still considerable room for more female participation. Women make up almost 60 per cent of local government positions in Lesotho and Seychelles, 43 per cent of the members of local councils or municipal assemblies in Namibia, and over one-third of local government seats in Mauritania, Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The IMF also suggested that simultaneous budget deficit cuts in many countries were likely to have a cumulatively adverse effect. In the World Economic Outlook 2012, the IMF acknowledged serious underestimation of the values of multipliers at the time, hence, the actual adverse output and employment impacts are likely to have been much larger—as is clear from more recent evidence cited earlier. Hence the potential longer-mn benefits of fiscal consolidation must be balanced against the short- and medium-run adverse impacts on growth and jobs.” - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The subject of this paper is the foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow in Macedonia and its impact upon the economic growth and development of the country. Its basic purpose is to analyse the interconnection of FDI with a number of economic, political and institutional variables in Macedonia. We decided to apply Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) on FDI impact upon the Macedonian economy. The FDI indicator is calculated as a function of certain fundamental economic variables (GDP growth rate, labor productivity rate, openness to trade, current account balance) as well as of Worldwide Governance Indicators (control of corruption, government effectiveness, political stability, regulatory quality and rule of law). Results obtained by the econometric model should provide relevant conclusions on the impact of the up-to-date FDI inflow upon the growth and development of the Macedonian economy. JEL Classification: F21 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education Children’s Services and Skills in England. Ofsted inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Ofsted regularly publish reports on schools in England(see - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article addresses the execution of the socio-educational system as a public policy, mainly the branch of criminal organizations in the educational centers in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. With the so-called crisis of the socio-educational system, from the 2000s on, there was a reconfiguration of dynamics in the confinement centers, accentuated by the branch of criminal organizations. Such a public policy should, based on a set of actions, guarantee an accountability process towards minor or major infractions, but the context of these centers is shown violently, through the murder of young inmates, constant rebellions, threats, and torture. Such a context intensifies the punishment perspective in confinement centers. For constructing this study, a qualitative methodology has been chosen, by using field diary and participant observation in an educational center in the City of Fortaleza. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Internationally, globalization has been paradoxically translated into colonization, economic rationalist development, nationalism, and closure born of a fear of the implications of globalization and global markets for the least powerful countries, regions, and interest groups. Social problems in terms of the economic rationalist approach are increasingly individualized and citizenship models emphasize the responsibility of individuals and families. Many current human service and social policy models in Australia (as elsewhere) are nonsystemic (psychological, medical, education, crime prevention, and economic). The paper reflects on an experience of undertaking a study of the life chances of citizens in a remote region of Australia. This is a paper about doing systemic thinking and practice in Alice Springs (Mpwartwe, or caterpillar dreaming) as a social policy researcher attempting to use and advocating a participatory action research approach to social policy development based on a multisite, multimethod research design of perceived, expressed, and normative needs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Contested boundaries between ‘public’ and ‘private’ gain further importance with expanding conceptions of human rights. The guarantee of respect for ‘private life’ in the European Convention on Human Rights, subsequently developed through European case law to embrace reputation and relationships, provides a context for increasing attention given in the UK to the protection of privacy and personal data. However, conflicts between public and private emerge in counter-claims to freedom of expression and rights to a private life. The development of freedom of information legislation in the UK marked a new departure, but with increasing use of data protection legislation to avoid FOIA disclosure, the House of Commons expenses scandal illustrates further conflicting claims over rights to privacy and freedom of information. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 School access has been expanded by investment in school infrastructure and recruitment of teachers. In higher education too, the number of providers continues to rise rapidly. A new law enshrining the rights of all children to free and compulsory education will further lift enrolment, bringing closer the government’s goal of universal elementary education, which comprises eight years of schooling. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Customers can easily compare the data of different suppliers using the ERSE website and freely switch supplier. Impoundment of water in a dam exacerbates water pollution from agriculture and domestic and industrial wastewater (Chapter 3). In the early 2000s, all reservoirs were classified as at least moderately polluted. River Douro reservoirs were the most problematic. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! In this article we explore questions about feminism and violence to constructively complicate understandings about this relationship. Feminism is conventionally positioned as oppositional to direct and structural violences, importantly so, as this has been seen key to feminism's viability as a constructive knowledge project. Yet there are increasingly persistent concerns about epistemic, juridical and other violences circulating around feminism, which render feminism's role in the production of oppositional knowledge and politics suspect. This is especially the case where western feminist ideas have been problematically taken up in neoliberal global policy making and for militarized human rights interventions. As feminist international relations scholars troubled by such associations, we investigate – via an exploration of three provocative feminist texts – how feminism is perceived to be both violated and violating by its contemporary imbrication in the violences of neoliberalism and global governance. W... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They have also conducted a variety of research projects pertaining to the status of women and girls. For instance, the National Commission for Lebanese Women initiated a campaign to lobby for legal reform in the field of economic rights and published a study on women’s rights in Lebanese law. Morocco is often cited for its commitment to gender-responsive budgeting. It releases an annual budgetary report that provides all details about its spending disaggregated by sex, and recently went a step further with an Organic Law of Finance (2014) that enshrines gender equality as a key principle in the objectives and performance indicators of the Moroccan national budget.51 Moreover, Egypt has created an Equal Opportunities Unit within its Ministry of Finance, and Palestine has formed a National Committee to oversee the development of more gender-responsive budgets in the future. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, adults seen at primary practices with the attributes of a PCMH - where clinicians are accessible, know patients’ medical history, and help co-ordinate care - rated their care higher and were less likely to experience co-ordination gaps or report medical errors. The conclusion supports the need for redesigning primary care, developing care teams accountable across sites of care, and managing transitions well. Primary care is at the centre of the care system in Sweden, and well positioned and qualified to take on such a role. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Previous research shows that when schools utilise a dynamic priority structure (“soft bounds”), it allows them to admit fewer or more students than their ceiling. As long as students with the highest priority are given their optimal choice, this is more beneficial for the overall welfare for all types of students than hard bounds, which strictly limit the number of accepted students for each type. As opposed to hard bounds, soft bounds do no commit schools to achieve a balance among the different types of students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Improve co-operation between the PES, the Social Insurance Agency and the education system. Collective Bargaining Wages in Comparative Perspective: Germany, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom, Kluwer Law International, The Hague. Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. Exploring the Gender Pay Gap across the Wage Distribution ”, Industrial and Labour Relations Review, No. Journal of Public Economics, Vol. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! As with international funding mechanisms, capacity - both technical and operational - remains an overarching challenge in many contexts (UNDP, 2015). A number of countries have started making headway in strengthening their investment appraisal mechanisms to integrate climate change (Box 27). Dedicated climate finance should support the strengthening of national systems and capacity for mainstreaming. The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) for a given policy is recalculated capturing the impact and associated costs of climate change. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ABSTRACTTreaty ratification and human rights criticism, along with democratic change, are key underpinnings of international human rights in practice. Using a treaty-specific human rights indicator in a dynamic panel data framework, I estimate how states' human rights behavior changes in response to ratification of the Convention against Torture (CAT) and criticism launched through United Nations (UN) procedures from 1985 to 2005, and whether response differs by a government's democratic status. Prior CAT ratifiers generally respond more positively to country-specific UN human rights criticism than do nonratifiers. When criticized, the difference between ratifiers and nonratifiers is greater with higher democratic governance ratings, however, ratification combined with criticism is likely to stabilize or improve human rights levels even in countries scoring poorly on democratic indicators. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, these potential economic gains must be balanced against the possible environmental costs. Road and rail development can lead to deforestation and biodiversity loss. Increased traffic on new roads increases air pollution, which can affect health negatively. Even when the infrastructure is in place, operation also requires funding. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Kerekere is a form of reciprocity in which one may ask neighbours, friends and relatives for goods and services to meet one’s basic socio-economic needs, or for the purpose of fulfilling certain social obligations (Ratuva, 2006). Some of these customs are traditions, such as the utu (extended family), karekare (taking turns at joint work with non-utu members), te aiai (sharing fire), bubuti (the requesting of gifts based on family relationships), te Katabetabe (burden sharing, especially at funerals) and tekaonono (sharing food with people outside the utu). The Mata (chiefly title) system in Samoa that controls all local government is a traditional, well-organized social protection system. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 They find that over the short-run, higher unemployment is associated with lower overall mortality, but high unemployment over longer periods of time is associated with higher mortality. Data from the state of Pennsylvania reveals that the impact of a job loss on mortality rates persist for 20 years after the event with an estimated loss in life expectancy of 1.0—1.5 years for a worker displaced at age forty (Sullivan and Von Wachter. On the one hand, economic recessions can lead to higher health care needs, particularly in areas such as mental health which may, in turn, lead to higher health care utilisation. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 At the national level, macroprudential policies can prevent the financial system from becoming dangerously fragile. Ideally, a gender analysis of national budgets should also examine fiscal policy at the aggregate level: total spending, total revenues and deficit financing. The Ministry of Finance has developed a budget tracking system to measure the gender responsiveness of public spending and donor aid along five indicators. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Stronger partnerships between tertiary education institutions and industrial associations could stimulate innovation in the modes of delivery of education and training. This would require transparent pathways between different levels of education and also between higher education institutions. In Penang, there is a lack of pathways between higher education institutions on the one hand, and between higher education institutions and vocational institutions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The first category consists of 13 developed countries with old-age poverty rates lower than the OECD overall average (below 10 per cent) among older persons. These countries include The Netherlands (1.7 per cent). The Czech Republic (3.6 per cent), Canada (4.9 per cent), France (5.3 per cent), Poland (7.7 per cent), Norway (8.0 per cent) and Italy (8.9 per cent). In the majority of these countries, the poverty rate for older people is lower than or the same as the poverty rate for the whole population (figure 5.7). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The latter are higher than those found in electricity sector modelling, since abatement costs outside the electricity sector will be significantly higher. The question is, however, whether they can be more than four times higher since electrification remains an option for the majority of uses of fossil fuel combustion. Here, future modelling work and empirical studies will be required to bridge the gap. Neither the discussions about the social cost of carbon, nor the discussions about the marginal cost of abatement according to a politically chosen quantity target are anywhere near to conclusion. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sexual violence is prevalent in contemporary armed conflicts. International humanitarian law and human rights law absolutely prohibit all forms of sexual violence at all times and against anyone, international criminal law moreover provides for the individual criminal responsibility of sexual crimes' perpetrators. These three bodies of law importantly reinforce each other in this field. The discrepancy between the facts on the ground and the law is a matter of concern that cannot be explained by potential legal gaps or uncertainties. What is needed is to find new ways of improving implementation for existing laws at the domestic and international levels. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Underpinning both approaches is the view that Government inefficiency has contributed to a wide range of macroeconomic dislocations in ESCWA member countries. One view maintains that this has happened because of excessive protectionism, misallocation of resources and the introduction of restrictions to the workings of the market, as if markets alone could be relied upon to resolve spontaneously the large disequilibria in the ESCWA labour markets. However, when compared to other developing regions, labour markets in the ESCWA region are not as rigid as they may appear. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Excreta management is gender-segregated and often racially differentiated. A 2014 Human Rights Watch report on the caste and gender profile of manual excreta cleaners in India revealed that 95% of private and village latrines were cleaned by women, both women and men cleaned open defecation from roads, open areas and open gutters, while men typically cleaned septic tanks, closed gutters and sewers (HRW 2014). These systems range from natural approaches such as the use of ponds and constructed wetlands (which are low-tech and low-maintenance) as filters and for cleaning wastewater, to high-tech vacuum biogas installations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions provides an international policy lens for analysing broad debates on issues of cultural globalization and development. The interdisciplinary contributions in this volume offer a fresh understanding of these key issues whilst examining cultural globalization, which is conceived in terms of artistic expressions and entertainment industries and interpreted anthropologically as the rituals, symbols, and practices of everyday life. The broad gamut of theories, methods, and evidence collected by the editors outlines UNESCO's accomplishments, shortcomings, and future policy prospects. This edited collection has a clear message: The Convention is a useful and important instrument in the debate on cultural diversity, but not broad enough or sufficient to confront major challenges concerning human rights, sustainability, and cultural diversity as a whole. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 At the same time, a part of expenditures shown in the categories “incapacity related”, “housing” or “other social policy areas” (which includes social assistance) may provide income support to the elderly. Total social expenditure levels increased, but cash transfers for the non-elderly often did not. Hungary, Israel, Slovak Republic and Slovenia are not included in the graphs as mid-1980s data are not available for these countries. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The first of these disaggregates any variation in poverty and indigence rates into two components, growth in average income (“growth effect”) and changes in the way this income is distributed (“distribution effect”). The latter involves assessing the role played by the different sources contributing to household income and paying special attention to the labour market factors accounting for changes in earnings. The growth effect was particularly important in Argentina, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Honduras, where it accounted for 80% or more of the decline in poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This article asks, “What is the way forward for single-country scholarship?” It also discusses why and how single-country scholars should adopt a more comparative approach in their research. To do this, the article presents cross-sectional and longitudinal data that illustrate the relative isolation of the single-country canon, especially nondomestic single-country studies, within the wider discipline of political science. To suggest how this be redressed, the article then discusses how single-country scholarship might build bridges to the comparative approach and the benefits this might generate. The article argues that careful and innovative use of the case study research design provides the ideal means to do this. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The service sector has expanded and manufacturing has become tightly integrated into global value chains, changing the skill set needed in the labour market. However, public education has not kept pace. Streaming and early tracking hampers social mobility and human capital accumulation, vocational training has reacted slowly to the changing needs of the labour market, and there is little workplace training. Long term unemployment is high among low skilled workers, in part reflecting low labour mobility, and the crisis has pushed up youth unemployment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Together with its sister organisation, Business Region Goteborg, Oslo Teknopol IKS defined a project plan, an organisational form and a financing framework. This meant, however, that the German part was no longer eligible for participation. New political leadership in Copenhagen also took power and turned out to be less interested in international co-operation. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Between 1985 and 2014, those living in urban areas increased by nearly 13%, to reach 76.3% of the Colombian population, while 23.7% of the population lived in rural areas. It is projected that 85% of the Colombian population will live be urbanised by 2050. Infant mortality rates have decreased from 40 deaths per 1 000 live births in 1970 to 12.8 in 2013 (OECD average, 3.8 deaths per 1 000 live births). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Equally, there is a substantial amount of research that shows economic downturns are strongly associated with worse health, particularly in the area of mental health and some causes of mortality. These surprising, and seemingly contradictory, results have led to a body of research that seeks to provide a better understanding of how macroeconomic conditions can influence health outcomes. This paper builds on these existing studies by first undertaking a review of the available empirical research and, second, undertaking a new piece of analysis using well-tested methodologies. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Countries with low tertiary enrolment levels (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Republic of Moldova) should establish more places and ensure equitable access to tertiary institutions. The VET system requires detailed delivery plans with greater involvement of national and local employers. In addition to budget allocation, it is important to consider whether spending on education is efficient and well targeted. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The second is the spending on social assistance benefits, which is also a benefit for a disadvantaged population with no labour market income. The allowance received by families living in this situation appeals to reduce the exposure of children living in these families to poverty. Finally, spending per person receiving pension benefits shares a strong and negative association with within-country changes in the relatively child poverty rates. Table D 2 reports the results of the estimation obtained with data on social cash transfer payment rates, measured as the average payment rate for a two-parent family. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The gender gap in entrepreneurial activities has changed very little in most countries since 2012. They also tend to earn less. Evidence suggests a slight narrowing in the gap between the proportion of self-employed men and women with employees. The evidence on self-employment earnings is too sparse to draw conclusions about whether the gap is closing. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Slovakia’s SPA inventory had identified 40 areas eligible for special protection, but six were not actually designated as SPAs and five that had been designated were significantly smaller than recommended. As for the landfill directive, the Commission sent a second warning letter to Slovakia in March 2009 for inadequately transposing the EU legislation on the landfilling of waste into national law. In October 2009, the Commission notified Slovakia that its national legislation was not entirely in line with the directive. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! In the area of constitutional law in Greece, where at least since 1975 there has been a well functioning democracy, the ideal of ‘modernisation’ must mean adherence to the substantive principles of legality and the rule of law as political ideals. Even though the Simitis government showed some concern for improvement in these areas, the constitutional amendment of 2001 did not attempt to tackle longstanding problems such as civil service corruption, irregularities in public procurement, the independence of the judiciary and the like. The amendment was motivated, it seems, by a more majoritarian ‘communitarian’ legal philosophy seeking to strengthen political majorities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The driving force was the oil boom which made available more revenues for public support, as well as raising concerns about lack of economic diversification. This marked the turn to an active policy to promote agricultural growth. The Ministry of Agriculture’s share of the total national budget went from 2.5% in 2001 to 6.5% in 2005. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 About 70% of staff of primary and secondary rural schools agreed in a recent survey that the transition for students is very challenging (UNICEF, 2014). This suggests that while small schools might have been an effective way to ensure access to primary education, they might also be an obstacle in the transition to secondary school. The necessary expansion of preschool and secondary education services in rural areas calls for a joint review of the school network to foster better quality and equity. With most school buildings in need of an upgrade and demographic trends making rural schools even smaller, it will also be increasingly hard to justify investments in these schools when alternative approaches could deliver better quality to students, while also supporting the expansion of educational opportunities at other levels. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""Introduction - recovering from civil conflict, Edward Newman and Albrecht Schnabel post-conflict peacebuilding and second-generation preventive action, Albrecht Schnabel """"transitional justice"""" - the impact of transnational norms and the UN, Edward Newman the UN, peacekeeping and collective human security - from """"an agenda for peace"""" to the Brahimi report, Sorpong Peou on the challenges and achievements of reforming UN peace operations, Jean-Marie Guehenno World Bank, NGOs and the private sector in post-war reconstruction, Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic peace operations finance and the political economy of a way out, Jean Daudelin and Lee J.M. Seymour post-conflict elections - constraints and dangers, Benjamin Reilly current international civil administration - the need for political legitimacy, Sally Morphet refugees and post-conflict reconstruction - a critical perspective, B.S. Chimni demobilization, reintegration and peacebuilding in Africa, Kees Kingma building peace after mass crimes, Beatrice Pouligny."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Industry can contribute with solutions such as, for example, simplified medication regimens or packaging. There is also a scope for multi-partner initiatives to improve patients’ health literacy. Les personnes atteintes par l’une des principales maladies chroniques, en particulier, courent de serieux risques a ne pas prendre correctement leurs medicaments. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Afghanistan, long-suffering men and women turn to opium in order to deal with the harsh post-conflict realities.39 Afghanistan provides the lion’s share of the world’s opium, and exports both the consumption of and trade in drugs to neighbouring countries in particular. The opium industry, for instance, engages women and men in Iran, Tajikistan and Pakistan who survive by trafficking drugs to Western countries. Traumatized by the war and post-war confusion, many civilians become addicted to drugs, leading to their further marginalization within society. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Chinese Atademy of Engineering Publishing, Be nd resource allocation, enw jtng), 2007. However, up to 2005, a significant share of water pollution in the Sungari/Songhua came from non-point sources.' The upper part of the Argun in China is called Hailaer. After the Mutnaya Channel connects it to the Dalai/Hulun Lake, for 940 km the river act as the Sino-Russian border and finally, after confluence with the River Shilka, forms the Amur River. The percentages of the different sectors arc not expected to change markedly. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Ultimately, higher levels of inequality could end up undermining continued growth and thereby the sustainability of the shift.23 Policy makers should pay attention to the evolution of income inequality, both for its own sake and because it influences the poverty dividend of growth. Social policy can limit inequality in outcomes today. But macroeconomic stabilisation and education can level the playing field over the longer term and offer possibilities for the poor to take advantage of future opportunities. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Dynamic innovation, adaptation and adoption of new and better ways to allocate and productively use resources over time so as to continuously enhance what is achievable in terms of people’s needs or well-being. At the same time, we may face inter-temporal tradeoffs, in the well-being of people over time. In such cases, it is important to strike the right balance. Climate change is a much cited case of a potential win-lose outcome over time, and therefore unsustainable development. It is also, however, possible to go too far in the opposite direction, adopting policies that hurt those in the present more than they benefit those in the future. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! El crecimiento se basa en parte en la explotacion del trabajo y los recursos humanos femeninos. Por ultimo, en el regimen de restricciones salariales, el aumento de los salarios de las mujeres ocasiona una reduccion del crecimiento, pero su mayor participacion en el mercado laboral mejora la produccion de capacidades humanasyse obtiene un crecimiento inestable. Este analisis de politicas parte de la hipotesis de que el crecimiento, la reproduccion social y la igualdad de genero estan interconectados de una forma que convierte al trabajo de cuidados en un factor determinante clave para los resultados de las politicas macroeconomicas, del crecimientoy del desarrollo. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The desire to continuously improve the quality of life is inherent - Abraham Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy holds even today. The challenge therefore, is how to decouple the needs and aspirations from the effects on the environment, as illustrated in Figure 2:2. Pressure to improve sustainable practices can lead to employment generation and stimulate innovation while simultaneously protecting existing sources of income. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Selected relevant national and local policies are: economic policies (which impact the economic impact (e.g. job creation) that urbanisation can bring), land, public sen/ice, safety and security, housing, certain infrastructure, climate, natural resources/environment, mobility and social policies. Increasing coherence at the policy level can improve administrative effectiveness and resource flows at the metropolitan level. Empowering local authorities by building capacity, rebalancing fiscal systems and giving legal and political mandate. Empowering communities, grassroots organisations, social and traditional leaders and civil society at large by providing them with tools for monitoring and evaluating policies and increasing participatory mechanisms in budgeting and/or policymaking processes. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These incentives are provided until the end of 2023. At the time of publication, over 36 000 claims had been made, with over GBP 3 billion of relief claimed, supporting over GBP 32 billion of R&D activities by companies. To enable companies to access the scheme more easily, the government announced the dropping of the condition that any IP deriving from the R&D must be owned by the company making the claim. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Climate Change2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Working Group II Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. See box 1, below. Low-income countries can only afford to spend a small portion of their total income on health, and their populations have to cover a large share of their medical expenses out of their own pockets. These facts demonstrate that health attainments and services in developing countries remain unsatisfactory, despite successes achieved on many fronts. Table 2 shows the range of inequalities in under-five mortality rates in developing countries. In virtually every country, children born in poorer families are facing a higher probability of dying before reaching age 5. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Maritime transport is especially important for the Pacific islands, as it is the mode of transport for more than 90 per cent of trade in the subregion, as well as for provision of crucial services, such as health care, employment and education, to outer island dwellers. Available from laccessed 15 dune 2016). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! In response, since 2008, CORFO in collaboration with KfW has been providing low-cost funding to commercial banks for financing renewable projects. In its first phase, the programme allocated nearly USD 140 million, mostly to small hydro projects. In 2011, the programme was extended by USD 90 million, and again in 2014, when it received USD 133 million to specifically target solar projects (OECD, 2016). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Slums swelled at the same time as new settlements appeared. Since 1998, the sector has been revitalised through the introduction of a tax linked to sales of cement, which will provide financial resources to the Fonds Social de l'Habitat (FSH), which provides a levy of 15 centimes/kg (Fawzi Zniber, 2015). It involved 324 000 households (1.6 million inhabitants) in more than a thousand districts in 85 cities, of which nearly a third concentrated in the Casablanca agglomeration alone (AFD, 2011). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Student benefits went even further with the preferential treatment of student work until October 2010, when Parliament adopted a new bill that abolishes student work and introduces mini jobs.17 Student work was an extremely flexible form of employment in terms of hiring and firing as opposed to regular employment, which is still heavily regulated in Slovenia. Employers also benefited from lower social contributions when they hired students, as students did not pay social security contributions (see Box 2 for more details). Student workers enjoyed major benefits. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Unlike the Millennium Development Goals, the Sustainable Development Goals are universal and comprehensive goals that give equal importance to the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development. Islands of prosperity surrounded by poverty, injustice, climate change and environmental degradation are viewed as neither sustainable nor acceptable. Bridging such a gap is a formidable task, especially in least developed countries (LDCs). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! We contend that the issues of Human Rights are central in the plays of Harold Pinter, English playwright and Nobel Prize winner for literature in 2005. By focusing on two of his early plays both published in 1957, The Room and The Birthday Party, we show features of human rights concerns which have been neglected in previous research on Pinter. While the two plays have been analyzed from the perspective of absurd drama, we argue that they exhibit latent manifestations of Human Rights features. To prove our contention, we choose three focal articles of the Human Rights Charter – Article 2 entitled “Don’t discriminate”, Article 5 named “No Torture” and Article 12 specified as “The Right to Privacy” – to show the initial stages of Pinter’s inclination towards Human Rights which became overt in his later plays. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They facilitate student learning of the content through presentation of the content in clear and meaningful w'ays and through the integration of technology. Candidates in advanced programmes for teachers demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the content of their field and of the theories related to pedagogy and learning. In Australia, the national ICT Competency Framework has been proposed. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Council of Higher Education and the Galilee Development Authority could create a forum to enhance regional collaboration and demand-led education provision in the region. Other important participants in this forum would be the Ministry of Minority Affairs and the Arab Affairs Desk with the Prime Minister’s Office. In addition, the region would benefit from sustained community development programmes that help build capacity in communities in responding to change and social, economic and environmental challenges (see Box 4.6.). The regional competitiveness approach argues that regional capacity can be nurtured and developed by identifying their competitive advantages. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The abuse of methamphetamine is also increasing in Kenya. West Africa did not play a key role in the synthetic drug market until recent years. The reasons behind the change, part of an overall increase in global illicit demand for amphetamine-type stimulants, may be explained by weak controls on legal imports of their precursors and the socioeconomic situation in the subregion. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Such standards may cover the content and duration of training, the assessment of training outcomes and the competences of those who supervise trainees (see Box 3.1 for an example from Denmark). A clear legal framework can be an important support for work-based learning - the lack of insurance against industrial accidents sometimes inhibits companies from taking on trainees. Box 3.1 includes elements of the legal framework for workplace training in the Community of Madrid, Spain. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! This is because when the buyer is tasked with ensuring the sustainability of the supply chain, it is much simpler to do so with a smaller number of large producers. This would certainly be true if such labels were mandatory government-led efforts. It might be true to a lesser extent if the labels achieved such market share as to become de facto mandatory. As to the first of these concerns, there are currently no mandatory PCF labels. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Some colleges have taken steps to build their capacity in this domain, for example the Tel Hai Academic College and ORT Braude. Enterprise support services for students remains at a low level. Colleges see their role as regional change agents but deliver this role mainly through community service. It has been instrumental in training most of the hi-tech engineers in the country. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Korea is also not listed as a non-Annex I country here, as it is assigned a basic contribution share as part of replenishment GEF cycles. Some share of these resources could be used for climate-related purposes. Some developing countries also provide development assistance, as discussed below, though these amounts are not systematically measured or tracked, systems for doing so have to date been developed by and for “traditional” developed country public finance providers (Dreher et al., It can also be difficult to monitor this information, developed countries have taken many years to establish systems that allow them to better track financial flows, let alone those targeting climate change action in developing countries. Even then, such tracking has generally been limited to public resources aimed at development, broadening the coverage to other financial flows and private climate finance can be complex. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It leaves out much of the important economic policy agenda put forth by developing countries in international negotiations. While they do include a specific goal on the building of a global partnership for development (Goal 8), its wording is weak and lacks quantitative targets in several aspects. However, they fail to mention equity, empowerment of people, sustainability, security, and building sustainable productive capacity for economic growth. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Overall, transfers operate basically on the family environment of origin of adolescents and youths. In the intermediate stage (the early years of adolescence), these policies act on the regressive distribution of learning and educational attainment and especially target dropout and disaffiliation, trying to encourage education system attendance and retention. But health conditionalities do not necessarily cover the entire population of adolescents and youths. In fact, the requirement for regular medical check-ups extends to age 18 in just 6 of the 16 cases recently reviewed. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This mainly reflects the severity and length of the crisis in these countries. Among the family types considered in Panel B, individuals in a couple relationship are the least likely to live in a no earner-household not in receipt of unemployment benefits. This reflects the role of dual-earner couples in stabilising household income when unemployment rises during a recession. Indeed, the sustained growth of women’s labour-force participation over recent decades and its rising resilience during economic downturns has reinforced many families’ abilities to cushion earnings losses (OECD, 20011b). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Complexity is intrinsic to such programming, which addresses issues that are deeply rooted in cultural mores, values and belief systems at both individual and societal levels, and where much of the achievement of results is dependent on factors outside the control of UNDP. When gender analysis and mainstreaming were lacking, it was more likely that gender-negative, gender-blind or gender-targeted results occurred. Other examples of the link between institutional and gendered development results were seen in programming that explicitly recognized and developed capacities to ensure that all stakeholders could consider themselves gender experts, which then were applied to programming and policy work. Other programming elements included selecting gender-aware partners and strategically adapting programming based on the changing needs on the ground. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 If it does not effectively address that challenge, India will continue to face weak private investment and modest economic growth. The Government's policy initiatives have centred around the so-called 4Rs - recognition, resolution, recapitalization and reforms (India, Ministry of Finance, 2018). The central bank strengthened its asset quality review in 2015, which found significant quantities of non-performing assets. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 This requires strong institutional capacity and regulatory frameworks, which are often lacking in many developing countries. By adding local content to projects and by adapting RETs to local conditions, it is possible for developing-country first-mover manufacturers to benefit from domestic and international demand for RETs. Trade in RETs has in fact been brought into focus, for instance, as a possible contribution of the WTO to global climate mitigation efforts (see Vikhlyaev, Fliess, Zhang and Jha in this Review). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Pockets of evidence from the region suggest that parent anxiety and inter-generational discord relating to discipline can increase as the age gap widens. For example, grandparent foster-carers of children orphaned by HIV in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa reported a feeling of disharmony in relationships with their grandchildren and problems relating to discipline (Nyasani, Sterberg & Smith, 2009). In South Africa, one reason why adolescents worry about the replacing of a biological parent is that parents are valued for their unconditional commitment to provide for their children (regardless of actual ability to do so). Relatedly, parents are also valued for their role in introducing children to their ancestors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Serbia is due to adopt a new energy strategy though the associated action plan for the sector is lagging somewhat behind. This indicates that they are still developing policy, legal and institutional frameworks and that relevant legislation is not adopted and/or fully aligned with the relevant Energy Community acquis. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, at the time of the assessment, the energy law was not yet Third Energy Package-compliant and a clear strategy for the whole sector, including measurable objectives, is not in place. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Alternative results are presented for a more ambitious scenario in which the proportion of renewable sources increases from 20 percent in 2010 to 50 per cent in 2025. The REN 21 study examines the potential for renewable energy sources for electricity generation, heat and cooling, and transport fuels. The corresponding figures, at the regional level, are given below in Figure 6/ In the basic version of the model, each country within a region is assumed to adopt the same mix, as determined by the regional potential. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The second document that formulated a vision and consecutive policy actions is the Age-friendly Manchester programme, which was launched to bring the city’s policies in line with the World Health Organization’s Age-friendly Cities approach. Toyama and Yokohama have adopted a legal approach through a “Local Autonomy Law”. The process of formulating a vision for development followed a similar pattern in all of the cities assessed. Each included engaging the wider public and the private sector. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The key requirement is quick action based on the highest possible levels of accuracy. It is therefore critical that the estimation of post-disaster damage should be made in an objective and reliable manner with evidence-based quantitative information. This combines PDNA sectoral assessment methodology with the use of real or near real-time satellite data including geospatial solutions (Box IV-4). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It also provides an overview of student performance in reading and science, and describes the evolution of performance in these subjects over previous PISA assessments. The volume also reveals differences in how equitably countries allocate resources and opportunities to learn to schools with different socio-economic profiles. Case studies, examining the policy reforms adopted by countries that have improved in PISA, are highlighted throughout the volume. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Cambodia has a high potential for renewable energy and a fledgling solar industry, spurred in part by donor financed programmes over the past decade. Despite this, no renewable energy policy exists and no incentives are in place to spur the uptake of grid-connected renewables, and power development plans do not reflect the potential for green energy in the country. Similarly, there is no policy framew'ork in place to support energy efficiency. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Governments might also promote comparison labelling (to inform consumers on the relative efficiency of products) or endorsement labelling (e.g. “CFC-free”). Framework policies that give primacy to market signals and which open markets for competition are also demand-oriented in an important respect (but are not considered in this study in detail). Demand-oriented policies focus on the end stage of the innovation cycle. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Households with valid information in all four waves can be at risk of moving into or out of poverty for one, two or three waves in the UK and for one or two waves in the rest of the countries. Table A1 in the Annex shows the same estimates in non-graphical format). Mean relative income growth rates have been calculated for each base-year decile group. In each period, income growth among children is clearly pro-poor: relative (per cent) income growth is highest in the poorest decile, although the pattern is slightly different for each of the four periods considered. Mean income growth in the poorest decile slowed down over time: it went from 212% between 2008 and 2011 to 122% between 2009 and 2012 and 146% between 2010 and 2013. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Given the need to avoid undue burden on countries for preparing an adaptation communication (Article 13.3), this structure could be used for the adaptation chapter of a country’s National Communication. There is a good match between these information needs and the information that countries are already requested or able to report to the UNFCCC via National Communications, adaptation communications or NAPs. However, some of these information needs, such as the results from individual adaptation actions or broad adaptation strategies, may be difficult to assess and quantify. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 A growing population with higher average income requires more food, more industrial products, more energy and more water, thus placing additional strain on the earth’s material resources and the environment. As production and consumption have become displaced with increasingly globalised value chains, questions also arise about the distribution of the environmental burden associated with resource use. This includes actions and investments to support technological change and innovations, and integrated life-cycle-oriented management approaches, such as 3R policies, sustainable materials management and circular economy initiatives. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Abstract This paper presents an innovative operationalization of world-system analysis through attributional data, and makes use of an innovative Artificial Neural Network computational tool, the Auto-Contractive Map (AutoCM), to analyze the core-periphery structure of a database including five well-known, publicly available indicators that can jointly be considered an empirical proxy of an open society formulation of Western governmentality: World Competitiveness Index, Freedom of Press Index, Economic Freedom Index, Corruption Perception Index, and UNDP Human Development Index. We find clear evidence of a core-periphery structure in the data, which is largely coherent with a benchmark version obtained through an alternative computational method, the Self-Organizing Map (SOM). Moreover, we find that the resulting meta-geography of the world-system is still shaped by the colonialist geopolitics of the British Commonwealth as the key organizational backbone. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It identifies three principles and related issues, which policy makers might wish to assess the financial dimension of their water policies and to strengthen it. The next section compiles recent developments on the use and the relevance (and limitations) of economic instruments to lower the costs of water management and generate revenues to cover these costs. Finally, a set of related issues are explored, such as governance and the role of the private sector. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These methods are classified as long-term reversible methods and include intrauterine devices, injectable hormonal methods and hormonal implants or skin patches. The first stylized evidence, based on data from the Perinatal Information System of Uruguay's Ministry of Public Health, shows the clear prevalence of unplanned pregnancies among adolescents and youths from lower-income, less-educated sectors (Diaz Rosello, Fernandez and Filgueira, 2014). But the higher the age bracket, the more likely more marked patterns of lack of planning become among less-educated women (see figure IV.7). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Other complementary factors—most importantly a recipient s entrepreneurial skills—are crucial for making credit more productive. Most poor people do not have the basic education or experience to understand and conduct even low-level business activities. The corresponding shares in Pakistan and Sri Lanka are about 70 and 40 per cent. There is no one single solution to global poverty. The solution must include a broad array of empowering interventions and microfinance, when targeted to the very poor and effectively run, is one powerful tool (Daley-Harris, Pollin and Montgomery, 2007, p. 1). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Accessing international capital markets can also be difficult for many developing countries. These challenges can be further exacerbated for clean energy infrastructure projects, as lenders may be reluctant to lend due to an insufficient knowledge of local markets and a higher technology risk. Ensuring access to affordable finance will require developing country governments, in particular, to combine a short-term strategy of facilitating access to international financing and a longer-term approach. The latter would need to address the full range of risks and limitations that increase the cost of financing for clean energy, including: the shallowness of the domestic financial market, key informational, social or behavioural risks related to clean energy financing, and the limited number of financial products that are available and suited to the sector’s financing needs. In some countries, like Brazil or China, bank lending has played a predominant role, with state-owned and/or national development banks being the main sources of long-term financing. In China for example, banks hold around 80% of the total loan portfolio for infrastructure (Walsh et al., - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The small sample size also exacerbates the estimation concerns arising because, in GMM, the number of instruments can easily become “too large” relative to the number of observations (Roodman, 2009). Among other things, this required focusing on a parsimonious set of control variables. Indeed, extending the baseline specification (for example, to look for non-linearity or heterogeneity of the effects) provided inconclusive results (see below). All these caveats suggest that quantifying the inequality-growth nexus remains a daunting task and that the coefficients estimated and discussed below are to be taken as indicative. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The presence of strong women’s movements and civil society groups that advocated on behalf of gender issues was also key to gains in terms of development results that promoted GEWE. The lack of gender analysis explains to some extent why so many UNDP gender results are gender targeted, gender negative or gender blind. The tools and processes to make GEWE relevant to the work of staff members in programme design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation have also not been sufficiently developed and applied. The gender marker and the results-oriented annual report, as well as monitoring and evaluation, require further refinements and a more consistent application if UNDP is to increase the quality of its gender interventions and reporting and the assessment of its contributions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Considering the steep fall in unemployment in the recent period, the imbalance between labour supply and demand seems to account for an ever-increasing proportion of persistent unemployment (Bassi and others, 2012, Cazes andVerick, 2013). To achieve this, it is important to create national vocational education and training systems that recognize the triple relevance of knowledge-building and skills development, meaning that training and educational content accords with employers' requirements, the aspirations of individuals —especially young people— and sustainable development needs (Biavaschi and others, 2012). In this context, and in view of the identified weaknesses, special emphasis must be laid on non-university technical training (lacinto, 2013). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! These include individual institutions (e.g. Adaptation Committee), institutional arrangements (e.g. the Nairobi Work Programme) or funds (e.g. the Adaptation Fund). As outlined in these reports (see Briner et al 2014, Adaptation Committee 2013), some of the current institutional architecture for adaptation is relatively recent. For example, the UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) both work on adaptation-related issues. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It would impact their ability to effectively export financial services, and for their financial institutions to compete with developed and developing country institutions. Virtual interactions and e-transmissions require the support of skilled professionals, seamless connectivity, and high-end technology, together with strong distribution networks, customer service set-ups, adequate financial support, and an efficient regulatory system that facilitates trade and enhances the ease of doing business. The inadequacy of such structures in LDCs and small states hinders the productivity and efficiency of service suppliers and their ability to compete in the global market and to connect effectively to global supply chains. Smaller service suppliers from small states, LDCs and developing countries, which plug into these supply chains, and business models, and complete the loop, makes them critically dependent on such niche firms. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__8, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The prize has connected peace and child rights at the highest levels of morality, peace and society. I have been meeting a number of prime ministers and presidents and have had very good meeting with the UN Secretary-General and also with other UN agencies. It is at a stage where the government and intergovernmental agencies have to prioritize children because every single minute matters, every single child matters, every single childhood matters. To pay for travel and secure work abroad, aspirant migrants may have to borrow large amounts from agents. The agents and employers can then manipulate this credit to entrap workers. Other people may be forced to work as a result of incarceration or physical or sexual violence. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Since river basin flood hazards are frequently transnational, these efforts need to be re-energized and consolidated into a regional warning mechanism. For this purpose there have already been a number of pilots that can be scaled up and replicated. In the Philippines, for example, with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), a landslide early warning system was successfully set up 2012 in the municipality of Saint Bernard in the province of Southern Leyte. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The project was first implemented in academic year 2010-11 on a pilot basis, and the Ministry has announced intentions to extend self-evaluation to all schools. The Ministry had made clear that the self-evaluation project is an effort to develop a culture of evaluation in a country where teachers have strongly opposed evaluation initiatives in the past. But this is only a first step toward a more comprehensive evaluation policy framework. As illustrated in Figure 1.17, a comprehensive system involves multiple components. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This involves optimizing processes and reducing defects to achieve better management and more efficient use of time and resources. This in turn can lead to greater customer satisfaction and an enlarged client base - domestically (for example, in public procurement) or internationally. For firms and developers in developing and transition economies, quality standards are relevant to building trust among potential foreign clients - a key parameter to win offshoring contracts. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! A classical system for expressing pollution with mainly organic matter from point sources is the saprobiological index. This system is also used in the country. Irregular sampling and determination is done by the University of Skopje, Faculty of Biology. Even if it is an older presentation, Map 7.6 shows clearly the high sewage pollution with dominant water quality classes III (alpha-mesosaprob) and IV (polysaprob), especially below bigger cities such as Skopje, Veles, Bitola and Stip, as well as the Vardar River, the Cma River, and the Bregalnica River. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 While soil losses, aquifer depletion, and nutrient over-applications have been slowed through the application of technologies and the financial support and incentives provided by public policy, increasing commodity demands and climate stresses pose new threats. The sector’s capacity to meet these new demands, while maintaining and improving its record of sustaining natural resources, depends critically on the further development and diffusion of innovations in farm inputs, farm production, food marketing, and public policy. Further developments along these lines will be crucial. However, investments in science, which have played a primary role in supporting past productivity growth, continue to provide the largest opportunities, and challenges, for meeting future demands for agricultural products. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In Kyllo vs. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the use of sensory-enhancing technology to see through traditional privacy barriers constituted an illegal search in violation of the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protections. This article examines the history of Fourth Amendment applications involving the use of technology by government officials. The authors discuss the implications of Kyllo in light of emerging technologies available to the government as a means of gathering incriminating evidence against persons either engaging or conspiring to engage in criminal behavior. Ultimately, they argue that the Kyllo standard for the application of sensory-enhancing technology has important implications for the future of law enforcement and the ongoing fight against international terrorism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Department is responsible for all State Reserves and all other PAs of international or national importance, as well as the Red Data Book of Turkmenistan. It fulfils a function in terms of Government control related to natural resources management and PAs. The relevant unit consists of seven persons at the Ministry in Ashgabat and around 70 staff in MoNP provincial representations. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 While health care spending has declined in real terms in Italy during these different periods, significant growth rates have been reported in other OECD countries. Differences in health care spending are also found between Italy and European countries. In 2011, public health spending (after control for price levels) was 36% higher in European countries than in Italy. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Amin Amir is the most popular and prolific political cartoonist in modern Somalia. His work is disseminated digitally and in print across the Somali territories on a daily basis. His appeal to such broad audiences is remarkable given the extreme political fragmentation of the media environment and that his renderings of broad themes of Somali political discourse (as well as highly localised developments) are all transmitted digitally into the region from the diaspora. This article explores certain recurring discourses in these ‘texts’, including corruption, political violence, ‘clanism’, and endemic external interference in Somalia. Building on theories of popular geopolitics and diasporic civic agency, it argues that analyses of such material must be attentive to the particular political, linguistic and socio-cultural features of the cartoon form within distinctive media settings. Considering the technological context of these texts’ dissemination into dynamic public spheres of Somali political debate, i... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Indeed, progress has slowed in a number of areas and the remaining gender gaps are often very large in emerging economies. Further improvements are not inevitable, but will depend on effective policy action. The recovery from the global economic crisis has been weak in large portions of the developed world and clear signs of a slowdown are evident in many emerging economies. In this context, increasing female labour market outcomes represents a very important untapped resource with the potential to boost productivity and revive economic growth (Ferrant and Kolev, 2016, Hsieh et al., - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Residential schools, on the other hand, contribute to the enhancement of the academic performance of students, including that of girls, by sparing them the burden of travelling long distances and performing domestic chores. One of the disadvantages of residential schools is the risk they pose of physical and sexual abuse: indigenous girls are often at risk of becoming pregnant and then dropping out of school and in some cases, expelled from school. Not only is the enrolment rate for indigenous children, especially for the girl child, very low, but there is a higher dropout rate among indigenous children. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In the Brussels Capital Region, where the Flemish Community government is responsible for the 250 schools providing education with Dutch as the language of instruction, additional support is provided by the Flemish Community Commission in Brussels. The school board can finance the part which is not subsidised by means of a loan guaranteed by the Flemish government. As reported by the representative groups and stakeholders interviewed by the OECD review team, it is common for private and municipal schools to use a portion of their operating grants to pay off the loan that covers the portion not funded by public sources. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Their relative productivities rationalize the observed pattern in the household division of labour that leads to optimal household utility. Later on, game-theoretic household models have emerged to explain household dynamics. Manser and Brown (1980) and McElroy and Horney (1981) highlight the role of divorce laws and employment opportunities in determining the 'fallback position' or 'threat point' of the partner or spouse. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! ""There are two well known rules of law which are applied by English courts when one of the parties seeks to rely upon standards found in public international law. Regarding customary international law, Brownlie suggests that this is the rule: 'customary rules are to be considered part of the law of the land and enforced as such with the qualification that they are incorporated only so far as is not inconsistent with Acts of Parliament or prior judicial decision of final authority."""" However, 'treaties are only part of English law if an enabling Act of Parliament has been passed.'2 Rather than being automatically incorporated like custom, treaty law must be transformed by the legislature if English courts are to be able to apply it.3"" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Overall supervision and some international relations on forestry issues at State level remain with MoFTER. The institutional framework in the forest sector is in general similar in both entities, with the main difference relating to the different administrative and territorial oiganization systems. Both entities suffer from a lack of capacity and capabilities in their forestry institutions, as well as inadequate coordination for international activities and obligations, and operations requiring the involvement of both entities. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Effective policy mixes should be based on a coherent and complementary' set of policy instruments, and avoid overlapping or conflicting interventions. This approach is now used by a majority of OECD countries for electric and electronic equipment, packaging and tyres. In France, EPR schemes exist for 14 different product groups and Japan has EPR in place for home appliances, packaging and end-of-life vehicles. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Output volume of the food processing industry fell in every year from 1990 until 1999, except 1997. From 2000 to 2008, the annual average growth in processing of food products, including beverages and tobacco products, was 9.5%, and the value of production in 2008 was KZT 734 billion (USD 6 billion). The share of food processing, including beverages and tobacco products, in industrial output in 2008 was 7.2%. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ABSTRACTDespite the burgeoning literature on Russia’s renewed power politics, little attention has been paid to the fact that US reactions towards Russia’s military interventions were all but coherent. The USA has chosen weak measures in Georgia in 2008 (shaming) compared to its assertive response in Ukraine in 2014 (sanctions, hard deterrence). This article assesses the explanatory power of neorealist, liberal and constructivist theories for the variation in US reactions towards Russian interventions in Georgia and Ukraine. Our argument is that the constructivist perspective explains the cases best as it highlights the power and communality of normative assessments. The Ukraine crisis was perceived by the USA as a violation of core international norms, especially the non-use of force and the principle of territorial integrity. Relevant international norm carriers shared this assessment of the conflict. In contrast, the perception of the Georgian war centred on the issue of democracy promotion. While demo... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example by washing atlowertemperatures, avoiding tumble-drying, avoiding fabric conditioners, avoiding certain care products, technical (and aesthetic) lifetimes can be extended. Environmental impacts of laundering are simultaneously reduced. Information on howto carry out simple repairs can also extend lifetimes. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Changing the area would require the model to be able to allocate water demand for irrigation according to different crops and actual locations, this facility is currently not available. Even if the Enuironmental Outlook Baseline projection were to consider a modest expansion of irrigation,1 the associated growth in irrigation water demands would not alter the total demands decisively. These are increasingly determined by much faster growing demands for domestic and industrial use and electricity production. Other projections of total water demands show a comparable picture (Shen, 2008). However, despite being equipped, the area is often not irrigated for various reasons such as lack of water, absence of farmers, land degradation, damage and organisational problems. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The programme seeks to ensure equal access to education and promote the right of young people, as well as equity in terms of gender and ethnicity. To this end, it provides a conditional cash transfer to these households, so that adolescents and youths can regularly attend and stay in secondary school. The transfer, which may be granted up to university studies, varies in amount according to the school cycle that the young person is in. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It is a useful tool for policymakers seeking to promote gender equality and improve women's well-being. Using a sample of 13,505 couples from the 2008 China National Time Use Survey (CTUS), this study examines the relationship between bargaining power and the amount of time allocated to household and care work and market work. It is found that wives spend a longer time working in a day (556 minutes) than husbands (520 minutes). The findings also show that the impact of bargaining power on women's time in unpaid work is complicated. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, about a fifth of the software associations surveyed for this report stressed that the general business environment in their countries constituted a barrier to growth. Given the variety of issues that can be considered under such a broad area, a discussion of relevant policy options needs to remain fairly general. The status of the ICT infrastructure was noted in chapter II to be of high relevance. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Normally, long-term exposure is required before harmful effects are seen. Reduced generation of hazardous wastes may indicate reduced industrial activities in a country, introduction of cleaner production in the industrial processes, changing patterns in consumers’ habits, or changes in national hazardous waste legislation. Waste represents a considerable loss of resources both in the form of materials and energy. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Around 10.5 per cent of them are living with HIV. Data at the national level, however. As evidence regarding the effectiveness of different services and treatment programmes (needle and syringe programmes, opioid substitution therapy, antiretroviral therapy and the provision of naloxone) becomes more accepted in the countries, it is expected that more targeted service programmes will be implemented in the region. The provision of psychological treatment services has been expanded in some countries in the region to respond to the demand for treatment for amphetamine-type stimulant use. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter provides an overview of transition systems across OECD and partner countries, focusing on trends in organisation and governance. It describes four main policy challenges/or smooth transitions, accompanied by a wealth of practical strategies devised by participating countries for tackling them. Finally, it draws out some pointers for policy development to provide some food for thought on improving transitions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Table 11.15 lists the cantons in which over 25% of children are housing-deprived: Los Chiles, Talamanca, Garabito, La Cruz, Upala, Carrillo and Buenos Aires. These cantons are located on the borders with either Nicaragua or Panama, apart from Garabito (with 30% housing-deprived children), which is located on the Pacific Ocean. Costa Rica shares a 312-kilometre border with Nicaragua. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 These rules are quite similar, although they may differ with respect to the range of organizations which could be granted observer status (e.g. intergovernmental organizations, international and national NGOs, governmental bodies, trade unions, the private sector). At the same time, all these joint commissions consider the observer status as a main mechanism for NGO participation in their activities. Other joint bodies have set up similar criteria for granting observer status. For example, according to its rules for granting the observer status (2002), the Oder Commission requires submission of: (a) a description of organization, its competence and the experience which it could bring to the Commission’s work, the last name of a representative who will participate in the meetings, (b) an explanation how the organization believes its input could be beneficial for the Commission’s activities, and (c) written confirmation that the organization accepts the obligations of the Convention and the rules of procedure. Observers cannot take part in the process of adopting decisions. Representatives of observer organizations take part in the activities of expert groups. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Uranium resources are well-distributed around the world, with an important share in OECD countries (especially Australia, Canada and the United States). Because of these properties, nuclear energy played an important role in ensuring the security of energy supply in many OECD countries. Update on the Crisis Capability Index and the Supply/demand Index Quantification for EU-27, ECN-E-07-004/CIEP, In this context, a source of energy such as nuclear, which is not strongly dependent on the access to imported fuels and can produce electricity with domestic infrastructures at a stable cost, provides the basis for reliable energy supply. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Increases in house prices slowed down around the period of the financial crisis, but then price inflation went back to its pre-crisis level. Overall, house prices in household income increased sharply, and after falling around 2008, the house price to rent ratio returned to rising sharply. Recently, house prices declined in energy-producing regions, continued to rise strongly in Vancouver and Toronto, and have risen modestly elsewhere. In this context, the purchase of real estate often becomes unaffordable for low-income families who, as it will be seen in the next section, are increasingly likely to rent their homes. The standardised price-rent and price-income ratios show the current price-rent and price-income ratios relative to their respective long-term averages. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Despite a 92% enrolment rate in education up to age 14, Brazilian youths still underpcrform their peers from other countries significantly in terms of competencies (Figure 16). This suggests that the bottleneck is no longer access but quality. The quality of public secondary schools tends to be lower than that of private schools, resulting in easier access to high-quality public tertiary education for graduates from private secondary schools. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! There was a discussion between Matsentralen and the regional Food Safety Authority in Oslo about about how many days before expiry of use-by date that retail shops could donnor food. This was clared out in the autumn 2014. However, the four Nordic countries included in this study have defined food banks different with regard to the role in the supply chain, which in the next hand can give quite different situations with regard to what is accepted and not to be redistributed. The role of food banks in redistribution of food in the Nordic countries should be further discussed in Phase II of the project. This should be clarified and harmonised as far as possible. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Since the Human Rights Act 1998, scholars and courts have dedicated considerable attention to the presumption of innocence. A major strand of the ensuing debate has focused on the scope of this safeguard. Many academics have argued in favour of according to the presumption a substantive- as opposed to a procedural-role. In otherwords, these scholars maintain that the presumption set in art. 6(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) should have some influence on the definition of criminality. Courts seemsympathetic to this approach, albeit not following it to the full extent. The article, instead, defends a procedural understanding of the presumption of innocence, on the basis of interpretive arguments concerning art. 6(2) ECHR. Besides, it shows that adopting this conception does not entail lowering the protection of the individual before the substantive criminal law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Indeed, the level of slack exceeds the rise in unemployment because hours worked have been cut for workers who have remained employed, while other potential workers have withdrawn from (or remained outside of) the labour market in response to poor job-search prospects. Estimates of these other forms of slack are discussed later in this section, after a fuller analysis of the impact of the recession on conventional employment and unemployment measures. The increase in unemployment has been especially sharp in Spain and Ireland, just over 10 and 8 percentage points, respectively. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Despite human rights abuses, the ten-year conflict in Nepal brought aspects of empowerment to women, changing their role in the family and community, as women became active outside the home, challenged the security forces, and began to assert their rights as citizens. Drawing on a research project into the participation of women in community development projects in three areas of Nepal, the present article examines how far development agencies in the post-conflict period have succeeded in furthering women's citizenship rights, and in giving voice to women's concerns and participation. It argues that development organisations and agencies have continued to operate mostly without including the voices of women, and women are disappointed by these non-participatory and top-down development models, which are leaving women's status as second-class citizens unchallenged. Women are consequently exploring alternatives. The article uses examples from the field and interviews and focus groups with marginalised women... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These arguments are not valid for normal frequent variations in yields or production, but for catastrophic risks that have low probability of occurrence and generate high and systemic damages (OECD, 2011a). Covering normal risks with government support programmes crowds out farmers’ proactive management of risks and creates moral hazard. The most appropriate policy response to market failure is the investment in information and databases. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Sound environmental management also encompasses major goals such as significantly expanded use of sustainable energy sources and increased energy demand management. This section considers these capacity requirements, first for the government sector and then for energy suppliers, the private sector, and civil society. These requirements are critical, but they are not specifically related to the energy sector and as such are better addressed in a broader, cross-sectoral discussion of environmental capacity requirements. Although increased end use energy efficiency and reduced end use environmental impact are among the goals articulated above in Section 5.2, the sector-specific capacity requirements to achieve this are beyond the scope of this paper. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Decision rules may combine current states and trends of indicators with seemingly ad hoc rules, such as not allowing changes in the TAC in consecutive years. Managers and stakeholders agree a priori about the indicator data, the decision rules, and the period over which the rule will be used. An operating model is typically used to generate ‘true’ ecosystem dynamics including the natural variations in the system (Figure 4.4). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This was demonstrated for polychaete and molluscan taxa from the equatorial Seychelles relative to their counterparts at high latitudes in the Atlantic and Pacific (Mackie and others, 2005). Another example of the non-generality of the relationship between latitude and diversity is that of MacKay and others (in press), who found that the soft sediment shelf macrobenthos of the central KwaZulu-Natal Bight on the east coast of South Africa (~28-29°S) are abundant and rich, and are comparable to some of the highest levels of richness in marine unconsolidated sediments found elsewhere, as reported by Gray and others (1997). The Annelida were dominated by Polychaeta which were particularly diverse (49 families). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In the first, the forested land is owned by a private company. In the second, external landowners are part of the scheme, both public and private. These examples are included to showcase forest-related examples, which may be replicable to other situations where the maintenance of a sustainably-managed forest is crucial for water quality. Nestle Waters, owner of the Vittel brand of bottled water, entered into long-term (30-year) contracts with the 26 largest farm operations in the watershed. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Special efforts should be made in countries where social norms are most conducive to occupational segregation, and gender gaps should be tackled early in students’ lives, when returns to education are highest and before gender-biased social norms may be absorbed. Work-based learning (WBL) and apprenticeship schemes can facilitate the transition from school to work and encourage labour market participation among young women at high risk of becoming inactive. Moreover, apprenticeships can be an effective measure to encourage women who have completed their science, technology and mathematics studies to work in scientific fields (OECD, 2012). Evidence from OECD countries shows that even when women pursue STEM studies, they are less likely than men to subsequently work in physics, mathematics and engineering. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""See, e.g., art. Such preferential treatment is not considered to be discriminatory when it has as its purpose to diminish or eliminate conditions that cause or help to perpetuate discrimination.55Thus.any law, programme or practice that seeks the amelioration of disadvantaged conditions of individuals or groups cannot be considered discriminatory. International human rights instruments prohibit discrimination as to """"race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status” (see, e.g., art."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Strengthening public primary and community care would also result in fewer self-referrals to hospital emergency departments for minor ailments and conditions where treatment costs are much higher. Finally, managing chronic conditions better within primary care settings would contribute towards preventing deterioration and the need for hospital care. For example, GPs and private family doctors linked in to the myHealth system are now able to make referrals for services that could previously only be requested by hospital specialists. Additionally, the range of services provided in primary care has been expanded to include, for example, chronic disease management clinics and healthy lifestyle clinics. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It may be worth considering the creation of larger management units that could use economies of scale to put more rigorous quality assurance procedures in place. An assessment of whether economies of scale could be achieved if municipal water systems were grouped together might be made a condition for subsidies, as is the case in Austria. For example, while Dublin reduced the level of unaccounted-for water from 42.5% in 2003, it was still 37% in 2008.22 However, unaccounted-for water outside the Greater Dublin Area remains high, with levels in some localities exceeding 50% in 2008. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Countries trade with a world market, so the model does not consider differentiated bilateral trade (i.e. maize from Mexico is the same as maize from South Africa). The combined group of OECD countries is also projected to have a larger population compared to 2010, except in a few EU countries, as well as in Japan and Korea, where populations are forecast to fall. Overall, GDP in OECD countries is expected to almost double, and global GDP is expected to increase two-and-a-half times between 2010 and 2050. There is some progress towards achieving development goals, reducing resource and energy intensity, and decreasing fossil fuel dependency. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""For example, the 1993-94 survey for Cambodia had a detailed consumption recall list of some 450 items (Gibson 2005, 137). Therefore, it should not be assumed that a non-monetary approach is more data-demanding"""". And while monetary poverty and employment questions are time consuming to collect, other indicators may be significantly faster. A second legitimate query is whether the MPI takes longer to compute."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 To improve the health situation of indigenous peoples, there must thus be a fundamental shift in the concept of health so that it incorporates the cultures and world views of indigenous peoples as central to the design and management of state health systems. It is shaped by indigenous peoples' historical experiences and worldviews, and is expressed in the rules and norms that are applied in the community and practised by its members. To promote health and prevent illness, an indigenous community seeks to recuperate and maintain its interior and exterior equilibrium, including the harmony between community members who are sick and the world around them. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Making health systems more equitable"""", Lancet, vol. Accordingly, efforts by official donors and global health partnerships to transfer resources to improve health in developing countries would be more efficient and better attuned to the spirit of the Millennium Declaration if programmes and projects explicitly incorporated into their objectives the reduction of inequalities in health and other pertinent areas. Social advantages are often the result of socio-economic development, and are related to cultural, political and historical factors, natural and “built-in” environments as well as public policies."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Total funds are released according to the timeline presented in Table 3. These so-called """"social tariffs"""" are not linked to LpT, but available also to urban consumers. Those who use up to 30 kWh per month pay only 35% of the regular residential tariff, while those consuming between 31 kWh and 80 kWh per month pay the reduced tariff of 60% of the regular residential tariff."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In turn, adaptation policies to climate change affect the choice of power generation technologies. The geographical scope is in general limited to certain countries as local circumstances matter (power generation mix, demand and hydrology). The only contributions with a global scope stem from Davies et al. ( - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The availability of extracurricular activities and services is seen as a strength of school education in the Slovak Republic as this sector plays an important role in the production of social capital. It also allows increasing the role of local revenues and parental contributions, especially when public support to this sector is targeted to the most disadvantaged student population. In turn, investments to support school education through the Integrated Regional Operational Programme, which are funded by the European Regional Development Fund, are aimed at the improvement of school infrastructure, the provision of material and technical equipment in classrooms, laboratories, and resources for language teaching, and the creation of centres for dual vocational education and training. There is a special emphasis on the infrastructure needed to expand pre-primary education provision, especially in those municipalities with marginalised Roma communities (Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, 2014). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Social insurance funds collectively negotiate with regional Medical Chambers and other health professions regarding health care provision in the areas of ambulatory (or outpatient) and rehabilitative care and pharmaceuticals. Efforts were made over a number of years to achieve more joint planning, governance and financing by bringing together the federal and regional levels and coordinating these with social insurance funds. The 2013 health reform was an important step in this direction, introducing a federal and nine regional commissions on health system governance involving all relevant actors (see Section S.3). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The ten selected projects will benefit from streamlined issuing of permits and the possibility of regulatory incentives, cross-border cost allocation, and funding under the European Union’s (EU) Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance and the Neighbourhood Investment Facility. In addition, two electricity and eight gas projects have been approved as Projects of Mutual Interest with the EU. It will require sustained political and institutional will if the economies are to achieve both national and regionally shared objectives by implementing the adopted legislative and regulatory' frameworks. At present compliance with the EU Third Energy Package is patchy at best, but is an essential prerequisite for the interoperability of the SEE and EU energy systems, as well as for improving the productivity and competitiveness of the sector at regional and national levels. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The key elements are economic stability and growth, supportive trade regulations and a sufficient domestic capacity of the manufacturing sector. Restricted access to global markets through trade barriers limits the opportunity for productivity increases and expansion of the manufacturing sector. While limited access to global markets prevents the implementation of new technologies due to lack of access to innovations, trade barriers hamper the creation of demand for new products. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 State subsidies for education could be utilised to reduce the gap between private and social returns, internalising some of the externalities. The first one is a macro approach, drawing on the empirical growth literature. The role of human capital accumulation in explaining income differences across countries and over time is explored extensively (Mankiw etal., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Some countries have reached the economic limit in terms of sewerage connection and must find other ways of serving small, isolated settlements. In the BRIICS countries significant improvements have been made over the past two decades with an average of 89% of the population of the BRIICS having access improved drinking water sources. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The report gives a broad definition of IDRIS, listing requirements for qualification as IDRIS and possible additional features. Different organisational forms exist with or without legal identity, but a key point is that IDRIS should have clear added value. The OECD reports provide relevant information for IDRIS, summarising issues on road mapping and single-sited large international research infrastructures that may also be applicable to IDRIS. Often, only parts of these entities (as opposed to entire entities) collectively constitute the infrastructure. The agreement need not necessarily define a new legal entity, or be legally binding. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Abstract This article uses the Convention on Cybercrime as a case study to illustrate the functional integration of international law into diverse national legal systems through the paradigm of treaty harmonization. Nations control the impact of international regulation on domestic business interests by implementing legislation to preserve fundamental rights. Thus, the sovereignty-based legal harmonization model better explains the baseline characteristics of national sovereignty while recognizing that global cooperation in business is a necessary and positive feature of multilateralism. Critics dismiss sovereignty as irrelevant, claiming instead that a “new world order” has emerged in its place. That kind of deconstructionist talk typically injects fear of multilateralism into the global business community. However, the premise is flawed because it ignores the actual mechanics of treaty accession and the synergy between international law and commerce in the global legal environment. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As mentioned above, the overall biodiversity rating is good for the coastal zone of mid Norway according the Nature Index of Norway (Gundersen et al., Expansion of kelp forest and associated species has led to an increase in the index, however a decline in coastal populations of (e.g. coastal cod), mammals (e.g. grey seal, Halichoerus grypus) and birds (e.g. common eider), has led to an index decrease (Gundersen et al., The mean depth of the Baltic Sea is 55 meters and the deepest parts are approximately 400 meters. A strong salinity gradient effects both biodiversity and ecosystem function. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In 2006, for example, a severe dust storm deposited 30 kg of sand per person in the Beijing area. The long-term decline in the number of dust storms appears to have been caused by the rise in temperatures in China’s desert areas. While this could be caused in part by global warming, it appears to be linked to more local factors. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! There is a training centre for PES staff at the Japanese Institute for Labour Policy and Training, employees will be asked to attend a certain number of training sessions during their career. Although many job vacancies are accessible on the PES website (, jobseekers are still often advised to visit Hello Work offices in person (this is discussed further in Chapter 3). Compared with the current 550 principal and branch offices, the PES had about 700 thirty years ago, since many offices in remote areas have been closed since. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 It covers 27 EU member states as well as Norway and Iceland. Most of the 14 child-specific items available in the EU-SILC 2009 refer to children5 aged 1-15, apart from the two items related to school education that apply to school-age children only. The EU-SILC 2009 methodology specifies that if one child in the relevant age category lacks an item, all children in the household are flagged as lacking this item. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In the broader public sector (including civil servants and employees in utilities) they have been smaller, reflecting the high job protection that civil servants enjoy, even several years into the crisis. The losses have also fallen disproportionately on the less educated and immigrants, as they tend to be employed in the hard hit cyclical industries, such as services and construction (NBG, 2012) (Figure 2.14). The self-employed have also been affected as many of their businesses have closed. Household real disposable income fell by around 30% between 2009 and 2012. Earnings from self-employment have also declined, given extensive business closures, but reliable data are more difficult to find (Matsaganis, 2012). Apart from the recession and fiscal consolidation (affecting mainly public sector employees), the decline in earnings among salaried workers has been influenced by the fast rise in individual wage contracts. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Similarly, the jobseekers who were interviewed by brokers also suggested that they had not considered retraining or up-skilling to work in this sector and that existing IAG available in London often lacked any detail on green job opportunities, something that a targeted programme was able to provide. This resulted in many of the forecast job opportunities that this programme was developed to fill being postponed. To overcome this, REAP brokers sought job opportunities in retrofitting businesses outside of these Mayoral projects. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Public hospital-based physicians are salaried employees. Despite the commitment to the Health System being legally enforced, policy concerns have been raised over regional differences in population health status, and access and quality of health services (OASI, 2016). This calls for an effective performance management of hospitals, clinics and professionals at regional level (OECD 2014). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This opening chapter examines the consequences of the aestheticization of everyday life, by historicizing the role taste plays in the social mediation of value. It engages the literature on the social impact of the aesthetic dimension by placing counterpositions from Kantian aesthetics, the sociology of culture, critical theory, postmodern theory, and cultural studies in relation to changes in the political economy. Across this discourse, it focuses on a central line of concern emanating from a dialectic between beauty and alienation, one that raises the importance of aesthetic judgment in the determination of social forms, just as taste is enlisted to resolve an economy in crisis. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 AbstractThis article draws on a rich empirical literature on comparative corruption and rich theoretical literatures on the related topics of institutions and credible commitment to analyze China’s newest anticorruption campaign, ongoing today. It argues that the campaign differs notably from previous efforts. In addition to its most obvious features of longer duration and higher reach, the campaign has significantly changed the structure of Party and government incentives so as to reduce bureaucratic opportunities for corruption and structural obstacles to anticorruption enforcement. These features constitute important steps toward anticorruption institutionalisation and credible commitment to good governance. The article concludes by proposing some strategic policy choices to promote and protect anticorruption gains. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Chapter 10 on Sustainable Public Procurement provides examples of reductions in C02 emissions in Europe and Asia and shows how a planned programme of increasing sustainability in public buying can lead to job creation, innovation and improved efficiency. “ Poverty Alleviation Through Sustainable Tourism Development"""", a UNESCAP Publication (2003) lays out how sustainable practices in the tourism sector can and do lead to a reduction in poverty. Virtually every sector, in every country will have success stories to tell of how SCP has helped in reducing poverty."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Hydrologists have derived stream response functions for use in a variety of different hydrologic settings. For this case, assume that Ctj = fly(S,r) where S is the aquifer storage coefficient and r is the aquifer transmissivity (units are square feet per year). This equation can be modified to account for seasonal pumping. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Biotechnology and synthetic biology have enormous potential for addressing the environment, climate crisis and loss of biodiversity through more advanced biofuels and “cleaner” agriculture—that is, agricultural processes with less input of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and/or a reduction of carbon dioxide through artificial leaf technology. Nuclear and isotopic techniques to track and quantify carbon, water and nutrient movement and dynamics are also used to increase agricultural productivity, resilience, and the sectors greenhouse gas emissions. In Sudan, the application of climate-smart agriculture has allowed hundreds of women, many of whom are refugees or internally displaced persons, to start small-scale farms and home gardens in extremely arid areas. In some areas, such as digital technologies, which are characterized by very low marginal costs and wide distribution through platforms and networks, performance, cost and applicability across sectors is improving at exponential rates. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! More than 60% of the total surface area of the country' is covered by agricultural land, most of which is managed intensively and intersected by a dense netw ork of ditches (around 300 000 kilometres), streams and lakes (Oenemaetal., Recent figures from Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS) indicate that the Netherlands is the world’s second largest exporter of agricultural products, following the United States. In 2012, the total value of Dutch agricultural exports was EUR 75.4 billion. The Dutch agri-food industry contributes EUR 52.5 billion of added value to Dutch GDP, accounting for some 20% of the country’s total export value (CBS et al., - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! ""In most OECD countries, hospital performance is measured either as absolute targets or observed changes overtime. Estonia and the Netherlands also use P4P in primary care but did not provide additional information. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom also use P4P for outpatient specialist cate but did not provide additional information. The categoiy """"other"""" refers to hospital management in Luxembourg and the efficient use of medication in France."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In some OECD countries, transfers are subject to broadly the same tax treatment as wage income (e.g. Nordic countries) while in others (e.g. Japan) they are largely untaxed. Adema and Ladaique (2009) provide estimates for net public social expenditure, i.e. adjusting for the impact of the taxation of social benefits and tax breaks with a social purpose as well as for indirect taxes. This leads to a reassessment of the magnitude of welfare states and to a greater similarity in social expenditure-to-GDP ratios across countries. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Utilities are obliged to purchase renewable energy electricity from different sources according to pre-defined ratios in order to foster more cost-efficient renewable energy technologies. Experience in Poland and Sweden shows that the legislator needs to set a sufficiently high penalty payment to enforce compliance with the quota obligation. The penalty should exceed the marginal generation costs for renewable electricity. Quota-based mechanisms sometimes operate without certificate trading and can also be combined with tender mechanisms or feed-in tariffs (FiT). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Sluggish productivity growth over the past two decades raises the question of how to develop better skills and use them more efficiently to achieve stronger and more inclusive groivth. Improving the performance of compulsory and tertiary education would help all students acquire the right skills. Ensuring adults upgrade their skills is another key challenge, which involves strengthening the adult learning system. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 While there are several exceptions, in many countries the poverty rate tends to be inversely proportionate to the age of the person. Thus, in most countries, poverty among the 55 and over age group tends to be lower than the average (see figure 1.8). I 8 5 - list' ! Paraguay (2011) and Plurinational Stale of Bolivia (2011). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There have been many and varied efforts to train public officials, and/or to include capacity-building on violence against women in the official curricula for these professions. Such trainings and capacity-building efforts have been found to be most effective, and implemented rigorously, when they are mandated in law and developed in close collaboration with non-governmental organizations. Under article 7 of the Albanian Law on Measures against Violence in Family Relations (2006) the Ministry of the Interior is charged with training police to handle domestic violence cases, and the Ministry of Justice is responsible for training medico-legal experts on domestic violence and child abuse and training bailiffs on service of protection orders. Draft legislation on protection orders in the Netherlands, if passed, will mandate a training programme for police. The quality of police and prosecutor work is crucial in determining whether court proceedings are instituted or a person is convicted. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It must be coordinated with the other policy areas highlighted in this Report, in particular employment, social protection and social services. It must support, rather than undermine, efforts to redress women's socio-economic disadvantage through employment policies, social protections and social services. This involves considering a broader set of goals and indicators—for example, considering potential trade-offs between maintaining very low rates of inflation and employment outcomes. It also requires ensuring that sufficient resources are available to support the realization of human rights. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, public opposition and environmental concerns about shale oil, natural gas, nuclear energy and some projects like the Red-Dead conveyance project must be taken seriously to ensure the sustainability of these government initiatives. There is a lot of room for improvement in Jordan’s green growth agenda. Having taken some concrete steps already, there is reason to believe that Jordan has a good foundation on which to build. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article focuses on the role of justice claims for issues of global governance. Con­ flicting justice convictions held by states can become considerable stumbling blocks for multilateral negotiations. Normative claims which call for strengthening individual rights, such as human rights or human security, often collide with statist sovereignty convictions, such as the right of non­intervention, territorial integrity and non­ interference. Conflicts between negotiating parties also occur on questions of distribu­ tion, recognition and procedural justice. The article argues that such justice conflicts affect the outcome of negotiations. Two recent negotiation processes and governance efforts at the United Nations are examined: the Responsibility to Protect (2005) and the Arms Trade Treaty (2013). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Canal companies were among the first enterprises to be organized in the corporate form and to require large amounts of capital. This paper examines the stockholder review committee of a 19th century corporation, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company (C&O), and discusses how the C&O used this corporate governance structure to monitor and improve financial management and operations. A major strength was the concern and dedication of the stockholders to the company, while a major weakness was the political control exerted by the State of Maryland. The paper provides an historical perspective on corporate governance in the 19th century. This research contributes to the literature by providing detailed workings and practices of a stockholder review committee. The paper documents corporate governance efforts in archival sources that provide an early example of accountability required in a corporate charter and the manner in which the stockholders carried out this responsibility. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This result should be interpreted with care. Mexico’s relatively low gender pay gap also likely reflects selection effects around the relatively small share of women whose expected payoff incentivises participation in the labour market. A recent decomposition of the gender wage gap in Mexico attributes about half of the gap to differences in women’s and men’s endowments (including human capital) and employee characteristics, the other half remains unexplained (De la Cruz Toledo, 2016). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Restricting investments in generating capacity to sources that offer the best financial return at a given moment has long-term implications for the country’s energy security and for the value chain of technologies that are momentarily ignored. For this reason, the governments of Brazil and Uruguay, for example, are considering specific measures to support biomass, which is in danger of extinction owing to the recent success of wind power. Apart from policies that promote efficient electricity use, the most important measures in this regard will seek to replace the most polluting generating sources by cleaner alternatives and, where possible, by renewable energies. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 To reduce the impact of year-to-year sampling variability, country-level estimates are presented as three-year averages. In: FAO [online]. Methods for estimating comparable rates of food insecurity experienced by adults throughout the world. Low height/length-for-age is an indicator that reflects the cumulative effects of undernutrition and infections since and even before birth. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The WECs were launched in 1994 to encourage the establishment and growth of women-owned businesses, encourage self-employment, and promote economic equality between men and women. This mandate is supported through measures to promote the concept of entrepreneurship to women, increase their access to capital, and provide services to help them develop experience, expertise, assets and credit histories. The WECs, as one-stop shops for potential and existing women entrepreneurs, are considered by the Canadian government as key to increase the take-up of government support services among women and ensure that they have better access to support services. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The model then estimates the overall prevalence of diabetes, disability-adjusted life years, and total direct health expenditure enabling estimates of cost effectiveness, cost-utility and cost-benefit. This choice is a function of predicted health status, objective measures of health, and individual characteristics. Predicted health status is a linear combination of past health status and individual characteristics estimated via an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model. This enables examination of both the short term impact of the intervention on health care expenditures and taxes as well as a longer-term view of the impact on health, health expenditure, employment and GDP. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Scholarship has traditionally portrayed transnational NGOs (TNGOs) as ‘principled’ actors animated by global norms to advance human rights, sustainable development, humanitarian relief, environmental stewardship, and conflict resolution. However, scholarship has also identified instances in which TNGOs appear to act ‘instrumentally’ by engaging in resource-maximising behaviour seemingly inconsistent with their principled nature. Moreover, prior scholarship addressing this puzzle has been constrained by the limitations of small-n case studies examining relatively narrow subsectors of the TNGO community. Addressing these limitations, we reexamine the logic of TNGO behaviour in light of findings from an interdisciplinary, mixed-method research initiative consisting of in-depth, face-to-face interviews with a diverse sample of 152 top organisational leaders from all major sectors of TNGO activity. Using an inductive approach to discover how TNGO leaders understand their own behaviour, we introduce the heuristic of ‘principled instrumentalism’ and specify our framework with a formal model. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These are new structures and it will be essential to ensure that effective dialogue between central and provincial public health agencies, hospitals and hospital unions occurs, to ensure that local health needs are met. However, there is at present no systematic adverse event reporting in place, which could be an area for future consideration. The focus so far has been on structural and organisational components of hospitals, broadening the programme towards clinical outcomes of health-care services seems advisable to make the model more useful for formative functions such as quality improvement initiatives within hospitals. Development of a reporting and learning system should be led by the Department of Health Care Quality and Accreditation and the Public Hospital Institute. Strengthening the involvement of all stakeholders in the standard setting process and increased transparency on the process of evaluation and scoring would also help to further increase the acceptability and impact of the programme. It is troubling that at present strong disagreements exist between the profession (Turkish Medical Association, Nurses Association, Midwives Association), and the government on mutual roles and responsibilities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Governments’ choice of funding modality can produce powerful incentives for organisations to perform in preferred ways, but it can also divert limited resources, narrow accountability, and undermine capability. Through literature review and interviews, the research explored the international literature on public finance management in developing country contexts, and compared this to case studies of Indigenous organisations. The situation in Australia was found to differ in three ways: (1) performance indicators are imposed, rather than negotiated, (2) few existing public funding modalities reward performance or provide incentives, and (3) funding arrangements do not generally require receiving organisations to be accountable to their constituents. Stability and durability of funding modalities, and clarity in functions and jurisdictional boundaries, were also found to positively influence performance. Further research is required to design new performance frameworks that build around the organisation, rather than the grant, with indicators of governance capability and downward accountability to constituents. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Income Inequality has declined in many of the countries that experienced sustained economic growth, while increasing in countries with negative growth. In most countries whose per capita income/consumption grew during this period, growth was faster for the bottom 40 per cent of the population. Others have a more :omplex decision-making mechanism in place. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 With the rising role of science and technology in actual production processes, the importance of education and skills is likely only to increase. Education also enhances a persons capability to pursue ent repreneu rsh ip. Unlike physical capital, human capital cannot be redistributed by taking from one and giving to another. The only way to ensure the attainment of an equitable distribution of human capital is to allow more people to attain that capital through education and training. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Cross-Country Evidence on the Effect of Gender Inequality in Education on Economic Development”, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. Org/p/ got/iaidps/102.html, accessed January 2014. Growing Public: Social Spending and Economic Growth Since the Eighteenth Century, Volume I: The Story, Cambridge University Press. The History of the Family, Vol. World Bank, Women’s%20Empowerment%20ICRW%202002.pdf. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Cyprus, the preparation of ESD school plans have been officially incorporated in primary education and are currently being piloted in pre-primary education. At a later stage, they will be introduced in secondary education (Cyprus, 2014 informal report). The Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture, through the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, has written the Guide for implementing EE/ESD in school to support the design and implementation of school plans and to support teachers as they use include the EE/ESD curriculum in the framework of the school plan. In 2013, Finland suggested that approximately 40 per cent of schools have an SD plan in place, with another 11 per cent planning to do so. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! This report presents the opinions of Michigan’s local government leaders regarding the direction in which the state is headed, as well as their evaluations of the job performance of Governor Rick Snyder and the Michigan Legislature. These findings are based on statewide surveys of local government leaders in the Spring 2018 wave and comparisons to previous Spring waves of the Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The sole reliance on personnel appraisal risks to focus on the performance of individuals only and to lose sight of the ways in which individuals can contribute to the improvement of the whole school. This requires a reflection of how school evaluation will be aligned with teacher appraisal and, in particular, school leader appraisal to create synergies and to avoid duplication and misconceptions. School evaluation will need to contribute towards school improvement and not simply be an exercise in compliancy. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Countries that spend the most on cash transfers tend to concentrate more on redistribution across the life-cycle (in particular through old-age pensions). In contrast, those countries that focus more on redistribution between the rich and the poor, through extensive use of targeting, spend less. They reduced income inequality, as measured by the fall in concentration of market income before and after transfers, by about 19% in the late 2000s. Those countries that spend the most are not always those where the redistributive impact is strongest. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In this book the author argues that judicial activism directed to the protection of human rights and dignity and the right to due process is an essential element of the democratic rule of law in a constitutional democracy as opposed to being ‘judicial overreach’. Put differently, protecting human rights, especially of the vulnerable and marginalized, through judicial decision-making in a constitutional democracy is here held not to equate to judges ‘making law’ (as opposed to interpreting law). Rather it represents courts interpreting and explaining what the constitution mandates the statutory and common law in a democratic society is or must be if it is not so already. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Social injustice and systematic violations of human rights create cultures of violence and harm. This chapter explores the relationship between elements of social justice (e.g., distributive justice, procedural justice, and equity), human rights, and various elements of peace processes (e.g., negative-positive peace, peacekeeping to peacebuilding), which can be used to advocate and foster cultures of peace. The influence of globalization on the burgeoning child sex tourism trade provides a case study to examining the interplay between human rights, social injustice, and direct, structural, and cultural forms of violence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, at second sight, land-use change and the use of natural resources during electricity provision are one of the most elusive aspects of full cost accounting. Second, studying the impacts on land-use change poses a fundamental methodological challenge for full cost accounting: much land is, in fact, privately traded and public land falls under strict regulations in OECD countries. Many land-use changes are thus already effectively internalised through changing property values in real estate markets or through existing land-use regulations. However, land has a social as well as a private value. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Furthermore, in many Asian countries there is a strong sense of family commitment which often involves the provision of (care) support for elderly relatives (in-law), although this may have diminished over the years in more affluent countries such as Japan. Other contingencies, such as unemployment benefits, labour market programmes, family allowances, maternity supports, social assistance benefits are much less widespread in Asia than in OECD countries. The third section discusses issues around the extension the coverage of social protection benefits among elderly citizens considering pensions, non-contributory benefits as well as the Singaporean provident fund. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In addition, Hyantar distributed, free of charge, 68,000 stacked cubic metres of deadwood. However, these do not include illegally felled material, which is very hard to estimate, which is almost all for energy use. Strong demand is driven by the high price of alternative fuels, notably gas, in rural areas, leaving poor rural families with no alternative to unrecorded/illegal fuelwood removal. It is estimated that total removals in Armenia are around 535 thousand m3. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 United Nations and bilateral development agencies) and local software firms. Coded in Country identifies and establishes relationships with local firms, then helps them to develop corporate profiles and case studies to highlight their skills. Profiles are published on the Coded in Country website ( and communicated through the initiative’s network of international development partners and professionals. These same channels are used to notify local partners of upcoming business opportunities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This could, at least partly, be because in rural zones, the male partner often migrates or works away from home for lengthy periods (e.g., seasonal agricultural work). Seven countries have achieved a faster reduction in incidence among male headed households, specifically Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama Paraguay. In these countries, the gap between the two groups of households ranges from 10 percentage points in Mexico to 50 in Argentina and also in Paraguay, a country where female headed households have recorded the only increase in extreme poverty in the region. In contrast, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru and Uruguay display progress among female-headed households ranging between 11 and 47 percentage points higher than those headed by men. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""Cascading failures led to the blackout in 11 different western states of the United States, on 10 August 1996, and to the largest blackout in the United States’ history on 14 August 2003 (Crucitti et al., Again, the wider distribution and multiple grid connections of SMRs offer certain advantages here. This makes SMRs a “modular"""" investment, characterised by the option of small power increments through the deployment of successive units. Each generating portfolio is characterised by its expected return, expressed by the internal rate of return (IRR) and its standard deviation (Markowitz, 1952)."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In 2009 and 2011, when grain crops were abundant, the FCC withdrew from the market around one-quarter of the harvest, with FCC’s purchases considerably exceeding its sales. In the 2010 drought year, the operations were reversed: the FCC released additional volumes of grain onto the market that equalled nearly 40% of that year’s crop. In addition to domestic operations, the FCC is involved in international grain trading. As an operator of state grain resources and commercial trader, the company uses its own funds to purchase grain for exports. Export sales are closely linked with its domestic operations and more likely represent an activity to balance the company’s grain stocks than a regular trading business. Thus, FCC exports have been extremely variable, ranging in 2001-11 from 1 000 tonnes (2005) to 835 000 tonnes (in 2003), as was their importance relative to FCC’s domestic sales and Kazakhstan’s total grain exports (Figure 2.5). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On the other hand, Dominica's pre-existing conditions limited its options and fell far short of meeting the total costs of Hurricane Erika, even though those costs have probably been underestimated. This is despite both countries being eligible for overseas development assistance (ODA).16 as well as having similar eligibility criteria for grants from IFIs (see Table 5). From a bilateral perspective, one of the reasons could be that Vanuatu has a much closer political relationship with its major bilateral donor, Australia, than the relationship between Dominica and Japan, its major bilateral donor. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""Indigenous peoples are at an increased risk of suffering from tuberculosis. Whilst programmes have been designed to combat tuberculosis, they often do not reach indigenous peoples because of issues related to poverty, poor housing, a lack of access to medical care and drugs, cultural barriers, language differences and geographic remoteness. These instruments include provisions for the right to life and for the """"right of everyone to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health"""",12 with some specifically recognising the rights of individuals from marginalized populations, including indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter analyses the tension between a justiciable right to property and a state-led agrarian land reform program in a postcolonial context by examining Zimbabwean Constitutional law. It starts by presenting the conceptual framework that underlines the nexus between land reform, the right to property and justiciability. This is followed by a discussion of the various land reform policies adopted by the government of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 2013, focusing on the relevant constitutional and legislative arrangements. The chapter then analyses these constitutional and legislative frameworks and outlines their implications for human rights justiciability. It concludes that a national constitution and human rights norms may not realistically address the issue of land reform in a postcolonial situation such as Zimbabwe. Rather, the solution lies in a combination of constitutionalism, human rights norms and international diplomacy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Cooperation with the local authorities is weak and monitoring data are not used by local authorities to develop mitigation measures. Private and public enterprises are obliged by law to self-monitor and report on emissions and discharges, but rarely so do. No environmental electronic database or statistic exists. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Shortages of skilled workers have been one of the drivers of rising unit labour costs in 2013 (Eesti Pank, 2014b). The number of vacant jobs for highly skilled workers and for skilled non-manual workers has risen well above pre-crisis levels whereas it has fallen for unskilled and manual jobs (Figure 2.1). The number of vacancies is relatively large in the ICT industry, a sector in which Estonia has developed a strong comparative advantage. Nonetheless, in international comparison, unskilled workers have relatively low unemployment rates (Table 2.2). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The assessment provides spatially explicit data on the basis of which priority areas and corresponding priority actions are identified. The NBA has also been used to develop biodiversity sector plans at the local and district levels. Overall, the quality and quantity of data available in South Africa has been instrumental in mainstreaming biodiversity in a number of key sectors, including agriculture, mining and water infrastructure, among others (Manuel et al., - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In other countries, the range of services actually covered by secondary coverage depends both on the scope of the basic benefit package, on effective access to covered care, and on government regulations on possible roles for private health insurance. In several countries for instance, PHI is not allowed to cover cost-sharing left by the public system (see Table 19). This is the case in Australia, Canada, and Switzerland. Such coverage is allowed in Finland, but only for health care services dispensed by providers that are not eligible for funding by public health coverage. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Of the five models compared, the one with the most detailed representation of end-use technologies found “energy efficiency and end-use technologies constitute first rank options to cope with severe climate constraints” (Kitous et al., This includes rapid penetration by mid-century of electric vehicles and low-energy buildings, with the diffusion dynamics of both end-use technologies modeled endogenously. The policy-induced technological change in climate change mitigation scenarios is a major point of departure from historical energy transitions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The approach, however, is based on the recovery of incurred costs (all or part of them), and does not focus of w'ater charges as a method to raise revenue, The implementation of water charges would help to tackle future water challenges such as an economic crisis or fiscal consolidation efforts that generate severe restrictions on public expenditure, and climate change related impacts, i.e. maintain water infrastructure efficiency and adapt water supply system to potentially decreasing bulk water resources. In other words, it is desirable to move towards a pricing scheme that is able to consider medium- and long-term objectives for enhancing water security and resilience, placing emphasis on long-term sustainable water availability levels, rather than on consumption levels. This framework law was complemented and detailed by the Decree-Law No. The Polluter-Pays principle and the Beneficiary-Pays principle were established for the first time in the 1987 Framework Law for the Environment, but remained merely “ink in the paper”. Six years later, in 1993, an attempt to approve the necessary regulations and implementation procedures failed to a large extent because of the resistance of the agriculture sector. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The framework defines an overall picture of cross-curricular priorities across all levels of education, whereas the curriculum specifies detailed content of instruction for each grade. Table 5.2 provides an overview of these frameworks available in each country, covering primary and lower secondary education (Annex 5A for more details). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A number of tax incentives are provided for construction of HPPs (2012 Order of the Tax Committee, No. The Law identifies the obligations of state authorities, owners and operators of hydrotechnical structures. In order to implement this Law, in 2014 the Government established the Service for State Surveillance over the Safety of Hydrotechnical Facilities subordinated to the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources. The aim of the Service is to regulate the safety' of these facilities w'ithin the country, as well as to enforce state control in this area. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Pupils are also introduced to the concept of sustainable development. The topics include, among others, the anthropogenic impact on the environment in Belarus: contamination with radionuclides due to the Chernobyl NPP accident, and local problems of air and soil pollution and surface and groundwater contamination as a result of economic activities. In grade XI, pupils are given a scientific understanding of the environment within the context of development. Topics include heat savings in residential houses, the use of alternative sources of energy (wind and hydro), and environmental problems caused by production, transmission and use of electricity. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In this respect, some LDCs will be able to take advantage of the window of opportunity opened by China’s likely delocalization of the lower end of its manufacturing industry, through a combination of integrating domestic firms into manufacturing GVCs and attracting FDI. Domestically, this strategy should be complemented by policies on clustering, export promotion and labour costs. Policymakers need to expand the financing made available to these firms through national development banks or commercial banks. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! ""In terms of socio-cultural factors, in patriarchal contexts women’s empowerment is more likely to lead to increased conflict and IPV at least in the short term. Hence, the relative status of women and men in terms of decision-making and how their power and resources compare to each other is an important contributing factor for increased IPV (Hughes et al 2015). This seems especially common in situations where a man is unable to fulfil his gender-ascribed role as """"bread-w inner” and a w'oman is beginning to contribute relatively more to family maintenance, or where a woman takes a job that defies prevailing social convention (Hughes et al.,"" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Under the Paris Agreement, reporting arrangements for finance refer to three new categories of countries: “developed”, “developing”, and “other countries” that provide and mobilise resources. In the absence of a definition of which category countries belong to, there is more flexibility for countries to interpret these terms and decide which reporting provisions best apply to them. The provisions for flexibility are more nuanced in the Paris Agreement, with the term applying more specifically to those developing country Parties that need it in the light of their capacities (Art. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The author and preservice teachers in a postbaccalaureate Issues and Reform in Secondary Education course engaged Ernest Stringer's (2004) model of action research to develop generative curricula. They adhered to Walter C. Parker's (1991, 2006) vision of public formation and essential social studies teaching and used student-centered teaching based on students' knowledge needs, which were determined through observation, formative assessments, and two questionnaires. As suggested in Parker's work supporting participatory democracy, the public, including public school teachers, must engage in public discussion and become active in the government's activities of solving public problems. In this article, the author focuses on procedures teachers can follow to implement action research to motivate public understanding and participation in the social studies classroom. Through generative curricula, the students exercised participatory citizenship for democratic ideals promoting cultural diversity and fairer eco... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For admission to higher education, the successful completion of upper secondary education is a minimum requirement in most OECD countries. In most systems, the actual grades obtained only have an importance for the selection into specific programmes. The level of standards determines the passing threshold which decides on students’ progression to higher education. Higher standards in assessment for qualification and certification can form an obstacle for low-performing students and can contribute to reducing overall higher education admission rates. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It serves as a resource and forum for agencies, aiming to achieve a comprehensive federal government approach to policy on women and girls. Council members are the heads of every federal agency and major White House office, reinforcing the statement of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright that in “our government, responsibility for the advancement of women is not the job of any one agency, it’s the job of all of them.” After analysing each federal agency’s focus on women, the council works to ensure that each agency is directly improving the economic status of women, as well as developing and evaluating policies that establish a balance between work and family. The council has also focused on finding new ways to prevent violence against women through co-operation with the Vice President and the Justice Department’s Office of Violence Against Women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, the digital representation of assets on decentralised marketplaces (tokens) enables investors to trade ownership or proceeds (e.g. electric power) efficiently. Existing studies suggest a cost reduction of more than 10 percentage points of tokenisation in comparison to conventional IPOs (Uzsoki, 2019). However, this is highly case dependent and it is difficult to extrapolate implications from general market numbers. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Distributional effects may also occur between countries associated with changes in patterns of trade in fossil fuel. Brazil has introduced programmes to expand the supply of safe and reliable energy to the poorest segments of society, including those living in remote rural areas. Pereira, Vasconcelos Freitas and da Silva (2011) show that rural electrification in Brazil leads to a significant reduction of the energy poverty level and a consequent improvement in energy equity. Similar conclusions have been reached for Bangladesh, (Barnes, Khandker and Samad, 2011) where 58% of rural households are energy poor, versus 45% that are income poor. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Strong links with surface water. The basis of the cooperation is the 1992 Agreement between the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan on the joint use and protection of transboundary waters. Issues of transboundary significance are discussed in the Kazakh-Russian joint commission, and monitoring data is shared in the intergovernmental working group on allocation of flow of the Bolshoy Uzen/Karaozen and Malyi Uzen/Saryozen. The land area requiring irrigation largely depends on the actual availability of river water (depending on the hydro-meteorological conditions), and ranges from some 1,960 ha in wet years to 45,980 ha in dry years. The transboundary Pre-Caspian aquifer (No. Three reservoirs in Kazakhstan are the Sarshyganak (46.85 x 106 m3), the Ajdarchansk (52.3 x 106 m3) and the Rybnyj Sakryl (97 x 106 m3) reservoirs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In any event, stark inequity continues to coexist with high levels of absolute poverty. As also indicated above, the current crisis can be expected to lead to a slight increase in poverty and inequality. Such a crisis requires that members of society perceive the asymmetries as critical and that the foundations of social integration and consensus have weakened (Habermas, 1989). Regarding subjective opinions, data indicate that perceptions of distributive justice are generally in line with “objective” data, given that in 1997, 2002 and 2007 by far most of the population of Latin America considered income distribution to be unfair or very unfair (80%, 87% and 78%, respectively). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This concerns primarily the lack of a coherent affordability analysis regarding the fiscal commitments stemming from PPPs. It is important to ensure the integration of the PPP deal flow into the ordinary budget process. There does not appear to be a coherent way that the long-term commitments that PPPs represent are integrated into the budget process. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! These challenges also hamper LDC firms’ expansion, employment generation and moving up the value chain. The state of infrastructure is a key pillar of a country’s overall competitiveness. In the face of unreliable access to electricity, domestic and foreign investors are discouraged from investing in economic sectors that are capital- and energy-intensive, including manufacturing and especially its higher value added branches. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Even after controlling for income and other factors, several studies find that the unemployed are less happy than the employed (Di Telia et al., As shown by Goldsmith etal. ( The duration of unemployment also matters, since well-being deteriorates as unemployment spells increase. Compared to pre-crisis levels, unemployment duration has increased substantially. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This involves strengthening relationships within government, and between government and other partners, in an on-going process of policy co-ordination that embeds social protection within broader social and economic policy planning. Figure 6.2, adapted from Uganda’s successful approach to integrating social protection within its development planning process, illustrates the process. For example, the shaded box depicts a potential area for intra-sectoral linkages. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The factors presented include strengthening country ownership, greater mainstreaming of environment and climate change in development co-operation, less fragmentation of climate funds and improved access to finance for LDCs and SIDS. The need to define climate finance, enhance transparency and increase the amount and predictability of resources are also considered. The OECD, working alongside other key research and policy partners, can play a role by contributing to work under the UNFCCC to develop a transparency framework for climate finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Reforms can occur in political, economic, social and administrative domains and contain ideas about problems and solutions and are typically understood as initiatives driven from the top of a system or organisation. This defines innovation as “the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service) or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations” (see Box 1.2). In this definition, implementation refers to the introduction of a product to the market, or the actual use of processes, marketing methods and organisational methods. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, the stimulus that these policies provide are very small at the macroeconomic level, and are far from fully counteracting the crisis’ negative effects on real GDP growth (figure 13). The policy of cash transfers appears to be the least effective in this sense, although its results are not enormously different from those produced by the VAT reduction policy or elimination of customs tariffs on food products. These results are consistent with expectations at the macroeconomic level, indeed, if the simulated policies can provide a rapid response to the socioeconomic harm of the crisis, their effects are only transitory and, as a consequence, are not sustained enough to address alone concerns about economic recovery. To effectively boost growth, specific policies would have to be implemented to encourage accumulation and efficient use of production factors, along with improved productivity. However, measures which flow from such policies are not generally applied immediately and cannot be seen as rapid responses in cases of exogenous shocks. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! To the lack of knowledge and capability, and hence very limited absorption capacity, should be added the presumption that none is needed (Arnold and Thuriaux, 1997). One step higher in Arnold and Thuriaux’s taxonomy of SMEs, firms have minimum technological capability. The gap with academia is such for these SMEs that no interaction is possible. Without specific hands-on support based on proximity' and mid- to long-term commitment, these companies are bound to reproduce the same activity, which puts them in danger of a change of context. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As a result, Denmark has the highest penetration among EU countries of ICT in health care (see Section S.3). Since diagnostic assessment within 30 days of referral is guaranteed by law, private practitioners may also receive patients referred from public sector providers and paid for by specific agreements with the regions (see Section 5.2). Group 2 classificaton enables tiee (Twice of GP and Gee access 10 specialists without referral but requires a co-payment The region subsidises expenses for Group 2 patients up to the cost of the corresponding treatment for a patient in Group 1. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This activity will be the responsibility of the managers, who will work in conjunction with staff responsible for the use and management of the industrial machinery in question. This planning system would also afford access to the after-sales services offered by prestigious suppliers, involving the provision of specialist technical assistance on the use of their inputs. Such certifications would be added to those already granted by the Forest Stewardship Council. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Consumption declines slightly, with a mean decline of 3 percent. The direction of responses is common to all models, but the magnitude of responses varies significantly across models, crops and regions. Although the average consumption decline is relatively small, the price increases caused by the inelastic nature of global demand are likely to increase food costs significantly for the poor. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Estimated tax payments are then divided by net income {i.e. gross earnings minus personal income tax and employees’ social security contributions plus family benefits). For instance, food, water supply, medical care and public transport are often granted reduced rates or exemptions.31 This approach typically implies a considerable dead-weight loss and people at higher income levels often benefit more in absolute terms since they consume more. In the case of Mexico, the total implicit subsidy due to the zero-rating of food was estimated at some 1.8% of GDP in the mid-1990s (Dalsgaard, 2000). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The Act does not apply to any environmental damage that occurred before the date the Act entered into force. It stipulates that from 1 July 2012, every operator must prove financial coverage of liability for environmental damage, including expected costs of remedying environmental damage, not later than 100 days after approval of relevant business activity. To date the regulations on liability have not been applied. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Through this programme, all the staff (including grounds, janitorial, housekeeping, culinary etc.) Furthermore, the STEEP-developed course on Environment and Sustainability has become a feature of the BEd programme in eight teachers’ colleges. This course, along with three other relevant courses - citizenship, personal development (life skills), and health and family life education - have been made compulsory for all pre-service teachers in the programme, regardless of specialisation (early childhood, primary, or secondary). As such, while government policy may not require new teachers to have training on ESD, these teachers’ colleges are nonetheless helping to ensure that they do. These individuals have succeeded in attracting important resources to advance teacher ESD in the region, in particular through the UNESCO Chair of Teacher Education and Culture and the ACCU-UNESCO Centre of Excellence project. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Yeah, so he got the money from them [Centre Link]. I didn't get paid when I was in there [in Ethiopia].” But she recalls that it has been very difficult, particularly when her second son was born,as she was at University taking a degree in film-making and had to balance childcare with study. Her mother was back in Ethiopia and both her sisters were also studying, so she needed to send the children to childcare five days a week. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Policy tools to increase employer engagement in VET are discussed in section 2.2. In Mexico some elements are already in place or are being developed. For example, five levels of competences already exist under the Council for Standardization and Certification of Labour Competences (CONOCER) and a competence-based approach has already been applied in upper secondary VET, although difficulties have occurred with the updating of these competences. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Previous consumer research on waste has prioritized disposable and low-involvement possessions. The authors extend scholarship into the context of obsolete buildings as a means to better engage with the complex materiality of waste and to explore the role anti-consumption plays in consumers' valuations of end-stage consumption. This study focuses on the phenomenon of urban exploration, a subculture who seek to discover and explore derelict buildings. Drawing on an ethnographic study including in-depth interviews, the authors reveal how anti-consumption manifests in the urban environment in terms of alternative understandings of value. In contrast to the economic valuations that often dominate public policy decision making, this study highlights the need for policy makers to consider diverse, and perhaps conflicting, value regimes. The authors propose an Obsolescence Impact Evaluation that enables a systematic assessment of the stakeholders potentially impacted by redevelopment and demolition, differing re... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They also raise the question of whether access is commensurate with need. Data on discharge diagnoses (based on ICD-10 codes) as well as surgical diagnoses (based on ICD-9 codes) suggest that most hospitals remain focused on delivering core services of limited complexity, a significant proportion of which would be more likely be provided in lower level facilities in OECD countries. Obstetric services also largely dominate the picture of hospital activity in Kazakhstan. Most of these services should indeed be hospital based, but their prominence suggests that the activity in Kazakh hospitals is neither very complex nor very diverse. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This statement created an important foundation for embedding gender considerations in national laws, policies and services. Partner governments endorsed the gender mainstreaming strategy for policy design and public service delivery contained in the Platform for Action, which emphasises the responsibility of all government agencies in addressing issues of gender inequality. The gender mainstreaming approach responds to evidence that policies and programmes generally will have a different impact on women and men because men and women tend to have different responsibilities, needs and resources. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As a result, the contribution of out-of-pocket funding in Latvia is substantially higher than in most OECD health systems, at 38.5% of total national expenditure on health in 2013. The high co-payment for services is acknowledged by the Ministry of Health as stopping some 12-20% of Latvians from accessing health services. A recent survey found that 23.5% Latvians who forewent health care cited cost as the reason (Eurostat, 2015). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As a coping mechanism, thousands of check dams2 are built on streams to reduce the streamflow of the water and to increase groundwater recharge (Dashora et al., The MARVI (Managing Aquifer Recharge and Groundwater Use through Village-Level Intervention) project (Maheshwari et al., It also trained them to monitor check dam water levels to determine their effectiveness and the need for silt-scraping in the dry season to maintain recharge rates. Four monitored check dams near Dharta are responsible for on average 200,000 m3/year each, securing approximately 16% of dry-season crops in adjacent villages (Dashora et al., - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Ethanol (2207.10) and methanol (2905.11) fail the single use test as these are common chemicals in many synthetic hydrocarbon reactions, in addition to being “green fuels”. Biodiesel is exclusively used for transportation or energy production but is an ex-out 3®(3824.90 ex) as it is categorized under the large subheading of “products, preparations and residual products of the chemical or allied industries”. Solar cells also form part of a large subheading (8541.40), which includes semiconductor devices and light-emitting diodes. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Second, demand elasticities are relatively small with respect to price and supply elasticities are also low, at least in the short run. In order to get supply and demand back into balance after a supply shock, prices therefore have to vary rather strongly, especially if stocks are low. Third, because production takes considerable time in agriculture, supply cannot respond much to price changes in the short term, though it can do so much more once the production cycle is completed. The resulting lagged supply response to price changes can cause cyclical adjustments that add an extra degree of variability to the markets concerned. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This makes it much harder for governments and other key institutions to adequately prepare and invest in their future, including providing them with adequate education, freedom from violence, meaningful employment, access to health care and equal opportunity in life. Inequitable gender norms hurt both boys and girls, but the burden is particularly high for girls, effectively limiting the ability of half of the population to fully realize their potential. More than half of 10-year-old girls today live in countries that can be considered to be very unequal in terms of gender. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2013, studies by the PEI Department of Environment, Labour and Justice showed that the annual recharge rate for groundwater amounted to 2 km3 per year and that only 0.14 km3 (7% of recharge) were abstracted. This was accompanied by a change in the calculation of impact on water resource, from a ratio relative to recharge, to a maximum rate of 35% of baseflow (minimum stream coming out of aquifers). The Potato Board was supported by the PEI Federation of Agriculture under the objective that it would be needed to ensure that the potato processing industry remain “economically viable” in the future. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 At the same time, the geopolitical challenges to ocean governance are growing, not least the increasing multipolarity and fragmentation of power structures and the emergence of new state and non-state players. The signs are that ocean governance is expected to continue to evolve along mainly sectoral lines rather than through comprehensive approaches. Yet, there is a clear need for more integrated ocean management to address the interconnected nature of ecosystems, growing economic activity, mounting pressures on ocean resources and increasingly crowded ocean space. Innovation in governance, greater use of economic tools and a stronger scientific knowledge base are among key strategies to be pursued. The trends identified in Chapter 2, including, for example, the growing importance of emerging and developing countries, and shifts in the centre of economic gravity, suggest that humankind is progressing ever further towards a distinctly multipolar world. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 A more detailed evaluation will be presented in the next section, “Other impacts of recent public stockholding policies”. Before describing in detail recent country experiences with these types of stocks, it is useful to first address these general obstacles. Some of these factors relate to public stocks in general, while others are specific to buffer stock schemes and social safety net stocks. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 On the one hand, these trends are reflected in the potential demand that labour force participation can channel into economic growth. On the other, the conditions under which women enter and remain in the labour market will determine their supply-side (i.e. cost-based) contribution to growth. Labour supply functions are calculated using the supply in terms of hours, feminization rates and estimated wages in dynamic economic growth functions. The results indicate that the feminization of the labour force bears a positive relationship with growth but that increases in the labour supply (as measured in hours) does not. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2010 there were 26 selection criteria for up to 106 points. Environmental criteria represented only 19% of possible points, with social and other secondary criteria accounting for the rest. The secondary criteria, which are intended to generate complementarities with other government programmes and ease the administrative process, accounted for more than 65% of possible points (Garcia Romero, 2012). If the PSAH is to meet its intended objective, substantially greater weight should be given to environmental criteria. In the case of land-use change for infrastructure, when the projects are of federal jurisdiction and require authorisation by SEMARNAT, a precondition of permission being granted is involvement in this mechanism. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In line with the Archimedes' principle, this ice displaces a volume of sea water whose weight is the same as its own. Were it to melt, the water thus produced would constitute exactly the same volume of sea water as the volume previously occupied by the ice, without any consequent change in sea level. The melting of sea ice in and of itself does not play any part, therefore, in rising sea levels. Antarctica contains 30 million km3 of ice, which represents 2 percent of the world's water, but 75 per cent of fresh water and 90 per cent of ice. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This suggests that not all teachers in schools with mentoring programmes for all teachers report having mentors. In some countries, however, there is a large difference between the proportion of teachers who work in schools with mentoring programmes for all teachers and the proportion of teachers who report having a mentor. School leaders need to highlight the benefits of such programmes for teachers and remove any barriers to access to ensure that teachers can participate in these activities and reap the benefits that ensue. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Various school leaders had decided on a topic for their school-wide professional learning (e.g. “visible learning” based on the work of John Hattie [2012, 2009]) and schools were planning workshops that all teachers were to participate in. Challenges with this type of professional learning include a lack of differentiation based on teacher need, a lack of teacher ownership over their learning and often a lack of connection to the learning needs of students. More generally, as interviews during this and a previous OECD study as well as international data suggest, professional development is not always planned systematically at the school level, is not based on sound teacher evaluations and knowledge about teacher’s development needs to better meet the needs of their students (more on this below), and lacks strong links with wider school development planning. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Agencies and institutions work closely to develop and implement national strategies in many different areas or issues. On sustainable issues, the commitment to integrated action at the national level is shown in the establishment of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development (IMCSD) in January 2008. There is usually a lead agency or ministry that oversees and implements policies in a particular area. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Consideration of the tariff equilibrium fund should help address cost-recovery problems, e.g. with regard to higher service costs in areas with low population density. Any action in this field cannot be separated from the development and application of efficient territorial planning instruments, so as to prevent current expansion of residential and industrial areas in a scattered and disorderly way that would make water and wastewater infrastructure planning difficult and costly. Preliminary goals were established, together with timetables for their achievement and implementation mechanisms. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 On December 11, 2013 the Court overturned a High Court verdict that struck down the 1860 law and decriminalized consensual carnal sex among adults. The Supreme Court (henceforth “the Court”) passed the responsibility to the Legislature, arguing that the law can be annulled only through appropriate legislation. In doing so, the Court observed that section 377 of the Indian Penal Code does not violate any of the constitutional provisions. The Court’s order finally stated: In its anxiety to protect the so-called rights of LGBT persons … the High Court has extensively relied upon the judgments of other jurisdictions. Though these judgments shed considerable light on various aspects of this right (concerning gay people) and are informative in relation to the plight of sexual minorities, we feel that they cannot be applied blindfolded for deciding the constitutionality of the law enacted by the Indian legislature. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In New Zealand and the United States, the number of lone-parent benefits payments has at times appeared to exceed the number of single mothers in the country as reported in surveys (OECD, 2003, Chapter 4). Tokoro (2003) added: “It is very important to note that this benefit is only available to lone mothers, not lone fathers”. Under a revision of the Act on Child Rearing Allowances which came into effect from 1 August 2010, this benefit is now also provided to single fathers: but the research literature cited in this chapter refers to single mothers. Although this allowance is called the Child Rearing Allowance in official statistical publications and by some experts, it is called “child-care allowances” in Nitta et al. ( - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! ""The document recognizes children's right to freely express their views in all matters affecting them and insists that these views be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the children voicing them (Article 12). It further proclaims children's right to freedom of all forms of expression (Article 13). Children are entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 14), to privacy and protection from unlawful attack or interference (Article 16) and to freedom of association and peaceful assembly (Article 15). The responsibility to secure these conditions lies mainly with parents and guardians, but States parties are obliged to assist and """"in case of need provide material assistance and support programmes, particularly with regard to nutrition, clothing and housing."""""" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! If 2002 information is used as a reference, the most recent figures show that in eight countries the poorest quintile saw its share of total income increase by at least one percentage point. Meanwhile in nine countries, the relative share of the richest quintile declined by 5 or more percentage points. This group's share continues to be more than 50% in five countries, compared with 2002, when this applied to 10 countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe has also provided support to such initiatives, in particular the Sava River cooperation. The ENVSEC Initiative, a joint effort of UNDP, UNEP, OSCE, UNECE and the Regional Environmental Center for CEE (with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as an associate member) develops and implements transboundary water cooperation projects. Cooperation on transboundary waters in Africa is supported through the Africa Action Plan, agreed by G8 leaders in 2002. In many subregions, including EECCA, the establishment of joint bodies and strengthening transboundary water cooperation are considered to be among the important tasks of the EU Water Initiative, a partnership initiated by the EU at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This paper discusses the ways in which the sharply increased danger of bio-terrorism has made infectious diseases a priority in defence and intelligence circles. Against this background, the author sets out a central principle of global public health security: a strengthened capacity to detect and contain naturally caused outbreaks is the only rational way to defend the world against the threat of a bio-terrorist attack. He then discusses the three trends that underscore this point: vulnerability of all nations to epidemics, the capacity of a disease such as AIDS to undermine government and society, and the way in which the determinants of national security have been re-defined in the post-Cold War era. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2009, the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men enacted a gender analysis of the budgets of all the Federal Public Services and prepared draft gender notes for each budget. Following this analytical exercise, the institute helped budget officials apply GRB by supporting them in drafting gender notes for the 2010 annual budget. The institute plans to publish a gender budgeting manual to explain the gender budgeting procedure in detail and provide concrete examples that support budget officers in fulfilling their tasks. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 One readily available product is the RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis Software developed by the Government of Canada. This decision support tool, available free-of-charge, can be used worldwide to evaluate energy production and savings, costs, emission reductions, financial viability and risk for various types of renewable-energy and energy-efficient technologies. A CPR is a detailed regional or national end use study that estimates the potential contribution of conservation to meeting future energy requirements (energy and capacity). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Conversely, Germany has witnessed slow household income growth and an increase in income inequality, which jointly explain a significantly lower improvement in living standards during 1995-07. Sweden and the United States have performed fairly well on employment reduction and income growth, which have compensated for relatively small improvements in longevity and the rise in inequality observed in those two countries. Moreover, four countries have failed to make progress in reducing employment (Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Portugal), while only four countries have managed to reduce inequality (Belgium, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! As such, the NLP algorithms rely on the source of information rather than the most appropriate terms and concepts. While several manual checks were performed to examine the activities identified by the keywords, the algorithms used in this paper could be improved by examining official STI documents, identifying core keywords distinctively from the CRS. Methods to identify STI-related activities in the CRS, by type of STI. Financing R&D and the application of new technologies in society or for enhanced production is often beyond the role of most development agencies. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Subnational units of analysis play an increasingly important role in comparative politics. Although many recent studies of topics such as ethnic conflict, economic policy reform, and democratization rely on comparisons across subnational political units, insufficient attention has been devoted to the methodological issues that arise in the comparative analysis of these units. To help fill this gap, this article explores how subnational comparisons can expand and strengthen the methodological repertoire available to social science researchers. First, because a focus on subnational units is an important tool for increasing the number of observations and for making controlled comparisons, it helps mitigate some of the characteristic limitations of a small-N research design. Second, a focus on subnational units strengthens the capacity of comparativists to accurately code cases and thus make valid causal inferences. Finally, subnational comparisons better equip researchers to handle the spatially uneven nature of major processes of political and economic transformation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This paper examines the basis of the theoretical interrelationships between poverty and (violent) conflicts in the context of modern African societies that are characterized by weak institutions. The paper proposes a model in which interactions between poverty and weak institutions produce and sustain (violent) conflicts with declining welfare. The paper then examines the major sources of conflict within this model, and argues that permanent resolution of the conflict requires the simultaneous attainment of stronger and effective institutions and lower poverty levels. One implication of these results is that reducing poverty, or enacting new laws (that often only restrict political freedom without simultaneously strengthening the domestic institutions would exacerbate rather than resolve conflicts and is welfare-reducing. The paper therefore calls on governments to concentrate on strengthening the domestic institutions especially by reducing corruption and promoting transparency in law enforcement. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The New Zealand Invalid's Benefit and the Australian Disability Support Pension are examples of means-tested first-tier incapacity-related benefits. There is no single authority representing both Turkish and Greek Cypriot people on the Island. Turkey recognizes the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The Chicago Tri-State metro-region is among the top five metro-regions in the US for specialisations in professional energy services, and the metro-region also exhibits specialisations in Air and Water Purification Technologies, Lighting, and Green Architecture and Construction Services. In the Chicago-area 21-county region, the Milwaukee metro-region has the strongest specialisation in the US in water efficient technologies. The growth of the green sector in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region has brought with it a significant number of green-sector jobs, the sector has grown by 20% since 2003. The metro-region could build on these strengths to improve economic and environmental outcomes in the long run. Energy efficiency retrofitting and green building design could be considered top priorities for job growth and distinguishing the metro-region’s green architectural expertise, but financing mechanisms for lowering the barriers to energy efficiency investments would need to be improved. Wind energy holds the promise of developing a sector that is beginning to call the Chicago Tri-State metro-region home, but needs clearer pricing signals and technical assistance to become more price-competitive. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Between 1980 and 2008, precipitation of more than 77 mm was observed at least once per year during 50 per cent of the period. To date, any impact that climate change may have had generally on rainfall in Albania cannot be distinguished from natural variations. The number of days per year with wind speeds in excess of 15 m/s showed no discernible trend in the period 1971-1990, the latest period analysed in the 2016 Third National Communication on Climate Change. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Social Science & Medicine, 68(8), 1396-1406. Worrying about the stock market: Evidence from hospital admissions. The mental health consequences of the recession: economic hardship and employment of people with mental health problems in 27 European countries. Cuts drive health system reforms in Spain. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 An inclusive PIT reform would make significant changes in the PIT rate schedule, especially by lowering the bands at which the higher income rates are levied. In 2014, single taxpayers had to start paying PIT on gross earnings equivalent to 118% of the average wage. In contrast, taxpayers in the OECD on average had to start paying PIT on gross earnings equivalent to 29% of the average wage. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! In the immediate aftermath of independence, Algeria pursued a militant anti-imperialist policy of Third World solidarity under presidents Ahmed Ben Bella and Houari Boumediene. The 1976 National Charter sets forth the rationale for such a foreign policy which was marked by Algerian leadership in the Group of 77, the Nonaligned Movement and the effort to create a New International Economic Order in North-South relations. During the 1980s, President Chadli Benjedid gradually shifted the focus of Algerian diplomacy from Third World leadership to a regional policy focused on the Maghreb and the establishment of the Union du Maghreb Arabe. The severe internal crisis of the 1990s led to a further retrenchment of Algerian foreign policy. Despite his role in the revolutionary years, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has continued the evolution of the state's foreign policy towards national interest pragmatism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Five of these are offered at regional colleges under the Council for Higher Education: Ort Braude, Tel Hai, Sakhnin, Western Galilee and Sefad Colleges. Socio-economic gaps between the population groups and the disparities between the Galilee and the centre of Israel remain. Israel needs a continuous and concerted policy strategy”. Policy should ensure that educational infrastructure on offer to all Arab and Jewish children including issues such as class sizes, educational facilities at all levels, basic standards in English, mathematics and sciences is of a similar standard. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For the selected countries and commodities displayed below, domestic price volatility is generally lower than for international markets. Important exceptions include some developing countries such as maize in Uganda, or wheat in Sudan, for which prices have been more volatile. For markets more open to trade, volatility in prices converges to values close to those in international markets. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Trends in frontier technologies, which are fundamentally enabled by the Internet and ICTs, are superimposed on a world with existing technological divides both between and within nations. This is vital to understanding who is lagging how far behind and to identifying measures to mitigate such divisions. Responding adequately to such challenges will require capabilities. Increasing R&D intensity remains a long-term objective worldwide. In the European Union, for example, the Europe 2020 target for R&D is 3 per cent of GDP.3' In 2014, only four European Union member countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Austria) met this target (Eurostat, 2016). While it has increased significantly in some regions, R&D intensity in most developing countries is much lower than either the world average or that of developed countries in Europe and North America, which exceeds 2 per cent. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This was supported by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), whose Presidential delivery agreement (Outcome 10, DEA, 2010) called for maps of sensitive areas for mining. Therefore, through this process it was possible to align biodiversity mainstreaming with development objectives. Lack of clarity on environmental planning issues was a key constraint for the mining sector, which was recognised in the sector as a business risk. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Labour force participation is included as an additional measure in the composite index to capture the socio-economic dimension of women’s position. We believe labour force participation is an important aspect of gender equality, as it reflects what one can actually do with better education, etc. The example of the Middle East and North Africa is a case in point. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, these transfers have beneficial, although small, effects on children’s school and labour participation rates. Furthermore, beside the cash transfer policy, the subsidy for school canteens has a relatively low cost but carries fairly considerable benefits in response to the crisis, especially in alleviating caloric poverty, while the other two policies are quite ineffective, regardless of which dimension of poverty is considered. English translation by Nathan Weatherdon. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 EU directives on AML (anti-money laundering)/CTF (counter-terrorism financing) entail involuntary public policy-making by for-profit professionals on politically sensitive issues. This raises fundamental questions on the role of private actors in public policy-making apart from their roles as lobbyists and contractors. From a democratic perspective, the involuntary public policy-making by European lawyers is particularly problematic as it involves guardians of the rule of law who, we argue, are simultaneously forced to act as agents of the state. In the case of AML/CTF, lawyers are within the political system rather than outside it. We show that expectations concerning how lawyers are to work closely with the state in the United Kingdom and Sweden differ, and that the policy-making styles lawyers apply in practice were either ‘pragmatic’ (UK) or ‘evasive’ (Sweden). Our findings provide a first step in understanding the new role of for-profit professionals as involuntary public policy-makers, and its possible effects. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Factors such as climate change, accelerating changes caused by globalization and technologies, demographic changes, shifting political regimes and government policies will all have an impact on future tourism demand, which makes it hard to predict to what extent measures taken today will represent sustainable solutions in the relatively near future. Some types of economic instruments, such as taxation, are implemented for compensating for expenses caused by the negative effects of visitation. While revenue management (revenues from e.g. entrance fees, sales of optional services and souvenirs) in many instances is instrumental in securing the financial capacity of site or destination management, it may also be used for capacity allocation by, e.g., reducing prices in shoulder seasons to reduce crowding in the peak seasons (Leask, 2016). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""These metrics show that US$1.5 billion (or 2%) went to """"communications"""".5 A sectoral breakdown of this information, and FDI in general, would be highly relevant to understand if and how official development assistance is mobilizing private finance in the ICT sector. These methodological concerns are discussed in a final section that examines support to ICT connectivity and e-commerce using different measurement methods, including UNCTAD's eTrade for All e-commerce readiness framework. Information collected through the Aid-for-Trade monitoring and evaluation (M&E) exercise shows that developing countries are formulating policies relating to ICT connectivity and e-commerce. In 2017, 63 developing countries governments replied to the self-assessment questionnaire."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The whole structure needs to be supported by high-quality career guidance and information. This section argues that this structure needs support and in many countries active development. Effective entry routes to professional programmes are also needed for graduates of general upper secondary education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""This is important for unlike mobile phones, use of the Internet requires a certain degree of skills. The indicator, which refers to """"the percentage of inhabitants living within range of a mobile-cellular signal, irrespective of whether or not they are mobile phone subscribers or users"""" (ITU, 2015), reflects the infrastructure availability aspect of the target since it measures the possibility to subscribe and use mobile cellular services. By including the breakdown """"by technology"""", the indicator is flexible in terms of technological development."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The ITQ model was later expanded to the coastal shrimp fishery in 1997. The ITQ system has facilitated a concentration of the shrimp fisheries on fewer operators and improved the profitability in accordance with the political objectives. The maximum ownership limit on shrimp in offshore fisheries is 33.33% and two companies are close to the limit, while in coastal shrimp fisheries the limit is 15%. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The new legal framework adopted by the Federal District (and which is in the process of being developed by the State of Mexico) sets an important foundation for this by enlarging the scope of mobility policy and the responsibilities of mobility authorities. Success, however, will depend on strengthening the planning, regulatory and financial capacity of the authorities in charge of mobility policy. A crucial part of this process involves clarifying responsibilities where the outcomes depend on multisectoral strategies. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This book addresses a key issue that confronts emerging democracies in Africa: how to make governments accountable. Combining insights from public law and political studies, the specific focus of this edited volume is on various institutions and mechanisms of accountability, their effectiveness in holding governments to account and how these institutions themselves are being held accountable. The judiciary, national prosecuting authorities, human rights commissions, political parties and informal mechanisms are critically assessed in terms of their contribution to ‘accountable government’. The book also discusses different sources of accountability that are specifically relevant in the context of Africa’s young democracies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 What were retained were specific goals, for example, achieving universal primary education by year X or eradicating a certain illness by year Y. This approach has been generalized by the United Nations in the Millennium Development Goals. The Goals are, of course, important but without a quantified macro- and sector framework, this approach has little to do with the meeting of basic needs as originally conceived. The presentation was more sophisticated than that of the basic needs strategy of the 1970s but, alas, the concept once again lacked a quantified macro- and sector framework. Nevertheless, this represented progress compared with the situation in the 1980s. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 While it is an important concept, it has not been used widely by the treaty bodies. For example, although as we have seen much emphasis is placed on the importance of equal pay for work of equal value for women and men, it is rarely made explicit that women’s pay should be increased to that of men. In recent decades, there has been strong opposition to such restrictions on the grounds that they breach the equality principle. However, this has led to two quite contradictory responses. The CEDAW Committee has encouraged Austria to ensure ‘levelling up' measures are included in its anti-discrimination legislation, CEDAW Committee, Austria, op. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The certification scheme Energy Smart is used to rate and certify the energy performance of commercial buildings. It was originally developed by the Energy Sustainability Unit (ESU) at the National University of Singapore and the National Environment Agency of Singapore to target offices, hotels and shopping malls. The scheme is voluntary and most commercial enterprises participate because it can be used as part of their branding strategies. The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy has established that it is advice on energy efficiency improvements, rather than solely ratings and certifications, that primarily mobilize markets to achieve energy savings measures. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is the case not only because of the importance of these indicators for identifying the poor, but also because they are the most readily available indicators in surveys conducted in the region. Admittedly, a more comprehensive multidimensional poverty measurement requires data on other aspects, such as nutritional status, state of health and employment status of persons (for a proposal on the aspects of well-being that should be captured in a multidimensional poverty measurement, see Santos, 2013), but this information is not available for a sufficient number of countries in the region. This means, on the one hand, that the dwelling does not provide protection against various environmental factors (for example, rain, humidity, etc.) Thus, a dwelling is observed to be deficient when it does not guarantee sufficient insulation against natural and social elements. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In recent years, design approaches to policymaking have gained popularity among policymakers. However, a critical reflection on their added value and on how contemporary ‘design-thinking’ approaches relates to the classical idea of public administration as a design science, is still lacking. This introductory paper reflects upon the use of design approaches in public administration. We delve into the more traditional ideas of design as launched by Simon and policy design, but also into the present-day design wave, stemming from traditional design sciences. Based upon this we distinguish between three ideal-type approaches of design currently characterising the discipline: design as optimisation, design as exploration and design as co-creation. More rigorous empirical analyses of applications of these approaches is necessary to further develop public administration as a design science. We reflect upon the question of how a more designerly way of thinking can help to improve public administration and public policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There has been increased emphasis in the last three decades on the decentralization of natural resource governance decisions to local government in developing countries as a means of improving environmental quality, public service delivery, and the accountability of local officials. We examine the performance of decentralization of natural resource management services in a large sample of municipal governments in four Latin American countries. Our analysis includes a variety of factors discussed in the literature as important in influencing the responsiveness of government officials to local needs. We provide a nested institutional model in which local officials respond to incentives created by the structure of formal political institutions at both the local and national level. The results provide support for the importance of considering local and national institutional arrangements as these co-determine the political incentives within decentralized systems. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In this paper, the authors conceptualize Open Data ecosystems by analysing the major stakeholders in the UK. The conceptualization is based on a review of popular Open Data definitions and business ecosystem theories, which are applied to qualitative empirical data. The work is informed by a combination of discourse analysis and a content analysis of in-depth interviews, undertaken during the summer of 2013. Drawing on the UK as a best practice example, the authors examine a set of structural business ecosystem properties: circular flow of resources, sustainability, demand that encourages supply, and dependence developing between suppliers, intermediaries, and users. The authors identify that gaps and shortcomings remain. Most prominently, demand is not yet fully encouraging supply and actors have yet to experience fully mutual interdependence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Over-age attendance as a result of grade repetition and/or late entry risks reducing participation in education (UNESCO, 2016(7]). For all other countries with available data, this share ranges between 0% and 5% (Figure Bl.a). In the last grade of lower secondary education, this share increases for most countries and doubles on average across the OECD (from 2% to 4%). The share of over-age students increases most from the last grade of primary education to the last grade of lower secondary education for Argentina (by 10 percentage points), Costa Rica (by 14 percentage points), Luxembourg (by 12 percentage points) and Spain (by 8 percentage points), while it decreases substantially for Hungary (by 7 percentage points), highlighting a high rate of dropout and a drop in enrolment rates for 15-19 year-olds. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At national level, the government spent roughly USD 1.7 million per year over 2000-04 for improving irrigation and collector-drainage systems. During the same time periods, USD 28.6 per ha of irrigated land was charged as water supply fee, out of which farmers paid 60%. The total cost of modernisation will be USD 169 million. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In the Rome Statute, and more generally in international criminal law, the principle of ne bis in idem is not solely concerned with the promotion of the rights of the accused or the res judicata authority of a first judgment. It seems to be also - maybe primarily - dedicated to articulating the concurrence between national and international jurisdictions. The present article discusses its different functions, asserting that they differ whether the principle intervenes in an intra- or inter-jurisdictional situation. It also links these functions to the general struggle against impunity governing international criminal law, and concludes by striving to attribute a structural, possibly qualitative role to the principle. © Oxford University Press, 2011, All rights reserved. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Absolute"""" sodal mobility refers to the total amount of movement of people (e.g. an increase/decrease in household income irrespective of a change in the distribution of income), while """"relative"""" sodal mobility refers to the upward or downward movement of a member of one sodal class compared with a member of another dass. The section begins with an analysis of income mobility in Viet Nam from 2002 to 2008. The concept of income mobility is significant for countries such as Viet Nam that have experienced stable, persistent economic growth and profound structural transformations."" - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Negotiations between MMA and IPEA seek to broaden the scope of the analysis to include specifically the biodiversity theme, both at state and federal levels. In the future, IPEA intends to transform this study into a permanent research line, yearly updating the data on environmental expenditures. To this end, the classification of environmental expenditures under IPEA’s methodology will be applied, which will involve the analysis of items directly and indirectly related to biodiversity. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Evidence also suggests that institutions such as public interest litigations (PIL), formed to improve access to justice through recourse mechanisms, are useful in protecting the rights of historically disadvantaged minorities. Low levels of legal literacy and poor understanding of the legal process may prevent women from seeking protection of their rights or reporting abusive behaviour. In order to effectively exercise their rights and responsibilities, individuals must first understand them. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In addition, some 33 countries currently are experimenting with innovative pilot initiatives, 22 of which are in Sub-Saharan Africa. Similarly, while developing country farmers may have greater difficulty managing price risk than their counterparts in developed countries, new approaches to risk management are offering alternatives to trade protection. Tools to enable developing country governments and farmers to better manage agricultural risks are also being developed, including through the Platform on Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). A country’s ability to move towards more effective long-term policies could also be compromised. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Second, approaches and structures to identify and diagnose special needs need to be developed. This is not an easy task and requires the contribution of a range of specialists (e.g. teachers, doctors, psychologists) and good communication with parents. Third, there needs to be a reflection about the roles of special schools and the extent to which mainstream schools can contribute to the education of special needs students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Private finance estimates are from OECD DAC Survey on mobilisation. Data recorded in DAC statistics is not equivalent to that reported as climate finance towards the USD lOObn goal, and is not comparable to the recent estimates in the OECD study Climate Finance in 2013-14 and the USD 100 billion goal in collaboration with CPI (see This section outlines some of the underling factors that will determine the level of coherence between development finance and climate finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This chapter outlines its demographics, economy, government and particularly its education system, including recent reform efforts and challenges. It has been free of charge since 2009 and participation rates are now high, with almost universal pre-primary and primary education. Reform efforts to decentralise administration, and increase the quality of its education to meet broader development goals have had less impact, with challenges of effectiveness, efficiency and equity remaining to be met. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 No country of the region has identified women entrepreneurs as a specific target group. An explanatory factor may be that SME policies focused initially on industrial sectors, where women are largely absent. In the latter part of the decade, SME policies have been more generally applied to all sectors of economic activity. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, in contrast with the Global Study, MODA includes child protection (protection from violence) as an additional dimension of deprivation poverty (UNICEF, 2007a, Gordon et al., Overlap analyses demonstrate that deprivations are not often experienced in isolation and that in order to free a child from deprivations multiple (sectoral) issues should be addressed (Ferreira and Lugo, 2012). The second examines the overlap (and non-overlap) for particular combinations of (selected) dimensions. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 2012 more than 200 million adults worldwide were unemployed. Vulnerable employment accounts for more than half of total employment and is particularly high in South-East Asia (61 percent), South Asia (77 percent) and Sub-Saharan Africa (77 percent).67 Even those employed may be earning very Iitde. In 2011,397 million people ages 15 and older were estimated to be employed but living in households with less than $1.25 per person a day. Employment, especially decent employment, is associated with dignity and status—and with stable and cohesive communities and societies. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The harvesting and extraction of some of these resources, such as timber, are known to potentially have significant adverse impacts on biodiversity. So, to the extent that information on the impacts on biodiversity associated with these different resources exists, indirect links with resource use and biodiversity loss can be established and trends in the use of these resources monitored. The SEEA also allows linking the flow of resources to specific sectors of the economy. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Negative effects in mountain ecosystems are caused by uncontrolled collection of plant species and illegal hunting of large carnivores and the Balkan chamois. Threats are also induced by overuse of biological resources, mostly for commercial purposes. Thus, a high number of indigenous medicinal and aromatic plants, 67 species of mushrooms, more than 110 species of diatom algae, 12 species of lichens, 12 species of ferns, and 20 species of mosses are all at risk. At the national level, the most threatened groups of higher plants are the angiosperms (flowering plants) (with approximately 280-300 species). Aquatic and wetland plants are especially endangered. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 While the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has broad health implications across the globe, being overlooked in response and policy debates is the impact on women's reproductive rights and violence risk. This is especially salient for minoritized women. In this commentary, we describe the potential negative impact of mandates such as shelter-in-place for domestic violence victims, and how public reproductive health policy is being shaped to disadvantage women, especially minoritized women. We argue that now is the time for violence prevention leaders to advocate for bold action. This includes prioritizing the needs of women (especially minoritized women) in medical, social and legal settings using innovative intervention and service engagement (e.g., e-filing for protection orders, virtual advocacy services), urging policy makers to pass legislation to support women, and shining an accountability spotlight on leadership. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In such cases, the use of hours actually worked per worker would be a preferable measure to its use in the denominator. However, lack of data availability on hours worked per worker is a limiting factor in many developing countries. Moreover, the correlations between using either hours worked or headcount of employed persons are quite strong, at least in countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In a survey taken in 2007, across all European countries - when asked to rate whether they allocated too much, too little, or the right amount of time on paid work, contact with family, other social contact, and personal hobbies, women reported lower satisfaction with their allocation of time than men. These differences in perceptions of imbalance and stress can be due to the fact that women maintain general responsibilities for the household’s operation. Data refer to 2009 for Mexico, to 2005 for Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, to 2003 for Spain and the United States, to 2002 for Italy, to 2001 for Denmark and Germany, to 2000 for Norway, Slovenia and South Africa, to 1998 for France, to 1992 for Austria, and to 1991 for Israel. In general, women have larger and more multifaceted networks than men, report having more friends and provide and receive more support from members of their network than men do. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This project aims to protect vulnerable and important ecosystems and species living in the areas beyond national jurisdiction including the high seas and areas of the seabed beyond the continental shelf of coastal states. The area accounts for 40% of surface of planet, and 64% of the surface of the oceans, and nearly 95% of oceans’ volume. There are four sub-projects namely: (1) Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in ABNJ, (2) Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep-sea Living Resources and Ecosystems in ABNJ, (3) Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation-Models for Innovation and Reform, and (4) Strengthening Global Capacity to Effectively Manage ABNJ. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Not accounting for these costs may also give a false sense of efficiency gains: the ‘savings’ made from the retrenchment of public services may be considered an improvement when the cost of shifting the burden and thus adding to unpaid household work remains hidden and invisible. Most public and private spending on children, for example, is classified as consumption expenditure. However, a strong case can be made that these expenditures represent an investment in future human capacities and should be accounted for separately from consumption expenditure.6 Unpaid childcare activities represent a similar investment but are not counted at all in macroeconomic statistics. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Russia technological improvements play substantial role in promoting low carbon development and reduction of energy consumption, primarily via substitution of outdated Soviet technologies for new more efficient ones. As a result, different sectors had different emissions dynamics in 1990 than the present, as shown in Table 1.1. The main development has been the decline of the share of the agricultural sector, while the importance of industrial processes as an emissions source has increased slightly. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Figure 5.6 illustrates how the six above-mentioned scenarios fall along a spectrum, ranging from positive to negative growth outcomes. The (dark blue) colour indicates the desirable scenarios, the (light blue) may be considered second best options, and (white) indicates the non-desirable scenarios. Although it is important to understand the extent to which growth occurs in sectors specifically aimed at promoting environmental protection or resource-conservation services or technology, these sectors generally represent a relatively small subset of the larger service and manufacturing economy in a region. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Some countries have adapted these questions to their local context by including different circumstances, such as if she spends too much money, if she disobeys, if she is unfaithful, if she insults him, if she neglects household chores, if she shows disrespect for her in-laws and if she speaks about the need to protect herself against HIV/AIDS. The WHO Multi-country Survey on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence measured women’s attitudes towards domestic violence by asking them about the situations in which they believe that a man has a good reason to beat his wife, including situations in which she does not complete the housework, disobeys her husband or refuses to have sex with him. A second set of questions addressed the situations in which women believe that a woman has the right to refuse to have sex with her husband, including situations in which she does not want to, he is drunk, she is sick or he is mistreating her (Garcia-Moreno and others, 2005). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The quality of the output of entrepreneurship education initiatives have a direct bearing on the future level and quality of entrepreneurial activity, which implies there should be strong ties between the economic ministries and the Ministry of National Education. Opportunities to support students involved in entrepreneurship courses in gaining venturing experiences and building bridges to the world of work should be further explored. One of the keys for the future will be investing in the entrepreneurial development of the young to prepare an incoming generation of more informed and competent entrepreneurs, such as the instruction and training of non-business students in entrepreneurial skills and mindsets, supported by practical support programmes to engage students and graduates in entrepreneurial activity. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! At the same time, procedure for recertification of foreign doctors does not exist yet in Israel. At present, accreditation is mandatory for hospitals to be eligible for funding from the SSN, but a number of accreditation models have been developed across regions with varying levels of sophistication. Since 2010, there is a national attempt towards standardisation of the accreditation process (Technical Group for Accreditation, TRAC). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This was much higher than in developing countries, where that share was, on average, only 28.2 per cent in Africa, 20.7 per cent in East, South and South-East Asia, 27.3 per cent in Latin America, 34.2 per cent in the transition economies, and 35.8 per cent in West Asia (table 5.2). As a result, developing countries, on average, have had less scope to influence income distribution through fiscal measures. Several studies have found that many low-income and least developed countries experienced a decline in their public revenue in the 1980s and 1990s, mostly as result of falling income and trade taxes (Heady, 2001, Khattry and Mohan Rao, 2002, Gemmell and Morrissey, 2003). In the 1980s the fiscal-revenue-to-GDP ratio declined in 7 out of 14 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Sainz and Calcagno, 1992). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In the majority of countries, monetary policies are focused almost exclusively on meeting very low inflation targets, attained by raising interest rates to keep prices from increasing more rapidly.40 High interest rates slow economic activity by making credit more expensive and less accessible, thus reducing consumer purchases and raising the cost of financing productive investments. All of these factors lower demand for labour. Recent research has shown that women's employment has declined faster than men's in a range of developing countries—including Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea—that are experiencing reductions in inflation associated with restrictive monetary policy.41 In countries that maintain a less restrictive monetary environment, such gender inequalities are less evident. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Appraisal constitutes one opportunity for giving feedback on school leader’s efforts to assume wider leadership tasks and responsibilities and can be used to point school leaders towards opportunities to engage in activities that may help improve the wider system. Research has increasingly stressed the benefits of using multiple tools to form a fair, valid and reliable picture of a school leader’s performance from a comprehensive perspective. However, school leaders and evaluators need to have the necessary capacity and competence to choose suitable instruments and understand fairness, reliability and validity concerns. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These include specialised programmes in preparation for tertiary education and programmes that can result, or lead towards the award of a VET qualification. Access to university in Australia is via exam and the provision of a ranked entrance score, or via a comparative entry qualification. Australian Year 12 subjects have significant breadth and depth in their coverage, and vary across states and territories. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The number of IWBs requested by schools in each application round has always exceeded the available funding, apart from certain technical requirements (e.g. access to broadband), the order of priority is determined by the objective of equalising existing differences across schools and regions (Schietroma, 2011). The biggest market share (39% in 2010) accrued to SmartBoard, followed by Interwrite (17%). The average price paid for a desktop PC was EUR 368 in 2010, and for a notebook PC EUR 400. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! All of this has made climate change a very tangible issue. The last report of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made it clear that climate change is man-made and will have serious consequences all over the world, particularly in poor countries. The ice is melting much faster than envisaged just a few years ago. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Therefore, risk should be seen as a normal and inseparable part of economic activities and development, as something built into particular development pathways and practices, constructed through day-to-day decisions by those who have a stake in particular patterns of development. It needs to ensure that development is risk informed to improve the safety of people and critical facilities, to protect the natural and built environment, and to build resilient livelihoods and economic activity. Prospective measures to prevent or reduce risk creation can be combined with corrective DRM efforts that reduce the level of existing risk (e.g. through retrofitting of critical infrastructure such as schools or hospitals). Compensatory risk management activities also have a role in strengthening the social and economic resilience of individuals and societies in the face of residual risk (the remaining risk that cannot be effectively eliminated), for example through preparedness, response and recovery activities, contingent credit, insurance and safety net programmes that are designed to help affected populations mitigate disasters or recover from their impacts. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The eldest woman (older than 18 years) in every eligible household will receive the ration cards for the household. In addition, reforms will be undertaken to make the public distribution system effective and transparent. These measures include the application of modem information and communication technologies and the use of biometric information for eligible households. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The issue of expanding access to unemployment and health protection mechanisms should also be given urgent consideration, as social protection analysis has focused little on it to date. The reforms are designed to improve the efficiency and coverage of unemployment insurance and boost affiliates' access to a set of active labour market policies (including training and labour intermediation). Apart from unemployment insurance, a number of associated instruments are important in protecting workers in the event of redundancy, including severance pay (which operates as a disincentive to dismissal), individual savings accounts (allowing workers to accumulate cash resources while they are employed), notice of termination (prior notification of dismissal in order to prevent sharp falls in income) and early retirement benefits (Bertranou and Paz, 2007, Velasquez, 2010). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Eastern Europe and Central Asia (23 countries). The largest programmes are India's school-feeding programme and the Programa Nacional de AHmentaqao Escolar in Brazil, which cover 105 and 47 million children, respectively. For example, following the 2008 global financial crisis, the Government of Brazil was able to react quickly at low cost by scaling up programmes. This had a significant impact, reaching over 1.6 million of the most vulnerable people and, in turn, contributed to domestic demand growth: despite a decrease in GDP in 2009 of 0.6 percent, private consumption remained stable and resumed growing in the second half of 2009 (Berg and Tobin, 2011). The programme resulted in a 13 percentage point reduction in poverty levels (living on less than $1 a day) in beneficiary households between 2007 and 2009 (Ward eta/., 2010). It entails a cash transfer to the primary caregiver of a child who is under the age of 18 and living in a household earning below a defined income threshold. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 By way of example, the Association of British Insurers (ABI 2011), representing the third largest insurance industry in the world (after the USA and Japan) notes that of the GBP 1.6 trillion in assets under management held by its members from their long-term savings products (i.e. pensions, annuities and life-insurance) most is invested in domestic and overseas equity and bonds. Other investment and cash accounts for 7% or around GBP 100 billion. Industry estimates are that up to around GBP 20 billion of this is invested in infrastructure, and it could be estimated that maybe 10%, or around GBP 2 billion is in ‘green’ projects (mostly renewable energy such as wind farms and solar). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Every third German father wishes to have more time for his children (Destatis, 2015a) and most fathers would prefer shorter paid work hours (BMFSFJ, 2015b). In couple families with a female partner aged 25 to 45 years old and at least one child, mothers are in paid work for an average of 17 hours, and in Austria, Italy and Switzerland this is also less than 20 hours per week on average. By contrast, the figure among partnered mothers aged 25 to 45 years old in Denmark, Norway and Sweden is 30 hours per week or more (Chapter 4). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 They also implement financial leasing of equipment. In the early transition period, new taxes were introduced, while the taxes existing under the planned economy system were eliminated or modified. To date, the 2002 Tax Code remains the principal framework of the national tax system, including in the agricultural sector. The land tax applies to privately-owned land and is paid by the actual user of that land (an owner or a lessee). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__5 -> MISMATCH! David Ricardo considered that the “natural price” of labour was given by the value of the subsistence goods consumed by workers, without which they could not participate in production processes and thus create wealth. Its level was based on the historical costs of reproduction for workers and their families, which set a minimum threshold below which wages could not fall without inducing a drop in birth rates. In developing this argument, David Ricardo ignored the contribution of domestic work to workers’ and their families’ reproduction process, concentrating instead on the potential conflict between the rate of return and the cost of reproduction of the workforce, as determined by the value of wage goods. He considered that society needed a sphere of social relations that was guided by moral criteria and not by criteria of efficiency. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2014, 54% of countries globally had not achieved gender parity in lower-secondary education, while in upper-secondary school the figure was 77% (UNESCO, 2016). They include childcare programmes for siblings and flexible school times in the harvesting season. Tackling discriminatory norms, attitudes and practices through the media, religious institutions and community leaders can also help to dismantle some of the barriers to girls’ education (Box 6.1). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Three stratification criteria are applied in order to construct the sample of the start-up panel: year when the firm was formed, its sector of business, and whether or not it has been promoted by KfW Bankengruppe. Each year, a random sample of the firms created in the three years prior to the year of the survey is drawn. The estimates in Chapter 28 are based on data from the public use file from the first year of the survey in 2008. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! ""Already at that time the area was an emerging metropole and centre of trade and politics (the name Copenhagen refers to """"Harbour of trade""""), which it continues to be to this day. The high density potentially results in corresponding pressures on the environment, such as through sewage discharge. Recently (2000), Denmark and Sweden constructed a bridge and a tunnel across the Sound, which has also involved construction of the fourth artificial island (Peberholm) inthe Sound."" - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Water supply and sanitation in the five other LGUs of the metropolitan areas is either undertaken by LGUs or by private suppliers. The existence of water districts originated in the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, which created the Local Water Utilities Association (LWUA) - Water District concept, encouraging LGUs to transfer their water supply systems to water districts, on a similar model as MCWD (ADB, 2013a). The data presented below will often reflect the fragmentation of water suppliers and the lack of harmonised and available information across all areas of Metro Cebu (see section 4 for a discussion on data in the w'ater sector). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In this light, the scientific bodies under the Convention could focus also on the city scale and assess the contribution of long range transport to air pollution in cities. The scientific community can generate knowledge and methodologies to be used by local authorities, but also regional and national authorities to support their cities. Linkages between both scales should be considered in the tools developed and promoted by the scientific community. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As HIV infected they are more likely to be infected with other STI's, specifically syphilis and hepatitis B (Silverman et al. The debt bondage the women end up in makes them take risks such as serving more clients and having longer working days in order to repay their debt faster. During this stage the women in the study had extremely limited access to health care information, services and medical care. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""A citizen of Kyrgyzstan as a State-member of the Eurasian Economic Union is supposed to undergo registration within 30 days whereas this deadline is 15 days for a citizen of Tajikistan. Special conditions can be applied due to events in the Russian Federation: for example, during the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 and the 2018 FIFA World Cup all foreigners are supposed to undergo such registration on the first day of their entrance into the Russian Federation. Such rules are established only for participants in programmes for highly skilled professionals, usually """"expats"""" who are generally citizens of non-CIS countries."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! ""The studies also show that many newsrooms have gender equality policies regarding parental leave and prevention of sexual harassment. At Yle specific newsroom teams also have team goals that are set annually, and many of these include gender balance. When meeting their goals the team gets a monetary reward. Some journalists at Yle also do self-reflections on their news work from a gender perspective. Von Weissenberg says Yle could still do more to train staff in gender awareness: """"Some journalists are very gender aware and think a lot about diversity, but this is a field where we could definitely do more."""""" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The plan ought to be consistent with overall fiscal projections and be communicated in a clear and transparent way to ensure that all stakeholders in the education system are fully aware of the implications of those decisions. For that purpose, an explicit presentation of a benefit-incidence analysis would be extremely useful. Moreover, the choice between different components of the reform to be prioritised should be based on their expected cost-effectiveness which, once more, ought to be an explicit component of all budgetary decisions giving citizens the opportunity to understand how trade-offs in the allocation of scarce resources are being addressed. Reports by the Education Superintendence find that 17% of schools misreport school attendance. The Chilean Association of Municipalities estimates the accumulated debt as of 2014 was CLP 250 000 million or close to USD 450 million (see newspaper La Tercera, 2 November 2015, p. 16). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These career and learning routes help to professionalise the initial occupation by establishing a career structure and routes of progression. They therefore play a vital role in supporting the apprenticeship system, both by providing an upward career path for apprentice graduates, and by providing professional training for in-company trainers of apprentices. Box 1.3 in Chapter 1 describes the options available in Germany. In some countries, including Germany, Korea and the Netherlands, one-third or more of students in professional training come from upper secondary vocational tracks (see Figure 5.1). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The indigence rate in Panama increased by 1.5 percentage points, while the other countries with information available (the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Paraguay) did not register significant changes in their poverty and indigence rates (see figure 1.3). Panama is an exception, as despite the absence of significant changes in the poverty rate it registers an appreciable rise in the poverty gap squared index, revealing a worsening of the situation among the poorest. The poverty gap squared index also rose by slightly more than the poverty' rate in Mexico. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For example, in Poland, more than 60% of middle managers are women (women’s share in top management positions in the public service exceeds 47%7). In Canada, the representation of women at the middle management levels (EX minus 1 and EX minus 28) is gradually increasing, with women constituting 38.2% at the EX minus 1 and 47.2% at the EX minus 2 levels in 2011 (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, 2011). In Australia, where seven out of ten federal and state parliamentarians are men (and this has not changed in the last ten years), the situation in the public service is improving: the proportion of women in senior- and middle-manager roles has grown from 35% in 2002 to 46% in 2012 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, January 2013). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The aim is to familiarise readers with the aims and context of the project. It includes acts that inflict physical, mental or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion and other deprivations of liberty’.2 As such it is a type, cause and consequence of discrimination. Five categories are usually distinguished within a definition of VAWG, although these are not exclusive: sexual violence, physical violence, emotional and psychological violence, harmful traditional practices, and socio-economic violence.3 VAWG occurs in the home, in state institutions and in the community. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Spill over effects have also been seen across sectors outside the current government or private sector board focus. For example, MWA assisted the New Zealand Defence Force to evaluate its pipeline of women in military service, and New Zealand Customs to establish a diversity council and career pipeline for women working in customs. One of the main goals of MWA’s programmes has been to change organisational cultures in order to foster environments that encourage women’s leadership roles. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Policy Research Working Paper Series 1862, The World Bank. Economic Inquiry 44/2), 296(310. Cross-national picture of European poverty measured by regional, national and European standards”. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Also in the IACHR, for example, in Inter-American Court Advisory Opinion OC-4/84, 'Proposed amendments to the naturalization provisions of the Constitution of Costa Rica' paras. In such a Convention, the contracting States do not have any interests of their own, they merely have,one and all, a common interest, namely, the accomplishment of those high purposes which are the raison d'etre of the convention. Consequently, in a convention of this type one cannot speak of individual advantages or disadvantages to States, or of the maintenance of a perfect contractual balance between rights and duties.” Advisory Opinion of 28 May 1951 (ICJ Report 1951, p. 23). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The situation of children in single parent families differs strongly from those of children in two-parent families, they experienced a substantial loss of market income that is particularly sharp (-19%) for families with the lowest incomes (Figure 3, Panel B). This decline is primarily due to the reduced employment participation among single parents: 24% of children in a single-parent family had a parent working full time in 2014, compared with almost 40% in 2007. This increases opportunities for single parents to look for work and thus has a positive effect on market gains. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 To establish the biggest problems we analyse existing databases with crash data and establish which problems occur most frequently. For example, it could be the many casualties among car occupants or among pedestrians in case of truck collisions. However, we might decide not to consider absolute casualty numbers but to compare the number of casualties to the distance travelled by specific groups, to establish the traffic risk. Then it may turn out, for instance, that young and novice drivers run a relatively high risk. We might also decide not to analyse a specific period but to consider trends over time. The risks for motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians in the UK are much higher than in both other countries. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The working-age population is defined as the number of individuals aged 15 - 64 years. Data are for income replacement benefits and are based on administrative sources. Means-tested supplements such as housing benefits, family benefits or in-work benefits are not included. Data for the following countries are not available or not comparable: Austria, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Korea, Latvia, Norway, Slovak Republic, Switzerland (national sources report total number of benefit spells of any duration during a given year): Korea and Slovak Republic (national sources do not report numbers of recipient households, but the number of people living in them): Spain (nationally consolidated data on non-categorical SA not available). However, typically, a household cannot receive the different benefits at the same time (i.e., families receive either lone parent or non-categorical SA). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It expects to provide investors with an initial dividend yield of 6% on investment, which is evidently a sufficient incentive to attract institutional public investors. The fund closed its first acquisitions alongside the IPO, purchasing stakes in four wind farms from SSE in a deal worth about GBP 140 million. The UK GIB matched Greencoat’s investment in the Rhys Flats wind farm, buying a 24.95% stake in the project for GBP 57.5 million in the first time it has contributed direct equity to an offshore wind farm. The statement was co-ordinated by the four investor groups on climate change - Ceres’ Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR) in the U.S., the European Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the Investors Group on Climate Change (IGCC) in Australia and New Zealand, and the Asia Investor Group on Climate (AIGCC) along with the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article investigates the global ‘retail revolution’ through the path chosen by key people in the Norwegian trade network called Technical Supplies Partner (TSP). The story is told from the perspective of a single entrepreneur working closely together with an A-team of fiercely independent shop-owners who helped transform TSP from a voluntary association into a market-leading Scandinavian retail chain. The trade network then became a global supply chain, before finally nearly going bankrupt. Three main points are made. The first is that the ‘retail revolution’ occurred as the result of new technology and market liberalization, but only as these were mediated through people’s efforts at new venture creation. The second point is that entrepreneurship itself changes the conditions for entrepreneurship, and the third that ethnography is a good method for investigating how entrepreneurship changes the conditions for entrepreneurship. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As the price of mobile phone ownership continues to fall, many more people, including in extremely impoverished areas, are likely to own and use a mobile device. A growing number of projects have shown that mobile technologies provide an excellent medium for extending educational opportunities to learners who may not have access to high-quality schooling. This technology helps ensure that students are not held back or left behind by larger groups. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! A Central Committee on Land Use Management chaired by the Vice-President was also formed on 16 September 2013 to help ensure that land expropriation is conducted in a just and fair manner (DICA, 2013a). At central level, the Minister of the MOAI is the Chairperson, the Deputy Minister of the MOAI the Deputy Chairperson and the Director General of the SLRD the Secretary (President Office’s Notification No. This structure is replicated at the state/region, district and township levels. As per the Farmland Law, FABs are responsible for: approving farmland use rights registration and transactions and submitting those to the SLRD for registration, revoking farmland use rights if conditions are not fulfilled, resolving disputes over the allocation and use of farmland, valuing farmland for tax, acquisition and compensation purposes and ensuring fair compensation for those expropriated, and approving farmland transfers for other purposes. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 They found that, given the difficulties encountered to finance the sector compared to opportunities in other sectors, a dedicated financing vehicle (a “PIDG Water Window”) should be set up in order to blend grant financing with the financial instruments provided by PIDG facilities and therefore reduce the cost of finance. This vehicle is still at the feasibility stage at present. At the time, municipal governments had no experience with borrowing from banks. Commercial lenders had only short-term deposits and no experience with lending to municipal governments. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It establishes management measures and harvest control rules for fisheries targeting sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the northern Adriatic Sea (GSA 17), and transitional conservation measures for small pelagic fisheries in the southern Adriatic Sea (GSA 18), further precautionary and emergency measures were established for 20152 and 20163. Since then, additional recommendations have been adopted establishing supplementary precautionary and emergency measures for this fishery in both GSAs 17 and 18 for 2017-20184 and for 2019-2021.5 The general objective is to ensure that the exploitation levels of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea are at MSY by 2020. It started from a qualitative appraisal of alternative management measures that was later developed into a full quantitative framework. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Unpublished paper presented at Higher Education and Dynamic Asia Workshop, Asian Development Bank, Manila, June 2010. In 1997, NHEFC approved 12 000 applications and 2008 approvals increased to 97 000. The availability of study loans has increased enrolment in the private higher education sector (which charges higher fees), now at 50% of the total student enrolment in the country. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Between 2001 and 2011, GDP per capita increased by 29% and the poorest 20% of people saw their income grow seven times as fast as the top 20%. Brazil also reduced by half the number of people living in poverty - in half the time expected. In this chapter, the man at the helm of this remarkable transformation - Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - explains how this was enabled by a democratic decision to put social policy at the heart of the country’s development strategy. The flagship Bolsa Familia (Family Stipend) programme transferred cash to low-income households in exchange for enrolling children in school and ensuring regular medical check-ups and vaccinations (conditional cash transfers). The programme has benefitted an entire generation by helping to break the vicious circle of poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 On 28 September 2011, at a gathering convened by Maastricht University and the International Commission of Jurists, a group of experts in international law and human rights adopted the Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The experts came from universities and organizations located in all regions of the world and included current and former members of international human rights treaty bodies, regional human rights bodies, and former and current Special Rapporteurs of the United Nations Human Rights Council. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 All along, LDCs and development partners should continue to scrutinise NTMs to make sure that they serve legitimate public policy interests rather than specific lobby interests. These opportunities include developments such as emerging economies, which are altering the dynamics of LDC trade, and the rise of value chains, which has - arguably - made it easier for LDCs to integrate global markets. There are also two other existing, and perhaps less obvious, ‘opportunities’ that could be further exploited. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This white paper was commissioned by the Institute for Human Rights and Business. Its purpose is to provide a user-friendly overview of big data analytics, how it operates and is used in business settings, the issues and challenges that have accompanied its development, and the benefits and dangers it presents. It subsequently explores how the system can be improved and who should be responsible for it, using the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as a guide for determining whether State governments or businesses should be responsible for implementing particular solutions. The resulting picture is of an industry shrouded by shadows, and a variety of business and legislative solutions that may mitigate the dangers posed by big data analytics by reducing the shadows and increasing transparency, user control, data security, and data controller accountability. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Available at: Documents/college-social-sciences/business/economics/2010-papers/economics-papers-2011/ economics-papers-2011/ll-09.pdf. Available on research/ra/index.html#pub. Final Report, IEA WIND Task 25, Phase one 2006-2008, VTT, Finland, Publication available at AnnexXXV/Task25_Publications.html. System Capacity Value, Presentation at the Intersolar 2012 Conference, 9-12 July 2012, San Francisco United States. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The history of social work as a profession and academic discipline is inextricably linked with principles of human rights (HR) and social justice (SJ). The Global Standards for social work educatio... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ABSTRACTRevenge porn involves publicly releasing pictures of a person’s sexual activity, along with the means to contact that person, to provoke widespread shaming. This paper analyzes the US-based revenge porn website through discourse, legal, and information network analyses. The paper explores how revenge porn is not only an instance of online sexual violence rooted in abjection but also symptomatic of a new political economy of subjectivity, where both the human-based and the automated, algorithm-based circulation of personal information are at the center of processes through which the self is seen and valued, both socially and economically, by others. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 But the structural transition of their economies from low-productivity to high-productivity activities has also led to rising income gaps and spatial inequalities. It is likely that these countries can maintain high average incomes while gradually closing their income gaps over time through the fuller absorption into high-productivity activities of the w orkers who now remain employed in disadvantaged areas and activities. A less benign distributional outcome will probably result if a shift from export-oriented production, emphasizing manufacturing, to production oriented more towards domestic markets leads increasingly to employment and wage opportunities in service activities, which tend to be less well remunerated than jobs in manufacturing. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Main beneficiaries are the owners, users and managers of public buildings, service providers (consultants, engineering companies), financial institutions, architects and constructors. It aims to increase energy efficiency, boost renewable energy, diversify import sources and transport routes as well as protect critical infrastructure. Furthermore, the Energy Strategy underlines Romania’s ambitions to become a major electricity exporter by 2020. The National Strategy on Energy Efficiency sets forth the objectives concerning energy efficiency for the period up to the year 2015. The main purpose of the strategy is to identify possibilities and means to increase energy efficiency at all levels of the energy chain, by implementing specific programmes in order to reach its ultimate goal: the increase of primary energy efficiency by 40 per cent by the year 2015. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Today’s public administrators and policymakers face challenges of climate change, global health epidemics, terrorism, migration and economic failure while still retaining the charge of providing sound government and services at the national, state and local levels. This chapter explores that context by turning the focus to the public servants whose daily work makes public policy possible. It reviews the literature on cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and draws upon in-depth interviews with 23 opinion leaders working with Australia’s public service to offer a capabilities framework for a globalised public service. This framework sets out the skills, capabilities, knowledge and experiences that will support effective public administration leadership in the twenty-first century. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The science of global health diplomacy (GHD) consists of cross-disciplinary, multistakeholder credentials comprised of national security, public health, international affairs, management, law, economics and trade policy. GHD is well placed to bring about better and improved multilateral stakeholder leverage and outcomes in the prevention and control of cancer. It is important to create an evidence base that provides clear and specific guidance for health practitioners in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) through involvement of all stakeholders. GHD can assist LMICs to negotiate across multilateral stakeholders to integrate prevention, treatment and palliative care of cancer into their commercial and trade policies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These programmes also include co-ordination activities that in particular focus on linking institutions and facilitating dialogues between different actors. Finally, there are several examples of projects that include climate research, such as the development of climate change scenarios, impacts and vulnerability assessments. It should be emphasised that the distribution of project and programme activities does not necessarily respond to the general approach of the six agencies, but merely reflects what was observed in the sample. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 United Nations Development Programme (PNUD)/Municipality of Montevideo/Territorial policies division of the Office of Planning and the Budget, noviembre. Siete estudios realizados a partir de la Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo, Colombia, 2012-2013, National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). Cuenta satelite del trabajo no remunerado de los hogares de Mexico 2013. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Such incentives are currently granted on a case-by-case basis. Investors should be aware of which incentives they would be granted prior to investing which requires clarifying the current design and implementation of such incentives. Facilitating access to credit by producers requires the development of a much stronger and more competitive financial market, for instance by supporting the development of Co-operative Banks. Efforts to establish credit reporting systems, credit and assets registry systems (both for movable and fixed assets) and to develop financial services such as equipment leasing and warehouse receipts, should be sustained, while public subsidies should be reduced. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The results also show the same trends for other commodities, with a strong pass-through from Chinese imports to Brazilian exports in the cases of sugar and poultry, but much weaker transmission for vegetable oil and cotton. Coarse grain demand is dominated by feed use. Feed use is expected to increase following a small decline in 2016, growing at 1.5% per year during the projection period to about 49.9 Mt by 2024, 23% above base period volume, more than keeping pace with the assumed increase in the production of non-ruminant meat (Figure 2.12). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The process of developing this vision should engage a broad range of stakeholders from national and subnational levels in setting objectives and developing innovative solutions. However, the measures implemented have further complicated the water governance system. Proposals were made in 2006 to replace river basin authorities with eight river basin districts to implement some of the main provisions of the WFD. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The dominant discourse in accommodating the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia during Suharto’s regime was one of assimilation, which forcefully aimed to absorb this minority into the national body. However, continuous official discrimination towards the Chinese placed them in a paradoxical position that made them an easy target of racial and class hostility. The May 1998 anti-Chinese riots proved the failure of the assmilationist policy. The process of democratization has given rise to a proliferation of identity politics in postSuharto Indonesia. The policy of multiculturalism has been endorsed by Indonesia’s current power holders as a preferred approach to rebuilding the nation, consistent with the national motto: ‘Unity in Diversity’. This paper critically considers the politics of multiculturalism and its efficacy in managing cultural diversity and differences. It deploys the concept of hybridity to describe as well as analyze the complex identity politics of the ethnic Chinese in contemporary Indonesia. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Scholarship on social policy has recently emphasised the importance of gradual processes of institutional change. However, conceptual work on the identification of processes such as drift, conversion and layering has not produced clear empirical indicators that distinguish these processes from one another, posing major problems for empirical research. We argue that, in order to improve the validity of its empirical findings, scholarship on gradual change should - and can - pay more attention to issues of measurement and detection. We then contribute to this goal by clearly articulating observable indicators for several mechanisms of gradual institutional change and validating them against extant empirical work on political economy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Box 3 discusses REDD further. Markets for emission reduction credits from Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) are anticipated to generate a US$30 billion annual revenue stream for developing nations, stimulating an exponential increase in demand for carbon sequestration services from South-East Asian forests in particular. In addition to helping to build capacity for REDD in developing countries, the FCPF also supports the implementation of small-scale REDD pilot projects. Cambodia, Indonesia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Thailand and Viet Nam are among 37 which have partnered with the FCPF in the development of national REDD Readiness Plans. Numerous studies warn that once REDD is implemented, the sheer volume of available forest supply could send the market price for tradable carbon tumbling, possibly as much as 75 per cent. Investments in REDD projects could also be subject by the same risky investment patterns and flows that launched the 2008 financial crisis. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Indeed, in reviewing the literature on water demand, the ample opportunities for conserving water across the board are striking, including in the electric power sector, the production of industrial steam, residential consumption, and irrigated agriculture. In our opinion, the main reason why such substitution has not been more widespread to date is due to the absence of economic incentives for conservation. In many uses around the world, water remains virtually free. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Estimates of forest biomass and soil carbon sequestration in Finland and Norway during the past two decades are 8 and 5.6 Tg C yr1, respectively, or 39 and 46 g C nr2 yr1 (Liski et al. For Sweden, forest carbon accumulation between 1920 and 2000 was estimated to be 7.1 Tg C yr1, or 31 g C m-2 yr1 (Agren et al. The soil carbon sink was about 19% to 28% of the total carbon sink, estimated using models. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 There is an upper-limit for the expenditures: TRY 100 000 (USD 37 000) for individuals and TRY 200 000 (USD 74 000) for legal entities. The types of investments considered are, among others, installation of on-farm drip, sprinkler or micro-sprinkler irrigation, and of irrigation schemes based on solar power (Official Gazette of the Turkish Government, 2015). By 2012, these aids subsidised 6 196 projects, with 61 000 fanners benefitting, for a total amount of TRY 165 million (USD 61 million) (MOD, 2014). Starting in 1993, the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems have been progressively transferred from the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) to water users, including local authorities. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Costa Rica, Honduras, South Africa and Thailand focus on local communities and youth, while Egypt uses non-governmental organizations and targeted media campaigns. India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency concentrates on small and medium-size enterprises and clusters because of their more limited access to information and technology. The programmes are fairly standard. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The APA is requested to identify sources of input for the global stocktake. Examples include information on the state of adaptation efforts, support, experiences and priorities from submitted adaptation communications, the mobilisation and provision of support, the latest reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and relevant reports of the subsidiary bodies (paragraph 99, Decision 1/CP.21). Specific work items include: exploring ways to monitor and evaluate support provided and received for adaptation (in 2017), convening a meeting to exchange views on national adaptation goals and indicators, and the possible relation of such indicators with those for sustainable development and for disaster risk reduction in the context of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (AC, 2016b). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The training and education of ECEC staff affects the quality of services and outcomes primarily through the knowledge, skills and competencies that are transmitted and encouraged by practitioners. It is also considered important that staff believe in their ability to organise and execute the courses of action necessary to bring about desired results (Fives, 2003). Qualifications can matter in terms of which skill sets and what knowledge are recognised as important for working with young children. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Even more concerning, levels of socio-economic inequity have not changed since 2006 in the majority of countries. Figure 3 shows that in a few countries, such as Australia, Finland and Korea, the discrepancy between students in the top and bottom quartiles of PISA’s socio-economic ESCS index grew even larger between 2006 and 2015. However, PISA results show that inequality of opportunity is not set in stone, and that selected school systems succeeded in becoming more equitable over a relatively short period (OECD, 2017(8]). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The data are collected by the World Health Organization (WHO) annually and show solid and linear growth over the period 2003-2013. The growth of the number of connected institutions has grown an impressive 600 per cent from an original baseline in 2003 of 792 connected institutions to 5 584 at the end of 2013. The monitoring of the adoption of eHealth strategies is proposed as another data source. An eHealth strategy can be a good indication of a government's view of the importance of eHealth and the role it will play in strengthening the health sector, including the building of connectivity. The WHO Global Observatory for eHealth reports that the number of countries with eHealth strategies is showing a steady rise. In 2009, 55 countries indicated that they had eHealth strategies and in 2013 this number had grown to 85. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Neoliberalism was paramount in the transition to the present phase of modernity. But since the 1990s a sort of social liberalism has been also crucial to the organization of current forms of global domination, including the forms of governmentality that shape contemporary subjectivities. This article investigates the closed forms of seriality as well as sectoralized and target policies that underlie social liberalism. It is counter-posed to them, though not in an absolute manner, a perspective of open serialities and universalist social policies, towards a complex solidarity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Given the increasing influence of religious fundamentalism on politics (e.g. the Christian right in the United States or the Muslim fundamentalism associated with Al Qaeda), the question of how we can conceive of law and order, or society itself, without employing repressive ideals becomes more urgent. We need a way of conceptualizing the origin and process of idealization (which is necessary for meaning, signification and community) without recourse to the absolute moral ideals of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’. The current rhetoric used by the United States government against terrorism employs these moral ideals as does the rhetoric used by ‘the terrorists’ against the United States. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Collectively, these benefits are known as ES. This classification still stands, though the European Commission and others have refined the classification in various directions (not important for ourdiscussion here). This includes activities such as reflecting or meditating on the cultural heritage embedded in a certain landscape or the uniqueness of a certain landscape. Although we through this simplification have strived to avoid overlap between the four categories, we cannot exclude the possibility that there could be cases of such overlap. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! The mechanism used is the structure of feed-in tariffs specified in the German Renewable Energy Law: when hydropower facilities comply with certain criteria (such as ensuring biological continuity of the river, or being built in a location where there are barrages or weirs), they are paid a higher-feed in tariff from electricity distributors, which is reflected in the energy bill paid by the end users. The additional remuneration is paid to hydropower producers for 20 years and varies according to facility size and output -smaller plants are paid higher remunerations per kWh than bigger plants to ensure their profitability, plants producing more than 5 MW are only paid for the increased part of production after modernisation. These are illustrated by voluntary agreements between water supply utilities and farmers to reduce pollution and water treatment costs (see OECD, 2012b). In the EU and the United States, farmers are paid for a variety of environmental stewardship measures, including reducing nitrate contamination. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 They should be located close to housing and create interconnected green corridors, following modern trends in the most advanced cities. Planning more compact streets and concentrating green areas, while maintaining their share of the total land area, strikes a reasonable compromise between compactness and green landscapes. Putting these into operation will complete the transport infrastructure, raising the efficiency of connection hubs. Current legislation provides private property rights to land only in a limited range of cases. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The study also found that women experiencing violence earned 35 per cent less than those not abused, and the overall lost productivity was estimated at 1.8 per cent of GDP in 2010. Men's Atrittules and Practices Regarding Gender and Violence against Women in Bangladesh: Preliminary Findings (icddr.b, 2011), pp. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, around 200 supermarkets and 10 hypermarkets sell the equivalent of 90,000 small shops and account for up to 30 per cent of Kenya’s food retail market (UNDP, 2012). Knowledge sharing between lead firms and suppliers will be important for upgrading Africa’s food production and its ability to compete in global markets (UNECA, 2013). Contract farming is becoming more common, but in many places small farmers face barriers to entry. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! In 2009, more than 33 000 NGOs were registered, providing services in several areas, with many focusing on environmental issues (USAID, 2010). Environmental NGOs cany out awareness-raising, training and educational activities but also organise public campaigns and represent individuals and citizen groups in disputes over public or private decisions that affect public health or environment. The NGOs have joint communication and co-operation platforms, with Ekoforum being one of the most active. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 According to UNODC, cannabis abuse in the United States is on the increase, including among high school students, for which annual prevalence rates rose from 24.7 per cent in 2012 to 25.8 per cent in 2013. The number of overdose deaths related to cocaine in 2013 saw a 12 per cent increase over 2012. The biggest increase in the number of overdose deaths identified was related to heroin. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In order to be successful, it is crucial that there is public awareness about the need to take measures as well as acceptance of the measures by society. Assessment of actual health effects also requires consideration of actual exposure, using exposure indicators next to assessment of air quality limit values. It is then up to the authorities to assess the actual situation to choose forthe measures that fits best to the local situation. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! It emphasises the centrality of knowledge and learning and aims to promote inclusion, coherence and flexibility in educational practice. It also stresses the importance of adaptability, audacity and raising awareness of environmental sustainability issues as critical to a 21st century' educational approach. This includes the expectation that the citizen develop critical thinking, self-awareness, autonomy and responsibility. Individuals should be able to cope with uncertainty' in a fast-changing world, to use the skills they have developed, to continue lifelong learning, and should respect the fundamental principles of democratic society and the rights, guarantees and freedoms on which it is based. These include: responsibility and integrity, excellence and high standards, curiosity, reflection and innovation, citizenship and participation, and freedom. These include: the use of languages and texts, information and communication, reasoning and problem solving, critical and creative thinking, interpersonal relations, autonomy and personal development, well-being, health and environment, aesthetic and artistic sensitivity/awareness, scientific, technical and technological knowledge, and body awareness and mastery. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This exploratory study examines issue salience and the discourse on human rights in the principal parties' manifestos in UK state-wide Elections 1945–2010. Innovative aspects include the application of combined qualitative and quantitative techniques. These are used to test a series of hypotheses. The findings reveal the nature and extent of the party politicisation of human rights. Analysis confirms a Left–Right political cleavage. Left-of-centre parties attach greatest priority to promoting rights, and frame them in the context of political citizenship, democracy and good governance. On the other side of the spectrum it is over-simplistic to characterise the Conservative's position as anti-human rights. Rather it reflects internal party tensions with the manifesto discourse simultaneously advocating the application of rights in foreign policy yet proposing replacement of the Human Rights Act in domestic law. Overall, the present study provides a template for future international comparative work on the political development of rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As there are crucial and determining periods in the life cycle of every scientific discipline, which sometimes change the destiny of that discipline, the first Minnowbrook conference can be considered as one of these decisive events in the history of administration science. The outcome of Minnowbrook was the commencement of a dialectic conflict that gave rise to five distinct approaches as its synthesis. These approaches culminated in the development of “new public management”, “good governance”, “e-government”, “reinventing government or entrepreneurial government”, and “new public services”, although the main identifying school of this dialectical conflict was ignored to a great extent– a school that can be investigated in light of justice-oriented approach of new public administration. Key words: Minnowbrook, new public administration, theoretical dialectics, killer syntheses, public problem solving. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Across OECD countries, a more socio-economically advantaged student scores 39 points higher in mathematics — the equivalent of nearly one year of schooling - than a Iess-advantagpd student. In Portugal, the performance difference in mathematics is is 35 score-points. Together with Chile, Hungary, Luxembourg and the Slovak Republic, the relationship in Portugal between performance and socioeconomic status is significantly above the OECD average (OECD, 2014a). Portugal’s position contrasts to that of Italy, which, for example, showed a similar performance level and improvement in PISA results, as with Portugal between 2003 and 2012 (see Figure 9). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Observatory is informed of all major deliberations on water management, on which it issues an opinion prior to their presentation at the City Council. These deliberations concern, for instance, the price and quality of public drinking water and sanitation services as well as the annual activity report of Eau de Paris (service provider). The Observatory is composed of four boards representing: i) elected officials at municipal level, ii) consumers, iii) local institutions from the health, urban planning, land use and housing sectors, and iv) academia. Beyond institutional and professional actors, any individuals or associations can join. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 One step in the right direction would be to set up a single body responsible for co-ordinating the promotion of women’s enterprise development - similar, for example, to the Office of Women’s Business Ownership in the United States or the German National Agency for Women Start-up Activities and Services (OECD, 2012c) - as well as to develop a comprehensive policy to tackle the core barriers to developing female entrepreneurship. Depending on the exact barriers identified, interventions could include: raising awareness of successful female entrepreneurs and women role models, training programmes to build women’s financial literacy and their ability to develop sound business plans and pitch them to potential lenders, promoting businesswomen’s associations and including more women on the boards of chambers of commerce and industry to get the voice of women entrepreneurs heard in policy circles, and improving women’s access to finance. In this respect, practices in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey could be useful models for Tunisia to explore (OECD, 2012c) - although many MENA countries have also introduced measures recently (see Box 3.10). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In the name of creating a more just society, demands for multiculturalism, diversity, and cultural competence have proliferated over the past few decades. All these terms fundamentally depend on identity politics, pitting group against group. Far from ushering in a more harmonious future, identity politics seems to lead primarily to greater social fragmentation, combativeness, and conflict. The escalation of these tensions is manifest today in attacks on free speech and efforts to micromanage everyday life. Accompanying these is a persistent denigration of western culture and its tradition of individual (rather than group) rights and freedoms. The dangers of such developments have been well documented in the twentieth-century dictatorial regimes claiming to be acting for the greater good. The costs of abdicating liberal values in the name of goodness have also been extensively explored in utopian and dystopian fictions that demonstrate why ideological policing can never produce a better world. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The goals of the intervention were often new to teachers, as well as rubrics as a pedagogical tool and some of the related practices. Usually, teams that implemented a unique session on creativity and critical thinking were implementing a signature pedagogy for which teachers would be accompanied (see Chapter 3 for a more detailed discussion of signature pedagogies). However, training was most valuable when it consisted of several sessions held at regular intervals and continued to include a focus on the creativity, critical thinking and the project materials. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In Bali WTO minsters adopted a decision that recognised that the organisation is yet to deliver on the trade-related components of the 2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration, but agreed on the importance of pursuing progress in this area. Members will meet twice each year to study the latest information and to discuss the latest developments on market access, domestic support and export subsidies for cotton, particularly from LDCs. A change in US policy, at the bilateral level, would therefore go a long way in addressing LDCs’ grievances over cotton. The USA has been under pressure to reform its Farm Bill since 2002 when the WTO ruled in favour of Brazil that US cotton subsidies were excessive and unfair. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Some energy efficient devices (e.g. variable speed drives) may be more susceptible to voltage or frequency fluctuations on the grid. Energy efficient devices moreover often involve new technology with low operating experience. The highly technical realities underlying such investments result in investors demanding an implicitly higher rate of return to offset the perceived higher risk of energy efficiency projects. Finally, a perception of high transaction costs can emerge because of the small size of EE projects relative to other projects. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There are various ways in which this could be achieved, e.g. the commitments could be included in the core agreement, in an annex to the agreement, in separate INF documents, or in a separate COP decision. Listing the commitments in an annex to the 2015 agreement or a set of COP decisions, rather than as part of the core agreement itself, could make them easier to subsequently modify. The commitments included in the 2015 agreement could only be the first round of a longer-term process of setting mitigation commitments, with a view to achieving the long-term 2 °C global goal. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some of these are outlined in the Paris Agreement, including disseminating knowledge and lessons learned, and improving the effectiveness and durability of adaptation actions. Information on progress towards national and international adaptation goals will also inform enhanced implementation of adaptation actions over time. Moreover, national monitoring exercises to generate relevant information for adaptation communications under the Paris Agreement could help to inform reporting for other development agendas such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""These changes in purchasing and consumption patterns are occurring in smaller cities and towns as well as the largest cities. Through their research and marketing efforts, food companies, of course, are shaping as well as responding to these demands. This transition corresponds closely to rises in income and the structural transformation of the food system, as seen primarily in industrialized and middle-income countries. Popkin, Adair and Ng (2012, p. 3) describe this phenomenon as """"the primary mismatch between human biology and modern society"""". Awareness of these characteristics and the key actors who shape food systems will help identify where to intervene and what to do to create systems that help achieve good nutrition. Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the elements of food systems and the broader economic, social, cultural and physical environment within which they operate."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, collective management (e.g. pooling systems in Japan) can also work, as it gives the whole community an economic stake in the system’s effectiveness. Output-based market mechanisms offer good results when the fishing industry is geographically concentrated, with few landing sites. Daily, weekly or monthly vessel catch limits (e.g. in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Germany and France) can also be used, but offer less flexibility. Trade flows are generally easier to monitor than catches, making ITQs more practical in export-oriented fisheries. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Currently, about 78 million people are added to the world’s population every year. This means that, by 2050, the global economy would need to be able to provide a decent living for more than 9 billion people, of which 85 per cent will be living in what are now developing countries. Africa will account for about half of the absolute increase in population between 2010 and 2050 and be home to nearly one quarter of the world population by 2050 at present trends. As a result, the world population is ageing rapidly. By 2050, one in three persons living in developed countries and one in five in what are now developing countries will be over 65 years of age. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, the extent of communication and co-operation between the school and community is often dependent on the motivation of principals or the community itself. At the central and district levels, consideration should be given to how ESD may be fostered through working with school management committees, boards of trustees, or other joint planning groups. Children and young adults in many SIDS have excellent opportunities for such experiences, ranging from informal to very well-structured. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! For example, in Kenya, the paper manufacturer Chandaria Industries experienced savings of 40 per cent in energy, 48 percent in materials and 181 percent in water through involvement in the programme. Primary education is critical for developing a semi-skilled labour force. In low-income countries with large rural sectors, it can be vital for equipping farmers with the basic skills necessary to their being informed on and implementing sustainable agricultural and forestry practices. However, while the significance of achieving universal primary education is highlighted by its inclusion as a Millennium Development Goal, secondary, vocational and tertiary education are just as important in the field of green technology. Secondary education can provide core skills and knowledge needed for countries’ economic growth. Vocational schooling can be particularly useful in building technological competencies, successful vocational education also provides important links between education and industry. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Mexico’s water scarcity problem is partly due to illegal abstraction - whether abstraction without license or abstraction above licensed levels. But even if only the legally licensed volumes were abstracted, there would still be a problem because over the years, the Mexican governments have licensed abstraction rights for significantly higher volumes than available in the river basins and aquifers. In order to address this issue, CONAGUA has put in place a specific programme {Programa de Adecuacion de Derechos de Agua), the implementation guidelines of which were issued in August 2011. The programme is designed to buy water rights from farmers in those irrigation districts where the licensed water rights exceed 20% of water availability. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Approximately 5 700 persons were registered as directly employed in the aquaculture sector in 2013. In addition the Ministry is responsible for seafood safety and fish health, trade policy and market access. The Fish Sales Organisations Act was adopted 21 June 2013 and regulates the firsts hand sales of fish. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The International Violence against Women Survey (Johnson, Ollus and Nevala, 2008) included a set of questions aimed at assessing the extent to which victims of violence report incidents to the police or other judicial authorities or seek help from health or social services or informal sources of support. As acknowledged in the International Violence against Women Surveys, questions designed to assess the extent to which women seek help from health or social services will need to be modified according to the national context, as the availability of such services varies greatly from country to country. The International Violence against Women Survey included a question on this (Johnson, Ollus and Navala, 2008). It may need to be modified to suit national circumstances. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In India improving infrastructure has many win-win benefits not just for female labour force participation but for removing overall growth bottlenecks. Regressions were also run on availability of tap water and electricity within a district. In the OLS estimation both variables are significant and positive. The magnitude of the effect is relatively small for availability of water as the increase of 1 pp in households having access to tap water increases participation by less than 0.1 pp, while the same increase in access to electricity pushes participation up by 0.3 pp. This is also the case for rural households, for which the results are in general more difficult to understand and there are fewer similarities within each of the pairs of regions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Analyzing mass protest movements in different countries this paper argues that protests against electoral fraud in Moscow in December 2011 do not represent """"Russian Spring,"""" """"Orange Revolution,"""" or a new version of Perestroika. Rather they have more in common with the Progressive movement that fought political corruption in the U.S. during the early part of the 20th century. The author notes that protest movement can provide new chances for institutional reforms and social development but only if main elite groups are ready to cooperate in elaboration of new more open and more transparent """"rules of the game""""."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Also, the developmental implications of diversifying primary commodity export markets and import sources, with greater trade through neighbouring transit economies, should not be exaggerated. Reliance of SSA countries on exports of primary commodities, especially minerals, has actually grown. Table 13 shows the share of primary commodity exports in total world exports and for selected African country groups. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! University faculty numbers grew from 20 500 in 2000 to 21 800 in 2003, an increase of 6%, compared with an increase of 22% (18% in full-time equivalents) in the size of the student body. The proportion of African students in South African universities increased from 49% in 1995 to 63% in 2007 and is presently about two-thirds of the total number of university students. African students have a higher likelihood of dropping out: while 63% of all enrolled students are African in public universities, they make up only 57% of the graduates. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The mandatory “Core Entrepreneurship” course includes a basic introduction to entrepreneurship and small business management as well as a student-run on-campus business activity. The entrepreneurship course at the school of management is compulsory for bachelor of management students. The teaching method is largely interactive and combines lectures with case study work and tutorials. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, these outlays can become progressive if noncontributory benefits are provided to informal sector workers and families. The new approach aimed at stabilizing macroeconomic imbalances and reducing inflation by means of the monetary approach to the balance of payments. Public policies following from this approach focused on liberalization of domestic markets for goods, labour and finance, privatization of state companies and an overall reduction of the role of the state in the economy. These policies paved the way towards the liberalization of foreign trade, opening up to FDI, liberalization of portfolio flows, adoption of a standardized patent regime (embodied in the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)) regarding intellectual property, and the simplification of all forms of international exchange, except for the free mobility of labour. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Parties established a mechanism to allow for the market-based international transfer of emissions credits, with the rules, modalities and procedures to be worked out by the first session of the Conference of the Parties. The process will help to inform future iterations of the Parties’ NDCs. Rather, it commits them to deriving their own individual nationally appropriate plans for achieving the overall objective of the Agreement and the UNFCCC. One such set of implications is to be found in the nature of the transition that will be brought about by the successful implementation of the various NDCs: opportunities for new or expanded trade flows to fuel a global green economy. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While the global financial crisis placed significant pressure on the Australian economy, it has remained resilient due to a sound macroeconomic framework and continued robust demand for commodities. Employment policies are managed at the national level by the Department of Employment and delivered through an outsourced network of service providers (Job Services Australia). In response to the crisis, Australia implemented a series of measures aimed at stimulating employment in areas most vulnerable to future downturns. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! In 19 out of 30 countries and economies, more men than women were able to correctly answer at least five questions (as indicated by the blue bars). Gender differences in financial knowledge recorded in the 2011 survey (as indicated by the grey diamonds) were generally also in favour of men. Among the ten countries for which comparable data over time is available, Albania and Poland reported a statistically significant reduction in gender differences in financial knowledge, while in the other countries gender differences have not changed significantly (Table 10.A1.1 in Online Annex 10.A1). When asked how they would rate their own knowledge about financial matters compared to other adults in their country, men are more likely than women to report above average knowledge in 13 countries/economies out of 30, even after comparing men and women with similar levels of (test-based) financial knowledge. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Si les mutations technologiques et la mondialisation contribuent, a tout le moins, a la formation des inegalites, les politiques publiques, en particulier F education et les politiques du marche du travail, peuvent aussi avoir une influence importante. A partir de 1’analyse empirique des liens entre politiques publiques et repartition des revenus du travail, ce document examine les eventuels arbitrages et complementarites entre les deux objectifs que sont la reduction des inegalites de revenu d'unc part et le relevement de la croissance economique d'autre part. Cela vaut en particulier pour les politiques favorisant Faccumulation de capital humain, rendant le potentiel d’education moins tributaire de la situation personnelle et sociale, reduisant le dualisme du marche du travail et promouvant l’integration des immigrants et des femmes sur le marche du travail. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The emergence and increasing importance of private transnational legal structures in global governance presents a puzzle for legal theory. These new forms of transnational law (TL) can be found in diverse areas, ranging from trade-related issues, to corporate responsibility, human and labor rights, and environmental protection. Transnational constitutionalists, have argued that this phenomenon has a constitutional quality. The challenge of transnational constitutionalism lies in developing an institutional model that explains how constitutionally embedded legal authority can arise independently of the institutional structures of state-based public law. In this paper we propose a new theoretical framework for thinking about non-statist legal authority, which we term “networked constitutionalism”. We conceptualize transnational legal authority as an emergent, network-based phenomenon and elaborate the institutional conditions that undergird its emergence. We illustrate our thesis through a network analysis of a large sample of corporate social responsibility codes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As evidenced by the oversubscription of the Trapezia funds in the United Kingdom, there is a business opportunity and scope for equity funders to meet the needs of women entrepreneurs (see case study VIII). They are also likely to have less time to spend on financial transacting due to the time demands of family and carer responsibilities. Institutions such as DFCU Group in Uganda have recognised this access challenge and have positioned ‘women-friendly’ branches in locations close to where there are clusters of women entrepreneurs and aligned branch operating times to correspond with the requirements of this group of customers. Significant numbers of women are using internet banking: 41 per cent in the UK and 29 per cent in Malta, for example (Eurostat 2010). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Recent years have seen growing calls to govern land resources as global environmental commons, delivering benefits to all of humanity in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Applying this call to drylands – almost half of the world’s land – allows responses that are better tailored to dryland attributes. Four key elements for global drylands governance emerge from linking an understanding of drylands attributes with recent global governance scholarship: the need for a polycentric system with nested goal setting, transparent monitoring and graduated sanctions. These elements require nuanced application in drylands, with an emphasis on empowering the local. We describe how the present global governance architecture for drylands – the UN Convention to Combat Desertification – provides a partial scaffolding, but falls short in specific areas that deserve attention. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 National policy documents (such as national curriculum guidelines for both ECEC and primary school) or the monitoring of transitions as part of inspections, can support the quality of transition practices and ensure quality is more even across different settings or schools. Parental surveys are the most common tool, followed by child monitoring methods (e.g. portfolios, child development reports or development assessments). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The following measures can be particularly beneficial for women. To counter this problem, countries like Mexico provide low-wage earners with tax credits to incentivise formal employment (OECD, 2015b, Chapter 1). This is particularly important for women as their earnings are often cumulated with the earnings of a working husband when calculating tax liabilities (and hence attract higher marginal rates). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The recent Ebola crisis in West Africa only underlines the imperative to collectively address the problems not only of access but also of innovation (see box 1). Indeed, for such reasons, Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 8 included a focus on improving access to affordable essential medicines in developing countries. The World Bank, for example, estimated a loss of about 12 per cent of gross domestic product for these three worst-affected countries in 2015.bThe Ebola crisis has thus underlined the urgent need for intensified international and national action to improve access to health care and medicines. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Is foreign aid effective in reducing terrorism? The existing evidence is mostly negative. We argue that this pessimistic outlook on the efficacy of aid as a counterterrorism tool is partly a function of focusing on only one type of aid: economic aid. Governance and civil society aid can dampen the participation in and support for terrorism by altering the political conditions of a country. We expect countries that receive high levels of governance and civil society aid to experience fewer domestic terrorist incidents than countries that receive little or none. Using a sample of aid eligible countries for the period from 1997 to 2010, we find that governance and civil society aid is effective in dampening domestic terrorism, but this effect is only present if the recipient country is not experiencing a civil conflict. Our findings provide support for the continued use of democracy aid as a counterterrorism tool. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Some programmes prefer the use of coarse measures of biodiversity to facilitate simpler exchanges whereas others have opted for more a detailed representation of biodiversity through more fine-scale measurement of individual characteristics (Thomas, Brandao and Chomitz, 2004). Successful indicators capture the key components of biodiversity that must be protected, according to regulatory requirements, or in the absence of such requirements, that society wants protected. These choices may be informed by the types of biodiversity and ecosystem services that are valued by stakeholders, the latest scientific understanding and the availability of data to populate the indicator at a reasonable cost/benefit ratio (Figure 4.2). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Tobacco settlement money can be allocated to nonprofit organizations or government agencies. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Nonprofit organizations may have relatively (a) more efficiency/flexibility, but less accountability, (b) narrower focus, but less experience, (c) more ability to advocate, but more obligations, (d) more independence from tobacco industry influence, but less funding, and, (e) more public trust, but less visibility. The present case study of the Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi focuses on six interconnected areas: education (school and community), raising awareness, advocacy, service, enforcement, and research. In 1999 and 2000, tobacco use declined in Mississippi, even compared to neighboring states. This unique partnership's multifaceted approach to social change probably facilitated this decline. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 First it reviews the major reported impact of climate changes on fish and fisheries from an EAF perspective and introduces the IFRAME model as a tool for assessing and forecasting risks to fisheries and ecosystems. It then identifies management objectives and attributes for an EAF and discusses the development of indicators, reference points and risk indices for assessing those fisheries affected by climate changes. Finally, it reviews current fisheries management systems and discusses the implications for management under changing climate conditions. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Outdated assessments of properties reduce tax revenues significantly, it is estimated that updating generated an additional tax revenue of USD 123 million in 2010. Colombia has recently made efforts to update the cadastre. A 2011 Law requires each municipality to update the cadastre every five years. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Together they mean that the risk-retum profile of low-carbon investments is often less attractive than their fossil fuel-based equivalents. Scaling-up financing to a low-carbon economy will not happen spontaneously. It requires strong policy and price signals to ensure that low-carbon and energy efficiency investments offer a sufficiently attractive risk-adjusted return compared to available alternatives (IEA, 2014). These are presented in the shaded part of Table 2.1 and are briefly discussed in the following section, they are the subject of other chapters in this report. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! It concerns both live and dead specimens or even products made from wildlife or plants. The specimens and products are used for pharmaceutical, ornamental or traditional medicinal purposes. Illegal harvest and trade includes a range of species from iconic ones like gorillas, orangutans, elephants, tigers, rhinos, Tibetan antelopes and pangolins to corals, birds, reptiles and sturgeon for caviar. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Mexico’s signature of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, derive implicit and explicit commitments that must be met. On the one hand, the obligation to define, in the domestic sphere, crimes jurisdiction of the Court and, on the other, the obligation to have in place provisions penalizing offenses against the administration of justice in procedures performed at court or in connection with it and also allow secure procedures applicable to all forms of cooperation envisaged in the Statute. This paper explores the various ways in which States have sought to fulfill these obligations and proposes ways that would be more feasible in the case of Mexico, with particular reference to the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is one of the reasons why some developing countries queried the findings of the OECD - CPI study ‘Climate Finance in 2013-14 and the USD 100 Billion Goal’ (OECD, 2015c). In addition, there are several inconsistencies and gaps in the current UNFCCC reporting framework for climate finance (Ellis and Moarif, 2015). The UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance has been mandated to work on rules and procedures for tracking climate finance (UNFCCC, 2006) and this work will be intensified and carried forward post Paris. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In 2014, the daily volume of electricity production throughout the country was around 49.8 million kWh, including more than 8.6 million kWh of exports to Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan. Afghanistan receives more than 6.9 million kWh of electricity daily, and Kyrgyzstan around 1.7 million kWh. Tajikistan reportedly supplies electricity to Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan only during the spring-summer period (table 11.4). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Further advances include a stronger focus on probabilistic analysis and attempts at considering large-scale climate instabilities. Adaptation has received only limited attention in global IAMs so far, mostly due to the mismatch in spatial scales at which mitigation and adaptation decisions are generally made. Some recent IAMs attempt to identify optimal levels of adaptation in climate-sensitive sectors or do include adaptation to climate change explicitly as a decision variable. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The proposed plurilateral on services - the so-called TISA - is symptomatic of this trend, but plurilaterals might also be initiated in areas such as environmental goods and services or IT. This is both because such agreements tend to be exclusive, and because removing certain elements from the Doha equation would result in fewer trade-off opportunities for LDCs to advance their priorities in areas such as food security or market access. Under such a scenario, the risk is therefore high that LDCs’ specific concern will retain less attention and become increasingly marginalised, as larger trading powers focus their attention on their own priority issues. While the LDCs are not in a position to stop plurilaterals from happening, they should use their limited influence to ensure that such agreements remain as much as possible under the purview of the WTO, while devising strategies to advance their priorities under the new negotiating configuration. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 ""As argued in previous chapters, the growth of inequality has dampened demand, circumscribing the expansion of high-quality jobs relative to labour supply. This has intensified competition for “good"""" jobs consistent with decent work. Section B provides an overview of the gender equality and growth literature."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In France, a national study was undertaken to evaluate the public subsidies that are harmful to biodiversity (Sainteny et al., Assessing the “appropriate” amount of the national budget to be allocated is based on comparing what is required to achieve the objectives specified in the NBSAP and what can reasonably be mobilised from alternative sources (e.g. from the private sector, ODA). Very few countries have been able to make such comparisons, however, due to a lack of robust, comprehensive and comparable time series data on public biodiversity expenditure across national and subnational budgets. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This article offers a critical analysis of David Miller’s proposal that liberal immigration policies should be conceptualized in terms of a quasi-contract between receiving nations and immigrant groups, designed to ensure both that cultural diversity does not undermine trust among citizens and that immigrants are treated fairly. This proposal fails to address sufficiently two related concerns. Firstly, an open-ended, quasi-contractual requirement for cultural integration leaves immigrant groups exposed to arbitrary critique as insufficiently integrated and unworthy of trust as citizens. Secondly, the focus on national culture instead of citizenship obfuscates the close link between political membership and political trustworthiness. An examination of two models of interpersonal trust, affective and cognitive, shows that there is no room for the mid-way position associated with a quasi-contract. The effect of grounding political trust in a shared national culture instead of democratic institutions is to no... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Indeed, it might even give the US Congress the evidence it claims is lacking to justify American provision of budget support. Evidently, not all LDCs are currently at a level of government capacity at which certification would be assured. Hence, it would be important to combine a certification process with transitional arrangements, including support for capacity building followed by re-assessment for those countries currently below the standard necessary for certification. While from the perspective of government this may be inferior to budget support, it is evidently better than the government not receiving the aid at all. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""Of course, subjective risk perception may not correspond to actual risk. For instance, a devastating, highly evocative singularity like an earthquake and a more diffuse and constantly present phenomenon such as air pollution, may have the same mortality rates, but people would not necessarily accept the same marginal increase in income for the mortality risk in being exposed to each. Cameron (2010) thus rightly remarks: “‘The VSL’ is not some true-but-unknown fundamental constant of nature that we merely need to measure more accurately. Instead, ‘the VSL’ is the result of attempts to find a convenient one-size-fits-all measure of demand for risk reductions - a number that may or may not be appropriate across all different types of risks or all different affected populations."""""" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! In addition, many ministries have specific urban policy functions. The average OECD member country government had 6.7 ministries or national-level departments or agencies with explicit urban policy functions in mid-2013, and many had 8 or more. While 18 OECD countries still had no overall framework in place in mid-2013, a number were under preparation and in a number of other countries, urban policy was rolled into broader regional or spatial development strategies. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The results show that the mean scores for all groups of risks, with the exception of market risks, increased. Market risks continued to exhibit the highest mean score (3.8 points) compared to other types of risks, and decreased only marginally over the period under study. The scores also indicate that the risks with most important rises in the level of significance were human risks, financial and regulatory risks. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! They have facilitated their access to secondary education and their success at school by mobilising the financial, technical and human resources needed to meet their particular educational needs and by developing educational systems that seek to ensure the success of every student regardless of his or her particularities. However, access to tertiary education for young adults with disabilities is not as smooth as it is for other young adults, particularly for those with psychological or behavioural problems. These difficulties are attributable in particular to a lack of synergies between the actors involved in the process of transition to tertiary education, the lack of training of these actors, and the inadequacies of the tools and statistical data required for the development of integrated systems of transition. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Based on the 1% Population Sampling Survey, the average monthly earnings for people working in agriculture in rural areas are only CNY 271, and the local off-farm workers can make CNY 739 monthly (the medians being CNY 227 and CNY 636, respectively). Hence, the income difference between farm work and off-farm work accounted for most of the inequality within rural areas. Table 3.2 also presents the inequality indices in rural areas based on various definitions of the rural population (columns 1 and 4). In fact, the earnings difference among rural residents is quite substantial, and is mostly contributed by the difference between farm work and off-farm work. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! That means that governments cannot trust linear forms of participation (representation) and communication alone (Hooge, Burns and Wilkoszweski, 2012). They would have to engage with a broader range of stakeholders than just representative organisations (see Box 4.1). In education, governments must seek ways to communicate continuously with school leaders and teachers in order to promote ownership. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Manage cultivation techniques, quality and utilisation of fertilisers. Steer the cultivation and production plans Set up the strategies, schemes, plans, procedures, norms, techniques and technologies for species of plants and fertilisers. Manage the attestation, corroboration of quality, field-testing, recognition and trademark protection of new species of plants and new fertilisers. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Smoking will still be allowed in bars and restaurants but in specially equipped rooms with an implementation lag of two years to allow installation. There are few restrictions on where cigarettes can be purchased. Shops will now need to obtain a license to sell tobacco products which can be withdrawn if tobacco is sold to minors. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Lower grades (1 to 6) typically have fewer than 300 pupils and often operate separately from upper grades (7 to 9), although the unified peruskoulu is gradually closing the gap between these two. Compulsory education lasts until completion of nine years of basic school or until a young person turns 16, whichever comes first. Grade repetition is rare and over 99% of young Finns successfully complete nine years of basic school. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 When controlling for incidence levels by means of the odds ratio, findings show that children that are financially strained are considerably more ‘susceptible’ to facing housing problems with odds ratios ranging between 3.06 and 4.53 for respectively the Netherlands and France. A significant association can also be observed between financial strain and neighbourhood problems as well as difficulties of access to basic services. Although odds ratios are lower, they do point towards the general ‘contagiousness’ of financial strain with an increased chance of being deprived in any other domain when financially strained. Deprivation with respect to housing can also be considered ‘contagious’, especially vis-a-vis neighbourhood problems. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For example, the importance of biodiversity or ecosystems is recognised in several of the NDPs reviewed, though in some cases this is restricted to general strategic directions. A fewer number of NDPs incorporate specific biodiversity-relevant targets with associated indicators to monitor progress. Examples of biodiversity-relevant targets and indicators that are incorporated in NDPs include rates of deforestation, land use and degradation (Colombia), increase in forest cover (Nepal, Uganda), species in danger of extinction, and the number and size of protected areas. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The median (which is much less affected by these outliers) per capita household agriculture (among those who received agricultural income) in 1993 was measured at around R14 compared to 2008 at about R2 (both in 2008 Rands). Figure 2.1 below shows the differences in distribution between the two datasets. Including agricultural income in the 2008 data has almost no impact on poverty counts at all. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The major development banks are all involved in significant programmes for promoting clean energy investment. ( For example, for a review of development banks’ activities in the area of energy efficiency financing, see UNEP-FI (2009), “Energy Efficiency and the Finance Sector”.) The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has argued during international climate negotiations that a global energy transition would lead to lower incomes because, all else equal, the total volume of oil consumption would be lower in a carbon constrained world. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In compliance with the new EU Air Quality Directive, which entered into force in 2008, Portugal requested additional time to meet the PM^ standard. The Commission has decided to send a final written warning to three Member States that have not met the PMjq standard, including Portugal. The IQAr, calculated for specified zones/agglomerations, is determined by the worst pollutant concentration measured at one or more monitoring stations. Pollutants considered in the calculation include N02, 03 and PMi0. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Since 1970,85 per cent of disasters in the region have been minor but recurrent. They have cumulatively affected 2.24 billion people and caused more than $400 billion of damage by triggering ongoing erosionof development assets, such as local infrastructure, dwellings, schools, health facilities and roads. While hazards and exposure dominate the risk equation for intensive risk, extensive risk is more closely associated with such factors as inequality and poverty. As indicated by figure II, the range of major floods, droughts, cyclones and typhoons in the region since 2009 have had the worst sectoral impact on the housing and agriculture sectors, resulting in 23 and 21 per cent of the total loss in these cases respectively. Comparatively, over the same period, major disasters in the Asia-Pacific region have resulted in losses of 14 per cent in the transport sector and 7 per cent in the tourism sector. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! ""Transport policies that aim to affect behaviour, e.g. by altering travel routes, distance, modes, frequency, or schedules, can accomplish this through either """"push"""" or """"pull"""" measures. Although they do not have to be monetary in nature, most often these measures come in the form of pricing measures, involving either costs for non-compliance (push) or monetary rewards for compliance (pull). The potential for such measures to have unintended behavioural effects (e.g. rebound effects), however, should also be recognised and addressed."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Teachers are to be rated in four possible categories with quotas for the top categories at the municipal level (e.g. the top category cannot concentrate more than 20% of the teachers in the municipality). The results of the teacher performance evaluation will determine access to the teaching performance allowance (only teachers rated in any of the two top categories will receive the allowance). They may also lead to sanctions for underperforming teachers, including dismissal. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In the Pacific bluefin fishery, the fishing area has tended to shift northward year by year. They concluded that water temperature in recent years seemed to be higher than normal, but that these changes were not necessarily related to global warming because other fluctuations over periods lasting from ten years to several decades were dominating (Yamada et al., More recently, Seo (2010) reported that the fast growth of Hokkaido chum salmon at the age of one year, which was related to global warming, would positively affect the survival rate and in turn would affect the population density-dependent growth and maturing at age two to four due to the limited carrying capacity of the Bering Sea. These are statistical downscaling, dynamic downscaling on regional scales, and dynamic global models. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 For example, first responders may be provided with subscriptions to terrestrial trunked radio networks, which are not connected with public networks and can accommodate sudden high-volume use. Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance,2013. In a simpler form, understanding what is going on around you, how this can change and what factors may influence that change (Endsley, 1995). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Policy instruments based on EPR can also be designed to drive eco-design at the beginning of the product lifecycle. However, if the instruments are focused only on improved recycling without driving initial eco-design, EPR may not generate the desired economic and environmental efficiencies (Tojo, N., 2004). Outcomes from economic incentives alone, however, may not be sufficient to generate environmentally or socially meaningful results, because actors generally stop making improvements once the economic incentive to do so ends, whether or not sufficient social or environmental progress has been made. Examples of economic mechanisms employed by OECD governments include also disincentives such as increased fees on waste disposal, and incentives such as government procurement policies and a potential reduction in the value added tax (VAT) and tax for environmentally friendly products (all promoted by the government of the Czech Republic, among others). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Objectives. I investigated whether the introduction of health and health care provisions in US state constitutions can make health systems more equitable and improve health outcomes by urging state policymakers and administrative agencies to uphold their human rights obligations at state level.Methods. I constructed a panel of infant mortality rates from 50 US states over the period 1929 through 2000 to examine their association with the timing and details of introducing a constitutional right to health and health care provisions.Results. The introduction of a stronger constitutional commitment that obligates state legislature to provide health care was associated with a subsequent reduction in the infant mortality rate of approximately 7.8%. The introduction of provisions explicitly targeting the poor was also associated with a reduction in the infant mortality rate of 6.5%. These health benefits are primarily evident in non-White populations.Conclusions. This empirical result supports Elizabeth Leonard’... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 AbstractPost-war situations can present an opportune context for white-collar crime in resource sectors – including corruption, tax evasion, land dispossession, and illegal resource exploitation. This paper investigates various forms of white-collar crime and associated human rights abuses, and points at biased processes of ‘criminalization’. Whereas white-collar crime is frequently legitimated under the guise of reconstruction and economic growth strategies, the victims of corruption and resource grabs often become ‘criminalised’. Such selective forms of criminalisation reflect a securitisation of resource sectors characterised by repressive forms of resource enclosures and increased socio-economic inequalities, putting resource-related white-collar crime at the core of negative peace economies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Western Australia has removed compulsory testing but retains referral by doctors, as well as referral by family or friends, to the licencing authority to withdraw licences on the basis of evidence, including eyesight checks. In Korea, car drivers from 70 years onwards are subject to a driving ability test every five years. Currently, no regulation is in place for commercial car drivers in Korea, however mandatory driving ability tests for bus drivers are being discussed. In Korea many professional drivers are self-employed and as such are not subject to corporate legislation. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In reply, the Attorney General vehemently denied the fact that there was any infringement on the children’s rights. Judge Munisi decided in favour of the Petitioner and declared the said provisions null and void as prayed by the Petitioner and declared that the minimum age of marriage in Tanzania is 18 years for children of both sexes. The particulars were that the appellant on diverse dates between 2nd December 2011 and 3rd January 2012 intentionally and unlawfully defiled E N a girl aged 13 years. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Even this information, however, showed that 16 per cent of the region’s total population, or some 542 million people, were consuming less than the dietary minimum (FAO 2008). The picture for underweight children is even more troubling. The problem was that although food was plentiful and available, millions of people, particularly agricultural labourers who had lost wages because of severe flooding, could not afford to buy it and suddenly faced starvation (Sen 1999). It undermines the health of adults and reduces their capacity to live and work to their full potential. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! While rural-urban disparities are still significant, there are signs that Ghana’s cities are facing considerable challenges with land use, infrastructure and services provision (particularly with regard to housing, sanitation and transportation), and the absence of gainful and productive employment opportunities, especially for the youth. The critical policy challenge has been to ensure orderly and sustainable spatial development, co-ordination and planning, and measures to enable metropolitan and municipal authorities to secure adequate financing for infrastructure and services. The culprit was the Ebola epidemic that struck the sub-region, especially Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, between December 2013 and December 2015. Other contributing factors included a wait-and-see approach to governance in the run-up to the 11 October 2015 presidential election, and the adverse international economic outlook, which hurt the prices of export goods. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! This article compares the constitutive relationship between foreign policy and globalisation in Australia and New Zealand. Drawing upon insights from constructivist international relations theory we argue that foreign policy instantiates a state's social identity, its self-understanding of its role and moral purpose by projecting a distinctive image onto the global stage. We explore the differences and the similarities between Australia and New Zealand by examining how each country views international order, global trade, global governance and human rights and international security. Although both countries appear to be transforming themselves into more ‘globalised’ states, there are significant differences in the way each seeks to balance the competing strategic and normative demands. This diplomatic divergence, we argue, stems from different conceptions of state identity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is designed to target those living in extreme poverty or just above this threshold. The programme conditions recipiency on actions from beneficiaries in terms of investment in education and medical check-ups for children and pregnant women. It was launched in 1997 with coverage limited to rural areas before extending to urban areas since 2001. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Socio-Cultural Blueprint builds on the idea of multistakeholder and multi-sectoral engagement and calls for promotion and integration of Sustainable Consumption and Production Strategy and best practices into national and regional policies or as part of CSR activities (ASEAN, 2016b). The Political-Security7 Blueprint calls for strengthening collaboration with the private sector and other relevant stakeholders to instil CSR (ASEAN, 2016c). Notably, at the 24* ASEAN Labour Ministerial Meeting on 15 May 2016 in Vientiane, ASEAN labour ministers adopted the Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility on Labour to provide broad guidance to governments, enterprises, employers’ and workers’ organisations on raising awareness, proactively encouraging engagement, and promoting social dialogue and compliance with core labour standards (ASEAN, 2016d). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! They are designed to In Scotland, national quality registers and clinical audits have emerged as bottom-up, clinical-led processes in Scotland, often led by pioneering clinicians. In addition, Scotland participates in the UK-wide programme of national clinical audits run by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Programme (HQIP). Scotland Performs measures and reports on progress in achieving the outcomes in the National Performance Framework. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, the paper does not consider the effect of other major mechanisms on education performance. Above all, student education performance is affected by parents’ income levels and the degree of care. Since income inequality is a very important variable in explaining education performance, the empirical analysis needs to include such related variables. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Interestingly, at the bottom of the distribution, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia appear to have laxer regulations than the United States, even though the relative ranking of these three countries is heavily dependent on the relative weight given to EPC with respect to EPR in the aggregation.33 Canada, the United Kingdom and Brazil also have relatively light regulations for individual and collective dismissals of regular workers. In 2011, 12% of OECD employees were on fixed-term contracts, but in certain countries their share was as large as 27% (in Poland). These figures are much higher among youth. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The development of cultural competent standards of care for health providers is a necessary pre-condition to achieve this goal. Traditional healing is a part of traditional knowledge among indigenous peoples. Knowledge traditions and world views constitute the context for the health care system of a society. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The weak positioning of women in economic, legal, political and socio-cultural spheres also renders them more vulnerable and less resilient to shocks. The experience of past crises has revealed several significant channels of gender impact. First, cuts in social spending led to significant increases in the burden of unpaid work borne by women which compensates for the loss of public provisioning. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""This suggests that relative child poverty is lower when social spending per head is higher and also that, at given expenditure levels, child poverty is lower when the poorest fraction of the population receives a higher proportion of social spending. Table C 2 provides detailed results of regressions applied to anchored child poverty rates. The proportion of jobless families appears to be one of the main determinants of the evolution of """"absolute"""" poverty, measured by reference to its level in 2005. Increased per capita social spending also appears to play a particularly important role in reducing the level of """"absolute"""" child poverty."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The trickle-down paradigm which prevailed in the 1980s was seriously challenged when new research and country experiences demonstrated that economic growth did not necessarily translate into human development. This understanding led to a major revision of development policies aimed at improving the consistency between economic growth and human development objectives. Developing countries made major efforts to increase investments in education, health, water and sanitation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! If 24 Mtoe had been converted into electric power with 30 per cent efficiency, 8 Mtoe could have been exported to the grid which sold 34 Mtoe to end users. This is of particular significance, considering that sugar cane production has grown at a much faster pace then overall energy demand. Brazilian ethanol production soared to 12.3 billion litres in 1985-1986 from just 600 million litres in 1975-1976, and about 10 million vehicles were manufactured or adapted for ethanol use. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In Brazil, the federal government sets the general standards for schools but does not have direct responsibilities, with a few exceptions, on primary and secondary schools, which are mainly local (municipalities) and regional (states). Both levels have a large degree of autonomy in determining their curriculum. The group also aimed at providing the technical advice needed to shape the programme in accordance with educational official methodology, as well as to facilitate the inclusion of financial concepts into the normal curriculum of primary and secondary schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is characterised by early adopters, majority early adopters, majority late adopters and laggards or late adopters. On the supply side, the diffusion of the public service innovation under service integration in the CSCs implies that government agencies and departments receive communication or some form of signalling from the centre’ so as to adopt the option of providing their services within one-stop shops. The resulting distribution is thus expected to be a right-skewed distribution curve, with more public agencies and departments bringing their services in the early adoption phase. The last few laggard supply-side adopters would therefore represent those departments and agencies offering complex services, whose integration requires more time, technological adjustments and significant capital outlay. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Japan’s response to the economic crisis and new growth strategy have taken up this challenge by identifying the environment, and in particular innovation aimed at addressing environmental concerns, as a source of economic recovery and long-term growth. This is in line with the w'ork underway in the OECD to develop a Green Growth Strategy. The Japanese experience can represent a contribution to the ongoing debate on how to put in practice the “green growth” concept, the instruments that could be used, and the obstacles that are likely to emerge. First, it summarises Japan's achievements and challenges in decoupling environmental pressures from economic performance. Section 2 discusses the environmental dimension of Japan’s response to the economic crisis, also in comparison w'ith the policy reaction to the economic recession in the early 2000s. Section 3 gives an overview of Japan’s New Growth Strategy, with a focus on its environmental pillar. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Successive governments have pursued active policies to enhance Luxembourg’s attractiveness as a site for financial and industrial activity. The dematerialisation of domestic production is having a favourable impact on the environment, but services also generate movements and energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings. Consumption is exerting heavy pressure on the environment. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""In rural South Africa, mothers are """"often demonised as deviant and negligent"""" through adolescents' accounts of how they became infected with HIV which they trace back to a mother's unplanned, unprotected sex and early pregnancy (Vale &Thabeng, 2016). In South Africa younger mothers were found to participate most and fathers least (Mmotlane, Winnaar & Kivilu, 2009). Gender also influences who adolescents live with: boys are more likely than girls to live with their grandparents, whereas girls tend to live with their siblings, aunts, uncles or other relatives, and in households headed by their husbands (Zimmer & Dayton, 2005)."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Calls to strengthen flood risk governance are echoed across Europe amidst a growing consensus that floods will increase in the future. Accompanying the pursuit of societal resilience, other normative agendas relating legitimacy (e.g. accountability and public participation), and resource efficiency, have become attached to discussions concerning flood risk governance. Whilst these represent goals against which ‘success’ is socially and politically judged, lacking from the literature is a coherent framework to operationalise these concepts and evaluate the degree to which these are achieved. Drawing from cross-disciplinary and cross-country research conducted within the EU project STAR-FLOOD, this paper presents a framework for evaluating the extent to which flood risk governance arrangements support societal resilience, and demonstrate efficiency and legitimacy. Through empirical research in England, this paper critically reflects on the value of this approach in terms of identifying entry points to strengthen governance in the pursuit of these goals. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Falling yields (except at the very short end) and a flattening yield curve can be observed in the euro area as well. However, while the euro has been generally stable against the currencies of major trading partners, the US dollar has strengthened. Meanwhile, the equity market volatility index, which has ebbed since the start of 2019, is picking up again somewhat following the new tariff measures introduced by the United States and China in May 2019. Capital markets in Emerging Asia - Stable but headwinds persist10 (cont.) - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This paper aims to contribute to the literature with a case study on institutionalisation of public-service knowledge-networks. It stems from a four-year doctoral research dealing with institutionalisation processes (IPs) of institutionalised nursing homes in Latin American cities. The paper will first bring a theoretical background on profound social change through network formation for community building purposes. It will draw from Giddens' structuration model from the Barley and Tolbert (1997) perspectives. This will allow observing social capital construction and its role in building networks, organisations and institutions in emerging knowledge-oriented public service contexts. The paper will depict action-learning as the main methodological approach, using a practitioner-based qualitative analysis of institutional processes. Networks that include families, nursery shelters, funding and childcare entities amongst others, would be identified and expected to link with policy-makers and authorities, in order to consistently prevent the perverse effects of homelessness: violence, abuse and social exclusion in our cities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In addition, prior consultation with a wide range of stakeholders will build support for implementation and operation of PPP projects. Sustainable use of energy and energy access. The emphasis is going to be on sustainability while developing regional energy connectivity so power generation is going to be biased towards the use of renewable resources that have low emissions — namely hydropower, solar and wind. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The C-shares provide public ‘first loss’ capital which serves as a catalytic risk buffer to encourage private investment in more senior share classes. To-date, there has been no issuance of D-shares, since AATIF has yet to have made equity investments. Furthermore, loans were extended to a diverse set of entities (e.g. sovereign and supranational entities with differing credit ratings). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The importance of teachers’ mental health literacy has also been incorporated in the British good care guidelines, which state that “schools and local authorities should make sure teachers and other staff are trained to identify when children at school show signs of anxiety or social and emotional problems” (NICE, 2008). The onset of mental health programmes across children in primary school (5-11 year-olds) decreased. For children in secondary school or experiencing mental health concerns prior to the establishment of the initiative, however, the evaluation showed little or no impact (UK Department for Education, 2011). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! It is imperative that providers are held accountable for providing quality services. Ensuring multi-disciplinary teams are available and equipped to deliver PHC packages is valuable, but ultimately the quality of the care they deliver is paramount. Ensuring quality improves at facility level is a hands-on process requiring continuous attention and significant investment. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Such services and related physical infrastructure occur at multiple scales and serve urban, industrial, agricultural and rural users, as well as involving ecological considerations (Global Water Partnership, 2009). They include dams and hydropower, water supply, wastewater, sanitation and water quality, storm water systems, irrigation and drainage, river and coastal works, pipelines and canals, and natural water infrastructure (Grigg, 2017). The particular nature of water as a basic human need, in combination with its amenability to being controlled and monopolized in different circumstances, makes public involvement in its provision both necessary and fraught. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Overall, New Zealand producers operate in a market environment guided by world market signals. This policy choice follows from the broad economic strategy which sets limits on government interventions in the agricultural system. Farmers are eligible for various types of assistance, ranging from initial emergency response and psychological help to more general types of aid as provided by the New Zealand welfare system (Table 11). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It is important to emphasise that eliminating zoning will not address the problems of social segregation and segregated land use if conditional urban developments are not grounded in a city-wide vision for urban spatial development. The German zoning system provides a useful example of an approach that relies on zoning, and also allows for flexibility and a mix of uses throughout most of an urban area. As in single-use zoning, land-use zones are separated into categories, such as residential, commercial, industrial and mixed use. However, in each zone, other uses are also allowed either automatically or based on conditions (see Table 2.4). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This article examines the conceptual interconnectedness of the federal mandatory immigration detention regime and mandatory minimum sentencing in Western Australia, two procedural and political responses to populist concerns regarding ‘waves of boat people’ and ‘waves of crime’. Through a comparative analysis, the ‘mandatory’ character of these ostensibly separate and distinct practices is shown to limit judicial discretion and oversight of government action. Mandatory practices privilege goals of deterrence, incapacitation and retribution and depict these as promoting the best interests of national safety and security. These practices are also markedly similar in the sense that they are at odds with the principle of due process, unfairly tipping the balance away from individual freedoms and towards the interests of the state, offending aspirational notions of judicial function, the rule of law and natural justice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is noteworthy that the most successful examples seem to be based on the type of community engagement that adheres to the principles of social and solidarity economy, but political leadership and supportive public policies are also key (chapters 4 and 7). International networks and initiatives such as ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability or the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities foster learning and exchange between municipalities at very different stages of development to promote resilience to a variety of environmental, social and economic challenges (chapter 7). They recognize the importance of communities and make use of shared learning to promote local resilience strategies and innovative approaches for sustainability. A multifaceted approach is often key. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. This includes the distribution of resources between the different levels of the administration (e.g. central, regional and local), across resource types (e.g. human resources, physical resources) and between individual schools (e.g. through funding formulae and special targeted programmes). In addition, it also discusses the distribution of school facilities (e.g. organisation of the school network), the organisation of teacher resources (e.g. number of teachers, teacher preparation), the organisation of school leadership resources (e.g. number and profile of school leaders) and resources targeted at specific student groups (e.g. special needs, programmes for disadvantaged students). In 2011, Kazakhstan’s capital expenditure, which refers to the spending on assets that last longer than one year (e.g. construction, renovation or major repair of buildings and new or replacement equipment), represented 2.5% of its primary and 3.6% of its secondary education expenditure, compared to 7.7% and 7.1%, respectively, across OECD countries (see Figure 3.1) (OECD, 2014a). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is necessary to identify cost-effective means of tracking and keeping the advocacy publicly alive and enduring. As part of civic engagement and advocacy, cutting-edge policy research should be conducted on a consistent basis. Part of the civic mobilisation around this should be to empower young women aspirants. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Additional information on specific country data and on the methodology used for calculations is reported in Appendix 4.A. Table 4.6 provides the final results on a country-by-country basis. The values used in our model lie in that range, with the exception of those for the United Kingdom, above USD 7/MWh at 10% penetration level and double at 30% penetration (Redpoint, 2008). This probably reflects the challenge of balancing wind in small isolated electricity market. No studies have reported balancing costs for solar technology: thus, this study works with balancing costs that are similar to those calculated for wind power. This is not unreasonable: ramping rates tend to be smoother with solar energy, while forecast accuracy is lower (Barth, 2011). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Differences in the dynamics of women's and men's employment also appear to be less pronounced when exchange rates are kept at a competitive level. When demand for labour grows slowly relative to supply, levels of open unemployment increase, informal employment expands and other atypical and non-standard forms of work—such as part-time work, short-term hires and day labour markets— proliferate. At the same time, bargaining power shifts in favour of employers and the owners of firms. A reduced share of public sector jobs in overall employment reinforces this trend. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 New interventions for mild-to-moderate disorders can represent good value for money. Stepped care for mild-to-moderate mental illness has been supported as a cost-effective approach with good outcomes by a wide range of clinical guidelines, and low-intensity interventions such as bibliographic and guided self-help, peer support groups, and a range of new internet-based interventions can be effectively implemented with low costs, especially when backed with support from primary carers. For cases which need higher intensity interventions, an expanded and more diverse workforce is needed, along with a wider range of available treatments. Specialist vertical programmes targeted at significantly expanding available treatment for mild-to-moderate disorders have been put in place in a small number of cases with considerable success. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As the new career structure is implemented, it will be crucial for the established certification process to send clear signals of rigour in identifying both good performance at the different stages of the career and underperformance as a teacher. An important issue will be to resolve the current duplication between the certification process associated with the career structure and the teacher performance evaluation system. To take advantage of the continuous character of the teacher performance evaluation system and to address the need for teachers to continuously show they are fit for the profession at the different levels of the career structure, it could be considered introducing the requirement for re-certification at a given career stage. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These have received little attention in the debate about fisheries, mainly because the sector is not very important in most countries, and effects tend to be regional. These principles were later adopted under the European Fisheries Fund, which became effective in 2007. They are used to provide research, management and enforcement services that may not be supplied if left to market forces. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Whilst the overall share of people reporting poor health is smaller than in other Nordic countries, the gradient by educational level is no less pronounced (see Figure 4.5). Women also report poorer health across all levels of education. Furthermore, people with lower levels of education (no training or short training) are more likely to have a long-term illness (46.9% of respondents with no training, compared to 25.7% of respondents with 12 or more years education) or be very bothered by pain or discomfort (48% with no education and 37% with short training, compared with 24.7% of respondents with 12 or more years education) that people with 12 or more years of education. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The implications of dependent agency are multifaceted. First, it may influence donors’ ability to achieve their objectives, while also reinforcing the status quo and undermining local solidarity. Second, it may shape democratization by challenging liberal citizenship and undermining transparency and accountability in decision-making. Despite these limitations, dependent agency also illustrates local people’s desire for participation and their nascent demands for the powerful to be held accountable. The work concludes by exploring how the concept of dependent agency may shape scholarship on African politics, international relations, and global health. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 """"""This again places mitigation and adaptation side by side, though many technology choices could have both mitigation and adaptation benefits, including infrastructure, irrigation systems, and energy technology. It reads: """"in the implementation ofthe Agreement, financial resources provided to developing country Parties should enhance the implementation of their policies, strategies, regulations and action plans and their climate change actions with respect to both mitigation and adaptation to contribute to the achievement ofthe purpose ofthe Agreement as defined in its Article 2."""" This suggests that mutual consideration of both M and A is envisaged. While this does not necessarily mean integration of the two, it does indicate that the adaptation and mitigation should be considered at the same time in the policy and financing planning process. As such, under finance and technology transfer, the Paris Agreement seems to suggest exploration of M&A synergies (i.e. ADM, as actions in other sectors can deliver adaptation and/or mitigation benefits). """"This synergistic approach, where sustainable development, environmental integrity and M&A goes hand in hand to ensure that 2+2 equals 5."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! To travel undetected by state authorities and criminal predators, Central Americans pass as Mexican during their journey to the United States. This ‘passing’ underscores the ambiguities of social roles, such as nationality. Over time, these performances partially reconstruct imagined communities, blurring the boundaries between foreigners and citizens. However, international-relations scholarship tends to overlook how uncoordinated everyday practice complicates borders in a globalized world. By tracing the co-constitutive relationship between migration policing, national performances, and transnational routes, this article reveals the makeshift nature of the identities that underscore distinctions between citizens and foreigners. I argue for the continued inclusion of ethnography as a method for exploring the dynamic relationship between territory, state, and nation. Migrants complicate borders, but also suffer the very real, material consequences of both state and nonstate violence. My analysis of clandestine transnationalism therefore chronicles challenges to, and reconfigurations of, sovereignty. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Equally, if prices suddenly fall (as does happen, see Figure 5.1 below), then the private operator may (temporarily or permanently) withdraw, leaving the public authority to ‘pick up the pieces'. The different drivers for the different activities often create tension between public service providers and businesses that may compete for the same waste stream. If ownership rights over materials and responsibilities for cleanliness and service provision are not clearly defined and delineated the tension may lead to vulnerable or underperforming systems. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The Directive requires Member States to create systems that allow final stakeholders and distributors to return e-waste free of charge. To guarantee environmentally sound treatment of the separately collected e-waste, the E-waste Directive lays down treatment requirements for specific materials and components of e-waste, and for the treatment and storage sites. This legal framework uses the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility, which requires producers to organise and/or finance the collection, treatment, and recycling of their products at end-of-life. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""The 19th-century French scientist, Claude Bernard, famously wrote that science is a """"superb and dazzling hall, but one which may be reached only by passing through a long and ghastly kitchen"""".2 Osborne, Simon, and Collins (2003), writing more than a century later, comment that """"The essential irony of a discipline that offers intellectual liberation from the shackles of received wisdom is that the education it offers is authoritarian, dogmatic and non-reflexive."""" ( Cross-country differences in science teaching, and their association with students' performance and interest in a science-related career are presented in Chapter 2 ofVolume II.) In a majority of countries and economies, students from advantaged backgrounds are more likely to expect a career in science - even among students who perform similarly in science and who reported similar enjoyment of learning science. Several actions have been suggested to close this gender gap and, more generally, to encourage more young people, especially those from groups that are now under-represented in science-related fields, to participate in further science-related study and work."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 They are safe spaces for discussion of highly personal forms of violence and the unique perspectives of women that are often not discussed in mixed-sex forums (Chapter 2). Because of alarming trends in gender inequalities in education and training, which affect girls and women in a post-conflict society, the problem of unequal access to education needs to be urgently addressed (Chapters 3 and 5). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Scottish Government, ISD Scotland, and Health Boards also put in place processes to produce additional information about the management of waiting lists, for example identifying when patients are recorded as unavailable for patient choice reasons, which has helped add transparency to the process. In addition to this programme, a series of primary care indicators have been developed to identify issues around avoidable variation and health system waste. These indicators include referrals, hospital admissions, prescribing and patient experience. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The worst-affected species appeal' to be those which are already known to have a very poor conservation status. Of 32 species listed as being Critically Endangered (CR), 63 per cent are considered to have a decreasing population (table 9.1). The corresponding proportion of Endangered species (EN) is 56 per cent (31 of 55 species), that of Vulnerable species (VU) 64 per cent (54 of 84 species) and that of Near Threatened species (NT) 56 per cent (59 of 105 species). Amongst species with a decreasing population trend are a number of charismatic mammal species often associated with the country, such as the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus), the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus), and the Barbary leopard (Panthera pardus panther). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The highest case fatality rate in this age group concerns hospitalization for diseases of the circulatory system, with 10 hospital deaths for 137 hospital discharges (7 per cent of case fatalities). Diseases of the circulatory system constitute 16 per cent of all registered cases of diseases and 8 per cent of new cases. Hypertensive diseases, ischemic heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases represent, respectively, 58.8 per cent, 24.6 per cent and 4.3 per cent of the circulatory system diseases. The incidence rate is much higher in children (35,000 per 100,000 children in 2012) compared with the general population (12,000 per 100,000 population in 2012). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 That said nuclear plants just as coal-fired power plants require water cooling. They are therefore best built close to large rivers or to the sea which may pose siting issues of its own. In an electricity grid, supply and demand need to be balanced continuously. Intermittent sources thus need to be complemented by costly back-up technologies. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The expanding kelp forests in Helgeland give hope for the future. Estimated numbers of coastal cod show that populations are close to a critical limit, and their decline significantly linked to poor recruitment (Bakketeig, Gjasaeter, Hauge, Sunnset, & Toft, 2015). The index includes the offshore seafloor (dark blue) and open waters (light blue), along with the coastal specific seafloor (dark green) and waters (light green). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues in The Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University in Bloomington conducted fieldwork in metropolitan police departments across the United States. Their findings in support of community policing dealt a blow to the popular belief that consolidation and centralization of services was the only way to effectively provide citizens with public goods. However, subsequent empirical literature suggests that the widespread implementation of community policing has been generally ineffective and in many ways unsustainable. We argue that the failures are the result of strategic interplay between federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies that has resulted in the prioritization of federal over community initiatives, the militarization of domestic police, and the erosion of genuine community-police partnerships. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 We develop training for this on a local level, but trainings are not sufficient if you do not have a mechanism that ensures that the commitment of the policy makers is respected. So quotas for youth and women need to be constitutionally present in the parliament. One needs to make sure that young girls are living in good and safe areas if they are employed or going to school. There are only two MENA countries that systematically publish draft laws online (Jordan and Morocco). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Improving labour market prospects and outcomes for women is an essential aspect of moving towards gender equality, providing the basis for increasing women's full and effective participation in economic life as well as in decision-making in domestic, political and public life. While improvements in labour force outcomes and the protections afforded to women therein will support the overall objectives of Goal 5, it is important to highlight the benefits to working women from concurrent gains in specific targets for Goal 5. Here, the adoption of stronger safeguards against exploitation will better protect young women and encourage increased labour market participation. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The database is available at A list of policies is in Annex 14. The World Energy Council (WEC 2010) reports that as of2009,70 countries (or two-thirds of surveyed countries) had adopted national energy programmes with national and sectoral quantitative targets for energy-efficiency improvements, twice as many as in 2006. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It focuses mainly on the distribution of food and the food waste generated in all those intermediate steps of the production chain before reaching the final consumer. The methodology is quite transparent and can be confidently used by relevant stakeholders, provided the data exist and they are credible. Data on the number of enterprises in relevant economic sectors (NACE Rev.2) are widely available. If data quality improves, robustness of this indicator will also improve. Furthermore the scope is quite limited only to the distribution on food. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__1, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This helps avoid reaching the final stages of a project that citizens do not support or recognise as their own. Akims and senior public managers should express at the outset commitment to the process and the principles of the purpose and scope of the exercise. One way to start would be by understanding what people value about the city and engaging on these terms. It is recommended that akims and senior officials from different levels of government engage in regular discussions about the process. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In comparison, revenues per inhabitant in Davao City, Quezon City and Makati City were of USD 210, USD 318 and USD 1 229, respectively (Department of Finance website). Revenues in Metro Cebu are also low relatively to standards of other major Southeast Asian cities: in terms of purchasing-power-parities, the City of Bangkok for instance benefitted in 2012 from revenues estimated at around USD 1 075 per inhabitant, the City of Bandung from revenues at around USD 653 in 2016 and the City of Hai Phong from revenues at around USD 3 340 in 2014 (OECD, 2015, 2016a, 2016b). From 2009 to 2014, in Region VII, provinces’ revenues have increased from PHP 4.4 billion to PHP 6 billion, cities’ revenues have increased from PHP 9.1 billion to PHP 14 billion, and municipalities’ revenues have increased from PHP 7.3 billion to PHP 9.7 billion. In Metro Cebu, total revenues have increased from PHP 8.3 billion in 2012 to PHP 10.4 billion in 2014. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 They did not call it adaptive teaching but in both teachers “skilfully ‘assess and instruct’ moment by moment” (McGhee Hassrick et al., In a similar vein, Yeh (2017) also suggested that achievement gaps can be closed through what he calls “rapid performance feedback”: an individualised and structured model of instruction, in which each student is presented with tasks that are challenging but not too difficult, so that they have a high likelihood of receiving positive performance feedback on a daily basis. Interestingly, there are schools around the world that already teach micro-adaptively (e.g. OECD, 2013). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There has not been any revision since 2008, but MoEF aims to strike a balance between the mitigation and adaptation components in the next climate change strategy. It ensures the integration of GHG emissions reduction policies into other sectoral policies. In addition, it coordinates both the national inventory system for estimating GHG emissions and removals and the implementation of the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. It further participates in the approval processes of JI projects and emissions trading activities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Government of Argentina regards the software sector as a value added service export as well as of strategic importance to the is working on promoting the industry in close partnership with the private sector to provide a more enabling environment. After a significant devaluation of the peso in 2002, exports surged from 17 per cent to 26 per cent of total software sales, with exports valued at $775 million in 2011. During the same period, the number of people working in the sector rose from 20,000 to 56,000 people. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Following these steps, in 2003 the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) was established as a mutual certification system. Currently, the FSC and the PEFC are the two most common global forest certification systems. In 2003, Japan initiated its own Sustainable Green Ecosystem Council (SGEC), the SEGC Forest Certification System was set up along with the FSC as well-established forest certification systems in Japan. Under the Kyoto Protocol adopted in 1997 (United Nations, 1998), it was acknowledged that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by carbon sinks was limited, but it was included in the calculation of reduction targets. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Using an interdisciplinary, cultural studies approach, this article explores Raphael Lemkin's often overlooked concept of cultural destruction in the case of the Armenian Genocide. Lemkin's thinking was significantly shaped by the Armenian Genocide, as seen here in his newly published autobiography and other documents in the collection of his papers held at the American Jewish Archives. The author considers the Ottoman government's vandalism and destruction of Armenian cultural monuments, the mass killing of Armenian intellectuals, torture using crucifixes, and forced conversion to Islam. In deepening the idea of culture and its relationship to genocide, the author draws upon several models in the social sciences and humanities. The conclusion assesses the long-term impact of cultural destruction on Armenians in the diaspora and the Republic. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Both the NBSAP itself and the NBSAP Panel help to foster coordination between the various government and Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) actors working on biodiversity issues. A key challenge is that these are often made up of the same members as the SD Council and/or the NBSAP Panel, which can lead to ‘steering committee fatigue'. Similarly, staff members and actors who have multiple responsibilities and roles can struggle with scheduling conflicts and finding time for each committee. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Such work may provide evidence-based inputs into lender views of w'hat constitutes a “good” asset. This work would be of particular relevance for SMEs which are less likely to use formal intellectual property rights than large companies. Many of these assets are rendered in software, which enjoys automatic copyright protection, but may not be patentable. A difficulty w ith the use of copyright-protected assets is that they do not require registration, and only a few countries (such as the United States) offer an “official” voluntary service to record them. Providing effective ways to confirm the existence and ownership of these assets could be a significant finance enabler, especially for SMEs which face more challenges in managing their intangible assets and are more reliant on these assets to secure external financing at the same time. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In particular, it w'as argued that they have not been very demanding, and that negotiating and monitoring the Agreements was also a resource-intensive process. In contrast, empirical studies also showed that the full Levy, but not the Agreement, w'as successful in promoting energy efficiency and innovation, suggesting that there is a case for the abolition of the latter. Below, three programmes are discussed: The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), EQIP and the Water and Waste Disposal Program. In addition, REAP can no longer provide funding for feasibility study grants, nor for blender pumps due to the exclusion of retail energy-delivery mechanisms in the modified definition of “renewable energy system”. Councils (i.e. non-profit entities or affiliates) are now eligible to apply for energy audit and renewable energy development assistance grants. Although the programme’s funding is reduced to USD 50 million in mandatory funding and USD 20 million in discretionary funding per fiscal year from 2014 through 2018, the programme continues to provide assistance to agricultural producers and small businesses in rural areas for adopting renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Prosperity Outcomes include measures of academic performance, educational attainment, attitudes towards school and learning, and health and well-being. Foundations for Success, cumulative development and institutional selection. The Foundations for Success are described below, while a description of the other processes and the effects associated with each of the processes along the Educational Prosperity pathway are available in Annex 5.A1. For example, from age 2 to age 5, children's development is affected by parents' engagement with the child and intra-family relations, as well as by the quality of care at home and in early childhood centres. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""This could be promoted, for instance, through in-kind microgrants of electrical equipment for use in economic activities for which there is local demand (UNCTAD, 2015a). Proactive support of rural firms and cooperatives embarking on the processing of agricultural crops could, for example, enhance local value addition, while simultaneously creating that """"anchor load” which generates substantial electricity demand, increasing the viability of mini-grids. While electricity is the most versatile form of energy, most of the energy services it provides can also be furnished — albeit in some cases imperfectly — by alternative energy sources: mechanical power by wind or flowing water, lighting by kerosene, product and space heating by biomass, and even product cooling by evaporation fridges."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Emissions abatement falls first on those polluters that handle it in the most cost-efficient manner, which provides incentives to reduce pollution and emissions and to invest in environmentally friendly technologies. Market instruments are less information-intense in that they require only regulators to set the price (in the case of a tax) or the quantity (in the case of an ETS) of the relevant instrument, but this also gives them less control over the actual environmental outcome. Energy subsidies - especially on petroleum products and electricity - are prevalent in Asia, which accounted for about one third of global energy subsidies in 2013. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! A similar approach is used to compare overall emissions along different paths representative of different technologies. For instance, ethanol production in Brazil currently uses one unit of fossil energy to produce nine units of renewable energy. Ethanol therefore currently has a 10 per cent fossil fuel energy “content”, most of which corresponds to the diesel used to transport the sugar cane from the fields to the mill. If ethanol was used as a transportation fuel, that fossil content would be virtually eliminated. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Regardless of the chosen business model, the tasks of PES staff dealing with employers include vacancy intake and registration, informing employers about available ALMPs (e.g. pre-employment training, wage subsidies, additional support to integrate disabled jobseekers), pre-selecting jobseekers for interviews with employers, offering legal advice (e.g. advice on contracts) and organising information sessions or job fairs where jobseekers and employers can meet. Reverse marketing refers to a situation where an individual jobseeker is actively marketed to a targeted employer who has not created a formal vacancy, but may be willing to hire under the right conditions. In Australia, contracted employment service providers use this technique for hard-to-place jobseekers who are job ready or close to job readiness. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 They may have done so because of insufficient familiarity with ICTs, but there is no way to verify this. Thus, this group is classified separately in Figure 6.1. First, it is important to keep in mind that while some unemployed individuals may have scores in literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments that are similar to those of employed individuals, they may lack other key skills needed to get a job, for example, job-specific skills or generic skills frequently required at work, such as self-organising skills. Mismatches between people's skills and the skill requirements of jobs, in addition to various institutional constraints, are likely to be preventing skilled people from engaging in employment or looking for work. Among the most proficient individuals, who score at Level 4 or 5, 79% are employed, about 4% are unemployed, and 17% are inactive. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Given that so many college students take Introduction to Sociology or Social Problems or both, we wondered about the amount of content overlap in these courses. We designed a study that used content analysis of syllabi from these courses in order to measure the amount of convergence between the two classes. In our sample, nearly 70 percent of the content was similar. More worrisome, some significant concepts, such as research methods and symbolic interactionism, were barely mentioned in either course. Given the new political economy of general education and more specifically higher education, we raise questions about the implications of such course content convergence and encourage the discipline to begin to address these issues. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The passage of the USA Patriot Act included enhanced penalties for violent actions, increased surveillance and investigation options for the government, and greater powers for the detention or exclusion of foreign nationals. The provisions that limited money laundering were amongst the least controversial elements. The enhanced border security and immigration procedures were also accepted by many. Greater debate occurred over the search and surveillance techniques incorporated into the Patriot Act. The Act also expanded the definition of terrorism to make it include a broader range of activities and groups. The Patriot Act has generated legal challenges to many of its provisions. The Act also raises questions about the traditional role of the judiciary in protecting individual rights. Keywords: banking, regulation, civil liberties, constitutional law, government, politics, and law, national security, terrorism - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Results show the % change in agricultural incomes induced by each policy measure equivalent to 1 %, as explained in the text. With multipliers at around 1.0, marginal changes in biofuel policies seem to be greater impacts on global farm incomes than fertiliser policies. This is consistent with the earlier finding that biofuel support tends to increase crop prices - and hence farm incomes - in all countries, whereas income benefits in countries providing fertiliser subsidies are partly offset by losses in other countries. Multipliers for individual countries can be significantly higher than 1 (such as in the cases of Brazil or China for biofuel budgetary support), reflecting significant trans-border impacts of these policies: such high multiplier values do not indicate net gains, but reflect impacts on national farm incomes from policies in other countries. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Introduces requirement for water prices to reflect costs. Requires riparian states to co-operate in the management of transboundary river basins.______________________ Sets criteria to assess groundwater chemical status and to identify pollution trends. Commission comprised of: (a) Conference of Heads of State and Government (b) Council of Ministers, (c) Technical Advisory Committee, (d) Sectoral Advisory Committees, (e) Secretariat. Establishes the Indus Basin Development Fund Establishes supplemental contributions to the Fund. International Water Law Project ( Lake Chad Basic Commission Perspectives ( Mekong River Commission ( Nile Basin Initiative ( Organization for the Development of Senegal River ( Office International De L’eau ( 181): Institute For Water And Watersheds -Oregon State University ( International Joint Commission Canada-US ( cmi nature.htm) and Pakistan. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A police officer typically requires that a suspected drunk driver undergo a field sobriety test to confirm impairment before a breath test can be administered. The permissible drink drive limit across the United States is high - 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood - and well above the 50 milligram limit prescribed in most countries. The legal constraints applicable in the United States do not allow best practice enforcement to be carried out, and high rates of alcohol related road trauma continue. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! This is not to disregard the fact that various disabilities introduce a degree of dependence in people’s lives. The idea is to seek, within that reality, a care relationship in which persons with disabilities have the greatest possible capacity to make decisions on matters that affect them, plan and lead their lives with as much freedom and dignity as possible, and be seen and heard as they are and in their demands for proper treatment. These changes are also making it increasingly unreasonable and highly questionable that the unpaid work performed by women in the household continues to form the backbone of care provision. The roles of the State, the market and the family and community in care provision urgently need to be rebalanced. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In economies dominated by the informal sector such as Indonesia, the Philippines and Mexico, many older persons own farms and other forms of property and they often continue to work until very old ages and this enables them to make transfers to younger family members. Also, as noted in chapter 3, many older persons continue to be the head of households in extended living arrangements and thus, remittances received by them are redistributed to other younger family members (Lee and Others, 2011). In Latin American countries with generous public transfers favouring older persons such as Brazil and Uruguay, older people are relatively well off and tend to make substantial transfers to younger family members. A Brazilian aged 65 or over, on average, receives public transfers covering 90 per cent of their consumption and makes net private transfers as large as one third of their consumption to their family (Turra, Queiroz and Neto, 2011). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Increasing the production of staple crops is not enough to accelerate reductions in malnutrition due to the insufficient supply of nutrient-rich foods. Conventional staple foods do not supply all the nutrients needed for a balanced diet. Tackling the health problems caused by malnutrition requires a transformation of current agriculture and food systems towards more diversity at all levels. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Gender Equality Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean: Annual Report 2012-A Look at Grants, Support and Burden for Women. Santiago, Chile: ECLAC. Accessed 14 September 2017, https://www.cepa!. The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs on the Time Allocation of Beneficiaries: The Case of’Oportunidades’ Program in Mexico."""""" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Unpaid household service work consists of two elements - own-use production work of services and volunteer work. Own-use production work of sendees is activity to provide services for own final use, whereas volunteer work is non-compulsory activity to provide services for others. As iterated earlier, this guidance is focusing on own-use production work of services. The Guide recommends that the measurement and valuation of volunteer services be considered as an area for future research work. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! How do we understand the environmental mechanisms that can explain how an emission impacts on the things about which we care? Therefore, the key challenge is to find an effective way to reduce complexity, while minimising distortion and uncertainty. In the late 1980s, this insight resulted in the development of an approach, known as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) inspired by earlier studies in the late 1960s described as Resource and Environmental Profile Analyses (REPA). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! At the same time, well-off parents are often ready to pay more for child care (Camehl et al., In Germany (Hamburg), tire gross full-time child care fee charged to such a family is equal to 21.5% of the national average wage (blue bars). They are entitled to child care benefits/rebates (including fee reductions) equal to 7.2% of the national average wage (light grey bars), and a tax reduction equal to 3.2% of the national average wage (light blue bars). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The articulation of private international law in Canada continues to be largely a judge-led enterprise. Outside Quebec, where since 1994 there has been comprehensive codification of this domain, and putting aside some specialised areas, notably family law, where there have been significant statutory inroads, Canadian conflict of laws remains for the moment a mainly common law field. Areas which in England are now largely controlled by statute or EU regulation - such as choice of law in contract and tort, and, for the most part, adjudicatory jurisdiction and enforcement of foreign judgments - are in Canada still mostly governed by the common law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Our contemporary notions of social injustice can almost invariably be traced back to the period of the European Enlightenment. Most contemporary moral and political theories are children of the Enlightenment, certainly Liberalism (in all its guises, including Utilitarianism, Libertarianism, and Egalitarianism), Socialism, Marxism, and Feminism. And all these theories are stimulated by a sense of social injustice, whether it is the violation of individual rights, subjugation, exploitation, or sexual oppression. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This leaves Denmark among the OECD countries with the most favourable tax treatment of interest expenses (OECD, 2018(27)), higher than in both Norway and Sweden. Denmark is among only three OECD countries (Australia and Estonia in addition) with a pure land tax, considered one of the most efficient taxes. In addition, the recent property tax reform will ensure valuations are updated every second year and maintains an element of progressive taxation. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Many developing countries seem to be taking a similar approach, outlining the overarching objectives (e.g. Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal) or sectoral action plans (e.g. the Philippines, see Chapter 5). Without clear and actionable targets, it can be difficult to track progress and to evaluate the attribution of a national approach to adaptation. A review of monitoring and evaluation approaches of poverty reduction strategies found that “specifying clear targets, for which data are available, and identifying intermediate indicators remains particularly challenging” (IMF and World Bank, 2005). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Candidates worked in a firm four days a week and attended school to take general subjects one day a week. After obtaining a certificate of practice, these candidates could apply for an apprenticeship or a job. An evaluation of the project showed positive results in completion and transitions to further study or employment, with the most important success factor being the 80% of practical work in an enterprise for a two-year period, which boosted applicants’ self-esteem. In spring 2013, it was decided to incorporate the Certificate of Practice Scheme into the regular structure of secondary VET. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In June 2016, the landfill received an average of 456 tonnes of gaibage daily but by August the same year, this amount had increased to 600 tonnes. Health concerns are abound: the site has ceased operations as a sanitary landfill a long time ago and lias since become a dumpsite, and complaints from nearby residents of the stench are commonplace. The landfill lias also experienced several fires, most notably in April 2009 when the Cebu City Council declared a state of calamity in order to allocate funds to those affected by the smoke. In 2016, the Department of Environment and Natural resources (DENR) cited issued notice of violation stating Cebu City had violated 36 conditions of DENRs Environmental Compliance Certificate. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As JET is involved in many aspects of ESD, as well as research and advocacy on sustainability issues, the organisation is well-positioned to help connect these children with additional learning opportunities as they grow. In addition to hosting world-class research scientists and international student groups, the centre runs a broad range of outreach and educational programmes for the youth of the local indigenous communities. Among other community-oriented programmes, IIC runs wildlife and conservation clubs, providing for many local youth a first opportunity for systematic and scientifically-inclined learning about their natural environment. Unlike the urban youth mentioned above, these local youth come with vast knowledge and experiences developed through their lifelong immersion in the local area and their enculturation within the indigenous knowledge system. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Vanuatu also had a better pre-disaster position than Dominica, as it had significantly lower debt levels and had a wider range of disaster-financing instruments at its disposal. On the other hand, Dominica's pre-existing conditions limited its options and fell far short of meeting the total costs of Hurricane Erika, even though those costs have probably been underestimated. Moreover, to Vanuatu's advantage, bilateral and multilateral donors were more responsive to relief and reconstruction efforts than for Dominica, where the government found it more difficult to secure donor grant funding. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 When young people start maturing, they need those around them with power and influence to treat them appropriately. Age of consent laws bar adolescents under 18 from getting access to needed reproductive health services and information (Coram, 20l4d). Furthermore, young people themselves do not always take advantage of the opportunities for civic participation afforded to them by societies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Promoting understanding of quality in the context of good governance can be a challenging classroom exercise not only because of the potential for hijacking politicization of the discussion, but also because of the variety of ways in which public sector goals can be defined, even in the context of a single policy. Standards of quality in the present in the contemporary practice of public administration include many words beginning with “E” in the English language. Employing the “E’s are Good” taxonomy helps communicate different aspects of good governance to students in public administration and policy courses. In this article, literature surrounding the public sector standards of quality is reviewed using this framework. Examples of discussion of the E concepts drawn from legislative discourse surrounding Canadian health and social policy designed are then considered as an empirical case study. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 At the same time, possibilities for maximising efficiency and effectiveness in cross-sectoral public services may be lost, and sub-national development adversely impacted. The policy gap therefore refers to a lack of policy coherence at central government level, which is a condition for better cross-sector co-ordination at the sub-national level. A primary concern is the lack of information to guide decision makers in the water sector. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 See also General Comments adopted by the UN Human Rights Committee,such as No.28 (2000) and No. Moreover, this principle has been further expanded by the work of the supervisory bodies dealing with the two Conventions specifically aiming at the prohibition of discrimination: the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD). Thus, to assess whether or not there has been discrimination in the enjoyment of rights related to the family, it is necessary to understand the scope of the principle and the way in which it has evolved over the years. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Coastal regions, particularly Rakhine State and Ayeyarwady Delta Region, are at high risk for cyclones, storm surges and tsunamis. Much of the country, especially in the Central Dry Zone, is exposed to flooding and landslides during the rainy season, in addition to drought and fire during the dry season. The challenges call for more comprehensive approaches based on an integrated analysis of hazards, risks linked with land use, livelihoods planning and natural resource management. As such, new ways of working were seen as critical to building community resilience and reducing risk and vulnerability related to natural hazards and climate change. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This paper examines the transformation within the practice and concept of contemporary peacebuilding. Peacebuilding, practically and conceptually, has been dominated by the liberal peace paradigm. In this case, the institutionalising of its core ideas such as democratisation, human rights, the rule of law, and liberal market system to the post-conflict states and to a socalled „fragile/failed states‟ aiming at bringing peace and security has failed to create a comprehensive and sustainable peace on the ground as exemplified in Nicaragua, Haiti, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and other post-war states. Scholars focused on the issue of peacebuilding have engaged to a new approach that challenge the domination of the liberal paradigm through the accommodation and appreciation upon the „local‟ and thus create spaces for the interaction between the liberal and the „local‟ within forms of hybrid peace‟ or hybrid peacebuilding‟. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 To stem speculative attacks, the central bank responded by intervening in the foreign exchange market and tightening controls on currency trade. A new 20% reserve requirement was imposed on all currency forward positions. These projections are still largely in line with a minimum target for an economic growth rate of 6.5% during the country’s 13th five-year plan (2016-2020). The plan places emphasis on the quality of growth. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Complying wdth its strict implementation rules (including financial management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting) requires significant ongoing political and institutional efforts. It is also a challenge for SEE producers to fill out application forms and comply w'ith environmental requirements. The Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia has implemented the IPARD I Programme (2007-13) and used IPARD I funds through to the end of 2017, while Albania and Montenegro have implemented IPARD-like schemes. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has been granted entrustment of IPARD II implementation. However, preparations in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina are not as advanced. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The differences are larger and more widespread for self-employed workers. The most common differences include the exclusion of self-employed workers from unemployment benefits, and no or non-compulsory eligibility for work injury benefits as well as differences in the rules on sickness and maternity benefits. With the exception of a handful of countries (Ireland, Italy, New Zealand and the United Kingdom), the effective differences in the content and extent of taxes and benefits for part-time workers are related more to their particular circumstances (e.g. lower earnings due to fewer hours of work) than to structural differences in policy rules. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The focus is not about results or outcomes per se, but about the overall objectives and preconditions to effective climate finance that can be considered at different stages from the design to delivery of finance, at the international and national levels, as well as for programme and project-level activities. Through the use of semi-structured interview techniques across a sampling of diverse stakeholders in the climate finance arena, the authors consider perceptions about the relative importance and relevance of different principles and pre-conditions for success, to understand what supports effective climate finance outcomes. To date, there is not a commonly agreed definition of what constitutes “effective” climate finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As a result, relative poverty, measured as household incomes below 60% of median income, has been contained. Between 1996-97 and 2009-10, the proportion of individuals with household incomes below 60% of median income fell from 19.4% to 17.7% before housing costs and from 25.3% to 22.2% after housing costs. Relative child poverty fell from 26.7% to 19.7% before such costs, a reduction of over a quarter, but short of the previous government objective of halving relative child poverty by 2010 (Jin et al., The housing cost overburden rate - the percentage of the population living in households where the total housing costs (net of housing allowances) represent more than 40% of disposable income (EU housing statistics) - is one of highest in the European Union (EU), reaching nearly 41% in 2009 for tenants in the private sector, compared to an EU27 average of 25%. Recent cuts to housing benefits and the removal of indexation on actual market rents from April 2013 will increase the burden further for low-income tenants in private rental. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Yet, globally, time use data remains limited, in particular for developing countries, due to the significant costs and capacities needed to undertake a time use survey. Reporting on SDG Target 5.4 requires regularly collected time-use data disaggregated by sex, age group and location. However, to date, only 83 countries have ever conducted time-use surveys, and only 24% of those were conducted after 2010 (UN Women, 2018). Of the 47 least developed countries, only 8 have collected time-use data. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 But such a detailed bottom-up analysis is necessarily partial in scope. Therefore, specific insights can be drawn from a more top-down analysis of key interlinkages between land, water and energy in the global biophysical and economic systems. The current report hence does not aim to provide an exhaustive answer on the costs of inaction in all regions in the world. Rather, it limits itself to a top-down approach, by using large-scale global systems models to explore how major resource bottlenecks can affect the land use systems and economies of the major regions in the world. Rather, insights are provided by investigating a carefully selected set of scenarios that are designed to illustrate the key bottlenecks: one scenario for each resource bottleneck, plus two scenarios that combine all bottlenecks, with and without an overlay of climate change. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Such studies highlight the potential of'smart card' data analysis in providing operators with maximum value for their infrastructure investments. It appears that the growing mobility needs of the elderly and people with disabilities, combined with diminishing public finances requires investment prioritisation in areas that could provide the greatest benefits to users. The factors, and their interactions, affecting transport accessibility for individuals, as well potential policy/activity outcomes (abandon, reschedule, relocate and replace) are summarised in Figure 3.10. Participation in global supply chains is essential for attracting foreign investment and enterprises as well as human capital. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Abstract The concomitance of black-skinned student-populated colleges and universities on the African continent has created a quiescence regarding whiteness, racism, and disparity in African higher education. Resultantly, scant attention has been paid to the role and possibilities for Black populated colleges across the African continent to transform the political, social, and economic realities of African nation-states. In fact, the confluence of Western imperialism, slavery, genocide, and the contemporary frame of terrorism is highly correlated with the seeming permanence of war, oppression, and poverty across the African diaspora in general and on the African continent in specific. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Abstract The independence and equality of sovereign states are today formally enshrined in international law as principles governing the conduct of international relations. Diplomatic protocol, by symbolizing the principles, harmoniously represents the political process. Even if conflicts arising from protocol during difficult negotiations still are not uncommon, seventeenth-century practice as presented in diplomatic dispatches appears to the modern mind to be a curious and never-ending argument about lavish ceremonies arranged for visiting dignitaries. In early modern European diplomacy, the relationship between the ceremonial symbols and the mechanisms of power was closer and carried more weight. Whereas protocol is asked today to anticipate conflicts over status, in early modern Europe it was expressly designed to signify the relative status of the honoured guest and the sovereign host. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Self-interest should be a powerful driver for companies to manage their exposure to risks and exploit opportunities. Economic theory suggests that this will lead them to adopt cost-effective adaptation strategies. However, there is only scattered evidence so far that companies are taking action on adaptation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The research suggested ‘bundling’ HIV interventions with those issues of great importance to communities. It targets poverty, malnutrition and school enrolment. Here, the District Assembly manages a community-based system to identify the poorest households, in a complex logistical and technical environment, requiring payments to thousands of households scattered over hundreds of miles, without sophisticated information technology back-up. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Unfortunately, three ASEAN countries - Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar- are not explicitly modelled, but are nevertheless included in a regional aggregate with other countries which precludes calculations of caloric statistics for each of these but allow an estimation of the PoU, number of undernourished and the depth of undernourishment by applying the regional result to the countries. The evolution of the PoU is then projected to 2024 using results from the OECD-FAO AGLINK-COSIMO model (see Tallard, Liapis and Pilgrim, 2016, Annex 2.A1). For the region in total, the number of undernourished individuals is projected to fall by almost 13 million relative to 2015. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Arguably this also goes beyond their purpose. However, (l)NDCs do provide an important indication of the long term strategic focus and priorities that the countries have. To understand actual investment needs and priorities, however, it is also vital to look beyond (l)NDCs and at specific sector plans and other activities taking place at the national or sectoral level, as well as business driven investments, which are taking place in parallel both locally and cross-border. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, the progress achieved has been uneven and many people are still being left behind. Prom the Millennium Development Goals, which established a target of halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water2 to the General Assembly’s recognition of water and sanitation as a human right, the United Nations has laid the foundations. This goal, as well as other related goals and targets, aims to address all issues related to the water cycle, including access to adequate water and sanitation, improving quality and efficiency of water delivery, sustainable water management as well as strengthening international cooperation. At the upcoming high-level political forum on sustainable development, we will learn of progress being made on SDG 6, including at the national level. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The strength of the New Zealand dollar is driven by domestic interest rates which are high compared to other developed countries. This means that it is unlikely there will be large fluctuations in the exchange rate and the return to fishers should be stable. As fish sold in the New Zealand market is generally processed through exporting premises, most fish for domestic consumption is also covered by the Animal Products Act. However, exemptions allow some primary processors for the domestic market to operate under the Food Act 1981, by either complying with the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 or implementing a registered Food Safety Program (FSP). Secondary fish processors are not required to operate under a Risk Management Program. Other secondary processors are covered by the Food Act provisions. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Specifically, the cost for a benefit of $2.50 a day for all older people aged 60 years or over ranges between 0.5 per cent and 2.7 per cent of GDP, the cost being higher for poorer countries, where $2.50 represents a larger proportion of average income. The risk of poverty among older persons has fallen, while poverty rates among young adults and families with children have risen. However, because the initial old-age poverty rates were very high, persons aged 75 years or over remain the group most likely to be poor. People aged 66 to 75 years in contrast, are now no more likely to be poor than the population as a whole. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the major clean-tech strengths of the Negev lie only in a subset of clean-tech activities: water efficiency, including wastewater treatment, desalination and drip irrigation, and renewable energies technologies, including solar, biofuel and geothermal energy production. Secondly, within this subset of activities, the Negev contains only a subset of the actors normally found in fully-fledged clean-tech clusters. Whilst it possesses research organisations, some lead customers, and innovative start-ups, there are gaps in the region’s business development services and growth finance, high-skilled labour and supplier base. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In England, the “Enclosures” deprived many poor peasants of access to land their families had used for centuries. The conflicts and misery generated were even worse than those that will inevitably accompany any solution for fisheries. For example, in one incident in 1607, known as the Newton Rebellion, a battle between the gentry and peasantry left around 50 people dead, and the peasant ringleaders were hanged and quartered. Access to some resources is controlled, notably in EEZ, and there are attempts to extend control to the whole “territory”. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Purpose – To argue that developing countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region should embrace the concept of freedom of information to enable better human rights and economic development.Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews the current situation through discussion of current legislation and proposed policies.Findings – Whereas several theories abound as to why there has been little development in sub‐Saharan Africa, this paper discusses the status of freedom of information legislations within the SADC region and the implications for accountability and transparency in the management of public resources.Research limitations/implications – The paper suggests the importance of further research into the importance of freedom of information legislation for economic and human rights development.Practical implications – The paper has practical implication for those considering the potential of freedom of information legislation in developing countries.Originality/value – Freed... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article takes as critical point of departure the currently individualized nature of mainstream social psychology. It is argued that by using the concept of ideology, social psychology may be transformed into a more societal social psychology and thereby a discipline more relevant to individual, society and social life. Based on the interplay between language usage and ideology, moreover, a methodology for assessing ideological changes in society by identifying shifts in language usage in the public discourse (newspapers) is presented. Research conducted by this methodology, including comparative studies of how the globalized neoliberalism with its strong individualism merges with local ideologies in various societies around the world is then reviewed. Finally, analyses of a society’s ideological reactions upon terrorism, is presented. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Statement by Franz Horl, Chairman of the Association of Austrian Cableways, http://portal.u, wk/dok_detail_file.u)k?angid=l&docid=198502l&conid=667225 (April 2013). For instance, under category A, “Importance”, the user is asked to select the number of sectors affected by the measure (Indicator 1), estimate the monetary value of economic damage the measure could prevent (Indicator 2) and assess whether there is a potential for averting damage that is irreversible or cannot be quantified (Indicator 3). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change developed 40 scenarios based on four broad storylines (Al, A2, Bl, B2) to model possible developments in the 21st century. Al assumes “very rapid economic growth, global population that peaks mid-century and declines thereafter, and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies. Major underlying themes are economic and cultural convergence and capacity-building, with a substantial reduction in regional differences in per capita income”. A1B further assumes that technological change in the energy system will be balanced across all sources. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Two groups of threats to biodiversity appear to be particularly significant in Morocco at the present time, these being (i) changes in the quality and quantity of water resources, and (ii) habitat loss, change and degradation. Species exploitation of various forms is also a relevant factor of concern for particular species and/or groups. Drought is becoming a matter of fact, particularly in light of climate change, although this does not necessarily imply a constant trend of lesser rainfall but, rather, more variability. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These included a study to measure the effects of the phaseout, as well a study “identifying the country's most polluting vehicles.” In 1999, the US-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) “jointly sponsored a workshop in Hanoi with the Ministry of Transport and the World Bank to discuss phasing out leaded fuel and learn from the experiences of other East Asian countries that had already phased out leaded gasoline.” The workshop helped to resolve concerns about leaded gasoline, and led to the creation of a new partnership of government, industry, and academic experts. The transition was accomplished in July 2001. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! For Sweden, the lower age cut-off is 25 instead of 15. In particular, looking at inequality before and after accounting for taxes and benefits does not allow separating the effects of policy initiatives on the one hand, and changes in market-income inequality {e.g., because of changing employment patterns) on the other. This section attempts to shed more light on the role of specific policy changes. Out-of-work benefits provide support to people who may otherwise have very low incomes or no income at all. Unemployment benefits, but also other out-of-work programmes (notably disability benefits which now account for a larger share of social spending, but are less important for younger and prime-age workers). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 We protested against political parties requesting huge sums of money as part of the party nomination process.' In 2016, the organisation signed an agreement with the Cameroon government to empower hundreds of youth and women in elections participation. This process involved building capacity to reinforce leadership and civic education. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This has constrained their ability to spend on basic social services, including social protection. Progressive taxation and social protection measures not only reduce inequality, but also lessen vulnerability by acting as automatic stabilizers. Therefore, reform of the tax structure, including raising efficiency in tax administration and widening of the tax base are of utmost urgency for most Asia-Pacific countries, especially when they have to find domestic drivers of growth in the face of diminished prospects for exports. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Seaweeds such as laver, sea mustard, and kelp, account for around 70% of total aquaculture production (Panel A). Major export destinations were Japan, People's Republic of China (hereafter “China”), Thailand, and the United States. Traditional markets such as Japan and China weakened, but this was more than compensated by increases to newer maikets such as the United States, and the European Union. Government Financial Transfers to general services dropped by 42% (Panel C). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14, __label__13 -> MISMATCH! This article traces the development and transformation of the human rights movement in Israel/Palestine, focusing mainly on the situation in the West Bank and Gaza. The conflict is, at its core, a struggle over rights, pitting the prerogatives of the Israeli state against the national and human rights of the Palestinian population (i.e., to self-determination, legal protections, civil liberties). Since the creation of the Palestinian Authority in 1994, however, rights-violating practices have continued. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This data shows that nearly all of the world's large urban areas have extensive suburbs of much lower density outside the central cores that are characterized by higher densities, in most cases. Some post-automobile urban areas have virtually no urban cores at all.xxiThese findings are backed by a joint study by UN-Habitat, New York University and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy on a representative sample of 200 cities across the globe, which established that the average rate of the physical expansion of cities is about one-and-a-half times that of their population growth. By measuring the rate at which cities consume land compared to their rate of population growth, city authorities and decision makers can project demand for public goods and services, identify new areas of growth, and proactively influence sustainable urban development. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This is particularly the case for ICT enterprises, where the need for technicians could be filled through these schools. Linking to government objectives and recognizing the role of technical and vocational education training (TVET) institutions in developing skills, ITC and the Gambia's National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority launched in February 2017 the Skills for Youth Employment (SKYE) Fund with two goals. The second is to provide entrepreneurship support for those that pursue self-employment opportunities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, the turnover rate in both hotels is lower than the industry average. The employee, meanwhile, gains higher levels of skills and develops pride in their work. These examples show how training can play a significant role in generating value for the guest in an industry where a relatively low-skill, low-wage workforce is employed. Globally, around 80% of the tourism workforce is located in SMEs (ILO, 2010c). Almost half of people employed in hotels and restaurants (47.5%) in OECD countries for which data is available work in enterprises employing fewer than 10 people (compared with 31.2% in the economy as a whole), with almost three quarters (72.6%) working in enterprises employing fewer than 50 people (compared with 50.9% in the overall economy). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Girls perform somewhat less well in mathematics than boys, yet the gap between female and male school performance is smaller in mathematics than in reading. Findings from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in relation to science have shown little or no difference in average science performance between girls and boys, with girls outperforming boys in 12 countries and boys scoring marginally higher than girls in 8 countries (OECD, 2009). Data on healthy life years refer to 2010 for Ireland and Norway. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Mongolia’s economy rebounded despite budget cuts, benefiting from non-mining construction, the price hike for coal and stronger external demand for this commodity (partly due to reductions in China’s coal production). While the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea does not release official economic statistics, international sanctions are likely to be having a significantly negative impact on its economy. Notably, growth in China is expected to ease steadily as financial stability gains higher policy priority. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This exclusion can have adverse implications for the protection of women in these societies as well as impede long-term resolution of the conflicts. During the 1990s at least 10 Commonwealth countries were engaged in full-scale conflict - including Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Uganda - with peace agreements reached in most by the early years of the twenty-first century. Women played instrumental roles in many of the efforts to bring these conflicts to an end. Yet, in a large number of countries women’s substantial efforts were not recognised in formal negotiations and their perspectives and insights were not included in the final peace agreements or in post-conflict reconciliation efforts. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the end, teachers, like other professionals, have a genuine interest in safeguarding the standards and reputation of their profession. Even the most urgent efforts to translate a government-established curriculum into classroom practice typically drag out over a decade, because it takes so much time to communicate the goals and methods through the different layers of the system, and to build them into teacher-education programmes. When what and how students learn changes so rapidly, this slow implementation process leads to a widening gap between what students need to learn, and what and how teachers teach. Subject-matter content will be less and less the core and more and more the context of good teaching. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Tajikistan joined the agreement on 17 June 1998. In 2015, Kyrgyzstan utility Electric Power Plants (EPP) considered bids to replace electrical components, auxiliaries and instrumentation as part of refurbishing the 1 200 MW Toktogul hydroelectric project on Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan (HydroWorld, 2016). It has four turbines each generating 7 MW. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The first section starts with a short overview of EU legislation relevant to recycling of waste plastics as this will be a binding framework also for implementing national polices in Nordic EU countries. Denmark, Finland and Sweden are EU Member States and must implement EU legislation. While not a Member State of the EU, Norway must, via the European Economic Area agreement, implement all environmentally related EU Directives. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Indicators included in this chapter attempt to capture the extent to which economic growth is becoming greener, that is, low-carbon and resource-efficient. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Tracking trends in the decoupling of inputs to production from economic growth is thus an important focus for monitoring. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 At the same time, the Ministry has contracted an evaluation of the program, but this will be very challenging given the range of schools, the variety of initiatives undertaken and the lack of documentation. With plans afoot to initiate a second round of the program, the question is how to use the experiences and results of this first round to improve the effectiveness and accountability of the next round. Consequently, it is often problematic to obtain the representative samples of schools and students that are essential to high quality research. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As the coordinating agency, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) contracts local people and pays them for their labor as well as outcomes in terms of the number of nests protected. Starting with four villages in 2002, six years later this project had expanded to 21 villages and protected more than 1,500 nests. The area receives especial attention from bird-watchers but hunting and degrading forests are threats to rare bird species. Under this community-based eco-tourism project, villages sign contracts under which hunting would be banned and land use planning with the NGO and government supported. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Both of these aspects have important beneficial consequences for the whole electrical system. By lowering this maximal imbalance, one reduces the additional residual capacity needed in the system to balance demand. In France, seasonal fleet management reduces the maximal residual demand by 6.4 GW, from 17.6 to 11.2 GW. Based on EURELECTRIC/VGB data (IEA/NEA, 2010), in France the overnight investment cost of an additional capacity of 6 GW can be estimated at USD 11.7 billion if coal plants are built coal, and at USD 7.2 billion for gas-fuelled units. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As in the other regions, the depletion of underground reserves and degradation of their quality due to anthropogenic impact are typical. In order to better protect current and potential sources of drinking water in the country, the status of “area of national environmental importance” has been given to eleven zones of fresh groundwater formation. As a result of anthropogenic factors, the groundwater quality continues to deteriorate in some regions of the country, such as the Republic of Karakalpakstan. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 One of the most prominent examples of a DMS is SharePoint, which is used in companies to share digital documents (Microsoft, 2017). In the case of a legal dispute, the assumed neutral party may place its own interests ahead of others, making it a poor choice to serve as the central intermediary. Consequently, many challenges can arise with these contract management set-ups, such as having a single point of failure in terms of technology, the need for a trusted (external) entity or intermediary, and information asymmetry between stakeholders. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In other schools teachers set educational objectives for their students and evaluate their performance largely by themselves. In the SIP network partner organisations provide for professional development as well as remedial classes and psycho-social support for children. The Sociedad de Instruction Primaria (cont.) Teaching is structured by the objectives formulated by the pedagogical department and financial incentives for teachers are sometimes tied to their achievement. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Active civil servants were not included in GERF and their expenses were directly financed from the state budget. In 1992, the government introduced the Green Card or Yesilkart, with the objective of providing health benefits to the poor and vulnerable who were incapable of paying for health services. Applications for the Green Card w'ere evaluated and authorised by provinces, who assessed eligibility based on income. Estimates of population coverage under the combination of these programmes ranged from 67% to 85% of the population, with the variation a result of many people being registered with more than one fund, many who were registered but not contributing, and uncertain estimates of numbers of dependents. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The fact that there are almost no health facilities in close proximity to most indigenous peoples living in North-Eastern Kenya and remote parts of the Coast province and Rift Valley means that they have to walk long distances even during an emergency, which results in poor health outcomes. Minority Rights International, p. 68. It has been reported that most deliveries are conducted at home because of these challenges/ This report included only marginalized peoples and omitted other groups like the Maasai of southern Kenya. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In particular the 25lh (25.7), the median (28.67), and the 75lh (31.7). Years of schooling: A summary measure of the above mentioned changes in the level of formal education is given by the count of years of schooling (YS). The remaining columns correspond to alternative specifications of the control set X, which are detailed in the table note. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! It corresponds to the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Children and Equality, and comprises 13 members. During its proceedings, the committee can convene hearings to obtain information from ministry representatives, organisations or individuals. Reciprocally, organisations and individuals can request to appear before the committee to present their insights. The committee submits recommendations and proposed decisions on relevant affairs to the parliament, which is responsible for taking final decisions, but usually follows the recommendations of the committee. While supervision of issues related to women’s rights falls within the mandate of the Supreme Council for Women, the accountability for these issues in within the mandate of the Parliamentary Committee. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These day junior secondary schools are run by community groups and churches and assisted by government grants (WB, 2006c: 3). Almost 99 per cent of primary schools and 90 per cent of secondary and technical vocational schools in the country are in the NGO sector. Nearly 70 per cent of the schools in Fiji are committee-run. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! However, the introduction of 3G networks increased speeds nearly ten times from earlier technologies, allowing much faster to the internet and made video streaming possible. Only eight years later, in December 2009, the first LTE network (commonly referred to as 4G) was launched in Sweden and Oslo, with a ten-fold increase in speeds over 3G networks. By 2016, both 3G and LTE networks had been deployed in most countries, and more than 80% of the world's population had access to 3G networks and two-thirds had access to LTE networks. ( Mobile (left) and fixed (right) broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhab. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The main Hello Work offices have established - as of 2008 — 12 banks of human resources to introduce qualified personnel to medium- and small-sized enterprises and to promote the employment of the elderly, 66 part-time job banks in convenient places such as train stations in major cities, to offer comprehensive placement services to people seeking part-time employment, and 60 Hello Work information plazas which give direct access to job-search engines and enable jobseekers to search through a wide range of information (JILPT, 2009b). Okutsu (2009) reports that women in Japan find their first job after a period of child-rearing most often through job advertisements (30.4%), closely followed by contact with Hello Work (27.7%). These centres, salons and corners are targeted at mothers who are bringing up children and seeking employment or who wish to change jobs. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The Bank also admits that most poor countries have failed to match their growth performance in the pre-reform period. Finally, these reports acknowledge that rapid growth in China and India has been responsible for most poverty reduction in the world during the last generation and note, in passing, that these countries did not follow conventional policies. While Economic Growth in the 1990s avoids tackling this issue head-on, the CGD has invited representatives from both countries to contribute to its report. Second, the reports recognize that the mainstream has tended to exaggerate the advantages of small Governments (CGD, 2008, p. 5). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Improved opportunities in the rural sector thus contributed to ease the pressure to migrate to urban areas. Most of the employment was seasonal, mainly to confront the vagaries of the monsoon as an ovenvhelming share of the cropped areas is rain-fed, and the actual number of days of employment remained at 45 days in 2008-09. On a different ground, some 69 million new bank and post office accounts were opened to make payments to NREGA workers -an unprecedented move towards greater financial inclusion for the large numbers of marginalised workers. In remote areas, NREGA is also supporting the use of smart cards and biometric signatures for wage payments. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This paper argues that the promotion of social science influence in policy-making has strangely neglected the discipline of history. Yet history has been expanding its role as a ‘policy science’ in recent years. While historians may not be able to employ some of the methodological tools of other social scientists, they nonetheless utilise analytical tools of their own which enable them to interpret the ‘past’ in a rigorous and meaningful way. It is thus possible to ‘learn from history’ without being reductionist or prescriptive. Specific examples are here drawn from the authors' fields of expertise—the history of health policy and public health, history of alcohol policy, the history of childhood—to illustrate the underlying argument. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For which there are many good answers. To register as a legal entity, CFUGs have to formulate a constitution and operational plan that specifies how the community will protect their forests, utilise and sell its products, and punish violators. Once approved by the District Forest Office (DFO), CFUGs have full sovereignty — short of land ownership — over the forests handed over to them. But the government continues to impose explicit and implicit restrictions to the commercial sale of timber from community forests, recently even venturing to reclaim their relinquished rights. The volume of timber that a user group is allowed to harvest every year — known as the annual allowable cut — is determined by forest growth estimates, which are already conservatively defined. The DFO then sets how much of that annual production can be cut — sometimes 75 per cent of healthy stands, and less for frailer forests. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, even after projects are prepared and approved, disbursing funds and bringing projects to fruition can also be a challenge. Readiness funds and programmes may help strengthen the capacity of national and regional entities to receive and manage climate financing. This also applies to policies and programmes dedicated to the prevention and management of specific climate risks and vulnerabilities, such as increased rainfall variability, extreme weather events and upsurges in plant pests and animal diseases. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Balmford, Rodrigues et al. ( This makes it a challenge to classify such studies with the ES framework, which we try to do for Nordic studies below. The most recent and comprehensive compilation of wetland valuation studies, we are aware of, is contained in Kumar (2010], a central TEEB publication (see Table 3 above]. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Despite the increased outreach and low administrative costs, locally hired managers tend to limit their work to more standardized functions, and are noted not to contribute to the strategic side of CORFO operations. Moreover, there does not appeal- to be consistency in the service intermediation model, and clients have complained that agents offer what they know rather than what local business requires to become more efficient, competitive or profitable. Using a variety of econometric methods to address selectivity bias in program participation— including before-and-after comparisons, difference-in-difference (DID) techniques and DID with common support (propensity score matching)—they found significant net improvements in total factor productivity growth (TFP) ranging from 11.7 to 22.9 percent. Qualitative analysis of the survey of PROFO beneficiaries attributed many of these gains to reorganization of the production process, implementation of joint marketing strategies, introduction of quality control techniques, and managerial training. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Yet for other developing countries in the region, expanding the manufacturing base, including to relatively labour-intensive sectors, will be important for broad-based productivity gains. India is planning to increase the share of the manufacturing sector in GDP to 25 per cent by 2020 through the creation of national manufacturing investment zones and measures to increase the ease of doing business. Similarly, Indonesia and the Philippines are seeking to diversify and upgrade their economies through infrastructure programmes and FDI liberalization measures. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, major differences are observed from one country to another. The multiple facets of poverty among children and adolescents (deprivation in the areas of nutrition, housing, access to drinking water and sanitation, education, information and household income) cause permanent adverse effects that mark them throughout the rest of their lives. To a large extent, these effects also lead to the intergenerational transmission of poverty and, in some cases, serve to deepen inequality. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This package, while covering a much smaller range of issues than the original Doha agenda, has given renewed impetus to negotiations on the remaining Doha issues, among them Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA), agriculture and services. In addition, Ministers have instructed the TVade Negotiations Committee “to prepare within the next 12 months, a clearly defined work programme on the remaining Doha Agenda issues.” Other decisions, notably on trade facilitation could impact significantly on trade in food and agricultural products. This decision, part of the original proposal put forward by the G33 group of countries, attracted wide support from developed and developing countries. Outcome of the Bali WTO ministerial (cont.) This issue proved to be one of the most intractable with countries across the full spectrum of development struggling to define modalities which would allow the policy space sought by some countries while ensuring that the pre-existing provisions of Annex 2 of the URAA would not be diluted in a way that would render them totally ineffective, or otherwise distort trade or impinge negatively on the food security of other countries. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The renewable energy industry is no different. In some respects, it may be more critical in the short term because renewable energy is competing essentially against a commodity - electricity. However, when renewable energy competes against the price of established electricity generation (coal-fired and gas, for example), even with the premium offered by renewable energy obligation and feed-in tariffs, return on investment can be uncompetitive in the early stages of deployment. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 International negotiations as an instrument in conflict resolution are difficult to to grasp, both in theory and practice. Yet it is important to get to grips with this process, as negotiations between states and in international organizations are the lifeblood of the international body politic. The Charter of the United Nations, for obvious reasons, ranks negotiation as the foremost instrument in the peaceful settlement of inter-state conflicts. Scholars of international relations are still searching for methodologies and theories to explain outcomes of negotiations by the processes that produce them. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The BWO coordinates the withdrawals from the canals, as these need to be synchronized with water releases from the Nurck Reservoir on the Vakhsh tributary. Vegetation that is resistant to water-logging is used by the population. The agricultural wihcrawd: figures tor Taykistan. However, the consequences of the decreased water flow in the lower Ainu Darya arc to be assessed. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These norms translate into 49.09 Indian rupees (Rs) (US$0.77, based on the exchange rate of US$1 = INR63.85, as per the Reserve Bank of India’s website ( on 19 June 2015) for rural areas and Rs56.64 per capita per month (US$0.89) for urban areas (all in 1973/74 prices). This converts to Rs351.86 per month for rural areas (US$5.5) and Rs547.42 per month for urban areas (US$8.6) as of 2004/05. Can a value be placed on their service support to the urban middle and upper classes, which enables that group to engage in economic activities that increase the wealth of the city they live in? Are the urban poor primarily entrepreneurial (self-employed) or employed by others. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 For each field visit, the OECD research team visited schools and met with Indigenous students and their parents, Indigenous teachers and support workers, Elders, school leaders and teachers, and other education stakeholders. Through the discussions, iterations and protocols, we w'ere able to develop confidence in the data sets. Finally, by incorporating experience from two additional systems as well as more general literature and OECD analysis, the study is informed by international experience and perspectives. A literature review, data questionnaires, field visits, interviews, group discussions and dialogues among representatives from all stakeholders have all been drawn on for data collection and analysis. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 First, the PEIB constitutes an important first step, but it does not sufficiently address the special needs or traditions of Indigenous communities. For example, pedagogical methodologies do not adequately reflect Indigenous cultures or traditions. Moreover, pedagogical tools such as teacher guides and textbooks are designed for the general population and do not necessarily take into account the context or learning needs of Indigenous students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Humans have used forests for a wide range of resources up through the ages, influencing forest structure and ecosystem functions. The human transformation of Nordic forests has been particularly strong in the lowlands as populations increased during the last 300 years, and in the interior and the north as modern industrial forestry developed from the end of the 1800s. Since the 1950s, management of whole forest stands, with clear-cutting, planting, and intensive silviculture, has been extensively applied and has been very successful in producing large amounts of harvestable timber while also increasing the growing stock substantially. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It was as high as 26% in Spain and 28% in Greece. Unemployment rates increased in 2013, as well in some other member countries of the European Union: Belgium, Finland France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands all saw the portion of unemployed amongst the active labour force rising. While the unemployment rate in the United States has fallen to around 6%, it is still high by historical standards. Long-term unemployment remains very high and the young are the most severely hit by subdued economic growth in many parts of the world. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! In coastal areas, sea level rise will exacerbate water resource constraints due to increased salinization of groundwater supplies. Weather events are increasing in number and frequency, and the developing countries are especially vulnerable. When poor and disenfranchised communities are at risk, it is even harder for them to overcome their low economic status, making progress in poverty reduction efforts almost impossible. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This chapter provides the legal-conceptual framework for the research, which is one of the education rights that derive from international human rights law and its official interpretations. The first half covers the main international laws and procedures that relate to education, including a focus on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The second half considers the area of interpretation of international law and the challenges it poses when trying to assess whether citizenship education adheres to these laws. It proposes a 2-A framework for analysing citizenship education in Northern Ireland and Israel, where education should be ‘acceptable’ (meaning, for example, relevant, culturally appropriate, non-discriminatory and so on) and ‘adaptable’ (flexible to the needs of a changing society, particular groups and individual students). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The chapter is finalized by a short discussion and conclusion of the main results. The aim of the EU ecolabelling scheme is to """"encourage sustainable production and consumption of products by setting benchmarks for the good environmental performance of products and services based on the top performers on the market""""228 The EU ecolabelled products should be among the 10-20% best performing products on the market, and the environmental performance should be seen in a life cycle perspective.229 The EU Ecolabel is to be consistent all over the EU and EEA countries, and the target is that national schemes should be harmonized with the EU Ecolabel. The EU Ecolabel has been approved by all Member Countries and is a result of a common policy."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Second, technological progress shifted production technologies in both industries and services in favour of skilled labour. In that time, trade integration - the sum of imports and exports as a share of GDP - doubled in many OECD countries. But globalisation is not only about trade in goods and services. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Numerous proposals have been made including more research produced in the classroom or starting from practice (e.g. action research, design-based research), as well as making research on education more relevant and accessible for practice and so on (Cordingley, 2008(55], Hiebert, Gallimore and Stigler, 2002[igj, OECD, 2007(56]). The discussion also extends to how to make educational evidence cumulative (Goldacre, 2013(2oj, Hargreaves, 1996[i7]). Systems/schools required to use the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in identifying highly skilled teachers to supervise professional experience, and work with higher education providers to ensure rigorous, iterative and agreed assessment of preservice teachers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""However, to ensure that children can access ECEC services is not enough, positive results for children can only be achieved if the level of quality of these services is high. Otherwise, children may even be harmed by low quality care and education. For instance, when world leaders in 2015 defined the global ambitions for the next 15 years by adopting 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the United Nations Summit in New York, they first considered """"Education"""" as a cornerstone of the sustainable development agenda."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The principal step consists of preparatory reading and Swedish classes (26 weeks) as well as interning at a school. Students either participate in SFI or “Yrkessvenska”, which is a course in vocational Swedish (Arbetsfdrmedlingen,(n.d.)[i52i). A customised pathway to certification is also offered based on the opinion of the Swedish Council for Higher Education ([Universitets- och hogskoleradet) and the National Agency for Education {Skolverket). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Many of these pumps have to be manually operated, based on rainwater conditions, electricity availability and crop needs. For the average small-scale farmer, the variability of these factors on a day-to-day basis adds extra burdens in terms of time, labor and fuel costs. In many cases, farmers need to travel long distances through difficult conditions to access their pumps from their households. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The egalitarian spiritual and legal tradition started in the ancient world when Cosmopolitans and Stoics proclaimed human equality and brotherhood. Medieval theologians promised human equality in heaven. George Berkeley’s plans for a seminary in Bermuda included Native Americans and James Beattie scolded David Hume for his lack of empiricism in describing Africans. Nineteenth-century African English and African American thinkers and activists resisted slavery. Jim Crow followed reining in the Reconstruction Amendments to the US Constitution. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights provided an aspirational foundation for global egalitarianism. In 1954, the US Supreme Court legally ended school segregation in Brown v Board of Education. The Civil Rights Movement motivated legislation against racial discrimination, in 1964–1965. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In this case, the differences in funding between male and female-founded companies may simply reflect the gender gap in characteristics positively associated with start-up success - such as STEM education. Thus, the gender gap in the financing stage may actually arise from the education system, the labour market or some deeper social institutions - also called in the literature statistical discrimination - rather than investor taste-based discrimination. The objective is to identify if, where and how policy action to “level the playing field” may be desirable and effective. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The government sets annual objectives in a Statement of Intent for its central education agencies, and the Ministry of Education develops a national policy framework. Funding aims to support free schooling, and, while tertiary study involves cost to the student, significant financial support is available. Moreover, Maori and Pasifika students represent more than one-third of the student population, and diversity of the student population is increasing, while they face lower outcomes and may be less likely to complete their secondary education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Another bill, Proyecto de ley sobre partidos politicos, introduces quotas for women. It provides that for internal party elections candidates must respect gender balance where no sex should be represented in more than 60%. It also proposes mandatory participation of women in party relevant directives in order to achieve gender parity. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 2009 the monthly grant amounts to R240, equivalent to approximately US$21. This contrasts with the figure of 1.9 million children who were de facto in receipt of the grant in 2003. Assuming that all those who are eligible (under the age of 7) register for the child grant, household poverty would fall to 28.9 per cent. Even more strikingly, poverty among children (under 7) falls from 42.7 per cent to 34.3 per cent and ultra-poverty from 13.1 per cent to 4.2 per cent. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Only very few countries, however, link appraisal results to financial rewards and/or sanctions. In various states and territories in Australia and France (ISCED levels 1, 2 and 3) school principals and deputy principals may receive a permanent salary increment as a reward for outstanding performance. In France (ISCED levels 1, 2 and 3), the exceptional performance of school principals and deputy school principals may also be rewarded with a one-off financial bonus. In Chile (Performance Appraisal), outstanding school leaders may receive a salary increment for a fixed period of time. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As the OECD project on school leadership suggested, career development prospects as well as salary scales for school leaders that are separate from teachers’ salary scales and that reflect leadership structures and school-level factors may help attract high performing leaders to all schools (Pont et al., Using appraisal results to inform career advancement may help make appraisal for accountability more effective and meaningful. It is, however, important to bear in mind that research on the effects of such systems that tie appraisal to career advancement is scarce. This requires reliable indicators and clear appraisal aspects and criteria, training for evaluators and due consideration for the context in which a school leader works. Depending on the country context, this refers to concepts such as the school principal in Australia, Canada and the United States or the headteacher in the United Kingdom and Ireland. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At the same time, structural transformation is critical to economically sustainable growth and rising incomes. Together, structural transformation and rising incomes provide the means of overcoming one of the key constraints to development of the electricity sector — the inadequacy of demand. Rising household incomes increase domestic demand, and structural transformation leads to expanding demand for productive uses. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The findings show that students in Albania, Algeria, Canada, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Georgia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Mexico, Moldova, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, the Russian Federation (hereafter “Russia”), Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States experience EBST more frequently. All of these countries have an average on the index which is more than 0.25 of a standard deviation higher than the OECD average. In contrast, Austria, Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong (China) (hereafter “B-S-J-G [China]”), Finland, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Spain and Chinese Taipei are among the countries with limited reliance on EBST. In fact, in 27 countries EBST is more frequently experienced by students in disadvantaged schools (i.e. schools in the bottom 25% of the PISA index of economic, social and cultural status [ESCS]) compared with students in the top quarter of ESCS. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 While the federal government began to incorporate housing quality and liveability concerns in its policies and programmes prior to 2013 - notably in terms of improved construction materials, the elaboration of a Certified Development initiative (Desarrollos Certificados, formerly Desarrolios Urbanos Integrates Sustentables [DUIS]), and incentives for green building - housing policy objectives meanwhile remained quantitative and focused on furnishing individual houses with basic equipment (e.g. piped water, drainage). As will be seen, programmes like DUIS (and now Desarrollos Certificados) in many cases paid insufficient attention to housing location and access to urban services and infrastructure (see Box 2.6). In a review of housing policies in Latin America focusing on the experiences of Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, Rojas (2014) finds that housing policies throughout the region have lacked a place-based approach and have been poorly co-ordinated with other policy domains affecting urban development (e.g. economic development, transport, etc.). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Constraints may be imposed by institutions in the public domain as a result of active discrimination, unconscious bias or lack of knowledge. Institutions are bearers of gender-specific constraints when their principal actors reflect and reinforce, consciously or unconsciously, discriminatory norms and values which impose restrictions on womens choices. There are many examples of institutionally imposed gender constraints. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While the HS can capture most renewables, the ubiquitous nature of some goods and their component parts means that the dual use problem will remain over and above what could be sorted out by introducing greater specificity in the HS tariff codes. As for GHG-efficient goods or goods produced in a GHG-efficient way, there are simply no HS codes to match. Moreover, climate or energy efficiency include fast evolving technologies, hence the identification of such goods in a closed list is a moving target. The inclusion of goods derived from GHG-efficient process and production methods (PPMs) is especially problematic as it may dramatically increase the scope for protectionist measures. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At sea, most oil is used by the fishing fleet, while on land oil is used to produce electricity and heat, and for transport. According to the National Statistical Authority of the Faroe Islands the major part of the oil is related to fisheries as the fishing fleet consumes 44.4% of the oil while other vessels consume another 3.5% while 10.6% is related to other types of transport. Households, public institutions, retail and service businesses and industry together consume 28.4%. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! Whilst there is an expectation that new green jobs will be created as “brown” jobs go, this is often overstated. It is more likely that existing jobs evolve into “greener jobs” and existing skills sets become greener. In certain circumstances occupations may require more specific “green” skills sets but these are likely to be either top-up skills that enhance existing competencies but applied to new green technologies or ways of working, or more specific skills linked to emerging sub-sectors or fields.57 Table 7 provides an example of categorisation of green occupations in a selection of countries. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Though at the start of the programme net enrolment rates were already high (around 90 per cent), there was great variation within the country and the high rates of enrolment lead to a loss in efficiency. This figure dropped to an average of 400 thousand during the last 5 years due to financial constraints and the consequence of the food crisis. Targeting has changed over time, from national coverage to a selection of the most vulnerable areas of the country, coinciding with a WFP refocus of school feeding towards districts with lower levels of access to education, rather than to the most food insecure areas. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The corporate tax rate is a graduated system from 18% to 30% and books are required. This particular provision is criticised for two reasons: i) it creates a system where micro- and small enterprises accept the practice of not keeping books, and ii) the progressively higher taxation rate for corporate enterprises is a disincentive for natural person enterprises to become incorporated. The unintended effect of these rules may be to actually discourage the growth of micro- and small enterprises by providing incentives for them to remain small, as mentioned in Chapter 2. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! There are likely to be additional linkages and policies that will support sustainable macroeconomic development and growth while also promoting gender equality. First, employment (livelihood) improvement should be our central macroeconomic indicator (Nayyar 2012). Second, financing for gender equality in em ployment and other domains can be self-sustaining because of the feedback effects from gender equality to economy-wide well-being. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Provide a legal and tax framework that helps universities to attract foreign researchers. Ensure there is a clear legal basis for universities to establish non-profit foundations that can recruit, compensate, and support researchers. Use tax policy or other incentives to encourage business-university collaboration that supports the recruitment of international researchers, and work carried out to international standards, on the model of the Centre for Excellence in Finance and Research. However, it has not done so equitably. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! While the guarantee of the loan was helpful in getting the private sector's initial involvement, the indirect training and capacity building rendered the initiative sustainable. The eagerness of non-participating local banks to participate in the next round of investments stands as a testimony that once trained and reassured about the expected energy savings of energy efficiency measures, private financiers are keen to partake in energy efficiency investments. Government buy-in was another key element in the success of the mechanism. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It therefore addressed not only stakeholders in the ten partner countries, but equally policy makers and other interested parties in other low- and middle-income countries with mid-sized to large immigrant populations. What is the added value of the project? ( Leading migration researchers provided their perspectives on suitable methodologies at an international expert meeting that took place at the OECD in Paris on 23-24 February 2015.b Data constraints sometimes made it impossible to analyse all aspects in every partner country. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This article appraises the evolving nature of critical planning theory. It begins with an interrogation of critical planning theory derived from political economy. It then considers liberal pragmatic theory, followed by poststructuralist critical theory. This is followed by an examination of the contemporary range of critical critiques of the role of planning under neoliberalism. The article will conclude with a brief consideration as to why critical planning theory has continued for over four decades to provide an important ethical compass for the planning discipline. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Programmes also contribute to improving household livelihoods and food availability by, for example, allowing investments in new productive assets, improving agricultural assets such as land and enhancing access to inputs or markets or credit. Programmes also contribute to improving human capital by enhancing health and education outcomes, and nutrition outcomes have been improved by social protection programmes in many countries, the most notable impacts being large reductions in stunting and wasting, and significant increases in height-for-age expected at adulthood. There are a number of reasons for this. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The integrated nature of the public policies is based (among other factors) on a correct definition of the beneficiaries in socioeconomic and territorial terms, which depends on the quality of disaggregated data available at the household and territorial levels, to be able to distinguish zones or settlements. The institutional framework needs the capacity to identify households and localities that are highly exposed and vulnerable to disasters, in an efficient and planned way, so that they can be included among the priority objectives of public policies aimed at increasing resilience to such phenomena among people and communities. Development Policy Review, vol. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Central government law stipulates that the term of the transfer contract for operating rights must not exceed the term of the contract rights. Given that the tenure for contract rights is just 30 years, a farmer renting in land will only be able to guarantee they will be cultivating the area for a limited period of time. This may lower the incentive to undertake farming practices that ensure the long-term fertility of the plot. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Moreover, on the west coast indigenous coal is more expensive than imported coal due to the cost of rail transport from the coal mines in the east. It also has a vast under-utilised solar potential. Other renewable potentials, such as biomass, wind and geothermal energy, are rather restricted. Only 1% of the global uranium resources are found in India. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article is based on the United States National Report to the 2010 International Congress of Comparative Law on Legal History and Ethnology: Legal Culture and Legal Transplant. It traces the United States experience in acceptance of legal transplants at critical times in the evolution of its legal systems. It addresses the transplantation of English common law to the United States in the colonial and post-revolutionary war eras, noting the limited impact of the French civil code tradition. It next discusses development of the national market place, evolution of uniform state laws and in more recent times the transplantation of supranational norms via the Supremacy and Treaty clauses of the United States Constitution into the United States legal system. It then analyzes the matrimonial law of the community property regime of Texas and Louisiana within the political, social, human, philosophical and linguistic context of these States. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Around one million hand pumps supply water to over 200 million rural water users across the continent, yet as many as one third of all hand pumps are thought to be broken at any given time, with 30-70% of pumps breaking within two years. The Smith School Water Programme at Oxford University launched a 12-month 'smart hand pump’ trial in Kyuso, Kenya, in 2013 in an attempt to resolve problems related to broken water pumps and to test a new maintenance model for universal and reliable water services. The team opted for non-rechargeable batteries, with a replacement lifetime longer than the pump maintenance cycle. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ""From the Publisher: """"Cybercrime focuses on the growing concern about the use of electronic communication for criminal activities and the appropriateness of the countermeasures that are being adopted by law enforcement agencies, security services and legislators to address such anxieties. Fuelled by sensational media headlines and news coverage which has done much to encourage the belief that technologies like the Internet are likely to lead to a lawless electronic frontier, Cybercrime provides a more considered and balanced perspective on what is an important and contested arena for debate. It will provide an understanding of the basic issues relating to cybercrime and its impact on society."""" """"This book will be essential reading for students of criminology, public administration, politics, sociology and social policy.""""--BOOK JACKET."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Approximately 40 per cent of all Bryophytes are threatened according to IUCN criteria and thus of conservation importance (Red Data Book Vol. Whereas the higher plants are reasonably well studied, for mosses, as well as fungi, the research conducted prior to the update of the Red Data Book, published in 2015, brought new conservation emphasis and resulted in the inclusion of about 215 fungi species into national red lists. Approximately 1,200 animal species are endemic to Bulgaria (790 Bulgarian and 410 Balkan endemics). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 They demonstrated the potential of some value chains to double yields and farmers' incomes without expanding the farmed area or increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Green growth agroparks, such as Suiker Unie in the Netherlands, have a strong focus on the environment and on value-added food products. The scope of these agro-parks is to optimize the use of natural resources - especially through more efficient and sustainable water use - in food production, processing and distribution. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! While ‘driving’ time is self-explanatory, ‘on duty’ time is all time from when a driver begins work or is required to be in readiness for work until a driver is relived from all responsibilities for performing work. As examples, it includes time such as loading and unloading, completing paperwork, picking up and dropping off or attending to needs of passengers etc. Regulation typically requires commercial drivers to maintain log books that record their driving and on-duty time with strict penalties for failure to accurately complete these requirements. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This result is significant, and it is quite high compared to other factors. The marginal effect is less important than having technical or vocational education, but NREG is particularly well fitted for rural female work. It gives a local (computed on the household who did enter the programme) evaluation of the effect, which is more accurate. The average treatment effect on the treated (part of the programme) is 0.095. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In 2006, the number of procedures brought by the European Commission against Ireland for infringing EU environmental directives was among the highest in the EU. Particular problems have involved the application of environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for projects in sensitive areas. The use of economic instruments has not been extended in the water sector, which relies on state budget transfers for investment and operations. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! We did a simple simulation to estimate how many children were eligible to receive the Child Support Grant (CSG) based on the means test and the age eligibility criteria. Table 3.8 below compares our estimates of CSG-eligibility with the number of respondents reporting receipt of any form of child grant. The simulation suggests that a surprisingly small number of children who are not eligible are receiving the grant. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This series of activities - short term employment, training, and successful exit strategies leading to more permanent employment - is designed to achieve the alleviation of poverty. In June 2008, Cabinet gave approval for proceeding with the development of a second phase of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) which began in early 2009. Extension of the programme aims to increase the number of full-year equivalent job opportunities to over 400 000 over the next five years. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Some areas might even become cooler. This is also likely to be the case in the world’s oceans, climate change will manifest itself in changing ocean currents, and some areas might even get colder because of diversion or changing intensity of currents. In fact, the climate has always varied on long and short time scales and will undoubtedly continue to do so whether or not man-made global warming is occurring. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Nevertheless, some important associations emerge. For example, child poverty rates are higher when both the average household size and the adolescent fertility rate are higher, while the share of the population living in rural areas is negatively associated with relative child poverty. Having said that, only changes in the adolescent fertility rate share a negative association with within country trends in child poverty rates, which suggests that the decline in teenage pregnancies observed across the OECD in recent decades has contributed to reducing child poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This was essential in slowing the advance of deforestation for land speculation purposes, which often occurs along new road as a consequence of easier access to the forest (CEPAL et al., Between 2008 and 2012, nearly 95% of the deforestation in the region occurred outside protected areas. Deforestation is over four times less likely to occur in protected areas than outside these areas (TCU, 2013). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Starting Strong III: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has identified five policy levers that can encourage quality in ECEC, having positive effects on early child development and learning. The OECD Secretariat would like to thank the national co-ordinators, Richard Walley, Julie Keenan, Ann Armstrong and David Scott, for their work in providing information. We would also like to thank all those who gave their time to respond to our many questions, provide comments on preliminary drafts and validate the information for accuracy. We would also like to thank consultants Janice Heejin Kim and Matias Egeland who worked on sections of the preliminary drafts as part of the OECD team on Early Childhood Education and Care. The online toolbox has additional information, such as a country materials page where actual documents from OECD countries are presented, including curricula, regulatory frameworks and data systems information. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 A recent reform has further enabled parents of children bom after June 2016 to make even more flexible use of the job protection provision: With the employer’s consent, they can use 12 months of the 36 month employment-protection period any time between the child’s third and eighth birthday. But, beyond the provisions of parental leave (Elternzeit) and family care leave (Pflegezeit and Familienpflegezeit), employees in Germany are not legally entitled to resume full-time work once their reduced working hours have been approved by their employer (see Chapter 3 for an international comparison of legal provisions). On average, full-time working mothers in Germany put in nearly 42 hours per week, outstripped only by Swiss and Austrian mothers with about 44 hours per week (Figure 4.6). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Through such mobilization, organizations with little experience or prior knowledge could take a great leap forward into the world of formal inter-gov-ernmental negotiations, with considerable success.14 Feminists learned formal negotiation methods and language and became creative in mixing effective advocacy with technical sophistication, using insider-outsider methods and strategic and tactical lessons that they learned on the job. Equally, it could creatively address new issues and learn from its own diversity despite an increasingly difficult policy environment. In feet, the need to challenge those policies provided grist to the mill of women’s organizations during this period. The ability to do so effectively was enabled by the welcoming environment that the UN provided to civil society at a time when its own role was under attack. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ABSTRACTSocial science scholarship recognises language as a key medium through which we construct our realities and shape our identities. This has led to a stream of research on the intersections of language and social identity. Yet, few studies examine language and queer identities in the diaspora. In an attempt to extend this field of analysis, we focus on queer South Asians in the U.S.. Based on 30 in-depth interviews and content analysis of website and autoethnographies, we argue that the language of tradition is central to the politics of naming and belonging. Queer South Asian groups in the U.S. use discursive deconstruction of tradition to oppose homonormativity in the LGBT mainstream and heterosexist politics within the co-ethnic community. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the Federal Test Enterprise Network (Testbetriebnetz) some forest areas are defined as recreation forests and sizes of respective forests are summed up. This procedure has been changed, now mainly nature protection forest areas are included. The German Integrated Environmental and Economic Account (Umweltokonomische Gesamtrech-nung) and the Forest Account (Waldgesamtrechnung) do not publish data regarding recreation values. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The governing body of these groundwater councils is comprised of 12 representatives, 3 from each sector (agriculture, domestic, industrial and tourism). It is supported by a technical taskforce and a consultative taskforce for the design of plans and projects. The structure of the groundwater councils in Guanajuato includes civil society, users from each of the main sectoral activities, technical experts and the financial, technical, legal and political support from the government. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Donatella Gnisci holds a BA in International Relations from """"La Sapienza"""" University, Rome, Italy and postgraduate degrees from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and King's College London (University of London, UK). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognises the interdependency between the building blocks of the better world in which humans aspire to live: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships. Women's political representation and inclusion in decision making are also priorities. In West Africa, emphasis is placed on economic empowerment and women’s insertion in the formal economy, particularly vis-a-vis the rise of food value chains and structural transformation in rural and urban areas."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Single-year and multi-year goals may require different accounting guidance and different information to track progress under the Paris Agreement (Prag, Hood and Barata, 2013). The use of single-year goals increases the uncertainty associated with estimates of national and global cumulative emissions. To date, most Parties have expressed their INDCs as single-year goals. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Equally, the Nile River headwaters originate outside the ESCWA region and serves as the primary source of freshwater for Egypt and the Sudan, the latter of which under-consumes its water allocation, thereby allowing additional supplies to flow to Egypt. While Lebanon shares several river basins with its neighbours, relatively high precipitation rates, short river courses and snowmelt generally provide the country with sufficient water supplies. Climate change is expected to have adverse impacts on these shared water resources. These include wastewater treatment and reuse, agricultural runoff reuse and desalination. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Due to the data sensitivity and increased risk of attacks, cloud and third party hosting are not advised. A hash could be created of an existing emissions certificate, which could then be documented on a data-based blockchain. Certificates could also be tokenised so that fractions of emissions certificates could be traded on a coin-based blockchain. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Even though water use and nutrient pollution are increasing at much faster pace outside the OECD area, particularly in the BRIICS, diffuse sources of pollution, seasonal or local water shortage and floods remain an issue in most OECD countries, as is financing to replace ageing infrastructure and meet increasingly stringent environmental and health standards. The problem will be greatest in non-OECD countries that, as a group, are expected to have much larger rates of population growth. This is particularly so in large developing countries, such as India, where the rate of increase in incomes is also expected to exceed the OECD average. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The three key dimensions are still access to sanitation, quality housing and drinking water, which even retained the same order of importance between 2000 and 2011. However, as extreme poverty has declined, these three dimensions have become even more prominent, suggesting that greater strides have been made in education, information and nutrition than in sanitation, housing and drinking water. These three dimensions contribute heavily to total child poverty, too, and their significance has increased as total poverty among children has decreased —from 73% in 2000 to 82% in 2011.13 Unlike in the case of extreme poverty, education has increased in importance as a contributing factor to total poverty, suggesting that little progress has actually been made in reducing education deprivation. The fact that its relative contribution to extreme poverty has diminished indicates that more than proportional progress had been made in reducing the percentage of children with no access to schooling. The fact that the same did not happen with total poverty means that progress in reducing the school dropout rate had been less significant than achievements in other areas. Its contribution to extreme poverty also increased in 10 countries in the region. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 From the information provided by the respondents on their principal activity in each month of the 48-month observation period, four mutually-exclusive activity states are defined using: in work, in education, in unemployment (‘NEET unemployed’), and inactive out of education (‘NEET inactive’). Young people who combine education and work are treated as ‘in education’, vocational training can unfortunately not be identified as separate from education. An individual’s chain of 48 monthly activity states from the age of 16 to 20 is interpreted as her school-to-work trajectory. The three panels are merged for the OECD countries to give the sample used for analysis. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The specialisation plan should address the concern amongst surgeons and policy makers in Denmark that there were certain specialist services being delivered in potentially unsafe circumstances. While it is too early to systematically evaluate the impact of these reforms, it will be important for policy makers to use changes in the supply of hospital services to drive improvements in quality of care. To help evaluate the success of the plan and monitor quality on an ongoing basis, the DHMA should seek that hospitals internally monitor data on the performance of individual clinicians, alongside system-wide efforts already being undertaken to evaluate the performance of specialist hospitals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 They are mainly small water bodies with an area of less than 1 km2. Only 32 lakes have a surface exceeding 10 km2. Winter discharges of water from the Toktogul Reservoir resulted in increasing the area of the Aydar Arnasay Lakes System, which is now the largest in Uzbekistan. With its area of 3,600 km2 and its storage capacity of 42 km3, this lake exceeds the water reserves of all other reservoirs. In 2008, it was added to the list of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In South Africa, the government of Gauteng province opened a centre for the treatment of substance abuse in Soweto in May 2015. The centre offers free assistance to alcohol- and drug-dependent persons. The region of Central America and the Caribbean continues to be used as a major trans-shipment area for consignments of drugs originating in South America and destined for North America and Europe. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 These could include keeping the price of retail energy at lower levels that do not reflect cost (for example, through cross subsidies), maintaining employment, or preferring a certain generating fuel. A single integrated utility does not require complex systems to dispatch multiple providers at the wholesale level, or retail market platforms that allow for switching of customers between different retail providers, or an elaborate access regime to ensure multiple parties can access monopoly network infrastructure on equal terms. Where fresh investment is required to meet demand, a government can direct a utility to invest at a given time and this ensures that capacity will be adequate to meet reliability standards. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 One possible explanation for this is that as nations become richer, people place higher value on health and want to spend a larger share of their income on improving their health (Fogel 2008). The “income elasticity” varies a lot in empirical results and whether health care is a luxury' good or a necessity is still an unsettled issue. Results for the US and Canadian provinces, as well as national-level data for 16 OECD countries, confirm that estimates of the size of the income elasticity vary by level of analysis, with international income elasticity generally larger than elasticities estimated in national or regional studies (Di Matteo, 2003). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! There is a need for other types of rationing in addition to the limited rationing by means of the price mechanism. Waiting times, implicit prioritizing by service providers and governments’ explicit prioritizing are used as rationing mechanisms in the Nordic countries. Luigi Siciliani elaborates on the optimal balance between these instruments for rationing health care in his article. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Given the importance of water as an essential resource as well as a potential threat, climate change impacts on freshwater will affect not only water and flood management per se, but also a number of key policy domains (e.g. energy, agriculture, infrastructure, biodiversity, and health). Despite the ever-expanding scientific basis, reliable information about the nature, magnitude and timing of impacts at the scale needed for practical, site-specific adaptation is generally lacking. Adaptation decisions need to accommodate significant uncertainty. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! This situation exposes 10 500 people to acute intestinal infectious diseases. The Water User Association (WUA) often closes the outlet of the wastewater collector, resulting in wastewater discharge into the village areas. Conflicts arise not only between neighbouring villages, but also between the village administration and the WUA. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Property tax is concentrated in the largest cities, such as Almaty, Shymkent and Astana, and, as typical in emerging economies, property tax is more important in metropolitan areas than in secondary cities. Kazakhstan may also adopt a system where akimats in urban areas can charge a land tax - where land has a higher market value - and rural akimats a property tax. Alternatively, like Brazil and South Africa, Kazakhstan could explore moving to a capital value system where tax is levied on both land and improvements and away from rental systems and site-value systems (McCluskey and Franzsen, 2013). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, the Cox model is restrictive in its assumption of proportional hazard functions, meaning that for each covariate, the ratio of hazards must remain the same for any two observations (individuals) over time. If this is not the case for any given covariate, that covariate can only be included in a stratified Cox model, where it is used as a stratification variable and not as a determinant, and no coefficient can be computed for this variable. This is an acceptable way of solving the problem as long as the variable concerned is not of primary interest for the analysis. As discussed above, owing to biological factors, infant boys are prone to a higher mortality risk than infant girls, particularly so during the first few months of life. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The GORE Planning Divisions might play a key role to this effect and could be supported by their investment units, established to evaluate if projects support the realisation of ERD initiatives. There are indications that regional portfolios increasingly integrate projects that involve two or more municipalities in the region.14 However, as long as municipalities have insufficient resources to finance the execution of their main devolved competences, a need to use regional development resources for financing basic local investment and maintenance requirements can persist, making it more difficult to finance the overall development priorities defined in the regional strategies. The plan includes a diagnostic stage of the cities’ main challenges, and a subsequent proposal for a portfolio of projects to be implemented with a long-term perspective. This tool was created after the 2010 earthquake to improve the co-ordination and effectiveness of urban reconstruction efforts. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Special consideration of the cross-sectoral nature and potential trade-offs between climate policies and water quality will need to be managed as climate mitigation and adaptation policies are developed (e.g. bioenergy crops can increase water demand and decrease water quality and food security, afforestation of water catchments reduces soil erosion and local flood risk, and improves water quality). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 An alternative scenario held public expenditures to match the expected increase in GDP, plus additional costs associated with population aging. Any increase above that level would then be financed by co-payments. Under this scenario, the share of health care funded by copayment would increase from 5% in 2010 to 30% in 2015 and public health expenditure would rise a bit more slowly, to exceed 9.5% of GDP in 2015 (Besseling et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the current wave of skilled-biased technological change, opportunities arise for those having adequate capacities to participate in innovation, as new jobs require their skills and new entrepreneurial opportunities are emerging. In addition to these barriers, digitalisation is a source of scale economies and winner-take-all market structures. Such concentrated markets are a source of innovation-based rents, which are then redistributed to shareholders, senior managers and key staff, hence increasing the income share of the top income groups (Paunov and Guellec, 2017). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Social security expenditures grew but by less than 1% of GDP in nine countries and were essentially unchanged in Hungary. Reduced over-time, debiting of individual working-time accounts and other employer-initiated reductions in working-time accounted for the rest of the fall in working time. Double-counting may be a particular concern in Austria, Finland and Germany. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The aim of the introduction of the DMPs was to improve the care process and the quality of medical care for people with chronic conditions. Currently, DMPs exist for six conditions including diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, breast cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and coronary heart disease. The type 2 diabetes DMP is by far the biggest DMP with 1717 accredited programmes/contracts and nearly four million enrolled diabetic patients (BVA, 2015). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 See Annex II for a list of reporting member States.) This suggests that at the end of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which was the UNECE Strategy’s original implementation period, a total of 51 countries (91 per cent of ECE member States) have engaged wholly or in part to advance ESD. Since the Strategy was adopted, only five countries have never reported to either ECE or UNESCO on their progress—representing just 9 per cent of ECE member States. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Under apartheid entrepreneurship in the African population was deliberately suppressed, and it will need fostering for some time to come. Some platforms like the UYF already exist to provide credit and services to young entrepreneurs. Together with rigorous evaluation of these activities, the resources allocated to such programmes might be increased. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 If it is calculated for the exact age of 20 years, it indicates the probability of becoming a modter during adolescence. When censuses are used as a source, die numerator is mothers aged 15 tol9 who report diat they have had one or more live birdis. When specialized surveys are used (Demographic and Health Surveys or Intemarional Reproductive Health Surveys), die numerator normally corresponds to women aged 15 to 19 who report diat diey have had one or mote live births and women who are pregnant for the first time. In both cases, die denominator is all women aged 15 tol9. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Regulators should be encouraged to see themselves as part of an integrated system of regulation and to work together and learn from each other. According to the OECD Best Practice Principles for the Governance of Regulators (OECD, forthcoming), the effectiveness and efficiency of a regulatory system depends, in part, on the extent to which potential duplication and gaps between regulators are anticipated and avoided. A systematic mapping of the lines of accountability and the shared responsibilities deriving from the new PMU functions would help clarify the potential reform needs in the mandate and functions of other authorities and the need for co-ordination mechanisms. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Written from a vantage point in between Security Studies, Political Theory, and Governance Studies, this article attempts to theorize the current mobilization of civil society for the purposes of “national security,” “risk precaution,” or “homeland resilience” as the emergence of a neo-republican form of security governance—a mode of governance more reliant on organicist means of social construction than on economic or individualist instruments of social control. We argue that if the discipline of International Relations (IR) wishes to understand the nature of this emerging security order, it needs to assume a more cross-disciplinary approach and to develop a much richer idea of republicanism as not only a political philosophy but also a practice of governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is notable that 69% of development finance for the energy sector is climate-related, and particularly that finance for mitigation is higher than the global average (60%). There seems to be room for projects that aim to increase the resilience of the energy sector to climate impacts through adaptation, particularly for those especially vulnerable to climate change such as Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. A larger share of climate-related development finance in agriculture was committed to adaptation, but the total of 26% (including both mitigation and adaptation) is much lower than the global average (40% for climate-related development finance). For the water sector, the share of climate-related finance in the total development finance in the EECCA countries is the same as the global average (i.e. 37%). However, the level of committed finance to mitigation in the sector is much higher (i.e. 21% in EECCA vs. 3% in the world), reflecting the need to rehabilitate old, inefficient infrastructure in this sector. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Innovation procurement means higher risk (financial, technological, political and societal) and there is currently a lack of skills and tools to manage that risk (OECD, 2017). Finland is currently working on these areas. Improving skills for procurement at public agencies, risk-sharing tools and practical support to public contracting authorities are provided through a number of initiatives, including the Tekes Smart Procurement services for strategic areas and cities, the Forerunner Cities programme and the government central purchasing body. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These factors prevent many women from achieving economic autonomy and contributing income to the household. Employment remains highly segmented, with low social security coverage and deep gender- and ethnicity-based inequities (see chapter 111). Men and women still have very different total workloads, with women working a double shift: in addition to their growing responsibilities in paid employment, they perform the bulk of caregiving and household work. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Women are slightly more likely to be food insecure than men in every region of the world (Figure 22) (FAO/IFAD/UNICEF/WFP/ WHO, 2017). At the same time, obesity has nearly tripled worldwide since 1975. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults (older than 18 years) were overweight and more than one-third of these (over 650 million) were obese (WHO, 2018). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Strong real economy investments, large and small, with their important job-creating capacity must displace financial operations from the driver's seat of the global economy. The expansion of short-term profits in financial markets, with little employment to show for it, has channelled away resources from the longer term horizon of sustainable real economy enterprises. The world is awash in liquidity that needs to become productive investments through a regulatory framework ensuring that financial institutions fulfil their original role of channelling savings into the real economy. Also, expanding wage participation in GDP within reasonable inflation rates will increase real demand and serve as a source of sustainable development growth. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This requires the involvement of actors across the humanitarian and development continuum, but the process must be owned by the community (Twigg, 2009). Resilience can mitigate those effects. Investments in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health, and reproductive rights will protect those most affected by disasters. For example, building health systems’ resilience in countries can help expand access to quality sexual and reproductive health services for those excluded from them before the onset of a disaster. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the first international public health treaty to address the global spread of tobacco products. Ethnographic research at the fourth meeting of the FCTC's Conference of the Parties in Uruguay highlights the role of the FCTC in recalibrating the relationship between international trade and investment agreements and those of global public health. Specifically, we chart the origins and development of the Punta del Este Declaration, tabled by Uruguay at the conference, to counter a legal request by Philip Morris International, the world's largest tobacco transnational, for arbitration by the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes over Uruguay's alleged violations of several international trade and investment treaties. We argue that medical anthropologists should give greater consideration to global health governance and diplomacy as a potential counterweight to the ‘politics of resignation’ associated with corporate capitalism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Furthermore, there may be rural development funds that, strictly speaking, would not fall under climate financing but are """"climate-relevant"""" in the sense that, through the pursuit of other policy objectives, they may influence climate change outcomes in areas such as resilience or levels of GHG emissions. In this respect, agricultural support policies need to be considered in the broader context of climate policy. For example, input subsidies may induce the inefficient use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and increase the emission intensity of production. The effective use of funds channelled this way requires adequate coordination with national policies and improved implementation capacities at the local level."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 As one female respondent said, “We can do things ourselves, we are not dependent on men. In the past, saying the names of our husband and mother-in-law was social taboo, but such restriction does not exist anymore.” However, programmes in Nepal by Helvetas and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) showed how infrastructure programmes can reduce women’s unpaid care work and challenge existing discriminatory gender norms. This was done through women’s representation (considered a fourth “R” in the 3Rs framework by the ILO [2018]) in the programme design phase and/or decision-making processes (see Box 5). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 At average wage levels, labour taxes seem to be shared between higher labour costs and lower take-home pay, although the relative magnitude of these effects varies significantly across countries (OECD, 2007). Hence, compared with most OECD countries, the overall effect of social contributions/the tax wedge on the labour market is likely to be much more important for the composition of employment rather than for the overall employment level - other things being equal, the higher the tax wedge, the higher the share of informal employment. Figure 2.15 shows an augmented tax wedge which, in addition to the taxes and social contributions, also includes those compulsory payments made to private programmes (such as pension funds in Chile and Mexico, unemployment accounts in Chile and housing fund in Mexico). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Logistics Performance Index surveys, conducted by the World Bank in partnership with public and private institutions engaged in international logistics. Clearly, massive investments will be required in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia to approach anything like the coverage already achieved in advanced economies, and the challenge is made even greater by the large absolute populations in both regions. However, figure 4.7 indicates that, despite the significant recent expansion in such connections, there are still gaps in most developing regions. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In fact electricity provision led to a significant improvement in total study time for children in rural households coupled with an increase in the number of completed school years. These encouraging results are real incentives to target household electrification as a means of attaining social equity which in the long run will lead to economic growth. Indeed, considering only the productive end-uses of electricity as useful for development is obscuring the actual proven development capacity of health services and education (Cabraal et al., - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The work itself is often physically laborious (i.e. clearing top soil and grading for road construction). They are essentially jobs of last resort. They provide temporary income relief for unemployed workers without an alternative livelihood and for the vulnerable in deep poverty. As a result, labour intensive jobs are self-targeting and workers opt out of labour intensive work when opportunities in the private sector arise. An appropriate legal framework must exist and be effectively monitored to if employment guarantee schemes are being considered and designed. Local governments’ attitudes on their acceptance of the approach vary, especially if local funds need to be utilised. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A useful anticipation of defense economics must rest upon the dramatic, continuing, and confusing upheaval in the functions of military forces in the world of the coming century. This essay tries to reflect the staggering array of new features which impact on the provision of national defense and international security, as these profoundly shape the discipline of “defense economics,” they will elevate in importance the social, cultural, developmental, and legal interactions between economics and defense so that the subject will fit far more comfortably into the realm of political economy than it did when it originated decades ago. With this perspective in mind, this introduction is focused on categories defining the core of “defense economics” in the coming decades. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There have been across-the-board rationalisations of expenditure in all sectors of the health system and permanent cuts to public sector workers salaries, including those of health professionals, since 2010, in efforts to reduce costs. These pressures, combined with the fact that private spending is already high (Figure 12) and unlikely to be able to stretch further, create tangible concerns over the adequacy of health system funding, especially in the longer term. In response, the sector has seen a number of evidence-based measures aimed at securing savings and enhancing efficiency (Box 4), However, despite the huge reductions, current spending on prescribed and over-the-counter medicines makes up over a quarter (26%) of all health expenditure, and is among the highest in the EU. Before the crisis, high private capacity combined with weak sickness fund bargaining power, poor payment procedures, the lack of clinical protocols/guidelines and a failure to monitor doctors’ use of diagnostic tests created an incentive structure conducive to overconsumption and waste. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Using both methods has helped to triangulate the obtained estimates. In this case, quantification will rely on a number of methods mostly derived from the Producer Support Estimate and Consumer Support Estimate (PSE-CSE) framework that OECD initially developed for the agricultural sector. In each case, guidance can be taken from the manuals and publications dedicated to this work (OECD, 2010b, OECD 2013a, Jones and Steenblik, 2010). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! France: School principals in schools at ISCED level 1 are also often appraised as teachers. School principals in private schools are appraised by their employers. In addition, local inspection bodies (Irspecteur de Veducation nationale [IEN]) assess the compliance of school principals in private schools with national education goals and programmes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Additional controls are income groups in 2000 as convergence terms, latitude, landlocked, rule of law, civil liberties, population size, trade openness, inflation, oil, natural resources, urbanisation rates, life expectancy, fertility, ethnic fractionalisation, religion, unemployment rates, gender gap in outcomes and regional dummy variables. The quintile regressions estimated the SIGI coefficient for the median, the top and bottom quartiles. For the sake of brevity, only the variables of interest are presented. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Additional control variables are included: GDP (log), religious, CEDAW date of ratification, religious, female average education, civil liberties and regional dummies. ***, **, Standard errors are in parentheses. Table 8 considers the simultaneous estimation of equations (1) and (2).20 Controlling for potential simultaneities confirms the previous results: the differential in discriminatory social institutions between the sending and the receiving countries is an additional determinant of migration, while migration is an agent of change regarding gender inequality in opportunities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Currently, over 4 000 enterprises around the world are using these guidelines. These guidelines can be separated into three major parts: i) guiding principles for defining report content, divided into content, boundary and quality principles, ii) the guidelines on actual report content, divided into strategic, governance, managerial and operational (i.e. indicators) disclosures, and iii) the protocols to guide users through important parts of the reporting process, like the indicator disclosures and the materiality analysis. Economic topics covered include for example economic performance, market presence, indirect economic impacts in the value chain, anti-corruption. Environmental topics include materials, energy, water, biodiversity, emissions, effluents, waste, transport, products and services. Social topics include for example employee related benefits, diversity, health and safety, training and development, human rights and product responsibility and society. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 One strategy India can continue to pursue is to exploit its vast thorium resources, along with developing the required fast breeder and heavy water reactor technologies. This would facilitate self-sufficiency over the entire nuclear chain. Relying on imported uranium to fuel light water reactors (LWR) can be an alternative strategy for India's nuclear future, which does not require the development of the more complex nuclear technology chain as needed for thorium. The use of uranium would initially require imported reactors, later to be replaced by Indian designed reactors. Given the size of the Indian market, it is worthwhile to develop an Indian equipment industry for solar-PV and CSP, and for T&D equipment. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Latency in Nepal, for example, is significantly higher than in Singapore (Table IV-3). Countries that are not increasing their network capacities accordingly risk having them falter during disaster events. It may also be possible to use untapped fibre capacity in existing SCADA systems.39 Such co-location also makes it simpler to repair damaged infrastructure. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! A joint report of the WHO and World Organization of Family Doctors (WHO and Wonca, 2008) stresses the importance of pre-service and/or in-service training of primary care workers on mental health as an essential prerequisite for mental health integration, and reducing the treatment gap for mental health. The inclusion of mental health training for such primary care level practitioners is common in many OECD countries (OECD, 2014a), and with the development of this new specialty Japan has the valuable opportunity to effectively integrate mental health training for Generalists from the beginning. Specifically, provision for mild-to-moderate disorders at the primary care level can be strengthened, appropriate primary care-specific prescribing and treatment guidelines and appropriate specialist referral options have been shown to be effective treatment approaches for mild-to-moderate disorders. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The Ministry of Education has responsibility for all educational institutions in The Bahamas. These levels are fairly distinct in Department of Education schools in New Providence, with slight variations in Family Island schools, where some all-age schools remain’ (The Bahamas Ministry of Education, 2012). The pupil-teacher ratio for primary is 15:1 and for secondary 13:1 (2008). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Framework now sets out an agreed national approach to the integration of financial education in the compulsory years of schooling from Foundation to Year 10 and provides guidance on how the subject may be structured to support progressions of learning. The ability to influence public policy and see linkages across government and education has been essential. In developing the original Framework in 2005, consultation was key to inform the national approach. The MCEETYA Working Party who developed the Framework included a highly specialised team of educational experts from all jurisdictions and education sectors who knew the national and jurisdictional educational landscape well, had excellent stakeholder networks and formed productive and respectflil relationships. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 But droughts also affected 13 million people. Beyond the fatalities, many more people have been affected, since 1970 a person living in the Asia-Pacific region has been five times more likely to be affected by natural disasters than a person living outside the region. Between 1970 and 2016, Asia and the Pacific lost $1.3 trillion in assets. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! How does the transnational legal process, based on international human rights law, affect domestic constitutional law? This chapter analyses how domestic constitutional regimes interact with the Inter-American Human Rights System. It argues that structural transformations in international law together with broader legal interaction have allowed new players to behave as constitutional actors articulating political claims in the language of fundamental rights. This process inaugurates possibilities of reshaping constitutional law, allowing civil society actors to bypass domestic institutional obstacles to human rights enforcement. The parallel development of the Inter-American Human Rights System as an independent regime with a plurality of domestic answers to its normative growth leads to a unique path of development, adding an interesting set of models of transversal human rights governance to the broader field of ‘global governance’. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 One way of preserving this integrity would be to require abstractors/polluters who use this “safety valve” to make the necessary abstraction/emission reductions in later years. This reassessment can be very important when “qualitatively new” instruments are added to the existing mix, such as when a quantity based instrument (e.g. a quota-based trading system) is combined with price-based instruments (e.g. taxes and subsidies). It is also important to regularly review the effectiveness and efficiency of the instrument mix that is in place - to ensure that the programme performance anticipated ex ante has indeed been realised. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Indeed, Orange is very much involved in the work of ITU-T Study Group 5, which develops standards in collaboration with EE ETSI, making it possible to massively and safely deploy renewable energies while reducing energy consumption and simplifying matters by using direct current and eliminating alternating current. These solutions, devised within the context of the developing countries, could be studied and adapted for other environments where power supply is a critical factor. Differences in geography, exposure and vulnerability yield different adaptation strategies. Given that the global population is forecast to exceed 9 billion by 2040 and that the effects of climate change are already being felt in all areas of food security, the viability and productivity of food systems must be enhanced. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! This article analyzes the employment of open data as an element in improving public administration and accountability. Currently, administrations have access to vast amounts of information stored in closed databases, which is only available to a small number of individuals and organizations. This situation produces a significant asymmetry of information and frictions between governments and the citizenry, which have the potential to undermine democratic legitimacy by creating distance between governors and the governed. Digital technology and culture, which are being incorporated into society in an unstoppable process, create a world that is more transparent, and creative processes that are more participatory and collaborative. These are examined as elements that are disruptive of the democratic process. Special attention is paid to the concept of open public data as the basis of a strategy to create open government and public administration. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article studies the forms of judicial protection of environmental living conditions through the human right to housing, in intense dialogue with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, especially when considering the absence of an express rule that ensures the protection of the right to environment in the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. At the same time, the fundamental role of the European Court for the evolution of the matter is evidenced, considering that, through its jurisprudential effort, it strives to guarantee such right even if indirectly. The methodology used will be inductive, with a case law analysis by the European Court. Two possible paths of jurisprudential evolution are concluded: the first is the expansion of forms of environmental degradation considered relevant for the purpose of judicial protection, the second stems from a new perspective on the option of relocating victims. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Combined with the crisis in liquidity and confidence in financial markets, bank loans could undergo unprecedented declines. The World Bank (2008) review on past financial crises indicates that the 1995 peso crisis in Mexico was marked by a reallocation of banks’ financial portfolios to the detriment of loans. The enormous fall in the volume of credit offered by banks especially affected the supply of commercial credit. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Since the early 2000s, the Netherlands has gradually shifted its approach to environmental policy formulation. Moving from “command-and-control” style planning, the government is now playing a more hands-off role using incentives and innovation to change business and consumer behaviour. Further, it recognises that the transition towards a circular economy is complicated and novel, requiring a certain amount of trial and error to reach a robust policy. Moreover, the identification of realistic objectives, development of indicators and measurement of progress for resource efficiency is complex. The choice of indicators to measure progress is still the subject of debate. While policy makers generally agree on the need to reuse resources and produce more with less, agreement on the extent of the desired change is more elusive. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! In this case not only manure, but also urine, which has a high nitrogen content, is distributed. In this region cattle spend the nights in the barn and they drop their manure with their urine in the barn, which rotates to new plots after three to seven days depending on the season, crops to be planted and density of the herd. Longer kraaling is exercised and required during the dry seasons and for heavy feeder crops such as maize, sorghum and potato. Shorter kraaling is often exercised during the rainy season for other small cereals (Erkossa and Gezahegn, 2003). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The deployment of weapons of mass destruction, and particularly chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, looms large worldwide with profound population health ramifications, yet international humanitarian law is inadequately structured to address the complexity of these threats, and particularly the social determinants that allow them to sustain. This work articulates the precise role of international criminal law in promoting, protecting, and validating the inextricable linkage between health and human rights, challenging a status quo that has heralded trade and national security as the preeminent and arguably exclusive factors of international intervention. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In many OECD countries, reimbursement policies, especially for drugs, are based on HTA. For instance, in Iceland and Ireland, HTA is solely used to help determine pharmaceutical coverage. The main lesson from the experiences of Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom is that HTA has provided useful evidence to inform reimbursement policies as well as improved patients’ access to cost-effective treatments (Lopert and Elshaug, 2013, Clement et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Good governance approaches in policy formulation and implementation - based on key concepts like participation, networking, transparency and accountability - are more and more adopted by the EU in addressing its rural policies reforms. Public Administrations at all levels should be evaluated with respect to their capacity to respect good governance principles. First, on the basis of a meta-analysis of ongoing initiatives (e.g. the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators), a methodological framework for assessing the quality of new governance modes is presented. Secondly, on the basis of case-studies in Italy, the monitoring and evaluation tools currently used by the European Commission to assess Administrations’ performances in rural development programs and Leader approach are compared with the proposed framework. Gaps are identified and discussed. Findings demonstrate, among others, the weakness of the European evaluation system in the analysis of the cost/benefit ratio of (local) governance and non market (environmental, social, distributive) effects. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Equally, the appropriate portfolio of energy technologies depends on each country’s own initial conditions, including the technical and economic potential for electricity generation and its location relative to consumers, as well as the existing distribution system. However, transmission and distribution (T&D) has often been neglected both in the policy discourse and financially (Hogarth and Granoff, 2015). Despite recent progress, the density of transmission lines remains extremely low by international standards, and local grids remain poorly interconnected internationally (and sometimes even nationally). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The projections for LCOE do not take the value of the electricity generation into account, which is accounted for in the model optimisation below. When considering the value of electricity generation in the power market, prioritization between technologies can easily change, particularly in longer term as the shares of renewable energy increases and cannibalising effects in the power market become more dominating. It should be stressed that the technology projections are subject to considerable uncertainty. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Work to promote social cohesion must therefore address inequality. Rising inequality in some key large economies has excluded disadvantaged populations from the benefits of the growth process and increased top earners’ share of incomes. Both poor and middle-class populations are increasingly alienated from the richest in many societies. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Those who would like to increase their future retirement income can either leave the funds in their accounts with INFONAVIT or obtain better returns elsewhere. Each of these functions would be carried out by a separate corporate entity, although there would be some linkages between the two. As a provider of housing finance, the two most promising ways in which INFONAVIT can remain active as a supplier of low-income housing finance in the face of reduced access to low-cost funds would be to focus on lowering targets for prudential ratios and to increase the use of alternative finance techniques (e.g. through the capital and private markets, etc.). As an asset management institution, the changes in the law that are now under consideration would oblige INFONAVIT to reconsider its role in the entire Mexican social safety net and the financial system. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The FAO census data are for 114 countries, representing 83% of the world’s population and 64% of the world’s surface area. Lowder, Skoet and Singh (2014) report data on 167 countries, representing 97% of the total farm population and 90% of agricultural land worldwide. From the wider coverage, there are at least 570 million farms globally,2 500 million of these are family farms. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Such costs arise from risks related to information deficiencies, loss of time in marketing operations, e.g. due to shortages of elevator and transport capacities, or impeded access to port facilities, etc. Table 3.6 identifies some of these costs and attempts to quantify them. These estimates highlight that deficiencies in physical infrastructure involve additional implicit costs that diminish incentives of grain producers and traders. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 During the year 2007, national education policy emphasizes the evaluation of students, teachers and schools based on students' test scores. While education professionals at all levels are charged with raising test scores, they are also expected to keep pace with current educational practices. The research presented in this article examines the results of a professional development program aimed at providing teachers with the most current knowledge of gifted learners and how to teach them. What is the influence of national accountability and high-stakes testing policies on professional development reform efforts? Can teachers enact best-practice teaching and learning strategies honoring the needs of gifted students within the reform movement directives? - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Other than rape and sexual abuse, it has also been found that women representatives who are efficient often attract slanderous allegations of sexual liaisons. In many states there have even been attempts to intimidate women into withdrawing from the election by insinuations of affairs with men. Violence against women representatives is, of course, generally worse when they also happen to be members of the scheduled castes or tribes. Gundiyabai Ahirwar, the dalit Sarpanch of Pipra village in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, was prevented from performing a ceremonial duty - hoisting the national flag in her village on Independence Day - because the Yadav (a backward caste) majority in the village thought that a dalit would pollute the national flag by touching it. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A child's degree of independence will depend on his or her age, cognitive capacity and education, and may still require guidance from parents, caretakers or peers. A well-connected street network has many short links, numerous intersections and minimal dead ends. Children depend on street connectivity as it's also a proxy for walkability. The city's success is based on an inclusive approach to urban development that targetted social issues such as urban violence and poverty with public space programmes and infrastructure investments. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Between 2000 and 2013 the %TSE in Viet Nam fluctuated considerably due to large variations in MPS (Figure 2.16). However, since peaking in 2009 at VND 95 trillion (USD 5.3 billion), equivalent to 5% of GDP, the TSE has steadily declined to reach 1.36% in 2013. The fall in MPS, along with budgetary reductions for irrigation, are the main contributors to this decrease. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ▪ Abstract This review evaluates the emerging legal and political science scholarship created in the wake of the United States Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore, the case that ended the 2000 Florida election controversy between supporters of George W. Bush and those of Al Gore. The article surveys scholars' answers to four central questions: (a) Were the Supreme Court's majority or concurring opinions legally sound? (b) Was the Supreme Court's result justified, even if the legal reasoning contained in the opinions was unsound? (c) What effects, if any, will the case and the social science research it has spurred have on the development of voting rights law? (d) What does the Court's resolution of Bush v. Gore tell us about the Supreme Court as an institution? - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The extreme poverty threshold for the target, measured as income per person below the international poverty line, is too low for the countries of the region, so it is considered more appropriate to use the extreme poverty line based on the cost of a basic food basket.7Target 1.2 is to reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions by 2030. Although this target includes a multidimensional definition of poverty, which goes beyond shortfalls in income, it clearly defines a quantitative outcome and a time horizon that can be used to assess the prospects for reducing total monetary poverty (and not just extreme poverty). Since the target does not specify from which point poverty should be halved, the analysis takes 2015 as its base year, which is when the Goals were adopted worldwide. For reference purposes, of the 15 countries analysed in this section, the incidence of extreme poverty was below 3% in 8 of them in 2016 (according to figures from the World Bank, see """"Poverty"""" lonlinel"" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women requires State parties to take """"all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating to marriage and family relations"""" (art. This includes ensuring the same right to enter into marriage with free and full consent and to freely choose a spouse, the same rights and responsibilities during marriage and its dissolution and with respect to their children, and the same personal rights as husband and wife, such as the right to choose a family name, a profession and an occupation. Rights related to access to property and sexual and reproductive health, which will be examined separately in this chapter, are also covered by this provision."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Kelo v. City of New London (2005), the U.S. Supreme Court held that the condemnation of unblighted residential neighborhoods for economic development by private entities did not violate the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that condemnation be limited to public use.’ While the text of the 5-4 majority’s opinion stressed deference to past precedent, the subtext was a settled belief that state and local governments would use what the dissent termed “uncabined” powers with fairness and skill. These assumptions arose from a lingering Progressive Era faith in the role of trained professionals as guides to good public policy and from an implicit perception that the institution of property itself had lost much of its coherence (Grey 1980). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is no country in which the impact of parental background on wages appears to decline with age. When looking at skills, on the contrary, parental background seems to matter much more for the youngest than for the oldest generations in countries such as the Czech Republic, the UK, Poland and the Slovak Republic. Overall, the effect of years of education was found to be larger than that of proficiency. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The sheer volume of women adding their voices to the conversation, saying “I hear you, I understand you, I believe you”, has enabled them to find courage. Providing women with a chance to unburden painful experiences, and ultimately find relief, serves as collective therapy that is free and open to all. Women everywhere can say “me too” to someone else, whether that means “it happened to me” or simply “I believe you.” - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Supreme Court's recent ruling that drug marketing using prescriber-identifiable prescription data is protected speech under the First Amendment raises serious questions for some public health rules and the regulation of drug marketing. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Female migration is a crucial serious sociocultural loss, depriving individual families, and Georgian society as a whole, of women's natural contributions"""". For example, in the 19th Century in the Dominican Republic, due to social stigma attached to women working outside of the household, the husband preferred and encouraged women to seek employment in the US, where it was deemed acceptable, even in the Dominican diaspora (Grassmuck and Pessar, 1991). In addition to preferences for gender equality, this attraction of lower discriminatory social institutions in the destination country may also be explained by lower discrimination in its labour market reflected in greater working opportunities for women (Martin, 2004)."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Exercise Report, IOWave 14. Most of the gaps here - such as improving communication among key actors, participation of local communities and performance assessments - relate to good governance. Gender issues as well as the special needs of other vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and older persons also need to be taken into account. International standards proving common alert levels and colour codes in a multi-hazard approach could help facilitate this. But it is important also to build the political will and institutional commitment to ensure the necessary resources and coordination. Integrate the concept of ‘early warning as a public good’ into national planning, policy and decision-making. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Results are available in Annex 4. Regarding any alcohol drinking, results show increasing rates of alcohol drinkers among the younger (both genders) in Germany, and in the elderly in England and the US (men) and in New Zealand (both genders). Regarding hazardous drinking, results show increasing rates of hazardous drinkers among young adults in England (both genders) and in Switzerland and the US (men). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Still, globally in 2012, 6.6 million children died before reaching their fifth birthday. Out of all child deaths worldwide, 50 per cent occurred in sub-Saharan Africa and an additional 32 per cent occurred in South Asia. Most of these child deaths were caused by preventable diseases, such as acute respiratory infections, diarrhoea, measles and malaria (United Nations Children’s Fund, 2013). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Modern international law is largely characterized by its specialized regimes. International commercial law, international protection of human rights and international environmental law are only the most important examples of isolated areas in international law and which are characterized by the establishment of a certain hegemony of their rules. This article analyzes the interaction between different regimes and will conclude that current international law lacks the capacities to effectively coordinate these regimes. We will argue that coordination is required between the different dispute settlement mechanisms. An effective coordination between specialized regimes can be carried out through rules such as the forum non conveniens of common law and not, as established by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, through criteria of temporal sequence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The general approach is that a violator of the legislation is subject to criminal and administrative liabilities based on the nature of the violation and the scope of the damage. The inspector assesses violation and, for administrative offences, issues a notice of violation to the perpetrator, who can acknowledge it or not. If a fine is imposed and the violator acknowledges the violation, the violator simply pays the fine within 14 days. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Although it is difficult to make cross-country comparisons, this is far below those of many of China’s East Asian neighbours in 2010, such as Japan ($32), the Republic of Korea ($16.6) and Taiwan Province of China ($8.36). For qualitatively similar estimates, see Ceglowski and Golub, 2011. The reason is that these exports contain little of the exporting country'’s own technology and production factors, apart from low-skilled labour. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Altogether, the proposed irrigation schemes comprise a new irrigated area of 6,800 ha in the Hermel and Al Qaa area of the basin.” In terms of water use. Average annual use for the period from 1992 to 2009 was around 2,582 MCM.3’ Agriculture is the largest water user, consuming about 1,977 MCM annually (77% of total water use], followed by domestic water use at 9% and industry at 8% (Figure 7). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 When investments required are substantial, access to external investment can be critical. Investors, however, may not have confidence in the project’s potential, may not be able to assess the entrepreneurs’ ability to manage the project and its risks, or simply may not be aware of the existence of the project. Skilled individuals can help generate new knowledge and innovations, are more able to recognise the value of knowledge created elsewhere, absorb it and apply it to new commercial ends (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990), and can support firms in identifying business opportunities and help them adapt to changing environments. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In addition, the report explores the literature on direct teaching behaviours that may help foster student learning in more traditional teaching settings. Despite the promising evidence linking problem-based learning and effective teaching in higher education to certain aspects ofskills for innovation, more work is needed in this area. There is strong potential for further research to provide additional important insights into the development of skills for innovation. It forms part of the CERI Innovation Strategy for Education and Skills. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Building on the substantial comparative and sectorial policy knowledge base available within the OECD, the series will result in a biennial publication (first volume in 2014). It will develop a comparative outlook on education policy by providing: a) analysis of individual countries’ educational context, challenges and policies (education policy profiles) and of international trends and b) comparative insight on policies and reforms on selected topics. They are meant to draw attention to specific policies that are promising or showing positive results and may be relevant for other countries. Editorial support was provided by Lynda Hawe and Susan Copeland. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Agreement explicitly indicates that it applies to transboundary waters of the Narva River Basin, including Pskovsko-Chudskoye/Peipsi Lake. Over time, the competence of joint bodies has expanded to include fishing and fisheries, water allocation, irrigation, power generation, construction of water facilities and bridges, and the protection against floods. For example, in the agreements concluded between or with participation of EECCA States from the early 1990s, groundwaters are included in the competence of some joint commissions (agreements 2, 8, 20 in table 1) and plenipotentiaries (agreements 1, 4, 9, 18 in table 1). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is especially the case if travel to destinations includes transfers and significant waiting times. Public transport also provides basic mobility to those who may not have access to cars and whose travel requirements are not suited to walking or cycling. High-frequency, rapid and good quality public transport supply may compete with cars in terms of convenience, cost and overall user experience. It does so while decreasing per-passenger land-take, energy use and environmental impacts due to efficiencies derived from scale and electrification in the case of many rail, trolley and electric-powered bus systems. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Another factor is school reform in the 1990s, which helped to significantly improve educational outcomes, as reflected in the literacy and numeracy results of 15-year-old students in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Poland needs to move up the value ladder and become more specialised in more knowledge-intensive, higher value-added activities. Currently, Poland lags well behind many other OECD countries on the technology content of its exports (Figure 1.3), and innovation outputs such as patents and top scientific research publications cannot yet compete with the top OECD economies (Figure 1.4). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Purpose – This paper aims to investigate public sector reform (PSR) initiatives in Kazakhstan, and how such reform efforts have helped the government to be more responsive to the needs and demands of the citizens.Design/methodology/approach – The paper examined four key PSR initiatives: decentralization, Civil Service reform, e‐governance, and civil society in improving governance in post‐Soviet Kazakhstan.Findings – In light of Kazakhstan government's efforts to reform the public sector, the study finds that substantial progress has been made in improving its service delivery systems and enhancing good governance.Research limitations/implications – The study is an investigation of four out of several PSR initiatives aimed at improving good governance.Originality/value – The study provides insights into how aspects of PSR can be fundamentally useful in promoting good governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They might also be linked to the greater societal tolerance accorded to men, rather than to women, to participate in illicit activities. These dynamics can be exacerbated by outside agencies, be it national or international security' actors, if and when they aggressively target men and boys of particular ethnic, religious or social profiles as suspected trouble-makers. Thereby, they often foreclose other possibilities for them not to join gangs, political pressure groups or movements seen as extremist. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For most analyses in this report, this sorting is done separately for urban and rural households and compares the bottom quintile (the poorest) with the top quintile (the richest). This report mostly uses the former. Relative inequality is given as the ratio of the indicator value for the two groups. But in both cases, the same amount of investment or effort may be needed to increase the service coverage by 5 percentage points. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This method can be applied to assess welfare changes when visual appreciation is affected. These include damage costs avoided, substitute costs methods and replacement cost methods, and are based on estimating the values of ecosystem services using either the costs of avoiding damage due to a reduction in e.g. landscape amenity, the cost of replacing environmental assets (e.g. enhancing landscape qualities elsewhere), orthe cost of providing substitute services (e.g. another recreation site). These methods, of which only avoidance cost is listed in Table 7 are applicable for valuing the changes in welfare when recreational services and aesthetics are affected. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 On forest cover, Fiji and Samoa have actively conserved forest area but threats to forest resources remain (PIFS, 2015a). On the other hand, forest cover is generally declining in PNG and Solomon Islands, linked to their extractive industries (mining, logging), which exact a heavy toll on forests. In Nauru, mined-out phosphate lands cover almost 90 per cent of the island with most of the island uninhabitable and barren (PIFS, 2015a). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Comment les migrations modifient-elles en profondeur la signification du mot« famille » ? Et comment reproduisent-elles les rapports de genre ? En concreto, se basara en investigaciones empiricas disponibles sobre las experiencias de las trabajadoras de hogar migrantes etiopes con hijas/os mientras seencuentran en el Libano,y de las refugiadas etiopes con hijas/os que se han reasentado en Australia. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Around 315 are state-owned and managed and the rest of them are jointly managed by the State and county authorities. The State grants concessions or leases of its hunting grounds to legal and natural persons (hunting associations). At county level, hunting grounds (also known as common hunting grounds) can only be leased. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As he put it, this is a question that seems to be forgotten in the quest to compare and measure, and to justify what educators do. He added, “Where we can expect to lose the plot is when we move away from an understanding of those core values and what they are supposed to achieve in education and training to a process that bureaucratises indebtedness”. Looking across its 23 universities and more than 20,000 schools, South Africa has become very good at giving the impression of achieving particular outcomes while having not achieved them at all. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Film is considered as a visualized and vivid multimodal communication mode, the cross-cultural dissemination of which cannot be separated from its subtitle translation. Based on the Synthetic Theoretical Framework of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (STF of MDA) put forward by Professor Zhang Delu, the paper analyzed the characteristics and effects of subtitle translation in Wolf Totem from four levels, namely culture, context, content and expression, exploring how different modalities coordinated to construct the whole meaning of the film discourse. After detailed analysis on typical examples, it raised a multimodal analysis model of subtitle translation on the basis of Zhang’s theory, so as to provide a new analytical approach for research on subtitle translation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Teachers play an important role in the lives of young people around the globe. Teachers are vital to student skills development, student preparation for future employment and active participation in the community. The government must make stronger efforts to support and develop the profession of teaching, as well as to promote teaching as an attractive career path. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Since the most recent data (from 2011 or 2012) are based on the new definition of disposable income (wave 7), an adjustment is necessary to add them to the previous data wave 6 based on another definition of disposable income. To this aim, data from wave 7 were adjusted by adding to the new estimate the difference or the average of differences between the two waves when both data were available for different years, given that such differences were not large. For Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the average over the various years is taken while for the other countries, the data is proportionately adjusted by the gap in the previous years. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The framework that guides the treaty’s operations should enable project proposals to be developed within 2-3 years in order to attract private sector developers. After being prepared to an international standard, project proposals will be submitted for approval of participating governments. The treaty will also enable APEA to oversee project implementation and initial operations, thus ensuring technical quality, controlling cost and time overruns, and protecting the interest of the parties. However, the cross-border projects will be owned by the private sector and APEA will not invest directly in them. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For instance, at the G8 Summit in Hokkaido Toyako in 2008, donors pledged to provide $10 billion in ODA to fight hunger (Group of 8, 2008), and, at the G8 Summit in L’Aquila, Italy, in 2009, $20 billion over three years to address food insecurity in a sustainable manner (Group of 8, 2009). A study evaluating such responses in 10 emerging economies revealed the importance of providing targeted safety nets for the poor as emergency responses to food shortfalls. While trade protection and building food inventories may enhance national food availability in the short run, such measures may at the same time prove to be costly in terms of expenditure and contribute to keeping food prices high by restricting food supply in international markets (Jones and Kwiecinski, 2010). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Conversely, a lack of enforcement will typically see poor wearing rates. Also included in the intermediate outcome measures are independently conducted public surveys that will test the perceived likelihood of being caught speeding, belief that an individual can predict where a compulsory breath testing checkpoint will be and admissions of drink-driving. These survey measures also provide valuable feedback to police on how effective their operations are in changing public attitudes and behaviours that cause or worsen road trauma. It is important to compare offence detection rates with known offending rates. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In addition, a number of initiatives such as the Teacher Vocation Scholarship are likely to stimulate the decision to engage in initial teacher preparation. However, initial teacher education raises some concerns. First, there is evidence indicating that initial teacher education is not attracting the best candidates from school education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Human Resources for Health Series, No. Avances y omisiones”, paper presented at the expert meeting “Family-oriented policies, social protection and inclusion”, Santiago, Chile, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 28-29 June. South Korean political and social economy of care in a context of institutional rigidities”. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This illustrates very clearly that the rebalancing between sectors may be very much more significant than the total aggregate employment effect. These shifts in response to energy taxes could be used as a guide to the employment response to an equivalent increase in energy prices as a result of a move towards more sustainable energy technologies. Reprinted with permission from International Association for Energy Economics, Publishers of the Energy Journal. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, reinforcing an existing (or building a new) interconnection capacity between two regions may be motivated by the integration of new VRE capacity and thus serves primarily this objective. However, this provides other benefits for the whole system, such as for example reducing network congestion or reducing overall balancing requirements. The exact attribution of costs and benefits among different components of the system is virtually impossible in most practical cases. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result, such reforms can be bad for equity under strong inequality aversion but not under weak inequality aversion. Such can be the case of social protection reforms. However, other structural reforms that are good for the middle class can be even better for the poor, hence good for equity under strong inequality aversion but not under weak inequality aversion. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The number of deaths from HIV-related diseases and the infant mortality rate dropped by 53% over 2001-11 and by 23% over 2001-10, respectively (City of New York, 2012). Improving the population’s health has trickle-down effects from the individual to the community in terms of public health, but also economic productivity, general well-being and broader access to opportunity. Overall, living in areas which are associated with poor health outcomes “can create structural impediments for growth” (CEC, 2006). Several initiatives to make access to healthcare services more equitable have been implemented in OECD cities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Effective monitoring of staff is central to the continuous improvement of ECEC services, which indicates the importance of linking staff monitoring to professional development. Together with service quality, it is the area most frequently monitored, both to enhance the level of service quality and to inform policy making. In addition, staff performance is monitored to identify whether it needs any improvement. Parental surveys, peer reviews and staff testing are less popular. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As a historically disadvantaged group in New Zealand (Marie, Fergusson and Boden, 2008,177]), these special guidelines help new teachers in supporting Maori students. Importantly, the programme is built into the schedule of all new teachers. The teams offer support to teachers and administration who work with migrant children. In addition, there is often a psychologist qualified to help children who have experienced trauma or difficulty in their lives (Scholten et al., This support varies and can include advice for teachers, individual case work with immigrant students, and workshops to improve class climate. Importantly, the MITs interact with parents of immigrant students to integrate them into the school community (Felder-Puig, Maier and Teutsch, 2016,183,) and often serve as a language bridge between students, parents, and the school (teachers, administrators, etc.) ( - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Statistical tests based on newly collected cross-sectional data suggest that countries which have more first-tier subnational governments relative to their population are more corrupt. I measure the strength of association between “corruption” and the variables “population per regional government” and “average area of first-tier unit,” both individually and combined as the interaction effect “size decentralization,” in 100 randomly selected countries. Two theoretical arguments may explain these associations: (i) the greater the quantity of first-tier subnational units with monopolistic powers, such as legal and regulatory sanctions, the greater the incentives for bribery and extortion, and (ii) elected authorities and public servants of smaller regional governments are more vulnerable to capture by a corrupt private elite, especially when control and accountability mechanisms are weaker than national ones. This paper also provides some support for existing corruption theories, namely that wealthy countries with Protestant societies use democratic systems more effectively to control corruption. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The implications of clientelism for democratic accountability are mixed: Brokers not only help coordinate votes for collective gain but also exploit their position to advance personal interest. I argue that brokers use distinct strategies—persuasion, reciprocation, and punishment—to motivate voters as a function of their local institutional context. Competitively selected brokers whose preferences are aligned with those of followers can rely more on persuasion than instrumental inducements. Economically autonomous brokers are more likely to rely on sanctions than reciprocity. Evidence to support both the proposed typology of broker strategies and their determinants is collected in Senegal, a clientelistic democracy where group-level heterogeneity generates natural variation in broker types. A coordination game played with real brokers illustrates that participants are less likely to sacrifice personal gain when brokers are competitively selected, more likely when they most fear retribution. Qualitative da... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Today, NGOs cover most facets of social development: reducing poverty and exclusion, improving access to basic services, preventing conflicts, fostering democracy, and influencing public policies (Fowler, 2000). Besides migration itself, remittance and the informal economic sector also play significant roles in social security and protection. However, the social protection system of traditional and informal sector is breaking away. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Women who lose their jobs lose less household income than men (Figure 13.3). Lower earnings might explain this result, as well as the buffer role played by their partner’s income: as men tend to earn higher wages, on average, than women, job loss by the male partner implies on average a greater income loss for the household budget. For instance, in the Netherlands, where 75% of women with dependent children work part-time, only around 15% of partnered women who lose their job also experience a significant loss of income (of 20% or more). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 While the thematic indicators are optional, countries need to provide reasons for opting out of reporting on them. Disparity indices for target 4.S depend on the quality of the underlying indicators, resulting in a multi-tier classification, a status shared by 4.1.1 (Table 7.1). Subcomponents b) and c) of indicator 4.1.1 have been raised to tier II. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""Women's labour market participation is high and, despite a highly gender segregated labour market, women have broken down many walls within """"male"""" jobs, though men have not to a similar extent sought employment in """"female"""" jobs. Instead, these plans include specific initiatives towards the exact opposite: increasing the recruitment of women to """"male jobs"""" (such as jobs within the police force). The proportion of male students on the nursing education is between 0% and 2% for each year group (Gislason 2011: 240-241)."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This definition excludes actors with a non-profit focus, such as private foundations. Includes activities to create an adequate enabling environment for private sector growth, such as promoting a conducive policy environment, addressing market imperfections (e.g. through value chain development) as well as direct firm-level interventions (e.g. capacity building, access to finance and markets). Such partnerships could involve companies from the partner country, donor country or elsewhere. This term refers to private sector collaboration and partnerships, as well as private sector development activities in partner countries where the private sector is actively involved in the project. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Integrating pedestrian and cyclist needs is therefore a key part of providing equitable and sustainable transport. The specific requirements of women - who often need to juggle a (non-paid) job at home and a (paid) job outside - are also not fully understood by planners. To drive change, the voice of those left behind has to be made heard, here, non-governmental organisations have an important role. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 To the extent that tracking UI recipients may be infeasible in emerging economies with substantial informal sectors, UI may be considered a form of severance pay with periodic payments (Parsons, 2010). The emphasis is on the effects of unemployment compensation systems on individual labour outcomes in partial equilibrium, in line with much of the evaluation literature. However, general-equilibrium effects can be very important. To a limited extent, these are discussed in Section 4. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 To date, user orientation of statistics is not sufficient. The accuracy of data on volumes produced and consumed of agricultural commodities, the value of production by commodity, farm structures in terms of ownership and use, the level and structure of rural household incomes (both from agricultural and non-agricultural sources), and on agricultural land is far from adequate. Data collection could be less expensive if combined with a revitalisation of extension and research services. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Furthermore, while structural change is not an end in itself, it has been shown to be a key driver of productivity growth. Finally, an improved measurement of sustainable productivity growth needs to account for the use of natural resources, including common pool resources such as fresh water and the emission of GHGs and other pollutants. The development of related indicators, including in the context of the OECD work on Green Growth, such as the Environmentally Adjusted Multifactor Productivity, is of key importance for this. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The present article seeks to analyze the exchange Argentine-Brazilian trade in recent years And Chinese penetration in the region in order to Observe the future prospects of MERCOSUR And the necessary public policy options in Matter of international insertion, It stops at the Sectoral analysis of bilateral trade and Of displacement of regional production by Asian suppliers finding a drop in The last years in the share of exports Argentina to Brazil and vice versa, while There is an increase in Chinese participation In all sectors, except for the automotive. Faced with this, the questions arise: Is the greater liberalization And the flexibilization of MERCOSUR, The exit for the Argentine economy? Will it be possible By this way to recover markets in recoil Like the Brazilian? Or, on the contrary, the greater Regional regulation, as in the automotive case, Is the basis for sustaining a process of sustainable development? - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The liquidity position of the country’s banks improved but credit growth remained weak and had a dampening impact on inflation. Because of slower growth of GDP in 2012 and the winding down of tsunami-related construction, inflationary pressures are expected to subside in 2013. In Tonga, inflation decelerated from 6.2% in 2011 to 1.2% in 2012. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The most advanced of these is the US Small Business Administration (SBA) in co-operation with the SBA Office of Advocacy (which actually sets legal quotas for the proportion of federal government contracts to be awarded to small businesses). Good practice measures also exist in Canada, Denmark, Korea, the United Kingdom, Romania and others. A number of European good practices are noted in the “SMEs’ access to public procurement” section of the European Commission 2009 document, “European Charter for Small Enterprises: 2009 Good Practice Selection” (European Commission, 2009). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Table C 1 also suggests that GDP per capita shares a positive and significant association with the relative child poverty rate, implying that child poverty is higher when GDP per capita is higher (Table C 1 columns 5 to 8). However, this association only appears once measures of social spending and the share of social spending targeted at the 10% poorest households are included in the model specification, with GDP per capita sharing no clear association with the child poverty rate if these measures are omitted. This suggests that the association between GDP per capita and child poverty depends on the level of social expenditure per capita and the level of targeting present in social protection systems. Both the level of social expenditure per capita and the share of social spending directed at the poorest 10% of households share negative associations with the relative child poverty rate (Table C 1, columns 5 to 8). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In his ‘Perpetual Peace’, Kant indicts the natural law tradition (Grotius, Pufendorf, Vattel) as ‘miserable comforters’ whose principles and doctrines ‘cannot have the slightest legal force’. The indictment emerges from Kant’s critique of natural law in both its empirical and rationalist variants as unable to uphold a really ‘binding’ notion of cosmopolitan legality. Since the early 1990s a new literature has emerged in the International Relations field that speaks about the effectiveness and legitimacy of international law as a form of supranational ‘governance’. This article argues that that literature raises precisely the same problems that Kant detected in early modern natural law. Like the latter, this literature is best seen as an attempt to appropriate the voice of international legality to a fully instrumentalist discipline dedicated to serving the interests of power. KEY W ORDS ♦ governance ♦ international law ♦ International Relations theory ♦ Kant ♦ natural law - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In particular, climate change risk and vulnerability assessments are widely used to monitor if the identified risks change over time (e.g. Kenya, Morocco, Germany and the UK). Kenya’s climate change action plan outlines a comprehensive list of potential and priority mitigation and adaptation needs (Republic of Kenya, 2012b). The complementary National Performance and Benefit Measurement Framework (NPBMF), referred to as the MRV+ system, tracks both mitigation and adaptation actions and the synergies between the two. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Ill-Treatment and Torture (ITT) Data Collection Project uses content analysis to measure allegations of government ill-treatment and torture made by Amnesty International (AI) from 1995 to 2005. ITT's country-year (CY) data quantify AI allegations of ill-treatment and torture at the country-year unit of observation and further across different responsible government agents and across different econo-socio-political groups of alleged victims. This paper introduces the Ill-Treatment and Torture country-year data, describes quantitative patterns likely to be of interest to researchers focused on the study of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and human rights, and suggests a number of theoretically motivated questions that can be explored using the ITT country-year data. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While conclusive data is not available on whether these deportations amount to “revolving door” movements (i.e. the same person being deported several times in a year) there are strong indications that this is the case. ( This Green Paper is the result of a long consultation process, first announced in 2008, and involving a broad spectrum of South African, regional and international stakeholders starting in 2013. The process culminated in December 2015 with a colloquium called for by the minister in order to compile all contributions into a final document which was subsequently turned into the Green Paper submitted to public comments between June and September 2016. This is a particularly innovative process for the DHA since 1996 (the previous consultation for the 1997 Green Paper) as most channels of communication between the DHA, other spheres of government, and South African social partners and civil society have been intermittent. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Under what conditions can regional and international courts (ICs) make decisions against their governments' preferences? To answer this much debated question, we develop a new, majoritarian model of state‐IC relations. It posits that in cases where well‐established ICs' positions are congruent with policy‐specific public opinion in leading member states, ICs can rule against their governments' position. We apply our approach to a series of landmark decisions by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) regarding United Nations sanctions against terror suspects. We find that the CJEU was able to harness growing public support to strengthen terror suspects' rights, punish states for superficial compliance with its rulings and ultimately broaden the Court's judicial review powers. Our analysis suggests that ICs can be agents of legal change and advance human rights against governments' resistance, but this role is conditional on the presence of public support. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, ecological accounting to value the ocean’s ecosystem services and natural assets at global level still requires much further research. This chapter therefore restricts itself to estimating the value of the world’s ocean-based industries, until the opportunity arises to perform further work on valuing ocean ecosystems. It begins with observations on current measurement issues before describing the OECD Ocean Economy Database, its sectoral composition, and the sources and data used. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Governments from OECD member and 11011-member economies look to LEED and work through it to generate innovative guidance on policies to support employment creation and economic development through locally based initiatives. Future living conditions will be determined by the course set now. We have to decide today how we want to live tomorrow, not only in economic terms, but also with regard to environmental stewardship. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In Alaska about half of the SLiCA respondents found it very easy or fairly easy, and the other half found it difficult (SLiCA, 2007). The tertiary sector accounts for between one-half and three-quarters of the total economic production in the Arctic, and dominating this sector is public administration (AHDR, 2004). In the case of Greenland and Nunavut, for example, annual block grant payments from Denmark and Canada make up a major share of revenue and help finance a large public sector with a significant public administration. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Second, the very high returns of higher education for government suggest that a large amount of the returns to higher education may be taxed away in Portugal (OECD, 2017|2]). Third, stakeholders cited economic reasons that have dampened interest in pursuing higher education, both during the crisis, due to the costs of participation, but also in the recovery period. Other countries have tuition for adult education programmes, even for basic training, which are waived for people demonstrating financial need, typically those who are eligible for social benefits. Examples of these two approaches are included below. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Purchases for some commodities, such as grains, are a product of the minimum price policies of the government (discussed further below). For other commodities, reserves are accumulated on an ad hoc basis, usually during times of falling prices. While data on the size of government reserves are not publicly available, they are estimated to be significant for some commodities (Zhou, 2010). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The relevant advisory bodies are the Council for Nature Conservation and, to a lesser extent, the Hunting Council and Fishing Council. Some communes also have environmental advisory committees. A natural environment observatory was created in 2007. A register of biotopes is now being compiled (Box 4.1). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Commission also evaluates the energy efficiency progress towards the 2030 target and propose additional measures if the Union is noton track to reach the 2030 target. This policy measure is estimated to achieve half of the energy savings required under the whole Directive. Member States can achieve the required energy savings through an energy efficiency obligation scheme, alternative measures, or a combination of both approaches. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 African LDCs such as Burkina Faso, Mauritania and United Republic of Tanzania recorded volatility coefficients as high as 0.40, compared with a modest 0.11 in the economies of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (Beintema et al., Several of the latter have to some extent benefited from the Asian green revolution, which relied heavily on productivity improvements in the cultivation of a few staples: rice, wheat and maize. Sub-Saharan Africa, by contrast, has very diversified farming systems, of which FAO has identified 14 major varieties, ranging from near-desert to forest-based systems, with significant diversity within each major category (AfDB et al., - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Requests for information are regulated by the 2011 Law on Information Transparency and Right to Information. The petitions and complaints are handled in accordance with the 2015 Law on General Administrative Procedures. In accordance to the Law', public (citizens and legal entities) requests for information should be answered within seven working days, w'hich may be extended by another seven days if producing the requested information requires more time. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In the first case, movements are analysed by taking two points in an individual's life, while in the second movements between generations are examined (parents and children). The sociological tradition has stressed mobility in terms of social classes or occupational groups, whereas economists usually analyse mobility in terms of income (or education). To analyse mobility both between generations and over the life cycle of individuals, it would be desirable to have longitudinal information. Few panel data are available in the region, and they are usually from rotating panels of household surveys that are observed for a small number of rounds or collected unsystematically.40 Examples of this type of information are the rotating panel surveys of Argentina, Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru (Amarante, 2013). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The applicability of the scoring rules (see below) has also been simplified and adapted from the European Union and Norway to the whole of the OECD. The more or less objective inputs concern the shares of different supply and demand categories (i.e. for supply: oil, gas, coal, nuclear, RES and other, for demand: industrial use, residential use, tertiary use and transport use) and the values characterising efficiency, adequacy, and reliability in conversion and transport based on the secondary energy carriers (electricity, gas, heat, and transport fuels). Figure 2.12 displays the conceptual framework of, and the elements considered in, the overall S/D Index model. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 On the other hand, the current priority of achieving a high level of material recovery from waste is resulting in the need to collect data on waste in tons. The practice shows that information on MSW in tons allows better evaluation of the impact of current policies. Therefore, the published information on MSW in m3 is based on estimation and information in tons is a combination of direct weighing of MSW and recalculation of m to tons using a factor of 0.2 t/m . - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In Italy, the creation in 2004 of the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) led to the development of national student assessments since 2008. Similarly, in Ontario (Canada), the creation of the Education Quality and Accountability Office in 1996 was associated with the development of standardised student assessment to provide accountability and a gauge of quality in Ontario’s publicly funded education system. Functions of evaluation and assessment agencies may include technical leadership (e.g. in developing evaluation instruments, guidelines, education indicators), implementation of evaluation and assessment procedures (e.g. national student assessments), the monitoring of the education system, the introduction of innovations on the basis of research results, the development of capacity for evaluation and assessment across the system, knowledge management (of results produced by evaluation and assessment activities) and the promotion of an evaluation culture. Although educational evaluation within school systems is not a recent concern, it has traditionally focussed mostly on the assessment of students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article will provide a rationale for why high school humanities classes need to discuss the sensitive topics surrounding terrorism and counter-terrorism. It will provide lesson plan ideas on the topics of lone wolf killings, domestic terrorism, the language of terror, related current events and larger social issues, and counter-terrorism. These lessons have the potential to reimagine secondary English and Social Studies classrooms to further focus on human development, relationships, and social justice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Over the period analysed, the poverty gap diminished at high annual rates, and faster than the poverty rate, in eight countries: Uruguay (-15.9%), Peru (-12.3%), Chile (-10.5%) and Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Colombia and the Plurinational State of Bolivia (declines of between about 8% and 10%). At the same time, poverty severity diminished in these same countries at an annual equivalent rate of between 9% and 14%. This was also the case in the Dominican Republic and El Salvador, although all three indicators fell by less than in the aforementioned countries. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Cappellari & Jenkins (2008a, p. 14) however report that the large majority of recipients were paid income-based JSA. The analysis below focuses on the programmes listed under ‘principal social assistance variable’ for able-bodied, working-age individuals. In Germany and the United Kingdom, this includes programmes that are formally labelled as unemployment benefits but, following the typology in Section 1, share key characteristics of SA programmes. For Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom, results are also provided for HB. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The cost of electricity can also be a major factor in many countries as high costs to power networks are transmitted to consumers, raising the price they have to pay for Internet access. ( A national backbone network provide powerful links to connect different areas of the country. The number of submarine cables have increased in recent years, allowing faster and cheaper connectivity, thus incentivising greater Internet use. Still, there are many countries and areas with low connectivity, especially landlocked countries, which are dependent on their neighbours for international connectivity. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The purpose of this paper is to understand whether circumstantial factors in Turkey create a unique approach to human resource management (HRM) determining its place on the convergence and divergence continuum.,Turkish HRM literature, based on 39 journal articles published between the years 1998 and 2018, are analyzed through an institutional theory lens using content analysis.,The ambiguity of the convergence and divergence issue in Turkey may be argued as HRM is still not considered as a primary management function in Turkey. There appear to be only a small number of original studies that preserve cultural values as well as follow new trends within the discipline.,This study broadens the understanding of the developmental trajectories of HRM by examining the context, history and advancement of HRM in Turkey as an example of developing economies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2014, almost 95% of enterprises in the OECD area had a broadband connection and 76% had a website or home page and 21% sold their products electronically. Over 80% of enterprises used e-government services. However, only 21% conducted sales on line and only 22% used cloud computing services. Overall, there are still large differences across countries in the use of ICT tools and activities within enterprises, suggesting there is much scope for further uptake and use of ICT. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Foreign students, largely from Indonesia, China and Thailand, and others from India, Korea, Mongolia, Nigeria, Taiwan, Japan and the Middles East, numbered 452 and 650 in 2007 and 2008 respectively. It was conceived as a strong contribution to the growth of the Penang and northern Peninsular Malaysia region. The university currently offers a wide range of programmes at undergraduate and graduate levels, which include certificate, diploma and degree programmes, non-graduating and off-campus study programmes. The last, started in 1971, was the first distance learning tertiary-level programme in the country, providing adult learners second chance opportunities for higher education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Collaboration between the UNFCCC, participating governments, renewable energy developers and buyers, and other private and public institutions could lead to an accelerated deployment. By implementing, monitoring, and reporting services based on data stored on the blockchain, real-time emissions reports would not need to be quasi-manually validated by independent third parties. In long-running infrastructure construction projects, legal uncertainties arise regarding the validity of contracts or the status of negotiations. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Obtaining a formal qualification can lead to higher w'ages, especially when the person develops new' skills on the way (e.g. filling skill gaps). Some of the benefits may be non-monetary benefits, like higher self-esteem. Workers who qualify through skill recognition can fill vacancies - particularly valuable in regulated occupations. When employers support an employee through a skill recognition process, employees may show' increased loyalty. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 1999|H5|, Ares Abalde, 2014[ij). The small number of students and teachers in these schools shapes the ways in which schools can use the time of teachers and students, and how these are grouped by grades and abilities (Mulcahy, 2009[ii6i). Parents may be concerned about their children learning together with children of different ages in the same classroom (Cornish, 2006[ii7j), but research suggests that multigrade teaching is not necessarily less effective than in age-specific classes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It is at this point that we need to discuss the whole question of slums or informal settlements, particularly in the developing world. Images of slums were ubiquitous, as the favelas of Brazil and the huge, unserviced settlements of Nairobi caught the world’s imagination. But as an issue, and a challenge to urban managers, the problem was not by any means new, so we can consider it a persistent issue in the classification of this chapter. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A medical waste legislative and strategic framew'ork has been defined and several private ambulances now incinerate their waste, but the public health sector has yet to introduce proper management of medical waste. Steps taken have significantly reduced environmental pollution from waste. Most development occurs in the area of Greater Baku and on the Absheron peninsula, where some 40 per cent of the country’s population live, but the application of MSW management to other regions is only envisaged in future projects. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Men and women incur the time cost also of accessing water and fuel supply or medical services, of working or looking for work, and so on, as they perform their multiple roles. Balancing the burdens of work and household responsibilities can leave many, especially women, stressed, overworked and disenfranchised. Analysis of TUD can help support the attainment of many of the SDGs and enable governments to address them strategically and systematically. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ""In addition, machine learning can support R&D cost reductions of between 10 and 15 per cent and time-to-market improvements of up to 10 per cent, while automation rates of 30 per cent are possible across functions (McKinsey, 2017a). Data are often referred to as """"the new oil"""", presenting substantial revenue opportunities for businesses within and beyond the ICT sector. Most industries are investing in turning the massive amount of data flowing from loT sensors, industrial meters, connected devices, smartphones, wearables, and any kind of web-based services, into actionable insights."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As in the water supply sector, there are acute organizational problems in sewerage systems in rural areas, which make for a coverage rate of only 0.2 per cent. Of the 62 cities and district centres, only 29 have sewerage systems, and in villages there are virtually no sewerage systems. There are issues with the huge amount of surface water entering the sewerage system. However, the necessary financial resources for rehabilitation, expansion and construction of new systems in order to achieve the water and sanitation objectives and goals provided in the sectoral programmes are estimated to increase to more than US$2 billion. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The paper discusses the state of International Relations (IR) in Poland. In the first part, it shows IR’s history, institutional conditions, and its level of internationalisation, particularly the influence of Polish scholars working in the West on the development of the discipline. In the second part, it offers a systematic empirical analysis of IR articles published from 2007 to 2012 in Poland’s top seven IR and political science journals concerning the areas that IR scholars work in, the theories and methods they apply, and their geographical areas of interest. The findings show that a descriptive approach dominates and that there are significant deficiencies in both the methodology (particularly quantitative methods) and the theory of IR. However, the Polish community of IR scholars is aware of these weaknesses and is undertaking organisational efforts aimed at improving the quality and status of IR scholarship in the country. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Illiteracy was far lower in the better-off states, though, at less than 3% in Baja California, Nuevo Leon and Distrito Federal. In Distrito Federal only 8.7% of 15-year-olds had not finished primary education. Figure 1.2 below (which shows the variability of educational attainment across regions) shows a clear north-south gradient. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! In three (Chile, Peru and Uruguay), the effect of this factor was boosted by an improvement in distribution —at least in the distribution area near the poverty line. On the other hand, the downward trend in poverty in Argentina and the Dominican Republic was, in part, slowed —not helped— by changes in distribution. In another group of five countries the distribution effect was the main determinant of falling poverty rates. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The role of peers is important since men and women from the same country of origin tend to migrate to the same destination country. This makes migration easier, as word-of-mouth communication helps to spread information about countries of destination: the bigger the diaspora, the smaller the psychological and integration cost of migration (Munshi, 2003). Various measures of networks are used: the stock of female (male) and total migrant in 2000. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Since then, she has focused on creating African firms that support the growth of the continent, which she sees as the 'next economic frontier'. She has used her knowledge of global market trends, sen/ices and products to bring innovation to the Kenyan market and create companies that later transfer to new managers that can boost the growth and bring firms to the next level. Rionge is another exceptional woman making a difference in a male-dominated sector and proving the long-term, positive transformation that women in business can foster based on their individual talent and courage. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The “last-in, first-out” rule applies more systematically in some OECD countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States, where workers with less seniority are the first to be made redundant. However, in Sweden, it is possible to conclude collective labour agreements with a different order of termination. Indeed, during the trial period, severance pay regulations do not apply. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This data will help in tracking progress and highlighting areas for action and innovation. The UN’s guide on gender-inclusive elections identifies the key role EMBs can play in this issue in terms of collecting and managing data on aspects such as voter registration, candidate registration, voter turnout and staffing (UNDP and UN Women 2015). Disaggregating such data will help improve the responsiveness of the EMBs by identifying key areas of entry. In particular, concrete strategies should be devised to address (prevent) electoral violence and monetisation of elections. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The system also can be accessed through a television using a remote control instead of the mobile phone so older persons can easily use the service. A strong foundation of ICT use. The ICT infrastructure was already developed in these countries. The telemedicine and the telemonitoring care services did not require new ICT infrastructure and thus did not represent additional costs. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It has been decreasing almost continuously since the transition, except for a slight rebound in 2009-2010. To some extent, this is linked to the association of some of the trade union leaders with the former Soviet period. Trade unionists are often perceived as people with obsolete approaches and trade unions generally lack legitimacy in the country, although the trust in trade unions amongst the Lithuanian population appears to have increased since 2000 according to Eurobarometer (OECD, 2017[i9]). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The responsibility for opinions expressed in studies and other contributions rests solely with their authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by UNECE or FAO of the opinions expressed. Reference to names of fi ms and commercial products and processes, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply their endorsement by UNECE or FAO, and any failure to mention a particular fi m, commercial product or process is not a sign of disapproval. For the preparation of this study, the ECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section relied on a wide range of experts in the Caucasus and Central Asia and would like to thank them for their valuable contributions. The study was undertaken to support the preparation of restoration pledges in the eight countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia in the run up to the Ministerial Roundtable on Forest Landscape Restoration and the Bonn Challenge in the Caucasus and Central Asia that took place in June 2018 in Astana, Kazakhstan. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 A strong push is needed to ensure that this number increases by another 1 billion people by 2015 to meet the MDG sanitation target. In 1990, just under half (49 per cent) of the global population had improved sanitation. Coverage must extend to 75 per cent to meet the target, up from the current level of 64 per cent. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Gender equality in parliament also seems to be positively related to GDP per capita, but only after the 1970s. An explanation for this might be sought in the fact that the parliamentary activity of women remains limited everywhere. Looking at the relation between our overall composite index and GDP, again the relation between the two seems to get stronger after 1970, which is likely to be partly driven by the improvements in gender equality in terms of education and parliamentary activity. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Contribute to economic, environmental and social progress with a view to achieving sustainable development. Respect the internationalK ivcounised human rights of those affected by their activities. Encourage local capacity-building through close co-operation with the local community, including business interests, as well as developing the enterprise’s activities in domestic and foreign markets, consistent with the need for sound commercial practice. Encourage human capital formation, in particular by creating employment opportunities and facilitating training opportunities for employees. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Data refer to average length of stay for curative (acute) care (resulting in an underestimation). Source: OECD Health Statistics (2016), Compared to the hospital sector, a significant deficit of information exists on the patterns of care and outcomes in primary care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It is expected that if energy prices rise further, the link with food prices will be stronger. In terms of policy, according to Chavas and Kim (2006) the removal of stabilisation policies and the reduced public stocks of food grains have created conditions favorable to greater price volatility. This last point is particularly important with respect to China, which has greatly reduced its stocks over the last 10 years. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The early stage of start-up creation, when entrepreneurial ventures match with investors, is particularly crucial (Kaplan and Stromberg, 2003(7], Song et al., However, the founder-investor relationship is marked by risk and asymmetry of information. In this respect, what matters most for investors are the fundamentals of the entrepreneur’s business proposition and the previous experience of the founders (Amit, Muller and Cockburn, 1995(9], Fried and Hisrich, 2018[ioi)- Still, if high-potential start-ups fail to succeed because of market failures limiting access to financing, the consequences will be lower growth and innovative potential of the economy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As a result sardine move southward. However, anchovies are more constrained and become more accessible to fisheries as they aggregate in dense coastal pockets of colder water. During the 1972 El Nino, anchovies were so highly concentrated on the coast that 170 000 tonnes were caught on one day (Lehodey et al., - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Furthermore, as ESD is introduced in curricula, there continues to be a need for corresponding changes in other aspects of the system such as exam systems and teacher training to create an enabling environment for implementation. Nonetheless, such an approach is what appears to be needed if concerted ESD implementation is going to proliferate at the school level. If decision-makers take sustainability as a core value, the potential for reorienting policy to support it is almost limitless. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Water for “essential uses” (e.g. drinking water, water for national security purposes) usually figures among the highest priority uses, as would be expected. Water for the environment is rarely among the highest priorities in times of scarcity and often figures among the lowest. There is clearly scope to broaden the application of abstraction charges. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This was stated in the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights (Article 26) and repeated in the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 28). The report of the Commonwealth Commission on Respect and Understanding, chaired by Amartya Sen, has drawn further attention to this matter (Sen, 2007). Basic education is also widely accepted in the international literature and policy discourse as essential for development and poverty reduction (see e.g. Lee, 2004, Cohen et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There is a strong emphasis on experiential and blended forms of learning. The setting for the face-to-face parts of the programme is purposefully in non-traditional learning environments. Getting the right degree of challenge without overload is especially important for graduate students who are fully engaged with their work responsibilities and active family lives in addition to their formal studies. The inclusion of community leaders from outside education as well as the expectation that participants connect across their settings helps to develop horizontal connectedness. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 AbstractIn China, political control is centralized and economic management is decentralized. This gives rise to a serious principal–agent problem, in which the agents are often better informed than the principal. China also has a semi-marketized economy involving much state intervention. This intervention serves both a political and an economic function. It enables the Communist Party to remain in political command and generates formidable patronage resources. It also provides the policy instruments, including incentive structures for officialdom, to maintain a “developmental state.” The combination of economic decentralization and a semi-marketized economy creates a problem of weak accountability and a breeding ground for rent-seeking and corruption. For a quarter of a century China's leadership gave overwhelming priority to the objective of achieving rapid economic growth. This policy was viewed as providing political legitimacy and securing the best protection against social instability. It is argued t... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The care burden of those living in households with more than one additional adult (in addition to the interviewee) did not differ from that of those in households with only one adult. Lastly, the presence of children (those aged under 12) tended to significantly increase the time devoted to domestic tasks as well as to the direct care of others. Workers in the following occupations in the fields of health, education and personal and household services fall under this categoiy: teachers and teaching assistants at the preschool level, and, especially, nannies, nurses and nursing assistants, other care and personal service workers, companions and domestic woikers. It has led to increasing recognition of unpaid work in the economy and the reconciliation of productive and reproductive work. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the late 1990s the pressure increased on companies to be not only transparent on the business performance on their own operations, but on their performance in the supply chain as well. Topics like product responsibility, human rights and anti-corruption became of importance. In addition to organizational legitimacy, business ethics became a driver for external transparency. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In the watershed, there were many farms at that time that were causing serious water quality issues. The farm organisations did not want to see the names of farmers appearing in media or government reports as examples of poor agricultural practices. There is no appetite for what some see as secret payments, and in 2009 all landowners receiving a grant were asked to check off a box allowing their names and projects to be used in public. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 From an economic perspective, knowledge- and employmentintensive manufacturing, such as in the automobile sector, has traditionally been a target for heavy government support in pursuit of the significant spin-off benefits to the economy as a whole. Furthermore, while growth in the renewable energy markets has been significant, the global market for automobiles is an order of magnitude larger. Embodied carbon is the amount of carbon emitted across some specified portion of the life cycle of a product - typically from production to disposal, or from production to the point of final sale. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! ""The great promise of American law is Equal Protection: everyone is equal before the law. Colorado's Ethnic Intimidation statute runs contrary to this promise, by creating preferred classes of victims. Proposed """"hate crimes"""" laws would make the problem even worse. Different groups should not be contending for special status in our criminal law. Identity politics strikes at the heart of the American motto of e pluribus unum, and encourages people to think of themselves as members of particular groups -- rather than as, most of all, Americans first. Laws based on identity politics lead to skewed prioritization of law enforcement resources, and impinge on values of free speech, which includes the freedom to hold and express the most odious ideas. Until Colorado's statute is repealed, it should be improved by stronger penalties for the creation of hoaxes. Language: en"" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 After the Fukushima nuclear accident no impact was noticed on the measured values. The NFA registers pesticides and agrochemicals, and veterinary medicines. The NFA has been responsible for controlling all types of food/feed-producing establishments since 2011, according to the Law on Food Safety and Quality. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This paper examines the compatibility of democratization and corruption in Ghana. It uses institutional explanations of unitarism and presidentialism as independent variables to explicate why the adoption of democratic government has not addressed the problem of corruption and the consequent inefficiencies in public sector management. While unitarism draws attention to how the supremacy of national institutions and centralization of power make corruption in public management a fact of life in Ghana, presidentialism explains how the supremacy of the presidency undermines legislative oversight functions. The paper concludes that steps should be taken to divest the presidency of some of its powers, and politicians must also promote best practices in the bureaucracy and local government administration in order to address corruption and inefficiency in public sector management. Key words: Unitarism, presidentialism, institutions, decentralization, corruption. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""On the one hand, the diversity across and within Emerging Asian countries can pose challenges for national governments to implement smart city initiatives. On the other hand, such diversity is an opportunity for the development of innovative ideas, precisely because cities at an earlier stage of development can learn from best practices and “leapfrog"""" the most difficult stages, thereby avoiding the pitfalls and challenges that peer cities have already faced. The sharing of best practices on smart city initiatives is especially valuable in light of the global megatrends of globalisation, urbanisation, ageing population, climate change and digitalisation. Despite the fact that these megatrends impact Emerging Asian countries in different ways and that each country is at a different starting point in tackling their associated challenges, they pose risks to all cities. A range of subnational indicators are required in order to monitor how smart city initiatives impact the lives of citizens and to provide a benchmark for governments to develop even smarter cities. Top-down approaches that disregard or do not involve the subnational level run the risk of being exclusive and failing to meet the varied needs of all citizens."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Le faible nombre d’inscrits dans les filieres courtes de l’enseignement professionnel et dans certaines branches de l’enseignement superieur comme les sciences et les etudes d’ingenieur se traduit par un deficit de competences dans certains metiers, d’ou la necessite de rendre ces formations plus attrayantes. Dans l’enseignement superieur, les taux de reussite et les depenses par etudiant sont faibles par rapport aux moyennes internationales et les etudes durent trop longtemps. De plus, la modicite des droits de scolarite et l’acces a des aides financieres genereuses, conjugues au traitement preferentiel dont b^neficiait jusqu’H une date r6cente le travail des Etudiants, ont pour effet de creer des « faux etudiants », tout en incitant ceux qui font vraiment des etudes a rester trop longtemps dans l’enseignement superieur. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The growing general scientific consensus on the effects of heavy industrialisation and economic growth on global warming, in particular, is reinforcing the notion that ‘business as usual’ is no longer sustainable. Climate models predict changes in sea levels and severity of storms, and the patterns of rainfall, among others. Such changes will have greater impact on developing countries, and more particularly on small island developing states (SIDS), because of their inherent vulnerability. There is also the realisation that sustainable development is not just an environmental issue: the dire economic, developmental and societal consequences of issues like climate change and environmental degradation puts the economic planners and financial managers at the centre of the debate. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Computers in Australian secondary schools are less often located in classrooms (and more often in computer laboratories) than in countries such as Canada, Finland, Hong Kong and Norway. Australia is also a moderately high user of other ICT resources such as smart boards but is relatively low in terms of providing email facilities for students and data logging technologies for use in science classes. Despite their confidence in being able to use ICT, fewer Australian science and mathematics teachers than their peers in countries such as Chinese Taipei, Denmark, Estonia, Hong Kong, and Israel participate in ICT-related professional development. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The reason why collaboration was difficult between those departments within WHO needs to be further explored, however, it is conceivable that the heads of the respective departments did not communicate well, or that there were delays in issuing decisions and instructions by supervisors in both departments. However, because intervention was called for after the situation had acutely worsened, and because the humanitarian community was not familiar with the Ebola virus, it was determined that a response would be difficult using the cluster approach with OCHA at the core. In addition, rapid access to a large amount of funding was imperative at that time, but that would have been difficult using the usual funding process of OCHA, the Humanitarian Programme Cycle consisting of five elements (needs assessment and analysis, strategic response planning, resource mobilization, implementation and monitoring, and operational review and evaluation). It was assumed that more time would be required to reach a consensus on using the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for the Ebola virus disease response, which is different than what is used for ordinary natural disasters and armed conflicts. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Dinesha Samararatne focuses on the process of ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD 2006) in Sri Lanka. In particular, she is concerned with the following questions: why did Sri Lanka initially sign and then later ratify the CRPD? In what ways has ratification impacted on State action, civil society engagement and advocacy for the human rights of persons with disabilities? Has it influenced or led to the development of a ‘rights-based approach’ to disability among stakeholders? What does Sri Lanka’s experience suggest in terms of ratification of human rights treaties in general and specifically in terms of advancement of disability rights through international human rights treaty law? Samararatne considers these questions through an analysis of the process adopted by Sri Lanka in ratifying the CRPD. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Diabetes is a disease that responds well to preventive programmes and that, if not treated in time, has serious implications for physical autonomy in old age. Deaths from this type of cause are typical in low- and middle-income countries, and an increase in the incidence of such diseases is associated with gaps in access to timely health care, among other factors (PAHO, 2002). In the countries studied, the incidence of this type of illness is fairly constant over the different periods. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This section discusses potential technical issues related to information on financial resources that shall or should be reported under the Paris Agreement, based on existing experience and practice. Data on public provision of climate finance is therefore generally quite complete for these Parties (OECD, 2015). Annex II Parties currently report this information in their national communications and biennial reports (see Section 3), particularly on financial resources provided to developing countries (i.e. bilateral finance). Some countries not listed in Annex II (including Annex I Parties such as Poland and non-Annex I Parties such as Korea) also currently report this information in their BRs and BURs, as well as information on their official development assistance for climate purposes to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These are all steps in the right direction. After decades in which PHC was largely neglected, cultural shifts in the medical as well as the political mind-sets will take time. Long-term efforts are still required to move from a hospital and disease-based approaches to health care toward person-based and community-based approaches (OECD, 2012b). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 According to the monotow'n programme, salaries account for around 50%-60% of overall household income in monotowns. In 2009, a few' had a substantially lower share of tertiary-educated residents than the average for urban areas (20%) and the median percentage for Kazakhstan’s 87 towns (see Figure 1.29 above). A low share of tertiary educated residents is common for mining or factory town populations. Self-employment offers an alternative source of income for households after the downsizing or closure of core industries in a town. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A longstanding tradition of car-oriented planning, inherited from decades of Soviet urban planning, contributed to this trend. The tradition remained even after Latvia gained its independence in 1991. As a consequence, the city has experienced a rapid increase in the level of motorisation, which has been accelerating in recent years. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Forty-three percent of 25-34 year-olds have attained secondary education (compared to the OECD average of 82%) and 19% have attained tertiary education (compared to the OECD average of 39%). Turkey has made significant improvement in PISA assessments in mathematics (from 2003-09) and science (from 2006-09), but remains one of the lowest performers among OECD countries in reading, mathematics and science, and the proportion of 15-year-olds who underperformed on the PISA 2009 reading assessment is above the OECD average (Figure 3). The impact of students' socio-economic status on performance and the difference in academic performance between boys and girls are both higher than the OECD average (see Annex B). About 12% of 3-4 year-olds and 67% of 5-year-olds (the typical starting age) are enrolled in pre-primary education. In Turkey, the majority of women with at least one child between 3 and 5 years old do not participate in the labour market (21.4% are employed compared to the OECD average of 64.3%, 2009). To ensure higher upper secondary completion rates, Turkey has increased compulsory schooling from 8 to 12 years, with a starting age of 5.5 years. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Since 1998, the nature protection programmes have been an obligatory part of each district’s forest management plan. The aim is to create a knowledge base to aid in increasing biological diversity in LP forests. Areas of ecological utility host valuable habitats and species, but are too small for designation as nature reserves. They contain remnants of ecosystems, such as natural water bodies, mid-field and mid-forest ponds, clumps of trees and shrubs, swamps, bogs, dunes, and strands of rare or protected plants and animals. Taking all habitat categories together, areas of ecological utility increased from 45 000 ha in 2000 to 52 000 ha in 2012. Smaller than landscape parks, they include fragments of natural and cultural landscapes that are protected for their scenic and aesthetic values. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This new paradigm must taiget the circumstances, conditions, norms, values and structural forces that perpetuate adolescent pregnancies on the one hand and that isolate and marginalize pregnant girls on the other. Girls need both access to sexual and reproductive health services and information and to be unburdened from the economic and social pressures that too often translate into a pregnancy and the poverty, poor health and unrealized human potential that come with it. Also builds skills, raises girls' status. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In particular, post-Soviet transition countries have limited knowledge of informal settlements, because housing in the Soviet era was considered as a universal right, with the State providing housing and basic infrastructure free-of-charge and centrally. With the commodification of access to housing and facilities in these countries, residents have been experiencing degraded standards of living, which also now represent a great challenge for policymakers. This is why it is important to raise awareness and to develop a broad understanding of the phenomenon as well as to suggest possible solutions. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The rationale leading to the development of the mid-term strategy as well as its targets and objectives are presented, together with the progress achieved and the challenges and opportunities faced during the first phase of implementation. In particular, the role of the GFCM has been crucial in promoting common rules and strengthening regional cooperation in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. However, fisheries in the region still face serious challenges: around 80 percent of scientifically assessed stocks in the region are considered to be fished outside safe biological limits (see Chapter 4). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 For example, there has been a trend of increasing sea surface temperatures in Korean waters, which has accelerated in the last decades. This recent warming trend is associated with a decline in cold-water species (e.g. walleye pollock) and an increase in warm-water species (e.g. common squid and bluefin tuna). It is also associated with changes in the distribution offish stocks such as chub mackerel in Korean waters. It discusses how an EAF can contribute to understanding the impact of climate changes on fisheries and the development of adaptation strategies. It reviews the reported major impact of climate changes on fish and fisheries from an EAF perspective, introduces the integrated fisheries risk analysis method for ecosystems (IFRAME) model as an EAF assessment approach, and identifies the management objectives and attributes of an EAF. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) is responsible for the supervision of the entire education system and plays a role in all components of the evaluation and assessment framework, including developing binding student learning objectives (Framework Education Programmes, FEPs), determining the career structure for teachers and monitoring the performance of schools and the education system. The MEYS also designs, implements and monitors education policies, including the establishment of Long-term policy objectives of education and development of the education system. Some of its agencies have key functions in the framework. Prominent among these is the Czech School Inspectorate (CSI) which takes responsibility for the external evaluation of schools and contributes to system evaluation. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This may create the conditions for the onset of violent forms of conflict. The people most affected by disasters and conflicts are those who are more vulnerable in general, living in the least developed parts of the world and in poverty. Changes to the environment as a result of climate change are likely to result in unique risks for women and girls in other ways as well. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Disentangling these different factors is impossible, in practice. A Deloitte report15 found that policy uncertainty was detrimental to investment in baseload electricity, including combined cycle gas turbines, and as a result, OCGT was considered the lowest risk investment as it has lower capital costs. Deloitte calculated the cost of policy uncertainty, in terms of sub-optimality in investment, characterised by a preference for OCGT rather than OCGT. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The first section reviews the main trends regarding child income poverty, and it also it reports on changes in the standard of living of children from low-income families from the pre-crisis period in 2007 to 2014 (section 2). The third section describes the material deprivations of the families where children live, whether or not they are income poor. Several groups of children are identified according to whether or not they are deprived in one or several dimensions. The analysis of material deprivation profiles of children enables identifying what policies are needed to complement financial assistance, such as improving access to basic resources for nutrition, clothing, education, housing and promoting access to leisure activities for all children. The fourth section examines the situation in Canada relative to other OECD countries with respect to indicators reflecting different dimensions of child well-being. Finally, the last section describes the context of family support and suggests policy directions that can contribute to a national strategy to combat child poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) proposes a fee schedule, which is subsequently negotiated by the Central Social Insurance Medical Council, comprising providers, insurers, patient representatives and other stakeholders. Formal revision of the fee schedule happens every other year, applies to all providers, and determines the revenue of over 95% of clinics and hospitals. This latter fact means that the fee schedule also serves as a major policy lever to steer the whole system towards desired goals. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 On one hand, the region has clear assets for achieving this goal, in particular its sectoral diversity, its research capacities, its green patents record, and its solid industrial base. On the other hand, there are some less positive factors that could hinder the desired economic and environmental outcomes. Despite its strong potential, the region’s R&D performance has been relatively weak in recent years. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The pursuit of efforts to achieve this shift offers new opportunities to address previously entrenched socioeconomic inequalities while building more sustainable economies. Prior to negotiations held at the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, 160 States submitted intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) which laid out plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Ecofys, Climate Analytics, New Climate Institute and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 2014). The next largest sector, agriculture, forestry and land use, received just $3 billion (figure V.3). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Higher participation in such programmes can help mitigate the adverse impacts of the crisis by increasing the employability, particularly of low-skilled workers who are relatively weakly attached to the labour market. Moreover, skill shortages may arise during the transformation of transition economies into more advanced economies (Rutkowski, 2007). In such economies, adult education programmes can be heavily employed to upgrade the skills of adults who have limited possibilities to access formal education institutions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This will include integration of clear environmental goals into investment policies through a mix of policies and instruments ranging from carbon pricing, research and development (R&D), financial, and regulatory policies to “soft” measures such as education and information (OECD 2012b, forthcoming). Another priority use may be transitional support for immature technologies that is performance based and time-bound (i.e. with sunset clauses) (Kalamova, Kaminker and Johnstone, 2011). Enabling actions to foster wider industry and public support for low-carbon energy systems include: fostering industry leadership, developing a skilled low-carbon energy workforce, deepening public engagement and strengthening international collaboration. The transition offers significant new opportunities for business, as a large range of green technologies will need to be developed and deployed widely over the next few decades. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The improved messaging has already shown better acceptance amongst target audiences, gaining political and policy traction quickly, deepening engagements with production sectors and improving visibility in the mainstream media (Maze et al., Thus, building robust networks of partners is fundamental to effective biodiversity mainstreaming. Establishing trust takes time and a consistent approach, but is worth the investment. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The suppliers of biomass fuels, and specifically the small producers and vendors in the informal sector, will generally have extremely low environmental management capacity. They are unlikely to have knowledge of environmentally improved technologies, nor the means to adopt these technologies. Suppliers of renewable energy equipment and energy efficiency services are typically under-represented in developing countries, and may lack access to the latest technologies and expertise, and to business capital. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to the latest household surveys available in Chile, El Salvador and the Plurinational State of Bolivia, 7 out of 100 older persons with health problems have not visited a health service due to access problems. The proportion of the older population who did not seek treatment for financial reasons ranges from 11% in Chile and 17% in El Salvador, to 48% in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, which has a clear effect on morbidity and disability profiles during old age. Similar results were obtained in the INTRA III study in Peru. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Achieving the Goal will have positive multiplier effects for all other Goals. Priority area 2 of goal 4, namely, science, technology and innovation-driven manufacturing, industrialization and value addition, covers issues of industrialization and innovation, and priority area of goal 10 is focused exclusively on infrastructure. Target 9.1, which focuses on infrastructure-related indicators, has data on airtransport and railway infrastructures only. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The tax has since remained unchanged. Given that the associated expenditures can be substantial, the Government offers payment facilities, which enable farmers to spread their contribution over a period of 17 years, with a grace period of four years, at a given interest rate. Cost recovery is also to be ensured by billing a minimum water consumption of 3,000 litres, even if the actual consumption is lower. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, a portion of environmental tax revenues can be used to cover monitoring, collection and enforcement costs, and another portion used to drive green transition (GTZ, 2008). Welfare systems are poorly developed and are often implemented through wide-ranging energy or food subsidies, rather than targeted measures. This means that energy price increases due to subsidy reform can have a very significant negative social impact, and that such price increases may hit the poorest hard. Thus, great care must be taken to protect vulnerable people and ensure that environmental taxes complement social development and reduced poverty rates. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The expert authors in this timely volume offer diverse perspectives on how corruption distorts state and market relations, while drawing from insights in political science, economics, and law. This book represents a new wave of research in political economy, relying on methodological rigor to address topics ranging from corruption in taxation and trade to crony capitalism and false anticorruption reforms. Key chapters provide a thorough review of the literature on links between political connections and democratic institutions. Special attention is paid to the OECD Anti Bribery Convention, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, China’s anti-corruption drive, and language used to discuss tax evasion. Case studies from various regions—such as China, Paraguay, South Africa, and New York City— anchor the analysis with real world situations. Greed, Corruption, and the Modern State is a critical resource for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in development, economics, governance, and corruption. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The top three African countries that have the highest e-waste generation per inhabitant are: Seychelles (11.5 kg/ inh), Libya (11 kg/inh), and Mauritius (8.6 kg/inh). Only a handful of countries in the continent have enacted e-waste-specific policies and legislation. Recycling activities are dominated by ill-equipped informal sectors, with related inefficient resource recovery and environmental pollution. Most African countries are currently developing various models of ERR schemes as part of their solution to the e-waste problem. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Low commodity prices also helped reduce energy import bills and the current account deficit. Meanwhile, the fiscal deficit was estimated at 1.2% of GDP in 2015. Exports should increase amid a gradual economic recovery in Europe. Consumer spending is likely to benefit from a 30% rise in the minimum wage level. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Depending on the penetration level and the scenario considered, wind and solar technologies allows for a 30-60% reduction of C02 emissions in the short term. This reduction on carbon emissions, however, is not always confirmed in the long term. Introducing renewables into an electricity system whose baseload technology emits C02, such as coal, will definitively reduce the C02 emissions from the electricity sector in both the short and the long term. However, this will not hold when the baseload technology displaced by renewables does not emit C02, as is the case for nuclear energy. In this case instead, the electricity produced by fossil-fuelled technologies tends to increase, and C02 emissions will be generally higher than in the reference scenario without renewables. In other words, nuclear energy is more efficient than variable renewable energy in limiting C02 emissions as it will not induce a shift towards carbon-intensive peak-load technologies. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This effect has been observed in the past, not only for renewable electricity technologies such as wind and solar PV, but also in other fields such as information technologies.8 Thus, we would expect cost projections for the various renewable technologies to have the usual hyperbolic shape, with unit costs decreasing at a declining rate over time. Technical potential is defined as the total amount of energy (final or primary) that can be produced taking into account the primary resources, the socio-geographical constraints and the technical losses in the conversion process. Technical potential is defined by natural and climatic factors, land use and land cover limitations, as well as technical limitations. Economic potential and limitations, which are also considered in the study, are not used here. Many recent studies on these issues exist, but no two studies seem to be strictly comparable, due to differences in the scope of renewable technologies considered, the choice of the base year, the factors incorporated in the calculation of costs and the related assumptions concerning interest rates and other economic factors influencing those costs, the number of years for which projected data are available, etc. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The programme requires large companies to repay the grants offered if commercial revenues are generated as a direct result of the R&D project supported, at a rate of 3% of the grant value per year on successful projects (smaller firms at a rate of 1.5% a year). Relevant instruments to address these barriers include the following. The European Progress Microfinance Facility Programme implemented in Lithuania, for example, provided micro-loans to women entrepreneurs with favourable conditions for credit provision and repayment. Credit was provided within 1-2 business days for companies with less than 10 employees, no fees were applied on the provision of loans, and clients were able to defer the beginning of credit repayment up to 12 months. One-year tenor loans had to be repaid weekly with an annual interest rate of 15%. The government, generally through a state-owned enterprise or a government agency, acts as an equity investor, taking shares in the targeted business that provides it with some form of ownership. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Issues with eligibility often concerned the identified dwelling, which did not satisfy all the required standards. The total supply of good-quality rental dwellings within the permitted rent brackets might be a constrained. Further support to promote the supply of affordable rental dwellings could be considered. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Common Objectives specify the knowledge and skills of students that teaching should lead to. However, while the Common Objectives provide descriptions of how objectives can be reached, and while schools have to include learning and achievements targets in their curricula, there is no tight curriculum at the national level. This is intended to help school principals, teachers, parents, students and school boards to better understand the objectives so they can be an active partner in the learning process, and to assist schools and teachers to move towards a more goal-oriented approach to teaching and learning (Houlberg et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Donors currently allocate the majority of their aid to countries affected by civil war and political violence (OECD 2018). Scholarship on international aid has historically argued that donor aid allocation is motivated by exogenous strategic interests, not the endogenous needs of the recipient country (Alesina and Dollar 2000). Using an original survey-embedded experiment completed by over 1,130 aid experts, we find that donors do, in fact, respond to changing dynamics within the conflict-affected country, albeit in predictable ways. Donor aid modalities, like all organizational routines, provide them with limited allocation options, which they use to reward post-conflict governments for implementing peace agreements and help populations if violence returns (March 1999). These findings, which hold across aid donors and recipient countries, challenge core assumptions within the international aid and peacebuilding literatures, demonstrating the emergence of a previously unobserved set of rules that govern aid allocation to post-conflict countries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Additionally the cost of evaluating these risks is too onerous for most financial asset buyers. Consequently there is a very small pool of private capital available to invest in this form of energy infrastructure asset. Such projects must generally be financed entirely with equity which is a challenge since the current venture capital and private equity markets are unsuited for high-capital project investing (Firelake Capital, 2012). This is defined as the risk that the system being installed does not work as specified. For existing electric utilities, this risk is mitigated by a hundred years of experience building power plants, and by performance guarantees issued by engineering and construction firms. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, the estimated total investment costs necessary to achieve the transport masterplan targets (including road and public transport targets) by 2020 for Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City are about USD 12.7 billion and USD 21 billion respectively (ADB, 2010). Viet Nam is not alone in facing a funding gap when it comes to infrastructure development: according to the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the infrastructure funding gap in developing countries can be estimated to between USD 1 and 1.5 trillion (United Nations, 2015). However, considering the clear resource gap, Viet Nam urgently needs to devise complementary funding strategies. One of these mechanisms, as highlighted above, could be to price against negative externalities of car usage, through congestion and parking charges, and redirect this revenue into public transport infrastructure development. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As a start, there is a need to reconcile national laws and make them more regulatory, clear, and implementable, so that possibilities for ad hoc decisions related to child marriage are limited. As one example, unifying the minimum legal age of marriage to correspond with the age at which citizens can vote or obtain a driver’s license would provide a clear standard. There is also a need for strict disciplinary mechanisms to hold perpetrators, including judges and family members, accountable for facilitating child marriages. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The choice of transport systems, their scale and their spread, matters considerably for structural transformation as well as other economic and social impacts. This is already evident in most developing countries, many of which are still dealing with the legacy of colonial choices in developing transport systems, since these typically emphasized connecting the locations of cash-crop production or extraction of natural resources with towns and ports for export. More widely diffused transport connectivity, by contrast, can assist in more broad-based growth. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, recognizes the immense potential of ICTs to """"accelerate human progress"""" and specifically refers to the need to """"significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet."""" ( United Nations, 2015a). This chapter presents the latest ICT price data collected by ITU and analyses the price and affordability of three key ICT services (mobile-cellular, fixed-broadband and mobile-broadband), benchmarking countries and regions, and highlighting key trends over time. Fixed-broadband services recorded the largest price drop of all ICT services analysed in this chapter from 2008 to 2017, while fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants doubled worldwide (Chart 4.1)."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 New data sources, most notably remote-sensing satellite imagery, are offering exciting opportunities to understand the urban footprint and how it is changing over time. Moreover, “big data” sources, such as cell phone signals, can shed light on people’s mobility in and around cities, which could provide useful information for city planners. Governments need to develop policies and guidelines for the accessibility and use of such new data sources, including safeguards for privacy and confidentiality. Traditional data collection systems on migration, including censuses, surveys and administrative records, should be strengthened. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Due to this variation in past teaching experience, some participants can have their home country certifications validated through the fast track programme while others will have to enrol in a bridging programme (ULV - see below for more details) (Hajer and Economou, 2017(152]). As classroom routines and traditions, including individual versus group work and teacher-student interactions, can differ between countries, it is important to educate future Swedish teachers about student-centred learning (Hajer and Economou, 2017(135]). Between February 2016 and 2018, 1 304 people (62% female, 38% male) have participated or are participating in the programme. Promoted as a supplementary education for people with teaching certifications outside of Sweden, the aim is to retain as many migrant teachers in the teaching profession and allow them to start teaching as soon as possible. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The number of containers for separate collection is not sufficient, currently there are about 200 people per container and the target value is 50 people per container. Separate collection is available in the capital, oblast and rayon centres. The dry fraction is delivered for sorting and the wet fraction is sent for disposal. Mini-dumpsites are used in remote countryside areas, but their number is decreasing: while in 2007 about 4,500 mini-dumpsites were registered, their number decreased to 2,351 in 2014 (table 6.3). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Better scientific information will also strengthen the basis for assessing the economic value of ecosystem services. Information about the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services, nationally and globally, should be better researched and communicated so as to strengthen political and public support for biodiversity and development policies. The integration of biodiversity into the 2010-14 PND and the adoption of a National Policy for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in 2012 are important steps in establishing a more effective framework. The public budget for biodiversity has also been significantly increased in recent years. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Generally, women seem to represent a smaller share of more individually-oriented BDS (such as consulting) and more sophisticated BDS (such as business management training) than of group-based entrepreneurship training programmes. This in an entrepreneurship training programme supported by the ANPME in Morocco that specifically targets women entrepreneurs. The ANPME does not nonnally provide entrepreneurship training as part of its programme offerings to small and medium size enteiprises (SMEs). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It should be pointed out that this is not the only way of exploring this relationship, but it was selected as being the only question available in the Latinobarometro investigation that allows this association to be approached directly.17 It should also be considered that, in intrinsic terms.18 subjects’ assessment of their own satisfaction with their work is necessarily a measure of how far they perceive it to be falling short of some threshold of comparison (which may be absolute or relative). One of the risks to the reliability of measures of this kind is that expectations may adapt (declining intensity of response to a reiterated stimulus or “treatment”). If this risk materializes, subjects with veiy different jobs will present similar levels of satisfaction with their work. Thus, satisfaction with work is greatest among professionals and mid- and high-ranking executives and lowest among farmers and fishermen. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! However, not all forms of renewable policy create the same system effects and economic distortions. This section takes a look at the different existing regulatory frameworks for promoting renewable energies and their impact on the working and outcome of electricity markets. Despite the benefits of a more unified European support scheme that would mitigate market distortions in and across countries currently a host of national regulatory frameworks prevail (see Table 5.1 and IEA, 2008). As certain technologies such as wind achieve higher levels of maturity, certain support schemes such as feed-in tariffs become less suitable. There is also a link between overall market design and renewable support schemes. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. The reason is that the distribution of incomes within those groups is subject to change as well. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Toutefois, les prix du ble ayant beneficie ces demieres annees d’un soutien qui les hisse au-dessus des cours mondiaux, les eleveurs sont confrontes a des couts d’alimentation animale superieurs a ce qu’ils devraient etre. Dans les economies emergentes comme le Kazakhstan, les ecarts entre prix interieurs et prix internationaux resultent, non seulement de facteurs lies a la politique agricole, mais aussi de lacunes dans les infrastructures materielles, de deficits d’information et d’une faiblesse des institutions de marche. Ce constat vaut particulierement pour les marches des productions vegetales ou les deficits ou les excedents temporaires lies a des conditions meteorologiques defavorables provoquent des reactions tres marquees des prix interieurs, auxquelles il n’est remedie qu’avec retard. De plus, certains produits sont peu integres aux marches car leurs principaux producteurs sont des menages ruraux (pour ce qui est du lait et de la viande, par exemple). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Furthermore, the negative impacts of climate change make it imperative for CDDCs to adopt adaptation measures in both commodity and non-commodity sectors. However, many CDDCs lack the technical and financial capacities to design and implement such measures. Although the Paris Agreement does not make an explicit reference to CDDCs as a group, it alludes to their special circumstance in Article 4.15, where it requires Parties to “take into consideration in the implementation of this Agreement the concerns of Parties with economies most affected by the impacts of response measures, particularly developing country Parties.” - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The international mobility of research staff facilitates this global reach, as both professors and graduate students are generally highly mobile in their careers and can organise long-term visiting periods in other institutions. Multinationals are very strategic in their location decisions, particularly for tapping into a knowledge-intensive region elsewhere in the world. The same is not always true for many SMEs that lack the same capacity or benefit from a global partner search as a large multinational. This positive influence is evident to a lesser degree for cross-border traders, which could signify benefits to businesses of accessing diverse knowledge inputs at the cross-border level. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 They can help students live and work in a world in which most people need to appreciate a range of ideas, perspectives and values and to collaborate with people of different cultural origins, a world in which people need to decide how to trust and collaborate across such differences, often bridging space and time through technology, and a world in which their lives will be affected by issues that transcend national boundaries. Effective communication and appropriate behaviour within diverse teams are also keys to success in many jobs and will remain so as technology continues to make it easier for people to connect across the globe. Employers increasingly seek to attract learners who adapt easily and are able to apply and transfer their skills and knowledge to new contexts. Work readiness in an interconnected world requires young people to understand the complex dynamics of globalisation and be open to people from different cultural backgrounds. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Unfortunately, the results of this survey were not available in time for the publication of this report. Individuals working for their own consumption were not included (IPEA, 2012). When only out-of-school youth are considered, the informality rates of youth and adults in Brazil are very similar (Quintini and Martin, 2013). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ""Section C discusses why gender equality in employment is an essential aspect and measure of inclusive growth. It then goes on to discuss analytical frameworks for evaluating gender in labour markets, combining perspectives on the dynamics of gender stratification and intcrgroup inequality with analyses of how labour markets are structurally segmented into so-called """"good” jobs and """"bad” jobs.1 It highlights that in the context of the growing scarcity’ of high-quality’ work, gender is one of the ways in which economic opportunity and security are rationed. Section D presents an empirical analysis, focusing on the period since the early 1990s when systematic, gender-disaggregated data on employment by sector became available for developing countries. It aigues that women's access to industrial sector jobs relative to that of men can proxy for their relative access to """"good” jobs."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thus, in the high road supply regime, higher output and female labour force participation are associated with a higher profit share. But both women and men contribute time and money to social reproduction, either directly or indirectly through taxes and charitable contributions. How they split these responsibilities is correlated with whether the high or low road regime prevails. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The third component presents the steps for the implementation of the strategy. These include 1) adopting national and regional policies to allow for a larger contribution of renewable sources in electricity generation, 2) exchanging expertise and good practices in the region, 3) strengthening international and regional co-operation through forums such as the Electricity Regulators Forum and, 4) involving the domestic private sector in the development of renewable energy technologies. The process is monitored by an Experts Committee for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, which operates under the umbrella of the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This includes assistance in service tender preparation and evaluation as well as facilitation of access to EU fiinding. Regional associations which consist of municipalities and county councils are responsible for managing final disposal facilities and transfer stations. This function is delegated to the county councils, including contracting for investments and operation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Poverty and living standards of children since the early 1970s. The use of common baseline for countries makes it possible to consider convergence or divergence of living standards between countries. The selection of the reference poverty baseline is necessarily arbitrary, but following (Scruggs and Allan, 2006[i6]), the poverty line prevailing in the United States in 1974 (adjusted for price inflation) was taken as a pre-oil shock benchmark to measure absolute progress in the living standards of low-income families. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In South-East Asia, the ASEAN Power Grid project as well as the ADB-backed interconnection projects under the Greater Mekong Subregion programme promotes electricity trade and is complementary to the Asian Energy Highway. The programme notably connects China to South-East Asia. In addition, ASEAN initiated the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline to enhance natural gas trade. Inter-subregional cooperation also exists, particularly between South Asia and Central Asia. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In July 2008, the Swedish government also instructed the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research at the University of Gothenburg to further develop and disseminate methods and information on gender mainstreaming, and develop a forum to exchange experiences. It published reports such as the Gender Mainstreaming Manual and the Gender Equality in Public Services Report - A Book of Ideas for Managers and Strategists, and trained central government administrators on the implementation of gender mainstreaming. The committee also elaborated a working model outlining steps to be followed for an effective gender mainstreaming process. The national gender equality strategy identified five focus areas to be addressed during the government’s term of office: i) Representation - equal access to positions of power and influence, ii) Equal pay for equal work and work of equal value, iii) Violence committed by men against women, prostitution and trafficking of women for purposes of sexual exploitation, tv) Men and gender equality, and v) Sexualisation of the public sphere. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There has also been considerable progress in providing access to pre-primary education. The net attendance rate for children aged 5 reached 98% in 2012 while it stood at 89% for children aged 4. However, enrolment in early childhood education (age 3 and below) is low and associated with ability to pay. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Several obstacles, resulting from market and government failures - including fossil-fuel subsidies, the lack of supportive policies as well as outstanding barriers to international trade and investment - still hamper investment in renewable energy. A key challenge for governments to catalyse investment flows in clean energy is to design and implement clear and predictable domestic policy frameworks. Investment policy • Non-discrimination of foreign versus domestic investors • Intellectual property rights • Contract enforcement The quality of investment policies directly influences the decisions of all investors, be they small or large, domestic or foreign. Transparency, property protection and non-discrimination are investment policy principles that underpin efforts to create a sound investment environment for all. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Twenty years ago a still ongoing scholarly debate started over the future direction of law in Europe. The lines of battle were drawn between the convergence and non-convergence theories. This paper re-examines and discusses the non-convergence theory and its take on English common law’s legal cultural key elements in the light of the human rights debate. The aim is to highlight human rights tensions within UK public law by applying a culturally oriented comparative law approach. The focus of the analysis is on the Human Rights Act and the way in which it has been adapted to the legal system. It is argued that the legal cultural perspective provides beneficial aspects for understanding the Human Rights Act centred debate without reducing it exclusively to politics. At least partially this debate is catalysed by continental civil law type features that the Human Rights Act transferred into common law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Israel constitutes a case in point: the so-called “start-up nation” has a relatively small yet highly dynamic high-tech sector, which is the major driver of growth in the country, while the rest of the economy consists of traditional industries and service sectors characterised by low productivity and low wages. This dual economic structure has increased the levels of inequality and social unrest in the country (Lemarchand, Leek and Tash, 2016). High-skilled workers in more productive firms progressively gain higher wages and benefit from regular on-the-job training and from constant interaction with other highly skilled individuals, ultimately increasing their innovation capacities. In turn, those working in less productive firms, even with similar capacities, see their wages stagnate or decline over time, have fewer training opportunities, and progressively have more difficulties move to highly productive jobs. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! As in most developmental endeavours, this strategy is being implemented in partnership with international institutions. An example is the goal of the African Union/New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) initiatives to bridge the educational gap in collaboration with UNESCO and other international donors. Other priorities of AU/NEPAD's Programme of Action include reversing the brain drain and up-scaling Africa's use of science and technology to promote development by expanding education in those fields. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! It averaged 3% over the five-year period in 1990-94, fluctuating within a range of -5% to 9% between 1990 and 1997 (Figure 2.13 and Tables 2.12 and 2.13). The low and sometimes negative level of support to producers during the 1990s reflects the priority given to ensuring stable and affordable domestic prices for consumers. Factors associated with the Asian financial crisis caused a sharp one-off drop in support in 1998. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In fact, the designation of the university as an APEX university is likely to draw the institution even further away from regional engagement. They provide access for large numbers of the region’s students and graduate students many of whom remain within the region for employment. Through student engagement in the region through internships, volunteer activities, and other ways, the institutions have an impact on the region. Except for basic information on numbers of admissions, enrolment and graduates, no substantive information was available on the branch of UiTM in Penang, the two polytechnics, the four community colleges, and private institutions in Penang and on higher education institutions in the three other states (Perlis, Kedah and Perak) in the larger Northern Corridor Economic Region. The findings and observations are therefore based on a limited perspective on higher education institution in the region. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These measures are believed to have helped reduce threats to the conservation of vaquitas and to have begun decreasing the total level of fishing in the area, with conservation benefits for other marine species.16 Table 5.3 gives a breakdown of the subsidies in the PACE for the vaquita. Green certification has been established for products including coffee, 10% of all coffee producers in Mexico are in the certified coffee market, a higher percentage than in other countries. Taxes on timber and other natural resource extraction, for example, can help provide correct price signals, induce more sustainable production and consumption patterns, and mobilise revenue. The initiative planned to target 17 natural reserves in six regions, including the northern deserts, tropical Caribbean beaches and eastern jungles. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Furthermore, if adaptation actions provide a competitive advantage, there is a disincentive for companies to share that knowledge more widely. These factors suggest that the degree of visible or publicised action may be a poor indicator of the extent of actual action. The effects of climate change are long-term, uncertain and context-specific. Frameworks for decisionmaking under uncertainty have suggested that it can be rational to delay significant and irreversible investments (Ranger et al., - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 To identify multidimensionally deprived children, a cut-off must be selected. A child is multidimensionally deprived if the number of his/her deprivations is greater or equal to the cut-off. Comparing the results using different cut-offs can give valuable insights into the breadth of child deprivation, but this paper focuses on deprivation in one or more dimensions. All dimensions are given an equal implicit weight because the international children's rights framework does not prioritise particular child rights over and above the others. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 However, as benefits could not be estimated and monetised for all categories, the numbers provided were expressed as underestimates of the real benefits. The analysis showed that the estimated benefits are significantly less than the estimated costs, and that costs increase more than the benefits (van der Veeren, 2010). Source: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, 2007, cited in van der Veeren, 2010). It also raised ethical and general liability considerations (in particular with regards to the responsibility of today’s citizens to keep an adequate state of the aquatic ecosystem for future generations) that justified the need for action even if costs were higher than (measured) benefits. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In this regard, the introduction of minimum wage requirements is another policy gaining increased resonance in the region. For example, recent minimum wage hikes in Thailand are projected to increase employment growth by up to 0.6 of a percentage point by 2015, while real GDP growth is expected to increase by 0.7 of a percentage point above the level foreseen if no minimum wage increases were implemented. In addition to contributing to sustained economic growth, such coordinated and well-designed policies can also support efforts to mitigate climate change while advancing developmental aspirations and ensuring affordable food security. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Indicators of income poverty, material deprivation, or energy-related deprivation should ideally be included in such analyses. This is referred to as the efficiency-equity trade-off. Revenue-recycling should be designed so that benefits for consumers and producers are as large as possible while negative regressive effects for poorer households are avoided. An Empirical simulation found that a carbon tax in China could have progressive impacts if revenues are recycled in a lump-sum fashion (i.e., a one-time payment). One important reason for this is the difference in energy use in rural vs. urban areas. Poor rural areas would be over-compensated by a lump-sum revenue recycling scheme. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Capital invested into a number of other sugar processing companies. Reformed into a joint-stock company under Decision No. There were almost 62 500 such groups in 2013, up from about 50 OOO in 1996. In comparison to formal co-operatives, many of these are located in the Mekong River Delta (MRD) region (29%). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In countries with strong familial kinship structures, it is possible that the presence of women is as a proxy for their husbands or male relatives. If this is the case, an increase in representation would not contribute to the transformative or redistributive dimensions of substantive equality. There is also a risk, particularly in relation to greater representation, that women might be essen-tialized and assumed to be in a position to speak for or represent all women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 From Evidence to Action: The story of cash transfers and impact evaluation in Sub Saharan Africa, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Child Poverty and Deprivation in Mali:The first national estimates, Innocenti Working Paper, 2014-20, UNICEF Office of Research. Innocenti Working Paper, 2014-19, UNICEF Office of Research. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Purely theoretical or conceptual models, e.g. ISIS (Grossmann, Magaard and von Storch, 2003), NeDym (Hallegatte, Hourcade and Dumas, 2007) and the unnamed partial equilibrium model presented in Lecocq and Shalizi (2007a), are not included. The model must have been in active development since the review by Tol and Fankhauser (1998). Inactive models (e.g. CONNECTICUT, SLICE, CETA, CSERGE, MARIA, PEF, PGCAM, DIAM, AS/ExM, FARM, TARGETS, HCRA, PGCAM) are not included to avoid duplication with Tol and Fankhauser (ibid.). In addition, variants of existing models are only included if the representation of impacts and/or adaptation differs from the earlier model. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Policies should address the rebound effect by targeting consumer behaviour, by educating energy-users about the benefits of reduced energy consumption and ensuring that sufficient information and options are available for consumers to reduce their energy consumption. These can be supported by policies that create disincentives to increase use of the more efficient product, such as setting carbon and energy prices (Maxwell et al., The choice as to which policy mix is needed will depend on other policy goals on the national agenda. Similarly, governments need to consider how best to design energy efficiency policies that maximise the full range of multiple benefits, while keeping energy savings as the primary goal. As benefits resulting from government policies, it is important to be able to evaluate them and include their value in policy impact assessments and benefit-cost analyses. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These include the loss of income and employment in related industries and activities. For example, in the fishing sector, this would include the manufacture and sale of fishing gear and boats, and fish processing and packaging. Similarly, illegal exports of raw timber result in foregone profits from the processing and marketing of finished products. Any associated reduction in incomes by those engaged in these industries will also have impacts on the demand for goods more generally (MRAG, 2005b). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 However, although in theory consumers have freedom of choice, macro factors, production culture, as well as social and physical infrastructure have a much higher influence on consumption patterns. Refusing to consume when not necessary and engaging in alternative means of satisfying needs are also important. Some approaches to mainstreaming lifestyles include taking unsustainable options out of the market (choice editing) or restricting advertisement practices. This requires tackling the complex arena of consumer behaviour. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! International reserves held by emerging and other developing countries totalled more than $7 trillion at the end of 2011, after adding another $1 trillion in a single year (United Nations, 2012). These buffers indeed have helped many developing countries (but more so for some than others) to steer with some resilience through the 2008-2009 global crisis. At the same time, however, the reserve accumulation by developing countries has been part and parcel of the problem of the global imbalances and helped finance widening deficits in the developed world, the United States in particular. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 While there are potential negative environmental impacts of the railway, many mitigation measures have also been recommended, e.g . It has been recommended to include clauses that require contractors to give priority for local workers, both skilled and unskilled. The presence of these workforces will increase indirect opportunities, notably for women, e.g. to supply food and other consumables at worksites. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These economic responses to climate change could lead to indirect consequences in changing pollutant runoff and leaching rates as well as soil erosion rates, which may increase or diminish pollution from agriculture assuming no economic or policy response. Also various strategies for mitigating greenhouse gases in agriculture would for the most part be beneficial for water systems, such as through afforestation and other increases in green cover providing a buffer for soil sediment and contaminant flows across agricultural land (Wilcock et al., But the expectations are that whatever the impacts on water quality, the task of achieving water quality objectives in agriculture will become more difficult in the coming years as a result of climate change. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The rate of afforestation decreased considerably after the 2008 financial crisis, but was still significantly higher than before the 1990s. Most reforestation has taken place through state support for afforestation on farms and other privately owned land (Government of Iceland / UNFCCC, 2014). Current Icelandic regulations aim for afforestation on at least 5% of land below 400 metres above sea level in various regional projects (Government of Iceland / UNFCCC, 2016). The Soil Conservation Service of Iceland was founded for this purpose, and a land restoration training programme under the auspices of the United Nations University was launched in 2007. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! However, the breakdown is heterogeneous across the different countries in the region (Map 3.7). In 2010, the NAP/AP was above 1 in 10 countries, including all countries of the Gulf of Guinea: Benin, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. This relationship implies that the probability of belonging to the agricultural sector declines with the size of the city. The parameter p is the elasticity of the NAP/AP ratio of an urban centre of size V compared to the variable U/R. This formula expresses the second assumption of the model: the more developed an economy, the more urbanisation, represented by the U/R ratio, is advanced, and the more the agricultural fraction of the population of a town of a given population is low. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The nexus of economic and political relations is a central issue in international relations, and the influence of political liberalization upon trade ties lies at the center of much liberal theory. However, many facets of the empirical linkage between political liberalization—including democratization and the respect for human rights—and trade remain uninvestigated. Examining the case of U.S.‐Africa trade, this study considers two unexplored facets of these political determinants of trade: (1) the role of human rights conditions, and (2) the robustness of the relationship between democracy, human rights, and trade across a subset of vertical dyads. Using a gravity model to assess trade patterns, we find that neither democracy nor human rights conditions has a significant impact upon U.S. trade to Africa. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Inactivity is somew'hat less widespread among women aged 40 and over in the second group’s Eastern European countries (Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia) than in the Southern European ones (Portugal, Spain and Greece). Unemployment is nevertheless high in those countries and seems frequently to result in early retirement. Figure 4.2 shows high rates of inactivity only among younger w'omen, while most of those aged 40 and over work full-time. As a consequence, the gender gap in w'orking hours is narrow in all age brackets in the active population (Figure 4.3, left-hand panel). As for the population of working age, the gender gap in working hours is significantly narrower among older age groups, as many women have swdtched from inactivity to full-time work (Figure 4.3, right-hand panel). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 China has taken world leadership in the development of renewable energy and India has significantly increased its installed capacity of renewable energy sources, while ASEAN possesses a largely untapped potential. According to the IEA (2015c), the unexploited potential for hydropower in Southeast Asia is particularly substantial. For instance, Lao PDR alone has an estimated hydropower potential of 23 GW, while the current installed capacity stood at a mere 3.2 GW in 2012. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The concept of “common but differentiated responsibilities” (CDR) is receiving increasing recognition in international law. “Common” suggests that certain risks affect and are affected by every nation on earth. These include not only the climate and the ozone shield, but all risk-related global public goods, including peace, public health, and terrorism. In reducing the mutual risks, all nations should “cooperate in a spirit of global partnership.” Responsibilities are said to be “differentiated,” however, in that not all countries should contribute equally. CDR charges some nations, ordinarily the Rich, with carrying a greater share of the burden than others, ordinarily the Poor. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! More than 280,000 disabled South Africans aged between 5 and 18 are still not in school or receiving training. This analysis and other similar literature reviews and policy papers highlight a range of key factors that governments need to address if they are to implement Article 24 and build inclusive education systems in their countries. It is interesting that despite his having adopted a critical stance to the efficacy of inclusive education, Mitchell's findings are largely supportive and his recommendations are of general use. From the international literature surveyed, mainly drawn from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and USA, the conclusions outlined in Box 4.3 emerged. The education of disabled students is a complex process with many interrelated elements, most of which apply to education in general and some of which are specific to disabled students. Inclusive education goes far beyond the physical placement of disabled students in general classrooms, it requires nothing less than the transformation of regular education by promoting positive school/ classroom cultures and structures, together with evidence-based practices. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Revising and implementing Renewable Energy Law. Moving towards more dynamic electricity pricing (DSM Measures) and preferential dispatching. The central government's tight grip on pricing is a key challenge that could undermine its own efforts to enlarge the country's transmission and flexible generation capacity. Measures undertaken are usually heavily administrative: change is driven by target-setting rather than market forces. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Previous estimates by the Chicago Department of Water Management suggest that the installation of new metres and replacement of aging water mains and pumping stations could result in up to 2 000 construction jobs (Schrock and Sundquist, 2009). To support this work, there would be demand for civil engineers, although whether this would result in sectoral growth or simply represent new project opportunities for existing firms is unclear. Reducing the share of solid waste that goes to landfill by increasing the recycling of municipal waste, constiuction and demolition (C&D) materials and composting could help reduce GHG emissions generated by waste. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The last model, which is the framework for an analysis of differences in indicators over time, yielded statistically significant negative coefficients for deprivation as measured by at least one indicator, the results in all other cases were not statistically significant. Even though the results suggest that female-headed households are worse off in respect of this indicator, in this case a slight trend towards the levelling of non-monetary deprivation is observed. The social policies recently implemented in Brazil (e.g., policies that have increased six-year-olds’ access to schooling), which have been particularly effective for these types of households, may have exerted a positive effect in this respect. The lower the level of schooling, the higher the percentage of households experiencing deprivation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 That said, different indicators can, of course, be helpful to formulate and communicate government policy. To be precise, one would need to speak in the terminology introduced by Frank Knight (1922) about uncertainty rather than about risk. The important point is that the expected utility hypothesis breaks down in the case of uncertainty when probability functions are unknown. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! ""This chapter outlines this complex financial landscape and the potential for countries to take action to tap the potential synergies among growing new sources of environment finance and traditional sources of development finance. Transitioning to loiv-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development pathways requires a holistic approach to finance and investment, shifting public and private finance from “brown"""" to """"green” investments, scaling-up """"green” finance, and integrating environmental considerations into all relevant investments and government activities. The impact of these changes may fall indiscriminately across countries, population groups and generations, affecting in particular the poorest, the most vulnerable and those who have limited control over, and responsibility for, possible solutions."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Meeting water governance challenges calls for a mix of well-integrated policy measures. This can be difficult to achieve in a context of fragmented responsibilities among various public actors as decisions are made at different territorial levels (international, national, regional, municipal, basin, etc.). Greater policy coherence is called for, both horizontally and vertically, among different institutions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Promotion of good governance and democracy is a central element of the EU's external policy towards third countries. The choice of the instruments for democracy promotion by the EU is an under-researched topic. Factors for the choice of a certain instrument can be located in the third country (existence of a civil society), in the EU and in the relationship between both (trade relations, neighbourhood). Analysing the determinants of the EU's usage of EIDHR (European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights) allocations, Partnership Agreements and sanctions, we find that the usage of each instrument is determined by different factors, indicating that there is no single process underlying instrumental choice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In reality, the proponents of these views have not only sought to undermine women's rights, but have simultaneously adopted policies that erode the conditions that enable families and their members to thrive. It is through families that people share resources such as housing and income, look after those who are sick and frail, and reproduce, nurture and care for the next generation. Families can be places of love and affection, and pivotal for each member's sense of identity and belonging. Over their lifetimes, around one in three women can expect to experience physical or sexual abuse at the hands of an intimate partner. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 At a time when bank customers, including SMEs, are starting to look beyond banks to alternative sources of finance (Ernst and Young, 2013), women-led businesses are one of the potential future markets for banks’ lending development. In their responses to the survey, all banks stated that they have previously financed or are currently financing businesses owned by women. For example, at the time, Khaleeji Commercial Bank of Bahrain reported investment in 11 projects involving women-led businesses, and considers these interests as part of its broader strategy to penetrate new market segments and expand its presence in the region. The bank sees many opportunities for growing its business, not only in its domestic market, but also in the wider MENA region (Khaleeji, 2011). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The goal is to ease access to the sector and encourage new entrants. At the same time, funds from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund support a move towards sustainable production which takes into account environmental, social and economic aspects. World’s total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. Both numbers have been corrected adding the value of seaweed production, aquaculture has also been adjusted to account for the value of Chinese production reported to the OECD. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Fertiliser registration includes an application to register and lab sample analysis, and excludes field testing due to limited additional benefits. There are also good quality control measures in place: fertiliser bags must comply with comprehensive labelling requirements in at least one of the country’s official languages, and mislabeled and open bags are prohibited and subject to penalties, encouraging further fertiliser quality control. Most of these good practices are applied in Serbia too. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 An important debate in International Relations and International Law is whether states are persons. In this article, it is argued that they are. That is, they are real persons-as-status. Furthermore, state personhood is argued to be an ideological category, marked by ideological variety. Roughly, one can tell apart liberal and republican conceptions of state citizenship. In a case study, the conceptual toolkit of state citizenship is put to work to assess the liberal credentials of modern international society. While modern international society rests on firm liberal principles, expressed most clearly in the Charter of the UN, important republican elements can be discerned, not in the least in the constitution of NATO. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Debates on language rights as integral elements of human rights have gathered momentum since the early 1990s. International organisations such as the Council of Europe (CoE) and the United Nations (UN) have advocated linguistic rights through various charters and conventions, albeit with wavering levels of success. This article focuses specifically on the European context and the manner in which the CoE has dealt with language rights in the continent. The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the European Charter for Regional and Minority languages (ECRML) and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCPNM) are discussed in light of the region’s contemporary linguistic makeup. Current inequalities in the application of language recognition provide an area of special concern. For example, while speakers of ‘indigenous’ (or autochthonous) minority languages have apparently enjoyed an improving status in recent decades, the position of immigrant (or allochthonous) languages i... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There is also an increased focus by some (especially European) donors on pooling AfT funds through trust funds or multilateral agencies. Donor commitments to multilaterals have increased rapidly. Multilateral flows have increased by almost US$6 billion to almost US$17 billion and now represent 42 per cent of AfT flows, up from 28 per cent in 2008 (OECD/WTO 2011). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 On the back of this initial success and demonstrated demand, Stargate is seeking investors fora new fund, Trapezia EIS II, with a target of £10 million. Yet less than 2.5 per cent out of a total of €3.5 billion of venture capital funding in the UK and Europe is going to companies with a female chief executive.’ Recognising an incredible market opportunity in the underserved segment of women entrepreneurs, Gita Patel, a dynamic and experienced finance executive, created the Trapezia EIS fund. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The pattern is similar for native-born and foreign-bom workers, although the latter appear to benefit from considerably higher returns to tertiary education. Greater Accra, the region of the capital, had an average monthly wage in the medium range, while having the highest levels of education both for Ghanaian- and foreign-bom individuals (7.2 and 9.9 years respectively). Northern, Brong Ahafo and Eastern regions demonstrate the highest rates of poverty (Cooke et al., Overall, the pattern suggests that average educational attainment is positively linked with average real wages for foreign-born workers, while the opposite is true for native-born workers. Source: Authors’ own work based on Ghana Statistical Service (2016). Mincer-type regressions are undertaken to analyse what characteristics cause the discrepancies in real monthly wages between the foreign- and native-born workers (see Table 4.3). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 All requests for commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to The assessment focusses on the impact of trade facilitation measures in three areas: on the amount of foreign value-added embodied in final domestic demand, on the amount of foreign value-added embodied in the gross exports of a reference country, and on the amount of domestic value-added embodied in foreign final demand for agriculture and primary products, low tech industries, medium-low tech industries, and high and medium-high tech industries. A small increase of 0.1 in TFIs performance could potentially generate increases in a country’s value-added “imports” in a range of between 1.5 and 3.5%, while in the case of “exports” these increases could range between 1 and 3%. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Countries are ordered by increasing poverty among children living in households with low work intensity (0<=WI<=0.2). The categories of children at risk highlighted here are those of children living in single parent families, children living in large families, children in households with low education and children in households with low work intensity. The colour codes group the countries according to their ranking for each single measure. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""Contribution to economic growth (""""positive externalities""""). Contribution to employment and output of broadband deployment (""""countercyclical effect""""). In reviewing the literature, it will become apparent that there is no single approach to assess broadband's economic contribution. Each methodology that has been utilized so far (input / output analysis, econometric modelling, measurement of consumer surplus, and microeconomics case studies) will be reviewed and the robustness of the evidence generated will be assessed."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This paper presents preliminary ventures on questions of ‘quasi-constitutionality’ and broader constitutionalism as organic concepts. The author examines the historical-political constitutional framing of New Zealand to demonstrate that the grounding of the dynamic, generative, activity of constitutional reflection is political. This notion is discussed with regard to the Treaty of Waitangi, with a particular focus on the intriguing challenges that the Treaty poses for intrepreting ‘quasi-constitutionality’. The author concludes by acknowledging that there are conceptual problems that arise when ‘quasi-constitutionality’ is related to an instrument such as the Treaty. Nevertheless, there must be an historical turn in the approach towards uncodified constitutional norms and towards the constitutional significance of certain enactments. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The government of India has made sure that productive processes are efficient or less energy-intensive than standard ones. This applies particularly to the agricultural sector, which has been encouraged to use economically viable irrigation pump sets and other energy-efficient farming equipment. According to the Integrated Energy Policy (IEP), correct implementation of demand-side management policies could save up to an estimated 15% of electricity consumption. The legal framework for this IEP was provided by the Indian Energy Conservation Act 2001 the aim of which was to accelerate energy efficiency in India. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ABSTRACTThis article analyses the migration of the common law doctrine of precedent to civil law constitutionalism. Using the case study of Mexico and Colombia, it suggests how this doctrine should be tailored to the civil law context. Historically, the civil law tradition adhered to the doctrine of jurisprudence constante that grants relative persuasiveness to precedents, once they are reiterated. However, the trend is to consider single constitutional precedents as binding. Universalist judges are borrowing common law concepts to interpret precedents joining the global trend while particularists consider such migration a foreign imposition that distorts the civil law theory of sources. This article takes a dialogical approach and occupies a middle ground between universalist and particularist approaches. The doctrine of precedent should be adopted, but it must also be reconfigured considering three distinctive features of the civil law: (a) canonical rationes decidendi, (b) precedent overproduction, and... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The full-cost fees charged by private higher education institutions for similar programmes would range from USD 9 434.0 to USD 26 415.1, depending on their international-local components. Higher education analysts have voiced concern regarding the amount of government subsidy and the extent to which it is sustainable, given that higher education costs will continue to rise universally. R.M. (2010), Access and Equity in Higher Education, Malaysia. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Although NGO facilities provide free services, the slum dwellers did not prefer them for minor illnesses, as the service hours (most often from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) conflicted with their working hours and, more importantly, waiting times were too long. The study found a good number of women (55.17 per cent) having antenatal visits (1-3) during pregnancy, while the number of them opting for post-natal care was negligible (13.79 per cent). Of these sources, the utilization of city corporation services was the least common (10 per cent), while NGOs were the most popular source (24 per cent) and chemist shops were the second most popular. If they are not cured from these sources, then they are taken to hospitals or clinics. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This chapter explores the theoretical critiques that environmental politics attracted since the 1990s onward. Among them, building upon political ecology critique, post-environmentalist theory gained a prominent role and claimed that green diplomacy, business, and large NGOs determined a de-politicization of environmental issues in the pursuit of establishing a widespread consensus on the mainstream strategies for global environmental governance. The origins and development of post-environmentalism are described in the chapter, with particular attention devoted to the differences between the realist perspective of US scholars (most notably Michel Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, authors of the pamphlet “The Death of Environmentalism”) and the European scholars, advancing a constructivist interpretation of the end of environmentalism under the name of post-ecologism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Unless stated otherwise, the analysis considers respondents who described themselves as working part-time, regardless of the number of hours they reported working. While the volume of hours associated with “part-time” varies greatly across countries and sectors within countries, the self-declared part-time status is taken to mean working fewer hours than the “typical” worker with a standard contract. In Mexico, Canada, Ireland and Germany they work the least hours at less than 20 per week. In Switzerland and Austria, too, the working week is short (less than 23 hours). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This debate is in line with South Africa's rural electrification agenda, as new power generation will be necessary to service more households. The average official50 unemployment figures are above 20% (see Table 33), excluding the under-employed in the rural and urban areas or those who are not registered in employment agencies. Payment for electricity is an issue for people who have no or very little income. Many cases of domestic violence in newly electrified households have been amply documented. It is argued that domestic trouble starts over priorities when resources are scarce (Habitat for Humanity, 2009). However, the long-term effect of ensuring universal access to electricity should lead to general opportunities for a broad-based economic development. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article explores how the post-crisis EU economic and fiscal governance framework has marginalised national parliaments and compromised legislative autonomy, especially in the delivery of social welfare policy. This article argues that one potential consequence of this new regulatory and political landscape is that it creates scope for new form of democratic deficit to arise from the absence of effective accountability of EU economic and fiscal governance as well as undermining the Treaty principle of solidarity between Member States. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The degree to which the questions of the survey were answered by the authorities differs and hence it was not possible to analyze every element selected for review for the group of 32 or even 36 capital cities. United Nations Statistical Division database. Yet some data, like e.g. such necessary to examine the demand for motorized and non-motorized transport were estimated based on modal spilt information available for many of the cities of the European Union region32. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Categorical grants are very' diverse and are aimed at helping local governments to provide services that are otherwise too costly, finance delegated tasks and policy projects, provide financial assistance and compensation, etc. Other revenues include user charges and fees (8% of revenue) and revenue from property (sales of assets, leasing, dividends, etc.). The Act on the Management of Grants states the matching ratios only for 114 projects, compared with a total of 881 projects that were subsidised in 2014. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For the past half a century, Latin American scholars have been pointing toward the emergence of new social actors as agents of social and political democratization. The first wave of actors was characterized by the emergence of novel agents—mainly, new popular movements—of social transformation. At first, the second wave, epitomized by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), was celebrated as the upsurge of a new civil society, but later on, it was the target of harsh criticism. The literature often portrays this development in Latin American civil society as a displacement trend of actors of the first wave by the second wave—“NGOization”—and even denounces new civil society as rootless, depoliticized, and functional to retrenchment. Thus, supposedly, NGOization encumbers social change. The authors argue that NGOization diagnosis is a flawed depiction of change within civil society. Rather than NGOization related to the depoliticization and neoliberalization of civil society, in Mexico City and Sao Paulo, t... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 None of this is possible without good teachers. In order to achieve these goals, teaching needs to be seen as a prestigious and selective profession. Prospective teachers need only demonstrate a secondaiy school diploma and a certain grade point average. On average, teacher training candidates obtain low scores on the PSU university selection test (Santiago et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Kazakhstan reacted quickly and introduced a public works programme, together with retraining and internship activities (see section 4 above). They protect the incomes of the poor and at the same invest in infrastructure building or social service provision. They are especially appropriate in a situation of high unemployment. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Part-time employment is frequently associated with low quality and precarious jobs, and elevated poverty risks. This is often related to women being the main caregiver in families, and reduced working hours helps parents reconcile work and family commitments. Across the Asia/Pacific region, there are more women than men in part-time employment, and at 22% of female workers, the proportion of part-time employment is just below the OECD average (Figure 2.6). The proportion of part-time employment is particularly high among higher income countries, including Australia, Japan and New Zealand. These countries also have large gender gaps in part-time employment, with up to a 25 percentage point difference. Women’s participation increase in agriculture is related to an “outmigration” of men from low-paying agricultural work to industry (Vepa, 2005). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A plan to introduce a levy on sugar has also now been cancelled. This publication suggests that tax increases tend to be controversial, and whilst cost-effective and effective in reducing consumption of targeted goods, risk having a regressive effect, weighing most heavily on the less well off (OECD, 2010). However, the health benefits of such “sin taxes” were also found to benefit people in low socioeconomic groups more, especially if coupled with targeted subsidies on healthy food such as fruit and vegetables, as this OECD report recommends. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The headcount was then converted (by gender and five-year age group) into the full-time equivalent using the assumed values for average usual weekly working hours. “ Full-time” in this instance refers to usual weekly working hours equal to 40 hours per week, so the FTE labour force was calculated as the headcount labour force multiplied by the usual weekly working hours of the relevant group, divided by 40. Figure 3.A2.1 shows the resulting estimates for the projected size of the German full-time equivalent labour force (15-74 year-olds). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Table C 1 shows the results of the OLS estimation obtained with the pooled cross-section data series for 29 OECD countries (with an average of 10 observations per country over the 25 years period). Demographic variables are included sequentially and the results from the different steps are reported in the different columns to best identify how the different explanatory factors are linked to each other. The proportion of jobless families and maternal the employment rates are two highly correlated variables, and for this reason they were introduced simultaneously in the model specifications (except in column 8 for a final robustness check). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Their average size is relatively small (Panel D), and the number of small hospitals is high, despite their relatively lower efficiency and fewer innovative practices (Gobillon and Milcent, 2013 and 2016). According to OECD evidence, the average costs of some surgical acts are 23% higher than in other European countries (Koechlin et al., As in many other OECD countries (OECD, 2016c) and in line with OECD recommendations (OECD, 2000), a diagnosis-related group (DRG) payment scheme was phased in during 2004-08, replacing the previous system of global grants and daily allowances. It is complemented by volume-based payments, such as fees for emergency services or the use of innovative treatments, and add-on payments, such as investments for teaching, research and innovation, the maintenance of emergency units, prevention and treating risky and low-income patients. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This action must begin now - with the increasing intensity of climate change impacts, building resilience will become ever more difficult. Delaying the transformation of the agricultural sectors will force poorer countries to fight poverty, hunger and climate change at the same time. Wide adoption of practices such as the use of nitrogen-efficient and heat-tolerant crop varieties, zero-tillage and integrated soil fertility management would boost productivity and farmers' incomes, and help lower food prices. By one estimate, the number of people at risk of undernourishment in developing countries in 2050 could be reduced by more than 120 million through widespread use of nitrogen-efficient crop varieties alone. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Family learning has been an important mode of education deployed by governments in the United Kingdom over the past 20 years, and is positioned at the nexus of various social policy areas whose focus stretch beyond education. Drawing on qualitative research exploring mothers’ participation in seven different family learning programmes across West London, this paper looks at how this type of education is mobilised, that is, how mothers are ‘encouraged’ to participate and benefit from this type of programme. Framed by a neo-liberal policy climate and Foucauldian writings on governmentality and surveillance, we explore how participating mothers are carefully ‘targeted’ for this type of learning through their children and through school/ nursery spaces, and how programmes themselves then operate as a supportive social space aimed at facilitating social networks, friendship and personal development linked to positions of gender, ethnicity, class and migrant status. It is the socio-spatial workings of ‘supporti... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the absence of additional sources of revenue such as capacity payments, dispatchable technologies may leave the market, reducing the security of supply in the process. Strictly speaking, the latter correspond to marginal social costs, in which case total social costs would refer to the sum of private, market-based costs and external costs. Total social costs are identical with full costs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 With the number of vessels and employment continuously falling during the last few years, the structural adjustment process is considered to be ongoing. The most difficult situation occurs in the cod fishery, especially in the Western part of the Baltic Sea. Although according to the latest stock assessments (2016) most of the stocks vital to the Danish fishing industry' show improvement, the Western Baltic cod stock is still in poor condition. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 A falling but persistent net (i.e. unexplained) wage gap of about 7% in favour of men, coupled with under-representation of women as managers and entrepreneurs, further reduce the incentive for women to take full advantage of their high levels of human capital. Priority should be given to removing those barriers by increasing public spending on childcare and out-of-school-hours care at the cantonal and municipal levels. Existing regulations regarding childcare provision should also be investigated to see whether a broader range of price and quality childcare options is feasible. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The target group had always been students from disadvantaged background. In August 2006, extra weight was given to immigrant students as follows: 0.25 for native students whose parents have a low level of education, 0.9 for ethnic minority students whose parents have a low level of education. This meant that, primary schools received more money for immigrant students with poorly educated parents than for their native counterparts. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The state will be relying on higher education institutions (HEIs) to realise these objectives and will be seeking their increasing engagement both in relation to research and accelerated skills development within the region. Migration has been both internal and international. Internal migration from the country’s other less developed regions has possibly been higher than that from other countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In the case of Dublin, the recently developed portions of the bus network perform better than shared mobility, while the older, non-urban portions of the network do not perform as well as shared mobility. In Helsinki, replacing current bus feeder services with heavy public transport and replacing low frequency services with shared mobility both improve outcomes. All scenarios modelled reduce costs and increase connectivity and access. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A few countries have sought to control pharmaceutical use and to raise revenues by introducing a copayment for cancer drugs. This may appear small, but given that cancer care costs are about 3-7% of total expenditure on health as described in Chapter 1, these costs actually comprise a significant part of spending in cancer care systems. Among the countries in which data were collected through the OECD questionnaire, Latvia and Spain spent less than 0.6% of total health expenditure on cancer drugs. Considering the limited number of countries for which data are available, the proportion of pharmaceutical spending is highest in Hungary, at 41.4% of total cancer care (not total health expenditure) in 2006. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In order to raise the value attributed to the profession and counter gender stereotypes, it is suggested that the “professional identity” of the ECEC workforce must change (OECD, 2006). High staff turnover is pronounced across studies of child care in various countries, somewhere between 30% and 50% annually (Huntsman, 2008, Moon and Burbank, 2004). Centres with low staff turnover rates have staff that engage in more appropriate and attentive interactions with children. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Taken together, these developments would lead to the emergence of more sustainable production and consumption patterns, and thus could provide opportunities for developed and developing countries to achieve economic growth and sustainable development in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Increasing automation of production processes, made possible by ICTs, may cause the displacement of workers by machines and is likely to eliminate routine types of jobs and increase inequality. A global net decrease in jobs could be especially challenging for developing countries where, unlike developed economies, millions of young people are entering the job market every year. However, developing countries are still lagging behind in terms of ICT penetration, buying them time to figure out how job loss may be compensated or combatted. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The European Journal of Development Research 18(4): 593-621. Communication TN/RL/ GEN/184 (2016). The ITP approach is to scan the trade and development landscape for areas where orthodox approaches are ineffective or where there are public policy failures or gaps, and to seek heterodox approaches to address those. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Indicators for targets 9.b and 9.c have data available. Globally, energy efficiency and the use of cleaner fuels and technologies reduced carbon dioxide emissions per unit of value added by 13 per cent between 2000 and 2013. Although expenditure on research and development continues to grow globally, the poorest countries, especially those in Africa, spend a very small proportion of their GDP on such expenditure. In 2013, global investment in research and development stood at $1.7 trillion (purchasing power parity), up from $732 billion in 2000. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For the purposes of the SHI scheme, “formal sector” refers to enterprises that employ more than ten individuals, a definition which excludes a large proportion of the population. Total expenditure increased steadily from ETB 0.1 million in 2012/13 to ETB 47.9 million in 2015/16. Management and administration initially accounted for the majority of expenditure but the system development’s share of spending increased after 2014/15 and accounted for over 57% of total SHI expenditure in 2015/16. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In 2011, a federal programme PRONATEC was launched and now covers 8 million students. Since 2013, it includes a component targeted to rural youngsters: PRONATEC Countryside. For example, in university education, the number of agricultural courses for bachelor degrees reached 830 in 2011, a six-fold increase over 1991, which covers only full-time studies, and does not include distance courses or MBAs (Table 5.1). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Further efforts to strengthen policies targeting efficiency in lighting should therefore be pursued, particularly for non-residential buildings. Energy intensity, adjusted for PPP, has improved by 2.7% per year from 1990 to 2009, mainly owing to structural changes in industry and the overall economy. Industry's share was 24% and the residential, services and primary sectors accounted for 20% of the total. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Calls to ground the study of international relations in everyday life have found increasing salience among critical approaches to the field. Feminists, poststructuralists and historical materialists have all sought to address problems in international relations theory by breaking down conceptual divisions between the domestic and international, between the local and the global, or between the private and the public. Everyday life is not a new concern among sociologists or philosophers and a variety of approaches to it, ranging from positivist descriptions of daily routines to speculative accounts of the lifeworld, have been posited and explored in these disciplines. However, for International Relations (IR), and particularly for International Political Economy (IPE), everyday life remains largely under-or untheorized, with damaging consequences for the concept’s contribution to critique. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2013, Nigeria had 69 professional judges or magistrates fora population of over 170 million, or 0.04 per 100,000 people, compared with 1.2 in Kenya and 4.3 in South Africa (UNODC Statistics, 2017). The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has developed a resource guide on strengthening judicial integrity and capacity, It recommends a focus on practical training in legal education, including social skills, and developing accessible continued professional training forjudges. Legal training typically lasts three to five years, but becoming a judge does not always require a law degree, even in high income countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! ""The study, which is focused on the potential for a wood-based industry, states that """"in spite of the data uncertainties, it can be concluded that illegal logging is a tremendous problem in the Georgian forest sector. It constitutes about 75% of the total yearly harvest. This harvest level is far from sustainable and will deplete the existing forest capital within a short timeframe"""" In the National Forest Concept (2013) it is stated that """"A large area of the Forest Fund is severely degraded as a result of inadequate forest practices over a long period of time."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the urban core and surrounding districts, a balance must be stmck between efficient land use through mixed-use development of housing, public and commercial facilities, and compact development that respects factors such as building winds, a right to sunlight and residents’ health. In peripheral areas, better access to urban cores and low-density development can be achieved through public-transit system and pedestrian-friendly urban design (Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, 2007). Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The two Commissions grant each other observer status.__________________________________ The concept of twinning suggested by the Netherlands at the Second World Water Forum in 2000 in The Hague implies that river basin organizations located in different regions of the world have valuable experience to share, and that the exchange of such experience could contribute to their institutional strengthening, improvement of activities and increased efficiency. Ultimately, such exchange is an instrument contributing to the implementation of IWRM. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This paper describes the methodology used to build the WJP Rule of Law Index – a new quantitative assessment tool designed to offer a comprehensive picture of the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of law in practice. The WJP Rule of Law Index provides new data on nine dimensions of the rule of law − limited government powers, absence of corruption, order and security, fundamental rights, open government, regulatory enforcement, access to civil justice, effective criminal justice, and informal justice − and is compiled from original surveys of the general public and local legal experts. The paper also presents estimates for an initial group of 66 countries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Our reward practices recognize compensating our employees fairly and equitably for the skill set they possess and value contribution as a business imperative. In addition, sponsorship of Country Presidents and HR has been crucial in raising awareness and for each country to take action regarding investment required to address gaps. A key indicator of this sponsorship was the inclusion of our pay equity vision in Schneider Electric’s 2015-2017 Planet and Society barometer, clearly laying out our initial three-year ambition. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! However, because these are demographic variables that hardly vary over the short term, their disaggregate analysis is omitted. The survey year used differs from country to country. The period 1990 refers to the survey nearest to that year, the period 2002, to the survey available nearest to 2000 and 2002, and the period 2008, to surveys available between 2004 and 2008. In the countries that saw the greatest poverty reduction, the workforce grew in tandem with higher labour income per employed person, while in the other countries that was not the case. A simple way to illustrate these differences is to compare the poverty rate of a group of persons with a given trait with others who do not share that trait. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Looking ahead, the Healthcare Authority (NZa) expects shortages to develop as a result of demographic trends and an increasing share of part-time GPs (NZa, 2009). In this context, the government rightly aims at expanding the capacity of medical schools and the number of hospital training positions, as both are identified causes of supply restriction (Capaciteitsorgaan, 2011). Foreign doctors represent another potential source of doctors. In this domain, European candidates (from the European Economic Area) enjoy relatively easy access as their diplomas are recognised, while non-European candidates are subject to a governmental standardised assessment of medical skills and a language test. To facilitate entry for the latter group, it could be considered to exempt holders of diplomas from top universities from the medical-skills components of the assessment. However, restricting the number of specialists is no longer a solution in a more market-oriented system, as it would reinforce their bargaining position and hence their ability to influence prices upwards. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 An increase of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere contributes to global warming, which is a major global challenge to sustainable development. For countries that have committed to reduce or stabilize their GHG emissions under the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the indicator also provides information on the fulfilment of this global commitment. The phase-out of ODSs, and their substitution by less harmful substances or new processes, will lead to the recovery of the ozone layer, whose depletion has adverse effects on human health, animals, plants, micro-organisms, marine life, materials, biogeochemical cycles, and air quality. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, this has not been accompanied by an economic valuation of environmental services (e.g. carbon sequestration, air and water purification, biodiversity) and social benefits (e.g. employment, recreational opportunities, cultural values) associated with the protective functions. Doing so would allow the gearing of forest policies towards maximising the social, economic and environmental services provided by forests. Including forestry, manufacturing of wood, paper products and furniture. Threatened species are endangered, critically endangered and vulnerable species. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 That is, in any global carbon market it will be essential to verify that emissions are not newly created in order to profit by reducing them. Unfortunately, the temptation to seek bogus allowances is a natural consequence of a global carbon price in a low-cost local economy. In the simplest terms, the fixed price of saving a ton of carbon in those countries is “worth” more hours of labour at a lower wage rate. Thus there will be a category of carbon-saving investments and technologies that are profitable only in developing countries, where the trade-off between carbon and other inputs is more favourable to emissions reductions. The potential for leapfrogging beyond the current technology frontier has been much discussed, but is difficult to achieve. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The rise of social movements in US legal scholarship is a current response to an age-old problem in progressive legal thought: harnessing law for social change while maintaining a distinction between law and politics. This problem erupted in controversy around the civil rights–era concept of legal liberalism defined by activist courts and lawyers pursuing political reform through law. Contemporary legal scholars have responded by building on social science to develop a new concept—movement liberalism—that assigns leadership of transformative change to social movements to preserve conventional roles for courts and lawyers. Movement liberalism aims to achieve the lost promise of progressive reform, while avoiding critiques of legal activism that have divided scholars for a half-century. Yet rather than resolving the law-politics problem, movement liberalism reproduces long-standing debates, carrying forward critical visions of law that it seeks to transcend. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Often these concern social assistance type payments that are phased out or withdrawn against other sources of income (e.g. earnings or pension payments) but not with basic pensions in China and the Philippines (OECD, 2013). In eight of the 19 Asian countries with a non-contributory' pension (for which data are available), beneficiaries receive less than USD PPP 1.25 (purchasing power parity) a day, and in 11 out of 19 countries, this is less than USD PPP 2 a day (ILO, 2015a). Nevertheless, these programmes can play a role in poverty' reduction. For example, in Thailand, the old-age allowance (Bia Yung Cheep) contributed to a decline in the poverty rate of elderly singleperson households (from 5.8% to 2.5%) and a fall in the poverty rate of all households from 9.6%tto 8.3% (ILO, 2015a). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Recent policy initiatives continue to emphasise the prime role of schools in their ow'n evaluation and improvement processes. The Schools have the Initiative (School aan Zet) programme further emphasises the schools’ lead role in determining improvement strategies. As some of the stakeholders interviewed by the OECD review team said, the idea is that there is always a “Plan B” in case a school’s owm quality assurance mechanisms do not work in a satisfying way. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For example, for a consultation on reducing CO2 from road vehicles held in 2011, a total of 3 233 contributions were received via the online questionnaire (EC, 2011). The consultation was conducted in English, French and German. If international consultations under the UNFCCC were conducted using a similar online platform, care would need to be taken to ensure that documents are provided in the appropriate languages. The scope of biennial update reports and ICA for developing countries includes the GHG inventory, mitigation actions and support needed/received. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This shifts the cost of project preparation onto the project’s sponsor. The sponsor accepts these costs in return for a favourable outcome of the tendering process and possibly a higher price. The key to addressing this issue is reducing the dependence of contracting authorities - in this case the CCOP - on private partners by ensuring they have sufficient resources and capacity for preparing projects internally. Currently the CCOP does not have the mandate to strengthen the capacities of subnational governments to design and run PPP or infrastructure projects (Table 2.3). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! This would be consistent with the prescribed recommendations of OECD countries in the “OECD Tokyo Statement on Strengthening the Role of SMEs in Global Value Chains” (OECD, 2007d). Not only do SMEs find bidding for public sector contracts an expensive and complex process, but government procurement practices often do not create a level playing field for the competitive participation of smaller enterprises. The potential to use procurement to develop the SME sector by expanding the scale-of-market opportunities available to them and encouraging innovation is immense. Basically, SMEs need to be better informed about awarding processes, enabled to participate in awarding procedures, and able to participate in these procedures at a low cost (both in terms of complexity and financial burden). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Businesses aligned with the model create greater social and environmental value by promoting inclusive and sustainable development in the regional and global economies. If businesses imbed the SRB model into the early stages of their development, they can ensure the effective development, provision and evaluation of SRB. This must be a constituent component of modern business strategy and operations as it makes business accountable to both internal and external stakeholders. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 If this report is printed, the reader would not see any environmental impact while reading it. Only upon reflecting on the life cycle of the report would she or he realise that the authors used computers, the Internet and electricity, that paper was needed, that a printer used ink and energy, and that there are impacts from recycling the report. Given this, the need to determine the impact of the millions of different products demonstrates that the ambitions of any sustainability metric or tool are high. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""During this time, highly skilled workers have reaped disproportionately higher benefits from shifts in labour demand due to both greater financial and trade integration and technological progress. Top incomes have responded to the “more global market for talent and a growing use of performance-related pay benefitting top executives and finance professionals in particular."""" ( Policy changes that reduced marginal tax rates in many OECD countries in the 1980s, for example, directly increased inequality by increasing the amount of disposable income available to the upper percentiles of the distribution. At the same time, reductions in marginal tax rates may also have indirectly encouraged behavioural increases in labour supply, further increasing the earnings of high-income individuals (OECD, forthcoming)."" - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This is supported by the evidence that the incidence of poverty is, in general, less severe in off-farm or multi-activity households than in families dependent on agriculture. Many of the world’s food insecure people are low-income, small-scale farmers who are not integrated into larger productive networks and are exposed to food price shocks, natural catastrophes and climate change. Cross-sectoral and place-based policies aiming at integrating the agricultural sector with upstream and downstream markets, as well as w'ith non-farm activities, may be potentially more effective for improving rural livelihoods and FSN. Evidence obtained from a series of OECD policy reviews, as w'ell as research conducted by both the FAO and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), suggests that there is need for a shift towards a broader and more holistic approach to FSN and rural development. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Water use efficiency in agriculture is also being improved through replacing earthen irrigation channels with concrete linings to reduce losses and upgrading flood irrigation systems (e.g. levelling of fields, neutron probes for soil moisture measurement, and scheduling of irrigation to plant needs). Groundwater use for irrigation above recharge rates in some regions is also undermining the economic viability of farming in affected areas. However, information on the trends in pollution from irrigated land is patchy. This has been associated with both human alterations of the hydrological characteristics of watersheds and land-use policies that have encouraged urbanisation in areas at risk to flooding events, and also increasingly the trend toward greater climatic variability leading to higher financial costs both through loss of production and damage to farm infrastructure, and also costs for the wider economy in terms of damage to property and in some cases loss of life. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The source of information is a questionnaire filled out by the school in the context of the SNED. Sources of information include regular education statistics at the school level and a SNED questionnaire. The main source of information is a SNED questionnaire. For example, in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, for a total of 11 groups, the distribution was as follows: 3 groups for urban primary schools, 3 groups for rural primary schools, 3 groups for urban secondary schools, 1 group for rural secondary schools, and 1 group for special education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ABSTRACTEconomic globalization and, in particular, foreign direct investment (FDI) have often been considered to be catalysts for economic reform and political liberalization. It is argued that openness to foreign investment spurs democratization by empowering pro-liberalization actors and undermining elite cohesion. This article explores and tests three alternative hypotheses linking FDI and autocratic regime survival. The liberalization hypothesis claims that FDI promotes democratization. The state-capture hypothesis suggests that FDI, by increasing the value of power, may raise the risk of an autocratic transition. Lastly, the stabilization hypothesis, contrary to the first two, claims that FDI can enhance dictatorships’ stability by opening new opportunities for distributing benefits to regime elites. The empirical analysis, covering about 100 countries for the time period 1970–2008, uses data on autocratic breakdowns and transition types to test the above hypotheses. The reported evidence does not su... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The reforms vary across countries, as they are influenced by context, traditions, institutional settings and specific national and regional challenges. These policies all aim to improve the quality of schools and instruction and have been grouped according to the different policy options and their scope. A majority of 15-year-olds across OECD countries find that their classrooms are conducive to learning, but there are challenges across schools in some countries, including lack of student motivation, lack of relevant curriculum, difficulties in attracting and retaining qualified staff, lack of teacher collaboration and lack of professionalisation of school leadership. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The rule in the ICC Statute whereby a third party national may be validly surrendered to the jurisdiction of the Court by a member state offends a most fundamental rule of international law, which is moreover of a customary nature. In addition, it causes more conflicts as compared to its purported benefits, given that it constitutes a major stumbling block for the United States and has upset the U.N.9s peacekeeping missions. The rule should therefore be abandoned in order to alleviate these concerns. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 One example is the recent pilot project “Payment for Ecosystem Sendees (PES) on Flood Regulation” in Hull, whose objectives were to characterise the current state of ecosystem services delivered to uiban areas, identify potential improvements of ecosystem service delivery, and design potential payments for ecosystem services. The pilot project led to two proposed PES schemes, including a country park-scale PES that would allow mitigating flood risk in north western Hull by developing “swales, bunds, ponds, replacement of permeable road and car park surfaces and conversion of amenity grassland to semi-natural grasslands and more varied woodlands”. Another example is the Beckingham Marshes Washland Creation, which aims to create 94 hectares of floodplain grasslands in order to improve flood risk mitigation for the towns of Gainsborough and Beckingham on the River Trent. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! As Cullinane and Bergqvist (2014) suggest: “The future imposition of more stringent limits on both SOx and NOx emissions, together with greater geographical applicability, will put energy use and other efficiency measures high on the agenda for shipping companies. This may result in the wider use of measures such as speed differentiation that, in turn, may enable shipping companies to better absorb the price changes arising from the EC A regulations. The large socio-economic benefits of the EC A regulations, combined with the global challenges related to pollution in densely populated areas such as the Mediterranean and Asia, emphasize the importance of designating more regions as ECAs.” - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! It reduces the poverty rate by approximately one-quarter in Thailand and Viet Nam, for example. The unweighted average poverty headcount reduction for the three regions shown in annex table 6 are remarkably similar to the population-weighted averages from the Linkage model reported in annex table 5 with a similar tax-replacement assumption: the latter’s 17 per cent for Asia excluding China and India and 6.4 per cent for Latin America are just slightly above the GTAP model’s 14 per cent and 5.7 per cent, respectively. Like the global models, the case studies focused on price-distorting policies as of 2004, even though the database for their CGE models and their household survey data typically date back a little earlier in the decade. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This article examines the impact of diasporas on secessionist conflicts, focusing on the Albanian, Armenian and Chechen diasporas and the conflicts in Kosovo, Karabakh and Chechnya during the 1990s. How do diasporas radicalize these conflicts? I argue that despite differences in diaspora communal characteristics and the types of the secessionist conflicts, a common pattern of mobilization develops. Large-scale diasporic support for secessionism emerges only after independence is proclaimed by the local elites. From that point onwards diasporas become engaged in a conflict spiral, and transnational coalitions are formed between local secessionist and diaspora groups. Depending on the organizational strength of the local strategic centre and the diasporic institutions, these coalitions endure or dissipate. Diasporas exert radicalization influences on the conflict spiral on two specific junctures - when grave violations of human rights occur in the homeland and when local moderate elites start losing credibility that they can achieve the secessionist goal. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 During the investigation of the 2015 San Bernardino shooting, the government asked a district court to order Apple to draft code that would bypass the password protection system of one of the shooters’ iPhones. A number of experts opined that the All Writs Act (AWA) and the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) prohibited the court from issuing the order. This request was preceded by the holding of a New York District Court, which found that those statutes indeed did protect Apple from such compulsion. Although sympathetic to Apple, I argue that those experts and the New York court misinterpreted CALEA, and that the government’s interpretation of that statute was correct. The court’s ultimate ruling in favor of Apple, however, was the right one based on the discretionary factors governing the AWA’s applicability, set forth by the United States Supreme Court in United States v. New York Telephone Co. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Accordingly, the development of a statistics and records system on femicide in Mexico is being advocated. It has also been suggested that the administrative format of records should be improved and that a gender perspective should be applied in the conceptualization of the crime of homicide. The situation of gangs (known as pandillas in most Latin American countries, but called maras in Central America and quadrilhas in Brazil), the increase in crime in the Southern Cone countries and in violence in the Andean countries are clear indicators of the need for targeted interventions aimed at specific groups of young people. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The 2030 Agenda lists rising inequalities, natural resource depletion, environmental degradation and climate change as some of the world's greatest challenges. It recognizes that social development and economic prosperity depend on the sustainable management of freshwater resources and ecosystems and highlights the integrated nature of SDGs. The goal on partnerships (SDG 17) is reviewed annually at each HLPF. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There is also a need for farm practices that can reduce economic losses and lead to better management of water flows and stocks on farmland, taking into account the impact on any water entitlements that are established. Policies that are able to combine flood risk management with other objectives, such as for nature conservation, the protection of natural resources and agricultural production, are likely to offer the best long term solutions. Even without the changes associated with climate change, the frequency of flood events has increased along with the damages. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A full educational infrastructure or ecosystem must be available to support the improvement of teaching practices. Teachers need resources (rubrics, lesson plans, examples), new knowledge, colleagues to talk to, experts giving them feedback, space for reflection, support from their hierarchy, opportunities to try these new teaching approaches with their students, etc. Those professional development plans took many forms, depending on the teaching standards, beliefs of the teachers, and support of school and systems leaders, but most included three key elements: training sessions, individual follow-up with teachers and opportunities for peer learning (see Chapter 5). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Regarding longer-term hazards, a number of hazardous waste constituents are also carcinogenic, or cause non-cancer toxicity to different organs over long low level exposure periods, while many others have thresholds for toxicity below which exposure is expected to have no adverse effects. For HLW, the limescale for the radioactivity to decay to around the level of the original uranium ore is around 100 000 years whereas for LBLW, many of the isotopes have half-lives less than around 30 years. Some hazardous wastes (e.g. some organic chemicals) biodegrade and their hazards reduce over time. These wastes can thus be theoretically considered as having an infinite “half-life”. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 These include the emergence of a “superstar” labour market, the growing use of stock options and performance pay and the “financialisation” of economies. For some, the spread of Westem-style lifestyle and culture - embracing everything from American coffee chain Starbucks to Korean K-Pop music - is its most visible face. In many developed countries, there’s also a perception that aspects of globalisation, such as outsourcing by businesses, are costing jobs and driving down incomes. That’s not so surprising -technology has long had an impact on people’s livelihoods. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! In addition, when public resources are not allocated on the basis of evidence pointing to the greatest need, education systems can entrench inequities rather than dismantle them. To overcome these challenges, countries will be best served if they offer comprehensive early childhood care and learning opportunities, and if they focus on making the fastest progress for the children left furthest behind. This approach has the potential to narrow the gaps in educational outcomes between the richest and poorest children by 2030. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 More than a fourth of households in Guerrero, Chiapas, and Oaxaca do not have access to piped water (against a national average of 8.6%), and between 15% and 19% of households do not have proper flooring (against a national average of 6.6%) for example. As emphasised below, the lower level of infrastructure in southern states translates into lower health standards for many indicators. Nearly 82% of Mexicans reported to have more positive experiences and feelings such as enjoyment, feeling well-rested or pride in accomplishment than negative ones such as pain, worry, sadness, boredom. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Given its tourism-oriented economy, the city has also set up a mobile app, which informs both tourists and locals of what to do in Phuket. To illustrate this trend, outdoor concentrations of fine particulate matter (PMJS), which is hazardous to health, is commonly used as a proxy measure of pollution. Practically all urban residents in the region are exposed to ambient air pollution exceeding the WHO guidelines on the concentration of fine particulate ambient air pollution (i.e., 10 PM2.5 pg/m3). Only 0.2% of urban residents in Emerging Asia live in areas with pollution concentrations at or below this level (Figure 2). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In such cases, representatives of line ministries in regions are the only actors in charge of implementation at sub-national level, whether these are central services or co-ordinated bodies of central services. However, central services and bodies representing line ministries in regions also play an important role - with other sub-national actors - in countries that have somewhat decentralised their water policy making, whether these are federal states, such as Belgium, or unitary, such as New Zealand. In addition, Mexico has Water Commissions in each autonomous community, while in France the STR is in charge of co-ordinating the actions of the central government, regions and departements for a homogeneous implementation of water policies at basin level, co-ordinating central services of line ministries in regions and monitoring the enforcement of water regulations and compliance with them. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 They cover more than two thirds of the Earth’s surface and contain 97 per cent of the planet’s water. Oceans contribute to poverty eradication by providing opportunities for sustainable livelihoods and decent work. Over 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal resources as a means of support. In addition, oceans play a crucial role in the achievement of global food security, as well as human health and well-being. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Countries that emphasise childcare and pre-school institutions exhibit lower levels of inequality of opportunity, suggesting the effectiveness of early intervention policies in reducing persistence of education outcomes across generations. There is also a positive association between inequality of opportunities and income inequality. As a consequence, cross-country regressions would suggest that redistributive policies can help to reduce inequalities of educational opportunities associated with socio-economic background and, hence, persistence of education outcomes across generations. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! International relations in Archaic and Classical Greece featured a complex network of interstate diplomacy and treaty relations. Keywords: government, politics, and law, Greek history, inscriptions, legal history, military history, peace, political history, war - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There are multiple issues of social policy embedded in this discussion that contribute to the paucity of attention paid to these issues that we now address. These range from the most personal of issues (masturbation, reproductive rights, abortion) to issues that necessarily involve institutional policies that implicate others’ interests as well (impact of drugging side effects, sex education, right to sexual surrogacy services) to issues that implicate other areas of the law (torts and administrative law). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Certainly the volume of applications and the request for funding suggests that there is unmet demand from the private sector. Three different S&T programs were created in 2009, replacing a tax credit system that previously supported technology projects in primarily larger multinational firms (OECD, 2009c): INNOVAPyME, INNOVATEC AND PROINNOVA. The program also supports the creation and strengthening of links with educational institutions and research centers. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! A need for methodological improvements to help measure specific information, improved data collection and increased monitoring and evaluation capacity at the national level can all influence countries’ ability to report. “ Nearly half’ of Annex II Parties raised issues arising from reporting on technology transfer support in the context of second BRs, including absence of relevant “statistical markers” (UNFCCC, 2016(9]). In addition, there are relatively few metrics to monitor technology development and diffusion, while metrics to assess capacity development are numerous and highly context specific (Ellis et al., - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Most of the poor are working adults and children. Household incomes are threatened by worsening labour markets with declining employment opportunities and decreasing real wages, especially for workers in low-wage sectors. Many of those currently employed have just escaped poverty and are therefore highly susceptible to modest falls in income and economic activity, pushing them back into poverty (World Bank, 2010b). Women are especially threatened: in most countries, labour market participation of women is lower and unemployment rates are higher. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This paper analyzes how the apparently merely technical introduction of reversed qualified majority voting for the excessive deficit procedure included in the Six Pack and the Fiscal Compact shifts not only the institutional balance between the European Commission and the Member States but also the relationship between liberalization and social regulation in the EU. In bringing together institutional analysis and a political economy perspective, the paper shows how the strengthening of the Commission's discretionary decision-making authority in a context of intergovernmental power imbalances between debtor and creditor states extends the asymmetry between market-making and market-correction to the area of political decision-making. In consequence, economic and social policies are subordinated to the primacy of austerity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This recent trend coincided with the onset of the new millennium and commitments made by the donor community, in particular to Africa. In addition, in 2007-2008, the total annual average aid commitments to agriculture amounted to US$ 7.2 billion (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2010), which represented a positive step towards increasing financing for agriculture in developing countries. Still, in 2008, the High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis urged donor countries to double ODA for food assistance, other types of nutritional support and safety net programmes, and to increase the proportion of ODA to be invested in food security and agricultural development from the current 3 to 10 per cent within five years (and beyond if needed) so as to reverse the historic underinvestment in agriculture (United Nations, 2008). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Access to safe public spaces greatly informs the perceived and real sentiment of urban safety, which is itself a key prerequisite for protection against physical and sexual harassment. These safety measures in return determine the level of accessibility and inclusivity in use of public spaces, particularly for the vulnerable urban populations (including women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities). Indicator 11.7.2 aims to measure the proportion of persons who have experienced physical or sexual harassment with various forms of disaggregation. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Committee notes with concern that some States Parties, the constitutions of which guarantee equal rights, permit polygamous marriage in accordance with personal or customary law. This violates the constitutional rights of women, and breaches the provisions of article 5 (a) of the Convention.” Husbands who wish to marry another wife need to prove that their financial means are sufficient to maintain several marital homes at once. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, where this is not already in place, environmental taxes and their revenues can contribute to processes to improve fiscal governance (GTZ, 2008). If administrative capacity is lacking, enforcement of even relatively simple environmental taxes may be lax or indeed non-existent (Speck and Datta, 2007). Policymakers should thus choose a path where administrative capacity to enforce environmental taxes exists, or can be put in place relatively easily. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This article examines the extent to which Serbia has implemented relevant international standards on action against transnational organised crime contained in the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime 2000. The first part explores key obligations with particular reference to prohibition of substantive offences, intelligence-led law enforcement (special investigative techniques), confiscation of criminal proceeds, as well as international law enforcement cooperation. The second part of the article analyses how these obligations are implemented by Serbia in reality by examining legislative frameworks as well as law enforcement practices. The main conclusion is that, while Serbia has taken some steps to implement international standards with a view to enhancing individual and collective actions against transnational organised crime, effective law enforcement is hampered by issues such as corruption and a lack of expertise, experience and resources. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 According to the Land Act of 1902, property could be transferred only to Norwegian citizens (i.e., persons able to speak, read and write Norwegian), and proficiency in the Norwegian language continued to be a criterion for buying or leasing state land until the 1940s. For almost a century, the Sami language was prohibited in Norwegian schools, from 1860 to 1959. It takes time to fundamentally change general frameworks in politics, legislation and ordinances, as well as myths and attitudes, to appropriately redress and reclaim Sami culture, language, traditions and social needs, including equitable access to health care, education and employment and other determinants of health. Many people remain influenced by past assimilation policies despite the official legislation and policies having been reversed. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""This paper discusses the influence of public interest in European patent legislation on plant-related issues. It briefly explains the implications of patentability of biological material for plant breeding and describes the interests of all the stakeholders involved in the matter. It argues that a balance between stakeholders' concerns is needed in order to promote public interest in plant-related patents. For clarity, the vague concept of """"public interest"""" is explained in light of economic theory and it is further elaborated as a guidance for legislators. To this purpose, the importance of international legal acts (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol) as well as the European Citizens' Initiative introduced by the Lisbon Treaty is indicated."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Crooks (1988) reviewed over two hundred studies of the impact of classroom evaluation practices on students and concluded that the power of assessments to guide learning was not being realised because the summative function of assessment - providing grades and other measures of how much had been learned - is dominant. The results of many studies are given in terms of a “standardised effect size” [“effect size” for short: this following Cohen (1988) is the difference in performance between two groups (e.g. those given and those not given feedback) divided by a measure of the spread of scores in the population (the standard deviation)]. While the standardised effect size has undoubted advantages over reporting the level of statistical significance attained in experimental comparisons (Harlow, Mulaik and Steiger, 1997), it nevertheless suffers from limitations as a metric with which to compare findings from different experimental studies. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Thus, the strategic combination of fossil fuels and clean/renewable energies can forge a clear path for sustainable energy transition for the Participating States of APTA as well as Central Asian and South Asian countries without sacrificing growth. As APTA is open-ended, it is easy for any ESCAP member to seek accession, which would also facilitate the free flow of goods and technological know-how for creating energy efficiency. Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific. Available at defa u I t/fi les/pu b/2013/e nerg y-o u tlook. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Improved forecasting tools can help to improve forecasted unit commitment plans of variable renewable power plants by reducing uncertainty. Gate closure is usually situated between 36 hours and 1 hour ahead of real-time operation. The prediction accuracy is improved by a factor of two when moving from a gate closure time of 36 hours ahead to 3 hours ahead (Luickx, Delarue and D’haeseleer, 2008). With the introduction of large amounts or variable renewable energies in power systems and improved forecasting tools available system operators and regulators should reconsider gate closure rules. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The formal economy is characterized by the dominance of the primary sector in the industrial economy, with significant large-scale natural resource exploitation activities. In some cases the transfer sector is sizeable, some northern local governments are highly dependent on the annual transfers from central governments. Most northern residents also rely on the traditional or subsistence-based sector to provide for some of their material well-being. The exclusion of the informal economy is a major weakness considering the importance of informal activities in many parts of the Arctic. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Despite the success of China, it still had more than 100 million people living on less than US$ 1 per day in 2005, 90 per cent of whom were rural. In India, the number of extreme poor remains stubbornly close to 300 million, with 74 per cent of that number rural inhabitants, even with large subsidies to their farmers. In the past it was just inequality at the local level that affected individuals’ utility, but the information and communications technology revolution has increased awareness of income differences not only within local regions but also nationally and internationally. At the national level, there are concerns about rural-urban inequality as well as inequality within each of those broad geographic zones. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The age structure of the population is gradually shifting towards older age groups. For the region as a whole, the changes since 1970, together with forecasts up to 2050, in the relative proportions of the three major age groups — children (0-14 years), working-ages (15-64 years), and older persons (65 years and older)4 — are shown in the figure below. See United Nations (2002). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Sharma (2005) also found many cases where an import surge occurred even while domestic prices continued to rise, leading him to conclude that imports have been ‘pulled in’ through prior shortfalls in domestic production rather than higher imports causing domestic production to fall. Thus, the consequences of increased imports for food security need to be carefully evaluated before deciding on the appropriate response. During this period, many countries pursued trade and domestic policy responses intended to stabilise domestic markets and protect urban consumers (Abbott, 2009, Jones and Kwiecinski, 2010). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A more detailed view of their objectives, use and references in the different countries is available in the country profiles in Chapter 5. Co-ordinating water policies at horizontal and vertical levels (cont.) Co-ordination instruments across ministries, between levels of government and across local actors are more or less binding, more or less formal and more or less flexible. Most of them aim to create a framework for combining tools, funds and organisations or establishing a multi-stakeholder platform for dialogue for integrated water policy at all levels. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Immigrant women are more likely to go into occupations where other immigrant women work, regardless of their nationality, than into jobs beside co-ethnic men (Wright and Ellis, 2000). This gender-based convergence is also strongly related to value systems, as ethnic female entrepreneurs perceive and approach business ownership differently than ethnic male entrepreneurs (Baycan-Levent et al., For example, the study of Baycan-Levent et al. ( - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These required attributes are also on occasion expanded to include leadership, motivation, discipline, self-confidence, self awareness, networking, entrepreneurship and capacity to embrace change. These skills are regarded as generic or transferable since they are “seen as having a broad application across a wide range of employment contexts and as transcending individual subjects” and are argued to be the basis for a “flexible” and “multiskilled” workforce (Keep and Payne, 2004: 57). Using average years of schooling as an education measure implicitly assumes that a year of schooling delivers the same increase in knowledge and skills regardless of the education system. For example, a year of schooling in Papua New Guinea is assumed to create the same increase in productive human capital as a year of schooling in Japan. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Given that the Ministry of Education sets in law learning objectives and competencies to be attained by students and that this is externally assessed, there is no need also to regulate the input of textbooks in the learning process. This should go alongside procedures for the Ministry to accredit textbooks as valid options for schools to choose from. Where the market in the Slovak Republic for a potential textbook is too small to be financially viable, teachers and students could be provided with downloadable on-line materials. Teachers should be encouraged to share self-created teaching materials, especially if there are insufficient funds for the Ministry of Education to commission such materials from experts. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Promise and Reality of Decentralization in Asia (R Bahl) Reality of Decentralization Issues in Japan (T Hatta) Political Decentralization: Political Decentralization and Fiscal Reform in Japan (T Ihori) China's Urbanization and Fiscal Decentralization (W Zuo) Fiscal Federalism in India: Trends and Reform (G Rao) Administrative Reform in Taiwan (J N Shih) Decentralization in the Philippines (B E Diokno) Thailand's Decentralization (D Weist) Administrative Decentralization in Vietnam (U K Hung) Indonesia's Rapid Decentralization (B Hofman & W Fingler) The Reform of Local Public Finance: The Reform of Japanese Local Governments (Shin Saito) Local Public Finance in Taiwan (Tseng & Lee) Revenues of Malaysian Local Governments (Setapa & Lin) Balancing Autonomy and Accountability in the Philippines (R G Manasan). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Whether they manage to find those skills will depend on the capacity of training and education institutions to adjust. Whether they receive adequate guidance, will largely depend on the ability of countries’ quality infrastructure to react to technological change. Standard-setters and regulators may play a special role in this area. The rapid growth in amounts of data has led to the perception that everybody has, or will soon have, unlimited access to many types of information. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 A study in rural Malawi found that parents have many concerns regarding a daughter's schooling even before puberty (Grant, 2012). Lack of safety in schools, the negative influence of classmates, perceptions of sexual activity and loss of parental control shape parental predictions about how long daughters would remain in school, and weakened parental motivation to encourage them to do so. For example, in South Africa, a survey of parent engagement in their children's schooling found that the parents' gender, age, living standard and marital status all had an influence, with younger mothers participating most and fathers least (Mmotlane, Winnaar, & Kivilu, 2009). Ethnographic research in South Africa suggests other factors underlying parental detachment from educational institutions include low literacy levels, teachers' high status in the community and assumptions around the inherent quality of education. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Leadership: there needs to be both formal and informal political leadership from within government and/or from other stakeholders to ensure the legitimacy of the NUP process and effectiveness of implementation. Inclusive and equitable: NUPs need to be inclusive and enable stakeholders to effectively engage in the process, making sure all voices are heard. Priority issues: a NUP should be people-centred, it needs to complement and not replicate strong sectorial strategies in areas such as infrastructure, water, energy, health, education, housing or social and economic inclusion policies. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, the development of price at first sale, the level of the fuel costs, and the evolution of interest rates are likely to continue to be other important factors for profitability. The new agency will have a broad mandate to work with issues linked to the management of the waters, fisheries, environmental issues and marine spatial planning. Landings abroad, mainly in Denmark, were dominant, representing 60% of total landings in volume. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Thirdly, high aquaculture production volumes contribute to the policy objective ‘food security'. There is however an ongoing discussion about the ‘fishmeal trap’, which questions the ethical acceptability of using fish from capture fisheries for the production of high-value fish. Finally, aquaculture product safety and hygiene is important to ensure consumer protection. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This has both increased the cost-competitiveness of off-grid technologies and broadened the range of technologies available to satisfy different energy needs (table 3.1). Increasingly, larger SHSs are also being used by community facilities, such as schools and rural health centres in unelectrified rural areas (Bhatia and Angelou, 2015). However, policies have also played a critical role, particularly through awareness-raising, quality-assurance programmes, grants and soft loans, and tariffs and tax reductions (Scott and Miller, 2016, Africa Progress Panel, 2017).15 While by no means transformational, household ownership of basic energy systems can provide meaningful savings and welfare improvements. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These grants finance quality certification processes, product and process development and pre-competitive R&D. The grants have a maximum amount of $150,000 and should not exceed 50 per cent of the total value of the project. The remaining share must be invested by the beneficiary. More than 540 projects have received funding, at a total of $12 million, through this programme. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 However, seizing these low-hanging fruit opportunities has exacerbated the urban-rural divide with respect to access to electricity. In all developing regions, electrification rates are significantly lower in rural areas. In sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, while 58.3 per cent of people living in cities have access to electricity, only 8 per cent of those living in rural areas have similar access (table 1). One of the most commonly cited successful electrification programmes is that of China, which has reached a rate of more than 98 per cent in less than two decades (1985-2000). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For years, Roma children have been put into special, segregated classes or schools where they have been taught a limited, low-level curriculum. The experience has left these students unqualified for all but the most basic jobs and has trapped generations of people of Roma ethnicity in a cycle of poverty and hopelessness.Since 2007 the European Court of Human Rights has examined six cases which addressed the compatibility of segregated education of Roma children with the rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. This working paper illustrates the approach the Court has adopted in this recent case-law and its possible repercussions for future litigation and development both for Roma children but also for those who have experienced discrimination in education and in other areas protected by the European Convention. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Again, women have borne the heaviest brunt of these risks. The digital divide is a manifestation of deeply unequal societies and of policy failure. Globally, action on developing and effecting requisite policies to address the aforementioned challenges is stalling. If half of the world’s population has yet to gain access to what can be dubbed “enabling technologies”, as discussed above, how, then, will new technologies benefit them? - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Premierement, elle soutient que le Chili a besoin d'augmenter la redistribution des revenus par le biais de son systeme fiscal et de transferts vers des niveaux qui prevalent dans d'autres augmentations de 1'OCDE. Bien que les transferts sociaux existants soient efficaces dans la lutte contre la pauvrete, leur taille reste faible et de nombreux menages au bas de l'echelle ne sont pas atteints par eux. Deuxiemement, le chapitre fait valoir que les revenus du travail devraient etre moins disparate, car ils expliquent environ 70% de l'inegalite des revenus. Cela devrait etre fait en mettant a jour la legislation du travail, mais aussi en donnant aux travailleurs peu qualifies et en leur permettant d'accroitre leur productivity, grace a l'acquisition de competences adequates. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! According to our estimates, if broadband penetration were to grow by 20 per cent, the impact on the rate of change of unemployment would be a further 0.138. Thus we would expect such a deployment of broadband to result in a reduction of unemployment from the original 3.89 per cent to 4.03 per cent. This data base was constructed by compiling data for each of Chile's regions (except for the metropolitan areas due to the lack of quarterly data) from 2001 until the fourth quarter of 2009. In addition, an alternative model was proposed aimed to study possible effects of human capital and specialization on the level of employment. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This could be achieved through natural resource sustainability, updating the regulatory framework to protect the sector's interests abroad, the integration of productive chains, the continued support for innovative projects throughout the country, and encouraging regional development by promoting small-scale projects within the rural sector. National production in recent years has remained constant with a slight upward trend mainly because of growth in aquaculture production. Major species include shrimp, clams, crab and tuna. ( The main destinations of Mexican fish products exports included the United States, Hong Kong and Spain. Exports included species such as shrimp, tuna, lobster, octopus and sardine. ( - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Despite the importance of human capital in delivering quality, competitive tourism services, less attention has been paid to identifying new ways of organising and managing human resources within the sector to support innovation, boost productivity and enhance competitiveness. The hospitality sector - accommodation and food service activities - is used as a proxy for tourism, in the absence of more detailed and comparable information on tourism related employment. Tourism is composed of many branches and also includes the activities of travel agencies and tour operators, passenger transportation and cultural, sport and recreational services. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, a recent study in South Africa shows that many young fathers want to be active parents and have a strong sense of responsibility towards their children but they are unable to provide financially. Moreover they are frequently rejected by the mothers' families if unable to contribute financially (Swartz et al., Many comprise three generations or multiple adults in addition to or in place of an adolescent's parent. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Further progress could be achieved in mapping and aligning incentives for citizens, providers, municipalities, cantons and insurers. In particular, financial and organisational incentives for prevention and ambulatory care could be revised, e.g. through joint responsibilisation at the local level. As advocated in the new European Health Policy of the WHO Regional Office for Europe (Health 2020), platforms will be needed to improve policy development and practices across cantons and municipalities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This can be accomplished through the development of a more regular and systematic approach to monitoring process dimensions of quality, additional attention to the continuing development needs of its teaching workforce, by strengthening connections between ECEC and the health care system, and by strengthening the diagnosis and support of children with special needs. The infant mortality rate, which provides an overall indication of child health, is relatively low in Lithuania, at 3.3 deaths per 1 000 births in 2015 as compared to 9.8 on average in Europe, and has declined dramatically over the last twenty years, from 12.4 deaths per 1 000 live births in 1995 (WHO, 2016). Child poverty among young children has been declining in Lithuania. While 28% of children under age 6 were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2010 (i.e. at risk of deprivation, including low levels of stimulation in-home environments, poor nutrition and health care, and exposure to economic stress), the share had decreased to 19% by 2014, below' the EU-28 average of 26% (Eurostat, 2016a). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Brushwood Rose examines how the creative experience of Digital Storytelling (DS) is essential for cultivating an increased sense of social agency for participants by also making room for the psychological complexities of such an achievement. Drawing on her study of a DS workshop for newcomer women in Toronto, Brushwood Rose argues that the social change engendered through digital storytelling projects is grounded in the emotional worlds of participants and their experiments with psychological creativity. The chapter complicates and enriches current understandings of DS as a method of community development and social transformation by suggesting that there can be no social relation without the potential space in which to take the emotional risks that animate a creative life. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While the NHS Wales Planning Framework seems a useful step towards clarifying planning expectations, there still seems to be scope for the government to be more prescriptive about exactly what is expected -in terms of financing and budget allocation, performance and efficiency, and quality achievement and improvement - from Health Boards and the providers they oversee. The Welsh Government is already beginning to explore some of these issues for the health system as a whole, and for Health Boards, in the consultation document (Green Paper) “Our Health, Our Health Service” (Welsh Government, 2015 a), and with the Integrated Medium Term Plans. More also needs to be done to support Health Boards as they try to deliver meaningful, and more significant, system change, with a focus on good collaboration between the Welsh Government and the Health Boards, building technical, managerial and leadership capacity in Health Boards, and sharing of experiences and expertise across Health Boards and system-wide. Other OECD countries also struggle with the balance between national standards (and control), and local freedom and innovation, and some offer lessons that Wales could learn from (Box 3.1). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Estas preguntas se situan en el contexto de la literatura sobre el sesgo de genero en la migracion y la reproduccion social (Kofman y Raghuram, 2015) y la proteccion social de las personas migrantes (Sabates-Wheeler y Feldman, 2011), y se apoyan de un modo especial en el concepto de agotamiento de la reproduccion social (Rai et al., Refugees from Ethiopia usually travel first to a neighbouring country such as Egypt, Kenya, Sudan or Yemen, where some may register with the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), while others attempt to make lives for themselves in the country or to move on to other destinations such as South Africa or Europe. Since 1991, Ethiopians have also been free to legally emigrate abroad in search of work, and a large migration corridor opened up as young Ethiopian women began working on contracts as migrant domestic workers (MDWs) in the Middle East. Dubai, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen are the primary destinations, though women also find employment in other countries of the Middle East. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Moreover, Northern light tourism has added substantially to winter tourism in Iceland and the northernmost parts of Norway, Finland, and Sweden (Heimtun, Johannesson, and Tuulentie, 2015). A central feature of this change is represented by visitors from emerging Asian markets. The number of Chinese visitors at Keflavik Airport has increased more than fivefold over the past four years.’ In comparison to countries such as New Zealand, the legislative frameworks are centred on biocentric values, while provision for outdoor recreation in national parks has largely been accommodated to relatively low-scale visitation in more or less non-commercial settings. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Access to land and assets on death or divorce are significantly gendered social protection issues and the likely outcome determines behaviour well before the event. Women who perceived that their husbands would get all the assets in a divorce also felt they had less control over their lives. Girls, in households where the women perceive the custody of an asset (land, livestock, or the house) would be given to the husband on a divorce, were more likely to fall behind their cohort in terms of the highest grades obtained (Kumar and Quisumbing 2012). The process requires that the land be registered in the names of both spouses. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Section 3.5 in Chapter 3 also discussed information systems in more detail. The country has in recent years put in motion a renovation of their information systems in order to consolidate them and thus improve quality and transparency of public infonnation. A digital platform has been developed by the Costa Rican Government to increase the use of electronic technologies, electronic registers and communications. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, barriers to accessing care mainly affect the lowest income group: 6.8% of people with low income reported unmet needs for medical care, compared with only 0.8% among the highest income group (Figure 9), with financial barriers being the most important reason for such unmet medical care needs. However, there are large geographical differences in waiting times for these procedures, with over a three-fold difference between regions with the longest and shortest waiting times. Out-of-pocket payments, which include direct payments, cost-sharing for services outside the benefit package, as well as informal payments, account for 29% of all health spending in Hungary, nearly twice as high as the EU average at 15% (Figure 10). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""In the proposition """"Hallbart skydd av naturomraden"""" from 2008 it is further stated that protected areas should be managed so they are accessible and a resource for regional development, tourism and public health (Prop. In the proposition """"En fornyad folkhalsopolitik"""" from 2007 it is emphasized that physical activity is important to safeguard a positive development of public health (Prop. The program is organized around Sweden's environmental objectives, and will accordingly also be of relevance to social values."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! ""A matching funds approach may also be considered, which provides an incentive for domestic revenue rising in order to obtain additional ODA. As proposed by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, it is also worth working towards international consensus on non-traditional forms of development finance, such as a currency transaction tax, regular allocations of IMF special drawing rights (SDRs), and the use of “idle"""" SDRs (UN/DESA, 2012). Another non-traditional source of development finance is the channelling of a fraction of the resources of Sovereign Wealth Funds to LDCs, either directly or through regional development banks, as proposed by UNCTAD. A simple calculation estimated that through the latter alternative, if 1 per cent of the assets from those funds were directed to the capital base of regional development banks, this could mobilize an additional $84 billion in their annual lending capacity (UNCTAD, 2011: 109-123)."" - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! By 2014, 17 automated mini-CHP stations utilizing domestic fuels had been built. A number of incentives have been used to promote these initiatives. These include “green tariffs”, also known as feed-in tariffs (a multiplier of 1.3 to the tariff for green electricity production for a 10 year period (chapter 3)) and tax concessions for investors. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! These countries need to are faced with skills development demands for upskilling. Since the implementation of the “open-door” policy 20 years ago, the economy of Viet Nam has grown by approximately 7.5% per year. Starting from a poor country with persistent food shortages, Viet Nam has become one of the world’s leading rice exporters. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Policy responses to reported abuses should focus on implementing existing laws and if necessary strengthening penalties for legal breaches by employers rather than restricting the market for temporary labour. This is unobjectionable as an aspiration, but is less clear as a policy, as the term “decent work” can conceal difficult tradeoffs. The goal of decent work should not be allowed to perpetuate or strengthen the current pattern of a core of well-paid labour market insiders existing alongside a similar number of excluded and impoverished outsiders, either jobless or pushed into the informal sector. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Key areas of ecosystem monitoring include mangroves and cloud forests. There is also an early warning fire detection system. The main objective is to provide information of national interest, through co-ordination and widespread adoption of national and international standards, in compliance with the SNIEG Law. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 More ambitious and radical approaches are needed to further reduce demand and mitigate competition across water users. Allocation of water across users (including for ecosystems) will be an important challenge. The Nutrient Recycling and Reduction scenario assesses the impact of measures to reuse nutrients in agriculture and reduce both domestic and agricultural discharges of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These results are suggestive of the distribution of activities among sectors. Projects can vary dramatically in scale and ambition. There may also be variations in the extent to which different types of organisations are likely to report their activities. In particular, parts of the private sector may view adaptation as a source of competitive advantage, which discourages them from publicising their activities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Given the accelerated adoption of electric mobility and an increased demand of consumers for a seamless journey among transportation elements, the interoperability of infrastructure systems must be increased. Blockchains denote protocols that govern distributed ledgers, therefore, the term is commonly used interchangeably. The transformative potential of blockchain technology lies in its built-in and decentralised trust. A new Game Changer for the Media Industry?” Traditionally, in order to process transactions between two unknown parties, a central authority would be entrusted with the process and would oversee the correct enforcement of transactions (e.g. banks in payment clearing and settlement systems). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For some years, most houses have had metering systems and water use has evidently decreased. In total there are about 2,460 registered water supply systems in the country. Fifty per cent of these are considered to be in a satisfactory state, 44 per cent need complete rehabilitation and 1 per cent needs to be abandoned, no data are available for 5 per cent. About 977 rural localities (66 per cent of all rural localities) have some level of centralized water supply system. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Not only have water reservoirs, pumps, treatment facilities and distribution networks been affected by military conflicts and occupation by foreign forces, but also have wastewater treatment facilities and irrigation networks been destroyed during military incursions. Operation and maintenance of water facilities is also limited during periods of insecurity and occupation, which have affected the availability of fuel for pumping water (e.g. in Yemen), the import of replacement parts (e.g. in Palestine), or access of employees to operate water facilities (e.g. in Iraq). In preparation, some officials have already considered relocating the capital to the coast. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article investigates the micro level of immigration policy implementation, with particular reference to the management of immigrant participation in the Italian labour market. More specifically, the study analyses the organisational culture and identity processes that guide the daily routines of police agents in the Foreigners' Office (FO) of the Florence police headquarters. Foreigners' Offices are the main agencies responsible for issuing and renewing stay permits for work purposes in Italy. The research design is ethnographic and incorporates a wide range of materials including qualitative interviews, participant observation, policy documents, grey literature and newspaper articles. Interviews and participant observation were conducted in several statutory agencies and non-governmental organisations in the Florence metropolitan area with the aim of triangulating the data and achieving a better understanding of the implementation process. The findings suggest that the FO uses a high level of discre... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While for example political change and taxation are unmanageable (exogenous) risks for the private party, they are endogenous to government. The Global Infrastructure Hub's PPP Risk Allocation Matrix (Box 2.8) can help to identify risk allocations. Excluded are risks such as government procurement risk, private sector financial and performance risk, third party intervention or delay and specific risks arising in unsolicited projects. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The importance of the fisheries sector and its links with agriculture® (cont.) Livestock and agriculture by-products, used traditionally to feed terrestrial animals, are now increasingly employed by the aquaculture sector, especially for the farming of non-camivorous aquatic species. Continued growth in demand for livestock and fish products, as well as for biofuels obtained from agriculture by-products, has raised concerns over the competition for feed supplies, in particular for the finite fishmeal and fish oil resources, and the impacts of such growth on the environment and on the aquaculture and livestock developments. When involving aquaculture, it is the concurrent or sequential linkage between two or more activities, of which at least one is aquaculture. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! The global rate of decline in MTL in the three oceans is about 0.1 trophic level per decade. Climate change may affect the seasonality of biological processes and alter marine food webs with unpredictable consequences for fish production. For small pelagic fish stocks, such as anchovy, sardine, pilchard and squid, the effect of climate variability is decisive over that of fishing mortality. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This could be because an increasing share of value added is being generated by economic activities that are not material intensive, such as the services sector, while materialintensive manufacturing is being outsourced to non-OECD countries. The share of value added from the services sector in OECD countries increased from around 50% in 1970 to 66% in the eraly 1990s and to over 70% today (OECD, 2014). The decoupling is absolute when population is decreasing faster than material extraction per capita. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Men benefit because they have lost the negative attitude that they once had and can form more equitable relationship with women, their willingness to do more housework and help raise the children is one form of progress. I am a doctor and we have improved a lot in maternal health in our country. It was also thought that we need to improve reproductive rights and so we made progress by broadening birth control regulations and legalizing emergency contraception, commonly known as the morning-after pill. And today, Chilean women have more control over their own bodies, which is tremendously important. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Other factors important for inclusion may be teaching in local languages, or ensuring that schools are safe and have separate sanitary facilities for girls. Incentives to sustain girls’ education include conditional and unconditional cash transfers to poor families and school feeding programmes. In Bangladesh, for example, some evidence indicates that the growth of the garment industry is keeping significantly higher numbers of girls in school, given employers’ requirements for basic literacy and numeracy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. It considers the balancing role of international and regional trade, the benefits and costs associated with open markets, as well as the ways in which governments can manage shocks emanating from both domestic and international markets. This section considers the role of trade in ensuring stable food availability. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Retrieved from Institute/RUOM-2013/IHII_Responsible_Use_Medicines_2013.pdf Ascertaining Barriers for Compliance : policies for safe , effective and cost-effective use of medicines in Europe Final Report of the ABC Project. ( Pharmaceutical Expenditure And Policies: Past Trends And Future Challenges. In OECD Health Working Papers (Vol. Medication Adherence: WHO Cares? Mayo Clin Proc, 86(4). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Institutional barriers to trade are regionally based on intersectoral concerns due to certain actors opposing trades. Environmental barriers may be set up by agencies in charge of ecosystems and water quality (Garrido et al., In the context of groundwater-fed irrigation, the intensive margin decision refers to the per-area irrigation intensity chosen during the irrigation season. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Canadian constitutional law regarding freedom of association for workers is a mess. The jurisprudence to date has taken an approach to state action and positive obligations to legislate which is inconsistent with section 15, and has failed to articulate the relationship between the abstract statement of basic rights or freedoms and the detailed statutes and regulations that instantiate and enforce them. This paper focuses on the impact of the recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in BC Health. The author argues that this case misunderstood Canada’s labour law history, international labour law obligations, “Charter values”, and the distinction between “freedoms” and “rights”.This paper argues that by using labour relations statutes as a starting point and applying the constitutional idea of equality, courts can protect freedom of association for workers and find a way out of the mess we are in. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 National funds are allocated to the regions on a per capita funding basis for schools' costs such as salaries and learning materials. Regions and municipalities allocate these funds to schools, and school leaders are responsible for their financial management. Schools can receive extra national funding for students with special needs on a per-student basis, and they can apply for grants for socioeconomically disadvantaged students or additional funding for extra materials or personnel. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Female entrepreneurs rely substantially less than men on external loans, but it is not clear if this is because women are less inclined to use external finance or because women experience discriminatory treatment in capital markets (or both). Female-owned firms also differ from male-owned firms in terms of innovation outcomes but the lower levels of product and process innovation in enterprises founded by women can be explained by the sector, investment levels and sizes of their firms, as well as by their founders’ entrepreneurial experience prior to starting up. Analysis of “gendered innovation” shows that removing gender biases can improve research and innovation and open up new market opportunities (European Commission, 2013). In basic research, failing to use appropriate samples of male and female cells, tissues, and animals yields faulty results. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine school leaders’ preferences and practices in an environment of widespread decentralization, privatization, and school choice. In New Orleans, such reforms have been enacted citywide since Hurricane Katrina, making it an ideal site to examine what happens when policy makers lift restrictions for school leaders—and remove protections for teachers—related to teacher hiring on a large scale. Research Methods/Approach: In this exploratory study, I analyze qualitative data to examine school leaders’ preferences and practices when recruiting teachers in New Orleans. The data for the study come from 94 interviews with principals, district leaders, and charter network leaders. Findings: School leaders had different conceptions of “talent” and “fit,” and used a variety of strategies to recruit teachers. School districts and charter networks both supported and constrained school leaders’ autonomy and recruitment practices by screening applicants or setting guidelines ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article revisits the question of the “Ottoman caliphate,” the doctrine defining the Ottoman sultan as the universal sovereign and protector of Muslims throughout the world in addition to the territorial ruler of the Ottoman Empire itself. In existing scholarship, a wide gap divides those who describe this doctrine as a construct of modernity, with a history that goes back no farther than the late eighteenth century, and those who maintain a direct line of transmission from the earlier Abbasid caliphate to the Ottoman dynasty. This article proposes an “early modern alternative” to these two opposing narratives, which acknowledges a dynamic history of reinvention for the caliphate but locates its rebirth not in the period of colonial modernity but rather in the sweeping reconfiguration of space, time, and sovereignty ushered in by the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Because of poor maintenance of drainage infrastructure, waterlogging of agricultural land is a concern. In the Ukrainian section of the Prut in 2008-2009, BOD, nitrite, and suspended solids were the most common defects. Compared to 2005, there was a slight improvement of the water quality of the Prut River in the Republic of Moldova. In 2005, four monitoring stations of the seven fell in class III and three stations in class II. In 2008, all seven stations fell in class II. In Romanian territory, on the Prut River, there are 11 monitoring stations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Abandoned industrial sites, usually contaminated by hazardous substances, create social injustice in the surrounding communities. Redevelopment of industrial land has brought prospects of sustainab... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is crucial to report the reference period together with the figures, as well as the international and national criteria for forced labour. The data collected should be comprehensive and their compilation sufficiently detailed, to facilitate international comparability based on the concepts and definitions provided in the ILO methodology concerning statistics of forced labour. Utilisation of the ILO methodology should help to facilitate the international comparability of forced labour statistics by minimizing differences across countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 I feel optimistic that they will have better chances in life.” Before that, they kept to themselves, deep in the rainforest. Her father wore no clothes as a young man and spoke no Portuguese. When he became Brazil’s first indigenous member of Congress, he took Tsitsina, his youngest child, to live with him in Brasilia, the capital. She is careful to say that she does not speak for all indigenous people, only herself. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Both career-based and position-based public employment traditions are found among high-performing systems. Furthermore, this relationship is stronger across systems in which school-level achievement data are used for accountability practices - e.g. are posted publicly or are tracked over time by an administrative authority. This might suggest that when greater responsibility for teacher selection is devolved to schools, systems are better able to adapt to new circumstances and to growing expectations, and teachers are more committed to students' learning - provided that schools have the right incentives and are held accountable for their outcomes. However, the relationship could also reflect countries' decision to reduce school autonomy if student performance is in decline, or to grant greater autonomy to schools if performance is improving. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The general skills (functional literacy) level is typically achieved at the primary education level. Specific skills are acquired during secondary education and advanced scientific and technical knowledge obtained through higher education. However, formal education is not a sole source of human capital. In fact, recent studies suggest that in the Arctic human capital is less related to formal levels of schooling than it is in the south (Petrov, 2008, Petrov and Cavin, 2013). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This paper considers social roles and relationships of the patrons, staff and owners of bars as critical factors determining adherence to public health policies, and specifically California’s smokefree workplace law. Specific elements of social organization in bars affecting health policy include the community within which the bar is set, the unique identity the bar creates, the bar staff and patrons who enact this identity, and their bar society. These elements were found to contribute to the development of power relations within the bar and solidarity against the outside world, resulting in either resistance to or compliance with smokefree workplace policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 How robust is coordinated decentralization in socio-economic governance, especially in wage bargaining, when national economies are torn between internationalization on the one hand and decentralization or increased internal diversity on the other? How should the national state influence the behaviour of trade unions and employers’ organizations? What constitutes an effective public policy towards industrial relations? Are there any general design principles for such policies? These are the questions that we seek to answer in this article, mainly using the Dutch consultation economy as our example. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Their work consists in maintaining laboratories, preparing experiments, and assisting teachers in conducting laboratory classes. A total of 13 other professional categories are stipulated to support the day-to-day operation of schools (e.g. accountant, psychologist, nurse, librarian, clerk, secretary, repair man, guard, doorman) (See Annex 4.A1). The number of positions per category depends on the type, level of education and number of consolidated classes of the school. Norms for teachers, student-teacher ratios and “sanitary” conditions of schools mean that, within schools, most students are supposed to encounter comparable conditions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Le present document est consacre a ces questions. D en ressort qu’il serait possible de prendre acte plus clairement de certains antagonismes potentiels entre objectifs de developpement durable, et que la Norvege peut et devrait poursuivre plus resolument dans la voie des incitations economiques, qu’elle a contribue a ouvrir, de maniere a favoriser la realisation des objectifs de durabilite. Norwegian Coastal Cod (20 000 metric tons in 2004 and 21 000 metric tons in 2005) included. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Two-thirds (66%) of all coal was transported by rail in 2005/06 (Raghuram and Gangwar, 2008). About 88% of all coal transported by rail originated in mines, the remaining 12% from harbours (total 370 Mt in 2008/09). Only 20% of all steam coal that arrives by ship is subsequently transported by rail. The mine-mouth cost of coal is in the range USD 15/t to USD 20/t. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Prior to this change, healthcare in some secure accommodation was commissioned by other government bodies: NOMS for some contracted prisons, the UK Borders Agency for Immigration Removal Centres, the Youth Justice Board for Secure Children’s Homes and Secure Training Centres and Police Authorities for Police Custody Suites and Sexual Assault Referral Centres). All prison and secure estate healthcare is now NHS England-commissioned, although the transfer of healthcare commissioning in police custody and in Secure Children’s Homes with Welfare-Only Beds to NHS England is still in progress. As of 5 September 2014, there were 85,385 prisoners in England and Wales (male and female, all ages including young offenders aged 15-17 held in Young Offender Institutions). The Department of Health has not surveyed the incidence of prisoner mental health but considers the Office of National Statistics (ONS) 1998 survey Psychiatric Morbidity among Prisoners in England and Wales to be the most reliable data currently available. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The exceptions are Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia, where the drop in chronic undernutrition coincided with a rise in the relative differential by quintiles. Although chronic undernutrition (stunting) is found (on a much smaller scale) in the fifth quintile, the factors involved are probably biological or associated with specific diseases. In Mexico, the estimates available put the rate of chronic undernutrition among under-fives at 13.6% (Rivera-Dommarco and others, 2013). The analysis presented in this section is confined to countries in the region for which there is recent DHS information available. Methodologically, it is equivalent to the indices used later in this chapter to analyse inequalities in reproduction and in access to durable goods. The concentration curves, which show the accumulation of the variable analysed (in this case the prevalence of undemutrition) over the distribution, are above the equidistribution line for all countries, showing how undernutrition is concentrated among the poorest children (see annex figure II.A.6). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! ""The mutual support networks of Fureai Kippu (""""ticket for a caring relationship"""") emerged in urban grassroots mutual-help groups such as the Help of Daily Living Association in Tokyo and the Kobe Life Care Association. They can save these Fureai Kippu for their own use in the future or transfer them to someone of their choice, typically a parent or family member. In some cases they can convert Fureai Kippu into a cash equivalent."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The impact analysis found that members of the health insurance system were more likely to seek treatment in health facilities rather than to self-treat (Jowett, 2001). And the Early Intervention Programme of Belarus is one of the best practices for children with special needs in the CEE/CIS region. Due to this programme, access for children with special needs to quality early intervention health services has increased. Between 2003 and 2008 the programme produced a 20 per cent increase in the number of children under 8 years benefiting from appropriate care and feeding practices for their survival, growth and development, including early identification of children with special needs (UNICEF, 2011b). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 On balance, they suggest that trade is likely to become increasingly important as a supplement to domestic production in ensuring adequate food availability (and as a source of export earnings and income as will be seen in the following section). The Global Harvest Initiative’s 2012 GAP report compares the growth in projected demand in each region with the growth in projected supply based on a continuation of current growth rates in agricultural total factor productivity. It concludes that, on this business-as-usual scenario, 74% of the growth in total demand can be met by maintaining the current TFP growth rate, leaving a significant gap to be met by imports. In South and South-east Asia, the proportion is 82% and in the Middle East and North Africa it is 83%. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 We develop a political history of Wards Cove v. Atonio (1989) to show how Robert Cover's concepts of jurisgenesis and jurispathy can enrich the legal mobilization framework for understanding law and social change. We illustrate the value of the hybrid theory by recovering the Wards Cove workers’ own understanding of the role of litigation in their struggle for workplace rights. The cannery worker plaintiffs exemplified Cover's dual logic by articulating aspirational narratives of social justice and by critically rebuking the Supreme Court's ruling as the “death throe” for progressive minority workers’ rights advocacy. The cannery workers’ story also highlights the importance of integrating legal mobilization scholars’ focus on extrajudicial political engagement into Cover's judge-centered analysis. Our aim is to forge a theoretical bridge between Cover's provocative arguments about law and the analytical tradition of social science scholarship on the politics of legal mobilization. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 First, we include all reasons why children lack access to goods and activities in our item-specific measures of poverty, rather than non-affordability only, because we think that they all reflect a violation of a child's right, even if this is by (children's/parents') choice. Moreover, for dimensions more related to local infrastructure, such as leisure, information and housing, there may be 'supply-side' restrictions8 that are separate from the 'demand-side' issues of affordability or preferences. Although Guio et al. ( Although the seven dimensions load on one latent factor both in the combined sample and in each country separately in the 2014 sample, suggesting that they do measure one underlying construct, we are interested in dimensional deprivation prevalence, relationships between individual dimensions and the degree to which some of them may drive the overall multidimensional poverty rate. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Productive land, clean and abundant fresh water, healthy oceans and a stable climate are arguably the foundation of all the other socio-economic goals. The rationale is simple: we are not going to build a just and prosperous future for all of us, on a degraded planet with an impoverished nature. The most common threat to declining populations is loss and/or degradation of natural habitat, but unsustainable exploitation, invasive species and pollution are also major threats. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Second, GTEs generally do not follow' established intervention rules for purchasing and releasing stocks and rarely commit to floor and ceiling prices (Poulton et al., This lack of transparency and predictability’ is detrimental to the well-functioning of the scheme as it diminishes the confidence of consumers and private traders in buffer stocks (Jayne, 2012). In addition, they also hold stock for food security and famine relief. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 From a public health perspective, it seems more appropriate to have a government agency issue the compulsory licenses, as this will save time and resources and involve experts who are familiar with public health issues (such as, for instance, a body in the Ministry of Health, or the competition authority in cases of anticompetitive behaviour). For example, a member could not just impose a compulsory license on essential medicines as such, but would have to justify each license in the set. For instance, a member may provide in its legislation that the lack of affordable medicines on the domestic market justifies the grant of a compulsory license. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Nine education systems refer specifically to working time, teaching time and time available at school, while the remainder cite them in different combinations. Among those countries that regulate both total working time and obligatory availability at school, the gap between the two (in hours) varies greatly. Teachers are, thus, on average expected to spend a higher proportion of their total working time teaching in the classroom and to be present for a greater amount of time at school. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Government of Canada's proposed anti-terrorism legislation, Bill C-36, contemplates dramatic changes to our law, in areas as diverse as criminal procedure, international relations, immigration, individual privacy, law enforcement, and charitable giving. In this collection, Canada's leading scholars in the areas of law and public policy address the potential impact of these changes on the rights and freedoms that Canadians enjoy. Based on papers presented at a conference organized by the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto in November 2001, the essays in this book provide a permanent record of the vital legal debate surrounding Bill C-36. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 If the policy is well implemented, this can pay economic, social and environmental dividends in the long run. If it is not, then it actually represents a setback from the perspective of both trade and the environment, more is spent to get a lesser environmental result. It is important, then, to use trade-distorting tools of green industrial policy judiciously, and as part of a suite of other less distorting tools aimed at achieving the same effect.17 Trade-distorting tools include local-content requirements, tariff protection and export-linked subsidies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! For example, in Poland the mean family transfer is $799 and the proportion who receives it is 39%. A targeting of this transfer to poor children would greatly increase the take-up rate among poor children as well as the amount per poor child to $2969.9, helping to raise these children out of poverty while having a minimal adverse impact on children above the poverty line, as the proportion receiving the benefit was already low, as was the amount. Similarly, the proportion receiving family benefits is comparatively low in Canada (48%), Czech Republic (47%), Greece (48.8%), Lithuania (45%), and especially Mexico (6.2%). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Abstract Article 1 Protocol No. 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights guarantees the “peaceful enjoyment” of ones possessions. The use of land development tools and planning tools therefore will necessarily find a boundary in the protection of the fundamental right to property by Article 1. This contribution gives a general survey of the interpretation and application of Article 1, and discusses the general testing scheme adopted by the European Court. This contribution focuses on case law of the Court involving town and land planning instruments and aims to define general principles in this field. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Targets 8.3 and 8.10 highlight the need to promote entrepreneurship and the improvement and formalization of SMEs and to bolster access to finance for this core engine of job creation. Other targets address the unique role that sustainable trade (8.a) and tourism (8.9) play in fostering job-oriented growth in developing countries. These are echoed in calls for greater industrialization (target 9.2) and the promotion of SMEs in industry to support job creation. Sustainable tion (4.3) and possess job-relevant skills (4.4). Target 8.S calls for full and productive employment and wage equality. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In 2011, a team at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science reported the creation of a portable biosensor that could detect marine pollutants, including oil, much more quickly and cheaply than current technologies (Spier et al., If deployed near oil facilities, such sensors could provide early warning of spills and leaks and track dispersal patterns in real time. These tools have a range of applications, they enable the detection of genetically modified organisms and aquaculture escapees, validate the identity of species, and alert environmentalists to the presence of invasive species. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 It is also possible for a master's degree holder to take one year of pedagogical studies in the faculty of educatioi gain a formal teacher qualification. Teacher candidates are not only expected to become experts in pedagogical content knowledge, but they required to write a research-based dissertation as the final requirement for the master's degree. Upper-grade teachers major in an academic subject area of their choice, primary-grade teachers major in educational sciences. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In addition, declining PISA scores and a rising share of low achievers are raising concerns about the quality of the future labour force. These factors play a role in the stalled income convergence process. Indeed, practices such as early tracking, streaming and low transferability between academic tracks hamper employability, human capital accumulation and social mobility. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, children from poorer households are less likely to go to school. There are also considerable variations in net enrolment rates across these countries for children from poor households. Although education for girls has high economic and social benefits for both households and society, poor girls’ enrolment rates are lower than for boys in almost all countries with the exception of Bangladesh. In general, larger sized households tend to be poorer than smaller ones, and the poorest households have higher dependency ratios. These ratios refer to nonworking age members, such as children aged 0-14 years and the elderly aged over 60 years, who need to be supported by a household’s working members. Of course, these intra household associations are governed by many other dynamic and complex links. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It should also provide incentives for fathers to take leave. Specific legislation prohibiting discrimination in hiring and pay on the basis of gender should be introduced when absent. Discrimination against pregnant women must also be addressed. Access to the legal system should be made as simple as possible, and the costs of legal action kept low to allow poorer workers to file complaints against abuses. When discrimination is the result of persistent stereotypes and misperceptions, affirmative action can play an important role by helping women to seize good job opportunities and prove their worth. Careful behavioural design can help overcome deep-seated gender biases in hiring and management practices. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the author(s). The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the author(s). Comments on Working Papers are welcomed, and may be sent to the Economics Department, OECD, 2 rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Governments in developed regions were more likely to have adopted such measures than those in developing regions. In developed regions, 98 per cent of Governments had adopted both legal measures and policies to prevent domestic violence, compared to 65 per cent among Governments in developing regions. Report of the Secretary-General on intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! As people grow older, they face shifting pressures to fulfil community and familial expectations related to sex, marriage, and childbearing. As their roles evolve, their need for family planning often recedes from the view of policymakers and programme designers. The younger a girl is at the time of marriage, the greater the challenges she feces in controlling her own fertility, and the more subject she is to closely spaced and repeated pregnancies (Rutstein 2008). Often overlooked in the design of family planning policies and programmes are men over the age of 49 whose fertility declines only gradually as they age. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 All forms of work carried out in the home —chiefly by women— such as cooking, cleaning and caring for others are performed without pay and with no contract to govern aspects such as wages, responsibilities and the benefits derived from the work. Women's increasing incorporation into the labour force has not been offset by greater participation by men in household work. Thus, in Latin America the sexual division of labour has remained partial and uneven. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! I. Treaties and Individual Rights 105 II. The Treaty Power and American Federalism 107 III. Delegations of Authority to International Institutions 109 IV. Domestic Application of Customary International Law 113 In his informative and timely book, Justice Breyer repeatedly emphasizes that the Supreme Court is a domestic court, not an international tribunal, and that there is no Supreme Court for the world. Against that backdrop, Justice Breyer suggests various functions that the Supreme Court can perform as it faces an increasingly international docket, such as promoting harmonization, fostering collaboration, and helping to promote the rule of law. I do not disagree that the Supreme Court can play these roles in appropriate cases, but in this essay I want to emphasize another important role that the Supreme Court - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Through interviews, views were elicited from selected international climate finance stakeholders representing climate finance recipient and provider countries, as well as experts from international organisations and research institutions. Identified enabling conditions reveal common grounds and differences across stakeholder groups. This offers a possible starting point for further dialogue aiming to advance the international climate and development finance agendas in a harmonised manner. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Furthermore, it was conceived to allow for an examination of the “tools” in the fisheries manager’s “toolbox” in terms of their suitability in the face of climate change, as well as to develop an understanding of the economic, social and environmental information that can underpin decisions on climate change adaptation. The Workshop findings included in the Chair’s summary are intended to inform governance considerations that are important to national and international efforts to manage and conserve aquatic resources while adapting to the effects of climate change, as well as other pressures that influence fisheries resources, whether they be natural or man-made. Specifically, the OECD's role and expertise regarding economic and policy analysis, coupled with the COFI’s analytical work regarding to fisheries economics, management, policy development and governance will assist in shedding light on the economic and institutional aspects of climate change. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In the United States a recent crisis in Flint, the fourth-largest city in the state of Michigan, revealed the dimensions of this problem. Flint is an industrial city with an official poverty rate of over 40%, a majority African-American population and a femaleheaded household rate of almost 30% (US Census 2015, State of Michigan 2015). Residents (especially mothers) complained about poor water quality almost immediately following the switchover, but the authorities repeatedly dismissed their concerns and issued strong denials that there was a problem. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""2012.""""Institutional and Demographic Explanations of Women's Employment in 18 OECD Countries, 1975-1999.”Journal of Marriage and the Family 74, no. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 37, no. Women's Earnings and Household Inequality in OECD Countries, 1973-2013.”Acta Sociologica 60, no. 2016.“Has the Potential for Compensating Poverty by Women's Employment Growth Been Depleted?”"" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This classification (which, for European Union countries, is largely consistent with the Eurostat NUTS classification) facilitates comparability of regions at the same territorial level. E, Health, Productivity Commission, Canberra. Life expectancy at birth for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men was 69.1 years in 2010-12, about 10.6 years lower than for non-indigenous men. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 While this is not a comprehensive list (see Bours, McGinn and Pringle, 2014), and none of the challenges are unique to climate change adaptation, their combined scope and scale are. Each challenge is briefly explored below. This is particularly the case when countries take an integrated approach to adaptation. This means that adaptation considerations are integrated into all national planning and budgeting processes. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It describes major policy instruments based on an OECD country survey and case studies, and draws upon the recent literature. This chapter suggests six main policy strategies: 1) developing a long-term vision, 2) developing indicators to measure how effectively policies are working, 3) promoting health for all ages, 4) increasing older people’s engagement in the labour market and in social activities, 5) providing affordable housing in accessible environments, 6) redesigning urban areas to increase attractiveness and well-being. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Finally, promoting the positive impacts of integrating resilience into programming, both locally and internationally, will help reinforce progress made. Based on the findings of this study, integrating resilience into donor organisations will involve an internal review on risk and resilience, gaining an appropriate political mandate, and then creating a platform of policy, guidelines, research and experts to enable the progressive integration of resilience throughout the organisation - in capitals and in the field. Guidance should include how to engage all stakeholders in the integration process, how to perform a comprehensive risk analysis, how to adjust current programming and thus integrate resilience into donor country and national government strategies, and, importantly, how to evaluate the impact of resilience-building. Lessons from OECD countries, in business continuity planning, supply chain management, public-private partnership, and risk financing and transfer mechanisms, could form a useful part of this guidance. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The initiative calls on national, regional and local government agencies to increase procurement trom women vendors. The ITC guide was developed after a series ot wide consultations, and lays out a detailed framework to help policymakers design inclusive public procurement policies and create a more business-friendly environment for women-owned businesses (Box 10). A procurement map was released to showcase examples of how various governments are addressing the issue. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Specially, younger people living in urban areas create larger discrepancy in age at marriage by postponing marriage towards higher ages. Getting married as an early age often results in childbearing at an early age and high fertility as women who marry early will have, on average, longer exposure to the possibility of becoming pregnant. Very few children are born outside marriage in Viet Nam. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Prevailing gender roles within households mean that women undertake the bulk of unpaid care work in the household, such as minding and educating children, looking after older family members, caring for the sick, cooking and collecting water and fuel. As a consequence women have less time available for engaging in productive activities, that could provide income opportunities, or in paid employment (Dejardin, 2008). The invisible and undervalued nature of care work has an impact on women’s wages in jobs such as nursing and care of children and the elderly. Donor interventions can support empowerment in these areas. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The NEMURO model (Kishi et al., Other input parameters, such as biomass, catch, production/biomass ratio (P/B), consumption/biomass ratio (Q/B), and diet compositions, are also used for the Ecopath run. Finally, the outputs of the Ecopath run, together with results from ecological process studies and fishery socio-economic analyses, are used for the IFRAME risk assessment. First, scenarios on management options and/or climate changes are selected. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 A National Assembly report in September noted that up to 300 trillion dong ($1 = 20,855 dong in September) would have to be injected into the struggling financial sector. In a government directive approved in February 2013 said that bad debt should be cut to below 3% of loans by 2015. In Cambodia, the monetary authority raised the reserve requirement for banks and made a commitment to safeguarding the health of the banking system by strengthening supervisory capacity and strictly enforcing prudential regulations. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Despite evidence of under-reporting, there were 1,630 reported cases of sexual offence between 2000 and 2010 according to the Royal Grenada Police Force (Ministry of Social Development 2012). In 2011 alone, 388 females reported cases of domestic violence (Government of Grenada 2013a). Sylvester Quarless, former Minister of Social Development, acknowledged in 2009 that GBV was the foremost cause of female death in Grenada (Spice Grenada Newspaper 2009 cited in Kimalee 2011). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! They are a collection of services provided by state and non-state actors including communities to individuals for overcoming poverty and vulnerability and includes transfers in cash or kind, subsidies, and welfare (ILO, 2006a: 7), and aim to prevent poor and other vulnerable groups from falling into poverty, or being caught in a poverty trap when affected by temporary shocks, such as natural disasters or economic downturn. Social “safety nets” can take several forms: targeted or untargeted, conditional or unconditional cash or in-kind allowances such as conditional cash transfers, child allowances, food stamps, food rations or school feeding programmes (ADB, 2010b: 1). Generally speaking, the higher the social development, the greater is social security and in turn, the greater the social protection. Similarly, stronger social security measures foster stronger social protection which, in turn, raises the level of social development and vice versa. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 2008, the number of women contesting elections and running for office further increased. Dr Fehmida Mirza became the first female Speaker of the National Assembly in Pakistan’s democratic history, and initiated the network to harness their collective ability and start a dialogue on women’s rights and empowerment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To avoid non-compliance procedures by the EU, the deadline was extended and Italy introduced specific procedures, with strict timetables, which allowed the competent authorities (national river basin authorities and regions) to develop the RBMPs. The MATTM provided specific guidelines for plan finalisation and approval. All eight RBMPs were approved in 2010.13 Some RBMPs presented a detailed analysis of the state of surface and groundwater bodies and a summary of significant pressures and impacts of human activities on the status of water bodies (Box 4.3). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Des travaux supplementaires sont necessaires pour comprendre comment les pouvoirs publics peuvent accroitre de maniere efficace Foffre de logements locatifs abordables par le secteur prive. Les donnees de l’OCDE disponibles ne sont pas assez robustes pour pouvoir proceder a une comparaison internationale exhaustive, et une analyse plus poussee est necessaire pour elargir la couverture des donnees et valider leur qualite. Toutefois, les donnees existantes laissent penser que les logements occupes par leurs proprietaires beneficient d’un soutien considerable par rapport a d’autres modes d’occupation , cette situation n’est pas compatible - dans les rares pays ou des informations sont disponibles - avec la neutrality it l’egard des modes d’occupation des objectifs affiches de la politique du logement, ni avec le principe d’aider les menages qui en ont le plus besoin, qui sont generalement sous-representes parmi les proprietaires-occupants. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""The OECD would like to thank the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and especially Kristin Valasek for her commitment to supporting the development and finalisation of this chapter. It gratefully builds on DCAF's Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit (""""Security Sector Reform and Gender"""", eds. Megan Bastick and Kristin Valasek, Geneva: DCAF, UN-INSTRAW, OSCE/ODIHR, 2008). The OECD would also like to express its particular appreciation to the experts who provided substantive input throughout the drafting process."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 I briefly review the process of community organization, education, and advocacy activities that ended the harmful military practices in the island-municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico, while drawing attention to the intersection of human rights and social justice in the context of local and global implications. The Viequense experience was one of building an organization based on people's experiences and strengths, educating people to increase individual and collective efficacy and power, and advocating for policy change with an assertive cohesive action. Public health practitioners must continue supporting community-led interventions in the restoration of the island's environment and other resources vital for people's health and well-being. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Succession planning for an ageing workforce presents another challenge for policy makers. Compounding the issue is the fact that social disadvantage is typically higher in regional and remote areas, where workforce shortages are more acute. It is not infeasible, for example, that a rural patient in Western Australia faces the prospect of travelling 3 000 kilometres to attend an appointment with a specialist in the state’s capital of Perth. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, for this to be done effectively, changes will also be needed in global governance in order to provide sufficient space for national self-determination, while preserving coherence with shared global development objectives. Rooted in modern growth theory which dominated early development theory, development policies of the 1950s and 1960s focused on promoting modern industrial development to accelerate overall economic growth. Industrial growth was supported through trade protection, cheap credits and subsidies and large-scale public investments in infrastructure. Output growth was expected to “trickle down” to the entire population and reduce poverty through rising wages and employment generation, even if initially poverty reduction might not be commensurate with the rate of output growth, as rising income inequality was expected to be an inevitable, although temporary side effect of industrialization. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 They may also impose requirements on the executive institutions. Courts may take enforcement action, enforce administrative orders, and play a significant role in assessing sanctions (OECD, 2009). Some of the functions are specific to environmental management, others are applicable to any sector but still relevant to environmental goals. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! AbstractCorruption, political scandals, and the spreading adoption of management practices in the public sector contribute to a decline in public trust. Worldwide initiatives promoting good governance can be observed. At an organizational level, management of ethics has gained in importance as codes of conduct and ethical leadership are promoted. However, public management research has hardly analysed the impacts of these measures. To address this research gap, we conduct a between-subjects experiment among public administration employees. Our results reveal that only ethical leadership has a positive effect on employees’ organization-related attitudes. Our findings suggest avenues for further research. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Reforms that increase the autonomy of the universities have been introduced or planned in all of the Nordic countries. Among other things, it is important that gender equality is integrated into the agreements entered into between the ministries and the institutions. Before introducing reforms or new research policy strategies or measures, an analysis should be conducted of the ramifications of these for gender equality. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To quantify the possible effects of climate change and the effects of adaptation measures this study uses the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT). The analysis first explores the potential effects of climate change on yields and prices. Last, the analysis in this paper estimates the public and private investment needs in research and development (R&D) for developing new crop varieties, and further develops estimates of the cost of improving irrigation technologies in OECD countries. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Abstract The Concept of “Administrative Dependence” of Environmental Criminal Law – Foundations and Transformations German environmental law is primarily a matter of administrative regulation. However, there is also a supplementary role for criminal sanctions. The key strategy of the German federal legislature to coordinate these two dimensions of environmental law is the concept of “administrative dependence” of environmental criminal law. Thus, criminal sanctions are attached to environmental pollution under violation of environmental regulations or without a governmental permission. In 1980, the concept of “administrative dependence” informed the codification of environmental criminal law as part of the Federal Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch, §§ 324–330d). The article explores the development of German environmental criminal law under the concept of “administrative dependence” over the course of almost four decades from 1980 to the present. Key findings include a sharp rise in the numbers of relevant c... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The situation of these countries varies greatly in terms of their degree of progress, availability of resources, political priority assigned and the coordinating entity responsible. Most of the items reported do not cover care services only. For example, comprehensive care programmes for children include nutrition and health components, as well as care per se. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Data from European Union household and time-use surveys, for instance, have been used to estimate that the market value of women's unpaid work could range from one quarter to one third of a country's gross domestic product.* In developing countries, women spend on average th ree hours more per day than men on un paid work, and i n developed countries, two hours more. See abstract and section 4.3 of the publication, available from httpY/ Available from hupY/'gendet/docs/WW2015%20at%20a%20Glance.pdf. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Genetics, Health Care and Public Policy is an introduction to the new discipline of public health genetics. It brings together the insights of genetic and molecular science as a means of protecting and improving the health of the population. Its scope is wide and requires an understanding of genetics, epidemiology, public health and the principles of ethics, law and the social sciences. This book sets out the basic principles of public health genetics for a wide audience from those providing health care to those involved in establishing policy. The emphasis throughout the text is on providing an accessible introduction to the field. The content moves from the basic concepts, including definitions and history, through chapters on genetics, genetic technology, epidemiology, genetics in medicine, genetics in health services, ethical, legal and social implications, to the implications for health policy. It provides one-stop, introductory coverage of this rapidly developing and multidisciplinary field. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The IEA (2008) prefers the terms “firm” and “variable”. Sinden (2007) uses the terms “dispatchable” and “non-dispatchable”. The key factors are: what is the source of generating capacity, whether there is significant variation in the potential output of the source, and whether this variation is a consequence of exogenous factors beyond direct control (i.e. ecological conditions). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 An unresolved issue in American constitutional governance is the role of public officials in a Madisonian scheme of separated institutions sharing power. Proposed answers range from broad delegation with reliance on expertise and professionalism to minimal delegation with formal checks on official discretion. In between are various pragmatic or realist views that accept discretion as both necessary and inevitable and offer normative principles of administrative conduct to guard against official abuse of power. None of these answers, however, satisfies criteria of constitutional legitimacy. The authors argue that such criteria can be derived by combining insights from traditional, normative literatures of public administration and from positive political theory and political economics. If the role of public managers is defined as maintaining a credible commitment to performing their duties pursuant to a precept of managerial responsibility that incorporates accountability, judgment, balance, and rationalit... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Renewable technology deployment offers many benefits beyond its contribution to climate change mitigation, which need to be assessed and valued. However, the benefits may fall short in justifying the extra cost. Indeed, as will be shown, the energy options displaced by RE technologies would have also provided, at least in part, similar benefits. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Accordingly, an overdraft facility represents the most usual means of accommodating such a requirement, and this typically requires the use of personal guarantees rather than other forms of security that would take longer to verify and value. It is unusual to seek equity funding for working capital, except in the start-up funding context discussed above. First, there appears to be a market failure to value intangibles properly, especially in debt markets. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Broadly, the income share of the four poorest deciles averages less than 15% of total income. Average income received by the wealthiest 20% of the population is 19.3 times more than for the poorest quintile (see figure 1.6). In the countries with less inequality (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Uruguay), the four poorest deciles receive some 20% of total income. The wealthiest decile receives approximately 25%, average income for the wealthiest quintile does not exceed 10 times that for the poorest quintile. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ABSTRACTChina's spectacular economic growth over the past decades has given rise to a more confident and proactive China in global governance. China is now an institution-builder, with new Chinese-led institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank designed to cement Beijing's central role in global economic governance. What, then, are the potential implications of a slowing economy for China's institutional power and global governance role? This article locates China's economic growth and slowdown in broader discussions about China's global position and questions about responsibility, order and governance. It argues that China's economic slowdown will not result in a drastic impact on Beijing's institutional power as there are key material, historical and ideational drivers at play here. Unless China is confronted with the prospect of an economic collapse, it will continue to pursue an active institutional role, speak the rhetoric of South–South solidarity with emerging economies and seek a... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The election of a 'New Labour' UK government in 1997 promised a new era of central-local relations facilitated by a programme of local government reform which recognised local government's 'community leadership' role. Other aspects of the agenda supported the development of multi-level governance, for example, the establishment of sub-national institutions such as the Scottish Parliament and the promotion of neighbourhoods as key sites for action. Despite these actions this paper will argue that in England the central state retains considerable influence over the key agents of local governance. Using the example of public participation policy, and drawing on the findings of a recent study in two English cities, the paper will explore how national policy aspirations were reflected locally. It concludes that while local action generally complemented national priorities, there were important points of contrast, and that localities' capacity to act in their own interests is supported by the opportunities pres... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As the living standards of a much larger population converge with those of OECD countries, the demand for energy, food and natural resources will increase, as will the associated environmental impacts. Unless environmental management and resource efficiency are substantially improved, the natural capital base for economic activity will continue to degrade, with increasing resource scarcity leading to potentially serious adverse consequences for human health, ecosystems and the economy. It is valued using constant 2010 purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some European countries have schemes allowing naloxone to be taken home by the drug user (EMCDDA, 2017(48)). A few countries have drug consumption rooms, where death from overdose is much less likely. Almost all countries have needle and syringe programmes, which can prevent the spread of infectious diseases, which can be very expensive to treat (such as hepatitis C). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Similar to the biodiversity tagging workshop, target agencies for this activity include: the Department of Agriculture and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, the Department of Science and Technology', the Commission on Higher Education and the Department of Education, the Department of Tourism, the National Research Council of the Philippines, the Department of Social Welfare and Development, the Department of the Interior and Local Government, and leagues. The bulk of this amount is expected to come from the private sector - including businesses, financial institutions, venture capital, foundations, philanthropies, privately run academic institutions, and for-profit and not-for-profit organisations. Thus, one of the core functions of the PBSAP secretariat will be to monitor financial flows related to PBSAP implementation. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As a non-Annex I country, Montenegro has only general obligations such as reporting to UNFCCC. However, those general obligations should be fulfilled if the country is to be eligible for technical and economic assistance. The Second National Communication (SNC) has been adopted by the Government in March 2015. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This includes, among others, the expansion of pre-primary education so that by 2020 all children from disadvantaged communities have access to high quality pre-primary education, preferably from the age of three, and the expansion of full day’s schooling especially for children from these communities. In those municipalities where the school population is expected to decrease the EU funds can be used, for example, to create appropriate conditions for school transportation. The OECD review team also recommends the use of EU funds to support networks of municipalities and self-governing regions to design and to implement education development plans that improve the efficiency of resource utilisation, including moves towards a more rational design of provision. The OECD review team recommends the creation of a specific action line in the 2014-20 programming period of the European Social Fund that would support the creation of a school network planning platform in one or two regions, including a careful monitoring of the process. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Moving forward, it is therefore essential that these non-economic barriers are overcome for ASEAN to meet its target on renewable energy development. In contrast, the Indian government permitted renewable energy projects to receive up to 100% funding from foreign investment as part of the 12th five-year plan (2012-17), in order to accommodate private sector investment in renewable energy (The Climate Group, 2015b). This issue could be dealt with by creating an independent body that is provided with the mandate to decide various aspects related to the FIT system including tariff levels, contract formulations and permit process (Yuliani, 2016). In Viet Nam, for instance, Article 23.5 of the Electricity Law (No. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The article deals with a wide-ranging legal and political conflict of considerable constitutional significance, the attempt by UK ministers to restrict formal challenge of asylum decisions using a variety of devices and the fierce and partly successful opposition that this engendered. The article examines the legal and administrative roots of the controversy, the anatomy of the government's generalised counter-attack or ‘revenge package’, the main juridical elements in the resulting public furore, and the character of the government's eventual retreat. In so doing, it raises, and elaborates on, a series of linked themes: the powerful dynamics of judicial review in this policy domain, the historical sense of a gathering storm in relations between ministers and judges, the practical interplay of rule of law arguments with developments in common law constitutionalism, and an expanded role for legal elements in the political process. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Indeed, the results from TALIS 2013 show that teachers' perceptions about how much society values their profession vary significantly across countries and economies. A key step is to move teachers' career pathways from what can be described as a """"semi-profession"""" to a true profession (Table 1.1). Qualifications frameworks: Qualifications frameworks can help clarify the specific formal qualifications that a teacher (or another occupation or profession) can receive within a specific education system in relation to other professions."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, this is the final product for thermal energy. No conversion to electricity is needed given that a thermal desalination plant, such as MSF or MED plants, uses thermal energy directly. See also chapter V for a discussion on alternative thermal sources. Determining the energy used in stand-alone plants is easier than in cogeneration plants, given the dual use of fuel for electricity generation and steam. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 For this purpose, OECD countries are increasingly using such tools as gender impact analysis and gender-responsive budgeting to implement gender mainstreaming and to evaluate the different effects of any policy, legislation or practice on gender equality. In fact, while several countries employ some form of gender analysis, the Palestinian Authority is the only country in the region that has established mechanisms for regular assessment of impacts of all draft laws and policies. Sufficient good quality data provide the basis for sound performance measurement, monitoring and evaluation activities. Nevertheless, the general practice of citizen engagement and public consultation remains limited and sporadic, and often involves only certain stakeholders within or outside the government (see OECD, 2013). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The imperative to reduce poverty and achieve the MDGs certainly provides a compelling enough policy argument in favour of energy investments. However, the political attractiveness and full development potential of these investments require the utilization of energy for income-generating activities. This requires identifying and building upon “pockets of opportunity”. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the author(s). Document only available in pdf format. The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the author(s). The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The main recommendations likely to either weaken or strengthen the current account are reported in Table 2.6. Virtually all OECD countries provide fairly extended social insurance against these risks, albeit to varying degrees of coverage and generosity. Another key motive for saving is to maintain consumption after working life. Reforms aimed at raising labour force participation of women, notably through reform of tax and benefit systems and improved access to affordable childcare Postponing retirement age to raise labour participation of older workers Contributes by reducing households' saving for precautionary motives. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Additionally, during the season of the spring-summer rains in the mountain ecosystems, soil erosion is accompanied by the destruction of vegetation. The wide-scale use of free natural gas in ordinary households has lead to a reduction in illegal logging. Restrictions have been placed on the grazing of livestock in places where this might have a negative impact on the growth and development of forests, particularly young trees and bushes. Currently, with regard to forest management, in the processes of the rehabilitation of degraded forest areas, special attention is paid to advanced technologies. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, a closer look at the association between the proportion of employed persons in the care sector and female labour participation reveals an even weaker link than in the previous case (see figure III.4), which is also confirmed when considering domestic workers and other care workers separately (see table A-2 in the statistical annex). In this case the correlation is stronger: the countries that are further along in population ageing are those with a greater proportion of the working population employed as care workers (see figure III.5 and table A-2 in the statistical annex). Nevertheless, this relationship may be indirectly influenced by other variables. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore a postmodern approach to crisis management through the lens of complexity theory to understand six non-profit organizations’ communication responses to anti-abortion terrorism. Design/methodology/approach – Researchers conducted a qualitative content analysis of publicly available documents from six non-profit organizations, which included 62 news releases and statements on organization web sites, 152 tweets, and 63 articles in national and local newspapers. Findings – A history of violence and rituals of remembrance emerged as important pieces of organizational, personal, and social history surrounding anti-abortion terrorism. The process of self-organization facilitated calling publics to action and combating the “terrorism” naming problem. The non-profits’ dynamic environment exemplified the importance of coalition building to construct digital attractor basins, or networks extending beyond permeable boundaries, through a variety of strategies, includin... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 All of these factors play an ever increasing role in commodity price formation suggesting a continuation of volatile and uncertain agricultural commodity markets. The most recent years have been characterised by significant price volatility and a sharp rise in the numbers of malnourished people. Coming years will also be characterised by continuing economic, demographic, market and environmental pressures that will bring both opportunities and challenges to farmers, food businesses, consumers and governments. Although the world now produces enough to feed its population, the number of undernourished has increased since the mid 1990s, reaching more than one billion persons in 2009, in part as a result of recent price spikes and the global economic recession. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This section outlines recommendation for concrete joint Nordic action and suggests a number of key stakeholders for leading and/or having a major role in taking the immediate next steps in 2017-2018. This will help ensure that e.g. any instruments and approaches for de-risking and improving the bankability of climate investments will truly mobilize private sector finance and expertise. It will also help ensure that e.g. any (l)NDC support effectively contributes to enabling environment improvements and the financing of priority climate compatible action in emerging and developing countries, without duplicating efforts by other international actors. This entails continued Nordic support for fossil-fuel subsidy reform and carbon pricing. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 They tended to ask men questions about the potential for gains and women about the potential for losses. Such types of experiments can be helpful to understand the origins of the gender gap and whether it is linked to conscious or unconscious discrimination. On the other hand, if the number, qualifications or ideas of female founders are weaker than those of male founders - giving grounds for investors’ preference in choosing against them - the policy interventions may be more effective upstream, in the education system or labour market. For example, women and men may, on average, demonstrate business objectives or personal traits which are valued differently by investors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Providing and Paying for Long-Term Care, OECD Health Policy Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris, 10.1787/9789264097759-8-en. Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-term Care, OECD Health Policy Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris, The Quality of Life, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! This is because of the need to address leakages and losses from water delivery systems on and off-farm, and also that in most cases no contingency has been made for capital investment for system renewal given that typically publicly owned irrigation systems have only charged farmers for O&M costs and not capital renewal costs. In addition, there are the financial costs for controlling nonpoint pollution from agriculture, and flood control costs, such as on-farm drainage. The transfer of financial control and investment management requires water user groups to seek private-public partnerships to raise capital and develop skills in long term asset management for renewal of irrigation infrastructure. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 At each step, a specific part of the RG methodology is applied alongside its technical component. For a description of the steps to be carried out by the technical analysts, please refer to the publications ECE (2015) and de Strasser and others (2016). While the technical experts analyse the natural resources, the governance assessment defines the institutional framework. This is done by mapping the key actors at different scales, their relations with one another, and any existing conflicts between sectoral policy objectives. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 abstract This Focus tracks some of the changes in feminism(s) in South Africa since the early 1990s, making the argument that institutional politics have depoliticised feminist politics to the extent that a feminist praxis has been lost. Three different impacts on feminist politics are analysed: institutionalisation, transnational organising and populist rhetoric. It is clear that a feminist praxis as developed by radical feminist scholars as a way of life has become seriously weakened in South Africa. A feminist praxis is the internalisation of feminist theoretical principles to the extent that these principles are used to guide feminist action and turn spaces into feminist spaces. It also means that a feminist will locate herself in a space as a feminist. A feminist praxis is the pursuit of a feminist consciousness that becomes a political practice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The average net efficiency of gas-fired power generation was 41.9%. A major part of the capacity (16 GW) has been added over the last two decades, closely linked to the development of gas production and infrastructure (Platts, 2010). Gas plants are located close to the gas production areas on the east coast, in Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat and Maharashtra on the west coast, where the LNG import terminals are located, as well as in Assam in the northeast. Almost one third of the Indian gas-fired capacity is located in Gujarat. Early development of the gas infrastructure in this state favoured the uptake gas use in power generation, especially for captive plants in industry. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, the cap on the number of students that any university may enrol will be lifted. Victoria and its tertiary education sector have also made considerable strides in widening access to education, strengthening university-industry collaboration and improving the overall relevance of educational provision. At the same time, however, the current extent of locally or regionally relevant activities by Victorian tertiary education institutions are in many cases not fully reflected in tertiary education policy or institutional set-up. There are gaps in important areas such as lifelong learning, entrepreneurship education and support for small and medium-sized-enterprises. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The study examines the influence of national culture on national averages of time spent (ATS) visiting the largest social networking sites (SNSs): Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The analysis uses cultural dimensions adopted from both the works of Hofstede and Schwartz, while controlling for country e-readiness and median population age. The findings suggest that culture's influence may be moderated by the media richness and type of network focus of each SNS. Overall, in rich-media SNSs, egalitarianism positively impacts ATS. Individualism and masculinity only impact ATS on friendship-oriented SNSs. Additionally, uncertainty avoidance and intellectual autonomy only impact ATS on professional-oriented SNSs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Poor management or even loss of forest ecosystems can have different impacts on women than on men (Djoudi et al. Trading them can provide a """"safety net"""" to help respond to environmental and economic shocks (Wunder et al. Both women and men generally collect NTFPs for both household consumption and commercial value, however, as shown in Figure 5 the pattern of their roles is not globally consistent. Where there are lower collection rates for women than for men, the reasons can include limited forest access, market information and transport (Azzez ef al."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! It also includes synthetic information on the existence of caps, reductions and exemption for user charges. Coverage for pharmaceutical spending is typically lower, due to often-higher cost-sharing and the possibility of self-consumption. Basic health coverage schemes cover about half of spending in dental care in a handful of countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Slovak Republic, and Slovenia) and three-quarter in Japan. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, in the Mediterranean, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) is promoting the concept of allocated zones for aquaculture (AZAs) (Sanchez-Jerez et al., Some initiatives in wider marine spatial planning processes integrate the spatial concerns of fisheries and aquaculture with those of other users of the marine space (Meaden et al., In addition, a sound legal and regulatory planning and development framework should be in place. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Fertility matters for societies because it can impede or accelerate progress towards greater prosperity, equitable and sustainable development, and well-being for all. In European countries in the late nineteenth century and in English-speaking countries on other continents, changing economies presented new professional and job possibilities, motivating couples to have fewer children so that they could seize these opportunities. As more girls enrolled in school, literacy increased. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 User fees accounted for 91.4 per cent of total revenues of the National Motorway Company in 2010. Along with the strong growth in the number of vehicles, there has been strong growth in the consumption of motor fuels. In 2008, nearly three-quarters of vehicles had an age of more than 10 years, and only 8 per cent were less than five years old. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Other renewable resources have yet to hold measurable shares in the subregion although some countries are already implementing projects to develop wind, solar, modern biomass and geothermal energy. Georgia similarly stands out because of its high level of hydro use, which contributed to the country’s 31.9 per cent share in total final energy consumption, of which 19.1 per cent was modern renewables. The share of renewable energy in Armenia was 6 per cent, with hydro being the main source of renewable energy. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As the end of a highly favourable cycle for the region draws near, there are a few warning signs on the horizon: although employment and productivity have grown, profound changes in the production structure have failed to materialize. Female workforce participation remains highly stratified (see figure 1.16): women from low-income sectors show much lower participation and employment rales then women from upper-middle- and high-income sectors, with the gap being wider than for men (especially in the case of the participation rate). The high degree of differentiation in female workforce participation by income quintile is associated with the gendered pattern of division of labour, limited capacity to pay for care and household services, and maternity at early ages. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Further statistics may include forest biomass and its carbon storage, and a characterization of forest ecosystems that exist in the country, including types, location, area and main species of flora and fauna living in the forest. Statistics on the forest area affected by fire may also be included. ( See also Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity.) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! As in other EU countries, there are large disparities in self-rated health by socioeconomic status: 80% of people in the highest income quintile population report being in good health compared with 48% of the population in the lowest income quintile (Figure 4). These include the living and working conditions of people, the physical environment in which people live, and a range of behavioural risk factors. In fact, more than 35% of the overall burden of disease in the Czech Republic in 2015 (measured in terms of OALYs) could be attributed to behavioural risk factors, including dietary risks (contributing 18%), smoking (13%), alcohol use (4%) and physical inactivity (3%) (IHME, 2016). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Strengthened regional cooperation dealing with behind-the-border measures (e.g. technical regulations), ensuring improved connectivity (e.g. transport infrastructure) and triggering structural transformation (e.g. regional value chains) should be given the highest consideration. These range from sectoral agreements aimed at improving cooperation and connectivity, such as the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Motor Vehicles Agreement14 and the one-stop border posts between some SSA countries, to free trade agreements (FTAs) that liberalise goods, services and investment. The scope and coverage of the latter agreements differ widely, as reflected in recent landmark trade agreements involving Commonwealth countries: North-North trade deals (e.g. EU-Canada CETA), North-South trade arrangements (e.g. SADC-EU EPA, EU-Singapore FTA, PACER-Plus) and South-South integration schemes (e.g. CSME, PICTA, Tripartite FTA in Eastern and Southern Africa). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Of the 134 countries for which data were available for 1990-2008, 98 are reducing energy intensity below those rates or are even increasing energy intensity. Indeed, in 35 countries energy intensity grew at an average cumulative rate of 3.1 percent over the period. There is considerable scope for raising industrial energy efficiency in these countries, which stand to benefit from such efforts. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It has been criticized for becoming the third leg of the global neoliberal framework (along with the IMF and the World Bank), for being less than transparent and for serving the North's interests. The 1990s conferences catalysed the ability of women’s organizations to provide critiques of paradigms and policies and to propose alternatives, e.g., for the recognition of women's rights as human rights and violence against women as a violation of those human rights in Vienna, against population control and in support of SRHR in Cairo, and against structural adjustment policies and the neoliberal agenda in Copenhagen and Beijing. At the global level, the UN is the only plausible quasi-state body, essential to the setting of global norms and standards for, inter alia, gender equality, ensuring accountability for human rights and moving the development agenda towards achieving them. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, in Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, civil society partners are consulted on legislation and regulations in sectors identified as key priority areas by the country’s main gender institution. In Jordan, a “list of requests” is made on behalf of the country’s gender institution, and civil society organisations are consulted accordingly. Similarly in the Palestinian Authority, the cross-sectoral strategy identifies the specific sectors relevant to the promotion of gender equality for inclusion in the public consultation process with civil society partners and parties affected by the legislation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Trading surged despite a cut in supply, primary EUAs were priced at €5.55 ($7.56) per tonne of CO, (tCOj). Demand for voluntary offsets dropped in 2013, along with average prices (to $4.90/tCO, marketwide).This can be partly explained by the introduction of California state's cap-and-trade regulation, which requires all covered entities to register through the Air Resources Board, which is a compliance-based market (thus moving a large volume of trade from voluntary to compliance markets). Continued efforts to assert the credentials of wood as an environmentally preferable material are essential, as are research and other efforts to address potential policy shortcomings. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 It would be timely for governments to review the existing institutional structures in place and what they are intended to achieve, and consider updating these to reflect evolving policy needs and priorities. Moreover, once challenges or issues arise, these need to be addressed. It is also important to note, however, that these inter-ministerial committees do not need to be biodiversity-specific. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For instance, in 2007, the General Directorate for Water (Direccion General de Aguas, DGA) and the Regional Environmental Commission (Comision Regional del Medio Ambiente, COREMA), rejected an environmental impact assessment of a plan by one mining company to extract additional groundwater from aquifers in the Pampa Colorada area in San Pedro de Atacama. The plan had generated considerable protests from indigenous communities over the potential impact on local wetlands (Larrain and Schaeffer, 2010). With copper prices at a historic high, it is reasonable to assume that mining activities in Antofagasta will continue to expand in the near future (Trading Economics, 2013). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Even in high-connectivity countries, family income does much to determine children's ability to meet their online needs. The case of the homework gap in the United States, where the lack of home broadband access puts low-income schoolchildren at a disadvantage, is a telling example (see box: Mind the homework gap). The global gap in internet use between men and women grew from 11 per cent in 2013 to 12 per cent in 2016.13 The gap is particularly striking in some low-income countries (see Figure 2.5). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In addition, a student competency - itself a result of a combination of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that are adapted, combined and applied in a specific context - must also be perceived as an outcome. Traditionally, a standards-based curriculum is directed toward mastery of predetermined standards, which generally include content standards and performance standards (UNESCO-IBE, 2013). Performance standards specify what levels of learning are expected and assess the degree to which content standards have been met. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At national levels, greater commitment is required to provide timely data on food production, consumption and stocks, as well as capacity to assess current situations and outlook, and its implications for food security. Where national capacity to provide information does not exist, it should be created through support by international assistance. This information needs to be widely and readily accessible to all market actors. Such systems would help temper uncertainty in organised markets that play a fundamental role in global price discovery while providing much earlier notice of potential market shocks. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These different impacts are driven by a number of factors, including access to resources, endowments, skills levels, regulatory processes, rights and entitlements, that are sometimes enshrined in law, as well as social norms and values. The impact of trade also depends on the goods and services produced within sectors and on whether production occurs in the formal or informal sector, which has implications for the ways in which women and men are employed. This paper presents a statistical analysis of the gender profile of trade negotiators at the World Trade Organization (WTO) and considers whether or not better representation of women in senior roles at the WTO, aligned with an improved trade policy framework at national and regional levels, could result in more gender-equitable trade outcomes. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Agricultural producers in ASEAN are expected to be able to rise to these challenges over the medium term, with regional production growth rates projected to exceed world averages for many products, including animal-derived products (OECD-FAO, 2015). This will also increase the importance of ASEAN for world supplies of agro-food commodities. Across individual countries, however, changes in the production of key commodities are more mixed. This will require a continuation of past trends in total factor productivity growth - trends underpinned by continued efforts at policy reform and additional investments by governments and producers. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Under the direction of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy, the AIFA co-ordinates all activities related to pharmaceuticals and it operates autonomously and transparently. Pharmaceutical policies are set by the agency and are supposed to be applied uniformly across the country. Through negotiation with phannaceutical companies, it determines the price of medicines reimbursed by the NHS. The value and cost of medicine are also managed by the agency in order to ensure rapid access of innovative and efficient drugs. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Altogether, this resulted in a major expansion in the resources available to the education sector. In spite of this, Chile remains among the OECD countries with the lowest expenditure per student (see Table 2.1): 12th lowest in pre-primary education, 3rd lowest in primary education, 4th lowest in lower secondary education and 3rd lowest in upper secondary education (OECD, 2016a). Its levels of expenditure per student are, however, higher than those of other Latin American countries such as Brazil, Colombia and Mexico (see Table 2.1). Data for Brazil include public institutions only. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The OECD Metropolitan Governance Survey has found that the share of residents who are satisfied with the public transport provision in their cities is 14 percentage points higher if a transport authority exists (Figure 2.2). It appears likely that this is at least partly due to the better integration of public transport in these cities. For example, a metropolitan transport authority could be autonomous exclusively in charge of transport issue, or part of a metropolitan authority in charge of w ider policy issues at the metropolitan level. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This Chapter examines the landscape for business and human rights cases in U.S. courts under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) both before and after the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. It concludes that such cases today face a series of challenges, including personal jurisdiction, the question of corporate liability, the standard for aiding and abetting liability, and satisfying Kiobel’s “touch and concern” test. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Measures to reduce fatalities and serious injuries among the elderly should also focus on creating conditions for safe walking, cycling and using public transport. Korea should adopt a strategic approach to speed management, including a comprehensive review of road functions and speed limits. Current urban speed limits in Korea, typically 60 km/h, are too high and compliance is poor. This is to the detriment of safety, particularly of vulnerable road users including elderly pedestrians. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Their combined trend trajectory (Figure 4) is highly influenced by catches in area 87, the Southeast Pacific, where El Nino oceanographic conditions strongly influence the abundance of anchoveta. The overall trends in the two areas are opposite: In area 34 catches have grown to a peak of 4.8 million tonnes, and in area 47 they have progressively decreased from the overall maximum reached in 1978, although they have been recovering in the past three years. In contrast, total catch in area 87, even if analysed excluding anchoveta, has been decreasing dramatically since its peak in 1991. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The longer version may be downloaded at$FILE/JT03274406.PDF. Policy reform (as opposed to incremental change) in the environmental arena almost always requires the use of economic instruments, albeit often in conjunction with other instruments. This may be due to the central place in environmental economics of the concept of the “externality”, with the advice that this should be “internalised” into the price, and the most obvious and often the most efficient way to this is through an economic instrument. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Paragraph 16 of the preamble to the Nagoya Protocol contains the only explicit reference in this document to pathogens, and stipulates that the Protocol is being adopted bearing in mind “the International Health Regulations (2005) of the WHO and the importance of ensuring access to human pathogens for public health preparedness and response purposes” (emphasis added). Further, Article 8(b) of the Protocol obligates each Party to the CBD, when formulating their access and benefit-sharing legislation and regulations, to “[p]ay due regard to cases of present or imminent emergencies that threaten or damage human, animal or plant health, as determined nationally or internationally.” This clause goes on that state that Parties may “take into consideration the need for expeditious access to genetic resources and expeditious fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of such genetic resources, including access to affordable treatments by those in need, especially in developing countries.” - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The empirical model tests the hypotheses and the model is mainly derived by Fredriksen (2013), where a particular type of spending is expressed as a function of a matrix of control variables and institutional variables. Following are the hypotheses to be tested. Pooled OLS estimation is used as the main statistical analysis tool. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It is influenced by demand from industry, transport and households, by national energy policies and by national and international energy prices. The main renewable forms are hydro, geothermal, wind, biomass, waste and solar energy. In some countries the decrease was due to the transfer of energy-intensive industries to other countries. Such outsourcing may increase pressures on the global environment if less energy efficient techniques are involved. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Particular attention is given to the consideration of measures to mitigate any adverse impact and to policies that might better achieve the promotion of equal opportunities. The consideration of mitigation and alternatives is identified as a crucial element of the process: authorities must develop options that reflect the different ways of delivering a policy outcome. Mitigation can take the form of lessening the severity of an impact. Consideration must be given to whether separate implementation strategies are necessary for the policy to be effective for each relevant group. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Scandinavian countries as well as Austria and the UK tend to have lower rates of persistent poverty and higher exit rates, while Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg and Spain tend to have higher rates of persistent poverty and lower exit rates. Children living in households that experience a drop in employee income of at least 5 per cent are significantly more likely to enter poverty in all countries except Bulgaria and France, where the effects are not significant. In contrast, there are no significant effects of relative increases in employee income anywhere but in Spain, where, predictably, they reduce the probability of moving into poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Of the existing indicators used at a pan-European level, FOREST EUROPE Indicator 6.10 is of most relevance to the scope of SOSIN. The indicator represents two types of information. Firstly, accessibility for recreation is perhaps the easiest measure to provide at country level across Europe, but is limited in value because it uses a simple legal definition of accessibility, which in most countries applies to nearly all forest and other wooded land. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Furthermore, nearly half of all secondary school students are in Dili, the capital, while most of the rest of the secondary schools are located in larger towns. This results in many rural children leaving home to attend post-primary education, staying with extended family members or other families or even living independently (Wigglesworth 2016). Young people studying away from home may have a high degree of independence, especially boys, who face less control of their movements by their families. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This paper examines the implications of this new international policy landscape for development co-operation providers and their partners and proposes factors to strengthen coherence between climate and development finance. It builds on the reality that ending poverty and achieving sustainable development is not possible without stabilising the climate (UN, 2015a) and that progress on one agenda cannot be achieved without progress on the other. Moreover, “enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development” is one of the SDG targets (17.14) and a key means of implementation for the SDGs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This is consistent with data on the identity of lute la litigants, which shows that people from higher socio-economic status tend to be make more frequent use of the litigation mechanism in health care (Bernal et al., Continuous improvement in the timeliness with which people obtain access to care and in the general quality of care provided would serve as a force to push the litigation trend down. Rural departments such as Guainia, Vichada, Choco, Amazonas and San Andres had for example infant mortality rates above 20 per 1 000 live bom in 2010. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Much of America’s aging drinking water infrastructure is in a state of disrepair that threatens our water quality and public health. If the goal of equitable access to safe water is to be realized, we must rise to the challenge of replacing or upgrading this infrastructure starting in communities that can least afford to do so. This chapter examines the disparate financial burdens, potential health impacts, and environmental justice implications that water infrastructure inequality poses through the problem of lead in drinking water and opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens. The lead-in-water crisis and Legionella outbreak in Flint, Michigan, provides a clarion call to address funding needs, strengthen regulations, incentivize regulatory compliance, promote meaningful public participation, ensure government accountability, and improve public health outcomes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The major food crops are teff, followed by maize, sorghum, wheat, and barley, along with several oilseed crops. The national average yield of teff, the cereal most favoured by consumers, is only 1.3 metric tons per hectare (mt/ha) in 2011/12, the lowest level of yield among all major cereal crops. Low agricultural productivity can be attributed to smallholder farmers having only limited access to agricultural inputs, financial services, improved production technologies, irrigation and agricultural markets, and, more importantly, to poor land management practices that have often led to severe land degradation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The first step for the city is to improve pollution monitoring systems by allocating the necessary resources. In addition, financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve the emission treatment system should be considered urgently. Continuous investment to improve productivity and energy efficiency in the production system will create opportunities to make industiy more competitive and at the same time more environmentally friendly. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, growth strengthened in the tertiary (services) sector, at 6.9% (up from 3.6% in 2014). The current account deficit (including grants) improved to 3.6% of GDP (from 5.7% in 2014) due to lower oil prices and more volume exports of gold, improving the terms of trade to 15.2% (from 5.3% in 2014). The current account deficit is expected to be entirely funded by foreign direct investment (FDI) in gold and telecommunications and by foreign loans. But the current account (including grants) deficit is expected to widen to 4.1% of GDP in 2016 and 5.2% in 2017 due to lower gold production and poorer terms of trade. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The latter development is evidenced by the fact that East African countries and certain European countries have reported annual growth in seizures of heroin of African origin. This may be a reason for the increased abuse of heroin in East Africa. Traffickers in search of new illicit markets for cocaine and heroin have targeted the nascent middle class in certain African countries, such as Benin, which has been used as a transit country for many decades, and Namibia, a transit country that is becoming a consumer country. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This is forward-looking in that it does not hinder the future use, or development, of technologies. The OECD approach was adopted by the European Commission in 2013 to benchmark deployment of eHealth among general practitioners in the European Union (EU) and more recently by Brazil.8 The Working Group on ICT measurement of the Statistical Conference of the Americas, coordinated by the National Statistics Office of the Dominican Republic and Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean is adapting the OECD model survey for use in Latin America. What is clear from the table is that the nature and scope of data collected by these organizations is a distinct reflection of their mandates. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 If an initiative aims at equal participation of men and women in a project, both should be able to express their information needs. If ICTs are used to share information that farmers do not really need, there will be little motivation to make use of the ICTs put at their disposal, or learn how to use them. Information needs may be different for women and men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, reaching these groups has proven difficult, including due to the cost of the training. The low-skilled, in particular, are often not well prepared for further learning (OECD, 2016(45)). Efforts are needed to ensure quality and qualification recognition to become an effective complement to other educational approaches. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Currently 35% of the unemployed have been unemployed for more than a year, 10 percentage points more than the pre-crisis level, inducing subsequent losses in well-being. Finally, rises in the unemployment rate do also affect the employed, primarily because of the increasing risk of becoming themselves unemployed (Clark, 2003). Well-being deteriorates when the number of hours worked is below the level wished for. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! A utility token can be issued with immediate rights to services or as a loan type, whereby the service can be accessed upon completion of the infrastructure project. During the investment phase of a project, funds are held in a smart contract and reimbursed automatically to investors in the case of insufficient fund collection and resulting inability to start the project or otherwise inflicted failure of the project. Additional features like loans with automated interest payments or insurance contracts can be added over time, enabling the platform to grow in features and adapt to new requirements. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 International human rights law refers to a collectivity of international legal agreements that are designed to promote and protect human rights. In a narrower definition, international human rights law includes only legally binding international treaties. A broader conceptualization would include declarations, resolutions, and other international instruments that do not have binding authority but serve as customary international law in some contexts. In international human rights law, the concept of human rights typically includes civil and political rights, and economic, social, and cultural rights. While collective rights, such as indigenous peoples' rights, are emerging as a new frontier of international human rights law, especially with the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007, the primary focus of international human rights law is protection of individual rights. Keywords: civil rights, equality, equality of opportunity, inequality, liberty, minorities, rights - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2011 it acquired the distributors DELSUR in El Salvador and ENSA in Panama from AEI of the United States, making it the second-largest distributor in both countries. These subsidiaries increased EPM’s customer base by 1.6 million, and produced USS 1,597 million in revenue in 2011. At the present time, in addition to dominating the transmission markets in Colombia (81 %) and Peru (82%), it has a large stake in Plurinational State of Bolivia (34%) and in Brazil (16%). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition to the high levels of misuse of prescription opioids reported by many countries in Asia and Africa,112 there is growing evidence of the non-medical use of tramadol in some countries in Africa and the Near and Middle East. These have been corroborated in recent years by seizures of considerable amounts of tramadol in North, West and Central Africa and in the Near and Middle East.118 Between 2012 and 2014, the Islamic Republic of Iran, countries in the Near and Middle East and many countries in Africa reported to UNODC that seizures had been made of large amounts of tramadol that was being trafficked into those countries. Countries in the Middle East reported seizures of 310 kg in 2012, a quantity that increased to over 22 tons in 2014. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 When the government does intervene in the agricultural sector, care should be taken to ensure that policy support is designed in a way that it can be removed in the future without causing significant disruption. Policies that encourage the modernisation of agricultural production at the same time as supporting rural incomes include the machinery-purchase subsidy and the improved seed variety subsidy. Focusing on the first of these, purchasers receive a 30% discount on a list of approved equipment, with the purchase price of a single item not allowed to exceed 50 000 RMB (Ni, 2013). The list is updated every three years and has 185 eligible equipment types. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Waters that flow across national borders are often the connecting resource for food and energy, while international food trade and regional markets for electricity and energy carriers traverse state borders. In 2002, the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg implicitly recognized the nexus by listing water and sanitation, agricultural productivity and energy among its priority areas. Shortly afterwards, the concept of """"virtual water"""" and the assertion that increasing scarcity of water, food and energy would result in """"the perfect storm"""" by 2030 catalysed further thought and discussion on the nexus. The 2008 launch of the World Economic Forum's report """"Water Security: The Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus"""" and Hoff's background document for the Bonn Nexus Conference marked the emergence of the nexus as we know it today."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Finns are not Ihe least bit apologetic about their focus on preparing people for an economy in which creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship will continue to be drivers of progress. Reforms like these take the basic features of the system as given. The Finnish reforms, by contrast, especially Ihe creation of the comprehensive school, created a sector that functioned in a radically different way. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In the case of mini-grid and off-grid generation, more than 90% is provided by renewables. According to the WEO-2011, more than 60% of the additional investment required to provide universal access to electricity by 2030 is in sub-Saharan Africa. There is greater dependency here on mini-grid and isolated off-grid solutions, particularly in countries such as Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania, where a relatively higher proportion of those lacking electricity are in rural areas. A recent review of the economics of renewables in SSA shows that when considering sparsely populated rural areas, the economics of localised renewables can be favourable compared to grid expansion, leading to the conclusion that decentralised wind power could already be cost-competitive in large regions in countries such as Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya (Deichmann et al., - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Indeed, promotion activities are performed by a mix of agencies, including the Foreign Investment Agency in the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), Viet-TVade in the Ministry of TVade and Industry, the International Co-operation Department in MARD, and the promotion departments of provinces. Several constraints undermine private investment in the sector (Box 2). Such regulations intend to guarantee equal access to land among the rural population, but they limit land consolidation and hinder long-term investment. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Irrigation often is needed for 100% of crop water requirements in these arid, southwestern states. Assuming an average irrigation delivery of 10,000 m3 of water per hectare, these costs would be equivalent to USD 19 per 1,000 m3 in California and USD23 per 1,000 m3 in Arizona. The national average cost of pumping groundwater, as reported in the 2003 FRIS, was almost USD100 per hectare (Gollehon and Quinby, 2006). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""For example, in the United States in 2011 systematic discriminatory behaviour by extension workers resulted in a class action suit being settled in favour of female farmers (Croppenstedt 2013). """" Non-traditional"""" farming households (e.g. youth-headed households, same-sex households, or alternative communes and collective living arrangements) are often not recognized by authorities or agencies and thus cannot access the usual types of assistance. In many countries LGBT relationships are illegal and same-sex households face considerable social hostility. In a few places, traditional attitudes have begun to change: for example, the Department of Agriculture in the United States has introduced an LGBT liaison office (USDA 2015)."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Distributional considerations should only come into play to avoid extreme income inequality, which should be reduced mainly through expenditures (e.g. Engel, Galetovic and Raddatz, 1999). Although it was clear that the reduction of progressive taxation would increase inequality, there was little popular opposition to it in the developed countries, because the tax reforms, similar to labour market reforms, were widely believed to be the only way to restore growth and keep companies from relocating production abroad. Similarly, in developing countries, policies that provided extensive tax privileges to owners of capital, in particular to TNCs, were considered “socially acceptable” or “desirable” because they promoted foreign capital inflows. Note: Data refer to the five-year average of the mean observation of general government revenue, a Includes capital revenues. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Against this backdrop, this Report addresses an old question: whether rising (or high) income inequality is an inevitable outcome - or a necessary factor - of economic development, or whether it is possible, and even desirable, to reduce income inequality, in order to achieve more inclusive growth as well as to overcome the present economic challenges and create the conditions necessary for a more sustainable and rapid development process in the long run. In contemporary debates, a distinction is often made betw'een equality before the law (or formal equality), and equality in terms of income and wealth. The latter form of equality is affected by ownership structures as well as by market processes, social stratification and political systems which may deny tme equality of opportunities to a large segment of a society. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This analysis only includes national-level documents that target the main climate change impacts (the composition of sectors will depend on specific country contexts). Some countries have published sub-national adaptation strategies or plans concerning specific sectors or geographic regions, which can contribute to preparations for climate change but have not been included in this analysis. In addition to this, it shows there is widespread discussion of adaptation options and of policies synergistic with adaptation - 31 countries cover adaptation options in their NCs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, in most cases, the revisions offset each other as regards their impact on the most aggregate indicators. For example, for the latest published year (2009 for France and Portugal, 2008 for all other countries), the revision to the value of the overall summary EPL indicator is greater than 0.2 points (that is less than 10% of the OECD average) in only ten countries (see the figure below) with a maximum revision of 0.32 points. Similar results emerge as regards the synthetic indicator of employment protection for regular workers, including additional provisions for collective dismissals (EPRC), and the synthetic indicator on regulation for temporary workers (EPT). This is reassuring as regards the empirical evidence, since only synthetic indicators are typically used in macro-econometric analyses (see Section 1), with the sole partial exception of Bassanini and Gamero (2013). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This knowledge should guide policies and regulations relating to employment in domestic services, one of the main sectors providing paid employment to women in the region, and to employment in public and private service sectors that currently address only a small percentage of the total demand for care in the society. With a view to overcoming inequalities and ensuring decent, protected and inclusive work, there is a need for comprehensive and coordinated policies on shared responsibility and employment (ILO/UNDP 2009, Cecchini and Rico, 2015). Moreover, the overburden of unpaid work on women affects their economic autonomy by limiting their participation in the labour market. This reduces their ability to generate their own income and restricts their access to social security, which is strongly linked to formal employment in the region. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Unlike crude oil and petroleum products, gas is produced and exported mainly by LDCs in Asia, accounting for between one quarter and one half of the exports of Myanmar, Timor-Leste and Yemen. Their exports are mainly absorbed by East Asian markets. They generate more than 10 per cent of the merchandise exports of a group of African LDCs that are not producers of crude oil, namely, Benin, Djibouti, Niger, Rwanda and Senegal. One half of these exports are absorbed by other countries in their respective subregions, and the other half goes outside the continent. As new mines came into operation, the country’s exports leapt fivefold in 2012 with respect to the previous year and rose further thereafter. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 As a result it is not possible to investigate the issue of gender gap in VC financing using these databases. Finally, these datasets mainly focus on the US market, and cross-country evidence on the importance of the phenomenon cannot be assessed. Crunchbase, a popular online platform, connects venture capitalists with seed stage start-ups. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Tunisia and Morocco could register GDP gains of 1.4 and 2.5 per cent, respectively (figure 3.24). Equally, oil-producing countries could benefit from the regional integration process as they would make profits from improved market access and from migrants that have a larger propensity to consume in hosting countries. The impact is most significant in the non-oil producing countries that could experience a reduction in the unemployment rates of both unskilled and skilled labour by around 5 basis points. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! These indicators can, for instance, be used to monitor trends in climate exposure and vulnerability, realised impacts of climate events, and/or assess either adaptation processes or outcomes. This in turn allows a country to improve on planning or implementing adaptation policies. A country’s learning priorities may depend on progress made in national adaptation planning. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This stabilization has in part been attributed to increased penetration of renewable energy and to improvements in energy efficiency, both of which have experienced dramatic acceleration in recent years. Global demand for renewables has steadily increased, as has energy consumption, particularly in developing countries. Global installed capacity and production from all renewable energy technologies have likewise increased, as most have seen significant cost reductions worldwide and have reached parity in some markets. Global energy intensity has consequently decreased at a compounded annual rate averaging about 1.25 per cent between 1990 and 2013, and most world regions achieved improvements in aggregated energy intensity during this period. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Because of the Bay Management Area Plan, put in place to create a fallowing period and contain diseases, only 2/3 of the sites (i.e. 64 sites) are active in any given year. If each site was designed to have eight seaweed rafts (38 ropes of kelps, 35 m long and supporting a biomass of 15 kg/m), there would be 512 rafts producing 10 214.40 tonnes fresh weight (FW) of seaweeds. With an average of 0.35% nitrogen content in FW kelp tissues, the harvesting of kelps would equate to the removal of 35.75 tonnes of nitrogen from the ecosystem per year. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The framework also functions as a bridging mechanism between the narrowly construed MEAs pertaining to chemicals and waste, which include the Stockholm, Rotterdam, Basel, and Minamata Conventions. The Dubai Declaration, which expresses high-level political support forthe framework. The Overarching Policy Strategy (OPS), which contains the five key thematic objectives of SAICM: (1) risk reduction, (2) knowledge and information, (3) governance, (4) capacity-building and technical cooperation, and (5) illegal international traffic in chemicals. The OPS also lays down the scope, needs, underlying principles, and approaches of SAICM and elaborates on implementation and progress review mechanisms. The Global Plan of Action, which is an evolving and practical toolkit for implementation that currently lists more than 270 activities that can be undertaken by diverse stakeholders to operationalize SAICM. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Abstract We analyze the impact of corruption on bilateral trade, highlighting its dual role in terms of extortion and evasion. Corruption taxes trade, when corrupt customs officials in the importing country extort bribes from exporters (extortion effect), however, with high tariffs, corruption may be trade enhancing when corrupt officials allow exporters to evade tariff barriers (evasion effect). We derive and estimate a corruption-augmented gravity model, where the effect of corruption on trade flows is ambiguous and contingent on tariffs. Empirically, corruption taxes trade in the majority of cases, but in high-tariff environments (covering 5% to 14% of the observations) their marginal effect is trade enhancing. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The impact of unemployment compensation systems is identified by means of a difference-in-differences approach that exploits the fact that eligibility to SP and UI depends on tenure in the previous job and is restricted to foxmal-sector job losers (see Box 2.3 for details). The results are summarised in Figure 2.6, while the full results are reported in Hijzen (2011). This can be seen in Figure 2.6 by comparing the difference in the job-finding rate due to income support for workers with 24 to 48 months of tenure in their last job with those with more than 48 months of tenure in their last job. While formal-sector job losers with 24 to 48 months in the previous job and those with over 48 months are all eligible for five months of UI, the job-finding rate is significantly lower for formal-sector job losers in the latter group. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Funding for US Agency for International Development (USAID) climate programmes increases by 70%, with significant new investments in mitigation and adaptation strategies that will build on USAID experience in this area. Developed countries also committed to a goal of mobilising USD 100 billion globally from public- and private-sector sources by 2020 for climate assistance, subject to meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation in recipient (developing) countries. Private production and consumption decisions are made without taking into account the full costs of GHG emissions. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 No doubt much work is needed to strengthen legislation to promote gender equality. Therefore, it is clear that Commonwealth Pacific small states will need to overcome significant challenges to achieve Goal 5. The IAEG-SDGs proposed 11 indicators to monitor this goal, of which four were Tier 1 indicators (see Appendix 2.1). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Recent debates on changes in Dutch land-use policy have led some academics to conclude that active land policy has reached its limits (Boelens, 2010, Buitelaar, 2010, Munoz-Gielen, 2010, van der Krabben, 2011). One reason is financial: it requires long-term, front-end investment by government bodies (mainly municipalities) on the expectation that they will be able to recoup the costs by selling building plots. But the downturn of the property market since 2008 has resulted in building plots being sold much more slowly and for less than forecast. In some cases, this has resulted in municipalities suffering huge losses that will never be recovered. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! For that reason, alternative cases of the Baseline and the BLUE Map Scenario in ETP2010 for India (IEA, 2010a) have been developed for this paper. Assuming an average economic growth of 8% per year between 2010 and 2030 and of 5.8% thereafter up to 2050, India's electricity generation would be expected to reach 6 600 TWh in 2050 compared to 4 069 TWh in the standard Baseline Scenario. This construction rate assumption follows the one for India used in a global high nuclear variant of the BLUE Map Scenario in ETP2010 (IEA, 2010a). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Such information is critical for knowing whether the school system is delivering good performance and for providing feedback for improvement. A comprehensive system of evaluation is a requirement not only for the development of improvement strategies al all levels (teacher, school, administration) but also for measuring the success in achieving the goals of reform and for establishing a regime of accountability. Evaluations and assessments are requirements for an equitable regime of accountability, efficient management, effective decentralisation, and for devolution of autonomy to individual schools (OECD, 2011 a). Without such information, it is difficult to monitor the performance of schools and students and measure the achievement of learning objectives. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 By 2014, these eight countries accounted for over 51% of the total. Within some emerging countries, notably Indonesia and China, the growth in PSE has been driven by a growth in the use of policies that are most distortionary in terms of their impact on trade - including market price support, output based payments and input subsidies. Other emerging economies, such as Brazil, show both a falling PSE and a shift tow'ards decoupled payments. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__6, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! By 2020, Indonesia expects to cut GHG emissions by 26% (, 2010). In May 2010, Norway pledged USD 1 billion to support GHG reduction programmes in Indonesia. The plan acknowledges that technological innovations are vital for I ndonesia to succeed in creating a new economy. To this end, the government will strengthen local research and development institutions and their links with foreign partners. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Much can be done in terms of integrating gender into the design and implementation of programmes that promote income security across the life cycle, including cash transfers, public works programmes and pensions. To provide long-term solutions, however, these efforts must be part of a broader package, including policies that enable women to access decent work—which remains the main source of income for most working-age adults and their families. International Labour Organization (ILO) Recommendation No. They participate less in the labour market, earn lower wages and enjoy less access to credit and other assets than men. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! They pointed to crop and variety diversification, as well as geographic dispersion, but noted there were limits to geographic dispersion as most production is concentrated in one region (Box 7). For example, a typical dairy farm receives 93% of its agricultural gross revenue from milk. A typical sheep and beef farm receives 86% of gross revenue from sheep and beef returns (of which 59% comes from sheep meat and 41% from beef). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This also contributes to self-selection of female workers in the low-paid public sector rather than the better paid part of the informal sector (Chapter 1). Federal Law stipulates that parents should not pay more than 20% of the cost of childcare (this is 10% for parents with at least three children, and care is free for handicapped children), and sets rules on compensation towards parental fees (20% for the first child, 50% for the second and 70% for the third). Many regions aim to provide free childcare to low-income families. However, the system is under some pressure as regions which are responsible for its financing are struggling to meet the cost, including for parental fee support. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! These disasters may arise as a result of human intent, negligence or error, or faulty or failed technological applications. This subcomponent groups information on the occurrence and impact of such disasters on human lives, habitats, the environment, and on disaster preparedness for such types of disasters. Policymakers, analysts and civil society require statistics on technological disasters to understand who is ultimately responsible and what the immediate and potential impact may be, and to assess and mitigate future risks. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The definition of the time period is discussed further in Annex 4.B.) In sum, the nature of the data available prevents more detailed examination of which type(s) of state dependence are the most important in the context of SA receipt dynamics. Bhuller, Brinch and Kdnigs find however that estimates of the level of state dependence can vary significantly with the level of time aggregation. Some researchers fitting DREP models to annual unemployment histories have taken a practical approach to try and identify Markovian state dependence separately from duration dependence. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Similarly, it is reasonable to expect that in some cases, even where a NUP is given a high level of priority in national policy development, resources are still lagging or uncoordinated. This includes national-level investment in linkages between major urban settlements. In the region, waste management has been a particular priority as has been the development of durable and affordable housing. Similarly, land management has been a target of resourcing. In some cases, national-level resourcing of urban infrastructure has been used as a wider economic stimulus. This is in addition to considerable levels of urban housing, infrastructure and transport development by sub-national governments, though not necessarily under the rubric of a NUP. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Tonga and Tongans requested migration opportunities in New Caledonia, and elsewhere, in huge numbers (Connell 1983a: 39), while Samoans travelled more or less discretely, but illegally, to work as short-term guest workers in New Zealand (Macpherson 1981), with outcomes very similar to present-day schemes, for which they may have been something of a model. Either requests for international employment were denied or they lasted only a short term, but the demand in both Samoa and Tonga was indicative of both national and household support for migration. This would allow Pacific islanders to work temporarily overseas and return home after a period of less than a year. See section 4.5 in Chapter 4 for a full description of the New Zealand RSE scheme. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Every employer is required to apply the measures needed to effectively protect the life, safety and health of its workers, for which it must provide suitable premises, provide work equipment and adopt methods aimed at reducing and eliminating occupational hazards in the workplace. Specifies the just causes that allow the worker to terminate the employment relationship, with entitlement to compensation for unfair dismissal. The wage is unattachable up to the amount of the legal minimum wage. Also unattachable, among other things, is the full amount of the sums received by the worker in respect of retirement and pensions. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Strict building codes ensured that tall buildings withstood the earthquake, while forested green belts and concrete barriers provided some protection against the tsunami. Japan's longstanding investments in technology and public awareness were essential to averting an even bigger disaster. Early warning systems, evacuation routes, strict building codes and engagement with local communities all need to stem from institutional, legal and governance systems that prioritize disaster risk reduction and recovery. The conference will allow member states to review the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action and adopt a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! At the same time, beginning teachers should be given every opportunity to work in a stable and well-supported school environment, and the probation decision should be taken by a panel which is well trained and resourced for assessing new teachers. First, initial teacher education can be made more selective as no teacher shortage exists. Potentially useful initiatives include: providing more information and counselling to prospective student teachers so that better informed enrolment decisions are made, procedures that try to assess whether the individuals wanting to become teachers have the necessary motivation, skills, knowledge and personal qualities, incentive schemes to recruit candidates with high-level competencies, and flexible programme structures that provide students with school experience early in the course, and opportunities to move into other courses if their motivation towards teaching changes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The introduction of market based economic instruments therefore represents a paradigmatic change of the social and productive base. In practice, the intention to include social sustainability in policy reforms is often sacrificed on the expense of economic and ecological objectives. This might partly be caused by a limited understanding of the social complexity in the Nordic fisheries sectors, or because the fundamental relation between the social organisation and the property system have been disregarded inthe policy reforms, subjected to the overarching economic imperative that has aggregate growth and efficiency as its aim. We find that alternatives to large-scale fisheries are still attractive to youngsters if the right policy design allow for the different business models to co-exists. Further, the large-scale fisheries that are promoted by deregulated quota markets risk promoting a form of wage-work that are only temporary attractive (for youngsters or migrant laborers). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In September 2000, the export tax rate was set at 5% in view of Malaysia’s decision to eliminate its CPO duty, and India’s decision, the major importer, to raise taxes on edible oil imports. It was further cut to 3% in March 2001 and to 1.5% in October 2005 as the international price of palm oil gradually decreased. As international palm oil prices began rising in 2007, producers were motivated to export more rather than to supply the domestic market causing the price of cooking oil on the domestic market to rise. Concerned with this, the government increased the export tax to 6.5% in July 2007. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 United States - Peru FTA and the implementing legislation in Peru (Decreto Legislativo 1072, Article 5). ( Full text available at: For more details, see P. Roffe and D. Vivas-Eugui, “A Shift in Intellectual Property Policy in United States FTAs?”, Bridges Monthly Series, Vol. Article 15.10.1(b) of the FTA United States - DR/CAFTA. Article 15.10(1) and (2) of the United States - Morocco FTA. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Each Member State of the EU, Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland have implemented national legislation in accordance with the intrinsic conditions of the countries. Reaching these legal targets by 2019 will be very challenging. A key issue, researched in-detail in the EU - Countering WEEE Illegal Trade Project13, is to capture the tonnage present in multiple complementary flows, including discarding with other wastes (=10% of waste), complementary nonreported recycling and scavenging of valuable parts and materials (=40%), export for reuse (=10%), and illegal exports (=5%). The most recent country data is provided by the EU - Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban Mine Project14. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The wild crop relatives occurring there are important genetic resources. Fifty Important Bird Areas (IBAs) of international rank have been identified in the country. Following Turkmenistan’s accession to the Ramsar Convention, Turkmenbashy Bay was the first area of Turkmenistan to be designated as a wetland of international importance, in 2009. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! More “acceptable” shifts might also be achieved by making smaller, more regular transfers (conducive to small household purchases managed by women), rather than larger or lump sum transfers (Wasilkowska 2011). It should be noted, however, that the Kenya GiveDirectly study tested lump sum versus periodic transfers and found that the difference did not significantly affect the magnitude or impacts on IPV (Haushofer & Shapiro 2016). Understanding the importance of transfer size and other design features on intra-household dynamics is important, as economic security and poverty impacts are likely to be larger with increasing size of the transfer relative to pre-program household consumption, thus suggesting a potential program design trade-off. While empirical evidence is scarce and mixed in terms of the impact of recipient sex on economic and human capital outcomes of transfers, there is even less evidence for how different targeting schemes affect IPV outcomes (Yoong et al 2012). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This rise in educational attainment has contributed to the large increase (11 percentage points) over the past 15 years in the female employment rate to 70% in Germany: the highest proportion of women in the paid workforce outside of the Nordic countries and other OECD countries where women are frequently in part-time employment such as the Netherlands. This increase in labour force participation was associated with a decline in time spent on unpaid home and care work, but in Germany as elsewhere in the OECD, women still bear the brunt of unpaid work and fathers spend a lot less time with children than mothers. German parents are more likely than their fellow Europeans to report work/life conflict and, despite recent increases, the total fertility rate (TFR) in 2014 was 1.47, below the 2013 OECD average of 1.67 (Chapter 2). However, since the mid-2000s social policy reform has increased opportunities for parents to find a better work/family balance. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities thus seems to be gradually releasing its grip in the climate regime. Most scientific evaluations state that if we intend to keep the temperature rise below two degrees above pre-industrial levels, global emissions should be at their highest in 2015 decreasing steadily thereafter with the legal treaty entering into force as late as 2020. In the most recent 2007 Inter-Governmental Panel assessment on Climate Change, both Polar Regions were deemed to be experiencing the ongoing impacts of climate change (as they were in the 2001 IPPC Assessment). The impacts on the Arctic are, however, much more pronounced. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Donor support through increased official development assistance (ODA) is just one option to support a longer-term and more systematic approach to financing social protection and food security. Other options include considering reallocation, improving efficiency, and potential engagement with non-state actors (Hagen-Zanker & McCord, 2010). The most compelling evidence regards the role that social protection plays in supporting people’s access to food, in particular resulting in the consumption of more and/or higher-quality food. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Metsahallitus Parks and Wildlife Finland - a state-governed organization in charge of most of the protected areas in Finland - has demonstrated how the economic impact of protected areas and cultural sites can be calculated. The methodology has been incorporated into the visitor monitoring system of Metsahallitus (Box5). Assessing and monitoring the management effectiveness from a nature conservation point of view is an integrated part pf the organisations's management system. However, various stakeholders including the government, but especially local and regional decision-makers frequently ask for arguments that would justify nature protection and investments from an economic and regional development perspective. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! For example, caps on sales established on the basis of past consumption could be reviewed, the participation of dealers could be allowed and regulated third-party access to private infrastructure introduced. The requirement not to sell water to users considered to be of lower priority in the law could be reconsidered. On the other hand, owing to the environmental effects that trades may have on parties that are external to the trading partners, trades will need to remain subject to control by the RBAs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, it can also inadvertently increase vulnerability, for example by concentrating assets in high-risk areas. Integrating climate into these choices can enhance resilience, thereby supporting development in a changing climate. As well as climate-proofing existing development objectives, this may require changes in the objectives themselves. Climate-resilient development thus implies a continuous and integrated process of addressing risks from current climate and preparing for future changes (Sperling et al., Thus, adaptation is understood as a process, while climate resilience describes the outcome of adaptation and other, often unrelated, socio-economic trends and policy choices. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 There are means of rapidly increasing vocational skills to meet specific shortages using short-term programmes of two to four years in length. But it takes many years to strengthen institutional capacity with a cadre of experienced and effective professionals and technicians that can plan and enable progress towards SDG 6. The answer lies in long-term commitment and support for knowledge and capacity development. They enable progress to be monitored and service providers, governments and development partners to be held accountable. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The breakdown for OECD and non-OECD countries is shown in Table 10. The cost curve does however include a measure for replacing coal by biomass in several processes in the chemical industry, which is likely to capture much of what is needed for the current solution. The cost may in fact be a good deal less since more of the biomass used in the pulp and paper industry will be waste, but we use the McKinsey cost here as a conservative estimate. This includes a blend of new build and retrofit costs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 According to the Plan, all public programmes for Information Society development include the effective consideration of the principle of equal opportunities between women and men in their design and implementation. The Government promotes the full incorporation of women in the Information Society through the development of specific programmes, especially in terms of access and training, taking into account initiatives from groups w ith a high risk of exclusion and from rural areas. Promoting knowledge about gender equality in the Information Society. The Programme for Gender Equality in the Information Society is a Plan Avanza initiative which provides NGOs with funding to carry out projects aimed at teaching women ICT skills and increasing their employment opportunities. The assessment interviews revealed that, among those four targeted areas, closing the gender divide has been the least successful, although more that 60% of the interviewees consider that Plan Avanza had positive impact on the gender divide (among them, nearly 16% define the impact as considerable and nearly 47% as limited). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Salaries influence decisions to enrol in teacher education, become a teacher after graduation (as graduates’ career choices are associated with relative earnings in teaching and non-teaching occupations and their likely growth over time), return to the teaching workforce after a career interruption, and/or remain a teacher (in general, the higher the salaries, the fewer people choose to leave the profession). Other benefits, such as regional allowances for teaching in remote areas, family allow'ances, reduced rates on public transport, and tax allowances on the purchase of instructional materials, may also form part of teachers’ total remuneration. There are large differences in taxation and social benefit systems in OECD countries, which should be borne in mind w hen comparing statutory salaries across countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Where questions diverge considerably from the definition, countries should be encouraged to align questionnaires. Cost sharing between governments and households can be efficient and equitable if there are no credit constraints. But even if returns on a university degree make private expenditure worthwhile, poorer students must still be able to afford it. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Well-targeted programmes should be protected and expanded, either in coverage or by increasing transfers (Mitra et al. Measures so far taken in Central Asia have focused on topping-up existing benefits (pensions, cash transfers) and public work programmes. However, cuts in public expenditures and reduction of donor support threaten social protection spending especially in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Development requires an institutional architecture for integrated development planning that allows SIDS to manage their respective economic, infrastructural and environmental assets and spaces within a culture of co-operation, collaboration and partnership at local, national, regional and international levels. The chapter is set out in four sections. After the introduction the second section briefly explores the roots and branches of the partnership concept. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! More broadly, Vienna consistently ranks among the top three cities in the world on quality-of-life indices. And Austria possesses globally recognised cultural attractions and esteemed educational institutions in music and the arts. Government funding of business R&D in Austria is significantly above the OECD average, as a share of GDP, and is notably higher than in almost all comparator countries. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to The focus is on enquiry-based science teaching, teacher-directed instruction, adaptive teaching and teacher feedback. The outcomes of interest include students’ science performance, and students’ dispositions and attitudes towards science. This approach could help close the gender gap between girls and boys when it comes to attitudes towards science and to the decision to pursue a career in STEM-related fields. The results also show that teacher-directed instruction is a reliable strategy that is positively associated with students’ science outcomes regardless of school climate and resources. Adaptive teaching is positively correlated with science performance in the majority of countries, particularly in countries known for the use of personalised learning approaches, while teacher feedback is weakly but positively associated with science performance once students’ achievement in mathematics and reading is accounted for. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 With the increasing use of video recording in social research methodological questions about multimodal transcription are more timely than ever before. How do researchers transcribe gesture, for instance, or gaze, and how can they show to readers of their transcripts how such modes operate in social interaction alongside speech? Should researchers bother transcribing these modes of communication at all? How do they define a ‘good’ transcript? In this paper we begin to develop a social semiotic framework to account for transcripts as artefacts, treating them as empirical material through which transcription as a social, meaning making practice can be reconstructed. We look at some multimodal transcripts produced in conversation analysis, discourse analysis, social semiotics and micro‐ethnography, drawing attention to the meaning‐making principles applied by the transcribers. We argue that there are significant representational differences between multimodal transcripts, reflecting differences in the profes... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Possible to conduct robust decompositions by income sources. Can be turned into a normative measure by imposing a coefficient to weigh individuals in different part of the distribution differently. Allows the analysis of inequality among population subgroups. Replication invariance (or population principle): a replication of the population (i.e. adding to the population under consideration n times the same individuals) does not change the inequality index. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This may imply that widespread engagement with science does not come from high academic proficiency alone, nor can positive attitudes compensate for low proficiency. If educators focus on one to the exclusion of the other, then the influence of each is, most likely, undermined. Rather, these results indicate that positive attitudes and strong knowledge and competence reinforce each other in sustaining lifelong engagement with science. All citizens, not just future scientists and engineers, need to be willing and able to confront science-related dilemmas. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The accountability gap for conduct of International Organisations (IOs) conflicting with their members’ human rights treaty obligations undermines the acceptance of IOs as a forum of international ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Both the government and opposition are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 5% below 2000 levels by 2020, and, in the case of the government, by up to 15-20% if there is a global agreement. The Australian Government has established a target of an 80% reduction by 2050. To date, the Australian economy has escaped the worst impacts of the Global Financial Crisis and the Great Recession, but uncertainties remain. Key trade exposed sectors such as manufacturing, tertiary education, and tourism have been negatively impacted by strong terms of trade associated with a resources boom that is predominantly benefiting the resource rich northern and western states and territories. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These include the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and disaster risk reduction, notably the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. A number of other goals also relate to climate change adaptation to various degrees, including, but not limited to, Goals 2 (food security), 3 (health), 6 (water and sanitation), 7 (energy), 9 (infrastructure), 11 (cities), 14 (oceans), 15 (biodiversity, forests and desertification). Global monitoring is a vital complement to ensure global co-ordination and support strategies to manage global public goods. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Alternatively, broadcast content may be simulcast in both a DTTB and an IP network (such as LTE) to allow reception in areas where either the broadcast or IP signal cannot be received adequately. To date, however, such concepts are still under development. Such packets should be ignored by existing TV receivers. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 It first presents the policy landscape, describing the range of interventions related to self-sufficiency targets, trade policies, public stockholding programmes and various interventions in domestic markets. Second, it provides a review of findings from existing research on the effectiveness and efficiency of these policies. Third and finally, a brief review of regional interventions for food security is presented. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The internal water footprint of a nation is the volume of water used from domestic water resources to produce the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the country. The external water footprint of a country is the volume of water used in other countries to produce goods and services imported and consumed by the inhabitants of the country.” The sum of the internal and external water footprints is the country’s water footprint. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In the future it might become possible to make such an analysis by using data to be made available through the History of Labour Relations project at the International Institute for Social History. In the case of the Scandinavian countries we complemented the Murdock data with information on the year in which legislation was enacted to mandate equal inheritance. The exception is Namibia, where universal male suffrage was granted in 1926, while it was extended to women only in 1989, following independence. Exploring the Gender Pay Gap Across the Wage Distribution”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. Mother’s Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from College Openings.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! This new contract is applied only to new employment contracts, grandfathering existing rights. The temporary contracts will be transformed into open-ended ones by 2016, unless collective agreements set flexibility criteria for the use of temporary contracts. In this arrangement, unfairly dismissed workers will receive monetary compensation which is increasing with the tenure. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! But such a policy may not be sufficient to contain rare but severe international shocks. The worst case scenario is one where domestic and international shocks reinforce each other, for example when the domestic harvest fails and the government needs to purchase large amounts of imports, and there is a price spike on the world market. The priority under these circumstances is to ensure that poor countries are provided with the instruments to address this rare but potentially disastrous scenario. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! ""In this article we will examine some connections between criticism of Adorno and Horkheimer to instrumental reason limited to the book Dialectic of Enlightenment and the genealogical critique of Nietzsche to the """"will to truth """", a theme explored in several books. Then resume the reading of Habermas in The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity on a Nietzsche’s radical critique to modern rationality, in order to examine two points: 1) What arguments support the thesis of inconsistency and lack of foundation of Nietzsche's genealogical critique? 2) why Habermas claims that the heirs of Nietzschean critique repeat this inconsistency, including the very critical of Adorno and Horkheimer? We intend to demonstrate, unlike Habermas, Adorno and Horkheimer in demythologization program of instrumental reason resume Nietzschean critical project aiming to build a new positive and demythologized meaning for enlightenment."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In December 2005, the Ministry of Fisheries launched a website containing information on the status of New Zealand’s fish stocks ( The Ministry is working with tangata whenua and stakeholders to develop 26 management plans covering all of New Zealand’s 618 different fisheries management units or “fish stocks”. Fisheries plans will describe how to get the best value from fisheries within environmental limits, or standards, set by the government. So far the Minister has approved the Deemed Value and QMS introduction standards. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 They are therefore difficult to deal with in any one way. Strengthening of developing country institutions related to fisheries management institutions is critical to taking up those options effectively. If resources are in excess of domestic needs, foreign fishing companies can be brought in through licensing, FDI or as harvesting services. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The OECD average of combined outright and mortgaged owner-occupants is 65% of households. Chile, Mexico and Eastern European OECD countries have the highest rates of homeownership. In most countries, homeowners are disproportionately middle- and high-income households, whereas renters tend to have lower incomes. Middle class households are not immune to high housing costs. Indeed, nearly nine percent of mortgaged middle-class homeowners are overburdened by housing costs, on average, across the OECD. Overcrowding rates are generally higher among poor households and renters. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Spaces for public debate and democratic decision-making must be created to define national priorities, identify what is working well and where the gaps are, agree on pathways for transformative change and determine the roles and responsibilities of different actors. Women's rights organizations were extremely effective in building coalitions and alliances across different interest groups to put gender equality at the centre ofthe new agenda.9 Such participatory processes and strategic alliances are also needed to ensure effective and gender-responsive implementation, follow-up and review. Both chapters provide powerful evidence for the interlinkages between these gender equality targets and other parts of the 2030 Agenda, underlining the need to break down policy silos and move towards integrated strategies for implementation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Often, as in the Top Runner Programme, these performance targets are accompanied by a “name-and-shame” mechanism: the names of under-performing companies are disclosed to the public. This mechanism puts the brand image of companies at risk, representing an incentive for eco-innovation in Japan that is probably more effective than the stringency of environmental regulations. According to an OECD survey conducted in 2003, fewer than 5% of facilities in Japan felt that environmental policies were very stringent, and more than 65%t found them to be not particularly stringent (Johnstone et. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This effort will entail addressing both short- and medium-term challenges in the economy to boost productivity growth and continuously developing long-term strategies and mechanisms to build new competitive advantages at global scale. Both are fundamental for maintaining the high level of well-being and living standards of the Finnish population in the future which are threatened by persistent economic weaknesses. This will involve w'ide societal consultation and the development of new forms of governance to tackle major transitions through which societies w'ill have to go in the coming years. It has enjoyed strong economic progress over the past decades, w'hich is reflected in high living standards and well-being. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! This reduces the likelihood of taking advantage of these services due to higher costs and longer travel times. Difficult terrains, distance from export markets and growth centres, and other geographical and socio-political reasons may underlie a particular region’s remote location. The disruption of roads, markets, food crops, and other institutions resulting from conflicts can have an immediate and long-term impact on poverty and hunger. Thus, peace, economic growth, and the creation of an equitable society are important cornerstones of an effective poverty and hunger reduction strategy. In most countries, the location of a household is important in determining its likelihood of experiencing poverty and hunger. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""It therefore promotes dialogue with the goal of reaching a harmonious coexistence. However, if this approach is taken without the full participation of indigenous peoples, there is a risk of merely advancing integration without more equitable decision-making or clearer power relations. Harmonious living approaches, for example, may encourage ethnographic studies that are conducted only with the objective of learning about other cultures so that the dominant group can feel that those who are different are indeed """"normal"""" and, based on this, can create health programmes for them. First, states continue to assert monoculturalism as a way of promoting national unity. Second, health care sector reform is leading to increased privatization, making it more difficult to hold health providers accountable even to international human rights standards, much less to any of the collective rights of indigenous peoples. In addition, as traditional medicine is explored by non-indigenous actors, there is an increased risk of piracy of the intellectual property of indigenous peoples, as well as a risk that indigenous practices will be popularized and performed in ways that do not adhere to the histories, values and visions of indigenous peoples."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Moving forward, policy directions are expected to diverge. Most of the ASEAN-5 economies are gearing for fiscal consolidation, while the other Emerging Asian countries are looking to take an expansionary path. Trade tensions underpin the weakening economic performance. However, domestic private consumption is holding up well. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In addition, the CBJ granted 25 loans, each averaging approximately JOD 60 000 (EUR 62 000) to co-owned (man/woman) businesses. In Tunisia, the BTS has provided, since its creation, 43 070 small loans of about EUR 3 500 each. In Bahrain, Khaleeji Commercial Bank granted loans valued around BHD 800 000 (EUR 1.5 million) to 11 SME projects. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A recent EU Lifelong Learning Survey, which was carried out as an ad hoc module to the EU Labour Force Survey, places German workers in the lower middle range of EU countries in participation in formal and informal continuing learning activities. As in most countries, it is the more qualified workers who are the most active participants, raising a concern about depreciation of skills in a rapidly changing labour market. Also, those who do know that they have basic skill problems may be reluctant to admit it (Basic Skills Agency, 1997). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In this era of political conditionality and good governance, anti-corruptionhas emerged as a top priority (at least in theory) for all major donors. Thisis almost always linked to support for democratisation efforts, with onenotable exception – the World Bank. The Bank is constricted by anon-political mandate which forbids it supporting one particular politicalsystem through its lending and other activities. Nonetheless, the languageit uses (e.g., accountability, transparency, participation, etc.) and theprojects it supports seem to endorse the spirit of liberal democracy. I arguethat the Bank's mandate is in conflict with a politically sensitive issue likeanti-corruption, and that it is impossible to separate economic issues frompolitical ones in this instance, however, given the lack of consensus on therelationship between democracy, development and corruption, this may bethe best state of affairs for now. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Equality of coefficients for men and women rejected at the 5% level. Equality of coefficients for men and women rejected at the 10% level. The causes of intimate partner violence and sexual violence are best investigated through the use of longitudinal studies of victims. These studies track people over time to document their experiences of such violence and how these experiences relate to other factors at various stages of their life. Unfortunately, few such studies exist, as the measurement of social and cultural conditions that could be thought of as risk factors (i.e. the status of women, gender norms) pose serious challenges, especially across countries and different cultures. Poverty and the associated stress are key contributors to intimate partner violence. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 First, approaches and tools will have to evolve. The revision of the draft SDRIF, now underway, could offer an opportunity to move in this direction, taking as its example the strategic document for Greater London, a much more concise regional planning document based on economic, ecological and social objectives that the various local authorities must respect and achieve. Next comes the question of the proper scale of governance. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! ""They have made the goal of developing social and emotional skills explicit by including it in their curricula and by introducing concrete actions to achieve it. Skills for Social Progress, describes some of these actions (OECD, 2015a). To address this issue, the curriculum was revised in 2009 to include direct and indirect methods for developing creativity and innovation and the academic content of the curriculum was reduced by 20%. The curriculum now includes """"creative experiential learning activities"""" - essentially, extracurricular activities that allow for the learning of the core subjects."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 While reforms are under way in both areas, further efforts are needed to support the domestic drivers of growth. At a time of fiscal consolidation, these two policy areas should at the least be protected from budgetary cuts while every opportunity for efficiency gains should be seized. Not least because of the high level of long-term unemployment, more emphasis should be placed on activation policies, particularly on placement services, which are currently underfinanced but also insufficiently evaluated. Educational achievements and thus future labour market outcomes could be improved by re-allocating resources to teaching activities, in particular for disadvantaged pupils. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, this approach requires further testing and refinement before global standards can be established. These services also include climate change mitigation, such as carbon recycling by algae, and carbon sequestration by mangroves or coral reefs. Regarding climate change, work13 is in progress to transpose to aquatic resources the general methodologies developed for assessing carbon footprints in the agriculture and forestry sectors. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Research outputs have various impacts, and it may be difficult to identify them all in order to evaluate the contribution of a specific output, 1 et alone that of the research investment. In many cases, it is difficult to give a monetary value to impacts in order to make them comparable. Even if non-economic impacts can be identified, they may be difficult to value. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 At the same time, reductions in household energy consumption would be expected at around 1 013 kWh per year, equivalent to a reduction in the electricity bill of EUR 70 per year. Also, reductions in water supply uncertainty might provide opportunities for setting up industries and economic activities supporting rural and urban development. Demand reduction may also allow either the deferral and/or downsizing ofplanned facilities or network expansion to meet unmet demand (see Box 4.8). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Such dominant policies have focused on cutting back deficit financing of public expenditure and minimizing the tax burden on private enterprises. The emphasis on privatization undermines government action. It is argued that government spending is not only inflationary, but also tends to crowd out private investment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In this chapter, Taylor explores some of the new forms of intersection between feminism and celebrity culture, including the proliferation of celebrities publicly claiming a feminist identity. Engaging with debates about the ‘democratization’ of celebrity, including through ‘micro’-celebrities, she also addresses the role of new media in helping to shape the kinds of feminisms that come to be publicly available. Taylor argues that, despite these new connections, the blockbuster continues to help shape public debate around the meanings of feminism. Finally, she points to some further ways through which scholars might gain a deeper, multi-faceted understanding of the social and political function of celebrity feminism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Any poverty line intended to represent a minimum acceptable standard of living in the industrialized world today implies higher standards of food, clothing, housing, water supply, sanitation, health care, education, transport and entertainment than were available to even the wealthiest households of previous eras. Unless we wish to argue that the threshold should be set at the minimum income necessary for sheer physical survival then there can in fact be no such thing as an absolute poverty line. If the decision is taken, for example, to draw an ‘absolute’ poverty line at some fixed point and to update it only for inflation, then this means that a relative poverty line is being anchored to an arbitrary point in time. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In this context, low-wage public servants earn a higher wage “premium” (i.e. ceteris paribus are better paid) relative to their skills compared to higher-wage counterparts (Giordano et al., Papapetrou (2006) concludes that earnings differentials in the low quintiles cannot be attributed to individual characteristics, whereas at the highest quintiles, pay differentials reflect differences in the employee’s skills. Fournier and Koske (2012) conclude, in particular, that a (marginal) rise in public employment would tend to raise earnings at the lower end of the distribution, while leaving those at the top broadly unchanged, thereby helping to reduce overall inequality (Figure 2.9). It should be noted that these are partial equilibrium effects, ignoring possible changes in the relative earnings of the public and private sector that would result from such shift. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! For example, the high prevalence of early marriage is partly due to the slow progress made in taking action (through national legislation, among other means) to end the practice. The minimum legal age of marriage is set at the state level, and ranges from 14 to 18. Even where laws exist, unregistered unions may be seen as a solution to get around the legal age of marriage (OECD, 2017b). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Therefore, obtaining accurate demographic data is difficult. Among the Maasai community obtaining accurate data on maternal and infant deaths is a challenge, as they may never be reported. Further, among the Maasai it is difficult to know which woman has never had a child because the practice is for every married woman to be called the mother of a child. Therefore, in cases where a woman has no child, she is given one by a family member to raise as her own. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The combination of clear and straightforward international provisions, together with longterm domestic legal frameworks that provide confidence that climate policies will be enforced, would also enhance the strength of the signal sent to the private sector and other investors that governments remain fully committed to achieving long-term transitions to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, the increase in foreign exchange reserves witnessed in a number of countries, such as Bangladesh, is a more positive development as such economies are not as exposed to global financial flows, but instead have to maintain sufficient reserves to contend with real external sector shocks. The reserves of Bangladesh and Nepal increased to record levels recently, with those of Bangladesh climbing to more than $13 billion by early 2013 while those of Nepal crossed $5 billion in late 2012, largely on the back of remittance inflows. As was seen during the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, asset market prices could fall drastically and exchange rates could depreciate substantially, leading to the risk of a banking sector crisis as well as drastic loss of wealth of domestic citizens who invested in such assets. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This will increase accessibility, usability and comfort in the public space and prolong general mobility. Older car drivers especially need support, in view of their abilities and deficiencies in certain situations, as well as information on how to compensate for cognitive and sensory limitations. In Korea, the prevailing view was that lowering speed limits is an inconvenience to drivers, and that reductions without a clear reason would be seen as unfair and lead to increased social costs. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This article analyses concept of constitutionalism through three paradigms: i) philosophical constitutionalism as study of different concepts of constitution, ii) so called value constitutionalism, encompassing three main constitutional values (rule of law, democracy and human rights) and iii) interpretative (methodological) constitutionalism as theory on interpretation of constitution. Each one of these three paradigms of constitution may be separate theory of constitution. Such concept is completely new theory on constitutionalism not only in Lithuanian, but also in comparative constitutional law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""The information in this document relates to the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. Andrade and O.F.A. Bueno (2008), """"Contribution of Education, Occupation and Cognitively Stimulating Activities to the Formation of Cognitive Reserve"""", Dementia and Neuropsychologia,Vo\. 2, No. Working Paper ROA-RM-2010/1, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), Maastricht."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 AbstractThe problem of impunity has dominated the Colombian political landscape against the backdrop of almost non-stop war in the country since independence. The focus here shall be upon impunity in relation to human rights abuses regarding Colombian workers and union members. The central argument is that impunity is socially entrenched in Colombia due to an historical legacy of a weak state, a concomitant lack of institutionalised conflict resolution mechanisms and the stigmatisation of unions as havens for the revolutionary Left. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This makes it possible to avail oneself of all services with the utmost convenience without the need to move from one point to another. By placing many interconnected services under one roof, the Huduma Kenya programme has succeeded in improving overall compliance. As a result, citizens often lose faith in the governments ability to provide services of acceptable standards. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In both the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the local content of value added is generally very small, being limited to land leases and wages, for example. By contrast, farmers and local co-operatives in Denmark have long had the opportunity to invest in wind farms and increase the local value added from the industry. These efforts eased the path for renewable energy development and make investment more politically secure (Midttun and Koefoed, 2003, Biyden, 2010). In a global context of fiscal consolidation, social, technological and environmental transformation, “adaptive” water policies in response to climate change, demographic and urbanisation pressures rely more and more on cities and regions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This commentary discusses the historical development, organization and activities of the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA), a professional civil society organization that operates on the principles of protection of public interest and professional standards in health in areas of health development in Ethiopia. The important roles played by the EPHA in health training, research and policy advocacy have been highlighted. Some of the important health system interventions that have been effected in the country through the influence and active participation of the Association have also been pointed out. As an active member of the Executive Board of the World Federation of Public Health Associations, EPHA serves as a role model for public health professional associations in the African Region with regard to increasing their influence in health policy and interventions within their respective countries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Among the four products, Brazilian’s appear to prefer cheese consuming 4 kg/p, a moderate increase during the projection period (Figure 2.20). But, demand for whole milk powder expands faster during the projection period, with per capita consumption rising to 3.7 kg/p. Per capita consumption of butter and skim milk powder is expected to remain relatively flat at 0.4 kg per person and 0.6 kg/p respectively. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This period was a critical one for global organizing as women learned to reach across the continents even though it was still the pre-Internet communications era, and to understand their diversity as a source of both strength and creativity. However, continuing crises shaped policies even as feminists began making links and connections among issues such as macroeconomics, ecology and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) as a substitute for traditional population control policies. The ability of the developmental state to respond to feminist demands at the national level was eroding, as its institutions fragmented under the neoliberal onslaught. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The wide range of legislation existing on cooperative societies is the result of historical and political circumstances that go beyond the decision of the Constitutional Court of 1983 accepting the constitutionality of Act 1/1982, of 1 February, on Cooperatives, of the Basque Country, which was followed by others from other autonomous communities until the current legal cooperative framework was reached. This stemmed from the fact that the commercial nature of cooperative societies had not been accepted by the national legislator before 1979, when the first Statute of Autonomy was published. However, the discussions and conclusions on the commercial nature of cooperative societies have been present in the legal doctrine far before that date. This paper briefly reviews the legal concepts and grounds that have been provided with regard to cooperatives through to their current perceived status as commercial societies. Received: 03 July 2017 Accepted: 26 September 2017 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Withdrawal and covert forms of resistance may have been natural responses to lessons that they could not follow and in which they had no control. But even these behaviours put students at risk of failing examinations, and consequently dropping out or being lastingly labelled as failures. Students from poor households had few support mechanisms if they were doing badly, and unlike middle class students, could not take it for granted that they would pass their SSCs one way or another. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It also enables individuals to engage in home-based, income-generating activities and use modern technology. Subsequently, poor families with limited access to clean energy are more likely to remain poor. Universal access to clean energy therefore increases productivity, reduces health disparities, and bolsters gender equality and the inclusion of marginalized people. In low- and middle-income countries, for example, household air pollution is responsible for almost 10 per cent of total mortality, compared to only 0.2 per cent of all deaths in high-income countries.33 Indoor air pollution severely affects young children the most. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This is extremely significant as suicide rates have been found to be negatively associated with integration of traditional culture in several Native American peoples and degree of self-government among Native Canadians.60 Similarly, although a study of suicide risk among indigenous Sami in Arctic Norway found an increased risk of suicide for the Sami in comparison with the rural population of Arctic Norway as a whole, it found no increased risk of suicide among reindeer herding Sami males. This finding may be due to the significance of reindeer herding as a traditional, culturally significant occupation among the Sami in Norway. Today, Sami in Norway who are involved in reindeer herding occupy a unique cultural position and have a strong ethnic identity and high status within the Sami culture.61 In this regard, improvements in the enjoyment of human rights by indigenous peoples, including the rights to self-governance, culture and land rights, and improved access to resources and reduction in poverty may be expected to decrease the disproportionately high youth suicide rates faced by some indigenous tribes or communities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This article examines two key components of the Australian Government’s data surveillance framework and critiques their impact on journalistic confidentiality. The 2015 mandatory data retention scheme and the 2018 telecommunications industry assistance scheme have been the subjects of considerable controversy and ongoing parliamentary reviews. The combined effect of these provisions is that journalists are unable to confidently fulfil their ethical obligation to maintain source confidentiality. The article recommends targeted reforms to more explicitly and appropriately balance the public interest in journalistic confidentiality (and relatedly, democracy, public accountability and the rule of law) against law enforcement and national security objectives. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Governments need to devise institutional designs that ensure a science-based reality check of energy technology policies. A wide range of policy instruments are available, including economic instruments, regulatory measures and cooperation (table II.5). In-depth analysis needs to be included in the process of designing policy packages, while simplified prescriptions can be counter-productive. However, insights from past experience suggest broad guiding principles and performance targets which should guide the analysis (Griibler and others, forthcoming, Wilson and Griibler, 2010). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The appointment of directors of public health (DsPH) to the Primary Care Trust(PCT) boards to work jointly with the local authorities in addressing health inequalitiesre”ects the adoption of a multidimensional perspective of public health,and a shift inpolicy focus from treatment to illness prevention.Neo-institutional theory of change isapplied to discuss “ndings obtained from a postal questionnaire with all DsPH (n=40)and qualitative interviews with executive and non-executive board members in “vePCTs in the NorthWest of England,and to conclude that public health potential maynot be ful“lled because of pressures outside the public health area and the lack ofcapacity in the PCTs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The OECD (2004) has therefore assessed water resources to be under moderate stress. Estimates of long-term annual averages of renewable freshwater resources which aggregate the quantity of water received from precipitation (net of evapotranspiration) and from inflowing rivers from neighbouring countries. However, in recent decades the weight of agriculture has much diminished, with the share in economic activity dropping to 2*6 per cent, a share similar to that observed in other high-income countries. The value added of related manufacturing amounts to an additional 2% of GDP. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In 2002, the Supreme Court established that drinking water services are not “products” that can be charged by the utilities, but “rights” against service provision by government institutions, and therefore utilities are not entitled to approve tariffs, only state congresses can. There is some flexibility, though, as the state of Jalisco reported that the capacity to set tariffs had been taken away from Congress and given to citizen boards. Overall, there is not a single model on how tariffs are set, but a heterogeneous situation across the territory. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article examines the Supreme Court of Canada’s cost-benefit analysis of freedom of conscience and religion guaranteed by s. 2(a) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Alberta v. Hutterian Brethren of Wilson Colony . The article finds that while the Supreme Court’s reasoning was ultimately flawed, its use of cost-benefit analysis may be a positive development in the freedom of religion framework. The article also looks at the Court’s treatment of the freedom of conscience guarantee in relation to freedom of religion. The article suggests that this treatment may foreshadow a more uniform approach to the broader freedom of conscience and religion than was provided for in previous decisions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Get the answers with the OECD's Compare Your Income tool: But wealth has both a positive and a negative aspect. As well as assets, like our savings, we may also have liabilities, such as loans and mortgages. Combine these assets and liabilities and we come up with a picture of people’s net wealth. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These results may reflect prospective teachers' exposure to teaching as part of pre-service education and/or different levels of support provided to new teachers as part of in-service training. But the data reflect only teachers' feelings of preparedness. It is much harder to find systematic evidence on the actual prevalence of pedagogies in classrooms. The teacher has planned the lesson, knows the content he or she needs to cover and delivers it to the students, who are expected to master that content and apply it to their homework or a test. This kind of teacher-directed instruction might also include things like lectures, lesson summaries or question-and-answer periods that are driven by the teacher. Thus student-oriented teaching strategies are increasingly finding their way into classrooms of all subjects. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This study therefore investigates whether children's material circumstances deteriorated during the Great Recession to a greater extent compared with the population as a whole. It is expected that children suffered more in the countries that were hit by the crisis more severely. However, research on previous downturns in industrialized countries suggests that economic crises tend to affect children excessively. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Carbon prices will thus be an increasingly important tool to differentiate between low-carbon and high-carbon dispatchable technologies. By virtue of being connected to the same physical grid and delivering into the same market, they exert impacts on each other as well as on the total load available to satisfy demand at any given time. The interdependencies are heightened by the fact that only small amounts of cost-efficient electricity storage are available. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In general, the most successful PWPs have been implemented under favourable macroeconomic conditions. Their impact and cost-effectiveness depends not only on the way they have been designed, but also on the overall macroeconomic framework in which they are implemented. Training programmes for young workers generally have little positive impact on their employment prospects or post-training earnings. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! His conclusions seem to indicate a success-story. The author reports that the FCI has been successful at providing remunerative prices for wheat and rice and that the FCI reduced price volatility of wheat and rice during the period 2006-12. The author also show's that consumer prices were more stable with than without the FCI reserve policy. First, the study ignores the impact of trade policies on prices. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 An optimal mix is probably an unreachable grail, but a proper balance of environment protection, economics and reliability of energy supply, would help make sustainable choices. These impacts are not limited to headline figures of GDP, but include long-ranging effects and consequences on public budgets, the labour market, wider social indicators, health, environment and the competitiveness of the private sector. Models are needed to integrate all these effects, as a way to internalise them and to provide an insight into trade-offs and complementarities that exist between policy objectives in different domains. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 What is lacking however, is support (both political and financial) from the Government as well as donors for such locally grounded initiatives as well as inclusion in broader peacemaking activities. Although Uganda released the ‘Uganda Action Plan on UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820 and the Goma Declaration’ in December 2008, such support is not yet apparent. Even before releasing the NAP, Uganda also had a quota system in place to ensure women’s political participation through the reservation of a seat in every district (30) for women candidates. As of July 2011, women constitute 34.9 per cent of the legislature (IPU 2011). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Studies indicate that street children who use drugs were more likely to have been abused by their parents, have a history of arrests and engage in sex work, exposing them to sexually transmitted diseases. Drug abuse also affects children in conflict areas. In some regions, drugs are used as an instrument to engage and retain children and young people as child soldiers in civil wars, armed conflicts and regional conflicts and in terrorist activities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Some of these perspectives may be mutually compatible (e.g. where adaptation and climate resilient benefits are closely aligned with national development and poverty reduction goals). However, in other instances there may be trade-offs, for example, between maximising global public benefits (e.g. GHG emission reductions) versus interventions with both global and local public benefits. The different perspectives and common ground shared by these communities are highlighted in Figure 2 below. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These policy measures are currently filed in the House of Representatives for the 17th Congress and are essential for biodiversity financing. The councils are the highest planning and policy-making body that serves as the counterpart of the NEDA board at the subnational level. They play a vital role in co-ordinating and setting direction of local initiatives that could accelerate socioeconomic development in the region. The amount is significant, and these agencies can also carry out activities that are beyond the mandate of DENR. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, women in skill cells with a higher share of foreign-bom women do appear to earn higher incomes at the national level. This could be due to the increased participation of native-born women in the labour market due to immigrant women taking over childcare and household services (Furtado, 2015, Peri, 2014, see also Chapters 3 and 5). Furthermore, a significant and positive regional effect is observed when considering the impact on real wages of South African-bom workers - a one percentage point increase in the share of immigrants is associated with an almost 1% increase in the real wages of the native-born workers (Table 4.A2.1). By 2011, foreign-bom employment in agriculture and even more so in industry (including mining) decreased, and more foreign-bom workers became employed in the growing service sectors of the economy. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Train the investigators in the data collection tasks. Perform the statistical analyses of the data collected. Provide a public-access information base to engage all stakeholders, including national policy makers and health systems planners, in planning and decisionmaking processes about mental health care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The use of financial instruments is a relatively new concept for biodiversity offsets but is regularly applied in other comparable environmental policy problems. In the mining sector, for example, financial security is generally required to provide a guaranteed level of funding for site rehabilitation at the conclusion of a firm’s operations, even if the company collapses (Burgin, 2008). An important consideration when using financial mechanisms to manage delivery risk is that they create time lags between when a regulator becomes aware that an offset has failed and the time of the biodiversity loss at the development site. Where issues of species persistence are present, using financial risk mitigation may need to be tempered as the time lags involved can increase the risk of unintended, irreversible biodiversity outcomes (e.g. species extinction) (Evans et al., - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The more links a node has, the more connected it is, and the more likely it is to function as a hub (Lohmann, Albers, Koch, & Pavlovich, 2009). Tourism destinations that adopt a position as an aviation hub or gateway, and that are well serviced by air connections and accessible to a wide range of markets, can play an important role in stimulating the development of local and regional economies (Box 14). International cruise ships can cany thousands of passengers from port to port. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The lack of evidence on the costs and benefits of adaptation actions in Austria makes it generally difficult to justify additional spending in this area, relative to other budget priorities. In an effort to address this issue, Austria plans to conduct an economic assessment of the cost of inaction and arrive at an estimate of adaptation costs by mid-2015. Austria has already made good use of collaboration though EU and Alpine initiatives to leverage additional funding. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Institutions require performance management system for themselves and their personnel to evaluate, benchmark, develop, and determine training needs in compliance with performance criteria as productivity, efficiency, and thriftiness. Contemporary public management, i.e., 5018 Public Finance Management and Control Act, adopting good governance principles as transparency, responsibility, accountability, and fairness, also attaches great importance to performance management. However, there is no performance management system employed by Turkish public management system. Therefore, performance audit is not performed. To this end, it is foreseen that perceptions of personnel be measured and survey be applied to a provincial unit of a public organization. Findings reveal that performance management is not supported by high-level management and is not related to human resource practices such as career management, training and development, job valuation, and a management style in compliance with good governance which is not adopted. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This already poses a challenge for those public health centres that wish to use their resources to get full-time physicians on-site or deliver community services on their behalf. Consequently, public health centres are usually only staffed by part-time physicians, younger nurses and social workers which are a poor model for chronic diseases. Since there is widespread variation across municipalities in funding levels for public health centres, this means that relying on them would lead to wide variations in the quality of care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Past resettlement projects often turned out to be ineffective: the resettled households were not satisfied with their living conditions in the new location (due to insufficient financial support for construction of houses there, inappropriate quality of soil in the allocated land for agriculture, lack of employment opportunities, etc.) At the same time, there remains the problem of previous spontaneous individual housing. The Master Plan of Dushanbe (approved in 1983 and adjusted in 2010) provides for demolition of tire """"kibit"""" buildings made of traditional cob material in the central part of the city, which have total floor space estimated at about 750,000 nr, with an eye to using tire land for construction of multi-storey residential buildings."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! The law on Veterinary Services, Phytosanitary, Food and Feed was enacted in 2010 to attain EU compliance of related Turkish legislation. Improved border inspection, animal identification and preparedness to respond to human- and animal-disease pandemics are amongst the recent actions taken. Completion of this process is envisaged for 2012, and until that time national systems remain valid. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Circular issued by state institutions in the framework of the freies ermessen principle. Circular in administrative law is known as policy regulation/ belleidsregel. The Supreme Court as a state institution also has the authority to issue circular letters. This paper focused on the standard circular issued by the Supreme Court. This paper was legal research that was carried out with the statute approach and conceptual approach. Based on the analysis, circulars issued by the supreme court contained restrictions, namely that they should not influence the judge in examining the case. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Revisiting the dynamics of growth, inequality and poverty reduction. Centre for Development Policy and Research, SOAS, Discussion Paper No. True world income distribution, 1988 and 1993: first calculation based on household surveys alone. The two faces of globalization: against globalization as we know it. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It was generally agreed, however, that the reforms in greening the energy sector were principal for determining Grenada’s low-carbon development pathway. The energy sector was seen as the fulcrum for green economy implementation. Green economy policies in tourism are therefore seen as necessary to balance the seemingly competing objectives. The tourism sector is recognised as the single largest source of foreign exchange earnings, income and employment generation, and an important contributor to general economic activity and social development. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The division between peace and war has become increasingly blurred in factual terms in recent decades. Similarly, the law has progressed in a manner that has not necessarily been consistent. The author reviews how the laws covering the use of force in both peace and war have developed separately under the respective headings of the laws of war (also known as the law of armed conflict or international humanitarian law) and human rights law. The increasing overlap between these two bodies of public international law has led to tensions particularly in relation to the conduct of hostilities. The author suggests a way forward to ensure the applicability of the highest standards of protection whilst still enabling military operations to be carried out efficiently within a legal framework. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Vanuatu Government also suspended value-added tax (VAT) and import duties on construction materials for two months after the cyclone, deferred payments of vehicle registration fees and VAT to the next quarter, and provided subsidies for agricultural seedlings to affected households (IMF 2016b). The Vanuatu National Provident Fund also allowed its 40,000 active members to withdraw up to 20 per cent of their retirement savings to cover expenses related to Cyclone Pam (IMF 2016b). Common to both were the significant logistics and transportation challenges due to the isolation of numerous communities and challenging geographical terrain (SPC 2016: IFRC 2017). There were also coordination challenges, particularly data flow and information management coordination from the national disaster offices/coordinating bodies (SPC 2016: IFRC 2017). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Employee resource groups are networks of employees that aim to foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace while also providing valuable advice to companies on issues related to human resources and organisational management. In the United States, many private sector companies have created such groups to foster great employer-employee dialogue w'hile providing workers more opportunities to problem solve, thinking innovatively, and develop leadership skills. This strategy also identifies a number of critical sectors for growth including digital and creative technologies, life and health sciences, financial and professional services, as well as advanced manufacturing and engineering. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 There is thus a clear gradation in labourforce participation of women among different socio-religious groups. While the LFPRs of rural women varied between 35.6 and 49.6 per cent in rural areas, the variation was between 20.5 and 24.4 per cent in urban areas {Figure 6-4). The reduction in the labour force participation of women is thus largely in rural areas and is consistent with the reduction of employment opportunities in agriculture. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 On October 15, 2015, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered its judgment in the case of Perincek v. Switzerland . The judgment contested a criminal provision applied in Switzerland against a Turkish politician who had publicly denied a historical fact of the Armenian genocide. Notwithstanding variations in reasoning, the outcome in the Grand Chamber is similar to the previous decision of the Chamber on this case in 2013. The Swiss criminal provision applied in the context of the denial of the Armenian genocide was again found irreconcilable with freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Although there is evidence that remittances provide better access to education and health care, limited contact with parents might have negative impacts on die development of children (FIDH, 2016, p. 58, Ablezova and others, 2008, pp. Studies in Kyrgyzstan have also shown diat caring is still assigned primarily to mothers, and that this role does not change much with migration (Thieme, 2008). The Russian Federation is seen as a space of freedom (Brednikova, 2017) where husbands can learn expectations about the role of a wife which contradict die role model of a wife in Central Asia, thus, women feel that they are in competition with """"Russian wives"""" (Cleuziou, n.d., Reeves, 2011, 2013). Having a """"second family"""" in the Russian Federation is seen as normal - for a man - by a quarter of respondents in Kyrgyzstan (22 per cent of females and 26 per cent of males) (UNFPA, 2016)."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The relationship between international law and municipal law has always been a fundamental feature of the study of international law as an academic discipline. Additionally, the practical interaction of the two normative regulatory systems presents tremendous consequences for the conduct of human affairs, nationally and internationally. An understanding of their interrelationship, interaction, and interplay (doctrinally and pragmatically) is essential for a scholarly appreciation of the nature, scope, and dimensions of the concept of universal jurisdiction. This chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of this relationship. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the Republic of Korea, for example, since 2000, the government has significantly expanded social care provision in the form of universal long-term insurance schemes for the elderly and publicly subsidized childcare. Though most contemporary growth models incorporate some measure of human as well as physical capital, human capital is rarely treated as a component of investment.27 And while growth prescriptions almost always call for investment in skills, such calls are limited to increasing formal education. This approach to growth and development ignores the significant amount of unpaid and paid care work that goes into sustaining people from day to day and from one generation to the next. The service sector is the largest employer of both women and men in high-income countries, and an increasingly important contributor to productivity growth in developing economies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Together with the 2010 Public Health Regulations (Effluent Quality Standards), the goal is to achieve considerable environmental improvement of rivers within five to ten years. Drinking water is routinely checked for chemical (including heavy metals), physical and radiological quality. Pollution is not high with respect to international guidelines9 except in Haifa Bay and at some other locations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The current xenophobic cultural environment in the United States makes it imperative that psychologists understand the nature of xenophobia and recognize its consequences. This article explores sociological, social psychological, and multicultural research to examine the causes of negative attitudes toward immigrants. Xenophobia is presented as a concept descriptive of a socially observable phenomenon. Historical and contemporary expressions of xenophobia in the United States are examined and compared with cross-cultural scholarship on negative attitudes toward immigrants. Last, suggestions are provided for how counseling psychologists can integrate an understanding of xenophobia into their clinical practice, training, research, and public policy advocacy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Finally, reducing informality is a key challenge to increase revenues, with significant implications for tax policy. The level of informality - as measured by the share of people not contributing to social security - in Chile, although low for Latin American standards, is high compared to other OECD countries. There are many reasons why broadening the tax net to informal operators should be a priority: it would not only raise additional revenues, it would also restore equity between formal taxpayers and informal operators, raise social welfare as workers employed in the informal sector have limited access to social protection, and ultimately boost economic growth as productivity in the informal sector tends to be lower than in the formal sector. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! It is therefore important that countries' INDCs are supported by comprehensive and robust national investment plans. The four selected cases present a diverse spectrum of country profiles and challenges to advance climate action both in the field of mitigation and adaptation. Whilst within sectors and for either mitigation or adaptation it is likely that similar opportunities and barriers can be observed across different countries, the nature and degree of importance of each barrier depends on country-specific factors such as existing institutional frameworks, market maturity and general technical capacity. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It would be desirable to ensure both that groups such as the elderly have good access to GP services, but also that they have equally good quality of care in primary care, including diagnosis and referral. Current and future efforts to strengthen the quality of primary care in Denmark (see Chapter 2) should include considerations of possible impact on equity. Data showing a pro-poor inequities in GP utilisation suggest that the lack of financial barriers have a positive effect on equity in health utilisation, and the high level of public financing of health care in Denmark generally has the desired effect in promoting equitable access to health care for all. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The analysis summarises and extends recent country studies on the dynamics of SA receipt for Norway (Bhuller & Konigs, 2011, Bhuller, Brinch & Konigs, 2014), Luxembourg (Konigs, 2012), and the Netherlands (Konigs, 2013). In addition, it presents previously unpublished results for Sweden. The results for Latvia are taken from findings of a World Bank study (World Bank, 2013) in which two of the authors were involved. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Commit to research, development and innovation for longer-term energy balance and transitions. The mix of baseload and flexible peak-load capacity is a classic example to deal with variable load. Fuel switching, storage (see below), physical exchange with other regions through cross-border interconnectors, liquid energy markets, parallel supply paths and sufficient redundancy through standby components are all part of this effort. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Intimate partner violence affects women of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their socioeconomic status and educational level, in all countries. According to the latest available data from 106 countries, 18 per cent of ever-partnered women and girls 15 to 49 years old experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the 12 months prior to the survey. On average, the prevalence of FGM has declined by one quarter since around 2000. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Capital and financial market liberalisation and banking deregulation often led to an increase in instability, with adverse effects on inequality and growth (see Stiglitz 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012). And trade ministers, especially from the developed countries, were ill-prepared to analyse the implications of alternative proposals for development. Under GATT, developing countries were somewhat protected by the commitment towards Special and Differential Treatment. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Article deals with the freedom of religion in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina granted by the Constitution and further regulated by the Law on Freedom of Religion, as well as the other statutory provisions. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, religion has a specific status given that it is a building block of ethnic identity of the constituent people, e.g. Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats. Having this in mind, an introduction of the collective rights can be indirectly understood as the protection of religion. Furthermore, the article gives an analysis of relevant constitutional provisions as well as the European Convention on Human Rights. In concrete, Article 9, which grants freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Moreover, the article gives an analysis of the relevant case law developed before the European Court for Human Rights, domestic institutions and the documented violations of the freedom of religion in the county. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Fiscal transfers are relatively low compared to the support provided through maintaining market prices above world levels, which are ultimately paid for by consumers. But some emerging economies are making increasing use of fiscal support measures. In South Africa support to land reforms, especially to new settlements and smallholders, is an important part of the policy package. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For coal with CCS, it is important to investigate the suitability of different methods of capture (oxy-fuelling, pre-combustion and post-combustion C02 capture) for Indian coal, which suffers from high ash content. Therefore, pre-combustion capture would require the adaptation of IGCC technology to Indian coal quality or instead the use of imported coal, but would offer additional benefits such as higher efficiency. However, its use is starting from a very low level of installed capacity and a much more ambitious approach is needed for both PV and CSP. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Resilience means that the risks have been considered and managed to achieve an acceptable level of performance given the available information, and that capacities to withstand and recover from shocks are in place (OECD, 2014a). In the case of protective infrastructure (such as flood defences) this will be the assets protected by the defences. For other infrastructure, it will be the costs resulting from damage or disruption to the asset (e.g. business interruption from loss of electricity supply). Considering climate impacts for individual assets, such as a bridge or a railway line, is necessary but not sufficient to ensure that the system functions reliably despite a changing climate. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! While some surveys allow respondents to report both primary and secondary activities, secondary activities are not consistently reported or analysed. This is especially important when measuring women’s time use as their time spent on paid and unpaid tasks often overlap. Research conducted by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in India, Nepal, Rwanda and Tanzania found that women multi-task over 11 hours on average throughout the day combining child care with different household tasks such as cleaning and cooking and paid work (Chopra and Zambelli, 2017). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Ces enfants sont souvent confrontes a de multiples aspects de la privation materielle (y compris de mauvaises conditions de logement et un manque de possibilites d'education), ce qui appelle une strategic globale de lutte contre la pauvrete dans toutes ses dimensions. Changes in living standard of children in two-parent very low income families, 2007-2014.58 Figure 21. For instance, the child poverty rate is lowest in Denmark at around 4%, but almost 25% in Israel and Turkey. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""These three world conferences witnessed extraordinary activism on the part of women from around the world and laid the groundwork for the world conferences in the 1990s to address women's rights, including the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 (see below). It sought to review the status of the human rights machinery in place at the time. Women's rights activists mobilized to ensure that women's human rights were fully on the agenda of the international community under the rallying cry """"Women's Rights are Human Rights."""""" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The NUA stresses the need to reduce urban-rural disparities, to foster equitable development across urban-rural areas, to encourage urban-rural interactions and connectivity. This can be done by strengthening transport, technology and communication networks and infrastructure, underpinned by planning instruments based on a territorial approach to maximize the potential of these sectors for enhanced productivity, social, economic, and territorial cohesion, and environmental sustainability. Collectively, the SDGs and NUA recognize the importance of rural and urban development in the planning process, the role of different actors in enhancing service delivery, and collective development in which no place and no one is left behind. Such policy guidance is attainable through national and regional development planning interventions that tend to reduce disparities and ensure a more harmonious development. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The targeted learners are young apprentices and students in the Swiss vocational sector in schools mainly in the industrial and commercial fields. It is supporting the spread of innovative practice and change across a self-elected, bottom-up community of practice of schools. It has lead Partner Schools, Pathfinder Schools and then a larger group of less active Network Schools across the country (mainly England), all supporting and learning from each other. Several are directly led and organised by the national ministry of education but in others the ministry has more of a support role or else the initiative is not happening at the national level or it is being led from elsewhere altogether, such as by foundations. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Rural poverty and food insecurity are frequently the result of “institutional failures” (including coordination failures, land insecurity, gender discrimination and marginalization of indigenous populations), which prevent the development of more dynamic food production systems. To a large extent, low income and food insecurity among small-scale farm holders can be traced back to the lack of adequate access to land. Traditional land reform designed to improve access to land and provide support to different forms of association among farmers would help to effect economies of scale in production and, most importantly, in the marketing of food crops. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Large variations exist within middle-income countries, ranging from 20.3 employed females per 100 males in the Islamic Republic of Iran to 95.7 in Kazakhstan and even 100.5 in the Lao People's Democratic Republic in 2013. Smaller proportions of the female populations are employed compared with the male populations in each subregion. The difference is widest in South and South-West Asia, where in 2013 approximately 3 of every 10 females were employed compared with more than 7 of every 10 males. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Controversy surrounding a proposed lease deal between Boeing and the Air Force for one hundred 767 aircraft tankers unveiled the most serious case of crime at the Pentagon in recent history. After emerging publicly in 2003, the 23 billion-dollar plan led to the imprisonment of two top officials. Through an institutionally grounded rhetorical approach to news framing of the ordeal from 2003–2008, this essay confronts the tragic impulse of issue containment rhetoric, placing emphasis on Burke's (1969a) “scapegoat mechanism.” I critique the popular convention of episodically constructing temporary, isolated, and accessible causes for elite corruption and American greed. Moreover, I show that historical and systemic distortions prevent recognition of the limits of liberal ideology on collective social change under the hegemony of capitalism. In addition to offering a novel framework for future study, the investigation calls for further inquiry on the contested nature of discourses of nonpolitical consensus th... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Elements of the day-to-day management may be allocated to private contractors. This approach involves community-driven investment, and it is described in more detail in Section 1.5, where alternative investment approaches are discussed. The government's experience in funding, owning and running broadband networks is also an important consideration when deciding which investment approach should be taken. The key advantages and disadvantages of the investment approaches are summarized in Table 1.2. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The implementation assessment focused on good practice and data on women’s participation in training, ranging from start-up training to training for enterprise growth. Finally, the monitoring and evaluation indicator focused on the impact of training and policy evaluation. To compare performance over time, the reader should focus on the qualitative/narrative parts of report. Good efforts are also being made to address entrepreneurship as a key competence. However, entrepreneurship promotion in higher education remains piecemeal everywhere. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The inquiry stressed that monetary valuation is less reliable, or even inappropriate, in complex situations that involve a variety of ecosystem services, or where there are different ethical convictions regarding what values it is possible or appropriate to express monetarily, and that this applies especially to the supporting and regulating ecosystem services that determine the long-term capacity of ecosystems to generate human well-being (e.g. soil formation, water regulation, or pollination]. The choice of a particular world view can be associated with various types of value and relate to all the foci of value, for which particular approaches, data sources and data types are needed. The large number of possible combinations is represented here by a generic arrow linking the different sets of rows. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the post-disaster phase, they can also use field-based methods to estimate damage and losses. Pre-disaster risk assessment, or to be more precise, the use of information in ‘normal’ times, is thus needed to generate risk awareness for development planning purposes. This assessment can guide DRR policies, strategies and investment programmes. The qualitative approach is useful as an initial screening process. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""This flow of e-waste further complicates problems associated with waste management.61 It is difficult to estimate the quantum of trans-border e-waste streams, as this trade in e-waste is camouflaged and conducted under the pretext of obtaining 'reusable' equipment or 'donations' from developed nations. Some exporters may deliberately leave difficult-to-spot obsolete or non-working equipment mixed in loads of working equipment through ignorance or to avoid more costly treatment processes. Consequently, this e-waste, which is hazardous, is being discarded and routinely burned in what environmentalists call """"a cyber-age nightmare now landing on the shores of developing countries. It is one of Ghana's largest e-waste dumps, with mountains of abandoned motherboards, computer monitors, and hard drives littering the landscape."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Other OECD countries also saw big rises, including the United Kingdom and Australia. As well as looking at the top 1% of earners, they argue, we should also look at an even smaller segment - the top 0.1% of earners (1 in 1,000), and even the top 0.01% of earners (1 in 10,000). As the Nobel laureate Paul Krugman has noted, data from the U.S. Congressional Budget Office shows that between 1979 and 2005, the after-tax income of Americans in the middle of the income distribution rose by 21%, among the 0.1% it was up 400%. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Mongolia’s steppe and desert steppe zones, especially the steppes of Domod and areas of Zamyn Uud and Sainshand, belong to lands w'ith a moderate degree of w'ind erosion. Soils of the mountain regions are not affected by wind erosion. Soil erosion due to w'ind has decreased on the west side of the Great Lakes Depression, along the Khar Us Lake and in the Buyant River basin. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Both in the longitudinal French sample (Glymour, Tzourio and Dufouil 2012) and in cross-sectional PIAAC data (Paccagnella 2016a), more educated individuals experienced slightly faster skills decline. In contrast, a study using longitudinal Dutch data on individuals between ages 24 and 81 found that more educated adults experienced slow'er skills decline (De Grip et al. In terms of the skills distribution more generally, Paccagnella (2016a) observes that the dispersion of scores tends to increase with age in most countries in cross-sectional PIAAC data. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Climate sensitivity values above 5 °C, such as 8 °C or more, cannot be ruled out, which would shift the estimated temperature increases for existing emission levels even higher (Meinshausen et al. The concentration of C02 alone is projected to be around 530 ppm in 2050 and 780 ppm in 2100 (Figure 3.9). The Outlook Baseline scenario suggests that these GHG-concentration levels would lead to an increase in global mean temperature at the middle of the century of 2.0 °C-2.8 °C, and 3.7 °C-5.6 °C at the end of the century (compared to pre-industrial times). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 On the other hand it indicates that policies that help limiting or - ideally - reversing the long-run rise in inequality would not only make societies less unfair, but also richer. In particular, the present analysis highlights the importance of two pillars of a policy strategy for tackling rising inequalities and promoting equality of opportunities. One policy avenue to reduce inequality involves reforms to tax and benefit policies. Recent OECD work has focused on top incomes (Forster et al. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Agriculture plays a less sizeable role within the regional food economy than in the past, 40% of the value added in the agro-food sector is no longer dependant on agriculture. Increasing urbanisation and human mobility are influencing the evolution of food diets, social habits and the profile of agricultural labour, including in rural areas, and the post-harvest segments of the food value chains are expanding in line with socioeconomic change (Allen and Heinrigs, 2016). An analysis of how men's roles are evolving would be an equally critical and timely effort and would paint a comprehensive picture of how resilience and food and nutrition security can best be achieved. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Very few studies examine why fewer women trade across borders. This chapter argues that even though women and men face common barriers, the barriers to trade are greater for women due to cultural and legal constraints. Cultural barriers and women's role in their families make it more difficult to bring their companies to the productivity levels and sizes that would enable them to compete successfully in global markets. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 To build capacity and implement AfL in large scale, it would probably be wise to use the capacity these researchers represent and strengthen the dialogue between Norwegian researchers in the field of assessment and the DET. It is evident that there are challenges in how to transform the complex knowledge researchers possess into knowledge that teachers can use in developing their assessment literacy. Searches for articles were also conducted on the websites of Norwegian think tanks18 and publications specifically targeted at teachers and school leaders. In general, AfL was positively described in the majority of the articles. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Definiciones Instrumentos de Planificacion Territorial IPT” (Definitions of Territorial Planning Instruments TPI), MINVU, Santiago, Chile, opensite_20070427120550.aspx, accessed 13 September 2012. Jr/Ies-plans-de-prevention-des-risques-naturels-ppr, accessed 23 September 2012. World Cities and Urban Form: Fragmented, Polycentric, Sustainable?, Routledge, Abingdon, UK. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Older working-age single women are increasingly left behind with women who had children in the 2000s, when they were likely to give up work, still suffering earnings penalties and lower employment rates than women who had children later but managed to maintain their careers. Young people who found it difficult to find work after leaving education at the time of the “Great Recession” in the 2010s are now in work, but in their forties and still find their work prospects affected by the unemployment they suffered early in their careers. Those from wealthier families or who have previously held professional jobs usually have good insurance policies in place to protect against loss of income. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Abstract Portugal has often been considered as a case of successful democratic consolidation, and in fact the same ethical standards underpin democratic government and the rule of law – equality, transparency, accountability, impartiality, legality and integrity – as are found in most other mature Western European democracies. However, there is something singular about the Portuguese case that may be of interest to scholars of other southern European countries and the consolidating democracies of Eastern Europe: The coexistence of modern/rational and pre-modern/family-based relations between citizens and the public administration. This means that corruption in Portugal is not only about bribery but also about a series of other practices and conducts – ones in which the exchange of money for decisions is neither clear-cut nor automatic. Drawing on European and national survey data, this paper sets out to demonstrate that beneath the apparently consensual condemnation of corruption at a symbolic level, citi... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is all about the fact that the conceptions and the expectations of the two genders vary because of the interplay between gender and class. According to Svensson, the often very traditional gender contracts (the social ground rules) in the peripheral areas do not cause problems for the young men. For them, there is no ambivalence. Most of them believe that, without a doubt, there is no future for them in Soderhamn within any foreseeable time frame (Svensson 2006:145, own translation). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Even so, the interlinkages between climate change (and hazards) and multidimensional inequalities have yet to be fully explored. The role of the underlying structural causes of inequalities is also poorly understood. The objective of the present chapter is therefore to bridge these gaps, which will in turn provide the foundation for a discussion centred on the policy challenges related to building resilience to climate hazards. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some 81% of respondents mention oil as one of the most-used energy sources, 77% gas and 36% nuclear energy, followed by coal at 35%. Their high degree of awareness of the energy mix can thus explain why respondents are focused on fuel price volatility: in the case of oil for example, which is the most-used energy source for a majority of Europeans, the signal transmitted by the price of the barrel can be considered as an indicator of consumers’ confidence in the security of energy supply of its country. To explore the possibility of correlation between the security of energy supply concerns and public attitudes towards nuclear energy that have been developed in the first part of this chapter, it is not sufficient to provide a snapshot into the state of public opinion on these issues. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It increases individual incomes that are critical to satisfying basic needs and is a source of resource mobilization for Governments to invest in development. For the world as a whole, the period from 2000 to 2007/08 was a time of rising economic growth as well as increasing macroeconomic stability. The increased policy space of this period represented an opportunity for economic policies to enable progress towards achieving development goals. An important number of countries increased social public expenditure both in absolute terms as well as relative to total government expenditures, signalling that the economic bonanza made room for development policies. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Resolution 1888 (2009) focuses on strengthening leadership, expertise and other institutional capacities within the United Nations and in Member States to help put an end to conflict-related sexual violence. In response to resolution 1888 (2009), the Secretary-General appointed a Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict. Resolution i960 (2010) also calls for the establishment of monitoring, analysis and reporting arrangements specific to conflict-related sexual violence. Resolution 2106 (2013) calls on all Member States and United Nations entities to do more to implement previous mandates, and affirms the centrality of gender equality and women's political, social and economic empowerment to prevent sexual violence in armed conflict and post-conflict situations. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In 1998, 17 States specified a waiver for a prescribed period of time ( Following a series of sessions between representatives of national and local authorities, apart from the child benefits part, the reduction was roughly retracted.” ( Central governments may finance none of the benefit costs at the margin yet largely cover the average costs in other ways {e.g. through formula grants or payments for specific services). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This would increase resource requirements for reporting, but would allow Parties and the international community to undertake a variety of assessments and analyses. Disaggregated reporting by Parties (and potentially also by other organisations) on a consistent and comparable basis to the UNFCCC would facilitate transparency, and could also help to fill current reporting gaps, such as reporting on mobilised climate finance. Transparency of climate finance information would be further facilitated if it is communicated in the form of a searchable database or worksheet (e.g. an Excel spreadsheet - as Annex I countries do when communicating annual emissions inventory data) rather than as tables within reports in PDF format as at present. These could include encouraging voluntary reporting (e.g. in Annex I national communications and biennial reports) of items that will become mandatory under the Paiis Agreement (such as developed country reporting on mobilised climate finance). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This book explores the challenges of applying disability theory and policy, including the social model of disability, to madness and distress. It brings together leading scholars and activists from Europe, North America, Australia and India, to explore the relationship between madness, distress and disability. Whether mental health problems should be viewed as disabilities is a pressing concern, especially since the inclusion of psychosocial disability in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This book will appeal to policy makers, practitioners, activists and academics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Such surpluses could then be used to increase demand for rural-non-farm goods and services. Increases in farm-based income are closely linked with increases in non-farm income, such as from vending, petty trading and transport services. Non-farm income is especially pronounced in broad-based smallholder-led agricultural growth, because as local labour is hired, income is typically spent locally (Deichmann et al., - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Thus, pk (the identification method) identifies person i as poor when the number of weighted deprivations is at least k. Since pk is dependent on both the within- dimension cut-off liner/ and the across-dimension cut-off line k, pk is a dual cut-off method of identification. The matrix is then censored (gOA), which means that the deprivations of the non-poor are excluded (they are assigned a value of zero). H=q/n, where q is the number of poor people and n is the total population. This value is then divided by the total number of poor individuals (q). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Previous studies, of wildlife crime, have revealed some variation of sentencing across the country, in different aimags, but, generally speaking, limits on data availability prevent a thorough comparison. For example, a mining licence can be revoked for failure to adopt an EMP, comply with such a plan or submit compliance reports. The former data set provides information on the location, date of detection, type of crime or infringement, classification of the offence and status of the procedure (e.g. whether transferred to the prosecutor’s office with a recommendation to prosecute). The latter data set provides information on damage and on items seized. Information is not available on the outcome of prosecution, including sentencing. Figure 2.5 shows the evolution of criminal law violations over the period 2011-2016 with the data appearing to be incomplete in the period 2009-2010. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Estimations of equations 2-5 confirm the indirect links between the level of gender-based discrimination in social institutions and income. Table 5 shows a strong negative and significant relationship between the SIGI and both total factor productivity, labour force and human capital, whatever the specification used (Annexes E, F and G present the full regression results). The SIGI coefficients remain significantly negative while introducing additional control variables, controlling for potential endogeneity and performing robustness checks. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As input price increases outpaced output price rises and farmers had limited freedom to change their behaviour, many farms simply went into debt, but the government continued to provide credits (Gray, 2000). By 1996, three-quarters of agricultural enterprises were unprofitable and many workers were paid in-kind (e.g. engineers received farm equipment in lieu of wages). Between 1998 and 2003, reforms of farm ownership were in part targeted at writing off debts and allowing farms to re-start with a clean sheet. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Elements which are common to these three standards are identified as a “Common Core”. The value of the Common Core is to assist program authors to exchange declarative applications internationally using these standards. To allow the possibility of interaction between different interactive platforms, a common instruction set (see Recommendation ITU-R BT.1722-2 [10.14]) and a common application environment for digital interactive television services consisting of basic architecture of the environment, structure of execution engine and the structure of a presentation engine (see Recommendation ITU-R BT.1889 [10.15]) are additionally defined. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Lower reliance on recurring property taxes as part of the tax mix is, however, likely to harm output per capita, due to the comparatively low economic distortions associated with these taxes (Arnold, 2008, Akgun et al., A Microsimulation Analysis for Five European Countries,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. Tax reform recommendations in OECD Economic Surveys (cont.) Tax reform recommendations in OECD Economic Surveys (cont.) - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! ""The CESCR has adopted the term ‘substantive equality’ and has said that laws, policies and practices of State parties may perpetuate inequality between men and women because they do not take account of existing economic,social and cultural inequalities experienced by women (CESCR 2005). He notes that: ‘As long as we simply recognize the role of women in the """"care"""" economy by accommodating their specific needs, the existing division of roles within the household and associated gender stereotypes will remain in place, and could even be reinforced. This dimension is stressed by the HRC with surprising robustness in relation to under-representation of women in politicsand in the publicand private sectors, where State parties are regularly urged to institute temporary special measures to address the problem.92 Article 4(1) of CEDAW requires State parties to makes it clear that temporary special measures aimed at accelerating de facto equality between women and men should not be considered discriminatory, but they should be discontinued when the objectives of equality of opportunity and treatment have been achieved. ( This contrasts with special measures, such as those aimed at protecting maternity, which should not be temporary - article 4(2).)"" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This would establish the OECD as the “goto” organisation for guidance on whole-of-govemment policies related to digitalisation. It would therefore provide high value for money, by proving a coherent and integrated approach - instead of a piecemeal, fragmented one - to an issue that is rapidly becoming a major challenge in almost every area of OECD work. Source: OECD, (2016a), Proposed Cross cutting Project: Seizing the Benefits of Digitalization/or Growth and Well-Being, OECD document for official use, DST1/1ND/STP/ICCP/CP(2016)1. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The central bank is also looking to lower the reserve requirement ratio further in line with the reductions in March and June 2018. The capacity to meet the infrastructure plan while limiting associated fiscal risks remains a prominent near-term challenge. Concrete policies for continuing to develop regions outside Metro Manila, particularly in agriculture-dependent areas (Box 1.2), are crucial to spreading economic opportunities and managing population concentration and activities in the coming years. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Convention makes no further reference to specific initiatives or actions to be taken, in accordance with its framework nature (UN, 1992). The action, and hence initiatives to ensure the fulfilment of the objectives of the Convention has always been the discrete responsibility of the Parties to the Convention, individually or in cooperation. This distinction between domestic or cooperative action is further illustrated by the Kyoto Protocol, where the Protocol promotes cooperative action in the form of technology transfer and flexible mechanisms. However, the Protocol is mostly sector-neutral in that it leaves the Party or Parties with the choice of where to act and how. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Indeed, the novelty of the technologies considered and the probable fluctuations in renewable energy supply (including dependence of generation on weather, seasons and time of day) have specific implications for managing project risk and accurately assessing market capacity. Table 6.1 lists the different risks faced by clean energy infrastructure projects, and Table 6.2 illustrates how different modes of allocating these risks can best be suited to various forms of PPP projects. The level of risk will depend on the maturity of the technology and the track record of the technology provider. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Some states are located entirely within the area of one BC. In other cases, where a state is divided between two or more BCs, the state participates in all the BCs within its territory. To date, two RBCs have been implemented and ANA is carrying out programmes to stimulate the creation of councils in ten additional basins, while tackling remaining challenges such as financial sustainability, capacity building regarding negotiation and consultation, civil society representation and the long-term contribution of RBCs to national development. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Tajikistan also has 38 km of oil pipeline. One more refineiy - in Dangara district -was due to be commissioned in early 2017. Over the last 10 years, due to the construction of the 670 MW Sangtuda-1 and the 220 MW Sangtuda-2 HPPs in 2011, total capacity in Tajikistan has increased by more than 1,000 MW. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Violence against children is a human rights challenge. According to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.2, all violence against children should be eliminated. This paper discusses how violence against children can be defined and which forms it takes. Parental violence in the form of physical discipline is highly prevalent, particularly in low-income countries. This violence causes suffering, has serious health consequences and reduces human capital. This article estimates that 311 million children are subjected to severe forms of physical punishment, equivalent to 17.5 per cent of all children worldwide. In contrast to other forms of violence (e.g. civil wars and terrorism), ‘every day’ violence against children receives little attention in development research, despite the high prevalence rates and resulting adverse consequences for societal development. This special issue presents evidence from promising parenting interventions for violence reduction in low-income settings in Kenya, Liberia and Uganda. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For instance, male wages may contribute to growing overall inequality because they become more dispersed, while the composition effect, e.g. increased participation in part-time/part-year jobs, may be the main channel through which women affect overall inequality. To test this hypothesis, this section applies an analysis that decomposes earnings inequality (measured by the Theil coefficient) by subgroup (between men and women from four different employment groups, i.e. full-time full year, full-time part-year, part-time full year and part-time part year). In Australia, Canada and the United States, the increase in wage dispersion within the groups was even large enough to outweigh a significant negative (i.e. equalising) effect of the between-group component. In most countries increases were primarily driven by growing wage dispersion among full-time full-year (FTFY) workers, both male and female (except in the Netherlands where this concerned only men). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, it could have been useful to attempt to do so, providing further insight into the expected net benefits related to the environment of the reforms. Instead the process typically extends over many years, even decades, adjusting to changing circumstances. Stakeholder engagement has become common practice for allocation reforms. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Sadly, since 2007 there have been signs that the suicide rate has risen in England. With “recovery” and “outcomes” established as key priorities of the most recent mental health strategy, “No Health Without Mental Health”, indicators and outcome measures remain important. Quality monitoring is the responsibility of the groups detailed in section 3.4, many of which produce qualitative or quantitative data. The current (2012) NHS Outcomes Framework establishes “increased life expectancy” and “reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities” as two high-level outcomes to be achieved across the health system. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 They acknowledge that they need to develop better methods for field ecological studies, including better baseline data with which to compare new crops (ICSU). Scientists agree that the use of conventional agricultural pesticides and herbicides has damaged habitats for farmland birds, wild plants and insects and has seriously reduced their numbers (ICSU, GM Science Review Panel, Royal Society). Transgenic crops are changing chemical and land-use patterns and farming practices, but scientists do not fully agree whether the net effect of these changes will be positive or negative for the environment (ICSU). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Developing a primary care nurse role or care co-ordinator role can not only help manage the increasing demands for health care, but it is also an essential step to help reduce dependency on the hospital sector and increase care co-ordination and integration. The introduction of new roles for nurses or other allied health professionals will require an enabling legislative and regulatory framew ork, and often needs to overcome opposition from medical professionals. Care managers carry primary responsibility for ensuring the coordination of care for elderly individuals with complex needs, and are a first point of contact for such patients and their families. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 There are various explanations for this surprisingly large difference, including hydrological measurement errors, and large-scale abstraction between Mosul and Kut for flood control or other purposes. Based on the available discharge data, mean water yield of the Tigris River appears to exceed Euphrates water yield. No trend can be observed at Mosul, while at Kut the records show a significant negative trend. It should be noted, however, that the data record at Kut exhibits more data gaps and missing values than the discharge record at Mosul, which may bias the trend analysis. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Online communities blur the lines between consumers and producers, making consumers part of the co-production process.22 YouTube and Facebook are filled with user-generated-content. New business projects now involve consumers in product design, production and delivery. Open-source coding communities cooperate in creating algorithms for various businesses. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 However, its overall effectiveness is related to a range of factors, including the modality of provision, the targeting and the costs (Bundy et al., As a matter of principle, providing in kind transfers conditional on school enrolment and/or attendance decreases the net costs of schooling in order to make it more financially attractive for parents to send their children to school, thus affecting access and participation. Moreover, feeding programmes reduce short-term hunger, which could improve children's concentration and cognitive abilities, leading to better achievements and higher learning capability. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This constitutes a real problem of inequitable access, more deprived socioeconomic groups, and more deprived states, can expect to have access to much more limited services. High out-of-pocket payments, which make up a quite significant proportion of health spending, risk being a significant financial burden for Mexican citizens, especially those least able to pay. Later codifications, such as the 1984 General Health Law, draw' on this constitutional provision. The Ministry of Health and Assistance (Secretaria de Salubridady Asistencia, SSA) w'as formally established in 1943, by merging the Ministry of Public Assistance and the Public Health Department with a mandate to extend coverage to the poor and to set overall public health policy. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Publicity for grants is made through the local media and presentations to municipalities and farm organisations. All projects are voluntary, with no landowner forced to participate in the programme. Farmers, while aware of the P trading programme, are not concerned with where the funding comes from for their BMPs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Of these amounts, governments contribute about 0.1% to 0.2% of GDP. Employers are the main flinders of adult learning, typically providing around 0.4% to 0.5% of GDP. Individuals spend around 0.2% to 0.3% of GDP. Countries achieving relatively high participation with lower expenditure tend to target funding for a smaller group of people (the most disadvantaged). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Two-wheel vehicle ownership is the most responsive to income growth in economies at around USD 1 000 to 3 000 per capita income (2007 prices), is the highest at per capita income levels of USD 10 000 to 20 000 and declines at higher income levels (OECD/ITF, 2012). Ownership of motorbikes and scooters is not as strongly associated with wealth as car ownership (Figure 2.7). Even in the Philippines - the country with the greatest gap in motorbike and scooter ownership between the top and bottom household wealth quintiles - only 34.6% of households with these vehicles were among the wealthiest and 7.2% were among the least wealthy. Rural and urban households also show more similar patterns in motorbike and scooter ownership than car ownership by wealth. Wealth indices are calculated using information on household ownership of selected assets, housing construction materials, and access to water and sanitation facilities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 As fleet capacity adjustment programmes are implemented in OECD countries, the need for access arrangements should diminish over time. By the same token, as developing countries’ capacity to fish and process fish domestically is augmented, they may find it more appropriate and wealth-creating to fish, process and trade fish themselves, rather than selling access. This is clearly a trade-off that resource rich countries need to address in light of how best to use their fisheries resources. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 According to Charbit and Romano (2017[i7j), the CPERs fall under the category of “empowerment contracts”. Empowerment contracts are tools for transferring responsibilities to subnational governments while gradually building capacities for policy implementation. It is also the intention of these types of contracts that sub-national authorities acquire in the middle-long run the necessary capacities to develop their own strategies and co-ordinate with lower levels of government (e.g. municipalities) or private actors. Central governments can include incentives as conditions for signing the contracts, such as partnering with private actors, involving neighbour local governments or adopting specific regulations, among others. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Prior to granting the building license, the municipality must set up a general plan (designating residential, commercial and industrial areas) and a detailed plan (defining the type of building). These public institutions were expected to make up for any construction shortfalls by private competitors and eventually were aimed at competing on the open market. The specific tenure of municipally owned housing was intended to play an important role in achieving the goals of housing policy after the war, namely to raise the average housing standard, to equalise the distribution of housing consumption, to restrict wealth transfers to private property owners and to counter housing segregation. While in the 1970s and 1980s, public construction was responsible for more than 75% of new rental dwellings, its importance has declined somewhat but still remains at around one half. The rent level they aim to set is used to cover direct costs, but they are not managed on a strict non-profit-making objective as they provide a return for the capital invested by the municipalities (the share of the initial municipal equity capital, though, has declined significantly over time since many MHCs were created in the 1960s and have grown since then). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This support then can be removed progressively as the novice leader’s competences increase. In the case of very challenging school environments, support for school leaders may need to be sustained over time. Different forms of networks can support and contribute to the improvement of schools in challenging circumstances (Hadfield and Jopling, 2006). Networking appears as a positive and non-punitive way to achieve durable change in practices and therefore, sustainable improvement and culture change. It allows the dissemination of good practices across the systems through shared purpose and pooled resources, and the consolidation of a professional identity (Morgan and Hawkins, 2004). The different words used to describe these groupings - networks, clusters, partnerships - reflect the variety and dynamism of collaboration, but the main message is that schools facing exceptionally challenging circumstances can learn very directly from one another (McBeath et al., - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Often ICT-related inventions in this group lie at the crossroad between several other technological fields and their potential applications also bridge different industrial domains (OECD, 2014a). The speed at which, in particular, malware has evolved over the last 10 to 15 years suggests not only that digital innovation comes with higher risks but also that malware has become highly innovative (see Box 2). Innovation in malware has forced the IT security industry and IT security experts to keep pace, thereby providing significant incentives for further digital innovation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 According to the Enuironmental Outlook Baseline, this will probably have to be achieved with less water, mainly because of pressure from growing urbanisation, industrialisation and possibly climate change. The directive has a number of objectives. The key ones are general protection of aquatic ecology, specific protection of unique and valuable habitats, protection of drinking water resources, and protection of bathing water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Abstract This paper examines the determinants of corruption in transition economies. We found that the progress of structural reform, comprising marketization, rule of law, and democratization had a crucial impact on the extent of corruption control in former socialist countries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A recent study by Casey ef al. ( Concerns about the health effects of fracking on women can be evaluated against the general understanding that health problems related to chemicals are frequently gender-differentiated, and that gender-differentiated data on these exposures is therefore badly needed (Labreche etal. The number of people without access to safe sanitation is unrecorded, but is likely to be several orders of magnitude higher. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Ending impunity cannot be achieved by international criminal tribunals alone. Therefore, it is important that states will take a significant part in these efforts. The principle of complementarity is aimed to incentivize states to conduct domestic criminal proceedings against alleged perpetrators of international crimes. This paper calls for a broader examination of the way in which the principle of complementarity incentivizes domestic actors. It argues that beyond the potential positive effect of complementarity on domestic criminal law, the shadow of the ICC creates a negative incentive for domestic courts to intervene in constitutional and administrative cases that examine general conduct of hostilities cases. The paper demonstrates this negative effect by examining a shift in the attitude of the Israeli Supreme Court in conduct of hostilities cases. In addition, the paper discusses the ways in which domestic courts attempt to regain their reputation following their increased deference in conduct of hostilities cases. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The main problems are organic matter concentration and microbiological levels due to untreated municipal loads. Nutrients are also a problem. However, annual average values vary from river to river and from year to year without a clear trend and without a cause-effect relationship from agriculture or urban pressures. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Feminist movements, in the broadest sense, are collective efforts to improve the situation of women, and they have emerged in most parts of the world, beginning in the mid-nineteenth century and continuing into the present. Feminism has also influenced other social movements, such as the peace, environmental, global justice, reproductive rights, and gay/lesbian movements, through its ideologies, collective identities, tactics, and organizational forms. Scholarship on feminist movements has focused on their origins, different waves or cycles, feminist ideologies, collective identities, tactics, and organizational forms across time and place, and the impact of feminism on other social movements. Keywords: equality, feminism, gender, movements, women, United States of America, Europe, Eurasia - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, comparing the labour tax wedge for a single individual at 67% and 167% of the average wage, this wedge increases by only a tenth in Brazil, compared to an increase in the labour tax wedge by one quarter in the average OECD country (Gandullia et al., Social security contributions are currently capped at about twice the average wage, and this could be reconsidered to achieve more progressivity. This is not unique to Brazil, in fact consumption taxes tend to have less favourable distribution effects than personal income taxes in most countries. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Some will move for sheer survival, others as part of a family strategy to maximize household incomes. Equally, not all migration arising from environmental change effects will be long term. Natural disasters tend to generate temporary movements if the affected area is still habitable, while slow-onset processes may lead to long-term or permanent migration. In making a case for migration capacity-building in response to future challenges arising from the effects of environmental change, the need for policymakers to be able to justify their priorities is evident in this report. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Women’s unemployment has additional negative macroeconomic effects. As noted above, studies document the impact of a mother’s poverty and depression on early childhood development (Agenor et al. At the macro level then, sustained unemployment leads to hysteresis (Ball 2014, Fatas and Summers 2015). Put differently, cyclical unemployment, if prolonged, can raise the structural rate of unemployment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Moreover, females speak of breaking migration laws much less often than males, however, they do not differ from male migrants in die documents they had to obtain as well as their attitudes towards migration laws. Judging by migration legislation, die State would seem to view migrants employed in die Russian Federation (possessing a patent) as single people, it should be mentioned that there is no legal option for long-term stay for an unemployed family member, who, in the case of Central Asian migrants, are more often women than men. Note: N = 266, chi square = 6.102,and 0.01 sps0.05. Respondents were asked to characterize five people with whom they socialized the most: to name their sex, place of birth and current residence, place of their acquaintance and whether they were relatives. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Programmes specifically designed to raise social and emotional skills in schools have shown positive results in the short term but there are rarely long-term rigorous evaluations. The few available ones, mainly aimed at disadvantaged children, have shown long-lasting effects on social and emotional skills development. Successful early childhood intervention programmes directly involve children and parents, and tend to include parental training, counselling sessions and mentoring. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Labour market policy settings also appear to influence how strongly participation rates are reduced by recessions. The estimation results indicate larger medium-run declines in participation in countries where employment protection regulation is relatively strict or the generosity of unemployment benefits drops off sharply with the duration of unemployment. For further details, see OECD (2010e). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! At the local level, the collection and reporting of attendance information can help ensure that all important actors -notably the school administration and the municipal social services - quickly become aware of attendance problems as they arise. The regular reporting of attendance information to the responsible education authorities at the national level can moreover ensure that teachers, schools and municipalities take non-attendance seriously. It is managed and supervised by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), which is an independent public body. This information is particularly important for youth belonging to disadvantaged groups. The resulting transparency of outcomes helps parents make educational choices and creates a sound basis for schools and communities to improve their performances. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 After the attacks on September 11, 2001, there was a significant redeployment of law enforcement in the United States, especially in New York City, which included: greater public displays of weapons, increased suspicion, surveillance, registration, detention and deportation of Arab and Muslim immigrants, the prevention of bias crimes against those same people, training for first response to future disasters, and greater investigation co-operation between municipal and federal agencies. This article explores aspects of these changes through the security-civil liberties debate, but goes beyond this dichotomy to include less explicit aspects of antiterrorist policing like dealing with trauma and popular myths of the hero. The process is described from three perspectives, each situated in a different paradigm of social analysis and practice: the rational-Enlightenment paradigm, the power paradigm, and the psycho-cultural paradigm. Some behaviors can be accurately described from a one of these points of view, ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The implementation of the polluter-pays and beneficiary-pays principles is essential to ensure that those who generate future liabilities or benefit from resources also bear the related costs. For instance, it is estimated that in Parafba BRL 2 million could be collected through water charges once the state system is fully operational, according to the volumes established by water permits. This represents ten times the current budget of the state water agency, of which only 7.5% can be spent on overhead costs for governance functions. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Furthermore, human-induced forest fires are also common in the GMS during the dry period. Typical reasons behind these fires are land clearing, hunting, swidden agriculture, pest removal, promoting grass growth for cattle grazing burning stubble, honey collection and accidental burning. Among the indirect drivers, population growth, socio-economic progress and weak governance are the main causes of forest loss. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The gap between the richest and poorest urban quintile is at least 18 percentage points in half of the countries assessed, and in one-quarter of the countries it is 35 points or higher. This may be due in part to the fact that access to water and sanitation facilities helps determine a household's value on the wealth index that we use, see the Annex for further discussion of this matter. In half of the countries analysed, children in the poorest quintile are at least twice as likely to die before their fifth birthday as their richest urban peers. The relative disparity is even more pronounced for stunting, where prevalence in the poorest urban quintile is at least twice as high as for peers in the richest quintile in approximately 8 out of 10 of the countries analysed, and at least four times higher in 2 out of 10 countries. For both stunting and under-five mortality, relative inequality is higher in urban areas than in rural areas - a pattern opposite to that of the other indicators. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Nuclear energy as a provider of dispatchable back-up capacity has a lot to gain from electricity markets that allocate the costs and benefits of electricity production at the system level in a more precise manner. In liberalised markets, however, their integration represents a challenge as they are not yet competitive against conventional sources of energy. A broad array of quantity- or price-based support mechanisms (IEA, 2008) have therefore been put in place in OECD countries to make renewable energies attractive for private investors by isolating the investment decisions regarding renewable energies from the conditions prevailing in electricity markets. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""This means that there should be a high degree of certainty that the improvements in ecosystem management are attributable to the PES programme. It also means that the services should not be lost to deteriorating ecosystems elsewhere, as environmental pressures (for example from logging activity) move from an area protected via PES, to an area which is not protected. This situation, known as """"leakage"""" only has real significance to a PES programme if the area where ecosystem services deterioriate, is important for the provision of the ecosystem services. If a critical watershed is protected via payments for hydrological services, and logging activity moves out of the critical watershed, then the desired ecosystem services in that watershed are still secure."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This chapter builds on international evidence and the findings in this report to offer some final reflections, and highlight some key principles that the Chilean government should keep in mind as it implements and adapts education policies. These final reflections build upon elements that are transversal across education levels in Chile. They refer mainly to: I) ensuring that the Chilean government constantly puts student learning at the centre of education policies, 2) supporting key actors across the system in order to deliver education policies, and 3) aligning policies for coherence, while also adapting them as needed to ensure that structures, resources and processes effectively continue to converge towards a national vision of education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 That is to say that the Gini does not allow one to capture whether the inequality is driven at the top or the bottom of the distribution which may be relevant for policy. The more disperse the distribution, the higher the sum of the differences from the mean, therefore the higher the index. More precisely the Theil index is a weighted sum of the log ratios of each observation. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! To what extent is climate change included in the Agriculture Outlook? While recent climate change concerns are mainly related to increasing global mean temperature (global warming), in the broader sense it encompasses changes and variability in temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, humidity and wind. Climate change also affects the frequency of storms, floods, droughts and other extreme weather events. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The public trust doctrine (PTD) is the common law basis for governments to hold wildlife in trust for the benefit of current and future generations of Americans. Wildlife as a public trust resource is the foundation of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. We examine principles that underlie a trustee’s role in the context of the PTD and governmental responsibility. We evaluate purposes of and needs for human dimensions inquiry in execution of a trustee’s wildlife stewardship responsibility. We conclude human dimensions research is essential for government to fulfill its responsibilities as trustee, particularly considering the breadth and often conflicting interests of stakeholders. Human dimensions research can serve an important function in identifying and affirming core societal values toward wildlife that underpin the PTD and in monitoring shifts in society’s values to ensure resiliency of the trustee role and relevance and legitimacy of institutional norms of wildlife resource governance. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is equally crucial to manage local communities' expectations of the mining industry and its ability to deliver socio-economic benefits beyond its core business. Participants in the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Policy Dialogue highlighted the need for a compelling business case as an important prerequisite for mining companies to promote the shared use of their renewable energy infrastructure (OECD Development Centre, 2018). For instance, consideration is being given to transferring the wind farm at the Diavik mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada after its closure to a nearby local community. The Diavik mine, owned by Rio Tinto and Dominion Diamond Corporation, will also share the experience with local communities in developing and maintaining a wind farm in subarctic conditions (CANWEA, 2013). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Ever since global governance was introduced to the discipline of International Relations (IR), it has been criticised for its conceptual vagueness and ambiguity. In fact, how to even speak and thin... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Backman and Ferrarini, 2010[8]) point out two mechanisms by which family transfers contribute to reduce child poverty: a direct effect via the support in-cash provided to traditional one-earner families, and the support to dual-earner families which operates by enabling both parents to work and raise market income. ( For instance, they point out the low efficacy of social spending in reducing child poverty is in Southern Europe countries due to scarce social services and modest family benefits. By contrast, pensions are found to have a noticeable impact on child poverty in countries where family and kin continue to play an important role in providing welfare, while other types of transfers are much more limited (Chzhen and Bradshaw, 2012[10]), (Petmesidou et al., - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Policy efforts to boost production are unlikely to succeed without adequate attention to improvements in these areas. This can bring substantial long-term gains to agricultural producers through the establishment of more favourable price formation conditions and, ultimately, higher agricultural incomes. The benefits would also accrue to other agents of the supply chain, including food consumers for whom more competitive food chains would provide higher quality products. Improvements in hard and soft infrastructure beyond the farm gate largely depend on the provision of adequate general services and properly functioning market institutions, areas where public support could be most appropriately directed. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The development of new technological options that promote low carbon intensity, as well as the economic costs of mitigation processes, will certainly be significant in areas such as energy, transportation and forest conservation, which will modify the current patterns of economic development (Galindo, 2009). Although these actions can have marginal mitigation effects at the global scale, they are important for ensuring environmentally sustainable development in the region. Building a culture of risk prevention and developing a large-scale climate change adaptation strategy are essential steps. Of its 550 million people, 77% live in cities of more than 2,000 inhabitants, a rate that approaches 90% in the Southern Cone and is forecast to rise across the region to 85% by 2030. Cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants alone are home to two thirds of the region's population, the highest rate in the world (ECLAC, 2012d). The system of cities in Latin America is highly varied in terms of size and conformation, but in general, the countries tend to have several megalopolises alongside strong urbanization and growing importance for medium-sized cities. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A case could also be made for other rights, such as the right to education—years of schooling and highest grade reached differ substantially between poorer and richer segments of the population—or freedom of expression and assembly, which the dispossessed feel unable to exercise for material or psychological reasons. If inequality is an obstacle to the enjoyment of human rights, an equitable distribution of wealth becomes a decisive variable for the overall system of protection of human rights, as well as for the advantages stemming from development. Important among such effects is the increasing vulnerability of people resulting from large-scale development projects. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 These fish spawning grounds and migratory routes are not protected or managed sustainably, and infrastructure development projects, planned or existing hydropower plants, pollution of rivers or the coastal zone and extraction of sand and gravel are ongoing. These developments have damaging impacts on sturgeon populations. Two major types of logging can be distinguished - for fuelwood and for construction timber. Many rural households cannot afford to purchase alternative energy resources such as liquified gas. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Capacity building has also been strengthened within the nursing workforce. Although the number of practising nurses (8.0 per 1000 population) is still slightly below the EU average, numbers have increased by a third since 2009. Looking at trends over time reveals impressive falls in amenable mortality over the past 15 years. This reflects the overall progress in providing better availability of, and access to, an increasing range of different services, medicines and medical technologies Examples of success include the remarkable improvements in survival for some treatable cancers, such as breast and testicular cancer. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Despite the importance of M&E, however, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), for example, has noted that though billions of dollars have been spent on biodiversity mainstreaming outcomes, there is very little robust, credible evidence on the efficacy of these actions (Huntley and Redford, 2014). Other challenges include ambiguous definitions,2 lack of monitoring methodologies and indicators, lack of baseline data, lack of capacity and technical expertise - especially at regional and local levels - a limited understanding between natural science and social science, and a lack of adequate reporting (OECD, 2015a, Davies et al., These are further compounded by an intrinsic mismatch between the short time frame of funding cycles and the longer time frame required for M&E of changes in outcomes. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Human resource capacity is one of the key factors influencing what regional institutions can actually do. The European Commission—die heart of the European Union (EU) administration— employs over 23,000 people in total, the two Directorates for Environment and Climate have staffs of 454 and 137, respectively, the European Environment Agency, which deals mainly with monitoring and information brokerage, employs around 200, and a number of environmental research centres are also part of the EU administration, adding further expertise and capacity. While a comparison of the secretariat capacity of die EU and die Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is perhaps unfair, given diat they have different mandates, it is notable that ASEAN’s secretariat employs just over 300 people and the department dealing with environmental issues has fewer than 10 staff members. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In the latter case they become “recipients of monetary payments”. Those who choose not to convert the eligibility for social assistance into a monetary benefit are eligible to get the so called “social package”, i.e., they are entitled to get a set or a subset of social services including provision of vital medicines, medical products, specialised clinical nutrition products for disabled children, vouchers for health resort treatments, free suburban railway transport, as well as intercity transportation to treatment centres. The amount of monetary payment to different eligible categories is defined by federal laws and indexed every year. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! It was launched in 2003 and has become one of the largest programmes for payments of watershed services in the world (Stanton et al. The design of PSAH has been improving over time to increase its cost-effectiveness, but there are concerns about its conservation impact (see Box 3.8). Trading or swapping irrigation water is common practice in Mexico (OECD, 2003). Water trading increased in the 1990s, partly due to the recognition by the 1992 National Water Law of the possibility of “transferring” water rights (Rubinos-Panta et al., - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Technological learning is not limited to formal mechanisms of R&D: learning by doing and by interacting with users, clients and suppliers plays a critical role in many contexts. Their ability to learn and apply knowledge to innovation processes is thus critical to technological learning and building the local knowledge base. Education systems can improve the quality of human capital available to firms, governments and research institutions. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The legislation was consequently amended in 2011 to make a chemical method (EU-RL LC-MS/MS liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry) the new reference method, with a phasing out of the biological methods over four years. During this period a modified mouse bioassay is still permitted. Changes were introduced to the legislation dealing with treatment to kill viable parasites in fishery products for human consumption in order to update the requirements based on information provided by a recent opinion from The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on Parasites in Fishery Products and experience gained from the application of the present legislation. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ABSTRACTThis article will critically interrogate the relationship between Human Security and Ontological Security from a broadly postcolonial perspective. The dislocation engendered by successive waves of neo-liberal globalisation has resulted in the deracination of many of the world's inhabitants, resulting in a state of collective ‘existential anxiety’ [Anthony Giddens, Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991]. Under such conditions, the search for ontological security becomes paramount. However, conventional understandings of Human Security as ‘freedom from fear and want’ are unable – from a post-colonial perspective – to provide ontological security since they operate within a culturally specific, Eurocentric understanding of the ‘human’ as ‘bare life’ [Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Daniel Heller-Roazen (trans), Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998]. It will then be argued that post-secular conceptions o... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the former case, a rise in the skilled equilibrium wage can increase incentives for private investment in education, in the latter, an increase in the unskilled equilibrium wage can increase private resources available for such investment. In addition, it is argued that full development demands that all people in a society eventually enjoy the same opportunities of superior education, and that successful development ought to mean that development be managed in such a way that income inequalities are kept as low as possible without compromising people’s incentives to invest in education. In the long run, poverty is to be eradicated as part and parcel of this development process. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The effect is larger still in Italy, where at a participation rate of only 42%, an unemployment ratio of 10% translates into an unemployment rate of 24%. When comparing joblessness across countries or over time, it should be considered that higher unemployment rates may reflect both a higher incidence of joblessness but also a lower participation rate at given levels of joblessness. Trajectories are constructed from the raw data as ‘chains’ of activity states over the observation period, with each sequence consisting of 48 monthly activity states. Four types of activities are distinguished: in work, in education, NEET unemployed, and NEET inactive. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Chile’s Prototypes of Social Innovation programme issues calls for innovative solutions to local challenges on an online open innovation platform. Candidates present their ideas on the platform, where they interact with mentors and local communities in order to develop and improve their ideas. Final proposals are submitted for funding and the best solutions are selected. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 All cowsheds must be covered in the winter (rainy) season, so that rain does not wash the manure into the lake. Food and water for cattle are located away from streams in all watershed pastures. Bacteriological standards, tightened in 1989, state that water is unfit for drinking if it contains more than three coliform microbes and/or one faecal coliform per 100 millilitres (ml). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The National Development Plan for 2015/2018 rightly sees education as a key means to turn these negative trends around and put the country back on the path of strong, inclusive growth. These huge steps forward in expanding access need to be matched by an equally strong push to improve education outcomes. Learning achievement, as measured by the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), is low, with the result that too many young Costa Rican’s leave school with inadequate preparation for work and further learning. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds and regions are the most likely to lack basic skills, contributing to widening income disparities and labour market duality'. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Much of the investment is intended to contribute towards the use of renewable energy. Policies and measures within the region identify the need to create stronger power systems that take advantage of domestic energy resources, while also increasing grid capacity and resiliency. Resources being tapped for generation are numerous, though solar and wind power dominate recent developments in the sector because of broad availability of resources, rapid deployment timelines, low environmental impacts and increasingly affordable technology prices. In urban areas, rooftop systems have the advantage of locating generation supply at the demand centre. For residential, commercial or industrial consumers who are also suppliers, those systems can offer the benefit of avoided costs of electricity, and, depending on local policy frameworks, revenue from power sales to the grid. As an example, power market liberalization in Japan along with its feed-in tariff system has created a boom in small-scale solar power producers, which include individuals and small businesses. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ""Across much of the Circumpolar North, Indigenous peoples had common experiences within education systems based on """"Western"""" ways of teaching, learning and knowledge and operating with the intent of assimilation. Now, across the North and elsewhere, such as New Zealand and Hawaii, Indigenous peoples are working to create Indigenous-controlled education systems based not on the Western form of schooling imposed on them for the past century (or longer) but rather based on Indigenous epistemologies and worldviews. In some circumpolar regions, these efforts are happening alongside the dominant Western education system, while in others, the Western systems are being replaced entirely."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Over the last fifty years, diversification as an approach for buttressing Dominica's production and services sector has been emphasised. In 1834, some charitable funds were used for the education of the liberated slaves, the goal being to afford them elementary education, as well as training for native teachers (Honychurch, 1995). The Mico Charity was non-denominational but did much work in Catholic islands like Dominica. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! The reduction was particularly marked in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (from 29.0% to 19.5%), despite the fact that this country recorded the highest inflation in the region. The rise in food prices slowed although not as sharply as in the case of other products. As a result, food price inflation was higher than headline inflation in 15 countries, notably Chile, Dominican Republic and Mexico. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Responsibility for secondary care has been transferred from counties to five regions, with populations ranging from 600 000 to 1.5 million. Some responsibilities concerning health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation are transferred from counties to municipalities, which have to sign co-ordination agreements with regions to specify the division of tasks and information channels. The National Board of Health has provided obligatory guidelines for hospital planning. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Since it does not receive general budget funding, INFONAVIT does not require periodic appropriations from federal ministries or Congress. While subject to some oversight by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit INFONAVIT has considerable flexibility in setting its own priorities. For the first 30 years of its existence, virtually the only source of funding for these operations was the funds in housing accounts. Thus, historically it has had no obligation to pay competitive returns on housing accounts to obtain its funds or to maintain the confidence of those supplying funds, for, unlike depositors in a mortgage banks, the holders of housing accounts have no right to withdraw their funds. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In 1981, an Advisory Council for Industrial Policy (the so-called Wagner Committee) was asked to develop a new, future-oriented industrial policy. This “independent committee was to have a large influence on transforming traditional industrial policy into innovation- and market-oriented policy” (Boekholt and den Hertog, 2005). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As a sitting Austin City Council member, Brewster McCracken was able to rally key players around the idea of positioning Austin as a smart grid leader. In particular, he was able to call upon Austin Energy, the city’s municipally owned utility, to participate in the effort and act as a test laboratory for the technologies and business processes being explored. Another reason for the project’s success is that it is an explicitly collaborative effort that is most closely associated with the University of Texas and the Austin Technology Incubator, rather than the City of Austin. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 While health care policy appears to be evolving rapidly to resolve a number of important issues discussed in this chapter, longer-term success will depend on how easily a competitive model can be introduced into health care and insurance systems and sustained over time. This text identified a number of key problems of health care provision at all levels of the system. In an important shift in approach, the “Concept” set key goals to be reached by 2020 as well as intermediate timing of individual policy areas. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Accordingly, efficiency gains in supporting functions and administrative processes can be realised on treaty-level, as well as for local government- and company-levels. By deploying """"track & trace” functionalities, blockchain can uniquely identify and keep track of movements of physical or virtual goods. The tracing of tangible objects is often achieved by using hardware (e.g. near-field communication “NFC” chips), and intangible objects could be represented by certificates."" - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Some of the River Basin Authorities integrate intra-regional stakeholders, others function inter-regionally, which increases the complexity and the risk for tension among the various stakeholders. They have been established mainly for hydrological issues (water scarcity, quantity and quality aspects), but are still rare for economic and financial information (tariffs, infrastructure financing, etc.) Source: OECD (2011), Water Governance in OECD Countries: A Multi-level Approach, OECD Studies on Water, OECD Publishing, Paris, doi: 10.1787/9789264119284-en. While the Strategic Environmental Evaluations (EAEs) are intended to take into account the impact of PRs and other regional plans on ecosystems, in practice, the EAEs have not yet had much effect on mitigating the potential impact of urban expansion on biodiversity. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! In fact, 16 of the 42 LDCs for which data are available had employment-to-population ratios of above 70 per cent during the period 2000-2012. The following countries had both high employment-to-population ratios (above 80 per cent) and a relatively high share of the population (above 75 per cent)12 living below the $2-per-day poverty line: Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Nepal, Rwanda and United Republic of Tanzania. In Asian LDCs and some island LDCs, women’s economic contribution may be constrained by social institutions and cultural norms. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Examples are the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Finland, Ireland, Norway, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, as well as non-OECD countries like Morocco and Hinisia.) To be effective, this organisational framework requires strongly co-ordinated and coherent policy development and implementation. In addition, frameworks that combine gender equality with family and/or children’s affairs may risk confining women narrowly to their roles as mothers and caregivers. To oversee gender equality issues, others have independent commissions (Australia, Belgium, Israel, Luxembourg and New Zealand) and/or human rights commissions (Australia, Ireland, Mexico and New Zealand). A number of countries use “ombuds-offices” to oversee the implementation of gender initiatives and to keep gender concerns on the policy agenda (including the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Norway, and Sweden). Such violations include issues of equal pay for equal work or equal access to education (OECD, 2008, describes measures against labour market discrimination in greater detail). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Strategies for women’s economic empowerment have to be cognizant of differences in women’s experiences, needs and priorities. There are strong developmental rationales for enhancing women’s access to a range of economic and financial resources. One set of rationales revolves around the implications of women’s access to resources for the welfare of their children. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Austria's Styria state, children above age 15 not deemed ready for secondary school are not entitled to attend and, after assessment, are transferred to special courses. Some countries separate students with lower academic ability, often those with immigrant backgrounds, into less demanding tracks, which compromises subsequent opportunities. Moroccan and Turkish second-generation immigrant students in Amsterdam were five time as likely as natives to enter lower secondary vocational tracks at age 12. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In London, such cameras are now being used to enforce 20 mph (30 km/h) zones. So drivers have not just been scared into compliance, they have been persuaded to do so. That, no doubt, helps to explain the general improvement in compliance which extends far beyond the well-publicised sites of speed cameras. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 They also have a direct impact on women's ability to access and control resources. Some of these countries - including Morocco, the Republic of Korea and Turkey— began the period with extensive discriminatory provisions, but have since advanced significantly towards more gender-equal family laws. However, as of 2005, eight countries—Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia— had maintained highly discriminatory laws that, for example, endorse men's authority over women in marriage, give men greater rights over property and limit women's ability to file for divorce.15 These countries span different regions but all apply a conservative interpretation of Islamic family law. Minor reforms of the family law took place in 1993, but major changes were resisted. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Norwegian coast guard makes nearly 2 000 at-sea inspections every year, compared with the Norwegian fishing fleet of over 6 000 vessels, not to mention foreign vessels fishing in Norwegian waters. As is the case for most countries, Norwegian law allows Norwegian vessels to fish only in areas which are subject to some national regulation or to a regional management scheme in which Norway participates. The success of all these efforts at conservation depends strongly on enforcement. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Many health indicators have improved and Costa Rica today enjoys the second highest life expectancy among countries in the western hemisphere. Health care insurance reached 95% of the population in 2014. Very low levels of catastrophic health expenditure have been achieved, although out-of-pocket payments, as a share of total national health expenditure, exceed the OECD average. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In The Idea of Justice (2009), Amartya Sen advocates democracy defined as ‘public reasoning’ and ‘government by discussion’. Sen’s discursive approach facilitates the exercise of political freedom and development of one’s public capacities, and enables victims of injustice to give public voice and discussion to specific injustice. It also responds to the contested nature of ‘universal human rights’ and the need to clarify and defend them via public reasoning. However, Sen’s approach leaves intact the hegemony of a liberal form of democracy that prioritizes political and civil rights over social and economic rights and thus precludes alternative democratic forms, most notably a form of cooperative democracy that politicizes social and economic activities in the pursuit of local and global justice. Sen’s ‘government by discussion’ must combine with cooperative democracy and a global ethos emphasizing cooperation (and action) over privatization in order to address our most serious global injustices, includin... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A deeper understanding of the challenges confronting 10 to 14-year-olds is urgently needed, and pregnancy prevention and support for very young adolescent mothers must be advanced to the top of the sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights agenda of governments, development institutions and civil society. It is with this group that the greatest need lies and that the obstacles have been thus far insurmountable. But interventions at this critical stage of their development, characterized by profound physical, cognitive and social changes that occur in puberty, are needed to ensure girls’ safe and healthy transition through adolescence into adulthood. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Without other forms of government support, it is unlikely that clean technology markets will develop, thus, Governments still need to subsidize green technologies. Hence the question remains, how does the government choose which technologies or sectors are to be subsidized? First, the government should commit to sustainably oriented investments. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This demand flexibility is useful as resilience measure if supply were disrupted at peak demand. The rate of contractually flexible demand (interruptible contracts) again provides useful information on a major aspect regarding the resilience of a certain national/regional energy system. This indicator is transparent when final energy demand is considered. The total amount of interruptible contracts in a country, however, cannot be obtained from international statistics. A high level of demand response is favourable for the business case of a baseload technology such as notably nuclear. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Today, once a political corruption case takes place, it is rapidly viralized along the Internet where people can react by posting their opinions through social networks. Such audience reaction is clearly interesting but complex to analyze as people employs stereotypes, metaphors, and ironies expressed in an informal language hard to interpret. In this paper, we present how content analysis can help us to uncover the hidden meaning of a message. We focus here on the automated analysis of two political corruption cases and its corresponding opinions through social networks. In particular, one case involves the current government while the second one mostly involves the opposite side. Interesting results are gathered where the use of Content Analysis allows us to easily process the social network information in order to provide clear feedback. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The result is declining production growth rates through the projection period compared to the past decade. Brazil will account for the greatest share of additional beef produced through the next decade. Sheep meat production is also projected to grow faster in the coming decade than the last, driven by firm prices due to strong import demand from Asia and the European Union. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For example, once fisheries have depleted the large, typically higher value, predatory fish at the top of the food web, they have been seen to then progressively redirect effort towards smaller, often less valuable, species at lower trophic levels (Pauly et al., This situation, referred to as fishing down the food web, can also be associated with increased fishing intensity to offset the lower value of the smaller species, which can further negatively affect diversity and productivity (see Folke et al., Once these effects take place, an ecosystem might lose its resilience and become more vulnerable (Folke et al., Once an ecosystem has shifted, the process may be difficult to reverse (Scheffer and Carpenter, 2003, Scheffer, Carpenter and de Young, 2005). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Such finance can come from domestic or international sources. Developed countries committed at the 16111 Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC to mobilise USD 100 billion per year by 2020 of climate finance for developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation action and transparency on implementation. This commitment was reiterated in Decision 1/CP.21 (hereafter referred to as the Paris Decision), which indicates that funding will continue at this level until 2025, by which time a new target figure will be set. The transparency framework of the Paris Agreement covers only a subset of climate finance, i.e. finance provided and mobilised by developed countries for developing countries, climate finance provided and mobilised by “other” countries for developing countries, as well as climate finance received by developing countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In 2008, the Ethiopian government introduced a policy designed to shift the balance of subjects in all public universities away from the humanities and towards the sciences and technology, on a 70:30 basis. The strategy is based on an assessment that graduates of medicine, engineering and technology generally have better employment opportunities inside and outside the country than graduates in the social sciences and, to some extent, the natural sciences (UNECA, 2011). This approach also includes more and better guidance to students to steer them towards employment in the private sector, away from enrolment in traditional public sector entrance subjects in the arts, humanities and social sciences. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! One and a half decades later, PISA 2015 results show that Lithuania ranks among the countries with high school autonomy in the curriculum development (Table 3.2). While MoES sets general policy framework and standards, school teachers and principals are largely responsible for the curriculum design and implementation. They broadly regulate the implementation of education curricula in order to ensure consistency, availability and quality of education across the country. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 We will follow the owner of the money and the owner of labour-power into the hidden foci of production, crossing the threshold of the portal above which is written, ‘No admittance except on business’. Karl Marx, Das Kapital The framing of post-conflict political economy issues for war-torn societies has closely followed developmentalist models for promoting macroeconomic discipline, private business and global integration. Although the Washington consensus that informed early transformation projects has been declared dead and replaced by more nuanced approaches to foster poverty reduction and social protection, this reformist consensus was disrupted by the United States at the UN New York summit of September 2005. Besides, the reformist assumption remained within the terms of debate and practice that springs from epistemologies of political economy grounded in the telos of disciplinary liberal capitalism. This is evidenced, with reference to peacebuilding in Bosnia, by the silence cultivated around job cr... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This characteristic makes policies to ensure sustainable use, in terms of both water quality and quantity, particularly important, as overexploitation may have little impact on available resources in the near term, but may require prolonged corrective action to revert. Furthermore, adequate groundwater levels ensure that rivers continue to flow in dry periods. As in other semi-arid countries, most of the abstractions are for agricultural purposes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In Sweden, among native students of mixed heritage, non-native speakers were 17 percentage points less likely to be academically resilient compared to native-speakers. The difference was at least 20 percentage points in the European peer-learner countries. In Canada, nativespeaking and non-native speaking students with different immigrant backgrounds were equally likely to attain baseline academic proficiency. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 But as gross domestic product (GDP) rises, the growth in domestic cement demand is expected to remain strong and to rise to between 400 kg/cap and 460 kg/cap in 2050. Annual production could reach 646 Mt and 742 Mt by 2050, increasing production by between 3.8 and 4.4 times in 2050 compared to current levels. They refer to the core process excluding options for heat Page | 81 cascading and the process integration of material flows in individual plants on a site and for combined heat and power (CHP) systems. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! It naturally follows from this assumption that the market rather than the state should address such economic problems of development as industrial growth, international competitiveness and employment creation. Unquestioned belief in the neoclassical theory also leads to the assumption that capital mobility and the relentless advance of “globalization” is good for the world economy and all individual economies. Although these policies offer the possibility of rapid growth by attracting foreign capital, this can be achieved only if domestic policies conform to the interests of the (financial) markets—otherwise capital will be driven elsewhere. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The electrical and electronics industry (E&E), which accounts for 64% of manufacturing export and 42.6% of FDI, cluster around Penang and Kulin. However, the share of FDI directed to Malaysia within the South East Asia region has diminished from 31% to 11% over the 1985-2005 period. The reduction of FDI flows point to the need to improve the attractiveness of the country and Penang in order to regain competitiveness. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Water use by households fell by 20%, mostly due to reform of water pricing.30 In 2007, the share of overall consumption for drinking was 46%, higher than industry’s 44% share (the respective shares in 2000 were 36% and 53%) (MoE, 2010a). Flooding of larger rivers typically results from snow melting in around March and April or from heavy rain mostly in July and August. Floods on smaller rivers tend to be flash floods that are caused by heavy short-term rainfall. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The Paris Agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2015 was a big step forward on global collective action on curbing C02 emissions. The important feature of the Paris Agreement to prevent carbon leakage is that countries commit to stricter policies, thereby contributing to convergence in policy strictness. It remains to be seen, however, whether countries will live up to their commitments and implement the necessary measures. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! AbstractHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth book (and film) of the record-breaking J. K. Rowling series, has been heralded as a catalyst for resurgence in literacy and demonized as an attack on traditional values. Using a cultural studies framework, this article suggests that Order of the Phoenix provides fertile ground for understanding the contemporary socio-cultural context and its relation to contemporary issues in education and education policy. The Harry Potter series consistently revolves around the young wizard’s experiences in school, with this fifth installment focusing on issues of curriculum and the control thereof. The author suggests that an analysis of the text could provide a particular reading that serves to critique current moves toward standardization, high-stakes accountability, and curriculum control. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Social barriers include the lack of knowledge of their rights, illiteracy, lack of information and dependence on male relatives for assistance and resources. Philippines (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, communication No. According to the Committee, it was clear from the judgement that the assessment of the credibility of the complainant's version of events was influenced by a number of stereotypes, the complainant in this situation not having followed what was expected from a rational and """"ideal victim"""" or what the judge considered to be the rational and ideal response of a woman in a rape situation. In addition to ordering the State party to pay adequate compensation, the Committee ordered the State to """"ensure that all legal procedures in cases involving crimes of rape and other sexual offences are impartial and fair, and not affected by prejudices or stereotypical gender notions."""""" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Handbook on European Competition Law: Enforcement and Procedure sets out in detail the procedural aspects of EU competition law, ranging from fines, remedies and judicial review. It also gives unique insight into both private and public enforcement of completion law, and offers commentary on the relationship between EU competition law and national competition law, and on the relationship between competition law and private international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As a microfinancing institute acting as a banking correspondent, Cashpor is able to offer a zero-balance savings account, called Apna, to its poorest clients who previously did not have access to a safe place for their savings. The mobile phone is used as a delivery mechanism for the Apna savings services. Deposits and withdrawals are conducted on the mobile phone through an SMS service, which uses the mobile phone number as the account number. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Forest management, followed by afforestation, are the major options in OECD countries, Eastern Europe and Asia. At US$100, the restoration of organic soils has the greatest potential. Also, the potential of grazing land management and the restoration of degraded lands increases at higher carbon prices (Smith et al., - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Failing to take into account the initial condition problem will lead to overstating the level of state dependence. Indeed, controlling for initial labour market status, demographic characteristics and hoasehold income leads to large drops in the coefficients of the lagged labour market status. This indicates that not controlling for initial conditions would seriously bias the estimates. The coefficients for NSW at time t-1 should be interpreted as the difference in the likelihood of being in standard work at wave t as compared with being unemployed at t-1. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Goal 14 addresses conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. And Goal 15 calls for the protection, restoration and promotion of the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, the sustainable management of forests, combating desertification, reversing land degradation, and halting biodiversity loss (United Nations, 2015). These aspects are discussed in different parts ofthe report. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The present article provides an overview of findings from the UK Economic and Social Research Council's Youth Citizenship and Social Change Project on how young adults experience control and exercise agency in differing socioeconomic environments. The research builds on previous Anglo-German and UK studies (Bynner & Roberts, 1991, Evans & Heinz, 1994, Evans et al ., 2000), which have contrasted the regulated German and unregulated British approaches to transitions into the labour market. In the present new study, the ways in which social changes have impacted on the lives of individuals have been central to the rationale. The Eastern and Western parts of Germany shared a common culture but operated totally different socioeconomic systems during communism. West Germany and Britain had different versions of the same socioeconomic system, but different cultural histories. Britain and Eastern Germany have experienced, from different starting points, strong effects of market forces and deregulation of previous... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In response to this regional disparity, the government has undertaken the South-North Water Diversion Project, a pipeline transporting water from the Yangzi River to the north of the country. While this might add water resources for agricultural use in the north, it should be complemented by broader policies designed to promote water efficiency. Such policies are particularly important given imminent challenges to water availability such as the development of China’s water-intensive shale gas industry and the prospect of increased aridity in the north of the country from further climate change. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Most of the resources for teacher development have been allocated to preservice education, and this is the phase that is most intensely debated within countries. In a number of countries, the initial qualification that teachers earn is a key determinant of their career path. However, given the rapid changes in education, the potentially long careers that many teachers have, and the need for updating skills, teachers' development must be viewed in terms of lifelong learning, with initial teacher education conceived as providing the foundation for ongoing learning, rather than producing ready-made professionals. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Practices related to monitoring, evaluation and appraisal (e.g. supporting and observing teachers, and observing students and classrooms), furthermore, constitute fundamental elements of pedagogical leadership focussing school leaders’ attention towards teaching and learning. School leaders’ essential role in internal teacher appraisal processes should be reflected in the appraisal of school leaders (e.g. through evaluating school leaders’ competencies to manage staff, to authentically evaluate teaching and learning, to understand, observe and recognise good teaching, and to give developmental feedback to teachers). School leaders should equally be held directly accountable for and receive feedback on their ability to lead their school’s self-evaluation processes, for their school’s collaboration during external evaluations, and for the communication of external evaluation results to their school community. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Another positive feature is the fact that five-year budgets provide enough flexibility for adjustments in annual education budgets. However, the budget documents do not typically provide clearly defined educational objectives, actions, goals and target results. The budget requests submitted by ANEP to the MEF are typically not presented with a vision of the school system as a whole and do not clearly establish priorities for public spending. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In-depth Assessment of the Public Agricultural Extension System of Ethiopia and Recommendations for Improvement. International Food Policy and Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C. Deccan Development Society (2016). The Gender Asset Gap: Land in Latin America, World Development, 31(6). Deere, C.D. and Doss, C.R. (2006). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This was clear when the United Nations convened the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012. The outcome document, “The future we want” makes references to the role of the private sector in promoting inclusive and sustainable development in various paragraphs. We support national regulatory and policy frameworks that enable business and industry to advance sustainable development initiatives, taking into account the importance of corporate social responsibility. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 ""The link between primary health care and health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians"""". A Report for the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Department of Health and Ageing. Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America 1994-2004. New York, NY: Palgrave McMillan."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""In addition, according to the 2017 global mobility report,10 mobility should be equitable in access, efficient, safe, and climate responsive. Issues of public-transit-related crimes are identified as key focus areas under this element, which particularly constrain women's mobility and which, in turn, should be tackled. Transport efficiency applied in a macroeconomic perspective implies the optimization of resources—energy, technology, space, institutions and regulations—to generate an efficient transport system or network. For example, it is projected that by 2030, annual global passenger traffic for all modes will exceed 80 trillion passenger-kilometres—a 50 per cent increase compared with 2015 estimates, while an additional 1.2 billion cars will be on the roads by 2030—double the total in 2017.*"""" Indeed, such exponential growth of transport will have significant socioeconomic impacts on the livelihoods for billions of urban dwellers, and significantly affect the urban environment."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 On average, 37 percent of the food produced by participating farmers was purchased by the programme. In some countries, the tendency has been to avoid targeting the same households with social protection and agricultural input subsidy programmes on the grounds of equity, in others, the focus has been on potential synergies among the different programmes. Whether or not the objective is to allow programme overlap, an important challenge in implementing multiple programmes is the identification of target households (see also Box 23). It is targeted at populations living in extreme poverty and implemented by means of the construction of cisterns, collective water supply systems and small dams. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Increases in production costs, due to higher energy costs, have been noted above. There are other cost pressures as well, particularly related to resource use and increasing scarcity. The level and productivity of variable inputs, such as energy, and resource inputs, such as land and water, affect the speed and ability of the agricultural sector to respond to shocks. In regions where resource inputs such as land and water are limited/expensive, variable input application is key to supply response. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Support for entrepreneurship in monotowns has a dedicated budget line, but a freeze was declared on new projects requiring budget financing in 2015. On the whole, the maintenance and renewal of municipal utility and electricity distribution networks, city roads and other municipal infrastructure items account for the bulk of the monotown programme budget spending in monotowns. This has improved municipal utility networks, roads and electricity networks in monotowns, but in many of them, the lack of (formal) employment opportunities remains a pressing issue. The central criterion for assessing “anchor” projects is the forecast number of new jobs. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""The natural economic choice of analytical technique is cost-benefit analysis (CBA). However, the use of CBA in environmental policy raises a number of difficult issues (Foster, 1997). Quantitative analytical techniques in general, and CBA in particular, find it difficult to adequately treat the ethical dimension of environmental policy making, which may make them controversial or inappropriate. Issues where this dimension is prominent may be more amenable to participatory and deliberative forms of analysis (Stagl, 2006), which may in turn lead to what Zerbe and Dively (1994) have called a """"cost-oblivious” model of environmental decision making. Agents in breach of these regulations cannot defend themselves by showing that the benefits derived from so doing exceed the costs of the damage incurred, however great the margin between cost and benefit."" - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Studies from Germany, Japan and other OECD countries, reported fewer influenza and respiratory disease deaths during times when unemployment was high as opposed to low (Suhrcke et al., Nevertheless, a country’s ability to respond to emerging risks is paramount to longterm health system goals. The dramatic rise in the number of new HIV cases reported since 2010 in Athens, Greece, among injecting drug users provides an example of this. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, under the Rural and Isolated Practice Endorsed Registered Nurse scheme, some jurisdictions in Australia permit approved nurses to provide a limited range of medicines, where there is little or no access to GPs, nurse practitioners, paramedics or pharmacists. Queensland and Victoria have both implemented this model. For example, in central Australia, much of the direct patient contact is provided by nurses and Aboriginal health practitioners, with doctors reviewing tests and examinations remotely. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In 1994, the National Association of Irrigation Users (ANUR - Asociacion Nacional de Usuarios de Riego) was established to provide technical support to farmers, improve the management of irrigated agriculture and advise on the operation of irrigation systems and institutions. At present, 85 districts are in charge of managing, conserving and administrating water. They cover a surface of 3.5 million hectares and involve 477 users’ associations and over 500 000 farmers and producers. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1, __label__5 -> MISMATCH! One example of this is from Sandefiord blad, where parents in a primary school wrote a letter to the editor and complained about the assessment system that had been introduced in schools. The municipality had interpreted the Assessment for Learning principles to involve assessment of students mid-year, using three categories in relation to expected attainment goals in the different subjects: above average, average or below average. Some of the teachers reacted strongly, and wrote a letter to inform the municipality that they would not participate or use the tools from the municipality to categorise their pupils. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Anita Gibson provided technical and logistical support to the project, the meetings of the advisory group and the workshops. Anna-Sophie Liebender led the economic modelling work on the ocean industries as well as the projections of the ocean economy, and contributed several chapters. Monique Biady, Mary-Ann Pham, Hayley Ericksen and Andrew' Pham provided valuable research support in the early stages of the project. Jennifer Allain prepared the report for publication. Thanks go also to Andrew' Wyckoff, Dirk Pilat and Dominique Guellec for their valuable comments on drafts of the report. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In areas of water stress, more detailed assessments of water availability and use are justified. Laws related to water management of water resources are stricter in these areas and the allocation regime is more rigorous. This is used to define water apportionment areas, where the water deficit is structural. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In the case of Australia, a broad definition of temporary work includes jobs of fixed-term duration, those employed through a labour hire or a temporary work agency as well as casual workers. Casual workers may lack entitlements to key fringe benefits such as paid vacation or sick leave or may not be protected by legislation against unfair dismissal, but might otherwise have continuous and stable employment, and are therefore one form of atypical or NSW. In this respect, this definition follows the work undertaken by the Australia Productivity Commission (2006) in classifying casual work as one form (and the most sizeable one) of non-standard work. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 However, in recent decades, the rise of monocultures has also led to widespread environmental sustainability concerns, including soil nutrient loss, widespread pest invasions and biodiversity loss. Organic production is growing in importance, benefiting both the environment and human health, but it still constitutes a small proportion of crops worldwide. The application of biotechnology in the agriculture sector has led to the increased use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products derived from them. Measuring their use is an important aspect of environment statistics because of their relevance in maintaining genetic variability, possible eifect on non-target organisms and implication in the evolution of pest resistance and loss of biodiversity. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! In the judiciary, gender parity has been reached in professional judicial appointments, with women accounting for 54.7% of judges OECD-wide. Yet, women’s representation, while high in lower courts, progressively falls in the higher courts. As of 2016, nine OECD countries had introduced gender quotas for the boards of publicly listed and/or state-owned enterprises. Other countries have taken an approach that is not legally binding, involving voluntary targets, corporate governance codes and/or disclosure rules. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Cancer is a major health challenge and its burden is increasing in Kazakhstan. Survival rates are a key indicator of effectiveness, capturing the impact of both detection and treatment. In 2013 Kazakhstan’s five-year relative survival rate in cervical cancer was less than 57%, well below the OECD average of 66% of detected cases. Kazakhstan's five-year relative survival rate in breast cancer was only 53% in 2015, comparing very unfavourably with most OECD countries (five-year relative survival rates of at least 80% in 2013) (OECD, 2015). Similarly, in colorectal cancer the survival rate of 44% puts Kazakhstan behind even the most poorly performing OECD countries, and well below the OECD average of 62%. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Almost no country has been completely spared by the crisis, however, some economically advanced countries have been hit more severely, while others have been more resilient. Indeed, the growth performance of rich countries during the Great Recession has been heterogeneous. Similarly to other countries, they experienced a sustained increase of demand in the years before the crisis, which pushed up asset prices and private debt. Yet the lack of stringent supervision and easy access to credit fueled a speculative bubble that led to bank failures, large fiscal deficits and increasing fiscal vulnerability. Since they were not able to face the negative consequences of the crisis, they asked for external support from IMF/EU/ECB and quickly accepted a process of fiscal adjustment. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Social network perspectives acknowledge the influence of disciplinary cultures on academics’ teaching beliefs and practices with implications for academic developers. The contribution of academic developers in 18 scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) projects situated in the sciences are explored by drawing on data from a two-year national project in Australia within a case study research design. The application of a social network lens illuminated the contribution of eight academic developers as weak ties who infused SoTL knowledge within teams. Two heuristic cases of academic developers who also linked across networks are presented. Implications of social network perspective are discussed. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Discriminatory loan practices whereby men sign women’s documents in banks should be eliminated in law. Other options are to strengthen credit bureaus and other institutions that collect info on borrowers (World Bank, 2012). However, compliance is limited, as indicated by the poor rank of India in discriminatory family code, restricted physical integrity and civil liberties and entitlements in the OECD SIGI index (Figure 10). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The average HbAlc for primary care patients has not changed in recent years and improvements appear unlikely unless clinical practice is modified. The proportion reaching the blood pressure goal of <130/80 mm I-Ig was 23% in 2011, with a two-fold variation between counties. The proportion with blood pressure lower than 140/80 mm Hg was about 61%. The results point to under-treatment and the potential for improvement in all regions. However, there is scope for improvement, as only 46% of diabetic patients under age 80 achieved the LDL cholesterol goal, with county level variations of between 36-58%. On several indicators for stroke and acute myocardial infarction, treatment in line with guidelines and outcomes have improved significantly. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Spatial integration of youth constitutes a major challenge in Africa, where poor and low-income youth are marginalized or excluded from employment opportunities and are often “trapped” within their neighbourhoods by virtue of ethnic, class, religious and other types of segregation. For example, the colloquial Swahili adopted by Tanzanian youth, especially in Dar es Salaam, should be drawn into the culture of the city rather than disparaged. Despite their critical role in African urban food security, informal urban agriculturalists are mostly tolerated rather than supported. In this respect, the protection of valuable urban agricultural lands from encroachment is a linked challenge, one which requires a response to the broader challenges of unplanned informal settlement growth. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 No specific policies for tourism-related mitigation appear to be in place or planned. No specific plan is presented of how to reduce emissions, but meeting international commitments as well as exploring the potential of voluntary carbon offsets are mentioned. More comprehensive information is provided in the National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012, where all emission sectors are considered in detail. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Africa’s political commitment was expressed through the Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA), launched in 2004 by 44 countries and now counting 51 members. The campaign cites Zimbabwe as an innovative country in reducing maternal mortality and neonatal morbidity. The programme’s objective was to prevent unwanted pregnancies and encourage child spacing. As a result, the percentage of married women using family planning methods has steadily increased from 48 per cent in 1994 to 60 per cent in 2006 and 65 per cent in 2009. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The author is grateful for informal feedback on drafts and ideas over the past year from Christophe Bellmann, Bernice Lee, Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz, Jean-Marie Paugam as well as from the Commonwealth Secretariat and their external reviewers. New business opportunities linked to a more sustainable global economy are estimated to reach US$12 trillion or more by 2030 (Business & Sustainable Development Commission, 2017). Global trade in environmental goods alone is projected to reach US$2-3 trillion by 2020. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! It will also be important to learn from the specialisation of the various funds so that lessons learned and expertise gained informs any new model of international climate finance. The governing instrument for the Green Climate Fund sets out the Fund’s role in relation to complementarity and coherence, stating that “The Board will develop methods to enhance complementarity between the activities of the Fund and the activities of other relevant bilateral, regional and global funding mechanisms and institutions, to better mobilize the full range of financial and technical capacities” (Decision 3/CP. It also emphasises coherence at the national level, “The Fund will promote coherence in programming at the national level through appropriate mechanisms” (Ibid). Climate finance will need to be delivered in line with national strategies and plans if it is to avoid competing with or distorting development priorities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 However, a severe limitation of these FIES estimates is that because we are using the GWP, they are derived from responses from individuals aged 15 and over, leaving out individual-level responses from the world's children below age 15. The FIES module itself, however, can be applied to any population group and at the individual or household level. Food insecurity has both nutritional and non-nutritional consequences on child well-being. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The purpose here is to capture certain key features amid all the programme detail. The system-wide renovation in Slovenia began from the understanding that past reforms had been excessively top-down so that there was insufficient ownership of them by the local actors who matter. The need for new kinds of knowledge and new kinds of schools as learning communities amounted to a veritable culture change, in particular in accepting the importance of being more collaborative and connected. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It also has higher education requirements than renewable electricity generators, which may relate positively to spillovers in terms of social cohesion and regional development. From available evidence, educational requirements (as well as salaries) appear to be higher in the NPP construction and operating sectors (although not as high as in the decommissioning and waste management sectors) than in onshore wind, and in both PV and concentrated solar power (CSP). Trends in R&D funding have changed remarkably. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 With renewed economic growth now underway, all meat markets are set to recover quickly in the near term of the projection period. Nominal prices for beef and pork increase by 21% and 17%, respectively, to reach USD 3562/t d.w. Poultry prices are expected to be on average 32% higher reaching USD 1638/t p.w. When expressed in real terms (i.e. adjusted for inflation) prices are expected to trend higher than those observed during the decade of the 1990s, as high feed costs will somewhat constrain the expansion of output. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Also required is a LURC, meaning that documentary evidence of property must be provided, which is often difficult as the majority of land transactions occur informally. Granting processes for BOLUCs and LURCs are also lengthy and involve costs for the cadastral survey, mapping and registration in the form of taxes, levies and fees that most people cannot afford and avoid by deferring regularisation (Wilson, 2016). The complexity of land registration procedures can be illustrated by the multiplicity of agencies involved: the Land Use Right Registration Office, the tax office, the state treasury and the notary’s office. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In general, countries with high PHI financing shares tend to have low levels of out-of-pocket expenditures (OECD, 2004). Poland has some pre-paid schemes designed to overcome barriers in access to specialists, but they amounted to only PLN 2 billion in 2010, compared to PLN 99 billion for total health-care expenditures, PLN 60 billion for public health insurance and PLN 22 billion for out-of-pocket payments. For at least a decade these services have been offered to employees by some employers. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In May 2016, the New Development Bank, established and funded by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, approved its first set of loans totalling USD 811 million in support for renewable energy projects in India, China and Russia, and created a USD 300 million credit line for renewable energy projects in Brazil (Roychoudhury and Vazquez, 2016). Improved clarity on all climate finance flows is needed to assess progress towards this objective. One element of this will be greater transparency around finance being provided, mobilised and received from all countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Among other tasks, NFA Romsilva is responsible for developing and implementing national forest policies, ensuring the sustainable management of forest resources, and conducting forest resource monitoring. It also deals with nature protection, preservation, nature tourism and sustainable development issues. Subordinate to it are 41 forest directorates, one directorate in each county and the Forest Research and Management Institute. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In this period, the absolute number of people living in Africa’s slums increased by 14.8 million to about 212 million people (figure 3.5). The proliferation of slums in African cities is the most significant manifestation of rapid and unplanned urbanization outpacing demand for services. Living conditions in the urban slums and informal settlements are particularly dire. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The elasticity of health spending to GDP is 0.8. Price and health technology developments are an important determinant of health spending growth. De la Maisonneuve and Oliveira Martins (2013) show that for OECD countries they explain about 50% of the public health care spending variation from the 1990s to the late 2000s and 40% for the BRIICS countries. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 From 2000 to 2010, the shares of both foreign -and native-born workers with less than a primary education decreased, but the remaining levels rose. While the immigrant workers had a larger increase in primary education compared to native-born workers (35 and 20 percentage points, respectively), the opposite was witnessed when considering secondary and tertiary education. However, the overall share of foreign-bom workers with a tertiary education remained above that of native-born workers by 3.4 percentage points. These increases in educational attainment may partly be driven by supply, while also being linked to a prospering economy and competition. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Coefficients of the utility function are predetermined for each TL3 area and provided in the guidelines. The resulting modal choice probabilities are then combined with O/D data to estimate total traffic volumes and compared to actual traffic volumes to ensure consistency of the model. After expected traffic volumes are determined, the monetary benefits are assessed. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Finnish Ministry of the Environment (2009), Towards a Recycling Society - the National Waste Plan for 2016, p. 31. Based on email exchange with Cesar Rafael Chavez, Secretary of Development and Environmental Regulations, SEMARNAT Mexico, September 2009. The review involved identifying a broad list of challenges and these were then narrowed down by a combination of their importance to Nippon’s business strategies and the level of stakeholder interest. This effort reduced the key priority issues from 28 to 7 and a final effort consolidated them into 3 key material issues: establishing a recycling-oriented society, development of environment-friendly technologies, and implementation of initiatives regarding climate change problems. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Retrieved from: wp-content/uploads/2015/05/150512 Auctions FINAL.pdf. Retrieved from: https://www.dlapiper.eom/~/media/Files/Insights/Publications/2015/04/Renewable energy in the Asia Pac.pdf. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Jakarta. Retrieved from: news/politics-and-nation/indias-renewable-energy-targets-catch-the-attention-of-global-investors-still-need-ground-work/articleshow/53015707.cms. Climate Change Impacts - Southeast Asia, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Retrieved from: fV12osti/52983.pdf. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This is a common feature of many resource-rich developing countries. For instance, while some natural resources might be more useful when converted into other forms of capital, considering the cost this may entail in terms of additional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions suggests that some natural capital may have to be stranded. However, stranding could have far-reaching consequences for CDDCs that are dependent on the stranded resource, as they would lose an important source of revenue from no longer being able to exploit that resource. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This paper starts by summarising recent challenges to neo-liberal assumptions about human motivation, rooted in economically rational individualism. This leads into the discussion of the increasing recognition of the role of emotions and alternative approaches to social policy and community development, including increasing interest in faiths and spirituality within civil society as well as amongst public policy makers. Finally, the paper focuses upon the emotional impact of neo-liberal policies upon public service professionals, their motivations and professional identities, together with the ways in which they identify and cope with the ethical dilemmas that they face, in the current policy context. This final section draws upon the findings from research carried out together with Paul Hoggett and Chris Miller, along with some more personal reflections on the possible implications for training and continuing professional development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Of the EUR 47 million to be transferred to federal ministries, only EUR 34 million were effectively applied to the water resources management system. States and municipalities received EUR 422 million, but the application of those financial resources (representing over 85% of the total financial compensation) is not committed to the water sector. Overall, only a small part of the revenues is invested in the implementation of the WRM system, as most of the revenues are invested according to the respective governments’ general priorities. The revenue generated by the water use charges must be invested in the river basin where it was collected, according to the respective water resources plan. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Estimates of adaptation costs vary greatly, depending on the methodology used, analytical principles applied and assumptions made. As a result, there are no widely agreed methods for calculating costs, and therefore no agreed single estimate of the costs of adaptation. However, a review of the literature on the costs of adaptation in developing countries indicates they are likely to be underestimates. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 They can help to address (mis)representations of employment in the sector and encourage a broader, more realistic view of the different types of roles a career in tourism offers. Policy and industry initiatives have focused on promoting and communicating the job opportunities offered by the sector to raise the profile and improve the image of tourism careers. An important starting point is to make young people in second-level education, along with their parents, careers advisors and other “influencers”, aware of the opportunities and show that there are good jobs in the sector. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Women’s rising levels of educational attainment - and the associated nanowing of the gender gap in education - are one of the main drivers of change, with major implications for gender equality, the formation and/or dissolution of partnerships and childbearing decisions (van Bavel, 2012). Educational attainment paid off for men both in the labour market (giving them access to higher salaries) and the marriage market (making them more attractive partners) (Becker, 1991). The traditional marriage pattern was also compatible with the gender imbalance in higher education in favour of men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Today, this model has reached its limits. The competitiveness of firms in Penang is under increasing pressure because competitors from emerging countries are increasingly able to introduce cheaper skill-intensive products on the markets. Malaysian firms lack creativity and efficient practices and systems. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The resultant slowdown is likely to affect the behaviour of the poverty line next year, potentially prolonging the less favourable trend forecast for 2008. In this setting, it will also be difficult for real wages to improve significantly, and on average they are expected to remain unchanged. Accordingly, average real household income from employment —the main financial source for most of the population— cou Id fall in per capita terms. This group consists predominantly of own-account workers and wage earners in precarious jobs, which are usually more sensitive to the business cycle. This would also make their incomes more vulnerable, e Caribbean (ECLAC). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 2013 the two new operators Vietnamese-owned Viettel (operating asTelemor) and Indonesian-owned Telin (operating asTelkomcel) launched their respective mobile offerings. A year later mobile subscription penetration exceeded the population. The amazing impact of competition refutes the often held view that Small Island Developing States have limited market sizes that cannot sustain competition. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Pensions cover a large part of the population. In multi-generation households, pensions also benefit children and positively impact child poverty (Hoelscher and Alexander 2010).21 In the Kyrgyz Republic, 38 per cent of the population lives in a household receiving a pension. Among the poorest quintile, coverage with pensions is 51 per cent. They contribute 26 per cent to total household consumption of the poorest recipient households (Gassmann, 2010b). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Steve Macmillan, seconded from Origin Energy (Australia) is the main author of the first chapter. The author wants to thank for their contributions the following staff from the IEA: Dennis Volk, Christina Hood, Simon Mueller, Alexander Antonyuk, Grayson Heffner, Justine Garett, Andre Aasrud, Cedric Philibert and Johannes Truby. Only a few years ago there was confidence that liberalised electricity markets in IEA member countries could also deliver sufficient and timely generation investments needed to ensure security of supply. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The United Nations (UNEP 2002) estimates that worldwide over the last half-century there have been nearly 2000 reported interactions over water conflicts, with 200 resolutions taking the form of treaties and 1228 having signed cooperative events. Among the most well known in Asia are the 1960 treaty between Pakistan and India discussed above, and, in 1996, the Nepal and India Mahakali Treaty and the India and Bangladesh Ganges Water Sharing Treaty as separate bilateral agreements to create mutual trust over the Ganges and other rivers in the region. The MRC is mandated to carry out research and assist in negotiating further agreements among the four principal members - Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand - and the two dialogue partners, China and Myanmar. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 AbstractThis research focuses on the European Union's (EU) public relations and public diplomacy efforts for immigrant integration. It uncovers the relationship between the EU and leaders of Turkish associations in Brussels, Belgium. In-depth interviews with Turkish association leaders reveal the way they see themselves and the Turkish diaspora, how they reflect on their national identities, and their understanding of EU public diplomacy and public relations strategies. The communication strategies Turkish associations use to gather information about immigrant integration and their opinions on EU communication strategies are also studied. In addition, the research investigates whether two-way communication exists between the Turkish associations and the EU, and unveils the strategic communication and public relations strategies the Turkish diaspora uses to influence public policy and to engage in lobbying. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Especially for agricultural-based countries, a group which includes most of sub-Saharan Africa, the World Bank (2008) has six basic recommendations for making smallholder farming more productive and sustainable: Improving the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of smallholder farming is the main pathway out of poverty in using agriculture for development. Other international development organisations also promote farm-specific policies that centre on productivity enhancement. For example, FAO (2014) is particularly focused on technology and innovation for small farms. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These papers are generally available in the original English or French, with a summary in the other language. The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the authors. Comments on Working Papers are welcomed, and may be sent to the OECD Development Centre, 2 me Andr6 Pascal, 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16, France, or to Documents may be downloaded from: - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The global financial crisis adversely affected almost all the Caribbean small states. The regional average growth rate decelerated to 2.4 per cent in this period from the 3.9 percent registered in the first half of the decade. This performance closely mirrors the pattern in the USA - The Bahamas’s biggest tourism export partner. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship (CSE),, is both an educational platform, where entrepreneurship skills can be acquired and a pre-incubator to developed early-stage business ideas and to start-up a company (most students start a legal company during the project-year). Core to this is a network that brings together innovative individuals, universities and firms interested in developing and commercialising early stage high-tech ideas with high market potential. Today, CSE practices an “Encubation” process, that is, offering a Master-level education combined with business incubation through an incubator organisation - Encubator - operating in symbiosis with the education but owned by Chalmersinvest. When participating as an idea provider, university researchers and other inventors, get an opportunity to test their invention in a one-year innovation project at CSE. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Singapore, however, has used cordon charges in its current ERP scheme since 1998, when it replaced the ALS, introduced in 1975. Under the ERP, cars entering the city centre are automatically charged as they pass through gantries into the city centre during peak hours. Rates are reviewed and adjusted on a quarterly basis with the goal of maintaining speeds of 20 km/h to 30 km/h on arterial roads and 45 km/h to 65 km/h on expressways, and vary by vehicle size, entry point, day of the week and by half-hour period during peak hours. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 By contrast, care workers in the education and health subsectors have considerably higher levels of education (see table III.4), which becomes relevant when analysing differences in income, as discussed below . In 2010, almost 85% of care jobs were in uiban areas, the figure for other occupations was 77% (see figure III. In 2010,6.7% of all employed persons in the region had care-related jobs: 7.6% in urban areas and 4.1% in rural areas. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Beyond this general tendency, climate change is likely to have impacts of a different nature on the water cycle in different regions of the world. Notably, available climate projections indicate likely increases in mean precipitations at high latitudes as well as at mid-latitude wet areas, and decreases in summer precipitation in mid-latitude and sub-tropical dry areas (IPCC, 2013). In regions with rain-dominated catchments, enhanced flow' seasonality was concluded by various studies, implying higher peak flows and decreased low flow's and extended dry periods (IPCC, 2007a, EEA, 2012). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It also reviews progress with respect to the objectives of the 2001 OECD Environmental Strategy. It takes into account the latest Economic Surveys of Ireland and the latest IEA energy review of Ireland. Energy intensity was considerably reduced, and is now the lowest in the OECD. Material intensity also steadily decreased, reaching the OECD average. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 In this essay, Kate Cairns considers the implications of assessing garden pedagogies, arguing that a rhetoric of effects assumes an essentialist conception of the child-as-educational-output and bolsters a neoliberal vision of social change rooted in personal transformation. Drawing from ethnographic research with youth gardens in Toronto, Ontario, and Camden, New Jersey, she highlights contextualized experiences of learning and labor that exceed the boundaries of an effects framework. Cairns argues that garden pedagogies must be understood in relation to specific dynamics of racial, economic, and ecological injustice. The essay closes with reflections on how feminist theories of social reproduction might reimagine pedagogies of the garden in a way that attends to young people's participation in life's work. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This benchmarking helps with the comparison of waste fees between oblasts and the level of required subsidy from the central budget. Waste fees for commercial entities are higher than for residents and the practice shows that private recycling companies prefer commercial waste over municipal waste (chapter 3). But, in a situation as in Minsk, where these two activities are separated, the company operating the disposal site has to cross-subsidize operation of the disposal site from income generated by waste sorting and other activities. The “Operator of Secondary Raw Materials” initiated the campaign “Target 99”, which presents to the public possibilities of where to bring recyclables and what recyclables and waste fractions are covered by the existing collection schemes. In 2015, the same company started a competition between schools, “Planet without Waste”, on collection of paper and PET bottles. Implementation of all these international agreements is supported by legislation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 For example, PISA shows that, in nearly all countries and economies, students who had attended pre-primary school tend to perform better at the age of 15 than students who had not attended, even after accounting for students' socio-economic status. Fifteen-year-old students in 2012 were more likely than 15-year-olds in 2003 to have attended at least one year of pre-primary education. But the rate of increase in pre-primary enrolment is higher among advantaged students than disadvantaged students, which means that the socio-economic gap between students who had attended pre-primary education and those who had not has widened over time. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As per capita income rises above USD 10 000, practically no country has an agricultural sector that accounts for more than 10% of GDP. The graph re-emphasises the strong inverse correlation between agriculture’s share of GDP and GDP per capita, with high income OECD countries typically having no more than 2%-3% of GDP generated by their farm sectors. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In surveys on subjects such as sexual violence, some level of under-reporting is to be expected. Differences in results across countries may thus in part reflect social climates that are more or less conducive to women speaking openly about such experiences. What is clear is that sexual violence is experienced by girls in ail countries and appears widespread. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In consultation with concerned parties in the FAO, calling on both internal and external expertise, the objective of the priority-setting exercise was to identify NUS grounded on sustainable agriculture that are be climate-smart, nutrition-sensitive, economically viable and socially acceptable. The selections should also be functional to contribute to closing production and nutrition gaps for Zero Hunger. In-situ collections of NUS in different agro-ecological zones need to be carried out separately. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Warming and drying, coupled with productivity decline, insect disturbance and associated tree mortality, also favour greater fire disturbance (Settele et al, 2014). Models predict that the potential climatic space for most tree species will shift towards higher latitudes and altitudes, at a faster rate than natural migration. Moist tropical forests have many species that are vulnerable to drought- and fire-induced mortality. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Women’s civil society organisations monitored government activities and also contributed to strengthening capacity building for women through the provision of gender-sensitive training at all levels of government including for parliamentarians, the judiciary and the media (Ogunsanya 2007). For the most part women went back into the private sphere once peace was declared. Levels of sexual and gender-based violence remain high in the aftermath of conflict, with little punitive action taken. Women remain underrepresented in governance (accounting for just 17 of 124 members of parliament) and women’s groups have been unsuccessful in instituting a 30 per cent quota for parliamentarians. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The National Chamber of Commerce and Industry has an Eco-product Development Council that reviews applications and decides whether to issue certification. One of the 32 business councils of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry is on corporate social responsibility, w'ith 50-100 companies involved voluntarily, notably, banks and companies with significant foreign investment, such as major mining companies. According to the Business Council of Mongolia, larger domestic companies and companies with imvard investment disclose information on corporate social responsibility. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Although the law does not stipulate a statutoiy minimum female quota, a firm cannot set a goal where the share of women in senior positions would be less than the current share if that share has already reached 30%. Companies have to report publicly on progress in reaching their objectives. They must meet them bv June 2017, then draw up new ones. About 3 500 companies are concerned. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""The aim of this paper is to verify if the historic sentence of the Italian Supreme Court in Plenary Session no. 500/1999, has effectively contributed to diminishing incentive in the bribes market in Italy. To this aim we refer to the theoretical model of Acemoglu and Verdier (2000). The empirical analysis is based on a case study conducted in Sicily, in the province of Catania, by using a unique data set. The main results of the paper are that paying bureaucrats by means of an """"efficiency wage"""" could be not useful in reducing corruption. An extension of the liability rule for public administration employees and civil servants may reduce the phenomenon of bribe exchanging. Finally, the perfect specification of property rights is helpful in reducing corruption."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Decisions on introducing questions that address new topics within themes will be informed by reflections on recent research literature, or by interests expressed by TALIS participants, often in relation to prior TALIS findings. The inclusion of core questions held constant for the purpose of time-series analyses will reflect the indicators that education systems still prioritise as key indicators of how well they are functioning. The TALIS conceptual framework serves to structure the constructs and instruments in a way that facilitates decisions on which constructs and measures to include in TALIS 2018. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 But we also believe that in equal societies, inequality starts from the crib so that is why we have developed a childhood support programme with special emphasis on health and access to initial education and we multiply by 5 times the number of nursery facilities free of charge for the most vulnerable families and children, so that they can start having opportunities earlier on in their lives. In the meanwhile, in order for democracy to be fully achieved, gender equality must come about in the public sphere, particularly in politics. Gender quotas can help increase the number of women in public health - for example. First, we must eliminate discriminatory laws and practices and then we can encourage participation at the highest possible level right away. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Means-tested schemes have known limitations (Mkandawire 2005, Ortiz and Cummins 2013). In addition, they are not always effective at reaching the people they aim to target, have higher administrative costs and often pose administrative hurdles for people to claim benefits. Eligible people can be singled out easily with no invasive or stigmatizing tests of means, income or assets. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The chapter presents the methodology and approach used in the scenario building process, theme-based future trends and an exposition of how to use and refine the scenarios going forward as well a set of scenario adaptation recommendations. Policy and management options emanating from this futures assessment process are also presented. The scenario approach adopted the DPSIR framework and was integrated based on variables, links, and feedbacks relevant to dynamic modelling of marine social-ecological systems. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This example shows how women's customary rights over common lands allow them to retain exclusive use for fish processing. The SSF Guidelines recognize the importance of supporting such traditional practices, while also calling on States and development partners (Para 7.4) to support traditional associations of fishers and fishworkers. All over the world, poor men and women from fishing communities rely on common property resources, including inland water bodies, for fishing and food gathering. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 It recommends that preparers of climate change-related disclosures provide such disclosures in their mainstream (public) annual financial filings. Some companies with a threshold of over $1 billion of annual revenue should consider disclosing such information in other reports when information is not deemed material and not included in financial filings. Furthermore, organizations should provide key metrics used to measure and manage climate-related risks and opportunities, and should consider including metrics on climate-related risks associated with water, energy, land use and waste management, where relevant and applicable. Metrics should be provided for historical periods to allow trend analysis. In addition, where not apparent, organizations should provide a description of the methodology used to calculate or estimate climate-related metrics. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! It is important to maintain the quantity and quality of water in the aquifer, that is, the integrity (resilience) of the aquifer, so that it has the ability to yield water now and in the future. Risks to aquifer integrity can arise if abstraction alters the aquifer’s water quality (e.g. through saline water intrusion). Risks to aquifer integrity can also occur through subsidence, where the removal of water from the aquifer leads to its compaction. The level of risk to groundwater-dependent ecosystems from abstraction depends on how much they rely on groundwater, their sensitivity to changes in the quantity and quality of groundwater and their significance as ecosystems. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The poverty overlap confirms that in Kidal there is a substantial proportion of children, who are deprived, but not poor. Moreover, nearly all the children who live in monetary poor households are also multidimensionally deprived suggesting that providing interventions, which are based only on income support might not be sufficient. In Sikasso the monetary poverty rate is significantly higher than the national average (86% and 52%, respectively). In this region only a small proportion of children is multidimensionally deprived (3%) but not poor, and a large proportion (49%) experiences both types of poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This article examines the predicaments and paradoxes of identity politics in Cyprus. It looks at the historical alliance of colonial practices and nationalist rationales that brought about a static bicommunal system, establishing the basis for inter-ethnic conflict, or what became known as the `Cyprus problem'. The advent of modern governmentality, dividing and classifying the Cypriot population, helped, in addition, to solidify fluid and ambiguous ethno-religious boundaries, making it more difficult for individuals to use ethno-religious identities flexibly and pragmatically, including their use as a tactic to resist the policies of consecutive regimes of power. The article suggests that the 'Cyprus problem' provides a moral alibi for the pursuit of a range of problematic regulations and practices against individuals caught between the dominant ethnic identities, even though there also exist windows of opportunity and resistance on the ground. The article focuses on the genealogy and presence of hybrid c... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 And while natural resources are exhaustible - the more you use the less you have - knowledge is a growing resource - the more you use the more you have. The scientific discovery that had the largest impact on human development was the discovery of ignorance, and learning as the means to advance knowledge. As New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman put it, PISA and oil don't mix easily.2 Israel is not alone in outperforming its oil-rich neighbours by a large margin when it comes to learning outcomes at school: most of the highest-performing education systems are poor in natural resources. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Nigeria has been a steadfast ally of the US even throughout the country’s 29 years of military rule and certainly following its transition to democraticy. Despite Nigeria’s size, regional importance, and political standing, some Nigerian presidents, diplomats, politicians, journalists, and citizens view the relations with the US as uneven and condescending. They had trusted that the election of Barack Obama, whose father is Kenyan, would usher in a new era of improved and balanced Nigeria–US relations. This did not come to fruition. Instead, the language of advising Nigeria about the rule of law, good governance, anti-corruption, and cooperation in America’s fight against terrorism remained. This chapter examines Nigerians’ perceptions of the Obama administration during the administrations of Umaru Yar’Adu, Goodluck Jonathan, and Muhammad Buhari to determine if these perceptions remained consistent or were there changes with each administration. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The proportion of full-time fishers has changed little over ten years, in 2002 there w'ere 14 205 people employed in the sector, of which 81% were full-time. The gross tonnage of the fleet fell by just 1% to 200 697 tonnes in 2012. There were 5 032 vessels of 10 metres or less in length in 2012 (24 fewer than 2011) and the number of vessels over 10 metres in length went down by 1% to 1 374. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Although the maritime AIS system was primary developed to increase safety at sea, it also provides maritime authorities a better way to monitor water traffic and movements and to identify vessels. Fishing vessels are exempt from this regulation, but those of a specific size may be required to carry AIS by national regulations (for example in Norway, the United States of America and the European Union). Unlike traditional communication stations, satellites are not limited by the horizontal range of signals. They are able to relay AIS communications over vast distances. Luckily, in parallel with vast advancements in cloud technology and infrastructure, various organizations are now able to process and analyse such immense amounts of data. In fisheries, the use of AIS data through applied machine learning and artificial intelligence provides new ways to estimate fishing effort, socio-economic indicators and fishing patterns. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The EU is also a major destination for Bosnia and Herzegovina exports. There are few log exports, this is not due to any restriction (ban) on log exports, but priority is given to the local industry' for logs from public forests (with an objective of establishing locally added value through processing). Exports of pellets show a remarkable trend, growing to 150,000 tons in 2013, and putting pressure on pulpwood and firewood, including industry wastes. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Economic planning and physical planning should be co-ordinated. Move from administratively constrained, short-term subsidising policies to co-operative, multi-actor-based long-term investment strategies. This would make it possible to create mobile, resilient and green environments for residential and economic activities, while reducing the costs of development. Nowadays, rural communities adjacent to large cities are excluded from the official procedure of planning and management of urban development. Cities are treated separately from the neighbouring rural and other urban areas. Regional and urban development instruments are not coherent. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Moreover, a UK survey revealed that 50% of farmers did not recall any guidance on how to comply with the Nitrates Directive (National Audit Office, 2010), although this could be associated with the fact that only 55% of the agricultural land area is designated to comply with the Directive (Chapter 5.1). But there is evidence that farmers are willing to accept further education and advice on nutrient and pesticide management on their farms in the interests of protecting the environment and that overall awareness is increasing and leading to improved management practices to control pollution (European Commission, 2010, Perez, 2010). Building social capital in a water catchment so that that farmers and other stakeholders are better informed of the processes impacting on water quality can be beneficial (Morton and Weng, 2009). The impacts of diffuse source pollution can depend: on the quantities of pollutants released, how easily the pollutants are transported into water systems, and how sensitive the water environment is to pollution (Environment Agency, 2007). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The shift to a post-neoliberal 'social investment’ paradigm has produced a degree of convergence on the marketization of care regimes across high-income States, including Australia, notwithstanding their diverse historical and institutional legacies (Mahon et al. State policies for cash benefits, privatization and commodification of care now stimulate a market for childcare services, including those provided by migrant care workers. However, the normative assumption is that citizens, rather than migrants, are the subjects of these care regimes. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 There are groups with a specific advocacy focus, such as the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside (ICPPC), which works to protect small, traditional farms in Poland, and the Rural Development Foundation, which focuses on non-agricultural initiatives in villages such as improving IT infrastructure. There is also a large network of formers’ associations, co-operatives and societies that represent their members’ interests.28 The National Union of Farmers, Agricultural Circles and Farm Organisations is among the largest of these groups, with around 1.1 million members. Poland has a long history of agricultural production co-operatives which help farmers pool their resources and collectively negotiate prices - functions which are particularly useful for smaller scale agricultural producers. There were approximately 1 000 farmers’ co-operatives operating in 2014, howrever, this number is declining and it bears noting that the market share of such co-operatives in Poland is lower than that of many EU countries (Matyja, 2016). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Inevitably, this failure to own up to the consequences of previous policy recommendations will impair the credibility of IG, as well as dilute the differences between IG, the PWC and the original WC. In these cases, the poor need not be listened to.” Although the World Bank does not currently claim the laurels in every case of success (it is merely happy to welcome the relevant “leaders” in the CGD), the Bank continues to devolve responsibility for failure to the poor and transition countries: apparently, if some have succeeded, those who haven’t only have themselves to blame (see, for example, Besley and Cord, 2007, p. 20). Unless the World Bank accepts its share of responsibility for the economic underperformance of the poor, middle-income and transition countries, its claims to have—finally—nailed down the “correct” economic policies will ring hollow (see Cling and others, 2002, p. 9). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Rebecca Kadaga, first woman Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament, also agrees that there is a need to focus beyond increasing the number of women in government to increasing their effectiveness in political positions and their impact on decision-making at all levels. The following are some strategies that have proved successful at increasing women's representation in decision-making across the Commonwealth. Endorsement of political parties - After studying the political processes in the selected countries, the incremental rise of women in these countries can be directly attributed to the political parties - especially the ruling party - taking a firm decision to institutionalise mechanisms favourable to women's access into power and positions of authority in party and governance structures at all levels of decision-making. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Out of 45 countries assessed, only 12 achieved parity in secondary education, most notably in North Africa (World Bank 2014a). As of 2013, an average of 22 per cent of females and 32 per cent of males aged 25 and older have at least some secondary level of education. ( Figure 3.9 illustrates secondary education gender gaps by sub-region.) - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Concerning road transport, little investment in road infrastructure has been made in the last two decades. Heat waves would further damage the already poor quality asphalt pavement of national roads. Concerning rail transport infrastructure, heat waves could cause deformation of the already old railroad lines and accelerate the physical decline of infrastructure such as bridges. In terms of vehicles, the need for heat-resistant engines and air cooling will increase. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Development co-operation’s support for market conditions can also take the form of encouraging good practices with standard contracts and verification of quality or providing the private sector with the confidence to invest in green growth by insuring the monetization of environmental results. One example of the latter is IDB’s Energy Savings Insurance model which provides compensation to firms if projected financial savings associated with specific energy efficiency technologies are not realized. The country is one of the most affected by climate change — the 2016 World Risk Report ranks it third most at risk worldwide — and has been prone to more frequent and severe extreme weather events over the years. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The “top runners”, i.e. firms with the most energy-efficient products at the start of a target cycle, do not need to invest further (OECD, 2009b). Moreover, since compliance is assessed by comparing performance in the base and target years, target setting does not take account of potential technological improvements that would occur in the absence of the programme, or of developments already available but commercially untapped (Nordqvist, 2006). Comparing performance in the target year with baseline projections would be more appropriate (IEA, 2008). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Peer networks tenc The few Latin American and Middle Eastern systerr scale. The table indicates where, among all teachers, a given teacher would from only one best practice, compared to those who benefit from five or ten as important. Table 2.1 shows a teacher's score on the teacher professionalism xpected to rank if he/she benefitted practices that the OECD identifies o fall among the bottom third of all profession and work environment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 World Bank Education Statistics database (Edstats). The pupil-to-teacher ratio in CLMV countries is almost twice as high as that in ASEAN-6 countries for primary schools, while the pupil-to-book ratio in key subject areas also tends to be higher in the CLMV countries. Even in the 1960s when most countries were at similar stages of economic development, countries such as Malaysia, the Republic of Korea and Thailand achieved higher literacy rates and spent a higher portion of their incomes on education, compared with South Asian countries and the least developed countries in the region. In particular, CLMV countries would be able to participate more actively in the regional production networks with a skilled labour force. Employer surveys often cite the shortage of skilled labour as a major constraint. Studies also show that education is an important factor in determining labour productivity. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! ""One of the women, aged 24, who was from Bishkek, told a story in her interview about how she was harassed by Kyrgyz males - whom she did not know - when she rode in an unregistered taxi with an Uzbek driver, in addition, she told another story about her Kyrgyz female co-worker who was a waitress in a cafe - her co-worker had been chased by Kyrgyz males because she was in a romantic relationship with an Uzbek cook. The woman reflected upon the influence that these episodes had on her choices, she said that now she would not consider having any relationship with a non-Kyrgyz male - although she would like to - out of fear of harassment by such groups as the """"Patriots of Kyrgyzstan"""". The workplace is also likely to lead both female and male migrants to have mixed connections, while leisure pursuits and accommodations are settings where females are more likely to become acquainted with new people from countries other than their country of origin."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Over the 1990-2015 period, there was a reduction in maternal mortality by 45 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa and 59 per cent in North Africa. Despite the progress of the last two decades, however, there are still major risk factors for women’s health. More than 60 per cent of the world's maternal deaths occur in the African continent. In 2015, there were 546 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in sub-Saharan Africa (70 in North Africa), compared to the world average of 216 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, with developed countries having achieved an average of 12 deaths (WHO, 2015: 17,20). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In fact, consumer behaviour studies have shown that people like using Wi-Fi and prefer it to mobile data in some cases. Usually, however, the volume of traffic offloaded onto public Wi-Fi is low even in developed markets. China is exceptional in terms of Wi-Fi usage - public Wi-Fi data traffic far exceeds that of mobile network data, but investment in LTE is reversing this trend (see Figure 1.6). In addition, SpaceX, LeoSatand others have plans to investa total of around USD 13 billion to USD 18 billion in new LEO constellations designed to provide global broadband connectivity11. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The books reviewed here provide a basis for evaluating international humanitarian law (IHL) and the related crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity prior to 9/11 and serve as a benchmark for assessing the value of international humanitarian law norms in an age when the Bush administration has rejected many of the most fundamental norms. However, the author argues that these works of analytic jurisprudence ought to take political factors into consideration in assessing why these norms are both under challenge and under possible revision. Furthermore, a methodology of political jurisprudence, represented by this review essay, suggests that the books’ presumption for prosecution IHL norms is impractical. Alternatives to prosecuting these norms, such as establishing truth commissions and using customary justice, are more likely to achieve some of the desired IHLgoals of ending impunity, adjusting historical memory, and providing a sense of justice to victims. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Quality has not been sidelined, as evidenced by a recently introduced performance management framework for primary care doctors. A similar system for hospitals will soon follow. Patient groups report being well involved in policy making and several intersectoral memoranda of co-operation have been agreed - including w'ith industry - on key public health issues. Medical education is also excellent, w'ith Latvian medical schools having maintained their reputation as among the best in the ex-Soviet world. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For example, those related to bulk water supply or to wastewater treatment could be attributed to the water supply and sanitation sub-sector, while expenditures to buy back water rights from farmers in stressed aquifers could be attributed to the irrigation sub-sector. Depending on how water expenditures are classified, CONAGUA will spend around MXN 10-20 billion on water resources management (see Figure 3.7) in 2012. In addition, municipalities finance flood protection and CONAFOR contributes to watershed management. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 More interdisciplinary work, involving scientists, economists and others is required in order to shed more light on this region-specific question, and hopefully better and more conclusive information on this will become available in the coming years. Other examples are the development of new technologies or business models, or changing habits related to food consumption. In addition to these fundamental drivers, sudden and unforeseen events of natural or human origin may disrupt developments and it is important that these are also considered (Box 3.1). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Wider involvement of the research community should be promoted to broaden analytical capacity. In some cases, such as during the elaboration of the Po River Basin District Plan, discussions have resulted in the setting up of permanent panels on specific themes such as agriculture, industry, energy, research and innovation, tourism, fishing and biodiversity. The consultation process has also been combined with SEA procedures, which requires basin authorities to make the river basin plans available for public consultations for a period of 60 days. Delays in developing river basin plans have shortened the consultation period and events have focused on one-way presentation of draft plans, which has not allowed in-depth discussion. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Where relevant, additional sensitivity analysis are used to elucidate these differences. There is one small exception from this general finding, namely that incineration appears to be the better solution than reuse in the rest of the World when assessing the contribution to marine eutrophication. This is due to the fact that incineration of polyester in the Nordic countries is beneficial for the environment for this category, while the ultimate fate of the polyester textile after reuse in ROW is landfilling, which is associated with a small impact in the category. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! This study applies multilevel social network analytic techniques to examine processes of homophilic selection and social influence related to alcohol use among friends in early adolescence. Participants included 3,041 Dutch youth (M age =12 years, 49% female) from 120 classrooms in 14 schools. Three waves with 3-month intervals of friendship nomination data and self-reports of drinking behavior were collected. Results revealed that within classrooms, friendship nominations tended to be reciprocated and dyadic friendships tended to be embedded within cohesive subgroups (e.g., cliques). Students tended to nominate friends who were the same sex, from a similar ethnic background, and who they previously knew from primary school. Selection processes turned out to play a more significant role than social influence processes in predicting similarity between early adolescent friends' alcohol use. Although friendship dynamics and individual drinking trajectories substantially differed between classrooms, the effects of homophilic selection and social influence did not. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Neuroscientific endeavours to uncover the causes of severe mental impairments may be viewed as supporting arguments for capacity-based mental health laws that enable compulsory detention and treatment. This article explores the tensions between clinical, human rights and legal concepts of “capacity”. It is argued that capacity-based mental health laws, rather than providing a progressive approach to law reform, may simply reinforce presumptions that those with mental impairments completely lack decision-making capacity and thereby should not be afforded legal capacity. A better approach may be to shift the current focus on notions of capacity to socio-economic obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 On the other hand, without adequate safeguards, dependence on large hydropow'er could also have negative social and environmental impacts. Based on existing information available to date, how'ever, it seems that the strategy may not be sufficiently comprehensive, focusing narrowly on climate change issues wdthout due attention being paid to biodiversity or sustainable natural resource use. Focusing too narrowly on climate change within these strategies can lead to a missed opportunity in setting out a comprehensive roadmap for environmentally sustainable economic growth. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Priority crops include grains, oilseeds, sugar beet, forage crops, horticultural crops, cotton and potatoes. They vary depending on the term and purpose of the loan, as well as the origin of credit resources (i.e. different interest rates are set for loans sourced from budgetary funds, own capital of KazAgro agencies, and funds borrowed from commercial sources). In 2011 short-term loans for sowing and harvesting were provided at interest rates varying from 4% to 12% per annum, which compares with a commercial interest of 12.3%. Longer term loans for 3 to 7 years are typically given at interest rates that range between 4% and 9.5% with a commercial interest rate at 10.5-11.5%. Since 2009, resources for concessional credit were substantially reoriented towards crediting of state-supported investment projects. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Closing these gaps is not just about education, but also about more broadly alleviating the budget constraints facing families of younger children. ( From an expenditure perspective, Korea is one of the world’s leading countries in education, from early childhood up to upper-secondary education. This fact has been considered as a critical contributor to its high education performance and human capital for economic growth. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In the Netherlands, inpatient services are also free of charge once the annual general deductible has been met. When treated as a private patient in a public or a private hospital, Medicare covers a reduced proportion of costs and the remaining cost is often paid by private health insurance, or otherwise out of pocket. In 2011-2012, public patients accounted for 51% of hospital admissions and patients covered by private health insurance 39%4 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2013). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter explores the interaction between terrorism suppression and international humanitarian law in the context of domestic terrorism prosecutions. The chapter sketches the relevant terrorism suppression treaty regime and explores the possible interpretations which should be given to regime interaction clauses therein. In particular, this chapter argues that the interaction between terrorism suppression and international humanitarian law dictated by treaty results in both a floor and a ceiling on the exercise of domestic criminal jurisdiction – creating international law limitations on the right of State Parties to criminalise acts of war as ‘terrorism’. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This paper argues that, because Science and Technology Studies (STS) lost contact with political philosophy, its defense of public participation in policy-making involving technical claims is normatively unsatisfactory. Current penchants for political under-laboring and normative individualism are critiqued, and the connections between STS and theorists of deliberative democracy are explored. A conservative normativity is proposed, and STS positions on public participation are discussed in relation to current questions about individual and group rights in a liberal democracy. The result is avenues to normatively defend public participation, by analogy with identity politics and Habermas, while also theorizing its limits. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This was slightly higher than the OECD average of 1600 hours for primary and 1618 hours for lower secondary education. Net teaching time amounted to 662 hours per school year, which was less than in many other OECD countries (OECD average: 772 hours for primary and 694 hours for lower secondary education) (see Figure 4.1, OECD, 2015a).1 With the implementation of the 2014 Folkeskole reform, it is expected that teachers on average teach 80 hours more during a school year. A school year is usually 40 weeks in Denmark. Countries are ranked in descending order of the number of teaching hours per year in lower secondary education. Lower secondary teachers reported to spend on average 18.9 hours per week teaching, around the TALIS average of 19.3 hours, and 7.9 hours on individual planning or preparation (either at school or out of school), slightly more than the TALIS average of 7.1 hours (see Figure 4.2). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Abstract:The Treaty of Lisbon introduced some profound changes in the European Union. Those of highest relevance for national minorities will be considered in this contribution. First, the fact that minorities for the first time entered primary law is addressed. Secondly, the new legal status of the Charter of Fundamental Rights is scrutinised in order to determine whether this has special implications for minorities. Thirdly, the accession of the European Union to the European Convention of Human Rights is addressed, as minorities have a special interest in this. Similarly, citizen initiatives are not changes exclusive to minorities, however, using the Minority Safepack as an example, it is shown how minorities can at least potentially profit from this change in the treaties. Five years after entering into force, the Lisbon Treaty does not seem to have made much of a difference for national minorities. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""In the student questionnaire, students answered questions on whether or not they have a home computer to use for schoolwork, educational software and a link to the Internet, how many computers they have at home, whether they programme computers, and how many hours, on average, they spend repeating and training on content from school lessons by working on a computer (e.g. learning vocabulary with training software). As part of the school questionnaire, principals provided information on the availability of computers at their schools and on whether they feel that a lack of computers hindered instruction in their school. A new question in PISA 2012 also asked school principals to report on the extent to which students are expected to access the Internet to perform school-related work. On average across OECD countries, only 4% of 15-year-old students lived in homes with no computer, and 43% of them lived in homes with three or more computers. There is no single authority representing both """"IUrkish and Greek Cypriot people on the Island."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is not true if changes in fish migrations or productivity occur suddenly and on a major scale as certain “threshold values” of environmental variables are exceeded.2 Such changes may be difficult to predict, and all the more so since they might occur even if the underlying change in ocean circulation and temperature is gradual, ocean conditions might suddenly reach a point where certain fish stocks can no longer survive, or radically change their migratory habits. The only certainty on what to expect would be if: 1) similar things had occurred in the past, and/or 2) if one had a strong understanding of the mechanisms and interactions underlying climate change and its impacts on oceans and ecosystems. It is useful to distinguish between two main types of changes that could occur, i) changes in the productivity of the ocean in a given location, and ii) changes in fish migrations or the location of their habitats. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Amy Allen’s insightful and nuanced feminist critical-theoretical account of the politics of our selves could be strengthened with a more complex and differentiated account of power and of gender, and of the social as a site of multiple conflicting and contesting relations. Such an account would adhere more consistently to Allen’s own project of understanding subjects to be constituted through both relations of power and relations of interdependence and mutuality, care and solidarity. The development of this account, and of a situated account of desire or motivation, is essential for a feminist critical theory of self and social transformation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is calculated using the number of deprivations that the multidimensionally deprived children encounter, divided by the maximum number of dimensions considered, showing the average number of deprivations the deprived children experience. The child population per country is calculated multiplying the total population size in 2012 (retrieved from the World Bank Databank, Oct 2014) with the percentage of children as a share of the total population of each country (derived by authors' calculations based on DHS/MICS data, see Annexes 1 and 2). In 2012 these countries represented 78% of the total population of sub-Saharan Africa (and 10% of the world's population). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The systematic collection and analysis of appraisal results may, furthermore, provide information at a system-level for the further development of policies to strengthen leadership in schools. An increasing number of countries conducts appraisal to provide feedback and to inform professional development. In many of these cases, appraisal may lead to summative consequences for underperforming school leaders if a school leader fails to improve after an unsatisfactory rating and the introduction of an improvement plan, for example. The ways in which results are used may differ depending on a school leader’s performance in the appraisal as well as the school level and school type. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 There were 69% and 75% reductions in death rate for diabetes, and 72% and 75% decreases for renal disease. In addition to better health outcomes, the study also demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of strengthening primary health care (Zhao et al., In some areas, a low volume of patients makes a hospital or a specialist unviable. These are also places that are not perceived by health practitioners as attractive to live. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The OKS was initiated in 2007-13 and renewed in 2014-20 to address themes related to the green economy, innovation, employment and transport (Box 2.10 and Chapter 1). The Sweden-Norway programme focuses on innovative environments, small and medium-sized enterprises, natural and cultural heritage, sustainable transportation, and employment over the 2014-20 period. Within the Sweden-Norway programme, one of the three geographic sub-programmes (Grenselest Samarbeid) covers southern Akershus (Folio), the 0stfold interior and Fyrbodal (14 municipalities in the north-western part of Vastra Gotaland). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For the last sixty years, scholars and practitioners of international human rights have paid insufficient attention to the ground level social contexts in which human rights norms are imbued with or deprived of social meaning. During the same time period, social science insights have shown that social conditions can have a significant impact on human behavior. This Article is the first to investigate the far ranging implications of behavioralism, especially behavioral insights about social influence, for the international human rights regime. It explores design implications for three broad components of the regime: the content, adjudication, and implementation of human rights. In addition, the Article addresses some of the advantages and limitations of the behavioral approach and identifies the rich but unexplored nexus of behavioralism, norms, and international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 We are witnessing the disappearance of the traditional paradigm that viewed the structural position as the determining factor in shaping collective action and social actors. Because of the structural and cultural changes that have occurred in the world and the region -the transformation of Latin America's weak national Statecentred industrial society and the break-up of the traditional relationships between State and society- collective action is tending to take shape mainly along four axes: political democratization, social democratization or the struggle against exclusion and for citizenship, the reconstruction and international reintegration of national economies or the reformulation of the economic development model, and the redefinition of a model of modernity. As a result, social actors are becoming less wedded to single causes, more concerned with sociocultural issues than politico-economic ones, and more focused on demands concerned with quality of life and inclusion than on projects of broader social change. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This allows policy makers to anticipate future spending pressures. Where programmes are predominantly financed by donor sources, this exercise also demonstrates which interventions might be most vulnerable to a withdrawal of external support. Given the broad range of stakeholders involved in social protection, the exercise also sheds light on where there might be cost-savings from a more systematic approach to social protection that exploits economies of scale, common administrative mechanisms or broader policy coherence across the sector. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The application of law and norms in military operations is complex. This article provides an overview of legal and normative aspects in un peace operations. It will focus on key challenges to un peace operations. First, it will review un peacekeeping from the perspective of international law. After providing an overview of the legal framework of un peacekeeping and the application of human rights law, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law, the article turns to issues related to the accountability and immunity of un peacekeepers. The final section addresses normative concepts including the responsibility to protect, the protection of civilians, human security and their relevance in regard to un peacekeeping. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 SUMMARY The positive and negative predictive values are standard ways of quantifying predictive accuracy when both the outcome and the prognostic factor are binary. Methods for comparing the predictive values of two or more binary factors have been discussed previously (Leisenring et al., 2000, Biometrics 56, 345–351). We propose extending the standard definitions of the predictive values to accommodate prognostic factors that are measured on a continuous scale and suggest a corresponding graphical method to summarize predictive accuracy. Drawing on the work of Leisenring et al. we make use of a marginal regression framework and discuss methods for estimating these predictive value functions and their differences within this framework. The methods presented in this paper have the potential to be useful in a number of areas including the design of clinical trials and health policy analysis. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Algorithmic selection understood as a process that assigns relevance to information elements of a data set by an automated, statistical assessment of decentralized generated data signals, plays an increasingly important role in communication primarily through social media. The number of goals and tasks filled by different types of functional algorithms significantly impedes the assessment of their impact and importance on individuals and society. The economic benefits of using them are related to threats to basic civil rights, including the right to privacy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Competence centres are particularly interesting in this context, as their co-operation with industry supports the graduation of PhDs that bring skills relevant to the Finnish industry', and scientific research also feeds back to both Masters and Bachelors education. Graduates are normally much more likely than faculty members to start new businesses, hence, in terms of supply of relevant human capital for start-ups as well as established firms, it is important that Finland maintains a strong funding portfolio for applied and industry-relevant research - much stronger than is the case today. Tekes runs a programme that provides help to organisations trying to undertake innovative procurement, but little of this activity is actually visible. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Farmers and insurance companies have asymmetric information that can also increase the price of insurance: farmers who take greater risks tend to demand more insurance (adverse selections), and farmers tend to be less proactive in managing their risks once they are insured (moral hazard). Ad hoc disaster assistance and other support measures from the government also reduce insurance demand. Multi-peril crop insurance provides indemnities after individual yield or production losses due to any peril in a list. This is the most widely available type of insurance across countries, and it is the one proposed for cattle and rice in the pilot projects in Indonesia. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 PART I: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION IN THEORY Introduction What are the Objectives of FOI? Whitehall and Freedom of Information Assessing the Impact of FOI in Britain PART II: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION IN PRACTICE How FOI Works Has FOI Led to more Transparent Government? The Culture of Secrecy Has FOI Increased Government Accountability? Civil Service Neutrality Ministerial Accountability Effective Government and the Quality of Decision-making The Cabinet System of Government Has FOI Increased Public Understanding of Government Decision-making? Has FOI Led to Increased Trust in Government? Has FOI Led to Increased Participation in the Political Process? Has FOI Met its Objectives? Conclusion Appendices Appendix 1: How Does the UK FOI Perform against Legislation in Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand? Appendix 2: The Requester Appendix 3: Ladder of Openness and Participation Appendix 4: Methods Bibliography - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article introduces a novel database on investment treaties called the Electronic Database of Investment Treaties (EDIT). We describe the genesis of the database and what makes EDIT the most comprehensive and systematic database to date. What stands out besides the coverage is that treaties are all provided in one single language (English) and in one single format that is machine-readable. In the second part of the article, we provide selected illustrations on how the data can be used to address research questions in international law, international political economy, and international relations by applying text-as-data methods and by extracting and visualizing data based on EDIT. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In 2008, an estimated 44 million induced abortions occurred in the world (6 million in developed countries and 38 million in developing countries), almost half of which were carried out using unsafe procedures (Guttmacher Institute, 2012). Globally, it is estimated that 47,000 women die each year from complications associated with unsafe abortion. Many of these deaths could be prevented through better access to sexuality education, contraceptive information and supplies, and safe abortion services where allowed by law (Shah and Ahman, 2010). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""Trade restrictions played a pivotal role for this differential outcome. While countries in developing Asia managed to insulate themselves from the price hike through export restrictions and ‘aggressive buying"""", many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa experienced a sharp food price increase and had to bear the brunt of the price hike, with a marked increase in undernourishment. If these are insufficient, tighter disciplines on export restrictions and ‘demand-augmenting measures"""" need to be envisaged in a second step. Over and above improving the trade disciplines, he suggested promoting public investment in agriculture and food safety nets. A well-functioning international trade system is all the more important in the context of increasing pressures on natural resources, especially land and water, and with the expectation of climate change affecting production potentials differently in different regions of the world. Dr van Tongeren considered that the present external economic, financial and fiscal environment was a good basis for further agricultural reforms."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 1. Finding a Role for Law In Asian Development Lucie Cheng, Margaret Y.K Woo and Arthur Rosett 2. Property Rights and Indigenous Tradition Among Early 20th Century Japanese Firms Yoshiro Miwa and J. Mark Ramseyer 3. Markets, Democracy and Ethnicity Amy L. Chua 4. Competing Conceptions of Rule of Law in China Randall Peerenboom 5. Transnational Labour, Citizenship and the Taiwan State Lucie Cheng 6. 'Us' and 'Them' in Korean Law: The Creation, Accommodation and Exclusion of Outsiders in South Korea Chulwoo Lee 7. Internal Migrants and the Challenge of the 'Floating' Population in the PRC Dorothy J. Solinger 8. Historical Roots of Stasis and Change in Japanese Legal education Kahei Rokumoto 9. Of Lawyers Lost and Found: Searching for Legal Professionalism in the People's Republic of China William P. Alford 10. Chinese Courts and Law Reform in Post-Mao China Stanley Lubman - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The inference is that poverty may have a different social significance in countries of similar income levels and that richer countries may have greater scope for engaging in a national debate about what poverty is and who should be classified as poor. Setting a poverty threshold is therefore a technical exercise of an extremely political nature, which can serve an increasingly important social cohesion goal, as countries’ average living standards improve and grow. Locally weighted regression lines approximate the economic gradients of both sets of poverty lines, above USD 1.25/day. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In Chile, for example, 28.5% of women-owned firms introduced a marketing innovation in 2007, while only 21.5% of male-owned firms did so (Observatorio Empresas, 2009). Female entrepreneurs tend to lag behind men in experience in certain industries, as well as in access to the finance or networks needed to grow their businesses. These barriers affect women’s propensity to invest in product or process innovation. Other less tangible differences between women and men - such as attitudes towards risk, motivation for venture start-ups, and aspirations regarding business size - have a gender dimension and can affect innovation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Assuming sufficient water availability and locally adapted, well-tested varieties, the yields can be high enough that even with the cost of the inputs including the seed it is profitable to go to hybrids,” she discloses with confidence, referencing a colleague’s in-house research conducted on maize crops in Nepal. Farmers can then sell these surplus crops in the market and make a profit. “ Without a market-based approach to food security, it is difficult to sustain change and improve farmers’ circumstances.” - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Owing to structural inequalities, loss of life, injury and other health impacts, as well as the damage to and loss of property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision and environmental resources caused by climate hazards, are not felt evenly by all people. This requires shifting from a narrow focus on identifying only the physical impacts of climate change, towards a broader analysis which also incorporates the socioeconomic impacts of climate hazards. With time, however, the social consequences of climate change received more attention, and evidence regarding the relationship between climate change and poverty began to emerge. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Revenue can be politically earmarked, meaning that the Government explicitly states the use of the revenue, even though the revenue actually flows into the general budget and announced spending is made from that general budget. Although tight (or legal) earmarking of environmental tax revenue is prevalent in both developed and developing countries, the economic rationale for doing so is weak as it can excessively constrain the effective management of public finances (Jones, 2011). Tight earmarking is also undesirable because environmental tax revenue and necessary expenditures in a given area may not match up. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""In the case of Boumediene v. Bush, the Supreme Court found that foreign """"enemy combatants,"""" detained by the US military at Guantanamo Bay, had a constitutional right to petition for the writ of habeas corpus in a federal court, and that Congress had unlawfully restricted this right with the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Importantly, though, in considering the constitutional scope of habeas corpus, the Boumediene Court studied its origins in English law and portrayed habeas as having an especially important """"legacy"""" in Anglo-American law, which supported an expansive view of federal court jurisdiction. With this approach, the Supreme Court’s emerging doctrine of """"effective control"""" now determines territorial jurisdiction based upon the actual degree of control that the government exercises over a place or person, rather than formalistic national boundaries. In this way, Boumediene put forward a more functional approach to assessing habeas jurisdiction."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In total, 294 respondents completed the online questionnaire. Among them were the main target groups of ENERGISE (i.e. DSOs, TSOs and telecommunications providers), but also researchers and other industry stakeholders such as equipment manufacturers. Figure 5 shows that the main target groups cover almost all EU Member States. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The program is global in nature and encompasses both fund investments and co-investments. In addition, CalSTERS Global Equity investments include a sustainable manger portfolio with a ‘double bottom line’ legal of financial and sustainable outperformance, and CalSTERS Fixed Income Green Program screens and monitors fixed income holdings both in terms of ESG risk exposure and ESG opportunity capture. Projects in the sector are offering attractive returns, at a lower risk than listed equity markets, he said. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The implementation of the ongoing anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) drive within the private sector reflects a tension between the logic of state sovereignty and that of neoliberal governmentality. In this article, we show that the main concrete output of two decades of global policy in this area is found in the routinization of professional interactions between banks and law enforcement agencies. Banks recruit former law enforcement officials and attempt to establish informal ties with the police or intelligence bodies. They are also actively involved in intelligence-led policing missions and have become embedded in interdependent relationships with law enforcement agencies. Drawing on data from 75 interviews conducted with AML/CTF professionals within France, the article shows how new everyday professional routines in the banking sector reflect governmentality in the making. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It begins with an overview of the historical evolution of science, technology and innovation policy in Lithuania. It then examines the main policy actors and governance arrangements under the light of observations made in earlier chapters and outlines areas in need of dedicated policy attention. At the same time, the plans lacked sufficient commitment and financial investment for implementation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 During the 1990s, 50% of the reduction of CO2 emissions occurred thanks to the restructuring of the East German economy following reunification (Eichhammer et al, 2001, Weidner and Mez, 2008). Inefficient heavy industries located in the new Ldnder collapsed, inducing a reduction by 44% of C02 emissions in that region (OECD, 2001). Outsourcing of manufacturing industries to eastern European countries as well as an increasing import penetration probably also contributed. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ""For the purpose of interpreting a treaty, the’context'of a treaty entails """"in addition to the text, including its preamble and annexes"""": (i) any agreement or instrument in connection with the conclusion of the treaty and related to it (article 31(2) VCLT), (ii) any subsequent agreement and practice regarding the interpretation of the treaty (article 3i(3)(a)(b)), and (iii) any relevant rules of international law applicable in relations between the parties (article 3i(3)(c)). For example, in interpreting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Supreme Court makes use of the ‘living tree doctrine'. As stated by Chief Justice Antonio Lamer in Re B.C. Motor Vehicle Act, """"If the newly planted ‘living tree' which is the Charter is to have the possibility of growth and adjustment over time, care must be taken to ensure that historical materials, such as the Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Special Joint Committee, do not stunt its growth""""."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! This contribution maps recent global trends regarding the grounds for acquisition of citizenship by descent and by birth on a particular territory. Questions of nationality law have traditionally been part of the State’s reserved domain. However, it will be seen that some of the trends regarding citizenship acquisition by ius sanguinis and ius soli can be attributed to the inroads made by international law into the rule that each State has absolute autonomy in deciding who its citizens are. Others are the result of the still considerable leeway available to States in nationality matters. Against the backdrop of the current international standards and drawing on data collected by the GLOBALCIT Observatory for 174 countries on five continents, the article analyses national practices in respect of the acquisition by ius sanguinis and ius soli, remedial ius soli for otherwise stateless children, and the nationality effects of the recognition of paternity. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Volumes reported provide an indication of production magnitude and trend. Data may be heterogeneous and not directly comparable. More information is available in the OECD Fisheries Database. Data on aquaculture production were sourced from the China Statistical Yeatbook 2016, differences with FAO total figures are under review. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 From a social point of view, stable variable costs and stable electricity prices as provided by nuclear energy would, of course, be an advantage for investment, industrial consumers and households. Due to the peculiar price setting mechanism in the electricity market, however, only one technology (gas, the marginal fuel with the highest variable cost) profits from an automatic hedge through the alignment of its variable cost and electricity prices. In order to fully exploit its potential to contribute to adequate capacity and to the security of energy supply, nuclear energy would thus benefit from stable pricing arrangements either through regulated prices or through long-terms contracts. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These will help develop new indicators for comparing ageing-related issues and the policy impact of best practices globally. Non-profit organisations such as the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) in the United States have developed qualitative indicators for liveable ageing societies. These were developed with such stakeholders as community residents, representatives of particular groups and policy makers. Qualitative indicators, on the other hand, should be used not merely to compare results or rank communities, but to collect critical information that cannot be expressed or evaluated quantitatively. Some case study cities apply indicators to understand their challenges better and to monitor the progress of their policies. Cologne monitors the expansion of high-quality educational opportunities for older people, as well as the demand for and supply of social housing. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In practically all the countries where poor households have recorded the most substantial increases in income, 75% or more of the increase in total income came from labour income and of this the greater part corresponded to wages and salaries. The Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela presented the greater increase in total real income, of the order of 11 %, of which almost 7 percentage points came from the increase in salaries and wages and nearly 2 points from the remunerations - Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador and Peru are also examples of reductions in poverty that ncrease in income from employment. This variable increased more sharply in Mexico, although the fall in labour income per employed person caused a contraction in per capita labour income. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 But some of the success has been due to ‘one-off factors such as the ‘dash for gas’, reductions in non-C02 greenhouse gases in the 1990s and the recent recession, rather than explicit climate-change policies. The pace of decarbonisation of the power sector has been slow and the spread of renewable energy technologies limited. Implicit carbon prices vary across sectors, and should be harmonized to increase the cost efficiency of policy. The unevenness partly reflects the way in which policies have proliferated and overlap and a simplified structure would be desirable. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! New plants are using high pressure boilers (up to 92 bar) and their electricity surplus has grown considerably, in a very competitive setting. However, about 90 per cent of the mills still use 22-bar boilers and other sugar plant equipment produces less surplus power. Actually, such internal combustion motors, which can work on an Otto-cycle, may be of a smaller size than those of conventional trucks using diesel oil. Since the truck wheels are driven by very high torque electric motors, the smaller internal combustion motors have lower torque requirements than the present diesel motors. Hybrids are particularly appropriate for short-haul and stop-and-go transportation and, as battery technologies improve, hybrid trucks will also be able to work as plug-ins, using off-peak power generated at the sugar mill. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This activity rate for men may differ from official figures due to distinction of the separate category “dual employment-education” that helps identify how men and women enter the labour market. The activity rates presented here are in fact “activity rates with achieved education”. “ Part time” is defined as less than 30 hours worked per week. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7, __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Many of the services are watershed related. The perhaps most important services the Heidmork ecosystem provides are drinking water and recreational services. The area is a key water supply area for the Great Reykjavik area, harboring the Gvendarbrunnar wells that supply drinking water to more than half of the Icelandic population. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! To a lesser extent, overall disparity is growing between urban and rural areas, notably in three of the country’s six regions (Nord-Ouest, Centre-Ouest and Sud). This assumes that the government will maintain macroeconomic stability and tackle corruption. Growth will mainly be driven by strong performances in the industry and services sectors, and also by public infrastructure investment and other investments in priority sectors. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In many cases, the supply chains that furnish the interiors and feed the guests originate in different countries, or even continents, before they are stored together at a regional distribution hub for delivery to the destinations. Although these international tourism businesses are vital for many small states’ and SIDS’ tourism industries, the only significant benefit may be import taxes, and possibly some engagement with local distribution networks if these exist. The latter is the factor that enables there to be an efficient and effective flow of information one way and flow of materials the other, without this relationship, the flow is disrupted and the entire supply chain becomes dysfunctional. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The study of masculinity, particularly in peacebuilding and transitional justice contexts, is gradually emerging. The article outlines three fissures evident in the embryonic scholarship, that is the privileging of direct violence and its limited focus, the continuities and discontinuities in militarised violence into peace time, and the tensions between new (less violent) masculinities and wider inclusive social change. The article argues for the importance of making visible the tensions between different masculinities and how masculinities are deeply entangled with systems of power and post-conflict social, political and economic outcomes. An analysis of masculine power within and between the structures aimed at building the peace in societies moving out of violence is considered essential. The article argues for an analysis that moves beyond a preoccupation with preventing violent masculinities from manifesting through the actions of individuals to considering how hidden masculine cultures operate within a variety of hierarchies and social spaces. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, Hjarnkoll utilises mental health ambassadors to talk to the media and other audiences (including workplace conferences, seminars or meetings) about their experiences of living productive lives despite their mental health conditions. The programme provides support on how to reach out to media and employers. In addition, to address the lack of understanding that exists among employers regarding the employment of people with mental health issues, the initiative gives practical advice on the support and management of individuals with mental health problems in the workplace. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The author starts from the observation that citizenship and voluntarism are contested terms with diverse meanings. They have also been appropriated by politicians of various persuasions and imbued with meanings associated with ‘feel good’ factors that emphasize serving in a community. Therefore, voluntarism has the potential to continue the exclusion of minority groups, marginalized individuals and collective groupings at the expense of their citizenship rights, particularly those identified by Hannah Arendt as the ‘right to have rights’ that have been endorsed through public policy but today are being undermined by the ‘age of austerity’ in publicly funded welfare states. Against the background of the political context of UK, and the public rhetoric on the ‘Big Society’, the author examines whether citizenship discourses allied with voluntarism support a meaningful endorsement of altruistic solidarity or whether they endorse exploitative relationships under the guise of meeting the public needs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Summary Box What is already known about this subject? The Wuhan city in China had a much higher mortality rate (Feb 10th statistics: 748 death/18,454 diagnosis =4.05%, Apr 24th statistics: 3,869 death/50,333 diagnosis=7.69%) than the rest of China. What are the new findings? Based on our analysis, the number of infected people in Wuhan is estimated to be 143,000 (88,000 to 242,000) in late January and early February, significantly higher than the published number of diagnosed cases. What are the recommendations for policy and practice? Increased awareness of the original infection rates in Wuhan, China is critically important for proper public health measures at all levels, as well as to eliminate panic caused by overestimated mortality rate that may bias health policy actions by the authorities - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Yet, commitments to promote the cohesion of families cannot be seen in isolation from two critical elements oftheSDGs:the realization of human rights of all, and the achievement of gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls (2030 Agenda, preamble).9 In fact under the SDGs, States explicitly commit to ensuring universal access to family planning (SDG 3.7) and the promotion of shared responsibility within the family (SDG 5.4). The impact of diseases is felt particularly in African countries. See, e.g., Mokomane 2012 and UNDG Western and Central Africa 2015. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 However, tests may add value to appraisal when used in combination with other instruments, especially to inform professional development (Claudet, 2002). The use of stakeholder surveys and questionnaires may serve to provide an additional perspective on a school leader’s performance and to provide information on the level of stakeholder satisfaction. Depending on the purposes and uses of an appraisal system, the results of surveys and questionnaires may be shared with the school leader, evaluators, and/or the whole school community. Some states and territories in Australia draw on information collected through parent surveys for the appraisal of school principals and on staff surveys when appraising deputy school principals. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Ministry is also responsible for providing guidance to the cantonal forestry directorates and forest management enterprises. The Inspectorate is working with the World Bank to establish a unified electronic database and system for all forestry control operations in FBiH, including data from cantons. The control system is based on acting regulations, such as the Law on Inspections, Administrative Law, and Criminal Law, which determine formats for inspections, checklists, the rights of inspectors and inspection procedures. A public company Directorate has been established for carrying out day-to-day and expert activities in the public company, whereas forestry management task units and area management have been set up within individual forest estates to achieve better efficiency. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Private insurance and compensation for lost employment or illness do not have a major effect on average household incomes. Furthermore, such transfers tend to be concentrated in higher-income groups, as are educational scholarships given that the requirements for obtaining them are difficult for low-income students to satisfy. In response to more or less progressive ways. The ultimate aim was to increase the use of this information in public administration and social policy in the countries of the region. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 According to different sources, collection of medicinal plants growing either in the wild (over 60 plant species) or cultivated in special forestry farms (some 22 species) yields revenue between 2.5 million and 5.6 million somoni per year. However, if immoderate and not effectively controlled, this activity can lead to the extinction of these valuable species (as has happened to at least two rare plant species included in the Red Book). Each year, the Committee on Environmental Protection receives requests submitted by hunting organizations and makes enquiries of the Academy of Sciences for scientific opinion on the number of animals that could possibly be removed without harming the viability of the species population. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Feedback and other information collected at this time were then used to inform preparation of the field trial instruments. Reviews of the questionnaires by NPMs and experts in questionnaire design also fed into development of the field trial instruments. In addition, the TALIS Technical Advisory Group (TAG) advised on and validated the operations, standards, planning, and processes for the pilot, field trial, and main survey. The group’s role provided an important element of quality assurance for TALIS 2018. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The current production rate of radioactive waste from nuclear electricity generation is about 0.4 million tonnes per year (excluding uranium mining and milling wastes): the current global generation rate of hazardous waste exceeds that of radioactive waste by three orders of magnitude. Further detail on the quantities of radioactive waste in the various classes referred to above is given in Appendix 1. Exposure to ionising radiation increases the risk of cancer in exposed persons in direct proportion to the degree of exposure. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Background There is growing interest in the ways in which legal and human rights issues related to sex work affect sex workers’ vulnerability to HIV and abuses including human trafficking and sexual exploitation. International agencies, such as UNAIDS, have called for decriminalisation of sex work because the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services is affected by criminalisation and social exclusion as experienced by sex workers. The paper reflects on the connections in various actors’ framings between sex workers sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and the ways that international law is interpreted in policing and regulatory practices. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Together, the partnering authorities managed a USD 3.5 million US Department of Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Development regional planning grant towards planning initiatives building inclusive economic opportunities, using the regional public transport network, as well as supporting affordable housing development in the region. Projects submitted by the consortium include the development of Metro North commuter rail in the Bronx Corridor in New York City to encourage investments in lower income communities along the rail lines, and in the Nassau Hub Transit Area along the Long Island Rail Road System. In Stamford, Connecticut, the consortium contemplated the construction of a new commuter rail station. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Those who participate in paid care work —for example, paid domestic workers, nurses, educators and caregivers— face more precarious working conditions, with less or no access to social security and protection, lower wages and a higher probability of falling into poverty than those who participate in other sectors of the economy (ECLAC, 2013a and 2016b). Nonetheless, women remain unrecognized or unremunerated on a broader economic, political and social level, and this situation also has consequences for the wellbeing of households and the persistence of poverty (ECLAC, 2013a). Women assume the personal cost of a social function that is crucial for guaranteeing the reproduction of societies, and even the sustainability of public policies, particularly social policies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This paper examines the complex and ambiguous relationship between Charter 88, its philosophy of democratic constitutionalism and the Europeanisation of the UK. On the one hand, increased European linkages have proved helpful to the achievement of many of the Charter's domestic goals. Nevertheless, the modalities of European political integration sit in a relationship of tension with the Charter's democratic constitutionalist philosophy. As an organisation, Charter/Unlock Democracy has shown only a limited awareness of this tension and, in particular, has failed to appreciate the considerable difficulties of creating a genuine demos at the European level. This article argues that democratic constitutionalism would best be served a more modest and focused EU which respects popular sovereignty and matches its competences to those legitimately managed by transnational governance mechanisms. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) has closed hundreds of investigations into alleged ill-treatment of detainees by British troops in Iraq. This article probes one reason given for the closure of these investigations: the assertion (without further evidence) that the allegations were ‘less serious’, ‘lower-level’ or in the ‘middle’ range of severity. These terms usually appear without reference to international law, and are once defined with reference to the English criminal law of assault, so that investigations were closed if the alleged treatment resulted in less than grievous bodily harm. The MOD's terminology is wrong-headed and conceptually underinclusive: it fails to grasp the threshold of inhuman or degrading treatment in international human rights law (IHRL), and largely neglects the investigatory obligations in IHRL, international humanitarian law (IHL) and international criminal law (ICL). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A more decentralised solution is the Regional single payer system supported by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The main objectives and elements of these proposals are described briefly below. A number of advantages are put forward. The proposed system would remove the perverse cost-shifting incentives created by the parallel financing system, which should improve efficiency and co-ordination of care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The key questions I examine are: how does migrant status shape the experience of caring for children? In what ways do state policies support or obstruct the care of migrants' children? What is the support of care regimes for the social reproduction of migrants’families at the destinations? How does migration reshape the meaning of'family'? - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Lisbon’s integrated economic strategy (2011) promotes Lisbon as one of Europe’s most competitive, innovative and creative cities, aiming to create new and alternative forms of employment for all its residents in response to the economic challenges. Type I cities (ageing cities with slow population growth) need to consider how to increase the employment of young and older people to boost economic growth and increase local revenues. Type II cities (young cities, ageing rapidly) have to weigh carefully the benefits of increasing the employment of older people without sacrificing job opportunities for young people. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Organic matter from wastewater discharges results in a transboundary impact. While the quality of groundwater had been reported as, in general, very good, and often used for water supply without or with very little treatment in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the occurrence of nitrogen, pesticides, heavy metals, pathogens, industrial organics and hydrocarbons in the Gevgelija/Axios-Vardar (No. The salinization observed is of natural origin. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 There was swift recognition that while strong prices offer long term benefits for farmers, the short to medium term impacts on poor consumers are predominantly negative. The current emphasis on the harm that high prices inflict on developing country consumers, as opposed to the harm that low prices inflict on farmers with net sales, has led to charges of inconsistency being levelled at international organisations in general (e.g. Swinnen, 2010), although OECD was always careful to note that price changes in either direction create winners and losers. Distortionary policies are inefficient as well as being inequitable in terms of their domestic effects (OECD, 2001, OECD, 2003), and globally they prevent resources from being allocated in an efficient way - even if concerns about the pattern of winners and losers have shifted compared to the period when prices were low. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While regional and country-level frameworks can contribute to directing donor funds into the areas which need them most, it is also important for governments and multilateral groups to support networking and collaboration between different groups in order to avoid duplication, and foster complementarity and synergy between activities. However, there have been a number of promising collaborations on ESD between ministries and mass media outlets. In an innovative approach from Samoa, the Climate Change Quiz Competition involved colleges across the country, and was televised live over a period of several nights. This competition engaged students and teachers, and helped to raise public awareness of environmental issues and information. In Guyana, under the Mangrove Management Programme, the MoE developed teaching materials as well as a complementary DVD of a programme entitled Holding Back the Sea. On their own, these resources might be unremarkable, but what is special is that the programme is aired regularly on Guyana’s Learning Channel. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While its power and quality equate those of desktop microscopes worth thousands of dollars, it can be manufactured for under USD 0.50 using three-dimensional (3D) printing. The microscope is made of cheap and abundant material (paper) and requires minimal assembly skills, keeping production costs low. Designed by Professor Manu Prakash of Stanford University, the Foldscope is being tested in India and Uganda as a diagnostic tool for malaria and other acute bacterial diseases. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! In spite of Mali’s international recognition as a beacon of good governance in the region, decades of free and fair elections and extensive civil liberties failed to engender public support for democracy following the March 2012 coup d’etat. Demonstrations against the military junta were half as large as demonstrations in support of it. What looked to be strong democratic institutions from the outside were often hollow shells that privileged the elite class and marginalized everyone else – not a system ultimately worth fighting for. This essay discusses some of the constraints to democratic accountability in Mali and what can be done to mitigate them. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is predictive of severe physiological outcomes such as stunting, but also of the more moderate nutritional deficiencies that precede those severe and sometimes irreversible outcomes [3]. Child food insecurity focuses attention on food, but also on other interconnected domains of children's daily lives, highlighting the role that food plays in children's choices between school and paid work, between their own well-being and their responsibilities to siblings and parents. Children experiencing food insecurity also means that they are under stress given the important role that food has in family well-being and functioning. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 One of the components of this project was the promotion of environmental management systems (EMS), especially market-based ones, in both government and the private sector. Greening’ was defined as ‘adoption of measures to conserve the natural environment’ (Planning Institute of Jamaica [PIOJ] 2001, chapter 18, 18.1, USAID 2005). In addition, CWIP sought to encourage consumers to purchase energy-efficient products (NEPA 1999, 23). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Men smoke relatively heavily, and among older Arab women obesity is a concern. And, at least according to a self-reporting survey, both Arab men and women do considerably less physical exercise compared with the rest of the population (Figure 2.14). For example, the OECD’s report on the quality of health care draws attention to low uptake of cancer screening among Arab and Ultra-orthodox Jewish women (OECD, 2012). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 By monitoring stock killing patterns, they predict changes in the national flock and herd composition. The publicly-owned National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) provides nation-wide weather forecasts which are freely accessible to the public. This includes forecasts of a range of climate variables, such as soil moisture deficit days, rainfall, snow fall, hail, frost, sunshine hours and temperature, with early warnings of extreme weather events. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This is a concern, as the tourism industry is highly dynamic and responsive to changing trends and markets. Tourism is the sum or final product of many highly co-ordinated products and services which include transport, accommodation and restaurants. Most of those products and services are not purchased at the destination, even though they are all consumed there, so there is a need for effective flows of information and highly co-ordinated action across a complex network that comprises producers, suppliers, purchasers and consumers to ensure that the ‘unseen’ product or service meets expectations. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The enactment, implementation, and adjudication processes of laws form the bedrock of democratic societies, since they underlie the relationship between the three branches of government. Just like human interaction, however, intergovernmental relationship is often problematic. Specifically, when judicial review occurs, there is always the spectre of overturning, amending, and reinterpreting legislation and executive policies. So, in what ways should courts and the political branches interface to ensure accountability? Using the concept of transformative constitutionalism, this chapter examines the interface between courts and executive agencies against the background of issues such as legal populism, climate change litigation, separation of powers doctrine, and judicial support for drugs policy and victims. It conceptualizes transformative constitutionalism as a political philosophy for promoting human welfare by the judiciary, legislature, and executive, and argues that judges alone cannot ensure social change without the cooperation of lawmakers and executive agencies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A significant digital divide persists between men and women in many countries, and there are widespread digital divides between those with more or less income, associated with ICT affordability, with higher or lower educational attainment, particularly associated with the capabilities required for Internet use, and with other factors affecting the inclusion or marginalization of particular social groups, for example persons with disabilities. The capabilities of networks and devices have continued to grow extremely rapidly, doubling about every two years. The quality of ICT networks and devices, particularly in terms of bandwidth and speed of connectivity, has therefore also grown very rapidly, with broadband and even high-speed broadband networks becoming the norm in developed countries. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Zinder is a poor, predominantly rural region, where malnutrition is common and access to health care is limited. In the next decade, an estimated 14 million child marriages will occur annually in developing countries. In Bangladesh, Chad and Niger, more than one in three girls is married before her 15th birthday. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This variation decreases comparability, hinders aggregation, and will in turn influence assessments of effectiveness. The choice of a baseline is particularly difficult for adaptation interventions. This is because uncertainty surrounding the future effects of climate change can result in the baseline “shifting” over time, which further complicates assessing impacts (see Lamhauge et al., - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Also, stocks that were bought with the purpose of stabilising prices are not necessarily released with the same purpose and could end up in regular distribution programmes. The fact that it is hard to trace these stocks complicates the analysis. ( Stockholding policies that aimed at supporting producer prices seemed to be more successful in reaching their immediate objective. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Metro Vancouver provides regional services, including three core utilities (water, liquid waste, solid waste), and co-ordinates regional planning by producing the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS). There is a separate metropolitan public transport authority called TransLink, which was created in 1998 and is responsible for setting and administrating fares for regional public transport services. Metro Vancouver is responsible for formulating the RGS and regional air quality objectives that TransLink must consider when developing long-term transport strategies. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Portugal, for example, promoted a study providing updated information on the phenomenon of the sexual and moral harassment in the workplace, which aimed to support the efforts of public authorities, employers, employees and their representatives to prevent and combat harassment in the workplace (Torres et al, 2016). Others, like the Czech Republic, have embedded sexual harassment within larger national strategies on gender equality or gender-based violence. Training on what constitutes sexual harassment has been found to help workers, particularly men, identify what constitutes unacceptable sexual behaviours (Antecol, 2015). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Nevertheless, the use of indices as a form of multidimensional poverty measurement is heavily debated,25 because aggregating various dimensions of poverty into one index involves a risk of losing valuable information on the multidimensionality of poverty. As Bourguignon and Chakravarty (2003) have pointed out, aggregating various attributes into a single index essentially implies reducing multidimensional poverty into a one-dimensional concept. They underline that a multidimensional approach to poverty ought to define poverty as a shortfall from a threshold on each dimension of an individual's well-being. To focus on the multidimensionality of poverty, they suggest establishing a poverty line for each dimension and to consider that a person is poor if he/she falls below at least one of these various lines (Bourguignon, Chakravarty, 2003). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 One is to adjust tariff structures to account for household size, so as to avoid penalising large families. This solution is being adopted in an increasing number of OECD countries, including the Brussels and Flanders region in Belgium, Luxembourg, and some municipalities in Greece, Portugal and Spain. An example is the system adopted in the Wallonia region of Belgium, where water prices have included a charge destined for the Social Water Fund, to be distributed to low-income households. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The wantok has often been described as a “safety net” for a country like the Solomon Islands, where there are no social service schemes. In the Solomon Islands, there are about 220 different languages spoken. Traditionally, the members of the wantok system look out for each other during hard times, for example, to pay school fees of their children and for other assistance in times of need.3 This “type of security has a certain edge over the social security of an impersonal bureaucracy”. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Approval signifies that the material has been subject to detailed, line-by-line discussion and agreement by consensus. However, if a reader should report an error (e.g., a miscalculation or a factual inaccuracy) in an accepted report chapter or approved summary for policymakers, the issue should be brought to the attention of the Secretariat, which should implement a process for error correction. The text below is adapted from the IPBES procedure for the Nordic Assessment. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In doing so, it also compares the availability of such infrastructure among the different groupings of CSN, and how they compare to other developing countries and the developed countries in the region. This may serve to later identify individual infrastructure priorities of the heterogeneous group of CSN. They also enhance resource allocation efficiency. Sustainable transport systems therefore play a critical role in economic and social development by: (a) providing access to economic and social opportunities, (b) facilitating the movement of people, goods, labour, resources, products and ideas, (c) creating market opportunities for both consumers and producers, (d) enabling manufacturers to take advantage of locational strengths, and (e) allowing the expansion of supply chains across borders. The mobility of goods and people plays an important role in sodal and economic development, promoting gains from trade as well as the exchange of knowledge. Hence, key transport sectors, i.e., roads, railways, seaports, airports, dry ports and other transport infrastructure, make a key contribution to growth (World Bank, 2006). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Consequently, the Asian monsoon region is occupied by about 40 per cent of the world’s population. Inhabitants are supported by a rich productive infrastructure, enabling them to live full lives in a limited area where they have created diverse cultures, peoples and languages. Linguistic diversity is high in the Asian monsoon region (South India, Southeast Asia, Southern China), linguistic diversity is likewise established in Central Africa and Central America, where the growing seasons are long and rainfall is plentiful (Nettle, 1999). In monsoon Asia, there are many mountains and islands where adequate food supplies can be guaranteed, so there is no need to make strenuous efforts to expand one’s territory, a fact that promotes seclusion, preventing expansionist ideas from spreading horizontally, and directing people’s attention to enriching their lives in their homelands, developing richly diverse nationalities and cultures. The most unique feature of this region is that, from the tropical area near the Tropic of Capricorn to latitude 60° North in the Arctic zone, there is a continuous moist climate and fertile soil. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Where this is the case, the earlier finding of a declining redistributive capacity of tax-benefit policies appears to hold especially for those aged under 55. The next section takes a closer look at recent policy reforms with an impact on this age group in particular. Age brackets relate to household head. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The first thing that can be noted there is the inclusion of unpaid work. This encompasses all activities carried out by households to ensure the reproduction of their members, including the specific work of care (of dependents, including children and the elderly and infirm, but also people capable of looking after themselves, such as spouses) and domestic work (home maintenance, cleaning, administration of the home, repair of installations, etc.). Links to the external sector are also excluded, given that the objective is to situate the reproduction process in relation to that of production and not to carry out a complex analysis of the workings of the economic system. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The region of North America, Latin America and the Caribbean has a number of interregional treaties and bodies that impact older people’s human rights. This chapter explores the human rights instruments adopted in the framework of the Organization of American States, a regional organization comprised of all states of the region, as they apply to older persons. Moreover, it extensively covers the interpretation of the regional bodies that have jurisdiction to apply those human rights treaties and discusses the case law and practice applicable to the protection of human rights of older persons. In addition, this chapter includes the relevant discussions regarding the current negotiations on the adoption of an Inter-American Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 These workers are known as home-based workers and are either self-employed or receiving wages on a piece-rate basis for the amount of work done. In addition, those self-employed in the informal sector are informal. Among regular wage/salaried workers, those without any social security benefits provided by their employers are also informal. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Is the housing allowance shifted to rental prices?” Social Housing in Europe, Wiley Blackwell, pp 105-20. All European countries' estimates are derived from SILC 2012, with the exceptions of Belgium (2011) and Ireland (2010). All European countries' estimates are derived from SILC 2012, with the exceptions of Belgium (2011) and Ireland (2010). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Students may prefer to enrol in the same courses as their peers, and some students will opt for easier courses to improve their grades or chance of passing. However, where enrolment options do not lead to ongoing education pathways or meaningful qualifications, they can result in dead ends for students tracked into these options. These negative impacts are stronger the earlier tracking occurs. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This introduction considers the constraints on politicians aiming to pursue an ‘ethical’ foreign policy. It proposes that the social class and the informal social networks of state officials should be included in the analysis of foreign policy-making. It argues that the Foreign Office and business leaders shared a common outlook, regarding the Pinochet regime in Chile and the Argentine junta (1976–1983) as beneficial to the interests of British companies and banks. It considers the ways in which social movements, such as human rights groups and the Chile Solidarity Campaign, can influence policy-makers. It argues that social movement theorists have overlooked the pro-business bias of state officials stemming from their informal social links with the private sector. It also considers Britain’s economic and strategic interests in the Falkland Islands. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This is accompanied by a training package to maximise the benefits of the programme for both SMEs and researchers, while assuring smooth integration of the researcher into the business environment. The H2020 SME Innovation Associate programme also offers all SME applicants the opportunity to benefit from publicising their job vacancies in the EURAXESS portal - the European Commission’s researcher mobility portal. This increases the visibility of their job vacancies and increases the chances of finding good matches for the advertised positions. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! For example, in the Slovak Republic and Spain, patients need to pay certain innovative pharmaceuticals which are provided free in the other countries. In Canada, patients are required to pay for the pharmaceuticals used for treating diseases/conditions other than cancer (for cancer patients below age 65), those used outside of hospitals in Denmark and Sweden, and those used in the private sector in Portugal. In Denmark and Sweden, there are also maximum payment limits (in the former, for chronically ill patients with permanent or high use of pharmaceuticals), beyond which pharmaceuticals are provided for free. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The technical work to select suitable indicators for the new targets was done by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Millennium Development Goal Indicators. The framework will be used to report annually to the General Assembly and is expected to serve to monitor the MDGs in all official matters. It contains 21 targets and 60 indicators that have been renumbered sequentially according to the respective goals and targets.b In addition, several targets and indicators were eliminated and others reformulated. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! This research extends our understanding of research productivity by examining features of managerial practice and culture within university departments. Adopting a robust comparative research design, capturing both interview and survey data sourced from multiple stakeholders from New Zealand universities, we seek to identify factors associated with superior research performance. The findings show that autonomy and egalitarianism, along with a strong cultural ethos supporting achievement and individualism are characteristics of high functioning departments. These comprise core features of commitment-oriented work settings, but we find them to be largely absent from the work environments of low performers. This disparity leads us to consider whether certain managerial practices, when coupled with a supporting set of cultural characteristics, are crucial to influencing research performance outcomes. Management and academics in higher education settings should consider these findings of interest and benefit, ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Second, a majority of the smallholder farms have functioned in isolation from the African knowledge and information systems that until now was the predominant model for promoting agricultural development in countries. It is their isolation, more than any other factor that makes them susceptible to external and internal shocks, and also impedes their ability to recover and respond. Linkages that enable them to be well networked into the innovation system are critical to enable them to consolidate their activities. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In cases Page | 8 where RE would be driven by the C02 price alone and RE incentives were to persist, the additional support only creates windfall profits. It depends on the cost of the promoted RE sources and on the amount of C02 they avoid, and on the cost of avoiding same quantities through other measures that would have been mobilised, had renewables not been promoted. Electricity generation from renewables is particularly challenging: it requires an assessment of the C02 content of the kWh they displace, which depends on the merit order (i.e. the last production capacity required to fulfil the demand at every moment). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, a Capital Area Traffic Center was founded in 2005 with the objective to facilitate consultations on metropolitan transport matters between Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi. The centre is composed of 48 members (19 representatives from Seoul, 18 from Gyeonggi and 11 from Incheon) and operates with a common budget based on contributions from the three local governments. One of the most representative projects is the metropolitan artery express bus rapid transit (BRT) links. However, the role of the centre is limited to BRT construction/operation and conducting National Household Travel Surveys. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Used longitudinally, the HoNOS scales should be able to measure patient outcomes over time. In 2002, the Department of Health found that 61 trusts were using HoNOS in their services, with 5 having implemented the use of HoNOS across the whole service, most recent reports suggest that 21% of Mental Health Minimum Data Set records include HoNOS reporting (The Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2011). The HoNOS tool has also formed the basis of the Mental Health Cluster Tool, which is to be the assessment mechanism for Payment by Results (PbR) in mental health (see section 5.2). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This empirical literature can be broadly categorized under two main lines of research. On one hand, there is empirical literature which looks at household’s financial vulnerability from a “macro perspective”. On the other hand, there is a large volume of research that looks at the issue of household’s financial vulnerability from a “micro perspective”. The literature which adopts the macro approach uses aggregate data in order to analyse the various channels and causes of households’ indebtedness growth. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Second, rampant labour market informality often implies lower income, no social protection, little opportunity to develop human capital, and thus risks perpetuating poverty. Yet, a higher degree of informality does not necessarily imply higher inequality.19 Over the past decade, inequality decreased in Brazil, but recent research attributes this decline to better education rather than to the concomitant drop in labour market informality (Arnal and Forster, 2011). Also for China, informality affects income dispersion only slightly with differences in human capital and the rural-urban divide playing a more important role (Cai et al., - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Migration policies should seek to minimize the potential negative impacts of migration on countries of origin, including loss of human capital and separation of families, and to maximize the potential benefits by reducing the transfer costs of remittances, promoting the recognition of skills and credentials, ensuring the portability of earned benefits and supporting the engagement of diaspora groups and communities in their countries of origin. The development of standardized definitions and categories for the delimitation of cities and urban agglomerations is needed to facilitate the effective review and evaluation of progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and targets related to sustainable urbanization. Where necessary, standardized concepts and definitions should be developed on topics such as internal and international migration, short-term mobility, and circular and return migration. Concerted efforts are required to accelerate the development of methodologies to measure migration-related indicators of sustainable development and to generate data on key development targets that are disaggregated by migratory status. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Belgium and Italy have quotas for listed companies to achieve 33% women on boards, this could be one factor driving the increase. Sweden, on the other hand, has a voluntary rule in their Corporate Governance Code “an equal distribution among the sexes shall be the goal”. Women occupied an average of 20.6% of seats in lower or single houses of parliament in 2002, 27.5% in 2013, and 28.7% in 2016. While women’s representation in lower or single houses of legislature has grown in some OECD countries -such as the United Kingdom, Mexico, Portugal and Spain - it has undergone setbacks in countries like Finland, Greece and Denmark (IPU, 2016). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This corresponded to 32% of the total final energy consumption in the entire region. In parallel, India’s industry will play an increasingly important role as a driver for energy consumption in the region. While India’s industry accounted for 7% of the TFC in emerging Asia in 2013, this share is expected to increase to 13% by 2040. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 I argue that five major trends have affected the development of public policy schools. These trends include the rational bureaucracy approach of Max Weber and Woodrow Wilson, the application of behavioral and social science to administration with Herbert Simon and James March, as well as the more recent trends of the new public management's inter‐sector governance approach and anti‐government populism. As a result of these trends, schools in the United States typically fall into three categories: policy analysis schools, smaller public administration programs, and larger comprehensive and interdisciplinary schools. In my view, the most promising future for schools of public policy lies in the further development and expansion of these comprehensive schools, and this expansion is, in fact, necessary if we want to effectively and collaboratively address societal needs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Deforestation is known to cause severe floods, river-basin flooding, flash floods, mudslides and landslides (Hammill, Brown and Crawford, 2005) and leads to an increased number of disasters and extensive damage. Their vulnerability is linked not only to deforestation but also to other manifestations of climate change. Their close relationship with their natural environment makes them particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change (Baird, 2008). In the worst cases, their way of life, and even their existence, is being threatened by climate change. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! ""Only three per cent of the MoFSC’s total budget in 2010 was spent on management. Forest officials caimot participate in all activities such as meetings, assemblies, to silvicultural practices and marketing of forest products that CFUGs undertake,” describes a 2010 paper critical of the proposed Forest Act amendment, co-written by Khatri. “ The limited capacity of the government to provide the needed services and putting controlling provisions against CFUGs to limit their autonomy will eventually hinder CFUGs from being active and innovative."""" This was evident in Chaubas."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 An essential criterion for defining the scope of a housing allowance is the existence of a qualifying means-test for the benefit. They includes rent benefit, a current means-tested transfer granted by a public authority to tenants, temporarily or on a longterm basis, to help with rent costs, benefit to owner-occupiers: a means-tested transfer by a public authority to owner-occupiers to alleviate their current housing costs: in practice often help with paying mortgages and/or interest. They exclude social housing policy organised through the fiscal system (that is, tax benefits) and all capital transfers (in particular investment grants). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Women, however, typically start their businesses with less capital and have less access to financing than men, which limits their ability to start and grow their businesses. When informal businesses are added to the mix, the credit gap skyrockets to $1 trillion (Vanderbrug, 2013). They include, but are not limited to, lack of access to collateral, institutional bias, and socio-cultural norms. Each of these factors is discussed below. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Based on harmonised 15-year old students' achievement data collected at the individual level, the empirical analysis shows that while Nordic European countries exhibit relatively low levels of inequality, continental Europe is characterised by high levels of inequality - in particular of schooling segregation along socio-economic lines - while Anglo-Saxon countries occupy a somewhat intermediate position. Despite the difficulty of properly identifying causal relationship, cross-country regression analysis provides insights on the potential for policies to explain observed differences in equity in education. Policies allowing increasing social mix are associated with lower school socio-economic segregation without affecting overall performance. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In AusAID's broader rural development strategy, social protection is one of three pillars, alongside agricultural research and improving rural and agricultural markets. The main contrast for AusAID is geographic. In Southeast Asia and tf Pacific, most programming (in particular in MICs) focuses on tackling financial barriers to education and health service access. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A number of nakamals form a tribe and within each nakamal a social safety net system exists (Prasad and Kausimae, 2009). With regard to social protection, Ni-Vanuatu relies mostly on families and kinship networks, on access to traditional family land holdings for subsistence farming, and on a broad array of community-based organizations (churches) and NGOs (WB, 2006c: 5). There is, however, little or no government funding provided to NGOs or agencies dealing with social problems (ILO, 2006e). There have been considerable successes in the integration of traditional values such as collective participation, sharing of resources and social integration. Wantok, in Melanesian Pidgin, is made up of two words, “wan” meaning “one” and “tok” meaning “talk” (Jak, 2010: 1). The wantok refers to one’s kin or those closely linked together, either socially or biologically, and it literally means “same language” (ILO, 2006d: 86). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Water supply and sewerage in major cities, such as Dushanbe, Khujand, Nurek and Rogun, and in Faizabad District, are organized under the auspices of die corresponding local authorities, however, they are advised and supported on technical questions by KMK. In early 2014, Barki Tojik was withdrawn from the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources as part of the efforts to separate policy development functions from operational activities (chapter 11). It also issues permits for special water use, which cover both water abstraction and wastewater discharge (chapter 2), upon coordination with various authorities. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Its capacity' is in urgent need of expansion, and service fee structures should be put on a solid financial foundation, so that the adequate revenue is raised. Solid waste management is yet another untapped area of “green” potential for the BMR. Introducing w aste-to-energy plants is a good option and should be accelerated and scaled up. Recycling and composting has great potential, but improving w aste source-separation is critical. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Referring to today’s shortcomings of the trading market, policy makers need to update the cornerstones of such a system. Markets that include the definition of caps and allocation of allowances, streamlining of processes, requirements and penalty schemes, are key factors, to name a few. Hence, nodes need to be set up and operated, which requires a minimal digital infrastructure with stable electricity supply, database technology, and broadband internet. An intuitive user interface is needed for the platform, so companies can easily trade their emissions certificates without the need to fully understand the underlying technology. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As shown in figure IV.3, despite the fact that most countries display a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth, each person spends an average of 10 years in poor health (lost health expectancy (LHE)). Lost health expectancy is the difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth and is expressed as a number of years. In this case, health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE) at birth corresponds to 2002 and life expectancy to 2005. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 However, as shown in Figure 1.19, at the global level, milk production is more sensitive to macroeconomic uncertainty than to yield (crops or milk) uncertainty. In the first place, it affects feed costs, notably via exchange rate and crude oil price, as well as through other dairy production costs. In addition, GDP and CPI uncertainty affects demand. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A recent Norfund evaluation notes that increased investments in project development and improved coordination with Norwegian MFA, Norad and the Embassies have contributed to successful projects and up-scaling opportunities (Norad, 2015). Adaptation investments typically aim for saving on future costs of climate change, and this is not in line with thetypical investor's revenue creation objectives. It is therefore more difficult for investors to understand the business case compared with e.g. mitigation investments, where investments in new emission reducing technologies can be seen and demonstrated to have considerable return on investment potential. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! On average, an almost 40-point difference in literacy proficiency separates adults of highly educated parents from those whose parents have the lowest levels of education. On average, the likelihood of being a low performer is about 25 percentage points lower for adults with at least one tertiary-educated parent, compared with adults whose parents have an upper secondary education. Adults whose literacy is rated at Level 1 and below predominantly have poorly educated parents. On average, more than half of adults (52.2%) below the baseline in literacy proficiency had parents who had not completed an upper-secondary education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 AbstractThe study presented in this paper is a research synthesis examining how issues relating to the teaching and learning of children’s human rights have been approached in educational research. Drawing theoretically on the European Didaktik tradition, the purpose of the paper is to map and synthesise the educational interest in children’s rights research. The paper identifies the motives, content and processes of education for human rights suggested in research. The chosen publications are analysed in three steps, based on three didactic questions: what, how and why. Six educational categories in the teaching and learning of children’s human rights are identified: involvement, agency, awareness, citizenship, respect for rights and social change. In each category, the motives, educational content and processes are clarified. A conclusion is that even though the motives for rights education vary, the content and processes in the education are about human relations and interaction. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 First, the share of developing countries in global exports crossed 30 per cent in 2000 and reached 40 per cent in 2010, which reflects a significant growth from the average level of 25 per cent during the 1970s and 1980s - the period that was the focus of the earlier trade-inequality debate.8 Second, the growth of developing countries’ exports of manufactures has been concentrated in only a few countries, especially China. China’s per capita income and wages are considerably lower than in those economies which accounted for the bulk of manufactured exports from developing to developed countries in the 1970s and 1980s, such as the Republic of Korea and Taiwan Province of China, as well as other countries that had experienced rapid economic catch-up after the Second World War, such as Japan and Germany. Even though data that allow precise cross-country comparisons are available only forthe period since 1975, a comparison of the wage levels in manufacturing of countries experiencing rapid economic catch-up relative to United States levels broadly shows that there are still substantial wage differences between some of the main developing-country exporters of manufactures and their developed-country partners (chart 4.3). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 In sections 38 and 39, the child’s parent or guardian with parental responsibility may apply to vary or stop the protection order. The community also has a duty to report to the Local Council any abuse of rights or neglect to provide, inter alia, education.103 Practitioners may also look to the rights of the child and the guiding principles on the welfare of children provided under the Act. Uganda also enacted other laws which could be useful in preventing CEFM. Uganda, like Tanzania, is faced with the challenge of legal pluralism in relation to the laws governing marriage yet the Marriage and Divorce Bill of 2009, a law intended to govern all marriages has been and it is still pending before the parliament.109 The danger of such pluralism was manifested in an Indian case, Court on Its Own Motion (Lajja Devi) Vs. Laxmi Devi and another vs. State Maha Dev V. State, Devender @ Babli vs. State. In this case, Court found that although there were several laws on marriages, the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 contained loopholes which made child marriages voidable and not void. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For instance, the National Ecological Reserve regime restricts area use, which affects the construction of new tourism resorts, and the use of fresh water. Hotels also have to rely on public water provisions, rather than being allowed to use their own wells. There is also a classification system for hotel establishments that discriminates by environmental standard. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! In view of these changes, it is useful to investigate whether the division of the labour market into formal and informal sectors gives rise to distinctive motherhood penalties. This is done by examining formal- and informal-sector wages for mothers and non-mothers in Argentina between 1995 and 2003, a period that spans the main liberalization policies set in motion in the early 1990s (Pastor and Wise, 1999). Our hypothesis is that the answers to all the above questions are affirmative because of the ways in which segmented labour markets differentially protect mothers working in the formal and informal sectors. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In particular, the objectives set by law are to: i) assess student learning, ii) work on pedagogical innovations needed to improve student learning, iii) exchange pedagogical experiences, iv) design teaching strategies for students, v) set criteria for improvement plans, and vi) receive technical assistance from the technical-pedagogical advisory services of the Ministry of Education (Asesores Tecnico-Pedagogicos, ATP) or independent advisory services (Asesorias Tecnicas Educativas, ATE). The channel, however, has reached very few schools (in total 1000 schools in Latin America) (https://escue!ap!us .com/). This programme was introduced in 2000 as a strategy to expand the Connections (Enlaces) programme to rural areas and included the provision of computers to multigrade classrooms as well as teacher training. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The commendable efforts by RFMOs that have undertaken independent performance reviews should be expanded and augmented through regular transparent reviews by the United Nations General Assembly to bring RFMO implementation in line with international commitments. Previous Assembly reviews of the implementation of fisheries management goals, such as on the driftnet fishing moratorium and on impact assessments for bottom fisheries, have resulted in positive reforms that would not likely have occurred without its oversight. General Assembly reviews of RFMO performance can be expected to improve its effectiveness and should generate the political will necessary to take critical action to restore fish stocks to sustainable levels. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Poor households are defined on the basis of the quality of the roof of their dwelling, but the results are robust to the use of alternative measures for household poverty. Existing evidence also suggests that there is an important gender dimension in the effects on health, education and child labour. The impact on education and child labour seem to be greater for girls than for boys (Hamoudi and Thomas, 2005). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The South African government supports the principle that basic services should be available and affordable to all. For this reason, to ensure that the poor benefit directly from electrification, they are allocated a 20-amps connection free of charge. Furthermore, there is a 50 kWh free monthly allocation implemented by the municipalities insofar as this is possible for the municipalities. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Stakeholders in the business and human rights movement speak of a “smart mix” to fix the global governance gap that gives rise to abuses. Hard law may be required to ensure access to remedy to victims, but soft law and standard setting should not be underestimated for preventing violations. To be clear, I do not oppose a treaty in principle. However, I do think the drafters would be well advised to heed the advice offered by Professor Ruggie — a business and human rights treaty should work to reinforce and to build on the regulatory dynamics already underway in the implementation of the Guiding Principles. I do not see the treaty proposal as a threat to progress but rather a call to redouble efforts and to focus attention on the work that still remains to ensure human rights are promoted and protected. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Air travel for example, causes atmospheric pollution by definition and hotels, particularly those in remote locations, place a significant burden on infrastructural facilities such as sewage and waste treatment and water and electricity supply. Simultaneously, tourism is affected by climate change: the choice of destinations is often dependent on the expected climate and many tourist activities such as skiing, trekking or surfing are climate-driven. Some predict that with global warming becoming a reality, there will be a shift in preference from the lower latitudes with warmer climates to the higher latitudes and cooler climates. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! AbstractThis article aims to analyze the role of American trade unionism during the Brazilian dictatorship examining the activities of American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD). It will pay particular attention to the political repression and anti-labor policy conducted by the dictator Emilio Garrastazu Medici (1969–74). The examination of the U.S. labor policy in Brazil during the heydays of the cold war in Latin America is an interesting case study of the contradictions and paradoxes of the AFL-CIO and American international relations during that period, as well as a stimulating example of transnational trade union and international solidarity relations during this period. The paper investigates how AIFLD reacted to human rights violations perpetrated by the Medici regime, highlighting the fine line between American international labor solidarity and foreign intervention during the cold war period. As a final point, the paper analyzes the workers’ resistance to the dictatorial regime, as wel... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The question then becomes why some countries fail to reap the benefits of trade, whether by increasing their exports or their imports. We can distinguish between two broad sets of impediments - external and internal. A recent study has concluded that the worst of the barriers to merchandise trade (in agriculture and textiles) are particularly harmful to the world's poorest people, as are barriers to worker migration across borders (Anderson and Winters, 2008). As a result, the mean trade-weighted average tariff in OECD countries on imports from other OECD countries stands at 3%, as opposed to 4.8% on imports from non-OECD countries. In 2002, Bangladesh was charged the same amount of tariffs (around USD300 m) on its two and a half billion dollars of exports to the United States as France, whose exports were worth USD 30 billion. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Societies will have to adjust to increasing proportions of older persons in their population. In this regard, in developed countries, concerns about rising costs of health care (partially related to ageing) and viability of pension systems are already at the centre of policy debates. In many developing countries, population ageing is occurring in an accelerated fashion and life expectancy has risen considerably. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The idea is to formulate a charter on climate friendly business and help gain support for a global climate agreement in Copenhagen in 2009. We no longer look at environmental protection as an expenditure that damages the competitiveness of companies and countries. Customers, employees, financers and society at large expect companies to act responsibly and to do their part. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""To make the most of cities' growth potential, it is important to facilitate transport links among metropolitan areas and between metros and smaller urban centres. Governments may set targets for cities to fulfil different roles, (e.g. """"Innovation Cities"""", """"Enterprise Cities"""", """"Eco-Towns"""") or increases linkages between metropolitan areas and smaller cities in a greater region (e.g. proposals for the Seine valley axis between Paris and Le Havre). Are cities' incentives aligned with the need to reduce the reliance on automobile transport?"" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These include the rising age of marriage, greater social and legal recognition of a diversity of partnership forms, declines in birth rates as women are better able to choose whether and when to have children, and how many, and women's increased economic autonomy. These transformations are both causes and consequences of largescale demographic changes, dramatic shifts in women and girls’ access to education and employment, ideational and normative changes, and legal reform, often driven and inspired by women's activism. Concerted efforts to roll back the achievements of many decades of work for gender equality, by those who deny women the right to make their own decisions, have recently been cloaked in the rhetoric of 'family values'. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The services and industry sectors led the expansion during this period. Growth in the agriculture sector, however, was moderate in part due to fluctuations in weather conditions. For 2016 and 2017, sustained investments to address energy and transport infrastructure constraints, continued progression in industry and a recovery in services are expected to lead growth. Agriculture is projected to grow at a moderate rate. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Nevertheless, tripartite negotiations between the government and social partners typically do not extend to norms for wages increases. In the past years, government intervention in wage setting has been largely limited to determining the statutory minimum wage, which was kept constant from January 2007 until July 2013, when it increased from CZK 8 000/month to CZK 8 500/month, representing 38% of the median wage, one of the lowest ratios among OECD countries. With effect from 1 January 2013, the government abolished the youth minimum wage, which consisted of two differentiated levels, corresponding to 80% and 90% of the statutory minimum wage for those less than 18 and those between 18 and 21 years old, respectively. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! But practically, we know that we will need to consider a number of possible trade-offs when selecting the best indicator among a set of possible indicators. The best measures may not be collected frequently to allow yearly comparisons. Our desire for longer time series rather than single measurements may be compromised if the measure changes substantially from one year to the next. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 These also P encourage the assessment and management of climate risk in relevant sectors. However, there is still a long way to go before the right instruments and institutions are in place to explicitly incorporate climate change risk into policies and projects, increase private-sector engagement in adaptation actions and integrate climate change adaptation into development co-operation. Ambitious mitigation action substantially lowers the risk of catastrophic climate change. The cost of reaching the 2 °C goal would slow global GDP growth from 3.5 to 3.3% per year (or by 0.2 percentage-points) on average, costing roughly 5.5% of global GDP in 2050. This cost should be compared with the potential cost of inaction, which could be as high as 14% of average world consumption per capita according to some estimates (Stem, 2006). Delayed or only moderate action up to 2020 (such as implementing the Copenhagen/Cancun pledges only, or waiting for better technologies to come on stream) would increase the pace and scale of efforts needed after 2020. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""These values shape the way people view forests, including their behaviors and attitudes to all aspects of forest management."""" In many ways, the use of an Ecosystem Services framework in these initiatives builds upon existing Criteria and Indicator frameworks, which seek to take stock of the full range of environmental, social and economic benefits associated with natural resources. Therefore it is relevant to consider the various categories of goods and services, in particular the """"cultural ecosystem services"""", which are used by these initiatives and their counterparts in some countries at national level, for example the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (2013)."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The government supported it by sponsoring student fees. Training and awareness workshops took place around the country to inform educators and the community about the importance of inclusive education. At the end of that year, the first six trainees graduated from the Faculty of Education, majoring in special needs education. Most are coping well and succeed in accommodating the various needs of children in the community. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Improving access to stable and adequate sources of finance for adaptation and contributing to the building of the information systems needed to guide policymaking for climate resilience are two concrete actions where greater international cooperation is needed. Public domestic and international efforts are needed to mobilize sufficient resources and provide incentives to the private sector to invest in adaptation. This is especially important for building the resilience and adaptive capacity of the most marginalized areas and population groups. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This paper reports on a collaborative research project that shows how participatory social research can be used as a strategy for combating social exclusion. The Crime Prevention Partnership Project brought together dominant and disempowered groups to explore social issues of mutual concern and identify potential solutions. Indigenous Australian undergraduate students played a central role in this project, working with the police as customer service trainees and with the university as members of a project research group. This project became an opportunity to train and empower new researchers who, as people from disadvantaged groups, brought their own knowledge, concerns, and worldviews to a research process that they helped design and carry out themselves. The result was a learning process for all involved, referred to here as multi-directional empowerment. It led to tangible bridge building between mainstream, powerful institutions and a disadvantaged community. The project process offers a model for usi... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It also sponsors a business plan competition for women entrepreneurs, “The Women in Business Challenge” that generates women’s interest in developing new business ideas and receiving training and coaching on how to do a business plan. ( However, significant gender distinctions existed in the depth of the needs identified and how to effectively deliver business development services. Time, mobility and socio-cultural constraints on women shape the focus, content and logistics that are fundamental to successful BDS provision for women (Box 6.1). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 They found that vertical co-ordination is usually addressed earlier in federal political systems than in unitary systems, but that this difference fades as national adaptation strategies are developed. These sub-national activities have been reliant on either sufficiently large internal financial resources, or on the ability to draw on external resources and information — for example, through climate change networks. While there is general agreement over many of the broad principles for efficient adaptation, there are a range of views about how those principles should be put into practice. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""The Human Rights Committee recently confirmed that States Parties should provide """"safe, legal and effective access to abortion"""" under certain circumstances and has called on States to end the criminalization of providers and women who seek abortion (see Box 3.4).’ As Chapter 4 shows, having an income of their own puts women on a more equal footing with men in their intimate relationships, strengthens their bargaining position within families, and enables them to exit partnerships if they need to. Putting economic resources in women’s hands is also associated with lower rates of poverty and greater investments in children's health and education."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These will state what is needed to be achieved for a fishery (objectives) and the implementation strategies to achieve those objectives-including research, regulations, and compliance. New Zealand participates in the FAO co-ordinated development of International Guidelines on the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas, the negotiation of a binding port State measures agreement and the WTO negotiations to end fishing subsidies. The government also released the Marine Protected Areas Policy and Implementation Plan (MPA Policy). This has been somewhat counterbalanced by increases in farmed greenshell mussel production which also became the key export species. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""They would also like to acknowledge the participants in the FERDI International conference on """"International labour mobility and inequality across nations"""" (Clermont-Ferrand, January 2014) and to the expert meeting on """"Harnessing knowledge on the migration of highly skilled women"""" co-organised by the International Organization for Migration and the OECD Development Centre (Geneva, April 2014). The push and pull factors influencing this significant share of migration have typically been explained as a by-product of male migration: female migrants have been assumed to migrate mainly for reasons of family reunification as dependents of male migrants as wives, daughters or mothers. Over the years, the body of knowledge on the migration of women seeking better employment opportunities has increased, including research on topics such the role of gender discrimination in the workplace."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Unpaid care and domestic work is also being measured as part of the official Labour Force Survey. Primary school fees were abolished, again, and farm input subsidies reintroduced, in part due to public pressure supported by the campaign. Gender budgeting initiatives elsewhere in Africa have drawn heavily on the Tanzanian experience as a model. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Some of the inherent conflicts that may need to be overcome in the previous two models are not necessarily present and the potential contribution of ride services to an overall vision and objectives for transport can be more objectively assessed and acted upon. This is in theory at least, because in practice, public transport organising authorities in Europe have been particularly loathe to seek out partnerships with ride services and most of the innovation in this field comes from North America. This may stem from the strength and effectiveness of traditional public transport service in European countries as well as from an institutional bias in favour of traditional public transport service delivery models. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Drawing on an English School approach, this chapter argues that in Central Asia there is less than a liberal would hope for, but more than a realist would think. Instead of being hopelessly marked by competition as a Hobbesian state of nature, or representing an integrated region resting on liberal principles, Central Asia is akin to a society of states, relying on specific norms and institutions and aiming at achieving and maintain coexistence. By adopting a constructivist epistemology and a socio-structural framework of analysis, this chapter maintains that the institutions of sovereignty, diplomacy, international law, authoritarianism, and great power management provide the region with a degree order and stability often neglected by other International Relations (IR) approaches, thus providing a more fine-grained account of Central Asian regional politics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""In response, the Director-General presented a report """"Reform of WHO’s work in health emergency management: WHO Health Emergencies Programme.” The High-level Panel submitted a report """"Protecting humanity from future health crises” (A/70/723) to the Secretary-General. These include, among others, (a) a review The Neglected Dimension of Global Security: A Framework to Counter Infectious Disease Crises by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM),2 (b) a joint initiative by Harvard University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Moon and others, 2015), (c) a review by an independent panel set up by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and (d) a review by MSF (2015)."" - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The insurance company Swiss Re has a similar database (SIGMA). At the regional/national levels of planning, ‘actionable’ risk information commonly uses a mapping scale smaller than 1:1,000,000, while at the community municipality or provincial levels the scale can vary from 1:1,000,000 to 1:5,000. For project implementation at the field level, actionable risk information can use a scale of more than 1:2,000 (Table IV-2). Indonesia, for example, has an actionable multitier information system at national, provincial and district levels (Box IV-1). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Furthermore, there are additional reasons why donors may prefer not to use country systems, such as the ability to account for taxpayer funds and the need to track climate-related results (OECD, 201 la). As transaction costs reduce the total amount of climate finance devoted to climate activities, reducing them can increase the effectiveness of climate finance. The performance/existence of specific national institutions can also affect whether a country meets the safeguards introduced by selected climate funds to limit potential negative impacts (e.g. social) of climate interventions, or to ensure that specific standards (e.g. fiduciary standards) have been met. However, there are several related challenges at both the national and international level. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Superficially very different from the first three groups of product-based economic instruments, EPR schemes typically take the form of legislation imposing various obligations on producers, including rules requiring them to recover and recycle end-of-life products. Producers - either individually or collectively - may comply with these obligations by setting up arrangements to encourage a high rate of product return and recycling. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Unless specified, data in Figure A are for 2013 and d in Figure B are for 2012. The author would like to thank Alvaro Pereira, Robert Ford, Vincent Koen, Margit Molnar, Andrzej Kwiecinski and colleagues from the OECD’s Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry and Environment Directorate for valuable comments on earlier drafts. The paper also benefitted from the comments of officials from the Chinese government. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Note that there are significantly fewer CSP installations in the United States than PV installations, this difference limits the robustness of conclusions, and in particular, there are very few projects using certain CSP technologies. On average, based on evidence from the United States, tower systems have the greatest CSP land use requirements on both a capacity and energy basis. Towers use 50 per cent more direct land than troughs on a capacity (MW) basis, and use 20 per cent more on a generation basis. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The main challenges for reporting information in this area are mostly familiar, unresolved issues regarding the availability and clarity of information requested and reported. Work is being undertaken by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) to improve the information available on public finance provided. Information on climate finance from countries that do not report to the DAC is currently more limited. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 An upgraded grid, with adequate high voltage cables and interconnections, is also a precondition for more effectively integrating LDC energy systems at an international level, thereby allowing cross-border trade of electricity. For some LDCs, particularly those with substantial hydroelectricity potential and large and relatively prosperous neighbours, electricity may offer significant potential for boosting export revenues. In some instances, however, this may give rise to tradeoffs, where electricity exports are an important source of hard currency and macroeconomic stability but also contribute to domestic shortages that constrain demand and economic activity, or cannot be readily diverted for domestic supply. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These circumstances have arisen despite a generally positive consumer attitude to seafood. The Australian Government remains committed to the development of a national system of MPAs and to achieving a substantial part of that network by 2012. More than 10% of Australia’s marine jurisdiction is already within MPAs. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Different technologies have different costs, as well as different emission coefficients. Under the assumption of a fixed level of output, different technologies are then associated with percentage reductions in emissions. Thus one obtains step functions which fall towards the right, as emissions reductions are plotted from 100 to zero. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This paper examines whether governance matters for the economic growth of developing countries, empirically captured within the institutional economics theoretical framework using the panel data estimation procedure. In doing so, it tests the effect of several dimensions of governance on the growth of 84 low and middle-income economies using regression specifications common in the growth literature. The empirical results show that political stability and government effectiveness is significantly positively correlated with growth. Voice and accountability and corruption are statistically significantly negatively correlated with growth. The regulatory quality and rule of law dimensions of governance are negatively but statistically insignificantly correlated with growth. The findings of this study imply that the dynamics of the current modern economy makes it necessary for developing countries to act now and within their own country, improve the dimensions of governance and establish good governance practic... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Finally, it is important to continue building regional-level capacity in planning, ensuring that the links between ERD and PROT are clearly understood and implemented. For example, PROT have not yet substituted Regional Plans for Urban Development (PRDU). As mentioned, only 3 regions have operative PRDU and 11 have a PRDU in the pipeline. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This instability affects indigenous peoples in a number of ways especially where there is high proportion of female lone-parent families with low incomes. These families often face many challenges in their efforts to deal with urban living. Other marginalized indigenous groups also suffer poor health and social exclusion and/or exploitation such as women, elders, youth, two-spirited people, : and persons with disabilities. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As can be seen in Figure 8, young women enter the labour market at lower rates than males. From ages 35 to 54, however, women’s participation undergoes a drop that is not seen in male participation rates. One possible explanation for this trend is that women tend to withdraw from the labour market upon getting married and having children, without re-entering the workforce afterward. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 A PERPRES is issued to implement a higher legislation, i.e. it relates to matters stipulated by a Law or a PP. Regulations to implement Laws and PPs can also be issued by Ministers (Peraturan Menteri, PERMEN) and heads of departments (Peraturan Direktur Jendera 1, PERDJ). Regulations are a relatively new legislative term in Indonesia, introduced by Law 10/2004. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""Measuring child food insecurity requires accurate, reliable, and complete information from children themselves. Children have the most complete knowledge about their own lives and experiences [60, 61], and child self-report is widely seen as the """"gold standard"""" for assessing children's internal experiences such as quality of life [60], exposure to domestic violence [62], and pain [60]. Although children are the only accurate reporters of their food insecurity, it is important to note that what they are reporting - child food insecurity - may be substantively different to adult and household food insecurity. Adult food insecurity has been shown to have four core domains: compromises in the quantity and quality of food, and psychological and social strains related to food hardships."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Measures can be implemented to support female candidates - such as training, technical and financial support - and to encourage female parliamentarians to participate in defence and security committees. Initiatives that build the capacity and legitimacy of women's or gender caucuses within parliament can help to link debates on gender and security issues. Women's organisations can be useful partners for security system institutions and oversight bodies - see 3.5. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It would be preferable to use other measures to strengthen rural areas, such as investments in infrastructure and education. Joining the EU means that Iceland would participate in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The EU has generally not succeeded in setting TACs at sustainable levels and faces huge challenges with regards to economic efficiency (See OECD, 2010, Commission of the European Communities, 2009). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This article examines the substance behind the claim that Cape Verde, a small archipelago state off the west coast of Africa, is the best country in Africa for political rights and civil liberties. Based on interviews conducted with 22 key informants in government, the judiciary, the legislature and civil society, it explores the electoral process, the political parties, the functioning of the National Assembly, civil and political rights, the judicial system, civil society and economic equality. It finds that Cape Verde's unique geography and history have played a key role in facilitating good governance, and an open and non-violent society that values the real political gains of 1991. However, democracy has not yet eradicated either gender discrimination, dependence on the diaspora or poverty. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Voluntary health insurance has a small but rapidly increasing role in funding health. For a long time, there has been a substantial shift of resources and activities from inpatient to outpatient (or ambulatory) care, although strengthening primary care remains a challenge. Swedish life expectancy is 1.6 years longer than the EU average and is the fifth highest across the EU. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Some countries, such as Afghanistan (27.7 per cent), the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (25.0 per cent), Australia (24.7 per cent), Viet Nam (24.4 per cent) and Kazakhstan (24.3 per cent), arc approaching the target. This is partly a result of quotas and reserved seats for women in parliament. Women’s representation in the Pacific lags significantly behind both other Asian and Pacific subregions and the world average. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This is evidenced in the ‘Women, Business and the Law 2016’ report (World Bank, 2015), which finds that 90% of the 173 economies surveyed had at least one law impeding women's economic opportunities. In economies with legal differentiations, survey respondents at fi rms owned or managed by women report paying more bribes. This suggests that a lack of legal parity creates additional business costs for women. This inequality begins with inheritance rights. According to the report’s data, in 33 out of 173 countries sons and daughters do not have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents, 18 of those countries are in the MENA region. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 But, again, the effect of the minimum wage on employment is not reflected in this wage inequality analysis, since the unemployed are not included in the sample. Enforcement seems to decrease wage inequality among the working population, but its effects on income inequality are not clear, because the impact of contracts on demand for labour is not captured by the model. The coverage of the three main types of social insurance is included in the equation, but their impacts seem to differ. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Even though assumptions on GDP, population and energy-prices used here are slightly different, the results of the current study are within this range. Differences between production costs for ethanol and gasoline prices in 2007 are estimated at 4% for Brazil, 30% for both India and Indonesia, 40% for the United States and 50% for the EU, while the production costs for biodiesel are calculated to be almost 50% higher than fossil diesel prices in most countries. Most of the increase however already took place. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__6, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The more promising CO2 reduction potentials range from about 60-80%, but the mitigation benefit could well change significantly if LUC and ILUC scenarios relevant for an actual feedstock cultivation scheme are applied. Any climate mitigation benefit for a pathway may be fully offset, e.g. if land of high carbon stock is converted for feedstock cultivation (SWAFEA, 2011), as is for instance seen in the Partner 2010 study, where rapeseed oil HEFA has a 37% reduction without LUC effects, but a 12% increase for the considered LUC scenario. For other types of feedstock the LUC impacts can be even more pronounced, as demonstrated in the Partner 2010 study, where a considered scenario for palm oil (not listed in table) resulted in GHG emissions more than seven times higher than conventional jet fuel. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The landing obligation means that catches must be processed in land. The catches that are not landed locally on Greenland are, most often, the most profitable seen from a company perspective. The ITQ system which has created significant wealth and concentration of ownership has also been met with some public critique and has been subject to a resource rent taxation since its introduction. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 First, concerns about the physical decline of aquifer systems include changes in both groundwater quantity and groundwater quality available (including salinity), as well as the potential for irreversible land subsidence (e.g. Konikow, 2013). Second, interactions between groundwater and surface water systems have also been a major driver for changes in groundwater policy. For example, concerns over stream depletion have led to the introduction of regulations on groundwater use in a number of transboundary river basins in the United States, including the Pecos River (between Texas and New Mexico), Arkansas River (Kansas and Colorado), and the Republican River (Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado), as well as in other countries such as the Guadalquivir Basin in Spain. The adverse effects of stream depletion on instream habitat and endangered species have also led to regulatory action, for instance in multiple US states. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In some situations the regulator can ask to suspend manoeuvring, for example if the physic-chemical characteristics of the core indicate a leak of a fuel element or another malfunction. Load following operation is implicitly permitted by the licenses, and has been practised since many years, in fact from the beginning of operation. License conditions describe the permitted rates of power change, the maximum frequency of power variation and further operational details. Requirements due to “conditions of safe operation’’ give additional constraints on load following operation, i.e. conditions arising from measures on fatigue safety. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The overall mission is for the Ghanaian counterpart to understudy the person and learn the skills that the person brings. Which means in the long run we will have new skill set .We will haue Ghanaians performing some of these roles (Administrator, Unique mill). In addition, some problems such as environmental issues are attributed to the activities of foreigners. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 However, Figure 5 also show's dramatic differences in United States income growth rates in the 1940s, and since 1980. Evidently, there can be quite long periods of unbalanced grow'th. In the 1940s, bottom end incomes grew' much more strongly than those at the top end and American income inequality lessened dramatically - but the last thirty years have been dominated by the opposite dynamic. Real income is expressed at 2011 US Dollars. Tax units are families (see source for details). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The Austinian handicap of international law is well-know and has been widely discussed in the literature. It constitutes a common charge made by International Relations theorists against the international legal scholarship as a whole which is derided for deifying its object of study. From an Austinian perspective, international law cannot be considered a set of commands for it can only be enforced by moral sanctions. The ambition of this paper is certainly not to refute the Austinian handicap or to rebuild legality beyond enforcement. The modest point this contribution seeks to make is rather that Hart provides only a temporary respite from the Austinian handicap which he reintroduces in another form. In making that argument, this paper aims to provide some elements to critically re-evaluate the place of enforcement in our studies of international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""From the same date, the Annual Motor Tax for all newly registered cars in Ireland is based on C02 emissions instead of engine size. Also relevant for tourism businesses is the Energy Efficiency Retrofit Fund for the public and business sector, which supports energy efficiency investments in upgrading existing buildings and facilities. Failte Ireland supports the establishment of environmental standards for the various sectors of the tourism industry and publishes an annual guide containing advice regarding auditing, training and accreditation to reduce consumption of energy and water. """""" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Contractors are deeply intertwined with the American military and U.S. foreign policy. Over half of the personnel the United States has deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003 have been con- tractors. Their relationship with the U.S. government, the public, and domestic and international law differs from that of military personnel, and these differences pose both bene½ts and risks. America's use of private military and security companies (PMSCs) can provide or enhance forces for global gover- nance. Yet PMSCs can also be used to pursue agendas that do not have the support of American, inter- national, or local publics. Thus far, the use of PMSCs has proved a mixed bag in terms of effectiveness, accountability, and American values. Moving forward in a way that maximizes the bene½ts of contrac- tors and minimizes their risks will require careful management of the uncomfortable trade-offs these forces present. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Heroes of the UAE campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of rationing energy consumption to avoid shortages. It is a national press campaign jointly developed by the Emirates Wildlife Society in association with the Worldwide Fund for Nature (EWS-WWF) and the Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, and endorsed by the Ministiy of Energy', the Ministiy of Environment and Water, MASDAR and the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority. Information was made available to everybody to leam more about the problem’s causes and also find out what they can do to help reduce energy consumption The principal features of the website include an animated sequence that explains the present situation in simple, graphic terms, along with a long list of energy saving tips, a calculator that enables households to establish exactly how and where they can make real savings on their consumption, and a unique pledge facility that enables households to positively state their intention to make a difference. The competition aimed to raise awareness among students of the urgent need to conserve energy' and water to mitigate the impact of climate change. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! It is a business model aimed at the greatest societal benefits from economic, social and ecological perspectives. It outlines the ideas behind CSF as a business model, and how it was first put into place in the United States. Secondly, we describe how this idea is currently being put into practice in Skane with the innovation project Oresundsfisk, which was originally set up by SEA-U Marine Science Centre in Malmo, an economic association partly funded by the City of Malmo. The case study describes some of the challenges with CSF such as logistics and mobilizing funding. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Compliance with the more sophisticated standards may in addition require equipment for internal testing and controls, laboratory testing, analysis and certification of products, all of which are in short supply in most developing countries. Lack of testing and inspection services or their concentration in capitals far from the border and food producing areas is an additional cost factor, especially for SMEs. Shortage in required equipment will call for specific investments which introduce a capital-bias into the food processing export sectors of developing countries (Jayasuriya et al., - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The prevalence of smoking is more than twice as high among those with the lowest level of education. More dramatically, the level of obesity among the population with the lowest level of education is nearly three times higher than those with the highest level of education. On top of this, CNS is also responsible for the financing of long-term care insurance. The Ministry of Social Security and the Ministry of Health are jointly responsible for health system governance. The Ministry of Health develops health policy and legislation, organises the delivery of care, authorises large hospital investments and directly cofinances public health programmes. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Peacebuilding is typically viewed in international arenas as processes and activities engaged in during periods of post-conflict reconstruction, following on the heels of peacemaking and peacekeeping. The peacebuilders are often outsiders, and usually Westerners. This chapter upends those traditional notions, offering a more holistic view of peacebuilding, and one in which local women are key players. The focus is not merely on reconstruction, but also on the prevention and resolution of violence and conflict, by ensuring the socioeconomic and political conditions in which people’s rights and basic human needs can be met. This chapter looks at the roles of women in peacebuilding, and then at women peacebuilders in the Ugandan context. It notes ways in which Ugandan women at the grassroots have played and continue to play significant and often unheralded roles in fraught situations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! This article recounts the story about how these four individuals intentionally cut off the government's primary experts on the Geneva Conventions, the Torture Convention, and customary international law from the decision making process. In doing so, they presented a one-sided and distorted view of U.S. obligations under international law that led to a widespread government policy and practice of torture. It also reveals how a trio of important Supreme Court precedents disrupted these plans, and ultimately swung the balance back in favor of compliance with international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Connections between urban centres and rural areas are crucial for greater development and widening access to labour force and education. While no robust data was available about the inequalities in access to communication, they are likely to broadly correspond to disparities in GDP per capita. Improving access to telecommunications represents a potential source of growth and should be favoured. The new medical school provides an opportunity to address the health challenges in the region and build capacity for collaboration. It can also mark the beginnings of the first university in the Galilee. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Access to public goods remains highly unequal even within urban areas, often putting the social fabric at risk. African cities are facing an unprecedented combination of developmental challenges together with rising environmental risks such as unsafe sanitation, climate change and air pollution. Are urbanisation trends sustainable in your country? - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 First and foremost, the depleted state of many fisheries means that rebuilding these stocks can lead to higher future harvests. The value to the consumer of fisheries products will also continue to increase as new products and new markets emerge notably through innovation. Processors and other value-chain participants will find new' uses for what is currently wasted. Fishers will continue to reduce their costs, improve their efficiency and productivity and earn a greater return from their efforts. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Responding to calls for increased accountability regarding performance of students in public schools and concerns over the capacity of public schools to improve outcomes, school choice has become a mainstream and often controversial issue in public education, it is also a priority of the current federal government administration. Given the mixed evidence of effects on academic performance of charter school enrollment, along with the common perception that charter schools fail to meet the needs of special populations of students—including students with disabilities and English language learners (ELLs)—this study examined the performance of these subgroups across traditional public schools and charter schools. Specifically, we reviewed five recent large-scale studies that assess the impact of charter schools on academic performance paying particular attention to how students with disabilities and students identified as ELLs fare in charter schools relative to their peers served in traditional district schools. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Where local government are responsible for a greater share of own source revenues, they face a distinct pressures to increase their local tax bases. Depending on the nature of local taxation, this can lead to a push for residential expansion in order to increase the amount of property taxes available to a municipality, or attracting businesses to the area in order to increase business tax contributions. Both Nantes and Saint-Nazaire are increasingly relying on own source revenues to fund operating expenditures. In Nantes, the contribution of local taxes to total operating expenditures between 2009 and 2014 increased by 16% while in Saint-Nazaire it increased by 22% (Figure 3.9). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The surplus of women in older age groups is significant and is increasing, with obvious implications for health care and other social needs. In Europe, the average age at which women first marry is 30 or older in many countries. In some less developed countries, however, such as Mali, Niger and several other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the average age at which women first marry is still below 20. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It means seeing students’ language capacities as part of their personal, social and cultural identity and welcoming it as a tool for learning and understanding (Holmen, 2009). This will help children bridge the gap between their home and school and ensure that their cultural and language background is valued as much as that of the majority (Brind et al., This can be a way to validate and signal proficiency in another language and to devise best suited support strategies in language learning for each individual child. Moreover, to acknowledge that a student knows a language other than Danish is a first step towards attaching a value to that knowledge. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Budapest, Brussels: European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (2007-2013). Child Poverty in Perspective: An Overview of Child Well-Being in Rich Countries, Innocenti Report Card 7. Florence: Innocenti Research Centre. Capability deprivation and income poverty in the United States, 1994 and 2004: Measurement outcomes and demographic profiles. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Lessons learned from development practice can, therefore, inform development support targeted at enhancing data availability for adaptation. For example, experience has shown that efforts to enhance data availability are more likely to succeed and be sustained if they fit within the broader national strategy for the country’s statistical system. This refers to the entire network of providers of data and other information. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 There are considerable wind, tidal, ocean, thermal and wave energy resources available in some ECOWAS countries. The region also has vast solar energy potential with very high radiation averages of 5 to 6 kWh/m2 throughout the year. The share of new renewable energy such as wind, solar, small scale hydro and bioelectricity (excluding large hydro) will increase to around 10 per cent by 2020 and 19 per cent by 2030. These targets translate to an additional 2.425 MW of renewable electricity capacity by 2020 and 7.606 MW by 2030. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Among the 62 countries where at least 5 per cent of the population practised open defecation in 2015,18 countries are currently on track to meet the 2030 target. In another 36 countries, the current rate of progress is too slow to reach the target. For the remaining eight countries, open defecation rates have actually increased since 2000. It can contaminate drinking water sources and limit opportunities for safe and productive reuse of water. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Governments can support domestic demand creation primarily through IT-related public procurement and measures to increase ICT uptake in the private sector. In addition, governments and other stakeholders can seek to expand demand by promoting exports. This is particularly true in countries where ICT use in the private sector is nascent. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The proliferation of popular television genres in which the public are key participants (talk shows, reality TV, and makeover and lifestyle television) on the surface may seem less to do with engagement and more to do with entertainment and voyeurism. However, this article explores an alternative to the idea that popular television based on personal experience is a marker of the end of television in general and the weakening of the public service tradition in particular. Two programs, Oprah! and Little Angels, are shown to address the agendas of reflexive modernity and governmentality and potentially to contribute to a normative social order based on the project of the self. The fact that both traditional public service providers and commercial channels are engaging with these social issues suggests that new ways of legitimizing television in the public interest are emerging, with implications for the character of public service television. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Other requirements exist for continued operation for a limited time, eventually at a reduced power rate, for a broader range of voltage and frequency conditions (up to ±5% in frequency and ±10% in voltage) that are supposed to occur only on a few occasions per year. All generating units should be able to provide a specific range on reactive power to assist control of the system voltage. Finally, it should be noted that extremes of grid voltage could occur at the same time as extremes of grid frequency (in particular low voltage together with low frequency), generating plants should be designed to meet these extremes simultaneously. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We will continue to promote a universal, rules-based. We call on all WTO members to redouble their efforts to promptly conclude the negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda. We attach great importance to providing trade-related capacity-building for developing countries, in particular African countries, least-developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing states and middle-income countries, including for the promotion of regional economic integration and interconnectivity. The new framework similarly includes various targets and other references to the role of international trade in supporting achievement of the SDGs. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Finally, gender inequality cripples economic growth by reducing women’s contribution in the economic, social and political spheres (Bandiera and Natraj, 2013). A gender analysis needs to take account of both gender perspectives and how policies can affect men and women differently. In 1985, at the Third World Conference on Women in Nairobi, participants agreed to develop or reorganise their national information systems to compile and disseminate statistics on women and men in order to better address gender issues. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It is unclear why Caspian sturgeons have not been included in the 1999 Red Data Book of Turkmenistan, and why they reportedly will not be included in the upcoming edition. Numbers at the four strategically important haul-out sites along the Turkmen coast (Kara-Ada Island, Tyuleni Islands, Oshushnoy Island and southern Ogurchinsky Island), which are outside the core reproduction range of the species, used to be in the order of several thousands but had shrunk to a maximum of a few hundred in 2008/2009. Current threats in Turkmenistan reportedly include disturbance, poaching and by-catch in illegal sturgeon nets. The species will be listed as endangered in the upcoming edition of the Red Data Book of Turkmenistan. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Evaluations also show that conditional cash transfers improve outcomes related to health, nutrition and education. The impact of Progresa on education enrolment in Mexico has been significant (de Brauw and Hoddinott, 2008). Even the short-lived Red de Proteccion Social (RPS) in Nicaragua, in operation between 2000 and 2006, directed funds to female household heads, significantly improving school enrolment and other education indicators, and reduced stunting by an impressive five percentage points in programme communities (Maluccio and Flores, 2005). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) constitute two prominent international courts. However, there exists considerable variation in states' support for these two institutions. The Rome Statute, which recognizes the jurisdiction of the ICC has been ratified by over half the states in the world, only a third of states accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ. How are we to understand this variation in state support for these two courts? I argue that there is an inherent link between the quality of a state's domestic legal system (rule of law) and perceived legitimacy of an international court. Empirical analyses of states' support for the ICJ and the ICC show that rule-of-law states lend support to the ICC, a court perceived by the international community as legitimate. Alleged bias of the ICJ has, on the other hand, substantially weakened support for this court among rule-of-law states. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The final outcome will thus depend on a kind of race between VRE deployment and efforts to render the system more flexible. Again, as long as VREs are financed out of the market, the establishment of a normative reference framework that would allow distinguishing between welfarerelevant technical externalities and acceptable pecuniary externalities is impossible. While some inefficiencies, e.g. the insulation of VREs from the market prices that they themselves influence heavily, can be clearly indicated, others are more difficult to assess. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The purpose of this document is to review, in a summative form, liberalism and conservatism as ideologies that were expressed in projects of modernity subsequent to the French Revolution. It seeks to understand their influence, both in historical configuration and epistemological conception of public administration, as a social science inherited from the Enlightenment. It suggests that progressive liberal thought has predominated in the manner of arguing the disciplinary endeavors of the administrative sciences. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Of course, when assessing the distributional effects of austerity packages, one would need to consider them from a dynamic perspective in interaction with behavioural responses by agents and structural policies that could influence the outcome. Among the better policies, on the revenue side, are eliminating certain tax expenditures, that tend to reduce progressivity of the personal income tax and are often distortionary for growth, and increasing property taxes (see below) (OECD, 2013d, Rawdanowicz et al., Other reforms, however, may entail trade-offs between equity and growth objectives. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 One part of the rate should depend on the pollution content of the tax base as it was done for instance for the motor vehicle tax. As suggested in the Energy Concept, eco tax rates should rely more on the C02 content of the taxed fuel. Germany should also support the European Commission initiative regarding the EU Directive on energy taxation, which recommends splitting energy taxes into two components so as to make the C02 tax explicit and introducing a minimum C02 tax rate. However, as taxing fuel would not be enough to encourage a sufficient change in consumption behaviour at least in the short run (OECD, 201 Id) and is not addressing all externalities related to fuel consumption, other instruments should be used, as, for instance, the motor vehicle tax to encourage the adoption of energy efficient cars. A road toll could be used to finance road infrastructures, as road wear related costs directly depend on the use of roads. It could also address congestion issues by extending it to congested roads or making it dependent on traffic volumes. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The paper aimed at examining whether good governance, measured by Kaufmann, Kraay and Zoido-Lobotan index, has an effect on the firm performance in India. Top 35 companies based on market capitalisation are chosen as sample for the measurement of firm performance. The hypotheses that there is a positive relationship between good governance and the level of firm profitability and good governance has a negative relationship with the variation of firm profitability are tested on dataset composed of some of the largest Indian companies. Simplified structural equation modelling was used for the analysis. All the six governance factors namely, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism, voice and accountability, rule of law and control of corruption are significantly fitting in the measurement model to measure good governance, however, there is no significant impact of good governance on the performance of firms. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In order to ensure effectiveness of European Union law, the legislator progressively introduced punitive sanctions in various fields of administrative law. If the definition of punitive administrat... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The challenge will be to orient the health care system to help people with multiple chronic conditions. Biomedical research on chronic diseases generally focuses on single chronic diseases like diabetes while often ignoring the co-existing conditions a diabetic may have. In fact, people with multiple chronic conditions are often excluded from randomised clinical trials which make it difficult to create an evidence base to guide their care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""But it can also be oppressive and exploitative, hampering caregivers’ opportunities and enjoyment of rights. As the feminist economist Diane Elson puts it, the fact that much unpaid care work “is done for love, does not mean that we always love doing it. Although the state may not finance or deliver all forms of support, it has a duty to ensure that such support is available, accessible and of adequate quality for everyone. But women's time is not """"infinitely elastic,"""" and coping strategies can produce unintended outcomes.4 In the context of health crises, girls can miss out on school because of time spent fetching water and looking after bed-ridden family members."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The transition to sustainable, resilient, climate-smart food and agricultural systems requires adaptation to climate change and a commitment to climate change mitigation throughout the agriculture sectors. The transition will depend on action by policy-makers, civil society, farmers, herders, foresters and fisherfolk, as well as stakeholders along the food and agriculture value chains worldwide. It is vital to ensure that the climate finance available to the agriculture sectors is commensurate with the role the sector must play in ensuring food security and responding to the challenge of climate change today and in the future. These are the OECD's Creditor Reporting System (CRS) and the Climate Fund Update (CFU) of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), United Kingdom. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This book set out to solve a puzzle: how is it possible that despite its long-standing defence of human rights and civil liberties and despite being now a co-legislator, the EP has proved unable (or unwilling) to change the direction of internal security policies? The end of the transitional period in 2005 raised high expectations regarding the potential for transforming the AFSJ into a more democratic and, especially, less security-oriented policy field. However, the efforts to widen the debate and underline the need for a better balance between security and liberty seemed to pay lip service to its past battles in the AFSJ but, generally they did not translate into tangible rights and protections. As a consequence, the legislative outcomes of these last few years have not fulfilled the expectations raised by the EP’s empowerment. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 But is a growing issue in developing countries where women’s enterprises tend to be clustered in the informal economy with limited access to capital, financing, business support services or markets. Lengthy, costly and bureaucratically complex business registration procedures hinder the development of formal enterprises and hence the capacity of many women’s enterprises to grow beyond the subsistence microenterprise level (ILO, 2016). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The same situation occurs in Azerbaijan, and the quality of the surface water in these rivers only improves where no population is settled, as in the section between the Georgian-Azerbaijani border and Mengechevir reservoir. According to MENR, the results of monitoring over the last ten years show that DDT is not present in drinking water sources. However, some traces of DDT are still found in the Kura River, particularly after heavy rains. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It is analyzing the legal status of human rights treaties in the Brazilian legal system, in view of the changes introduced by the Amendment to the Constitution n. 45/04, known as the Judiciary Reform. Such amendment brought the possibility of the human rights treaties being likened to constitutional amendments and therefore have constitutional legal status. However, he remained silent with regard to approved treated before its enactment. However, the Supreme Court gave supra-legal status to that treaty. Must be examined to what extent this constitutional change brought greater protection of human rights, therefore it closely examines the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted in the form of paragraph 3 of article 5 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the context of climate change, for instance, the impetus for low-emission development strategies was a perceived need to more cohesively pursue dual objectives of low emissions and development goals (see Clapp, Brinerand Karousakis, 2010). Similarly, just as “aligning policies for a low-carbon economy” is directly associated with mainstreaming climate objectives into other sectors of the economy (OECD, 2015a), mainstreaming biodiversity and development could, for example, also be described as pursuing inclusive green growth for biodiversity and/or aligning policies for a resource-efficient economy. A number of the lessons and insights are relevant for how to mainstream biodiversity more effectively. Earlier work on biodiversity mainstreaming highlights the need to better assess mainstreaming efforts, to use these to inform policy making and to develop learning networks at regional and global scale (Huntley and Redford, 2014). Mainstreaming biodiversity is crucial for all countries, as recognised by the parties to the CBD and the SDGs. A broad range of countries are therefore examined to ensure that various challenges are considered. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 When environmental reporting started in the early 1990s, for some the business rationale was initially to demonstrate compliance with the new environmental laws and regulations, as well as to demonstrate their ‘license to operate’, while others used their environmental report more like a marketing tool. It was especially the more polluting industries and organizations in consumer products that started to report on environmental performance. Later the reports were extended with health and safety information. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Women, ethnic minorities, immigrants and residents in deprived areas, among others, are systematically underrepresented in research, innovation and entrepreneurship activities in most countries. For example, in Japan only 14.7% of total researchers in 2015 were women, and their share was even lower in the fields of science and engineering (Statistics Japan, 2016). In Israel, the Arab minority represented only 5.7% of total employment in the high-tech sector and 2% of employment in the R&D sector in 2015, while they accounted for 21% of the country’s population (Innovation Israel, 2016). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! This indicator provides information regarding how efficiently people are being transported and is a common metric for measuring the efficiency for mobility systems. Some research also indicates that the efficiency of shared mobility services at optimising the movement of users while minimising that of vehicles is greater than previous point-to-point, on-demand mobility services (i.e. taxis). The capacity utilisation rate of UberX vehicles, for example, has been found to be an average of 38% greater than traditional point-to-point services in two large North American cities (Cramer and Kreuger, 2016). Preliminary indications also suggest that capacity utilisation in shared mobility networks is markedly higher in dense urban areas, indicating that higher density (of supply and demand) is correlated with higher efficiency. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This article examines the enduring ways that racial politics are masked by discourses of place and family in the history of juvenile justice in the USA. The tropes of place and family have been invoked since the inception of the USA’s juvenile justice system and have influenced the processes of policing, removal, and return, even as the latest incarnation of reforms focus on building juvenile justice facilities and alternatives to incarceration within urban areas. By pointing to recent manifestations of this rhetoric in New York, the article identifies the thread that links these claims together: the desire by social control agents for submission by the primarily impoverished and young people of color who defy legal authority. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Hybrid cooling was found to reduce the LCOE increase, but at a higher capital cost and operational complexity (Turchi et al., Interestingly, the overall footprint of the dry-cooled plant did not increase because the additional solar field area required to offset the decrease in efficiency was balanced by the elimination of cooling tower evaporation ponds. Even without such developments, however, the cost penalties associated with reducing water consumption appear to be relatively minor. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ABSTRACT This paper uses the results of the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) project: a multi-year study of the international relations (IR) field in order to discern the major characteristics of international political economy scholarship in the United States today. It finds that, like Benjamin Cohen's depiction of the American school, IPE in the United States is increasingly positivist, quantitative, and liberal in orientation. It employs data from a journal article database that tracks trends in publication patterns. It also analyzes data from two surveys of IR scholars in the United States and Canada that were conducted in the fall of 2006. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Drawing even further on Indigenous traditions and ways of learning than is currently the case through the PEIB presents an opportunity to enable Indigenous students to learn better. There are channels of communication between Indigenous communities and the national government, but there is a large room for improving this dialogue. Some communities claim the need for developing their own pedagogical techniques and teaching their knowledge (saberes). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It also calls for national surveys to be conducted to identify good practices and encourages cooperation among schools at both national and regional levels. They enhance understanding of perceptions and attitudes in relation to this phenomenon, including among girls and boys of different ages and social backgrounds, and help to identify children at greater risk to help provide them with effective support. In terms of national planning, research based on comprehensive data can inter alia, help quantify the economic cost of violence and identify the social returns that can be achieved with steady investment in prevention. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Progressively, MCDA should be granted increasing fiscal authority on numerous matters that require metropolitan management, in particular mobility, solid w aste and water management. Giving more weight to MCDA in managing finance in Metro Cebu could also help to ease the negative effects of revenue inequalities as show'n in Figure 4.2. As an example, Metro Vancouver’s revenues are mostly built through water sales (37%), sewer levy (29%) and solid w'aste tipping fee (12%) (Box 4.3). Similarly, 43% of Barcelona Metropolitan Authority’s (AMA) budget - at around EUROS 280 million - are built through the waste management tax and the mobility tax, and 13% from PPPs for w'ater supply and night bus service. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The share is highest in South and South-East Asia, in the Middle East and North Africa (Panel B), where it is typically above 50%. On the other hand, people have generally become less likely to declare that a woman earning more than her husband can be problematic (Panel C), but data are only available for a subset of countries. Only two decades ago, the percentage of respondents who agreed or strongly agreed with that statement in OECD countries was above 40%. Finally, the perceived value of female education has shown mixed trends. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 About 30% of 25-34 year-olds attain upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education, compared to the OECD average of 44%, while 58% of 25-34 year-olds have at least an upper secondary degree in 2012, compared to the OECD average of 82% (Figure 2). Portugal has 41% of enrolments in upper-secondaiy VET in 2012, compared to the OECD average of 44%. These programmes target those who wish to pursue a vocational qualification as well as those who have dropped out - or are at risk of dropping out. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 They would be paid on a new fee schedule with higher payments for preventative services, counselling, and management of chronic diseases. This would complemented by a P4P scheme to reward high quality primary care. Medical schools would create model primary care polyclinics to train future primary care physicians. With these reforms, Korea could develop a health system that is more efficient, with fewer avoidable hospital admissions, that achieves better outcomes for chronic diseases, decreases health inequalities, and improves social cohesion. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The longer walking and bicycle trips on roads without any dedicated facilities for theses modes increase the risk of getting involved in a fatal crash. The current relocation policies increase the vulnerability of the current vulnerable road users. The land use policies must ensure that especially the poor households, who cannot afford any form of motorized travel, are located close to employment opportunities resulting in short travel distances. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The first phase of the INDH, 2006-2010, had total budget support of some US$1.7 billion, which was raised to US$2.1 billion for the second phase, 2011-2015. Among the activities of the INDH is improving the conditions of access to basic infrastructure services such as education, health, roads, water supply and sanitation, and environmental protection. Pilot projects were developed by the private water companies in Casablanca, Tangier and Tdtouan as well as the public utility in Meknfcs, using output-based assistance. This project was also supported by subsidies from the Global Partnership for Output-based Aid, a World Bank programme. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Furthermore, there is often confusion between converters who use recycled materials (“converters”) and true recyclers that create the starting materials themselves. Each of the three main parts of the recycled plastics supply chain are discussed in further detail in the sections below. Few municipal-led plastics recycling schemes in this context. Some mechanisation of collection, particularly in urban areas. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This article reexamines the exclusion of African Americans in the discipline of criminology and criminal justice. Young and Sulton raised this issue in their important article that focused on the role of African American scholars in various aspects of the field. The article revisits several areas investigated in the original article, including the integration of African American scholarship in assorted scholarly outlets, race of editorial board members of the major criminal justice journals, race of grant recipients, use of African American criminologists as experts for media stories, and as consultants in the policymaking process. In addition, the authors’ analysis examines criminology and criminal justice programs at historically Black colleges and universities. The results from these analyses show moderate progress within the past decade. Nevertheless, the authors conclude that in the next decade, much more needs to be accomplished in many of the areas examined to facilitate the integration of African ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For reasons of methodological practicality as well as contemporaiy relevance, the most recent reports were therefore chosen for examination. It should be noted that the concluding observations ofthe five treaty committees during the past two years do not necessarily reflect their entire historical approach to the particular issues discussed here but rather their most recent views. However, all general comments and recommendations prepared by each ofthe committees were considered in this study. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This chapter provides the background for the rest of the report by reviewing the existing empirical work on South African inequality and poverty since the advent of the post-Apartheid era in 1994. This review highlights points of agreement and dispute within this empirical literature. South Africa has an infamous history of high inequality with an overbearing racial stamp. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Phosphorous and potassium, on the other hand, are mined products and production is often located close to natural reserves which are concentrated in few countries. Therefore, the market for nitrogen is assumed to approach perfect market conditions, whereas some degree of market imperfection could be imagined in phosphorous and potassium markets. As the degree of market imperfection is unknown, an ad-hoc sensitivity analyses is performed to see the impacts of the simulated policies on intermediate input use. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Their results are summarised in Table 4.3. All but one of the models analysed (25 out of 26) assumed atmospheric concentrations of GHGs between 525 and 650 ppm in 2050, which is, of course, considerably higher than the 450 ppm or lower implied in the Paris Agreement. This may be taken as an indicator of the extent to which the policy debate has abandoned any link with modelling efforts attempting to estimate realistic medium-range scenarios. It should also be noted that the models considered calculate abatement costs for the energy sector rather than for the electricity sector. In principle, this would correspond to the level of the carbon tax required. Ppm: parts per million. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The area of overlap has been increasing over time. This is to be expected, as initial views from the climate community on climate finance (e.g. as it relates to the GEF) were elaborated in 1998 - well before the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness was agreed in 2005. However, there remain some issues that are of more importance for only one or two of these communities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This chapter discusses women’s employment in the public sector in OECD and partner countries, based on empirical evidence from the 2011 OECD Survey on Gender in Public Employment and OECD research. Specifically, it highlights employment and occupational patterns of women in the public sector, their contractual arrangements and their average earnings as compared to men. The influence of the economic downturn on gender equality in the public sector is also explored. Despite notable progress, women remain overrepresented in lower pay and part-time jobs and tend to experience more frequent career breaks, which may lead to lower pay positions and fewer career development opportunities. To respond to the highlighted challenges, the chapter identifies a set of good practices and actionable policy recommendations, such as equality acts, gender diversity targets and quotas, family friendly policies and training programmes, in the public service. Finally the chapter emphasises the importance of collecting good quality gender disaggregated data for developing soundpolicy solutions and outlines key policy recommendations for governments to enable equal access to opportunities in the public sector, reduce the pay gap and improve working conditions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 They are also grateful for the contributions of colleagues and participants at conferences, meetings and workshops for their input to this ongoing work on MODA. Understanding why people are - and remain - poor and why these unfortunate conditions and choices are passed on to subsequent generations is the next logical analytical step. Multidimensional poverty and deprivation estimates are important new tools in this undertaking. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Various targets emphasize the need for renewed efforts to protect the rights of workers, including migrants (8.8), the economic security of young migrants is indirectly addressed in targets 10.7 (planned and well-man-aged migration policies) and lO.c (migrant remittance costs). Equality in access to economic resources is highlighted in targets 1.4,5.4,5.S, S.a, 10.2,10.3 and 10.4. These targets are intended to guide policy efforts and programmatic interventions that will help Governments and the international community meet this Goal. Importantly, the Goal 8 targets overlap with targets for other Goals in the 2030 Agenda, most notably those relating to poverty (Goal 1), education (Goal 4), gender equality (Goal 5), infrastructure, industrialization and innovation (Goal 9), and reducing inequality (Goal 10). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This chapter begins with a review of the historical origins of the Alien Tort Statute (ATS). It traces the modern application of the statute from the landmark decision in Filartiga v. Pena-Irala through the Supreme Court's endorsement of human rights litigation in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain. The Karadzic court's recognition that private actors are both bound by some international law norms and can be held liable when they act in concert with state actors paved the way for ATS litigation against corporations. The Supreme Court granted petitions for certiorari review on both issues: the false arrest claim against the U.S. government and the ATS claim against Sosa. The chapter concludes with a review of post-Sosa application of the ATS and the issues left open by the Supreme Court's decision. Keywords: Alien Tort Statute (ATS), Alvarez-Machain, Filartiga, Sosa - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 There are now 16 RSTs that operate across the country. Trustees receive a per hour pay during and after the adverse event for carrying out their functions. According to MAF, and the farmers interviewed by OECD, RSTs have proved to be valuable in coping with recent adverse events. However, much depends on the commitment and availability of appropriate people and some Trusts work much better than others. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed unprecedented and complex public policy issues. One that has emerged as a challenge for many countries globally is how to ensure the efficient and effective procurement of quality medical supplies. Existing corruption pressures on procurement—everything from undue influence to the outright bribery of public officials—has been amplified by the pandemic, and thus demands commensurate policy responses. We argue that transparency and accountability in procurement are essential to preventing the corruption risks that threaten the health and well-being of populations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Achieving low stabilization levels will require early (upfront) large-scale investments and substantially more rapid diffusion and commercialization of advanced low-emissions technologies. Such investments will need to be made worldwide on the required scale, implying that effective technology and resource transfers will need to be made to those countries lacking those means (see chaps. V and VI for further discussion). These include a switch to renewable energy technologies (of which the most significant is solar energy), the adoption of CCS technologies both to curb emissions from fossil fuel plants and generally to facilitate negative emissions, the enhancement of terrestrial sinks through afforestation in conjunction with sustainable biomass use, and investment in energy efficiency solutions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Standard errors were not estimated for disability prevalence in Saint Lucia as microdata is unavailable and results were obtained through the online REDATAM analysis portal. “ In the India Human Development Survey 2005, disability data was collected for individuals aged 7 and above only, the lower bound of the overall, primary-age, and combined school-age populations are constrained accordingly. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""As one of my two contributions to this discussion, I would like to first comment on the state of affairs regarding the development of """"um pensamento nacional autentico."""" Specifically, I would like to address the issue not from the perspective of the Brazilian trying to 'critically assimilate' foreign ideas, and so avoid the transplantation of inappropriate scholarship. Rather, I would like to look at it from the other end of this strained intellectual relationship. Much of my research related to Guerreiro Ramos has confirmed the threat that he raised regarding epistemic colonization, unwittingly exercised by a woefully parochial Anglophone scholarly community. The second topic I would like to discuss is a policy area in which Brazilians, especially in my discipline of public administration, might have something to learn from abroad, raised by Guerreiro Ramos himself in his Patologia social do branco brasileiro."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The OECD average is the simple unweighted average across countries. Source: Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) 2015. Survey evidence suggests that over one third of American adults want to participate, whereas the unweighted OECD average is about one quarter (OECD, 2017(44]). Barriers to participation include caregiving responsibilities and the pressure of work, which are cited in about the same frequency as in other counties. On the other hand, the expense of adult education creating a barrier to participation was cited more frequently in the United States than the OECD on average, 24% and 15% of respondents, respectively. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Ils representaient egalement un plus faible pourcentage des importations totales : 9 % en 2008-10 contre 13 % en 1995-97. La croissance annuelle a ete extremement volatile sous l’effet des fortes fluctuations de la production cerealiere. La production de ble a oscille entre 9 millions de tonnes (en 2000/01) et 23 millions de tonnes (en 2011/12). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Per capita consumption in 2010 was 90 m3/person/year. The reduction to 2050 will occur in response to increasing water efficiency. It may result from the mixing of seawater with fresh water, as in estuaries, or may occur in brackish fossil aquifers. Thus, Israel is committed to a net supply of 35 million m3/year of potable water to Jordan (Chapter 3). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are reducing the transaction costs of information gathering and distribution. This can be, and has shown to be, a powerful tool for citizens that need to organize to protest against what they may perceive as social injustice. In fact this century has seen much more tangibly the manner in which these technologies facilitated, to a certain extent, The Arab Spring and the Occupy movements. Using ICT we expect to understand the relationships of political stability with the following variables: a) poverty: b) education and corruption c) and freedom of expression. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Par ailleurs, le rapport examine dans quelle mesure la riposte du Japon a la crise economique et sa strategic de croissance a long terme tiennent compte des preoccupations environnementales, en s’attachant tout particulierement a l’etude de la panoplie de politiques et mesures appliquees pour tirer parti des possibilites de croissance et d’emploi dont l’eco-innovation et le secteur des biens et services environnementaux sont porteurs. Ce document de travail se rapporte a VExamen environnemental de l'OCDE du Japon, 2010 ( The paper is an updated and extended version of Chapter 2 of the OECD Environmental Performance Review of Japan published in November 2010. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Some 355 million people in Africa were moderately or severely food insecure in 2015, compared with a marginal increase in moderate or severe food insecurity globally and a modest increase in Latin America, South East Asia and Western Asia. These figures compare with no change in the prevalence of severe food insecurity globally, a significant deterioration in South East Asia, with an increase of 24 per cent, and a moderate increase, of 5.3 percent, in Western Asia. A total of 161 million people in Africa were severely food insecure in 2015. By far, the majority of them, or 96 per cent, were from rural areas. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 According to another study, however, child mortality in Argentina fell 8% in areas where water services had been privatized and the effect was greatest (26%) in the poorest areas (Galiani ef al. In many cases water privatization has led to considerable cost increases for the most vulnerable groups, poor service, and disconnection of public access points. The economic crises that in many instances propelled governments to get out of the water-supply business leave individuals less able to pay for privatized water: economic crises further reduce the ability of poor households, especially women, to pay for water by severely limiting their access to income and credit. In a further ripple effect, the credit freeze at national levels, combined with shrinking donor financing, means microfinance institutions have fewer funds to loan to clients (mainly women) (CAP-NET and GWA 2014). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In response to the increasing worldwide concern for the survival of Venice, CNR established the Institute for the Study of the Dynamics of Large Masses in 1969, now incorporated within the Marine Sciences Institute (ISMAR). First created as a laboratory, it has spread from basic research in oceanography and geology to applied research. The other Venice-based branch of CNR-ISMAR is the Institute for Marine Biology, established in 1946 as the National Centre of Thalassographic Studies, which focuses on pure and applied biological oceanography, marine and lagoon biology. Hydro (electricity), Italgas (gas) and Telecom Italia (telephones), Insula is now wholly owned by the municipality and is responsible for urban maintenance and, more precisely, measures such as dredging canals, restoration of canal walls, foundations and fa9ades of buildings lining canals, restoring bridges, rationalisation of underground utility lines (and sewer system), maintenance and renovation of paving, raising of footpaths to reduce the frequency of flooding. The Institute also supports special research projects that concern Venice and the Veneto, and which are addressed to the international community. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Contribution funding under AIMAP was intended to enable recipients to plan, manage and complete projects that would achieve these strategic outcomes. The AIMAP was a nationally competitive process with calls for proposals issued on an annual basis, and based on priorities established in consultation with provinces, territories and sector stakeholders. The program focused on one year duration projects with demonstrable industry-wide benefits implemented by the end of the project. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! An example is the adoption of the internet as a means of communication. To correct for these biases time fixed effects are introduced under the assumption that the source for unobserved heterogeneity does not vary across countries. They propose the use of a dynamic specification using a Least Squares Dummy Variable Corrected (LSDVC) estimator to account for this. Additionally complications in the estimation can also arise from the truncated nature of the dependent variable. The Gini coefficient which is used as dependent variable lies in the 0-1 interval and this may require the use of a logistic estimation. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 ""The cost of underperformance and underinvestment in education is rising. These forces also make stakeholders more demanding. Reform is more easily undertaken in """"crisis"""" conditions, although the meaning of """"crisis"""" might be somewhat different in education. The shock involved is likely to be something that alters perceptions of the education system (see Chapter 1) rather than an event that suddenly affects its ability to function."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Creating such an environment is complementary to the provision of more traditional public goods such as improved infrastructure, animal and plant health, education and information systems, and extension. Improvements in these areas could bring substantial long-term gains to agricultural producers through more transparent markets, improved price formation, and, ultimately, higher agricultural incomes. Benefits would also accrue to other agents of the supply chain, including food consumers for whom more competitive food chains would provide higher quality products. Because these characteristics vary with the product, and the location or size of the farm, the focus is on specific subsectors: wheat, dairy and beef, the three largest sub-sectors of Kazakhstan’s agro-food system. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Through migration, professional activism, and by engaging the symbolic terrain of architecture magazines and competitions, Iranian architects have sought to make their profession cosmopolitan. But following decades of isolationist tendencies, factions of the Iranian architecture profession continue to meet resistance from elements of the state. The profession’s institutions have become a battleground for the expression of the power of design professionals. Building on scholarship on relationships between states and professions as well as professionals’ expressions of cosmopolitanism, this paper demonstrates ways everyday professionals leverage their institutions for professional power. It shares accounts from a transnational ethnography of Iranian architects to show how, on the one hand, professional change seeps outside restrictions attributed to political and economic borders. On the other hand, the stories of cosmopolitan professionals show that the state need not be bound by structural sanctions, like... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 France makes substantial public investments and its stock of public capital is large. In particular, France’s infrastructure network is well developed and ranks favourably in international comparison. Yet, the capital efficiency of existing infrastructure may have been hampered by a lack of maintenance and upgrading investments in some sectors. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 KEYWORDS Local governance, status, discrimination, women ABSTRACT Women's right to freedom from discrimination is the constitutionally entrenched fundamental right… and is repeatedly guaranteed in a series of legislation in Bangladesh. Bangladesh also assumes affirmative obligations to respect and ensure this right through ratifying over a dozen international human rights instruments. Despite that fact, discrimination persists in a pervasive form to deny women's equal rights in legislative offices…, and women are unjustifiably deprived of their lawful rights and privileges….Legal initiatives and women's activism across nations have forced to significant modifications in policies of political parties and laws to redress women's meagre status in governance. Drawing upon this insight, this note recommends the reconceptualisation of laws and the selection criterion of political parties in Bangladesh to mitigate women's disadvantaged positions in local government. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, having skills is not enough, to achieve growth, both for a country and for an individual, skills must be put to productive use at work. The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) measures both adults’ proficiency in key information-processing skills, as described in previous chapters, and how those skills are used in the workplace. It also assesses the use of a variety of generic competencies at work. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As a result, “anchor” investment projects do not always result in economic diversification. Few monotowns attracted new' investment projects from SOEs, except in Stepnogorsk (where an SOE, the core manufacturing company, has been expanding production). As reported by BISAM Central Asia (2012), outsourcing to local monotown businesses is not always advantageous to core monotown companies, given their vertically integrated structure or the insufficient quality of local production. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This argument is spurious because a middle-income country is in a position to address such poverty from its own national income. If the government of a middle-income country chooses not to redistribute national income it should not expect other societies to address the poverty of its people with their own income. In contrast, in an LDC poverty cannot be solved through redistribution: there is not enough national income to redistribute. The quality of policies and institutions is measured annually by the World Bank and published in its highly influential Country Policy and InstitU' tional Assessment (CPIA). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! A number of redistributive policies were put in place including cash transfers, job-creation initiatives and subsidies both explicit and implicit (through price controls). These policies, it seems, made a dent in inequality - although their sustainability has since been called into question by the crisis (see OECD, 2009). According to the Commission on Growth and Development (2008), growth is the main route to poverty reduction in very poor countries. But as a country develops redistribution becomes increasingly important. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! While these women were applying for and receiving land,younger women were unaware of their rights and faced unique challenges. Some traditional leaders interviewed for this study expressed reluctance to allocate communal land to young, single women. Young women do not traditionally have their own households, usually remaining in their parents' homesteads until they marry. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Old trams and trolleybus lines are progressively disconnected because of the poor service and high operation and maintenance costs. In most cities, public transport relies on buses, and the light-rail transit (LRT) networks suffer from serious lack of rationalisation. Delegation of communal services to the private sector will work only if the national government helps city governments modernise communal infrastructure. However, city akimats need to be more pro-active in finding ways to refurbish urban infrastructure. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Ministry of Economy, through COMPITE, provides training in topics such as: Reengineering and process optimization workshops, ISO 900, Quality Training for the optimum performance of the company's human resources. For tourism, companies are promoted and supported through an agreement between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Economy through the Modernization Programme (Programa Modemizci). The Ministry of Tourism has policy responsibilities regarding SME firms in the tourism sector, and the instruments of these policies are operated through Programa de Apoyo a la Competitividad de la Micro, Pequena y Mediana Empresa Turistica (Competitiveness Support Program for Touristic SMEs) (OECD, 2011). This programme provides funding for training, certification, and product/project development. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Moreover, the treatment of children aged 3-8 at risk of obesity will be trialled in 2017-18. The overweight and obesity rate is self-reported in some countries. However, accidents at work have decreased steadily (Panel C), albeit at a slower rate than in other European countries (Premier Ministre, 2011). Progress has been heterogeneous across firms, and the frequency of accidents remains high in many SMEs (Panel D). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This article analyzes an Australian theatre program that engaged diverse youth in (re)visioning citizenship and multiculturalism by creating new notions of belonging and altering perceptions of Aboriginal culture and its value in Australia. This kind of work – where young people's understandings of inclusion and diversity can be unsettled, critiqued, and developed – is crucial because current approaches to Australian multiculturalism tend to rely on Anglo-centric norms and fail to account for indigeneity. Drawing on participant observation and semi-structured interviews, I argue that youth theatre based on reflexive practices and cross-cultural sharing may offer a useful tool for young people's education for inclusive citizenship in a multicultural, super-diverse context. When practiced thoughtfully, such programs can offer space for rethinking citizenship and belonging in ways that recognize the centrality of Indigenous culture and critically reflect on the limitations of the dominant culture's reliance ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 While direct infrastructure investments have a number of characteristics which can appeal to institutional investors such as allowing for asset-liability matching and helping hedge the risks for long-dated liabilities, making direct investments in projects is generally complex and resource-intensive. It can be prohibitively expensive due to the costs of developing and maintaining a direct investing team in addition to transaction costs and legal fees. Thus, many investors might consider using intermediaries because they do not have this expertise, or the scale that would justify creating an internal team. However, of these institutional investors, many have decided against investing in infrastructure or have withdrawn from contracts because they have determined that the transaction costs, in particular management fees, are prohibitive. Nevertheless, some firms have started to explore ways to reduce transaction costs for sustainable energy investment or otherwise faciliate or enable these transactions to be made more efficiently. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This act has given private investors access to all power sector operations. As a consequence, state governments encourage the private sector to invest in rural electrification projects. To do so, many state governments have established administrative mechanisms to facilitate the process of approval and clearance for the setting-up of small and medium-sized industries. Those specifically targeted are industries that seek to use local resources for decentralised generation projects and stand-alone systems. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Together more than 100 million EV/PHEVs under the projection are sold worldwide in 2050. But it does reflect the expected size and buying power of the different regions, in terms of where the plug-in vehicles are likely to be sold over time. Together these vehicles are expected to cut global C02 emissions by over 2 gigatonne (Gt) in 2050, roughly in proportion of sales by region. This represents an important part of the overall C02 reductions in transport. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 We describe briefly how to value these benefits - which are dependent on ecosystem contributions - using economic tools and methods. We also define a framework for assessing this cultural ecosystem service and explain relevant economic concepts. Increased leisure time, in turn, is strongly correlated with a rising demand for recreation and outdoor activities including walking in the forest, swimming, running, cycling, skiing, fishing, berry-picking, etc. ( - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The floor price indicates the trigger price at which the government will buy stock, while the ceiling price specifies when the government w ill start selling its stock. By setting a floor price and a ceiling price, the government creates a “price band”, i.e. a range between which it wants to keep prices. In these situations, the distinction between price support programmes and buffer stock schemes becomes blurred, as both programmes support producers by offering them higher prices. In the case of buffer stocks, these prices are often referred to as “procurement prices” while they are called “support prices” in the case of price support programmes. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It follows that the estimated total revenue of TSh 68,173,076,760 translates to TSh 1,417 per hectare per year (2013). Following the methodology developed above, we can infer that TFS spends at least TSh 1,006 per ha per year (2013) to manage a hectare of forest. The present value of costs from deforestation to TFS amounts to TSh 7 billion (US$4 million). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In particular, the broadband divide between developed and developing countries remains large, with 82 per cent and 21 per cent penetration, respectively, for mobile broadband and 27.5 per cent and 6 per cent for fixed broadband3. One industry analysis firm forecasts that global fixed broadband subscriptions will reach 920.2 million by 2019s, driven by consumer demand for highspeed Internet access and the proliferation of Internet-connected devices within the home and at the workplace. Indeed, 4.3 billion people were not online by end of 2014, of whom 90 per cent live in the developing world. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 It is published under the responsibility of the authors. One of the first analyses was Gagnon-Lebrun and Agrawala’s (2006) assessment of overall trends, largely based on an analysis of National Communications to the UNFCCC. Their review found that adaptation received limited attention relative to mitigation, and that countries were at the stage of identifying generic options for responding to climate change rather than formulating comprehensive, mainstreamed adaptation strategies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It was revolutionary of course, but when I came face-to-face with a 1450s Gutenberg bible, with its twin black columns of dense Latin text, I realised that there was another story to tell: the story of humble paper. Paper is nothing special, except that it is far cheaper than animal-skin parchment. It's so cheap that we now use it to wipe our backsides. The cell phone is one, the computer is another. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Dr. Antonio Pfliiger, former head of the IEA Energy Technology Collaboration Division as well as Dr. Paolo Frankl, head of the Renewable Energy Division, and Dr. Mike Enskat, Senior Programme Manager for Energy at GTZ, provided guidance and input. Several IEA colleagues also provided useful data and comments on the draft, in particular Ralph Sims, Lew Fulton, Michael Waldron, Pierpaolo Cazzola, Francois Cuenot, Timur Gul, Ghislaine Kieffer and Yasmina Abdeliah. Raya Kiihne, Thomas Breuer and Thorben Kruse coordinated the GTZ contribution. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! ""Weller (2008, p. 21), describes labour-market institutions as """"mechanisms with differing degrees of formality that establish the rules of behaviour for participants in the labour market"""". The ultimate goal of labour-market institutions is to generate high-quality employment by means of labour market regulation, unemployment protection systems and active labour market policies (which are not part of social protection per se). To achieve this goal, institutions must meet two objectives: """"they must ensure an efficiently functioning labour market, i.e. the optimal allocation of resources, and they must guarantee protection and support for the weakest players in a market characterized by structural inequalities among participants"""" (Weller, 2008). At the same time, to maintain the coherence of social protection policies there needs to be coordination among the various State institutions, as well as information systems for monitoring their actions and oversight and conflict-resolution mechanisms. For instance, non-contributory social protection programmes are often managed by public social development institutions (such as ministries of social development, social investment funds or specialized programmes)."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The paper explores the practical value of the Principles in assessing water governance practices through a survey to respondents on how the Flood Protection Programme performed. The survey was distributed to ten key professionals working in the Flood Protection Programme and w'as completed by five groups of experts (at a 50% response rate). Figure 1.5 depicts the extent to w'hich survey respondents considered the programme to perform in accordance with the Principles. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 As a recent report on the California Public Utilities Commission’s Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan notes: “High road economic development consists of a market environment that favours business strategies built on quality of work and innovation, resulting from investments in a workforce that is both highly skilled and rewarded for those skills. Such workforce investments, in turn, encourage the development of a stable and professionalised workforce with the capacity to adapt to new technologies and practices. Although it helped to insulate over 915,000 homes in 2009, it had to be suspended in early 2010 after four deaths of workers by electrocution, house fires caused by improperly installed insulation and widespread quality and worker training problems. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This in turn will enable a country to become innovative, productive and internationally competitive53. This requires broader thinking about drivers of economic and industrial development, with greater emphasis on knowledge, new technologies, and especially ICTs as a conduit for knowledge flow54, storage and communication and their convergence with other technologies and applications in new business models, and less on traditional factors of production, such as physical capital and labour. This in effect leads us to a richer model of development55. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Figure 2.1 summarises the dimensions that affect a country's capacity, and that of the sector in question, to manage increasingly complex forms of PSP (as the transfer of responsibilities and risks to the private partner rises). These dimensions have to do with the sector's financial sustainability (the extent to which the sector can ultimately cover its costs, and the role of pricing), its financing needs, and the public’s perception (in particular, its willingness to pay for service). Additional facilities are needed, including the development of new' water resources (from non-conventional sources) and water treatment plants, but the domestic network is fairly well-developed. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""The rest of the water is being withdrawn for industrial and domestic use. This is the case in particular for Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, which are dependent on water flowing in from neighbouring countries,6 as well as for Pakistan (63 per cent, 2008), Tajikistan (52.6 per cent, 2006), the Islamic Republic of Iran (50.9 per cent, 2004) and Kyrgyzstan (41.45 per cent, 2006). ( Withdrawal of more than 20 per cent of total internal renewable water resources represents substantial pressure on those resources, FAO considers any amount in excess of 40 per cent to be """"critical”. Worldwide meat consumption averaged 8.3 kg per capita in 1983."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The Energy Division is currently overseeing a Public Sector Smart Energy programme funded by an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loan (US$17 million) and an EU grant (€5.8 million) (IDB 2012, GoB 2010). The division is also responsible for monitoring the island’s local oil interests, both onshore and offshore, and is currently overseeing the island’s 2015 offshore licensing campaign (GoB 2015). The 2012 Draft National Policy for Barbados is currently being revised. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This biodeposition can be extremely important in regulating water column processes (Newell, 2004). Nitrogen excreted by the bivalves and regenerated from their biodeposits is recycled back to the water column to support further phytoplankton production. Where biodeposits are incorporated into surficial aerobic sediments that overlay deeper anaerobic sediments, microbially mediated, coupled nitrification-denitrification can permanently remove nitrogen from the system as N2 gas. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Wind Works, a consortium of suppliers and vendors to wind energy counts 300 companies, with 40 companies joining in 2010 alone, and a high concentration of firms around Milwaukee (Wisconsin Wind Works, 2011). A main driver for the growing wind industry in the United States is a favourable investment environment, supported by tax credits, feed-in tariffs or grants, which attracts and spurs private investment. The Illinois Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard promotes wind energy by requiring that 25% of the state’s electricity be provided by renewable sources by 2025, and that 75% of that amount come from wind power. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This suggests that knowledge about the importance of foods rich in micronutrients can increase demand for them. In 2011, WHO and other international organizations launched the Nutrition-Friendly Schools Initiative, which provides a framework for implementing integrated intervention programmes to improve the health and nutritional status of school-age children and adolescents and uses the school as the programme setting (including nurseries and kindergartens). This initiative brings together parents, the local community and health services to promote children's health and nutritional wellbeing (WHO, 2011b). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! No effect on recycling behaviour could be seen from information and educational efforts. Among the demographic variables household size and education level had a significant increasing impact on the quantity of recyclables. The analysis also use socio-demographic attributes such as income, education, age, household size, marital status, gender, and storage space at home. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Commercial waste, street sweepings and ash were not included in this analysis. These show comparable results, differing only in metals fraction, because the EcoPark study also included waste separation and recycling data. Construction waste is normally found in MSW in a share lower than 1 or 2 per cent, therefore, it was excluded from data reported by Batbileg et al. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The challenge of adopting these models is more to do with integrating new types of instruction than overcoming technology barriers. Adoption also requires support from policy makers at a range of levels within education. In total, 50 organisations were full members - 30 joining in 2010 and another 20 since 2011.These individual projects were combined into six thematic consortia, each led by an additional “lead” organisation (Box 4.3). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In 2015, the United Nations adopted the SDGs as a framework for continuous and sustainable progress in social areas considered fundamental for the improvement of nations. The SDGs establish a universal agenda, they do not differentiate between rich and poor countries. The UN has challenged every country worldwide to achieve the SDGs (OECD, 2016[is]). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The buildings were increasingly designed to meet the preference for electricity-driven appliances. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita has remained fairly constant in these years, with a population growth rate also just below 1 per cent per annum. Also in 2011, Jamaica’s Human Development Index (HDI) was 0.727, marginally below the average for Latin America and the Caribbean of 0.731, and placing it 79th among 187 countries. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 International law is the law generated by more than one state to regulate the international transactions of both states and private parties. It includes rules drawn from treaties, customary international law, general principles of law, natural law, and equity. It is applied in international diplomacy, international courts and arbitrations, and domestic courts and arbitral tribunals. Its fields include the laws of war and peace, the law of the sea, the laws of diplomatic practice, the law of treaties, the law of recognition and succession of states and governments, international trade and commerce, international human rights law, the law of international organizations, international environmental law, international business law, and international criminal law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However before doing so, the concept of “security of energy supply” must be defined and understood as it applies to the formulation of government policy. Energy supply security is a many-splendored notion that can mean very different things to different people. A foreign policy expert will look at the issue differently than a network engineer or an economist. Definitions of what is security of energy supply by different experts abound but they are often too abstract to come to grasps with the concrete issues intrinsically linked to geopolitical preferences, strategic technology choices and fundamental orientations of social policy. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, these amounts are most often covered by private complementary health insurance. These co-payments are mostly covered by voluntary private health insurance. Patients publicly insured with a restricted access to public provides have a maximum co-insurance of 20% while patients publicly insured with free choice of provider and privately insured have a maximum co-insurance of 50%. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 As a result the Hungarian Government launched a programme in 2003, the so called Improvement of the Vds&rhelyi Plan (IVP), which aims to increase the discharge capacity of the flood bed together with ecological revitalisation of the floodplain area through reservoirs that can receive flood water. The IVP in addition to its main objective to increase flood safety along the Tisza River, also aims to develop landscape management in the area of the reservoirs, as well as encourage regional, rural and infrastructure development, which may result in social and environmental benefits in the Tisza River Basin. In the frame of the IVP the government provides support for establishment of wetland ecofarming, and extensive pasturage in the area of the flood bed and reservoirs, as well as providing other agri-environmental support. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Most countries rely on their coastal resources for tourism dollars, which in 2003 contributed about US$1 billion, or about 5 per cent of the region's GDP. Pelagic tuna-based offshore fisheries contribute about 11 per cent of the gross domestic product of all PICs (Gillet et al., On the other hand, coastal resources are the cornerstone of subsistence and domestic economic activities, contributing about 15 per cent of the region's GDP. Many PICs are also highly prone to natural disasters, such as cyclones, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Even the more developed countries as a region are projected to be home to growing numbers of people in this age group from 2021 until the early 2030s, when their numbers will crest under the medium-fertility scenario at about 219 million. The growth trend in the numbers of young people is most pronounced in the least developed countries, where no peak at all is projected for the foreseeable future. In some sub-Saharan African countries, fertility is barely declining, while the number of women of childbearing age is rising significantly—leading to larger cohorts of young children and adolescents. The United Nations constructs several projections varying by assumptions about fertility, migration and mortality rates. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Meanwhile, more suburban locales have much lower parking rates (e.g. Buikslotermeerplein at EUR 1.3 per hour). These tariffs encourage visitors to the centre to take transit or bike without penalising residents. Out of total revenues of EUR 5 billion, more than 50% is derived from the national transfers to the local government. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In most countries, household income also includes the imputed rental value of owner-occupied dwellings. In Chile, poverty declined slightly between 2006 and 2009, with the indigence rate remaining basically unchanged.3 Poverty and indigence rates in El Salvador did not change between 2004 and 2009. For Chile, the figures set out herein diverge for the first time from the country’s official estimates (MIDEPLAN. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 To measure job quality, each job is assigned a value, based on the occupational median wages, by linking external information on wages estimated from different data sources. Two external data sources were used to estimate median wages for jobs. It collects information from enterprises with at least ten employees operating in all areas of the economy except public administration (and, in some countries, also the education and health care sectors). At the time of writing, the SES data are available for only two reference years: 2002 and 2006. For sectors not covered by the SES, the median wage is supplemented by data from the European Survey of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! This discrepancy in funding is worth investigating—that is to say, why is water management more appealing to donors/ investors than other adaptation activities? The initial indication is that water-related management often includes a technical component, one that can be commercially viable for entrepreneurs and corporate interests. Furthermore, activities within the water sector are easily identifiable as “climate change adaptation” activities, whereas projects that enhance climate change resilience in land use and the energy sector are likely counted as mitigation activities. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Modern constitutional law has developed various means of supervising and guaranteeing the effective implementation of the constitution. The principal means of judicial control of constitutionality is judicial review of the constitutionality of legislation enacted by Parliament, or constitutional judicial review. This has become a dominant feature of modern constitutionalism, and recent decades have seen a global expansion of such judicial review mechanisms. This article considers the phenomenon and institution of constitutional judicial review from historical and comparative perspectives. The different models, structures and forms of constitutional judicial review are discussed with reference to the historical contexts in which they have evolved, their modes of operation and their underlying rationales. The possible tension between constitutional judicial review and democracy is also considered. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""Singapore promised revenue neutrality by reducing vehicle taxes, while the Dutch proposed to replace vehicle ownership-based charges with usage-based charges (ITF, 2010). An increasing number of municipalities have replaced taxes on the value of buildings with taxes on the value of land sites, resulting in a decoupling of land value from the value of real estate improvements (Cohen and Coughlin, 2005). With the most famous example in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) (Oates and Schwab, 1997), nowadays more than 700 cities worldwide use a “two-rate"""" taxation system, whereby the majority of property values is represented by land, whose value is often increased as a result of public investments in the surrounding area (e.g. attractive neighbourhoods and services)."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The question also asked countries to specify the type of Internet access, such as broadband, narrowband, mobile broadband etc. As only a few countries provided this information, without data to the contrary, it is assumed that the type of access is broadband. The chart shows that the majority of responding countries (79 per cent) have between 75-100 per cent of their public hospitals connected to the Internet. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Indeed, the Tri-State metro-region’s contribution to aggregate growth over the period was far smaller than the contribution of metro-regions like Houston and Dallas, which are a fraction of its size. This is a loss not only for the Chicago Tri-State metro-region but, given the region’s size, for the US economy as a whole, since it means that this large, developed region could be making a more significant contribution to national growth. The rise in unemployment recorded in the metro-region in 2009-10 was substantially larger than the average for OECD metro-regions. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Structural change needs to occur in a context of rapid digitalisation and “Industry 4.0”. Over the past two decades Austria has made continued gains in the supply of science and technology graduates and trained researchers. Austria has strengths in higher technical and vocational schools and has built up a successful sector of universities of applied sciences (UAS). However, Austria still lags with regard to the share of female researchers. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Materials may be broken down by type of material (minerals, biomass, fossil fuels). Primary production of raw materials, processing of the materials into products, and ultimate disposal of the waste material has major environmental impacts. The indicator provides a basis for policies to increase the efficient use of raw materials in order to conserve natural resources and reduce environment degradation resulting from primary extraction, material processing, manufacturing and waste disposal. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Hence, understanding market dynamics and the influence of geography is crucial for policy making. Therefore, identifying the geography of interdependence is a necessary starting point. Generally, a market shed, or market basin, is a network of deficit markets that are linked by common supply and/or price movements (Haggblade et al., - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Since September 11, 2001, various Western democracies have reformed and strengthened their national security apparatuses by introducing new organizational structures and policies to curb incidence of terrorism by violent extremist organizations. These changes have catalyzed several prominent intelligence communities into formidable challengers against large-scale centralized acts of terrorism. These successes, however, are being overshadowed by the emerging threat of lone wolf terrorism. Many scholars and policy-makers have attempted to create typologies of lone wolf terrorists by identifying behaviors akin to some type of radicalization processes. Although these potential categorizations have effectively provided reactive analysis, their research and policy prescriptions have been problematic and failed to provide proactive solutions or recommendations for law enforcement and the intelligence community. In this paper, we examine the literature on lone wolf phenomena. We then attempt to fill a gap in the ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It becomes difficult to create the sense of ownership and commitment to policy that these universal policies call for. The results expectation is not adjusted to the capabilities of the institutions of these countries. In the name of accelerating the effort, these countries are induced to expand their social services sector to a point where there is a great risk that they cannot meet the recurrent costs of sustaining any gains made (Therkildsen and Buhr, 2010). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""How do courts balance their duty to show deference to the executive and their duty to decide on the legality of the executive's actions? This paper explores this issue by comparing two terrorism cases: the United States' case Al-Marri v. Pucciarelli, and the UK Belmarsh case. It is seen that the fluctuation of the levels of deference to the executive by courts cannot only be explained by the letter of the law, discourse must be examined as well. The discourses of the """"war on terror"""" and """"the separation of powers"""" help explain the US courts' decisions as well as show the weakness of the these courts' ability to protect human rights in relation to the UK court."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For most of the young, working as a salaried employee in the formal sector remains a distant dream, especially in countries where the public sector has been shedding labour over the last two decades. Instead, those young people who cannot afford unemployment and a prolonged job search are confined to the informal sector and low quality jobs. Once they are stuck in the informal sector, a move into the formal sector other than through self-employment becomes difficult. In all three countries more than 80% of those in self-employment or unemployment were still in that category two years later (2004-06). Unfortunately, only very few studies exist that follow individuals over time to give a better understanding of the transition dynamics between labour market segments. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! These acquisitions brought the total current size of its purse seine fleet to 34 and the number of fishmeal plants to 6, thus further consolidating its competitive position in Peru and increasing economies of scale. Strategically, this also ensures that the Group secures its long-term access to more fish resources. As a result, many vessels were available to fish under various types of access arrangements or on the high seas on a low-cost basis (with a view to just covering their variable costs). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In development policy, international organizations have shifted their focus to the importance of good governance and sound institutions. The theory behind this is that only with a high quality of government (QoG) can a country reap the benefits of economic growth and social development. We review the research behind this policy shift and offer a first benchmark statistical analysis. The first section contains a review of the conceptual discussion of what QoG means. Second, we present four salient approaches pertaining to the outcomes of QoG: the debates concerning QoG and democracy, economic growth, corruption, and the rule of law. The third section uses insights gained from these debates to focus on the policy outcomes of QoG—its effects on social well-being, public health, and environmental sustainability. We conclude by discussing possible pitfalls in future research on QoG and development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The OECD public governance as well as the gender equality reviews confirms that the ability of governments to act in a “whole-of-government” manner is crucial for advancing gender equality reforms. Governments must have the capacity' to identify clear directions, priorities, objectives and incentives as well as to establish effective co-ordination mechanisms to support women’s full empowerment and mobilisation. The next chapter focuses on the third element - mechanisms to enable effective gender-sensitive policy making and gender mainstreaming. The vision can define directions and shape understandings that, in turn, impact the expectations and behaviours of both men and women, while the strategy can help set the tone and guide the development of concrete policy actions across the government to enable a comprehensive and sustainable development and implementation of gender equality reforms. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Each of North Carolina’s 58 community colleges can access the funds to design and deliver training tailored to the specific needs of a new or existing company with no cost to the company. North Carolina is looking to help businesses that grow its economy. The company must demonstrate that it is making an appreciable capital investment, deploying new technology, creating new jobs or expanding and existing workforce or enhancing productivity and profitability. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The new Forest Code, which was adopted by the Turkmen Parliament in April 2011 and came into force in July 2011, defines the responsibilities of State bodies in terms of forestry and forest management. This will provide an important basis and a good start for better coordination of works and activities aimed at sustainable forest management, if training and capacity-building is consistent with the requirements of the new Forest Code. Forest management in the mountains has mainly taken the form of planting pistachio trees over a total area of over 35,000 ha. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 But there were also the spillover effects of a rising tide of global conservatism and religious fundamentalism in many parts of the world.19 While religious extremists from different groupings were often at odds with each other,they tended to converge in their opposition to gender equality and women’s human rights. Many UN spaces witnessed this, not least the 5-, io- and 15-year reviews of the Cairo and Beijing conferences. It began moving closer to TNCs through the Global Compact that began in mid-2000, a replacement of the idea of a binding Code of Conduct by the voluntary adoption of 10 principles. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Abstract The objective of this study was to identify the conditions of life of patients with mental and behavioral disorders admitted to a specialized hospital in an inner city in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and their possible relationship with inequities and social exclusion. The information about the conditions of life was gathered through medical records and structured interviews with the patients. The data collected were compared with the recent literature on the subject. We conclude that the conditions of health, life and social vulnerability are associated with changes in family and social relationships, stigma, discrimination and prejudice, and barriers to the exercise of citizenship for these patients. Findings confirm the need for equity in this group's access to the exercise of human rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 By communicating their intention to link up environmental and social issues, policymakers can thus enhance the feasibility of implementing environmental taxation. In many such cases, the cost of direct regulation would simply be prohibitive (Mirlees et al., Typically, environmental taxes will create a dynamic incentive for environmental improvement. Responses are not always predictable, however, and if elasticity of demand is lower than predicted, specifically if people do not respond to an increase in price by changing their behaviour, environmental effectiveness may be compromised. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In order to improve the nutritional status of children in Central Asia, social cash transfers may not be sufficient. They relieve immediate cash constraints in very poor households, but they do not address some of the underlying problems such as unbalanced diet patterns, insufficient intake of micronutrients or access to agricultural inputs. Other measures, such as targeted food programmes, complement the cash transfer schemes. The targeting performance of existing social cash transfers needs to be improved. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Many of today’s curricula are designed to equip learners for a static world that no longer exists. Those types of curricula could be delivered with an industrial approach in hierarchical bureaucracies, they do not require teachers to have advanced professional insights into instructional design. But that is no longer good enough. Curricula now need to account for fast-moving flows of knowledge creation. Zero percent school autonomy has meant one hundred percent teacher isolation behind closed classroom doors. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 At the same time it poses clear risks to the provision of equitable and sustainable mobility for all. Nonetheless, they are starting to have an impact of trip-making behaviour where they are present and are starting to be seen as a potential complement for first and last mile connections. In low density regions difficult to service with public transport and areas where public transport is available but quality is perceived to be lacking, ride services may also come to be seen as an alternative. Most of these initiatives are taking place in the United States - partly because of the popularity of ride services there, partly because many urban areas there have difficulty providing attractive public transport. Many of the partnerships described in this report are pilot projects or promotional campaigns and at present there is no evidence for a permanent shift in public transport service delivery towards structural partnerships with ride services. Nonetheless, authorities and ride-service operators are using these pilots to test new ways of improving mobility outcomes where it is difficult to provide quality public transport. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Many face a real shortage of personnel. This lack of capacity compromises the delivery of public services and effective investment in urban development projects. In several OECD countries, capacity building, in terms of human resources and financial support, has often been cited as the principal obstacle to decentralisation. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This chapter aims to take a first step towards that goal. Though constrained by issues of data availability, we build on the ideas of the various gender indices available to choose variables that capture various aspects of gender inequality over time. This chapter provides an overview of gender inequalities in various dimensions of well-being, following the conceptual framework of How Is Life? ( Furthermore, discrimination can take place throughout a woman’s life cycle, from birth (resulting from sex-selective abortions, such as in the case of China) to access to education (for instance in school enrolment rates) and continuing through the rest of their life course (e.g. labour force participation and life expectancy) (OECD, 2013). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This chapter examines the ways in which so‐called ‘financial warfare’ positions banks and financial institutions on the frontline of security practice, amounting to what I call a finance–security assemblage. In the pursuit of terrorism financing, money comes to be considered as a ‘tool of combat’. This chapter examines the interconnections between finance and security in the post‐9/11 context, and analyses the novel spatial configurations that have accompanied the pursuit of terrorist monies. It focuses on the case of banking conglomerate HSBC, which incurred a record fine for circumventing US OFAC sanctions and prohibition. Unpacking this case shows how jurisdiction in this domain is articulated as transactional rather than territorial. It demonstrates how financial warfare profoundly impacts financial practices, shifting banks’ risk calculations and client profiling, and rerouting global financial flows. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Furthermore, taxation of residential, rental and social rental housing is excluded from this analysis because of limitations in the reported data.9 Overall, more work is needed to improve coverage and validate the quality of the data. The next sections provide more information on these policy instruments, on their coherence with social policy objectives and on the amount of resources invested in them. Owner-occupied housing is the dominant tenure across OECD countries (see Figure 1) and it received public support in all of the countries surveyed in OECD QuASH. The collected data show that multiple policy instruments are typically used to this end and generally include both demand-side and supply-side subsidies. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Africa has not done well in irrigating agricultural land, a key underlying reason for low productivity. Irrigated agricultural land as a percentage of total agricultural land was only 5 per cent in Africa in 2010, compared with 41 per cent in Asia and 21 per cent globally. The share of agriculture in government expenditure as a percentage of the share of agriculture in GDP dropped from 0.25 in 2001 to 0.14 in 2013 in Africa (excluding North Africa), indicating significant underfunding of the sector and reflecting the challenges in meeting the Maputo Protocol target of 10 per cent budgetary allocation to agriculture. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, the prescription of a pain reliever was associated with a risk of non-medical use of prescription opioids some eight times higher than other predictors. Also consistent with findings in other recent reports, the European Union Medicine Study showed that the purchase of prescription opioids from online pharmacies also figured as one of the sources. Among other findings, polydrug use, particularly the use of illicit drugs among past-year non-medical prescription opioid users, was also quite common in the five European countries, ranging from 21 per cent of past-year users in Spain to 43 per cent in the United Kingdom. Similarly, those who obtained prescription opioids through theft, forgery or doctor-shopping were about twice as likely to have used illicit drugs as those who had not. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Regional agencies also play an important role in the water policy budget in Belgium (e.g. SPGE for collective sanitation, Flemish Environment Agency, etc.), Italy (Ambito Territoriale Ottimale, AATO), Korea (MLTM Regional Construction Management Administrations, MOE Basic Environmental Office, Water System Fund, K-Water), as well as in the United Kingdom, where Natural England operates an agri-environment scheme that can include activities for the benefit of water resources management, and under which land managers can receive payments for adopting good practices. Who implements central government water policies at the sub-national level? - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 If we want to compare the public health professional with an athlete and his sport, certainly the discipline that is more likely to be used as a paradigm would be the decathlon. In fact, if the decathlon is a “combined event in athletics consisting of ten track and field events”, public health incorporates a real interdisciplinary approach based on epidemiology, biostatistics and health planning. Environmental health, community health, behavioural health, health economics, public policy, insurance medicine and occupational medicine are other important and apparently different subfields, linked by the mainstream of prevention. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In other terms, the development community has no other alternative but to use the CRS database. The question then becomes: should it renounce to mapping ODA to STI or other sectors in the absence of alignment of definitions? The measurement of R&D and ODA are similar in the way that they both have long histories and detailed and internationally agreed definitions. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 ""My parents had six children and could not pay for schooling for all of us, so 1 had to drop out."""" A sister who did finish school went on to become a nurse. In our culture, you don’t talk to anyone about family planning,” she says, remembering how she felt ashamed and shy. I want them to finish school, find a job and then to get married and have their own families,” she says. “"" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This chapter traces India’s policy focus since the country adopted market liberalisation in 1991. By the end of the 1990s, with the opening up of the economy, deregulation and privatisation, India’s economic position has been strengthened attracting higher levels of domestic and foreign investments, particularly in the IT sector. This growth, however, has benefited mainly the urban educated minority with evidence of increasing poverty and inequality in the country, particularly in rural areas. Under the neoliberal policy agenda, good governance prescriptions have been prioritised as essential for promoting socio-economic development. e-Governance has become an increasingly significant element of this policy agenda with the latest drive devoted to promoting these applications in rural settings. However, the ideology driving this agenda appears to be driven by the market rather than by a social policy mandate questioning the relevance of e-governance applications for promoting development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 With the policy environment growing more supportive, the cost-effectiveness of renewable energy improving and increased activity in obtaining support for SIDS through various mechanisms, the emphasis on the MRE potential of SIDS will continue to grow. The SAMOA Pathway stresses the importance of renewable energy generation and energy efficiency measures as a basis for sustainable development in SIDS and calls for innovative partnerships to strengthen SIDS-SIDS cooperation (SIDS, 2014). There has been notable progress in this regard through CARICOM (the Caribbean Community), resulting in the production of a Regional Energy Policy (CARICOM, 2013), followed by the Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy (C-SERMS). C-SERMS includes recommendations for renewable energy targets, along with targets for energy efficiency gains and carbon emissions reductions, in the short term (2017), medium term (2022) and long term (2027) for the CARICOM region and aims to provide CARICOM member states with a coherent strategy for transitioning to sustainable energy (Worldwatch, 2013). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The latter are faced with the risk that a high share of variable renewables such as wind and solar significantly reduces the number of hours during which a given demand is guaranteed (compression effect). This can lead to a number of operating hours for baseload technologies that is too low to repay fixed costs. The role of smart grids in this case would be to re-shape the residual demand curve. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A large body of research on political parties is devoted to the family of extreme rightparties. Yet, systematic analyses of extreme right parties discourse remain scarce. Thepresent study addresses this gap in the literature by providing a discourse analysis of the VlaamsBelang, one of the most successful extreme right-wing parties in Europe. Moreover, by focusing onthis partys economic discourse, the study also sheds new light on the ongoing debate aboutthe economic viewpoints of the new extreme right parties. We conclude that the VlaamsBelangs economic rhetoric is in line with its ethno-linguistic, nationalist standpoints andpleas for a Flemish economic policy. The partys economic programme is built on liberalpoints of view and seems particularly aimed at attracting (dissatisfied) liberal voters.Importantly, as economic issues remain subordinated to the partys ideological core, itappears that the Vlaams Belang has largely instrumentalised its programme to expand itselectorate. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In principle, such costs can be quantified and included as production, management and transaction costs in the techno-economic feasibility analysis, though in practice this is not straightforward. But many production costs are site-specific and difficult to estimate, so they are easily overlooked. Examples include design fees for large plant items and civil engineering costs associated with installing a cogeneration unit. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is important to consider how these options fare relative to the other objectives possibly attributed to the policies supporting RE deployment. They reduce other pollution, increase energy security and often create local jobs (e.g. for home insulation). It usually reduces other pollution along with C02 emissions, for burning natural gas usually entails lower NOx, SOx, heavy metals and particulate emissions than burning coal. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Remittances even reduce the need for migration. However, they should not be considered a substitute for public investments or official development assistance, but should be seen as private income that can complement public sources for funding development. The rate of growth of migration to major destinations has declined in recent years because of economic recession in destinations, and the restructuring of migration controls, with migration becoming more selective towards those with skills. Even with continued migration, however, an imbalance is expected to occur because of the dynamics of settlement migration. If that were so, without other sources of income, the future of the economies of remittance-dependent Pacific countries would be uncertain. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Lately, Twitter has grown to be one of the most favored ways of disseminating information to people around the globe. However, the main challenge faced by the users is how to assess the credibility of information posted through this social network in real time. In this paper, we present a real-time content credibility assessment system named CredFinder, which is capable of measuring the trustworthiness of information through user analysis and content analysis. The proposed system is capable of providing a credibility score for each user's tweets. Hence, it provides users with the opportunity to judge the credibility of information faster. CredFinder consists of two parts: a frontend in the form of an extension to the Chrome browser that collects tweets in real time from a Twitter search or a user-timeline page and a backend that analyzes the collected tweets and assesses their credibility. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The problems carried by the ultracellerity of criminal trials. Specially in cases of less importance to the criminal justice system. A critical analysis is made of speediness, mainly because it wouldn’t be compatible with the epistemological function of jurisdiction. It is argued that the right to the proof, to the presumption of innocence, to be heard and, to defence and the right to due process could be affected. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 China and India are already major drivers for the development of renewable energy on a global scale. After increasing the installed capacity of solar power with 15.2 GW in 2015 alone, China has surpassed Germany and become the top country for total solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity, with approximately 19% of the global capacity (REN21,2016). India is also taking leadership in renewable energy development, ranking fifth globally for additions of both solar power and wind power in 2015. The massive deployment of renewable energy in these two countries has had powerful impacts on driving down costs for renewables, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and creating green jobs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, 4 out of the 21 Italian regions have poverty headcounts overlapping the national value, so that the statistical difference of the estimates for these regions and the national values cannot be confirmed at a 5% confidence level. Data providers can also usefully ‘flag’ estimates with high sampling error, using simple criteria such as the number of sampled household in the respective cell or defining reliability thresholds based on the coefficient of variation. Standard errors or other quality assessments are however not routinely published for regional data. Such information cannot be easily produced by researchers from micro-data files as the computation of sampling error need to take into account variations in the sampling design. Unfortunately, detailed information on the sampling structure is rarely available in the public-use files of household surveys such as the EU-SILC. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Disparities between women and men in SA, however, remain high: for every 100 girls enrolled in secondary education there are 158 enrolled boys. Interestingly, gender gaps in labour force participation persist in every region, but to different extents: male labour force participation is 1.23 times higher than the female counterpart in EAP, compared to 3.61 in MENA. This persistence in gender gaps attests to the global nature of gender inequality irrespective of levels of income or development: eliminating discrimination requires national commitments and priorities, and cannot just result from GDP and economic growth. These values only include the 94 countries in our sample that are ranked in the 2014 edition of the SIGI and belong to the 2014 Gallup Word Poll sample. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The world’s fifth-largest country, it covers 47% of the South American continent’s surface and extends about 7 500 km along the Atlantic coast. Owing to its size, its physical characteristics vary enormously, as do climate, vegetation and land-use patterns. Accordingly, it is typically divided into six large terrestrial ecosystems, or biomes:14 Amazon, Cerrado, Caatinga, Atlantic Forest, Pantanal and Pampa (Box 4.1). The Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes are two of the world’s 35 biodiversity hotspots (Chapter 4). Brazil also has vast coastal and marine areas: it hosts rich coral reef ecosystems and has the world’s largest contiguous area of mangroves. Extension of agriculture and cattle farming, natural resource extraction, and infrastructure and development are the most significant causes of habitat loss (Figure 1.13). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Examples of minimizing negative externalities include reduction of environmental pollution, while examples of positive externalities include, for example, technology adaptation, reduction of food waste and enhanced energy efficiency. Changes in consumption patterns can drive the creation of new technologies necessary for sustainability and their adoption and diffusion at the desired pace. Success in bringing about these changes will require substantial reorganization of the economy and society and changes in lifestyles. Economic and financial incentives for the creation and adoption of new technologies will be needed which may include innovative policy reforms. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The Republic of Moldova is considered highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. Socioeconomic costs of climate-related natural disasters such as droughts, floods and hailstorms are significant, and both the intensity and frequency of such events are expected to further increase as a result of climate change. Socioeconomic vulnerability to these events and their aftermath is high given that the Republic of Moldova is one of the least advanced countries in the Europe and Central Asia region, in 2011, it was ranked fourth-lowest on the Human Development Index among 30 countries in the region. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The studies, plans and recommendations developed by established river basin commissions demonstrate the benefits of institutionalizing the basin level cooperation. Preparing River Basin Management Plans has required an assessment of the situation in the basins according to a common format. Programmes of measures have been defined as stipulated in the WFD to address the main concerns identified in the Plans. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In the scenario with an 80% renewable share, electricity prices are considerably lower compared to the other scenarios and the number of hours with electricity prices equal to or below zero rises to an astonishing 2 850 hours. A reduced occurrence of electricity prices higher than variable costs in combination with reduced utilisation hours means lower infra-marginal rents for recovering capital costs. Consequently, it is highly questionable whether conventional power plants can be profitably operated with high shares of renewables in energy-only markets with price formation being based on marginal costs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 This suggests that one-third of the total global food production is wasted each year, costing the global economy over USD 900 billion3. The fate of food waste in landfill is ultimately its bioconversion to biogas, a combustible mixture of methane and CO2 and small amounts of hydrogen. In modern engineered landfill sites this biogas can be captured and used for district heating or electricity generation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The use of this multidimensional approach to poverty analysis has become consolidated in a number of spheres. Since 2011, the indicators in the Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have included the multidimensional poverty index (MPI) based on a proposal by Alkire and Santos (2010), which combines 10 indicators to reflect deprivations in the three traditional dimensions of human development (health, education and quality of life) in 104 countries (see box 1.3 in chapter I). This is considered the first scientific estimate of child poverty in the developing world (Expert Group on Poverty Statistics (Rio Group), 2007). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Through this reform, teachers can receive a salary increase of about EUR 566 to EUR 1 132. Approximately one in six teachers qualifies for a position (Utbildningsdepartementet (Ministry of Education and Research), 2013[i3ij, OECD, 2015(132]). In 2014, the government introduced a special grant for schools in the most deprived urban areas to introduce career positions for the most qualified teacher with a salary increase of SEK 5 000 per month (EUR 500). While only between 150 and 180 positions per year have been covered by this grant, they have been difficult to fill. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This is particularly important for interventions which are designed to change some aspects of parenting behaviour, such as use of physical punishment. This should pay particular attention to differences arising from age, gender, ethnicity, religion or social class. Other areas of interest should include household structure and care arrangements (for example the adolescent's main carer may be a relative, like an older brother or sister). Additionally, attention should be given to community norms, particularly adolescent's transition to adulthood, and the impact migration and modernisation have on these. In light of the fact that parenting programmes involve engaging closely with parents on difficult and sensitive challenges, their role in encouraging sustained participant attendance and strengthening protective practices in the community should not be under-estimated. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Pole metropolitain remains the dominant governance structure as the forum for large and small communes and the complex array of current intercommunal agreements, but it has neither the resources nor the authority to directly engage in spatial planning. Both are important in order to maintain territorial attractiveness, to attract new, younger people and to avoid an acceleration of population ageing. Achieving a better spatial balance in economic activity is also crucial. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Despite the reductions recorded over the decade, levels of severe deprivation in access to drinking water are still high in a number of countries, especially in the Andean region: in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, 31.4% of children were severely deprived of access to drinking water in 2009 and, in Peru, 18.6% of children were severely deprived in 2011. Those who were not attending school at the time of measurement and had not completed secondary education but had attended school at some time are considered to be moderately deprived. Education is one of the child poverty dimensions with the lowest percentage of moderately or severely deprived children and adolescents.12 In 2011, 5.2% of the region's under-18-year-olds suffered moderate or severe deprivation of their right to education (they had never attended school or had dropped out), although only 0.8% suffered severe deprivation. From this it may be surmised that virtually all children have access to formal basic education (see table 11.6). Only two countries (Nicaragua and Guatemala) recorded levels of severe deprivation at or above 4% when last measured (see figure II.3). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Only in Korea and the Netherlands is a greater proportion of expenditure allocated to cancer and mental health, respectively. On average, CVD accounts for 17% of total hospital expenditure, ranging from 12% in Australia to 22% in Japan. The large percentage observed for Japan is somewhat surprising given the low CVD mortality and incidence rates observed in this country. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The women who loot on Zimbabwe's security men end won. The remaining 40 per cent of companies are majority-owned by multinationals, and women’s presence represents around 22 per cent of the boards. In Mauritius, a 2004 study conducted by UNDP reported that 23 per cent of women participated in public boards and 19 per cent in the private sector. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Employment allows individuals to interact with others, gain valuable experience and knowledge, discover their potential and contribute to society. Education and skills formation alone cannot solve all the issues related to jobs. However, as will be discussed in the following sections, research findings suggest that adult education and job-related training, which can help improve adult skills in general, are all the more important for disadvantaged individuals with low level of education attainment and skills. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Poor Britain, London: Allen and Unwin. Policy implications of multidimensional poverty measurement in Morocco', in A. Minujin and S. Nandy (eds.), Global Child Poverty and Well-being - Measurement, concepts, policy and action. The EU and Social Inclusion: Facing the Challenges, The Policy Press, Bristol. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Geospatial position reporting and electronic catch and activity reporting is expected to be introduced on all commercial fishing vessels starting on 1 October 2017. Video monitoring will be phased-in starting from 1 October 2018. Primary factors driving trawl innovation include reducing bycatch of undersized fish, reducing the quantity of unwanted fish, and enabling fishers to derive maximum benefit from their catch by improving catch quality. Existing commercial fishing regulations relating to use of trawl nets are prescriptive and there is currently no means for fishers to use alternative trawl gear. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The values for the OECD are calculated as unweighted averages across ail OECD countries for which data are available. While many OECD countries saw a marked rise in inequality over the past decade, it remained broadly unchanged or even declined in others (Figure 2).3 In about half of the countries that experienced an increase in labour earnings inequality between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s, it was driven by rising inequality in the upper half of the earnings distribution. In the remaining countries, the increase in inequality was more broad-based, affecting all parts of the earnings distribution. Only in Germany was rising inequality due to increasing inequality at the bottom half of the earnings distribution. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 There are also general programmes. In 2007, 17 public universities implemented the following programmes (Ariff et al. A survey by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Cooperative Development (MECD) in 2004 showed that only 30 out of 2 275 graduate respondents had become entrepreneurs either by running a business on their own or as part of a team. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The policy suggestions should be to encourage further the relaxation of labour mobility policies and to push forward with complete urbanisation, instead of setting up more regulations deterring labour migration. Accordingly and more importantly, the government should focus on building up the social welfare system and through it eliminate the rural-urban gap in terms of provision of and access to social welfare, instead of trying to redistribute through labour market interventions. That is, the large flows of the most productive population in the rural sector to the urban sector have brought about, and will further lead to, a relative fall in rural usual households’ income level. Whereas this chapter mainly focuses on the positive effects of labour migration in reducing income inequality, the relative status change of those left-behind is also a crucial challenge that policy makers have to face. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Despite his opposition, his work supports a finding that the poverty rate declined between 2000 and 2004 and that this was driven by social grant payments. However, his estimates place 18 to 20 million South Africans in poverty in 2004. This is a much smaller decline and a less clear sign of success for anti-poverty policies in the post-Apartheid era than that shown by van der Berg and co-authors. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The dimension of Security of employment and social protection assesses the threats to employment security as well as the measures and safety nets that can offset possible risks that come with short or long spells of unemployment or being outside the labour force, health problems and retirement. The sub-dimension Security of employment essentially refers to how likely a person is to lose his or her job(s). It involves information on the degree of permanence and tenure of the work, the status in employment and the formal or informal nature of employment. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Over half of all international visitors come to Sydney. Sydney is a popular location for the regional offices of Australian-based foreign companies. The relationship between Sydney and the global economy, particularly the growth nodes of East and South Asia, provides the city with unique locational advantages. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The data are on the citizens of all CIS States (except for Belarus and Kazakhstan) having the largest presence in the country. However, migration flows from these three countries have different gender patterns, as shown in the next section. In the flow of the citizens from Kyrgyzstan to the Russian Federation, the share of women is higher than average for the CIS-sending States whereas among citizens of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan the shares are lower than average. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Personality likely affects health through behaviours such as smoking, eating and exercising habits. Selfesteem is also susceptible to reduce risky sexual behaviour, notably among girls (number of partners, unprotected sexual encounters, Favara, 2013). Traits measured during elementary school directly influence health outcomes during midlife, and moreover indirectly through educational attainment. Most studies control for relevant background factors, including the severity of disease. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! This study aims to investigate how national education councils are organized in Turkey, shed light on their voting procedures, and examine their perceived chal- lenges, based on data from eight participants of the 18th National Education Council. A qualitative research design was adopted and data were collected through semi- structured interviews. By scrutinizing a particular decision-making convention in a centralized system, the study offers significant evidence on education decision-mak- ing and contributes to the existing body of literature on education decision-making in accordance with governance principles. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 But Germany can address labour shortages comprehensively only if women’s patterns of paid work move towards and eventually converge with men’s. In 2014, about 83.1% of children (0-to-17 year-olds) were living in a household with two parents, slightly above the average for European OECD countries (82.5%). German children are, however, far more likely to be living with married parents than children in many other European OECD countries - about 75.6% of German children were living with two married parents in 2014, compared to less than 60% in France and many of the Northern European OECD countries (Estonia, France, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Out of the ten fastest growing cities in the world, two are in Africa, excluding North Africa. This intensifies the imperative to proactively plan and ensure sustainable urbanization and sustainable consumption and production patterns. With an average growth rate of 4 per cent per year, the carbon foot-print per person is certain to rise. As the middle class expands, people will have a higher propensity to spend on new products and services, with construction being a key driver of materials use. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Given the above analysis of odds ratios, it can also be observed that even though a Dutch child is less likely to experience double deprivation than a UK child, once deprived in one domain a Dutch child is not more or less likely of deprivation in another domain than a UK child. Firstly, at domain level, financial strain is the most prevalent problem across all countries. As a result of the relatively high incidence rates of financial strain, the proportions of children experiencing overlap between financial strain and any other domain are also higher. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 As part of a culture of improving health system transparency, Australia has created the “MyHospitals” website that provides public and private hospital-level data on a range of indicators ranging from emergency department waiting times to rates of infection. Measures of performance of primary care are published on the “MyHealthyCommunities” website, which provides local-level data on a range of primary care and population health perfonnance indicators. The National Health Perfonnance Authority (NHPA) is responsible for the analysis and content of these two websites. With more than a quarter of people aged 15 and over obese, Australia is the fifth most obese country in the OECD. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Patients with severe chronic conditions may require visits to specialist third-level services. In this case, transport costs may be prohibitive. While this may be changing - partly as a result of the NPPH - most of the high-tech medical centres are concentrated in the European part of the Russian Federation (more precisely in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Chile and Colombia’s gender gaps in LFP are around 22 percentage points, which is still worse than the OECD average but closer to the estimated average of about 25 percentage points across the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region (ILO 2016). Recent improvements in female labour market participation (and reductions in gender gaps) in the LAC region have been tied to greater female education, decreasing fertility and increases in the provision of subsidised childcare (ILO 2016). Data from Peru come from selected urban areas. Other countries’ samples are nationally representative. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The responsibility to care for the Ebola-orphaned children also falls on women. Toward the end of 2014, it was estimated that there were more than 30,000 Ebola-orphaned children in the three countries (UNDP Africa Policy Note, 2015a). Amartya Sen introduced the concept of ‘missing women’ by analysing the differences in the ratio of women to men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Just as in the case of concessioned buses, no fare adjustments are conducted regularly, and when increases happen, these are quite significant and are not expected by the population. This has increased political pressure to keep tariffs low, as social protest arises each time a substantial increment is implemented. A December 2013 survey of underground users showed that 56% of respondents agreed with a fare increase from MXN 3 to MXN 5 if the government could guarantee a decrease in crowding, waiting times, delays in service, as well as improvement of trip conditions, such as air conditioning and improved safety (Mitofsky, 2013).52 This fare increase was implemented in 2014. However, public faith in its ability to realise the promised improvement has been dented by major events, such as the need to stop operations of the newly constructed Line 12 (due to the acquisition of unsuitable trains) and the collision of two trains in May 2015 (El Economista, 2015). In the case of the underground, the gap between real and actual fares meant a loss of almost MXN 12 000 million in revenues in 2012. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ABSTRACTCommunicating the diagnosis of cancer in cross-cultural clinical settings is a complex task. This qualitative research article describes the content and process of informing Zulu patients in South Africa of the diagnosis of cancer, using osteosarcoma as the index diagnosis. We used a descriptive research design with census sampling and focus group interviews. We used an iterative thematic data analysis process and Guba's model of trustworthiness to ensure scientific rigor. Our results reinforced the use of well-accepted strategies for communicating the diagnosis of cancer. In addition, new strategies emerged which may be useful in other cross-cultural settings. These strategies included using the stages of cancer to explain the disease and its progression and instilling hope using a multidisciplinary team care model. We identified several patients, professionals, and organizational factors that complicate cross-cultural communication. We conclude by recommending the development of protocols for co... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In respect of geographical coverage of the country and representativeness of Georgian biomes, critical gaps still exist, in particular in the Central Caucasus mountain range (the regions of Svaneti, Raja, Lechkhumi and Khevsureti). Protected areas appear isolated and no actions are taken for establishing an interconnected protected area network. Nevertheless, a plan and steps to set up a protected area network exist. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Tendering for new generics could allow more downward price pressure to be exerted. Generics manufacturers would bid on the price of a given pharmaceutical, and pharmacies would have no choice but to stock the product of the winning manufacturer. These competitive processes have been used in New Zealand, the Netherlands and Germany with some success. Pharmacists have been the main force for the promotion of generics since 1999 (Autorite de la concurrence, 2013). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Economic activity and world trade have recovered slowly since 2011 and are expected to strengthen gradually over the next two years, driven by the dynamism of non-OECD economies (5.0% and 5.3%, respectively), particularly the People’s Republic of China (7.4% and 7.2%, respectively). The recent acceleration in the United States signals a global return to growth, but the tightening of US monetary policy and the federal debt create uncertainty about the stability of US GDP growth (1.9% in 2013). Growth prospects in Japan (1.5% in 2013) are constrained by the level of public debt. Some southern and central European countries have yet to recover and should have modest growth of less than 2% in the next two years. Their structural deficiencies also affect the entire European Union. Few European countries are expected to grow faster than 2% in 2014 and 2015. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! However, if not sustainably managed, fishing can damage fish habitats, reduce biodiversity and impair the functioning of ecosystems with negative repercussions for sustainable social and economic development. To achieve a healthy balance, fish stocks must be maintained within biologically sustainable limits—at or above the abundance level that can produce the maximum sustainable yield. Based on an analysis of assessed stocks, the proportion of world marine fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels declined from 90 per cent in 1974 to 69 per cent in 2013 and appears to have stabilized over the last few years. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 From a narrow perspective, many of the above concerns were valid. Second, although trade facilitation is meant to cover both exports and imports, there were fears that a TFA would cause imports to increase first and foremost, and that any increase in exports would be incidental. Since exports in LDCs face formidable supply-side constraints, and are unlikely to receive much of a boost from greater customs efficiency, such fear is probably justified. Third, implementing the TFA could involve important investments in customs modernisation and port logistics (on the ‘soft’ side), which may be neither a priority for LDCs at this time nor within their financial reach. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Notwithstanding the fact that an integrated policy process can benefit greatly from the recognition of diverse interests, circumstances, sociocultural contexts and expectations, in practice integration remains an immense challenge (IPCC, 20l4d). While improvement of womens livelihoods, for example, is undeniably a necessary condition for inclusive and sustainable development, such an initiative sometimes clashes with social norms and cultural values. In some communities in India, for example, participation of women in the labour force has decreased, in spite of rapid economic growth in recent years. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! There are, however, a number of additional strategies that would strengthen the link between science and marine and coastal management. These could identify, review and synthesise all available scientific information relevant for a particular policy or management issue and effectively interact with decision-makers. There are successful cases in the WIO that will yield useful lessons such as the Rodrigues octopus fisheries project (Yvergniaux, undated) and the MASMA-funded project “Developing a model for strategic adaptive management of MPAs in the Western Indian Ocean” (O’Leary and Tuda 2015). Such efforts have aimed at improving their understanding of processes in, and the value of, coastal and marine environments. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 It impacts indirectly on the economic development of the country, particularly in the tourism sector. A World Bank study conducted in 2003 estimated the economic costs of environmental degradation in Morocco related to the poor performance of the system for managing solid waste at 0.5 per cent of GDP (about 1.7 billion dirhams), one of the highest rates in the MENA region. This legislation is implemented with the support of various national programmes -especially the National Municipal Solid Waste Management Programme (PNDM), which promotes the collection of household waste, creation of controlled landfills and rehabilitation of illegal dumpsites - designed to reach ambitious objectives over the next few years. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Community based organizations could be engaged in these measures, some of which could even be turned into remunerative activities. For long term food security, the governments may consider providing support for the participation of small scale food producers in a new green food revolution that gives high priority to revitalizing small scale food production based on ecologically viable systems. In fact, the next stages in agricultural development will need to involve conserving natural resources, recycling carbon, and ensuring that soils retain vital nutrients. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, Scotland is further behind other OECD health systems in this regard. Additional investment to accelerate this initiative should be considered. The example set by Sweden, particularly with its integration of health and social care in eHealth, could be one to follow (Box 2.7). It is a committee of Healthcare Improvement Scotland. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In many respects, “quality” is at the heart of the Welsh health system, this chapter describes Wales ’ already-rich health care quality architecture. The ambition for an excellent, patient-centred health system, promoting quality, access and equity is clearly there in Wales, but now tangible practical steps are needed to make the necessary changes. This chapter makes a series of recommendations to support Wales in strengthening quality assurance and quality improvement. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Many of the existing sharing agreements seem to be quite resilient to these variations, even if no formal allowance is made for this. The sharing of the North Sea stocks between Norway and the EU is based on an investigation carried out in the early 1980s and has withstood the test of time, with the exception of the North Sea herring already discussed. But both the North Sea herring example and the north Pacific salmon runs indicate that if changes in fish migrations are too dramatic and long lasting, agreements on stock sharing will indeed come under pressure. The example in the previous section about a stock migrating out of Country A’s area into Country B’s area is perhaps particularly pertinent to stocks straddling into the high seas, with the latter replacing Country B’s EEZ in this context. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The connections between the new governance in education and new procedures of social exclusion and inclusion in Finland are examined. The main focus is on the emergence of a specific discursive formation constituted by an intersection of the myths of competition, corporate managerialism, an educational clientele and social democracy with images of rational choice makers and invisible clients (pupils) and individual-centred learning professionals (teachers) in a mass institution. The research material is extensive, including national statistical data, education policy texts, interviews with educational actors at the national, municipal and school levels and a survey of pupils. The conclusion of the paper outlines a new system of reason as a historical shift of responsibilities in the national education system. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the past 20 years, decentralization has been proposed as a strategy for enhancing public participation. Aid-providing organizations, such as the World Bank, stimulated decentralization processes in several countries in the hope that this would promote civic empowerment, diminish corruption, enhance efficiency, and improve public service delivery. This assumption forms the basis for a comparative analysis into the relation between decentralization and participation at the local level in Brazil, Japan, Russia and Sweden. A multi-level regression analysis using the data of the Democracy and Local Governance Project was undertaken in order to test the `one size fits all' and the `diversity in development' hypotheses. The results show that the second hypothesis was corroborated. Perceived autonomy had a different impact on openness to participation depending on the country considered, in one country (Japan), perceived autonomy diminished public officials' willingness to be open to public participation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Even under the Lei das Cotas, 50% of free places at public institutions will be taken up by well-off students, many of whom could afford to pay for their university education. The international evidence suggests that the introduction of fees does not reduce participation, as long as it accompanied by a decent student support system (which already exists in Brazil under the guise of ProUni and FIES, although they should then be extended to students attending public institutions as well). Alternatively, Andrade (2010) has argued that a targeted voucher system would increase the efficiency of the Brazilian higher education system, as compared with the current system. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 War has been an unfortunate reality for almost as long as humankind has existed. As long as there has been conflict, there has been suffering, brutality, and destruction. International humanitarian law itself is one of the older branches of international law, certainly predating both international human rights law and international criminal law. This chapter discusses the substantive rules contained in the Geneva Conventions, particularly those provisions that relate to the issue of collective responsibility. It also describes the considerable historical pedigree of the laws that govern wartime conduct. Although violations of humanitarian law continue, as with any other body of law, few would deny the essential role that international humanitarian law continues to play in the contemporary age.Keywords: Geneva Conventions, international criminal law, international human rights law, wartime conduct - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The heavy concentration of crime on a few areas, and the concentration on the chronically victimised within those areas, together illustrate the gross inequality of the risk of crime victimisation. This inequality also characterises other hazards of life. Criminology has too often reduced the problem of crime to the problem of the offender. Recognising crime hazard as an issue of distributive justice requires a different mind set. The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 recognises the drivers of crime as lying outside criminal justice, but does not put in place a pan‐hazard analysis of the kind required, community safety being presented as a type of crime prevention. Movement towards pan‐hazard thinking may well be somewhat facilitated by the working‐through of the incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights, actions flowing from section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act, and a reconsideration of how emergency services might work. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The annual increase in forest area was highest for Viet Nam among the GMS countries. Primary forest hasvirtually disappeared in Viet Nam except in protected areas or well-conserved forests while in Cambodia it is extremely low and in Lao PDR it is rapidly decreasing. While FRA data suggest that the primary forest area is constant in Myanmar and Thailand, it is important to note that Thailand assumes that all forests inside national parks are primary. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As a result, the overall share of generics in pharmaceutical use in France remained around one third in 2015, despite a substitution rate close to 80% within authorised classes of drugs (Panel B). Adopting a broader list of drugs for which generics may substitute and, more generally, allowing greater use of generics, would be helpful (Cour des comptes, 2014c). Indeed, the authorities plan a limited expansion of the list of dings that generics may substitute (ministere des Affaires sociales, de la Sante et des Droits des femmes, 2015). Share in the reimbursed pharmaceutical market. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 But social protection does more than fill income and consumption shortfalls, it also facilitates productive investment (Barrientos, 2010) and, thus, can increase income-generating capacity. Such investment is essential for sustainable poverty reduction because those who possess the means to invest are generally better able and more willing to access credit and complementary resources and services to undertake investments in new production assets and technologies and new marketing relations, as well as in education and health care for children. This chapter explains why social protection is relevant for household productive investment, and reviews the substantial body of evidence accumulated on the effectiveness of social protection in stimulating investment. This is particularly true in sub-Saharan Africa, now and for the foreseeable future. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Despite the great expansion of maritime zones of the coastal states, consequent to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, state practice indicates continued attempts at using concepts of historic waters and/or historic rights to assert jurisdiction. The Chinese claim to historic rights in its 1998 Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf is a new addition to the whole picture. It is the People's Republic of China's clear intention that the historic claim applies to the water areas in the South China Sea wherever China could not establish its 200-nm exclusive economic zone. This article assesses China's historic claim in the context of international law, state practice, and judicial pronouncements. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In Kenya, elephants are fitted with satellite tracking collars enabling researchers and conservationists alike to monitor individual elephant movements and chart habitat and landscape connectivity. The collars have also reduced incidences of human-wildlife conflict by alerting rangers when the elephants leave protected areas and stray close to nearby farms. However, these technologies carry important caveats. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In the formal sector, it seems evident that the main conclusion is as shown in table 6: mothers do not appear to experience wage penalties. In the infonnal sector, the largest motherhood penalty is found among mothers of three or more children, since the estimated predicted natural log of the hourly wage difference is significant and is eqtral to 0.32. About 47% is explained by differences in endowments, while 53% of the decomposition is unexplained. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Government schemes like the Rural Employment Opportunities for Productive Assets,8 as well as non-governmental programmes such as BRAC’s9 Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction (CFPR) and the Chars Livelihood Programme (Box 6.2),10 have shown how social protection instruments can give the boost households need to escape the poverty trap. Nearannual monsoon floods deposit fertile silt that supports the agriculture on which the majority of residents depend. The floods and associated erosion, however, can also leave families homeless and contribute to disease and lack of employment, they often force Char dwellers to migrate, rendering them even more vulnerable. It is estimated that Char households relocate between five and seven times each generation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Households have different numbers of children at potentially different stages of schooling. Many poor households also engage in strenuous manual labour which requires the expenditure of more energy than is generated by the diets on the basis of which the average poverty line is constructed. Health expenses are increasingly coming to be recognized as a common cause of families’ falling into poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Workers in the informal sector are insufficiently covered by social protection, or not covered at all. Many other people—from members of ethnic minorities with disabilities to homeless migrants and people living in the most extreme poverty—suffer from overlapping disadvantages. In chapter I, it was highlighted that social protection systems consisting only of social insurance programmes and means-tested social assistance leave a sizeable proportion of the population—the so-called missing middle—without coverage. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! They are now significantly better than for India or countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Chronic non-communicable diseases now account for an estimated 80 per cent of total deaths (Wang, et al. Only the last is disproportionately associated with poverty, but in China, it is also strongly linked to smoking which is still widely prevalent. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! It is estimated that there are 300 illegal dumpsites that have to be closed and rehabilitated. As at 2012, 14 landfills are in use and five are being developed. That means that about 1.7 million t/year of waste are disposed of in controlled landfills. Twenty-one illegal dumpsites have been closed and rehabilitated and 64 more are in the process of being rehabilitated. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The delay between development and construction can last up to five years for large-scale utility renewable projects (Kalamova, Kaminker and Johnstone, 2011). For small-scale projects, transaction costs related to approval processes can be high both in relative and in absolute terms. For example, in 2008, the average waiting time needed to develop small scale PV projects in EU countries could reach 50 weeks, 50% of which was often due to waiting for the permit (IEA, 201 la). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 When the definition developed by Ravallion and Chen (2003) is used, then growth was pro-poor in all the periods that were studied as measured both by the poverty and the extreme poverty headcount indices. This result can be attributed to the economic stability seen during those years, the real increase in the minimum wage and the implementation of direct income transfer policies (Franga, 2010, Kakwani, Neri and Son, 2010). The results also indicate that these policies are more effective in reducing the extreme poverty headcount than the poverty headcount because, since the extreme poverty line is lower than the poverty line, it is more sensitive to policy measures. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Tying the receipt of transfers to mothers' childrearing performance reinforces the idea that children's well-being is a female responsibility and does nothing to encourage men's involvement in parenting. If, in practice, conditionalities have no or little bearing on child development, government budgets might be better used to invest in more and better schools and primary health care centres. Recent experiences in Brazil and Egypt, for example, show that the active involvement of women's rights advocates can be a catalyst for transformation. In both cases, cash transfers were explicitly designed with women's rights in mind, tackling the limitations of existing schemes (see also Box 3.3). Unlike Bolsa Familia (see Table 3.1), however, it supports women's economic empowerment head-on by training them to take up non-traditional jobs in the growing construction industry in the region. Drawing on an understanding of some of shortcomings of conventional conditional cash transfer programmes, the Ain-EI-Sira pilot aimed to contest traditional gender dynamics that emphasize women's roles as mothers and ignore their productive roles and agency. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Because they run generally profit-clearing services, the cost-savings attraction of partnering with innovative mobility services may not be very compelling. But there is room for seeking out partnerships to improve certain operational aspects of services - especially if they attract riders out of congested networks at peak times. Self-provided services are common feature in North America and, to a lower extent, elsewhere. These types of operators have generally emerged from the privatisation of commercial operators when these lost market share in the face of rising car use. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Thus, a legal entity must not have subsidiaries, depend on or be able to control other entities using special tax regime, members of rural consumer co-operatives must not be members of other rural consumer co-operatives using special tax regime. This may change in the future, as one of the tax reform proposals currently under consideration includes introduction of a universal revenue declaration by physical persons as of 2017. The beneficiaries include: organisations that do not benefit from any special tax regime, do not produce or process excisable products and whose annual income at not less than 90% is generated from processing (excluding catering) of meat and meat products, processed and canned vegetables and fruits, vegetable and animal oil and fat, dairy products and cheese, flour and cereal products, animal feed, bread, baby and diabetic food. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Subsistence farmers may find themselves unable to share in the market-based growth for lack of skill and labour, which would suggest that aid interventions upgrading skills through better extension services, could greatly improve market participation and commercialisation by smallholders. Ngo (2006) confirms the importance of literacy and numeracy skills as pre-conditions for agricultural growth. Calculating the effect of educational attainment on rice productivity in Vietnam, the author finds that the returns to literacy and to holding upper secondary diplomas on rice yields are 38% and 31% respectively. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Examples of such initiatives are the CST initiative (Box 7), the Lake Chad Sustainable Development Support Program (PRODEBALT) (Appendix B), and the GGWSSI (Box 6). The CST initiative includes management of ecosystems and ecosystem services, as well as equitable use of natural resources and agrobiodiversity, while PRODEBALT aims to restore the productivity of the Lake Chad's ecosystems (CATIE, n.d., Working across forestry and agriculture ensures that ecosystem functions are taken into account and that practices related to protection, restoration, and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services and processes are taken into account (Munang et al. However, in relation to agriculture, EbA is the implementation of agricultural management practices that use biodiversity, ecosystem services or ecological processes (at field, farm or landscape level) to build robust food systems and reduce and adapt to the impacts of climate change and climate variability (Vignola etal., - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! This indicator casts a wide net to measure equity, as it is meant to be applied to all other SDG 4 indicators with available data, and measures equity over a range of dimensions (such as gender, socio-economic status and location). In particular, it enables the same indicator to be analysed across multiple equity dimensions. For example, applying Global indicator 4.5.1 to Global Indicator 4.1.1 shows that students’ ability to perform at least at PISA level 2 in mathematics is relatively weakly associated to their gender, but remains strongly determined by the location of students' schools (rural or urban) in the majority of OECD and partner countries, and by socio-economic status as measured by the PISA index of economic, social and cultural status (ESCS1) in all OECD and partner countries (Figure 2). For example, measuring the gender parity index associated with SDG 4 indicators confirms that students' gender does not influence children’s participation in education one year before the primary entry age (SDG 4.2.2) in all OECD countries, and is weakly associated with the ability of 15-year-old students to perform at least at PISA Level 2 in mathematics (SDG 4.1.1). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In addition, the 1959 Water Law establishes the framework for the control and protection of Israel’s water resources. A 2004 amendment to this law allows the allocation of water explicitly for nature and landscape assets. A government decision in 2000 allocated 50 million m3 per year of water to nature, raised in 2010 to 60 million m3 per year (including 10 million m3 of potable water) (Chapter 4). First, the National Parks and Nature Reserves Law and the Wildlife Protection Law aim at “nature protection”, which is similar but not identical to “biodiversity conservation and management”. Hence, these laws provide solutions for individual species rather than for biodiversity and ecosystems under threat. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Hence, teachers and administrative leadership need to be supported in implementing strategies to promote inclusive learning and in learning how such strategies can be designed in ways that benefit all students. Policies aimed at fostering inclusivity need imbedded flexibility. While the National Agency for Education offers online learning modules to support teachers and other staff in inclusive education, these modules might not reach all teachers and schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These uses should however be taken into account in water resource management (e.g. through environmental flow and quality requirements for environmental purposes). In the case of agriculture, water consumption occurs through evapotranspiration and harvesting of crops. In the case of hydropower, water consumption includes the additional evaporation that results from the increased surface of the water body impounded by the dam. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 After 20 years, the Consortium now tracks 80% of the graduates from Italian institutions and the results (published and accessible online at are returned to higher education institutions to help them further develop and fine-tune their provision of programmes. Since September 2012 in the United Kingdom, would-be students have had access to information on the universities they are considering. For the first time, students can get additional help choosing a university as they can access detailed sets of information and make comparisons between institutions using Key Information Sets (KIS) published on the Unistats site. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 As early as 1921, attempts were made to manage the Bialowieza Primeval Forest as a nature reserve and in 1932 it was made a national park. Other national parks were created in the 1930s, and administered then by the LP. Poland has 23 of them, the most recent dating from 2001.16 The forest area in national parks grew significantly in the 1980s and 1990s, slightly increased after 2000 and now totals 195 000 ha. Around 20% of the area of national parks is under strict protection. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Examples are the National Report on the State and Development of Education, The Results of the Monitoring Study of fifth and ninth grade Student Performance Evaluation, Analysing Results of the External Assessment of Student Achievement of ninth grade Students and Analysis of Unified National Test Results 2012. There are no formal schemes for school leaders to engage in supporting their peers in other schools (e.g. exchanging best practices, mentoring new leaders, supporting those in low performing or isolated schools) and the concept of system leader who can not only lead his or her school but also contribute to system-wide improvement is rather incipient. There are few mechanisms to share resources between schools in order to make a more efficient use of their physical infrastructure, equipment and instructional materials, or their human resources. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For example, taxes can incentivize new investments, while low-cost loans facilitate behaviour change. Given one third of China's territory is reported to be affected by acid rain, and local air pollution affects major cities across the country, reducing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions has been the key environmental target in China. While initially only newly- built installations were to be equipped with such facilities, subsequently also most of existing coal power plants needed to be retrofitted. The payment scheme is supported by other policies for power plants equipped with flue gas desulfurization (FGD) that give priority to them for connections to grids, permission to operate longer than plants that do not install desulfurization capacity and priority dispatching in Shandong and Shanxi Provinces. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Topics that have both an impact on the organization as well as on its stakeholders are the most material and therefore are discussed in more depth in the sustainability report. Once these topics are selected the company can identify the related indicators and use the GRI protocols to measure the data. Currently the GRI has three application levels, differing from reporting on 10 indicators with particular context information (Level C) to reporting on all material indicators (Level A). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Forced marriage: the marriage of individuals against their will (includes early marriage’). Female genital mutilation/cutting: cutting healthy genital tissue. Other GBV: This category should be used only if any of the above types do not apply. In the context of this bench book, this category includes: domestic violence, exploitation, trafficking in women, forced prostitution, violence perpetrated or condoned by the state, wherever it occurs, sexual slavery, sexual harassment (including sextortion - demands for sex in exchange for job promotion or advancement or higher school marks or grades), trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, forced exposure to pornography, forced pregnancy, forced sterilisation, forced abortion, forced marriage, virginity tests and incest. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan became a Category 5 typhoon, the strongest ever recorded at the time, with wind gusts in excess of 300 kilometres per hour and an associated storm surge that reached a high of 3.5 metres along some coastlines w'ith more vulnerable bathometric profiles. More than6 300 people were killed, over two million were left homeless, and over 13 million people were affected in the Philippines. It caused about USD 15 billion in damages, equivalent to 5% of the Philippines’ total GDP in 2013. An equivalent level of damage to the United States of America’s economy w'ould amount to USD 850-900 billion in damages, an amount four times greater than that caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2011. Water security is defined as “the availability of an acceptable quantity and quality of water for health, livelihoods, ecosystems and production, coupled with an acceptable level of w'ater-related risks to people, environments and economies” (Grey and Sadoff, 2007). It is also understood as the management of four water risks: scarcity, floods, pollution and freshwater ecosystem resilience (OECD, 2013). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Abstract Background Patient safety and professional self-regulation systems both rely on professional colleagues to hold each other accountable for quality of care. Objectives To understand how staff nurses manage variations in practices within the group, and negotiate the rules-in-use for quality of care, collegiality, and accountability. Design/methods Ethnographic case study, participant-observation, semi-structured interviews, policy analysis. Setting In-patient unit in an urban US teaching hospital. Results Explicit acknowledgment of conflicts and practice variations was perceived as risky to group cohesion. The dependence of staff on mutual assistance, and the absence of a system of group practice, led to the practice of """"mutual deference"""", a strategy of reciprocal tolerance and non-interference that gave wide discretion to each nurse's decisions about care. Conclusions Efforts to improve professional accountability will need to address material constraints and the organization of nursing work, as well as communication and leadership skills."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In its absence an enabling environment for pro-poor growth is unlikely. Political empowerment is a complex process that takes place in the ever-shifting and blurred boundaries of state-society relations. To make this happen, subordinated groups need to be brought into formal political processes both through representative institutions as well as through participatory governance and deliberative democracy when citizens address public problems by reasoning together about how best to solve them. Political parties have a central role in aggregating interests, negotiating compromises and balancing state power (Moore, 2001, Houtzager and Moore, 2003, Mosse, 2004). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In all of their work, pedagogues focus on the importance of play and children’s and young people’s comprehensive development, which includes their intellectual, social, emotional, neuromuscular, ethical, moral and aesthetic development (BUPL, 2016). These specialist teachers focus on social processes in schools and constitute a central resource in areas related to behaviour, psychology and wellbeing. They can support individual students in and outside of classrooms and work together with teachers in the classroom to help offer differentiated teaching according to students’ needs. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Programmes are usually successful with a high percentage of students placed in industry for which they were trained. Some states such as Morelos and Queretaro, however, are targeting higher education as an economic growth strategy to overcome such barriers and work with local industry in designing course, including on provision of entrepreneurship education at tertiary level. By 2011 this had risen to 18 000, rising to 19 000 in 2012, with an overall target of 25 000. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Results from a country survey sent to the 34 OECD member countries, which elicited 20 usable responses, show wide variations. Groundwater policies are founded on different legal systems, focus is on demand-side and/or supply-side, and direct and indirect approaches to regulatory, economic or collective management are used. Some OECD regions facing relatively high groundwater stress use a comprehensive range of groundwater management instruments (economic, regulatory, direct, indirect, etc.). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In this article, I explore the smile as regulatory mechanism installed in the face to organise a subject's responses to neo-imperial/biopolitical capitalist governmentality. I begin by situating my reading with respect to Sara Ahmed's and Lauren Berlant's work on affective labour before turning to German philosopher Helmuth Plessner (1892-1985) in order to consider the smile as theory of sovereignty. I propose that these two meanings or deployments of the smile – as (1) act that demonstrates forced enslavement to capitalist culture and (2) as articulation of the sovereign self/state – converge in their joint purpose, which is the elimination of sociality and solidarity. My article thereby contributes to recent scholarship on the face, in particular its function in affective/service labour, which it supplements by drawing on Plessner's work: at stake is not only the worker's subjection to capital but also to a regime obsessed with securing borders. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The goods considered are vehicles, washing machines and refrigerators. The indigence indicator was preferred as a cut-off partly because the indicator of total monetary poverty could increase the possibility of double counting, given that part of the income poverty measurement that does not correspond to indigence is a proxy for the ability of households to satisfy non-food needs, including some which are already covered by the set of UBN indicators. Moreover, although the fungible nature of income means that revenue cannot be equated with food consumption, the indigence line represents a minimum amount of resources necessary for people to satisfy their basic requirements for daily sustenance, an aspect not captured by the other indicators considered by ECLAC (2013). The reason for this is twofold: first, the indicator of extreme poverty covers a very small percentage of the population in Latin America, and is thus unable to capture income insecurity. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The sections that follow present the type of data involved in gender statistics, measures of composition and distribution used in gender statistics and the types of gender indicators that can be constructed using those measures. Some of the dissemination products are part ofthe regular production of a statistical office and are aimed at making available data collected in censuses, sample surveys or compiled from administrative records. They usually concern one type of data source or one statistical field and are intended for specialists who wish to further analyse the results of censuses or surveys or to carry out research on specific topics. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In Croatia, Greece and Romania it is 1 in 3 children in the bottom 10th percentile. In Switzerland, at least 15% of children from the poorest families live in households which cannot afford regular leisure activity for their children. The proportion of children at the bottom end of the income distribution living in households unable to afford items understood to be necessary or desirable for an 'acceptable' standard of living increased between 2009 and 2013 in most cases analysed here. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The frequency of samples varies from once a month to once a year, depending on the potential impact from industry. However, no such data have been published and the data would probably be of little interest, as most of the municipal treatment plants are no longer in operational or do only mechanical treatment. Moreover, the SAEPF laboratory has just resumed its activities after a long hiatus, but is still limited by tight financial constraints (see chapter 2). Here again, due to lack of financial resources, regular observation has ceased. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It entails the need for co-ordination meetings, which generated some 15 000 modification requests for the current land-use plan (which came into force in October 2011, replacing the land-use plans for the 75 cities and counties of the region). The experience of Japan shows how the central government can set a comprehensive spatial perspective at national level, which benefits from inputs at regional and metropolitan levels and is reflected in strategic documents (Box 2.6). While urban planning is the responsibility of local governments in Japan, the national government plays a leading role by delivering key perspectives for future urban challenges. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 At the time of the reforms to the health system in the early 1990s, it was hoped that the new insurance system would lead to better access to care. Available data suggest that the aggregate level of private spending has been increasing (Chapter 1). As noted, such problems can arise for example where minimum level of provision is needed in rural areas, even though cost and quality would be better served in larger hospitals or polyclinic units. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 According to this law, the main objectives of trade policy were to integrate Kazakhstan into the world trading system while protecting domestic producers. Among the CIS arrangements the most active involved the Union of Five (Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan), which in October 2000 became the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC). Kazakhstan also joined the Economic Cooperation Organisation in 1992, and signed several proposals on Central Asian trade organisations, although none had a significant impact on trade policy. In July 2010, a common customs code, customs rules and common external tariff came into effect. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In some OECD countries the creation of co-ordination mechanisms such as inter-municipal co-operation helped to share information, build capacities and create the critical mass for investment. They should identify the priority areas for action on water resources management, on the basis of objective criteria that would take into account primarily health risks, social issues, the environment and the economy. This is only possible if quantitative information about the state of the environment is available. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""These challenges include issues of ownership, economic leakage (from the local economy and through imports), local employment, benefit distribution, social and environmental impacts and dependency. These problems can only be effectively addressed at the destination level with the active participation of the local communities. It summarises by stating that """"The effective development, execution and management of a successful pro-poor tourism strategy reaches far beyond local communities”."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Hence, the Penang clusters have not achieved R&D intensities comparable to Korea and Taiwan. In the last decades, Penang’s output share to the nation’s agriculture fell from less than 4% in 1975 to less than 2% by 2006. Since the 1970s, the region has been seen as an industrial centre for the country with dynamic economy and free trade zones (FTZ) that encouraged foreign investment in export-oriented activities. The first FTZ was established in Bayan Lepas in 1971. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Act implies that all sectors that affect or exploit natural resources must put emphasis on common objectives and principles and should minimize negative impacts on biodiversity. The Act emphasises nature's dynamics and the need for differentiated measures, including legislation and economic incentives, in order to reach the national target to halt the loss of biological diversity. The purpose of the Act is to secure the sustainable and socioeconomically profitable management of wild marine resources and associated genetic material and to contribute to securing employment and settlement in coastal communities. Many other indicators are included in the Ministry of the Environment's national reporting system, such as in annual reports to the parliament. Much is under development regarding e.g. how CBD Aichi Targets and the Ministry of the Environment's national environmental targets can be monitored and reported. Monitoring programs are in place for many biodiversity elements, but there is still a need for refinement and development, not least on ecosystem service related aspects. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 ""In 1999, the State Council approved the """"Notification on Accelerating the Reform of Rural Power Systems and Enhancing Rural Power Management"""" (the State Council Doc. The reform introduced, among other things, a practice whereby rural and urban residents in one province would pay the same price for electricity. In 2002, the State Council's """"Circular on Program of Power System Reform"""" (the State Council Doc. No.5 2002) introduced the practice of """"Separation of Power Plants from Grid, and Bidding for Generation"""", and the State Power Corporation was split into the two power grid companies and five power generation groups."" - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The institutions in charge of water management are at different developmental stages in different LAC countries, but common challenges, including in the most advanced countries, can be diagnosed ex ante to provide adequate policy responses. Although common problems can be identified, there is no universal solution. Institutional architecture, prerogatives and local conditions must be taken into account in the policy design. To do so, there is a pressing need to take stock of recent experiences, identify good practices and develop pragmatic tools across different levels of government and stakeholder groups to engage in shared, effective, fair and sustainable water policies. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is consistent with the empirical analysis in this paper. There is no evidence, at this stage, of an extensive change in overall mortality, even in the group of countries that have been hard hit by the economic crisis. However, this may purely be a reflection of short-term observation period that is currently available for analysis. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Likewise, the UN Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) has increased energy access as its core goal (SE4ALL, 2013). In order to track progress in meeting its objectives, SE4ALL has developed a Global Tracking Framework that tracks progress in energy access and energy efficiency changes. The CIF’s “Scaling up Renewable Energy Program” in low-income countries (SREP) also includes indicators for measuring progress towards country-defined targets in the areas of alleviating energy poverty. These include those based on the Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index and the “number of women, and men, business and community services benefiting from improved access to electricity” due to its interventions (CIF, 2012c). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! This is followed by an analysis of cumulative deprivation. The remainder of the empirical analysis looks into child poverty profiles, assessing individual and household level factors underlying income and domain deprivation as well as cumulative deprivation. Finally, we provide conclusive remarks and recommendations on the way forward for child poverty measurement in the EU. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It is important to keep in mind that the organisation of the school network must be about ensuring quality education for all children. Students’ access to high-quality education should not be affected adversely by their place of residence. In some cases, closing the school may not be the best solution -the distance to travel may simply not be practicable. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The women's peace movements in the 1970s and 1980s synthesized concerns about sustainability, environmental protection, women's equality and environmental health. One of the best known of these was the Greenham Women's Peace Camp in the United Kingdom (1981-2000). In India the Chipko movement to protect forests essential for community livelihoods against destructive logging began in 1973, the Indian scientist and environmental activist Vandana Shiva's work on food and agriculture, including food sovereignty and biodiversity conservation, is widely recognized. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The online training programme designed by the CPEIP is a good opportunity to make this happen. In addition, if multigrade schools continue as a strategy in rural areas, it would be beneficial to include multigrade methodologies in the curriculum of both initial teacher education and teacher professional development. Rural micro-centres should be monitored more closely and supported to make sure that they focus sufficiently on pedagogical innovation and less on administrative issues. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Smaller branch units with as few as 30 students provide education from first to third or first to sixth grade students in geographically remote regions. In bigger cities, school sizes reach over 1 000 pupils. Compulsory education for pupils between 6 and 15 years old is offered in so-called basic schools and is organised as a single structure (without distinction between primary and lower secondary levels). Currently, Slovenian schools must employ a large number of professional support staff, as a share of total staff, and retain them regardless of the size of the school, making the system very costly. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The sessions brought the insufficient and fragmented nature of existing care services to the fore, giving rise to the idea of an integrated national care system. Female members of the ruling left-wing party Frente Amplio successfully placed this idea on the political agenda, such that the Frente Amplio's re-election platform for 2010-2014 included the promise to create a national care system. After the Frente regained power, the Government organized 22 debates across the country to ensure broad participation in defining the new system, including by women's organizations, pensioners, caregivers and their families, programme administrators, service providers and regional and local authorities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Presentation at the Preparatory Meeting, International Advisory Board to the International Climate Protection Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Poznan, Poland, 7 December 2008. Intellectual property and access to clean energy technologies in developing countries: an analysis of solar photovoltaic, biofuel and wind technologies. Regional differences in the price-elasticity of demand for energy. Santa Monica, Ca, RAND Corporation. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 An important feature of this development is the rapidly expanding trade between developing countries: the average annual growth of South-South trade since 2000 has been 17 per cent, compared with world trade growth rate of 10 per cent. This has caused the relative significance of trade between developed countries (i.e. North-North trade) to decline from about 53 per cent in the late-1990s to just 34 per cent in 2012 (Figure 18.7). Some of the BRICS members, particularly China and India, now provide improved market access to LDCs. They have also become important sources of technical and financial assistance. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Ultimately, it was decided that the project w'as neither feasible nor affordable and the tendering process was cut short after bids had already been submitted for the master plans at the beginning of 2012 (Global Water Intelligence, 2013). This experience suggests that better upstream project planning and due diligence is needed to ensure that project impacts can be managed and that the financial basis of the project is sound. Often, several experts and decision makers are involved across all hierarchy levels, including up to Cabinet level, as well as high-level officials from major donors and foreign governments in some cases.6 The prolonged negotiations for the extension of the As Amra plant were due to several factors according to the private partner involved, including the indirect effects of the Arab Spring, lack of political continuity owing to frequent Cabinet changes and difficult economic conditions (leading to several interest rate increases over 2012) (De Pazzis, 2014). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 If land owners are not willing to transfer the land and leave it, the investor does not have the right to lease the land and cany out its investment.” It should be noted that although the government discourages slash and bum cultivation, i.e. shifting cultivation, such a system can be sustainable and deliver environmental goods in areas where demographic pressure is relatively low. An approach tailored to the characteristics of each geographical area should thus be taken. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In 2017, there are 221 government-subsidized centres nationwide in charge of managing this program. The centres recruit and train caregivers, and dispatch the trained caregivers to families registered for the service. The fee for the service and quota of service hours are set by government and, parents can receive an allowance to help pay the fee depending on household income. Families where both parents are looking for work also have priority access, as do families with three children, two of whom are under 5 years of age. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Growth of workers’ remittances slowed in 2012, partly due to a high base effect, but remained a major source of income generation, accounting for more than 10% of GDP. There was some improvement in oil production and that helped in raising GDP growth to 2.2% in 2012. Agricultural, construction and services sectors also contributed to improved growth. Nevertheless, this pace of growth is still much slower than its long-term trend. Sluggish growth in the major destinations for oil exports, namely the euro zone and China, also kept growth of the economy below its potential. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Substandard working conditions are the main issue, underscoring the central role that decent and productive employment plays in helping people escape poverty. The situation remains particularly alarming in sub-Saharan Africa, where the share of working poor stood at 38 per cent in 2018. In least developed and landlocked developing countries, at least one quarter of workers live in extreme poverty despite having a job. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 By “support” the law refers to extending subsidies to NGOs or local authorities in partner countries and providing technical support. The text explicitly mentions the possibility of implementing projects through a unilateral agreement or within a network of LRGs as well conducting annual and multiannual projects or activities (Government of France, 2014). The law foresees that resources mobilised through this mechanism can be used to finance actions that promote access to water and sanitation services. Thus, the definition is broad and can include investments in hard infrastructure, capacity building, technical assistance or water ecosystem services protection. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The European Union takes part in the work of the OECD. The Centre manages several programmes and initiatives, such as the Local Employment and Economic Development programme and its Trento Centre to support local development capacity, the Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth, the Roundtable of Mayors and Ministers, the Water Governance Initiative, the World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment, and the National Urban Policy Programme. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This paper discusses various innovation rationales for the centra! In addition to formal decision making, various structural factors that may have an effect on those decisions are analysed and the ways the different stakeholders can influence curriculum innovations discussed. The paper combines various OECD and UNESCO data with a focus on public lower-secondary education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Their efforts are supported by the federal and state governments, which provide resources for training and equipment. The two leading organisations are the Austrian Fire Brigade and the Austrian Red Cross. There is also a long history of voluntary co-ordination among Lander to deal with cross-boundary issues. Experience so far suggests that current systems for collaboration are effective for sharing information and co-ordinating approaches. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As for pensions, which are mostly non-contributory and welfare-based, their impact is mostly concentrated in lower-income strata (see figure 11.12). They therefore tend to be quite regressive, except in countries where formal employment and social security coverage are widespread, as in the cases of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (see appendix, table II. The exception is unemployment insurance, which compensates for sudden drops in households’ incomes and acts as a protective mechanism against the vulnerability in well-being terms caused by job loss. Unfortunately, they do not have mass coverage and generally protect only formal wage-earners. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! India is however catching up at great speed, as illustrated in the next case study which analyses the impact of indirect training and capacity building on the Indian banking sector. To unlock this potential, the government designed a programme of cluster financing to increase the financing capacity of SMEs without specifically targeting energy efficiency. The mechanism helps aggregate similar types of financing requests and presents them to the banker as a single bundled project. Figure 10 illustrates the mechanism. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Being in the lowest wealth quintile or having no education is nevertheless a better predictor of one’s own poor health than parental poor health, but parental health matters more than family circumstances (being divorced or widowed). When accounting for individual heterogeneity, parental poor health becomes less important to explain own poor health than changes in marital status such as getting divorced or getting older. The impact of parental smoking is higher than that of several socio-demographic variables such as being in the lowest quintile of wealth or having low education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The world’s leaders call for massive investment in the developing world, and UNEP insists that this investment be in green development. The International Energy Agency estimates that some $44 trillion - over and above the business-as-usual scenario - will be needed by 2050 to meet even the lowest of the IPCC’s estimates for stabilizing global climate, most of it in the developing world. Indeed, the agreements and contracts signed contain clauses that make a sustainable approach to development well-nigh impossible. We call for one thing in our political declarations, but do a very different thing in reality. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 It is also estimated that the number of the unemployed could rise by 50 million if the global economic outlook worsens to the point where increases in unemployment match the magnitudes witnessed in the 1990s. This will bring the global unemployment rate to above 7 per cent. The number of the working poor is also likely to rise, particularly in emerging and developing countries where growth was primarily export-led. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! On average, 85% are of an age that is typically active: just over half (53.7%) are aged between 25 and 44, while 30.4% are aged between 45 and 64. In comparison with workers in other sectors, there are fewer young persons aged 15 to 24 (13.9%compared with 19.6%among other workers), as well as fewerolder persons (1.9%, compared with 4.9% among the rest of the employed population) (see figure III. The proportion of young people aged 15 to 24 among care woikers fell by almost half during the 2000s, while the drop was much less dramatic among the rest of the employ ed population. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This is even more important in light of climate change, which may require the establishment of adjusted regional and international building standards for infrastructure and hence the close collaboration across disciplines, such as technical engineering and scientific research. Given the long-term investment nature of infrastructure projects, they require stable and multi-layer governance structures - generally involving local, regional, national and international levels - and long-term financing. Private investment appears to be of growing importance, but potential governance problems such as infrastructure monopolies need to be considered. At the same time, the need for multiple actors, multiple-layered governance structures, and multi-disciplinary approaches may represent key barriers to infrastructure development in less-developed regions. For the most part, however, these effects are found to be rather small. Global average producer prices for crops would increase by less than 0.3% in 2050, and only in South Africa, where infrastructure-related costs for agricultural products are comparatively high (GTAP, 2013), could the increase exceed 1%. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Traditional fisheries and fisheries management in this shifting system need to be similarly adjusted thereby incurring increasing costs for administration, science, monitoring and observation systems as well as rising uncertainty and input costs to the commercial fisheries. These aggregate changes as a result of the changing climate are expected to increase in intensity in the coming decades of the 21st century (Grafton, 2009, FAO, 2008a, 2008b, 2007b). That said, the combined effects of rising prices and climate change are complex, and they affect a very large number of fisheries and aquaculture operations in a mosaic of natural, social and economic contexts. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 One of the strengths of this monitoring survey is its clarity of purpose: NEMP intends to provide a national picture of student learning outcomes at key stages (Years 4 and 8) rather than to report on individual students, teachers or schools. About 3 000 students from 260 schools are selected randomly each year to take part in the assessments. The participation of selected schools is voluntary, but 98% do participate. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 First, Chile should strengthen the pedagogical training of traditional teachers. Most traditional teachers do not have access to formal training since they do not fulfil the relevant prerequisites and hold the necessary qualifications. Traditional teachers, therefore, require a tailor-made training programme that addresses their pedagogical needs. Also, it would be important to adequately prepare regular teachers to work with traditional teachers in a team. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Finland puts emphasis on non-salary aspects of the working conditions of high-school teachers and also pays for the costs with comparatively large class sizes. Finally, the OECD indicators also show that the United States spends 11.6% of its resources for schools on capital outlays, a figure that is higher only in the Netherlands, Norway and Luxembourg (OECD average 7.6%) (Table B6.2b in the 2010 edition of OECD's Education at a Glance). Given the close interrelations!) - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 For example, OECD (2015c) estimated that in 2013-14, over 90% of mobilised private climate finance targeted mitigation - this included finance associated with export credits for renewable energy. Several reasons may be behind this, including incomplete or asymmetric information on climate risks, uncertainty about the extent of future risks, imperfect capital markets with short-term horizons, and a lack of clarity on policy direction from the public sector (PwC, 2010, UNEP, 2016). Often, mitigation activities are perceived by the private sector to have a clearer path to profitability and to generate obvious revenue streams and savings, while the business case for adaptation is often less known. In addition, adaptation is a much more recent policy concern and thus providers are only just now beginning to target their private sector engagement efforts to also include adaptation objectives. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This chapter explains that before determining how to construct the mechanisms of government in a constitution, one first has to determine what value system should underpin the document. A constitution, like any law, is only so good as the ethical values that are its foundation. The chapter then examines the concepts of the rule of law and constitutionalism, before explaining that while broad discussion of values was conspicuous by its absence from the constitutional conventions of the 1890s, the Commonwealth Constitution nevertheless reflects by default the values of that time, which in jurisprudential terms are those of democratic positivism. In contrast to that, the chapter argues that a value-system based on human dignity, and in particular the ideas of Kant and Rawls, should underpin the constitution. These values form the framework of the remainder of the book. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The high-cost power producers in the above example may now make efforts to deliver electricity at lower cost or the electricity consumers affected may increase their energy efficiency and demand, which in return will affect quantities, prices and profits through the price mechanism establishing new equilibrium levels for all involved. This is not to say that the affected parties will not suffer a decline in their profits or wellbeing. However this is the result of new inescapable realities in an evolving economic system characterised by “creative destruction” in Schumpeter’s expression. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The Lisbon Treaty and the Charter of Fundamental Rights acknowledge the right to “good administration” as a fundamental right of EU citizens. This has led to the reinterpretation of the mandate of the European Ombudsman, as it has actively sought to extend its competencies to promote good governance, instead of solely investigating possible acts of illegality. This proactive work has also involved own-initiative inquiries and strategic initiatives that have particularly targeted transparency of EU governance and conflicts of interest. This had led to institutional tensions and the politicization of the Ombudsman’s work and mandate through high-profile cases. As a supranational institution of accountability, the European Ombudsman is a unique interpretation of a global institutional model, showing both its potential and limitations. This is now reflected in the institutional debates about the mandate of the European Ombudsman. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This suggests that the reduction in mobile-broadband prices contributes not only to connecting more people but also to fostering more intense Internet usage among those who are already online. Survey-based data that ITU collects from national statistical offices confirm that, next to the availability of access and the relevance of services, affordability is one of the key factors that continue to determine whether or not people will use ICTs. A number of recent studies on ICT developments also confirmed these findings.1 Monitoring prices is therefore a critical step towards better policies to make ICT services more affordable. What is the cost of allowing ICT users to have access not to the wider Internet but only to selected Internet content, which is determined by the provider? - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Women could then be forced to marry against their will. It affects their dignity and may have negative impacts on the marital relationship and the well-being of the family. Yet many countries in the MENA region allow child marriage, meaning marriage before the age of 18 (c.f. The Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, in its general recommendation No. Besides, only a few countries in the MENA region have ratified the convention. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Together, this totalled nearly USD 29 billion on average per year in 2011-12. The more recently established and OECD-hosted Research Collaborative for Tracking Private Climate Finance has also been instrumental in co-ordinating emerging findings on methodologies to estimate mobilised private climate finance, collaborating across the DAC, MDBs, DFIs, countries and expert organisations. Building on the work of the Research Collaborative, most recently a group of 19 bilateral climate finance provider countries developed a common understanding of the scope of mobilised climate finance and a common methodology for tracking and reporting towards the USD 100 billion a year goal (TWG, 2015), This report also benefits from the collaboration with Climate Policy Initiative, which brings its own knowledge on the overall landscape of global climate finance flows. Furthermore ongoing developments in, and discussions about, climate finance definitions and measurement approaches mean that this report can only present preliminary estimates of progress towards the USD 100 billion a year goal. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Does the option help to alleviate poverty, and address distributional and equity issues, and ensure food security? The second prioritisation analysed the options in more detail to decide when and where they would be implemented. A wide range of criteria was chosen and evaluated through a literature review and a stakeholder workshop. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, countries with a similar dispersion in household market income {e.g. Finland and Canada) can opt for distinct redistributive strategies - the redistributive impact of cash transfers in Finland is about twice as large as in Canada. Welfare systems: Beveridge versus Bismarck? These benefits can be either universal or means-tested. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Accession, ratification, and signature are used to signify States’ ratification status to international human rights and humanitarian instruments. The term accession is used when a State accepts the opportunity to become part of a treaty that lias been negotiated and signed by other member States. Signature of a treaty expresses the State’s willingness to be part of the treaty-making process, prior to establishing consent to be bound by the treaty. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! However, in the case of major projects of irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation, modernisation or refurbishment, urban/industrial water consumers (through cross-subsidisation) and taxpayers in most OECD countries continue to bear the main share of the capital costs, with public agencies managing the water delivery systems. Even so, water service infrastructure for urban and industrial water users is also frequently publicly financed (OECD 2009a). Evidence from studies of EU member states (Garrido and Calatrava, 2010), the United States (Wichelns, 2010b), Australia (Parker and Speed, 2010), Mexico (Figure 3.2, Garrido and Calatrava, 2010) and Turkey (Figure 3.3, Cakmak, 2010) all confirm this trend. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Production declines because marginal land is not used, less labour is expended and no labour-saving technologies are appropriate for root crop and bush crop agricultural systems on stony volcanic ground. It is a plausible argument, yet there is no real evidence of this correlation. There has also been a significant attrition of the agricultural labour force and slow rural-urban migration of youth (a migration that is even more apparent from the smaller and more remote islands of Tonga). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The respondent is the “eligible woman”, i.e. “a married woman between the ages of 15 and 49” in a household. These five typical questions can reflect what a woman’s status in a family is. By including this variable in the model, we can estimate how the female labour force participation rate is influenced by the independence of woman. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The dominating plastic types used in the EU are polypropylene (PP), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE), common plastic types for packaging. The plastic demand per plastic type in the EU is presented in Figure 1. To some extent the product groups also match the waste flows that the products eventually will end up in, but this picture is not entirely true. There are separate collection systems for packaging, ELVs and WEEE in place, whereas the situation for consumer products, products for children, and for furniture is different. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Special thanks go to Desney Erb for technical assistance and to Maartje Michelson for technical preparation. The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) gathers information on the mathematics and science achievement of fourth and eight grade pupils. For further information on TIMSS see - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 It can be limited through the development of transportation systems, land use policies that encourage increased density, and the fostering of economic linkages between large and medium-sized cities to create sites of further growth. New zoning rules and the provision of services to address the negative externalities of dense urban development may also be needed. Inter-city transportation systems can help the development of medium-sized cities to attract investment and growth. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Teachers are key actors in creating this context for learning and growth and can help establish effective learning environments. As we move into the future, new forms of educational provision will be needed that recognise the essential role that teachers play in transforming classrooms and to support them in their endeavour. This chapter explores the implications of the digital transformation on education systems and explains how teachers and policy makers can work together to harness its potential. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The measures are regulatory as well as informational. On the one hand, it includes vehicle tax rates which are dependent on the car's emissions and the expansion of the public transport system. On the other hand, it includes information campaigns and the inclusion of energy-efficient driving in the curricula of the driver's education. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6, __label__10 -> MISMATCH! The experience of the current RTI Strategy as well as international experience indicates that a duration of ten years is too long, at least if no mid-term review is foreseen. Programmes tackling societal challenges require new forms of governance and funding. With a larger focus on mission-oriented funding to address societal challenges in the upcoming Horizon Europe, it will become important to prioritise societal challenges in Austria that are well-aligned w'ith Horizon Europe. This will help create synergies between national and EU funding on these challenges, and help to make better use of resources from the EU. This process could well be a cornerstone of the new RTI Strategy. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Their exercise suggests that SSA is likely to experience welfare losses, even assuming the absence of macroeconomic shocks. The region is likely to experience worsening trade balances and increased debt problems, while any short term gains in income and employment could evaporate quickly under pressure from such strained balances. By endogenizing output, employment and the current account in a CGE framework, he estimates future risks and past losses due to trade liberalization. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The elements in this category include journey time reliability, labour supply (number of people that can now access the labour market due reduced commuting costs) and static clustering (i.e. how reductions of generalised transport costs bring firms and households closer together, leading to productivity gains). This involves determining whether these impacts, either individually or collectively, are likely to alter the overall value for money of the proposal. Methodologies in this category are not considered robust enough for inclusion in the BCR, but are used to inform the Value for Money (VfM) category. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Addressing these inequalities will require a better understanding of who these children are, their vulnerabilities and the challenges they will face as they transition through adolescence into adulthood. One in five lives in the 48 countries defined by the United Nations as least developed (34 in sub-Saharan Africa, 13 in Asia and the Pacific, and one in Latin America and the Caribbean), where the challenges to the fulfilment of their potential are the greatest and the institutions to support them are the weakest. Greater levels of gender inequality have higher Gils. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Sistema Integral de Salud (SIS), provided by governmen t, has been the main source of this expanded coverage. Despite such progress, however, much remains to be done. An efficient and sustainable health insurance scheme should: i) ensure effective and financial access to health services, ii) use resources efficiently through strategic purchasing, iii) generate sufficient and sustainable resources, and, iv) manage population health risk and institutional financial risk. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Combining this with the rapid growth in international trade, there is concern that """"carbon leakage"""" may have undermined climate policies. This has motivated the study of consumption-based emissions (carbon footprints) in climate policy, with the initial motivation to assess the extent of """"carbon leakage"""" (Wyckoff and Roop, 1994, Munksgaard and Pedersen, 2001, Ahmad and Wyckoff, 2003)."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Besides, they argued, the Japanese family supported its own and made public assistance unnecessary. Whereas Western families were portrayed as collections of autonomous individuals, in Japan — according to one senior official - “it is a family shame to send one of its own out to bother outsiders and to depend on others for assistance ’’. Abe (2007) cites estimates from the late 1990s that about 8% of households below the income criteria for entitlement to means-tested public housing actually live in public housing, and that 10% of households whose annual income is below JPY 2 million (certainly below the income criteria) live in public housing. The Public Assistance law of 1947 was influenced by conditions imposed by the occupying powers, which included governmental responsibility to provide social welfare, and a guaranteed social minimum: “[T]he new law did not link eligibility to inability to work like the old one did” (Estevez-Abe, 2008).122 In 1951 and 1952, Public Assistance was paid to roughly 4% of all households, and in the early 1950s it absorbed 50% of social security expenditure. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Tw'O major benefits can be reaped from this. Firstly, LGU’s in Metro Cebu could use land value capture tools to raise revenue from the direct and indirect benefits generated by the BRT to finance urban transport expansion. Land value capture enables the mobilisation for the benefit of the community the land value increments generated by the actions of others besides the landowner (Smolka, 2016). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 When prices fall, producers in developed countries often have access to various support schemes and credit markets, while producers in developing countries may face large income fluctuations, often for commodities for which they are highly dependent for their incomes. Moreover, high volatility - an unexpected large rise and fall in prices - imposes large costs throughout the food chain, as uncertainty hinders investments and sectoral development. Governments, who are concerned that price volatility may be increasing, or if not increasing, remaining at unacceptably high levels, are looking for the means to prevent or minimise high price volatility and its harmful effects on their populations. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The southern saxaul forests cover 15.3 per cent of the country’s forested land and consist primarily of saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendrori) and other species such as tamarix (Tamarix spp.) The saxaul vegetation is a unique feature of Mongolia’s semi-desert and desert ecosystems and has important ecological, cultural and economic functions. These forests protect the land against erosion and desertification, and provide fodder for livestock and fuelwood. Siberian larch is the dominant species in terms of both area (62.5 per cent) and volume (78.6 per cent). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This seems to be the case for many of the US-based pilot programmes. As part of this provision, real-time mapping system would need to be able to locate and book the nearest accessible vehicle. In all circumstances and situations, an adequate pool of accessible vehicles would need to be available at all times so that people with disabilities did not have to wait (much) longer than other people to make their trip. There is some experimentation underway (e.g. Uber in New York City) on mixing short-term leases for accessible vehicles, a flat incentive payment for drivers undertaking those trips and reduced commissions by the ride service platform. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Monitoring and sanctions, while very strict in principle, are in practice far less stringent, as proof of job search is often perfunctory and benefit cancellation seldom enforced. Welcome progress has been made in the evaluation of programmes to help the unemployed, and these efforts should be further strengthened and used to channel scarce resources into the most effective programmes. Estatisticas da Educagao 2012/2013, DGEEC/MEC, Lisbon. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Although in recent years some countries have made greater endeavours to place new psychoactive substances under national control, drug trafficking syndicates have responded and adapted by producing substances not yet under control, thus hindering drug control efforts. The abuse of keta-mine and its trafficking remain another area of concern for countries in the region. The total area of illicit opium poppy cultivation in the region was estimated to be 63,800 hectares (ha) in 2014, and production of opium estimated to be 762 tons. While the amount of illicit cultivation remains steady, a declining trend in the abuse of heroin in some East and South-East Asian countries has been reported. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The United Nations (“UN”) has been the strongest supporter of Human Rights since its invention. The term “human rights” appeared seven times in the UN’s founding Charter. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (“UDHR”) reaffirmed that human rights obligations have become an inseparable part of international law. Since that time, the UN has “diligently” worked on promoting and protecting human rights through legal instruments and on ground activities. However, the UN engages in human rights breaches when it conducts on-ground activities through peacekeeping missions. The question in this paper is: who holds the UN accountable for its human rights breaches? This short paper aims to emphasize the importance of the question and provide a preliminary discussion of the factual matrix necessary to answer the question. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The youth as entrants to the labour market are traditionally amongst the worst hit by recessions. But youth unemployment started to increase before the recession, suggesting a more structural problem. It is also worth noting that the proportion of men in all NEETs in England has increased from around 40% in the early 2000s to 48% in mid-2012. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! Moreover, some data is national in scope, while other data is sectoral or related to specific activities. Where data is disaggregated within countries, the different parameters used hinder data aggregation across countries. Hence, presenting total finance needs - either national, by sector or mitigation/ adaptation specific - is not possible based on the information available in the (l)NDCs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The second secondary principle of the principle of legality in criminal law concerns the applicability of the criminal norm in time, which is an aspect of the legitimacy of the norm as a legal social control. To allow individuals to behave according to the criminal norm, fair notice should be provided. Fair notice means effective and in most cases also early notice. This secondary principle, therefore, addressed the time element of criminal norms. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the five countries measures have been taken to extend maternity leave to the most vulnerable groups of workers, broaden expectations of early childhood care and education services as a right for children, and regulate paid domestic work. These are very important measures for lower-income women and thus positive from the point of view of public policymaking for socioeconomic equity. Over the long run, from the point of view of the families hiring this type of labour, such measures should also create the conditions to push the State to design better sequential and defamilializing measures. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For example, in many of the region’s countries, functional income distribution worsened in the context of the commodity price boom (ECLAC, 2013b and 2014b). Various topics have been raised, notably those referring to the possibility of requiring a greater contribution from households or individuals with higher levels of income and wealth, given the suspicion that they are not being taxed in accordance with their means. This greater contribution would help finance public and social goods and services, enhancing the distributive impact of fiscal policy. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! ""Rather, it draws on examples of current practice to identify barriers, challenges and emerging lessons, and presents opportunities highlighted by practitioners and experts where development co-operation can play a role in improving the effectiveness of international public climate finance. The interviews were conducted over the phone and in person. The individuals participating in the interviews represented seven governments and a non-govemmental organisation (NGO) in recipient countries of international climate finance, nine climate finance providers from bilateral donor agencies and multilateral development banks, and nine international organisations and research institutes categorised for the purpose of this paper as """"supporters” of climate finance. This subset of practitioners and researchers working on international climate finance has been selected to represent views from developed and developing countries, with the aim to provide initial insights, as a starting point for further discussion."" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 ""How likely are African countries to realize even the paltry $16 billion projected by this model for developing countries? Developing economies’ aggregate nominal GDP, according to the UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2008, was just above $14 trillion in 2007 - making $16 billion, or one tenth of one per cent, look fairly negligible rather than the big boost to development the Doha Round is touted to be. Its estimates suggest that SSA could gain substantially because """"farm employment, the real value of agricultural output and exports, the real returns to farm land and unskilled labour, and real net farm incomes would all rise substantially in capital scarce SSA countries with a move to free merchandise trade” [Anderson, Martin and van der Mensbrugghe, 2005: 26). According to the simulation results (Anderson, Martin and van der Mensbrugghe, 2005:38, Table 2), SSA excluding South Africa would gain $3.5 billion."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! For instance, in countries such as China and India (which, despite having invested heavily in rural development, are home to most of the worlds undernourished people), the areas most vulnerable to food insecurity often contend with poor natural conditions and fragile ecologies (Xiao and Nie, 2009, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation and World Food Programme, 2008). While there is an emerging consensus among international organizations regarding the importance of strengthening the role of small farm holders in order to ensure the achievement of greater food security, effective policies need to be in place to secure the viability of small farm holders, particularly in view of intensification of international competition and strengthening of marketing chains and quality standards, and natural resource degradation (Hazell and others, 2010). Small farm holders not only tend to make more intensive use of land and labour but also face lower transaction costs for labour. In northern Zambia, for instance, labour-rich households have higher incomes but they also cause the most deforestation (Holden, 1991). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The geographical scope stretches from Turkey in the west to the Pacific island state of Kiribati in the east, and from the Russian Federation in the north to New Zealand in the south. The region is divided into five sub-regions - East and North-East Asia (ENEA), North and Central Asia (NCA), South-East Asia (SEA), South and South-West Asia (SSWA), and the Pacific. In 2014, Asia-Pacific economies produced 32 per cent of the world’s GDP and held more than half of the global energy supply (Table A-i). Yet the energy challenges encountered by Asia-Pacific countries remain large and distinctly diverse. These challenges add further difficulties in achieving theSDG7 targets and therefore, necessitate an early review of the state to foster the development of plans that would set the region on the correct pathway to SDG7. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There is a predetermined set of measures specific to the scale of the event. Table 13 indicates that the more severe the event - i.e. the larger the parts of the country affected and the greater the economic impact - the greater the assistance and the higher the levels of government that will provide assistance. In this case, the government undertakes to partially cover the costs of restoration of on-farm infrastructure, but on the condition that no commercial insurance is offered (this is called “non-insurable” infrastructure in the programme). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Comments on Working Papers are welcome, and may be sent to the Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD, 2 rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to Under this role, he edited the chapters and reviewed and commented on previous drafts. The order of the authors in the cover page reflects the way chapters have been organised in this paper for conceptual purposes, and does not reflect the importance of their contribution. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Although there is widespread recognition of the benefits of moving towards more flexible contractual arrangements and payment based on performance, collective agreements have prevented modernisation of the incentive system. Although there is a fair amount of variation in approaches depending on national context, a common feature across these national experiences has been the gradual implementation of the purchaser-provider split in the system, as opposed to a “big-bang” strategy, generally with positive results for the health system. Internally, within each SS institute, the purchaser-side should demand increasing refined information on activities, costs and outcomes from the provider-side. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Decentralization of governance is an important component of the processes of societal transformation in the countries of central and east Europe (CEE) and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Decentralization brings government nearer to the citizens, creating conditions for democratization of governance and for increasing its efficiency. Introducing a functioning system of decentralized governance is a demanding process that has to be carefully designed. It cannot be completed within a short time by a one-off legislative act. The reform rather requires a continuous attention and permanent fine-tuning and has sometimes to be implemented in several stages. To succeed, it needs a determined political support from the central government. Decentralization is also a complex process whose dimensions and prerequisites are not just political, legal and administrative, but also economic and cultural. Moreover, practicable approaches to decentralization are to some degree country-specific and they heavily depend on time and context. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The IDA was instrumental in establishing the International Disability Caucus, the network of global, regional and national organisations of persons with disabilities and allied NGOs, which became a key player in the negotiation of the UNCRPD. The IDA is now a major international player in support of the UNCRPD at international, national and regional levels. The IDA governing body is composed of the chairs of all its member organisations. It meets at least twice annually, usually in Geneva or New York. The IDA, with its unique composition as a network of the foremost international disability rights organisations, is the most authoritative representative voice of persons with disabilities and is acknowledged as such by the UN system both in New York and Geneva. The IDA is also committed to building the capacity of national DPOs with special attention to the global South, in order to support national efforts toward ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UNCRPD. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! The European Union (EU) has ratified, as have most European countries. Among countries that have not signed, smaller countries predominate, this is also true within the Commonwealth. Article 32 requires states parties that have ratified to collaborate internationally and this is happening in some parts of the Commonwealth, with Australia and New Zealand supporting South Pacific countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In the 10 years since Australia has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the issue of the indefinite detention of persons with cognitive disabilities found unfit to stand trial has received considerable attention. Concerns have been raised by national media, law reform bodies and United Nations human rights agencies. Yet there remain few examples of formal change to unfitness to stand trial laws in Australia. This article focuses on the role of procedural accommodations in meeting CRPD requirements, and other accessibility measures to ensure accused persons with cognitive disabilities are able to take part in criminal proceedings on an equal basis with others. It examines support measures that appear in existing statute and case law within Australia and considers the need to develop new forms of support. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This has impacted tariffs and the country has the lowest relative price for a monthly prepaid basket of 500 MB costing just 0.84% of per capita income. Unlike many other LDCs, electricity is not a problem: the mountainous kingdom has abundant hydropower and exports electricity. The price of electricity is 5.7 US cents per kWh, the fourth lowest in the LDCs. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! It is estimated that nearly 2 billion inhabitants in the developing regions were vulnerable to desertification and drought in 1995, the latest year for which data are available, and the number is considered to be increasing owing, as in the case of coastal zones, to population growth and migration. According to Millennium Development Goals reports for Ghana and Kenya, while the proportion of the population in extreme poverty declined in many regions of those countries, their poorest and most remote parts witnessed rising poverty rates (Johnston, 2016). According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2016a), forests are estimated to contribute to the livelihoods of at least 1.6 billion people in the world, with some 60 million people, mainly in indigenous communities, living within forests and another 350 million being highly dependent on forests. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! These results are based on self-reported information provided by workers and therefore may not reflect the employers’ views nor the actual outcomes of the recruitment process (Green and James, 2003). Moreover, the survey specifically asks about the qualifications required to obtain the job at the time of the interview, which may not necessarily be the same as the requirements demanded of the respondents when they were hired. Despite these caveats, these results illustrate both the demand for workers with postsecondary' education and the level of complexity of jobs, as perceived by currently employed workers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The present article seeks to draw attention to and explicate the concept of friendship in a discipline which has long ignored it: International Relations. It examines the ways in which major political thinkers and international treaties addressed the concept in the process of the emergence of the Westphalia state system. The article traces correlative changes between the shift from vertical to horizontal friendship and the emergence of internal and external princely sovereignty which signified the new era in international politics. It argues that the recognition of formally equal statuses of political friends prepared the grounds for the regime of external sovereignty. It also suggests that friendship was a key concept describing political order, included or not in the friend/enemy antithesis, in early Modernity. The subsequent ambiguity of the modern concept of friendship in international politics springs from its constant reinterpretation in the context of royalist and republican ideological polemics. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Those recommendations included recognizing the Major Groups Partnership on Forests as a legitimate coordinating body for major group involvement, granting the Partnership official permanent observer status in the post-United Nations Forum on Forests process, having major group representation on the governing body of the Forum (or its successor), and reviewing how the Economic and Social Council rules govern major group accreditation and engagement. During the interactive discussion, the participants thanked the major groups for their presentations and discussion paper. Many participants stressed the critical importance of broad and inclusive stakeholder involvement in safeguarding and sustainably managing the world’s forests, noting especially the role of indigenous peoples and local communities in supporting the management and conservation of forests. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Insurance companies generally invest via debt instruments. The capital charge for bonds is given by a rating factor multiplied by the duration of the investment. The impact of the solvency rules would in this case come from the fact that long-dated bonds and /or those with lower credit ratings would require greater capital - with these being just the type of debt instrument, such as green bonds, which are potentially to be used to finance infrastructure and clean energy projects at scale. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In Country Group 2 (“Polarised female labour market behaviour”), where mothers work either full-time or not at all, the probability of working full- rather than part-time increases only when the youngest child is aged between 6 and 10 years old. And in countries where mothers often work part-time (“Women in long-term part-time work”, Country Group 1), the probability of working full-time increases only when the youngest child is 11 to 15 years old, as is also the case in countries with a relatively narrow gender gap in working hours (e.g. France and the Nordics, Country Group 4). In Eastern European countries (Country' Group 3), the number of children in a household does not appear to have a significant impact on the likelihood of an employed mother working full- rather than part-time. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The survey was repeated in 2015, capturing more patients and extending to primary care (results not available at time of writing. The programme, run by the Ministry of Health and applying to CCSS as well as private facilities, focuses on accrediting health care providers. Accreditation is at a basic level, however, and essentially comprises verification that the facility complies with minimum requirements around staffing levels, equipment and documentation. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Patients still tend to visit a hospital specialist directly even in cases where cheaper and clinically effective alternatives are available. In 2009, curative and rehabilitative care provided to inpatients and outpatients accounted for around half of current health spending in Hungary, with a slightly higher share of spending on inpatients (Table 4.2). While the share of inpatient care has dropped slightly and that of outpatient care increased since the 1990s, there was no clear systematic approach and trend (Gaal et al., - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Beyond the determination of who does what, the challenge lies in the problems of overlapping responsibilities generated by interpretation and implementation of water policy on the ground. In addition, both ministries are required to co-operate on some areas, given the interdependence of issues such as climate change, spatial planning, roles of water districts, agencies, organisations and the need to address issues of quantity and quality collectively. On average, domestic water services usually involve the highest number of ministries, public agencies and departments, because of the externalities of water supply on other policy areas (e.g. education, health, etc.) - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Consistent with a plan to increase child and youth care workers from 800 to 10,000 by 2018, more than 5,500 had been trained by May 2016 (Roby, 2016). Improving city planning and service delivery in line with SDG targets 11.1-11.3 is critical for improving informal settlements and anticipating the projected increase in urbanization. It requires capacity building for strong urban planning institutions and well-trained professionals who can deliver on the new urban agenda (UN Habitat, 2016a). In India, only 21 universities offer postgraduate town planning programmes, only 5 offer them at the undergraduate level. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Another issue is distribution of producer benefits among producers. Even if we can be assured that producers as a whole would benefit, those who do not adopt the new technology will not gain and may even be made worse off if the adoption by others leads to price reductions. The introduction of international trade is a str aightforward elaboration of the simple model, from which we can obtain measures of welfare impacts for different spatial or market aggregates. It becomes slightly more complicated when we allow in the same model for technological spillovers. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Of these, themes 4-6 are most relevant to the social aspects of forestry (See Section 2 for details of those indicators of most relevance.) ( The aim of the Strategy is """"to conserve biodiversity for the health, enjoyment and well-being of the people of Scotland now and in the future."""" It provides a foundation for Scotland's contribution to the UK's obligations under the international Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as well as the Scottish Government's commitment to sustainable development, and the statutory duty on public bodies in Scotland to conserve biodiversity under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004. They are grouped under three of the seven themes in the SFS: Community development, Access and health, and Environmental quality."" - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The outcome will depend primarily on the distribution of gains from policy change. Recent empirical work by the OECD and IMF suggests that the starting point hardly affects labour market reforms, but is significant in the case of product market reforms (OECD 2006, IMF 2004). The gap between current and potential resource rent can provide fishing industry groups with sufficient incentives to push for sectoral reforms in order to reap the benefits. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 To facilitate the build-up of credit records, over half of OECD countries require retailers or utility companies to provide information to private credit bureaus or public credit registries. A record of successful repayments to such companies can help women build their credit histories and access finance. Some emerging economies have adopted similar measures and have extended their coverage to microfinance institutions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4, __label__12 -> MISMATCH! The CABs of the CLM economies (Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar) remained in the red, weighed down by imports of capital and durable consumer goods. The CABs of China and India are declining, although China’s balance remains in surplus. In both countries, export growth pulled back relative to the rate in the previous year. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 However, forest conservation may also lead to positive economic impacts such as increased nature-based tourism, which can lead to jobs e.g. in the service sector (e.g., hotels, restaurant, retail trade). These positive job and income effects can lead to increased consumption and thus in addition to direct, indirect and induced impacts. The results from such an analysis can thus be of interest for decision makers for assessing impacts of different land-use options on the number of jobs or tax incomes in specific areas. However, this approach fails to capture non-marketed values, e.g. recreation or biodiversity values, and therefore provides only partial information about impacts on welfare (therefore it should not be seen as a substitute for TEV). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 While policy instruments need to be tailored to local conditions, calling for targeted action in specific sectors that can be particularly relevant in some cities, a number of overarching insights also merits consideration and will be briefly discussed below. Previous chapters have laid out innovative, internationally comparable data that help grasp how inclusively cities are growing. While the OECD is working on expanding such data, governments can also adapt them locally and develop their own indicators of well-being and progress. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Increasingly, companies are applying innovative solutions, including through the IoT, cloud computing, miniaturization and 3D printing, which will enable more interoperability and flexible industrial processes and autonomous and intelligent manufacturing. The physical components of industrial production are being transformed by smart, digital networking into cyber-physical systems, allowing for the management of production processes in real-time across great distances and customized products. It could further enable the transition to a circular economy, or industrial economy in which end-of-life products are reused, remanufactured and recycled. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The United Kingdom has also developed a methodology to monitor the impact of GHG emission reductions of its International Climate Finance programme. The complexities and difficulties in developing these systems has been a significant challenge, in particular for measuring benefits of adaptation and impacts of strengthening domestic policy and institutional frameworks. Interviewees from all three groups mentioned that countries’ ability to access and readiness to absorb finance from dedicated climate funds (e.g. the Adaptation Fund, Climate Investment Funds and Green Climate Fund) is an important element for the effective allocation, uptake and timely delivery of international climate finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The SINP hosts a website devoted to Natura 2000 w'ith an interactive map and an explanation of the consultation process concerning the establishment of the national Natura 2000 ecological network (http ://www' .aspx). Some species are currently monitored: large carnivores and some bird species. A regionally dispersed team is needed to be able to monitor all Natura 2000 species and habitats at national level. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Some attempts have been made at decoupling the fuel energy that goes towards electricity production and desalination. A previous ESCWA report on desalination quoted die energy attributable to desalination in a cogeneration plant as 162 MJ/m3 for MSF plants.40 Another study calculates the energy costs attributable to cogeneration desalination for MSF and MED as 170 MJ/m3 and 96 MJ/m3, respectively.41 Table 4 shows the energy amount and type required by RO, MSF and MED plants (stand-alone and cogeneration). While oil is used for illustration purposes, other fuels can also be used to power desalination. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Long-term unemployed or recipients of unemployment benefit for more than 6 months, are exempt, subject to an income test. As mentioned earlier, this tax appears to be, in principle, progressive, though for a group of people with assets but low income, it may be regressive in terms of income. These are positive moves towards a more equitable distribution of the tax burden. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Despite progress in the past decade, Mexico has one of the highest child poverty rates in the OECD area, the second highest after Israel. In 2008 more than 1 in 4 Mexican children (25.8%) grew up in households living in relative poverty, conventionally defined as the percentage of the population earning less than half the median income. With children accounting for almost half of all Mexican poor, prolonging their marginalisation is particularly damaging as it increases the risk of a permanent damage, on top of the direct social costs caused by the loss of self-esteem and motivation. The high level of child poverty is also reflected in other standard-of-living indicators, such as child mortality (three times higher than the OECD average), maternal mortality (five times higher), and teenage births (almost four times higher). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Lower water content of the soil and earlier appearance of drought conditions. More evenly distributed river flow will be beneficial for hydropower production. Increased flow in winter will improve water quality of rivers and benefits fish farm management. However, lower flows in the spring may deteriorate water quality and have a negative impact on aquatic habitats. Increase in water temperature result in an earlier and longer eutrophication period, impacting on water quality. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! These programmes have reduced the economic security of poor households and allowed them to increase current consumption and productive investments, including in health and in education. They also help the global economy by avoiding further contractions in domestic demand and increasing domestic consumption. As the scope for social protection programmes expand, it creates a specific incentive for governments to invest in local capacities as a key component of their employment and social policies and their development strategies. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! All actors in the system need to be accountable for improvement. Virtually all teachers (95%) now' hold a tertiary education degree and the competition for selecting candidates for posts has been improved to reduce the risks of politicisation and unfair appointment. The delivery of in-service teaching has also been overhauled, with the creation of a dedicated Teaching Training Institute and the introduction of a series of direct assessments of teachers’ knowledge which have enabled training to better meet teacher needs. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 High costs of untargeted transfers naturally encourage efforts at targeting in favour of poor people to try to assure a greater impact on poverty for a given budget outlay. However, fine targeting it is not necessarily the best instrument for this purpose given the (sometimes hidden) costs and incentive effects. One question is then to define the relevant population group to be targeted and the criteria to be used to delimit it. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Already, driver assistance technologies such as electronic stability control and autonomous emergency braking are reducing the risk of road trauma. Information and communication technologies are playing an ever growing role in 21s1 century mobility. Roads and vehicles will increasingly be managed in an integrated intelligent transport system relying on collaborative smart vehicles and infrastructure. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! These elements should be embedded in iterative learning systems that go beyond linear performance frameworks, which are limited to reporting on indicators focusing on sex-disaggregated data. This would help to move beyond the tendency to focus on numbers of women and men and targeting strategies to more responsive and transformative results. The practice of gender audits should also become a more standard feature throughout the organization. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Furthermore, the processing and evaluation of past events makes it possible to carry out simulations for the future at initially defined different risk levels. Another advantage is that the model is not a product of an engineering approach, it contains a priori no initial considerations, preconceptions or pre-defmed probabilities. The model is constructed flexibly, based on the information on the relationship between the most influential factors captured throughout the data collection process. Furthermore, there is a need for extensive data collection making comparisons between countries difficult. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In Norway, this finding may again be linked to the fact that low-income single parents will typically receive Transitional Allowance rather than Social Economic Assistance. For Sweden, it is difficult to come up with a policy-related explanation for this finding. In the other four countries, this pattern is however much weaker (in Latvia and the Netherlands) or even reversed (in Norway and Sweden). Immigrants or individuals with a foreign nationality are represented more strongly among recipients with long benefit spells. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This creates a much greater likelihood for policy failures and will present the policy community with a need to design an adaptive policy process that will rely on the results of ongoing monitoring and evaluation processes. Policy monitoring will hence require a series of steps for monitoring and analysis. The focus of the activity may change as circumstances change and new knowledge becomes available. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The Paris Agreement states that all Parties shall pursue domestic mitigation measures to meet their NDCs, and that methodological consistency is needed between the communication and implementation of NDCs. It remains unclear what information is to be reported on domestic mitigation measures and what methodological consistency means in practice. Parties are invited to communicate such strategies to the UNFCCC Secretariat by 2020. Parties shall also participate in a facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress with respect to achievement of NDCs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The number of poor grew in 2014 to 168 million, of whom 70 million were indigent. The increase was basically in the number of non-indigent poor, which rose from 96 million in 2013 to 98 million in 2014 (see figure 1.1). The number of poor in the region increased by about 2 million between 2013 and 2014, this being the outcome of a recorded or projected rise of 7 million poor persons occurring mainly in the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela, Guatemala and Mexico, and a decline of 5 million occurring mainly in Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Previous conferences gave guidance to inputs to Micronesia's GEF Project and Program priorities, and most recently to the ‘Ridge to Reef country project and a Small Grants programme focusing on access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources. With thanks to Alissa Takesy, Department of Resources and Development, for providing information and review of this case study. A key lesson learnt is that in order for biodiversity policy to have impact on the ground and therefore also at the sub-national and local levels, synergies and overlaps need to be identified and addressed at the national level. In particular through the creation of the Ministry of Environment (MINAM), the Agency for Protected Areas and the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA), a strong political capacity for environmental policy has been developed. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Exposure to storms is defined as when in a given country/year storms have produced at least one of the following effects: i) deaths of ten or more people, ii) 100 or more people affected/ injured/homeless, iii) declaration by the country of a state of emergency or an appeal for international assistance. There are 51 low- and middle-income countries that meet these criteria. For a complete list, see Toble A2.2. There are 78 low- and middle-income countries that meet these criteria. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! These kind of data are needed for all stages of planning, especially the early ones, to identify problems, develop and guide policy and monitor progress (Greed, 2003a, Larsson, 2006). In two OECD countries, Greece and New Zealand, more than 50% of students graduating from architecture and building courses are women (OECD, 2009b). However, studies show that the presence of women in the planning process does not guarantee gender awareness. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Where some kind of water market can be developed that reflect the income produced by infrastructure improvements, the burdens of searching for external finance can be reduced. Important data needs would focus on assembly of detailed cost and return enterprise budgets for irrigated agriculture that account for financial and economic impacts of greater water supply and increased water supply reliability. Other important data needs would focus on the cost and productivity of measures that would maintain dams, canals, pipelines, aqueducts, pumping plants, drainage and flow regulating structures. Improvements in models of water supply and demand in alternative uses would be even more valuable. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem aims at community management of forests by village councils as well as scientific evaluation and monitoring of the glaciers and freshwater systems in the region. The National Mission for a Green India is aimed at the reforestation of 5 million hectares of degraded land through joint action by the local communities and the state forest departments. These missions have been included in the NDP as well. Among the objectives of Mexico’s National Strategy for Climate Change (2013) is the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and maintenance of environmental services they provide. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 There are challenges, among others, related to managing the beneficiaries’ database, and monitoring and assessing the compliance with conservation commitments. For instance, ecosystems considerations do not feature in the current programmes implemented by Colombia’s ANSPE,19 while in the Philippines National Anti-Poverty Program 2011-2016 (NAPC, 2010), ecosystems are only briefly mentioned in relation to the reform and management of fisheries and aquatic resources. Across a selection of countries reviewed, NSDSs and green growth strategies tend to mainstream biodiversity priorities in a relatively more formalised and advanced manner than PRSPs. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The major reason found for these limited impacts was that export subsidisation for these products implied in the base line projections was relatively small due to projected increases in w'orld market prices and policy reforms, in particular in the European Union.24 For dairy products, however, the effects were found to be much larger: 9% in the final year for skim milk powder, 15% for whole milk powder and as much as 26% for butter. At the same time, it was found that domestic prices in the countries eliminating export subsidies declined significantly, even for crops. For example, the European Union’s domestic price for coarse grains decreased by 14% in the final year. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Many countries in the region have a renewed focus on this mode of transport, with 19 countries in the ESCAP region adopting either national or subnational policies to promote the use of non-motorized modes of transport such as walking and cycling. However, according to the 2013 Global Status Report, only seven countries in the ESCAP region have a policy to separate VRUs from high speed traffic at the national level, while nine countries have a policy at a subnational level. Measures to reduce speeds, in particular in urban areas with high concentrations of VRUs, can significantly limit the incidence of death and injury. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This reflects in part the general emphasis in climate discussions on mitigation, as noted in chapter I. While the challenges of adaptation are recognized in international forums, that recognition has not yet generated the resources and level of support required for climate-resilient development. Understanding the socioeconomic attributes of vulnerable groups and further assessing the potential impacts of climate hazards and policies on their livelihoods requires sound data and information, at the lowest possible geographical resolutions, with respect to where people live and where adaptation must take place. This is critical for enabling policymakers and population groups and communities to be better informed and acquire an understanding of the true nature of the problems to be confronted, as well as the expected impact of policy alternatives. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It also depends on whether they have access to livelihood strategies such as access to agricultural assets and inputs. Between 2003 and 2007, remittance inflows grew by 74 per cent in the Kyrgyz Republic and 84 per cent in Tajikistan. The level of remittance inflows in these countries exceeds other capital inflows. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Further potential exists to increase the capacity by modernisation of the existing system, e.g. better maintenance of tracks and signalling or use lighter materials in wagon design (Gol, 2010). Between 2006/07 and 2011/12, the 11th Five-Year Plan expects freight transport to increase from 726 Mt to 1100 Mt, and from 469 to 702 billion tkm (Raghuram and Gangwar, 2008). This represents an annual increase of 8.4%. Sea transport may ease the inland transport problem, but that would require expansion of harbour charging and discharging capacity. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Altogether over 60% of Finland's original peatland area has been drained for forestry, used for agriculture or peat extraction, been submerged under hydropower reservoirs, or developed with buildings and infrastructure. This has resulted in a complete or partial destruction of the original habitats. Furthermore, the connectedness of pristine peatlands has decreased markedly and the shapes of individual peatlands have changed to sharp-edged drainage delimited polygons (Ministry of the Environment 2010). However, recent actions in Finland to restore peatlands are likely to counteract this, at least in protected areas (Simila et al. About 80% of these have been disturbed by human activities, especially by drainage. Bog and marshland are relatively extensive biotopes in Norway. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Moreover, addressing the structural inequalities that perpetuate social exclusion and vulnerability requires integrated and coherent policies which are consistent over time. Policymakers increasingly recognize this challenge and the need to focus on immediate and near-future decisions that have longer-term impacts, while maintaining the flexibility needed to adjust to changing conditions and information. A recent report on the melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet, for example, found that sea levels will possibly have risen by as much as three feet by the end of the century, with severe implications for the world’s coastal cities (Gillis, 2016). This new estimate of the speed of sea-level rise yields roughly twice the increase expected under the plausible worst-case scenario produced by IPCC in 2013 (Church and others, 2013). Rapid improvements in climate technologies is facilitating new assessments, better environment statistics and more information, although important gaps do remain (see chaps. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Compared to “command and control” measures, pricing pollution provides greater incentive for innovation as it rewards for continual improvements (OECD, 201 lh). In addition, while feed-in tariffs could have had a positive impact on innovation during the creation of the RES market, this effect may decline as technologies become profitable under the current scheme. Incentives included in the system (i.e. the degression rates which encourage efficient gains) may not be sufficient to foster innovation. A broad R&D support is thus needed to develop breakthrough technologies which require basic research with long-term and uncertain payoffs. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Given the large costs involved, it is vital to develop a coherent strategy for investment in this sector in which the cost and benefits of alternative approaches are carefully assessed and support is provided to municipalities. Implementation of the strategy should be carefully monitored and adjusted in the light of experience. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The authorities are also able to provide safety measures and preparedness in assisting the communities where the properties and assets may be damaged. The authorities are able to manage traffic flow for the public commuting in and out of Kota Belud District before and after floods. The project started in 2015 and was fully completed in June 2017. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Third, the paper critically scrutinizes the IG paradigm, and suggests that its inadequacies are best confronted through a broader and more ambitious statement of the pro-poor goals. The first reviews the debates around poverty and policy before the WC. The second and third sections outline the rise and decline of the WC and the PWC, respectively. The fourth surveys the pro-poor debates of the 1990s and early 2000s. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The Law on Nature Protection requires development of the National Red List and Red Book, and includes temporary protection measures for strictly protected and protected wild species. Waste treatment facilities have been required in the vicinity of the Lake to protect water quality and aquatic biota. Also, a five-year moratorium (2006-2011) has been established at the national level prohibiting the collection and trade of medicinal plants (Gentiana lutea, and Gentiana punctata). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Careful planning and protocols are needed to ensure that questions are phrased appropriately and that women feel safe to answer honestly. Instead, countries should regularly collect their own data to serve as baselines for measuring progress. For countries that have carried out multiple waves of surveys with questions on sexual harassment and/or violence against women, it is possible to observe changes over time. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Workers in the informal sector are more difficult to provide for. Some have done so through public health services targeted to the poor. This is neither desirable nor efficient, generally resulting in a health care system in which poor people receive inferior quality services, often in public facilities, while the nonpoor get better health care services from the private sector. Health services targeted to the poor generally remain underfunded partly because the more powerful people who are not poor have no stake in making the system better. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""Ensuring that the poorest people do not persistently stay poor and enabling sufficient income mobility can help to prevent long spells of poverty and their damaging impact, for example in terms of social exclusion. In that sense, income mobility provides “a short way from rags to riches” (Jendemy, 2016). A society where people ranking in the top incomes are not persistently the same can be preferred to a society where there is no turnover among people ranking at the top.2 Similarly, if inequality reflects discrimination against certain groups or the results of cultural, ethnic or family backgrounds, it is likely that income mobility can contribute to a more equal society. Excessive"""" income mobility, in the sense of frequent and uncertain income changes, can also be associated with greater income insecurity."" - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This has led to unequal distribution of the net gains between Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan states from the Chambal Valley Development Project. This has led to a falling groundwater table in some districts (by up to 15 metres in 15 years) (Gupta, Kawadia and Attari, 2007). This area is spread over 22 500 km2 in eight districts of Malwa, namely Dhar, Indore, Dewas, Shajapur, Ujjain, Ratlam, Mandsaur and Neemuch. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This effect is stronger for low-income countries and seems to operate by lowering total factor productivity and by reducing the level of education and labour participation among women. At the same time, they show that a gradual dismantling of gender-based discrimination in social institutions could yield substantial economic benefits, leading to an annual increase in the income global growth rate of 0.03 to 0.6 percentage points by 2030, depending on the scenario. From a policy perspective, they bear several implications. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 ""More high-level skills are needed than ever before. These changes in skills demand have to be identified, articulated and translated into up-to-date curricula and relevant programmes. A strategic approach to skills policies also needs to consider local differences, particularly in emerging economies where these differences can be large. Compared to purely government-designed curricula taught exclusively in schools, learning in the workplace allows young people to develop """"hard"""" skills on modern equipment, and """"soft"""" skills, such as teamwork, communication and negotiation, through real-world experience. Hands-on workplace training can also help to motivate disengaged youth to stay in or re-engage with the education system, and smooths the transition from education into the labour market."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The first national operator ‘Russian communal systems’ was formed by six large Russian companies under government control. Some private operators are now expanding operations to other countries. At the same time, some international firms, like Veolia (France) and Remondis Aqua (Germany), were also attracted to the market. Most contracts were granted directly, without any competition. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This article compares the European tendency toward 'conflict negotiation' with the USA's 'conflict resolution/ elimination' approach to terrorism. Historical/social experiences, political strategies and arsenal sizes impact their different perspectives on terrorism that also impact their different approach to managing Islamic terrorist threats. In the European Union, the Islamic threat is perceived differently from country to country. On the other hand, the USA generates a uniform ideological perspective. The USA has the military and diplomatic resources to fight for its interests abroad while also practicing isolationism in the homeland. Because of its close proximity to the Middle East, its greater sensitivity to cultural differences in the area, its large, relatively unintegrated Muslim population and limited military resources, Europe is more willing to pursue a mixed strategy of appeasement and aggression within the homeland. Language: en - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As discussed in previous chapters, in its December 2013 verdict on consensual sex in private between two adults the Supreme Court of India (henceforth “the Court”) recriminalized homosexuality. Overturning the Delhi High Court’s decision on the constitutionality of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, the Court found that the said section does not suffer from any constitutional infirmity. Nevertheless, the Court in its verdict opined that the competent legislature shall be free to consider the desirability and propriety of amending or deleting Section 377 from the statute book. But this decision, as I have argued and continue to argue, is unconstitutional: There is a diversity of sexual preferences and homosexual sexual relations should be decriminalized and accepted based on the constitutional rights of gay men to privacy, to sexual identity, to personal freedom and to equal treatment, among others. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In this sense, the current focus on a national ‘project shopping list’ could open up more to regional and global opportunities. A stronger capacity for green growth market intelligence, engagement and ‘green Ethiopia branding’ will be key, as will safeguard capacities that can reliably meet international standards in ESIA (for investment projects) and SEA (for policy change). Moreover, the signs are that some changing aid modalities may also support green growth outcomes. For example, Ethiopia can expect to face new aid models where ‘payments on delivery’ are made depending upon the exact quantity of GHGs reduced and biodiversity protected. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It should be noted that the CNRH, in which this ministry is represented, has a Technical Chamber on Science and Technology (Figure 2.4) where research priorities are discussed and established. However, the national level is still very strong and holds broad powers to pass legislation applicable nationwide, including exclusive powers on waters and energy. It also holds fiscal powers to provide resources to the lower levels through specific and targeted programmes. The basin unit creates links of “causality” and “factual solidarity” as water users’ behaviours in the basin propagate downstream and affect other uses. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In Luxembourg, Mexico and the Netherlands, the pro-male gender gap shrank because boys performed more weakly, while girls stayed steady. However, comparisons between the performance of 15-year-old students in OECD PISA in 2003 and the performance of roughly the same birth-cohort at around age 24 in the 2012 OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) suggest that gender gaps in mathematics sometimes widen as teenagers move into adulthood (Figure 6.3). Among OECD countries with available data, the average standardised gender gap is 0.12 points at the age of 15, and 0.18 points at around age 24 - still only small. However, in Canada, Austria and Norway the standardised gender gap among those aged around 24 is greater than 0.3 points, and in Finland and the United States it is larger than 0.5 points (Figure 6.3). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! To ensure health sector governance and accountability for results, it is important for countries to institutionalize the process of tracking and reporting aggregate resource flows into the health sector. This should take the form of total health expenditures as well as reproductive, maternal. Performance-based reporting that links inputs to key results (outputs and impacts) should be encouraged. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! ""They simply do not appear on the map. Slum dweller populations will continue to grow and many countries are not prepared to address the challenge with affordable housing, basic services and security of land tenure."""" Sub-Sahara African and Southeast Asian countries, where slum urbanization is accelerating, often have weak or only recently-emerging planning capacities."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In PPP$ terms, the range spans from PPP$ 2.8 in Sri Lanka to more than PPP$ 50 in Bulgaria, Cabo Verde and Nicaragua (Table 4.1). A number of LDCs also offer monthly prices below USD 3 per month, including Bhutan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Nepal (Republic of) and South Sudan. It is the task of regulators and policy-makers to strike a balance between these two forces, and they have intervened in this regard in some countries, such as for instance in Sri Lanka (Box 4.2). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Sands or flotation tailings are pushed into a disposal area. Approximately 88 per cent of the treated tonnage is stored. The method for storing flotation tailings still consists in moving the largest particles so that they build and thicken the retaining wall, thereby creating a large enough decantation zone so that the wastewater can be clarified before it is recycled. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Costa Rica can build on its many strengths - including a reformed curriculum and a growing and well-funded vocational system - to make upper secondary education more inclusive. A more systematic approach is needed to tackle disadvantage, and particularly to improve teaching in the schools with the highest levels of disengagement and drop-out. Further support is needed for teachers to implement the new curriculum, and reform the Bachillerato examination to give a fairer chance to students to complete secondary education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Moreover, the poor quality of power supply from the grid (network surges, frequent interruptions) may prevent use of the advanced electronic controls that come with many imported technologies. Compa energy generation accounts for up to 20 percent of installed capacity in Nigeria and 6 percent across sub-Saharan Africa (Steinbuks and Foster 2010). Private generating facilities are costly to establish, operate and maintain, and they drain capital that could go to more productive investments (Okafor 2008, Steinbuks and Foster 2010). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Conducted as part of the EU MICRO project[1|. ( This would suggest a low generation of waste compared with many mainland centres although, in some cases, tourism does increase the generation of waste. Unfortunately, many mid-ocean islands, such as Easter Island and Midway Atoll, receive a disproportionate burden of plastic marine litter as a result of long distance transport by surface currents. The Hawaiian Islands lie on the southern edge of the North Pacific sub-tropical gyre and are particularly susceptible to receiving floating debris. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The social and economic circumstances of the two states are broadly similar, hence they can here be considered together. Indeed it is particularly useful to do that, to draw attention to parallels in practice and policy. The 2001 Population Census showed a total population of 174,140, but it was about 184,000 at the time of writing. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This article examines the conceptual and historical relationship between constitutionalism and development. It argues that the communities that represent these two ideas have had little engagement, and yet there is a good deal of overlap between their areas of concern. Given that the Sustainable Development Goals 2015 have strongly embraced good governance, accountability and the rule of law, and we have become adept at defining and articulating the rule of law, the time seems ripe for development to engage with constitutionalism, and for constitutionalism to use “developmental operativity”, as I call it, to advance its objectives in practice. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, even though the methodology and structure allows CDPs to reflect each monotown’s specific priorities, the same target indicators were imposed from the national monotown programme. According to BISAM Central Asia (2012), they often do not reflect the specifics of each monotown, and are sometimes overly optimistic and unachievable (especially as regards SME indicators). Employment and population forecasts in CDPs tend to be optimistic as compared to actual figures. For instance, Stepnogorsk CDP’s forecast (made in 2014) overestimated employment in 2015 by almost 2000 (or 5%).47 Over-optimistic forecasts may signal that monotow'ns’ akimats do not adequately reflect population decline or stagnation in urban and economic planning. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Often government involvement in markets crowds out private decision makers and can lead to the distortion of price signals regarding resource allocation. Some interventions could correct market failures and the government provision of public goods is called for. But it is possible that distorting interventions are less likely to provide the policy environment needed for the transition of smallholders, either to commercial agriculture or to non-farm activities. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It also aims to design and implement digital tools based on users’ needs. Founded in 2014 by USAID, the US Global Development Lab serves as an innovation hub to test new ideas and solutions and harness the power of science, technology and new innovative tools and approaches that accelerate development impact. It funds researchers and partners with universities to address global development challenges, promotes and mobilises additional funds through private-public partnership for digital inclusion and digital finance, and develops new applications and solutions to improve the use of digital technologies and data in development programmes. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Lower fertility rates reduce women’s burden of unpaid labour and facilitate their greater participation in the labour force. Moreover, as fertility rates decline, the working age population grows at a faster rate than the overall population, thus lowering the dependency ratio and helping to boost savings and investments (including investments in children), with positive effects on per capita growth - the so-called “demographic gift”. Narrowing the gender gap in employment also results in positive externalities. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In particular, assessing the impact of job quality on labour productivity based on firm-level data, as well as exploring the role of institutions, labour market policies, firm type and management practices in generating a virtuous cycle of higher quality jobs, better health and higher productivity would provide further critical evidence for giving job quality the place it deserves in the policy recommendations on labour market performances. There is no single authority representing both Turkish and Greek Cypriot people on the Island. Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7, __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Technical assistance also helps reduce investment risks by, for instance, providing technology-related data on specific measures, as well as climate- and weather-related information. This can help potential project proponents and investors to develop project plans and make financial decisions (CPI and OECD, 2015). The EU, for example, provides a large-scale grant financing to EBRD's Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities through the EU Neighbourhood Investment Facility to help local financial institutions develop their capacities in financing mitigation projects. Whereas most countries predominantly use loans (e.g. concessional loan financing for power plants, irrigation systems and transport infrastructure), Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan receive a relatively large share of grant finance, reflecting their lower income levels. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Uber fares were capped at the cost of the train ride (EUR 16.80), approximately 30% lower than the un-capped average Uber fare on the same route. Using in-app geofencing and a promotion code, riders requested UberX service from within 20 metres of designated Night Rider stops to any location within one of three geographic zones. Qualifying rides received a AUD 10 discount covered half by the ACT Government and half by Uber. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Similar procedures were implemented to remove common words also in French, German, Portuguese and in Spanish. In addition, words such as “project/s”, “development/s” and “country/ies” were excluded as these words tend to be typical in the description of development activities, but do not provide any relevance of the particular sector of the activity. The translation of some of these words into other languages were also used as the base for the analysis. However, these activities include support to research programmes not classified under the research purpose codes, e.g. research on specific diseases or activities classified as “multisector aid”, and contributions in building greater capacity for conducting research in higher education and other research institutions. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In addition to the social variables presented in Box 7.1, Ellen (1979) has added kinship affiliation, ideology and literacy as additional variables influencing traditional knowledge in simple societies. In many parts of the world, women farmers are most knowledgeable about natural resources because of their constant close interaction with them (Berlin, 1992, Samal and Dhyani, 2006). Women farmers in resource-poor marginal farming systems have deep knowledge that includes ecological, agronomic and consumption characteristics about local landraces, crop improvement, agricultural practices, and the entire value chain and environment. It is argued that in traditional agricultural communities, this experiential knowledge gave women an important role in decision-making both at the family and community levels, consequently contributing to equitable power relations between genders (Rengalakshmi et al., The activity profile of millet cultivation requires women to stay for a long time in the fields, providing them with opportunities for closer observation that enables them to gain deep knowledge about the process of millet farming systems (see Box 7.2). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Political ecology of health (PEH) has become a robust subfield in geography. PEH scholarship deploys diverse theories and methods across analytical realms of political economy, social discourse, an... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Other funding in the table, by contrast, supports activities beyond adult learning (e.g. the ANQEP, IEFP and Tourism of Portugal budgets). Secondary VET courses (cursos profissionais) are excluded as they represent a large programme mostly targeting youth. However, they are similar to the apprenticeship courses noted in table. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Women’s full integration into the economy is a desirable goal for equity and efficiency in OECD and non-OECD countries alike. The challenge for policy makers is to find ways and means to reduce barriers to greater gender equality in employment, thereby providing more opportunities to pursue individual aspirations and boost economic growth. Over the 2002-12 period the (unweighted) female labour force participation rate increased by just over 1 percentage point to 61% on average across the Asia/Pacific region (ILO, 2014). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Bearing in mind that the results are illustrative of a specific wage level, single part-timers pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits - in Slovenia, the fall in disposable income brings singles below the poverty line. In some countries, including Ireland, New Zealand and Japan, couples without children pay less in taxes than they receive in benefits, but in most countries the opposite is the case, and in some countries (Austria, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland), disposable income falls below the poverty line. In most countries, single parents who have two children and work part-time receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes, and in many of these countries the resulting increase in disposable income brings the household above the poverty line. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This increase can be caused by both an actual increase in waste generation and by improved monitoring of collected waste amounts. The average MSW composition was derived from analyses in Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Bobruisk and Polotsk (table 6.2). Also, analysis of waste composition was performed in Minsk Oblast in 2013. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The International Labour Organization (ILO) has stated that work is a source of personal dignity, family stability and peace in the community. The concept of decent work expresses the principle that people should have safe, worthwhile jobs that they may carry out in conditions of freedom and equity.19 Decent work is characterized by the safeguarding of labour rights and the presence of social protection and social dialogue. If a child turning six in )une is not admitted in the first year for being younger than the official age, he or she will begin school at age seven, with a cut-off of one year he or she would be considered to be lagging behind. Org/global/about-the-ilo/decent-work-ageiida/lang-eii/i 11dex.htm. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Org/sites/default/files/1 .pdf, accessed on 15 October 2018. A strong institutional underpinning is paramount to ensuring that the right to social protection is safeguarded and realized. Three instruments are particularly crucial to fostering institutional commitment: comprehensive legal frameworks, sector-wide approaches and nationally owned budgets. The Ministry of Population Development and Social Protection is responsible for overall management of the CMP. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Is it not right that our responsibility should be restricted to those closest to us, our family and friends or perhaps to our village, city or nation? These questions are central to discussions of ethics more broadly, but have come to the fore with the increasing prominence of debates around the concept of ‘citizenship’ in recent years. Citizenship has become a focal point for a variety of reasons, including the increasingly diverse nature of many formerly homogeneous societies through migration, debates over the granting of official residents’ rights to undocumented workers, as well as disillusionment with the conventional political processes and institutions and the consequent decline in voter turnout in some countries. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__15 -> MISMATCH! Against several recent interpretations, I argue in this paper that Immanuel Kant's support for enlightened absolutism was a permanent feature of his political thought that fit comfortably within his larger philosophy, though he saw such rule as part of a transition to democratic self-government initiated by the absolute monarch himself. I support these contentions with (1) a detailed exegesis of Kant's essay “What is Enlightenment?” (2) an argument that Kantian republicanism requires not merely a separation of powers but also a representative democratic legislature, and (3) a demonstration that each stage of a democratic transition can potentially be in an absolute monarch's short-run self-interest. I conclude the paper by defending Kant's theory of democratization against charges of consequentialism and paternalism and by pointing out its similarity to other accounts of democratic transitions (for example, those of Samuel Huntington and Guillermo O'donnell), suggesting a previously unnoticed opportunity ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Moreover, while reuse is thriving under charity-based collection and export systems, recycling options forthe non-reusable share, and especially textile to textile recycling are more restricted (Palm et al., These include pilot projects developing various methods for (chemical) recycling of fibres - e.g. Relooping Fashion in Finland and Re:newcell in Sweden - and R8 MISMATCH! In a market, there is always a feedback mechanism between producers and consumers, which runs obviously through the payment of money. By indicating the price they are willing to pay, consumers signal to producers the quantity of the good they wish to have supplied, and producers happily concur, since through the transfer of money the interests of the consumers have become their own. Ronald Coase (1960) in The Problem of Social Cost showed that all externality issues can be reduced to market transaction costs. The higher these costs, the higher will be the level of external or social costs. While this was undoubtedly a major conceptual insight, stating that transaction costs cause social costs does not say all that much. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The Employment Adjustment Subsidy finances a proportion of wage payments if the firm has to scale down its business operations for cyclical or industrial restructuring reasons and, without dismissals, adopts measures such as temporary leave with pay, in-house education or training, or temporary transfer of employees to other firms. Short-time work not only prevents unemployment but also facilitates a rapid expansion of economic activities when demand increases again. It helps to avoid redundancies which may lead to loss of firm-specific human capital, and a later need for recruitment which is costly and time-consuming (OECD, 2009g). The rationale for short-time work schemes is strongest for companies whose financial difficulties are linked to the business cycle rather than to structural factors. However, the restructuring process is often accelerated during recessions, and some dead-weight losses are inevitable. In order to improve the instrument and its impact on the future job situation of the workers, some other OECD countries, e.g. Austria, Belgium, France and Germany,167 promote the training of workers in the short-time-work subsidy scheme (OECD, 2009g). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Closing this gap would yield welfare gains for individual women and society as a whole. This view is supported by many studies based on small samples and self-reported answers (OECD/EC, 2017). However, Saridakis etal. ( Such differences can be explained in part by different motivations and the different sectors in which women entrepreneurs operate. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico self-employment income dropped, and wages and salaries increased, while in Uruguay the opposite occurred. In Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Uruguay, transfers accounted for over 50% of the increase in total income. In countries that saw their poverty reduced the most, such as Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Panama, transfers accounted for about 20% of the increase in total income. It is not possible in every case to determine from available data exacdy which types of transfers resulted in income increases, because surveys taken around 1990 tended to capture aggregate data. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The current chapter and the two that follow share a common aim: to examine FBO engagement in various controversial issues at the UN. Chapter 4 engages with the topic of women’s sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). The issue is especially controversial as both conservative and liberal FBOs lock horns on this key human rights issue: that is, “a woman’s right to choose” versus the “rights of the unborn child.” As the quotations above indicate, what Bob calls “conservative religious groups” focus on “family policy,” incorporating a range of issues, including “feminism, abortion and gender politics.” The second quotation, from a recent Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) report, emphasizes that the SRHR “health policy” issue straddles the intellectual and conceptual division between secular and faith, bringing together both conservative and liberal entities at the UN in pursuit of certain goals. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Objective: To describe how mental health policy is developed and implemented.Methods: A review of the literature on public policy analysis and the experience of the author in the development and implementation of national mental health policy.Results: A five-step process of problem identification, policy development, political decision, policy implementation and evaluation provides a framework for understanding the policy cycle.Conclusion: An understanding of this process is essential for psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in order to influence the process and content of mental health policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The water quality impacts may be caused by the use of agrochemicals in intensive bioenergy feedstock production systems, such as the use of fertilisers which pose a risk for eutrophication. In addition, the feedstock processing plants to convert raw materials to bioenergy can also have impacts on water quality, although this will vary depending on a range of factors, including for example, biorefinery technology, effluent controls and water recycling practices (FAO, 2008, Fingerman et al., As a result sediment and nutrient pollution from agricultural land is likely to increase, particularly where maize is cultivated on marginal agricultural land which contributes to the highest nutrient loads. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A stronger primary care sector will require a larger, dedicated workforce of primary care professionals. For the longer term, Korea needs to grapple with the question of whether it goes down the path of many other OECD countries that have promoted the training of dedicated physiciaas who cover the whole gamut of clinical care, or tries to make the most of a more specialised model where paediatricians, internal medicine, and obstetrics and gynaecology, along with support from nurses function as primary care units. While there is no right answer for Korea, going down the former path would require significant changes in medical education and take a long time to engineer. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""For a more comprehensive understanding of gender equality issues, the root causes of gender inequalities need to be examined: that is, socially constructed roles and responsibilities that have resulted in centuries of domination by """"masculinist"""" attitudes and perceptions, definitions of problems, and setting of norms and values (thereby defining deviations from the norms). However, in all of the assessed environmental areas, there are very limited environment-related gender-disaggregated data that can show direct links between gender inequality and environmental changes. Gender-disaggregated data, where available, are often fragmented at the level of a country or group of countries, making it almost impossible to aggregate and compare some issues among different regions."" - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! However, the initiative has proved so successful that since early 2012, Car Free Days have been held every Sunday in all five of Jakarta's municipalities. Vehicles were required to possess paper based permits to enter the 32 km2 zone, with exceptions made for public transport, public taxis, emergency, diplomatic and military vehicles. However, difficulties in enforcement meant that as much as 35 per cent of vehicles entering the zone were unauthorized, with only 2 per cent caught and fined by police. To address these enforcement issues, and coupled with improvements to public transport services, the city developed an enforcement system based on automated number plate recognition cameras positioned at each of the 104 road entrances to the restricted zone. The system automatically identifies vehicle registration numbers that have not paid for an annual, weekly or daily pass and subsequently sends out violation notices. By comparison a single ticket on the Tehran BRT ranges from 1,500-2,500 rial (S$0.10 to 0.20). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Taken together, they moved the proposed new poverty line closer to 50% of median income (the exact figure would depend on how the proposals were implemented). Following the NAS report, the United States Census Bureau began tentative experiments with a new poverty measure that incorporated some of the recommendations (though not the allowance for regional variations in the cost of living). Add to this the fact that the official poverty line is the responsibility of the Executive Office of the President and it is evident that any re-drawing of the line is going to be a high-profile issue subject to intense institutional and political pressures. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This chapter examines the objectives and practice of the Rwandan national courts, as understood inside the institution. Grounded empirical research is used to examine how Rwandan judges and lawyers have interpreted the work of the national courts. These legal practitioners argued that the national courts have contributed to the transitional period through improving legal education standards, drawing specific attention to substantial domestic legal reforms in 2004. The chapter argues that the national courts’ focus on legal reform in the post-2004 period provides these legal actors with a means of navigating the tensions between international criminal law and international human rights law raised by the practical and political constraints on the courts’ work. In addition, it allows the judges’ and lawyers’ a means of asserting their current capacity to receive cases transferred from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This will in turn decrease the level of winter water retention and increase winter flows in many rivers. Hotter and drier summers are likely to increase the demand for irrigation, reduce river flows, and reduce dilution capacity thereby leading to higher pollutant concentrations. Despite these concerns, the subregion seems to have the capacity to adapt to the impacts of climate change. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Structural efforts at the local and national levels to overcome this challenge remain operationally weak. At present, whether women will be seen as partners or not depends much more on the personal convictions of individual actors than on a systematic implementation of policies of gender inclusion. Yet individuals with the authority, willingness and diplomatic skill to trigger changes in attitudes and behaviours towards the treatment of women as equal peacebuilding partners remain exceptional in all current peacebuilding operations. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Unfortunately, data limitations do not allow for inclusion of other potentially relevant variables such as wealth proxies, presence of hired help, and access to care service facilities. Despite these achievements, the state goal of promoting gender equality continues to face many challenges, including the persistence of discrimination in the labour market and the declining labour force participation of women. A better understanding of gender relations within the household is crucial to die attainment of die Chinese development objective since women's lives are often structured around dieir responsibilities as mothers and wives. The fact that women do most of the unpaid work affects dieir well-being as well as their labour force participation. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Patient safety is also implemented through accreditation mechanisms, but patient safety culture and implementation of safety policies vary. These are often initiated by the Danish Patient Safety Association. Four important programmes have been set up to secure patient safety: The Danish Adverse Event Study in 2001, The Danish Society for Patient Safety (DSFP), The Danish Safer Hospital Programme, and The National reporting system for adverse events. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 These trends are likely to be due to a combination of EU controls on total allowable catches (TACs) and of effort. Discussion with the fishing industry is on-going on the work needed to implement CFP reform, especially the introduction of discard bans, particularly for pelagic fisheries which is coming into effect in January 2015. We are working closely with the industry to make all parties aware of the changes and address problems so that the transition is as smooth as possible. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 The municipalities' responsibilities are outlined in the Social Services Act since 1982, and the Disability Act since 1994. In the former, the obligation of housing support applies both to the general population as well as to specific groups (including those suffering from mental problems). The latter piece of legislation outlines municipal obligation vis-a-vis defined disability groups. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Older migrant women may face additional challenges. Generally, they find it harder to learn the local language, find employment and access the health services they need. Older women staying in the country of origin are also particularly affected by migration, as very often they have to take care of the children left behind by migrant parents. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Pleistocene is mostly underlain by impermeable Neogene strata (Saqiye Group), but locally also by the Eocene, as is the case near the Gaza Strip (Table 2). The aquifer is considered to be more productive along the Sinai coast than further inland in Egypt8 and the Kurkar A is often the most productive formation.’ The mostly unsaturated Holocene cover is typically less than 10 m thick, while the Kurkar B is 30-70 m thick. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The following examples illustrate some interesting experiences in the OECD region. The STOWA (institute of Applied Scientific Research) is leading the drive toward standardisation of monitoring systems for water quality, water quantity and ecology. The Union of Water Boards organises a benchmark of the Water Boards every two years, and the benchmark is made public in the publication Waterpeil. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This is seen as a drag on economic development both because NEET youth represent a waste of human resources and because disengagement from education at an early age is associated with social exclusion and long-term welfare dependency. In recent years, successive governments have offered a range of policy programmes aimed at addressing this issue. The research recognises that schools play an important role in helping young people (especially through career education, career guidance and the mentoring of individual teachers) but that there are also systems of support operating in the wider community beyond school. Consequently it has placed considerable emphasis on the way in which networking can be valuable in joining together different systems both inside and outside of the school environment. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! Consequently, the WWS market is characterised by a low level of competition and important restrictions on the entrance of new players. Regulation is justified on the ground that it ought to prevent market power issues arising from a natural monopoly and to protect customers. In the absence of regulation, water operators can be tempted to neglect the quality of services and to apply water tariffs which are unreasonably high compared to the production costs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Like D, this index moves in the range [0,11, with 1 being the highest possible degree of segregation. If students were perfectly integrated by income across State and private schools, each unit would reproduce the general distribution (percentiles from 0 to 1) and the average difference between a family and the median in that family's unit would be 0.25, so that the index would take the value 0. At the other extreme, if students were perfectly segregated, each unit would contain individuals with the same income from the same percentile, and the index would take the value 1. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 These costs tend to weigh particularly heavy on women entrepreneurs contending with time and resource constraints. Make the benefits of registration visible and substantial. Mexico, for example, has made good strides in helping parents care for young children recent years with the introduction of universal compulsory preschool education, as well as the growth of the Estancias Infantiles para Apoyar a Madres Trabajadoras programme. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The socialization process in many cultures also puts pressure on boys, on the other hand, to be tough and willing to fight or use violence to prove their manhood. Some may not develop social skills to communicate and express empathy appropriately to others, and therefore may lack these assets needed in peacebuilding. Women’s identities are complex, and shaped by multiple layers of race, class, religion, age and education, among others. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Hedley Bull’s theory of international relations has widely been treated as of central importance within the international relations discipline. Yet, Bull’s theory is inherently interdisciplinary, not least because the basic elements it operates with, such as “international society” and “international order”, inevitably draw on the factors and considerations that constitute the legitimate object of the discipline of international law. Thus, the proper understanding and evaluation of the genuine importance of Bull’s theory requires an interdisciplinary analysis that is being undertaken here for the first time, in order to understand the genuine essence of his theory as well as the implications of it for the practical aspects of both law and politics in international affairs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Some higjh-performing countries in PISA 2012, such as Estonia and Finland, also show small variations in student scores, proving that high performance is possible for all students (OECD, 2013a). For students who fail to reach this level of performance in mathematics, reading or science, most can be expected to not continue with education beyond compulsory schooling, and therefore risk facing difficulties using mathematics, reading and science concepts throughout their lives and risk having poorer opportunities in the labour market. Even in the average OECD country, where more than one in five students do not reach Level 2, tackling such low performance is a major challenge that requires addressing barriers posed by factors such as social background. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This qualitative study, based on in‐depth semi‐structured interviews, depicts practices of seven peace educators in public elementary and secondary classrooms in the United States during the time of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 through the US engagement in war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Focusing on individual perceptions of practice and classroom experiences, the participants described how, despite teaching at a time in which terrorism and war had become national preoccupations, they taught a pedagogy of peace that included recognition and rejection of violence, understanding of differences through dialogue, critical awareness of injustice and social justice, and imaginative understanding of peace. The study discloses a multitude of examples of both peacemaking and peacebuilding in their teaching and development of classroom cultures but a lack of emphasis on anti‐war curriculum. It also reveals the teachers’ motivations for teaching peace education, theoretical influences on their practice, t... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 We need to take all remedial measures to avoid becoming 'environmental refugees’. Rising temperatures and extreme climate events contribute to the spread of diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia. With drought, agriculture -24 per cent of our the crop yield is reduced and supplies are depleted. Unprecedented heavy rains gave way in July 2010 to devastating floods. The initial death toll was approximately 1,600 people, but many more are unaccounted for. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This research presents an analysis of Martin Vizcarra as a political actor in the framework of the political and judicial consequences related to the corruption issue he is accused of, first, as regional governor of Moquegua (2011-2014), then as Minister of Transport and Communications of Peru (2016-2017), and, later, as the highest authority of the country (2018-2021). Methodologically, the information obtained from journalistic documentation and statistics is used. The work points out that Vizcarra strategically builds a political identity with which he opposes corruption and with which he counteracts accusations or denunciations of crimes during his different actions against the Peruvian public administration in order to favor his image as a politician. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The chapter focuses on the interaction between foreign direct investment (FDI) and human rights as one of the most contentious issues surrounding the contemporary regulation of FDI. Human rights issues interact in various ways with investment law. Therefore, the chapter briefly discusses the question whether human rights obligations directly impose obligations on foreign investors as a matter of international law. Moreover, it addresses the limited scope of the jurisdiction of investment tribunals, the effect of the insertion, in investment treaties of clauses concerning the obligations of foreign investors and the effect of ‘legality’ requirements in investment treaties. Furthermore, the ‘conflict’ between human rights obligations and investment treaty obligations and the applicable rules on treaty conflict are examined. It assesses how investment tribunals have dealt with human rights as part of the applicable law in investments, and human rights invoked as a defence for a breach of an investment treaty obligation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They combined meteorology, hydrology and flood forecasting and developed a probabilistic system based on climate modelling and water discharge in the Ganges River and Brahmaputra rivers. The forecasts are shared with decision makers at national and district levels through fax and e-mail, and with pilot communities through SMS and flag networks. This has vastly improved the ability of authorities and communities to take early action to protect lives and livelihoods. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! With the advent of the smart grid, it will be possible to do the same thing on a much larger scale. Depending on the application, it can be acceptable to delay consumption for a shorter or longer time period. An example that is often used is the refrigerator which operates with a duty cycle to cool down (e.g. l/3rd cool down period, 2/3rd warming period). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Second earner taking up employment at 67% of average wage and the first earner earns 100% of average wage. Lone parent taking up employment at 67% of average wage. One way would be to gradually reduce the duration of the parental allowance so as to limit the combined maternity and parental leave period. In many other OECD countries with high female labour market participation, the combined maternity and paternity leave period is around one year (OECD, 2012b). The practice of withdrawing childcare benefits if working mothers use (public) childcare facilities should be discontinued. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Feminist criminologists are well acquainted with how their research on sexual harms and gendered forms of victimisation may serve as powerful levers for punitive agendas. In recent years, culturalist interpretations of sexual violence have become key themes in debates on migration and integration in liberal welfare democracies, such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden. In this, complex issues of gender, ethnicity and power are involved, and the balancing of these, both analytically and ethically, poses a challenge to feminists in their attempts to contribute to social change. This chapter will, based on examples from debates in Sweden, present and discuss how argumentation about sexual freedom and integrity is enlisted in attempts to reinforce borders and ideas about dangerous Others, and outline how a fruitful meeting between criminology and feminism can advance the scholarship on sexual violence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As the characterization of SSF is a common topic to be addressed by the “Friends of SSF” platform (see section 6.4.1), the partner organizations participating in this group have contributed to discussions on refining this characterization matrix and have agreed to carry out a preliminary test of this matrix through their existing case studies of SSF. The socio-economic survey, being carried out in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea within the context of the mid-term strategy, is also collecting data in line with the matrix in order to perform a wide-scale application of the matrix at the regional level. In this report it was noted that, although generally large-scale fisheries were associated with high capital costs and sophisticated technology and SSF were associated with small vessels and labour intensive fishing techniques, in reality, modern fishing operations meant that even certain SSF could use very advanced technologies and have a high level of fishing effort (World Bank, 2012). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""The flexibility of collateral is an important element for women, because assets, particularly land, are traditionally owned by men. In 2007, the commercial bank Development Finance Company of Uganda, with IFC and the Uganda Women Entrepreneur’s Association, launched the Women in Business Programme. Its special focus on SMEs provides lending to women entrepreneurs without requiring land as collateral."""""" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The text of this Recommendation can be accessed at htln:// The share of women in par liaments in the Arab region has generally increased since 1995 (Table 2). It has reached above 25 per cent in Algeria, Iraq, Mauritania, the Sudan and Tunisia, showing a significant rise after the adoption of gender quotas in these countries. However, there remain large dispar ities in women’s participation throughout the region, and women’s presence in parliament is close to zero in at least seven countries (Comoros, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar and Yemen). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereafter the CRC) is a human rights treaty that covers many different areas such as civil rights and freedoms, family environment, health and welfare, education and child protection.1 But none of these areas have been so much elaborated in international guidelines and standards as Juvenile Justice.2 - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Based on the dramatic price differentials among sectors for nutrient mitigation options, water quality trading has emerged as a market-based mechanism for cost-effectively meeting water quality goals and the TMDL in three states - Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. Furthermore, given that there are no load allocations for future growth under the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, there is the risk of stifling development without flexible mechanisms in place for handling growth. Trading is considered to be a critical mechanism for accommodating growth through acquiring pollution offsets. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The more established methods for calculating inequality rely on micro data such as that obtained from labour force or household surveys (see OECD, 2011). However, this can be problematic in cross-country comparisons as noted by Galbraith and Kum (2004).27 To make such comparisons feasible, Galbraith and Kum (2004) used the Deininger and Squire (1996) dataset in conjunction with more aggregate data on industrial value added and wages to construct inter-temporal and cross-country comparable measures of inequality. This also provides a larger sample of developed and emerging economies over which wage inequality and GVC activity can be measured relative to the more established OECD inequality measures which are mostly available for OECD countries. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This observation does not hold true for the entire region, however, since in Brazil, Panama and Peru the odds ratio associated with geographical area is appreciably higher than one, even when educational traits are included. The variables that most increase a household’s probability of being poor are, in order of magnitude, unemployment of the head of household, lack of electricity or belonging to an ethnic group. Based on the average of the parameters estimated for those countries in which they are significant, a household with an unemployed head is almost three times as likely to be poor as a household whose head is employed. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It is perhaps difficult to believe it now, but around the time that New Political Economy came into being in the early 1990s, Christopher Layne (1993) wrote a paper for International Security entit... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Thus, if a beneficiary with health problems chooses to monetise the health benefits, and opts to spend it on alcohol instead of relevant pharmaceutical products that is regarded as his/her free choice. That public resources expressly allocated towards health purposes are used in this manner does not seem to cause major concern. However, it is as yet unclear to what extent this reflects an increase in transparency of costs that were thus far hidden, or whether citizens who were entitled to in-kind benefits but who had hitherto never been able to validate their right to access (because of capacity-constraints in service provisions, shortages in subsidised housing, lack of public transport in rural areas, etc.) - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! In order for smaller firms to engage in such training practices, flexibility in training provision is necessary -allowing people to study/train what they want, when they want and how they want, at low' cost - offering modular instruction, short- and distance-learning options. The most prominent examples of such radical restructuring are in the automotive sector and shipbuilding, which are increasingly responding to low-carbon demands for hybrid vehicles and offshore investment in w'ind and tidal energy, respectively. The potential for growth sectors to absorb workers from other industries relies on the effective co-ordination, timing and management of workforce retraining programme. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Pessimism and optimism in International Relations theory have reflected the dominance of state-centrism in world politics. Competing paradigms have taken for granted that the core problematics of concern are the domestic consolidation of nation-states and their interaction in ‘international’ relations, seen as two-level games. Pessimism stemmed from war, domestic vulnerability and interstate economic competition, optimism from liberal pacification, economic interdependence and global governance. However, this perception of world politics is increasingly outdated. Since the mid-to-late twentieth century, a dialectic of globalisation and fragmentation has led to a complex restructuring of the world system, above the state, below the state and cutting across states, from financial crises to the ‘intangible economy’ to security and climate change. The ‘new pessimism’—and optimism—is rooted in response to this transformation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 AbstractThis article introduces the socio-anthropological concept of international representations to examine the relationship between a civilizational rhetoric, the West European and the international politics of otherization and containment of Southeast Europe, and an essentialist and timeless bias in international relations theory, including both radical and constructivist trends. We first explore the different narrative perspectives on the Balkan wars from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century. Their subsequent problematization is aimed at challenging the way they have constructed commonplace and time-worn representations, which international society shares with different consequences in international affairs. This is a limited conception since international representations as a socio-anthropological concept are always socially, culturally and politically constructed, contested and negotiated. They do not neutrally refer to a reality in the world, they create a reality of their own. Moreov... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In hot climates, low'-cost solutions such as reflective roofs and walls, exterior shades, and low'-emissivity window' coatings and films can significantly reduce energy consumption for cooling (IEA, 2013). National and local government institutions, with technical assistance from university and research institutions, could support research on passive cooling designs, and provide vocational training for a new generation of installation technicians and technical assistance for contractors and construction companies. This is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of all the policy instruments. Such a training programme could also can increase job opportunities and promote green growth. Hai Phong is participating in the “Viet Nam Clean Energy Program: Energy Efficiency Promotion in the Building Sector”. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It will encourage the development of biofuels and promote greener cities and communities. Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University has collected GHG data, developed emission scenarios, analysed adaptation and mitigation policies, and worked on the links between climate change, water and food security in Thailand. It was only in the 1990s that it began to industrialise, at the same time that it became a large exporter of farm products including coffee. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Eligibility criteria for project appraisal include a restricted list of preapproved equipment, as well as other standard financial criteria (a minimum end-borrower’s contribution which is different for existing and new units, a maximum debt to equity ratio, minimum asset coverage, etc.). By using simple eligibility criteria the project approval process was streamlined and allowed from loans to be approved and disbursed quickly. As of January 2017, the project was in its third phase, with phase I and II having provided finance to close to 5 000 MSMEs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! While the e-learning programme is being rolled out nationwide, it has so far only been implemented in 16% of all schools and vocational institutions. Because of its staggered implementation, regional discrepancies in coverage exist, even among neighbouring regions - for example, while the capital Astana had 58% coverage in 2013, the surrounding Akmola region was last in the nation at only 6% (NCESE, 2014). By 2012-13, 50% schools were equipped with modern physics laboratories, 40% had biology laboratories, and 30% had chemistry laboratories (IAC, 2014). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This yielded normalised costs of EUR 3 per MWh for nuclear, EUR 0.23 per MWh for wind, EUR 0.1 per MWh for hydro, EUR 0.15 per MWh for biomass, and EUR 0.03 per MWh for solar. Again, the very different scope of these studies, their different methodologies for assessing the expected accidents frequency and the different cost categories included make a comparison among them very challenging. Estimates of Leveque (2013a and 2013b) and Rabl and Rabl (2013) are about one order of magnitude higher, EUR 1 and 3.8 per MWh, respectively, while Torfs (2001) reports an external cost due to nuclear accidents in the range of EUR 8 lO'4 and 0.35 per MWh. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Most of the aggregate data used in this chapter come from the OECD Economic Outlook No. The overview of the labour market impacts of the 2008-09 recession in this section of the chapter makes use of a common dating scheme based on average developments for the OECD area. The more detailed analysis of labour market adjustment in Section 2 makes use of country-specific dating that takes account of differences in when the recession began and ended in different countries. These estimates are based on national definitions of unemployment that differ from the internationally harmonised definition in some countries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These stations are staffed by medical assistants and midwives and report to local hospitals. The latter are equipped with clinical laboratory and radiology units and have one or more physicians, a surgeon and a gynaecologist. The closer to administrative centres, the more specialized is the level of facilities and staff. The system includes specialized medical dispensaries for certain diseases, such as tuberculosis, cancer, sexually transmitted infections, psychiatric disorders and skin diseases. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This paper explores how theories and epistemological understandings from the disciplines of human geography and environmental ethics may be usefully deployed to further understanding of public perceptions of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). In particular, the themes of values, place and embodied experience are explored in turn. The aim of doing this is to consider how reflection on some of the ‘deeper’ issues underpinning CCS projects has the potential to shed new light on how people come to hold particular viewpoints. This paper argues that alongside the endeavour of producing very practical advice and guidelines on public engagement in CCS, there is room to reflect critically on the contexts in which people form their perceptions of CCS and perform these perceptions. Doing this has the potential to offer new insights into what exactly it is publics may find troubling - or, indeed, appealing - about CCS. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Accommodation with below-standard water and sanitation infrastructure is highlighted as one of the factors that generate particular vulnerability in poor and predominantly non-white communities (MCRC, n.d.). Evidence suggests that people with less access to water and sanitation are more prone to also having other basic needs unmet, a situation that exacerbates their economic condition and deprivation of human development, prolonging the cycle of poverty. The education, health and income of parents can play an important role with regard to the opportunities their children may have to move out of poverty. In this way, poverty of one generation can be handed down to the following (UNDP, 2016, World Bank, 2017a). Inadequate water and sanitation facilities in schools are long known to negatively impact education, especially of girls, and to hamper social progress (UNDESA, 2004). Figures show that three in ten primary schools lacked an adequate water supply in 2013 (UNESCO, 2016). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! Grants can cover up to 30 per cent of the eligible cost of technology-driven projects and 40 per cent in the case of energy audits. Moreover, an additional 10 per cent bonus grant can be awarded for projects involving CHP or fuel switching, up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the project cost. Industrial companies can also benefit from loans from the Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund to finance investments in high-efficiency industrial processes, building rehabilitation, and heat source and distribution system improvements. Through this facility ,€46 million in loans have been signed w'itli six Bulgarian banks. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Respondents who are given multiple opportunities to assess whether their experiences fit within the objectives of the survey and the specific questions being asked provide more detailed accounts of their experiences. This requires the necessary space on the questionnaire and time during the interview to be allocated to comprehensive modules of clearly worded questions. As a general principle, value-laden and stigmatizing terms such as “rape” and “violence” must be avoided, as they lead to underreporting on statistical surveys compared to detailed behaviourally specific terms, which yield much higher disclosures of identical experiences. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In: R. B. Freeman and D. A. Wise (eds), The Youth Labor Problem: Its Nature, Causes and Consequences, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Population by sex and age groups on 1 January, cities/metropolitan regions/ data metro/database sub3 (accessed in June 2013). The Dynamics of Modem Society - Poverty, Policy and Welfare, The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. The Journal of Human Resources, 38(1), pp. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! In addition, the fact that SMEs tend to trade smaller quantities implies that lixed trade costs often make up a larger share of the unit cost of their goods when compared to rivals exporting larger volumes. Given that female owned firms tend to be smaller than male owned firms, female owned firms tend to suffer disproportionally from NTMs. These barriers impact both men- and women-owned and managed businesses. This has greater implications for women-owned businesses because they are more likely to be smaller. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The principles defining the quality of the education sy stem will include the elimination of obstacles that thwart the effective equality between women and men and the furtherance of full equality between the sexes. Education authorities will guarantee equal rights to education for women and men through the active integration, in educational objectives and practice, of the principle of equal treatment, preventing the generation of inequalities between women and men due to sexist behaviour or its associated social stereotypes. Spain’s legal framework for the education of equality and the integration of the gender dimension in educational policies (cont.) In the domain of higher education, the central, regional and local governments, in the exercise of their respective areas of competence, will further teaching and research on the significance and scope of equality between women and men. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The Norwegian pupils in grade 5, which was the main population in 2015, had an average score of 549, which was higher than both Finland and Denmark. Again the Norwegian scores are significantly lower, mainly due to their lower age. With the change of main population to grade 5, the Norwegian score in Science was 538, which was slightly below the Swedish score of 540. In 2015, the Norwegian students in grade 9 had an average score of 512 in mathematics and an average score of 509 in science. These students are the same age as the Swedish grade 8 students. As shown in Figures 5-7, all the Nordic countries except Finland have had results with rather small variations around the OECD average during the whole period. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article examines the early years of democratization in the small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. Once a reclusive country, Bhutan embarked on a gradual path of socioeconomic modernization and opening up to the rest of the world. A most significant step on that path was the decision to democratize. The first national democratic elections were held in 2007–2008. In 2013, the second national elections took place and marked an appropriate moment to assess the progress of democratization in Bhutan. This article not only analyzes the electoral experience but also evaluates what has occurred in other areas of democratization including the rule of law, accountability of government, civil society, and freedom of expression. The article concludes that Bhutan has made good progress in democratization on many fronts but that its trajectory is unique, reflecting the particular context of Bhutan and the overriding concern with stability in political and social life. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A reference framework for the interim classification of land use is provided in the SEEA-CF45 as agreed after a comprehensive global consultation process. The development of the land use classification included in the SEEA-CF, led by the FAO, has been based on practices already in use in major international and national land use databases, adjusted to address the needs which have arisen during this global consultation process. The aim of the land use classification presented in the SEEA-CF is twofold: (i) to provide a reference framework for the compilation and aggregation of data at the international level and (ii) to provide guidance to countries in establishing a land use classification scheme. For more information, see Annex D: Classifications and environment statistics. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The latter elements comprise other costs (i.e. decommissioning), fuel costs, operation and maintenance costs, and capital costs. The underlying data, based on typical values for generic international power production plants, allow LCOE computation for seven different technologies: coal (with and without flue gas desulphurization), combined cycle gas turbine, nuclear, solar PV, wind and biomass. Unless otherwise stated, the default settings are applied (box figure 3.2). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The region's fertility patterns, characterized by high rates of adolescent pregnancy and large fertility differentials by educational level, further complicate this situation of high childhood poverty relative to the average and raise questions about the possibility of breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty reproduction. However, although these gender-based differences are evident, the income poverty measure is not a good indicator of the gap between men and women because it is based on the assumption that total household income is distributed equally among household members. A more telling indicator is the percentage of women without income of their own in the region. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! There would be great value in further adapting this tool, or developing an alternative, for use in primary and secondary schools, and in TVET institutions. With the growing recognition of the value of whole school approaches to ESD, tools such as this one, which serve to illustrate what is meant by ‘whole school’, are an important step forward. With a recognition of their natural and cultural assets, many tertiary institutions in SIDS have begun to develop graduate programmes and research emphases on sustainability issues. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Pharmaceutical spending may be reduced by making more effective use of public procurement practices and encouraging the prescription of generics. Hungary reports among the highest mortality rates for both preventable cancers (e.g. lung cancer) and treatable cancers (e.g. breast, cervical and colon cancers). National programmes are in place to promote regular breast and cervical cancer screening, but the screening rates among women in the target age group remain low. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It has mainstreamed climate change across a number of areas to promote climate-resilient sustainable development. Adopting a resilience approach has important policy and governance implications as it requires not only the coherence and coordination of policy design and implementation across different (social and ecological/environmental) domains and scales, but also the recognition of decision making under conditions of uncertainty and the need for experimentation and innovation in building resilience. Resilience promotes participation, learning and sustainable resource management, and stresses the role of governance and institutions in managing social-ecological systems. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Latest data shows that the expansion of the world's cities has been accompanied by changes in land use, both in terms of form as well as structure, and a progressive reduction of the proportion of space allocated to streets. The integration of public space in local, regional and national policies and frameworks promoting sustainability is key to securing the provision of public space and creating more liveable cities. Ensuring citywide distribution of public spaces is a way for governments to reduce inequalities and expand benefits and prosperity. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Changes in those policies, including their financing components, can in many cases facilitate reductions of water management costs. Assessing these perverse support mechanisms, with a view to phasing them out, can contribute to lowering the cost of water resources management. Efforts in this direction are ongoing in OECD countries, but more could be done: some 50% (2008-10) of total OECD agricultural producer support provides incentives to produce and/or use variable inputs, compared to 85% in 1986-88 (OECD, 2012b). The EU Water Framework Directive has stressed the importance of analysing the financing linked to sector policies (e.g. agriculture, energy or climate change) that directly support projects and actions that impact on the water system. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 One finding is that shorthand proxy groupings that are frequently used in the policy debate in fact contain several different sub-groups, each of whom face significantly different sets of employment challenges. For example, the clustering reveals two different groups of economically inactive mothers with young children with very different levels of education, skills and work experience and different levels of household income. Similarly, the analysis reveals three groups of individuals with health difficulties, who differ in terms of their age, work experience and benefit entitlements. The statistical clustering also identified two groups of youth with labour market difficulties who differ in terms of their employment record and the job opportunities likely to be available to them. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Harmful forms of alcohol are of concerns for governments and private employers as they may negatively impact employment and wages, and reduce productivity at work. Alcohol abuse is indeed shown to have negative labour market outcomes, although with some mixed results according to drinking patterns and gender (see Section 5). Hence, preventing harmful use of alcohol and its related chronic diseases may lead to substantial gains in economic production through a healthier and more active workforce. Findings presented in this report do not go without limitations. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 For instance, greater diversity in the mix of wind, solar and ocean-tide energy reduces innovation rates in storage and grid management. In addition, greater trade will have the same effect. Interestingly, when disaggregated one can see that this is only true of storage (Model 5) and not grid management (Model 6). This is likely because many aspects of grid management are complementary with improved capacity to exploit trade in electricity services. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 They are available upon request from the authors. A region dummy (urban or rural) is included because time use patterns may vary by region type as rural areas are more likely to have agricultural-based economies. Education as proxied by years of schooling is included as it provides a person the necessary skills and credentials for high productive activities and better jobs, and thus affects his or her willingness to spend more time in the labour market. In the case of wives, education is likely to change women's attitudes towards their own role in the household and in the workplace. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 According to various estimates, alcohol kills - either directly or indirectly - half a million persons per year while smoking is estimated to kill between 330 000 and 500 000 persons. Almost 24 000 persons die in traffic accidents per year (MHSD, 2008, and Rosstat, 2009a). According to the RLMS,4 about three quarters of the Russian population consume some kind of alcohol, with more being consumed on average by males in all age groups and in the persons belonging to the 25 to 55 age group. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Many biodiversity mainstreaming initiatives have had to tackle these barriers (explained below), delaying progress towards effective biodiversity mainstreaming. Addressing these barriers, or simply accepting them as a practical reality, will help to ensure that further biodiversity mainstreaming projects are able to achieve their full potential. However, biodiversity mainstreaming presents a challenge to traditional project design models. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Typically combined with density bonuses. Can in principle be used to encourage any type of use. Evidence that this reduces the rate of new developments in a territory. In Amsterdam, the large number of commuters from surrounding areas to the city has led to traffic congestion and its attendant impacts such as air pollution. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Bromell asks: Who do I need to be and become, and how do I need to behave, to work well in public life with people who want and value different things? This introductory chapter sets out the challenge of public leadership when working with diverse publics. It distinguishes between leaders and leadership and summarises some recent thinking about public leadership and New Public Management/New Public Governance managerialism in public administration. Bromell welcomes a recent shift of focus in public policy education from training analysts to cultivating leadership, introduces the use of competencies and competency frameworks, and proposes to draw on political theory and social ethics to frame a limited set of interpersonal competencies (soft skills) as ethical competencies (hard soft skills) for public leadership in contexts of pluralism. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The allowance contributes to the payment of housing and utilities. Poor households are eligible if actual housing and utility costs exceed a certain percentage of total household income. Family allowances targeted to poor families with children under 18 were introduced in 1997, followed by targeted maternal allowances for unemployed mothers with young children in 1999 (UNICEF, 2009a). Another innovation introduced at the same time was the use of community-based targeting through the local mahalla system (local bodies of self-government). There is also a categorical disability allowance for disabled children and a school set for first-grade students (UNICEF 2009b). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In six of them, poverty dropped appreciably between the two years. In the Dominican Republic and Uruguay (data for urban areas), the poverty rate fell by more than 3 percentage points, Brazil, Panama, Paraguay and Peru recorded declines between 0.9 percentage points and 2.2 percentage points. Slightly smaller negative poverty rate variations were posted in Colombia and Ecuador (see figure I.3).2 In 2009, the indigence rate came down considerably in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Peru and Uruguay and declined slightly in Brazil and Paraguay. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The rear plate of a driver who has no transponder, fails to insert his cash card into the transponder, or fails to maintain a cash balance sufficient to pay a particular charge, is automatically photographed as it passes under a gantry. Such drivers originally had to pay a fine of SGD 70, but now pay an administrative charge of SGD 10. The charges at the central business district cordon apply on working days during daytime hours (7.30 a.m.-7 p.m.), but there are periods with zero charges (10 a.m.-noon). On other roads, charges apply during the morning peak period (7.30 a.m.-9.30 a.m.) and in some locations in the evening (5.30 p.m.-8 p.m.). The ERP system makes it possible to vary charges by location, time of day and vehicle type, so as to relate them to the actual level of congestion. The rates for different types of vehicles are set to be approximately proportional to their passenger car equivalent (PCE) values. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Their desire for metrics is grounded on the proposition that in a business setting “what you don’t measure, you can’t manage”. However, the measurement and monitoring of business activities is not necessarily easy at the practical level. This is partly because the concept of sustainable development is too multi-faceted for simple quantitative measurement and because an emphasis on environmental and social aspects often runs counter to the conventional government and industry agenda of economic growth. The subsequent section categorises the sets of indicators, each category’s characteristics are then presented, with appropriate examples, and analysed on the basis of certain predefined criteria. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Long waiting times for covered services can severely impede access to care and worsen the health of patients requiring a procedure. Waiting times have been measured in several OECD countries, though not necessarily in a homogenous way (Siciliani et al., The quality of care has multiple dimensions and the OECD is now proposing a set of indicators in different domains which can be used by country with appropriate information systems. What proportion of the costs is covered? - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The stochastic simulations also indicate that a combination of exogenous shocks can increase the level of volatility if they occur in specific patterns, even if the likelihood of this happening is low. For example, low yields for a number of different commodities simultaneously combined with high oil prices can generate exceptionally high levels of commodity price volatility. Moreover, the focus is on price volatility at the aggregate level. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan all have advanced social protection systems. Social protection in these countries was at the heart of their development strategy during the period of post-war reconstruction and the high growth phase from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. Universal employment with retirement benefits, especially contributory pensions, universal education and universal health coverage were the three pillars of social protection in East Asia over the last three quarters of a century. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This component of the Framework reflects the social and equity rationale for policy action. As expressed by the government, its “initial concern is always focussed on the health and safety of the people, and ensuring that their immediate welfare needs are met” (MAF, 2006). The rationale for policy action in this case is largely driven by considerations of economic efficiency, in particular the necessity for a quick recovery of the rural economy and the minimisation of spill-over effects into the rest of the economy. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In particular, this study additionally considers biofuel budgetary support in Argentina and China. Not included are mandates at state or provincial levels. It should also be noted that the OECD Database has partial country coverage only and hence excludes biofuel support policies, including mandates, in other countries. More specifically this study considers biofuel mandates in Argentina and Malaysia. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 However, systematic, credible and independent empirical evidence on gender-differentiated impacts remains limited. The traditional gender division of labour within households, especially in rural areas, typically entails women being overburdened with household and unpaid work, including fetching water, gathering firewood, and food preparation (Lele, 1986). In Cambodia women spend 30 per cent more time than men on housework and six times more in Guinea (Duflo, 2012). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The Belgian fleet counted 72 vessels in 2016, four less than in the previous year and a decrease from 100 vessels in 2008. Investment and increases in selectivity drive the core strategy for fisheries. For aquaculture, increased investments in production capacity combined with greater exchange of knowledge and research aim to increase production. The ‘Transfers to SECTOR’ numbers reported here include estimations for management and enforcement expenditures, where missing. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 This review uses multilingual sources to illuminate China–Africa encounters in historical, socialist, and postsocialist contexts. It emphasizes interregional connections over time and uses nuanced ethnographic accounts to complement macrogeopolitical analyses. The article focuses on mutual stereotypes as well as on the negotiation of social and cultural barriers in everyday life. It challenges static, bounded conceptual categories in social science and policy research. The ethnographic studies cited highlight the complexities of human agency and historical legacies on the ground and show the contested democratization of space and opportunities that ensue both when Africans enter Chinese social fields and vice versa. In the process, these examples force us to rethink analytical assumptions about mobility, hierarchy, and political economy in ways that complicate Cold War–derived understandings of both China and Africa. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Benefits from time savings (as opposed to time saved associated with illness) are substantial, even though they are rarely factored into project impact evaluations (Hutton et al., Time savings can translate into increased production, improved education levels or more leisure time. Intermittent supplies can cause considerable inconvenience. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Many committees still have to define their operating rules to ensure effective stakeholder participation and resolve and prevent conflicts. The MMA has approved 14 mosaics, but there is no evidence that they have helped improve management effectiveness. For example, Brazil’s protected areas significantly contribute to the conservation and provision of water resources and have high economic potential (Medeiros and Young, 2011). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 First, the scene is set by showing what the family poverty rate -i.e. These scenarios seem to be extremely effective to reduce poverty, especially scenario 2 when the child poverty reduction is at the same level as Denmark’s (Table 7). Under this scenario, all child poverty rates are below 8%, with the highest being the United Kingdom at 7.8%. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The barriers include high interest rates, collateral requirements, lack of track record and the complex application process.1' In addition, in 127 countries covered by the World Bank data, the law does not prohibit discrimination by creditors on the basis of gender in access to credit. Chapter 4 describes some innovations to overcome this barrier. According to data from 'Women, Business and the Law 2016' (World Bank, 2015), 167 of the 173 countries surveyed mandate paid or unpaid maternity leave. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Twelve per cent of all cases in 2012 were in rural areas, but this rose to 49 per cent in 2013 and 57 per cent in 2014, before falling to 22 per cent in 2015 and 10 per cent in 2016 (table 15.5). It showed that unhealthy food advertisements were highly prevalent around schools. A total of 1,459 advertisements displaying branded food products and 501 promotions displaying unbranded food products were identified in the area around 30 selected schools. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! A critical look at recent social policy reform in Europe from a gender and family perspective”. The concept of care and the dialectic of critique”, Journal of Aging Studies, vol. Revue franchise de socio-economie, No. Adapting to women 'snew roles, Cambridge, Polity Press. Gosta Esping-Andersen and others, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Una mirada a la atencion domiciliaria”, Mujer y Desarrollo series, No. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Most importantly, it instituted a voluntary programme, CPH 45 (Certified Pre-Conditioned for Health), to provide assurances to buyers that they would be purchasing high-quality calves that would perform well when on feed. Participants are required to follow recommended weaning and inoculation practices and provide records to the sales facility. At designated dates and places a number of producers agree to bring cattle to a specific sales facility where they are grouped into uniform truck-load lots and sold collectively as CPFI-45 certified. Since the calves have ear tags that identify the producer any subsequent problems can be traced back to a specific farm. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Civil war (1990–1994) and genocide (1994) left the Rwandan government with the daunting task of re-establishing internal security. The policing model they have pursued, reflecting their regime ideology, is a hybrid model. It combines a modern professional and disciplined police force with the informal social control mechanisms of popular justice. The article, based on two months fieldwork in 2006, demonstrates that the model has provided an effective, popular and universally accessible policing that is not resource intensive. Yet its success has to be tempered by reflection that civil liberties have been compromised by an intrusive surveillance at local level, and by repressive responses to anything perceived as opposition to the ruling party at national level. Rwanda's special circumstances make listing durable substantive lessons with widespread applicability unwise. But, there is a case for re-examining the potential of using informal security structures with varying degrees of connection to the state ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. This chapter will use the terms middle school and high school, which correspond best to the Japanese terms tp^jx and . The tuition deduction ranges from 118.8 thousand yen to 237.6 thousand yen (about $1 500 to $3 000) depending on household income. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Alongside indirect monetary measures of poverty, Amartya Sen (1981) proposes using direct measures of poverty, which reference deprivations in functionings or their proxies. Direct methods verify whether people actually achieve certain functionings or satisfy certain needs. Indirect methods such as an income or consumption budget set establish people's access to the resources which might enable them to achieve such functionings—but do not guarantee them. An additional advantage of direct measures for a regional or global measure is that standardized assessments can be compared directly across regions and countries and do not require adjustments for PPP exchange rates or inflation. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A reform at the end of the 1970s strengthened teacher education and made it highly selective. Teacher education moved from teachers' colleges to universities, and primary school teachers were required to have a master's degree. At present, teacher education is provided by nine universities, of which eight have teacher training schools. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Such persons may receive a one-time-only PFRON loan for the start up of a new business, or secure co-financing to the level of 50% of the interest on bank credit for continuation of a business (if they have not taken advantage of a start-up loan from PFRON or from the Labour Fund). The person may also apply to PFRON for reimbursement of a part of compulsory social insurance contributions. The programme is delivered through the network of local employment offices (PUPs). These local offices offer training on how to start a business, on the regulatory procedures, and on the business planning process, as well as deliver a start-up grant scheme for unemployed people made available through the Labour Fund.27 Recipients of these start-up funds have to run their enterprise for at least a year as a condition of funding, otherwise, the grant must be repaid. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Given the eminently regulatory nature of policy in the region in the twentieth century, twenty-first century policy must incorporate economic instruments more firmly to effectively produce the desired changes in both producers and consumers and usher in more egalitarian and sustainable patterns. In this framework, the central message of United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) was the need to fully integrate environmental considerations into development approaches. The greater the number of species in an ecosystem, the greater its genetic differentiation, and the more likely that it will be stable, resilient and resistant to extreme changes. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The proportion of low-income women having had cancer screening in the past two years is only slightly over 10%, the lowest among 15 OECD countries. Data show that people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are less likely to participate in breast cancer and uterus cancer screening, and are at higher risk of being readmitted to hospitals for preventable conditions. The data enable benchmarking across regions and has the potential to be used for analysing inequities in health. Similarly, the data from National Health Interview Surveys carried out by the Danish National Institute for Public Health could be used for measuring health inequalities. For example, while the Danish Health and Medicine Authority published a report on health inequalities in 2011, there is no regular report focusing on inequalities in health. Periodic surveys do not allow for regular monitoring of changes in health utilisation and disease prevalence. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Many psychiatric institutions, long-term care and nursing facilities, and small rural hospitals are in need of modernisation. This is also targeted by the 2014-20 European Structural and Investment Funds programme, which aims at health infrastructure, capacity building in data collection and processing, as well as human resource development. However, at the hospital management level there is often only limited expertise with capital investment and financing of new technologies (see also Section 5.3). First, the physician workforce is ageing. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The mandate will allow an effective approach to building the necessary relationships and generating buy-in from treaty-level stakeholders, national organisations and regulators, technology partners, and research contractors. The proposed working group, consisting of practitioners with blockchain technology and process expertise, would have to be established and sufficiently mandated to develop an initial architecture and operating model of the platform. Engaging the private sector and supporting startups in developing technology for the suggested global platform would contribute to innovation and increase awareness of technology’s role of enabling the low-carbon transition. Existing frameworks employed by organisations or related institutions for similar requirements may be adapted and implemented, which can greatly increase speed and reduce costs and the risk of failure. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 These results are noteworthy in that they are obtained from farms that represent specialised units. The findings for meat and wool farms may be reinforced by broader evidence from other sectors. In fact, it is reasonable to assume that product mixes in other farm types are also characterised by imperfect and possibly weaker price and margin correlations, as other types of farms generally have possibilities to diversify across a broader range of commodities and which do not represent substitutes. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""Making Poverty Analyses Richer: Multidimensional poverty research for policy design"""" in Boyser, K., C. Dewilde, D. Dierckx and J. Friedrichs (Eds) Between the Social and the Spatial - Exploring Multiple Dimensions of Poverty and Social Exclusion, Ashgate Publishing, pp. Equivalence Scale Sensitivity of Poverty Statistics for the Member States of the European Community' in Review of Income and Wealth, Series 43, Number 3. Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons', Working Paper, no. Ithaca, NY: Food and Nutrition Policy Program, Cornell University."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 As such, current country efforts could be stepped up to combat violence against women more effectively. A national plan can be established within the framework of the gender strategy (see Chapter 3). The effective implementation of this plan will require collaboration across the various institutions responsible for the different policy areas involved in addressing violence. It partners the government, research institutions and community leaders to reinforce the capacity of criminal justice and strengthen the ability of the housing and health systems to respond to issues of family violence. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Conceptualizing international public administrations (IPAs) as attention-seeking bureaucracies which aim to actively feed their policy-relevant information into multilateral decision-making process, the chapter proposes two pathways through which international treaty secretariats may seek to influence international negotiations: (a) secretariats may attempt to supply policy-relevant information to negotiators from the inside via their close cooperation with the chairs of multilateral negotiations, (b) they may attempt to build support for their preferred policy outputs by engaging with and communicatively connecting actors within the broader transnational policy network in order to exert pressure on negotiators from the outside. Taking the secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) as an example, these potential pathways of secretariat influence are illustrated and explored empirically. The findings contribute to a growing body of literature that studies the role of national and IPAs as agenda-setters, policy entrepreneurs, or policy brokers at the interface of public policy analysis and PA. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The ERCOT market enables demand-side responses through programmes such as Load Acting as a Resource (LaaR) or Balancing Up Load (BUL) that provide balancing services to the market. By increasing DSM capacity on intraday and balancing markets, market liquidity could be increased in the last stages of the technical operation of the system (demand-offer adjustment) thus increasing openness in intraday and balancing markets. As an example, ERCOT has also programmes to integrate demand-side participation in ancillary services and balancing markets. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Figure B.5 shows the volume of internet traffic since 1984 when it averaged about 15 gigabytes per month. In 2014, three decades later, the volume of internet traffic had increased by nearly 3 billion-fold to reach more than 42 billion gigabytes per month. In addition to increasing bandwidth, this increase reflects a variety of other causes, including growth in the number of users, greater sophistication and variety in the possible uses of the internet. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Sweden initiated the National Council for Suicide Prevention in 1993, making it one of the first countries worldwide to establish a comprehensive national strategy for suicide prevention. In 1994, a parliamentary decision led to the creation of a National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health (NASP). This network coordinates cooperation between involved actors - including health care providers, social services, schools, churches and NGOs - and aims to facilitate suicide prevention efforts and integrate national public health work on a local level. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Fulfilling the reporting provisions on indicative future levels of climate finance will include projected future qualitative and quantitative information, where this is available (see Box 2). However, there are several systems or processes that collect some of the information required. Thus, the Common Tabular Format (CTF) agreed at COP 18 for developed country Parties includes tables for the provision of bilateral and multilateral public financial support (but does not include tables for information on climate finance mobilised). Although many Parties draw on Rio markers to report on climate finance to the UNFCCC, the figures derived from Rio markers may not be identical to the figures reported to the UNFCCC (see Annexes A and B). This project-level database covers bilateral and multilateral sources of finance and can be used to produce aggregate figures and to analyse climate-related development finance from various angles, e.g. mitigation/adaptation, financial instruments, recipients and channels of delivery. The CRS database is designed to avoid double counting, both across different providers and across project types (e.g. if a project addresses both mitigation and adaptation). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 While public transportation is well patronised in Chile’s cities, some potential passengers may be deterred by the real or perceived impression that it is inefficient, unclean or unsafe. Chile’s public transport fare structure includes fare differentiation to improve service management (e.g. higher prices at peak hours) or to increase social equity (reduced prices for students and senior citizens). However, there is no fee reduction for frequent use at present. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The most affected areas are concentrated in the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro river valleys and in the province of La Convention and the Lares district of Calca province, which together contain 68 per cent of the country’s coca bush cultivation. The shrinking supply has affected the purity levels of the coca base and cocaine, which showed a slight decrease in prices from 2013 to 2014. In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, authorities reported that cocaine seizures amounted to about 26 tons in 2014. Seizure totals have been relatively stable since 2010, when about 25 tons of cocaine were seized. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize 1948 Workers and employers, without distinction whatsoever, shall have the right to establish and, subject only to the rules of the organization concerned, to join organisations of their own choosing without previous authorization. Convention concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organize and to Bargain Collectively 1949 Workers shall enjoy adequate protection against acts of anti-union discrimination in respect of their employment. Equal Remuneration Convention 1951 Ensure the application to all workers of the principle of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Morocco has set up regional monitoring and evaluation systems in Souss-Massa-Draa and Marrakech Tensift Al Haouz, which aim to monitor and assess vulnerability and the results of adaptation actions to climate change (GIZ, 2014). These systems are expected to be the basis of an institutional arrangement, and extended to a national governance mechanism to oversee the monitoring and evaluation system for adaptation actions in the medium-term. Fewer (about 20%) also have quantitative indicators that can be used to assess progress. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 From a child perspective, this assumption is often justified on the basis that assuming that children obtain an equal share of available household resources charts a middle road between the deprivation they may be subject to if parents consume a disproportionate share and the extra protection they might receive if parents make sacrifices to ensure children do not go without (Corak, 2005[86i). However, differences in parenting behaviour across households may lead to children living in poverty in non-poor households and vice-versa. If, for instance, intra-household allocation patterns are determined by bargaining between different parties, we would expect the income pooling restriction not to hold. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 His analysis emphasises the volatility of these shares for individual countries from year to year rather than the trend over time. For NFIDCs, the situation is not as dramatic, with an average of food imports to total merchandise imports of about 12% and as much as 18% for some countries. Import expenditure can be financed by aid inflows and by borrowing, but in the longer run, a country will find it easier to rely on food imports if it can finance these imports from its own foreign earnings. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 It then describes the main bottlenecks that can be envisaged as they relate to water use, land use and energy use, as well as the materials dimension of the nexus. Finally, it motivates why an integrated dynamic modelling approach is most suitable for investigating the interlinkages of the nexus bottlenecks. We need water to grow food and for energy production, we need energy to grow' food and to pump and treat water, and w,e need land to produce bioenergy. Unsustainable use of these resources raises serious concerns about their looming scarcity. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This largely reflects investment support for constructing facilities to collect, store and process agricultural products. Environmental cross-compliance requirements are gradually emerging. The six SEE economies are relatively well integrated into the world trading system. All six economies are signatories of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), through which they have achieved full tariff liberalisation on trade in agricultural goods. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__6, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, inequality in child well-being is not confined just to childhood outcomes - it is already manifest in access to essential services. Sanitation shows one of the largest relative disparities: in half of the countries analysed, children of households in the poorest urban quintile have basic sanitation services that are at least two times lower than children from the richest urban quintile. Coverage is four or more times lower in almost half of the countries analysed in rural areas. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This has been seen in South Africa, where solar thermal and solar electric technologies were rejected even when competitive costs and other benefits were presented (Niez, 2010). An anomaly in this regard is Sub-Saharan Africa. Although much of the energy used for heat consumption in this region is from renewable biomass sources, the current practise of collecting and using the renewable fuel is entirely unsustainable. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Postmodern terrorism presents a significant challenge to global security and law enforcement institutions. Non-state actors operating across international borders, engaged in an apparent global insurgency of extremism that transects the traditional boundaries of crime and war, pose significant challenges to both intelligence and law enforcement agencies. These networked global insurgents blend political and religious fanaticism with criminal enterprises to challenge the rule of law and pose an epochal shift in the structures and relations among states. Negotiating this epochal shift requires traditional organs of national security (the diplomatic, military and intelligence services) to forge new partnerships with police and public safety organizations at the state and local (sub-national), as well as transnational levels. Significant operational, policy and cultural challenges must be overcome to forge an effective multi-lateral global network to counter global terrorism and insurgency. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As a result, existing measures tend to be limited to inpatient care. Renewed attention must be given to the quality of community-based care including primary care and social outcomes. This may require additional investments in quality measurement infrastructure and consideration of issues pertinent to the construction of quality indicators. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Such improvement could indicate that countries are harvesting some of the early fruits of their efforts to improve their education systems. But sustained improvement over several years and PISA assessments is much more difficult to achieve. Colombia and Portugal are among the few education systems whose reforms have been successful in improving average student performance in science over successive PISA cycles. In Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong (China) (hereafter """"B-S-J-G [China]"""") and Viet Nam, for instance, there are fewer low-achieving students in school than on average across OECD countries, but the PISA target population represents less than 30% of the overall population of 15-year-olds in Viet Nam, and only 64% in B-S-J-G (China)."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""While some cultural norms and practices empower women and promote women’s human rights, many are also often used to justify violence against women. For example, the phenomena of “date rape” and eating disorders are tied to cultural norms but are not often labeled as cultural phenomena.6 New “harmful practices” are constantly developing, and existing “harmful practices” have altered as a result of globalization and migration. There is therefore no exhaustive list of “harmful practices"""" against women. Practices such as dowry and bride-price have escalated and altered as a result of rising levels of consumerism in the countries in which they are practiced."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The scheme gives enterprises with business activity in Norway a tax credit on their R&D projects. The R&D content must be approved by the Research Council of Norway ex ante. In 2009, the cap on expenses per enterprise for intramural R&D projects increased to NOK 5.5 million (previously it was N0K 4 million), and NOK11 million (previously it was NOK 8 million) for projects conducted at an R&D institution. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The scheme will be in place until 2014. As each of the utility recommendation elements is optional, the IEA has calculated this pie chart based on the element that achieves the highest level of policy implementation in each country. For example, Canada's Council of Energy Ministers supports collaborative actions to promote and support energy efficiency. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 However, if not designed and implemented correctly, overlapping policies and tools can reduce the potency of market-based policies and raise mitigation costs. For example, mandating technology standards with a view to reducing emissions that are also covered by a trading scheme reduces the scope for firms to select the least costly mitigation method. If designed and implemented effectively, a tax or ETS can ensure that carbon emissions goals are met in a cost-effective manner. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In spite of this difficult climate, there was a significant improvement in the management of public finances thanks in particular to the substantial efforts undertaken by the transition authorities and the support of the technical and financial partners (TFP). Most of the quantitative targets of the budget were achieved, with a progressive return to the normal procedure for public expenditure and greater transparency in the management of public resources. Touadera previously served as prime minister during Francois Bozize’s presidency. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The planned costly 300 MW pump hydro plant would constitute a large electricity storage system using the natural advantage of the site - steep coastal cliffs where seawater can be pumped up during the day using abundant and cheap solar power, and stored in natural surface concavities, to release energy at night. The company developed wind power projects for Mandalay Resources in Chile and Barrick Gold in both Chile and Argentina. However, in 2016, Rame Energy went into administration with outstanding debt of GBP 4.4 million. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 ABSTRACTThis study contributes to the growing research on government-issued information subsidies in mediated public diplomacy in a new media environment. It examines the online information subsidies issued by the foreign ministries of three countries—the United States, China, and Singapore—to address a gap in the literature that has given scant attention to how governments use news releases through online newsrooms for public diplomacy. The study is significant for its conceptual explication of public relations and public diplomacy through an integrative strategic communication framework grounded in relationship building as an end goal of public diplomacy. A Leximancer textual analysis of 13,714 public diplomacy texts published through the three countries’ online press rooms over 5 years (2008–2012) found limited congruence in themes and concepts between and among the three countries, even on the issue of human rights, a major diplomatic point of contention. The weak congruence suggests a modelling of pu... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This sector has, in what concerns hydropower, a long-term plan up to 2050 and prepares a medium-term plan every ten years, which is frequently updated. It is regulated by the ANEEL, the successor of the DNAEE, which operated the largest hydrometric network that was transferred to the ANA after its creation. If this creates a significant constraint for river basin planning, it also creates many opportunities because water reservoirs can be used for multiple uses. In fact, dams change the flow regime downstream, but create a more stable and reliable source of water for all uses, especially in areas affected by large variability of precipitation, as happens in semi-arid regions characterised by water scarcity. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In particular, the provision of child care services is far more developed in France where, since the mid-1990s, preschool and after-school care services frequently cover - albeit imperfectly - the needs of full-time workers. Longer school days, combined with a comprehensive provision of out-of-school care services, make balancing full-time w'ork with family life much easier for many French families with school-aged children (Chapter 3). By contrast, in Germany most all-day primary schools provide no more than seven or eight hours of education and care, so most parents have to pick up their children in mid-afternoon. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Any advancement in the prevention or treatment of these diseases will no doubt have a positive effect on the economic development and welfare of developing countries. According to the definition, only research spending which has the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective can be counted as ODA. Consequently, research spending relating to global challenges, which does not qualify as ODA, is often not reported to the DAC statistical systems. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! However, this assessment of multidimensional poverty is limited to the material deprivations that household surveys conducted in the region can quantify. To make better use of the multidimensional approach, material deprivations should be assessed along with deprivation in other components of well-being. To do so requires improving the sources of information currently available. In most of the countries of the region, early fertility among poor mothers is falling at a slower pace than for all mothers. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 This is not an optimal choice, because it undermines the rule of law, exposes firms to costly uncertainty, impedes decent formal employment growth and leaves workers without adequate protection (Nicoletti and Scarpetta, 2005). Compliance with the law will therefore need to be better monitored and non-compliance appropriately punished. Evidence suggests that employers’ perception of the probability of being audited as well as the level of the penalty if caught matter (OECD, 2008). Tunisia has the capacity to carry out such inspections: while the ILO (2006) recommends that advanced countries should have at least one labour inspector per 10 000 employed persons and transition countries one per 20 000, Tunisia has approximately one inspector per 10 000 employed persons (i.e. in line with developed country standards). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Tuvalu also has a Master Plan for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (2012-2020) that includes a goal of increasing energy efficiency on Funafuti by 30 per cent, a planned energy efficiency appliance subsidy scheme in co-operation with the Development Bank of Tuvalu, and the use of prepayment meters to limit the consumption of electricity. The 2009 Tuvalu National Energy Policy included gender equity as a principle of the policy. Vanuatu relies heavily on imports of fossil fuel for its energy needs with 63 per cent of its total energy supply coming from petroleum, followed by biomass (35%) and renewables (2%) (Figure 9.1). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Pay levels make it difficult to attract and retain skilled and highly qualified staff, as civil servants (i.e. urban planners) in key cities such as Almaty are paid USD 300 per month, compared to USD 600-800 in the private sector. Kazakhstan requires a clear competence management framework to ensure the skills, knowledge and behaviour that result in good performance at individual and organisational level. Competences should be linked to different elements of human resource management (HRM), in the recruitment and selection of staff, training and development, and succession or career planning. Several models are used in OECD countries, but Kazakhstan may wish to review the French model, known as Employment, Workforce and Competency Planning (Gestion previsionnelle des emplois, des effectifs et des competences or GPEEC), as it shows how recruitment methods may incorporate competences without abandoning the established principle of selection through competitive examination. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! It is part of a far-reaching new agreement between police, mental health trusts and paramedics. The Concordat has been signed by more than 20 national organisations in a bid to drive up standards of care for people experiencing crisis such as suicidal thoughts or significant anxiety. It aims to cut the numbers of people detained inappropriately in police cells by 50 per cent and drive out the variation in standards across the country. By 2007, suicide had fallen to the lowest rate in 150 years and there had been a marked fall in suicide in young men. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Finally, indicators to measure changes in the components of the resilient systems will need to be developed, so that the overall impact of efforts to strengthen resilience can be measured. Other significant disincentives include the lack of a natural or centralised 'home' for risk management in partner government structures, the lack of absorption capacity of government structures (particularly at the local level), fragmented legal and legislative structures, local cultural factors, problematic access to risk information, insecurity, and economic barriers. The way donors plan and implement programmes can also create powerful disincentives, including uncoordinated planning cycles between the donor and partner governments, centralised decision-making, the separation of humanitarian and development programming, a perception that risk is 'complicated', fragmented risk management approaches spread across different institutional divisions, the lack of penetration or risk management and resilience into quality control, evaluation and administrative/funding processes, contradictory career incentives, and risk aversion in donor investments. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! A general capacity building in society, and especially among decision-makers, regarding the links between local culture and practices, biodiversity management, ecosystem services and sustainable use is another important aspect During implementation of the Nordic Assessment, it will be important to share experiences as widely as possible. This should be focused on both individuals and institutional capacity. Management practices should take into account the complex and often unpredictable nature of ecosystem processes, especially in the face of global change. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 These inequalities were exacerbated by the structural adjustment programmes of the 1980s, the liberalisation of the economy in the 1990s, and the rapid growth of financial services after the liberalisation of financial markets in 1991. On the advice of the international financial institutions, governments have opted to offer targeted assistance to poor households rather than generalised subsidies on basic goods (e.g. staple foods) and services (e.g. water and electricity). Towards this end, the government has tracked the incidence and prevalence of poverty, and conducted poverty mapping to be able to identify the vulnerable households. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! For instance, WPC-led bills on prevention of workplace harassment and domestic abuse have enabled a shift in the public-private divide, and have positively influenced women’s ‘informal’ experiences of violence and abuse. There have also been debates and discussions on the role of sociocultural practices in keeping the gender divide intact. Through regular knowledge exchange with international organisations and monitoring effective implementation of inclusive policies, WPC serves as a kind of a ‘watchdog’ in parliament, ensuring compliance with institutional measures for women’s inclusion. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 We can’t go on like this. The price we get for the fish doesn’t even cover our outlays.” But taxpayers in OECD countries also pay six billion dollars a year in financial transfers to the fishing industry, and worldwide the figure could be three times that. We say “could” because it’s hard to get precise figures on subsidies. Next, we’ll examine the economic and other impacts on the fishing industry, and the political difficulties in reforming them. But first, we’ll look at why subsidies attract so much attention. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 These tasks involve undertaking multiple steps to find solutions to problems and require more complex reasoning and interpretation skills, including comprehending and working with proportions and formulas or offering explanations for answers. Others ask respondents to make high-level inferences or use specialized background knowledge. Some tasks ask respondents to contrast complex information. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Progress in each of these dimensions varies by region and by country, with no single trend across the Commonwealth. It is notable that progress in parliamentary representation, and women's leadership in the corporate sector seem to be benefiting from the presence of positive action and quotas, both voluntary and legislated. The report found that during the last 20 years (1997 to 2017), women’s lower house representation in Africa has improved markedly, with the exception - barring Cameroon - of West Africa. However, on the election of women to cabinet, although progress has been reasonable in South Africa and Rwanda in Africa. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 National-level monitoring and evaluation can also assess the degree of co-ordination between different actors, and/or between institutions/government bodies in charge of adaptation. It can also evaluate to which extent consideration of climate impacts and adaptation is embedded across different policy priorities or in operational and planning decisions, regarding for instance natural resource management or development planning. This practice, known as adaptation mainstreaming, can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of adaptation planning (OECD, 2015b). Reporting on adaptation monitoring and evaluation under the UNFCCC has been requested by several guidelines and agreements. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Also a more “imaginative and constructive engagement”10 with the fishing industry is needed to tackle the IUU issue. While the 1995 United Nations Fish Stock Agreement (UNFSA) enhanced the role of the RFMOs and strengthened their management capabilities, it remains that, in some cases, RFMOs have failed to deliver sustainable resource outcomes. As highlighted by Michael Lodge “Are Present International High Seas Governance Structure Sufficient to Reap the Benefits of Globalisation?” These include: free riding, IUU fishing, the failure to find solutions for the special requirement of developing countries, failure to find mechanisms to deal with new members desiring access to fisheries, and a related failure to find solutions to disagreements about allocations. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Supreme Court oral arguments may reveal the justices' views of fundamental political and social issues — including, in the case of the Affordable Care Act, what it means to ensure liberty and where the proper balance lies between judicial activism and deference to Congress. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Research indicates that these initiatives are promising but there is still a great amount of work to be done. For example, a paper by Manyara & Jones (2007) indicates that community priorities are often inadequately addressed by initiatives of pro-poor tourism. Furthermore a DFID study on the effects of tourism in poverty concluded that the conventional focus on international tourism and foreign exchange has missed the potential to enhance the benefits of tourism for the poor and failed to minimise costs on the poor. It can give visitors a greater understanding and appreciation of people from diverse backgrounds but it may result locally in a disruption of traditional customs and traditions. It can improve roads and infrastructure but it may require communities to raise taxes for additional services. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__7, __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Our health rights must include the recognition and respect ofTK held by indigenous healers. This knowledge, including our traditional medicines and their preventive and spiritual healing power, must be recognized and protected against exploitation. The TK of herbs and plants must be protected and passed onto future generations. Traditions cannot be separated from land, territory, or science. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! ""The International and the Challenge of Speculative Reason Richard Falk, Lester Edwin J.Ruiz, R.B.J Walker After the Future: Enclosures, Connections, Politics R.B.J Walker Tainted by Contingency: Retelling the story of International Law Nicholas Onuf Reframing the Legal Agenda of World OrderRichard Falk The Ideas of 1989: Global Civil Society Mary H.Kaldor The Promise of a People Assembly Andrew L. Strauss Orders of Inhumanity Jayan Nayar From Modernization to Democratization: The Political Economy of the """"New"""" International Law Balakrishnan Rajagopal In Pursuit of the """"Body Politic"""" Ethics, Spirituality, and Diaspora Lester Edwin J.Ruiz Culture and the Reframing of World Order Jacinta O'Hagan Feminist Futures: Contesting the Political Karena Shaw"" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Rural Clinical Training and Support programme funds a network of rural clinical schools and requires participating medical schools (17 of a total of 19 schools) to deliver shortterm rural placements to all medical students, and long-term (over one year) rural placements to 25% of their medical students. Medical schools must also fill 25% of medical school places with students from a rural background. The increasing number of graduating medical students has put pressure on available internship positions. The Australian Government has an agreement with the states and territories that guarantees intern positions for all Australian domestic medical graduates. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The food policy of Bangladesh also aims to ensure the food safety of its population. City corporation and pourashava ordinances provide the legal provisions for waste management in urban areas. The Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act of 1995 provides for conservation of the environment, the improvement of environmental standards and the control and mitigation of environmental pollution. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This chapter explicates the concept of alternative realism, by emphasizing the importance of diplomacy and negotiation for IR theory, and in considering all possible alternative options. It argued, for example, that Morgenthau’s version of realism is closer to social constructionists and gender/feminism than it is to structural realism (or neorealism) or to neo-conservatism. The chapter additionally critiques traditional and neorealist interpretations of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia that emphasize “territorial state sovereignty” by arguing that the intergovernmental system established by Westphalia actually legitimizes power-sharing and joint sovereignty—concepts that are more associated with social constructionists and gender theorists/feminists than with neorealists. On the negative side, the Westphalia Treaty also set the stage for later Austro-Prussian conflict that resulted in the Seven Years War and Franco-Prussian/German conflict that resulted in World War I and World War II. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Sami people in Scandinavia, as the Inuit in Greenland, have a long history of suffering discrimination and racism. A large proportion of Norwegian Sami peoples experience discrimination based on their background.14 There are also similar findings among the Sami youth in the Nordic countries.144 Furthermore, the results demonstrate that discrimination is associated with inferior self-perceived health and psychological distress,14' which is supported by several other studies across multiple population groups in a wide range of cultural and national contexts,146 including indigenous communities in the circumpolar north.147 These findings suggest that perceived discrimination is an important emerging risk factor leading to negative health outcomes. There is no unified system of health monitoring of indigenous peoples, although some general trends show significantly lower than average health outcomes compared the majority Russian population. According to the 2002 Census the average life expectancy of Russian indigenous peoples was 15 years below the Russian average.148 Among the Sami in Russia, smoking and alcohol use are very common. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In post-Katrina New Orleans, housing and community development (HCD) advocates clashed over the future of public housing. This case study examines the evolution of and limits to a human right to housing frame introduced by one non-governmental organization (NGO). Ferree's concept of the discursive opportunity structure and Bourdieu's social field ground this NGO's failure to advance aradical economic human rights frame, given its choice of a political inside strategy that opened up for HCD NGOs after Hurricane Katrina. Strategic andideological differences within the field limited the efficacy of this rights-based frame, which was seen as politically radical and risky compared with more resonant frames for seeking affordable housing resources and development opportunities. These divides flowed from the position of the movement-born HCD field within a neoliberal political economy, especially its current institutionalization in the finance and real estate sector, and its dependence on the state for funding a... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 ""As highlighted in the literature for Asia, there are cases of internal migration leading to international migration, but there are also cases of equally important international movements from rural areas without prior internal migration.4 Migrants may also transit through countries before reaching their final destination country. While international migration flows are relatively well documented, data on migratory movements to and from rural areas - both within and between countries - are much more difficult to come by. Definitions for statistical and other purposes differ widely from country to country, making cross-country comparisons problematic."""""" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Department is involved in water management activities such as validation of environmental impact assessments. The State Administration for Hydrometeorology (Tajikhydromet) under the Committee on Environmental Protection is the key organization responsible for environmental monitoring in Tajikistan. The Main Department of Geology under the Government (Tajikgeology) carries out monitoring of groundwater levels. Water management is undertaken at the basin level, but responsibilities are still fragmented. The new Law on Waters (2008), which transposes the EU WFD, transferred competencies on water resource management from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy to the Ministry for Environment and Physical Planning. Basin management authorities, the State Environment Inspectorate and other bodies under the Ministry arc responsible for law enforcement. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In addition, they can contribute to research in the area, exchanges of good practices among countries, and promotion of cooperative activities at regional and international levels. At the initial stage, a partnership with international organizations may provide an impetus for greater financial support and knowledge transfer. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This is currently one of the main indicators used by WHO to assess the extent of its work with member states in the eHealth domain. A dedicated directory has been created on the Observatory's website6 to list countries with national eHealth strategies, as well as making available the details of the strategy. The baseline for the number of national strategies in 2009 was 55, this had grown to 85 by the end of 2013 and represents growth from 28 per cent to 44 per cent of all WHO member states. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Also, if the measure is collected by survey, the sample size may be too small, making a chosen indicator less reliable and with some data being unavailable for smaller regions. All this means that we may need to make compromises if we want to achieve good indicators that are obtainable at a reasonable cost in terms of time and resources. Such compromises may come at the cost of constructing an ideal, yet probably unattainable, indicator. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 2006, the first indigenous president in the country's history came to power. His programme called for returning control of natural resources to the State, for bringing about national renewal through changes to the constitution and for modifying the Government’s land policy. In the same year, the hydrocarbons law was enacted, giving the company Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) control over prices and production for both the domestic and external markets. Lastly, the first draft of the new Constitution was approved at the end of 2007 by the Constituent Assembly, declaring Bolivia a plurinational State. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Action will be needed in the pre-2020 period to build capacity and strengthen the reporting framework so that Parties are ready for implementation by the time the Paris Agreement comes into effect. The process of developing BURs can help to build capacity since one of the purposes of the BUR process is to identify capacity building needs. These decisions also initiate revisions to Annex I national communications guidelines and request submission of national communications from non-Annex I countries every four years. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Abstract From 1998 to 2003, the Solomon Islands found itself in the grip of ‘the Tensions’, a violent civil conflict that left some 200 people dead, more than 20,000 displaced, and countless others subjected to torture, rape, fear and intimidation. In the aftermath of the conflict, two dominant approaches to post-conflict justice emerged. The first, implemented by the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI), favoured a ‘rule of law’ approach according to which large numbers of militants on both sides were arrested and processed through the criminal justice system resulting, in many cases, in the imposition of lengthy period of imprisonment. The second, ‘reconciliation’ approach, favoured local, grassroots, traditional and indigenous justice processes and were routinely implements by community groups, women's organisations and the churches. This article demonstrates that in the absence of a formally planned transitional justice process, these two approaches to post-conflict justice have ... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Experiences in other economies reveal that much more aggressive policy and programme initiatives to assist women in their marketing efforts are possible. A good practice from Pakistan in supporting women exporters is profiled in Box 6.6. They further stressed the importance of expanding cluster linkages for women-owned SMEs and including them in value- and supply-chain initiatives. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The mining industry has also affected forests negatively. The share of mining in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of GMS countries increased significantly from 2000 to 2010. In Viet Nam the share is around 11 percent of the GDP, similarly, projected deforestation due to mining activities in Lao PDR ranges from 5 100 to 14100 ha annually. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Abstract When it comes to international economic sanctions, the most frequent goal is regime change and democratization. Yet, past experiences suggest that such sanctions are often ineffective, moreover, quite paradoxically, targeted regimes tend to respond with policies that amplify the sanctions' harmful effects. This paper offers a political-economy model which provides an explanation for these observations. An autocratic regime lowers the supply of public goods to reduce private-sector productivity and hence the resources of potential challengers. As a result, sanctions-induced challenges become less likely, thereby buying the regime time to find exile opportunities. If these opportunities turn out to be of low quality, the regime prefers to hold out — and the sanctions fail. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 So says the preamble to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea—and never were those words more apt than in relation to the challenges we face today. We know that healthy and productive oceans are key to long-term sustainable development. We believe there is an urgent need to take action and tackle social, economic and environmental issues so that the oceans, the seas and their resources can support the livelihoods of coastal communities and continue to provide for future generations. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 A study of six Latin American countries estimated that the projected recession in 2009 and 2010 and a slow and gradual recovery towards pre-crisis growth levels by 2015 would put some low-income countries, such as the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua, further off track in their endeavours to achieve the Millennium Development Goals for primary school completion, child and maternal health and access to drinking water and sanitation (Sanchez and Vos, 2009). Resources allocated were already insufficient for the implementation of commitments on gender equality. Efforts are needed to ensure sufficient allocation of resources to promote gender equality and womens empowerment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Needed: Agreed delineation of transboundary groundwaters (presently under consideration), and development of monitoring programmes. Nitrate pollution (below quality standards) from municipal wastewater and agriculture,also pesticides pollution. Groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems criteria for hydrogeological characterization are to be defined. No transboundary impact Deceased intensity of significant pressures is expected till 2015. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Criminal background checks are used often for employment purposes. In some countries like the uk these checks tend to disclose not only convictions but also police information like arrests, cautions, and acquittals. By contrast, in other continental European countries criminal background checks for employment purposes tend to disclose only convictions. This paper argues that the disclosure of police information like, for example, arrest records is against the presumption of innocence and the right to privacy as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Fiscal transparency and citizen participation in budgeting processes are widely promoted as means toward the ends of democratic accountability and responsiveness in the allocation and use of public funds. In the past decade, academics and practitioners enthusiastic about e-government have emphasized the potential for using information technology to enhance democratic governance. Putting these two streams of public administration theory and practice together, the authors developed criteria for assessing e-budgeting efforts and applied them to a sample of Web sites operated by state and local governments. Although practitioners are ahead of academics in exploring the potential of e-government for improving fiscal accountability and responsiveness, practice lags behind the relevant basic recommendations of the Government Finance Officers Association. This finding leads to research and practice agendas aimed at enhancing the use of e-government to enhance fiscal transparency and participation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This included consultations between the local community, civil society and police to produce a detailed analysis of the factors driving crime and insecurity in the area, provided training and awareness-raising for police officers and communities, established community safety and information centres, and provided anonymous information “drop-in” boxes to facilitate information exchange on community safety issues. Although there is debate about whether decentralisation works in fragile states, decentralisation has been actively pursued by donors in “willing but weak” and more authoritarian states - including post-conflict states - as it is believed to improve service delivery, bring government closer to the people, allow citizens to participate in decision making and learn democratic skills and how to exercise their rights (Brinkerhoff and Azfar, 2006). It is also argued that decentralisation can redistribute power and reduce social tensions through providing a space for conflicting groups to mediate differences through legal, non-violent methods (Oosterom, 2009, Brinkerhoff and Johnson, 2008, Haar, van der, 2009). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The code also provides for pre-emptive rights for furniture producers when buying wood (GTF, 2015a). In response to concerns about illegal logging, the Romanian Government announced plans in May 2015 to introduce an emergency temporary ban on exports of unprocessed roundwood (IHB, 2015a). The Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, signed decree No. The decree restricts export sales of pulpwood, veneer logs and sawlogs effective 1 January 2016, unless otherwise authorized by the Belarus President (IHB, 2015b). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Increasingly global challenges and a greater share of ODA supporting national interests, e.g. research conducted in donor countries, necessitates further assessments on how the new knowledge gained from those activities benefit developing countries. Investments in STI are widely recognised as crucial means towards the development of a stronger economy and upgrading towards more sophisticated and environmentally sustainable economic activities. Investments in research and infrastructure for ICTs are resulting in an increasingly connected world, where information and “know-how” flow faster than ever before. These economies can benefit from peer learning to avoid mistakes previously made by other countries while setting their own development trajectories. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Indeed, if structural transformation is not matched by a desirable change in the structure of employment, poverty may increase (Aggarwal and Kumar, 2012). Therefore, careful policy formulation is critical to: (a) ensuring the expansion of productive and decent jobs, (b) enhancing productivity of the rural agricultural sector in which the majority of the poor work and live, and (c) preventing inequality from rising during the process of structural transformation. This is because the agricultural sector still dominates employment in many of the countries with special needs. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Additionally, in the case of trade liberalisation, losses are often more visible because they are easier to predict, earlier to materialise, and more concentrated on a few compared with the often more thinly spread benefits. The impact of trade integration on a particular poor person depends heavily on which sector that person was initially working in and his consumption basket. Oftentimes, changes in consumption prices will affect different groups of poor differently. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Overall, the changes to the forest code reduced by 58% the total forest area to be restored (to about 210 000 km2), affecting mainly the Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes (Soares-Filho et al., Registration in the CAR is mandatory for all rural properties and holdings, including information about the RL and APP in each area, by May 2016. The rural properties that do not comply with the land set-aside obligations will be required to join a state-level environmental regularisation programme. As required by the Brazilian Central Bank, CAR registration will be a condition to access rural credits, from both public and private banks, as from October 2017. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Bulent Diken og Carsten Bagge Laustsen: Stalking your own shadow Tell me your enemy and I will tell you who you are. This article takes issue with the significant but often disavowed symbiotic relation between two contemporary enemies: fundamentalism and the politics of security. We start with a metaphorical twinning, showing how these two enemies create, provoke, mimic and ultimately support each other. Then, by way of a discourse analysis, we show the way religion functions in Bush’s and Bin Laden’s discourses. Our claim is not (only) that the discourse of security is as religious as Bin Laden’s, but that politics of security as such is the religion of our times. We conclude by arguing that the dyadic interdependence between the two fundamentalisms – Islamic and Securiticised – is dissolving the democratic habitus in a post-political condition, a condition devoid of self-reflexivity and awareness of guilt. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Similarly, reductions in the value of benefit ceilings occurred in the two countries (Italy and the United States) where statutory benefit replacement rates were made more generous. These indicators express the net incomes of unemployed people relative to those in work. Reductions of NRR points to incomes of the unemployed falling behind relative to those in work. Figure 7.6 provides a strong indication of reduced cash support for the unemployed between 1995 and 2005: seven of the ten countries recorded declining NRRs. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 It can also help rejuvenate the population through the free exercise of the right to motherhood or fatherhood by removing obstacles to reconciling work and family life. This array of policies is good for society, because a younger population contributes to the sustainability of social protection funding in the medium and long term by changing the balance between the paid working population and the dependent population (Sojo, 2011, p. 9). A network of public, private and mixed entities will need to be funded, coordinated and regulated to provide the necessary services. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The signing of the NAFTA agreement in 1992, which came into force in 1994, allowed the Toronto region to integrate into a wider and cross-border regional manufacturing system, and stable fiscal and macro-economic policies have sustained its relatively low business costs. Federal immigration policies have encouraged a steady inflow of highly skilled labour into Canada. This has sustained the Toronto region’s economy, which is heavily integrated with the United States, thanks to its proximity to US markets. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Most of Sydney’s electricity is supplied from coal-fired power stations outside of the Sydney Basin, and hence not all electricity consumption is attributed to Sydney’s households and industries. Further, NSW’s largest energy-intensive industries, specifically steel and aluminium, are also located outside of Sydney (though still within the Greater Metropolitan Region) in Wollongong to the south and the Hunter Region to the north. Nevertheless, by global standards, Sydney’s GHG emissions remain exceptionally high due to high dependence on relatively low priced coal fired power, high population growth rates, high private vehicle dependence and historic reliance on wasteful and energy-inefficient household and industry practices. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 But it suggests that rather than holding national stocks, it would be better to develop regional stocks or make food reserve agreements. And in March 2004, the ASEAN+3, which includes China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, expanded this as the East Asia Emergency Rice Reserve. This reserve has been used to provide relief to victims of floods in Indonesia and Cambodia, to victims of volcanic eruption and mud slides in the Philippines, and to victims of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The relationship between alcohol consumption and ethnic backgrounds is not straightforward as it is compounded by many other factors such as religion, acculturation, and genetics. The differences observed by ethnic group may be associated with strong ethnic identity, strong family and local community ties, continuing links with the host country and maintaining religious values (Hurcombe et al, 2010). Some minority ethnic groups may have strong religious ties that forbid alcohol drinking. Acculturation is a complex process, broadly understood as the adoption of cultural traditions and values of the host society by immigrant groups. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This paper analyzes the development of political science in Argentina taking into account the social, political, cultural and economic processes in which the discipline developed during the twentieth century. Analytically, this paper emphasizes actors, scientific-academic products, teaching and research institutions, and networks. The process of institutionalization and professionalization initiated in the eighties is studied based on the conformation of disciplinary areas, including: State, administration and public policy, institutions, political processes and comparative politics, and international relations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Where possible incentives should not be punitive, and should avoid publicly singling out providers where possible. And all of these strategies require - and contribute to - building a safety culture and a spirit of collaboration. None of this is possible without leadership from policy makers, from clinicians and providers, from administrators. Of course patients must be invited to lead and be involved at all stages of the process. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Though part of these expenditures may have an explicit social aim and can be attributed to a specific individual beneficiary, as for instance in the case of free legal support. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Stakeholders are represented in councils and boards that discuss sectoral demands and priorities. Embrapa applies regular performance and impact evaluations, internally or with outside experts, and the results are made available to the public. Estimates of the social benefits of research have been published yearly for over ten years. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! A BEACON AGAINST THE PASSAGE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REPRESSIVE LAW Following the felling, by aircraft, of the twin towers of the New York World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001, Western democracies have each passed a raft of ‘anti-terrorist’ or security legislation consistently criticised for breaching human and civil rights. On February 23rd 2007 the Canadian Supreme Court unanimously determined that provisions of Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2001 (Canada) purporting to protect citizens from terrorism and terrorists infringe the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ‘the Charter’).1 Albeit not going as far as the Applicants wished, the decision is an affirmation that governments and parliaments do not have carte blanche for restricting the rights of persons within a state’s borders in the name of protection and security. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The number of judicial review challenges in Hong Kong has grown rapidly in recent years, following Hong Kong’s reversion to Chinese sovereignty. Judicial review has also become an alternative means to initiate and back up political bargaining, and even to extend the political arena for agenda-setting. This article examines the role and implications of judicial review from public administration and policymaking perspectives, focusing on the two critical issues of “the politicisation of the judiciary” and “the judicialisation of politics and public policy”. It finds that the courts have been trying not to involve political arguments in judicial review. Their adjudication is still based on the legality issues rather than various political preferences, with most rulings essentially maintaining the status quo or government position. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Overarching approaches that combine, for example, agriculture, transport and energy policies can lose territorial focus and/or may have unintended impacts on mral dwellers. In contrast, the narrow mral policy approach can suffer from being less cross-sectoral or integrated in its interventions. The appropriateness of either approach depends in large part on the nature of mral territories (e.g. the socio-demographic characteristics of the population and the stmcture of local economies) and their access to goods, services and infrastructure. In places where a significant share of the mral population lives far from services and faces social and economic marginalisation, narrower mral policies are needed. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Some of the problems lie in the ‘informal status’ of certain urban settings, and their consequent exclusion from ‘official’ statistics, whereas other problems result from the sampling frames used in household surveys for the more well-established monitoring exercises such as the WHO-UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (WHO/UNICEF, 2017a). The UN-Habitat Urban Inequities Survey (UIS) (UN-Habitat, 2006) is one such survey method that is designed to highlight these inequities in service provision. Figure 6.1 clearly indicates the impact of a water-focused UIS in the urban centre of a small town in Uganda. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Some modelling results of the impact of climate change on the prices of various agricultural commodities, yields and land-use allocations are shown in Section 4, as are some results showing how these assumptions may affect key indicators of food security. Several adaptation measures that aim to mitigate negative impacts of climate change are discussed in Sections 5 and 6, including their potential effects on agricultural production and food security. Section 7 presents some estimates of the costs of the adaptation measures discussed in this study, including additional public and private expenditures in R&D as well as additional investments in water management systems. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The situation is improving however, as average pollutant levels have decreased fairly steadily over the past decade (CMAP, 2010a). Suburbanisation continues to occur in the region: the Chicago Tri-State metro-region is among the top 20 OECD regions in terms of growth of the suburban belt relative to the urban core (Figure 1.14).15 The suburbanisation of housing has been met by the suburbanisation of employment: between 1960 and 1990, over 96% of new jobs in the region were created outside downtown (Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2007, CMAP, 2010a). Low levels of housing and employment densities in the suburbs have resulted in an auto-dependent built environment in which the provision of transit services is inefficient and cost-prohibitive. Chicago here refers to the Tri-State Chicago metro-region which corresponds to the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Source: OECD Metropolitan Regions Database and OECD Regional Database. Public transportation accounts for just 2.5% of daily commuting in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region (9% in the seven counties of the CMAP area) (CMAP, 2010a). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At present, nearly all institutions in the Federal Public Administration are stepping up their efforts to design policies that are geared to narrowing the gender gap in their sectors of government. For these efforts to take hold and achieve long-lasting impact, it is crucial to systematically maximise the use of policy tools such as gender impact-assessments, gender-responsive budgeting and the collection of gender-disaggregated data that support evidence-based policy making. Accordingly, this chapter examines what tools and mechanisms Mexico is currently using in pursuit of its gender equality objectives. To that end, it references the OECD Recommendation on Gender Equality in Public Life to provide further guidance on how Mexico can ensure inclusive, sustainable gender-sensitive policies. While acknowledging gender equality as a cross-cutting objective that supports the country in achieving its national development goals, Mexico has committed to incorporating a gender perspective in all government actions, policies and laws. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In the IOTWS, Australia, India and Indonesia are responsible for issuing tsunami bulletins to member States. There are also region-wide communication tests twice a year, and full-scale regional exercises every two to three years. Along with the development of the IOTWS, 24 countries around the Indian Ocean have established national tsunami warning centres. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Mobility Management is a concept to promote sustainable transport and manage the demand for car use by changing travellers” attitudes and behaviour. This can be done by full-service agencies spreading information and also providing possibilities to choose a suitable and sustainable alternative to private car use (Project 13). Sustainable modes can also be favoured by using economic policy instruments like road tolls, congestion taxes, and taxes on motor vehicles. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These projects are designed to regulate the flow of the river and its tributaries for irrigation and flood protection purposes. Turkey proposed the construction of a joint dam on the Orontes River in Syria to generate power and provide irrigation water to both countries. Five years later, in December 2009. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In another example, Denmark expanded the scope of its system to encompass non-refillable mineral water bottles (Pro Europe,(n.d.)142|). It is thought that there are over 20 million informal sector recyclers globally (IIED, 2016t43]) and that the indirect services they provide to municipalities in the form of waste collection and recycling are considerable. Indeed, there is some evidence that higher income countries have slightly lower recycling rates due to informal sector workers being displaced by formal waste management systems (UNEP, 2014(27]). Low' value plastics will either be ignored or discarded. Anecdotally it is understood that, in this context, “demateralisation” of plastics packaging (i.e. designing packaging that uses less material, for cost-saving and/or environmental reasons) can actually dis-incentivise informal collection. In countries where the informal sector plays a key role in collecting waste plastics, the development of formal waste management systems that do not integrate well with the existing informal sector can create a risk of lower recycling rates. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The objective of the engagement was to ensure that the management system is future focused and able to provide sustainable fisheries resources for all of New Zealand. In particular, it focussed on: fisheries management, processes, technology, research gathering, and regulations and legislation. This includes an assessment of the Quota Management System (QMS), which is 30 years old. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Hence, the maintenance of the irrigation systems is deficient and the efficiency of the systems is low as there is seepage in unlined channels that results in water losses and water logging of adjacent lands. It covered 32 000 hectares of irrigated lands in nine oblasts. Improvement of irrigation and drainage systems was complemented by co-operative water use based on international experience. The programme also included assistance to the Hydrogeological and Ameliorative Expedition of the Committee on Water Resources to monitor the irrigated lands. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Furthermore, the development of alternative water sources (such as desalination and reuse) consumes large quantities of energy, and water scarcity may force the closure of power plants that require fresh water for cooling. An objective gap can also occur between rural and urban areas, and upstream and downstream states. Such conflicting interests ineluctably undermine effective implementation of responsibilities at central government level in collective enforcement of water policies, especially when legislation is outdated. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In Austria and Slovenia, for example, women fill approximately 90% of the secretarial positions (see Figure 3.3). This trend is consistent with traditional job segregation, where women occupy lower-grade and lower-paid jobs. Women’s higher educational attainment has led to an increase in their representation in the professional sphere in most OECD countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Second, since a large part of the rural population consists of agricultural labourers, small farmers and non-farm workers, who are all net purchasers of food, a sharp increase in the price of food would squeeze real incomes and worsen poverty. In general, productive employment generation is a crucial link between growth and poverty (although the link is not automatic, as the remuneration for work is critical). The recent economic growth process in India has exhibited a problem which is increasingly common throughout the developing world: the apparent inability of even high rates of output growth to generate sufficient opportunities for “decent work” to meet the needs of the growing labour force. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 1994, the ICPD offered a visionary global commitment to these rights and choices, and an unprecedented consensus on the essential ties between womens empowerment and development. Twenty-five years later, the ICPD vision remains a high point of human aspiration, reflected now across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And new ones have emerged. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Promote outreach and communication activities related to migratory species. Explore the value of migratory species and the potential to create incentives for the conservation and sustainable use. Promote the preservation of local communities and indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge, innovations and practices related to migratory species. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Body temperature is an example of an indicator we regularly use as it provides critical information on our physical condition. Likewise, indicators provide information about phenomena that are regarded as typical of and/or critical to the quality of target issues. Interpretation is easier if it is possible to set targets for the indicators themselves, as they help decision makers visualise the actions they will need to focus on in the future. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Wheat and paddy rice production, key food crops, also show strong growth with 50% by 2025 and are impacted by fertiliser-related support in key production regions such as the Russian Federation, China, Indonesia and India. The growth of livestock markets is more responsive to income growth than crops and is the highest in countries such as China and India - key markets on both the production and domestic consumption side. In other regions, including the EU and the United States, only some crops show significant growth potential, in the EU, the biggest potential is in oilseed production and in the United States in coarse grains production. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This system provides weak stimulus to continuous quality improvements in the provision of care, since most professionals are paid solely through fixed salaries (with no link to performance assessment), and in many instances contracts are temporary and do not include social security benefits. Evidence from other national settings have concluded that movements away from salary mechanisms for health professionals are a successful strategy to raise allocative efficiency, for example through the strengthening of the primary care system, by improving user experience (when remuneration is at least partly tied to performance) as well as prevention of more expensive care, including avoidable hospitalisations (Moreno-Serra, 2014). Providers tend to be largely concentrated in densely populated areas, with a notable increase in the number of private providers in those localities in the last ten years. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The most wide-ranging missions are: Barrio Adentro (primary health care), Robinson I and II (literacy and primary education), Ribas (secondary education), Sucre (higher education), Mercados de Alimentos Mercal (a food programme that in September 2008 distributed foodstuffs to 48% of the population), Vuelvan Caras (training in production and the running of cooperatives) and Habitat (land, housing and urban projects). As recently as 2005, there were heated protests against fuel price hikes in which campesinos and a large number of residents of the city of El Alto participated. These movements culminated in a transition government, which temporarily eased tension by nationalizing gas and petroleum and calling for a constituent assembly. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Nevertheless, North Africa has made great and steady progress in both indicators since the turn of the century. The indicator on air travel increased by 82 per cent and 80 per cent, respectively, during the periods 2000-2010 and 2010-2014. On the other hand, air freight grew by 14 per cent during the period 2000-2010 and by 240 per cent during the period 2010-2014. Where road infrastructure exists, its quality is a big issue. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 During the 1990s Ireland also bene fitted from net EU transfers of about 4% of GDP, although EU funding significantly decreased in the 2000s, down to 0.4% of GDP in 2007. Membership in the European Monetary Union (since 2001) brought stable, low interest rates, which spurred the retail and housing markets. Significant investment in infrastructure and education enabled Ireland to take advantage of the growth opportunities made possible by the opening of its economy. The structure of the economy has changed dramatically since 1990. However, the co-operation between environmental institutions and other sectoral authorities appears more effective for some sectors, such as energy, than for others, such as transport, land use and agriculture. Co-ordination between central government departments and local authorities has proved difficult, few resources are allocated to communities to participate in policy-making and implementation. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The USBR charge for water applied on land in excess of 390 hectares is either USD51.98 per 1,000 m3 or USD63.20 per 1,000 m3, depending on which version of the law is applicable. The Regional Water Authority applies a charge of USD23.64 per 1,000 m3 for delivering water through its canal system, regardless of which lands are irrigated. The District also charges one volumetric rate of USD18.44 per 1,000 m3. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In this article we probe the tension between governance and state-building. Governance stresses diversification, reflexive rationality, heterarchic interaction, negotiation and coordination, whereas state-building emphasizes centralization, procedural rationality, hierarchic order, control and regulation. Despite the conflict resulting from the differences between their respective essences, there is some blending between the two. On the one hand, the process of state-building is simultaneous with the process of the establishment of civil rights and democracy. On the other hand, a strong state is needed to provide the footstone for governance because of the risks associated with governance failure and the necessity of meta-governance. Such conflicts and blendings construct the tension and dialectic between governance and state building. With respect to the functioning of this dialectic, it is necessary to keep such tension rightly based on the rule of law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In addition, given the environmental considerations in large scale irrigation schemes there has been reluctance of financial institutions to engage in these projects irrespective of their overall benefits. The Ogallala has been the source of substantial, large-scale irrigation development, beginning in the 1950s, when affordable technology became available for extracting groundwater and applying it to large fields of cotton, com, winter wheat, and sorghum. The number of wells on the Texas High Plains rose from 48 000 in 1958 to 101 000 in 2000, as farmers increased their production of irrigated crops. The Ogallala is largely a fossil aquifer with a very slow rate of natural recharge. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Indeed, the country has reaped the benefits of improvements in access to drainage and wastewater treatment. Households with access to public sewerage systems increased from 60% to 83%, and 82% of those households are connected to a wastewater treatment plant. The majority of the remaining situations are solved through individual solutions such as septic tanks. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Almost 40 million people were affected. First, large-scale humanitarian support is required to assist food-insecure populations, institutional arrangements and coordination. Second, they highlight the need for all countries to be well prepared for such emergencies, including through strengthening climate-smart agricultural practices, investing in irrigation and building emergency food reserves. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The wide array of RDI programmes does not fully benefit the Galilee. Main emphasis is on science and technology-driven innovation, while the traditional industry is in need of support for incremental demand-led innovation which could be provided by colleges if they were encouraged to engage in applied R&D in the same way as in many OECD countries. There are limited spillovers from the centre to the Galilee and an absence of an underlying culture of collaboration. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 However, there are also many places where serious household affordability issues prevent further increases, unless social protection measures are being introduced (OECD, 2009a). This is especially true where household affordability is an important constraint. In order to be efficient and effective, however, subsidies should be predictable, transparent, targeted and ideally taper off over time. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Overall, sound and systematic implementation of patient engagement strategies and health literacy programmes could reduce aggregate harm by up to 15% - a very good return on investment. Given the problem of medication safety and ADEs in this setting it was surprising to see interventions aimed at better medication dispensing and management rank comparatively low across the choices provided in the survey. Some useful studies highlight the value of an inter-professional approach to medication safety. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 They can overcome preconceptions in the face of new information, even when that information is contrary to expectations. They are capable of recognising what is provided in a text, both conspicuously and more subtly, while at the same time being able to apply a critical perspective to it, drawing on sophisticated understandings from beyond the text. This combination of a capacity to absorb the new and to evaluate it is greatly valued in knowledge economies, which depend on innovation and nuanced decision-making that draw on all the available evidence. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Studies have highlighted the entrepreneurial role that women play in value-added activities, especially in the informal sector, as well as their leadership role in community and participatory forest management. However, more work is needed to investigate issues such as women's access to forest rights and the impact on gender equity, as well as their empowerment in transitioning from the informal to the formal sector. Forests are integral to the water cycle. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! With a remarkable literacy rate exceeding 85%, Cabo Verde has the foundation for an economic lift-off driven by a robust urban population with skills for a competitive private sector. The country’s urban renewal can therefore be an important driver of structural transformation in the years ahead. The region is facing persistent pockets of insecurity at its northern and eastern borders because of the threat of Boko Haram and the crisis in the Central African Republic. Cameroon's growth in 2015 has been estimated at a solid 5.7%, led mainly by the secondary sector, which grew by 8.4%. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Positive outcomes include more efficient use of resources and strengthening of the links between thematic inspectors. However, the insufficient level of cooperation betw een GASI and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism is a weak link in the new' system. The dependency of soum environmental inspectors on soum governors is another drawback. However, some implementing regulations are absent or incomplete, leading to some gaps in permitting, notably regarding air emissions and wastewater discharges. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This might be particularly true in Indonesia where large fertiliser subsidies are channelled through fertiliser suppliers and not provided to farmers directly. In light of expressed government objectives, these proposals highlight policy options that are potentially more effective and efficient than some existing policy measures. Food security would be greatly enhanced by making agriculture a more attractive sector for investors. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Another five were under preparation as of March 2011. Nevertheless, the NNCP objective of increasing the protected area by 10% by 2015 is unlikely to be achieved. A recent analysis of the adequacy of protected areas in the important Dinaric Arc eco-region in the southwest of the country is a reminder that expanding the network remains a priority: out of 85 species and habitat types identified in the Slovenian part of the eco-region, only 15 are adequately covered by protected areas. Moreover, there are no connecting corridors between the Dinaric Arc eco-region and the Alps, impeding the conservation of migratory species, notably the brown bear. Slovenia currently has three Ramsar sites and several other wetlands with outstanding levels of biodiversity (e.g. the Mura floodplain, the Ljubljana marshes). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Likewise in Lao PDR, the government has emphasised the need to focus more on inclusive and sustainable growth in implementing the Eighth National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) 2016-2020 (RTM, 2015a). Development partners have also encouraged the integration of CSR in business models in the Vientiane Declaration on Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (20lb-25) as a result of dialogue with the government, calling for stronger partnerships between the private sector and the government in the development process (RTM, 2015b). They highlighted the importance of socially and environmentally responsible FDI, underlining that the social, environmental and economic price of ‘growing first and cleaning up later’ is too costly (RTM, 2015c). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! Similarly, in France and Luxembourg, asset testing includes the value of the home converted into a revenue stream (e.g. akin to the concept of imputed rent). Finally, the total value of the home is included as part of the means test in some countries, including Denmark, Israel (in principle, cannot be a homeowner) and Portugal. The rationale for including assets in the means test is that it better reflects the distribution of economic welfare among individuals, leading to a fairer allocation of public support. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! While not radically different from similar economies Bulgaria, Slovenia and Turkey, this is particularly significant for the six assessed economies given that access to natural gas supplies is patchy at best, with Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro not connected to gas pipelines. This uncertainty in energy supply is detrimental to consumer welfare and, crucially, undermines national competitiveness. Reliable energy supplies are critical to the competitiveness of local industries and businesses, and an important signal for potential investors. The pipeline of investments in energy infrastructure in place aims to improve energy security further, address remaining historic weaknesses and accommodate rapid technological change. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 There has been considerable public debate on the appropriate content framework of technical education. What is now favoured is the integration of professional-technical education with general academic education, somewhat on a comprehensive curricular approach. However, during this transitionary phase, it is not always achieved in practice, and will require more co-ordinated actions among the various departments of the MEC. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Three major types of policy interventions can help in redesigning the landscape of adaptation financing prospects so as to render it more hospitable to private interests. Hence, the potential for establishing international policy leadership for the improvement of adaptation-related financial flows is high. Indeed, a clear example of regulatory action designed to increase funding for adaptation is provided by the Green Climate Fund, which is mandated to allocate 50 per cent of its funds towards adaptation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The ecosystem approach is an increasingly central concept for addressing the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Endorsed in the mid-1990s as the primary framework of action by the Convention of Biological Diversity, it has subsequently gained traction in a variety of fields and contexts, including ocean governance and fisheries management, thanks to its promise to overcome the traditionally fragmented management paradigm, and instead facilitate holistic ecosystem governance. Not surprisingly then, the ecosystem approach is one of the suggested guiding principles and/or approaches for a future international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). This article will assess the status of the debate on the ecosystem approach in the BBNJ process, to highlight and analyze risks and opportunities linked to the different modalities of its inclusion in a future ILBI. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The profitability of generating units that are likely to operate only for a relatively small number of hours in each year (peaking capacity) is especially sensitive to the level of prices that are realized during the small number of high demand hours in which they provide energy or operating reserves. Figure 21 shows the notional revenues calculated for a peak power plant in Australia. A gas fired power plant running only when prices are above 1000 AUS$/MWh would have earned revenues above annual costs only two years in the period 2006-2011, corresponding to two dry years. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Curriculum narrowing leads to more time spent on tested areas, like mathematics and reading, and less time on nontested content, such as history. As a consequence of accountability systems, teachers may overemphasise certain subjects that will be tested, even if they make up only a small part of the entire curriculum (Eurydice, 2009). In addition, specific subjects can be omitted from the lesson plans as tested areas are given increasing priority (King and Zucker, 2005). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Inclusive policy making enhances transparency and public participation, while enabling governments to improve their policy performance, support economic recovery, restore the social contract and strengthen trust in institutions by considering impacts on various stakeholders and working with citizens, civil society and businesses to design better policies for better lives. Indeed, inclusive policies require integrating concerns of both men and women at all stages of the policy process and across all policy sectors, through the process called gender mainstreaming. Section 204(a) of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action states that governments must “seek to ensure that before policy decisions are taken, an analysis of their impact on women and men, respectively, is carried out.” - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Recent years have seen accelerated processes of decentralization and devolution of social services from central government toward local authorities and from them to non-profit organizations (NPOs). This article describes a case study of the process of transition of power from a local authority to a NPO and the outcomes of this transition on public policy making. The findings presented in the article are based on a qualitative analysis of documents over a period of 7 years (1999–2006) in a large local authority in Israel and its relations with a NPO which provide services for the elderly. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The bottlenecks revealed by the taskforce’s analysis included, for example, the absence of trading standards, poorly coordinated market information, the need to transport produce over long distances, small volumes and consequently high marketing margins. The taskforce also identified five distinct supply channels linking cassava producers with various final markets, ranging from subsistence consumption to the commercial sale of industrial starches and related products. Instead, the taskforce adopted a demand-led strategy, focusing on market development in both trade and upstream processing industries, all of which stand to benefit from access to low-cost, cassava-based carbohydrates. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 A regression analysis also shows that the probability of attending secondary education increases with wealth. The widespread use of private tutoring may worsen existing gaps. The demand for skilled jobs is growing and a skilled workforce is increasingly central to Viet Nam's social and economic development. Evidence shows that the distribution of skilled jobs remains highly unequal and that skills mismatch is a serious and growing challenge in fast-growing Viet Nam. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Beyond investing in children, labour market policies have taken on a new sort of prominence as a delivery mechanism for social welfare, at least in Europe, and there is a shift in philosophy from passiveincome maintenance to encouraging participation in paid work (ibid.). For instance, the 'flexicurity' approach, which first emerged in Denmark, combines labour market flexibility with social security for unemployed workers and active labour market policies designed to retrain and reskill workers and get them back to work {Heintz and Lund 2012). At the same time, cash benefits to families to help with the costs of raising children have been increased. Combined with the emphasis on early childhood education and care as a tool for investment rather than a way to mobilize female labourforce participation, the result is a lot of part-time work among women (Daly 2011, Jenson 2010). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Information retrievable from participations to start-up events and activity in the social networks (e.g. Twitter) or co-authorship of patents or academic research articles can be used to build plausible proxies of individuals’ networks. The exception is Start-Up Chile (SUC). In contrast to many government-led funds it is open to start-ups from other countries. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The strengthening of animal and plant health and inspection systems is another area that can also underpin the longer term development of domestic and international markets for the Brazilian agricultural sector. While short term benefits accrue to farmers from price support and credit programmes, in the longer run sector-wide investments can have a higher pay-off to farmers. Although Brazil provides comparatively low support to farmers, there may be opportunities to gradually transfer additional resources to public investment in the light of the expected improvements in agricultural productivity and the associated profitability of the sector. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 More efficient sorting and transfer stations are now being built, allowing the sorting of 100 per cent of MSW. More than 70,000 tons of secondary resources (paper, cardboard and textiles) are collected annually through the receiving centres of municipal utilities. There are now 88 waste recycling plants, which operate in all large and medium-sized cities, including Brest, Baranovichi, Gomel, Mogilev and Novopolotsk. There is a positive dynamic reflected in the increase in the share of secondary resource extraction (more than 30 per cent). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The programme was thus incorporated into the system of planning, budget, disbursement, procurement, accountability for results and value for money. To this end, the presidency through the Ministry of Devolution and Planning spearheaded Huduma Kenya as a flagship project under the Kenya Vision 2030. Drawing on definitions adopted for the business sector and their adaptation in public innovation measurement, public sector innovation can be defined as the implementation by a public sector organisation of new or significantly improved operations or products (OECD, 2012). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 In general, however, methodologies for result-based financing were reported to be newly developed or under development in developing countries, but also across donor agencies. Providers and supporters are also in the process of establishing their own expertise, through systems to monitoring results to identify project impact and to measure benefits and trade-offs among different dimensions (e.g. environmental, social, economic, financial). For example, AFD, within its “climate and development action plan for 2012-2016”, has established a systematic procedure to assess the carbon footprint of projects it finances in developing countries and the GHG impact is taken into account in AFD's decision making process. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Some elements may be missed because the NCs are intended to provide an overview of the main activities underway, rather than an exhaustive account of all the adaptation activities taking place within a country. Additionally, the majority of NCs included in the analysis were published in 2009 or 2010, and due to the pace of change in adaptation programmes they may lack some important recent developments. The review of NCs has, therefore, been complemented by information from national planning documents, direct contact with member governments and the May 2012 Policy Forum on Adaptation to Climate Change in OECD Countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In other words, developing countries' poor performance is the consequence of their ‘underdevelopment’ (UNCTAD, 2004). Transaction costs (trade facilitation, communication, transport and energy costs) tend to be systematically higher in developing countries. For example, in Africa, total freight costs represent more than 10% of imported value, as compared to an average of 8.8% for all developing countries and 5.2% for developed countries (UNCTAD, 1999). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! With competing interests and stringent resources, it would be extremely difficult for them to justify allocating resources to tasks that are vaguely mandated. Currently, national green growth policies and strategies are neither legally founded nor mainstreamed into sectoral legal frameworks such as the Law on Urban Development. An important option would be to clearly state in a legally binding document that subnational governments are responsible for fostering green growth within their administrative areas. Providing clearer mandates and specific actions for subnational governments will actively steer them toward allocating their manpower and budget to green growth actions. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 They are also relevant in the context of planning fiscal consolidation strategies. For instance, the historical income trends do signal a significant shift in the relative “tax capacity” from lower to higher-earning groups in the aftermath of steep downturns. It may therefore be necessary to critically review whether existing tax provisions should be adapted in light of equity considerations and current revenue requirements, in particular where those with high or very high incomes have benefited from declining overall tax burdens in the past {e.g., because of non-compliance, because tax expenditures mainly benefit high-income groups, or because of declining property and wealth taxes). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In both cases, large uncertainties remain. Sometimes they are due to methodological differences or different estimations for the value of a statistical life. The 2012 meta-study by Burtraw et al. ( As far as air pollution is concerned, power sources can largely be split into two groups: i) carbon-based electricity sources, including fossil fuels and biomass, with coal-fired plants causing damages that are considerably higher than those from natural gas, oil, or biomass, ii) sources that have impacts on air pollution from low-carbon electricity sources - nuclear, wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and tidal - are either negligible or zero, although some indirect emissions could arise during production. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The gender gap in median earnings of full-time employees, at 18.8 per cent in 2010, is among the highest in the advanced industrialized economies. The medianforthe28-coun-try Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is 14.3 percent,the United States ranks 7th from the bottom. One of the results is that poverty rates for single female-headed households are extremely high, reaching 34 per cent in 2011. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As such, pursuing a shift to demand-led growth, on its own, is unlikely to address the environmental costs associated with sustained growth, unless the higher wages and earnings of lower income groups that will result from such a shift are spent on goods that are less reliant on fossil fuels and natural resource extraction, and increased public expenditure and investment is also allocated to fuel-efficient sectors and technologies. This is where proposals for green economy become relevant. There are, however, different variants of green economy. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! While the focus of this module has been on technologies, the biggest lever in water and energy conservation is conservation itself. This is where public engagement and technology and knowledge transfer efforts are most effective. Having a common database among sectors is another way to create synergies and promote productive negotiations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The former includes those living rough and those staying in a night shelter. The latter includes people living in homeless hostels and other forms of temporary accommodation. Not included in the study were those defined as experiencing housing exclusion, rather than homelessness, under ETHOS. This group includes those living temporarily with family or friends, or those living in extremely overcrowded conditions. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__10, __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In this sense, it is meant to lead to legitimacy and ownership of the stakeholders, meaning that they deeply understand the issues and really are committed to the proposed solutions. Participatory governance is thus an essential precondition for implementation. In many systems, seeking consensus and common solutions is increasingly more common (See Alemanno (2015) for an analysis of enablers and barriers to this process). Both de-traditionalisation and professionalisation have eroded the significance of representative organisations (Elchardus, 2003). The rise of new technologies has made it much easier both for people to participate and organise themselves and for institutions to reach out to a broader set of actors. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The carbon tax does not apply to electricity, as the cost of carbon is already built in to the price. The document also informs businesses on options to reduce energy use, pointing to relevant documents from the Environmental Protection Agency (www.greenbusiness. Businesses are also encouraged to contact the Environment Unit of Failte Ireland for further advice and support. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Thus, predictable social security programmes that target the most vulnerable, particularly small landholders, by providing a robust safety net, can stimulate investment in more productive human capital and technologies. By ensuring a basic level of consumption, such safety nets enable small landholders to engage in production strategies that are higher-return, albeit riskier from a subsistence-related point of view. Along similar lines, access to insurance and capital markets can assist local small landholders in coping with the possible negative consequences of extreme weather events and investing in new crops or in any relevant input that can help foster the process of adaptation to climate hazards. A diversified farming system can also have co-benefits: integrating horticulture and livestock, for instance, can enhance nutritional outcomes by improving rural households’ access to food from different sources. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Irrigated agriculture is the main pressure factor. Non-respect of water protection zones and unauthorized reconstruction works have affected water quality. Surface water quality is monitored on the Malyi Uzen/Saryozen (at monitoring station Malyi Uzen), with sampling during the main hydrological seasons and, monthly, on the Bolshoy Uzen/Karaozen (at the town of Novouzensk). Groundwater flow is from Georgia and the Russian Federation to the Terek. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 This urbanization trend combined with the overall growth of the world's population could add another 2.5 billion people to the urban population by 2050. This means that a rapid increase in urban solid waste generation will take place. As urbanization and population growth will continue, it is expected that solid waste generation will double by 2025. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 ""A sensitivity analysis has been conducted, comparing the """"realistic"""" scenario shown in Table 10 with the assumed best case for chemical recycling (assuming a smaller input of energy for production of the same output of chemicals for substitution), see 6.2.4. The small differences relating to national transportation distances are not considered in the calculations, but the nature and amount of energy produced in the reference scenario (incineration) is substituted by different technologies in the Nordic countries, leading to national differences in the incineration scenarios. This is illustrated in Table 11, depicting the impacts and benefits from incineration in the Nordic countries. When the impacts and benefits from incineration are compared to those from reuse and recycling (Table 10), the national differences seems to be less important. The ranking of the scenarios is in general the same in all countries, but as an example it can of course be argued that increasing the reuse of Finnish textiles will be better for the environment than increasing the reuse of Danish textiles."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The Distribution of Child Poverty in the Developing World, University of Bristol. Identifying and Measuring Chronic Poverty: Beyond Monetary Measures? In N. Kakwani and J. Silber (Eds.), The Many Dimensions of Poverty. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Does mixed methods research matter to understanding childhood well-being? - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Rather, even when the activities of the modern sector expand, their employment-generating potential is often limited because technological choices (and thereby capital-labour ratios) are driven by global competition and thus largely determined exogenously. One of the characteristics of this different type of structural change is the transfer of labour from low-productivity agriculture to low-productivity service activities in urban areas. This entails a proliferation of low-productivity employment in non-tradable activities as workers move out of subsistence activities in agriculture, even at relatively low levels of per capita income. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Few countries achieve this in their performance measurement systems with the notable exceptions of Australia, Germany and Switzerland. In Germany, local offices are clustered according to their labour market conditions and local office performance is then benchmarked within those clusters (Blien et al., Australia and Switzerland use a rich set of jobseeker characteristics and survey information on local labour market performance to compare local office performance on a regression-adjusted basis (OECD, 2013, Chapter 3). Evaluation is crucial to ensure effective and efficient spending of public resources. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 In June 2010, it was announced that, subject to Parliamentary approval, a restructured carbon emissions reduction target would be extended to December 2012, with a higher target and a focus on improving building insulation (rather than installing compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). The UK government is currently exploring options for the successor to CERT, to run from 2013. Yet, there are still many areas where further implementation of cost-effective energy efficiency policy would provide benefits. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Otherwise, there is a strong risk that benefits become locked-in and that path-dependencies develop which are hard to reverse. In Viet Nam, for example, this has acted as a barrier to the implementation of some environmental taxes, and has influenced tax rate-setting as well, as described in box 5.2. However, as long as environmental taxes are accompanied by a range of well-designed and targeted compensation measures for poor and vulnerable people, the negative impacts can at least be reduced, if not avoided. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In addition, bride price can also be a motivation for parents, a younger bride means a higher bride price for the family. In Uganda, the Pokot tribe, the majority of whom are of Kenyan origin, have settled at Amudat/Nakapiripit. This tribe is known to marry off girls at the age of 12 years upon the receipt of 12 heads of cattle. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Experience shows that only small numbers of patients need to choose an alternative provider to seriously concentrate hospital managers’ minds on improving their service. Sophisticated pre-requisites must be in place, however, including an effective purchase-provider split, a DRG-type provider payment system, and an accurate and timely national database of hospital waiting times for specific procedures. Cost-control can also be difficult to achieve when trying to reduce waiting lists rapidly, particularly if activity-based financing is predominant the underlying payment mechanism. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Paper for Regional Workshop on Macroeconomics of Poverty Reduction, Kathmandu, January 4—6. The Fall in Chinese Poverty: Issues of Measurement, Incidence and Cause. Paper for the Keith Griffin Festschrift Conference at the Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 23—24. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The sample is restricted to adults aged at least 25 years, to exclude individuals still in education. Over time, the impact of parental background appears to have has changed significantly, but in different ways in different countries. In France, Denmark and the Netherlands this conclusion holds only for wages. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The unit scale frontier of nuclear power increased fivefold in the decade that followed commissioning of the first 50 MW commercial reactor in 1956. Ultimately, these rapid increases in unit size were a contributing factor to the rising complexity that created diseconomies of scale and constrained further growth of the industry in the late 1970s (Lovins et al., In many cases, learning is facilitated by relationships between industry actors (supported by public investments in, for example, testing infrastructure) to ensure experiences feed back into subsequent designs (Garud and Karnoe, 2003). When this policy-supported process of collective learning is absent, the development of viable domestic technological capability and industry can fail (Neij and Andersen, 2014). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 A special tariff, which was introduced for end-users in rural areas in 2002, allows the purchase of electricity using prepaid, rechargeable electronic cards. The minimum purchasing value is 20 dirhams. This allows clients in rural areas to align their electricity purchases with the development of their revenues and actual needs. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! A case comment dealing with the UK Supreme Court's decision in Fowler v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2020] UKSC 22. The case concerns the effect on an income tax treaty of a domestic law provision deeming certain employed divers working in the UK to be treated for tax purposes as carrying on a trade. The central issue before the Supreme Court was whether the tax treaty provisions dealing with employment income or business profits applied. The comment deals with key reasons relied on by the Supreme Court in its decision that the deeming provision had no effect on interpretation and application of the tax treaty. Aspects considered include the relevance of Commentaries on the OECD Model Tax Convention, perceived double non-taxation, purposive interpretation, the relation between domestic law and income tax treaties as well as the effect of the court's decision on the collection of tax. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This article examines the effect that shielding elected representatives from criminal law might have in those countries that are undergoing democratization. Parliamentary immunity helps to compensate for any shortfall in the human rights enjoyed by ordinary citizens and provides elected representatives with the protection necessary to rectify that shortfall. However, the immunity may also protect subversive advocacy, rights violations and political corruption. Turkey provides an illuminating case study of those challenges to parliamentary immunity. Drawing on the Turkish experience, it is argued that methods other than exposing parliamentarians to criminal prosecution should be used to counter those problems. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The low wheat consuming countries in the region seem to complement their diet by elevated consumption of other cereals, such as sorghum, maize and rice. In Sudan, for example, the per-capita consumption of sorghum is double that of wheat, with a contribution to the calorie and protein intake reaching 26 per cent and 23 per cent, respectively. Similarly, the low consumption of wheat in Somalia is supplemented by consuming rice, maize and sorghum, where their collective contribution to the calorie and protein intake is 28 per cent and 23 per cent, respectively. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The long-term, steady nature of infrastructure investments has been instrumental in endearing it to markets, making them the chosen class for institutional financial investors such as insurance companies, pension funds sovereign wealth funds and other foundations (Weber et al., First, estimated infrastructure investment gaps in each country (discussed above) are taken to imply a financing gap of a similar order of magnitude. Second, it is taken for granted that national public sectors in most countries are financially constrained with limited budgetary resources, face governance problems and run the risk of running into debt sustainability issues if they undertake infrastructure investments on the scale needed in the coming years. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Plusieurs dispositifs d’assistance bilaterale et multilaterale sont prevus pour remedier aux deficits d’information et aux contraintes de capacites et de ressources, qui font partie des facteurs susceptibles d’entraver l’etablissement de systemes nationaux de suivi et devaluation de l’adaptation. Les procedures et resultats des syst&mes nationaux de suivi et devaluation de l’adaptation peuvent apporter des informations utiles pour evaluer les progres realises vers 1’objectif mondial d’adaptation dans le cadre de la CCNUCC, mais il est encore difficile de dire dans quelle mesure cela pourra se faire. Prior to adoption of the Paris Agreement in December 2015, only Non-Annex I Parties were explicitly encouraged to provide information on and evaluate adaptation strategies and measures, via guidelines on National Communications. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It conceptualizes the city as living super-organism in which there are continuous flows of inputs and outputs and helps in the study of the patterns of movements of matter and energy. This supports cities in identifying opportunities for sustainable resource management and can be linked with infrastructure to find alternative ways of using resources sustainably. The system can be fully adapted to suit the local requirements and policy priorities. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Estimates of ecological footprints generally account for waste assimilation requirements and are expressed as a measure of land area. Water footprints also account for water used to assimilate pollution, by considering the volume of dilution water required to maintain water quality standards (Hoekstra, 2008, in press). Ecological footprints describe the implications of regional or national consumption activities on natural resources and the environment by expressing those impacts in terms of the land area required to support the target population (Wackemagel and Rees, 1996, Wackemagel, et al., Thus ecological footprints enable one to compare the ecosystem implications of consumption activities across regions and countries, and to assess whether a region or country is consuming resources in a sustainable or unsustainable fashion, from a global perspective. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! This article argues that human security discourses and initiatives are made intelligible by the politics of applying legalism to global politics. Human security projects like the International Criminal Court, the Ottawa Treaty on landmines, and coercive interventions like Kosovo are shaped, mobilised, but also limited and constrained by the wider problematic of the legal constitution of global politics. Although human security has been the justification for efforts to liberalise and humanise politics through law, it has also been associated with exceptionalistic and non-universal legal relationships that reinforce the interests of the most dominant actors in global politics. As a result, human security runs the danger of becoming an instrument of hegemony. Nonetheless, the article also argues that there are always progressive political openings in the politics of a global rule of law that can facilitate a wider conception of human security than has been pursued since the mid-1990s. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The certificate provides 'A' to 'G' ratings for the building, with 'A' being the most energy efficient and 'G' being the least. The current average score for the UK is around a D. From 2012 the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will also require all home sale advertisements to have an Energy Efficiency Rating. Established to complement CERT, this scheme achieves aims of both carbon reduction and addressing fuel poverty by requiring energy suppliers to achieve 19.25 million tonnes CO2 lifetime savings in the most deprived areas of England, Scotland and Wales, promoting area-based and whole-house approaches to energy efficiency improvements. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! Ensuring equal opportunities for all immigrant students - regardless of which school they attend - is of critical importance. The second section, on funding strategy, presents approaches to managing inequities through targeted funding to disadvantaged areas, schools or particular student groups after careful consideration of educational priorities. Finally, the third section underlines the importance of monitoring and evaluation in ensuring the quality of migrant education. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In the context of the UK's transport appraisal this focuses particularly on the agglomerations of economic activity. Much of the agglomeration benefit arises from effectively bringing larger numbers of people and businesses closer together. In high-value service sectors like finance, this includes creating an environment where excellent accessibility for short trips is the essential feature, opening opportunities for frequent face-to-face contact and serendipitous meetings. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Although a limited number of these collapses may have been caused or exacerbated by natural phenomena (for example, climate variability), human activities and overfishing - essentially non-sustainable management - are the primary culprits (Pauly et al., It is important to understand that fish constitute not only biomass in the ocean but a potential economic input into society. Together, these two elements imply that fisheries are an economic activity by which fishers can catch fish resources in perpetuity if they are managed sustainably. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Some countries in Asia, Latin America and the Middle-East have tariffs above 1 USD/m3. However, in most cases, tariffs provide little incentives to use water efficiently (including by curbing down leakages) and do not cover costs. While operating costs are not always covered, capital expenditure for large investments is almost always financed via public funds, either from government taxes or international transfers (see sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The National Employment strategy of Jordan acknowledges that the large supply of low-wage foreign workers creates pressure at the bottom end of the wage scale.27 The case of Jordan illustrates that wages in the informal sector tend to be at the lower end of the wage scale, significantly below those of workers in the formal sector. While wages are estimated to be around 10 per cent higher in the formal sector in the Syrian Arab Republic, the wage difference has reached around 50 per cent for youth in Morocco. In Egypt and Lebanon, the gap amounts to 30 per cent, climbing to 50 per cent for women in Egypt.28 While minimum wage legislation exists in most countries of the region, it is not necessarily always enforced. In the Arab region, almost 70 per cent of workers are not covered by social security schemes.29 Table 3.9 shows that the share of informal employment in non-agricultural sectors reached 67.1 per cent in Morocco, 45.9 per cent in Egypt, 51 per cent in Yemen and 35 per cent in Tunisia. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In this case, the reduction in severance pay is compensated by increased UBs which can be financed through general taxation or payroll taxes. The main benefit of UISAs is their potential to provide support to liquidity-constrained unemployed in their job search, while limiting moral-hazard effects associated with OECD-style systems of unemployment insurance. By allowing workers to run down their personal saving accounts during periods of unemployment, workers internalise the cost of unemployment benefits, thus strengthening the incentives of the employed to prevent job loss and those of the unemployed to return to work quickly (Orszag and Snower, 1999). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Nonetheless, there are several ways in which public infrastructure spending can be more directly employment-generating and can have higher multiplier effects within local economies. Infrastructure works are doubly blessed, in that they create and sustain employment while at the same time improving living conditions and laying the foundation for long-term growth. Indeed, there is much greater scope than is generally recognized for developing infrastructure by using available surplus labour in LDCs. In urban areas, for example, labour-intensive techniques can be used for such works as improving streets and access ways, water supply, sewerage, sanitation and waste management, flood protection measures, and repair and maintenance of a range of public infrastructure. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The right to oblivion, else known as right to be forgotten, has recently conquered the legal debate. The ‘proprietary’ or ‘control-based’ approaches on personal data, reflected in the current data protection mechanisms are unable to provide full protection under the rapid evolution of ICT. This article attempts to present the academic discussion on the proposed right and put forward a conceptual approach of the right to oblivion from a human-rights based perspective. An effective right to oblivion confirms the need for a paradigm shift in the traditional understanding of private information/life, leading to a multidimensional conceptualisation of the right to privacy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Nevertheless, it remains the third lowest in the EU after Bulgaria and Lithuania (Figure 1). In 2015, life expectancy at birth of the Latvian population was 74.8 years, nearly six years lower than in the EU as a whole (80.6 years). Furthermore, there is a considerable gap in life expectancy between socioeconomic groups. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In Costa Rica, data from the time-use survey have been used in the various areas of action of INAMU to raise public awareness and strengthen the demand for more equitable services, especially as regards care. In Ecuador, when the survey was applied for the first time it was realized that there was a need to generate installed capacity in the country so that the information could be analysed and used, this actually being one of the time-use survey goals. Accordingly, workshops were held for the public sector, academia and civil society (especially women's organizations) so that they could begin to familiarize themselves with the data and the issue of unpaid work, while also relating these subjects to the development of the national system of statistics. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Wind power in Denmark is now a EUR 10 billion annual industry employing 30,000 people (Danish Wind Industry Association, 2016). The Friends were established in June 2010 to support G20 and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' commitments to phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. In April 2015, the Friends launched the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform Communique at the annual World Bank Springs meeting along with the support of the United States and France. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! In stark contrast with the paths open to middle- and upper-class young people, early emancipation is common among those from low socio-economic strata. In the higher strata, socialization and the availability of material resources facilitate the adoption of patterns of deferred gratification that favour putting off entering the labour market, starting a family or becoming a parent. This is seen more clearly in figures 1.12 and 1.13, which provide a snapshot of the major differences in the emancipation paths followed by men and women in different social strata according to the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the country in question. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 AbstractAims: Across the globe law enforcement agencies frequently link trafficking in illicit drugs to serious and organised crime such as terrorism and gun trafficking. However, there remain few systematic academic analyses of the extent and nature of links. This paper explored the extent of concordance between trends in high-level drug trafficking and seven other serious and organised crimes in Australia: and which crimes (and crime subtypes) most and least correlated with drug trafficking.Methods: Official crime data from the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions was obtained on criminal prosecutions on drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, weapons trafficking, people trafficking, sex trafficking, terrorism and corruption and trends examined over a decade: 2005–2006 to 2014–2015.Results: Analysis revealed a positive correlation between drug trafficking and money laundering and subcategories of corruption, fraud and people trafficking. No positive correlation was found between drug traffick... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In May 2003, the 192 members of the World Health Assembly, the decisionmaking body of the World Health Organisation, unanimously adopted the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (WHO, 2003). The WHO (2010) describes it as a ‘milestone for the promotion of public health’ and ‘one of the most widely embraced treaties in UN history’. It marks the first time that the WHO has used its powers under Article 19 of its Constitution to develop an international public health treaty (WHO, 2006). As of September 2011, it had 174 ‘parties’ (see note 9). - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! The recent initiatives of the government to foster life-long learning and improve financial support for students from low-income families in tertiary education are welcome. There is scope to promote apprenticeships, for example by fostering cooperation between local firms and local schools. This would help reduce skill mismatch. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The demand-for-health model provides guidance for research in all these areas. There are, however, several aspects of health-related behaviour that need further theoretical and empirical attention. A more technical criticism of the demand-for-health model that has been mentioned in the literature concerns the fact that health is treated as endogenous to the degree that the individual in effect decides about his or her time of death. Empirical estimates of the demand-for-health model have not unambiguously agreed with the theoretical predictions derived from the model. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""A common error is using """"accessibility"""" and """"mobility"""" interchangeably. Doing so reinforces the development of policies based on indicators focusing on physical movement. The role of land use policies is then overlooked and the bias towards car-oriented policy and planning perpetuated. Central to this is identifying how actions in transport and other relevant sectors can contribute to attaining overall goals by delivering better accessibility. The Agenda's ultimate objective was to facilitate participation in economic activities by vulnerable groups."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This paper presents an unspoken aspect of Head of State immunity, namely that such immunity is at odds with the expectation that international law should be applied to challenge resistance to and promote respect for human rights. It considers the question of whether Head of State immunity gives rise to de facto impunity in the case of violations of human rights recognised as peremptory norms (jus cogens) committed by such Heads of State. While this paper emphasises the critical role of Head of State immunity in the context of international relations, it argues that Heads of State should not exempt from punishment when violations of those human rights are at stake. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It is considered by the government to be a key element for productivity growth and competitiveness of the sector. Under the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI), the government has invested largely in irrigation expansion and supported its management since the 1950s. As of 2016, these associations managed over two million hectares of the total net area of three million hectares. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Given the high dependency on agriculture of hundreds of millions of poor and food-insecure rural people, the potential impacts on agricultural incomes - with economy-wide ramifications in low-income countries that are highly dependent on agriculture - are a major concern. The IPCC also helped catalyse the development of Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs), which describe alternative development futures, to be used alongside the RCPs to analyse feedback between climate change and socioeconomic factors (Box 7). The authors compare the effects of the exogenous climate change shock on yields of four crop aggregates - coarse grains, oil seeds, wheat and rice - which account for about 70 percent of the global crop harvested area. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The region’s outlying suburbs are underserved by its radial transit system. This is one reason why the number of cost-burdened households in the region (renters who spend more than 50% of household income on housing and transport) is predicted to increase significantly over the next 20 years (Metro, 2010a). Oregon initiated a dramatic shift in its growth management policy in 1969, before the challenges described above were appreciated. Oregon policy makers were responding instead to the spread of exurban development and the consequent loss of agricultural and forest land. The governor at the time, Tom McCall, worried that Oregon would become the centre of a megalopolis ranging from Seattle to San Francisco, “committing some of the richest farmland in America to supermarkets and suburbs”. However, no state agency was charged with managing the programme, there was no significant source of funding to assist cities and counties with the development of comprehensive plans, and the enforcement mechanism- assumption of planning by the state if a local government refused to comply - was politically unpalatable. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This may lead to increasing ramping and cycling of conventional power plants, to inefficiencies in plant scheduling and, overall, to higher costs for the system. Sometimes, the variability of VRE within the scheduling interval of power systems (one hour or less) is also accounted for balancing costs. While all generation plants may have some siting restrictions, the impacts are more significant for VRE. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 At the same time, new groups of persons should be encouraged to seek employment in the care sector (European Commission, 2004, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2006), and recognition in the form of decent wages should be given for their key contribution to social well-being and to the economy. Generally speaking, a distinction is drawn between childcare and long-term care, which refers mainly to older persons but also includes chronic or terminal illnesses and persons with disabilities. There are common issues, however. Both sectors have a segmented workforce, with a professionalized group (in the respective areas of education and health) and a sector that is unskilled or low-skilled but —especially in the case of women— often has competences acquired during the gender or class socialization process. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Securing women’s political rights has become increasingly prominent in international law and treaties on human rights. At the outset, starting from the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the focus was on ensuring women’s formal political citizenship rights only, that is, suffrage and formal eligibility for public office. Over time and as societies proved resistant to accepting women as fully-fledged political actors, the focus gradually shifted to emphasising women’s inclusion in all forms of decision-making, as well as incorporating gender equality considerations in all the levels and stages of policy-making (gender mainstreaming). The motivation is often that women’s increased participation is conceived as enhancing democracy. Paradoxically, however, as this chapter illustrates, democracy may also be an important precondition which helps realise the participation of women’s constituencies in public policy-making. It also shows that their inclusion indeed matters, as it tends to produce more satisfactory policy outcomes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The empirical evidence suggests, however, that this does not “condemn” countries to permanent specialization in low-tech exports, rather, with consistent policy direction, export diversification into higher-end products will be promoted (Rodrik, 2007a, Cornia, 2006, Ocampo and Vos, 2008). This requires a rethinking of the priority given to inflation targeting14 which has often resulted in exchange-rate overvaluation, undermining export growth and diversification (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2003). Needed would be a broader approach to agricultural development policies, focusing on access to land, extension services, improved inputs, credits and rural infrastructure so as to secure a greater and more predictable marketable surplus and income to farmers and inputs for agroindustrial development. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Looking at 155 series of domestic cereal prices (maize, rice and wheat) from 52 countries in 2007-08, Sharma finds that domestic prices rose by more than the change in the world markets (over 100% transmission rate) in 48 of the 155 series, with transmission of between 50% and 100% in 50 cases, and transmission of less than 50% in 57 cases. The transmission rates were significantly lower during the second spike (2010-11). One might expect the least developed countries to be less integrated with world markets, suggesting lower rates of price transmission. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 ""In standard classification, migration to the Gulf is considered as a South-South type of movement. Critiques to approaches such as the New Economics of Labour Migration (NELM) have shown how unequal gendered power relations in both the migration process and the broader migrant networks have been overlooked.8Thelackofgenderanalysisinthetransna-tional migration literature has also been highlighted,9 even though attention to gender dynamics in transnationalism has progressively increased,’® pointing at the complex interplay of gender, class and normative constraints in shaping women’s social personhood in a transnational field."""" Arango 2000, de Haas 2010, Lindley 2009."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The drivers of the CRGE - notably the Prime Minister’s Office and development partners - appear to have similar perspectives. Other stakeholders, however, see green growth as a process of realising greater wellbeing from natural assets, through mainstreaming environmental objectives across all sectors and better including environment-dependent stakeholders (often the poor) in economic activities, while respecting ecological limits - in effect greening the whole economy in an inclusive way. Some institutions and people have very strong interests in particular perspectives on green growth agenda - the reality is that both perspectives can add real value to development and livelihoods. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The Kosovo Constitution provides for a strong regime of domestication of international human rights instruments and respect for international law. Against that background the jurisprudence of Kosovo Constitutional Court and of EULEX international judges embedded in Kosovo courts reveals a rich interaction with United Nations law, international criminal law, state succession and international human rights law. Their practice in the latter area shows a level of conformity as well as inconsistency with international conventions and case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Whereas, war crimes adjudication is associated with significant controversies regarding non-retroactivity of law, nullum crimen sine lege and the place of customary international law in the Kosovo legal order. The jurisprudence pertaining to state succession, extradition and terrorism uncovers differences between judicial and executive branches in their responses to some complex legal and political questions in the aftermath of Kosovo’s independence. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Even where old enough to vote, young people tend to be less well integrated than older groups into electoral and political processes as reflected partly in their lower voter turnout. The correlation is not proof of causality, but it does suggest to some researchers that societies must make greater efforts to increase opportunities for education, jobs, livelihoods and political engagement for their youth. This tendency, if not counterbalanced by hope for a better future, can sometimes lead young people to become involved in violence (Urdal, 2006). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! In Chile, the scheme accounts for only about 20% of the amount due by the employer upon fair dismissal. In Brazil, dismissal can be with or without justified reason (com justa causa or sem justa causa). The latter covers all possible grounds for dismissal (including no reason) except misconduct and force majeure, and typically accounts for an overwhelming share of all dismissals (see e.g. DIEESE, 2011). The balance in their individual account scheme can be accessed by workers in the case of unjustified dismissal but employers must top it up by an additional 40%. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Upper secondary education is becoming the desired minimum, while those who do not reach this standard - half of all young people at present - may be left behind as the economy develops in a way which will inevitably reduce its reliance on low-skilled jobs. Growing inequality in Costa Rica reflects this worrying skills divide (OECD, 2017a, forthcoming). Participation rates and second chance options have grown fast, aided by a raft of measures to tackle dropout and grade repetition, well respected public universities provide an attractive goal for those who excel academically, the technical school system offers an appealing and high-status track, alongside, in the National Training Institute {Instituto Nacional del Aprendizaje, INA), a well-funded system providing both initial occupational training and upskilling, a reformed curriculum now provides a major opportunity to rethink upper secondary education. This chapter looks at how Costa Rica can build on these strengths to establish a more inclusive system. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This article examines the guitar trade (i.e. making, collecting and dealing) to examine the political ecology of the guitar from forests to construction: delving both into its environmental impacts and attempts to protect endangered species, it focuses on the impact of two pieces of legislation have on guitar making, the international guitar trade, and guitar ownership: the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the Lacey Act Amendments of 2008. In so doing, it examines the underlying problems (deforestation, endangered species, illicit trade in wood, and unfair trade advantages) that these pieces of legislation were meant to address, and the politicization of these efforts that has the US Congress deadlocked. This account also analyzes the practical difficulties that legal compliance presents, and finally examines what alternatives may exist. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Sava River itself rose more gradually (about 3.5 m in five days) which is why the water level in the Serbian part of the basin peaked after the rainfall event had ceased. As a result of the flooding, 34 persons died - 13 by drowning - and over 30,000 were evacuated from their homes. It was recommended that special care be taken to avoid serious environmental damage caused by hazardous wastes. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In country-specific individual-level regressions, cognitive skills partly explain the lower occupational status of less-educated adults, but cross-national variation in their disadvantage remains substantial after accounting for skills. We further show that the association between skills and occupational attainment is weaker among the less educated than among the intermediate group. These findings are consistent with the idea that employers statistically discriminate on the basis of formal qualifications. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 First, it can offer engineering advice and powerful platform scalability to optimise the functionality of an NGO’s specific skills and focus. It can also help facilitate the rollout of reporting applications and functionalities that can be used for analysis and enforcement. Willing host nations can thus be introduced to a rich source of immediately available information that is far more accessible than in the past. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! The main consequences of the decline in fertility and mortality rates have been slower population growth and the transformation of the age pyramid to reflect an ageing population (ECLAC. This ageing process has an inescapable gender dimension: not only because women are a majority among older persons, but also because they are the primary caregivers for the very elderly, and because women are also much more likely to lack economic autonomy in old age then men. At present, they reproduce and intensify discrimination and inequities originating in other areas —the labour market, for example— without substantially contributing to the closure of gender gaps or to the promotion of distributive justice (Rico, 2015). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Politicians function in shorter time spans: ministers come and go and are often judged on policies implemented by those before them. It is reasonable for a minister or politician to want results in their political lifetime. It is equally reasonable for practitioners to need more than 16 months to implement new teaching practices and establish new teacher and student roles as a result of the AfL programme. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Turkmeniski Bay is considered one of the most important places where these species of fish grow. The industrial complex for the artificial cultivation and production of sturgeon was built in Gyyanly, in Balkan Province. These pollutants originate primarily from sewage, agricultural run-off and oil-related activities, and are transported by rivers and discharged into the Caspian Sea. The area of greatest offshore development in Turkmen waters is near Turkmenbashy, Cheleken and Ogutchisky Island. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 They were first identified and defined by the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) Task Force on Banking and Finance.55 These principles are constituent components of the SRB model (Figure 6). They establish strong ethical guidelines so that business practices meet globally accepted standards for the valuing and pricing of products, sen/ices and assets, engaging with stakeholders, and assessing and managing risks. Each principle is defined, and its role in the SRB Model for a Sustainable Future explained. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The existence of this set of regulations is crucial to overcoming the risks that contributory and non-contributory social protection policies seek to resolve. Indeed, in a region marked by persistent structures of inequality, it is essential to focus more attention on incorporating employment discrimination measures to boost the labour force participation of women, indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups (ECLAC, 2010a). As Bertranou and Saravia (2009) point out, own-account work is particularly complex to conceptualize and measure. Some argue that own-account workers are fulfilling a personal desire for entrepreneurship and believe that many own-account workers engage in informal employment of their own volition (IDB, 2004). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Human rights NGOs were the vanguard of the struggle for democratisation in Nigeria, but they had to forge alliances with labour unions and other groups to galvanise this process effectively. This paper explores the alliances between labour unions and NGOs in the struggle against military dictatorship in Nigeria to analyse how horizontal relationships have fared in exchanges within civil society. It argues that the exigencies of sustained political struggle throw up conflicts over issues of participation, accountability, and egalitarianism that in turn promote social capital within civil society by mitigating hierarchically structured and asymmetrical patterns of exchange among its members. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 With the substantial changes the main management focus shifted from ecological protection to the economic performance. In that way, the Fisheries Management Act of 1990 introduced several new features. The alternative effort-based option was terminated and the new ITQ-system also included vessels from 6-10 tons, which had hitherto been excluded. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 In 1995, the average level of the minimum wages was CNY 195 per month, which went up to CNY 616 in 2008. Most cities have strengthened implementation in recent years, which could be reflected in a high adjustment frequency, a greater absolute increase in minimum wage rates, and high growth rates. In particular, in 2006, nearly 90% adjusted their minimum wages, which reflects that the minimum wage policy is beginning to be valued by local governments, and the minimum wage is now used as a policy instrument. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! In some ways, food aid is an outmoded form of assistance, and it is surprising to see diat the region still receives more dian 2 million tons per year. Most of diis continues to be shipped long distances, which can be slow and inefficient, and may not deliver food that is culturally appropriate (FAO 2006). Such transfers not only give recipients greater freedom regarding how to use the money, but the transfers offer greater benefits than even locally-sourced food in stimulating the local economy through multiplier effects. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The OECD (2009) estimates that the United States could halve its oil intensity of GDP by 2050 under various abatement scenarios (Figure 11). This reduction in oil intensity is similar to those in other OECD economies with relatively high GHG-emissions intensities of output (Canada, and the Australia and New Zealand region) and more than in European countries or Japan. The United States agreed to the Copenhagen Accord (noted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Conference of the Parties 15th session (COP15)) in December 2009. It commits signatories to cooperate to achieve the peaking of global and national emissions as soon as possible, recognising that the timing for peaking will be longer in developing countries than in developed countries. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 First, because capacity needs for monitoring and tracking may be significant. Second, because there will be variations in information reported that are related to differences in domestic data collection and monitoring systems. Some sources are more challenging to track, such as extra-budgetary funding, grant financing, technical and in-kind assistance, guarantees, and mobilised private finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Governments can directly invest in infrastructure through their budgets or through state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Public financial institutions can provide loans and loan guarantee mechanisms in strategic areas to attract private sector investment. Bonds are the main debt instrument available on capital markets, issued by governments, public financial institutions or, to a lesser extent, companies. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! Service sector firms more than manufacturing firms appear to benefit from urbanization economies. Clustering makes intra-industry cooperation between firms possible, enabling them to overcome difficulties such as failures of information and of contract enforcement. In Ethiopia the effect on productivity appears high when clustering firms are producing similar products. The effect of clustering in Cambodia is stronger for informal enterprises and manufacturing firms than for service firms. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! For example, evidence shows that legal protection against domestic violence is not only critical to protect women by reducing impunity and opening avenues for redress, but it also improves women’s life spans. Women's access to property is associated with a higher likelihood of joint decision-making about employment and household expenditure and a better bargaining position at home. See UN Women 2015b and World Bank 2013. See, e.g., Allendorf 2007, Deere and Leon 2003, and Friedemann-Sanchez 2008. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Finland's history and geography - caught between the powerful kingdom in the west and the even bigger empire in the east - compelled it to pul the nation's interest first and not allow education policy to become victim to partisan politics. Finland is a small nation that the rest of the world sees as a strange place that speaks a language nobody else understands. Over the past half-century Finns have adopted an understanding that the only way to survive as a small, independent nation is by educating all people. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 About 74% of the Namibian households cannot afford conventional housing and only 57% of urban households have access to sanitation facilities, which has serious environmental and health implications. The government’s ongoing public housing programme will need to be completed with better urban infrastructure development programmes and further strengthening of rural growth points to create more rural jobs. Agriculture continues to drive the economy, and as it is mostly rain-fed, it is very much at the mercy of climate-related shocks. Economic prospects are quite good, mainly because of the expected expansion of extractive industries and more investment in agriculture and transport. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Opening up the telecommunications network to private providers can increase competition, potentially reducing costs and improving service quality. Liberalisation of the telecommunications sector, opening mobile and internet markets to competition and establishing independent regulation can help to sustain and accelerate private sector-led economic growth (World Bank, 2015b). The 2011 events and aftermath heightened the many challenges faced by the Libyan labour market. These include overemployment in the bloated public sector, high unemployment - especially among youth and w'omen - low job creation, w'eak social protection and a lack of social dialogue. Libya’s resource curse further distorts the labour market and prevents it from functioning properly. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 J. Doyle1, E. Waters1, E. Noonan2, N. Royle3, K. Kowalski4, C. Gill5, D.B. Wilson5,6 Cochrane Public Health Review Group, McCaughey Centre, VicHealth Centre for the Promotion of Mental Health and Community Wellbeing, University of Melbourne, Australia The Campbell Collaboration, Head Office, Oslo, Norway The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK Campbell Social Welfare Group, Nordic Campbell Centre, Sfi The Danish National Centre For Social Research, Denmark Campbell Crime and Justice Group, Jerry Lee Center of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania, USA Administration of Justice Department, George Mason University, USA Address correspondence to J. Doyle, E-mail: - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The downside risk to the economic outlook is low natural gas prices, which would reduce export revenues and potentially lead to lower-than-expected foreign investment inflows in the energy sector. However, the 2015/16 budget outlines cuts in capital expenditures, which is somewhat in contrast to the priority given to infrastructure development in the country’s medium-term plan. To enhance fiscal resources, there is room to improve the revenue potential of the extractive industry, for instance through centralizing the collection of gas-related revenue and increasing transparency. Tax administration can be strengthened, building on recent progress, including the operation of a large taxpayer office. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The reasons are complex but linked to a long history of legal and social discrimination. Discrimination accounts for an estimated one-third of wage disparities, all else (including education) being equal.3 This indicates that policies are needed to ensure that skills and education are rewarded equally. Social pressures within the African American community can limit choices and later life chances among adolescents. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Overall, the health information systems with the highest value in terms of data availability, maturity and use were found in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Israel, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and the United Kingdom (Scotland and Wales). The national personal health datasets reported by countries tend to have very high coverage of targeted populations, rely upon automatic data extraction from electronic clinical and administrative records, and include the use of standard codes for clinical terminology. Key reasons for approving these linkages include to develop health care quality and system performance indicators to measure care co-ordination, outcomes of care pathways, resource utilisation and costs, and compliance with national health care guidelines. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Classification of health care functions (cont.) A similar set of services and goods can be consumed with a non-health purpose. This is the case where health care is inter-linked with well-being or with social care, such as medical services with a cosmetic non-health purpose or social support as part of long-term care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Nutrition education, including both general education and nutrition-specific education, is effective in improving nutrition (FAO, 201 Ba). However, following a period of heightened food insecurity, input subsidies, in particular fertilizer subsidies, have regained widespread popularity in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, especially following the sharp increase in food prices and fertilizer costs after 2006. They are now the most popular production support measure used, although they are typically small-scale and ad hoc in the Latin America and the Caribbean region (Table 3) (Demeke etal., Fertilizer subsidies are also attractive because they can raise food production within a relatively short time, and because fertilizer use per hectare is very low in sub-Saharan Africa compared with other regions. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In addition, the type of employment generated within this sector is relatively unskilled. This implies that, while agriculture may have a large employment creation potential in the short term, its contribution to real wage growth would be smaller than that contributed by jobs created elsewhere, and increasingly more so as per capita incomes increase. Therefore, sustaining poverty reduction in the long term requires that agricultural transformation is complemented by dynamism in other sectors, this is particularly the case in manufacturing but also in high value-added services where the synergic effects of new technological advances are higher than in agriculture. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Drawing on ethnographic research conducted in 2012 on British Nigerian young women who have gone to boarding school in Nigeria and returned to attend university in the UK, I use the concept of third space as a heuristic device for understanding their transnational subjectivities and practices. I argue that, for some, this third space is a transgressive one in which they can craft alternative subjectivities and narratives about African culture and political economy. Applying insights from decolonial theory, I seek to build on the transgressive nature of this third space. In positioning themselves variously as Londoners, Nigerians, dual and post‐nationals, they express key features of contemporary transnational European subjectivities. Yet, parental expectations that they marry Nigerians and members of the Nigerian diaspora serve to reproduce the racial distinctions and nationalist rhetoric of colonial modernity that their third space subjectivities contest. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The Kyoto Fund (EUR 6 million in 2008) is financed primarily by an excise duty on road fuels (the “Kyoto cent”) and by a portion of the annual road tax. Only Ireland and Korea had higher growth rates over the period 1990-2007. Opinion on fiscal aggregates for the period subsequent to 2009 from the viewpoint of sustainable development criteria, opinion on opportunities and challenges relating to the growing use of biomass. For example, for a vehicle emitting 145 g of C02/km the tax is: diesel engine, 145*0.9*1.1 = EUR 143, petrol engine, 145*0.6*1.1 = EUR 95. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! However, productivity in the sector is low and high labour turnover is often cited as a significant constraint for improving productivity. Some employers report that only half of workers stay beyond three years (ILO, 2016a). Some staff turnover is to be expected in any industry, but this rate is high even by regional industry standards (World Bank, 2012) and has a direct impact on productivity in terms of loss of experienced workers and costs related to hiring and training. While the fact that the sector in general employs migrant women under 25 who may view employment as a temporary opportunity does play a role, challenging working conditions - long hours, compulsory overtime, limited understanding of contractual rights and obligations, issues with wages and representation - have been reported to be a significant factor (ILO, 2016c, World Bank, 2012). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! This essay considers the contemporary militarization of U.S. civilian psychology in the context of World War II and Cold War efforts to target the psychic and emotional life of civilians as a battlefield component of `total war.' Selectively tracing the entangled histories of academic social science, the mass media, military technologies, and U.S. government agencies, I suggest that the post-World War II emergence of the U.S. national security state is founded in part on the calculated promotion of civilian insecurity and terror. The militarization of civilian psychology — that is, the psychological re-organization of civil society for the production of violence — becomes historically visible as an administrative imperative of U.S. government. This visibility, I argue, is important in interrogating and intervening in the complex politics and cultures of terrorism today. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The “Water for life” Strategy (Box 1.3) encourages an expanded role for the private sector in WWS and allows BOTs to be used as a possible modality. A comprehensive National Water Master Plan was adopted by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in 2003, which helped to make Jordan one of the most advanced countries in the region in terms of an enabling environment, policies and strategic planning for the water sector (SWIM-SM, 2012). The Water Master Plan focuses on groundwater and water resources management. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 However, an earlier study (Gilligan eta/., 2009) found that the programme sometimes replaced private transfers when payments were regular, and reduced private transfers when payments were irregular. On the other hand, there is no evidence that food aid and food-for-work crowded out private transfers among pastoralists in Ethiopia and Kenya (Lentz and Barrett, 2005). In South Africa, old-age pensioners experienced a 25-30 percent decline in private transfers from their children once they began to receive their pensions (Jensen 2003, IEG 2011). Thus, the (now discontinued) Red de Proteccion Social programme in Nicaragua did not replace private transfers such as gifts and loans (Maluccio and Flores, 2005). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 So far, it has been notable that participants have on the whole chosen programmes that are available to other unemployed rather than those specifically designed for people with disabilities. A total of 5,502 people with limited work capacity entered ALMPs between January and August 2016 and the most popular choices have been training, work trials and work-related rehabilitation (source: country responses to OECD policy questionnaire). In view of the voluntary nature of programme participation during the early phase of the initiative, those who have registered for services so far are likely to be particularly motivated to look for work or to have less severe disabilities. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Angola’s oil-fuelled reconstruction since the end of the civil war in 2002 is a world away from the mainstream liberal peacebuilding approach that Western donors have promoted and run since the end of cold war. The Angolan case is a pivotal example of what can be termed ‘ illiberal peacebuilding ’, a process of post-war reconstruction managed by local elites in defiance of liberal peace precepts on civil liberties, the rule of law, the expansion of economic freedoms and poverty alleviation, with a view to constructing a hegemonic order and an elite stranglehold over the political economy. Making sense of the Angolan case is a starting point for a broader comparative look at other cases of illiberal peacebuilding such as Rwanda, Lebanon and Sri Lanka. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, according to national law, natural areas can be developed only if the area is covered by a SCoT. Such incentives have been further strengthened by the requirement that developed areas that are not covered by a SCoT cannot be expanded starting from 1 January 2017 onwards. To encourage the adoption of SCots, the State set up annual calls for proposals starting in 2010 to increase participation in rural territories with limited human and financial resources to draw up SCoTs. The PADD is the policy document which establishes the main thrusts of territorial development for the next 15 to 20 years, the DOO is the technical document which is enforceable against local documents such as the local housing programmes (Programmes locaux de I ’habitat), urban mobility plans (Plans de deplacements urbains), local urban planning plans (Plans locaux d’urbanisme) and municipal maps (Cartes communales). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 No definition of consistency is provided in the Paris Agreement or associated decision. Enabling the UNFCCC to do a quality control of information on data interface could reduce these errors. Information presented by countries in their BR and accompanying CTF is not always consistent. If countries report data on climate finance provided/mobilised by recipient country, data can be re-aggregated to examine flows to different regional definitions, if required. Others include projects where climate change is a consideration, although not the main focus. Some countries apply a coefficient to funds that were used for an activity only partially focused on climate issues (see Annex B). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 They remained relatively stable during most of the 1980s before declining abruptly in 1989 and 1990, largely due to the collapse of pelagic fisheries in the Black Sea. In the Black Sea, landings have varied considerably from one year to the next since 1990, showing a generally increasing trend. In 2016, the total reported landings in the Black Sea were 390 000 tonnes. This value is slightly higher (5 percent) than the catches in 2013 but remains 17 percent lower than the average over the 2000-2013 period reported in SoMFi 2016. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 It may occur within a country or it may require crossing an international border. It may be short term/temporary or long term/permanent. Based on the area of origin and destination, this migration can also be classified as: rural-rural migration, rural-urban migration, urban-rural migration, or urban-urban migration. Although there is no consensus on how long the period should be for defining this type of migration, a range of 3-12 months is frequently found in the literature. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This national partnership between the Ministry of Education and the main stakeholders and municipalities/counties (2009-14) aims to increase the quality and status of the teaching profession, teacher education and school leadership. A yearly teacher recruitment campaign is an important part of GNIST. Another initiative is the development of National Guidelines for Differentiated Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes for Years 1-7 and Years 5-10 (2010 and 2013) to support implementation of the new teacher education reform. Furthermore, a national four-year programme to improve formative assessment at the school level, Assessment for Learning (2010), is already showing positive results. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 In 2012, Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala were the poorest regions with a GDP per capita lower than USD PPP 10 000 while Nuevo Leon, Tabasco, Distrito Federal, and Campeche were the richest regions with per capita GDP above USD PPP 28 000 (see Table 1.1). In a similar vein, USD PPP regional growth in the previous decade (2003-12) varied from 8.5% annually in Tabasco to 3.9% in Morelos (OECD Regional Database, 2015). Regions with the highest GDP per capita report die highest unemployment rates, while the poorest regions report the lowest unemployment rates. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__10 -> MISMATCH! During the past decade or so, organization studies has witnessed a small but growing interest in the human body, in health, and in the management of life beyond organizational boundaries. In light of this development, this paper investigates how the New Public Health seeks to construct and manage people as healthy bodies beyond the boundaries of formal work organizations. The paper does so through a discourse analysis of a UK health campaign on healthy eating. Drawing on Foucault’s notion of governmentality, the paper discusses the power, limitations and subversion of this campaign by problematizing the neo‐liberal managerialism that it actualizes. Finally, it discusses what implications this has for the New Public Health and for organization studies. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Over the course of each day, week and year, a teacher has to make thousands of decisions. To make these choices effectively teachers may draw on what is sometimes called pedagogical content knowledge. Then there are choices about how to initiate, organise and maintain momentum in periods of learning. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Nonetheless, meat-to-feed price margins are expected to improve compared to those experienced when feed costs reached their peak. After accounting for general price inflation, real meat prices will average higher than in the previous decade, although they trend marginally down from their current highs. Milk and dairy product prices increased strongly in 2013 due to reduced production in major countries from increasing feed costs. In the near term, prices of all dairy products are expected to decline sharply as production in the major dairy exporting countries expands in to the current high prices and feed costs decrease. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For irrigation purposes the volume of water made available by these concessions depends on per-hectare quotas and available water resources and so are variable over time. The initial water allocation is hence based on the basis of historically determined water rights and irrigated surface. Economic criteria do not play an important role, although there is some limited scope for changing the initial assignment of water rights through trading (see below). Effects which are external to the trading partners occur, for example, as a result of alterations in river flows, and the relatively high cost and lack of transport infrastructure limits the scope for trade. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The project collected information on existing mental health and well-being indicators and information systems and on this basis selected a set of mental health indicators for integration into a comprehensive health monitoring system in Europe. These indicators are listed in Table 4.5. Health care quality indicators 36. These challenges include: the difficulty of collecting data for even relatively simple indicators, the reported indicator data may be related to different years for different countries, the differential ability of countries to track patients after hospital admissions which is related to the presence or absence of UPIs, the lack of risk adjustment, deficiencies in relation to validity testing and exhaustive and exclusive data specifications, and the inability to avoid choosing indicators for quality benchmarking that reflect the data source that is available rather than optimal measures of quality of care. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the South African OAP, this is very unlikely given that the income bracket that determines eligibility is fairly high and hence is not binding for the majority of black candidates who represent the main group of beneficiaries. In addition, means-tests are not performed regularly. This is in contrast to such programmes in the OECD countries, where eligibility is conditional on labour market status and regular checks are the norm. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Section IV presents the econometric strategy, discusses data issues and analyses the results highlighting the most important supply-side constraints to agricultural exports. Sections V to VII present country case studies illustrating the mechanisms highlighted by the econometric work and the importance of some variables that the econometric work could not capture because of data limitations. Estimating the impact of the various supply-side constraints to agricultural trade: What kind of constraints restrict agricultural trade and why? - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Thus far, data show that the exchange rate dynamics involving the Chinese yuan and the US dollar are more about the strength of the US dollar than the weakness of the Chinese yuan. The dip of the Chinese yuan from mid-2018 to end-2018 was milder than that of other Emerging Asian currencies, such as the Indian rupee or the Indonesian rupiah. There is scope to improve targeting of foreign capital towards underdeveloped sectors and towards sectors where domestic firms can participate more extensively. In order to pursue these objectives, foreign investment policy must be aligned with the local enterprise development framework. Six of the 12 countries have a dedicated smart city strategy, namely China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Science funding is provided only for fixed items such as salaries and social contributions. Thus, Government funding does not cover R&D, for which other sources of funding must be accessed. Research is mainly carried out at NAS institutes. Around two thirds of this funding went to the NAS in 2009, directly from the Ministry of Finance under a separate budget line. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 As with shared bicycles, they can be station-based or free-floating. In both instances, data is generated and logged in order to manage payment and system operation. Some systems share this data through APIs that offer some level of integration with third-party service providers. In some instances, car-sharing may be bundled with other mobility services (e.g. agreements between Mobility Car Sharing and the Swiss Federal Railways). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The age of the Vertisol is estimated as less than 10,000 years, and this Vertisol is fertile because a balance between soil erosion and soil creation is maintained. Excessive erosion removes the topsoil, causing desertification, but, where soil erosion is much less than soil creation, over the long term it eluviates and dissipates soil nutrients, forming aged soils (Oxisols). Under the rainfall categorization, it is primarily part of Region IV (annual aridity index of 20 or more and summer aridity index of 5 or more), and has made the development of North European-type agriculture possible. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! However, while market-income inequality continued to rise after the mid-1990s, much of the stabilising effect of taxes and benefits on household income inequality declined (Figure 10). Cash redistribution relies on three instruments: benefits, income taxes, and social security contributions. Overall, the redistribution trends were driven chiefly by benefits or, to be more precise, by changes in their receipt patterns and generosity. Changes in the numbers of unemployed and reforms to benefit eligibility criteria appear to have been particularly important factors, whereas benefit targeting seems to have played less of a role. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Still, one limitation in producing gender statistics persists. Sex is often used as only one of the breakdown variables for the data presented. As explained in chapter I and shown in chapter II, gender statistics and a meaningful gender analysis commonly require disaggregation by sex and other characteristics at the same time. For example, gender segregation in the labour market is partially determined by the gender gap in education, therefore data on occupations should be further disaggregated by the level of educational attainment. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The share of the population over 65 years of age has been increasing in OECD countries over the past few decades. In 1960, 9% of the OECD population was over 65 years old, but the proportion rose to around 15% in 2010 (OECD, 201 la). This trend is expected to continue into the future, so that by 2050 the share of the population aged 65 or more is expected to reach 26% of the total OECD population. With rising life expectancy and improved healthcare, elderly citizens will be able to remain active longer, in many cases continuing to work well beyond the official retirement age. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__10, __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Thus, the area is extremely rich in archaeological monuments and artefacts. As such, it hosts the largest complex of species-rich alluvial meadows, and also the largest floodplain forest systems in Central Europe. Altogether 42 species of European importance are present including: beetles, dragonflies, molluscs, and fish, which latter include especially abundant European Bitterling, rare strcber, and extremely rare zicge or Sabre Carp. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5, __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Nonetheless, women share responsibility for caring for cattle, typically including milking the cows twice a day, tending the herds, fetching water and cleaning shelters, as well as marketing milk. Only 45 per cent of female heads of household, but 54 per cent of their male counterparts, have completed primary school, and three times as many female heads as male heads have never attended school. However, primary school enrolment is slightly higher for girls (59 per cent) than for boys (57 per cent) (Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia and World Bank, 2013), and preliminary findings of a survey conducted in 2013 point to full gender parity in the highest grade achieved in school among 12-year-olds (Young Lives, 2014). Where credit is available, women’s access can be affected by their limited control of land, which impairs their ability to provide collateral. Lower levels of education and literacy also mean that women are less likely than men to have the skills required to apply for loans successfully or to design and articulate business plans. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The Law regulates breeding, protection, hunting, and use of game and its parts. Amendments have provided for increased numbers of wild animal species (game) to acquire the status of permanently protected wild species. The effect of implementing the amendments of the Law of Hunting in 2008 has been positive. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 This article succinctly, albeit critically, assesses with reference to some international developments the role that public participation is expected to play in state governments’ fulfilment of citizens’ environmental rights. Based on a survey of literature and jurisprudence, the article considers substantive environmental rights as human rights and the notion of public participation generally. It also puts forward some ideas on the relation between public participation and the fulfilment of environmental rights and how this may feed into good environmental governance. The article does not aim to contribute to the discourse on good governance or good environmental governance per se . Instead, it introduces the presumed role of public participation processes in an environmental rights context what may be but a facet of good governance and/or good environmental governance. Where applicable, the South African context is employed to illustrate and reinforce the observations and/or viewpoints maintained. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A principal challenge for the WTO, as well as for, its members is to adjust to new realities in order to achieve its goals in an increasingly uncertain global environment. While agriculture and food security are important sub-themes of this session, the speakers also addressed problems and possible solutions in a broader context. The influence of the changing global environment were addressed. The challenges brought about as a result of natural crises, both in terms of the climate and of disease, price shocks, food to fuel switches and price volatility, as well as financial and geopolitical events, have changed the world dramatically even since the time of the Marrakesh Ministerial. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Comprehensive education until the end of lower secondary education allows temporary grouping of students by ability in core subjects such as mathematics or language. The proportion of students enrolled in privately managed schools is above the OECD average. While this can widen inequities, policies to promote more balanced distribution are in place to ensure that students with low socio-economic status have opportunities to attend their preferred school. Grade repetition is also largely used: about one out of three students (35%) have repeated a grade at least once by age 15. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 If only the state would stop 'squeezing' agriculture through marketing boards and price distortions15, the supply-side response by agricultural producers would drive export-led growth. Subsequent changes in Africa’s exports show no significant increase in activities in which African countries ostensibly had comparative advantage. Indeed, after two decades of reforms, Africa's share of global non-oil exports fell to less than half what it was in the early 1980s [Ng and Yeats, 2000, quoted by Mkandawire, 2005). However, despite this upsurge, the African share of world exports still remains well below its earlier level. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The chapter concludes with policy concerns and recommendations. Job creation does not respond to the same strategies everywhere and usually those places with little technological absorption and innovation capacity will have fewer opportunities for recovery. The role of policy is therefore crucial to facilitate and accelerate sustainable pathways for local recovery. This chapter discusses key issues for the recovery and illustrates with local initiatives how this recovery is being driven in the Asian region. A difficult task, as global impacts affect both the private and the public sector and, in many cases, local institutions and stakeholders do not have the capacity or knowledge to propose policies and programmes for effective management of global issues such as the recent financial crisis or the impact of climate change, demographic change and ageing of societies. However, several elements are within the reach of public policy: (I) fostering the dynamics between skills and employment, (2) creating jobs through enterprise and infrastructure development, and (3) developing social protection schemes. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 These indicators can be expressed as productivity or intensity ratios, by relating emissions to measures of production or consumption, or as decoupling trends showing the two variables separately. The ratio between CO2 emissions from production and GDP is a widely used indicator. It brings together several aspects related to the environmental efficiency of production and is a prime indicator of relative decoupling between carbon from fossil fuel use as an input and domestic production. The CO2 intensity of production is also representative of other environmental issues, in particular emissions of greenhouse gases and to some extent air pollution, which are correlated with the carbon intensity of economic production. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 These activities are to be integrated into the city's master plan. The development of a “sustainable urban mobility plan” considers specifically the launch of light rail transit to Novopolotsk, and the development of cycle lanes, pedestrian paths, parking and transport interchanges. This project has led to the establishment of info-rooms in six locations, namely, Vileyka city, the urban-type settlements Zelva and Zhelyudok, and agro-towns Motole, Rakov and Vidonlya. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 For example, every second employer has no guideline on when to contact an occupational physician in case of sickness absence. Employer sanctions are frequent: in one in five sickness absences longer than two years employers fail to meet their obligations and, as a sanction, have to continue sick pay at the same level for a third year. For example, it is important that the employment system and the employment service providers identify mental illness of jobseekers early on to prevent long-term unemployment and the sliding into disability benefit dependence. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Despite the high employment rate of single mothers in Japan and the relatively low cost of the Child Rearing Allowance as compared to a full income-replacement benefit, the government in 2002 introduced a number of reforms to further limit expenditure.149 These were motivated by continuing growth in the number of recipients. After 2002, the number of Child Rearing Allowance recipients increased further, reaching 956 000 in 2006, but the divorce rate - which is a leading indicator for this benefit caseload - started to fall (Chisa, 2008). Single mothers are one of the groups assisted by welfare offices in cooperation with Hello Work through the Employment Support Programme (see above). Chisa (2008) reports that “As work-related services, the Japanese government is urging local prefectures and cities to establish special job centers and job training benefits for single mothers”. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 ""At the heart of this is """"co-agency"""" - the interactive, mutually supportive relationships that help learners progress. In this sense, everyone should be considered a learner, not only students but also teachers, school managers, parents and communities. For a time, massive open online courses, known as MOOCs, seemed to offer an attractive alternative to expensive instruction, but completion rates for MOOCs have remained dismal."" - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""With often dramatic modifications of the market, political, social and production systems, the task of knowing and learning present an ever growing part of every-day life. If consumption-production systems are to support resilient communities, they have to be designed in a manner that allows constant innovation and adaptation while accepting that mistakes will be made along the way. As a result, there is a need for constant identification of ongoing knowledge processes, understanding ways of productive engagement with various """"knowledge holders”, testing and evaluating impacts of resulting innovations. This presents demands for new competencies and for educational systems that facilitate such competencies."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Contributing authors: Hakan Tundn, Marie Kvarnstrom, Hannele llvessalo-Lax, Johnny Berglund, Hans-Goran Lax, Tero Mustonen, Anders Hojgard Petersen, Preben Clausen, Jorgen L.S. Hansen, Eva Roth, Lars Gamfeldt, Pia Norling, Jan Sorensen, Johanna Roto, Susanne Vavare, Michael Koie Poulsen. Habitat degradation, eutrophication, fishing and climate change are examples of drivers of change that affect Nordic coastal habitats. Policy and governance are principal indirect drivers that both could lead to decline and deteriorations, as well as improvements and recoveries of Nordic marine environments. Such changes might lead to increased oxygen depletion in many areas, leakage of nutrients, changed trophic structures and spread of pathogens (Diaz & Rosenberg, 2008, Gregory et al., - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! The simulation in this section models the individually tailored forward contract that allow farmer to fix the selling price (with no basis risk) in advance at lower price than the expected price. The simulation result shows that in Australia and in the UK the farmer does not use a forward contract strategy unless its cost is approximately less than 2.5% of the expected price. While the representative farm in Australia almost fully hedges price risk at zero transaction cost of the forward contract, the representative farm in the UK hedges the price at less than 60% of his production even when the transaction cost of the forward contract is zero. The marginal impact of the use of price hedging on farm welfare is larger in the UK than in Australia (first graph in the figure). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Consequently, there is a significant gap in objectives between the urban and rural elements of the metropolitan region. This suggests that a collaborative agreement to jointly manage development in a way that provides benefits to both Prague and the proximate municipalities would be in every party’s interest. Prague’s 2008 update of the Strategic Plan articulates this as a major priority, it recommends forging stronger links between Prague and Central Bohemia through the creation of a permanent working group on transboundary development (Stanilovand Sykora, 2014: 155). Meanwhile, Central Bohemia’s Regional Development Program (2006, updated 2009) articulates similar goals. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The programme also provides training and the acquisition of skills for self-employment (Lavigne, 2013). Ecuador, for example, is implementing its My First Job Programme, which seeks to promote and encourage the employment of young students. To do this, employment opportunities are offered to young students aged 16 to 20 with no prior job experience, thus providing their first experience in the formal labour market. Staying in school is a condition for keeping the job, students receive adequate remuneration for the work performed under this grant. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! When heavy rainfall occurs during sowing and harvesting, large machinery cannot enter the fields for long periods of time, growth is delayed and severe loss of harvests occurs. In fact, an examination of yield fluctuations between 1950 and 2000 (yield as a percentage of that in the previous year) has shown that, since around the 1970s and early 1980s, yields of corn, soybeans and cotton, which grow in the summer, have fluctuated greatly, whereas yields of wheat, which grows in a different season, have fluctuated relatively little (Rosenzweig and Hillel, 2008). From this it can be surmised that, although water issues were not necessarily the sole cause, the production of major grains in the United States began to destabilize in the 1970s and early 1980s, when global warming was not very pronounced, and that this trend will become even more pronounced in the future. This aquifer underlies 111.4 million acres (174,000 square miles) in parts of eight US states: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! Unilateral coercive measures are condemned by the UN General Assembly on a yearly basis for being contrary to international law and for having negative effects on human rights and the economy of developing States. Although legal doctrine generally finds that the limitations of economic coercion are a grey area of international law, these resolutions could be indicative of an emerging prohibition. Upon closer scrutiny, however, it would appear that they do not satisfy the required criteria—as developed by international jurisprudence and doctrine—for establishing a new custom. That being said, the resolutions clearly illustrate a divide between developed and developing States on the legitimacy of unilateral sanctions that should not be dismissed. In the interests of understanding how this division came into existence and how we can overcome it, the article proceeds to address the social factors that lead to its creation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Equity in education is achieved when personal or social circumstances, such as gender, ethnic origin or family background, do not hinder achieving educational potential (fairness) and all individuals reach at least a basic minimum level of skills (inclusion) (OECD, 2012a). Evidence shows that investing in equity should be a priority, as it pays off for economies, societies and individuals. Policies addressing inequities that arise from school failure and personal circumstances (e.g. students’ background, geographic inequalities, etc.) - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Hazardous drinking in young adults is a way of socializing. Drinking alcohol is often seen as the standard way of fitting in with peers. For the younger generations surrounded by “alcohol offers” (e.g. multiple delivery points, price offers, new products), the pursuit of excessive alcohol consumption has become part of a normal experience of young adulthood (Seaman and Ikegwuonu, 2010). Besides, younger generations have different motivations for drinking and different patterns of drinking compared to older generations, such as abusing of spirits for the puipose of getting drunk rapidly in order to unwind and have fun (Pabst et al, 2010). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Peace by Other Means” argues that the drive for self-esteem, achieved by gaining honor or standing, has been a root cause of violent conflict and war throughout history and that peacemaking that does not take account of what the Greeks called thumos is bound to fail. Using an original data set of all wars since 1648 (the Peace of Westphalia) involving great or rising powers, the essay shows how wars associated with honor, standing, and revenge, all expressions of thumos , far outnumber those caused by security or material concerns. At the same time, it is argued, diplomacy and the theory of international relations have turned increasingly toward belief that conflicts are resolved only by negotiation based on the rational consideration of material interests. The author concludes that conflict resolution needs to rethink its presumptions in comparison with those of Greco-Latin literature and philosophy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The digital divide between developed and developing countries remains wide in terms of access to broadband services and e-commerce platforms, quality of infrastructure and legal framework. On average, services firms are more intensive users of digital technology than manufacturing firms, while high-tech firms are more intensive users of industrial robots than services or low-tech firms. Despite these challenges, it is possible to illustrate the current state of the digital economy using available statistical and anecdotal evidence and to make inferences about its likely future direction. The US International Trade Commission (USITC) offers a similar estimate of US$ 27.7 trillion for global e-commerce in 2016, up 44 per cent from 2012. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 For each of the NAP’s priority sectors, the United Kingdom then assesses whether there is a policy in place to address the sector’s key climate risk (which may or may not be listed in the NAP), and provides an assessment of this policy’s implementation, as well as an evaluation of whether action to date has contributed to reducing the sector’s vulnerability to climate change (Figure 3). Output-based indicators capture the implementation of adaptation policies [and] show that governments and other stakeholders have kept word, but they do not show if vulnerability has been reduced.” A national-level adaptation framework is important as national governments play an essential role in facilitating adaptation through agenda setting, planning and budgeting (Cimato and Mullan, 2010). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Evrazijskaya migracionnaya sistema: ot ehkonomicheskogo pragmatizma k vozrozhdeniyu civilizacionnogo edinstva [Eurasian migration system: from economic pragmatism to the renaissance of the civilizational unity]. Remittances and labor supply in post-conflict Tajikistan. Available from track/pdf/10.1186/2193-9020-l-8? Brak, seks i razvod u tadzhikskih trudovyh migrantov [Marriage, sex and divorce of Tajik labour migrants]. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The underlying measurement framework should be clearly specified. Note: Based on national circumstances, countries may also wish to collect data on activities by children which are outside the general production boundary, such as begging and stealing, and which may need to be considered in the context of the worst forms of child labour. All persons in the age group from 5 to 17 years, where age is measured as the number of completed years at the child's latest birthday (see glossary). It may be designed either as a stand-alone survey or as a module attached to another household-based survey. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This book is the first comprehensive account of the International Labour Organization’s 100-year history. At its heart is the concept of global social policy, which encompasses not only social policy in its national and international dimensions, but also development policy, world trade, international migration and human rights. Daniel Maul’s account focuses on the ILO’s roles as a key player in debates on poverty, social justice, wealth distribution and social mobility and as a global forum for addressing these issues. The study puts in perspective the manifold ways in which the ILO has helped structure these debates and has made – through its standard-setting, technical cooperation and myriad other activities – practical contributions to the world of work and to global social policy. Co-published with De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Daniel Maul is Associate Professor of International and Transnational History of the 19th and 20th Century at the University of Oslo. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 By creating good-quality jobs elsewhere in their economies, some of these countries, especially in Latin America, have successfully averted adverse distributional effects of deindustrialization. Especially important in this context have been supportive macroeconomic and wage policies, as well as taigeted fiscal and industrial policies aimed at ensuring that most of the income generated in the commodities sector is used within the country. The reason is that the benign distributional outcomes have, at least in part, depended on higher fiscal revenues resulting from soaring commodity prices. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Latin America can, in time, free itself of much of the corruption that now penetrates its public and corporate spheres. Given the breaking of impunity for politicians and executives in Brazil and elsewhere, a growing intolerance of corrupt dealings by the publics of Latin America, and a greater vigilance of civil society and the media, cleansing those thoroughly corrupt countries of the practice of corruption is much more likely than in decades past. The mostly positive examples of Uruguay, Chile, and Costa Rica provide promise. The innovations proposed in this chapter could also help. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the Jim Crow South whites disfranchised blacks by extralegal and legal practices. The latter included the “white primary,” which allowed a political party to nominate its candidates for the general election. Blacks were excluded. Pursuing “the Negro's right to vote,” the NAACP battled suffrage restriction in Texas. Its initial case, Nixon v. Herndon (1927), convinced the Supreme Court to overturn Texas’ law excluding blacks from primary elections. The legislature changed it by allowing the Democratic Party's executive committee to determine its eligible voters, but the Court disallowed the change in Nixon v. Condon (1932). The Texas Democratic Convention, a private body, thus restricted participation in primaries to whites-only. Enlisting black Houston dentist Dr. Lonnie Smith as plaintiff, NAACP counsel unsuccessfully contested the party's racial exclusion in state court. He appealed and the Court overturned the “white primary” in Smith 8–1. Black voter registration and voting increased in southern states. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The HSCB works to ensure the learnings from trends in incidence data and investigations with a regional application are effectively disseminated and there are Mortality and Morbidity Meetings in each Trusts to consider incidents and complaints. Changing the Culture 2010 is Northern Ireland's strategy and action plan for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections. The Leadership Attributes Framework was announced in November 2014 aims to assist knowledge building and leadership around quality improvement and safety. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Its core elements are comprehensive pricing of GHG emissions and increased support for the development and deployment of GHG-emissions-reducing technologies. The alternative regulatory approach would be more costly and unlikely to deliver the required scale of reductions in emissions. To reduce the probability of severe climate-change impacts and costs occurring, global GHG emissions need to be reduced substantially over coming decades. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Gender gaps exist for a wide range of agricultural technologies, including machines and tools, improved plant varieties and animal breeds, fertilisers, pest control measures and management techniques. Often technologies and tools have been adapted to men’s tasks or to equipment used by men, whilst women struggle with cultivation and harvesting using handheld tools (World Bank, FAO and IFAD, 2009). Only 15% of the extension personnel were female. Several new and participatory extension approaches have been developed and tested in the past decade in an effort to move away from a top-down model to more farmer-driven services. The impact of agricultural extension services can be improved by working with the whole household, rather than with individuals (Box 2.9 Agriculture support programme, Zambia) (Farnworth, 2010a). When both women’s and men’s work is explicitly recognised, the entire farm is strengthened as a productive enterprise. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! The Russians, who had been the largest group up to the 1980s, were concentrated in the then capital city, Almaty, and in northern and eastern regions bordering the Russian Federation. Among the “other” groups were large contingents of ethnic Germans and Koreans who had been shipped to Kazakhstan during World War II. About a million Russians and 700 000 Germans left Kazakhstan during the 1990s, the exodus slowed substantially with the Russian crisis in 1998, but even in 2000 annual net emigration was still over 100 000, and only began to drop substantially with the post-2000 boom. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Recommended reforms to Mexico’s health system (cont.) Once the essential minimum of a national patient register is established, the focus should then be on consolidation and interoperability of the various additional databases used by SP and the SS institutes. It will also be crucial to ensure that the legal framework around data privacy supports record sharing whilst affording adequate safeguards. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Moreover, in cases in which serious crises are dealt with, it is also conceivable that a United Nations peacekeeping operation, military, or other security maintenance organizations in the security community may also be used. In the present case, a resolution was passed by the Security Council to endorse the establishment of UNMEER, which has the advantage of being effective in heightening awareness of the international community because of its binding power and high political importance. If the United Nations Department of Field Support in charge of the peacekeeping operation takes a logistical approach, then a quick and efficient response may be implemented. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The higher trade volumes resulting from the framework agreements will generate greater domestic economic activity in meeting the developmental objectives of the countries of Central Asia and South Asia. In addition, given the fact that tariff concessions are offered on numerous items, the Central Asian and South Asian countries could diversify their export commodities to Participating States of APTA to include miscellaneous other products (non-energy related) and services. The Energy Efficiency Factor is derived by subtracting final energy intensity from 1. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 That is because there is a risk that policies can aggravate existing capacity problems and reduce the capability of the fisheries management system to effectively control effort and harvest. A better approach may be to ensure that fishers are aware of and can access existing programs that are supportive of energy efficiency, such as R&D or investment credits and incentives in the tax code. Another option may be to make access to support policies contingent on fishers meeting a high standard of energy efficiency or participating in training or other programs designed to help fishers improve the efficiency of their operations. Governments can negotiate with the sector to establish voluntary standards and guidelines. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Other potentially harmful emissions include heavy metals (such as cadmium, lead and mercury) and other substances that are linked to environmental and health problems. Countries may wish to measure or estimate a variety of other emissions, based on national circumstances and priorities. Particulate matter (PM) Mass By tourists (1990) National . - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! In successful programmes, mentor teachers provide guidance and supervision to beginning teachers in close collaboration with the initial teacher-education institution. These mentors provide on-the-job support, identify deficits in subject-matter knowledge, classroom management strategies and other pedagogical processes. Often, schools that would need to provide the most support to beginning teachers are the least capable of delivering high-quality induction programmes. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Tummons (2014[i2|) analyses textbooks used in teachers’ further education to examine the effect of lifelong learning standards introduced in 2006 in the UK. As writing textbooks is a process through which standards can be inscribed, comparing and contrasting different versions of textbooks pre- and postintroduction of new standards can reveal the impact of standards. While the analysis notes a small number of changes likely to he the impact of new standards (e.g. a new/stronger focus on subject specialism, mentoring and continuous professional development), these do not seem to be substantial in number. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 If a limited company is founded after the project-test period, the idea provider will have a share in the new venture. It has made seed equity investments in university spin-off companies in the entire Gothenburg region. Chalmersinvest owns equity, directly or indirectly, in at present more than 40 companies. Chalmersinvest is in the process of attracting more external capital from private investors, large private corporations in addition to the several private and public financing organisations in and around Gothenburg. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! As a consequence, the network markets are highly regulated to ensure TSOs and DSOs provide reliable services to electricity producers and consumers. Prices for access to the grid as well as investments in grid extension are regulated by the Federal Network Agency. While maintaining security of supply, the regulation aims at cost-efficiency via benchmarking, and cost reduction by setting a cap on TSO and DSO revenues. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Unfortunately, we cannot estimate this model because it requires at least two instrumental variables that were not available in our survey. Additionally, given the characteristics of the eph survey, it is not possible to identify patterns of delayed childbirth because there is no information about the age of the oldest child in the case of women with children aged over 14. The best approximation is to consider the same set of wage regressions but look at different female age cohorts.15 When this is done, the findings suggest that younger cohorts of mothers are likely to experience a higher wage penalty than older mothers. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The European Parliament approved the CETA on 15 February 2017 and Canada ratified it on 16 May 2017. National parliaments in the EU must ratify the CETA before it can take full effect (European Commission, 2017). The CETA should result in expanded transatlantic trade, including of value-added forest products (GAC, 2016). The two parties agreed on 25 May 2017 to set up a joint delegation to increase trade cooperation, including consideration ofthe future of the TTIP (EURACTIV, 2017), but no subsequent activities have been reported. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 For Guerrero, such a road would have a significant impact on the development prospects of its northern region, comprising the northern Sierra de Guerrero slope and cities belonging to the so-called Tierra Caliente such as Iguala, Arcelia, Ciudad Altamirano. The state has rehabilitated the railroad to enhance the logistics platform in the eastern part of the state. It will also encourage the economic recovery in this region by providing rail freight services. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Rebuilding outcomes were found to vary considerably with the type of technology employed (as proxied by changing the catchability coefficient) and the presence of cost and biological interactions. In particular, consideration of biological interactions drastically increased the ambiguity of the outcome, and different combinations of interactions and technologies were found to further deplete the stock rather than rebuild it. They conclude that the failure to consider such interdependencies may negatively affect rebuilding efforts. An age-structured dynamic bioeconomic model was developed to account for the different cohorts. Net benefits were calculated using price and variable cost functions that were inversely proportional to landings and spawning biomass, respectively. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Figure 2.6 presents eight studies of the cost-effectiveness of the collaborative care model. Each of the points shows the relative effectiveness of collaborative care model for the treatment of moderate depression. The chart shows that there are a vast number of studies demonstrating the effectiveness of collaborative intervention, all of the studies show that collaborative intervention improves clinical outcomes. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 ""Traditional coping strategies centred on the sale of assets or community support to recover (fom losses may be insufficient to cope with more frequently recurring or larger hazards that affect entire regions. To help deal with this, recent international debates have focused on the need for building resilience to the various impacts of environmental degradation and climate change (box 5.3). Resilience describes the properties of a social-ecological system in terms of its ability to absorb or withstand perturbations without undergoing fundamental changes in its structure or functions."""""" - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 It is well known that many poor communities that have been established on steep hillsides, on the banks of rivers and gullies, on the coasts and other kinds of marginal lands impact negatively on the environment through their economic activities and their waste disposal. At another level, Jamaica’s export industries have traditionally been the main drivers of the economy, and at the same time are some of the most environmentally unfriendly. Disrupting these communities and industries for environmental reasons will have direct negative economic repercussions in the form of lost employment and incomes, together with the multiplier effect on other industries. A common theme in the consultations was that the green economy in Jamaica should extend the efforts to achieve sustainable development. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Countries may choose to apply reporting provisions differently, in a way that matches their capacities - applying the most ambitious guidelines in areas where they have sufficient capacity, reporting in a less complete way in other areas, and enhancing the completeness and transparency of their reporting over time. The enhanced transparency framework will rest on common MPGs (Art. The development of MPGs is to draw upon experience from existing transparency arrangements, to build on and enhance these arrangements, but also to eventually supersede the current measurement, reporting and verification system (Decision 1/CP.21 Paragraph 98). While the Cancun reporting arrangements continued to refer to previous reporting guidelines for national communications (NCs), the Paris Agreement text suggests MPGs will be standalone documents that can refer to new guidance documents being prepared as part of the enhanced transparency framework (e.g. accounting guidance) rather than previous guidance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Gupta and Kawadia, 2003) Estimated water runoff during planning of the reservoir w'as 3 454-3 947 m3, while the actual runoff has been 3 207 m3. This runoff is not sufficient to meet the 7 746 m3 capacity of the reservoir. This is far different from initial predictions of 3.6308 ha-m/100 km2/year (Jain, Aganval and Singh, 2007). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 It summarises Japan’s achievements and challenges in decoupling environmental pressures from economic performance. It analyses the use of market-based instruments, such as environmentally related taxes and charges and emissions trading schemes, to meet environmental and economic objectives, as well as steps taken to remove environmentally harmful subsidies. The level of integration of environmental concerns in Japan’s response to the economic crisis and in its long-term growth strategy is also analysed, particularly the policy mix used to take advantage of the growth and jobs opportunities arising from eco-innovation and the environmental goods and services sector. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 During the course of the 2013/14 marketing season, international prices of most crops remained under downward pressure, largely in response to positive supply situations. During the first half of 2013, the United States, European Union, New Zealand and Australia - all major players in global dairy markets - produced less milk than in 2012, further contributing to the price recovery. This expansion has been the main factor allowing markets to meet the increasing demand for fish and fish products. Despite these gains, prices for fish and fishery products have been volatile as they are influenced by inelastic supply due to catch quotas for captured fish and volatile conditions in the aquaculture sector stemming from disease outbreaks and fluctuation in feed costs. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The promotion measures will be implemented through national and international targets that range from primary school children to specialised buyers in aquaculture and fish products. In 2010, the main destinations of Mexican fish products exports (in particular as shrimp, tuna, lobster, octopus and sardines) in volume and value were as follows. Thus, compatibility with standards and systems for quality certification will be possible, among other matters. Achieving mutual recognition to verification and sanitary certification systems. In addition, it will create exclusive values for environmental management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address global warming. The main objective of the ORPAS is to execute the general policy of monitoring and enforcement in aquaculture and fisheries, as well as oversee the proper implementation of the CONAPESCA programmes, and encourage the promotion of activities in the sector. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 ""A new target was introduced, relating to “Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people."""" Four official indicators were defined for that purpose, involving measurement of the rate of productivity growth per worker, the percentage of the population employed, the percentage of extremely poor workers and the proportion of workers that have unstable and insecure jobs (“vulnerable workers”). In addition, the recommendation to monitor poverty trends by using national poverty lines was made explicit. The previous indicator was replaced by one measuring survival to the last grade of primary education (Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary)."" - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 At the same time, globalisation and trade have had an uneven impact across regions (Deloitte/Kraka, 2017(58]), although the current gap in unemployment rates across regions is among the smallest across OECD countries. While projections should be taken with much care, cross-country analysis suggests that around 10% of jobs in Denmark face high probability of automation, which is among the lowest in OECD countries (Figure 24). This partly reflects an already high level of digitalisation and use of industrial robots compared to other countries (see Chapter). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The plan has effectively brought the fight against deforestation into other sectoral agendas, thanks to high-profile co-ordination by the Executive Office of the Presidency (Casa Civil) and the assignment of implementation responsibilities to 13 ministries. Currently in its third phase, the PPCDAm is based on a coherent set of actions such as establishment of protected areas (Section 5), land tenure regularisation (including the Terra Legal programme), advanced monitoring systems, strict enforcement, and promotion of sustainable natural resource use. Complementary instruments such as embargos and credit restrictions for illegal deforesters have spurred enforcement effectiveness. It has greatly helped reduce deforestation in the Amazon (Figure 3), although other factors may have contributed, including declining prices of agricultural products and voluntary private sector engagement. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 The CAD 20 million Biofuels Opportunities for Producers Initiative, which ran from 2006 to 2008, helped farmers and rural communities hire experts to assist in developing business proposals, feasibility studies and other work necessary to create and expand agricultural producers’ biofuels production capacity. The NexGen Biofuels Fund will disburse funds up to 31 March 2017. A Strategy for Agriculture and the Rural Development Plan for period 2014-20 are being prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! ""In this article, we argue that critical and revolutionary educational praxis is increasingly shaped by and through ecological politics and imaginaries. Indeed, given the pervasiveness of environmental crisis in our everyday lives and vocabularies, we argue that critical educators can no longer ignore questions of ecojustice. In keeping with a growing interdisciplinary field of green Marxist scholarship, we argue that """"greening"""" critical pedagogy ought not diminish its radical intent or its goal of transforming oppressive social and economic conditions. Drawing on the field of political ecology, we argue for critical revolutionary pedagogy to be informed by a dialectics of ecological and environmental justice that highlights the situatedness of environmental conflict and injustice toward nonhuman nature without obscuring its historical production under capitalist value forms. In particular, we explore schooling as one site of environmental injustice before embarking on a broader discussion of how justice t..."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Additionally, industrial facilities, harbours and shipping routes may occupy large areas. Following an amendment of the Aquaculture Act in 2009, relocation of sites may be enforced by the central authorities, i.e. the Directorate of Fisheries, when necessary due to environmental or socio-economic concerns. Furthermore, a licence may be withdrawn in accordance with the Aquaculture Act if production at a particular site is no longer considered to be environmentally appropriate, e.g. when investigations show that ecosystems have been adversely affected by farming activities. Withdrawal may also be performed if the disease situation or awareness of disease or fish welfare conditions have changed significantly since the licence was granted. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Both institutions may exist for the same States with partially overlapping geographical coverage. For instance, according to the Agreement between Czechoslovakia and Poland Concerning the Use of the Water Resources in Frontier Waters (1958), the Czech Republic and Poland appoint plenipotentiaries. In addition, since 1996, the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland have cooperated through the Oder Commission. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 As a result, increased and enhanced access to water can further affect communities’ adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change. For adaptation, many results frameworks do contain indicators to track impacts in these areas. For example, the CIF’s “Pilot Program for Climate Resilience” (PPCR) and Republic of Kenya (Kenya) both include indicators on access to reliable and safe water (CIF, 2012b and Kenya, 2013). In the area of food security, Kenya also tracks how many hectares of productive land have been lost to soil erosion and how many households are in need of food aid as part of its national M&E systems for assessing climate resilience and adaptive capacity (GoK, 2012b). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Since 2009 specific catch quotas have been allocated to so-called coastal fishing to support small scale fishermen in rural areas. Boats that operate under this system must obtain a special licence from the Directorate of Fisheries. They may only catch during specified times of the day. Those boats may only use hand-lines and their catches per fishing trip are limited. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 Several EMBs always (Portugal, Spain) or occasionally (Greece, Switzerland) included gender considerations in election-related legislation, regulations and/or codes of conduct, in Switzerland, a guide has been published for individuals wishing to launch their candidatures. This difficulty has been systematically reported by female members of parliament from a range of countries (OECD, 2014(34]). Although societal understandings of familial gender roles are evolving, women remain the primary caregivers in many cases. Low work-life balance may discourage women from high-ranking leadership positions in politics, limiting the candidacy pool. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The article addresses the issue of murder preparation, its essence and legitimacy of penalisa-tion. Such behaviour in the criminal law system under the government’s subsequent codifications has remained unpunished. The change in this respect occurred along with the amendment to the Penal Code of 13th June 2019. The adopted modification of the principles of criminal liability on the “foreground of the foreground” of murder raises numerous doubts and controversies. The sub-ject of the study is an attempt to justify the introduced change and answer the question of how the applicable legal status was motivated over the space of almost a century and whether the legislator reasonably departed from the traditional model of impunity for homicide preparation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Regarding the actions to be taken by the LDCs (seven actions) and the development partners (nine actions), those related to climate change are essentially focused on adaptation (see Annex 8.1). However, monitoring the recommendations about climate change is rather difficult since the actions of the IPoA on this topic do not refer to monitoring indicators, either measurable or observable. Neither is the need for additional resources to finance adaptation. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Given that the benefit system already contains a significant age bias at present, these long-term pension reforms only add to the significant redistribution from the current young to the older generations through public transfer payments, and there is a risk that pensions may crowd out resources available for other transfer programmes. Attempts by the government to change this intergenerational inequality effect of the pension system have turned out impossible due to constitutional concerns. Nonetheless, 40% of old age pension benefits is received by the top quintile in the income distribution (IMF, 2013). This is largely due to the more generous legacy public sector pension scheme Caixa Geral de Aposentagdes (CGA), in which currently retired civil servants and those that joined the public sector before 2006 are enrolled, because the private sector pension scheme GCR is de facto almost a flat rate system, with about 90% of the pensioners receiving the minimum pension benefit. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! Neighbouring countries which have suffered the effects of haze originating in Indonesia would welcome more determined efforts to limit the use of fires to clear land for farming and logging, especially in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Indonesia’s planning and investment promotion agencies recognise the importance of green policies but this recognition is not always reflected in their policies and programmes. Of the agencies with a specific remit on environmental sustainability, one of the most prominent is the Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI) or National Council on Climate Change (NCCC). - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 In New Zealand, group work is aided by a curriculum that has only eight levels over 12 or 13 years of schooling. There is an explicit understanding that students are promoted from one year to another automatically, but any individual student could be achieving at a number of different curriculum levels, depending on the learning area or subject. Classes are offered at different grade levels at the same time, allowing students to study in the class that best suits their achievement level. In this way, a student nominally at a particular year level may be taking classes from a year below or a year above their nominal year level. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The Education Superintendence is also integrated within the National System for Quality Assurance (Sistema Nacional de Aseguramiento de la Calidad, SAC), which provides the potential to link the monitoring of resource use to the quality of education. The SAC provides a very useful institutional framework to promote a more effective use of resources. It is a relatively new system that complements other mechanisms for institutional accountability Chile has developed over time, including a system of teacher evaluation, evaluations by the Ministry of Finance (Direccion de Presupuestos, DIPRES), detailed data and information distributed to the public, among others. As it grows and develops more fully over time, the SAC’s effects will be more fully felt. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The expectation that international organizations (IOs) can play a role in the resolution of violent conflict has spawned a process of institutional growth in the post-Second World War period. IOs at all levels have expanded existing instruments of conflict management and have gradually established new ones, such as mediation support units, early warning systems and standby military forces. Empirical research on this process has suffered from a lack of systematic, cross-temporal data. Seeking to rectify this weakness, this article introduces an original dataset on the institutional design of 21 peace-brokering IOs, organizations endowed with standing capabilities for conflict management interventions. The dataset contains yearly observations on 14 institutional variables during the 1945–2010 period, centered around three instruments of IO conflict management: mediation, economic sanctions and peacekeeping. It also includes observations on IO membership characteristics, power polarity and a set of security-... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In fact, most of the rise in wheat and rice consumption in Africa was met by increased imports.97 In Cameroon for example, since the 1970s external rice purchases and the development of rice production have been influenced by changes in prices and customs regulations. The rice market grew from 15,000 tons to 60,000 tons between 1975 and 1980. Since then the progression in imports can be explained by the economic crisis coupled with growing urbanization - two factors which have had a significant impact on eating habits and farming in the country. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The light blue indicates the 12 countries with a lower poverty rate in the individual category, the mid-blue denotes the average performers, while the dark blue marks the 12 countries with the highest levels of poverty. Overall, the country composition of the groups is quite stable, as expected, but with some exceptions. Thus Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands and Norway are among the best performers as might be expected (for the total child poverty rate, in the first column, and also for the individual risk categories) while Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and USA are stable in the group of the worst performing countries on relative poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It is therefore difficult to determine what constitutes success for an organization that must address multiple stakeholders' concerns. While the role of DMOs in destination marketing has received much attention from researchers, the role of DMOs with respect to the policy and strategy dimensions of destination management has been paid less attention to. Collaboration between destinations has been less researched. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Both organisations have a dual mandate, including supporting business innovation and entrepreneurship (with a focus on energy efficiency of city services and “smart city” development in Astana) and assisting investors. In Almaty City, the ISC (within the JSC “Almaty Development Centre”) is the only regional ISC with a comprehensive website dedicated to foreign investors in English ( Subnational investment promotion agencies are usually small, flexible organisations w'ell-connected to both the local administration and business community. In Kazakhstan, ISCs may require additional resources (both financial and human) but also need to be incorporated into the larger set of investment promotion and facilitation activities of Kaznex Invest. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 These are likely to be required through three RBMP cycles until 2027, in order to reach good status for surface water and groundwater. The Wiedau River, shared between Denmark and Germany and discharging into the Waddcn Sea, has been highly controlled by weirs and gates to protect it from tides and surges. During the last decade, a number of projects have been completed to make the weirs passable for migrating fish, and to return straightened and modified stretches of the river to its original meandering course. This requires transboundary agreements on the measures to be taken, political commitment to their enforcement, and sustained cooperation to monitor their effectiveness. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Between 1990 and 1993 the TAC strategy helped prevent an estimated 10 800 serious casualty crashes and halved the state's road toll over the five years from December 1989 (Cameron et al., The initial priorities were drink driving and driving at excessive speed. The strategy of the campaign was to have an increased law enforcement presence on the roads supported by hard-hitting, high-profile advertising. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The Platform supports the diversity of women's voices, the recognition that, despite progress, women suffer because of obstacles to achieving equality with men and that further progress is hindered, especially, by the poverty suffered by so many women and children. It has since come into common parlance and used in reference to women’s economic position on a global scale. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It is important to recognise the definitions proposed for SCM before analysing those specific to the tourism industry, particularly as there is no single, universally agreed definition. According to Mentzer et al. ( Furthermore, unlike traditional businesses, where the end product is tangible and can be taken home, tourism produces a tangible product but an intangible outcome - the customer experience (Smith and Xiao 2008). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 There are also examples at the national level. The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, for example, unites the eighth largest big multinationals in shaping, sharing and stimulating sustainable business models. The changing role of business in society is also reflected in the increased participation by businesses in the discussions in various forums of the United Nations such as UN Global Compact, the development of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as at international conferences such as the Rio+20 conference, which confirmed the importance of corporate sustainability reporting. When moving towards green growth requires a joint public private approach then there should also be more convergence between public and private measurement and reporting to follow the progress made to achieve the goals of green growth. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Examples of activities that fall within this latter category include partnerships between development partners and companies that are facilitated by CSOs, and matching grant schemes where development partners’ financing goes to a third party to implement the activity. Activities to support the enabling environment / private sector development more broadly are included, if there is an implication of active private sector involvement (e.g. SME engagement / development programmes, business capacity building, value chain development activities, etc.). This is because development partners’ activities often pursue multiple objectives with the same activity. For example, in the case of an energy efficiency credit line, development partner objectives often include mobilising private finance, improving the environmental performance of businesses and strengthening existing financial systems for green finance. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This index controls for the impact of a country’s own tariffs on its imports. It represents the uniform tariff that, if applied, would leave a country’s imports at their actual level. It is compiled as the sum of a country’s tariffs lines weighted by its import shares and demand elasticities. Data used in the paper is based on Kee, Nicita and Olarreaga (2009) and Kee, Neagu and Nicita (2010)3. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 This meant that urban and regional development issues were not given adequate consideration in the political agenda and in citizens’ perception. This would require increasing the authority of local authorities at the oblast, rayon and even town levels, which could coordinate investment to cities to promote growth. Kazakhstan needs to diversify the mechanisms for horizontal co-ordination (i.e. ministerial posts for cross-cutting issues, and rotations of government managers) at the central level for urban policy. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In 2007, for the first time, it supplied more than 50% of aquatic products used for direct food consumption. With growing demand, it is expected to expand further and in many markets, it will increasingly dominate the supply of aquatic foods. Major losses from disease have caused catastrophic failures and loss of investment confidence, and there are continuing concerns about environmental impacts. - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 According to the SFP,14 neither regular pay assessments nor audits to ensure pay equality and equity are undertaken. While civil service wages and salaries are not gender-distinct, but determined by job, there may be unknown wage differentials between men and women at various grades or salary scales within a given job. To gain perspective on the question, there is a need for data on wages and salaries by grade, scale, occupation, gender and, perhaps, educational credentials. Only with such data is it possible to compere male and female salaries and job levels and determine whether they match qualifications and their distribution is similar. Currently, the SFP does not collect such information, but it would be a good practice were it do so in order to identify gender gaps and areas that require attention. They relate to a work culture that pervades the FPA and focuses on the number of hours spent in the office as opposed to efficiency and achievement. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Thus, as we see from the description above, the Negev’s economy is characterized by industries that are less dependent on skilled workers, resulting in relatively lower income. This section sets out the key existing foundations for clean-tech development in the Negev, both within the region and elsewhere in the country. Furthermore, there is no formal definition of the clean-tech industry in Israel that is accepted by all the stakeholders. Different ministries and other public bodies may have different understandings of the term, and as a result, may implement different (and sometimes uncoordinated) programmes in order to promote it. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 For example, the time required to complete an interview is an important factor to consider for the success of the survey, since respondents will be less likely to complete interviews that are lengthy or complex. Attention to the length of individual questions is also important, especially when a survey is conducted over the telephone. Data requirements will therefore need to be balanced with the need to minimize respondent burden and to reduce drop-off rates and item non-response. ( - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 For Japan, this means that an increase of 3 000 steps a day per person could lower the country’s annual medical bill by 5.5%, substantially reducing the incidence of diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. Toyama’s compact city strategies aim to encourage citizens to walk and thereby improve public health. Yokohama’s FutureCity strategy introduces a new type of urban structure to support local communities by improving their connectivity. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 In Lithuania, for example, the state budget makes a flexible contribution to the health insurance fund based upon average wage levels over recent years, thus stabilising revenues during times of high unemployment. Currently, resources from Seguro Popular are allocated primarily through transfers to states. There are basically three types of funding: l)the Cuota Social, which provides the same per person funding level for each affiliated individual, 2) the Aportacion Solidaria Federal, which are funds directed at specific health sector programmes in a state and also seeks to adjust for need, combined with a small (1.25%) performance-linked component, and 3) the Aportacion Solidaria Estatal, which represents the state’s own contribution and is meant to be equivalent to half the Cuota Social. Resource levels are largely based on the number of affiliated individuals within a state, as an 80% weight is attached to the size of the affiliated population (being the most easily measured dimension of the formula). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 The range of costs in this category is from USD 12 per hectare in Minnesota to USD213 per hectare in California, with a national average cost of USD104 per hectare (Gollehon and Quinby, 2006). Other examples include USD114 per hectare in Washington and USD178 per hectare in Arizona. Lacking information regarding how much water is purchased, it is not possible to estimate the average cost per m3 of water in this category. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 These added values of RCPP contributed to facilitate the programme’s approval. Instead of focusing on the performance of the delivered grants or their environmental outcome, success is measured based on the amount of funding allocated to partnerships with varying conservation goals. Such evaluation could be better done if the program's objectives were adjusted to go beyond funding amount to fulfilling measurable program-based resource conservation, eco-system, and farm-economic goals. The evolution of other conservation programmes suggests that adjustments could be undertaken as part of future farm bills to improve design or accommodate changing priorities in the conservation agenda. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Similarly, the buy-in received for biodiversity mainstreaming in the mining sector, an important component of South Africa’s GDP, was achieved through attention to the needs of the sector. It was also evident that biodiversity mainstreaming was better accepted when aligned with presidential delivery outcomes and national development plans. As has been seen in the above case studies, biodiversity mainstreaming has often occurred through alignment with national planning processes. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 As the Report shows, the rural non-farm economy is a vital source of employment for Bangladesh, Malawi and Nepal, with non-farm activity participation rates in excess of 45 per cent. More women than ever before are part of the LDC labour force, but this has not translated into better jobs or less gender discrimination. Similarly, the rise in women's employment has in most LDCs failed to generate a significant improvement in their standard of living. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Many poor households in the MDEs are kept afloat financially thanks to transfers from relatives and friends working abroad. Worker remittances also make an important contribution to the balance of payments of these countries, especially Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen (see tables 7, 8 and 9).55 Emigration to the GCC, where incomes can be five times higher than in their home countries, has been facilitated by the common language shared across the region. Although the inflow of migrant workers can increase the flexibility of GCC labour markets, it is insufficient to resolve unemployment problems in the labour-exporting MDEs. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! The level of trade can affect price transmission. Market prices for certain importers, such as Bangladesh, reacted less than international prices, showing similar movements in terms of timing but with considerably less amplitude. Prices in some large markets such as Japan, India and China barely reacted at all to international price movements. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The chapter offers a variety of frameworks for understanding gender, different types of violence against women and women’s capacities and roles as peacebuilders, drawing on the fields of biology, sociology and political theory and the practice of peacebuilding. Examples from around the world provide snapshots of the complex dynamics of gender, violence and peacebuilding. A gender-sensitive lens on peacebuilding highlights the urgent need to broaden programming to include the empowerment of women and attention to violence against women in both private and public settings. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Finland has done this successfully before and should consider doing it again, based on new evidence. In particular, it should identify strategic areas in need of public investment, rather than indiscriminately cutting public funding across the board. Finland’s opportunity for restructuring existing industries towards high value-added and high-productivity activities can take the form of strengthening capabilities in existing areas of business strengths and extending from those areas into related ones that provide innovation opportunities. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Third, the approach allow's the interdependencies between the different sectors to be explicitly modelled, to the extent that data permit. It compares rates of change of value added and employment in ocean-based industries betw'een 2010 and 2030. The compound annual growth rate for value added of the ocean-based industries combined between 2010 and 2030 is estimated at 3.45%, broadly in line with the anticipated compound annual growth rate for value added of the global economy. However, the total growth of employment (approximately 30%) in the ocean-based industries over the 20-year period is expected to outpace markedly the overall growth rate of the global workforce (approximately 20%). - Gold: __label__13 - Pred: __label__13 These skills describe what the OECD has called Teaming to learn’: the strategies, practices and motivations associated with high performance (OECD, 2010). The ‘three-layer model’ of selfregulated learning (Boekaerts, Pintrich, and Zeidner, 2000) is one framework which captures the different kinds of mind-sets, dispositions and skills which need to be developed in order for students to be able to learn productively on their own. The inner layer of cognitive regulation encompasses the practices a student needs to master to carry out information processing. The middle layer of metacognitive regulation describes the students’ knowledge and skills that allow them to make effective choices about what they study and how. The outer layer of motivational regulation represents the “self’, the learner’s own goals, needs and expectancies. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Public engagement in policy making is on mechanism used in an effort to improve the legitimacy of policy decisions surrounding ethically contentious health policy or medical technologies. Citizens’ trust in the process and in the medical, science and democratic institutions surrounding the policy is vital to the success of efforts to engage publics in deliberative processes. This paper explores the nature and role of trust in deliberative democracy, as well as effects of misplaced and abused trust on the legitimacy of specific policies and the overall project of inclusive participation of citizens in public policy deliberation. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Multidimensional poverty and deprivation estimates are important new tools in this undertaking. This paper reviews the insights of various contributions from research into multidimensional poverty and deprivation and combines them into an internally consistent framework. The framework adds an important element by emphasising that people may experience various types and forms of poverty and deprivation simultaneously. The experience of poverty is often multifaceted and deprivations are interrelated in many cases. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 A global analysis showed that social science textbook coverage of conflict prevention and resolution - e.g. discussion of domestic or international trials, truth commissions and economic reparations - was low at around 10% of texts in 2000-2011. In six European countries, half of teachers felt there was insufficient support to manage diversity in the classroom: in the Syrian Arab Republic, 73% of teachers surveyed had no training on providing children with psychosocial support Teacher recruitment and management policies often react too slowly to emerging needs. Germany needs an additional 42,000 teachers and educators, Turkey needs 80,000 teachers and Uganda needs 7,000 primary teachers to teach all current refugees. Only a handful of high income countries explicitly consider migration status in school budgets. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Housing demolition has been one of the major sources of social conflict in contemporary China. Drawing on evidence collected in fieldwork investigations, this article examines the pressure of protest-supported housing demolition litigation and its impacts. It finds that under the pressure of litigation, the courts have devised coping mechanisms to constrain the housing demolition authorities, and that social change angling toward more transparency and accountability has occurred. The article argues that this change is made possible as the maintenance of social stability has become not only the paramount concern of the regime, but also the performance assessment criterion for local officials and judges. The findings deepen our understanding of the causes and consequences of judicial empowerment in China and shed light on the dynamics of judicial politics in other regimes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Although there are maintenance fees, they are insufficient to cover the expenses of the ever-increasing assets. Two-thirds of the fees collected through rural electricity tariffs are used for building electricity generators, and the remaining third is insufficient for acquiring maintenance equipment for grid renovation or development (Luo, 2007). These financial burdens negatively impact business revenues. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The railway has reduced cargo transit times from 3 days by road to 12 hours by train. The railway line cuts through bottlenecks and raises the profile of Afghanistan as a transit route by connecting two CAREC corridors, i.e. the Russian Federation-Middle East corridor, and the South Asia and Europe-Middle East and South Asia corridor. Intensive multiple-donor engagement has been a success factor for the project. This engagement also improved the adaptability of the project to changing conditions during implementation. The ADB provided supervision, both from headquarters and by the resident mission (OECD-WTO, 2015). The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) funds the rehabilitation of railway infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Sustainable water infrastmcture development”, brochure, Suez Environnement, redevelopment. Final report”, Public Action for Water, Energy and Environment Project - Prosperity, Livelihoods and Conserving Ecosystems (PLACE) IQC Task Order #5, USAID, docs/Pnadv236.pdf. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 By the end of the 1990s, these disappointing outcomes had led to a rethinking of development goals and strategy. The focus shifted once again back to defining poverty reduction as an explicit goal, rather than as an implicit or indirect one. Through the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration by the General Assembly on 8 September 2000,3 the United Nations introduced a concrete set of development targets embodied in the Millennium Development Goals. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""Both cases show that strong leadership is needed to incentivise and co-ordinate the actions of stakeholders, including ministries, local authorities, road agencies, parliamentarians, politicians and civil society. The case of Lisbon showed the importance of integrating road safety into wider societal policies and avoiding the tendency towards """"silo thinking"""" that happens in many countries. There is much to gain in addressing road safety and environmental concerns together, as the fights against road crashes and pollution have many common levers. In the case of Lisbon, particular emphasis has been put on physical accessibility and the quality of the pedestrian environment, due to the wider demographic challenges of an ageing population."" - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 This ex-ante information could provide the foundation of the post-2020 emissions accounting system. Furthermore, if all major emitters were to provide an estimated range for their GHG emissions in an agreed future year (e.g. 2030), this would facilitate estimations of the future GHG emissions pathway. Information on how the government intends to meet its commitment (e.g. via domestic climate legislation and policies implemented or planned) together with an explanation of its level of ambition given national circumstances could help to further enhance understanding between countries on the actions being taken by others. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 If tuition fees vary across institutions and fields of study with different curricula, costs and returns, students are more likely to go into the fields and institutions that will give them better chances of success in the labour market (Oliveira Martins et al., While private returns largely reflect wage and employability premia stemming from additional years of schooling for an individual, social returns focus on productivity gains at the aggregate level. In this respect, social and private returns differ markedly, if there is a purely “signalling” role of education and/or there are substantial human capital spillovers. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This amendment, which was subject to a disallowance motion in Federal Parliament, was ultimately agreed in May 2018. In parallel, the government is working with Basin States towards full Basin Plan implementation by 1 July 2019, which is when the binding SDLs set by the Basin Plan will come into effect. It is also expected that by this time, all Basin State water resource plans will have been assessed by the MDBA as compliant with the Basin Plan and accredited by the Federal Minister. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Adherence to the """"rule of law"""" entails a strong commitment to consistency - a belief that throughout a jurisdiction and across time judges should treat like cases alike. For over a century, the U.S. judiciary's pursuit of this aim has relied principally upon print law reports. With unsettling rapidity, digital technology has dislodged that system, in practical fact, if not yet in the way lawyers and judges talk and think about case law. This article explores gains one might hope for from a """"judicial consistency"""" system liberated from the constraints of print, likely affects on concepts of precedent, as well as challenges and forces of resistance standing in the way of change."" - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The training is then deployed at the company location, at one or more of the technical colleges or at any five Quick Start facilities located around the state. In North Carolina the provision of free, employer specific workforce training began in community colleges in 1958. Currently, North Carolina Legislature provides USD 12.4 million a year for its customised training programme. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Considering many parents reported that they felt more comfortable touring schools in groups, this intervention is especially important for migrant parents who are navigating the system for the first time. For example, voluntary programmes encourage parents to enrol their children in highly segregated schools in order to create a better balance and promote diversity. Some communities are providing awareness education for non-immigrants parents to disarm stigmatisation and fears of integration measures influencing then- children negatively (Bunar, 2017(72]). For example, in groups, native Dutch families apply to high performing and high minority population schools to ensure their child is not the only native Dutch student in the classroom (Walraven, 2013(68]). In addition, these parents and communities interact with their local schools about curriculum, differentiation for students and afterschool programmes so as to make the learning environment productive for all students. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Policies during this time restricted the opportunity for farmers to expand the size of their farms and farm inputs were under state control. Alongside Poland’s transition to a democratic political system came market deregulation and the privatisation of former state industries. This represented a major change in the market conditions for farming and for rural development more generally. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The umbrella programme, ProArbol, includes the following in addition to the PES programmes: PROCOREF, for reforestation and restoration, PRODEPLAN, which includes promotion of commercial forest plantations, forest fire prevention and soil conservation, PROCYMAF, to improve forest ecosystem productivity, and PRODEFOR, the forest development programme. Other elements of the vaquita PACE include commitment of additional resources by CONAPESCA and PROFEPA towards enforcement of regulations to eliminate fishing without a permit, a programme instituted by INAPESCA to test new fishing methods (suripera nets) that do not risk harming vaquitas, and bans on all gill net and trawl fishing in the Vaquita refuge, with enforcement by PROFEPA beginning at the start of the shrimp season in September 2008 (Barlow et al., The remaining finance was contributed by academia, international organisations, NGOs, amongst other sources of finance. Under PROCAMPO, eligible farmers receive payments based on the area planted in 1991-93 on the condition that the land is used for legal agricultural or livestock production, or within an environment programme. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Similarly, obesity is twice as prevalent among people with the lowest level of education. A higher prevalence of risk factors among disadvantaged groups contributes greatly to disparities in health status and life expectancy. Regulation, supervision, planning and quality monitoring are the role of the national government, while service delivery falls under the responsibility of the regions and municipalities. The regions are responsible for defining and running health services, municipalities are responsible for disease prevention, health promotion, rehabilitation, home care and long-term care (see Section 5.3). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 This is particularly pronounced in China due to the land tenure system and the fact that contract rights are not well defined and tenure is limited. Furthermore, property law forbids the contract rights to rural land to be mortgaged. The 2009 OECD Rural Policy Review of China emphasised the importance of continued reforms that improve the availability of finance in rural areas (OECD, 2009). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The chapter uses micro data from time use surveys in 11 countries to better understand how couples share unpaid work and can do so more equally. It begins by introducing the issues to hand, then lists the chapter’s main findings before looking at couples' work, both paid and unpaid. It finds that, in many but not all countries, women do more work on aggregate. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of actively monitored closed circuit television (CCTV) to assist police patrols with crime prevention in hot spot areas for assault. In other words, the study is an assessment of whether the implementation of police operator–controlled CCTV cameras led to fewer assaults in a nightlife area of the Swedish town of Malmo. In order to evaluate the effect, the treatment area has been mapped using geographical information systems based on the space covered by operational CCTV. The research design is based on standard before–after comparison with controls used in environmental criminology. One comparison is temporal, based on days of the week, and the other is geographical, based on a density comparison of bars. Results show nonsignificant changes in the rate of assaults before and after the CCTVs, suggesting that its implementation has not had the effect initially expected on assaults. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 It just means that ceteris paribus nuclear energy, which relies on uranium, provides an added layer of protection against geopolitical supply risks. The following graph shows the reserve-production (R/P) ratios for key energy resources (Figure 1.3). The R/P ratios indicate the number of years that currently known (“proved”) reserves that can be recovered with reasonable certainty in the future under existing economic and technical conditions would last at current levels of consumption. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 The problem of human trafficking continues to be one of the vilest human rights abuse and manifestation of social injustice around the world. A lot of antitrafficking efforts have been put in place. However, there is still a lot of emphasis on the criminal aspect of the problem. This has meant that human and practical aspects of the problem have not received sufficient attention, including assessing the problem, victims, and perpetrators in their environments. The ecological perspective helps practitioners, researchers, and policy makers to better understand the problem. This article uses the main concepts in this theory to frame the problem. Discussions are directed toward understanding the different aspects of the problem from an ecological perspective. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 “The European Union (EU) has been misunderstood for a long time as a purely economic community. Although the EU economy plays an important role, it should not be forgotten that the EU is a community of values in the first place.” With these words the former president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, inaugurated one of his speeches in the European Parliament, and he added (giving the gist of his words): “For both, the ‘Treaty on European Union, 2009’ and in, the ‘EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, 2000’ as well in the ‘European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and fundamental Freedoms, 1950’, values are laid down, which are applicable to all EU citizens and which impose on all of them equal rights and equal duties. These values often extend the significance of what is codified in the national constitutions of the 28 States of the EU.” - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 With the rise of China and it displacing Japan as Australia's major trading partner, successive Australian governments have displayed a policy conundrum: where China is regarded with ambivalence, Japan is treated as Australia's best friend in Asia with enhanced defence and diplomatic ties. This paper examines the question of how the policy conundrum has arisen in terms of issues concerning trade and human rights and Sino–Japan relations, arguing that the inconsistency in approach is fundamentally ontological rather than one of international security. Through an analysis of respective governments’ positions over the past twenty years, this paper contends that the conundrum of Australian governments’ policy in relation to China comes from deep-seated Eurocentric versions of history that locates the West over and above the rest. In performativity, this policy is two-fold: it prioritises ‘diplomatic trade’ with China over human rights, and it asserts ‘value diplomacy’ in Sino–Japan relations. Japan is depicte... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A national reporting system has recently been developed, which specifically monitors bed occupancy in clinically inappropriate wards, to diminish adveise effects. While nearly all cataract surgeries have for a long time been performed as day care, the use of day care has spread to many other procedures. For example, the share of tonsillectomy (the removal of tonsils) carried out as same-day surgery has increased from about 20% in 2005 to over 70% in 2015. Most of the over 100 registers are built around specific diagnoses and mainly contain medical and epidemiological information. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In the past 40 years, negotiation studies have become increasingly available and sought after across college campuses. While there is widespread agreement on the prominent role negotiation plays in education, in the workplace, in public policy, and in other fields, there remains a lack of consensus on pedagogies and teaching models that effectively train students and practitioners in the various aspects of negotiation, ranging from pre-intervention assessment, to effective bargaining, dialogue, and facilitation, to evaluating procedural and distributive outcomes. In order to synthesize distinct disciplinary approaches and skill/content areas into an integrated pedagogical model, this article describes a negotiation simulation designed to incorporate skill building, process management, conflict analysis, and conflict management tools. The model incorporates equal emphasis on theoretical frameworks and understanding, self-awareness training for facilitators, social network and stakeholder analysis for negotiation preparation, participatory analytical and discursive process management, and developing metrics for monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, the criteria for grade I milk include: availability of own breeding stock of cows and heifers (over two years old, not less than 700 heads), the share of pedigree livestock thereof (100%), average number of dairy cows (not less than 500 heads), availability of a modem dairy complex with a fully developed infrastructure, availability of modem high-technology dairy equipment (on dairy premises), use of artificial insemination (100%), and availability of own fodder base. For example, requirements applied for grain in 2010 and 2011 included “compliance with scientifically established cultivation technologies”, such as maintenance of arable land under fallow, with the share of fallow not less than a minimum limit, and use of high-quality seeds with a detailed specification of quality. However, some specialists in Kazakhstan question the advantages of keeping land under fallow (Suleimenov, 2012). More broadly, the concept and the exact meaning of “scientifically established cultivation technologies” remains an issue of debate. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Face-to-face purchases are replaced with a click of a keyboard button, and money transfer operators are now a user-interface on a mobile phone. Digital platforms are also increasingly extending their reach, expanding the services they provide. Apple now provides mobile payments through Apple Pay, Alibaba offers logistical services, Facebook has an online marketplace, and Amazon is offering cloud computing services. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This dust, mixed with the air, is thought to cause lung cancer and other breathing ailments. Elevated radon levels have also been associated with these abandoned mines. The effect of long-term radiation exposure in the levels associated with these mines is largely unknown. Despite the obvious need, there have not been to date any comprehensive studies of radiation and heavy metal contamination in the United States. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Policy developments in education are guided by a multitude of planning documents and strategies, notably the State Program for Education Development 2011-20. A number of strategies and planning documents ensure consistency and guide policymaking in the short-, medium- and long-term. All major strategies are considered as part of the legislative framework. Other strategic documents include the National Action Plan for the development of school children’s functional literacy for 2012-16 (from 2012), the State General Compulsory Education Standard (from 2012). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 They may also play a role in consensus building, facilitation and conflict management. The form and role of RBOs are closely linked to their respective historical and social contexts. The International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO) currently has 133 member organisations from more than 50 countries. The legal status of RBCs differs from country to country. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Several interviewees expressed their satisfaction with the new approach. It might be the case, however, that the Ministry has lost a platform specifically for building more alignment across the components of the system. For instance, one of the advisers tested the conceptual framework for technology in a number of schools before it was finalised. Furthermore, in the small umbrella organisations, teachers and school leaders are often more involved. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Subnational surcharges could be the most appropriate means of providing Kazakhstan’s SNGs with their own marginal revenues, especially when administrative resources are scarce. This is the course of action followed by some Canadian provinces, which rely on surcharges on national taxes. Surcharges provide almost as much fiscal autonomy as independent taxation, but are much simpler, they provide more autonomy than tax sharing (McLure et al., - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Businesses in local towns will come to benefit in the longer term through providing various goods and services to rail users. Finally, the project is expected to enhance access to social services, including health care, potable water, education and administration by increasing the mobility of the people and resources required to run these services. If the first phase of the CRGE was characterised by producing an impressive document and basic commitment in a short time, the next phase will surely have to be about experimenting, learning, and continuous improvement systems. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 These limitations of origin have already been criticized by the members of the so-called Indigenous Peoples Major Group3 - which brings together internationally recognized indigenous intellectuals, leaders, and representatives -, during their participation in the previous meetings towards the final adoption of the Agenda. These demands were not incorporated, which has forced the Indigenous Peoples to develop their own indicators and their own monitoring methodologies in the implementation of the SDGs. In that sense, the Indigenous Peoples do not separate the SDGs from their differentiated rights. For them, it is impossible to work for sustainable development without guaranteeing the practical and real protection of their rights, both individual and, above all, collective. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__2 -> MISMATCH! Depression was identified as a major risk factor for suicide and premature mortality. Evidence from depression and anxiety guidelines suggested that CBT was a cost-effective way of treating depression. Backed by the evidence presented in the NICE guideline, GBP 177 million was invested to train and employ 6 000 CBT therapists. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Studies show that young people who believe in gender equality have better sexual health outcomes than their peers (International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, 2011). Young people who, compared to their peers, adopt egalitarian attitudes about gender roles are more likely to delay sexual debut, use condoms, and practice contraception, they also have lower rates of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy (Dupas, 2011). Very few programmes reach these groups, especially adolescents who are not in school. Developing out-of-school programmes is therefore essential. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Because of rising incomes and spreading urbanization, per capita meat consumption increased from 34 to 43 kilograms between 1992 and 2010. Nearly all of this increase can be attributed to growing demand in Asia, and, to a lesser extent, Latin America. Combined with the growing world population, changing dietary patterns imply that food production needs to roughly double by 2050. Although, global food production has increased at a faster pace (about 45 per cent) than population (about 23 per cent), it has barely kept up with food demand and unequal distribution of the increased food availability was still leaving about 870 million people undernourished worldwide in 2010-12 (FAO, 2012). - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Cities create wealth, generate employment and drive human progress by harnessing the forces of agglomeration and industrialization.8 Cites also offer greater societal freedoms. In the process of urbanization, however, there have been some bumps along the road, many of which are discussed in Chapters 3 to 8. While it is easy to ascribe all these changes to urbanization, such a causal connection would be superficial. The model is a result of relentless globalization, the unfettered transformation of cities into sources of private gain, a declining attention to public space and community benefit, and rapid technological change which in the end increases connectivity while it diminishes accountability. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The 2002 Regulations on State Environmental Monitoring set out the scope, purposes and outputs of state environmental monitoring in the country and specify the tasks and responsibilities of six governmental bodies: the SCNP, Uzhydromet, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, the State Committee on Geology and Mineral Resources and the SCLR. Monitoring activities should be conducted based on a government-approved monitoring programme. The SCNP was made responsible for the coordination of state environmental monitoring, the approval of a unified monitoring methodology to be followed by the relevant government bodies, and for the collection and evaluation of monitoring data and their delivery to decision makers and the public, including in the form of the annual national state-of-the-environment report. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! Building on Keynesian theoretical insights, Governments made employment, stability and growth important subjects of public policy and took responsibility for assuring their citizens a degree of economic wellbeing, with such steps leading to the creation of the welfare state. In Europe and Japan, industrial policies were key elements in post-war reconstruction. Poor countries would need to move away from a dependence on primary exports and the rural economy and develop manufacturing industries in order to foster more dynamic growth processes, major investments in infrastructure and new activities would be needed to create the right initial conditions. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__0, __label__9 -> MISMATCH! In Belize, Guyana and Suriname, total poverty averages over 60% and extreme poverty, over 35%. By contrast, in island countries of the Caribbean, total child poverty averages 24% and extreme poverty, 6%. The difference is explained in part by high levels of rural poverty in Belize, Guyana and Suriname. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Tobacco control clearly falls within the remit of human rights law. Yet the potential for the regulation of e-cigarettes is understudied from a human rights perspective. This chapter shows that there are good reasons to assume that the use of e-cigarettes may pose certain health risks and possibly undermine the regulatory efforts directed against use of conventional tobacco products. Employing doctrinal legal research, the chapter explores different approaches to the regulation of e-cigarettes in terms of the right to the highest attainable standard of health included in Art. 12 of the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. It develops a human rights framework applicable to regulating e-cigarettes as a device harmful to health, as a potential harm reduction tool, and as a gateway product. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For example, an engagement approach might not fully address the wide range of key actors and stakeholders, the different levels at which the conflict operates, the power imbalances between parties, or local community needs, goals and cultural practices. Many processes also fail to respect the principle of free, prior, and informed consent (FP1Q, which often leads to immediate grievances within affected communities. When key stakeholders are poorly engaged, marginalized, or excluded from decision making or related engagement processes, opposition is more likely and tensions can escalate rapidly. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! ""In Belgium, the unions are authorized to pay the benefits to their members, and, in the Netherlands, several public agencies (local governments, hospitals, schools, universities, the army) transferred delivery of the extra unemployment benefit (""""bovenwettelijke WW-uitkering"""") to private firms.15 Lastly, in Switzerland public and private agencies jointly administer the benefits and collect the contributions. Another very common instrument is unemployment assistance, which is used in conjunction with unemployment insurance in 13 of the 40 countries studied (see annex table I.A1D). In most of those countries, the unemployed person can apply for unemployment assistance benefits when he or she ceases to be eligible for unemployment insurance, either owing to insufficient contributions or because the maximum benefit period has been reached."" - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Noting that globalization has produced both winners and losers, this chapter argues that poverty and inequality lead to social exclusion and discrimination of large numbers of people in the world, making them vulnerable to massive abuses of human rights. This has been the case particularly among rural folk, linked to unjust agrarian structures, most notably in the Third World countries. As a glaring example of the structure of injustice, the situation of Latin America’s indigenous peoples is examined. Throughout their history since the colonization of America, the indigenous have been exploited, oppressed and discriminated against. In modern times, governmental policies attempted to assimilate them into the larger society, thereby violating their cultural and collective rights. In recent decades, emerging indigenous organizations have struggled for recognition of their rights as peoples, which have been progressively accepted in national legislations and in international human rights instruments. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Other estimates in the literature end up around the same level: e.g. 51% (Fischer et al, 2007) to 60% (Fraiture et al., For the manufacturing sector and for electricity production, OECD 2008 calculations were used as the starting point. While water use in different industrial sectors can vary significantly, an overall average relationship with total industrial value added was assumed per geographical region, according to assumed regional structure of the sector and technological level. Over time this relationship was adapted according to assumed structural sector shifts and technological progress. A water balance can be established for each grid cell (see Chapter 1), taking account of land-use patterns, natural vegetation, crop distribution and management, climate parameters (temperature, precipitation and CO2 concentration), and soil parameters. This shows the resulting run-off per grid cell, i.e. the amount that ends up in river systems, lakes and dams, and the volumes available for downstream extraction. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Corruption has serious economic and social costs and can undermine government legitimacy. Economic analysis can help one understand the incentives for bribery and extortion and the deterrent effect of the law. Such analysis suggests that the law in many jurisdictions ought to be redesigned. Penalties are poorly tied to the marginal benefits of bribery. Small bribes often are more effectively deterred than larger ones because penalties are not tied to the perpetrators' gains. Economic analysis also highlights the tension between obtaining evidence to bring a case ex post and deterrence ex ante. Furthermore, enforcement programs have not incorporated bureaucratic structure in a sophisticated way, and in many countries the criminal law only applies to individuals, not firms. In short, economic analysis can help guide the reform debate by proposing workable law enforcement strategies for the control of bribery and extortion. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Children of Austerity: Impact of the Great Recession on Child Poverty in Rich Countries, Oxford University Press, Child income poverty rate is usually defined as the proportion of children (0-17 year olds) that live in households with an equivalised income of less than a certain threshold below which all family members are considered to be poor. The focus is on the income situation of children relative to the average individual in the country, defined as the person with median income, not the median child (Corak, 2005|86i). - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 It seeks to explain patterns in these outcomes based on the characteristics of the countries and their immigrant populations. What is the value added of the project? This project, implemented from 2014 to 2018, aimed to analyse the economic impact of immigration in developing countries across a variety of dimensions. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The activities of these NGOs are not properly linked with the pourashava activities. The absence of an integrated sectoral approach to manage urban health services is the reason for this lack of coordination. The prime causes include the following: public sector and NGO services are not always cheap for the poor because they often still have to buy medicine (in most cases, it is not provided for free) and make many informal payments (in the form of “tips”) at the facilities, the institutions are not poor-friendly, the poor are not fully aware of the entitlements of the NGO health cards, and waiting times are long, which leads to a loss of working hours when visiting the health facility. Low cost attracts the poor to public hospitals (mostly as the last resort), but varieties of informal payments and the negligence and poor attitudes of providers towards the poor cause them to lose confidence in the facilities and, ultimately, poor patients feel discouraged from utilizing the services. One respondent commented: “Health services are not for the poor. It is rather something that the rich can manage (through money or power)”. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Because they are not consciously selected or controlled, they are not readily influenced even by the best information campaigns (Verplanken 2011). In some areas the link between information and attitude is more often translated to changes in behaviour, e.g. condom use (Albarracin, Johnson etai. Environmental information may have an effect on behaviour, but better results are reached when strong instruments are used at the same time. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__14 -> MISMATCH! Descriptive comparative statistics on the raw association between child poverty and these factors are reported and discussed in the following sections. Large families with children have often higher dependency ratios (the ratio between those in the non-working age groups and those in the working age group). While information on household composition should be read in combination with the labour force participation of household members, data on the number of children living in the households provide some information on vulnerability to poverty for children living in large families. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There are also specific provisions for exports of kiwifruit which give automatic export rights to the dominant exporter, whereas the others must obtain approval (except exports to Australia). The deposit cannot be made for less than 12 months but cannot be maintained for more than five years. Funds left on deposit for more than 12 months earn 3% per annum on amounts. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Foremost amongst social policy interventions, state education has a singular and foundational role in the promotion of equality and human rights. This paper explores the way that such matters are addressed in the policy and law making programmes of the UK’s devolved administrations. It is argued that this is an appropriate locus of enquiry for the constitutional law establishing the devolved legislatures contains clauses empowering government to promote equality of opportunity, in the case of Wales and Northern Ireland, these are positive legal duties. Against the background of governments’ espousal of ‘mainstreaming’ equalities, analysis reveals that the respective administrations have made some advances in embedding the promotion of equality and human rights in the policy framework covering the schools curriculum, teacher training and inspections. Notwithstanding this, a number of issues and shortcomings are identified. Overall, the analysis reveals evidence of an ongoing ‘disconnect’ between the mainstreaming rhetoric and policy outcomes. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 They add up to a demanding framework as the OECD proposes that all of them should inform practice and design, whether in schools or in wider settings and systems. Instead, working on one or two - on engagement and emotions, say, or personalisation or formative feedback or horizontal connectedness - can provide the channel through which to drive the others. The tools outlined in this chapter recognise this need for prioritisation. The learning environment should actively engage all students and develop in them the capacity to understand themselves as learners with the necessary strategies to be able to leam more effectively. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Post-conflict situations are windows of opportunity during which gender relations can and should be rethought and which, if properly utilized, can serve as the right moment to “rewrite” the rules and practices that previously served as obstacles to the participation of women in society. Overall, our book is meant to challenge the popular and often-propagated assumption that women should be supported, empowered and given a voice merely in their roles as victims. Collectively, we provide evidence in support of the growing understanding at international, national and local levels that while - and because - women are disproportionately affected by war, they can be powerful agents of positive and sustainable change if brought on board and given the chance to participate in every aspect of a society’s peacebuilding process. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Furthermore, the lack of women in the justice system discourages the use of judicial services by women, while historically law enforcement authorities have tended to divert women from accessing justice. Fear and stigma of accessing the state justice system frequently creates barriers for w'omen to access justice. Some countries in the MENA region have taken positive steps tow'ards addressing this issue, yet more support for civil society organisations and clear steps for reducing barriers to access to justice need to be taken. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Community technology centers (CTCs) are potentially a critical component in the communication environment of urban communities. They have been investigated extensively as instruments of technology-based public policy and social service capacity-building, yet they have not been subject to research that posits these centers as integral components of larger communication systems essential to civic participation and empowerment. This article describes how communication theory, communication infrastructure theory and community technology centers contribute to solving the inequalities addressed in previous studies of the `digital divide'. The article presents the communication infrastructure theory perspective as a way to reconcile alternative prescriptions for the way in which community technology interventions can lead to positive outcomes for local community-building and social mobility enhancement. This project re-situates the CTC as a communication-centric phenomenon, focusing on the linkages between the c... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, they are cross-sectoral in nature, and within an urban context, they form part of an integrated urban system. Urban public policy interventions ideally should be designed for and reflective of this dynamic relationship. Chile’s urbanism actors are aware of this need, but there are few mechanisms to support such a practice, and each sector appears to strike off on its own. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 The results of the inventory have also provided a basis for the district's public space strategy with a focus on heritage preservation. Efforts should be expanded to increase the quality and quantity of public space data, especially in the developing world. A key lesson is the need to link the public space assessments and inventories to the development of citywide public space strategies and action plans for the local governments, which function as the main sources of funding for public space data collection. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Water entitlements (allocations) can be traded, within season, seasonally or permanently, or where the market is regulated the regulator can set the price, price limits, and serve as a broker, for example, to facilitate market operation. The market price of the entitlements to receive water, is a price for allocating water and a price to determine the share of the water available. This is asymmetric in terms of water management and may be deleterious to the small irrigators, who must cover the full supply costs for water supplies. At the same time, farms within the major irrigation schemes (“superior” farms) are legally restricted to cereal production, while farmers operating under smaller irrigation schemes are not so constrained in their production options (Nickum and Ogura, 2008). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Miranda and Glauber (1997) emphasized the need for agricultural risk to be an independent element amongst other insured elements, arguing that due to correlations among individual yields, crop insurers faced portfolio risks about ten times higher than that faced by private insurers offering conventional insurance (e.g. auto and fire insurance). On the contrary, the market for crop yield insurance that covers all yield risks is usually hard to develop without government support due to larger information asymmetries, its systemic nature and transaction cost. Under which conditions is crop yield insurance viable? - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 While it was introduced to help encourage industrial and urban development, it resulted in a sharp increase in highly contentious land disputes. Farmers are not only involuntarily losing their base for farming, but also they receive very low compensations. However, the essential points of controversy in land disputes remain largely unaddressed. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Korea, Mexico, Chile and Israel are also members of the CCXG. Where this document refers to “countries” or “governments”, it is also intended to include “regional economic organisations”, if appropriate. The authors would also like to thank presenters and attendees at the March 2018 CCXG Global Forum on the Environment and Climate Change, whose views and feedback helped shape the final document, and Sweden and Switzerland for their specific comments. This section draws out relevant experience from current reporting to identify what practices or information could be “built on”, and what recurrent challenges may help identify areas that could be “enhanced” in future reporting. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This paper explores the challenges of e-governance in Africa using Ghana as a case study. It notes that while e-government may promote good governance and economic growth, critical challenges such as weak infrastructure and inadequate funding remain key obstacles. The paper concludes that addressing these challenges will depend on the active involvement of the state in ICT development. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 An assessment of the effectiveness of criminal law requires an initial discussion of what this concept means and what challenges the enforcement of criminal laws presents. In general, cost and effectiveness of criminal laws are difficult to ascertain. This holds particularly true for laws criminalizing activities relating to illicit drugs, such as their production, trafficking, possession, and consumption. With expectations of enforcement success often only ambiguously defined, costs insufficiently compiled, and the collateral effects of enforcement more damaging than the public health impact, drug law enforcement appears highly ineffective. This holds true for European countries as well as the United States. The enforcement of drug laws therefore remains of questionable value and may even negatively impact the standing of criminal law in its entirety. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Texas has clearly used this to enhance basic skills among students - high stakes accountability in literacy and numeracy gives very strong incentives to schools to improve results. At the same time there are weak incentives to enhance some key aspects of CTE (e.g. career-specific and work-based learning, career advice) so that some of the state’s objectives might not be pursued at local level and risk remaining mere aspirations. In addition to a supportive framework and adequate incentives to local stakeholders, it is also necessary to ensure that schools and districts have sufficient resources to implement the changes intended by the state. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 These figures were significantly higher than those for agricultural commodities such as rice, sugar, coffee and tea. The remaining 20%, entirely from capture fisheries, is destined for non-food products, mainly for production of fishmeal and fish oil, as well as direct feed in aquaculture and livestock. In 2008, total world fish production (capture and aquaculture), excluding aquatic plants, reached 142 Mt. It should be mentioned that this figure might underestimate the effective amount due to the incomplete recording of subsistence fisheries as well as of illegal, unreported and unregulated catches. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__13 -> MISMATCH! National policy is typically based on national averages that do not represent any particular region or city. Once the lens is adjusted to the right scale, it will become easier for Kazakhstan to understand the most pressing challenges of each region and how best to address them. While some issues may apply nation-wide, others require complementary policies that vary from place to place. This will require fine-grained data, indicators and policy approaches and require co-ordinating responses with subnational governments. The Five-Year Economic Plans serve as the basis for approval of the local budgets planned for three years, including money for implementation of the economic plans. All 14 oblasts and the two cities of republican significance (Almaty and Astana) are now responsible for the “Five-Year Forecast of Socio-Economic Development” (TlpozH03 coifuajibno-3KOHOMmecKoeo pa38umm/FSCD) and “Five-Year Programmes of Territorial Development” (JlpoepaMMa pa3eumm meppumopuu/PTD). - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Abstract The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights recently adopted General Comment No 2 to interpret provisions of Article 14 of the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights Women. The provisions relate to women’s rights to fertility control, contraception, family planning, information and education, and abortion. The present article highlights the General Comment’s potential to promote women’s sexual and reproductive rights in multiple ways. The General Comment’s human rights value goes beyond providing states with guidance for framing their domestic laws, practices, and policies to comply with treaty obligations. General Comment No 2 is invaluable in educating all stakeholders—including healthcare providers, lawyers, policymakers, and judicial officers at the domestic level—about pertinent jurisprudence. Civil society and human rights advocates can use the General Comment to render the state accountable for failure to implement its treaty obligations. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Indeed, this proposal faces so many cultural constraints that it is probably the clearest example of the need to conduct environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs) of all the CRGE proposals, to ensure they are both ‘doubly green’ and inclusive. The CRGE’s current focus on tackling GHG emissions has a strong rationale given the potential international climate finance that Ethiopia could attract by harvesting many low-hanging fruits by mitigating the country’s emissions. However, it will be essential to attach better environmental criteria to these activities to avoid unwanted environmental impacts, such as from constructing large hydropower plants. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In addition, after release former prisoners suffer from discrimination in employment and education, due to their criminal record and stigmatization. Women are likely to suffer particular discrimination after release from prison, due to social stereotypes. They might be rejected by their families and in some countries they may lose their parental rights. A study conducted in one country highlights well some of the practical difficulties women face after release from prison. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 The TRQ aimed at securing employment and ensuring income stability for these farmers (WTO, 2006). G/AG/N/VNM/2 of 3 November 2011. At present, VAT is levied on goods and services according to the Law No. A fourth rate of 20% applicable to some specific services was also established as part of the original VAT structure but this was abolished on 1 January 2004. Other categories subject to a 5% VAT rate are medical equipment and medicines, teaching and learning aids, children’s toys and books, scientific and technological services, special purpose machinery and equipment for newsprint, products made from jute and bamboo, and cultural exhibits and sports activities (World Bank, 2014). It supersedes the Viet Nam Food Ordinance approved in 2003. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Some look at multiple criteria, e.g. institutions, governance, learning (Sierra et al., Increasingly, development finance institutions (e.g. AfDB, IDB, Islamic Development Bank, EBRD) are converging towards results frameworks that track operational, management, and project performance results under single, institution-wide systems (AfDB, n.d.). The DAC Evaluation Resource Centre provides a compendium of relevant evaluations from key institutions and DAC members (DeREC)9. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12, __label__8 -> MISMATCH! The absence of sufficient policies and infrastructure supporting mothers deters many mothers from entering (or re-entering) the labour force and can prevent children from receiving good-quality care and education. While even childless women do more unpaid care and housework than men, the arrival of children in the household makes it even harder for women to compete equally in the labour force given gender stereotypes, barriers in the labour market and lack of quality child care support. When mothers do engage in paid work, the “motherhood penalty” - meaning that mothers receive lower wages than childless women - remains persistent and strong in OECD countries even after accounting for a woman’s decision to become a mother, which may influence her other behaviours (Budig and England, 2001, Gough and Noonan, 2013). - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! The Samoan economy is thus gradually ‘catching up’ with that of Tonga. External accounts were characterised by large trade deficits throughout the 1990s, large net private transfer flows and a generally negative current account balance. The two years of negative growth reflected the impact of the global financial crisis and a consequent fall in remittances, a decline in tourism receipts, static exports (especially the decline of squash) and the impact of the 2009 tsunami in northern Tonga. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 This article critically evaluates the interplay among courts with constitutional jurisdiction in Asia. This is done in the specific context of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC). The article finds that the AACC has to date made only a nominal contribution to cultivating inter-court relations in furtherance of common goals and advances the claim that its members ought to rectify this state of affairs. On the one hand, transnational judicial alliances have instrumental value for participating courts in the discharge of their mandate. On the other hand, the AACC can be a useful conduit in nurturing an Asian perspective to the global judicial discourse on constitutional issues. In that vein, the article identifies the most suitable means to enable the AACC to optimally discharge its role to help advance respect for democracy, the rule of law, and human rights in the region. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The GCF Board has set a target of committing US$2.5 billion in funding in 2016, in June 2015, nine projects with a value of US$257 million in GCF resources and total cost of US$585 million, were approved. The low approval level is indicative of the challenges the GCF is facing as a new institution, the capacity constraints of the direct access entities and at the national level, staffing constraints in the GCF Secretariat, and the rigorous project preparation requirements that did not distinguish between project type and size. At its June 2016 meeting, the GCF Board approved the operational guidelines for its Project Preparation Facility and a simplified procedure for micro-scale and small-scale funding proposals that are assessed as low risk or no risk. These new procedures should accelerate the project approval process. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The process of migration, whether forced or voluntary, often entails negotiating new social norms and traditions. It may mean that a person will have to learn another language and reconsider familiar perspectives on gender roles, parenting approaches, and many other social practices. These adjustments can be profoundly stressful and have implications for one's sense of physical, mental, cultural, spiritual, and social well-being. Migrants traveling as a family will likely experience the stress of migration and acculturation in different ways from individual migrants. Keywords: cultural diversity, diaspora, migration, multiculturalism, refugees - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The valuable efforts that have arisen in recent years to document attacks against healthcare workers and infrastructure during armed conflicts have brought this issue to the forefront of the policy agendas of many health, public health, humanitarian and human rights organizations. However, although professionals and activists have highlighted the importance of accountability in deterring these attacks, considerations of international criminal responsibility in data-gathering efforts remain underexplored. This paper suggests an approach that could direct further accountability efforts for organizations interested in engaging in documentation. Such non-governmental organizations should aim to gather not only information about the nature of the attack but also data that help establish specific characteristics about the victim, the intent of the attacker and the patterns of violence. Additionally, these efforts to document attacks on healthcare workers, facilities and patients should involve a systematic, rigorous and demonstrable methodology. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Yet women perform much of the physical work required in agriculture, such as weeding. Redesigning or making available better farming tools and equipment (and introducing or increasing the use of personal protective equipment) would improve efficiency, reduce the number of accidents in which women, men and children are harmed, and contribute to gender equity (Molineri etal. They may learn about environment-friendly techniques of seedling production, soil conservation, pest management and post-harvest processing (Petries etal. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__4, __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Despite the central role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in global economic integration, we lack explanations for why countries restrict FDI inflows. This article analyzes the sources of FDI liberalization using a comprehensive new data set of national foreign ownership restrictions spanning over 90 countries for the period 1970–2000. Analyses of this data show that democratization contributes to greater FDI openness. Democratization elevates the political influence of labor, the primary beneficiary of unrestricted FDI inflows. Democracies restrict six percent fewer of their manufacturing and service industries as compared to nondemocracies. This finding is robust to several controls for alternate explanations including economic crises, coercion, and diffusion, alternate measures of both democracy and foreign ownership restrictions, and a variety of model specifications. This article elucidates the political economy foundations of the contemporary world economy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This was particularly true for the turnpikes, canals and railways that accompanied Britain’s rise as a global economic superpow er. National initiatives only emeiged later to better coordinate existing projects in line with the demands of a more sophisticated and integrated national economy. Conceived in 1830, Chevalier’s impressive plan7 was for a grand European transport system to connect the entire continent with rails, roads and shipping routes, whereby railway lines spanning over 60,000 km would traverse from the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (through northbound lines), linking them to eastbound destinations of Flanders at the North Sea via Warsaw, Vilnius, Riga and St Petersbuig to the Russian Pacific (Hogselius et al., - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Availability of results of national assessments in Denmark: who has access to the results? ( Consequently, students, parents and teachers can use assessment results to follow an individual student’s acquisition of knowledge and skills, and municipalities and schools can use the results to compare themselves against the national average and to aid decision-making, but results cannot be used as a basis for systematic benchmarking and sharing of best practice among different schools and municipalities or for ranking municipalities or schools (Houlberg et al., The national assessments were conceived i) to provide a pedagogical tool for teachers against testable areas of the Common Objectives, and ii) to provide a tool for monitoring national progress over time through a national performance profile showing national average test results and to enable municipalities to monitor their schools against this national profile. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Only a small share of all financing from foundations is aimed towards ICT development, of which a large share is support to increase access to ICTs at public libraries. Foundations sectoral priorities show similar patterns as official development providers. In 2015, the health sector received 47% of foundations’ research spending and 27% of all support relating to ICTs and other technologies, with significant investments in vaccine development and Infectious disease control. Foundations’ second research priority is the agricultural sector, with significant support provided by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Again, in contrast to the intermediaries, some local co-operatives successfully market their products directly to the large hotels. Third, Rhiney notes the role of the Sandals Resorts’ Farmers Programme25 in the provision to local famers of credit, seeds, specialist advice and access to other funding sources for irrigation and nursery facilities. The results of the latter appear to have strengthened linkages to the rural economy, provided a range of fresh vegetables and fruit to the Sandals Resorts and helped to ‘reduce the mismatch between food supply and demand’ (Rhiney 2009: 252). However, a few pages later, the policy also recommends village development of handmade local crafts to sell to tourists as part of village regeneration and diversification. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__1 -> MISMATCH! Conversely, if labour supply is relatively inelastic and labour demand is relatively elastic, then the enterprise will bear more of the tax burden. For low-income groups, more progressivity through earned income tax credit (EITC) schemes increases work incentives but the resulting increase in labour supply may reduce wages - the EITC may increase the dispersion of before-tax income.32 However, for high-income groups, more progressive taxes may dampen work incentives and lower working hours. This could narrow the earnings dispersion. While most property taxes are paid by owners, they may largely be passed onto renters in the form of higher rents as the supply of housing is relatively inelastic, at least in the short term. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 Ireland is one of six countries where the continuous rise in unemployment rates has not yet ended. This recession actually began in the second quarter of 1979, but unemployment did not peak until mid-1983. [ The historical comparisons for the OECD area reported here refer to the 30 countries for which the necessary data are available since 1970. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In the communication discipline, human dialogue is studied by both social scientists and humanists. Social scientists situate dialogue in dialectic, humanists situate dialogue in rhetoric. Generally, their work proceeds without acknowledgment of the other, perpetuating what we identify as central concerns for the discipline: (a) The isolation of dialectic and rhetoric as distinct subjects of analysis, (b) the theoretical antagonism of dialectic and rhetoric, (c) the political antagonism of the humanistic and social scientific sides of the discipline, and (d) the stabilization of both the theory of human dialogue and the methods used to study it. This essay problematizes the study of human dialogue in the communication discipline and suggests that future directions in dialogic theory and research show ways of engaging dialectic and rhetoric in an authentic rather than antagonistic dialogue. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This data shows that the best performing countries in Eu rope, in terms of collection of e-waste, are Switzerland, which collects 74% of the waste generated, Norway (74%), followed by Sweden (69%), Finland and Ireland (each 55%). Ireland and Denmark collect 50% of the waste generated. It should be noted that the denominator of the collection rate are estimations by UNU that have an error of margin of at least ±10% depending on the country, as already mentioned in chapter 5. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 We report odds ratios in Table 12 in the Annex, indicating the change in the odds of a child being deprived in multiple domains (housing, environment, access to basic services and/or financial strain). We do not take income poverty into account for cumulative deprivation but rather consider its role in predicting simultaneous deprivation across domains of non-monetary deprivation. The first factor that significantly increases the odds of experiencing combined deprivations pertains to the family type that children are part of and particularly refers to those living in singleheaded households. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 In 1977 the World Health Organization recommended that every country throughout the world should have a national plan for child mental health. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has been another important stimulus for child mental health policies and services in many countries. Adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 and instituted as international law in 1990, the Convention is an agreement on the basic protections that should be accorded to children. Adopted in 1961, the European Social Charter is the major European treaty that secures children's rights. In 1996 the Charter was revised and expanded to include a list of core obligations of the contracting parties relating to the recognition of social, legal and economic rights for children and young persons. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Despite this, important interdependencies between environmental, health and social factors have only recently been investigated. The delays in strengthening tobacco control legislation (finally agreed in early 2017) exemplify the challenges (see also Section 3). Notwithstanding, the Strategic Document on Public Health (2012) set long-term goals to expand traditional public health to include non-communicable diseases. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 In all cases, women should have access to quality services for the management of complications arising from abortion. Post-abortion counselling, education and family-planning services should be offered promptly, which will also help to avoid repeat abortions. Programmes to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality should include information and reproductive health services, including family-planning services. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__4 -> MISMATCH! Because the MPI reflects poverty directly, it does not require adjustment (such as for urban-rural prices, inflation, nor imputation for rent. In practical terms, after the MPI is initially designed, a country can release its updated official national MPI two weeks after it receives the cleaned dataset. It can also be done transparently. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 ""New Evidence from Flagship Programs in Bangladesh"""", Mimeo, New York University. Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-term Care, OECD Publishing, Paris, Towards More and Better fobs in Developing Countries, OECD Publishing, Paris, http:// Monitoring Report, UNESCO, Paris."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Section 3 reviews existing information systems and reporting mechanisms for climate finance and discusses their strengths and weaknesses as well as provides recommendations for how to improve information and reporting systems in key areas. Based on this review, section 4 develops options for a more comprehensive, reliable and transparent monitoring and tracking system for climate finance. Section 5 concludes with some indications on how the objective of a comprehensive and reliable database of climate finance could be reached over time. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 Nonetheless, where information is available, I have drawn upon traditional knowledge from more mainstream sectors of society. People have adapted to climate change in the past. The emergence of agriculture and many fundamental attributes of human societies were driven by the episodes of climate change in the Holocene. However, none of these periods of climate change were as rapid as those as we are now experiencing and it is doubtful if they have much to teach us about the problems that we face today. The numerous reports that have been disseminated by advocacy organizations are largely anecdotal and present opinions rather than verifiable facts and analysis. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! This mode is also prominent in Lori. This shows that whereas the majority of the population receives both water and sewerage services from the WSCs, the majority of territorial units (and about 20% of the population) fall under “Mode 5”, w'hich means that households get water services from their local government and have on-site sanitation facilities. Private sector participation contracts will end in 2015 and it is planned that new contracts will be signed to start in early 2016. Local governments have not formed separate units (i.e. legal entities) to manage sanitation services and they frequently do not charge for the sanitation services that they provide. They do not have sufficient resources to provide guidance and oversee the activities of entrepreneurs servicing individual households, including septic tank builders and emptiers. Finally, they have great difficulties to attract external funding for investment, from both public and private sources. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 A range of political and social developments in the Netherlands suggest that ethnic profiling in political and social discourse is no longer seen as a taboo. Increasingly ethnic profiling is perceived as part of the solution to ‘the problem’ of terrorism, radicalisation, integration, violent crime, serious public nuisance or public safety. Although Dutch legislation and regulations do not explicitly prohibit ethnic or racial profiling, for law enforcement officials to use generalisations based on ethnicity, race, national origin or religion is at odds with national and international law. Nonetheless, there is a risk that police, security, immigration and customs officials exercise their general and special powers on the basis of generalisations or stereotypes to tackle pressing social needs. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 A comprehensive regulatory framework defines the parameters within which the university can function. Incorporated universities would operate as independent, efficient, transparent and financially able entities. In the Malaysian context, public universities which have been corporatized 4 are incorporated entities expected to adopt management systems similar to those of the corporate sector while at the same time accepting the fact that the government will retain explicit control’ (Morshidi, 2008). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Donors can also collaborate with the private sector to reduce the power inequities in global value chains, as shown in Box II. Good practice revolves around funding costs do not make economic sense for the private sector to take on, and acting as facilitators and mediators in key transactions. They improve the terms on which people in poverty engage in markets by enabling them to avoid selling their produce when prices are at their lowest or to demand better wages and employment conditions. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 There is a perception that timber harvesting (sanitation cutting) allowed within national parks is in conflict with the main purpose of these Protected Areas, but the logging practices are designed to be low-impact and low-intensity. Alternative financing options for the national parks and other Protected Areas have been studied and should be pursued. The Department of Nature Protection only performs inspections on implementation of the provisions of the management plan and implementation of overall protection. According to the Law on Nature Protection, local municipal governments have almost no competencies concerning administration of Category I and II Protected Areas (Article 135). - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 In some Member States permitting procedures are considerably more complex than in others. Several factors are leading to slow and inefficient permit processes. There are on-going initiatives to speed up the overall permit process via e.g. all-in-one permits with only one authority coordinating, and via specific LNG guidance documents. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Case studies suggest that their stockholding programmes were able to reduce aggregate price volatility over time. Mason and Myers (2013) show that Zambia’s FRA stabilised maize market prices between 1996 and 2008. However, maize price volatility in Kenya and Zambia between 2005 and 2011 was higher than in South Africa, which is the international reference price for Eastern and Southern Africa and does not have buffer stocks. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In 2011, the Amazigh peoples won a landmark victory with the official recognition of their language and culture in a new constitution. Although a timetable for the expansion of Tamazight classes across primary schools was established around the same time, this plan has not been implemented. The initial goal was for Tamazight to be taught in all of the country's schools by 2008. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Selected provisions from Geneva Law that emphasise the humane treatment of detainees during an international armed conflict are reviewed. The legal vagaries of a non-international armed conflict (NIAC) are considered in the Iraq context following the judgement in Serdar Mohammed and Secretary of State for Defence that questioned the legal basis for detention in an NIAC. The factors and thresholds of prevalent alleged offences are analysed by reference to the International Criminal Court ‘Elements of Crime’ and international jurisprudence. The incongruent or complementary status of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, including lex specialis, is considered by reference to international and European jurisprudence. The importance of the UN Torture Convention is highlighted and contextualised with regard to domestic legislation and government policy. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 In the Spanish parts of the Duero and Guadiana basins, respectively 92% and 88% of water withdrawal is for agricultural use. Water abstraction for irrigation is also a major pressure factor in the Po Basin, being 80% of the total water use. Water demand in summer for agriculture and tourism is particularly acute in the coastal regions and islands of the Mediterranean. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ABSTRACTThe Nigerian army has long had a poor human rights record. From the times of the Biafra War (1967–1970) to massacres of Boko Haram members in 2009 and clashes with the Shiite minority in 2015, soldiers and officers have perpetrated widespread and serious violations. Corruption, impunity, a weak chain of command and lack of accountability, qualifications, training, recruitment, supplies, and control by civilian authorities explain their wrongdoings, together with the military dictatorships of the 1970s and 1980s and the war on terror since 2009. Such problems are still prevalent as Nigeria heads for general elections in 2019. This article thus shows that lessons were not learned despite the democratization process since the end of military rule in 1999. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 However, Portugal slightly overspent according to both criteria. One of the drawbacks of focusing on this measure is that the ratio may increase as a result of a decline in GDP alone and not because of an increase in social security payments per se. As a complement to the previous analysis, Figure 1.14 examines the 2007-09 change in the absolute level of general government expenditures in real terms.34 It disaggregates the change in general government expenditures into two components: general government social security benefits and general government expenditures other then social security benefits. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Related training may also be provided by the community sponsor. As of September 2010,3 979 young people had been placed into a Community Max project. A five-year goal-oriented programme was launched in 2008 to raise the quality of education by enhancing teachers’ competence levels and contribute to a satisfactory and stable recruitment to the teaching profession. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__3 -> MISMATCH! The pressure for competitiveness implies intensified use of natural resources and practices associated with high production, financial and market risks. The pressure for sustainability implies constraints on the ways resources can be exploited and an increasing internalisation of the resource use costs into farming costs. The key challenge for the farm risk management system in New Zealand is to develop strategies that would reconcile these competing pressures. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Deprivation is a largely local issue, since 56% of local authorities include at least one lower-layer super-output area amongst the 10% most deprived in England. These include all domestic regeneration programmes of the 2000 Spending Review, the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, the Single Regeneration Budget, Neighbourhood Management and programmes to attract businesses in disadvantaged areas. The IMD also guided the location of Sure Start centres and Children’s Centres, as well as funding for the Neighbourhood Nurseries initiative and other programmes intended to support vulnerable children and families. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! The analysis is based on the method developed by OECD for the cross-country study of farm level risk analysis (OECD, 2010a). Variations and correlations of prices, costs and returns are estimated using the farm-level data. These indicators are used to evaluate farmers’ risk exposure and the relative importance of the various sources of risk. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The Closing the Gaps by 2015: The Texas Higher Education Plan, adopted in 2000, aims to make all high school graduates college-ready and close the gaps between young people from different backgrounds in higher education participation and success, in educational excellence, and in funded research. One key element of the plan is the use of performance data to monitor progress towards the plan’s goals. Each postsecondary institution is required to provide targets and report progress. Focusing on the four target areas of Closing the Gaps, the Texas Higher Education Accountability System tracks performance in higher education institutions. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Current infrastructure investment is from year 2015. Countries included in the figure are, Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State ol). Brazil, Chile (2014 expenditure), Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay (2013 expenditure). - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 La part des creances douteuses dans les portefeuilles de prets des banques commerciales et des organismes de financement d’fitat de KazAgro s’est envolee en 2010. Ceci a conduit le gouvernement a etudier un allegement de dette de 2 milliards d’USD pour l’agriculture. Dans la filiere cerealiere les carences des infrastructures essentielles et du reseau routier rural font directement augmenter les couts de transactions. Les lacunes de l’information, les delais de commercialisation dus par exemple au manque de silos-elevateurs et de capacites de transport, ou les difficultes d’acces aux installations portuaires font egalement augmenter les couts. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The focus is on aggregate indicators and also on racial shares. In addition, the rural-urban dimension of inequality and poverty is given some attention. Section 1.2 augments this long-run picture by describing and summarising the evidence from national household survey data on post-Apartheid inequality and poverty changes. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The mandating of universal jurisdiction by the grave breaches provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions was an innovation in relation to both the penal provisions of prior treaties and the prevailing understanding of the international legal basis for national jurisdiction over war crimes. Despite not having been relied on until the 1990s to ground national prosecutions on the basis of universality, the grave breaches provisions have exerted an influence on the development of both treaty-based and customary rules on universal jurisdiction. In some respects, however, this influence has been as an example of how not to draft jurisdictional provisions in international criminal law conventions. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Similarly, recognition of this work should provide the basis for an equitable division of pension savings in the event of divorce or separation. Time poverty is thus a want, a deficit that affects freedom. Time availability has major gender implications, it is related to vulnerability, as it determines people's ability to react to situations of risk, and it also depends on income, so that time and income are interdependent and interchangeable (Feres, 2010), which is why time is used in situations where resources of other kinds are scarce (Gammage, 2010). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Diaspora groups can make a major contribution to the disaster response, both directly through financial contributions as well as by mobilizing strategic political action. The degree to which they are able to do so depends on their own socio-economic status and the extent to which they continue to identify with their homeland, i.e. some, like the diaspora networks in the Middle East, have particularly strong ties with the countries of origin as they and their families are unable to acquire citizenship in their destination countries, thus retaining very real responsibilities in their homelands. Remittances sent home by migrants assist individuals, households and communities in coping with disasters and help reduce risk/vulnerability in the face of such an event by enabling individuals to fortify their economic base. In the aftermath of the Tsunami, there was a strong response by the diasporas linked to the affected countries. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__12 -> MISMATCH! Though we stop far short of developing a formal mathematical model, we draw heavily from our prior work that does (Braunstein et al. We will try to avoid wading into the depths and distractions usually required to get formal models going and distil the main points into a stylized taxonomy of social reproduction and growth. But there may be some moments - particularly in the initial setup - when details seem to obscure more than they reveal. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These developments discouraged strategic, sustainable orientation and decisionmaking in tangible production and service operations (see also: UNCTAD, 2008c and 2008d). However, in real terms, the general commodity price level did not reach its average of the 1970s, and remained far below the price hikes of those years. Even so, the real price level of crude petroleum and minerals and metals did reach new historical peaks in mid-2008. Indeed, excessive bank bailouts and continuing inattention to the more systemic problems by developed-country governments might render the prospects for economic recovery bleaker in the medium-term. The related escalating public debt17 and higher reserve requirements for banks may well exert upward pressure on future interest rates, jacking up the costs of borrowing for the productive sector and fuelling inflation. The provision of a solid set of social protection measures does not appear to have led to reduced trade competitiveness, in fact, if anything, such measures may have improved competitiveness, as workers’ security is conducive to innovation and rapid productivity growth. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__11 -> MISMATCH! The level of competition among offset suppliers will therefore differ across space. In some cases, the combined service areas of biobanks may not overlap at all, leading to the possibility of monopoly suppliers, in other areas, there may be no supply at all. However, after completing a thorough review of compensation projects, the National Research Council (2001) critiqued the principle of compensating the directly affected area as encouraging “reactive, piecemeal mitigation projects with high failure rates, and for inadequate consideration of the watershed context.” - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__5 -> MISMATCH! ""Free legal aid should be provided for women without the means to pay for court costs and attorney fees, so as to ensure that no woman is forced to forgo her economic rights to obtain a divorce” (para. The Committee also reminded them that they a re """"obligated to provide, upon divorce and/or separation, for equality between the parties in the division of all property accumulated duringthe marriage. States parties should recognize the value of indirect, including non-financial contributions with regard to the acquisition of property acquired during the marriage”."" - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 China’s Five Year Plans for environmental protection (cont.) For the first time an official target to reduce NOx emissions and ammonia nitrogen discharge, both by 10%, as well as a target to reduce C02 intensity, by 17%, have been included. Reflecting the government’s concerns for regional equity and disparities in development and industrial and energy structures, carbon intensity targets vary across provinces, ranging from a 10% reduction for the poorer western provinces of Qinghai and Tibet up to a 19.5% reduction for the wealthier coastal province of Guangdong. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! However, not all countries are comfortable with this information system being developed and centrally situated in another country. After 1991, hydrological monitoring drastically decreased. For example, on the Chu and its tributaries, the number of hydrological monitoring stations has decreased by more than two thirds since the 1970s. Similarly, of some 100 hydrological monitoring stations on Kyrgyz territory within the Syr Darya Basin in 1980, currently 28 are operational. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The case studies report on an impressive range of media and advocacy tools - from short films and documentaries to gender equality workplace toolkits to e-learning modules that provide innovative strategies like how to start conversations on workplace gender equality, and how to use practical tools such as the pay-gap calculator. The ‘Be a Role Model’ national campaign, which aimed to reduce social acceptance of intimate partner violence, followed months of workshops and one-to-one dialogues at individual, community and regional levels. The campaign’s messages reached more than 4.5 million people in six months using ads in eight newspapers, two television stations and three radio stations, posters and brochures, and community outreach. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Governments around the world are using the advancement in infrastructure and information and communication technologies (ICTs) to promote innovation of and sustainable development in their economies. This chapter presents an overview of e-government development initiatives at regional levels. It features important trends and analyses of regional e-government development performance, including by specific country groups such as the small island developing States (SIDS), least developed countries (LDCs) and least developed landlocked countries (LLDCs). As was the case in previous editions, Europe continues to lead e-government development as indicated by the highest EGDI (0.7730) it enjoys, followed by Americas (0.5900), Asia (0.5780), Oceania (0.4610), and Africa (0.3420) respectively. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 First, exporting enterprises often buy rice from local traders or assemblers so they have no direct control over the price farmers receive. Second, there can be large differences in production costs within each of the eight regions, particularly in relation to land lease fees and loan interest rates. Consequently, the target price based on the average will benefit some and disadvantage others. Finally, MOF/MARD are often late in determining production costs, which is supposed to be given at the beginning of each crop season (MARD, 2014b). However, the impact of this was to increase farm gate prices by only VND 100-200 kg (less than USD 0.01 kg). To improve the effectiveness of these policies, MARD is drafting a new policy on paddy/rice procurement in which subsidised loans will be provided to both farmers and enterprises who signed contracts to buy paddy from farmers. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 The Policy of Integral Attention to Men's Health considers the health disorders of man's health as public health problems that require preventive behavior and specific care actions. This issue justifies the development of this study as to analyze the actions of men’s health care performed by nurses in Family Health Strategy Units and the conditions of these professionals information about the Integral Policy of Human Health in two municipalities in full management of the Vale do Rio Pardo - RS. This is a qualitative exploratory-descriptive research with fifteen nurses who answered to a questionnaire. The data collected were subjected to content analysis. The results indicate that nurses consider important to the men’s health policy, but there are still weak conditions for implementing this policy, in particular, knowledge, encouragement and planning of specific actions for the man. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 This section discusses each in turn. It is a medium size agglomeration, with a dense core, close suburban belts, and uneasy relations with local governments in a mostly natural or agricultural hinterland, leading to strong competition and tensions with regards to land use and development. Because in France there is little likelihood of amalgamation and all communes have equal rights and authorities, local policies try to tackle these challenges by forming co-operative communal associations and with the SCoT a common spatial plan. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 It should also consider the diversity of customary law that varies across different ethnic groups and geographic areas. The FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security in May 2012, provide a valuable framework for responsible tenure governance. A national independent land transfer oversight panel could be established to approve transfers of land areas above a certain limit. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Pharmacists in South Australia are permitted to administer the influenza vaccine. In the Northern Territory, pharmacists in a pilot are permitted to administer influenza, measles mumps and rubella, adult diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines for adults. Western Australia recently amended legislation to allow pharmacists to administer influenza vaccines. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Thirdly, it explores issues related to women’s awareness and understanding of legal rights. Finally, it highlights social considerations in accessing justice. In particular, they shall give women equal rights to conclude contracts and to administer property, and shall treat them equally in all stages of procedure in courts and tribunals. ( However, in practice, gaps remain and lead to discrimination against women. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 These foreign language subjects should be offered as of grade seven, on an equal footing with French or German. In the Netherlands, for example, immigrant students can choose their mother tongue as a second foreign language as part of the formal school curriculum. Municipalities and schools should consider drawing more on bilingual classroom assistants. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 ""Average"""" consumption rates hide significant gender and class differences at both the high and low ends of """"average"""" consumption (Oxfam 2015, UNEP 2012, WHO 2010, Pellow 2007, Ringquist 2005). Inequalities occur along several social axes, with women facing greater risks than men, rural communities often more exposed than urban ones, and groups marginalized because of race, ethnicity or other factors likely to be disproportionately affected (Oxfam 2015). Poverty is an environmental threat-multiplier and, in most places, women are more likely than men to live in extreme poverty (UN 2015, UNDP 2015, USAID 2015, UNDP n.d.). From 1950 to 2012 global plastics growth averaged 8.7% per year, rising from 1.7 million tons to the nearly 300 million tons of 2015 (The Globalist 2015). Plastics and synthetic chemicals have become globally ubiquitous: once they have made their way into the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, they also end up in our bodies."" - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Global food prices have more than doubled over the past decade, reaching record highs in 2007-8 and 2010-11 (Figure 7.3). International prices for corn, wheat and rice more than doubled between 2006 and 2008. While prices declined in late 2008, food prices then rebounded, attaining new record highs in February 2011. Despite conflicting evidence, it would appear that recent price increases have also been accompanied by higher volatility, which increases uncertainty, thereby hindering investment in human and physical capital, technology, and innovation (FAO, 2009). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 In contrast, several countries experienced an increase in the number of benefit recipients that outpaced the growth in unemployment (Czech Republic, Hungary, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, TUrkey, United Kingdom, United States). In some cases, this may have been the result of measures designed specifically to increase benefit coverage or eligibility (e.g. United States, Korea) or to extend benefit duration or generosity (e.g. TUrkey, United States). It is possible that some people could receive both Ul and UA in a single year and so be counted twice. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__9 -> MISMATCH! This chapter reflects on the nature of Criminology as an academic discipline, highlighting methodological considerations. Against this meta-theoretical backdrop, it examines the meaning and significance of self-avowedly ‘critical’ criminologies and reconsiders their distinctive contributions to scholarship and research. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 The State of the Worlds Children: Children with Disabilities. Ending Preventable Child Deaths from Pneumonia and Diarrhoea by 2025: The Integrated Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD). Each product of such a birth is considered a live birth. These calculations are, strictly speaking, not rates (that is, the number of deaths divided by the number of population at risk during a certain period of time) but a probability of death derived from a life table and expressed as a rate per 1,000 live births. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Local governments can apply for national subsidies that can be used to promote local investment to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency and independence. Examples of funded municipal activities include removing disincentives for individuals to reduce emissions, such as eliminating free parking, and subsidising the cost of retrofitting filling stations to add a pump to supply renewable biofuels (Corfee-Morlot et al., Such system should be developed and tailored to green growth/sustainable development/climate change objectives in the Philippines. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 Resource management, broadly defined and including housing renovation and repair, was estimated to account for two-thirds of the market in 2000, environmental protection, mainly wastewater treatment facilities and provision of waste services, accounted for the remaining third. Source: MOE (2003). The largest growth in employment and market value was expected in the energy sector and in the manufacturing sector for air pollution control equipment (Table 7). - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__6 -> MISMATCH! The results with respect to skill intensity suggest that firms with relatively high levels of average skill intensity tend to smooth employment more than other firms. This is likely to reflect the possibility that more skilled workers possess higher levels of firm-specific human capital. The role of export status was also considered but did not yield any conclusive results. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! The field of international law often is taught and thought of as a group of disconnected substantive subfields, each with its own epistemic community. These specialized subfields range from international human rights law to the law of the sea, from international trade law to collective security law. Examples where subfields conflict with each other and separate examples where subfields complement each other have led two camps of commentators over the past decade to comprehensively define international law’s nature as either united or fragmented in a binary fashion. Even the United Nations’ International Law Commission established a study group to explore this topic, which concluded in 2006 after over four years of study that international law is fragmented due, in part, to the collision of various branches of international law. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 At the intra-urban level, the quality of road infrastructure and public transport influences mobility and home-to-work connectivity within the urban perimeter and its adjacent areas. At the inter-urban level, transport infrastructure is essential for urban capacity to attract and retain investment and capital and to develop competitive advantages. The transport sector in Chile has progressed greatly in recent decades: public transportation is more widely available within and between cities and the quality and extension of transport infrastructure has improved. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 A network of basin organisations claimed that given the scope of their activities, Principles 2, 4 and 10 related to managing water at the right scale, the capacity of responsible authorities to face water challenges and stakeholder engagement, received special attention. The low rate of responses does not allow for a thorough assessment of “why” these organisations did not use of the Principles. However, several reasons were reported, including poor understanding of the Principles within their organisation, encountering capacity challenges related to staff, time or funding, weak alignment of the Principles with their organisational priorities, and prior implementation of the Principles in the respondent’s country of residence. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The evidence, however, is less reliable than the corresponding evidence for smoking. However, healthcare and productivity costs associated with specific dietary patterns, and specific foods, are disputable, due to the unclear relationships between diet and future health outcomes. The cost-effectiveness of interventions designed for changing health behaviours is largely unknown. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Building on the indicator frameworks of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, the SDGs and other multi-country data sources, this report presents a preliminary set of indicators that could be considered for further use to help monitor and evaluate biodiversity mainstreaming efforts in a more consistent manner. This includes indicators across the range of response indicators, namely inputs (e.g. finance), processes (e.g. establishment of inter-ministerial committees), outputs (e.g. national assessments and other studies), outcomes (e.g. new or more ambitious policies) and impacts (changes in the state of biodiversity and ecosystem services). Based on this work, as well as previous OECD efforts to assess mainstreaming in the context of green growth, climate change and development co-operation, there are five main areas of action needed by policy makers and decision makers to promote effective mainstreaming of biodiversity and development. This commitment should also be reflected in NBSAPs and national/sector development policies, supported by policy coherence across legislative and policy frameworks. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Hoffmann (2005), De Lima, Barreto and Marinho (2003) and Menezes and Pinto (2005). These findings can then be used to compare inequality and income elasticities of poverty and extreme poverty in different periods of the economic history of Brazil. In the second section, a brief overview is presented of the literature on the impact that economic growth, on the one hand, and income inequality, on the other, have on poverty. This is followed by a description of the database, models and econometric methodology that have been used. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The article deals with the new development regarding the adoption of the European Convention for Human Rights by the European Union. The foundations for this development were laid down in the Lisbon Treaty in 2007 and the 14th Protocol to the European Convention for Human Rights in 2004. Consequently, the EU would also be subject to the jurisdiction of the European Court for Human Rights when human rights are concerned. However, the prolonged negotiation process that started after these two instruments had come into force showed that there are many open issues and that the European Court of Justice is not going to relinquish part of its jurisdiction so easily. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Available at: 07900627.2017.1401919. Ideas and institutions: A growth story. Speech given at the University of Oxford. Reconfiguring industrial policy: A framework with an applica-tionto SouthAfrica. Forecasting infrastructure investment needs for 50 countries, 7 sectors through 2040. Global Infrastructure Outlook and Oxford Economics. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 This trend is expected to continue as a result of growth in incomes. A number of studies have looked at the environmental consequences of consumption of animal-source food, usually focusing on GHG emissions and land use (INRA and CIRAD, 2009, Erb et al., Using life cycle assessments, they generally conclude that alternative diet scenarios with less animal-source food could contribute to reducing global GHG emissions, and have positive impacts on human health. Healthy diets also feature dairy products in moderation, unsalted seeds and nuts, small quantities of fish and aquatic products, and very limited intake of processed foods that are high in fat, sugar or salt and low in micronutrients (FAO and FCRN, 2016). - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 See In the Matter of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania I977-as amended from time to time [Cap. The practice can be used in the proposed new law on CEFM. Inside Courtroom - EAC Courts can replicate a Protocol set up by the Bosnian Court with necessary modifications, see Anna Kithaka ‘Enforcement of the Sexual offences Act Kenya’ (Pambazuka News) governance/enforcement accessed 1 July 2016. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 This strategy makes it possible to offer a significant degree of protection to children even in times of economic crisis. And it also illustrates the usefulness of deploying both a relative income measure and a direct measurement of deprivation in the struggle to monitor and mitigate the impact of economic forces on the lives of children. In previous Report Cards, some basic principles for the cross-national monitoring of child poverty have been proposed. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 Most (80%) of the strictly protected area is forest. The area of strictly protected forest increased slightly between 2005 and 2012, from 52 000 ha to 57 000 ha. Poland’s 1481 nature reserves include 174 established since 2000. The total land area in nature reserves increased from 150 000 ha in 2000 to 166 000 ha in 2012. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Issues of conflict of interest between government officials and privatized water systems and their corporations are also widely reported (Shiva 2002). Comparative assessments do not readily support the efficiency argument, possibly due, in part, to reported corruption in awarding natural monopolies to unqualified providers (FOEI 2008, UN 2006). The question of paying the full cost of water is also much broader if ecological impacts are taken into account. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 In contrast, the current-account deficit rose sharply, reaching between 10 and 25 per cent of GDP, particularly in the Baltics, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine.10 By comparison, current-account deficits remained between 3 and 6 per cent in Central Europe and at 1.6 per cent in Latin America (see figure 7).“ Group IV: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia. In the Baltics, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania, between 50 and 85 per cent of bank loans were made in foreign currency, thus giving rise to currency mismatch, strong dependence on decisions of global players, and high external indebtedness (Aslund, 2009). Indeed, a very high proportion of the output of the foreign investments was exported to Western Europe, that is to say, the same region from which most FDI originated. This made the external accounts of EEFSU excessively dependent on the business cycle of Western Europe. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The project has an initial budget of $5.8 million and is expected to reach some 13,200 direct beneficiaries. It is expected that open source software will quickly become attractive for the majority of the region’s young ICT trainees as it has deep roots in community and collaborative work groups. These courses are entirely needs driven. The pan-African IT-learning and trainer network, ict@in-novation (box IV.5), is an example of such a regional capacity development network. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 The new approach granted a greater degree of administrative independence to states than under the first stage, even though tight financial constraints were maintained through a system of earmarked federal transfers. The states agreed to increase financing of health care from their own resources to reach 20% of their budgets, although this target was not always reached. Unlike the first wave of reforms, the IMSS-Oportunidades system maintained its independence from State Health Services (SHS) for the remaining states decentralised under the second wave. While the 1984 General Health Law regulates all aspects of the health sector, and draws on the universal right to health protection set out in the Constitution, it includes no comprehensive list or specific package of services covered beyond this generic entitlement to coverage (a principal also indicated in the social security laws governing IMSS and ISSSTE). - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 Four main areas are covered: politics and governance, the judiciary, civil service and the private sector. Statistical agencies in many countries do not routinely collect and disseminate data on women in power and decisionmaking, and few international or regional organizations compile those statistics. ' The most readily available information on decision-making is the number and proportion of women in national parliaments and key elected positions, collected under the auspices of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and monitored within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The European Commissions database on women and men in decision-making gives a comprehensive regional picture of women and men in top positions.5 The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s (UNECE) Gender Statistics Database and the United Nations Development Fund’s (UNIFEM) biennial Progress of the World’s Women provided additional statistics on some of the topics covered in the chapter. The statistics and analysis on some of these topics are based in large part on sources available from private or non-governmental organizations. The presentation and analysis on these topics are therefore relatively limited. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 As the first country where women won the right to vote, it has since championed the participation of women across all levels of society and has been rated one of the best places to work as a woman.1 In spite of key advances in the workforce, women continue to be under-represented in management and leadership roles. As of 2012, women held 14.75 per cent of private sector directorships. A recent study commissioned by New Zealand’s Ministry of Women’s Affairs has substantiated these claims, demonstrating that at the current rate of change, it will take 21 years to reach the 30 per cent representation mark (McAteer 2013). - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Since 2004, several countries have made major investments in national early warning systems. These include setting up state-of-the-art warning centres that are helping make the Asia-Pacific region a global hub of excellence in this field. Several countries are also making progress in addressing their unique warning requirements. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 When established in 1989, the Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC) concentrated on technical and vocational training programmes for employees of multinational corporations (MNCs). Over a 20 year period, the knowledge and skills of every level (operators, technicians, supervisors, engineers and managers) have increased significantly (PSDC, 2009, 2010). While the multinational corporations (MNCs) hire some technical personnel to work on design, testing and product developments, the supply of R&D engineers and technicians was too small for them to expand their R&D in Penang. ( The level of educational attainment remains significantly below that of OECD countries in the region. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 This funding can be provided on concessional or market terms, as three examples from Thailand, economies in transition and Tunisia illustrate below. This provides annual inflows of approximately THB 2bn ($50mln) p.a. The EERF in turn provides capital at no cost to 10 participating Thai banks, which then provide low-cost loans for energy efficiency projects of up to a maximum of $1.25mln, at an interest rate of no more than 4% p.a. Frequently, banks set an interest rate lower than this maximum figure, depending on their relationship with the customer. - Gold: __label__6 - Pred: __label__6 Likewise at the other levels, the outcomes are policy and implementation decisions, ideally arising from collaborative problem-solving. There are feedback loops connecting the constructs within each level and connecting constructs across the different system levels. Collaborative inquiry and idea diversity are important knowledge-building principles. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Advertisement-supported revenue was Euros 102 million, up 38 per cent from the previous year (Spotify Technology S.A., 2018). These digital technologies are changing the global economy by giving rise to new online markets and products, resulting in considerable benefits for consumers and productivity gains for firms. A better understanding of the effects of digital technologies requires the ability to measure the economic transactions, including digital trade, that they are making possible. - Gold: __label__8 - Pred: __label__8 Moreover, government needs to i) regularly monitor and evaluate progress, ii) ensure transparency, iii) assess not only compliance with technical norms but also the local financial, human and natural resources needed for actual implementation, and iv) engage the local community. Urban sprawl, pollution, poor public services (e.g. utilities), housing shortages, and weak intra-city connectivity are all problems that stem from a lack of proper land-use planning and deficiencies in implementing land-use regulation. Three strategies could address these problems. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__10 So far, fully implemented programme spending accounts for 0.3% of GDP, and an additional 1.7% of GDP has been allocated for this purpose. The high social and fiscal costs of unemployment require well-funded activation policies, although they will be costly in the short run. A comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the programmes is essential, however, to identify what works and what doesn’t. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__7 -> MISMATCH! The quintile share ratio is the ratio of total income received by the 20% of the population with the highest income (top quintile) to that received by the 20% of the population with the lowest income (lowest quintile). Youth unemployment was historically high in 2009, but has fallen since then thanks to the rapid economic recovery and fiscal measures targeted at the young. Youth unemployment now stands at its lowest level of the past 13 years, and male youth unemployment rates are below those in the average OECD country. But for young women there is still a significant gap compared to the average OECD country (Figure 1.5, Panel A). - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Political and practical support to ensure that women, including women's civil society organisations, are included in peace processes is a crucial entry point to make sure that the security needs of women, men, boys and girls are taken into consideration. It is therefore critical that the negotiation/mediation teams draw on gender expertise from the outset of a peace process. Briefings on gender issues can be provided to negotiating/mediation teams and others with decision-making power. Civil society organisations, including women's organisations, should also be included in track two processes and can play an important role in monitoring the implementation of peace agreements. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 It would reduce poverty by 5 percentage points in Ecuador and Paraguay and by at least 0.6% in Brazil. If the transfer were to be targeted at everyone aged 65 and over, the measure could cost up to an additional 3% of GDP (ECLAC, 2010b, pp. United Nations publication, Sales No. United Nations publication, Sales No. In 10 of the region’s 18 countries, this percentage is around 5% or under in households living in a situation of extreme poverty or high vulnerability to extreme poverty. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: __label__0 The form and nature of the incentive to be introduced is the subject of instrument choice, which is discussed in the next section. These instruments aim to affect incentives and interests directly. Sometimes, as with emissions trading schemes, these instruments also require new institutions. These instruments impose penalties on actors who fail to meet the standards, and therefore also affect incentives, though less directly than market-based instruments. They also normally require new institutions to administer and enforce the regulations. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! In Ulaanbaatar, heavy metal testing showed that concentrations of lead, cadmium and mercury in 58 samples were within the Mongolian norms (MNS 5850:2008). Kosheleva, Natalia E. et al. Pollution by heavy metals comes from different sources, such as tanning production, mining activities, traffic zones and heat and power engineering. - Gold: __label__2 - Pred: __label__2 It may be measured by the share of the first city's population (or the first two) in the total urban population. This applies in particular to Nigeria, in which Lagos, Ibadan and Kano each has a population of between 2.5 million and 10 million. Macrocephaly is higher in the small coastal countries that trade directly with the rest of the world. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 Most countries have now endorsed the principle of equality for women and endowed it with normative universality. Such conflicts arise in the context of almost all religions and traditional cultures, since they rely on norms and social practices formulated or interpreted in a patriarchal context at a time when individual human rights in general, and women’s right to equality in particular, had not yet become a global imperative. Barriers to women's rights are not specific to one region or to one religion, but their form and severity does vary among regions and religions. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 In this resolution, it is laid down that the Dutch agricultural sector shall not be burdened with an increase in costs when measures have to be taken for the implementation of the WFD, i.e. has made it impossible to force farmers to incur additional costs when implementing the WFD. However, it is important to note that in addition to the country’s more generic manure policy, the regional WFD river basin management plans (that should include a programme of measures) may include separate measures that intervene with high nutrient concentrations within surface waters. The application standards for total-nitrogen and total-phosphorus apply to both livestock manure and other types of organic and inorganic fertilisers. Furthermore, the new manure policy has a wider scope of application and encompasses new regulations governing the application methods for manure and inorganic fertiliser, mainly concerning: i) the time of year when the application of manure is permitted, ii) the ploughing up of grassland, and iii) the obligation to grow a catch crop after the cultivation of maize, to prevent nitrogen leaching (Fraters et al., - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The potential benefits of contextualised learning and integrating academics and CTE are widely recognised and the integrated approach is widely used in CTE programmes. A number of policy instruments are designed to ensure strong academic skills among all students, such as the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. Data are used to monitor performance among different groups of students and target interventions at schools with unsatisfactory performance. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 The illegal wildlife trade is a global threat to biodiversity as well as to public health and good governance. As legislation and law enforcement have been insufficient to protect many wildlife spe... - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Austria is a secular State, which accommodates religious needs both of individuals and institutions. Religious rules are applied within the constitutionally guaranteed autonomy of religious communities. Civilly, they produce legal effects on the basis of reference by State law, including private international law. The same applies to religious adjudication. Beyond explicit reference religious communities may create arbitration tribunals according to the Code of Civil Procedure, as in private international law, the application of religious rules is limited by the public policy clause. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Reviews of the theoretical literature on the economics of household waste management can be found in Choe and Fraser (1998) and Fullerton and Kinnaman (2002). As first best solution, a majority of the theoretical results identify deposit-refund schemes, a system with a tax or charge at production or consumer purchase and a refund to consumers that recycle and/or firms that collect or reprocess recycled materials. As an alternative first best solution (when illegal disposal such as dumping is not a problem), the results usually support the use of a virgin material tax or a tax on households' disposal choices. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 This paper details the responses made by social scientists as well as criminal justice practitioners during 1932 to a study focusing on the status of criminology by the Bureau of Social Hygiene. These responses ultimately led to the publication of the controversial Crime, Law and Social Science (1933), which gave much-needed direction to the development of criminology. Despite the importance of these responses to the creation of criminological thought, only one (by Edwin H. Sutherland) has previously been published. Examining the responses of all of the individual participants in the project gives a clearer picture of controversies and changes which ultimately occurred as the field of criminology gradually became institutionalized as an academic discipline. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 Data for agricultural output for Albania is 2009-11, for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2012-14, and for Montenegro 2012-13. Across the economies, there is some protection against imports of agro-food products, with the most commonly protected groups across the region being dairy products, and beverages and tobacco. However, tariffs on agricultural products and inputs are relatively low, especially in SEE regional agreements (where most of the SEE export agricultural products are bound) and bilateral trade agreements. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 They do not charge fees, and can be funded by any level of government (federal, state or municipal). Their length varies depending on the course (with a minimum of 160 hours). Professional qualification courses prepare individuals for the world of work and can be offered at any level of the educational system and do not necessarily require any other educational participation/attainment. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Sweden has also managed long term projects on capacity building and institutional strengthening in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In many cases, DANIDA’s work on chemicals is part of a broader collaborative effort on environmental quality. The Danish government believes that the challenge facing the government of Vietnam is to bring “pollution under control and restore environmental quality without undermining economic growth or its development and poverty reduction strategy. Individual DANIDA-funded environmental projects will now be incorporated within this program, which commits approximately $42 million to the program for the period 2005 to 2010. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 Systematic data collection will start from 2017. Annex 1 provides a detailed account of how these estimates were made. This includes all climate-related development finance provided by bilateral DFIs as well as a subset of climate-related development finance provided by bilateral and multilateral development banks, where the direct recipients were identified as private actors through a search of agency websites (see Annex 1 for details on the approach used), including in some cases technical assistance programmes that accompany direct assistance to private actors. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 This Viewpoint looks at the range of medical and public health issues that could be adversely affected by appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court, including weakening or elimination of the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid work requirements that could reduce eligibility, and reduced reproductive rights and governmental public health emergency powers. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 As such, any international reporting of this information could focus on providing guidance on information that a) is useful to a broader set of countries and stakeholders (e.g. understanding priority areas, funding sources, any impacts), b) communicates more complete information on climate finance flows than can be gathered only from finance providers, and c) can be communicated in a consistent way by all countries with relative ease. There are also areas where, to enhance clarity, countries would need to provide information specific to their circumstances and domestic systems. Countries may have different views on what they consider to be finance received for implementing climate action (e.g. grants and loans or grants only), and it is unlikely that all countries will be able to report figures on an annual basis immediately, based on current BURs. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 For emerging economies, culture can be a first rate component in their development strategies - be it literature, music, videos and movies, or even the fashion industry or gastronomy. The most important, we believe, is having our children learn to enjoy art: have them take pleasure in paintings, sculptures, music and so on. Appreciation implies a value judgment: to understand why I like what I like, or why I don't. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 That is true for both farm and non-farm trade reform, and for own-country as well as rest-of-world reform. Since the rural poor are much poorer on average than the urban poor, this would lead to the expectation that trade reform will also reduce inequality. The effect of non-farm trade reform on its own is more mixed, providing another reason to urge trade negotiators not to neglect agricultural reform in trade negotiations. - Gold: __label__0 - Pred: -> MISMATCH! Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) managed to conclude an agreement of this sort, cutting tariffs on a slim list of 54 goods to 5 per cent as of 2015. The real prize in this respect is non-tariff barriers, as well as services. It is hoped that the current plurilateral efforts to negotiate an Environmental Goods Agreement will eventually lead to such broader commitments. - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 In many cases, floodplains do not just affect flood risk, but have additional outcomes in terms of biodiversity and landscape. Not only would these elements be usefully included in cost-benefit analysis, but also in the design of agri-environmental policy tools targeting a bundle of environmental goods. This raises the issue of additionality of ecosystem services and potential stacking of ecosystem services payments, on which the OECD has recently devoted work (Lankoski et al., - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 ""Informality is considered to result from the heterogeneity of the productive structure, which can be seen schematically as two sectors: one which is formal, has a medium to high production level, greater levels of investment, relatively high growth potential and effective social protection, and the other informal, with low levels of productivity, growth potential and social protection. Consequently, unskilled own-account workers, unpaid family workers or apprentices, owners and employees of micro-enterprises and domestic workers are all considered informal. This is related to the introduction of the concept of decent work. In order to focus the discussion on the job rather than the company, the new conceptual framework of the “informal economy"""" has been proposed in order to complement that of the informal sector, given that informal activities are found in both low- and high-productivity sectors."" - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 Jobs and income growth of top earners and the causes of changing income inequality: Evidence from U.S. tax return data. Working paper, Williams College, William-stown, MA. Cash transfers for older people reduce poverty and inequality. In: Bebbington AJ, Dani AA, De Haan A, and Walton M, eds. Institutional Pathways to Equity: Addressing Inequality Traps. - Gold: __label__9 - Pred: __label__9 The programme is run by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) under the oversight of a high-level inter-ministerial National Advisory Committee. The cash transfer is paid to the most responsible adult person in the household and is based on a set of conditions including completing pre-natal and post-natal care courses, parenthood sessions, preventive child health check-up, vaccination, de-worming, and at least 85% of school attendance. Conditionality is a critical strategic instrument to attain development targets in the health and education sectors linked to the MDGs, namely MDG I: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger, MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education, MDG 3: Reduce Child Mortality, Improve Maternal Health, and MDG 5: Promote Gender Equality. This includes a detailed targeting system to identify the poorest households on the basis of objective parameters, a computerised system to verify compliance installed in schools and health centres, and a two-pronged monitoring and evaluation system to ensure effective implementation and assess impact on beneficiaries. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! In an urban policy environment characterised by high levels of uncertainty, such indicators and targets can provide a tool for identifying the specific assets for development in different communities and maximising a city’s potential for overall progress. More than 40 separate indicators across administrative, survey and census data sources span seven “domains” of deprivation: employment, income, health, crime, education, living environment and barriers to services. The IMD were initially built at the district ward level in 2000, then at the smaller scale of 32 482 “lower-layer super-output areas” of roughly 1 500 residents in 2004, 2007 and 2010. Most of the statistics used in the latest edition (2010) are from 2008, and new' indices were expected to be produced in 2015. - Gold: __label__10 - Pred: __label__0 -> MISMATCH! This paper revisits the 1928 Pact of Paris (also known as the Kellogg-Briand Pact) with special consideration for German and Austrian scholarship during the interwar period and embed it in its historical context, from the establishment of the League of Nations to the Nuremberg Tribunals all the way to the United Nations Charter. Given that the 2016 election of Donald Trump as US president and the parallel rise of China prompts us to contemplate whether we might be witnessing the return of a quasi-Cold War or Great Power-politics, a few concluding thoughts on the waning ‘liberal world order’ and the comeback of (neo-)realist thinking are also warranted. - Gold: __label__15 - Pred: __label__15 For the same reason, it makes sense to only consider seasonal variation at a later stage in Korea. Section 3.4 discusses how these concerns can be addressed and provides recommendations on how to transition from the existing instruments managed by MoLIT to abstraction charges that contribute to water policy objectives in Korea. This is an issue in Korea, where the development of water infrastructures (dams and canals) was essentially meant to drive economic development and to provide equal opportunities to all parts of the national territory to develop. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Formulaic updating, on the basis for example of a moving average of past prices, reduces the potential for stabilisation and hence the value of the intervention, but does offset the costs of intervention. However, the buffer stock can only sell what it has previously bought so once its stock is exhausted the authority has no further means of defending the ceiling. The consequence is that buffer stock agreements tend to [be] more effective in limiting price falls than in curtailing the incidence and magnitude of spikes. Although attacks can take place either on a floor or a ceiling price, the problem is more serious at the ceiling. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 These containers are collected daily, including weekends and holidays, and the town centre is served twice a day. The waste collection scheme for municipal waste from Chisinau is designed so that waste is taken to a transfer station in Chekani, which lies on the outskirts of Chisinau, and from there it is transported 20 km to the landfill at Tintareni. Research done in the Development Region South has found that the collection equipment is sufficient to provide collection services and municipalities are actively searching for investments in the modernization of waste management infrastructure. - Gold: __label__11 - Pred: __label__11 The public was invited to comment on ways of providing direct business assistance (e.g. as a concessional credit, as a general cash giant, or a targeted grant). For each option, advantages and disadvantages were outlined for public consideration. The current characteristics of the programme (in particular the SRM) reflect the feedback received from this review process. The Adverse Events Framework is therefore a broadly consulted assistance framework which seems to reflect current public consensus concerning provision of such assistance. The OECD interviews showed there is general appreciation by the farming community of the Adverse Events Framework, although some members of this community questioned the fact that the SRM was not automatically triggered. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1 For instance, the “language and language communication” area has seven objectives such as “gaining the self-confidence for public performance and for cultivated expression as a means of self-assertion”. For example, in mathematics, for stage 2 of basic education, expected outcomes are organised in four areas (numbers and variables, dependencies, relations and working with data, planar and spatial geometry, and non-standard application exercises and problems). For each area, between 2 and 13 expected outcomes are proposed, for instance “seek, evaluate and process data” and “sketch and construct basic bodies”. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Biodiversity ensure a , more resilient , ecosystem which I indirectly provides ! I value the welfare that , I others obtain from a j ! This type of economic impact analysis focuses on how a specific state of, orchangesin, goods and services provided by natural and cultural heritage affects the economy in terms of income and job creation (direct and indirect), taxes and economic output. Economic impact analyses are commonly based on input-output models that capture the direct, indirect and induced impacts on a local economy. In addition, the forestry sector may face costs associated with wood scarcity and/or increased timber prices. This type of reduced economic activity may also have direct and indirect impacts at local or regional levels -while large conservation programs may even have national level impacts. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 Tarozzi (2007) argues that such reweighting produces comparable outcome distributions. Depvar= 1 is defined as being in a sample of interest, or “target” sample, which, in this case, means the sample of PISA students in 2000. Depvar equals 0 for students sampled in 2003 or 2006, depending on a comparison made. Conditional probabilities are estimated using logit regression with a set of student and family characteristics defined in the same way in all waves of the PISA survey, and recoded to have similar categories. - Gold: __label__3 - Pred: __label__3 Participation requires the elimination of power differentials by challenging systemic inequalities. Thus, participation, as part of the four-dimensional substantive equality framework, requi res similar attention to the other dimensions -red ressing disadvantage, addressing stigma, prejudice and stereotyping, and transformation - because without these, inequality persists and full participation cannot occur. Particular attention must be paid to the underlying gender relations of the groups or individuals involved. States should take into account the different experiences of women and men and gender power relations in the community. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Working during the weekends impacts on balancing work and family life. Nevertheless, some forms of working time arrangements can result from a personal choice and are not considered burdensome. Statistics on working time are needed to implement, monitor and evaluate policies and programmes dedicated to the balance of work and family life. - Gold: __label__7 - Pred: __label__7 The latest benchmarking report was published in 2013. It was believed that operating at the larger scale would: i) increase efficiency (scale economies), it) enable specialised and improved supervision (corporate governance), iii) help better comply with environmental regulation, and iv) foster policy coherence with an objective of more than one drinking water company per province. Several of the ten remaining drinking water companies are discussing new mergers, possibly resulting in still less utilities in the next few years (De Witte and Dijkgraaf, 2010). Also the directors of the Dutch Central Bank and the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis are Crown members (SER, 2010). - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 The forest sector (forestry, wood and paper products) contributes 1.8 per cent to the gross value added of the national economy, but only 5 per cent of forests have recreational use as a main management goal. Recent reports by UNEP, The Green Economy (2011) and The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, (2010) emphasize that natural capital, such as forests and the ecosystem services they provide, offer important benefits and could be considered a significant component of national economies. Romania should seek ways to benefit further from its natural wealth and invest in the maintenance of forest ecosystem services and the development of recreation and tourism. - Gold: __label__14 - Pred: __label__14 However, adaptation reporting is not mandatory, as the Paris Agreement states that Parties “should”, as appropriate, submit and update an “adaptation communication” (Article 7.10). Decision 1/CP.21 states that this information “shall” be submitted biennially for all countries other than Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (paragraph 90). Regular reporting on adaptation is already done under the UNFCCC, including via national communications (NCs). - Gold: __label__12 - Pred: __label__12 The 2008/09 budget circular paved the way for institutionalising gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) and suggested that data should be disaggregated by sex. In 2008, a gender report containing specific budget allocations for women was annexed to the national budget for the first time, making it an official government document. The government moved from line-item budgeting to gender-responsive, performance-based budgeting in all national budgets in 2010, following a pilot project in the 2009/10 budget that initially introduced gender-sensitive budgeting in a gradual and decentralised approach in 15 govemorates and six target sectors: education, health, water resources and irrigation, labour, social security, and food supplies. - Gold: __label__4 - Pred: __label__4 Groundwater quality can also be affected by contamination of saline water intrusions. A total of EUR 1.6 million was devoted to water from EU Structural Funds received in 2000-06. In particular, capacity building of regional environmental administration has received support from Structural Funds, especially in the South (e.g. a task force of 150 experts to support regional environmental authorities and ARPAs). The number of central government authorities involved in water policy making is a useful indicator of the level of institutional fragmentation, although it has limitations and needs to be appraised in a dynamic way. - Gold: __label__5 - Pred: __label__5 Remedier a ces lacunes est la recommandation prioritaire de cet Examen. Faute d’investissements appropries dans ces domaines, il est extremement difficile d’ameliorer la productivite et la competitivite, et d’assurer un developpement durable de l’agriculture. Si davantage de moyens ont ete affectes a ces domaines ces dernieres annees, beaucoup reste a faire cependant. La dispersion geographique tres marquee des activites agricoles au Kazakhstan impose a priori des couts plus eleves qui sont encore alourdis par l’insuffisance des infrastructures de transport. Ces deux dernieres decennies, le gouvernement a mene des efforts importants pour creer de grands axes de communication. - Gold: __label__1 - Pred: __label__1